Subcultures examples


2010.09.25 17:45 flabbergasted1 CaptchaArt

A subreddit to create and share original captcha art. We turgle all day long

2020.02.04 03:24 Chadtopia

A non-satirical community and the opposite of /Cringetopia-like subs. There are plenty of things considered socially unacceptable or uncool, but some people are so confident in owning it that it becomes commendable. Reaching the peak of not giving a fuck and doing whatever makes them happy even as others make fun of them for it. Those are Chads, rather man or woman. We aim to celebrate those Chads and applaud them for doing what they enjoy. We should all be able to do that without judgment.

2009.08.17 03:34 epicRelic Reddit's Goth Community

Reddit's Goth Community, for goth music and subculture! Please check out our Wiki which features the rules and FAQ, and our sidebar which features many resources on goth music, (including recommendations and playlists) fashion, history, and scene. Anything relating to fashion when it's not Fashion Friday, please post in GothFashion and if you are looking for a subreddit which encompasses anything dark and spooky, please visit DarklyInclined. We have gothclub for any alternative tunes.

2024.06.07 21:07 DharmaBaller Groups opposing Islamic extremism?

I was curious if anyone knows of any groups that are active in pushing back against Islamic extremism and jihadism and the globalized intifada movements.
Especially curious if there is some kind of ex-muslim Arab alliance or something interfaith that stands against this barbarism...this abject darkness.
Is there even like a special ops unit or something that is composed of this kind of thing like a special task force? I think of the movie Mosul where you had Arab Muslims fighters going up against Islamic extremism as one example of board of policing within your own subculture. Or the ANA versus Taliban in Afghanistan.
For me this conflict hits home because it involves the nasty toxic regressive left and then the more insidiously time-honored threat of religious extremism that produces acts of terror against our fellow humans.
submitted by DharmaBaller to Israel [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:04 henri_luvs_brunch_2 A gentle moderator plea for plain language

This is a gentle moderator plea for plain language as much as feasible and possible. Jargon can be a great shortcut. We all use it. We use it at work, in hobbies, and in subcultures. Especially when among others from the same subculture.
But this place is for and is frequented by people new to the concepts of polyamory and non-monogamy. So it’s not required, but please strongly consider describing your relationships, desires, and giving advice in plain language. Jargon can also very often deteriorate into dehumanizing language intentionally or by accident.
Again, these are only suggestions. But they will add clarity and cut down on bad communication.
submitted by henri_luvs_brunch_2 to polyamoryadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:03 Proletlariet Adequate Argument Contest Season 3 - Hypepost

An open, multi-stage tag team tournament open to combatants from all corners of fiction!

Four characters enter! Only two will leave!

Do your faves have what it takes to make it all the way to the top?

Adequate Argument Contest, Season 3 - Coming Soon!

What's Going On?

For 15 seasons now, a series of structured vs debate tournaments have been held under the banner of the "Great Debate" on the WhoWouldWin forum. The ruleset employed there has allowed for a dynamic, fun, and engaging hobby that involves both strategy in team composition and persuasive rhetorical ability with far greater depth of analysis and back and forth than is often allowed in open vs thread formats.
It's generated a lot of fun matchups, gripping debates, and a not insignificant amount of memes & fanart.
In the very near future, I will be cross-hosting the third installment of my Adequate Argument Contest tourney: a GDT style debate contest focused on large diverse maps and tag-team synergy between submitted duos.
Very excitingly, for the very first time ever, a WWW tourney will be cross-hosted with official permission on another debate board with parallel entrants from the august old sci-fi forum
For those of you who’ve never heard of these kinds of tournaments, here’s the rundown:
  • Competitors will submit teams of characters of their choosing and debate them against the submissions of others to determine who would win, using linked scans as evidence of their abilities.
  • Submitted combatants are balanced against a ‘tiersetter’ character, against whom they must have a plausibly non one-sided matchup and be able to feasibly lose against. The tiersetter is the “measuring stick” for the tournament’s power level.
  • Winners of each round of debates will be determined by majority vote by a panel of judges factoring in the strength of arguments made and evidence provided both in favour and against the victory of submitted teams.
Here’s an example of one of these kinds of debates from a previous tourney.
This is a debate focused bracketed tournament where users pick characters to argue against other users to determine who would win, with a “Tiersetter” character functioning as a measuring stick for the acceptable “power level” of the tournament. You pick two characters, enter into rounds, and then argue you win against someone else's submitted team.

A Primer For Newcomers:

Transitioning to strict evidence-based GDT format VS Debates has been tricky for new arrivals from informal battle boarding subcultures. In light of this, I've prepared a quick primer on the conventions you should expect entering this tournament.

How’s This Work?


Signups will begin 3 days after this was posted. They will last about 2 weeks before the signup thread will be locked and the brackets and first round of the tournament will be posted..
To sign up, comment on the signup thread with the two characters you intend to run, a brief justification of why they’re in tier vs the tiersetter characters, and a linked "Respect Thread" including links to all the scans/feats you intend to use in the debate. The Respectthreads forum has a large pre-existing list of these, but you may draw from any comprehensive equivalent or create one yourself. Vs Battles Wiki pages are not permissible substitutes.
Stipulations are alterations to a characters’ gear, powers, mindset, scaling, or sources used. The following are examples of reasonable character stipulations:
  • The T-800, wielding a minigun.
  • Mace Windu, cannot use force-crush on opponents.
  • X-23, brainwashed and bloodlusted by Trigger 42.
  • Post-Crisis Batman, only feats from Year One.
Certain conditional stipulations are also permissible to allow a character's environmentally limited abilities to function:
  • Firelord Ozai, Sozin's Comet is in the sky
Stipulations CAN NOT alter a characters’ stats directly (IE “Nerf strength to tier”) or change them or their loadout in ways that is not reflective of them in their source media (no giving Batman a lightsaber, no arbitrary 'Morals Off' stips without canonical basis).



AAC will follow a debate tournament structure after similar tourneys hosted on /whowouldwin like Great Debate or Arena of Assholes.
Each round of debates will last 5 days, with a minimum of two responses within 48 hours to avoid disqualification and a maximum of three responses per competitor, plus optional closing summaries. Responses can be up to two maximum length reddit posts long, or 20k characters including spaces.
Arguments will be judged with special attention paid to the effective use of linked scans of feats, antifeats, character behaviour, etc. as evidence.

The Tier:


“Teleasshole” is a split tier consisting of two characters: the frenemy duo of Cable & Deadpool from Marvel Comics. Participants will submit one combatant to each tier character to form a two-person team.
This tier is designed for characters who can react to bullet to arrow-speed projectiles, bust sizable holes through concrete with exertion, and endure similar impacts.
More than that, this tier is designed for teams that synergize well together in creative, effective, and unpredictable ways.
The two tiers are deliberately asymmetrical, with Deadpool as the more dangerous and mobile melee combatant while Cable is slower and less durable, but offers ranged support and telepathic tracking to enhance Deadpool's effectiveness. This dynamic should be reflective in team composition, with mixed support and offence taken into account.
Characters will be considered for in-tierness both as a 1v1 against either Cable or Deadpool, and as part of a 2v2 team fight alongside their teammate.
Here are some example picks with explanations of their abilities and matchups against the tiersetters.
Now is the time to start thinking about what picks you'd like to run, and if they do not have a pre-existing comprehensive feat thread, you ought to consider gathering their feats together.

All debates this tournament will be 2v2 team fights.

Keep this in mind when selecting your picks

The Arenas:

Seven arenas have been chosen for this tournament both to offer a diversity of environments and to encourage strategic thinking about positioning and ambush tactics. As a result, all of the maps are huge and teams spawn kilometres apart.
Picks who might do well in straightforward 1v1s like strong “brick” archetypes may not perform well on these maps without being paired with some form of support utility such as mobility to cross large distance and close on enemies, stealth or fight intelligence to execute ambushes, tracking/super-senses to detect opponents and counter-ambush, and other powers and skills that take advantage or mitigate the environment.
The Arenas Are:

Confused or have any questions? Leave a comment or join the official Character Rant Tournament Discord to write questions, complaints or suggestions for any facet of the tournament!

submitted by Proletlariet to whowouldwin [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 04:21 TooZeroLeft Why so many people from the US online claim American states are more diverse than individual countries?

I often see on Reddit and Twitter people from the US claiming that US states are as diverse/more diverse than individual countries because they all have their own regional subcultures/cultures, customs, traditions, and are bigger than smaller countries, and that's why the US is more unique and diverse than any other country.
However, the other biggest countries such as Russia, Canada, China, Brazil, Australia, India also have the same things - big subdivisions that are bigger than smaller countries with their own customs and cultures that are all different from each other.
And even other big countries and smaller countries such as Argentina, Mexico, South Africa, Turkey, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Japan, Germany, Ethiopia, France, Spain, Nigeria, Iran, Thailand, etc. have the exact same examples - subdvisions mostly have their own distinct subcultures, differences in customs, cuisine, etc.
Why is that said oftenly in social media?
submitted by TooZeroLeft to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 04:20 TooZeroLeft Why so many people from the US online claim American states are more diverse than individual countries?

I often see on Reddit and Twitter people from the US claiming that US states are as diverse/more diverse than individual countries because they all have their own regional subcultures/cultures, customs, traditions, and are bigger than smaller countries, and that's why the US is more unique and diverse than any other country.
However, the other biggest countries such as Russia, Canada, China, Brazil, Australia, India also have the same things - big subdivisions that are bigger than smaller countries with their own customs and cultures that are all different from each other.
And even other big countries and smaller countries such as Argentina, Mexico, South Africa, Turkey, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Japan, Germany, France, Spain, Nigeria, Iran, Thailand, etc. have the exact same examples - subdvisions mostly have their own distinct subcultures, differences in customs, cuisine, etc.
Why is that said oftenly in social media?
submitted by TooZeroLeft to geography [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 19:22 Pretty_Candy_1076 What is a movie that was successful and has a cult following but that you absolutely hate?

An example that comes to mind is Lethal Weapon. The dialogue was cheesy, some scenes were corny (the jumping together scene), the storyline was slow and I think the sequels aren't interesting either.
Edit: apparently some of you believe only films that flopped at the box office but later became popular are the only ones that qualify as cult films. This, however, is incorrect. As defined by Wikipedia:
"A cult film or cult movie, also commonly referred to as a cult classic, is a film that has acquired a cult following. Cult films are known for their dedicated, passionate fanbase which forms an elaborate subculture, members of which engage in repeated viewings, dialogue-quoting, and audience participation."
Films that were successful and fall under this category include films such as Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, Karate Kid, Ghostbusters, Star Wars, Jaws, E.T., etc.
Furthermore I specifically asked about successful cults films, however if you included one that originally flopped it's also welcome as I like hearing many points of view.
submitted by Pretty_Candy_1076 to moviecritic [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 17:06 chino-77 The importance of grooming yourself and finding “the look” (rant)

I’ve noticed a lot of trans people and tucutes start HRT and then have bizarre ways of dressing and grooming themselves, that ultimately can lead to them being clocked.
This is not an attack, but an observation and some tips, as I’ve had a hard time with it too.
(I’m FTM)
Example: a lot of FTM I see look like hairy lesbians, because they don’t trim, shape up or shave their facial hair to look presentable or fit their faces. It’ll look like a woman with PCOS just gave up. For me, trimming the small moustache I have and creating a small lined up space between it and my lips made a huge difference.
It now looks like the moustache is something I want to be there, and not some unwanted body hair that I just gave up on shaving, it’s also more visible.
With trans women, I’ve noticed cakey, exaggerated makeup and this copy-paste dress style , dressing like a raunchy grandma or teenage girl and no in between. Really bad wigs and hair upkeep.
Make sure to look at the dressing habits of your age range, and that you are wearing clothing that compliments your body the way you want it to. This does not mean restrict yourself and dress like everyone around you, just don’t wear something that will make you look like a typical cross dresser , or clock you as a homosexual of your birth sex.
Look up grooming routine videos, shaving tips, lace front install, etc. “How to dress for (insert body type woman/man) Cycle around with different styles and subcultures, if you are FTM beware of how “far” you go with accessories.
My reasoning for this is that cis people get time as they grow in their bodies to figure out what they like and what looks good, including self grooming. They had time to assimilate into society, looks and grooming play a part.
Trans people on the other hand don’t typically get that experience for the gendesex they are transitioned to, and this can be hard to wait for and figure out. Clocks more, makes one stick out and can draw negative attention.
submitted by chino-77 to truscum [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:27 MidnightRainWolfgang as a premium youtube video watcher, here's things i like seeing:

