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NativeScript - Build Truly Native Mobile Apps with Angular, Vue.js, TypeScript, and JavaScript

2015.05.08 15:09 rayshinn NativeScript - Build Truly Native Mobile Apps with Angular, Vue.js, TypeScript, and JavaScript

NativeScript is a free and open source framework for building truly native mobile apps with standards-based JavaScript and CSS. NativeScript enables developers to build truly native iOS and Android apps while sharing the application code across the platforms. Use Angular, Vue.js, TypeScript, or JavaScript.

2020.02.11 00:24 jimmyduckegg Analogue Community

AnalogueInc is a community driven hub for all of Analogue’s FPGA consoles

2017.07.10 12:30 mcmgmusic Music Promotion unlimted

A subreddit for music promoters, musicians, music lovers and fans to promote and showcase talented musicians and artists to the rest of the world. If you are looking for a subreddit to promote any genre of music without any restriction, this is the place for you. There's absolutely no rule here except for mutual respect of other promoters. Blog posts about music and musicians are also welcomed. Don't be biased, if it's good, give it an upvote and if it's wack give it a down vote.

2024.06.09 00:29 tempmailgenerator Sending Emails with Attachments Using FastAPI and fastapi-mail

Implementing Email Services in FastAPI Applications

In the modern era of web development, creating responsive and efficient backend services is crucial for any application's success. FastAPI, a high-performance web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+ types, has been at the forefront of enabling developers to craft these services with minimal effort. Among its vast array of capabilities, FastAPI simplifies the process of implementing email functionalities within applications. This is particularly useful for tasks such as sending confirmation emails, notifications, or even documents directly from your application.
However, a common requirement in many web applications is the ability to send emails with attachments, a feature that extends the basic email sending functionality to include sending files like PDFs, images, or CSVs. This capability can enhance your application's interactivity and utility, whether it's for sharing reports with users or sending automated invoices. Using the fastapi-mail library, FastAPI developers can efficiently integrate this feature into their applications. This article will guide you through the process of setting up email services with attachments in FastAPI, highlighting the necessary steps and configurations to make your application's communication features more robust and versatile.
Command Description
FastMail Class used to configure and send emails.
MessageSchema Schema for creating the message structure, including recipients, subject, body, and attachments.
add_task Method for adding an asynchronous task, used here to send emails in the background.
JSONResponse FastAPI response class, used to return JSON responses.

Advanced Email Handling in FastAPI

When building web applications with FastAPI, integrating email functionalities often becomes necessary, especially for features like notifications, password resets, or sending reports. The fastapi-mail library streamlines this process, offering a simple yet powerful way to handle email sending tasks. By leveraging background tasks, FastAPI can send emails asynchronously, ensuring that the user's experience remains unaffected by any potential delays in the email delivery system. This is particularly important in web applications where response time is critical to user satisfaction.
The transition from handling file uploads directly to sending files from a path requires a change in approach. Instead of receiving the file through an endpoint, the application reads the file from the server's filesystem. This method necessitates additional security considerations, such as validating the file path to prevent unauthorized access to the filesystem. Moreover, this approach allows for more flexibility in managing files, as it enables the server to send files that are generated on-the-fly or stored in specific directories not directly exposed to the user. Implementing this feature with FastAPI and fastapi-mail involves reading the file's content into memory and attaching it to the email message, a process that seamlessly integrates with FastAPI's asynchronous task management to ensure efficient and non-blocking email delivery.

