Two girl one cup

Two Redditors colliding. It's a small world.

2014.12.02 00:19 Poemi Two Redditors colliding. It's a small world.

2redditors1cup! a place where folks across the internet cross ways in an unexpected way! sometimes the world can be incredibly small.

2019.06.12 20:17 TwoAccounts_OneCup

Collection of exchanges that are just too perfect to be real. One person with multiple accounts or multiple people shamefully participating in scripted nonsense.

2008.01.25 07:35 funny

Reddit's largest humor depository

2024.05.16 06:53 Radiant_Sector_430 Foxcatcher is underrated

I think this movie is underrated. First I want to say that in my opinion this movie is the best acting that Steve Carrel and Channing Tatum have ever did. They usually play same dumb characters in not very sophisticated comedy movies, but in this one they went for something completely different and the result is unexpectedly very good.
Steve Currel as a manipulative, powerful and abusive, sociopathic rich man named du Pont, and Tatum as a simple minded, trusting young man named Mark, that gradually becomes his victim, falling for his subtle psychological manipulations and sexual harassment.
In my opinion this movie manages to show how sexual predators operate, in slow, gradual, insidious ways, and the effects that they have on their victims, how their sense of self is gradually eroded, the feeling of helplessness, isolation and humiliation.
First du Pont establish a relationship of authority with Mark. He offers Mark a generous contract to come join his wrestling team, he takes care for Mark's needs, provide him a place to live in on his property. du Pont positions himself as some kind of coach and a mentor for Mark, and obviously as a very generous financial provider.
Du Pont gradually brings Mark's brother and his other wrestling friends to join the club and live on the property.
Gradually, using wrestling as disguise, du Pont starts to sexually harass Mark. Occasional fondling and groping during training, and late wrestling sessions of just two of them in the gym.
Du Pont gradually but steadily erodes Mark's sense of self, not just by sexual harassment acts, but also by psychological manipulations. Making Mark to constantly reaffirm his commitment to the club and to Du Pont personally in needless personal talks, interfering in all kind of small and trivial details of Mark's daily routine only to assert dominance and authority and just to make Mark comply.
You can see that Mark gradually becomes aware of what is going on, that he allowed himself to be drown in into Du Pont's trap. Mark feels completely helpless and isolated, too ashamed to speak out, and not knowing what to do. He feels guilty that he allowed Du Pont to take advantage of him like that, day after day, month after month. He can't even prove anything, Du Pont would simply deny any allegations. "It's just wrestling, it's all in his head"
And you see that even when Mark becomes aware of the situation, and despite being much more physically stronger, he still doesn't confront Du Pont, as the authority that Du Pont had established is still too strong to overcome. Instead Mark tries to avoid Du Pont as much as he can.
Mark starts to have rage attacks, he loses interest in wrestling, becomes secluded from other wrestling teammates, and eventually leaves the club.
The Foxcatcher reminds somewhat "Behind the Candelabra", only that in Foxcatcher the abuse and manipulations are much more explicit.
submitted by Radiant_Sector_430 to TrueFilm [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:53 Basic-Muffin-5262 Can my I play my sims in 2 different households?

My sims live with their mom and one just had a baby, I want her to move out with the father but I don’t want to switch between two saves to play them. I’m new to sims and I think you can own two different properties, can I have my sim stay at a different house and play the whole family?
Sorry if this has been asked before, I don’t know how to word it to find an answer lol
submitted by Basic-Muffin-5262 to Sims3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:53 toxcrusadr Why are two of my tires scalloped on the inside edge?

2016 Honda Accord with 88k miles. Tires are Goodyear Assurance, matched set of 4 with 47,000 miles. Lots of tread left. They have a 65k mile warranty.
One pair of tires has bad scalloping on the inside edges. The car is well maintained, mix of city and highway driving, alignment is checked occasionally (OK not every 10k miles, I admit). It's always close to perfect. Far as I know the struts and everything are fine. This car is very well treated.
Tires are rotated about every 8-10k miles, fronts to the rear, rears crisscross to the front. Possible this pair was on the front or rear longer than that at some point. The other pair of tires seem fine so far. I know that some cars are light in the rear so if you leave tires back there too long they can start to cup. These are not cupped though. 3/4 of the width of the tread seems fine.
The tire wear charts on the web say that scalloping is a multi-problem symptom but don't say which problems.
submitted by toxcrusadr to tires [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:53 master0jack 12 DPO. So incredibly surprised.

