Service award letter examples


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2016.10.22 22:26 MNBrian PubTips: A Traditional Publishing Writing Community

PubTips is the go-to place for traditional publishing news and professional AMAs with authors, agents, editors, publicists, etc. We offer query critiques and answer writing and publishing questions with a focus on the traditional publishing market.

2024.06.10 01:19 Ejz9 NextCloud Memories vs Ente Self Hosted

I have used NextCloud for around 1-2 years. I run the AIO image and I’ve made it so everything works as it should. I’ve invited my family, not necessarily given them a tutorial of the service just mentioned its use, and otherwise have stated this is where they can backup their photos. I then take backups using NextCloud’s built in borg module (in the AIO panel). From which I also backup these and the docker containers data folder for my users data.
However I’ve seen in the past that ente was self open source. However now I have noticed you can self host it. But what’s the right way to go?
I think the ente apps look clean and neat, while also being simple.
However I’ve used memories, I’ve also got recognize v3 so that tags are applied to the images and search/sorting is easier. I like that the photos are stored in disk.
E2EE doesn’t really bother me too much but I don’t personally see the need for on prem encryption when I have it at my house. As far as I was aware too NextCloud has e2se encryption.
Lastly, which I’ll have to pester my family about is what is easier. I’m not sure if it’s immediately discernible but I want them to feel confident is whichever interface and solution.
If you’re to suggest anything else I am not necessarily interested. I know of Immich as an example and etc etc but I don’t really like Immich as I’ve seen. It’s also under decent work where I’d rather not have to be pestered about it not working.
I’ve also seen this referenced places. If it’s not appropriate anymore please let me know:
submitted by Ejz9 to selfhosted [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:18 Jaguar-jules INTP Lady Obsessions

I thought it might be interesting to talk about the things that we are interested in. Maybe some of us are in a lull and want a new rabbit hole to go down 😜 I’ll start. Professionally I am a multimedia designer so have gone down many related paths (quite successfully, I might add, but won’t get into details here) - print, Web, coding, photography, copyediting/writing, all service creative consulting, etc. Also other creative things like painting in all mediums, hand lettering, resin, sewing, fiction writing. Etc. Got obsessed with CrossFit for a while, nutrition, herbalism, witchcraft, Christianity, tying the two together, lol, politics, making homemade bath products and cleaning products, the stock market, and learning personality types 🤣 tell me some good ones!
submitted by Jaguar-jules to INTP_female [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:16 TheKarmaExperience_ Findom/Finsub Games

I recently came up with an ABC game with my first finsub. Basically we do a letter every day where he guesses something materialistic that I like that begins with that letter. Example: A He can guess that I like Airplanes if he’s right he has to buy me a plane ticket to a place of my choice if he’s wrong he’s on a timeout unless he wants to send to get off timeout. It’s fun seeing him excited to learn more about me and to see his thought process the type of person I am.
Is this something you would try with a sub of yours? So you do different games for different subs or the same one across the board?
submitted by TheKarmaExperience_ to paypigsupportgroup [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:12 John-Sedgewick-Hyde Kids abused at MO boarding school have long sought justice. He's determined to bring it