as a premium youtube video watcher, here's things i like seeing:
dont put hashtags in title, keep simple like a text message. (No one texts my phone number but scammers so I like seeing your videos as long intimate text messages to myself) (also, put tags at the bottom of your description box. I forgive you.)
images matter, they are the face of the video. faces, romantic, softness, familiarity/subculture. facetime and texts, movies basically - the videos picture part feels best when they are screen grabs from beautiful movies but real. basically make it feel real but a movie somehow. Slice of life with life itself as a calm movie. constantly remind me of that. the line of reality and our self-made movie.
be selfish with your beauty but share it with me.
images need to be original. no ai, no stolen stuff, needs to be original, well taken, and beautiful.
i need to see myself. put me in the thumbnail.
titles need to sound like my inner voice.
for compiliations, use the most dramatic example as the thumbnail and keep the title simple.
for tutorials like exercise, no talking, just get right into it with simple music and text instructions on screen. keep area simple and clean. use cute things like timers and game sounds. solve an actual problem or dont bother. (ex an ab tutorial w/o equipment. the key is no equipment.)
dont show me woe is me stuff.
for comps, do show the point on the thumbnail. gritty is good. it means its real. (ex: screenshots you took on your phone. im looking at your battery percentage, your phone network provider, that top bar stuff attracts me, idk why) no need for romance. were just having information sex. - dont make these main youtube accts
basically youtube is a global shared file system.
  • keep file names neat and content summarized.
  • unless its relatable vids, which are weird bc they make one vulnerable but facilitate community building. those ppl who like those vulnerable vids of yours will be fewer but will lead to potential friendships and relationships online. can give them the disc and they might even show up.
innocent and creative mischief is cute. lightens up the world.
snobbery is ugly. hate it. (ex: these 10 movies are trash. no you are. someone out there likes those films.) - who you attract ensnares you. so if you cater to pessimists, expect dealing with pessimists in comments and discord server. - applies to showing skin/nudity. (the girls esp are so pathetic for this) You’re more than your flesh, but I want that too. - don’t cater to stupid ppl.. they’ll make you hate your own posts and youll lose respect for yourself. i get it, make money off dumb people to go run off to japan and france. but no, it wont work and youll just be pissed. - stupid ppl get left behind.
i like dress up.
create really cool thumbnails that match the topic and show off ur unique imagination. Go big or go home every time.
there are literally going to be inside jokes that only a few ppl will get. but use that. its okay if that vid doesnt get popular. it informs the audience about your memories and lets people w similar memories connect with you. u want those ppl around. it gets lonely. doesnt it? - also the algorithm is your friend here. bc i use youtube and will see your vids exactly when i need to see it. Basically, the algorithm guides the zeitgeist.
INTENSE. be intense. yet subtle. its an artform like flirting. yes, flirt with me. with your titles be subtle. with your thumbnails be intense. i need you.
About that hearted photo of the two girls on the beach: be innocent yet intense (focused meets intentional) and be simple. simple is sorely missing on youtube. - two is better than one. it confirms that youre not crazy when another person validates you with their presence. idk how to get over this one of you have no friends. Maybe twin editing.
  • make me feel like i'm interrupting you in the middle of a dream. but youre gracious so you share it with me.
make me feel special.
i dont need you to “explain” things to me anymore. i have chatgpt. besides it reeks of snobbery. this is just u injecting your pessimist opinion again.
be playful. - treat me like your newborn sibling. im delicate so look out for me by telling me new ways to survive and also remember to play peek-a-boo with me
hope this helps you. Reddit is a very broken place rn, so idk if this will stick around.
submitted by MidnightRainWolfgang to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:41 Collinsc108 The Entheogen Overview - Series 0, Post 1 (Intro)

Greetings friends and welcome to my new project, The Entheogen Overview! I will be periodically uploading posts to this subreddit addressing specific topics in the realm of ethnobotany. I hope to stimulate discussion, questions, debate, wonder and curiosity with them. This project is years in the making and I am excited to begin sharing it with you. In this introductory post I will give a little background on me and expand upon the scope and values of this new publication, The Entheogen Overview.
I first became mesmerized with plants through the magic of herbal onierogens, or dream plants, about 15 years ago. Ever since, I have studied and worked in plant medicine, botany, sustainable agriculture and phytochemistry. Biologically-active plants and molecules were the driving factors of my curiosity during my most formative years. Following this passion, I have become a skilled forager, legal mushroom cultivator, psychonaut, rare plant collector and scientist among other things. Notably, I am a collector of rare and old ethnobotanical literature, with an impressive library of references, first editions, signed copies and otherwise very special books. These books have already fed me with much information and they will be sure to show up in future posts. I would even like to do some posts on individual books or even feature my library down the road. The extent of my current ethnobotanical knowledge, my experience in both the field and lab and my access to great resources puts me in a position where I can confidently speak on the many intricacies of understanding ethnobotanical history and its shifting modern landscape.
The name ‘The Entheogen Overview’ is an homage to the indigenous peoples, researchers, storytellers, citizen scientists, medicine workers, basement shamans, psychonauts, biohackers and disciples of the natural world who supported and contributed to the original publication, ‘The Entheogen Review’ which left its mark in ethnobotanical history from 1992 - 2008, thanks to Jim DeKorne. I am inspired to continue sharing ethnobotanical information, personal experiences, pictures, stories, indigenous wisdom and myths as humans have for thousands of years and The Entheogen Review did before me.
I believe that sharing this information is almost more important than ever before because our species is rapidly ceasing to rely on ancestral knowledge. We are not only facing the extinction of plant and animal species at an unprecedented rate in human history. Indigenous cultures are also dissolving under waves of globalization, severing our planet from databases of knowledge built upon millennia of lived experiences. And, unfortunately, this is knowledge modern humans desperately need to reconnect with. Knowledge of plant medicine, navigation, communication with nature, reciprocity, the soul, the natural mind, healing, hardship and death. Bodies of knowledge that are and always were common amongst indigenous people in all parts of the world. This new publication, The Entheogen Overview is meant to be a voice that shares and highlights the cultural wisdom in both ancient and modern societies through an ethnobotanical lens.
Although indigenous knowledge is extremely valuable and much of it is at-risk of being lost, modern western culture is certainly not devoid of its own wisdom and fascinating relationships with plants. Globalization means that new cultures and subcultures are constantly evolving in all corners of the world as different people intersect, share and integrate their different ways of life. Due to this cultural mixing, ethnobotanical and ethnomedicinal contexts are becoming evermore complex. Not only are there indigenous cultures of interest to researchers but there are numerous blends of cultures and lifestyles that deserve being examined including semi-modernized tribal communities, translocated indigenous populations and indigenous practitioners that live modern lifestyles. Likewise there are groups of westerners consuming traditionally prepared psychedelics at music festivals, underground psychedelic-assisted therapies, Redditors growing and using psychedelics at home, clandestine drug chemists and people all over the planet consuming synthetic drugs modeled after the structures of plant-derived compounds. This means there is an effectively endless scope of study for amateur and professional ethnobotanists, This publication, and our new subreddit ethnoplantsexchanges. Ethnobotanist, author and contributor to the original Entheogen Review, Jonathan Ott once spoke about this:
What's the difference between the ethnomedicine of the Ladakhis, and the ethnomedicine of the Sacramento suburban residents? I mean, scientifically speaking, they're both valid subjects of study. And in fact, now we have this very thriving, active home experimentalist scene, of which The Entheogen Review is really one of the strongest elucidators, because that's where some few of these people come forward and talk about what they might have done
When I speak about cultures that are not my own I will share accurate, non-westernized representations of them to the best of my ability and using extreme respect.
Unfortunately the indigenous and modern use of psychoactive plants, as well as many other psychoactive substances, are acts that have been historically, and are presently, demonized by governments and individuals in power. Prohibitionist policies, misinformation and fear-based campaigns against the use of mind-altering drugs, especially psychedelics, sadly delineate the stance of many governments and world-powers. This has made the objective study and representation of “unapproved” plants, drugs or cultures extremely difficult for researchers within these countries. And since these are the countries that dominate the world zeitgeist, very little legitimate research has been possible over the last 50 years or so and much of the work done before that has been lost, destroyed, suppressed or features gross misunderstandings as early researchers attempted to described native cultures through a thick western lens. Although the scientific and political landscapes in this area are starting to shift once again towards more acceptance, many legal, social and political obstacles remain for researchers and curious minds. One of the driving forces behind starting this project is to encourage the normalization of and respect for the exploration of plants, the compounds they contain and our own minds through their ingestion.
My encouragement to explore plants, cultures and one’s own mind comes with some caveats. I only encourage people to do what is safe, ethical and responsible for their own mind and body, their local context and the natural environment. For example, an individual’s personal research might include picking and eating an exotic fruit or, alternatively, something far different, such as preparing and drinking ayahuasca. These two actions both require very different considerations.
For the fruit example one must consider, among other things:
Is this fruit endangered or otherwise at risk?
Are other communities relying on this fruit to survive and will I be impacting them?
Is it safe to eat?
Is this ecosystem facing external or internal threats?
Do I have to prepare the fruit in a certain way or avoid eating certain parts?
Am I buying it at a market or picking it myself?
Am I able to correctly identify the fruit before consuming it?
For the ayahuasca example, among other things, one must consider:
Am I following a traditional ayahuasca recipe or am I making my own version, or ayahuasca analogue?
Do I know the specific or estimated levels of DMT, MAOIs, and other compounds in the various ingredients being used?
How do preparation methods and the potency of ingredients translate to my dosage(s) of the resulting tea?
If this is a first-time experience what is a responsible dose to titrate from?
Do I have experience brewing or consuming this or similar concoctions?
Will I consume it in a traditional ceremonial context or other?
Do I have an experienced person to be with me through the experience and can I trust them?
Am I doing this in a safe place?
Am I in a good mental place to do this?
How will I ethically source the ingredients and verify their identification?
Is this legal for me to do where I am?
Do I take any medications/foods or have any existing conditions that could make this experiment dangerous or otherwise unsafe?
Are the ingredients protected species and can they be ethically and sustainably sourced?
These two hypotheticals clearly exemplify that very different approaches are required for various ethnobotanical investigations. Note that these considerations are by no means exhaustive. I implore ethnobotanical researchers of any pedigree or experience level to become skilled at approaching experiments and investigations through the slow and careful consideration of relevant ethical, responsibility and safety considerations for themselves and the wider impact they could possibly have. In this context of care and respect, I hope to inspire more people to self-experiment with the natural world and freely share it within this Reddit community and beyond.
All of my posts are purely for educational purposes. Despite any tone or opinion I might have, nothing in my posts, comments or messages is intended to encourage illegal, risky or unethical activities by anyone of any age or background. In fact, I implore everyone who reads my posts or has interest in ethnobotanical research to be familiar with the laws in their area and to stay within their bounds. However, I am not deluded to believe that everyone will follow my advice or suggestion. Laws will always be broken by some people, intentionally or not, and it is the responsibility of those individuals to own their decisions and any resulting consequences. That being said, if you have broken the law whilst making ethnobotanical investigations, I encourage you to share your experiences with the rest of us here to hopefully save others from the same potential trouble or risk. People make mistakes and the sharing of mistakes can be educational. Even if there have been no perceived consequences, an experience of breaking the law, when it comes to plants, is itself an ethnobotanical topic and a reality of many cultures. If there is a concern for self-incrimination use a throw-away account or some form of identity protection when sharing. We don’t want anyone to be punished, especially if they are exercising their own cognitive liberty and bodily autonomy in a responsible, safe and ethical manner. (However the intentional harm of others or the natural world is a crime that I believe should result in consequences.) With this publication and our new subreddit, we want to support our community’s growth and learning and work towards changing the laws that suppress our natural freedoms to self-exploration, cognitive liberty and bodily autonomy. And if it isn’t already abundantly clear, I myself always operate within the bounds of my local laws, wherever I happen to be, and never utilize my knowledge or skills to attempt anything that could be considered completely or questionably illegal. This community is a place for curious and responsible individuals to legally learn, trade and share information, plants and experiences.
Thank you to those who are reading and I hope this series is enjoyed by many!
Ott J. "Jonathan Ott Speaks... Part Two". The Entheogen Review. Summer 1999; 8(2):62–73.
*All pictures were taken by myself and include a variety of ethnically significant plants or contexts.
submitted by Collinsc108 to ethnoplantsexchange [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:33 WilderRaptor Making an “Intro to Dead” playlist

I’m compiling a playlist for people who have NEVER heard The Dead before. I want to include some (gasp) studio tracks as well. This isn’t about what we, as Deadheads, consider the best jams and versions, but rather a solid introduction to Grateful Dead music. For example:
Brown Eyed Women (Cornell ’77) — Great. Short and sweet with amazing sound quality.
Box of Rain (Studio) — Meaningful lyrics and a solid track overall.
25+ minute version of Dark Star — Not ideal. WE love it, but it could overwhelm someone new.
I know some might say, “If they can’t handle a 17-minute PITB, they don’t deserve to be here!” But that’s not my philosophy. The more the merrier, and it’s our job to show them the light of Jerry and the gang. Don’t gatekeep. This will always be a subculture, and this is how we ensure the music never stops.
submitted by WilderRaptor to gratefuldead [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:17 Zincht New Sims4 Legacy Challenge for Pride Month 2024, base game compatible

