Race car bed plans free

RC Cars

2011.09.02 01:50 adamnyc RC Cars

Subreddit devoted to RC Cars, Buggies, Truggies, Short Course Trucks, and everything in-between!

2011.10.11 19:32 djscsi Sound System Culture - Big Rigs - BASS PORN

Sound System Culture - BASS PORN - Big Ass Bass Stacks !!NOT FOR CAHOME AUDIO!!

2012.06.17 13:11 Street Racing

Real street racing entertainment! Everything posted here is legal and recorded in legal geographical locations. If this is illegal in your country please refrain from engaging here. We do not condone illegal street racing. If you wish to race, please do so by the many legal alternatives.

2024.06.09 19:33 SamanthaIsOnline WIBTAH if I told my boyfriend to get off his butt and clean his space?

I 21F and my boyfriend 20M have been dating for about 5 years. he originally had plans to move out of his parents home, but then the economy took a turn for the worst and it didn’t work out financially. He’s always kept his room decently tidy, but recently it’s gotten bad. When I go over, there is always dirty clothes spread all over the floor and bed, then food and wrappers days old, old boxes that he insists on saving, and backpacks from trips taken months ago still full of souvenirs and clothes.
Now my first thought was his mental health could be struggling, but we are always very open and honest about our mental states. Also, he takes two college classes a week and works from home so he should have time to clean his space up. There will be times where I will come home from work and I will ask him what he’s been doing all day and the whole day he will be sitting on his butt playing video games.
I wouldn’t say I’m a minimalist or a neat freak. My space can get pretty messy too sometimes, but I manage to clean it up consistently. also in my opinion out of respect for his parents and their home I think he needs to keep his space clean. So WIBTAH?
submitted by SamanthaIsOnline to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:32 somuchbanks So tired of hearing this….

So tired of the “NASCAR is dying” comments on Facebook from people that haven’t watched a race or been to a race in 20 years.
Am I the only one that things nascar is on the upswing or is nascar really on the downhill? Tracks are selling out. Viewership is up. The field is stacked. The cars are bad ass. I am very happy with the current state of nascar and have really enjoyed the last couple of season.
submitted by somuchbanks to NASCAR [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:32 Deep_Confusion_4134 Feel extremely burnt out need help

So I am M(17) nearly 18 in two months,so here's the thing, for the last two years I had been preparing for my jee exam and I was in academy away from home, my academy was very strict and there was a lot of mental and physical burden I faced while living there in the end I did become mentally and strong and adjusted to academy culture. My jee wasn't that good but I did really good in my state entrance exam, while at academy I completed stayed away from all of my hobbies and now when I have all the free time I'm not getting anywhere all day im just lazing in my bed using insta or watching some series or worse just masturbating. I used to read books for hours before without even being aware of time but now I can hardly read 10 pages, can anyone advice me how to get out of this mess?
submitted by Deep_Confusion_4134 to TeenIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:31 Positive_Dot_2231 Wife is lying and deceiving while having drinks with a coworker

Hello, this is a throwaway just in case.
My wife (35) of 4 years (dating for another 6) has been at her job for over a decade. It requires her to meet with her contractor to go over plans for his work for them. They have always used the same contractor (55ish) and thus they have known each other a long time. In the past he has made advances on her. He has said a lot of perverted stuff. Some examples are about his wife being away and him fooling around with other women. How he and his wife like to swing. It goes on... she says he doesn't do this any more but I've seen texts that say her ass looks good in the jeans she is wearing, as recent as a month ago. When she meets him it is usually for lunch or late afternoon and they go to a restaurant to work and she ends up getting hammered and coming home and usually harassing me. For context: I do all the chores at home (dog walks, cleaning, laundry, dinners). We have no kids. She has come home and its all done and I'm watching a movie but the recycling is by the door or the mail was not picked up.. she calls me lazy and says because I work from home it should also have been done. I don't have a real job etcetc I just jerk off all day. Also that I should feel for her because she had to work so late with this guy and she didn't want to. When she is out I will be waiting at home to have her dinner ready and when i ask about her timing she will tell me I'm harassing her. This has happened a few times. I've told her I don't like this, I think the relationship is inappropriate. I told her that if my relationship with someone I worked with required me to interact with them and they had no respect for my marriage I wouldn't do it any more. Or that if the roles were reversed would you want me to continue? How would you feel? She said she understood and agreed at the time.
Moving on, a few weeks later from that argument and now 2 week ago. Her car was in the shop and she had a loaner. I saw a text from the contractor saying that they had arranged for lunch and if they were still going to be on time. She had planned to meet for 11. They did end up meeting there and from what I could tell from the phone she left there just after 3. During this time she did not respond to any of my calls. Then she called me when she left work at about five. She was being very emotional on the call and said that she has to go to pick up her car in the afternoon. She was saying that she had a really busy day she managed to sneak out to clean the car to return it. She was making it sound like she is stressed because she is so busy, but she was in fact out all day with him.
I was so disappointed to hear that she had done it again. I asked her about it and at first she denied it. She said she was at the office. I moved on but was visibly grumpy and quiet the rest of the evening. When we finished watching TV. We went to get ready for bed. She has all of her clothes over the living room that she was sorting to keep or donate. They have been there for a month. I began to move some and she said to just go to bed and I said nothing. So she said it's like living with a mute. We're argued about what it is to be rude and I ended up going to the couch to sleep. I wrote her a long text about how I knew she was lying, the deception and disappointment. We had also made an agreement to not drink for a while when we were trying for a baby. I mentioned she broke that without a conversation which also was a disappointment. I asked her to keep it professional with the contractor. The next day she said she would.
Happy as a clam, we arrive at this Friday. Running under the assumption that life is normal, I got some nice steaks for dinner. I try calling her but no return call all day. No big deal. She calls me on her way back from work. She sounds slurry and emotional. I'm immediately suspicious. She gets home and is crying because she has fallen down, scraped her knee and cracked her toenail in half. She's got food stains all over her shirt from the lunch I packed and she smells like booze. I clean her up and bandage her. I tell her she smells like drinking. She says I'm accusing her of meeting up with the contractor and that she didn't. She is mad at me for saying suing such things. I should feel bad for her because of what a stressful day she had. Later I look at her phone and sure enough, lunch plans with the contractor that day. She didn't even go to the office.
That's where we are at. She denies it all and I'm left feeling like a turd with no trust. I've brought up marriage counseling before and she says that's not going to happen. Yes I do still love her and Id hate to see it all go away. But, can I keep this up.
What are your thoughts? Thanks for listening!
Tl;dr My wife often meets with a contractor who has made inappropriate advances. Despite promising to keep it professional, she gets drunk at these meetings and berates me at home. She lies about these meetings, refuses marriage counseling, and our trust is broken. I love her but don't know if I can continue like this.
submitted by Positive_Dot_2231 to marriageadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:31 vagossimao Challenges for online

