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2014.03.07 04:14 T3hPhish Dark Souls 2 Builds (DkS2Builds)

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2024.06.09 15:48 Unlucky_Abrocoma2157 Commutable areas to Greenwich/woolwich

I am currently on the dreaded flatshare hunt as my new job is in woolwich (but also maybe greenwich i’m unsure which site i’m at yet).
I currently live in roehampton (SW) and my contract is ending so i need to move.
What places are good with an easy ish commute to those areas? (i’m thinking within 45 mins preferably)
I’m currently looking greenwich, deptford, blackheath, Brockley, New cross, etc in the south east.
But are there any good places East, north of the river? I’m a south london girly so i really don’t know the north side as well. Which areas might be good to look??
submitted by Unlucky_Abrocoma2157 to london [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:48 throwawayacct3768 rundown and questions at the end

I was diagnosed at 14 originally was on meds and then got off them and stayed off them for close to 10 years and l lived a very 'normal' life not really any crazy highs or lows, some bad days and bad decisions but I functioned well. 3 months after my pregnancy everything changed. I was depressed all the time, like the bone crushing I dont want to even live any more kind of depression. I tried to just tough it out I had in my head that post-partum depression was common and would maybe last a year. I coasted through life and at the year mark it was still here.
The anxiety got awful I was disassociating for hours at a crack I was hanging by a thread with my job (a very good job I couldnt afford to lose)I was exploding at family, my boyfriend, pretty much anyone who would speak to meust snapped I couldn't keep it together anymore. I felt like I was going crazy. I went on a grippy sock vacation to get put back on some meds before I did something stupid. Here I am 3 months later, a bit better but starting to go down that slippery slope again.
How long do depressive episodes last? Will i ever feel normal again? Is this hereditary, will my daughter end up with this too? How many meds do most people take? I'm on 100 of Lamictal and 2 of abilify currently but feel like I need a higher dose.
I've been told I catastrophise by my psychiatrist when I tell her I feel like im about to go crazy or like im on the brink of insanity. Is this true of could I be some kind of phycosis?
submitted by throwawayacct3768 to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:48 Bless_your_heart_- Mildred is at it again! She’s threatening to dox Nan. Nan got her fired . Gigi is Nan- that’s funny I know Gigi,it’s not Nan

Mildred is at it again! She’s threatening to dox Nan. Nan got her fired . Gigi is Nan- that’s funny I know Gigi,it’s not Nan submitted by Bless_your_heart_- to LesbianTikTokDrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:48 Neuralevant How to exclude sentence field from the "Answer" sorting field?
submitted by Neuralevant to Anki [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:48 maggieandoscardoggos 35+5 positive birth story with spontaneous labor

I wanted to share my birth story on here because this sub has been so amazing to me the past six months.
I was diagnosed with GD at 12 weeks for my second pregnancy. I never had it with my first born.
I was diet controlled the whole time, never had to go on insulin. We did have an induction date planned for my due date (June 10). But on June 8 at 1:40AM I woke up in labor.
Since it was my second pregnancy my contractions came on fast and strong. Averaging 3-4 minutes apart so we went to the hospital in the middle of the night and they admitted us right away. I was about 4 CM and 75% effaced when we got there. Once we got in our room, I got an epidural and then it was time to rest.
I slept on and off with the epidural until it was time to push. My sugars were in good range the whole time. Both pokes to check were 86. They test at least twice when you’re in labor. I was able to drink chicken broth and jello with the epidural.
I had about 10 pushes and baby boy was out! Again, this was my second birth so it went quicker and super smooth. I love the epidural for pain management No other interventions needed.
Baby boys sugars were normal, now we’re just waiting until we can go home!
I still have to do the 6-12 week test but otherwise I went back to eating like I normally do. Some things were unfortunately too sweet for me but others I got to enjoy.
This is a tough and long journey- I’m glad it’s over for me because it felt like an eating disorder. Wishing you all the best in your GD journeys!
submitted by maggieandoscardoggos to GestationalDiabetes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:47 Shuffl2me New mouthpiece

So I've been playing alto for about 14 months now, using a yamaha 5c since day 1.
I'm looking to buy a Otto Link Tone Edge but I'm wondering what tip opening to go for.
I've started playing on Legere american cut 2.25's which are good - needs a little more embouchure training. However using 2.0's I find if I blow too hard the reed just stick flat against the MP facing.
Would a larger tip opening help with both embouchure and/or 2.0 reeds sticking?
How far up should I go? Would most people go up say from a 5c to a 6c or would most generally go from a 5c to something bigger like a 7 or 8c?
Cheers all
submitted by Shuffl2me to saxophone [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:47 monkaSman How to Do the Log Press for Massive Overhead Strength and Power: log press muscles worked?

