Numbness with sinus infection

Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

2014.09.19 01:24 healthyalmonds Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria that can live in the nostrils, ears, mouth, tonsils, and skin. It may cause or be associated with your congestion, swollen lymph nodes, sinus problems, sore throat, eczema, rosacea, acne, cystic pimples, folliculitis, bowel disease, chronic fatigue, diabetes, lupus, weight gain, hair loss, and other diseases. Chlorhexidine, iodine, or Triple Antibiotic Ointment (Neosporin) may stop the Staph infection. See inside for more information.

2024.05.15 10:57 Responsible_Bus_1670 If I missed a thread for this please forgive me......I'm interested in everyone's stories about their experience dealing with PET. Maybe we can find some not so obvious triggers here!

So I'll start with my experience. I posted this to a few YouTube videos I watched so some of it (not much if any) may be directed at something I watched.
I have PET to the extreme and have had it now for at least 25+ years. I'm 42 and remember being in elementary/middle school when I'd lose all pressure in my left ear to the extent that not only could I hear my own voice, breathing, heart beat, etc. unbearably loud, but also any other slight noise in the room becoming so loud and garbled that I couldn't understand or distinguish the difference between someone talking from the air conditioner fan running. Every noise or voice that is heard when my ear is depressurized sounds like someone removed the lows and mids from the sound, I'd guess from it that anything below 7k hertz is unheard when it happens. If you want to get a rough idea what it sounds like, get a decent set of headphones, adjust your equalizer by turning the volume and your highs/treble/7k Hz or higher all the way up and everything else off or down fully. I've discovered a temporary relief by either breathing in really hard with my nose only which was extremely embarrassing, loud, inconvenient, and disgusting to anyone near me, or, pinching my nose shut with my fingers and sucking in until I got as much pressure as possible back in my ear. It started out manageable, only occurring roughly 9-10 times a day, however, it has gotten exponentially worse to now occurring every time I swallow anything. For me personally I swallow saliva at a rate of 2-4 times a minute so that's 2-4 times every waking minute that my ear depressurizes. Initially, other than the auditory inconveniences and embarrassment of adjusting pressure, I didn't pay much attention to it or think that it was abnormal because everyone experiences ear pressure changes at some point. Within the past 5 or so years I have begun to experience an unexplainable pain in my ear canal about 1 out of 20 times it happens. I also am experiencing an extremely loud whistling noise about half of the time it happens which have started to trigger headaches for me. I've seen 3 different doctors so far but was told that I either have a sinus infection or it is just normal pressure changes and the only reason it bothers me is because my ears are more sensitive than other people. After a bit of thorough research I've learned that the doctors I seen were either not well trained, didn't want to tackle my problems, or just don't think my condition is enough for concern.
I am very sympathetic to anyone with this condition and I totally understand your pain and frustration. I would greatly appreciate any possible recommendations of relief, even if it's only temporary given the frequency of my issues onset. The only relief I've found that works 75%+ for me is to completely seal my ear canal from all air, has to be 100% air sealed, before and during swallowing keeps at least half of the existing pressure in my ear instead of fully opening. I honestly have had thoughts of bashing my head off my wall or desk to try to knock myself out just to have a break from the constant loudness, pain, and embarrassment this causes me! I would never intentionally injure myself of course but these symptoms have gotten so bad that I've had the thoughts of it for sure.
submitted by Responsible_Bus_1670 to PatulousTubes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:34 pearldental12 Risks or side effects associated with root canal treatment

Root canal treatment is generally safe and effective, but like any medical procedure, it carries some risks and potential side effects. Here are the main ones to consider:

Immediate Risks and Side Effects

  1. Pain and Discomfort: It's common to experience some pain or discomfort after the procedure, usually manageable with over-the-counter pain medications. Severe pain is rare but should be reported to your dentist.
  2. Swelling and Tenderness: The area around the treated tooth might be swollen and tender for a few days. This can typically be alleviated with anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen.
  3. Infection: Although root canals are performed to eliminate infection, there's a small risk of a new infection developing if bacteria re-enter the tooth. This might occur if the filling or crown is delayed or not placed correctly.
  4. Allergic Reaction: Some patients might have an allergic reaction to the materials used during the procedure, such as the latex in rubber dams or certain medications.
  5. Temporary Numbness: Local anesthesia used during the procedure can cause temporary numbness, which usually wears off within a few hours.

Long-term Risks and Complications

  1. Tooth Fracture: A treated tooth can become more brittle and prone to fracture, especially if it doesn't receive a proper restoration like a crown.
  2. Incomplete Cleaning: In some cases, especially with complex root structures, the dentist might not be able to fully clean the infected area, leading to persistent infection and possibly requiring retreatment.
  3. Persistent Pain: Rarely, patients may experience persistent pain or discomfort after the procedure, which could be due to missed canals, microfractures, or other issues.
  4. Nerve Damage: There's a very small risk of nerve damage, especially in lower teeth where the roots are close to major nerves. This can lead to numbness or tingling in the lips, gums, or tongue.
  5. Discoloration: A tooth that has undergone a root canal may discolor over time. This cosmetic issue can usually be addressed with internal bleaching or a crown.

Preventive Measures

When to Seek Help

Contact your dentist immediately if you experience any of the following after a root canal:
By understanding these risks and working closely with your dentist, you can mitigate potential complications and ensure a successful outcome for your root canal treatment.
submitted by pearldental12 to u/pearldental12 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:42 Neverlannnd93 Newly diagnosed. Now what?

