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2013.05.29 23:18 We're all about graphics cards!

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2013.02.05 21:30 Football Cards

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2012.02.24 00:31 TransVoice: Share, Constructively Criticize, and Have fun!

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2024.06.10 03:20 thatguy060709 My girlfriend of four years cheated multiple times

My girlfriend of four years cheated on me multiple times, rant
This is a bit of a long rant, but I will try my best to articulate it in a way that is not overly drawn out.
I know that your mind plays tricks with you after a relationship is over, and makes you remember only the good things about a relationship, but I do want to be as accurate and honest as possible in conveying both the positive and negative. I (22M) cut things off with my girlfriend (21F) after we had been together for almost four years by this point. We met right around COVID started, and ever since then I had been having my doubts about her, but I loved her regardless. She cheated on me 2-3 months ago repeatedly with one of her coworkers.
We are both a Muslim couple, albeit we were not in a married relationship. That is the first thing that I got into that burned me and I have learnt my lesson. From the beginning however, I never really knew if we were compatible. I come from a decently established family, my parents are together, loving siblings, strong social network, etc. She however comes from a bit of a different background. She comes from a dysfunctional family, never had any relationship with her father (in fact, regularly mocks him when he used to call her), her mum is a deadbeat and lives off the father's income (even though they are separated) and off government benefits, and she has two brothers both with very significant mental needs that require a lot of care. I was warned consistently by family and friends alike that she is not the kind of girl that is used to love, and a supporting environment, In my ignorance, I continued the relationship despite it all, because I thought I saw a level of kindness and caring in her that I didn't see in others. Looking back in hindsight, she was not perfect at all, but in the days right after the breakup I was at a great loss for what had happened.
We went everywhere together. We both made excuses for each other to see each other whenever we could. We went to the same university, although she had no ambitions and I was studying medicine. We exchanged our SIM card trays, we would get each other gifts, it was the most poetic and movie-like relationship that I knew of at the time. We became co-dependent, dangerously. Or at least I did. We had the same job at university (we applied together), we had the same retail job, etc. She never used to have many friends at all, she only had two friends, falling out with one of them. However, I let her into my numerous friend groups at university, to make her not feel as bad. She deleted every single guy off her instagram and all socials, only having me and my best mate there. We grew up together, in those four years. We went on international trips, she saved up and bought us a car together, and we would go all around the country, just enjoying each other's presence. I started to move up in my medicine degree and started to go on placements and conferences, however her degree ended up being useless and she was at a loss on what to do. She wanted to pursue a master's however the cut-off for application had passed so she decided on a gap year.
Fast forward to this gap year, she started working at a new job. It was a very taxing job, requiring very odd hours and constant round-the-clock work. However, she seemed to enjoy the money she was making and because it was a gap year, it wouldn't interfere with her studies. Things changed at the start of this year though. She started her master's degree. I had assumed she would quit her job the second she did as her master's was an intense allied health degree that required full attention, and the basically full-time job she had would not be compatible with her study, but she didn't. She said that she would be able to juggle the work and uni, she would just skip out on most classes and study after.
This didn't happen. She consistently failed most of her assignments and gradually slipped deeper into failure. She was about to repeat her semester and this was the final straw. If she failed the semester she would have to repeat the year, blowing over her loan limit at that point and then not being able to pursue her degree (and stuck with the useless undergrad degree she had received). She agreed to quit, but after 2 weeks so she can get her affairs in order.
Fast forward, I had a couple of business trips lined up back to back I was going to for a couple weeks. She offered to drop me off to the airport for the first one. This was when I spotted a opened condom in the backseat of her car. I didn't know what to think. She was, until then, the most innocent girl I knew. She was a muslim, and wore a scarf at that, so I didn't know what to think. She works at airport security and had a shift that day, so when I confronted her about it she said "I don't know where it came from, it must have been from a passenger's bag or something". It was a shit excuse, in hindsight, but I agreed to believe her. On the ride to the airport, I was still suspicious and I couldn't let it go. I told her, show me your phone so I can believe you and put my heart at ease. She hesitated at first, but then agreed. I saw a guy I had never seen before on her instagram, it was her coworker, a recently arrived immigrant from the same background as her, I clicked the conversation and it was the most flirtatious messages I had seen. I clocked out, I didn't even know what to say. She said it wasn't what it seemed like. She admitted that the most they had done physically was hold hands, and they only hung out twice after work. I didn't know what to think, I told her to drop me off the side of the road and I grabbed an uber to the airport. I blocked her on all socials, all I did was get her to download life360 on her phone and to keep it there for the duration that I told her for, and from there we went no contact.
Fast forward a bit more of around a week, I was on a business trip that was close to our city when I get a no caller ID phone call. I pick it up and it was her, saying that she was outside my hotel and she was 'missing me so much, and couldn't see a life without me'. It is a very long drive to this destination so I (stupidly) agreed to hear what she had to say. In the meantime, I had hooked up with two people but I couldn't even enjoy it. All I could think about was her, and my mates told me to take it easy on myself as well as it may not be the healthiest outlet to have. When she came to my room, I told her this. She started crying, saying she 'felt upset but that she deserved this'. We eventually couldn't control ourselves and we hooked up. We went back on talking terms again for a bit but I told her that there is nothing long-term left in our relationship.
Fast forward to one week ago when I was on my final work trip, and this destination was the furthest (10 hours out from our home city by drive). On this trip however, I had asked her to come stay the night. She arrived pretty late during the day, and we lied down to watch a movie, when I noticed my phone buzzing. I walked over and I see that someone had sent me a photo, a number that wasn't saved. It was a photo of my ex, naked, having sex with him at his place. No scarf on, nothing. I didn't know what to do, all I could think about was telling myself not to do anything stupid that would ruin my future. I asked her to leave. She started crying, screaming almost at the hotel room, and at that point I didn't want our colleagues to hear. It was midnight and very cold, but I didn't really care and it didn't really matter anymore. We were done, and I threw her out. I called up my mates for some comfort but I knew I had to go through it on my own. I wasn't as angry as I initially was the first time I saw the instagram messages, because those were already the biggest betrayal of our trust. I ignored the condom in the car, but it's funny how the universe makes sure to reality check you before you start believing in the lies.
To this day though I don't know why she would ever do it. It is unhealthy but the only thing I can think about is what I as a man couldn't do. When she had come over and we were back on talking terms for a bit, she said the only excuse she had was that she felt she wasn't a priority in my life anymore. She felt that as I started medicine and went deeper into my career, she took the backseat. She felt lesser than me apparently. I was gaslit into believing all this was true. But she had sex with a guy who had her nowehere on his priority list. In fact, along with the picture of her that he sent to me, he said that 'he wouldn't touch her at all again, she is a ___ (slur for a promiscuous woman) and I am done with her now. I am sorry I have no beef with you but I think you should know'. He knew about us the whole time, she told him about us. He was a deadbeat person, a bit older than us (26M) but has no future ambitions whatsoever. I do not want to toot my own horn here but I am taller than him, a lot more physically fit, on my way to an established career, and we were together for FOUR YEARS through our most formative years. She KNEW about the picture that was taken without her consent, and yet CONTINUED the relationship. When I first found out, I was so upset and sad rather than angry, scared that I would lose her. However, that picture cemented my anger in her, and we are no longer talking again. Her best friend removed her from her life as well, as did everyone. I feel pity for her sometimes, because those feelings never really went away completely. It is so sad it had to happen like this, but this incident really helped me to reconnect with those around me, including family and friends, and have given me a new vigour to improve myself.
submitted by thatguy060709 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:17 Usuallynervouss Successfully starting to break this trauma bond, but need some advice

