Online city games

Games Online

2021.12.17 04:08 koja555 Games Online


2008.01.26 00:15 Online Games

A place to share links to free online games.

2009.11.18 22:36 rednightmare Looking For Group

LFG is a place for tabletop gamers to organize groups for the games they love to play.

2024.05.17 02:07 Parking-Light4867 Doubts about ps3 with hen

Hello, I’m planning to buy a ps3 with hen soon.
But I have some doubts, I never had a modded console before.
1: on a ps3 with hen, can I use a PSN account normally?
2: can I still get trophy’s on games for my account?
3: can I play games online like cod bo2, battlefield 4 etc…?
4: about questions 1, 2 and 3, can I be banned if do those things?
5: if u get banned on ps3, will the ban be on account or be on ps3? I mean, an account ban or a hardware ban that brick the whole console?
6: is it too complicated to use a hen console? I saw some videos and it have sooo many options, folders, and so many things, I’m worried by doing something wrong and destroy the whole console.
Ok, that’s all, sorry it’s too many things, but I really want to know those things since I never had a modded console or a ps3 before.
submitted by Parking-Light4867 to ps3hacks [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:06 Parking-Light4867 Doubts about ps3 with hen

Hello, I’m planning to buy a ps3 with hen soon.
But I have some doubts, I never had a modded console before.
1: on a ps3 with hen, can I use a PSN account normally?
2: can I still get trophy’s on games for my account?
3: can I play games online like cod bo2, battlefield 4 etc…?
4: about questions 1, 2 and 3, can I be banned if do those things?
5: if u get banned on ps3, will the ban be on account or be on ps3? I mean, an account ban or a hardware ban that brick the whole console?
6: is it too complicated to use a hen console? I saw some videos and it have sooo many options, folders, and so many things, I’m worried by doing something wrong and destroy the whole console.
Ok, that’s all, sorry it’s too many things, but I really want to know those things since I never had a modded console or a ps3 before.
submitted by Parking-Light4867 to ps3homebrew [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:06 j2m_ WE ARE BACK BABY

WE ARE BACK BABY submitted by j2m_ to InjusticeMobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:06 Parking-Light4867 Some doubts about ps3 hen

Hello, I’m planning to buy a ps3 with hen soon.
But I have some doubts, I never had a modded console before.
1: on a ps3 with hen, can I use a PSN account normally?
2: can I still get trophy’s on games for my account?
3: can I play games online like cod bo2, battlefield 4 etc…?
4: about questions 1, 2 and 3, can I be banned if do those things?
5: if u get banned on ps3, will the ban be on account or be on ps3? I mean, an account ban or a hardware ban that brick the whole console?
6: is it too complicated to use a hen console? I saw some videos and it have sooo many options, folders, and so many things, I’m worried by doing something wrong and destroy the whole console.
Ok, that’s all, sorry it’s too many things, but I really want to know those things since I never had a modded console or a ps3 before.
submitted by Parking-Light4867 to PS3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:04 bahrjxjvdidb I can install other game pass games but when I try to install just cause 4 it won’t work

I can install other game pass games but when I try to install just cause 4 it won’t work
I’m game sharing with a friend and he has game pass and all that stuff and I was playing just cause 4 last night but when I got on today it says the owner has to be online. I went to his account and did the game sharing process again but it still won’t work??!!!
submitted by bahrjxjvdidb to XboxSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:04 Informal_Cup_2576 34/EST/PC and PS5

Looking for a few people who want to play some online shooters or coop games or watching some show would be fine with me too. My free time is 6:00pm to 11:00 pm Monday to Friday and any time on the weekends should be fine. I like the souls series I played all the games mostly on the play station and ill list some of the games I am playing currently down below but if anyone wants to play something ells I don't mind giving some new games a shot.
Shooters I play are Overwatch2, Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Battlefield, Call of Duty and Apex Legends.
Coops I play are Remnant 2, Warhammer: Darktide/Vermintide 2, Valheim, Mordhau, Helldivers 2, Earth Defense Force 5.
Just DM me back with what games/times you want to play and ill get back to you when I can.
submitted by Informal_Cup_2576 to GamerPals [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:03 Joekibeast Meta-Mutants

I've been working on a game for 25 days now, a game about superheroes and supervillains alike.
I've lost track of how many times I've updated Meta-Mutants at this point, but no matter what I do, it seems like I get no players... Am I doing something wrong? Can anyone check out my game and give me some constructive criticism?
Oh and by the way, once I get 25 players I'm going to add world wide locations into the game like Dubai, Tokyo, and Beijing! I'm going to add these locations because so far I only have United States cities.
submitted by Joekibeast to AIDungeon [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:03 MuchCoolerOnline Streamdeck + Govee integration for D&D

