Need ideas for christians womens retreat

Ayahuasca - wisdom and healing from the plant medicine

2010.12.26 10:06 PapaTua Ayahuasca - wisdom and healing from the plant medicine

Information, discussions and personal experiences about the shamanistic plant medicine Ayahuasca.

2017.07.08 00:42 Red-Curious Doing what God designed men to do.

Biblical masculinity, relationship, and sex advice from a biblical, yet pragmatic perspective.

2018.07.02 03:09 an enclave for descendants of blackpeople

Black people

2024.05.16 04:53 freakinpieoverlord Need GM Tips: Plot Twist Ideas for My Party's Xanathar Lair Heist

Need some GM advice on how to surprise my Players during the Xanathar Lair heist.
For context: - This is a 6th level party formed by a Barbarian, a Bard, a Ranger and a Cleric. - I'm doing my own Remix, pulling ideas from the original book and the Alexandrian remix - Party struck a deal with the Cassalanters - Cassalanters paid for the Trollskull Manor renovation - I'm only using 3 villains: Cassalanters, Xanathar and Manshoon. (Idk Jarlaxle didn't fit in the story só well for us) - Characters joined the Lords Alliance recently - During the search for Floon, they befriended a Kenku, which now is their "guard" working for them in the Manor but there is a twist - Other Kenkus were sent by Nihiloor to kidnap the traitor. Nihiloor then managed to insert a intellect devourer in his head, and now the party just think he escaped, he is back at the Manor. - In our campaign I want Manshoon to be the Big Final Boss, it will tie with two characters backstories. - I wanted to skip a bit ahead in the campaign, so I made the Cassalanter super powerfull and influential, they managed to retrieve on eye of the stone, then made Renaer find out that a second eye was hidden in an amulet that he got from his mother. - the third eye is in Sylgar's bowl, in Xanathar's Sanctum. - I made Thorvin a trusted contact of the Cassalanters, and lay out a " blueprint" of the Lair for them to infiltrate during a gladiator tournament. - They chose to enter using the secret staircase. - The Barbarian wants to kill the fish to cause caos.
In my setup for the Lair, I have the tournament happening when they arrive. Xanathar will be in the Arena.
One stupid idea, since I won't have Bregan D’Aerthe people interference, I thought I could make the N’arl Xibrindas a double agent working for Manshoon, and he is actually a doppleganger shaped as a Drow. His plan is to use the gunpowder to blow up the Arena (from underneath) hoping to get as many kills as possible and escape to Skullport.
PCs don't know nothing of that, but maybe this is a caothic event that might make them having to improvise during the Heist...
TLDR: Party is infiltrating Xanathar Lair to steal one of the eyes of Golorr, i never intended to use Bragn D'Aerthe in the campaign, so need some ideas on how to interfere in their plan during the Heist.
Thank you un advance, you guys are always very helpful when I post here ♥︎
submitted by freakinpieoverlord to WaterdeepDragonHeist [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:52 okayturnip How to secure double-hung windows with ac unit?

I live on a first floor apartment, so I am concerned about how to secure my windows when I install my ac (which I will need to do soon). We have double hung windows, so there are two separate window panels that move independently (one opens downwards from the top and the other opens upwards from the bottom). I know that some people secure their ac units/windows by screwing L-shaped brackets into the window/side of the window so it can’t be moved, but the material on these windows are not wood (might be aluminum?) so I don’t think that I can drill into them. So if this is not an option, how else can I secure my windows? Even though I could secure the bottom window with a dowel/rod, I can’t secure the top window with this method because that rod would need to be on the outside, so someone could easily remove it. And in a similar vein, I can’t use anything else that would be installed on the outside to prevent the top window from moving, but that seems to be where most sliding locks and such would need to be installed. I’m lost for ideas and any help/suggestions would be much appreciated!
submitted by okayturnip to Home [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:52 Nurfturf06 Drauger needs defense and weapon upgrade. (Yap warning) :)

