40 year high school reunion speeches

A place to discuss Serial: The Podcast

2014.10.05 23:51 hotmachine1234 A place to discuss Serial: The Podcast

Serial began in 2014 as a spinoff of This American Life. Each season explored a nonfictional story in weekly installments. In 2020 Serial joined the New York Times Company. serialpodcast is an unofficial discussion forum for all seasons of Serial but heavily focused on Season 1.

2013.04.04 06:03 scottyr16 Lyon Books, CA - Your independent Bookstore

Lyon Books is an Independent Bookstore in the heart of downtown Chico, CA (135 main street). Open since 2003, we support local craft artists and authors, as well as stocking new and used books ranging from $1 upward!

2024.05.16 14:36 rishianand Economic Inequality In India: A Discussion with Professor Arun Kumar May 19, 2024, 6:30 PM

IndianSocialists is organizing a series of weekly video conferences by prominent activists and intellectuals of India. The objective of these lectures is to develop a socialist understanding in the Indian context and build an ideological resistance against fascism.
The first conference was held on the issue of “Violence against Women in India”. It was addressed by Professor Roop Rekha Verma. Watch the lecture here. Violence Against Women In India A Discussion with Professor Roop Rekha Verma - YouTube
The second conference will be held on the issue of “Economic Inequality in India” on May 19, 2024 at 6:30 PM. It will be addressed by Prof Arun Kumar. The conference will be held on Zoom. PM me for an invitation. You can ask your questions here too. The recorded video will be shared after the conference.
Economic inequality in India has reached a historic high. A recent report by the World Inequality Database has revealed that the wealth inequality in India has become worse than the British Raj. The top 1% of the population owns over 40% of the nation's wealth, while the bottom 50% owns less than 7%. Over the last ten years, the number of billionaires in India has more than tripled, while their wealth as a proportion of national income has increased by 2.5 times. The bulk of this increase came when the nation was reeling under the COVID-pandemic and the economic downturn. India is one of the most unequal countries in the world. WiD report has termed the prevailing situation in India as “Billionaire Raj”.
In 2019, the Modi Government slashed the corporation taxes from 30% to 22%. The share of corporate taxes as a percentage of GDP has declined, while the share of indirect taxes, including GST and fuel taxes, has increased. With a regressive taxation policy, the Government has shifted the burden of taxes from the rich to the poor.
Yet, this economic boom for the rich has failed to “trickle-down” to the masses. The Billionaire Raj has been marked by growing joblessness and exploitation of the working classes.
At the same time, the household savings have fallen to a five-decade low, while household debt has reached its highest level. Hunger and malnutrition has pushed the country to 111th place out of 125 countries in the Global Hunger Index, with three-quarters of the population unable to afford a balanced-diet.
The Billionaire Raj and the rising economic inequality in India has led to a concentration of power in the hands of a few, and now threatens the democracy itself. It is also a betrayal of the promise of economic justice enshrined in the Preamble of the Constitution of India.
Meanwhile, the ruling party has tried to paint the demand for economic justice in communal colours. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP President JP Nadda have tried to mislead the public by terming the demand for economic equality and wealth and inheritance tax on the rich as Maoism.
Prof Arun Kumar retired as the Sukhamoy Chakravarty Chair Professor in the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University. He is the author of “Indian Economy Since Independence: Persisting Colonial Disruption”, “Indian Economy's Greatest Crisis: Impact of Coronavirus and the Road Ahead”, “Ground Scorching Tax”. He prepared the report of People's Commission on Employment and Unemployment, titled “Right to Work: Feasible and Indispensable for India to be a truly Civilized and Democratic Nation”.
Also read,
Is Redistribution of Wealth in India a 'Jumla' or a Necessity?
A taxing tale: Assessing the impact of six years of GST – The Leaflet
submitted by rishianand to IndianSocialists [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:36 thursdaynoodles I’m 29 and have lost everything

last couple years were really rough for me. I lost one of my best friends and father in the same year, I ended a 5 year relationship. It was just really difficult for me. I started drinking all of the time. I mean all of the time. Like 4 nights a week. I stopped doing life; I stopped paying bills. I moved back in with my mom, my car was repo'd, I blew my savings, I got a DUl, I gained 25 pounds. I became so depressed I just stopped caring about anything at all. About 4 months ago something in me snapped. I started to feel like I want to live, and get better. I feel like I want to change. I stopped drinking, and have been trying to pick up the pieces but it's hard for me. I still have a job, but I only work about 2 or 3 times a week. I'm currently grinding to pay the money to get my license so l can get driving again and I wanted to do that by August. I feel like there may be a bit wrong with me mentally, but I'm overwhelmed on seeking professional help. I'm so stressed because I'm older now, everyone I want to high school with has a nice life and I'm sitting in my childhood home with nothing to my name. Like i'm starting fresh again. Where do I start?
submitted by thursdaynoodles to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:35 serose04 Test

I feel like there is no guide to rebuilding Pribyslavitz that would be simple and straight to the point. That would cover everything you need to know, but only things the game itself doesn't tell you. So I decided to make one. I hope you'll find it useful. The guide is also on Steam, I would appreciate you giving it like over there as well.


This guide is the result of a deep analysis of From the Ashes DLC that I made.
It covers following topics:


Some quests that are not part of FtA DLC can affect your ability to achieve the highest income. These quests are:
Should you make all the wrong choices, it will cost you 235 gr. of daily income.
Details about these quests are described further. If you are planning on achieving maximum possible income from Pribyslavitz I strongly recommend you read this guide before doing any of the aforementioned quests.

