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2013.06.30 21:39 DILDOTRON2012 Ditch Your Cell Phone Contract!

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2009.04.22 18:18 bugpakoo FI/RE - Financial Independence & Retiring Early

FI/RE (Financial Independence / Retiring Early) is a money strategy that's sweeping the nation. It's not easy, but it is simple: earn more, spend less, and use the difference wisely. Build a baseline of financial security with the difference first, then use it to invest for your future. That way you can begin to earn financial freedom and control your own destiny.

2008.05.31 04:37 Express your Freedom

A subreddit dedicated to ideals relating to personal freedom.


Dear Adventurers,
It is finally happening! Tarisland is to launch worldwide on June 21 and will be available on PC, Android, and iOS. We can't wait for you to have endless fun in this classic MMORPG. Now, buckle up, and let's embark on an epic journey through a vast, ever-expanding world brimming with rich storytelling, challenging dungeons and raids, and a diverse array of classes and specializations to explore.
Alongside the launch date, key details of Tarisland's formidable final boss, the Blight Dragon, have been revealed. Covered in impenetrable scales, with a wingspan nearing 200 meters, this beast is the first dragon hatched in the universe and an unstoppable force on the battlefield. Alongside this reveal, a captivating CG trailer has been released showcasing the game's epic scale and stunning visuals.
Know more about Tarisland:
●Diverse Classes & Specializations: Step into the 9 classes, such as Warrior, Mage, and Priest, each with unique abilities and two specialized paths to master.
The highly anticipated dual-gender classes will be available class by class, starting with Mages and Paladins in Season 0. The Arena and other PvP modes will be also available. Class balance, combat maneuverability, and arena experience will see major optimizations to bring you a brand-new experience.
●Flexible Talent System: Craft your distinct playstyle using Tarisland's unique talent tree system, allowing for cost-free adjustments to adapt to different combat scenarios.
Tarisland will allow you to train your characters strategically from various aspects, including their talents, equipment, skills, and control, so you will be able to create your own characters and playstyles by yourself.
●Challenging Raid Encounters: Join forces with fellow adventurers to conquer epic-level bosses and overcome unique game mechanics in intense cooperative raids.
In Season 0, there will be five dungeons, eight 10-player raid bosses, and multiple PvE modes including the Arcane Realm, Universal Hall, and Dark Invasion. Each dungeon has three levels of difficulty, so players with different preferences and devices can enjoy the thrill of conquering challenges.
●Vast Open World: Reveal the secrets of Tarisland's expansive realm, filled with puzzles, adventures, and unique gameplay experiences beyond traditional questing.
In Tarisland, you can build on your profession to establish a profitable social network and gain wealth through trading, or you can just kill time by exploring, fishing, or playing mini games in the amusement park. Here, you are free to choose your own adventure path.
●Cross-Platform Compatibility: Experience the thrill of raid progressions seamlessly across mobile and PC devices, with cross-platform data sharing for true gaming freedom.
With its detailed optimizations, Tarisland delivers a superb gaming experience on both PC and mobile, allowing you to embark on adventures with your friends anytime, anywhere.
To help players prepare for the vast world beyond, we also have a series of pre-launch events scheduled, including the "Guild Pre-registration Event" announced today and the H5 event, "Unveil Your Role: Class Quest in Tarisland". So rally your friends and be prepared!
It has been over a year since Tarisland was first introduced to you, and during this time, we've completed several playtests and conducted numerous adjustments and optimizations. Thank you all for accompanying us on this journey. Your enthusiasm and support have brought Planet Tarisland to life as it shines in the infinite universe, brimming with life. Finally, its official launch is approaching. Let's get together in Tarisland on June 21!
Visit the official site for the latest news about the game, and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and Discord.
submitted by Dvalin_DK to TarislandMMORPG [link] [comments]


Dear Adventurers,
It is finally happening! Tarisland is to launch worldwide on June 21 and will be available on PC, Android, and iOS. We can't wait for you to have endless fun in this classic MMORPG. Now, buckle up, and let's embark on an epic journey through a vast, ever-expanding world brimming with rich storytelling, challenging dungeons and raids, and a diverse array of classes and specializations to explore.
Alongside the launch date, key details of Tarisland's formidable final boss, the Blight Dragon, have been revealed. Covered in impenetrable scales, with a wingspan nearing 200 meters, this beast is the first dragon hatched in the universe and an unstoppable force on the battlefield. Alongside this reveal, a captivating CG trailer has been released showcasing the game's epic scale and stunning visuals.
Know more about Tarisland:
●Diverse Classes & Specializations: Step into the 9 classes, such as Warrior, Mage, and Priest, each with unique abilities and two specialized paths to master.
The highly anticipated dual-gender classes will be available class by class, starting with Mages and Paladins in Season 0. The Arena and other PvP modes will be also available. Class balance, combat maneuverability, and arena experience will see major optimizations to bring you a brand-new experience.
●Flexible Talent System: Craft your distinct playstyle using Tarisland's unique talent tree system, allowing for cost-free adjustments to adapt to different combat scenarios.
Tarisland will allow you to train your characters strategically from various aspects, including their talents, equipment, skills, and control, so you will be able to create your own characters and playstyles by yourself.
●Challenging Raid Encounters: Join forces with fellow adventurers to conquer epic-level bosses and overcome unique game mechanics in intense cooperative raids.
In Season 0, there will be five dungeons, eight 10-player raid bosses, and multiple PvE modes including the Arcane Realm, Universal Hall, and Dark Invasion. Each dungeon has three levels of difficulty, so players with different preferences and devices can enjoy the thrill of conquering challenges.
●Vast Open World: Reveal the secrets of Tarisland's expansive realm, filled with puzzles, adventures, and unique gameplay experiences beyond traditional questing.
In Tarisland, you can build on your profession to establish a profitable social network and gain wealth through trading, or you can just kill time by exploring, fishing, or playing mini games in the amusement park. Here, you are free to choose your own adventure path.
●Cross-Platform Compatibility: Experience the thrill of raid progressions seamlessly across mobile and PC devices, with cross-platform data sharing for true gaming freedom.
With its detailed optimizations, Tarisland delivers a superb gaming experience on both PC and mobile, allowing you to embark on adventures with your friends anytime, anywhere.
To help players prepare for the vast world beyond, we also have a series of pre-launch events scheduled, including the "Guild Pre-registration Event" announced today and the H5 event, "Unveil Your Role: Class Quest in Tarisland". So rally your friends and be prepared!
It has been over a year since Tarisland was first introduced to you, and during this time, we've completed several playtests and conducted numerous adjustments and optimizations. Thank you all for accompanying us on this journey. Your enthusiasm and support have brought Planet Tarisland to life as it shines in the infinite universe, brimming with life. Finally, its official launch is approaching. Let's get together in Tarisland on June 21!
Visit the official site for the latest news about the game, and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and Discord.
submitted by Dvalin_DK to TarislandTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:10 GrowFinancialy Motivation video. Discipline for Success Xuan Nguyen's Motivation Talk a...

Motivation video. Discipline for Success Xuan Nguyen's Motivation Talk at WFG Convention 2023 Transform Your Life: Achieve Financial Freedom and Personal Growth. Welcome to our channel dedicated to inspiring and empowering you to transform your life through motivation, personal growth, and financial education. Our mission is to help you achieve financial freedom, become rich and wealthy, and gain independence. Join us as we explore proven strategies and practical tips for boosting your income, creating wealth, and unlocking new opportunities. Our videos feature insights from experts, success stories, and actionable advice designed to motivate you to take control of your financial future and elevate your life to new heights. Whether you're looking to enhance your personal development, learn the secrets of financial success, or find the motivation to pursue your dreams, our channel offers the guidance and support you need. Subscribe now to embark on a journey towards a better, more prosperous future. For joining us: Recruit reference: 302NYC

FinancialFreedom,, #PersonalGrowth, #Motivation, #WealthBuilding, #FinancialEducation, #SuccessMindset, #RichLife, #Independence, #Opportunity, #LifeTransformation, #EarnMore, #WealthCreation, #Empowerment, #FinancialSuccess, #DreamBig, #AchieveYourGoals,

submitted by GrowFinancialy to u/GrowFinancialy [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 01:36 GrowFinancialy Motivation video/How Great leaders Sell a BIG Dream & why YOU Should. Mo...

Motivation video. How Great leaders Sell a BIG Dream & why YOU Should. Motivation speech by Ed Mylett. Transform Your Life: Achieve Financial Freedom and Personal Growth. Welcome to our channel dedicated to inspiring and empowering you to transform your life through motivation, personal growth, and financial education. Our mission is to help you achieve financial freedom, become rich and wealthy, and gain independence. Join us as we explore proven strategies and practical tips for boosting your income, creating wealth, and unlocking new opportunities. Our videos feature insights from experts, success stories, and actionable advice designed to motivate you to take control of your financial future and elevate your life to new heights. Whether you're looking to enhance your personal development, learn the secrets of financial success, or find the motivation to pursue your dreams, our channel offers the guidance and support you need. Subscribe now to embark on a journey towards a better, more prosperous future. For joining us: Recruit reference: 302NYC

FinancialFreedom,, #PersonalGrowth, #Motivation, #WealthBuilding, #FinancialEducation, #SuccessMindset, #RichLife, #Independence, #Opportunity, #LifeTransformation, #EarnMore, #WealthCreation, #Empowerment, #FinancialSuccess, #DreamBig, #AchieveYourGoals,

submitted by GrowFinancialy to u/GrowFinancialy [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 01:14 cloudcovercourier Lets get the conversation started.

Low pay. Under minimum wage according to American standards.
Poor housing, and they won’t fix anything. They have to save money.
Unlimited amounts of work at their discretion, without extra pay.
Poor communication from the top of leadership down.
Your voice will not be heard because it does not matter. Leadership will do what they want, although they will say they want your thoughts.
Teachers are not protected in many ways. Some parents of the students will attack you, and it will be allowed because they won’t upset the parents. It’s how they make their $, and they can’t harm their income. You will not be supported if the students lie, cheat, or misbehave.
Don’t pay taxes in Vietnam, but you are expected to pay self-employment tax in the US.
They are planning to pay you in cash in Vietnam. Which gives no records of any funding to you in Vietnam or America.
Overpromised perks and promises, under-delivered.
Cheapest flights resulting in 48+ hour trips, not including airline delays.
The first three months have limited freedom because you work on a tourist visa. Illegal.
Don’t follow Vietnam's guidelines for the registration of foreigners.
Poor quality food.
Night classes for people in the community. They get paid for this, you will not.
I’m sure you are Godly and feel called to go to Vietnam. They will use and abuse that calling, always claiming, ” It’s for ministry.”
You will not change the system.
submitted by cloudcovercourier to newmanacademyvietnam [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 07:03 Adventurous_Brain_27 Player cheated in Homebrew game

this description of the type of dm i am is relevant to the story
so I am a dm that has been running games for 10+ years now, off and on. i only run games when i have the time to put in a ton of work, because i like to give my players a high quality story and game world, i like to go above and beyond form my players, even if it means way more work for myself. if i choose to start a campaign, i put in roughly 10+ hours a day of work for my once a week games, but thus only run games when i have no other stuff going on except dnd (this is due to me having a career as a paid dm who also runs free games every once in a while) i also have purchased every source book that has ever been published and i allow my players to use them freely so that they dont have to buy any books themselves. i also have done the same for every digital copy on DND-beyond and share them with my players freely, as i believe that if your in my game you hyave the right to use my books so it makes it easier for you to play without real life monetary cost. i also provide all the dice if you cant bring your own or dont have money to go buy some. i have over 200 of every type of standard dice and i bring that bag of die to every game. i have been called the "giga-chad of DND". i take the rule of cool pretty seriously and thus if you have a cool idea, im gonna find a way to make it work regardless of what it is. if it needs balancing then i work with you to do that. if it breaks a lot of rules, then i will have you do the "something lost, something gained" rule. meaning that you can do X cool thing if you give up X other thing or pay X non monetary (in game money of course, never going to make players spend irl money for in games stuff, thats idiotic and never ok) thing, such as a level, or a strong ability, or some such that you the player and me the dm discuss and come to a mutually satisfactory agreement of what that cost will be.
so i made a homebrew dnd galaxy where the players had a space ship and traveled from planet to planet in the galaxy having adventures. this allowed tghe players to explore diferent styles of dnd in the same campaign, as some planets were futuristic and scifi, while other planets were backwater worlds with very little technology, and some were in between. some had magic be the basis of their scociety, others had science and technology be the basis of their scociety. some planets were civilised while others were savage. some were made up entirely of supernatural creatures, while others were made up of people (aliens or humanoids that could talk and interact like regular people do in real life). all homebrewed by me. i spent 6 months creating it and then i posted a very long description of it online to recruit players.
like i normally do, i got around 60+ people all asking me for a slot in my game, and so i did short interviews of players, asking:
-how many years of dnd experience do you have (its ok if your brand new as im fully ok with teaching you the game, as ive done so for others before)
-do you prefer melee or magic or a combination or sneakiness, etc, (if they didnt know right away then id send them a free copy of the players handbook and have them read each class description and then tell me what appeals to them
-do you ever have a hard time seperating in character from out of character? (as one of my rules is "no bringing ooc drama into the dnd game. once we sit down at the table, we are playing dnd and outside issues need to be left at the door) this doesnt mean that you cant bring up isses you have about me or the game with me, and infact if you have any issues with me or another player about the game i encourage you to say so immediately so we can work as a team to overcome and solve them in a way that makes everyone happy.
-and what age are you in real life? (this is so i know not to put themes too dark into a game with underage people. one of my rules regardless of any age is theres no "inappropriate/adult only content in my games ever. im never going to allow that ever. but i more mean like i dont want a kid seeing an npc getting tortured or something particularly graphic in that sense, no need to traumatize anyone.
-i also send them a trigger checklist at session 0 so i as the dm know what topics to avoid, and only i the dm, and you the individual player see the filled out checklist, noone else at the table sees it, and once the game is over the checklist gets deleted, or if you leave the game it gets deleted too.
then based on their answers i chose 6 people that i thought would work well together and get along with each other. i never ask for any personal information beyond your first name (no last names unless you choose to share them) and the checklist.
after choosing the 6 players i sat down with each of them individually and explained all the homebrew races and classes i made for the game, as well as allowing them to choose a race and class from any WOTC published book that has ever been written ever. and if your choice comes from an edition that is not 5e, i convert it to 5e for you and have you review it to make sure you like it. you also have the option of converting it to 5e yourself if you prefer, but after your done i must review it (only to ensure there are no mistakes and that its not going to hinder your ability to play the game, for example i refused to let a spellcaster make their main casting stat their dump stat (this was one of the brand new to dnd players, so they didnt understand until i explained very nicely why it was a bad idea for them to make their spell casting stat their lowest stat. they then thanked me for the help and was able to still play their chosen race and class, just with better stats, and they ended up loving it)
i made a homebrew/frankenbrew planet based on the world of the video game World of Warcraft because my players requested it. (this was a free game i was running). i also completely homebrewed my own version of vampires as a playable race due to this being a game that had horror elements, and pulled a little from curse of strads setting and style (not the story, the dark elements and horror feel. they wanted the game to feel like a horrogothic world with vampires, yet also wanted their characters to walk around feeling like "unstoppable force, kinda like doom guy from the video game series DOOM. and im the kinda dm that if you tell me what you want out of the game, im going to give it to you cause at the end of the day its not about me its about the players and making sure they have fun first and foremost.)
so i had 6 players, a mish mash of diferent classes. i dont remember all of them but i know there was a monk, and 2 magic users, and 1 melee character, 1 healer, and then the problem player was the home brew vampire race and homebrew vampire class.
each player started at level 10, because in my games i like to have the stakes be high and it be a game of gods and monsters, epic power and incredible worlds, deep meaning and impactful story. your choices can make or break societies, shape the future of the cosmos, and impact the direction that life in the galaxy takes for generations to come. i asked them if they wanted this and they all said yes enthusiastically.
i also included in my game the promise of epic levels, which for anyone that doesnt know, this was a very old concept from the early days of DND. it was meant to give level 20 characters something to strive for and allowed them to keep leveling up past 20. level 21 starts your journey into becoming basically a deity of the multiverse. for example, if morden kainen was an npc in a dnd game, he would likely be a level 45 magic user, having 20 regular levels and 25 epic levels.
in 5e epic levels dont exist anymore and the level cap is 20, but in my homebrew games, epic levels still exist and if you play long enough, you will eventually have morden kainen level power. (i know im probably spelling his name wrong, sorry).
the problems didnt start untill we got to the vampire homeworld. they arrived to find a very ancient and aristocratic society based on the revendreth vampires of WOW. they worked their way through some side quests untill the king of all vampires decided that they were interesting enough to be called to his castle for a special mission that he would pay them 20,000 gold up front, and another 20,000 after the job was done. (in this game, gold doesnt go nearlya s far, since each in game month they have space ship bills and upkeep to pay, such as food costns, fuel costs, ship registration fees, etc.) they had been using an app called Smash N' Grab (from dimention 20 starstruck oddesy. i got the app idea from them) and it gave them jobs to do for high or low pay. they get a description of the job and the offered pay on the app, and can decide as a party if they want to take it, or look for other jobs on the app.
so they decided to take the job and went to meet King vampire (i forget his name.)
i set the scene to be that this guy was a bad dude was a super powerful npc who should not be messed with. very serious tone for this scene, and clear undertones of darkness and evil and definetly not a time for any kind of humor. the vampire problem player began by mocking the king and showing no respect, while the other players were taking it very seriously. after a few lines of him tossing humor around, being arrogant and snarky to the king, treating him like the vampire player was so much better than the king and the king was nothing but a pewny noble, i paused the scene at the request of the other 5 players. they 5 players told problem player to please take it seriously as they were not having fun due to his actions. the problem player said "thats just what my character would do, and im better than any npc anyway so whats the big deal?" i then stepped in and basically said "this is supposed to be a serious scene, and this king is meant to be much more powerful than anyone in the party right now. you totally have creative freedom to play your character the way you want, however i would prefer that you dont goof off during this important scene, as this is not a side quest, this is the start of one of the main questlines of the game (i made 6 major questlines by this point, and this was the start of their questline number 2).
he agreed to stop, and so we moved on with no further problems.
then when they leveled up next, the problem player asked me for a few new homebrew abilities, so i sat down with them and we collaborated to make some balanced and fair new abilities for him. one of them was some black claws that he could turn on and off as a bonus action. the claws would function as melee weapons, that if they drew blood, the claws would pull that blood from your body and do extra damage based on the degree of regular damage they dealt, so small wound, small extra, nasty wound, nasty extra, etc. the vampire could then drink the blood off their claws for certain other abilities to activate, and that blood would heal them slightly. (one homebrew condition i made was "bleeding" and if your bleeding you are taking 1hp damage per turn while the blood is flowing, you can fix this by simply using a health item as a free action, or by healing yourself with magic on your turn. its not meant for damage, its meant for vampire ability activations).
this is when i began to notice that some of his abilities were stronger than i remebered making them, so i talked with him privately after that session and realized he had been fudging his damage dice numbers without asking me the dm or telling me that he was doing so. i explained that this is cheating, and that its not ok. he apologized and promised not to do it again. i let it go with a warning that if it happened again he would be kicked from the game and replaced with someone on the waiting list. (as i had 30 ish people that were on a waiting list to get into this game incase someone left or got kicked.) i asked him very specifically "do you understand what i have said, and agree to this?" and he said these exact words "yes i understand and agree. i will not cheat in your games again, i give you my word" and i said ok, and we moved on.
next session i noticed that he did an ability i had never heard of, so i asked him where he got it, as i do recognize that with all i make i sometimes forget what i have given the players. he explained that i gave him a magic item at the magical items shop they visited a few sesions ago (a shop full to bursting with about 80 magic items i had homebrewed and then put an in game price on to fill this shop) and so i looked it up in my notes and could not find it. i asked the other player who always takes extreme and meticulous notes of everything we do and everything i give and every rule i make etc to sheck her notes, (she loves taking notes on everything, so she does the write up for rooters news (the summary of what happened last sesion, like a news bulletin about the party and their adventures). she looked it up and found nothing, and said that according to her notes, he got a whip of bloody darkness, not a portable cloud of blood drinking darkness like he was claiming. the whip did 4d8 damage and 3d6 blood damage, not the 10d12 darkness damage and 8d8 blood damage he was claiming it did. he then tried to gasslight the rest of the table into believing that me and my note taker player were wrong and has purposedly deleted that from our notes cause apparently we didnt like him (which was not true, we had no problem with him at all before this, as noone but me knew that he had been warned about cheating before, nonoe of the players even knew he cheated before.
it was aa6t this point that i revealed to everyone that he had tried to cheat before and had been warned about it, and the entire table sided with me and said whatever i decide, they trust that ill do the right thing for them as id never steered a table wrong before as far as they knew, so i kicked him from my table and banned him form ever participating in any game of mine again.
after that the rest of the players said i did the right thing, (he had been continuing his moockery and goofing off durring any serious moment up to this point, so the rest of the table didnt like him by now.)
this fundamentally changed the way i handle problem players as it had been my first time dealing with a problem player.
i now have a rule in my session 0s that if you cheat, ever, you get 1 warning and then your kicked. that "i didnt know" is not an excuse, and if you are unsure if something is cheating, ask and ill inform you kindly. if you accidentally do it then we correct you and you can fix it, if you refuse to fix it, your out.
also, the player who replaced the cheater was great, they fit well with the party and everyone was happy.
player was being a jerk during serious moments, then cheated got warned, cheated again and got caught, then tried to gass light the group ooc, and it resulted in him being banned wich made the rest of the group much happier.
submitted by Adventurous_Brain_27 to dndhorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 21:47 GrowFinancialy Motivation video. THIS Night Routine Will CHANGE YOUR LIFE Forever

