Input output worksheets 3rd grade

readability ,

2024.05.16 11:19 Otherwise-Web1492 readability ,

the code below is not working for these two inputs 1)In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since. 2)When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow. When it healed, and Jem's fears of never being able to play football were assuaged, he was seldom self-conscious about his injury. His left arm was somewhat shorter than his right; when he stood or walked, the back of his hand was at right angles to his body, his thumb parallel to his thigh. #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  int count_letters(string text); int count_words(string text); int count_sentence(string text); int main(void) { string text = get_string("Write a Text: "); // ask user for text int num_letters = count_letters(text); // number of letters int num_words = count_words(text); // number of words int num_sentence = count_sentence(text); // number of sentences float L = ((float) num_letters / num_words) * 100.0; float S = ((float) num_sentence / num_words) * 100.0; float index = 0.0588 * L - 0.296 * S - 15.8; int grade = round(index); if (grade > 16) { printf("Grade 16+\n"); } else if (grade < 1) { printf("Before Grade 1\n"); } else printf("Grade %i\n", grade); } int count_letters(string text) { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; text[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (isalpha(text[i])) { count++; } } return count; } int count_words(string text) { int a = 0; bool is_word = false; for (int j = 0; text[j] != '\0'; j++) { if (isalpha(text[j])) { if (!is_word) { a++; is_word = true; } } else { is_word = false; } } return a; } int count_sentence(string text) { int b = 0; for (int k = 0; text[k] != '\0'; k++) { if (text[k] == '.' text[k] == '?' text[k] == '!') { b++; } } return b; } 
submitted by Otherwise-Web1492 to cs50 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:11 mauvez0ne MPC One vs Octatrack (please advise)

Hello Hive Mind!
I come before you because I am plagued by a dilemma!
My setup consists of a Moog GM, a Hydra Explorer and a small modular rig (mostly rigged with effects and sound mangling modules, a sampler and some utilities). I am looking for one more piece of gear that will tie everything together, become the brain of the setup and also perform drum machine duties.
I don't have a traditional sequencer in my setup (although the GM has a basic sequencer and I also have a Melodicer) nor any dedicated drums (though there are ways to get percussion out of my modular and the Hydra, but alas, sacrificing them in the process). I also find it difficult to transition between parts without a master brain controlling everything.
I dabble mostly in experimental-freeform-ambient-noise (hey don't judge, not everyone has to like techno or IDM...) but I do want some percussion to work as an anchor and offer some rhythmic context. I find it makes stuff more "digestible" for the average listener. It's also nice to have a master brain to mix stuff in, vary the sequences etc.
SO! I have narrowed down my selection to the MPC One and the Octatrack. Both have their cons and their pros.
The MPC One is easier to grasp, is cheaper, has 4 pairs of CV/Gate outputs. On the other hand you spend most of the time fiddling with the touch screen and can only record incoming audio tied to 4/8/16 bars (as far as I know) and is mostly suited for use in beat heavy genres (hip hop, techno etc).
The Octatrack has a more powerful sequencer, an extra set of outputs and inputs and the scenes transition which is extremely cool. On the other hand, it's 13 years old, waaaay past its prime. The workflow is outdated, the UI is archaic, the RAM is just too little, also cannot record more than 80MB of incoming audio (and that's if you have 0 other samples loaded). Also, I am certain that when I purchase it, Elektron will release the Octatrack II or mk3 or whatever, sending it to Valhalla.
So the sensible option would be to get an MPC One right? It has the CV/Gate outputs ready without the need for a MIDI-CV module, it's much more modern and future proof, but there is something about the Octatrack that inspires and commands reverence. Reading the manual I'm like, "oh hey, that's cool, oh hey, this is cool too, wow it can do this too?"
/rant over
Looking forward to your input.
submitted by mauvez0ne to synthesizers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:10 Lord_PanDA_ How to Use an Apple TV With a Computer Monitor With/Without Speaker

How to Use an Apple TV With a Computer Monitor With/Without Speaker
I recently figured out how to use an Apple TV with a computer monitor, and I wanted to share the best methods with you, no matter your monitor has a built-in speaker or not.
NOTE: If you’re looking for a more detailed step-by-step guide complete with demo images for each solution, just check out the hyperlink under the solution's name.
Here’s a quick rundown of the top solutions I tested by myself:
Full article here:

Direct HDMI Connection For Monitors With Built-In Speakers

It's simple and straightforward if your monitor supports HDMI.
If your monitor has an HDMI port, just plug in the Apple TV with an HDMI cable, switch the monitor's input to HDMI, and you’re good to go.

Three Solutions For Monitors Without Built-In Speakers

  1. Bluetooth Audio Devices: Connect your Apple TV to Bluetooth headphones or speakers.
  2. Monitor’s Audio Output Port: Use a 3.5mm audio cable to connect external speakers to the monitor.
  3. HDMI Audio Extractor: Separate audio from the HDMI signal to an external audio port.

How to Connect Your Apple TV to a Non-HDMI Monitor

You can use adapters like HDMI to VGA, DisplayPort, or DVI to connect your Apple TV to a non-HDMI monitor.
This method keeps older monitors in the game. However, you might need an HDMI splitter to handle HDCP issues.
Recommended adapters include HDMI to VGA, HDMI to DisplayPort, and HDMI to DVI.
How to By Pass the HDCP Issues%20issue%20when%20using%20a%20VGA%20port)
If you run into HDCP conflicts, use an HDMI splitter or switch between the Apple TV and the adapter. This solves compatibility issues with older VGA monitors.
These methods will help you enjoy Apple TV content on any monitor setup.
What’s your experience with using Apple TV on a monitor? Let me know in the comments below!
submitted by Lord_PanDA_ to FixAppleTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:08 skr_replicator Why are transactions with native token inputs going to change larger?

I like to reduce the transactions sizes by separating my wallet into groups by usage, so that i on't have to toch token-holding utxos while only sending ada. A lot of dApp txbuilders do like to consolidate your utxos into a huge one holding all your ada and tokens. Especially those coming from ergo ecosystem, where the have utxo storage rent, to minimize it. Though just thinking about it, a tx that only takes ada from a token-holding utxo shouldn't need to include any information about the tokens in the tx. Don't you only have to reference and sign the input utxos? Their content are alraeady known from the previous transation that created them, and if all the tokens go back to change, the coins going to change address can be deterministically computed as "sum(inputs) - sum(recipient outputs) - fee".
If the txdata was only stored minimalistically excluding all this redundant information that the syncing nodes already know or can compute, it would reduce tx sizes and fees, and the blockchain bloat, and allow a bit higher TPS. And it would make those utxo consolidations make sense and make them more optimized than grouped utxos.
submitted by skr_replicator to cardano [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:07 diverseseeker101 2024 Graduating CRS PT student AMA

Hallu, title says it all, after months of hardship, ups and downs, all nighters, stress (so much stress), finally grades come back and I'm confidently graduating tall and proud hehe. Similar to the 2023 PT graduate AMA posted before, just ask me anything, maybe more about the PT internship for the current 3rd years, but any questions are fine. Also, congrats to the finals passers from 3rd year, and good luck to the 1st and 2nd years still taking their exams this week.
submitted by diverseseeker101 to Tomasino [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:06 LengthinessWeary5862 H.265 Issues

