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GGK: Gago Ka, sagot sa post kung feeling mo kagaguhan yung ginawa ni OP
DKG: Di Ka Gago, sagot sa post kung nasa tama si OP
WG: Walang Gago, di lang talaga kayo nagkaintindihan, baka pwede pa pag-usapan
LKG: Lahat Kayo Gago, walang tama sa inyo, puro kayo pabigat sa mga magulang niyo
INFO: Nakakalito ba ang istorya ni OP? Comment your question!


Title: ABYG kasi napagdesisyunan ko na tanggalan ng mana ang aking anak?
Content: Should not be a rant post, hindi dapat sobrang ikli. Hindi kami facebook, twitter and instagram, ikwento ng maayos ang sitwasyon.
Sa dulo ng post, ilagay ang dahilan kung bakit mo naisipan na ikaw ang gago.
submitted by AutoModerator to AkoBaYungGago [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:57 Accurate-Attempt3802 www.française des jeux.f

www.française des jeux.fr
Loterie en ligne
La loterie en ligne est devenue de plus en plus populaire ces dernières années, offrant aux joueurs la possibilité de tenter leur chance depuis le confort de leur foyer. Ce type de loterie permet aux participants de choisir leurs numéros en ligne et de participer à des tirages réguliers avec des prix en argent alléchants.
Les plateformes de loterie en ligne offrent une grande variété de jeux, allant des traditionnels tirages de numéros aux cartes à gratter virtuelles en passant par les jeux de jackpot. Les joueurs peuvent acheter des billets en ligne et suivre les résultats des tirages en direct, rendant l'expérience de jeu interactive et facile d'accès.
En plus de la commodité offerte par la loterie en ligne, les plateformes proposent souvent des bonus et des promotions attractifs pour encourager la participation des joueurs. De plus, les gains sont automatiquement crédités sur le compte du joueur, éliminant ainsi le besoin de se rendre dans un point de vente physique pour collecter les prix.
Il est cependant important de jouer de manière responsable et de ne pas succomber à la tentation de dépenser trop d'argent dans l'espoir de gagner gros. Il est recommandé de fixer un budget de jeu et de ne pas dépasser ses limites pour éviter les problèmes liés au jeu compulsif.
En conclusion, la loterie en ligne offre une alternative pratique et divertissante pour les passionnés de jeux de hasard. Avec une grande variété de jeux et des gains potentiels importants, il n'est pas étonnant que de plus en plus de joueurs se tournent vers cette nouvelle façon de participer à des tirages au sort.
Jeux d'argent
Les jeux d'argent, aussi appelés jeux de hasard et d'argent, sont des activités de divertissement qui consistent à parier de l'argent ou des biens de valeur sur un événement incertain, dans le but de remporter un gain financier. Ces jeux sont réglementés dans de nombreux pays pour protéger les joueurs contre les risques de dépendance et d'escroquerie.
Il existe une grande variété de jeux d'argent, allant des machines à sous aux jeux de table en passant par les loteries et les paris sportifs. Chacun de ces jeux a ses propres règles et ses propres chances de gain, ce qui les rend attractifs pour différents types de joueurs.
Cependant, il est important de jouer de manière responsable et de ne pas risquer plus d'argent que l'on peut se permettre de perdre. La dépendance aux jeux d'argent peut avoir des conséquences néfastes sur la vie personnelle, sociale et financière des joueurs, c'est pourquoi il est essentiel de se fixer des limites et de savoir quand arrêter.
Les jeux d'argent peuvent également être source de plaisir et de divertissement pour ceux qui jouent de manière occasionnelle et mesurée. Que ce soit en ligne ou dans des établissements physiques, l'essentiel est de profiter de l'expérience sans compromettre son bien-être.
En fin de compte, les jeux d'argent sont une forme de divertissement qui peut être appréciée avec précaution et modération. Il est essentiel de se renseigner sur les risques potentiels liés à ces activités et de prendre des décisions éclairées pour en profiter pleinement.
Paris sportifs
Les paris sportifs sont une activité populaire en France et dans de nombreux pays à travers le monde. Les parieurs placent des mises sur les résultats des événements sportifs, tels que des matchs de football, des courses de chevaux, des tournois de tennis et bien d'autres encore. Cette forme de divertissement offre aux amateurs de sport la possibilité d'ajouter une dimension supplémentaire à leur passion en pariant sur leurs équipes ou joueurs préférés.
Les paris sportifs ont connu une croissance exponentielle ces dernières années, avec l'avènement des plateformes de paris en ligne offrant une grande variété d'options et de cotes. Les parieurs peuvent désormais accéder à une multitude de marchés et parier en temps réel pendant le déroulement des événements sportifs. Cela a rendu l'expérience des paris sportifs plus interactive et passionnante pour de nombreux adeptes.
Cependant, il est important de parier de manière responsable et de ne pas tomber dans l'excès. Les paris sportifs peuvent être divertissants, mais aussi risqués s'ils ne sont pas pratiqués de manière réfléchie. Il est recommandé de fixer des limites de mise, de ne parier que ce que l'on peut se permettre de perdre et de ne pas chercher à récupérer ses pertes en augmentant les mises de manière inconsidérée.
En fin de compte, les paris sportifs peuvent être une activité divertissante pour les passionnés de sport, à condition d'être abordés de manière responsable et raisonnable. Il est essentiel de se rappeler que l'objectif principal doit rester le plaisir et l'excitation liés au soutien à son équipe ou joueur préféré, plutôt que la recherche de gains financiers à tout prix.
Grattage en ligne
Le grattage en ligne est une forme de divertissement de plus en plus populaire sur internet. Cette activité consiste à acheter des cartes à gratter virtuelles, à les frotter avec la souris pour découvrir les symboles cachés et, éventuellement, remporter des gains. Le grattage en ligne offre la même sensation que le grattage traditionnel, mais de manière plus pratique et accessible depuis n'importe quel appareil connecté à internet.
Les plateformes de grattage en ligne proposent une grande variété de jeux avec des thèmes différents, des graphismes attrayants et des gains potentiels intéressants. Que vous aimiez les cartes à thème de casino, d'aventure, de sport ou de fantaisie, il y en a pour tous les goûts. De plus, la possibilité de jouer à tout moment et n'importe où rend le grattage en ligne extrêmement pratique pour les amateurs de jeux de hasard.
En plus de l'aspect ludique, le grattage en ligne offre également la possibilité de gagner de l'argent réel. Certaines plateformes proposent des jackpots alléchants, des bonus de bienvenue et des promotions régulières pour maximiser les chances de gains des joueurs. Cependant, il est important de jouer de manière responsable et de se fixer des limites pour éviter les excès.
En conclusion, le grattage en ligne est une activité divertissante, facile d'accès et potentiellement lucrative pour ceux qui cherchent un moyen amusant de passer le temps tout en ayant la possibilité de remporter des gains. N'hésitez pas à explorer les différentes plateformes de grattage en ligne pour trouver celle qui correspond le mieux à vos préférences et tenter votre chance pour décrocher le jackpot.
Casino virtuel
Un casino virtuel, également connu sous le nom de casino en ligne, est une plateforme numérique permettant aux joueurs de profiter de jeux de casino populaires tels que les machines à sous, la roulette, le blackjack et le poker depuis le confort de leur domicile. Ces casinos offrent une expérience immersive et divertissante similaire à celle d'un casino traditionnel, mais accessible à tout moment et depuis n'importe quel endroit grâce à une connexion internet.
Les casinos virtuels proposent généralement une vaste sélection de jeux de différentes catégories, des bonus attractifs, des méthodes de paiement sécurisées et un service clientèle disponible pour répondre aux besoins des joueurs. De plus, de nombreuses plateformes de jeu en ligne offrent des applications mobiles pour une expérience de jeu optimale sur les smartphones et les tablettes.
Les casinos virtuels sont réglementés par des autorités de jeu en ligne pour garantir l'équité des jeux et la sécurité des transactions financières. Les joueurs doivent toujours choisir des casinos réputés et licenciés pour s'assurer d'une expérience de jeu fiable et sécurisée.
Que vous soyez un fan de machines à sous, de jeux de table ou de vidéo poker, les casinos virtuels offrent une multitude d'options pour satisfaire tous les types de joueurs. Avec des graphismes de haute qualité, des effets sonores immersifs et des fonctionnalités innovantes, les casinos virtuels sont une excellente alternative aux casinos terrestres pour ceux qui recherchent une expérience de jeu excitante et pratique. Que la chance soit de votre côté lors de vos sessions de jeu en ligne !
submitted by Accurate-Attempt3802 to u/Accurate-Attempt3802 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:51 Storms_Wrath The Human Artificial Hivemind Part 512: The Pact Of Blades