Drauger is by far an interesting air vehicle in the franchise. I been begging for a flyable stealth bomber since bf4.
Issues: The Drauger, however, does have issues that impacts it's playability. Flying the Drauger in 2042's launch maps can sometime's be irritating. While flying around 2042's vastly open fields, you are faced with lock on after lock on from either a wildcat, jet, heli, and Soflams. Even using DRFM Jammer, which is the only source of defense that can avoid you being lock on, can sometimes not even work or the lock on surpasses the jam. The weaponary, though very unique, can sometimes not be impactful to the battlefield. EMP bombs doesn't really do anything but but stops vehicles for a second and earn you an Intel ribbon in one go. The two newest bombs which are the MK77 Kerosene and MK84 Jdam bombs can either get you a kill or no kill when dropping it on enemiES. The MK77 Kerosene only counts one incendiary bomb when dropped, it releases a spectacular fire ball that doesn't incendiardize the enemy rather it just gives them 8 damage hit mark. The Jdam bombs suffer from a lack of splash damage and not having an interesting explosion effect that was also an reflective issue with Bf4's Jdam bombers for the having a, in which, the bomb did not have any devastating explosions or effects.
Defense Improvement ideas: ●remove cyber warfare, because it is easy to avoid getting hacked by Rao. Replace it with bf4's ECM Jammer ●Add the Extinguisher to equipment slot too, so if you get hit once, you can regenerate your armor faster before the other mssile strikes. ●I think the DFM Jammer is bugged, that why lock one's and penetrate through the system. ●(Controversial) but make it to where you can still drop bombs and shoot while still cloaked. It's not that hard to see the outline of the bomber while it's cloaked so at least making the bomber throw invisible attacks can at least give the pilot the ability to make strafe attacks effectively before being notcie immediately before attacking.
Weapon Improvements ●give the 20mm Ap cannons a better crosshair. ●add atleast 4 or 5 additional Mk77 Kerosene Bombs. ○You have to drop all of the bombs in order to restock. ●Mk84 Jdam needs an explosion effect overhaul, make it bigger and a little more stronger with a slight increase of splash damage. ●Either make the NNEMP bomb a separate default equipped weapon or remove it from the secondary slot and into the primary to emphasize more air to ground style fighting, you want target vehicles more often. ○I think nobody once to waste their time just going back in forth temporarily disabling vehicles that only lasts 3 seconds.
submitted by Nurfturf06 to Battlefield [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:49 SmoughProblems 1st of Septober, 5506, the day Randy woke up

I'll start by saying this is my first time playing Rimworld in years, also the first time experiencing the first two DLC's and the first time I've gone with Randy. For serious veterans of the game there's probably nothing too exciting here.
Despite not having played in ages we've made it 6 years in and for the most part haven't had any real major challenges. The hardest of the new challenges up to now was the mechanoid clusters with high shields but knowing a few simple tricks like using smoke launchers to approach and take out turrets made them relatively easy. To be clear I am playing normal difficulty with only some QOL mods so I didn't expect anything too insane outside of what Randy might do.
So the 1st of Septobor, 5506, rolls around. It starts with a solar flare and half of my colony getting sleeping sickness, no biggie. Then comes a tribal breaching raid. They break in through the wall, we are prepared on the other side and easily handle them, there are some injuries but nothing major and we gather ourselves as the day comes to an end.
On the 2nd another half of the colony gets gut worms, annoying but we've got plenty of medicine and a couple great medics so no worries. Before we can begin to deal with that another tribal raid, but this one is larger than I was prepared for with around 50 tribals and we haven't even had time to carry the previous bodies out or begin patching the hole they made.
I remember we picked up a triple rocket launcher at some point. Bautista, our best shooter, grabs it and heads out to meet them halfway in hopes of putting an early end to things. They aren't nearly as clumped as would be ideal, but we have no time and have to take the shot. Three rockets out, they all hit but disappointingly only three of them are downed. We quickly retreat to the base's newly made entrance and prepare for them. I figure if our two melee fighters can hold the line we should be able to down enough tribals to cause them to flee.
Despite our front lines best efforts, they don't last long and the tribals start pushing into our first row of assault rifles. It's starting to look bad, and then Randy decides this would be a great time for another breach raid, this time with mechs. The panic sets in. we're already weakened and still battling the tribals, I know it's now or never and we have to pull out all the stops.
I remember that Bautista has psy powers that we haven't really taken advantage of. Most of the powers he's gotten aren't great, but I decide to try vertigo pulse on the remaining tribals. I didn't expect much but it did seem to help sway the battle and we were able to turn the tide on the tribals and convince them to flee. Despite that victory, half of our team is in need of rescue, most of the remaining half is in shambles mentally and physically, and we have a much bigger problem still marching towards us.
Of those still standing one is carrying an insanity lance, and another has a device that can create a tornado. They both run to inject some go juice before running out to intercept the fast approaching threat. We are able to cause the termite and centipede to go berserk. Not knowing what to expect we call in the tornado. It wreaks some havoc on them but then turns towards our base and barely misses our hospital where half our team now lies.
The most dangerous of the mechs are dealt with, but there are still lancers, scythers and pikeman. They approach the north wall above our hospital and continue with their intent to breach. With only a handful of capable fighters left I assume this is it, and only then do I realize Bautista has a permit that can be used to call in trooper squad. I acquire th permit only to realize he has to be able to walk to actually use it. With luck he heals up just in time to call in four light troopers for aid.
They rush out to deal with mechs in the most haphazard way and we realize they will not last long. Marta picks up the Zeushammer Doug had dropped and the few remaining shooters follow behind. Though the troopers were clearly suicidal, they caused enough of a distraction to allow us to finish off the remaining mechs.
Amazingly we had survived, all were being tended to but then the true tragedy struck. Elsie was bleeding out rapidly, Garza would have been able to save her had she been taken to the hospital, but our damn elephant who's not allowed in the hospital was hauling her across the base to a new barracks project we had yet forbid them from.
I now know what Randy is truly capable of, but more than anything I surprised myself in handling this poorly dealt hand. I know for those that are used to the highest difficulties this is nowhere near the level of insanity Rimworld can throw at you, but for me it's the hardest and most nail biting situation that I've had to deal with. Sorry for the long post, just had to share this scarring yet exhilarating experience.
submitted by SmoughProblems to RimWorld [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:49 Pineapplez4321 “I don’t want to eat spaghetti for dinner & talk about my day.” I tried.

