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2024.06.10 02:03 journalistCS I have to break up with my boyfriend and I'm so upset.

I have been dating my boyfriend for 2 and half years, we've known eachother for 3. We've just graduated University and I'm not joking when I say I've never been treated as wonderfully, been so in love, been so happy with someone. We've lived together for over a year and a half and just signed a new place. We have tickets to go to Vietnam together in October. We've been through so much together: huge life changes, financial crisis, abortion, and insane illness. We've travelled. Everyone I know loves our relationship, including both our families and all our friends. In late April I found out he had Grinder on his phone. Not to be a freak but I've suspected hes bi for a longgggg time so wasn't shocked. And you can be like yap yap yap he's gay, but as a queer person I'm not gonna discredit bisexuality. We had some incredible conversations and he said he felt so ashamed and angry at himself and it felt great to come out to me. He's a very masculine man and has a masc friend group, comes from a small town, and I wasn't shocked this was an emotional burden for him. I was sad but I genuinley forgave him and understood where he was coming from. I was clear I would not tolerate dishonesty in our relationship and if he wanted to be non-monogamous he needed to voice that to me. One morning I woke up with this feeling in my stomach like I just knew something was wrong. Later I was staring at his laptop and my gut said check his search history. And I did. Sure enough- filllllllllllledd with porn and onlyfans. Noteably, all women which I WAS suprised by. I am not anti porn, especially not onlyfans, but I was shocked he didn't tell me (we talk about this stuff). Yet again- dishonesty. And I know this next part is shitty and petty and I am aware. I outright asked him if he watched it, without revealing I knew he watched it. He lied again, telling what I would call half truths to everything I asked (I used it in highschool, I mostly just use regular porn sites, I wouldn't pay for that). I checked today- he checked it while at work. He's changing-adapting to the lying. Went through his email. He's had onlyfans subscriptions our entire relationship. He's messaging them. He has a private insta thats seperate. I know I sound crazy- I FEEL crazy.
I feel sick. I have to leave, and what's even worse is I am only thinking that because I know future me deserves that. Present me wants to pretend she's never seen it.
I will have to move home, buying out of my lease will be so pricey I'll be broke. I'll have to leave my job. I'll either have to forfiet the tickets or go to Vietnam myself.
My entire life is about to be completely destroyed. We share so many mutual friends and I care about his family and I just can't believe it's about to be all over.
But I honestly don't know how to get him to stop lying to me. If I did I would stay. I feel sick.
Thanks for being a space to let me let this out.
submitted by journalistCS to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:50 Reasonable-Milk298 Season 10...

This is a long post but I'm sure some of you guys can relate
So after a long hiatus, I started to rewatch S10 today and I only got to the part where that fucking blue iroc pulls up to the gate, before I had to turn it off because of angeanxiety over all of the bullshit in this season. I'd love to say that the worst part of the season was where J-roc came back with that airheaded Mexican chick but that's wishful thinking. What's wrong with this season is... Well, many multitudes of things (mostly the idiot characters.)
Everyone acts like they've got a stick up their asses, starting with Lucy. I know she was plucked away from George Green's place where the floozy should have stayed tbh. She thought her ugly old ass could have another kid after she gave up her greasy cheeseburger baby that Randy put in her. She was even more of a bitch when Sarah came to stay "while she got her shit together." Even Ricky objected to Sarah barging into Ricky's home, and being a freeloading ass on Ricky's-no Jacob's-dime. She and Lucy think their shit don't stink by demanding that Ricky get a job, not them, of course, no doubt minimum wage, to support those two. I get that the baby's a lot of work, but I assume that's why Trin doesn't work-to take care of The motel, formally known as Ray...
Meanwhile, Lucy and Sarah expect Ricky and Jacob to support them while they refuse to get work and help out, Rick does a job or two because that's all he knew. Then they get pissed because they act righteous like Ricky's a loser, according to Sarah. With this Queen of Sheba attitude, Lucy thinks she had the right to tell Ricky that he was "out of the family" after the queens from hell (nm, that title is for someone else. More on that later...) find that safe in the trunk. When Sarah laughed and said "wow" to Ricky afterwards, I seriously wanted to slap the shit out of her.
What confused me is that at one point Lucy and Sarah wanted to go do a job with the boys, and were whooping and all gung-ho about breaking the law like Bonnie Parker, (from Bonnie and Clyde) but treat Ricky like an idiot when they use the winch idea to steal the rack of bicycles. Granted, that was a good idea, but damn. Then Ricky had to talk his way out of their situation with campus security, while the girls tossed their vests and just walked away..
Fast forward to the bitches from hell. Candy, Donna and the other broad.. Oh Barb. Those three should have gone back to prison where they belong for all the crap they pulled. Fuck, they were annoying. Candy alone was a cujo thundercunt from hell who I wanted to take that fucking pink bat and put it where the sun don't shine (although she'd probably like it lol.)
I felt so sorry for Lahey, who was getting his life back in order and getting as sober as possible (for him anyway) and finally living in peace and not bothering anyone. I honestly loved his quiet little place and it suited him well. It was hard to see Candy commit elder abuse by physically and emotionally assaulting Jim, by grabbing his manhood and demanding they stay at HIS place "as LONG as we want" (like how tf did she even fit in that little camper anyway...) And dumping their trash on Jim's head while thinking they were "too good" for the tent he bought.
Poor Jim was driven to drink by those bitches after they trespassed on his property, stole his chicken dinner, and fucking Donna taking his movie. Barb was a stupid looking crusty old wannabe biker skank, Donna was ugly as shit and Candy was so hideous that they were all walking salt peter. Oh and when Candy's fat blimp ass twisted Randy's tits and fucking bitch Donna (do I even call her that?) kidnapping and raping Randy with a fucking frozen fish. Just unbelievable.
Frig bitches caused Lahey to go off the deep end and force Leslie to drink at gunpoint before going to the park, and then was spray painted by a bunch of celebs who turned TPB into the national enquirer. Jimmy Kimmel. Fuck that asshole lol. It felt SO fake with bubbles talking to him and when the boys start fighting again, Bubbles apologized like * "I'm sorry Jimmy Kimmel"* before Bubs closed the laptop and started crying and whining like a detard. I wonder what clattenburg thought of these shit on a stick episodes, if he even cared to see them.
Lastly, snoop was cool and I appreciated Tom's enthusiasm and excitement, but it seemed fake and overkill. Him wanting to fuck LUCY of all women; then Julian and Sarah trying to take portions of Lucy's money for themselves. Tom wanted to give Trin the best wedding ever but it seems like Lucy just bought Trin's dress and nothing else. No formal reception, no bridesmaids, nothing. I get that her dad was in bad shape in the hospital, but it seemed like she deserved more for her wedding. Which told me that Lucy probably pocketed the remaining money without helping to get housewares or a car for Trin and Jacob, or to buy another trailer for her and Trin and Jacob, if she hated living with Ricky so much. That's what I would've assumed that a good mom would do.
Honorable mention goes to j-rocs dimple minded wife and that asshole kid. They both fit racial stereotypes for their races, especially when MC Flurry kept making "jokes" toward Hispanic and white people. It seemed more offensive than anything, and these racial slurs were supposed to be cute, but just pissed me off. Even Snoop got in on the racial slurs, calling j-roc John Denver and a liquid paper colored mah'fucka. But it's Snoop so he can get away with it..
Last but not least, once Barb and her bitch gang start shit and Lahey shoots Ricky, she turns all nice and caring while the other two slugs disappear into the abyss. And the asshole Colonel Dancer as well. Poor guy got himself back on track just to end up in jail (?) These broads should have been in jail for the shit they pulled and Barb covered her ass when becomes all buddy buddy with Lucy and Trin after she pulled the crap that nearly killed Ricky. Poor Trin couldn't even have her father walk down the hospital room aisle... I guess but maybe,, just maybe Julian's her daddy.
So my face went from šŸ¤¬ to šŸ‘ŗ, the longer the season went lol. On the bright side, at least Ricky was with Lucy and not that skinny bitch Susan yet. Ugh..
Sorry for the rant, imma go smoke a joint.. maybe I have pms or something šŸ¤£šŸ˜”šŸ„²
(p.s. fuck it would've been fun watching the bitch trio and certain aforementioned characters getting the living shit kicked out of them before getting Randy and Ted take them down..)
submitted by Reasonable-Milk298 to trailerparkboys [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:31 Electrical-Candy-347 Boyfriend wants a kid. I'm leaving him

