Christian owned tn cabin rentals


2012.01.03 11:53 AbsolutTBomb Gatlinburg

A subreddit for Gatlinburg, Tennessee

2018.09.05 00:24 AbsolutTBomb Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

A subreddit for Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

2012.10.16 03:42 Miikeymt Townsend, Tennessee

A subreddit for Townsend, Tennessee

2024.05.15 04:18 harpoon2k Meditating on the Interplay between Christ and Mary

Meditating on the Interplay between Christ and Mary
Meditation of Scriptures in the Catholic sense prompts the faithful to engage in thought, imagination, emotion, and desire. This mobilization of faculties is necessary in order to deepen our convictions of faith, prompt the conversion of our heart, and strengthen our will to follow Christ. This form of prayerful reflection is of great value, but Christian prayer should go further: to the knowledge of the love of the Lord Jesus, to union with him.
I truly appreciate this scene because it dives into the unwritten interactions of Christ and his mother. This scene helps me understand more why Catholics build their personal and communal relationship with Jesus Christ through the lens of his mother - the Blessed Virgin Mary.
If we 'meditate' on scripture and the life of Christ, we put ourselves in the shoes of his mother. His mother who is simply obedient to the will of God, with her humble words "Let it be done to me, according to your word" - shows us how we could be good disciples of Christ, good Christians. She followed Christ's life. There is no one who would understand and know the Word made flesh than his own mother. She bore him into the world, she raised him, she must have followed Christ's healing, exorcism and preaching ministry, and she was with him until his passion and death. Imagine how a mother would've felt on those moments.
That is how we also reflect on our life with Christ as we build our relationship with him. The name of Jesus is above every other name, above every other principality. This is true. Our eyes should be fixed on Christ, just as his mother did it. We have to obey Christ's commandments and teachings, but without the grace of God, we wouldn't be able to 'remain in him.' We constantly ask for God to increase our faith, to have faith like his own mother, who received the very troubling message of an angel of bearing the Son of the most high into the world.
Meditating on Mary's experience may help us deepen our faith in Christ, as we have a guide on how to follow him. As she said in John 2: "do whatever he says."
I know that in many circles outside of Orthodoxy and Catholicism, Mary, like any other holy creature in the Bible is not worth the veneration. I'm not here to change any of those perceptions. I'm just here to give you a new perspective into Catholic and Orthodox spirituality.
submitted by harpoon2k to TheChosenSeries [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:14 AcrobaticRub5938 Sister Hears Voices

I'm going to try and not make this a novel.
I have multiple siblings, but I have one sister (6 years older than me) who has always dealt with mental health issues. I was the only sibling close to her growing up and I would try to reason with her irrational thinking,, but none of my other siblings, or even my mom, understood the extent of it. Basically, she had extreme paranoia (thinking people were looking at her badly and thinking terrible things, had to take a semester off of school because she said everyone was smelling her and making a face like she smelled bad, etc.).
Since then, she has never been able to be fully financially independent. What adds to some of the frustration is not knowing where her illness ends and where her personality starts. To put it short, she can be a pain in the ass, judgemental, very Christian and conservative. I have a lot of empathy for her but I can't do too much or even really share much so our relationship is superficial.
She's had low points, including a stay at a psychiatric hospital. I was hopeful that she was going to get the help she needed there, but she insisted that it was a spiritual attack and not a mental health crises and she would say that the stay ruined her life because everyone could tell she stayed at a psych hospital, including when she was interviewing for jobs. I'm no longer young and I don't even try to rationalize her delusions anymore, but I'm just unsure how to handle it. My mom also has her own issues and is struggling with finances but still has to support her a lot financially (she's turning 37 this months).
So I recently moved to my mom's house (she lives in a different city than where I grew up) for multiple reasons: to help her out financially so she wouldn't need another renter and I was getting burnt out from my city and wanted something new (irrelevant to this post but this turned out to be a great decision since I love this new city and find making community here a lot easier). Anyways, this means I'm living with my sister who has the upstairs apartment suite.
She would sometimes complain to me that the neighbors have this new girl who moved in and she's so annoying because she can hear her all day and at night, she hears her having sex or masturbating and it's really distracting and annoying. She would sometimes ask if I could hear her from my room but I never did. Today she asks my mom if she could sometimes sleep in another room because the noises are too much. My mom gets pissed because she has this whole apartment that she barely pays for. My mom then takes me to the side to talk to me...and y'all...there's no woman who lives in the house. This really shocked me. Partly because I thought she was getting better. My sister would have paranoid and irrational thoughts but the voices only ever happened during super low points where she was barely functioning (thus the psych ward). I had no idea this was happening when she otherwise seemed "normal" (for her standards). Schizophrenia, among other mental health issues, run in the family btw. I always said she had a form of it, but she's never been formally diagnosed and I am not a mental health professional.
I don't know how to handle this. The next time she talks to me about it, what should I even say? I don't want to enable her thinking but I don't want to make it seem like she can't talk to me. I was thinking of saying something like, "hey, I actually learned that there isn't a girl who stays at the house so I'm concerned about what you're hearing." But I'm betting she'll respond irritated like, "I'm not crazy and I heard what I heard." Thoughts? I don't even know what to do.
submitted by AcrobaticRub5938 to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:51 StrategyVast7175 Should I keep seeing him?? Am i overthinking??

Okay so I (20F) have been seeing this guy (20M) that I met in college. I saw him sitting in the library and thought he was cute so I gave him my number. I've never done that for a guy but it was Valentine's Day, it's been a year since my first break-up, and he seemed nice. We've been on 4 dates for the last 3 months and we actually get along in so many ways. I feel really comfortable talking to him and we're both into each other. I honestly didn't expect to match so much with him but now I want a RS with him.
But I don't know if I should keep dating him?? First, there is the advice about "healing yourself before a RS" or "becoming the best version of yourself". I am definitely not the best version of myself, there's a lot I want to work on. And I grew up with a traumatic childhood that I have CPTSD from. Definitely haven't healed that yet.
Also, he's Christian and he doesn't mind that I'm Muslim but honestly I'm not even fully sure of my own religious beliefs. I just know my Muslim mom and brother would freak out to know I'm dating someone who's Christian. ( I, myself, am not really sure, sometimes I lean towards islam, sometimes I don't)
I just don't want to keep dating him because I don't have all the answers yet on who I am and haven't personally healed from the things I've been through. I know I could technically heal/grow/find myself while in a RS but what if that journey leads me to not want to be with him anymore???
submitted by StrategyVast7175 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:43 cj-au Rental valuation for home loan

My partner and I are in the process of applying for a home loan to purchase a property to live in together. I currently live in my own property. We plan to try and keep my property as an IP.
The bank is asking for a rental valuation of my property. How do I go about getting this? I live in a town house complex with a caretaker. Can I just provide proof from them of other surrounding properties that are being rented or do I need to employ a professional service?
Looking for what people have previously used with success. I will ask the credit assessor if necessary, but currently having some contact issues with them, so trying to get it sorted ASAP.
Any advice appreciated.
submitted by cj-au to AusProperty [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:38 kitastrophe76 I stood up for myself today and am panicking. Seeking emotional support/affirmation so I have the courage to get out of bed tomorrow...

This can be deleted if inappropriate, I've been a long time lurker and honestly can't think of a more supportive and inclusive community that might lend some wisdom or affirmation to help me stay strong...
Creating boundaries as a homeschool survivor in the workplace as an adult is exhilarating and gut wrenching and has left me shaken. Like I've maybe made no progress at all in the last two decades.
I was the firstborn (and only) daughter in a fundamental Christian home by a covert narcissist mother who was the ultimate saint and victim and a traditionally narcissistic father who was absent unless he needed a punching bag, a role my brothers played.
Maintaining the peace and regulating everyone's emotions was an internalized responsibility I understood to be mine by age 7. A large part of my homeschooling involved cooking, cleaning, and parenting my two younger brothers who had gender roles of intolerance and head of household lessons of their own to learn. My younger brother backhanded me for the first time for mouthing off at ten, and I ended up asked to apologize for upsetting him with my attitude problems. For simply having opinions I was the problem child, the sinner. Long story short, lifetime conditioning that keeping people happy and changing myself to keep the peace is fully engrained.
I grew up, broke away, joined the military and thrived, then went to college for political science and then psychology, desperate to understand myself and those around me. I've virtually no contact with anybody in my family, and usually have pretty good personal boundaries. Or thought so.
New job, high stakes, first one that gives me confidence and a sense of fulfillment, the team overall has been amazing, professional, supportive, and doesn't play games. But there are two people that have bearing on this story.
My direct supervisor is a well-meaning but fairly absent and political creature. Highly intelligent, but more interested in everybody getting along than dealing with conflict. He assigned me a trainer when I first started.
She is a master manipulator who pushes all the DARVO, gaslighting, sweet as pie to your face and poison behind your back type who sees me as a pet and personal assistant rather than a coworker who mastered the job quickly and the more independent I become, the more diminishing, controlling, and manipulative she becomes. I almost instantly fell into good daughter behaviors even when I was fully aware I was doing it because she had power over when I could work on my own, even while knowing she was dragging it out because I could do her work as training.
Today she took over a conference I was supposed to be leading, a key step in progressing to being fully qualified, and she took every chance to discredit me in front of my team in the guise of remedial training I don't need and pushing buttons like implying I'm lazy or inattentive or shirking responsibilities.
Enough was enough, I sought advice from a coworker I trust and went to my boss with my concerns. I was articulate, I stood up for myself, let my work and credentials speak for itself. I requested a new trainer. His response was to joke about the honeymoon being over, promised to talk to her. Nothing will be changed except now she'll know I complained. Experience has taught me that "telling" is bad for me.
On the one hand, I'm an HR professional, I know that he can't discuss another employee without talking to them and there are a lot of steps between disciplinary or personnel action from a first complaint (that should have happened weeks ago if I'm being honest). On the other, life experience is viscerally guaranteeing me that I have just made a colossal mistake and that telling on "mom" to "dad" will only result in him brushing it aside and her raining hell on my daily life. I'm caught between being proud for finally standing up for myself, setting professional boundaries, knowing I've done nothing wrong, and anticipating the myriad of ways this could catastrophize. I'm sick to my stomach and that's after taking lorazepam to ward off the panic attack my actions have caused.
I'm expected to go sit in that conference with her again tomorrow. I don't trust her, can't learn from her, needed support and help, and I didn't get what I asked for. Seems like the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Maybe there's movement in the background he can't divulge. But all I see right now is I don't have the confidence I'll be able to comport myself professionally if she's confrontational or acts hurt or sweet and gaslights me tomorrow into thinking I imagined it all, or that I'm crazy or being the manipulative one. I'm that damaged, it might just work. What the hell do I do with that? How do I go to work tomorrow, head held high? Can I even?
Any advice from people further along in their journey would be greatly appreciated. I feel very alone and pathetic at the moment, and frustrated with myself for feeling that way.
submitted by kitastrophe76 to WitchesVsPatriarchy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:38 Straight-Tourist-638 [Tenant - US - CA]