I've tried to look up the answer to this before but it seems like it's still unanswered.
I was hoping to use my Elgato Streamdeck (along with the Govee plugin) to make simple-to-use scenes for my in-person D&D games. I'd like to be able to switch between lighting scenes for sewers, city/town, campfire, cave, forest, etc. etc. at the push of a button. I currently have 4x H6008's in my room.
The current Govee plugin only does simple commands and I haven't been able to get the API key to connect in the first place. I believe that last part has something to do with the fact that my computer is hard wired and my lights, of course, are on Wifi.
submitted by MuchCoolerOnline to Govee [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:02 OkAd255 Loner Introverts what do ya'll do?

Hello all!
Just curious as to how you guys, the lone introverts get by? by lone I mean absolute 0 friends. Meaning how does the loneliness effect you and what do you do about it. Specially if you are socially awkward.
My case, I wanna socialize but, I can't as I don't understand why but somehow either me or the people I tend to wanna socialize with end up being awkward and conversations don't go anywhere which leaves me in the same place as I have been, a loner, yes I have absolute 0 real life friends. It was very upsetting for a while as I wasn't always a loner but recently I have been finding myself not desiring to make any new friends at all. And on the odd case when I am somewhat able to socialize its usually with older and i mean much older folks. it tires me within minutes as I have the thought going thru my head that I don't know anyone my age or similar. And so my social failure keeps me locked in my room with the only source of entertainment being video games and conversating with online friends non of whom I know personally.
So I'm curious, surely there are more fellas like myself. And so how different of similar is your life and habits? I wanna know to see if there's more i can get myself involved in as life this way have been feeling very one toned (if that makes any sense) as I don't even know what else there is to life. I'm not particularly depressed or anything its just life just been either getting or feeling very very dry for a while now. I did gym, 2x each time I lasted for over 6-8 months but even that started getting boring alone and as I was barely making any gains (Bad diet) I just never ended up going back. Even now I wanna go back sometimes but cant be bothered so I just do some exercises in my room 😅
submitted by OkAd255 to introvert [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:01 Key_Permit6644 One from the Archives.

Everyone knows that being extra scared of everything is a personality type. You get women who walk about at night with torches, knives and pepper spray and those that don’t and both get home safely. I’m wondering if #MeToo post 2018 has heightened tensions enough that complaining about being looked at or complimented without permission is now a career choice. In the old days it was “Don’t get any ideas now” which said more about who was saying it then who they were saying it to. So I’m guessing the women who feel violated 24/7 are telling us they’re either WISWIGs* or are suppressing a personality trait they don’t want anyone to see. And I know that people experience abuse all the time and it reflects in their personality but young people are also looking for a fight and if they don’t like the look of someone, they could be anything. But not everyone does this you can walk past a different group of people everyday and experience very varied results.
I’ve also noticed that Women seem to devote more time to men either negative or positive then vice versa which tells me that Men have a one track mind Women have a one track life
MeToo turned a bunch of chancers with no imagination a license to act how they want. And it’s always what’s in the news or online. Sometimes it’s Narcissist or Sociopath which the Daily Mail or TikTokers use a lot or somebody is always leering at them or following them which happens too but now it occupies their whole life and in turn makes everyone else paranoid and keeps people indoors and if you stay indoors watch TV and do nothing all day of course your going to be nervous when you leave the house.
People who are extra paranoid or scared is just who they are. It’s their way of making an impression and as recent times have taught us if you can regulate people’s moods and how they feel what you actually say doesn’t matter and I know Feminism works this way too, it’s just noise, but if it makes people feel bad then the jobs done.
It’s a game of two haves between Men and Woman and I’ve also wondered what happens to the women who think everyone is a homosexual and stand on street corners shouting this too. Both are low level criminals but not enough to warrant prison and they’re frustrated as well so I guess they spend it sentenced to housewifery and sellotaped to a husband who instead of facing an argument they look at the side of his head for support.
submitted by Key_Permit6644 to BritishSuccess [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:01 AWildMaggieAppeared My Experience With Yoodara Dolls

