What is more effectic adderall xr or vyvance

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2024.05.16 01:04 witchscribble Advice for VERY high heart rate on Adderall?

Been taking 10mg XR of a generic for adderall for 3 weeks, as atomoxetine gave me awful side effects. I feel like this dose is great, I truly cannot express how amazing it has been for my quality of life. I’m normally constantly chugging energy drinks just to feel collected, but I’ve ditched all caffeine while on adderall as I naturally have a higher heart rate (high 80’s resting without caffeine) and my maternal grandma had heart issues which I do not know the extent of. I frequently use my Apple Watch for my busy life of kids and work (retail), also tracking my health. I have been skipping 1-2 days per week of my dose as my psychiatrist recommended.
Resting is averaging around 90, walking 121. I get up to 140 when I’ve been consistently moving around, and I’ve noticed 109-112 just standing. There is a noticeable difference on my vacation days, but still high. Walking 118 and 104 standing. The highest I reach on rest days is 128.
I really can’t afford (emotionally and financially) to be playing medication roulette, and it really has improved my life in all areas. I don’t have much time for exercising aside from the average walking (4K steps on a bad day, 9k on a good one) and my blood pressure is normal. Could I ask my psychiatrist to give me 5’s to try out, or what else can I do to continue this medication?
submitted by witchscribble to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:11 Competitive-Run-9821 Switching to Adderall XR

After taking Adderall IR for awhile now, my doctor decided to switch me to the extended release version as the IR wasn’t lasting quite as long as I needed (for example, I could feel it wearing off halfway through a school day, etc.). I’m a little nervous about switching because I had some pretty significant issues while taking extended-release Concerta in the past. I know the effects of Concerta and Adderall are totally different, and I’ve done really well on the Adderall, but I guess I’m still just worried about it. :( My main issue with the Concerta was anxiety/panic attacks, and I really don’t want to go through that again (however, my anxiety is wayyy better managed than it used to be!).
My doctor is aware of these concerns, and he doesn’t seem to think I’ll have any issues, which is great and I’m more than willing to try it! But I would still really appreciate it if you all could share any experiences you’ve had switching from Adderall IR to XR! Things like how did it differ from IR? Did it cause you any increased anxiety or irritability? Did you find it better or worse? Or just any other tips/comments you have about making the switch!
Thank you all so much! (P.S. Sorry if this post is a little bit of a mess, I’m horrible at wording things lol)
submitted by Competitive-Run-9821 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:50 Looney-Lunaria What is anxiety to you and how do you know if it's anxiety or just an overstimulated nervous system? Is there a difference?

I have been struggling with emotional recognition a lot lately, which I know is common for autistic individuals. I am confused though when it comes to anxiety. I have a bunch of things in life that "stress me out" like work assignments and laundry and feeling overwhelmed. But beyond just generally dreading having to actually do those things, I don't think I am actively worrying about them in my head. I also don't enjoy talking with people I'm not very close with so I get physical anxiety symptoms when talking to people (even my therapist) despite mentally not feeling anxious.
For example, my heart rate is around 110-120 when talking on the phone or when I'm at therapy or the doctors office. It's my "normal" when interacting with anyone. But my normal heart rate at home on the couch is like 75. Is this just social anxiety or is it just an issue with my nervous system not regulating well?
Is there a difference between what people refer to as anxiety (like for GAD or social anxiety) and just nervous system overstimulation? I'm just confused in general about what anxiety really is beyond the physical symptoms.
One reason I'm trying to figure this out is that I just started a stimulant for ADHD (Adderall) and it made my heart rate increase to an uncomfortable level. I can't figure out if it's causing increased anxiety or if it's just causing a physical side effect. I feel like I am not enjoying the stimulant either way, and feel like I would do better on something that helps my sympathetic nervous system relax more than something that activates it even more than it already is by default. But I am having the hardest time pinning down what the issue is. It has me questioning if I even have ADHD or if it's just my nervous system being shot from autistic burnout. Or do I actually have GAD? Ugh.
submitted by Looney-Lunaria to AuDHDWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:25 Delicious_Ground4905 Finding the right med?

I'm a 41yo mom, and I have struggled with executive functioning for years. It felt like I got pregnancy/mommy brain (with my first pregnancy 11 years ago) and then it just never went away. My daughter was diagnosed with ADHD a few months ago, and many of the questions her psych asked about her seemed like they also applied to me. I know that I was much more functional prior to having children - but I also avoided or quit anything that was particularly hard, and dug hard into extreme organization. Now, I feel like my brain is fractured, constantly jumping between all the things I have to handle for my kids and my family, and I struggle to mentally settle down.
I was officially diagnosed with ADHD myself about a month and a half ago, but I haven't found a med that seems to make a difference. I started on Concerta, but it gave me a spectacular migraine on the second day and a constant low-grade headache (manageable but never went away) on the second day, so I stopped taking it (and the migraine was bad enough that I don't even know if it helped with focus). My doctor switched me to Adderall XR, but I didn't feel anything at all until we hit 30mg, and even with that it's side-effects (jaw clenching, minor heart racing) but no noticeable focus improvement. We tried Vyvanse, but the second day I felt like a zombie and then had a total energy crash in the early afternoon (again, with no focus improvement) and the third day it made me angry and depressed and then also the energy crash, so I stopped that and went back to the Adderall since I still have it.
I guess I'm wondering if it's normal for people not to have any positive reaction to the primary meds, and if I should keep cycling through options? The fact that all I'm getting is side effects makes me question my entire diagnosis. Maybe it's not ADHD, and I just can't handle my life and need to find better tools? How many meds should I try before I give up on this?
submitted by Delicious_Ground4905 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:33 NoMoreEitherOr What does a mixed episode feel like?

