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2020.10.20 22:50 SortWatts Reading Is Life

Sub for novels & wuxia addicts

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2024.05.15 16:27 Gloomy_Pomegranate72 In the High Republic, I would've liked it if...

…Instead of the Nihil being the main antagonist of the series, it was the Mandalorians.
Okay, so this general feeling of mine has been prompted by the more recent releases in the series, more specifically The Eye of Darkness, in which the Nihil manage to take over massive swaths of the Outer Rim using something that they call the Stormwall and effectively become a bandit empire that overpowers every threat that the Jedi and the Republic throw at them.
I'm not a general fan of this. I mean, I've always kind of been reviled by the Nihil, which of course is meant to be the point, but now I'm just put off by them in a meta sense. They've suddenly gone from this barely functioning band of raiders to a freaking star empire that bulldozes everything in its path with the Stormwall. The Nihil in Phase One of the High Republic are this roving clan of marauders that just want to do whatever the hell they want with no consequences, and I had assumed that they'd stay that way in Phase Three.
In fact, all the way through the flashback stories of Phase Two, I had assumed that Phase Three would revolve around the Jedi and the High Republic weeding out the rest of the Nihil in a sort of roaring-rampage-of-revenge following their attack and destruction of Starlight Beacon, and the Jedi having to couple with their darker impulses and the consequences that come with that over the entire order, setting up how the Jedi Order came to be in the position that it is in the Prequels, as well as those working in the background, the corporations and the Sith and so on, would take advantage of the situation, setting the foundations for the decadence and corruption that exists within the Republic by the time of the Clone Wars.
But instead, the Nihil suddenly become this huge threat that, while definitely fragile and prone to infighting, is such a massive threat to everyone and so overpowered with their Stormwall and Occlusion Zone that I cannot help but feel like it completely defeats the point of the Nihil.
The Nihil in Phase One are a roving tribe of hedonistic raiders, whereas the Nihil in Phase Three are>! a violent star empire that can challenge the Republic and the Jedi on a one-on-one basis!<, and I can't help but feel like these two states of being do not coincide well with each other, not in such a short amount of time at least.
I can understand threat escalation, of course, but even then I feel like this is a bit much.
However, I feel like something like this makes more sense if we replace the Nihil with the Mandalorians.
Think about it, the Nihil are simply a dysfunctional group of bandits raiding anything and everything that they come across by the time of Phase One. The Mandalorians, however, are multiple clans of fighters and warriors, trained in the art of fighting everything up to and including Jedi and Sith, and have the capacity to wage war on a galaxy-wide scale.
Imagine if, during Phase One of the High Republic, the Nihil were simply a front for a clan of Mandalorians in a bid to try and return Mandalore to a state of galactic prominence, starting out as a group of renegades and mercenaries before pulling off a daring raid on Starlight Beacon and bringing it to the ground, using the deaths of the Jedi onboard to rally the other Mandalorian clans to their side and bring themselves up to the strength of the Nihil in Phase Three, taking over the worlds around Mandalore and turning it into the beginning of a new Mandalorian empire, only for the Jedi and Republic to come in and destroy them in a final battle, ending Phase Three with the Annihilation, or the Mandalorian Excision as it was named in Legends thanks to the Essential Guide to Warfare.
(And also, I like the idea of the leader of the Mandalorian clan(s) and the one holding the Darksaber at this time being someone who should seemingly be the exact opposite of Mandalorian values, that being instead of someone strong and capable, instead being this sickly girl who has to walk around with a cane and an IV drip, only to also be force sensitive and a cunning manipulator. It's just something that I find entertaining to think about.)
Hell, if you want to push it even further, change Mara Ro in Phase Two to a young Mandalorian, or even change the entirety of the Path of the Open Hand from a force cult into one of the more religious sects of Mandalorian culture, or even have them be deeply tied to the force themselves, maybe as a result of interacting with the Jedi or dark side adepts.
And you know what, if we're going the whole way? Change the motivations of the main villains of the High Republic as well. Instead of just simply wanting to hurt the Jedi and do whatever they want, how about they've instead seen visions of the future, of the Clone Wars and the Rise of the Empire and the First Order and all the chaos that came with it, and deciding that Mandalore needed to be a strong state in order to survive it, or even trying to save the galaxy by taking it over first to make sure that the horrors that they've seen in their visions never comes about.
Honestly, this are all just my own opinions. I'm not really the biggest fan of the Nihil, and I've never really been the biggest fan of the pure evil character archetype in fiction (that's not to say that it can't be done really well, but when it isn't, it just leaves the characters themselves feeling flat and boring), so I figured why not have a go at imagining something else to go in their place?
Feel free to agree or disagree with me. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
submitted by Gloomy_Pomegranate72 to StarWars [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:24 Pharynxomotropy Explaining who is Pedro: Who is him, what he does.