When you want to build head-to-toe strength — and you want to look awesome doing it — there are few lifts that can compete with the hardcore nature of the log press. The unstable, unwieldy log bar will have your entire body working in overdrive to clean it off the ground, up your belly and chest, and heft it into the air. Meanwhile, the neutral grips inside the bar allow you to do all of this with your shoulders in a less compromising position than they would be with a barbell lift.
Whether you’re looking to compete in strongman or just to add another strength-building lift to your repertoire, the log press can set you on the right path.
A shirtless, bearded person performs a log press.
Credit: Dmitriy Khitrin / Shutterstock
It’s got a heftier buy-in than a regular barbell press. Whereas barbells typically weigh in at 45 pounds, eight-inch diameter log bars weigh 50 pounds; 10-inch log bars come in closer to 72 pounds; and 12-inch bars get as heavy as 134 pounds. Not for the faint of heart, the log press will not only showcase your strength — it’ll build it, too.
How to Do the Log Press
Benefits of the Log Press
Muscles Worked by the Log Press
Who Should Do the Log Press
Log Press Sets and Reps
Log Press Variations
Log Press Alternatives
Frequently Asked Questions
How to Do the Log Press
Learning the log press may seem intimidating, and not without reason. To lift the 10-inch bar alone, you’ll need to be comfortable pressing over 70 pounds above your head. But if you’ve got that covered, all it takes is a little know-how and a lot of practice.
While strict presses are also possible, this guide discusses a push press version, where you get increased engagement — and loading potential — from your lower body.
Step 1 — Pull the Log Off the Floor
A person wearing pink shorts prepares to deadlift a log implement.
Credit: Worlds Strongest Gay – Rob Kearney / YouTube
Start in a deadlift position, hinged at your hips with bent knees. Position your feet a bit wider than shoulder-width and turn your feet slightly outwards. The log should be touching your shins. Grip the handles and pull your shoulder blades back and down. Drive through your legs to pull the log to your hips.
Form Tip: Tilt the log away from you by driving your wrists forward. You won’t scrape your legs and it’ll be easier to lap the log (see next step) as you can rotate the log into your hips.
Step 2 — Lap the Log
A person wearing pink shorts cleans a log bar into their lap.
Credit: Worlds Strongest Gay – Rob Kearney / YouTube
Once the bar is at hip level, squat down until the bottoms of your thighs are parallel with the floor. The bar should sit on top of your thighs, and your elbows should flare outwards. This position is referred to as, “lapping” the log.
Form Tip: Keep the log pressed firmly against your chest and stomach. If there’s any space between your body and the log, it’ll make the clean more difficult to execute.
Step 3 — Clean the Log
A person wearing pink shorts supporting a strongman log implement in the front rack position
Credit: Worlds Strongest Gay – Rob Kearney / YouTube
Though it’s called a “clean”, cleaning a log is mechanically different than the barbell variation. From the lap position, explosively stand up, driving you hips forward and rolling the log up your stomach and chest. As the log ascends, bring your elbows in and under the implement so that you end up in the front rack position.
Form Tip: You want your elbows up as high as you can get them, which means the bar will needs to sit on your upper chest and press into your neck. It’s not the most comfortable position, but it should last only but a few seconds.
Step 4 — Press Overhead
A person wearing pink shorts locks out a log bar overhead using a jerk technique.
Credit: Worlds Strongest Gay – Rob Kearney / YouTube
There are two primary ways you can lock out the log overhead. First, you can implement a split jerk, where you simultaneously drive the bar under head and dip under it by staggering your legs. The other option is the more standard push press, where you dip down a few inches and then explode up, using that leg drive to lock out your arms.
Form Tip: If you’re new to the log press, we suggest sticking with the push press option as it’s technically easier to master.
Step 5 — Lower With Control
A person wearing pink shorts lowers a log bar to their chest.
Credit: Worlds Strongest Gay – Rob Kearney / YouTube
Lower the log with control so it falls in front of your face (instead of onto your face). Catch the bar on your chest with a generous bend of your knees so your body can absorb the weight. Reset and repeat.
Form Tip: If you’re lifting a max effort press or are completing your last rep of the set, you can drop the log by letting your arms swing down in front of your body and dropping it onto the pads.
Benefits of the Log Press
The benefits of the log press are legion — as are the bragging rights you get when your lifting buddy films you crushing a new log press personal record. It’s not just about building more strength and power, either (though it is about that). The log press also puts your shoulders in a relatively stable position, making this a potentially more accessible form of overhead pressing than barbell pressing for those with shoulder issues.
Massive Pressing Potential
Unlike a barbell, the log bar has neutral grips. Since your shoulders won’t be in such a compromised position — that is, flared outwards — you’ll potentially increase the load you’re able to press by quite a significant sum. You can use that neutral grip to build your overhead strength even more than you could with your shoulders locked into the position a barbell puts them in.
Your body and muscles can therefore become accustomed to moving much bigger weights. As such, when you do go back to the barbell, you may well be able to handle pressing significantly heavier loads.
Full-Body Hypertrophy
The log press may be an overhead press at heart, but it won’t only challenge your shoulders. This move also taps into your triceps, lats, traps, core, and even leg strength in a huge way.
You’ll build muscle across your entire body, particularly your upper body. When training the log press for hypertrophy, you’ll go a bit lighter than you will when you’re going for max strength. But either way, working under such an intense stimulus will challenge your muscles to grow.
More Shoulder-Friendly
Although the log press is an intimidating lift, keep in mind that you’ll be using neutral-grip handles. This means that your shoulders will be in a less compromised position than they are during a barbell press, where your grip is horizontally-oriented. So you can lift even heavier in a position that’s better for your shoulders — a win-win for strength and longevity.
Full-Body Power and Conditioning
If you’re using a push press or jerk to heft the log over head instead of performing a strict press, you’ll need to generate huge amounts of power throughout your entire body. Everything from your toes to your fingertips need to be working together in an explosive fashion to successfully complete this lift.
Because this move requires you to generate so much power throughout your entire body, you’ll get your conditioning work in, too. From pulling and rolling the log bar into the rack position to using a full-body leg drive to lock it out overhead, you’re being both explosive and controlling your form all over your body. With so many moving parts, even one heavy rep can make you breathless — stringing together multiple reps can become a solid part of your conditioning routine.
Muscles Worked by the Log Press
The log press taps into so many different parts of your body. Here are some of the big movers.
Since this is, at the end of the day, an overhead press, your shoulders might be the first thing that comes to your mind with this lift. Sure enough, the log press requires and will develop very strong and stable shoulders.
You can’t lock out heavy weights without some pretty powerful, well-developed triceps. In order to not let your triceps become a quick limiting factor to your log press, make sure you’re not neglecting them in the rest of your training.
In order to support the weight of the log overhead — and to help your shoulders out in the front rack position and with the end of the clean — you need strong traps. Without engaging your traps, you’ll have a difficult time setting up this lift properly and stabilizing it on top.
As you’re pulling the bar from the floor to your lap and rolling it up your body to set yourself up for the actual press, you’ll need your lats. They’ll help drive the pulling that begins this lift and — as they do in the bench press — will help you stabilize the lift during the pressing part of the movement.
Falling over during your log press would not be optimal, to say the least. To keep your body steady, you’ll need a strong core — which is exactly what the log press will help you develop. Your core will also help you transmit force from your legs to your upper body when you’re using your leg drive to hoist the log bar overhead.
Finally, the log press will help you develop powerful quads. Sure, they won’t work them to the same extent that barbell squats will, but you’ll still be squatting in unstable conditions to get up into starting position. Then — unless you’re strict pressing — you’ll need your quads to generate a whole lot of power through your leg drive.
Who Should Do the Log Press
The log press doesn’t mess around when it comes to how much power you need to generate to hoist it over your head. With a buy-in weight of at least 50 pounds (for the smallest type of log bar), you need to be able to efficiently translate all your body’s power and strength into pressing prowess. A lot of different kinds of athletes might want to develop exactly that.