The online challenges are very very annoying and very tiresome for me.
I thought i could take the single player garage to online but iknow , it's only the rewarded cars.
Do you think we have a chance of the challenges going away and unlocking the cars?
I can't play 30 a+ races for the mazda rx 8 for example. nobody cares to join.
submitted by vagossimao to needforspeed [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:30 PhDumb AI Anime Character Chatbots: The Top 5

AI is seriously changing the game when it comes to making and chatting with fictional characters. These AI character chatbots are getting super sophisticated, and fans and creators are loving it. Here’s a rundown of the top five AI anime character chatbots and platforms, each with its own cool features and capabilities.
1. Character.ai: The Famous Chatbot Playground
Character.ai is like a playground for your imagination. You can create unlimited chatbots and chat with AI characters from anime, TV shows, books, and more. The interface is super easy to use whether you're on Firefox, Chrome, or Safari.

The free version is pretty stacked with features, so it's great for everyone. But if you want even more, there's the Character.ai+ plan for $9.99 a month, which gives you some extra goodies. No wonder it's a hit among both AI enthusiasts and casual users!

  1. GPTChatly: Customisation and Uncensored Characters
GPTChatly’s character generator is all about customization. You can design characters in crazy detail—think hair color, eye color, clothing, and even personality traits and special skills. This means you can create truly unique and personalized characters.
But it doesn’t stop there. GPTChatly also helps with language tutoring and practice, thanks to ChatGPT. Plus, it supports various genres, from anime and manga to fantasy, celebrity conversations, and even uncensored romance. The best part? All these features are free, though there are some usage limits.
Voices choice is limited, however.

  1. Realchar.ai: Community and Customization Combined
Realchar.ai is all about community and customization. You can design your AI’s look and create shareable AI character chatbots. The voice-to-text support makes conversations feel super real and immersive.
A standout feature here is the ability to interact with AI characters made by other users. This creates a diverse ecosystem of characters and stories to explore. It's free to use and works on web browsers, making it a perfect choice if you want to dive into AI chatbots without spending any money.

  1. Myanima.ai: Immersive Interaction with Virtual Companions
Myanima.ai lets you create and customize a virtual AI character called an Anima. These virtual companions can play six different games, which keeps things fun and interactive. Plus, the Anima can generate long, detailed responses, making interactions feel more realistic.
It supports Android, iOS, and web browsers, so you can hang out with your Anima on pretty much any device. There’s a free account with limited features, but if you’re looking for a deeper experience, there are paid plans starting at $9.99 a month.

  1. Fanchat.me: Conversations with Celebrity AI Chatbots
Fanchat.me is perfect if you’ve ever wanted to chat with a celebrity—well, an AI version of one. This platform lets you have conversations with AI celebrity chatbots, and it’s pretty entertaining. The responses are quick and detailed, making the chats engaging and fun.

It’s free and works on web browsers, so you can start chatting with AI celebrities without any hassle. Its unique focus makes it a cool option in the AI chatbot world.

