Games witch arnt blocked in school

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2024.06.09 11:28 Repulsive-Ad9684 AITA for calling two of my best friends cunts for getting together?

I'm (M 21) in a friend group of four people, ages 21-23: Ron, Harry and Ginny (all fake names of course). We met through a music education program, that prepares us for college. As a group, we were absolutely unseparable. We have gone on trips and together, we've had sleepovers, we spend most our evenings on discord gaming, and play music in a couple of bands together. We've grown so close that we really feel like we're just a bunch of bros that have known each other for several years, even though it only has been two.
It kinda started with Ron and Ginny hanging out a lot, maybe because of their mutual connection to lgbt (Ron attracted to men, Ginny not attracted to men). Then Harry and I came along, already having a pretty strong connection through music, with him being a guitarist and me being a bassist. At that time, Harry was still in a relationship with a different girl that we knew, but not that well. We rolled along with it, and supported everything, because it was an insanely healthy relationship.
Ron, Ginny and I were always relatively open about not having the best mental state at times (crippling depression, family issues and loneliness), and even that was taken into consideration in the interactions we had. Nobody felt like stepping on eggshells, that's the best part of it. We could still insult each other while gaming, and no one even thought of bringing any serious stuff up. Just a lot of healthy things going on. At some point when my mental state declined to a point where I just had to talk about it, I decided to sort my own thoughts and write them down. That resulted in a 10 page essay about every little thought I had at the time. Even the really dark ones. I sent it to my friends, and that then inspired Ron and Ginny to do the same. Ginny came back with a document detailing her personal struggles (a bit different, because it's not every thought she had), and Ron wrote 52 pages of pure, soul shattering backstory, that I still think about regularly.
After that, everything happened very quickly. We got into an exam period, where all of us had our plates stacked to the absolute max, with barely any room for personal issues. Coincidentally, that was the time where Harry broke up with his girlfriend. Something, none of us expected, suspected or even thought was a possibility. Harry was of course heartbroken and said he needed some time without a girlfriend now. And us others supported that, not only for his sake, but because that meant that we would have more of him for our gamings etc. That went on for a while, then came the actual exams, during which we practically clung to each other so we would have emotional support. Everything went fairly well, we all survived, and we used the days after to settle down and relax a bit. That was this week.
On Friday evening, the night before Ron and I were to play a gig, and Harry a separate one, I get a phonecall from a very upset Ron, telling me that Harry and Ginny got together. I was half asleep that that point, so my brain didn't register it properly. I hung up, and joined the discord call, where, indeed, Harry and Ginny were in Harry's flat together, talking to Ron over Ginny's phone. I didn't know what to say or do, so I just stared at them, my thoughts racing around the bizarre sight I saw. It didn't feel like two friends got together, where it was kinda obvious they liked each other. It felt to me like I saw two siblings getting into a relationship, and I didn't like it one bit. Ron didn't either, and had already started cussing at them for ruining the friendship. I left the call shortly after, because I just couldn't get my head around it, and it hurt to see them like that. I tried to get some sleep for my gig the next day, but it was impossible to sleep with my thoughts racing like that, and I ended up staying awake the entire night. The next day, mainly Ron and I talked about it via Messenger, but we did bring it up on Snapchat, where we were promptly met with Ginny sending pictures of her waking up on Harry's chest, and later playfighting, assuring us that our friendship wouldn't change because of it.
I called bullshit on that and said they were cunts, not only for ruining the friendship, but also for parading their happiness and relationship to two chronically lonely men. Ginny said we overreacted, and Ron and I went about our gig. Later that day we met on discord again, to play some games, where our emotions kinda started getting a hold of us. Ron kept calling Ginny an asshole, more than just the usual gaming banter, and it eventually got so much that she left the call, and Ron muted himself. Now it's the next day again, and after 11 hours of sleep, I feel terribleabout the whole situation, because I want to feel happy for them, but I don't, and only see a negative outcome in the end.
Harry and Ginny won't even be in the same school as Ron and I next year, with both of them being accepted into separate music colleges. Ron and I decided to become roommates, so there's already massive changes happening, and we don't feel we need an internal relationship making it even harder.
So what do you think? Should Ron and I just fuck off or do we have a point in criticising our friends?
submitted by Repulsive-Ad9684 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:24 Business_Storage5016 So it finally happened, I told his mom off

For a bit of background, I (21m) have been with my boyfriend (19m) for over a year now. He moved in with me last July, and we have been nothing but content with one another since. It started kind of slow, with us talking to each other December 2022, and our relationship went crazy from there. I love this man with my whole heart, and he loves me. But we are totally different, he is the sweetest, kindest guy who will try to do anything to appease anyone. I am the opposite (I'm not mean by any means, but I'm blunt). I don't sugarcoat anything, I am straight to the point, and I try not to beat around the bush. Since he has moved in with me, his mom has made snarky, harsh comments on my livelihood, my personality and who I am as a person. Lately, this has been getting much worse since his mom just met someone back in November and literally married her Friday. The first interaction I had with his mom was her calling at 3pm (at the time, my boyfriend was working night shift, not getting home til 4am), so naturally he chose to sleep in. I was woken up to her screaming and cussing him out on the phone for sleeping in... And this was a slight argument between her and me because she woke me up too, and she had no right to call her son screaming and cursing him out for sleeping in. Moving on to a month after that interaction, she started showing up out of nowhere (his family lives 2 hours away from us, so she was making an appoint to come up on his days off without notice to see him - wrecking any plans we had). Eventually, him and I got tired of it and when we confronted her about at least giving us a notice, she started threatening to kill herself... Fast-forward to January, my boyfriend and I went on a trip with my family to Florida. It was completely paid for by my grandmother and my aunt, and his mom had nothing good to say about it. She insisted that I'm spoiled rotten and I get everything I want (I don't, this was literally a treat). We went to Florida because my aunt and grandfather passed away just a little bit before and left her and my aunt everything they owned, so in remembrance of them - we took a trip which I invited my boyfriend. When we got back from our trip, I decided to take off from work since I have saved up a lot of money to pay my way through school to get my accounting degree.... And oh boy did his mom not like this.. Ever since I chose not to work to instead take on 5-6 classes, she has been nothing but nasty to me and about me. For the past few months she has said that I have been using her son for money, I'm a mooch, I'm lazy, I don't work worth of shit, I'm terrible, I'm abusive, etc. You name it, any insult under the sun she's said about me to him. I've tried to keep my cool about it, venting to him about how much his mom hates me and what she says isn't right. Did she forget he is living under my roof?! I door dash on the side for extra income, but I've said money since high school so I could go to college. It's always been my dream to focus on my education and studies and not worry about working a crappy dead end job.... I've told him to tell her numerous times that I don't use him for money, if anything he still owes me over a grand for me covering his expenses when he moved in with me! Last month, she and her new fiance decided to invite him, and only him, out to lunch. I ended up getting so upset over this because I wasn't invited to an event that should've included me, and I have been with my boyfriend much longer than she's even known this woman. I ended up asking her if she has a problem with me because I wasn't invited, and she just assumed I knew I was invited (I think she deliberately didn't invite me because she doesn't like me...) It's not just the lunch invite that says this, it's the fact she's only says negative things about me, she tells him I am abusive, if she contacts me it's because she wants something from me. God forbid she texts him wanting something, she's told her son that she would kill herself if he didn't send her money.... What kind of mother.... Anyways, onto yesterday. It got bad yesterday. I decided to try to call, and I was responded with voicemail. I wasn't mad at this point, her wife (they got married the day after I mentioned I am going to propose to my boyfriend, it's like she was trying to one up me?!) said to me that I need to work and focus on school, and I told her, "what I need to do is do what I want to do and what's best for me, not what you and his mom keep saying for me to do!" I ended up telling her if they don't fk finance or feed me than they need to stop trying to have a vote in my life because I have done nothing but support and help their son, and they have done nothing but talk crap about me... Oh this went so bad. After saying that (which, no I did not cuss her out. The only curse word I said was that saying of fk feed finance), she went ballistic. She started cursing me out, going off on me. I have never ever read so many curse words, but after she said they don't say "shit" about me this is when I got mad. After all the cursing and name calling she did, I said "say it with your fking chest." It ended up with her going off on me even more, and I told her wife to go fk herself, I don't have to put up with this. Blocked her. His mom started calling him, screaming and cursing at him that I cursed her wife out and that I'm abusive, he needs to break up with me and get out of this "toxic" relationship. I tried to call his mom once I cooled down, and I sent my boyfriend the messages because that isn't what happened whatsoever!! I texted his mom saying she needs to get her facts right, and if she's going to talk shit about me she needs to have something other than lies to stand behind. It didn't go over to well with her, and no I didn't curse her out either (because why would I? I have more self respect than to drop to their level of petty and hurtfulness!!) I have been trying so hard to be good to his mom, but I have absolutely had it with the bashing and name calling and everything else she has been putting me through.... Tonight, when he got off of work, we talked about what was happening. He agrees with me, and is going to be distancing her out of his life for a little bit... I told him that she is only hurting herself and her relationship with her son.... And that I have the final say in what she gets to be apart of, hell she won't be invited to our wedding if she doesn't apologize and make this right. And I have every right to exclude her from any events with her son because it's him and me, and she isn't going to treat me like a 2nd class citizen.... I don't know what's going to happen, but I have tried so hard to be sweet and kind to his mom. After a certain point, I can't take it anymore. I am just glad I had the texts of her and her wife cussing me out and calling me all those terrible names! And after all they told him I better apologize. This is such a mess, but if he loves me he'll stand by my side. And if he doesn't, I'll help him back his bags to go home. But I'm not going to be treated like garbage, and I shouldn't have to put up with the insults, the harassment, the petty comments, all the bs she has been dishing out at me this past year.... I'm done.
submitted by Business_Storage5016 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:24 Inevitable-Call-7915 AITAH for cutting off my mother and her dog that my partner and i are attached to?