Kids abused at MO boarding school have long sought justice. He's determined to bring it
PIEDMONT, Mo. -- His voice gets heavy and even starts to crack when he talks about the abuse claims that have engulfed an unlicensed boarding school in his southeast Missouri county.
“I didn’t know,” Wayne County Sheriff Dean Finch says, referring to former students’ yearslong allegations of physical and mental abuse at the school. “I didn’t.”
When in 2014 Finch scooped up a runaway from Lighthouse Christian Academy, the skin on his feet starting to peel away from frostbite, the teen didn’t divulge any abuse. Neither did a boy who ran away from the Wayne County boarding school three years later, the sheriff said. Same thing with the boy who ran away two years ago.
“Kids didn’t say a word,” said Finch, who has been the sheriff since 2013. “I tried to get it out of them, why they were running away. But they never said anything.”
Boys would tell him, the sheriff said, that they were forced to do jumping jacks, intense exercises and stand at the wall for hours as punishment. Or they just didn’t like the school run by ABM Ministries because staff members were mean. But nothing they shared with him, he said, led him to believe a Missouri law had been broken.
Until earlier this year.
After five boys ran away from the secluded boarding school near Piedmont over a three-week period in January, one boy told him something “I could sink my teeth into,” Finch said. And once the sheriff spoke to a former student from more than 15 years ago, “all the dominos started to fall,” he said.
Since March, he’s traveled to 10 states, interviewed about 25 former students and spoken to many others on the phone. In the coming days, he plans to speak with dozens more. Now in their 20s and 30s, many of these men and women are telling the sheriff what they’ve told The Star. They said staff members put them in headlocks and at times hit them, that food and water were withheld and they were made to exercise for hours and work in extreme temperatures.
Others described what they call “emotional torture” at the school owned by Larry and Carmen Musgrave.
“I’m going to investigate this thoroughly,” Finch told The Star in a series of interviews over the past two months. “Every victim will be interviewed. Every victim will have their say, they will be able to tell their story.
“Until the end, I am here. And if there’s charges there, those charges will be filed.”
In early March, Larry and Carmen Musgrave were charged with kidnapping and another staffer faces one count of physical abuse of a student. The sheriff said he expects additional charges.
The couple pleaded not guilty and their attorney did not respond to multiple calls for comment.
Larry Musgrave denied that students were mistreated or abused at the school, Finch said.
“Whenever we interviewed him, he laughed about it,” Finch said. “And he said, ‘That is not going on. That never happened.’”
Soon after the Musgraves were arrested, Lighthouse closed. The husband and wife were released on their own recognizance and required to wear GPS monitoring devices.
“We’re very happy and proud that (the sheriff) is standing up and saying this is wrong,” said Rebecca Randles, a Kansas City attorney who has handled many boarding school abuse cases. “We’ve never had that response from any law enforcement before.”
Indeed, when it comes to boarding schools, many say Missouri hasn’t seen a sheriff like Finch. And they hope his actions will spur real, lasting change in a state that had become a haven for unlicensed boarding schools during the past few decades.
Robert Knodell, director of the Missouri Department of Social Services, said his agency embraces the partnership with Wayne County authorities.
“It’s not always been the case everywhere we’ve had these cases,” Knodell said. “Sometimes local law enforcement is cooperative, and sometimes they’re not. … The ability to address ongoing issues is much greater when there’s full cooperation across the spectrum.”
The Star began investigating Missouri’s unlicensed boarding schools and abuse allegations at Circle of Hope Girls Ranch and Agape Boarding School — located in southwest Missouri’s Cedar County and now closed —in late summer of 2020. Former students at those schools said they had told local authorities for years about the abuse, but nothing ever happened.
Those who attended Lighthouse Christian Academy, most of whom were there before Finch became sheriff, said they hoped to draw attention to the school years ago by posting testimonials on social media. They urged families online to not send their kids there, but the pleas never gained much traction.
Until Finch started investigating.
“We’ve never had anyone pull so hard for us,” said Michael McCarthy, who attended Lighthouse Christian Academy from August 2010 to August 2012. “It feels surreal because we had tried. It’s almost like why now? … It’s almost hard to believe.”
Child advocates have also been surprised by the actions in Wayne County.
“It’s a complete 180 from what we experienced when the schools in Cedar County were revealed,” said Jessica Seitz, executive director of the Missouri Network Against Child Abuse, formerly known as Missouri KidsFirst. “The response of seeking out justice and believing kids is exactly what we would hope for.
“Law enforcement is one of the parties responsible for protecting kids from abuse.”
Concerns of conflict had surrounded the investigation at Agape Boarding School in Cedar County because the son-in-law of the late founder, James Clemensen, was a deputy with the sheriff’s department. That deputy, a former Agape student, had also worked at the school for years and on multiple occasions was sent there to respond to a call, The Star found.
When asked what motivates him in Wayne County, Finch, 62, pauses and speaks slowly.
“Because they’re victims,” the sheriff says, his voice breaking before he apologizes for getting emotional. “Because they were mistreated and because it happened in my county.
“I feel like my department let these kids down, although it wasn’t me. … They deserve better than what they got in the past. They deserve to have their story heard. And it’s just like any victim — they deserve their day in court.
“These kids, dammit, they deserve justice.”
‘Liable to freeze to death’
Finch’s cellphone rang late one frigid night in early February 2014. A call had just come in from ABM Ministries, a dispatcher told him.
A teen boy at the boarding school had run away and been gone 3 ½ hours.
The grandfather of five at the time, who had been sheriff for about a year, called in deputies and alerted the fire department. Search dogs were brought in. The frigid temperatures outside filled him and others with a rising sense of urgency.
“I got a kid out here, that’s run off, out in the middle of the woods and it’s subzero weather,” Finch said of what was going through his mind that night. “He didn’t have a coat. He didn’t have anything. We got to find this boy because he’s liable to freeze to death.”
The sheriff also alerted Union Pacific Railroad, telling officials they had a missing child and “to be on the lookout.” Finch worried the boy could be on the tracks between Piedmont and Williamsville and wanted to make sure the train wasn’t “going to come flying through.”
As the railroad crew moved slowly through the area and looked for the boy, so did Finch and all those he called to help with the search.
“I had search teams in the woods all over,” the sheriff said. “We were all over. Running the roads, running through the woods, looking in the woods.”
A couple of hours into the search, Union Pacific let the sheriff know that a crew had found the boy and was transporting him to a nearby crossing. Finch was waiting with an ambulance.
The sheriff lifted the teen, who was wearing pajamas and a fleece jacket, off the train. He didn’t have any socks on and had lost his flip flops they wore at the school. He had used his jacket to wave down the train, the sheriff said.
“His feet were, in all reality, black,” Finch said. “And the skin had peeled off of them from frostbite.”
When the sheriff first encountered the young teen, he asked why he ran away. He just shook his head, the sheriff said.
“I’m assuming he was just so cold and disoriented that he didn’t talk,” Finch said.
He would try again later at the landing zone with a helicopter waiting, and as first responders tended to the teen’s injuries.
“I was trying to get him to say, ‘Why did you run away?’” Finch said. “‘Just don’t like it. Just don’t like it.’ That’s all he would say. ‘Just don’t like it.’”
The teen was airlifted to St. Louis Children’s Hospital where he was treated for severe frostbite, and according to a news article at the time, his family was told he would face a slow recovery. That article, in the Wayne County Journal Banner on Feb. 13, 2014, quoted the mother as saying she believed her son was mistreated at the school.
“She told the newspaper that her son said the physical and mental abuse was unbearable and that he felt running away was his only alternative,” the article stated.
The teen didn’t speak to the sheriff again. But his mother told a reporter that he had given a full report to the Missouri Department of Social Services.
The sheriff’s office also reported the incident to DSS, Finch said.
In the years since, other students at ABM Ministries have run. In 2017, the Wayne County Sheriff’s Department was called out again. Then again two years ago.
That’s when Finch started to look deeper and have unanswered questions.
“Something is going on here,” he said he thought about two years ago. “Something isn’t right. These kids, there is no reason for these kids to be running away. … But I had nothing to go on. I literally had nothing to go on.”
Until, he said, late January of this year.
Former students tell their stories
After Julianna Davis, of Alabama, heard about the boys who had run away from ABM Ministries earlier this year, she called the Missouri Highway Patrol.
For years, she and other former students had tried to let the public know about what they say they experienced at the school. Now, she thought, maybe someone in authority would listen.
At the southeast Missouri school, Davis said that she had been told not to trust law enforcement, that authorities wouldn’t believe her and other students because they were just troubled kids.
“We’ve tried this for 15 years plus,” she said. “I already kind of had the impression that nobody was gonna listen to us.”
But the patrol sergeant she spoke to did. And then he referred her to Finch.
Something Davis told the sheriff matched what a current student had told him. Because he doesn’t want to jeopardize the case, Finch won’t say what that is. But it did cause the dominos to fall and prompt the investigation that continues today.
“I knew that something had happened there,” he said. “I knew something illegal had happened to a child who was defenseless, who had been sent to this home for rehabilitation, so to speak, or whatever you want to call it. She was sent there by the parents to be helped.”
Davis also told Finch that Carmen Musgrave locked her in a room on her 18th birthday and she was kept at the school for months after. It was Davis’ experience that led to the kidnapping charges against the Musgraves.
“I’ve just been continuously impressed at how hard he’s trying to help,” Davis said of Finch. “But at the same time, surprised in the sense that like, we’ve tried this before, you know, and it just never got anywhere.”
After talking with Davis, the sheriff knew that more former students would reach out. He told dispatchers to expect a few. That grew to 10 or 15. Then 25 to 30.
“I got my 81st call this morning,” Finch said in early May. By the end of that month, he received another six or seven calls.
In-person interviews have lasted anywhere from minutes to hours, he said. A few of the former students attended the school in recent years, but the majority he’s talked with have been gone from ABM for 15 or so years.
“Now I know, looking back at the runaways that we had in the past, and doing this investigation, I now know why they didn’t say anything,” Finch said. “Because they were scared.
“It was instilled in them and drilled in their heads that unfortunately, I didn’t care about them, that they (boarding school leaders) have law enforcement in their back pocket. Well, that pocket has a big hole, and I slipped out of that pocket.”
The sheriff drove to Oklahoma in March to speak with Aralysa Baker, who went to ABM in 2005 when she was 13 and stayed for two years.
For seven hours, over two days, Baker told the sheriff what she was unable to tell an investigator who went to the school during her last year. Her great-grandparents had called Wayne County and asked authorities to do a welfare check. She told the officer she was OK because she feared what would happen if she said more.
Baker told Finch how her life had been impacted because of the school. The nightmares. The flashbacks. And the anxiety over food.
For all of her adult life, she’s feared that there wouldn’t be enough to eat. First, just for herself. And now that she’s a wife and mom, for her family.
While at ABM, she said the owners and staff used food as a punishment. When in trouble, she and other former students said staff would withhold food and sometimes they would go to bed hungry. Several students said they would have to sneak food or water at times.
Baker told the sheriff and The Star that she now hoards food. There are chips and cookies stashed behind her pots and pans. Stacks of canned goods, boxes of pasta, and macaroni and cheese in the garage. The trunk of an old Honda that doesn’t run is full of snacks.
“I always want something stashed away, squirreled away,” she said. “I need to be able to get to it quickly.”
Baker and Davis want people, especially lawmakers, to realize that Missouri must do more to keep abuse, both physical and mental, out of boarding schools in their state.
“I hope they take it seriously and change the laws to make it harder for people to abuse children and not have any consequences whatsoever,” Davis said. “And then, of course, I hope that there’s some sort of justice or closure for all of us. I have been hurt for so long. But I’ll be happy as long as it doesn’t happen again.”
‘They’re just being bull-headed’
Hours before Finch served the arrest warrants on the Musgraves, someone issued him a warning about the past.
Don’t forget about Heartland Christian Academy, he was told, a reference to a decades-old case that to this day haunts those who have tried to place regulations on religious-based boarding schools in Missouri.
Operated by the late millionaire Charles Sharpe, a prominent Republican who made his fortune after founding Kansas City-based Ozark National Life Insurance Co., the Christian school for troubled youth drew national attention in 2001. A call to the state hotline reported students were being forced to stand in ankle-to chest-deep cow manure as a punishment.
Several months later, after receiving two more allegations of abuse, authorities raided the northeast Missouri school and removed 115 children, prompting a series of lawsuits and challenges that took years to wind through the courts.
In the end, felony child abuse charges against five employees were either dropped or the staffers were acquitted. Sharpe and his school also were cleared of any wrongdoing and the state settled with Heartland, agreeing to pay extensive attorney fees and court costs.
Ever since, the Heartland case has cast a shadow over attempts to address concerns inside boarding schools — especially proposals that would require them to be licensed. A law passed in 1982 allows religious-based schools to claim an exemption from Missouri’s licensing requirement.
Randles, the Kansas City attorney who has represented the families of abused children, said the arguments against licensing don’t hold water.
“They’re just being bull-headed over this particular issue,” she said. “We’re not asking them to change their religious affiliation or to change the manner in which they teach their religion. As a matter of fact, I’m a graduate of Southwest Baptist University, and Southwest Baptist University is accredited, it’s licensed, it goes through all of the processes that are required.
“And it doesn’t change the way that Southwest Baptist University delivers its teaching. It’s still a faith-based Christian education university. It can be done.”
In response to abuse allegations at Cedar County schools, lawmakers passed legislation in 2021 to implement some oversight over religious boarding schools but shied away from requiring them to be licensed.
Boarding schools that are abusing children, Randles said, are not Christian institutions.
“That has nothing to do with Christianity,” she said. “And so there’s no reason that the state can’t act on these individuals who are acting well outside the law. Because they’re claiming and cloaking themselves under religious authority. There’s no religious authority that says you can beat children and make them eat their own vomit. There is nothing in the Bible that says anything of the sort.”
Carmen and Larry Musgrave moved their boarding school from the Tennessee and Kentucky area to Patterson in southeast Missouri in 2004, corporation records show. One former student said that the Musgraves loaded students into a blue 15-passenger van and drove them to the Show-Me State.
The Patterson site had previously been home to another controversial boarding school — Mountain Park Baptist Boarding Academy.
That school’s owners, Bob and Betty Wills, were running the Bethesda Home for Girls in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, when a former student sued Bethesda in federal court in 1982. Child welfare officials conducted an investigation, and the Willses closed the school in 1987 after a judge ordered authorities to remove students.
They headed to southeast Missouri and opened Mountain Park Baptist Boarding Academy. The school gained notoriety in 1996 when two students murdered another student because they feared he would reveal their plot to take over the school and escape.
In 2003, the school was sued in federal court by five former students and two sets of parents. They accused school officials of abusing and falsely imprisoning students. The school closed in 2004, and the Musgraves then opened Lighthouse Christian Academy on that property. Lighthouse later moved to its current location near Piedmont, and former students say they were forced to do much of the construction work.
Ginger Koller Joyner, the Wayne County prosecutor who formerly served as the Guardian Ad Litem for the 42nd Judicial Circuit, said seeing what’s happened at Lighthouse has convinced her that a licensing law is necessary to keep children safe in these schools.
“I think both my background in the juvenile system and this experience has strengthened my opinion that there really needs to be a legislative push to regulate these types of places to ensure that there’s uniformity and consistency of care across our state,” Joyner said. “I don’t think we want this anywhere in our state.”
The key, she said, will be for legislators to get involved.
“We can have every sheriff on board, we can have every prosecutor on board, but the bottom line is until we change the legislation about how these facilities are licensed, we’re not going to see the depth of change that’s needed to protect the vulnerable people,” she said.
DSS’ Knodell said he anticipates that Missouri lawmakers will “continue to consider whether they want to go down that road and take that approach.”
“Many other states have,” he said. “I think it’s time to take a close look at it. Absolutely.”
‘Trying to get them justice’
Before the runaways and subsequent investigation, Finch said he didn’t know much about other boarding schools in Missouri. He didn’t follow what happened across the state with Circle of Hope and Agape.
In his decade as sheriff, Finch’s department has called the state’s child abuse and neglect hotline multiple times, he said. And in January, after the runaways, several residents who live near ABM also reported the school. At least two of them said they were told they didn’t provide enough information to warrant an investigation.
After The Star reported that, Knodell said in March that DSS was looking into whether hotline calls about the school were properly handled over the years.
When asked the status of that internal inquiry and what, if anything, came of it, DSS said it was ongoing.
Finch hopes to eventually go to Jefferson City and talk with legislators and share his opinion that “every one of these schools should be licensed.” But first, he said he needs to remain focused on the case in his county.
The sheriff often meets with Joyner, the county prosecutor, to make sure the two are on the same page. He keeps her updated after new interviews with former students.
Joyner praised Finch for his dedication in making sure former students have the opportunity to report what they say happened to them. And she shares that motivation.
“Our law enforcement is committed, I am committed,” said Joyner, who first filled in as the county prosecutor in 2021 and took office in early 2023. “I realized that some of these students aren’t necessarily residents of our county, but they were in our county and we’re dedicated to protecting them and trying to get them justice.”
Many of the students who have come forward alleging physical and emotional abuse attended the school years ago, and their cases may no longer be inside Missouri’s statute of limitations.
“The prosecution piece is going to be, in some cases, difficult,” Joyner said. “That doesn’t mean that we’re not going to try, but you know, I have to abide by the ethics in terms of what I can prosecute. And if I can prosecute it, and believe that I can prove it, then I absolutely will.”
Early last month, Finch was preparing for another week of travel, driving to several states in his Ford F-150 to interview more former students of ABM.
“I’m headed for Colorado Springs, Vail, Colorado,” he told The Star. “And then I’m going to shoot up into Montana, Wyoming (and) come back across into Nebraska, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois and there’s one other one that I’m gonna hit.”
All while he’s in the middle of running for reelection.
On that trip early last month, Finch stopped in a Chicago suburb and interviewed Inesa Kolberg, who attended ABM from late 2005 to June 2007.
“He gave one of the best hugs,” she said. “His hug was so tight, and it was just full of compassion. I didn’t cry during the interview, but (at the end) it brought me to tears because it felt so comforting.
“He has a heart of gold. He is doing God’s work. He is a true example of what a Christian is.”
Finch said what fuels him on the long days and long weeks is knowing that for so long students at ABM were told they couldn’t trust law enforcement, that he and his department were on the school’s side.
“I’m going to tell you something — that’s not me,” the sheriff said. “I don’t give a damn who you are or what your last name is. If you break the law, you break the law and I’m going to come after you.
“Now, in the end, it’s up to the jury and the system. But I am going to do my job. And I am going to bring these people to justice for these kids.”
Laura Bauer, Judy L. Thomas, The Kansas City Star on Jun 9, 2024
submitted by John-Sedgewick-Hyde to troubledteens [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:07 habanerolime [US] [SELLING] Limited Edition Box Sets, Some OOP, Radiance, Eureka, 88 Films