Hey. Welcoming any suggestions. Together and married for coming up on six years. Confident that my husband is a covert vulnerable narcissist. I have had clarity and awareness waves for years, but also getting dragged into what I called a cycle from hell for years as well. đŸŽ¶Tale as old as time đŸŽ¶
But recently, I think all the hard work I have put in, all the head banging on the wall, the therapies, the routined and serious self-care work that I have been putting in, it’s all starting to click.
My husband is extremely avoidant. Part of the reason why it took me so long as I kept thinking like a dumb ass maybe he’s just avoidant attached. No..
So, he does and has done since day 1 - the idealize , devalue cycle on repeat - monthly at this point. And the kicker is it always comes from a place of me, asking him to take some kind of ownership for anything at all, tiny or huge, and he will punish for up to two weeks of silent treatment -no sex no love no kiss no hug nothing —-it has gotten me to such low places and it’s been overly discussed and couples therapy multiple times etc it’s all bs .
but he does still work and still contribute. His money still goes to me! things like that, it’s actually very very strange. This is why it’s been so difficult to decipher. He used to do such odd and outlandish antics that things were way more clear. He HAS changed. (Got sober, got transparent with devices , not financially controlling at all , from what I saw , and trusttt me-I looked and went full blown detective fbi agent because of all the influencers bs “they ALWAYS have someone else” I genuinely dont think so.
I think his supply was work and his escapism (tv shows, games on his phone and at work everyone thinks he’s amazing)
With all that being said , he is extremely sarcastic, moody, passive aggressive( ugh theee worst , to the point you just want to show him what real aggression is lol) withholds , silent treatment, has smashed a lot of shit, threatened me , etc.
Well when he went away to work - something shifted. I stopped caring as much. I enjoyed my peace. That’s all I want. I have two kids from previous marriage and even my ex has been so supportive of me leaving because he has watched me go from one person to an exhausted stressed out shell. Also my kids are obviously over hearing some real stuff and I can’t do this anymore.
The peace is worth chasing. I have zero dollars but jobs lined up. Due to issues out of both of our controls my credit is shot. So it’s going to take me a few months- at least, to leave. We currently have only discussed one financial issue. He sprinkled in some weird wording that made me nervous that he seems to think this will all blow over and well go right back to normal.
So this part ^ like he has NEVER ended it, never threatened it. So I don’t understand what is happening and how can I forge through into my newly cherished healing era ? And protect myself from Hoovers? Because he’s not being mean, we’re being social. I can do yellow rock and it’s working. But he’s complimented me and said about his check when I asked “with this weeks check are you keeping some, all, or can I pay bills with it?” He said “why would I keep it? It goes to you like normal” so I’m like “ok so at least one more check goes to the household?” He said “no every check like normal”
Crazy town
submitted by Usuallynervouss to NarcissisticSpouses [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:15 thatguy060709 My girlfriend of four years cheated, but it was worse than I thought

This is a bit of a long rant, but I will try my best to articulate it in a way that is not overly drawn out.
I know that your mind plays tricks with you after a relationship is over, and makes you remember only the good things about a relationship, but I do want to be as accurate and honest as possible in conveying both the positive and negative. I (22M) cut things off with my girlfriend (21F) after we had been together for almost four years by this point. We met right around COVID started, and ever since then I had been having my doubts about her, but I loved her regardless. She cheated on me 2-3 months ago repeatedly with one of her coworkers.
We are both a Muslim couple, albeit we were not in a married relationship. That is the first thing that I got into that burned me and I have learnt my lesson. From the beginning however, I never really knew if we were compatible. I come from a decently established family, my parents are together, loving siblings, strong social network, etc. She however comes from a bit of a different background. She comes from a dysfunctional family, never had any relationship with her father (in fact, regularly mocks him when he used to call her), her mum is a deadbeat and lives off the father's income (even though they are separated) and off government benefits, and she has two brothers both with very significant mental needs that require a lot of care. I was warned consistently by family and friends alike that she is not the kind of girl that is used to love, and a supporting environment, In my ignorance, I continued the relationship despite it all, because I thought I saw a level of kindness and caring in her that I didn't see in others. Looking back in hindsight, she was not perfect at all, but in the days right after the breakup I was at a great loss for what had happened.
We went everywhere together. We both made excuses for each other to see each other whenever we could. We went to the same university, although she had no ambitions and I was studying medicine. We exchanged our SIM card trays, we would get each other gifts, it was the most poetic and movie-like relationship that I knew of at the time. We became co-dependent, dangerously. Or at least I did. We had the same job at university (we applied together), we had the same retail job, etc. She never used to have many friends at all, she only had two friends, falling out with one of them. However, I let her into my numerous friend groups at university, to make her not feel as bad. She deleted every single guy off her instagram and all socials, only having me and my best mate there. We grew up together, in those four years. We went on international trips, she saved up and bought us a car together, and we would go all around the country, just enjoying each other's presence. I started to move up in my medicine degree and started to go on placements and conferences, however her degree ended up being useless and she was at a loss on what to do. She wanted to pursue a master's however the cut-off for application had passed so she decided on a gap year.
Fast forward to this gap year, she started working at a new job. It was a very taxing job, requiring very odd hours and constant round-the-clock work. However, she seemed to enjoy the money she was making and because it was a gap year, it wouldn't interfere with her studies. Things changed at the start of this year though. She started her master's degree. I had assumed she would quit her job the second she did as her master's was an intense allied health degree that required full attention, and the basically full-time job she had would not be compatible with her study, but she didn't. She said that she would be able to juggle the work and uni, she would just skip out on most classes and study after.
This didn't happen. She consistently failed most of her assignments and gradually slipped deeper into failure. She was about to repeat her semester and this was the final straw. If she failed the semester she would have to repeat the year, blowing over her loan limit at that point and then not being able to pursue her degree (and stuck with the useless undergrad degree she had received). She agreed to quit, but after 2 weeks so she can get her affairs in order.
Fast forward, I had a couple of business trips lined up back to back I was going to for a couple weeks. She offered to drop me off to the airport for the first one. This was when I spotted a opened condom in the backseat of her car. I didn't know what to think. She was, until then, the most innocent girl I knew. She was a muslim, and wore a scarf at that, so I didn't know what to think. She works at airport security and had a shift that day, so when I confronted her about it she said "I don't know where it came from, it must have been from a passenger's bag or something". It was a shit excuse, in hindsight, but I agreed to believe her. On the ride to the airport, I was still suspicious and I couldn't let it go. I told her, show me your phone so I can believe you and put my heart at ease. She hesitated at first, but then agreed. I saw a guy I had never seen before on her instagram, it was her coworker, a recently arrived immigrant from the same background as her, I clicked the conversation and it was the most flirtatious messages I had seen. I clocked out, I didn't even know what to say. She said it wasn't what it seemed like. She admitted that the most they had done physically was hold hands, and they only hung out twice after work. I didn't know what to think, I told her to drop me off the side of the road and I grabbed an uber to the airport. I blocked her on all socials, all I did was get her to download life360 on her phone and to keep it there for the duration that I told her for, and from there we went no contact.
Fast forward a bit more of around a week, I was on a business trip that was close to our city when I get a no caller ID phone call. I pick it up and it was her, saying that she was outside my hotel and she was 'missing me so much, and couldn't see a life without me'. It is a very long drive to this destination so I (stupidly) agreed to hear what she had to say. In the meantime, I had hooked up with two people but I couldn't even enjoy it. All I could think about was her, and my mates told me to take it easy on myself as well as it may not be the healthiest outlet to have. When she came to my room, I told her this. She started crying, saying she 'felt upset but that she deserved this'. We eventually couldn't control ourselves and we hooked up. We went back on talking terms again for a bit but I told her that there is nothing long-term left in our relationship.
Fast forward to one week ago when I was on my final work trip, and this destination was the furthest (10 hours out from our home city by drive). On this trip however, I had asked her to come stay the night. She arrived pretty late during the day, and we lied down to watch a movie, when I noticed my phone buzzing. I walked over and I see that someone had sent me a photo, a number that wasn't saved. It was a photo of my ex, naked, having sex with him at his place. No scarf on, nothing. I didn't know what to do, all I could think about was telling myself not to do anything stupid that would ruin my future. I asked her to leave. She started crying, screaming almost at the hotel room, and at that point I didn't want our colleagues to hear. It was midnight and very cold, but I didn't really care and it didn't really matter anymore. We were done, and I threw her out. I called up my mates for some comfort but I knew I had to go through it on my own. I wasn't as angry as I initially was the first time I saw the instagram messages, because those were already the biggest betrayal of our trust. I ignored the condom in the car, but it's funny how the universe makes sure to reality check you before you start believing in the lies.
To this day though I don't know why she would ever do it. It is unhealthy but the only thing I can think about is what I as a man couldn't do. When she had come over and we were back on talking terms for a bit, she said the only excuse she had was that she felt she wasn't a priority in my life anymore. She felt that as I started medicine and went deeper into my career, she took the backseat. She felt lesser than me apparently. I was gaslit into believing all this was true. But she FUCKED a guy who had her nowehere on his priority list. In fact, along with the picture of her that he sent to me, he said that 'he wouldn't touch her at all again, she is a slut whore and I am done with her now. I am sorry I have no beef with you but I think you should know'. He knew about us the whole time, she told him about us. He was a deadbeat person, a bit older than us (26M) but has no future ambitions whatsoever. I do not want to toot my own horn here but I am taller than him, a lot more physically fit, on my way to an established career, and we were together for FOUR YEARS through our most formative years. She KNEW about the picture that was taken without her consent, and yet CONTINUED the relationship. When I first found out, I was so upset and sad rather than angry, scared that I would lose her. However, that picture cemented my anger in her, and we are no longer talking again. Her best friend removed her from her life as well, as did everyone. I feel pity for her sometimes, because those feelings never really went away completely. It is so sad it had to happen like this, but this incident really helped me to reconnect with those around me, including family and friends, and have given me a new vigour to improve myself.
submitted by thatguy060709 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:15 tsukaza4meshon gift giving