I’ve been doing a lot of reading on borderline personality disorder because I realized I didn’t know much about it. Everything about my ex [28M] is pretty textbook. Especially with proclivity to addiction and substance abuse. He had mentioned “not liking psychiatrists or medication” and after witnessing his behavior I put two and two together.
I tried so hard to be present for him. To be a sounding board. To comfort him. There were times he’d say “you’re the only person who could deal with me.” We broke up right before his 3 month deployment. I still care. It hurts.
I got pretty attached. My ex was worshipping the ground I walked on one day, I’m not sure you’re the one for me the next day. I hate the army and my job one day, I’m staying in to do special forces another day. Making completely random purchases off of Amazon another day. Being so irritable it takes over his whole day another day. “I hate myself I want to kill myself”. Maniacally planning things on a piece of paper another day. Having grandiose business ideas not rooted in reality of how he’ll make an impact on the world another day. Throwing my fork across a restaurant another day because he didn’t like my taking 1/2inch bacon off his plate because it triggered childhood trauma of his dad stealing food off his plate and getting in fights…, coming back to my room after 15 beers begging me to accept him as he was another day, making me hide his vape from him because he couldn’t control his addiction impulses and needing a “dopamine hit” another day, “everything feels so natural and organic with you I can be myself with you one day”, “I want to feel like I’m on a rocket ship in my relationship and be in puppy love and on top of the world and you’re not giving me that” another day, “you’re my favorite person” the next day, not being able to get off the couch and function during vacation from work another day, planning my future with him 10 years down the road on printed out calendar paper another day. “I don’t want to eat spaghetti for dinner and talk about my day in the future that sounds awful.” “I care about you but I’m emotionally detached and not attracted to you as I should be and I can’t explain why but I can’t get passed this feeling. I don’t know why my brain is working this way” “I feel like I’m inherently a bad person and so is my dad and his dad etc and that’s why I don’t want to have kids.” he’d complain about constant anxiety to the point I said do you think you should be medicated? He responded with do you think I should be? He sees a civilian therapist because he doesn’t want to lose his military job or have anything on record. The therapist he sees over zoom is just for intermittent moments of feeling bad and she tells him she notices he falls into the depression when he’s off from work. He became obsessed with his new commander who had to take leave due to suicidal ideation. He’s obsessed with the concept of mental health itself but has no insight into his own behavior.
And in between all of this there enjoyable seemingly stable moments where I felt I could exhale. And not long after these moments, he’d flip again.
I do logically understand that this behavior gets worse with time and could’ve ended up destroying my life, especially when unregulated and without proper help or treatment.
Part of what hurts is I feel like I couldn’t even be seen or participate in a relationship based off what was going on in his head. And it hurts me that I could not get through to him. That he could not understand logic or see that he was unwell and I couldn’t intervene. And to be there for him through these episodes and ultimately being discarded without any reflection of my value because he wants the next “dopamine hit”.
submitted by Pineapplez4321 to BorderlinePDisorder [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:49 Artistic_Physics8734 I Think I Need to Come Out

I'm tired of sitting around and meandering on what I need to do with my AGP. I've been trying to have a romantic relationship with a girl for forever, until the past three years I've just given up. I realized that I really don't get much out of relationships. Theres also no desire or want to be intimate and they can tell... I just come off as a friend. It makes things weird. Just to be clear, I'm not an incel. I've essentially been offered sex multiple times, even walked a girl to her dorm one late night. I subsequently left her at her door. I always put it up to nerves, but at some point...
What kinda sucks is that everything else in my life generally works for me. Ive got a good job, I mean everyone kinda thinks I'm gay, but I do fit in as a guy. And I've got a few good friends and hobbies.
At this rate though, I'm going to die alone and the only thing that gets me excited about relationships is being in one as a women. I actually like the thought of being someone's wife someday and taking care of kids, but I'm actively missing out on this huge part of my life... Its really been getting to me lately.
I really feel the need to do something.
submitted by Artistic_Physics8734 to askAGP [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:49 Pyroknight98 What if Luffy recruited a crew-mate every Arc? East Blue

