Inspirational symbols tattoos

MentalMath: It's the thought that counts

2014.03.24 06:30 gmsc MentalMath: It's the thought that counts

Want to learn how to do math in your head, or even just wrap your head around a mathematical concept? This is the place!

2024.06.09 12:00 B100kPresence Limerent With Limerence Itself? Nostalgia My Thoughts

Having experienced what I believe to be the obsessive, reciprocal inclinations of limerence, albeit through a screen, to an idealized fictional character rediscovered, steeped in nostalgia and intensity, compounded by anxiety and attachment, during COVID and a personal crisis... I wish to express a few thoughts:

Inspired by reflections on the story of Adam and Eve (peace be upon them) and the fall, I relate to it personally. I had abstained from music (not discussing its permissibility here) for an extended period, until one night, the "serpent" lured me, leading to my "fall", my "original sin", my "canon event".

Nostalgia, a longing for the initial state of innocence, can be interpreted as an analogy for Paradise. By "analogy", it is emphasized not to idealize/idolize specificities.
"Limerence", a less common and more complex concept, often attested to its divine-like gravity by those who endure it, can be interpreted as an analogy for the Divine himself. Or as a manifestation of our capacity to devote parts of the heart or soul to entities, "objects".
Speaking of "otherworldliness", my object (unveiled in the link below) is literally otherworldly, superior, and unattainable, making the intoxication all the more delusive, disillusive. It's as if I became limerent to the metaphor of limerence itself.
Though intricate, "limerence", with its reciprocal qualities, may represent the wing of hope, for connection, while anxiety represents the wing of fear, of separation or abandonment. The head of this bird is love, symbolizing the heart's pursuit of Almighty God, as illustrated by the well-known Islamic scholar Ibn Al-Qayyim (1292-1350).

However, I may lean towards possibly more orthodox understandings, where such analogies might be viewed as inappropriate.
— My Experience —
submitted by B100kPresence to limerence [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:47 donttrusttheliving Dissertation of Ryder’s tattoos and how it relates to his story

Because 1 person asked; my dissertation of Ryder’s tattoos and how they tell you his story.
Marking as a spoiler in case y’all haven’t romanced him seriously lol.
  1. Dagger: from that ex of his that stabbed him in the back by cheating on him.
  2. Snake: his distrust of others and his own decisions. Also can additionally bring up how he will strike first in order not to feel threatened or pain. Also can symbolize a possible future shedding of his old skin.
  3. Landscape: he likes to take nature pictures so this one was prob his first or one that he got sober, BUT could symbolize the mountains he needs to claim to conquer his past.
  4. Roses/thorns: he’s guarded and prickly. He will draw blood before someone will draw blood from him. Rose can symbolize how ge can open up to the right person and can grow into a beautiful thing.
  5. Moth: this was brought up if you go to the suite with him. He got this after finding out his kind distance partner cheating on him after he did this whole grand gesture of driving 16 hours to see them.
  6. Motorcycle helmet. He likes to ride his bike, but the helmet signifies that Ryder prefers to keep a safe distance from exposing himself emotionally to someone. That he will try to keep people at arms length instead of risking his heart.
  7. Scorpion: once again he is always in the defensive and will strike a venomous blows to protect himself. Not only that, it also calls back to wearing a thick armor to protect himself as well. His attitude of preemptively striking is shown through out the game.
8 crow/raven: Ryder’s past relationship really impacted his ability to love and live. To him all relationships are dead to him. He lives for short term hook ups without any future for love. But, they can symbolize bad fortune or rebirth-which is the two outcomes for him in this game. Either a “bad outcome” of being kicked out for his behavior-killing any potencial relationships outside the villa, or rebirth, finding confidence and a new outlook with MC. Learning to trust, be vulnerable, and takes responsibility for his previous actions.
The best way to show his rebirth (and to tie this to the snake tattoo-shedding his old skin) is if MC and him are together and he is possibly being eliminated-normally the old Ryder would’ve went into self preservation mode, made snide comments, huffed and puffed, etc but instead he accepts that he made mistakes and he knows there are consequences for them-and he’s secure in his and Mc’s relationship that he is willing to be sent home and says that even if sent one he’d find his way to MC.
  1. Eye and hibiscus: eye usually means protection. Hibiscus usually means happiness and good luck. Knowing Ryder he more than likely got this in a time period he was probably happy, where all he wanted to protect was his happiness and luck. Yet, even after being cheated on, that was his goal-even when he used toxic measures to protect it. His end game was always to protect his well being-unless MC breaks through his shells and he want to protect MC’s well being.
submitted by donttrusttheliving to TooHotToHandleGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:25 sheepishme Tattoo artist recommendations

I am looking for tattoo artist recomendations in the hague, specifically people who have clean lines, preferably bold.
This would not be my first tattoo, but all the ones I have are because I liked a specific artist' style and work, so I never had an actual symbol reproduced. If anyone has any recs I'd love to hear them [:
submitted by sheepishme to TheHague [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:36 adulting4kids December Prompts Challenge