Okay so this will be a long one but bear with me. It has been an ongoing situation for more than a year now.
I live in a 2br in a reasonably okay area, I’ve been here since 2018. It’s my 14yr old, myself and my big lab that is fully trained. In 2020 right before the pandemic, a family moved in downstairs (mom, dad, a high school are girl and a younger daughter, sometimes their older son visits). When they first moved in, I introduced myself and after introductions she told me that they thought drug addicts lived up there because of the noise. I apologized and told her it could have been my dog and to please feel comfortable enough to knock if we were ever too loud. We’ve never really talked, just polite greetings when our paths crossed.
Everything has been fine the last couple of years until last March while my 14 yr old was home by herself, she was recording herself doing her makeup and in the video we could hear banging coming from underneath the floor. She texted me about it and I told her that perhaps they were hammering something on the wall. From then on, it never stopped. We’d come in during the daytime and within minutes of it, they would be banging with a broomstick on their ceiling. I contacted management about it and let them know. The manager was surprised but said she’d talk to them about it. I’m not sure what she said or if she did, but it escalated, she went and spoke to a neighbor I get along with well and asked her to speak to me. The neighbor instead spoke to my now boyfriend who doesn’t live with me who was walking my dog. Neighbor downstairs then told my mother in passing that my boyfriend tried to get my (trained and super sweet) lab to bite her. Every single time that she has banged on the ceiling (a rough estimate of 15 times in the last year), I’ve called the security agency and followed up with management the next day. Last October I got a first notice to comply or quit in 3 days. It only gave me the date of the noise but not the time or nature of the noise. I was confused because I’d been working at my desk but figured perhaps I rolled my chair too loud. A month later, security came to my door at 10:30, I spoke to them through my doorbell since I was not home. They said there had been a noise complaint but I explained I wasn’t home and he left. I went to management the next day and she said that the lady had been in there crying and sobbing that we were incessantly making noise and stomping all day and her anxiety was getting bad. Management then asked if there was bad blood between us and I told her I hardly spoke to her since the first time we met. In January of this year, I bought 1/2 inch floor padding and carpeting and put it down all over my living room to try and make the effort to fix the situation before it got worse. I also went out and bought slippers for myself, my daughter and extra for visitors or bf. I sent video and photos to management to prove the modification. The banging stopped but only for about a month. In March, we came home on a Sunday at 1 pm and her door was open as we came up the stairs, she was looking at us from her hallway which made me uncomfortable. Within a minute of walking in, the banging started. I got angry and walked downstairs in plain view of the apartment camera and my own and told her she needed to stop because she had just seen us walk in, I didn’t really hear what else she said to me but I ignored her and went back up. When I went to management the next day, she told me that the downstairs tenant had gone to her apartment on the property crying that I had walked into her apartment and threatened her in front of her child. I was completely shocked and told my manager to review her tapes and gave her the time. She believed me and my mistake was not getting it in writing. She told me that her husband had also been in to complain and her children had gone in with her as well. Then asked me if I really thought they would all lie about the noise. I became more paranoid because now it seemed like management was not believing me about the noise even though I wasn’t home. I complained again after she started banging on the ceiling one morning around 8 while I was getting ready for work. They said a notice would be sent to her. In late April, I was out with friends and got back around midnight. Next morning I had work and when I got back there was a 2nd notice on my door. Along with it, a report from the night security saying that there was a complaint at 11 pm for moving furniture around and another one at 2 am for arguing and screaming but that both times when he approached my apartment, all was dark and quiet. I sent a video to management dragging my heavy coffee table to prove that on my carpet it doesn’t make any noise. I told them I’d been asleep and never heard the door at all. Unfortunately they upheld their 2nd notice. Last Thursday the 9th around 11 pm, I was washing my face getting ready to go to bed and I heard a loud knock. It was security, saying there was a noise complaint and asking if I was okay. I told him everything was fine and that I was just getting ready for bed. I asked if it came from downstairs and he said he could not tell me. The next day (5/10/24) I received a final notice to comply or quit. It states that on the 8th and the 10th there were noise complaints from downstairs. Again no time or nature of disturbances. I called management about it because I wasn’t even home on the 8th and had video of me leaving and coming back around 9 pm. I showered and went to sleep for my 7 am shift next day (I work an hour away). My lease was up April 30th, I emailed them twice in that month about lease renewal and management kept saying that corporate had not sent an offer for me and some other residents.
Again I’ve been there for 6 years, got along with the family that lived there before, get along with neighbors around the complex, I’m friendly with my side neighbors and currently there isn’t anyone on the other side of me. According to the property’s website, the apartment I’m at has a monthly rate of $2600, because of the pandemic and how long I’ve been there, I pay $1960 for mine. In the final notice, there’s also this paragraph that I’m not sure I understand too well since I automatically transferred to a month-to-month lease.
“You are further notified that the Owner hereby elects to declare the forfeiture of your Rental Agreement under which you hold possession of the above-described premises. If you fail to perform or otherwise comply, Owner will institute legal proceedings to recover any sums due plus possession of said premises which could result in a judgment against you and all other residents in possession including attorneys' fees and court costs as allowed by law, plus Owner may recover an additional punitive award of six hundred dollars ($600) in accordance with California law for such unlawful detention.”
I’ve always followed the rules, always complied with anything they asked, I genuinely am not doing anything to this family on purpose. But I am at the point where I don’t have company over, I don’t use my living room past 10, I don’t let my dog play with anything or chew on anything at home. My life feels like it is revolving around keeping the people downstairs happy.
Please, I need all of the advice, insight and help I can get. Thank you in advance!
submitted by Straight-Tourist-638 to Landlord [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:34 jssjlk7484 The TRANS Community doesn't even like me (read below)

The TRANS Community doesn't even like me (read below)
I am a Trans-Female who is REJECTED by The Trans Community. Why? Because I do not believe in ALL things that they do, I do not SPEAK how they speak: I'm not PC (Politically Correct) I'm not Democratic (I'm a Moderate Republican) I'm married - of all things, to a WHITE, Heterosexually acting/looking male who is a Texan, a Redneck (drum roll) A Trump Supporter (I'm not - I don't care for Trump but I AM A REPUBLICAN) and both of us are Ex-Military (me: Air Force, him: Army) We believe in The Right To Own Guns, The AMERICAN FLAG, The Constitution and Supporting our Troups and Country. We are NOT Christians (We are Norse Pagan) We are both nothing alike in many other things: He is a Jokester while I am Serious, he is MESSY while I am neat, he is timid while I am a wild fire, I am kind - he is PETTY, he is like an ADULT CHILD while I am the ACTUAL ADULT. We are like Yin and Yang. We couldn't be more different. But it MOSTLY works 🤣🤣🤣 I'm usually BLOCKED or BANNED by the Trans/LGBT Community because they and I just end-up 'bumping heads'. But that's ok. Can't please everyone (nor do I care to) I'm just happy being ME.
submitted by jssjlk7484 to u/jssjlk7484 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:34 Lull8by_ Questions about the E63S

Hello, recently I've looking around the market for an AMG and the E63S has definitely piqued my interest. Coming from a previous sedan with decent cabin space (GS350), I've always been a bigger sedan type of guy and have always been fond of the E class.
As of lately, I've been only able to find a couple of them in my local market. One of them specifically is a 19' E63S with 49k miles, 4 previous owners, no reported accidents, and a clean title all listed for 63k. The spec is definitely a spec I've been looking for as it carries a black exterior with brown interior.
A couple of questions I have for the AMG community is how reliable is the M177 engine past the 50k miles mark going into the 70-80k miles? I have personally contacted two people I know and they've both recommended me to purchase the extended warranty plan and have said nothing out of the ordinary concerning the reliability (they own a 19' and 20' going on 2 years.) However, I have seen tons of mixed reviews and opinions on this subreddit and other forums about the reliability of the engine/car in general. For those of you who currently own one, how much would you estimate your annual maintenance costs to be? Furthermore, I used to own a 2014 S63 which I had to led go of recently as the decade mark was approaching along with the expected increased maintenance costs, so I'm curious as to how the maintenance costs would compare with the S63!
I've now been deciding whether it would be worth it to wait a couple more weeks and see if the market prevails with anything floating around 30k miles, pull the trigger soon with the 19' E63S I've been eyeing, or to start looking at the 20-21' C63S in hope of finding a lower mileage.
Tomorrow I will be viewing the car in person and will update with further details, let me know if you guys got any questions or if I'm missing any key details!
submitted by Lull8by_ to AMG [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:23 BlondBeast96 HR is refusing to ammend my sick time that they messed up...

I was hired as a part time associate in the tool rental department a little over a year ago. In December, I was offered a full time spot. I accepted, and still had to wait until February after my vacation before actually starting. I have been working 40+ hours every week since then, and it has since come to my attention that full time associates are supposed to earn 4 hours of sick time every month on the same date of their hire date.
I have still only been getting 2 hours every month since February, so when I realized I was right I complained to HR to try to figure out wtf was happening. They said they would look into it, about two weeks later I finally get a response and they are basically saying "Sorry, you're fucked" and that there is no way to reverse it or add hours of sick time back in after the fact, nor could they put it on a check. I am not buying that.
I'm owed at least 4-6 hours of sick time for working the hours that I have. Apparently the reason my stuff got fucked up is because of the HR manager or whatever's own screw up and negligence, having forgotten to change me in the system to full time. How tf does someone forget to do that when they are scheduling me 40 hours every week? And now I have to suffer for someone else's mistake.
My status as a full time associate has been ammended now in the system, but I still couldn't get a guarantee that I would get my 4 hours this month, or that I would get 40 vacation hours when my next 6 months hit. Now I don't know what will happen with that since I was just "changed to full time officially" this month.
Beyond that, I spoke to my direct supervisor of my department and she gave me some bs response "Oh sometimes they do that like a trial period for a few weeks before moving you over". I was not told that or anything like that when I was offered the position at all.
Now I'm wondering, if there is anything I can do about this to fight this, if anyone else has experienced anything similar, and what my course of action should be. I got my "HR representative's" number that was posted in the break room, the person who seems to be HR's boss, and plan to contact them soon and complain.
Is there any other way for me to escalate this further and get it resolved? I just want my sick time. They're messing with my money now when all I've ever done is help them out, never even missed a day.
submitted by BlondBeast96 to HomeDepot [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:19 mrhighway22 One thing I didn’t think/care about when I was a evangelical:

Christianity isn’t the only religion in the world, and there’s no real way of knowing which one of them is the “correct” one, if any of them. Among all the different religions in the world, they all have one thing in common: they think theirs is the right one. So why as Christian’s did we act so surprised, attacked, and offended when we would get push back from people when we would try and push our religion on to them? A lot of people have their own religion and we aren’t entitled to them having to believe in Christianity.
submitted by mrhighway22 to exchristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:17 Inevitable_Heart_781 Sadira's Mediation Services: Now Open!

Alright, let's get it out of the way already. Considering how Sadira's own mental had been going in the last few months with all the problems she has been dealing with, one should question if making herself available to solve other people's problems was a good idea. And well, you would be correct being worried about it.
Camp Half-Blood had been relatively peaceful as of late, no conflicts that where Sadira had to intervene at all except for some incidents here and there, and well, it was not like people were coming to her anyways. At least, not as the Mediator. Which, in hindsight, is a very good thing. Camp was already chaotic enough without conflict and drama, petty or serious, but still, it did make her feel... a little useless... and like she wasn't doing enough with her position.
This combination of things is what made the daughter of dreams decide to open her mediation once again. Sure, depending on what kind of services people ended up needing, sye might even regret this, but hey, it's her job. As long as certain people didn't show up, everything would go smoothly as far as she was concerned. Assuming people actually showed up, that is. If there was something Sadira had learned I'm her time as the Mediator, she knew there were a lot of people in camp who didn't really talk about their problems, but admist all the new arrivals at camp and such, surely there would some people who needed someone to talk to.
Once again, Sadira re-used her signs and plastered them around camp, advertising Sadira's mediation services, which reax
"Is something or someone bothering you? Do you need any sort of advice? Are you looking for an unbiased opinion? Or just someone to hang out with?
If yes, come to the Oneroi Cabin and talk to Sadira Andersen, the Camp Mediator!
Don't want to talk directly? That's perfectly valid! Feel free to ask for advice through the Advice Column, if you prefer
Sadira, as a person, generally preferred to talk to people outside, where there was fresh air and and people could feel less restrained and more relaxed to talk, but considering the nature of her services, it wasn't the best idea. Which is why she decided to use the Morpheus wing of Cabin 41 instead. It was calm, relaxing and cozy, and she lived there alone anyway. It had worked before, so there was no reason that it would not work again now.
Once the campers in need arrive at said cabin, they'd find the Morpheus door unlocked, and Sadira would be inside, sitting in a comfortable chair with another comfortable chair in front of her, with a little table in between for snacks and drinks, just in case.
Now she just had to wait and see, and pray that nobody decided to make her life difficult for no reason, unlike last time.
submitted by Inevitable_Heart_781 to CampHalfBloodRP [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:09 Schlonathon 7 full days, Mt Rainier + N Cascades

Already researched a number of these types of posts but here's my own situation.
From the southeast (GA), avid hiker, hiking is very different here (boring) compared to the west, and I've fallen in love with the west after lucky opportunities to spend time hiking in Alaska and northern Arizona.
I embarrassingly am a novice camper due to my upbringing.
So, solo trip planned to Seattle at the end of August. May or may not have a buddy with me but I solo hiked both other times out west. 7 full days. Already determined Olympic is a future trip for at least 5 days and the odd park out this time.
Figuring out if I should do 3 days in Rainier and 4 in N Cascades or swap the number of days in each.
My thing in Arizona was cheap airbnbs for a bed and shower at nite and waking up early. In Alaska I camped in a Jeep with a tent on top.
I'm tempted to just go for it and plan a multi-day backpack in N Cascades but maybe backpacking for my first time ever in a spot like that ain't the best idea? But I have the endurance - went 14.3 miles down and up the Grand Canyon as a day hike.
Main thing I'm worried about is difficult to find cheap airbnbs that aren't close to Seattle and camping seems better to be close to the parks each morning.
3 days in Rainier and 4 in N Cascades? Or swap that? Any tips on lodging and if I should just go for it with camping and maybe a little backpacking? Am I allowed to sleep in my rental car close to the park in a pinch?
submitted by Schlonathon to Washington [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:06 Any_Cockroach_648 Using dwelo with home assistant?