[US] [SELLING] Limited Edition Box Sets, Some OOP, Radiance, Eureka, 88 Films
Shipping from Maine. $4.50 boxed shipping, free for purchases of $75 or more. PayPal Friends & Family preferred. If you wish to use Goods & Services, please discuss with me before payment. Most titles are priced below eBay and other marketplaces because I would like to see all these titles move before the end of the month. I take care of my collection and try to grade conservatively because I would want the same.
All titles are 1080p Blu-ray unless noted. Playback regions are noted next to each title (A/B for a title that plays in regions A and B, for example). Feel free to ask for additional photos.
List of titles and prices in comment below so I can edit for availability.
submitted by habanerolime to MediaSwap [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:07 DimWittedSalamander Recommend colleges + chance me with current list

List - Princeton (applying bc my mom asked me to, I don't think I can get in though) - Johns Hopkins (ED) - Carnegie Mellon - Georgetown - Tufts - Haverford - W&M - Pitt - Drexel
Demographics: rising senior, PA resident, white male
Intended Major: likely Biology (probably music minor)
Unweighted HS GPA: 3.85-3.9/4.0 (not readily accessible so I don't know exactly)
Weighted HS GPA: 4.89
Class Rank: School doesn't do rank
SAT: Took in June, aiming for 1520-1560
Coursework: 12 APs (music theory, euro, macroecon, microecon, physics 1, calc AB, lang, US gov, lit, calc BC, environ. sci, chem)
Awards - Pennsylvania All-State choir sophomore + junior years (includes qualifying for districts + regions; hoping to get into all-easterns this fall) - AP scholar w/distinction - Various honor societies (NHS, math, science)
School activities - Founded my school's chapter of Science Honor Society - NHS officer - Member of student senate - President of choir board - VP of Tri-M music honor society - VP of musical theatre board - Speaking contest finalist - JV XC and track freshman-junior years (planning on taking senior year off to focus on other things cuz it's about a 10 hour commitment every week through spring + summer) - School musicals (male lead my junior year; ranges from 5-15 hours a week from Jan - March) - Member of club that advocates for widespread outdoor AED implementation and more frequent cardiology checks
ECs - Volunteered as music/drama mentor at my church (150+ hours) - Volunteer at local library during summer - Part-time work at church as an audio-visual technician for summer services and an accompanist for monthly services for those with disabilities - Private voice and piano lessons (3 and 8 years, respectively) - Member of adult + youth choirs; member of handbell choir, member of youth praise band (all church activities)
LORs - Econ/euro teacher; had for two years and I feel confident that he can most accurately describe me as a student, don't really have an incredible relationship with him but certainly don't have a bad one either - Choir director; he kinda loves me and knows me best as a person and a musician out of all my teachers, I also helped him orchestrate a choir concert at the church I work at, TLDR he thinks I'm fantastic and will probably write a very good rec - Physics teacher; not my favorite teacher but I worked with her and another mentor to start science honors society, she knows me as both a student and as a leader which I think is valuable - Counselor; I have good rapport with her and she knows I've taken initiative both inside and outside of school
Other - Will probably submit a portfolio of vocal + piano performances cuz even though I just want to minor, music is a very big part of my ECs - Potentially might start independent research if I have time - Also might start another part-time job at a local shop through summer + school year
So yeah, any recommendations/chances for schools I've already found? I appreciate your time.
submitted by DimWittedSalamander to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:01 AutoModerator Weekly Copyright Reminder