I know a lot of people are gonna say I'm the asshole and that he deserves better and maybe they're right but I need to tell my story. I'm sorry if this is confusing, I'm a little drunk and English isn't my first language.
I (F21) met my boyfriend (M35) well now ex boyfriend at a photoshoot where he was the photographer and I was his model. Please don't comment on our age difference, it never mattered to me. I've always been super mature especially since I've been on my own since I was seventeen.
Ive never wanted kids. I made that decision since I was young. I don't wanna hear the "you'll change your mind, when you get older" I won't. I don't want my body to change, I don't wanna have to deal with my body getting bigger, I don't wanna have to give up my freedom and my job because let's be honest here women's careers so go down after they have kids. My independence means a lot to me and I don't wanna lose that.
My ex however is the exact opposite. He wanted a family and even though I always made it clear to him that I don't want that he didn't mind.
But ever since he turned thirty five back in January things started to change. He started to give me ultimatums about having kids and he said he at least wanted to try, I begrudgingly agreed. I went off birth control but quickly went back on for many reasons, when I went off it I got insanely depressed, my skin got really bad and my periods came back when I told him that I needed to get back on he kept on argued and told me that he needs to start having kids now because he isn't getting any younger. I don't mind being the provider of our relationship. I love my job and I love being able to spoil the man I love but my job isn't possible while pregnant and while I'm post partum and someone is gonna need to work to keep up with the stuff I pay for.
I understood but he currently lost his job as a photographer and I'm the breadwinner. I make a lot of money so I can support the two of us. I tried to explain to him that I will not have a child until he gets a job that makes more or the same amount as me because I like my lifestyle and I don't wanna my "child" to suffer in poverty like I had too.
He finally agreed and I decided to get an IUD just incase. I didn't tell him, which yes is a bitchy move but I honestly don't care. We are not married and I don't owe to tell him that.
During this time he would start getting really controlling about the outfits I could wear, the photoshoots I could do and so many parts of my life like friends and how many parties I could go to, if I ever I said no he'd say I was crossing his boundaries.
Yesterday everything blew up more then I could imagine. I came back home late from a long photoshoot to my boyfriend sitting on the couch angrily starring at me. He started to yell about how I'm whore and a liar because I booked the UID appointment without his permission and I reminded him of a our deal that he needs to get a high paying job and that when he threw a empty bear can at my direction saying that I don't need to remind how I'm doing better then him because I decided to whore myself for money.
That's when I had enough and I told him that he doesn't need to stay with me and that I'm sure he can find any woman out there who will be more than happy to have kids with a low salary. He responded by throwing a black box at me that had a small ring in it saying that I lost the opportunity to get married. I told him that we both agreed that we didn't want to get married and he just screamed as a response. I won't go into detail about what happened next but we went from arguing to him being on top of me, no, it wasn't rape. I could've said no and I'm stupid that I'd didn't. I just felt scared and weak and I'm so sorry that I didn't say no, and in his defense he was high and drunk so he probably had no idea what he was doing..
By the time I woke up this morning I knew I had enough. I knew that I couldn't stay here anymore. I try never to have too many stuff as I never knew when I needed to run so I just grabbed my bag with all of stuff and took my cat with a few of her favorite food and toys, called up my friend so I she could take my other car and now we're both this in secret cabin he doesn't know about so I don't think he'll be able to find.
For I don't know what to do. I know I won't get any sympathy and I know I don't deserve any. I am a liar and I did waste his time. Thank you if you read this far and I'm sorry if it doesn't make any sense..I'll try my best to answer any questions. Thanks for reading. Bye
submitted by Electrical-Candy-347 to ComfortLevelPod [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:30 Electrical-Candy-347 Boyfriend wants a kid. I'm leaving him

I know a lot of people are gonna say I'm the asshole and that he deserves better and maybe they're right but I need to tell my story. I'm sorry if this is confusing, I'm a little drunk and English isn't my first language.
I (F21) met my boyfriend (M35) well now ex boyfriend at a photoshoot where he was the photographer and I was his model. Please don't comment on our age difference, it never mattered to me. I've always been super mature especially since I've been on my own since I was seventeen.
Ive never wanted kids. I made that decision since I was young. I don't wanna hear the "you'll change your mind, when you get older" I won't. I don't want my body to change, I don't wanna have to deal with my body getting bigger, I don't wanna have to give up my freedom and my job because let's be honest here women's careers so go down after they have kids. My independence means a lot to me and I don't wanna lose that.
My ex however is the exact opposite. He wanted a family and even though I always made it clear to him that I don't want that he didn't mind.
But ever since he turned thirty five back in January things started to change. He started to give me ultimatums about having kids and he said he at least wanted to try, I begrudgingly agreed. I went off birth control but quickly went back on for many reasons, when I went off it I got insanely depressed, my skin got really bad and my periods came back when I told him that I needed to get back on he kept on argued and told me that he needs to start having kids now because he isn't getting any younger. I don't mind being the provider of our relationship. I love my job and I love being able to spoil the man I love but my job isn't possible while pregnant and while I'm post partum and someone is gonna need to work to keep up with the stuff I pay for.
I understood but he currently lost his job as a photographer and I'm the breadwinner. I make a lot of money so I can support the two of us. I tried to explain to him that I will not have a child until he gets a job that makes more or the same amount as me because I like my lifestyle and I don't wanna my "child" to suffer in poverty like I had too.
He finally agreed and I decided to get an IUD just incase. I didn't tell him, which yes is a bitchy move but I honestly don't care. We are not married and I don't owe to tell him that.
During this time he would start getting really controlling about the outfits I could wear, the photoshoots I could do and so many parts of my life like friends and how many parties I could go to, if I ever I said no he'd say I was crossing his boundaries.
Yesterday everything blew up more then I could imagine. I came back home late from a long photoshoot to my boyfriend sitting on the couch angrily starring at me. He started to yell about how I'm whore and a liar because I booked the UID appointment without his permission and I reminded him of a our deal that he needs to get a high paying job and that when he threw a empty bear can at my direction saying that I don't need to remind how I'm doing better then him because I decided to whore myself for money.
That's when I had enough and I told him that he doesn't need to stay with me and that I'm sure he can find any woman out there who will be more than happy to have kids with a low salary. He responded by throwing a black box at me that had a small ring in it saying that I lost the opportunity to get married. I told him that we both agreed that we didn't want to get married and he just screamed as a response. I won't go into detail about what happened next but we went from arguing to him being on top of me, no, it wasn't rape. I could've said no and I'm stupid that I'd didn't. I just felt scared and weak and I'm so sorry that I didn't say no, and in his defense he was high and drunk so he probably had no idea what he was doing..
By the time I woke up this morning I knew I had enough. I knew that I couldn't stay here anymore. I try never to have too many stuff as I never knew when I needed to run so I just grabbed my bag with all of stuff and took my cat with a few of her favorite food and toys, called up my friend so I she could take my other car and now we're both this in secret cabin he doesn't know about so I don't think he'll be able to find.
For I don't know what to do. I know I won't get any sympathy and I know I don't deserve any. I am a liar and I did waste his time. Thank you if you read this far and I'm sorry if it doesn't make any sense..I'll try my best to answer any questions. Thanks for reading. Bye
submitted by Electrical-Candy-347 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:10 DPandWolverine Is buying Laptops on Hidevolution worth it? For a pc build.

