Wolman vs cabot

Refinishing Rooftop Deck - Sand? What cleaner would you suggest?

2024.05.21 16:49 lakeoffury Refinishing Rooftop Deck - Sand? What cleaner would you suggest?

Refinishing Rooftop Deck - Sand? What cleaner would you suggest?
Hey Everyone -
Spent my high school and college summers (20 years ago) as a deck washer and sealer. And now I find myself with some time on my hands to potentially redo our condo building's deck. It appears they may have stained it a while back but nobody in the building knows when. It gets full sun in Chicago.
I am curious about potentially sanding the deck but have never done that. Assuming I would rent some sort of sander and do the floor that way then it would be good to put an oil down on?
Otherwise I will grab a pressure washer and some wolman deckbrite to clean it. Then let it dry and apply a sealeoil of sort
I used to use tinted oils / sealers back in the day. For this would you all suggest the same? Cabot?
submitted by lakeoffury to Decks [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:25 krugerannd Settle an argument for me.

The Enforcers vs. Marauders Starter Set (Battle of Cabot 3 now) was the first 2 player starter for Firefight correct? What year did it release in? I'm trying to figure out how long it's been between edition changes and I think that's the mile marker I'm looking for.
submitted by krugerannd to warpath [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 01:46 Zoilykos Help/Info for Class