First Previous Wiki
Ezeonwha was walking down a long hallway. The dry and plain painted walls and the pure white lighting of the lower levels of the 102nd Visitor Welcome Office helped to frame the dingy realities of those who could only afford these floors. Not even capable of having windows, these were for those who were the cheapest of the cheap or those who mingled with them. He'd passed several Guides on the way in, their claws echoing in the halls as a sign of authority in this lawless land.
Here, mediocrity was king, and he was a loyal servant. He drew his cloak closer about his neck, unwilling to reveal himself to those who weren't already equipped to see through it all. He was famous enough to be an abduction target if he let his guard down. This place was no exception, though Justicar tried to make them such. Too much security on the higher levels and too little on the lower levels. That was the way of things.
Another hallway, this one marked with bullet holes. Two contractors and a Guide were discussing the pricing of the fix project when he turned the corner. Their voices quieted to nothing, the stillness pressing down upon them with the same intensity as the false lighting. Ezeonwha clacked his jaws, giving them a low bow before continuing on his way. He saw the Guide's eyes light up with the sign of his implants getting a reading. It was another impromptu way of tracking via facial recognition, but it was an ancient practice.
Nothing was new about what the Guides did; only how many of them seemed to be on general patrol. Had Justicar hired more of them or actually done full conversions for all of them? Those arm cannons surely weren't cheap or ethical to insert into unwilling participants. And giving a victim a gun they couldn't be disarmed of was a very bad idea, even for Elders. And Justicar was better than most Elders when it came to abject stupidity. He'd likely only been dropped a few hundred times as a child versus the more likely Elder average of a few thousand.
Ezeonwha chuckled at his internal joke, heading deeper underground into the complex. He was going to a certain meeting, and it would be best not to be late. Even if the Guides tracked him, it wouldn't be negative. The group he had been approached by a few days ago wasn't a terror group. He'd looked them up. They dealt in 'freedom and liberation from all chains.'
The Eyes Of Liberty had focused upon Penny as their latest propaganda target and perhaps as a valuable ally in their fight against all tyranny. Though such a flowery message was likely steeped in idealism for the lower ranks, with more pragmatic and likely richer inner circle elites and leaders ensuring the pot would always simmer but never boil or grow cold. That was the way movements such as these managed to skirt the line between inaction and terrorism.
It was a dangerous thing to do. But these were dangerous times. If Penny left, he'd die. Someone with a grudge would kill him. It was a given, and he'd made peace with it now. He needed to get to work, to help others like him and those worse off, with just a small piece of the meager time he had left.
He was in the system as a friend of Penny, so little scrutiny would fall on him as he came and went. He had a new friend, one who was very interested in connecting to Penny.
The offer had come through his communicator, and he'd answered it given its interesting title. After a lengthy discussion about their goals for him and Penny, he'd agreed to at least have a meeting. He didn't tell them that he had a tracker from Phoebe, which would 'be impossible to miss' if things went badly. He knew the value he had, which was why one of the androids was also accompanying him under the guise of being a Sprilnav.
The android was 'walking' on all fours, its mechanical motion entirely silent. It was obscured by a wave of holograms and hard light holograms that would ensure that it wouldn't be considered suspicious beside him. His only guard was a capable one, and Phoebe had all the confidence of an AI who knew that the destruction of her android would only be an inconvenience for her.
Ezeonwha came to an unmarked door with a well-worn door frame. One knock. One pause. Two knocks. Another pause. Four knocks. He waited, and the door swung open. Eight Sprilnav greeted him warily but warmly, their eyes shifting to Phoebe.
The inside of the room was a dull red, coming from a pair of lights in the center of the ceiling that cast dark shadows near the edges. The whole room felt dark and dangerous, and the walls were lined with guns, computers, and several drones. Shelves and drawers were neatly stacked against the wall, as well as five couches and four double beds with ladder access to the top portions.
Bags of food rested atop a trash compactor unit, and the room service button on the inner side of the wall that Ezeonwha could see in the mirror was worn down to the raw metal. No paint jobs here, only grit and business. The room faintly smelled of body odor and assorted foods. Not entirely unpleasant, but also not what he'd expected from a group with sich a flamboyant name. Perhaps they worked in cell-based units. And that was another thing.
Minds were visible in the distance of the mindscape, but the people here were huddled together mentally. They appeared to be haphazard, but Ezeonwha recognized an old army-type defensive formation a mere step from each of their positions. They were more than they appeared. Though based on how their room looked, they probably weren't veterans, just decently trained.
As they walked through the doorway, a scanner activated. One of the Sprilnav, wearing a headset with numbers and letters swirling on the inner side of the visor, called out: "Phoebe android. Commando variant. Risk assessment: Certain Death. Ezeonwha. Carrying two pistols, one hidden in the pack on his left, and the other tucked inside a strap near the lower bottom of his chest."
That made them all pause, sizing each other up. Ezeonwha smiled nervously, failing terribly to break the building tension once again. His nerves started to get to him, but finally, Phoebe spoke. "Well, friends. I, for one, am happy to talk of the business of liberty. Tell us, what do you have in mind for my friend Ezeonwha?"
"It is not about him, AI. It is about the freedom all sentient beings deserve, and which we shall bring to the galaxy no matter if we are alive or dead."
"An honorable goal to strive toward," Phoebe said.
"Thank you. Your words are quite kind for your type."
"I didn't know I had one," Phoebe replied. "But thank you."
Ezeonwha turned his head toward the Sprilnav with all the fancy equipment.
"What is the best way for me and Penny to help in the fight?"
"The best way would be for you to start killing the gang leaders you come across. Barring that, have Penny ignore the graveyards, and continue freeing the slaves as she ought to. The dead have their freedom; the living need her work more."
"I agree with my companion," another of them said. "So far, Penny has done more for the fight for justice than any other on Justicar in generations, so it is a terrible thing to ask more, but we must ask. Even knowing the terrible toll it would have if she loses the Judgment, Sprilnav are at stake."
"People are at stake, you mean," Ezeonwha said. "There is no need to bring species into this."
"There would not be, but it is still a clear factor," another of them said, a female who looked more shifty in her gaze and demeanor. The Eyes of Liberty seemed like one of those groups with too much division.
"Do you disagree with each other often?" Ezeonwha asked innocently.
"Here and there," the tech guy said. "Not often enough to be a problem, and not when what matters is at stake."
"But that is the thing. How can you agree on when something that matters is a stake?"
"Is this a test?"
"Why would it be? Think of it as a genuine concern," Ezeonwha said. "To associate with your group, I have to be certain it will be resilient to change and risks escalating in the future. If the gangs cannot strike at Penny, they will pick the next best targets. Currently, that is me. If I associate with you in a way they can find out, and I assure you they will find out eventually, you all may be at risk as well. And your group's seemingly cell-based design also means large scale mobilization is difficult, ineffective, and risks severe coordination issues which cannot be quickly or safely remedied without changing core security features of it."
"You deduced all of that from context? You are smart, Ezeonwha. And have a good brain in your head. Everlasting knows we need one of those between all of us."
They all shared a laugh.
"I am not as young as I may look," Ezeonwha said. "Penny is not properly learned of the danger that faces us here. I am. The Underground will kill me when this is over. Do you want to die alongside me, all for your beliefs?"
Silence descended again. Ezeonwha kept the pressure on them when one of them stepped forward. "For freedom and liberty? Yes. I would die for that."
"As would I."
"And I."
They all declared the rest in orders that followed the patterns Ezeonwha was noticing. There were variances in their levels of belief and faith in their purpose. Each person had a different level of value difference, which meant that their lives would be worth more or less comparatively.
Cohesion was weaker, too. Not a full defector team, but likely pieces of several. Was that by design from a higher up leader, or was that just circumstance? Another thing to figure out later, that wasn't critical yet, but he would know before he truly went on any missions with them, if he did at all.
He suspected running messages to Penny would be the majority of their tasks. The quality of intelligence the Eyes of Liberty had offered was substantial. Perhaps enough for Penny to turn herself from a major annoyance to the gangs into an actual existential threat. With Justicar's swarming protection of the Fort Court and the 102nd Visitor Welcome Office, there was a limited amount of things that even the gangs could do. And if the rumors were correct, a Progenitor would be partaking in the trial.
"To be clear, if I join up with you, Phoebe would come too."
"Why would we let an AI join us?"
Phoebe smiled. "Without me, you'll die in this fight. You have trained for around 2000 days. You're acceptable combatants, as is Ezeonwha. But you are fighting in a city, and underneath it. You need to know how to keep a low profile. You need to know how to move through a crowd, get in and out. And you need to keep collateral damage to a zero, or the gangs will use you like they have others who had your purpose and were less careful to justify their 'protection' continuing. If you march in there and kill 50 slavers, if you kill a few slaves or a single bystander in the process, your credibility will be smeared. And frankly, with me on your team, you won't get blown up by an IED when you try clearing your first room in a fortress."
"IED?" One of them asked, while the rest digested her statement, going through various levels of offended looks.
"Your translator is too cheap. Improvised explosive device. Here, that can be old engines, reused oil, cracked plastic, frictional fuel bombs, circuit extruders, sodium splash grenades, as well as the more military style attacks they can pack, from small micro rockets all the way up to lower level fission or fusion bombs. Though if you're in a fight with those things involved, you're already dead."
"Because unless you're Elders, or holograms, a nuke will kill you whether you're right next to it or just inside the same shield. They concentrate the thermal pulse, so your bones would be ash before the pain hit your eyes."
"And what protection could you bring against that?"
"Telling you it's there before you start the attack. That is, if you listen to me. I value your lives over that of this android, but also I value Ezeonwha over all of you combined. I will not prevent him from doing this, but I will have you all know the risks involved."
"We are prepared, Phoebe. We have done much of the training you say, though we do not believe the gangs would plant explosive devices in their own fortresses. There is too much risk around that, with betrayals so common. However, the minefields we have scouted are easy to defeat with the right tactics. Perhaps you can give us a briefing on those, too?"
A challenge.
"I can, depending on how long you wish to do this for. But I have the stamina for either hours or weeks, depending on which you choose."
"What of your batteries?"
"They are of sufficient quality," Phoebe assured.
"I hope so."
Their tech guy nodded, more numbers flashing on his visor. Ezeonwha hoped he had a different way of display, like through an implant or something, for the missions in darker areas. The Underground was, by its name, not a place where much natural light was to be found. And the gangs controlled all the power systems in their territory. It was another part of the racket.
"Why aren't you guarding Penny?"
Phoebe's back straightened, a subconscious posture change to make her seem more confident. Ezeonwha caught the tactic for what it was, though without extensive knowledge of bipedal forms, it was less likely the surrounding Sprilnav knew it.
"Penny proved before a trillion eyes she's capable of fighting Elders, Progenitors, and a Dreadnaught Captain. Not to mention her immense power. I can shoot bullets, but she can literally snatch them out of the air and eat them. She has her own way of doing things, and it is a good way."
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Penny landed in the rubble and headed for the Vaquah with a trail of survivors behind her. Many of them, she could recognize the marks of slavery on, with numbers or brands on their skin or just the trauma crouching in their eyes dulled by the pain of a long life in a work camp. Penny went through the wreckage to the shield surrounding the rubble and the defining line between the rest of the city and the destruction. Several news drones flew above her.
More were arriving from various directions. The soft footsteps grew into a constant drumming sound, like a beating heart of doom. Penny marched with them, heading to the spaceport. A large medical operation there quickly rerouted many of its various branches to the most injured freed slaves.
Penny pressed her considerable psychic energy on the entire group, accelerating their healing, slowing bleeding, and generally repairing their bodies and cells from the trauma they'd suffered. But the cloud over their heads did not brighten. The atmosphere remained tense and mournful. Many of them had lost friends, family, and more. She had no right to ask them to feel any different.
She had freed them, that was all. They were not her servants. She was not their ruler.
Several of them came up to her, offering thanks in the small ways they could. Kind words. Attempts at hugs. Even offers of devout prayer and worship, which Penny respectfully declined. She knew, as did most of them, that veneration for her deeds was inevitable. She didn't want to be seen encouraging it at all, since this was a public place where many eyes were upon her.
She knew that it would be misconstrued as a threat if she did. Religions were some of the most major threats entrenched powers could face if not properly co-opted by the state to suit their needs. And here, the 'state' was a military dictatorship billions of years old, ripened with corruption, money, and the immortality of Elders sporting technology beyond any other in the galaxy.
The sky was blue with shields overhead. The Vaquah hung in the distance, its thrusters gently burning to keep it aloft. A trail of shuttles linked the massive ship with several spaceports, including this one. Penny watched the freed Sprilnav get on it one by one, promising themselves to a new life aboard her ship. Technically, they were citizens of the Autonomous Peoples' Stars.
That protection, Penny knew, was why the Vaquah and its innocent inhabitants were still intact. Elders already had hired mercenaries to attack it. They'd failed, thanks to Rimiaha and Penny, but also the defenses of Kashaunta's Grand Fleet when it was in higher orbit. Kashaunta, despite her willingness to use Penny as she would, also had a certain intelligence and empathy. It was highly selective, and only money and power seemed to flip that switch.
But Penny needed the Elder, and Kashaunta only had use for her as an asset. She palmed the new communicator Kashaunta had issued her after the last one's destruction. Kashaunta's hologram appeared. It looked around, noticing the news drones in the air.
"Not here."
"You will know."
In the mindscape, a Sprilnav appeared on Penny's layer. They felt odd to her, almost like the minds of certain humans high up in the hivemind's network. Penny greeted the Sprilnav warmly.
"Queen and Elder Kashaunta requests your presence on her flagship."
"Very well."
In reality, Penny looked around at the crowd. She waited until it dwindled to nothing, and then spoke.
Conceptual energy twisted, and she stood on Kashaunta's flagship, though nearer to the edge than she'd expected. The Elder was waiting for her in an outfit that looked much like pajamas, though they were under a few armor pieces that appeared anything but decorative. Now that Penny noticed it, it was the same sort of armor that Yasihaut had worn to their last encounter, which interfered with conceptual energy. The Sprilnav were highly advanced. She wondered just how far their technology could go. She'd heard mentions of some ships having artificial gravity, and of nanites and programmable matter. But nothing certain.
"Hmm," Kashaunta said, giving Penny a once over. "You have come back. Shall I assume you are still my ally?"
"Nervous, are we?"
"Nervous is what you should be, Penny. The Judgment is coming. Ten days. Indrafabar and Justicar will both be on the court as High Judges. That is not good for us at all. So I figured a bit of prudence was in order. I have thought long and hard about this, and with the great battles of our time so fast approaching, I figure it is time to mend our relationship before the chasm grows any wider."
Kashaunta motioned to a special looking sword sheath on her back. Slowly, she drew a sword. A Soul Blade. Penny began to draw up her armor.
"Oh, I am not wishing for a fight, Penny. I know the damage you could do, even in my sanctum in the sky. Tell me, do you know how Soul Blades are forged?"
"Good. And tell me, do you know why they draw so much power to swing, even for Elders and beings as capable as us?"
"I have a few theories."