Wrapping It Up

AI anime character chatbots are seriously innovative and fun. Platforms like Character.ai, GPTChatly, Realchar.ai, Myanima.ai, and Fanchat.me each offer something special. Whether you want detailed customization, community interaction, immersive virtual companions, or celebrity chats, these platforms have got you covered. Dive in and explore the endless possibilities in the world of AI-driven storytelling and character interaction!
submitted by PhDumb to gptchatly [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:29 lordenki_0 Reimagined Storyline for The Magicians

I’ve been rewatching "The Magicians" and there’s a part of the storyline that I always wished had been handled differently. Two immensely powerful characters, The Monster (who possessed Eliot) and Martin Chatwin as The Beast, never crossed paths in the original series. I found this disappointing, especially during the scene where The Beast brutally breaks Eliot’s fingers. Eliot is one of my favorite characters, and I felt his potential wasn’t fully realized.
I envisioned a reimagined plot where The Monster is reintroduced, having a deep history with Martin Chatwin. This reimagining includes The Monster subtly hinting at his presence over several episodes, culminating in an epic confrontation between The Monster (in Eliot’s body) and The Beast. This would lead to a dramatic and satisfying storyline where both antagonists clash, resulting in an intense and memorable battle.
Here’s the detailed reimagined storyline I came up with, integrating these changes seamlessly into the original plot. I hope fellow fans of the show enjoy this alternate take!
Note: Each episode reimagining is marked as alternate episodes 1 through 8 as I have reimagined 8 of the show's actual episodes. Each of the episodes also reference the actual season and episode that is being reimagined.
Also, I would be interested in hearing feedback about the alternative plot I have shared!
Reimagined Storyline for The Magicians

Episode 1: Subtle Hints

Season 1, Episode 8: "The Strangled Heart"
Plot Integration:

Episode 2: Growing Awareness

Season 1, Episode 9: "The Writing Room"
Plot Integration:

Episode 3: Unsettling Evidence

Season 1, Episode 10: "Homecoming"
Plot Integration:

Episode 4: Discovery and Revelation

Season 1, Episode 11: "Remedial Battle Magic"
Plot Integration:

Episode 5: The Monster Emerges

Season 1, Episode 12: "Thirty-Nine Graves"
Plot Integration:

Episode 6: Clash of Titans

Season 1, Episode 13: "Have You Brought Me Little Cakes"
Plot Integration:

Episode 7: Aftermath and Resolution

Season 2, Episode 1: "Knight of Crowns"
Plot Integration:

Episode 8: Epilogue and New Beginnings

Season 2, Episode 2: "Hotel Spa Potions"
Plot Integration:
This reimagined storyline integrates The Monster and The Beast into a cohesive arc, providing a satisfying and dramatic confrontation between the two powerful entities. The build-up over several episodes allows for a deeper exploration of their characters and histories, ultimately leading to an epic and memorable clash.
submitted by lordenki_0 to themagicians_tv [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:28 Maravilla_23 31M. California/Anywhere- So gloomy 🌧️out! Someone send some sunshine ☀️ my way, please 😊

Good morning ☀️, or afternoon! Hope you’re having a marvelous Sunday so far.
Don’t know why but the weather to decided to pull a fast one on me this morning & it’s looking super gloomy 🌧️ & ☁️ cloudy! Not gonna lie, it feels like the fall 🍁🍂 but was not ready for this mood today! Haha.
I’m probably gonna either head out to the gym, run some errands/wash the car, etc, or go hiking! What about you? Any fun plans for Sunday? I’d love to hear some of yours so we can exchange notes! 😊 Better yet, I’d love to spend the day with you, if you wanna! You need nothing to bring; except your lovely energy and good vibes! I mean, we can act like we’ve been besties for a while and we just now catching up! Haha. What do you say?
Yes! You can chat me up or slide in my dm! Haha.
Cheers Your tall tanned & handsome bestie
submitted by Maravilla_23 to MakeFriendsOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:28 volgensmij520 My experience so far getting Botox in my armpits

TLDR: loving the Botox right now. 40ish year old female.
I got Botox in my armpits about 2 weeks ago for hyperhidrosis. First time treatment. So far, this is my experience. I'll break it down by my treatment experience first. Then I'll break it down on how the outcomes affect my life.
Treatment Experience
Outcome Experience First take:
It is almost hard to have known how badly my sweating affected me until after the procedure. Some of my own reflections:
Overall, 10 out of 10 will get the procedure done again when the effects have worn off.
submitted by volgensmij520 to Hyperhidrosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:27 ArdenJaguar How To Bring Car Loan to NFCU?

Car Loan Question.
My current car loan with GM was reaffirmed in my BK7 three months ago. GM stops reporting after a BK is discharged so the entire installment car loan just vanished and they said they're under no obligation to report. The three years of previous onetime payments and every payment since, just gone. I've read several posts on Reddit and MyFico and this appears to be a common issue.
I was thinking of moving the car loan to NFCU. It would obviously have a higher interest rate but it would report monthly to the three bureaus and would add to my relationship with NFCU.
I owe around $16k on the car and KBB puts it's value between $14.5k & $19k so I figure I'm a little upside down but not a ton. The current loan has 35 more payments and I'd refinance for 48 months. It has exactly 48 months of the bumper to bumper extended GM warranty I bought last year. It would drop my payment about $110 a month so an added bonus. I can just pay a little extra monthly to pay if off early.
I was wondering how this process works and if it's a viable plan. It's not really a new car purchase. Has anyone done this? How was the experience?
submitted by ArdenJaguar to NavyFederal [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:27 Zealousideal_Run918 A4A] The Cafe Barista Doesn’t Recognize You [Barista Speaker] [Popular Musician Listener] [Meet-Cute]