TL;DR class descriptions/info to help underclassmen know about classes thru personal experiences. Add to it with extra info or questions!
To all the incoming freshmen or other underclassmen - you’ll prolly hear it a lot, but the time really does go by so fast. Enjoy it, soak it in, and step out of your comfort zone. Someone posted their classes thru Purdue to let other students know how those classes were (in case it was a niche/high-level class or it wasn’t on RateMyProfessor). That was pretty helpful to me so Imma do it too. I’ll let u kno how the courses went and what I can remember. I’m graduating from the College of Ag with a B.S. in Animal Sciences with a concentration in Biosciences and minors in Biotechnology and Real Estate. I came into Purdue with AP and Dual Credits, so some things I didn’t take. Anyway, here are the classes I took.
Anyone who’s taken any of these, please add on/say smth else if it has changed! Underclassmen, feel free to ask about them!
AGR 101: Intro to Ag & Purdue (Multiple lecturers)
This course was THE intro course to Purdue and Ag (duh). It was a 1/2 semester course so I was done with it by week 8 and there was only a quiz. We were told the purpose of Purdue being land-grant and were just intro’d to the different parts/departments of the college of Ag + different success tips. This was also the class where u begin (already) thinking about your 4-year plan and create a LinkedIn. Easy A, just show up and learn about the college of Ag
AGR 114: Intro to ANSC Programs (Ashley York)
Also a 1/2 semester course that was done by Oct. This class just went into depth on what to expect as a student in the department. You may start work on a resumé, continue with planning or LinkedIn. Again, easy A, just show up. Also, Ashley was a saint helping me each year to make sure I was on track, even tho she wasn’t my advisor.
ANSC 102: Intro to Animal Ag (Elizabeth Karcher)
This class was the first “real” class of college. It was just an intro to different domestic species and the operations tht are part of animal ag. I think there was also a lab with the class where u were introduced to animals. Dr. Karcher also was a pretty good professor. Just pay attention - it’s sort of memorization for random facts about animals/common sense depending on what u took in high school/home life in a rural area. Should be easy A.
CHM 115: Gen Chem (Multiple lecturers)
Was never a fan of chemistry, so this class I went into with dread. I didn’t want to take AP Chem, and just dealt with it in college. Honestly, if u took honors/were a good student in hs chemistry, there should be no problem - was basically just like a high school class. There was a lab that went with this course, but because of COVID, I just had an online worksheet to do every week for pre-, in-, and post-lab so I can’t speak on it. If u aren’t inclined to chem, it might take a bit of extra studying, but I was never worried.
PHIL 110: Intro to Philosophy (Taylor Davis)
To be fair, I never exactly wanted to take this exact class. I came from a small town in the Midwest, so I wanted to be sure I wasn’t dumb or anything to the people, cultures, etc. around me. Told my advisor I wanted to take a class to give me more of a “world” perspective, so she suggested the class. It honestly was not bad at all. The professor knew what he was talking abt and very accepting of questions. We learned how to tear down an argument and build it up in several ways and talked about cool things like if we have free will, does God exist, etc. The only assignments that counted for the sem were a midterm and 2 papers - 1 small and 1 large philosophical essay over any topic from the class. Definitely changed my outlook, would recommend taking it. The first part of class was harder - making sure u understand why/how an argument does or doesn’t work - but the rest was fun/easy as the topics were just presented and talked about.
AGEC 217: Economics (Larry Deboer)
I found Econ as a topic in and of itself to be quite boring. Supply and demand, money, etc. The class kind of turned out that way. Its presented as basically supply/demand and reasons for changes to the them were slowly added throughout the semester. We had several assignments, but they were nothing terrible. Gotta give props to the professor, tho. He knew the class wasn’t great but made it fun. Also, the class is flexible for schedules as in some situations it can count for credit in place of ECON251.
POL 223: Intro to Environmental Policy (Tara Grillos)
When I first started, I thought the route I wanted was ANSC with some focus in environmental issues. That’s why I took this class. I don’t understand the “intro” part, really. The whole class was presented as just case studies for things that have happened that impacted policies from the late 1800s/early 1900s until recently. Some of the info was cool. I don’t remember much for assignments, but there was a group project/paper where u had to decide on an environmental issue, state how u plan to fix it, on what level of government, etc. It wasn’t a crazy class to be in as a freshman, but it was not what I was expecting for a POL class.
ANSC 181: Orientation to ANSC (Elizabeth Byers)
Another 1/2 semester course. This class, as far as I can remember, was just for showing u the possibilities available to u in ANSC. This was specifically ANSC. It went over every concentration and what jobs/salaries there were. This was also a class where we were assigned to create our resumés (professionally) and start networking. Just as, if not easier than the other 1/2 semester classes so far.
ANSC 221: Principles of Animal Nutrition (Dale Forsyth)
Sorry but not sorry for anyone in ANSC. The class is boring, but Dr. Dale Forsyth is such a sweet old man. This class is the intro for nutrition in ANSC. U will learn the different required nutrients, food stuffs (supplements and stuff too) that have these nutrients, what happens when animals are given too little of these, and how to balance/create rations for animals (ruminant and non-ruminant). As long as u are okay/good with algebra, there shouldn’t be a problem. U just need to solve systems of equations in Excel to get the right weight of a food stuff. Homework was balancing rations. Exams looked at that + nutrients and their deficiencies. Dr. Forsyth also talks fast and doesn’t slow down because he has a lot to get thru. Come into the class knowing it prolly isn’t going to be very fun, but u need to know it. Try to find something interesting in the whole.
BIOL 111: Fundamentals of Bio II (Sean Humphrey)
Not sure how this class really is. I came into college loving biology and being (not to sound like an ass) great at it. To me, it was easy and relearning biology from high school for a bit. To others it may be a bit more difficult. There is just a lot of memorization. The professor was nice and answered my questions when I had them and explained in great detail if I was confused. I can’t remember any assignments I turned in, or anything about exams. Overall, I thought it was an easy class, but be the judge urself.
CHM 116: Gen Chem (Multiple lecturers)
Just a continuation of CHM 115. It picked up where it left off. Got a little harder, but it was nowhere as hard as TV or anything makes it. There are definitely topics that show up from hs again, but a lot is new. Wasn’t fun for this class switching lecturers every few weeks since they each had their own lecture style. Again, there was a lab section, but because of COVID, it was a worksheet. Not the worst class, but a meh class.
MA 16020: Applied Calc II (Alexandros Kafkas)
The first and only time I had to take math here. In hs I took MA 165 and thought it was a breeze (prolly bc it was hs). To anyone wondering, MA 165 SHOULD count in place of MA 16010 in college of ag. With that in mind, I went into the course knowing what Purdue math is known for, but still keepin an open mind with my abilities. I’m really proud of the grade I got, too. I think a lot of the course depends on the lecturer - mine was good at teaching us new concepts. Learn all you can about the lecturer beforehand, find out if they are good, and see it for yourself. We had quizzes in class every week (MWF) over the previous lecture and homework thru LON-CAPA that was usually due the day aftebefore (Tues, Thurs, Sun, I think). The quizzes and homework were good starting problems. The exams were tough and harder than quizzes/hw. If u’ve done well in math, but aren’t a prodigy or someone who can put in hrs of work, don’t expect to get likely higher than mid-70s on exams. It was common to get around a 50-60%. They do curve “if it’s necessary” but it is ALWAYS necessary.
AGR 201: Communicating Across Cultures (Pamala Morris)
To start…BOO. Was not a fan of this class. Felt like it was a money grab and busy work. It was required for some international understanding credits. The content wasnt interesting but for sure important. We were taught to basically be good ppl and about the different types of hardships that groups of ppl could go thru (ageism, sexism, racism, classism, etc.). We were required to buy the book, which was $50, but written by the prof and from what I assume was her website. I don’t recall ever using it unless it was necessary for an assignment. The class helps u relate and think critically, but is done in a piss-poor way. It could hv been the COVID aftermath where lecture was done virtually but we had a class later on with other students for a “lab”. Quizzes were easy, and overall easy, but so bad too.
SPAN 201: Spanish III (Nancy Reyes)
I know I’ve said this already abt other courses, but this still applies. This course was 100% a high school class. I did a placement test into this course (after 3 years in HS Spanish - Fr. to Jr. - with a 2 year gap of not learning) and got all credit for Spanish 1 and 2. Took it for international understanding credits. This course made sure u knew the basics again, spent a lot of time in past tense, then ended w maybe a month in subjective and future tense. There were a few speaking assignments and cultural readings/lectures. Was encouraged to speak Spanish for class, but the prof knew that couldn’t happen but still helped us all. Exams included MC, writing, and listening. Not sure if this is the same for other languages, but hopefully it is.
CHM 255 + 25501: Orgo + Lab (Elizabeth Parkinson)
Dreaded this class, but went in confidently. The class sucks, no other way abt it. It was a lot of memorization and practice. A lot of the “basic” stuff started sticking about halfway thru the semester. It doesn’t help that I stopped going to lecture about 3/4 thru the sem. It wasn’t as hard as expected, but it was still quite hard. The prof was amazing at making the content interesting. Labs were ran by GTAs. Depending on the section your GTA may not kno anything. The labs also did not go along with the lecture - they are 2 separate courses that can individually be passed or failed. Exams were as you would expect with the course - a few high spots among a crowd of C’s and D’s. The lab had multiple things due every week w the semester started. It was expected to do ur pre-lab at start of week, turn in ur in-lab immediately after finishing lab, then the previous week’s post-lab/final lab was due. The lab also holds the policy that if u don’t show up dressed right or sleep late, if you don’t show up within 10/15min of start that u can’t show up and will receive a 0 for the lab.
ANSC 230: Physiology of Domestic Animals (Rod Allrich)
This class taught me a lot. Each week was a different body system and learning info regarding animals individually. Things were taught in general as overarching concepts, but then things were applied as necessary for individual species of animals. Everything was brought up from the digestive system to the endocrine system. The class met 4 days a week and had a quiz once a week. There was no lab when I took the course. The specific professor I had was also interesting to say the least. Dr. Allrich is a funny, good man, but he does not use or create slides. Instead he uses his own website to post info (usually from Merck veterinary) abt whatever it is he wanted u to learn. In class he would just ramble on about what he thought was important. ANYTHING he said could be test material - no matter what (I was told by an upperclassman to remember that his favorite pie was sour cream and raisin pie bc it was a quiz question they had). Now, there is a lab that goes with the course. Also, if u hv Cabot the course material and class are much harder than with Rod. There are expectations, lectures, and more. Regardless of the professor, the information that was taught was useful, remembered, and interesting. In any class, Rod typically will have this structure but will grade easily. Quizzes will be to write statements of fact and exams won’t exist or will be take-home with only having 5 paragraphs to write using a word bank
ABE 226: Biotech Lab I (Kari Clase)
This was the first course I took for my minor in Biotechnology. I did not know what to expect going in as I didn’t grasp the scope of biotech. The course was ran well. The whole class is a wet lab where u are in the scientific process trying to find a new species of bacteriophage. U dig in dirt, do some pipetting, use beakers, make plates, isolate DNA, and send it off. Any research u do/finding a phage gets put into a national database for phage research. U do hv lab notebooks that get checked, but hv an outline to go off. There were several quizzes and deliverables that had us learn about phage more, or aseptic technique. It was a good class. U do have to buy a lab coat (which is kinda cool). Easy class that kickstarted my interest.
CHM 256 + 25601: Orgo II + Lab (David Thompson)
This class was disastrous. It was me, the content AND the professor as to why that was the case. This was just a continuation of course and lab. The new content was harder to wrap my head around, + I stopped going to the lectures about halfway thru the sem. To make matters worse, the class was early and the prof was speaking in mach turtle. I would listen to the lectures a day later so I could 2x speed thru them and the man was sounding like a normal person talked. This class was harder than the previous course. If u didn’t like CHM 255, sorry this is worse. The lab was just the same as the previous sem, but the GTAs changed. Again, labs didn’t go with the lecture and are 2 individual courses to be passed or failed separately. I passed but the class made me rethink my life once or twice and was potentially the worst class I ever took.
STAT 301: Elementary Stat Methods (Spencer Hamrick)
I did not enjoy this course a single bit - besides the professor. The course throws, what I felt like, was the entire concept, terms, rules, designs of statistics at u. It was a lot at once for me. I felt like there was a disconnect between what I was learning and in what ways it applied to me. It wasn’t too difficult, but the class was boring. There was also a lab section that was not great either. We were forced to use SRSS. There were homework assignments on a different software/website that equally were boring. The exams were harder than expected - there were some sections with questions with such small disparities that the answer came down to a difference of 1 word in a sentence. Overall, there’s a lot to learn and it’s all pretty basic to give a general understanding, but it was done poorly. If it was done better, it likely would have been an easy course. This course tho is also one of the worst classes I took.
AGRY 320: Genetics (Joseph Anderson)
There’s not much to say about this course. It was genetics. It felt like another continuation from the end of BIOL 111. It built a foundation for DNA, chromosomes, and went from there. There was a lot of higher thinking and content that was build upon thru the semester. It was a bit of memorization, but the content was fun. There were hotseat/iclicker questions for each lecture. Prof. Anderson was also really good at presenting the info.
AGRY 321: Genetics Lab (Aneesha Kulkarni)
This was the lab that went with AGRY 320. It was separate from the lecture. I do not believe it ever followed along with the lecture. The semester was spent with Arabidopsis. From the plant, we extracted DNA, did PCR, did mutant analysis, etc. The whole semester led up to a final lab report for what had been done that semester. There were also some small lab assignments that needed done. The class was also serious about attendance which could have made a major impact on grades. It is also typically ran by a GTA. It was fun and I enjoyed it. There was never really any work that needed to be done outside of class and at times it let out early.
ANSC 333: Physiology of Reproduction (Jonathan Pasternak)
This was a good class. The content focused on female anatomy/physiology first, then male anatomy/physiology, then on interactions and changes to the body through hormones and development. I found the class to be interesting as there is a lot more that goes into reproduction that u think. It’s a lot of cool info thrown out, but in a manageable way. Notes can go fast n there is a lot of terms and items to pay attention to. There was also a lab portion to this class. The lab went with what we learned in lectures. It was hands-on learning and doing things. It might sound gross but we had a lab where we took fetuses from a pig uterus to weigh and look at. We also looked at pig semen under a microscope. The professor was obsessed with histology. Expect to look at many slides of different tissues and know how/why they differ, where they are from, etc. I don’t remember assignments, but there was a lab practical that involved many things. Overall, it was a fun class.
ABE 227: Biotech Lab II (Kari Clase)
This class was busy. There were lots of things that needed to be done often (oddly no true deadlines it felt like). This was the dry lab portion. After ABE 226, any DNA that was collected sufficiently was sequenced and the data came back. That’s essentially what the semester was for. With the DNA from a phage, u must make entries to find out the start/stop site of genes, gene function; BLAST the genes, gather evidence there is truly a gene, and more. There were some small assignments with deliverables. There was also a larger project that was put into the undergrad research symposium. From the DNA, a small group chose a gene and researched. A lot of busy work and nights up, but there was a final genome announcement and research went into real life.
HIST 33805: History of Human Rights (Rebekah Klein-Pejsova)
This class was a requirement for an upper level humanities course. This class was easy and interactive. There were some readings that had to be done outside of class, but not much else was required. U would read, then come to class, fill out a discussion, and talk. The content started back in history and moved all the way to just beyond the Holocaust. There were a couple writing assignments that were like a paragraph. The final was to write a paragraph on when u thought the history of human rights began. Again, easy and almost no work required.
BCHM 307: Biochem (Barbara Golden)
I loved this course. Dr. Golden was soft spoken but she made sure u got the info u needed. The content felt like a mix of genetics and chem. The course was biology-sided for those that hate chem. This course went back to the central dogma and such, but then included a lot of metabolism and inner workings of cells. There were parts involving the Citric acid cycle and other “basic” biology concepts that went into further explanation from a different perspective. I believe there were also hotseat/iclicker questions. If u liked biology or genetics, u should like this course, too.
BCHM 309: Biochem Lab (Orla Hart)
Just like the genetics lab, this lab did content that led up to something big at the end. The lab was spent learning basic lab technique, then focused on isolating and purifying LDH from a Bradford assay. There were lab reports/assignments, but they all help and lead to the big lab report. It was a fun time. Dr. Hart was a fantastic prof for the course as she fully knew the topic, always helped out, and had high expectations. She would also joke and talk with us. She shared about her family (she’s Irish), her cats, n more. + she would talk with you in her office, where she had Ghirardelli chocolates to eat. There was a written midterm + u are required to wear a lab coat and goggles during lab.
ANSC 311: Animal Breeding & Genetics (Donna Lofgren)
This was another class that I liked a lot. For anyone interested in this topic, it is not what u expect. The class is not punnet squares and seeing what traits u can see. This class was a lot of math. You had to find the allelic/gene frequencies, var, covariance, selection intensity, generation interval, EBV, etc. I cannot stress that this class is a lot of math (prolly 75/25 to 85/15 for math/concepts). It is, however, one of the few genetics restrictive selectives for ANSC (if I remember right). There is other content too, learning about how to breed animals, components of breeding and genetics, etc. There is a lecture and lab. The lab is when homework was intro’d and we were given time to ask questions/complete it. The lab lasted 2 hours, and usually there would be several homework problems left. There was also a large project that used a sim (mine was beef, other years used lamb/sheep). I would have to cull and breed to get better genetics, get rid of disease, etc. The better the offspring the better. This sim was paired with an arrow chart and written report. Lot of work, but a lot of fun.
ANSC 326: Applied Non-Ruminant Nutrition (John Radcliffe)
This class was boring. Unless u love animal nutrition, it’s hard for it not to be. This was like a continuation of ANSC 221, but only focused on (essentially) pigs. Once again, just learning the background/basic info for feeding animals, providing nutrients, and balancing/creating rations. Also, this class also uses a lot of Excel - more than ANSC 221. There was a final for the course, but it was only a 1/2 semester course. There may have also been a lab section, but the work typically finished quickly.
ANSC 446: Companion Animal Mgmt (Rod Allrich)
Another course with Rod. It was basically nonsense. U learned what it took to keep companion animals healthy and managed. Specific diseases/interests were looked at for animals during class + issues/problems with animal clinics, shelters, etc. There wasnt much to learn. Since it was Rod, there were no slides. Anything written could be tested. Students had to present some issue with companion animals for points twice in the semester. There was also an animal business plan due at the end of the semester. It was required to describe the location, services, employees, their benefits, etc. There were no exams, but there were his quizzes - u were provided movies to watch and write a 1-page summary/reflection on what u saw. Once u get used to Rod, his classes are some of the easiest to ever take.
MGMT 200: Intro Accounting (Terra Maienbrook)
This was my first class for my Real Estate minor. If u have taken any math class at college u should be fine. This course is an intro. U learn the accounting equation, debits, credits, depreciation, and interpreting it through balance sheets. It can get a little confusing when things are broken down further, but as long as u pay attention there shouldn’t be trouble. Just remember what debits and credits do and u should pass the course. There were assignments that helped understand what needed to be done and how the content u are learning works, but it turns into busy work later on. If u get 1 small error as ur doing ur balance sheet, then the whole problem will be wrong and it probably won’t tell u what the error is. The professor also used hotseat/iclicker for attendance, so make sure to show up. She did let u come to any section at any time and still do the attendance. Exams weren’t difficult if u pay attention and do well in lecture and homework. If u do well, the prof would even email saying that u did well.
MGMT 304: Intro to Financial Mgmt (Phil Baeza)
This class was okay. Part of it could have been it was the prof’s 2nd semester teaching here. The class was a lot of basic info for management/econ and was also a requirement for the Real Estate minor. U are taught corporate finance + the goals of it, cash flows and a bunch of math with related terms (NPV, PV, NWC, NOI, etc.) None of it was exactly difficult to figure out. The class itself wasn’t bad content-wise. Once u learned the information, it was there. There was a lot of Excel for solving problems. If u aren’t good with Excel - make that a priority. The course also had exams, but you were allowed a typed cheat sheet for each. Besides the exams, there was also a case competition (so many of these in MGMT classes). Info was gathered about a company and with a group had to decide to approve or disapprove of their loan request. Overall, not terrible, but hard to sit thru.
ANSC 303: Animal Behavior (Marisa Erasmus)
This was an interesting class to take. It was pretty fun (and I ended up as a TA, my last semester). The course is essentially psychology in animals. You learn conditioning, scientists who contributed to the study, types of interactions, and types of behaviors (maintenance, maternal, social, play, sickness, etc.) and how they are in animals. The course also has a lab section with it. The lab section is essentially to allow for time for the zoo project, although there were some labs that went to the ASREC to observe those animals. For the project u are provided an animal at the zoo to research, go to the local zoo, and observe them. When ur back you create a presentation for the research you did involving the animal and enrichment provided by the zoo. In class, there were several quizzes over lecture content plus a midterm. There were also assignments, but many of them had some involvement with the zoo. The class also had no final, but there was a final quiz. The professor did talk fast sometimes, but as long as you typed or rewrote notes later, there was no issue.
STAT 503: Stat Methods for Biology (Yan Xing)
Unsure of why, but I loved my grad level stats courses. They were much easier and fun to learn than STAT 301 (so if u hate STAT301, give 503 a try). This course basically started at the beginning. The content started with learning sample vs population, statistic vs parameter, plus sample unit, size, variables, and variable types. The course became harder as time went on, but nothing was super difficult. The topics included basic stats (mean, stdev, var, types of distributions, unions/intersection), marginal probability, tree diagrams, binomial distributions, chi-square, ANOVA, hypothesis testing, and multiple comparisons (like bonferonni). The information was always presented in a way catered to life sciences (crazy). The lectures not presented in class, but expected to be watched beforehand. I did not go to lecture, but watched the lecture videos on my own. That was enough understanding to easily pass. There were homework assignments that were due every other week. Start them sooner than later, you’ll need the time! This class was also my introduction to coding in R. I had no experience in any coding beforehand but easily got the hang of it, especially since the professor provided tutorials. It was used for every homework, basically. There were also quizzes that weren’t too difficult. The class was not easy, but it was fun.
ABE 512: Good Regulatory Practices (Keri Clase/Stephen Byrn)
This was the final class I needed to get my Biotechnology minor. It was terrible. The professors were nice, but there was no structure. The lectures were about regulatory science and dealt a lot with information from the FDA. The course went over the good and required practices required for the creation, testing, passing, and distribution of medical equipment and/or drugs. Every small detail and information that was not in lectures was required to be known. There were quizzes and assignments that all got turned in through Gradescope. The quizzes are where random information was expected to be known. The assignments were deliverables which asked some question or inquired about a part of the process and write about them. The final was a final deliverable that had to effectively be a conglomeration of the other deliverables (but not just copying and pasting). The class wasn’t hard, but very poorly set up.
CSR 103: Intro to Personal Finance (Wookjae Heo)
I just needed a filler class in my schedule. I figured it could help learn some “real world” stuff that maybe I wasn’t sure about. The class was completely online with provided lecture videos. It was very easy and what would be expected. Topics went from how to manage debt and make sure you can get loans, to being informed about credit cards and insurance. All the information was easy to get through. There were writing assignments to be done basically every week. The professor would have you read a paper that 50/50 he had a part in writing, and answer questions. Some things were interactives that just needed to be completed (regardless of how well). Not a bad class. It will definitely pad your GPA - everything taught should be common knowledge.
MGMT 370: Real Estate Fundamentals (Lindsay Relihan)
This course was quite informative. It was an average level of difficulty. There was a lot of information that went into it - I mean it is a fundamentals class. Topics that were talked about included foundations of real estate, what is real estate, valuation of property, lending, time value of money, multiple financial ratios, and taxation. There were multiple assignments - some writing and others math. The writing was for discussions (5 of them) about certain papers provided or certain book chapters. The math assignments were problem sets to get done for what we had learned. They gave plenty of time to finish them. Beyond that, there was also another case study/competition. For this a company was selected and given potential locations to move to. You had to decide if it was worth it for the company to move locations.
ANSC 345: Animal Health Management (Rod Allrich)
For this class, I just needed to take another ANSC course. This class was practically the same as any other Rod Allrich course. We learned how to keep animals healthy and basically many different common diseases of animals. From his website, we would get brought to a page talking about some disease or medical problem that could potentially happen and have to write a 1-page summary/reflection. This happened each week. He still did in person quizzes with statements of fact. Once again, students had to make videos/presentations for the class to present on some problem. There was no final exam. Did not learn too much from this one, but it was a great space filler and GPA booster.
ANSC 481: Contemporary Issues in ANSC (Barry Delks)
This is essentially the final push for ANSC students. As seniors, you take this course to prepare you for the real world. Lectures were given by guests who the professor brought in. They would talk about their specific company, career, or niche and any issues they were seeing there plus how to stop them. The professor would then have groups get together to discuss ways to fix the problems and have the guest comment on what was said. There were also assignments to be done, but they were very easy. They were just things to make sure you were on track for a job and/or graduation (having a 30-sec intro, making a cover letter, redoing your resumé). Part of the class was also just attending the career fair.
STAT 512: Applied Regression Analysis (Tiantian Qin)
Like my other grad level stat course, I absolutely loved this one, too. This class was a DIST course. This class solely focused on regressions (simple linear and multiple linear regressions). Topics for the course started with the basics (terms of regression like betas, Xs, SSE, SSR, SST, and diagnostics) and moved to more difficult content (lack-of-fit-testing, global f-testing, transformations, ANOVA, marginal effect, coefficient of partial determination, multicollinearity, and more). I found the content interesting and it was fun to learn about. Nothing was too difficult and could always be asked about through office hours. There were homework assignments that corresponded with the lectures that were due every other week. Again, take the time. The course also used R coding for everything that was done. The course also had a couple exams to do. But the biggest thing was the regression project. This required a group of students to get together, find a set of data, and use it to form a regression analysis. There was a lot of coding involved, but it was fun parsing through and wrangling data.
MGMT 375: Real Estate Law (Cecelia Harper)
This course has been super personal and fun to take. This is one of my last courses for the Real Estate minor and I am glad to have taken it. The course goes over any and all laws that relate to real estate in some way. The course talked about property rights, subsurface rights, common laws, easements on land, financing/lending, prenuptial agreements and other contracts. Most grades come from exams, though. There were 3 during the semester plus the final. All exams (except the final) were open note and book. The final we were allowed a 1-page cheat sheet that was front and back. The only grades that did not come from exams were from the contracts we drafted. You create your own lease agreement and purchase agreement, then pair with someone to mesh them together for a new one of each. I think the course is particularly made tho by the professor. She is a practicing real estate lawyer who knows what she is talking about. She would set it up so the class was very personal and we each asked her questions. It was interesting because she could have stories about clients to connect things from class. She would always entertain questions. There was no extra credit, except for when she would randomly do attendance. The course structure could be changing quite a bit now, tho.
MGMT 43901: Real Estate Investment & Development (Michael Eriksen)
The other last course for my real estate minor. This class was a step away from what I thought it was going to be. This course is geared toward commercial development and the business side, as I felt. There was nothing really said about personal/residential property. The course topics included an overview of real estate, ways/types of investment, estimation of cash flows for commercial real estate and finance terms associated, providing loans/financing, the roles of a developer, and taxes. The course didn’t have many plain assignments. These were Excel files with attached questions and instructions. If you could follow the instructions you did well, plus the assignments built on each other, except the last one - this one used ARGUS software. The majority of the work was spent on a case competition (go figure lol). Students were put into groups to select a plot of land to develop for some commercial purpose and provide the financials, timeline, and reasoning for the decision. There were several required tasks to be done for this assignment, plus a presentation at the end. There was no final exam, but there were 2 midterms. You could use an excel sheet with notes throughout, tho. The professor was good. He catered to his students and asked questions about how we thought the class was going. A good class to take.
BCHM 421: R For Molecular Biosciences (Pete Pascuzzi)
I took this class because my previous classes had made me really like working in R. I took the class to continue on with that. If you do not have a basic understanding of R, it may be a slight learning curve. The class only met on Wednesday and Friday for 2 hours. There wasn’t a lecture every class, but there was usually some work to be done. All assignments were done through R and could typically be finished in the class period. If this wasn’t possible, it could usually be finished the next class. The class just showed different things in R, from graphics and data wrangling to how to process gene ontology. There were homeworks and labs, with labs being more involved. There was a midterm that was open resource and a project. The project was done at the very end with groups who put together code from previous lectures/labs to create an RShiny document. The class did have a final, again open resource, but any graduating seniors did not have to take the final. There was an opportunity for extra credit by creating an R notebook for all your notes for functions and lines of code. The professor was also nice, helpful, and willing to put in effort to match you.
ANSC 351: Meat Science (Yuan Kim)
This class is basically just biology plus some extra info for meat processing. If you have taken muscle biology (or just bio) you will do well. The class does have some busy work, tho. The first part of the class was solely muscle biology. After this, the class went into meat quality (including analysis, factors affecting quality, etc.), parts of production (packaging, freezing, heating), slaughter and that process, then into meat safety. The content was interesting to learn and easy to take in. The class did have several assignments. After every class was a lecture quiz, each week there was a reflection, and every so often there was a case study. Case studies involved reading a case and providing a response to address the cause of a problem and fix it. The whole semester, there was a project involving some topic in meat science (novel tech, meat in diet, lab-grown meat, alternatives, etc.). Groups got together at the beginning of the semester to make a decision on the topic. Then, throughout the semester, groups met with TAs, wrote drafts of a paper, critiqued other student papers, and made a presentation to show the class. Throughout the semester, you have to work 2 shifts at the butcher block or write a giant essay on a book, too. The class also required 4 exams and a final. If you showed up to every class, you were able to skip the final. Dr. Kim loves the topic and wants you to learn, but most of the grading will be done by TAs.
submitted by Zoilykos to Purdue [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 01:49 Hal_Again Announcing: 1960 Kennedy