Recently diagnosed bp2- was cyclothymia for a while. I've been on Lamotrigine (150mg) for a while as well as Adderall xr for ADHD. Both have been life-changing. I just started Luvox as of a few hours ago, as I went through a really horrible depressive episode (also bad OCD) the last few weeks (more like months) where I was quite seriously suicidal.
The last few days have been weird. I got 3 hours of sleep the other night and woke up feeling totally awake and great all day, then last night I got maybe 4. Today I woke up exhausted and have taken a nap, so.... that just feels normal. I've felt at points like I am one of the greatest people on the planet and a creative genius with just so much grandiosity flooding my brain but at other times just miserable and absolutely hating myself and feeling like a fat piece of shit. I'm in that right now.
It's like going to work feeling great and super confident for a few hours and then by the afternoon being more angry and irritable than I've ever been. Telling myself I'm baseline and fine, but having awareness of all these different moods. Feeling giddy with joy and talkative with ideas flowing for like 4 hours and then just being exhausted and overwhelmed and pissed off for the rest of the day. My body just fucking aches.
I feel like I have this idea of a hypomanic (or any episode) episode being just this persistent and static great feeling for like 4ish days which I've definitely had in the past pre-meds.. I think. I can't really remember. (I remember feeling FANTASTIC for like 2 weeks the first time i was on an SSRI before a mood stabilizer.) So I feel confused by this. I feel like I'm just sort of in a funk, not that I'm in an episode or anything because everything is shifting so rapidly and I feel so many things at once. Idk, I'm doubting my diagnosis, I guess.
What do mixed episodes feel like for you?
submitted by NoMoreEitherOr to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:46 ledbetteral14 ADHD meds is a big trial and error so far with my demanding life (marriage and kids)

I have been on/off ADHD meds for almost the last two years with mixed success (I was not diagnosed before that), and I’m coming to a bit of a crossroads and wondering what the best way forward is.
I’ve had the most success with Adderall IR (20mg total) in that it really helps with motivation and getting things done around the house and at work, but I feel like I lose a bit too much of my personality and this can hold back my connection with my wife most importantly. I’ve noticed this because in some short periods of being off it I’m just more enjoyable to be around and connection happens way easier. With my kid, it’s a little harder to be patient and I’m less spontaneous than I’d like to be, but overall it’s fairly manageable and a plus is that I’m better at problem solving kid issues now.
I’ve already tried Vyvanse generic (which was kind of awful for me TBH), Adderall XR (couldn’t sleep) and Wellbutrin (felt very depressed after starting it). So I feel like my options are down to Ritalin or Straterra. I’m talking to my psych about Ritalin this week, but I’m not super hopeful and honestly feeling like meds just might not be worth the downsides for me. I don’t feel like I’m a train wreck without meds, but I have seen enough benefit mostly with career advancement and better personal organization/decision making that I feel it’s worth the trial and error..as long as I don’t have to sacrifice much of my personality for it.
Can anyone relate or share an experience switching from Adderall to a different class of stimulants (or Straterra) that was still effective and actually allowed you to still feel like yourself?
submitted by ledbetteral14 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:59 Rgafm42 Removing Romanic Desire

Hello, it has become clear to me that romantic fulfillment is a fruitless pursuit, and in a bid to avoid unnecessary suffering, i would like to kill any romantic or sexual desires i may have.
I lack the social grace to charm people, and i have nothing to make up for it. I am prone to limerence, which has lead to some terrible spinouts that are often only visible to me in retrospect. I don't really have an issue making friends, people seem to like me. However, I am terrible at navigating anything more than a platonic friendship.
21, male, Never dated, not due to lack of trying, but rather lack of opportunity, I live in the middle of nowhere, and never went to public school (homeschooled + online college). Real bad ADHD, probably somewhere on the spectrum, on antidepressants, and im sure a litany of other problems i could be diagnosed with.
So far, ive found that, ironically, stimulants are the best answer, at least for sexual desire. Adderall turns me into a eunich for a soild 5 hours a day. Caffeine and nicotine are also highly effective, though the effects last much shorter. I didn't notice any real effect from the SSRI im perscibed (citalopram), maybe a slight dulling in desire. Weed and alchohol are classic "thoughts-b-gone" tools, but they also greatly restrict your ability to do much exept for sit on the couch, at least in effective doses.
Overall, im not looking for a "juzt b urswelf!" pep talk. If i wanted that, im one google search away from hundreds of websites trying to sell me dating coaches or Betterhelp subscriptions (funny that people just kind of forgot about that whole "unlicensed licensed therapist" thing, those checks gotta be fat).
What I want is an off switch.
If all I have to do is "wait for the right one", id rather not suffer while doing so.
submitted by Rgafm42 to depression_help [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:49 possum8616 Adderall XR + antacids (not trying to potentiate!)

I’m so frustrated. I am prescribed both Adderall and more recently an antacid. I pretty much NEED to take them at the same time so staggering them isn’t really an option at the moment. But you guys, those antacids make my ADHD meds hellish for me. They intensify Adderall’s effects so harshly and have caused me to feel side effects I have never experienced in my 15ish years of being on them. It’s getting so bad that I’m literally starting to contemplate what’s worse: gastritis/duodenitis relief or ADHD relief? I view both of my conditions with equal importance.
I spoke with my GI doctor and have tried other antacids, but there’s really nothing I can do. Doesn’t matter if I take them with or without certain foods and beverages. Nothing I have tried helps these side effects. I haven’t talked to my psychiatrist yet, but I’m pretty sure they won’t have a solution. Adderall has always been effective for me and well tolerated. I don’t want to switch ADHD meds, and from what I’ve learned so far is that doing so wouldn’t change my situation.
I can’t believe some people willingly use this combo to potentiate the effects of their ADHD meds, especially without doctor supervision. I can understand MAYBE if it’s a super low dose and the person is unable to get a dosage increase, but even then I’m like wtf based off of my experience. But I do know that every body is different and people will always have varying experiences.
The only thing that kind of helps (BARELY) is propanolol, which I was prescribed before antacids for anxiety. It worked great when it was combined with just Adderall. Didn’t decrease the efficacy of my meds but took away a lot of the physical symptoms of anxiety that Adderall would occasionally exacerbate.
Sorry this post is going nowhere and is kind of ranty. I guess I just need to vent. Obviously, if anyone else is going through this or went through this, please chime in! I’m just really frustrated.
submitted by possum8616 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:25 ConsistentTune4406 How can I (28F) best support my partner (33M) while maintaining my boundaries after we found out his Dad has cancer?

