Women getting groped


2024.03.02 23:44 WomenGettingInjured


2020.01.10 17:54 eridian4 PublicGroping

Videos/images of women being groped in public. (Without consent)

2013.08.22 18:58 ripster55 A place for mature women redditors

Welcome to AskWomenOver30, an inclusive Reddit community where people can ask question to and discuss topics with women over the age of 30. All are welcome, please read and abide by the rules in our sidebar.

2024.06.10 00:17 Ever_Dreads Cancer and sagittarius break up mess

I'm a cancer(m) and I was dating a sagittarius(f) for over a year in an open relationship. She was ok with it and my partner was ok with it because they were close friends(partner is a virgo). Started out great, hit it off immediately, casual, and was having a great time together because I'm a moon Leo and we shared a desire for adventure and experience. The three of us would regularly hang out and go out because the three of us worked very well with each other. After a while though she wanted more commitment from me( very unusual for a sag) but being the supportive type I am I happily gave it which was ok with all parties involved. She then started feeling a type of way about my partner and they started drifting apart(completely understanding if I may have caused that dating both of them) on top of that she was having work, life, and medical stresses that she was grappling with. I pick up extra work to save up to help her put a down payment on an apartment because she was still living with her parents, so for about two months I barely saw either of them but consistently made sure to do what I can and reassured them it wasnt a permanent change. She told me after a very difficult health attack that she need to recoup which was completely fair, she needed time to re-regulate her body(she has very serious immune and blood issues) We talked to each other everyday essentially, knew everything that was going on, and the month before it broke off everything seemed ok, still texting everyday, giving affirmations and trying to make her feel better during the recovery. After the last month went by I asked her what was going on? Haven't seen you in a couple weeks wanted to know if everything was ok. She explains to me that she wanted to break things off because she wanted a more monogamous relationship and just wanted to be friends. I was upset of course because it seemingly came out of nowhere(it was a week before Valentine's day and two weeks before our anniversary) I wanted to talk things out but she wasnt having it and stopped talking to my partner and I where prior we saw each other every day. Finally I say to her that I wanted to talk in person and see how we move forward but she wasnt having it and decided to block me. Before blocking me she said she needed space and wait for the feelings to die down. I took it on the chin because I knew the type of person she was, but she kept contact up with my partner and explained how she was feeling guilty(we would see each other everyday on our ways to work) My partner as well wanted her to just talk things out but she refused until about three months later. We didnt talk in person but over video chat and after a four hour chat we came to a level point where we were ok. However as a sag she was extremely flirty to me still, and I was back because she explained how she still had feelings for me and I explained that to her as well. Nothing came of it though because she was adamant we remain friends even though she still was feeling a certain way. We still chatted everyday but less frequently, we would stay up late talking to one another and I asked what was going on with this. She explained how she flirts with everyone and not to take it any certain way. She still wanted to hang out with us but only in certain circumstances (like in large groups or at events where we wouldnt really talk with one another) I thought that was odd because I've had more platonic relationships with women than men and I saw no issue with chilling with just her because she wanted to see me still. After about a month I ask her if we really can talk in person, she threatens to block me again so I leave it. One night we start sexting one another, sending stuff back and forth and I explained how I wanted to meet up, she wouldn't have it. I let it go because I'm loyal, and yes still had feelings for her as well but then we began to talk alot about really personal details about herself and her problems(she never talk about that stuff with any close friends or family only her therapist) and I started feeling a certain way because I began feeling like I was being used or that she wanted me there but without the commitment. We argued and in typical sag fashion she was very blunt and high roady so I finally was fed up with it and told her in the most cancer way possible that she needed to get her shit together(no job, driving her parents car, still living with her parents at 30, medical and college debt, very egregious spending problem) she blocked me on the spot, put our personal conversations over snap and blocked my partner who had nothing to do with it. (Note:Through it all my partner knew everything that was happening, updated her with info and she did the same to me, kept communication very open because it was a difficult situation for them as well because they were very close being friends for over a decade. I'm just not sure what to do about it because she might come back and try and spin it a certain way and try to not take accountability for her actions and whether or not to give her another chance so I'm open to whatever advice can be given👍
submitted by Ever_Dreads to astrologymemes [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:17 Gloomy_Baker6899 Please add a FUCKING BIO ON TINDER!!!! Yes proper advice but little rant

