What is justin biebers cell phone number now

Cell Phone Nostalgia

2016.09.19 07:24 foxyguy Cell Phone Nostalgia

This is a place to share pictures and memories of those little devices we've carried around with us for years. Whether it be your first ever cell phone, or the vintage flip phone you had before upgrading to a touch screen, this is where we can look back and fondly remember. As of now, there are no specific rules for what or how to post, but let's start be focusing on our old favorites phones and see where that takes us.

2008.05.03 12:22 Nails

Nails: A place to show off your beautiful nails

2012.08.21 23:34 Where you can find a pal to chat about anything!

Are you looking for a chatpal and nothing else? Welcome! This a "talk about anything" subreddit. But, YOU choose the way to chat. Whether it be on here (comments/posts, PM's), skype, text, e-mail, whatever!

2024.05.16 12:47 The_Fearles_Toothles I sort of like this girl, how do I approach without making it feel weird? Just wanna know her better/be friends. Any thoughts?

Hi all, so I'm gonna make this quick. I sort of/partially have feelings for this person. Partially because
  1. We've never actually had a decent conversation
  2. Im not sure about my feelings either The reason I show interest in this person is because of this person, how she treated me. At first I viewed her as in just like everybody normal, in my college then there's a lot of pretty girls here and there but I'd say she's cute. So my first interaction with her was because my friend wanted data for a physics experiment, I was in the same class with her and basically I was hesitant and I didn't wanna do it but due to the constant begging, I'm like ok it won't hurt I guess. I didn't wanna do it because I don't wanna talk to girls, last time I talk to one it didn't end well. I never dated, she was just an acquaintance I'd say, somehow I'd say something dumb and got pissed off, called me a piece of shit and blocked. This happened twice (this girl and another girl) but I won't go too much in details, in short I was young and basically the way I talk was not respectful, I talk to girls the same way I talk to guys so yea, now I'm more mature but I'm still careful with my words, this all happens in text btw. So yeah, pretty much intimidated by this girl, grew the guts, went up n talk to her. I asked her for the data and she said yes, kinda thought she was gonna be rude abt it but she was surprisingly really nice, she sent it via phone number n yea I to this day still have her phone number.
My next encounter with her was basically me and my friend (the guy who ask me for the data) were at a university, for like course briefing cuz I wanna take computer science. Somehow she was also in this lecture but with a friend. I didn't think too much nor do I bother much, I only cared about myself. But surprisingly, she said hi and ask for my name. It took me by surprise to be honest, I've never been great with being social, I've always been alone and invisible towards ppl, by the time I reached to college I completely abandoned my past, so I have no contacts with past highschool mates. The thought of this kinda just took me by surprise that's all. We didn't talk, I should have tried to initiate too, because I could have had the chance to meet new ppl and friends, but I was very anti social and like I said I only cared about myself, I came from a dark past, so basically social skills is beginner's level.
After the briefing, I encountered her again, it was during an English test. Time's up, paper done, I packed my bag and started to leave but she surprisingly approached me again. She was just asking about the paper, like how is this done, this and that. On my way back, I started to see her differently. Last encounter, not physical, through chat, I was sicked and admitted to the hospital. She was the only person who I knew had the same classes for phys and eng, also I have her hp. So I texted her, saying what I miss, she was very kind about it to provide info. At the moment, I kinda show interest, well is not love at first sight bullshit but just interested, I wanted to know her better.
Present day, it's been few months since we chat, the thought of her kinda graze my mind every now and then. Biggest mistake I made was I should have initiated the conversation more like what do you plan on studying or where do you wanna settle after uni, I thought I could get her to talk to me but I was really shy to converse with her knowing how much I suck at talking to ppl. I only realised this mistake when the new sem started, I should have just ask her out actually, I think she also lived near me according to a conversation I hear with the lecturer and her. Basically, I fucked up. I'm in the same class with her in English only, which in itself is lucky considering there's 31 classes and I got to be in that one class with her. But she had a fair share of friends.
Ok, I'm just gonna talk about her abit. The reason I find her hard to approach is because she had a lot of friends, I don't assume I know, I've seen her alot with her friends and basically there was no room for me to interact. I feel like it be too creepy suddenly text her now, plus I always see with her best friend? So I feel like she's the type of person who doesn't wanna be in a relationship, I don't even know if she has bf or not. I know nothing about her, and trying to know her now would seem to odd. Idk about you guys but I feel like she would be creeped out, cuz I'm like a loner in class and also think is too late thus, impossible to text her. I won't be seeing her as the semester ends, but is finals so that's the time I see her but again won't talk to her cuz again she has a lot of friends so she probably entertain them instead of a loner like me, plus I don't wanna stand out in front multiple people. I was thinking of maybe ask to study together? But two of us is just really weird.. I find it weird too
So what would you guys do in my position? I think is kinda pointless to ask since yk I had the chance I blew it, it took me months to realise I should have initiated the conversation, it doesn't matter if we're dating or not, I just wanna know her and be friends with her, I found myself in a serious of friendship 💀 compared to last year. Feel free to inquire more questions about my situation. Like to see how you guys would go about it, I know I'd said I keep it short but hey wth, might as well go full story mode
submitted by The_Fearles_Toothles to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:35 Naive-Inevitable-294 I'm really scared that I come across as creepy or weird in this whole thing

I'm an 18 year old girl, and I finished my military training about two weeks ago. My training was longer than usual (mine was a month and a half, while regular training is two weeks). During the training, I started to develop feelings for my department commander, who is 20. We had a strong distance from our commanders so even calling them by their names was forbidden.
I sketched a lot during my training, and when we had the ranges, I tried sketching her (without any pictures or using my phone, of course).
here is the sketch
A week before the end of the training, she placed a few envelopes on the floor with our commanders names on them and gave us time to write notes for them. They would open these envelopes and read the notes after we finished the training and left. The girls in my department got really excited and encouraged me to put the sketch in her envelope, so I did.
The day before our final ceremony, all of my commanders introduced themselves more personally. My department commander told us her first name, last name, and even gave us her phone number. I'm a very anxious person, so right after the final ceremony, I went straight home without trying to talk to her or anyone else.
Now that she's no longer my commander there isn't any distance. After a few days of thinking, I sent her a follow request on Instagram from my drawing account. It has been two days, and she hasn't approved or denied the request. She has 1,254 followers, so I don't think she's only approving people she knows well.
I talked to her alone maybe three times in total during my training and they were very brief talks where I was a socially awkward mess so the fact that I sketched her and sent her a follow on Instagram probably seems kinda creepy. I don't know what I was thinking
submitted by Naive-Inevitable-294 to AvPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:30 Caramel_blondeTee AITAH for falling for the man my partner nudged me to?

Tried my best to cut it short đŸ™đŸŒ I(f25) met, and was then soon after courted by a sophisticated man who turned out to be a big deal in my country and was at the height of his honor as his establishment was having a big national launch at that particular time.I knew non of this at the time. We’ll call him John. So John inevitably got my number since my company was largely responsible for supplying his establishment and I was thrown headfirst into handling our business with them. And really it took no more than 2 conversations for him to make his interest known. And like any other loyal girlfriend, I let my partneboyfriend(m25) of 7 yrs, call him Chris, know of John’s advances to which he, Chris gave me ‘permission’ to keep talking to John as that’s all it was at the time; business talk with random flirtations on his side and Chris was almost always part of the conversations from my side(John wasn’t aware of Chris at the time).. We, Chris and I would respond to John’s messages together and sometimes even have a giggle over his corniness
 And don’t y’all judge Chris, he allowed this to happen because he was/is fully secure in our relationship and trusts that my heart is his, and that I would never leave him with anyone else. Which truly is the case even now.However, eventually, the conversations became just mine and John’s alone. We had so much in common and he really was the kind of man I had envisioned myself ending up with. We talked every day and sometimes till late night, and Chris would watch me smiling while texting. Then the inevitable happened, we fell for each other. HARD
It was two weeks in and since we’d only ever seen each other in a work setting, John and I had been discussing how nice it would be to see each other outside of work. It didn’t take long and as fate would have it(we are both believers in fate), the perfect scenario for us to finally meet, arose that same weekend. I felt like I had known this man for years at this point, so I wasn’t even big excited, I was just moderately looking forward to seeing him as if again
 That feeling didn’t last for too long, because as soon as he arrived at the agreed meeting spot and got out of his car, a white luxury car, wearing a black top my weakness when worn by a man.
I had not noticed this about him before, since I had only seen him in his work overalls, but he was quite buff man with a very delectable height, and he looked like he had waited all his life to see me and the way he pulled me in for a hug proved just as much. We spend some time(though barely) together that night, drinks and conversations flowing. If I wasn’t sure before, then, after that night, I knew for a fact I was in love with John. And no, nothing happened further than just some lip locking, he was a real gentleman and I consider myself to be a lady of standard. But like all good things this too had to come to an abrupt end when I finally came to, and realized it was the early AMs and my partner and our child had been waiting for me to return home (over 30 missed calls and messages from my partner and sister, as this was very unlike me). To say, Chris was very upset by the time I was dropped off from the night is an understatement and from the texts on my phone he quickly gathered where and with whom I was.
An argument ensued and Chris gave me an ultimatum- it was either him and the life he had together or John. Of course I chose Chris and I really wish it had been that simple, but I also had undoubtable connection and feelings for John.
And here lies my problem. To that point, John and I had never really figured out what exactly was going on between us. However , we were both mildly, infuriated at the sudden surge of feelings we had towards each other, both being parents of one, cohabiting with our partners whom we were fully committed to. I hate to be long-winded, so let me know if I should make another post with a conclusion/update?
submitted by Caramel_blondeTee to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:20 GoldenProxy [A4A] Saved by a Giant Warrior [Part 1] [Giant Speaker] [Soldier Listener] [Fantasy Setting] [Kind Giant] [Post-Battle] [Strangers to Friends] [Size Difference] [Does my size scare you?]