Motivation video. THIS Night Routine Will CHANGE YOUR LIFE Forever. Transform Your Life: Achieve Financial Freedom and Personal Growth. Welcome to our channel dedicated to inspiring and empowering you to transform your life through motivation, personal growth, and financial education. Our mission is to help you achieve financial freedom, become rich and wealthy, and gain independence. Join us as we explore proven strategies and practical tips for boosting your income, creating wealth, and unlocking new opportunities. Our videos feature insights from experts, success stories, and actionable advice designed to motivate you to take control of your financial future and elevate your life to new heights. Whether you're looking to enhance your personal development, learn the secrets of financial success, or find the motivation to pursue your dreams, our channel offers the guidance and support you need. Subscribe now to embark on a journey towards a better, more prosperous future. For joining us: Recruit reference: 302NYC

FinancialFreedom,, #PersonalGrowth, #Motivation, #WealthBuilding, #FinancialEducation, #SuccessMindset, #RichLife, #Independence, #Opportunity, #LifeTransformation, #EarnMore, #WealthCreation, #Empowerment, #FinancialSuccess, #DreamBig, #AchieveYourGoals,

submitted by GrowFinancialy to u/GrowFinancialy [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 12:12 Lowback Autism related legislation

[USA post]
Moderators/Admins. I humbly request you allow this. I somewhat worry it gets close to being political/serious, however, it is directly related to autism. This is a once-in-a-lifetime shot for us to stop being othered from marriage and relationships by government regulations.
The bill specifically includes autism as a developmental disability.
Those of us on disability cannot even politically organize or volunteer for organized outreach because taking part in our right to assembly deems us as having job skills and can be used to revoke our benefits. We're the only class of people in the country that is penalized for exercising freedom of assembly. I have no idea how else to raise awareness and draw attention to this legislation we need passed.
This is about SSI support, which is what you get if you could never work, and SSI+SSDI, which is what you get if you were only able to work a little bit but ultimately failed due to your disability. It is not about SSDI alone, which is a program without harsh limitations.
Essentially, I'm asking everyone looking at this in America take the time to contact their representative in support of this bill. If your intellectual/developmental disability were to get you deemed disabled, the government is able to remove your disability support if you get married.
This encourages emotional abuse/domestic abuse because the disabled partner is completely dependent. All your income from the government is revoked if your partner works the most basic of jobs on a part-time or greater basis.
Beyond that, even if you married another disabled people, your household will lose all support in any given month that you both save over 3,000$ combined. A limit set in 1979 and never adjusted for cost of living or inflation. They even reduce your payments by 25% each for the sin of being married!
It creates a situation where we're encouraged to hide our relationships, pretend we don't have love, lose licenses / car registrations if we owe child support (only owed because we couldn't be married), etc, and a whole host of other moves meant to keep us alone on the misfit toy island. All to live on less than 13,000 a year.
submitted by Lowback to evilautism [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 12:08 Lowback [USA specific] There is a bipartisan bill we should pay attention to and support.

Moderators/Admins. I humbly request you allow this. I somewhat worry it gets close to spam/survey, but this is a once-in-a-lifetime shot for us to stop being othered from marriage and relationships by government regulations.
The bill specifically includes autism as a developmental disability.
Those of us on disability cannot even politically organize or volunteer for organized outreach because taking part in our right to assembly deems us as having job skills and can be used to revoke our benefits. We're the only class of people in the country that is penalized for exercising freedom of assembly. I have no idea how else to raise awareness and draw attention to this legislation we need passed.
This is about SSI support, which is what you get if you could never work, and SSI+SSDI, which is what you get if you were only able to work a little bit but ultimately failed due to your disability. It is not about SSDI alone, which is a program without harsh limitations.
Essentially, I'm asking everyone looking at this in America take the time to contact their representative in support of this bill. If your intellectual/developmental disability were to get you deemed disabled, the government is able to remove your disability support if you get married.
This encourages emotional abuse/domestic abuse because the disabled partner is completely dependent. All your income from the government is revoked if your partner works the most basic of jobs on a part-time or greater basis.
Beyond that, even if you married another disabled people, your household will lose all support in any given month that you both save over 3,000$ combined. A limit set in 1979 and never adjusted for cost of living or inflation. They even reduce your payments by 25% each for the sin of being married!
It creates a situation where we're encouraged to hide our relationships, pretend we don't have love, lose licenses / car registrations if we owe child support (only owed because we couldn't be married), etc, and a whole host of other moves meant to keep us alone on the misfit toy island. All to live on less than 13,000 a year.
submitted by Lowback to aspergers [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 08:23 FancyInvestment397 TonyBet Ireland 2024 Review - Claim €100 Free Bet Offer

TonyBet Ireland 2024 Review - Claim €100 Free Bet Offer
Joining the best betting sites in Ireland is TonyBet. This multi-gaming and betting platform is all and everything that a player could want and hope for from such a service. Having already reviewed their casino service, we now turn our attention to the sports betting side of things. TonyBet is, without question, one of the largest platforms in the Irish market, but how does the sportsbook stand up to what is an already satisfied market of more well-established bookmakers? We’ll be presenting all the features of the sportsbook and discussing how their service benefits you and supports your membership. Ready to join a team capable of taking the title?

Who Are TonyBet?

Tony Bet has been part of the circuit for almost 20 years but was originally known, at the time, as OmniBet. In 2009, the company was brought out and adopted the TonyBet branding. Because of their birth being online, the business name doesn’t carry the same gravitas as the bookmakers that started as a high street service, which is why those companies tend to be better with membership numbers, though not necessarily providing a more rounder service for the bettor.
What Tony Bet are is a classic example of why online sportsbooks are by far a more dynamic service. You will come to learn that by having the platform they dwell in, that it gives Tony Bet more freedoms, and a clear example of this is that no high street bookmaker could ever provide over 2,000 betting markets. For a site like Tony Bet, it’s done so on a daily basis.
Their company M.O included the promise of providing a one-of-a-kind experience, and it’s not crazy to agree with them once you step back and see the package. Tony Bet truly is a place that can offer multiple experiences for many different kinds of players, and this is in itself why this site is quite easily among the best sportsbooks in Ireland.

Pros of TonyBet

✔️ Live In-Play Betting
✔️ Sports VIP Program
✔️ Forecasts
✔️ Bettors Tournament
✔️ 37 Sporting Categories

Cons of TonyBet

❌ No Live Streaming
❌ No Greyhound Racing
❌ No Horse Racing

Is TonyBet Ireland Legal?

Yes, TonyBet is 100% legal in the market of Ireland and comes licenced and regulated by the Estonian Tax and Customs Board whose licence numbers are: HKL000243, HKT000015, HKT000016, and HKL000098.
By operating from within Estonia, the sportsbook complies with Ireland’s gambling laws, simply because it’s not a physical service within the country’s borders. So, yes, Irish players can legally access the TonyBet service and play to win real euros from the features provided throughout.

Trustworthy online casinos in Ireland

  1. WildFortune – The best online casino in Ireland, offering a giant array of high-quality games, including many online slots.
  2. Evospin – Superb selection of live casino games from major providers like Evolution and Pragmatic Play.
  3. CrazyFox – The welcome bonus at Crazy Fox Casino is a cashback bonus of up to 20% on your first deposit.
  4. Mason Slots – Play Mystery Jackpot games, where the top prize could be anything, plus enjoy playing a range of slots
  5. Spin Samurai – Several exciting tournaments available, plus complete challenges to claim achievements and win rewards.

TonyBet Horse Racing, Football, Rugby, What’s Available?

With 37 different sports categories available, TonyBet is one of Ireland's biggest bookmakers, and with this come the many hundreds and thousands of betting markets. In this section of our review, we highlight all that is tied to what can be bet on.
If you have never used an online sportsbook to place bets, then this will reveal all the benefits of joining TonyBet. If you are questioning just why it is better to be using an online service rather than a high street brand, it will soon become evident that TonyBet is unmatched in so many ways and pass those benefits onto its members.
Let’s begin by telling you that all high street bookies have far lower odds. These are less competitive because such establishments have overhead costs to clear. A site like TonyBet guarantees you far greater odds across all their sports betting markets, and with this, more markets to pick from including for Six Nations betting.
So, what are the sports made available through your TonyBet membership? These are just some of the 37 that await you:
  • Football
  • Cricket
  • Tennis
  • Formula 1
  • Rugby
  • Horse Racing
  • Basketball
  • Baseball
  • Badminton
  • Gaelic Football
  • Ice hockey
  • Darts
  • Volleyball
  • Boxing
As highlighted earlier, there is no animal betting at this site, so you will not have access to any Greyhound Racing or Horse Racing, which are two of Ireland’s most popular sports.
All featured sports are, at some point, accessible via the Live Betting service, which gives you a chance to engage in live betting while the fixture or even is in-play. If we use cricket as an example, during the live betting service, you can access a live digital replay of the action. This media plays in real-time, showing you a virtual outline of the field, the crease, the batter, and the ball's flight path. You can access the scorecard, in-play statistics, previous H2H results, and the lineups.
The same concepts of this live media are provided for all sports, so you have a very good sense of what is happening virtually, rather than having it streamed live. With live betting, you also have a new range of betting markets, which would otherwise not be available as pre-game markets. It’s an immersive and engaging experience to play live and become invested both at a financial level and emotional one if you’re brave enough to bet on the team or athlete you support. There is no greater drama than what can be felt through online sports betting.

Does TonyBet Offer eSports?

The option of eSports is made available to Tony Bet members. The options here include:
  • Counter-Strike
  • Dota 2
  • FIFA
  • League of Legends
  • Rainbow Six
  • StarCraft
If these games sound oddly familiar, it’s because they are console games, and, yes, you will be betting on professional teams and players that play these games competitively in international tournaments and leagues. It’s a very niche betting option and one that can often be viewed live via the Twitch streaming service.

TonyBet Offers and Welcome Bonuses

What, if any, promotions and bonuses can be claimed once registered with TonyBet? In this part of the review, we discuss all things that are tied to the sportsbook’s rewards service. Now, given that sport is an ever-changing industry with various seasons starting and stopping in the same year, do take note that promotions are always subject to change. If you do take a liking to any offer, also bear in mind that there are terms and conditions (T&Cs) to also read.
The first promotion that can be claimed by you is the Exclusive €100 Free Bet Welcome Bonus! Available for new members only, you can enjoy a one-off 100 EUR free bet when you make your first deposit with TonyBet. This is a 100% matched deposit bonus, so what you pay into your account, that is up to the value of €100, TonyBet will match by 100%. This gives you a potential overall balance to bet with of €200.

How to Claim the TonyBet €100 Free Bet Bonus
If you want to start your membership with a cash boost, here’s how you go about claiming the offer.
  1. Click on Tony Bet.
  2. At the site, click on SIGN UP.
  3. Register your account.
  4. Select this welcome bonus and make a deposit of €10 or more to activate it.
  5. Use the bonus money on your favourite sports.

What Are the TonyBet Bonus Conditions?

So, why does TonyBet give away free money, what’s the catch? Well, this is all cleared up in the full terms and conditions of the offer, which can be read on the Tony Bet website. Here are just some of the preliminary terms to help you understand some of what’s required on your part.
  • The minimum deposit must be €10 or more to unlock the offer.
  • The maximum bonus you can receive is 100 EUR.
  • Your first deposit and bet must be placed on odds of 1.5 or higher on a single bet of 1.7 or higher if making multi bets.
  • Your bonus credit can only be used on multi bets of 3 or more selections.
  • The promotion is only open for the first 14 days of your membership.
  • Crypto payments are not eligible for this offer.
Further T&Cs apply.

Does TonyBet Offer Other Free Bets?

There are no other Free Bet offers, but there is a selection of alternative promotions that can be enjoyed at the site. Now, promotions and bonuses are two very different things. Promotions tend to highlight a service, while bonuses tend to offer a reward to use services for free.
  • Forecasts: Win up to 1000 EUR. Make €20+ deposits in 5 days, correctly predict 10 results and win the main prize.
  • Bettors Tournament: Weekly tournament with 1500 EUR prize pool. Bet on sports, earn points and outscore other members to top leaderboard.
  • Sports VIP Program: Earn up to €5,000 every month!
T&Cs apply across all promotions.

Does TonyBet Offer a Loyalty Programme?

Yes. As highlighted in the promotions, there is a Sports VIP Program. There are 6 VIP levels to this service. Players can progress through the level by earning points for real money bets placed. The more you bet, the more points you will accumulate. This will see you level up, and your score is highlighted by the Level XP progression bar.
Points accumulated can then be redeemed for betting credit at the end of each month. 100 points earned converts to 1 EUR.
T&Cs apply.

TonyBet Payment Methods

One of the most important features of a sportsbook is the banking. You want to be able to meet the bookie's payment criteria, otherwise, you will be wasting your time going through the registration and verification process and find you might not be able to deposit to play because Tony Bet doesn’t use the banking service you have.
Here we share the payment methods approved by Tony Bet that will help you to deposit and withdraw EUR currency.

What Are the Recommended Payment Methods for Irish Players?

Note that all payments have a minimum deposit value of €10, and with crypto, you can only deposit, but these payments will be converted to euros, and you can only withdraw winnings made as euros. The games here do not support crypto payouts.

Deposit Methods Withdrawal Methods
MasterCard MasterCard
Neteller Neteller
Skrill Skrill
EcoPayz EcoPayz
Jeton Jeton
Perfect Money Perfect Money
Bitcoin N/A
Litecoin N/A
Ethereum N/A

How Long Does It Take to Withdraw from Tony Bet?

All methods of payment listed hold a withdrawal window that can take up to 3 business days for the transaction to be completed.

TonyBet Mobile Application

Get all the services of TonyBet from their mobile app. Click on the Mobile App tab and you will be taken to the special QR-Code that can be used to download the app for free. The app is available for Android and iOS mobile smartphones.
Features of the app include tournaments, forecasts, bonuses, events, and VIP benefits. The app allows the bettor to enjoy faster and smoother access to their betting options. You can keep track of your VIP achievements. Your app allows you to filter your favourite sports and keep important betting markets top of the list.

How to Download the TonyBet App

To download the TonyBet app, use the QR-Code scanner on your mobile device. This will take you to either the Android or iOS app. Follow the download link from the code and install within seconds to begin that mobile gameplay experience.

TonyBet Mobile: A Credible Alternative

Mobile apps are not a necessity if you use your handheld device. For some players, there just isn’t any room to install another app. If this is the case for you. Head to your browser, enter the Tony Bet, and play direct. No downloads are needed because the website comes embedded with HTML5 software. So, you get all the same perks of an app and still get to save what little space on your phone for other things.

Other TonyBet Services

What additional services or features come with the sportsbook to help enhance your experience? For example, can you build multiple bets from the same event? Can you cash out bets earlier to make a profit? Can you set restrictions on your account? Well, let’s find out what is and isn’t possible while using the Tony Bet Sports Betting service.

Cash Out at TonyBet

Cashing out is pretty much a standard feature now among all bookies online. To cash out, is to end bets before they finish. This is to either save what little money the bet is worth at the time or to gain profit and not face the risks of losing it should you see the event through to the end.

TonyBet Live Streaming

Unfortunately, there is no live streaming service for members to watch sports in real-time. The only feature you have of helping your bets is the virtual display that gives a real-time account of the action played out. The display will give you live movements within any given sport, like attacking, defence, ball path, and positioning, and you will also have in-game stats available to help you gauge any potential in-play bets you wish to make.

Live Scores

The Live Betting hub of the site is where all in-play action is located. The live scores allow you to track your bets and allow you to place any in-game bets with updated live betting markets that are not available pre-game.

Responsible Gambling

The TonyBet Responsible Gambling service provides members with information and advice about compulsive gambling. Tools are offered to members that will help them to set limits on their accounts that will help reduce what can be deposited and reduce the time spent playing within the sportsbook. Additional information about gambling addiction can be found through these partnered charities that offer anonymous support.

Does TonyBet Have Good Customer Support?

TonyBet does indeed have good Customer Support. We tried and tested the services ourselves and the response time via live chat was within 20 seconds from the point of activating the messenger. The other contact point is by e-mail which has a max response time of 24 hours.
Additional information can also be accessed from the FAQ page, which covers general questions, betting, payments, bonuses, and your account. For many players, time betting online passes without a glint of issue. If something does happen, then the team behind the scenes is very professional and friendly and is there to resolve an issue you have regarding the website.

How Can I Complete the TonyBet Account Verification Process?

All gambling services online must, by law, provide a verification process that is a line of defence to deter fake accounts from being set up to be part of money laundering scams. For you to get the full service from Tony Bet, you will need to pass the vetting procedure by proving your ID and residential address.
To show your ID, you can use the following:
  • Passport
  • ID Card
  • Driver's licence
Photos of these can be submitted to the Customer Support team or attached to the registration form when you make your account application. Please be sure that whichever ID document you share is in date.
To provide your address, you can use any of the following:
  • Utility Bills
  • Bank statement
  • Tax letter
Again, photos are accepted, and you can edit the image to block any irrelevant details if you want them private. Please use documents that are within a 3-month date period.

Register and Create Your TonyBet Login

How do you get an account in the first place? Well, the process is very simple.
  1. Head to the casino via this review.
  2. Click on SIGN UP.
  3. Select the account bonus you would like.
  4. Complete the 3-step process to make your account and login details.
  5. Add your banking info, so you can deposit to begin playing.

TonyBet Account Closure

There may be several reasons why you may wish to delete your account and to do this, you can activate the process through the Account option on the website or app. The instructions can inform you on how you can permanently close your account or do so temporarily. If you wish to close it permanently, you will lose all registration details, and you cannot re-register within 12 months. Be sure that you have withdrawn all remaining credit in your balance. With a temporary suspension of your account, you can come back at any time, as your login detail will not be removed from your account.