The most expensive Laptop and whatever build you want to customize on a laptop. Or is that site more of a scam?
submitted by DPandWolverine to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:41 CelebrationFew6101 Milwaukee Tenant trying to evict a fellow tenant (that is not on the lease), but he has paid rent.

I am not well versed legally. I thought by simply removing him from the lease, it would be free game to kick out, if he became troublesome again.
There are four of us, including *Tyrant* who has caused everyone mental duress and has proven to be a threat to himself and sometimes others.
For context, the roommate is a bipolar (+ a ton of other mental issues) + unmedicated, but he at least goes to therapy. The events leading to us wanting to kick him out happened over the course of a year.
When we first rented, it was just me and tyrant over the summer. The place was largely empty, at some point he had mentioned struggling with suicide and depression. A couple weeks into living together, he tries to overdose on a bunch of pills, and confesses that to me (after ingesting them). I tried to get him to vomit but he wasn't interested. Dealing with similar issues in high school, I knew it wasn't remotely enough to kill him, just that he would get kinda woozy (maybe get a bad stomach ache) and maybe see some "spiders", I babysat him the rest of the night and we talked about mental health and I tried to reason with him. I confiscated all the pills in the house the next day as added precaution.
The following morning he had a bad phone call with his parents and then proceeded to scream at me about putting knives in the sink and washing dishes. We had not even had a conversation about household cleaning habits at this point, so to say it was unprompted would be an understatement.
I later noticed this as a habit of his, something would go wrong in his personal life (or his mental health would deteriorate) and he would fixate on something to direct at me. At first I thought he just really needed a clean space (I can be a bit of slob), but as time passed I was doing most of the chores. If I was gone for a week he would fill the sink with his dishes, let food rot in an airfryer, pile trash bags inside rather than taking them out. Despite this, he would still find things to nitpick on. I largely tolerated it because it was the way I was raised. During all of this happening, he had more suicide attempts, which meant me having to hide more things (the toaster, kitchen knives, razors, etc...). I know some of you are probably thinking why didn't you call the cops? Or tell the landlord?* (i'll get into later)
He was originally my friend, and there was a time where I felt responsible for his well-being. I didn't want to get him sent to an institute or mess up his life if the cops perceived him to be a threat. I kept thinking that it was temporary, and if I rally enough support, things will improve. And to be fair, that is what got him voluntarily into therapy.
I never yelled at him or "stood up to him" because I don't like yelling. I am large male, he is short. When I was younger I had outbursts. I never hurt anyone, but I learned that sometimes raising your voice is all it takes to be perceived as threat. I always tried to reason with him, but it never seem to stick.
At some point I had family over, granted with little notice, but I was previously told he was going to be gone that week. He snapped multiple times about how 'they live like animals' and 'armed men are going rob the house' because it was unlocked. It was noon, on a saturday, and my father was sitting on the porch. He got pissy that we put a street couch on the balcony. A bunch of other upsetting things happened, mostly yelling, I always responded jovially to keep things light for my family.
After he sent a message to the our house chat about "my shit being everywhere" I was done with his behavior. In the picture he conveniently moved all of his things out of frame, and since I was away I literally could not do anything about it, this also painted me as a slob to our roommates yet to move in.
I drove to the house and waited for his girlfriend to finish visiting to confront him (an affordance he never once had granted me). I asked him if he wanted to talk about the way he has been acting over the last month. He tried to brush me off, but I was persistent, he then ran to his room and tried to slam the door on me. This is typically how he handled confrontation.
I have a voice recording of the incident. I was mostly just asking him if he felt it was acceptable to yell at someone do to household chores, or to yell at / in front of someone's family and partner over personal issues. Before I could finish the first sentence he started walking to his room.
I held my hand in the door because I wanted a response or something, an apology. He slammed the door on my hand multiple times (probably over 10). At some point, he got sick of my questions and screamed "I tried to kill myself today!". I said "So what? That justifies the way you've been acting?" "You're not trying to get help, you just take it out on me, and you ignore everyone else who's trying to help you". I said some other things, but I don't want to re-listen to the recording right now.
I know I said nothing that could be perceived as threat, but I don't know if putting my hand in the door against his will is illegal.
After that, it was radio silence. If he saw me, he would run to his room. Eleanor (one of the roomates yet to move in) came over for a day. We hung up a spice rack while he was preheating his fryer for a meal. His response was to throw the frozen chicken into the fridge and run to his room. He is of drinking age, and two years older than me.
This went on for 3 weeks, at first the space was nice, but I started to wonder If I undid all the progress towards him getting help. I felt bad at this point. I left a notes at his door, apologizing and saying people cared about him. I left him a meal when it seemed like he wasn't eating.
Eventually he snapped back. No apology, no conversation. He was just out and about again. He presented me with small talk. I tried to talk about what happened and he broadly spoke about his mental health, and vaguely mentioned being sorry. Great. I decided to let things go, and that I would confront whatever happens next in the moment. Months pass. A couple spats happen, I sometimes snap back at him now and call out his hypocrisy. Summer is ending.
Things stabilized and the other roommates moved in. Fast forward a couple months and they all develop problems with Tyrant, but we don't want to break the lease, and can't find a new roommate, also none of us know how to kick out a roommate who shares a lease with us. We settle for house meetings, none of which stick for tyrant, we decide will not renew with him on the lease and just have to get through the year.
Also the two new roommates are both girls who are avoidant of confrontation, so now I am the one to bat for everyone. As a result, tyrant hates me. If there's a mess it must be me, if someone took someone's food I am the first to blame, if there is damage I must be responsible. I just deal with it, as I know living with both of them and a normal roommate will be a dream.
Tyrant has a mental break while I am away, and threatens to kill himself after getting frustrated that he had to be present for the landlord to fix something. He throws a laptop at Iris, and then locks himself in my room after grabbing several knives. Everyone is now ready to kick out tyrant.
The lease is approaching. I start working on removing tyrant from the lease before it renews, but it turns out the lease auto renewed, so its a bigger process. *After the landlords told us we need tyrants consent to remove him, I informed them of the situation, but they do not care. They tell me to try and find a way for him to sign anyways.
After flipflopping on it for weeks, I finally get tyrant to sign the forums removing him from the lease.
I mail it in, but only mail one of the two copies as only one will fit in the envelope, I think it went through because they almost always reply if they still need something from us. I am waiting on a response to see if it was finalized. I thought it was but I am now double checking.
Here is the situation:
Tyrant wants to move out july 1st. I want him out on the 18th.
My girlfriend will be taking his place over the summer, and her job starts soon, we previously told him multiple times that the latest we could do is mid june. But, none of this is in writing.
I offered to pay him the amount of rent that he would be losing by moving out early. He barely stays here now, only coming into town for work. I also offered to store all his things in the attic / basement, so he would be able to access them once he does move into his new place. I know he doesn't need to live here, as he constantly stays at his parents. If it's about work he could crash at his brothers place (in MKE) for the the two weekends of work.
I don't feel safe leaving my girlfriend here while he is still living here. But I need to see my grandmother because she is dying. I want him out, but I don't think the landlords will do anything. I am willing to involve the cops but I don't know what to say, and I consume illicit substances so I worry about him turning it into a mudfest. We are also not supposed to technically supposed use the attic, so I worry about that getting brought up. He isn't conniving but I just want to be airtight.
Also due to the timing and lack of funds, I wonder if I should just wait until july first. But then its the whole issue of how long will it take him to actually move out, if it took this much time to get him to agree to it?
I'd like to know what I legally can and can't do, what his protections are as paying unleased tenant. And what I can do given the history and people willing to testify, but having a lack of a court order or restraining order.
Should I have a firmer talk threatening to make his actions into a legal issue? I don't know what to do.
submitted by CelebrationFew6101 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:21 Remove_Excellent Please recommend laptop backpacks

