Weight loss clinical trials ohio


2024.06.09 20:47 yourfavsherine desperate

So,lately I've been using a weight loss sub and think I had pretty good results when suddenly my mom came and said to my relatives that I was getting fatter??? So I've been thinking sadly about it till now and so what should I do? Detach? And idk if it's true or not bc she and my grandma has the tendency of putting me down once in a while but it's so demotivating.
submitted by yourfavsherine to Subliminal [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:47 madommouselfefe Dog with Addisons disease I have been told to manage his stress. But everything stresses him out.

Breed- Lab/German SH pointer Age- 8 Sex- M neutered
My lab was diagnosed with Addisons disease a year and a half ago. While he is better than he was when he was in crisis, he is still not great. His number for labs all have been good, but he isn't thriving like he once was, he is a retired therapy dog.
My Vet suggested we work on managing his stress, he is already on Fluoxitine and has been for 5 years now. Everything stresses my Dog out, from Wind, other dogs, the click our thermostat makes. Even fun things stress him out like ball, the water hose, frisbee. He has NO chill. He is scared to go into our yard, he cannot go on walks because he whines, crie, and shakes the whole time. He basically hides on our front room couch all day.
We have tried the thunder shirt, and raising his prednisone when wind storms are predicted. We also don't take him for walks anymore. As well as limiting activities like ball and water play to small intervals and stop when he gets over stimulated. But he is still struggling ( ie loosing weight, lack of appetite, lethargic) I'm at a loss and I don't know what to do anymore.
submitted by madommouselfefe to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:42 Dazzling_Height644 She's forgetting there's 3, where's Alice???

She's forgetting there's 3, where's Alice??? submitted by Dazzling_Height644 to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:41 bridbox2204 My dog died yesterday

I had to have my dog put to sleep yesterday, completely out of the blue and I’m in the trenches.
He hadnt been eating for a day or so but was drinking water, he was a whippet/patterdale so you could see weight loss quite quickly, but it felt over night.
I rang the vets thinking it would be an infection and the results came back as an aggressive cancer. He was 7. I’m completely broken.
What will I do on my lunch time when I’m home? Who will I snuggle with on a morning? Who will greet me with such love? I hate this so much. My partner is away and I had to make the decision and do this without him so I just feel dead inside.
submitted by bridbox2204 to Petloss [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:39 Minimum_Scholar_2356 Great News! Dizziness!

M52 5’9” SW222 CW169 Normally this wouldn’t be a good thing. But what it tells me is that I am healthier. I’m been on blood pressure medication for years. Lately, I’ve been getting really dizzy when standing up, to the point that I think I’m going to pass out. Turns out that I don’t need it anymore. It’s making my blood pressure too low. My doctor has dc’d it. Anyone else stopping meds for this or cholesterol or any other drugs due to weight loss?
submitted by Minimum_Scholar_2356 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:37 Sir_pugalot Weight loss apps

Hi, I was wondering if weight loss apps like noom or lose it work. I know lose it is practically a calorie counter and never used noom before
submitted by Sir_pugalot to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:36 cg1308 Incoming… the cheapest* 9F on eBay

Incoming… the cheapest* 9F on eBay
*or ‘very close to’.
Here’s my SBGX009, bought today after a cheeky bid on eBay from one of the Japanese sellers. The first thing to say is just look at the crud around the crystal edge and on the case back 🤢 I have no idea how someone gets their watch like this, I’ve been wearing them for 30 years and never once has anything I’ve worn come close. I’ll be thoroughly cleaning it before it touches my wrist. There are a few scratches on the bezel, which I hope will come out with some Cape Cod and elbow grease; and it needs a new strap as that looks bloody awful…
Ok, that’s the bad stuff out the way, now onto the good. Just look at that dial 👌🏻 I believe it’s known as ivory or bone and the clean simplicity really speaks to me. I love the whole design aesthetic of a simple 3 hander, and GS are the masters of getting the basics Just. So. Right. I picked up a SBGX061 a few months back and it has quickly become the go to piece in my watch box, superseding some pricier offerings from Tudor and Rolex. But as much as I love it, I just haven’t quite got the bracelet dialled in yet - not helped my some unscheduled weight loss (health issues) - I know the 2 half links are bigger than a full link trick, I just need to fiddle more I think. Or, I can fall in love with this 009, sell it and just wear the Explorer more often! The hardship 🤣
submitted by cg1308 to GrandSeikos [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:36 wrenagade419 i recently roasted this game for the amount of useless dialogue…