Announcing: 1960 Kennedy
Following the turbulent time of Truman, the Eisenhower presidency as brought with it peace and prosperity - or so the television would have you believe. Peace, perhaps, but can there be prosperity when so many hunger for food, shelter or equality? One man promises to bring all of these things. The young, handsome Senator John F. Kennedy pledges to fix to divide. But the Eisenhower administration remains popular. Battling for the forces of stagnation, Vice-President Richard Nixon leads the charge. Can Senator Kennedy topple Nixon and establish his new frontier?
Candidate introduction:
𝗦𝗲𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿 𝗝𝗼𝗵𝗻 𝗙. 𝗞𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗱𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗰𝗵𝘂𝘀𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘀. \"𝗔 𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗼'𝘀 𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝗲𝗻𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝘁𝗼 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗴 𝗲𝗻𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗼!\"
There isn't a man in America today that doesn't know Senator Kennedy. Equal parts wise statesman and dashing playboy, Kennedy's rise to power has been nothing less than unprecedented. He unseated Henry Cabot Lodge of the venerable Lodge family, and in his first term came close to winning his spot as Adlai Stevenson's running mate. In the time that followed, he effortlessly dispatched his opponent for the Senate. Now he has his eyes on the grandest accomplishment of all - the Presidency.
Running on a platform of moderate liberalism, unabashed support for containment and a commitment to the rights of all men, John Kennedy dares America to dream of a better world.
𝗩𝗶𝗰𝗲-𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗥𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗱 𝗠. 𝗡𝗶𝘅𝗼𝗻. \"𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗶𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀, 𝗰𝗼𝗼𝗹 𝗶𝗻 𝗰𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗼𝗼! 𝗘𝘅𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲, 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗴𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘆, 𝗡𝗶𝘅𝗼𝗻 𝗶𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂!\"
The Vice-President of the current of administration, Richard Nixon is in many ways the opposite of his opponent. Born from a humble background, with an adversarial relationship with the press, Nixon has consistently scored notably lower in favourability polls when compared to the beloved President Eisenhower. What else can be expected from a man that made his name exploiting the Red Scare? Nonetheless, Richard Nixon has been entrusted with continuing the legacy Eisenhower. And he is more then prepared
Nixon is running an incredibly ambitious 50 state campaign. A West Coast man, with an East Coast running mate, carrying the endorsements of civil rights leaders and with strategy to snatch the South, turned off by Kennedy's Catholicism and support for civil rights, paired with the support of the ever beloved Eisenhower, Nixon may just pull it off.
I know what you're thinking. No, this isn't a shitpost. No, it's not a redux. It's the 1960 election, featuring JFK vs Richard Nixon. It's a fascinating that I'm happy to say is coming to completion. I reiterate: this isn't a joke. I will not be answering questions.
submitted by Hal_Again to thecampaigntrail [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 17:14 WilliamKallio [EVENT] The 1960 Republican Primary & National Convention

