Nice weave hairstyle for fat faces

Where Are All The Good Men?

2017.04.01 12:10 kevin32 Where Are All The Good Men?

In response to niceguys, this sub is dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man", to show what happens when women reject decent men for jerks and promiscuity, along with showing the unreasonable standards many women have while offering little to no value themselves.

2024.05.16 03:01 JCraig96 I'm an addict to looking at and masturbating to big butts! What is going on with me?

What's happening inside my subconscious to cause this?! I am much like this other redditor and don't feel like its healthy for my mind and soul:
I am obsessed with butts, they're all I can think about when I'm in public. The grocery store, on the sidewalk, in line at the airport, I'm always aware of every single fit booty within a 50 ft radius around my balls and sack. The first thing I do when I enter any room or walk down an aisle in a store is scan for butts and if I find a good one then I will formulate a quick strategy for looking at that butt as much as possible in a reasonable time frame, of course so as not to seem like a weirdo. I never say anything to the butts owner, I never make more than normal eye contact and a brief smile perhaps, my only goal is to rack up the amount of time that my eyeballs absorb the light that is bouncing off of quality butts. I'm fucking consumed by this and the force that powers my affliction or gift is seemingly never ending.
And for me, it's the size, the bigger it is, the more I'm attracted to it. Where most people would say "That's too big for me." I ain't like that, my lustful desire for big butts knows no limits, the bigger the better. Yet this doesn't apply if they're fat (big all around). And if they have an ugly face, it kinda ruins the whole thing for me, but sometimes, I'll overlook it if the butt is big enough. I know, all this sounds super degenerate, but it's the truth.
And so obviously, I suffer from a masturbation addiction as a result. I had this struggle ever since i was a child, and I'm 27 now.. The urge to jack off after I've seen a really big butt is overwhelming at times. Here recently, I wanted to jack off so bad because of it, but couldn't, and I felt jittery, my heart was pounding, like I was a crack addict or something. It was really bad!
Also, I know that with most people, they want to undress and have sex with the person. But that hasn't really been the case with me, I rarely ever think about having sex with the person, or even seeing them necked (unless their in loose clothing of some sort). I guess I just really admire the butt itself, I just really like butts.
I know this desire, this obsession, comes from an unbalanced libido function in my subconscious. But I want to find out the origin of this fetish, see the underlying representation for my butt obsession, and reprogram this libido flow into something eles that isn't self destructive. I may need to do some Shadow Work for this, because I know this has to be caused by an autonomous complex within my psyche, it's just hard to dive into it. Any pointers as to what might be going on with me?
submitted by JCraig96 to Jung [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:57 Ill_Purple_1092 Fiance (M41) put me (F29) and his 2 week old daughter out of the home, what would you do?

My partner (m41) and I (f29) have been together for 4 years. It wasn't an easy relationship to begin with. My family fell out with me for getting with him. They knew him very well but they just thought it was moving too fast. I moved in with him pretty quickly as my dad was physically quote aggressive with me and controlling. I planned on staying with my partner for a while until sorting out my own place but we just fell in love more every day. We had a "we wi prove them all wrong" attitude. I really truly and deeply love and care for him. He was patient, calm, funny, gentlemanly. He spent 2 years doing everything he could to make me happy. He would cook, washa and dry my hair, massages, running baths, picking me flowers etc.
Fast forward to last April. We fell pregnant and were ecstatic but unfortunately, it ended in an early miscarriage at 7 weeks. He has a pain condition which means every so often it flare up and his mood dips. He finds it difficult to cope with stress etc. The miscarriage put alot of strain on our relationship as he switched off and offered no emotional support whatsoever.
We had a few arguments and I decided I needed to leave for a break. I went home and my mum and dad were more than supportive. I spent 2 weeks at home until I met my partner and we reconciled. My dad was so cross and again got aggressive and told me to never step foot in his house again.
In August a few months later, we fell pregnant again. Although this time was different, he didn't seem overly happy. Maybe sometimes but basically he mostly stopped being affectionate with me or doing thoughtful things that he always had done. He began to sleep separately from me. The odd time he would maybe run me a bath or cook etc. If I was sick or sore, he would say "tru being sore for 10 years" I never got any sympathy. He nearly got frustrated if I went for naps or had a lie in
Christmas, he made dinner for us on Christmas day etc he didn't get me anything. I got him a few things. On boxing day, we had an arguement, I can't even remember about what. He left and stayed at his mums for 3 weeks. I spent 3 weeks on my own, sick and crying in bed basically the whole time. I didn't tell anyone. New years eve countdown, I cried in bed rubbing my growing bump. He eventually came back, we had 3 great weeks together before his mood shifted again. He made a comment about how he had wanted a son instead of a daughter.
He then began home decorating and nesting. He spent 2 solid months working most evenings to do up her nursery, and basically improve every room with new paint etc.
I then was admitted early with pre eclampsia just over 3 weeks ago. I spent 4 days in hospital before they inserted a pessary. I then was moved to delivery suite 36 hours after the pessary. I was labouring and contracting for 6 hours until I got to 9cm and they realised something was wrong. Baby was completely stuck, cord around neck etc and I was rushed for a category 1 c section.
When my partner was allowed into theatre, I was already opened and blood everywhere. I had the shakes etc and he seen everything. I really thought I was going to die. It was so traumatic. I was wheeled into recovery and he asked when he could go home. I was disgusted. As soo. As I was wheeled on to the ward just 3 hours post op, he left. He came back thay evening for 2 hours. That night, my baby girl was cluster feeding, it was very difficult. I text him at 5am to tell him all about it. At 8am I got a message calling me a "whine" and not to be texting in the middle of the night again. I stupidly apologised.
Eventually I was discharged and the first week, he was as he described "father of the year" and I even said to him, that this was the making od him. He was so soft, gentle, caring and involved with our daughter. I thought finally, my life is working out.
He then spent a few days not interacting with us AT ALL. I mean not one glance. There was one day I was standing at the sink sorting baby bottles and she cried. I asked him to loft her and he said no I'm busy, grabbed a bag of crisps, went upstairs and slammed the bedroom door. He also continued to smoke in that room where she sleeps at night. I asked him to stop and he gave off that he has nowhere for himself anymore.
He came out of this mood a couple of times. He took us for a walk and picked us flowers and lunch. The very next day, he went back into his low depressive mood. On the last particular day 2.5 weeks after birth, he was wanting to take us to the beach. This was the first day where I got myself ready and pretty, I was excited. He made me lunch and then refused to eat with me because the previous days, we argued over lunch (he would start arguements about nothing and it would lead to raised voices etc)
So anyway he ate in another room, our daughter was with me and she started crying so he slammed the door of the room he was in. I then went to the sink washed bottles for baby. He came in and said was I going to keep hogging the sink or was I going to get out of the way. I told him to not be so ignorant with me.
It led to a full blown row where he got quite aggressive. He came into my face and I pushed him away and he then said I assaulted him I told him to wise up and stop this shouting in front of our baby. He slammed the living room door. I went in and I said this had to stop. He told me to get the hell out of his house and that it was about time I leave and give him peace. He went upstairs and at the top of the stairs he called me a fat shapeless b###ard, fat ugly nose and feet etc. Now before birth I weighed over 13 stone. At this arguement, I was weighing 10stone 10 so definitely not fat.
I packed 2 bags, and left with our baby. Since then I have reached out to him and he has ignored me. He believes me to be staying in a bmb with a newborn and he thinks this is acceptable. He has not asked about her or me. He changed the locks also so I can't get into the home. My heart is broken. What happened to the man I love? He doesn't speak to anyone anymore, he has no friends, he stopped working. I can see his Google activity and he has been researching moving to India and leading a spiritual life. I feel like his brain is messed up.
A week later, I am now 9.5 stone, stopped breast feeding as I'm not producing enough, doing everything on my own with our perfect daughter. Basically, what would you do? What has happened him? Is this normal behaviour during pregnancy and post-partum?
He knows all I have ever dreamed of is having a baby and a family. Why did he do this? I feel so sorry for me. That was where I made home, I have so many belongings and stuff in there that ingot for my daughter. I helped with the decor and actually blame that for my pre eclampsia. The day before admission I was on my hands and knees painting skirting because I felt bad about him painting upstairs. I redone all the grouting in the bathroom etc too. For him to turn around and say "what kind of idiot stays in a house where they aren't wanted". One day picking flowers and declaring your love, the next telling me to leave.
How do I get through this
Tldr my fiance m41, put me f29 out of the home with our 2.5 week old daughter. I need advice on what has happened to him and what to do next.
submitted by Ill_Purple_1092 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:57 TaterMcTopHat m33 f28- 7 months too long to work on stuff?

I posted this in divorce too...just looking for insight.
7 months..
Long story short- my husband(m33) and I (f29) fight constantly. 3 weeks ago, in the heat of it, he said he'd rather be alone than deal with this, and he never wanted to see my face again.
So I kicked him out.
It's important to know that for 7 years we've been living with my parents- we have a living room and full bathroom and bedroom. Shared kitchen and rest of the house. We pay 600 for rent. He moved in while I was finishing school, and then we decided to buy stuff instead of save for a house.
2 Halloweens ago, he up and leaves during a fight. Says he needs space. Went to his sisters for 3 or 4 days. Came back.
This Jan. Did the same thing. No communication. Just needed a break from the fighting. Didn't tell me when he was coming back. Didn't know if he was going to. He came back after 3 weeks. Of course, nothing changed. We went back to the same patterns.
Now. 3 weeks ago I kicked him out. Within 1 week, I had moved all his stuff to within 30 minutes from him, well packed and organized (he is living 2 hours away by his family). He's already found an apartment and is moved in. It's so tiny, we both could not live there.
Before he moved, we were going to have the debt paid off by Dec. (Debt we both accrued, but that I mainly have been the bill payer and stressed about getting out of debt alone. He could never care either way.) That is 7 months away now. Also, isn't going to happen because he isn't there.
Now, there is a large sum of debt in my name, but to split it let's just say that he agreed to pay me 500 for 20 months to help pay off half the debt that he helped get.
I told him that before I move out from where I am, I want to be debt free finally. Yes, I'll have a car payment and yes I understand debt from if we have a house. But not 7 credit cards and 3 loans. That is killing me.
So, I Said that I want 12 months. So we figure stuff out, figure out who we are alone, decide if we want to be together, figure out how to communicate effectively etc. I am willing to meet half way for dates, and even go to his apartment.
He didn't like the time. Fine. I pulled it all the way back to 7 months. The original goal for getting our debt paid off. (Even though originally he'd promised that we could also travel, so really we wouldn't have moved before summer of 2025 if things had stayed the same.)
Keep in mind: I met this guy on a dating app, and he'd lived 2 hours away when I first met him.
So, I am offering this deal: 7 months of long distance, texting, calling, facetiming, figuring out who we are as individuals, what we can be as a couple, doing counseling, dates, weekends together, etc.
He's saying I move with him right now (even though I can't just move my job, and he doesn't make enough to pay all of my minimums on debt.) Or we get a divorce. There is no working on stuff long distance.
I know I'm setting myself up for criticism. I don't want to give up on my marriage. But I don't see how, if we wouldn't or couldn't figure out how to talk to each other nicely living together in one space, how will we be able to magically do it in another space?
Internet: I know everyone is different and not everyone can do the same things- but am I crazy for asking for 7 months for the things i listed above? (Keep in mind at 7 months, I am willing to move there, but ultimately I'd like to live somewhere between the 2 families or even in a different state we both love.) (Also, his lease us month to month. So, we wouldn't have to worry about that.)
(Also Also, sorry for my crap writing. On mobile.)
submitted by TaterMcTopHat to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:55 SR__E What do you guys think?