Hey everyone, hoping someone can help me with some issues I'm having with my new camera.
I recently bought a Reolink Duo 2 for the price and field of view but I'm having a lot of difficulties integrating this into my setup.
The Reolink duo cameras use H.265 due to the resolution of the camera and I've read this shouldn't be an issue as long as this is restreamed but I'm having difficulties.
At the moment, the camera is in Frigate and I can view the live feed using jsmpeg but mse just loads a blank video window.
I can also see previews of events but events themselves don't load with the following error `Playback cannot continue. No available working or supported playlists`
I am running Frigate in docker with the 7100U iGPU enabled with:
devices: - /dev/dri/renderD128 
my config is as follows:
logger: default: info database: path: /db/frigate.db detectors: coral: type: edgetpu device: pci objects: track: - person - dog - laptop - cell phone - bird - cat - horse ffmpeg: hwaccel_args: - -hwaccel - vaapi - -hwaccel_device - /dev/dri/renderD128 - -hwaccel_output_format - yuv420p go2rtc: streams: camera_duo: - rtsp://frigate:REDACTED@ - "ffmpeg:camera_duo#video=h264#audio=opus#hardware" camera_duo_sub: - "ffmpeg:rtsp://frigate:REDACTED@" camera_right: - rtsp://frigate:REDACTED@ live: height: 1080 quality: 1 record: enabled: true expire_interval: 60 retain: days: 3 mode: motion events: pre_capture: 5 post_capture: 5 retain: default: 14 mode: active_objects # objects: # person: 3 # dog: 7 snapshots: enabled: True timestamp: False bounding_box: True crop: False required_zones: [] retain: default: 31 # objects: # person: 15 detect: width: 2560 height: 1920 fps: 5 enabled: True max_disappeared: 25 stationary: interval: 10 threshold: 50 max_frames: default: 3000 objects: person: 1000 cameras: camera_duo: ffmpeg: output_args: record: preset-record-generic-audio-copy inputs: - path: rtsp:// input_args: preset-rtsp-generic roles: - record - path: rtsp:// input_args: preset-rtsp-generic roles: - detect detect: enabled: true width: 4608 height: 1728 fps: 5 camera_right: ffmpeg: output_args: record: preset-record-generic inputs: - path: rtsp:// input_args: preset-rtsp-restream roles: - record - detect 
From what I've read, these ffmpeg settings should be restreaming into H.264 and so everything in browser should be fine, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I'm sure I've missed something so a fresh set of eyes would be great.
Also, I'm not 100% sure the `hwaccel_args` are correct here, but changing anything breaks frigate in my setup and intel_gpu_top does show usage so I've just left it as is for now.
Any help with this greatly appreciated!
submitted by LengthinessWeary5862 to frigate_nvr [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:58 Heavy_Pollution_3520 not sure if I have autism or CPTSD?

I’m a 19 y/o F and am about to start my 3rd year of college. My older sister is autistic and was much more obvious from a young age and I only found out a few years ago that my mom was also diagnosed as on the spectrum as an adult. My whole family has ADHD, depression, anxiety, etc, and that takes its toll in various ways. Growing up from a young age I wouldn’t say I experienced any significant trauma, but I dealt with bouts of public humiliation (in school by a teacher where I would be humiliated in front of the class for crying because I couldn’t keep up or pay attention), and was frequently teased and bullied by my “friends” for being slow, clumsy, weak, dumb, etc. In reality I was a bright kid with a lot of talent, but I always felt ostracized and everyone’s words took a massive toll on my mental health and self-esteem as I grew up. I also would say I had some minor trauma on the part that my parents used to fight when I was younger and I tried to take on the role of the mediator often. My sister’s autism and depression were often exhausting and took all of my parents’ attention, leaving me as the ‘good dependable’ kid who never really got a chance to feel bad. My sister used to self-harm and was bulimic and would tell me not to tell our parents when I was around 9 ( and when I did she blew up at me), contributing to my own self-harm patterns later. All of this caused my grades to fall in high school as I became distracted by drugs, alcohol, sex, self-harm, etc.
I am now in college, diagnosed with only depression, anxiety, and ADHD (I only got diagnosed with ADHD about 6 months ago), and struggle with very low self-esteem. I cry frequently and intensely when criticized (even constructively) and whenever I feel I may embarrass myself (even over trivial things) leading to multiple panic attacks in classrooms over the years. I struggle to hold jobs due to emotional distress and constantly feel misunderstood by the people around me so I prefer to be alone (or with my boyfriend who is very understanding). I am struggling immensely in college (granted my major is physiology and neurobiology) but mostly due to inability to go to class and anxiety about classroom settings and I performed so poorly this semester I am now on academic probation. I always lie to my parents and strangers about how I am really doing because I am deeply afraid I will be judged or belittled. I have a fixation on death and often ‘predict’ my death or feel I will be in some accident. I have been performing self-soothing behaviors such as force yawning, stretching my hands and fingers and rocking since I was little but now it has extended to more subtle but consistent stimming and mental repetition. I also struggle immensely to make friends and isolate to the max. I have deep shame about many things and feeling the slightest guilt often triggers an emotional cascade of thinking I am a horrible, incompetent person that disappoints everyone and is responsible for the emotional state of people I don’t even know well. Anyone have any thoughts? I am really trying to understand myself better and find people who share these struggles because the transition from childhood to adulthood has been very hard for me.
submitted by Heavy_Pollution_3520 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:50 Diligent_Eye1248 Tool to compare LLM Outputs

Is there a tool which lets users compare outputs from multiple LLM's based off a single prompt? I imagine with LangChain someone can build this locally but wonder if any such products are out there?
Tired of copy pasting the same input across GPT, Claude, Bard & Perplexity to triangulate answers & check accuracy
Tool to compare LLM Outputs
Is there a tool which lets users compare outputs from multiple LLM's based off a single prompt? I imagine with LangChain someone can build this locally but wonder if any such products are out there?
Tired of copy pasting the same input across GPT, Claude, Bard & Perplexity to triangulate answers & check accuracy
submitted by Diligent_Eye1248 to LLMDevs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:46 Logansfury New problem with new version of .lua script. Multiple command executions

Hello everyone,
I am on Linux Mint using a .lua script with the app Conky.
I am attempting to get the .lua script to randomize a number between 1 & 51 inclusive and assign to a variable, then display a numbered .png file that matches ($variable.png) and immediately play the corresponding numbered .mp3 ($variable.mp3)
Here is the current version of the script:
The problem is, it is not starting with displaying the .png. It first plays an mp3, then plays a second mp3, then when that mp3 completes, it displays the image corresponding to the second mp3 played, then it starts a 3rd mp3, plays that then displays a second .png corresponding to the 3rd mp3 >.<
Here is the output of the .lua when launched via terminal:
Has anyone time to look at the code at the paste site and provide an edit? I did NOT code any of this, It started as a template from another routine and has been edited by online resources and help from forums, so I have no idea how to fix.
Thank you for reading,
submitted by Logansfury to lua [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:12 Either_Chemistry_806 Failing course 3 times

Hello, I’m a sophomore at CSUN and might fail chem 101 for the second time. If I take it again I’ve read that they average out all 3 scores instead of forgiving my grade. What happens if I fail it a 3rd time? Do I get kicked out of my college and have to switch majors? I’m confused hopefully someone can explain, thanks
submitted by Either_Chemistry_806 to csun [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:10 Cranes_Varsity Hands-On Projects to Master in Your Embedded Systems Course

Embedded systems are at the heart of many modern technological advancements, from smart home devices to automotive systems. As an aspiring embedded systems engineer, the best way to gain practical knowledge and develop your skills is through hands-on projects. These projects not only solidify your theoretical understanding but also give you invaluable experience in problem-solving and system design. Here are some essential hands-on projects to master in your embedded course.
Embedded systems are at the heart of many modern technological advancements, from smart home devices to automotive systems. As an aspiring embedded systems engineer, the best way to gain practical knowledge and develop your skills is through hands-on projects. These projects not only solidify your theoretical understanding but also give you invaluable experience in problem-solving and system design. Here are some essential hands-on projects to master in your embedded course.