Everyone that had a mischance to encounter Grandcheeseburguer Footlettuce probably heard of someone named "Pedro," specifically "Pedro Henrique Bicca Vasconsellos." I always say that he's a fucking idiot, but why? Who is he? What does he do? I'm not explaining personal shit like address, age, appearance, and other shit, but I'm going to say his acts. Before reading this testament of doom, you need to know that he has little-to-no anxiety; this is a factor that contributes to his freedom in school. And everything that he said is in Portuguese, but I'll translate.
Number one: in August 2023, I skipped school because of something probably cold. There was a guy named V (not going to say his name), V was a fearless person and Pedro started to fucking bothering the shit out of V got pissed at him, so Pedro started yapping so hard with him, that randomly he throwed a fucking chair at him. This day there was no teacher, so the monitor (which is a teacher that are in the classroom to take care of autistic kids) was there. Pedro started a fight and it was a chair war, there was chair flying every-fucking-where, almost hit a girl that was there (she left the school then), V retaliated then Pedro throwed a tantrum and later they were fighting out of the classroom. Pedro throwed a brick at him and luckily missed. V came to school everyday, but Pedro was attending a therapist and found out that he had anxiety, he neglected himself and didn't take the meds, however the principal was defending him because of his meds, he even assumed that he doesn't take the meds and it was so good to take because he could do whatever he wants, what a pathetic cunt.
Number two - There was a part 2 of this inciddent, but it was because Pedro was throwing paper balls at him (and laughing), and V got pissed again, after that, there was never a fight against both but Pedro jokes about the fight and provoked V, until he left the school.
Number three - There was an incident, Pedro was walking around probably skipping class in the bathroom, and found a child, Idk the reason but he beat the fuck out of the child and hehis (the child's) father was there and the father got pissed and argued with him, but Pedro also beat the shit out of the father, he didn't got even a suspension, he chilled out at the school's computer and got back to the classroom, pff..
Number four - There was a teacher we had that was actually very old, 65 years old, she yelled at Pedro to not chat with the other students, and guess what? Pedro got so pissed that he fucking throwed a tantrum, showed the middle finger, called her a bitch and the teacher got so scared that she was moving slowly to the principal, nothing happened with him, but she left the school.
Number five - There was also a tantrum, in start of 2023, he got pissed at a teacher because she said to him that he needed another copybook because he was split in two subjects (i don't know if there's on another countries, but here in Brazil if the family can't afford another copybook, they need to split between to two and three subjects in one copybook), so, he got pissed, showed middle finger, said to the teacher fuck off, and guess what happened to him... yes, nothing. This was before he was diagnosed with anxiety, as person with actual anxiety, I think that his "anxiety" is just his bitch personality.
Number six - Wow, another tantrum? It was this year, some days ago though. Yeah, the history teacher said that he was using phone in classroom, he hided his phone so fast, and he yelled at the teacher, throwed his bag against the floor and yelled "SEE, THERE'S NO PHONE HERE MOTHERFUCKER" and almost beated the shit out of the teacher but he missed, called him an insect and a shithead, he left then and never came back, only on the exit time, there was another tantrum with the same teacher but I can't remember at all. Also he skipped class and played football after that tantrum.
There's so much more but I'm lazy to write

submitted by Pharynxomotropy to Grandcheeseburger [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:23 DeSply Looking for a server to play

I’m looking for a server that doesn’t required heavy hp was and can play casually.. I’ve send there’s few alternative server to royals and legends which are Dream, Scania and Kaizen.. Which one would you recommend and why? Are all of the populated enough? P.s - all server are work on Mac?
submitted by DeSply to mapleservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:22 Informal_Advantage26 Is this dermagraphia?

We are off the antihistamines. Mostly, they don’t do shit lol. I have an appointment with an allergist too. It’s just confusing. For lupus, ANA test was negative. Otherwise, I wonder what it is because after one particular cold, my skin has not been the same. Although it was around. I probably just did not notice.
submitted by Informal_Advantage26 to Dermatographia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:22 MissingScotland I know you'll never see this