Sending an Email with FastAPI

Python and FastAPI
u/"/file") async def send_file(background_tasks: BackgroundTasks, file_path: str, email: EmailStr) -> JSONResponse: with open(file_path, "rb") as f: file_data = message = MessageSchema( subject="Fastapi mail module", recipients=[email], body="Simple background task", subtype=MessageType.html, attachments=[("filename.ext", file_data)]) fm = FastMail(conf) background_tasks.add_task(fm.send_message, message) return JSONResponse(status_code=200, content={"message": "email has been sent"}) 

Enhancing Email Integration in FastAPI Applications

Integrating email services into FastAPI applications not only extends functionality but also elevates the user experience by enabling direct communication. The fastapi-mail library facilitates this integration, allowing developers to seamlessly implement email sending features. This library supports various email sending scenarios, from simple notifications to complex emails with attachments, utilizing FastAPI's asynchronous operations. Asynchronous email sending is crucial for maintaining web application responsiveness, ensuring that the user interface remains snappy even when the app is performing backend tasks like sending emails.
Beyond basic email sending capabilities, developers often explore advanced features such as templating, scheduling, and multi-recipient handling. Templating allows for dynamic content generation, making emails more personalized and engaging. Scheduling enables emails to be sent at specified times, which is particularly useful for newsletters or time-sensitive notifications. Handling multiple recipients, on the other hand, requires careful consideration of privacy concerns, such as using BCC to protect email addresses. These advanced features, when implemented correctly, can significantly enhance the functionality of FastAPI applications, providing users with timely, relevant, and personalized communication.

Common Questions on FastAPI Email Integration

  1. Question: Can FastAPI send emails synchronously?
  2. Answer: While FastAPI can send emails synchronously, it's recommended to use asynchronous tasks to avoid blocking the server response.
  3. Question: How do I attach files to emails with fastapi-mail?
  4. Answer: Use the attachments parameter in MessageSchema to attach files. For files stored in paths, read the file content and pass it as an attachment.
  5. Question: Is it possible to use email templates with fastapi-mail?
  6. Answer: Yes, fastapi-mail supports templating, allowing you to use HTML templates for email bodies for dynamic content generation.
  7. Question: Can I send emails to multiple recipients with fastapi-mail?
  8. Answer: Yes, by specifying a list of email addresses in the recipients field of MessageSchema, you can send emails to multiple recipients.
  9. Question: How does FastAPI handle email sending failures?
  10. Answer: FastAPI itself does not handle email sending failures directly. It's the developer's responsibility to implement error handling when using fastapi-mail, such as retry mechanisms or error logging.

Wrapping Up FastAPI Email Integrations

As we've explored, the integration of email functionalities within FastAPI applications using the fastapi-mail library is a powerful feature that can significantly enhance user engagement and communication. This integration supports a wide range of use cases, from sending simple notifications to complex emails with attachments. The asynchronous nature of these tasks ensures that the application's performance remains optimal, providing a seamless experience for the end-user. Furthermore, the ability to utilize email templates, schedule messages, and manage multiple recipients allows developers to create more personalized and effective communication strategies. It's important for developers to consider security and privacy aspects, especially when handling file paths and recipient information. Overall, the combination of FastAPI and fastapi-mail offers a scalable, efficient, and flexible solution for email integration in modern web applications, enabling developers to better meet their users' needs and expectations.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:01 startmyidea Share your idea - monthly post - r/startmyidea wants to hear what you're working on!

Tell us about your idea/startup in a comment within this submission for a chance to be shared in our daily newsletter

Follow this template:

submitted by startmyidea to StartMyIdea [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:01 aireviwer Certification Course Quiz Answers - Want to become a certified expert… for FREE? 🤯 Certification Course Quiz Answers - Want to become a certified expert… for FREE? 🤯

Level Up Your Marketing Game With a FREE Certification!