TonyBet Online Casino, Poker, and Bingo

As we hinted at the beginning of this sportsbook review, TonyBet is a multi-gaming service, and yes, this includes the Tony Bet Casino.
When it comes to casino play, members of TonyBet can enjoy a packed casino and a live casino. Trust us when we say it’s bigger than most casinos online in Ireland.
The live casino is a streaming service that provides interactive media that hosts live table and card games. Your options via this hub of TonyBet include roulette, poker, blackjack, baccarat, and live game shows. All the live casino gaming presented is playable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with every game hosted and presented by a live dealer. There are more than 500 live dealer games to play here, with many variants that offer up new ways of winning.
Top live games here at TonyBet include:
  • Double Ball Roulette
  • Infinite Blackjack
  • Deal or No Deal (official)
  • Live Baccarat
  • Ultimate Texas Hold’em
The main casino is home to all digital features, this includes access to over 4400 slot machines, the largest count in Ireland. Slot gaming is entertaining in many diverse ways. Playing the games is easy thanks to the automated systems used by all titles. They can also be fairly cheap to play, with some slots at TonyBet costing between 1 and 10 cents per spin at the lowest end of the wagering scale.
You will see from the menu, that the casino also offers Bonus Buy slots. These allow you to buy your way into the bonus rounds of these games without having to play the base games. The benefits of this mean gaining greater opportunities to win real money while playing here.
There are some of our top slots game recommendations:
  • Big Cat Rescue 117,649 Megaways™
  • Goblin Heist: Power Nudge™
  • Jack the Winner™
  • John Hunter and the Tomb of the Scarab Queen™
  • Dragon Kingdom: Eyes of Fire™
There is plenty more going on inside the casino service, and if you are interested in experiencing it, there are several promotions to help you on your journey. If you do not opt to claim the 100 EUR free sports bet, you can, instead, opt for the casino welcome bonus of €120 and 120 free spins with your first deposit.
This is a first deposit bonus offer that gives you a 100% match on your payment up to 120 EUR with 120 free spins on the slot game Cowboy Gold™. But the offer doesn’t end there. Make a second deposit, and you will receive an additional 50% up to €100 with 50 free spins included to play on The Tipsy Tourist™ slot machine.
These are some of the related terms:
  • Min deposit for first and second bonuses is at least 20 EUR.
  • Second deposit requires promo code: TONY50.
  • Wagering requirements of 50x apply to both deposit bonuses.
  • The first 120 free spins are issued over 4 days at 30 spins per day.
  • The second deposit free spins are issued over 2 days at 25 spins per day.
Further promotional offers can be found on the website and full T&Cs can be read there as well.

Are Positive TonyBet Reviews Justified? Our Verdict

TonyBet as an overall service, be it in betting or gambling, is absolutely sublime. The size and scale of the casino/sportsbook is one of Ireland’s most colossal. It can feed the appetite of any player out there with plenty of ways to win money and be entertained. When scoring the gaming alone, it is truly among the best out there. To support this, you’ve several promotional offers and you have a VIP rewards service.
Come to think of it, there aren’t any flaws with what you get, perhaps limited banking, but that would be down to being overtly picky on our part. The lack of live streaming can be overlooked as there are only a few bookies online that carry the correct licences that allow the service.
We give this sportsbook a high recommendation, and we encourage you to add it to your list of potentials. Not many platforms in Ireland have the same gravitas as the entertainment offered by TonyBet, and we think you shall enjoy it if jump at the chance.
submitted by FancyInvestment397 to GamblingSites [link] [comments]

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2024.06.05 06:01 orgamitsuki What to do when your wife cheats.

You have the important point to face rather than you try to forgive your wife.
“ Why does your partner cheat and affair ?
That means your partner wants love your partner desires through you, but your partner feels what doesn’t get love through you, your partner tries to get love through other person.
In your case, your wife wants love she desires through you, but she feels like she doesn’t get love she desires through you, so she tries to get love through other man.
Another important point means your wife didn’t get love through her father, your wife wants love which she didn’t get through her father toward you and other man.
To get love she didn’t get love through her father is not necessarily for making her happy.
Your partner mirrors what you don’t heal through your parents to one another.
To love your partner to one another is necessary over your parents.
What is the most important means “ What forms of love does she desire ? “, do you choose your courage to notice that ?
She also needs to fill her inside with love she didn’t get through her father, she needs to build love between her and you over form of love she desires through her father.
What do you believe about yourself through her cheat twice ?
What evaluations do you already give to yourself through her cheat twice ?
I’m sharing my messages with you through reading the posts as the same with you and reading below.
I have four views through reading below,
  1. Your inside, what already happens to your inside,
  2. What evaluations do you already believe about yourself through her cheat ? ( That means “ Do you believe you don’t make her happy about yourself ? “)
  3. What she feels or dissatisfaction through your partnership between you and her.
  4. Her inside, what already happens to her inside.
First of all, I truly respect your feelings that you try to forgive her, because I feel your feelings that you want to be together with her and you want to make her happy, you have your love so deeply.
“ My (M●) wife (F●) cheated on me with the man who groomed her. How do I forgive her? “ from relationship_advice on reddit. ( I don’t write the age for protecting your personal information. )
Sorry this is going to be so long, I just want to get as many details in as possible for some real advice.
A little backstory, my wife had a significant handful of traumas as a kid. Her dad was physically and verbally abusive and almost killed her mom in front of her, she was left to raise herself and her younger brother because her mom was an alcoholic, she had undiagnosed bipolar disorder starting at 13, was raped at 14, and got pregnant and had an abortion at 16. After that she kinda spiraled and was drinking a lot and sleeping around a lot. That’s when she met the man we’ll call John. He was 30 when she was 16. He introduced her to his fucked up version of BDSM which was basically just beating her whenever he felt like it. She thought she was in love with him and followed him blindly for years. I guess he did help her to quit drinking and graduate HS but I’m assuming it was through fear (she hasn’t shared how he “helped”). It took her going to therapy when she was 23 for her trauma with her dad to realize John was a groomer and another year or two until she finally cut him off completely.
We met when she was ●, married two years later. We bought a house right away and have two kids M● and F●. She had shared some about her relationship with John before we got married, but more has come up this month that I didn’t know after she asked me to go to therapy with her so she could tell me she cheated on me with John (therapy now started maybe 8 months ago because she’s had bad PPD since F● was born).
So the story is she ran into him while grabbing drinks at a bar with a friend. They didn’t hook up then, but started talking occasionally. A couple weeks later they met up for drinks at this catch-all spot (for lack of a better term) in a downtown area where my wife usually goes to small concerts. It’s a parking structure/concert hall/ restaurant/ ba hotel kind of deal. Had a couple drinks, he invited her up to his room, and you can fill in the rest. This happened in February. She told her therapist after it happened and they’ve been working on cutting whatever emotional ties she has left. He’s blocked now but she saved all their messages at her therapists suggestion. She did a full STD panel last month and came back clean.
She’s taken all the right steps… I read all the messages even though I didn’t want to. Got tested myself even though she was fine. She offered to set up some family tracking app thing so I know where she is but I feel like if I need that then my marriage is over. I’ve been involved with her therapy twice now.
But… I feel broken. I admit I’ve gotten snippy with her but instead of calling me out like she normally would she just apologizes. It feels like she thinks twice about everything she says now. We don’t joke with each other. Caring for the kids as partners feels mechanical. Is this how life will be now if we stay together? I don’t want to break up our family. Is it possible to forgive someone for cheating? Do I need to be more understanding because of the previous relationship or should I be more worried about the future?
TLDR; my wife cheated on me with the man who groomed her as a child and I don’t know if I can move past this and forgive her.
『 Sorry this is going to be so long, I just want to get as many details in as possible for some real advice. A little backstory, my wife had a significant handful of traumas as a kid.
Her dad was physically and verbally abusive and almost killed her mom in front of her, she was left to raise herself and her younger brother because her mom was an alcoholic, she had undiagnosed bipolar disorder starting at 13, was raped at 14, and got pregnant and had an abortion at 16.
After that she kinda spiraled and was drinking a lot and sleeping around a lot. That’s when she met the man we’ll call John. He was 30 when she was 16. He introduced her to his fucked up version of BDSM which was basically just beating her whenever he felt like it. She thought she was in love with him and followed him blindly for years. I guess he did help her to quit drinking and graduate HS but I’m assuming it was through fear (she hasn’t shared how he “helped”).
It took her going to therapy when she was 23 for her trauma with her dad to realize John was a groomer and another year or two until she finally cut him off completely. 』
【My view】; Probably, she will be considering what is violent as love, because she would have not known love to cherish herself and not got the evaluations to accept her worth, she will fear to take your love and her happiness more because she will be believing that she doesn’t have worth to be cherished by you, believing her evaluations she doesn’t deserve to be loved and be cherished by you will make her choose her cheat. To learn how to cherish her and how to love her herself is necessary for her.
『 We met when she was ●, married two years later. We bought a house right away and have two kids M● and F●. She had shared some about her relationship with John before we got married, but more has come up this month that I didn’t know after she asked me to go to therapy with her so she could tell me she cheated on me with John (therapy now started maybe 8 months ago because she’s had bad PPD since F● was born).
So the story is she ran into him while grabbing drinks at a bar with a friend. They didn’t hook up then, but started talking occasionally. A couple weeks later they met up for drinks at this catch-all spot (for lack of a better term) in a downtown area where my wife usually goes to small concerts. It’s a parking structure/concert hall/ restaurant/ ba hotel kind of deal. Had a couple drinks, he invited her up to his room, and you can fill in the rest. This happened in February. She told her therapist after it happened and they’ve been working on cutting whatever emotional ties she has left. He’s blocked now but she saved all their messages at her therapists suggestion. She did a full STD panel last month and came back clean.
She’s taken all the right steps… I read all the messages even though I didn’t want to. Got tested myself even though she was fine. She offered to set up some family tracking app thing so I know where she is but I feel like if I need that then my marriage is over. I’ve been involved with her therapy twice now. 』
【My view】; Regarding “ She offered to set up some family tracking app thing so I know where she is but I feel like if I need that then my marriage is over. “, I understand your feelings and I also think that as the same with you, because I think that you can’t fill your inside with love and trust through your outside.
『 But… I feel broken. I admit I’ve gotten snippy with her but instead of calling me out like she normally would she just apologizes. It feels like she thinks twice about everything she says now. We don’t joke with each other. Caring for the kids as partners feels mechanical. Is this how life will be now if we stay together? I don’t want to break up our family. Is it possible to forgive someone for cheating? Do I need to be more understanding because of the previous relationship or should I be more worried about the future? 』
【My view】; Your feelings you don’t want to break up your family have your true love deeply even she cheated on you, I think that. I understand caring for the kids as partners feels mechanical, your kids will feel something through you and her. I think that you would have tried to understand her so much and you would have done your best for her happiness.
If you feel broken more through forgiving her, I guess that you don’t have to forgive her and you don’t have to be able to forgive her, because your pains and sufferings will bring you the way of differing from forgiveness if you feel broken more through forgiving her.
“ Why did she cheat on you ? Her process until she cheated on you, has the key. To face her processes is necessary to one another for building trust and love more again.
Some points to face her processes mean
  • About love she wanted through her father.
  • Whether she has believed she doesn’t deserve to take happiness more and to be loved more by you.
  • About love she wants through you.
  • Did you say to her what you wanted to tell your mother ?
  • Her thoughts or her feelings about her sexuality, because she denies her sexuality because of her past sorrow and pains, her past experiences.
  • To notice form of love which she truly desire is necessary to one another, that doesn’t mean form of love she wants through her father, she needs to let go her past sorrow and her beliefs through her father and her past sorrows until she notices form of love she truly desires over her father.
  • Did you keep considering her as a mother of your kids after your kids were born ?
  • Her sexuality is not filled with happiness, she’s one woman before she’s a parent of your kids and a mother, before she’s your wife. Did you face her as one woman without considering her as a parent and a mother of your kids and your wife since your kids were born ? Did you give her time for having one woman ?
Your wife mirrors what you wanted to tell your mother.
She needs to heal her sexuality and to fill her sexuality with more love and happiness, to lean that is necessary for her.
In my counselling,
  • She will get what she quits denying her sexuality.
  • She will get how to cherish her and to love her herself.
  • She will get what she quits considering what is violent as love.
  • She will get what she gives to herself for taking more happiness and love.
You’re freedom to choose believing your feelings you don’t want to break up your family and you can’t forgive her even when you want to forgive her.
To forgive you who can’t forgive her will be necessary for you.
In my counselling,
  • You will get how to forgive you and what you give to yourself for forgiving you unconditionally if you feel difficulty to forgive her, because how to forgive you reaches how to forgive her, you give her what you already give to yourself.
  • What evaluations do you already believe about yourself through her cheat ? My counselling will bring you what faces your evaluations and liberates your inside from believing your evaluations.
Guidance for getting my counselling
Regarding my counselling
【Pricing plans of E-mail counselling】
  • 8,000 Yen per 2 times;You can get my counselling twice about your sufferings and your worries.
  1. You talk to me about your sufferings and your worries.
  2. I answer about that, I will share with you if I give you your work.
  3. You question me more if you have another questions. You talk to me through experiencing your work I give.
  4. I answer about that.
  • 20,000 Yen per 1 month
  1. There’s no limit to the number of times you can get my counselling for a month.
It won’t be easy to change your habit of your thoughts and your actions so far for you through once counselling, it will take time to get a new habit and keep to get it for you, so it will take time more than two plans for getting a new habit and keeping to get it in your case.
※ Price, given in Japanese yen, differs depending on exchange rate against your local currency. Make some adjustment, as a result, money you send will be a little over your calculation. Fee for sending money is yours.
I recommend you to use “ Wise ” regarding Procedure of remittance ( sending money ) because fee for sending money is lower rather than others.
For procedure of remittance ( sending money ), you need my mail address and the registration of Wise. Registration fee for Wise has no charge. I’ll send my mail address to your mail address.
After my confirmation of your payment, you can get my counselling of E-mail.
by Orga Mitsuki
submitted by orgamitsuki to healingmessages [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:43 GrowFinancialy Motivation speech. Featuring by Xuan Nguyen, Why SYSTEM? Motivation Video

Motivation speech. Featuring by Xuan Nguyen, Why SYSTEM? Motivation Video. Transform Your Life: Achieve Financial Freedom and Personal Growth. Welcome to our channel dedicated to inspiring and empowering you to transform your life through motivation, personal growth, and financial education. Our mission is to help you achieve financial freedom, become rich and wealthy, and gain independence. Join us as we explore proven strategies and practical tips for boosting your income, creating wealth, and unlocking new opportunities. Our videos feature insights from experts, success stories, and actionable advice designed to motivate you to take control of your financial future and elevate your life to new heights. Whether you're looking to enhance your personal development, learn the secrets of financial success, or find the motivation to pursue your dreams, our channel offers the guidance and support you need. Subscribe now to embark on a journey towards a better, more prosperous future. For joining us: Recruit reference: 302NYC

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submitted by GrowFinancialy to u/GrowFinancialy [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 12:16 hitherecamel A case for Israel being an Apartheid state - to Pro-Israelis

I’ve been reading lots of opinions from pro-Israeli’s on how they believe Israel is not an Apartheid state, when they clearly haven’t read the reports. So I’d like to give context and ask a few questions.
To begin, it’s worth noting that Human rights groups and legal scholars all agree that Israel is an Apartheid state, but they differ on Israel Proper. Amnesty believes its all Apartheid. HRW and UN Special Rappateur believe that the OPT is Apartheid and that Israel proper is a second class citizenship. B’Tselem believes that the OPT has been anexxed (law of occupation works on the basis that it is temporary) and therefore the whole country is an Apartheid state.
So what is Apartheid? Under Article 7.1 (h) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Rome Statute), Apartheid is defined as a regime of oppression and domination can best be understood as the systematic, prolonged and cruel discriminatory treatment by one racial group of members of another with the intention to control the second racial group.
The entire premise of the Apartheid state is due to the Zionist regime’s desires to remain the demographic majority and power. Otherwise the idea of it being a Jewish state will be challenged. Therefore, they treat Arabs differently in different parts of the OPT and Israel depending on their location and particular concerns. Fundamentally they are treated differently from Israeli Jews. This comes in the form of legislation, regulations, military orders, directives by government institutions, statements by Israeli government and military officials, zoning laws among other means.
The rights of Arabs/Palestinians rank in the following hierarchy: Israeli National>West Bank> East Jerusalem> Gaza > Exile/diaspora. You can mover down (or to the right) of the hierarchy, but each step will limit your rights, and you can’t move up the hierarchy (to the left). A Jewish Israeli however, can move between this hierarchy as they please, while having more and full rights at all stages, and always more than any Arab at any one spot. Again, they are treated differently from Israeli Jews.
In the West Bank for example, Palestinians are subject to a military occupation administration even when they are not in Israel proper (remember Israel doesn’t recognize the two state solution or Palestinian sovereignty). Israeli settlers in the West bank are subject to civil courts where as the Palestinians are subject to Israeli military courts, which give unreasonably high conviction rates, sometimes long periods of confinement without even representation, make arrest of minors and can include torture. Why are Israeli settlers treated differently than to Palestinians in the WB? Israel applies different systems of governance and courts on both groups in the WB extraterritorially and unequally. For example a settler committing a crime goes to an Israeli civil court, whereas a Palestinian goes to a military court, often withheld without trail for ling periods of time, in a hearing that has always been condemned as unfair when compared to international standards of fair trails. Why does Military Order 101 Regarding Prohibition of Incitement and Hostile Propaganda Actions punish and criminalizes Palestinians for attending and organizing an assembly of 10 or more people without a permit for an issue that “may be construed as political”. And then why does it not define what is meant by “political”, effectively banning protests, including peaceful protests, while stipulating up to 10 years’ imprisonment and/or hefty fines for anyone breaching it?
Why is a Palestinian’s ability to build homes and move within the west bank restricted and why is the human registry restricted by an Israeli Military administration if they are not Israeli citizens? Why are there tens of thousands of Palestinians married to foreign nationals, who cant bring their nationals over because Israels Military administration blocks adding these individuals to the registries, effectively closing them out to immigration to their spouses?
Clearly they are subjected to forms of subjugation and domination even when they are not Israeli citizens, and not in Israel proper, because they are Arab and thats the definition of Apartheid. Remember, under the Rome Statute, the crime against humanity of apartheid means inhumane acts committed in the context of an institutionalised regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups.
And how about the discriminatory zoning laws for Israeli Arabs in Israel proper? This has lead to Arabs, comprising 20% of the population, owning only 3% of the land. The 1965 Planning and Building Law, in practice, margnilazes Palestinian citizens whose representation in the planning bodies is far smaller than their proportion of the overall population. Admissions committees operate in approximately 700 agricultural and community towns inside Israel. Their purpose is to filter out Palestinian citizens of Israel who apply for residency in these towns on the basis of their “social unsuitability”. The operation of admissions committees contributes to the institutionalization of racial segregation in towns and villages throughout Israel and perpetuates unequal access to land. Why is that the case then?
Why are refugees not allowed to return to their homes in Israel if all Jews world wide can “the law of return”? Why, according to a 2016 analysis by Mossawa Center of the Israeli Ministry of Educations, do Israeli Arabs get a third of the funding per capita for education and other social welfare programs than their Jewish Israeli counterparts? Why is it so difficult to get building permits for Arab Israelis too? Arab Israelis don’t need to join the army, but miss out on social benefits that come with it, which is fair - but why are the ultra orthodox who also dint join the army granted access to those services?
In 1950, Israel granted every Jew the right to immigrate to Israel under the Law of Return, followed by the right to automatic Israeli citizenship under the Nationality Law of 1952. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees displaced during the 1947-49 conflict remained barred from returning to their homes based on demographic considerations. Why does the 1950 Law of Return enable any Jewish person the RIGHT to immigrate to Israel and become a citizen, while Palestinians ethnically cleansed from their land cannot go back to their own lands?
The essence of the system of oppression and domination over Palestinians was clearly crystallized in the 2018 nation state law, which enshrined the principle that the “State of Israel is the nation State of the Jewish people” and that the right of self-determination is exclusive “to the Jewish people”. The Nation state law in 2018 only enshrines “The right to exercise national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people.” So why are Jews given the exclusive right to “self-determination” within Israel? Only Jews have the right to determine what kind of state and society they live under. Which means that by default, non-Jews — such as Palestinian citizens of Israel, some of whom are Muslim and some of whom are Christian — don’t have that same right. Why then, when the law passed, Arab parliamentary members ripped up copies of the bill and shouted, “Apartheid,” on the floor of the Knesset (Israel’s parliament)? Why then did Ayman Odeh, the leader of a coalition of primarily Arab parties currently in the opposition, say in a statement that Israel had “passed a law of Jewish supremacy and told us that we will always be second-class citizens”? And why on earth would they downgrade Arabic from an official language in the 2018 law?
Since 2002, Israel has adopted a policy of prohibiting Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza from gaining status in Israel or East Jerusalem through marriage, thus preventing family unification. The Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law enshrined the policy in law. The law barred thousands of Palestinians in Israel and East Jerusalem from living there with their Palestinian spouses from the West Bank and Gaza.
When the Israeli government lost the vote to extend the law in July 2021, it signalled its intent to nonetheless maintain the policy. Israeli authorities say the policy is necessary on “security grounds”, but it is implemented in a blanket manner without specific evidence against individuals. By contrast, the 2003 law explicitly did not apply to residents of Jewish settlements in the West Bank wanting to marry and live with their spouse inside Israel, making it, and the ongoing policy underpinning it, blatantly discriminatory. How do you justify this blatantly discriminatory law that aim to dominate Palestinian families?
The above is image of domination is further emboldened by the fact that the right to equality of all inhabitants has also not been guaranteed in the Basic Laws, which act as constitutional documents in absence of a written constitution. Why is that the case?
Under Israel’s Basic Law: The Knesset of 1958, the Central Elections Committee can disqualify a party or candidate from participation in elections if their objectives or actions are meant to negate the definition of Israel as a Jewish state; In addition, the 1992 Law on Political Parties prohibits the registration of any party whose goals or actions deny either directly or indirectly “the existence of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state”. These provisions prevent Palestinian lawmakers from challenging laws that codify Jewish Israeli domination over the Palestinian minority, unduly limit their freedom of expression and, as a result, impede their ability to represent the concerns of their constituents effectively. They have also been the basis for repeated and persistent attempts to disqualify Palestinian parties and candidates from running in successive legislative elections. Over the years the Central Elections Committee has taken decisions to ban Palestinian parties and disqualify Palestinian candidates for violating these provisions and then seen the Supreme Court overturn them, a supreme court that has since 2023 been extremely limited in power. The committee has also rejected requests to disqualify Jewish Israeli members of the Knesset for incitement to racism and then seen the Supreme Court order their disqualification. During the legislative process leading to the adoption of the nation state law on 19 July 2018, Palestinian members of the Knesset proposed a bill in June 2018 offering an alternative definition of Israel as “a country for all its citizens”. The bill included several articles that were meant to alter the character of Israel from a state of the Jewish people to a state in which Jews and Arabs enjoy equal status in terms of nationality. In response, the Knesset Presidium, a body comprising the Knesset’s speaker and deputy speakers, prevented the bill from even being discussed. I mean, shouldn’t it be a country for all its citizens? Why should they give one group a higher status than others? Is this not tyranny of the masses that democracies try to resist through legislation and a strong Supreme Court?
In 2014, the Knesset raised the electoral threshold from 2% to 3.25%, primarily affecting parliamentary representation of Palestinians and other minority groups in Israel. Adalah and ACRI argued that raising the electoral threshold for parties to gain seats at the Knesset violated Palestinian citizens’ voting rights and enabled the disqualification of their candidates and parties. CERD also noted that raising the electoral threshold in Israel considerably weakens “the right to political participation of non-Jewish minorities”. This has a greater impact on Arab parties than other parties. Arab parties, according to the former threshold percentage, needed 20% of Arab votes in order to enter the Knesset, and now they need 30% of Arab votes to do so. This massive jump is a lot more difficult than what it may seem at first. Therefore, the fundamental violation in this law is the violation of the rights of Arab citizens to choose their political orientation. So why do you think they have done this, other than to oppress and dominate specific racial groups in Israel?
Why is there racialized policing of protests, mass arbitrary arrests and the use of unlawful force against protesters during demonstrations against Israeli repression in both Israel (ie Arab Israelis) and the OPT? These measures, which target peaceful protesters, are clearly aimed to deter further demonstrations and stifle dissent. Upon arrest, Palestinians are routinely placed in pretrial detention; by contrast, Jewish protesters are generally granted bail. This points to a discriminatory treatment of Palestinians by the criminal justice system, which appears to treat Palestinians as “suspects” instead of assessing the individual threat they pose.
Israel discriminates against Palestinian students in Israel by underfunding the Arab education sector, excluding Arab educators from decision-making bodies, and by failing to provide adequate infrastructure and facilities. They receive less funding than their Jewish counterparts at all levels of school education. An analysis by the Mossawa Center of the Israeli Ministry of Education’s 2016 budget found that Arab students from disadvantaged backgrounds received 30% less funding per learning hours in primary education, 50% less funding at the intermediate school level and 75% less funding at the secondary school level than Jewish students with the same socio-economic status.
Why is this the case then?
Why are 75% of Gazans registered as non Gazan refugees in the UN Relief? Why are they restricted from using 35% of their agricultural land, 85% of the sea and 100% of the sky by the Israeli occupation?
Why is it only that the Eastern Jerusalem Palestinians the ones who are revoked of their ID cards retroactively, if they cannot prove that Jerusalem is their “center of life”? Why does this jot happen to Israeli Jews?
It’s also important to note that the occupation itself is not the reason for the Apartheid alone. Under IHL an occupying force is allowed to respond to security threats, and even to discriminate against a certain group which said security threats come from, however what Israel does goes beyond a proportional response to security threats. Israeli authorities have pursued policies that deliberately discriminate against Palestinians over a prolonged period and in a particularly cruel manner in ways that have no reasonable basis in security or “defence”. For example, the prolonged and cruel discriminatory, denial of Palestinians’ access to their land and property that was seized in a violent and discriminatory manner has no security rationale. There is no security basis for the effective segregation of Palestinian citizens of Israel through discriminatory laws on planning and access to housing or the denial of their right to claim their property and homes seized under the authority of racist laws. Similarly, arbitrary and discriminatory interference with the rights of Palestinian citizens of Israel to marry and extend rights of residence to their spouses and children, in the absence of evidence that particular individuals pose a threat, cannot be justified based on security.
These, among many more examples, are why Michael Ben-Yair, a former attorney general of Israel, said that “it is with great sadness ... I must also conclude that my country has sunk to such political and moral depths that it is now an apartheid regime.” And why Tamir Pardo, a former head of Mossad, Israel’s intelligence agency, emphasised, too, that “there is an apartheid state here” featuring “two people [who] are judged under two legal systems.”
There are mannnyyyyy more points that make Israel an Apartheid state, but above are a few. Its so overwhelming and multilayered the best thing you should do to read about it. Have you read any of the reports? If you have I doubt you would be doubting the conclusion.
You can go read any of the following: Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, The UN Special Rappetoires, B’Tselem, the ESCWA report, Yesh Din, the International Federation of Human Rights. Pick and choose there are plenty more.
Edit: To note, Israel is considered an Apartheid state by it either engaging in Apartheid in the OPT OR because it engages in Apartheid in Israel proper.
submitted by hitherecamel to IsraelPalestine [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:59 No-Marionberry-6769 DJI Mini 2 SE, Lightweight Mini Drone with QHD Video