Small office, 60-70 people. My team is 7: 3 being new hires in the last 2 years.
On your birthday, you bring treats to the office. There's an optional secret Santa. Otherwise, big events like weddings/birth/death are all done via company card we all sign.
In March, a coworker and I got together to do a small birthday gift for the boss (the office's best boss mug and butterfingers), team card, & streamers on the door. Simple but fun. While we missed some birthdays earlier in the year, another coworker has one end of June.
He and I are close work friends. I have the perfect gift in mind (small trinket for his collection). This could be a new group tradition. But when thinking about future gifts for the others...they never say what they want. Even when I bake treats for the office, they're good with anything. Literally NO opinions. I ask and get nothing.
Since we all bring treats for our birthday...I don't want to upstep them with whatever I do. Simple streamers, card...maybe a bag of candy (even though I bring candy to the office) or a small cubical knick-knack. Maybe 'fun' office supplies so they have use for it? But when I have a more 'friend' gift...will others get jealous?
I also thought skipping the birthday part and just celebrating work anniversaries (work only celebrates the big milestones) and maybe giving a small birthday gift to closer work friends. But we have 3 anniversaries in a row: I organized a team lunch but it feels odd grouping their celebration when others get their own.
Maybe I'll just do fun treats for the holidays and gifts for the close work friend. Still, small team...might be some jealousy.
I'm probably overthinking this.
submitted by tsukaza4meshon to work [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:12 th3Asian_calculator Fundemental Paper Education models needed!!!

Fundemental Paper Education models needed!!!
Just asking, does anyone have 3d models or are willing to make 3d models of the FPE bully gang? (zip, oliver, edward) I recently discoverd my comunity's public libirary has a 3d printer that card holders can use for free! I dug around on the internet to try to find 3d models of the bully gang to print, but came up practicaly empty. The only one I found looks like the wish dot com version of the shein version of Zip. Does anyone have any models I could use or know of any on the internet? Also, yes. I know about the Miss Circle one.
heres a image of them!
ive been on over 6 comunities begging for help lmao
submitted by th3Asian_calculator to blender [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:09 th3Asian_calculator Fundemental Paper Education 3d models needed!!!

Fundemental Paper Education 3d models needed!!!
Just asking, does anyone have 3d models or are willing to make 3d models of the FPE bully gang? (zip, oliver, edward) I recently discoverd my comunity's public libirary has a 3d printer that card holders can use for free! I dug around on the internet to try to find 3d models of the bully gang to print, but came up practicaly empty. The only one I found looks like the wish dot com version of the shein version of Zip. Does anyone have any models I could use or know of any on the internet? Also, yes. I know about the Miss Circle one.
heres a image of them!
submitted by th3Asian_calculator to 3Dmodeling [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:09 Ambitious_Lie1978 No freaking clue

No freaking clue
Just started getting into this, anything decent? Dosnt look like it to me but...
submitted by Ambitious_Lie1978 to Currencytradingcards [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:08 tulipsaresocool AITAH for not being a “normal” teenager?

Hello , this is so long but please bear with me , also ignore any spelling or grammar mistakes because English isn’t my first language.
I [18 F] just graduated high school. And looking back on my high school years I remembered many instances where classmates and friends have told me that I’m not fun to be around or just condescending , i tried to talk to them about what i do that makes them think I’m condescending ?, of course this is a conversation i had with many of my friends throughout the years and the general conclusion was that i act “grown up” , one of my friends mentioned once that during our sophomore years i was quick to “abandon” them whenever i get a chance. Well that was confusing because at that time the class was arranged so two students were next to each other , my two friends sat together behind me while i sat in the front alone , what’s also important to mention is they are best friends since 1st grade , so often they would talk together and whisper or write on a notebook, obviously not wanting me to hear so i just mind my business whenever the topic isn’t something i know the whole context of and read a book until they change the subject , well sometimes my eyes hurt from reading so much so i would go chat with other girls im friends with in the class , a lot of them started asking me to join and not ask the other two , at first they DID ask but they refused saying “we are only a second thought to them” although it didn’t sound passive aggressive to me , so i often tell them “well i wanna play can i go?” And they say yes , but later blocked me on everything for “abandoning them”
Another example is at the end of every year the class brings string sprays and confetti and water guns , they all spray each other after the last final of every semester. I always tell them i do not want to participate because I’m sleep deprived from exams and just wanna go home and crash and i don’t wanna have to wash the sticky residue those things leave in my hair , i never said it was bad or anything or told them but apparently I’m “trying to act mature” and i come off as trying to be superior to everyone , i genuinely did not know how to answer that because what i said every time is “i will pass i don’t wanna get my hair wet/sticky” and go home , although some semesters a few of them cornered me to spray me
0/10 experience.
Also passive aggressive comments from friends like “i honestly thought you’d be a lesbian tomboy” because i don’t put makeup to school or curl/iron my hair every morning , well i sleep 4 hours a day so im not in the mood to do that at 5am , another comment was “you’re literally such a teacher’s pet” because i said i won’t take my phone to school (it’s not allowed and they can and will confiscate it) and i don’t wanna loose my phone (also it affects out gpa) and being a “showoff” because i solve homework durning free periods instead of playing card games with the class (i sometimes do but not always) although i only say “no i will pass , i wanna finish hw” (this on my senior year after the incident with my two ex-friends)
There’s many more examples to all this but you get the idea , i wanna actually make friends in college so i need advice on what to change if im in the wrong , im open to suggestions.
submitted by tulipsaresocool to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:06 RevolutionaryGur5055 Have Bucket Drums, LF: Fluitful or Happy Stroll

Have Bucket Drums, LF: Fluitful or Happy Stroll
These are the last two cards I need to finish my entire album. I’ll gladly trade away my only extra 5* to get one step closer. Thanks in advance !!
submitted by RevolutionaryGur5055 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:05 AdCompetitive4649 One Dollar Summer Sale!