Hey all, I admit I didn't do much digging, but with all the Berry and NSB and other rainbow legacy challenges out there, I didn't find one that suited my preferences for Pride month. So, I made one, and since I seem incapable of doing more than 2 generations in any challenge, I would like to interest you all in attempting this as well, and giving me some feedback?
Here is the text from the .txt file I created for the challenge rules.
GILBERT BAKER PRIDE FLAG LEGACY CHALLENGE (base game challenge) Basic Rules: * no money cheats, except to move your founder into their initial house, or to correct gameplay bugs. * Lifespan should be set to normal (or shorter, if you're really ambitious). * The current generation (or founder) must fulfill all required career, aspiration, and skill requirements before attempting to produce an heir. * To become the official Heir, the potential sim must complete all of the Heir's career, aspiration, and skill requirements. Similarly, The first potential heir to fulfill these becomes the official Heir. * Upon reaching teen, the heir will change their hair color to match their stripe of the flag. * All Heirs must be genetically related to the Founder. In the case of heirs in same-sex relationships, this will require either mods that allow same-sex offspring, or the use of the "Science Baby" option from the sim's phone, at a cost of 1200 simoleons each. The non-Heir parent must also be on the lot for this option to be available. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- STARTING SIM (FOUNDER): Start with a normal, cisgender, heterosexual sim. This is because all the rainbow variations are related to one somewhere. This counts as GENERATION 0, the Founder. While Valentino Vecchietti is the person who created the most up-to-date version of the pride flag (2021), Gilbert Baker was the creator of the first pride flag I could find reference to, so I named this challenge after him. Please take a moment to read the history of the Pride Flag, to recognize all the work various people have put into this movement. The world has defined your views of life, success, and love. Career: any job, but you must reach the top of your career. Aspiration: Any. We come from all walks of life. Skills: You must reach level 10 in a skill before producing an heir. For each potential heir, you must reach level 10 (or max level) in another skill. Other: You must be married before attempting to produce an heir. HEIR: You have a child, and whoa, are they different! You do your best to teach them to their full potential, but it wrecks your marriage(s). No potential heir can have the same second parent. They must complete at least 1 childhood aspiration, and cannot share more than 1 trait with the founder. They must reach level 10 in 1 skill you don't have maxed to become Heir. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RED: red hair color THEME: Life and passion. We all have a right to life, we should enjoy it as much as possible. You have a tempestuous life. You party hard, and have a hard time saying no to a new experience. Once you find something, you go for it with all you have, sometimes reaching the pinnacle before finding something else, sometimes abandoning it only having just started. Career: Any Traits: Hot-Headed, either Glutton or Foodie. Aspiration: Renaissance Sim. No more than 1 job can be a part-time job. You want to experience all life has to offer, and it's just so hard to decide on any single path! Skills: Reach level 10 in any 2 skills. Other: Life is full of surprises! You don't know what you like until you try it! Have at least 1 boyfriend and and least 1 girlfriend before any of your children reach Teen. HEIR: Your Heir is just something that happened along the way! You cannot be married to the Heir's other parent from their birth until they reach young adulthood. (You can marry and then divorce before their birth if you like). If they are born into a different house, you can "Invite to join household" on their parent, then move just the child (infant or older) into your house. Or you can invite them both, the more the merrier! OPTIONAL PACKS: *Snowy Escape: can replace one required trait with Adventurous -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ORANGE: orange hair color THEME: Healing and celebration. Our goal is to fix what is broken around us, and celebrate each person for being who they are. Your parent was hyper-focused on one thing at a time. Sometimes that was you, sometimes it wasn't. While you loved their joy for life, it didn't leave you with a great feeling of stability. You decided that you needed to be a stronger influence in the world than they were. Career: Secret Agent or Style Influencer Traits: Good, Loyal or Outgoing Aspiration: Friend of the World Skills: Charisma level 10, Photography level 5 (maxed) Other: Your partner is a project of yours that you brought home. They must have at least 1 negative trait (Jealous, Mean, Evil, etc.), but you love them and can see beyond all that. HEIR: Your Heir is someone you're determined to give your full attention to. Once they are born, you will take as much vacation as possible to spend time with them, spacing it out strategically to complement your partner's schedule, so that you never have to send them to daycare. Someone is always there for them after school, even if you have to leave early to be there, and there's alwasy a sack lunch for them to bring with them when they go. If you have more than 1 child, you do this hyper-fixation for all of them. No babysitter. No nanny or butler. Just proper parenting. Whether they complete a childhood aspiration or not, they must reach level 10 in all 4 child skills before aging up to Teen to become Heir. OPTIONAL PACKS: * Get to Work: Doctor is also available as a career choice * City Living: Politician is available as a career choice * Parenthood: At least 3 of the Character Trait Values must grant a positive trait to qualify as Heir. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- YELLOW: blond hair color (any blond) THEME: Sunlight and new things. The sun brings new life and promise to the world. We should nurture what is new and spread the sun's joy to the world around us. You had the absolutely perfect childhood. Some people may have become spoiled, or complain about helicopter parents, but your sunny disposition took it all in, and you knew you were loved. You know your purpose is to share that feeling with everyone you meet. Career: Writer or Entertainer Traits: Cheerful, either Childish or Goofball Aspiration: Neighborhood Confidante and Grilled Cheese (hidden aspiration) Skills: Writing and Comedy HEIR: Your partner must have the Family-Oriented trait. You know how important it was for your parent, and you've found that it means something to you, too. When your partner moves in, change your partner's aspiration to one of the family aspirations. Attempt to fulfill it, as well, before they die (this may take more than one generation). You only have to complete one of your Aspirations before attempting to produce an heir, but both must be complete before you can confirm a child as Heir. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GREEN: green hair color THEME: Nature and prosperity. We are all part of the natural world around us. Our job is to nurture the world around us, to allow all to prosper. Your parents were part of what defines you, but only part. What called to you more was a chance to get outside, and just.. breathe. Sure, having a family is great, but what you want is someone to share hikes with, not someone to change diapers for you. Career: Athlete Traits: Loves the Outdoors, either Active or Clumsy Aspiration: Freelance Botanist Skills: Fitness, Gardening Other: Have a swimming pool. Swim every day. HEIR: Your partners must share your exuberance for the natural world in some way. Take the time to stargaze together as a couple at least once a week, preferably on a date at a park. Take your kids fishing, even if you're no good at it. Your Heir must have Fitness 5, Gardening 5, and Fishing 5 (As a child, their Mental skill has to be maxed to get fishing above 2 or 3) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BLUE: dark blue hair color THEME: Serenity. I find peace within by acknowledging all parts of myself. I bring peace to others by teaching them to accept life as it comes. Your parent really went overboard with the outdoor activities, maybe they were a mermaid in a past life? Still, it gave you a chance to learn young how to center yourself, and find that inner stillness. This is especially useful because that person you found, the one you absolutely go head-over-heels for, is in so many ways your complete opposite. Career: Business Traits: Two traits that have "opposites" (see list of mutually exclusive traits at bottom) Aspiration: Soulmate Skills: Logic and Video Gaming HEIR: Your partner has at least one trait that is the opposite of yours, but you love them anyways. You can at least agree that video games are fun. Hold tournaments on the weekend that everyone teen and older enters. (You can unlock tournaments on the computer by playing games). Heirs must complete the Physical and Mental childhood Aspirations. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PURPLE: purple hair color (I wish EA had a darker purple, but we'll use what we have) THEME: Spirit. It is our passions that feed our spirits and allow us to love and accept others. You loved the time your family reserved on the weekends for everyone. During your weekly tournaments, it was all about two things: games, and food. One of them is your true calling, the way you can introduce yourself to the universe. Career: Culinary or Tech Guru Traits: either Geek or Bookworm, either Creative or Genius Aspiration: Nerd Brain Skills: Repair, one musical instrument Other: Marry someone with the "neat" trait. They may not have a job. If they have one, they must quit it upon moving in. Own a woodworking table. HEIR: With all your hobbies, you don't have as much time as you would wish for kids, so you choose your coparent well. They may not have a formal job, but they find ways to contribute to the house and help you with the kids. You wanted at least 3, right? Have at least 3 children who could become the heir. The Heir must have completed the Creativity childhood aspiration. Upon becoming a teen, the Heir may change their gender marker and must change their pronouns (keep the get/become pregnant status the same for this sim). They may change their physical frame upon becoming Young Adult if you choose, but it is not required. There are resources elsewhere online to explain how to to this in the game. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TRANSGENDER: pink hair for trans girls, turquoise hair for trans boys. pale blonde for trans nonbinary. THEME: Creativity. We are not limited by our physical bodies in our expression of ourselves. You always felt wrong when people used the pronouns the doctors gave you. As a child, this came out in your love for making art, and it helped you throug hsome trying times. Eventually, you found the courage to tell your parents what the problem was. They still get the words wrong a lot of the time, but you know they try, and your art has gained a new sense of life and vibrancy, now that you can finally be yourself somewhere more than just in your own head. Career: Painter Traits: Creative, either Loner or Perfectionist Aspiration: Any Fortune Aspiration Skills: Cooking, Painting, Photography Other: Their partner must have the opposite get/become pregnant status as they do, and any heirs must be born from woohoo/try for baby options. They must also have a medium skin tone. If you have a medium skin tone already, they must be a different ethnicity from you, with a notably different skin tone. HEIR: You found and married someone who looks different from you. So different, that it sometimes causes stares. You don't care, after so many years of trying to show the world who you are inside, you see the person inside them without any effort. The Heir must have a medium skin color, and be notably different from their heir parent's skin tone. The Heir must complete 2 childhood aspirations and have level 5 in Gourmet Cooking. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BROWN: no hair color requirements, medium color skin different from previous Heir. THEME: Intersectionality. Prejudice isn't suffered just from one aspect of our lives. We need to remember it's not just about sexuality or gender, but about being open to all people. You wanted to prove to the world it wasn't your skin color that made you special. Like so many things, you had to go overboard to get your point across. Now that you're in the spotlight, you're going to prove yourself as an individual, and lift up your parent's example as your guiding light. Career: Astronaut Traits: Ambitious, Bro or Outgoing Aspiration: The Curator Skills: Rocket Science, Programming, Writing Other: Your partner must have a darker skin tone than you do. Build your own rocket ship. Complete a second collection. Before you can designate an heir, you must fully upgrade a rocket ship, though you can make potential heirs before this is completed. HEIR: Your parents had differing skin colors, and you found the lure of learning about other cultural heritages exhilarating. So exhilarating, you brought someone from a different subculture home with you. Your own home growing up was multicultural, and you can't wait to blend their family's customs with your own. Your Heir must have darker skin than you do. The Heir must have maxed out a part-time job before they become a Young Adult, and have Writing 5, Painting 5, and Programming 5. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BLACK: no hair color requirements, dark color skin different from previous Heir. THEME: Progress. When we see each other as individuals, on their own merits, we can make a difference. You never felt the pressure to overachieve like your parent or grandparent. To be honest, they are both a little.. exhausting. You decided to chart your own course, instead of trying to define yourself by the world's view of success. Any job will work, and your parents saw to it that you were prepared for whatever field you might choose to enter.. Of course, what you really want is to share your music with the world. Still, all that preparation will help pay the bills while you struggle to express your muse. Career: Freelancer Traits: Music Lover, Bookworm or Lazy Aspiration: Musical Genius Skills: Your Freelance skill, 2 instrument skills Other: You may not have any romantic relationship above girl/boyfriend. You must have more than one potential heir. HEIR: You might have a partner, and you might not. Maybe just some friends with benefits, willing to help you create the next generation. Even with all of your piece-work while you search for that elusive jingle, you took the time to mentor each of your kids in music. Your Heir must have level 10 in one instrument. Your Heir must have completed all 4 childhood aspirations. Your Heir must change their get/become pregnant setting to "Neither". (I realize this isn't what Intersex means, but Sims 4 doesn't currently have a "Both" option without mods, so this is what I have chosen to represent this.) Your Heir may choose to change their gender, physical frame, and pronouns upon becoming Young Adult. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- INTERSEX: white hair color THEME: Wholeness. We are whole within ourselves, and have the potential to be anything we choose. Your parent always told you and your siblings that you could be anything, but you were enough in and of yourself. As you grew up, you noticed that this seemed to be more true for you than for your classmates. This led you to more confidence in yourself and your own abilities than most. While this is often a good thing, it remains to be seen whether anyone can measure up to your standards, and what you make of your life. Career: Any you haven't done Traits: Self-Assured, either Perfectionist or Childish Aspiration: Bodybuilder Skills: Mischief, Charisma -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This is the end of the challenge! I hope you enjoyed it. Now that it's all over, make a collage of your Heirs, and post it somewhere on social media! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE TRAITS (from Active and Lazy, Hot-Headed, Gloomy, and Cheerful, Goofball and Snob, Foodie and Glutton, Ambitious and Lazy, Childish and Snob, Childish and Hates Children, Childish and Evil, Neat and Lazy, Neat and Slob, Good, Bad and Mean, Hates Children and Family-Oriented, Noncommittal and Family-Oriented, Outgoing and Loner 
Yeah, I don't have any real experience in this, so just give a holler with suggestions to improve this, or format it better, whatever. I'm trying to be respectful of everyone included in this umbrella challenge, but I don't belong to all the groups mentioned here (just some), so if I've accidentally stepped on some toes, or you have an idea how to better represent **your** subgroup, I'd love to hear about it!
submitted by Zincht to thesims [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 07:30 Zincht New Legacy Challenge for Pride Month 2024, base game compatible