Hi All,
30yo female, uk
Last year I had a big trauma in the form of a minor health problem that was misdiagnosed/mistreated to the point where it became chronic (took 6 months to get rid of a sinus infection and I'm now on a wait list to potentially have surgery on my ear since that hasn't resolved).
I started off with tingling in my hands and feet that quickly spread to my entire body including parts of my mouth. This is a 24/7 symptom. I've had periods where I experience numbness (normally in my calf, wrist but the main place it flares in my face) but I still habe sensation like running a hairbrush off the numb patch i still feel it and if it's in my face I can still move my muscles etc. I've also had headaches that go on for about a week but both those seem to be more like flare ups and eventually they go. My more recent symptom is sharp shooting pains that are more intermittent and again seem go be all over (like i'll be chilling and it'll jolt in my wrist or part of my thigh). I put this down to the condition since it came on in the lead up to my finally having my neurology appointment so naturally i was really stressed and scared.
I've had extensive private bloods, as well as many public healthcare ones over the past year and all that was picked up was iron and vit d deficienes which are resolved now. I had a private MRI of my spine and brain as it was suspected MS and that came back normal as well.
Coming up to a month since my neurologist appointment where I was officially diagnosed with FND. He was very validating and had clearly really taken the time to read my notes etc from the fact some of the questions he asked had info in that I hadn't present to him myself. I had my millionth functional physical neuro tests and they were normal again. As it seems to be moreso sensory for me, i've just been given a neurophsycology referral and discharged from neurology and i had no date of when i'm gonna be seen.
I'm already in private therapy and she's helping me manage anxiety and work on redirection to just start getting my life back a bit.
I joined one FND forum and got really upset because it was a lot of people just telling me i've been misdiagnosed and it's xyz etc but for me it just seems like the right diagnosis. Also made my symptoms flare more.
It just really sucks that it seems you're given a diagnosis then left with nothing other than "find a support group in the meantime." I'm just scared of the possibility of ignoring a new symptom (like the shooty i have now) cause situationally i can pin it on stress and fnd and it turns out i'm ignoring something bigger.
Hope you lovely lot can provide ways to help me manage and hopefully some of you have experienced the same as me.
submitted by Neverlannnd93 to FND [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:36 LocationGlittering72 Skin like small pimple inside vagina won’t go away?

I got this back in February & normally they go away on its own however I got sick in Feb with a sinus infection & was out for a month so i couldn’t really focus on her so much.
flash forward to March I was playing with myself when I noticed the bump is still there ? or a new one came back???? - it’s only one pimple however!!
It’s skin like in my inner labia, small, no puss. If you push it, It sinks back into my skin & then comes back up.. you can’t even see it, all you can do is feel it!
It doesn’t hurt at all so I forget to do my daily check on it often .. anyways long story short it won’t leave!!!
What do you think this is so i can properly google this !?
submitted by LocationGlittering72 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:07 Purplesocksb9 My Journey So Far/Neck Pain

So I've been having having migraine like symptoms since December. It started with visual distortions and floaters when I was I used my gaming PC (strangely, not my phone or my work PC). So in January I got an eye exam. Nothing may be warning signs for future glacoma, but it is nothing to worry about.
February, I started having episodes of pulsatile tinnitus in my right ear. March, I went through a round of antibiotics for ear infection and ended up at an ENT because the PT had only gotten worse. Got a normal hearing test result. Then I had an episode where I had tingling/numbness and throbbing in the right side of my face and arm my tinnitus went crazy. They did a CT scan of my head and neck. There was no sign of stroke. They referred me to a neurologist. April, I see the neurologist who orders an MRI of my brain (also came back normal), and at my last appointment, she says it's definitely migraines. She tries to get my on Topamax. My insurance refused to cover the meds for an entire month. During that time, I realized that all of that pain is centered around my neck. I can not lay down. I can not sleep more than 2 to 3 hours a night.
The tinnitus gets worse and even becomes painful if I become vertical. I tried suggesting to my neurologist that this might be a neck/disc issue but she told me it would be a waste of time to go to my orthopedic doctor (I have cerebral palsy so I have an orthopedic doctor already) because I needed to accept this is migraines. But this is starting to destroy my quality of life and affect my work. I'm incredibly physically and emotionally exhausted.
One of the things that hurt the most from my last appointment is hearing my neurologist say the goal was goal was eliminating only 50% of pain. Which is only getting worse with the increasing constant neausa, sensitivity to computer light, feeling like my eyes sre going to explode, irritability, and the PT which has become permanent at this point and the inability to do anything I enjoy. She managed to get me on Topiramite finally, and I have been on it for 2 weeks so far, but it hasn't touched any of my symptoms.
submitted by Purplesocksb9 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:38 UhWhateverworks MIL is nuttier than a fruitcake

