Headache stomach ache and vomiting


2020.06.26 16:34 spergthrowaway90210 Smasyndrome

a support group for people suffering from superior mesenteric artery syndrome, or Wilkie's syndrome as it used to be called. Smas is a deformity of the stomach which occurs when the fat pad resting between the superior mesenteric artery and duodenum is lost, causing the artery to constrict the stomach. Common symptoms of SMAS consist of: -unexplained/extreme weight loss -chronic abdominal pain -vomiting/diarrhea -lack of hunger -pain when eating or even laying/sitting in certain positions

2020.10.19 20:16 Petragor07 ChidiAnagonye

This is a server for sharing thoughts on ethics and philosophy. Or to post The Good Place memes. Or both. I can't decide. I have a stomach ache...

2018.12.13 05:50 IIWIIM8 Dengue Fever (DF)

Dengue_Fever provides information and welcomes discussion about Dengue Fever (DF) and Dengue Shock Syndrome.

2024.06.10 00:32 singwhatyoucantsay I don't know what kind of headaches these are, just that as soon as one ends, I start having warning signs of another. Is there a name for this?

The first "actual" migraine/ccluster headache I had included full on hallucinations as prodrone symptons for over a week in advance, the headache itself lasted a week long 9.5 pain level that sent me to urgent care twice and gave me what I can only call a near death experience. Oh, and I now have what my nuro-opthomologist insists is just visual snow, and my retina doctor thinks may be Charles Bonnet Syndrome. Given just how *severely* my (already very low) vision is impacted by this, I'm wondering if it's something else entirely.
On to my migraine question. Please know that because of my very low vision, I'm using a screen reader to help type this, there maybe some interesting typos.
Even if I take the migraine meds, the visuals snow doesn't go away. The pain might fade, or it might move, or then my entire body starts to ache and I'm out of energy for the rest of the day because I hurt all over including my hair.
Sometimes I don't even have to take meds for the pain to leave, it goes away after a few minutes? But then at some random point it comes back, in a different location on my dead. Sometimes it moves from behind one eye to the front area of the other side of my face, then to the temple of my head on the other side like some kind of pain pin pong ball.
The prodrones seems almost constant. If the pain of whatever these headaches are ends, I start having tingling in my head, pain in my neck, and an aura like my vision going even more intensely white for up to maybe 54 seconds or so? Then I have pain/no pain maybe headaches, take meds, the meds kinds of help, and then I start having "here comes a migraine" feelings again.
submitted by singwhatyoucantsay to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:24 MaeDae69 I swallowed an allen wrench when I was little

I am 17 (F) and I swallowed it when I was really young. I don’t remember exactly when, but i know it was really early in my life. I don’t remember much about it other than i swallowed it, didn’t tell anyone, and never remember it coming out (It might’ve, I don’t remember, it was so long ago. But I do have faint memories of me “looking for it” and never finding it. 😭🙏)
I have had stomach aches all my life, pretty frequent and long ones. Sometimes they make me vomit, others are sudden intense heat flashes that make my stomach go crazy. (It has nothing to do with the summer, I’ve gotten them in the middle of winter with inches and inches of snow outside. And the only way that cooled me down was to practically strip down in either tank top or a sports bra and shorts, and lay in the snow) Some make me feel dizzy, some feel like something is stabbing me on the inside, and others just plain hurt. A lot of them are caused by when I eat certain things, but others, like the heat flashes, happen totally randomly. Now I may just be paranoid, but does this possibly have ANYTHING to do with the wrench I swallow as a child? I have no clue what causes this and my mother isn’t a hospital person, so I’ve just dealt with it for as long as I can remember. If you guys think it doesn’t have anything to do with the allen wrench, do you have any idea whats causing it? Because I would really not like to spend the rest of my life like this. 
submitted by MaeDae69 to u/MaeDae69 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:21 Ok-Cardiologist-784 Am I Preg

i had been in pills since May 22 and I am still taking it up until now. I had sex on May 23, May 30, June 3, June 4, and June 6. All of these intercourse were pull out method even if I am protected by birth control pills. I know it might sound like I am worrying over nothing but I just get this uncanny feeling of "I might be pregnant" even if I'm under pills. I took a PT on June 1, and it showed negative. I got worried again yesterday because of a headache and vomit (I vomitted yellowish like liquid, it's not much tho just a small amount of puke) so I took another PT on June 10 in the morning, it showed negative. I suspect that the vomiting and headache occurs because of my heavy screentime I have on my phone and laptop, still unsure. I just get worried because of the vomiting as a symptom of early pregnancy. Am I pregnant? Please help me
submitted by Ok-Cardiologist-784 to amipregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:18 imlarrythecucumber Calming if you look at it right