Long story short, I am considering moving into a rental house that offers a “smart home package” that includes Dwelo smart locks, lights, and thermostats. This package also include fiber internet service so I am considering taking the package (I do however feel very on edge about the idea of management having access to my smart home… that’s another conversation for another day).
My question is, can Dwelo be used with home assistant? Does this depend on how management has everything set up? I would prefer to just set up my own internet service and handle my own smart home setup, but the way it is worded makes it sound like I have to buy the package to access the Dwelo devices so it’s all confusing to me. This sounds like a BS excuse for an upcharge to me.
I saw a few similar posts in the sub but they were several years old.
submitted by Any_Cockroach_648 to homeassistant [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:02 Dry-Vermicelli-682 (CA) rent prices.. are.. out of control. Is there ANY downward pricing soon or.. we all moving to the streets?

I am looking for a rental place in various areas of California. However, the majority of local jobs pay about $15 an hour. That's about 28K a year.. or bit under 2K a month take home. That wont even cover a 1bd in 99% of the state. Forget food, internet, insurance, car, etc. WTF is everyone doing to pay these astronomical prices? I was looking at a place near by for 2200.. and now its 3000 in a few weeks later. This same place 3 years ago was 1400. So.. more than 2x increase in 3 years.. how is this even making sense? It's not like the people who own it had an increase in their mortgages. Granted every home is different and someone could have bought it recently or refinanced, etc.. I get it. But holy shit, as a middle aged man about to go thru divorce.. I am freaking the fuck out. Especially cause I lost my job 3 months ago and dont have much left to live on. I dont understand how in places like Nevada, even the midwest where that would be a massive drastic move for me and I'd move away from all my family.. just to find a place to live.. and that's assuming I can get approved cause my credit score is horrible too. So yah.. I am baffled.. as to how people are making it work.
Is there any end in sight where every aspect of our lives.. rents, food, energy, cars.. aren't going to keep going up and maybe start going back down to just way overpriced.. instead of impossibly overpriced for all but the top 2% or so of people?
I have to imagine the homeless population is growing immensely all over the country and it's just not being talked about. With so many jobs paying about $12 to $15 an hour maybe $20 if you're lucky.. that isn't close to enough in most areas to afford a 1bedroom + car + gas + insurance + food + any debt + savings +.. fuck..
submitted by Dry-Vermicelli-682 to Renters [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:02 wtfwafflezor (Selling) 550 Titles Planet of the Apes 1-3 iTunes 4K $10 Godzilla: King Of The Monsters 4K $4