This is a weekly reminder post of this sub's stance on potential copyright infringement. This is a serious issue that needs to be kept in mind when creating and listing NFTs.
Original post by u/HurleyBird1
Now that that's out of the way. My credentials are: MBA, with a bit of business law classes under my belt.
I want to give a quick explanation of how copyright works - and I'll do so through quick blurbs n some myth/reality bullets.
Source: (US)
  1. Subject matter of copyright: In general28(a) Copyright protection subsists, in accordance with this title, in original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, now known or later developed, from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device. Works of authorship include the following categories:(1) literary works;(2) musical works, including any accompanying words;(3) dramatic works, including any accompanying music;(4) pantomimes and choreographic works;(5) pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works;(6) motion pictures and other audiovisual works;(7) sound recordings; and(8) architectural works.(b) In no case does copyright protection for an original work of authorship extend to any idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery, regardless of the form in which it is described, explained, illustrated, or embodied in such work.
- Myth: I can use any image/song/video/writing I want.
- Reality: No. Not true at all.
- Myth: Well they never said it's copyrighted.
- Reality: Upon publication (and even while a work in progress) a work is automatically protected via copyright under US Law.
- Myth: Well they never sold it.
- Reality: It doesn't have to be commercialized to be protected.
- Myth: Well it was a long time ago
- Reality: Possibly long as the creator is deceased (or if multiple creators, the last living one is deceased) and the required time has passed...although this gets tricky with "estates."
(d) Duration of Rights.—(1) With respect to works of visual art created on or after the effective date set forth in section 610(a) of the Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990, the rights conferred by subsection (a) shall endure for a term consisting of the life of the author.
So what's this thing I hear called "Fair Use?"
Straight from the source:
  1. Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use41Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include—(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors. me translate that please... (here's a decent official translation:
  1. above...if it's non-profit educational use, you're usually good to go...if it's for money or trade (commercial nature) then you're usually NOT...unless YOUR piece is "transformative"
Transformative uses are those that add something new, with a further purpose or different character, and do not substitute for the original use of the work.
- Myth: Well this is paid for in Algos, not USD so it's not "commercial"
- Reality: IT IS commercial. You could even barter for bacon and it'd be commercial. It's an exchange of one good/service for another good/service.
- Myth: My piece with Batman inside a card is "transformative"
- Reality: No, unfortunately, more-than-likely the courts would say it's not. A good litmus test is..."If Warner Bros Entertainment (owner of Batman) wanted to make an NFT/ASA "Batman card" would yours compete with it or be possibly mistaken (by a reasonable person - so in America think 8th grade education) for real merchandise? Probably...thus it's not transformative enough.
"nature" gets a little tougher. This looks at protecting the "creative process." Thus, using other works of art is less-likely to be protected than using factual sources - like historical photographs since it's easier to "create art" and thus "transform" factual pieces than other art pieces. This is also talking to things like "parody." Satire is NOT protected. "Parody" is. What's the difference? LegalZoomputs it well: While a parody targets and mimics the original work to make a point, a satire uses the original work to criticize something else entirely. Another way to look at it is that satire uses another work as a way to comment on something happening in the world that has nothing to do with the original work.
- Myth: I added a different border, extra planets, and some blur effect to MTZ's World of Light - it's a new piece of art.
- Reality: Not likely the courts will see it that way.
- Myth: This guy added a filter, some burn effects, and collaged a bunch of newspaper headlines together - isn't that a violation!
- Reality: Probably not...the courts would probably see this as a creation of art out of factual sources.
amount/substantiality in relation to the whole...this is where using clips of songs that are only like 5 seconds long works! But using more than that...runs into problems. This is tough to decipher some songs are EASILY identifiable from just 5 seconds (Ice, ice, baby) - and thus NOT fair use. But some aren't. Usually you're safe using a very small clip of a song or video - especially if you're adding more to it. But this is a dangerous game to play - and there's places to get free audio (some sources below)
effect of the use - this is probably the biggest one. Courts will look at simply...does YOUR work affect the sales or potential for sales of the copyright owner. Of note...this is looked at at the time of the issue being brought to the court, not at the time of sale. For example, let's say my batman card sells for 10 Algos today, but Algorand BLOWS UP and soon every NFT is on Algorand. And now my OG Batman NFT is seen as one of the first Batman ones and official. Warner Bros gonna sue the shit outta whoever owns it at the time they sue to get the rights to all sales of that NFT. So that person is left holding an empty bag when Warner Bros wins in court.
- Myth: Well they're not commercializing it NOW so I'm safe.
- Reality: Technically, yea Warner Bros probably won't spend the money to go after the OG artist and the hands the asset passed through...HOWEVER, they may. That's their right. Who knows - the Napster days showed us the lengths companies will go to. EVEN BIGGER HOWEVER, the last person holding it when Warner Bros DOES decide to go after that Batman NFT...uh oh for them - they just lost their asset.
- Myth: Well it's been like a year, and no one has brought up copyright. So I'm good.
- Reality: If this was in a normal market...maybe this argument would work. If McDonald's let you sell a Ronald McDonald poster for like a year on Amazon with no issues, some court may say "bro, you took too long to bring this to us." HOWEVER, with cryptocurrency being so new (and Algorand being so little known/discussed), most courts would see it as "reasonable" that a copyright owner failed to exercise their rights within a year - possibly even a decade. (Updated because I realized last example dealt with trademark not copyright :o)
So what am I safe to use?
US Government works (mostly)...any deemed free to use by creator...and any a copyright lawyer says they have your backs on (cuz now they're liable).
Here's some great sources for free use items (please add to this list below if you know of some!!!):
Pictures: (Unsplash is one of my faves)
You'll notice there's a lot of "shoulds" "coulds" "probably" etc. This is because copyright cases are all unique and go to the courts. The best bet is to go with stuff you KNOW is free and fair-use. If not, I'd look up copyright law, consult supreme court cases concerning copyright, and ultimately, talk to a lawyer.
submitted by AutoModerator to AlgoNFTMarketplace [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:00 livia2lima Day 6 - Editing with "vim"


Simple text files are at the heart of Linux, so editing these is a key sysadmin skill. There are a range of simple text editors aimed at beginners. Some more common examples you'll see are nano and pico. These look as if they were written for DOS back in the 1980's - but are pretty easy to "just figure out".
The Real Sysadmintm however, uses vi - this is the editor that's always installed by default - and today you'll get started using it.
Bill Joy wrote Vi back in the mid 1970's - and even the "modern" Vim that we'll concentrate on is over 20 years old, but despite their age, these remain the standard editors on command-line server boxes. Additionally, they have a loyal following among programmers, and even some writers. Vim is actually a contraction of Vi IMproved and is a direct descendant of Vi.
Very often when you type vi, what the system actually starts is vim. To see if this is true of your system type, run:
bash vi --version
You should see output similar to the following if the vi command is actually [symlinked]( to vim:
bash user@testbox:~$ vi --version VIM - Vi IMproved 8.2 (2019 Dec 12, compiled Oct 01 2021 01:51:08) Included patches: 1-2434 Extra patches: 8.2.3402, 8.2.3403, 8.2.3409, 8.2.3428 Modified by Compiled by ...



The rest of this lesson assumes that you have vim installed on your system, which it often is by default. But in some cases it isn't and if you try to run the vim commands below you may get an error like the following:
bash user@testbox:~$ vim -bash: vim: command not found


One option is to simply substitute vi for any of the vim commands in the instructions below. Vim is reverse compatible with Vi and all of the below exercises should work the same for Vi as well as for Vim. To make things easier on ourselves we can just alias the vim command so that vi runs instead:
bash echo "alias vim='vi'" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc


The other option, and the option that many sysadmins would probably take is to install Vim if it isn't installed already.
To install Vim on Ubuntu using the system [package manager](, run:
bash sudo apt install vim
Note: Since [Ubuntu Server LTS]( is the recommended Linux distribution to use for the Linux Upskill Challenge, installing Vim for all of the other various Linux "distros" is outside of the scope of this lesson. The command above "should" work for most Debian-family Linux OS's however, so if you're running Mint, Debian, Pop!_OS, or one of the many other flavors of Ubuntu, give it a try. For Linux distros outside of the Debian-family a few simple web-searches will probably help you find how to install Vim using other Linux's package managers.


The two modes are "normal mode" and "insert mode", and as a beginner, simply remember:
"Press Esc twice or more to return to normal mode"
The "normal mode" is used to input commands, and "insert mode" for writing text - similar to a regular text editor's default behaviour.