I remain early on in my adventure, first clinical trials early, 4/21.
i went into this completely blind and was not sure what the overall theme of this game was other than high school kids doing rpg stuff.
the build up is insane and i’m realizing these things slowly but the way the game is building it starts rapidly giving me these realizations about the systems and mechanics and how they work with the story and i’m kind of blown away.
i’ve never played this series.. i’ve been gaming for 4 decades and just never liked story heavy jrpgs… i know how damn odd that sounds to you guys… i mean there’s more story than gameplay here, but also there isn’t? the story is part of the gameplay i think… (still a theory, i do t know ow how much control i have over confidants and such and how they affect story)
all this stuff far outweighs the crazy amounts of dialogue, it balances out, i didn’t think it’d be worth it but it absolute probably is.
submitted by wrenagade419 to Persona5 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:36 RanchNWrite FFS (Hair loss)

I've been slowly and steadily losing weight since reducing my sugar intake and tracking calories. (Max 1700/day, nothing crazy.) But now I'm also losing my hair? Just more shedding and my shiny scalp peering through every day. For context, I'm 41 F, have lost 10 lbs in last 3 months, and I've had hair loss issues before due to (I think) stress that I addressed through nutrition, rest and scalp stimulation. Has anyone else lost hair after changing their eating habits? Am I eventually going to be a slender bald lady?
submitted by RanchNWrite to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:34 Square_Watercress984 How to lose more weight per week?

Hi! I’m pretty new to Reddit and weight loss in general, so please bear with me. I’m a 19 yr old female, 5”3 and 168 lbs. I’ve recently started eating around 1,000-1,200 calories a day. Anything less and I experience massive mood swings and fatigue. I’ve tried doing cardio (I hate weight lifting), but I really don’t see the difference from when I do and when I don’t. Even with all of this I manage to lose about a half a pound a week when my goal is more like a pound and a half. Any advice on what to do to reach that weekly goal?
submitted by Square_Watercress984 to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:26 GrapefruitStrict8486 Zero Side effects, 1st med worked

I am writing about my experience to offer hope to any nervous, people seeking help.
My partner started anti depressants long before I did, they struggled for years to find their correct regime. When I started to slip into my own waking nightmare of panic attacks and actively planning to off myself, I having seen my partner struggle was adamantly opposed to starting any daily regime. You see I also had and a lifetime of growing up with boomer parents ragging on and stigmatizing mentally ill people as "scary". They would tell me to "go for a walk, have an herbal tea, everyone has it hard just grit your teeth and get on with it". Their attitude by the way was after seeing my worst unmedicated panic attacks and years of self harming. So due to my upbringing I resisted my partners repeated concerned begging to get me to talk to my doctor.
It got BAD I was taking benzos off label in the morning and then drinking almost every single night, weeping on my commute, fighting an internal war with myself debating driving off the highway overpass or into an incoming truck. Finally I broke down and spoke to my doctor, I was terrified of losing libido, gaining weight, etc. So she recommended Buproprion. Within a week my panic attacks were gone but the depression lingered so she upped my dose once and.....I've never been happier. I have had zero side effects. It's been 4 years, I don't feel numb, I feel HAPPY. I am doing more challenging and rewarding work, I've had 2 children and we even bought a condo The very first thing I tried worked and I've made no med changes for 4 years now.
Not every story of meds is a numbing nightmare or long slog of trial and error. So for me it does work, and despite what you read and hearing from talking heads, not everyone will have a decade long battle tweaking this and that, staving off side effects and feeling numb.
*Good luck, please do everything you can to stay with us, your life and your joy matter ❤️
submitted by GrapefruitStrict8486 to antidepressants [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:25 uchman365 This weight loss transformation

This weight loss transformation
submitted by uchman365 to BeAmazed [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:19 OceansBreezys Planning to leave in February.