Hey all, I admit I didn't do much digging, but with all the Berry and NSB and other rainbow legacy challenges out there, I didn't find one that suited my preferences for Pride month. So, I made one, and since I seem incapable of doing more than 2 generations in any challenge, I would like to interest you all in attempting this as well, and giving me some feedback?
Here is the text from the .txt file I created for the challenge rules.
GILBERT BAKER PRIDE FLAG LEGACY CHALLENGE (base game challenge) Basic Rules: * no money cheats, except to move your founder into their initial house, or to correct gameplay bugs. * Lifespan should be set to normal (or shorter, if you're really ambitious). * The current generation (or founder) must fulfill all required career, aspiration, and skill requirements before attempting to produce an heir. * To become the official Heir, the potential sim must complete all of the Heir's career, aspiration, and skill requirements. Similarly, The first potential heir to fulfill these becomes the official Heir. * Upon reaching teen, the heir will change their hair color to match their stripe of the flag. * All Heirs must be genetically related to the Founder. In the case of heirs in same-sex relationships, this will require either mods that allow same-sex offspring, or the use of the "Science Baby" option from the sim's phone, at a cost of 1200 simoleons each. The non-Heir parent must also be on the lot for this option to be available. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- STARTING SIM (FOUNDER): Start with a normal, cisgender, heterosexual sim. This is because all the rainbow variations are related to one somewhere. This counts as GENERATION 0, the Founder. While Valentino Vecchietti is the person who created the most up-to-date version of the pride flag (2021), Gilbert Baker was the creator of the first pride flag I could find reference to, so I named this challenge after him. Please take a moment to read the history of the Pride Flag, to recognize all the work various people have put into this movement. The world has defined your views of life, success, and love. Career: any job, but you must reach the top of your career. Aspiration: Any. We come from all walks of life. Skills: You must reach level 10 in a skill before producing an heir. For each potential heir, you must reach level 10 (or max level) in another skill. Other: You must be married before attempting to produce an heir. HEIR: You have a child, and whoa, are they different! You do your best to teach them to their full potential, but it wrecks your marriage(s). No potential heir can have the same second parent. They must complete at least 1 childhood aspiration, and cannot share more than 1 trait with the founder. They must reach level 10 in 1 skill you don't have maxed to become Heir. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RED: red hair color THEME: Life and passion. We all have a right to life, we should enjoy it as much as possible. You have a tempestuous life. You party hard, and have a hard time saying no to a new experience. Once you find something, you go for it with all you have, sometimes reaching the pinnacle before finding something else, sometimes abandoning it only having just started. Career: Any Traits: Hot-Headed, either Glutton or Foodie. Aspiration: Renaissance Sim. No more than 1 job can be a part-time job. You want to experience all life has to offer, and it's just so hard to decide on any single path! Skills: Reach level 10 in any 2 skills. Other: Life is full of surprises! You don't know what you like until you try it! Have at least 1 boyfriend and and least 1 girlfriend before any of your children reach Teen. HEIR: Your Heir is just something that happened along the way! You cannot be married to the Heir's other parent from their birth until they reach young adulthood. (You can marry and then divorce before their birth if you like). If they are born into a different house, you can "Invite to join household" on their parent, then move just the child (infant or older) into your house. Or you can invite them both, the more the merrier! OPTIONAL PACKS: *Snowy Escape: can replace one required trait with Adventurous -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ORANGE: orange hair color THEME: Healing and celebration. Our goal is to fix what is broken around us, and celebrate each person for being who they are. Your parent was hyper-focused on one thing at a time. Sometimes that was you, sometimes it wasn't. While you loved their joy for life, it didn't leave you with a great feeling of stability. You decided that you needed to be a stronger influence in the world than they were. Career: Secret Agent or Style Influencer Traits: Good, Loyal or Outgoing Aspiration: Friend of the World Skills: Charisma level 10, Photography level 5 (maxed) Other: Your partner is a project of yours that you brought home. They must have at least 1 negative trait (Jealous, Mean, Evil, etc.), but you love them and can see beyond all that. HEIR: Your Heir is someone you're determined to give your full attention to. Once they are born, you will take as much vacation as possible to spend time with them, spacing it out strategically to complement your partner's schedule, so that you never have to send them to daycare. Someone is always there for them after school, even if you have to leave early to be there, and there's alwasy a sack lunch for them to bring with them when they go. If you have more than 1 child, you do this hyper-fixation for all of them. No babysitter. No nanny or butler. Just proper parenting. Whether they complete a childhood aspiration or not, they must reach level 10 in all 4 child skills before aging up to Teen to become Heir. OPTIONAL PACKS: * Get to Work: Doctor is also available as a career choice * City Living: Politician is available as a career choice * Parenthood: At least 3 of the Character Trait Values must grant a positive trait to qualify as Heir. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- YELLOW: blond hair color (any blond) THEME: Sunlight and new things. The sun brings new life and promise to the world. We should nurture what is new and spread the sun's joy to the world around us. You had the absolutely perfect childhood. Some people may have become spoiled, or complain about helicopter parents, but your sunny disposition took it all in, and you knew you were loved. You know your purpose is to share that feeling with everyone you meet. Career: Writer or Entertainer Traits: Cheerful, either Childish or Goofball Aspiration: Neighborhood Confidante and Grilled Cheese (hidden aspiration) Skills: Writing and Comedy HEIR: Your partner must have the Family-Oriented trait. You know how important it was for your parent, and you've found that it means something to you, too. When your partner moves in, change your partner's aspiration to one of the family aspirations. Attempt to fulfill it, as well, before they die (this may take more than one generation). You only have to complete one of your Aspirations before attempting to produce an heir, but both must be complete before you can confirm a child as Heir. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GREEN: green hair color THEME: Nature and prosperity. We are all part of the natural world around us. Our job is to nurture the world around us, to allow all to prosper. Your parents were part of what defines you, but only part. What called to you more was a chance to get outside, and just.. breathe. Sure, having a family is great, but what you want is someone to share hikes with, not someone to change diapers for you. Career: Athlete Traits: Loves the Outdoors, either Active or Clumsy Aspiration: Freelance Botanist Skills: Fitness, Gardening Other: Have a swimming pool. Swim every day. HEIR: Your partners must share your exuberance for the natural world in some way. Take the time to stargaze together as a couple at least once a week, preferably on a date at a park. Take your kids fishing, even if you're no good at it. Your Heir must have Fitness 5, Gardening 5, and Fishing 5 (As a child, their Mental skill has to be maxed to get fishing above 2 or 3) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BLUE: dark blue hair color THEME: Serenity. I find peace within by acknowledging all parts of myself. I bring peace to others by teaching them to accept life as it comes. Your parent really went overboard with the outdoor activities, maybe they were a mermaid in a past life? Still, it gave you a chance to learn young how to center yourself, and find that inner stillness. This is especially useful because that person you found, the one you absolutely go head-over-heels for, is in so many ways your complete opposite. Career: Business Traits: Two traits that have "opposites" (see list of mutually exclusive traits at bottom) Aspiration: Soulmate Skills: Logic and Video Gaming HEIR: Your partner has at least one trait that is the opposite of yours, but you love them anyways. You can at least agree that video games are fun. Hold tournaments on the weekend that everyone teen and older enters. (You can unlock tournaments on the computer by playing games). Heirs must complete the Physical and Mental childhood Aspirations. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PURPLE: purple hair color (I wish EA had a darker purple, but we'll use what we have) THEME: Spirit. It is our passions that feed our spirits and allow us to love and accept others. You loved the time your family reserved on the weekends for everyone. During your weekly tournaments, it was all about two things: games, and food. One of them is your true calling, the way you can introduce yourself to the universe. Career: Culinary or Tech Guru Traits: either Geek or Bookworm, either Creative or Genius Aspiration: Nerd Brain Skills: Repair, one musical instrument Other: Marry someone with the "neat" trait. They may not have a job. If they have one, they must quit it upon moving in. Own a woodworking table. HEIR: With all your hobbies, you don't have as much time as you would wish for kids, so you choose your coparent well. They may not have a formal job, but they find ways to contribute to the house and help you with the kids. You wanted at least 3, right? Have at least 3 children who could become the heir. The Heir must have completed the Creativity childhood aspiration. Upon becoming a teen, the Heir may change their gender marker and must change their pronouns (keep the get/become pregnant status the same for this sim). They may change their physical frame upon becoming Young Adult if you choose, but it is not required. There are resources elsewhere online to explain how to to this in the game. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TRANSGENDER: pink hair for trans girls, turquoise hair for trans boys. pale blonde for trans nonbinary. THEME: Creativity. We are not limited by our physical bodies in our expression of ourselves. You always felt wrong when people used the pronouns the doctors gave you. As a child, this came out in your love for making art, and it helped you throug hsome trying times. Eventually, you found the courage to tell your parents what the problem was. They still get the words wrong a lot of the time, but you know they try, and your art has gained a new sense of life and vibrancy, now that you can finally be yourself somewhere more than just in your own head. Career: Painter Traits: Creative, either Loner or Perfectionist Aspiration: Any Fortune Aspiration Skills: Cooking, Painting, Photography Other: Their partner must have the opposite get/become pregnant status as they do, and any heirs must be born from woohoo/try for baby options. They must also have a medium skin tone. If you have a medium skin tone already, they must be a different ethnicity from you, with a notably different skin tone. HEIR: You found and married someone who looks different from you. So different, that it sometimes causes stares. You don't care, after so many years of trying to show the world who you are inside, you see the person inside them without any effort. The Heir must have a medium skin color, and be notably different from their heir parent's skin tone. The Heir must complete 2 childhood aspirations and have level 5 in Gourmet Cooking. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BROWN: no hair color requirements, medium color skin different from previous Heir. THEME: Intersectionality. Prejudice isn't suffered just from one aspect of our lives. We need to remember it's not just about sexuality or gender, but about being open to all people. You wanted to prove to the world it wasn't your skin color that made you special. Like so many things, you had to go overboard to get your point across. Now that you're in the spotlight, you're going to prove yourself as an individual, and lift up your parent's example as your guiding light. Career: Astronaut Traits: Ambitious, Bro or Outgoing Aspiration: The Curator Skills: Rocket Science, Programming, Writing Other: Your partner must have a darker skin tone than you do. Build your own rocket ship. Complete a second collection. Before you can designate an heir, you must fully upgrade a rocket ship, though you can make potential heirs before this is completed. HEIR: Your parents had differing skin colors, and you found the lure of learning about other cultural heritages exhilarating. So exhilarating, you brought someone from a different subculture home with you. Your own home growing up was multicultural, and you can't wait to blend their family's customs with your own. Your Heir must have darker skin than you do. The Heir must have maxed out a part-time job before they become a Young Adult, and have Writing 5, Painting 5, and Programming 5. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BLACK: no hair color requirements, dark color skin different from previous Heir. THEME: Progress. When we see each other as individuals, on their own merits, we can make a difference. You never felt the pressure to overachieve like your parent or grandparent. To be honest, they are both a little.. exhausting. You decided to chart your own course, instead of trying to define yourself by the world's view of success. Any job will work, and your parents saw to it that you were prepared for whatever field you might choose to enter.. Of course, what you really want is to share your music with the world. Still, all that preparation will help pay the bills while you struggle to express your muse. Career: Freelancer Traits: Music Lover, Bookworm or Lazy Aspiration: Musical Genius Skills: Your Freelance skill, 2 instrument skills Other: You may not have any romantic relationship above girl/boyfriend. You must have more than one potential heir. HEIR: You might have a partner, and you might not. Maybe just some friends with benefits, willing to help you create the next generation. Even with all of your piece-work while you search for that elusive jingle, you took the time to mentor each of your kids in music. Your Heir must have level 10 in one instrument. Your Heir must have completed all 4 childhood aspirations. Your Heir must change their get/become pregnant setting to "Neither". (I realize this isn't what Intersex means, but Sims 4 doesn't currently have a "Both" option without mods, so this is what I have chosen to represent this.) Your Heir may choose to change their gender, physical frame, and pronouns upon becoming Young Adult. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- INTERSEX: white hair color THEME: Wholeness. We are whole within ourselves, and have the potential to be anything we choose. Your parent always told you and your siblings that you could be anything, but you were enough in and of yourself. As you grew up, you noticed that this seemed to be more true for you than for your classmates. This led you to more confidence in yourself and your own abilities than most. While this is often a good thing, it remains to be seen whether anyone can measure up to your standards, and what you make of your life. Career: Any you haven't done Traits: Self-Assured, either Perfectionist or Childish Aspiration: Bodybuilder Skills: Mischief, Charisma -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This is the end of the challenge! I hope you enjoyed it. Now that it's all over, make a collage of your Heirs, and post it somewhere on social media! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE TRAITS (from Active and Lazy, Hot-Headed, Gloomy, and Cheerful, Goofball and Snob, Foodie and Glutton, Ambitious and Lazy, Childish and Snob, Childish and Hates Children, Childish and Evil, Neat and Lazy, Neat and Slob, Good, Bad and Mean, Hates Children and Family-Oriented, Noncommittal and Family-Oriented, Outgoing and Loner 
Yeah, I don't have any real experience in this, so just give a holler with suggestions to improve this, or format it better, whatever. I'm trying to be respectful of everyone included in this umbrella challenge, but I don't belong to all the groups mentioned here (just some), so if I've accidentally stepped on some toes, or you have an idea how to better represent **your** subgroup, I'd love to hear about it!
submitted by Zincht to thesims4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:41 JulieG350Jgs Soul Murder, Soul Loss, Spiritual Sicknesses