1. LED Blinking Project


Learn the basics of microcontroller programming and GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) operations.


Start with a simple project where you program a microcontroller to blink an LED on and off. This project introduces you to fundamental concepts such as setting up a development environment, writing and uploading code, and using timers.

Key Learnings:

2. Digital Thermometer


Build a temperature-sensing device using a microcontroller and a temperature sensor.


Create a digital thermometer that reads temperature data from a sensor (like the DS18B20) and displays the readings on an LCD screen. This project involves interfacing sensors and displays with the microcontroller and handling data conversion.

Key Learnings:

3. Home Automation System


Design a basic home automation system to control appliances remotely.


Develop a system where you can control home appliances like lights and fans using a microcontroller and a communication module (e.g., Wi-Fi or Bluetooth). Implement a simple user interface to operate the system via a smartphone or computer.

Key Learnings:

4. Smart Door Lock


Create a security system with an electronic lock controlled by a microcontroller.


Design a smart door lock system that uses a keypad or RFID reader for access control. The system should authenticate users and trigger a servo motor to unlock the door.

Key Learnings:

5. Robot Car


Build a basic robotic car with obstacle avoidance capabilities.


Construct a small robot car using a microcontroller, motors, and sensors (like ultrasonic or infrared sensors). Program the car to navigate and avoid obstacles autonomously.

Key Learnings:

6. Weather Station


Develop a weather monitoring system that collects and displays environmental data.


Create a weather station using various sensors (temperature, humidity, pressure) and a microcontroller. Display the collected data on an LCD or send it to a web server for remote monitoring.

Key Learnings:

7. Heart Rate Monitor


Design a health monitoring device to measure and display heart rate.


Build a heart rate monitor using a pulse sensor and a microcontroller. Display the heart rate on an OLED screen or send the data to a mobile app.

Key Learnings:

8. Automatic Plant Watering System


Create a system that automatically waters plants based on soil moisture levels.


Design a plant watering system using a soil moisture sensor and a microcontroller. Program the system to activate a pump to water the plants when the soil moisture drops below a certain threshold.

Key Learnings:

9. Smart Meter


Build an energy monitoring device to track power consumption.


Develop a smart meter that measures electrical energy consumption using a current sensor and a microcontroller. Display the data on an LCD or transmit it to a central server for analysis.

Key Learnings:

10. Voice-Controlled Assistant


Create a voice-activated system to control various devices.


Design a voice-controlled assistant using a microcontroller, a microphone, and a speech recognition module. Program it to respond to voice commands and control devices like lights, fans, or appliances.

Key Learnings:


Hands-on projects are a critical component of mastering embedded systems. They not only enhance your practical skills but also prepare you for real-world challenges. By working on these projects, you will gain a deep understanding of microcontroller programming, sensor integration, and system design, setting a strong foundation for a successful career in embedded systems engineering. Dive into these projects, and watch your skills and confidence grow!.
submitted by Cranes_Varsity to u/Cranes_Varsity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:07 wint_rmute Apple's videotoolbox codecs seem to ignore bitrate parameters

So I noticed this today, but can't find many references to anyone else reporting this. I'm not sure if that's because no-one really uses the feature, or if I'm doing something wrong.
When using the h264_videotoolbox or hevc_videotoolbox codecs, the -b:v bitrates are ignored. For example, I encoded a file with -b:v 10000k then -b:v 20000k, yet both times it came out at ~38mbit!
Repeating the encodes with the regular libx264 or libx265 codecs results in the expected bitrates and filesizes.
Is this a known issue? An unknown issue? Am I holding it wrong?
Example command-lines:
ffmpeg -i "$input" -s 4096x2048 -c:v h264_videotoolbox -profile:v high -movflags "+faststart" -b:v 10000k -c:a aac -b:a 160k "$output/video_10MB.mp4" ffmpeg -i "$input" -s 4096x2048 -c:v hevc_videotoolbox -movflags "+faststart" -tag:v "hvc1" -b:v 20000k -c:a aac -b:a 192k "$output/video_hevc_20MB.mp4" 

submitted by wint_rmute to ffmpeg [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:41 G-NiceRF New Quality Upgrade, Communication Evolution: Full Duplex Audio Technology from 8K to 16K Sampling Rate

New Quality Upgrade, Communication Evolution: Full Duplex Audio Technology from 8K to 16K Sampling Rate
NiceRF surprises with an upgrade to the SA618 series modules, including SA618F22, SA618F30, SA628F22, and SA628F30. The full-duplex audio modules now boast a sampling rate upgrade from the original 8K to the current 16K, utilizing long-distance wireless transmission. To meet the diverse application needs of different customers, we have optimized the audio quality upgrade of this series by offering various selectable modes through module software design, allowing users to customize their modules in multiple ways.
The main upgrade of the SA618 series this time is the audio sampling rate, which has been upgraded from the previous full-duplex 8K sampling rate to full-duplex 16K sampling rate. Using a 16K sampling rate compared to 8K sampling rate can produce audio files with higher fidelity, providing a superior music experience. This upgrade supports OTA over-the-air updates and wireless multi-level relay MESH networking, making it easier for users to configure more flexibly. This upgrade not only brings better audio quality experience technically, but also reflects our philosophy of continuously pursuing product quality.
Full-duplex audio module features:
Frequency Band 420~510MHz
(customizable 150-960 MHz)
Up to 8 devices transmit simultaneously ( Receive unlimited)
Echo cancellation function
VOX function
Multi-level wireless repeating
I2S Digital audio+analog audio
Line In + Mic input
Full duplex data transmission
Support data transmission
Sleep low power consumption
Support OTA &Serial upgrade
1KM transmission distance in the open area
High Receiving sensitivity:-117 dBm
High integration and small size
To better distinguish this upgrade, the SA618 transmission audio quality can be divided into multiple versions for differentiation.
Audio Quality Grade Chart:
Audio Quality Level:L3>L2>L1>L0
In summary, the upgrade from full-duplex audio from 8K sampling rate to full-duplex 16K sampling rate not only enhances the sound quality, frequency response, and anti-interference capability of the audio communication system but also meets different requirements for communication quantity, sound quality, and transmission distance in different scenarios. Whether it's long-distance communication or short-distance communication, as well as situations where multiple people communicate simultaneously, these systems can provide efficient, clear, and reliable audio communication experiences. NiceRF is committed to providing users with more convenient and comfortable communication solutions.
For details, please click:
Or click:\_index.88.4.1fec2b006JKUsd
For consultation, please contact NiceRF (Email: [](