Summary: Vessel has the worst headache of his entire life and Laughingstock tries to comfort him.
He was used to headaches, left over from when the ship spoke and his mind was jolted with searing hot-cold, tearing at his temples. He was used to those, even if they were dreadful. The kind that felt like a knife was slowly being pressed into your temple and burning the nerves and corneas of your eyes.
A few minutes ago, he’d felt himself wincing more than usual, a dull hurt that he was well used to. The hurt then turned to a pounding he couldn’t even brush off like usual, mainly because since then, the pounding turned to dull drumming that had grown louder and louder in sync with his heart to the point where he couldn’t just ignore it. The usual flashes of pain, left over from when the ship spoke, were amplified by it.
Pressure seemed to be the only thing that eased the pain, even by a little bit, as he’d discovered. He had been sitting here for what felt like an hour now against one of the wooden walls, ankle-deep in seawater, hands pressed against his temples, eyes squinted shut.
"Hello?" A voice came from around him. "Are you in there?"
That voice. He recognized that voice.
And strangely, his mind wasn’t being jolted, and the words he was hearing were coming from his mouth. Instead, they boomed throughout the space, causing him to jump and for his hands to release his aching head, causing a fresh wave of pain to sear through his cortex as the consequence of He groaned and pressed this back, his breath hitching in momentary relief.
It was the ship. It was the voice of the ship, Ed Wynn-sounding and all.
And it was talking to him this time.
"Hello...?" the ship said again after a little bit.
He didn't understand why the ship was just now talking to him. It was clearly aware he was inside it, was clearly scared before, but...
Surprise turned to disdain and anger that pulsed through whatever veins he had left. Again why was the ship talking to him just now? Had it finally noticed him in here, struggling to breathe and choking on the seawater it swallowed and the salty air it breathed. Had it come to taunt him?
"You..." he rasped. "YOU!" His attempt at shooting up and banging his fists on the wooden walls faltered and left him on his knees. A hot wave of dizziness and vertigo washed over him, along with a fresh pulse of agony. He still needed his hands to at least pull himself to the same sitting position as before, aware that relief in pressure would none in pain, so the same burst of knives speared at his skull again, only briefly.
"Y'know," the ship quipped. "You oughta tie yourself to the floor. You might break something shooting up like that...and by 'something' I mean part of you or part of me." A laugh. Clearly it was trying to put humor into the situation. Laughingstock indeed.
"YOU DID THIS!" He screamed through the pain. It had come to taunt him! Just to guffaw at his misery!
"I know," Its voice suddenly turned somber and regretful. "I know."
Feigning regret. The anger began to ebb, but not by much. He wanted to scream, to scream about how he wanted to go home, how he missed his wife and kids, how every day was pure torture, serving as the living force behind this blasted ship.
Another hot wave of nausea washed over him and he couldn't prevent the groan that came from him echoed through the space as he squeezed his eyes shut again. The pain speared at his brain like a blunt needle.
"Are you alright?" the ship asked, sounding startled. Concerned. Taken aback.
"Yes," That was a lie, obviously. What was he doing? Talking to the thing that was keeping him trapped, the reason for
"Then why'd I find ya curled up on the floor?" It pointed out.
"Why?" he asked it. "Why do...why do you do this?"
It sighed. Wait, it could sigh? Why did it sound so...sad and regretful? "I wish I knew."
A pit began to form in his stomach. As he opened his mouth, the pit suddenly rose, as did the pressure in his head. He lurched forward.
"WAIT!" The ship exclaimed. "Don't-"
Too late. At that point, without warning, he'd already begun to gag and cough.
The only thing allowing him to hold back his pained tears as he choked, coughed up, and spat out salty smelling, gray-blue bile was the fact that the ship couldn’t actually see him hunched over. After his last gag proved ineffectual, he let his eyes fall shut once more. As unpleasant as it had been, it actually relieved a bit of pressure in his head.
He sat back, head still pounding.
"Couldn'tcha at least...do that before I even started talking to you?" The ship quipped again, clearly a little annoyed.
He noticed the water that had previously been up his ankles had dissipated by now, as it often did, and the bile sat in a gross pile, melting into the floor.
"Are you sick?" It asked.
"I don't know," he responded. "Maybe thanks...to you."
It sighed again.
"I know. I wish I could help more, but I'm..." it trailed off, seemingly struggling to find the right words. "...I...I'm just worried about ya."
Worried? About him?
"W-why?" he rasped again. Did it pity him? "Why now?"
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Another pause. “I mean…I don’t know how long you’ve been in m-in there, but…I gotta be honest, I’m…I’m as scared as you are.”
“You…you are?”
A “mm-hmm” type noise. "I…I’m actually glad you’re here, y’know?”
“W-” he coughed. “Why?”
“I…” the ship’s voice suddenly took on a quiver. “I just...don’t like being alone. With Percy and Janice...whenever they're not here, it's...it's like I'm not here."
It broke off with a sharp inhale, as if choking back emotion, before continuing.
"Maybe...maybe one day we'll...finally be freed and we won't have to deal with eachtother anymore." A bitter chuckle. "Even if you don't want to keep doing this, I'll still be with ya. You...you do know that, right?"
"You...do?" He didn't exactly know how to respond. "You mean that?"
"Of course!" the ship said cheerfully.
“We…” he rasped. “We…suffer together?”
A laugh. “If that’s how you see it…” It laughed some more.
It had helped ground him and rid a bit of the sickening trembling he felt. Though the pain of his headache still agged at his mind, threatening to tear it apart, maybe things would be a bit more bearable.
Maybe they really did suffer together.
"No...NO! I'M SORRY! the ship screeched out of nowhere, not directed at him but someone else. "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! NO! PLEASE!"
And then it went silent, perhaps for the final time...for now. Hopefully it would come back later.
At least someone understood his pain.
Even if it was the one keeping him trapped.
submitted by imlarrythecucumber to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:13 RealRefrigerator6438 Severe Headaches and memory issues 20yo F