What if Luffy recruited a crew-mate every Arc? East Blue
Exactly what the title says, let’s run a thought experiment and try to add as many Straw Hats as there are Arcs in the manga.
The rules for potential candidates, which all current Straw Hats follow, are as follow: •Must have a tragic backstory •Must fill a specific roll in the crew •Must have a dream that can only be achieved by sailing with the Straw Hats
There’s a bit more to discuss, but it’ll make more sense if I talk about when it’s relevant. Let’s begin.
Romance Dawn: Luffy and Zoro. This is easy, Luffy is the main character and Zoro is his first crew-mate. No need for speculation or bs-ing…yet.
Orange Town: Nami. I can already hear the straw-men I just made up. “Nami didn’t join in Orange Town, she joined in Arlong Park!” I agree, to an extent, but you’ll quickly see this thought experiment falls apart without a bit of rule bending.
Syrup Village/Baratie: Usopp and Sanji. Combining these two because there isn’t much to say, this is already cannon.
Arlong Park: Nojiko. So begins the actual meat of the thought experiment, and why I have Nami joining in Orange Town. Of everyone we meet between the Baratie and Cocoyashi Village, our options are pretty limited. Yosaku and Johnny are available, but their skills are already covered by Zoro, nor do we know much about their backstory. Nojiko, in my opinion, is the only character that fits our criteria. Nojiko has the same backstory as Nami, except she was old enough to remember being abandoned in the destroyed Oykot Kingdom and finding Bell-mère. To fit the other two criteria though, we’ll have to drift in fan-fiction territory. Inspired by her adoptive mother’s stories of her time in the Marines, Nojiko dreams of one day joining up just like her. Following Arlong’s takeover and the subssiquent execution of Bell-mère, Nojiko’s dream has to be put on the back-burner, for fear of how the fish-men would react and potentially hurt her, Nami, or the rest of the village. Fast-forward to the Straw Hat’s arrival, Nojiko, while arguing with Nami, is shot in the back by Nezumi, a Marine officer. Appalled by the corrupt Marines, and with years of abuse under Arlong swimming in her mind, Nojiko becomes determined to wipe corruption from the world anywhere she can. As for her roll, I think she’d make a good Master-At-Arms. Given her role in helping Cocoyashi village to fight back against Arlong, and her willingness to jump head first into danger, I think having her be an all-purpose fighter, good with both rifles and sabers, is most fitting. I could also see her being a sort of Grenadier, years of handling Mikans giving her a good throwing arm, but that’s harder to bs. Does it make sense? Not really, but that’s not the point.
Logue Town: And we don’t even make it out of the East Blue before I have to throw my hands up and say I have no idea. Off the top of my head, with only canon characters available, we have Alvida and Tashigi, both of which seem incredibly unlikely. Alvida doesn’t really have a tragic backstory that we know of, but I could see her admiration for Luffy, being the first man willing to punch her, combined with his miraculous escape from Buggy spurring her into thinking she should join him instead of fighting him, but that’s as far as I can stretch it. Tashigi is a fan favorite, both in general and to join the Straw Hats either as a crew-mate or ally, but she’s a Marine Officer. I also don’t know if we know enough about her backstory to say if she fits the first category, or if there’s enough to extrapolate and bs our way to something coherent. All in all, I think Logue Town is where the “new crew-mate every Arc” pattern breaks for the first time.
But what does anyone else think? Am I insane? Are there characters I overlooked? Who is your impossible Straw Hat?
submitted by Pyroknight98 to MemePiece [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:48 Hot-Chain3571 Got used for money and then made fun of for being a virgin

Im 24 years old now but ever since I was 15 I started to lose hair due to alopecia, and a lot of people around me became distant. People would say "ew" as they walked past me, teacher kept talking to me about drug use ( they thought I was using drugs because of my hair, never touched alcohol or drugs) and thus no one wanted be around me. I learned to be content. I became comfortable with solitude. My life just consist of going to work and coming back, but at work I began working with this women. She and I grew close she began opening up about her struggles and the tough time she was going through. We would spend time together and I just wanted to make her feel better. She ended up losing her job and she asked me to lend her money for rent or she and her kids will get kicked out. I used my savings on her because I thought I could sleep in a car but a family cannot. I got her groceries, got her kids fed and even got her a job. I got her back on her feet and then suddenly she started getting cold and abusive towards me. She would make fun of the way I look, how my hair looks and my virginity constantly. She started making me feel horrible for who I am but for some reason I still felt like I needed to save her. She invited me over one day because I asked if I did something wrong she would never respond to me and had a new boyfriend over and they just constantly did the same thing ask what wrong with my hair. How can anyone be a virgin past 20. I never been more depressed. I would think she would have some empathy because she told me about her past abusive relationship and how they destroyed her. I was just trying to support her and be helpful. She would describe this one ex of her as a monster the stuff he did to her was horrible but I wanted to tell her I see her the same way as she see her ex.
submitted by Hot-Chain3571 to virgin [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:48 BroWhatTheFreak My Girlfriend was Sexually Assaulted in her past. I need help.