Prices FIRM - CashApp/Venmo/PayPal Friends & Family
Disney/Marvel titles are split codes. Only redeem what you pay for. Thank you.
1917 (2019) (MA/4K) $5.50 (MA/HD) $3
355, The (2022) (MA/HD) $5.50
65 (2023) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $5
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $5.25
A Bug's Life (1998) (MA/HD) (iTunes/4K) $7.50
A Man Called Otto (2022) (MA/HD) $5.75
A Monster Calls (2016) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3.75
A Most Wanted Man (2014) (Vudu/HD) $3.50
A Quiet Place (2018) (Vudu/4K) $4 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $1.50
A Simple Favor (2018) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.25
A United Kingdom (2016) (MA/HD) $5
A Vigilante (2018) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5.50
Abominable (2019) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $6.25
Ad Astra (2019) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $4.25
Addams Family 2 (2021) (iTunes/4K) $5.50
Adventures of Tintin (2011) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (2014) (MA/HD) $4.75
Alien Collection 1-6 (MA/HD) $19.50
Aliens (1986) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $6
Aloha (2015) (MA/HD) $2.50
Alvin and the Chipmunks 2: The Squeakquel (2009) (MA/HD) $5.50
Amazing Spider-Man (2012) (MA/HD) $4
Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) (MA/HD) $5
Ambulance (2022) (MA/HD) $3.75
American Assassin (2017) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.50
American Gangster (Extended Edition) (2007) (MA/4K) $7.50 (MA/HD) $5.75
American Hustle (2013) (MA/HD) $3.75
American Underdog (2021) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4.75
Amsterdam (2022) (MA/HD) $4.75
Angel Has Fallen (2019) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5
Angel of Mine (2019) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5.25
Angels & Demons (2009) (MA/4K) $6.50
Anna (2019) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $4.25
Antlers (2021) (MA/HD) $4.75 (GP/HD) $3.50
Ant-Man (2015) (MA/4K) $6 (iTunes/4K) $5 (MA/HD) $4 (GP/HD) $2.25
Apocalypse Now (Theatrical, Redux & Final Cut) (Vudu/4K) $6.50
Arnold Schwarzenegger 6-Movie (Vudu/HD) $13.50
Art of Racing in The Rain (MA/HD) $5.25
As Good As It Gets (1997) (MA/4K) $6.50
Asteroid City (2023) (MA/HD) $6
Avengers Collection 1-4 (MA/HD) $20 (GP/HD) $7.75
Babylon (2022) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $7.50
Bad Boys Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $12
Bad Times at The El Royale (2018) (MA/HD) $5.25
Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar (2021) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4.75
Barbie (2023) (MA/HD) $5.50
Batman, The (2022) (MA/4K) $4
Battleship (2012) (MA/4K) $4 (MA/HD) $1.75 (iTunes/4K) $3
Baywatch (2017) (Vudu/4K) $5.75 (iTunes/4K) $2.25 (Vudu/HD) $1.25
Beast (2022) (MA/HD) $5.50
Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971) (MA/HD) $5 (GP/HD) $3.50
Begin Again (2014) (Vudu/HD) $3.50
Belfast (2021) (MA/HD) $5
Ben-Hur (2016) (Vudu/HD) $2.50
Between Worlds (2018) (Vudu/HD) $5
Beverly Hills Cop (1984) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $4.25
Beyond the Reach (2015) (Vudu/HD) $5.25
Big (1988) (MA/HD) $6
Big George Foreman (2023) (MA/HD) $5.50
Big Hero 6 (2014) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $4.50 (GP/HD) $1.50
Big Lebowski (1998) (MA/4K) $7 (iTunes/4K) $6 (MA/HD) $5.50
Big Short (2015) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3.25
Black Adam (2022) (MA/4K) $6.25
Black And Blue (2019) (MA/HD) $5.75
Black Panther (2018) (MA/4K) $6 (MA/HD) $4.25 (GP/HD) $1.75
Black Widow (2021) (MA/4K) $6.25 (MA/HD) $4.50 (GP/HD) $3
BlacKkKlansman (2018) (MA/HD) $5.25
Blacklight (2022) (MA/HD) $3.50
Blindspotting (2018) (Vudu/4K) $4.75 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4.50
Blood Father (2016) (Vudu/HD) $3.75
Blue Bayou (2021) (MA/HD) $6
Blue Beetle (2023) (MA/HD) $6.50
Blumhouse's The Craft: Legacy (2020) (MA/HD) $7
Bolt (2008) (MA/HD) $7.25
Bond: Spectre (2015) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5.25
Book Club: The Next Chapter (2023) (MA/HD) $5.25
Book of Life (2014) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2.50
Book Thief (2013) (MA/HD) $5.75
Boss Baby (2017) & Family Business (2021) (MA/HD) $5.50
Bourne Collection 1-5 (MA/4K) $25 (iTunes/4K) $18 (MA/HD) $14
Breach (2020) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5.25
Breaking In (Unrated) (2018) (MA/HD) $4.75
Brian Banks (2019) (MA/HD) $3.50
Bridesmaids (2011) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $3.50
Bridge of Spies (2015) (MA/HD) $5 (GP/HD) $3.50
Brightburn (2019) (MA/4K) $7.50 (MA/HD) $6.75
Bullet Train (2022) (MA/4K) $5 (MA/HD) $3.50
Cabin in the Woods (2012) (iTunes/4K) $2.75 (Vudu/HD) $2
Candyman (2020) (MA/HD) $4.75
Captain America: Civil War (2016) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $4.75 (GP/HD) $2.25
Captain America: Winter Soldier (2014) (MA/HD) $5 (GP/HD) $2.25
Captain Phillips (2013) (MA/HD) $4.50
Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie (2017) (MA/HD) $2.75
Cars 1-3 (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $15.50 (GP/HD) $9
Central Intelligence (Unrated) (MA/4K) $6.50
Charlie's Angels (2000) (MA/4K) $6.50
Chasing Amy (1997) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3.75
Child's Play (2019) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $6.50
Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010) (MA/HD) $6.75
Cinderella 'Camila Cabello' (2021) (MA/HD) $4.50
Cinderella III: A Twist in Time (2007) (MA/HD) $6.50 (GP/HD) $5
Clerks II (Vudu/HD) $5.75
Clerks III (2022) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.50
Clifford the Big Red Dog (2021) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $3.50
Clown (2014) (Vudu/HD) $6
Cocaine Bear (2023) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $5.50
Collateral (2004) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $7.50
Come Play (2020) (MA/4K) $6.50
Commuter (2018) (Vudu/4K) $5.75 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $2.25
Conan The Barbarian (2011) (Vudu/4K) $5
Contractor (2022) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4.25
Copshop (2021) (MA/HD) $6.75
Counselor (2013) (MA/HD) $3.25
Countdown (2019) (Vudu/4K) $5.75
Creed III (2023) (Vudu/4K) $6 (Vudu/HD) $3
Croods (2013) & A New Age (2020) (MA/HD) $6.25
Croods (2013) (MA/HD) $3
Cruella (2021) (MA/4K) $5.50 (MA/HD) $3.50 (GP/HD) $2.50
Da Vinci Code (2006) (MA/4K) $6.50
Dark Crystal (1982) (MA/4K) $6.50
Dark Waters (2019) (MA/HD) $5.75
DC League of Super-Pets (2022) (MA/4K) $6.50
Dead Man Down (2013) (MA/HD) $4.50
Deadpool (2016) (MA/4K) $6 (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $1.75
Deadpool 2 (2018) (MA/HD) $3
Death on the Nile (2022) (MA/HD) $5 (GP/HD) $3.50
Death Wish (2018) (Vudu/HD) $2.25
Dentist Collection 1-2 (1996-1998) (Vudu/HD) $5
Despicable Me Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $12.50
Devil's Due (2014) (MA/HD) $3
Devotion (2022) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5.75
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul (2017) (MA/HD) $2
Die Another Day (2002) (Vudu/HD) $7
Die Hard 1-5 (MA/HD) $15
Dirty Dancing (1987) (Vudu/4K) $4.75 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4.25
DisneyNature: Monkey Kingdom (2015) (MA/HD) $5.50 (GP/HD) $3.50
Django Unchained (2012) (Vudu/HD) $2.50
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) (MA/HD) $2.75 (GP/HD) $2
Doorman (2020) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $3.75
Dora and the Lost City of Gold (2019) (Vudu/HD) $5 (iTunes/4K) $4.25
Downsizing (2017) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $1.25
Downton Abbey (2019) (MA/HD) $5
Downton Abbey: A New Era (2022) (MA/HD) $3.75
Dr. No (1962) (Vudu/HD) $6.75
Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) (iTunes/4K) $5.25 (MA/HD) $5
Draft Day (2014) (Vudu/HD) $3.25 (iTunes/HD) $2.50
Dragonheart Collection 1-5 (MA/HD) $14
Dredd (2012) (Vudu/4K) $6.50 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $3.25
Drive (2011) (MA/HD) $5
Dumb Money (2023) (MA/HD) $5.50
Earth Girls Are Easy (1988) (Vudu/HD) $5
El Mariachi (1993) (MA/HD) $6.50
Elemental (2023) (MA/HD) $5.75
Elvis (2022) (MA/4K) $5
English Patient (1996) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.75
Equalizer 3 (2023) (MA/HD) $5.75
Eternals (2021) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $4.25 (GP/HD) $2.75
Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) (Vudu/4K) $6.50
Evil Dead (2013) (MA/4K) $6.50
Evil Dead Rise (2023) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $5
Exorcist: Believer (2023) (MA/4K) $7.50 (MA/HD) $6.50
Expendables 1-3 (Vudu/4K) $15 (Vudu/HD) $4.50
Extreme Prejudice (1987) (Vudu/HD) $5
F9: The Fast Saga + Director's Cut (2021) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $4.75
Fabelmans (2022) (MA/HD) $5.50
Fall (2022) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $6
Fantasia (1940) (MA/HD) $6.50 (GP/HD) $5
Fantasia 2000 (2000) (MA/HD) $6.50 (GP/HD) $5
Fast & Furious Collection 1-10 (MA/4K) $28
Fast & Furious Collection 1-8 (MA/4K) $23 1-9 (MA/HD) $10
Fast X (2023) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $5.50
Father Stu (2022) (MA/HD) $5.25
Fatman (2020) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5.50
Fault in Our Stars (2014) (MA/HD) $1.50
Fifty Shades of Grey + Unrated (2015) (MA/4K) $5.25 Unrated (MA/4K) $4.75
Fifty Shades of Grey 3-Movie + Unrated (MA/HD) $9.75
Five Feet Apart (2019) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $3
Five Nights at Freddy's (2023) (MA/HD) $6.50
Flash, The (2023) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $5
Flatliners (2017) (MA/HD) $4.25
Forever Purge (2021) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $5.50
Fruitvale Station (2014) (Vudu/HD) $3.75
Fury (2014) (MA/4K) $6.25 (MA/HD) $3.25
Future World (2018) (Vudu/HD) $4
Gamer (2009) (Vudu/4K) $6.25 (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5.50
Gangs of New York (2002) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5.25
Garfield (2004) (MA/HD) $6.50
Gate, The (1987) (Vudu/SD) $3.75
Gemini Man (2019) (Vudu/4K) $5.25 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $2.25
Ghostbusters (1984) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $3.50
Ghostbusters + Extended (2016) (MA/HD) $2.25
Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021) (MA/HD) $3.50
Gifted (2017) (MA/HD) $4.50
Girl on the Train (2016) (iTunes/4K) $2 (MA/HD) $2.25
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011) (MA/HD) $6
Glory (1989) (MA/4K) $6.50
Godfather Trilogy (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $14
Godzilla: King Of The Monsters (2019) (MA/4K) $4
Gone Girl (2014) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $5.50
Grace Unplugged (2013) (Vudu/HD) $5.25
Gran Turismo (2023) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $5.50
Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) (MA/HD) $3.75
Grease (1978), 2 (1982), Live! (2016) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $14
Grey, The (2012) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3.50
Groundhog Day (1993) (MA/4K) $6.50
Grown Ups 2 (2013) (MA/HD) $5
Grudge (2020) (MA/HD) $6.50
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) (MA/4K) $7.25 (iTunes/4K) $4.75 (MA/HD) $4 (GP/HD) $1.75
Hands of Stone (2016) (Vudu/HD) $3.50
Happy Death Day 2U (2019) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $6
Harriet (2019) (MA/HD) $4.25
Hateful Eight (2015) (Vudu/HD) $2
Heaven is for Real (2014) (MA/HD) $2.50
Hercules (2014) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $1.50
Hitman (Unrated) (2007) (MA/HD) $6
Hitman's Bodyguard (2017) (Vudu/4K) $5.75 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4.25
Hobbs & Shaw (2019) (MA/4K) $5.75 (MA/HD) $3.50
Holiday Inn (1942) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3.75
Holiday, The (2006) (MA/4K) $6.50
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992) (MA/HD) $3.50
Home Alone Collection 1-2 (MA/HD) $6.50
Hook (1991) (MA/4K) $6.50
Hop (2011) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3
Hope Springs (2012) (MA/HD) $2.25
Hot Fuzz (2007) (MA/HD) $3.50 (iTunes/4K) $4
Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation (2018) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $5
Hotel Transylvania Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $16
House of 1,000 Corpses (2003), Devil's Rejects (2005), 3 From Hell (2019) (Vudu/HD) $6
House of Gucci (2021) (iTunes/4K) $5
How High (2001) (MA/HD) $6.50
How to Train Your Dragon Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $7.50
Hundred-Foot Journey (2014) (MA/HD) $5.50 (GP/HD) $4
Hunger Games Collection 1-4 (Vudu/HD) $6
I, Tonya (2017) (MA/HD) $5
Ice Age (2002) (MA/HD) $4.25
Ice Age Collection 1-5 (MA/SD) $16
Identity Thief (2013) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $3.50
If Beale Street Could Talk (2018) (MA/HD) $5.25
If I Stay (2014) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5.75
Impossible, The (2013) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.50
Incredibles (2004) (iTunes/4K) $6 (GP/HD) $4.50
Independence Day: Resurgence (2014) (iTunes/4K) $2 (MA/HD) $1.50
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023) (MA/HD) $6
Indiana Jones Collection 1-4 (Vudu/4K) $24 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $20
Inferno (2016) (MA/HD) $3
Insidious: The Last Key (2018) (MA/HD) $5.50
Insidious: The Red Door (2023) (MA/HD) $5.25
Instructions Not Included (2013) (Vudu/HD) $3.75
Interstellar (2014) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.75 (Vudu/HD) $3.75
Into the Woods (2014) (MA/HD) $4 (GP/HD) $2.25
Iron Man 1-3 (iTunes/4K) $16 (GP/HD) $7.50
Iron Man 3 (2013) (iTunes/4K) $3 (MA/HD) $2.25 (GP/HD) $1.50
Isle of Dogs (2018) (MA/HD) $5.50
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016) (Vudu/4K) $5.25 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $2.75
Jason X (2001) (MA/HD) $6
Jaws (1975) (MA/4K) $5.75 (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $4.50
Jaws (1975) Jaws 2 (1978) Jaws 3 (1983) Jaws: The Revenge (1987) (MA/HD) $15.50
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5.50
Jerry Maguire (1996) (MA/4K) $6.50
Jigsaw (2017) (Vudu/4K) $4.75 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $2
Jingle All the Way (1996) (MA/HD) $6
John Wick Collection 1-3 (Vudu/4K) $16 (iTunes/4K) $14.50 (Vudu/HD) $8
Jojo Rabbit (2019) (MA/4K) $7.50
Jumanji (1995) (MA/4K) $6.50
Jumanji: Next Level (2019) & Welcome to the Jungle (2017) (MA/HD) $7
Jumanji: The Next Level (2019) (MA/HD) $5.25
Jungle Book 2 (2003) (MA/HD) $6.50
Jurassic World Collection 1-5 (iTunes/4K) $17.50 (MA/HD) $8.50
Jurassic World Collection 1-6 (MA/HD) $11
Jurassic World: Dominion + Extended Cut (2022) (MA/4K) $6.25 (MA/HD) $3.75
Justice League: War World (2023) (MA/HD) $5.50
Kandahar (2023) (MA/4K) $7
Karate Kid (1984) (MA/4K) $6.50
Kick-Ass (2010) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.25
Kicks (2016) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $4.50
Kidnap (2017) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2.75
Kimi (2022) (MA/4K) $6.75
Kin (2018) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.50
Krampus (2015) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $4.75
Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) (MA/HD) $3
La La Land (2016) (Vudu/HD) $2.25 (iTunes/4K) $3.75
Labor Day (2013) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.50
Lady and the Tramp (1955) (MA/HD) $5.75 (GP/HD) $3.75
Last Duel, The (2021) (MA/HD) $5.25 (GP/HD) $4
Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023) (MA/4K) $7.50 (MA/HD) $7
Last Witch Hunter (2015) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $1.50
Lawrence of Arabia (Restored Version) (1962) (MA/HD) $5
Legend of Hercules (2014) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $3
Leon: The Professional (Extended Cut) (1994) (MA/4K) $6.50
Life (2017) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $2.50
Lighthouse (Vudu/HD) $6
Lightyear (2022) (MA/4K) $4.75 (MA/HD) $2.50 (GP/HD) $1.75
Lilo & Stitch (2002) & Stitch Has a Glitch (2005) (MA/HD) $9.50 (GP/HD) $5.50
Lion King (1994) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $4.50 (GP/HD) $2.75
Lion King 2: Simba's Pride (1998) (MA/HD) $6.25
Little Monsters (1989) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
Little Women (2019) (MA/HD) $5.50
Live Die Repeat: Edge Of Tomorrow (2014) (MA/4K) $5.50
Lone Ranger (2013) (MA/HD) $4.50 (GP/HD) $2.50
Lone Survivor (2013) (MA/4K) $6.25 (iTunes/4K) $2 (MA/HD) $1.50
Longest Ride (2015) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $1.25
Looper (2012) (MA/HD) $2.75
Lords of Salem, The (2012) (Vudu/HD) $4.75
Lost City, The (2022) (Vudu/4K) $5.50 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5
Love, Simon (2018) (MA/HD) $2.75
Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile (2022) (MA/HD) $4.25
M3GAN + Unrated (2023) (MA/HD) $5.50
Ma (2019) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $5
Madagascar Collection 1-4 (MA/HD) $15
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019) (MA/4K) $6 (iTunes/4K) $3.75 (GP/HD) $3.25
Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977) (MA/HD) $6.50
Marksman, The (2021) (MA/HD) $5
Marlowe (2023) (MA/HD) $6.50
Martian - Extended Cut (2015) (MA/4K) $7.75 (MA/HD) $5.25
Martian (Theatrical) (2015) (MA/4K) $7 (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $3
Mary Queen of Scots (2018) (MA/HD) $6
Maze Runner Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $14.50
McFarland, USA (2015) (MA/HD) $6 (GP/HD) $4.50
Meg 2: The Trench (2023) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $5
Meg Collection 1-2 (MA/HD) $8.50
Memory (2022) (MA/HD) $3.75
Men (2022) (Vudu/HD) $5
Men in Black (1997) (MA/4K) $6.50
Men in Black Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $14.50
Mickey & Friends 10 Classic Shorts - Volume 2 (2023) (MA/HD) $6.25 (GP/HD) $5
Mickey & Minnie 10 Classic Shorts - Volume 1 (2023) (MA/HD) $5.25 (GP/HD) $3.75
Midnight Meat Train (Unrated Director's Cut) (2008) (Vudu/HD) $5
Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016) (MA/HD) (iTunes/4K) $3.75
Minions: The Rise of Gru (2022) & Minions (2015) (MA/HD) $7.25
Minions: The Rise of Gru (2022) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $5
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children (2015) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2
Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $7
Mission: Impossible Collection 1-6 (iTunes/4K) $20 (Vudu/HD) $18
Mitchells Vs. The Machines (2021) (MA/HD) $4.25
Monster Hunter (2020) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $4
Monster's Ball (2001) (Vudu/HD) $6
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life (1983) (MA/4K) $6.75
Moonfall (2022) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $4.75
Morbius (2022) (MA/4K) $5 (MA/HD) $3
Mortal Kombat Legends: Cage Match (2023) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $5.50
Mud (2013) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3
Mulan 2 (2005) (MA/HD) $3.75
My Fair Lady (1964) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
My Girl (1991) & 2 (1994) (MA/SD) $6.50
Natural, The (1984) (MA/4K) $6
Never Grow Old (2019) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.50
News of the World (2020) (MA/HD) $3.50
Night at the Museum 3-Movie (MA/HD) $11.50 (MA/SD) $8
Night Before (2015) (MA/HD) $4.50
Nightmare Alley (2021) (MA/HD) $4.50 (GP/HD) $3.50
No Country For Old Men (2007) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
No Hard Feelings (2023) (MA/HD) $5.50
Nope (2022), Get Out (2017) & Us (2019) (MA/HD) $9
Northman (2022) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $3.75
Now You See Me 1-2 (Vudu/HD) $4 (iTunes/HD) $6.50
Nun 2 (2023) (MA/HD) $6
Nutcracker and the Four Realms (2018) (MA/4K) $5.75 (MA/HD) $3
Oliver! (1968) (MA/4K) $6.50
Olympus Has Fallen (2013) (MA/HD) $5
Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre (2023) (Vudu/4K) $7
Oppenheimer (2023) (MA/HD) $7
Other Guys, The (2010) (MA/4K) $6.50
Ouija (2014) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2.50
Outfit (2022) (MA/HD) $7
Over the Hedge (2006) (MA/HD) $6.50
Overboard (2016) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5.50
Oz the Great and Powerful (2013) (MA/HD) $2 (GP/HD) $1
Pacific Rim Uprising (2018) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $4.25
Pain & Gain (2013) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3
ParaNorman (2012) (iTunes/HD) $5
Paul (2011) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $4.25
Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 (2015) (MA/HD) $3.75
PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie (2023) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $6.50
Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank (2022) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5.25
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010) (MA/HD) $6.75
Peter Rabbit (2018) & 2 (2021) (MA/HD) $7.50
Peter Rabbit 2 (2021) (MA/HD) $4
Philadelphia (1993) (MA/4K) $6.50
Philadelphia (1993) (MA/4K) $8
Pitch Perfect Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $11.50
Pixels (2015) (MA/HD) $5.50
Plane (2023) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $6.50
Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $5
Planet of the Apes 1-3 (Newer) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $10
Pocahontas (1995) (MA/HD) $6.25
Poms (2019) (iTunes/HD) $2.50
Pope's Exorcist (2023) (MA/HD) $5.75
Power Rangers (2017) (iTunes/4K) $3 (Vudu/HD) $2.50
Pretty in Pink (1986) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4.50
Prey for the Devil (2022) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $6.50
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016) (MA/HD) $6
Prince of Egypt (2002) (MA/HD) $5.50
Proud Mary (2018) (MA/HD) $4
Psycho (1960) (MA/HD) $4.50
Purge, The (2013) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2.75
Puss in Boots (2011) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $5.50
Raid Collection 1-2 (MA/HD) $11.50
Rambo Collection 1-5 (Vudu/HD) $12.50
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
Ratatouille (2007) (MA/HD) (iTunes/4K) $7.50
Red (2010) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $6.25
Red Dawn (2012) (Vudu/HD) $5.25 (iTunes/SD) $2
Red Sparrow (2018) (MA/HD) $4
Red Violin, The (1998) (Vudu/HD) $5
Replicas (2019) (Vudu/4K) $5
Reservoir Dogs (1992) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5
Riddick Collection 1-3 (Unrated) (MA/HD) $13.50
Ride Along 1-2 (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5 $2.75 Each
Rings (2017) (Vudu/HD) $2.75 (iTunes/HD) $1.50
Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2010) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $5.75
Risen (2016) (MA/HD) $4.50
Room (2015) (Vudu/HD) $4.25
Rudy (Director's Cut) (1993) (MA/4K) $6.50
Rumble (2022) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
Runner Runner (2013) (MA/HD) $3.25
Saint Maud (2020) (Vudu/HD) $6
Same Kind of Different as Me (2017) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2
Saw (2004) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.25
Saw Collection 1-7 (Vudu/HD) $9.75
Scarface (1983) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $5
Scary Movie Collection 1-3 (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $13.50
Scream 5 (2022) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5
Scream 6 (2023) (Vudu/4K) $7 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $6.50
Scream Collection 1-3 (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $13.50
Searching (2018) (MA/HD) $6.50
Secret Headquarters (2022) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $5.50
Secret Life of Pets 2 (2019) (MA/HD) $5.25
Secret Life of Pets Collection 1-2 (MA/HD) $7.25
Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013) (MA/HD) $2
Semper Fi (2019) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.25
Sessions (2012) (MA/HD) $4.25
Sex Tape (2014) (MA/HD) $2.75
Shack (2017) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $1.50
Shang-Chi (2021) (MA/4K) $6 (MA/HD) $4.75 (GP/HD) $2.75
Shape of Water (2017) (MA/HD) $3.25
Shaun the Sheep Movie (2015) (Vudu/HD) $3.75
She's Having a Baby (1988) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3.75
Shrek the Third (2007) (MA/HD) $6
Shutter Island (2010) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $6.50
Sicario: Day of the Soldado (2018) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $3.75
Sick (2023) (MA/4K) $6.75
Silent Night, Deadly Night: 3-Film Collection (1989-1991) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014) (Vudu/HD) $6
Sing Collection 1-2 (MA/HD) $6
Singin' in the Rain (1952) (MA/4K) $6
Sisters (Unrated) (2015) (MA/HD) $4 (iTunes/HD) $3.25
Slender Man (2018) (MA/HD) $5.25
Smile (2022) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $6.25
Smokey and the Bandit (1977) (MA/4K) $6 (MA/HD) $4.50
Smokin' Aces (2007) (MA/4K) $6 (iTunes/4K) $5.50
Snowden (2016) (MA/HD) $3.50 (iTunes/HD) $4
Social Network (2010) (MA/4K) $6.50
Son of a Gun (2015) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
Son of God (2014) (MA/HD) $1.50
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022) (Vudu/4K) $6 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4.50
Space Between Us, The (2017) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.50
Spell (2020) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $5
Spider-Man Collection 1-8 (MA/HD) $26
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) (MA/HD) $5.50
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) (MA/4K) $6.25 (MA/HD) $3.50
Spiral: From the Book of Saw (2021) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5
Spirit Untamed: The Movie (2021) (MA/HD) $5.50
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2003) (MA/HD) $4.75
Spotlight (2015) (MA/HD) $5 (iTunes/HD) $3
Spy Who Dumped Me (2018) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $3.75
Stand Up Guys (2012) (Vudu/HD) $2.75
Star Trek Beyond (2016) (Vudu/HD) $1.75 (iTunes/4K) $3.25
Star Trek Collection 1-3 (Vudu/HD) $9.50 (iTunes/4K) $13.50
Starship Troopers (1997) (MA/4K) $6.50
Stoker (2013) (MA/HD) $4.50
Straight Outta Compton (Unrated Director’s Cut) (2015) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2.50
Strange World (2022) (MA/HD) $5 (GP/HD) $4.25
Stuber (2019) (MA/HD) $5.25
Studio 666 (2022) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $6.25
Suburbicon (2017) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $3.25
Suffragette (2015) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $3
Super Mario Bros Movie (2023) (MA/4K) $7.25 (MA/HD) $5.50
Super Troopers (2002) (MA/HD) $5.50
SW: Empire Strikes Back (1980) (MA/4K) $7 (GP/HD) $3.50
SW: Rise of Skywalker (2019) (MA/4K) $6 (iTunes/4K) $4.75 (GP/HD) $2.25
SW: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) (iTunes/4K) $3.75 (GP/HD) $1.25
Sword in the Stone (1963) (MA/HD) $5.75 (GP/HD) $3.25
T2 Trainspotting (2017) (MA/HD) $7
Tag (2018) (MA/4K) $6.50
Taken Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $9
Talk to Me (2023) (Vudu/4K) $6.50
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (2006) (MA/4K) $6.50
Tar (2022) (MA/HD) $5.75
Taxi Driver (1976) (MA/4K) $6.50
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (2023) (Vudu/4K) $7.50 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $6.50
Thanksgiving (2023) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $5.50
Think Like a Man (2012) & Too (2014) (MA/HD) $8.50
Thor (2011) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $7 (GP/HD) $3.50
Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $3.25 (GP/HD) $2
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017) (MA/HD) $3.50
Ticket to Paradise (2022) (MA/HD) $5.75
Till (2022) (iTunes/4K) $6.50
Titanic (1997) (Vudu/4K) $6.50 (Vudu/HD) $4.75 (iTunes/4K) $6
Top Gun (1986) (Vudu/4K) $4.75 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $3.50
Total Recall (1990) (Vudu/4K) $5 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4.75
Trading Places (1983) (Vudu/HD) $4.50
Training Day (2001) (MA/4K) $6
Transformers 1-5 (Vudu/4K) $25 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $23
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (2023) (Vudu/4K) $7 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $6
Trauma Center (2019) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $3.25
Trolls (2016) (MA/HD) $1.25
Trolls Band Together (2023) (MA/HD) $6.50
Trolls Collection 1-2 (MA/HD) $5.75
True Story (2015) (MA/HD) $5.25
Tully (2018) (MA/HD) $5
Turbo (2013) (MA/HD) $2.50 (iTunes/SD) $1
Turning Red (2022) (MA/HD) $3.75 (GP/HD) $2.50
Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $6.75
Uncharted (2022) (MA/4K) $5.25 (MA/HD) $3.25
Uncle Drew (2018) (Vudu/4K) $6 (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3
Uncut Gems (2019) (Vudu/HD) $4.25
Underwater (2020) (MA/HD) $5.50
Underworld: Awakening (2012) (MA/HD) $1.75
Unhinged (2020) (Vudu/HD) $4.50
Up (2009) (MA/HD) (iTunes/4K) $7.50
Usual Suspects, The (1995) (Vudu/HD) $6
Vertigo (1958) (MA/HD) $4.75
Vice 'Christian Bale' (2018) (MA/HD) $4.75
Violent Night (2022) (MA/HD) $5.75
Vivo (2021) (MA/HD) $4
Walking with Dinosaurs (2013) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2.50
WALL-E (2008) (MA/HD) (iTunes/4K) $7.50
Walt Disney Animation Studios Shorts Collection (2015) (MA/HD) $5.25 (GP/HD) $3.75
War of the Worlds (1953) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $6.50
Waves (2019) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
Whale, The (2022) (Vudu/HD) $6
When the Bough Breaks (2016) (MA/HD) $4.50
Where the Crawdads Sing (2022) (MA/HD) $3.75
Whiplash (2014) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $5.50
White Boy Rick (2018) (MA/HD) $5
Widows (2018) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $2
Winter's Bone (2010) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5
Witch, The (2016) (Vudu/HD) $3.50
Woman King (2022) (MA/4K) $5.75 (MA/HD) $4
World War Z (2013) (Vudu/HD) $3.25 (iTunes/4K) $4.50
Wraith, The (1986) (Vudu/HD) $5
X (2022), Hereditary (2018), Witch, The (2016), Green Room (2015), It Comes at Night (2017) (Vudu/HD) $14
X-Men (2000), X2 (2003), X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) (MA/HD) $14
X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2.25
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) (MA/HD) $6
X-Men: First Class (2010), Days of Future Past (2004), Apocalypse (2014) (MA/HD) $10.50
Yesterday (2019) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $4.75
Zombieland (2009) (MA/4K) $7.25
Zombieland: Double Tap (2019) (MA/4K) $7.25 (MA/HD) $5.25
Zookeeper's Wife, The (2017) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $4
submitted by wtfwafflezor to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:56 Last_Question_7359 Building wealth.. slowly but surely. Need some advice on this one!