Synopsis: You, a famous musician, walk into a cafe in your hometown during one of your tours. The moody barista who serves you has absolutely no idea who you are, and treats you like any other customer. This exchange is shocking, but strangely welcome.
[SFX] - Optional (emotions) {action} \interchangeable depending on the speaker’s preference\
Link: https://scriptbin.works/s/9m93k
Heya! It's Lumina~ Here with a meet-cute concept I've had for a while of two people who went to the same school but went their separate ways. One became super successful and the other stayed in town. Years later, they reunite unexpectedly and catch up with one another and form a bond stronger then it was before.
If this script is received well, I'm more than willing to make a part 2 on it!
If you end up filling this script, feel free to send it in the comments or tag me! I'd love to support you <3 And if you have any suggestions on what I should write about next, feel free to comment or message me! I'm more than willing to take requests
I also have a radio play I plan on writing and developing, and am currently looking for scriptwriters and interest checks for VAs. If you'd like to know more about it, you can check out my post here
That's all for now! Remember: Lumina Loves U<3
submitted by Zealousideal_Run918 to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:26 Maravilla_23 31M. It’s so gloomy 🌧️out today! Someone send some sunshine ☀️ my way, please 😊

Good morning ☀️, or afternoon! Hope you’re having a marvelous Sunday so far.
Don’t know why but the weather to decided to pull a fast one on me this morning & it’s looking super gloomy 🌧️ & ☁️ cloudy! Not gonna lie, it feels like the fall 🍁🍂 but was not ready for this mood today! Haha.
I’m probably gonna either head out to the gym, run some errands/wash the car, etc, or go hiking! What about you? Any fun plans for Sunday? I’d love to hear some of yours so we can exchange notes! 😊 Better yet, I’d love to spend the day with you, if you wanna! You need nothing to bring; except your lovely energy and good vibes! I mean, we can act like we’ve been besties for a while and we just now catching up! Haha. What do you say?
Yes! You can chat me up or slide in my dm! Haha.
Cheers Your tall tanned & handsome bestie
submitted by Maravilla_23 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:26 Long-Diamond7327 What Should a Man Pack for a 7-Day Trip? Your Ultimate Packing Guide

What Should a Man Pack for a 7-Day Trip? Your Ultimate Packing Guide
Planning for a week-long journey can be exhilarating yet daunting, especially when it comes to packing. Whether you're jetting off for business or embarking on an adventurous getaway, packing efficiently is key to a stress-free trip. So, gentlemen, if you're wondering what essentials to toss into your suitcase for a 7-day adventure, look no further! We've compiled a comprehensive packing guide to ensure you're prepared for whatever the journey throws your way.

Clothing Essentials:

  1. Versatile Outfits: Pack clothing items that can be mixed and matched effortlessly. Think neutral colors and versatile pieces that can transition from day to night.
  2. Appropriate Footwear: Comfortable shoes are a must. Depending on your itinerary, pack a pair of sneakers, sandals, and dress shoes for any occasion.
  3. Weather-Appropriate Attire: Check the weather forecast for your destination and pack accordingly. Include layers for unpredictable climates.

Toiletries and Personal Care:

  1. Travel-sized Toiletries: Invest in travel-sized bottles of your favorite shampoo, conditioner, and body wash to save space in your luggage.
  2. Grooming Essentials: Don't forget your razor, shaving cream, and grooming kit to maintain a polished appearance throughout your trip.
  3. Sunscreen and Skincare: Protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays with a high SPF sunscreen and don't skimp on moisturizer to combat dryness from travel.

Electronics and Gadgets:

  1. Chargers and Adapters: Ensure you have the necessary chargers and adapters for your electronic devices to stay connected throughout your journey.
  2. Portable Power Bank: Keep your devices charged on the go with a portable power bank, especially if you'll be exploring remote areas.
  3. Camera or Smartphone: Capture unforgettable moments with a quality camera or smartphone to document your adventures.

Miscellaneous Items:

  1. Travel Documents: Don't leave home without your passport, visa (if required), travel insurance, and any other necessary documents.
  2. Medications and First Aid Kit: Pack any prescription medications you require and a small first aid kit for minor emergencies.
  3. Reusable Water Bottle: Stay hydrated on your travels by carrying a reusable water bottle, especially important for outdoor excursions.

Special Considerations:

If you're planning a unique adventure like a safari, such as the famed Gorilla Safaris, tailored packing becomes essential. In such cases, consider the following additional items:
  • Binoculars: Enhance your wildlife viewing experience with a pair of binoculars to spot elusive animals from a distance.
  • Insect Repellent: Protect yourself from pesky mosquitoes and insects with a reliable insect repellent.
  • Comfortable Clothing: Opt for breathable and lightweight clothing suitable for outdoor activities, such as hiking or jungle treks.
Pro Tip: Remember to pack a sense of adventure and an open mind. Embrace the unexpected and immerse yourself fully in the experience.
For those seeking an unforgettable adventure, look no further than Gorilla Safaris. Explore the majestic beauty of Africa's wilderness and encounter endangered mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. With expert guides and tailored itineraries, Gorilla Safaris offers an unparalleled experience for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. Plan your adventure today at Gorilla Safaris and embark on the journey of a lifetime.
Bon voyage, gentlemen! Travel smart, pack light, and make memories that will last a lifetime.
submitted by Long-Diamond7327 to u/Long-Diamond7327 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:26 LGBTQIA_Over50 What are good websites to find work at a nonprofit?