Hello, I’m a 20 year old Female without any significant medical issues minus like 3 concussions from playing sports. I’m not on any medication except for taking ibuprofen PRN mostly for period cramps.
Lately, I’d say in the past 5 months I’ve had more frequent severe headaches. I usually wake up with them and it’s like a pounding headache aggravated by light and movement. I’m not sure if this is classified as a migraine because I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily one sided, though I guess you can say it may hurt worse on one side. But it basically hurts wrapping around my head and is accompanied with a lot of pressure. My most recent headache a few days ago I took 400mg ibuprofen which eventually reduced the severity pretty significantly, but have had an off and on, mostly on, headache since the severity decreased for about 3 days. Usually the headache goes away the next day and I just feel a little tired.
For the memory issues, though, my boyfriend recently seemed concerned enough to bring it up to me. Basically, I have been having increasing difficulty remembering things I should know, like names of family members (mostly my aunts and uncles for some reason) or placing people to names. My boyfriend was concerned because he said a name of one of our teammate (we play Sunday league together) and for some reason I couldn’t remember who or what he looked like. I knew his name was familiar but couldn’t place it even though we see him and speak to him weekly. I also lose my train of thought a lot and have difficulty remembering things I’m told or things I have to do but I thought this was normal for everyone. I think this has gotten worse the past few months but Its hard to tell if it started getting worse at the same time as my headaches. I don’t know if my concussions are related either, my most recent one probably being almost a year ago.
My dad has headaches, but he had a TBI in his 30s so It’s probably because of that. My mom has no issues.
The only other family history I have is my paternal grandmother who had a brain tumor, I don’t know if it was malignant or not, but she died when my dad was a child (seizure which caused a car accident).
I haven’t had any other issues or red flags like vision changes.. I get mood swings sometimes but I’m pretty sure that’s just because I’m a woman.
Is this something’s I should see the doctor for? I made an appointment for tomorrow but I don’t want to waste anyone’s time.
Edit: I also wanted to add that I also get nauseous with my headaches but I forgot to put it in when I was typing my original post! No vomiting though.
submitted by RealRefrigerator6438 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:55 Negative-Bake-4122 Headaches/Lightheaded/Dizziness at 17 weeks

I’m 17 weeks and am finally not struggling with nausea/vomiting anymore, but I’ve had a low grade headache for a while and overall feel lightheaded/dizzy when I stand up. Has anyone else had this before, if so, what did you do?
submitted by Negative-Bake-4122 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:52 MommaRN112 tired of feeling unheard and crazy, any experiences or advice?

Female, 28, 4 years of pain, increased over the years to increasingly worse symptoms.
Mostly just here to vent and see if anyone might have experience or ideas. I've had a MRI head which was "normal" and an MRI neck which showed mild stenosis, mild degenerative discs, bulging discs from c2-c7 and kyphosis of the neck, but none of it really explains my symptoms. I have a neurologist, pcp, and pain management doctor. Anyhow, doctors just keep putting multiple diagnoses and not really looking for a root problem and maybe considering that one thing could be causing all of it, as well as my neurologist blaming all my problems on "anxiety and obesity". (I'm on anxiety meds and am no longer considered obese and still having ongoing symptoms).
I have severe headaches that stem from the base of the right side of my neck that feels like someone took a sword right around c2-c3, occiput region all the way through my right eye. the pain in my head and neck is constant but sometimes for days at a time it'll creep up to like an 8 or 9 and make my cognition bad. i get dizzy spells, have the hardest time with word finding, numbness and tingling in my hands, nausea, easily gagging on stuff as well as feeling "SOB" like I can't get air in the correct way which makes me gag and inevitably vomit. I get random bouts of heart palpitations and dizziness to the point where it feels like I'm about to pass out. I'm so tired of the never ending pain. I have chiropractor, i ice, heat, pain management for corticosteroid injections/ nerve blocks and honestly, nothing is helping. I've tried your typically migraine medications, steroids, muscle relaxants, nerve pain meds (gabapentin) and even nsaids. I'm at my wits ends. I'm an RN and it makes my job nearly impossible and I'm tired of looking stupid in front of my patients when the pain gets bad and i have trouble with word finding or getting coherent sentences out.
submitted by MommaRN112 to rarediseases [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:37 Rude-Seaweed-1309 Migraines ruining social events

Does anyone have advice on what’s helped stop migraines when you’ve got social events? Nearly ever single time I have plans with friends or tickets to a concert/show I end up getting a migraine and ruining the whole weekend/event I’d be looking forward to for ages.
I can never tell when I’m about to get a migraine I’m usually like headache just suddenly starts and then it won’t go away until I’ve vomited or gone to sleep.
This weekend I took sumatriptan on the day when I woke up because I had a headache and knew it would turn into a migraine. I had also been taking propanol the week before as the Dr agreed that I don’t need to be on propanol all the time only when I know I’ve got an event on and likely to get a migraine. However, I still got one even though I ate enough, drank water, had a good sleep etc. Once I had thrown up I felt loads better and was able to enjoy the rest of my weekend but I’m so fed up
My migraines are so horrific, I vomit loads with them and I just wish there was something I could do, so I definitely won’t ruin every social events with migraines. I feel like I’m making friends /family angry too as I cannot function when I’m having one.
submitted by Rude-Seaweed-1309 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:36 Capital_Coconut4648 Suddenly look about 7 months pregnant with firm belly and having pain. Definitely NOT pregnant