**Prompt 11:
Déjà-rêvé (French) - Dreams Intertwined with Reality**
  1. Describe a moment when your character experienced déjà-rêvé, where dreams intertwined with reality, and explore the emotions and sensations that accompanied this surreal blending of realms.
  2. Delve into the specifics of your character's dreams that often overlap with reality, considering whether certain themes, people, or scenarios consistently resurface.
  3. How does the recurring déjà-rêvé experience impact your character's perception of both their dreams and waking life, blurring the boundaries between the two?
  4. Explore whether your character actively seeks out or avoids situations that may trigger déjà-rêvé, and how these choices shape their relationship with the intertwined realms.
  5. Reflect on the emotional resonance of déjà-rêvé, considering whether it adds an element of wonder and magic to your character's life or if it introduces a layer of complexity and uncertainty.
  6. Can your character distinguish between a genuine memory and a dream that has come to life through déjà-rêvé, and how does this ambiguity influence their understanding of their own experiences?
  7. How do others in your character's life react to or perceive these moments of déjà-rêvé, and does it impact their relationships or interactions with your character?
  8. Explore whether there are specific triggers or patterns that precede déjà-rêvé experiences, and whether your character attempts to control or understand these occurrences.
  9. Consider how cultural or societal beliefs influence your character's interpretation of déjà-rêvé, and whether they attribute spiritual or symbolic meanings to these intertwined dreams and reality.
  10. Envision a key scene where déjà-rêvé becomes a central element, shaping your character's decisions, relationships, or contributing to a significant turning point in their narrative.
**Prompt 12
: Ephemeralité (French) - Embracing the Transient Beauty of Life**
  1. Describe a moment in your character's life when they embraced ephemeralité, appreciating the transient beauty of life, and explore the emotions that accompanied this awareness of impermanence.
  2. Delve into the specific experiences or phenomena that evoke ephemeralité for your character, considering whether it's tied to nature, relationships, or personal achievements.
  3. How does the recognition of life's transient nature influence your character's mindset and decision-making, especially in moments of joy, sadness, or uncertainty?
  4. Explore your character's relationship with time, considering whether they savor the present moment or if there's a constant awareness of the fleeting nature of life.
  5. Reflect on how ephemeralité impacts your character's relationships, both in terms of appreciating the time spent with loved ones and navigating the complexities of impermanence.
  6. Can your character find solace or inspiration in the fleeting beauty of life, turning ephemeralité into a source of resilience or motivation for living authentically?
  7. Consider whether your character actively seeks out or avoids situations that intensify the awareness of life's impermanence, and how these choices shape their experiences.
  8. Explore the contrast between ephemeralité and more enduring aspects of your character's life, such as long-term goals, aspirations, or their legacy.
  9. Reflect on cultural or philosophical perspectives that may shape your character's understanding of ephemeralité, and whether they find comfort or conflict in these influences.
  10. Envision a pivotal scene where ephemeralité becomes a central theme, influencing your character's decisions, relationships, or contributing to a significant turning point in their narrative.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:34 adulting4kids December Emotions Prompts Challenge

**Prompt 5:
Komorebi (Japanese) - Light Filtering Through Leaves**
  1. Describe a moment in your character's life when they experienced komorebi, with sunlight gently filtering through leaves, and explore the emotions stirred by this natural spectacle.
  2. How does the presence of komorebi impact your character's mood, and does it evoke specific memories or associations tied to this ethereal play of light and nature?
  3. Delve into the symbolic significance of komorebi in your character's life, considering whether it represents moments of clarity, inspiration, or a connection to the cycles of life.
  4. Explore your character's favorite settings where komorebi is particularly enchanting for them, and how these spaces contribute to the emotional resonance of the phenomenon.
  5. Reflect on the contrasts between the ephemeral beauty of komorebi and the more enduring aspects of your character's life, such as relationships, aspirations, or personal growth.
  6. Can your character find solace or inspiration in the presence of komorebi during challenging times, and how does this natural phenomenon become a source of resilience?
  7. Consider how komorebi intersects with your character's cultural or spiritual beliefs, and whether they attribute any symbolic meaning or rituals to this play of light.
  8. Explore the impact of komorebi on your character's creativity and thought processes, examining whether it serves as a catalyst for reflection, introspection, or artistic expression.
  9. How does the changing seasons influence the experience of komorebi for your character, and do they associate different emotions with this phenomenon during different times of the year?
  10. Envision a pivotal scene where komorebi becomes a central element, shaping your character's decisions, relationships, or contributing to a significant turning point in their narrative.
**Prompt 6
: Torschlusspanik (German) - Fear of Diminishing Opportunities**
  1. Explore moments in your character's life where they have grappled with torschlusspanik, the fear of diminishing opportunities, and delve into the emotions that accompany this anxiety.
  2. Reflect on the pivotal life events or milestones that contribute to your character's sense of diminishing opportunities, and how these experiences shape their perception of time.
  3. How does torschlusspanik influence your character's decision-making, especially in situations where time-sensitive choices could impact their future opportunities?
  4. Delve into your character's aspirations and whether they feel a sense of urgency to achieve certain goals before the window of opportunity closes, leading to heightened tension.
  5. Explore the impact of societal or cultural expectations on your character's experience of torschlusspanik, and whether external pressures contribute to their fear of missed chances.
  6. Can your character find moments of empowerment or liberation within the fear of diminishing opportunities, turning this anxiety into a driving force for positive change?
  7. Reflect on your character's relationships and how torschlusspanik may influence their approach to personal connections, whether in friendships, family, or romantic entanglements.
  8. How does the fear of diminishing opportunities affect your character's perspective on aging, and are there specific milestones or birthdays that intensify this existential anxiety?
  9. Consider whether your character experiences torschlusspanik as a recurring theme throughout their life, or if it becomes more pronounced during specific phases or transitions.
  10. Envision a crucial scene where torschlusspanik becomes a central focus, driving your character's actions, influencing their relationships, or shaping the overall trajectory of their narrative.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:29 No-Net2112 The Legend Of Kendu, The Uniter