I'm over 50, with multiple industry experience in the private sector. I have a Masters. I stay current on industry knowledge.
Many of the nonprofit CEO's - Directors make $10,000 - $14,000 a month. I can do that kind of leadership level work.
But I'm overlooked.
Overlooked as overqualified, "you'll be bored" coming in as an administrator or office manager.
I need an income to cover housing and health, dental, vision and a car.
A woman I met recently who is married with grown children secured an office job at a nonprofit when she was 57 making $35,000 $16.82 per hour.
She is 72 and makes $29 per hour, no college degrees and time away earlier in her life as a stay at home mother.
I have my Masters and multi-industry experience and am over 50, and I can't get hired. If I started at her pay rate, from when she started, I would be living in my car.
She told me she married at age 24. I left a Red State in the South and moved to a Blue State and I'm experiencing institutionalized gas-lighting from agencies that tell me, "you HAVE to start at the bottom."
Women apply to jobs they're 100% qualified for and men 60% or less, and get them.
Employers are moving to self-funded insurance plans, and are evaluating their candidates in terms of costs.
While marital status and familial status shouldn't come up in the job, it does. Women bond over family and domestics. I don't.
So, while I have the skills, drive and self discipline, many employers (managers) want someone they can develop, who isn't over qualified, who can afford to live on the entry pay.
I wish I could get in at mid-level. I'm struggling financially because the jobs don't pay enough for me to qualify for a 1BR apt. Not everyone should be forced to cohabitate. It wasn't like that when I started in the workforce.
I even applied to a job with the U.S. Post Office. While it can be labor intensive, I responded to their a, b, c, d online situational work questions.
The contexts can affect the answer selected. I remained consistent and wasn't selected.
I'm open to feedback. I'm in West Chicago suburbs, DuPage and Cook counties.
I spoke with another woman who works in senior living sales. She met me and said I could be a sales manager or a director. She's divorced from a doctor and her children are grown. I have similar or greater sales background and contract knowledge.
No husband nor grown children to talk about, like their clientele would.
I'm open to feedback.
submitted by LGBTQIA_Over50 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:25 jaykayel Audio recording and description of my encounter from 2018

Listen to Unknown Animal Sound Recording by hopshead on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/YVoPG
You can also hear the full story on Sasquatch Chronicles it's episode 940 "Unknown Animal on the Pipeline Site"
Hey all, just wanted to share this with the community to get some feedback. I'm curious to see what people think of this audio. I'll share the story here:
In 2018 I got a super easy job as a security guard for a natural gas pipeline construction project in rural Ohio. This was a ways outside of Minerva, home of the locally famous "Minerva monster" story from the 70s or 80s. My job was to just sit at the entrance to this construction site to make sure no one sabotaged or stole construction equipment, which never happened so I mostly did literally nothing from 7pm to 7am. There were 2 houses within a mile of where I was and most nights their dogs would bark all night in some kind of yelling match with the coyotes. It was just a constant that you could rely on. Dogs barking, coyotes yipping, and occasionally a cow or two mooing in between with a Neverending chorus of crickets and Frogs in the background. One night in August around 2am, EVERYTHING went quiet. It was the weirdest most eerie abrupt silence it gave me goosebumps. I genuinely thought there might be an earthquake or something about to happen. And it stayed silent for about an hour and I was anxious the entire time. Then, the roaring started. It started far off to my right side. So far, I could barely hear it. I thought it was a person messing with me from like a mile or two away. But it got closer SO QUICKLY. You'll hear in the recording, this thing was vocalizing every couple seconds and at some points it sounds pretty pissed at something. The sound quickly crossed my field of hearing in about 5.5 minutes it went from out of earshot on my right, crossed in front of me, and then was out of earshot on my left. I cannot describe how FAST this thing had to be moving to cover that kind of distance in that short of a time. At its closest, the sound reverberated in my chest and literally rattled the windows of my car. I've spent much of my life fishing, hunting, camping and hiking in Ohio. I know every kind of sound of every kind of animal Ohio has to offer. The ONLY animal explanation I will accept of this recording is MAYBE a beagle or some kind of hound Baying but even then I don't believe it I could just kind of see it could be that possibly. People have tried to tell me this is a deer and I laugh at them. Some people think it sounds like a rusty gate or machinery but I don't really hear that and the way it reverberated is not how squeaky rusty sounds carry through the woods.
If you find the episode on Sasquatch Chronicles you can hear some of the weird things that happened the nights before the recording was taken which I don't feel like typing up in detail but in short we found a muddy handprint on top of a shipping container, and then a whole ass rock was thrown THROUGH the side of a shipping container. I do not have pictures of those however :-(
Please feel free to ask questions and tell me what you think of the recording!
submitted by jaykayel to bigfoot [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:25 LGBTQIA_Over50 What are good websites to find work at a nonprofit?