I don’t wanna make this long but I think it’s better if I rant. I need help. My girlfriend was raped a long time ago, but she has never been the same. We kinda have a long distance relationship, if you could call it that, but we only live around 2 hours apart. I won’t explain how it all happened but I can explain that she has never been the same. She trusts me to an extent, to a really healthy extent. She trusted me with the information regarding her past and how it all went down. I love her so much, I really do. She is so beautiful and so pretty. She is so god damn sweet and all I’ve ever wanted was someone like her. I’ve never felt true love until I found her. She is the only person who makes me feel cared about. I had an ex before but she never cared about me, she cheated on me and treated me like garbage. She made me feel like I was garbage. On top of all that I never really received real love whether it was from my neighborhood, which I live in a pretty ghetto neighborhood, and I never received love from my family. Whatever I got from my abusive family, was the polar opposite of love. Abuse, trust issues, mental scars, physical scars, all of that stuff. So now you guys know why I never really knew what love was, until I found her. But this rant isn’t about me, it’s about my perfect, precious, gorgeous, and lovely girlfriend. The thing is, sometimes she feels so down about herself all the time. She feels like she doesn’t do enough for me sometimes. I tell her, she does, because she truly does. She doesn’t understand how much her love truly means to me. I would do anything, and I mean anything to get her love. Her love means so god damn much to me. But she always feels all over the place. Sometimes she feels so depressed that she lets everyone down. Sometimes she doesn’t wanna call, because she is either nervous, or doesn’t know why she can’t call. I tell her it’s always alright. I just want her to feel important and that everything she says, is always valid, and that whatever she does, I’ll always support it. Before I talk about all of her problems and issues that she has, I need to explain briefly about her past. Not only was she sexually assaulted, the thing about it, was that it was her close childhood family friend who did that to her, in fact he was a bit older and he was one of her brothers friends as well. I won’t go in too much depth of it, but she felt so nervous and shaken up. He made her act like everything was normal and she would break down every time she was alone. My poor baby had to go through so much. Prior to all of that, her father had died few years back. She was always constantly depressed. She felt like she let her father down when she was assaulted. I know she still feels like that. After all of that, she always felt so depressed and suicidal, I’ve seen the scars she brought up onto herself and the scars that her assaulter gave her. He was always yelling at her and was pretty abusive. So ever since that happened she felt so useless. She had tried many times to burn herself with a lighter and tried slitting herself with a knife. Even after all that she is still standing. My baby is so strong, and I just want her to know that. She says she trusts me more than she trusts any man alive. I love her so much. Sometimes she feels so sad and she feels like she can’t do nothing for me, when she doesn’t know that she has done more than what I could’ve ever asked for. I love her and I need her to know that she is perfect and that her past doesn’t define her. I just love her so god damn much. I want her to feel important and that she deserves the universe, because she really does. I want her to be comfortable around me and trust me. I want her to feel safe and secure around me. I want her to always rant to me about every single little thing. I want her to come to me whenever she feels down. I just want her and only her. I want all of her love. Her love is so precious. If anyone saw her I swear everyone would swoon over her. She is so gorgeous and so pretty and so cute, I can’t ever imagine why someone would abuse her prettiness and her love and her trust. I need her to be the best of herself, I’d love to see her like that. I know it takes time, all good things take time and I truly understand what she has gone through and how she can be helped. I just really wanna help her and fix her. We have so many plans for the future. She wants to get married and I do too. I can’t wait till I see her beauty walking in her beautiful dress down the aisle. I love her so much and I’m so obsessed, addicted, and mesmerized by her. She wants to have a family and have kids. She loves and cares about me so much which shows how much she trusts me. I love her and she got rid of my problems, so I really wanna truly do the same for her. She deserves the best and only the best. If only she knew how much her worth is in my eyes. I love her. I know all women always have problem, I’m not trying to be sexist or rude. But I know how the world works. I just want her to feel better around me, if anything. I love everything about her. I love her eyes, I love her body, every detail about her body is so sexy. I love her personality. I love how she cares so much about me. I love her touch and how she always makes me feel loved whenever I’m in her arms. I love the feelings she makes me feel. I love her and I just want the best for her. The best, and only the best. I wish I could explain and express my love for her, but I can’t because it’s indescribable. I Need all the help I can get so I can help her get better and feel better about herself. I’ll take any advice. I love her so much. Baby, if you ever find this, just know, I mean every single thing, and I love you so much. So so so much. And I’ll always be here for you and I’ll always pick you up when you’re down. I’ll always respect u and ur body. I’ll always love and care for you. I’ll always treat u the best and do the most for you. I love you baby. Don’t be sad and don’t feel bad. I’ll always love you.
ill take any help from anyone. Please I need help. I know we are just maturing as a couple, and I’ll always be patient with her. I promise her a lot. I promised her everything. I love her
Mods please don’t take this post down, please, I really really need help. I hope everyone can understand.
submitted by BroWhatTheFreak to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:48 MMechree In-game cats have unintended real-life consequences

Just above Welch Station (far southwest), there is a cat spawn near an abandoned coffee shop on top of the mountain. Over the weekend, I started building a base there because of the cat spawn and the cool abandoned shop. Now, usually when I play FO76 I wear headphones, but today I decided to just use my speakers instead and at one point I ended up afking at my base. This is when my cat started acting extremely strange.
At first, my cat frantically jumped down from her perch and sprinted towards the patio door, where my speakers are set up. Then she started quickly pacing back and forth and had her ears down like she was perturbed. Eventually, this evolved into hissing and frantically looking around and constantly looking at me like she was in need of immediate attention. Initially, I had no idea what was happening and was becoming concerned with her behavior, and then I heard Murgle meow over the speakers, and it clicked. So, I turned set the master volume to zero, and sure enough, after a few minutes, my cat calmed down but was still on "high alert" for a short while.
I guess when I use this specific CAMP location, I'm going to need to make sure I'm playing with headphones; otherwise, my cat will freak out. Anyone else have a similar experience with their pets?
submitted by MMechree to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:48 UnhappyBell Gritty soil mix recipes - too many options