In the vast and chaotic expanse of the crypto world, where rug pulls and scams ran rampant, there emerged a beacon of hope – Kendu, the guardian of peace, life, and unity. Inspired by the noble spirit of the Japanese dog breed Kai Ken, Kendu stood as a symbol of resilience and determination in the face of adversity.
In the shadows of the dominating Solana ecosystem, where generals like Pepe, bonk, and wif reigned with an iron fist, the Ethereum Clans yearned for change. Disillusioned by the constant turmoil and deception, they sought a leader who could unite them and challenge the status quo.
As whispers of Kendu's legend spread across the digital realm, clans began to rally behind the cause of unity and justice. From the depths of anonymity, a diverse army of Chads emerged, ready to fight for a better future under Kendu's banner.
The stage was set for an epic showdown between good and evil, as Kendu marshaled it's forces for the ultimate battle against Solana's tyranny. With unwavering determination and a steadfast belief in the power of unity, Kendu led the Chad army into the heart of darkness, ready to confront the forces of oppression head-on.
The clash was fierce and relentless, but Kendu's Chad's refused to falter. Through courage and sacrifice, they pushed back against the tide of corruption, rallying more and more disillusioned souls to their cause with each passing moment.
In a climactic showdown, Kendu rose to face off against Solana's generals, their armies clashing in a cacophony of chaos and fury. But it was Kendu's unwavering spirit and the unity of his followers that prevailed, shattering the chains of oppression and restoring harmony to the digital realm once more.
And so, the legend of Kendu lived on, a testament to the power of hope, unity, and the indomitable spirit of those who dare to stand against tyranny.
submitted by No-Net2112 to memecoins [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:08 ProfessionalShock744 Questions about tattooing a name in your language.

Hello. I’m going to get my son’s name tattooed and I really like your alphabet but some questions I have.
I’ve seen tattoos of symbols are part of the culture (more on woman than man). What I’m thinking about is my son’s name translated to amazigh (and I’m a man though).
Would it be appropriate or it would be offensive for someone from another culture having this ?
In case it’s 100% okay to get it, can anyone help me with the translation?
The name is Gabriel.
According to this site ( it should be as this:
But I don’t know if accurate or not.
Thanks for any help 🙌
submitted by ProfessionalShock744 to AmazighPeople [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:33 123iambill Fresh D20/ Sofia Bikes inspired pride month tattoo

Fresh D20/ Sofia Bikes inspired pride month tattoo
Man it's real hard to take photos all around your own forearm. Anyway. Been planning this one for awhile, unsleeping City has a very special place in my heart, and I figured now was a good time to get it.
submitted by 123iambill to Dimension20 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:57 Complete-Teaching35 Am I allowed to get a Medusa tattoo (TW SA)

TW: description of SA not rape
I’ve asked several therapists but none have given me an exact answer. I know that the Medusa tattoo is a symbol for SA survivors but idk if that’s just for victims of rape.
When I was 9 my dad randomly body shamed me and slapped my upper inner thigh (he was about an inch or 2 from touching my pelvic area) and he just continued to do that for the next 3 years sometimes he even touched my pelvic area with his pinky when he hit my thigh and sometimes he would squeeze my thigh for a second. He usually did all that in the car where he made me sit in the front seat even though I didn't want to.
After about a year he started coming up behind me when I was standing and leaning down slightly and cupping my butt and pelvic area, his hand would only be there for a few seconds and sometimes he would pat, when he did that he definitely touched my pelvic area.
When I asked him not to touch me or to stop he would get mad and aggressive and throw things and yell but he only did that when we were alone if we weren’t alone he would completely ignore me even if we were in a really crowded place and I would almost get lost. He would also talk down to me, body shame me, and purposely say things that would hurt me.
When I found out what rape was I was convinced that he was going to rape me and I’m 7th grade I watched porn so I wouldn’t be surprised by anything (I’m asexual so I wasn’t watching it for pleasure), I tried to kill myself several times because of him, I started self harming and I developed an eating disorder, and was diagnosed with PTSD/ have c-PTSD (can’t be diagnosed yet)
When I was 13 I finally said something and he stopped but nothing legal could be done because he said he that he wasn’t touching me with sexual intent, I’ve had people tell me that it’s not the intent it’s the impact and how it made me feel but I still don’t know if I would be allowed to get a Medusa tattoo because I don’t want to offend someone or invalidate someone.
submitted by Complete-Teaching35 to u/Complete-Teaching35 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:17 Ares2000000 I Hope the Final Cuts are like the Novelizations