12 DPO. So incredibly surprised.
On 10 DPO I took a FRER 6 days early and it was stark white negative. I only have a 10 day luteal phase unfortunately. So I was due on 11dpo for CD1 and had super minimal spotting. On CD2 (this morning) I woke up in a panic when I realized there was literally barely anything on my tampon and CD2 is always my heaviest day. I had a chemical pregnancy in January and my periods have been weird/light ever since, but never this light. I basically spent my free time today reading studies on flow and endometrial thickness correlation, impact of hormones (wondering if I have PCOS or other issues of some kind), and feeling panicked and worried about what was going on. What made me test is just by chance - I have these very not-sensitive cheapy tests and I tested just because I also spotted when I had my positive in January. The test had the fainest like on the planet which looked like an indent but I swore in certain light it looked pinkish. So I did a second one in a cup of water- stark white. Went out and bought another pack of FRERs and was kind of embarrassed to test so I dipped it and put it in my drawer. Came back 5 mins later, and.... Shocked.
Anyway, I am guarding my heart because honestly I've been here before. Early pg, spotting, spotting stopped and test progressed, then all of a sudden it stalled out and I ended up in limbo for four weeks until I finally got a period. But, while I won't count on it working out, I do feel positive that I have enough data now to go to my doctor and show them that there's a trend so I can advocate for progesterone testing.
Vent over 🫠
submitted by master0jack to TFABLinePorn [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:53 kellzone Differing amounts of preseason games?

Looking at the schedule, I see my Eagles have two preseason games, August 9th at Baltimore, and August 15th at New England.
The NY Giants only have one preseason game, August 17th at Houston.
The Falcons have 3 preseason games, August 9th at Miami, August 17th at Baltimore, and August 23rd vs. Jacksonville.
Have some preseason games not been scheduled yet, or what?
submitted by kellzone to NFLv2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:52 Penelope-loves-Helix Maintainers … do you ever feel like you know what you’re doing, but other times like you’re completely lost?

I’ve lost 100lbs and I am currently in maintenance. Even though I’ve been consistent with my habits for almost 2 years, and I get on Reddit and offer my two cents on other peoples’ posts, sometimes I also feel like I have no idea what I’m doing and that I’m barely holding on.
Today was one of those days. I had cravings that just wouldn’t quit, lots of impulsive eating, and I felt like I had no idea what to do.
Sometimes my habits feel effortless and I can clearly intuit what I need to be doing, and other times I feel like a complete rookie who knows nothing.
Anyone else?
submitted by Penelope-loves-Helix to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:52 ChibiInDra I found out that my neglectful storyteller approved a overpowered character sheet without even looking at it and doomed a werewolf chronicle to end before session one.