My husband and I have been married for nearly 8 years and are parents of soon to be 3 young children (I’m due with our last kiddo next month). We are in our early 30s but have known each other since our early teens. We both have established, full time careers, are well educated, etc. We are in many ways what I would say is the suburban modern family. Life is hectic but we also have been very fortunate due to a combination of luck and consistent hard work and good decision making.
My husband’s family is quite the opposite. His dad has worked construction/carpentry since his early teens and been the breadwinner of the family, but has, for the most part, struggled to make ends meet. He is all in all a very charming, kindhearted guy though, and despite our vastly different lifestyles, I genuinely like him.
My MIL…she’s something else. While we have a mostly cordial relationship, she is truly one of the most self-absorbed people I’ve ever met. And not in a malicious manner— she just genuinely is narcissistic and thinks she knows best. Mostly this an annoying nuisance to occasionally deal with. She has said and done some unsavory things in the past that have resulted in short NC periods.
But this mentality ramped up to an 11 on a scale of 1-10 back in late February/early March.
My husband and I were going through an extremely stressful period in our marriage due to a number of issues. I was— and still am— pregnant with our third, we have a 5 and 2 year old, we were both working full time, and my husband’s job kept requiring him to travel out of state for a couple weeks at a time. Running a household as essentially a single mother while working full time was very stressful in itself, but then my grandmother had a stroke while he was out of state. By the time he got back, it was clear she wasn’t going to recover. She died with 48 hours of his return— which had given me just enough time to travel to visit her.
Almost simultaneously, my MIL was diagnosed with CLL. MIL has dealt with recurrent minor illnesses for some time (sinus and ear infections, the flu, etc.), so the cancer diagnosis wasn’t particularly surprising to me. But as most would do, we all spent some time reading up on this particular form of cancer, the general prognosis and treatment, etc.
My own parents happen to have both had cancer. My dad is a stage 2 prostate cancer survivor, having undergone treatment about 15 years ago. My mom unfortunately was not so lucky with her diagnosis— anaplastic carcinoma of the thyroid— and from diagnosis to death was less than ten months. It’s been about a decade now. Needless to say, I feel I am fairly well versed in the oncology world for an average person and able to provide some insight on the experience.
CLL, as I understand, and from what I’ve now heard from her original oncologist, is generally not a very aggressive cancer. I have heard some people refer to it as more like autoimmune disorder. It often requires little treatment and more “watchful waiting” of symptoms. My MIL was told by the oncologist that this is exactly what their plan was, that her cancer was not aggressive or requiring treatment, and that she could essentially live a normal life with occasional blood draws for monitoring purposes.
From the moment she was diagnosed though, it has been all about her. Her cancer diagnosis overshadowed my grandma’s actual death. My husband had to be gone for a day and a half to attend her first appointment, even if I was balancing life as a single working mom who was grieving at the moment. Before her first consultation, everyone was sure she was dying, even though it didn’t take an expert to look over her bloodwork and realize that she was likely in a very low stage of this non-aggressive cancer.
When she attended her consultation, her, FIL, SIL, and my husband had to go to support and were relieved to hear the good news. MIL was mortally offended that the oncologist poo-pooed her ridiculous made up, self-enforced diet that had already caused her to lose 10lbs. She’s not a big boned lady, so that was not weight she needed or should be losing. MIL is convinced that homeopathic and naturopathic remedies are the way to go, that “big pharma” is out to get us and make a buck off of our treatment, etc. She quite literally took ivermectin for covid previously, folks. So the fact that an oncologist would tell her that her diet was downright silly pissed her off and she quickly tried to find others more aligned with her viewpoints.
Life resumed more normally for a couple of weeks, but her random “cures” added to her diet and lifestyle have gotten increasingly bizarre and frankly inconvenient for her entire family.
This past weekend, we visited them, and MIL was insistent that she was dying and the next oncologist would recommend chemo for treatment. I fail to see why one oncologist would be so nonchalant about treatment and another would propose aggressive treatment, but I digress. She brought up Dr. Oz, a holistic massage therapist that uses oils and massage to cure cancer, and worst of all, a new item she’s added to her diet— roasted apricot pits. Now if you’re like me, you might be wondering what would possess someone to eat an apricot pit— after all, don’t they have cyanide in them? Precisely. My MIL is intentionally ingesting apricot pits because “cyanide kills cancer.”
As my husband eloquently put it, “No, cyanide kills *everything.”
Today my husband received a phone call asking if he’d be willing to petsit for them this weekend. We have a follow up ultrasound for a small abnormality detected in our baby on Friday, but MIL wants him to drive to their home two hours away and spend the night so he can watch their cat and SIL’s dog. Meanwhile MIL, FIL, and SIL will drive eight hours (and eight hours back) to visit this massage therapist/oil salesman to “cure her cancer.” Mind you, they are using SIL’s car because they have no other vehicle that works well enough to drive that far, they are constantly tight on money, and again, her oncologist has stated she does not need treatment.
I am at a loss. My husband, FIL, and SIL are all frustrated and have come around to the idea that maybe she is being a little over the top finally, but no one is putting their foot down to stop her. SIL is going to drive them instead of just saying no and not letting them take her car. FIL repeatedly drives to the store to pick up whatever weird ass product she wants to try next. And my husband despite having way too much to deal with at home, keeps dropping everything to tend to her.
It is mind boggling obnoxious and honestly in some ways offensive given my family history with cancer. My mom’s diagnosis was death sentence from the get go and she faced it with bravery and tenacity and selflessness. My MIL has a minor health scare and everyone is expected to drop everything to help her.
I am glad my husband is finally seeing reason and logic— but what now? I have told him I strongly believe he needs to speak up and encourage her to follow legitimate medical advice— both for her own good but also to bring himself peace of mind in the long run— but it’s like this woman WANTS to die.
I could go on for hours, but really I’m just wondering how the heck to toe this delicate line of supporting my spouse while prioritizing my family.
submitted by UhWhateverworks to inlaws [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:09 Horror_Structure_908 have had a "cold" for over two weeks along with odd neurological issues, some symptoms have improved while others have worsened. any advice?