I have now read both novelizations for both part 1 and 2. I don't think it's just for fantasy or sci-fi fans, because the world building or adventure isn't the main point. It's the tragedy of these characters losing their worlds it seems is the point. It takes a lot of inspiration from Dune, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings but it skewers and changes a lot into something much more impressionistic rather than a straight narrative.
The characters are all orphans without a home but they don't act like rebels in Dune who fight back against their colonizers. In this case they don't have the ambition to overthrow the Motherworld. Instead it's about them finding each other to heal and defend not attack, it just so happens that the motherworld won't allow them peace.
Next it isn't like Star Wars because the Jedi and Sith represent this dualism of light and dark. Where the main characters represent the light against the darkness. In Rebel Moon however these characters are barely holding on, much less being symbols of light. Instead they seek the light while the darkness in this sense the motherworld hunts them down. It's most clear in the end in the funeral pyre scene. Where instead of their next goal being to take down the motherworld instead they choose to search for the resurrected princess instead.
Also it's not like Lord of the Rings because in that story it expresses the simple and innocent as the best carriers of this corrupting power that is the ring to destroy it once and for all. While humans, elves, orcs and dwarves etc fight amongst them. In Rebel Moon there are no innocent, everyone has innocent blood on their hands and guilt upon their heads. The motherworld is this vicious cycle of hurt people hurt other people. They encourage it in their social structure until people turn into evil or pragmatic men like Noble or Cassius. Or in the case of our protagonists, hopeless, selfish or lost like Aris, Kora and Jimmy respectively etc.
That is why I love the director's cut titles. Rebel Moon Chapter 1: Chalice of Blood and Chapter 2: Curse of Forgiveness. Because it makes so much sense that this isn't a swashbuckle adventure or a war epic. It is a journey of broken people living for their lost and living for each other. You will notice the motif of forgiveness repeated throughout the two novelizations. It is said to important characters in pivotal scenes, not just from the princess Issa to Kora like in the PG-13 version.
Anyway sorry for the long post, I hope my ramblings made some sense. If you disagree that's okay too, these are just my thoughts. If anyone noticed these themes or other things, it would be great to hear your take as well.
submitted by Ares2000000 to RebelMoon [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:18 Electronic_Scene6316 How Meme Coins Are Made and How to Create Your Own

Meme coins, a playful subset of cryptocurrencies, have gained traction due to their viral nature and community-driven appeal. Often inspired by internet memes, popular culture, or whimsical themes, meme coins blend technology, culture, and community dynamics in unique ways. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how meme coins are created, the technology behind them, their impact on the cryptocurrency market, and how platforms like are making it easier than ever to launch these digital tokens.
Inspiration and Concept Development
The journey of a meme coin typically begins with a creative spark, inspired by a popular meme or cultural phenomenon. For example, Dogecoin was initially created as a light-hearted joke revolving around the "Doge" meme featuring a Shiba Inu dog. This initial concept is crucial as it sets the tone for the community and marketing strategies, embedding the fun and irreverent spirit of the meme into the coin's identity.
Technical Foundation
Meme coins often leverage existing blockchain technologies by forking (copying and modifying) the code from established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. This approach not only reduces development time but also ensures the security and stability of the coins by using proven networks. For instance, Dogecoin was derived from Litecoin, which itself is a fork of Bitcoin.
Token Creation
Once the underlying technology is set, creators generate the actual tokens. This process involves defining key parameters such as the total supply of coins, the rate at which new coins are created, and the mechanism for verifying transactions. Some meme coins, like Shiba Inu, opt for a massive supply to keep individual token prices low, enhancing the fun and accessible image. provides a streamlined platform where users can easily create their own meme coins. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use for launching a meme coin: 1. Visit Start by visiting the official website. 2. Connect Your Wallet: Link your Web3 wallet to the platform, which is essential for managing your token and paying the creation fee. 3. Create a New Coin: Use the "Start the New Gem" button to initiate the token creation process. Fill out the necessary fields: * Name: Choose a catchy name for your meme coin. * Ticker: Define a concise symbol for your coin. * Description: Describe your coin, highlighting the meme or concept behind it. * Image: Upload a visual representation for your coin. * Additional Links: Provide links to your token’s website, Telegram, and X (formerly Twitter) to enhance visibility. 4. Launch and Trade: After filling out the details, click “Go Big” to launch your coin. You can also opt to pre-buy some of your coins to protect against snipers.
Marketing and Community Building
Effective marketing through social media, influencers, and viral campaigns is essential for a meme coin's success. A robust, engaged community can significantly enhance the coin's adoption and value. Platforms like also offer a unique competitive environment with their Meme Battle Royale, where meme coins can compete in market cap-based duels, adding an exciting layer of strategy and engagement.
Exchange Listing and Ongoing Development
To be viable for transactions and trading, meme coins need to be listed on cryptocurrency exchanges, which involves meeting certain criteria to ensure security and user interest. Moreover, sustaining a meme coin's value often requires ongoing development, such as adding smart contract functionalities or integrating with the DeFi ecosystem.
Meme coins are more than just digital curiosities; they are a dynamic part of the digital economy that reflects the convergence of tech and popular culture. With platforms like, creating and promoting a meme coin has become more accessible, inviting even more enthusiasts to explore the exciting world of cryptocurrency through a fun and engaging lens. Whether as a passing trend or a lasting element of the crypto landscape, meme coins continue to captivate and engage diverse online communities.
Related Questions
Q1: What are the risks associated with investing in meme coins?
A1: Investing in meme coins carries several risks:
• Volatility: Meme coins can be extremely volatile. Prices may skyrocket or plummet based on social media trends rather than fundamental value. • Scams: The meme coin space is rife with scams, including rug pulls where developers abandon a project after collecting investors’ money. • Lack of Regulation: Meme coins operate in a largely unregulated market, which increases the risk of fraud and market manipulation. 
Q2: Have any meme coins become mainstream?
A2: Yes, some meme coins, such as Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, have gained significant traction and have become mainstream in the sense that they are widely recognized and traded. They’ve been listed on major cryptocurrency exchanges and have attracted a large community of supporters.
Q3: Can meme coins be used for anything besides trading?
A3: Initially, most meme coins serve no purpose other than trading and speculation. However, some meme coins evolve to include functionalities such as participating in decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, funding charitable projects, or serving as a community token for voting on specific decisions related to project development.
These questions and answers can provide a foundational understanding for anyone interested in meme coins, whether they’re looking to invest or create one.
submitted by Electronic_Scene6316 to CryptoAndWeb3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:11 BLUEberry_1000 Miss Thavel, (Elemental AU) sketch.