What to build

During the reconstruction you will have to make 3 decisions as to what you want to build. These decisions are:
Bakery or Butchers
The decision between bakery and butchers is rather easy – take bakery. It makes more money for the same build cost. The drying shed is also better than smoke house, as it allows you to dry all kinds of food. Smoke house can only make smoked meat. Lastly you will need to spend more money on resources getting livestock and grain (you only need grain if you go with bakery).
Swordsmith or Armoursmith
Swordsmith will provide you with the best sword in the game – Tusk.
Armoursmith will provide you with the best shield in the game – Boarback shield.
These are the only unique items you can get from forge, everything else can be found elsewhere in the game. Which means the decision should be made according to your playstyle. Armoursmith can theoretically make you 10 gr. more than swordsmith, but this difference is so small you should neglect it.
Stables or Guardhouse
Most difficult decision. At first stables seem like a clear winner. It makes more money, allows you to choose from 3 new horses and provides some special horse tack that cannot be found anywhere else in the game.
However. I strongly advise you to consider building guardhouse instead and here’s why.
The overall income difference between stables and guardhouse in fully build Pribyslavitz is just 75 gr. Not a big deal considering the village will produce over 2300 gr. daily.
The new horses aren’t a big deal either. Each is better than Warhorse Jenda in some way, but also worse in another. And the differences are so small I doubt you would notice them.
Lastly, the exclusive horse tack consists of 6 pieces of horse head armor. It looks good, but the usefulness is questionable, as most people don’t really fight from horse.
Guardhouse on the other hand, will get you the strongest bow in the game – Sinew bow. But mainly it unlocks arena master. He will provide you with infinite number of enemies to fight against in an arena. You can choose difficulty, weapons, and armor. And yes, the selection includes polearms. It it’s like your own, custom Rattay tourney anytime you want.
If you like fighting, guardhouse is for you. The fun it provides is well worth the smaller income and extra horses/horse tack. I would only suggest you build stables if you plan on fighting from horse back. Agro is by far the best fighting horse in the game and the horse armor will come in handy.

Rebuilding Pribyslavitz the smart way

Yes, the price of fully rebuild Pribyslavitz is well over 95 000 gr. But you DON’T NEED to save up this much. In fact, you only need 23 580 gr. for initial investment, about 2500 gr. to cover the initial running costs and as a reserve and 3000 to buy stone for building. You should have 29 000 gr. ready as you go to start Lost in the Woods quest. That’s all the money you will ever need to invest out of your own pocket.
The following part details how to rebuild Pribyslavitz. Order is important, as you need to maximize profits first. You should also aim to get the village profitable as soon as possible. For this reason, try to build everything up until you have tavern as quickly as possible.
Initial buildings
Start with building Bridge and Road.
Then immediately after build Woodcutter’s camp and purchase the Beasts of Burden upgrade.
Traders and resources
This is where you start doing some “chores”. The next building you need is traders. This building will provide Pribyslavitz with resources. It is crucial to get them as cheap as possible.
The only resource you actually need to purchase is stone. Everything else will count as negative income. Stone is one time purchase, so you need to have the required 3000 gr. ready.
While you are running around getting resources, ask Kunesh (in Rattay) and Raspberry (woodcutters camp between Ledetchko and Inn in the Glade, you likely asked him about Reeky’s hideout) to come work for you as woodcutters. Also ask Kornelius to be your trader. You can only ask him after the quest Aquarius has been completed and you cannot give Kornelius a job during this quest.
You can now return to Pribyslavitz and build tavern, also buy all the upgrades. Now it’s time to get some skilled workers for your local drinking hole.
First the innkeeper. The only option here is Adam (Rattay) who’s family owned tavern in Skalitz. In order to get him, you need to finish the Besmirched quest. During this quest you need to give Adam his family cross back. After that he will come work for you as innkeeper.
Next the barmaid. Again only one option – Mirka. She lives in the mill south of Merhojed, you might remember her as a sister of Timmy. Unless you killed Timmy, she will come work for you. It’s fine if Morcock and his cronies killed Timmy, she only refuse to be barmaid if you killed him personally.
You can also invite Mathew and Fritz to be local patrons. You need to finish the quest A Rock and a Hard Place and Mathew and Fritz cannot be arrested during the following quest, Gallows Brothers. Initially they will bring negative income of -15 gr. each. But, after a judgment they will start making positive income of +10 gr. each. The sooner you bring them, the sooner the judgment can happen for them to start making money, so don’t wait too long getting them. Once the judgment appears, you must choose “Give them one more chance” option.
Your village is now making about 885 gr. daily. Wait 5 days and you should have enough money to build bakery and all its upgrades. Silvester, a skilled baker, can be hired during another judgment, so keep an eye out for it.
Guardhouse/Stables and Beehives
After building the bakery (and hiring Silvester) the village is now making 1345 gr. daily. Wait 6 days and you should have enough to build and fully upgrade guardhouse and beehives.
If you want to build and fully upgrade stables instead, you might need to wait an extra day to gain enough money.
After you build stables, go to Neuhof and hire Mark to be your groom. You will need to convince Zora to let him leave Neuhof. Successfully finishing The Sport of Kings quest will make the convincing easier, but it can be done without it.

The village is now making about 1775/1885 gr. daily and after another 6/5 days it should earn you enough to build a forge. Choose swordsmith or armoursmith based on your playstyle.
As far as the skilled workers go:
Rathaus and Church
The village is now making whopping 2620/2730 gr. daily. Rathaus will cost you 310 daily and church 300 daily.
You can build it as the money comes or wait until you make enough to upgrade everything all at once. It really doesn’t matter all that much, but if you want to rebuild Pribyslavitz as fast as possible without spending more than the initial investment of 29k gr. you should wait until you have all the money. It costs 50 300 gr. to build and fully upgrade both rathaus and church. Pribyslavitz should make this much in about 18 to 20 in game days.Rebuilding Pribyslavitz the smart way
Yes, the price of fully rebuild Pribyslavitz is well over 95 000 gr. But you DON’T NEED to save up this much. In fact, you only need 23 580 gr. for initial investment, about 2500 gr. to cover the initial running costs and as a reserve and 3000 to buy stone for building. You should have 29 000 gr. ready as you go to start Lost in the Woods quest. That’s all the money you will ever need to invest out of your own pocket.
The following part details how to rebuild Pribyslavitz. Order is important, as you need to maximize profits first. You should also aim to get the village profitable as soon as possible. For this reason, try to build everything up until you have tavern as quickly as possible.