Please recommend laptop backpacks
I was looking between this bag and the north face borialis. Does anyone have any other recommendations?
submitted by Remove_Excellent to BuyItForLife [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:21 BugHaunting813 On Parasocial relationships and snark

Iā€™ve been reflecting on this topic due to the fiasco with Lily b. I used to be a huge fan, bought merch, I think she was my favourite tiktoker for over a year.
It was hinging on parasocial. I started to get the ick just watching her videos, before I ever saw the reddit, and I do not think itā€™s a coincidence that her snark had nearly 5000 people for a small influencer.
My theory is that a parasocial mindset leads to snark if you as an audience start to feel betrayed and lied to, and theyā€™re both unhealthy.
People point out these admittedly disturbing videos of her yelling at a homeless man and showing it to the world, expecting compliments on her privates from a professional, etc, but I think thatā€™s not "it" in that thatā€™s not why she irked so many people.
For me, it was the fake persona. For instance
The fake personality is so unsettling when you felt like you "knew" her somehow. I blocked her yesterday and will be careful about NOT developing a parasocial mindset again. I think itā€™s very unhealthy even if itā€™s "positive"
submitted by BugHaunting813 to LAinfluencersnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:12 jdubindustries Thule Aion 28l vs The North Face Base Camp Voyager Back Pack 35l

Thule Aion 28l vs The North Face Base Camp Voyager Back Pack 35l
Thule Aion 28L and The North Face Base Camp Voyager Back Pack 35l.
Some background on my experience: I'm very new to doing the Onebag thing. I have usually done extended trips using a 2-wheel Asaks 20 inch 37l rolling duffel carry on and a now 10 year old Jansport Hatchet 28l as a personal item. The Jansport also serves as my Onebag when I fly domestic economy carriers in the US when I only have an allowance for a personal item. I pack it really tight on those trips. It has never been an ideal travel bag but I've always made it work. After a recent 2 week trip to Japan using both , I decided it was time to retire the Jansport and find a new personal item, in part to keep the wear off it and keep it as strictly an EDC.
Enter the The North Face Base Camp Voyager: I found it online for just $85 at Moosejaw. I'm not wild about the shape/style/aestetic but $85 for a bag in this segment makes it almost disposable so I thought I'd give it shot. Plus it measures out to 38 linear inches which was my target size for an under-seat personal item. I just used it for a 3 night trip to the Bahamas as my Onebag and was pleasantly surprised by how versatile it is and easy to live out of. It fit under the seat with some protruding on an Embraer which are little jet planes, this one only had 3 seats to a row. No picture. Sorry, new to doing reviews on Reddit.
Enter the Thule Aion: I found it on B&H Photo for $140. Iā€™ve only used it as an EDC so far and itā€™s not practical as an EDC. Too much padding. I really thought I would love this bag. I love the way it looks. But Iā€™m having a hard time figuring out what problem itā€™s really trying to solve. It measures 38.5 linear inches un-expanded but I thought I would cheat my 38 inch parameter as itā€™a only a half inch.
I did a home packing and try on test. Packing list is for a one weeks worth of clothes to either Spain in October with temps in the 40ā€™s-60ā€™s.
All the items I tried packing.
Packing list:
6 light cotton t shirts, underwear + socks 2 pairs of lightweight pants Flip flops, swimsuit, beanie, light gloves, puffy jacket, rain shell, travel pillow, 13 inch MBP, kindle, sunglasses, pens and random tech gear
Using some generic packing cubes I got off Amazon years ago that should be retired/replaced with some compressible cubes.
Packing The North Face Base Camp Voyager: It swallowed everything with room to spare. Super easy to pack. It stands up on its own empty or full. Easy to sling on and off. The water bottle holder is small, it only holds my 18 ounce Yeti but no big deal. Laptop pocket is thick and easy to get to. It fell off my bed after I left it standing up packed with my laptop and the laptop was well protected (writing with it now). Two other outside pockets, one admin, one large padded pocket, not sure what I'll use it for but would fit either my kindle or a tablet.
One feature I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen mentioned is there are 4 loop holes on the top front pocket so one could put a bungee on to store a light jacket or something else on the outside.
One of four exterior loops found on the North Face top pocket.
Strap placment: The width between the two straps is 2.5 inches on the North Face bag. I've seen a lot of mentions in reviews on this bag that the placement is too narrow and some say they think it makes the bag uncomfortable to wear especially for those with larger frames.
Strap width/placement on the North Face bag.
But it's the same width/distance on the Thule Aion:
Strap width/placement on Thule bag.
I was curious and measured the same thing on my Jansport. The Jansport is about 2 1/8 inch. And I'm sure this is stretched a little from the years of wear it has on it. I've overpacked this thing so many times over the years.
Strap width/placement on Jansport Hatchet.
I'm a smaller framed person but I'm thinking the strap placement concern regarding the North Face is overblown.
Packing the Thule Aion: It wouldnā€™t take it all. I had to consolidate two packing cubes into one. Eliminating one shirt, a pair of pants, flip flops, travel pillow and swimsuit. Packed up, the admin panel was unusable. My AirPods Pro jumped out of the pocket when I opened it up and I was concerned my pens might put a hole in the interior fabric.
The items I couldn't fit into the Thule.
I had to roll down the plastic divider to make it all work and now you canā€™t really get the laptop out when itā€™s packed like this or youā€™re taking it all apart. I really wanted to love this divider for storing wet/dirty clothes. I have one on a sailing duffel and itā€™s a game changer on that bag. Iā€™ve never been a big fan of dividers in bags. This one makes the main compartment lose about 3/4 of an inch, but when you roll it down to hide it, it probably occupies 2 liters of space.
One thing that was frustrating to me, after I packed it up I opened the small front opening a little and saw I probably had about 2 liters of room at the top. I guess if I had really worked to optimize the space in the bag, I could have at least taken all the clothes and maybe the flip flops but not the pillow.
It is comfortable to wear when itā€™s packed. Easy on/off. One complaint regarding the water bottle holder is itā€™s for lefties, you have to sling the bag to your left side to get the water bottle out. Not a deal breaker.
The zippers are really nice on this bag. I donā€™t understand why there are two handles on the top but it doesnā€™t bother me.
I did not try packing the bag expanded.
TLDR: Iā€™m definitely keeping The North Face as function trumps fashion. Going to keep trying out the Thule for a while as an EDC but I have a feeling Iā€™m shipping it back.
What I learned about myself is I could make a single 35 liter bag work for an extended trip but Iā€™m now on the hunt for a 40-45 liter travel backpack as Iā€™d like just a little more room. I will definitely keep the North Face bag. It will do one thing for me and it will do it very well and it's cheap. It's ugly but I don't care and I don't mind it taking up space in a closet. Need to find a sling or collapsible backpack. I also learned that I prefer duffel style bags over lots of internal pockets. Much easier for my packing style. I now want to replace the Jansport as an EDC as I would like something more professional looking but not in a rush to do so.
The North Face Base Camp Voyager, old Jansport Hatchet and Thule Aion.
submitted by jdubindustries to onebag [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:54 Stunning-Situation91 Why do Canadians not use umbrellas on sunny days?