So, first grab a text file to edit. A copy of /etc/services will do nicely:
bash cd pwd cp -v /etc/services testfile vim testfile
At this point we have the file on screen, and we are in "normal mode". Unlike nano, however, there’s no onscreen menu and it's not at all obvious how anything works!
Start by pressing Esc once or twice to ensure that we are in normal mode (remember this trick from above), then type :q! and press Enter. This quits without saving any changes - a vital first skill when you don't yet know what you're doing! Now let's go in again and play around, seeing how powerful and dangerous vim is - then again, quit without saving:
bash vim testfile
Use the keys h j k and l to move around (this is the traditional vi method) then try using the arrow keys - if these work, then feel free to use them - but remember those hjkl keys because one day you may be on a system with just the traditional vi and the arrow keys won't work.
Now play around moving through the file. Then exit with Esc Esc :q! as discussed earlier.
Now that you've mastered that, let's get more advanced.
bash vim testfile
This time, move down a few lines into the file and press 3 then 3 again, then d and d again - and suddenly 33 lines of the file are deleted!
Why? Well, you are in normal mode and 33dd is a command that says "delete 33 lines". Now, you're still in normal mode, so press u - and you've magically undone the last change you made. Neat huh?
Now you know the three basic tricks for a newbie to vim:
So, here's some useful, productive things to do:
This is as much as you ever need to learn about vim - but there's an enormous amount more you could learn if you had the time. Your next step should be to run vimtutor and go through the "official" Vim tutorial. It typically takes around 30 minutes the first time through. To solidify your Vim skills make a habit of running through the vimtutor every day for 1-2 weeks and you should have a solid foundation with the basics.
Note: If you aliased vim to vi for the excercises above, now might be a good time to install vim since this is what provides the vimtutor command. Once you have Vim installed, you can run :help vimtutor from inside of Vim to view the help as well as a few other tips/tricks.
However, if you're serious about becoming a sysadmin, it's important that you commit to using vim (or vi) for all of your editing from now on.
One last thing, you may see reference to is the Vi vs. Emacs debate. This is a long running rivalry for programmers, not system administrators - vi/vim is what you need to learn.


So, it makes sense if you're aiming to do Linux professionally, but if you're just working on your own systems then by all means choose nano or pico etc.


If you're already familiar with vi / vim then use today's hour to research and test some customisation via your ~/.vimrc file. The link below is specifically for sysadmins:



Some rights reserved. Check the license terms here
submitted by livia2lima to linuxupskillchallenge [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:58 new-at-networking Open ports on appartment network

I just moved in an appartement building where the network is provided by my landlord. In my appartment, I have an ethernet outlet, where I plug my own router (I guess my landlord has a modem somewhere at the other end of this cable, which is connected to the internet?)
I currently host a few services, like Plex, on a home server, which is connected to my router. I opened the ports on my router, but it does not seem to have any effect. For example, Plex uses port 32400, when I ping [my external ip]:32400, it doesn’t go through.
I don’t understand why, since the router is mine and I manage it. Any clues on how these type of appartment network are managed?
submitted by new-at-networking to selfhosted [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:58 Ultrasaurio Can you explain this to me?

b) The principle of contradiction maintains that “no entity can be at the same timetime „P‟ and „not-P‟ “. The letter “P” symbolizes any possible predicate (such asexample, “paper”, or “ashes”, or “justice”, etc.), and with “not-P” its negation (that is, everythingthat is not paper, or everything that is not ashes, or everything that is not justice,respectively). The principle then states that no entity can be at the same timetime, for example, "paper and non-paper"; Although this may occur at different times,because if the sheet of paper is burned, it stops being paper, and turns into ashes(non-paper).
submitted by Ultrasaurio to askphilosophy [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:55 Rpark888 Sorry this isn't exactly a nova question, but there are a lot of contractors here. Do incumbents ever take a paycut to stay on the new contract?

The award for my current gig that's on recompete will be announced on the 21st. We're all nervous as hell.
My current company is currently the prime, but in the new contract vehicle required for the recompete, my current company will be the sub to another company that will be the prime (assuming they win). If that happens, from what I understand, nothing will change for me in terms of my job security, salary, benefits, etc.
But if there is a new successor company, we will all just switch over to the new company as incumbents.
I've never gone through this before. Currently, I'm in the highest labor category on my current contract. Can I expect the same salary offer from the new successor company?
According to section b in the link above, "(b) 41 U.S.C. 6707(c) provides that a successor contractor must pay wages and fringe benefits (including accrued wages and benefits and prospective increases) to service employees at least equal to those agreed upon by a predecessor contractor"
But I'm not sure if I'm understanding it correctly.
Edit: secondary question: how does the successor company decide which of the incumbents from the previous contract gets an offer or not? Or is it commonplace to hire EVERYONE that's currently on the previous contract?
submitted by Rpark888 to nova [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:48 Rpark888 Do incumbents ever take a paycut to stay on the new contract?

The award for my current gig that's on recompete will be announced on the 21st. We're all nervous as hell.
My current company is currently the prime, but in the new contract vehicle required for the recompete, my current company will be the sub to another company that will be the prime (assuming they win). If that happens, from what I understand, nothing will change for me in terms of my job security, salary, benefits, etc.
But if there is a new successor company, we will all just switch over to the new company as incumbents.
I've never gone through this before. Currently, I'm in the highest labor category on my current contract. Can I expect the same salary offer from the new successor company?
According to section b in the link above, "(b) 41 U.S.C. 6707(c) provides that a successor contractor must pay wages and fringe benefits (including accrued wages and benefits and prospective increases) to service employees at least equal to those agreed upon by a predecessor contractor"
But I'm not sure if I'm understanding it correctly.
Edit: secondary question: how does the successor company decide which of the incumbents from the previous contract gets an offer or not? Or is it commonplace to hire EVERYONE that's currently on the previous contract?
submitted by Rpark888 to GovernmentContracting [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:46 lucyzaap how to block payday loans from debiting my account

Payday loans, often touted as quick fixes for financial emergencies, can quickly turn into relentless drains on your bank account. If you're grappling with automatic debits from a payday lender and need to protect your finances, there are strategic steps you can take to regain control. Here’s a comprehensive guide to effectively blocking payday loans from debiting your account, ensuring your financial stability remains intact.

1. Communicate Directly with Your Bank

a. Implement a Stop Payment Order: Initiate a stop payment order with your bank. This directive prevents specific transactions from being processed, effectively halting payments to the payday lender. Remember, stop payment orders typically last for six months but can be renewed if necessary.
b. Cancel Automatic Withdrawals: Request your bank to block all future Automated Clearing House (ACH) transactions from the payday lender. Provide precise details about the lender to ensure comprehensive coverage.
c. Consider Account Closure: In more persistent cases, closing your current account and opening a new one may be the most foolproof solution. Ensure no automatic debits are transferred to the new account, safeguarding it from unwanted transactions.

2. Notify the Payday Lender

a. Revoke Authorization in Writing: Draft a formal letter to the payday lender revoking their authorization to debit your account. This step is crucial in legally protecting yourself against further unauthorized transactions. Send this letter via certified mail to ensure receipt and keep a copy for your records.

3. Leverage Consumer Protection Agencies

a. File a Complaint with the CFPB: If the payday lender persists in attempting debits, file a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). This federal agency is equipped to handle disputes and can initiate actions against non-compliant lenders.
b. Contact Your State Attorney General: Your state attorney general's office can provide additional protections and may pursue legal action against payday lenders who violate state laws.

4. Seek Professional Legal Assistance

a. Consult with a Consumer Rights Attorney: Engage a consumer rights attorney or seek help from a local legal aid organization if issues persist. These professionals can offer tailored advice and represent you in legal challenges, ensuring your rights are protected.

5. Utilize Third-Party Services

a. Direct Debit Cancellation Services: Consider enrolling with a reputable direct debit cancellation service. These companies specialize in preventing unauthorized debits from your account, providing an added layer of security.

6. Maintain Vigilance Over Your Account

a. Regular Account Monitoring: Frequently review your bank statements and account activity. Early detection of unauthorized transactions is key to preventing further debits and potential overdraft fees.

7. Empower Yourself with Knowledge

a. Understand Your Rights Under EFTA: Familiarize yourself with the Electronic Funds Transfer Act (EFTA), which offers protections against unauthorized transactions and outlines the procedures for resolving disputes.
submitted by lucyzaap to FinanceSimple [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:44 Dreamchasing_Dreams At this point, I don’t know what to say. Sorry Molde fans..