While you're here, check out my Script Masterlist!
If you want your own script just like this one, I now have a Ko-Fi and Commissions are open!
Hi everyone!
Here is the first of four scripts I was endorsed by the ASMR RP Lounge to write. They'll be released over the next few days since it's now been a month since I posted them there.
I'm intending on writing a second part to this series, I'll get to it when I get to it.
I know I've been quite inactive recently (the most inactive since I started writing on this subreddit). There are reasons for that, mainly because I'm busy! So apologies, not sure when that'll change. Hope everyone enjoys this in the meantime.
If people want to fill this, please do! Monetization and paywalls are fine, just provide credit and a link.
This script is intended to be [A4A] so fill in any pronouns as necessary, and please ignore any I might have left in by mistake.
As always, please enjoy and have a good day.
(We’re on a quiet battlefield. After a moment we hear the sounds of giant footsteps coming closer).
Ah, a survivor
 about time. I was beginning to think I hadn’t left any
 other than the soldiers that ran of course. Not much I can do about them. Though I suppose their escaping is a boon
 it’ll tell people to leave me alone

Which, realistically, they should have known to begin with, shouldn’t they?
I mean
 who looks at a giant and thinks “yes! I’ll take them on! That’s a fight worth fighting!”
The people that came here were very foolish
 just like you’re foolish for staying, my little friend. Though
 it seems you didn’t have much choice in the matter, caged as you are. A curious situation to be in, I must say

Let me get a look at you.
(Optional: We hear the Speaker crouch down. Given their size it’s quite the motion).
Startled so easily
 does my size scare you?
I don’t blame you
 but can’t say I relate. There are very few beings taller than myself
 the few I’ve encountered are typically other giants, and while they may have been taller and stronger
 they never stood a chance. I made up for it in skill, you see. And skill is always the thing that matters most in a fight. Once, I would have said it was numbers
 but I think I proved that to be false today, didn’t I?
The army you came with must have been a few hundred strong! Now, they’re down to a couple dozen
 their bodies decorating the battlefield
 and the underside of my boots. Believe me, it wasn’t intentional
 I hate scraping muck and gunk off my soles just as much as the next person
 but it’s so hard to move around you little folks
 you get everywhere.

“Like ants?”
 don’t know what those are, little soldier
 I’m not saying they don’t exist, but I’ve never seen them.
Another thing I’ve never seen
 is someone willing to converse with a giant so quickly.
Not a moment ago, you were practically trembling in my presence
 perhaps you’ve realised I’m not planning on harming you?

yes, you heard right. I don’t intend to cause you any pain, little soldier
 Believe it or not, I don’t actively seek out conflict. It’s just
 being a giant
 conflict always seems to seek out me.
I do have questions, however
 and while I may not wish to harm you, you not answering them will make me angry
 and you won’t be wanting that.
That cage you’re in
 it would be very easy for me to destroy it.
I’m sure there’s a key for the door somewhere
 perhaps on one of the bodies surrounding it
 perhaps on the bottom of my boot
 but I won’t be needing it. With a flicker of my finger, the door would collapse
 but I won’t be doing it, unless you tell me what I want to hear.
 why did these people attack me?
I know it was due to my size
 but I want to know specifically.
Prior to your assault upon my person, I was just exploring
 that’s what I like to do, see. I’m an adventurer
 a sight seer. I like finding new things and being by myself! Imagine my displeasure when I was enjoying a beautiful morning, only for hundreds of angry little people to come out and start attacking me, start
 (effort) throwing these little sticks at me! Ugh
 just pulled one out. I thought I’d gotten rid of all them
 I barely felt them by the way
 they were very ineffective. If I’m the first giant you people have hunted, you’re not very good at it.

 well, if this “king” ordered them to, I have no regret for what happened. They chose to follow those orders
 which means they chose the consequences as well.
Was this king with them? Perhaps leading the charge? Did I smite him already?

Well, if he wasn’t, I suppose that says a lot about his character. Guess I’ll have to be paying him a visit, won’t I?
He wouldn’t happen to be the king of the kingdom I can see in the distance, would he?

(Amused) Yes, I know it’s many miles away for you, my little friend
 but for me it’s less than a minute’s journey. It’s sorely tempting to head there now and have some words with this fellow
 but there are other matters I must attend to here, first.

Fear not, fear not, I said I would not harm you, didn’t I? And I’m not a liar
 we giants don’t do that, despite the tales you humans tell, about us. I for one have never told a lie in my life and am certainly not going to start now.
I will not harm you. I promise. Though I am curious
 how did you come to be in this cage? It locks from the outside, meaning it can’t have been voluntary
 but at the same time
 why would someone lock up a fellow soldier like this? And worse, leave them when the attack went sour? For all they knew I could have killed you once I found you

really? You were
 protesting the attack? Telling the others, it was a fruitless endeavour?
Hmm. I’m not certain if I believe you

But say you were. For what reason?
Was it because you felt I was an innocent and didn’t deserve such an assault?

or was it due to cowardice? You knew your army didn’t stand a chance, and didn’t wish to die?
I must say, if it’s the latter, it does you no favours, little one
 though at the same time
 the former would sound quite
 convenient. After all, a wolf would bite its own leg off to escape a trap
 and while you humans are quick to call giants liars, you are awfully fond of doing the same!
Now look into my giant eyes and tell me
 the truth.
Are you a coward, or are you a pacifist? Did you seek to escape harm
 or prevent it?

Hmm, perhaps a mixture of both.
Yes, that sounds right
 and fair.
Very well, little human
 I’ve heard enough.
(The Speaker knocks the cell door open).
You’re free. You have answered the few questions I had in a sufficient enough manner
 and I could not live with myself if I knowingly left a creature imprisoned
 so go! I will not stop you. In fact, I may join you if you are returning to your kingdom
 after all, I would not mind having words with the monarchy ther-
Is everything alright, my little friend? What is it you wish to say?

Well, of course I care what you have to say! I’m not a monster
 and to tell the truth I have been enjoying our conversation so far. It’s been a nice change from the bloodshed that preceded it! So go ahead! Say what you want to say!

Ah. Yes, I suppose returning home could be a problem for you.
If your fellows were truly planning on executing you, I doubt returning after being freed by the giant they were hunting would do you any favours. They might just execute you
 after all, they can’t do that to me, and might want to take their frustrations out on someone else

But what of your family? Will they not miss you?

ah, an orphan.
In that case then, my mind is made up. If there is no one that will miss you, and returning means certain death, I see no other choice
 I must help you.
After all, you must be
 cold. Perhaps starved and in need of something to eat, and if that is the case I would like to correct it.
I have a lair, not far from here
 Well, not by my standards, anyway. Inside, I have plenty of food
 uh, to you at least! Would you like to venture there and eat some with me?

Ah, the king can wait till tomorrow. It’s not like he’s going anywhere! Besides
 that battle has left me awfully tired. I could do with a lie down
 so come, my little friend
 step into my hand. I promise you won’t fall! I’ll take you to my home, and from there
? Well! Who knows what the future holds?
(We fade out on the sound of the giant’s footsteps).
submitted by GoldenProxy to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:20 ontheballoot Hailey Bieber's Baby Bump Photos: A Peek into Her Pregnancy Journey

Hailey Bieber's Baby Bump Photos: A Peek into Her Pregnancy Journey
Hailey Bieber and Justin Bieber recently sent shockwaves across the internet with the announcement of their first pregnancy. Now, Hailey has delighted fans by offering a glimpse into her life as a mom-to-be through a series of heartwarming photos shared on Instagram.

Hailey and Justin Bieber recently announced pregnancy.
In the photos, Hailey can be seen cradling her growing baby bump, radiating with joy and excitement. Sporting a glittering butterfly crop top paired with low-rise jeans, she exudes a glow of maternal bliss. The photos capture intimate moments of Hailey’s journey into motherhood, including candid shots of her sipping a beverage and cuddling with her beloved pet dog.
Accompanying the photos is a simple caption that reads, “the past few weeks have been..” followed by a string of emoticons, hinting at the whirlwind of emotions and experiences she has encountered since the pregnancy announcement. Among the many admirers of Hailey’s adorable maternity photos is Kylie Jenner, who couldn’t help but express her admiration with a comment that simply read, “Cutest.”
Justin Bieber also took to social media to share his excitement about becoming a father. His Instagram post featured a touching video depicting what appeared to be the couple renewing their wedding vows in a picturesque outdoor setting. The video offers glimpses of Hailey’s pregnant belly adorned in a white, lacy dress, as well as tender moments between the couple as they prepare for parenthood.
Hailey’s representative confirmed to Entertainment Tonight that she is “a little over six months pregnant,” adding to the anticipation surrounding the impending arrival of their bundle of joy. The couple, who tied the knot in 2018, has received an outpouring of love and support from friends, family, and fans since sharing their pregnancy news.
Among those celebrating the happy news is Justin’s mother, Pattie Mallette, who expressed her excitement on Instagram, exclaiming, “I’m gonna be a grandma!” Hailey’s father, Stephen Baldwin, also shared his joy, writing, “Love you guys. Blessed beyond words. Praise God
let’s get ready to have some fun y’all.”
As Hailey and Justin prepare to embark on this new chapter of their lives, their fans eagerly await more glimpses into their journey to parenthood and the arrival of their little one.
submitted by ontheballoot to u/ontheballoot [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:14 Caramel_blondeTee AITAH for falling for the man my partner nudged me to