I'm over 50, with multiple industry experience in the private sector. I have a Masters. I stay current on industry knowledge.
Many of the nonprofit CEO's - Directors make $10,000 - $14,000 a month. I can do that kind of leadership level work.
But I'm overlooked.
Overlooked as overqualified, "you'll be bored" coming in as an administrator or office manager.
I need an income to cover housing and health, dental, vision and a car.
A woman I met recently who is married with grown children secured an office job at a nonprofit when she was 57 making $35,000 $16.82 per hour.
She is 72 and makes $29 per hour, no college degrees and time away earlier in her life as a stay at home mother.
I have my Masters and multi-industry experience and am over 50, and I can't get hired. If I started at her pay rate, from when she started, I would be living in my car.
She told me she married at age 24. I left a Red State in the South and moved to a Blue State and I'm experiencing institutionalized gas-lighting from agencies that tell me, "you HAVE to start at the bottom."
Women apply to jobs they're 100% qualified for and men 60% or less, and get them.
Employers are moving to self-funded insurance plans, and are evaluating their candidates in terms of costs.
While marital status and familial status shouldn't come up in the job, it does. Women bond over family and domestics. I don't.
So, while I have the skills, drive and self discipline, many employers (managers) want someone they can develop, who isn't over qualified, who can afford to live on the entry pay.
I wish I could get in at mid-level. I'm struggling financially because the jobs don't pay enough for me to qualify for a 1BR apt. Not everyone should be forced to cohabitate. It wasn't like that when I started in the workforce.
I even applied to a job with the U.S. Post Office. While it can be labor intensive, I responded to their a, b, c, d online situational work questions.
The contexts can affect the answer selected. I remained consistent and wasn't selected.
I'm open to feedback. I'm in West Chicago suburbs, DuPage and Cook counties.
I spoke with another woman who works in senior living sales. She met me and said I could be a sales manager or a director. She's divorced from a doctor and her children are grown. I have similar or greater sales background and contract knowledge.
No husband nor grown children to talk about, like their clientele would.
I'm open to feedback.
submitted by LGBTQIA_Over50 to Nonprofit_Jobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:23 chicken_mini93 ULPT - Bought a car with no title

So, I found a pretty great deal on FB marketplace for a car that came with no title nor bill of sale (latter was my fault for forgetting, it's my first time buying one like this). It was 90 out and I wanted to get home after also having to buy it a new battery, so I didn't think to ask if she would work with me on a bonded title. I want to get one though so I can insure it. I also didn't realize I had options for this, I was thinking I'd do some fixing and flip it and still sell with no title to someone else who didn't care.
The process for getting a bonded title in Colorado is relatively straightforward: VIN inspection, title search to locate previous owner, sending a letter to them via certified mail requesting title transfer, getting a dealership appraisal, then purchasing the bond and getting the title. The owner has 3 years to claim the vehicle before the bonded branding falls off the title and it becomes clean and in your own name permanently. If I understand everything correctly.
The part I'm curious about is the letter, I cannot find any specific verbiage about what must be said, other than "requesting title transfer". It seems like all the DMV cares about is getting the green stub as proof of contact. Wondering if I could literally just send a blank letter so that person has no idea this is being done. I really don't want to put some cash into it to get it in better shape only for them to randomly claim it within the 3-year period because of course, they wouldn't have to pay a dime to get it back except maybe to have it towed home. I don't know how they'd locate me though especially if I put an old address on the envelope. I guess even if I had to provide a copy of the letter, I could just print one that looks like a legitimate request, but send the blank one out?
It's likely the lady I bought it from is the legitimate last owner. She clarified no title in the description and said she hasn't touched the car in 6 months and wanted it gone fast and did not want to go through the replacement process and the waiting period. But I can't trust she wouldn't try and claim it back if so.
Or should I do some minimal cost repairs and sell it with no title still? Just curious if anyone has been in a similar situation. If I can guarantee myself the bonded title, my plan may change to sell my current car to get rid of a car payment and drive this one until it becomes clear title.
submitted by chicken_mini93 to UnethicalLifeProTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:23 oscsamu Rules for the road!