I have this co worker I've been crushing on for quite a while now. But haven't been sure about the signs. I feel as if I'm thinking too deeply about it and just being delulu. I don't really go out of my way unless I need something for a work project of sorts and they happen to be close by. Here are some things I've noticed that stick out as signs:
  1. She uses the same words or phrases as me, when I use them. I once jokingly said raincheck to a favor someone asked me and they used it on me when they got the chance and it really didn't make sense, context wise.
• instead of saying "that's crazy" I say "that's bananas". They've said this a couple of times.
  1. I once drew a Batman face on a cardboard box and they tried to draw a Batman of their own but It needed work lol. I put an A+ on it
  2. They always banter me whenever I see them or close by. It's always back and forth, they always have something I can work with conversation wise.
  3. One day they worked on their usual day off and came to my department to talk to their friend who works in the same department as me and kept saying "hi, (my name)" every time I passed by. After they spoke her friend co worker then said "I think she likes you". I was all warm inside and tried to play it cool 😎 and I said "I thought they were just being nice". A pretty obvious sign but to be fair she is very friendly and is someone who reaches out just because.
  4. I can feel them staring at me when I am speaking to a coworker and they are near by.
Hope you guys can give some insight. I know it may seem like I have the green light but I have my doubts. They forget simple information such as my birthday, favorite season and color, and forget conversation we've had the little times we've spoken. They also asked my repeat questions on separate occasions and I jokingly tell them they already asked me before and to go back to their notes and review. I'm not sure why you would ask someone something and forget their response. They talk to other co workers and they go out of their way to speak to them, out of their way meaning they come up to the 2nd floor on their break or on the clock and chat. They've never done this to me and the times I've seen this I've been by myself and smiled at them hoping they'd come to me next but they don't. Thanks for sticking to the end, hope to hear from yall 🤠
submitted by SR__E to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:52 DerpsterIV Couple questions about my new Galaxy Watch 6C

Hey! Got my watch a few weeks back. Been great so far, have some minor concerns that I've been wondering if people know how to fix;
Firstly, when I open a text message from the notifications, the watch doesn't actually open the Messages app; which means I don't get to view images, and it doesn't mark as read unless I press the trash icon underneath all 16 of the customizable auto replies (which I can't seem to trim down to 5 or 6 replies?), so messaging can get pretty inconvenient. Is there a way to make it actually open the Messages app from the notifications menu such to avoid this issue?
Next concern is also technically regarding messages; for some reason, I do not have an option for default messenger in the watch's settings. I have default app options for the browser, assistant, home, and phone apps, but messages is strangely absent from this list; from my own research on this sub it seems like a relatively common complaint but I have not been able to track down a solution. The reason this matters is because Bixby is unable to send text messages using Google Messages, which prompted me to switch to Google Assistant instead. I have no issues on GA, so it's not a big deal, but it would be nice to have Bixby working correctly so that if I get used to some Samsung integrated featureset I would be able to activate it by voice.
Lastly, this isn't much of a question with an answer, but does anyone else have the hall effect bezel skip tabs sometimes? Like I'll intend to go from notifications to watch face, and it'll skip to the next page after. Doesn't really matter, just curious.
submitted by DerpsterIV to GalaxyWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:52 ghostanchor7 Authors of Light

The voices mingled around me. Some loud, some soft, some weeping while others waited in stoic silence. The lodge anxiously waiting as the last rays of sunlight flit through the bay window. The wall of stacked cars and stone lights up like fairy lights upon a wall, revealing the weaknesses of our fragile defenses. And beyond the glass stood thousands of faces, watching the last rays of light sink beyond the horizon, beyond the walls that we called hope.
The room grew quiet. A whimper was stifled from the wall as the sun gave way to the stars. Their light poking holes in the sky like the sun had revealed our defenses flaws. A flask popped open followed by several large gulps. I can't fault you. The sword on my back grows warm and her hand touches my arm. Her long, blonde braid falls past her shoulder as she turns to me. To look at me and see me. Gosh, how can she know me so well. Her hand slides down my arm and into my shaking hand.
She brings it to her lips and tenderly kisses my knuckles, even the sunken ones. "The sun has surrendered," and pulls my hand to her chest, "you are now the light that must lead us, my love."
Her fingers interlace with mine, stealing the tremble hidden upon their tips with a squeeze. That tremble climbing up my arm to escape out of my lungs at my next breath. "We can only be hammered for so long before we have to be quenched, I guess." A small, but playfull smile breaks her somber face. She pulls me closer to her and presses her forhead to mine. In that small moment, the heat of her breath, the scent of her; from the moment she held me and handed me the star blade to now, she has been my light.
A small and stifled sob escapes her lips, for as she has by my beacon, I have tried to be her anchor. In our journey these last years, she has loved and feared, celebrated and cried, and we have grown. "You must be light that leads us." Her tears stain the dark wood at our feet and the tremble in her body transfers to me in at the touch of our skin.
"I must and I will." Raising her hands to my lips, returning the tender kiss she gave to me.
Turning to face the table before me, only a few are looking at what had been a private moment between her and I. The rest continue to look to where the light once had been. The heat on my back beckoned me, telling me what to do. To touch the pommel of the sword like the Forever King had done before. It was swift, but the rush of power flooded me at the embrace of my palm around the hammered piece of metal.
"So the night comes and we are like fresh pieces of paper watching spilt ink spread before us."
Eyes turn to me. Hone in on me. While still holding her hand, I turn to the west and the setting sun.
"This night, this darkness has had a long time coming and now we finally face it." Pointing at the last rays of sunlight that fade into twilight. In those last remnants of light, I can see the heads of thousands look around. Some in fear and some in confusion. The power continues to flood my body and I let go of the pommel of my sword.
Marching away from the table and to the wooden door of the lodge, my voice carries. "This story that has held us in our youth, in our entertainment, has now filled our very lives." The door glides open and I stride out, marching towards the eastarn wall. A few eyes around the lodge turn towards me. My arms shake themselves out of habit, releasing tension stored within.
"Now we write the last chapters of this very war," the growl surprises me, as people step aside to let me through. There are few faces that I recognize, but the ones that I do now recognize the position I hold. The star blade upon my back now emiting a soft glow. "One more story to add to the eternal narative that is sung among the stars."
More eyes, more faces turn to me as my voice reaches out to the gathered forces within our last bastion. My path is set and made clear in the divide of the people around me. Leading me towards the wall; towards the erected tower with a emerald, green flag and shining white sword flying in the wind above it.
"So let out story be a ballad, instead of paper waiting for someone else to write upon." The sky grows ever darker, and the twilight that normally sits around quickly is swallowed up by the oncoming night. Someone rings a bell, the warning bell. A haunting gong that sends shivers up and down my spine. They're here. Panicked voices fills the edges of the field as the chiming rings across the fortress. Men and woman rush to the walls, some armed with modern weaponry. Others with forged ones taking positions up along the wall.
Each step I take closer to the wall, my voice gets a little louder. "Let us sing, let us sing the song of the free." The bell chimes and my footfalls sound like a drum in my ears. "Let us shout, let us shout the darkness, make it fear our coming death." I move and pull up someone who is kneeling on the ground, tears coating their cheeks.
"Arise, Arise!" My fist bangs upon my chest.
Marching up the crude steps into the tower, my fist hammers the wall to the beat of my heart. The stone walls echoing with my voice within but reverberating across the field outside. "If destruction be our lot, we ourselves must be its author and finisher."
The glow from my sword spreads out from around me, slowling lighting up the tower. And as I march out atop of the stone building, I gaze out towards the wave of darkness rushing towards us from the west. I can hear the snarls and roars of the curse frothing towards us. The voice of darkness spreaking its inky touch across the barren landscape beyond the walls not a few minutes away.
"So let this ballad be our last ballad that we spin." I reach for the hilt of my sword and look down at the forces defending the wall. There gaze is brief but I their eyes, and their fear. But I also see their hope. "As free men, as free woman," turning to face the forces spread out below in the fortress field before me. "By our song, we will live forever!" I rip the star blade from the half-sheath on my back. "Or die by our own hand." The light beams out towards the heavens above as my words echo across the land.
The roar spreads like fire, chasing away the shadow of fear. Spear and sword slap against shields, cracking rumbling among the men and woman. Some beat upon the stone and steal around them while others beat their chest. A vicious cry of defience, a thunderous song echoing in my heart and ears as I turned to face the darkness.
And she was there. Right behind me as I turned to face the forces marching toward us. Her hands glowing in radiance as her spells weaved around us, casting down pillars of light spread out across the wall. I raise my sword high and can feel the air around me turn static. Darkness now clashes with the light as the hordes of the enemy crash and climb upon the wall. "Our story, our ballad, shall forever sing among the stars." Guns and artillary begin to fire. "But we are the authors of light!"
With a swing of my sword, bolts of lightning fire down from gathered clouds in the sky at the base of the wall.
-- Story Originally posted as a Prompt Inspired --
-- Original Prompt by u/GeorgeWL --
-- [WP] If destruction be our lot, we ourselves must be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men, we will live forever, or die by our own hand. --
submitted by ghostanchor7 to ghostanchor7 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:51 Ralts_Bloodthorne Nova Wars - Chapter 62