I come from the tropics where umbrellas are essential both for the sun and torrential rain. I always carry a foldable one in my bag, the way I would for my wallet, phone, and keys.
However I noticed almost nobody uses umbrellas for sunny days. It's the same trend in Australia and I believe most of Europe where one would stand out and be "obviously Asian" when using umbrellas in public during a sunny day.
I wanted to add that I don't use umbrellas to have a whiter complexion (tho some Asians do this too and no judgment on that). Some Asian countries (but not mine) also associate umbrellas as a "feminine" product, something only women used. So, we know that cultural nuances play a part.
But at this point, lots of studies have already been published about the negative effects of too much sun exposure. And honestly, just the relief of being under a shade during a hot summer day for me is enough to use it.
So my question is, why is it not more commonly used in Canada? And how do you perceive people who do use it in public?
submitted by Stunning-Situation91 to AskACanadian [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:52 The8thWonder218_ I'm not so sure about my recent purchase...

Hello everyone,
I recently joined the Thinkpad gang and decide to purchase my first Thinkpad, an E16 AMD Gen1. I rationalized my decision because I need a number pad as I am an accounting/finance student and a 10 key is important. However, I wasn't expecting the portability issue of a big laptop is (I know 16' inch screen, I should've thought of that). Now I'm second guessing on whether I should've gotten the E14 instead and just bought an external number pad.
Does anybody have an advice? Is it possible to exchange my E16 to an E14? Should I just get a bigger bag to accommodate my laptop?
submitted by The8thWonder218_ to thinkpad [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:50 almond-chai Help with a moderately structured small brown bag for my first luxury purchase!

Help with a moderately structured small brown bag for my first luxury purchase!
Happy Saturday! Family is gifting me a luxury bag for an upcoming birthday, and Iā€™d love some recommendations on how well some bags wear! Iā€™m usually a lululemon belt bag/ brown MJ laptop bag, but Im looking for something a little more Adult. I like a moderate structure (can stand up on its own initially at least) with a soft leather in a warm brown without large logos. Small to medium at least 5ā€ base that can be worn everyday. Budget of about 3K.
We went around to a few stores and my faves seem to be the Gucci Diana shoulder bag, the Celine Ava strap bag, Ferragamo hug , and Prada womenā€™s leather bag. Didnā€™t find anything in LV, Valentino, goyard, Burberry, balenciaga, bottega, Versace, or Dior, but that was just in store and im overwhelmed looking online.
However, I donā€™t know much about womenā€™s luxury bags and what will wear well in the future. Ideally, this will be something I can carry regularly for the next five years. Any tips or suggestions?
submitted by almond-chai to handbags [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:40 wingardium_dosa AITAH for refusing to help around the house after being called useless by my brother.

I 23m come from a joint family in India where I live with my Grandpa, grandma, uncle, dad, mom and a younger brother. I had an argument today with my younger brother, he would never get fresh once he's home. As you know India has been really hot this summer, even climbing down the stair will have you showering with sweat.
But my younger brother 14m directly lays down on the bed even with all the sweat. I have yelled at him multiple times to get fresh first and then sleep however he wants but he wont listen and started arguing back that he's not sweaty at all and fresh as a daisy. So I took his fresh blanket and threw it on him to prove that he is sweaty. If he's so clean then he would not have problem with the clean blanket touching him now.
He started yelling loudly that I have now ruined his blanket, a lot of words were exchanged which I dont give a s about. But he said something at the end which pierced me. He said I am too lazy and dont do anything all day.
For the context, I am a working professional with a good package and help my family as much as I can around the house with the chores. But since I have a night shift I usually sleep from 6am till 1pm.
What he said hit a nerve because even at times I did not have enough money for myself I gave him more than what he asked for to go out with the friends or to get icecream. He literally takes any of my items and uses them as they are his, he doesnt even bother cleaning them before returning. He ruins whatever he takes from me be it bag, watch or even my laptop.
I said since I am useless and dont do anything then he should handle all the chores around the house now and help mom whenever she asks. He huffed and went out of the room. My parents yelled at me for saying this. He's always angry and says things that are out of the line but my parents just tell him to shut up and nothing else. Back in the day I would have gotten my b*tt whooped even for raising the voice.
Its been 2 days, and now Mom is angry at me since things are not getting done on time. She asked me to help but I reminded her that she never disagreed with him or took my side, she only got angry because I refused to help and not when I was being called useless. She left the room in anger. My dad was trying to assemble something, he asked me to come and help but I was on a call so I could not help him in the moment.
He called my younger brother for help, they were trying to assemble it but it a part was added in the wrong manner. I tried to explain that this is incorrectly attached but the younger one yelled at me that he will assemble it and doesn't need any help. This line turned my interest of helping into boiling anger in an instant and I threw the part down and left the room.
Thing that should have taken 20 minutes tops to assemble took almost 2 hours and yet again I was marked as the AH for not helping or doing anything.
I naturally dont want to waste a second talking to my younger brother and we have to see each other because we share a room. This was not the first time my younger brother has said something like this and I am done taking this. I used to keep excusing him saying he's just a child but i think if i dont do something about it it will only cause problems in the future.
Even my parents are lineant when it comes to him. He only gets yelled at whereas if it would have been me at that age then I for sure would have got more than just yelling.
Am I the AH over here?
submitted by wingardium_dosa to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:38 wingardium_dosa I am just not able to let this slide

I 23m come from a joint family in India where I live with my Grandpa, grandma, uncle (unmarried), dad, mom and a younger brother. I had an argument today with my younger brother, he would never get fresh once he's home. As you know India has been really hot this summer, even climbing down the stair will have you showering with sweat.
But my younger brother 14m directly lays down on the bed even with all the sweat. I have yelled at him multiple times to get fresh first and then sleep however he wants but he wont listen and started arguing back that he's not sweaty at all and fresh as a daisy. So I took his fresh blanket and threw it on him to prove that he is sweaty. If he's so clean then he would not have problem with the clean blanket touching him now.
He started yelling loudly that I have now ruined his blanket, a lot of words were exchanged which I dont give a s about. But he said something at the end which pierced me. He said I am too lazy and dont do anything all day.
For the context, I am a working professional with a good package and help my family as much as I can around the house with the chores. But since I have a night shift I usually sleep from 6am till 1pm.
What he said hit a nerve because even at times I did not have enough money for myself I gave him more than what he asked for to go out with the friends or to get icecream. He literally takes any of my items and uses them as they are his, he doesnt even bother cleaning them before returning. He ruins whatever he takes from me be it bag, watch or even my laptop.
I said since I am useless and dont do anything then he should handle all the chores around the house now and help mom whenever she asks. He huffed and went out of the room. My parents yelled at me for saying this. He's always angry and says things that are out of the line but my parents just tell him to shut up and nothing else. Back in the day I would have gotten my b*tt whooped even for raising the voice.
Its been 2 days, and now Mom is angry at me since things are not getting done on time. She asked me to help but I reminded her that she never disagreed with him or took my side, she only got angry because I refused to help and not when I was being called useless. She left the room in anger. My dad was trying to assemble something, he asked me to come and help but I was on a call so I could not help him in the moment.
He called my younger brother for help, they were trying to assemble it but it a part was added in the wrong manner. I tried to explain that this is incorrectly attached but the younger one yelled at me that he will assemble it and doesn't need any help. This line turned my interest of helping into boiling anger in an instant and I threw the part down and left the room.
Thing that should have taken 20 minutes tops to assemble took almost 2 hours and yet again I was marked as the AH for not helping or doing anything.
I naturally dont want to waste a second talking to my younger brother and we have to see each other because we share a room. This was not the first time my younger brother has said something like this and I am done taking this. I used to keep excusing him saying he's just a child but i think if i dont do something about it it will only cause problems in the future.
Even my parents are lineant when it comes to him. He only gets yelled at whereas if it would have been me at that age then I for sure would have got more than just yelling.
I dont know what to do now
submitted by wingardium_dosa to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:27 11velociraptors Something has been eating our local wildlife. Last night, I finally found out what.