*for possible context, i have a branchial cleft cyst on the left side (slowly growing) with a heterogenous thyroid but have yet to see an ENT (in the process of recieving a referral, though). perhaps that has something to do with what's been happening,.*
as the title says, i've (19F, 220Ibs) had something akin to a cold for over two weeks. the first week of infection, i went to the doctors that monday to get tested for the flu (since i had been exposed a few days prior). test came back negative, but that tuesday i began feeling incredibly sick. i was basically bedridden, so i assumed i had a false negative/got tested too early. however, after my exam on wednesday, my condition worsened, thus kickstarting the odd neurological symptoms. the best way i can explain it is i forgot how to speak/type (roommate had witnessed this, paramedics witnessed some of it), my left arm/spine felt weirdly numb, and i had a tickle/heaviness in my chest. *to add, i wasn't really dehydrated, so i wouldn't attribute what happened to that.* i went to the hospital, had my blood taken, and got given haldol and benadryl simultaneously via IV (i had a bad reaction, became extremely paranoid/fearful. hospital staff did not care), and then got told everything was due to low magnesium/anxiety (i don't doubt it, just giving more details about my prognosis).
the following week, while my "cold" symptoms seemed to improve, AKA my throat wasn't as sore (forgot to add that the left side of my throat was/is swollen) and my ears didn't hurt as bad, my fatigue/lightheadedness/almost-fainting-thing worsened, so i went to an urgent care to get tested for COVID, the flu (again), and strep. everything came back negative, and after i told the urgent care provider what i was experiencing, they highly recommended i go back to the hospital. so i did. they gave me an EKG and another blood test, both coming back mostly normal. some of my levels fluctuated (not totally concerned since fluctuations are normal), but was then discharged and diagnosed with lightheadedness (my discharge papers say that's my diagnosis). i wasn't given any prescriptions or instructions on how to proceed with said diagnosis.
now, a week later, i still feel very week and lightheaded. i've always had feelings of fainting/tunnel vision/everything associated with losing consciousness, but it's been progessively bad. i feel like i have no stamina, and even felt exhausted from walking to the grocery store entrance from my car today. i also still have a lot of drainage/leaky sinuses (which isn't usually normal for me, even with allergies), and the left side of my throat is still swollen/tender on the outside (which could be from the cyst).
i'm unsure where to go from here. i made an appointment with my PCP the first time i went to the hospital this month, and the earliest appointment is the 27th. if nothing comes out of that, i won't know what to do. regardless, i just wanted to hear other's opinions/advice/etc.
submitted by Horror_Structure_908 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:45 Cutepeach56 I’m broken and trying to stay strong for my son.

It’s 12:40AM and I’m wide awake with my baby who has a double ear infection and sinus infection while my boyfriend 21M won’t get to at least once to help me. He thinks it’s my fault and always tells me that he doesn’t want this child. I’m trying to figure out what I’m going to do. I’m 18F but I’m so dead inside.
submitted by Cutepeach56 to regretfulparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:08 jc_time Extraction Site Healing Normally?

Extraction Site Healing Normally?
Hi, I just had my wisdom teeth removed 5 days ago, and I’m worried if my extraction sites are healing properly. I’m also worried if there might be a possibility of dry socket. Because on day two when I did my salt water rinse, I’m pretty sure my blood clots came out during (I didn’t swish hard nor spit, just let things fall and plop, suspicious looking things that resemble blood clots came out.) I’ve been combating with 600mg of prescription ibuprofen since day 4, lost my sense of taste/smell since day 2-4 (as you can see my tongue was brutally wounded lol from my surgery- not to mention I have one hell of a lisp), also sneezed (A LOT) day 2-3 (pretty sure my upper left was impacting my sinus)
My diet has consisted of mostly liquids, and soft foods- I do not smoke or drink, and I’ve stayed away from straws, anything too hot or cold, nothing spicy or crunchy- so I’m on the clear at that. I also cannot open my jaw fully but after each meal I make sure to do a warm salt water rinse 3 to 5 times afterwards.
I just want to know if they look normal, (I’m only able to capture my lowers) how the picture looks it’s wonky, but my holes are pretty deep, and I still have mild pain/discomfort day five. I will note that I am also a mouth breather and at night is when I worry the most of developing dry socket.
Also I am on 250mg of liquid amoxicillin 10 ml twice a day for ten days to prevent infection. And I plan to make an appointment with my actual dentist for a follow up hitting the second week mark just in case.
So I just want to see if these look normal, and if I’m not going crazy. 1-3 months feel like a long time, but it took 3 years for me to grow each of my lower wisdom teeth so 3 months to heal fully will feel like nothing-
Order of the photos: 1st (left), 2nd (right)
submitted by jc_time to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:53 PlantHerald Almost died from a "pinched nerve"