Strongwomen and Strongmen
Athletes who compete in strongman competitions will almost certainly want to train with the log press.
Not only is this often a competition lift in itself, but it also has direct carryover into other potential competition lifts, like the monster dumbbell press.
Weightlifters will likely want to stick to a majority of barbell lifts, since the technique with a barbell is so specific and different from the log pressing technique. However, both competition lifts for weightlifters involve developing tremendous overhead strength and stability. A weightlifter may be looking for strength-building, shoulder-saving variety in their training during the offseason. If so, the log press might be an effective — and fun — way to do so.
Unlike strongmen and weightlifters, powerlifters don’t overhead press in competition. However, many powerlifters might want to develop their overhead strength in the off-season for well-rounded strength. Overhead work can also help powerlifters develop stronger lats, traps, and shoulders, all of which are important for their big three competition lifts.
Because of the neutral grip provided by the log press, this might be a desirable overhead variation for powerlifters. It’ll be less taxing on your shoulders because of the grip orientation, which is exactly what you might need when you don’t want to set your shoulders up for failure during your bench pressing sessions.
Non-Competitive Gymgoers
You don’t have to be the biggest lifter on the block to benefit from — and enjoy — the log press. If you have access to one in your gym and are able to safely press it overhead, you might benefit a lot from the log press.
Not only will the training variety potentially add a lot of fun to your routine, but learning such a cool lift can be a great confidence-booster that keeps you coming back for more. Additionally, the neutral grip that the log bar provides might be great for non-competitive lifters who are looking for ways to press overhead without compromising their shoulders with horizontally-oriented grips.
Log Press Sets and Reps
Generally speaking, when you’re working with the log press, you’re probably looking to build max strength. That said, the log press has plenty of uses for hypertrophy and even conditioning.
For Max Strength
While you’re still learning the log press, work in the higher rep ranges before trying to max out and work in the lower, strength-building ranges. When you’re ready to develop max overhead strength with the log press, aim for three to five sets of two to five reps. You’ll want the weight to be heavy and approach failure — but make sure you’re able to maintain safe form throughout.
For Building Muscle
When you’re working toward hypertrophy with less involved, lighter lifts, you might be able to push toward failure with rep schemes between six and 12 to 15 reps. But lifting even moderately heavy with a log press might enable you to build a significant amount of muscle using fewer reps.
Because so much of your body is involved and you can move so much weight with this lift, higher rep counts will build muscle but also cross into endurance and conditioning territory. You’ll likely be able to build a hefty amount of muscle with three sets in the five to 10 rep range.
For Conditioning
Because the log press involves your entire body — literally from head to toe — and allows you to lift so heavily, you’re likely to get your heart rate up pretty high. Training the log press for conditioning will help you get stronger and more cardiovascularly fit all at the same time. How you approach this really depends on your experience and overall fitness level.
For some, you might consider eight reps to be more conditioning than you normally integrate into your training. For others, cranking out as many solid reps as possible in 60 seconds would be a more apt form of conditioning.
Log Press Variations
A log bar is such a highly-specific piece of equipment — but that doesn’t mean it can only help you complete one lift. Check out these log press variations to see how you can add even more spice to your log pressing life.
Log Viper Press
If the log press itself isn’t quite enough of a conditioning challenge for you, you might want to try the log viper press on for size. Instead of bringing the log bar back down to the front rack position between each rep, you’ll bring it back down beneath your chest.
Then, you’ll use your hip extension to take the bar in one swift movement over your head to lockout. It’ll look more like a snatch than a push press. This variation involves more hips and even more power than the original version, which you might love if you’re looking to develop as much explosivity as possible.
Strict Log Press
For the log strict press, you’ll be performing a log press — but without any momentum from your lower body. This takes the push or jerk element out of the move, which means you’ll be able to move less weight than you otherwise could.
But just because you’re moving less weight doesn’t mean it’s an inferior move. Being able to strict press build a great deal of core stability, not to mention places an even larger emphasis on your upper body muscles. Sure, they’ll be hefting less weight. However, without assistance from your lower body, it becomes entirely about how much your shoulders and upper body can move on their own.
Block Log Press
Want to eliminate the clean from the move? This way, you can focus solely on upper body strength and power without worrying about the awkwardness of the start of the move. In that case, start with the log on blocks just below your shoulders.
Doing this can serve as a great introduction to the move for beginners who haven’t quite gotten their heads around the awkward clean portion yet. It’s also a great option for advanced lifters who want to load up as heavy as possible for higher reps.
Log Press Alternatives
Don’t have access to a log? Not a problem. There’s another specialty bar that can help you press heavy overhead with a neutral grip. And if your gym doesn’t have any specialty bars to offer, you can still use a good old-fashioned barbell to get the job done.
Swiss Bar Press
While it’s not a log, the Swiss bar has one huge — and hugely important — similarity to the log bar. It comes with neutral grips, too. This means that you’ll be able to move weight overhead with your palms facing each other even if you don’t have access to a log bar.
This preserves the shoulder-saving aspect of the log press while still allowing you to put big weight above you. While it’s still a specialty bar, many gyms are more likely to have a Swiss bar than they are to have a log. In that way, this press is a great alternative for aspiring athletes without access to all the coolest strongman equipment.
Barbell Clean & Jerk
Because the implement is so different, the barbell clean & jerk requires different movement mechanics than the log press. So, it’s not a directly transferable skill. But, being proficient at one can potentially help you develop the body awareness to learn the other.
Plus, the barbell clean & jerk enables you to push a tremendous amount of weight overhead. If you’re looking to push a max amount of weight overhead without access to a log, this lift is an excellent option.
Get Pressing
Looking to compete in strongman and strongwoman events? Learning the log press will be a crucial part of your journey, because you’re likely to come across it as an official event. Even if you don’t have aspirations to compete, you might be looking for a way to push big weight overhead without a punishing shoulder angle. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that this is one of the coolest-looking lifts around.
Frequently Asked Questions
Folks who are just learning strongman and strongwoman lifts often have a lot of questions. And questions are good — they mean you’re paying attention and are more likely to learn what you need to succeed. Here are some questions that a lot of people have about the log press.
Do you need to learn the log press for strongman and strongwoman competitions?
Unlike powerlifting and weightlifting meets — which always feature the same lifts and competition structure — strongman and strongwoman competitions or more unpredictable. They don’t always feature the same lifts and feats of strength. That said, many competitions do feature the log press itself or other overhead variations. So, it’s worth learning if you can.
What if I don’t have access to a log bar?
Maybe you’re trying to compete, or maybe you just want to learn the log press because it looks and feels so darn cool. Whatever your motivations, you don’t have to despair if you don’t have access to the exact equipment the lift calls for.
So many strongman events rely on lifters being able to adapt to moving extremely heavy, extremely awkward implements. If you don’t have access to a log bar, get creative in your training — maybe with a Swiss bar, or maybe with a (sturdy) implement of your own making — to practice getting big weights overhead.
How much do log bars weigh?
That depends. Different log bars have different dimensions and diameters, all of which have their own unique advantages for training. While eight-inch log bars weigh 50 pounds, their 10-inch cousins are closer to 72 pounds. And 12-inch log bars can get as heavy as 134 pounds.
Smaller bars allow you to train with a bigger range of motion. So even though they’re lighter, they might challenge you more since you have to push them through more time under tension due to the larger range of motion.
submitted by monkaSman to MensWellbeing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:47 PriorEnvironmental28 Blind, Injured Cat— But Happy!