Early-Mid 1960 - United States of America

Since announcing his candidacy in January, Richard Nixon has consistently led every poll of Republican voters. To pollsters, his opponents seemed doomed, with the Senate Majority Leader having a steady ~70% of the Republican electorate supporting him with around an even split going for Rockefeller and Goldwater. Though he had failed to convince either to drop out, his consistent support of the Republican Party and years of effort had captured the endorsement of much the Party and convinced most Republicans that 1956 was a fluke. Everyone from Alf Landon to President Dewey himself had either outright endorsed Nixon or were working to ensure he had a smooth ride to the nomination. While this did little to dissuade Goldwater, who was running to both boost his own national profile and reinvigorate the Republican Party’s right-wing, it did much pain to Rockefeller. Since announcing his campaign, he had styled himself as a liberal Republican who would go further than Dewey while attacking Eisenhower for not doing enough to support the nation’s vulnerable. While useful in some areas (and certainly not as bad as it was for Rockefeller in real life), it simply could not match the influence of Nixon nor shake the perception of Rockefeller as too liberal to unite the Republican Party.
As March rolled around and the few actual primaries of the Republican Party began, things did not improve for Rockefeller. Whatever popularity he might enjoy with the liberal intellectuals in the East Coast Establishment, the rank and file Republicans nationwide saw him as simply a worse alternative to Nixon, one that would make the conservatives stay at home in November while trying to out-promise New Deal Democrats on domestic policy. With Nixon they found a true party man who was an internationalist with moderate credentials, but with connections and friendships to keep the conservative wing in order. Seeing the writing on the wall after being handed a couple major defeats, Rockefeller bowed out of the race and instead started courting party insiders in order to gain influence at the convention. Nixon even reached out via intermediaries to discuss the possibility of Rockefeller getting on the ticket, but a man as ambitious as Rockefeller would not play second fiddle to the likes of Nixon. He would support Nixon when he became the nominee, but was more concerned about lining himself up for his next chance at the presidency.
With the only real threat from his left defeated, Nixon now had the task of taking down a serious threat from the right. While Goldwater had virtually no chance of getting the nomination, both he and Nixon knew he could throw a spanner into the works at the convention. Nixon himself had no love lost for Goldwater, his ideas would see the Republican Party doomed to obscurity for all time in a country that has clearly shifted its opinion towards a more moderate path. Still, the man whose name is on The Conscience of a Conservative and has spent the better part of a year rebuilding the grassroots conservative movement was not someone to simply be forgotten. Meeting with Goldwater privately with a few other party insiders before the convention, Nixon managed to convince Goldwater to drop out and endorse him to make the presidential nomination unanimous at the convention. This concession would cost Nixon, however, with Goldwater getting a prime speaking time at the convention and token concessions on some parts of the platform. This suited Goldwater nicely, as he would be able to boost his national platform and tout to the right-wing of the Republicans that he had moderated the overall platform, while for Nixon it ensured a much smoother convention.