One Dollar Summer Sale!
All cards pictured above are only one dollar per card!!! There are a few that are 2 and 3 dollars, but 90% of them are only 1. Please ask if you want better pictures (I know mine are pretty low quality), and also ask if you want to know anything else about a card, (condition, serial number, etc.). There are a few cards that are pictured that don’t have a top loader. Just know that all cards will be top loaded when shipped out. Shipping is 5 dollars BMWT. If you buy 25 or more cards, shipping is on me. Again, feel free to ask me if a card is a dollar, as a few of them are 2 and 3. Thanks!
submitted by AdCompetitive4649 to footballcards [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:04 th3Asian_calculator Fundemental Paper Education models

Fundemental Paper Education models
Just asking, does anyone have 3d models or are willing to make 3d models of the FPE bully gang? (zip, oliver, edward) I recently discoverd my comunity's public libirary has a 3d printer that card holders can use for free! I dug around on the internet to try to find 3d models of the bully gang to print, but came up practicaly empty. The only one I found looks like the wish dot com version of the shein version of Zip. Does anyone have any models I could use or know of any on the internet? Also, yes. I know about the Miss Circle one.
heres a image of them!
submitted by th3Asian_calculator to 3Drequests [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:02 IZA_does_the_art best model for an assistant card?

I've recently made an assistant card, something to ask questions about various things about connected Lorebooks, cards, and maybe even plan to hook up to external software to copilot my computer like a basic Jarvis of sorts.
Though I realize that every model I have, while smart and capable, are geared towards RP. This sometimes gives me awkward prose or unecessary bits of information as it attempts to begin a story or thinks it's in one.
Is there a good small parameter model (below 13b I only have 16 VRAM) that does NOT RP (Blasphemy I know, right) and is either trained specifically for assistance or is notably better at providing actual information?
I've only ever used models for rp so I have no idea what models normal people use lol. I've heard of Zephyr and the Llama 8b, but I'd like to know what y'all know.
submitted by IZA_does_the_art to SillyTavernAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:01 cmzer123 $PYPL Deep Dive (Credit to Original Poster on X)

Here's everything you need to know about PayPal $PYPL. Investment case, innovations, valuations, risks, competition. Everything.
Firstly, $PYPL isn't JUST a cheap value play. I truly believe $PYPL has the potential to continue to be the biggest payment processor in the world.
In this thread I'll discuss: - Fastlane - Ads business - Xoom - Braintree - Branded checkout - Venmo - FCF & Buybacks
If 2-3 turn of the above turn out well, then the added value to $PYPL will be huge.
I'm going to start by looking at one of the core focuses that I'm tracking as part of my $PYPL investment case - margins.
Margins have been getting destroyed over the last 3 years from EBIT margins up at 28.2% down to 13.3% in 2022. This was all because the high margin branded businesses were extremely weak compared to the unbranded and lower margin businesses.
I also attached a graph showing the net and gross margins on a quarterly basis since June '21. We saw a good margin inflection in the quarter ending Dec '23 but then we saw a continued margin contraction again in the most recent quarter.
Management have spoke about this a lot and are laser focused on cost cutting efficiencies and adding simplicity to the business by focusing only on the most profitable segments of the business.
They're not there yet, and this is a clear risk...but I do believe we will start to see a slow change in trend in early 2025 onwards.
Guest checkout represents about 60% of all checkout transactions so this is a huge TAM. Fastlane is basically a single sign on guest checkout experience which Chriss first introduced during their innovation day back in January.
The aim is to reduce checkout time by 40% and increase conversion rate considerably. Beta testing is showing that they are doing this very well with RETURNING FASTLANE USERS CONVERTING AT ~80%.
For context, guest checkout conversion rates are normally 40%.
If merchants are able to essentially double their conversion rates because of Fastlane, this will have a significant impact on their revenue...and if merchants revenue increases...who benefits? $PYPL
Also this is a branded checkout option meaning much higher margins. Merchants will be willing to pay if the product is as good as early data in beta testing suggests.
Even more importantly, non-PayPal users are opting to use Fastlane at a 40% rate. This appears to be the best checkout experience in the market. 2024 is all about onboarding the best customers before the holiday season and 2025 is all about pricing the product to value.
Venmo has so far been a huge disappointment especially considering the strength of the brand, the growth (8% annually), and the affluent customer base.
The 60 million Venmo users see Venmo one way - as a way to send money to friends. And that's it. Alex Chriss and management are fully aware of this.
Venmo is a huge untapped asset. $PYPL have introduced a Venmo debit card and are in the process of trying to get users to use Venmo as more of an alternative bank rather than just a way of sending money to friends. Peer-to-peer payments don't make much money compared to if Venmo were to be used as a bank. In fact, debit card users generate 6x more revenue than peer-to-peer.
$PYPL want Venmo to be used basically as a debit card and alternative bank. To have direct debits going into the company. To tap to pay etc etc.
And this transition is definitely slowly happening...
Venmo debit card user base grew 21% YoY whilst peer-to-peer payments grew 17% meaning more money is gradually staying within the Venmo network. I do believe this will happen but it'll continue to be a slow process simply because there are tons of alternative banks and because Venmo for some time has just been used for the sole purpose of peer-to-peer purposes.
The good news is that the user base is HUGE and ACTIVE. With good incentives to keep money within the network this will gradually grow. Marketing emails are being sent out consistently but for now the incentives need to improve in my opinion.
What does Venmo have to offer over other alternative banks currently? Not much in my opinion. The shift will continue to be very slow unless the value proposition is improved.
Another quick note on the most recent Venmo news around transaction fees for payments of goods and services is increasing to 2.99%. This is good news...though some people don't understand why. Here's why:
  1. Previously, fees on Venmo payments for goods and services was 1.9% + 10 cents. This was cheaper than $PYPL branded transaction processing which is 2.99%.
  2. Therefore this brings the two in line to stop them competing against each other.
  3. This won't contract Venmo volume because peer-to-peer is still free and is still the highest use case of Venmo by quite a lot. Venmo is not really used for merchants much at all.
Nevertheless, this is an untapped goldmine and if $PYPL can execute on this well over the next 2 years, then this is being massively ignored in the $PYPL valuation.
Now this is very exciting and I think it could be huge for $PYPL. $PYPL hired the Mark Grether who was the leader of the ads business at $UBER who took it to a $1 billion run rate in a pretty short time.
There's no reason $PYPL can't do this and do it even bigger. Here's why:
$PYPL has doubles-sided data. They know where shoppers are shopping and they know who is selling as they have tons of data on both. $PYPL have the ability to connect them and they'll receive a fee every time these ads are converted.
There's very few companies out there that have the amount of double-sided data that $PYPL does. This could be a huge business and a very high margin business.
"About a quarter of the worlds $6 trillion in digital commerce runs through PayPal each year. With nearly 400 million active accounts, and the scale of PayPal's transaction data, PayPal is uniquely positioned to shape a new era of commerce discovery, help merchants acquire new customers, and reengage existing ones." - Mark Grether
Grether is the man to do it as well. He's an absolute veteran in the advertising business. He has been the previous leaders of advertising at $AMZN and at $UBER
Xoom is $PYPL's product that allows users to safely, and reliably send money abroad. It's not performed well at all and has shown pretty stagnant growth for a number of years now due to no prioritization from management.
This is all changing. They're using $PYUSD for FEE FREE TRANSFERS. They're becoming strict on the markets they work with. They've redone the interface.
I'm less focused on Xoom, but it's just another potential added catalyst to the investment case. I think management are far more focused elsewhere as well, but at least they are innovating here.
Braintree currently boasts around 10% market share and is growing at solid rates (~26% in the quarter). They’ve put a big focus into improving auth rates, uptime, and reliability and have created what Chriss deems to be the best in the market.
The issue with Braintree hasn’t been the product though - it’s been PYPL’s inability to price to value mainly because the merchants haven’t been painted a full picture of what Braintree actually offers on an end-to-end strategic roadmap.
Management are therefore putting a large focus on marketing and painting the full picture of the extremely good product that Braintree is. Merchants are slowly coming aboard as they find out about the offerings.
$PYPL isn't a risk free investment by any stretch of the imagination and I think here on FinX it's a pretty even split between bulls and bears.
Bears say:
  • The products are poor
  • Active customer accounts is declining
  • $PYPL is a value trap
  • $PYPL has little to no growth
  • There's too much competition
I say:
  • The products WERE poor. The problem here is that all of the innovations are in extremely early stages aside form Fastlane and Venmo where there is actual data showing improving trends (80% conversion rates and growing debit card users). Of course, this is all early stage data and the risk here is that management has got the public overexcited about the actual potential of these products. It's true management (Alex Chriss - @acce) has done an incredible job at changing the sentiment around $PYPL. It was dire 6 months ago and now there is hope. For those that see his vision like I do, the risk is that we potentially are being too hopeful and acting too early. That's a risk, but I see his vision and I like what he's doing. I think the risk to reward is very strong.
  • Active accounts are declining yes because branded checkout has been extremely weak compared to competitors. My answer is the same as above. $PYPL management are actively adding AI, password-less checkout experiences, and frictionless checkout. All of this should have happened 2-3 years ago but it didn't. Is it too late? Of course not.
  • $PYPL is not a value trap. $PYPL is a dirt cheap quality company currently being valued at basically 0% growth because the sentiment around the stock was that bad.
  • $PYPL is not growing as much as it used to no. But the last year has seen revenue growth creep up towards double digits again. 7.1% growth 8.4% 8.7% 9.4% guidance in the double digits. To value $PYPL at pretty much 0% growth is insane.
  • Yes there has been growing competition but $PYPL still has the largest customer base in the world, and still is the number 1 player in branded checkout. 1/4 of the world's digital commerce transactions runs through $PYPL. People underestimate just how big $PYPL are. It's crazy.
There's been questions surrounding whether $PYPL would pay dividends but Chriss said maybe at a later data as the focus is currently all on buybacks of "at least $5 billion" which represents more than 100% of PayPal's FCF.
To me, it's quite clear they'll do way more buybacks than $5 billion. Here's why:
Quite recently, $PYPL announced an offering for a senior unconverted loan note of $1.25 billion. This is NOT because $PYPL are running out of money. They're generated at least $5 billion in FCF annually (Most likely in the mid $6 billion range).
It's also likely not for any acquisitions as Chriss has said they are focused on trimming and efficiency rather than adding any complexities at the moment.
Therefore, the most likely use care of this debt will be to refinance some 2024 maturing debt meaning they won't have to use FCF and existing cash on this. This will leave them will all their FCF and existing cash to fuel buybacks.
This is of course my best guess, but to me it seems pretty likely. All in all, this suggests much greater than $5 billion in buybacks. I hope so.
We haven't seen a whole lot of movement in analysts price predictions for $PYPL until recently when Dolev (Mizuho) upgraded $PYPL PT to $90. This is the first of many.
Dolev wasn't too bothered by the $PYPL Fastlane product until recently when he said that:
The 80% checkout conversion for returning customers is a lift of "$1.0-1.5 billion in transaction margin dollar (5-10% upside) over the medium term given the $1.43 trillion of annual e-commerce spend that we believe is addressable by Fastlane."
This PT uplift is mainly centered around Fastlane. Wait until we start to see some success and data around Venmo, ads, Xoom, and Braintree.
Insiders, super-investors, and institutions have been buying up $PYPL consistently.
Paul Tudor Jones recently sold 78% of his $NVDA position and for $57 million worth of $PYPL.
Jim Simon also sold 66% of $NVDA and bought 2.1 million in $PYPL.
Cathie Woods has also been a recent buyer of $PYPL. Now I don't celebrate Cathie owning $PYPL and it doesn't mean much to me, but she's a high profile name and this does get eyeballs on the company that is well needed.
From a valuation perspective, $PYPL is dirt cheap. The company has a 5-yr revenue CAGR of 13.87% and earnings CAGR of 14.4%.
Despite that, it trades at a multiple of 2x EV/Sales and 14.9x non-GAAP forward earnings (vs 6.5x and 32.7x respectively 5 year averages).
Of course, the low multiples suggest the market is worried about the lack of long-term growth but as I've tried to outline in this thread, the amount of growth potential is pretty huge, even if only 2-3 of the innovations actually are successful.
Original Post / Credit:
submitted by cmzer123 to InvestingandTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:01 savannacrochets Eyeless Ami: adorably minimalistic or soullessly creepy?