DJI Mini 2 SE, Lightweight Mini Drone with QHD Video
Discover Aerial Freedom with DJI Mini 2 SE - Lightweight Mini Drone with QHD Video
Elevate your aerial photography and videography with the DJI Mini 2 SE, the ultimate lightweight mini drone designed to capture stunning QHD video. Perfect for both beginners and seasoned pilots, this compact yet powerful drone offers exceptional performance, ease of use, and superior image quality, making it the ideal companion for all your adventures.
Why Choose DJI Mini 2 SE Lightweight Mini Drone?
  • High-Quality QHD Video: Capture breathtaking aerial footage in QHD resolution, ensuring sharp, vibrant, and detailed images and videos.
  • Compact and Portable: Weighing just under 250 grams, the DJI Mini 2 SE is incredibly lightweight and portable, making it easy to take with you on any adventure without the need for FAA registration.
  • Easy-to-Use: With intuitive controls and user-friendly features, the DJI Mini 2 SE is perfect for both beginners and experienced drone enthusiasts, allowing you to start flying and capturing footage right out of the box.
  • Long Battery Life: Enjoy extended flight times of up to 31 minutes per charge, giving you more time to explore and capture stunning aerial shots.
  • Stability and Precision: Equipped with advanced flight stabilization technology and GPS-assisted navigation, the Mini 2 SE ensures stable and precise flight performance, even in windy conditions.
Key Features:
  • QHD Video and High-Resolution Photos: Capture stunning aerial footage in Quad HD resolution and take high-resolution photos with the Mini 2 SE’s advanced camera, providing professional-quality results.
  • 3-Axis Gimbal: The built-in 3-axis gimbal stabilizes the camera, ensuring smooth and stable footage, even during dynamic flights.
  • Intelligent Flight Modes: Enhance your aerial creativity with intelligent flight modes like QuickShots, Panorama, and more, allowing you to capture cinematic shots effortlessly.
  • OcuSync 2.0 Transmission: Experience real-time HD video transmission up to 10 km, providing a clear and reliable connection between the drone and your controller.
  • GPS and Vision Sensor: Enjoy accurate hovering and precise flight control with the GPS and vision sensor system, ensuring safe and stable flights.
Customer Reviews:
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "The DJI Mini 2 SE is an amazing drone! The QHD video quality is outstanding, and it's so easy to fly. I love how portable it is, making it perfect for all my travels." - Emily R.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "I’m new to drones, and the Mini 2 SE was the perfect choice. It’s incredibly user-friendly, and the footage is stunning. Highly recommend for anyone looking to get into aerial photography!" - Mark L.
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Ready to explore the skies and capture stunning QHD video? The DJI Mini 2 SE offers the perfect blend of performance, portability, and ease of use. Click here to order yours today and start your aerial adventure!

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submitted by No-Marionberry-6769 to BestToBuyUSA [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:48 GuiltlessMaple Best A2 Handguard
Welcome to our comprehensive review article featuring the latest and greatest in A2 Handguards. In this roundup, we will be taking a closer look at some of the top products on the market and sharing our insights on their features, performance, and overall value. Join us as we explore the world of A2 Handguards and help you make an informed decision on which one suits you best.

The Top 18 Best A2 Handguard

  1. Durable AR-15 Atlas S-One Handguard for Enhanced Performance - Experience optimal strength and stability with the Aero Precision Atlas S-One Handguard, featuring Aero's Taper Lock Attachment System in a sleek, lightweight design for your AR-15 setup.
  2. Midwest Night Fighter M-lok, Fits AR-15, Black Handguard - Midwest Industries' Night Fighter M-lok Handguard provides a sleek and durable design for your AR15, with a black finish and MI-NF10 compatibility.
  3. Midwest Night Fighter 9.25" Handguard for AR Rifles - Experience ultimate precision with the Midwest Industries Night Fighter 9.25" Handguard, meticulously designed for AR rifles and backed by its exceptional quality and reliability.
  4. Premium Carbine AR-15 MLOK Rail System with Anti-Rotation Technology - Enhance your precision and durability with Mission First Tactical's MFT Extreme Duty 10" MLOK Carbine Rail System, featuring an anti-rotation technology, IR anti-reflective coating, ultra streamlined appearance, and a steel non-timing barrel nut.
  5. Strike MLOK Rail 13.5 FDE Handguard - Experience unparalleled durability and adaptability with the Strike Industries Strike MLOK Rail 13.5 FDE handguard, designed for avid shooters of all skill levels.
  6. Blackhawk Handguard Fix 15" Anodized Finish - Experience the perfect match with the Q QSERT Handguard - The Fix 15", seamlessly combining top-notch compatibility and innovation for your ultimate handgun enhancement.
  7. Stylish Blackhawk Handguard for Motorcycle Protection - Touratech DEFENSA Handguards offer robust protection and comfort for your bike's levers in a lightweight, durable design, featuring a modern matte finish and various customization options.
  8. Samson SXT 9" M-LOK Precision Handguard - Experience the sleek and durable design of Samson SXT 9" M-LOK Handguard, now in black, perfect for enhancing your firearm's performance.
  9. Durable Enduro Handguard Kit - Polisport Touquet (Green) - Protect your ride with Polisport Touquet Handguard Kit, featuring advanced 'Bright Durable Polypropylene' technology for unbeatable color and durability, tailored specifically for Enduro races.
  10. UFO Handguard Black - High-Quality and Durable Off-Road Plastic Protector - UFO Ho03638-001 Handguard Black: High-quality, authentic replica handguard in black, offering durability, Italian craftsmanship, and easy installation.
  11. Universal Handguard for Motocross and ATV Protection - JFG Racing Motorcycle Aluminum Hand Guards provide ultimate hand protection, reduce fatigue, and fit all handlebars.
  12. UTG Pro Model AR-15 Super Slim A2 Handguard - Lightweight & Slim Tubular Profile - Experience superior handling with the UTG Pro Model 4/15 Car Length Super Slim Drop-in Handguard, featuring a custom fit for AR15s, lightweight construction, and a continuous mounting platform.
  13. MFT EXT Duty Free Flt RL MLOK AR-15 A2 Handguard - 18 Inches - Experience the top-rated MFT EXT Duty Free Flt RL MLOK for your AR-15 carbine, featuring a durable black finish and A2 handguard, backed by a solid 5.0 rating and two positive reviews.
  14. Mil-Spec A2 Handguard for Optimal Stability and Durability - The Midwest Industries G2 Drop-In Handguard, with its lightweight yet sturdy design, features four anti-rotation QD sockets for push-button swivels, making it the perfect choice for mounting scopes and accessories on your 1913 mil-spec firearms.
  15. Midwest Forearm 2-Piece Drop-In Gen2 Handguard - Durable and lightweight, the Midwest Industries Gen2 Two Piece Drop-In Mid-Length Handguard is a reliable choice for any gun, featuring four anti-rotation QD sockets and high quality 1913 mil-spec rails.
  16. AR-15 Foundation Handguard for Rigid Accessory Mounting - Bowden Tactical's J23007 Foundation Handguard offers a 1.3-inch I.D., MAGPUL-compatible MLok slots, and a robust 4140 steel barrel nut for exceptional durability and accessory compatibility in your AR10 & AR15 builds.
  17. The Fix 11" Anodized A2 Handguard - Upgrade your weapon with the sleek and durable Q QSERT Handguard The Fix, perfect for A2 Handguards and featuring The Fix's innovative Q SERT mounting solution.
  18. Probend A2 Handguard Bar Pack - Enduro-Style Protection - Experience unparalleled protection and comfort with the high-quality, injection-molded Cycra Probend handguards, featuring integrated composite bumpers and CNC-machined 6061 billet aluminum Probend bars.
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🔗Durable AR-15 Atlas S-One Handguard for Enhanced Performance
I recently gave the Aero AR15 Atlas S-One a spin, and let me tell you, it didn't disappoint. The slim profile of this handguard makes it a great choice for those who prioritize size and weight. It packs a punch when it comes to strength and stability thanks to Aero's durable Atlas attachment system.
And let me tell you, the Aero Taper Lock Attachment System (ATLAS) is both functional and visually stunning. The mirrored tapered locking nuts evenly distribute the clamping pressure, and the ratcheting detent makes the design secure while providing a positive registration during installation. Oh, and those hardware mounting parts? .
They're included, which makes life all the more convenient. Overall, it's a winner in the looks department and certainly does its job.

🔗Midwest Night Fighter M-lok, Fits AR-15, Black Handguard
The Midwest Industries Night Fighter handguard is a sleek and durable accessory for your firearm. I've been using it for a few months now, and it definitely fits the bill. This handguard adds an extra layer of grip, making my firearm even more comfortable to handle in different environments. The black finish not only looks striking but also provides protection against wear and tear.
However, I did face some minor issues recently, like the occasional loosening of the attachments after continuous use. But overall, this product has proven to be quite reliable. Using it with my AR-15 felt smooth and seamless, with no discomfort or hindrance in my shooting experience. For someone who's looking for a tactical and handy attachment, this M-lok handguard is worth considering.

🔗Midwest Night Fighter 9.25" Handguard for AR Rifles
As a seasoned shooter, I can hardly imagine finding a better handguard for my AR rifle than the Midwest Night Fighter 9.25". This sturdy product not only adds a striking aesthetics but it also serves the essential purpose of keeping my AR rifle safe and secure, especially during nighttime operations.
I particularly appreciate its durability, attributed to its high-quality construction featuring M-lok technology. The design is thought well, ensuring a perfect fit and impeccable balance for my AR rifle. However, I must admit, it weighs a bit more than anticipated, which makes handling slightly challenging at times.
One negative experience I had was when I tried to assemble it all by myself and struggled a bit in the beginning. However, once I got the hang of it, it started to make sense.
Overall, while it may not be the lightest tool in the shed, the Midwest Night Fighter 9.25" provides a secure hold to my AR rifle. I would recommend it to someone with a knack for tactical rifle gear.

🔗Premium Carbine AR-15 MLOK Rail System with Anti-Rotation Technology
As someone who's had the chance to use the Mission First Tactical Extreme Duty Carbine Rail System, I must say - it's a game-changer for AR-15 enthusiasts. This 7-sided M-LOK rail system is sleek and stylish, with an anti-rotation tech that makes it incredibly dependable.
The anti-reflective coating is a thoughtful feature, reducing glares and reflections that could be a nuisance in various lighting conditions. The steel non-timing barrel nut adds durability to the mix, and the ultra-streamlined appearance just seals the deal.
Of course, like any product out there, it's not perfect. The only downside I noticed was the need for some minor adjustments during assembly, which might be a bit of a hassle for first-time users. But overall, this MFT Extreme Duty Carbine Rail System is a reliable and stylish addition to any AR-15 setup.

🔗Strike MLOK Rail 13.5 FDE Handguard
Just recently, I had the chance to give the Strike MLOK Rail 13.5 FDE a try, and let me tell you, it was quite the experience. This handguard, crafted by the skilled team at Strike Industries, is designed to stand the test of time, thanks to its top-notch components.
During my time with the rail, I found myself impressed by the sturdiness and precision it offered. The MLOK system was particularly noteworthy, providing a secure and streamlined connection to my firearm. On the downside, I did notice that, despite its durability, the rail could be heavier than some other options on the market.
Overall, the Strike MLOK Rail 13.5 FDE proved to be a reliable addition to my arsenal. Its robust construction and user-friendly design make it a solid choice for shooters of all skill levels.

🔗Blackhawk Handguard Fix 15" Anodized Finish
As I delved into using the Q SERT Handguard The Fix 15", I was impressed by how seamlessly it compatible with the Fix system made by the same brand. The sleek black anodized finish perfectly matched my firearm's aesthetic, making it a stylish addition that blended in well.
However, I did encounter a few minor hiccups during the attachment process. It wasn't as straightforward as I had hoped, which resulted in some frustration at first. On the bright side, the sturdy construction of the handguard provided a strong grip, offering a great improvement to my firearm's stability.
In conclusion, the Q SERT Handguard The Fix 15" proved to be an adequate solution for someone looking to upgrade their grip while maintaining their firearm's elegant appearance. With time and patience, it could be a great addition to your arsenal, but don't expect it to be a walk in the park.

🔗Stylish Blackhawk Handguard for Motorcycle Protection
I recently tried the Touratech Defensa Silver Handguard Bars for my KTM/Husqvarna. This handguard gave me a sense of security on my rides, providing durable protection for both my levers and myself. The high-strength aircraft-grade aluminum exoskeleton structure was forged for maximum impact resistance, making it a reliable choice. Plus, the sleek, textured matte finish complemented the modern angular design, giving the bars a stylish touch.
On the other hand, I found that the plastic shields could be more securely attached. Sometimes they would slide out of place, which was inconvenient during my rides. However, the optional integrated plastic shield structure, known as Defensa Expedition, did provide added protection and comfort. This feature was definitely a highlight, as it shielded me from rain and cold air on cooler rides.
Overall, the Touratech Defensa Silver Handguard Bars provided me with a balance of protection and style, making them a solid choice for adventure motorcyclists.

🔗Samson SXT 9" M-LOK Precision Handguard
The Samson SXT 9" M-LOK handguard is a sleek and sturdy addition to any firearm. It seamlessly attaches to the gun's barrel, thanks to the M-LOK system, and gives the gun a modern touch. The black finish complements any gun it's mounted on, giving it a professional and tactical look.
One of the things that really stood out to me during my experience with this product was its ability to stay secure even when facing recoil. I've had other handguards slip or loosen during firing, but not this one. It just stays put, firmly attached to the gun.
On the downside, I did notice that it's not as lightweight as some other options out there. Its sturdiness comes at a cost, I guess you could say. But overall, I think it's a small price to pay for the added security and durability it provides.
In summary, if you're looking for a reliable and sturdy handguard that can withstand a good amount of wear and tear, the Samson SXT 9" M-LOK is definitely worth considering. It may not be the lightest option on the market, but its solid construction and M-LOK system make it a great choice for those who value security and stability.