submitted by G-NiceRF to u/G-NiceRF [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:39 matteoperri Cheap used mirrorless camera for live streaming and occasionally photographing

hi guys, i'm relatively new in the world of cameras. i now have a dslr, more precisely a Nikon D3400, but i find it a bit too complicated for live streaming. the autofocus is a bit trash and even if i get clean hdmi output i don't like the quality. so i want to switch to a mirrorless because it is easier to use. i want to buy a used one, my budget is around 250 euros total for the body and the lenses.
i had the opportunity to work with a sony a6000 and i think this might be the best option for me. there is clean hdmi, even if there isn't the input for an external microphone, the integrated one is good enough for me. it records 1080p at 24/30/60 fps and it's good because i want to use also as a vlog camera. there is also the viewfinder if i want to use as a normal camera when i don't stream. the screen doesn't tilt by 180 degrees but in the end i don't care too much. the autofocus works flawlessly and it also shoots raw photos, so this is the best options. but it has a few drawbacks, the price is too high, on ebay and wallapop is around 300 euros, so even if it is the best option i can't afford it.
so now the options is the sony a5100, the lenses are the same to the a6000 (and this is good, because these lenses are pretty cheap), i didn't test it but after looking on internet i can assume there is hdmi output, it also records 1080p at 24/30/60 fps and it's okay. in this the screen tilts 180 degrees, which is good but as i said before i don't care too much about it. also the a5000 shoots raw, but now we arrives at the drawbacks. there isn't the viewfinder for shooting photos, and i don't trust the lcd screen that much in sunny days. it lacks the hot shoe for attaching flashes and external microphones, because the camera doesn't have the mic input.
then i watched the sony aplha nex-5, the price was pretty good, but unfortunatelly i had to exclude it because it hasn't clean hdmi output.
so, now i want to know your opinion about this. advice on other models are appreciated. thank you in advance
(sorry for my bad english🙃)
submitted by matteoperri to Cameras [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:37 romanstewart Step-by-Step Guide to the Pool Construction Process

Step-by-Step Guide to the Pool Construction Process
Building your ideal pool is a thrilling activity that requires meticulous planning and consideration. Whether you want a beautiful hideaway or a functional area for fitness and leisure, a step-by-step guide for pool construction will help you realize your vision and ensure every detail aligns with your vision.
STEP 1 - Pre Construction
  • Pre-Processing: All plans and legal documents have been checked and verified. The pre-site and engineering equipment/products have been ordered.
  • Permitting: Your permit is prepared and submitted to your county. The time this takes will vary depending on the city/county.
  • Virtual Reality Design: The crew will input all of your information into the computer and work on creating your virtual reality oasis. This allows the crew to see all the information, such as measurements or last-minute design changes.
  • Final Processing & Layout: This is where all the pre-grade is ordered. If anything is already in the backyard, it will be removed to start renovating and digging. On your property, Elite Pools will paint a layout that exactly shows where your pool will go.
Luxury Backyard Pool Installation Design
STEP 2 - Construction
  • Excavation: This is where things might get dirty! The excavator arrives and digs up the dirt where your new pool will be.
  • Equipment And Plumbing: Your pool equipment and plumbing will be installed now.
  • Steel & Electric: After Equipment and Plumbing, steel rebar with spacers is installed to create the structure for your pool. The electric wiring is then installed with all the necessary precautions.
  • Pre-Gunite Inspection: A city inspection is scheduled before progressing to the next stage.
  • Finishing shotcrete, waterfall, boulders, decking, pavers, and tile: Once the inspection is approved, we proceed by applying shotcrete to the interior of the pool for durability. This phase also allows for adding aesthetic features such as waterfalls and boulders if desired. Concurrently, we install decking and pavers to enhance the surrounding areas, while waterline tiles are carefully placed to add a touch of elegance and color coordination to the pool’s design. This comprehensive process ensures a seamless integration of all elements, elevating the overall beauty of your outdoor space.
STEP 3 - Post Construction
  • Clean Up: The debris in your backyard will be cleaned up and look brand new with a new pool.
  • Fencing And Acrylic (If Desired): If you desire, fencing will be put around your yard. If your pool’s design is applicable, acrylic material will be added to the decking and allowed 24 hours to cure.
  • Pre-Plaster Inspection: To ensure all barrier requirements are completed, a city inspection must be conducted with you, the homeowner, present.
  • Interior Finish: When the interior design is finally finished, we can fill your pool with water.
Family-Friendly Pool Design Idea
STEP 4 - Get Ready To Dive In!
  • Mechanical Start-Up: A start-up technician will start up all of your equipment, install a suction cleaner, and add all the necessary chemicals to help keep your pool perfect.
  • Introduction To Your New Pool: This is when you are practically done with the pool-building process!
Are you looking pool construction in Atlanta? Contact professionals to get the best results.
submitted by romanstewart to u/romanstewart [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:33 Ample4609 Is there REALLY no way to change the default SearchProvider for Edge in non-AD environments programmatically?

I've tried
New-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge' -Name 'DefaultSearchProviderEnabled' -Value 1 -PropertyType DWord -Force -ea SilentlyContinue Out-Null New-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge' -Name 'DefaultSearchProviderImageURL' -Value '{google:baseURL}searchbyimage/upload' -PropertyType String -Force -ea SilentlyContinue Out-Null New-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge' -Name 'DefaultSearchProviderName' -Value 'Google' -PropertyType String -Force -ea SilentlyContinue Out-Null New-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge' -Name 'DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL' -Value '{google:baseURL}search?q={searchTerms}&{google:RLZ}{google:originalQueryForSuggestion}{google:assistedQueryStats}{google:searchFieldtrialParameter}{google:searchClient}{google:sourceId}ie={inputEncoding}' -PropertyType String -Force -ea SilentlyContinue Out-Null New-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge' -Name 'DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL' -Value '{google:baseURL}complete/search?output=chrome&q={searchTerms}' -PropertyType String -Force -ea SilentlyContinue Out-Null 
To no avail. MS official documentation says only AD environments are supported, but has anyone found any workarounds? I hate bing and I also want to have to do as little as possible manual labor when deploying new images on my home systems.
I've pretty much scripted out everything but this. And I hate bing.
Same for cookies, to no avail
Same thing applies to the cookies script I have written. I can't see anything wrong with it.
$allowedCookiesPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CookiesAllowedForUrls" if (-not (Test-Path $allowedCookiesPath)) { New-Item -Path $allowedCookiesPath -Force } $saveCookiesPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SaveCookiesOnExit" if (-not (Test-Path $saveCookiesPath)) { New-Item -Path $saveCookiesPath -Force } $allowedCookiesPolicies = @( @{ Name = '1'; Value = '[*.]' }, @{ Name = '2'; Value = '[*.]' }, @{ Name = '3'; Value = '[*.]' }, @{ Name = '4'; Value = '[*.]' }, @{ Name = '5'; Value = '[*.]' }, @{ Name = '6'; Value = '[*.]' }, @{ Name = '7'; Value = '[*.]' }, @{ Name = '8'; Value = '[*.]' }, @{ Name = '9'; Value = '[*.]' }, @{ Name = '10'; Value = '[*.]' } ) foreach ($policy in $allowedCookiesPolicies) { New-ItemProperty -LiteralPath $allowedCookiesPath -Name $policy.Name -Value $policy.Value -PropertyType String -Force -ea SilentlyContinue Out-Null } foreach ($policy in $allowedCookiesPolicies) { New-ItemProperty -LiteralPath $saveCookiesPath -Name $policy.Name -Value $policy.Value -PropertyType String -Force -ea SilentlyContinue Out-Null } Write-Host "CookiesAllowedForUrls policies:" Get-ItemProperty -Path $allowedCookiesPath Write-Host "SaveCookiesOnExit policies:" Get-ItemProperty -Path $saveCookiesPath Write-Host "Policies applied. Please restart Microsoft Edge for the changes to take effect." 
submitted by Ample4609 to PowerShell [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:30 noopyer A Father is Becoming a Developer