Eyeless Ami: adorably minimalistic or soullessly creepy?
I don’t usually make amigurumi, so I don’t keep safety eyes on hand, and I didn’t feel like digging out black yarn for eyes.
I told myself it’d just be minimalist but I think it might be a bit creepy, tbh. But when I gave it to my son (2.5) he yelled “For me?! Thank you! I want another one, please!” So I guess he likes it and that’s what’s most important 😅
Also, how do y’all get brushed yarn to actually look brushed after crocheting with it? I only have a Tangle Teezer so it was not super effective for (re?)brushing it out.
Pattern: Robert the Rubber Duck by Alter Ego Crochet Yarn: Red Heart Brushed (yellow) and RHSS (orange) Hook: 4mm
submitted by savannacrochets to crochet [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:00 dixcgirl10 Breaking Down Bates

  1. Carlin and Evan pretended they were on vacation alone again this year but really they were with their new favorites. Sorry PopPop and Ninni, you’ve been replaced by the new Cult Church Pastor and his family. Proving that they are serious about this influencer grift, the Stew Crew met up with 4 other Trad wife Family Vloggers and Carlin showed that she can be like all the TikTok girlies and eat crab legs, too! She swung by a Chick-fil-a on the way home to wash the taste out of her mouth. It was a week of the standard beach pics, kids in bikinis and speedos while the adults wore modest swimsuits, ice cream, family fit checks and Evan invading all of Mexico Beach’s privacy with his drone. In a clear case of one up man ship, Carlin forced her entire family to wake up at 3:40am, dress up and go to the beach for a sunrise photo shoot. Pure torture and proof that this was not a vacation, but a work trip. These poor babies never get a break. Once they made it home it was business as usual with Layla in a crop top selling bracelets. Evan popped in with a 2 second proof of life of the dog. Izzy probably enjoyed a week without a camera and hearing “are you excited? Isn’t that exciting? Say it again
 look over here”