So about half a year ago while I (27 AFAB at the time) was at work my arm began tingling. It happened while I was crocheting so I attributed it to poor posture but took note of the time (just after 3pm) and continued working until 5pm. By the time I got off work my pinky and ring finger on my right hand became difficult to use. I drove home (hindsight this was really stupid of me to do) and an hour later when it hadn't gotten better I asked my brother to take me to the ER.
While there I told them that given the symptoms I was having (numbness on one side, and partial paralysis) and that I had started a new birth control a month prior that I was worried about the possibility of a stroke. They checked for the more obvious signs of stroke (facial droop, delayed eye dilation, blood tests, etc.) and noted that I had weakness in my right arm as well as tachycardia. They asked my brother about my behavior and if I was acting off, which he said I was not.
When the blood tests came back they informed me that my d-dimer was elevated. I wasn't told how much it was elevated. They referred me to CT to check for a pulmonary embolism. CT showed a normal healthy chest and I was sent home with a diagnosis of pinched ulnar nerve.
Over the next two days I proceeded to be incapable of eating or drinking anything, if I slept it was not for more than an hour at a time and I woke up in a cold sweat. My arm went from tingly and partially paralyzed to dead meat attached to my body. I could not move it, and could only lift at the shoulder. I woke my brother up at 3am to take me back to the ER. I informed them of the new symptoms, as well as the worsening of the previous symptoms.
This time it felt very dismissive. I was not being heard. I got sent to MRI to check again for a pulmonary embolism which again showed nothing. I told them I felt like I had really bad brain fog and my arm felt like it was in ice water. I was told this was normal for a pinched ulnar nerve. They gave me nerve glides to do, a prescription for 600mg of ibuprofen, and a referral to a neurologist. I asked them before I left if it was a good idea to fly as I had a vacation starting the next day, I was told it was fine.
So I went on my vacation, flying from one coast of the US to the other. It was 7hrs after I landed and was picked up from the airport where it started to go downhill and rapidly.
I still couldn't eat, and I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep so I bummed a gummy off a friend and started getting ready to go to bed. After this is a complete haze for me but I will list the events as I was later told:
I dropped on Tuesday night. I remember bits and pieces of Tuesday night, and the following Wednesday, but I was not conscious and aware until Thursday morning. I woke up, realized I had a catheter, and I was PISSED.
In the few hours after the medical staff learned I was actually with it. I was informed not only that I had a stroke, but that I had a rare form of stroke. It was a Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis. They were shocked that the previous hospital had not continued to look for something and dismissed me. I was then informed that my d-dimer was 1.03 (where a 0.50 was the maximum threshold for a normal d-dimer), my glucose upon being admitted was severely elevated, and they didn't know how bad it was because they had not yet been able to get a clear image of my brain.
Throughout my ICU stay I learned I was extremely lucky to be alive, you can't trust every doctor, and to always be accompanied by someone who will advocate for you. Also birth control sucks and my friends are amazing.
I spent my 28th birthday in the ER.
I now live in the state where I was finally diagnosed properly and I am communicating with a lawyer for a malpractice lawsuit. I have had up to 20 appointments a month just for things related to my stroke and am coming to terms with things that just might not get better. I'm taking 4 different medications for the after affects of the stroke, and I might just have to remain on 3 of them as it's possible I now have an epileptic disorder. We wont know for sure until my brain is given more time to heal but my recent EEG still shows abnormal brain activity.
I think overall I have a pretty solid case, especially given the shock of the paralegal as I explained what happened. But sometimes I second guess it and it worries me.
submitted by PlantHerald to MedicalMalpractice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:22 beach2002 undiagnosed looking for advice

hi all, thank u for taking the time to read this. im not asking for a diagnosis but i have been very hopeless with how things have been going. i am 21 years old and i have no idea what else to do so any advice on who to see or ur thoughts is much appreciated. have been dealing with these symptoms since december non stop w worsening progression👇 1) chronic eyelid swelling and redness and pain 2) floaters and dry eye and sensitivity to light 3) swelling of face and legs 4) coldness and tingling in feet and hands 5) hair loss 6) chronic yeast infections 7) chronic sinusitis 8) rashes, rosacea, acne, ezcema all not responsive to topicals 9) chronic fatigue 10) stomach issues- bloating, pain, either no stool or diaharia 11) back pain 12) depression and anxiety 13) period for 5 months and now period gone for 3 months 14) masive brain fog
i had an mri back in march due to also optic nerve swelling and came back somewhat normal with just fluid beneath the sheeths of the nerve it said. i have done tons of bloodwork, and i already have been diagnosed with pcos but i never had any of these symptoms. i also had a ct scan of sinuses and there are mucosel cysts but thats probably not meaning much to all this.
i have never felt this bad in my life. with my eye problems ive gotten like 5 different diagnoses and no one is certain but this is defiently one of my biggest symptoms. no one doctor ive seen has been trying to connect the dots. my ana last time i checked was normal besides a little high for rheumatoid factor. ive been to countless doctors and i just dont know what to do at this point when i go to the doctor for help and just being told its “inflammation” without further investigation and i go home with no options or help. i dont know what to do anymore, if anyone has any ideas its so appreciated❤️😢.
submitted by beach2002 to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:55 BettyBlue1122 Septoplasty and mini FESS preparation

Hi all,
I'm about to get a Septoplasty and mini FESS (to remove a fungal ball that's been causing chronic sinusitis).
I just want to see if there's anything I should add to help with recovery. I've done some research but want to make sure I haven't missed anything.
So far I have - Humidifier (I also have a range of essential oils if anyone would recommend I use any?) - Lip chap - Tissues - Panadol (Australia's Tylenol) and ibuprofen - Lots of pillows - Nasal aspirator (like used for babies) - Q tips, facial cleaning wipes and cotton pads - Loose, comfy clothes. All freshly washed - Microwave meals, I've opted for all softer meals and soups. - Lots of ice packs - Bottled water
Thanks everyone!
submitted by BettyBlue1122 to Sinusitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:50 fhfhdj Bloodied Blades: Volra’s Tale Part 14 A story inspired by WorldBox