[First Contact] [Dark Ages] [First] [Prev] [Next] [wiki]
"Leave the sleeping dragons lie in peace" is a lesson that seemingly has to be taught to every wannabe conqueror over and over again.
Time after time, there will be a few idiots who only see the dragon's hoard, its cult of followers, and ignore the piles of rusted, slagged, calcified, scorched remains of every moron who tried before them. They see all of this and think "I can beat it to submission and take everything it has."
And then the dragon wakes up, and more smoldering remains are added to the scorched scrap heap.
And the Malevolent Universe grins in the darkness, and increases the "Dead morons who should have known better" counter by one. Then, waits for the next contestant. - u/Matt_Bradock, Terran Philosopher, Age of Paranoia, TerraSol
initiating data stream
your name is Dhruv-661391
you were purchased for the same price as a moderately priced luxury vehicle
She knows the dead. She is of the dead. She is the keeper and guardian of the dead. Life, death and the feasting of swarms all are one within her. She knows where once-dead things were laid to rest and where the deathless still dream in their unliving slumber. She knows where the hungry dead have roamed the universe's fields, and where they still roam them unburied, and why no one remembers them as they tread. - The Fifth Horseman, First Terran Imperium, "Meditations Upon Immortals"
you were created to serve
What we tell ourselves, what we tell others, and what actually happened, are often three different things.
And sometimes four. - Unknown, Age of Paranoia, TerraSol
your name is Dhruv
and your brain was once smooth
Captain N'Skrek checked his datalink.
The deep data storage was still at work bringing up information on "Legion" and "Sacajawea". The older databases of the Gray Lady had data at the ready, but it was sparse.
Two of the Biological Apostles of the Digital Omnimessiah, a figure of myth and legend.
Yet, they sat across from him.
They were talking back and forth in a language that the computer's linguistic database had no record of and stubbornly resisted any attempt to decipher it.
What N'Skrek did hear was several words that he recognized.
Daxin the Unfeeling. Daxin Freeborn. Chromium Saint Peter. Enraged Phillip. Matthias the Elder. Matthias the Younger. Kibuka. Kalki. Gravity.
A litany that left data scrolling down the empty space just beyond the edge of his peripheral vision.
Daxin "The Walking War Crime" Freeborn.
NavInt and MilInt were projecting with an 80% certainty (adjusted downward for unknown probabilities) that the beings in front of him were from that long bygone era.
Finally Captain N'Skrek cleared his throat.
The bald one, Legion, turned to look at the gathered staff officers.
"My apologies. I was catching my sister up on what has transpired since she disappeared," Legion said, smiling gently. He nodded. "You probably have questions."
N'Skrek nodded back. "The biggest one is: how did you..." he thought for a second. "Why did you..." no, that wouldn't work. "What bring about..."
Legion smiled.
"How did I replace all of your clones and why?" he asked. "Why is it that if you print off too many identical clones I show up?"
N'Skrek nodded. "Yes."
Legion looked at the Terran officers and smiled wider. It was a cruel smile, reminding N'Skrek of a hook pointed knife that had been sharpened to a keen edge.
"You didn't tell them? Have you really forgotten about me?" he asked.
"It was assumed to be still prevented by the cloning systems," Vice-Admiral Breakheader stated slowly. "We have only recently been restored ourselves. Less than two months time."
Legion just smiled.
Vice-Admiral Breakheader turned to look at Captain N'Skrek. "Running off too many identical clones causes Legion to manifest. It's why we use the Born Whole system, it ensures they have different brains, different expriences, and they have a slight variation to pore and retinal patterns, hair growth, minor things like that. Otherwise, Legion manifests."
"Why?" N'Skrek asked.
The Vice-Admiral sat silently for a moment before replying. "Because," was all he said.
Legion's smile didn't leave his face.
"Because it is my nature," he said.
Sacajawea said something and Legion replied in the same language, then turned to N'Skrek.
"My sister does not know why she was rebirthed," he said. He looked at her and spoke rapidly. She answered, only a few words, which made Legion reply at length. Again, only a few words.
"It must have been important," N'Skrek interrupted.
"She states that she does not know why the Immortals system did not rebirth her when she died," Legion said. He glanced at her. "She tells me that she died, with her people, when her peaceful planet was attacked."
"By the Mar-gite?" N'Skrek asked.
Again, more conversation.
"Yes," Legion answered. He frowned as she spoke again. "She says they were a peaceful planet. Anarcho-Primitivism. Very little technology. The Mar-gite attacked without warning."
She spoke rapidly and Legion listened.
N'Skrek saw the computer still was not able to parse the language, even though it could build a lexicon of off very little data for almost any other language it encountered.
Legion turned and faced N'Skrek. "She states that she believes it was the fact that some of her people demanded that high technology be left in place in order to allow the six planets her people had settled to remain in contact. That the high tech farming and sustenance industries led the Mar-gite to attack her."
Again, Sacajawea spoke, her head lifted, looking down at Legion.
"Why she was not reborn is unknown to her. She had guided and shepherded her people for thousands of years before the outsiders came. Outsiders drawn by technology, by the abandonment of the old ways," Legion said. He was frowning as he spoke rapidly.
The conversation took a few minutes.
"She said the outsiders came and wiped her people out after entire generations held them off. That in the final battle, they overcame her when her strength failed," Legion said. There was more talking. "She's describing the Mar-gite."
"Where was this?" N'Skrek asked, bringing up a map of the galaxy. "The First Mar-gite War was only three hundred years prior to the Council-Confederacy Conflict and lasted nearly a hundred years," the brought up a sketchy timeline of the era. "When did you encounter the Mar-gite and where?"
Sacajawea spoke again at length. Legion spoke back. It grew heated for a moment before Legion looked at N'Skrek.
"She will not say. She does not want us to defile or desecrate the worlds her people settled. She does not want us to know when or where," he said.
"That might be pertinent information," N'Skrek said. "Important information to keep the Mar-gite from overwhelming the Cygnus-Orion Spur."
Sacajawea spoke quickly, heatedly, half standing up. Legion put his hand on her shoulder, obviously encouraging her to sit down, but she shrugged, throwing off Legion's hand, and her speech got more heated, her eyes flashing with anger.
"She says she will not reveal her people's resting place for us to dig up the graves and desecrate them. That it is not anyone's business where The People have gone or what The People have done," Legion said. He turned and answered her.
The conversation got heated as the N'Skrek and the officers watched.
Finally, Sacajawea stood up and turned around, folding her arms across her chest, lifting her chin.
Legion's skin darkened with anger.
"Then you can tell them that load of bullshit yourself, little sister," he snapped.
He suddenly vanished in a swirl of black powder that evaporated.
N'Skrek saw that Sacajawea was shocked by Legion's disappearance. She stood there for a long moment.
"Dhruv?" she asked mid-air.
N'Skrek motioned his officers to stay silent.
"Dhruv?" she snapped, stomping one foot.
Still silence.
"Luke!' she half-shouted, stamping her foot again.
She turned and looked at the gathered staff officers, who were all staring at her.
"Legion?" she asked quietly.
N'Skrek held up one bladearm.
"It appears, Miss, that you will have to speak for yourself."
Sacajawea frowned and clamped her lips together.
N'Skrek just stared mildly.
your name was tiffany
your name was dhruv
you were created to serve the deshmuhk family
you were a gardener and a menial
but you have risen above that
Jaskel had just gotten a plate of food and sat down in one corner of the cavernous Dining Bay Twenty-Three.
True, it was a little bit of a walk from the Telkan Marine section to that particular dining facility, but for some reason Jaskel liked the food put out by Nutriforge-Eight better than any of the others.
Like the Gunny always said, it was the little things that count.
He had arranged his silverware, his drink, and given a short prayer when he suddenly wasn't alone.
A slender man in an unfamiliar uniform suddenly appeared at one of the tables on the far side of the Dining Bay. Jaskel watched as two more stepped out of the first. They all sat down and started talking rapidly.
To Jaskel, it sounded like an argument.
It looked like one person arguing with himself.
Jaskel ate quietly and slowly, trying to avoid attracting attention, but watching the Terran out of the corner of his eye.
Terrans were universally half-crazy.
And a Terran arguing with clones of himself was probably full blown crazy.
That, and Jaskel remembered how negligent the display of power had been that had left him hanging upside down in mid-air.
Much to the amusement of his squad mates who watched the video and laughed.
He was down to dessert when the far door opened and a woman entered. Jaskel recognized her instantly as the young adult Terran woman who had appeared nude from the cloning banks, even though she was clad in clothing made of brown material and decorated with beads.
She immediately made a bee-line for the man, who had gotten a plate with a piece of pie on it while the other two argued between each other.