Want to master one of the most powerful and affordable all-in-one marketing platforms available today? can help you build sales funnels, automate your email marketing, create and sell online courses, and so much more – all in one place.
And the best part? They offer a completely free systeme certification course to help you become a pro! Certification Quiz Answers: Get 100% Score & Free Certificate (2024 Updated)

If you're looking to enhance your online marketing skills and showcase your expertise with a Certification, this video is a must-watch. It covers everything from a step-by-step walkthrough of the quiz to tips and tricks for maximizing your learning experience and effectively using features like tags, affiliate links, and the marketplace.
The video also provides strategies for building high-converting squeeze pages and funnels, which can be game-changers for your marketing efforts.
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, this guide will help you complete the course and obtain your certification effortlessly. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your online marketing to the next level!
I hope you find this video as helpful as I did. Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences with in the comments below.
Watch the full Video here ▶️

Here's why getting systeme certified is a no-brainer:

  • Become a expert: Master all the features and unlock the full potential of the platform.
  • Boost your credibility: Impress clients and potential employers with an official certification.
  • Learn at your own pace: 28 in-depth video modules that you can access anytime, anywhere.
Ready to unlock the power of Click below to sign up for the free certification course today!

Get Started Now >> Register for Your Free Certification! Certification Course Quiz Answers

Main dashboard and contacts

  1. What is the specific feature called in Systeme io that allows you to categorize your contact list into different groups?
  • [ ] Segments
  • Tags
  • [ ] Groups
  • [ ] Lists

2. As a affiliate with the affiliate ID “so00429112924b15f8b38622698484,” which of the following URLs should you use to correctly promote the home page?

3. Which of the following statements are true about the marketplace in

  • The marketplace is a virtual space where vendors publish their offers for affiliates to promote.
  • The marketplace is a platform where affiliates can find offers to promote and earn commissions.
  • The marketplace offers a search bar to easily find specific offers or vendors.
  • [ ] Affiliates can only promote offers through opt-in pages, not sales pages.

4. Which of the following features is missing from the contacts tab in

  • [ ] Viewing the date and time when a contact was added to the list.
  • [ ] Accessing the contact page to view detailed information about a specific contact.
  • [ ] Unsubscribing a contact from marketing emails.
  • Sending emails directly to contacts from the contact tab.

5. What does the “Email Activity” filter allow you to do in the contact list?

  • Identify contacts who haven’t opened or clicked your emails since a specific date.
  • [ ] Search contacts based on their email address.
  • [ ] Organize contacts based on their tags.
  • [ ] Filter contacts based on the date they were added.


1. What is the purpose of the squeeze page in the funnel?

  • To collect and save leads.
  • [ ] To sell a product or service.
  • [ ] To run an evergreen webinar.
  • [ ] To thank the customer for their subscription.

2. What are blocks in the context of building pages in

  • Pre-made elements to help you build your pages quickly and easily.
  • [ ] Sections of code for customizing pages.
  • [ ] Templates for creating pop-up windows.
  • [ ] Default settings for page elements.

3. What is the difference between a simple block and a master block?

  • [ ] Simple blocks cannot be saved for future use, while master blocks can.
  • Simple blocks do not change across all pages when edited, while master blocks do.
  • [ ] Simple blocks can be customized in detail, while master blocks are fixed.
  • [ ] Simple blocks are pre-made elements, while master blocks are user-created.

4. What is the purpose of’s A/B test feature?

  • [ ] To test different automation rules and triggers for lead collection.
  • [ ] To track and analyze the statistics and earnings per page view.
  • To test two different versions of a page and split your incoming traffic between them evenly to determine which one performs better.

5. Which page is typically used to present the main offer in detail and contains text blocks and buttons?

  • [ ] Upsell page
  • [ ] Downsell page
  • Sales page
  • [ ] Thank you page

6.Which payment option in the order form allows customers to make indefinite recurring payments?

  • [ ] One-time payment
  • Subscription
  • [ ] Payment plan
  • [ ] Trial period

7. What is the purpose of using available substitutes in the email editor?

  • [ ] To share the webinar registration page link.
  • [ ] To remind subscribers about the event they registered for.
  • [ ] To create urgency by showing time slots for the webinar.
  • To provide personalized information to subscribers.


1. What is the purpose of the blog layout editor in

  • [ ] Adding elements that appear across all pages of the blog.
  • Customizing the appearance of individual blog posts.
  • [ ] Redirecting menu items to external websites.
  • [ ] Creating pop-ups for visitor engagement.