Trying to build wealth..
Looking for some advice on my plan to acquire a rental property… In 2021, I bought a condo in a college town for $120,000. Monthly payments with HOA fees, taxes, and insurance are $1200 a month. I had a full time job, and the payments were well below my means. Fast forward to end of 2023, I got a job out of state that pays $130,000 so I had to move! (very blessed).. I thought about selling the condo, but I could rent it out and cash flow $600 a month, so I decided to keep it. I bought a home in the new state (FL, in a subdivision.. really not a fan but doing it for the $ for now).
The condo in the original college town is now worth $220,000. reached out and said I could do a lump sum HELOC-type loan where I would pay back $370 a month for 30 years in exchange for $40,000 lump sum (crazy terms, but the liquidity would be nice!). I want to use this $40,000 to buy another condo in my original college town that needs no repairs for $180,000. There is a hospital, industry, and college nearby. I know it will be rented pretty quickly.
Would it be worth it to grab this $40,000? My plan would be to use the $600 cash flow to pay down the $40,000 loan as quick as possible, and throw any other money at it as well. My Roth is maxed for the year already, and I contributed 15% with a 5% match to my 401k. Just looking for advice really. I am a first gen black college grad and owning anything is not something talked about too commonly amongst my family.
submitted by Last_Question_7359 to realestateinvesting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:43 The_Way358 The Purpose of This Page

Along with this post, I have both a "Statement of Faith" and a "Post Directory" stickied on my page, and on said directory are some posts listed under the category of "Essential Teachings." I laid the posts in the aformentioned "Post Directory" out in the order as given to be read by others who are seeking to have a grasp of just basic hermeneutics of the Bible and its overarching narrative as a whole, so that one can more fully comprehend the Scriptures and read it on their own without the harmful pressupositons of modern 'Christian theology' influencing one's interpretations of the text.
Please note that I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR POSTS LISTED AS "ESSENTIAL TEACHINGS." I have merely gathered things others have said all across the internet, from articles to videos and books, and put them all together in a cohesive manner, heavily editing where I believed appropriate. There are times where I cite sources, but most things are not cited, and most everything is written as if they are all my own words. THEY ARE NOT. While yes, there are some thoughts and words that are my own, the reason I'm choosing to relinquish credit of even THOSE things is because they are so indistinguishable and difficult to demarcate from everything else that it would be virtually impossible at this point to show where exactly someone else's thoughts end and mine begin.
The reason I did all this is because I value cohesiveness above everything else, and I would not have had enough space on each respective post to cite all the sources. I cited sources where I could and was able, but often it was because I was citing from other users directly on this website, so I felt it more appropriate to do so in those instances. Regardless, one could probably find where I pulled all this from by using tools online that specialize in this task.
May the Lord bless my readers with all wisdom and understanding of the Scriptures.
submitted by The_Way358 to u/The_Way358 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:40 ShiftYourReality How to Escape the Confines of Time and Space According to the CIA (The Gateway Experience)