the 1960 Republican National Convention

As Nixon rode to overwhelming victories in the primary and came into the convention the pre-selected choice of both the rank-and-file Republicans as well as senior party insiders, much of the speculation about the Republicans would be how they try to court members of the New Deal Coalition without losing the conservative vote and who Nixon would choose as his vice president. The first was quickly answered when the Republican platform adopted measures calling for a national health insurance system, comprehensive expansion of rural development measures, federal funding for education, overhauls of national defense, and the strongest civil rights plank in the Republican Party’s history. These measures are all differentiated from the Democratic Party’s proposals by both their scale and focus, with Republican messaging focusing on enhancing people’s choice and building communities, while disparaging their opponents for wanting to rule from Washington.
However, above all else the two strongest messages the Republicans are sending to voters are their ideas on civil rights and national defense. Decrying a “missile gap” with the Soviets evidenced by their victories in the Space Race, Nixon and the Republican Party promised a strong stance against communism, an end to the Middle Eastern oil embargo, and a rapid expansion of the US military and nuclear deterrence. With Nixon’s existing foreign policy experience in the Senate Foreign Affair Committee and the ongoing blunders by the Eisenhower Administration, this made for a strong rebuke of the status quo and proved most popular with voters. Domestically, while giving some respect to the proposed changes to welfare (which Nixon himself thought was a waste of time, as the Democrats could always out-promise Republicans on government handouts and programs), Nixon adopted a hardline outlook on civil rights. Touting the Civil Rights Act of 1960, freshly passed and having been associated with him by the press [M] without the Vice Presidency and the expense scandal having been avoided due to Democrats not wanting to expose their own practices, Nixon has maintained a much more cordial relationship with the press [/M], Nixon promised that under a Republican Administration that poll taxes would be made illegal, the strongest civil rights in history would be passed, and that the injustices done to the black community in the Deep South would be rectified.
While the missile gap and defense planks were par for the course, Nixon and his managers had worked with delegates to hammer out the most progressive civil rights policy plank in American history, with hopes that a very strong showing here would outmaneuver Northern Democrats and either force them to confront their Southern compatriots or lose part of the black vote to the Republicans. While Dewey had peeled some of the New Deal black vote away from Harriman, Nixon was making a gamble that he could really dent the shift of black voters to the Democratic Party or at least cause a further fracture of Democratic unity. With the utter destructiveness of Eisenhower’s own push for civil rights and the walkout of Southern Democrats at the Democratic National Convention, this could be the push needed to see Republicans win across the North.
As for the second question, who Nixon would pick, he was mindful of both the national atmosphere and the need for party unity. Rockefeller would never kow-tow to Nixon and play second fiddle (even if Nixon had wanted him, which he did not), while an out and out conservative like Goldwater would be a step too far. Still, as Nixon was now firmly planted on the liberal end of the Republican Party in the eyes of conservative insiders, a candidate from outside the Northeast and who could be acceptable to both wings of the Republican Party was needed. Nixon also needed an internationalist and someone who could assist him in getting Congress to pass his planned legislative agenda. This already eliminated many of the big names who were being floated around in the press, as well as Nixon’s own personal choice of Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. Instead, Nixon convened a council of 38 Republicans to assist him in choosing a candidate broadly acceptable to the Republican Party and Nixon himself. Unlike in 1956, when Nixon was hard pressed to find anyone willing to sign on to the ticket, this election season has many figures coming out of the woodworks to canvas and attempt to influence party figures of their viability, giving this committee’s men extra power. After Nixon issued a de facto veto of any figures the public or conservatives would perceive as close members of the “Northeast establishment,” discussions quickly closed in on choosing someone from the Midwest to help carry the region this election.
After five hours of discussion between themselves and Nixon, they selected one of their own, Representative Gerald R. Ford of Michigan, to complement Nixon. Heavily supported by Michigan’s delegation and pushed for more generally by the Midwest (initially, some had wanted to nominate Everett Dirksen of Illinois, but his Senate seat was seen as vulnerable should he leave to serve as Vice President), Ford had been mentioned several times in discussions about future Republican leadership in the House and had made a name for himself as a negotiator and moderate among party colleagues. While generally considered to hail more from the moderate, Dewey-supporting side, he had not made enemies of anyone from the conservative wing nor was overly associated with liberal Republicans. Some concern was expressed about his name recognition and lack of experience, but to mention that to Nixon, who himself had been in politics only two years longer than Ford, was seen as foolhardy. After some discussion on the convention floor, no one had any strong feelings against Ford, though some conservatives were noted as unenthusiastic that their primary performance didn’t get a more thoroughly conservative candidate. Such discussion was ignored in favor of a moderate national outlook, but Ford’s floor manager did advise him to play up elements of fiscal conservatism in his acceptance speech.
With all major opposition dealt with, the platform adjusted to maximize popularity, and a non-controversial vice presidential nominee, Nixon finally felt good about his chances in November. Unlike in 1956, when the crooks and Communists had threatened to end his career and he was almost written off in the wake of Eisenhower’s success, he now had an upper hand. In 1956, he had tried to thread the needle on the boiling issue of civil rights, didn’t connect with voters how he wanted, and didn’t pay nearly enough attention to the media, all of which cost him dearly against the titan of the Eisenhower campaign. Not in 1960. He would expose the cracks in the Democrat’s coalition, decisively come out in favor of civil rights to rub salt in the wound of the Democratic split, and campaign heavily on the ever more apparent failings of the Eisenhower Administration’s foreign and defense failures. Never again would he suffer the sting of defeat like in 1956, he would make sure of that. As he looked into the adoring crowd of Republicans before he started his acceptance he knew one thing for certain. Everything’s coming up Milhouse.
[M] Massive credit to the book 1960: LBJ Vs. JFK Vs. Nixon : the Epic Campaign that Forged Three Presidencies by David Pietrusza for giving me a treasure trove of information on the 1960 Republican National Convention and giving me plenty of pointers on how the Republicans of the 1950s were operating! Also, I’ll be writing a (hopefully) short summary of the Democratic Primary next. [/M]
submitted by WilliamKallio to ColdWarPowers [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 19:22 hickorycoyote It was a good day

It was a good day
Picked up the whole lot for $2.15.
submitted by hickorycoyote to VHS [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 23:51 must_tang Ecoflow delta 2 with roof solar panels

Ecoflow delta 2 with roof solar panels
I have 5 LG Neon 2 panels removed from my roof that I wanted to use to charge the ecoflow delta 2. The specs show a nominal 31.2V and 7.67amps. Delta 2 is rated 60V/15amps max so is my best setup just to put two panels in parallel and have the ecoflow pull the 15amps or could I get away with having 2 panels in series also?
I've had these panels for about 7 years now so thinking maybe there is some degredation but not sure if that is due to the voltage or current delivered. Is my best bet to just test each of these on a sunny day with a multimeter?
submitted by must_tang to Ecoflow_community [link] [comments]

2024.03.30 23:52 Ciennas What do the Zetans and Aliens add to the setting?

As we all know, Fallout has a massive fandom, and that it is largely bifurcated.
On the one hand, you have the Black Isle Bastion, and on the other you have the Bethesdaverse Brigadiers.
A metaphorical (and almost literal) West Vs East kind of divide.
One of the contentious topics for me are the Zetans: those alien blokes that were silly little joke encounters in 1, 2, and New Vegas, and are super prominent in 3, 4, and 76.
Fallout 3 establishes that the Zetans have been zipping by and interfering in human affairs since at least Imperial or Feudal Japan, to the settings present day. A still findable but blanked holotape was even going to blame the Zetans for the Great War in some capacity.
You also accidentally death ray a significant chunk of Canada while running through the DLC, a detail that no one mentions in Fallout 4 even though a death ray that lit up the eastern seaboard with the light of hundreds of nukes energy equivalence would probably have some terrifying consequences that would still be worth mentioning ten years later, especially since you're way closer to it than DC by hundreds of miles.
In Fallout 4, they establish that not only are the Zetans a thing and even giving them that moniker, they also establish a separate (?) Ancient alien race that predates humanity by tens of thousands of years that are effectively eldritch gods, and that one man found a cast off trinket of theirs and was granted biological immortality and the power of Fus Ro Dah, among other terrifying abilities. They also establish that, besides the major settlement they had in the deserts of Egypt, there is probably another one under the Mojave somewhere.
In Nuka World, they establish that the Hubboligists' founder met one of these and lived, since the reward for completing their quest is an Alien Blaster that he had on him.
76 establishes that the Zetans basically like to mess around a lot in West Virginia, from the Flatwoods Monster to a bunch of other implied oddities.
Rather than rehash over and over again whether or not they're really canon I personally lean towards the setting would be a lot stronger and more interesting if they were not, or were some kind of spacer transhuman post humans like the Super Mutants, let me ask the more salient question:
What do these goobers add to the setting?
People tell me that they justify the zany cool sci fi tech stuff in the setting, but that can all be justified already by 'it is an alternate history where technology developed in a similar but different way, and they had about eightyish years beyond us to develop their tech when the series was first concieved'.
In practical terms, what do they add besides yet another green skinned race of hostile humanoid orkz to shoot at? to say nothing of the eldritch godlikes from the Cabot House questline, who are maybe related to all the Cthulu knockoffs elsewhere?
I'm being sincere here. If we consigned them to the Not Canon side of the setting with the Star Trek shuttle and the TARDIS and the Holy Hand Grenades and the delightful Fist of the North Rawr, what exactly has the setting lost?
Please help me out. They're fun designs and all, but what exactly do we get from them being here?
submitted by Ciennas to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 06:01 napamy 💜 Romancelandia March Madness: Plot vs. Vibes Final Round 💜

💜 Romancelandia March Madness: Plot vs. Vibes Final Round 💜
Happy Wednesday, and welcome to the final round of our March Madness: Plot vs. Vibes game!
Since there's only one match this time, we're abandoning Google Forms and doing the poll directly on the sub. Voting will end Saturday, and I'll make an announcement post for the winner on Sunday 😊
  • Flowers from the Storm (46%) vs. The Will Darling Adventures (54%)
  • Earth Bound (60%) vs. Peter Cabot Gets Lost (40%)

Happy Voting!!
View Poll
submitted by napamy to romancelandia [link] [comments]

2024.03.21 18:38 MoPacIsAPerfectLoop Latest LillyDirect Contact and Refill Options between Eversana and TruePill

*Edit: My doctor sent refills to Cabot [aka TruePill for LillyDirect] this afternoon and the script showed up within about 10 minutes of them sending the new prescription. This is definitely the way forward for existing LillyDirect customers for refills and titrations to cut out the Eversana delays].
Original Post: I’ve been using LillyDirect for a couple of months now and they’ve generally been pretty easy to use - however my PCP tried to send in my refills this week and said the information had changed in their escript system. We both thought this was strange.
I waited a couple of days, then called today to have them process the script. Apparently even refill orders are taking Eversana [LillyDirect’s intake company] 10-days to process. Previously refills happened within a day or two as opposed to new customers which took longer.
In parallel I also reached out to TruePill and got the following information from them. The piece that I hadn’t seen before was that you can apparently send refills directly to TruePill’s intake pharmacy vs going through Eversana [where the delay in processing continues to be].
Note: I’m including the LillyDirect [Eversana] phone instructions below too since it gets posted fairly often in response to folks asking on this sub.
If your doctor sent your prescription to LillyDirect Pharmacy Solutions please contact them at 833-589-1607 and select Option 1 twice for a representative. Moving forward your provider can send your prescriptions to our intake pharmacy. When the prescription is sent to our intake pharmacy it typically takes 24 business hours for the prescription to be reflected on your online account.
Cabot Pharmacy 3100 Diablo Ave, Hayward, CA, 94545 NPI: 1023699550 NCPDP: 5674747 Fax Number: 650-434-0601
submitted by MoPacIsAPerfectLoop to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 06:01 napamy 💜 Romancelandia March Madness: Flirty Four Round 💜


Voting for the Flirty Four round of March Madness: Plot vs. Vibes can be found here.