Tried my best to cut it short đŸ™đŸŒ I(f25) met, and was then soon after courted by a sophisticated man who turned out to be a big deal in my country and was at the height of his honor as his establishment was having a big national launch at that particular time.I knew non of this at the time. We’ll call him John. So John inevitably got my number since my company was largely responsible for supplying his establishment and I was thrown headfirst into handling our business with them. And really it took no more than 2 conversations for him to make his interest known. And like any other loyal girlfriend, I let my partneboyfriend(m25) of 7 yrs, call him Chris, know of John’s advances to which he, Chris gave me ‘permission’ to keep talking to John as that’s all it was at the time; business talk with random flirtations on his side and Chris was almost always part of the conversations from my side(John wasn’t aware of Chris at the time).. We, Chris and I would respond to John’s messages together and sometimes even have a giggle over his corniness
 And don’t y’all judge Chris, he allowed this to happen because he was/is fully secure in our relationship and trusts that my heart is his, and that I would never leave him with anyone else. Which truly is the case even now.However, eventually, the conversations became just mine and John’s alone. We had so much in common and he really was the kind of man I had envisioned myself ending up with. We talked every day and sometimes till late night, and Chris would watch me smiling while texting. Then the inevitable happened, we fell for each other. HARD
It was two weeks in and since we’d only ever seen each other in a work setting, John and I had been discussing how nice it would be to see each other outside of work. It didn’t take long and as fate would have it(we are both believers in fate), the perfect scenario for us to finally meet, arose that same weekend. I felt like I had known this man for years at this point, so I wasn’t even big excited, I was just moderately looking forward to seeing him as if again
 That feeling didn’t last for too long, because as soon as he arrived at the agreed meeting spot and got out of his car, a white luxury car, wearing a black top my weakness when worn by a man.
I had not noticed this about him before, since I had only seen him in his work overalls, but he was quite buff man with a very delectable height, and he looked like he had waited all his life to see me and the way he pulled me in for a hug proved just as much. We spend some time(though barely) together that night, drinks and conversations flowing. If I wasn’t sure before, then, after that night, I knew for a fact I was in love with John. And no, nothing happened further than just some lip locking, he was a real gentleman and I consider myself to be a lady of standard. But like all good things this too had to come to an abrupt end when I finally came to, and realized it was the early AMs and my partner and our child had been waiting for me to return home (over 30 missed calls and messages from my partner and sister, as this was very unlike me). To say, Chris was very upset by the time I was dropped off from the night is an understatement and from the texts on my phone he quickly gathered where and with whom I was.
An argument ensued and Chris gave me an ultimatum- it was either him and the life he had together or John. Of course I chose Chris and I really wish it had been that simple, but I also had undoubtable connection and feelings for John.
And here lies my problem. To that point, John and I had never really figured out what exactly was going on between us. However , we were both mildly, infuriated at the sudden surge of feelings we had towards each other, both being parents of one, cohabiting with our partners whom we were fully committed to. I hate to be long-winded, so let me know if I should make another post with a conclusion/update?
submitted by Caramel_blondeTee to helpme [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:07 Caramel_blondeTee AITAH for falling for the man my partner nudged me to

Tried my best to cut it short đŸ™đŸŒ I(f25) met, and was then soon after courted by a sophisticated man who turned out to be a big deal in my country and was at the height of his honor as his establishment was having a big national launch at that particular time.I knew non of this at the time. We’ll call him John. So John inevitably got my number since my company was largely responsible for supplying his establishment and I was thrown headfirst into handling our business with them. And really it took no more than 2 conversations for him to make his interest known. And like any other loyal girlfriend, I let my partneboyfriend(m25) of 7 yrs, call him Chris, know of John’s advances to which he, Chris gave me ‘permission’ to keep talking to John as that’s all it was at the time; business talk with random flirtations on his side and Chris was almost always part of the conversations from my side(John wasn’t aware of Chris at the time).. We, Chris and I would respond to John’s messages together and sometimes even have a giggle over his corniness
 And don’t y’all judge Chris, he allowed this to happen because he was/is fully secure in our relationship and trusts that my heart is his, and that I would never leave him with anyone else. Which truly is the case even now.However, eventually, the conversations became just mine and John’s alone. We had so much in common and he really was the kind of man I had envisioned myself ending up with. We talked every day and sometimes till late night, and Chris would watch me smiling while texting. Then the inevitable happened, we fell for each other. HARD
It was two weeks in and since we’d only ever seen each other in a work setting, John and I had been discussing how nice it would be to see each other outside of work. It didn’t take long and as fate would have it(we are both believers in fate), the perfect scenario for us to finally meet, arose that same weekend. I felt like I had known this man for years at this point, so I wasn’t even big excited, I was just moderately looking forward to seeing him as if again
 That feeling didn’t last for too long, because as soon as he arrived at the agreed meeting spot and got out of his car, a white luxury car, wearing a black top my weakness when worn by a man.
I had not noticed this about him before, since I had only seen him in his work overalls, but he was quite buff man with a very delectable height, and he looked like he had waited all his life to see me and the way he pulled me in for a hug proved just as much. We spend some time(though barely) together that night, drinks and conversations flowing. If I wasn’t sure before, then, after that night, I knew for a fact I was in love with John. And no, nothing happened further than just some lip locking, he was a real gentleman and I consider myself to be a lady of standard. But like all good things this too had to come to an abrupt end when I finally came to, and realized it was the early AMs and my partner and our child had been waiting for me to return home (over 30 missed calls and messages from my partner and sister, as this was very unlike me). To say, Chris was very upset by the time I was dropped off from the night is an understatement and from the texts on my phone he quickly gathered where and with whom I was.
An argument ensued and Chris gave me an ultimatum- it was either him and the life he had together or John. Of course I chose Chris and I really wish it had been that simple, but I also had undoubtable connection and feelings for John.
And here lies my problem. To that point, John and I had never really figured out what exactly was going on between us. However , we were both mildly, infuriated at the sudden surge of feelings we had towards each other, both being parents of one, cohabiting with our partners whom we were fully committed to. I hate to be long-winded, so let me know if I should make another post with a conclusion/update?
submitted by Caramel_blondeTee to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:53 Proton_Team [Proton.me] Top blog posts April 2024

Hi everyone,
We’re back with the most popular blogs from last month:
💜 We have joined forces with StandardNotes! In the coming months, we hope to find ways to make Standard Notes more easily accessible to the Proton community.
🎭 In case you missed it, Proton now alerts you if an online service you’re registered for with a Proton Mail address has had a data breach or has been hacked. In the meantime, in early May, we have also implemented a similar service for your Proton Pass aliases and passwords.
🔑 Speaking of passwords, passkeys have remained a big topic: we’ve discussed the Big Tech’s implementation of them, as well as whether they’ll completely replace passwords in the future.
As usual, you were interested in practical matters too, like: đŸ“± how to create an email account without the phone number verification, 💧 what to do if your data leaks, and đŸ§© how to protect yourself from social engineering.
We’ve also analyzed several services’ privacy practices closely. You have been most interested in how Whatsapp treats your photos, and the security of Google Chrome’s password manager and iCloud Keychain.
We’ll keep rounding up top blog articles each month for you to make sure you’re all caught up on the latest news and tips. You can follow our blog here (we have an RSS feed, too), and we welcome all your suggestions about what we should write about next! Let us know in the comments below.
submitted by Proton_Team to ProtonMail [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:52 jpredd Google pay and Paytm in Bangalore?

I just moved to Bangalore and it seems like no one here uses cash.
So I need to start using google pay or paytm but
  1. Google pay doesn't show up on my app store (indian sim number and samsung galaxy android phone). I only get Google Wallet but that doesn't let me add a payment card.
  2. Paytm isn't letting me add a rupay card or link a bank account. Had the same error message for last 10 days (We are unnable to link your bank account right now. We will notify you as soon as linking is possible. You can make payments through other UPI IDs or Debitcard/Net Banking)
The Paytm app Help and Support has a Error message (Experiencing a technical error. Please try again after sometime).
Any idea what I can do?
submitted by jpredd to bangalore [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:38 VegaCav Ovo Threatening Collections over Disputed Bill

I recently moved into a all-electric flat with a pre-payment meter and on the first day I rang the energy company (Ovo) to set up an account. When I rang, they took all the readings from the pre-payment meter. A few days later, I switched to Octopus Energy.
As I am on a prepayment meter, I didn't realise that I needed to provide Octopus with a new meter reading.
I just recieved the final bill from Ovo, for ÂŁ71, minus ÂŁ20 I topped up the meter, leaving ÂŁ51 owed. They have used estimated readings for both opening and closing kwH usage. The estimated opening usage (12433) is actually higher than my current meter reading (11952)!
I rang Ovo, explained what happened, that the numbers are completly wrong and I gave them initial numbers, and have gotten precisely nowhere, saying that if I don't pay the bill when its due on the 5th of June, it will get passed to a debt collections agency and I'll get a mark on my credit score. The CSA was pretty aggressive. I've now submitted a meter reading to Octopus, but it's too late for them to do anything.
Do I have any options here? I've submitted a data access request for my phone call with them on the initial set up call with meter readings. If I paid the bill to avoid it getting sent to collections and a credit mark, would I still be able to dispute the bill? Ovo said they'll put I'm 'disputing' the bill on my file, but I don't know what that actually means.
submitted by VegaCav to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:24 Comfortable-Sand6950 Importance Of Google My Business For Doctors