This is something from my childhood that still remains a mystery today, and still scares me a bit to think about. I'm really curious to see if there's anyone out there who knows more about this, because there's little to no information online.
When I was a kid, there were small, knit dolls sold in many stores for cheap. After doing a bit of googling, I've since discovered the brand name was Yoodara, and that they were most likely a ripoff of the more popular Watchover Voodoo Dolls, as they have the same style and concept. Basically, they were sold as "good luck charms." Each doll had its own name and "power" with its design being themed around it. My mom bought three of them. One was Chipper, a cheerleader with the power to "turn your frown upside-down." The others were Ellie, a pink elephant that "helps you remember what is most important" (because elephants never forget), and Florence, a nurse who was meant to make you feel better when you're sick. I don't know if my mom genuinely believed that they had magic powers, but she is a sort of casually spiritual person who believes in ghosts and magic and the like.
After we had bought them, I was feeling grumpy and my mom passed me Chipper and said maybe she would make me feel better. I sort of rolled my eyes and said "yeah right", but when I looked down at the doll, I smiled. I didn't choose to smile, either; it was like my muscles automatically moved on my own to make me smile when I looked at it. I remember this happening other times when I looked at it, too, but that could have been placebo. The first time, though, I swear on my life that I did not make the conscious decision to smile. I firmly believe that the doll somehow did that. This isn't the weirdest part, though.
When we got home, I looked on the back of the doll's tag. Here is a blog post I found online that contains an image of the back of the tag. The warning reads, "WARNING! This is not a toy and due to extreme magical powers it is not recommended for children under 13. Use only with adult supervision." It also mentions that there was a Yoodara game online, so I asked my mom if I could visit the website and play it. My mom said no because she had a bad feeling about it after reading the warning, and I never visited it. Unfortunately, the website is now defunct.
In this period of my childhood, I was struggling with severe generalized anxiety disorder and OCD. Both were unmedicated, and I didn't even know that what I was struggling with was OCD until a couple years ago. I had this horrible fear of somehow being teleported to a place where nothing exists; just an infinite, white void. I know this is silly, but I was a kid, and my mental illness caused me to obsess over things that were terrifying to me, and the thought of a place where nothing exists honestly still scares me today.
There was a distinct moment one day where I looked at Ellie, the doll that was meant to make you remember what is most important, and I suddenly got an image in my mind. It was of the exact white void I always imagined in my fears, with the words "God is always with you" sort of telepathically communicated to me. I want to stress that I was raised atheist and haven't attended a day of church in my life. I don't consider myself a Christian and didn't as a child either, which is why I find it exceptionally weird for me to have "thought" this. Despite the dolls clearly having good intentions, this terrified me as a child because I thought that they had to have read my mind to know about my fear.
I know what intrusive thoughts are like, and that was NOT an intrusive thought. It wasn't my thought either. It definitely felt like a message that came from the doll. Maybe both of these experiences that I had with the dolls were just placebo. I know the mind can be a very strange thing. Even if this is the case, I still am very curious to know what others think and if anyone else has experiences like this, even if it's with other dolls.
Despite how popular these dolls were where I lived, there's close to nothing online about them, and I couldn't find a single other post of anyone sharing their experiences with them. I know it sounds silly, but even as an adult I genuinely believe that those dolls actually do contain magic, and I'm incredibly curious as to how. I plan on using the Wayback Machine sometime to see if I can look at what the website used to be like. As embarrassing as it is, though, I'm still a little scared to do so.
submitted by AWildMaggieAppeared to Paranormal [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:00 SwedishRizzler Minewind Most Cursed Minecraft Server [SMP] {1.20} {No World Resets}

🔗 Server IP: 
Minewind Website
🌍 Minewind is an innovative Minecraft Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server. Join epic boss fights and discover thousands of unique items and weapon combinations. Meet villagers in the wild who sell insane god items for mere emeralds, explore infinite wild worlds and find chests brimming with overpowered gear. Seek out the rarest treasure, but be prepared to face formidable boss monsters guarding them. Beware – they won't hesitate to use everything in their arsenal against you!

🌌 Participate in daily events offering unique powerful rewards, and, at the end of the day, explore the natural beauty of Minecraft's wilderness and build a masterpiece in the perfect spot.

🌄 ► Explore a Vast and Infinite World:
Minewind's world is immense, spanning multiple terabytes, and it never undergoes a reset. This enduring nature lets you wander through years of architectural wonders and ingenious creations left by other players, capturing the rich history and diverse tapestry of the Minewind community. Embark on journeys through landscapes dotted with ancient relics, bustling modern cities, concealed treasures, and beyond. Every masterpiece you create adds to this ever-evolving tapestry.