2. What is the purpose of the “blog post listing” element?

  • [ ] It allows visitors to send messages to the blog owner.
  • [ ] It provides a form for visitors to contact the blog owner.
  • [ ] It customizes the layout of the post list page.
  • It displays the latest posts published on the blog.

3. What is the purpose of the “categories” feature in the blog?

  • [ ] It allows visitors to subscribe to specific categories.
  • It organizes posts into different topics or themes.
  • [ ] It provides a form for visitors to leave comments.
  • [ ] It customizes the layout of the blog’s homepage.

4. Which page on the blog allows visitors to send messages to the owner?

  • [ ] Home page
  • [ ] Post list page
  • [ ] About page
  • Contact page


1. Which trigger can be used to set an automatic action when a contact completes an email campaign?

  • [ ] Register to webinar
  • Campaign completed
  • [ ] Tag added
  • [ ] Email link clicked

2. Which trigger should you use if you want to set an automatic action when someone clicks on a link in an email?

  • [ ] Tag added
  • [ ] Page visited
  • Email link clicked

3. Which option allows you to split the path of an action in a workflow?

  • Add a decision
  • [ ] Add an action
  • [ ] Add a trigger
  • [ ] Add a delay

4. In the workflow example, what is the purpose of adding a delay after checking if a contact has a specific tag?

  • [ ] To send them an email
  • [ ] To unsubscribe them from the campaign
  • [ ] To check their contact fields
  • To wait for one day


1. In the products tab, what information can be accessed in the “Orders” section?

  • [ ] Product descriptions and SKU.
  • Customer email addresses, information about the product and the order’s fulfillment status.
  • [ ] Shipping label creation options.
  • [ ] Integration with external platforms.

2. When creating a coupon in, what is the purpose of setting a limit of use?

  • [ ] It determines the discount type (fixed amount or percentage).
  • [ ] It specifies the expiration date for the coupon.
  • It restricts the number of times the coupon can be used.
  • [ ] It defines the products eligible for the coupon.

3. What is the purpose of the “automatic post approval” setting when creating a community?

  • [ ] To customize the URL path for the community.
  • [ ] To grant access to the community to new members.
  • [ ] To categorize the community’s posts into topics.
  • To determine whether members can publish posts without approval.

4. What must be chosen in the order form to enable the delay feature for courses within a course bundle?

  • [ ] Full access
  • Drip content
  • [ ] Bundle pricing
  • [ ] Student enrollment

5. Which of the following is unnecessary when creating a course in

  • [ ] Adding a course description.
  • [ ] Choosing a theme color.
  • [ ] Uploading a logo.
  • All of the above

6. In which option(s) are available when editing a lecture?

  • [ ] Deactivate the lecture
  • [ ] Duplicate the lecture
  • [ ] Remove the lecture
  • All of the above


1. In, which options are available on the “Subscriptions” page when canceling a customer’s subscription?

  • Cancel immediately or cancel on the next payment date
  • [ ] Cancel and provide a credit towards future purchases
  • [ ] Cancel and offer an alternative subscription plan

2. Which of the following allows you to view the payments made by your customers through your funnel’s order forms?

  • Transactions
  • [ ] Subscriptions
  • [ ] Affiliate invoices
  • [ ] My Affiliate Program

3. On the subscription page, what are the three status options available to filter subscriptions?

  • [ ] Active, Pending, Complete
  • [ ] Active, Canceled, Refunded
  • Active, Canceled, Completed
  • [ ] Active, Suspended, Expired


1. What option allows you to preview how your newsletter will look in your inbox before sending it to all of your contacts?

