Lee and tiffany lakosky expecting a baby

Holy shit! I'm having a kid!

2014.09.24 12:27 piketfencecartel Holy shit! I'm having a kid!

Anything to help us expecting fathers understand and deal with the reality of having a baby. No GoFund me links please.

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2017.03.08 17:56 Alkasai Baby Name Lab

Your tool for researching baby names. Learn what's new, submit requests, support the project and have fun!

2024.06.09 20:28 Charliegirl121 Tiresome trump

He pardoned war criminals. Trump showed a flagrant disregard of the rule of law by pardoning Blackwater contractors who massacred unarmed Iraqi civilians, including innocent women and children.
He vetoed the bipartisan National Defense Authorization Act. Trump vetoed $741 billion in military spending and a 3 percent pay raise for our troops over an unrelated issue, and put Republicans who voted for it in the difficult position of having to choose whether to flip-flop or override his veto.. But he did not shut down travel from Europe until March 11 — almost six weeks later — because of objections from his economic advisers. The outbreak in New York was seeded by travelers from Italy, and New York then seeded the rest of the country, becoming the primary source of new infections across the United States.
he did not shut down travel from Europe until March 11 — almost six weeks later — because of objections from his economic advisers. The outbreak in New York was seeded by travelers from Italy, and New York then seeded the rest of the country, becoming the primary source of new infections across the United States, during a pandemic
He refused to accept the results — or his own responsibility for losing. He caused chaos. All he did was temper tantrums We need a adult which is what biden was, trump behaved like a 2 yr old.
Other leaders laughed at trump because he kept making a fool of himself. He couldn't even stay awake in court is he going to be sleeping during important meetings?
He discussed imposing martial law at an Oval Office meeting. The suggestion by Michael Flynn that Trump declare martial law and use the military to re-run the election in swing states is insane. That Trump took it seriously enough to discuss it in the Oval Office is shameful, as are his calls for elected Republicans to overturn the results.
He's a felon. No person should be allowed to run if they are a felon.
Trump has already said he would implement mass deportation operation. A new Muslim ban. Tariffs on all imported goods and “freedom cities” built on federal land.
He would target people who are legally living in the United States but have different views. He separated children from their parents that's child abuse.
Trump wants to be like putin and north korea He's been impeach 2x. He's too stupid to realize that putin is using him to get what he wants. He's dumb enough to think their friends.
Any trumpers who are on palestine side trump is not.
Trump says he will ask Congress to pass a bill establishing that “only two genders,” as determined at birth, are recognized by the United States.
As part of his crackdown on gender-affirming care, he will declare that hospitals and health care providers that offer transitional hormones or surgery no longer meet federal health and safety standards and will be blocked from receiving federal funds, including Medicaid and Medicare dollars.
ENERGY Trump’s goal, he says, is for the U.S. to have the lowest-cost energy and electricity of any nation in the world, including China.
Under the mantra “DRILL, BABY, DRILL,” he says he would ramp up oil drilling on public lands and offer tax breaks to oil, gas, and coal producers. He would roll back Biden administration efforts to encourage the adoption of electric cars and reverse proposed new pollution limits that would require at least 54% of new vehicles sold in the U.S. to be electric by 2030.
And again, he says, he will exit the Paris Climate Accords, end wind subsidies and eliminate regulations imposed and proposed by the Biden admiration targeting incandescent lightbulbs, gas stoves, dishwashers and shower heads.
He has said he would cut funding for any school that has a vaccine or mask mandate and will promote prayer in public schools.
Trump also wants a say in school curricula, vowing to fight for “patriotic education.” He says that under his administration, schools will “teach students to love their country, not to hate their country like they’re taught right now” and will promote “the nuclear family” including “the roles of mothers and fathers” and the “things that make men and women different and unique.” I want my kids to know the true history of the usa
Trump wants to force the homeless off city streets by building tent cities on large open parcels of inexpensive land. At the same time, he says he will work with states to ban urban camping, giving violators the choice between being arrested or receiving treatment.
He says he will require local law enforcement agencies that receive Justice Department grants to use controversial policing measures such as stop-and-frisk. As a deterrent, he says local police should be empowered to shoot suspected shoplifters in the act. “Very simply, if you rob a store, you can fully expect to be shot as you are leaving that store,” he said in one recent speech
This is not the person who should be in charge of our country. Trump wants to be a dictator, that would take away our freedom.
I don't understand why any black, Latinos, women Would vote for him, including, gays, trans, minority would vote for him. He's racist, he hates trans and gays and he will pass laws against them. He's sexist and he has some disturbing ideas on his own daughter.
The guy is nasty creepy loser and I don't want to see him in the white house I would like to never see him again. He's followers send him money for his legal fees. Is he not a billionaire, he claims he is. Then he should pay his own legal fees.
I can go on and on but I'm tired of this topic and of trumpers.
submitted by Charliegirl121 to Iowa [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:13 TaquitoModelWorks Got over depression, and started getting physically healthier, partner seems to hate it.

My partner (34f) and I (34m) have been together for 10 years. Around the 2nd year, I fell into depression (not clinical) and she was incredibly supportive, even taking a loan for a trip back to my hometown which I had been away from for about 20 years to help me cope. She's been great in many ways, but she would also often ridicule me for my weight, even talking to her friends about it despite my objections.
Recently, we found out we're expecting a baby due in SeptembeOctober. Since then, I've made significant lifestyle changes: improved my diet, went to the dentist, started regular check-ups, reconnected with friends, took up cycling, and began losing weight. I'm healthier now, preparing to be a good father and partner.
However, my partner is unhappy with my reconnecting with friends and cycling. I cycle either early morning before she wakes up or right after work before she gets home, ensuring we still have evening time together. She thinks I'm obsessed with cycling, but it's the best exercise for my knees given my weight, as approved by my physician and orthopedist.
I see my friends once a month for a bar outing and a scale modeling meeting. With a national contest coming up, I told her I'd be busier, but she feels abandoned and insecure, fearing other women might be interested in me now. She even said she'd prefer the unhealthy version of me over the healthy, prepared-for-a-baby version.
I understand pregnancy is a huge change and difficult for her. However, her behavior is becoming increasingly frustrating, with criticism, guilt-tripping, and harsh words weighing me down. She recently mentioned it might take over 2 years for her to feel normal again after childbirth, which worries me.
I've thought about asking for space or a break but feel uncomfortable due to her pregnancy and her current feelings of loneliness. Should I wait it out and see if things improve, or am I just kidding myself?
TL;DR: Partners sudden change of heart about overcoming my depression is now making me doubt where we stand.
submitted by TaquitoModelWorks to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:08 getoutmeswamp69 Not taking as much formula as before??