🔗 ► Explore Item Combinations:
Minewind features a diverse and extensive collection of items, each with unique attributes and the potential for synergistic effects.
Take 2 crossbows for example: - Quick Headshot: Enhances firing speed and boosts damage for headshots. - Exploding Seenk: Fires at a slower rate but produces explosive shots.
Additionally, you can experience weapon combination effects. For example, wielding different crossbows in each hand merges their abilities, allowing you to rapidly fire exploding arrows.
This intricate system of item synergy, whether it involves magic, melee, or ranged weapons, is a defining characteristic of Minewind. With thousands combinations to explore, many of which remain undiscovered, you have the chance to pioneer new strategies and effects.

🛠️ ► Navigate the Server with Ease:
Find helpful UIs like the game menu (/gamemenu) with adjustable difficulty settings and land claiming, allowing you to claim a portion of the land as your own. Players gain more land power for every minute played, ensuring your space is safe from griefing. Need help? The community is welcoming and ready to assist!

🎁 ► Join and Receive Benefits:
I'm promoting Minewind, so join through my referral IP "" for these free rank benefits:

+6 home waypoints
1x Super level-up potion via /daily command
1x Gold coin currency via /daily command
1x Star remnant via /daily command

If you join through my referral IP, I'll earn deggs (Dragon Eggs), the main currency on Minewind, and you'll get a rank with benefits!
👋 See you in the game!!
🔗 Server IP: 
Minewind Website
submitted by SwedishRizzler to MinecraftServerShare [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:00 SwedishRizzler Minewind Most Cursed Minecraft Server [SMP] {1.20} {No World Resets}

🔗 Server IP: 
Minewind Website
🌍 Minewind is an innovative Minecraft Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server. Join epic boss fights and discover thousands of unique items and weapon combinations. Meet villagers in the wild who sell insane god items for mere emeralds, explore infinite wild worlds and find chests brimming with overpowered gear. Seek out the rarest treasure, but be prepared to face formidable boss monsters guarding them. Beware – they won't hesitate to use everything in their arsenal against you!

🌌 Participate in daily events offering unique powerful rewards, and, at the end of the day, explore the natural beauty of Minecraft's wilderness and build a masterpiece in the perfect spot.

🌄 ► Explore a Vast and Infinite World:
Minewind's world is immense, spanning multiple terabytes, and it never undergoes a reset. This enduring nature lets you wander through years of architectural wonders and ingenious creations left by other players, capturing the rich history and diverse tapestry of the Minewind community. Embark on journeys through landscapes dotted with ancient relics, bustling modern cities, concealed treasures, and beyond. Every masterpiece you create adds to this ever-evolving tapestry.

🔗 ► Explore Item Combinations:
Minewind features a diverse and extensive collection of items, each with unique attributes and the potential for synergistic effects.
Take 2 crossbows for example: - Quick Headshot: Enhances firing speed and boosts damage for headshots. - Exploding Seenk: Fires at a slower rate but produces explosive shots.
Additionally, you can experience weapon combination effects. For example, wielding different crossbows in each hand merges their abilities, allowing you to rapidly fire exploding arrows.
This intricate system of item synergy, whether it involves magic, melee, or ranged weapons, is a defining characteristic of Minewind. With thousands combinations to explore, many of which remain undiscovered, you have the chance to pioneer new strategies and effects.

🛠️ ► Navigate the Server with Ease:
Find helpful UIs like the game menu (/gamemenu) with adjustable difficulty settings and land claiming, allowing you to claim a portion of the land as your own. Players gain more land power for every minute played, ensuring your space is safe from griefing. Need help? The community is welcoming and ready to assist!

🎁 ► Join and Receive Benefits:
I'm promoting Minewind, so join through my referral IP "" for these free rank benefits:

+6 home waypoints
1x Super level-up potion via /daily command
1x Gold coin currency via /daily command
1x Star remnant via /daily command

If you join through my referral IP, I'll earn deggs (Dragon Eggs), the main currency on Minewind, and you'll get a rank with benefits!
👋 See you in the game!!
🔗 Server IP: 
Minewind Website
submitted by SwedishRizzler to McServerAdverts [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:00 Real_KazakiBoom [5E][PST/MST/CST/EST] Online or Offline. Looking for a new group to join.