In the ’80s, the spy agency investigated the "Gateway Experience" technique to alter consciousness and ultimately escape spacetime.
The intrigue revolves around a classified 1983 CIA report on a technique called the Gateway Experience, which is a training system designed to focus brainwave output to alter consciousness and ultimately escape the restrictions of time and space.
The CIA was interested in all sorts of psychic research at the time, including the theory of applications of remote viewing, which is when someone views real events with only the power of their mind. The documents have since been declassified and are available to view.
This is a comprehensive excavation of The Gateway Process report. The first section provides a timeline of the key historical developments that led to the CIA’s investigation and subsequent experimentations. The second section is a review of The Gateway Process report. It opens with a wall of theoretical context, on the other side of which lies enough understanding to begin to grasp the principles underlying the Gateway Experience training. The last section outlines the Gateway technique itself and the steps that go into achieving spacetime transcendence.
Let’s go.
• 1950s - Robert Monroe, a radio broadcasting executive, begins producing evidence that specific sound patterns have identifiable effects on human capabilities. These include alertness, sleepiness, and expanded states of consciousness.
• 1956 - Monroe forms an R&D division inside his radio program production corporation RAM Enterprises. The goal is to study sound’s effect on human consciousness. He was obsessed with “Sleep-Learning," or hypnopedia, which exposes sleepers to sound recordings to boost memory of previously learned information.
• 1958 - While experimenting with Sleep-Learning, Monroe discovers an unusual phenomenon. He describes it as sensations of paralysis and vibration accompanied by bright light. It allegedly happens nine times over the proceeding six weeks, and culminates in an out-of-body experience (OBE).
• 1962 - RAM Enterprises moves to Virginia, and renames itself Monroe Industries. It becomes active in radio station ownership, cable television, and later in the production and sale of audio cassettes. These cassettes contain applied learnings from the corporate research program, which is renamed The Monroe Institute.
• 1971 - Monroe publishes Journeys Out of the Body, a book that is credited with popularizing the term “out-of-body experience.”
• 1972 - A classified report circulates in the U.S. military and intelligence communities. It claims that the Soviet Union is pouring money into research involving ESP and psychokinesis for espionage purposes.
• 1975 - Monroe registers the first of several patents concerning audio techniques designed to stimulate brain functions until the left and right hemispheres become synchronized. Monroe dubs the state "Hemi-Sync" (hemispheric synchronization), and claims it could be used to promote mental well-being or to trigger an altered state of consciousness.
• 1978 to 1984 - Army veteran Joseph McMoneagle contributes to 450 remote viewing missions under Project Stargate. He is known as “Remote View No. 1”.
• June 9th, 1983 - The CIA report "Analysis and Assessment of The Gateway Process" is produced. It provides a scientific framework for understanding and expanding human consciousness, out-of-body experiments, and other altered states of mind.
• 1989 - Remote viewer Angela Dellafiora Ford helps track down a former customs agent who has gone on the run. She pinpoints his location as “Lowell, Wyoming”. U.S. Customs apprehend him 100 miles west of a Wyoming town called Lovell.
• 2003 - The CIA approves declassification of the Gateway Process report.
• 2017 - The CIA declassifies 12 million pages of records revealing previously unknown details about the program, which would eventually become known as Project Stargate.
The author of The Gateway Process report is Lieutenant Colonel Wayne M. McDonnell, hereon referred to simply as Wayne. There isn’t a tremendous amount of information available on the man, nor any photographs. In 1983, Wayne was tasked by the Commander of the U.S. Army Operational Group with figuring out how The Gateway Experience, astral projection and out-of-body experiences work. Wayne partnered with a bunch of different folks to produce the report, most notably Itzhak Bentov, a very Googleable American-Israeli scientist who helped pioneer the biomedical engineering industry.
A scientific approach
From the outset of the report, Wayne states his intent to employ an objective scientific method in order to understand the Gateway process. The various scientific avenues he takes include:
• A biomedical inquiry to understand the physical aspects of the process.
• Information on quantum mechanics to describe the nature and functioning of human consciousness.
• Theoretical physics to explain the time-space dimension and means by which expanded human consciousness transcends it.
• Classical physics to bring the whole phenomenon of out-of-body states into the language of physical science (and remove the stigma of an occult connotation).
Methodological frames of reference
Before diving into the Gateway Experience, Wayne develops a frame of reference by dissecting three discrete consciousness-altering methodologies. He’s basically saying, there’s no way you’re going to get through The Gateway without a solid grounding in the brain-altering techniques that came before it.
1) He begins with hypnosis. The language is extremely dense, but the basic gist is as follows: the left side of the brain screens incoming stimuli, categorizing, assessing and assigning meaning to everything through self-cognitive, verbal, and linear reasoning. The left hemisphere then dishes the carefully prepared data to the non-critical, holistic, pattern-oriented right hemisphere, which accepts everything without question. Hypnosis works by putting the left side to sleep, or at least distracting it long enough to allow incoming data direct, unchallenged entry to the right hemisphere. There, stimuli can reach the sensor and motor cortices of the right brain, which corresponds to points in the body. Suggestions then can send electrical signals from the brain to certain parts of the body. Directing these signals appropriately, according to the report, can elicit reactions ranging from left leg numbness to feelings of happiness. Same goes for increased powers of concentration.
2) Wayne continues with a snapshot of transcendental meditation. He distinguishes it from hypnotism. Through concentration the subject draws energy up the spinal cord, resulting in acoustical waves that run through the cerebral ventricles, to the right hemisphere, where they stimulate the cerebral cortex, run along the homunculus and then to the body. The waves are the altered rhythm of heart sounds, which create sympathetic vibrations in the walls of the fluid-filled cavities of the brain’s ventricles. He observed that the symptoms begin in the left side of the body, confirming the right brain’s complicity. Bentov also states that the same effect might be achieved by prolonged exposure to 4 - 7 Hertz/second acoustical vibrations. He suggests standing by an air conditioning duct might also do the trick. (David’s Lynch and other celebrities are committed adherents to transcendental meditation today.)
3) Biofeedback, on the other hand, uses the left hemisphere to gain access to the right brain’s lower cerebral, motor, and sensory cortices. Whereas hypnosis suppresses one side of the brain, and TM bypasses that side altogether, biofeedback teaches the left hemisphere to visualize the desired result, recognize the feelings associated with right hemisphere access, and ultimately achieve the result again. With repetition, the left brain can reliably key into the right brain, and strengthen the pathways so that it can be accessed during a conscious demand mode. A digital thermometer is subsequently placed on a target part of the body. When its temperature increases, objective affirmation is recognized and the state is reinforced. Achieving biofeedback can block pain, enhance feeling, and even suppress tumors, according to the report.
The Gateway mechanics
With that, Wayne takes a first stab at the Gateway process. He classifies it as a “training system designed to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output between the left and right hemispheres so as to alter consciousness.”
What distinguishes the Gateway process from hypnosis, TM, and biofeedback, is that it requires achieving a state of consciousness in which the electrical brain patterns of both hemispheres are equal in amplitude and frequency. This is called Hemi-Sync. Lamentably, and perhaps conveniently, we cannot as humans achieve this state on our own. The audio techniques developed by Bob Monroe and his Institute (which are comprised as a series of tapes). claim to induce and sustain Hemi-Sync.
Wayne employs the analogy of a lamp versus a laser. Left to its own devices the human mind expends energy like a lamp, in a chaotic and incoherent way, achieving lots of diffusion but relatively little depth. Under Hemi-Sync though, the mind produces a “disciplined stream of light.” So, once the frequency and amplitude of the brain are rendered coherent it can then synchronize with the rarified energy levels of the universe. With this connection intact, the brain begins to receive symbols and display astonishing flashes of holistic intuition.
The Hemi-Sync technique takes advantage of a Frequency Following Response (FFR). It works like this: an external frequency emulating a recognized one will cause the brain to mimic it. So if a subject hears a frequency at the Theta level, it will shift from its resting Beta level. To achieve these unnatural levels, Hemi-Sync puts a single frequency in the left ear and a contrasting frequency in the right. The brain then experiences the Delta frequency, also known as the beat frequency. It’s more familiarly referred to these days as binaural beats. With the FFR and beat frequency phenomena firmly in place, The Gateway Process introduces a series of frequencies at marginally audible, subliminal levels. With the left brain relaxed and the body in a virtual sleep state, the conditions are ideal to promote brainwave outputs of higher and higher amplitude and frequency. Alongside subliminal suggestions from Bob Monroe (naturally), the subject can then alter their consciousness.
The Gateway system only works when the audio, which is introduced through headphones, is accompanied by a physical quietude comparable to other forms of meditation. This increases the subject’s internal resonance to the body’s sound frequencies, for example the heart. This eliminates the “bifurcation echo”, in which the heartbeat moves up and down the body seven times a second. By placing the body in a sleep-like state, The Gateway CD’s, like meditation, lessen the force and frequency of the heartbeat pushing blood into the aorta. The result is a rhythmic sine wave that in turn amplifies the sound volume of the heart three times. This then amplifies the frequency of brainwave output. The film surrounding the brain—the dura—and fluid between that film and the skull, eventually begin to move up and down, by .0005 and .010 millimeters.
The body, based on its own micro-motions, then functions as a tuned vibrational system. The report claims that the entire body eventually transfers energy at between 6.8 and 7.5 Hertz, which matches Earth’s own energy (7 - 7.5 Hertz). The resulting wavelengths are long, about 40,000 kilometers, which also happens to be the perimeter of the planet. According to Bentov, the signal can move around the world’s electrostatic field in 1/7th of a second.
To recap, the Gateway Process goes like this:
• Induced state of calm
• Blood pressure lowers
• Circulatory system, skeleton and other organ systems begin to vibrate at 7 - 7.5 cycles per second
• Increased resonance is achieved
• The resulting sound waves matches the electrostatic field of the earth
• The body and earth and other similarly tuned minds become a single energy continuum.
We’ve gotten slightly ahead of ourselves here though. Back to the drawing board.
A psycho-quantum level deeper
Wayne then turns to the very nature of matter and energy. More materially (or less if you will), solid matter in the strict construction of the term, he explains, doesn’t exist. The atomic structure is composed of oscillating energy grids surrounded by other oscillating energy grids at tremendous speeds. These oscillation rates vary—the nucleus of an atom vibrates at 10 to the power of 22, a molecule vibrates at 10 to the power of 9, a human cell vibrates at 10 to the power of 3. The point is that the entire universe is one complex system of energy fields. States of matter in this conception then are merely variations in the state of energy.
The result of all these moving energies, bouncing off of energy at rest, projects a 3D mode, a pattern, called a hologram, A.K.A our reality as we experience it. It's best to think of it as a 3D photograph. There’s a whole rabbit hole to go down here. Suffice it to say, the hologram that is our experience is incredibly good at depicting and recording all the various energies bouncing around creating matter. So good, in fact, that we buy into it hook, line, and sinker, going so far as to call it our "life."
Consciousness then can be envisaged as a 3D grid system superimposed over all energy patterns, Wayne writes. Using mathematics, each plane of the grid system can then reduce the data to a 2D form. Our binary (go/no go) minds can then process the data and compare it to other historical data saved in our memory. Our reality is then formed by comparisons. The right hemisphere of the brain acts as the primary matrix or receptor for this holographic input. The left hemisphere then compares it to other data, reducing it to its 2D form.
In keeping with our species' commitment to exceptionalism, as far as we know humans are uniquely capable of achieving this level of consciousness. Simply, humans not only know, but we know that we know. This bestows upon us the ability to duplicate aspects of our own hologram, project them out, perceive that projection, run it through a comparison with our own memory of the hologram, measure the differences using 3D geometry, then run it through our binary system to yield verbal cognition of the self.
The click-out phase
Wayne then shows his cards as a true punisher, issuing, "Up to this point our discussion of the Gateway process has been relatively simple and easy to follow. Now the fun begins." Shots fired, Wayne. What he's preparing the commander reading this heady report for is the reveal—how we can use the Gateway to transcend the dimension of spacetime.
Time is a measurement of energy or force in motion; it is a measurement of change. This is really important. For energy to be classified as in motion, it must be confined within a vibratory pattern that can contain its motion, keeping it still. Energy not contained like this is boundary-less, and moves without limit or dimension, to infinity. This disqualifies boundary-less energy from the dimension of time because it has no rate of change. Energy in infinity, also called "the absolute state," is completely at rest because nothing is accelerating or decelerating it—again, no change. It therefore does not contribute to our hologram, our physical experience. We cannot perceive it.
Now back to frequencies. Wave oscillation occurs because a wave is bouncing between two rigid points of rest. It's like a game of electromagnetic hot potato (the potato being the wave and the participants' hands being the boundaries of the wave). Without these limits, there would be no oscillation. When a wave hits one of those points of rest, just for a very brief instant, it "clicks out" of spacetime and joins infinity. For this to occur, the speed of the oscillation has to drop below 10 the power of -33 centimeters per second. For a moment, the wave enters into a new world. The potato simply disappears into a dimension we cannot perceive.
Theoretically speaking, if the human consciousness wave pattern reaches a high enough frequency, the “click-outs” can reach continuity. Put another way, if the frequency of human consciousness can dip below 10 to the power of 33 centimeters per second but above a state of total rest, it can transcend spacetime. The Gateway experience and associated Hemi-Sync technique is designed for humans to achieve this state and establish a coherent pattern of perception in the newly realized dimensions.
Passport to the hologram
In theory, we can achieve the above at any time. The entire process though is helped along if we can separate the consciousness from our body. It’s like an existential running head start where the click-out of a consciousness already separated from its body starts much closer to, and has more time to dialogue with, other dimensions.
This is where things get a little slippery; hold on as best you can. The universe is in on the whole hologram thing, too, Wayne writes. This super hologram is called a "torus" because it takes the shape of a fuck-off massive self-contained spiral. Like this:
Give yourself a moment to let the above motion sink in...
This pattern of the universe conspicuously mirrors the patterns of electrons around the nucleus of an atom. Galaxies north of our own are moving away from us faster than the galaxies to the south; galaxies to the east and west of us are more distant. The energy that produced the matter that makes up the universe we presently enjoy, will turn back in on itself eventually. Its trajectory is ovoid, also known as the cosmic egg. As it curls back on itself it enters a black hole, goes through a densely packed energy nucleus then gets spat out the other side of a white hole and begins the process again. Springtime in the cosmos, baby!
And that is the context in which the Gateway Experience sits.
[Deep breaths.]
The following is an outline of the key steps to reach focus levels necessary to defy the spacetime dimension. This is an involved and lengthy process best attempted in controlled settings. If you’re in a rush, you can apparently listen to enough Monroe Institute Gateway Tapes in 7 days to get there.
The Energy Conversion Box: The Gateway Process begins by teaching the subject to isolate any extraneous concerns using a visualization process called “the energy conversion box.”
Resonant Humming: The individual is introduced to resonant humming. Through the utterance of a protracted single tone, alongside a chorus on the tapes, the mind and body achieve a state of resonance.
The Gateway Affirmation: The participant is exposed to something close to a mantra called The Gateway Affirmation. They must repeat to themselves variations of, “I am merely a physical body and deeply desire to expand my consciousness.”
Hemi-Sync: The individual is finally exposed to the Hemi-Sync sound frequencies, and encouraged to develop a relationship with the feelings that emerge.
Additional Noise: Physical relaxation techniques are practiced while the Hemi-Sync frequencies are expanded to include “pink and white” noise. This puts the body in a state of virtual sleep, while calming the left hemisphere and raising the attentiveness of the right hemisphere.
The Energy Balloon: The individual is then encouraged to visualize the creation of an “energy balloon” beginning at the top of the head, extending down in all directions to the feet then back up again. There are a few reasons for this, the main one being that this balloon will provide protection against conscious entities possessing lower energy levels that he or she may encounter when in the out-of-body state.
Focus 12: The practitioner can consistently achieve sufficient expanded awareness to begin interacting with dimensions beyond their physical reality. To achieve this state requires conscious efforts and more “pink and white noise” from the sound stream.
Tools: Once Focus 12 is achieved, the subject can then employ a series of tools to obtain feedback from alternate dimensions.
Problem Solving: The individual identifies fundamental problems, fills their expanded awareness with them, and then projects them out into the universe. These can include personal difficulties, as well as technical or practical problems.
Patterning: Consciousness is used to achieve desired objectives in the physical, emotional, or intellectual sphere.
Color Breathing: A healing technique that revitalizes the body’s energy flows by imagining colors in a particularly vivid manner.
Energy Bar Tool: This technique involves imagining a small intensely pulsating dot of light that the participant charges up. He or she then uses the sparkling, vibrating cylinder of energy (formerly known as the dot) to channel forces from the universe to heal and revitalize the body.
Remote Viewing: A follow-on technique of the Energy Bar Tool where the dot is turned into a whirling vortex through which the individual sends their imagination in search of illuminating insights.
Living Body Map: A more organized use of the energy bar in which streams of different colors flow from the dot on to correspondingly-colored bodily systems.
Seven days of training have now occurred. Approximately 5 percent of participants get to this next level, according to the report.
Focus 15 - Travel Into the Past: Additional sound on the Hemi-Sync tapes includes more of the same, plus some subliminal suggestions to further expand the consciousness. The instructions are highly symbolic: time is a huge wheel, in which different spokes give access to the participant’s past.
Focus 21 - The Future: This is the last and most advanced state. Like Focus 15, this is a movement out of spacetime into the future.
Out-of-Body Movement: Only one tape of the many is devoted to out-of-body movement. This tape is devoted to facilitating an out-of-body state when the participant’s brain wave patterns and energy levels reach harmony with the surrounding electromagnetic environment. According to Bob Monroe, the participant has to be exposed to Beta signals of around 2877.3 cycles per second.
Wayne expresses concern about the fidelity of information brought back from out-of-body states using the Gateway technique. Practical applications are of particular concern because of the potential for “information distortion.”
The Monroe Institute also ran into a bunch of issues in which they had individuals travel from the West to the East Coast of the U.S. to read a series of numbers off of a computer screen. They never got them exactly right. Wayne chalks this up to the trouble of differentiating between physical entities and extra-time-space dimensions when in the out-of-body state.
Wayne swings back to support mode though, lending credence to the physics foundation of the report. He cites multiple belief systems that have established identical findings. These include the Tibetan Shoug, the Hindu heaven of Indra, the Hebrew mystical philosophy, and the Christian concept of the Trinity. Here he seems more interested in hammering home the theoretical underpinnings that make The Gateway Experience possible, rather than the practical possibilities promised by The Gateway Tapes.
Possibly with his CIA top brass audience in mind, Wayne then gives an A-type nod to The Gateway Experience for providing a faster, more efficient, less subservient, energy-saving route to expanded consciousness. This finishes with a series of recommendations to the CIA for how to exploit Gateway’s potential for national defense purposes.
The missing page
One curious feature of The Gateway Report is that it seems to be missing page 25. It’s a real cliffhanger too. The bottom of page 24 reads “And, the eternal thought or concept of self which results from this self-consciousness serves the,” The report picks back up on page 26 and 3 sections later as if Wayne hadn’t just revealed the very secret of existence.
The gap has not gone unnoticed. There's a petition requesting its release. Multiple Freedom of Information Act requests have demanded the same. In all cases, the CIA has said they never had the page to begin with. Here’s a 2019 response from Mark Lilly, the CIA’s Information and Privacy Coordinator, to one Bailey Stoner regarding these records:
One theory goes that that rascal Wayne M.-fricking-McDonnell left the page out on purpose. The theory contends that it was a litmus test—if anyone truly defies time-space dimensions, they’ll certainly be able to locate page 25.
[Cosmic shrug.]
Writing Credit Vice