You came barreling into my life last November. I told you, that I could not face the pain I had taken six years to heal. Pain inflicted from a ten year domestic violence relationship.
You asked me out 8 times. I finally agreed to dinner because I knew the next day, you'd work somewhere else and I'd never see you again. You'd worn down my walls of defense but I was still frightened.
Within months you told me you loved me, told my children you'd be there for them. Asked me to marry you over and over until I said yes, just like all the times you said I love you until I could say it back. You promised over and over that you would never do what he did to me.
We moved in together. We made our families become one. Within a few months you became cold and distant, yet continued to act as if you couldn't live without me. Suddenly one night, the night before our anniversary where I had planned a surprise for you, you began to yell for the first time. You were cold. You told me you were done. I cried the entire night. My voice has literally never been the same.
It's been three months now. I haven't talked to you since I tried to stop you from ending our engagement. I asked you if there had been someone else. You looked me dead in the eyes and said no. You cried when I said I still wanted to marry you. However, you lied, you were seeing someone else. Sometimes the what ifs kill me, other days the thought of you makes me want to be sick and even more so there are days where I crave the affection of a man who I can see wants me for who I am.
What was I to you? You turned my entire life upside down. Even though Karma switched that all up. The worst part is, I still miss you. I don't want you back. I still love you. I want someone new. My healing is transforming. I just wish you could see that you keep hurting yourself and other people over and over. However I refuse to reach out because minus physically hurting me, you actually hurt me worse. I loved you more.
submitted by MissingScotland to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:21 Red-Geist My first painted Custodian Terminator

My first painted Custodian Terminator
Wrapped up one of my Allarus/Aquilon Custodian Terminators last night. I tried to merge the Shadowkeepers scheme with my custom colors, to denote their history. This is a narrative/Crusade army- so my usual art style of intentional details like that have a good home here. A combination of the two Custodes armors gives them a much more bulky silouette over Guard and Wardens.
It also contributes to an idea that these soldiers are the epitome of a lost utopia for Humanity. To see them in battle is intended to have the same flavor of Tolkien's Passing of the Elves, or the Technomages in Babylon 5 (which could likely have been inspired by Tolkien too). Imperial Guardsmen would immediately be able to see that there was once a period of human history that eclipsed the Imperium, and perhaps can come again. If not, these living legends shall pass out of time- yielding the present to lesser descendants.
Painted with Artis Opus brushes; Pro Acryl, Scale 75, GW paints.
submitted by Red-Geist to AdeptusCustodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:21 VariationUnited2395 Pink Lady Apple tree seen better days

Pink Lady Apple tree seen better days
I have been growing this little boy for 3 years now and he has become so droopy and sad.
About a year and a half ago he fully died in a cold snap and wasn't watered for a whole year, suddenly some rain came and it popped back to life. Now he sits in my window sill and gets 7ish hours of sun a day and the pot drains into a bowl below.
Haven't changed the soil ever and gets water sprayed regularly (every 2 days) but not drowned. A few weeks ago he was covered in a white dust/mould that I wiped off and you can see some of it coming back.
My hope was to make this into a bonsai but I'm scared that if I trim him, he will die... again...
This is the first plant I've ever grown from a seed successfully and I'm super attached. There is even a 2nd wee one popping up that looks like it just doesn't want to exist.
Any specific advice for apple tree care?
submitted by VariationUnited2395 to plantclinic [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:20 One-Awareness-5818 Update review for MSC Meraviglia