So.. my baby will be 6m tomorrow (🥳) and we stared purees about 1.5weeks ago.
For the last few days (4-5~) she's started to not take her full bottles a couple times a day. For reference, she was doing 8oz after wake up, 7oz for brunch, lunch, dinner and bedtime but always offering 8oz just in case. Shes been on this schedule/pattern for weeks. But now serving puree in between dinner and bedtime, roughly 30-60min after dinner.
She'll take her full 8oz bottle after wake up, but after that it's 3-4oz here and there. I expected some sort of cut back after starting purees.. but I'm starting to raise both eyebrows when I think about how little formula shes intaking now. I'm going to be getting in touch with my doctor as soon as he's available, but before I get too worried.. has this happened to anyone else? Was it a phase? Is it teeth? Was it because the moon and the sun we in the wrong positions during feeding time? 😅
I'm trying not to worry too much as I'm not noticing any illness like behavior or symptoms but being a ftm I have no idea what I'm looking out for to begin with 😅
submitted by getoutmeswamp69 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:07 hwoodice A cool timeline of computer history from 1970 to 2024. Enjoy!







submitted by hwoodice to FuckMicrosoft [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:02 Melodic_Specific2309 Letting my nmom and ndad take care of my kids

I posted this elsewhere, but wanted to put it here just in case anyone is considering letting their parents babysit their kids. Skip to the end for the real fun stuff!
My narcissistic mom and dad are educators, literally professional caregivers for children. Here are some things they did to me and my children before I finally went no contact with them:
Did absolutely no baby proofing but still expected us to let our toddlers stay with them. When asked to baby proof, did so in a totally, almost aggressively insufficient way. (Gates that did not span the area meant to keep the baby in, door locks not installed properly, etc.) Acted very hurt when we told them this was insufficient and didn't let the kids stay with them.
When the kids got older and we did finally let them stay over because we thought it was safe enough (barely), my dad exclaimed after one visit how happy they were that our three year old "only got out the front door twice!" Apparently he expected praise for this.
Let the children go unattended near their pool. We only know this happened because the older one fell in and managed to get himself out. My mother denied this happened. The older one heard her deny it and responded, "Well then why was I wet??" Why indeed.
Left my father's guns unlocked in a closet near where one of the kids slept. When we learned of this and told them to correct it, they did, we think? In any case, they then made a big deal out of how wonderful they were for then locking up the guns properly. (But why were they left unlocked before???)
My mom called us once while the kids were over there and my wife and I were on vacation. She launched right into, screaming at us, angry at us and our older kid, because she couldn't figure out how to get him onto a Zoom school event. This had understandably upset the older kid (he was 7), and his emotions were unacceptable to her. She screamed at us about how she certainly didn't raise her children to act with such total lack of respect! So, basically, she was screaming at us for our child's failure to control his emotions around her. While totally failing to control her own emotions.
Got in a car accident with the children in the car and didn't tell us about it. We learned about it, separately, from the kids instead. They were young then and apparently my parents thought the kids wouldn't be able to remember this or communicate what happened, but they could and did.
Whenever we tried to address any of these really dangerous situations with them, went 100% DARVO mode. Furious denial, attacking us for our supposed, unrelated parental shortcomings, made themselves the objects of pity for being subject to such unfair and cruel attacks, etc. It got to the point where we didn't even bring up moderately terrible things that happened because it wasn't worth the emotional toll.
For example, I almost didn't bring up to my mom the fact that one of the kids came home with lice (probably although not definitely contracted during their stay there). When I did, gently and factually, without blame, I experienced the most extreme DARVO, over the top screaming reaction from her I'd ever received. It was honestly really scary. She tried to discuss this episode with me again weeks later in the context of how I could improve my communication with her - because this was so obviously hurtful to her and I was so clearly in the wrong.
Reported us to CPS. We don't know for certain that it was my mother (it was an anonymous report), but the circumstantial evidence and the content of the report are pretty damning (to her, not us). It was full of information only she would have known and it used some of her weird little pet phrases. The report was also made during one of the kids' stays at my parents', and my mother had a weird excuse for why she needed to keep the kids a day longer. The initial visit from CPS, sure enough, happened while the kids were still with my parents.
The CPS folks seemed to know it was a b.s. report and treated it as such, but it was still the scariest thing I've ever had to go through in my life. When I eventually told my mom about the report, which I had to do since they wanted to talk to her, she immediately jumped to the conclusion that they had taken the children away. She sounded oddly excited about this prospect.
She then, a few days later, got me on the phone with my dad for a long conversation about how I wasn't meeting their needs in my relationship with them. How I had been distant (i.e., grey rocking them, which of course I had). This was while the investigation was still pending and CPS hasn't yet talked to them. So, that's right! My own parents used their cooperation in an investigation that could result in me losing my children, as leverage to get what they wanted from me. I'd never felt so betrayed in my life - because I have never been so betrayed in my life. It's the worst thing anyone has ever done to me, and all because my mother didn't feel like she had sufficient control and wasn't getting enough narc supply.
So, these are the types of things you have to look forward to when you let your narcissistic parent(s) take care of your child. I'll let you all decide whether going through this is worth the "free" child care and meeting the all important societal expectation that children have a relationship with their grandparents...
submitted by Melodic_Specific2309 to NarcissisticMothers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:54 BlueberryWaffles99 Tips to make transitioning to a toddler bed easier?

We are going to switch our 19 month old to a toddler bed very soon. She has outgrown her crib and is quickly realizing she can climb out (hasn’t succeeded yet, but I don’t want to wait for a success). Our crib converts to a toddler bed, so we are just going to convert it for her and introduce a pillow and blanket.
What can we do to make this transition smooth? I am expected a lot of wake ups and I would guess she’s going to struggle just to stay in the bed when we first put her down. What are the best methods to address these issues??
Her room is already completely baby/toddler proofed - so all we need to worry about is the transition!
submitted by BlueberryWaffles99 to toddlers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:52 FlagDroid Archive of the "44 rules for dnd"