🔗Durable Enduro Handguard Kit - Polisport Touquet (Green)
The Polisport Touquet Handguard Kit, a Green gem designed for motocross enthusiasts, has become a staple for those seeking tough and reliable protection. Handcrafted with their patented Bright Durable Polypropylene technology, this bad boy boasts impressive durability, color retention, and UV ray resistance. The bolt holes are perfectly pre-drilled for the ultimate fit. The plastic pieces feature a high gloss finish and an on-target color palette that truly captures the soul of the original part.
However, installation isn't quite a walk in the park. You'll need to get crafty with drilling accelerator tubes and ensuring a snug fit that won't interfere with your controls. Radial master cylinders and ASV clutches may struggle with the tight fit, raising concerns for potential pinching and seizing. In the end, though, this protective handguard excels in offering robust protection against those inevitable spills, even if it takes some elbow grease to make it work.

🔗UFO Handguard Black - High-Quality and Durable Off-Road Plastic Protector
I recently had the chance to try out the UFO Handguard, and let me tell you, it exceeded my expectations. First of all, I was drawn to its original factory shape, which matched the look of the genuine model perfectly. It blends seamlessly with the rest of my gun setup.
The durability of this handguard was a pleasant surprise. I took it for a spin off-road, and it held up like a charm. UFO's use of high-quality plastics produced in Italy definitely paid off.
Another thing I appreciated was the wide range of colors available. While I opted for the classic black, I've seen photos of others in vibrant hues that really make their guns stand out.
The installation process was a breeze, too. The plastics are drilled ready for easy mounting, and the flex and lightweight design made it feel incredibly comfortable while in use. With the 100% Made in Italy guarantee since 1977, I had no doubts about the longevity and performance of this handguard.
A quick note though: the images provided are more of a suggestion rather than a perfect representation of the actual product. But overall, my experience with the UFO Handguard has been top-notch. Highly recommended for anyone looking to upgrade their gun setup.

🔗Universal Handguard for Motocross and ATV Protection
I had the opportunity to try out these JFG Racing Motorcycle Universal Handguards a couple of weeks ago, and I must say, they've been a game-changer for me. Riding off-road ATVs always comes with its fair share of hazards, and these handguards have been a lifesaver in protecting my hands from brush, rocks, mud, and cold wind.
The combination of PP Plastic and Aluminum Alloy used in making these handguards brings a robustness that I've never come across in other handguards I've tried in the past. They offer a substantial shield, giving me the confidence I need when tackling the roughest terrains.
One of the best things about these handguards is the extra room they provide. It's been a blessing for me, allowing easy access to brake cables and other devices without having to worry about cramming them in.
However, despite all the positives, there is one drawback I've observed. They aren't as streamlined as I'd like them to be. While protection is vital, aerodynamics have their importance, and the added bulk to these handguards does make a difference, albeit slightly.
Overall, with their robust design, ample space for additional devices, and their effective protection against off-road elements, these JFG Racing Handguards make a compelling choice for any adrenaline junkie out there.

🔗UTG Pro Model AR-15 Super Slim A2 Handguard - Lightweight & Slim Tubular Profile
The UTG Pro Model 4/15 Car Length Super Slim Drop-in Handguard is a must-have for your AR15, fitting seamlessly with standard delta ring assembly, barrel nut, and round handguard cap. Its lightweight, slim tubular profile offers improved handling and a top rail that extends to the upper receiver provides a continuous mounting platform.
The removable two 2-Slot and two 4-Slot rail sections allow for customization at various 3, 6, and 9 O'clock positions, while precision machining from aircraft aluminum and black anodizing ensures durability and a sleek finish. The simple installation process makes it easy to upgrade your AR15 without the need for gunsmithing.
The positive reviews from users highlight the product's value, ease of installation, and impressive features, making it an outstanding choice for anyone looking to enhance their AR15 experience.

🔗MFT EXT Duty Free Flt RL MLOK AR-15 A2 Handguard - 18 Inches
The MFT EXT Duty Free Flt RL MLOK has been my trusty companion for the past six months as I've been enjoying my time at the range. The anti-rotating tabs have provided a secure and steady grip, ensuring that my rifle remains sturdy and aligned. Its sleek, black finish has never failed to impress and has added a touch of class to my setup.
One downside I've noticed is that it's somewhat heavier than the standard A2 handguard, but the modularity offered by the M-Lok system has been a lifesaver. The ability to switch out attachments has provided me with the freedom to customize my rifle to suit my preferences.
Overall, I've been quite pleased with my experience using this handguard. The combination of its durability, aesthetics, and flexibility has made it a reliable and essential piece of my gear.

🔗Mil-Spec A2 Handguard for Optimal Stability and Durability
I recently had the chance to try out the Midwest Industries G2 Drop-In Handguard, and I must say, it has become a solid addition to my daily carry kit. The Gen2 design with four anti-rotation QD sockets for push-button swivels is quite impressive and has made switching between accessories a breeze.
One of the most noteworthy features that I appreciated was the incredibly lightweight construction while maintaining a robust lock-up, thanks to its monolithic continuous top rail. It has allowed me to mount scopes effortlessly and has made the overall experience incredibly smooth.
The high-quality 1913 mil. spec rails, T-marked for location, are a testament to the meticulous craftsmanship that goes into this handguard. Constructed from 6061 aluminum with a hard coat anodized finish, it has held up exceptionally well and continues to look as good as new even after prolonged use.
Compatibility-wise, the G2 Drop-In Handguard has proven to be versatile, working seamlessly with most gas piston systems. The 100% Made in the USA aspect also adds a nice touch of authenticity to the product.
While there were no significant cons during my experience, I did find the installation process to be somewhat tricky, which might be a cause for concern for some users.
Overall, the Midwest Industries G2 Drop-In Handguard is an excellent choice for those seeking a high-quality, durable, and adaptable handguard for their firearms.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our buyer's guide for A2 Handguards. In this section, we will cover important features, considerations, and general advice to help you make an informed decision when purchasing an A2 Handguard for your firearm.

A2 Handguards are typically made from durable materials such as aluminum, polymer, or carbon fiber. These materials offer different levels of strength, weight, and heat resistance. Consider the environment in which the handguard will be used, and choose a material that suits your needs best. For example, aluminum handguards might be a good choice if you'll be using the firearm in a damp or humid environment, as they are less prone to corrosion compared to polymer.

Size and Compatibility

Make sure to check the size and compatibility of the handguard with your firearm before making a purchase. A handguard that is too small may not provide adequate support, while a handguard that is too large could interfere with your ability to use the firearm comfortably. Some A2 Handguards are designed for specific models or calibers, so be sure to choose the appropriate handguard for your firearm.

Design and Aesthetics

Aesthetics play a role in the overall look and feel of your firearm. Consider the style and design of the handguard, keeping in mind factors such as the material, texture, and any additional features, such as integrated slings or rail systems. Choose a design that not only looks good but also functions well for your needs.

Installation and Maintenance

Ease of installation and maintenance can greatly impact your overall satisfaction with the A2 Handguard. Look for handguards that come with clear installation instructions and are compatible with your existing mounting system, such as Picatinny or Weaver rails. Additionally, consider the overall durability of the handguard and the ease of cleaning or replacing components if needed.


Lastly, consider your budget when selecting an A2 Handguard. There are handguards available at various price points, with different features and materials. Determine the balance between cost and functionality that best suits your needs.
Choosing the right A2 Handguard can greatly enhance your firearm's performance and comfort. By considering factors such as materials, compatibility, design, installation, maintenance, and budget, you can make an informed decision and find a handguard that meets your specific needs.


What is an A2 Handguard?

The A2 Handguard is a type of mounting system designed specifically for firearms. It provides a secure and sturdy platform for attaching equipment, such as tactical lights, laser sights, and bipods, to the firearm.

What is the difference between an A2 Handguard and other handguards?

Other handguards may differ in design, materials, and features such as rail systems, weight, and compatibility with specific firearms. The A2 Handguard is made for specific firearms, ensuring a proper fit and optimal functionality. Make sure to check the compatibility of the handguard with your firearm before making a purchase.

What are some of the benefits of using an A2 Handguard?

Is an A2 Handguard easy to install?

Yes, an A2 Handguard is generally easy to install, as most of them come with detailed instructions. However, it's essential to follow the manufacturer's guidelines and use the appropriate tools to ensure a proper installation.

What materials are A2 Handguards made from?

A2 Handguards can be made from various materials, such as aluminum, polymer, or a combination of both. The choice of material depends on the desired weight, durability, and appearance of the handguard.

Are A2 Handguards compatible with different firearm models?

While A2 Handguards are primarily designed for specific firearms, there might be some compatibility issues with aftermarket accessories or customizations. Make sure to check the manufacturer's compatibility guidelines before purchasing.

How do I clean and maintain an A2 Handguard?

To clean and maintain your A2 Handguard, use a soft cloth and mild cleaning solution. Avoid using abrasive materials, which can damage the finish. Regular cleaning and maintenance can help prolong the life of your handguard and keep it looking great.
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2024.06.02 07:48 GuiltlessMaple Best A2 Handguard

Best A2 Handguard
Welcome to our comprehensive review article featuring the latest and greatest in A2 Handguards. In this roundup, we will be taking a closer look at some of the top products on the market and sharing our insights on their features, performance, and overall value. Join us as we explore the world of A2 Handguards and help you make an informed decision on which one suits you best.

The Top 18 Best A2 Handguard

  1. Durable AR-15 Atlas S-One Handguard for Enhanced Performance - Experience optimal strength and stability with the Aero Precision Atlas S-One Handguard, featuring Aero's Taper Lock Attachment System in a sleek, lightweight design for your AR-15 setup.
  2. Midwest Night Fighter M-lok, Fits AR-15, Black Handguard - Midwest Industries' Night Fighter M-lok Handguard provides a sleek and durable design for your AR15, with a black finish and MI-NF10 compatibility.
  3. Midwest Night Fighter 9.25" Handguard for AR Rifles - Experience ultimate precision with the Midwest Industries Night Fighter 9.25" Handguard, meticulously designed for AR rifles and backed by its exceptional quality and reliability.
  4. Premium Carbine AR-15 MLOK Rail System with Anti-Rotation Technology - Enhance your precision and durability with Mission First Tactical's MFT Extreme Duty 10" MLOK Carbine Rail System, featuring an anti-rotation technology, IR anti-reflective coating, ultra streamlined appearance, and a steel non-timing barrel nut.
  5. Strike MLOK Rail 13.5 FDE Handguard - Experience unparalleled durability and adaptability with the Strike Industries Strike MLOK Rail 13.5 FDE handguard, designed for avid shooters of all skill levels.
  6. Blackhawk Handguard Fix 15" Anodized Finish - Experience the perfect match with the Q QSERT Handguard - The Fix 15", seamlessly combining top-notch compatibility and innovation for your ultimate handgun enhancement.
  7. Stylish Blackhawk Handguard for Motorcycle Protection - Touratech DEFENSA Handguards offer robust protection and comfort for your bike's levers in a lightweight, durable design, featuring a modern matte finish and various customization options.
  8. Samson SXT 9" M-LOK Precision Handguard - Experience the sleek and durable design of Samson SXT 9" M-LOK Handguard, now in black, perfect for enhancing your firearm's performance.
  9. Durable Enduro Handguard Kit - Polisport Touquet (Green) - Protect your ride with Polisport Touquet Handguard Kit, featuring advanced 'Bright Durable Polypropylene' technology for unbeatable color and durability, tailored specifically for Enduro races.
  10. UFO Handguard Black - High-Quality and Durable Off-Road Plastic Protector - UFO Ho03638-001 Handguard Black: High-quality, authentic replica handguard in black, offering durability, Italian craftsmanship, and easy installation.
  11. Universal Handguard for Motocross and ATV Protection - JFG Racing Motorcycle Aluminum Hand Guards provide ultimate hand protection, reduce fatigue, and fit all handlebars.
  12. UTG Pro Model AR-15 Super Slim A2 Handguard - Lightweight & Slim Tubular Profile - Experience superior handling with the UTG Pro Model 4/15 Car Length Super Slim Drop-in Handguard, featuring a custom fit for AR15s, lightweight construction, and a continuous mounting platform.
  13. MFT EXT Duty Free Flt RL MLOK AR-15 A2 Handguard - 18 Inches - Experience the top-rated MFT EXT Duty Free Flt RL MLOK for your AR-15 carbine, featuring a durable black finish and A2 handguard, backed by a solid 5.0 rating and two positive reviews.
  14. Mil-Spec A2 Handguard for Optimal Stability and Durability - The Midwest Industries G2 Drop-In Handguard, with its lightweight yet sturdy design, features four anti-rotation QD sockets for push-button swivels, making it the perfect choice for mounting scopes and accessories on your 1913 mil-spec firearms.
  15. Midwest Forearm 2-Piece Drop-In Gen2 Handguard - Durable and lightweight, the Midwest Industries Gen2 Two Piece Drop-In Mid-Length Handguard is a reliable choice for any gun, featuring four anti-rotation QD sockets and high quality 1913 mil-spec rails.
  16. AR-15 Foundation Handguard for Rigid Accessory Mounting - Bowden Tactical's J23007 Foundation Handguard offers a 1.3-inch I.D., MAGPUL-compatible MLok slots, and a robust 4140 steel barrel nut for exceptional durability and accessory compatibility in your AR10 & AR15 builds.
  17. The Fix 11" Anodized A2 Handguard - Upgrade your weapon with the sleek and durable Q QSERT Handguard The Fix, perfect for A2 Handguards and featuring The Fix's innovative Q SERT mounting solution.
  18. Probend A2 Handguard Bar Pack - Enduro-Style Protection - Experience unparalleled protection and comfort with the high-quality, injection-molded Cycra Probend handguards, featuring integrated composite bumpers and CNC-machined 6061 billet aluminum Probend bars.
As an Amazon™ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.


🔗Durable AR-15 Atlas S-One Handguard for Enhanced Performance
I recently gave the Aero AR15 Atlas S-One a spin, and let me tell you, it didn't disappoint. The slim profile of this handguard makes it a great choice for those who prioritize size and weight. It packs a punch when it comes to strength and stability thanks to Aero's durable Atlas attachment system.
And let me tell you, the Aero Taper Lock Attachment System (ATLAS) is both functional and visually stunning. The mirrored tapered locking nuts evenly distribute the clamping pressure, and the ratcheting detent makes the design secure while providing a positive registration during installation. Oh, and those hardware mounting parts? .
They're included, which makes life all the more convenient. Overall, it's a winner in the looks department and certainly does its job.

🔗Midwest Night Fighter M-lok, Fits AR-15, Black Handguard
The Midwest Industries Night Fighter handguard is a sleek and durable accessory for your firearm. I've been using it for a few months now, and it definitely fits the bill. This handguard adds an extra layer of grip, making my firearm even more comfortable to handle in different environments. The black finish not only looks striking but also provides protection against wear and tear.
However, I did face some minor issues recently, like the occasional loosening of the attachments after continuous use. But overall, this product has proven to be quite reliable. Using it with my AR-15 felt smooth and seamless, with no discomfort or hindrance in my shooting experience. For someone who's looking for a tactical and handy attachment, this M-lok handguard is worth considering.

🔗Midwest Night Fighter 9.25" Handguard for AR Rifles
As a seasoned shooter, I can hardly imagine finding a better handguard for my AR rifle than the Midwest Night Fighter 9.25". This sturdy product not only adds a striking aesthetics but it also serves the essential purpose of keeping my AR rifle safe and secure, especially during nighttime operations.
I particularly appreciate its durability, attributed to its high-quality construction featuring M-lok technology. The design is thought well, ensuring a perfect fit and impeccable balance for my AR rifle. However, I must admit, it weighs a bit more than anticipated, which makes handling slightly challenging at times.
One negative experience I had was when I tried to assemble it all by myself and struggled a bit in the beginning. However, once I got the hang of it, it started to make sense.
Overall, while it may not be the lightest tool in the shed, the Midwest Night Fighter 9.25" provides a secure hold to my AR rifle. I would recommend it to someone with a knack for tactical rifle gear.

🔗Premium Carbine AR-15 MLOK Rail System with Anti-Rotation Technology
As someone who's had the chance to use the Mission First Tactical Extreme Duty Carbine Rail System, I must say - it's a game-changer for AR-15 enthusiasts. This 7-sided M-LOK rail system is sleek and stylish, with an anti-rotation tech that makes it incredibly dependable.
The anti-reflective coating is a thoughtful feature, reducing glares and reflections that could be a nuisance in various lighting conditions. The steel non-timing barrel nut adds durability to the mix, and the ultra-streamlined appearance just seals the deal.
Of course, like any product out there, it's not perfect. The only downside I noticed was the need for some minor adjustments during assembly, which might be a bit of a hassle for first-time users. But overall, this MFT Extreme Duty Carbine Rail System is a reliable and stylish addition to any AR-15 setup.

🔗Strike MLOK Rail 13.5 FDE Handguard
Just recently, I had the chance to give the Strike MLOK Rail 13.5 FDE a try, and let me tell you, it was quite the experience. This handguard, crafted by the skilled team at Strike Industries, is designed to stand the test of time, thanks to its top-notch components.
During my time with the rail, I found myself impressed by the sturdiness and precision it offered. The MLOK system was particularly noteworthy, providing a secure and streamlined connection to my firearm. On the downside, I did notice that, despite its durability, the rail could be heavier than some other options on the market.
Overall, the Strike MLOK Rail 13.5 FDE proved to be a reliable addition to my arsenal. Its robust construction and user-friendly design make it a solid choice for shooters of all skill levels.

🔗Blackhawk Handguard Fix 15" Anodized Finish
As I delved into using the Q SERT Handguard The Fix 15", I was impressed by how seamlessly it compatible with the Fix system made by the same brand. The sleek black anodized finish perfectly matched my firearm's aesthetic, making it a stylish addition that blended in well.
However, I did encounter a few minor hiccups during the attachment process. It wasn't as straightforward as I had hoped, which resulted in some frustration at first. On the bright side, the sturdy construction of the handguard provided a strong grip, offering a great improvement to my firearm's stability.
In conclusion, the Q SERT Handguard The Fix 15" proved to be an adequate solution for someone looking to upgrade their grip while maintaining their firearm's elegant appearance. With time and patience, it could be a great addition to your arsenal, but don't expect it to be a walk in the park.

🔗Stylish Blackhawk Handguard for Motorcycle Protection
I recently tried the Touratech Defensa Silver Handguard Bars for my KTM/Husqvarna. This handguard gave me a sense of security on my rides, providing durable protection for both my levers and myself. The high-strength aircraft-grade aluminum exoskeleton structure was forged for maximum impact resistance, making it a reliable choice. Plus, the sleek, textured matte finish complemented the modern angular design, giving the bars a stylish touch.
On the other hand, I found that the plastic shields could be more securely attached. Sometimes they would slide out of place, which was inconvenient during my rides. However, the optional integrated plastic shield structure, known as Defensa Expedition, did provide added protection and comfort. This feature was definitely a highlight, as it shielded me from rain and cold air on cooler rides.
Overall, the Touratech Defensa Silver Handguard Bars provided me with a balance of protection and style, making them a solid choice for adventure motorcyclists.

🔗Samson SXT 9" M-LOK Precision Handguard
The Samson SXT 9" M-LOK handguard is a sleek and sturdy addition to any firearm. It seamlessly attaches to the gun's barrel, thanks to the M-LOK system, and gives the gun a modern touch. The black finish complements any gun it's mounted on, giving it a professional and tactical look.
One of the things that really stood out to me during my experience with this product was its ability to stay secure even when facing recoil. I've had other handguards slip or loosen during firing, but not this one. It just stays put, firmly attached to the gun.
On the downside, I did notice that it's not as lightweight as some other options out there. Its sturdiness comes at a cost, I guess you could say. But overall, I think it's a small price to pay for the added security and durability it provides.
In summary, if you're looking for a reliable and sturdy handguard that can withstand a good amount of wear and tear, the Samson SXT 9" M-LOK is definitely worth considering. It may not be the lightest option on the market, but its solid construction and M-LOK system make it a great choice for those who value security and stability.