"I am sure you do," Kashaunta said. "But here is the thing. Soul Blades are typically weapons assigned to highly promising Elders, or even Progenitors. Filnatra, undisputed sword master that she is, can wield them as easily as breathing. If I were to swing this blade, there would be no drawback. Why?"
"Because you own that Soul Blade."
"Because this Soul Blade is mine. It is not just something I own. I own around seven or so more Soul Blades, with some weapons nearing their quality lying in my various vaults even now. You did not detect them, because I willed that not to be. I need you to understand this, Penny. You have power. You have might. But you are not invincible. My Soul Blade, if it struck you, would not cutely separate Nilnacrawla or Cardinality from you. Nor would your speeding space entity be able to block this blade with his flesh. If this cut you, it would release unending agony upon you before you exploded in a burst of burnt gore."
Penny sighed. "There is no need to threaten me. Allies do not threaten each other."
"But you do not see me as an ally. You see me as your means to get through the Judgment. You believe I see you as nothing more but a linear singularity maker, and perhaps a passing curiosity I'm backing on a whim. You neglect to imagine that there might be firmer reasons why I back you, and why more Elders are getting drawn into this conflict. You believe I am comfortable with showing you my more pragmatic and ruthless sides because I am comfortable with the fact that you cannot harm me. That you would not dare to do so, when you need my assistance so badly. That I might even be aiming to normalize my 'new' self with you."
"That is hardly my belief alone."
"Is it now."
Kashaunta grinned. There was no warmth in her gaze.
"Nilnacrawla," Kashaunta said. "Cardinality. Exile. Come out and show yourselves. You are being rude as guests."
Exile detached from Penny's head. He grew into the shifting array of fractals and shapes she was more familiar with. What had once grated on her eyes did so no longer. Kashaunta stared at the speeding space entity for ten seconds, then looked back up at Penny.
"He will not work on us. I will cover his form with holograms if he walks through my ship out of courtesy for my workers and crew, if he cannot."
"I am capable, Queen Kashaunta."
"You are quite knowledgable, aren't you?" Kashaunta mused, looking at him hungrily. "Oh, how I wonder what secrets you have in your head. How many of ours do you know?"
"I will not be taken as a hostage," Exile said.
"You will not because I decide not to," Kashaunta said. "Formally, our species are still at war. There is no treaty."
"The Sp'rkial'nova no longer exist."
"Yes, they do," Kashaunta said. "The name was discontinued for use regarding the lesser specimens we created. But I can assure you, Exile, if you wish to go by that name here, that we still do exist. I am a Sp'rkial'nova in the flesh. In the blood. In the mind. In the soul."
"Say what you will, Sprilnav. It changes nothing."
"On that I agree. Though our views on how things are may differ, and yours is wrong, your opinion is not valuable enough to matter."
She turned to Penny. She would have defended Exile, but he gave her a simple shake of his head area.
Nilnacrawla formed out of psychic energy in front of Penny. Cardi did the same beside her. Kashaunta tapped a claw on the ground. Tables and chairs appeared. A chef brought in food that looked passable and a few decent attempts at human cuisine.
"We do not have to eat, though I would expect that all of you at least sit at the table. We will discuss our grievances, and how to solve them before we proceed with the future. We shall first go to the matter of the Alliance. Penny, many in their number wish to establish contact with you. Do you agree to this? If so, I will add their communicator numbers to the translation program I have reserved for your personal use, in case your own device needs another sudden replacement."
"I agree."
"Good. A first step of diplomacy, I would say. Agreement. Now, Nilnacrawla, you look like you have something to say to me. What is it?"
"Free Meridia."
"Meridia was detonated by planet cracker during the 139th Sector 9 Border War. I am sorry more could not be done."
A cold draft of air rushed out of Nilnacrawla's nose. He glared at her. "You let them die."
"I did not. A Grand Fleet was defending that star system, and three came to lay siege. I am many things. A tactician, a queen, an Elder. But I am not a god. I cannot perform miracles. I evacuated 30 billion people from that world and its surrounding stations before the planet crackers hit it. 4 trillion more souls died in that blast. The best I can do is to offer an apology."
"That will never be enough for what you did. If you had never established your nation, they would still be alive."
"They would be slaves. Chattel slaves, not that cute little 'wage slavery' concept privileged people throw around. Perhaps I should remind you just how much darker that reality would have been for your female descendents, specifically. I am a brutal warlord, a dictator with an iron fist. But my claws do not squeeze nearly as tightly as I could. Metrics say that I could extract at least 370% more profit from my people if I simply enslaved them. But despite the shock this may bring to you all, I do have principles. The Autonomous Peoples' Stars are my people. My nation. My empire, if you think I'm imperialist. But I protect them as best I can."
Nilnacrawla's cold anger didn't lessen. Penny placed a calming hand on his front left thigh. He blinked. He let out a long, pained sigh. And he bowed his head to her. Not to Kashaunta, but to Penny.
"There is no need to be cruel."
"My language was accurate, Penny. He is a strong Elder. Everlasting knows he's stronger than most of these fools. Nilnacrawla was and is a hero of the Source war. I respect him enough not to mince words, or to give platitudes. Coddling is for babies. Nilnacrawla is far more mature."
Kashaunta turned to Cardi. "You have been remarkably silent in this, concept."
"I have."
"A wonderfully succinct statement. Perhaps you can shorten it further. But nevertheless, you and I will be working together with Penny much more in the near future. Rest assured, if you refuse to become more independent, you will be nothing more than a crutch for her to rely on before leaving her to fall when you are ripped away."
"When, Elder? I would like to think your protection is sufficient."
"I am sure the truth is quite the opposite, dear. I will now get to the point. Penny needs to move faster, and needs to break out of her shell. She needs to be pushed to do more. She has signed a binding treaty, which shows she is capable of more than barbarian aliens, as some Elders would call her. You, Cardinality, will help her be a high achiever. To do this, you need to learn more about your own history.
That is the theme of the year, after all. History. My history, Penny's history, Sprilnav history, and even Gaia's history, it would seem."
"Gaia? What do they have to do with all of this?" Penny asked.
"Oh, you don't need to worry about that."
"Excuse me? You don't get to decide that, Kashaunta. You will tell me. I refuse to be coddled, like you say. I demand the respect I am owed."
"You forget yourself, Penny."
"I remember myself, actually. I am all I need to be. I can become all I need if I must. You can hold your backing against me all you want, but you won't withdraw it. As you said, more binds you and I than mere money and ideology."
"And if you're wrong?"
"Then I've doomed my species and my nation to war, and this planet to the full power of my wrath."
"Wrath, Penny. Wrath. The Sprilnav have many words for anger, rage, hatred. There is the desire for vengeance, in varying degrees. There is that for justice, which does differ. And that for belonging. I know you believe you are standing up to me as a way to assert your own authority in this relationship of ours. You believe I see you as inferior, and will pull back my help when it is profitable for me. I will not offer you the consequences of what your words could mean.
You already know them, and that argument is as stale as your view on us Elders. I will say this once, Penny. You are the Champion of Humanity. The apex predator of your planet, the only one mostly in charge of an Alliance that does more than merely dream of overthrowing us. It is easy for me to say you are not a threat, though I do not ignore the threat you and your nation are trying to become. Gaia will be a part of your movement, but even my information is not entirely complete. I will not mislead you by claiming I know Gaia's link to this, just that there likely is one.
And I am not unreasonably petty. I am willing to put all our animosity behind us and start anew. Even if you are not willing to do the same, I am willing to make this work for us. You have more people to care for than just the Alliance, now. Do not forget them."
"A lot of words that mean nothing."
"Because you heard, but did not listen. Perhaps it will be easier this way, Penny. I want you to win."
"You wish to overthrow the current Sprilnav led order of the galaxy. Your path to that will likely be through mass slave revolt. A viable strategy that I could spread far beyond just this planet. And I actually agree with you. This Judgment, this utter insanity around the Alliance and your species has shown me the truth. The Elders as a class and a species cannot be trusted to rule any longer. We need new leaders. Better leaders."
"And yourself?"
"As the hypocrite that I am, and the power-hungry ruler of the Sprilnav, I would obviously exclude myself from that number. Let's be realistic. The Sprilnav will never accept a non-Elder ruler. If you wish to see what our insurgencies would be like, imagine the 2090s Struggles of Asia. Expand that to billions of planets, large and small. Countless ships and space stations. We have more collective ships than you have people. And as your military planners know, there is no such thing as an unarmed ship. Without us, without me, your plans are stillborn. Your galactic Alliance or whatever you make will fall to pieces without proper counseling. In essence, my offer to you, and you alone, is this. The galaxy, for the Sprilnav."
"Who backs your offer, with the power to give it?"
Progenitors Lecalicus and Nova appeared in the room.
"I back Kashaunta," Lecalicus wheezed.
"I observe her offer, and wish it a proper outcome," Nova said.
"Thank you, esteemed Progenitors," Kashaunta said, standing just to bow to them. Penny stared at Nova, balling her fists.
"There will be time for battle later," he said. "But not now. Hear out her request. She does not make it lightly."
The Progenitors disappeared.
"If I accept your offer, it will be on a written record."
"No. It will not be, because if that record is written, my nation will be facing war on all sides. A better idea would be for us to keep this under wraps."
"Perfect for betrayal," Nilnacrawla muttered.
"It would be, yes. But consider the second part of this situation, Nilncrawla. If word of this galactic offer, not just the Pact, were to get out, which is why two Progenitors who know the price of interference were called here, it would mean the deaths of Penny and all her kind. Or do you forget what rapidly approaches us?"
Nilnacrawla frowned. "I did. I apologize, Penny."
Kashaunta spoke up again.
"Penny. You believe I will betray you. So I make an offer of collateral. An offer so unbelievably sacred for us Elders that many would recoil at the mere thought of it. Now that you have signed a backed treaty, you are fully qualified."
Kashaunta grabbed her Soul Blade and presented it to Penny.
"What does this mean?"
"Nilnacrawla, tell her," Kashaunta said. "She will trust your mouth more than mine."
"Bonded Soul Blades are priceless artifacts," Nilnacrawla said. "To offer one to another is the ultimate gesture of trust and respect among many martial Sprilnav cultures. It can also allow for a mind bridge, a soul pact, or a proposal for marriage between two great houses, martial families, or Elders of great wealth and power. To offer this to a human... to anyone... is an ultimate sign of backing, and one of trust.
It is a sacrosanct honor, the absolute agreement of speaking truth and respect. The words I can use in any human language are insufficient to describe the weight of this honor. This gesture is one of absolute truth. Family lines with hatred going back millions of years would never dare to violate this honor."
"Only one Elder in history did so, one who once led a group known as the Stannic Resistance. He does so no longer. Penny Balica, Champion of Humanity... if there is nothing else I can give you to prove that I do really back you, there is this."
"...Just how low are my chances in the Judgment for you to resort to this?" Penny asked.
"They are not zero, but your battle with be incredibly difficult even with this boon of mine. The future of the galaxy, I now realize, hinges on the outcome of this. If we do not have enough trust, they will sniff it out, and we will fail."
So she had no choice. But as Nilncrawla continued to explain in her mind, Kashaunta was getting the worse side of the deal. Which meant she was throwing her backing behind Penny for real, beyond all reproach and retraction. Kashaunta, the most powerful Elder in the galaxy.
"And if I reject this gift, or your reasons for it?"
"Circumstances would demand that I kill you and then myself using this blade as a way to cut apart the dishonor, before my remains are dumped into a black hole to be forgotten forever. I would not do this."
"A dark and archaic custom," Penny said. She would have said more, but she looked at Nilnacrawla's face. He was clearly deeply uncomfortable. Her five words had shaken him more than anything she'd ever said to him before.
"You do not understand," Nilnacrawla said. "This is not something to joke or lie about. With a Soul Blade Pact in play, all else must cease. Right now, there is you, and there is her. Accept or decline. The choice, your only choice, is yours."
"How will this look to the Elders in the court? To the Sprilnav, and the people who back me?"
She could see how it would be a boon and a curse.
"You, and I," Kashaunta said. "The whole of the universe between us right now is you and I. No others exist until this one act is done. There will be trust or there will be death. No in between. No middle ground. The nature of this bond will be a Pact of Blades."
Conceptual energy swirled between them. Penny's natural translation, as part of the hivemind, failed for the first time ever. Her communicator likewise did not translate the words Kashaunta spoke.
"Eis nama kaste Penny Balica, sun lanci Dorima Kashaunta. Ko'ri, lanci nupa bes na Dorima'Pecunyanova. Sp'rkial'nova. Sun. Homo Sapiens."
The air grew thick with tension. It was not just emotional, either. Psychic and conceptual energy gathered. The mindscape started to distort as more and more eyes began to view Kashaunta and Penny. But all of them were Sprilnav eyes. All of them were Progenitors. Nova's appeared brightest and largest, nearly six times the size of the next largest pair. They stared at her, sending psychic and conceptual energy down upon her in waves that forced her and Kashaunta to kneel to the ground.
"I apologize for my earlier words," Penny said. "I should not have denigrated this."
Penny stood for an hour, deeply contemplating the Pact. If it was as Nilnacrawla was describing to her, it was a promise that Kashaunta would not break. If she was offering it at all, especially to Penny, it meant she had a level of trust in Penny's capability far above what Penny had previously thought. Apparently, there were even higher agreements than this that were possible, with this Pact being the lowest level of bond and considered unbreakable with the enforcement of consequences coming from the Progenitors themselves.
She thought of her place in Justicar and the wider universe. Hours passed like water. And then, by the end of it, after nearly 19 hours, Penny finally had decided. She gave a short nod to Kashaunta, who had been kneeling to Nova all this time.
Kashaunta gestured at the sword. "Tol, nopa shikai."
Nilnacrawla fed her a few suggestions on what she would need to say.
"I come to this Pact seeking peace, justice, and hope," Penny said. "And a promise not to betray one another, by lies or by treachery."
Nilnacrawla translated Kashaunta's next words to her.
"I come to this seeking trust, understanding, respect, and peace," Kashaunta said. "And a promise not to betray one another, by lies or by treachery. I make this Pact before the gods, those who equal them, and those who surpass them. I bind them to an oath of silence regarding this event, until I directly instruct them otherwise, in a state of a sound mind, body, and soul. Here, we shall step into a future that needs both of us, casting aside that which is unimportant to focus on the ultimate goals we have. I offer my Blade to Penny Balica, of species Homo Sapiens. In this way, we forge a new future, and walk a new path. I accept the Pact."
"I accept the Pact."
Nova and a hundred Progenitors descended. Nova grew larger, and Kashaunta knelt to him. Penny remained standing. His sharp teeth glittered in the light. He pressed his claws to Penny's chest, and to Kashaunta's chest.
"The Pact of Blades is made before the Progenitors. We agree to your vow of silence. The penalty of breaking it will be dismemberment and disposal into a black hole. Penny Balica, Engineer Kashaunta. To break this Pact without mutual agreement is to call down our collective wrath upon yourselves. You both have agreed, and are of sound mind, body, and soul. The Pact is forged. By sword, by word, by action. I, Nova, Everlasting, Lord of the Progenitors, King of all Sp'rkial'nova, Heir to the Mantle of Power, Heir to Narvravarana, Progenitor, Elder, and Sprilnav, declare the deed done, etched in time, space, and Reality."
They winked out of existence one by one, leaving Penny and Kashaunta alone, to ponder the future. Penny's thoughts turned to the Judgment, and her confidence she could win it began to waver. How much worse was this Judgment going to be than before?
Penny stared at Kashaunta's Soul Blade. With careful fingers, she took it. Kashaunta sat up, satisfied.
"Now we can begin. I shall compile all the news about you I can find, and we shall see how to address the questions the High Judges will ask. Now that you trust me, I cannot betray you."
submitted by Storms_Wrath to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:49 mokshgupta National Testis Agency