I saw that OP deleted the original and I couldn't find a full image anywhere so I found a live stream from one shot questers and transcribed it. I felt like this needed to be archived for continued discussion and education:
  1. I'm timing turns. I don't give a fuck if it's unfair in your opinion cause your spells are hard or you don't know what square to move to, you get 1 minute to know all the actions you want to take or I skip your turn.
  2. If you want harder fights, bring a second character sheet and expect to twiddle your thumbs when you die. I'm not going to baby anyone.
  3. If you call me or my rolls unfair, I'll get up and go home, and if you got a ride with me you can find your own way back and suck it up.
  4. I'm going to take your characters loot away as regularly as you want it given out. Rule 3 will apply here.
  5. If you don't act out any of your persuasion or intimidation or any other social checks you fail, before you even roll. You fail immediately because you aren't even trying and you're making the game lame for everyone else.
  6. If you don't pick up cues for "side quests" that's not my problem. Get over yourself, it's not a video game, it's a role playing pen and paper based game with miniatures. I'm not holding your hand if you choose not to pursue shit.
  7. If you move to a square in combat there's no take backs.
  8. You tell every single person what you're doing before you do it. You don't fucking roll dice and then say you're casting fireball. You tell us all.
  9. I will give out exhaustion more frequently. If you argue, go home or you can actually fight me over it or you can dm yourself.
  10. Every snide comment you make to an npc will be remembered and paid back in triplicate. You all seem to believe there is little consequence.
  11. You will not be given a mega dungeon every session. A temple is not the size of a small city, neither is a cave. This shit will happen when it's natural and organic. Go play some roguelike if you want that.
  12. The travel portion is done. You wanna travel continents doing literally whatever you want whenever you want? Go play world of Warcraft or play dnd with AI.
  13. If you're late with no good reason I'm going to halve your characters hit points for the entire session.
  14. If you don't show up for no good reason, and that will be determined by me alone if no one else has the guts to say shit for fear of upsetting one another, the first time you'll find yourself losing either a whole level or up to three major items of your own. The second time you do it in a row, you'll be removed from the chat and the group full stop. I have no fucking time for people to not show up.
  15. If you get too stoned or drunk to play, I will go home without a warning. Your warning is here.
  16. If you get up for bong or smoke or whatever breaks every 10 minutes I will simply pack up and go home. I'm sick of waiting for every bloke to be at the table.
  17. Guidance, divination spells, owls and whatever spells I decide are too fucking stupid are banned. Outright. No more fucking guidance.
  18. You get one chance at a skill check. If you fuck up, your party doesn't get their chance to do the same check. Think careful who's good at what.
  19. Discussion of meta game details in game will result in instant damage to your character
  20. Rules lawyering fellow players is encouraged. "Uhm Ackchtually"ing me will just result in me telling you to fuck off.
  21. You roll your dice within view of two players who aren't you standard. You roll them neatly and you roll them on the table. Failing to do these three things will auto fail whatever roll you did. Arguing that you actually rolled validly when you clearly didn't is an automatic critical fail.
  22. Instant death traps and mechanics are coming into place. If you call these things unfair moving forward, I will laugh at you and tell you to fuck off and cry some more.
  23. I will not give you random magical items and vendors will not stock them. They are meant to be rare and hard to acquire.
  24. Random encounters in the form of random dragons or strange mysterious road trader or a band of goblin prostitutes isn't going to happen. Go play baldurs gate 3.
  25. I don't give two fucks what reddit said about x or y ruling.
  26. I actually give less of a fuck about what your mate's and group did
  27. Saying anything to me about other players not liking me doing x or y without them saying it directly to me will result in me kicking you out of the group. Don't use someone else to push your own agenda.
  28. You're not to sit down and have a two hour discussion about what Samson from Bundoora secondary did three weeks ago when you come to play. Take the 15-20 minutes I use to set up and review my notes to talk to eachother, then sit down to play.
  29. Saying Shit like "guys come on we're not here to have fun we're here to play dnd, this is serious business" is rude and dismissive of how much work I put into this. I will simply go home if I hear this shit.
  30. Don't fucking order food randomly. We will eat together at a specific time or not at all. I don't want food shit all over my things.
  31. No food or drinks near any of my dnd gear. If you wreck something you can pay for it. I let one person trash my dm screen once and I never had it replaced by them. In fact I had that person attempt to gaslight me into believing they didn't wreck my shit at all. I'm not stupid, you're an adult. Accept responsibility.
  32. Arguments between party members outside of roleplay will be resolved by me giving the definite ruling. If you don't like it, fuck off back home.
  33. I don't give a fuck what they did in critical role or what that one guy on reddit said or if you think that it's all make believe so you can do what you want. The world I run works on internal rulings and lore I created specifically for it.
  34. Every single person in this chat is having debuffs applied to their characters that should have occurred a long time ago. This will be specific to characters.
  35. If you don't bring your sheet, you don't play.
  36. If you don't bring dice, borrow some.
  37. When we play dnd I'm not your friend. That doesn't mean you treat me like an enemy during the game. It means I'm no longer "being nice".
  38. If you treat me poorly in any way shape or form after or during or before the game due to something that happened in the game, you're out. If you cannot seperate a game from reality, I think you are a fucking moron, and I have little time to deal with that energy.
  39. You will submit your spellists daily (in game). If you do not give me a spell list each in game day, you will not be allowed to cast a single spell or cantrip in combat. I do not trust you guys to not use this against me.
  40. If you do not mark off spell slots or you say something like "I remember what I'm at" as a way to justify it, I will simply fail your spell, deal half your health in damage to you and say you have no spells to cast for the rest of the day.
  41. If you break literally anything you can buy the replacement that day or not attend till you do.
  42. If you complain about the choice of music I fully expect you to bring the whole playlist the next session or to shut the fuck up.
  43. Cannot stress enough how little I care about how you feel about my rulings from now on.
Oh and rule 44. I'm never just threatening you. I'm promising you.
Here's a link to the original post:
submitted by FlagDroid to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:46 Due_Obligation_3035 AITA for telling my dad to correct his and his wife's lie to his stepdaughter or he can deal with the consequences?

My dad remarried when I was 12 after the death of my mom. My dad's wife was a widow also and had a 7 year old daughter at the time. I didn't blend the way they wanted me to. I don't hate my dad's wife or stepdaughter. I never felt a family bond with them though. But my stepsister can be really sweet. She's also special needs and behaves very young as a result. She struggles to comprehend things the way someone her age (20) would. And her view of the world is very young. It makes her far easier to manipulate and far easier to upset. There were times when I still lived with them that I had to be SO careful about the things I talked about because she would get so upset. Movies had to be very happy and cheerful and could not have death or bullying or any sarcasm in them because they could really upset her.
Which is why I'm so angry right now.
So I'm expecting a baby and my stepsister was so excited the last time she saw me and she told me she was so excited for me to have a boy named after he dad. I asked her what she meant and she told me my dad and her mom told her that I was going to name a boy after her dad like I'd name a girl after my mom. She told me she hopes I have a boy and she was so excited and so easily believed that I was going to do that. I mentioned this to my dad and he sheepishly admitted they had told her that and that they were going to ask me to considering naming a son after my stepsister's dad because it would mean so much to her. I told him I wasn't going to do that and he should have known that. He told me they figured but they also really wanted his stepdaughter to be happy.
I spoke to him with his wife present and told him to correct the lie they told or he can deal with the consequences of not doing so. She told me I would be heartless to deny her daughter this. My dad asked why I wouldn't do it and I told him because I'm not the one who told the lie. I told him the choice was up to him and he can live with the consequences.
They said I was blackmailing them and playing games which wasn't fair.
submitted by Due_Obligation_3035 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:41 Black_Sky_3008 Feel better with Reddit.

I took down my socials last year, and honestly love it. FB/IG ect are gone. I like being home, I don't want everyone in my business, I also dont like getting invited to events from aqaintences. A lot of people were upset and thought I deleted them. I live in a very small town so people are outright rude now.
I am having a small baby shower, a small graduation for my oldest, and a small birthday for my teen....I didn't want pictures or tons of people just showing up.
I don't know why there's an expectation of being social, outgoing and having large events. It's honestly all so draining. My only issue is it's hard to interact on here. I don't like total isolation but am also not outgoing in the slightlest....wallflowerish I guess. I honestly spend most of my freetime reading. What do you guys do for fun and did anyone else got of socials?
submitted by Black_Sky_3008 to introvert [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:37 Chen_Geller Everything we REALLY know about The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum

Everything we REALLY know about The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum


The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum is a film which is due to cover the events of Gollum's life, probably between the trilogies and through to the early parts of The Fellowship of the Ring. It is to be directed (and starred) by Andy Serkis, with Sir Peter Jackson producing and Philippa Byoens, Dame Frances Walsh, Phoebe Gittins and Arty Papageorgiou writing the screenplay.
Set for release in late 2026 (although a delay to mid 2027 is a distinct possibility), it will be the eighth film in the New Line-produced film series, after this year's The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim, and is thus unrelated neither to Amazon's show nor to the notorious video game on the same subject. The film focuses on a puzzling but nonetheless intriguing premise, and may entail appearances from some actors from The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.