Every once in a while, you will find an activity marker on your map located in the center of Pribyslavitz. That is a judgment – special type of activity introduced by From the Ashes DLC. You will need to decide various disputes between the citizens of Pribyslavitz.
Some of these judgments are important and can earn you more money. Some have no impact at all. Judgments can also have impact on your reputation with Pribyslavitz, but I wouldn’t worry much about that. It’s easy to keep it high even if you make unpopular decisions. Certain decisions will always result in loosing or gaining citizen(s). As the number of citizens have no effect on the village, it’s not important criterium.
Important judgments
These judgments can earn you substantial daily income or they can lower your daily income by a lot. It’s very important to make a good, or at least not terrible, decisions.
Old Crone
AnswerMoneyReputationCitizens "There'll be no witchcraft in my village!"+45-3+1 Every other option+30+?+2
AnswerMoneyReputationCitizens "Punish them."+40-3-1 "Leave them be."+3000 "Have some strong words with them."-100+1

The New Baker
Baker Troubles
AnswerMoneyReputationCitizens "We keep things as is."+50-3-2 "Bigger Loaves, but Black Bread."+3000 "Municipal Scales."+200+2 "Bigger Loaves."-400+3

Raspberry's Family
AnswerMoneyReputationCitizens "Raspberry will stay here."+500 "I'll give you a good dowry to leave."-1000+?0 "It's your own affair."-40-30
Brothers Brawl
Locator's Wage
Minor judgments
These judgments can earn you daily income or cost you daily income, but the amount of money you gain or lose is very small.
Attempted Murder
AnswerMoneyReputationCitizens "Farmer, you're a brute."+5-30 "Nothing happened. It's your own affair."000 "Woman, you're banished for trying to poison your husband."-10-3-1

The Stream
AnswerMoneyReputationCitizens "100 feet." +5+20 "Let them answer the call of nature where they like."+0-3-2 "Insist on 150 feet downstream." -50+1

Guards Needed
AnswerMoneyReputationCitizens "I've no people to spare."0-3-2 "A few woodcutters."-1000 "A few labourers."-1000 "Woodcutters and labourers." -20+?0
Other judgments
All other judgments are either irrelevant, meaning they don’t cost you any money or only one time payment.
There is one judgment which happens when you build butchers instead of bakery.
As the butcher is overall worse option than bakery, you should never see this judgment

Village income breakdown

Tables below show the village income breakdown for Prybislavitz with bakery and guardhouse and Prybislavitz with bakery and stables.
The breakdown is more detailed than the one you find in ledger. For this reason, some numbers are different, but the overall total is the same.
Daily income of 2390 gr. is actually the highest Prybislavitz can earn after fully rebuilding it. Theoretical max income is 2830 gr. This is after building and upgrading everything except for rathaus and church and deciding every judgment to maximize profit.
submitted by serose04 to CzechArt [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:33 Illustrious-Front-75 I want to build a transformers car with electronic components but i don't know how to start.

I am a beginner in robotics and i'm very passionate about it. My school does a yearly showcase of different electronics projects made by students and the best ones get presented in various exhibitions in the city and even abroad. Me and my group have decided one of our projects to be a transformers car but neither of us has a good idea on how to start. We have about a year of time to do these projects so it shouldn't be a problem. If anyone could give me any tips I would highly appreciate it.
submitted by Illustrious-Front-75 to AskRobotics [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:31 Hagisthisaccount ABYG dahil sumagot ako sa tanong saken?

Actually, dalawang beses na to nangyare na hindi ko alam kung ABYG sa mga ginawa ko.
So for context, I'm a HS teacher for 6 years but as being adviser, newbie pa ako kase 2nd time ko palang to.
So nung second quarter, syempre kaming mga advisers ay mag-aantay ng grades from subject teachers na humahawak sa section namin. Common problem yung bukas pa ang deadline so bukas nalang bibigay ng grades 😅 Pero naiintindihan ko naman yun kung late sila magbigay. Di big deal saken yun. Yung iba naman, sinesend nlng yung softcopy sa aamin.
Pauwi na ako ng tinanong ako ng department head ko kung kumpleto na ba yung grades na need ko.
I casually reply "Umm isa nalang po yata yung english po.." thinking na nangangamusta lang sya.
"Teka.. bakit di pag bibigay, eh nagpa-sign na yun ah??" Medyo high-pitch na yung boses nya dito.
"Ay mam.. baka nagsend po sya ng softcopy sa aken sa messenger, check ko nalng naiwan ko po kasi yung cellphone ko sa bahay" as I tried to save Mam English (yan nlng ipangalan natin hah). Pero legit na naiwan ko naman talaga.
"Bakit softcopy? Mali yan! Dapat yung hardcopy! Hindi nyo na yan dapat tinatanggap!"
"Dba mam dati pwede naman??" Nagsesend din kasi ako last year ng softcopy 😅
"Baket? Pandemic pa ba ngayon? Pano nyo makikita kung pinirmahan na yan ng dept head nila?"
"Ah ganun pala mam.. ok mam wait ko nalang po Si Mam English, baka bukas po abot po nya.."
So umuwi na ako ng peacefully. Medyo improper talaga yung softcopy, pero tinatanggap ko parin saka sa true lang, mas convenient yun para saaming lahat. Kase, mas tipid saka ang laki ng school namin minsan naghahanapan kami para lang mag-abutan ng grades 😅
Di ko alam na kinausap pala ng head ko si Mam English after namin magkita. And napahiya sya sa heads office! (Office ng department head ng bawat subject ) Inabot ni Mam English yung hard copy ng grades nya para proof na meron na syang grades. May ugali kasi yung head ko na magagalitin. May anger issues kasi yun eh. Tapos nagtaray yung head ko sa Dept head ni Mam English! Kasi daw, bakit daw nya pinirmahan yung grades na yun eh incomplete yung details. Ang binigay lng pala kasi ni Mam English, summary lang ng grades. Kumbaga, listahan ng mga students ko then grades. It's supposed to be a grading sheet na nakalagay yung complete details kung pano nagcome up sa ganung grade yung bata. Maraming gumagawa ng ganun kaya ngayon ko lng nalaman na mali pala yun. Never kasi ako nagpasa ng ganun. Edi pinagalitan kami ng head ko kung gawin ko yun dba?
Since naging adviser ako, ang importante lang saken talaga sa grading sheet is yung GRADES. Kasi yun yung isusulat ko sa card. Trabaho na ng subject teacher iexplain kung pano nakuha yung ganung grade kaya kahit summary lng ibigay saken, wala akong pake. Turns out... mali pala yung ginagawa ng iba.
So pag-uwi ko, chineck ko agad mga unread messages.
Nagchat nga si Mam English ng maaga para magsend ng softcopy at tinatanong nya kung asan ako para maiabot daw nya yung hard copy.
Nagsorry agad ako. Kasi nga di ko naman dala cellphone ko nun. Di ko alam na bago ko makausap yung Dept head ko, meron na talaga syang sinend saken.
Nagreply naman sya sabi nya "ok po mam, naireport mo na pala ako.. kainausap na po ako ni Mam (head ko), sa Monday ko po abot nalang abot yung hard copy.. paki message nalang po sya na ok na tayo"
Nagreply ako ng pasensya na kasi mino-monitor ng head ko yung mga grades.. pero binanggit ko naman na wala akong cp kaya baka softcopy muna binigay nya kasi di naman kami nagkita.
Naintindihan naman nya raw.
Actually, di ko alam if excuse nalang nya na bibigyan nya ako ng hard copy kase kung di ko pa pinaalala sa chat.... di nya ipapaabot saken. Magkataoat lng naman yung building nila sa building namin..
Pero nakokonsensya parin ako. Kase syempre, kilala ko head ko. Lagi din ako nalapagalitan nun. Ako sanay na. For sure, first time nya yun kase di nman kami parehas ng department eh. Mabait yung head nila.
Dahil tuloy sa pagsagot ko ng totoo, di na tuloy ako makapag send ng soft copy 😭
Tapos napahamak ko pa si Mam English .. ang honest ko kase masyado e. Feeling ko ako yung gago dito. Kase pwede naman na nagsinungaling nalang ako para wlang issue. Tapos internal nalang namin pinag usapan ni Mam English .
Kayo? Ano sa palagay nyo?
submitted by Hagisthisaccount to AkoBaYungGago [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:29 AnybodyEquivalent270 Future in sveltkit