They found just enough of my best friend's body to mark him down as dead, not missing. The rest of his family wasn't as lucky. They found pieces of Wyatt, Emily, and Alice Forresterā€”teeth strewn across the parents' bed, strands of the girl's hair caught in the latch of her bedroom windowā€”but there supposedly wasn't enough evidence to determine whether the rest of the family was dead or alive.
After the discovery, my town entered an unofficial, unspoken lockdown. Any peace of mind gained from Fred's arrest was shattered by the realization that, even if he was guilty of grave robbing and killing animals, there were far worse criminals operating in our community. I talked a big game in my last post, saying that I'd put down whatever entity I'd unleashed like some kind of wannabe ghostbuster. In reality, all I did for days was sit in my room, imagining the terror and pain Liam must have felt in his final moments. I submitted an application to visit Fred through the county jail's website, but it took a while to get approved.
Just over a week ago, I received an unexpected visit from Liam's girlfriend, Eleanor. When I answered her knock at my door, she instantly pulled me into a hug and burst into tears, so I figured, despite the two of us not being close, she'd come to commiserate over our shared loss. Not sure what else to do, I invited her inside.
In some ways, it was nice to have someone else who felt the same pain that I did, but in others, seeing her cry just made me feel guilty. She'd come all this way to confide in me, not knowing the role I played in her boyfriend's death. At one point my grandma came in from her garden and made Eleanor some tea, which helped calm her down a little.
It occurred to me that if I was supposed to be investigating the thing that killed Liam, Eleanor might be a good place to start. As gently as I could, I asked her if she'd noticed anything strange about Liam before the discovery.
She shook her head and told me: "He was the same as ever. I just can't see Liam or the rest of his family having any enemies. His parents owned a bakeryā€”that's like the most innocuous job ever. And Alice, I mean, she was only twelve. The only person I might've suspected was your creepy boss. But he was already in jail by that night."
After a minute of silence, she sighed, saying, "That asshole is real bad news. I practically begged Liam not to take that job. We hardly ever disagreed on anything, but we fought about that stupid job all the time." Eleanor started tearing up, so I refrained from asking any follow-up questions. When she composed herself again, she set the teacup down and excused herself, so I walked her out to her car.
I didn't think much about it at the time, but when Eleanor talked about Fred, she seemed really upset. A lot of people in my town have long been wary of Fred, but Eleanor seemed particularly bitter, like there was a painful history between them. Who knows, maybe I'm not the only one who witnessed him messing with dead bodies. I'll have to ask her more the next time I see her.
Before I made it back inside the house, my grandparents appeared on the porch, dressed for an outing. My granddad let me know they were going to The Home Depot for a new raccoon trap, since apparently there was an issue with our current one. He said, "Every morning I find food everywhere and an open trap door. Either the thing's broken or the coyotes have grown opposable thumbs."
After that, they left me alone with the unpleasant notion that something other than coyotes had gotten into the trap. I walked to the edge of our front yard to investigate, and sure enough, the trap door was open and the dog food we used as bait was scattered all over the grass. It looked like someone had reached an arm inside just to knock over the dog food bowl, and yet when I looked closely, I saw a small clump of fur caught in a bottom corner. At some point, there had been an animal in that trap, but something else had opened the door for it. Whether they had done so out of compassion or because they wanted the trapped animal for themselves, I didn't know. I did know that after a week of doing nothing, I finally had a plan.
I spent most of last Saturday gathering supplies, hitting up most of the hunting and camping stores in our small town. My itinerary included four traps in total: two for raccoons; one for mice and other, smaller animals; and one bear trap. I also bought dog food and peanut butter to bait the raccoon and mice traps accordingly. Finally, I bought a pack of four trail cameras. All together, I spent so much that I practically blew through all the money I'd earned at Sundae Central, but I was hoping that it would be worth it.
On Sunday, I set up the traps. My grandparent's house, like all the others on this side of our street, borders a canyon. We've got a nice plotā€”a huge fenceless yard, at the edge of which sits a greenhouse that my granddad built for my grandma's 50th birthday. Beyond the flat portion of the backyard is a long, gradual decline to the arroyo below, not quite sheer enough to be called a cliff, but too steep and full of trees and boulders to do anything with.
I set up the first trail camera to point to the newly-replaced raccoon trap in the front yard, dedicating the area as Site A. Next, I placed the mouse trap next to the greenhouse, propped up the second trail camera against one of the greenhouse's shelves, and designated it as Site B. I set up the remaining raccoon traps at sites C and D, which lay right at the bottom of the hill and at the very edge of our property respectively. The bear trap, for the time being, I kept in reserve.
Nothing happened on Monday night. I stayed up late, watching the trail cams on my laptop, until I got bored and fell asleep. The following morning, I watched the sped-up recordings, and was both relieved and disappointed to see that nothing had paid the traps a visit.
Site B caught a mouse on Tuesday night. It crawled into the trap near the greenhouse at around 3 AM, but nothing else came to investigate. I released it into the woods the next day. The Site D camera caught something moving in the distance just before dawn, but the trail cam's night vision quality is so bad that I have no idea what it was. From the way the brush swayed in its wake, though, it was something big.
Wednesday night was when things started to get weird. At around midnight, I was sitting at my desk. I've been asked to speak at Liam's funeral, so I was fruitlessly attempting to draft a speech when I looked up at my computer screen to check the cameras. Clicking through the four feeds, I saw that the trap at Site C had caught an opossum. I full-screened the Site C feed and watched the animal scurry around inside the trap for a while. I sat there for a long time. When an hour passed and nothing else happened, I was ready to throw in the towel on the whole stupid operation and just go to bed.
And then, all of a sudden, the trap door slid open.
The opossum was still huddled in the back corner of the cage; the door seemed to have opened all on its own. Cautiously, the creature approached the exit, slowly making its way out of the metal cage. It took a few steps out into the night, and then it stilled. Its head turned to the side, its glowing eyes fixed on something that I couldn't see. I squinted at the video feed. For a moment, I thought I saw depressions in the grass, like something was walking next to the trap.
I blinked, and the opossum disappeared.
I've played back that footage so many times now, and I just can't make sense of what I saw. One second, the creature was standing there in the grass, and the next, it was simply gone. The next morning, when I investigated the area, I saw no trace of the opossum or any other animal. For reasons I still can't comprehend, the thing that's been taking our local wildlife isn't showing up on my cameras.
I focused my efforts on Site C. On Thursday evening, just before dusk, I swapped the dog food in the raccoon trap in favor of a slab of bloody, raw meat I'd bought from the butcher. I also hauled the bear trap down the hill and set it up in front of the raccoon trap, chaining it to a large tree and disguising it as best I could with leaves and dirt. Finally, I sprayed some bear and raccoon repellant around the surrounding area. I've never used a steel-jawed trap on an animal beforeā€”I've only ever used humane, catch-and-release-style traps for pest control and I'd like to keep it that way. It was my hope that the repellant would deter the animals from getting too close.
I stayed up the entirety of Thursday night for nothing. No animals graced the trail cam feed, nor did any monsters.
Friday night was similarly slow. I spent so many lonely hours struggling to write my speech and staring at grainy trail cam footage. Maybe I was going a little crazy from my self-imposed isolation, but I kept thinking I saw something moving in the background of Site D.
Last night was when everything went to hell. The slab of meat had been so thoroughly ravaged by flies that I swapped it out for a new one on Saturday evening. Then, I returned to my room to wait. At 3 in the morning, long after my grandparents had gone to sleep, something in the Site C camera caught my eye. Movement in the brush. Depressions in the grass, so slight I never would've seen them if I wasn't looking for them. I held my breath ā€¦
And then the bear trap snapped shut.
I stood up from my desk, ecstatic that I'd finally caught my prey and terrified that I'd finally have to confront it. With shaking hands, I quickly tied my shoes and fitted a headlamp over my forehead. As I prepared to leave, the bear trap thrashed around on my screen, presumably as whatever entity it held fought for escape. The last thing I grabbed before I jogged into the night was my granddad's rifle from his gun safe.
Once outside, I made my way towards the bottom of the hill. The weight of the gun in my hand gave me some reassurance as I descended, but I was still more scared than I'd like to admit. Eventually, I drew close enough to the trap to hear the clink of the metal chain. I clicked on my headlamp to see what I'd caught.
There was a woman sitting on the ground, her back towards me. Her hair was blonde, her frame was thin, and she wore a black dress similar to the one I'd seen on the woman outside of Sundae Central. The sight of that dress made my heart sinkā€”instantly, I knew that I was dealing with more than one enemy.
The woman turned around to look at the source of the light, and as she did so, she released her leg. She'd been holding her trapped foot up to her mouth with both hands, and from the look of the gaping wound below her calf, she'd been trying to bite through her leg to free herself. The sight of all that gore made me sick to my stomach. When she saw me, she rose to her feet, though how she could possibly stand in such a state I couldn't fathom.
I pointed the rifle at her. Her lips and chin were completely stained with blood, but I could get a good look at the rest of her faceā€”at her reddish-brown eyes and straight nose, at her freckles and pale skin. Unlike the dark haired woman I'd seen before Liam's death, this woman seemed more corporeal. There was none of the dizzying, distorted effect I'd gotten from looking at the other woman for too long. This woman also seemed younger. She shouldn't possibly have been older than 25.
"What are you?" I asked. She didn't respond, nor did she move at all. Blood dripped off of her chin and pooled on the forest floor beneath her.
"What are you doing in my town?" No response but an unblinking stare and an apathetic expression. I asked her a few more questions, though what exactly I said I can't remember, before finally asking her about Liam.
"My best friend was murdered two weeks ago, for no reason at all. Did you kill him? Did your friend?"
At that, the woman lowered her gaze. Her lips parted, revealing two sets of teethā€”a row of normal, human teeth in front, and a row of jagged, shark-like teeth behind them.
"I didn't kill him, but I'm sorry he had to die." Her voice was surprisingly soft, but her words were difficult to make out. It seemed difficult, almost painful, to talk around so many teeth.
"What do you mean 'had to die'?"
"He interfered. He saw too much. And now so have you." Her tone carried no malice and her expression looked almost remorseful. I kept the rifle trained on her, but I took a few steps forward, studying her face. I noticed that she had two beauty marks, one under her left eye and one above her left eyebrow. The weird thing is, I'm pretty sure I've seen a girl with those exact birthmarks before. In fact, the longer I looked at her the more familiar she seemed, but I couldn't for the life of me put my finger on where I'd seen her before.
"Do I know you from somewhere?" I asked her, and she looked surprised.
"I don't ā€¦" She started, and then trailed off. She turned away from me, peering intently into the dark woods. I heard something faint, like boughs snapping in the distance, and a familiar feeling settled in my gut. I felt like I was back in the car outside Sundae Central, face to face with the thing that would eventually kill my best friend. Whatever I'd seen that night, I got the sense that it was approaching.
The blonde woman looked back towards me. "You should go," she said, and I didn't have to be told twice. I took one last look at her, trying to take in every detail of her face, and then I turned around and ran for my house.
By the time I was halfway up the hill, I was certain that I was being followed. I could feel a presence behind me, yet I heard no one: no heavy breathing, no snapping of twigs underfoot. Figuring that I couldn't hear my pursuer because they were too far behind me, I risked a glance backwards and failed to stop the scream that escaped me.
Less than five feet behind me was the dark haired woman I'd seen outside the ice cream shop. I have no idea how she got so close behind me without making a sound. Though I only caught the briefest glimpse of her face, I saw that her lips were torn at the corners, allowing her to open her mouth unnaturally wide. Like the blonde girl I'd spoken to, this woman's mouth was cluttered with a double-row of jagged teeth. Figuring I could run faster without my rifle, I threw my it at the woman and put everything I could into that final sprint towards my house.
I didn't stop or look behind me until I was inside with the door shut and locked. I couldn't believe I'd made it in one piece. Hurrying to the back window, I looked out across the backyard and saw, at the very edge of the property, the faint shape of the dark-haired woman. She was perfectly still, staring in the direction of the greenhouse, though at what exactly I'm still not sure. After a few minutes, she turned around and disappeared past the treeline. Her long, black dress swayed around her ankles and made her look like she was floating instead of walking on two feet.
The recording from Site C ended abruptly after I left the scene. When I returned to the scene in the daylight this morning, I found the camera in pieces at the base of the tree it was once hanging on. I also found that the bear trap itself was nowhere in sight. The chain I had used to tie it to a nearby tree was now connected to nothing, leaving me to wonder if the dark-haired woman bit clean through the metal links in order to free her friend.
It's Sunday now, and while I'm in desperate need of some sleep, I wanted to make sure I wrote everything down before I forgot all the details. Though I've learned a lot from my experiment, every new revelation has resulted in more questions. I know that I'm dealing with more than one creature, but I don't know what they are or what they want. I know that Liam was killed for "interfering", but with what exactly I have no clue. The blonde woman's face is still fresh in my mind; maybe I should draw a sketch or something before I go to sleep. She seems so very familiar, and I feel like if I figure out where I've seen her before, I might be one step closer to unraveling this whole fucked-up mystery. I also finally got cleared to visit Fred this week, so hopefully he'll shed some light on what we're dealing with.
Until then, I just have to pray that no sharp-toothed women kill me in my sleep for "seeing too much." I hate that they know where I live now, and that I have no clue how many of them there are. Whatever the case, I'm going to do my best to get to the bottom of it, and try to keep you all updated as I do.
Wish me luck.
submitted by 11velociraptors to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:02 randopop21 Anyone ditch a laptop for a light tablet? Need something better than a phone for web browsing.