Im on tinder trying to message these women i match with but all i got to go on is the “😊” or “Fuck off” or empty bio every single woman has. Complaining us guys are bad and dry when messaging when you give nothing at all to go on?!?! Im meant to know if i could like you when i swipe I shouldn’t have to realise you’re a lesbian alligator who’s only hobby is spreading chickenpox by tossing an opening as dry as dirt at your face.
And if this is a guy problem aswell, just add a fucking bio and stop complaining about not matching. I assume ladies just like us dudes wanna know what kinda creep you are before they match, i never took tinder seriously until two days ago so i added my bio with my hobbies and put my profile public again now i get likes and matches all the time and im not this hot jacked billionaire that u preach you gotta be to get anything i got height i will admit but thats it.
Fuck me people grow up and write who tf you are on the app where you try to figure out who tf people are!
If swearing isnt allowed here tell me and i’ll change it but uuuggghhhhhh im annoyed with everyone
Edit: rereading this i notice i am a bit hostile but uhm sorry. I can make a good opening based on tags and ur looks but a more personal opening is better and only obtainable if u have a bio :)
submitted by Gloomy_Baker6899 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:16 TrainingAnywhere6793 How to successfully weed out women who genuinely claim to be feminine from fake ones?

In my journey to find a feminine wife and not a GF, hookup or FWB, I’ve contacted so many women who profess to be feminine, but when I converse with them they will give themselves up very easily by using vulger languages, speaking in a disrespectful manner, say they can’t abandon their male friends or complain about their toxic ex.
The most hilarious thing I hear from them is that they confess that they used to have feminist ideologies but now they are feminine, the only exception to this rule would be if they suddenly became religious, and only then this statement would be believable.
Alternatively, the classic line I get most often is that they currently play a masculine role but can be feminine after marriage.
It takes me a long time to weed out the fake feminine women, and time is something I value most and I have less of. Therefore, can the real feminine women in here (you know who you are) advise what’s the quickest way to identify a genuine feminine woman from a fake one.
submitted by TrainingAnywhere6793 to RedPillWomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:15 Chazinggreatness23 AITAH for not saying hi to cousins girlfriend at the gym

Me (22 M) and my younger cousin (17 M) went to the gym Saturday to lift and play basketball. I’ve met my cousins girlfriend like once for a decent period of time and two other times briefly. We’ve never had a conversation longer than two sentences and everytime she seems to not know who I am and asks who I am. She is foreign so it is hard to make conversation with her and understand her.
She appeared busy with her headphones in using the leg machines and squatting. I didn’t want to startle her if she didn’t know me and I wasn’t 100% sure it was her because there is other women that look much like her. We also had our own lift and workout to go through.
My older cousin (25 M) is the one with the girlfriend. He can be a hothead at times with getting in fights on the basketball court last week. He texted in our cousins group chat if you see my girlfriend at the gym say hi to her don’t be rude.
I took offense to that and feel that he is being a baby about the situation. I feel like he is trying to big time us. They’ve literally only been together for four months and I barely know her.
So are my younger cousin and I the asshole?
submitted by Chazinggreatness23 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:14 DevouredUsurper Most shameful moment