Please share!
Thursday morning this lovely old lady showed up on the job site clearly needing help. We rushed her to the Alexandria vets and ran a bunch of tests. Here’s the good news as of Saturday:
Now the bad news:
So as of right now, she will remain at the vet clinic until Monday and see how she fares. It’s either:
If there is anyone who has insight, a similar scenario or anything please reach out or share. We’ve spent close to 2k on this old lady already and just want the best for her.
submitted by PriorEnvironmental28 to Assistance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:47 sansansfw_18 Paper being rejected

Im trying to publish my paper as first author. It has recently been rejected for the sixth time. I’ve been successful before as first author, and again as a co-author, and those took no more than 2 tries.
The current project is interdisciplinary (economics and sports injury), and the little feedback I’ve gotten from the editors were that it wasn’t a good match for the journal. In fact, one editor suggested a more medical journal, while another in a medical journal suggested to try an economics journal.
My paper is really interesting, but indeed it is about a specific event, and country specific too. Its also been so long after it was actually completed (2 years ago, while the events were 5 years ago). It’s a big study that took a while, plus the rejections and waiting made it longer.
The co authors say that this is a good paper that needs to find its home, but considering that even broad scope journals have rejected me, where should I go now? What should I try differently? Should I keep trying? I want to publish this. Maybe I need to reframe something… any help appreciated.
submitted by sansansfw_18 to AskAcademia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:47 Borealis_Reddit How do you and your partner navigate disagreements about parenting?