We went on the ship in Nov and again in April and this is my April ship review.
It is the same itinerary, except we didn't get to Bermuda in Nov due to weather.
Main reason we keep going on this ship is because the port is driving distance and it is cheap. It was 1300$ for 4 people inside room. When we missed Bermuda, they gave us 300 in onboard credit which can be used for tips or you get it back in cash at the end of the trip. So hard to beat their price and I don't know if I want to pay 1000$ to upgrade from golden corral food to off the strip Vegas buffet food.
For embarkation, this time, we walk right through security whereas last time, it took one whole hour to get through security. They gaved priority boarding to family with stroller after you check in.
The room was ready by 1, but some places were not clean like the remote control was sticky and inside the draws and wardrobe was dusty. The floor in the hallways were not as clean as before. Our room attendant and his assistant were friendlier but not as efficient as the last one. Definitely recommend to bring some disinfectant wipes.
They have Heinz ketchup and condiments now, before they had home made ketchup that was too sweet. Some food was too dry but there was always something you can find. They had more watermelon and pineapple this cruise, might be seasonal. Last cruise was mostly melon and apple and pears and they were not very fresh. Their cold salad bar was so delicious. Even the pizza station has become more Americanized in terms of toppings and more square and thick crust. Last time, it was mostly the white pizza, red pizza and cheese pizza. This time, we rarely see the white or red pizza, it was mostly cheese, pepperoni and pizza with a lot of toppings. I feel like there was definitely more bar server walking around this time compare to last time. Number of people cleaning the buffet was pretty good. Some upholstery on the chairs were definitely wearing down. This ship can definitely use a dry dock soon. They do southern comfort food really really well, their Mac and cheese, BBQ ribs were super good. Also they had congee and fried rice for breakfast every morning. They lack Chinese food for dinner and lunch and there is no Chinese menu even thought it is one of their biggest group on this ship. The only Chinese translation they had was on the water dispenser.
The crew in the main dining room is definitely more outgoing. There was a guy with guitar and a crew singing by dessert. The food was bad, they can't cook a ham and cheese omelette correctly. Their brunch menu of souther fried chicken sandwich was like McDonald chicken sandwich except it was cold like I don't think they heat it up long enough. Breakfast was hard if you have a milk and egg allergy. They do brunch on sea days and during the last sea day, they had a brand new menu which meant everything was super delay but the food was so good. It was like breakfast from around the world. They had English breakfast, France was French toast, Japan had fried chicken with rice. The French toast and fried chicken was amazing. On to dinner, you are assigned a time and we got 8:30pm. The lobster and fish dish were dry. The steak was overcooked and dry. I gaved up on the main dining room after 2 nights with 2 small toddler, it wasn't worth the effort to sit down for 1.5 hours for 50/50 chance of good food. The server are more outgoing but the food got worse. Their Caribbean night food in the main dining room was delicious!
I love docking in Bermuda for three days, it made the going on and off the ship super easy and no long wait. Bermuda was awesome.
We didn't try their kids club because our kids won't go. But here is some information. If your kid is under 3.99 years old and not potty trained, they can go to the baby club which is available during sea days for 2 hours. They have two time slot and first come first serve when you sign up the day before. Their idea of potty training is the kid goes into the bathroom all by themselves and the staff stands outside, so the kid should be able to independently do everything themselves. They do have open sessions in the kids area for family to go together. They have Lego, duplo, switch and playhouse and markers. They also have events at night around 7:30 like dance party or sport event which are drop off or parents can stay. They will also take your child after the appetizer course in the main dining room and bring them to the bigs buffet section and feed them and then watch them afterwards.
They have a outdoor pool, Indoor pool, adult only pool and a splash pad with a 1 feet deep pool. The adult only pool is on the back of the ship right next to the walking track which means you will have old people and young people walking through the area constantly. And they don't really enforce the adult only part. Like kids were standing in the general area watching the sunset and no one told them to go away. The splash pad and kiddie pool was not open last time, so my kids had a lot of fun this time in the splash pad. The splash pad and the water slide are in the same area, so my partner and I took turns on the water slide. Last time no one can tell us why it was closed or when it will be reopen again.
If the weather is bad outside, there was no where inside the ship that was quiet and you can still see the ocean. Every lounge and bar and sitting area had music playing and they set the volume so loud. The only quiet area was the back of the buffet. The music on this ship is too loud.
The shows are still the same, there are more broken parts on the led screen on the main stage. Compare to Nov, they are missing 1 male singer, 1 female singer, 1 male dancer, 1 female dancer. The magician act was same but 2 new magician. The comedy act was a different guy and he was boring. They have two shows on the circle stage that is 12$ if you but it beforehand or 18$ on the ship. It is free for kids under 4. It comes with a alcohol or no alcohol drink. I say the show is worth 2$ if you minus the cost of alcohol drink. It was call Houdini but there was no real magician, it was all singing and dancing. Only two of the crew had circus skills.
Overall, I would do this cruise again because if we don't make it to Bermuda, it would be like 900$ for a week where I don't have to cook or make my room.
submitted by One-Awareness-5818 to Cruise [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:19 blueons A poem I wrote about DPDR (and other things)

Light TW for DPDR themes of course, nothing too specific; very methaphorical/abstract language that can potentially be disturbing if you’re easily triggered by such themes.
I crafted this poem using 2 different journal entries that I wrote while experiencing episodes of DPDR. I consider it my best work yet. I feel like I was able to truly capture the feelings of what it is like to deal with this disorder, at least for me. Note that I usually experience derealization much more often and intensely than depersonalization. The poem is also not exclusively about DPDR but I would say it is one of its main themes and the main “inspiration” as well.
I’m posting this through the mobile app so hopefully it doesn’t mess up the formatting. I hope some of you find connection with my words.
The insufficient fondness towards the bleached sunlight piercing through the window blinds holds me on edge of burning sentiments
So inevitably, they burn cold
Icy sunrays devour my room and soul freezing nature while the thermometer explodes
And I love the cold only never when it burns
In a numb flash moments locked in my chest once sinking in a loch of memories now glide over ice treasuries
Empty, and afraid of everything of the sky, the trees, the melody… Faded shades of green interrogate my sanity and birds lure me into fated obscurity
Yet, despite my loath I persist outside as I insist to still loathe the inside
For I’m afraid of everything of my room, and my stupidity.
Unsure, with cold feet I approach the shore.
Inclined to dive into the sea pondering if there’s foolishness in my desire to fall free
Frozen with dismay I inspire to go in and expire to cry away
Breaths of a misty breeze aggravate my foggy brain
Elementally, salty tears and salty waves are equally capable of thawing a Sunday
If I savor this sweetness will I drown in the bay? And if I close the blinds will I blind myself astray?
Blue Eons
Please do not repost or share without my permission.
submitted by blueons to OSDD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:19 Corypaws11 Maybe dysgraphia? [Not asking for diagnosis]