Odd qurstion sure but what Im asking is in your time of playing what action on your own time and own accord, made you feel like a peice of shit?
I came across Catfish Johnsons while hunting panthers and heard them talking. This was a low honor playthrough mainly due to playing online vs npcs or players and more story rampages, Ive been cleaner with it. I fight better than my first playthrough so I be doing shit random shit while hunting on foot, get lost from my horse and take someones horse on the road. Cant forget to rob them too. We bandit mk
All that was to explain the mindset and reason why my mask was already up. So my intentions walking in were not good, easedrop about their financial problems, huh relateable sad, but accidentally lean out and the pop sees me. So i shoot him when he draws and the son is screaming with terror wondering why would i do that? I felt bad so i was gonna knock him out so he wouldnt have to see his father dead while i robbed his home. But this tough mf could take like 5 kicks to the head and 2 pistol whips but one more kick and he fucking died... So i realized what i created out of two accidents but with ill intent. I killed a father and son for money and the son could have lived. The father died drinking and putting the peices together it was a rough house hold. Abusive. Main evidence was the letter to the son by his mother about why she ran off and it was because of his fathers drinking. The mothers plan was obviously to not leave her boy with him tho, she knows women are under valued in their society let alone minority women in 1899 so goes out in the world desperately by any means of her body will and spirit to establish a residence, an address for her son to also leave his father. She didnt want to bring him out into a dangerous world with no roof, he is extremely timid. She saysin the letter that she plans to see him again and i think says not now. She puts her faith in God that she can find him a home and she prays that her boy will be ok. Her intentions and prayers were not written done unless i missed them, this is what i putting together and pretty much assuming.
This made it feel so bad. I was sick with myself cuz shes probably gonna send another letter and will be just waiting. Forever while her babys dead. There was a happy ending for the kid and i took that away from him out of stupidity greed and throwing my weight being a cowboy. This jolt of empathy made me realize even with my knowledge of the ending, so much of what Arthur has done goes unaccounted and unresolved. Maybe yes punished. But this is a moment that really got to me. Idk i felt like shit. She seemed like great mother and the boy seemed afraid to esrn in the world because of his father. She did the best fucking thing for her baby and probably did shameful things herself and i ended up killing the victim and the abuser.
I discovered all this while looting like a peice of shit. This broken families home, with a chance. It got to me and i layed dynamite in the hall way and threw two molotovs in the home. Not sure why really and i just stared at the spreading fire. Think i was destroying once more to make it unrecognizable due to shame. It was quite the emotional downward spiral and this whole encounter hit me like bullet, I dont know why I did them things i did.
I think Ill always remember this
submitted by DevouredUsurper to RDR2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:13 Lonely-Ad1179 Female submission?

Female submission?
I’ve noticed that the Finochio bros post a lot about biblical femininity and the submission of women, but don’t actually live by those values.
Gabe as far as I’m aware is single and has never been married so doesn’t seem qualified to give marriage advice.
Nate is married, but his wife does not appear to be the modest homemaker they idolize and promote. She seems like a fun lady with cool hobbies and like literally no mention of her husband ever on social media 😅
And John’s wife is listed as a lead pastor on their church website, which is interesting because Gabe has posted many times about woman not being in leadership.
It’s interesting that they advocate for a lifestyle that they themselves don’t even live, and it smacks of capitalizing on the tradwife trend and the current political climate, rather than values they themselves hold.
submitted by Lonely-Ad1179 to TheosUniversity [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:13 True-Worldliness-645 Where are my older genderfluid folks at?

Hello all! I wandered to this subreddit due to recent events and was just wondering who here is in the 40-50 or beyond range? I'm AMAB, in the 50 realm and have identified as nonbinary and somewhat trans fem (as in - I would go for transition if I thought I could pull it off) for about 3 years. I've been on estradiol monotherapy for just about 6 months. Actually going for my second three-month follow up this Tuesday.
Lately, though, the idea of genderfluidity has really felt right. It does tend to ebb and flow and, much like nonbinary figure Jacob Tobia once said, "I want all the gender." More and more I view my expression as a playful exploration of gender and a kind of rebellion against the binary. I've never presented fem in public but I do have a fair bit of women's clothing - it's just jeans and shirts and such that gets read as "male" when I wear it. Nothing like skirts or such... yet.
I still question if I'm trans fem and simply taking "the easy route" because it's unlikely I'll ever get read as a woman. Lately I've had some doubts about continuing on HRT, though I tell myself I will at least give it a year before calling it quits if I chose to. (Due to gynocomastia surgery as a teen I can't grow breasts, so no worries on that.) There is a part of me that would really like bottom surgery regardless of what identity ultimately feels best, and I do follow the subreddits related to that sort of thing.
I think the thing that eludes me the most is pushing the envelope of my expression into more feminine presentation. As an older person, I know I can't pull off the thigh highs and the pink, frilly cat maid outfits. And they're just not quite my vibe. No shade to those older folks who do enjoy those - rock on! Finding my personal style is challenging in that regard, but I try to look at as a chance to play and explore rather than as some arduous thing I must do.... though sometimes it feels more burdensome than playful.
Anyway, that's a bit about me. I was just wondering where folks around my age or older might be and what kinds of challenges you resonate with or have encountered. I know we're out there, but just don't get a lot of representation.
Much love! ♥
submitted by True-Worldliness-645 to genderfluid [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:10 Chichi_Vaughn Female INFJs! Need advice about how to deal with other women in my husband's family.