At this point, I don’t know what to say. Sorry Molde fans.. submitted by Dreamchasing_Dreams to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:43 Little_Inspector11 Seeking Advice from Service Workers or Anyone with Experience Getting Cigarette Smell Removed from Car Which I Just Purchased

Just purchased a Gold Certified 2022 RAV4 yesterday. Unfortunately, after coming home and leaving the car parked for about an hour and a half, I left to run an errand and could smell cigarette smoke. The previous owner must have been a smoker, unless one of the service workers who took it for a test drive had a smoke, but I'm pretty sure dealerships are very strict about not smoking. It's still a possibility so not ruling that out since I didn't really notice the smell on the test drive on Wednesday.
I didn't notice the smell when I went on the test drive on Wednesday, it has been in the high 90s this week and the AC was already blasting when we got in the car. I didn't get to pick up my car until today because they had just received it and still needed to complete the 160 point check to have it registered as Gold Certified.
I did kind of notice a strong odor today, but I thought it was possibly a cleaner that they used to clean the car to get it ready for me. But like I said earlier after coming home and then leaving again to run an errand I could smell cigarette odor.
Just pretty disappointed that I am experiencing this considering the fact that I am spending a lot money on this car and put more than 50% down on it. I didn't leave with the car on Wednesday after the test drive and paying a down payment since they still needed time to complete the 160 point check, do an oil change, replace the air filter, tire alignment, etc. They had 2 1/2 days to deal with the odor or like I said maybe a service worker had a smoke in it since I test drove it on Wednesday...?
I am planning on calling to speak to the service manager tomorrow morning so I just want to have a better idea on what to expect and have a better understanding so I prepare what to say.
Service workers- What is the protocol that you all follow when you receive a trade in from a smoker? Is there a typical cleaning procedure you do? Thinking it could benefit from a steam cleaning. I read a few previous post in the subreddit about a couple of treatments people have done on their own. For example, using a hydroxyl generator, cleaning the evaporator box with BG Frigi-Clean, an ozone treatment, etc. So might need a combination of the two to fully get the smell out of the carpets and seats.
Car owners - Has anyone experienced this and what did the dealership do?
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my post and have any advice given!
submitted by Little_Inspector11 to rav4club [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:43 Affectionate-Pin5205 My (23F) boyfriend (23M) wants to do long distance without an end date while taking me for granted. What to do?

So to give a bit of background: I met my (23F) boyfriend (23M) more than 4 years ago. We were neighbors and became friends then fell in love and started dating. We used to stay up everyday talking, dancing at the park, and going on runs. I whole heartedly believe he’s my soulmate and he does too. We’re nearing our 4 year anniversary and it’s been great. We’re both very much in love, he makes me feel like I’m home and removes all of my anxiety. However 2 years ago he moved to a different country that’s 2 h away by plane to do his masters. So we’ve survived 2 years of long distance. The plan was that he’d move back after graduating but the past few months I kept getting the feeling that hes not moving back. Whenever I brought it up he’d get mad at me for pressuring him although I’d just ask questions like “how’s the job hunt going”. He finally said he doesn’t see many jobs here related to the career paths he wants but he is still going to apply to a few for me. He suggested we do long distance without an end date.
Let me start by saying that I am career oriented too and I completely understand that he wants to pursue his dreams. The issue is that I feel like he’s been taking me for granted and I don’t know if I can do long distance without an end date if he doesn’t show me that he cares.
There are a few reasons that make me think he’s taking me for granted: 1. When we started dating, he went into a phase where we didn’t spend much quality time and he’d be focused on studies and work. When I brought it up he said that’s just who he is. We got into a fight then he promised that he’d do better. It was confusing because he’s the type to surprise me with romantic little things. But it seems like he goes through these phases every now and then and id have to remind him. 2. During long distance, we almost broke up in the beginning because he didn’t know how to text, call much, and express his love through the distance. I felt very unloved and was so incredibly hurt over a few months. I kept asking for love and feeling like he doesn’t really love me. We worked through it and had a pretty healthy long distance where I lowered my standards of how much love I need and he worked on showing love. That lasted for a year ish 3. Now he’s graduating, for the past 6 months I felt like he was taking me for granted again and I just feel so exhausted from asking for love given how many times I did it before: he forgot Valentine’s Day, he stopped putting small notes in my phone when I travel back home (he used to do that), he forgot a celebration we do (once a year Id do a day filled with his fav things and he’d do one for me) even though I did it for him. After I mentioned that he forgot it he said sorry. I didn’t wanna make a big deal of it so I said it’s ok. He still didn’t make it up with planning something else. So I confronted him again and he said he didn’t think it was a big deal and still didn’t make it up to me. 4. He was on exchange in the US during my own graduation so he couldn’t make it but he didn’t get me a gift. I’m not big on expensive gifts, I absolutely love just a letter to show that you thought of me and express your feelings. Whereas now I’m getting him an expensive watch with his parents for his graduation 5. I mentioned 7 months ago that it’d be nice to exchange postcards or letters he said he’s gonna send me a letter. I opened my mailbox everyday for 3 months and reminded him like every week the first month then I mentioned it every month or so but never received anything.
All of this I didn’t say a word or get mad. But when he forgot the celebration day recently I blew up and mentioned all of these examples which happened over the past 6 months and I was so angry. I initially wanted to wait and see if he would do something by himself without me asking for love but that clearly wasn’t happening. His argument is that he gets busy and I get pushed to the back of his mind. He says that he still shows me a lot of love when we’re together in person and he still does cute things every now and then (which I agree). For example when I visited him during women’s day, he got me flowers and had heart shaped cutouts on the table. This example with how many things he forgot makes me confused on whether I’m asking for too much or is he really taking me for granted. We agreed that he’d prove to me that he cares until the end of the summer because that’s when he’ll be applying to jobs and decide where he’ll be
I’ve communicated so many times what makes me feel loved. I find it irrational to not be able to put a calendar alert to remember things like that. I just feel so lost and I can’t decide whether I can do indefinite long distance. I really don’t want to get played but I also don’t want to lose someone I love and loves me so much. Not sure if I’m overreacting or I’m being taken for granted.
submitted by Affectionate-Pin5205 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:41 SubstantialBite788 Rabbits Don’t Run Fast Enough