Hey all, I'm going insane trying to figure out the best soil mix for my succs as there's so many different opinions!
I currently have pumice and coco coir. Could I just buy some calcined clay and call it a day? Do I really need pine bark fines? I've tried a really gritty mix that's heavy on pumice and perlite before and my plants were constantly showing signs of underwatering, so I think incorporating coco coir is a good idea.
Please someone help me from my overthinking spiral!
submitted by UnhappyBell to succulents [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:47 drakaina6600 Progress on a slow build

Progress on a slow build
So as bad as I've felt recently being sick for the entire year so far, I thought sharing the slow progress on one of my many cyberdeck builds/design exercises would cheer me up a little and maybe give others inspiration.
So this is going to be, well is since I just don't have the shell yet, powered by a Raspberry Pi Zero 2w, has a 5 inch DSI lcd panel at 800x640, full keyboard, and touchpad, with USB C charging and 5v regulation (in progress), two 18650s in parallel for 6k-ish mah, mono audio through a speaker (once I find or make a DAC small enough to fit), and runs Debian in CLI to boot up Mac OS 8.5.5 in Basillisk II as the "main" OS w/wireless networking. The shells first iteration I'm showing is only about 150mm wide x 110mm deep x 25mm thick closed. It may get smaller as I finalize it and give it a little more style.
Runs great on my test bench so far even though I don't have pics of that at the moment. Before I start trying to make the shell I rendered, it still needs a way to attach the display bezel to the lid, mounts dialed in for the Zero 2w, video board, power circuit, and hinge mounts. Oh and the base frame needs attachment to the base shell, although I'm just considering being lazy and using visible screws. I really don't like visible screws and hope to keep them all hidden. Almost forgot I still need to work on the openings for the rubber keycaps to poke through and the mouse buttons/d-pad for arrows and selection of things. Yeah, they're not as nice as proper clicky switches and solid keycaps, buuuuuut at this size without making custom boards, it's what I have to work with.
The 2 green 18650s are accurately sized so you can get an idea of scale. The hinges I'm using are from an unknown laptop since I'm a hoarder with tech and strip all the goodies I can off things before trashing the rest w/out labeling anything for some reason. The batteries came as a factory matched set for a brand new laptop battery I stripped. Not looking forward to spot welding new tabs on them but hey, is what it is to have fun making your own devices. I just wanted a tiny computer to run some old Mac software I could fit in my purse or messenger bag when going places and tinkering with other Mac OS 7 & 8 machines i have. So here it is. So far. Ended up more laptop-ish than I'd like since I'm on the fence about running the extra gpio to the outside of the shell somewhere. Anyway.
My renders are in the paid version of AutoDesk Fusion 360 for anyone interested and ignore the text on the lcd model. I made an accurate model of that display for building in cad and added that so it's easier to find everything for it online if I lose my bookmarks again.
submitted by drakaina6600 to cyberDeck [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:47 MetalAutomatic9382 QUEENS OR BARUCH

I need help on deciding which one is the best for me. As of right now I have been accepted to Queens and waitlisted to Baruch. My dream school is Baruch but they are yet to give me a decision and honestly I’ve been hearing that it is not that great at all. Then, after getting into Queens College and doing some research (love their campus and the fact that I can double major), I’ve started to like the idea of going there, also since I live in the borough it would be a shorter commute. The majors I’d be interested in getting are Advertising & Finance (QC) or Marketing Management (Baruch). Can anyone help me choose the right option? or maybe give me any tips on what to do, I’d like to know what you guys would do.
submitted by MetalAutomatic9382 to CUNY [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:47 katyasraspsandslaps Need plus size store (she’s 16/18 or maybe 14/16) recommendations for funeral clothing

My mom has her sister’s funeral on Monday so we need this like, yesterday. She went to the Paddock Mall and the major stores in there, she went to kohl’s.
She’s looking for something age appropriate (69) that “will make Linny proud”😢 For a funeral she does not like flowy (think chiffon), ruffles or bows, and she says belts too but that’s nuts for our body types and I’ll decide if it’ll flatter her or not lol. It needs to be solid black, she’s not willing to mix any sorta grey or something. This stuff isn’t terribly important though. Idk I’m just trying to make the point that she’s picky and has checked all the obvious places.
Any ideas from people who have lived her long enough? I’m sure she would be willing go to Gainesville even. She really just wants something beautiful and flattering because my aunt was always very polished, and again she “wants to make her proud”.
Please suggest any stores you can think of. Thank you.
submitted by katyasraspsandslaps to ocala [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:46 GasolineTrampoline Claim maintained property next to mine after 7 years? (Georgia)