Recently I've been considering the possibility I might have dysgraphia. I'm not looking for someone to diagnose me, I know the internet can't do that, just looking for some input.
So I'm diagnosed with ADHD and general anxiety, and it's been suggested I could be autistic, but never diagnosed. I've never had issues with reading, but ever since I was in elementary school, I've struggled to write legibly. (Couldn't stay in the lines, mixed up letters, etc) I can recall at least one occasion where I had to redo a math assignment because I wrote the number 6 backwards and it was counted as a 2. My teacher in 4th grade was especially harsh about it. (She would make me take extra time with her so I could learn to make letters the 'right' way, and once flat out told me I was bad at writing)
Another thing is that I've always struggled to write lots of sentences, and I've always been slower than my classmates. I'm the kid who always asks the teacher to go back because I'm not finished with the notes. My hand also tends to hurt a lot, to the point that when I was younger I'd take frequent breaks to run my fingers under cold water.
It's gotten.. somewhat better as I've aged, but I still have to put a lot of focus in. What brought on my recent round of questioning was when I found out an exam at school would have a timed written response question on paper, and I practically had a panic attack thinking about doing it, which led me to reexamine some things.
(Not sure if it's related, but I also never learned to ride a bike, can hardly tie my shoes, and run into stuff. A lot.)
Just wanted to share my experience, and didn't know where else to do it. :)
submitted by Corypaws11 to dysgraphia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:17 lucyfur10021 I don't feel what I thought I would feel

Partner and I have been together for over a decade. Both of us are very broken very flawed people trying to constantly work on our trauma and be good to those around us. Partner holds my entire universe together. I can get into bouts of depression that last for weeks, I can quit work when it's too overwhelming, I can rest for days when the anxiety takes over. Partner does everything to give care and also financially provide (including securing a roof over our heads and investing for our retirement) . They take care of the pets, the parents, the friends, the laundry...everything. The first incident (that I know of) was 4 years ago. I acted on a hunch and checked his phone. He was sexting with someone he worked with years ago. The usual cycle. Repentance, you don't deserve me, I would never do it again. Even then (from past experience and common sense) I knew he would of course to it again. We moved on. Cut to last night, I was awake and he was not and I checked his phone. He's been sexting an acquaintance of his for he last 15 days. He definitely cried more than I did.
I'm not sure where to go from here. I'm not as impacted as I thought I would be. I'm not numb, I'm not disassociating like I have with traumatic incidents in the past. Definitely feeling my feelings and painfully aware of the fact that he is indeed the norm and not the exception and this is likely going to keep happening. But somehow still don't feel like this is the worst thing to happen to me or this is the worst he could do to me. And when I compare it to everything else he is and everything else that is there in the relationship, it doesn't feel as big. Is this trauma response? Naivete? A mistake? Denia? If I stay, are their any boundaries that will protect me? Should I leave even though it doesn't seem to matter as much to me? I do feel a little cold towards him right now but my overwhelming urge is to hold space for him and not let this get in the way of his healing and recovery.
Some other things that may be relevant: * he is very high libido and while I'm not low libido, my mental health, vaginismus, past trauma gets in the way of me having and enjoying sex as much as I would want to. I always ask him if this is a problem and he always always says it could never come in between us. I have offered to open up the relationship multiple times and given him permission to date other people with some strict rules in place and he has always refused. This is what us annoying and bothering me more than anything because his infidelity feels more about the chase and the secrecy than anything else (as is often the case I'm sure)
*I do not think he would leave me for an affair partner. Just because of our attachment, shared history and also because...he is a bit of a coward? He really is afraid of what his mother would say what people will think etc. He also knows that he can be open with me about a lot of things from his past and not fear judgment because of it. That makes him feel protected in some ways in our relationship. Regardless, I have receipts of the past incident and this one and very skilled lawyer friends. I highly doubt he would fight me taking everything away from him but he were to...I'd be able to hold my own.
TLDR: Caught partner sexting for the second time in 5 years and don't feel as shattered as I thought I would be.
submitted by lucyfur10021 to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:15 rrealfunkyboy6079 Wellcome to legends multi artist community where people can do anything they want DISCLAIMER RULES NO SE NO FURRYS have fun now lil one

submitted by rrealfunkyboy6079 to legendsmultiartist [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:10 SoloAsianBackpacker Darjeeling Area Trekking Advice for Noob Foreigner