A postal carrier, that anonymous stranger who knows your first, middle, and last name. They know if you’re married, single, or divorced; if you’re struggling to pay the bills, called to jury duty, or how well you’re liked by the amount of Christmas cards you receive. They know more than they should, and yet we know nothing about them. That never bothered me until my new postal carrier introduced himself with a complaint about a nonexistent problem.
One evening I came home from the office, and as I was launching my briefcase up into the air, aiming for the couch, and loosening my tie, I heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door and standing on the front porch with his arm extended, was the postal carrier holding a piece of paper. Was he new? Didn’t seem familiar but then again all I ever saw of the postal carrier was a shadow sitting in a tiny truck.
He was covered in dark, matted hair. I could see neither the skin on his arms or legs. The pale pigment of his skin revealed only under his grey eyes above a thick long beard and mustache.
He handed me the piece of paper. It was a form with a checkmark by one of many categories of complaint, of which I was accused of parking in front of the mailbox. On the very bottom was penciled: Please kindly move your vehicle from in front of the car.
It was a strange request since I never parked on the street. In fact, I never parked in the driveway. I always put my baby in the garage.
“But I’m not parked in front of the mailbox!” I explained. He simply flashed his pearly whites and walked away.
The very next afternoon the doorbell rang again. It was him, with another piece of paper in hand.
“This is ridiculous. I’m not parked in front of the mailbox. Holy shit, I’m not even parked outside!”
He grunted and shook his head no and pushed the note into my stomach. I grabbed the piece of paper. This wasn’t a form, but lined paper with a note:
This neighborhood sure does have a lot of rabbits, Jerry! You must be a very lucky guy.
Confused, I handed him back the letter. Jerry, great, he knew my name. Well of course he knew my name, but just to see evidence of it- that unnerved me.
“Yeah, well I don’t know about lucky,” I said as I tried to turn away.
“Why are rabbit feet so lucky?” he asked in a barely audible whisper.
“What? Rabbit feet?”
He cleared his throat. “Is it an award for catching them. Is the luck in their belly at first and then it just kind of sinks down into their feet. Seems a little weird to me. So, if I catch a rabbit and cut its foot off, how long will that luck last?”
“I got to go…” I tried to answer.
“I bet its only for about a week. I mean they’re real easy to catch. Doesn’t seem right you would get much luck for such an easy task.” He was excited about the topic and unwilling to stop the conversation, so I abruptly walked into the house and shut the door behind me. I could hear him still talking for a bit before he finally realized I wasn’t there.
“Ok Jerry, we’ll talk tomorrow. See ya, buddy.” I watched through the door lite as he walked back towards the mail truck.
“I like Jerry. That was a good talk. He don’t know much about rabbits though,” he said to himself.
For a third day in a row the doorbell rang. I refused to answer the door and stayed upstairs in my room. He was a stubborn carrier, that anonymous whoever standing on my front porch. He rang the doorbell for over an hour. When he finally decided to quit on the doorbell, he stepped out into the front yard and yelled up at my bedroom window.
“Ok Jerry, we’ll talk tomorrow. I left you something on the front porch. It’s a whole lotta luck. Should last you about three months.” I heard the truck door shut and the engine fade away into the distance.
I pulled the shade down to make sure he was nowhere around. I saw that the truck was gone, so I made my way downstairs. Outside on the front porch was a green plastic tote, with a flip-top lid. Flies were buzzing in and out of the partial opening where the two sides of the lid did not fit tightly. I could see dried blood on either side of the tote. I searched around the yard and found a stick. I took the stick, forced it into a small opening and lifted open the lid. The tote was filled with severed rabbit’s feet, what looked to be the remains of a whole bunch of rabbits. There on top was a piece of paper that read:
Jerry, I like you. Here’s some luck!!!!!!!!! Hope it lasts a long, long time.
Rabbits are so slow. It’s funny. Why are they lucky? But if that’s the rule.
Your friend.
The bottom of my throat bulged with the contents of my stomach. I vomited into the tote, not so much out of disgust, but out of fear. I went inside and called the police.
The police came and took my report, along with a detective that wanted a statement.
Detective Fletcher had a few questions. It wouldn’t take long. “What did this man look like?”
I explained to the detective as much as I could remember but felt it a little unnecessary since he worked for the post office. How hard could it be to apprehend him?
“No, this guy doesn’t work for the post office. Your postal carrier is on vacation this week. There was a report of a stolen mail truck, but we haven’t tracked it down. Seems like the carrier filling in runs earlier in the day. This other sick fella came afterward.”
“You guys are going to catch him, right?”
“Well…,” he shrugged his shoulders. He then pulled out a card and handed it to me. “If you remember anything else give me a call, otherwise call 911.”
Not feeling very confident with the detective’s answer, I decided to buy a gun. I found a pawn store on Dickerson Road and bought a small caliber revolver. Being that I had never owned a gun, or shot one for that matter, I resolved to get to the firing range and practice, but instead I tossed it unloaded into my nightstand and forgot all about it.
Months passed and the regular postal carrier resumed his route. Mike was his name. I forced myself to get to know him. I owed it to him, and I was thankful that he wasn’t a rabbit obsessed loon. He was rather confused by my unwarranted admiration, but we got along well. Mike had gone to Panama City Beach the week of my strange visitations. He had bought some bright yellow socks with palm trees embroidered across the seams. He wore them every Friday as a reminder that he now had less than a year before his next trip to the beach.
“Man, I wish I was back on the beach, but I wouldn’t feel right leaving you with my substitute. I hear the U.S. Post Office will hire anybody. Maybe next time I’ll leave you a rabbit foot for protection,” he would often say, never realizing that he had said it to me numerous times already. I would always laugh even though the joke had long run its course. Yet, I felt safe with him around. Everything was fine and right until that November.
Thanksgiving was two weeks away and I was getting ready for a trip back home to visit my parents. By the end of the night, I was exhausted from packing, planning, and the general chaos of holiday maneuverings. I laid down on the bed to take a load off my feet, and unintentionally fell asleep.
I was awakened by something landing on my chest. The lights were still on, so it didn’t take my eyes long to focus. There standing at the end of my bed was the crazy, fake, not-so-real postal carrier. The hair on his body had grown long, and hung in twisted, filthy knots. His eyes were dark red, and set deep under his protruding brow. He flashed his teeth, but this time there were long incisors situated on both his upper and lower jaws.
“I thought you would like the luck I gave you.” He struggled to speak through his fang-fitted mouth. “But maybe it wasn’t enough. My gift was not so good, so I got you something better.”
I pulled my eyes away from him and looked down at my chest. It was a severed human leg wearing a bright yellow sock with Panama City Beach embroidered across the seam. I shoved the leg off of me and onto the floor.
“Don’t do that,” he admonished. “I worked hard for that. He fought real hard. That kind of fight-back has got to be worth a lot of luck.” He lumbered over to the side of the bed, picked up the leg, and tossed it on my lap.
I quickly moved to the other side of the bed. This offended him; he growled and hunched over in an intimidating stance of defiance. “Jerry, you make me confused. Why don’t you like my gift?”
“I do. Believe me, I do. I appreciate the gift.”
“And the pretty sock?” he added.
“Yes, and the pretty sock.” I slowly reached over and pulled open the nightstand drawer to get the gun. He saw what I was doing and hurried around to the other side of the bed to accost me. I pulled the gun out and aimed, but there was nothing but a click. I had forgotten that the gun was empty.
“Jerry tried to kill me,” he bellowed in anger.
“No, no. I was just getting my gun to go hunt rabbits with you. I like the yellow sock, but you still got to get rabbits for luck. Human feet just have a very little amount of luck. I don’t know why but for some reason rabbits are magical and they got a lot of luck stored inside them. You said I didn’t like your first gift but that’s not true. Man, that was the best time of my life. I had all kinds of good luck flowing around me. Thank you. Now, I need more.”
“Really, Jerry?”
“Yes. Now I want to show you a special place where there are lots of rabbits, so many in fact, they fill up a whole field. You can just step out and pick one up without even chasing or shooting it.”
I convinced my bestial antagonist to wait outside while I got the car out of the garage. I told him that we had to drive across town to get to the field. I opened the garage door and backed out. I was hoping he was in the driveway so I could run him over, but the goon was waiting in the yard. He opened the door and hopped in the passenger seat. He smelled awful, like a wet dog, and his foul essence exuded throughout the interior of my car. I feared I would never be able to wash the stench out of the seat fabric. His labored breathing was loud and obnoxious. I was ready to be rid of him.
I drove over two hours to the next county, deep in a rural, swath of hills and patchy forests. I spotted a dirt road to the left and turned down it.
“This is it.” I stopped the car.
“Where are all the rabbits?”
“It’s on up the road but we got to get out and walk from here.” He looked over at me with a quizzical look. “Well go on. I just got to get something out of the trunk. You’re going to miss out on all that luck.”
We both got out and he walked on ahead as I walked around to the back of the car. He looked back, but I motioned him to move forward. I opened the trunk to complete the ruse. As soon as he was a good distance up the road, I closed the trunk and jumped in the car. I reached over and shut his door as well, pushing the button to activate the door locks.
He hadn’t noticed anything at all was awry. I was tempted to slowly roll up on him and then run him over, be done with the threat of him forever, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I put the car in reverse and slowly backed out onto the road. At that point he turned and ran towards me, wailing like a child, begging me not to leave him. I put the car in drive and sped off.
As I turned onto the road that led to my neighborhood, I noticed an abandoned postal truck parked up at the elementary school. It was at that moment I realized a crucial mistake in what I had done. Although difficult, I should have finished him off. I should have put him down. I traveled a long distance to rid myself of this ragged old dog, dropped him off in the country, in the middle of nowhere, as so many other irresponsible pet owners have done in the past, but unlike all those other pet owners, my damn dog can drive.
submitted by SubstantialBite788 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:36 Dear_Marionberry3621 I didn’t know I was toxic until he cheated and finally told me his feelings