Update section (as of June 2024)


The Story

Exactly what the story of The Hunt for Gollum is supposed to cover is not entirely clear: it could cover Aragorn's literal hunt for Gollum across the borders of Mordor, culminating in the capture of the creature on the Dead Marshes, interrogation by Gandalf, and incarceration in the Woodland Realm and subsequent escape during an Orc attack, ending with his becoming stuck inside the Mines of Moria. This would make the film less of a traditional prequel, being that these events take place during the time of Jackson's The Fellowship of the Ring, largely between the 32 and 36 minute mark (the film is explicitly meant to be continuous with the previous live-action films).
However, the title is merely a tentative working title and needn't be taken as too concrete an indication as to the exact contents of the film. Recent comments by Boyens, Jackson and Serkis seem to imply a larger scope, possibly as far back as Gollum's first emergence from the Misty Mountains in an attempt to track Bilbo, turning the film into a "bridge" between the trilogies, of a kind that we see more often nowdays in other media series. After arriving at Dale, a hunt after the creature is in fact already initiated by the Wood Elves, but he reaches the Anduin and eventually winds-up in Mordor. These events are ednumbered in The Lord of the Rings under the chapters "A Shadow of the Past", "The Council of Elrond", "The Dead Marshes", "Shelob's Lair" and Appendix B, rounding up some ten pages.
The unruined city of Dale, one of the biggest sets built for either trilogy, could feature in The Hunt for Gollum
Admittedly its hardly the most intriguing concept for a film based on Tolkien's works, but such an expanded premise could doubtlessly utilize Jackson's penchant for non-linear storytelling, perhaps using Aragorn's capture of Gollum and his interrogation by Gandalf as a framing device for the telling of Gollum's earlier adventures, which otherwise take place with no companion with which to run dialogue scenes. This premise also promises far more from a visual standpoint: rather than merely reprising the Dead Marshes or Cirith Ungol, one could see the Woodsmen of Mirkwood, as well as the Woodland Realm, Esgaroth and Dale in better days.
In Tolkien's unabridged chronology, these wanderings extend over multiple decades, allowing for the story of Aragorn's youthful adventures - in Gondor, Rohan and Harad - to ensue in the middle of it all, although unless the film is indeed a two-entry project, it seems unlikely for Jackson to cover both characters' detailed backstories. At the very least, it could reasonably be expected of Jackson to obscure or contract (as he had done in The Fellowship of the Ring and the Dol Guldur storyline of The Hobbit) the timeframe somewhat.
Another potential sideplot could include the downfall of Balin's colony in Moria, precisely because Gollum ends-up stuck behind the closed Western Door of those mines, with the Balin, Ori and Oin long vanquished. Jackson and Boyens previously considred using such a prequel to show Saruman looking for the Ring and falling under Sauron's spell, and while Saruman is almost sure to appear in the animated The Lord of the Rings: War of the Rohirrim, the death of actor Sir Christopher Lee might make his return to the live-action Hunt for Gollum probelmatic.
Frankly, cutting out the the latter storyline might help keep The Hunt for Gollum from "spelling out" too much of the goings-on between the trilogy. This exact kind of interstitial spinoffs set between the two Star Wars trilogies (Solo, Obi Wan, Andor and Rogue One) have done this to a rather demystifying effect, and so keeping some events untold might actually enhance the feeling that sixty eventful years have indeed passed between the trilogies, rather than distiling the events of those sixty years to a film that's bound to feel like it transpires over a more finite amount of time.
While both film series have been criticised for focusing on a concentrated, "limited" timeframe within the context of a vast fictional history, I think Jackson's desire to present a series of films that are tightly-woven together with the same characters, settings and overall conflict running through all of them. Indeed, by the time Jackson completes his second contracted film for New Line, he and Boyens will have had produced an unprecedented nine films of some 26 hours of cinema or more, cementing their already-entrenched vision of Middle-earth. Jackson had spoken before, not unjustly, of gaining a great degree of "sentimental attachment, a kind of ownership to the Middle-earth that's been put on the screen."
It may also help in reducing the risk of the film at "spoiling" the events of The Lord of the Rings trilogy for newcomers, something Jackson had expressed some awareness to with The Hobbit. Gollum's latter-day wanderins take him to the Dead Marshes, Cirith Ungol (where he encounters Shelob), Barad Dur and Moria and these could reduce the impact those places have on the screen in The Lord of the Rings for newcomers after 2026. Exactly how Aragorn could maintain his mystique in the Prancing Pony (admittedly a "card" that the films don't play nearly as long as the book) or the menace of the unseen figure of Gollum, I have no idea.
For the same reason, I would argue against the fan-favourite idea of a framing device, by which an elderly Aragorn relates his sojourn with Gollum. Such a device will not only feel overplayed alongside the framing devices of An Unexpected Journey and The War of the Rohirrim but also "spoil" the outcome of The Lord of the Rings in terms of Aragorn's fate for newcomers.
The "bridge" function of the film can help make the viewing experience of the series a more balanced experience: I've written about how the six films form a coherent narrative structure, but having said that, the midpoint ("One Ring to Rule Them All") comes in a touch early: a 2 to 2.5 hour film could redress that.
The narrative structure of the six films at the present: inserting The Hunt for Gollum before the midpoint could bring it closer to the actual middle of the piece

The Cast

Beside Andy Serkis also reprising his motion-capture role of Gollum (which he also performed recently for his Tolkien audiobooks), its unclear what characters and actors the film will involve: as producers, Jackson, Walsh and Boyens are sure to influence the casting process, as they had for The Hobbit back when it was still a Guillermo del Toro-helmed film, and as Boyens seemed to have done with The War of the Rohirrim, whose cast includes Brian Cox and Serkis' wife, Lorraine Ashbourne. A couple of regulars, like Jed Brophy (who also appeared in The Rings of Power Season One) are almost certain to appear. A cameo for Jackson may also be reasonably expected, and perhaps for Royd Tolkien, as well.
Gandalf is said to appear in the film, with the venerable but active Sir Ian McKellen expressing interest in reappearing in the role. In 2006, Jackson had said he has no interest in making a film with "a Gandalf who wasn't Ian McKellen for instance." Presumably, they could accomodate McKellen by shooting his scenes in the UK, as they had done previously with Sir Ian Holm and an even more-venerable Sir Christopher Lee.
Viggo Mortensen, who was previously considered for a return in his role of Aragorn to The Hobbit and declined an early availability check, had also expressed some willingness to return to the role. Although he predicated such a return on being "right for it in terms of, you know, the age I am now", which would seem to negate the possibility of digitally de-aging the actor, it must surely be left to Jackson's fabled skills of persuasion: admittedly, Jackson and Mortensen had spoken as late as October 2022, but that was seemingly before any plans for The Hunt for Gollum ripened. Ironically, the return of both McKellen and Mortensen was joked about before, in Stephen Colbert's Darrylgorn spoof.
Certainly, Jackson and Serkis - special effects mavericks that they are - will be unlikely to shirk from using digital deaging, a popular technique used by other major film series, especially since the film is due to involve copious amounts of motion-capture anyway. Focusing the story on Gollums' earlier misadventures, in which Aragorn and Gandalf do not feature, could keep the issue at bay to some extent.
The Tolkien series by 2026: The Hunt for Gollum poster is, of course, fan-made
Jackson had also spoken a couple of times before of trying to get Liv Tyler's Arwen to appear in the last Hobbit entry alongside Mortensen. Orlando Bloom, who had reprised his role as Legolas for The Hobbit, conspiciously liked Serkis' social media notices on helming the film: With Legolas' teaming-up with Argorn set-up in the close of The Battle of the Five Armies, and him playing a role in the battle in which Gollum escapes the Woodland Realm, his reappearance is also not unlikely.
Other characters from the Woodland Realm like Lee Pace's Thranduil could also feature. Jackson and Boyens had previously expressed desire to further explore the fate of their original character, Tauriel, but the recent announcement of retirement by actress Evangeline Lilly may or may not confound this: Lilly was also effectivelly retired when Jackson first cast her in that role. If Dale is reappear, so could Bard and perhaps some of the Dwarves.