Soul Murder Via Spiritual Cannibalism, Soul Loss, Spiritual Sicknesses through Soul Loss, Diseases of the Soul
How people commit soul murder
Soul murder is a concept that refers to the deliberate attempt to eradicate or compromise the separate identity of another person. It can be committed through various forms of abuse, neglect, or deprivation, which can result in emotional bondage to the abuser and ultimately, psychic and spiritual annihilation.
Child Abuse and Deprivation
Child abuse and deprivation can be a form of soul murder, as it involves the deliberate traumatization or deprivation by an authority figure (parent) of their charge (child). This can lead to the victim being robbed of their identity and ability to maintain authentic feelings. Soul murder remains effective if the capacity to think and to know has been sufficiently interfered with, often through brainwashing.
Violence and Murder
Violence and murder can also be forms of soul murder, as they involve the deliberate attempt to eradicate or compromise the identity of another person. The souls of those who are murdered can perceive the state of consciousness and feelings of others, including the murderer, and can feel the consequences of the act. This can lead to a negative state of consciousness and a sense of violence and aggression.
Soul Murder and Identity
Soul murder can also be committed through the deliberate attempt to erase or compromise an individual’s identity. This can be done through various forms of psychological manipulation, such as gaslighting, emotional abuse, or mind control. The goal is to make the individual doubt their own perceptions, memories, and sense of self, leading to a loss of identity and autonomy.
Soul murder is a serious and insidious form of psychological and emotional abuse that can have long-lasting and devastating effects on the victim. It is essential to recognize the signs and symptoms of soul murder and to take action to prevent and address it. By understanding the concept of soul murder, we can work towards creating a more compassionate and empathetic society that values the dignity and autonomy of all individuals.
Soul murder
Psychic murder
NATURE Soul murder is neither a diagnosis nor a condition. It is a dramatic term for circumstances that eventuate in crime, namely the deliberate attempt to eradicate or compromise the separate identity of another person. The victims of soul murder remain in large part possessed by another, their souls in bondage to someone else. It can result from childhood abuse, whether sexual molestation or physical beating, leading to overstimulation, terror and anger. It can also result from deprivation, especially in childhood, in the form of neglect or lack of emotional sustenance, leading to terrifying neediness, a sense of abandonment and rejection. ⬇️
Corruption of the good in human nature
Corruption Anti-social behaviour
RELATED Soul murder Complicity with evil
AGGRAVATES Human suffering Behavioural deterioration
AGGRAVATED BY Immorality White lies Exploitation Human weakness Strange people Corruptive crimes Criminal subculture Corruption of minors Non-resistance to evil Obsessive-compulsive disorder Unethical personal relationships
VALUE(S) Good Rights Corruption Inhumanity ⬇️
Unethical personal relationships
NAME(S): Irresponsible personal relationships Corruption in personal relationships Dishonest personal relationships Keeping bad company Unclear relationships Abusive relationships False friendships
CLAIM There is a traditional concern, reinforced in a number of religious doctrines, at any tendency to "keep bad company" or to "associate with undesirables". In business and public life this translates into relationships which subvert formal roles to favour personal interests, whether financial, sexual, political or otherwise. Such relationships may involve threat, bribes or blackmail, whether on the frontiers of legality, in grey areas or in association with criminals. In private life it may involve relationships whose nature is concealed for fear of censure and because of the damage caused to other relationships. These may take the form of hurtful games between people, possibly involving some form of threat or manipulation. Such relationships are especially unhealthy when they appear normal, or even benevolent, with their true nature only emerging later in time. After all, a person is known by the company he or she keeps.
BROADER Unclarity Unethical practices
NARROWER Adultery Sexual immorality Sexual harassment Improper collusion Criminal association Physical intimidation Fraudulent impersonation Victimization of children Genetic sexual attraction Sexual molestation of children Exploitative personal services Irresponsible political affiliations Moral offences in heterosexual pairing Unauthorized proximity of males to females Unethical practices with domesticated animals Unethical practices in communication
RELATED Campus romance
AGGRAVATES Sex scandal [in 4 loops] Family violence [in 3 loops] Human sacrifice Ritual pollution [in 1 loop] Spiritual impurity Corporal punishment Criminal subculture [in 6 loops] Retarded socialization [in 17 loops] Aiding consummation of crime Lack of intimate relationships [in 5 loops] Corruption of the good in human nature Violation of the rights of unborn children [in 4 loops] Negative personal relationships between leaders of countries Soul murder [in 1 loop]
AGGRAVATED BY Immorality Exploitation Attraction of the forbidden Abuse of international cultural, diplomatic and commercial exchanges
REDUCED BY Restrictive social practices
STRATEGY(IES) Abolishing unethical personal relationships Keeping bad company Corrupting personal relationships Exposing dishonest personal relationships Exposing dishonesty Abusing family members Taking advantage of relationships Being truthful Being fallacious Using false fronts Using false empathy Having false friendships Having true friendships
VALUE(S) Abuse Badness Corruption Dishonesty Fallacy Irresponsibility Unclear Unethical
REFERENCE(S) Ickes, W: Compatible and Incompatible Relationships ⬇️
Maternal deprivation
NAME(S): Infant emotional deprivation Children deprived of affection Maternal rejection Maternal negligence Hospitalism
NATURE One of the essential ingredients for mental health is that the infant and young child should experience a warm, intimate, and continuing relationship with his mother or permanent mother substitute, such that both find satisfaction and enjoyment in the relationship. Maternal deprivation can thus be considered as an insufficiency of interaction between the child and a mother-figure, to the degree that identification with the maternal figure is not made and with the result that personality development is impaired.
Deprivation occurs when an infant or young child lives in an institution or hospital where he has no major substitute mother and where he receives insufficient maternal care, or when a young child lives with his mother or permanent substitute mother, from whom he receives insufficient care and with whom he has insufficient interaction. Deprivation may also come about through the child's own inability to interact with a mother-figure despite the fact that one is present and ready to give sufficient care - this inability to interact being consequent on and presumably caused by previous deprivation experiences.
CLAIM Maternal deprivation can result in the growth pattern of a failure to thrive, a decline from a previously established growth pattern, despite an adequate caloric intake.
BROADER Social neglect Emotional abuse of children Family rejection of children
RELATED Anaclitic depression Lack of intimate relationships Inappropriate infant feeding strategies
AGGRAVATES Soul murder [in 13 loops] Infanticide Mental disorders [in 2 loops] Emotional disorders [in 12 loops] Maladjusted children [in 2 loops] Infant growth failure Starving for attention Neglected young children [in 1 loop] Human disease and disability [in 18 loops] Sudden unexpected infant death
AGGRAVATED BY Family breakdown Confusion of paternity Non-parental custody of children State custody of deprived children Gender discrimination in developing countries
REDUCED BY Dependence on breast feeding
STRATEGY(IES) Neglecting children Rejecting child Counselling in cases of maternal rejection Depriving maternal access Depriving parental access
VALUE(S) Affection Deprivation Disaffection Negligence Privation Rejection
REFERENCE(S) Grizzle, Anne F and Proctor, William: Mother Love, Mother Hate: breaking dependent love patterns in family
TYPE (D) Detailed problems ⬇️
Child abuse and deprivation: soul murder
Soul murder involves the deliberate traumatization or deprivation by an authority (parent) of his charge (child). The victim is robbed of his identity and of the ability to maintain authentic feelings. Soul murder remains effective if the capacity to think and to know has been sufficiently interfered with--by way of brainwashing. Questions are raised about pathogenesis. Some suggestions are made about treatment of those whose pathogenic fantasy life has been so influenced by traumatic reality. The need to identify with and to maintain the illusion of a good parent enforces the difficult resistance of denial (brainwashing becomes self-enforced). Paradoxically, in order to survive and adjust, some of these people so traumatized as children develop unusual strengths and gifts. ⬇️ +
To abuse or neglect a child, to deprive the child of his or her own identity and ability to experience joy in life, is to commit soul murder. Soul murder is the perpetration of brutal or subtle acts against children that result in their emotional bondage to the abuser and, finally, in their psychic and spiritual annihilation. In this compelling, disturbing, and superbly readable book, Dr. Leonard Shengold, clinical professor of psychiatry at the New York University School of Medicine, explores the devastating psychological effects of this trauma inflicted on a shocking number of children. ⬇️
Soul Murder
The tangled history of an important idea ⬇️
Psychological Murder: Death by Covert Abuse (Soul Murder) ⬇️
Soul Murder Via Spiritual Cannibalism: A Slow Death by The Machiavellian Exploitation of One’s Mind
Soul Murder is The Direct Result of Spiritual Cannibalism
Soul cannibalism results in soul murder and is a highly calculated, concealed, and methodical form of attempted murder where the essence of the victim’s being is literally devoured by the abuser as if the victim’s soul sustains their life force. They will continue to feed until there is nothing left but an empty shell of a former human being. The term “soul murder” was first coined by 19th century playwright Henrik Ibsen who defined it as, “the destruction of the love of life in another human being.” Soul murder was then brought into modern psychiatric dialog in 1991 by psychoanalyst Leonard Shengold in two books on the topic as primarily applied to childhood neglect and deprivation. Therein “soul murder” was given a name and legitimacy. ⬇️
The Soul, Free From Illness
Know thou that the soul of man is exalted above, and is independent of all infirmities of body or mind. That a sick person showeth signs of weakness is due to the hindrances that interpose themselves between his soul and his body, for the soul itself remaineth unaffected by any bodily ailments. Consider the light of the lamp. Though an external object may interfere with its radiance, the light itself continueth to shine with undiminished power. In like manner, every malady afflicting the body of man is an impediment that preventeth the soul from manifesting its inherent might and power. When it leaveth the body, however, it will evince such ascendancy, and reveal such influence as no force on earth can equal. Every pure, every refined and sanctified soul will be endowed with tremendous power, and shall rejoice with exceeding gladness. – Baha’u’llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha’u’llah, p. 174. ⬇️
Spiritual Illnesses
Illness attributed to supernatural forces may be due to soul loss, ancestral spirits, tame household spirits, wild forest spirits, malevolent spirits, or shaman spirits, but can also be attributed to magical interferences by humans in the form of curses. Illnesses caused by ancestral spirits are commonly a form of communication, as ancestors may be made unhappy by actions performed or not performed by humans.
These actions must be corrected by spiritual interventions or the illnesses may continue and result in death. Even tragic accidents and bad luck can be attributed to spirits.
Spiritual illnesses may occur when one or more souls separate from the physical body. Separation may occur in a number of ways. For example, a soul may be “frightened away,” abducted by a malevolent spirit, disturbed by an ancestral spirit, or simply become dissatisfied with the physical body and leave to become reincarnated.
The seriousness of the illness depends on the number of souls that are lost, the length of absence from the body, the distance of the soul from the body, the firmness of the spirit’s control over the soul and the exact circumstances surrounding soul loss. Traditional healers, including soul callers and shaman are called upon to treat spiritual illnesses, often after natural home remedies failed to correct the problem. ⬇️
Diseases of the Soul ⬇️
3 Causes of Spiritual Illness
According to anthropologist and shaman Hank Wesselman, it is not enough to suppress the effects of illness with medication. For true healing to occur, the causes of the illness must be addressed. ⬇️
10 Signs of Spiritual Illness (and How to Heal Them)
From a spiritual point of view, illness comes from an imbalance in our lives. It can often be a result of unhealthy beliefs we have picked up about the world, ourselves and other people. However, for true healing to occur, we cannot simply suppress the symptoms of illness with medication. Instead, we must look at the root cause of our spiritual illness.
  1. Fear and anxiety
  2. Resentment, anger, and blame
  3. Guilt, shame, and remorse
  4. Irritability and chronic negativity
  5. Addictive Behaviors
  6. Apathy and listlessness
  7. Physical Symptoms
  8. Emotional remoteness
  9. Melancholy and lack of joy
  10. Soul Loss
In many cultures, sickness is understood as a sign of soul loss. Soul loss can occur through a traumatic experience such as loss, abuse or war. However, soul loss can also be a result of a lack of self-acceptance and feelings of shame and worthlessness. We often try to hide the parts of ourselves that are not considered acceptable by our family or culture. This results in a splitting of the self.
To come back to wholeness, we need to learn to accept all parts of ourselves and give ourselves unconditional love. This doesn’t mean we don’t try to become better people, but this must come from a place of love rather than shame or fear. ⬇️
Soul Sickness: A Frequently Missed Diagnosis
“Soul sickness,” or demoralization, is characterized by feelings of hopelessness and helplessness and a perceived sense of incompetence. This condition typically involves vague, unexplained physical symptoms. Soul sickness can be efficiently diagnosed by asking patients a series of questions about their personal lives. Patients with this condition require a restoration of their morale and hope. Physicians can assist patients in regaining hope by encouraging them to focus on new, adaptive behaviors. As osteopathic physicians, we can use our skills in osteopathic manipulative treatment to manage the demoralization-related physical symptoms of patients.
Plutarch, Moralia p377 Whether the Affections of the Soul are Worse than Those of the Body ⬇️*.html
Reclaiming a Murdered Soul
Awakening “love of life” with the help a caring person.
The term Soul Murder was first coined by the playwright Henrik Ibsen. He defined it as, “the destruction of the love of life in another human being.” Long ago, psychoanalyst Leonard Shengold wrote a book called Soul Murder wherein arbitrary edicts or a chronic lack of empathy cause a child to lose vitality, confidence, and joy. Since his or her natural talents and feelings are not acknowledged or encouraged, identity becomes confused and existence feels painful. The child might be “brainwashed” into idealizing the authority figure while demeaning the self. This distorted reality can wreak havoc on their inner life and outer pursuits. “I can’t try for that because I am not good enough, smart enough…” ⬇️
Care of the Soul
The soul, the seat of our deepest emotions, can benefit greatly from the gifts of a vivid spiritual life, and suffer when it is deprived of them
Reclaiming the murdered soul
Reclaiming the murdered soul is a complex and multifaceted process that involves acknowledging the destruction of the love of life in another human being. This concept was first coined by playwright Henrik Ibsen, who defined it as “the destruction of the love of life in another human being.” Psychoanalyst Leonard Shengold also wrote about soul murder, describing it as the result of arbitrary edicts or a chronic lack of empathy that causes a child to lose vitality, confidence, and joy.
Causes of Soul Murder
Soul murder can be inflicted by various individuals, including parents, peers, siblings, teachers, and employers. It may involve chronic cutting comments or a few pointed stabs, leading to a child feeling “brainwashed” into idealizing the authority figure while demeaning the self. This can result in a loss of identity and a painful existence.
Consequences of Soul Murder
The consequences of soul murder can be severe, leading to a range of negative effects, including:
Loss of vitality and confidence Feeling of being “brainwashed” into idealizing the authority figure Demeaning of the self Confusion of identity Painful existence Reclaiming the Soul
Reclaiming the soul requires a therapeutic process that acknowledges the destruction of the love of life in another human being. This can involve:
Recognizing the impact of soul murder on one’s life Acknowledging the feelings of pain and loss Developing empathy and self-awareness Building a sense of identity and self-worth Cultivating a sense of purpose and meaning Examples of Reclaiming the Soul
There are many examples of people reclaiming their souls, including:
A child who was called “Weasel” by a teacher and later reclaimed their natural talents and feelings through a therapeutic process. A person who was forced to enroll in a different school and later found a sense of purpose and meaning through a therapeutic process. Conclusion
Reclaiming the murdered soul is a complex and multifaceted process that requires acknowledgment, empathy, and self-awareness. It is a journey that can lead to healing, growth, and transformation, and is essential for living a fulfilling and meaningful life.
Reclaiming Our Soul
I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being.
Reclaiming Our Indigenous Soul
Day to Day Devotions” speaks about this opportunity for engagement.
Imagine making of your life a prayer, A worship, a devotion. Imagine moving through the world in celebration casting alms by the sure presence of your faith in life.
Imagine waking and rising to be an invocation, a gifting in which what is most precious to you is invited into the world.
Imagine eating and bathing as sacramental, a communion with the sacred other, a remembrance of all our relations whereby our own self is given form.
Imagine breathing and walking, touching and holding to be the movements of your soul as it feels its way into your arms and legs, those “inlets of soul in our age” as Blake reminds us.
Imagine talking and listening as rituals of meeting where who you are is welcomed into the heart of another.
Imagine these day to day devotions as the purest chance you have of redemption. Imagine these simple gestures as God’s sweetest blessing. ⬇️
Soul Retrieval: Reclaiming Personal Power Through Shamanic Healing
It is our birthright to fully express our Souls. Life without meaning equals despair. It is time for all to collect back our lost pieces and remember why we were born into this world. Then, we are truly healed and can live our lives in harmony and help others do the same.”
– Sandra Ingerman, Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self ⬇️
Care of the Soul: Reclaim Your Spiritual Growth ⬇️
submitted by JulieG350Jgs to u/JulieG350Jgs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:01 Thanh-Eboxman How do businesses identify their target audience on social media platforms?