Chips of rock flew away, taking the weapon’s edge with them. Ginendertha cursed the fact right before knocking away a spear thrust. For the first time in centuries she was well matched. For the first time, she could actually lose.
The thought of losing spurred her on, taking each of his strikes in stride. Realizing he had the greater strength, she weaved around them trying to make his spear obsolete.
Yet he recognized this and backed off. Every time she slid closer, he moved further away and jabbed at the woman. Packing more power to his attacks each time.
His surging thrust knocked her off balance, this time making her back away from his reach but he suddenly became as fast as her and flew at her with a leopard’s speed. The ax dropped from her numbing fingers, deftly snatching it with her other hand.
Blood flowed from her leg. She had forgotten the fact as she was still adjusting to her new body and became evident when she tried to move again. The longer she stayed in control the more she felt her wounds and fatigue. Not having a body in many years made it feel as new to her as if she had been a newborn.
Before his spear could connect with her flesh, a sonic boom blasted them both from their feet and crash down onto the cold, hard floor. ‘Why was it cold?’, she would’ve thought if she had the time. Pain flooded her leg. A single nudge brought down the dam she built in her mind.
Galakni got up quickly. He strained his eyes to see better in the dark but the darkness was impenetrable. Then he closed them and trained his ears to his surroundings. Apart from his opponent’s heavy breathing, there was the faint whistle of the wind indicating the way out and the withering tree that had not so long ago ascended him to godhood. There was a second voice, this one a shadow of the woman that it had been. This one breathed as heavily as Volra, but more out of hate than exhaustion.
Volra’s body was reaching its limit. Her muscles, already worn out from the constant fighting, pulsed from Galakni’s heavy pounding and cuts and scrapes from the many rocks in the floor. Ginendertha moved one arm and struggled against the overwhelming clubs of pain that slid in like molten magma. It was as if the body weighed as much as a thousand worlds. Nevertheless, she moved, slowly but surely, with one hand pushing down. Then the other. Pushing up, lifting the thousand worlds at her back. She heard his footsteps. She grabbed the broken ax and willed her aching feet towards him, slowly but surely.
Galakni braced himself when he sensed the other woman’s tension. Despite his quickness, the attack came out of nowhere, like a boulder rolling down from a steep hill the force of her charge knocked him to the ground. He knew this was not the assassin, so who was it?
With both bone and scaled fists gripping the haft, he fought hard to not let go, kicking desperately with all his strength at this opponent’s newfound power. The enemy avoided some kicks but slightly reeling from the others, pouring all her willpower into snapping teeth and raking against the stone haft imbued with the power of the gelatinous vortex once contained within the old tree. Neither tooth nor claw managed to disfigure the smooth surface of the Spear of Mof, for once it proved to be the spear of that great sorcerer.
Volra fought for control of her body. The Senerjai attacked her senses, the side effects warping her view of reality. An outsider would see that she was just struggling to get up from the stony ground but inside was so much more. Each breath took centuries, each heartbeat a decade, it seemed worlds would be born, then wither, then die as they both struggled for freedom.
‘This is my body! Leave me alone!’, she yelled within her at the ghost.
Ginendertha clogged her stomach and a purple cloud would spread across her intestines and take over her legs, ‘You’re too weak to survive. I have what it takes. You are but a speck of dust in this world but I can turn you to a shining gold’.
The Senerjai injected Volra’s mind with visions of her promises. Images of battles won, people crying out her name in glee, an army of leather clad men singing her praises in a foreign tongue while a tall, muscular man in bronze armor lifts a helmet from his head and mutters words of adoration and a proposal of marriage.
Volra did not know who the man was but could sense the ideas of world conquest and godhood that infected Galakni’s already venomous mind. Then she rejected it, knowing that it would mean betrayal of her own ruler, Tithra, and were so far beyond anything she ever wanted. Ginendertha tried everything. Showing her Tithra’s head on a platter, a bloody sword before the corpses of enemy tribesmen from the Kynha people, statues raised in her likeness, and her brother’s skull given to the shamans of the Overmountain. Ginendertha tapped into every memory she could reach to convince Volra to let her take control, yet a twinge of despair colored every attempt.
When the body recovered and dusted off her legs, carefully avoiding her wound, it was Volra who did it. Ginendertha said no more.
The assassin limped towards the sounds of Galakni fighting off Kiral. Ax in hand, she lifted it up and brought it down. When it loudly cracked she decided to slam it down a second time. Then a third. The blows grew weak until the very last one missed completely and hit the floor. An intense shudder felt up her arm.
She dropped the ax and fell down and felt no more.
When next she opened her eyes, she saw nothing but trees and singing birds. Reckoning that she was just outside the vicinity of the Overmountain, she breathed a sigh of relief despite the deep aching of her whole body. Pain lanced up at even the slightest movements and her limbs were too heavy to lift. Where was Kiral? Surely she was the one who dragged her out of the Path of Faith?
“Kiral?”, she said in a thin whisper. When there was no response she spoke out a little louder this time, “Kiral!?”, birds chirped and the susurrations of the winds rolled over her, “Kiraaaaal!”, she yelled after preparing for a few minutes.
She yelled three more times but to no avail. Giving no care as to whether surviving cultists or predators prowled nearby. Hoping against hope that her friend was not dead.
‘She isn’t dead. It only could’ve been her who took me out of that place’, she thought.
‘It was her, you fool. But the tree had changed her’, said Ginendertha inside her, ‘Don’t worry, it was common for new initiates to our order to run away once they saw how the powers changed them. It is a hard thing to adjust to the changes in your body especially when the changes are so significant’.
Volra willed her to shut up but it was no use. Though the Senerjai no longer had control over her body, her voice could still plague the assassin’s mind.
It was a trial to move but Volra managed it. First her arms then her legs. Wiggling them to get used to the pain and then increasing the movements by grabbing on to a nearby trunk and pulling herself up. Standing was the greatest challenge then for it meant an even more intense agony, the kind that she had not felt since first training under Noseraph. Without thinking, she took a direction and started walking. She was still breathing, and she had killed Galakni.
submitted by fhfhdj to Worldbox [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:02 CasualRSL I just spent 6 days in the hospital for mystery parasthesia and pain. Is it actually just guillaine-barre syndrome?