im making this post on a throwaway account to avoid any family input or what have you. i want to start off by saying the dog i mention in this post has been close to me and my partner since my mother brought him home about 2 years ago and the reason for this is simply because we have been taking care of and raising him like he was ours since she got him because all she wanted him for was so that she could look cute with him on social media (where she basically lives digitally). about a year after she got him problems had arised in the household mainly because of me, i had just got back to her house after spending 2021 back in my hometown three hours from where we lived after she kicked me out of her house for questioning her on account of a current gf i had at the time (who did start the issue and waited until my mom kicked me out to come clean). it was fine with me i took that on the chin because at the end of the day i was wrong for coming at my mom for assuming she didnt like my partner bc she was white. fast forward a year later about early 2022. and we talk about our bond and she says i can come back and get myself together because she knew i was in a fucked up situation financially where i was staying. i come back to her house in 2022 and she had told me before i even came back that she just wanted me to focus on myself and not worry about her bills. i wasnt eager to go with this decision but it was smart considering i was basically starting from scratch with life in general. got a job not too long after i got back and met my current partner (we'll call her beck). beck is white while me and my family are black and trust me this information is important. beck comes into the picture and we hang out more and she starts coming over some days hanging out in my room and i went to her house twice because her mother kept the place in shitty conditions and basically tried to downplay her own daughter right in front of me both times. i could tell beck had issues with being home and she too was in the process of getting her life together without even saying any of this. so i knew being with me in my room at my moms house was her only escape. mom for random reasons started having issues with beck cleaning the house for her while she was at work or taking care of the dog in a way my mother didnt approve. then it graduated to beck "stealing" money from her but her never having the proof or the funds to back it up to begin with. my mothers partner at the time of like 8 or 9 years who we'll call randy was cool as hell but somehow never managed to avoid fighting with her verbally. this went on the whole time i was there and randy ended up leaving and they broke up. problem was randy left right around the time i started fumbling with my jobs and needing to look around. now i wanna say im no saint, i spent my time searching for jobs AND gaming bc im a gamer. problem was i was taking too long this time around and theres no excuse. she started turning the heat on me and my partner once randy left and i started getting fed up because she was now asking for rent money while belittling me and my partner for being "laid up in her house". again, fair point. so my next step was realizing whether i had a job or not this woman was a firestarter no matter what you had going on. getting up early morning to say little slick comments in the morning because she wanted to get a reaction. by this point me and my partner are looking for a new place to live while we figure things out. my mother catches wind of this and starts asking when we'll take the dog after we get the place. now me knowing that she wont take proper care of him, i agree to take him with us and her response is "well hes not going anywhere until i see the house that yall move to. i wanna see everything to make sure its good for my baby"(the dog). i immediately got pissed and told her its not going down like that and that she needs to start considering how she speaks to people mainly me because im not gonna keep dealng with it. she got offended and kicked me and my partner AND THE DOG out of the room mid convo bc she didnt like what i said. me and my partner go back to my room and close the door to which she comes out saying "disrespectful little motherfucker talking to your mother like that" super loud. i let that one get to me and i mistakenly opened my door and started arguing. out of nowhere she hits me with "n***a fuck you" "you wont have to worry about me or the dog because NOW you AINT seeing him how about that" i said "thats fine hes not a bargaining chip". she went back to her room and slammed the door. didnt speak to me for like a week. my birthday comes around after this long week and she working the day of. i didnt expect her to say shit bc i know my mother and shes that petty. what i didnt expect was for her to hop on social media and wish early happy birthdays to two family members that werent me. ok fine thats cool. she gets home that same day and asks my partner if sai(the dog) has been out. my partner says "no we couldnt take him because his leash and collar are in the room and you locked the door. she had been locking the door ever since she started blaming beck for stealing from her. so once she realized the dog hadnt been out because she locked the door, she tells beck to "ask him if he'll take him out" by this point ive been told im not shit and im not needed and the first thing u say to me on my birthday is "can you take him out" i said no. rage ensued as she slammed the bathroom door on her way out of it. this time she kept walking passed my door talking more shit. more of the usual "i gave you life and you treat me like this" i told her to get away from the door with the nonsense and she started a full argument and said we had to go tomorrow. tomorrow rolls around and we wait for her to go to work so we can leave in peace. she normally got home around 9pm but on this day here she comes strolling in at 2pm right in the middle of packing. paces in front of our door talking shit and this time beck responds saying "we're leaving you need to let us be". this woman then told my partner she was going to beat her ass. i immediately shut that down too because i never seen my mother get tough with anybody. and here she is getting tough with the one person who hates confrontation. after i told her she wasnt even that type of person she replies with i'll stab both of yall in yall sleep. said weird stuff like "thats right i forgot i cant throw pussy on you and call you sexy like her im just the mother you dont have to respect". beck calls me sexy every day. its our little corny but cute word between us. anyway after 30 more minutes of bullshit arguing we leave for becks moms house which fucking sucked until my brother offered me a job in California working with him and my dad. throughout the 5 or 6 months of me being there i was making good money and even tho my mom was fucked up to me, i sent her funds when i could. my father found out i was sending funds to my mom AND my sisters (his daughters with other women) and the fuckhead accused me of using him then when i told him save it for after work(we worked the same construction site) the motherfucker sat there next to me and argued with himself bc i started ignoring the "i feel like your playing with me" comments because i told him "im a grown ass man and we are at work. you are not to question me about shit because you wont get an answer you like. i help my family out because its my money. simple" he then grabbed my shirt yelling "who are you talking to" snatched his hand off and he gets in my face saying "DONT FUCKIN TOUCH ME" so i replied calm "dont touch me at all. thats the last free one your gonna get" dude looks around the lot at a crowd and says "you wanna fight or something? yall wouldnt be working here without me" i couldnt help but laugh in his face for trying to cause scene for an audience and went home. packed me and my partner up, came back to new york where im from. stayed with my mom for a month before me and my partner rushed and got into the place we have now. problem was now that we had our own space, my mom pushed sai off on us and dude practically lived with us. barely went forward to like 2 weeks ago. by this point we have our two cat boys cosmo and dexter. they are babies. 4months and some change to be exact. we tried introducing sai to the boys multiple times a day and he kept jumping at them or scaring them. the only option was to let sai sleep in the living room. we kept my mother in the loop with him because by law, hes "her dog". she started her little comments over text to beck immediately "if yall plan on mistreating my baby he dont have to be there" then told beck "im venting if you mention this to my son im gonna cuss you tf out" we let that one slide because now i was building my evidence so when i bugged tf out, i wasnt wrong. next day some old dude on our block got aggressive with beck for walking sai "on his block" she called me to come handle it and i get there and back him off. by this point im pissed. beck calls my mother to tell her sai gotta go home this week hes been with us since we got our place. mother catches a attitude and i again let it go. two days later beck has a goofy moment and brings sai in the room seconds after her, the boys and i just got up. dexter pops sai on the nose for getting too close. beck moves asai then scrunches dex to put him in time out. i got annoyed when she scrunched my furry boy. told her dont do that shit again even tho it supposedly doesn't hurt them, i dont like seeing it especially when it all happened because she was doing too much too early. she had a moment and told my mom he has to go "because your son is getting annoyed". mother responds "he can come today he'll be fine at home by himself. hes favoring those cats over his brother (sai). i immediately got pissed at both of them. called my mother and told her hes going home and hes not coming back because im tired of the comments of neglect when i actively tried to introduce him to the boys with no progress. i mean FUCK i kept the boys stuck in the room in their own home so your dog can fuck our living room and kitchen up. i then got on beck for being a firestarter to which she argued me on. then i told her the relationship was on the verge of being done because your not gonna be sitting around me starting shit. i didnt let up until she realized how petty she was being and how at risk we were because of it. my mother then argued me down telling me im dumb. and then she basically skipped over the fact she didnt reach out to her son to see what happened before coming at me in a side convo with beck. beck brought the convo to my attention which was wat initially set me off but i made sure to get on her ass instigating an issue where there was none. mom then called beck a white trash stealing dirty bitch. we told her to come get her dog. i cut contact soon as she left. a day later i find out she called the women on her side of the family and fabricated the whole story i didnt bother clearing it up or giving her that satisfaction of a response. then 2 days ago she called my phone and i let it ring. haven't spoken since. AITAH here? genuine question
submitted by Inevitable-Call-7915 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:24 Business_Storage5016 So it finally happened, I told his mom off

For a bit of background, I (21m) have been with my boyfriend (19m) for over a year now. He moved in with me last July, and we have been nothing but content with one another since. It started kind of slow, with us talking to each other December 2022, and our relationship went crazy from there. I love this man with my whole heart, and he loves me. But we are totally different, he is the sweetest, kindest guy who will try to do anything to appease anyone. I am the opposite (I'm not mean by any means, but I'm blunt). I don't sugarcoat anything, I am straight to the point, and I try not to beat around the bush. Since he has moved in with me, his mom has made snarky, harsh comments on my livelihood, my personality and who I am as a person. Lately, this has been getting much worse since his mom just met someone back in November and literally married her Friday. The first interaction I had with his mom was her calling at 3pm (at the time, my boyfriend was working night shift, not getting home til 4am), so naturally he chose to sleep in. I was woken up to her screaming and cussing him out on the phone for sleeping in... And this was a slight argument between her and me because she woke me up too, and she had no right to call her son screaming and cursing him out for sleeping in. Moving on to a month after that interaction, she started showing up out of nowhere (his family lives 2 hours away from us, so she was making an appoint to come up on his days off without notice to see him - wrecking any plans we had). Eventually, him and I got tired of it and when we confronted her about at least giving us a notice, she started threatening to kill herself... Fast-forward to January, my boyfriend and I went on a trip with my family to Florida. It was completely paid for by my grandmother and my aunt, and his mom had nothing good to say about it. She insisted that I'm spoiled rotten and I get everything I want (I don't, this was literally a treat). We went to Florida because my aunt and grandfather passed away just a little bit before and left her and my aunt everything they owned, so in remembrance of them - we took a trip which I invited my boyfriend. When we got back from our trip, I decided to take off from work since I have saved up a lot of money to pay my way through school to get my accounting degree.... And oh boy did his mom not like this.. Ever since I chose not to work to instead take on 5-6 classes, she has been nothing but nasty to me and about me. For the past few months she has said that I have been using her son for money, I'm a mooch, I'm lazy, I don't work worth of shit, I'm terrible, I'm abusive, etc. You name it, any insult under the sun she's said about me to him. I've tried to keep my cool about it, venting to him about how much his mom hates me and what she says isn't right. Did she forget he is living under my roof?! I door dash on the side for extra income, but I've said money since high school so I could go to college. It's always been my dream to focus on my education and studies and not worry about working a crappy dead end job.... I've told him to tell her numerous times that I don't use him for money, if anything he still owes me over a grand for me covering his expenses when he moved in with me! Last month, she and her new fiance decided to invite him, and only him, out to lunch. I ended up getting so upset over this because I wasn't invited to an event that should've included me, and I have been with my boyfriend much longer than she's even known this woman. I ended up asking her if she has a problem with me because I wasn't invited, and she just assumed I knew I was invited (I think she deliberately didn't invite me because she doesn't like me...) It's not just the lunch invite that says this, it's the fact she's only says negative things about me, she tells him I am abusive, if she contacts me it's because she wants something from me. God forbid she texts him wanting something, she's told her son that she would kill herself if he didn't send her money.... What kind of mother.... Anyways, onto yesterday. It got bad yesterday. I decided to try to call, and I was responded with voicemail. I wasn't mad at this point, her wife (they got married the day after I mentioned I am going to propose to my boyfriend, it's like she was trying to one up me?!) said to me that I need to work and focus on school, and I told her, "what I need to do is do what I want to do and what's best for me, not what you and his mom keep saying for me to do!" I ended up telling her if they don't fk finance or feed me than they need to stop trying to have a vote in my life because I have done nothing but support and help their son, and they have done nothing but talk crap about me... Oh this went so bad. After saying that (which, no I did not cuss her out. The only curse word I said was that saying of fk feed finance), she went ballistic. She started cursing me out, going off on me. I have never ever read so many curse words, but after she said they don't say "shit" about me this is when I got mad. After all the cursing and name calling she did, I said "say it with your fking chest." It ended up with her going off on me even more, and I told her wife to go fk herself, I don't have to put up with this. Blocked her. His mom started calling him, screaming and cursing at him that I cursed her wife out and that I'm abusive, he needs to break up with me and get out of this "toxic" relationship. I tried to call his mom once I cooled down, and I sent my boyfriend the messages because that isn't what happened whatsoever!! I texted his mom saying she needs to get her facts right, and if she's going to talk shit about me she needs to have something other than lies to stand behind. It didn't go over to well with her, and no I didn't curse her out either (because why would I? I have more self respect than to drop to their level of petty and hurtfulness!!) I have been trying so hard to be good to his mom, but I have absolutely had it with the bashing and name calling and everything else she has been putting me through.... Tonight, when he got off of work, we talked about what was happening. He agrees with me, and is going to be distancing her out of his life for a little bit... I told him that she is only hurting herself and her relationship with her son.... And that I have the final say in what she gets to be apart of, hell she won't be invited to our wedding if she doesn't apologize and make this right. And I have every right to exclude her from any events with her son because it's him and me, and she isn't going to treat me like a 2nd class citizen.... I don't know what's going to happen, but I have tried so hard to be sweet and kind to his mom. After a certain point, I can't take it anymore. I am just glad I had the texts of her and her wife cussing me out and calling me all those terrible names! And after all they told him I better apologize. This is such a mess, but if he loves me he'll stand by my side. And if he doesn't, I'll help him back his bags to go home. But I'm not going to be treated like garbage, and I shouldn't have to put up with the insults, the harassment, the petty comments, all the bs she has been dishing out at me this past year.... I'm done.
submitted by Business_Storage5016 to inlaws [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:20 Hydralo Some lore information on "Blue Eyes of the Heart" from Chapter 10 of the manga!
On Chapter 10 of the manga Kaiba steals Grandpa's Blue Eyes at school, replacing it with a counterfeit. Yugi caught wind of this and not to embarass him in front of everyone, he confronts him about it after school. Their altercation awakens Dark Yugi, who initiates a Shadow Game in which a card destroyed is also destroyed IRL. During his Shadow Game with Yugi Kaiba summons Grandpa's Blue Eyes White Dragon intending to attack Yugi's Summoned Skull and reduce Yugi's LP to 0, only for it to disintegrate. Yugi Summons it from the GY with Monster Reborn restoring it as a card and winning the Duel.
There is also an alt art of regular Blue Eyes based on the panel that Kaiba Summons it.
submitted by Hydralo to yugioh [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:12 indyarock M39 - My GF F35 threatens me all the time of self-harm. What should I do?