Several shared characteristics help brands categorize their audience. Here are some notable ones:
1. Demographics
This segment is based on the socio-economic data that describe a group of audience. This includes characteristics such as:
For example, if you sell luxury pet products, your target audience for social media marketing should have pet parents with high incomes.
2. Location
Targeting an audience by location is one of the quickest ways to reach your desired crowd on social media. Besides a country or a city, brands also target specific location factors such as school zones, college campuses, neighborhoods, etc.
3. Interest
You can also segment your target audience for social media marketing based on different interests and hobbies. This helps you curate meaningful and memorable social media messages that resonate with what they are passionate about.
4. Subculture
Targeting an audience based on subculture means that you are creating social media campaigns around a group’s shared experiences or love for a genre or cultural phenomenon. This includes a specific fandom of shows, musicians, etc.
submitted by Thanh-Eboxman to DropshipCentral [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:47 blame_autism is this the sort of old person i meet at the concert hall

To which civilization do we want to belong? The exclusion of many African-Americas has resulted into a subculture which offers an alternative to cultural symbols which are perceived as signifying white oppressors. When the white youth embraces this subculture and prefers it to classical music, it is simply mob influence and taking the easy route. Elevating the subculture to educational levels is an entirely political gesture and has nothing to do with music whatsoever…… it is legitimizing primitivism, and a gesture of identification with the right of not belonging to the West and its history, with the ‘liberation’ from the incentive to know about things that are better, to grow up to become a mature adult. There is an expression in such phenomenae of being tired of the notion of ‘civilization’, of controlling primitive instincts, and a deep longing for the primitive jungle of unthinking and unfeeling, as can also be noticed in the spreading fashion of setting tattoos, wearing piercings (sometimes through lips, noses and eye brows, and unprintable places): a longing for the animalistic existence without burdens, while in the same time pampered by the conveniences of modernity.
To talk about these utterly disgusting products as a serious art form, i.e. a form of expression which has something of artistic / aesthetic qualities, only reveals a complete lack of understanding what art is. There are two meanings of the term ‘culture’: 1) the artistic products of a civilization, representing the best this civilization is capable of; 2) the way people live, so: culture in a much wider sense. Only in this 2nd sense are these examples items of culture and what kind of culture? It is aggressive, nihilistic, celebrating the worst of what the human being is capable of: the underworld of subhuman life. And that the musicians make use of musical tropes, albeit of the most primitive kind, does not make it better.
submitted by blame_autism to ClassicalCopypasta [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:21 Proletlariet AAC 3 hypepost WIP


obligatory quirky introduction:

Hey there folks, it’s Tad. You may remember me from such threads as funny heavy, rhyme satan, and obama.
I really enjoyed the tournament format of the last AAC, so I'm back again with a similar split tier and a whole new set of maps to run this back.
For those of you who’ve never heard of these kinds of tournaments, here’s the rundown:
  • Competitors will submit teams of characters of their choosing and debate them against the submissions of others to determine who would win, using linked scans as evidence of their abilities.
  • Submitted combatants are balanced against a ‘tiersetter’ character, against whom they must have a plausibly non one-sided matchup and be able to feasibly lose against. The tiersetter is the “measuring stick” for the tournament’s power level.
  • Winners of each round of debates will be determined by majority vote by a panel of judges factoring in the strength of arguments made and evidence provided both in favour and against the victory of characters.
Here’s an example of one of these kinds of debates from a previous tourney.

A Primer For Newcomers:

Transitioning to strict evidence-based GDT format VS Debates has been tricky for new arrivals from informal battle boarding subcultures. In light of this, I've prepared a quick primer on the conventions you should expect entering this tournament.

How’s This Work?


Signups will begin 3 days after this was posted. They will last about 2 weeks before the signup thread will be locked and the brackets and first round of the tournament will be posted..
To sign up, comment on the signup thread with the two characters you intend to run, a brief justification of why they’re in tier vs the tiersetter characters, and a linked "respect thread" including links to all the scans/feats you intend to use in the debate. The Respectthreads forum has a large pre-existing list of these, but you may draw from any comprehensive equivalent or create one yourself. Vs Battles Wiki pages are not permissible substitutes.
Stipulations are alterations to a characters’ gear, powers, mindset, or sources used. The following are examples of reasonable stips:
  • The T-800, wielding a minigun.
  • Mace Windu, cannot use force-crush on opponents.
  • X-23, brainwashed and bloodlusted by Trigger 42.
  • Post-Crisis Batman, only feats from Year One.
Certain conditional stipulations are also permissible to allow a character's environmentally limited abilities to function:
  • Firelord Ozai, Sozin's Comet is in the sky
Stipulations CAN NOT alter a characters’ stats directly (IE “Nerf strength to tier”) or change them or their loadout in ways that is not reflective of them in their source media (no giving Batman a lightsaber, no arbitrary 'Morals Off' stips without canonical basis).



AAC will follow a debate tournament structure after similar tourneys hosted on /whowouldwin like Great Debate or Arena of Assholes.
Each round of debates will last 5 days, with a minimum of two responses within 48 hours to avoid disqualification and a maximum of three responses per competitor, plus optional closing summaries. Responses can be up to two maximum length reddit posts long, or 20k characters including spaces.
Arguments will be judged with special attention paid to the effective use of linked scans of feats, antifeats, character behaviour, etc. as evidence.

The Tier:


“Teleasshole” is a split tier consisting of two characters: the frenemy duo of Cable & Deadpool from Marvel Comics. Participants will submit one combatant to each tier character to form a two-person team.
This tier is designed for characters who can react to bullet to arrow-speed projectiles, bust sizable holes through concrete with exertion, and endure similar impacts.
More than that, this tier is designed for teams that synergize well together in creative, effective, and unpredictable ways.
The two tiers are deliberately asymmetrical, with Deadpool as the more dangerous and mobile melee combatant while Cable is slower and less durable, but offers ranged support and telepathic tracking to enhance Deadpool's effectiveness. This dynamic should be reflective in team composition, with mixed support and offence taken into account.
Characters will be considered for in-tierness both as a 1v1 against either Cable or Deadpool, and as part of a 2v2 team fight alongside their teammate.
[Here are some example picks with explanations of their abilities and matchups against the tiersetters.](tbd)

All debates this tournament will be 2v2 team fights.

The Arenas:

Seven arenas have been chosen for this tournament both to offer a diversity of environments and to encourage strategic thinking about positioning and ambush tactics. As a result, all of the maps are huge and teams spawn kilometres apart.
Picks who might do well in straightforward 1v1s like strong “brick” archetypes may not perform well on these maps without being paired with some form of support utility such as mobility to cross large distance and close on enemies, stealth or fight intelligence to execute ambushes, tracking/super-senses to detect opponents and counter-ambush, and other powers and skills that take advantage or mitigate the environment.
The Arenas Are:
Judge Tryouts:
TBD once I've gotten my practice round with Wolf finished to be judged.

Confused or have any questions? Leave a comment or join the official Character Rant Tournament Discord to write questions, complaints or suggestions for any facet of the tournament!

submitted by Proletlariet to u/Proletlariet [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:35 ar_david_hh What happened in Armenia on Friday, May 31? // TT News

12 minutes of Armenia coverage by Transcaucasian Telegraph. Follow for regular updates.

protesters led by Bagrat Galstanyan clashed with police while attempting to enter the Foreign Ministry building

The pro-Russian former regime continues to demand PM Pashinyan's resignation. Yesterday protest co-organizer Bagrat Galstanyan said he was preparing a "surprise" for the government.
On Friday, Galstanyan and a group of supporters clashed with the police after he gave FM Mirzoyan and other ministry officials "30 minutes to come down and talk" and said he would enter the building if they didn't come. Galstanyan said he wanted the crowd to enter the building, too, but the police was against it.
Galstanyan said that the police "would be responsible for any clash". He said he didn't care if the police brought 2,000 more officers because he was determined to enter the building. The crowd eventually clashed with the police. The officers pushed them back. Galstanyan threatened the police chief: "You will answer with your head." Galstanyan wasn't happy that the foreign ministry leadership refused to meet him. The police warned him not to incite the crowd. He blamed the police for the incident.
Galstanyan was rousing the crowd before the clash. He accused the police of hooliganism and using insults, and urged his supporters to treat the police "like they treat you". He held the loudspeaker at the police and gestured for his followers to shout at them. The situation began to intensify. Some officers began slamming their batons against their shields but the commander signaled them to stop, and they did.
Galstanyan instructed his followers not to back down: "Do not take a step back... Our patience has limits." Galstanyan kept accusing the police of inciting things while the police stood there without taking action. The police spokesman also brought a loudspeaker and accused Galstanyan of being an agitator and inciting the crowd.
7 police officers and several protesters were hospitalized after the clash. 28 protesters were arrested and are facing charges.
During the evening speech, Galstanyan said he doesn't regret today's events and urged his followers to take action and get arrested if necessary:
GALSTANYAN: If you do not get arrested today by this government, tomorrow you will have to answer for that. //
Hanun Republic party chief Arman Babajanyan, a former churchman, said that Church leader Garegin B will be responsible for future clashes incited by his "imprudent son" Bagrat.
BABAJANYAN: I hope FM Mirzoyan and others won't meet this clown and won't interact with him. This movement has become an entertainment for media outlets in Turkey and Azerbaijan. //
REPORTER: The number of protesters is small. Is the protest fading?
ARF MP GARNIK (co-organizer): It's not the protest that's fading, it's those people [Nikol]. We have many supporters in the state apparatus who will join us. //
Bagrat Galstanyan was nominated by the former regime as their candidate to replace PM Pashinyan. In response to observations that Galstanyan cannot be a PM because he must wait at least 4 years after ending his dual citizenship, Galstanyan's supporters say there are ways to bypass the restriction. For example, Serj-era Justice Minister Gevorg Danielyan claims there are no constitutional obstructions, while Galstanyan's supporter lawyer Arsen Babayan [Serj-era parliament official] suggests ignoring the Constitution altogether.
ARSEN BABAYAN: When the issue is to save the country, the Constitution and the law must be pushed to the background. This is very important. We cannot lose the country because of the law and the Constitution. Let's not forget that it's the people who decide how the Constitution should be. I want Galstanyan to be appointed as the PM and then amend the Constitution, not the other way around. //
RULING MP: The daily nonsense continues. In other words, Arsen Babayan admits that there is a legal obstruction but he wants that obstruction to be ignored and changed later.
REPORTER: ARF MP Garnik Danielyan says they have supporters in state agencies who are ready to join them when the time is right.
RULING MP: It doesn't matter what Danielyan says; he is just selling hope to his supporters.
REPORTER: Your administration failed to "clean up" the state agencies and carry out "lustration".
RULING MP: We promised after the 2018 revolution not to carry out a vendetta and to allow experts to stay in their positions. This is why so many employees with ties to former administrations continued to work and receive higher positions. It's another thing that they didn't understand and appreciate the opportunity to serve the state and not the government. Today the opposition is doing the [self-]lustration much better than we could have ever done.
Today the protest organizers are trying to bait the authorities to take certain actions against protesters so the organizers can present it as a valid reason to end the protests because they understand they have reached a dead end. The only thing they have accomplished is annoying the residents and obstructing their roads. //
The opposition doesn't have enough votes to initiate an impeachment process against Pashinyan, let alone succeed by securing a majority of votes. They are short of 1 vote to initiate the process. They are hoping to convince their former partyman Ishkhan Zakharyan to join the process but Zakharyan left their ranks a while ago to continue his service as an independent MP and doesn't seem to be eager to join the impeachment. On Friday Zakharyan was seen with Pashinyan's Chief of Staff Arayik Harutyunyan during the session of the Executive Committee of the Pan-Armenian Games. Zakharyan recently told protest leader Bagrat Galstanyan that he "doesn't reject" the impeachment process but there are no reports of him joining it either.
In other news. Bagrat Galstanyan's supporter Don Pipo, a criminal subculture figure wanted by Armenian authorities since 2022 for allegedly organizing a murder, is organizing groups of Russian-Armenians to travel to Armenia to join Galstanyan's protests.
In other news. The police announced the arrest of a protester who had a dispute and allegedly stabbed a fellow protester in the cheek and neck in the backyard of St. Anna church where Galstanyan regularly holds evening gatherings to announce the plan for the following day.
video, video, source, source, video, video, video, video, patgamavor mard end, video, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source,

Pashinyan spent Friday eating ice cream and attending the opening ceremony of a newly rebuilt amphitheater in Vedi

He distributed ice cream to kids.
video, video, full ceremony, source,

the Church owns hundreds of apartments that are not being taxed: ruling party MP

MP VARDANYAN: There needs to be a study to understand the volume so we can decide how to tax just as we tax other things under Armenia's law. //
The MP pulled out a phone with an Excel sheet reportedly displaying the list of properties owned by the Church and scrolled it for several pages to show it to the reporters.
MP VARDANYAN: There needs to be a study to understand how these properties are being used. The ones used for commercial purposes and manufacturing must pay taxes like everyone else does. This study is my personal initiative with a group of colleagues; it's not an official process yet.
REPORTER: When was this idea born?
MP VARDANYAN: We were discussing it some time ago and the conversation was revived after the recent public discourse about the Church and taxes. In the past, we discussed the import of raw paraffin under "charity" which was later re-categorized and today it's imported from EAEU. Perhaps all these discussions weren't interesting in the past while we were having it. Every citizen must pay taxes and no one should be above the law.

will the Church be taxed?