Namaste my Indian friends,
I'm planning my first ever solo backpacking trip to Darjeeling for 4-5 days in mid-June and looking for advice. I am an Asian boy from a SEA country and this is my first ever international trip. I don't understand any Indian language except a few introductory lines in Hindi. Would English be sufficient?
I want to pack light and avoid bulky winter clothing, as I'm not sure if it will be cold in Darjeeling in June. Can anyone advise on the weather during that time and whether I'll need heavy clothing like coats and jackets? If possible, I want to take only one jacket in case.
Also, I'm interested in trekking solo on trails around Darjeeling that are accessible by foot and can be completed in a day, with a return trip on foot. Could anyone recommend any suitable trails?
Thank you so much in advance.
submitted by SoloAsianBackpacker to SoloTravel_India [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:10 Fan_Special Long SOS hunt

I am shiny hunting Pokemon that I thought will be easier to hunt in USUM. I have already got my beautiful black Frufrou, white poipole, golden type Null, Ledyba, two pichu, pancham and pangoro, some legends and ultra wormhole shinies . Every hunt was little different but every sos one was about on avarage 280 - 300. So little above odds (I have shiny charm) but not too much. My life was fun and breeze until I have met an ultimate villain of this game. WISHIWASHI. Currently I have already encountered it over 2500 times without any luck. First try I have used all my ethers (I had 77 of those). So 770 encounters (plus the PP of my pokemon). Ok It was not meant to be. Then I have spent 3 days hunting it again and I used 77 ethers (again) and over 100 leppa berries. I have resetted this game again. I am on my third try currently 27 ethers in, and I am thinking if I am the most unlucky trainer in the universe or maybe I am doing something wrong? Is it somehow softlocked shiny? I am not hunting a totem one. It is a regular fish from bot even bubbling fishing spot! Is changing targets really does not reset the odds? I cannot use leppa berry harvest method for it because you cannot get rid of its ability. But still... it is even above random encounter odds! Is there a hidden shinylocking rule I am not aware of? Is my Buzzwole in front of the party scaring it away? I thought it will be a nice hunt but now I am questioning my sanity and live choices. It is riddicoulous that SOS hunt takes more tries than a legend. I have got shiny Stakataka and shiny Raquazza on my UM copy during this time but no wishiwashi? This is so much over the odds that I must have been missing something. I am hunt second Stakataka on my second ds and I might be getting it before this stupid fish.
What was Your longest SOS hunt?
submitted by Fan_Special to PokemonUltraSun [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:10 YeaSpiderman Kitchen sink sprayer hose connection problem

Kitchen sink sprayer hose connection problem
I have a sink (it’s ugly). I was told the kitchen sprayer came off. Under the sink I see the line in for cold and hot and for the dishwasher. There is one spot with an connector piece that is sitting by itself with nothing attached to it (the ? Mark in photo 1).
My hose does not want to screw onto the wall piece.
The female connector part of the hose looks to be the slightly too small to connect to the male portion that comes out of the wall (the ? Mark).
I see no other connection points for the hose so this has to be it.
What is my issue?
submitted by YeaSpiderman to DIY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:09 PlaneEye4664 Anyone else 50/50 on the sequels