  2. Katie was obviously miserable all week at the Jersey Shore with travis’ family bc she was relatively quiet and there was no new vlog from the Clark family this week. She pushed a few links, made a reel featuring her baby doing things all babies do and called her the sweetest one year old EVER. Of course we know how important being SWEET is in this crowd. She also bought some glass beads down the shore and used those to show us all what color eyes they have
 because that’s riveting content also. By the way
 Travis Clark? Not on tour.
  3. The Bates Family beauty queen Josie Balka spent the majority of the week in her bathroom filming hair and makeup tutorials. She used creative wording to make people believe she isn’t wearing extensions, but she can’t hide the fact that the pool noodle isn’t holding her curl all day. Someone took to the comments to rat out the fact that come July, Mrs Balka will no longer be available for wedding makeup. Josie continues to push her workout content and this week did CrossFit with her pool noodle in and her 3 kids roaming around a garage. Josie ditched the Memorial Day cookout at the big house to hang out with the Balkas. Kelton is turning up the heat on his chef career and made Tuscan salmon and roasted chickens this week. His cooking videos feature overhead shots and close ups
 Zach could never. Josie pushed links while showcasing the girls in their new crocs. She is also selling a hair supplement that works out to cost $2.30 per pill. They wrapped up the week at Kelton’s flag football game. Josie agreed to attend and feature it on her IG without the pool noodle in her hair.
  4. Summer is happening full throttle at the Webster’s down in Florida
& that means
 coffee, cleaning out the school room and working out in the gym. The excitement can hardly be contained. Alyssa finally scored a partnership this week
 it’s for a Wallie phone case and hopefully she sold enough to afford the next trip to Costco. Maci was Alyssa’s target this week and she was forced several times to sing a song while her mom filmed her and said “LOUDER, LOUDER”
 Maci looked terrified and managed to whimper out the ABC’s and that old cult classic “The Lord’s Army”. Alyssa is back to filtering her children’s faces off and poor baby Rhett looks like his is melting off while she runs behind him screaming “isn’t he the funniest? Isn’t he the cutest? I can’t stand it!!” Yea
 neither can we. Proving that she isn’t estranged from her entire family, Jackson came over and Alyssa pretended that he was begging her to cut his hair. She told us how she grew up poor and was forced to give haircuts even though she hated it and wasn’t very good at it. Jackson played along to give his sister some content. In return he sharpened her knives bc that’s yet another thing her goofy husband cannot do. John doesn’t have time anyway bc he is running away to a softball game. Alone. Again. In a last ditch attempt to bring Alyssa back into the fold, Kelly instructed everyone to go comment on her reel featuring Rhett
Carlin, Lydia, Whit and Ellie followed orders. Later Alyssa decided to put all of the children’s books on the very highest shelf where the only way to reach them is with a step ladder. Lurch watched. She also had to have Allie tell her where Lexie was because apparently she had no clue. She showed the depressing, colorless school room filled with CD’s and by 8pm filmed herself with dead eyes saying she needed her kids to go to bed. The unhappiness is just oozing out.
  5. Whitney and Zach spent the week at Folly and in Charleston. They ate at Loggerheads Bar and TBonz Grill &Chill and I really feel like Zach may have had a beer and Whitney sipped a White Claw. Whitney wore her bikini and crop tops and Zach went shirtless and wore shorts and they are dangerously close to seeming normal. They insisted on using some Instagram crap sunscreen and poor Kacie got a bad sunburn. They played around with the TikTok trend of jumping from one place to another and heavily featured all of their kids all week in bathing suits. Over in the Bates Kitchen this week Zach made the exotic dish known as Stuffed Mushrooms. He explained how he grew up eating a severely limited menu and on his honeymoon in Hawaii they ate Subway and KFC. He held his dish up for the camera this week and used a clear bowl but that’s as good as it’s gonna get bc apparently his camera just cannot move. The recipe featured 6 different chunks of cheese and some dried Great Value seasonings and Zach told us he is taking knife lessons because he doesn’t have a clue what he is doing. Yet he still believes he is good enough to have a cooking channel.
  6. In his continuing trend of telling too much and showing too much Trace Bates filmed a Memorial Day cookout at the Big House and showed all the nooks and crannies and mercy that place is a hot mess. Crap is piled in every corner, on every shelf, that huge old sectional is spotted and stained and has grease spots from heads and all the kitchen cabinets are just left wide open. Kelly Joe is piled up on the couch and there seems to be an old sheet hanging in a window. Whew! Lydia’s family joined in for the cookout and they are just obsessed with pickle ball. They spent the week at the beach with the Romeike’s and Ryker was miserable on the flight and just about cut their tail. Lydia had PTSD thinking about the flight home. Lydia and Trace later dress Ryker like Larry from 3’s Company in a baby leisure suit. He would have fit right in down at the Regal Beagle. Their beach photo trip featured Trace in his jeans rolled up like capris. When they got back home they tried to sell us a camera that fits up your nose and in your ear
 watching Trace Bates dig around in his ear is just a bridge too far for me. Big news
 Lydia gets to go on a girls trip soon
 and she gets to take the baby with her. That is the exact opposite of a girls trip, but what’s she supposed to do
 leave the kid with Trace??
  7. Michael and Brandon are back to arts and crafts this week. Brandon checked out JebJud from the big house so he would have an excuse to color and forced him to film trying to draw a badger. What they drew did not, in fact, look anything like a badger
 it was a grey and black blob. Brandon said this is strictly because badgers don’t live in Tennessee. Well Brandon, neither do whales and you drew those several times.
  8. Erin Bates is slowly slipping back onto social media but because Chad said she had to be purposeful she is steadily cramming weird old yard axe preachers down her viewers throats. We first heard a very pointed message from some old dude who believes mothers would grab trinkets and leave their children behind in a house fire. Later she shared a reel featuring her dad preaching, but she was just warming up. She decided to sit down ole Gil and have him give his testimony on her YouTube. Testimony is apparently fundie for “lie and rewrite history” bc Gil said when he was 15 he skipped school to go drink beer with his buddies but just before taking a sip of the devil’s elixir he stumbled upon a Bible and spent the rest of the day looking up Bible words in the dictionary while those other boys drank Budweiser and looked at girlie magazines. Testimony also is fundie for “fairy tale”. Shut up Gil. Later Erin attended Bible Baptist and showed us little Carson fervently taking notes. She is pushing her cardboard cards in a special Father’s Day box that includes an amazing free gift
 a Bic Pen!!! Hurry and order now. She told us she and Tori are living their dream and wrapped up the week with a Rocky Top Recap that quietly left out Carlin. Such a Christian thing to do

  9. Tiffy Bates is 33 weeks pregnant and went as Lawson’s date to the Hermitage for an AHA fundraiser. This former actress is now just Mrs. Lawson Bates as he took top billing. Their vlogs were both old and recycled and one featured footage from last year’s Medicorp trip to Turkey where they let them package trail mix to stay out of the way of the real work being done there. If you ever wonder who the people are that buy BSB dresses
 they are the same ones who have sent Lawson&Tiffy TONS OF BABY GIFTS. Sickening to see when there are SO many mothers who struggle and need help. Lawson said growing up his dad kept the cars with no gas in them and then whichever kid got in to drive would have to use their money to pay for gas. Man Gil is a real piece of work! Lawson made Tiffy do a fit check and called her Pookie. Why do they refer to each other as “boys” and “girls” and why are they constantly talking to the camera asking their viewers asinine questions about things that won’t matter by the time they get the answers?? Tiffy is also selling that weird ear camera and I don’t want to see her earwax either. Lawson and Evan decided to sing a little R. Kelly in the vlog for fun
.& they ended the week with Lawson saying he was going to get fat because Tiffy cooked a roast beef dinner.
  10. Bits and Bytes
 Kelly shared Ellie’s reel from the farm
 Kelly announced that Warden and his sidekick Dylan have a new business striping things. Like putting down stripes
 for game courts I guess? Didn’t know that was an in demand thing
 Josie’s girls are still in gymnastics
could the current string of Bates boys be the Lord’s way of saying “stop exploiting your daughters”??
Have a great week friends and remember
 according to the Bible
Christian women should NOT make coffee
 it’s right there in “HeBrews”
submitted by dixcgirl10 to BatesSnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:59 BusyOctupus725 Anyone has J2 visa waiver experience?

Hello, I wonder if anyone on this subreddit has experience with J2 visa waivers or could recommend good lawyers that have experience with such cases?
I have an approved I-140 in EB1 category and submitted my I-485 in Dec 2022. My wife is currently on F1 visa and she wants file I-485 as my derivative applicant. However, she spent one year on J2 visa when she was in high school (her mother was J1). The J2 visa comes with 2 year home residency requirement. Her F1 visa will expire end of this year, so if she can obtain a J2 waiver, we won't need to be separated for 2 years.
She has turned 21 since the J2 visa, so we tried to request DOS to be an Interested Government Agency (IGA) to issue an waiver, but it was surprisingly denied without a specified reason. I wonder if our case would be stronger if my green card is approved? Her mother has already served the 2 year residency requirement so cannot apply for a J1 waiver. I've contacted a few immigration lawyers, but they all only have J1 not J2 experience. Any suggestion/recommendation is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
submitted by BusyOctupus725 to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:59 dixcgirl10 Breaking Down Bates

  1. Carlin and Evan pretended they were on vacation alone again this year but really they were with their new favorites. Sorry PopPop and Ninni, you’ve been replaced by the new Cult Church Pastor and his family. Proving that they are serious about this influencer grift, the Stew Crew met up with 4 other Trad wife Family Vloggers and Carlin showed that she can be like all the TikTok girlies and eat crab legs, too! She swung by a Chick-fil-a on the way home to wash the taste out of her mouth. It was a week of the standard beach pics, kids in bikinis and speedos while the adults wore modest swimsuits, ice cream, family fit checks and Evan invading all of Mexico Beach’s privacy with his drone. In a clear case of one up man ship, Carlin forced her entire family to wake up at 3:40am, dress up and go to the beach for a sunrise photo shoot. Pure torture and proof that this was not a vacation, but a work trip. These poor babies never get a break. Once they made it home it was business as usual with Layla in a crop top selling bracelets. Evan popped in with a 2 second proof of life of the dog. Izzy probably enjoyed a week without a camera and hearing “are you excited? Isn’t that exciting? Say it again
 look over here”