REPORTER: Various representatives of the ruling party have lately mentioned the need to tax the Church. Is there a process to tax it?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: No. I'm not aware of any process.
REPORTER: A ruling party MP said today that they are studying the issue. Do you know anything about it?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: I'm not aware of the details. We will provide taxation statistics if they request it. No requests have been made so far.
REPORTER: Is the Church paying taxes today?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: They have some employees engaged in commercial activities so they pay income tax from their paychecks. The law grants tax exemptions to the Church for the sale of certain ceremonial products, property tax, and various other exemptions.
REPORTER: Why were they granted those exemptions?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: For various reasons. If there are activities relating to religion it can have exemptions but it's necessary to understand what's religious and non-religious.
REPORTER: Why was the taxation brought up now?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: We've been discussing changes to the tax law with the Church for several years. We discussed the law on charity. We suggested that they make payments for imports of paraffin and tserezin. We offered to cover the full cost of import duties on those items but for some reason the Church refused. [Pashinyan said earlier that they offered the Church to improve its financial transparency by having them pay taxes and receive all of the paid taxes back.]
REPORTER: Why did the Church turn down the suggestion?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: I don't know the reason.
REPORTER: The MP said they are studying thousands of properties owned by the Church and that they might prepare a resolution.
CUSTOMS CHIEF: As I said, we are ready to cooperate by providing statistics if necessary.
REPORTER: What is your personal opinion on taxing the Church?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: Things with religious purposes should not be taxed but when you sell something and collect a profit, that's something we can discuss.
REPORTER: Can you bring an example?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: No problem when the Church receives a donation, but if the Church sells an item for profit, including candles, it should be taxed.
REPORTER: Have you already studied the volume of such sales?
REPORTER: Protest leader Galstanyan said businessman Hayk Shahnazaryan's business was investigated because of supporting him. Is this policy applied in the case of other businesses as well?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: You just presented misinformation as a fact. The individual you mentioned has been at the center of customs checks since 2023 and the same violation happened again so that was the reason for the latest action as well. There is always an attempt to manipulate the enforcement actions by distorting the timing of events. Today one of the MPs said that a supermarket belongs to a ranking police official and asked "why do you not investigate them?". I published the list of investigations against that supermarket, showing ֏10 million in fines imposed on them. These manipulations are common. Everything is a conspiracy, starting from the weather.
source, source, source,

IRS chief about the 2023 budget:

• State budget revenues rose by ֏296B ($764M) or 15.4%.
• In 2023 we studied 2022's VAT/profit/income tax gap and it was 3.06% of GDP, down by 0.5% YoY.
• Tax-to-GDP ratio was 23.9%, and if we include the mortgage loan return program, that's +0.84% YoY.
• We returned ֏363B ($937M) to taxpayers. That's up by ֏100B ($258M) from the previous year.
• We built the Margara customs checkpoint [with Turkey], the EU is helping rebuild and modernize the Meghri checkpoint [with Iran], the Gogavan [Georgia] checkpoint was renovated, and Bagratashen [Georgia] is being widened.
• After the digitization reforms in the preliminary customs declaration procedures, the time for certain import procedures was reduced from 2-3 days to 2-3 hours. Businesses save time and money.
• 82 educational events were organized for businesses to help them. Around 1,030 hours of classes were held for 1,665 taxpayers.
• A survey shows the satisfaction rate for each agency: tax agency 87%, customs agency 78%.
• Several new digital platforms for residents and non-residents.
• We have successfully passed an audit for informational security and received an international ISO certification.
• We continue to improve the 49 analytical methods and the 66 risk criterions. These allow us to identify red flags.
• 31,000 inspections were carried out with the use of red flag systems, for a sum of ֏52B ($134M). That's +43% YoY.
more stats,

anti-corruption: prosecutors seek ֏20B ($51M) from former Ecology Minister Vardan Ayvazyan as part of asset forfeiture case

This includes 3 real estate properties, 2 vehicles, money-kasha, company shares, etc.
source, source,

anti-corruption: prosecutors seek to seize 23 real estate properties, 9 vehicles, and other allegedly illegally obtained assets from the former head of State Revenue Service Vardan Harutyunyan

Includes millions of dollars and a London property.

other anti-corruption busts

source, source,

court acquits ex-President Serj Sargsyan on $1 million agricultural fuel embezzlement charges

Serj Sargsyan and co-defendants, including the owner of Flash fuel company, were accused of conspiring to embezzle fuel meant for farmers. The case was brought almost 5 years ago. Some of the key witnesses died of natural causes and COVID during the process, which lasted for so long that all the defendants qualified for release under the statute of limitations even if they were found guilty. The court returned a not-guilty verdict on Friday. Prosecutors will appeal it, which means the case will be heard by the recently-formed Anti-Corruption Court of Appeal.
source, source, source,

court instructs two media outlets to retract a defamatory statement against ruling party MP Hakob Arshakyan

It was regarding a story about the Engineering City in Yerevan. One of the outlets has already issued the retraction.

NGO chief Daniel Ioannesian threatens to sue protest co-organizer ARF MP Garnik Danielyan for "defamation"

IOANNESIAN: ԱԺ պատգամավոր Գառնիկ Դանիելյանը հայտարարեց, թե իբր ես անցել եմ իմ ընտանիքի անդամների «նկատմամբ» կատարված ինչ-որ քրեական գործով: Գառնիկ Դանիելյանը պատասխան է տալու դատական կարգով։ Ես երբեք որևէ քրեական գործով չեմ անցել։ Երբեք որևէ քրեական գործով (կամ հետաքննությամբ) անգամ չի քննարկվել իմ կողմից՝ ընտանիքիս անդամի դեմ կատարված որևէ արարք։ //
Ioannesian accused the MP of spreading the "same fake news" that Tsarukyan's BHK allegedly spread about him in 2018.
IOANNESIAN: At least BHK was using its army of online bots to spread it to avoid legal consequences.

Efes Insurance launches two health insurance products in Armenia

Cancer insurance and international health insurance. They are working with European companies.

over 40 foreign diplomats visited the disaster zone in northern Armenia to learn about the flood damage and restoration efforts

Armenian Interior Ministry has officially asked the European Union to active its civil protection mechanism in order to receive assistance from the UN office to strengthen expert capabilities for more accurate assessment of the consequences
You can sign up to volunteer for cleanup. Hundreds of students and professors have joined the efforts.
video, source, source,

short video from Alaverdi showing the damaged railway track


these are the main blockers of the AM-EU visa liberalization

• A comprehensive biometric passport system (on its way, procurement launched)
• A comprehensive medical insurance system (on its way in 2025)
• Certain border control procedures (on its way, possibly starting August)
• and other minor things

the government has purchased devices to measure the strength of radio signals coming from neighboring countries so it can refer violations to the international organization tasked with distributing radio frequencies

RULING MP ARSHAKYAN: Often while traveling in border regions or even Yerevan, the car's antenna picks up radio signals from neighboring countries. This is difficult to prevent since we don't have a giant concrete-metal wall on our borders. Since we didn't have professional devices with international standards to measure the signal strength, we couldn't contact the international union to ask them to require our neighbors to reduce the power of their towers located near Armenia. This is why the Rohde & Schwarz measuring radio-monitoring devices were acquired and I'm glad they are in Armenia now. Have you measured the signals and contacted the international body?
HIGH-TECH MINISTER Hayrapetyan: The issue requires multiple steps and owning the $1.3 million equipment alone won't solve the issue. The government decided to first understand where these signals are coming from and the clarity in Armenian frequencies. We are hiring more staff in Goris station. We have not yet launched the measuring process. We are still preparing the infrastructure and qualified staff. We are competing with the private sector to attract specialists.
A lot of the problems will be addressed after the digitization of radio. The Finance Ministry agrees to allocate additional resources for this digitization in 2025-2027. //

Armenian government resumes the broadcast of Russian television Channel One over public multiplex after the channel pays the outstanding ֏2.5M debt

That was quick. 'Channel One paid its debt in full the next day.'
source, source,

Armenian National Supercomputing Center names Armenia's new supercomputer after Charles Aznavour: VIDEO

• Supercomputer's location: Engineering City in Yerevan.
• Purpose: Research, calculations, cloud computing, machine learning, data analysis, AI, etc.
• 1 petaflops
• 10 to 15 operations per second
• 24,500 cores connected by high-speed channels
• Access to 1,500 terabytes of storage devices
• Armenia is the first among the Eastern Partnership countries where such a computer was installed
• It's a gift from Toulouse University. It was upgraded by investments from the Armenian government and World Bank.
• Made by global giant Atos.
• Nikola Aznavour: My father Charles was a big fan of technology. He began using computers in the 1980s to write lyrics and record the music.
• Ապրեք 👏
source, source, video,

Armenia will not take part in the Russian-led CSTO Defense Ministers Council meeting on Friday

The cold war continues between Armenia and Russia.

U.S. is sending military advisors to the defense ministry of Armenia to make them more compatible with U.S. forces and to move them away from the Russian model: Intelligence Online

The U.S. believes the government of Armenia is "keen to exit Moscow's orbit".
The effort, carried out by a private organization, will eventually pave the way to future procurement of their reformed armies
source, [source,](tass world/1796081)

foreign ministers of U.S. and Turkey discussed the opportunities to support peace and prosperity in Transcaucasus

No details.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:41 164cm Greek rap/trap scene

Hi! I hope this kind of post from outsiders is allowed, posting here because AskGreece is kinda empty.
I’m from Serbia and recently started really getting into Greek rap and trap music (tbh I just got really hyped about going there on vacation in August so I randomly started looking for music from your country), and I REALLY like it.
It def reminds me a lot of Serbian rap/trap (well we’re all Balkans so that’s no surprise), except I can barely understand any lyrics. I randomly came across Snik x Voyage (Serbian famous rapper) collab songs so the lyrics jumpscared me lmao
I mostly listened to Strat, Sidarta, Snik, Kidd, Dani Gambino and others.
So I wanna learn more about it from you:
What are some of the most popular rappers? Any controversial ones? (bc for example we have Desingerica, who makes good music imo but a bunch of people despise him lmao)
Is there a big difference between “old school” rap and “newer rap that kids listen to”? Btw I know this kind of music is not for everyone, no worries, I respect negative comments too haha
In Greece, do you have popular slang terms related to this subculture? Example, we have “gas” (means something like “drip” but not exactly), “gaser” (someone who listens almost exclusively to this kind of music and dresses like that, usually young), and when you’re really hyped about a good beat in a song you’d say “vozi” (“it drives”). I’d love to learn this kind of words in Greek.
Thank you!!
submitted by 164cm to greece [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:45 Ubud_bamboo_ninja Ancient Source of Philosophies. Three quality stages of development of social myth and agreement.