Hi everyone,
I was hired by a startup company about 7-8 months ago, and they were big fans of SvelteKit. So, I dedicated myself to learning SvelteKit and became quite proficient at it. Before that, I primarily used React.js and Vue.js. I graduated from school about a year ago, and finding a job hasn't been easy. I included SvelteKit in my skill set because I practiced it extensively over the last few months for work. Unfortunately, my salary subsidy ended, and I was laid off.
Currently, I have a strong stack for building websites using SvelteKit with Prismic CMS. I'm currently working on a project where I'm learning Firebase and integrating an admin panel into my website. However, I've attended a few interviews, and it seems like the common requirement is knowledge of React or Vue.js, which I do have, but my expertise lies more with SvelteKit.
Should I start working on projects using other popular frameworks since it appears that SvelteKit is not in high demand for employment, or do you think it will become more popular in the future? What are your thoughts?
submitted by AnybodyEquivalent270 to sveltejs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:27 Rare_Store_1497 Trading / Selling account

Trading / Selling account
Trading/selling this account: https://www.roblox.com/users/2241865020/profile (inv is open)
notes: doesnt have lims like headless , korblox etc (has fake headless) . Banned on rh .. (dont ask) , lvl 400 sum on mm2 (no godlies js random stuff) it does have elite + perks / effects , bunch of randoms on adopt me , 2 groups owned one with clothes one for friends neither has rbx in it, has 50k-60k bbc, i think the actually rblx inv is worth like 31k.. ?? ~high~ chance i messed up the math when trying to do soo :p , fem based acc , has bunch of stuff on murders vs sheriff too lvl 69 on it tho. 11k+ rbx spend on it this year , 85 rbx on it rn, can dm for the invs it has in other games, it does have premium + some other gamepasses on Brookhaven as well, i think its lvl 40 sum in hello kitty too
taking: ca , rbx can use mm2 HIGHTIERS as adds . .! dm to offer
submitted by Rare_Store_1497 to crosstradingroblox [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:25 Dreamtalehopesans advice for help with dealing with family