Hello, I’m Kazaki Boom and I’m looking for a new group to join. I’ve played about 3 years worth of DND 5E online, and DM’d a campaign+a few one shots. I’m a 33 yo male who lives in the DenveBoulder area of Colorado and can adapt to any time zones in the same hemisphere, though the closer to MST the better. Below I’ll list what I’m looking for in a group as I haven’t seen, or have been too slow, to respond to posts here on LFG.
Why this post? I’m looking for another DND group and hopefully people to play some online games with between sessions. For some reason my IRL friends neither play a lot of online games or DND.
Hit me up if I sound like I’d be a good fit for your group, I’ll also fill out any questionnaires if needed!
EDIT: Forgot availability! I’m free whenever right now, though 6pm MST any day is perfect as I’m currently looking for a new job. I work tech/games so a new job would easily be 9-5 Monday-Friday.
submitted by Real_KazakiBoom to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:00 The_deku_sprout Very heavily Akira-inspired game, “Airframe Ultra” is being made by the same people who made Rain World.

Very heavily Akira-inspired game, “Airframe Ultra” is being made by the same people who made Rain World.
Rain World is a surreal indie ecosystem game set in a cyberpunk, surreal world. The creators are now working on, “Airframe Ultra” which is very Akira-inspired and focuses on chaotic biker brawls set in an old-school cyberunk city. Here’s a trailer
submitted by The_deku_sprout to akira [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:00 SwedishRizzler Minewind Most Cursed Minecraft Server [SMP] {1.20} {No World Resets}

🔗 Server IP: 
Minewind Website
🌍 Minewind is an innovative Minecraft Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server. Join epic boss fights and discover thousands of unique items and weapon combinations. Meet villagers in the wild who sell insane god items for mere emeralds, explore infinite wild worlds and find chests brimming with overpowered gear. Seek out the rarest treasure, but be prepared to face formidable boss monsters guarding them. Beware – they won't hesitate to use everything in their arsenal against you!

🌌 Participate in daily events offering unique powerful rewards, and, at the end of the day, explore the natural beauty of Minecraft's wilderness and build a masterpiece in the perfect spot.

🌄 ► Explore a Vast and Infinite World:
Minewind's world is immense, spanning multiple terabytes, and it never undergoes a reset. This enduring nature lets you wander through years of architectural wonders and ingenious creations left by other players, capturing the rich history and diverse tapestry of the Minewind community. Embark on journeys through landscapes dotted with ancient relics, bustling modern cities, concealed treasures, and beyond. Every masterpiece you create adds to this ever-evolving tapestry.

🔗 ► Explore Item Combinations:
Minewind features a diverse and extensive collection of items, each with unique attributes and the potential for synergistic effects.
Take 2 crossbows for example: - Quick Headshot: Enhances firing speed and boosts damage for headshots. - Exploding Seenk: Fires at a slower rate but produces explosive shots.
Additionally, you can experience weapon combination effects. For example, wielding different crossbows in each hand merges their abilities, allowing you to rapidly fire exploding arrows.
This intricate system of item synergy, whether it involves magic, melee, or ranged weapons, is a defining characteristic of Minewind. With thousands combinations to explore, many of which remain undiscovered, you have the chance to pioneer new strategies and effects.

🛠️ ► Navigate the Server with Ease:
Find helpful UIs like the game menu (/gamemenu) with adjustable difficulty settings and land claiming, allowing you to claim a portion of the land as your own. Players gain more land power for every minute played, ensuring your space is safe from griefing. Need help? The community is welcoming and ready to assist!

🎁 ► Join and Receive Benefits:
I'm promoting Minewind, so join through my referral IP "" for these free rank benefits:

+6 home waypoints
1x Super level-up potion via /daily command
1x Gold coin currency via /daily command
1x Star remnant via /daily command

If you join through my referral IP, I'll earn deggs (Dragon Eggs), the main currency on Minewind, and you'll get a rank with benefits!
👋 See you in the game!!
🔗 Server IP: 
Minewind Website
submitted by SwedishRizzler to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:00 SwedishRizzler Minewind Most Cursed Minecraft Server [SMP] {1.20} {No World Resets}

🔗 Server IP: 
Minewind Website
🌍 Minewind is an innovative Minecraft Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server. Join epic boss fights and discover thousands of unique items and weapon combinations. Meet villagers in the wild who sell insane god items for mere emeralds, explore infinite wild worlds and find chests brimming with overpowered gear. Seek out the rarest treasure, but be prepared to face formidable boss monsters guarding them. Beware – they won't hesitate to use everything in their arsenal against you!