My wife and I frequently disagree about small things. We have a four-month-old baby who cries a lot, and my wife can't stand her crying for more than a minute. She always rocks her in her arms to calm her down. That's good parenting; she's doing what a mom would do. However, our baby is getting used to this. She knows that every time she cries, her mom will be there. Our pediatrician said we should let the baby cry for five minutes if all her needs are met. Our baby always stops crying when we pick her up, and sometimes she even smiles as if to say, "I knew you would do that."Our baby is very young, and I know I can't let her cry herself to sleep, but it wouldn't hurt to teach her to wait a little.
submitted by Borealis_Reddit to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:47 Jerrycanprofessional The best advice for learning Arabic

The best advice for learning Arabic
Hassan Abdullah Al-Hassan says in his second letter “From Prison” to his son: you must read every day, and write every day and listen every day to good Arabic (speech) from proficient speakers. And you must vocalize the Arabic language every day by reading a well-written, annotated Arabic text for a quarter hour with a loud voice. Then leave the paper you read and forget it, and imagine youre in front of a crowd, then try to explain what you read in your own words for at least a minute. That’s how the language works in all its forms. Each part of it pours into the other and strengthens it and sharpens it. That’s how you -little by little- extract for yourself a purified, useful language that you may use at any time when you need to speak, write, and even when you read and listen to someone else.
submitted by Jerrycanprofessional to learn_arabic [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:47 SYM-Antics Near-immediate access to a note?

If the Scribe is sleeping, is there a one-step way (e.g., push the power button or open a cover) to get it immediately ready to pick up writing where I last left off? On my Kindle Oasis, it takes two steps to continue reading -- a press (with a moment of wait-time) and then a swipe. But I don't have a cover on my Oasis, so maybe if I did, that would eliminate the swipe? Or maybe the Scribe doesn't require the swipe anyway?
Also, if it's sleeping, can the current note be displayed? I saw in a video that you could choose to display your current book cover, but not your current note. Is that still true? If so, is displaying the current note the kind of feature they'll probably add? And if they do, do they tend to make new features like that available to past models, or only to new ones going forward?
I don't have a Scribe yet and I'm considering getting one. I'd use it for my to-do list and for taking notes in meetings, at appointments, etc. To be a good replacement for a paper to-do list, I need the transition from a sleeping Scribe to one where I can see my list and jot one more thing to be immediate. I don't expect to use it for reading, marking up documents, or anything else.
submitted by SYM-Antics to kindlescribe [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:47 Realistic_Pass_7026 Anger and hatred for how my partner was treated