when i was younger my family was happy, i guess. I was adopted by my grandparents officially when i was younger and i had been living with them my entire life. I grew up with sensory disorder and ADHD. My real mother wasn't really in my life until about 4 years ago. I never knew my real dad and i have never met him but i always knew my real mom. She used to live with me and my grandparents who i call 'mom and dad' because they took care of me most of my life. She always lived outside in an apartment my dad made for her. She then moved away. She moved a lot and never was really in my life completely. By the time I was adopted by my grandparents she was legally my sibling. She always was having boyfriends and brought some of them over for family holidays. I was bullied growing up since I was in first grade for no reason i knew about. All i knew was i was the school freak. When i was little i hardly ate much as well but i was still called 'fat'. Whenever i sung i was laughed at. I was actually good at singing and i loved to sing when I was little as well as dance. My legally sister (aka real mother) tells me now and days i was the bully growing up and i was sexual as a little kid when i wasn't. growing up i also had anger issues and nobody knew why. My mom (aka grandmother who adopted me) told me it because i was mad at my sister. my mental health started going downhill quickly when i was about starting middle the next year. i was getting bullied a lot more and my 'friend' was mean to me for no reason at all.i was at a christian private school at that time. I got blamed for put stick notes on other sticky notes in a prize container when i didn't. i was friends with everyone in that class. only one of them believed me. but when the others were told that i didnt do it they were acting sorry. one my best friend's at that time little brother had a crush on me. when i went to her house to hang out her brother was acting like a perve a little bit and was asking sexual stuff.i never liked school at all because the city and town i lived in didnt do crap when i was bullied and the principles were told. And around this time my sister came to live in the town i live right now.she gotten married. But she was toxic to everyone. Her husband's friends lived with them as roommates and my sister was abusive to them. when she was babysitting me during that time she would stab one of them in the arm with a medicine syringe you take medicine from.this kept going till that roommate left and then the next one was gone. my sister's husband had passed away when i was in middle school starting the first year of it. my sister was then toxic to me a lot. and since she was my real mom at one point i called her 'mom' all the time till she was toxic to me.she also always told me she couldnt have children. apparently, there was another before me and it was a miscarriage. i will mention this, my sister is known in my family to be a liar about everything from getting gifts for us, receiving it, not stealing, and most of the time children. About every 2 years she claims to be 'pregnant' with a kid but apparently, they all end up dying after they are born or are miscarriages. i was the only kid she had ever.and plus she always blamed me for stealing her stuff even her gun and hiding it under my bed at my mom's when i cant even put a phone under there cause the bed is really low to the ground. now onto my dad (my grandpa who adopted me with my grandma).me and my dad were really close when i was growing up.i was his little princess. That stopped happening after i came out as bisexual and genderfluid 4 years ago. And let me tell you my dad was born in the 50's so he grew up being raciest and homophobic. I was the only child he raised as his own. my sister was his stepdaughter and during that time her real dad never let my dad adopt her as his own.i kept telling my dad about things i liked that we loved together growing up. my dad was toxic to me in my middle school years up until now. He would verbally abuse me and threaten me. he even hit me before in front of my mom and she told the police that he never did. The police were called a lot cause of my anger and yelling. The police where i live never believe the kids about anything saying they dont have any rights like to clothes, a bed, sometimes to speak, to things they buy with their own money, and one even told me i didn't have a right to my own body.i was being bullied every more in school so i was getting depressed and mentally unstable. And my dad was always getting up in my face and i pushed him back sometimes to make sure he didn't hurt me and he just told me i 'assaulted' him and he was going to get me put in jail for defending myself as well a lot of the time. I had been to a mental hospital where i live 8 times. Some of them because i was mentally unstable, and 2 because i was forced for no reason. For my 3 or 5 time there my dad took me to the hospital to get 'diagnosed' but he lied.i had just gotten out of another mental hospital 2 days before for being depressed and i was there for 2 weeks so i needed to get adjusted to being out of there.and when we were at the hospital the doctor came in after talking to my dad and told me 'your being sent to *name of mental hospital i was at 8 times* for sewerslidal (not gonna say the actual word) thoughts'. and i was confused at first and i told him i was having those thoughts at all. and then he told me i was being sent there anyways and then left the room. Then my dad came in and said this directly at me, 'this is what happens when you dont go to school'. i was shocked and upset about this.he lied to the doctor and i was sent to that mental hospital again for it.i never forgave him for that.i was also sent to a behavior facility twice before. one for anger and the other for SH. neither times did it work.i was an SHing person a lot so i had different ways to hide it. like hoodies, long sleeve tee shirts finally, longer shorts, gloves, and short sleeved shirts that covered my shoulders. right now im in high school and i guess my dad is trying to rekindle our relationship because he is that old already. He is nicer now but about 2 months ago he was a jerk. my mom didnt listen to my feelings during these times so i never talked to her about feelings but when she wanted to and i tried to tell her she always interuppeted me and never let me talk and told me to shut up. my sister had moved in my dad's house recently because she bought it because he retired. my dad is planning on moving to my mom's place with me.and now here is an old relationship i need to talk about badly because my sister says i agreed to most of it when i didnt. it was my last year of middle school when it happened. i was already at a different school. I was still bullied but i could handled it a bit better there. my first boyfriend broke up with me 2 months after we got together and i was in 7th grade at that point when we broke up.i had just moved to that school about 2 months before we started dating.the reason he broke up with me was because 'he didnt feel love'.love is an emotion. you cant just not feel it right.i was touch starved and loved starved during that time so the summer after the broke up i was really mentally unstable and SH.i was taken to the mental hospital again. And when i came back to school after 2 months of being in the behavior facility for the second time so it was novemeber of my last year of middle school.about the end of November i was dating my guy best friend at that time.i didnt except what would happen after.he neglected me a lot when we saw each other at school during lunch even if we sat next to each other, was toxic and mad at me where i cried during that and wanted to feel pain, never stood up for me, never cared about how i felt or when i SH but pretended he did, and lastly he was obsessed with me during this time.threatening to hurt people. The first time i went to his house he got really touchy and then the second time he took that one thing a girl will never get back in her life no matter what.i was really desperate for love during that time but i didnt want to do that..he convinced me though. And then at school during lunch in the cafeteria while we were sitting with our friends at lunch he would touch me badly and threaten to do it more if i didnt eat or would do it anyway.i didnt eat much back then cause i was trying to lose weight, was having an eating disorder where i got sick every time i even at at least 2/4 of my meal. I didnt tell anyone this until last summer.i was still with him at the beginning of summer till my current boyfriend started talking to me on roblox after years of not talking because he moved while i was in 4th grade.he was a good friend. my current boyfriend told me what my ex was doing wrong at that time so i did the right thing and broke up with my ex.but my ex did scare me badly. He threatened to kill someone for me. i was terrified at that. He also had a spilt personality he would talk to me with a lot of the time. Then after a month of me breaking up with him my current boyfriend and me got together. He was a little toxic at first but he got better and was really nice to me. but we are in a long distance relationship. We talk a lot on discord and do video calls when we can.i was at 2 different public school this year.neither of them cared about what was happening to me so i started online school.i didnt go to either of them cause i was still bullied i couldnt handle it.and then when i started online school the teachers for that school accused me of not doing my work when i did them days in advance.i was doing really good but if i got most of the questions right on the quiz i still failed it.i would get 90% out of the question right and still get an f on the quiz.i started failing those classes and i was stressed with the video meetings cause there would be one right after another.i didnt get to pick my electives at all because the day i got the papers to see which ones i wanted they already picked them for me.and my dad was being a jerk the entire time as well as my sister so i was getting to a point of relaspe but didnt. im still kinda on that point but not that much.i dont go to therapy or a medication doctor anymore because the medication doctor kept telling me to lose weight when i was trying to, told my parents to send me to a children's home because i was not going to school because of the bullying and my regular doctor i had been seeing since i was a baby said the same because i was 'fakeing' being sick.i wasnt sick though but i was having an eating disorder still during that time to the point i was throwing up everything in my body every time i ate more than 6 bites of food.even the foods that were easy to eat i couldnt eat.and the reason i dont go to therapy is because all the ones i went to as a kid fired us for no reason and then a family counselor did the same thing because i was being rude.i was rude at all but i was pissed during that time cause i never got to talk and tell my side of the story and my family kept saying that raising my voice volume just a small bit was yelling and they still say that and my sister does the same with the voice volume but they dont say she is yelling when she is.if you guys have any of advice to help with any of this thank you.i have been wanting to vent for a long time but i didnt have a way to until now.
submitted by Dreamtalehopesans to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:25 thursdaynoodles Just turned 29 and I screwed up my life.