Just so I can bring everyone to the same page of context before actually starting the story.
World of Darkness: A setting of TTRPG’s that take place in a darker grittier version of our reality, where supernatural creatures such as werewolves, vampires, wraiths, mages and so on, exist and hide from the public eye creating their own means of protection, politics and secret societies to protect themselves against humans.
Werewolf the apocalypse/Werewolf 5th edition/Werewolf 20th edition: Is the setting/system where you play as werewolves and fight the enemies of the spirit of earth Gaia. Werewolf 5th edition is the newer system and werewolf 20th edition is an older system.
Vampire the masquerade/ Vampire 5th edition/ Vampire 20th edition/VTM: It’s the World of darkness system where you play as a vampire sneaking through the shadows of cities and feeding on humans. Vampire 5th edition is the newer system, Vampire 20th edition is the older system.
Storyteller: It's the World of Darkness way of saying “Dungeon Master”, the one that runs the campaign/Chronicle.
Flaws, Merits and Backgrounds: I can explain them as essentially D&D feats but with levels to it that determine how mechanically strong the “feat” you picked up is, I can mention one where you can make bullets bounce off surfaces to hit targets and it decreases the difficulty for hitting a target behind cover or being so shockingly beautiful that you gain extra dice when you are trying to seduce someone. Backgrounds are like feats but that need to be explained by your backstory, like magical pacts, riches or even spirit pacts. And flaws are mechanical and role-play disadvantages that you need to pick on character creation, like having an enemy or being illiterate.
Actual story:
So, I’ve been a forever Storyteller ever since I got to know World of Darkness and I was aching to drop the whole responsibilities as a Storyteller and for once enjoy this rich urban fantasy setting as a player thrown into the night as any of the multiple splats. So, I saw that someone just posted a werewolf 5th edition chronicle and applied, Werewolf 5th ed is not my cup of tea, but I’m the type that is desperate enough and open minded enough to just go ahead and try any system that I can get my hands on, so when the Storyteller of that chronicle dmed me the link to join his discord server I was just overjoyed.
I started interacting with other players, they all seemed pretty nice and I even started to plan a shared backstory with one of the girl players that was pretty nice to me (I’ll call her Avery, as she is part of the horror story too). So as me and Avery were planning the shared backstory we started to wonder what some of the merits and backgrounds mechanically did within the setting as I wanted spend all of my 7 merit points (everyone gets 7) into a specific advantage called spirit pact where I essentially made a pact with a powerful spirit to make them my companion and give me a minor supernatural ability/edge, however, how fantastical these edges and how the spirits behave varies from storyteller to storyteller as some like something more fantastical while others prefer something more realistic, so I reached out to him to get some more context on how crazy I could make the pact.
Several days passed and he didn’t replied my question at all, nor any other ones I made as I wanted to know if my knowledge about werewolf 20th edition lore would help at all (Werewolf 5th edition and Werewolf 20th edition have big lore differences despite being set in the same universe, so I needed to know to not metagame and/or ruin continuity) but well, I thought that he was just a busy guy, I mean, he was also running a Vampire the masquerade game in the same server, so I was just planning on tackling these doubts I had on Tuesday when the session started. But, then I saw one of the players in the server asking for help on how to set their character sheet as apparently they were lost on what to do, so I went ahead and offered to join VC with him and run him through the character creation, I’ll call this player OZ and he is the star of this cheating story.
So as I joined VC he just asked me how the Gifts, rites and renown system works, with Gifts and Rites being the akin to werewolf magic and renown being what you use to cast magic per say. After that he said he didn’t had no other doubts and so we started a conversation in world of darkness as a whole, there he showed me that he had pretty extensive knowledge on how Vampire the Masquerade functioned, telling me old lore related to Vampire 20th edition such as a specific bloodline of the Tzimisce vampire clan (that instead of their trademark flesh crafting ability had an extremely powerful blood magical superpower) and he even told me that he participated on several vampire chronicles before in the past and well, since he seemed to know what he was doing and there was a big, pretty simplified how to make your character summary right on the first page on the “how to make your character” section, I thought that he’d not have any other issue, as character creation (at least in the 5th editions of World of Darkness books, in my opinion.), got pretty simplified and are the types where if you understand how to create one character you can created all. So after some more talking and a friendly remind that I’m also a regular storyteller that loves to help newbies and so my dms are always open, I left the call.
Oz posted his character sheet on the server for the Storyteller to review and approve and well, he did within a literal minute of him posting it (something that at the time I didn’t noticed as I doing something else and well an experienced Storyteller could’ve noticed if he did anything wrong within a minute, so I really thought he didn’t do anything wrong and simply attended to my business). However, on Sunday Avery decided stop procrastinating and finished her character sheet, finally the whole crew had their character sheets done and since they were publically available I decided to take a peak and see what we as a pack would have as our arsenal and so on. However, when I looked into Oz’s sheet things got a bit rocky.
So, to start to addressing the problems I’ll say that Oz didn’t use a regular werewolf 5th edition sheet, no, he used an abomination (aka a vampire werewolf) sheet to actually make his character to begin with and not only that, he was way, way too op for a werewolf that just had their first change. And how OP you might ask? Well, I started to question him about it and he said that he picked a skill distribution called “Specialist” a skill distribution type that offers the following: One skill at four points, Three skills at Three points, Three skills at Two points and Three skills at one point, a skill distribution that makes your character very good at something, good at some other areas but lacking in several others, however, Oz in this particular moment has the following distribution: One skill at four points, five skills at three points, six skills at two and three skills at one and aside from that, instead of having spent 7 merit points he had spent 10 and for some reason he had also 4 specialities allocated all on his physical skills, something that is just not possible at character creation as the book specifically say that you can only add new specialities on these specific skills Academics, Craft, Performance, and Science IF you actually bought them upon character creation something that he totally didn’t do.

I know this must be hard to imagine how much stronger he was than the rest of the party, so to bring it down to a more digestible context, the amount of xp you’d need to get to get that strong is Storytellers in werewolf 5th edition are recommended to give out the following amount of XP per session:

Participation = gives you 1 XP
Perform something remarkable during the session = Gives you 1 XP
Use a Skill, Gift, or other Trait in a clever or critical way =Gives you 1 XP
“Tell me something important your character learned this session.”= Gives you 1 XP