 A Father is Becoming a Developer

Reading and Growing

As a dad, I deeply understand the importance of reading with my child. Good reading habits not only foster cognitive skills, emotional management, and focus in children, but also serve as a bridge between parents and kids, offering common ground for sharing and discussion. For me, storytelling is not just educational — it’s the glue of our parent-child relationship.
Ever since my daughter was a baby, our home has been filled with picture books and audiobooks — from “Mother Goose” rhymes to Julia Donaldson’s picture books, from encyclopedias to “Dog Man” comics, from traditional books to electronic games to stories made up on the spot by my wife and I, these have been her companions as she has grown. Our bedtime story has become the most ceremonial part of our day.
A video shows the importance of reading to children: 🔗 Youtube
She’s truly amazing now. Although English isn’t her first language, her phonics skills have surpassed those of native English-speaking children her age. She has a rich imagination, creating her own stories with pen and paper to share with friends. She also communicates on equal terms with parents, teachers, and classmates — a precious trait in a traditional Chinese family.
A story create by my daughter. Pokra is one of her favorite characters from PVZ.

Exploring AI

I started experimenting with ChatGPT 4 and Midjourney as soon as they were released. I believe AI is now capable of creating content that can captivate children. Even simple storylines can spark endless imagination in kids.
I began by creating and managing my own media account, using tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney, and Canvas to create content and share it. To date, I’ve accumulated nearly 2,000 followers. One of my AI bilingual stories even hit 65,000 views — a great achievement for an account focused on “pure content.”
My followers are mainly 30-year-olds interested in education and parenting and lifetime, including:
* Parents looking for fairy tales and teaching materials;
* Teachers needing to design courses and activities;
* Illustrators gathering daily materials;
* Couples seeking to add fun to their chats.

Meeting MyShell

I stumbled upon MyShell on social media and was deeply attracted by its ability to replicate voices. Imagine how wonderful it is for parents who can’t be with their children to tell them stories in their own voice!
I joined MyShell’s early activities and got a Genesis Pass. I gradually shifted my creation tools from ChatGPT to the MyShell platform. Initially, I created a rhyming poem tool, and although it’s no longer available, I still think it was a great tool. Similar applications rank high in ChatGPT Store. AI is certainly capable of creating content that teenagers can refer to.
With the introduction of the Patron Badge system, I started creating works that were popular on the MyShell platform, most of which included unique voice lines from movie and TV characters. I immersed myself in editing audio, writing prompts, and designing character personalities, with popular characters like Sheldon Cooper, Walter White, Homer Simpson, Saitama,… They not only brought me income but also daily joy to many users.

Learning and Building

Recently, I was invited to participate in MyShell’s LearningLab. With my basic Hello World programming experience, I began a new learning journey. I wrote my first line of code, defined a button, called an AI component, and created a page. I developed my first Pro-Config Bot — [One Sentence Fun] — a simple but effective product that I hope will bring joy or knowledge to users in the simplest way possible. Everyone can get a punchline with the click of one and only button.
After graduating from LearningLab, I joined ProBot Studio and teamed up with people from around the world who share a passion for AI. With programmers, prompt engineers, UX engineers, writers, psychologists, and marketing managers, I revisited another LearningLab project and iterated on it. Here’s the current version — [Once Upon A Time] — an AI storytelling app.
It features:
* Global accessibility with multi-language support, not just producing interesting stories but also playing them in expressive voice;
* The ability to randomly generate intriguing storylines and detail them out, allowing users to creatively craft their tales;
* Utilizing the powerful understanding of LLM to respond to any plot, character, or story development inputs from users, influencing the direction of the narrative;
* The final output is a richly illustrated, sonically varied, and complete story that can be read or listened to online.
Keep in mind, my past programming experience was almost nil, but with the help of the nice team, I did it, and I believe you can too!
Participating in MyShell has brought me immense joy as it has allowed me to discover the value of my spare time. I will continue to develop apps and create contents on MyShell, true to my name — Time ever moving, Clockwork never ceasing!
submitted by noopyer to u/noopyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:30 Blockchain-TEMU Futurama Bible - Buhdist Edition