I'm divorced with 2 kids. It's been almost 3 years of my separation. I met this girl around 2 years back. It started with friendship and then we started liking each other. She is a bachelor, so her family is against this relationship. I discussed this with her and asked her to set a timeline and to make a decision, either agree with her family or come to me. I really need support and also I don't want my kids to suffer.
Whenever I asked her about timeline, she would reply saying go see options. Over period of time, I stopped asking for timeline. Since it was being tough on me, there were several times, when I asked her to make a decision or leave me. At that time, she would promise me, she'll come soon. But everytime, she have one or another reason to not come. We had set a timeline of 2023. Then each month by month, it's already half of 2024. I had to send 1 kid to boarding school and another to my hometown.
The problem is, whenever I say my problem, she will not let me say and ask me to leave her and start my life. When I say fine, she threatens me of self-harm. Apparently, she have already tried it couple of time. I tried to strike conversation and help her understand that self-harm isn't healthy thing. We can discuss and clarify and accordingly take next step.
She is honest , caring and loving, but due to her threats, I feel suffocated. She'll say all things in anger and later say, she didn't mean it. I have blocked her at least 50 times so far, and everytime I get call from another number that if I don't talk to her last time, she'll kill herself. Given all these, I'm also not sure if it can be healthy for my kids too. Her problem is, she don't want to betray her family, her family against this alliance so she has became indecisive and emotionally blackmailing me.
TLDR: In all fights, my GF (F35) always threatens me of self-harm and because of this, I'm not able to say my side, but just comply with her. I'm feeling suffocated. What should I do?
submitted by indyarock to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

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submitted by Strict-Can-9473 to smolder_strike3477192 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:10 myrunningman Running Man 708 The 3rd Futsal Running Cup

This is the official episode discussion post in addition to being an episode guide. As people will be discussing the corresponding episode - there will be SPOILERS in the thread.

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Tags: 런닝맨, korean, variety, tv, show, Apink, Block B
Here's the poll question: Rate episode 708: The 3rd Futsal Running Cup:
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2024.06.09 11:10 TheCocoDragon AITAH for not calling my ex girlfriend back

The back story is long but gives some context.
Back story: I (17 or 18, I have a late bday so it’s hard to remember how old ) was deep asleep while living with Mia at the time (we’ve been together for 2 years about the hit 3), and she went through my phone to take pictures as she normally did, but then she went through my text messages so Snapchat (very important) about found a week old text message from a bot (she didn’t know this at the time), and she took pictures of it on her phone along with screenshots she sent to herself, and just went back to sleep till the morning in witch I find her staring into my soul with her phone and the pictures she took last night, so I just take a second to looking for me glasses before I can even do that she ask me to explain the text I’m having with a another girl, me still waking up and having morning blindness and being heavily confused, I ask what she’s even talking about and I get hit with the “YOU KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!!” so me being me I go back to looking for my glasses while telling her to explain as I look for my glasses, and immediately get hit with “I don’t have to explain anything” and “your the one who should be explaining here” so I get even more confused (and when I get confused I have a hard time thinking) and just give up on looking for my glasses and ask for the phone to have a look, and I read over the text (which was under 50 words or so, there wasn’t much to look at other then the pictures) and start laughing at the text, witch she didn’t find funny at all but she pulls herself together and asks “what’s funny at this” and that when I notice that those where my text and that it wasn’t my phone on top of that she looking like she wanted to end me on the spot, so I just speaking with out thinking to much about why or how she got them, so I just tell her it’s just a bot and that it’s normal to get them once in a while (I would get about 3 to 4 a month cause I was extremely active on Snapchat), and she didn’t like that answer and told me to try again, so I just told her that it’s not what she thinks it is and that I’m not cheating or anything remotely close to that, but she wasn’t buying it, so I took out my phone and explained it to her by showing the other bots I have blocked (but since it’s Snapchat and text get deleted when someone’s block) and showing lot of of proof that I wasn’t cheating on her, she then go to asking about why I was asking for more pictures form the so called bot EVEN THOUGH I clearly didn’t send anything and that I wasn’t nice to said bot, and the last picture was of a night sky and the following text was just “more of that” witch in my head is me asking for more of the night sky, but to her is me asking for more nudes witch didn’t end well for me, but I did try my best to explain but she thought I was just lying (at the time I wasn’t good with words and could only explain myself though actions witch didn’t work out to well) and because I couldn’t explain myself properly I just asked for some time and left, but she broke up with me the next day after talking with her therapist, and the following month she moved far away and cut everyone off along with dropping off of all social media.
Story: (I was 19 and she was 6 months older) After my break up with my ex, after about 5-6 months we started talking again and the following 2-3 months we would get back together after she got drunk and lonely for about a week or less, and it would happen about 3-4 times but we both knew that it wasn’t a good idea by the end of the week (mostly cause I didn’t trust her after how things ended and she went about it), and on the final week we got together it was different and it was nice we talked about everything that happened and I got to properly explain myself, but one thing led to another and we started talking about our future together and baby stuff so we ended up passionately hugging, so when the week came to an end I went back home and started to get more serious about things, but like clockwork she called me at the same time like any other day and tells me we can’t see each other anymore and that it would be best if we don’t connect each other anymore, and when I asked her why she tells me that she been thinking about abortion but she had miscarriage so we can’t be together anymore, and the whole time I didn’t say a word, more like I couldn’t cause I was processing the whole situation and the information about the abortion, but before I could get my thoughts together she said bye and ended the call and that’s the last I heard of her since.
I’m 20 now and to this day I don’t know what caused all that and why I didn’t try and fix things with my ex, or if it’s too late to do so now, but what worries me most is the possibility of having a child out there that I was told doesn’t exist, and I constantly feel cheated out of a family and that I could have done more.
submitted by TheCocoDragon to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:09 SheepherderOk9241 RubyDung 3D 2006 (Minecraft)

Back before Minecraft Pre-Classic was released in May 2009, Markus Persson (Notch) worked on a game called RubyDung. It was essentially the precursor to Minecraft, with many of it's textures and elements coming from it. Anyways, here is the story.
I work for a renovation company in Stockholm, Sweden. A few weeks ago we got a call about renovating an old abandoned warehouse. So, we went to the warehouse, and we started to clean out everything. It had been a few hours, and I thought I was done, but it turned out, the place had a basement. I went down the stairs into the basement and it was covered and mold and old cans of soda. But most importantly, there was an old computer. It was a Windows XP. I decided to take it because nobody will care if I take an old computer lying in a basement of an abandoned warehouse.
We got done cleaning the warehouse, and it was time to go home for the night. I plugged in the Windows XP and to my shock, it still worked! God knows how long that thing had been in there. When it booted up, there was no password screen, just loaded straight to the home screen. That seemed a bit weird, but I carried on. I saw a file on the home screen that said, "RubyDung3D 2006-08-04". I was shocked. RubyDung? The lost precursor to Minecraft? On THIS computer?
I booted it up. And there was no title screen, it went straight to the game. I can't really describe what I saw that well, but I will try. It looked WAY different from regular Minecraft. First of all, the graphics were extremely bad, it looked like it was from the Nintendo 64/PSX. Also, the world wasn't composed of blocks. It was made of weird polygons. Also, the trees looked oddly realistic. I don't really know why.
The world was barren, no menus, no icons, no sound effects, no music, no animals or foliage. It looked like a liminal space. After walking around for a few minutes, I reached the end of the map, and when I fell off, the screen went black. White text popped up that said "THE PAIN IS ENDLESS. STOP IT." I was shocked. It then respawned me back into the world. I went to a tall mountain and jumped off. Then, in a voice that sounded like Microsoft Sam, it said, "DESTROY THE SIMULATOR. THE PAIN WON'T STOP."
I then exited out of the game and deleted the file. After I deleted it, the computer started smoking up. The computer proceeded to burst into flames. The Microsoft Sam voice started screaming so loud it pierced my ears. The computer then exploded. I was knocked back and hit my head on the kitchen counter. That was the last thing I remembered before I woke up in the hospital. I was in the Burn Intensive Care Unit. I had second degree burns on my hands and arms, and I had a concussion and a fractured skull.
I kept hearing voices in my head that said, "Thank you". What could this mean? After a few minutes, the voices. I got discharged from the hospital yesterday. I am mostly fine now. I still wonder about what happened with the whole RubyDung 3D incident. My theory is that Notch tried to implement some sort of interactive A.I system into the game, which, for 2006 is very impressive. I think when you took damage in the game, the A.I felt the pain for real.
So, if there is a moral to this story, don't fuck with A.I. And, for the love of God, don't make it sentient. It is a recipe for disaster...
submitted by SheepherderOk9241 to creepypasta [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:05 jerrikhowesagv My little boardgamer.