Hello! I am a 28 year old male. I just spent 6 days admitted to the hospital with concerns about a cardiac event because I was having facial parasthesia (tingling, numbness), the same sensation in my left arm and to a less frequent extent, my right arm. I also experience lower jaw and tooth pain, but I can’t tell if this is a symptom or if it is secondary to the swollen tonsils and adenoids.
For context, my wife and son recently got sick. My wife was very sick. Enough so that she sometimes cried about how much her throat hurt and even got a couple of chest x-rays for pneumonia. She was tested for every common illness because she had an insanely painful sore throat, a VERY bad cough, a whisper quiet lost voice and her tonsils were huge. The only result that showed was that she had a past EBV infection at some point.
I also got sick, of course. However, things went differently for me. I got sick and developed a bad sorrow throat and that was about it. This continues to this day, which is 12 days later. It’s still quite bad. My tonsils are also huge, but not as big as they were. I have tonsil secretions but I had more before.
A few days into my sore throat, my left face began to tingle. It was… weird. No pain, nothing else really. Just tingle. Later on in the day, my lip went numb. I went to the ER thinking that I was stroking out or something but the CT was fine and they sent me home.
The very next day, my left arm started to tingle and hurt and my arm starting from under my armpit medially(if supinated) running down my upper arm but not below my elbow started to ache. My shoulder had sensations of cold as well. The tinglng sensation continues and it runs down to my hand where I feel pain that that travels around but is mainly in my palm, thumb and fourth/fifth finger. This also occurs in my right arm. In fact, it’s happening right now. Both sides of my face are tingling as well.
To be clear, Yale’s cardiology team did a very extensive workup including s PET/CT nuclear stress test, echocardiogram, several EKG’s, maybe a dozen troponins a chest X-ray. No cardiac pathology was revealed. The only thing that was somewhat weird is that my symptoms were alleviated several times by nitroglycerin, but this may very well be psychosomatic due to my extreme anxiety over it being cardiac in nature and causing panjc attacks that the nitroglycerin calmed by lowering my BP and distracting me with low BP symptoms, honestly. I am a very anxious individual and I was very laser focused on it being cardiac pain because of the location. So much so that I did not even think of the possibility of my illness being related during my hospitalization. They did test me for strep and COVID and it was negative but given the fact that my wife was negative for EBV, they did not think it necessary.
I am wondering if perhaps this mystery infection could have triggered GBS? I do see a neurologist but my closest available appointment is three months from now.
So, what do you fine people think? Do these symptoms sound like potential GBS? If so, would gabapentin help? How can I go about making this easier for myself? I do have an RX for that. Thanks for reading.
submitted by CasualRSL to askneurology [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:18 baggytheman11 Could really use some help 🙏🏻 thank you

Age 30 years young Sex Male Height 511’ Weight 170 Race White Duration of complaint
Been to a lot of doctors this past month and a half since this started. Out of no where it seems like I woke up one morning and started having a lot of symptoms physically and mentally too. Gut issues to start for sure, lack of what seems like digesting stuff properly, and idk if it’s acid reflux or the opposite just a lot of stuff rocking up my throat from my gut constantly clearing my throat sometimes coughing too, sinus congestion with that, change of perception like I’m in a nightmare and feel sickish, meds stopped working properly seems like for my adhd and my anxiety meds, teeth issues too! Like I just started having all these teeth rot more, went on quite a few antibiotics since then and then went off them, thought I had c diff from one of them but it was negative, now I’m just again after being off for awhile back on Zpac for a couple teeth that have infection. What is going on I can’t keep up with it and nothing is working. Also horrible taste in my mouth all the time
Location Gut,mouth,body Any existing relevant medical issues No Current medications Lexapro Gabapentin Baclofen Vyvanse 4 days sometimes 5 days per week Include a photo if relevant
submitted by baggytheman11 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:05 Signal_Marsupial_129 Hypoechoic lesion and swollen nodes

26F. About 4 years ago an US revealed a hypoechoic lesion in my R lumbar area measuring slightly greater than 1cm. The doctor i was seeing at the time didnt think any follow up was necessary. I had a CT that showed swollen mesenteric and pericecal lymph nodes about 5 months ago with an incidental note of the lesion. On the note it said "if patient doesnt have known cancer, follow up is recommended based on clinical findings " I was negative for 32 different viral/bacterial infections they checked for. I'm having my follow up scans this Friday due to increased pain in my R lumbahip as well as numbness in the same area, to see if the hypoechoic lesion has grown and if the nodes are still swollen. My question is, if the lymph nodes are still enlarged what would be the likely next course of action? My Dr mentioned surgery for the lesion if it has grown, I assume they would biopsy it at that point? Could these things be related? Hx: Anemia, complex ovarian cyst, prior cholecystectomy in 2017, chronic fatigue
submitted by Signal_Marsupial_129 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:30 BoscPear23 4 month update! Down 28 lbs.

40f, 5’7 SW: 214 CW: 186 GW: 160
I started this journey near the end of January and I can’t believe I’m down 28 pounds. The last time I was “successful” at weight loss was when I did Atkins in my late 20s and lost about 30 pounds, then slowly gained it back over the next several years. Then came COVID and a baby (didn’t carry) and I added probably another 20 pounds. I’ve tried many a fad diet since but nothing ever seemed to work or feel sustainable. I’ve also always played sports/worked out regularly, but nothing moved the scale.
I’m blown away with how little I’ve had to think about this weight loss journey. I simply started the shots and the rest almost took care of itself?! I loosely count calories in the LoseIt app to make sure I’m around 1200 calories a day, and do peloton or Orange theory 2-3x a week. That’s it.
I will say that I noticed much stronger effects the first 2 months. The appetite suppression was strong and even some food aversion generally. I also had a bad sinus infection half way through and went on anti biotics — that absolutely was the worst! Nausea was intense then and went away as soon as I finished the treatment.
I was on a 2.5mg for a month and 5 for a month, then 7.5 for two months. I just started 10 last week. No side effects the entire time other than lower blood pressure. I regret titrating up as fast as I did as I was losing weight nicely at each. Alas. I’ll probably stay at 10mg for a few months.
I feel like the weight loss is slowing down a bit now which is probably normal. I miss the early total absence of food noise but I know that’s not sustainable or realistic for a life long change. Just when I worry that maybe I’ve stalled or even gained, I weigh in and it’s almost always a little bit lower than last time. The exception is leading up to my period when I usually stay the same weight, maybe gain a tiny bit, but then lose again the week after. I’m down a pant size and feeling really happy with my progress!
If it’s possible to stay on this forever, I’ll do that for maintenance. I never want to go back to where I started and feel so grateful for what feels like a miracle drug.
submitted by BoscPear23 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:57 Mango_Tree_74 Did you take augmentin antibiotic while pregnant? If so, is baby healthy?