28 caucasian female located in Canada. Height 5'4" Weight 127lbs No medical conditions Don't smoke or use any drugs No allergies Iron supplement for low iron
Since giving birth last year and getting my periods back I've had pretty heavy bleeding with huge clots. Accompanied by fatigue, nausea and significant low back pain. I currently don't have a primary care physician so I received a referral through telecare to a gynecologist and am waiting for an appointment. Also was sent for blood work at this time which showed low iron level and am taking a supplement for that.
My last period was particularly bad. I bled from May 22- 30th and for five of those days I had an excruciating headache I would get rid of with ibuprofen, only to wake up with it again the next day. Severe fatigue. Vomited a few times. I also bloated quite a bit or what I thought was bloating, so I didn't think much of it at first.
But it's stuck around and is more than normal bloating I think. My belly literally looks rounded and feels firm like a pregnant belly. I would say I look equivalent to when I was about 7 months pregnant. I feel a pressure in my pelvic area along with what feels a lot like round ligament pain. Also pain and pressure in my vagina/ vulva and lower back pain. Wearing jeans/ tighter pants is painful, not that any of them are fitting well now.
I haven't been sexually active since pregnancy which was over a year ago, so there is absolutely no way I could be pregnant.
Can anyone tell me what this could be? Should I reach back out to telecare or what to do in this situation? I'm a little bit worried by how my stomach actually looks and feels. Not sure what to do in this situation especially where I don't have a family doctor.
Can add a picture if needed.
submitted by Capital_Coconut4648 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:35 littlecolbert23 How long is the Levothyroxine adjustment period? Does the anxiety ever go away?

I upped my dose to 50mg from 25mg the Friday before last (a week and 3 days). I have diagnosed GAD, but had gotten to a pretty steady point with it prior to starting Levo. I had one bad night of panic attacks while on 25, but didn't notice a crazy difference. I just thought I was adjusting to coming home from college.
On 50, the past week has been absolute HELL. I was on vacation in New York when we upped the dose, and had a horrible time (even though the days we'd been there prior were a ton of fun). I tried going back to work today, and didn't make it half an hour before sobbing uncontrollably, feeling panicked and doomed, and ultimately throwing up before I left from how worked up i became.
Nothing has worked. I'm 19y/o, and have already lost years of my childhood and teenage years to severe anxiety. My normal coping mechanisms don't make a dent in the constant panicky feeling, and I haven't been able to get rid of the pit in my stomach for days. I struggle with severe emetophobia and this is extremely distressing for me.
I've also had horrible headaches and irritablility. I've been depressed about my diagnosis and pain, as well as a pending RA diagnosis, and while I know it's a normal grieving process, I usually wouldnt sob uncontrollably over it. I'm no longer enjoying spending time with my friends and partner, and am reliant on my mother to stay with me to help me feel safer because I constantly feel endangered. It's driving me to some really dark thoughts and I need some kind of relief.
I messaged my doctor, but unfortunately it's Sunday and I am stuck for a bit longer with this. I'm tempted to take 25mg tomorrow, because I need to go back to work and can't afford to leave again. Is it too soon for them to change my dosage? I'm set for a week-long trip with my boyfriend's family on Thursday, and am terrified that I will have to cancel if I can't get my shit together by then.
submitted by littlecolbert23 to Hashimotos [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:33 RealCeys Is this Crohns?

Hey, I hope everyone is doing good.
First of all, I know that nobody here can identify my sickness, I am already going to a doctor but I am waiting for my next appointment so I wanted to ask if some people maybe had a similar experience until yi get some answers.
In the beginning of December 2023 I had a cold and decided to get some food from the Doner Kebab store next door. So I went out, grabbed my food ate it, took a Ibuprofen and went to sleep. A few hours later I woke up with Intense Nausea which didn't make me throw up but it kept me awake for 3 hours. I also had this weird pressure on my lower right stomach.
I finally managed to fall asleep and next day I went to the doc. They sad that it was just akute Gastritis, they gave me Omeprazol and send me home. Sadly everything went downhill from here.
2 days later I had diarrhea followed by Nausea and weakness again. It was so bad I had to go to the ER. They did a CT scan and an Abdomen MRI. They found signs that something was swollen in my lower right abdomen and kept me in the hospital for 1 more day but send me home because they didn't think anything of it. Sadly just a few hours after I was released everything started again and I had to go to another hospital where they finally decided to go for an Gastro/Colonoscopy. First they found nothing and they told me that I have to wait 3 weeks for my Lab results. These were hell since during the 3 weeks I had loose stools, Nausea and a lot of stomach ache. The lab results "only" showed H Pylori and mild Gastritis.
I had to go through 2 Antibiotic treatments and a really careful diet. But the Symptoms didn't go away. No doctor was helpful. I would always tell them about the pressure in my lower right stomach but they would always ignore it.
I got another Colonoscopy in may and they found something interesting. After my Colonoscopy the Doc came to me and told me that everything looks normal except, they found inflammation in my Ileum. Thes send it to the lab and I had to wait again for the results. When I finally got my results it just said.
"The inflammation is compatible with Crohn's".
I went to my normal Gastroenterologist who then said it can't be Crohn's because I had no chronic Diarrhea. He was right with the Diarrhea, it was very rare that I had Diarrhea and to be honest I didn't get to much stomach ache. He then told me that I am just anxious and stressed and that's why I am nauseous (I was really never stressed). He told me to eat whatever I want and that there was nothing wrong with me. He gave me Budenofalk 3mg for the inflammation which was found and told me to take it anyways.
I said to myself that maybe he was right. So I decided to eat normally again. I ate 1 cheeseburger and that night, was one of my worst nights ever. I had the worst stomach ache/cramps of my life. I couldn't move and it was horrible. The stomach ache didn't go away it took 5 hours till I was able to move again. I was taken to the ER and they told me to get an appointment this week at their local Gastroenterologist so that he can talk to me about this.
Has anyone else had similar experience where Nausea is really the main symptom of Crohn's ? I also have this weird pressure which sometimes really hurts on my lower right stomach and I have crazy amounts of weight loss over the last 6 Months (30 KG)
Thank you guys in advance :)
submitted by RealCeys to CrohnsDisease [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:31 Greennzs I won't be the only one to see this.