It’s hard to talk about the sequels because most my friends either completely love them or hate them. That’s especially true online
However, I’m not a complete sequel hater or defender, when episode 7 came out I really enjoyed it, despite all the issues, and I’ve rewatched it a few times and enjoy it even more. Episode 8 is very split for me, any scene Kylo, Rey, Snoke, or Luke is very enjoyable to watch; but all the scenes with Finn, Po, Rose, or Holdo I really hate. Like a whole half the movie is a chase sequence and a casino heist and it’s just the worst, boring and unnecessary. While I don’t agree that Luke would become a hermit, I could still appreciate where his arc led to and the impact it did make on people.
Episode 9…. I detest this movie with every fiber of my being and don’t even consider it canon; it takes everything I did like about TLJ and throws it out the window:
  1. Kylo destroying his mask (stops trying to be Vader) - he rebuilds it
  2. Kylo being the main villain - Somehow Palp returned
  3. Palpatine’s return - ruins Anakin’s redemption
  4. Rey’ clothes turning complete white instead of black or grey (minor nitpick but still bothers me)
  5. Hot take but the force FaceTime connection between Kylo and Rey in TLJ was some of the coolest shit we’ve ever seen and brought the mythical feel that the force should have - but instead Palpatine connected them ??? Why? You can lift 1000 star destroyers with your cold dead hands, you don’t need Rey or Kylo
  6. Fake deaths - Chewy, C3P0
  7. Rey Skywalker - don’t even think I need to explain this one
But yea that’s the niche SW demographic, if your split on the sequels too please let me know
submitted by PlaneEye4664 to StarWars [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:08 throwRAanxious93 Is it emotional abuse if he’s unaware? Or is it just a low patience problem?

This might be long please bear with me…I 31F have been with my bf 33M for 10 years. I know. “Why are you writing about this now after 10 years?” This is my first and only relationship, been together since I was 19. I figured after hearing “relationships are hard/take work” I assumed that’s what this is. That’s why I’m here to figure it out. The issue here is I am anxious around him every single day. I feel like I’m walking on eggshells to not trigger a mood. He has a slight temper & little patience. I feel kind of stupid around him & like I can’t do much of anything right. Almost like a child at times. It’s better on weekends because during the week he’s so stressed from work that he just is quiet and cold towards me so I try to just leave him alone. I’ve tried bringing up sometimes he’s made me cry or been mean but he seems to get annoyed and just says “I’m sorry” then moves right on. But maybe I could be more serious about it.
I wanted to list a few of the reasons I feel so on edge around him:
• this happened years ago but he was very mad/yelling at me in the car because I was too hungover to go to his sisters for brunch
• got mad at me because I couldn’t get off work to cook with his family for a holiday (I was crying because I was so nervous to tell him I couldn’t go but it seemed to just make him more mad)
• got mad at me because I gave us wrong directions to find my car after dinner one night, huffing & puffing, walking ahead of me in the dark “can’t trust you to do anything” (granted it was very cold out)
• “can we not just throw everything anywhere?” (Because I put the meat tenderizer in the wrong spot)
• I’m trying to quit vaping and it’s “all I talk about like just put it out of your head” (as he vapes next to me)
• “You need to make more money” (we were looking at townhouses that I didn’t even want)
• wouldn’t drive me to get my nails done while my car was having issues because he’s “been driving us everywhere & is tired” (he never gave me a ride anywhere so I’m unsure what he means)
Then it’s the normal things like getting annoyed I forgot to run the dishwasher even though I was out grocery shopping and he was home working. Got annoyed at me for getting him extra food at a wedding because I forgot he didn’t want anymore. Getting annoyed if I can’t close our screen slider door correctly & it falls off the track.
I know it’s easy to say “he’s the bad guy” reading this BUT, it’s not always like this. In general I know he loves me & wants to spend his life with me. He just has no patience with me. But he makes me laugh, adores me, cooks for me, always invites me to hang when he goes out, would never cheat, genuinely enjoys spending time with me.
So I’m just confused if some of this stuff happens in all relationships? Is any of it normal? This is my first relationship so I’m still unsure what is normal “hard times”.
submitted by throwRAanxious93 to emotionalabuse [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:07 Adorable_Struggle_33 Best pipe fittings

Random one I know, currently have DIY setup and looking to improve the quality/look of the layout of my plunge set up. I current run all the piping through clear braided tubing but looking for a more solid solution that's available in the UK?
Was thinking maybe a mdpe piping with insulation tube round it to clean up the look.
Current set up is -
Lumi max ice bath - DC pump - marine chiller - cold water filter.
submitted by Adorable_Struggle_33 to BecomingTheIceman [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:07 Chief_Outlaw135 Help me balance this Ranger NPC's arrows

I am creating a high-level NPC that is kind of a Ranger archetype. The party may choose to ally themselves with this NPC or side against them - which may lead to a combat encounter. This ranger is an Eladrin, so I gave them a "Bow of the Seasons" (similar in concept to the one from MOoT but I'm redesigning the arrows). Once per turn, as a part of their multiattack, they will fire an Arrow of the Seasons, choosing from one of the following arrows. Each one requires an attack roll and otherwise deals normal longbow damage.
So my question: which of these is the strongest and weakest? How would you tweak these to be more balanced with each other? Thanks!
submitted by Chief_Outlaw135 to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:07 Electronic_Tour9509 My [24M] -now ex- bf dumped me [21F] because I was ‘too perfect’ What would you do?