  • [ ] Save and schedule
  • [ ] Save as a draft
  • Save and send a test email
  • [ ] Schedule the newsletter

2. Which email addresses are allowed to be used as the sender’s email address?

  • Email addresses from the main email providers, but it’s highly advised to use professional email addresses connected to a custom domain name
  • [ ] Any email address from Outlook, Yahoo, iCloud, or Hotmail
  • [ ] Any email address, regardless of the provider
  • [ ] Only email addresses ending in “.com”

3. How can you add contacts to an email campaign in

  • [ ] Contacts can only be added manually by selecting them from the contact list.
  • Contacts can be added manually by selecting their tag group from the list or automatically through automation rules or workflows.
  • [ ] Contacts can only be added automatically through automation rules or workflows.
  • [ ] Contacts can only be added by sharing the campaign link and having recipients open the link.

4. What is the main difference between newsletters and email campaigns?

  • [ ] Newsletters are sent across a specific period of time with one specific purpose, while email campaigns are more dispersed and don’t follow a sequence.
  • [ ] Newsletters require a visual editor, while email campaigns require a classic editor.
  • [ ] Newsletters are sent to a specific target audience, while email campaigns are sent to a broad audience.
  • Newsletters are more dispersed and don’t necessarily follow a sequence, while email campaigns are coordinated sets of individual emails sent across a specific period of time with one specific purpose.

5. Why does monitor the specific email statistics of each account?

  • [ ] To track the number of emails sent from the account.
  • [ ] To determine the average percentage of open emails.
  • [ ] To prevent contacts from marking emails as spam.
  • To identify the risk category of the account based on email performance.

Account settings

1. Where can you add your personal information like display name, first name, last name, country, and city in

  • [ ] Account settings
  • Profile settings
  • [ ] Manage my subscription
  • [ ] Mailing settings

2. Which setting allows you to add a tracking code like Facebook pixel or Google tag to all of your funnel pages?

  • [ ] Payment page settings
  • [ ] Course settings
  • Sales funnel settings
  • [ ] Mailing settings

3. What is the purpose of the “Affiliate program settings” tab in

  • [ ] To set up a custom domain for affiliate programs.
  • [ ] To configure notification settings for affiliates.
  • [ ] To integrate your account with ActiveCampaign.
  • To establish commission percentages and payout conditions for affiliate programs.

4. How can workspace members be invited to collaborate in

  • [ ] By clicking on the “Change password” step and entering their email addresses.
  • By clicking on the “Workspace members settings” tab, creating an invitation, and providing their email addresses.
  • [ ] By adding custom domains in the “Affiliate program settings” tab.
  • [ ] By selecting the payment method for affiliate commissions.
Congratulations on completing the certification quiz! You’re now a step closer to obtaining your official certificate. Here’s how you can get it:
  1. Contact the support team on this page.
  2. Provide the exact email address you used to register for this certification.
  3. Give your full name as you want it to be displayed on your certificate.
Systeme team will then be in touch shortly with your personalized certificate.
Remember, if you were unable to complete the quiz yourself, you should go back and try again. Completing the quiz on your own will give you a deeper understanding of how to use effectively for your needs. Once you’ve successfully completed the quiz, follow the instructions above to receive your certificate.
Congratulations once again, and best of luck in your future endeavors with certification !

Get certified with NOW!

submitted by aireviwer to systemeiotutorial [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:26 lazymentors How Internet is reacting to IG boycott, Pinterest success & new brand collaborations?

The latest Friday review and marketing insights are out on newsletter, one of the sections is below. Let me know what you think:

What did Internet say?