CIA Declassified Report– The Gateway Experience
Here is a copy of the Missing Page 25
There will be a Gateway Help Post following within the next couple days. Thought you might be interested in a little history in the meantime. Cheers!
submitted by ShiftYourReality to ShiftYourReality [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:29 balletbouquet My (F30) relatives planned my grandmother's funeral for my birthday. She died months ago and my birthday is this Saturday. How do I navigate this painful feeling?

My grandmother died in February. I hadn't seen her - or many members of that side of the family - since 2018, the year I got married. After my divorce in 2020, I moved to NYC. I've had a rough past few years, emotionally and financially. My Nana and those relatives spent their time in Florida, Texas, and Alabama (where I am from originally). Whenever I visited my immediate family, the extended family wouldn't be there.
I deeply regret not making the time to see my grandmother before she passed. I grieved her immediately, breaking into tears and weeping for weeks. I contemplated and researched the afterlife. When I texted my dad to ask, "When will the funeral be? Nothing could keep me away", he replied, "5.18.2024."
May 18 is my birthday.
I typed a message asking why my birthday was chosen, but quickly deleted it. I tried to calmly ask my mother privately and she became irritable, yelling at me, "Do not bring this up to your father. He's going through a lot."
I found out over time that because the ground was frozen in Vermont (where my grandmother raised her family before retiring in Florida), and Vermont is where she wanted her ashes to be buried, they had to postpone the funeral. She had seven children who had to pick a date that worked for all of them. But birthday? My dad didn't care to speak up about it being his only daughter's birthday?
Here's the thing: my whole life, I have felt like the least favorite grandchild, niece, cousin, etc. I knew deep down that my grandmother loved me, but it was clear she loved others more. One time she chose to take my cousin to Disney World the same day my family had driven in to visit her. She told my father to come the next day, but he didn't listen, and decided to surprise her instead. She grew irate and rushed to beat us home so we wouldn't find out, but my Grandpa spilled the beans. She could have waited a day to take me and my brother, but didn't. We never went to Disney World with her.
She was a devout Catholic her entire life, but rolled her eyes when my eleven-year-old-self - a Southern Baptist at the time - suggested we all pray before we eat dinner. When she and my mother found me sitting alone one day (as a thirteen-year-old), I told them I was contemplating my future, and whether I could get into Harvard or travel to Europe. She burst out laughing as if that was the most hilarious joke ever told. (She never got a degree or worked.)
I've been writing creatively since childhood, but she always told me I needed a "real career" and I couldn't dream about becoming a writer. I have been tall and thin my whole life. When I began modeling, she said, "Modeling is not for you." She showered my cousins in praise and validation and gifts. She sent me gifts and cards, don't get me wrong, but the difference in quality was obvious. She scolded me over things my cousins got away with easily.
I loved my grandmother. I love my parents. I didn't want to hurt my dad so I kept my feelings inside and told myself my birthday was not important. But then my fiance and I went to dinner a week early to celebrate, and my parents didn't even wish me a happy birthday. They didn't send a card. I asked why. My mother replied, "Isn't your birthday next Saturday? We'll celebrate you on May 20 when we are all together in your city."
After she said this, it sunk in for me that they never intended to even acknowledge me at all on my birthday. So I changed my return flight from the 19th to the 18th. I asked my dad if he could drive me to the airport on my birthday after the funeral, and he said no because he had to "spend time with family." So I secured a rental car. I would now fly from Vermont to Detroit and finally return home to NYC at midnight on my birthday.
I have lived in NYC for four years, and for four years, my parents have made excuse after excuse not to visit me. I had to beg my dad to agree to visit me in NYC on their drive back from Vermont to Alabama, which he didn't want to do. He didn't want to drive into NYC to pick me up either. Originally my parents were supposed to pick me up from the train station in New Jersey this Thursday, and I would fly back home on the 19th, and they would FINALLY visit me in Manhattan on the 20th. It was all set. I was looking forward to exploring my dad's home town with him and spending some quality time together a few days before the funeral. Then out of the blue, my mom insisted I fly in on Friday instead, under the guise of saving my PTO. But really they just wanted to get to Vermont sooner. I told my dad this hurt my feelings, that I had been looking forward to spending private time with my parents in his hometown.
Today I called them and asked for help covering my Ubers to and from the airports. I'm living paycheck to paycheck, and they know this. Nana's will insisted that her estate would cover everyone's accommodations at her funeral, and I was originally told that I would get my own hotel room. Then I found out that I would be sharing a house with my parents and multiple relatives who were part of the original discussion to plan the funeral on my birthday. That didn't sit right with me. I wanted to go for my Nana and my dad. I didn't want to have to stay in the same house as people who don't care about me.
I finally told my dad today how I feel, on speaker phone while he and my mom were driving across the country towards Vermont. I said I couldn't believe they planned Nana's funeral on my birthday, when they had months to plan for any other date. I told him how my mother wouldn't let me express my feelings to him everytime I tried to calmly ask why, why MY birthday, of all the birthdays in the family? Why did it have to be on anyone's birthday? I said this has been a recurring theme all my life, that nobody in this family cares about me. He replied, "Don't come. If that's how you feel, don't come."
So now I am crying and wondering if I should cancel my flights and rental car, and miss out on my Nana's funeral, or just go, despite the fact that nobody wants me there...and based on their choice of date, maybe they never did.
TL;DR: My relatives planned my grandmother's funeral months in advance on my birthday. I told my parents this made me feel unloved and my dad told me to not come to the funeral if that's how I feel.
submitted by balletbouquet to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:28 Medium_Particular_23 Need Advice