She stopped and stomped on foot, staring down at the sitting man.
"You look stupid," the man, Legion, said when she stopped next to him.
"Dhruv," she snapped. She rattled off words that Jaskel's datalink couldn't translate.
"Not talking to you until you speak Confederate Standard. I know you know it," Legion/Dhruv stated.
She stomped her foot again. "Luke!" she snapped.
Legion looked up. "Part of me, a large part of me, feels that you lost the right to call me by that name."
He went back to eating the pie. When the woman looked at the two clones who were staring at her, they stared back for a moment then puffed into black dust that swirled and vanished.
Jaskel kept watching out of the corner of his eye.
"Dhruv," she snapped.
"Go away, Sacajawea," Legion said.
She stood there for a moment. Then she suddenly leaned forward and slapped the plate of pie away from Legion.
"I will not call you Legion," she suddenly said as the plate clattered against the far bulkhead.
"Go away," Legion said. He looked up. "Let me put it in a way you might understand better: I just want left alone."
The woman stepped back, one hand going to her mouth.
"Yeah, still scared of him, aren't you," Legion said. He stood up. "Or are you?" he moved so he was clear of the table. "Were you ever afraid of him, Sacajawea, or was it all an act?"
Sacajawea looked away. "He was everything wrong with the world, a living reminder of what kind of men destroyed my people."
Legion suddenly laughed. "You forget history, little sister. But, of course, you never had any use for history unless it served your own ends."
Sacajawea stomped her foot. "Dhruv, be nice."
"No," Legion said, his voice low and intent. "I have yet to hear you thank me for what I did in the cloning bay, much less what I did for you before you ran off and left me holding the bag."
your name was luke
remember remember
your name was luke
"I came back to find Matthias the Elder standing over the sundered murdered code of the Digital Omnimessiah," Legion said. "Then Daxin showed up, Matthias claimed I killed our Digital Father, so I ran."
"And he followed. Intent on killing you," Sacajawea sniffed.
"Yes!' Legion said. "Of course he did! I would have chased me in that situation," Legion said. He stepped forward. "And where were you, Little Sister, when it happened?"
She looked away and sniffed. "I was performing my duty, serving my people. As you well know."
Legion turned around, facing away from her. "Yeah, the people you had me bake up," he turned back around. "Not the poor bastards fighting a slowly losing war against the Mantid. They were your people too, but you left them behind. If it wasn't for the Mechakrautlanders, they'd be extinct with the rest of humanity."
"They had set aside the old ways. I told you that," Sacajawea said. She gave a sniff and turned her head away. "They were too consumed by blood lust, they would not stop fighting, would not embrace the old ways."
"EVERYONE WAS FIGHTING!" Legion shouted in a voice that made Jaskel's drink glass rattle. "There were hab-kids fighting and dying in destroyed hab-blocks in the ruins of megalopolises. It had nothing to do with 'the old ways', it was a fight for survival."
"You would not understand," Sacajawea said. She gave another sniff, still looking away. "I took my people away from where technology and the abandonment of the ways of our people had led us."
Legion stood still for a second.
"Don't give me that shit about your 'people', remember, I touched you. I know the truth," Legion said. He shook his head. "You had a task. A task to help us, help our Digital Father, help all of humanity, but you abandoned it."
"I had a task to help my people," Sacajawea sniffed. "I owed nothing to the world that stood aside or actively took part while my people were destroyed," she looked at Legion. "You wouldn't understand."
Jaskel could see purple electricity snarling around Legion's boots, clawing at the deckplates with thread-thick fingers.
"You were supposed to guide us along the path to the SUDS, so we could save everyone, Sacajawea," Legion said. "You betrayed us. Betrayed them. You were supposed to save them."
"Like they saved my people, Luke?" Sacajawea asked.
"You don't call me that any more, little sister," Legion said. "For the love of the Detainee, fucking let go of shit that doesn't matter any more. We humans have been genocided repeatedly since then."
"I'm not calling you Legion. That reeks of arrogance and pride," Sacajawea said. "And it matters to me, Luke."
"You talk a lot of shit for someone named Bird Woman," Legion snapped back. "How about I call you Tiffany?"
Sacajawea took a step back. "That is not my name. That was never my true name."
"You forget. I could see under that skin job. See who you were born as. I knew the truth, and I've kept it secret for all these eons," Legion said. He turned away. "You left us, left humanity behind on your so-called quest."
He turned back to face her.
"Now, again, we're facing extinction. The Mar-gite, they wiped you out. Now they're here in overwhelming force to the point where I'm not even sure Fortress Sol can hold them off," Legion said. "And you still want to play pretend."
He turned his back on her.
"You're no different than Matthias the Elder," Legion said quietly.
There was a dreadful silence for a long moment.
"I told Daxin, sitting in the parking garage where we used to meet, that we had to let go of the past. Learn from it, admit it happened, but we had to let it all go. The old hatreds, the old angers, the old rage," Legion said softly. "He agreed. He said perhaps it was time for us to leave the mortals behind. Let them go without us dragging baggage from worlds and events dead and gone behind us."
Sacajawea sniffed. "It's different for the two of you, neither one of you had your people..."
"I was a short bake slave clone, Tiffany," Legion said, his voice still soft and quiet. "Just like your family owned."
Sacajawea opened her mouth to answer, her eyes flashing hotly.
"One of millions grown in a vat every year. Made in humanity's image but without its grace," Legion's voice was nearly a whisper. "Our little band of siblings, only Kalki, Gravity, and Daxin came from families that did not order one of me from an online catalogue. Even Bellona lived with my people performing menial labor for her colony."
Sacajawea stepped forward, obviously about to deliver a scathing retort.
"But my people didn't count, did we, Tiffany?" Legion asked. He gave a deep sigh. "I loved you, you know."
Her mouth closed. She looked confused.
"When you left, I created another of you," Legion said quietly. "She was, of course, captured by the Imperium, like all of the Biological Apostles," he looked down at the floor. "It was why they didn't know you'd escaped."
Jaskel wished he was anywhere but in the dining bay.
"Eventually, that version of you threw off the Imperium's chains like we did. She went back to Terra. Worked tirelessly to rebuild. Eventually, led the Dandelion Fleet that became the Sky Nebula Alignment."
It was silent except for the muted sounds a starship under power in Transit Space made.
"I'll go back with you. Translate for you," Legion said, his voice still soft. He turned to face the woman.
"Just... just stop lying, Tiffany," he said.
He was silent a moment.
"I had hoped that it was that version, my version, the version I had been madly in love with, that version of you that had been rebirthed," he said. "The version who guided her people, who succored them, who helped them rebuild, who helped them thrive in the scarred and shattered world Earth had become. I had hoped, when I saw you, that you were her."
the buzzing can still be heard
your name is legion
"But it's just you."
Captain N'Skrek watched as Legion led Sacajawea into the briefing room.
He had been busy looking up every scrap of information on the Digital Omnimessiah, the Biological Apostles, Legion, and Sacajawea.
Of all of them, information was scarcest, almost non-existent, on Sacajawea.
He waited as the Terran woman took a drink from the glass in front of her.
She looked around.
"During the Human-Mantid War, before the destruction of the Overqueen by the forces of MechaKrautland, before the Liberation of Terra," she started. She closed her eyes, sighed, and opened them. "I begged Vat Grown Luke, who you know as Legion, to clone my people and help me repair and then hijack four colony transports crashed in the Middle Kingdom."
She looked down and Legion reached over and took her hand. She looked startled for a moment, squeezed Legion's hand gently, and looked back up.
"I led my people away. From the Imperium, from Terra, from the War," she said. She reached out and touched the holo-emitter, bringing up a map of the Milky Way. She touched a single arm.
"I led them here. For over eight thousand years my people knew peace, prosperity, and plenty," she said. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and exhaled sharply.
N'Skrek recognized it as a sign of stress in Terrans.
"Roughly twelve hundred Terran Standard Years prior to the Council-Confederacy Conflict, we were attacked," she said. She looked down. "I had sworn to protect my people, to use my powers to protect my people, which had grown to fill six worlds."
She looked back up.
"The Mar-gite destroyed my people in under a decade," she said. She looked down again. "And me with them."
"A glitch in the system prevented her from moving to Afterlife or being rebirthed," Legion said. "A glitch I had caused when I helped her."
"The Mar-gite destroyed my people here," Sacajawea said, her voice filled with pain.
A single cluster of six stars burned brightly.
Deep in the Scutum-Crux Arm.
your name is legion
[First Contact] [Dark Ages] [First] [Prev] [Next] [wiki]
submitted by Ralts_Bloodthorne to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:51 Zealousideal-Luck697 options for ppl who can’t afford FFS