Are you losing out on potential patients because when people look for medical services in your region on Google Maps, your hospital or clinic isn't listed?
Google My Business is here to assist you, so don't worry.
Ensuring that your clinic or hospital is among the top listings for local healthcare services can be achieved by claiming and improving your Google My Business listing. This will increase your internet presence, reputation within the community, and visibility. Keep potential patients from being drawn away by your rivals. Take control of your Google My Business listing right now to stay competitive!
Google My Business is an effective tool that can greatly improve your reputation and internet visibility. It provides many features designed especially to help medical practitioners. This blog post will discuss the significance of Google My Business for healthcare providers and offer helpful advice on how to maximize your online visibility.
Making the Most of Visibility and Reach
Healthcare providers can benefit from the Google My Business (GMB) program, which helps them show up in local map listings and Google search results. You can boost your chances of drawing in prospective patients in your neighborhood by making your profile as good as it can be.
Google shows a map with local listings at the top of the search results page when someone searches for healthcare services. Your practice's exposure and reach can be greatly increased by being visible in this important location. It makes sure that when prospective patients search for services in your area, they find your medical practice first. Make sure to include correct and current information about your practice, such as your address, phone number, and website link, to improve your discoverability.
For the purpose of drawing in new patients and retaining existing ones, having comprehensive practice details is crucial. You can facilitate prospective patients' finding and communication with your office by making sure all of your information is current and accurate. Make sure your data are correct now to avoid missing out on the chance to expand your practice!
Developing Credibility and Trust
Trust is crucial in the healthcare industry, and GMB offers a number of features to support you in building and preserving trust with your patients. GMB has an integrated review management system, which is one of its strongest characteristics.
Reviews and ratings regarding their interactions with your medical practice can be left by patients. Good evaluations have the power to greatly improve your reputation and credibility. Negative reviews, on the other hand, provide you the chance to speak with the reviewers directly and rectify any problems.
Consistently keeping an eye on reviews and answering them demonstrates to your patients your appreciation for their input and dedication to deliver top-notch service. By interacting with patients on this platform, you can also show prospective patients how committed you are to their care, which will increase their trust in selecting your clinic.
Features Particular to Healthcare Providers
Google My Business offers tailored functionality to healthcare providers based on their individual requirements. You may provide prospective patients with all the information they need to book an appointment or find out more about your practice by emphasizing your precise operating hours, contact details, and services provided.
Furthermore, patients may easily make appointments from your profile if you have an appointment scheduling system integrated with Google My Business. This tool improves the entire patient experience by saving time for both your staff and the patients.
It is essential to highlight any telehealth choices or COVID-19 safety precautions you have put in place, especially given the present political atmosphere. You are comforting patients by making this information readily visible on your Google My Business profile.
Healthcare: Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
For healthcare providers, Google My Business is a vital component of local search engine optimization (SEO). You can improve your chances of coming up in pertinent local searches by optimizing your business profile. Make sure you choose the categories that best represent your healthcare practice when setting up your profile. This makes it easier for Google to identify your area of expertise and direct training to people who are looking for local healthcare services.
Adding pertinent keywords to other sections, such as your business description, will help you rank higher in local searches. Think about utilizing terms that prospective clients would use to find local healthcare providers. You can learn more about your visibility by routinely examining your Google My Business Insights.
Many elements that Google My Business provides can help increase patient conversions and persuade prospective patients to choose your business. Use the "Request a Quote" and "Message" options to make it simple for prospective clients to contact you with inquiries or to learn more about your services. By answering questions right away, you increase the chance of conversion by demonstrating to prospective patients that you are aware of their needs and receptive.
Patient conversions can also be impacted by including evaluations and ratings from Google My Business into your website. Positive patient testimonials displayed prominently on your website can increase prospective patients' confidence and trust in you, increasing the likelihood that they will select your office over others.
You can get useful information for improving your marketing strategy by using Google My Business Insights to analyze patterns in patient behavior. It is possible to better target your future efforts to draw in and convert more patients by knowing what kind of material appeals to your audience and what keywords generate interest and traffic.
In summary
Having a strong online presence and effectively engaging with patients are crucial for healthcare providers. For your medical practice, Google My Business has the potential to be revolutionary. You may promote your skills, increase your credibility and visibility, and draw in new patients by employing this effective tool to the fullest. It will help your practice expand like never before.
You may improve your profile, incorporate methods for scheduling appointments, and present your services in a way that appeals to customers to get the most out of Google My Business. To enhance your marketing strategies and maintain a competitive edge, you can also monitor patient reviews and leverage audience data.
Utilizing Google My Business's capabilities can help your healthcare business grow to new heights in the modern digital era. So why hold off? Take use of this platform right now to start seeing results! Do give us a call if you need assistance.
submitted by Comfortable-Sand6950 to u/Comfortable-Sand6950 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:14 ilijetoeatfoodalot should i end things or am i crazy

I recently got into a relationship with a girl I have no information on. I didnt know her history, past, or anything. i only slid into her dms because she went to school with one of my friends. from the get go i knew she had mental illness issues. maybe insecurities or anxiety or something, but i mean everyone does. i’m an over thinker and have my own issues like anxiety as well. but in the start of the relationship i told her i wanted to commit to her. she said i needed to show her that i was different than all the other guys, and i really did try. i stopped talking to other girls and only to her and devoted time and energy to her. one week into it i see her post a story time on her spam about how she tried to kiss a guy at a bar and he denied her. i confronted her about it and wanted to end things and she said she was truly sorry and my girl friends even said it sounded legit. so i gave her another chance(keep in mind we were not official yet). then after like two to three weeks after we started dating she turned out to be pregnant. i was like wtf but upon reading it turned out that the pregnancy most likely happened before we went out on the date that started it all. over time i’ve learned about her, based on what she’s told me. she had an abusive ex who hit her and it was hard for her to leave him. i’m the guy that she’s with after him. she’s confided some personal stuff about her parents and how she was raised and it wasn’t perfect, not even baseline good. it’s sad. her parents hated each other and eventually divorced. the mom is depressed and the dad is engaged to another woman that she hates. the parents are well off though so she lives comfortably. anyways over time she’s shown that she get jealous very easily and made me unfollow my ex. she doesn’t like the fact that i have so many female friends but she says that that’s something that she needs to work over. i admired that. she doesn’t have that many friends (to my knowledge) so i never stressed really. but as the weeks have gone by i realized that she’s met almost all of my friends but i haven’t met anyone besides her 1 sort of friend. she’s gone out maybe like 4 times and she’s never invited me, but i always invite her out. now i get it, maybe her girlfriends don’t wanna have a random boyfriend ruining the fun, sure whatever i made peace with that. but the reason i write this post today is because this morning (yesterday) she took a trip to vegas. she went with her best friend from high school and like 2 guys friends that she has. i never like this idea but i knew it was my insecurities that were getting in the way. i tried to push the insecurity/jealousy down but i couldn’t help it so i called my friend that we had in common. i asked him if he knew anything about her and her past and he starts to tell me that she confided in him that she almost cheated on her ex (he was allegedly abusive) and it turns out that the body count that she gave me was half of what the real number was. he tells me that she’s a player and that she just wants me around so that i can make her feel good. fuck. that really didnt help at all. after getting off the phone with him i realized that i have 0 trust in her. am i crazy? i want to end things but he said that maybe she’s changed but i highly doubt it. sorry if the format is bad. i’m using my phone and its like about to give out.
Tl;Dr Learned things about a girl that I’m dating and have lost trust in her.
submitted by ilijetoeatfoodalot to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:10 Objective_Art_4497 My ex is harrasing me, i dont know how to make it stop, im desperate

Long story short i ( 21F) made a bad decision, dated someone (20M) for approximately 9 months, chalked up the manipulative behaviors to trauma and stayed longer than i shouldve
Context that may matter, he lives in another province, has visited, knows my adress
When i left he started blowing up on me and when i didnt respond how he wanted it escalated, he started being aggressive berating me and calling me a narcissit, he has been calling my phone multiple times a day, when I change number he makes new ones, started messaging my loved ones, posting About me non-stop, lies, calling me crazy and delusional, text messages with whatever context he wants, stalking accounts ive blocked him on with other accounts, I have blocked him every where, its been a week of this
i unblocked him asking him to stop messaging my friends/ people i know and to just believe everything bad he believes of me and just let me be, he replied a long text saying he was "speaking to people i know that agreed with him" and that he wanted to show everyone who I "really am" a bunch of the same stuff just scary
He is using a situation that happened between my two best friends in 2018 involving infidelity in between them, im not directly involved apart from me knowing about it and at the time not knowing what to do with the information and feeling hurt over it which is why i told him He messaged one of the friend involved after his initial freakout Full transparency i did back track on that, i felt didnt really have a choice to when he started messaging her about it when he first started freaking out on me after the breakup, at the end of the day i didnt owe him the truth anymore at that point he had alreadycrossed a line about something that doesnt involve him with the intent to hurt me and the people i care about , but that doesn't matter rlly hes sticking to the fact i lied and backtracked on that to prove the things he says about me and now hes saying how hell download his facebook data to expose the situation and what I've said about it previously Its just mental torture, there is no real point to any of this, he wants a response out of me hes trying to hurt me and he is
More info that might matter, his ex has a restraining order against him (that he disregards however he sees fit) because he essentially did the same thing hes doing right now to her but worst, he threatened to kill her and himself, his entire friend group at the time sided with his ex, he told me its because she had abused him and pushed him this far and i believed it at the time but now being in the exact situation she was minus the threats on my life i can see him for what he is
I called a domestic violence hotline, they told me to file a police report for harrasment
Im scared to not be taken seriously and bring more trouble by making him angry, i know harassment is illegal but he genuinely threatened his ex and walked off with a restraining order only, he lives in another province so although hes unpredictable enough to show up here if he wants im not directly accessible for him to hurt me physically and i know that despite the restraining order he still harasses his ex and genuinely believes that she still cares about him and wants to he in his life, he has thoughts like this a lot, he has cyber stalked other girls before bc he belived she was sending him indirect message to keep going even after she blocked him, a friend of hers had to tell him to stop Im just worried that it wont really stop him ? Or might make it worst
Will i be taken seriously considering he has a record of that? Has he been harrasing me long enough for the law to care? I just need all the info i can get
I need advice im really desperate, im scared i feel trapped
submitted by Objective_Art_4497 to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:06 LengthinessWeary5862 H.265 Issues

Hey everyone, hoping someone can help me with some issues I'm having with my new camera.
I recently bought a Reolink Duo 2 for the price and field of view but I'm having a lot of difficulties integrating this into my setup.
The Reolink duo cameras use H.265 due to the resolution of the camera and I've read this shouldn't be an issue as long as this is restreamed but I'm having difficulties.
At the moment, the camera is in Frigate and I can view the live feed using jsmpeg but mse just loads a blank video window.
I can also see previews of events but events themselves don't load with the following error `Playback cannot continue. No available working or supported playlists`
I am running Frigate in docker with the 7100U iGPU enabled with:
devices: - /dev/dri/renderD128 
my config is as follows:
logger: default: info database: path: /db/frigate.db detectors: coral: type: edgetpu device: pci objects: track: - person - dog - laptop - cell phone - bird - cat - horse ffmpeg: hwaccel_args: - -hwaccel - vaapi - -hwaccel_device - /dev/dri/renderD128 - -hwaccel_output_format - yuv420p go2rtc: streams: camera_duo: - rtsp://frigate:REDACTED@ - "ffmpeg:camera_duo#video=h264#audio=opus#hardware" camera_duo_sub: - "ffmpeg:rtsp://frigate:REDACTED@" camera_right: - rtsp://frigate:REDACTED@ live: height: 1080 quality: 1 record: enabled: true expire_interval: 60 retain: days: 3 mode: motion events: pre_capture: 5 post_capture: 5 retain: default: 14 mode: active_objects # objects: # person: 3 # dog: 7 snapshots: enabled: True timestamp: False bounding_box: True crop: False required_zones: [] retain: default: 31 # objects: # person: 15 detect: width: 2560 height: 1920 fps: 5 enabled: True max_disappeared: 25 stationary: interval: 10 threshold: 50 max_frames: default: 3000 objects: person: 1000 cameras: camera_duo: ffmpeg: output_args: record: preset-record-generic-audio-copy inputs: - path: rtsp:// input_args: preset-rtsp-generic roles: - record - path: rtsp:// input_args: preset-rtsp-generic roles: - detect detect: enabled: true width: 4608 height: 1728 fps: 5 camera_right: ffmpeg: output_args: record: preset-record-generic inputs: - path: rtsp:// input_args: preset-rtsp-restream roles: - record - detect 
From what I've read, these ffmpeg settings should be restreaming into H.264 and so everything in browser should be fine, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I'm sure I've missed something so a fresh set of eyes would be great.
Also, I'm not 100% sure the `hwaccel_args` are correct here, but changing anything breaks frigate in my setup and intel_gpu_top does show usage so I've just left it as is for now.
Any help with this greatly appreciated!
submitted by LengthinessWeary5862 to frigate_nvr [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:02 Shecrazy87 John-Paul Miller killed Mica Miller and here’s how.