last couple years were really rough for me. I lost one of my best friends and father in the same year, I ended a 5 year relationship. It was just really difficult for me. I started drinking all of the time. I mean all of the time. Like 4 nights a week. I stopped doing life; I stopped paying bills. I moved back in with my mom, my car was repo'd, I blew my savings, I got a DUl, I gained 25 pounds. I became so depressed I just stopped caring about anything at all. About 4 months ago something in me snapped. I started to feel like I want to live, and get better. I feel like I want to change. I stopped drinking, and have been trying to pick up the pieces but it's hard for me. I still have a job, but I only work about 2 or 3 times a week. I'm currently grinding to pay the money to get my license so l can get driving again and I wanted to do that by August. I feel like there may be a bit wrong with me mentally, but I'm overwhelmed on seeking professional help. I'm so stressed because I'm older now, everyone I want to high school with has a nice life and I'm sitting in my childhood home with nothing to my name. Like i'm starting fresh again. Where do I start?
submitted by thursdaynoodles to selfhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:25 BlackWidow1414 Stress-induced menopause?

I'm currently 52 years old. All of the women on my mother's side of the family that I actually know this information about did not stop menstruation until they were in their late 50s- 56, 58, etc.
I have not had a period since November 15th. While I know it's not yet a year, and I keep expecting to wake up to Carrie at the prom in my underwear, it's not happening. I do get occasional PMS symptoms- sore breaststroke, etc- but no actual period.
My teenage son was diagnosed with leukemia October 2022. Last summer he basically had a stroke as a side effect of one of his chemo drugs and was hospitalized for three months. I had to keep working on top of this because my health insurance has all three of us on it. Thank God my husband can work remotely, because he handles most of the regular clinic visits. I, however, have overseen the continuation of my son's education (and he graduates from high school next month, on time, despite not being in the building most of the last two years of high school).
Is it possible all this stress caused me to go into menopause? Has anyone else experienced something like this?
submitted by BlackWidow1414 to Menopause [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:23 heynongmantron Do I bother going to this interview?

So my current job is getting frustrating and I was looking around at other opportunities. I work in kind of a specialized field and there aren’t a ton of companies comparable to what I do now. Right now I make 80k a year and the benefits are just ok. There’s some opportunity for growth and I have a pretty good level of autonomy.
I applied for this other job and had a really good conversation with the owner. We set up a formal interview for next week and they sent the job description along which contained salary and benefits applied for this other job and had a really good conversation with the owner. We set up a formal interview for next week and they sent the job description along which contained salary and benefits explanations descriptions. The job is paid hourly and capped at 40 to 45 hours. The high range of the hourly wage would be about $8000 less than what I make now annually. Also the benefits aren’t quite as good as what I have now.
The question is do I write them an email saying that I’m not willing to take a pay cut explaining what I make now and then don’t go to the interview if they aren’t willing to match or exceed?
I guess without talking to them and learning more it’s hard to know. I don’t know if there’s any room for growth or improvement in salary or benefits. But it’s about an hour away and would require relocation.
Thanks in advance
submitted by heynongmantron to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:21 Forward-Brain-3503 I am a freshman. In SAS the students have to take mandatory language placement test which is not a requirement for SEBS. Does that mean that you have to take compulsory a language course for SAS to fulfill the SAS core requirement?

I took Spanish for 2 years in high school but now I have almost forgotten. worry what will happen in the placement test and also if I have to take compulsory language in the first year. Pl guide...
submitted by Forward-Brain-3503 to rutgers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:18 Gloomy-Yak6175 Constant Anger at One Pressing Issue

All right guys I hope I don’t sound pathetic.
Basically growing up, I was raised in a house where my father was domestically abusing my mother, and no one knew. I came to a Western country as an immigrant and soon afterwards, my father’s parents’ died and he became extremely mentally ill and started hitting my mother in front of me and my sister.
During high school, I started self-harming to deal with the stuff going on at home and having to continue living my life as if nothing had happened. Then I admitted myself to the hospital twice because I was suicidal.
Basically, the problem I’m having, is that I’m constantly angry at everyone and everything. And while the focus on this post is not my background, I thought it’d be worthwhile explaining it so you readers can understand where I’m coming from.
What’s actually getting on my nerves is how I wake up everything feeling constantly irritated. For example, one memory that really makes me upset is when I was 12 in high school and a boy said to me ‘suck my d***’ randomly while I was trying to do my schoolwork and his two friends laughed at me. For the rest of the year, I was extremely uncomfortable being in the same classroom as him and most other boys because of them constantly bothering me. I did not tell the teachers because they did not take bullying seriously at my school. From that memory, I’m angry at the boy yes, but the people I’m most angry at are my parents, because they told me they were doing me a favour by sending me to that school (it was the best one where I live) but really they threw me into the lion’s den and made me put up with verbal harassment for 2 years in the name of ‘having a better future’.
Fast forward to now, I’m still dealing with frustration for the pettiest reasons, as there is one colleague who I really don’t like, because I helped her out on a project and she didn’t even acknowledge me during our end of year party and went so far as to try doing some of my job even though it’s not her responsibility. I tried being nice to her and she has behaved so rudely to me.
Overall, I wake up everyday feeling like the world is against me and everyone tells me that they ‘care’ about me, but the way they behave is the complete opposite.
I’m just wondering, how do I deal with these emotions? I see a psychiatrist every half year, but even then I’m walking on a tightrope.
submitted by Gloomy-Yak6175 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:18 arnieoak First holiday not drinking at 38 coming up