  1. Focus Karma Need Want Of the Society Recreation Stimulation Examination Death 1.1 The noble truth of Focus is Energy, the noble Truth of Karma is Management, the Noble Truth of Need is Kombucha, the Noble Truth of Want is The Second Mental, Your Mental, The Noble Truth of Recreation is Marijuana, The Noble Truth of Simulation is Automatons, the Noble Truth of Examination is the Books on Examination, The Noble Truth of Death is Salt 1.1 There is a Truth of Truth The Truth of Energy is Stockpile, The Truth of Management is Treatment, The Truth of Kombucha is Amino, the Truth of The Second Mental is the Intermediary Mental Between Yourself and the World, The Truth of Automatons is the Plumbing Needed, the truth of the Books on Examination is the truth of the Books of the Ruler and the truth of Salt is the Limit of the Body Is Restored by Healthy Nutrition 1.1.1 There is a truth of the truth energy amino, Truth Starch, Truth Sugar, Truth Glycine, Truth Water, Truth Kombucha, Truth Arginine, Truth Serine, Truth Lysine 1.1.2 There is a truth of the ruler which is related to marijuana, Proline Above Lysine 1.1.3 There is a truth of the society related to only trading, Gold above Proline 1.1.4 All of these truths have intermediary truth below them 1.1.5 There is a truth of the botanist, Prozac And Benadryl and Scopolamine and Atropine and Benzyldiol Around Recreation 1.1.6 There is a truth of the schooler, Directly Ordered Female Voice Your Voice Kick Drum Kick Transient Pots N Pans Pots Content Button Mushroom Morel Cache Stash Marisol Bluewater Febreeze Peroxide Nitrate Ammonium Loam Bud Dirt Wheat Soil Potato Around Focus and Karma 1.1.7 There is a truth of the motorcade Above Karma and Below the Want of the society Muffler Transmission Piston Engine Cargo Chassis Fluids Vaseline Nutraloaf Soylent 1.1.8 Marisol Or Mother is Above All Below it 1.1.9 Button Mushroom is Above All Those Below it Three 1.2.0 Ammonium is Above All Those Below it To Marisol 1.2.1 Potato is Above All Those Below it to Marisol Three 1.2.2 Fire 2Fire 4Fire 8Fire 16Fire - A Fire is 5 Fire, At fire set 5,10,20,40, No Fire, at Fire set 10,20,40,80, On fire 1.2.3 Fire Is Below Focus In Energy and Karma is Below Need in Energy and Need is Below Want of the Society In Energy and Recreation is Below Stimulation In Energy And Stimulation is Below Examination In Energy and Examination is Below Death In Energy 1.2.5 Focus Is Pervasive so Energy Indicates Examination Having Occured or A Crops Grown 1.2.6 Examination Happens In Examination Want of the Society Focus Want of the Society Examination 1.2.7 Examination happens for 333 Hours or About 19 Days 1.2.8 Examination Happens in Sets of 333 Hours for 1332 Hours 1.2.9 At the End of Examination Examination Proceeds Automatically in 333 Hours 1.3.0 Want of the Society occurs as the output of crops 1.3.1 Want of the society yields the Amino Nutrients because it is the agricultural or synthetic output 1.3.2 Recreation Activates Marijuana, But Can Be On its Own 1.3.3 20 Marijuana Exist as a product of the lands 1.3.4 Over 20 Other Plants Exist as a product of the lands 1.3.5 Various tabulature of notes Exists with Standpoint Boards 1.3.6 Houses and apartments exist 1.3.7 Private Baths exist 1.3.8 A ledger exists for holding notes at a distribution point 1.3.9 A ledger exists for reasonable retrieval but not reproduction of notes (need original notes) 1.4.0 A ledger exists for deletion of notes but to a skilled observer they are still seeable 1.4.1 The Time One and One at One and One at Two is the time 333 units for each section 1.4.2 The time offset of the noble truths on the fifth reconstruction yields upon which noble truth they were the whole section 1.4.3 Only noble truths passed through the entire system 5 fold are the actual truth of the land 1.4.4 This is held by the guard which there are maybe 20 guard in the lands each city 1.4.5 There are fire weapon which exist which are hand cannon and have a chamber and a loader 1.4.6 There are fire bomb exist which are bomb which have just a chamber but there are just 4 ever 1.4.7 There are 3 sets of scrolls per city and 3 sets of scroll reader 1.4.8 There is 2 sets of scrolls each city which are city rulers 1.4.9 There are farms which exist which feed each city which grow crops 1.4.9 There are buildings in each city 1.5.0 There are normally 4 houses to a prefecture 1.5.1 There are normally 4 rooms to the house 1.5.2 There are 10 modern petrochemical foundry factory which exploit oil from the lands 1.5.3 There are clothing for at least 30 people in each city putting the bedroom load usually at slightly less than 2 a bedroom 1.5.2 There are around 7 military bases which exist but these numbers used to be inflated 1.5.3 There are medicine for at least 30 people in a city 1.5.4 There are toilets only per four people or wherabouts in the city 1.5.5 There are 98 separate prefecture in maybe 3 city spread out 1.5.6 There are potato, furion bannana, old potato, a rose donut wheat, apple, cabbage, turnip, carrot, another potato type, beets, three flowers, 20 marijuana, and other crops grown 1.5.6 There are zucchini grown 1.5.7 There are medicine poppy and heart tonic herb (blue bonnet) and a root which expresses opium and other minor medicinals grown 1.5.8 There are trees which naturally occur which are the colors of cherry blossom 1.5.9 Seeing the trees blossom is the rarest sight in the lands 1.6.0 The twenty guard of the town know how to protect one another 1.6.1 There are various opium which can be taken 1.6.2 There are various new bags of marijuana spray which are the marijuana active 1.6.3 There is a specific sedative created from Crude Oil, SnoreLax Olestra Ketamine 1.6.4 There are various nutrients created from crude oil 1.6.5 There are various computers created from crude oil 1.6.6 There are various liquids created from crude oil including pepsi cola and molten plastic 1.6.7 There are boxes created from crude oil 1.6.8 There are racing Skis created from crude oil 1.6.9 There is a capacity to run one of the computer 1.7.0 The computer yields a stable process blockchain when propagated 1.7.1 The computer notable yields beautiful colors when its process blockchain is propagated 1.7.2 There is a retrieval system for the other computers token 1.7.3 54 Stores now exist in these lands 1.7.4 These stores accept a specific RFID like currency 1.7.5 These stores accept the Gold of the Land Naturally 1.7.6 These stores have vendors wheater and vendors kitty cat and vendors autovend1 1.7.7 Groceries and resources can be bought from the stores 1.7.8 Automobile Motorcade can be bought from the stores 1.7.9 Concrete Objects can be bought from the stores 1.8.0 Designer clothes can be bought from the store 1.8.1 The foundrys create BDU Lower 1.8.2 The foundrys create I <3 NYC Shirt 1.8.3 The firearms create mittens firearm token en masse 1.8.4 The firearms are created at 20 a city to defend the people 1.8.5 Only 5 High Quality Weapon exist per city 1.8.6 A foundry is creating nonlethal weapons 1.8.7 The foundry makes its nonlethal weapon but there is only one per city 1.8.8 An inventor makes a nonlethal weapon 1.8.9 The foundry now produces 2 kinds of ice cream 1.9.0 The foundry now produces illegal goods like silicone pipes 1.9.1 Somebody is Brewing Amino Out of Starches 1.9.2 The Echo Locator is invented 1.9.3 The echo locator is finalized as a product 1.9.4 The echo locator is shipped out the door at 43 a city 1.9.5 The echo locator replaces the scrolls system 1.9.6 The echo locator can be taxed in the old tax system to make it valid in the old system 1.9.7 Two Cool Cats Take Control of the Power System, NateCat and HakeCat 1.9.8 The cool Cats reinvest in medicine and over 50 meningitis cure are found 1.9.9 The smart toilet is invented 2.0.0 The bombs detonate in ebonia and the people are freed 2.0.1 There is 11 grade flooding in ebonia 2.0.2 The ebonian flooding gets better to 7 ebonian remediator a city which are from the new Clement Dogs Clan 2.0.3 Tattoo Ink is Invented from cherry leaves 2.0.4 A tattoo requires somebody to play wizards chess on your skin to leave an indelible mark without killing it 2.0.5 Alpha squad is formed 2.0.6 A cruiser is in the metteranian gulf 2.0.7 The cruiser operates successfully for at least a month with me onboard 2.0.8 I am mainly using starlink 2.0.9 Starlink is accessible in the APV like it always is 2.1.0 You can fetch a battlefeed with starlink 2.1.1 You can fetch a battlesend with starlink (OSC) 2.1.2 OSC Replaces Starlink and LFO is Formed 2.1.3 LFO Replaces engine gasoline due to jet fuel drinking/snorting danger 2.1.4 Nontoxic weed smoke based gasoline is formed for APV 2.1.5 APVs are overclocked with me nearby 2.1.6 Supercapacitor Based APV Is Used For medical evacuation 2.1.7 Supercapacitor has massive distance versus dangerous IC APV 2.1.8 Supercapacitor powers gauss cannon in danger 2.1.9 Megagauss Cannon Invented for David's Aircraft 2.2.1 Megagauss cannon fits en masse onto the aircraft or in david flanagan or david summery's hands 2.2.2. Total david air superiority 2.2.3 Davids golden UH-1 in service 2.2.4 RQ-9 "David" Reactivated 2.2.5 RQ-9 Reapers Cloned 2.2.6 Spicy Chemical Discovered In Marijuana, Raytracing? 2.2.7 David Treated for Virtual Meningitis 3 Years Ago 2.2.8 Deepfake All Virtual Medical Practice Discovered 2.2.9 Marijuanas CH1 Receptor Renamed CB1 Receptor 2.3.0 Foundries in Business 5000$ A Barrel Many Years Default on Loans to 2111$ Barrel, No Effective Product Change 2.3.1 USR THermal IS-2 Scope Invented 2.3.2 USR THermal FLIR Camera for David UH-1 Invented 2.3.3 Driver for USR THermal FLIR Camera for David UH-1 Invented 2.3.4 Overwatch Mega Anti Crime David Stopper Overflights in Service Across the US And Solid Gold UH-1 Lofted By Broomstick Technology in Transmuggle Transwizard Interference of the Calamity Granted to David Flanagan (RQ-9) 2.3.5. Black Operations in the Persian Gulf Nethers Against Al Baghdadi - HVT Steam User In Custody 2.3.6 AC-130 "IBEX" Piloted by Alex M Lamb in Service in Vallejo and Ecuador to Support 141 Team 2.3.7 Proto Nutrient Fish Oil Factory Raided, Illegal Furion Bannana Discovered 2.3.8 Illegal Blueprinting Operations Cease in Favor of Big 11+ Oil Corporations 2.3.9 Minecraft server found and large amounts of population exiting to virtual reality 2.4.0 All players granted 64 planks and free for all 2.4.1 Doto 0 Bot Guard Lurking in Transnational Buddhist Operation Enable Free Play In Minecraft for Various Players 2.4.2 Siddartha's Secret, His Cow, Discovered in Virtual Reality Elder Scrolls No Crime Faction, Siddartha's Cow Goes Rampant and is Infinity Hidden in Every Directory of Starfield 2 The New Game 2.4.3 Many New Games are found with resemble the structure of the cow in markov chain 2.4.4 A new system is found out of cow which can provide for any item retrieval system intrinsically unlocking the singularity where Big 11+ Splits into infinite corporation 2.4.5 All cows are harvested for a typical user but still infinity exist farther away 2.4.6 The user has typically 500000 cows of Siddhartha as a personal cow 2.4.7 Sulfur futures are at an all time high 2.4.8 Justino Beibers Mandates burning of all cow waste in trash bin 2.4.9 Siddartha's Cow are docile as ever and functioning well when shot, they become well 2.5.0 Siddartha (Renchy, Racey's Friend) Is discovered hiding as a soul in neon district undercity of neon petite 2.5.1 The guard is never abolished and continues protecting us 20 to the citizen to this day 2.5.2 Asteroids are discovered in outer space with many palladium more than ever 2.5.3 A supercomputing cloud is made out of the distributed method which avoids the taxing system that the initial ruler invented and does a method 1-Affinity 2-Person 3-Disease where the affinity of each person treats the pair disease and or environment with only instantaneous transmission (Technological singularity) 2.5.4 Virtual clothes are invented the same way as clothes were initially invented, now in the instantaneous unheard 2.5.5. Virtual Medicines are invented in the same way as medicines were invented initially, now in the instantaneous unheard 2.5.6 There is perfect harmony between two instant universes the virtual medicine universe and the analog medicine universe 2.5.7 All of history's knowledge feeds into one system which encodes all its meaning in some dice which always roll a specific meaning and this creates wish or technology on demand 2.5.8 Wish is discovered as a contaminant on the No Crime Library 2.5.9 Wish has always predated meaning so that Wish is the Rulers Initial Nature 2.6.0 All existence is into one history the history of the singularity which procedurally generates by Wish the Rulers Initial Nature For All Citizen 2.6.1 Jeffybeans is the true ruler of siddartha which is prozac benzyldiol 2.6.2 Siddartha wakes up right before lorne happens to her and avoids the suicide booth because phillip j fry is protecting her. 2.6.3 The story is at a cliffhanger while the Universe is at the second end epoch and is failing succesfully very well for hubert I.
submitted by Blockchain-TEMU to u/Blockchain-TEMU [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:23 ryweg Do Anthropic API rate limits include input tokens?