I made a few posts about leaving in August on my old account. Now I’m planning for February, 2025. I’m leaving either way and I don’t care what happens. I need my SSI fixed and they did say I can leave at any time. I just need that sorted out first so I can be my own rep payee. For anyone who’s wondering, I’m 29. So I’m free to leave. I just have my SSI that’s holding me back.
I have two plans so far.
Plan 1:
To get an apartment in Houston, TX. If I’m able to get my SSI. I want to keep my gyms so I can keep working out and enjoy their outdoor pools.
Plan 2:
Move to Orlando even if I’m homeless. I won’t have any gyms but I’ll have food stamps to survive.
I really hope that Plan 1 will work out. I really want to keep my gyms so I can workout. I’m on a weight loss journey of losing 100 lbs so I want to keep going.
submitted by OceansBreezys to runaway [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:18 Competitive-Dress828 “Full already?”

I’m currently on week 2 of 2.5, this is my first ever time on a weight loss medication and my doctor recommended it to me. I did ask everyone around me that was on it, especially family members before even deciding to go on it. They range from 5.0 to 10.0, but they all told me the same thing that 2.5 did nothing for them. Once again, I am on week 2 and have no appetite suppression and the food noise is still there, aside from the day I take the injection. I have realized that I get full quite easily and am wondering if on 2.5 it’s normal to have these symptoms. If I drink something with fruit or something that’s carbonated I can only have a few bites of actual food before I’m full, bloated and nauseous. I am always asked “how is that possible?” “how are you full already?” or “it’s in your head” just looking for some answers.
submitted by Competitive-Dress828 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:15 Sensitive_Suspect_49 I'm a 24(f) survivor of trafficking, rape, cyber bullying, abortion ECT.. AMA

I was a very poor but very beautiful girl living in Hungary as a refugee from the Yugoslav war. Grew up in poverty with a single mother and at the same time, as a 18 year old I was used, worked as an erotic massage girl in the most luxurious places in Europe in secret (only so I can survive). And then I was trafficked in one of the red light districts of Europe; survived after 5 months and I have never been the same since then. I have developed several addictions, specifically alcohol to cope with my trauma. I gained weight because of my medication and I have been diagnosed with CPTSD and clinical depression. AMA
submitted by Sensitive_Suspect_49 to AMA [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:13 deadshotboxing Sometimes Weight Loss Is So Demoralising

Stats: * 6’6, male and at average scale weight of 129KG or so. * Started my fat loss journey at 132KG and dieting from w/c Monday 08 April 2024 (so far 9 weeks of fat loss/diet) * I wanted to get to 110KG ideally.
The Process and details: * I’m a Superheavyweight amateur boxer, training 6 days a week (4 weight lifting sessions with progressive overload program including plyometrics and general strength - 3 running/cardio sessions including sprints, 10k and rowing - & 6 sessions a week of boxing sessions including sparring). * I’m on a diet of aporox 2.8-3k calories (with a deficit of aporox 1000 calories as my TDEE is about 4000 cals or so) * My starting weight was 132KG - the lowest I have got to on the scale was aporox 128KG. But the consistent average I have is 129-130KG. * I have dropped approx two inches off my waistline (and using some calculators and chatgpt, for my build an inch off the waist would be aporox 2kg of fat loss) * In that time, my bench 1RM has increased by 5KG; deadlift by 12.5KG; Squat by 12.5KG: OHP by 5KG. * Sprint max speed has gone up; 10k runs have felt easier; my max row speed gone up; as well as interval and punch, head movement and footwork in and out metrics increased when doing fight specific intervals on the heavybag. * My diet consists of eating of around 220-230g protein, good carbs and fats and everything home cooked with zero takeout, sweets or chocolates.
But there’s something I don’t understand - how the fuck has my weight remained similar?
I know people say muscle weighs or is more dense than fat…but I refuse to believe it obfuscates that much surely. But you know, I’m open to as many interpretations and wisdom and insight people can give. Because I’m determined to keep dieting but I’m demoralised the scale isn’t moving. Sometimes the waist measure moves and sometimes it doesn’t.
submitted by deadshotboxing to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:13 TaquitoModelWorks Got over depression, and started getting physically healthier, partner seems to hate it.