Well I'm a 38 year old male, I have a,wife and two young boys(9 and 6). I work full time in retail northern ireland. I have mental health issues( adhd,ocd,anxiety and depression) I have them for as long as I can remember(20 years at least) , only very aware of them the past 10 years maybe. Growing i my dad drank all the time, every weekend, horrible guy narcissist, cheated and hit my mum, extremely intimidating. His side of the family were bad with drink. So I started drinking probably about 14 or so, every weekend I'd drink and drink until I basically blacked out, hadn't missed many weekends at all, alot of the time friday and Saturday night. Very well know by my mates that i got trashed and they would have to look after me, get emllme home etc and had many a drunkin crazy story to tell,random situations, silly dangerous stuff. More harm to myself than others thankfully I wasn't a fighter drunk. I had no interest in relationships. My goal, getting trashed, looking back maybe a big part was because of my mental health l, to go numb and feel nothing. I met my now wife on a night out in 2018, started going out and drank together every weekend, moved in together, still drinking to excess, quite alot, got married and drank all 21 days on our honeymoon. I had lost my hair at a young age too( 16-while in school) so I don't think thay helped things, had out first child, thin while she was pregnant I didn't drink for about 6 months, but straight back to it, alot of the time froday and Saturday. Going into work hungover alot of the time, (a bin man, a telecommunications engineer and now retail) The past few years since covid until last year my wife and I were drinking 3,4,5 times a week, at least 6-8 drinks each time, 2 kids and two full time jobs! It seems to now affect me more. I am grumpier, more impatient, I just feel stupid and have for years, not being able to think straight, getting confused and the memory of a fish. I don't want to turn into my intimidating father to my kids. I've don't alot of silly things and ALL due to drinking. I don't get excited to drink, don't feel a buzz during it and really pay mentally afterwards. My brother in law and his side of the family would come to our every couple months of so and we'd all get get totally trashed. I went out for a friends stag on the 20th April, got trashed and had to get sent home about 9pm, I missed I 10 year reunion of a mutual friend of ours who had died 10 years ago, due to passing out, so the next day I randomly thought about not drinking for a year, I had thought about it before but that last literally two weeks. I'm due to go on holiday here on Monday to Spain my family and brother in law and his kids, we had a family party Saturday past there and I managed to drink non alcoholics and they didn't even notice. I don't want to drink on holiday, but came to reddit, to get some motivation and support which I will need over the next year and see whst happens. I plan to run, be present with my boys, read and enjoy food, I just hope to not feel bored or feel like I'm missing out. Btw my wife and I also were addicted to codeine for years due to all the hangovers. Hope I made sense, hope to chat to some similar folk, thanks 😊
submitted by arnieoak to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:17 thursdaynoodles I’m 29 and have lost everything.

The last couple years were really rough for me. I lost one of my best friends and father in the same year, I ended a 5 year relationship. It was just really difficult for me. I started drinking all of the time. I mean all of the time. Like 4 nights a week. I stopped doing life; I stopped paying bills. I moved back in with my mom, my car was repo’d, I blew my savings, I got a DUI, I gained 25 pounds. I became so depressed I just stopped caring about anything at all. About 4 months ago something in me snapped. I started to feel like I want to live, and get better. I feel like I want to change. I stopped drinking, and have been trying to pick up the pieces but it’s hard for me. I still have a job, but I only work about 2 or 3 times a week. I’m currently grinding to pay the money to get my license so I can get driving again and I wanted to do that by August. I feel like there may be a bit wrong with me mentally, but I’m overwhelmed on seeking professional help. I’m so stressed because I’m older now, everyone I want to high school with has a nice life and I’m sitting in my childhood home with nothing to my name. Like i’m starting fresh again. Where do I start?
submitted by thursdaynoodles to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:17 Spud_Spr0Ut Thoughts on using a Japanese Randoseru bag for college/commute traveling?

Thoughts on using a Japanese Randoseru bag for college/commute traveling?
I've posted this before on another subreddit but I want to try posting here too.
I've been thinking of getting a Randoseru backpack to bring with me to college. I commute a lot going back and forth from school so I wanted a bag that's okay for traveling and is secure and sturdy to survive public transportation because I'm concerned about my stuff being stolen.
From what I've found, a Randoseru is an expensive mid/high quality Japanese school bag made for elementary school students and is made to last from their 1st to 6th year of elementary school. The reason why it's caught my eye is because it has this sturdy box design that I don't see in a lot of bags. I like bags like that a lot because it helps me compartmentalize my belongings easier.
The Randoseru is can be made with natural or synthetic leather and has a hard plastic bottom for carrying textbooks and can also carry a tablet. It opens via a leather lid on the back that locks with a metal bag buckle on the bottom of the bag that locks/unlocks by twisting a metal bar.
Here are my concerns with the bag though:
  1. Its weight (1.2kg/2.6lbs when empty according to wikipedia)
  2. Its size, I want to know what it can carry besides textbooks (30 x 23cm and 18cm deep according to wikipedia and can barely fit an A4 paper unfolded according to reviews on youtube)
  3. How well am I able to commute with it without its contents being stolen in public transport
Please give me your thoughts!
Also here's how it looks like:
submitted by Spud_Spr0Ut to backpacking [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:16 Ok_Concept8695 New Build Flood Response Plan

Would you buy a house on a high risk surface water flooding zone? New build estate that has also put lots in place to prevent that ever happening including accounting for 1 in 100 year flood + 40% climate change. Water is planned to go into roads and not houses on a worst case basis…
There is a flood response plan and searches from solicitor had revealed it’s on a ‘High Risk Surface Water Flood Zone’. From reading a LOT of information, the houses wont flood but the road might? Still worrying if the site got a reputation which could affect house prices?
The Estate is Bellway Harvino.
submitted by Ok_Concept8695 to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:16 Ok_Willingness9964 Nobody likes to talk to me

I have nobody to talk with because people dont enjoy talking with me.
My last time I had people to talk with, was during elementary school. Since middleschool I am completely alone which includes I also have nobody to talk with. At work I have to spent lunch time alone.
The reason is simple I have very poor conversation skills. I am unable to say anything funny or interesting. I just can ask some questions and then the conversation is over.
Now I turn 40 and my last 30 years consisted of a few talks I made during solo travelling maybe a few minutes (where you from, where do you travel next) but thats it.
Nobody speaks with me longer than 2 minutes. In groups I always get ignored. The few single people I talked with loose Interest after a few minutes.
How can I can get a social life ?
submitted by Ok_Willingness9964 to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:15 Ok_Willingness9964 Nobody likes to talk with me