My half sister passed away from a drug overdose a little over two weeks ago. She had an adult daughter and two teenage sons. My brother, two uncles and I paid for the cremation and memorial service. My sister died without any life insurance etc. She had a house that was passed down to her. We still need to make sure that it was legally passed down but my niece and everyone else assumes that now the house will be passed down to her. I already gave my niece some money to get there because it is out of state. My sister was three years behind on her property taxes and also behind on some other bills. My niece made a go fund me in order to help with the expenses and she raised a little over $3,000.00 but she spent $2,000.00 already on bills and other things (some family members don’t like that it seems misleading because she didn’t put on the go fund me that the cremation and memorial were already paid for). The property taxes are a little over $3,300.00. She’s saying that if she can’t have the house, that she can’t take care of her brothers. I need advice on what to do. Should I pay the property taxes? Should I make some kind of way for her to pay me back if I pay them? Should I buy the house in the upcoming auction and have her pay me back and buy the deed from me? What are your thoughts? What’s the Christian thing to do? I don’t want to enable her, I want her to learn that she has these responsibilities and that people can’t always bail her out of them but I also want to help. She’s young, with two kids and unmarried. My mom thinks that I’m not obligated to help in anything. Also, going over there for the memorial service is going to cost me around $2,000.00 (Hotel, gas and food) so at the end of this it’s already cost me around $3,500.00 and I have a family of my own as well. So that plus the property taxes would be like almost $7,000.00. Thanks.
submitted by Medium_Particular_23 to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:21 Ok-Alps-2842 A very brief summary of common afterlife beliefs in modern and ancient religions

The afterlife has been one of the key features of nearly every faith that ever existed, but that doesn't mean all of them think about the hereafter in the same way, the differences between the ultimate fate of the departed and their location vary too much for a unified view, this thread aims to provide a very brief summary about common afterlife beliefs in recorded religions.
The locations and conditions of the afterlife vary a lot in many ways, including how pleasant or unpleasant they are, how earthly or fantastical they are, if there is some sort of morality attached to it or not and if the dead still have the same physical needs they had in life or not.
Keep in mind this list is by no means a complete list and it only briefly explains the main concepts of recorded religions through history, concepts that are too obscure, ambiguous or unrecorded aren't part of this summary.
Reincarnation means coming back to life in a new body with a new personality, it's most common in Eastern religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism, as well as new religious movements such as New Age and Spiritualism, some small sects within Western religions believe that too, but it's a minority view.
Some ancient religions from all over the world have this concept too but they are poorly attested, the Maya, Aztecs, Celts and the Norse believed in reincarnation at least for some people or parts of the soul, but it's very difficult to know if this belief was universal and how it worked exactly, Greeks and Romans were aware of this concept but it seems this belief was more commonly held by certain philosopher circles and mystery cults and never reached mainstream acceptance.
Resurrection means coming back to life in the same body with the same personality, it's a very common concept in Western religions like Judaism, Christianity and Islam, as well as Zoroastrianism, but not all sects within each of these faiths believe this as an universal feature, at least not in the same way, usually the resurrected have their bodies restored the way it was in life and sometimes they are described as being perfect and immortal.
To put it bluntly, annihilation means the true death of the soul, it means cessation of existence, it's a minority view held by some denominations within Christianity such as Seventh Day Adventists, I'm not sure if any other modern religion has the same idea.
Despite being a seemingly modern idea, it's anything but, ancient Egyptian religion had the same idea for at least part of its history, the goddess Ammit devoured the soul of those deemed unworthy and they ceased to exist.
A heaven is defined as a place that is perfect or at least much better than Earth, all of the major modern religions have at least 1 heaven and many ancient religions had the same concept, it can be eternal or temporary and the criteria for admission is very different in each religion, sometimes it's following said religion, it can be being very benevolent and in some ancient religions, being a hero or an important warrior who died in battle.
It's known as Jannah in Islam and Garodman in Zoroastrianism, Eastern faiths tend to have several heavens but they are temporary, Greeks and Romans had a concept of heaven called Elysium, the Norse had a similar concept in form of Valhalla and Folkvangr for warriors and heroes slain in war, but it's hard to know how widespread the belief was, Egyptians had a heaven called Sekhet Aaru, the final home of those deemed worthy by the gods, but it was a place people still had to work.
In some depictions it is impossible to describe exatcly what it is because it demands a consciousness well beyond the human capacity to understand, in other depictions it's descibed as very earthly in geography and the way its residents live, in some beliefs of New Age and Spiritualism, people create their own heavens in the astral plane by the power of their own thoughts or they are attracted to such places becase of their mindset.
A hell is defined as a place to punish the wicked or at least as a place much worse than Earth, all of the major modern religions have at least 1 hell and many ancient religions had the same concept, it can be eternal or temporary, that's why I'm lumping the concept of Purgatory here, the criteria for admission are different in every religion, but for some reason it's usually described in a very earthly manner.
Hell is known as Jahannam in Islam and Duzakh in Zoroastrianism, Eastern faiths tend to have several hells such as Naraka, Niraya, it's known as Diyu in China, Greeks and Romans had a hell called Tartarus for the wicked.
In some understandings of New Age and Spiritualism, people create their own hells in the astral plane by the power of their own thoughts or they are attracted to such places because of their mindset, Emanuel Swedenborg, one of the first Spiritualists, believed hell was a place the wicked went to by their own choice because it made them happy.
The underworld, also known as netherworld, is a place for neither reward nor punishment, it's the place all the dead go to regardless of their behavior in life, but in some cases a select few could be taken to a heaven or hell, this was a very common view in ancient Near Eastern religions, but as far as I know, no modern religion kept this concept as an afterlife destination.
The netherworld is usually described as very earthly and as a gloomy and dreary place located in a dark cave below the ground, the dead usually lead a similar existence to when they were alive, so much that they are sometimes depicted as still needing to eat and drink and some people would pour libation on the grave of their family members, because the food and water of the netherworld were said to taste horrible.
The underworld was known by Sumerians and Akkadians by names like Kur, Irkalla, Arali, Ganzer, Ersetu among many others, Canaanites knew it as Sheol and Greeks knew it as Hades before they added ideas of heaven and hell, not all depictions of the netherworld were so bleak and depressing, people could make it more bearable by being buried with their possessions to take with them to the underworld.
submitted by Ok-Alps-2842 to afterlife [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:19 A_sad_british_bear Antisemitism, the two kinds of Palestinian and an all time superpower.

I'll make it clear quickly. I'm not saying you have to agree with all of what Israel does, or any of it for that matter because let's be honest BiBi is an idiot and needs to go: but to deny the right of Israel's existance is to deny the legitimacy of a Jewish state. I've never seen this argument come up with Islamic states, nor have I seen this with Christian countries like the one I live in. The only arguments I seem to come across is secularisation theory which states all religions will be forgotten once we adopt science. Without getting into that can of worms it should be said that Israel's right to exist, as every named state within the rules of international law is final, and a states dissolution can only happen through complete conquest or self destruction.
Israeli identity has always been strong, I mean look at festivals like Hannukah and Passover within the Jewish faith and you'll see that Judaism and Israel are two sides of the same coin as the religion operates within the gift of a nomadic society of former slaves, the Hebrews, being given the gift of a homeland. To deny the right of Israel's existance is therefore to deny the existance of Judaism, which subsequently denies the existance of all Jews. I'm right here, right now, typing this up. I am a jew. I'm a proud Jew and I exist. Jews exist. Israel and Jerusalem exist. It has long before I was born, and it will exist long after I'm dead. I'm tired of having to hide my identity as a Jew both online and in person. The reason I've had to hide it was because people on the whole just hate Jews. I understand it you disagree with actions taken by the Jewish state but to deny the right for Israel to exist is to deny my right to exist.
It would be identical to telling a Christian that the Vatican city must cease to exist due to the crusades killing millions, or telling a Muslim to give up Mecca due to the first and second caliphate taking the region by the sword in the name of islam and Mohammed. All religions, and all states have done things that they're not proud of. Take the Germans for example, who quite literally had Hitler and the Nazis. Did I like what Hitler did? Not really he killed half of my family. But does that make me hate Germans? No. It never has and it never will. Germans have a right to exist. Germany has a right to exist. It always has, and it always will; just like Israel or any other nation state.
This may lead you to say: well what about Palestine?
The two kinds of Palestinian:
Palestine, or more specifically the group of people calling themselves Palestinians are yet to declare themselves a state for two reasons. The first is that there are Egyptian and Jordanian Palestinians, and they do not get on. To call each other one and the same would be an insult to themselves because of Egypt and Jordan's history with one another. As I'm writing this, I can link this to quote a few jokes about the Ashkenaz and Sephardis. They just write themselves. Anyways, back to the problem with most people's understanding of the history of the conception of Palestinians and why making one collective people can't really happen. The second part of why Palestinians can't be one collective plays off of the first. Jordanian and Egyptian sub-sects cause uprisings in the '70s after the six day war as the two groups that end up both calling themselves Palestinians think that Jordan and Egypt respectively should carry on attacking Israel until they have victory or death. Read about the last line of defence at Golan and decide for yourself which is more likely if you're really willing to look into how successful this mindset would have been. This is the reason we have both black and red keffiyehs, as both colours come from two different countries. The red is Jordanian from what I know if you were curious. Anyways both communities carry on this victim mentality of victory or death and see themselves as a sort of Martyr nation through their own political beliefs and developments over time, and so when they see eachother playing the same beat they get really pissed off with each other. Think of little Britain and the 'i am the only gay in the village' skit. It's almost exactly like that unfortunately.
This leads to my conclusion on the second part of this. I just want the west bank Palestinians and Gazan Palestinians to consolidate a solid sense of identity outside of hating my race and leave the past and their version of evens behind. What happened happened. In war no one really wins you just have survivors with more land because the people that were there beforehand are either dead or left. Both Jews and Arabs have experienced that. Frequently. Both communities are so damn similar in our sense of humour, history, food and fashion sense 🤣.
The superpower:
All jokes aside we're so much more similar than we think so whats the point of hating each other? Yes, I'm a jew. I understand that a lot of people hate me. But I think that if we just sit and talk about our cultural experiences Jews and Arabs are going to realise how much we have in common and there's just no point fighting because it's essentially killing the closest thing to you. In most languages the people closest to you are called family. Let's stop killing our own family and realise two things: one, Jews and Arabs are almost identical in how we perceive identity and culture and two, the middle east if it united itself would have enough cultural history through islam and Judaism, it's subsequent mathematical, scientific and economic wisdoms and resources to be the largest superpower the world has ever seen in recorded history. So whilst I'd like to address the anti-Semitism in this sub in the immediate I'm genuinely serious about staring a Judeo-Christo-Islamic empire but that's probably because I'm 5 coffees deep into a long work night at god knows how late.
TL;DR: Jews exist and so does Israel. Doesn't mean Israel's always right but don't deny it should exist. See Germany, the Vatican city/Italy and Greece and apply the same logic. It doesn't make sense. It's just masked antisemitism. Palestine isn't a state yet. It should be. West bank and Gazan Palestinians need to consolidate and get on with each other. Palestinians, Israelis and all Jews/Arabs are really similar so the conflict is nonsensical. (Almost feels like we were made to fight a proxy war because the USA and Russia realised the middle east once united would be the biggest superpower of all time and due to the rich cultural and racial ties wouldn't slow down in thousands of years, it would just keep getting stronger.) Let's stop fighting each other and talk about what we should be doing as Jews, Muslims, Arabs, Israelis or just human beings so that both sides can learn to love each other like the family it is.
PS: I hope we all have a little think about the Israeli- Arab conflict in light of this: "Almost feels like we were made to fight a proxy war because the USA and Russia realised the middle east once united would be the biggest superpower of all time and due to the rich cultural and racial ties, as well as the wealth of resources and the fantastic scientific , mathematical and philosophical minds these two races have created (Einstein, Rumi, Abu Shuja, Oppenheimer ect) wouldn't slow down in thousands of years, it would just keep getting stronger. "
submitted by A_sad_british_bear to IsraelPalestine [link] [comments]