options for ppl who can’t afford FFS
so basically i want FFS so bad i literally hate going outside cause I hate my face as like everybody else here, but i found out how much filler can feminize ur face! So basically my plan is to get the fillers while i save up for my FFS so i at least have something to make me feel better in the meantime, the most feminizing fillers are: lip filler (obv not dramatic but plump lips can rlly feminize ur face) nose filler if u have a hump or a droopy nose it can remove the hump and lift the tip and last one i wanna get is under eye filler i have super hollow under eyes and undereye filler really helps ur eyes look more rested + less hollow which will also make ur browbone look less prominent! u can also get cheeck filler but I don’t think i need that. if u wanna get all the fillers i mentioned at a good practitioner it’s like 1K which is way more doable than 25k for FFS. i will add some pics of nice filler results so you guys can see what i mean and how it can feminize u.
submitted by Zealousideal-Luck697 to 4tran4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:51 WestsideTy Niche Review Dump

Hi Everyone! I’ve always loved good smelling stuff and for the last 15 years I’ve usually had one bottle of cologne, and would replace once it’s out. Only in the last few months have I really delved into this world and began filling out a modest collection. I’m definitely not an expert (so take my reviews with a big grain of salt) but I love smelling and writing so here ya go. (Fucking wall of text incoming lmao, I didn’t realize how lengthy this got)
I just got back from a three-hour mall trip to try and get my nose on as many niche fragrances as my senses would tolerate. I had already done a good bit of research so I had some picked out to try and others already crossed-off. Im a 30M for reference.
I also had the goal in mind to find a contender for a fall/winter scent that exudes class, sophistication and decadence. For that, I’ve already tried a few that I really enjoy, and kind of used these as a springboard to continue exploring:
Xerjoff Alexandria II- This is what I envision royalty wearing. Lavender and rosewood mix soooo nice in the open, and dries into a lovey rose/vanilla/essence of oud. The oud is really toned down here for those that dislike it. It’s kind of hard to pick out. Nuclear performance.
Initio Oud for Greatness- Another good starter oud, you could say (this was my introduction to oud). It lasts forever and the dry down is seriously heavenly. The wet, soily oud is at the forefront for 2-4 hours, but I’m absolutely in love with what’s left when it disappears. Lavender, saffron, nutmeg and musk mixes into the best dryer-sheet-like scent I’ve come across (what it reminds ME of at least).
Perfums de Marly Haltane- Quite similar in the opening to Oud for Greatness. Haltane is darker, though, where I get more leathesmoke. I think the oud in this is more subdued, or at least less moist smelling. It blends well and lasts a good while.
Initio Atomic Rose- Holy shit. Apparently rose gets my motor GOING. I tried a lot of rose-centric fragrances today, but this probably still takes the cake for its balance and strength, in addition to the scent itself being just gorgeous.
So with those in mind I was off to Neiman Marcus. I sampled a large amount more than what I’ve written, but stuck to the ones that were memorable; good or bad.
Frederic Malle - Portrait of a Lady- My favorite of the Frederic Malle. Sensual rose/clove/currant at the front, but it is kind of hard to pick out specific notes on this one. After looking, I can get the cinnamon in the background of the dry down, it blends perfectly with the sandalwood, rose and benzoin after drying down. - Carnal Flower- Some similarity to POAL, lots of tuberose and jasmine, which I personally like. A bright yet sensual floral, and you get some coconut and melon there, too. I typically dislike coconut but this is blended masterfully. - Lipstick Rose- Yeah, that’s what it smells like. Try this if you’ve seen people describe scents as lipstick-y or violet taking on that accord. Not my cup of tea, also leans more feminine to my nose than the other two. - Musc Ravageur- I really wanted to like this one. And for a split second I did! A clove-y vanilla sasparilla is what I first got, and it unfortunately turned into barnyard urine. I immediately remembered seeing some reviews stating this, and I couldn’t get my nose to move past it. I can tell there’s good stuff there, but not for me.
Amouage - Reflection- The only one I’d tried before, and remains one of my favs. Rosemary and pink pepper greet you with a deep, fresh spice. The vetiver and patchouli sit nicely at the bottom, and the combination of white florals mixes wonderfully. Another scent I could imagine on royalty, and seems pretty versatile, too. You could wear this year-round without feeling out of place. Insane staying power. - Lyric- Probably my favorite, but I need to smell again on another day. Compared to the other Amouage, I had to continually stick my nose in the coffe beans to pick up the scent from the test strip. When I did get it, it was a lovely light, fresh scent. Quite a departure from the other Amouage I’ve tried, but great. No surprise, the list of notes are some of my favorites: lime, bergamot, rose, orange blossom, saffron, nutmeg, musk, pine, vanilla, incense, sandalwood. Seriously, love each and all those individually and they come together beautifully. - Interlude- Another good one. Dark, mysterious. Definitely get the oregano/peppepatchouli/incense bomb off the top. Leather lurking behind. I typically don’t gravitate toward the leathery scents but this one’s good. - Enclave- This pretty much seals the deal for me that on me, mint just ain’t it. I liked Sedley at first, but the mint somehow gets too cloying to my nose after too long. I can tell I would get the same from the peppermint in the opening of Enclave. I almost liked this one, too. If you can even tolerate peppermint, you’ll enjoy this one.
Mind Games - Blockade- Wowww. First sniff love, here. Explosion of citrus, juicy fruit-y sex. I usually find myself staying away from citrus but this shit is next level. This will be a contender for my next upscale summer buy. - Double Attack- Another love at first sniff. It’s familiar, though. Chocolate/orange/cinnamon/vanilla. You’ll want to eat it right up. I already have this box checked in my collection, but may come back to it in the future. - Checkmate- Another lovely scent. Champagne, red currant, rose, magnolia, little patchouli. It all comes together really nicely, and it was difficult for me to pick out specific notes before looking. Not a love, but I was really impressed with the quality and scent profile of the Mind Games I tried.
Clive Christian - Town & Country- Wow. No seriously, like fucking wow. Smells like an Italian fruit cart strolling through an English manor’s sprawling garden road. I look at the notes and I don’t understand how you get this smell supposedly out of Clary Sage, Ambergris, and Sandalwood. Like, what? This is high quality shit. I get some pear or grapes there, too. Try this. - Crab Apple Blossom- Yum yum yum this is goooood. Smells like it sounds. Bergamot, apple blossom and rhubarb dance around playfully together. Can’t help but have a big stupid smile on your face when you smell this. The more it dried down, the more it might be my favorite over Town & Country. - Matsukita- Another great scent. In the same vein as the other two since they are part of the same “Crown Collection.” You get some smokiness, here. Bergamot with nutmeg and mate give depth and a little mystery. White florals, woody ambers and musk at the base. Just quality stuff here. All three of these in the Crown Collection were available in 10ml travel size gift pack for $300. Good idea to put on my wish list. That shit is kiiiinda expensive.
Xerjoff - Erba Pura- I did not expect to like this as much as I did! Favorite that I sampled. Perfect combination of citrus and fruitiness off the top, layered over a bed of sweet musk. Something here is very familiar to my nose but I couldn’t place it. This will be another top contender for a future upscale summer purchase. - Accento- Soothing scent. Fruity white floral (usually dumb reach for me), and the iris gives it some powder but not overpowering. Not as feminine-leaning as I would have expected. - Iommi- Delicious! Sweet smoky rum off the top, and it’s a little surprising how forward the patchouli and leather is in this. It’s bordering on being a little overpowering, but it tames a bit on the dry down. I’d need to see how this goes on my skin, for sure. - Torino 21- Another one that I liked way more than expected. I’m going back and seeing mint listed as a top note here…I didn’t get that! And thank God since mint usually is a non-starter. Kind of an aquatic green to my nose. Again, just a lovely scent. - Naxos- Yeah ok this is good shit. I was expecting a sweet bomb, but this is definitely more restrained than what a lot of reviewers will have you believe. I’m a sucker for lavender and bergamot. Throw in honey and jasmine atop a bed of tobacco, vanilla and tonka bean? Yes please. - Erba Gold- Pretty good. To my nose more feminine than Erba Pura, likely due to the extra fruits in the middle. That combination of citruses, pear and melon is reminiscent of particular ladies’ scents.
Louis Vuitton - L’Immensité- Ohhhh yeahh. Relaxation in a bottle. My favorite besides maybe Fleur du Desert. This, Imagination and Météore all kind of dance to the same song, so to speak. More than one of these would be redundant, in my opinion. The quality speaks through each of these fragrances, though- really nice stuff. - Imagination- The name fits, as a lot of the notes here are almost fleeting like a word on the tip of your tongue. It’s a great, calming scent but it didn’t blow me away. Like I said, L’Immensité was the best of these and I don’t see the need to diversify within this collection. - Météore- Compared to L’Immensité, there’s a little more sweetness here. This leans closer to a shower gel-like scent in my opinion. Still great. - Fleur du Désert- This one started out reallly good. Honey and cinnamon into rose and orange blossom is an intriguing, sensual combination. Unfortunately, smelling it on my arm after a couple hours, the jasmine and honey turn into something my mind recognizes as an old lady scent. The POAL on my hand, by comparison, keeps mixing with my skin in a great pheromonic way. - Ombre Nomad- Disappointed with this one. I’m realizing I don’t gravitate toward darker scents like heavy oud, leather, incense. I can tell it’s put together really well and uses quality materials, but this isn’t one that was made for me.
All in all, my main take-aways include: Xerjoff scents living up to the name. I was definitely impressed with their offerings, and would have expected it to lean closer to overrated. Same with Mind Games. Really enjoyed everything I sampled from them, even if it wasn’t my cup of tea, I was impressed with the quality. Also, I need to get back and sample the rest of the Clive Christian house. I was absolutely blown away with what I tried.
A little bonus: I tried TF Noir de Noir, Extreme Noir, and Cafe Rose. Extreme Noir is excellent. A regal mix of saffron, nutmeg and cardamom on top of rose and white florals. Ahhhh, again, similar to what I imagine a king or king to smell like.
Cafe Rose is probably the second best rose-centric scent to my nose besides Atomic Rose. I’ll need to put those side by side.
Anyway, feel free to ask away if you’d like. I was bored and inspired so killed some time writing this out :)
submitted by WestsideTy to Colognes [link] [comments]


PAYPAL INVOICE ONLY Shipping in East Cost $10 Shipping to Westcoast $15
Both size 32 TIMESTAMP:
Can negotiate fr I’m not tryna make the top dollar just wanna sell these items that are just sitting for shit that’ll fit the kid
Take both for idk $130 plus shipping? .. usually deeds banana batch goes for $120 alone on here so consider that my deal to you :)
submitted by Big_Tell978 to QualityRepsBST [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:46 Substantialmajestic Suspicious Circumstance

A police officer received a call to help another officer, who he had known for many years. The call was designated as "suspicious circumstance."
The call was from a son who said that when he went to check on his mom at her old farmhouse, he had heard noises from downstairs in the basement.
It took the officer about 15 minutes to get out to this old farmhouse outside of town. It was yellow stucco and very old. He could see the old knob and tubing wiring on the outside of the house.
There is an upset old woman on the porch, the mom, and then a younger adult male standing next to her, the son, and then his fellow police officer standing next to them.
He goes up to them and gets all the information. When the son got to his mom's farmhouse to check on his mom, while he was talking to his mom on the main floor, he heard a noise in the basement like something being dropped. He dismissed it as perhaps an animal.
However, then there were more noises of things moving around and then he also started hearing voices.
The son said he thinks maybe someone is living down there taking advantage of his mom. He says the basement is unlivable as it has a dirt floor and no electricity.
The mom is upset. She said she didn't want the son to go down in the basement. And now, the mom didn't want the police officers to go down in the basement either.
So, he asks her why she doesn't want them to go down there. She says, "Because the others are down there."
And he asks her what she means by that. She says "The others were here long before me and they will be here long after me."
He says he understands but that they need to go check the basement. The mom says nicely "You are both good boys. Don't go down there."
Meanwhile, the officer sees that the fellow officer has a very scared look on his face. This fellow police officer has helped the police officer who is calling into the show many many times. The intuition from him has saved both of them in many situations. So, this guy trusts him a lot. He pulls him to the side and says "What's going on here?" The fellow police officer says "There is a very dark fog around this house."
The two police officers decide to go clear the basement with their weapons drawn. They let dispatch know they are going to clear the basement and then they make their way into the old house.
They go through the front door and enter an entryway. There is a kitchen to the left. There are two double doors to a living room on the right. They go through the kitchen and then through a small hallway towards the garage where there are steps down to the basement.
They open the basement door and start going down the steps. The steps are very steep and narrow like steps on a boat. There is no electricity downstairs. He only has the light on his gun. He said every single inch of his exposed skin felt like it was under assault from a thickness in the air.
They get downstairs and to the left are a bunch of old boilers. First a wood fire one, then an oil fire one, and then an updated furnace. To the left are steep stairs that go back outside through a bulkhead entrance (like the wizard of oz -- those basement doors that are flat in the ground).
And, in between the boilers and that bulkhead stair is a door to a back room inside the basement. And they focus on opening up that door.
The fellow officer opens the door and he goes inside. The room is filled with old wooden items and some boxes. There is nothing for anyone to hide behind. In the center of the room near the back is an old rocking horse. The white paint has been chipping and the hair on the horse has faded severely.
They both stand there looking at the rocking horse. He says he was drawn to the rocking horse in a very weird way.
Then he hears his radio as dispatch is calling. Dispatch says "Security check" as in "Are you guys ok?" He answers back that they are ok and dispatch says "What is taking you so long." He thinks this is very odd since usually dispatch does not interrupt you when you are clearing a house like that as they know you are highly focused.
He looks over to his fellow officer and he is staring at that rocking horse. His eyes are glossed over in a daze. He shakes his fellow officer and his fellow officer snaps out of it. They make their way back upstairs. They both talk in the kitchen that they are going to have to talk about this with each other after they leave the house to get their bearings back.
They go back out on the porch. The old woman has a smirk on her face. She says "Didn't feel good did it? You should have listened shouldn't you?"
He gets back in his vehicle and he asks dispatch why they interrupted him. Dispatch says he was gone too long. He says he wasn't gone long. Dispatch says he was gone for 10 minutes. He says he was not gone for 10 minutes. He says he was gone for about 2 minutes before they interrupted him.
There are more calls that come in and they move on to those.
However, later, back at the police station, they review the police body camera. Sure enough, once they get down into that room with the rocking horse, both he and the fellow officer freeze for 7 minutes looking at that rocking horse. They do not move. They do not speak. You can hear them both breathing for 7 minutes on the video. The only reason they snap out of it is because dispatch interrupts them on the radio. They both stood looking at that rocking horse for 7 minutes without realizing it.
submitted by Substantialmajestic to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:45 Careless-Platypus-25 Rant about waste + looking for undergrad caps/gowns AFTER graduation (5'2" M and 5'7" M)