I just like playing DOKI DOKI to see Natsuki vomiting. Damn, so horny, you want to go up to her and kiss her just to taste her stomach fluids. If I don't have time to kiss, that's okay too, I kneel on the floor and lick it, looking like a stray kitten drinking rainwater from the floor. It's also really fucking hot to see Yuri and Sayori's bodies. It makes me want to rape with all my strength. If the hole is too small, that's okay too, I take a key and rip it open a little more. The bad thing would be the blood that would come out, but that's okay, just like the vomit, I'll drink gute gute, letting it run down my neck. Oh how I love playing web dating games! Every time I play this game, I masturbate nonstop, and then cut myself, mixing the blood and sperm creating a pink mixture that tastes wonderful!
submitted by Greennzs to copypasta [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:25 MommaRN112 any advice?

Female, 28, 4 years of pain, increased over the years to increasingly worse symptoms.
Hey everyone, I'm new here but i just have some questions. I've not been formerly diagnosed and honestly, no one really is talking about it, but I have concerns and wonder if i should seek a second opinion. I've had a MRI head which was "normal" and an MRI neck which showed mild stenosis, mild degenerative discs, bulging discs from c2-c7 and kyphosis of the neck, but none of it really explains my symptoms. I have a neurologist, whom I need to find a new one, because I find him incredibly dismissive and unprofessional. Anyhow, doctors just keep putting multiple diagnoses and not really looking for a root problem, as well as my neurologist blaming all my problems on "anxiety and obesity".
I have severe headaches that stem from the base of the right side of my neck that feels like someone took a sword right around c2-c3, occiput region all the way through my right eye. the pain in my head and neck is constant but sometimes for days at a time it'll creep up to like a8 or 9 and make my cognition bad. i get dizzy spells, have the hardest time with word finding, numbness and tingling in my hands, nausea, easily gagging on stuff as well as feeling "SOB" like I can't get air in the correct way which makes me gag and inevitably vomit. I get random bouts of heart palpitations and dizziness to the point where it feels like I'm about to pass out. I'm so tired of the never ending pain. I have chiropractor, i ice, heat, pain management for corticosteroid injections/ nerve blocks and honestly, nothing is helping. I've tried your typically migraine medications, steroids, muscle relaxants, nerve pain meds (gabapentin) and even nsaids. I'm at my wits ends. I'm an RN and it makes my job nearly impossible and I'm tired of looking stupid in front of my patients when the pain gets bad and i have trouble with word finding or getting coherent sentence out.
Has anyone had misdiagnoses which later turned out they had chiari? I can't get anyone to refer me to neurosurgery, my fiance is sick of my incessant complaining and my moodiness when i'm in pain and i'm sick of the pain and feeling useless when i get "flares"
submitted by MommaRN112 to NeurologicalDisorders [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:11 MommaRN112 symptoms

Female, 28, 4 years of pain, increased over the years to increasingly worse symptoms.
Hey everyone, I'm new here but i just have some questions. I've not been formerly diagnosed and honestly, no one really is talking about it, but I have concerns and wonder if i should seek a second opinion. I've had a MRI head which was "normal" and an MRI neck which showed mild stenosis, mild degenerative discs, bulging discs from c2-c7 and kyphosis of the neck, but none of it really explains my symptoms. I have a neurologist, whom I need to find a new one, because I find him incredibly dismissive and unprofessional. Anyhow, doctors just keep putting multiple diagnoses and not really looking for a root problem, as well as my neurologist blaming all my problems on "anxiety and obesity".
I have severe headaches that stem from the base of the right side of my neck that feels like someone took a sword right around c2-c3, occiput region all the way through my right eye. the pain in my head and neck is constant but sometimes for days at a time it'll creep up to like a8 or 9 and make my cognition bad. i get dizzy spells, have the hardest time with word finding, numbness and tingling in my hands, nausea, easily gagging on stuff as well as feeling "SOB" like I can't get air in the correct way which makes me gag and inevitably vomit. I get random bouts of heart palpitations and dizziness to the point where it feels like I'm about to pass out. I'm so tired of the never ending pain. I have chiropractor, i ice, heat, pain management for corticosteroid injections/ nerve blocks and honestly, nothing is helping. I've tried your typically migraine medications, steroids, muscle relaxants, nerve pain meds (gabapentin) and even nsaids. I'm at my wits ends. I'm an RN and it makes my job nearly impossible and I'm tired of looking stupid in front of my patients when the pain gets bad and i have trouble with word finding or getting coherent sentence out.
Has anyone had misdiagnoses which later turned out they had chiari? I can't get anyone to refer me to neurosurgery, my fiance is sick of my incessant complaining and my moodiness when i'm in pain and i'm sick of the pain.
submitted by MommaRN112 to chiari [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:10 s4turn2k02 Bit of a boring one but does this sound like a common cold, flu or pneumonia? I’ve been exposed to pneumonia so am worried