I have been dating my partner for about 2.5 years, living together for about 9 months. We've had some ups and downs- nothing breakup worthy- but we've both had some significantly tough times. Given some recent events in our life, I would like some advice as to whether or not I'm being realistic in terms of my expectations of him and our relationship.
My partner's Dad was hospitalized in January for a cardiac episode. He was released after 5 days and during the follow up appointments, it was discovered that he had colon cancer. He had surgery that removed the tumor in late April. During the surgery, they removed 26 lymph nodes and sent them out for testing. 1 of nodes came back positive for stage 3 cancer cells. The oncologist said his best course of action would be chemo to rule out any additional cancer cells that may exist before they become a bigger issue. He'll be starting chemo in early June. My partner is understandably negatively affected by this diagnosis. For context, his Mom survived breast cancer about 12 years ago, during which time my partner was her primary caregiver, but his best friend's father just died from cancer 3 weeks ago. The best friend's father went from totally fine, to diagnosis, to dead in less than a month. It was brutal. Partner's father is not in the best shape health wise, and quite frankly, my partner is anticipating a poor outcome from the chemo/cancer. I'm trying to be positive and supportive for the family, but it's taking its toll on all of them, as is to be anticipated.
As this whole thing has been happening, my partner has been going through it in terms of his mental health. He's struggled with depression and panic attacks for most of his adult life. He's been on an antidepressant for years. After his father was hospitalized in January, he was temporarily laid off from his job because of his poor work performance. The company basically told him they wouldn't let him return to work until he started therapy and got his shit together. He started seeing a therapist in February and started Adderall for his ADHD in March. It's been better in the sense that's he's more communicative with me, seems to be on a bit of a better schedule, etc. He started back to work on May 1st. Going back to work has been pretty good- he likes his new position and his schedule is much more consistent now, so that's good.
This entire time, I've been supporting our household financially as he completely drained his small emergency fund in less than 5 weeks. Financially, we are total opposites, and it stresses me out! I have 150K in savings/retirement, and he has only a couple grand saved and nothing in retirement. We've been talking about getting married, but in December (before this whole ordeal even started) we had a conversation where I ultimately told him marriage was off the table until he's financially in a better position, and he'd agreed to open retirement accounts and asked me to help him budget etc., but this was before the whole cancer- laid off- therapy thing even started. We haven't really discussed it much since.
Some of the other issues that we continue to have is that he's generally unable to remember to do any tasks unless I remind him incessantly (as in, tell him multiple times, text him, call him, etc.) Tasks would include: taking out the trash, putting away his vapes so the dog can't get to them, brushing his teeth, putting laundry in the basket, picking up his wet bath towels, etc.
The biggest one that bothers me is his lack of consistency after I go to bed. He's a night owl and stays up late, which is fine, but he'll (more often than not), pass out on the couch with the lights on, the TV on, the computer playing a video, food and drinks all over the living room, didn't brush his teeth, etc. I wake up naturally a lot throughout the night so then I either go get him from the living room, basically force him to brush his teeth and get in bed, and then have to deal with the mess/electronics myself at whatever ungodly hour it is OR just leave everything as is and go back to sleep. If I do that, I still have to deal with all of those things when I wake up at 5 am with the dog and get ready to go to work- she's a puppy who's excitable and it's so much easier on me if he's in the bedroom in the morning so she'll stay focused on me and I don't have to worry about her getting to his vapes, food, drinks, etc.
As a side note, the fact that his oral health is so poor is disgusting to me. I've already set a strong boundary that I will refuse to kiss or be intimate with him unless he's brushed his teeth at least once per day. He's a very touchy person that likes physical affection, so it's tough for him that I refuse to kiss him unless his teeth are brushed, but it's generally pretty effective in helping him to remember to brush them. At least, it was until January.
I want to be clear that our communication is pretty good, and all of the boundaries I have/expectations I've set are things we've talked about and agreed upon together. These are all areas in which he agreed and often he was the one to suggest that he needs to work on. I also didn't mention the areas I've agreed to work on within myself, but there are a few.
Given the things happening with his Dad, I feel like an asshole pushing him to be better with his finances, health, and chores, but I also don't think I can deal with these things NOT getting worked on for the next 8-12 months (the projected length of his Dad's treatment). So- what's the balance? How can I support him through this which pushing us to work on our relationship? Or, is it totally unrealistic to expect that right now? I know I want to have a conversation with him about our foreseeable future but I want to be realistic as to what I can/should ask of him. So- what do you think?
Edit: For context, my partner would like to be engaged by the end of the year. He'd been saving for a ring/wedding prior to getting laid off. I pushed pause on that plan because I was uncomfortable with his lack of financial stability and generally felt that he did not pull his weight of the household responsibilities. He agreed to work on these things before taking the next step. He still wants to propose this year, despite what's happened.
submitted by ConsistentTune4406 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:22 lykwydchykyn WTT/WTS: A Pedal-licious Pile of Hoopy Homestyle! Drives, Filters, Amps, and Fuzz, plug'em in and feel the love.