The Crew

The film is to be directed by Andy Serkis, who had directed a recent adaptation of The Jungle Book, after having started directing with the second unit on The Return of the King and The Hobbit. He is slated to appear this week in a panel for The War of the Rohirrim.
Serkis was picked by Jackson, who wrote and directed all six previous films and will produce this film along with partners Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens. Judging by previous producer outings by Jackson et al (District 9, Tintin, Mortal Engines and The Hobbit prior to del Toro's exit) they are sure to allow Serkis the needed latitude in terms of designing, shooting and editing the film, although as mentioned its likely they'll involve themselves with casting some of the roles.
As before, Walsh and Boyens will also be writing the screenplay along with the scribes of the Boyens-produced The War of the Rohirrim, Arty Papageorgiou and Philippa's daughter Phoebe Gittins. Jackson is not credited as a co-writer, but being that he lives with Walsh, and opposite the lawn from Boyens, its certain he will have an important part in shaping the story.
Since Jackson lives with Walsh (in the house to the right) and across from Boyens (house immediately left of theirs), he's sure to be intimately involved with the shaping of the story
Serkis is also credited as executive producer along with Jonathan Cavendish, who together run the UK studio Imaginarium. Also attached as executive producer is Jackson's agent and The Hobbit executive Ken Kamins. They're unlikely to run into trouble with New Line Cinema, which is currently being run by Pam Abdy, Michael de Luca (who worked on The Lord of the Rings) and Alan Horn, who worked on The Hobbit. Amazon/MGM and the Tolkien Estate are not involved, ensuring no issues in terms of the rights.
Although New Line had approached Jackson, the idea for the film was his own. In fact, Jackson was disappointed that the story of the hunt for Gollum could not be included in The Fellowship of the Ring, and already in 1998 had expressed a desire to film it - at that stage, as additional footage to be spliced into the trilogy. By 2002, these plans turned into a "Lord of the Rings prequel" which was in active development until 2007, and that Jackson and Boyens continued to talk about as late as the director's commentary to The Battle of the Five Armies in 2015.
This film is entirely unrelated to the 2009 fan-film of the same title, now back on YouTube; nor to Daedalic's video-game nadir, The Lord of the Rings: Gollum, or to Amazon Prime's controversial show The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power in spite of possible cross-over in the crew. Philippa even admitted to avoiding the show as to not become influenced by it. If anything, news of The Hunt for Gollum, pre-empting the release of the teaser for the show's second season, seem to have dampered the hype for the show, especially given the show's move from New Zealand to the UK and New Line Cinema's forthright resolve to "stop Amazon from blurring the lines" between their show and the films.
Jackson is contracted for a second film: although a recent Deadline piece makes it seem like The Hunt for Gollum will itself be two films, this is unlikely and is not the impression given in previous press releases and interview. If the second film is indeed unrelated to The Hunt for Gollum, its likely Jackson hadn't given it too much thought, but a likely candidate could be The War in the North: Like the Hunt for Gollum, it is a subject Jackson had given some thought to and spoke of his interest in dramatising. Other future films may earn a more peripheral involvement from Jackson or Boyens, but are almost certain to still shoot in their homeland of New Zealand and utilize their facilities and firms.
Concept art for The War in the North, circa 2014.
New Line had ambitiously announced the film for 2026, surely towards the end of the year in what's become a series tradition, although in the latest Variety piece its merely "being eyed for a 2026", and so a slight delay (like those of The Battle of the Five Armies and The War of the Rohirrim) may be in store. Still, if it is indeed a single-film production, a late 2026 release is perfectly concievable, especially as this story is of smaller cope than either The Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit.
The Hunt for Gollum is returning not just to New Zealand but Jackson's and Boyens' hometown of Wellington, and will be produced using his companies and facilities: Stone Street Studios (filming studio), WingNut Films (production company), Six-Foot-Seven (art direction company), Weta Workshop (hand-props and creatures), WetaFX (special effects) and Park-Road Post (editing and sound). The Rings of Power, The War of the Rohirrim, the Darrylgorn spoof and the "Beyond the Door" project in the Hobbiton set had all provided more Tolkien-themed work for many of these firms in the interim.
Otherwise, its unknown who the staff of the film might include. Jackson is almost sure to call upon the services of concept artist John Howe (currently engaged with The Rings of Power but almost sure to make time for Jackson) and Alan Lee, who had recently provided work for The War of the Rohirrim. He also has access to a large number of existing and unused pieces of art by Lee, Howe and Weta that can be of use here, a practice already utilized for The War of the Rohirrim.
Jackson had maintained a partnership with the co-editor of The Two Towers, Jabez Olssen, who edited all of Jackson's subsequent films including his recent documentaries. Serkis has a relationship with director of photography Robert Richardson, suggesting a possible candidate for the lensing of the film.
Although Howard Shore could concievably return to score the picture, which is set to feature characters he depicted in music previously like Gollum, Gandalf and probably Strider, the film could also be scored by one of the Kiwi composers who contributed to his scores: Stephen Gallagher (currently composing the score to The War of the Rohirrim) or the Plan 9 ensemble together with David Long. Even in such a case, Shore could concievably contribute themes, and his existing themes could be used at the discretion of the filmmakers.
Thanks to Jackson's involvement, one can also hope for extensive behind-the-scenes, including pre-emptive video production diaries, as had been the custom on all his live-action productions.
submitted by Chen_Geller to lotr [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:23 ThrowawayUser1090 Advice on New Baby and Wedding Planning from Other New Dads

Hi all - my (33M) fiancee (27F) have been together for a while now. We got engaged recently and everything is going well. But we also discovered that we're now expecting a baby early next year. I'm going to be a new dad!
It's still early days so we haven't told too many people (except for two close friends and her mom, who is an angel of a person), and we're getting a lot of questions about the timing of the wedding, which we plan to hold next year.
Her dad and my parents offered to help pay for the wedding (and might end up covering almost all of it - we're very fortunate), but we haven't told him or them about the kid yet. We feel the need to tell them before asking them for anything because that's the honest thing to do.
The question is this - we'd have about a six-month-old baby at the originally planned time of the wedding. We still love one another so much, and we planned to have a family quickly anyway. Should we proceed as planned and do the wedding next summer? We want to get married, and with some aging family members, it might be the last chance to have everyone in the same room. We just might have an extra little guest with us.
Thanks so much in advance for your advice, Reddit.
submitted by ThrowawayUser1090 to NewDads [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:23 shishimara408 Olive Spector Got Resurrected Into a Zombie

Olive Spector Got Resurrected Into a Zombie
Hello everyone!
I am currently playing the Sims 2 after not playing it for a couple of months. I decided to play the Strangetown neighborhood (cuz it’s the 2nd most iconic neighborhood in the sims 2 other than Plesantview….imo) so here is some context on what’s currently going on in my gameplay:
-Ophelia got married to Johnny Smith and no he’s living with the Spector household despite Olive’s opinions on them getting hitched
-I created a sim name Amanda Bond (no she’s not James Bond inspired) and she is living with the Spector household.
-Nervous Subject was currently living(or should I say kidnapped) with the Beaker family but both Circe and Loki along with Loki’s mistress all died from starvation thanks to a group of sims (that I created and put in the Beaker Household) that were helping Nervous escaped from the Beakers.
-Nervous reunited with his mother Olive Spector, but the two don’t have a relationship and also, it doesn’t say that Nervous and Ophelia are family since that would make them cousins.
-Olive Spector unexpectedly died from drinking the Elixir of Life as she aged herself up…surprisingly no one in the household was sad about it.
-Ophelia and Johnny are expecting their alien baby(I might need names for their baby if you want add in the comment section)
-The household adopted a kitten name Bonkers
-I’m trying to get Nervous and Amanda together but will see….
-and lastly, nervous decided to resurrect Olive, but with the amount of money he paid the grim reaper…olive was resurrected to a zombie
And that’s the gameplay so far but I’ll update everyone on what’s going with the household. Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful day!
submitted by shishimara408 to sims2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:20 MonthFar2068 {{Update}} My common law husband (my long term partner) cheated and had a love baby