If you are reading this,congrats!your going on vacation.But you arent so lucky on your drive there.Strange things happen on this road,so here is some rules!
PS: Do not read the rules if they look like "R.1:hi this is ⱤɄⱠɆ 2 :)".
Rule 1:Anytime your hungry and see a gas station,make sure it says "THORNTONS".All the other gas stations arent...the same.
Rule 2: If it gets dark and starts raining blood,im sure your kids brought their blankets,if they did,cover the windows with them.If they didnt,you have 5 minutes to kill the lights and huddle together.
Rule 2A: If you hear a familiar voice,it is usually your "relatives" voice. NEVER look at the window.Tell your kids not to either or you will hear their voice too.
Rule 2B: When it is safe,you will hear birds chirping.You can continue on.
R.3: ⱠØØ₭ ₳₮ ₮ⱧɆ window :)
Rule 3:If there is a woman infront of your car asking for help,RUN.HER.OVER.If you help her you will be apart of her "car" collection.
R.1 help ₦ł₵Ɇ lady :)
Rule:4 If you hear the screech of a banshee coming from one direction.GO TO THE OTHER DIRECTION.Otherwise you will see a pool of blood and get pulled into it.
Rule:5 Halfway into your drive,make sure you brought a bucket because there will be dangerous infected "people" with an uncurable disease.YOU CANNOT GO OUTSIDE.They might bang on your car but once you are out of the "Darkhalf Forest", you are safe and they will die outside the forest.
Rule 6:If you see a red light,feel free to step outside and take a break.You are nearly to your destination!
If you made it to the end of this paper,you survived!congrats from the rest of the survivors.
submitted by oscsamu to HorrorRules [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:22 Anythings_Poss_Music The Space Race - 1264 Likes - Peaceful synths and textures to float away to

submitted by Anythings_Poss_Music to SpotifyPlaylists [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:22 ThatOneRedThing My wife of 10+ years has chronic pain and we're miserable. We've grown apart and I don't know if I can fix it.

This is going to be long, but it's the most condensed I could make it.
I just don't know what to do and who to turn to.
My wife has had a rough life since her childhood. She was largely neglected in every sense and had chronic, debilitating migraines and pain since she was a child. Despite this she grew up to be a smart, driven, capable, compassionate woman.
When we first started dating, I knew she had some health issues, but it didn't bother me as I wanted to take care of her. She always hated feeling like she was a burden and was always trying to figure out new treatments and supplements to address her health issues. Despite that, we enjoyed our time together trying new restaurants and snuggling up on the couch or in bed.
When we got married we wanted to do a destination wedding in Mexico, but my family made a big stink about it and manipulated me to have us compromise for a domestic wedding and a symbolic one in Mexico. In hindsight I should have told them to pound sand, but I was a different person back then.
Then when it came to kids, I wanted us to try and she wanted to adopt. I wasn't opposed to adopting, but I wanted us to try first while we were younger. We went back and forth, but eventually she agreed and we had our daughter. It was a tough time as she gave up on her career to take care of our daughter as I had the better paying job. She had some post partum. But she wanted to have another, so we had my son a few years later.
The pregnancies really seemed to exacerbate her pain and health issues, and over the years it's gotten worse. I will fully admit that I can't truly understand her pain and it took me a while to realize how to adjust to be a spouse of a chronic pain sufferer.
Over the years, as life became more complicated, we drifted further and further apart. My career had afforded us a comfortable living with a house, two cars, a nice neighborhood, and nice things. But date nights became fewer. Instead of her ushering me off to bed when she was getting ready so we could snuggle, we went to bed at separate times. Intimacy waned. It started bothering me a few years ago. So I tried to open a dialogue on it.
What I was told was that she was resentful of being made into a housewife in a suburb while her health made her feel trapped and overwhelmed. She needed me to be more accommodating to her bad days and more involved in housework and child care. I tried to take it to heart and make efforts to do so and things would be good for a while. But then it would fall apart again. I became depressed.
Meanwhile we discovered her health was caused by a genetic condition that had no clear form of treatment. She had already tried the bulk of them to no avail. We'd go through numerous alternative treatment options over the years, but nothing TRULY addressed her pain or other symptoms. Each attempt hurting more and more, removing hope.
She would tell me that I needed therapy for my depression and I would spend a couple of years trying every antidepressant and seeing a therapist. And while it was nice to have someone validate my feelings, my wife didn't think my therapist was using the right tools to get me where she thought I needed to be. So I stopped going since the major driver was to address whatever was driving a wedge between us. My depression was getting worse as I felt more and more defeated. She'd suggest numerous supplements which helped in some regards, but never really made a significant dent in this dread I felt as my marriage seemed to be crumbling.
I would try more unconventional treatments like happy lights, meditation, gratitude journals, micro dosing certain fungal elements, even spending a month getting electromagnetic shocks from a dome that a clinician put over my head (her recommendation). It might give a boost via the placebo effect, but it would never last. My wife still didn't seem to think it was enough and we were growing further and further apart.
Now I'm sure some of you reading this might be screaming at me that just treating myself for depression and trying to modify my behaviors to address my wife's concerns is only my part of it. That she needs to make efforts too. And to her credit she has tried things, but it rarely lasts more than a few weeks. The worst part is she doesn't seek to understand what she can do better and she doesn't take my critiques well. If I come out and tell her something that she's doing is bothering me, if it isn't blatantly obvious she's in the wrong, she gets mad and shuts down on me. So I avoid bringing it up, but eventually when we're connecting I inevitably bring it up and it makes us not talk for several days. Oftentimes it ends up judo flipped on me and she reminds me about how hard her life is already and that she can't just be super lovey dovey and focus on me. She's touched out from our kids and the dogs. She just wants to be left alone and not have to validate or reassure me. She's convinced that our house makes her more sick and that she wants to move to another country and have land.
I know she needs to address some of her issues stemming from her childhood trauma and chronic health issues. To mourn the life she thought she would have. But she is CERTAIN that she's got the mental fortitude to be objective and see past her biases. That our issue is my expectations are too high.
It's bogus if course. I don't think expecting that we make our marriage a priority and making it a point to connect more meaningfully and work on our communication is unreasonable. She's just redirecting. In my opinion she's so sensitive to feeling responsible to not being as capable as she feels that she should be that whenever I shine a mirror on her she just uses her rage and resentment to deflect it and put me in the defensive. Then, maybe if I love her enough, I'll change into some sort of person that can enable her to do all the things she feels like she needs to do. At this point it is an extremely handy man who's focused on exactly what she wants, who never asks her to compromise, is always present, anticipates her needs, and never really asks for much in return. So... A fantasy.
Since she was focused on making it about my expectations and inability to understand her, I took it as a challenge to read all sorts of books on how to navigate marriage and be a better partner. And for a while, that helped. But then when I would try to share what I learned that could apply to her, again, it would just devolve into us it talking for a few days.
If you're still reading, you probably are suggesting that I give her an ultimatum to get counseling, single or couples. Otherwise, divorce. And I have tried in the past, but I can't seem to bring myself to actually pushing for divorce. I still truly love my wife and yearn for her to want to be the best spouse for me. I know my wife loves me, but not in a way you hope your spouse would. Every now and again, there is this glimmer of hope that keeps me hanging on. And I am trying to view her actions through the lens of someone who is suffering and needs my help. After all, I do feel responsible for some of her increased pain due to my insistence to have kids. And since she was a stay at home Mom for 8 years, her professional career has definitely limited her earning potential, so starting out on her own after a divorce is going to be hard. And I also recognize that I'm not a saint in this whole thing and I have things I need to work on too.
But I feel like divorce is inevitable at this point. It keeps getting harder and harder to deny how I'm feeling. I try to keep our unhappiness contained so no one knows, but I now know it's becoming more and more obvious. My daughter told my sister that the guest room is where daddy sleeps most of the time. My parents can tell I'm suffering and recognize how much I'm straining myself to accommodate my wife.
I have begged and pleaded for her to see this as I do. Cried until I'm a blubbering mess explaining how I want to salvage our marriage. How I'm trying to meet her, but she's not meeting me. Sometimes it helps and we have a few good days, but it gets shorter and shorter before it goes right back to what it used to be. Oftentimes the moment I imply she's not being as good of a partner as she could be, she gets mad and ends the conversation. I want to get therapy, but our insurance sucks and would require me to travel 45 min out of my way to the nearest provider. I know I'm not being a good role model for my kids. I know my health is declining from this all too. I feel buried under this life and having a harder and harder time recognizing myself as I look in the mirror. I just need her to see how she's hurting me and want to do what she can to fix it. To let me know that she recognizes that we're better together and need to be able to clearly, honestly, and openly communicate with each other. That she respects me. I'm sick of doubting myself and trying to mold and shift and strain to feel truly understood only to be disappointed.
But every time it seems just in reach, she just uses her chronic health issues and dissatisfaction with our current life as a means to justify her mistreatment. I truly, TRULY want to have us together. But I can't do it on my own and I feel like I'm being forced to end our marriage and be labeled as the guy who ditched his chronically ill wife because she wasn't enough for him. I know my kids would likely feel like I'm the bad guy. I know our lives our so intertwined that the idea of separating seems impossible.
I just... I just feel so stuck and hopeless.
Thank you for reading this all of you made it this far.
submitted by ThatOneRedThing to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:21 Anythings_Poss_Music The Space Race - 1264 Likes - Peaceful synths and textures to float away to