Spring is winding down, summer's on it's way; would love to get a little cash to fund the summer fun (and the next parts order). Still, trades are always on the table. Don't be shy with the cheapies.
I got:
I want:
(If you are NOT into handmade stuff, scroll down because I have some other items at the end.)
This is hand-built stuff that I made, mostly relatively unique or heavily tweaked designs built on vero or point to point. Many are housed in upcycled tins, a few in Hammond boxes. They all run on standard 9v pedal power. These aren't clones for the most part, unless they are; but normally I actually monkey about with the circuits quite a bit or just test out wacky ideas. If you want something nobody else has, you're in the right place…
I have the handmades valued in 4 tiers:
MOBILE USERS: There are 4 columns in the tables below: Name, Tier, Links, and Notes. If you don't see all 4, scroll over or ask for more info.
Name Tier Links Notes
Bazz Me Fuss You #1 A PIC DEMO A bazz-fussified perversion of the Escobedo push-me-pull-you, featuring controls for octave and volume. This is the first unit I've built using my own custom PCB. Housed in a painted 125B with top jacks.
Space Fuzz B+ PIC DEMO This is a Hollis crash sync fuzz that I souped up with an LFO to modulate the filtesync frequency. Really wild flangery/phasey type gated fuzz sound. At the right settings you can get some octave-down effects as well. Housed in a ~3.5 inch square game tin reinforced with recycled plastic. Pretty pleased with this build.
SwirlFuzz B+ PIC DEMO Modulated octave fuzz prototype. It's an octave fuzz, but you can switch on an LFO to modulate the octave amount. Controls for Rate, Depth, Gain, and Volume, plus switches for waveshape and mode (Normal/Octave/Modulated). In a circular tin reinforced with recycled plastic.
Baller Fuzz B PIC DEMO Another Bazz-Me-Fuss-You build with an added BMP-style tone control. In a slightly beaten-up heart-shaped basketball tin. Y'all ready for this?
Big Green Fuzz for Attractive Bass Players B PIC Demo Like my bazz-me-fuss-you circuit, but with a big muff tone stack, a clean blend, and optional clippers for more compression. Housed in a big round tin reinforced with recycled plastic and designed specifically for attractive bass players. Unattractive ones may not really gel with this.
Creature from the planet Chyowngg B PIC Demo Prototype of a unique fuzz I've been developing that I call the Chyowngg fuzz. It's a 2-stage octaver that gives a bright synthy tone with a distinctive envelope (hence the name). You can toggle each stage from octave to non-octave mode for a variety of interesting timbres. Also has a tone control, but the tone control is before the octave stages so it results in interesting behaviors depending on the switch settings. It's in a tin meant to be painted like an alien, though some say it looks more like a triceratops.
Dumbo's Bazzrite Fussrite C PIC Demo A bazz-fussified mosrite fuzzrite circuit I cobbled together in point-to-point wiring style. Housed in a little Dumbo puzzle tin with GLITTER! Controls are for balance (kind of tone-cum-gain) and volume.
Wiff Spwinkles on Top C PIC Demo This point-to-point fuzz lives in the same neighborhood as the Harmonic Percolator, but has a few differences. I altered the way the gain knob works, and added a switch to toggle bass cut. It's housed in an ice-creamity welly tin.
Drives, Distortions, and Boosts
Name Tier Links Notes
Bronze Drive A PIC Demo This is a point-to-point, transistor based overdrive I designed based loosely on the Davisson Easy Drive. Good for low-gain crunchy tones and plenty of output volume on tap if you want it for a boost. Tone circuit is like a BMP stack but with a mid hump instead of a mid cut. Housed in a painted 125B.
Copper ZenerMorph Drive B PIC Demo This is an experiment in zener diode clipping. Nice crispy drive that gets beefier as you turn up the gain, lots of good edge-of-breakup tones to be had. Housed in a decorated tin reinforced with some recycled plastic.
Shining Hope Drive B PIC Demo Differential mirroring drive, gives a kind of overdriven-mixer-channel distortion. Controls for gain, tone, and volume. Housed in a star-shaped Christmas tin.
B is for Beast C PIC DEMO This fun little drive/boost consists of two cascading MOSFET gain stages with optional clipping in between. It goes from clean and loud to massive wall-of-gain distortion nicely. Controls for gain, clipping, and volume. In a small heart-shaped tin about 4in by 4in.
Green Sparkler Boost D PIC Just an Escobedo Duende JFET boost built point-to-point in a sparkly little round tin. Gives a little gain and a bit of warmth to the tone.
Name Tier Links Notes
Quack like a penguin B+ PIC DEMO Third build of the Chykka Wakka, a WIP all-transistor envelope filter. This one is built on vero, and features controls for Q, Range, and Attack, as well as toggles for Voicing and envelope smoothing. Housed in a smallish penguin tin reinforced with recycled plastic.
Gift of Chykka Wakka B PIC DEMO First build of an all-transistor envelope filter I designed. Built point-to-point style and housed in a little giftbox tin reinforced with recycled plastic. Controls for Q and Sweep, switch toggles envelope smoothing.
Vortex of Funk B PIC DEMO Second build of the Chykka-Wakka circuit, this one features attack, Q, and range controls. Built point-to-point and housed in a painted tin.
BZZZ BOOP BEEP B PIC DEMO A basic square wave oscillator on a momentary switch. Can go from bzzz to boop to beep with a sweep of the big knob. Also has tone and volume controls, and a 3-way switch for different decay amounts. Use it to simulate a spring door stopper or dying cow. Or bleep your foul-mouthed frontman. Or mess with the sound guy. Or send Morse code to the bar. I dunno. Housed in a painted tin reinforced with recycled plastic.
Little Amps
Name Price/Trades Links Description
Ample iMank $65 PICS DEMO This is a Runoffgroove Ruby Amplifier built into this old multimedia speaker enclosure designed to look like an old iMac. Glows blue when you turn it on. It runs from a standard 9v pedal power. It's not terribly loud, nor terribly clean, but if you dig the classic mac vibe it might be fun. Controls for gain and volume, and a power switch on the back.
Nosy Amp $75 PICS DEMO Another solid-state amp based on the Ruby amplifier, housed in a repurposed bookshelf speaker. This one actually has pretty decent volume, even on 9V (can run on 12V as well for more), and can stay clean while getting loud enough for a quiet jam with friends.
Fleur-de-Lis Amp $90 PICS DEMO A tiny bookshelf speaker turned into a practice amp. This one features a class D power amp for lovely cleans, and a custom designed discrete preamp that gets punchy & crunchy when cranked. Runs on 9V but pretty loud nonetheless.
Non-DIY Stuff
Make an offer. I respect Reverb Price Guide values, though I may lean high if it's a feeler.
Brand Name Condition Notes
Danelectro Fab Chorus Excellent Cheap plastic chorus, but sounds great. Probably just a make-weight, too cheap to trade on its own.
Caline 10-band EQ Good Works fine, I just don't really need 10 bands of EQ. Has velcro on the back, and sometimes makes a weird noise when you turn on the pedalboard. Another make-weight.
Ibanez PH7 Good Tonelok phaser. Great pedal, has some glue on the bottom I couldn't get off, but works fine.
BOSS TU-12H Good Crusty vintage tuner from Boss. Still works great, but it's missing the outer case (still has the inner part). If you had one in the day and want to relive the magic, feel free to make an offer.
Digitech RP360 Very Good Great multifx, I've gotten some fun sounds out of it, but it isn't seeing much use. I'm just more of a discrete FX guy I guess.
MOTU MIDI express Good This is an antique MIDI patchbay and interface. It's pre-USB and uses the parallel cable (PC) or some kind of Apple-specific DIN cable (Mac). Could be used standalone, or maybe you're into retro MIDI setups? Comes with box and cables anyway.
unknown builder PedalPCB Cataclysm Very Good This is a really solid build of a PedalPCB cataclysm (Disaster Transport Jr clone) built by someone other than me. Pics here. Not sure what to value it, but make an offer.
Local (Nashville TN area) ONLY
Brand Name Condition Notes
TEAC A3340S 4-Track Reel-to-Reel Good Cleaned up, oiled up, and in good working order last time I tried it out. Meant to do some analog recording, but just haven't gotten the time or space. Would trade for a decent instrument of some kind. Might even throw in a copy of Craig Anderton's "Home Recording for Musicians", which uses the same unit.
Altec-Lansing Power amp (9442A) Fair 300 W, 2 rack-unit power amp, can work in stereo or bridged mode. Last time I used it one of the channels was a little flaky. Couldn't be bothered to fix it myself. Heavy as all get out, I'll sell for cheap if you're local.
What would I trade for??
I'm wide open to trades for music gear of all kinds and other items of value.
Some Priority Wants:
Other things I'd likely trade for:
Probably not wants (doesn't apply to C or D-tier builds, offer anything for those):
A Note about mods/repairs/custom jobs: Feel free to shoot me your ideas, but probably I'm leaning toward not doing these. Expect to pay/trade way more for something custom than what I ask for the pedals I've already built.
submitted by lykwydchykyn to letstradepedals [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:39 Rgafm42 How To Kill Desire?