I've been playing boardgames with my son who is now 5 years old, since he was 3. It's not a daily activity. But a couple times week I try to make the time to sit down with him and connect over cardboard. Nearly every purchase I make is made with the consideration of "will this be something my kid might like to play someday"?
One of his favorite games, as of late, has been Quarriors. Although I don't personally love the game. I love playing it with him. It has fun colorful dice and monsters, which he enjoys. And I enjoy it gives him a chance to practice some basic reading, simple addition, and start understanding probabilities.
I work virtually from home and my son gets home from Kindergarten about an hour before I wrap my work day. He normally watches cartoons for a bit until I'm done. Like usual, yesterday after getting off the bus I sent him downstairs with a snack.
About 20 minutes before I was done working he comes up and asks if I'm done yet. I tell him no. 5 minutes later he returns, asking if I'm done. Then again a couple minutes after that. I have to admit, by then I was a bit frustrated with him. He knows he is supposed to not intrude, unless it's urgent, while I'm working still.
I close my computer at the end of the day and head downstairs to see what he's up to. Come to find he set up a game of Quarriors for us. And he's waiting to play with me. He sorted through the 130 dice to separate them all out, laid out the cards in nice neat rows, set up the score track, and gave us each our starting dice... almost all off of memory. This is the kid I need to remind thousands of times pick up his toys or to bring his gloves home from school. He couldn't remember one rule for set up, and he's just starting to learn to read, so he told me he had to find how many dice we got to start in the rulebook. Unlike me, who can just skim a rulebook and find the information in seconds, this means he had to work, work really hard, to find this information.
There he is, kneeling on the floor, had already taken his first turn, just waiting for me to play with him. I broke down and cried. I was so dismissive of him when he had come up earlier, and all he wanted was just to sit down with his dad and play a boardgame.
submitted by jerrikhowesagv to boardgames [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:57 b3rackzz I don't know what to do

I never thought I'd be typing this out, but honestly I can't keep shi to myself anymore. I didn't wanna post this on a different sub bc I aint suicidal or anything so half of the subs wouldn't take me srsly, I've done some bad things in my short years on this planet that I struggle to live w but I'm getting there, in truth I jus don't know what to do in life anymore, I'm turning 18 this month and I've already had enough experiences to fill a lifetime, I've lost 2 of my closest friends, was addicted to codeine, dropped out of school at 15 and tried college(I'm in the UK)but dropped out of that too, my ex who I've known since I was 12 blocked me without a word to get back w her abusive ex and tried returning to my life like it meant nothing and messed completely w my head, I'm responsible for a girl I cared about killing herself, I've pushed away people to the point where I have no one left and I jus don't know who I am anymore, no jobs will accept me due to me dropping out and having a record, I have no hope, no options. I can't keep friends irl bc I jus forget ab them and I've developed severe paranoia from the experiences in my life. I'm on a waiting list for therapy so I am gonna be getting help I jus didn't know where to turn rn. I'm gonna be getting a PC soon with some money I have saved and hopefully starting to stream an shi but if that doesn't go well I'm scared I'll jus give up, I wanna leave the life I'm living and the things I'm doing behind but honestly i feel like I don't have a lot of options, if u have read this far then thank u and if u wish to talk I'm more than willing to listen and share my experiences. Much love to anyone reading this and know that there is someone out there that appreciates u more than u realise.
submitted by b3rackzz to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:56 Business_Storage5016 So it finally happened, I told his mom off

For a bit of background, I (21m) have been with my boyfriend (19m) for over a year now. He moved in with me last July, and we have been nothing but content with one another since. It started kind of slow, with us talking to each other December 2022, and our relationship went crazy from there. I love this man with my whole heart, and he loves me. But we are totally different, he is the sweetest, kindest guy who will try to do anything to appease anyone. I am the opposite (I'm not mean by any means, but I'm blunt). I don't sugarcoat anything, I am straight to the point, and I try not to beat around the bush. Since he has moved in with me, his mom has made snarky, harsh comments on my livelihood, my personality and who I am as a person. Lately, this has been getting much worse since his mom just met someone back in November and literally married her Friday. The first interaction I had with his mom was her calling at 3pm (at the time, my boyfriend was working night shift, not getting home til 4am), so naturally he chose to sleep in. I was woken up to her screaming and cussing him out on the phone for sleeping in... And this was a slight argument between her and me because she woke me up too, and she had no right to call her son screaming and cursing him out for sleeping in. Moving on to a month after that interaction, she started showing up out of nowhere (his family lives 2 hours away from us, so she was making an appoint to come up on his days off without notice to see him - wrecking any plans we had). Eventually, him and I got tired of it and when we confronted her about at least giving us a notice, she started threatening to kill herself... Fast-forward to January, my boyfriend and I went on a trip with my family to Florida. It was completely paid for by my grandmother and my aunt, and his mom had nothing good to say about it. She insisted that I'm spoiled rotten and I get everything I want (I don't, this was literally a treat). We went to Florida because my aunt and grandfather passed away just a little bit before and left her and my aunt everything they owned, so in remembrance of them - we took a trip which I invited my boyfriend. When we got back from our trip, I decided to take off from work since I have saved up a lot of money to pay my way through school to get my accounting degree.... And oh boy did his mom not like this.. Ever since I chose not to work to instead take on 5-6 classes, she has been nothing but nasty to me and about me. For the past few months she has said that I have been using her son for money, I'm a mooch, I'm lazy, I don't work worth of shit, I'm terrible, I'm abusive, etc. You name it, any insult under the sun she's said about me to him. I've tried to keep my cool about it, venting to him about how much his mom hates me and what she says isn't right. Did she forget he is living under my roof?! I door dash on the side for extra income, but I've said money since high school so I could go to college. It's always been my dream to focus on my education and studies and not worry about working a crappy dead end job.... I've told him to tell her numerous times that I don't use him for money, if anything he still owes me over a grand for me covering his expenses when he moved in with me! Last month, she and her new fiance decided to invite him, and only him, out to lunch. I ended up getting so upset over this because I wasn't invited to an event that should've included me, and I have been with my boyfriend much longer than she's even known this woman. I ended up asking her if she has a problem with me because I wasn't invited, and she just assumed I knew I was invited (I think she deliberately didn't invite me because she doesn't like me...) It's not just the lunch invite that says this, it's the fact she's only says negative things about me, she tells him I am abusive, if she contacts me it's because she wants something from me. God forbid she texts him wanting something, she's told her son that she would kill herself if he didn't send her money.... What kind of mother.... Anyways, onto yesterday. It got bad yesterday. I decided to try to call, and I was responded with voicemail. I wasn't mad at this point, her wife (they got married the day after I mentioned I am going to propose to my boyfriend, it's like she was trying to one up me?!) said to me that I need to work and focus on school, and I told her, "what I need to do is do what I want to do and what's best for me, not what you and his mom keep saying for me to do!" I ended up telling her if they don't fk finance or feed me than they need to stop trying to have a vote in my life because I have done nothing but support and help their son, and they have done nothing but talk crap about me... Oh this went so bad. After saying that (which, no I did not cuss her out. The only curse word I said was that saying of fk feed finance), she went ballistic. She started cursing me out, going off on me. I have never ever read so many curse words, but after she said they don't say "shit" about me this is when I got mad. After all the cursing and name calling she did, I said "say it with your fking chest." It ended up with her going off on me even more, and I told her wife to go fk herself, I don't have to put up with this. Blocked her. His mom started calling him, screaming and cursing at him that I cursed her wife out and that I'm abusive, he needs to break up with me and get out of this "toxic" relationship. I tried to call his mom once I cooled down, and I sent my boyfriend the messages because that isn't what happened whatsoever!! I texted his mom saying she needs to get her facts right, and if she's going to talk shit about me she needs to have something other than lies to stand behind. It didn't go over to well with her, and no I didn't curse her out either (because why would I? I have more self respect than to drop to their level of petty and hurtfulness!!) I have been trying so hard to be good to his mom, but I have absolutely had it with the bashing and name calling and everything else she has been putting me through.... Tonight, when he got off of work, we talked about what was happening. He agrees with me, and is going to be distancing her out of his life for a little bit... I told him that she is only hurting herself and her relationship with her son.... And that I have the final say in what she gets to be apart of, hell she won't be invited to our wedding if she doesn't apologize and make this right. And I have every right to exclude her from any events with her son because it's him and me, and she isn't going to treat me like a 2nd class citizen.... I don't know what's going to happen, but I have tried so hard to be sweet and kind to his mom. After a certain point, I can't take it anymore. I am just glad I had the texts of her and her wife cussing me out and calling me all those terrible names! And after all they told him I better apologize. This is such a mess, but if he loves me he'll stand by my side. And if he doesn't, I'll help him back his bags to go home. But I'm not going to be treated like garbage, and I shouldn't have to put up with the insults, the harassment, the petty comments, all the bs she has been dishing out at me this past year.... I'm done.
submitted by Business_Storage5016 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:54 copik_1998 Real Madrid winner of UEFA Champions League

Real Madrid winner of UEFA Champions League
Final UEFA Champions League 2024 Real Madrid vs Borussia Dortmund (Wembley Stadium)
This game was important for both side especially for Dortmund after for a long time not win UCL since 1997 and last match for Marco Reus, meanwhile Real Madrid want to win for last match for Toni Kroos. In beginning of first half Dortmund was more dominant with attacking with fast counter attack and make Real Madrid a bit down at that time.
Karim Adeyemi, what a player that have loaded of chance but finishing was a bit lacking. At the same time, Füllkurg have a chance when he has one vs one with Cortouis but the ball hit the post to make it stand 0–0. Julian Brandt the one who make the attacking moves so smooth for Borussia but luck not at this side. As always if you dont use your chance that you get in this final, you will get consquences for that. Madrid at that just wait and defensively at the back(same tactical that been use in final 2022 Paris against Liverpool) until half time ended.
When second half start, many people can see that Real Madrid start all out for attack start from Nacho and goes to Bellingham, Vini and Rodrygoes. Füllkrug have score the goal from the header but unfortunately it was rules offside. For this game,we see them that play with good of style but actually the main highlight player is Carvajal. What a player who is being defend also have a good flow in attack, always helping Real Madrid when they need it. He score a header and the ball pass from Kobel to the net to make Real Madrid score 1–0.
And second goal came after Ian Maatsen make a mistake when he pass to Bellingham, Bellingham give a through ball to Vinicius and he shoot with confidently although there is Kobel and Hummel was there to block that goal. Final whistle blown and the game for Real Madrid win 2–0 against Borussia Dortmund. As always, Carlo Ancelotti, what a great manager who win this UCL trophy with great tactical although the pressure was on fire. Meanwhile for Edin Terdic, he also show why Dortmund was deserve to be in this final. One thing they need to do is they need to use the chance as good as they can to win this. That maybe give a big difficult for Real Madrid to win this game.
Lastly, shout out for Toni Kroos who would be last game in Madrid shirt, as a fan we want see him do well in Euro 2024 because after what he done for Real Madrid, it was a huge bless to have great player like him who a greater passer in all around midfielder, great visionary and good skiller. For Nacho(my beloved captain), i hope that you happy with your new club and do all the best like you do at Real Madrid. Be happy and stay tuned for Euro 2024.
submitted by copik_1998 to u/copik_1998 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:54 squarelolz Was my upbringing messed up / Am i saveable? - 22 m