title. trying to get 2 sets total for myself and a friend for next year + avoid giving herff jones more money than they deserve, those bastards. dm for logistics.
seriously why are caps and gowns sold for $75 dollars? only to end up in landfill? you can't recycle them. they're polyester and you wear them for a DAY. idk how many people graduate a year from BU, but it's up there. That's so much freaking polyester. and money. if 10 000 people graduate each year, each gown+cap weighs 0.2 pounds, and they cost $75 that sums up to 5 baby elephants (or 2941 fat rats) and $750 000 of profit (bc lets be honest those gowns cost nuts and crackers to make). now multiply that waste and profit for high schools and universities in the entire country. yes, BU why don't you erect a giant green building (that for some reason is called the jenga building when it clearly should be the tetris building UGH) to look all shiny and nice, but work w a company who should be obsolete and not have any initiatives to reuse caps and gowns.
I need a smoke break from this world.
submitted by Careless-Platypus-25 to BostonU [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:44 Imamuffinz My cousins after 16 years is continuing to treat their mother like shit

About 16 years or so my aunt had an affair, leading to a nasty divorce while my cousins were still young. Time passes by and to this day my cousins, boy and girl have moved out on their own and is still treating their mother like crap and the whole family knows it.
I understand that what she had done was incredibly wrong and I understand the anger that is towards her but I think after a certain period of time she shouldn't be treated as a martyr by her own children after almost 20 years now.
They're incredibly toxic towards her, refuse to do anything for her birthday, finding excuses to not hang out with her, or play the victim card and blame any inconvenience on her when my aunt is not at fault at all.
My cousins make a good money and they are both single. They have good jobs and after everything their mother has done for them growing up, they are essentially spitting at her face each time. They won't even help her with rent or even take her out for ice cream for an example.
My ass is incredibly haunted and extremely depressed. She obviously regrets her decisions and wishes that she didn't go through the affair but all she wants is her children to show her a little bit of empathy and show that they care. They take and take from her, and they keep on taking knowing that if she rejects them in any way even if it means standing up for herself, they will retaliate and close of all communications. They will hold the grudges even more and that's something that they are taking advantage of.
I know what it's like to be in the situation, not the cheating stuff but I know what's it like to hold on to a relationship when it's dying. I feel so bad for her and my entire family is telling my cousins to grow the fuck up and to just leave everything in the past and be happy that their mother is even in the picture and trying her hardest to be there for them.
Both of my cousins are around their 30s and this is getting ridiculous at how much The Grudge has gotten.
And the worst part is if at any point my cousin's know that anyone has heard the rumors or what they have done or said to my aunt, they get very furious with us and will shut us out for a while. This is incredibly immature and just toxic.
My aunt is incredibly special to me and I totally understand why she likes to hang out with me and is very genuine. I show her the love her children never gave her and it makes me feel good that I can be this person in her life. I don't do it because I want to one up somebody, I do this because she's my aunt and I know what it feels like to lose someone. She has always been by my side growing up. However whenever my cousin's find out how much I show her love or know about me taking her out for dinner or giving her a gift once in awhile, they get incredibly jealous.
This makes no sense to me because why are they jealous? They have the time, money to do something really nice for their mom once in a while but they decide not to. They just keep making excuses and stockpiling reasons to keep holding on to the garage just to be toxic towards my aunt.
I really do not know what to do. There's nothing that I can do, but all I can do is support my aunt. What are you guys think about the situation, can anyone give some insight?
submitted by Imamuffinz to ToxicRelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:42 kumquatkreampie Had a crazy experience on a flex delivery today which prompted me to write my first ever google review. Attached is the review in its entirety that I submitted. Enjoy!

I want to start out by saying this is the first review I’ve ever made. I’ve never felt so inclined to make a review towards any establishment, let alone a senior living facility. I’m a 24 year old black female and I’ve been a delivery driver for years and I come in contact with so many different people and this interaction by far has taken the cake. I am an independent contractor for Amazon. I deliver groceries that customers order from Whole Foods kind of like instacart. This is a side gig that my partner and I do just to make a little extra money when we can. I always have my partner do these deliveries with me since I am young and a female and have been in some very sketchy situations while delivering and I am so glad he was here with me today. On this particular morning, May 15, 2024 at around 8-8:20am, we had a delivery to a resident at this facility. My gps leads me directly to the front of this establishment where I park underneath the pergola. I proceeded to the first set of doors leading to a foyer where then I was met with another set of doors in which I couldn’t open because they were locked. I then looked to the right of me and saw a doorbell with a sign above it asking to please ring the doorbell for further assistance. After ringing the doorbell, I was greeted by Jeff Puls, who I was later informed by other staff was the director of this establishment. He goes on to tell me that I am at the wrong entrance, I cannot make my delivery to the resident here and I need to go to the front entrance. I then tell him that I think I am at the front entrance and give him a description of where I am, but again, he says I’m not in the right place. So, we drive around the building trying to find any other entrance that could be the correct one and every entrance I tried had locked doors and seemed as though they were residential access only. We come back to where I am certain the main entrance is and I call the resident to whom I’m delivering to and she confirms that I am at the correct entrance and that I shouldn’t have any problems getting in. While on the phone, we see someone come out of the buildings doors and walk over to the driver side so I roll down my window where Jeff Puls angrily asks me “what do you want, I told you to go to the front” and then asks what it is that I’m delivering. I tell him that I just have a flower delivery from Whole Foods for [insert residents name] and I originally tried to deliver here in the front but you told me I was not at the front entrance. He huffs and puffs and says “give them here”. I present the flowers and he then aggressively snatched them right out of my hands, leaving two bouquets still in my hands. I open my door and try to hand him the remaining flowers which he again aggressively snatches out of my hands and as he’s walking away he says, “f****** b****…..all you delivery drivers are all the same, I can’t stand you”. Me and my partner then step out of the vehicle and asks him to speak to a manager or someone higher up in authority for what he just said to me. Jeff refused and continued to get into our faces, point his fingers in front of our faces while yelling at us to leave. He then proceeds to threaten to call the police if we didn’t leave to which me and my partner encouraged him to do so because we drive a Tesla that has eight cameras around the car constantly recording so we were eager to show the police officers his behavior towards us. While awaiting the police officers, Jeff continues to badger us, taunt us, called me a racial slur and would not keep his distance away from us even when asked to back away nicely. I then decided to wait in our car for the police and as soon as I sit down in the passenger seat and go to close the door, I see Jeff charging at me. I immediately start to close the door as fast as i could and honestly right in the nick of time because he kicks my car door! Finally, the police officers arrive, and of course, like most people do when the police show up, he cowers away and acts calm, cool and collected in front of them. We speak to the police officers and show them the footage of the whole incident from start to finish and we are currently in the process of taking more legal action. Thank you to the nurse working on the clock that day that came out when the incident was happening to make sure everything was okay and made sure that the flowers we promptly delivered to the resident there and another thank you to the maintenance guy that also came out during the incident to give us the name, number and email of the higher ups to proceed with further action. I don’t plan on taking my parents to a senior facility anytime time soon or even at all because of people like Jeff. If he exhibits this type of behavior to a delivery driver, then I can only imagine his behavior and treatment towards the elderly and people like him are why I fear having to take my parents to a senior facility.
submitted by kumquatkreampie to AmazonFlexDrivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:41 Eresseal AITA because I decide to no longer validate my Bf's trauma?