So, most of my life all of my friends have been male (except for other INFJ females), I just get along with them better. I find that things that interest me are the same things that interest men (and yes there will be some outliers, but as a whole, typically the same as men), same movies, music, activities etc. I also find that males are straightforward and don't beat around the bush, and there's no passive aggressiveness (which I definitely run into more often than not with non-infj females).
I'm pretty sure the women in my husbands family are really getting put off by the fact that I would rather hang around the guys, but I just can't handle being around gossip and almost exclusively talking about child rearing and nothing else. I'm not saying this is all women of course, but it's definitely the women in my family.
Any advice on how to deal with this?? Have you run into this??
submitted by Chichi_Vaughn to infj [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:10 meganbloomfield Watching SATC for the first time as a long time Gilmore Girls fan, and Carrie makes Lorelai look like a well-adjusted person lmfao

I thought watching Gilmore Girls and watching Rory & Lorelai's antics had prepared me for emotionally dysfunctional women who don't know what they want out of a relationship, but jesus lmfao!!!
Carrie becomes insufferable by season 4. Aiden round 2 was impossible to watch, like, the entire way she somehow acted like she was the victim when it came to her infidelity? The fact that she wasn't willing to cut Big out of her life AT ALL even after she got back with Aiden?? Didn't even think to set a boundary like hey, you can't call my house at 2am, or it's inappropriate to drive out to my boyfriend's remote farmhouse and expect to be alone with me?? And then she gets mad at her friends if they call her out on any bullshit whatsoever!!
Nah, she makes Lorelai and Rory look like model examples of emotional and romantic stability lmao. I get that it's part of her character to be like this, and part of the fun is watching how vapid and selfishly destructive she can be, but whew!!!
submitted by meganbloomfield to sexandthecity [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:08 translunainjection Two randos asked me out yesterday

I went all out for queer prom - my hair down with some fancy braids, my cutest dress, bright red lips...
The first guy was waiting in his car, parked by the main street. Looking for girls, I guess? He asked me to lunch. That's what I get for saying "Thank you" to "You look gorgeous".
The second was way creepier. He followed me and offered to "help" me change into my heels. I said, "No thanks" but the fucker picked up my flats and handed them to me. I snatched them out of his hand and noped out of there.
I actually waited an extra 10 minutes for the bus because I knew the one I had to wait for was in a well-lit area with lots of people. :-/
I get to the lesbian bar and flirt shamelessly all night. And wow... gay girls really show what it's like to be into women and not a creep.
submitted by translunainjection to ewphoria [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:04 psychdarling Advice on business casual fits?

Advice on business casual fits?
Secured a government position job and the attire is business casual. This is, obviously, an amazing opportunity and I want to make sure I look professional but not over dressed. I saw men wearing nice polos w/ or w/o a blazer and jeans, and women were wearing flow-y shirts and slacks or nice jackets over jeans.
Any advice is welcome, believe it or not there are 3 different types of black slacks and 3 different shoes here. I realize some shirts are a tad bit outdated, I’m a thrifter and trying to incorporate what I have without spending too much on new clothes. Will likely wear nice jeans after I get a better idea on what the women wear as I only been to the location once.
Buying new bottoms will probably be my next step but I promise they all look identifiably different in person haha.
Thank you in advance! I apologize too if I’m clueless in what business casual really is.
submitted by psychdarling to OUTFITS [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:03 SingleAdhesiveness78 Traditional Muslimah pushing back against the feminist narrative

Traditional Muslimah pushing back against the feminist narrative submitted by SingleAdhesiveness78 to TraditionalMuslims [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:03 nk1603 🙄🙄🙄