This is the most plausible answer. I think this is exactly how he did it using facts from sermons, emails, texts, news, interviews, maps, and extensive experience with parasitic Narcissistic sitic abuse. If there is anything that I am incorrect on please let me know and I will recalculate. After typing this up two days ago, I stumbled upon Mica’s father‘s interview, and it completely solidified it to the point where I started violently shaking. I think this is what happened.
I was told Winslow‘s property backs up against that state forest. 200 acres. Right down the road. Now remember. Somebody on his staff was told to go and trim back the overgrowth on that specific property shortly before all of this happened,
I think Mica at some point had conversation with Winslow and agreed to come and talk to him at his property, a “safe place JP wouldn’t know.”, thinking she could trust him. I think mica went to winslows and JP was waiting there for unknowingly.
I think Winslow has JP‘s phone and I think JP has Winslow‘s phone so they’re not gonna ping the towers. All they saw was the license plate they never verified He was actually there.
I think JP and Winslow met at a undisclosed location and swapped vehicles. JP went up to Winslow’s NC property with Winslow‘s vehicle and cell phone, and Winslow went down south with JP cell phone and truck. I can’t quite place the girlfriend, but she is an alibi therefore she is aware that something has happened or is going on. I cannot figure out whether or not Winslow was with JP and she took the vehicle down south either or we need to find out the location of where the girlfriend was and where Winslow was. That could all be found by bank financial records of the days in question. Nobody uses cash in 2024 for an entire getaway.
Didn’t they say he got a new truck? There was something new about the truck? Did he get a new one so it wouldn’t have any of Winslow’s DNA inside of it? If Winslow drove it, his DNA/finger prints on the steering wheel would easily be on the steering wheel. Why else would he need to drive Winslow‘s vehicle if there were indications, he was driving the vehicle. Now remember one of them is a lawyer he knows what they look for. JP‘s and Winslow‘s vehicles both need to be tested for gunpowder residue.
Mica shows up to Winslow’s property, JP is there with Winslow’s vehicle, ambushes her OR Winslow is there too and the girlfriend took her phone and truck south. He already has a plan of where he’s going to take her to unalive her before she arrives. JP drives Mica’s car with Mica in it to the final location parking lot, walks her into the woods kills her, puts her stuff down and walks back to Winslow property through the woods. Girlfriend says she was with him, I think she stayed at the property or she drove a vehicle to come get him after he was done if she was there. either way Winslow or girlfriend somebody picked him up or was waiting or he went back to the property and gotten Winslow‘s vehicle and left. Remember it’s not that far away..
Now, after reviewing the 911 recording again, I do not think it is AI. The biggest reason why I know it wasn’t AI is because if you listen to the fast response when asked for the phone number, there wasn’t enough time to record that and send it at the same time. So she replied too fast. Now, when have you ever heard a 911 operator asking somebody for their phone number? That never would have been written. You still have the type stuff in the AI creators. Also, she delayed pause between every number, how would she have replied in half the time it would have taken to type all of that out. Think about it, he would have had to type a number hit space type a number hit space over and over. In a rush I know I mess up you don’t think he would have messed up? He never would have been able to get that recorded smoothly quickly in the time it took for her to respond. Again, when have you ever heard of 911 asking for your phone number?. I believe he is in the car with her after they just left Winslows property. I believe he’s sitting right next to her in the car and allows her to make the call thinking it’s going to cover up everything and benefit him. She was sending out the whistle to her family and She’s trying to buy time for them to locate her. He knew to turn off the location because she mentioned She turned it on notice how it ended at that?. My point with this is at the end.
Logically speaking if she was purposely driving to that park, she would have known the name to GPS it. She would’ve known the name of the park to give the operator. That’s why she was pausing, probably looking to him to see where they’re at. That’s why she says “yes that’s it” cause he nodded. he had enough time to process what the operator was saying before Mica was able to answer that’s why she was able to reply quickly because the operator was speaking slowly. He heard the first word and nodded. She didn’t know, but now suddenly she knew? If she was going to purposely take her own life, and she really wanted her body found, why wouldn’t she have found the name of the park before she called to give them proper location?
She would have seen oh look it’s a park and read the sign and pulled into it. She didn’t know the sign because she was terrified because he was with her. She just knows she’s in a park.
I would possibly look to see if there was any dirt roads that led to where her vehicle is at back to Winslow’s property. That might be why she didn’t see a sign. I haven’t looked too much into that part but it’s a suggestion if anybody wants to do any homework.
SO That’s why the phone was put on airplane mode so cops wouldn’t track them into the woods at the site of the incident and he would be able to get away in time into the woods without being seen.
Also airplane mode was turned on while in the car, at the end of the 911 call, I think he took the phone put the airplane mode on which is why the airplane mode was put on because she mentioned it out loud specifically, he knew the cops were coming time to MOVE, can’t follow us to the woods though. THATS why there’s no bird sounds, they did it in the car after they got to the parking lot. I think subconsciously she thought knew this was going to happen. Kinda like I told my family this was going to happen, and then it clicked what she needed to do. He brought the phone with them to paint the picture. Why would she turn off her location herself if she wanted to be found? She was already going to enter her life right? She was obviously not going to wait a long time right? Listen to her voice when it got emotional when she said she was going to kill herself. If she was unsure, why did she skip up in the exact moment? She was almost free, she had fought so hard. When you’re almost free, what would make you think she would want to stop now? Listen to me clearly, he was in the car. She needed to send out a dog whistle to the people she had told she she told him she would admit to the suicide if she could have her body found. She knew she was going to die and she knew she needed to make sure her family could piece this together. Therefore the only plausible answer is he was in the car with her. She was emotionless probably because the gun was already on her, the phone was removed from her because she mentioned the airplane mode specifically he thought they can’t trace us out to the woods, airplane mode goes on. He walked out to the woods. He needed Time to get away and couldn’t have them knowing exactly where he was to go to first so he could escape right after.
Now he goes into the woods by possibly dragging her which is why she has a bruised wrist. That might be why she started crying. She might have tried to get away when she knew what was going to happen or that it was happening hence why there’s multiple rounds. This led to possible yanking, and then the gunshot, which is why the fisherman heard the crying. Then it was over. Put her in the water he placed her belongings and Then he walked back towards Winslow‘s property. I want to know if there’s a phone call between mica and Winslow, was this drive scheduled day of or days prior and gave enough time for it to be planned. I believe at that time he got back into Winslow’s vehicle met somewhere with Windlow switched vehicles again. JP going to his home and Winslow going back to his home. The funeral and everything was already preplanned and scheduled due to the fact they already knew what was going to happen and already had it pre-planned and needed to make sure it was swift and left no room for delay. Her family, knowing they would want to see her, he manipulated them into signing the cremation holding her body over their heads. Taunting them via text message blaming them to create the narrative. Otherwise, what would be the big deal of allowing them to see the body without needing something in exchange? He knew they would have questions afterwards. At that time all they had was the 911 call and a body, sometimes you need time to process. You know when something happens and then later on you’re like wait what? He wanted to make sure that body had no stop on the cremation process to get rid of all evidence before thosequestions inevitably came. He got ahead of it so there was no hiccup in delays because he knew he had to allow them to see the body to the public that would be the moral right thing to do. Not allowing them to see the body would be suspicious. He figured out how to make it work for both. He talks about laying with her body four times and trying to raise her from the dead, was this guilt or was it like when somebody puts a deer head on the wall?
Now remember, she has already been predisposed to trust Winslow. He mentions Winslow in an email to her previously, obviously showing that he & his wife were a trusted friend of hers as well. It’s 100% a possibility that Winslow told her to come up and talk where she was protected and JP wouldn’t find them, and Winslow left with the truck and met with JP and they switched. Winslow south, JP north. Winslow had asked his staff to clean up that overgrowth on the property. It being a wooded area, was this done so that the roadway was assessable for the plan? she probably drove down some type of dirt road, and he ambushed her in some manner. North Carolina Woods are dense, therefore easily to hide when she pulls over.
Now, how do I think that JP convinced Winslow to help, I believe JP convinced Winslow , Mica was going to tell on all of them and ruin their lives. This could have been backed up by the fact that all the documentation that she had previously collected had gone missing, and was brought to Winslow to paint Mica as an enemy so this was enough for him to convince Winslow that their future and freedom was inJeopardy. When JP was actually afraid she was going to tell on his abuse and life and ruin him. So they killed her to protect their life.
They said something yesterday about breaking news how they found that the notary was forged? Thats enough for me to draw speculation because it was done by Winslow that he is now in on the dirty dealings. He is a part of the actual dirty dealings against mica He knows something is being done wrong and he is condoning it.
That notary that was done on the power of attorney from mica was falsely notarized. Mica was not present for the notary. There was an article on earlier I was looking at but I was in information overload. I just know It was not legally notarized. This shows that Winslow does not have integrity. How far is he willing to go to protect JP and all of their secrets?
I think she told JP she just wanted her body to be found for her family and she would go without a fight. I believe that it was a dog whistle to her family. The clue they would need to know this wasn’t suicide. She told them and now she needed them to remember. She knew she was going to die and everybody needed to know about the gunshot specifically that she warned everyone about days prior. He didn’t know she told people close to her that that. That’s why her voice broke up when she said she was going to unalive herself. She did not want to die. She just wanted people to be able to solve the crime. She manipulated him into thinking he was going to get away with this because she is admitting to it being a suicide. Not knowing She had whistled what was going to happen, she needed people to listen. She offered up no extra information during the 911 call which then delayed the process hoping they would find her location. She told her dad days prior she’s getting a gun for protection. I think she got it before she drove up there just incase and the bruises on her hand may be him wrestling it from her. Maybe at arrival.
A search and rescue dog can smell from weeks to months after somebody has left the area, and if anybody can get something of his and be able to place him there in the woods, you have convincing beyond a reasonable doubt.
After writing this up yesterday when I was complete, I got super sick to my stomach. I was shaking. I could see it completely out in my head where all the facts completely aligned. I believe tthis is the only plausible theory there is.
What people need to realize at the end of the day the good attention and bad attention is still attention to a narcissist. He is enjoying the intention is getting from this primarily from getting away with it. That’s why I believe he visited her body four times after she was deceased. Because he already had a girlfriend, he already talked about going and getting a hot wife and then after she dies, he does an interview about how she’s the most incredible wife and supportive. He made the obituary about how awesome he thought she was to still collect her validation and the validation he got from being her husband because she was good. She was light and he was jealous of that. He wanted that that’s why he had that position. She loved him so much he claimed and how she was so wonderful he claimed yet she didn’t want him when she had a no contact order and wanted a divorce obviously, he wasn’t that. and if you guys don’t think he groomed her go to the memorial of life sermon and listen to the poem again. Now switch the words, “school” and “church.” And follow the story line.
He killed Mica Miller.
submitted by Shecrazy87 to MicaMiller [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:59 IntelligentMeat2415 Cyber narcissistic abuse