Hello, it has become clear to me that romantic fulfillment is a fruitless pursuit, and in a bid to avoid unnecessary suffering, i would like to kill any romantic or sexual desires i may have.
I lack the social grace to charm people, and i have nothing to make up for it. I am prone to limerence, which has lead to some terrible spinouts that are often only visible to me in retrospect. I don't really have an issue making friends, people seem to like me. However, I am terrible at navigating anything more than a platonic friendship.
21, male, Never dated, not due to lack of trying, but rather lack of opportunity, I live in the middle of nowhere, and never went to public school (homeschooled + online college). Real bad ADHD, probably somewhere on the spectrum, on antidepressants, and im sure a litany of other problems i could be diagnosed with.
So far, ive found that, ironically, stimulants are the best answer, at least for sexual desire. Adderall turns me into a eunich for a soild 5 hours a day. Caffeine and nicotine are also highly effective, though the effects last much shorter. I didn't notice any real effect from the SSRI im perscibed (citalopram), maybe a slight dulling in desire. Weed and alchohol are classic "thoughts-b-gone" tools, but they also greatly restrict your ability to do much exept for sit on the couch, at least in effective doses.
Overall, im not looking for a pep talk. If i wanted that, im one google search away from hundreds of websites trying to sell me dating coaches or Betterhelp subscriptions (funny that people just kind of forgot about that whole "unlicensed licensed therapist" thing, those checks gotta be fat).
What I want is an off switch.
If all I have to do is "wait for the right one", id rather not suffer while doing so.
submitted by Rgafm42 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:19 AdhesivenessEvery406 Scared to start meds

I was just recently diagnosed. I cried when I talked with my psychologist about my results. ADHD combined type. Everything just made so much more sense and I felt so validated. I’m not a lazy person. I’m really not. I’m an incredibly hard worker and a good mom - but now I understand why it feels like I’m wearing a 2 ton lb back pack while everyone else is sprinting up hill no problem.
I’m ready to try medication, but I’m terrified. I have horrible health anxiety, but the kind that hates taking any new medication for fear of side effects or long term issues.
So my question is: what happens if I take adderall and I don’t really have adhd? Like, what if I just have anxiety. 99.9% of me believes the diagnosis, but .1% is saying there is no way to know for sure since I can’t just pee on a stick or take a blood test. If I take it and I don’t have adhd, will it make me feel crazy? (or I should say, crazier)
submitted by AdhesivenessEvery406 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:36 gabor_ghoul Jornay PM Journey