  2. Katie was obviously miserable all week at the Jersey Shore with travis’ family bc she was relatively quiet and there was no new vlog from the Clark family this week. She pushed a few links, made a reel featuring her baby doing things all babies do and called her the sweetest one year old EVER. Of course we know how important being SWEET is in this crowd. She also bought some glass beads down the shore and used those to show us all what color eyes they have
 because that’s riveting content also. By the way
 Travis Clark? Not on tour.
  3. The Bates Family beauty queen Josie Balka spent the majority of the week in her bathroom filming hair and makeup tutorials. She used creative wording to make people believe she isn’t wearing extensions, but she can’t hide the fact that the pool noodle isn’t holding her curl all day. Someone took to the comments to rat out the fact that come July, Mrs Balka will no longer be available for wedding makeup. Josie continues to push her workout content and this week did CrossFit with her pool noodle in and her 3 kids roaming around a garage. Josie ditched the Memorial Day cookout at the big house to hang out with the Balkas. Kelton is turning up the heat on his chef career and made Tuscan salmon and roasted chickens this week. His cooking videos feature overhead shots and close ups
 Zach could never. Josie pushed links while showcasing the girls in their new crocs. She is also selling a hair supplement that works out to cost $2.30 per pill. They wrapped up the week at Kelton’s flag football game. Josie agreed to attend and feature it on her IG without the pool noodle in her hair.
  4. Summer is happening full throttle at the Webster’s down in Florida
& that means
 coffee, cleaning out the school room and working out in the garage . The excitement can hardly be contained. Alyssa finally scored a partnership this week
 it’s for a Wallie phone case and hopefully she sold enough to afford the next trip to Costco. Maci was Alyssa’s target this week and she was forced several times to sing a song while her mom filmed her and said “LOUDER, LOUDER”
 Maci looked terrified and managed to whimper out the ABC’s and that old cult classic “The Lord’s Army”. Alyssa is back to filtering her children’s faces off and poor baby Rhett looks like his is melting off while she runs behind him screaming “isn’t he the funniest? Isn’t he the cutest? I can’t stand it!!” Yea
 neither can we. Proving that she isn’t estranged from her entire family, Jackson came over and Alyssa pretended that he was begging her to cut his hair. She told us how she grew up poor and was forced to give haircuts even though she hated it and wasn’t very good at it. Jackson played along to give his sister some content. In return he sharpened her knives bc that’s yet another thing her goofy husband cannot do. John doesn’t have time anyway bc he is running away to a softball game. Alone. Again. In a last ditch attempt to bring Alyssa back into the fold, Kelly instructed everyone to go comment on her reel featuring Rhett
Carlin, Lydia, Whit and Ellie followed orders. Later Alyssa decided to put all of the children’s books on the very highest shelf where the only way to reach them is with a step ladder. Lurch watched. She also had to have Allie tell her where Lexie was because apparently she had no clue. She showed the depressing, colorless school room filled with CD’s and by 8pm filmed herself with dead eyes saying she needed her kids to go to bed. The unhappiness is just oozing out.
  5. Whitney and Zach spent the week at Folly and in Charleston. They ate at Loggerheads Bar and TBonz Grill &Chill and I really feel like Zach may have had a beer and Whitney sipped a White Claw. Whitney wore her bikini and crop tops and Zach went shirtless and wore shorts and they are dangerously close to seeming normal. They insisted on using some Instagram crap sunscreen and poor Kacie got a bad sunburn. They played around with the TikTok trend of jumping from one place to another and heavily featured all of their kids all week in bathing suits. Over in the Bates Kitchen this week Zach made the exotic dish known as Stuffed Mushrooms. He explained how he grew up eating a severely limited menu and on his honeymoon in Hawaii they ate Subway and KFC. He held his dish up for the camera this week and used a clear bowl but that’s as good as it’s gonna get bc apparently his camera just cannot move. The recipe featured 6 different chunks of cheese and some dried Great Value seasonings and Zach told us he is taking knife lessons because he doesn’t have a clue what he is doing. Yet he still believes he is good enough to have a cooking channel.
  6. In his continuing trend of telling too much and showing too much Trace Bates filmed a Memorial Day cookout at the Big House and showed all the nooks and crannies and mercy that place is a hot mess. Crap is piled in every corner, on every shelf, that huge old sectional is spotted and stained and has grease spots from heads and all the kitchen cabinets are just left wide open. Kelly Joe is piled up on the couch and there seems to be an old sheet hanging in a window. Whew! Lydia’s family joined in for the cookout and they are just obsessed with pickle ball. They spent the week at the beach with the Romeike’s and Ryker was miserable on the flight and just about cut their tail. Lydia had PTSD thinking about the flight home. Lydia and Trace later dress Ryker like Larry from 3’s Company in a baby leisure suit. He would have fit right in down at the Regal Beagle. Their beach photo shoot featured Trace in his jeans rolled up like capris. When they got back home they tried to sell us a camera that fits up your nose and in your ear
 watching Trace Bates dig around in his ear is just a bridge too far for me. Big news
 Lydia gets to go on a girls trip soon
 and she gets to take the baby with her. That is the exact opposite of a girls trip, but what’s she supposed to do
 leave the kid with Trace??
  7. Michael and Brandon are back to arts and crafts this week. Brandon checked out JebJud from the big house so he would have an excuse to color and forced him to film trying to draw a badger. What they drew did not, in fact, look anything like a badger
 it was a grey and black blob. Brandon said this is strictly because badgers don’t live in Tennessee. Well Brandon, neither do whales and you drew those several times.
  8. Erin Bates is slowly slipping back onto social media but because Chad said she had to be purposeful she is steadily cramming weird old yard axe preachers down her viewers throats. We first heard a very pointed message from some old dude who believes mothers would grab trinkets and leave their children behind in a house fire. Later she shared a reel featuring her dad preaching, but she was just warming up. She decided to sit down ole Gil and have him give his testimony on her YouTube. Testimony is apparently fundie for “lie and rewrite history” bc Gil said when he was 15 he skipped school to go drink beer with his buddies but just before taking a sip of the devil’s elixir he stumbled upon a Bible and spent the rest of the day looking up Bible words in the dictionary while those other boys drank Budweiser and looked at girlie magazines. Testimony also is fundie for “fairy tale”. Shut up Gil. Later Erin attended Bible Baptist and showed us little Carson fervently taking notes. She is pushing her cardboard cards in a special Father’s Day box that includes an amazing free gift
 a Bic Pen!!! Hurry and order now. She told us she and Tori are living their dream and wrapped up the week with a Rocky Top Recap that quietly left out Carlin. Such a Christian thing to do

  9. Tiffy Bates is 33 weeks pregnant and went as Lawson’s date to the Hermitage for an AHA fundraiser. This former actress is now just Mrs. Lawson Bates as he took top billing. Their vlogs were both old and recycled and one featured footage from last year’s Medicorp trip to Turkey where they let them package trail mix to stay out of the way of the real work being done there. If you ever wonder who the people are that buy BSB dresses
 they are the same ones who have sent Lawson&Tiffy TONS OF BABY GIFTS. Sickening to see when there are SO many mothers who struggle and need help. Lawson said growing up his dad kept the cars with no gas in them and then whichever kid got in to drive would have to use their money to pay for gas. Man Gil is a real piece of work! Lawson made Tiffy do a fit check and called her Pookie. Why do they refer to each other as “boys” and “girls” and why are they constantly talking to the camera asking their viewers asinine questions about things that won’t matter by the time they get the answers?? Tiffy is also selling that weird ear camera and I don’t want to see her earwax either. Lawson and Evan decided to sing a little R. Kelly in the vlog for fun
.& they ended the week with Lawson saying he was going to get fat because Tiffy cooked a roast beef dinner.
  10. Bits and Bytes
 Kelly shared Ellie’s reel from the farm
 Kelly announced that Warden and his sidekick Dylan have a new business striping things. Like putting down stripes
 for game courts I guess? Didn’t know that was an in demand thing
 Josie’s girls are still in gymnastics
could the current string of Bates boys be the Lord’s way of saying “stop exploiting your daughters”??
Have a great week friends and remember
 according to the Bible
Christian women should NOT make coffee
 it’s right there in “HeBrews”
submitted by dixcgirl10 to BringingUpBates [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:59 skiesoverblackvenice has anyone bought a modchip for their switch and have it work?