What responsibilities do you have currently apart from caring for your 1 year old Rakel? She thinks it’s so hilarious and cute that she wants to add farm animals into the mix when she can barely deal with Finn. No job, no other major responsibilities or stresses. And I’m not saying that being a (stay at home) mom isn’t hard work. Of course it is. But the majority of women do the mom thing while having so many other responsibilities and no help. She on the other hand has a nanny, a cleaner, her minions (Shama, Ludwig & Dennis) etc. that come running at her every beck and call.
We all know she has a history of abandoning any project that she either gets bored of or that becomes too much work. This has also included animals in the past (dogs, goats). Farm animals are no joke - they require a lot of care and are a huge commitment. Dennis has said again and again he doesn’t want to get any (probably because he knows he will end up with the grunt work - his wife won’t be the one waking up at 4am everyday to tend to them that’s for sure!) and yet she keeps dismissing his opinions and needs and insists on getting bees, chickens, ducks and cows. She is incredibly irresponsible. She just wants the “farm/homesteader” fantasy without all the hard work involved.
submitted by nk1603 to rachelbrathensnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:03 carmelita_0 Pretty much forced to quit this morning.

Using a throwaway account for obvious reasons. I just really need to tell this to people who will understand me.
I'm relatively new to this profession, only been working for the better part of a year as a teacher's aide. I've noticed many shady practices happen at this facility, and today I was pretty much let go.
Our facility is known in town to be the center that takes children with pretty intense behavioral issues. None of which any of the staff are trained for. In fact, when I was hired, I was hired on the spot and never informed of how severe the children's issues were. I was fed lies that I'd be trained better, except I never was, and that's pretty much how this whole thing started.
I was placed into a room I asked numerous times not to be put in. All my director had to say to that was "we need someone like you in that room!". Every time I complained, or directly asked not to be there, I was flat out ignored. The only reason they had stopped putting me in this room was because it got to the point where I was in tears and ready to walk out, only then did they stop putting me in that room.
I find it pretty infuriating, seeing as how certain staff seem to get certain privileges and placed in the rooms they want. But I never was treated very well at this place. I'm convinced the co-director had it out for me, every time we were in a room together, she found something to complain about. I got confronted for 'being on my phone and not watching the kids' to open our shared work app to ask when we were bringing the kids in. Another time she made a snide comment about my weight. A child who is a family member of hers attends that daycare, and she gets all the special treatment imaginable, and is terribly behaved. Said child hits, punches, kicks, ect whenever they're told to do something. Or they just scream at the top of their lungs and throw a huge tantrum, ruining whatever activity the other teachers had for the other students. When confronted, all the codirector had to say about this was "all the women in her family act like that". It's enabled, and I can't even list all of the other behavior I've seen that was downright encouraged and not broken.
I honest to God don't know why she didn't like me, but over time it really felt like the director didn't either. The only reason I'm really upset is because I don't know what I did wrong. I loved and cared for those children, but apparently I was disliked enough by my director and co-director.
This morning, I had gotten a call from my boss saying she was taking me off the schedule for 2 weeks because I needed to be 'trained better'. When I asked when I would be coming back she said she didn't know, which should have been my first red flag. The provided reasons were I "didn't change a diaper good enough twice" and I was 'too rough' with a student and family had complained.
I find the first claim a little out there, because she claimed it had happened this week. I was only in said room that it happened in once, and I wasn't in charge of diapers. It could well have been an error on my part, but I was never informed I didn't do a good enough job. The second time apparently she was sent home without a diaper, but I was not the one to change her. The error couldn't have been my fault. I feel like this could have been confronted with asking me to do a better job, but I never was. This has never been an issue before.
The second incident, a child in another room who absolutely knew better was terrorizing little girls he was sitting next to, hitting them and spitting at them. I told him to cut it out multiple times, and he just gave me a big smile and stuck his tongue out on me. I had enough and moved him to sit by himself, and he kicked and hit and screamed, throwing a huge tantrum when I moved him. I kept placing him back in the chair, but apparently that was enough to be complained about that I'm 'too rough' with the children. That day I was also sent home early because I was burnt out, and when asking if I did anything wrong or if I was in trouble I was told no. So I have no clue why this is being brought up weeks later.
I've pretty much come to the conclusion she suspended my work schedule because she didn't want me there. She didn't want to go through with the process of firing me, so she wanted me to do it by myself and just not come back. I'm a little surprised, given teachers at this facility have straight up restrained children and even lost them outside but still have a job, but what I did was too much? I don't even know what I did to be disliked so much, I really think it's a personal thing. She knew I was on the verge of being talked to for weeks, kept me on the schedule so she could hire new people, and screwed me over. As soon as I said I didn't think I wanted to come back, immediately I was booted from the work app. After I apologized profusely and asked questions. No reply, through text mind you. I really just think neither of the directors wanted me working for no reason, and came up with something to get me over.
I tried to work my hardest, I cared for these children with everything I had, and I wasn't supported or worked with in the slightest. All complaints went in one ear and out the other, and it devastates me. I was working with a facility who only cares about money and not the well-being and safety of the children, given all the violent students that attend and are never pulled out. I saw my director get punched in the face, sworn at, and threatened to sue by a child. She let that kid come back.
Maybe it's for the best, but I just don't want anyone to think I'm a bad person, I tried my hardest and it still wasn't enough, and I don't know why they didn't like me. I was never gossiped about to my knowledge, and most of my coworkers seemed to like me. In fact, I was the preferred person to work with from what I heard.
I think I'm done with childcare for now. My heart can't handle all of this. I just wanted to help out and I don't know why I was so disliked by my directors. It really does feel personal. I feel like I deserve to work somewhere where I'm not treated like garbage and actually appreciated.
Sorry for the super long rant, I'm just devastated. I'm not going to miss the toxic work environment, but I sure am going to miss some of my coworkers and kiddos.
submitted by carmelita_0 to ECEProfessionals [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:00 that_moon_dog Bloodroot 100 5/10/24