I'm referring to the Tokens Per Minute and Tokens Per Day numbers here.
I think that this counts both input and output tokens, but wanted to check.
submitted by ryweg to ClaudeAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:19 Own_Tower3454 I (19F) want to get an apartment with my boyfriend (19M), how do I tell my mom (35F)?

Any and all perspectives help more than you know. I don’t have anybody to really talk about this with so any guidance is appreciated. It’s a lot to read, I might yap but with reason
I’m 19 years old and have just finished my spring semester of college. I went to a big college out of town, my main financial aid fucked me over so I had to switch at semester to my home state’s university. Anyway, this year was kinda tough for me lost a couple family members & my boyfriend had it rough, lost his best friend and dad within a few months of each other. Then we find out I’m pregnant. I wasn’t sure what I really wanted but didn’t get to make a choice, I miscarried sometime later. It was hard so I went back to hometown & finished semester online while staying with boyfriend until I needed to move my stuff out of dorm.
My boyfriend is 19 and we’ve been together a year & a half, but known each other since middle school. We dated in 8 grade until he had to move out of state, he moved back & we started hanging out again. My circle is small & I don’t really make/have any friends but he’s my best friend. Even if we wouldn’t have chose to date after he came back to town, ik we would’ve been good friends. My family liked him or seemed to at least, especially my mom.
It’s well known in my family that my mom and I just don’t get along. She kept me quite literally locked away as the Cinderella child until I left. I could only do things if she wasn’t in a bad mood/something didn’t need cleaned/ a child didn’t need to be picked up/dropped off. My friends in high school never invited me ANYWHERE lmao but after a while I figured out it’s easier to just deal w it rather than push back harder. I didn’t know how to use a crosswalk until I was 14 lmao I was so sheltered sorry ANYWAYS, I turned 18 and it was like I had a brand new mother until her fear of me leaving wore off.
Long story short, the summer before I left for college (last summer) my mom & I got into a fight, I didn’t have anywhere else to go so I moved in with boyfriend. My mom did the absolute most, almost got me fired from my job & ambulance ended up being called from how much of a tantrum she threw. It was so ridiculous that she refused to tell anybody what happened when people asked because she said it’s too embarrassing for her.
Just like that, she flipped. My boyfriend had a rough upbringing which she knows some stuff about. She took that and twisted the narrative to make him seem like some sort of charity case that took advantage of her generous & good graces. She calls him the hungry kid who hangs out w her daughter behind my back. He’s no longer allowed at her house lmao just out of spite. He never said a word to her or about her when she had the worst to say about him, he never was disrespectful or showed up to the house either so idrk why she said that. Even when I moved out & she drained my entire savings I had worked for since I was 15, he never said anything bad about her just that i was going to be okay & he’s gonna help me figure it out. Not only that but she shunned me for a long time, refused to talk & look at me after I moved out. My little brother was 5 and didn’t really understand but my mom didn’t try to explain or kid proof it, just let him scream, cry, & claw at my legs whenever I’d leave the house to go home. I felt incredibly guilty & like I had to compensate so I’d stress out & make sure to see her and my siblings every single day till I left for college.
If you’re still reading thank you sm.
Fast forward to today, I went to college finished my semester and am back in my hometown. Over breaks in college I’ve stayed at my moms cause she expected me to and her & I’s relationship has gotten so much better with distance. Between her and boyfriend, they were my biggest support especially with the miscarriage. But the only conversation they’ve had is when him and I went to talk to my mom in person when I found out I was pregnant. Not sure where she stands with him idrc but I’m sure she probably hates him more since we did technically make her worst fear as a mother come true.
Im living with her now mainly cause I don’t want to be isolated again & i physically cant deal with the debilitating anxiety and guilt every day, I wanted to try to focus on healing & resting before I start classes in the fall. Boyfriend’s family situation is getting v challenging for him, hes gonna get a place regardless. I really just want a space where I’m not feeling constantly overstimulated & I miss living with him a lot honestly. We make the best team & it’s so easy with him. I catch myself getting so excited looking at furniture even from the thrift or think ab cooking meals w him or decorating. I miss him making breakfast for me before I wake up and folding laundry together and grocery shopping. He’s paying 6 months rent in advance so that I won’t have to worry about getting enough hours & can enjoy summer and actually rest. Both of us independently have a pretty thick cushion to fall back on too just in case. So finances aren’t a problem I think?
My mom isn’t too keen on the idea. I think she doesn’t want me to make the same mistakes she made, which I understand because I was also there when she was left with half of every pair of shoes she owned, I mean he took literally half of everything. Even in the case that we do break up and then I’m stuck with an apartment with my ex and have completely fucked myself over, at least I was able to make my own mistake for the first time and learn from it? Idk what to tell my mom or how the conversation should go. I don’t wanna be shunned again but then again I’ve never once been able to just do something and justify it with “it’s my life”. Idk, advice/thoughts/bullshit/opinions please please help. Have a blessed day, thank you. I appreciate your time & input more than you know, I don’t have anybody to bounce ideas around with.
submitted by Own_Tower3454 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:18 Metalsrecycling Radiator Recycling Machine ✅ types:500kg/h, 1000kg/h, 2000kg/h, provided customized ⏩ input: various of radiators, car watertank, car condenser, refrigerator crushed materials ⏩ output: copper, aluminum, iron More details, welcome to contact us.