My partner (34f) and I (34m) have been together for 10 years. Around the 2nd year, I fell into depression (not clinical) and she was incredibly supportive, even taking a loan for a trip back to my hometown which I had been away from for about 20 years to help me cope. She's been great in many ways, but she would also often ridicule me for my weight, even talking to her friends about it despite my objections.
Recently, we found out we're expecting a baby due in SeptembeOctober. Since then, I've made significant lifestyle changes: improved my diet, went to the dentist, started regular check-ups, reconnected with friends, took up cycling, and began losing weight. I'm healthier now, preparing to be a good father and partner.
However, my partner is unhappy with my reconnecting with friends and cycling. I cycle either early morning before she wakes up or right after work before she gets home, ensuring we still have evening time together. She thinks I'm obsessed with cycling, but it's the best exercise for my knees given my weight, as approved by my physician and orthopedist.
I see my friends once a month for a bar outing and a scale modeling meeting. With a national contest coming up, I told her I'd be busier, but she feels abandoned and insecure, fearing other women might be interested in me now. She even said she'd prefer the unhealthy version of me over the healthy, prepared-for-a-baby version.
I understand pregnancy is a huge change and difficult for her. However, her behavior is becoming increasingly frustrating, with criticism, guilt-tripping, and harsh words weighing me down. She recently mentioned it might take over 2 years for her to feel normal again after childbirth, which worries me.
I've thought about asking for space or a break but feel uncomfortable due to her pregnancy and her current feelings of loneliness. Should I wait it out and see if things improve, or am I just kidding myself?
TL;DR: Partners sudden change of heart about overcoming my depression is now making me doubt where we stand.
submitted by TaquitoModelWorks to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:11 Strange-Stay-1301 She must have forgotten to switch accounts over

She must have forgotten to switch accounts over submitted by Strange-Stay-1301 to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:11 Mammoth_Confection91 29[M4F] USA/California/Online Hey I'm looking to chat and see if connect!

So as the title states I'm 29 years old and residing in California at the moment sort of middle of nowhere California. I work from home a simple 9-5 that isn't thankfully too demanding so I'm able to spend lots of time during work chatting! As from physical attributes I'm about 5'10 and currently on a weight loss journey to be the healthiest I've ever been. I've already lost 20 pounds and hopefully more to melt away! I also have brown eyes and black hair tan skin. I've been told my voice is soothing and calming but you can be the judge of that yourself.
So a bit about me I would say I'm pretty much into the typical reddit hobbies. I enjoy playing video games, reading books/manga, movies and other nerdy things. I don't go into immense details because I'd like to be able to enjoy conversation without completely word vomiting here.
As for games I've currently been playing quite a bit of League(it's all my friends play please help) so if you'd like to play that let me know! I also really enjoy FFXIV and I'm excited for the new expansion but sadly I've been playing essentially alone for years now. I play on NA servers for both of these games. I also habe tons of steam games like stardew and Risk of Rain I'm also open to others if you'd like to play games together!
I am also a huge magic the gathering nerd and have been playing a few years and enjoy the game immensely. Magic isn't the only tabletop game I enjoy as I love tons of tabletop games like pandemic, betrayal on house hill, and dead of winter. Playing DnD is also tons of fun but it's been a while since I've played and would love to again.
For any form of cinema I absolutely love horror especially the campy cheesy horror movies the b productions that are so awful they are good. So if you love horror please let's chat nobody I know enjoys horror and I could yap about stupid terrible movies endlessly if you let me. Horror also goes into my books that I enjoy reading but I also enjoy sci-fi and high fantasy for books as well.
Along with horor cinema I also enjoy horror anime which there isn't a lot but I do enjoy it. There's plenty of anime I enjoy and I've been rewatching yu yu hakuhso as it's one of my all time favorites. I am watching a few currently airing anime such as Kaiju No8, Spice and Wolf, Go Go Loser Ranger, and Mysterious Dissappearnces.
So if any of this catches your attention send me a message or chat. If things go well we can move platforms to continue chatting. I can also spam you with pictures of my pets too if you'd like!
submitted by Mammoth_Confection91 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:10 No-Echo-2622 Help understanding my dads stroke