After purchasing my home in 2017 I was told by a realtor friend that a small piece of property adjacent to my home could become mine if I maintained it for 7 years. Please bear with me as I have no idea of the validity of this and am in no way an expert. This is my first home and I simply don't know how to ask the right question and need some guidance.
The property hadn't been maintained for 60+ years and was severely neglected. I removed ivy, seeded for grass, watered, mowed, etc because the property looked rough and honestly I assumed a larger portion of it was mine and figured the small portion could be taken care of as well. I even put in a small paver driveway after a neighbor called the city about my small 8' trailer (the city required the trailer to be on stone connected to the main driveway). Well after looking at the map I can see the property line might be much closer to my house than previously thought, like a few feet from my house. This piece of property is maybe 1/6th of an acre and looks like it's meant to be an easement that was never used. There's a water meter close to the road, but I'm not sure it's in use.
I started looking into this because I would like to build a fence soon and I don't want to waste anymore effort if I don't have to. What should I do here? Is there an adverse possession law or something factual about what my friend said? Do I risk having to rip up the paver driveway? Any advice or pointing me in the right direction would really be appreciated. I tried the search function, but as stated previously I don't know how to ask the right question and did not get any relevant results.
submitted by GasolineTrampoline to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:46 emotionalmooncake How do I (F24) tell my sister (F 35) that her dog does not want to live with her?

So I live with my younger sister (F20) and two dogs. One dog is my younger sister's name Jill and the other dog is Jack that is my older sister's dog. Jack lives with me and my younger sister because he was very ill and underweight when he lived with my older sister. For the one year he lived with my older sister he became severely underweight, he refused to eat to the point where his esophagus nearly collapsed, and he got kennel cough. He looked horrible and he looked like he aged 10 years because of how stressed he was. My older sister thinks it is because she lived in apartment. The thing is when he first lived with me and my younger sister we were also living in an apartment.
I think his health deteriorated because of her. At that time she was with her on/off again boyfriend and would spend hours having arguments on the phone like full on screaming matches. When he first started to live with me and my younger sister he would have a severe reactions if my sister or I raised our voice or had an argument. It took a year for him to stop having a bad reaction. My older sister's way of displine is spanking and Jack was terrified of that. He flinched if you raised your hand. She also never took Jack and her other dog on regular walks. She just made them use the balcanoy. She also regularly fed Jack and her other dog human food. Jack is very old. He is going 14 this year and at the time of living with her he was 12. He would regularly have diarrhea and have an upset stomach. Every since he started to live with me and my younger sister. His life has improved. He is back to a healthy weight. He eats every night. I have a set rotinue for him. I also want to say that I, our mom, and my younger sister have been covering any cost related to Jack and Jill that includes vet bills. I have not once ask her for money nor has she offered.
I feel guilty that I did not intervene sooner. I do not forgive her for making his health so bad. Now that she is in the process of getting a house. She is been bringing up a possible custody agreement. The thing is I do not want that. I do not want Jack and Jill in her care. I am willing to let her see the dogs more often but I do not want to interupped their routine especially because of their age. I do not want to stress them out. They are very happy and content with me and my sister. I work from home. So the dogs get a lot of attention from me.
I need advice to tell her that it is because her that his health was in decline not her housing. I also want to say her behavior has not changed. In fact I think it got worse. Her other dog is not allowed things like a squeaky toy because she "hates" the noise. I think it very sad to do that to a dog. Jack adores squeaky toys. He used to hunt rats and I use squeaky toys to simulate him and make sure he isn't bored. I am concerned that if I follow a custody agreement that Jack and Jill's health would deteriorate. I do not want to lose these dogs. They have been in my life since I was in middle school. I would not forgive her if they died because she stressed them out. I do not know how to tell her that I do not think it is a good idea for Jack to live with her.
submitted by emotionalmooncake to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:46 vlrs3672 Physics 151/153

Is it a good idea to skip physics 15a/16/19 and go straight to 151? What kind of physical and mathematical background do you need for this? And what about 15b/153?
submitted by vlrs3672 to Harvard [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:45 THROWRAseahorse He (21m) says he wants to leave me (21f) even though things are going really good. I want to tell him this makes me a little mad, AITAH?