Let me explain because the title could be a bit confusing. Me and my now ex bf have known each other since we were 15. He liked me at some point but I had a relationship from the ages of 15 to 17 so I never really showed much interest. We kicked it off for the first time when i was 18 and he was around 20. We immediately started dating , literally went to Italy on the first 2 weeks of seeing each other. We went swimming in a cold lake on our own the first week.. it was overall a very adventurous relationship with lots of passion that lasted throughout the whole relationship. Everybody thought we’d eventually get married and so did we. We had the same goals in life, same views on everything.. it was like a fairytale. One month ago he broke up with me. He was having a rough time psychologically and with finances and told me he started over analyzing his life in general. He said the following : 1) that he is freaking out because he isn’t used to thinking and doing things on his own as we were always together. Not in a physical sense (we lived 45 mins away from each other by car) but in the sense that we always talked everything through. So he doesn’t know how to ‘exist without me ‘ (that’s what he said ) 2) that he hasn’t gotten into any other relationship and i was his first in every thing (sexually and emotionally) . He said that it’s ‘a shame because i can’t appreciate you enough , i have no other ‘bad people to compare you to’ - and he said that if we got married- let’s say -next year, he might at some point freak out about his lack of past experiences and that’s not something something i deserve (he said that) because i’m ’too perfect for that’ 3) mentally he is in a wrong mind space so the perseverance of a relationship is putting a lot of pressure onto him and he can’t handle that at this point. It was heart breaking to say the least. I feel like i’ve lost myself (normal thing to feel i guess). He said that he hopes one day he can see me as a friend and he aspires to see me once or twice a month and catch up. I don’t know how to react to this . Literally our relationship NEVER had any issues. It was the healthiest relationship I had even both experienced and seen in my 21 years on this earth. I know there are other people out there that i would match with ,but I wanted him. What would you do in my case?
(sorry for my English, I’m a Balkan girlie )
submitted by Electronic_Tour9509 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:04 Then_Advertising6254 Home Invasion (dream #4)

My living room was set up differently as if it was the holidays. the long couch was no longer under the windows but facing them instead.
My mother had just adopted a little girl from somewhere like Russia. We were having a little sleepover with my older brother Jeremy behind the long couch and in-between the dining table. I was staring at my new sister, a sister I had always wished for. As an insomniac I couldn't sleep as quickly as everyone and couldn't get myself to calm down and stay asleep so I tossed and turned multiple times between our one shared blanket.
All three of our heads were just barely sticking out from the left side of the sofa and I was watching the clear sky expecting to see some stars. Instead I see something human-like crawling up the windows. It had friends climbing up the other windows as well and they were all peeking inside. I froze and couldn't rip my eyes away until I heard the steps creak. I slowly moved my head down towards the stairs and hallway entrance to see another of those things. They resembled aliens, with their tiny bodies but huge heads and eyes. It noticed us.
It began to crawl very fast around the couch to go after my new sister when I hoarsely yelled.
"NO." I stuck my arm out as a notion to protect my family.
It stopped in it's tracks before it went for Jeremy.
"NO." My fingers stretched as far as I could mange.
It's head then snapped towards me and pulled out a needle. My hand, still held out in front of me, was grabbed and I was stabbed in the neck and immediately blacked out.
My family and step-dad were all having dinner at our dining table - an unusual act for us. I felt cold to the bone and had a feeling something bad was about to happen. The hanging light above the table made it hard to see outside so I walked up towards the window to see them, all scattered across my lawn. Their big black eyes never moving, never blinking. The only illumination was the lamp next to my driveway and front door walk-up path. I could see their shadows walking up to lawn from various sections throughout my neighborhood.
My family noticed I was frozen in place and my step-dad took it upon himself to decide there was an intruder and he took out a random shotgun and went to the front door and one of them stood. He shot them in the head with no hesitation. All of a sudden all of their heads slowly turned to the front door and I watched as they stared intently at my step-dad. I was scared they were all going to charge at him to get inside.
Instead they shrugged off the death of one of them and walked off into the darkness.
submitted by Then_Advertising6254 to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:02 docXfamas [H] DOOM Eternal DELUXE EDITION, Have a Nice Death, Dying Light Definitive Edition, Torchlight III, Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song- Remastered, Omensight Definitve Edition and lots of other bundled games [W] Trepang2, PayPal, tf2 keys, gems, wishlisted games




Mainly looking for PayPal (accepting most of the currencies, fees may slightly differ)
MY REP Wishlist
TF2 keys/ CS2 Cases
submitted by docXfamas to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]