21F uk, take 5 mg folic acid for low folic acid lol and 100mg of sertraline for OCD. Both once daily. No alcohol or drugs but I do vape
Symptoms started yesterday, was aching all over and had a really dry / scratchy throat. Chalked it down to allergies and sleeping funny- my mattress is rock solid lol. Didn’t feel unwell and managed to go up the park with my nephews
Woke up this morning with a slight a cough, nose isn’t blocked but I have a lot of mucus down my throat, my body is aching all over pretty bad and I have the chills, but don’t think I’ve got a fever- I don’t have a thermometer but my mum checked my chest / head (she’s A health care assistant) and said it doesn’t feel warm. Also have a general feeling of being unwell. Have managed to eat pretty normally though, have had paracetamol and lots of sleep throughout the day
Thing is, my sister (35F) had Covid 3 weeks ago. I didn’t have it, she doesn’t live with me and I didn’t see her, but we all tested as we’d met up a few days prior. She was asymptomatic for Covid, but developed pneumonia. She was very unwell for 2 weeks, bad chest and lots of vomiting. After an antibiotic change I’m pleased to say she’s much better, and I saw her yesterday (she came over to see us, you wouldn’t even know she’s been so unwell.)
The thing is, my mum went over to her house when she was very unwell to help care for her 1 year old son. She had little to no contact with my sister as she spent the day in bed. The 1 year old was not ill. That visit was 10 days ago
Thing is, I have agoraphobia so hardly leave my house. I’ve seen my mum, little sister, another older sister and her son recently, none of who are ill. I haven’t been anywhere other than the supermarket briefly a few days ago.
I’m worrying that I caught my sisters pneumonia even though I know it’s unlikely, and my cough isn’t bad at all. The body aches are driving me crazy though.
Is this likely nothing more than a common cold? I’ve had the flu before but was probably worse than this. I’ve also had bronchitis recently-ish and that was different too. I’m just so confused I have no idea where it’s come from
Mum will nip out to get me a Covid test tomorrow just to double check it isn’t that.
Yes I am a hypochondriac and am terrified of it being pneumonia because my sister vomited a lot. I have emetophobia so am terrified of being sick. I don’t think I feel nauseous and again have managed to eat smaller meals, and have felt hungry
No change to my taste or smell but my mouth is really dry, as is my throat and cough. It’s the muscle aches that are bothering me
I haven’t been sleeping well at all recently so don’t know if that’s contributing.
submitted by s4turn2k02 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:00 reddit_userxxx Is it just me?

Is it just me who's very scared of throwing up while I'm asleep? By that I mean like waking up and immediately throwing up, the second I wake up, literally waking up vomiting, not a few seconds later or anything. That's probably because the last time I threw up with a stomach bug I was feeling nauseous and fell asleep, and about 2 hours later I woke up and immediately vomited.I hate this. I think most people wake up feeling nauseous and throw up a few minutes after, they're so lucky. I wish I could feel nauseous and try to sleep, instead of being afraid of sleeping. Idk, perhaps it won't be the same since I was 12 when that happened, and now a few years have passed. I think if there was a godly force that always made sure I would make it to the bathroom and not on my bed, my phobia would probably be less severe.
submitted by reddit_userxxx to emetophobia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:57 SVG-OMG I got shot in the eye with high pressure HIV + blood