A few conversations and an effort to be more self aware have recently made me rethink most of my past. I’ve had pretty muted thoughts on it, but now i’m starting to feel like it was realllllly damaging and i was way too sheltered to notice or care. Really would appreciate an outside perspective.
born in alberta canada (I guess this was the first mistake badum tss) Lived with my mom and two siblings while my dad worked and lived in nigeria to support us. we were very well off Never considered myself to be in a single parent household but by definition that’s kinda what it was. In hindsight my mother was grossly negligent despite being a stay at home, to me it was just fun to be allowed to be online/ playing games all day :P
The major issue of my life has been Selective Mutism, the triggering incident was when someone in kindergarten called me a slur and i didn’t know how to respond. From that moment til i graduated high school I never spoke a single word to someone my own age outside of my family/ adjacent. Looking back, any normal parent would’ve tried to do something about this. The most my mom would do was ask me if i made any friends at school a few times in 3rd grade. When my dad heard about it years later i got the craziest beating ever. Had someee friends from church and the neighborhood but most times my mother would tell me i’m not allowed to be friends with them due to “witchcraft” she’s schizophrenic.
In 2011, we visited dad in nigeria, my mother’s schizophrenia told her to say fuckit to the return tickets and have us begin a whole new life there without warning. This is messed up enough but what was more messed up was both my parents just acting like it wasn’t happening, without any explanation being given or like a shred of acknowledgement, all the kids could do was make jokes to each other n withdraw from life to pretend it wasn’t happening. Never knew if we’d go back to our old lives, shit was so freaky. I later learned that the trend in our enclave of society was to go to a western country for university so i figured id just do good in school so i could go back “home” with that method and start over. Otherwise, i had no motivation in life after that incident. It really was handled in a way where life felt so useless. Living with my dad was about the same as what i was used to, another negligent parent. Not much can really be said.
i never knew how to feel about my predicament, i spent all my free time distracting myself with Roblox and other games, and i would play in the loneliest ways i could find. Safe to say, high school was a blur. I also feel like i weaponized my mutism to affirm to myself that i wasn’t supposed to be living there? I just tried to do as little as i needed. I did make a few friends if you could call them that. I try to really examine that time but i find it really hard to grasp. You kinda look forward to your teenage years as a child, a lot is supposed to happen. Not much happened. After i graduated in 2020, i went to a nice university in ontario for one year (online classes era) before taking a gap year to figure things out. Ended up pivoting to doing Roblox full time. Honestly i looked forward to university a lot cause i felt like i knew it would help my social skills. I just had no motivation education wise, i simply had never seriously thought that far ahead. Honestly the only life plan i had since 2nd grade was to be gone by 20.
I found a lot of success in 2022 now living alone in toronto, so since 2021 i genuinely haven’t been in, like any real life social situations. I mastered isolation long ago and never figured that my financial freedom meant i could go outside and mingle and enjoy things. I don’t really know how to, i’ve never ever done that whatsoever. I definitely tried man. but looking back at 2022 the shell shock was still so real. I’m addicted to watching Twitch for social stimulation. One time i donated 50 subs i knew i had gone too deep bruh i signed up for therapy so quick… I only donated 6 today
Today I went to an amusement park. I’ve been trying to think of myself more as a normal person, but the more i observe people the more pain, regret i feel as i see countless normal interactions present such a stark contrast to the type of life i’ve lived. I just want to integrate into society, but i feel so alien. Looking at other people, i feel like i was failed by my parents and robbed of agency, purpose, confidence and the ability to enjoy life beyond music and a few other escapes. Going outside always feels like i got a gun to my head, idk how to describe it. people are so scary to me
Had two more siblings after 2011, their development is going pretty shit to be frank. My parents are like ghosts, they don’t do shit. you can barely get their rich ass to buy clothes for their growing kids. Living with them it was hard to notice, but i’m really starting to think about what the average parental relationship is, and holy crap my shit is so heartbreaking. I’m worried if those kids will also fail to assimilate into society. They have like 0 experience going outside bruh. Won’t speak for my other siblings situations but i’m basically doing the best, and i’m still doing crap
I’m committed to undoing the damage inflicted on me, been in therapy for more than a year. But to help my family, it’s a big burden on me, sometimes i just wanna leave them behind so i can have my own shit in peace man. Nowadays I try to push my parents to do more but they are just so lethargic
What’s really been pissing me off lately is my mother’s demands to be treated like a normal loving parent? Am i tripping or do i have the right to like, cut her out completely? A lot happened i don’t really need to go into here
submitted by squarelolz to self [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:53 Internal-Key4180 Conflict in my town?

Conflict in my town?
Hi there, I’m pretty new to township, as a kid I used to play a ton of hayday so playing township is healing my inner child (and the graphics are way better).
I’ve noticed a series of bike accidents happening in my town and I’m not sure how to stop them. At least once every day there will be a bike accident that blocks my little roads and the police have to intervene.
I’m wondering if this will be fixed by creating more roads or if this is just a part of the game.
For context I’m lvl 19
submitted by Internal-Key4180 to TownshipGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:52 Count-Daring243 Best Floating Record Players

Best Floating Record Players
Discover the latest innovative designs in the world of vinyl records with our Floating Record Players roundup. These cutting-edge turntables elevate your listening experience with their mesmerizing floating records, bringing together old school charm and modern technology. Our collection features the best options on the market, helping you choose the perfect floating record player for your home or office. Dive into our top picks and embark on a journey of sound that transcends time.

The Top 18 Best Floating Record Players

  1. 3-in-1 Jensen Turntable CD Radio, Cassette and AM/FM Stereo Speakers - The Jensen JTA-475 3-Speed Turntable CD Radio, Cassette and AM/FM Stereo offers versatile music playback with excellent sound quality, portability, and ease of use. However, some users may experience minor build quality concerns.
  2. Modern Vinyl Record Player Stand with Bluetooth - Experience the perfect blend of retro design and modern features with the Victrola Liberty Bluetooth Record Player Stand, a 3-speed turntable that lets you stream your music wirelessly or play vinyl with ease, all in a stylish Espresso finish.
  3. Audio Technica Fully Automatic Vinyl Record Turntable - The Audio-Technica AT-LP60X-GM Fully Automatic 2-Speed Belt-Drive Turntable provides a nostalgic vinyl listening experience with its automatic features, stereo sound, and high-quality components, making it an attractive addition to any home audio setup.
  4. Pro-Ject's Dark Side of The Moon Special Edition Turntable - The Pro-Ject Artist Series Dark Side of the Moon turntable is a meticulously crafted piece of audiophile equipment, blending iconic album design with top-tier components, creating a stunning visual and sonic experience that transcends time.
  5. Victrola Retro 3-Speed Record Player - The Victrola 3-in-1 Bluetooth Record Player, boasting built-in speakers, delivers high-quality vinyl sound plus the convenience of Bluetooth connectivity, USB recording, and an adaptable, compact design.
  6. Crosley Cruiser Plus Bluetooth Suitcase Turntable in Tourmaline - Crosley Cruiser Plus Turntable - A compact, stylish, and portable 3-speed record player with built-in Bluetooth, adjustable pitch control, and full-range stereo speakers for enhancing your vinyl and digital music listening experience.
  7. Bluetooth Vinyl Turntable with 40W Stereo Speakers - The Arkrocket Cassini Vinyl Turntable offers a perfect blend of vintage charm and modern technology, featuring Bluetooth connectivity, sleek walnut finish, and 40Watt bookshelf speakers for a powerful, immersive listening experience.
  8. Sony Automatic Bluetooth Record Player - Experience the timeless vinyl sound with the Sony PS-LX310BT, a sleek and portable record player featuring automatic playback, Bluetooth connectivity, and a quality build for immersive listening experiences anywhere in your home.
  9. Fuse Vertical Vinyl Record Player with Bluetooth and FM Radio - The Fuse VERT Vertical Vinyl Record Player with an Audio Technica cartridge, Bluetooth, and FM radio offers exceptional sound quality, sleek design, and versatile functionality for an unbeatable vinyl listening experience.
  10. Stylish Modern Sleeper Chair with Linen Fabric - The Victrola Stream Onyx is a sophisticated turntable verified by the Works with Sonos program, providing rich, vivid sound and seamless integration with your Sonos system for an unparalleled listening experience.
  11. Crosley Coda Modern Vinyl Record Player - Black - The Crosley Coda Shelf System - Black is a vintage-inspired, high-performance turntable with a 3-speed belt-driven system, Bluetooth receiver, and fully manual tone arm, perfect for enjoying both vinyl and digital music in a stylish and compact package.
  12. Victrola Acrylic Bluetooth Turntable - 40W, 12-Hour Battery Life, Wireless Streaming, 2-Speed Turntable (33 1/3 and 45 RPM), Metal Tone Arm, Built-In Rechargeable Battery - Experience the perfect balance of classic vinyl sound and modern technology with Victrola's sleek, acrylic Bluetooth turntable, featuring True wireless floating speakers and up to 12 hours of playtime.
  13. Aiho Modern Single Sleeper Chair with Linen Fabric - Pro-Ject's VT-E BT Black Vertical Turntable combines sleek design, easy setup, and Bluetooth connectivity for a premium audiophile experience.
  14. Stylish Turntable & Speakers Package - T1 Phono SB, A2+ White - Experience immersive audio with the Pro-Ject T1 Phono SB turntable and Audioengine A2+ speakers, expertly crafted for premium sound and design, seamless connectivity, and easy setup.
  15. Stylish Floating Vinyl Turntable and Sonos Five Speaker Package - Experience the perfect combination of high-quality vinyl and immersive streaming with Pro-Ject: T1 Phono SB Turntable and Sonos Five - the ultimate high-definition audio package.
  16. Crosley T160 Record Player with Bluetooth & Floating Design - The Crosley T160 Shelf System - Grey offers a stunning balance of style, functionality, and performance, providing a captivating vinyl listening experience with its sleek design, built-in Bluetooth, adjustable pitch control, and crisp sound quality.
  17. The stylish and modern JBL Spinner Bluetooth Turntable with a high-quality moving magnet cartridge pre-installed. A stunning vinyl record player that brings you closer to your music while offering the convenience of Bluetooth connectivity. - The JBL Spinner Bluetooth Turntable - Black/Orange offers 5-star sound quality with its Bluetooth capability and high-quality components, creating an intimate listening experience with your favorite vinyl records.
  18. Pro-Ject T1 Phono Permanent Magnetic Tonearm Wireless Bluetooth Enabled Record Player - White - Experience premium audio with the Pro-Ject T1 Phono SB Turntable, featuring a dense, plastic-free plinth, belt drive design, and vibration-absorbing feet for optimal performance.
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🔗3-in-1 Jensen Turntable CD Radio, Cassette and AM/FM Stereo Speakers
I recently got the Jensen 3-speed turntable CD radio, cassette, and AM/FM set and I can't express how happy I am with my purchase. I remember using my dad's old turntable and the nostalgia it brings back is just priceless. This one is a modern twist to the classic turntable - it plays not only vinyl records but also CDs and cassettes. Plus, it has an AM/FM tuner so I can listen to my favorite radio stations.
What I love about this product is that it is versatile. The turntable allows me to play 3-speed records, which gives me a variety of options. The CD player accepts both regular and rewriteable discs, while the cassette deck, although it looks a bit fragile, still works perfectly fine. This device also comes with features such as repeat of songs and tracks, skip/search forward and backward and random play.
The blue back-lit LCD display and programmable memory adds a nice touch to the whole setup. It's super user-friendly; even my grandma could figure it out! And let's not forget about the stereo headphone jack, perfect for those late-night listening sessions without disturbing anyone.
However, one downside I noticed is that the build quality isn't top-notch. It feels a bit plasticky and might not hold up over time. Another thing is that the speakers lack bass. But hey, considering how affordable this product is, these are minor quibbles.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a nostalgic music player that combines old school charm with modern convenience, the Jensen 3-speed turntable CD radio, cassette, and AM/FM set is definitely worth checking out. Just remember to handle it with care due to its somewhat delicate build.