Conclude a story within the greater chronicle = Gives you 2–3 XP

This means that if he concluded all of the requirements above he’d get a minimal of 6xp and a max of 7 xp. However, not all session you can use a gift in a creative way, not all session you can perform something remarkable and not all session you conclude an important story within the chronicle, this means that great majority of the time we’d be getting 2-3 XP per session, yep, no World of Darkness game is the type that you go from zero to hero and with that in mind, he’d need (if my calculation are correct) 114 XP to actually level up his PC to be that strong, something that it would take 35-40 sessions to normally get.
When I started to question him how he exactly got so many skill points and merits he said that the storyteller approved of his character and that he just filled stuff up. I proceeded to just inform him the right skill spread for specialist and what he did wrong on his sheet and he said that he’d fix it despite the fact that the storyteller approved of his character. After that 40 minutes passed and there was silence of both the storyteller and the player just so he’d post a new character sheet, this time containing the spread of One skill at 4 points, Three skills at 3 points, Six skills at two points and three skills at 1 point, with his merits still being 10 points and still keeping the 4 specialities. At this point I started to think that he was trying to sneak some extra skill points, specialities and merits through me, because there is no way he didn’t understood what needed to be fixed when my message has attached to it literally a print from the core rule book with the details on the specialist skill spread and what he needed to change was literally:
“You have 10 merit points instead of 7, you have one extra HP that you shouldn’t have, (Hp is calculated by adding Stamina + 3 and his stamina was 3, he has 7 hp there when he should actually have 6), you still have 6 skills at two points instead of what specialist gives (3 skills at 2 points). You have 4 specialities even though you didn’t pick Academics, Craft, Performance, or Science that are the only skill trees that actually give you free specialities, otherwise you’d just start with 1.”
At this point I started to reach out to Avery and ask for her opinion on that, so she pinged Oz and the Storyteller on chat only to ask thing like “have you guys read the book” specially because he was trying passively aggressively shift the blame on his google search that apparently “mixed up werewolf 20th edition character creation rules” that he had just “skimmed through the book due to a lack of time, that he had “no help at all creating the character and had no idea on what he was doing”. I just want to emphasize that me and Avery were not trying to intimidate him at all, nor try to get a confession out of him or anything, our questions were just about if they (OZ and Storyteller) read the book or not and about what fonts Oz used to generate that character. I was really trying to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe that he was just very misguided by some crazy algorithm and coincidence, but it was a very hard pill to swallow when you consider his previous knowledge about world of darkness system, the fact that I found a full fleshed out character creation guide on Youtube by simply typing “Werewolf 5th edition character creation guide” on Youtube at the fact that he used “I thought you didn’t want to stay on VC with me by your tone of voice” when me and him the other day were having such a lovely chat and I told him multiple times that my DM’s were open in case he needed any help and if he didn’t want to bother me he could’ve just asked help on our discord server instead of making his super Saiyan werewolf. Now, at this point of the story you’d think the Storyteller would’ve at least said something, right? But hah, no, look at the tittle again, he was just DEAD SILENT.
Oz then proceeded, while we were talking, to post his last character sheet update for us, reducing his merit points to 8, and his skill points to the following: 1 skill at four points, 3 skills at three points, four skills at 2 points and three skills at one point. At this point he was either fucking with us or straight up ignorant of the rules completely, so me and Avery wanted to talk to him over VC and explain the rules to him in case he was actually just a newbie completely lost on how it all worked and if he was actually a cheater, talk to him to stop doing that and offer him new solutions for his character in case he wanted a better skill distribution, he refused to join VC with us because he was “working” until late despite his discord saying that he was playing League of legends. So instead me and Avery decide to join early before session (that was supposed to be the day after all of this happened), settle what happened and properly help him make a character, and well he agreed to it.
So fast forward to the following day, the Storyteller remained completely silent through out the whole night, morning and afternoon and two hours before the session I simply pinged Avery and Oz to see if they could join VC so we could talk it out in about 1 hour, OZ simply left the server without saying anything and I stared at my computer screen for 2 minutes before I went out to do something else. After that me and Avery joined VC a bit before session started and hang out and talk about the situation… Almost a whole hour passed and the Storyteller or any of the other players didn’t even hop on VC, it got to the point where the Avery sent a message to the Storyteller and just then he hopped on, the first thing he said? “Sorry guys, I was on another session that I joined this week and I didn’t thought it’d take this long”.
I never got so mad in my entire life, I’ve been a forever Storyteller for the past years and I was so excited to actually be the PLAYER, but despite that I needed to keep civil. Me and Avery informed him of the situation that Oz was most likely cheating, and the Storyteller said that “He was going to talk to him” not even knowing that Oz had left the server almost 3 hours ago, me and Avery just proceeded to ask him what he was going to do next and he said that he was going to call out the whole chronicle, so me and Avery just proceeded to tell him how disappointing the whole thing was and give him a few words of advice on how to improve before we left VC. Later the same night he announced that he wanted to retire from world of darkness as a whole and tried to pass the responsibility on running his vampire chronicle for someone else, after that I just left that server and friended Avery.
Now, I guess it’s time for me to go back hunting for chronicles. Wish me luck everyone and hope you enjoyed my little story.
submitted by ChibiInDra to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:52 Spellinf_errord I was someone’s side piece and it’s eating me inside