Hello, i kinda need to vent and ask for advice.
I am 35M. Gay. I have low boundaries and often have issues people taking advantage on me, very low self esteem. I am working on that And warch dr ramani religiously.
But cause of all that i have this problem from years ago
I met an online friend from 3 years ago. I was lonely and wanted to chat. Just talk. Via friend chatting forums and friends apps. Noooothing sexual
We were online friends for 1 year, talked about music, travel. I met him once irl - we went on a travel trip once (horrible idea but i was dumb and now know better now). I dont have any defense for that, it was a dumb dumb idea and I regret it. I didn't have any friends and i really wanted to visit this country. It was mu life dream. And after that i blocked him. Cause he was a nightmare. Just horrible . That was 2 years ago
Since then i went FULL no contact., told him multiple times in multiple ways i dont want to see him and fully blocked. Havent responded in 2 years
He has been sending me unalive emails. I wake up in the morning and get emails from random email... Like this " By the time you wake up i will be dead. And if you felt at piece tonight its because my spirit was with you "
Spamming me from different phone numbers emails... Sending my friends messages.... And most recently sending my Linkedin contacts stuff like I am his lover, please tell me to contact him. He is worried about me cause he thinks i will unalive myself.... I have screenshots.
He is blocked everywhere. But recently linkedin made some privacy change i didnt see. And he was able to view my profile
I live in homephobic country. He is an immigrant in uk. I have no idea what to do. I fear he will start sending my muslim family this stuff or show up on my doorstep. He only knows the town i live in, but no address or current employer
submitted by IntelligentMeat2415 to TrueNarcissisticAbuse [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:55 InevitableBaker8198 I just spent my 26th birthday alone last night. Anyone else navigating their 20's with virtually no social life?

I turned 26 yesterday and spent my birthday alone in my apartment. I cried on the couch as my cat tried to eat crumbs from my turkey sandwich. This loneliness made me realize my lack of community and genuine connections. Growing up, I constantly moved, preventing me from maintaining long-term friendships. I attended elementary school in one state, middle school in another, and high school across the country. After high school, we moved back to the U.S., settling in a new state where I've lived ever since. I have no family nearby; my parents are four hours away, and my extended family lives overseas. Despite being here for years, forming a strong social circle has been tough. I did my prereqs at community college and then joined a dental hygienist program with only 24 students, who were mostly older and married. Being the youngest, I missed out on bonding opportunities and the "quintessential college experience," which I still regret. I find myself lamenting the loss of that chaotic time of life where you're supposed to have fun and do shit you regret. Post-grad, connections faded as everyone moved on. I work in a small practice now, limiting any real social opportunities. Seeing others with more grounded upbringings or traditional college experiences makes me envious, like my coworker in her 50s, who is still close with her sorority sisters and even goes on annual trips.
My only close friend from my program moved away post-grad. I maintain contact with a few long-distance friends, but I really only have two solid local friends. But they're married with kids, while I'm single and childless, so just very different life stages. We still have infrequent meetups, like lunch or a catch up at their house, around 1-2x times a month. I've tried planning varied hangouts, but they're usually busy with family commitments or just not interested in a different vibe, so I let that go. I don’t have friends for spontaneous plans like drinks after work, wine-and-paint nights, or to ask to attend a concert with. There’s no one I can just call to hang out or invite over during the weekends.
I've been single for a year, and even during my previous two-year relationship, I longed for my own friends and a sense of community outside the relationship. My ex's friends were welcoming, but they never truly felt like mine, and those friendships vanished post-breakup. I never heard from them again, which I expected, but it was still hard. Despite thinking those friendships were genuine, I always knew they'd end if we broke up. My ex didn't get why I wanted my own connections, saying his friends should be enough for me. Even while with him, I tried meeting new people. I connected with some at my boxing studio; we had a group chat, mainly for session times. Those connections faded when I left. I had a hopeful start with a neighbor from the dog park. She asked for my number and we texted about meeting for brunch. She canceled the first time, then didn’t show up for the reschedule. I waited at the restaurant for 15 minutes before leaving. Hours later, she apologized, explaining her boyfriend came home early and she wanted to spend extra time with him. I had ditched plans with my then-boyfriend and his friends, excited to meet her, and felt like a dumbass afterward.
Navigating my twenties alone just feels isolating, like I’m missing out on an exclusive party while watching from the sidelines. My life revolves around work, my pets, and the gym, but otherwise, my social life is non-existent. My phone is as dry as the Sahara—I don’t get any regular texts or calls. Everything is routine and mundane. I deleted IG to stop the comparisons. I occasionally use Snapchat to keep in touch with some old friends. Tried Hinge last month, thinking dating may fill the void, but quickly realized that's not what I’m looking for. I want fulfillment through platonic connections, not romantic pursuits. I just feel like a passerby in my own life, craving spontaneity and excitement, but everything feels routine and mundane. Admitting this is a bit embarrassing, but I just hope I’m not alone in feeling this way. Any personal anecdotes or advice on making new friends and finding a sense of community later in life?
submitted by InevitableBaker8198 to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:54 tellerpan LLC with ZenBusiness or Northwest Registered Agent; which is better?

Are you looking between Northwest Registered Agent and ZenBusiness for your LLC formation?
I’ve recently had a go, and wading through the websites trying to compare is a bit of a pain.
And then most of the online reviews are so bias one way or the other, so it’s hard to get a really good impression.
So, I’ve basically written up the research that I did, and hopefully this will help you too

The LLC Package: What do you get?

Both services have a basic package, so what else do you get besides the actual Articles of Organization filing with the state? (Which in both cases is an added expense on top of the formation service).
Northwest Registered Agent
The basic package includes:
The basic package (called “Starter”) includes:

My Opinion on the LLC Packages

Northwest Registered Agent keeps it refreshingly simple. No fussing over different packages here. Just one flat price, plus state fees, and you're good to go.
You won't find any add-ons that increase the cost without you knowing why either.
They're flexible too. Pay monthly instead of all at once? Yep, they're cool with that. Plus, they throw in an EIN number for your business for free if you opt for monthly payments.
Oh, and you still get all the other goodies like an Operating Agreement and a year of Registered Agent service.
Now, onto ZenBusiness. They've got the Starter, the Pro, and the Premium packages.
The Starter is clearly fantastic at $0 (plus state fee), but watch out for the annual compliance service that could sneak up on you with the $119 a year price tag.
They also add in their Registered Agent service, which renews at $199 annually.
The Pro package? Well, it's got a few extras and expedited filing, but $199 might be a stretch. And as for the Premium, unless web hosting is your jam, the extra $100 just doesn't seem worth it.
Northwest Registered Agent won it on this front. It's transparent one off payment means you know what you're in for. I just prefer the clarity.

Turnaround Time

Northwest Registered Agent prides itself on being fast. They'll process your order within just a few days
One of its offices may even ring/email to dot the i's and cross the t's, but that's just to make sure everything's tip-top.
And if you're in a real hurry, expedited filing options are available.
Now, onto ZenBusiness. They're no slouches either, boasting a 2-day turnaround time to get your docs to the state.
And if you're paying more for the Pro or Premium packages, they'll fast-track your paperwork straight to the state.
In all honest, from the online reviews and the services they both offer, it is pretty much a draw on this one.

Customer Service

Next up, customer service.
Okay, this is where I am going to be biased, because (spoiler alert) Northwest is the service I eventually opted for.
I have to say, the support really was fantastic.
Their reps were spot on with the information I needed, (I have a tendency to double check everything in order to make sure it's done correctly), providing extra details and advice beyond what I was requesting.
I basically can't rate them higher in this regard.
That being said, ZenBusiness holds its own in the customer service arena, with reliable support via phone or online chat.
I checked a lot of the reviews in my research as the availability of customer service is really important to me, and generally the feedback is high.
(From what I can see, however, they generally stick to the script and don't venture into the realm of offering extra guidance - I get the feeling Northwest are just more "bespoke" in this way).
Because it comes down to a very positive personal experience; Northwest Registered Agent wins this one.

Optional (or Free) Extras

Northwest Registered Agent throws in some great bonuses that may sway your decision toward them.
They offer a free trial with a VoIP phone service, meaning you can ditch the extra phone bills and keep your business connected.
They also provide some bonuses for those starting an e-commerce business, (these change so i won't list them here).
The phone service is only $9 a month after the trial should you opt for it.
Now, onto ZenBusiness. The Google Ads credit is a nice touch. But that's on the higher priced packages.
There is also the business documents service or virtual office offerings; but these didn't interest me. And "accounting consultation"... these extras all seemed part of the ZenBusiness upselling strategy if you ask me.
The winner here is Northwest Registered Agent. They provide some useful extras, all available for you to test out without reaching into your pocket.