Miss Thavel, (Elemental AU) sketch.
Here is Miss Thavel in my Elemental AU!! She mostly wears a short dark emerald breastplate, with a dark green skirt, and a black belt with an emerald rune in the middle. She also wears brown bendable tree branch straps on her arms and claws. Her left eye has a marking of an Earth symbol, with her stomach and back nearly covered in green decorative tattoos. Plus she wears a necklace of different fangs she collected from the creatures she ate.
Element: Earth
Role: Summoner
Likes: Roaming around forests and jungles, climbing mountains and other rocky areas, hunting, eating meat.
Dislikes: Getting stuck (Because of the antlers, mostly), eating vegetables (Temporarily).
Lore: Thavel is known for her powerful ability to summon mini deerfoxes, and make rocks burst out of the ground. Being told by the Queen of Light, Miss Grace, to be the leader of the Earth Tribe. Thavel was surprised to hear her new title as being leader, but she kinda took it seriously. Despite her cannibalistic personality, she did not eat any of the students or other leaders, and took her Earth Tribe role very easily. While being told about the Dark Tribe, Thavel was kinda curious about the Dark Tribe, but didn’t pry about it too much. She became good friends with Circle and Bloomie, along with the other teachers as well, she would often scare Demi a lot when she’s bored out of her mind.
submitted by BLUEberry_1000 to FundamentalPaperEdu [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:46 Sergey_Taboritsky The Tattooist

[Set February 1927]
Jazmin had over the last few weeks, gone through the arduous process of tattoo removal. With the use of tannic acid and silver nitrate, she had gotten rid of it, mostly. It was quite painful sure, but at least it was over. It was a small tattoo, which meant not as much needed to heal. With what was left, luckily she would be getting another tattoo to cover it. It was something Jazmin looked forward to, replacing such a symbol with something more meaningful.
One day, once she felt ready, Jazmin took Valentina to the unassuming tattoo parlor of the man she had mentioned before, a man she trusted. His talents were in high demand in the circles she used to frequent, but there wasn’t a line. It wasn’t the kind of neighbourhood to have one. Its clients wouldn’t typically wait around either.
Where they were wasn’t really on Jazmin’s mind, more what they were going to do. She looked into Valentina’s eyes, to gauge how she was feeling, if she was alright and if she was going to go through with it, with her.
submitted by Sergey_Taboritsky to VuldaviaRP [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:44 ajamesdeandaydream this promo pic from a *sort of* costume analysis POV