Tl;dr: The title pretty much sums it up. An unfortunate series of events, the PEP is making me very sick, poor leadership and now I’m resigning.
I’m an RN circulator in the cath lab. About 45 minutes into an open procedure, the doctor’s eye glasses fell off of his very sweaty face and into the sterile field (we were putting in a pacemaker) The doctor freaked out, yelled at and rushed us to scramble for supplies to make the situation right. He made us feel as if it was our fault because the room was too hot. We had turned it down to 60°. We also had a traveler training a traveler (the monitor person) and the scrub tech was training a brand newbie to the cath lab on her 2nd day.
As I was dropping new towels to the field I got hit in the eyes with the blood as my scrubber was flushing the used sheath with saline. This came out at very high pressure and it had copious amounts of blood in it. The scrub tech got it in his eyes too. He was wearing goggles I was not. It was a dumb move on his part but he’s in the same boat as me, it wasn’t malicious and I don’t blame him.
I went and rinsed my eyes in the eyewash station for 5 minutes at the direction of my ANM. My ANM was great and helped me through the whole process of calling the BBP hotline, etc. However, we are shortstaffed, so I was expected to go back into the room and finish circulating the case (and several others before they finally had to send me home because I had to hunt down the post exposure prophylaxis “PEP” medicines at some obscure pharmacy.)
I didn’t find out until after that the patient was HIV+, as it was not disclosed in the H&P, or the one previous, but 3 H&P’s ago! This was an outpatient and those H&P’s were from his previous hospital stay. Outpatients are coming from the cardiology office and 1 H&P is all we have to go on!
I could tell the doctor felt bad when I returned, but nervous because he knew he dropped the ball. The doctor told me that the patient stated (while under sedation during the case, mind you) that they do not have a detectable viral load. After the case, the doctor gave me a big hug and told me his own sob story about how he got cut by a scalpel when he had a hepatitis C positive patient (but he “didn’t worry about PEP for myself”) but then proceeded to make sure that I take the PEP, told me it might make my stomach “a little upset, but it may be a good idea to just take a PPI.”
My boss (manager not my ANM) made me cry in our storeroom when I told him that we were rushed and spread thin and bad mistakes like this happen under these conditions. He argued with me and reprimanded me for not wearing “proper PPE” …all of this in front of the poor blood-borne pathogens nurse who was just there to draw my blood (yeah, in a storeroom…I couldn’t be too far because I needed to get back into my cases!). She even apologized on his behalf when he left.
Now here I am, after having taken 3 days of post exposure prophylaxis, and I’m incredibly sick. Nauseous, vomiting food that I ate 12+ hours prior, fatigued and having constant splitting headache. I’m a chronically ill person to begin with, with a millions symptoms with what looks like Lupus on multiple different autoimmune reflex tests. My BP has been so low before this that my cardiologist has been ordering IV fluids on my lunch brakes and started me on midodrine. I have 3 little kids and I’m 8 months away from taking my FNP boards. To say I was struggling even BEFORE this shitshow was an understatement and now I just can’t handle it…
I’ve put in my resignation for 5 weeks from now, but I’m feeling too sick to work now on these awful medicines. And I have to take them for 28 days! I’m so lost, scared and never EVER thought nursing would be like this.
submitted by SVG-OMG to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:47 BitsNDiodes Can Spastic Cerebral Palsy Cause Headaches or Migraines?

F23, Height: 5”0, Weight: 126, PMH: Mild Cerebral Palsy(spastic), strep, scarlet fever, GERD, anxiety, depression, nystagmus, strabismus, high cholesterol, sinus tachycardia, hydrocephalus
Meds: topamax(getting off), effexor, pravastatin, depo,(getting off), metoprolol, Lamictal, flonase, omeprazole, excedrin, miralax,, sumatriptan
Well, I was diagnosed with hydrocephalus and I have a VP shunt since I was 11 days old and there are no complications as of April 21st 2024 in the ER. I’ve been getting dull headaches at different places from my forehead, temples, top of my head, and base of my head for 6 months around Christmas when I got strep and scarlet fever which had been progressively getting worse. Over time I developed a stiff neck, tonsil stones, post nasal drip, burning eyes, and ear pain. I was thinking Depo was the cause since I had my first shot on August 23. However, the PA said it was not likely but we can see what happens.
Anyways, my shunt was checked at the beginning of April by my PCP and nothing was found. She was going to follow up with me in 4 weeks to discuss our plan. However, I could not wait any longer and decided to go to the ER. Unexpectedly, during triage the nurse took my temperature and I had a fever of 100.4F. I freaked the fuck out understandably because I knew what that meant, meningitis. However, when they mentioned a spinal tap I refused because I was scared and I heard another resident said through my charts that meningitis was not likely. However, they gave me antibiotics including Vancomycin, Rocephin, and a steroid called Dexamethasone.
FYI, I had an allergic reaction called Red Man Syndrome which apparently is rare and is caused by vancomycin… who would have knew? That nurse is God. The plan was to reduce the rate and complete the vancomycin. However, when they gave me Benadryl via IV I started coughing and gagging. I was screaming bloody murder and crying. I couldn’t even explain it to them at all because I was coughing so much, but let me tell you I felt a rush of tingling in my throat. My airways were not closing at all and I was able to breathe. I felt so sick to my stomach and did not like the Benadryl. It was so bad, the doctor was called in to the room and he just stood there and watched with no reaction. eyeroll SHOW SOME EMPATHY. The nurse gave a crap and did the right thing and called the doctor because she bought I was not breathing. Anyways… no oxygen was needed. I was admitted to Family Medicine.
Later on, they gave me topamax I hate it honestly. It makes me suicidal and angry. I melted down a few weeks ago and it was not very pretty. I was so pissed because my neurologist appointment was canceled for the 4th time and I screamed and cried at my PCPs office and wanted to kill myself. Yeah, I was sent to the ER but I eventually called down within 5 minutes but I sat in the ER for an hour to think about it. However, they discharged me when I calmed down. So yay. I am so glad I am going off the topamax soon as directed by my PCP and I hope I will see my neurologist next week. If they don’t cancel the appointment again. It’s likely the will which is very common.
The question is, the resident thought my spastic CP is causing my headaches but I don’t feel spasms in my head. I think it is Depo. Has this happened before?
submitted by BitsNDiodes to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:38 PracticalCows Am I (34F) wasting time with my (36M) boyfriend? I want marriage, kids and living together. He says he does too, but never makes an attempt to