Before requesting to try Jornay PM I tried to do a lot of research. Within this community I saw several people posting that they would share their journey for people trying to do the same research I was trying to do, but didn't see any that actually kept up with it.
I would like to do this & I think I can actually keep up on it because I'm heavily into researching things, so much so that I transitioned my career into a research role. I love learning, finding resolutions & sharing what I learn. If I can help others in the process, I'm even more into it.
We all know that medication effects different people in different ways. This will be an account of my experience. I plan to update this for at least 6 months & then I may return at a year if I'm up to it/remember.
Background: I have combined type ADHD, inattentive primary. I have also had delayed sleep phase syndrome for as long as I can remember, definitely longer than I have been diagnosed & before I knew what DSPS was.
With my DSPS I could be exhausted all day, with an extreme low mid-day, but my energy would shoot up at sundown no matter what. It is very difficult for me to wake up. I hate mornings. I tried all the things: No light, red light, white noise, brown noise, nature sounds, mindfulness, no electronics, reading before bed, hot Epsom salt baths, melatonin, Rx sleeping pills, etc. Nothing worked. Lay down at 9-11 pm, no sleep til 1-3 am.
I was on Adderall. I tried XR at first. Although it helped my ADHD symptoms, it exacerbated my sleep issues. I switched to IR thinking it may help. It did not. I lowered my dose thinking less effective treatment may be worth being able to sleep. It did nothing. I have spent a year & a half falling asleep from 4-7 am & having to start work at 8 am.
My hope is that Jornay PM will effectively address my ADHD symptoms as well as help me with my sleep disorder. I was started at the equivalent dose to the dose I was taking of Adderall: 20 mg Adderall; 40 mg Jornay PM. Even though my Adderall was too low my PCP didn't want to increase on the new Rx until we knew how it would effect me.
I have spent 1 week on 40 mg Jornay PM. It has had no effect on my symptoms. Today my PCP increased my dose to 80 mg. I will update.
Ps. The coupon on the Jornay PM website works as long as you choose a pharmacy that accepts it. I use Rite-Aid. The first dispense is free, $25 after with my insurance coverage. $75 without insurance coverage. Otherwise it is like $400-something.
submitted by gabor_ghoul to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:58 TruckComprehensive53 Thought I cured my stutter

Already posted this is shrooms but thought I would post here as well. This is very important: I DO NOT CONDONE THE USE OF SUBSTANCES this is for educational purposes only
A little backstory, I’m 19M and have stuttered all my life. I’m not a very self conscious person but stuttering is my kryptonite. When I say I stutter I don’t mean I trip up on words hear and there I mean nearly every word I say can take me anywhere from a second to 30 seconds if I’m really having a bad block. A good portion of my life revolves around my stuttering. It dictates anything from my major in college to even the food I eat. It makes me feel less than human and is stopping me from being the person I want to be, at least that’s what it feels like. Through the years I have naively taken substances when I was far too young to both experiment and suppress the anxieties caused/formed by my stutter. Some of the substances were prescribed like Xanax and adderall while others I took to recreationally like MDMA, MDA, shrooms, LSD, alcohol, weed and some other more niche compounds. Most of there were done at wayyy to young of an age and I wouldn’t doubt it some of these causes lasting side effects even the LSD and shrooms which are physically safe. I stopped taking those drugs besides weed and alcohol until this year. (Sorry for the long backstory started rambling)
Fast forward to now me and three of my friends went on a climbing road trip with the first destination on our trip being Zion. We planned to take a 1/8 of GT each besides for my one friend who was going to take 2.5 since it was his first time. We took them on an empty stomach and started walking to our pre planned spot. They start hitting and fast, I have a decent bit of experience taking shrooms and have taken up to 5g with a good bit of experience of taking around 1/8 but these hit me like a train. We settle down in our spot when my friend who’s first time it was doing shrooms takes off with no shoes on in Zion national park without saying a word. It took us a while to realize because prior to taking off he was chilling in a dead tree near by and thought he needed some alone time. Anyways the three of us that are left start getting worried and we don’t know what to do. My one friend starts looping, saying “where’s __” over and over again but unfortunately repeating his name doesn’t summon him. At this point we are stopping balls and have no clue what to do but wait and hope he returns. I tried to calm him down saying he will be fine but honestly I wasn’t sure but at the time we couldn’t come up with a plan to find him (we did go looking for him but we were looping so hard there was no chance). This caused a lot of subtle anxiety for the first part of our trip with my one friend ever minute or so saying “where’s __” still. Our lost friend eventually appears out of the brush looking like a 6” 3’ hobbit it was quite a sight. I was scaring thinking he was off having a horrible trip or got hurt but the first thing he says is I quote “I know everything” to which I laughed and though to myself I have had that thought before this kid is tripping balls. Anyways we were all very relived but he tried to leave again saying he was feeling better away from the group which I get we probably weren’t giving off the best vide at that point but we didn’t want to stress over losing his again so I decided to tag along. This is where the stuttering backstory comes in, sorry again for the long post I wasn’t expecting to give a full trip report but here we are.
I was sitting with him on a tree nearby when we started taking about what he had just experienced/ is experiencing. It was very broken English but he was saying how we are all one and exclaimed how beautiful the whole experience had been and started asking me question about my trip and past trips. We somehow got to the topic of anxiety and the cause of it. When I started thinking about it I started to have very basic but meaningful realizations about my anxiety surrounding my stutter. I started speaking to my friend and rarely stuttering and even when I did, I didn’t care one bit, the anxiety I usually feel in the back of my throat wasn’t there and I could speak for the first time in my life. The whole we are all one mind set along with the heavy ego dissolution made me not care about if I stuttered or not it was beautiful. I felt like I could talk to anyone and not have the weight of my stutter glooming over me. I realized they are just people and their judgment (if they even are judging because the assumption that they are judging me is egotistical in a way since I am assuming they care about me enough to judge) shouldn’t effect the way I carry out my life and stop me from being happy. I also thought I am the one causing this anxiety for myself and all of this worry is for nothing since why be shameful about something I can’t change. I would always try to tell myself these things in my day to day life but I never really felt it. When I was tripping I was able to feel these thought and look at them in a new perspective I have never been able to in the past. No amount of alcohol, Xanax, MDMA or any other drug for that matter could have shown me that. During the trip I though I had cured my stutting even telling me friend I think I won’t be stuttering any more after this. Unfortunately this wasn’t the case but now I know it’s possible to reach that point, I feel I should have done a better job integrating my trip but there is still time and I plan to work on it. Maybe I say fuck it and pull a Paul stamets instead ha no jk. Anyways that’s a long story long sorry it was so drawn out and all over the place this wasn’t even the full trip but some of the more important bits. Hope you got something out of this but it was more of a vent because as one would image verbally telling a story to someone feels impossible with a stutter so it feels good get it out somehow.
submitted by TruckComprehensive53 to Stutter [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:36 logie_pogie Would you recommend taking birth control?