I can't help but feel my girlfriend was taken advantage of and abused her whole life.
My girlfriend grew up in an abusive environment and her parents were super controlling so she also grew up isolated.
When she got to college she hooked up with two guys in the span of a week and has felt a lot of remorse for it and has a deep hatred of men.
She also accuses me of trying to pretend to be nice and caring to get in her pants which isn't true.
From what I gather those experiences were the only two sexual experiences she has which I asked when we talked about it because it's been bothering me and I'm trying to understand where she's coming from.
Both guys fucked her and kicked her to the curb afterwards as well as being verbally abusive during the sex. Not in the fun way in a bullying hateful way. No foreplay no oral nothing. I asked her if those guys pretended to be into her to get in her pants and what's why she's accusing me of doing it and she said she doesn't want to talk about it. The whole vibe around sex with her screams SA. Which is something I have endured myself .
I really suspect she was made to feel cared about and used for sex at best and possibly pressured or scared to say no at worst.
It all just had an icky feeling to it. The general vibe is more abuse and less no strings attached fun. It bothers me to no end. There's been times I've tried to ask if she was hurt and she just shuts the convo down I don't bring it up unless she does, but I do worry about her. It bothers me most that someone I have grown to love and value felt the need for casual sex to feel a human connection and then was thrown away as soon as the dudes got off. She said she did it because she was lonely and never had male attention so it felt good to get that attention. Yet when she talks about it she talks about the disparaging comments the guys made about her and her body. It makes me sick for real. I told her I think she was taken advantage of in some capacity and that the dudes seem like real pieces of shit
If someone pretends to like someone to gain access to them sexually that feels like some form of assault. My insecurities about hookups was replaced with anger. It's common and somewhat understandable to be a little insecure about hookups. I was don't ask don't tell on my relationship for a reason. I've always had a policy of I'm not gonna hook up with a girl that I wouldn't date because I don't want to hurt anyone and if I don't wanna be seen with the girl I'm going to be respectful and leave her alone even if she wants it so in short I've never hooked up.
My anger is at her family who raised her abusive and controlling environment. Her mom for letting men hit my girlfriend and worse. Anger at The men who did it. The fact she never truly felt loved in her life and any affection came with strings attached. I'm angry at her other family who's made disparaging comments about her. I'm angry at the men that fucked her, verbally abused her and threw her away like trash. I'm angry at the fact she felt the need to be intimate with strangers who treated her with such disrespect in order to feel any sort of connection . Id feel better if it was sexual exploration and done safe sane and fully consentual without hints of coersion. Sure I'd feel a insecure again. Id rather take the insecurity over feeling pissed at abstract things from the past that I couldn't change and happened before me. It's anger with no outlet.
I know that Abused people seek comfort wherever they can. Be that substances, sex, spending, food. If my girlfriend grew up with love and acceptance I doubt she would have had these encounters. When I put myself in her place I can see why she did it. Hell I've sexted women and put myself in relationships with abusive women seeking the same comfort and connection.
I feel guilt over my relationships and women I've talked to before her. I've gathered that overall I'm more experienced than her. I've talked to more women then she has men. I've had more sexual experience even though our number is the same. Her encounters to my long term relationships. Time for time I have more experience. I feel like shit for stuff I can't change.
I get this feeling like we both "missed out" some days I think about it we would have met sooner, how better things could be for both of us.She would have at least not been with guys who preyed on her trauma, I wouldn't have had abusive ex's she's asked if we would have been friends in highschool and I told her yeah if we knew each other. She's asked if I would have dated her back then and of course I would. I think we have a beautiful relationship as is. We love each other she melts my heart and I couldn't imagine my life with anyone else, I feel that shes my other half and I'm truly in love with this woman. Stronger love than I've ever felt before. It hurts that I didn't know her sooner to protect her from some of the shit she's been through. I'm her first relationship but she's not mine. We're neither of each others first in bed. I mean it hurts me that I didn't know she existed and we'd meet and I've slept with women who treated me badly. It hurts that she has trouble feeling loved by me. I keep my anger to her family to myself I don't know them but I'm angry at them. I'll be honest I hate em and I've never even met them. They use her as the scapegoat. They've given her nothing but a life full of horrific abuse that now as an adult she blames herself for it.
I present as a loving caring boyfriend which I am. But I keep all this anger and longing for a better past for both of us to myself. It hurts holding this in. I don't know how to process it or deal with it. I'm in therapy. I try to avoid topics that make me cry. I've tiptoed around things. I don't like crying in front of people. I'm crying writing this because I'm both so sad and so angry. I wanna know why. Why people are so shitty. Why one person has to be the punching bag their entire life. Why her family has to act like that. Why the dudes who used her for sex couldn't go for anyone else but the chick who craved love and a connection, they could have at least been decent and not caused more trauma out the door.
I know as a Christian we're called to forgive. I've heard picking up trespasses is a sin, but I can't help but feel a tremendous anger. Is it that wrong to be angry on another's behalf? I feel like someone has to. She doesn't speak up for herself and has normalized everything that's happened to her. Deep down it just hurts. I made a post the other day about not being able to feel the spark and after digging deep that feeling went away and we had a conversation where I explained to her that the way she has been treated isn't okay and she deserves better, but I am left with this anger at those who's wronged me and truth be told anger at those who have wronged me especially in relationships. Me and her work hard daily to make the relationship work and overcome our anxieties and worry from the past. We love each other deeply and she's someone I want to spend my life with. I want to start a family with her. She's honestly my best friend and we get along so well. She's a beautiful soul. I feel like this is where all my anger at those who hurt her comes from because well no one deserves it.
I'm a Christian and she's not though I understand why knowing her background. My grandma always said God works in mysterious ways and my fatal flaw so to speak is being fired up on behalf of those who have been wronged. This relationship brings that front and center into every day life. Id really like for us to move on from our respective pasts and build a loving healthy future with a beautiful family.
submitted by Realistic_Pass_7026 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:46 lennysundahl PittRace?