Nobody likes to talk to me
I have nobody to talk with because people dont enjoy talking with me.
My last time I had people to talk with, was during elementary school. Since middleschool I am completely alone which includes I also have nobody to talk with. At work I have to spent lunch time alone.
The reason is simple I have very poor conversation skills. I am unable to say anything funny or interesting. I just can ask some questions and then the conversation is over.
Now I turn 40 and my last 30 years consisted of a few talks I made during solo travelling maybe a few minutes (where you from, where do you travel next) but thats it.
Nobody speaks with me longer than 2 minutes. In groups I always get ignored. The few single people I talked with loose Interest after a few minutes.
How can I can get a social life ?
submitted by Ok_Willingness9964 to u/Ok_Willingness9964 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:12 Ace-Whatever May 16th Update

May 16th Update
Ed's note: This update was typed by trained professionals while slacking off during downtime at their day job. Do not attempt to type GBO2 updates at work.
This week is bring your boss to op day.
I really hate Halo snipers
New MS
Stun Popple Zaku Machinery - 450 General, Ground/Space, 2-Star, LV1
  • This newly-constructed unit is a modernized variant of the Act Zaku from the One Year War, modified through reverse engineering.
  • Although it seems simplistic in comparison to other units of the same era, it is remarkably versatile, with high standards in terms of basic performance, similar to the Geara Doga to come later.
  • 17000 HP, 15 ballistic res., 15 beam res., 18 melee res., 22 range, 23 melee, 130 speed, 200 boost speed, 65 thruster, 72 rotation (81 in space).
  • slots: 13 close 18 mid 9 long.
  • Primary Weapon
    • ZM Zaku Machine Gun - 160 power, 40 rounds, 300 range (in case you forgot that the Z in ZM stands for Zaku)
    • ZM Zaku Heat Hawk - 2100 power
  • Secondary Weapon
    • ZM Rocket Launcher - 2000 power, 4 rounds, 350 range
    • ZM Sturm Faust - 1950 power, 1 round, 200 range
    • Flash Grenade - 0 power, 1 round, 150 range
    • Knuckle Sealant Launcher - 300 power, 1 round, 200 range
  • Skills - Shock Absorber 3, Evasion, Blast Stabilizer, Flight Control 2, Balancer, Melee, AMBAC 2, Injector 2, Anti-Jamming 2, Anti-Stealth, Frontline Support 2, Right Shoulder Armor Buffer 3
Snipe Popple Zaku Machinery (EB) - 500 Support, Ground/Space, 3-Star, LV1
  • This newly-constructed unit is a modern variant of the Act Zaku, modified through reverse engineering and customized exclusively for Ernardo Bat (teehee his name is Bat).
  • It is equipped with a special backpack and has a high-performance beam-resistant coating. As well as a dedicated Long Rifle to leverage the sharpshooting skills of Ernardo Bat, captain of the Royal Guard.
  • 15000 HP, 18 ballistic res., 24 beam res., 8 melee res., 42 range, 8 melee, 120 speed, 190 boost speed, 70 thruster, 69 rotation (78 in space).
  • slots: 8 close 12 mid 16 long.
  • Primary Weapon
    • ZM (EB) Long Rifle - 500 power, 50% heat, 500 range, chargeable
    • ZM (EB) Beam Saber - 2050 power
  • Secondary Weapon
    • ZM (EB) Head-Mounted Vulcan - 100 power, 60 rounds, 150 range
    • ZM (EB) Zaku Machine Gun - 150 power, 40 rounds, 300 range (that's right , losers. Bat-kun has his own ZMG blinged out with custom engraving and a Counter-Strike: Source skin!)
    • ZM (EB) Sturm Faust - 2000 power, 1 round, 200 range (there's a joke about length in here somewhere)
    • Knuckle Sealant Launcher - 300 power, 1 round, 200 range (good thing they stopped here before we discovered that Bat-kun has his own line of party foam spray)
  • Skills - Radar 3, Scope 4, Data Link, Precision Shelling, Scouting Device, Gimbal 2, Blast Stabilizer, AMBAC 2, Injector, Anti-Stealth 2, Back Binder Cushioning 2, Anti-Beam Coating
Do a 10 roll for Gyunei's suit again. Is Bat-kun wearing it? Dunno. (I promise I'll get around to reading Walpurgis someday)
Boosted Supply Drop with half off first step and guaranteed Zaku Machinery LV1 & Zaku Machinery (EB) LV1 on the final step.
Limited Banner
Roll now for another shot at getting Red Hot Chili Peppers and Alan White's White.
New Levels
New RT Items
  • Gustav Karl LV1~2
New DP Items
  • Gyan LV4
  • Gyan Eos LV4
  • GM Sniper II LV4
submitted by Ace-Whatever to GBO2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:12 LittleBookOfQualm Child left alone to deal with difficult emotions

My partner is exploring an autism diagnosis and we've been chatting to his mum about his childhood. There's some expected things like delayed speech and food sensitivities, but there's an anecdote she told that's stuck with me.
She said that my partner X always struggled with feeling he'd done something wrong, particularly at school. So if a teacher told off the whole class, even if he'd done nothing wrong this would really upset him. This makes sense to me as a sense of justice thing, but that part that got to me was that he would leave the classroom at around 8 years old, and go to the bathroom. The teachers became aware of this pattern and followed him, and decided to leave him be, and chat to him when he came out.
As a neurotypical I felt this was leaving a child to deal with difficult emotions with no support or guidance, and made me feel really sad for little X. I'm just wondering if you agree or think that autistic children benefit from a different response here?
My partner states he remembers really not wanting people to see him cry so really not wanting a fuss made in the classroom, so there's a gendered element here. To my mind, fair enough let him go outside, but I feel he should have been offered support 1:1 to get through this.
What's your take on this?
submitted by LittleBookOfQualm to neurodiversity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:11 Moose7282 Dropping out

So recently i’ve decided to drop out during my junior year of high school and am curious if anybody has any tips for my situation: I currently will be undergoing an internship in city based welding (NY) and want to know if i need to finish highschool to pursue a welding career. Dropping out due to major depressive issues and personal problems that have lead to this decision. To sum it up, dropping out at 17, i have a internship as a welding under study and am curious if i would need a GED or highschool equivalent in the future to get a somewhat stable job.
submitted by Moose7282 to education [link] [comments]