Registered Agent Services

Northwest Registered Agent provides a great deal at $125 per year.
They strategically position their offices to save you cash on pesky publication requirements and state fees.
Plus, they have some excellent privacy protection, (they make a really big deal of it in terms of their USP).
Use their address on state filings to keep your personal information private and at no extra charge. This will limit spam mail while increasing peace of mind.
Personally, I loved this addition to the LLC package and after my research was a big reason I opted for them.
ZenBusiness fails a bit here with the $199 per year price tag for their Registered Agent service.
There is a "Complete Coverage," service where they'll handle your LLC's Annual Report filing too, so this might be beneficial to some people.
This Worry-Free Compliance comes with the Pro or Premium LLC package.
Additionally, both Northwest and ZenBusiness offer the same service when it comes to mail handling.
They will both scan and upload legal mail to your dashboard for easy access.
The clear winner here for me is Northwest Registered.
With the budget friendly registered agent service and office placement for lower priced fees, you can't really go wrong.

Website and User Experience

Last but not least, website and user experience.
Northwest's website is calm, focused, and devoid of unnecessary distractions. There is no hard sell going on here, which I liked.
Their user dashboard is really clear too. Its intuitive to use and keeps you informed throughout. A big thumbs up for this.
ZenBusiness, also nails it when it comes to user experience.
Their website is probably even more polished than Northwests, and it guides you through the process well.
But watch out for those upsells; it is clear the site is designed to make the sale.
From what I have seen of the user dashboard, ZenBusiness have a really good product too.
And the winner? Here it seems to be a tie! Both companies boast stellar website design and user experience, making things easy for the customer.

Final Words

If you've been keeping count, Northwest Registered Agent comes out on top in the research that I did.
Overall, they're experts in their field, focusing on LLC formation and registered agent services without bombarding you with confusing options.
The LLC formation process was nice and easy, and that extra bonus of increased privacy feels vital.
That being said, ZenBusiness is clearly still a popular choice.
Their customer service is great, and they offer everything you need to start your LLC.
My advice is just to be wary of those few upsells.
Subscription services starting out free but morphing into high annual costs is something you will want to avoid.
(For full disclosure, links to both services in this article are affiliate, but this will not effect the price you pay).
submitted by tellerpan to LLChat [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:48 IntelligentMeat2415 Narcissistic psychopath stalker and how to deal with that

Hello, i kinda need to vent and ask for advice.
I am 35, i have low boundaries and often have issues people taking advantage on me, very low self esteem. I am working on that... But cause of that i have this problem from years ago
I met an online friend from 3 years ago. I was lonely and wanted to chat. Just talk. Via friend chatting forums and friends apps. Noooothing sexual
We were online friends for 1 year, talked about music, travel. I met him once irl - we went on a travel trip once (horrible idea but i was dumb and now know better now). I dont have any defense for that, it was a dumb dumb idea and I regret it. I didn't have any friends and i really wanted to visit this country. It was mu life dream. And after that i blocked him. Cause he was a nightmare. Just horrible . That was 2 years ago
Since then i went FULL no contact., told him multiple times in multiple ways i dont want to see him and fully blocked. Havent responded in 2 years
He has been sending me unalive emails. I wake up in the morning and get emails from random email... Like this " By the time you wake up i will be dead. And if you felt at peace tonight its because my spirit was with you "
Spamming me from different phone numbers emails... Sending my friends messages.... And most recently sending my Linkedin contacts stuff like I am his lover, please tell me to contact him. He is worried about me cause he thinks i will unalive myself.... I have screenshots.
He is blocked everywhere. But recently linkedin made some privacy change i didnt see. And he was able to view my profile
I live in homephobic country. He is an immigrant in uk. I have no idea what to do. I fear he will start sending my muslim family this stuff or show up on my doorstep. He only knows the town i live in, but no address or current employer
submitted by IntelligentMeat2415 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:45 Shecrazy87 John-Paul Miller Killed Mica Miller & here’s how.

This is the most plausible answer. I think this is exactly how he did it using facts from sermons, emails, texts, news, interviews, maps, and extensive experience with parasitic Narcissistic sitic abuse. If there is anything that I am incorrect on please let me know and I will recalculate. After typing this up two days ago, I stumbled upon Mica’s father‘s interview, and it completely solidified it to the point where I started violently shaking. I think this is what happened.
I was told Winslow‘s property backs up against that state forest. 200 acres. Right down the road. Now remember. Somebody on his staff was told to go and trim back the overgrowth on that specific property shortly before all of this happened,
I think Mica at some point had conversation with Winslow and agreed to come and talk to him at his property, a “safe place JP wouldn’t know.”, thinking she could trust him. I think mica went to winslows and JP was waiting there for unknowingly.
I think Winslow has JP‘s phone and I think JP has Winslow‘s phone so they’re not gonna ping the towers. All they saw was the license plate they never verified He was actually there.
I think JP and Winslow met at a undisclosed location and swapped vehicles. JP went up to Winslow’s NC property with Winslow‘s vehicle and cell phone, and Winslow went down south with JP cell phone and truck. I can’t quite place the girlfriend, but she is an alibi therefore she is aware that something has happened or is going on. I cannot figure out whether or not Winslow was with JP and she took the vehicle down south either or we need to find out the location of where the girlfriend was and where Winslow was. That could all be found by bank financial records of the days in question. Nobody uses cash in 2024 for an entire getaway.
Didn’t they say he got a new truck? There was something new about the truck? Did he get a new one so it wouldn’t have any of Winslow’s DNA inside of it? If Winslow drove it, his DNA/finger prints on the steering wheel would easily be on the steering wheel. Why else would he need to drive Winslow‘s vehicle if there were indications, he was driving the vehicle. Now remember one of them is a lawyer he knows what they look for. JP‘s and Winslow‘s vehicles both need to be tested for gunpowder residue.
Mica shows up to Winslow’s property, JP is there with Winslow’s vehicle, ambushes her OR Winslow is there too and the girlfriend took her phone and truck south. He already has a plan of where he’s going to take her to unalive her before she arrives. JP drives Mica’s car with Mica in it to the final location parking lot, walks her into the woods kills her, puts her stuff down and walks back to Winslow property through the woods. Girlfriend says she was with him, I think she stayed at the property or she drove a vehicle to come get him after he was done if she was there. either way Winslow or girlfriend somebody picked him up or was waiting or he went back to the property and gotten Winslow‘s vehicle and left. Remember it’s not that far away..
Now, after reviewing the 911 recording again, I do not think it is AI. The biggest reason why I know it wasn’t AI is because if you listen to the fast response when asked for the phone number, there wasn’t enough time to record that and send it at the same time. So she replied too fast. Now, when have you ever heard a 911 operator asking somebody for their phone number? That never would have been written. You still have the type stuff in the AI creators. Also, she delayed pause between every number, how would she have replied in half the time it would have taken to type all of that out. Think about it, he would have had to type a number hit space type a number hit space over and over. In a rush I know I mess up you don’t think he would have messed up? He never would have been able to get that recorded smoothly quickly in the time it took for her to respond. Again, when have you ever heard of 911 asking for your phone number?. I believe he is in the car with her after they just left Winslows property. I believe he’s sitting right next to her in the car and allows her to make the call thinking it’s going to cover up everything and benefit him. She was sending out the whistle to her family and She’s trying to buy time for them to locate her. He knew to turn off the location because she mentioned She turned it on notice how it ended at that?. My point with this is at the end.
Logically speaking if she was purposely driving to that park, she would have known the name to GPS it. She would’ve known the name of the park to give the operator. That’s why she was pausing, probably looking to him to see where they’re at. That’s why she says “yes that’s it” cause he nodded. he had enough time to process what the operator was saying before Mica was able to answer that’s why she was able to reply quickly because the operator was speaking slowly. He heard the first word and nodded. She didn’t know, but now suddenly she knew? If she was going to purposely take her own life, and she really wanted her body found, why wouldn’t she have found the name of the park before she called to give them proper location?
She would have seen oh look it’s a park and read the sign and pulled into it. She didn’t know the sign because she was terrified because he was with her. She just knows she’s in a park.
I would possibly look to see if there was any dirt roads that led to where her vehicle is at back to Winslow’s property. That might be why she didn’t see a sign. I haven’t looked too much into that part but it’s a suggestion if anybody wants to do any homework.
SO That’s why the phone was put on airplane mode so cops wouldn’t track them into the woods at the site of the incident and he would be able to get away in time into the woods without being seen.
Also airplane mode was turned on while in the car, at the end of the 911 call, I think he took the phone put the airplane mode on which is why the airplane mode was put on because she mentioned it out loud specifically, he knew the cops were coming time to MOVE, can’t follow us to the woods though. THATS why there’s no bird sounds, they did it in the car after they got to the parking lot. I think subconsciously she thought knew this was going to happen. Kinda like I told my family this was going to happen, and then it clicked what she needed to do. He brought the phone with them to paint the picture. Why would she turn off her location herself if she wanted to be found? She was already going to enter her life right? She was obviously not going to wait a long time right? Listen to her voice when it got emotional when she said she was going to kill herself. If she was unsure, why did she skip up in the exact moment? She was almost free, she had fought so hard. When you’re almost free, what would make you think she would want to stop now? Listen to me clearly, he was in the car. She needed to send out a dog whistle to the people she had told she she told him she would admit to the suicide if she could have her body found. She knew she was going to die and she knew she needed to make sure her family could piece this together. Therefore the only plausible answer is he was in the car with her. She was emotionless probably because the gun was already on her, the phone was removed from her because she mentioned the airplane mode specifically he thought they can’t trace us out to the woods, airplane mode goes on. He walked out to the woods. He needed Time to get away and couldn’t have them knowing exactly where he was to go to first so he could escape right after.
Now he goes into the woods by possibly dragging her which is why she has a bruised wrist. That might be why she started crying. She might have tried to get away when she knew what was going to happen or that it was happening hence why there’s multiple rounds. This led to possible yanking, and then the gunshot, which is why the fisherman heard the crying. Then it was over. Put her in the water he placed her belongings and Then he walked back towards Winslow‘s property. I want to know if there’s a phone call between mica and Winslow, was this drive scheduled day of or days prior and gave enough time for it to be planned. I believe at that time he got back into Winslow’s vehicle met somewhere with Windlow switched vehicles again. JP going to his home and Winslow going back to his home. The funeral and everything was already preplanned and scheduled due to the fact they already knew what was going to happen and already had it pre-planned and needed to make sure it was swift and left no room for delay. Her family, knowing they would want to see her, he manipulated them into signing the cremation holding her body over their heads. Taunting them via text message blaming them to create the narrative. Otherwise, what would be the big deal of allowing them to see the body without needing something in exchange? He knew they would have questions afterwards. At that time all they had was the 911 call and a body, sometimes you need time to process. You know when something happens and then later on you’re like wait what? He wanted to make sure that body had no stop on the cremation process to get rid of all evidence before thosequestions inevitably came. He got ahead of it so there was no hiccup in delays because he knew he had to allow them to see the body to the public that would be the moral right thing to do. Not allowing them to see the body would be suspicious. He figured out how to make it work for both. He talks about laying with her body four times and trying to raise her from the dead, was this guilt or was it like when somebody puts a deer head on the wall?
Now remember, she has already been predisposed to trust Winslow. He mentions Winslow in an email to her previously, obviously showing that he & his wife were a trusted friend of hers as well. It’s 100% a possibility that Winslow told her to come up and talk where she was protected and JP wouldn’t find them, and Winslow left with the truck and met with JP and they switched. Winslow south, JP north. Winslow had asked his staff to clean up that overgrowth on the property. It being a wooded area, was this done so that the roadway was assessable for the plan? she probably drove down some type of dirt road, and he ambushed her in some manner. North Carolina Woods are dense, therefore easily to hide when she pulls over.
Now, how do I think that JP convinced Winslow to help, I believe JP convinced Winslow , Mica was going to tell on all of them and ruin their lives. This could have been backed up by the fact that all the documentation that she had previously collected had gone missing, and was brought to Winslow to paint Mica as an enemy so this was enough for him to convince Winslow that their future and freedom was inJeopardy. When JP was actually afraid she was going to tell on his abuse and life and ruin him. So they killed her to protect their life.
They said something yesterday about breaking news how they found that the notary was forged? Thats enough for me to draw speculation because it was done by Winslow that he is now in on the dirty dealings. He is a part of the actual dirty dealings against mica He knows something is being done wrong and he is condoning it.
That notary that was done on the power of attorney from mica was falsely notarized. Mica was not present for the notary. There was an article on earlier I was looking at but I was in information overload. I just know It was not legally notarized. This shows that Winslow does not have integrity. How far is he willing to go to protect JP and all of their secrets?
I think she told JP she just wanted her body to be found for her family and she would go without a fight. I believe that it was a dog whistle to her family. The clue they would need to know this wasn’t suicide. She told them and now she needed them to remember. She knew she was going to die and everybody needed to know about the gunshot specifically that she warned everyone about days prior. He didn’t know she told people close to her that that. That’s why her voice broke up when she said she was going to unalive herself. She did not want to die. She just wanted people to be able to solve the crime. She manipulated him into thinking he was going to get away with this because she is admitting to it being a suicide. Not knowing She had whistled what was going to happen, she needed people to listen. She offered up no extra information during the 911 call which then delayed the process hoping they would find her location. She told her dad days prior she’s getting a gun for protection. I think she got it before she drove up there just incase and the bruises on her hand may be him wrestling it from her. Maybe at arrival.
A search and rescue dog can smell from weeks to months after somebody has left the area, and if anybody can get something of his and be able to place him there in the woods, you have convincing beyond a reasonable doubt.
After writing this up yesterday when I was complete, I got super sick to my stomach. I was shaking. I could see it completely out in my head where all the facts completely aligned. I believe tthis is the only plausible theory there is.
What people need to realize at the end of the day the good attention and bad attention is still attention to a narcissist. He is enjoying the intention is getting from this primarily from getting away with it. That’s why I believe he visited her body four times after she was deceased. Because he already had a girlfriend, he already talked about going and getting a hot wife and then after she dies, he does an interview about how she’s the most incredible wife and supportive. He made the obituary about how awesome he thought she was to still collect her validation and the validation he got from being her husband because she was good. She was light and he was jealous of that. He wanted that that’s why he had that position. She loved him so much he claimed and how she was so wonderful he claimed yet she didn’t want him when she had a no contact order and wanted a divorce obviously, he wasn’t that. and if you guys don’t think he groomed her go to the memorial of life sermon and listen to the poem again. Now switch the words, “school” and “church.” And follow the story line.
He killed Mica Miller.
submitted by Shecrazy87 to JusticeForMicaMiller [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:38 Front-Unable Seriel Killer vibes or nice old man?