🌌 Participate in daily events offering unique powerful rewards, and, at the end of the day, explore the natural beauty of Minecraft's wilderness and build a masterpiece in the perfect spot.

🌄 ► Explore a Vast and Infinite World:
Minewind's world is immense, spanning multiple terabytes, and it never undergoes a reset. This enduring nature lets you wander through years of architectural wonders and ingenious creations left by other players, capturing the rich history and diverse tapestry of the Minewind community. Embark on journeys through landscapes dotted with ancient relics, bustling modern cities, concealed treasures, and beyond. Every masterpiece you create adds to this ever-evolving tapestry.

🔗 ► Explore Item Combinations:
Minewind features a diverse and extensive collection of items, each with unique attributes and the potential for synergistic effects.
Take 2 crossbows for example: - Quick Headshot: Enhances firing speed and boosts damage for headshots. - Exploding Seenk: Fires at a slower rate but produces explosive shots.
Additionally, you can experience weapon combination effects. For example, wielding different crossbows in each hand merges their abilities, allowing you to rapidly fire exploding arrows.
This intricate system of item synergy, whether it involves magic, melee, or ranged weapons, is a defining characteristic of Minewind. With thousands combinations to explore, many of which remain undiscovered, you have the chance to pioneer new strategies and effects.

🛠️ ► Navigate the Server with Ease:
Find helpful UIs like the game menu (/gamemenu) with adjustable difficulty settings and land claiming, allowing you to claim a portion of the land as your own. Players gain more land power for every minute played, ensuring your space is safe from griefing. Need help? The community is welcoming and ready to assist!

🎁 ► Join and Receive Benefits:
I'm promoting Minewind, so join through my referral IP "" for these free rank benefits:

+6 home waypoints
1x Super level-up potion via /daily command
1x Gold coin currency via /daily command
1x Star remnant via /daily command

If you join through my referral IP, I'll earn deggs (Dragon Eggs), the main currency on Minewind, and you'll get a rank with benefits!
👋 See you in the game!!
🔗 Server IP: 
Minewind Website
submitted by SwedishRizzler to MinecraftServerTalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:00 SwedishRizzler Minewind Most Cursed Minecraft Server [SMP] {1.20} {No World Resets}

🔗 Server IP: 
Minewind Website
🌍 Minewind is an innovative Minecraft Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server. Join epic boss fights and discover thousands of unique items and weapon combinations. Meet villagers in the wild who sell insane god items for mere emeralds, explore infinite wild worlds and find chests brimming with overpowered gear. Seek out the rarest treasure, but be prepared to face formidable boss monsters guarding them. Beware – they won't hesitate to use everything in their arsenal against you!

🌌 Participate in daily events offering unique powerful rewards, and, at the end of the day, explore the natural beauty of Minecraft's wilderness and build a masterpiece in the perfect spot.

🌄 ► Explore a Vast and Infinite World:
Minewind's world is immense, spanning multiple terabytes, and it never undergoes a reset. This enduring nature lets you wander through years of architectural wonders and ingenious creations left by other players, capturing the rich history and diverse tapestry of the Minewind community. Embark on journeys through landscapes dotted with ancient relics, bustling modern cities, concealed treasures, and beyond. Every masterpiece you create adds to this ever-evolving tapestry.

🔗 ► Explore Item Combinations:
Minewind features a diverse and extensive collection of items, each with unique attributes and the potential for synergistic effects.
Take 2 crossbows for example: - Quick Headshot: Enhances firing speed and boosts damage for headshots. - Exploding Seenk: Fires at a slower rate but produces explosive shots.
Additionally, you can experience weapon combination effects. For example, wielding different crossbows in each hand merges their abilities, allowing you to rapidly fire exploding arrows.
This intricate system of item synergy, whether it involves magic, melee, or ranged weapons, is a defining characteristic of Minewind. With thousands combinations to explore, many of which remain undiscovered, you have the chance to pioneer new strategies and effects.

🛠️ ► Navigate the Server with Ease:
Find helpful UIs like the game menu (/gamemenu) with adjustable difficulty settings and land claiming, allowing you to claim a portion of the land as your own. Players gain more land power for every minute played, ensuring your space is safe from griefing. Need help? The community is welcoming and ready to assist!