So I'm watching the Trans Am race at PittRace, and... there needs to be some runoff work, because the runoff areas are entirely grass, but this seems like it would be a really good facility for an Indycar race? (Bonus points for being in Chip's (and PNC's) backyard!)
submitted by lennysundahl to INDYCAR [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:46 evolmrahc anybody need a pair of tix to June 15th show in Louisville?? can’t make the trip anymore and selling them BOGO to a good home!

submitted by evolmrahc to knockedloose [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:46 Annual_Button6609 My favorite themes for each KOF

Before you come at me, just remember this is just my opinion guys, so if your favorite themes aren't here, I apologize.
KOF 94 - Ketchaku R and Esaka
KOF 95 - Arashi no Saxophone 1 - No need to explain, its fucking jazzy, and the saxophone solo... Oh my god.
KOF 96 - Three Sacred Treasures themes - The BEST in the game.
KOF 97 - Rhythmic Hallucination and Bloody - Its amazing tbh, I like how CYS just like "we're gonna gather the power of fighters and use them for reviving our god OROCHI."
KOF 98 - Basically The Ketchaku R
KOF 99 - KD-0079, Tears and Sadistic eyes, 99 has one of the best soundtracks, the freaking solo on Iori's theme is just fucking badass, the one that made me like to learn a saxophone, Tears... Just perfect, and KD-0079 is the same as Tears.
KOF 2000 - Goodbye Esaka, Inner Shade, and Arashi no Saxophone 4, the themes they make in this game before going bankrupt is like an ending to a movie, they really make Iori's theme like a freaking god sheeshhh. (Before 2k1 destroys it all) And if you're wondering "Oh my god where is KD-0084?" The OST in my opinion destroys the AST, a lot of missing elements are on the AST but aside from that, the theme is really dope as hell!
KOF 2001 - Ngl, all the themes suck, the fact that they absolutely ruined Kyo's and Iori's theme is just makes me wanna say "What THE ACTUAL FU-". but hey, the actually good themes are Ruler of the Dark, and I'm the Strongest, Zero's theme is kinda weird tbh.
KOF 2002 - Welp, the last game that EOLITH produced and the only the game that has no AST, they are some bad themes, mid themes (this includes the Saxophone 2, the saxophone is really weird, its like syths or something), the only theme that I don't hate and personally my favorite from the game is..... Napolitan Trance, and ey it was his last game before he got rebranded or got fixed from Copyright, and also "ESAKA?" Not the 96, the 2002 version is kinda okay but not the best version unlike the original.
KOF 2003 - Tbh, everyone (almost everyone) hates this game because of the music and the new mechanic which is you can swap characters in the match, all you need to tap is BC and CB and boom. Now for the themes, Blaze, Cool Jam 2 (they litteraly changed the saxophone and I'm fucking sad), KD, and Joyrider, Joyrider is like a freaking Cowboy bebop music and actually I fucking like it, its kinda sad the that themes from 2001 to 2003 didnt get a proper remix unlike the previous installments.
KOF XI - KD-0075, ESAKA? (XI REMIX), New Order, Queen, and the Saxophone Remix (OH YEAHHHHH, I am really an Iori fanboy, ffs)
KOF XII - The game is not bad, its just missing characters, the only dream match that sucks, "ESAKA?" The only theme from that game that I really like.
KOF XIII - You take a guess.... Esaka Continues, Each Promise, Fate, KD-0063, and of course ARASHI NO SAXOPHONE 5 (Nah this my top 1 on this game, the saxophone and the guitar, oh my god, I LOVE IT!!!!)
KOF XIV to XV - Basically the Kyo and Iori's themes (and Includes Yappari ESAKA?, Arashi no Saxophone XIV Version, New Order XIV Version, Fairy XV Version, Inner Shade XV Version, Sadistic Eyes XV Version, Goodbye Esaka XV Version, Fictitous or Real, Bloody XV Version, and finally Rhythmic Hallucination XV Version )
submitted by Annual_Button6609 to kof [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:46 PriorEnvironmental28 Blind, Old- But Happy

Thursday morning this lovely old lady showed up on the job site clearly needing help. We rushed her to the Alexandria vets and ran a bunch of tests. Here’s the good news as of Saturday:
Now the bad news:
So as of right now, she will remain at the vet clinic until Monday and see how she fares. It’s either:
If there is anyone who has insight, a similar scenario or anything please reach out or share. We’ve spent close to 2k on this old lady already and just want the best for her.
submitted by PriorEnvironmental28 to Pets [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:46 aboveaveragenut should i (23F) visit my situationship (23M) when he knowingly devalues me and my feelings?