So I’m diagnosed with ADHD, and like us all my adderall does not work before my period. I just started adderall 10mg XR twice a day, 3 months ago. It’s been amazing other than this time of the month. I’m currently in luteal, my period is like 3 days late and I’m suffering.
Before adderall I’ve always noticed extreme PMS symptoms, but I always wrote it off as being normal. But I would vent to my sister and my mom about it, they’d see me burst into tears over NOTHING and I’d be like “oh, I’m just PMS’ing.” And they’d go ”that’s not normal though…”
During luteal I:
-Cry over nothing. Literally. I’ll just ball up on the couch and feel like a baby. I’ll bawl my eyes out just because I feel like a baby for no reason lol.
-Have really bad RSD. Today I asked my boyfriend to hang out and he apologized and said he wanted to stay home after work. I was so unreasonably upset, and this happens every. Month. That’s one of my telltale signs that my period is arriving.
-Get reaaaally depressed. Today I just felt so down and apathetic. Nothing gives me joy this time of the month. Every single month when I PMS, I feel so apathetic and bored that I consider antidepressants because life feels so dark. Then by like mid-period/when my period ends, the heaviness and depression is gone and I enjoy things again.
-Sore boobs. Anytime I’m worried if my period is on its way, I jiggle my boobs and if they’re extremely sore, I know it’s on its way lol.
-Extreme hunger, and sometimes jait a strong craving for unhealthy comfort foods.
-ADHD is so much worse. Like I said, adderall barely does shit during this time. It’ll work a little bit but maybe only for like 2 hours. Once it wears off I forget if I ever even took it. The lack of focus is insane.
-Bloating. Oh god the bloating.
I also experience slightly irregular periods but nothing too crazy. My cycle is normally 25-27 days. But some months my period can be like 7 days early or late.
Anyway. That’s all to say, I suspect I may have pmdd. At the very least, I feel like my pms is not normal especially hearing my sister and friends experiences with pms. I feel like mine is more extreme…and I’m considering birth control again. I also loved the peace of mind being on birth control when it comes to pregnancy. Right now my bf and I use condoms + pullout (ALWAYS both, never one or the other), so I’d love to have the freedom to not use condoms anymore.
What are y’all’s experiences on the pill? I’ve tried a few different brands, all combo pills. One in particular, I think it was Junel fe, actually worked so well. But this was years ago, I don’t remember specifics but I remember being really happy this time of my life. But some combo pills were hell…
For those of you that take bc pills, what kinds work for you? Should I take a mini pill and avoid estrogen, or does estrogen help? I’m going to talk to a doctor soon but I’d like to just hear others experiences first-hand.
I’m also against trying an IUD because I’m a scaredy cat lol, so I’m really only open to pills at this time. Would just love to hear others experiences out of curiosity.
submitted by logie_pogie to PMDDxADHD [link] [comments]

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You are not recommended to try spells to bring a lover back if you are going through the following: You know that your relationship with your ex is toxic and the best painful option to take in this is to move on. It is not a good choice to be in a relationship that is un-natural, one that is built on witchcraft. The love spark as to be their at all times.
Even the most powerful love spell may not fulfill the things that are required for a real relationship to be in place. Love should be natural and if your partner looses interest in you, its better that you let them follow the heart. If one door closes, expect another open infront of you.
Therefore witchcraft or love spells should not be the ultimate solution to mending a broken heart in a relationship, one has to make love exist naturally by doing the right things to your partner, the things that will recapture the inner feelings of love and affection as you did in the start of the relationship.
Only if and when all has been tried and failed to work that one should order for my love spells that actually work, and indeed this will be the last nail in the coffin to fix your troubled relationship permanently.
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submitted by taitaigarvin to blackmagicspelling [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:09 Key_Speed_9748 Strattera (Atomoxetine) immediate effects? Medication help

Hello all,
I have begun looking into medications that will work for me and have been able to try 3 kinds.
Strattera 25mg
Vyvanse 10mg
Adderall 10mg
Here's my questions:
  1. What the hell was going on with Strattera? I miss having the "no thought head empty" levels of focus, but the zombie feeling was a little concerning.
  2. Should I tell my doctor that I will stop taking adderall and we can work out the insurance issue? Or should I stick with it for another week and see if it improves?
submitted by Key_Speed_9748 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:17 gourdfarm Should I keep using weed to treat CPTSD? (Would like to hear experiences & advice)

I’m a 19 yr old who took up smoking about a year ago and have been a daily user ever since. It started off as a social thing but I found it really helped with CPTSD symptoms.
It dulls out a lot of bad memories and now I can go much longer without thinking about them. Also I found it helps prevent spiraling and insomnia almost instantly and overall just helps me push through the day. It helped me realize that it’s possible for me to live without being plagued by intrusive thoughts and ruminating about everything.
My therapist also thinks it’s alright, as long as I don’t go overboard with it. Ive been worried about my usage though because I saw some things about people saying how your brain doesn’t finish developing till your 25, and if you use marijuana before that it can permanently stunt brain development and memory or whatnot. I don’t know how true this is, but if it is I’d be worried. I’m a game developer and things like memory and being smart are pretty important to me.
But if I were to quit or heavily limit usage I’d probably need to take some other medication in its place… And other people I know with mental illnesses are being prescribed things like Xanax, adderall, and forms of meth… To me that sounds so much worse than weed and maybe it’s even worse for your brain
Currently I use a cart and smoke usually 2-3 times a day. And occasionally joints. When I smoke it’s not really to the point I’m getting very high just enough to feel the effects. I’ve been thinking about limiting use to weekends only, but when I’ve tried going a week or a few days without smoking I started having more frequent spiraling, meltdowns and insomnia.
I do everything I should to keep a healthy relationship with my usage. I monitor how much I consume and go on week long tolerance breaks every few months. I also have other ways to cope with things like journaling and going on walks.
A lot of my non smoker friends think I’m crazy for smoking daily and that I should stop completely, while my friends who do smoke thing I’m fine and I smoke much less than them.
What are your experiences using marijuana to treat CPTSD?
What are some suggestions or advice you have for me?
Update :)
Thank you everyone for the huge amount of responses! I got so much good feedback, information, and stories from everyone. Sorry I wasn’t able to reply to everyone individually though because there were just so many responses.
Many of you talked about CHS and other drawbacks being a result of using weed daily over a long period of time. I would like to have weed as a part of my life till the end so this is obviously a concern to me. I’d rather limit my use now rather than have to possibly deal with negative symptoms in the future.
After reading all of these responses I decided I will not be quitting weed but I will be cutting back on how much I smoke, and I will be using it with more intention.
My current plan is to limit my use to only smoking on Fridays, or if I “planned” the session intentionally. For example if I want to go out and smoke with others or have tea or paint while smoking shit like that. Also if it's an emergency where I need to prevent myself from having a meltdown at work things of that sort. I think only smoking on friday nights will help me reflect back on the week and also be a nice thing to kick off the weekend.
Again thanks for all the responses they really helped me come up with a decision for myself. It’s hard because at the end of the day there is no “right” answer and I guess I just have to try things out, but I think this new routine should make my relationship with weed much more healthy and viable.
submitted by gourdfarm to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:45 Best-Brick-1692 Question about bloodwork