Bhai maine apni gaand NTA ko bechdi hai paise dekar. Ab mai inka slave hun. Raat ko bade sahab ne paper postpone kardia kyuki manpower nahi hai. accha bhala 17 ko free hojata . Admit card le aaya tha ab bkl centre change kardenge, oo iski maa ki chut yaar
submitted by mokshgupta to CUETards [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:35 Raradra May 14, 2024 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Episode Discussion Thread

Previous Episode Discussion Thread
Singer Jennifer Hudson Actress Marisa Abela
submitted by Raradra to LateShow [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:32 Low_Grass_2380 Tern GSD Clubhouse + Compatible Seats

I just purchased the tern gsd and clubhouse+ for my 2 kids. I'm learning the clubhouse+ is only compatible for 2 kid seats if it is an easyfit seat. It seems thule has discontinued this model, so its tough to find them online, even second hand. My questions is if these from radpower are the easyfit design?
Radpower Thule seats
Appreciate your comments!
submitted by Low_Grass_2380 to CargoBike [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:27 bedavainternetmi Bedava Nescafe Kodları 2024 - NeApp Şifreleri - Güncel

Bedava Nescafe Kodları veya NeApp şifreleri arıyorsanız doğru yerdesiniz. Nescafe'nin tüketicilerine promosyon kodu karşılığında sunduğu hediyeleri ücretsiz kazanmak istiyorsanız konumuza göz atabilirsiniz.
submitted by bedavainternetmi to u/bedavainternetmi [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:17 Unlikely-Engineer-71 Let’s discuss Darrell’s two interrogations of Erika in court.

Let’s discuss Darrell’s two interrogations of Erika in court.
I decided to re-watch the two times Erika appeared in court during the Parade trial. One thing that really struck me as strange was that Darrell - during the 1st time - was fairly quiet, was looking like a prison rat in his orange jail uniform, and kept trying to confuse Erika - jumping between questions about the 20th and 21st. He asked a number of times about Erika and Kori drinking in the park - and if she was intoxicated. I was kind of surprised Zach didn’t object more. When you consider that Erika had just had a big fight with Darrell - she had gone back to the Women’s shelter with Kori, and then found out that Darrell had been so angry after leaving their fight that he had driven off, ran over 70+ people in the parade, and was likely thinking of her as he was running over all those people. When you listen to her interview that was done on the night of the parade, she was scared to death. Darrell had told her he had a lot of ‘gang buddies’ and if anything happened to him, they would come find her and kill her. She was definitely scared for her life. So during the trial when Darrell was asking her stupid questions like ‘l seems like you don’t remember much of what was said that night, is that because you were intoxicated?’ I think Zach should have definitely redirected with questions about how shocked, scared, and confused she was that night - and that’s more likely the reason she didn’t remember their word-for-word fight that afternoon.
A week later Darrell was a whole different person - wearing a suit, cocky, nose thrust in the air - he still had to ask his questions about how much she’d been drinking that afternoon. But this afternoon he had a plan. He wasn’t just trying to confuse Erika - his plan now was to make her look like she couldn’t be believed. He worked hard to do his best “lawyer act” and show off to Erika how he was so brilliant. I’m sure she knew him well enough to know something was up. During the 1st interview he seems to just keep going around and around with questions to keep her on the stand and keep talking to her. He’s pretty angry when Judge D cuts off his time talking with her. Darrell asks Erika a lot of questions like “who else were you with that day?” - like he thinks she might have been talking to another man (remember he tried to take her phone away from her to see if she was talking to any guys?).
See 2:26:36 at https://www.youtube.com/live/KoH7bpS4NvE?si=AtJgFHTdnErdtHPD for the photo above during his 2nd interview of Erika
submitted by Unlikely-Engineer-71 to DarrellBrooksJr [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:01 Mysterious_Cat_1706 Gribble - Chapter 20