submitted by Anythings_Poss_Music to SpaceMusic [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:21 Direct-Beginning-438 So... are we all going to die because of AGI?

This is not a joke post, but it's pretty obvious people in power don't like us. They easily can provide everyone with social housing, more vacation time, less financial stress, etc. They don't do it, because it hurts their profits.
Now, it's pretty clear that AGI will come around in the next 10 years - then what?
I don't think they plan on giving EVERYONE the AGI-supported utopia. They only tolerate us because we sell quite a valuable commodity to them - labor power. If the price of our labor is 0 and we not only require a lot of resources, but also can potentially destabilize things by the means of mass action, I don't think its in their best interests to keep us all around.
I'm just being real here. If I would be THEM, it makes the most sense to me to "cull" the total population once I have the AGI running in some bunker. Just like the horses were slaughtered once cars came around, people too will become nothing but resource consumers.
Think about it this way:
If they plan on building utopia for everyone -> why don't they do ANYTHING positive NOW?
If they don't do anything to help us NOW -> why would they do it ONCE THEY DON'T NEED US?
If they don't need us -> why would they keep us?
If they don't plan on keeping us alive -> why would they risk people coming together and seizing AGI?
If they don't plan on sharing AGI -> why wouldn't they do a pre-emptive strike and solve the problem in the cradle
P.S. Just think about, how much water, food, minerals, oil, uranium would be used for the 8 billion humans on this planet even under AGI. People in power would prefer to keep all of that stuff for themselves since with AGI they can probably live an extra 100-200 years.
submitted by Direct-Beginning-438 to ArtificialInteligence [link] [comments]