Bloodroot 100 5/10/24
Blood root 100. 10x10mile loops. About 1800ft of gain each lap.
First. I DNF this race last year. I was definitely in shape for this race, couple bad choices ate up a lot of time, and i quit when It got hard and allowed It to get the best of me.
This year. I was in even better shape and had a goal time of around 25-27 hours. On my last long run 2 weeks before i tweaked my ankle and ended up with a minor sprain. With all the time training and logistics planned to get there, i went anyway with just the goal of finishing. And i did, and was able to get 2nd place, which was about 6 hours behind 1st!
When deciding what to do about my ankle and this race. I didn’t do anything for the two weeks up until the race. I went out and bought some hoka speed goats mid tops, got maybe 6 total miles of walking in them and hoped for the best.
Being at this race previously helped a lot because the course was almost exactly the same and i had some familiarity with what to expect. From the start of the race to the beginning of the night went great, pace was good, legs felt great energy was right where i needed It to be. Most of my aid stops were about 10 minutes or less.
My first night loop was went as expected. At that point my crew took off for the night as they were running the 10miler in the morning. Coming in after each lap took a bit more time making food and tending to all the little things.
The way this course is laid out, unless you are with a group, you don’t ever see anyone so it’s very solitude. 2nd lap at night i had ran into a woman (who became the first women to finish this race) and another guy. We linked up and finished that lap together, which was nice after already a long first day with minimal interaction with the other racers.
3rd night loop- I held out on caffeine all of the first day and hit some and a fresh cup of noodles, pulled out the headphones and grinded the lap and the sun was up by the time i got back.
It was about 530-6 am and the morning race was starting soon. I wanted to take a small nap but choose to get moving as once the 10miler race starts, the course gets congested.
Coming in from lap 9 i stopped for about 2 min total, quick refill and out. My wife told me 3rd place was maybe an hour behind and while i was fading, It was time to make 1 more push to the peak in hopes of keeping 2nd.
That last lap went better than i was expecting and was able to run in for the finish. Coming back to this race with a chip on my shoulder, It was a great feeling to get It done in the condition i was in.
Jigger Johnson 100 is up next!
submitted by that_moon_dog to Ultramarathon [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:58 ahjoprod Binging on transphobic content