Many are asking for an update but what’s really there to update, here is what’s happened this past week and what is going to happen.
I will never see him again. It is over. He is back from his trip, probably he wasn’t expecting to start his summer vacation this way. My lawyer has already contacted him about what he’s owed. It will be transported to his mother’s apartment. Whatever more he thinks he is owed he can sue me and I will be ready and I hope he can afford my lawyers when he loses whatever lawsuit he plans to file.
Apparently the apartment that his gf lost was his. He was sending her money for the rent but she spent it on Prada instead. He swears that the baby isn’t his and that he is “going to demand a paternity test” like it would make any difference? Maybe for the baby yeah, I hope to god that the child isn’t his however so maybe there is still a small chance for that baby to have a better future and more loving parents.
I am moving in with my parents. Right now I am in a hotel but I have no desire to be in that house again with all the memories. I am selling it and while I find a new home and sell this one I will just live with my family.
The gf has contacted me a few times via social media because she needs to talk. She wants proof that we aren’t married because he told her that we are married. I don’t do delusion so I just blocked her. She has tried to contact me via her friends and mine so now everyone knows the truth without me needing to make an announcement (thank you gf!)
Not sure what more to update, if I have missed anything I will leave it in the comments.
One last thing. I am sorry for maybe using the wrong terms I am not English speaker and google found me “common law marriage” as the term used in my situation but apparently it has its certain laws in English speaking countries. Our relationship is a long term and we live together. We have separate economy. We have no rights to each other’s property or estate. We don’t even inherit each other (without a will).
However anything we purchased during the time we were living together falls under “joint estate” and is divided equally no matter who the purchaser is. I have no problems dividing these assets in half. I have bought our house and some of my expensive art during the time we have been partners, it would have been joint assets if we didn’t have “cohabitation agreements” in place around these expensive purchases. He has no rights to them. Unlike prenups etc they are not as easy to contest because he is not legally married to me.
Under different circumstances I would probably have given him more than what he is going to get now because I am like that in general. If he had ended things. If he told me he wanted out and that he didn’t love me anymore. Because I know that relationships end and people fall out of love. He could have respected me enough to give me that at least but he didn’t. So I will literally be counting spoons and napkins and he will not get a dime over what he is owed.
submitted by MonthFar2068 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:07 missingmarkerlidss Telling family members

I am thrilled to be expecting baby number 6, due December 31 (what a due date!). I’m almost 11 weeks now and this being my 6th it’s getting hard to hide it. We’ve told my husbands parents knowing they would be happy for us (and they are) but my family is a different story. While my parents adore my kids they’ve been saying “that’s the last one, right?” Since baby number 3. They think “no one has more than 2 kids these days”. I am breaking a line of 2 kid families going back 4 generations on both sides in my family! This is actually the last baby for us, and I am excited to celebrate my final pregnancy. I’m just wondering if anyone else has tips on making that announcement in a way that doesn’t invite negativity or nosy questions. Part of me just wants to send an email!
submitted by missingmarkerlidss to ParentingInBulk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:06 AquariusFairy1 I just don’t like my MIL and I’m not sure what to do anymore

Am I the only one that has a very disconnected MIL? She seems to only reach out to me personally if there’s an issue or topic to talk about. My son has a bad diaper rash, my husband told her about it and she randomly texted me saying “I’ve been worried! How’s he doing?” And when I responded, she didn’t reply and then the next morning sends another text saying “how’s my baby doing today?”
Am I the only that cannot stand when someone, especially a MIL, says "MY baby" like no thats your grandson. Is it out of line to ask her to stop referring him as “my baby?”
i also feel really annoyed to never be asked how I am personally doing, or greeted in a text saying hi, how are you etc… and in this example recently, to not respond and then text again the next day saying "hows my baby doing" is on my nerves!
I’ve also noticed how she doesn’t ever interact with photos I post on Facebook, and only comments on my husbands photos. If I’m in the photo, doesn’t comment or like it. It’s super apparent that even my own mom is noticing.
And also seems like a competition between love for her son? He received an award at work and she asked if I cried at the ceremony banquet, because she cried on the phone when he told her the news a few weeks later… saying “how could you just NOT cry at that”
Also asks me to send her videos and photos of my son because she wants to see it and show everyone she knows on how smart he is…
This is a woman that lives in another state and barely calls/never FaceTimes. Makes zero effort it seems but wants a ton of credit.
How should I address this? Or am I just overreacting here lol
More historical context: to add…. I have always had a problem with her since my son was born. To give more context… she has gossiped about my mom and dads personal health to my sister in law, she’s made comments about the skin tone of my son when I am half Filipino and she is white, and once questioned how my son has blue eyes when no one in the family on her side has blue eyes — just to give more glimpse of her past behavior. Additionally, this prior December - my husband and I experienced a miscarriage. We told her not to tell anyone. But got on the phone with me one night and started talking about how she told her neighbors about the loss. Because she was hurting just as bad as the kids grandma. Then the next day, told my brother in law that she prefers — she — not to tell her sisters and brothers etc, the news until after the holidays because she doesn’t want to make them sad. When that isn’t news to make a decision of telling on mine and my husbands behalf. Not only this, but has made comments to me about her coworkers… one about how an autistic coworker got on her nerves when her grand daughter from her other son’s family is actually autistic.
To add — am I overreacting here? I don’t know what is wrong and right anymore. I feel like these things and comments that have happened are so strange, there’s more to the story for sure but can’t add everything or we would be reading a novel — but I can expect her to tell my husband that I am not communicating to her either so trying to get a game plan to explain myself and just advice if I’m the problem
submitted by AquariusFairy1 to Mildlynomil [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:58 ThrowawayUser1090 Questions on Wedding Timing/New Baby

Hi all - my (33M) fiancee (27F) have been together for a while now. We got engaged recently and everything is going well. But we also discovered that we're now expecting a baby early next year.
It's still early days so we haven't told too many people (except for two close friends and her mom, who is an angel of a person), and we're getting a lot of questions about the timing of the wedding, which we plan to hold next year.
Her dad and my parents offered to help pay for the wedding (and might end up covering almost all of it - we're very fortunate), but we haven't told him or them about the kid yet. We feel the need to tell them before asking them for anything because that's the honest thing to do.
The question is this - we'd have about a six-month-old baby at the originally planned time of the wedding. We still love one another so much, and we planned to have a family quickly anyway. Should we proceed as planned and do the wedding next summer? We want to get married, and with some aging family members, it might be the last chance to have everyone in the same room. We just might have an extra little guest with us.
Thanks so much in advance for your advice, Reddit.
submitted by ThrowawayUser1090 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:54 folkpunkrox Wife and I in disagreement over colleague's daughter's new name.