Hi, I'm pretty sure I met a serial killer? So, there's a very old (cold) murder case round our area: a serial killer who killed tens of people. He was never found.
By accident I got talking to an old man during an event, probably around 60. As soon as I started talking with him he gave me the creeps. There was sth very strange in his eyes: it was as if he didn't focus on me but was somewhere else. Still, he heard me more than okay and WAS in fact looking at me. He had a few wounds on his knuckles, dirt on his trousers and shoes, very long finger nails - the whole apperance was off. And the way he talked too. He kept asking me about where I lived. I didn't tell him. So, he gave me his address and phone number.
I called him, out of dumb curiosity. A weird woman picked up, and every time I called she told me he wasn't here but digging some stuff up in the garden... ahem I mean planting flowers (?) until midnight. ?????
I wonder if he gave me the right number or if he gave me the number of a human trafficker? The woman told me she's his sister, but idk...it all seemed very weird. Like why isn't HE picking up the phone? Or is he really in the garden all night?
I called because all my friends told me I'm crazy, that he's just a nice old man who wanted some kind of contact...so I just wanted to reassure myself you know.
Weirdest thing: the unsolved murder case happened around the address he gave me. AND there's a facial composite on this unfound murderer who looks... exactly like him.
Maybe it's just my imagination at play here. I can't even remember what he looked like exactly. It might just be in hindsight he looks similiar. And he might have a weird sister and be weird. And reallt just be an old man who likes gardening?
After all, if there really WAS sth wrong he surely wouldn't give me his address and phone number (if they're the correct ones?!) AND why would the sister tell me he's digging stuff up in the garden if.. he really was doing something illegal? Plus police said the eye witness for the picture was unreliable. BUT the description (hair, eye colour, age) all fits, but is quite general.
I have to say I'm quite a bit over the top at times and too immersed in crime fiction and stuff so it might be my imagination that's putting all that stuff together. I don't even know WHY I spoke to the stranger - it must've been stupid curiosity, because I immediately felt something was off.
Oh I remember: It's a landline I called basically. BUT the woman put the phone down for like 5 minutes, telling me she'll look for the man. She couldn't have possibly tracked my phone right? That's only stuff police can do? And when I was asking her about something he had told me she asked me if I really did need to talk to him at all cause he's been quite busy lately and told me to call back another time (we were taking about post cards and stuff, that's why I called, about a rare edition he had showed me during the event).
I now wonder if I'd been stupid.. I didn't give him my name, my address or anything else. All he or whoever has is my mobile phone number, that's it. They can't do anything with that right?
Talked to him again and yet again he asked me about my real address to send me rare postcards (I expressed interest, he offered to send them; he didn't seem pleased that I have a 'friend's' address and not mine and kept slightly pushing me for MY address just to be sure they arrive alright. Isn't that weird? Granted my friend lives a bit farther away so it might be a financial issue?
submitted by Front-Unable to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:38 Front-Unable serial killer or strange old man?

Hi, I'm pretty sure I met a serial killer? So, there's a very old (cold) murder case round our area: a serial killer who killed tens of people. He was never found.
By accident I got talking to an old man during an event, probably around 60. As soon as I started talking with him he gave me the creeps. There was sth very strange in his eyes: it was as if he didn't focus on me but was somewhere else. Still, he heard me more than okay and WAS in fact looking at me. He had a few wounds on his knuckles, dirt on his trousers and shoes, very long finger nails - the whole apperance was off. And the way he talked too. He kept asking me about where I lived. I didn't tell him. So, he gave me his address and phone number.
I called him, out of dumb curiosity. A weird woman picked up, and every time I called she told me he wasn't here but digging some stuff up in the garden... ahem I mean planting flowers (?) until midnight. ?????
I wonder if he gave me the right number or if he gave me the number of a human trafficker? The woman told me she's his sister, but idk...it all seemed very weird. Like why isn't HE picking up the phone? Or is he really in the garden all night?
I called because all my friends told me I'm crazy, that he's just a nice old man who wanted some kind of contact...so I just wanted to reassure myself you know.
Weirdest thing: the unsolved murder case happened around the address he gave me. AND there's a facial composite on this unfound murderer who looks... exactly like him.
Maybe it's just my imagination at play here. I can't even remember what he looked like exactly. It might just be in hindsight he looks similiar. And he might have a weird sister and be weird. And reallt just be an old man who likes gardening?
After all, if there really WAS sth wrong he surely wouldn't give me his address and phone number (if they're the correct ones?!) AND why would the sister tell me he's digging stuff up in the garden if.. he really was doing something illegal? Plus police said the eye witness for the picture was unreliable. BUT the description (hair, eye colour, age) all fits, but is quite general.
I have to say I'm quite a bit over the top at times and too immersed in crime fiction and stuff so it might be my imagination that's putting all that stuff together. I don't even know WHY I spoke to the stranger - it must've been stupid curiosity, because I immediately felt something was off.
Oh I remember: It's a landline I called basically. BUT the woman put the phone down for like 5 minutes, telling me she'll look for the man. She couldn't have possibly tracked my phone right? That's only stuff police can do? And when I was asking her about something he had told me she asked me if I really did need to talk to him at all cause he's been quite busy lately and told me to call back another time (we were taking about post cards and stuff, that's why I called, about a rare edition he had showed me during the event).
I now wonder if I'd been stupid.. I didn't give him my name, my address or anything else. All he or whoever has is my mobile phone number, that's it. They can't do anything with that right?
Talked to him again and yet again he asked me about my real address to send me rare postcards (I expressed interest, he offered to send them; he didn't seem pleased that I have a 'friend's' address and not mine and kept slightly pushing me for MY address just to be sure they arrive alright. Isn't that weird? Granted my friend lives a bit farther away so it might be a financial issue?
submitted by Front-Unable to nosleep [link] [comments]