New Chapter on every MWF (Monday, Wednesday,Friday)
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Chapter 20: The Storm's Fury
Gribble huddled in the depths of the cave, his heart pounding wildly as the fierce thunderstorm raged outside. The heavy rain and ear-splitting thunder created a scary symphony, unlike anything Gribble had ever heard before. Each booming thunderclap made the cave walls shake, and small rocks fell from the ceiling. Gribble's eyes darted around the small space, looking for any sign of safety, but the storm's anger seemed to fill every nook and cranny. Fear gripped his heart as he worried that the whole hillside might cave in, trapping him alive in the cave. The damp air was thick with the smell of wet dirt and the sharp tang of fear, and Gribble's skin tingled with goosebumps as the temperature dropped. He wrapped his arms around himself, trying to stay warm and calm his frazzled nerves, but the storm's power only seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment.
The shadowy figure stood tall at the mouth of the cave, its form unmoving despite the heavy rain that pounded the outside. Gribble squinted his eyes, trying to figure out what the creature was through the curtain of darkness and the never-ending rain, but the details stayed hidden. The figure's posture was steady and scary, its broad shoulders and muscular build hinting at a tough enemy. Gribble's heart raced as he watched the figure, his mind imagining all sorts of terrifying possibilities. The creature's stillness was creepy, as if it was waiting for just the right moment to attack. A wave of dread washed over Gribble, and he instinctively pressed himself further into the cave's shadows, desperate to avoid being seen. The figure's presence was a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked beyond the cave's walls, and Gribble's survival instincts kicked into high gear as he thought about his next move.
A blinding flash of lightning tore through the night sky, filling the cave with an eerie, otherworldly light. For a split second, the creature's identity was revealed, and Gribble's eyes widened in horror as he took in the sight before him. Standing at the cave's entrance was a dark blue Thundercat, its muscular body rippling with power beneath its sleek, electric blue fur. The Thundercat's eyes gleamed with a predatory intensity, reflecting the lightning's flash like two pools of melted gold. Gribble's gaze was drawn to the creature's long, razor-sharp sabertooth fangs, which glinted menacingly in the momentary light. The sight of the Thundercat sent a wave of primal fear rushing through Gribble's veins, and he felt his breath catch in his throat. The stories he had heard of these legendary beasts paled in comparison to the reality that stood before him, and Gribble knew that he was facing a creature of unimaginable strength and ferocity.
Gribble's panic reached a fever pitch, his breath coming in short, labored gasps as he stared at the Thundercat. The tales of these feared creatures flooded his mind – whispers of the electric sparks that danced through their fur, of their immense strength that was said to rival even the most fearsome Owlbear. Gribble's heart pounded against his ribcage, and he could feel the cold sweat beading on his forehead despite the chill in the air. He knew that he was facing a daunting adversary, one that could easily overpower him in a head-on confrontation. The odds of survival seemed to dwindle with each passing second, and Gribble's mind raced as he desperately tried to come up with a plan. The Thundercat's presence loomed over him like a suffocating shadow, and Gribble could feel the weight of its gaze boring into him, even from across the cave. He understood that he must act quickly and decisively if he hoped to escape this encounter with his life.
Reacting on instinct, Gribble called upon his innate power to conjure bean-sized fireballs. With a flick of his wrist, he sent a barrage of the tiny, flaming projectiles hurtling towards the cave entrance, where they burst into brilliant flashes of light upon impact. The fiery assault illuminated the cave, casting dancing shadows on the walls and bathing the Thundercat in an orange glow. The heat from the flames was intense, and Gribble could feel the scorching air brushing against his skin. The fireballs sizzled and crackled as they hit the stone, sending sparks flying in all directions. For a moment, the cave was filled with a dazzling display of light and sound, a stark contrast to the dark, scary storm that raged outside. Gribble's heart pounded with a mixture of fear and excitement as he watched the fireballs explode, hoping that the sudden attack would be enough to distract the Thundercat and give him a chance to escape.
Gribble's mind raced as he sent the fireballs towards the Thundercat, desperately hoping that the sudden attack would give him the distraction he needed to make his escape. He focused his thoughts, tapping into his teleportation powers and trying to picture a safe place outside the cave. However, the tiredness and the fear that gripped his heart made it hard to concentrate. Gribble's brow furrowed as he tried to gather the needed energy, but his body felt heavy and sluggish, as if he was moving through water. The image of the safe haven he sought flickered in his mind's eye, tantalizingly close but just out of reach. Gribble gritted his teeth, pushing himself to the limits of his mental and physical strength as he struggled to keep his focus. The cave seemed to spin around him, and he could feel the cold tendrils of despair creeping into his heart as he realized that his teleportation powers might fail him in this critical moment.
Gribble's heart sank as he watched the Thundercat emerge unharmed from the fiery assault. The creature's electric blue fur crackled with energy, the sparks dancing across its body like tiny bolts of lightning. The Thundercat's eyes blazed with an otherworldly intensity, and it let out a deafening roar that shook the very foundations of the cave. The sound was unlike anything Gribble had ever heard before – a primal, guttural cry that seemed to echo through his very bones. The cave walls trembled, and small rocks and debris rained down from the ceiling, adding to the chaos of the moment. Gribble realized with a sinking feeling that the Thundercat was not only unharmed but enraged by his attack. The creature's muscles rippled beneath its fur as it prepared to charge, and Gribble knew that a battle was now unavoidable. He steeled himself, summoning every ounce of courage and determination he possessed, knowing that he must fight with all his might if he hoped to survive this encounter.
The Thundercat sprang into action, its powerful legs propelling it towards Gribble with a speed that defied belief. The creature moved with a fluid grace, its body a blur of electric blue as it closed the distance between them in mere seconds. Gribble barely had time to react before the Thundercat was upon him, its razor-sharp claws slashing through the air with deadly precision. He threw himself to the side, narrowly avoiding the initial attack, but the Thundercat's agility was unmatched. The creature pivoted mid-leap, its tail lashing out like a whip and its claws finding purchase on the cave wall as it redirected its momentum. Gribble's heart raced as he realized the true extent of the Thundercat's physical prowess – its reflexes were lightning-fast, and its strength was beyond anything he had ever encountered. The creature's eyes locked onto Gribble, and he could see the predatory gleam within them, the raw hunger for the hunt. Gribble knew that he must keep moving, keep dodging, if he hoped to stay alive long enough to find a way to counter the Thundercat's relentless assault.
Despite the fatigue that weighed heavily upon him, Gribble mustered the last reserves of his energy and called upon his earth vine powers. He focused his mind, reaching out to the cave floor and seeking the dormant life that lay beneath the stone. With a surge of effort, Gribble summoned a single, thick green tendril from the ground, watching as it burst forth and snaked its way towards the Thundercat. The vine wrapped itself around one of the creature's muscular legs, momentarily halting its advance and giving Gribble a fleeting moment of hope. However, the Thundercat's strength was too great, and it easily ripped through the vine with a snarl of annoyance. The severed tendril fell to the cave floor, writhing like a dying snake before going still. Gribble's heart sank as he realized that his earth vine powers, once a reliable ally in battle, were no match for the Thundercat's raw power. The creature's gaze turned back to Gribble, its eyes narrowing with a mixture of anger and predatory anticipation, and he knew that he must find another way to defend himself before it was too late.
Gribble's mind raced as he desperately searched for a way to gain the upper hand against the relentless Thundercat. In a last-ditch effort, he summoned another volley of bean-sized fireballs, pouring every ounce of his remaining energy into the attack. The tiny flames erupted from his fingertips in rapid succession, streaking through the air like miniature comets and striking the Thundercat's fur with sizzling precision. The creature hissed in pain as the fireballs singed its coat, but its anger only seemed to grow with each passing second. Gribble's exhaustion began to take its toll, his movements becoming sluggish and uncoordinated as he struggled to maintain the barrage. His vision blurred, and his limbs felt heavy, as if he was moving through molasses. The Thundercat pressed its advantage, its claws and fangs flashing in the dim light of the cave as it lunged towards Gribble with renewed ferocity. He knew that he could not keep up this pace for much longer, and a sense of despair began to creep into his heart as he realized that his efforts might not be enough to save him from the Thundercat's wrath.
The Thundercat seized the opportunity presented by Gribble's faltering defense, delivering a devastating blow that sent the young adventurer flying across the cave. Gribble felt the air rush from his lungs as he slammed into the unyielding rock wall, his body crumpling to the ground in a heap of pain and exhaustion. Stars danced before his eyes, and he gasped for breath, each inhalation sending shockwaves of agony through his battered frame. Gribble's mind reeled as he tried to assess the extent of his injuries, but the pain was too great, too all-consuming. He could taste the coppery tang of blood in his mouth, and he knew that he was badly hurt. The Thundercat's shadow fell over him, and Gribble looked up to see the creature looming above, its eyes glinting with a mixture of triumph and bloodlust. He tried to move, to crawl away, but his body refused to cooperate, and he collapsed back to the ground, his strength utterly spent. Gribble's heart pounded with the realization that he might not survive this encounter, and a cold sense of dread settled in the pit of his stomach.
Gribble lay broken and helpless on the cave floor, his vision swimming as he teetered on the brink of unconsciousness. The Thundercat stood over him, its electric blue fur crackling with energy as it prepared to deliver the final, fatal blow. Gribble's mind raced, desperately searching for a way out, for some last-minute miracle that could save him from this dire fate. He tried to summon his powers, to call upon the earth or conjure another fireball, but his body was too weak, too battered to respond. The Thundercat's eyes bore into him, and Gribble could see the raw, primal hunger that burned within them – the desire to end his life and claim victory. His heart hammered in his chest, and he could feel the cold tendrils of fear wrapping around his soul as he stared death in the face.
Would he find a way to overcome the Thundercat, or would his journey come to a tragic end in the depths of the cave? The fate of the young goblin hung in the balance, and only time would tell if he had the strength and cunning to emerge victorious.
submitted by Mysterious_Cat_1706 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:15 Coiot CBRX Season 4: Episode 8: Fighting Over Ruins

CBRX Season 4: Episode 8: Fighting Over Ruins

Image Album Narrated by Lynn (Caitlyn, Paige)

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Season 4 Megathread
submitted by Coiot to civbattleroyale [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:38 Simple-Spirit-9661 Maman du Québec

Je ne sais pas si c’est quelque chose qui pourrait vous intéresser et être utile.
Je viens de créer une communauté pour les mamans du Québec.
Je me suis dit que ça pourrait être intéressant de pouvoir discuter et échanger sur plusieurs sujets nous touchant un peu plus comme par exemple : grossesse, post-partum, allaitement, santé mentale chez la femme etc.
Parfois on est peut être moins à l’aise de discuter et de poser ce type de questions sur un plus grand groupe regroupant autant d’hommes que de femmes.
Dites-moi ce que vous en pensez.
Et si le cœur vous en dit joignez-vous à la communauté !
Bonne soirée !
submitted by Simple-Spirit-9661 to parentsquebecois [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:27 panitavers Ekkora nagy bajban van a Fidesz, hogy magának a külügyminiszternek kell megtámogatni Hódmezővásárhely kampányát?