My wife and I are both educators at a top-tier private university. Most of our friends are other academics. We've gotten very close to this couple who also work at the university in the Marine Biology department, Bill and Linda. They're similar in age and share the same stodgy, bookish hobbies that we do. We were delighted to learn that Linda is expecting a baby girl in September! This is especially happy news as we recently found out we will also be having a daughter soon.
Bill and Linda share a love for large sea creatures, particularly whales. They've both traveled the world and studied their behavior, and it makes for some downright riveting dinner conversation. With this being the case, it came as no surprise when they told us they planned to name their daughter something that was reflective of their lifelong pursuit -- Orca-Marie.
I think it's a beautiful name. But my wife seems to think she will get bullied for having such a name. What do you think? Is Orca-Marie an appropriate name for a human girl?
submitted by folkpunkrox to tragedeigh [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:53 machodannythe PLL Dads and their many many issues

Well. I’ve been wanting to take a swing at the Liars’ fathers for a while, so this is finally the time I do it.
Let’s start off with an easy one: Wayne Fields. Mr Fields did pretty much nothing wrong at all. As a matter of fact, the only thing that even comes to mind is in the first season where Emily comes out as gay. He says to Pam that maybe it could be a phase, and that is literally it. The shortest list on here. And even though he did say that, he was still so supportive about it and just wanted Emily to be happy.
This is where the lists get longer. I’ll go in order of who is more horrid at parenting. Byron Montgomery was half good at being a parent, if you can ignore the infidelity with a student and then asking his teenage daughter to keep it a secret for over a year. So I guess what I’m saying is no, he wasn’t so good. I mean it’s bad enough he cheated on Ella when they’d been together for like 2 decades, but then for him to ask Aria not to tell her was such an awful decision. Not very fatherly, Byron. Although, after a few seasons he became much more bearable and actually cared about his family. I’ll also add that he was the only one who had the right reaction to the Ez*a incident, the man should definitely have gotten a punch in before Mike did. He knew that shit was wrong and tried everything to stop it, and even though he himself dated one of his students (Come on, Byron) at the very LEAST she wasn’t a minor. Although I guess eventually he came around to the relationship… Gross. Aside from that, Byron got better as a parent so he redeemed himself a little bit. I guess.
Moving swiftly on to a personal enemy of mine, Tom Marin. I hate this guy, I really do. First off, we have yet another cheater. It’s almost laughable how all of these parents have affairs. And then he had the audacity to leave Ashley AND Hanna, move in with his mistress and her daughter, and only came back to tell her he was getting married. How mean could you be? And don’t even get me started on Boil’n’Baggies Kate, he paid for her college tuition and didn’t even ask his actual daughter if she had any plans for college? He fills me with so much rage, probably because he’s such a realistic portrayal of a deadbeat. Also, I don’t know if anyone else caught this, but remember when Hanna had to sabotage his wedding, and he told her and Ashley he was moving his new family to Rosewood, meaning Kate was joining Rosewood High? Ashley said something that made me hate him more. Hanna asked why he was doing this to her, and she said something along the lines of “because he loves you and wants to be near you…right?” as if looking for Tom to confirm that. AND HE SAID NOTHING!!! I just know that slimy toad only moved back to get back at her. Anyway, enough about him, onto the next ‘goober.’
Kenneth DiLaurentis. I hardly have words for this one. But here’s a huge paragraph. Let’s paint a scenario. You have two little boys and have just recently welcomed a daughter into the world. You, and your wife, have left the baby in the house alone (?) and one of your boys hears her crying. Because he’s a child and doesn’t know any better, he thinks he can help her by giving her a bath. So that’s what he does. Again, because he’s a child, he doesn’t understand how to properly bathe another child. While you’re outside, you hear the baby screaming, and you run upstairs to see your baby drowning in water. Do you: A. rescue your baby and reprimand your child for this so they know not to make the mistake again, or B. realise that you actually left your baby alone in the house and that it was an accident, and this may actually be your fault for not being with your month old baby? If you picked secret option C, scream at your child and send him to a sanitarium, never visiting him once or even acknowledging his existence to you or your family, then congratulations! You are Kenneth DiLaurentis, worst father of the year! It blows my mind that they never killed his character off. He deserved it and no one would feel sorry about it. Also, he DESPISED Jason all because he knew he wasn’t his son, but I’m failing to see how that’s Jason’s fault? I’m 110% sure children can’t choose if their mothers have an affair with the next door neighbour, so how is resenting Jason fair at all? Blows my mind, truly. I would also like to point out that he hated that Charlotte transitioned into a girl, and hated her wearing dresses and playing with dolls, so that was probably a huge factor into sending her away to Radley. Not cool, Kenneth, not cool.
And finally, it’s the man, the myth, the legend, Peter Hastings! Let’s review. He had an affair with his neighbour Jessica, getting her pregnant, and he tells absolutely no one. He keeps it a secret until his daughter figures it out, and expects to be forgiven. He hates the DiLaurentis family because of this, when it was literally his fault for being a cheating scumbag, and refuses to ever speak to Jason even though it’s literally his son. Then, we find out he has done this twice! with Mary Drake (although he thinks it’s Jessica), then gets her pregnant, and she has twins. Peter and Veronica agree to take one of the children– no adoption involved, they just take one– and raise her as their own, never telling her the truth. They raise her to always be in competition with her sister (Half sister? Cousin? I don’t even know) and then only treat her well if she wins something or gets good grades. They find out she has a drug problem, don’t give her help, and judge her for it. Then, Peter thinks she’s murdered her best friend so he hires a detective to find out. News flash, it isn’t her, it’s actually Melissa who killed somebody, and what does Peter do? Covers it up, makes her promise to never admit it. Not to mention he’s possibly the world’s worst lawyer; destroying evidence, covering up murders, changing former wills? Such a great example to set your many, many children. To put it simply, Peter Hastings was responsible for probably an entire grade of children. He was an awful father, an awful husband and an awful lawyer.
So that’s that. My analysis of the fathers of Pretty Little Liars. If I missed any huge details, do let me know. Congratulations to Wayne Fields for being the only man in Rosewood who was a good father, not to mention the most attractive. I think there’s definitely a correlation there.
submitted by machodannythe to PrettyLittleLiars [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:52 poppy_bb Blue hair dye didn't take well...

Blue hair dye didn't take well...
My little one wanted blue hair. She picked the color... Artic Fox brand Blue Jean Baby. We bleached it and put a level 10 toner. Then left the blue dye on for 30 minutes. After rinsing it looks like this, not what we were expecting. She likes it but would like to get it more vibrant. Is there anything I can do?
submitted by poppy_bb to HairDye [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:48 AmrakCL Eurosong Greatest Hits - Zagreb (08.06.2024) - review