TLDR: my fiancé cheated on me but I think it’s because I didn’t know I was toxic? AITA for not giving up on fighting for us and for exposing his affair to his mother who says he was just helping another person?
24M , 24F year old, been together for 9, engaged for 2 years since we were 14. No other relationship before eachother. Well suddenly one day he leaves after playing pickle ball with our friends, saying “I can’t do this anymore”. For approximately 5 weeks he switches between talking to me and ghosting me. Me thinking it’s a mental Health situation because he was in his final term of his masters program and was rightly stressed continuously showed up for him through these 5 weeks by texting him every night saying I loved him and hope he had a good day, I maintained our house and our life, I would tell him it was okay that he was prioritizing himself and working through his tough emotions, I started therapy, started working in attachment theory work books, started reading about healthy marriages.
Turns out he was having an affair with a married woman in another state who is married and has two children. I confront him about it in a 10 page letter expressing my deep love and devotion and appreciation for him and what I can tolerate with the affair if he does come home and he says it isn’t a big deal and isn’t the reason he is leaving the relationship. We agree on another week break where he stops all contact with me and the affair partner, he ghosts me on the day we are supposed to me then another week goes by and he calls and ends things, saying I was emotionally abusive, I was toxic and tried to control him, i was mean to him and he was scared of me, I tried to keep him from his family, I was never happy with him. Stuff he has never said before in the 9 years we’ve been together. My heart is completely broken.
2 weeks after being broken up we are still trying to split apart our lives and move out etc. the weekend before we are supposed to be out of the apartment I get a notification on our joint emails that he is flying to her state. I tell his mom because I’m extremely worried about him, his safety, moving out, him coming back, etc. I want someone to keep him safe to the best of their ability. I wash my hands with it, learn how to sign out of everything and leave the rest up to his family. Two days later on the day he is supposed to fly back his affair partners family reaches out to me saying she left her two children and spouse to be with my ex and they are worried he is going to run away and skip states to avoid child support. I freak out and let his mom know what I know so that she can help him and keep him from doing something stupid like running away and not finishing his degree and she doesn’t sound too mentally stable to just leave her children after only meeting a person once.
Fast forward to now he hates me, blocked me on everything, his family won’t talk to me and has blocked me, our mutual friends dropped me from their upcoming wedding, and him and his family told me I wasn’t allowed back at the house and that they had moved out on time, the day before we have to be out of the old apartment I show up to meet the carpet cleaners and the fridge/ freezer is still full and there is a pile of garbage in the garage including a couch, and because he flew to her state the weekend he was supposed to move out the trash never got taken out and so the trash bins were overflowing with garbage and raccoons had drug trash all over the back yard. I have to clean to the best of my ability and rent a uhaul and pack all the garbage and the couch all by myself and pay for the dump fees.
It’s been a truly crazy roller coaster. I am completely shattered, I lost my best friend, my love, my partner of 9 years and half my family. They have treated me beyond poorly. I know I violated his privacy by not signing out of our joint email sooner and I shouldn’t have looked through his journal with all his plans to cheat and what she meant to him but our wedding guest list and list of baby names were in there and it was never a personal journal.
I am about 2 weeks out from all this and I know I don’t deserve this but I do see that my behaviors in our relationship might have driven him away. Ex. During very intense conflict I would attack his character and say things like “you don’t care” or “you don’t love me” or “I’m just not the woman that makes you want to do special things for” or “you are such a mommas boy” or “man you are a bad fiancé sometimes” or “you are being garbage right now”. I would become deeply upset if he went to spend time with others because I felt like we didn’t spend time together which is true we rarely went on dates or spent time together once we started workin full time, I would be sad if he didn’t come home after trips to visit his family on time and would revisit the hurt often in conflict as examples for how he would prioritize others over us. I was truly very toxic but I had no idea.
Whenever we did have conflict I would ask him what I needed to do to make him feel more loved and heard but he would just say I was perfect and if he did say anything at all it was that I needed to be happier and fight with him less. I live with so much regret, I never knew I was hurting him and us. I am putting in the work to be a more secure partner for whoever loves me next or if he comes back. He truly hates me now. I wish we could have been able to talk better before we hurt eachother in these ways. I don’t know what he is telling our friends and his family but I’m not some crazy ex, I only ever tried to love him and care for him and be his number one fan. I loved him so good on most days. I would have done anything for him. I know I’m capable of being a more secure partner because all through the 5 weeks of him using me and manipulating me and learning about his affair I only showed him kindness, love, respect, appreciation, and compassion.
He says I’m pathetic and a fool because I didn’t let him go easily (wrote him 3, 5 to 24 page letters about all he means to me and what being loved by him means and what I’ve learned about my attachment style and steps I was taking to improve) but I don’t think anyone has the right to judge how you handle trying to keep everything you love and every hope and dream.
There is this theory that if you do a thousand paper cuts (my behavior in conflict and when I was missing him) eventually you will create a chasm that is so deep and so wide nothing will be able to fix it. I think he and I built a chasm and his affair was the symptom. He is the love of my life and I tried hard, I did everything within my power, not to let him slip through my heart but in the end everything I did only made him hate me and lose everything I ever wanted. My soul is shattered and I don’t even want to pick up the pieces. How much of this is my fault?
submitted by Dear_Marionberry3621 to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:36 LestaLuna Thank you from a trans person

Thank you from a trans person
Ty from.the trans community In multiple post i didnt saw one moment of hatred toward us if anything i saw people.upset for us Upset for the hate and violence N i dont.think we can thank u enought
I lost my job from discrimination loophole in canada even with so.many protective law
I was crushed i was devaststed The hate increasing and its scary Its also.mega scary to be a woman that look fine and get creep and.people.seeing u as a toy Not a person Now add the trans part n ye im.gonna stay home.if i can Even in canada the hate grow contrary to.popular believe Hate crime are starting slowly but surely
And if the conservative party win they will. Bring the reign of terror here to canada with already banning us from sport discriminating us and preventing esential service at time
If they win well no more public bathroom for trans people so i guesss pee in the street?? and hrt for teenager which save life will be banned even for some adult if they have autism.n the like
I cant put enought word to thank you users of facepalm To.not be bigot full of hate toward us who suffer so much everyday I cant ty enought for making ne smile today thank u to all of u
Mod are free to remove as this isnt a facepalm.but a ty letter u guys are amazing n im.glad each of you exist. I hope yall have a lovely day
submitted by LestaLuna to facepalm [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:24 Vojtasbest Just found out what my tips go toward a few days ago, and I am livid.

I am from Czech Republic, and I work part-time for a well known US fast-food chain.
I started 6 months ago, and when I got trained in using the cash register, one of the first things they told us is, that we aren’t allowed to keep the tips we get. It is important to note that the tipping culture here is different to the US for example. We usually tip to round up so we don’t get weird change in return, or if the person is exceptionally helpful. This means that the tips are usually very low.
They stated that it would be “unfair” for those working other positions in the restaurant, since we all get paid pretty much the same. They told us, that the money we get from these tips is going to be put aside for “group activites” we could participate in.
During the 6 months, the only thing that resembled these “group activities” was a yearly meeting of all the staff, where they went through the past year and discussed the problems, answered questions and basically only told us that we could do better. The only thing that yould be “paid for” was the food, but as this meeting took place at 6am in the restaurant. If they used our tips for this, I’d be livid.
Today, I went on an app, which is something similar to facebook, but only for the company. I saw a post from one of the managers saying something along the lines of “We had a teambuilding activity for ´specialists’ “(people who hold the higher positions). They went bowling and ate a pizza.
So yeah, I have a feeling, that me working my ass off to help the customers and to give them a decent service, funded a “nice day off” for people who already get paid more than me.
submitted by Vojtasbest to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:24 Askittishcat An anti LGBT activist might be targeting my employer over the Pride flag

When I went to work yesterday, I was greeted by an email sent by a coworker to almost everyone in our facility complaining about how the Pride flag being flown on our grounds is discriminatory. He asked why we aren't flying a straight pride flag and listed off examples of customers who saw our Pride flag and dramatically refused our services (tearfully declaring the sight of the Pride flag to be a betrayal I think is how he described one of their responses). I was initially pissed. Why can't he just let us have our representation? Why can't he exercise a little empathy. Then it occurred to me, the coworker in question is normally shy and withdrawn, and when he does speak, he's usually sweet and encourages empathy for others (although I've never actually heard him speak about LGBT people). Sending this email was very out of character for him.
So, I vented my frustration to another coworker, who showed me a Facebook post from the first coworker's brother. It was about 75% identical to the email my coworker had sent. The parts that were different were about the institution that had been flying the pride flag, while the parts that were the same were the criticisms of LGBT pride. So, we googled the brother, and found he'd filed a major lawsuit against his local school district for discrimination, because they refused to display a straight pride flag. And it wasn't just the school district he was suing, this guy listed individual teachers that he was suing too. That article linked to the Instagram of the brother's attorney, who apparently specializes in conservative social agenda cases.
I assume that my coworker's email and his brother's Facebook post were both written by the attorney and I assume this means he's going to be coming after my organization next. I work for a large organization, so it would be really easy for me to keep my head down and stay out of it to avoid being individually named like those teachers were, but at the same time I don't want to let the organization be blindsided by this attorney. Should I just assume my organization's legal team has seen the same things I have or would it be better to try to find a way to warn them?
submitted by Askittishcat to lgbt [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:20 Academic_Classic_551 Are the Russian vps services good for privacy?

Given the fact that almost any law here in the west never applies to our eastern friends (like copyright for example being completely avoided by the fact that Russia don't comply with DMCA being one of the largest torrent heavens) and given the sanctions, is the vps services ran in Russia better for avoiding government data requests by the authorities?
submitted by Academic_Classic_551 to privacy [link] [comments]