We're both teachers and we met on Bumble. I liked him from the very first date and we had sex on the 3rd date.
We've now been in a relationship for 5 years. We're both teachers and are long distance (3 hours apart). He rents a room by the ocean and I live inland. I own my own home (bought before prices were insane at a low interest rate). I also have a daughter.
I tell him to apply for teaching jobs in my area and just move in with me. The hiring season for this school year just ended, and he resigned the contract for where he's currently working. He tells me there just isn't any openings where I'm at. I feel like he doesn't really make much of an attempt.
I tell him I want to get married, and he says that sounds great but it's been 5 years and I still don't have a ring. I tell him I want more kids and he says he would like kids one day too, but it never seems to happen.
We otherwise get along extremely well, and he's staying the summer at my house. He's currently on a jog while I'm writing this.
We spend our teacher breaks together (summer, xmas, spring). Sometimes when I have a 4 day weekend, I'll go up to where he is.
I don't quite know what to do here. It's like we're in a relationship without really being in a relationship or having it move forward. I really, really hated dating so the thought of trying to meet someone new just gives me a stomach ache...especially with how kind he is to my kid (they get along great). We've met each others families.
What are your thoughts?
submitted by PracticalCows to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:37 PracticalCows Am I (34F) wasting time with my (36M) boyfriend? I want marriage, kids and living together. He says he does too, but never makes an attempt to

We're both teachers and we met on Bumble. I liked him from the very first date and we had sex on the 3rd date.
We've now been in a relationship for 5 years. We're both teachers and are long distance (3 hours apart). He rents a room by the ocean and I live inland. I own my own home (bought before prices were insane at a low interest rate). I also have a daughter.
I tell him to apply for teaching jobs in my area and just move in with me. The hiring season for this school year just ended, and he resigned the contract for where he's currently working. He tells me there just isn't any openings where I'm at. I feel like he doesn't really make much of an attempt.
I tell him I want to get married, and he says that sounds great but it's been 5 years and I still don't have a ring. I tell him I want more kids and he says he would like kids one day too, but it never seems to happen.
We otherwise get along extremely well, and he's staying the summer at my house. He's currently on a jog while I'm writing this.
We spend our teacher breaks together (summer, xmas, spring). Sometimes when I have a 4 day weekend, I'll go up to where he is.
I don't quite know what to do here. It's like we're in a relationship without really being in a relationship or having it move forward. I really, really hated dating so the thought of trying to meet someone new just gives me a stomach ache...especially with how kind he is to my kid (they get along great). We've met each others families.
What are your thoughts?
submitted by PracticalCows to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:36 PracticalCows Am I (34F) wasting time with my (36M) boyfriend? I want marriage, kids and living together. He says he does too, but never makes an attempt to

We're both teachers and we met on Bumble. I liked him from the very first date and we had sex on the 3rd date.
We've now been in a relationship for 5 years. We're both teachers and are long distance (3 hours apart). He rents a room by the ocean and I live inland. I own my own home (bought before prices were insane at a low interest rate). I also have a daughter.
I tell him to apply for teaching jobs in my area and just move in with me. The hiring season for this school year just ended, and he resigned the contract for where he's currently working. He tells me there just isn't any openings where I'm at. I feel like he doesn't really make much of an attempt.
I tell him I want to get married, and he says that sounds great but it's been 5 years and I still don't have a ring. I tell him I want more kids and he says he would like kids one day too, but it never seems to happen.
We otherwise get along extremely well, and he's staying the summer at my house. He's currently on a jog while I'm writing this.
We spend our teacher breaks together (summer, xmas, spring). Sometimes when I have a 4 day weekend, I'll go up to where he is.
I don't quite know what to do here. It's like we're in a relationship without really being in a relationship or having it move forward. I really, really hated dating so the thought of trying to meet someone new just gives me a stomach ache...especially with how kind he is to my kid (they get along great). We've met each others families.
What are your thoughts?
submitted by PracticalCows to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:36 PracticalCows Am I (34F) wasting time with my (36M) boyfriend? I want marriage, kids and living together. He says he does too, but never makes an attempt to

We're both teachers and we met on Bumble. I liked him from the very first date and we had sex on the 3rd date.
We've now been in a relationship for 5 years. We're both teachers and are long distance (3 hours apart). He rents a room by the ocean and I live inland. I own my own home (bought before prices were insane at a low interest rate). I also have a daughter.
I tell him to apply for teaching jobs in my area and just move in with me. The hiring season for this school year just ended, and he resigned the contract for where he's currently working. He tells me there just isn't any openings where I'm at. I feel like he doesn't really make much of an attempt.
I tell him I want to get married, and he says that sounds great but it's been 5 years and I still don't have a ring. I tell him I want more kids and he says he would like kids one day too, but it never seems to happen.
We otherwise get along extremely well, and he's staying the summer at my house. He's currently on a jog while I'm writing this.
We spend our teacher breaks together (summer, xmas, spring). Sometimes when I have a 4 day weekend, I'll go up to where he is.
I don't quite know what to do here. It's like we're in a relationship without really being in a relationship or having it move forward. I really, really hated dating so the thought of trying to meet someone new just gives me a stomach ache...especially with how kind he is to my kid (they get along great). We've met each others families.
What are your thoughts? I know I'm not in my 50s, but maybe this sub has a lot of wisdom
submitted by PracticalCows to datingoverfifty [link] [comments]