Elég nagy csomag lehet a nadrágban, ha már a háborúpárti álbékehívő narratívát sulykoló külügyminiszternek kell Hódmezővásárhelyre látogatni az örökké háborúskodó Sodoma és Gomora városába, amely háború tüzét maga a Fidesz tartja életben az általa uralt média hergeléssel folyamatosan.
Két kérdés vetődik fel?
  1. A korábbi háttérvezérlő egység arca vállalhatatlanul lejáratódott és ezért kell nagyobb erőbedobás?
  2. A Fidesz jelöltje ennyire gyenge, hogy magának a külügyminiszternek kell pártfogásába vennie?
A lényeg egyébként sem a kommentháborún, betarthatatlan ígéretcunamin és lejárató kampányon van, hanem azon, hogy a maffiaállam kit akar a polgármesteri székbe ültetni. Ez pedig szerintem már eldőlt, pusztán a számokat igazítják hozzá utólag. Csak nehogy visszanyaljon a fagyi annyira, hogy az áruló képviselőjelöltek ne tudjanak osztozkodni a koncon, és ugyanolyan felosztási arányú önkormányzatban kelljen vergődnie az új vezetésnek, mint anno 6 éve Márki - Zay Péternek!
A karma kegyetlen dolgokra képes ám egy ennyire Ármánnyal teli, sötét fellegeket takargató városban, ahol a békétlenség ősmotivációjára csak nem régen ébredtem rá. (Jobb később, mint soha, ennek is mint mindennek megvan a maga ideje.) Jó szórakozást az új bolondériéban! Az új bohócokat hamarosan felavatják.
Cimkék: #önkormányzatiképviselőválasztás #június9 #polgármesterválasztás #politika #kampány #ármány #ősmotiváció #hódmezővásárhely
submitted by panitavers to panitavers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:14 Jcb112 Humans Don't Hibernate [Part 95/?]

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Patreon Official Subreddit Royal Road
91 Hours After the First Round of Interloper Interrogations. UNAFS Perseverance. Hangar Bay.
The stage was set, and my game face was on. It had to be, especially with what Vir had concocted over the course of his sleepless night.
The realization that AI didn’t exactly… sleep, was something I’d expected. But I’d at least thought the sleepless downtime would be used for something remotely related to downtime, something like maintenance, server repairs, or just anything at least remotely related to a decrease in productivity if only to relax.
I certainly wasn’t expecting that downtime to result in the creation of a literal sci-fi arsenal that now sat there, waiting for me just in front of the shuttle.
“A gift, Evina.” The AI spoke, gesturing to what could only be described as a small procession of bots, carts, and self-navigating cargo containers; all of which kept Eslan’s curiosities at a constant all-time high as he walked around the collection of bots, his eyes enamored by every little detail of each and every one of them.
But it was what was inside and within the containers that sat atop of those autonomous machines which was what I was really interested in. Moreover, it was a particular outfit currently sitting there on top of a felinor mannequin that really drew most of my attention.
Though the term outfit would definitely be underselling it. As what was being offered to me now was something that could no longer be found anywhere else on the continent, save for the odd military bunker and of course, the books and iterative memories belonging to that of the pre-war world.
To put it simply, it resembled advanced police armor, or maybe even military. Though its sleek design, metal pieces, and thinner silhouette put me in mind more of the former than the latter.
More to the point, it seemed to be capable of being fitted atop of my regular gear, instead of requiring me to swap it out entirely; consisting of three distinct pieces that resembled a pair of pants, a jacket, and a helmet.
I took a moment to stare at it intently, analyzing every last detail of it, from its space-age aesthetics of shiny plastics to matte metal chrome, to its soft interior that seemed to be gel-lined with some weird jelly-like fluid.
Moreover, I seized the moment to tease Eslan, as I turned towards him, then Vir, in rapid succession. “I’m assuming the gift isn’t for Eslan, right?” I snickered, prompting the smaller felinor to pout in a fit of resentful jealousy.
“I can arrange one for him if you’d like.” The AI responded casually, as if hinting at the fact that this wasn’t a one-off project, that this wasn’t just something pulled from storage and simply tailored down to my size.
“Let me guess, you have an entire factory deep within the ship somewhere?” I asked, half sarcastic, and half serious, knowing full well the answer could go either way given the track record of everything else on the ship I’d seen so far.
“Right on the money there, Evina.” Vir responded with an electronic chirp, prompting me to re-evaluate both the ship’s unfathomable capabilities, and the two dorks that were in charge of it all.
Nevertheless, it would seem as if Eslan was excited by the prospect, as he began pulling the armor pieces off of the mannequin, examining the finer details before handing them off for me to wear.
“I’m assuming the gel-like internal padding is a sort of passive heat regulator?” The felinor asked.
“Yes, but more than that, it acts as a layer of thermal insulation against energy-based attacks that manage to penetrate the ceramo-reflective plating lining the outside of the armor. This version’s passive since I don’t think you’ll be encountering anything like that on the surface but…” The AI shrugged ominously. “It’s lightweight, comfy, and there’s also ballistic-weave and kinetic-resistant properties embedded in the fabric. Along with some kinetic resistance that’ll help stop projectiles in their tracks if they penetrate the outer layers and somehow manage to make it through to the gel. Think non-newtonian fluid.” The AI’s platform shrugged. “Anyways, I thought it’d be a good, light-weight, adaptable, no-frills all rounder you could keep even after the mission’s end.” The AI explained, prompting me to more or less double-down on my re-evaluation of its seemingly conflicting personality matrix.
Vir was… complicated. In a good way. Seemingly practical, level-headed, tactical, and terrifyingly efficient on one hand, but also very much personable, surprisingly relatable, and most reassuring of all… self-reflective to the point of empathy and benevolence.
My first iteration was practically working overdrive trying to make heads or tails of him.
But my current mind was simply occupied with getting the armor on, which was more or less straightforward.
It was, surprisingly, lightweight. Like wearing a trimmed-down flak jacket that hugged and tightened to your form. The pants were the same story, which only left the helmet that I was hesitant to try on given its roundish shape and tight squeeze.
I examined it, looking inside as I noticed two little indents marking the recesses where my ears could actually comfortably fit.
“I’ve taken the liberty of creating a few modifications to the human baseline design in order to accommodate for your alien anatomy. I learned this the hard way when Lysara first donned a human helmet. It was… not fun, to say the very least.” The AI managed out with a nervous chuckle.
The idea of Lysara’s frills being squished inside a round helmet with no room for that sensitive looking extension of his head sent shivers up my spine. But then again, this made me even more curious as to just what these humans looked like if they lacked frills, ears, or anything else adorning their heads.
“I’m guessing the human-baseline must be really boring then.” I managed out unexpectedly, garnering a cock of the AI’s head. “You know what I mean right? What with having just a round space to shove their heads into. No frills, ears, or anything.”
“Ah, well, I can definitely see where you’re coming from with that.” Vir chuckled in response. “But honestly their appearance is not a big secret or anything. I can just pull up a-”
“Ah! Good morning, Evina!” Lysara announced brightly, cutting Vir off mid sentence as he jumped down from the shuttle and back onto the hangar bay proper. “I’ve been doing some final checks just to make sure we’re ready to go. Sorry I didn’t come out to greet you earlier.” The alien paused just before reaching me however, as he looked me up and down, then smiled. “I see Vir has been up to his usual work.”
“Seems so.” I shrugged. “In any case, I’m feeling more ready than I was just a few minutes ago, which I didn’t think was even possible, so thanks, Vir.” I gave Vir another nod of appreciation, before turning back to Lysara. “We're good to go, then?”
“As ready as ever.” Lysara responded promptly, surprising me with his register slowly shifting more towards something normal, rather than being entirely pulled from a university thesaurus.
Maybe I was starting to rub off of whatever translation software he was using.
“In any case, I don’t think I’ll be using your toys for the time being, Vir.” I gestured towards the rows upon rows of black and chrome weapons alike. Most of them resembled somewhat traditional looking firearms, whilst others were more or less pulled from the pages of science fiction, what with their tapered ‘muzzles’, and raygun-looking grips. “And it’s that I don’t trust that they could do some damage. It’s just a safer bet if I went with what I know. It’s better to use a gun you’ve trained and lived with, than a new one you’ve just messed around with the night prior.” I smiled, more or less alluding to the small escapade the AI and I went on for a short hour after the dinner. “Though I do thank you kindly for the ammo for my revolver, I’d say it’ll be helpful but… I’d rather not say anything at all until we get to our destination.”
The AI responded with a simple sharp dip of his head. “Chemically-derived combustion sluggers are always a solid choice. I wish you all the best, and I hope you don’t end up having to use that gun. I’ll make sure my boys take good care of you and Lysara.”
With a final exchange of nods, Lysara and I strode off and into the shuttle.
But just as we reached the precipice, I turned back, if only to give Eslan a reassuring hug. “I’ll be back sooner than you expect. So don’t get bored now.” I offered, prompting the smaller felinor to grin widely.
“Oh don’t you worry about getting bored.” He gestured to the space around him. “I probably won’t even be done with this room by the time you’re back.”
“Just make sure to save some mysteries for me. Oh, and Vir?” I turned to Vir for a moment, garnering a small cock of his head.
“Yes, Evina?”
“Do make sure that you tire him out some with your explanations. I’d rather come back to a quiet bedroom to pass out in, rather than one with an excitable Eslan ready to chew my ear out with his latest discoveries on the ship’s deep lore.” I jokingly ordered, prompting Eslan to give me his signature side-eye.
Following a dumb smile of my own signaling our temporary goodbyes, I soon found myself back within the bowels of the shuttle. Except this time, the backramp cargo bay seemed to be chock-full of those heavy-duty combat bots I caught glimpses of back in the forests.
In fact, every corner of the shuttle’s cargo bay seemed to be crammed to the brim with one or another form of combat drone. From flying drones, to clusters of those smaller insect-drones, to what looked to be oversized spiders ready to drop from the ceiling at a moment’s notice.
The whole space seemed to be decked out for combat.
Which gave me a lot of confidence about the outcome of this mission.
Lysara and I didn’t say much as we both made our way towards the cockpit, strapped into our respective seats, and began the nausea-inducing flight out of the ship’s hangar bay, and down towards the planet.
A whole minute passed in absolute silence as I tried to steady myself for what was to come.
“So, let’s go over a few of the key details for this mission.” Lysara suddenly broke the silence, bringing up a top-down map of the forests, with the facility in question highlighted in orange. “We’re going to be landing in a clearing made by Vir.” The map shifted, highlighting a very conspicuous open clearing of trees and a charred forest floor that made it very clear something big had happened here very recently.
If I’d seen that place from the ground? I’d have probably cited that aliens did it.
Which, ironically, would’ve been more on the money than I could’ve ever thought possible.
“From there, we march through the open clearing made by Vir, with drones taking point, up and towards the facility.” The map shifted once more, highlighting yet another clearing that more or less formed a clean path towards the entrance of the bunker. “From there, I assume you know your role?”
“Yup, if my prior iterations come through on this one, I’ll open the facility door, and from there… We head inside, and see what’s what.” I responded.
“The drones will make the first move, we’ll have two squads proceed inside and ascertain if it’s safe to enter. After confirming that all hazards are within a tolerable margin of safety, we’ll proceed.”
“Understood.” I acknowledged with a heavy sigh, my eyes trained on the continent that now took up most of our cockpit view.
“Whatever happens, I know for a fact we’ll be safe as long as we play it safe.” Lysara tried filling the silence with his own brand of reassurance.
“I know. But it’s not so much the physical dangers I’m worried about.” I managed out, before pausing, as my eyes once more strayed towards the top-down view of the mission map. “It’s what we’re going to find inside the facility that worries me.”
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(Author’s Note: Evina gets a cool new outfit for her mission, Eslan is promised an entire day of having his sci fi interests satiated, and we're now on our way with Lysara down towards the signal station! The next chapter is already out on Patreon as well if you want to check it out!)
[If you guys want to help support me and these stories, here's my ko-fi ! And my Patreon for early chapter releases (Chapter 96 of this story is already out on there!)]
submitted by Jcb112 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:13 cybermancer Help with Zato combo