🔗Durable Enduro Handguard Kit - Polisport Touquet (Green)
The Polisport Touquet Handguard Kit, a Green gem designed for motocross enthusiasts, has become a staple for those seeking tough and reliable protection. Handcrafted with their patented Bright Durable Polypropylene technology, this bad boy boasts impressive durability, color retention, and UV ray resistance. The bolt holes are perfectly pre-drilled for the ultimate fit. The plastic pieces feature a high gloss finish and an on-target color palette that truly captures the soul of the original part.
However, installation isn't quite a walk in the park. You'll need to get crafty with drilling accelerator tubes and ensuring a snug fit that won't interfere with your controls. Radial master cylinders and ASV clutches may struggle with the tight fit, raising concerns for potential pinching and seizing. In the end, though, this protective handguard excels in offering robust protection against those inevitable spills, even if it takes some elbow grease to make it work.

🔗UFO Handguard Black - High-Quality and Durable Off-Road Plastic Protector
I recently had the chance to try out the UFO Handguard, and let me tell you, it exceeded my expectations. First of all, I was drawn to its original factory shape, which matched the look of the genuine model perfectly. It blends seamlessly with the rest of my gun setup.
The durability of this handguard was a pleasant surprise. I took it for a spin off-road, and it held up like a charm. UFO's use of high-quality plastics produced in Italy definitely paid off.
Another thing I appreciated was the wide range of colors available. While I opted for the classic black, I've seen photos of others in vibrant hues that really make their guns stand out.
The installation process was a breeze, too. The plastics are drilled ready for easy mounting, and the flex and lightweight design made it feel incredibly comfortable while in use. With the 100% Made in Italy guarantee since 1977, I had no doubts about the longevity and performance of this handguard.
A quick note though: the images provided are more of a suggestion rather than a perfect representation of the actual product. But overall, my experience with the UFO Handguard has been top-notch. Highly recommended for anyone looking to upgrade their gun setup.

🔗Universal Handguard for Motocross and ATV Protection
I had the opportunity to try out these JFG Racing Motorcycle Universal Handguards a couple of weeks ago, and I must say, they've been a game-changer for me. Riding off-road ATVs always comes with its fair share of hazards, and these handguards have been a lifesaver in protecting my hands from brush, rocks, mud, and cold wind.
The combination of PP Plastic and Aluminum Alloy used in making these handguards brings a robustness that I've never come across in other handguards I've tried in the past. They offer a substantial shield, giving me the confidence I need when tackling the roughest terrains.
One of the best things about these handguards is the extra room they provide. It's been a blessing for me, allowing easy access to brake cables and other devices without having to worry about cramming them in.
However, despite all the positives, there is one drawback I've observed. They aren't as streamlined as I'd like them to be. While protection is vital, aerodynamics have their importance, and the added bulk to these handguards does make a difference, albeit slightly.
Overall, with their robust design, ample space for additional devices, and their effective protection against off-road elements, these JFG Racing Handguards make a compelling choice for any adrenaline junkie out there.

🔗UTG Pro Model AR-15 Super Slim A2 Handguard - Lightweight & Slim Tubular Profile
The UTG Pro Model 4/15 Car Length Super Slim Drop-in Handguard is a must-have for your AR15, fitting seamlessly with standard delta ring assembly, barrel nut, and round handguard cap. Its lightweight, slim tubular profile offers improved handling and a top rail that extends to the upper receiver provides a continuous mounting platform.
The removable two 2-Slot and two 4-Slot rail sections allow for customization at various 3, 6, and 9 O'clock positions, while precision machining from aircraft aluminum and black anodizing ensures durability and a sleek finish. The simple installation process makes it easy to upgrade your AR15 without the need for gunsmithing.
The positive reviews from users highlight the product's value, ease of installation, and impressive features, making it an outstanding choice for anyone looking to enhance their AR15 experience.

🔗MFT EXT Duty Free Flt RL MLOK AR-15 A2 Handguard - 18 Inches
The MFT EXT Duty Free Flt RL MLOK has been my trusty companion for the past six months as I've been enjoying my time at the range. The anti-rotating tabs have provided a secure and steady grip, ensuring that my rifle remains sturdy and aligned. Its sleek, black finish has never failed to impress and has added a touch of class to my setup.
One downside I've noticed is that it's somewhat heavier than the standard A2 handguard, but the modularity offered by the M-Lok system has been a lifesaver. The ability to switch out attachments has provided me with the freedom to customize my rifle to suit my preferences.
Overall, I've been quite pleased with my experience using this handguard. The combination of its durability, aesthetics, and flexibility has made it a reliable and essential piece of my gear.

🔗Mil-Spec A2 Handguard for Optimal Stability and Durability
I recently had the chance to try out the Midwest Industries G2 Drop-In Handguard, and I must say, it has become a solid addition to my daily carry kit. The Gen2 design with four anti-rotation QD sockets for push-button swivels is quite impressive and has made switching between accessories a breeze.
One of the most noteworthy features that I appreciated was the incredibly lightweight construction while maintaining a robust lock-up, thanks to its monolithic continuous top rail. It has allowed me to mount scopes effortlessly and has made the overall experience incredibly smooth.
The high-quality 1913 mil. spec rails, T-marked for location, are a testament to the meticulous craftsmanship that goes into this handguard. Constructed from 6061 aluminum with a hard coat anodized finish, it has held up exceptionally well and continues to look as good as new even after prolonged use.
Compatibility-wise, the G2 Drop-In Handguard has proven to be versatile, working seamlessly with most gas piston systems. The 100% Made in the USA aspect also adds a nice touch of authenticity to the product.
While there were no significant cons during my experience, I did find the installation process to be somewhat tricky, which might be a cause for concern for some users.
Overall, the Midwest Industries G2 Drop-In Handguard is an excellent choice for those seeking a high-quality, durable, and adaptable handguard for their firearms.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our buyer's guide for A2 Handguards. In this section, we will cover important features, considerations, and general advice to help you make an informed decision when purchasing an A2 Handguard for your firearm.

A2 Handguards are typically made from durable materials such as aluminum, polymer, or carbon fiber. These materials offer different levels of strength, weight, and heat resistance. Consider the environment in which the handguard will be used, and choose a material that suits your needs best. For example, aluminum handguards might be a good choice if you'll be using the firearm in a damp or humid environment, as they are less prone to corrosion compared to polymer.

Size and Compatibility

Make sure to check the size and compatibility of the handguard with your firearm before making a purchase. A handguard that is too small may not provide adequate support, while a handguard that is too large could interfere with your ability to use the firearm comfortably. Some A2 Handguards are designed for specific models or calibers, so be sure to choose the appropriate handguard for your firearm.

Design and Aesthetics

Aesthetics play a role in the overall look and feel of your firearm. Consider the style and design of the handguard, keeping in mind factors such as the material, texture, and any additional features, such as integrated slings or rail systems. Choose a design that not only looks good but also functions well for your needs.

Installation and Maintenance

Ease of installation and maintenance can greatly impact your overall satisfaction with the A2 Handguard. Look for handguards that come with clear installation instructions and are compatible with your existing mounting system, such as Picatinny or Weaver rails. Additionally, consider the overall durability of the handguard and the ease of cleaning or replacing components if needed.


Lastly, consider your budget when selecting an A2 Handguard. There are handguards available at various price points, with different features and materials. Determine the balance between cost and functionality that best suits your needs.
Choosing the right A2 Handguard can greatly enhance your firearm's performance and comfort. By considering factors such as materials, compatibility, design, installation, maintenance, and budget, you can make an informed decision and find a handguard that meets your specific needs.


What is an A2 Handguard?

The A2 Handguard is a type of mounting system designed specifically for firearms. It provides a secure and sturdy platform for attaching equipment, such as tactical lights, laser sights, and bipods, to the firearm.

What is the difference between an A2 Handguard and other handguards?

Other handguards may differ in design, materials, and features such as rail systems, weight, and compatibility with specific firearms. The A2 Handguard is made for specific firearms, ensuring a proper fit and optimal functionality. Make sure to check the compatibility of the handguard with your firearm before making a purchase.

What are some of the benefits of using an A2 Handguard?

  • Additional mounting points for attaching tactical equipment
  • Secure and sturdy platform for your equipment
  • Easy to install and remove
  • Improved ergonomics for better grip and control

Is an A2 Handguard easy to install?

Yes, an A2 Handguard is generally easy to install, as most of them come with detailed instructions. However, it's essential to follow the manufacturer's guidelines and use the appropriate tools to ensure a proper installation.

What materials are A2 Handguards made from?

A2 Handguards can be made from various materials, such as aluminum, polymer, or a combination of both. The choice of material depends on the desired weight, durability, and appearance of the handguard.

Are A2 Handguards compatible with different firearm models?

While A2 Handguards are primarily designed for specific firearms, there might be some compatibility issues with aftermarket accessories or customizations. Make sure to check the manufacturer's compatibility guidelines before purchasing.

How do I clean and maintain an A2 Handguard?

To clean and maintain your A2 Handguard, use a soft cloth and mild cleaning solution. Avoid using abrasive materials, which can damage the finish. Regular cleaning and maintenance can help prolong the life of your handguard and keep it looking great.
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submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:50 _Mad_Maddy My Take on the Indigo Park Lore Part 3!

And finally, here’s the final part! If you have any thoughts, or any disagreements, comment down below! I’d love to discuss the game’s lore with you all!
At its heart, Indigo Park is a tragedy, one that would make both Shakespeare and the ancient Greeks proud. It starts off with the creator wanting nothing but good, but slowly devolves into a horrifying, downward spiral. After all, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
Isaac Indigo has a dream of bringing his imagination to life, for people everywhere. The beginning of the twentieth century began horrendously, World War 1 being the deadliest conflict at the time. Wanting to help everyone and bring at least a spark of joy into their lives, Isaac Indigo launches headfirst into the media of his choice: cartoons.
Indigo comes up with his first permanent Mascot, Lloydford L. Lion. A loud, booming, rambunctious character, Lloyd sought to be the spark of happiness that Indigo hoped he would be. Lloyd would the very best actor, showman, and orator. He’s arrogant, but not pompous. He’s loud, but not with ill will. He’s the beginning of the cast that Indigo envisions, a character whose sole purpose is to please the world. It’s not a surprise that Lloyd is an actor, after all. He seeks to distract the world from its woes, at least for a bit, and make everyone have a good time.
Indigo, emboldened by his sudden fame and success, proceeds to churn out four more individuals: Rambley the Raccoon, Mollie the Macaw, Salem the Skunk, and, eventually, Finley the Sea Serpent, though he comes in separate from the other three.
Rambley Raccoon, a quick thinking, sharp tongued, cheeky little gremlin, is an instant hit with the people, becoming the second most popular character out of the five. Mollie Macaw, a happy-go-lucky bird with a love for the open skies, acts as Rambley’s best friend, the two practically glued together. Together, alongside Lloyd, these three represent the ‘good guys’, a trio that want nothing but the best for the people.
However, every hero needs a villain, and thus, Salem the Skunk was born, a snappy, malevolent little critter that wished for the world to revolve around herself. She has a knack for potion making, a capable chemist who uses her concoctions to bend the wills of others to herself, only for herself.
Rambley and Salem end up becoming fated rivals, nemeses who dislike each other the most, out of every character that Indigo created. Using Salem, Indigo would spread the message of peace, of friendship and everlasting bonds that always triumph against evil, and Salem.
This continuity continues for a period of time, Indigo eventually adding one more character to his roster: the melancholy sea dragon, Finley. Finley’s main goal was to be the educator, to explain the natural world around people and share the fascinating and the beautiful, especially in regard to the ocean, a concept still so unexplored, while also trying to appeal to an older crowd alongside Lloyd.
However, poor Finley wouldn’t ever be that popular amongst his peers. Perhaps it was his gloomy, exhausted aura that pushed people away, or perhaps it was his towering, and frankly scary, size, or even maybe because he was deemed boring by the youngest, who were more keen on Rambley, the character that appealed to them the most. Even the other characters, whether Indigo intended for this or not, seemed a bit annoyed by Finley, and often left him to his devices.
And, for a while, Indigo’s plan succeeded. His popularity and notoriety only increased as time went on, gaining him influence, money, and prestige. His plans were working! He was making a difference, making smiles appear on the faces of people who would otherwise be swept away by the woes of the world!
Everything started to crumble, however, when yet another horrifying conflict arose: World War II. The Old World was thrown into chaos, Europe, Africa, and Asia becoming the bloodiest battleground in human history, surpassing even the Great War that came before it.
So, Indigo concocted a scheme, a way to raise the spirits of those he could currently help, his fellow Americans. Indigo Park was to be his magnus opus, his monument that would transcend his lifetime. Here, all of his creations would gather, all of them having their own attractions, bringing a level of access that had never yet been realized before. Costumed people would walk around during operational hours, bringing his characters into the real world to interact with those that needed refuge from the outside horrors.
However, while his park became a success, spearheaded by Lloyd the Lion, the very first, there was something that bothered Indigo. These costumed performers, while certainly a stroke of genius, underperformed. Besides that, they sometimes broke character, and destroyed the immersion of the guests, and were quite costly to keep around, alongside the engineers, the logistics division, and the Ranglers that helped run Indigo Park. Not to mention, the cost of custom costumes, of fabric and materials, rose higher and higher as quotas began to be placed and maintained in the USA, due to the resources it sent to its allies overseas, before eventually joining their allies in the fight against evil.
If he couldn’t simulate his characters, why not make them? Animals that would be living, breathing creatures that would merely need care, compassion, and basic necessities? Hiring a bunch of the best scientists, he gave them a special role: The Royal Ranglers, those that would be entrusted with this secret project.
Indigo, while a creative man, didn’t understand science as well as these individuals, and likely never would, but he would make them keep logs, records of their successes and failures, of their many experiments. And eventually, their labor paid off: One of each character, Mascots, came to life. They breathed air, had red blood flowing through their veins, were real, physical creatures, but also remained gentle with the guests. Once they were unveiled, there was no longer a need for costumed performers to roam around Indigo Park. They could also be trained to perform shows of their own, such as Finley and Lloyd, while the others could supervise their respective districts! It was a win win!
However, not everyone was so pleased with the results. The performers that once roamed the streets found themselves without jobs, only some kept around to care for the new Mascots, their betters, their replacements. And that made them furious. Why should these abominations, these stupid, ugly freaks replace them? Behind Indigo’s back, these disgruntled employees would begin their revenge slowly, minimally. Withholding a small amount of the supplies the Mascots needed, occasional cruel words. As time went on, this turned into a coping mechanism, the treatment of the Mascots progressing into physical violence, vile, cutting words on the regular basis.
Sometime before this Lloyd would end up giving up the title of main character to Rambley, who had gained immense popularity, even more than Lloyd himself. While it annoyed the proud Lloyd to be first mate, he would hand over the title graciously, partially because Rambley had always been jealous of Lloyd’s popularity and fame, and maybe, just maybe, this change would do them all good. Their abuse had been escalating, much worse than any thought possible. Salem was the only one to oppose this decision, thinking that it was all only to the benefit of Rambley. Mollie was the opposite, supportive of her best friend. And Finley … well, there was no way to consistently speak with the reptile. He was always kept in Oceanic Odyssey, far away from their cages underneath Jetsream Junction. And besides, none of the four particularly … liked Finley. Sure, Rambley had befriended the sea serpent, but that was done moreso to have some rapport and sway over the gentle giant, who was much too shy, like, ~obnoxiously~ ~shy.~ He was always so gloomy, so pessimistic, so willing to accept whatever came his way. No, Finley was definitely not an agent of change, but of pitiful complacence, locked away with his prized shell collection.
However, things did not improve at all. In fact, it only got worse. Tension between the Mascots was at an all time high, Rambley having become hurtful to even his best friend Mollie. He was still suspicious of Lloyd, convinced the lion would steal back his position as ringleader. Salem and Rambley, and thus with Mollie, also began to sour drastically. Salem was convinced that Rambley wasn’t doing anything to help the five. After all, he and Mollie practically abandoned Finley, someone who they claimed was a ‘friend’. Lloyd too became frustrated with the raccoon, Salem whispering in his ears, convincing him that Rambley had only pushed for Lloyd’s demotion to finally be the one above Lloyd, to have more power.
Mollie was soon caught in the crossfire of a particularly intense feud, Salem and Lloyd on one side, Rambley by himself on the other. Rambley, her best friend in the whole wide world. Rambley, that same friend who would sometimes be mean to Mollie for no apparent reason. However, no matter what Rambley had done to their relationship, it wasn’t Rambley’s fault. It was one time when Lloyd became particularly aggressive that Mollie had to finally end this.
The fault does not belong to Rambley! “Not Rambley! He hurts Lloyd! He hurts Lloyd!”
And suddenly, it clicked for the Mascots. No matter how much some of the Mascots didn’t like each other, there was one person they all could agree to hate: Isaac Indigo. Their creator who had left the newborn animals to the mercy of vengeful, spiteful, horrible people who did nothing but spit upon and abuse the Mascots. It was decided that they would fight back. They would show those humans that they were not muzzled dogs, but barely contained predators.
The next time the Mascots were in the presence of these Ranglers, Lloyd finally snapped. It was a particularly brutal day, and Lloyd would suffer no longer. With a crippling roar, Lloyd launched himself at the Ranglers, the other Mascots following suit.
Isaac Indigo had walked into work expecting the day to be like usual, but it was to his horror that he learned of the Mascots attack upon their Ranglers. Calling a hasty evacuation, guests were shoved outside of the park with no explanation, no answers. Even the authorities would not be able to provide answers. No, they couldn’t learn of such a thing; it would ruin Isaac Indigo and all that he had worked for.
Temporarily, the entire park fell under the control of the Mascots, who were a bit shocked with how easy it was to win their freedom. However, their victory would not last. They all would suffer the consequences.
Lloyd was deemed the biggest threat to Indigo’s plans, so he had to be the one dealt with first. But how? The scientists that Indigo had hired came up with a plan; repurpose the Critter Cuffs to make a high enough pitch to incapacitate the lion, before locking him up for good in his theater. Alongside this, in order to better guarantee the safety of their people, a resuscitation feature had been added to potentially save an employee's life, if it came down to it.
Luring the beast to his stage area, the humans spring their trap, their Critter Cuffs wailing, racking Lloyd with so much pain that he couldn’t do anything but curl up into a ball. With the help of some engineers, they lock Lloyd in his own theater, a special clearance required to even access the area. This is where they toss most of the assets Indigo Park does not wish anyone see. Research papers, binders, notebooks, it’s all scattered here. And while here, Indigo decides to deal with Mollie Macaw as well.
Mollie is dangerous in that she knows planes and how to use them. They’re massive weapons, so, the way to disarm the bomb that is Mollie is to lock Jetstream Junction behind the Critter Cuffs, as well as a massive lock and key. The key itself would be stored at the very back of Lloyd’s theater, a place where only they would know to look. And once they seal the doors one final time, Mollie, Rambley, and Salem would have no access to it.
Finley would be left to his own devices; he’s contained in his attraction and as long as they don’t approach, they’ll be fine. The remaining Mascots can’t hide there forever either, and the humans know that. Even if Finley is a deterrent, the humans would eventually invent a way to deal with the serpent, who would be unwilling to resist for too long.
And thus, two Mascots were dealt with, one Mascot crippled. Only Salem and Rambley remained threats with their rides and arsenals, though Mollie is still dangerous with her sharp beak and claws.
After some time, Mascot Rambley and Salem decide to retreat further into Indigo Park, further away from the entrance. Their movements were too easy to track with that blasted Artificial Intelligence system watching through the bountiful cameras. Mollie, however, can’t bear to leave her home, her hangar. She tries to reason with the two others, but ultimately, no agreement can be reached. Salem and Rambley would withdrawn, and Mollie would come, if she wanted to.
Eventually, the two sneakiest Mascots, once sworn enemies, were now the only one the other could rely on. Now brother and sister, they tried their best to weather the storm, but were ultimately dealt with. Mollie, grief-stricken with the loss of her home and being abandoned by the ones she called friend, had no will to fight anymore.
This entire process took almost ten years, finally ending in 2015, while the park had been closed in 2006. Outside, people slowly forgot about the enigmatic end to the once beloved park, distracted by the rapid expansion of other sources of fun and media. Indigo, saddened by the fate of what he once thought of as his greatest achievement, didn’t have the heart to tear the place down. It was too dangerous, so he merely bribed the local authorities to close it off from curious onlookers. He would command the AI Rambley to have most of his files wiped concerning the fate of the park, wiping all data concerning the back and forth between humans and their experiments brought to life. He’d be restricted to the Registration Center, cut off from the actual park, and only present in one computer until Indigo found a way to salvage the situation. And that’s where Isaac Indigo left Indigo Park.
Mascot Mollie is left alone to wander the park, all her friends gone, missing. She stumbles into Rambley Railroad, the only place that she can see all her friends, before she stops at Salem’s exhibit. Eyes narrowing in hate, Mollie remembers that it was Salem that pushed and manipulated them all to fight back. If Salem hadn’t been there, none of this would have happened. This leads Mascot Mollie on a destructive rampage, wrecking the whole area as much as she could. She eventually stumbles upon an animatronic version of herself, which shocks her when it repeats Mollie’s own words, almost like snidely trying to hurt Mollie with her own words. “Not Rambley! He hurts Lloyd! He hurts Lloyd!” Once again angered, Mascot Mollie pounds upon the robot until the lights fade from its painted eyes, slumped in a pile of metal rods and broken brick. From there, Mascot Mollie leaves, vowing to stay away from the place.
However, what Indigo did not account for was an urban explorer duo that made it their life mission to explore a wide variety of places. Laura and Ed made quite the dynamic duo, always exploring what they wanted, where they wanted, how they wanted. Though they trespassed and sometimes even burgled, they were never caught by the authorities, and their concealed presences on their channel was enough for the two to not be charged and arrested.
However, the two found themselves in a weird limbo. All of their newest explorations lacked a certain ‘oomph’, with even their viewers noticing the lack of excitement and passion of the two. So, Ed decides to set his sights on a big fish: Indigo Park.
Laura, his partner, is instantly worried by Ed’s choice. All the places they went to before were practically abandoned, the maximum they had to worry about were old motion detectors and an occasional camera or two. Indigo Park, however, would most likely be very secure, swarming with cops, even, so she tries to dissuade Ed, but Ed only becomes more pumped to break inside. Resigned, Laura promised assistance if Ed could find a way inside. Ed finally goes to this famed Indigo Park, home of so many of his treasured memories as a child, intent on having all of his personal questions answered.
It is to his surprise that the place is so easy to slip into. All he had to do was avoid the occasional patrol car, climb a fence, and viola, he was there. The entrance gates being locked up, however, was a bummer, but maybe the Registration Center would have some information. It would be even more of a shock to discover an AI Rambley, the same that Indigo had locked there.
AI Rambley would guide Ed, the first visitor in exactly eight years, inside, Ed collecting all sorts of goodies, such as plushies, ears, drinking containers, and even a vintage Rambley costume mask. However, Ed is disappointed by the way the AI practically ignores the state of disrepair Indigo Park has fallen into.
Lured by the sudden sound of Rambley speaking Mascot Mollie rushes over; Rambley came back for her! But it is to her horror that it’s merely a mockery of Mascot Rambley, that old AI speaking to a human! Mollie, wary and frightened of the implications of this, decides to merely follow cautiously.
Following the directions of the AI, Ed travels through Rambley Railroad, fixing the ride when in breaks in the wrecked zone of Salem the Skunk, her cutout and props left in broken pieces. It is during this ride that Ed senses he’s not alone, and notices Mollie Macaw stalking him. However, she’s not threatening in any way, so he leaves her be. Why antagonize this … Mascot? Person? Ed doesn’t know what to think of her, but maybe, if he’s careful, he won’t have to deal with her.
Ed is then directed to Jetsream Junction, but is disappointed to find it locked away, not only by Critter Cuff, but also by lock and key. The AI mentions a key in Lloyd’s theater, though, so he heads that way. What Ed does not expect to find is Mascot Lloyd himself, dozing on the stage. Quickly noticing Ed’s presence, however, Lloyd flees, remembering all too well of the danger that humans posed to him.
Unfortunately, Ed is left without AI Rambley’s presence, and Lloyd is slowly but surely pushed farther back into his domain. Lloyd at one point tries to attack, but the lion is clumsy. Though he can’t die of thirst or hunger, he still suffers from their effects, his body weak and dirty. Lloyd then leaves and lets this man do whatever he wants. Maybe if Lloyd hides in a corner, the scary human won’t come for him.
However, he is soon consumed by anger when he realizes that Ed takes the keys to Jetstream Junction. He can’t let this human escape, he might try to go and hurt Mollie! She’s probably locked in there like he’s locked in here!
Lloyd attacks, or tries to, at least. The accursed Critter Cuff wails, its high-pitched waves causing Lloyd to be paralyzed with pain. Once the sound stops, Lloyd runs away, his fears of torture reignited as he is subjected to pain he had not faced for almost twenty years.
Mascot Mollie, always lurking, heard the Critter Cuff go off, and she draws her conclusions well; Lloyd tried to fight the human, but was driven back, hurt and embarrassed in his own territory. From here, Mollie’s old, unresolved anger begins to build, following Ed as he opens up Jetstream Junction, much to her surprise. At first, she’s delighted. Finally, her old domain is open! She explores the place, running into Ed as they both take notice of one another. Perhaps she’ll let Ed go; he did do her a favor, after all.
But that notion is soon dissolved as she watched Ed run about the place like he owns it, Mollie’s anger mounting as he goes deeper into her home. Finally, she has enough. She attacks Ed, chasing him through the halls and tunnels Mollie so loves. Unfortunately, this final act turns out to be Mascot Mollie’s last. Just as she lunges for him, her head gets severed from her body by a metal door, her blood coating it and the surrounding environment bright red.
It is from here that AI Rambley is forced to acknowledge that this is not his familiar Indigo Park; it’s old and worn, the Mascots that once made people laugh now try to hunt them down. He forgets that they were abused because those files were wiped from him, and Mascot Mollie’s cries are very hard to discern as the echoes and Mascot Mollie’s own voice is ruined by age.
AI Rambley decides his best course of action is to enlist Ed’s help to repair the whole theme park. After all, he has all the information on how to go about it in his database, it just requires a physical body to do, something that the AI sorely lacks. And so, AI Rambley directs Ed toward the first place they need to kick back up: Oceanic Odyssey, home of the Mascot Finley. Perhaps this shy, reclusive sea snake won’t be trying to kill Ed.
On the way, though, Ed nearly stumbles upon the laboratories where the Mascots were made, so the AI makes sure to block that avenue. Ed was AI Rambley’s only hope of success, he wasn’t risking the man run away in terror from the sights and notes that likely were down there.
Ed finally reaches the Oceanic Odyssey attraction, pushing open the doors and following AI Rambley inside, catching a glimpse of a long, green, sea dragon in one of the aquariums …
Well, that’s about it! 12k words and 24 pages in, and I only covered the first chapter. Hoo boy …
I don’t think I need to reiterate that this is what I think happened, canonically. There will obviously be some wrong information due to the limited evidence I have to work with, and I intentionally remained vague during certain parts.
Despite that, I am very confident in a few ideas, such as the Mascot uprising, the weaponization of the Critter Cuff specifically against Lloyd the Lion, and the secret laboratories hidden behind that Royal Ranger Room area.
If you have any ideas of your own, let me know as well! I would love to theorize about some things that all of you think as well!
Also a huge shoutout and thank you to the creator of Indigo Park, Mason Myers, or UniqueGeese. The guy is insanely talented, considering this took him only one year to do. ONE! I can’t want to see the twists and turns he has to offer.
See you all later in Chapter 2! - Maddy
submitted by _Mad_Maddy to GameTheorists [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:42 Sweet-Count2557 49th Ragamuffin Parade