Weight: 210
Medications: adderall 20mg XR, omeprazole 40mg daily, OTC Vitamin C, Vitamin b and vitamin D.
Known diagnosis’s of ADHD, GERD and GAD.
I went in for my yearly wellness and my CBC came back with some lows regarding my hemoglobin. My doctor ordered more tests including an iron panel(?) i think and a ferritin. Those results are in my portal now and are also kind of all over. I’ve never really thought about being anemic but that seems to be what’s most likely the issue with iron deficiency. My main question is should supplements alone get everything back to normal? Is there anything i should discuss with my doctor later in the week or is this really just a wait until the supplements start to work.
As for symptoms i never thought about them but I do have cold hands and feet, I’m on the paler side but I always have been. I also get dizzy if I stand too fast and winded while walking up stairs (I always attributed this to my weight I know I could lose some and a doctor has never looked deeper into anything). Sometimes when I’m lying down for bed I can also feel my heart beating fast ish just from settling in.
I’ll put the lab results in the comments, thanks so much for any insight!
submitted by Best-Brick-1692 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 02:55 Master_Toe5998 Whats the next step?

TL;DR I've tried alot of meds already and nothing helped. Looking for advice or recommendations.
I'm on effexor 75mg xr in the morning. Clonidine 3x a day (it does nothing, more of a placebo) and was on mirtazipine 15mg but had to quit because it was making me wig out in my sleep. Like jerking my head side to side. And setting up in my sleep and starring forward. It also give me real bad RLS
So I've tried mirtazapine, Hydroxyzine, olanzapine, risperdone, sertraline, propranolol and a few others i dont remember right off.
My sister give ne a couple trazodone so Im going to try one tonight and see how that does me. I go to the psych Tuesday. I been thinking about asking her for wellbutrin to go with my effexor and see how she feels about nurotin/gabapentin 3x a day. She is against all controls though so probably label me as drug seeking. So anyone have any ideas as what else i could try? I been looking at lamictal, abilify, and a few others but would like some personal experiences with meds that didn't cause alot of side effects.
submitted by Master_Toe5998 to panicdisorder [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 00:46 g345098 Why am I having sudden and random vivid hallucinations?

i’m having hallucinations and i’ve never dealt with anything like this before.. i hallucinated rats in my apartment, realistic enough that i called my super to let him know we had rats. when i was waiting for him to come by i sat on the couch trembling and half crying, and suddenly thought to myself “what if i’m hallucinating? what if it’s just part of the brick? or shadows in the corner?”) i was scared shitless frozen to the couch, weird because i’m not even scared of rats and hallucinate a rat scurrying out of the brick and stopping to clean itself, you know like the downward face rub, and then just stays in place. vivid enough that i cover my mouth in shock. “we actually have rats….oh fuck WE HAVE RATS!!) i cry, shake, make eye contact with the one under this mirror in the living room, and get the courage to go up to the brick where there was the one from before and like 3 others. It doesn’t move away when I walk up. I look to the side of the brick, thinking that is how I’ll know of course, it hasn’t moved. Not a single rat to be found. All 20 something of these rats sending me into a panic attack were actually my kitchen scissors, various cracks in the wall etc. i realized what was happening and started to tremble more, and dart my eyes around. what i see is half formed hallucinations of rats back in their places. at this moment, i knew. and then my super showed up and couldn’t find a hole anywhere ofc, i tell him i’ll just let him know if i see one again, weird that there was no hole near the kitchen, etc. also this all happened like 20 mins ago. google is not helpful. telling me it’s stress, anxiety, etc. and then major stuff like schizophrenia and psychosis. obviously none of that. i take prescription wellbutrin and adderall xr, adderall really only on weekends to do work. i don’t really get anxiety often and literally just mild depression. how could it be a mental thing, you know? i’m really just scared and confused. experiencing hallucinations like this, coupled with confusion, dizziness, fatigue, disassociation, trembling, increased heart rate, and headache. does this match any cause you know of?
tldr: i am having very vivid hallucinations of rats in my apartment, currently experiencing confusion, fatigue, dizziness, headache, increased heart rate. never dealt with this before, before this i slept 16hrs. i take wellbutrin and adderall xr that play no role in this, i would be able to identify that. what the fuck is happening to me?
submitted by g345098 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 00:24 Hot-Energy4361 Vyvanse or Adderall XR?

Which one do you feel works better for you, and why? Also, how can you tell? I’ve tried pretty much all of the stimulants for adhd and haven’t had hardly any luck, but the most luck I’ve had is some with the adderall xr, when I took it in 2 daily doses bc the one dose wore off too quickly. I’m currently trying Vyvanse which I think is helping, but still doesn’t feel like it is quite enough or long enough, and I can’t tell if it’s more or less than the adderall. What are your experiences/opinions on these?
submitted by Hot-Energy4361 to ADHD [link] [comments]