I'm trying to land the Summon > Frog (NE) > 2S > Frog > 2H portion of the combo (39 sec), but I can't get the 2H to connect. I'm dashing in after the unsummon earlier in the combo. Are there any tips/tricks to landing this? Thanks!
submitted by cybermancer to ggst [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:01 Freeman_Alex [WTS] ⚜️⚜️⚜️Freeman Shipyard Store vol.4⚜️⚜️⚜️ OC LTI Pulse/LX +Dominion Paint $25 ⚜️Prowler to Hull D CCU $45 ⚜️Hull D to Orion CCU $50 ⚜️CHEAP WARBOND CCU ⚜️QuickSALE ⚜️Open24/7 ⚜️Good Prices&Trade History ⚜️Original LTI Concepts ⚜️Subscribers Exclusive Items ⚜️Rare Paints ⚜️JUST WRITE ME

⚜️ Freeman Old Star Shipyard of Tortuga ⚜️


CCU - FROM -> TO Save $ Warbond Bonus Price
Razor Retaliator Base - - $7
Prowler 600i BIS 2953 🔥 +paint & poster $40
Hull D Orion $50 120m $50
Prowler Hull D $65 - $45
Razor SRV $15 - $5

⚜️ ➤ If you want to buy something, SEND PM me or send me DM to AlexFreeman#8529 in Discord. ⚜️

My old store pages with trade history: vol.1, vol.2, vol.3

Tip: Use on keyboard to search for the ship you want  
⚜️ ➤ I want to buy store credits ⚜️ I am waiting for your commercial offers  


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PERSEUS - A VIP exclusive, the Thundercloud Paint $33🔥
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Talon - Paint Pack $30
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Zeus Mk II - Solstice Paint $12


Set Includes Price
Takuetsu Replica Figurines 6 exhibits $35
Kastak Arms Custodian SMG CitizenCon 2947 Edition 1 item $30
Atzkav "DEADEYE" Sniper rifle 1 item $10
Yubarev "DEADEYE" Pistol 1 item $10
WowBlast "Blue" Desperado Toy Pistol 1 item $8
WowBlast "Orange" Desperado Toy Pistol 1 item $8
WowBlast "Red" Desperado Toy Pistol 1 item $8
WowBlast "Teal" Desperado Toy Pistol 1 item $8
Overlord Helmets DOUBLE TROUBLE 2 items $7
Overlord Helmets FORCES OF NATURE 2 items $7
Overlord Helmets SILENT STRIKE 2 items $7
Overlord "Dust Storm" Armor Set 3 items $9
Overlord "Predator" Armor Set 3 items $9
Overlord "Riptide" Armor Set 3 items $9
Overlord "Stinger" Armor Set 3 items $9
Overlord "Supernova" Armor Set 3 items $9
Overlord "Switchback" Armor Set 3 items $9
Caudillo Helmets Pack 1 2 items $8
Caudillo Helmets Pack 2 2 items $8
Caudillo Helmets Pack 3 2 items $8
NIGHTFIRE - Paladin Helmet 1 item $6
SINGULARITY - Paladin Helmet 1 item $6
ICEBORN - Paladin Helmet 1 item $6
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet 1 item $8
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet – ORANGE 1 item $8
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet – LIME 1 item $8
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet – BLUEBERRY 1 item $8
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet – GRAPE 1 item $8
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet – GUAVA 1 item $8
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Sinister SIX-PACK 6 items $26
Giocoso Helmet - Azure 1 item $7
Giocoso Helmet - Ivory 1 item $7
Giocoso Helmet - Obsidian 1 item $7
Giocoso Helmet - Triple Pack 1 item $15
Sawtooth "Sirocco" Combat Knife 1 item $5
Sawtooth "Squall" Combat Knife 1 item $5
Sawtooth "Bloodstone" Combat Knife 1 item $5
Pyro RYT "Ghost" Multi-Tool 1 item $6
Pyro RYT "Mirage" Multi-Tool 1 item $6
Pyro RYT "Bloodline" Multi-Tool 1 item $6
GP-33 Mod "ASHFALL" Grenade Launcher 1 item $9
GP-33 Mod "COPPERHEAD" Grenade Launcher 1 item $9
GP-33 Mod "THUNDERCLAP" Grenade Launcher 1 item $9
Aves Armor & Helmet Set 4 items $16
Aves Talon Shrike Armor and Helmet Set 4 items $16
Aves Talon Armor and Helmet Set 4 items $16
Neoni "Jami" Helmet 1 item $7
Neoni "Onna" Helmet 1 item $7
Neoni "Tengubi" Helmet 1 item $7
Star Kitten Set 4 items $14
Star Kittyen "SALLY" Set 4 items $14
Star Kittyen "DAMON" Set 4 items $14
Pembroke RSI Sunburst Exploration Armor 3 items $15
Pembroke RSI Ivory Exploration Armor 3 items $15
Pembroke RSI Graphite Exploration Armor 3 items $15
Morozov Aftershock Armor 5 items $15
Morozov Terracotta Armor 5 items $15
Morozov Thule Armor 5 items $15
Sakura Fun Green ORC-mkX Armor Bobblehead 1 item $7
Sakura Fun Blue ORC-mkX Armor Bobblehead 1 item $7
Sakura Fun White ORC-mkX Armor Bobblehead 1 item $7
Zeus Exploration Suit 3 items $15
Zeus Exploration Suit Solar 3 items $15
Zeus Exploration Suit Starscape 3 items $15
Xanthule Flight Suit 2 items $13
Xanthule Sehya Flight Suit 2 items $13
Xanthule Tahn Flight Suit 2 items $13
CSP-68L Backpack Night Camo 1 item $6
CSP-68L Backpack Cayman 1 item $6
CSP-68L Backpack Forest Camo 1 item $6
CitizenCon 2951 Digital Goodies 7 items $10
CitizenCon 2951 Trophy 7 items $10

⚜️➤ SHIP UPGRADES - CROSS-CHASSIS UPGRADES (CCUs, upgrades), some upgrades can be chain in few steps CCU's:

SHIP TARGET SHIP < Upgrade from Price
ARROW < 100i $30
CUTLASS RED Subscriber
GLADIUS < 100i $45
PERSEUS < CARRACK Expedition W/C8X $40



submitted by Freeman_Alex to Starcitizen_trades [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:54 panitavers Így bukik el egy város, Sodoma és Gomora mintáját követve. Hódmezővásárhely társadalomkritikai elemzése a szakrális geometria tükrében.

http://panitavers.blog.hu Így bukik el egy város P.Anita • 2023. augusztus 24. (Kiegészítve 2024.05.14. )
Sodoma és Gomora történetét mindenki ismeri. Az iskolapéldája annak, hogy a versengés, a rivalizálás hogyan képes tönkretenni egy várost, az ősi mitológikus szimbolika alapján pedig két város életét. A legnagyobb baj az amikor egy város szellemiségét, közéletét, kultúráját, infrastruktúráját, beruházásait irányító értelmiség olyan folyamatok mentén aszisztál a pártoskodása mellett kiállva, ami a nérói feldarabolt, kettéosztott, versengésre épülő mintát követi. Néró szelleme sohasem halt meg, mindig velünk lesz és képes a Német-római Birodalom leuralásmintázatát közvetíteni. A szomorú ebben pusztán az, hogy mindkét oldal aszisztál a harcnak, a soha véget nem érő ütközet pedig a pusztulásba vezet.
  1. Ábra.
Ha a következő csillag ábra egyes elemeit külön-külön megvizsgáljuk, akkor a város alap felépíteseihez tartozó háromszögben ábrázolható versenyszellembe ágyazott projektek közül tisztán látszik, mi az ami megvalósult elem az egyik oldalon és a másik, ellenlábas oldalon. Már nem olyan sok megvalósulatlan elem van amihez még idő szükségeltetik. A verseny a háromszög forma erő-ellenerő virtuális erőszak hármasában csúcsosodik ki. Tehát amikor ez egyik díjátadóra meghívott díszvendég tűsarkú cipőben rolleren érkezik a díjátadó ünnepségre az nem csak külső megnyilvánulási formájában jelzésértékű, hanem a tudat alatt közvetített szellemiségében. Ez az az utolsó project, ami még nem valósult meg az ellenlábas oldallal szemben. A másik oldal városi játszóházát ért támadások sem véletlenek az egyház illetve a kormányhoz közel álló, vagy annak háttérben aszisztáló tisztségviselők részéről, mint felkészült hűbérúr végzi a dolgát a nérói alapminta szakrális háromszög erőszakszervezetben. A csata folyamatos, az ütközések állandóak, a verbális agresszió végeláthatatlan adok-kapok halmaza. Ez pedig az önkormányzati választások miatt tovább erősödik. Az unió pénzes csapjainak az elvágása miatt az újboli bársonyszékre vágyó uralkodó a tudásközpont megvalósítására semmilyen esély nem lát. Így marad egy látványos beruházási terv, egy korábbi választási szlogen ami jól jön a versenyben. Ez az állandó, sorozatos adok-kapok rendszer pedig a várost a pusztulásba kergeti függetlenül attól ki lesz a képletesen kikiáltott nyertes. Azaz a hatalom kit enged a haszonelvűség mintájára beülni a városi vezetői posztra. Ne legyenek illúzióink az ikszelgetős játékban csak az nyerhet, akiből így vagy úgy de profitálhatnak. A "hasznos idióta" vaksága okán megvezethető, később "hasznos áruló és áldozat" lesz hiszen a vaksága miatt képtelen felismerni az őt eláruló személyek hadát. Akik tulajdonképpen azért vannak mellette, hogy lépten - nyomon gáncsolják. A következő "hasznos idióta" a székben pedig azért lehet hasznos a rendszer számára, mert a kormányzati utasításokat követve elvhűen szolgálja a rendszert, tehát nem akar változást. Jó, számára elfogadható a besimulás, nem zavarja a leuralás, az elbitorlás, a korrupció. A társadalom szempontjából pedig teljesen mellékes ki ül be abba a bizonyos székbe, mert a versengés tovább folytatódik a soron következő országos parlamenti választásokig.
  1. Ábra
Az önkormányzati választás utolsó pár hetes hajrája megmutatta az akadályoztatás kormányzati mibenlétét. A hátszél mindig onnan fúj, ahonnan legártalmasabb: belülről a belberkekből, illetve ha már elindult egy projekt a kivtelezőnél. Mivel a többi projekt megvalósuását már nem tudták tovább korlátozni, így a kiemelt fő célpont, az eredetelieg tervezett tudásközpont területén végrehajtandó felújítás eset latba. Hogy-hogy nem a két beruházás pont egy területre esett. Ennek az energetikai megvalósulás mentén történő összekötése adja az akadályoztatás fő vezérvonalát. Tehát ha egy terv és annak területi hatálya a kollektív térben egy és ugyanaz, azt ráerősítéssel lehet összekötni és mint negatív, hiányosság dominancia elvére ráültetve lehet tálalni a választópolgárnak! Tessék! Még erre sem volt képes a városvezetés, az alkalmatlanságot napi szintű lejárató és dehonesztáló cikkekkel megspékelve pedig borítékolható a szellemi vakságon tengődő, örökké zúgolódó, köpködő megmérgezett lokálpatrióta levegőjű város választási végkimenetele. Az előre lepacsizott választási számokkal pedig alá fogják támasztani: tessék megmontuk hogy ebből bukás lesz a végén!
  1. Ábra
Ha a következő ötágú csillag mintát kielemezzük a csillag mint egyéni, családi, társadalmi, nemzeti és univerzális értékeket, mintázatokat hordoz. Ezt az ősi mintát használták elődeink a szellemiség felvirágoztatására, az energia, erőtér befolyásolására. Ha a csillag a talpán azaz szilárdan áll (A sumér alapzat = magyar rovás támaszték) akkor a fejlődés a jobbra forgó felépítő mintát követi. Ha ezt az erőteret a csillag középpontját összekötő öt csúcsból indított vonallal feldaraboljuk, azaz a pártoskodás mentén kettéosztjuk a kört, mint várost mintázó erőteret balra indítjuk el a forgásban, akkor a leépítő, pusztító, romboló energiák kerülnek felül a szellemiségben, a kultúrában, a beruházásokban, a tömegtájékoztatásban, az elismerésben. Ez a forgatónyomaték elvén képes a város erőterét befolyásolni a harciasságot, küzdelmet pedig az egekbe emelni.
A kollektív tér dinamikája, erőtere a magas szintű szellemi tudás révén kívülről befolyásolható, vezényelhető, irányítható. A kérdés csupán az ki volt az a szellemlovas, aki ezt az erőteret beindította? Kinek állt az érdekében? Milyen haszonszerzés vezérelte, amikor ezt a képletet megalkotta? Megsúgom nem a politikában, a gazdasági szektorban kell keresgélni. Ez a személy a művészetben utazik, aki szülővárosából elszámazva szellemileg nyomorította meg egykori élőhelyét Néró szellemisége által: versengés a gladiátori ketrecharc küzdelme révén illetve a megosztás által. Ez a beteg szellem, mostani megtestülésében sem képes túllépni a Német-római Birodalom bukásán, ami az elhibázott ideológia miatt történt. A mostani életében sem kapta meg azt a művészi elismerést, ami szerinte kijárt volna neki. Ezért inkább Sodoma-Gomora megvalósult kárhozatra ítélteti a városát.
Ennek a borzasztó, lealacsonyító, pusztító, valóságos szellemi fertőnek a jelenlétét érzékeltem Debrecenből, a virágvárosból való hazaérkezésem után is. A kontraszt egybetűnő és ijesztő. Nem pártpolitikai elvek mentén való torzsalkodás az előrevivő, hanem az életidegen, életellenes ideológia elnémítása a politikai játszótérről, a kultúrából, a gazdasági életből a teljes magyarországi viszonylatra nézve is. Ennek hiányában a teljes nemzet Sodoma és Gomora módján semmisül meg. Néró szelleme pedig elérte a célját: pusztít, öl és nyomorba dönt.
Feljegyezte: P. Anita (TAÉ)
Forrás: Thot - Ki kicsoda? Aekchnaten fáraó - Mi micsoda? Belaver - A romanoidok kultúrája, Meritaton - A versengés háttere, Voltaire - Versenyszellem, Rousseau - Miért jó a verseny? tudati lehívások.
Ajánlás: Tedd eléhetővé a szellemed és intézd úgy a lelki életed, hogy a fizikai síkon elszenvedett kár ne okozhasson abban további károkat. Különben a saját lelked, szellemed fogja a legnagyobb belső puszítítást elvégezni rajtad. (Kossuth Lajos - A pusztítás mibenléte tudati lehívás)
A bejegyzés saját szellemi tulajdon. Annak másolása, hivatalos közlése nem engedélyezett. A bejegyzésbe utólagosan beleírt hibákért, átiratokért nem áll módomban felelősséget vállalni.
Címkék: #politika #versengés #bukás #társadalomkritika #önkormányzativálasztás #Hódmezővásárhely #szakrálisgeometria #Néró #SodomaésGomora #ötágúcsillag
submitted by panitavers to panitavers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:41 CommonFloorContra June 9th Contra Dance