I've had a chaotic spring, slowly going forward with my transition: trying on makeup, buying (still mostly unisex-style) women's clothes, going through what is my country's official procedure for getting a trans diagnosis, coming out to close and/or open-minded friends and my parents, addressing myself with a female name etc.
But it feels like the more I give into this, the more my internalised transphobia rears its head. I've been, in addition to this and similar pro-trans groups, following anti-trans content creators, those who think it's all fetish/autogynephilia (unless you're exclusively into men) or some kind of misogyny (or internalised misandry due to woke brainwashing) to want to be a woman. Also I've binged on detrans content which is often promoted by said creators.
I've done it partly due to doubt (trying to go through all the objections and seeing whether that makes my trans go away) and partly to arm myself against the harsh world that might throw that stuff against me. But it seems to be becoming unhealthy. At worst it becomes strong depression fuel, especially the terf stuff that insists we're paraphilic men preying on women and imitating some kind of stereotype ("wolves in sheeps' clothing").
I guess I posted this to vent and to ask how you've moved forward from this phase. But I might as well post two links that have been helpful for me:
A long critique of autogynephilia by a gender therapist and PhD
Icky's shorter and pretty to-the-point take on transness being a fetish
submitted by ahjoprod to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:58 Alternative_Tower107 A muslim woman dating

Muslim women in europe, how do you find a good partner, i just arrived to France and i want to get married the next years, what should i do, i get approached by non muslim men but i can not give them a chance as nothing is going to happen (i do not wear hijab) and the rest of muslims i met are not it neither (maturity, financially or just not my type)
submitted by Alternative_Tower107 to u/Alternative_Tower107 [link] [comments]


submitted by Bearmare101 to wichsbro839392920 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:57 mcm8279 [TOS History] CBR: "Did Gene Roddenberry Try to Have a Gay Character on the Original Star Trek?" "He certainly did what he could, and he should be praised for doing so, but he wasn't trying to have LGBTQ+ characters on his network science fiction TV series in 1968."

"George Takei, in a PBS interview, told the story of a time in 1968 when he tried to pitch Roddenberry on doing an LGBTQ+ character on Star Trek:
“I did very privately bring up the issue of gays and lesbians. And he was certainly, as a sophisticated man, mindful of that, but he said – in one episode we had a biracial kiss, Captain Kirk and Uhura had a kiss. That show was literally blacked out in the south, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia didn't air that; our ratings plummeted. It was the lowest rated episode that we had. And he said, “I'm treading a fine tight wire here. I'm dealing with issues of the time. I'm dealing with the civil rights movement, the Vietnam War, the Cold War and I need to be able to make that statement by staying on the air.” He said, “If I dealt with that issue I wouldn't be able to deal with any issue because I would be canceled.”
Takei continued,
"And I understood that because I was still closeted at that time. I talked to him as a liberal rather than as a gay man and I understood his position on that. So that's the way Star Trek envisioned our future in the 23rd century, but I think we're getting closer to that utopian society that Gene Roddenberry visualized, much more rapidly than even the technology.”
The interesting thing about the network, at the time, is that it specifically ASKED its producers to find roles for Black actors, sending out a memo (courtesy of FactTrek) stating, "We urge producers to cast Negroes, subject to their availability and competence as performers, as people who are an integral segment of the population, as well as in those roles where the fact of their minority status is of significance. An earnest attempt has been made to see that their presence contributes to an honest and natural reflection of places, situations and events, and we desire to intensify and extend this effort."
In other words, casting a regular Black character or a regular Asian character was, while certainly admirable by Roddenberry, not something that the network even had a problem with at that point in time. Having an LGBTQ+ regular character, though, wasn't even in the realm of possibility in 1968 for a network TV series. In other words, Roddenberry might very well have been mindful of Takei's concern at the time, but there was no way he was ever seriously considering having an LGBTQ+ character on the series.
In a great 1991 interview with David Alexander, Roddenberry discussed how his views had changed over the years, and he specifically offered up that his views on LGBTQ+ people had evolved for the better:
In the early 1960s, I was much more a macho-type person. I was still accepting things from my childhood as necessary and part of reality — how men related to women, et cetera. My assistant, Susan Sackett, used to say to me, "You really put down women a lot for someone who is supposed to be thoughtful and liberal." I began listening to her and agreeing that she was right in her perceptions.
My attitude toward homosexuality has changed. I came to the conclusion that I was wrong. I was never someone who hunted down "fags" as we used to call them on the street. I would, sometimes, say something anti-homosexual off the top of my head because it was thought, in those days, to be funny. I never really deeply believed those comments, but I gave the impression of being thoughtless in these areas. I have, over many years, changed my attitude about gay men and women.
Again, by the launch of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Roddenberry was a different person, and society was thankfully different (David Gerrold has noted a number of times that Roddenberry specifically said circa 1986 that there WOULD be gay crew members on the Enterprise in The Next Generation), and it is VERY likely that, had Roddenberry lived, he would have made sure that there was an LGBTQ+ character on The Next Generation. Sadly, he died before that could ever happen.
However, there was no way that he was ever even considering having an LGBTQ+ character on Star Trek in the late 1960s, pre-Stonewall. Roddenberry was certainly ahead of his time in many ways, but this after the fact portrayal of him as a guy titling at windmills in the pursuit of progressive ideals doesn't fit the reality of the late 1960s. He certainly did what he could, and he should be praised for doing so, but he wasn't trying to have LGBTQ+ characters on his network science fiction TV series in 1968. [...]"
Link (CBR):
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2024.06.09 23:55 Typical-Impress-4182 Help me solve the conflict between my parents and I (ISLAMICALLY) (Help me fix my personality)