🎁 ► Join and Receive Benefits:
I'm promoting Minewind, so join through my referral IP "" for these free rank benefits:

+6 home waypoints
1x Super level-up potion via /daily command
1x Gold coin currency via /daily command
1x Star remnant via /daily command

If you join through my referral IP, I'll earn deggs (Dragon Eggs), the main currency on Minewind, and you'll get a rank with benefits!
👋 See you in the game!!
🔗 Server IP: 
Minewind Website
submitted by SwedishRizzler to MinecraftServerFinder [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:00 Key_Permit6644 Where's There's a Hit there's Shit and I've got a Cowshed in here.

Everyone knows that being extra scared of everything is a personality type. You get women who walk about at night with torches, knives and pepper spray and those that don’t and both get home safely. I’m wondering if #MeToo post 2018 has heightened tensions that complaining about being looked at or complimented is now a career choice. In the old days it was “Don’t get any ideas now” which said more about who was saying it then who they were saying it to. So I’m guessing the women who feel violated 24/7 are telling us they’re either WISWIGs* or are suppressing a personality trait they don’t want anyone to see. And I know that people experience abuse all the time and it reflects in their personality but young people are also looking for a fight and if they don’t like the look of someone, they could be anything. But not everyone does this you can walk past a different group of people everyday and experience very varied results.
I’ve also noticed that Women seem to devote more time to men either negative or positive then vice versa which tells me that Men have a one track mind Women have a one track life
MeToo turned a bunch of chancers with no imagination a license to act how they want. And it’s always what’s in the news or online. Sometimes it’s Narcissist or Sociopath which the Daily Mail or TikTokers use a lot or somebody is always leering at them or following them which happens too but now it occupies their whole life and in turn makes everyone else paranoid and keeps people indoors and if you stay indoors watch TV and do nothing all day of course your going to be nervous when you leave the house.
People who are extra paranoid or scared is just who they are. It’s their way of making an impression and as recent times have taught us if you can regulate people’s moods and how they feel what you actually say doesn’t matter and I know Feminism works this way too, it’s just noise, but if it makes people feel bad then the jobs done.
It’s a game of two haves between Men and Woman and I’ve also wondered what happens to the women who think everyone is a homosexual and stand on street corners shouting this too. Both are low level criminals but not enough to warrant prison and they’re frustrated as well so I guess they spend it sentenced to housewifery and sellotaped to a husband who instead of facing an argument they look at the side of his head for support.
submitted by Key_Permit6644 to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:59 SwissyVictory Where to Legally Watch Every Regular Season Game In 2024