🔗Modern Vinyl Record Player Stand with Bluetooth
First of all, let me tell you about my experience with this Victrola Liberty Bluetooth Record Player. The moment I set my eyes on it, I was thrilled. Its retro design, available in on-trend colors, instantly captured my fascination. The built-in features like the CD player, FM radio, and USB player made it a versatile piece of entertainment. Plus, the ability to record from vinyl directly to USB without using a computer was intriguing.
The unit stands tall with four long legs and four short rubber feet. This unique design not only adds to its charm but also provides two different decorative options. The dimensions are just right - measuring 17.10 x 15.70 x 11-in and weighing 14.68 lbs. It's easy to move around and fits perfectly into any space.
While the sound quality is commendable, filling the room with a rich, full tone, the construction could use some improvement. The turntable feels a bit flimsy, especially the auto-stop button that sometimes fails to work. Also, there's a little wobbling when a record is on, but not enough to cause any skipping.
In terms of usability, setting up this record player is a breeze. Even someone who's new to vinyl could get it up and running in no time. The included instructions are concise and clear.
However, I did encounter a few issues with the build. First, it seems like there hasn't been much care about handling during shipping. The packaging was good, but it's not enough to prevent some minor damages. Second, I wish the legs could be secured better to ensure they don't pop out from under the record player.
Overall, despite its drawbacks, I believe the Victrola Liberty Bluetooth Record Player does offer a blend of vintage charm and modern convenience. It performs well, especially for its price point, and it's a nice addition to any room's décor. If you're looking for a stylish and functional record player that won't break the bank, I'd recommend giving this one a try.

🔗Audio Technica Fully Automatic Vinyl Record Turntable
Discover the joy of vinyl with the Audio Technica AT-LP60X-GM automatic turntable. I've been using this product for a while now and it's been a game-changer. The fully automatic belt-drive operation with two speeds, 33-1/3 and 45 RPM, ensures smooth playback of your favorite vinyl records.
One of the standout features of this turntable is its anti-resonance, die-cast aluminum platter. This not only adds to the aesthetics but also significantly reduces vibrations and noise during playback, enhancing the overall listening experience. The redesigned tonearm base and headshell have also made a noticeable difference in improved tracking and reduced resonance.
The integral Dual Magnet phono cartridge with a replaceable diamond stylus (ATN3600L) provides rich audio quality, promising hours of listening pleasure. The AC adapter manages AC/DC conversion outside of the chassis, effectively reducing noise in the signal chain.
What I particularly love about this turntable is its portability and compact design. It's easy to move around and fits seamlessly into any room setting. However, the hinged detachable dust cover could be a bit sturdier to better protect my vinyl records.
In terms of performance, this turntable performs exceptionally well, especially given its attractive price point. While it may not impress the audiophiles, it's a perfect introductory turntable for vinyl enthusiasts or anyone looking to explore the world of vinyl.
So, if you're in search of a reliable, easy-to-use turntable that won't break the bank, I highly recommend the Audio Technica AT-LP60X-GM automatic turntable. You won't be disappointed!

🔗Pro-Ject's Dark Side of The Moon Special Edition Turntable
I've been using Pro-Ject's The Dark Side of The Moon Special Edition Turntable for a couple of months now, and I must say it's truly an audiophile's dream. The first thing that caught my attention was its striking design, which pays homage to Pink Floyd's iconic album cover. That, combined with the high-quality materials, makes it a standout piece in any home.
The sound quality is simply phenomenal. The flat silicon belt connecting to the AC motor ensures stable speeds, while the low-resonance tonearm in black aluminum and acrylic creates a captivating visual appeal. I love how the included Pick it PRO Special Edition delivers the rich sound expected from a Dark Side Of The Moon turntable, which is enhanced by the dimmable LED rainbow backlight.
However, there have been some hiccups along the way. One issue was the subpar power supply provided, which caused a buzzing noise in the speakers. I had to purchase an additional alim with a terrestrial to resolve this problem, adding extra expense to an already hefty price tag.
Another minor inconvenience was the non-included prism element from the video promotional material, an optional accessory that costs another 100€. It wasn't mentioned in the initial purchase, which caught me off guard.
Additionally, the support for the arm and the RGB backlight needed to be hand-tightened due to their lack of stability, but this wasn't a major setback.
In summary, if you're a music enthusiast who's ready to delve into the world of vinyl, Pro-Ject's The Dark Side of The Moon Special Edition Turntable may just be the perfect addition to your collection. Its exceptional sound quality and striking design make it worthy of a high-end turntable. Just be prepared for a few extra expenses along the way.

🔗Victrola Retro 3-Speed Record Player
I recently got my hands on the Victrola 3-in-1 Bluetooth Record Player with Built-in Speakers, and it's been quite a nostalgic journey for me. This record player is a perfect blend of old-school charm and modern convenience. The three-speed turntable (33 1/3, 45, 78 RPM) plays all my favorite vinyls, transporting me back to the days when music was a tangible experience.
One feature that really stands out is the ability to record your favorite music directly to a USB, no computer needed. It's like having a personalized mixtape from the past. Plus, its Bluetooth compatibility lets me stream music wirelessly from my smart device, making it versatile for both old and new tunes.
However, there are some downsides too. The build quality feels a bit flimsy, and the tone arm can be quite slow to lower, which might annoy some users. Additionally, the sound quality isn't top-notch compared to higher-end models, but considering the price point, it's quite reasonable.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a budget-friendly record player with a touch of vintage charm, the Victrola 3-in-1 Bluetooth Record Player might be worth considering. But if you demand impeccable sound and robust build quality, you might want to explore other options.

🔗Crosley Cruiser Plus Bluetooth Suitcase Turntable in Tourmaline
Once a vinyl enthusiast, always a vinyl enthusiast. That's my motto ever since I got my hands on the Crosley Cruiser Plus Turntable - Tourmaline. It just blends old school music with modern technology seamlessly. When I first unboxed it, I was instantly charmed by its charming suitcase-style shell. It gave off a vintage vibe that I absolutely loved. Plus, the built-in Bluetooth receiver and stereo speakers took the convenience factor up a notch.
Navigating through the Turntable is a breeze. The adjustable pitch control and 3-speed feature (33 1/3, 45 & 78 RPM) gave me the flexibility to play any vinyl record I wanted. And don't even get me started on the Bluetooth in/out capability. It was like having a digital music player and a vinyl record player all wrapped into one device.
One day, I had the brilliant idea of connecting my phone to the turntable and playing some of my favorite vinyl-to-digital remastered tracks. The sound quality was phenomenal, a perfect blend of digital clarity and analog warmth. Now, if only it didn't skip randomly sometimes. . .
Despite the occasional skip, the Crosley Cruiser Plus Turntable has been a reliable and enjoyable companion on my vinyl adventure. It's portable, easy to use, and best of all, it beautifully blends the charm of old school vinyl with the convenience of modern technology.

🔗Bluetooth Vinyl Turntable with 40W Stereo Speakers
As a music enthusiast, I've had my fair share of turntables, but the Arkrocket Cassini has truly stood out. Upon receiving it, I was blown away by its stunning walnut finish and sleek design. The ease of setup was impressive, making it truly user-friendly. However, what truly captured my attention was the sound quality this turntable delivers.
It uses a moving magnet cartridge system, which offers a stable playback, allowing my vinyls to be enjoyed in all their glory. This turntable also supports Bluetooth, giving me the flexibility to connect with wireless speakers or headphones when I want. The included 40Watt bookshelf speakers are a cherry on top, providing clear and powerful sound.
The only con I noticed was that the turntable is a bit on the heavier side, making it a little less portable than some other options. However, this is a minor inconvenience for the incredible listening experience it provides. Overall, I highly recommend the Arkrocket Cassini for anyone looking to enhance their vinyl listening experience.

🔗Sony Automatic Bluetooth Record Player
I recently got my hands on the Sony PS-LX310BT, a sleek and functional record player that's revolutionizing the vinyl listening experience. The first thing that impressed me was its easy setup. Unlike some turntables that can be a real pain to assemble, this one was up and running in no time.
One of the standout features of this record player is its Bluetooth connectivity. This allows me to play my vinyl collection on my wireless speakers, giving me more freedom and flexibility when listening to music. Plus, the auto-start function means I can simply press a button and let the music flow, without having to manually lower the tonearm onto the record.
Despite its minimalist design, the PS-LX310BT is built to last. Its sturdy construction and smooth operation make it a reliable choice for vinyl lovers, and its attractive appearance makes it a welcome addition to any room.
However, I did run into a few issues. For instance, the player's tonearm wasn't always able to pick up the record grooves, leading to some skipping and stuttering. Additionally, the player's built-in pre-amplifier wasn't as powerful as I'd like, making it difficult to get the full range of sound out of my vinyl.
Overall, I'm quite happy with my purchase. The Sony PS-LX310BT is a solid record player that combines modern technology with the classic sound of vinyl. While it's not perfect, it's definitely worth considering if you're in the market for a new turntable.

🔗Fuse Vertical Vinyl Record Player with Bluetooth and FM Radio
I recently purchased the Fuse Vert Vertical Vinyl Record Player that comes with Bluetooth and FM radio, and boy, am I impressed! The sleek vertical design is perfect for my modern apartment, and it's a great conversation starter when friends come over.
One of the standout features of this record player is its ability to play 33-1/3, 45, & 78 vinyl records. The ceramic cartridge with a diamond needle delivers a rich mid-end and beautiful upper-range sound. The built-in FM radio, alarm clock, and Bluetooth connectivity make it a versatile device that can be used in different scenarios, like playing MP3s and tuning in to my favorite radio stations.
As for the cons, I did face some minor issues with the setup process. The instructions could have been more detailed, but with a little patience, I managed to get it up and running. Additionally, the internal speakers aren't as powerful as I would like, so if you're looking for premium sound quality, you might need to connect it to an external speaker system.
Overall, I'm extremely satisfied with the Fuse Vert Vertical Vinyl Record Player. Its unique design, combined with its versatile features, has made it a valuable addition to my home entertainment setup. If you're in the market for a stylish and functional record player, I highly recommend giving this one a try.

🔗Stylish Modern Sleeper Chair with Linen Fabric
I recently got my hands on the Victrola Stream Onyx, a modern turntable that seamlessly integrates with my Sonos system at home. This sleek black beauty was easy to set up - all it took was a quick scan of the provided QR code, and I was off to the races with the intuitive Victrola app.
The first thing that stood out for me was the sturdy, high-quality build of the turntable. It looks like a piece of art in my living room, and the matte black finish pairs perfectly with the rest of my Sonos setup. But let's talk sound quality; it's simply fantastic. Listening to vinyl through my Sonos system is an experience I don't want to miss now, whether it's playing old classics or exploring new indie gems.
One standout feature I absolutely love is the turntable's automatic tone arm lift function. It makes switching tracks so much easier, and you never have to worry about leaving the needle on a record when you're done playing. The illuminated control knob is also a welcome touch, allowing me to control my entire Sonos system right from the turntable itself.
However, no product is perfect, and the Onyx does have its drawbacks. I occasionally experience some dropped connections with my Sonos setup, which can be frustrating if you're in the middle of playing a record.
All in all, the Victrola Stream Onyx has been an excellent addition to my vinyl collection and Sonos system. Its sleek design and superior sound quality make it worth the investment, and it's the perfect companion for vinyl enthusiasts who want to stream their favorite records throughout their home.