I want to start this off by saying that I am in no way looking for sympathy for what I did. While I am aware I was not fully at fault due to being extremely mentally unwell, taken advantage of, and lied too, given the chance to go back i time I would have never have done what I did.
To make a long fucking story short after nearly making a “permanent stage exit” (if you catch my drift) in 2021 I got back in touch with a friend from high school who used the knowledge that I was extremely mentally unwell to lovebomb and manipulate me into doing things I wish I hadn’t. Because he was the only person I was talking to at the time I believed him when he said he loved me and I began to change my entire life to try and do anything I could to keep him with me when the lovebombing ended and he got what he wanted out of me.
Before we hooked up I was aware of two things. One, he was polyamorous (which in hindsight was a very obvious lie to coverup the fact he was cheating on his partner with me). And two: he had a partner who agreed to being in an open relationship. However, he fessed up about this being a lie about one month into us being together because I kept asking when he was going to tell his partner about me and he couldn’t take it anymore. (I know I’m fucking stupid for not seeing the red flags earlier - also no shade to people who are actually polyamorous).
I would have left but he had me truly convinced that no one else in my life loved me and that he was going to eventually tell his partner. What a shocking twist that he kept pushing it off and that his partner started to catch wind of what was happening. I was over at this dude’s house so much and he wouldn’t let me leave the room when they would call and his partner at some point stopped buying the “just a friend” line so my ex would lock me in his bathroom sometimes for hours on end because he didn’t want me to go home while they called.
We were about 4 months in when my ex dropped another bombshell on me - him and his partner were planning on getting engaged in less then a year. This finally snapped some sense (not all of it though unfortunately) into me and I gave him an ultimatum: come clean to his partner so that he could actually attempt to be polyamorous or I was leaving. So in an attempt to do the first he set up a phone call between his partner, himself, and me so we could kind of talk things out. In retrospect what this actually was was a conversation where he made me lie to his partner on the spot about not being anything more than friends.
Flash forward two months and I finally got my shit together and left. But I still feel awful for lying to his partner.
My ex had painted his partner to be a narcissistic sociopath but I’m not sure that’s true because nothing he told me (or anyone else for that matter) ever was. I feel I was complicit in gaslighting his partner and I feel his partner deserves an apology.
I don’t think that they are still together because I found out that I wasn’t the first “friend” my ex had and that he slept with at least four other girls during the 6 months we were together. (He also low key stalked a guy he thought was cute for a couple of months).
Regardless though, I feel like I should reach out and offer an apology. His partner does not need to forgive me nor do I expect them to but the fact that I may be able to give his partner peace of mind by telling them that they weren’t crazy is something I’ve been thinking about.
I’m open to suggestions on what to do and I’m open to criticism too (I know I deserve it). I don’t ever want to make someone feel that way again and I feel sick inside knowing that someone may be actively suffering the consequences of my poor past decision making skills. They really don’t deserve to bear the brunt of my selfishness and even though it’s been three years it worries me still. I want to be better.
There’s more to this story and I have left out some details for simplicity’s sake but also for the sake of not shifting the blame away from me. There were other reasons I had for staying but I’m afraid if I talk about them they will overshadow the fact that I am still partially at fault. However, I’m happy to answer anything that clarifies things.
submitted by Spellinf_errord to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:52 TeaBag1o1 Asian parents don't realize they are destroying their children.

I'm a first generation Asian American born to refugee immigrants of the Vietnam War. Growing up I felt like an outsider. Trapped between two worlds. The cultural world of my birth place and the cultural world of my people. I was never allowed to have friends outside my race. Never allowed to date anyone outside my race. Never allowed to go or do anything without permission or consent. I became a prisoner.
My parents destroyed my confidence and gave me severe anxiety. I never developed any social skills what so ever. And as I got older and their voices of yelling and lecturing me all the time began to diminish. I find my self so lost since they were always the ones to tell me what to do. Now that I'm an adult and they finally gave me the freedom to do whatever I want. I literally don't know what to do with it. And then they have the audacity to blame me and berate me. "Why aren't you like them?" "Why don't you ever talk to other people?" "Why haven't you found a wife yet?" "Where are my grand children?" "Why are you always at home? Don't you have any friends to hang out with?"
I'm at such a huge lost. They turn me into an obedient robotic prisoner. Then all of a sudden they expect me to know everything possible yet never gave me the chance or opportunity to learn these social life skills.
submitted by TeaBag1o1 to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:52 spookyluuky Very sudden, extreme food aversion

I’ve never been a super picky eater, except for a small number of things I know I don’t like. Regularly, I’d eat something for lunch and dinner with a snack or two throughout the day. Over the past 2-3 weeks, I’ve developed a very sudden aversion to almost every food. I’m currently eating maybe a snack a day, which I know is not good.
Whenever I choose what to eat, I’ve always had to imagine the taste and texture in my mouth before I decide what I want. This seems “normal” to me. However, lately everything feels wrong. I usually grab a fig bar on my way out of the house in the morning, but one day it just felt like mush in my mouth and I felt like I needed to throw up, it just disgusted me. After I realized most of the foods I like that are soft did that, I started looking for crunchy things. But after I chew, that also turns to mush. I found a very crunchy granola bar, took one bite, and after one or two chews it wasn’t even “mushy,” just felt so BAD in my mouth that I had to get it out.
I’m still hungry, is the issue. I’m very hungry and nothing feels right, so I can’t eat it. My partner is worried about my lack of nutrition and actual food intake, and I am too. Has anyone else experienced this? Does it go away by itself and I just have to wait it out, or am I just living like this now? Any help would be very appreciated :) thank you
submitted by spookyluuky to AutisticAdults [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:52 Thegreatpraduu Norsso P365 reptile C (ported barrel) slide length or use their N365DG reptile XP (integrated slide comp plus ported barrel)?