On a recent onebag trip, I brought along a small laptop. It's regarded as pretty light: Thinkpad Carbon X1, 1200 grams without the charger or mouse.
I'm not sure I could get significantly lighter for something that runs full Windows pretty well.
The laptop feels pretty light when you heft it in your hand for a little while, carrying it from room to room, etc.
BUT when you have it on your back for an hour, it's really noticeable, especially when the pack plus contents are somewhat heavy.
The total weight of my pack with laptop is 7 Kg. I know that's not heavy by some standards of onebagging. And, sure, it's not backbreaking. But I'm traveling and I'd rather not struggle or be uncomfortable. (I struggle going up hills with my 7 Kg pack and another 2 Kg of camera equipment in a small pack in front.)
I am contemplating getting an iPad Air. It's about 500 grams without keyboard and mouse. So it's noticeably lighter and could make a world of difference (that plus losing hopefully another 1 Kg of backpack content (hopefully) via ruthlessly thinning down my bag).
Has anyone felt they missed a full laptop compared to using an iPad? I plan to bring along a light wireless keyboard and mouse.
My needs are to run the Chrome browser to access booking sites, gmail, and google docs. No super powerful computing but lots of typing and a moderately large screen (10-inch?). A phone won't do.
My trips would be about 40 days long. Use of hotel computers are out because of security concerns and the cheap hotels I stay in won't have them anyway.
submitted by randopop21 to onebag [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:48 ArchitectGFX In need of support for college supplies