My (27) Male boyfriend and I (25) female have been together for almost four years, our relationship has not been the most perfect one and kindly admit I have let pretty bad things slide, including **cheating** **lying** and **manipulation**. All of this time I have separated from him twice.... last time we went back to the relationship after being almost six months apart, because after all his slip ups I decided to come back, I went on a week trip to Costa Rica and he decided to dig in to a USB drive I had left in my apartment, finding pictures of me with two of my ex boyfriends who were highly abusive to me. To be fairly honest, I have not used the drive for a long time, sometimes I upload pictures in that same drive and never see the ones from my ex's, however he got so triggered about seeing me with other men, that we broke up. It seems that he has this sense of being the victim and in my eyes, he is being unfair. After everything I have forgiven him, when it's his turn to see something not exactly pleasant, he OVERLY victimizes himself and makes a HUGE drama. Like if I had to beg him to forgive me. I don't consider him a bad person, but he has pretty bad trauma from past relationships and the main source is in his home, his mother has NOT been a good mother at all..... he is the middle child and always seems to get ignored, mistreated and abused by her.
For the past six months, we've been pretty good, he has slowly but surely worked on his trauma, past self and toxic habits. However, he has a tendency to become angry and other times I have seen him talking very badly about people in general, two months ago he went through a very harsh depression. That led us to almost separate Again. He gets pretty toxic, self destructive and tends to be really pitiful with himself. Over time, I have decided to stop making myself the hero of the relationship and let things be, I was there for him but was not going to interfere in the process. Since, after all, in my mind I think he is looking for a mother figure and I am not that.
Yesterday, I needed to do a one long day trip to my main city, he decided to join me but I warned him that I would be staying with my family, (which he usually gets pretty uncomfortable in, doesn't like family environment) and he agreed. My car's temperature got up and needed to make a quick stop at a gas station to make sure everything was ok. Going back to the road, I started analyzing why I had forgotten to add cooler to my car's engine, which seem like a very simple task, I was wondering why sometimes I tend to forget very easy but key tasks and was feeling kind off down with myself.
Instead of helping me feel better, giving me some words of encouragement or at least listening to me, he started describing to me other scenarios in which I have failed myself precisely by forgetting simple but key tasks. Excusing himself saying that he was giving me ''useful data for me to know how to improve''. I got a little pissed off, since It seemed like he wanted to turn a moment of frustration with myself into a problem of HIS and make me feel worse. I sometimes battle with certain tendencies I have, like PTSD, ADHD and lying patterns, I used to lie to pretend things were not wrong, etc. And I, myself, was honest to him about it around three months ago, letting him know, that I felt really bad with myself because of it. In the car, while on the road, additionally from telling me other scenarios where I had forgotten things, he also took the chance to let me know that It was my last chance before I got '' another little lie'' out, telling me how insecure I make him feel and that I have a big problem. I understood his side, I heard him and let him know multiple times that I am trying my best and that it is in my intentions to continue my therapy to avoid any future conflict or harm to myself or others, but in those interactions all I got was him not listening at all, being conflictive, telling me to stop the conversation because we are going nowhere and cold reactions.
I decided to keep quiet and not make a big deal about it, but something in me is really turned down.... during the visit with my family I did what I had to do and PAID for everything, dinner, breakfast, gas, emergency supplies etc. but I didn't even want to touch him, I feel drowned and had the urge to get away from him. He acted like a cold stone during the entire visit, making it harder for me, instead of being a nice trip. All I can think about right now, is that I can no longer idealize him in my mind, he's bad with me, uses things like this as an excuse for his poor behavior in the past, rubs in my face the changes he's faced to become a better person when angry and acts like a whole pure narcissist. I am NOT a bad person, I know my mistakes and consider this IS NOT FAIR. And I am not going to play this game again. I feel like I'm really done. When we got home, I said absolutely nothing, left him in his apartment and haven't talked to him at all.
AITA for not validating his drama, going after him and talking more sense into him?
submitted by Eresseal to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:39 plumfuzzil i’ve been crying myself to sleep for the past 2 weeks

I dont know why anymore,?? something ive noticed is that I constantly feel hopeless and just just a lot of self resentment . it stems from the people I surround myself with and like.
I know who to leave, but like i genuinely cant?? like it’s probably attachment issues but ugh. one of my friends I hang out with in my day to day school lige, has a bit of an ego, and doesn’t understand how some of the things she tells me or does genuinely hurts me or other people ??? I knew her since I was 7, were 15 now, she’s been like passive aggressive towards me or like subtly bullying me since. I feel like bully is a strong word but she’ll make about me in. away that feels jokey but like she means it lmfao😭?? for example, she’ll call me dumb as a joke, but then like belittle me for my grades ??? which I don’t reallycare, but it’s the fact that she goes to ME for math, science, and english . she also treats me like a biohazard?? like she won’t let me write on her paper because I’m, ‘Dirty’ ,which i know she’s teasing but she does it. like a lot. I dont know I have trouble leaving her for a multitude of reasons, The first one being is that we have like all the same friends, and I feel like. my friends perfer her over me??? because they have a lot more in common with her than with me, and like I don’t really see myself as someone likable so I dont know it’s confusing?? I can’t leave them because I still care, and love them but I just feel like I don’t belong anywhere ??? also honestly being alone sucks a lot l??? . She also like portrays herself as a good person to others?? do even if my friends did like me, I doubt they’d believe me. Theres been times where she pointed at my self harm scars and called them disgusting and like gross. but I dont know I feel like she was just teasing and I’m over reacting???
I really do resent myself because like I geniunelu don’t think I’m good at anything; like I’m funny, (at least that’s what others say) but it doesn’t even feel like it anymore because nobody takes anything I say seriously anymore? I told one of my friends I was clinically depressed and she was like “like YOUD know anything about depression” and laughed it off ??? IM DIAGNOSED 😭 . it honestly feels like my friends are laughing AT me and never with me??? I also like feel ugly a lot lol; this has been a problem since I was 11 ish and I dont know what started it,? i always felt fat and I know I’m not but I just . I dont know??? like I’m 4”11 ish and 103 pounds which I know is like good; but all of my friends are thinner and prettier than me, and like I kinda just feel worse compared to them??? like I have an eating disorder and i’ve been to the hospital because of it , but my mom doesn’t believe me because I’m not skinny enough to have one??? and like they’re just naturally skinny and pretty?? I also don’t llll do make up or skin care; because my skin is like clear and I kinda hate my face and I don’t wanna fuck up how I feel about myself further with make up ahha. I also just sound. bad?? like my voice doesn’t have a clear accent because I learnt bangla and english at the same time and I just. sound. stupid lol and multiple people have made fun of me for my voice
Recently ish, 1 month ago during ramadan, my dad left the country for 1 month and a half without any type of notice and like blocked my number and moms number. This scared mr, I thought he was abandoning us . and I felt like it was deserved because I wasn’t good enough for him??? like I feel like I failed him by being tomboyish, having average grades, not being close with him, not being religious and just being a fucking loser??? I cried for weeks about this lmfao and it further instilled my self hatred
like I dont know people say teen years are the best years but like??? dude I am willingly dragging myself through shards of glsss and bleeding out on them. I am causing my own downfall knowing I can probably change . there’s other things i want to write about too but I’m tired rn ughdhdkhxhd
submitted by plumfuzzil to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:37 TaterMcTopHat 7 months..

Long story short- my husband and I fight constantly. 3 weeks ago, in the heat of it, he said he'd rather be alone than deal with this, and he never wanted to see my face again.
So I kicked him out.
It's important to know that for 7 years we've been living with my parents- we have a living room and full bathroom and bedroom. Shared kitchen and rest of the house. We pay 600 for rent. He moved in while I was finishing school, and then we decided to buy stuff instead of save for a house.
2 Halloweens ago, he up and leaves during a fight. Says he needs space. Went to his sisters for 3 or 4 days. Came back.
This Jan. Did the same thing. No communication. Just needed a break from the fighting. Didn't tell me when he was coming back. Didn't know if he was going to. He came back after 3 weeks. Of course, nothing changed. We went back to the same patterns.
Now. 3 weeks ago I kicked him out. Within 1 week, I had moved all his stuff to within 30 minutes from him, well packed and organized (he is living 2 hours away by his family). He's already found an apartment and is moved in. It's so tiny, we both could not live there.
Before he moved, we were going to have the debt paid off by Dec. (Debt we both accrued, but that I mainly have been the bill payer and stressed about getting out of debt alone. He could never care either way.) That is 7 months away now. Also, isn't going to happen because he isn't there.
Now, there is a large sum of debt in my name, but to split it let's just say that he agreed to pay me 500 for 20 months to help pay off half the debt that he helped get.
I told him that before I move out from where I am, I want to be debt free finally. Yes, I'll have a car payment and yes I understand debt from if we have a house. But not 7 credit cards and 3 loans. That is killing me.
So, I Said that I want 12 months. So we figure stuff out, figure out who we are alone, decide if we want to be together, figure out how to communicate effectively etc. I am willing to meet half way for dates, and even go to his apartment.
He didn't like the time. Fine. I pulled it all the way back to 7 months. The original goal for getting our debt paid off. (Even though originally he'd promised that we could also travel, so really we wouldn't have moved before summer of 2025 if things had stayed the same.)
Keep in mind: I met this guy on a dating app, and he'd lived 2 hours away when I first met him.
So, I am offering this deal: 7 months of long distance, texting, calling, facetiming, figuring out who we are as individuals, what we can be as a couple, doing counseling, dates, weekends together, etc.
He's saying I move with him right now (even though I can't just move my job, and he doesn't make enough to pay all of my minimums on debt.) Or we get a divorce. There is no working on stuff long distance.
I know I'm setting myself up for criticism. I don't want to give up on my marriage. But I don't see how, if we wouldn't or couldn't figure out how to talk to each other nicely living together in one space, how will we be able to magically do it in another space?
Internet: I know everyone is different and not everyone can do the same things- but am I crazy for asking for 7 months for the things i listed above? (Keep in mind at 7 months, I am willing to move there, but ultimately I'd like to live somewhere between the 2 families or even in a different state we both love.) (Also, his lease us month to month. So, we wouldn't have to worry about that.) (Also Also, sorry for my crap writing. On mobile.)
submitted by TaterMcTopHat to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:35 Autim_Sound2 Meet the best Trailmakers Conventional Dogfighter, The F-30 Super Hawk

Meet the best Trailmakers Conventional Dogfighter, The F-30 Super Hawk
This is going to Sound like a post some random kid made, but I assure you it's not at all that. The F-30 Is a plane that I made for fun a while ago and have since upgraded it. Now the reason I say it's the best is because I have yet to be bested by anyone on XBOX Trailmakers.
Why the Face? Well I'm in this little group called “Thomas legion” and we make vehicles based off of Thomas the train. It's all just for 💩 and giggles. But the best part about it is our slogan. “If you die by a Thomas the train themed vehical and get mad, that's a major skill issue.”
Now the reason I'm making this post and saying “this is the best conventional plane” is because I have yet to be taken down more times then I have taken down my opponent. I also get involved with these other crazy serious Xbox dogfighters and I still have yet to loose.
The F-30 Has a 0-mach 1 time of 6.8 seconds, it carries 2 shields, 4 lasers, and 4 rockets. Doesn't seem like a lot but the one thing that makes this plane so deadly is being kept secret, along with the tech that I have made for this plane, like the F-16. This plane is built aerodynamicaly unstable. And tech that I keep in the plane keeps it stable at all speeds and any type of turns.
So if anyone decides to Yap and cry to me about the shields, it's because of the things people create to go against me. The average plane i see specifically made to go against me has 20+ lasers and rockets and even sometimes these guys put 10+ shields. And yet they all still loose.
Now the word “conventional” means that the propulsion comes from the engines that the game provides us. The only glitches I use on this plane is the No drag glitch, and the piston glitch. The piston glitch I use to just glitch rockets into each other so the plane looks somewhat nice. A plane is considered NOT conventional when the propulsion is in the form of a glitch (like UFO, Electric, Hindge glitch, Ect.)
If anyone decides to doubt me, then feel free to challenge me to a dogfight (Xbox only). My Username on Xbox is “Autism Sound2”
submitted by Autim_Sound2 to trailmakers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:34 Ambitious-Narwhal319 AITA for not moving past this racist incident