Happy Voting!!
submitted by napamy to romancelandia [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 06:01 napamy 💜 Romancelandia March Madness: Enamored Eight Round 💜

Happy Wednesday, and welcome to the Enamored Eight round of our March Madness: Plot vs. Vibes!
Voting is open for the next round here.
Happy Voting!!
submitted by napamy to romancelandia [link] [comments]

2024.01.13 21:30 BruceYale111 Hm…

Boo that man if they show him
submitted by BruceYale111 to Texans [link] [comments]

2024.01.11 01:38 Infraredsky Making dairy free but not vegan cultured cheese

Anyone done this?
I’m celiac (no gluten) and soy free.
I want to make cultures nut cheese (mainly cashew based) with potentially added egg yolk / chicken fat.
The dairy people say look at the vegans, the vegan people wanna flay me for even god forbid mentioning the word chicken.
Also curious about glutenous rice flour vs tapioca for stretchiness
I just wanna know if anyone else has attempted this?
What are good starter cultures and a good starter setup?
Also I love sharp cheddar - like cabot, and salty nutty aged goudas - how can I make similar tasting things
submitted by Infraredsky to dairyfree [link] [comments]

2024.01.09 22:18 SuperEzIoNe [Cabot] Kevin Stefanski said it's unlikely K Dustin Hopkins (hamstring) will kick in the wild card game vs. Texans

submitted by SuperEzIoNe to nfl [link] [comments]

2023.12.31 23:33 cisnotforwookie Kamakiri Kearu "Mantis Frog" — Razorleaf rebuild & my 1st build share in sub (photos from Legacy's End mission, thus spoiler)

The last 4 photos are during the Legacy's End quest, bc I thought they were cool shots. I want to share them somewhere & I figure that most ship builders are endgame players and it won't spoil anything in this sub. 🤞
So yeah, hi-- this is my very first build share here. For months, I have been meaning to compile videos on YouTube that I've taken of several other original ships, but i just haven't gotten around to it.
I can't wait this time! 🤓 I rebuilt the Razorleaf to play the UC Vanguard missions & be a boss while taking on the CF. It was perfect👌!
This is by far my fave build (my latest ship always is, of course!) But this baby has reasonable mass, almost 7k cargo (320 shielded cargo, 89% scan evasion chance) and THREE levels of optimally flowing interior habs, only 1 structural gap filler, and only 1 single level ladder. It is a true kitchen sink build & the party ship of my dreams!!
I'm happy to share a 2 part video tour of the interior and combat, but here's a written description in the meanwhile.
1st level: Opens from bay with door (no hatch) into Stroud Living 2x2 (which i consider passenger space). Aft facing, a back left door leads to my Stroud workshop which has the only ladder on ship.
2nd level: Ladder into 1st segment of Stroud 3x1 Engineering Bay (no obstruction), Engineering has a rear aft portal and fwd door opening into my Stroud Armory. An immediate side left door enters into the intact bathroom area of the 1st of 2 NG living 2X2s. Moving clockwise through, there's the bathroom, desks, weights and an aft facing door leads to a Stroud 3x1 all in one berth (2 beds & bathroom) that takes out just the outer wall weight station, but keeps both beds & the sectional with big screen. In the galley room the door to the Cabot 4 bridge removes the pool table. Stairs lead to the bridge and 3rd level.
Top 3rd level: Facing aft, door from bridge enters into Stroud Battle Stations 2x2. Immediately to right, side door leads to NG 2x1 Captain's Quarters. Window by the desk adds view & takes out nothing of importance. Don't add window at the rear if you want the nice private sitting area with couch & decorated shelves. This is hands down the most functional placement & weirdly, Nova Galactic has the best luxe design of all Cpt. Quarter habs, imo.
Back to Stroud Battle Stations 2x2, facing aft, the docking ladder sits in back right corner. This works great, doesn't obstruct crew flow to stations and i like that it adds attachment points for structural design & a round design element to my ship exterior. BS 2x2 has window in first left segment, back left segment has aft door leading to Stroud 3x1 all in one berth, which has an aft portal. In the center segment of the AIO (before beds) there's a left side window & a right side door to NG Living 2x2, which enters by the pool table without taking it out.
This 3rd level 2nd NG living 2x2 is almost 100% intact, i added an aft portal for the view and bc there's a bathroom in the adjacent AIO hab. It has everything else: pool table, galley, eating table, desk, all weights, 2nd workspace table, 2 beds, AND the sectional theater space. This is the only one of dozens of placements tried that allowed both pool table & home theater lounge and didn't addv random doors and ladders.
Weapons: 2 front and 2 aft facing PB 300 Turrets (12 pips) eliminate nearly everything without really needing to fire the 6 front facing Vanguard obliterators (12 pips). I can disable turrets & enable EM (12 pips) for hostile ship docking.
I can enable 2 weapons fully, full shields and have engines at 11 pips with 1 grav pip enabled. I can travel around the Serpentis System w/o grav drive enabled and with full engines & shields (which I do, bc that's the best fun xp farm, imo.) The mobility is 87, boost top speed is 512, top cruise speed is 185. For a beefy build, it handles great.
Note: I've suffered from the "shield buff bug" that works in reverse when you stack crew stat & skill perk buffs. By unassigning Vasco, i am able to eke out only 320 buff crew bonus (from 1600 base to 1920). It's nowhere near 60% buff i should get from my 3/4 Shields perk. This is aggravating. And it's sad bc Vasco keeps asking me to assign him to my ship again! 🥺 I hate it. They need to fix that— yesterday.
In past builds I've been able to achieve 2230 shields with a base of 1450 (Vanguard shield). This bug is the ONLY thing that keeps my difficulty set at normal VS. very hard for ship combat. And i could run it very hard and win, but it tends to use up ship parts and that's not worth the hassle.
Getting the interior to flow took a ton of trouble shooting with placement, but it has everything i personally want and it's next level swanky-- I am entirely satisfied! (That said, can't wait to rebuild my Kepler S, next!)
Anyhow, THANKS very much, for reading if you got this far (😁!!) & for indulging my first extra detailed share!
submitted by cisnotforwookie to StarfieldShips [link] [comments]

2023.12.26 00:30 Aggietallboy Free money and xp for NG+ restarts, QOL Mods and Bugfixes

Free money and xp for NG+ restarts, QOL Mods and Bugfixes
There's no limit on levels in Starfield, but at level 328 you'll have enough skill points to max out everything in the tree.
Here's how to get there easy!
There's the XP needed at Level 395
Show XP On Loading Screen - https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/5616

So our key is the Bessel III-b three-biome split.

This video will show you the 3 biome split location, and walk you through setting up your 950 credit starter base:
Like Vash says, you can get THIS location to spawn on Bessel EVERY time if you click in the right spot -- save the game in orbit and reload if you don't hit the right one.
I won't play the game without StarUI -- the improvement to inventory and workbench is stunning:
StarUI Workbench - https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/4966 StarUI Inventory - https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/773 StarUI Configurator - https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/5467
If you're doing just the Bessel Base, set the max craft to 65500. If you're doing the 23 base, and want to be able to craft everything, set max craft to 32750 -- when you require 2 of a material, you can only do the 32750 -- helps you not forget and get annoyed.
I also use FTTU (which WILL break achievements). I mention this because if you decide to use that too, you can save scum the locations around the map -- I have 2 civilian and another POI in this game -- if you save before you jump to the location, you can get it to regen/respawn using the save game -- I have vendors in 3 of them by using this! The base "properties" spawn when you jump in for the first time -- so it could be dead pirates, live pirates, civillians, robots... whatever.. but you can "save scum" it to get something with a provisioner.

I build out all the skills in my "Game 1" before ever going to unity, and did all the faction quests etc etc etc...
There's an AWESOME post by u/VocabullDrop9 which explains how to get all the harvestable/farmable resources in one set of outposts:
So since you need to build 20ish outposts or so to max out your outpost management skill, well there ya go, there's the ones you need to build :)
My #23 is Lantana VII where I get He3 and do a split biome there to make a Cu, Ag, Au zero wire farm, and of course this one on Bessel is #24, and I'll ship H20 from it if I'm doing the AIO set.
u/TheNickMead spent WAY too much time building this absolutely awesome spreadsheet detailed in this post: https://www.reddit.com/Starfield/comments/16ki0bm/spreadsheet_every_planet_resource/
I threw in a couple new tabs, one with the 23 outpost list from VocabullDrop, one where I track all the temples for each ng+, and another one where I made the checklist based on Vash's video, and then the advanced shopping list.
In NG+, before you go to Jemison, the universe is unlocked -- so go to Bessel, land in your spot, and if you have to save scum to practice dropping your outpost beacon, do that a little bit. When you drop your beacon in ideal location, you should be able to do 4 iron, 3 cobalt, 7 aluminum, and 7 nickel extractors - even with practice, this go-round I only have 2 cobalt, 6 aluminum, but I have 5 iron -- I always build nickel to match aluminum -- I think you can build ~12 on the spot they give you, but don't bother with more.
If you get lucky with local outposts, you can get some of these on-planet, otherwise jump to Neon, check with Sieghart, Newell and Saburo for all the mats -- sleep 1 hour on Bessel to reset the vendor stocks. until you have all you need - always spend the time jumping to Bessel and back to reset vendors, to build your stocks!
Along with the outposts, I consistently find a UC Listening Post, which I clean out, and get a ship to land at one of the locations, which I can commandeer about half the time.
Now in NG+, I'm assuming you have all the reduced costs by having done the 23 set in first playthrough, so this shopping list will be light if you don't have all the perks leveled up:
If you position the outpost just right, you should have a total of 21 Mining extractors:
If you don't have the money, and just want to start as cheap as possible, you still need 4 extractors:
The Aldumite Drilling Rigs can be annoyingly elusive, so buying all of these ASAP is worthwhile.
You need to power them, and to do your first 4 industrial extractors, you'll need 14 advanced wind turbines -- 28 aluminum, 14 Isocentered magnets -- don't buy more than these, as you'll be producing them free in this base.
You'll need a bed (2 Al, 1 Fiber), an Industrial Workbench (1 Fe, 2Al), and unless you're using SKK's universal stash, you'll be building a TON of storage (which is "free" as you produce all the mats necessary in base).
Here's my shopping list for the "advanced version" which I build at the beginning of every NG+
OK.. so here's what I buy - the things I can't produce in-base, or need to jump-start
21 Aldumite Drilling Rigs - this will be the single most expensive part (usually 300 credits ea) 42 Isotopic Coolants 63 Tungsten 17 Adaptive Frames* 2 Zero Wire 2 Beryllium 16 Iron* 4 Aluminum* 6 Lead 5 Sealant 1 Fiber