this promo pic from a *sort of* costume analysis POV
so i saw that other post about jessa’s hair in this pic and it inspired me because i’ve always had thoughts about the costumes for this. and disclaimer it’s entirely possible this has been brought up before, i apologize if that’s the case! and warning this is long lol
so what intrigues me about it is that i recognize the outfits the girls are wearing in that first pic and they're from varying episodes.
in (i believe? could be wrong as i can’t be sure i’ve seen every single one) previous promo pics they don’t use outfits that the girls have actually worn on the show. there are a few photos from scene stills that were used as casual promo but not official seeming promo pics. sometimes they dress in character, but never in exact clothes that have been worn in scenes.
so, with that being said, you’d think if they were going to go in that direction that it’d feel way more natural to use their outfits from goodbye tour. all dressed differently, very in character, and it’s obviously an incredibly symbolic episode of who they’ve all become and the last episode that includes all of them. but no.
shosh's look is from hostage situation, hannah's is from american bitch, jessa's is from gummies, and marnie's is a little hard to place and may actually totally disprove this theory because i can’t find an exact match, but i believe is meant to be from full disclosure. she wears solid black with gold accents twice in that episode, and my guess, based on the point made in the post about jessa’s hair and it being too short, is that the promo pics were taken before filming and the costume designers changed their minds for marnie in that episode. could totally be the opposite too and jemima chopped it shorter after they wrapped, then took the pics, probably more likely as well but that would make this analysis way less fun so i could be giving the creative team too much credit, but i do think which outfits they picked for who was intentional. i wouldn't put it past them at all as this is a pretty detail oriented show, very packed with symbolism, and it makes way more sense to me than them just all being in clothes from different random episodes with no meaning behind it. i included a screenshot of jenni konner talking about this poster and while she doesn’t directly speak to the episodes bearing significance to the poster, she does say that things like the costumes were intentional. i also think that it does make sense given the development the girls face in their outfits’ respective episodes. i wont really be analyzing the clothes themselves hence the “sort of” in the title but rather the episodes from which they come
to start with shosh because her episode is first, this absolutely makes the most sense as the one i’d pick for her as most symbolic of where she was in this season. to start with, she only appears in four episodes the entire season. one of them is goodbye tour, and i don’t think they wanted to include anyones look from that because they likely saw it as en episode where all four girls have equal amounts of development, and the other two she shows up in, she’s aiding other people’s plots and not headlining her own. hostage situation though, god there is so much to say about this episode for her i can’t get into it all, i’d have to make a separate post and go into my essay there, but i think we can all agree it’s a very big moment for her and therefore the most appropriate outfit to pick.
onto hanna’s look from american bitch. it is often acknowledged that this is a super important episode and while because hanna has so much going on this season it’s really hard to pinpoint one episode that has the most substance for her, i do understand why they picked this one. it is after all, the only bottle episode of the season so it’s pure hanna start to finish, and it gets at a lottttt. most notably i think it’s one of the most head on attacks on the common realities of being a woman but also, unfortunately of being a girl, which obviously gets right at the main theme of the show. it also gets at hanna being a writer which is such a major and significant portion of her identity, and very meta too in that im sure lena herself has had to confront a lot of the rhetoric laid out in this episode. it was one of those heartbreaking wake ups that probably stuck with hanna for the rest of her life. i’m not going to get deeper into it because as for shosh, there’s way too much nuance to it for me to properly get into here but yall get the gist.
jessa’s i find interesting because if i were in charge i probably would have picked what she wears in what will we do about adam, more in character outfit for her too than the weird business chic this gives off, but i do, again, understand why it was picked. she begins the episode by being really a huge asshole towards hanna even though she’s not in the room, all clearly projecting to make herself feel better about the betrayal of being with adam and also not having hanna in her life anymore. but then she watches the scene of them being loving and you can literally see the moment it hits her. then she obviously gets into that confrontation with adam about how “they’re not the real love story” because adam had “real feeling” for her like he didn’t for hanna. we don’t see her again for the rest of the episode, she only has about 3 minutes of screen time and yet it works. that single scene was the result of two seasons of build up and was the set up for where her character goes the rest of the season/show
marnie’s episode, again, assuming im right about that one, i also find fascinating! my natural inclination was to take her look from hostage situation, as she gets pretty introspective in that episode with the ~desi is a drug addict~ reveal, but that introspection is pretty much erased the very next episode she appears in, and plus maybe shosh already had that episode claimed and they wanted a clear distinction between the four of them. full disclosure is also where it all seems to really hit her, desi yelling at her about how she barely knows him, her seeming to genuinely realize she’s awful, not in a “i’m saying im awful so you’ll tell me i’m not” way like in most other moments she has like that, but in a genuinely mortified with herself kind of way. plus, being forced to sing a duet with her mother-in the “inside the episode” lena even goes so far as to refer to it as her “lowest point” (i took it as half joking, half not). it’s then in the next episode that (admittedly with the assistance of the guy at the pawn shop) she starts to be more honest with herself about everything and tbh for the last few episodes she does seem to be trying to be better. she’s still marnie so of course that’s still insufferable, but trying nonetheless
idk again, i could totally be overanalyzing and making connections that aren’t there as this isn’t a 100% perfect theory, but assuming i’m right, i just find it so interesting as a viewer. there are a lot of episodes in the season that with a different perspective i might find more symbolically representative of the characters and it’s fascinating to think about how that holds up against how the writers/team saw it and think about what that says about how we understand the characters. food for thought.
submitted by ajamesdeandaydream to girls [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:34 Feisty-Potential1559 [hiring]

Looking for someone to do two different art style drawings of my friend salem for a tattoo I’m getting. first one looking to get a succubus style portrait complete with horns ,black eyes and outer shading ,preferably some thick line work
kinda realistic but not necessarily hyper realistic ,I’d like some slightly toonish aspects to it,face and hair only for this one id just like to add skull and spider web fillers around well as background excess filler shading To fill the canvas.
And the second one.super cartoony ,lowkey anime inspired style cat themed,aheago face expression.
Have reference photos if needed and screenshotted permission to use the likeness.
kinda thinking around $150-250 range depending on the detail and time it takes etc
submitted by Feisty-Potential1559 to HungryArtists [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:09 Clairethomy I need some creative EAR-spo (haha get it?)