I have had feelings for him for the longest time, we got really close and i told him recently i dont know how he feels about me so i need to take a step back . We would call for hours, and in bed every night. I came back recently and he told me he did have feelings for me but was scared to go foreward with them incase things went badly and ruined things for us, and i re assured him. It seemed to work because we met up since and had a really great time, we've been flirting and making excuses for little games to touch eachothers hands and playfight. It all felt like it was falling into place, but just now he told me everything in his life (some friend drama, family drama, uni work) is getting in the way and he sometimes feels like he should go away from all of his friends forever so he can deal with it alone and so they dont have to worry about him. I told him i wouldnt like that and it would hurt them if he left, and practically begged him to stay. I dont know what came over me, wether its my recent birth control change making me emotional or because its almost 3 am when this conversation took place. I told him i wish things were as simple as when i lost feelings for him when we both took a temporary step back because it means i wouldnt care as much about this. He said if thats what would help i could do it again, but this seems odd because he just said he had feelings for me and is so clearly showing he does. He has a past of liking people romantically but leaving because life gets in the way and then regretting it, so i think maybe he does like me but perhaps wants to step away from everyone and maybe doesnt want to leave his feelings behind for me like he did with people before but feels like he has to,. He told me now he knows people would be upset if he left it helps with him not wanting to as much. I told him im sorry for begging him to stay, and that if he wants to stay it should be because he wants to stay and not give up what we have and not just because i want him to. Things finally felt good and i can feel he really doesnt want to give up what we have but based on his past that hes told me he naturally just kinda runs. I told him i dont want him to regret what he'll miss out on and the connections he has. He seemed finally happy. I wanted to say he has run before and talks about how he misses them and he wish he never did and that now could be the turning point for that, but it didnt feel like my place to say especially through message where it felt like it could be taken the wrong way. I asked to call tomorrow to talk about it, im planning to say it then and i also said through message that i only want people who want me and im unsure why i begged him to stay, and that i do want him to stay but if he leaves then thats his choice. I plan to say in call that i only want people who want me as much as i want them and wont just leave what we had behind, because them leaving tells me what i needed to know and is the closure i need. I dont know if thats too harsh and will make me seem mad at him, but i really dont know what to do. Things were going so well and i guess the idea he could just up and leave it really hurts and does make me a bit mad. But i worry if i say that stuff that he will think im mad at him and leave anyway. But i want him to know that leaving is serious, i dont wanna just beg him to stay, its not like me. I dont want to play the victim, i never have and i usually think if someone can leave me im happy they did because i dont want someone who can just leave but this feels un justified because i know he wouldnt feel happy about leaving and he would miss what we had. I really dont know how to go about this one. If i tell him its quite upsetting and that i feel like hes made this mistake before, i feel like the asshole. AITAH?
submitted by THROWRAseahorse to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:44 RunEmergency8379 Best AI Face Swap, AI Influencer creation

Hey guys and gals,
I need some help. I have been relentlessly learning AI training, and a total noob at it. Do not come from a technical background. I am a female influencer and truly interested in being online AI type influencer.
I'm into fitness, lifestyle, marketing, business and want to share pics of me online and possibly make money by talking to subs, etc.
goal - create AI influencer type videos, content, pictures etc and while this is completely legal.
My main issue is not being able to fully face swap or deep fake my face using AI models. I think the idea is genius..just having some roadblocks in finding the right solution.
(Due to family and friends... and business relationships, I do not want to use my face for these accounts. I could do faceless, masked content but realized that this might hinder popularity.. people like facial association.)
Any videos or preferences on apps that I could use? Hopefully it can create a realistic version of just with another face. Most likely another face but similar to me by body, face features or type.
I want to attach the face onto my body pictures and promote this on social media. I dont mind using my own voice. I dont mind creating videos, short clips and such.
I tried some online options but I havent found the right face swapping and using tools
Ok to use a paid or free app I just don't want to install a gazillion apps, learn coding or something.
Willing to learn the steps to replicate the process and understand how to do this... but don't want to write code, create any sort of python scripting in order to do this.
If you have found the right video, successfully accomplished this or know the right instructions, shoot me a message or comment here. thanks!
submitted by RunEmergency8379 to faceswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:44 FastBretty145 What are some events that we could plan a guys trip around?

Event ideas to plan a guys trip around?
Hey all, I’m looking for ideas for an event that we could plan a guys trip around. We used to hit the Indy 500 every year. However, we have done Indy for a number of years now. We need something fresh and somewhere I don’t need to sleep in a tent.
For example, we went to the Waste Management open a couple years back and had a blast. Please note that we are looking for an event to plan a trip around, not just a destination.
We are located in the US but could be willing to travel out of the country.
Thanks for the suggestions!
submitted by FastBretty145 to AskMen [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:43 quistago BPM

At what point do y’all input the bpm for your track? I usually need to mess around for a while before I even have an idea what it would be. Also, does each individual sample need to have its own accurate bpm assigned? Tell me your process.
submitted by quistago to SP404 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:43 dubbhae Day 4 of Hololive's Hardcore Minecraft Server: Things are heating up after yesterday's events as the Nether Gate will now be opened!

Yesterday had some fun interactions and gambling with Chinchiro, BUT it also had plot, murder, framing, and an intense court session ala Ace Attorney. Today however the main idea will be to take the girls into the Nether. More deaths are predicted to occur now that the stakes have risen. Best of luck!
We're posting now, due to Aqua streaming at JP lunchtime, but later at primetime JST we'll get some new folks joining like Kiara, Lui, Suisei and Aki! There's also a trial planned for Ririka who died yesterday late into the night. (Fauna also said she'll be joining but that wont be until the early mornings of Day 5)
General Rules for the server. Written by Pekora in the rulebook, with some edits:
Some additional rules were added:

There are also missions for the server. There are two types: Global and Daily
Global Missions:
Today's Daily Missions:
The Daily Missions will be said at Pekora's News Stream today.
Members who played today but are not streaming:
General Notes:
Notes about The Nether:
submitted by dubbhae to Hololive [link] [comments]