hi! i’m thinking about modding my switch lite cause i’ve finished modding my ds lite and i’m stoked. i havent touched my switch lite in forever so i think i might be on the patch that allows me to homebrew. i would love to get switch games for free cause nintendo just looooves to keep old ass games at $60
 like come on
 give us a sale (hence why i don’t wanna pay anymore)
i have a switch oled now now i’ll be using my old switch lite and a new account to homebrew. so i really don’t care if anything goes wrong cause this thing is trash to me
so i’m thinking about buying a mod chip. i heard about the hwfly mod chips but the only place i can find them being sold is on aliexpress
 has anyone actually bought one of these and have it work? i don’t wanna put time and effort into something that’s not gonna work. i did buy an r4 card and sd card from there and they both work fine- just depends on the seller i guess.
if we’re not allowed to talk about this here, please refer me to another subreddit or smth that might be better suited for my needs. but i trust y’all the most. ty!!
submitted by skiesoverblackvenice to Piracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:58 Single_Sandwich6517 Orchids found at my local Lowe’s!! 6/8/2024

Orchids found at my local Lowe’s!! 6/8/2024
I’m sure this is happening in a lot of places because I’ve noticed a fad verging with some posts of cattleya orchids found at Lowe’s and recently I found two different fragrant orchids interwoven with the normal phals from my Lowe’s. This time I went to a different spot but in my town where there are no orchids to be found normally aside from very standard phalaenopsis..
But on the label, it says exotic orchids.. I got 5 different ones. All of which were less than 17$ each! 3 were bloom size, two were larger seedlings. And all of which I got cheaper than online would offer when considering shipping costs
 I went a little crazy and I’m still blown away.. They are very healthy looking and surprisingly as well, they were potted in chunky good bark medium and perlite. Also come sphagnum moss was in the root balls and a bit compacted so if you see them, keep in mind that the inner rootball is quite in need of air circulation cause most of the roots were dead in this spot. But otherwise good looking roots! Two species or primary species orchids
 one of the orchids is tagged as a brassavola nodosa hybrid but looks to be just like a nodosa and the other a Encyclia Rioclarense which is a Cordigera hybrid. The selling labels say these types were picked to be easy growers, probably why they bred them to look similar but most likely be less finicky. I can’t believe it
 oh and btw did I mention they all of tags!!! . So basically almost species orchids! All are fragrant but they had some that weren’t. I hope they are as they are labeled to be but I really don’t care honestly. They’re beautiful orchids and not all seedlings.. so excited . The only thing that greatly upset me and believe me there was bound to be something.. is the fact that they had these nets around the plants and then rubber bands around the base of the orchids, no doubt to keep them tidy.. but it was severely strangling the parts of the plant that had been growing. So I got pissed and cut all of the rubber bands right away so I don’t have pictures of the packaging but keep this in mind if you see them.
Just hoping if you have a Lowe’s you will be checking for some amazing plants that otherwise I could never find in my area!! Hopefully this will be the case for all lowes.
Here’s some pictures of what I got!!
P.S. last picture are some really neat plastic ventilated pots from Allen and Roth that Lowe’s has had for a bit now but for some reason they were priced at only 3.95$ and I find them very unique and very very transparent. And some of the bark chunks and moss they were potted with. Also some styrofoam chunks. All wash fresh and smelled fine
Happy finding! Hope this will excite people as much as it did me.. because I have a Lowe’s card hahaha
submitted by Single_Sandwich6517 to orchids [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:58 BigboyBroly2 I got tired of the bansihed zone just being used as another graveyard, so I decided to change that. (art from

I got tired of the bansihed zone just being used as another graveyard, so I decided to change that. (art from submitted by BigboyBroly2 to customyugioh [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:56 Syred Was scammed and lost 3000RM on my one day visit to Malaysia

Was scammed and lost 3000RM on my one day visit to Malaysia
So I’m a traveller from Australia and was only in Malaysia for a one night layover - which to my luck was enough for me to get scammed.
So I was walking around a shopping centre Lot 10 I think it was (where the Attack On Titan exhibition is) and was approached by two Indian guys. I’m bald, so they saw me and said oh man I used to be bald just like you (and proceeded to show some pictures) and he’s like I used this this and this herbal mixed with some oil and it worked for me. Now I’m stupid for even believing this, but I’m gullible I guess so I took down the information. His friend then said oh I can show you where to get it from, and he took me to this herbal store nearby (I got pictures of the place) and then spoke to the guy and long story short I paid by card and was charged 3000 RM for it.
Now I know it’s probably impossible for me to get this money back but I just want to raise awareness to anyone that may be able to report it to the police and have their store taken down. Since I’m not local I didn’t know who to contact or report it to so I’m hoping someone here can do it. And I’m willing to provide any more information needed.
The location of the store is just next to Hotel Imperial on 76-80, Changkat Bukit Bintang, Bukit Bintang, 50200, Kuala Lumpur
Co-ordinates are (3.1463462, 101.7100327)
submitted by Syred to malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:55 mrniceguy78 45 [M4F] WI - 10 perks to dating a man in a wheelchair

Yeah, I'm posting again because these get buried in the sea of other posts pretty quickly. I usually get a few replies each time with maybe one or two promising ones but mostly people that need something or don't match up for one reason or another. But I'm an optimist so here I go again.

  1. Rock star parking! Seriously, this is a big one.
  2. I give wheelchair rides. I'm quite comfy and walking is overrated.
  3. People let me cut in lines. I'm not sure why they do but it beats sitting outside in the cold.
  4. Playing the "Cripple Card" is the best excuse for getting out of shit you don't want to do. Who's going to argue that I don't feel well? This superpower also applies to my +1.
  5. People give me free shit. Again, I don't quite get their reasoning but you'll be covered under this policy as well. Free shit is good.
  6. I'm the best comedy fodder ever. Ever been out with a drunk, crippled guy that makes up stories about how he got hurt? No? I highly recommend it.
  7. I'm like having a built-in lawn chair. Everywhere we go, you'll have a place to sit. Think about it.
  8. I use a power chair. Do you have any idea how much this thing can carry? Think shopping bags, picnic supplies, survival gear?
  9. I'm really difficult to kidnap. Think this is just a perk for me? Think again, I can say with 99.99% certainty that you will NEVER have to pay a ransom.
  10. In the event of a zombie apocalypse or bear attack, I'm easy to outrun. (I can't promise that I won't later eat your brains, but that's the risk you take when dating a pre-zombie.)

Not only am I funny, I'm also not horrible looking, smart, thoughtful, live alone, have a great career, a super-sexy minivan (total panty dropper, I know) AND a second bathroom! What else could anyone ask for?
I'm looking for someone that also has a sense of humor. I tend to gravitate toward sweethearts and I find intelligence to be sexy. I don't have a specific physical type, except I'm definitely attracted to thin or athletic body types. Sorry, "bigger" just isn't my jam. Age is inconsequential to me as I’ve dated both much older and younger than myself. I can handle crazy but not, like, stab me crazy.
I'm open to a lot of things but I'm looking for something more than just platonic friendship, I have friends and I don't want to make out with any of them. If you’re looking for “just a friend”, I wish you luck but it’s not me. And definitely something more than just online. Not necessarily jumping into a relationship right away (I'm open to it) but someone to DATE for a while. I want a connection. My career is here and I don’t see that changing in the near future so anyone interested needs to be open to distance at first. Madison is a great place to live, though. ;) So please be in the same part of the world or at least capable to be.
If you think we might vibe, let's give it a go.
Here's a recent selfie to show I'm not a hideous beast: Imgur (No, I'm not a giant. My seat elevates)
submitted by mrniceguy78 to cf4cf [link] [comments]