🔗Crosley Coda Modern Vinyl Record Player - Black
Using the Crosley Coda Shelf System has completely transformed my listening experience. Right from unboxing, its sleek black design made me think of a classic timeless piece. The process of setting it up was an absolute breeze, and in no time, I was spinning my first vinyl on its belt-driven 3-speed turntable, which flawlessly plays 33 1/3, 45, and 78 RPM records.
One thing that stood out for me was its Bluetooth receiver. Streaming my digital playlists straight to the included stereo speakers was a super convenient feature, making this system perfect for both analog and digital media. The built-in FM radio added to its versatility, enabling me to tune into my favorite local stations.
The manual tone arm with a pre-mounted moving magnetic cartridge and adjustable counterweight ensures a smooth and accurate vinyl playback. I also appreciated its compatibility with the NP-15 needle, which I found easy to replace and adjust for optimal sound quality.
Despite its compact size, the Crosley Coda Shelf System packs a powerful punch. The vintage-inspired design includes an aluminum platter and a clear dust cover, adding to its aesthetic appeal.
However, one little inconvenience I had was the packaging of the slipmat. It arrived folded, affecting the sound quality initially. But with a solution like ironing it flat, this issue was quickly resolved.
All in all, the Crosley Coda Shelf System has rekindled my love for vinyl music and its vintage charm. The combination of its fantastic sound quality, stylish design, and versatile functions make it an absolute must-have for music lovers.
My only minor gripe – the speakers are somewhat small, and although they provide clear sound, I wouldn't mind if they were just a tad louder. However, this doesn't deter from the overall excellence of the product. So, if you're in the market for a high-quality, stylish, and versatile turntable system, look no further than the Crosley Coda Shelf System. You won't regret it!

Buyer's Guide

Floating record players offer a unique and stylish way to enjoy your vinyl collection. These innovative devices use magnetic levitation technology to create the illusion of a floating vinyl record as it spins. This not only adds a touch of futuristic flair to your home audio setup, but it also ensures smooth, quiet playback. If you're in the market for a floating record player, there are several factors to consider to ensure you choose the best option for your needs.

Features to Look for in Floating Record Players

  • Magnetic Levitation: The core feature of a floating record player is the use of magnetic levitation to create the appearance of the vinyl record floating in the air. This not only looks stunning but also minimizes vibrations and noise for improved audio quality.
  • Audiophile-grade Components: For the best sound performance, look for floating record players that use high-quality components like precision tonearms, durable cartridges, and premium speakers or amplifiers.
  • Compatibility: Make sure the floating record player you choose is compatible with a wide range of vinyl record sizes, including 7", 10", and 12" records. Some models may also support 45 RPM records for maximum versatility.

Important Considerations

  • Budget: Floating record players come in a wide price range, with some models costing several thousand dollars. Determine your budget beforehand and prioritize features and performance over price.
  • Size and Space: Consider the dimensions of the floating record player and ensure it will fit comfortably in your desired location without overcrowding or obstructing other elements of your home audio setup.
  • Ease of Use: While floating record players are primarily focused on their appearance, it's essential to choose a model that is easy to set up, operate, and maintain for long-term enjoyment.

General Advice for Floating Record Player Buyers

When shopping for a floating record player, do your research and read customer reviews to get a sense of performance, build quality, and overall satisfaction. Make sure to visit stores or dealers that carry a variety of models, so you can see and hear them in person before making a purchase. Finally, invest in high-quality vinyl records to truly experience the full potential of your new floating record player.


Who is this article for?

This article is for music enthusiasts, especially lovers of vinyl records, who are interested in innovative and unique records players. The floating record players featured in this article offer a captivating and futuristic design that adds a new dimension to the listening experience.

What is a floating record player?

A floating record player is a type of turntable that elevates or "floats" the vinyl record from the platter, creating an illusion of weightlessness. This design, made famous by the [U-Turn Orbit Special Edition](https: //www. gofloating. com/), adds an aesthetic appeal to the player and offers a unique record listening experience.

How do floating record players work?

Floating record players use a combination of magnetic forces and specially designed components to levitate the vinyl record above the platter. This not only creates an attractive visual effect, but also helps reduce friction and vibrations, potentially improving sound quality. However, it is important to note that not all floating record players may achieve significant improvements in sound quality compared to traditional record players.

What are the advantages of using a floating record player?

  • Visually appealing design with a futuristic and artistic appearance
  • Potential benefits of reduced friction and vibrations that may lead to improved sound quality
  • Offers a unique listening experience with the record "floating" above the platter

Are there any disadvantages to using a floating record player?

  • Higher price point compared to traditional record players
  • Some users may not perceive significant improvements in sound quality
  • The floating mechanism adds complexity to the turntable, which could increase the risk of mechanical issues

What should I consider before buying a floating record player?

  1. Budget: Consider how much you're willing to spend on a floating record player, as they can be more expensive than traditional record players.
  2. Features: Compare the features of different floating record players, such as manual or automatic operation, built-in pre-amplifiers, and the availability of replacement parts.
  3. Brand reputation: Research the brand and its reputation to ensure quality and customer support.
  4. Sound quality: Although floating record players may offer some advantages, make sure to review audiophile opinions and read reviews to assess the sound quality of a particular model.

What are some popular floating record players on the market?

Some popular and well-regarded floating record players include the [U-Turn Orbit Special Edition](https: //www. gofloating. com/), the [Fluance RT85](https: //www. vinylrecordplayers. org/best-floating-record-player), and the [Pro-Ject Debut Carbon EVO](https: //www. pro-ject. com/en/products/turntables/turntable-the-box-essential-iii/).

How do I maintain a floating record player?

Floating record players should be maintained like any other high-quality record player. Ensure that belts are replaced periodically, the stylus is cleaned and replaced when necessary, and the playing surface is kept free of dust. Additionally, always handle records with care, and ensure that your floating record player is placed on a stable and level surface to prevent vibrations.

Do floating record players require a specific type of vinyl record?

No, floating record players are designed to play standard vinyl records. However, it is advisable to use high-quality vinyl records to ensure optimal sound performance and preserve the longevity of the record player.

How do I set up a floating record player?

Setting up a floating record player is similar to setting up a traditional record player. Connect the player to your amplifier or preamplifier, place the vinyl record on the platter, and gently lower the stylus onto the record. Ensure that the floating mechanism functions properly and that the record is not touching the platter or other surfaces.

What is the difference between manual and automatic operation in floating record players?

Manual operation in a floating record player requires the user to manually lift and lower the stylus onto the vinyl record. Automatic operation, on the other hand, utilizes a motorized mechanism to lift and lower the stylus automatically. Both types of operation can provide satisfying performance, and the choice between them ultimately comes down to personal preference.

How long do floating record players typically last?

The longevity of a floating record player depends on a number of factors, such as proper maintenance, usage frequency, and the quality of the components used in the player. Well-maintained floating record players can last for many years, but it is crucial to replace belts and styli as needed to keep the player in optimal condition.

How can I prevent my floating record player from shaking during use?

To prevent shaking in a floating record player, ensure that the player is placed on a stable and level surface and minimize external sources of vibration. For example, avoid placing the player near heavy traffic or a washer and dryer, and consider using a record weight to keep the vinyl record flat on the platter.
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2024.06.09 10:52 DenEJuAvStenJu Can I do Uber Tristram?

Got two keysets. Wanting to try for that sorc torch, do you think it's possible for me?
Character: Full blizzard sorceress, level 95. 6000 damage.
34% Vipermagi
Ocolus/33% HOTO
35% Spirit shield
Arachnid Mesh
30% frw 10% FHR tri-res boots (all res but lightning)
Mara 29%
For second ring I have all the rings in the game excluding another SOJ, including a 20% light absorb wisp projector and a perfect raven
Chance guards/trang gloves/magefist/frostburn
2 cold skillers + Cold rupture (-76%)
A bunch of 11% res small charms, 5% all res small charms, life/mana small charms
+6 BO CTA on switch
Alternative items:
Marrowwalk for bone prison
Andy's non eth/Guillame's face
Non eth Reapers Toll (perf lifesteal good ED)
Eth gladiators bane
Life buffed/unbuffed: 1700/1100
Resistances: 75% all round except 40% cold
Chance to block 27%
High runes in stash (to make other items if needed): Cham x3, Jah, Ber, Sur, Lo, Ohm, Gul x5, Ist x11, Mal x8 All other runes many
submitted by DenEJuAvStenJu to Diablo_2_Resurrected [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:51 Flat-Dingo4606 my parents (and extended family) have been abusive towards me both physically and emotionally my whole life. i dont know what to do anymore.