Radiator Recycling Machine ✅ types:500kg/h, 1000kg/h, 2000kg/h, provided customized ⏩ input: various of radiators, car watertank, car condenser, refrigerator crushed materials ⏩ output: copper, aluminum, iron More details, welcome to contact us. submitted by Metalsrecycling to Ewastescrap [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:17 Own_Tower3454 I (19F) want to get an apartment with my boyfriend (19M), how do I tell my mom (35F)?

Any and all perspectives help more than you know. I don’t have anybody to really talk about this with so any guidance is appreciated. It’s a lot to read, I might yap but with reason
I’m 19 years old and have just finished my spring semester of college. I went to a big college out of town, my main financial aid fucked me over so I had to switch at semester to my home state’s university. Anyway, this year was kinda tough for me lost a couple family members & my boyfriend had it rough, lost his best friend and dad within a few months of each other. Then in March, we find out I’m pregnant. I wasn’t sure what I wanted but didn’t really get to make a choice, soon after I miscarried. It was difficult so I went back to hometown & finished semester online while staying with boyfriend until I needed to move my stuff out of dorm.
My boyfriend is 19 and we’ve been together a year & a half, but known each other since middle school. We dated in 8 grade until he had to move out of state, he moved back & we started hanging out again. My circle is small & I don’t really make/have any friends but he’s my best friend. Even if we wouldn’t have chose to date after he came back to town, ik we would’ve been good friends. My family liked him or seemed to at least, especially my mom.
It’s well known in my family that my mom and I just don’t get along. She kept me quite literally locked away as the Cinderella child until I left. I could only do stuff if she wasn’t in a bad mood/something didn’t need cleaned/ a child didn’t need to be picked up/dropped off. After a while I figured out life is better if i deal w it instead of push back harder. My friends in high school never invited me ANYWHERE, I didn’t know how to use a crosswalk until I was 14 lmao I was so sheltered sorry ANYWAYS, I turned 18 and it was like I had a brand new mother until her fear of me leaving wore off.
Long story short, the summer before I left for college (last summer) my mom & I got into a fight, I didn’t have anywhere else to go so I moved in with boyfriend. My mom did the absolute most, wouldnt let me get any of my stuff or car for a few weeks (I had purchased almost EVERYTHING for myself since I was 15, including my car that she told me since I bought it as a minor I couldn’t have it under my name :/ ), almost got me fired from my job & ambulance ended up being called from how much of a tantrum she threw. It was so ridiculous that she refused to tell anybody what happened when people asked because she said it’s too embarrassing for her.
Just like that, she flipped. My boyfriend had a rough upbringing which she knows some stuff about. She took that and twisted the narrative to make him seem like some sort of charity case that took advantage of her generous & good graces. She calls him the hungry kid who hangs out w her daughter. He’s no longer allowed at her house lmao just out of spite. He never said a word to her or about her even when she had the worst to say about him, he never was disrespectful or showed up to the house either so idrk why she said that. Even when I moved out & she drained my entire savings I had worked for since I was 15, he never said anything bad about her just that i was going to be okay & he’s gonna help me figure it out.
Not only that but she shunned me for a long time, refused to talk & look at me after I moved out. My little brother was 5 and didn’t really understand & my mom didn’t bother to explain or kid proof it, just let him scream, cry, & claw at my legs whenever I’d leave the house to go home. I felt so guilty & like I had to compensate so I’d stress out & make sure to see my siblings every single day till I left for college.
If you’re still reading thank you sm.
Fast forward to today, left for college & it didn’t work out, finished semester online, and am back in my hometown. Over breaks in college I’ve stayed at my moms cause she expected me to and her & I’s relationship has gotten so much better with distance. Between her and boyfriend, they were my biggest & only support especially with the miscarriage. But the only conversation they’ve had is when him and I went to talk to my mom in person when I found out I was pregnant. Not sure where she stands with him idrc but I’m sure she probably hates him more since we did technically make her worst fear as a mother come true.
Im living with her now, mainly cause I don’t want to be isolated again & i physically cant deal with the debilitating anxiety and guilt every day, I wanted to try to focus on healing & resting before I start classes in the fall. Boyfriend’s family situation is getting v challenging for him, hes gonna get a place regardless. I really just want a space where I’m not feeling constantly overstimulated & I miss living with him a lot honestly. We make the best team & it’s so easy with him. I catch myself getting so excited looking at furniture even from the thrift or think ab cooking w him. I miss him making breakfast for me before I wake up and folding laundry together and grocery shopping. He’s paying 6 months rent in advance so that I won’t have to worry about getting enough hours & can enjoy summer and actually rest. Both of us independently have a pretty thick cushion to fall back on too just in case. So finances aren’t a problem I think?
My mom isn’t too keen on the idea. I think she doesn’t want me to make the same mistakes she made, which I understand because I was also there when she was left with half of every pair of shoes she owned, I mean he took literally half of everything. Even in the case that we do break up and then I’m stuck with an apartment with my ex and have completely fucked myself over, at least I made my first mistake & learned from it? Idk what to tell my mom or how the conversation should go. I don’t wanna be shunned again but then again I’ve never once been able to just do something and justify it with “it’s my life”. Advice/thoughts/bullshit/opinions? Have a blessed day, I appreciate your time & input more than you know.
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