Eurosong Greatest Hits - Zagreb (08.06.2024) - review
Boogaloo club Zagreb hosted the Eurosong Greatest Hits show on July 8th. Seeing, as nobody did a review as of know, I'll write one myself, and please feel free to add your own opinions, pictures, videos, etc. in the comments below.
I won't add a setlist since you can find it in the post here - https://www.reddit.com/eurovision/comments/1dbpb3f/eurosong_zagreb_8624_setlist_need_help_filling_in/
The event was organised by Unity of Colors, and the event page is Eurosong.Cro (https://www.instagram.com/eurosong.cro). They'll probably have better quality videos there since I can only add one here.
The show itself was planned before Dora even took place, so it should've been a niche, little, fan-event in a smaller space. However, we all know how ESC exploded in Croatia after BL got in, so they changed it to a bigger venue. The price remained the same, 35.70€ which was a real bargain for a 3 hour show we got, plus an after party in the club for all those that wished to stay. I presume that many local performers decreased their fees or performed pro-bono for such an event to happen, but that is my speculation, so please don't take it as a fact.
The show lasted for 3 hours with a lot of performers and many ESC hits, and I'll try to do an objective write up.
Emmelie de Forest opened the show which was surprising. I was expecting to see her much later in the show. I would've loved if she opened with a ESC classic instead of her own song simply because the crowd would have a chance to warm up. She then performed Eres Tu, after which she asked should she perform in heels or barefooted. It was obvious what the crowd wanted, but she forbade us to take pictures of her feet because she didn't paint her toenails (Lena would be disappointed), and the reason why that's important is that when she had rehearsals in Malmo in 2013 she slammed her toe into a metal fence and her toe has been fucked up ever since. She actually forgot a part of the lyrics for the first time because she was taken aback by how the crowd sang Only Teardrops with her, and knew the lyrics. I feel that there were some problems with the sound in the beginning, so it's a shame that Emmelie went first, but all in all, a fun performance and a good start.
After her another ESC winner with almost an identical name took the stage, this time Emilija Kokić that won in 1989 with Riva. The win was under Yugoslavia, but it's a Croatian bend, and they won the Yu competition for a Croatian broadcaster so we're counting it as a win for us, however, we're still waiting for a first one since gaining independence. Emilija is a seasoned veteran and did her job with ease. She sang Euphoria because she could choose, also My Number One, Hajde Da Ludujemo (Croatia as part of Yugoslavia 1990) and finished with Rock Me for which she won. She was great, but I'm surprised that the two winners we had this evening were the opening acts. I would've definitely put them later in the show, but they did heat up the atmosphere from the start.
Albina and Eugen followed with their ESC/Dora songs, and some ESC classics. Both did a good job.
Celestia and Marko Bošnjak (Dora 2022) were hosts. They were fun, relaxed, and did a good job, and both did a few songs. Celestia did a medley of a few Croatian ESC songs, while Marko performed Moli Za Nas, his Dora 2022 song, Dancing Lasha Tumbai and Lejla. They were followed by Domenica and Indigo, her Dora 2019 song.
After a domestic break, another heavy hitter took the stage. Efendi of course did Cleopatra and Mata Hari, and by hearing them live, it's evident that Cleopatra was the superior ESC entry. I felt kind of stupid by asking myself which ESC song she would perform, as there was any doubt in that she would perform Running Scared, the winning song for Azerbaijan 2011. She was fire on stage, were likeable, and the crowd loved her.
Jorge Gonzalez came next and communicated with the crowd in Spanish. Now, Croatian don't speak Spanish, but we have seen enough telenovelas that we understand enough to communicate with Jorge. He was energetic, he sang dance, did his new single, and Caliente, but amazingly, also performed Soldi.
Now we had a break with Devin Juraj and Lara Demarin. Lara did her Dora 2024 debut song, Arcade, Waterloo (with backup singers) and Wild Dance. She was full of energy, and the crowd loved her, but she was kind of overshadowed by Devin.
Now, Devin is a cabaret dancer, and is known for being a dancer for Albina in ESC 2021, so I wasn't expecting much, and I must say that I think he needs to be arrested, because Devin stole the entire fucking show. Since he took the stage with his Adam Lambert-like look (Lambert from some 10+ years ago), he was in command. He opened with Llámame and showed that he can dance, followed by Cha Cha Cha. Now, if there was any doubt that Croatia doesn't love Kaarija and that there was any animosity because of the Kaarija-BL comparisons, they were dispelled as soon as he started. The crowd went batshit insane, even singing the song outside of screaming Cha Cha Cha. After the song we even had a bra hitting the stage which was fitting since he turned the show into his own personal metal/rock concert. He followed up with his author song Can't Leave You (I think that was the name) which wasn't a pop song, but nu-metalesque performance that started with a growl. He hammered his show home with Zitti e Buoni. If BL wasn't coming later, there is no doubt in my mind that his performance would be a high point of the evening.
Then came Jovanka Broz Titutka who is most known as being a part of Let 3's Mama Šč video. She came on and said she's not doing Mama Šč, no way. She didn't do any ESC songs which I found disrespectful to the crowd that came for the ESC, and not her. She did her own songs for which I don't feel that they belonged on that stage. I have nothing against drag, but I really didn't find it appropriate her on he back with her legs spread in the air singing "Who'll be fucking me" when the entire first row was filled with what to me seemed like 12 year old kids. There is a place for everything, and if I wanted that kind of show, I'd go see it. This for me was the low point of the show.
She was followed by drag queens from House of Flamingo who did a dance on Loco Loco which was great. They looked fabulous, so there worth checking out for sure. I would've preferred if they also sang, but it was great either way.
Alessandra was supposed to be one of the highlights of the show, but she only performed Queen of Kings without even trying to hit the high note, and then she left the stage. It was a solid performance, but I was really disappointed with only one song.
Marcela showed us she knows how to sing. She did Gasoline and her new single. If she keeps making music like this, she'll definitely have a chance to go to ESC herself.
In the end we all wanted to see Baby Lasagna. He entered after the ESC postcard and a prolonged intro. The crowd exploded and he didn't even need to sing, we all knew the lyrics. We asked for an encore and he did RTTD again. It was a great performance, but I think a lot of us wanted to hear IG Boi, DHYBDLYTM, or some other new song.
All in all, it was a great evening, and an amazing show. Hopefully we get an even bigger one next year. We might not be able to host ESC 2025, but this we'll be the next best thing. Kudos to the organisers, everything was amazing, and any criticism should be taken as constructive.
See you next year, Meow Meow.
submitted by AmrakCL to eurovision [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:43 Stanfranksinatra Thoughts on this name?

We have an Arlo and we have been considering the name Adrian for our expected baby boy.
Is Arlo and Adrian too same-y?
Partner is not fussed at all about first letters being the same, I hadn’t been either but recently I’ve felt a little worried that it comes off corny.
Maybe I’m just being hormonal lol??
submitted by Stanfranksinatra to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:16 Sweaty_Strategy4833 Have I been taken advantage of?

This is long but I could use some advice. I’m a full time nanny in London. I work 45 hours per week. I’m paid an ok rate which I accepted as I am only a few years into being a nanny. I am travelling for 3 weeks in France with the family. The first week was in the North in a very rural village with the parents and grandparents. Dad was off so we did shared care and I kinda did either mornings or afternoons but always around the family. I had my own room and was supposed to have my own bathroom, which was on the ground floor off the kitchen, however the grandfather kept using it also. There was not much to do around so I had to stay at the house and I joined in the family meals and they were very generous, offering me wine and foods and we played games together. But I had little down time. It’s hard to work out when I worked and when I didn’t as we would all chip in here and there.
For the second week we are in the south, which I have off. They asked me to use this week as holiday, and said they would pay for accommodation for the week and fly my boyfriend out, in exchange for some of the extra hours I am doing. However, we needed to hire a car as the place is in a very rural area, which has now come to €460 for six days. On top of this, I will be paying for food and everything, which I would expect on my holiday. The third week. I am working normal hours, plus four days of proxy parenting, including being responsible for the baby overnight. The parents have assumed this would be included in the exchange for the apartment they have rented us (it is attached to theirs, kind of like a package deal cottage). This means I will be working at least 110 hours overtime on the third week.
I will only be getting my normal wage for this trip. So in addition to working lots of extra hours, plus a babysit in my week off (not paid), I am also £450 out of pocket on a car I needed to hire to be able to get around, €30 down on a train ticket to go and collect my boyfriend, plus money on food for the week. I am aware I am lucky to be given this, but can’t help but feel like I am missing out on some money, and will end up worse off. They have flew my boyfriend out in order to keep me out in France for the third week. They also want to include travel days on the weekends as free days, as I’m not technically working, and I will not be paid an inconvenience fee.
Let me know what you guys think, thanks!
submitted by Sweaty_Strategy4833 to Nanny [link] [comments]