49th Ragamuffin Parade
49th Ragamuffin Parade As we gather here to discuss the upcoming 49th Ragamuffin Parade, it's impossible not to be reminded of the incredible sense of community that this event fosters.Year after year, families and friends come together to celebrate the creativity and spirit of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.But what is it about this parade that continues to captivate and inspire us all? Well, let's take a closer look at the history, the traditions, and the unique experiences that make the Ragamuffin Parade a cherished event for both young and old alike.Key TakeawaysThe 49th Ragamuffin Parade is an annual event held in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.The parade route spans from 76th to 92nd Streets on Third Avenue.Prizes are awarded in categories such as Best Costume, Most Creative Group, and Cutest Little Muffin.The parade is a rain or shine event, with organizers having contingency plans and monitoring weather forecasts.Parade DetailsThe 49th Ragamuffin Parade is an annual event held in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, featuring a parade route from 76th to 92nd Streets on Third Avenue.The parade logistics are as follows: the assembly location is on 76th Street between 3rd & 4th Avenues/3rd & Ridge Boulevard, and the registration for the parade takes place at Holy Angels Catholic Academy/OLA school yard on 74th Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues.Participants should note that judging will take place from 11:30am to 12:30pm, and the prize distribution location is at the HSBC parking lot on 3rd Avenue and 92nd Street.It's important to mention that every registered child who marches the whole route in costume will receive a gift, making it an exciting opportunity for children to participate.The parade is a rain or shine event, so participants should come prepared for any weather conditions. It's recommended to verify the activity dates and times on the official website, as they're subject to change.For more information and updates, interested individuals can visit the Mommy Poppins website, a trusted resource for family activities in the area. Mommy Poppins offers free newsletters and provides quick links to activities, providers, and family travel. Contact information is available on their website for any inquiries or to submit an activity to be listed.It's important to note that all rights are reserved by Mommy Poppins, and their privacy policy, cookie policy, and terms of use are available for review.Route and Assembly LocationMoving on to the next aspect of the Ragamuffin Parade, let's now focus on the route and assembly location for this annual event in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.The parade route spans from 76th to 92nd Streets on Third Avenue, providing a vibrant and exciting showcase for the participants and spectators alike.As for the assembly location, it can be found on 76th Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues, as well as 3rd and Ridge Boulevard. This strategic placement allows for efficient logistics and easy access for all participants.On the day of the parade, registration takes place at Holy Angels Catholic Academy/OLA school yard on 74th Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues. It's important to note that every registered child who marches the entire route in costume will receive a special gift, adding to the excitement and motivation to participate.The judging of the parade entries will occur between 11:30 am and 12:30 pm, providing an opportunity for participants to showcase their creativity and effort. The prize distribution location can be found at the HSBC parking lot on 3rd Avenue and 92nd Street.It is worth mentioning that the Ragamuffin Parade is a rain or shine event, so participants and spectators should come prepared for any weather conditions. As with any event, it's advisable to verify the activity dates and times on the official website to ensure accuracy and avoid any potential changes.Judging and Prize DistributionTo evaluate the participants and distribute prizes, judging for the Ragamuffin Parade takes place between 11:30 am and 12:30 pm at the HSBC parking lot on 3rd Avenue and 92nd Street. As the parade comes to a close, the judges carefully assess each participant's costume, creativity, and overall presentation. Based on these evaluations, prizes are awarded in various categories to recognize the outstanding efforts of the participants.The prize categories for the Ragamuffin Parade include:Best Costume: This category recognizes the participant with the most impressive and well-executed costume. Whether it's a spooky monster, a dazzling princess, or a cleverly crafted superhero, the judges look for creativity, attention to detail, and the ability to bring the character to life.Most Creative Group: This category celebrates the collaborative efforts of a group of participants. Whether it's a group of friends, classmates, or family members, the judges look for originality, teamwork, and the ability to work together to create a cohesive and imaginative theme.Cutest Little Muffin: This category highlights the adorable participants who steal the hearts of onlookers with their adorable costumes and endearing presence. The judges consider factors such as charm, cuteness, and the ability to capture the essence of childhood.Once the judging process is complete, the prize distribution takes place. Every registered child who marches the whole route in costume will receive a gift as a token of appreciation for their participation and effort. This ensures that every child feels valued and recognized for their contribution to the parade.The Ragamuffin Parade's gift distribution process aims to create a joyful and inclusive experience for all participants. It's a celebration of creativity, community, and the freedom to express oneself through costumes and imagination.Rain or Shine EventNow let's shift our focus to the subtopic of the Ragamuffin Parade being a rain or shine event. This means that the parade will take place regardless of the weather conditions. The organizers understand that unpredictable weather can be a part of any outdoor event, so they have made preparations to ensure that the parade goes on smoothly, rain or shine.To give you an idea of how the parade is able to continue in any kind of weather, here is a table outlining the weather preparations that are in place:Weather PreparationsImportance of CostumesParade organizers have contingency plans in case of rain, such as providing rain ponchos for participants.Costumes play a crucial role in the Ragamuffin Parade as they help create a festive atmosphere and showcase the creativity of the children.The parade route is designed to have some areas with cover, such as buildings and trees, where participants can seek shelter if needed.Participants put a lot of effort into designing and creating their costumes, and they take pride in showcasing their unique outfits to the crowd.The parade organizers are constantly monitoring weather forecasts to make any necessary adjustments to the event schedule.Costumes also allow children to fully immerse themselves in the spirit of the parade and embrace the fun and excitement of the day.In the event of severe weather conditions, the parade may be delayed or shortened to ensure the safety of participants.The variety of costumes adds to the visual appeal of the parade, making it a vibrant and lively event for everyone to enjoy.As you can see, the Ragamuffin Parade is well-prepared to handle any weather conditions. The importance of costumes cannot be overstated, as they not only contribute to the overall atmosphere of the parade but also allow the participants to express their creativity and enthusiasm. So, rain or shine, the Ragamuffin Parade will continue to be a memorable and enjoyable experience for all.Mommy Poppins - Family Activity WebsiteMommy Poppins is a popular family activity website that helps parents and caregivers find fun and engaging activities to do with their kids. Here are three key features that make Mommy Poppins a go-to resource for families:Newsletter Subscription: Mommy Poppins offers free newsletters that keep subscribers updated on the latest activities and events in their area. By subscribing, parents can receive regular updates and recommendations right in their inbox, making it easy to plan exciting outings with their children.Activity Listings: One of the main attractions of Mommy Poppins is its extensive collection of activity listings. From museums and parks to festivals and workshops, the website provides a comprehensive directory of family-friendly activities. With just a few clicks, parents can search for activities based on location, age range, and interests, ensuring that they find the perfect outing for their kids.Quick Links and Contact Information: Mommy Poppins understands the importance of convenience and accessibility. The website offers quick links to activities, providers, and family travel resources, making it effortless for parents to navigate and find what they need. Additionally, contact information is readily available, allowing users to reach out with any inquiries or submit activities to be listed on the website.Contact and About Mommy PoppinsContact information and background details about Mommy Poppins can be found on their website. Mommy Poppins is a family activity website that helps people find things to do with kids. They offer free newsletters and provide quick links to activities, providers, and family travel. If you want to stay updated on the latest family-friendly events and activities, you can subscribe to their newsletter. This way, you'll receive regular updates and recommendations straight to your inbox.If you have any inquiries or want to learn more about Mommy Poppins, you can easily contact them through their website. They've a contact form where you can submit your questions or comments, and they'll get back to you as soon as possible. Additionally, if you have an activity that you'd like to be listed on the website, you can submit it through their submission form. This way, you can share your event or activity with a wider audience and attract more participants.Mommy Poppins also provides a platform for businesses to list their services. If you own a business that caters to families and children, listing it on Mommy Poppins can help you reach a targeted audience. By listing your business, you can increase your visibility and attract more customers who are actively seeking family-friendly services and activities.Policies and DisclaimersAre you curious about the policies and disclaimers of Mommy Poppins? We understand the importance of transparency and want to ensure that our users have a clear understanding of how we handle their data and protect their privacy.Here are a few key points to know about our policies and disclaimers:Privacy Policy: At Mommy Poppins, we value your privacy and are committed to keeping your personal information secure. Our Privacy Policy outlines the types of data we collect, how we use it, and the measures we take to protect it. We make sure to comply with all applicable privacy laws and regulations to provide you with a safe and enjoyable experience on our website.Data Collection Technologies: We utilize various data collection technologies, such as cookies, to enhance your browsing experience and personalize the content we offer. These technologies help us understand your preferences and tailor our recommendations to better suit your needs. Rest assured that any data collected is used solely for improving our services and isn't shared with third parties without your consent.Advertise with Mommy Poppins: If you're interested in advertising your business or services on Mommy Poppins, we offer advertising opportunities that can help you reach our growing audience of families and caregivers. Get in touch with us to learn more about our advertising options and how we can help promote your offerings.For more detailed information on our policies and disclaimers, including our cookie policy and terms of use, please visit our website. We strive to maintain a transparent and trustworthy relationship with our users, and we're always open to feedback and inquiries. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Is the History and Significance of the Ragamuffin Parade?The history and significance of the Ragamuffin Parade are important to understand. The parade has a long-standing tradition in Brooklyn, bringing joy and excitement to the community.It showcases the creativity and imagination of children, who march the route in elaborate costumes. The parade is a celebration of childhood and a way for families to come together and have fun.It holds a special place in the hearts of those who participate and attend, creating lasting memories for all.Are There Any Age Restrictions for Participating in the Parade?There are no age restrictions for participating in the parade. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun and showcase their costumes.The Ragamuffin Parade is a celebration of creativity and community, where people of all ages come together to enjoy the festivities. Whether you're a child or an adult, you can march the whole route in costume and receive a gift.Can Adults Also Participate in the Parade?Yes, adults can also participate in the parade. The Ragamuffin Parade welcomes participants of all ages to join in the festivities.However, it's important to follow the costume guidelines provided by the organizers. These guidelines ensure that everyone's costumes are appropriate and in line with the spirit of the event.Are There Any Specific Guidelines or Restrictions for Costumes?When it comes to costume regulations for the Ragamuffin Parade, there are some guidelines to keep in mind. While there's no specific theme, participants are encouraged to draw inspiration from their favorite characters, superheroes, or any creative idea they've in mind.The only restriction is that costumes should be age-appropriate and respectful.Are There Any Special Accommodations or Services Available for Individuals With Disabilities During the Parade?There are special needs accommodations and accessibility services available during the parade. We strive to make the event inclusive for individuals with disabilities.There will be designated areas along the parade route for wheelchair accessibility, and volunteers will be present to assist those who may require additional support.We encourage participants with special needs to reach out to us in advance so that we can make necessary arrangements to ensure a positive experience for everyone.ConclusionSo come one, come all and join us for the 55th Annual Ragamuffin Parade in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. This beloved event is a true celebration of community spirit and creativity.Rain or shine, the parade promises to be a highlight of the year, with judging, prizes, and gifts for all registered participants.Don't miss out on this memorable experience - mark your calendars and get ready to enjoy the festivities of the Ragamuffin Parade!
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2024.05.31 11:42 Sweet-Count2557 14 Drop in Indoor Play Spaces for Philly Area Kids