Looking for other users that carry a P365 as I’m about to get my CCW license and initially planned on carrying the standard 365 slide length but norssos macro equivalent slide caught my eye so I purchased that along with the standard length. My goal for this pistol is purely for concealed carry but if the integrated slide comp provides a significant difference in terms of felt recoil like most say about sigs xmacro slide, I figured an extra 3/4” in slide length wouldn’t hurt. I have a holster coming in soon from tenicor so I can’t test it just yet but was wondering if there’s a noticeable difference between carrying the two slide lengths in terms of comfort/concealment or are those two things more dependent on the grip module you’re using? I’m a short dude 5’7 140 lbs if that matters. Stuck with the standard Wilson combat grip module because I have small hands and my pinky has no overhang even with the flush fit baseplate so the macro equivalent slide would be used with that. I have yet to send rounds down range using either slide since I told my self I’ll sell off the one not being used.
submitted by Thegreatpraduu to CCW [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:51 justmeonreddit123 Why does my MIL help my SIL for months after baby, but only a few days for us?

My MIL has 6 children- 5 boys and one girl. Long story short, I’m sitting here wondering why I even care that my MIL doesn’t treat us the same as her only biological daughter… my MIL goes and spends two full months at my SIL’s house every time she has a baby to help, but for our births she has stayed only a couple days and then gone home even though she committed to longer. Her reasoning always that “we’re doing so well” (which I think is a bunch of bs, there is another reason she’s just not saying, I think)
Also sometimes I wonder why do I even care? I don’t really feel like we need her or really want her there spending the night for two months, anyways. But it makes me angry for some reason and I don’t know why.
submitted by justmeonreddit123 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:51 One-South-5717 (26M) My CEO fired me but is helping me out in the long term..

Hey Everyone,
Last weekend I was terminated from my job due to an attendance issue. It was ultimately due to how I had a lot of personal things going on and how I never addressed them with my manager, and company directly.
In the termination, I was sat down and told the greatest things I’ve did but had to be let go due to my attendance issue for two days. I understand and respect the decision. It ultimately came down to me messing it up and I didn’t make an excuse at all for it. I didn’t defend myself but rather explained what I truly wanted and apologized for letting them down.
My Big Boss and manager however decided to give me a two hour session of advice. They praised me based on how well I performed at my job and said I can do so much more. So now that I am not employed with them for the time now things have been tough. They said one day I can come back when I make things right with myself.
So, today they reached out to me, about a week later, about another avenue and career I’ve always wanted. They have been nothing but help and even have used theirselves as a recommendation for me. Almost to the point that it feels unreal that they would do this for me. I don’t want to go into crazy details but they are setting me up with this opportunity that is not only my childhood dream, but are willing to find help for me financially. It almost feels like a dream and the way things are seem confusing. To me this felt as if I was pushed out so that I can further progress. But this is really a bizarre situation I’ve never had before.
I’ve always had the utmost respect for these people. We are so close but this is the first time in my life I’ve ever had people offer help in such a impactful way. What can I do in return and do you think I should have any doubt in receiving this help? To me it seems genuine but a part of me is worried that it’s so quick, and why?
Thank you all for reading and your consideration.
submitted by One-South-5717 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:51 wrenchnoise Pasting Clips Without Moving Markers

Right now I have two projects open, one for the final video and one of a pool of clips I want to copy and paste into project 1. I have tons and tons of markers on project 1 for where I want to change clips, but everytime I paste a clip from project 2 onto project 1, all of my makers get shifted. Is there any way to stop that from happening and just paste clips from 2 onto 1’s timeline without messing anything up? Thank you!
submitted by wrenchnoise to davinciresolve [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:51 One-South-5717 (26M) My CEO fired me but is helping me out in the long term..

Hey Everyone,
Last weekend I was terminated from my job due to an attendance issue. It was ultimately due to how I had a lot of personal things going on and how I never addressed them with my manager, and company directly.
In the termination, I was sat down and told the greatest things I’ve did but had to be let go due to my attendance issue for two days. I understand and respect the decision. It ultimately came down to me messing it up and I didn’t make an excuse at all for it. I didn’t defend myself but rather explained what I truly wanted and apologized for letting them down.
My Big Boss and manager however decided to give me a two hour session of advice. They praised me based on how well I performed at my job and said I can do so much more. So now that I am not employed with them for the time now things have been tough. They said one day I can come back when I make things right with myself.
So, today they reached out to me, about a week later, about another avenue and career I’ve always wanted. They have been nothing but help and even have used theirselves as a recommendation for me. Almost to the point that it feels unreal that they would do this for me. I don’t want to go into crazy details but they are setting me up with this opportunity that is not only my childhood dream, but are willing to find help for me financially. It almost feels like a dream and the way things are seem confusing. To me this felt as if I was pushed out so that I can further progress. But this is really a bizarre situation I’ve never had before.
I’ve always had the utmost respect for these people. We are so close but this is the first time in my life I’ve ever had people offer help in such a impactful way. What can I do in return and do you think I should have any doubt in receiving this help? To me it seems genuine but a part of me is worried that it’s so quick, and why?
Thank you all for reading and your consideration.
submitted by One-South-5717 to Career_Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:50 ur_g00fy_ah_n3ighb0r Guess the Age (Day 3)

Guess the Age (Day 3)
Real sorry about the last two weeks. My phone broke and I couldn’t see a lot of my screen but I got a new one so we can continue this challenge.
submitted by ur_g00fy_ah_n3ighb0r to MeChat [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:50 twhelp2020 Am I (25M) ruining my friendship or am I being treated poorly?