You're invited to another Common Floor Contra Dance in Portland, Maine.
Caller: George Marshall
Band: Calico
When: Sunday, June 9th, 2024
Where: Temple Beth El (400 Deering Ave, Portland, ME)
Price: $15 Suggested Donation (at the door, cash or Venmo)
All ages and experience levels are welcome. Dress comfortably, bring clean shoes to dance in, and a water bottle. You don't need to bring a dance partner. Please don’t wear heavy fragrances. Parking is abundant and free. This is a substance-free event. Masks optional.
Join our facebook group to hear about upcoming events and RSVP to this event. More info at www.CommonFloorContra.Dance

What is Contra Dancing?

Contra dancing is a traditional folk dance with English, Scottish, and French origins. There’s always a live band. These events are extremely accessible for newcomers and a great place to find community.
submitted by CommonFloorContra to portlandme [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:15 NemoXL Windows licence in inšpekcija

Zanima me kako je z podjetji glede Windows licenc. Ali inšpekcija preverja Windowse oz. na kakše način jih preverjajo.
Zakaj ne kupit Windows key za 1e iz allkeyshop in bi imel veljavno licenco z računom? oz. da bi uporabil https://massgrave.dev/, ki je že leta na Githubu katerega lastnik je Microsoft.
Kakšne so vaše izkušnje s tem?
submitted by NemoXL to Slovenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:08 Constant_Strategy770 Ai-je le droit d'écrire et de publier sur Reddit des scénario de JDR, partageant des règles de jeux ?

Bonjour la légal team de Reedit !
Sur un jdr je suis en train d'organiser avec la communauté, un calendrier de l'avent pour Noël 2024 : 24 scénario, de 24 jeux de rôle différents sur le thème de l'hiver. Les détails ici : https://www.reddit.com/jdcomments/1cqtphobjectif_r%C3%A9diger_un_calendrier_de_lavent_du/
Pour ceux qui n'y connaissent rien en Jeux de rôle, je m'explique. Un Jeu de rôle fonctionne avec un système de règle (décidant quels dés utilisés, dans quelles circonstances et comment considérer qu'une action est une réussite ou un échec) et un univers (descriptions du monde et de l'histoire de l'univers servant de contexte à une histoire). Cette histoire est raconté par un Maître de jeu qui écrit un scénario en amont et explique les règles du jeu aux joueurs durant la partie.
Problème, j'aimerai que ces scénario soient utilisables directement par des Maitres du jeu sans avoir a acheté les livres de règles (cela leur permettrai de découvrir un nouvel univers et de l'utiliser directement). Pour ça il faut vulgariser, un peu de système de règle du jeu et proposer des personnages débutants (avec un description de leur différentes capacités au niveau 1). Est-ce que cela pourrait être considéré comme une violation de la propriété intellectuelle des éditeurs ou des créateurs du jeu ? Ou est-ce que cela est permit par la liberté d'expression ? (d'autant plus que cela ne proposerait qu'une partie du système de règles et une interprétation d'un univers existant).
submitted by Constant_Strategy770 to droit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:03 panda_venom (PSP) K-On! Houkago Live!! HD Ver. (English) HD textures

Completed: - UI, fonts, background, and character textures.
Missing: - Some cutscene texts
Known issues: - Some garbage text (translation issue?)
Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/32jvr4vsmsbb02NPJB40002_KON.7z/file
Credits: PandaVenom
If you want to support me, please buy me a coffe! https://ko-fi.com/pandavenom Programs used: ChaiNNer, Waifu-caffe, GIMP, XnConvert Upscale models: 4xHDCube4plus, Lollypop, AnimeSharp, PixelPerfectV4
submitted by panda_venom to GameUpscale [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:37 OneChrisHanson KEY CLIPS - CONSUME 100 + ENTREPRENEUR INTERVIEWS in 15 MINUTES

Guys - I've spent the past 5 months interviewing close to 100 Entrepreneurs.
If you're like me, you might not have the time to listen to a 30 minute podcast. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-one-podcast/id1728312762
BUT - you love those short reels that distill knowledge out for you:
Overcoming Adversity
Escaping the Corporate World
EXITS & $$$
Importance of Testimonials https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hR8frw5oej8
Product-Market Fit & Pricing
ROMANCE https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ybEPm5oqEeo
submitted by OneChrisHanson to theonenetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:26 Sweet-Count2557 Jass Kitchen Miami Restaurant in Miami,FL,United States

Jass Kitchen Miami Restaurant in Miami,FL,United States
Jass Kitchen Miami Restaurant in Miami,FL,United States
Jass Kitchen Miami: A Culinary Delight in the Heart of Miami, FL, United States
Price Level:
Jass Kitchen Miami: A Culinary Delight in the Heart of MiamiWelcome to Jass Kitchen Miami, a hidden gem nestled in the vibrant city of Miami. As a travel blogger, I have had the pleasure of exploring various restaurants around the world, and Jass Kitchen Miami truly stands out. This restaurant offers a unique dining experience that combines exquisite flavors, impeccable service, and a cozy ambiance.At Jass Kitchen Miami, you can indulge in a wide array of mouthwatering dishes that cater to all taste buds. From delectable seafood delicacies to succulent steaks, their menu is a culinary delight. Each dish is carefully crafted using fresh, locally sourced ingredients, ensuring a burst of flavors with every bite.Not only does Jass Kitchen Miami excel in its culinary offerings, but it also boasts a warm and inviting atmosphere. The restaurant's stylish decor and comfortable seating create the perfect setting for a memorable dining experience. Whether you're looking for a romantic dinner for two or a gathering with friends, Jass Kitchen Miami is the ideal choice.As a travel blogger, I highly recommend visiting Jass Kitchen Miami during your stay in Miami. The combination of exceptional food, welcoming ambiance, and attentive service will leave you with a lasting impression. Don't miss out on this culinary gem in the heart of Miami.
Cuisines of Jass Kitchen Miami in Miami,FL,United States
If you're a fan of Mediterranean, Turkish, or Greek cuisine, then Jass Kitchen in Miami is the place for you. This restaurant offers a delightful array of dishes that will transport your taste buds to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. From savory kebabs and falafel to fresh salads and hummus, Jass Kitchen has something to satisfy every craving. Whether you're in the mood for a hearty gyro or a light and refreshing Greek salad, the flavors and aromas of these cuisines will leave you wanting more. So, if you're looking to embark on a culinary journey through the Mediterranean, Turkish, and Greek flavors, make sure to visit Jass Kitchen in Miami.
Features of Jass Kitchen Miami in Miami,FL,United States
Item 1Item 2Item 3
Menu of Jass Kitchen Miami in Miami,FL,United States
Location of Jass Kitchen Miami in Miami,FL,United States
Contact of Jass Kitchen Miami in Miami,FL,United States
+1 305-927-4325
190 NE 46th St, Miami, FL 33137-3424
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]