14 Drop in Indoor Play Spaces for Philly Area Kids
14 Drop in Indoor Play Spaces for Philly Area Kids In a city filled with possibilities, finding the perfect indoor play spaces for our little ones can sometimes feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. But fear not, fellow parents! We've done the legwork and gathered a list of 14 drop-in play spaces that are sure to keep your kids entertained and engaged.From zip-lines to trampolines, and rock walls to roller coasters, these play spaces offer a wide range of activities and attractions. But that's not all - they also provide enrichment programs and cost-effective membership options.So, whether you're looking for a place to host a birthday party or simply let your kids burn off some energy, we've got you covered. Stay tuned as we unveil these hidden gems that will surely make your little ones jump for joy.Key TakeawaysPhiladelphia offers a variety of indoor play spaces for kids, including Kids At Play in East Falls and We Rock the Spectrum in Northeast Philadelphia.These play spaces provide a range of attractions and activities, such as zip-lines, roller coasters, ball pits, trampolines, rock walls, and imaginary play areas.Some play spaces, like PlayArts in Fishtown and Philly InMovement in Queen Village, also offer arts and enrichment programs, including dance, music, theater, and art classes.Membership options are available at PlayArts and NEST, offering cost-effective access to unlimited play space, as well as additional perks like discounted parking, free coffee, and Wi-Fi.Kids At Play - East FallsKids At Play - East Falls offers an exciting and interactive indoor play space for children in the Philadelphia area. Located in East Falls, Philadelphia, this indoor playground provides a fun and safe environment for kids to explore and play. With a variety of attractions, including a zip-line, roller coaster car, and ball pit, children of all ages can engage in imaginative and active play.One of the main benefits of Kids At Play - East Falls is that it allows children to engage in physical activity regardless of the weather. Whether it's raining or snowing outside, this indoor play space provides a climate-controlled environment where kids can run, jump, and play to their heart's content. Additionally, the play space offers classes and space for birthday parties, making it a convenient option for families looking to celebrate a special occasion.To maximize playtime at Kids At Play - East Falls, it's important to come prepared. Be sure to dress your child in comfortable clothing and shoes that are suitable for physical activity. It's also a good idea to bring along snacks and water to keep your child hydrated and energized during playtime. Additionally, be mindful of the age restrictions for certain attractions to ensure your child's safety.We Rock the Spectrum - Northeast PhiladelphiaLocated in Northeast Philadelphia, We Rock the Spectrum is an inclusive and dynamic indoor play space for children ages 12 and under. At We Rock the Spectrum, we provide a safe and welcoming environment for children of all abilities to play, explore, and socialize. Our mission is to promote sensory integration therapy and support children in developing their physical, emotional, and cognitive skills.One of the highlights of We Rock the Spectrum is our trampoline and rock wall. These exciting features not only provide endless fun for kids but also help improve their coordination, balance, and strength. Children can bounce on the trampoline or challenge themselves to climb our rock wall, boosting their confidence and building their gross motor skills.In addition to the trampoline and rock wall, We Rock the Spectrum offers a variety of play areas that encourage imaginative play. From a pretend grocery store to a dress-up corner, children can let their creativity run wild and engage in pretend play. This type of play is essential for their cognitive development as it helps them learn problem-solving, communication, and social skills.At We Rock the Spectrum, we understand that every child is unique and has different needs. That's why our play space is designed to accommodate children with varying abilities. We provide sensory-friendly equipment and activities that promote sensory integration therapy, helping children regulate their sensory experiences and develop self-regulation skills.Whether your child is seeking a thrilling adventure on the trampoline, a challenging climb on the rock wall, or a stimulating imaginative play experience, We Rock the Spectrum is the perfect place for them to have fun and grow. Visit us today and watch your child thrive in our inclusive and dynamic indoor play space.PlayArts - FishtownPlayArts in Fishtown offers a vibrant and enriching play space for children of all ages to explore their creativity and engage in imaginative play. With a 4,500 square foot facility, PlayArts provides ample room for infants, toddlers, and older kids to let their imaginations run wild.What sets PlayArts apart is its focus on integrating play and arts, offering a variety of classes including dance, music, theater, and art. By combining these two elements, children are able to express themselves and develop their artistic skills while having fun.One of the membership benefits at PlayArts is the option to choose between annual or quarterly memberships. This flexibility allows families to decide what works best for them and their budget. Whether you want to commit to a full year of enriching experiences or prefer a shorter-term commitment, PlayArts has you covered.In addition to the arts-focused classes, PlayArts also offers a Chinese Learning Lab class, providing children with an opportunity to explore another culture through language and play. This unique offering adds another dimension to the already diverse range of activities available at PlayArts.PlayArts understands the importance of providing a space where children can freely express themselves and indulge in imaginative play. By integrating play and arts, they create an environment that fosters creativity, self-expression, and personal growth. Whether your child is dancing, painting, or acting on stage, PlayArts encourages them to explore their passions and develop new skills.PlayArts in Fishtown isn't just a play space; it's a place where children can unleash their creativity and embark on a journey of self-discovery. With its focus on integrating play and arts, PlayArts provides an enriching experience that allows children to freely explore their interests and talents. So why not join PlayArts and let your child's imagination soar?Philly InMovement - Queen VillageAfter exploring the vibrant and enriching play space at PlayArts in Fishtown, it's time to discover the exciting world of Philly InMovement in Queen Village. Philly InMovement offers a wide range of gymnastics classes and movement education programs for children of all ages. Here are four reasons why Philly InMovement is a must-visit play space for kids in Philadelphia:Gymnastics Classes: Philly InMovement provides top-notch gymnastics classes that are designed to promote physical fitness, strength, flexibility, and coordination. From beginners to advanced gymnasts, there are classes available for every skill level. The experienced instructors at Philly InMovement create a supportive and encouraging environment where kids can learn and grow.Movement Education: In addition to gymnastics, Philly InMovement offers movement education programs that focus on developing fundamental movement skills. Through fun and engaging activities, children are encouraged to explore their physical capabilities and improve their overall movement abilities. These programs help kids become more confident and competent in their physical abilities.Open Gym: Philly InMovement offers open gym sessions where kids can freely explore the play space and engage in a variety of physical activities. From jumping on trampolines to swinging on bars, there are endless opportunities for kids to have fun and get active. Open gym is a great way for children to burn off energy and socialize with other kids.Enrichment Summer Camp and Adult Programming: Philly InMovement goes beyond just offering programs for kids. They also provide enrichment summer camp for children, which combines gymnastics, arts, and outdoor play. Additionally, Philly InMovement offers adult programming, including fitness classes and workshops. This allows parents and adults to stay active while their kids are having fun.Philly InMovement in Queen Village isn't just a play space, but a place where kids can learn, grow, and have fun through gymnastics and movement education. It's a space that promotes freedom of movement and encourages children to explore their physical abilities in a supportive and engaging environment.NEST - Center City and Chestnut HillNEST - Center City and Chestnut Hill offers a unique and enriching play space for children of all ages. With a nature-themed indoor playground that includes a treehouse, costumes, and a toy market, kids can explore and immerse themselves in imaginative play. NEST also provides a variety of age-appropriate activities such as art and music classes, haircuts, and birthday parties.One of the standout features of NEST is its membership benefits. By becoming a monthly member, families can enjoy discounted parking, unlimited access to the play space, and even free coffee and wifi. This allows parents to relax and connect while their children engage in play and exploration.To further enhance the experience, NEST also offers a snack cafe for parents. This provides a convenient and enjoyable space for adults to unwind and recharge while their little ones have a blast.To give you a clearer picture of the membership benefits at NEST, here is a table summarizing the perks:Membership BenefitsDiscounted parkingUnlimited play space accessFree coffee and wifiSnack cafe for parentsCost-effective Play SpacesLooking for affordable options for indoor play spaces in Philadelphia? We understand the importance of finding cost-effective memberships and affordable play options for your little ones. Here are some recommendations that won't break the bank:We Rock the Spectrum - Northeast Philadelphia: This play space offers cost-effective memberships, allowing you to enjoy two hours of play or an all-day pass at a reasonable price. It's a great option for families looking for budget-friendly fun.PlayArts - Fishtown: With annual or quarterly membership options, PlayArts provides a range of affordable play opportunities. From dance and music classes to theater and art programs, your child can explore their creativity without straining your wallet.NEST - Center City and Chestnut Hill: NEST offers a monthly membership that includes discounted parking, unlimited play space access, and even free coffee and wifi for parents. This comprehensive package ensures that both you and your child can enjoy the play space without worrying about additional costs.Kids At Play - East Falls: While Kids At Play doesn't specifically offer memberships, they provide a licensed therapy and sensory gym, making it a unique and valuable play space option. It's worth considering for families who may benefit from these additional services.Children's Enrichment Centers With Play SpacesAs we explore affordable indoor play spaces in Philadelphia, let's now shift our focus to the exciting world of Children's Enrichment Centers with Play Spaces. These centers offer a unique combination of indoor play spaces and educational programs, providing children with a fun and enriching experience.One of the key features of these centers is the incorporation of sensory play. Sensory play is an important aspect of early childhood development as it stimulates the senses and encourages exploration. Children can engage in activities such as playing with sand, water, or even experimenting with different textures. These experiences not only provide entertainment but also help with cognitive development and fine motor skills.Children's Enrichment Centers with Play Spaces also offer a wide range of educational programs. From art and music classes to dance and theater, these centers provide opportunities for children to explore their creative side. By engaging in these activities, children can develop their imagination, self-expression, and confidence.In addition to the play spaces and educational programs, many of these centers offer other services such as birthday parties, haircuts, and even snack cafes for parents. This creates a welcoming and inclusive environment where families can come together and enjoy quality time.Indoor Play Spaces With Arts and Enrichment ProgramsLet's dive into the exciting world of indoor play spaces that also offer arts and enrichment programs, creating a dynamic and educational environment for children in Philadelphia. These play spaces not only provide a fun and safe space for kids to play, but also offer a range of arts and crafts classes and theater workshops.Here are four indoor play spaces in Philadelphia that prioritize creativity and enrichment:PlayArts - Located in Fishtown, PlayArts is a 4,500 square foot facility that offers a variety of arts classes including dance, music, theater, and art. With annual or quarterly membership options, children can explore their creative side through different mediums while also enjoying the play space. PlayArts also incorporates a unique Chinese Learning Lab class, providing children with an opportunity to learn Chinese language and culture.Philly InMovement - Situated in Queen Village, Philly InMovement goes beyond just gymnastics and movement education classes. They also offer theater workshops for children, allowing them to explore their dramatic abilities and build confidence on stage. Additionally, Philly InMovement provides enrichment summer camps and even adult programming, catering to a wide range of interests and ages.Kids At Play - Located in East Falls, Kids At Play not only offers an indoor, multi-sensory playground for children but also provides arts and crafts classes. Children can engage in creative activities such as painting, drawing, and sculpting, allowing them to express themselves and develop their artistic skills.NEST - With locations in Center City and Chestnut Hill, NEST is a children's enrichment center that features a nature-themed indoor playground. In addition to their play space, NEST offers art classes where children can explore different art techniques and materials. Parents can also enjoy a snack cafe while their children engage in creative activities.These indoor play spaces with arts and enrichment programs provide children with the opportunity to explore their creativity, develop new skills, and have fun in a safe and engaging environment. So why not let your child's imagination soar while they play and learn at these amazing places in Philadelphia?Additional Features and ServicesHere are some exciting additional features and services offered by these indoor play spaces in Philadelphia.These play spaces go above and beyond just providing a fun and safe environment for children to play. They also offer licensed therapy and services that cater to children of all abilities.Kids At Play - East Falls not only has an indoor, multi-sensory playground with attractions like a zip-line, roller coaster car, and ball pit, but it also offers licensed therapy and a sensory gym. This means that children with special needs can benefit from therapeutic play in a supportive and inclusive environment.We Rock the Spectrum - Northeast Philadelphia is another play space that's suitable for children with varying abilities. With features like trampolines, a zip line, rock wall, and imaginary play area, children of all abilities can engage in play and have a great time. They also offer cost-effective memberships, allowing families to enjoy unlimited play at a reasonable price.Philly InMovement - Queen Village not only provides gymnastics and movement education classes, but they also offer enrichment summer camps and adult programming. This means that parents can also participate in activities and classes while their children have fun.NEST - Center City and Chestnut Hill offers a range of services beyond the play space itself. They've a snack cafe available for parents, as well as haircuts and birthday party options. Additionally, their monthly membership includes discounted parking, unlimited play space access, and free coffee and wifi.These additional features and services make these indoor play spaces in Philadelphia stand out.Whether it's licensed therapy, inclusivity for all abilities, or extra amenities for parents, these play spaces go the extra mile to create a memorable and enjoyable experience for children and their families.Membership OptionsMembership options at these indoor play spaces in Philadelphia provide families with flexibility and cost-effective ways to enjoy unlimited playtime and additional perks. Here are four reasons why becoming a member at an indoor play space is a great choice:Benefits and Pricing:Membership options offer a range of benefits, such as unlimited access to the play space, discounted rates for additional services, and priority registration for classes and events. The pricing is designed to fit different budgets, with options for monthly, quarterly, or annual memberships. By becoming a member, families can save money while enjoying all the fun and excitement these play spaces have to offer.Exclusive Member Events:Being a member comes with the added bonus of exclusive member events. These events are a chance for families to connect with other members and enjoy special activities and experiences. From themed parties to character meet and greets, these events provide a unique and memorable playtime experience for members.Perks and Rewards:Membership also comes with various perks and rewards. Members may receive discounts on merchandise, food, and beverages, making the overall experience even more enjoyable. Additionally, members may have access to special amenities like complimentary WiFi, free coffee, and even discounted parking. These perks enhance the play space experience and make every visit feel like a VIP experience.Flexibility and Convenience:Becoming a member of an indoor play space offers the convenience of unlimited playtime whenever it suits your schedule. With no need to worry about daily admission fees, families can come and go as they please, making spontaneous playdates or last-minute outings a breeze. Membership also provides flexibility in terms of choosing the duration of the membership, allowing families to select the option that best fits their needs.Kids At Play - Therapy and Sensory GymAfter exploring the various membership options available at indoor play spaces in Philadelphia, let's now turn our attention to Kids At Play, a unique facility that not only provides a fun and engaging play space for children, but also offers a licensed therapy and sensory gym.At Kids At Play, we understand that every child is unique and may have different sensory and developmental needs. That's why we have created a dedicated therapy and sensory gym within our facility. Our licensed therapists are trained to work with children of all abilities, providing individualized therapy sessions that focus on sensory integration, motor skills development, and overall well-being.In our therapy and sensory gym, children have the opportunity to engage in various activities that stimulate their senses and promote their physical and cognitive development. From swinging and climbing to jumping and balancing, our gym is designed to provide a safe and supportive environment where children can explore and learn at their own pace.To highlight the range of activities and benefits offered in our therapy and sensory gym, here's a table that showcases some of the key features:ActivitiesBenefitsSwingingEnhances balance and coordinationClimbingBuilds strength and motor skillsJumpingDevelops gross motor skillsBalancingImproves focus and concentrationOur licensed therapists are dedicated to helping children reach their full potential by providing them with the tools and support they need. Whether your child has sensory processing issues, developmental delays, or simply wants to engage in therapeutic play, our therapy and sensory gym at Kids At Play is here to meet their unique needs.We Rock the Spectrum - Suitable for All AbilitiesWe Rock the Spectrum in Northeast Philadelphia is an inclusive indoor play space that caters to children of all abilities. At We Rock the Spectrum, we understand the importance of creating an environment where every child feels welcome and can fully participate in play. Here are four reasons why We Rock the Spectrum is suitable for all abilities:Inclusive Play: We Rock the Spectrum provides a safe and inclusive space where children of all abilities can play together. Our play equipment is designed to accommodate children with sensory sensitivities, motor challenges, and other special needs. We believe in fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance for every child who walks through our doors.Sensory Friendly Activities: We offer a variety of sensory-friendly activities that cater to the unique needs of children with sensory sensitivities. From our calming room to our sensory swings and trampolines, we provide a range of activities that promote sensory exploration and regulation. Our trained staff is also available to provide support and guidance to ensure that every child can fully enjoy their play experience.Cost-effective Memberships: We understand that access to inclusive play spaces should be affordable for all families. That's why we offer cost-effective membership options that allow families to visit We Rock the Spectrum regularly without breaking the bank. Our memberships provide unlimited access to our play space, ensuring that children can benefit from the inclusive environment on a regular basis.Engaging and Informative: Our play space isn't just a place for children to have fun, but also a space for learning and growth. We offer a range of engaging and informative programs, such as art classes and music therapy, that promote development and exploration. We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to learn and grow, and we strive to provide those opportunities at We Rock the Spectrum.At We Rock the Spectrum, we're committed to creating a world where every child can play, learn, and thrive. We invite families of all abilities to join us and experience the joy of inclusive play.Philly InMovement - Enrichment Summer Camp and Adult ProgrammingPhilly InMovement offers a variety of enriching summer camp programs and engaging adult programming to foster growth and development in individuals of all ages. Whether you're looking for a fun and educational experience for your child or seeking opportunities to challenge yourself and learn something new, Philly InMovement has something for everyone.Check out the table below for a glimpse of the exciting enrichment summer camp programs and adult programming offered by Philly InMovement:Enrichment Summer CampAdult ProgrammingGymnastics CampStrength and ConditioningNinja Warrior CampYogaCircus Arts CampDance ClassesFor children, Philly InMovement's enrichment summer camps provide a unique opportunity to explore and develop their physical abilities while having a blast. From gymnastics and ninja warrior training to circus arts, children can discover new talents and build confidence in a safe and supportive environment.Adults can also get in on the action with Philly InMovement's engaging adult programming. Whether you're interested in strength and conditioning, yoga, or dance classes, there's something for everyone to enjoy and improve their fitness level.At Philly InMovement, we believe that learning and growth should be a lifelong journey. That's why we offer enrichment summer camps and adult programming that cater to individuals of all ages and skill levels. So whether you're a parent looking for a fun summer activity for your child or an adult seeking to challenge yourself and try something new, Philly InMovement has you covered. Join us and embark on a journey of growth and discovery today!NEST - Haircuts, Birthday Parties, and Snack CafeNEST offers more than just a play space for children - it also provides haircut services, birthday parties, and a snack cafe for parents. This unique combination of offerings sets NEST apart from other indoor play spaces in the Philadelphia area.Here are four reasons why NEST is the ultimate destination for families:Haircut Services: NEST understands that getting a child's haircut can be a stressful experience. That's why they offer professional haircut services right on-site. Parents can relax knowing that their little one is in good hands, while kids can enjoy a fun and comfortable haircut experience.Party Packages: NEST takes birthday parties to the next level with their customizable party packages. From themed decorations to interactive games and activities, NEST ensures that every party is a memorable and stress-free experience for both kids and parents. With a variety of options to choose from, parents can find the perfect package to suit their child's interests and preferences.Snack Cafe: Parents need a place to recharge while their children play, and NEST's snack cafe is the ideal spot. With a selection of delicious snacks and beverages, parents can relax and enjoy a moment of tranquility while their little ones explore and have fun. The cafe also offers free wifi, allowing parents to stay connected and catch up on work or social media.Family-Friendly Environment: NEST is designed with families in mind. The play space is thoughtfully laid out, providing a safe and engaging environment for children to learn and play. The staff at NEST are friendly and attentive, ensuring that both kids and parents feel welcomed and cared for.NEST truly goes above and beyond to cater to the needs of families. Whether it's getting a haircut, celebrating a birthday, or simply enjoying a snack, NEST offers a range of services that make it a one-stop destination for both kids and parents.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Outdoor Play Spaces Available for Kids in the Philly Area?Outdoor play spaces provide numerous benefits for children. They promote physical activity, creativity, and social interaction. They offer a refreshing break from indoor play, allowing kids to explore nature and develop their motor skills.In the Philly area, there are several outdoor play spaces available for kids to enjoy. These spaces offer a variety of activities, including playgrounds, sports fields, and nature trails. Engaging in outdoor play not only enhances children's physical and mental well-being but also fosters a sense of freedom and adventure.Can Adults Also Participate in the Activities Offered at These Indoor Play Spaces?Yes, adults can also participate in the activities offered at these indoor play spaces. There are adult-only activities available, which can be a great way for parents to engage with their children and have fun together.Participating in these activities not only strengthens the bond between adults and children but also provides a chance for adults to release stress, improve their physical fitness, and tap into their inner child.It's a win-win situation for everyone involved!Are There Any Age Restrictions for the Indoor Play Spaces?Age restrictions and safety guidelines vary among the indoor play spaces in Philadelphia. Each facility has specific guidelines to ensure the safety of all participants.While some spaces cater to toddlers and older children, others welcome newborns to 12-year-olds. It's important to check the age restrictions of each play space before visiting.Additionally, these play spaces prioritize safety by implementing measures such as licensed therapy and sensory gyms, suitable facilities for children with varying abilities, and dedicated staff to oversee the activities.Can Parents Drop off Their Kids at These Play Spaces or Do They Need to Stay With Them?At the indoor play spaces in Philly, parents have the option to drop off their kids or stay with them. The supervision requirements vary depending on the specific play space. Some places may require parents to stay with their children, while others offer a drop off option for parents who desire freedom.It's important to check with each play space to understand their specific policies and guidelines.Are There Any Discounts or Special Offers Available for Frequent Visitors of These Indoor Play Spaces?Yes, there are discounts and special offers available for frequent visitors of these indoor play spaces. Some places offer cost-effective memberships, such as We Rock the Spectrum and PlayArts.NEST offers a monthly membership that includes discounted parking, unlimited play space access, and even free coffee and wifi.These loyalty programs provide great value and perks for families who love to visit these play spaces regularly. So, you can enjoy the fun and savings at the same time!ConclusionIn conclusion, the Philadelphia area is home to a variety of exciting and educational drop-in play spaces for kids. From Kids At Play in East Falls to We Rock the Spectrum in Northeast Philadelphia, there's a play space conveniently located near you.With activities like zip-lines, trampolines, and art classes, these play spaces offer something for everyone. Plus, with cost-effective membership options, families can enjoy unlimited access to these indoor playgrounds.So, don't wait any longer - let your kids unleash their energy and creativity at these amazing play spaces!
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