  1. People, including some advertisers aren’t happy about unskippable ads on Instagram.
    1. In January, TikTok’s report came out sharing unskippable ads may harm engagement.
  2. A new study from Pinterest is making marketers thirsty to join the platform. Why? It shares the platform generates 170% more total attention than other platforms.
    1. I love Pinterest but the platform gaslights you a lot. First, they need to highlight engaged audience on profile instead of total audience. The Total metric is similar to X’s post views. Having more total audience aka views means nothing if people aren’t engaging.
    2. About the study, Pinterest talking about a passive and active attention is important. Most marketers are only after attention as we discussed in a previous post, understanding attention theory is a must.
    3. Yes, People enjoy content on Pinterest as they claim in the study. But people aren’t happy about your ads, the study shows biased in that part.
      1. Most brands aren’t Pinterest-first, A lot of repurposing going. Making people hate the ad experience, Pinterest needs brands that follow more rules of creativity than performance.
  3. Departure of Virginie Viard from Chanel is kind of being celebrated by fashion lovers.
  4. GQ’s Article ‘Merch is dead’ is getting roasted by Internet’s best newsletters, short answer: Merch is very much alive. My Reads:
    1. Why is wearing merch so embarrassing? by emily north.
    2. Everything is Merch from Ana Andjelic and Eugene Rabkin.
  5. Protests against AI training: Adobe and Meta are getting called out for their new terms of use.
    1. First a little rant: INSTAGRAM SUCKS FOR RESEARCH.
      1. There is a viral ‘add yours’ template where creators are sharing their anger against AI. I saw it once in a random story, I can’t find that story or template because there is no feature to do so.
      2. Hashtags no longer show the layout to see recent posts or stories.
    2. #metai #creatorsagainstai and few other hashtags highlight how artists are leaving Meta over AI terms.
      1. Part of the problem is opting out of AI training is not easy. EU’s Noyb has already filed complaint against AI, let’s see what happens in US.
  6. Brand Collaborations getting love: Dunkin x Scrub Daddy and Vacation Sunscreen x Erewhon Smoothie.
  7. Meta Advertisers: Music on Image Ads is a no + Meta’s test to have multiple objectives under 1 campaign is kind of useless and cash grab.
  8. Against the Trend: Dr. Harini Bhat’s 20 minute-long video summary of Flight MH370 felt like a 5-minute video. A masterclass in engaging video storytelling.
  9. 🍲 Chipotle: I feel bad for Chipotle’s marketing team, they created the perfect social media post. Only to have their CEO’s interview mess things up, people are now trolling his interview.
  10. Recommendations: Christina Garnett’s podcast with copywriting legend, Vikki Ross + A mega post sharing e-commerce funnel creation and examples.
  11. Updated Insight: The TikTok guide shared duets and stitches can help your content reach more relevant audiences, as the link juice travels from one video to other.
    1. This recent post from Joanna Williams hinted at another use-case, using amount of organic stitches and duets with creator’s video as a metric for Influencer selection.
  12. The Worst: Spotify’s CEO tweets about cost of content being zero. The Online Community didn’t like that, probably because content isn’t free.
    1. Because of CEOs like him, the word ‘content’ is becoming meaningless.
Read the complete post here, and do upvote if you liked what was shared, see you on Sunday with marketing news version. 🧃
submitted by lazymentors to Marketingcurated [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:06 lazymentors Pinterest meets Reddit, then the Instagram boycott thing. What's up?

The latest Friday review and marketing insights are out on newsletter, one of the sections is below. Let me know what you think:

What did Internet say?