This post is a guide to watch every regular season game of the 2024 season,
If that dosne't apply to you, you should look elsewhere.
Overall on How it all Works
There are plenty of exceptions this year, so I'm going to do my best to detail them.
Here are all the exclusive games below. If they are on multiple platforms they will not be listed like if they are on both ESPN+ and ABC.
Week ESPN ESPN+ Prime Peacock NFL Network Netflix
W1 Fri
W2 M T
W3 M1 T
W4 M1 T
W5 M T Int
W6 M T Int
W7 M1 M2 T Int
W8 M T
W9 M T
W10 M T Int
W11 M T
W12 M T
W13 M Fri
W14 M T
W15 M2 T
W16 M T
Key: [M = Monday], [M1 = Monday 1st Timeslot], [M2 = Monday 2nd Timeslot], [T = Thursday], [Fri = Friday], [Int = Internation Sunday 9:30EST], [XMAS = Christmas]
Most "in market" AFC home games for the 1PM Eastern and 4PM Eastern will be broadcast on CBS. Your local station will choose a game for each time slot.
CBS also has a 12:30PM Eastern Thanksgiving day game.
How to Get: A Wireless Antenna is your best bet for CBS/FOX/NBC/ABC, you should be able to get all 4 in most places. Paramount+ ($6 a month) will also play your local CBS games.
Most "in market" NFC home games for the 1PM Eastern and 4PM Eastern will be broadcast on FOX. Your local station will choose a game for each timeslot.
Fox also has a 4:30PM Eastern Thanksgiving day game
How to Get: A Wireless Antenna is your best bet for CBS/FOX/NBC/ABC, you should be able to get all 4 in most places. FOX does not have their own streaming service.
NBC is your Sunday Night Games. Week 1's Thurdsday Night Game (first game of the season), the Thanksgiving night game, and a week 16 Saturday Game will also be on NBC.
How to Get: A Wireless Antenna is your best bet for CBS/FOX/NBC/ABC, you should be able to get all 4 in most places. You can also pay $6 a month for Peacock which will play all of NBC's games.
This is where things get complicated. Some games are only on ESPN, sometimes it is broadcasted on both ESPN+ and ABC as well. Some Monday nights have two games. There's also double header week 18 Saturday games on ESPN/ABC/ESPN+
Games only on ESPN:
Games that will be on ESPN/ABC/ESPN+:
How to Get: This one's tricky, ESPN is only available through a cable provider (including some cable streaming services). The cheapest way to get it seems to be Sling which is $40 a month (more expensive if you also want NFL Network).
Note: ESPN and ESPN+ are different, and having one won't get you the games on the other. ESPN+ is ESPN's online streaming service.
Games only on ESPN+
Games on ESPN+ and ABC (and sometimes ESPN)
Where to get: This is ESPN's streaming service, it costs $10 a month.
ABC does not have any exclusive games this year, every game can also be found on ESPN+, so if you have ESPN+ you don't need ABC.
Games on ABC (and sometimes ESPN)
Where to get: A Wireless Antenna is your best bet for CBS/FOX/NBC/ABC, you should be able to get all 4 in most places.
Amazon Prime/Twitch
This is the home of most Thursday Night Football games (though not all). Week 1, and the Thanksgiving games (week 13) will not be on Prime. They do get a Friday night game week 13 to make up for it. Week 18 does not have Thursday Night Football
Where to get: All of Amazon's games should also be streamed for free on Twitch. Prime is $15 a month.
Peacock has one exclusive game on Friday week 1. Otherwise it will have all games that NBC is broadcasting.
Where to get it: Peacock is NBC's streaming platform and it's $6 a month
NFL Network/NFL+
The NFL Network will be the exclusive home of 4 of the 5 international games, and they will all be Sunday Morning at 9:30AM Eastern Time.
Where to get: Easiest way is NFL+ which is $7 a month. The only way to get the NFL Network is through a cable subscription. The cheapest cable subscription seems to be Sling which is $40 a month (more expensive if you also want ESPN)
NFL Sunday Ticket
This year the NFL Sunday Ticket is owned by Youtube so anyone can buy it. It gives you all of your out of market games (which are always in the 1PM and 4PM Sunday timeslots). It does not give you any games outside of these timeslots, or the games CBS and FOX are playing in your area already.
It's great if you don't live near your favorite team, or if you want to make sure you always get the best game that's on. It isn't a replacement for any of the above.
Best Plans to get them All
You're going to need to get at minimum CBS, FOX, NBC, ESPN and for a few games NFL+, ESPN+, and Peacock.
Most people without cable already should get a wireless antenna, unless you live in the absolute middle of nowhere (and even then you'd be surprised) you should be able to get CBS, FOX, NBC, and ABC. Youtube TV is probably the cheapest if you're already getting the Sunday Ticket.
ESPN needs a cable subscription, no legal way around it. Sling is the cheapest for both, but Hulu + Live TV comes with ESPN+ for free and has EPSN, CBS, FOX, NBC, and ABC.
If you don't mind watching on your phone, you can get NFL+ which is $7 a month, although you can't watch on your TV or computer.
Final Thoughts
Let me know if I made any mistakes, or you have other details, and I'll add it to the post.
submitted by SwissyVictory to NFLNoobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:59 Wild_Leadership_7640 Need Help to be able to make my website through a start button continue on to a 3D game

i need help coding a start button thqat through a website will take me to my 3d vr game its strange to find online and i cant figure out how it would work either
submitted by Wild_Leadership_7640 to replit [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:58 smoshylumb8 Just got unmatched again on OLD, what am I doing wrong here?

I'm 25M and have been using online dating on and off for over 5 years now and I keep getting either unmatched or just ghosted and I'm really frustrated because I don't understand why this happens all the time. Here is a copy of the messages from this girl I matched with, please tell me if there's something wrong I said here:
Me: What's the most exotic place you've been to? 🤔
Her: the Galápagos islands! Her: Wbu?
Me: ooo yeah the Gálapagos islands is so beautiful! the most exotic place I've been to was Hawaii, I went to Kauai and Honolulu!
Her: oo I would love to go to Hawaii! It's definitely on my bucket list of places to go!
Me: I absolutely loved it in Hawaii! Felt like I was in a dream in a fantasy video game the whole time, total bliss!
Me: I'd recommend the big island when you go as there's more to explore! What was your experience like in the Gálapagos islands?
Then I got unmatched
Idk did I send too many messages? I don't think I've said anything wrong here. Any suggestions?
submitted by smoshylumb8 to dating_advice [link] [comments]