i (18y) have been abused by my parents and grandparents for as long as i can remember. my first memory is my grandad approaching me as i was sat down on a potty (one of those weird plastic toilets toddlers have) and picking my up by my shoulders. he screams something at me before he puts me down and slaps me across the face. i was about 3 years old. i feel the best way to talk about this lifetime of abuse is to tell it in chronological order from the best of my ability (my memory surrounding certrain things is hazy as for a while i tried to forget as much of this as i could)
firstly i think its important to give some information about my mum and dad. my dad was 17 when i was born and i believe my mum was 21. he lied to her about his age. my dad is addicted to weed and i know for a time he was addicted to coke too. i remember he would often get arrested a lot. he would also say he was leaving us but return hours later very clearly off his face on coke and whatever else. my mum is a very manipulative and emotionally abusive woman. when i was 7, i witnessed her kiss another man in front of me. we later on found out that they had been seeing each other for ages behind my dads back. i havent been able to forgive her for that. it's also important to note i have many siblings (i wont say how many as i have already given a lot of telling information and do not want my family to know ive typed and posted this, many of my family members use reddit).
from the age of 5, i remember getting beatings almost daily from my mum or dad. these would be for the most minor of things such as forgetting to flush the toilet or turning the tv up a little bit too loud. these weren't little taps either, i got fully manhandled and punched. often i remember my dad pinning my down so my back is facing upwards, he would hold my hands around my back while my mum would hit me on my ass until it was red raw. no one can justify that. sometimes it wasn't always my parents though. sometimes they would call my grandad. for such a long time the word grandad evoked so much fear in me. when i was told he was coming over i would run to my room, but on as many layers of clothes as i could and hid under my blanket. when he arrived, he would berate me about how much of a disgusting little cunt i was before he would punch me in my face and all over my body. often i would have bruises as a kid, i dont know how teachers at school didn't pick up on it. i remember one Christmas eve my xbox account wasn't working (cant remember why) and this understandably upset me, i was 8 after all. my dad called my grandad over, and i did the same routine. clothes on, over the covers and pray he doesn't hit me too hard this time. this time was different though. he came into my room and pulled me out of my bed by my arm and threw me down the stairs. i ran into the living room where my nana was. she slapped me in my face so hard i fell to the ground. i tried to run out of the room only for my grandad to push me back into it. i was made to sit on the couch while i got called the most horrific names. i was so scared i wet myself and couldn't stop shaking. i was 8 years old.
not long after Christmas, it was my birthday. i got disney infinity and a bunch of the little figures to go with it. for months this was my hyper fixation, i would play it daily and completed everyone one of the story set things i had. one day my grandad came over, and he started his usual borage of insults. he turns to my organized disney infinity figures resting upon my xbox 360 (jesus im old) and kicks them all over just avoiding the xbox. he then turns around and leaves. he broke so many of the figures, i cried for hours and hours in my room alone. no one came to check on me. the figures being broken hurt so much more than the beatings i was now used to.
from this point onwards, things are a little fuzzy. i move house a few times and am now in secondary school. im 13 years old, and questioning my sexuality heavily. i get into fights both inside and outside of school and have started smoking cigarettes. the physically abuse had stopped, but the emotional abuse had got worse. at the time i was a very fat kid. i would eat to feel better. my dad would often call me fat and insult me for everything i did. every song i played, booked i read and film i watched. he would rip into me daily for no reason at all. he would often say if i wasn't his kid and he saw me when he was a kid he'd beat the fuck out of me. when i was 15, life started to get a bit better. i found a group of friends that liked me, i was no longer questioning my sexuality and was fully comfortable saying i was pan-sexual. i also started to smoke weed with my best friend, which has given us some of the best memories. in the summer of that year, we got evicted from our home and had to move into an emergency house. this was hell, and one of the worst times of my life. i slept on the couch and my pc was in the kitchen where often my little siblings would throw food on it and try to tip if over. my parents did nothing to stop this. the insults still followed and i was made to feel so insignificant and small. the most i slept in the 4 months we lived there was 5 hours a night. one time my dad was berating me and he got in my face because i said something back to him. he pinned me against the wall by my t shirt. for the first time, i felt all of the rage i had kept bottled up since i was a kid overflow and i punched him square in the face. he fell back and looked at me in shock. my mum rushed to his defense and screamed at me to leave. i left for a few hours until my dad called me and told me to come home. we haven't spoken of it since.
now i am 18. i am in the last few days of college then im off to university. the emotional abuse still continues and there are so many things that im leaving out for the sake of length. i could genuinely write a novella about all of this shit. i am not sure what to do moving forward. i really want to block them out and live my life peacefully and free. however, whenever i think about doing this i feel really guilty. luckily i have an amazing and supportive partner who is helping me make sense of all of this. the scars still feel fresh. for anyone who is in a similar situation but has years to wait before they can leave, keep your head up. right now i know it is hell and it seems like there is no end. my best advice is find something you love and cling onto it, passion is found in the darkest of place. in my case, it was films. you are not crazy or being sensitive, it is abuse.
any question feel free to ask, thank you for listening.
EDIT: sorry if some of this makes no sense im dyslexic haha
submitted by Flat-Dingo4606 to abusiveparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:48 Open_Preparation_439 aiw for Wanting more freedom?

My mom is strict but kinda not strict at the same time. Staying up late was almost never an issue, i always went to sleep very late idk why. Having technology at a certain time stopped being a problem when i was 14. But my big issue is that im in the house ALL THE TIME.
Now the last time i had an actual friend that i would spend night with and hang out with was when i was in 5th and 6th grade. im going into 12th and i haven’t hung out with a friend ever since. most of 7th grade i’d just talk to the few friends i had at school, then covid hit and we never talked again. then 8th was online schooling, i had one friend that i’d barely even talk to. didnt hang out with anyone during summers.
Then 9th grade hits and im finally back in school. i know more than 60% of the people there, have talked to many people in my grade and above atleast once. but at that point im mainly just quiet, keeping to myself, made one friend for a short amount of time but then we just stopped talking. i start to not want to even go to school anymore, because i used to like going there to talk to friends but now i dont have any, mainly because the little friends that i did have would ask me to hang with them and i couldn’t because my mom wants to speak to every parent or she just flat out says no.
then i go to online school, even worse. no motivation to do schoolwork at all but oh well. i reconnected with some old friends but could never hang out with them so we just stopped talking.
My mom doesn’t let me lock my door unless my niece and nephew are here. if i go outside i have to sit on the porch, i cant walk to the gas station thats right at the corner by myself. i cant walk to the school park thats right down the street by myself,
Im now 17, recently reconnected with someone i met back in 2020 (a close friend of my cousins) , we’re just friends. surprisingly my mom let him come over, but it pretty much sucked because my niece and nephew were here and kept coming into my room and i couldn’t even close my door. so it reallyyyy sucked. we were literally in the middle of thumping eachothers foreheads (a petty fight) when she walked up to the door and assumed he was trying to kiss me, when we weren’t even close enough for a kiss. then she trips out about him being under the cover, even though it was cold as hell with the ac on and i wasn’t under the cover only he was, idk about yall but i dont see a problem with that. i feel like she was extremely overreacting, especially with how we are.
Then like a week later hes coming over and im taking my ps5 to my room because we’re gonna play cod, she gets an attitude and tell me we’re not gonna be in my room, i ask her why and she doesn’t give me a reason, just says that we arent. i ask her again and again, “why not?” its the same thing.
i know most of the time strict parents equals rebellious kids but i have never snuck out, or anything. im just always at home, i usually just take no for an answer, so i honestly dont understand why its so hard for her to trust me. every single day i just wanna rebel against her. This is literally the only problem i have with her, she just doesnt let me go anywhere or have privacy and it pisses me off. Now my closest thing to socializing is playing the damn game
So, im 17. its summer. and im going to be working allot to save up for a car, but in the meantime- im gonna get out of this fucking house when i can, ill argue with her if i have to. i just want to hang out with a friend and have fucking fun.
Am i wrong for feeling this way? am i overreacting?
submitted by Open_Preparation_439 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:48 Cultural_Reward6090 Aether story Tv Series

I've been playing Zombies for some time and have fallen in love with the aether storyline. I've watched countless storyline videos played several of the maps and just love it. I'm currently in school to become a screenwriter and had the idea to write a series about the aether storyline from world at war to BO4. I will be doing a mix of game order and incorperating some elements chronoligically. I would love for thoughts on thsi project and wonder if anyone would like to see my outline for the first chapter in the series ive wirtten which goes through all the world at war maps.
submitted by Cultural_Reward6090 to CODZombies [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:43 Medical-Ad-1931 17 year old, need advice.

I'm nearing the end of tutorial mode and about to graduate high school, and it dawned on me that I should probably fix a couple flaws I've got and I was hoping for some insight into what other ENTPs had to say.
There will be some off loading of trash that has been in my head for a while and just going to be honest with all the ugly thoughts I have, as ruminating with these thoughts without ever sharing them and letting them run rampant is going literally make me insane, probably.
CONTEXT(maybe important, maybe not. probably just skip to SITUATION ):
family is screwed(immigrants). somewhat desensitized but I can still recognize how dysfunctional my parents are. I've watched my parents fight and wreck the house for as long as I can remember once a week. one time I said to my mother after a particularly retarded fight and she was also in the wrong, If she called my dad a bastard but then does the exact same type of behavior she is no better and wouldn't she be calling for self a bastard also? I was only thinking that by using her own words and thinking, she could have no logical counter argument to this and concede. instead she tried to kill herself by popping 20 pills and sent to a psych ward and blamed me afterwards :) I've never been able to hold an intelligible conversation with them either, they make statements and claims without proof or any critical analysis.
I can't thank my family for anything except feeding and clothing me, at least I'm not in some temu factory so i guess it could be worse.
I wasn't really socialized, so I had a difficult time in school. I'm probably a tad on the spectrum so it didn't come natural either. the one friend a had, his mum only felt bad for me, which everyone knew. I was bullied for most of primary school but its probably good at that point considering how many issues I had. I was in between being a people pleaser for people who showed me a drop of kindness, and acting out because "since no body like me why should I like them".
during high school I think i gained self awareness and realized I can't keep blaming the world, (like my parents) and by critically thinking about what other may considered common sense, I somewhat domesticated myself and stopped acting out and learnt how to socialize and not polarize everyone. I stopped debating and using mental gymnastics to mess with people as payback and mocking people. No longer a social pariah and most people like me (as long as I my distance) and not get close.
people who know me before I changed think I'm smart but an asshole. people new people I've met think quiet and reserved.
I'm about to graduate and I've gone a long way to solve several glaring problems but they are mostly behavioral but not mental as I still think the same way. I'm always playing devil's advocate in my head for literally everything, which makes me think I'm quite objective, but I also not because I don't even have opinion anymore, just perspectives.
My main issues I've been using a persona for a long time. I don't debate people or argue with them. I barely even speak and I'm mostly reserved. however its impossible to form a relationship under the pretext of a persona, as the relationship is with the persona not me. I want to be able to integrate who I am and what i really think with a set of behavior patterns that is socially acceptable. I crave interaction with people and it is not lost of me it's because I'm always pretending so I'm dissociated and not actually getting interaction and its all a game in my head, but if I drop it I'm not ever sure what more "natural" personality is anymore. (advice)
Most conversations to me seem meaningless and It's not that I don't like to talk i love to. I love debating and exploring ideas, even if arguing just for the sake of entertainment, but people don't. most conversations around me that I have to engage have no substance. people say "how are you" even though they really don't care (believe me when I first was learning how to socialize I took this as face value, they in fact do now what to know how are you). how do I talk with people naturally, especially small talk when it a. confuses me and b. bores me unless the conversation has a purpose or topic?(advice)
I'm probably also somewhat narcissistic. I don't think I'm are narcissist because I don't wish harm upon others, at least not anymore, but I can't help but see what people do with first intention in mind. its like I think everyone else is a narcissist, which probably means I am a narcissist who's just projecting. I can't tell when people are being nice to me and why. To appear altruistic so others treat them better, because that definitely works I've noticed, or to satisfy their own ego as a "good" person so by being nice they affirm themselves. A lot of the time, after interactions with people I automatically start assuming the worst of intentions they have just to be safe. The things they say I analyze in more perspectives that I can count but settle with the worst just to be safe and not get screwed over. what is actually going on?!(advice)
Now to a somewhat comical issue, I had no idea how to talk to girls. There has been multiple times I've fumbled relationships served to me on a silver platter catastrophically. every conversation I've had with a girl has mean drier then the Sahara desert. "wyd", "doing anything this weekend?", "do you have siblings?", "you hair is soft, can i touch it?!?!". like what am I even supposed to response with, or they realistically expect me to say? "nothing", "yes", "yes", "no...?!". I know Its probably over for me, but I can't even talk to a girl in general its like they operate on a different social system. Sometimes they just get angry at me and yell at me. I don't even know anymore.(advice)
I make fast friends with people all the time (guys), but they always vaporize after a while when I get tired of saying the right things and playing my cards to their interests, so I'm acquaintances loads of people but none close.
As I've said I've mostly taught myself how to appear "normal" but It is not in fact normal, and I'm probably going to give myself schizophrenia if I don't learn to fix these problems. I don't want these issue to compound and try to fix them when I'm 30 and my find is not plastic enough to make these changes, so any honest and object advice, or even different perspective would be appreciated. I don't want to turn into my parents.
submitted by Medical-Ad-1931 to entp [link] [comments]