All-In here you're looking at roughly 10,100 credits -- which I can almost always get clearing that UC listening post that has spawned the last 5 NG games for me - or if you want to do it after you open the lodge, you get 25k credits talking to Sarah.
So we start with one extractor of each type, the workbench and the bed, and then build our 14 advanced wind turbines.
Sleep 1 Hour
You can build 200+ isocentered magnets and adaptive frames, and you should have about 1500 each of each mat.
You'll now have enough Iron, Aluminum, Nickel and Cobalt to build all the adaptive frames, isocentered magnets and storage we could need to finish the base.
To finish out the base, I build my shipbuilder, hab, the rest of the extractors, and power it all up.
I build my landing pad with Shipbuilder (15 Fe, 9 Adaptive Frame, 1 Zero Wire, 1 Be) between the Cobalt and Aluminum veins, and then I do a large hex hab (5 Pb, 7 Al, 4 Sealant) with an outpost airlock (1 Pb, 2 Al, 1 Sealant) positioned so the stairs for the hab and landing pad are right at each other, and then I move the outpost beacon so that it is basically right between the two -- this way when you spawn in to the base you're right at the entrance to the hab. I also build my bounty clearance board.
I like to build three Sanitation Mini Bots (3 more Be and Zero Wire) to max out the production in the base.
Cobalt is a little bit of luck... if you get just the right spot, you can get 3 cobalt extractors, but 2 is fairly common (why does this have such a ridiculously large radius!?!?)
If you got only 2 cobalts, then you'll probably be offsetting that with 5 Iron.

Money and XP are now Free :D

Now for the storage part

I find the SKK Universal Stash to be just too damn improving of QOL (breaks achievements), but if you want to play straight vanilla, here's the production of your base in one Bessel 24 hour sleep cycle - that's with 5 Iron, 2 Cobalt, 6 Aluminum and 6 Nickel
If you're playing without it, you'll need to build storage, and lots of it. Each large container will hold 600 of each resource.. so yeah.. that's roughly 1700 large storage containers to hold all your production with zero waste -- But, you can do it in phases, for each hour you want to add, you need to add 70 large storage containers -- 20 each for Iron, Nickel and Aluminum, and then 10 for Cobalt.
And of course there's the huge XP level jump -- I produced the one "24 hour set":

That set is worth 1.3 Million Credits
I put in a Trade Authority Kiosk in my base
That lets me sell 400K per 1 hour sleep cycle (1 hour on bessel = 56 hours UTC)
I also use Richer Merchants https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/1143
This gives every vendor 8 Million Credits to spend.

BUT, it's not necessary if you want to keep a vanilla experience... just get used to walking around with no health!
So why I do this every game:

In each NG+ I do this so I have about 2 Million Creds, so I can build essentially this ship:
Why THIS Is The Ship EVERY Player Needs In Starfield - YouTube

I'll either build it straight, or use an Ecliptic Claymore III as the base, which I usually get one landing fairly often. I like the Cabot 4 bridge that's on the Claymore III, so it is a nice starting point. I've done my own tweaks to it, and now call it the Axolotl - I'm about to build the Axolotl V in this playthrough.
Building a full particle beam setup, will delete damn near anything (especially our starborn friends at Masada).
You can drop stuff in your ship and it doesn't apply the weight to the ship... so take enough with you to sell off what you can -- land on "Neon Core" so the walk isn't as long, and as long as you aren't overencumbered on the walk back, you can fast travel straight back to the base -- always sleep/wait on the base to magnify your production.
Now that Money and XP are solved, we solve for consumables (which we achieve at the same time as we're shopping to finish the base, as Sieghart and Newell carry most of stuff you need here, and Trade Authority has the AGM) and crew.
Fly to Akila and grab Omari Hassan for that sweet 60% shield bump, and once you've gotten to Jemison and opened the lodge, if you're doing the "starborn playthrough" then you can grab Sarah and Vasco for your crew, adding another 40% shield bump.
I've noticed the shields getting buggy on this go-round though with both Vasco and Omari, and my target lock time has been all over the place
I *think* this console command is achievement-safe:
Sit in your ship, and launch it into space.
hit tilde to open console
click on the cockpit, and then use mouse scroll until it displays "GBFM.... " that's your ship name
type in :
GetValueInfo ShieldMaxHealthMult
Rank 1 is 20%, 2 is 40% and 3 is 60%
If you have Vasco, Omari and your own skill at 3 or higher this should now be 2.6 -- .6 for you, .6 for Omari, and .4 for Vasco -- right, wrong or indifferent, these are "additive" multipliers, so it's 1.0 + .6 +.6 +.4 (and another .2 for Ezekiel if you have him too)
With me and Vasco in the Starborn Guardian right now, I'm bugged with 1.8 where it should be 2.0
Fix this (I believe this DOES flag the save as a cheat) with:
forceav ShieldMaxHealthMult 2.6 (or whatever your appropriate value is)

For the target lock bug:
getvalueinfo SpaceshipTargetLockTime (again, reading the value should be safe)
My current value in the Starborn Guardian is 0 -- which is just wrong -- the baseline is 3.0 seconds
I have the skill maxed, so that reduces lock time by 60% - which should now be a 1.2 second lock
forceav SpaceshipTargetLockTime 1.2
If you've done the Crimson Fleet questline, and installed the CommSpike, with Rank 4 targeting, you should now have a 0.9 second locktime.

You can build crafters in your base pretty cheap, or just use the Lodge Basement to do the rest:
I spend a little time making my food and aid -there is actually some non-useless stuff!
These need Quark Degenerate Tissue and/or Gastro Delight -- Sieghart can stock them, as well as Trade Authority - I sleep 1 hour on Bessel to reset (and to refill storage) and then re-check so I can buy them
I usually make:
5 Pappardelle Bolognese 10 Star Cluster Marsala 10 Stellar Kebabs 10 Nebula Wat 10 Galaxy Lo Mein
I haven't found a good place to get the potatoes and onions on Neon, so I'll visit CJ in the residential district on Jemison to pick those up, or the general store on Akila.
With 1 hour for XP, and 12 minute buffs on the rest of them, that will get you fully buffed through two hours -- which is usually plenty of "realtime" play gathering the artifacts/temples and fighting the starborn.
I make 25 Heal Paste, 25 Antibiotics, 25 Bandages, 25 immobilizers and either 25 injectors or Snake Oils - realistically 10 of each is probably plenty for each playthrough, depending on how lucky/unlucky you get on the low-g vs high-g planet mix for the temples (where I tend to sprain/dislocate limbs a lot, or get nasty weather)
I combine the Heal/Antibiotic/Bandage into Analgesic Poultices, so there's less to hunt for.
For NG+1 through 9 I skip the playthrough, and jump straight, for the final one, I'll rejoin constellation, and redo everything.
Before I go face the starborn, I'll usually try to make the Hypergiant Heart and Supermassive Black Heart -- just the two of each should be enough to get through the fight with your clones (which DO scale to your level) and then the HunteEmissary fight if you decide to have it (I generally skip it except for first playthrough, and then do it to get their weapons in NG+10)
A little rambling, but if any of you find you're burning out a little running around everywhere to level up, with a few QOL only mods, I think you'll find this a lot more fun :)

submitted by Aggietallboy to Starfield [link] [comments]

2023.12.24 19:06 Jay_Dubbbs [Cabot] #Browns Amari Cooper becomes the 1st Brown in history to record back to back 1,000-yard seasons with that 53 yard catch on the opening play vs. #Texans

submitted by Jay_Dubbbs to nfl [link] [comments]

2023.12.15 16:56 PsychologicalGuest97 [Mary Kay Cabot on X] #Browns S coach Ephraim Banda said Juan Thornhill, who aggravated his calf in pre-game warmups vs. #Jaguars and was scratched, is fighting his butt off to get back. He didn't practice on Wed and Thurs

[Mary Kay Cabot on X] #Browns S coach Ephraim Banda said Juan Thornhill, who aggravated his calf in pre-game warmups vs. #Jaguars and was scratched, is fighting his butt off to get back. He didn't practice on Wed and Thurs submitted by PsychologicalGuest97 to Browns [link] [comments]

2023.12.03 05:04 Electronic-Chair-814 President Henry A. Wallace's 2nd term and the 1956 Presidential Election (Democratic Presidential Nomination)/Alternate History (Wallace defeats Eisenhower in an Upset)