So my (26f) partner (30m) is African, and I am Indian. His family lives in Amsterdam whilst we are in London. The first time I met his mum a couple years ago was an unpleasant experience to say the least. I stayed over for around 5 days and the first 4 of them I was completely ignored. When I first saw her, I told her it was nice to finally meet her and I’d brought some fancy biscuit tins and chocolates for the family (not a huge deal, I just want to emphasise that I met her trying to be polite), she looked unimpressed and mumbled that I was welcome and turned away. After that there was no interaction. She wouldn’t even look me in the face let alone address me in any shape or form. My boyfriend even took us (me, his mum and his sisters) to dinner and again I was completely ignored by her even when I tried to ask her a question or two in the hopes of breaking the ice. Then on the last night I was there and my boyfriend was distracted on the phone, she called me in the kitchen to have a conversation. She said she didn’t know anything about me, asked me my name (I’m so sure my boyfriend had told her already), then she asks where I am from. I knew she wasn’t asking about London, so I told her I am Indian. And then she went on a little rant, telling me she didn’t like that I was Indian, she didn’t want her son to be with an Indian, she asked whether my parents even had jobs, asked if I had any education, she asked me if we worship Buddha. All whilst repeating that she didn’t want her son to be with an Indian. It was extremely hurtful, I left crying. My boyfriend intervened when he realised what was happening and it started an argument, she got defensive and started shouting at me asking if she’d said anything wrong (I didn’t answer). I left Amsterdam feeling very hurt and never wanting to come back.
Fast forward 2.5 years, I’ve met her three times since, though mostly because we don’t live in the same country. She’s been much more accepting since. She’s never apologised, just randomly started acting as if she liked me. I’ve been cautious around her naturally because I feel like I know what she really thinks of me deep down. I’ve also been polite in response. But I still cannot bring myself to care for her beyond that. I’m not rude, I try to make an effort, I’ve given her little gifts etc. I just have no interest in building our relationship beyond this. I don’t really have an interest in her life, for example when he calls back home and talks to his sisters and mum, I genuinely care about his sisters and want to know and be involved in what is happening in their lives, his mum , I don’t care to hear about it. Also the thought of our relationship progressing and bringing her around my family terrifies me. I understand people can change and even though she might not have apologised explicitly, she could still be feeling remorseful and is trying to make up for it somewhat.
I’ve forgiven the incident that happened, but it has caused me to have such a strong dislike to her, perhaps it’s a defence mechanism. I want to know whether I should be making more of an effort with her than I am, AITA for not when things are relatively good now?
submitted by Ambitious-Narwhal319 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:19 Eresseal AITA because I decide to not validate my boyfriend's drama?

My (27) Male boyfriend and I (25) female have been together for almost four years, our relationship has not been the most perfect one and kindly admit I have let pretty bad things slide, including **cheating** **lying** and **manipulation**. All of this time I have separated from him twice.... last time we went back to the relationship after being almost six months apart, because after all his slip ups I decided to come back, I went on a week trip to Costa Rica and he decided to dig in to a USB drive I had left in my apartment, finding pictures of me with two of my ex boyfriends who were highly abusive to me. To be fairly honest, I have not used the drive for a long time, sometimes I upload pictures in that same drive and never see the ones from my ex's, however he got so triggered about seeing me with other men, that we broke up. It seems that he has this sense of being the victim and in my eyes, he is being unfair. After everything I have forgiven him, when it's his turn to see something not exactly pleasant, he OVERLY victimizes himself and makes a HUGE drama. Like if I had to beg him to forgive me. I don't consider him a bad person, but he has pretty bad trauma from past relationships and the main source is in his home, his mother has NOT been a good mother at all..... he is the middle child and always seems to get ignored, mistreated and abused by her.
For the past six months, we've been pretty good, he has slowly but surely worked on his trauma, past self and toxic habits. However, he has a tendency to become angry and other times I have seen him talking very badly about people in general, two months ago he went through a very harsh depression. That led us to almost separate Again. He gets pretty toxic, self destructive and tends to be really pitiful with himself. Over time, I have decided to stop making myself the hero of the relationship and let things be, I was there for him but was not going to interfere in the process. Since, after all, in my mind I think he is looking for a mother figure and I am not that.
Yesterday, I needed to do a one long day trip to my main city, he decided to join me but I warned him that I would be staying with my family, (which he usually gets pretty uncomfortable in, doesn't like family environment) and he agreed. My car's temperature got up and needed to make a quick stop at a gas station to make sure everything was ok. Going back to the road, I started analyzing why I had forgotten to add cooler to my car's engine, which seem like a very simple task, I was wondering why sometimes I tend to forget very easy but key tasks and was feeling kind off down with myself.
Instead of helping me feel better, giving me some words of encouragement or at least listening to me, he started describing to me other scenarios in which I have failed myself precisely by forgetting simple but key tasks. Excusing himself saying that he was giving me ''useful data for me to know how to improve''. I got a little pissed off, since It seemed like he wanted to turn a moment of frustration with myself into a problem of HIS and make me feel worse. I sometimes battle with certain tendencies I have, like PTSD, ADHD and lying patterns, I used to lie to pretend things were not wrong, etc. And I, myself, was honest to him about it around three months ago, letting him know, that I felt really bad with myself because of it. In the car, while on the road, additionally from telling me other scenarios where I had forgotten things, he also took the chance to let me know that It was my last chance before I got '' another little lie'' out, telling me how insecure I make him feel and that I have a big problem. I understood his side, I heard him and let him know multiple times that I am trying my best and that it is in my intentions to continue my therapy to avoid any future conflict or harm to myself or others, but in those interactions all I got was him not listening at all, being conflictive, telling me to stop the conversation because we are going nowhere and cold reactions.
I decided to keep quiet and not make a big deal about it, but something in me is really turned down.... during the visit with my family I did what I had to do and PAID for everything, dinner, breakfast, gas, emergency supplies etc. but I didn't even want to touch him, I feel drowned and had the urge to get away from him. He acted like a cold stone during the entire visit, making it harder for me, instead of being a nice trip. All I can think about right now, is that I can no longer idealize him in my mind, he's bad with me, uses things like this as an excuse for his poor behavior in the past, rubs in my face the changes he's faced to become a better person when angry and acts like a whole pure narcissist. I am NOT a bad person, I know my mistakes and consider this IS NOT FAIR. And I am not going to play this game again. I feel like I'm really done. When we got home, I said absolutely nothing, left him in his apartment and haven't talked to him at all.
AITA for not validating his drama, going after him and talking more sense into him?
submitted by Eresseal to AITA_Relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:19 AppleCore88 Transitioning from a control mage player to Akali?

I play a lot of Viktor and I have to respect her so much because of her insane access to her target and the fact that she can ult + flash away and can even kill me under tower. She also has her smoke screen and kinda tanky too, so it just means if the lane is ever slow pushing away from me I just have to pray to god that she won't freeze because I feel like if she wants to she can tank the wave to shave it to approx 3/4 minions. At least the freeze usually doesn't last forever because they do that until I am malnourished enough that I can't make plays on the map and then they usually start hard pushing and going ham everywhere once they get strong enough but it just feels terrible being a level behind Akali and watching her get a kill top with my top laner spam pinging me. I am struggling to get out of Emerald but I feel like now there are actually people who have pretty good champion mastery and while not all the Akali I face in my Elo are good I get "destroyed" in lane by an Akali that does a flashy play which makes me think "huh I never knew she could do that". I don't really feed a lot in lane but in those games the Akali can usually turn solo kill lead into a snowball because she is roaming and impacting the whole map while I am pretty immobile so it is hard for me to do the same. It makes me want to play a higher mobility champion like Akali and I might be inhaling a lot of Copium but I was thinking investing time into her can give me that little push so that I can break into Diamond.
Is she right for me? What am I giving up by playing her instead of Viktor? Viktor is nice too he is a lane bully in a quite a few matchups and excels and outputting sustained damage in teamfights with a bit of cc, except he is squishy and immobile. Akali on the other hand gives me the potential to impact the map more and pick off the one annoying person in teamfights that is carrying their games. Viktor scales better so I don't feel pressured to do something in the early game and I feel like I can be more selective in which fights I take. On the other hand I don't know how Akali scales most games I lose to her she snowballs anyway. What is right? What is her laning right against other non-mage mids? Is this a right choice?
submitted by AppleCore88 to akalimains [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:17 HousingPitiful6730 24F Looking for a girlie bestie 💞

Hi! My pronouns are hethey. I'm an Aussie girl living in the outback, so there's not a lot of options for friend-making. I find it really hard to write about myself so ill just list a bunch of stuff I like. If you feel a connection, please please message me!!! 💞 I love art, I paint traditionally and digitally and dabble in sculpting, tattooing, graphic design, and jewelry making. Anything I can do to express myself creatively, I'm on it! 💞 I like to play games, mostly sandbox types. I'm currently playing Baldurs Gate 3 (Romancing Astarion obvi) I also play Minecraft, Sims, and Dragon Quest Builders. I also played Elder Scrolls Online for 7 years until I sold my PC last year. :( (You get bonus points if you play ESO) 💞 I am shamefully on tiktok a lot, so id love someone to send funny tiktoks to. 💞 Obsessed with wildlife and collecting facts about animals. My family is so tired of hearing me ramble about how fast black marlins can swim. 💞 I am just starting my journey with spirituality. I've been meditating regularly for about a year. Im trying to learn more actively this year, reading books and such. If you're on a similar path, it would be really nice to talk with someone like-minded. 💞 I am autistic, and most of my struggle is with social interactions. I go through periods of not even thinking to talk to anyone for months! I just get super absorbed in my work/hobbies and that is the only thing my brain wants to think about. I really need a friend who doesn't mind me dropping off the face of the planet for a month, and picking up right where we left off. I understand that this can be really upsetting for some people, so I figured I would put it here so you can decide if you're okay with that before reaching out. Thank you so much for reading, please feel free to send me a message. If you're like me and are really bad at describing yourself, just tell me about someone you genuinely look up to. Mine is Lady Gaga because shes one of the most talented, generous, beautiful souls on this planet.
submitted by HousingPitiful6730 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]