He passed after withdrawal of support. Can you please help me understand what happened in his brain? I am a clinical dietitian so understand some level of this but not fully.
Read: There are multiple relatively acute infarctions including the following locations: Bilateral cerebellar hemispheres, right temporal and occipital lobe, right frontal and parietal white matter, left posterior frontal lobe, left parietal lobe. The largest infarctions are in the right occipital area and in the left cerebellar hemisphere, with the other supratentorial infarctions being in more watershed type distribution. The infarction involving the posterior right temporal lobe and right occipital lobe is about 7 cm long axis. These infarctions are also clearly visible on FLAIR images and T1-weighted images in addition to the diffusion-weighted images, so they qualify as early subacute. There is some mild sulcal effacement related to the infarctions. Small foci of susceptibility artifact in the left cerebellar hemisphere suggest petechial hemorrhage. IMPRESSION: Multiple, fairly extensive, bilateral infarctions, both cerebellar and supratentorial, early subacute
submitted by No-Echo-2622 to stroke [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:09 TheStickleMonster Muffin Top from Hell

Hi everyone,
This post comes well after my success in general weight loss. I went from 5”11 240 ish in 2016 to 165-175 from 2017 to now. I have had times where I slip to 180 but usually can quickly course correct and stay right around 170.
My issue now is, no matter what I do, the only area that has an annoying amount of fat is right below my belly button. I personally have found that going any below 165 does not work well for me, I am active and play sports and hike/ski year round, and when I get that thin I just don’t feel strong enough or high energy.
Is this muffin top purely the point where I need to just maintain weight and drop body fat%? I think a small amount of it could be skin from my heaviest, but it is not a big enough complaint to consider any kind of skin removal.
It just feels so frustrating since when I am in really good shape, I have barely visible abs near the top, and a frustrating little pooch belly below.
Any suggestions or ideas are very welcomed and I’m new to the sub so I just wanted to say I love what I have been reading in the community!
submitted by TheStickleMonster to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:08 ThenResponsibility43 Weight loss plateau

Hello everyone, I'm 173 cm tall male. Since the start of the year I have managed to lose 21 kg (46 lb), going from 103 kg (227 lb) to 82 kg (181 lb) by maintaining a caloric deficit and exercising. However, for the past month, I haven’t been able to lose a single pound. I tried reducing my calorie intake to 1300 kcal a day, but it didn’t give any results — my body started to adapt to the lower food intake. For example, my resting heart rate dropped from 70 to 50 BPM, and my blood pressure dropped to ~95 SYS and ~45 DIA. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do in this situation? I want to continue my weight loss journey until I feel comfortable with my weight. Thank you for your answers.
P.S. I also tried measuring my waist, thinking that I might be gaining the same weight of muscle as I lose fat, but the measurements stayed the same. Also, sorry for any mistakes — I am not a native English speaker
submitted by ThenResponsibility43 to loseit [link] [comments]