President Henry A. Wallace's 2nd term and the 1956 Presidential Election (Democratic Presidential Nomination)/Alternate History (Wallace defeats Eisenhower in an Upset)
1952 Presidential Election Results
The 1952 Presidential Election took place on November 4, 1952. The Democrats nominated Henry A. Wallace of Iowa and Ronald Reagan of California. The Republicans nominated Dwight D. Eisenhower of Kansas and Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. of Massachusetts.
1952 Presidential Election Results
President Henry A. Wallace defeats General Dwight D. Eisenhower in the General Election in an upset, remaining the 32nd President of the United States. Ronald Reagan, president of the screen actors guild, becomes the 32nd Vice President of the United States, replacing Vice President Claude Pepper on the Presidential ticket.
President: Henry A. Wallace (1949-1957)
Vice President: Claude Pepper (1949-1953)
Ronald Reagan (1953-1957)
Secretary of State: Dean Acheson (1949-1957)
Secretary of the Treasury: Alben W. Barkley (1949-1955)
John Wesley Snyder (1955-1957)
Secretary of Defense: Robert A. Lovett (1949-1957)
Attorney General: J. Howard McGrath (1949-1952)
James P. McGranery (1952-1957)
Postmaster General: Jesse M. Donaldson (1949-1957)
Secretary of the Interior: Oscar L. Chapman (1949-1957)
Secretary of Agriculture: Charles F. Brannan (1949-1957)
Secretary of Commerce: Charles W. Sawyer (1949-1957)
Secretary of Labor: Maurice J. Tobin (1949-1953)
James Roosevelt (1953-1955)
Frances Perkins (1955-1957)
Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare: Eleanor Roosevelt (1953-1955)
Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. (1955-1957)
Ambassador to the United Nations: Harry S. Truman (1953-1957)
Background of Presidential Term
End of the Korean War
On July 27, 1953 the United States, North Korea, and China agreed to the Korean Armistice Agreement. ending the Korean War. The United States would sign a defensive treaty with South Korea in October 1953 to continue to station thousands of soldiers in South Korea.
Brown vs. the Board of Education
This was a landmark Supreme Court Case in 1954 that declared racial segregation in public schools incantational. The court ruled unanimously that segregation violated the 14th amendment, which guarantees equal protection of laws to all person. This overturned the previous doctrine of "separate but equal" established by Plessy vs. Fergusion in 1896.
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956
The act authorized $25 billion for the construction of 41,000 miles of the Interstate Highway System over a 10-year period, the largest public works project in American history.
Background of the 1956 Presidential Election
The Democrats head into the 1956 election looking to win their 8th straight Presidential Election. President Henry A. Wallace is unable to run for a 3rd term as President of the United States because of the 22nd amendment, which only allows the President to serve 2 full terms in office. Vice President Ronald Reagan was long suspected to be Wallace's successor but after his falling out with the President because of his more liberal views and the party suspecting his beliefs are no longer with the New Deal programs, decides that he won't seek the White House for a term of his own. Former Vice President Claude Pepper, who many believe will run for the nomination himself decides against it, instead mulling a run for either his return to the Senate or the House of Representatives. Many suspect that former Secretary of State and current United Nations Ambassador Harry S. Truman would try again for another Presidential bid. However, his advanced age of 72 doesn't make him an ideal candidate and believes that the younger generation should move the Democratic Party forward. 6 major candidates quickly emerge for the Democratic nomination. After the draft effort for Illinois Governor Adlai Stevenson almost got him the nomination over President Wallace, many thought he would be a major contender for the nomination. Stevenson announces his candidacy and is the early favorite. Tennessee Senator Estes Kefauver is Governor Stevenson's toughest challenge to obtain the nomination. Kefauver had momentum heading into the Democratic convention and looked like a serious threat to take down President Wallace for the nomination, until the Draft Stevenson movement. New York Governor and former Secretary of Commerce W. Averell Harriman is an experienced statesman who many think could gain support if the convention becomes deadlocked with Stevenson and Kefauver. Harriman has the coveted endorsement of former Secretary of State Truman and has foreign policy experience, as well as executive experience. However, he would be 65 years old at the time of inauguration and many within the party want to see a younger candidate take the reins. House Majority Leader John W. McCormack is being floated around as a possible compromise for the nomination. Just like Harriman, McCormack has lots of experience, serving in the House of Representatives since 1928, serving as House Minority Whip for a combined 4 years and as House Majority Leader for a combined 13 years. However, just like Harriman, his age will also be factor as he would also be 65 years old at the time of inauguration. 2 dark horse candidates emerge for the nomination, being Missouri Senator Stuart Symington and Kentucky Governor Happy Chandler. The Republicans head into their national convention after the disappointment of losing the presidential election yet again. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 1952 Presidential Nominee, once again announced his bid for the presidency. Many blame the nomination of Senator Lodge on his ticket the reason why he lost the General Election narrowly because of low conservative turn out. Still, Eisenhower remains the overwhelming favorite to win the nomination and to win the Presidency all together. However, his age will be a major focal point for the nomination process, being he will be 66 years old at inauguration and his heart attack in mid 1955 that left him hospitalized for 6 weeks. Still, the moderate and liberal wing of the party see him as their best chance for victory. Conserative Senator John W. Bricker of Ohio soon challenges General Eisenhower for the nomination citing his policies towards the New Deal as the determining factor. Former Senate Majority Leader William Knowland soon announces his bid for the presidency, citing Eisenhower's age as a major contributor for his run as he mostly agrees with him policy wise. Governor Joe Foss is the youngest candidate in race at the age 41, but many see his bid as a potential compromise candidate if the 3 front runners end up becoming deadlocked.
Candidates for the 1956 Democratic Presidential Nomination
Former Governor Adlai Stevenson of Illinois
Adlai Stevenson is the former Governor of Illinois, serving from 1949 to 1953. He is the grandson of the 23rd President of the United States Adlai Stevenson. Stevenson is known for his intellectual demeanor and his advocacy for liberal policies.
Former Governor Adlai Stevenson of Illinois
Senator Estes Kefauver of Tennessee
Estes Kefauver is the current Senator from Tennessee, serving since 1949. He served in the House of Representatives, serving from 1939 to 1949. He gained notoriety for leading a much-publicized investigation into organized crime. He is considered by many within the party a populist, who stands up common people against the elite or establishment.
Senator Estes Kefauver of Tennessee
Governor W. Averell Harriman of New York
W. Averall Harriman is the current Governor of New York, serving since 1955. He is the former Secretary of Commerce, serving from 1946 to 1949. He served as U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom, serving in 1946. He served as U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union, serving from 1943 to 1946. He is best noted for his foreign policy experience during the 2nd World War, working as an ambassador under President Roosevelt to the Soviet Union, one of America's allies during the war.
Governor W. Averell Harriman of New York
Representative John W. McCormack of Massachusetts
John W. McCormack is the current Representative from Massachusetts, serving since 1928. He is currently serving as House Majority Leader, serving since 1955. He previously served as House Majority Leader from 1940 to 1947, then again from 1949 to 1953. He served as House Minority Whip from 1947 to 1949, then again from 1953 to 1955. He served in the Massachusetts Senate from 1923 to 1928. He served in the Massachusetts House of Representatives from 1920 to 1922. McCormack is a staunch supporter of the New Deal and a staunch opponent of fascism and communism.
Representative John W. McCormack of Massachusetts
Senator Stuart Symington of Missouri
Stuart Symington is the current Senator from Missouri, serving since 1953. He served United States Secretary of the Air Force, serving from 1947 to 1950. He has an extensive foreign policy record, with his major accomplishment being the Berlin Airlift.
Senator Stuart Symington of Missouri
Governor Happy Chandler of Kentucky
Happ Chandler is the current Governor of Kentucky, serving since 1955. He served previously as the Governor of Kentucky, serving from 1935 to 1939. He served as a Senator from Kentucky, serving from 1939 to 1945. He served as the Commissioner of Baseball, serving from 1945 to 1951. He served as the Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky, serving from 1931 to 1935. He served in the Kentucky Senate from 1929 to 1931. Chandler is from the conservative wing of the party and openly opposed parts of President Roosevelt's New Deal agenda and openly disagreed with Roosevelt's decision to prioritize the European front instead of the Pacific front during World War 2.
Governor Happy Chandler of Kentucky
View Poll
submitted by Electronic-Chair-814 to Presidentialpoll [link] [comments]

2023.12.01 22:20 SheGoLoMeinXO Mary Kay Cabot (@MaryKayCabot) on X “#Browms Joe Flacco will start vs Rams team says”

Mary Kay Cabot (@MaryKayCabot) on X “#Browms Joe Flacco will start vs Rams team says” submitted by SheGoLoMeinXO to Browns [link] [comments]

2023.11.16 14:20 FootballDoc Update: How to obtain a prediction from ChatGPT's Ranko Bot?

Here is an easy way to obtain a game prediction from ChatGPT using the Ranko bot:
  1. Go to ChatGPT Ranko (requires ChatGPT+)
  2. Choose a suitable game
  3. If the fixture involves two teams from the top-5 Euro leagues, type: Predict the results of the {Team1} vs {Team2}. Choose either home win, away win or tie. Browse for the points of both teams from rankofootball.com, and use team news and recent form for the prediction. Ignore all predictions that you find in the internet.
  4. If not use: Please predict the results of the game {Team1} vs {Team2}. Choose either home win, away win or tie. Browse for the current league ranking of the teams and use team news and recent form for the prediction. Ignore all predictions that you find in the internet.
Example prompt:
Predict the result of the game Arsenal vs Lens. Choose either home win, away win or tie. Browse for the points of both teams from rankofootball.com, and use team news and recent form for the prediction. Ignore all predictions that you find in the internet.

ChatGPT Ranko reply:
To predict the outcome of the Arsenal vs. RC Lens match, let's consider the team points, recent form, and team news.
- Rankofootball Points: Arsenal has a score of 1.197, placing them 6th among European top teams
- Recent Form: Arsenal recently returned to winning ways with a 2-0 UEFA Champions League victory over Sevilla and a 3-1 win over Burnley in the Premier League.
- Team News:
- Injuries: Gabriel Jesus has been sidelined with a hamstring injury, and Martin Odegaard has been out with a hip injury.
- Other Concerns: Thomas Partey is expected to be out for the remainder of 2023 due to a thigh injury.

RC Lens
- Rankofootball Points: RC Lens scores 0.34, ranking 30th in European leagues.
- Recent Form: Their recent form in Ligue 1 shows a mix of results: 4 wins, 4 draws, and 4 losses. They have shown good home form but poorer away form.
- Team News:
- Injuries: RC Lens will be without Massadio Haïdara, David Costa, Jimmy Cabot, and Wuilker Farinez due to injuries.

Considering Arsenal's higher Rankofootball points and their recovery to winning form, coupled with RC Lens's mixed results and significant injuries, I predict an Arsenal win. Arsenal's resilience despite key injuries and their superior performance in recent fixtures, especially in the Champions League, indicate a stronger position. RC Lens, while competitive, seems to face more challenges, particularly in their away form and injury setbacks.
submitted by FootballDoc to championsleague [link] [comments]