I need some creative EAR-spo (haha get it?)
I had my daughter in April, and have been dreaming up some inspiration for tattoos to get in honor of her. One of my ideas orbits around her ear - she always leaves an imprint of it while she sleeps on me. I don’t want an obvious ear tattoo, but is there something that emulates that? A goddess of hearing? A pun or something I am missing? Or is that stupid. I need ideas that could fit into finishing my sleeve, it would go somewhere on my forearm.
submitted by Clairethomy to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:41 Absurd_Turd69 The Sanzaban Circus: A New Area for Jigow!

A quick note: this has taken inspiration from various blogs, reddit posts, and other content. Also, it's designed for my expanded Festival of Merit, so the Main Event is intended to occur on the 3rd day (just before the final event at the Festival). This can be easily adjusted. Also, its designed to include some NPCs from previous sessions in my campaign, so I'd recommend doing the same (most can be easily swapped out).
The Arrival Some late-night workers say they heard strange sounds coming from outside town, and others say they started seeing weirdly dressed folk walking about the farmlands. Overnight, the eve prior to the Festival, a circus sprung up outside of town, and along with it came posters all over Jigow.
Alastar Sanzaban Alastar Sanzaban is a fully-winged human-born aasimar, where his left half is pure white, pupils, hair, skin, and all, and his right half, similarly black. He is the proprietor of the wandering Sanzaban Circus, and hires all kinds across Xhorhas for his establishment.

Events & Stalls

The following are a list of key events and stalls in the Sanzaban Circus.
Gnomish Strongman This small gnome takes great pride in his powerful physique and styled facial hair, showing both off with pride and arrogance.
Brahd the "Vampire" This "vampire" is in fact an ordinary high elf who's using thaumaturgy to make his eyes red, and prosthetic teeth for fangs. The "mirrors" that don't show his reflection are in fact just painted pieces of wood, and he stands in a dark room, where it is nearly impossible to see his shadow.
Zoltar the Fortune Teller This robot invented by far-flung gnomes has a coin slot, where circus-goers can insert a single gold coin to have their fortune's told. When a player has their fortune read, roll 1d6. On a 1-5, they some something wildly inaccurate, but on a 6, they say something eerily accurate.
Flame & Blade The left head of this ettin (Blaine) breathes fire, while the right head (Tod) eats swords
The Haunted House Toward the edge of this circus, a creepy old mansion sits on a house. Inside, almost every piece of furniture or object has been wrapped in chains and thrashes with anger, as they are all in fact mimics. The tour is guided by a reborn orc named Raggok who is so rotted and zombified the mimics have no interest in him.

The Main Event

The following events occur in order as the main event happens (on night 3 of the Festival)
Owlbear Tamers Coming from the nearby Vermaloc Wildwood, the goblin twins Tim and Tam have managed to tame a scarred and brutish owlbear they now call Chompsky. They have Chompsky jump through flaming hoops, speak like a parrot, or even eat Tam (though Tim just feeds Chompsky some rotgrass to throw Tim back up).
The Dry Guys This trio of mephits (William, Thomas, and Boris) were picked up by the circus not long ago, and now they are pat of a stand-up routine. They have very dry humour.
Epoch the Magician This grey-skinned tiefling has his horns and body bedazzled with jewels, gold rings, and tattoos. He performs acts of slight of hand combined with minor illusions and other such magics to evoke wonder and awe from his audience.
Iliana the Ice Witch For the final event, the circus-goers are told to rug up, as the entire world around them turns ice-cold. A drow woman dressed in blue weaves a beautiful tale of romance, and drama through her manipulation of ice magic that brings the audience to tears.
submitted by Absurd_Turd69 to CalloftheNetherdeep [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:27 ieatflowas1 unique floral / nature tattoos in melbourne / naarm?

unique floral / nature tattoos in melbourne / naarm? submitted by ieatflowas1 to melbourne [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:19 wolfgirl1022 Got my second Taytoo today!🧡

Got my second Taytoo today!🧡
Today I got my second Taytoo inspired by Tolerate It! I'm already so in love with the tattoo and what it means to me and I thought I'd share it with folks who may appreciate it just as much :)🧡🗡️🌿
submitted by wolfgirl1022 to TaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:40 TeranceHood All of the UNAS flags I have seen have been pretty ehh, because (as far as I know) there isn't an official one, so I designed my own. It has 3 stars for the original 3 countries, keeps the symbolism of the U.S. flag, and the plain is vaguely inspired by the Sys. Alliance because why not. [OC]

All of the UNAS flags I have seen have been pretty ehh, because (as far as I know) there isn't an official one, so I designed my own. It has 3 stars for the original 3 countries, keeps the symbolism of the U.S. flag, and the plain is vaguely inspired by the Sys. Alliance because why not. [OC] submitted by TeranceHood to masseffect [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:14 InternationalLove148 I have an idea for Ms Marvel story.