Ancient Source of Philosophies. Three quality stages of development of social myth and agreement.
(Long read)
Humanity historically had three level types of stories. In terms of storytelling, philosophy, law, and societal development, we can identify three main stages throughout the last 260,000 years of human history.
The earliest handprints foundin the Tibetan mountains, likely left with some ritual purpose by children, marked the beginning of the first stage of storytelling. The second stage began at the Mediterranean Sea around 2600 years ago, and the third stage is currently unfolding in the 2020s.
The old rules of the first stage were a list of acting behaviour simulations. The new rules of the second stage were created to give commands on how to create other smaller rules for yourself. Modern life brings this to a higher level third stage once again, with Large Language Models (LLMs). Now, let’s examine in detail what happened at the beginning and during each stage.
Stage 1: List of acting behaviour simulations.
There are two main sub-stages of this prehistoric stage. The first one started approximately 260,000 years ago during the Middle Paleolithic period as a following of ritual. Symbolic rituals were performed by wise people of the tribe, naturally occurring out of the "reptile brain" habits of early humans. Early hominids engaged in various types of dances, screams, and rituals, displaying a high complexity we can observe throughout nature. Fish, birds, and mammals have exhibited similar behaviors for millions of years, akin to building complex artistic architectural structures to impress mates and reproduce.
Thus, during the early stages of human story-making development 260k years ago, complex "animal nature" rituals evolved and became more interesting, deep. After the development of abstract thinking, planning, and imagination, a "magical" progression occurred. Human ancestors managed fire, simple tools, and art, beginning to draw on cave walls. While we may never know precisely why hominids started drawing pictures and symbols, the "theory of a stoned monkey" suggests that psychedelics found in mushrooms, growing on cattle manure, altered their consciousness and led to the "imagination" of symbolism as 2D and 3D art.
Personally, I see a powerful logic in this hypothesis. Altered states of consciousness often bring about new mainstream approaches to reality in modern culture. Salvador Dali, for example, prefigured Photoshop more than 50 years before its invention. He would take science books on biology and draw his layer over existing gravures, connecting the heads of animals to one imaginary body and other such depictions. Early mushroom-tripping shamans could have invented symbolic writing. The natural feeling of Pareidolia brought new versions of reality interpretation, followed by philosophical processing it. Turning a rock that “looks like a stone figure” into a real stone figure with some storytelling potential. Dramaturgical potential.
This symbolic 2D and 3D art, depicted in figures and paintings, constituted the first set of symbols that "newcomers" to rituals could follow. For instance, the "Mother," known as the Venus of Dolní Věstonice, dating back approximately 31,000 years, was likely a totem or toy type replicated many times and found by archaeologists. It held significant meaning, indicating the existence of a "subculture" or cult to produce such figures. Even if we don’t know what it was exactly.
New-borns and those joining the tribe could "read the signs" and discern the mood of the group. If the signs were ominous, suggesting human sacrifices, it reflected the gloomy worldview of the shamanic transmitters. They conveyed this narrative through "mysteries around the fire," focusing on certain aspects of life. So it’s about personal mood and narrative transmission to the group.
New candidates seeking membership in the tribe felt a sense of what to expect and what behaviours they were expected to follow when observing rituals performed by those in power. This "desk of ritual advertisements" from 31,000 years ago remains unchanged to this day.
Every major political power throughout history till now has required a deep core "legend" to justify its existence. Whether democratic or ecological, political parties should agree on fundamental issues like the circumstances under which killing is acceptable and what constitutes appropriate behavior in society. It's worth reminding my American readers that many communist countries, just 40 years ago, had laws automatically classifying any not legally employed “artist” as a "criminal." One could not simply be an artist or working for themself; they were officially labeled as "Tuniyadec," meaning "lazy and not working" in russian language. Thus, different cultures can bring about vastly different societal norms.
Symbolism in ritual dance or drawn pictures conveyed stories with morals on how to behave. These were the first "YouTube videos" of 260,000 years ago. Users watched the ritual performances and observed simulated stories that described desired behaviours dictated by tribal authorities, such as "be brave and crush your enemies" or "follow the great wisdom of our leader" or "always close the cave entrance so saber-toothed tigers couldn't enter at night."
However, this was only the first half of Stage 1: "List of acting behaviour simulations." The second part of this first stage occurred approximately 11,000 years ago. While the earliest precise evidence of complex texts dates back to around 7924 years ago in Mesopotamia. Wise individuals such as Babylonian Hammurabi, with his "Code of Hammurabi," and Egyptian Imhotep, with his famous "Sets of rules," penned down guidelines for the lives of all people. These wise men's rules were accepted and followed by those who identified with a particular tribe or nation. Following these rules, such as "Don’t bring a toaster to the shower," propelled humans forward in terms of quality story creation. Essentially, these were the first prompts for the cities of the Ubaid period. The "Gods" of that era didn't play a critical role in explaining the meaning of life; they were more like city mascots represented by powerful and wealthy groups of rulers. Temples and gods of that time married and destroyed each other, much like companies in today's open market.
Thus, the second sub-stage of basic story-making development took the form of sets of rules, providing simple prompts for small ancient LLMs on how to live successful and noble lives.
But true amazing progress came much later.
2 Stage. "Rules for creating personal rules"
The second "big shift" stage began after some ancient Greek philosophers such as Thales of Miletus (c. 624–c. 546 BCE), the possible "teachers" of Socrates, brought their wisdom to the Mediterranean straight out of Egypt and Babylon. This occurred "only" 2600 years ago, which is literally ten times closer to this date than the beginning of the first stage 260,000 years ago (see Graph 2026 is the year of AI rise).
What happened in this second stage? The symbolism of the early "set of rules" finally transformed into a "set of higher domain rules over direct rules – behavior commands." Early philosophers such as Thales of Miletus, Socrates, and Plato, who formed the first "7 Avengers blockbuster cast," introduced a new way of thinking and storytelling into the developed society of Athens. They distinguished between God, the personal inner feeling of "I" consciousness, and Nature, attempting to explain the rules that these entities used to form relationships between each other. Essentially, this describes "understanding the story of life better" and "creating a better personal story." Early Greek philosophers pondered the substances of which the world is made and got into the dangerous territory of not believing in Gods. Socrates, a 71-year-old man, was executed because 501 judges from Athens, where he had lived all his life and was a celebrity, confirmed that he stated there might be no Gods.
Predictably, this marked the rise of the first actual effective democracies. Why? Because the new type of government in the second stage was ruled by a set of more fundamental rules than just "follow this rule command." It was about morality, finding one's place in the Universe, and a spiritually-philosophical life context.
Notice how the earliest Bible texts of the Christian "Old Testament" were created around that time, such as the epic of Gilgamesh, but Christianity only became "mainstream" over 600 years after ancient Greece.
And this "Ten amendments" idea at the core of Christian philosophy for personal use was the best compression of all the past 260,000 years of examining different practical aspects of stories. Only the best "postulates" that truly drove civilization forward were compressed into this small file with 10 amendments. At the same time, there was a switch from the old 6, 12, 360 Ubaid period mathematical code of life to a modern style of 5, 10, 100.
Simultaneously, Christianity essentially "sells" the same ideas and philosophy of Socrates, packaged in a simplified form of old-style "set of rules" with some exceptions and variations. In terms of story creation or philosophy creation quality, we can say that the Bible and similar written works were a progressive merge of stages, albeit with a certain delay and a rediscovery of ideas known for 600 years.
It resembles the modern situation when a group of early fans knows about a music band, but the band needs to make something "more mainstream and easy to consume" for the general public to appreciate it and like their music. This is the weak point of the Cultural Colossus of all humanity. The majority of society and its average "IQ level and desires" tend to set trends, which are not always beneficial for society in the long run. However, throughout history, despite the efforts of many unintelligent individuals to sabotage progress, we see a trend of complex human behaviour towards development.
The new rules from Greek philosophers and the Bible didn't tell you exactly what to do; instead, they taught you how to figure out how to behave in different stories that could happen to you.
The development of complex morality, court systems, and social group representative systems led to a huge leap in culture, arts, and technology. This thinking was a system of shortcuts to bring direct wisdom to every human, like creating zip files for humans. Easier to upload into your head, and you'll unpack it later throughout your life. So, this was an improved version of the ancient 260,000-year-old chat GPT model. It aimed to create the modern "You."
Now, people had direct rules and a philosophical system to create direct rules for themselves.
The third big stage is happening now.
3 Stage. Artificial Intelligence.
I congratulate us all to be live witnesses of these events. I need to make a deeper explanation why AI is a messiah of a Third new stage of humanity's story-making behaviour. And it’s not so bizarre.
The thing is, our complex thoughts about anything happen to be fully computational, “soulless” products, constructs of us thinking using words.
There are no self-conscious thoughts without knowing words.
Using this developed sign language to exchange complex ideas, we lost the feeling of the domain source of our “conscious intelligent thinking miracle”.
Reverse-engineering of human language automatically decomposed the thinking processes too. Layers and layers of computational operations about what is the best word or thought to create in your head next after the previous one was executed, depending on the task that is set, is delicately repeated by LLMs. It is fascinating to see today’s progressing GPT chatbots. They seem to have all that it takes to be called intelligent. They could pass the Turing test, but still, we see they lack self-perception, motivation, emotions, feelings, and subconsciousness and sub-personalities system. I wrote “could pass Turing test” because actually we can’t understand 100% as for now if LLMs can really do what we planned it to do when creating the Turing test at the first place. In 2023 the new stage of human stories development quality happened when ChatGPT “broke the Turing test”. Which can sound as a clickbait article title but actually is a deep philosophical fact. Chat GPT was trained on data of Turing test. So it can pass Turing test and any other tests because GPT was trained to do that. So there is no way to “catch chat GPT by hand” when it acts non-human when following some tests because by teaching it how to pass that exact test we will return the illusion of it being intelligent and conscious. What is the last test for Chat GPT to pass to become a real boy? I think we will see when we get to that step it’s far from that as for now.
Why then they are so “human-like?” Because they follow all computational rules of creating the best story. About the past or the future. LLMs use obtained experience of humans and build any logical chain needed to empirically create the most relevant output for any prompt. In other words, they perfectly follow the story-making (dramaturgical) rules of our reality. Each story has a reason, the goal, and the characters that follow their way to the goal. And words in this world are needed to describe and create any complex story. That’s what AI is doing now.
The main law of fundamental dramaturgy is “the best story wins”.
So the prediction of the current stage of humanity's progress in story creating is joyful enough. The shift to “Self-Conscious AI” would be transparent and noticeable only looking backwards on all events. Sooner or later AI will take over the main thing it was made for: It will take over the story-creating process of humanity. Any story you need will be created with the help of AI because it will do a better story in every way. Like a story of what you need to do in your life or where to work, or a best story for your private movie franchise. Or a best story of why we need some exact science research program, or how to make a profitable business. When AI will provide a better reason for you to do anything, then you could think of yourself, we will truly feel the highest rise of Intelligence. And only this event will fully confirm that we are shifted to the third stage. Grab some popcorn, observe and don’t forget to take part in it! You or one of your pals might be the next AI powered Socrates.
For more computational dramaturgy and its thought experiments, check out the “Physics of Important Things” free download book.
submitted by Ubud_bamboo_ninja to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 13:13 YOU_TUBE_PERSON Do we have any original subcultures in fashion?

Let's talk homegrown female fashion in India. Do we have something that we didn't borrow from the internet?
The only prominent subculture we have is "desi". It pretty much translates to chikankari/kashidakari kurtas with jeans and heavy silver jewellery for casuals and in most other cases, it's poorly draped cheap sarees or the same old done to death lehengas that flatter like 2 body types tbh.
Another smaller subculture would be the hippie Bombay trooper look with haram pants and tank tops, but honestly even that's copied from the 70s boho/hippie era in the US.
I really can't think of any more.
In comparison, the US, for example, has had punk, rock, girly, goth, bohemian, country and so many more fashion styles. I fully understand WHY we in India don't have them, but now, in an age of expression, I wish we did something original (shoutout to Nancy Tyagi's saree look at the Cannes).
I'm sick of our influencers copy pasting western aesthetics and honestly most do a poor job at it. I just saw an Indian girl calling behaving as if Means Girls was iconic to her. Like no, Means Girls is only iconic in India because the internet told us so. It wasn't iconic in India when it was released. It really didn't represent or impact our realities in 2004. Can we stop with the hollow hype already?
Coming back to the topic tho, here's hoping we see Indian influencers creating original subcultures because we are so diverse and have so much to borrow from.
P.S.: dear influencers, you can iron/steam press your mom's old saree if you are re wearing it ffs.
submitted by YOU_TUBE_PERSON to TwoXIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:43 forex4all Review: Revealing the Truth About This Platform

Amidst the vast and continuously changing expanse of the internet, specific websites arise that challenge established norms and elicit both curiosity and confusion among users. is an example of such a mysterious entity; it has amassed considerable interest due to its cryptic nature and unorthodox approach to conducting business online. Through this all-encompassing article, we shall investigate in detail, examining its enigmatic attributes, the user experience it provides, and the possible ramifications of its existence.

Entrancement Into Ambiguity

Immediately upon visiting, it becomes apparent that this is no typical website. The "Xiaomisu7" name, when combined with the ".org" domain extension, evokes a sense of mystery and potentially alludes to a clandestine organization or entity. The lack of explicit descriptions or explanations on the website's landing page contributes to the enigmatic nature of the platform.
As curious visitors navigate through the site, they are greeted with a labyrinth of enigmatic content, cryptic messages, and unconventional design elements. The perplexing qualities of Xiaomisu7 are exacerbated by the lack of a conventional navigation structure and an intuitive user interface. Upon closer inspection, it becomes evident that this platform is not intended for light perusing, but rather for individuals inclined to undertake an expedition of investigation and revelation.

The Perplexing User Experience

The unorthodox user experience that offers is among its most notable features. While most websites prioritize usability and clarity, appears to take pleasure in its ambiguity. Individuals are tasked with deciphering a labyrinth comprised of obscure components, concealed indications, and perplexing exchanges.
Users are frequently required to piece together information and decipher concealed meanings due to the fragmented and non-linear presentation of the platform's content. By encouraging users to actively investigate the enigmatic elements contained within, this methodology fosters a feeling of total immersion and active involvement.
Notably, Xiaomisu7 augments the user experience through the incorporation of gamification elements and interactive features. The website is interspersed with cryptic puzzles, riddles, and challenges, which require users to decipher intricate problems in order to gain access to additional levels. The gamification element enhances the level of curiosity and maintains user involvement, as they endeavor to reveal the concealed rewards and secrets.

The Mysterious Social Group

A community has developed around Xiaomisu7, which is one of its most intriguing features. A devoted user community has formed, captivated by the platform's enigmatic characteristics and the possibility of enlightenment, notwithstanding its cryptic nature and absence of explicit clarifications.
Frequently labeled "seekers," these individuals actively participate on the platform by exchanging hypotheses, deciphering hints, and working together to solve the mysteries surrounding Active members of the seeking community congregate in online forums and discussion boards to share information, speculate, and exchange opinions regarding the true purpose of the platform.
The enigmatic community centered on Xiaomisu7 has spawned an independent subculture complete with its language, memes, and inside gags. The seekers have developed a sense of affinity and belonging as a result of the collective experience of deciphering the platform's enigmas; this has produced an unprecedented social dynamic in the digital domain.

The possible ramifications

The potential ramifications of's existence increase in tandem with the depth of its enigma. Concerns are raised regarding the privacy implications of digital interactions, the limits of traditional web design, and the essence of online operations due to the platform's unorthodox methodology.
There is speculation among certain individuals that Xiaomisu7 could serve as a proof-of-concept for an innovative online experience that emphasizes user engagement, exploration, and inquiry. Despite its cryptic nature, the platform's capacity to captivate and rally a devoted community of users demonstrates the strength of mystery and the human desire for discovery.
Alternative modes of communication and interaction are explored through the lens of Xiaomisu7, which is perceived by some as a social experiment investigating the dynamics of online communities. Despite the lack of explicit guidelines or structures, the platform effectively cultivates a sense of community and cooperation among its users, which poses a challenge to conventional understandings of online interaction.
Xiaomisu7 has initiated a discourse regarding the prospective trajectory of online experiences and the viability of unorthodox methodologies on digital platforms, notwithstanding its inherent intention. The potential revelations and advancements that may arise from this enigmatic entity are yet to be determined as the mystery persists.
Xiaomisu7 is an enigmatic and unorthodox entity that stands out amidst the immense expanse of the internet. An aura of mystique and intrigue continues to enthrall and confound due to its cryptic characteristics, enigmatic user experience, and devoted community of seekers.
An exploration of the functioning of Xiaomisu7 serves as a poignant reminder of the immense scale and intricacy of the digital domain. The presence of the platform disrupts our preconceived notions regarding the ideal website design and the manner in which online interactions ought to transpire. This prompts individuals to critically examine the limitations of established norms and investigate the potentialities that transcend the mundane.
Uncertain as to its precise intentions and ramifications, has undeniably captivated a great number of individuals and initiated a discourse concerning the essence of digital encounters. We can only speculate as the enigma surrounding further reveals its hidden truths and uncertainties.

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2024.05.28 07:17 PeterNippelstein Movies that go deep into a niche subculture

I'm looking for movies that focus almost exclusively on a particular subculture, with characters that are all extremely passionate about it, as well as having an accurate depiction of that lifestyle. Some of my favorite movies in this category are I'm No Longer Here, Lover's Rock, Hardcore Never Dies, and Climax. Bonus points if the movie has a banging soundtrack like the examples I listed.
submitted by PeterNippelstein to MovieSuggestions [link] [comments]