16 M
To begin with, ALLAH (SWT) has blessed me with a beautiful family ALHAMDULLILAH. Recently, I've become more Islamic and changed certain perspectives, which lead to maybe some conflicts within the family or just around me maybe I guess.
I'm having multiple arguements with my mother, I'll list them and I'll really appreciate if you can help me resolve these and fix my personality.
My mom is a doctor, but not practicing right now. I know that I have to respect or else ALLAH will be upset from me and she's the best mother ALHAMDULLILAH.
  1. I really feel wrong to tell this but I think I might be in the wrong. I talked to her and quoted her a Quran Ayat (not really word by word) that believing men are for believing women and I feel like this she took the meaning as that I'm saying she's not religious enough which I guess I was trying to say.
  2. Sometimes, she's too much into cleaning, for instance, my youngest brother (around 10 years old) , she'll maybe get into his washroom to give him a bath or wash his impurity but I say that this is wrong and she sometimes do it to my middle brother (around 13 years old) and this sometimes causes conflicts between my dad and her.
  3. Conflicts between my dad and mother, I often blame the both because I feel like they're both wrong but I guess she doesn't like when I'm trying to go against her and for example, if my dad doesn't like her excessive cleaning habits , then I believe she should obey her , because isn't it that a wife should obey everything his husband says unless it's out of the bounds Islamically?
  4. I recently was admitted into hospital due to some head injury due to falling in the washroom and lost quite a lot of blood , she doesn't allow me to pray all the 5 prayers in the mosque so I'm not going but like it's been I think around 4 weeks and everything is good in terms of my health ALHAMDULLILAH but still she doesn't allow me , am I sinful I disobey her? She is maybe saying to skip one fast of Dhul Hijjah (my exam day) but am I sinful for not obeying her? She is maybe saying to skip all fasts due to minor weakness (i don't think it's a valid reason) but am I sinful for not obeying her?
I love my mother but I don't want to hurt her and I don't want to hurt her in any way possible because this will have a negative outcome in this world and the day of judgement , so I want you to help me guys/girls.
submitted by Typical-Impress-4182 to Muslim [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:54 HeavensGate5959 How do I accept that I'm unattractive to women and that I will never find love?

I'm 24 and I have gotten played by women and rejected by every woman I've ever met. I don't like being around women because they treat me like I'm not good enough. I'm okay being alone but sometimes I get really lonely. What should I do? Please don't tell me that I will find love. Women have already let me know with their actions that I'm unattractive.
submitted by HeavensGate5959 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:54 TheeePerfectAries For the people in the front, y'all are enabling her reckless behavior!

The more money you donate towards her criminal case, the more you are enabling her to not get a job and better herself. She literally stayed in an expensive hotel last night when that could've went towards her court case. She misuses y'all funds over and over, and then gaslights everyone. I also noticed a lot of her enablers are older women, use your common sense.
submitted by TheeePerfectAries to KrackKokaneKhronicles [link] [comments]