Got prescribed augmentin for a bad sinus infection today. I’ll be 12 weeks tomorrow and am so nervous to take any medications even though I was told by the np and pharmacist that it’s safe. If you ever took it and your baby is healthy can you please share. I never took any medications while pregnant with my first baby so I’m hoping everything will be good with baby #2.
submitted by Mango_Tree_74 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:05 sabigarasan Nasopalatine duct cyst is making my life hell, need advice

Not confirmed to be a nasopalatine duct cyst but very likely. Fits the look and the symptoms. Several dentists and an oral surgeon all said that was most likely, but I got a CBCT scan this morning to confirm it. I was told I may need to wait a while for results, even over a week. And then after that it might be several more weeks until a surgery can be scheduled for removal.
I am in so much pain. My teeth, my tongue, my nose, my cheeks all hurt. I've been prescribed antibiotics (in case it's infected), T3s, and ketorolac which I'm taking as often as permitted. I'm using Orajel and ice to try to numb the pain away in between meds. All of these things are just taking the edge off, sometimes, not even guaranteed. I can't sleep. Eating anything is so painful, even yoghurt and oatmeal, I guess because everything passes by the cyst and it's really hard to prevent my tongue from touching it. I accidentally bumped my tooth against my glass of water and just wished I'd die. I'm trying to distract myself with video games and drawing and anything really but it's just all consuming. It feels like someone is hitting my teeth with a hammer over and over and then trying to yank them out. I have gotten chronic migraines my whole life and I'd rather have a migraine right now.
How the hell am I supposed to wait weeks to get this dealt with. Does anyone have any advice??? I'm desperate. Besides my own health and comfort I can't really afford to miss work for too much longer.
Also, what do I do if it bursts? I can feel and see it getting bigger. The pressure in my mouth and my nose is getting worse and worse. I feel like it's not gonna make it weeks. I honestly hope it bursts and I just get some relief.
submitted by sabigarasan to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:58 Fit-Grocery9032 From average to hot then ugly

At the age of 20 I realised about mewing and over the next 2 years I researched into looksmsxxing fully and I went from literally like a 5.5 facially to 8 with great side profile, however that was when I was around 80kg.
Over the last year I have developed a sinus infection and other nasal issues that have stopped me being able to mew properly, I mean I'm still doing it with my tongue in position, chewing gum, facial exercises, but my entire face looks droopy now like I've had a stroke, when i breathe I have to like absolutely force the inhalation it's awful and my jawlines is gone.
My eyes also have become swollen and larger in a really scary looking fashion. I can only think it's because of the vacuum I need to breathe through my nose or something.
It's really painful to become ugly when you have experienced what it feels like to be handsome to the point of people telling you it constantly and I used to have so many people look at me on the street. Now I just feel invisible, and when I look in a mirror it makes me so sad.
I mean theoretically I did go from 80kg to 90kg but this kinda facial shit has to be caused by my breathing issue. I was 89kg before and had a jawline then so it's not the weight.
Sometimes it even feels like the facial exercises I'm doing makes it worse as well but I'm not sure. It's like no matter how much effort I put in, doing the exact same shit that make me good looking it doesn't help because I'm missing breathing.
I don't breathe through my mouth but I just barely breathe at all. I very recently discovered nasal strips allow me to breathe again but not equally through both nostrils.
It'd be better if I'd just never became good looking becaue now it's so much more painful to experience life like this.
submitted by Fit-Grocery9032 to Mewing [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:27 Fabulous_Point8748 FNA at UCSF LIINC study

I participated in the UCSF LIINC study today. For those unfamiliar with it, it’s a program at UCSF that studies patients with Long Covid. Specifically one thing they’re looking for is evidence of viral persistence.
They performed an FNA (fine needle aspiration) on my lymph node today which they plan to send to UPenn to analyze. The FNA procedure itself involves getting numbed in an area where a lymph node is and then they do a biopsy on it. It’s not as painful as it sounds actually. I didn’t really feel much except a couple of pricks from the Lidocaine they gave me. No other side effects really except for a sore neck.
One interesting thing the doctor who performed it said was that all the long covid patients he’s seen have had very small lymph nodes which he said is unusual if your body was fighting a viral infection. It kind of makes me wonder if viral persistence isn’t the cause of LC. They did find evidence of viral persistence in the gut though which is interesting. Maybe the immune system is being suppressed?
submitted by Fabulous_Point8748 to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:22 baggytheman11 Please could use some support

Been to a lot of doctors this past month and a half since this started. Out of no where it seems like I woke up one morning and started having a lot of symptoms physically and mentally too. Gut issues to start for sure, lack of what seems like digesting stuff properly, and idk if it’s acid reflux or the opposite just a lot of stuff rocking up my throat from my gut constantly clearing my throat sometimes coughing too, sinus congestion with that, change of perception like I’m in a nightmare and feel sickish, meds stopped working properly seems like for my adhd and my anxiety meds, teeth issues too! Like I just started having all these teeth rot more, went on quite a few antibiotics since then and then went off them, thought I had c diff from one of them but it was negative, now I’m just again after being off for awhile back on Zpac for a couple teeth that have infection. What is going on I can’t keep up with it and nothing is working. Also horrible taste in my mouth all the time
submitted by baggytheman11 to Candida [link] [comments]