I (25M) have known my best friend (25F) for about 8 years. We’ve been extremely close after studying abroad together and have seen each other go through many relationships. This kinda started when we went travelling together again after her breakup with a long term partner where she treated me poorly on holiday (ignored me at times, acted cold etc) and was being slightly reckless with her safety with the other people on our tour (telling them she gets drunk easily). Two things that stuck with me from that trip were her saying “you know nothing about heartbreak” and “well when you’re here you’re obligated to protect me”.
When we returned I kinda kept my distance and wasn’t as communicative and this resulted in her calling me attractive and her soulmate when I joined a Facebook call.
That kinda stuck with me and I guess I slightly caught feelings rather than feeling like a friend. We were hanging out and I bought her valentines flowers. We went running together for a bit and things were going ok until she kinda became very flakey on plans with everyone. Rather than being available to hang with our group or even one on one she will say she’s busy for the next two weeks/ month and can’t schedule us in. But she’ll be out with genuinely random people going to events? She just came back from Canada and she said she can’t see us for a month because she fully booked? Like we work in the same industry but different divisions and she always saying she’s bored on weekends yet is fully booked?
We had a set day to go running once where we agreed to go, and the previous night I had a farewell party for an old friend which she knew I was leaving early for to meet with her tomorrow but when I asked her to confirm whether we were going she took 8 hours to respond and told me she can’t. I ended up seeing her the next day where I just didn’t speak to her for a week which resulted in her driving to my house to explain what happened which ended up being personals family issues. The problem is she’s done this before two years ago where she flaked plans with me to go on a date and I ended up seeing her out only for her to claim she double booked. Usually she’d just tell me flat out what’s going on but she’s very secretive now and sure I’m not entitled to know but if it’s affecting plans surely I’ve known her long enough for her to be straight up and tell me?
Recently she’s being going on a lot of holidays but she seems to be promising certain friends to go with them on holiday together only to go with someone else or by herself. For example we have a mutual friend who wanted to visit Korea and she is half Korean and had been there numerous times had said “she’s not interested” only for her today to say that she’s now thinking of going for 2 months with another friend? I ended up just saying “oh I thought (friend) wanted to go this year” only for her to say “you guys can come too!” I have work obligations so I’m indifferent but it seems like I’m not the only one getting this treatment?
She just seems so fake and not the person who I was friends with before and I feel like every conversation is me just having to guess what she says is genuine and what isn’t? I just can’t tell if I’m ruining the friendship by expecting too much from someone. Or whether I’m being treated poorly?
tl:dr I can’t tell if I’m ruining my friendship with my friend of eight years for not being consistent or whether I am genuinely being treated poorly.
submitted by twhelp2020 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:50 vaticidalprophet Theorycrafting an extremely droisoning-heavy, but hopefully playable, script

So: I really, really dig the aesthetic/concept/vibe of BotC. I'm not sure what I think of the game, which I've only played a little of. I feel like I feel similarly towards it as I do to D&D 3.5, which I don't play but love optimizing. I'd like to play a lot more BotC (and probably more 3.5), but in lieu of that, I really enjoy reading the wiki/discord/subreddit.
I'm curious if it's possible to construct a script that does the following:
I say "disinfo" rather than "misinfo" here to get at a certain idea. A psychological warfare script, kind of. Lots of droisoning, but lots of misdirection in general -- non-droisoned false info, the threat of misdirection, etc.
To this end, I've created the script Anti-Pattern. It has 13 townsfolk, is in SAO, etc.
Thought processes behind choices:
It has been through...a lot of variations (I have 11 png files saved, which are just for various major versions). There are a lot of characters I'd like to fit on, but can't make space for.
Does this work? Is this at all on the right track for its goal? Could it be played without being horrible? What could improve it? Is this a viable script idea at all?
submitted by vaticidalprophet to BloodOnTheClocktower [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:50 BudgetRisk8085 Our journey to OAD