so i’ve known this guy for a year now and things have generally been really good for us. i think we have good ratio of seriousness and silliness.
we used to live in the same city but recently he moved back to his hometown. and we both had plans to go abroad for studies this year . that was one of reasons why we never talked about getting into a serious relationship, and kept things chill.
but recently for the last 3 months he doesn’t talk to me like he used to. barely texts, doesn’t call back and gets mad when ask him to spare some time for me (i’ve just been going through some stuff)
some backstory: he was going through a tough time some time back and i was there for him trying to make him feel better. but now when im going through some major life changes and really need some emotional support. and all he says is sorry i dont have time for you, i have focus on my things and my things alone.
ik he sounds like an asshole but i’ve never fallen for someone so bad and i think more than him, i like the idea of him. he holds me and i instantly feel better.
so, my question is before i move out of india, should i go to his city to meet him? mind you, he doesn’t care if i come or not but i just wanna be hugged and cuddled and… for one last time.
should i just ditch the idea and buy some clothes instead lol?
submitted by aboveaveragenut to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:45 TeaPartyBiscuits 2nd attempt

2nd attempt
The first set of pictures is the new loaf I baked off today. The other pictures are of my first one I shared here.
Really great improvement on shape and size. I need to work on my scoring and my crumb but it tastes good.
I used 300g water, 3 cups organic white flour, 1 cup of whole wheat 8g sea salt 125g active starter. 3 stretch and folds with half an hour rest in between proofed for 2 hours on counter (I waited for it to double instead of really relying on time) then I shaped and poked I'm fridge for bulk ferment for 10 hours overnight. I cooked in a preheated Dutch oven at 475 for 25 min then uncovered for 30 (I think I forgot to reduce the temp but it still turned out well)
Any thoughts please share them.
submitted by TeaPartyBiscuits to Sourdough [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:45 EonAraminta I hope Silas enjoyed the meals as much as his team did.

I hope Silas enjoyed the meals as much as his team did. submitted by EonAraminta to PokeMedia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:45 debugdestroyer MasterRealm Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.1 Land Claim Discord Slimefun Custom Items Crossplay

Welcome to Master Realm!
Master Realm is a Survival 1.20.1 Minecraft server with many quality-of-life changes plugins. Our server keeps a balance between a classic vanilla server and a modded one.
Here is a preview of the plugins we have:
•Coin Economy - With coins, you can buy from shop different items, buy other items people might sell at Auction House, or even gamble them!
•Slimefun - Slimefun adds a lot of new items, such as simple wands or even nuclear reactors! Anything your mind can think of, Slimefun has it.
•Custom Items / Enchants - This plugin adds many cool enchantments alongside other custom gear. You will be able to make the strongest armor or sword in the server or make the fastest and most useful tool. It's up to you to decide what you want to make.
•Land Claims / No Grief - With this plugin, you can protect your land and valuables from griefers and thieves! The more you play and complete different tasks in the game, the bigger your protected land will become.
•Seasons - Always wanted to see how realistic weather can get in Minecraft? Well, now you can! All four seasons are in the server for you to experience! No farming in the Winter, and a seasonal shop to peruse!
•Custom World - Master Realm has its own custom world generation! There are plenty of biomes to explore, with different items and structures.
•Custom Roles / Ranks - We have custom roles and ranks in our server. You can buy different roles in the server, and you can even have custom ones made, just for you!
•Cross play - It doesn't matter if you are on a PC, phone, Xbox, or any device, you can join with both Java and Bedrock editions!
Another good thing about our server is its stability! The server runs almost all the time, except for maintenance breaks! The gameplay is smooth and lag-free, so you won't have to worry about lag or things like that.
We also have a welcoming community! It doesn't matter who or what you are, we welcome anyone!
We also have a Discord server! You can talk, share moments or memes, be in touch with upcoming events and news, and you can chat with the people on the Minecraft server through Discord with the help of the DiscordSRV plugin!
Do you have a suggestion? We are always open to feedback! You can tell us ideas for the server or anything you want to see in it, and the community will vote if it will get added!
If you are interested in joining,send me a message and I will tell you all the info you need!
submitted by debugdestroyer to MinecraftBuddies [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:45 Goofyjhave Looking for Writing Mentor(s)! Details in the post below.

Hello Folks, I hope everybody is in high spirits and good health! Thank you so much for curating this community, and creating this opportunity to be part something amazing like this!
I am 23 year old, aspiring writer from western India! Frankly, I think it's a bit too optimistic to call myself an "aspiring writer" because my catalogue of work is relatively underwhelming, undisciplined and a little random. I don't have specific genre or medium I'd like to be part of, and I am not really thinking about "publishing" or becoming a "author", right now at 23-25. But, I do know I want to write! I have stories and perspectives from my life that I'd like to share, and there's a set theme of my own "writing subject" that I really want to pursue.
The reason I am looking for a mentor is so I can find inspiration and direction. I hope an experienced eye could help me push towards the kind of work I want to make. I really want to commit to creating the kind of Art I want to create but my inexperience at 23 is holding me back. I want to figure out a way to translate my vision into some medium.
Currently my experience ranges from writing short stories for my blog, and some academic philosophy and rhetoric & discourse studies papers for my university. Also there's my own personal journalling, but that's usually reserved for incoherent undeveloped ideas (ramblings frankly).
To summarise: What I need help with:
My Own Personal Commitments/Work:
(Summary generated with the help of chat-gpt4o)
submitted by Goofyjhave to indianwriters [link] [comments]