Hi! I'm a HS senior that will be going to UConn this fall. I'm in a little financial struggle and hope someone can help me buy a computer bag. My current hs bag sleeve cannot fit my laptop and it also hits the bottom so it can be broken more easily. I've been applying for scholarships for months but haven't won any yet. I have an amazon wish list if anyone wants to see if it's worth the price. If someone can give me suggestions for other computer bags or college essentials, I would really appreciate it.
submitted by ArchitectGFX to Assistance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:43 BiggestBrochalant Chat is this a bar?šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Chat is this a bar?šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ submitted by BiggestBrochalant to GeniesGrantWishes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:40 CapinDerpy2020 Help! I need a good one bag

Hello, I am looking for some messenger bag recs as i have been looking everywhere for the perfect one and i just cant seem to find it. i am looking for a messenger bag that is waterproof or has good water resistance, has an external water bottle holder,(doesnt have to be huge) and is not large i just kinda need something to hold a 14in laptop and some other things. For context i am going to school in the fall and will be taking public transportation hence the waterproofness and the smallness i prefer. I really like the Nomatic messenger but i was wondering what other options there are as i feel like it looks a little big. I am also looking for something that will last and has good quality. Buy once, cry once type thing. If anyone know anything pls comment. Thank you in advance! :)
submitted by CapinDerpy2020 to onebag [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:11 Muted-Narwhal-8964 Siena MM vs Speedy 30

Siena MM vs Speedy 30
I have had my Siena MM since May 2018. I wore it almost everyday for work and play until the pandemic hit the US in March 2020. Since many of use were working/staying home, I almost never used my bag. By 2022, I was back working in the office but opted to use a laptop backpack to carry all my things instead.
I know the style these days is less brand logos but I am itching to bust out my Siena. I am no longer working so I have no need for a backpack to carry my work things.
Is Siena still in style or is she outdated? Iā€™m considering selling her and getting a Speedy 30 instead since Speedyā€™s are timeless. Thoughts?
submitted by Muted-Narwhal-8964 to Louisvuitton [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:10 strengthtoovercome Functional fitness exercise database in Microsoft Excel / Google Sheets for strength training (version 1.7 update)

Functional fitness exercise database in Microsoft Excel / Google Sheets for strength training (version 1.7 update)
Hey workouts community,
I created a functional fitness exercise database in Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets for strength training ā€“ itā€™s a resource to help keep all of your strength training exercises organized and quickly accessed in an easy-to-use spreadsheet for your workouts (https://www.reddit.com/personaltraining/s/cvI4jUYMcv). I am constantly updating the exercise database each month with new equipment, exercises, and search filters - so I wanted to share a quick summary of the additions to the database for June.
The highlight of this update is adding the Pull Up Bar as a new primary equipment item and its associated 44 new exercises, as well as adding 37 new box step up variations. A full breakdown of all of the updates in version 1.7 is listed below, as well as the free download link to get your updated copy of the database.
More about the exercise database:
It is time consuming to sift through all the exercise information available on the internet (multiple exercise databases, YouTube videos, fitness pages/social media), so I made this to have all of the data in one spreadsheet that can be quickly filtered for your exercise search. The database has more than 25 search filters available for over 1400 + functional exercises - allowing you to find the information you need in seconds when designing fitness programs or learning new movement patterns.
The fitness library also includes exercises using the barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, gymnastics rings, parallette bars, calisthenics, clubbells, indian clubs, maces, the bulgarian bag, the strongman sandbag, the landmine attachment, suspension trainer, sliders and other functional equipment that you may not have used for your current workouts. All exercises requiring you to move, stabilize, and develop functional and pain free strength.
In this version 1.7 update, I have added the following to the exercise database:
  • Added ā€œPull Up Barā€ to the ā€œPrimary Equipmentā€ category heading.
  • Added 44 new pull up bar exercises.
  • Added 37 new box step up exercises.
  • Added 9 new kettlebell pistol squat variations.
  • Added 6 new alternating dumbbell bench press variations.
  • Added 4 new macebell cossack squat variations.
  • Renamed eccentric exercise variations.
  • Renamed Ā½ or 1 to Half or Single in name description for database consistency.
Enjoy the updated exercise database and feel free to follow along on twitter to stay up to date with the latest version (https://twitter.com/strength2o).
YouTube Tutorial Video:
Download Free Copy MS Excel / Google Sheets (best viewed on tablet/laptop or PC):
submitted by strengthtoovercome to workouts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:49 shadows8492 I met my friend 600 miles away.

This is a very long worded post so I apologise in advance.
I asked the other party involved if I could post this and she agreed, so here we go. Bit of a forewarning Iā€™m terrible with writing and English is my Second language.
Letā€™s start this off. I am mostly closeted MTF and I live in the ā€œgreatā€ state of Texas, originally Iā€™m from Michigan. And my work usually involves me driving around all across the state, most Iā€™ve ever gone though was 4 hours away. Monday morning I walked into work and a few hours go by as normal before I got a text from my boss to ā€œcome find himā€ figured something was wrong so I find him. Thatā€™s when he hit me with
ā€œI got a trip cross country that I need someone to take and youā€™re the only one familiar with the Midwest can you do it?ā€ Basically Texas to Minnesota and back. In 5 days.
It took me a while to figure out whether I could leave home for the week and travel that, despite the fact in my mind I had already accepted the offer. So I decided to take the trip, took home the company truck and packed my bags. That night I was talking to my friend who is also MtF who lives about 600 miles away. And told her about the situation, I had known her for about a month so I shot my shot, I asked her if she would want to meet me in person, she said she would, I didnā€™t tell her I would have to make a significant detour to see her and I had hoped she didnā€™t investigate my route. Basically I wanted this to happen badly and didnā€™t want to take any chances.
I decided on the route and said I would stop in her home town on the third night, turns out the route I was taking originally was closed off due to constructions, so the new route placed me exactly in her town. So I stopped there to let my truck cool down, check the load I was hauling, and called her joking around that I was now ā€œwithin a mile of youā€ we talked while I did my checks, and she told me ā€œhey you should stay there for a minute.ā€ I thought she was just worried about my mental state and wanted me to rest before riding another 8 hours. So I obliged and rested, and right as I was getting ready to leave, truck in drive ready to rock. A car pulled in and at first I thought it was a cop so I stopped and waited, turns out she wanted to see me a bit earlier than expected and there she was, right in front of me.
I was completely exhausted at this point so words werenā€™t working, not to mention sheā€™s drop dead gorgeous and I was ā€œmildlyā€ crushing on her. But we hugged talked for a bit and back on the road I went, when I say we talked the whole ride, I think out of the 50 hours of the ride we talked for 38 some times sheā€™d pass out before my drive was up for the night. But the kicker was when I got to my hotel for a night we were still talking on the phone, and I passed out. I woke up to her still on the phone. (Best experience ever)
After I dropped off in Minnesota I turned and burned back home, but my boss called and demanded I stop in Iowa as I had driven too long, throwing a fork in the plans to meet back up. So we ended up calling it off, Next day comes up and I get to her state, my boss calls again. And changes my route, and as luck would have it, my stop is in her hometown. I would get there in the early evening, so I called her told her and she was super excited, i stopped for the night in her town.
We went out and got food together, and after we stopped in a local park and we spent a lot of quality time together. But at the end of the day I was back on the road.
TL:DR Two trans women got a date together because I got sent cross country for work.
submitted by shadows8492 to trans [link] [comments]