I was always the one that loved kids and wanted 4. I was always the one”who do you want around your future dinner table.” My husband had only wanted one but we settled on the idea of 2 We had a miscarriage in 2019 and then were faced with secondary infertility And then got pregnant in 2020 via IVF And then my son was born in 2021
I know I’m in the minority here but no real complaints during pregnancy. Birth could have been better but also could have been worse
Newborn stage was a dream. My son would wake up, nurse, and go right back to sleep Sure he was up a bunch but compared to what I hear- we got lucky with him
After he turned two we started the discussion on having a 2nd. We had two embryos in the freezer. We said if this didn’t work- we would stop at one and not go through the entire egg retrieval again Our transfer failed and I was more upset than I thought I’d be Jumped right into another and it took and I started getting positives However I also spiraled into depression It became paralyzing and all I did was cry
I had a lot of fears and anxieties. I was terrified of the next having any type of developmentally issues, medically complex issues and terrified of something happening to me. Sure I know things can happen anytime and also things can be fine but I was so afraid. I was afraid of what it would do to my son and how it could change him
It also brought back the anxieties I had while pregnant and the newborn stage. Analyzing every single sonogram and comparing it to “normal” ones on Google, stressing over every milestone, Dr appointment, vaccine.
The depression was real and debilitating. Since I found out so early with IVF about the positive test- I decided to stop the meds that were keeping me pregnant
It was the hardest decision to make Sometimes looking back on my fertility journey- I can’t believe I did it But I think it was more important for my mental health
I keep seeing all these birth announcements for the second baby and I am a bit jealous that I wasn’t strong enough mental But boards like this help and I just keep trying to focus on the positives of being one and done and being able to provide for my son and give him the world he deserves
If you read this far- thank you ♥️
submitted by BudgetRisk8085 to oneanddone [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:49 Patient-Men Am I not a good fit for her?

Salam. I have known this girl for most of my life (both of us Somali), her brother is one of my close friends, although not that close anymore due to distance. Me and the girl reconnected during our teenage years, and now, in our 20s, after years of talking, we are both considering marriage. I find ourselves to be very compatible. We have many of the same interests and can talk for hours, sometimes even close to 7 hours, and still feel like we were only talking for 10 minutes. We have a strong connection and would greatly miss each other if we do not hear each other voices every morning and night. However, I have struggled with past actions (Zina), which occurred between the ages of 15 and 18. Over 4-5 years ago, and now I am dedicated to my faith. As we discuss marriage, I have advised her to pray Istikhara for guidance. Since then, she has been experiencing anxiety and panic attacks. It has gotten to point where she now receives medical attention. While she has not directly linked them to me, I cannot help but feel concerned. Sometimes, I even struggle with anxiety, wondering if she has a past like mine. I would overthink stuff and accuse her of stuff in my head although she is very practicing and never engaged in activities that would bring shame to her or her family. I find myself thinking this way because I feel guilty about my past actions, and sometimes, I perceive her presence as a form of punishment for my sins, even though she has not shown any actions to indicat of such feelings. It has been years since I commited those acts and repented and never went back to them. I have not shared these pasts with anyone including my closest of friends. I wish to keep it like this and not disclose it to anyone. Do you guys have any advice? Do you guys think these anxieties signal that we should not be together? I would not be able to live with myself if I ruin the life of a miskeen girl.
May Allah reward you all for any genuine advice you share.
submitted by Patient-Men to SomaliRelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:49 koleffff One video or split into two?

Hello guys, I am working on my latest video which is a mix of a motovlog and an event. However, I really liked how the part about the event turned out.
So I am having 3 options now:
submitted by koleffff to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:49 cheinyeanlim Google announces Android 14 for TV, with new energy modes, accessibility features including color correction, picture-in-picture for some TV models, and more

Google announces Android 14 for TV, with new energy modes, accessibility features including color correction, picture-in-picture for some TV models, and more
Google unveils Android 14 for TV, packing new energy modes and groundbreaking accessibility features like color correction. Experience the future with picture-in-picture on select models! Google #Android14 #TVInnovation 📺🚀
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Google announces Android 14 for TV, with new energy modes, accessibility features including color correction, picture-in-picture for some TV models, and more
  • After a two-year hiatus, Android TV 14 is being released, bringing new improvements in power consumption, accessibility, and multitasking.
  • The update skips directly from Android TV 12 to Android TV 14, due to Google deciding to abandon the Android TV 13 release.
  • Android TV 14 introduces three energy modes to optimize power usage, including an "Optimized" mode for regular use and a "Low energy mode" for reduced standby power consumption.
  • New accessibility features enhance usability for all users, offering color correction, advanced text options, and alternative navigation methods controlled by remote shortcuts.
  • Development tool Compose for TV, entering beta, aims to simplify app creation and ensure consistency across the Android TV ecosystem.
One of the significant upgrades in Android TV 14 is the new picture-in-picture feature, intended for streaming, video conferencing, and smart home applications. This was a feature initially planned for Android TV 13 and has been retroactively applied, highlighting Google's commitment to enhancing multitasking and media consumption experiences on the platform.
"We were supposed to get an Android TV 13 release in 2023, but Google ditched the idea at the last second."
Despite the technological advancements embedded within Android TV 14, the system doesn't introduce any groundbreaking design changes. It's an intriguing reminder that sometimes, the most impactful updates are under the hood, enhancing functionality without altering aesthetics.
submitted by cheinyeanlim to martechnewser [link] [comments]