It's inspired by Sonic Adventure 2. In an alternate dimension, Aarna Jahnavi, a 16 year old rebellious Indian American. She described as desperate for acceptance amongst her peers but is taunted and ostracized by girls whose subculture is influenced by street gangs. She had begun rebel due to such peer influence, smoking Marijuana and skipping school. She was bullied for her weight and insecurity and she feel restricted by the rules of her family's faith. She falsely accused her father for sexual abuse, but as soon as she was about to dropped the charges, a Terrigen Mists occured with Aarna inhaling it. While in her cocoon, he saw a frightening vision of Ms Marvel terrorizing the civilians. When the vision ended and Aarna emerged from her Terrigenesis, she was shocked on what she seen. Later own she start having trouble controlling her new powers. She calms down by listening to rap music. While having control of her powers, she see's a group of white teens attacking an Indian boy. She use her cosmic powers to kill the teens. A celestial type villain appeared to Aarna and tells her that he wants to stop Ms Marvel and refer to her as the bigger threat. Aarna agrees to help and now refer herself as Ms Negative with a costume similiar to Ms Marvel her more black and a red mask and red lightning symbol. The villain teleports Aarna to Earth 616 to find Ms Marvel and annihilate her. Kamala is still struggle with Ms Marvel being a threat to her community, suddenly Aarna encountered Kamala and fights her. Sooner and later, Aarna finds out that the celestial has been lying to her the whole time and both Kamala and Aarna both team up and stop him. They succeeded as they know called for truce with Ms Negative returning to her own world as an anti-hero.
submitted by InternationalLove148 to Marvel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:14 Krinji_ [SF] [HR] Neon Hell: Sigils of Nyx

In 2157, Nyx was a neon hellscape, its skyline a twisted jungle of jagged spires clawing at the sky. The circuits running through the city had morphed into something sinister, interwoven like demonic sigils straight outta an occult nightmare. Crimson and gold lines pulsed under the streets, across buildings, and even under the skin of the city's bio-enhanced residents.
Walking through Nyx was like traversing a techno-ritual. The sidewalks glowed with serpentine patterns that slithered and coiled, whispering ancient curses in an electric hum. The city’s infrastructure was an eerie mosaic of glowing symbols, each more intricate and unsettling than the last, like the walls were alive and breathing dark magic.
The people were marked too, their bodies branded with glowing tattoos that mirrored the city's malevolent circuitry. These marks pulsed with every heartbeat, connecting them to the dark energy flowing through Nyx. It was like living in a constant state of possession, their very essence intertwined with the city’s sinister power grid.
At the heart of this digital dystopia stood the Nexus, a monstrous structure adorned with the most elaborate of these demonic sigils. Its light was a baleful beacon, casting a ghastly glow that seeped into every crevice of Nyx. The circuits, like chains of the damned, bound the city in a never-ending twilight, blurring the line between cutting-edge tech and dark sorcery.
Elara, a rogue hacker, roamed the underbelly of Nyx, her eyes tracing the eerie patterns that etched themselves into every facet of the city. The sigils were everywhere, a constant reminder of the dark pact that powered this place. She had heard whispers of a way to disrupt the Nexus, to sever the city’s unholy ties to its technological overlords.
Her journey led her deep into the forgotten archives of Nyx, a labyrinthine network of data and code buried beneath layers of secrecy. Here, the air was thick with the hum of ancient servers, their circuits glowing with a dull, malevolent light. Each step she took resonated with the city’s dark heartbeat, the sigils on the walls pulsating in time with her own.
She found the script hidden in the depths of the digital abyss. It was an ancient code, a relic from a time before the circuits had taken on their sinister form. The script spoke of a reset, a way to dismantle the Nexus and return Nyx to its organic roots. But it came with a price—a life force was needed to sever the cursed circuits.
Elara hesitated, her finger hovering over the execution command. The sigils on her skin burned brighter, resonating with the energy of the ancient script. With a final, decisive breath, she initiated the sequence. Her body convulsed as the demonic circuits blazed with a ferocious light, the sigils seeming to scream in defiance.
The city flickered, the glow of the circuits dimming but never extinguishing. The baleful light of the Nexus sputtered, but then surged back, even more intense than before. Nyx seemed to groan under the weight of its dark enchantment, the sigils carving deeper into its very bones.
Elara's sacrifice had only fed the city’s malevolent core. The circuits, now fueled by her life force, glowed with a newfound intensity, binding Nyx even tighter in its demonic grip. The darkness thickened, the oppressive aura of the city deepening.
The people of Nyx, their bodies branded with the ever-brightening sigils, were drawn even further into the city’s dark web. The whispers of rebellion were silenced, the hope of liberation snuffed out like a dying ember.
Nyx, a city eternally trapped in its neon hell, stood as a grim testament to the price of progress. The circuits—those damned sigils—etched a future where humanity remained ensnared in its own dark creation, with no escape in sight.
submitted by Krinji_ to shortstories [link] [comments]