  1. People, including some advertisers aren’t happy about unskippable ads on Instagram.
    1. In January, TikTok’s report came out sharing unskippable ads may harm engagement.
  2. A new study from Pinterest is making marketers thirsty to join the platform. Why? It shares the platform generates 170% more total attention than other platforms.
    1. I love Pinterest but the platform gaslights you a lot. First, they need to highlight engaged audience on profile instead of total audience. The Total metric is similar to X’s post views. Having more total audience aka views means nothing if people aren’t engaging.
    2. About the study, Pinterest talking about a passive and active attention is important. Most marketers are only after attention as we discussed in a previous post, understanding attention theory is a must.
    3. Yes, People enjoy content on Pinterest as they claim in the study. But people aren’t happy about your ads, the study shows biased in that part.
      1. Most brands aren’t Pinterest-first, A lot of repurposing going. Making people hate the ad experience, Pinterest needs brands that follow more rules of creativity than performance.
  3. Departure of Virginie Viard from Chanel is kind of being celebrated by fashion lovers.
  4. GQ’s Article ‘Merch is dead’ is getting roasted by Internet’s best newsletters, short answer: Merch is very much alive. My Reads:
    1. Why is wearing merch so embarrassing? by emily north.
    2. Everything is Merch from Ana Andjelic and Eugene Rabkin.
  5. Protests against AI training: Adobe and Meta are getting called out for their new terms of use.
    1. First a little rant: INSTAGRAM SUCKS FOR RESEARCH.
      1. There is a viral ‘add yours’ template where creators are sharing their anger against AI. I saw it once in a random story, I can’t find that story or template because there is no feature to do so.
      2. Hashtags no longer show the layout to see recent posts or stories.
    2. #metai #creatorsagainstai and few other hashtags highlight how artists are leaving Meta over AI terms.
      1. Part of the problem is opting out of AI training is not easy. EU’s Noyb has already filed complaint against AI, let’s see what happens in US.
  6. Brand Collaborations getting love: Dunkin x Scrub Daddy and Vacation Sunscreen x Erewhon Smoothie.
  7. Meta Advertisers: Music on Image Ads is a no + Meta’s test to have multiple objectives under 1 campaign is kind of useless and cash grab.
  8. Against the Trend: Dr. Harini Bhat’s 20 minute-long video summary of Flight MH370 felt like a 5-minute video. A masterclass in engaging video storytelling.
  9. 🍲 Chipotle: I feel bad for Chipotle’s marketing team, they created the perfect social media post. Only to have their CEO’s interview mess things up, people are now trolling his interview.
  10. Recommendations: Christina Garnett’s podcast with copywriting legend, Vikki Ross + A mega post sharing e-commerce funnel creation and examples.
  11. Updated Insight: The TikTok guide shared duets and stitches can help your content reach more relevant audiences, as the link juice travels from one video to other.
    1. This recent post from Joanna Williams hinted at another use-case, using amount of organic stitches and duets with creator’s video as a metric for Influencer selection.
  12. The Worst: Spotify’s CEO tweets about cost of content being zero. The Online Community didn’t like that, probably because content isn’t free.
    1. Because of CEOs like him, the word ‘content’ is becoming meaningless.
Read the complete post here, and do upvote if you liked what was shared, see you on Sunday with marketing news version. 🧃
submitted by lazymentors to u/lazymentors [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:06 John_McT A simple framework to use show transcripts to make promo content 📝

Think making short clips is all you can do with your YouTube show or podcast? Think again. If you’re just starting out, you’re probably totally focused on finding guests and nailing your setup.
But soon you’re going to be sitting on an amazing library of unique content. You should have some smart ways to use not only the full episodes you put so much time into, but also the written content ~you can get out of each episode~.
These 5 ideas are organized from smallest to largest in terms of the amount of content you use. Each step is a building block for the next.
This creates a logical system to build both frequency and depth of your show promo content.

1. Post those amazing one-liners

Even if it’s just you on the show, you’ll have one or two or dozens of moments of clarity and brilliant thought in each episode. I like to save these as I’m editing — you’re right in the moment, watching and re-watching sections as you slice together each episode.
It’s the perfect time to stash away those perfect quotations. Here’s my advice:

2. Craft swipe-able carousels

A lot of the above applies here, just extend the idea and workflow out to multiple slides and a bit more context around the topic.
If you have an interview style show, you can start by simply making a carousel with a question as the first card and craft the guest’s answer transcript into 2-50 more slides — you’ve seen 50+ slide carousels on LinkedIn haven’t you 🤪
The design templates you’ve made above can be quickly adapted to use here to save you time. Just like a good YouTube video intro, the first slide + first few lines of the post are the scroll-stoppers.
Once you have a few episodes in the bank, you can start combining content from different perspectives on the same topic.

3. Expand to long-form content

At this point, a ton of diverging paths open for you — newsletters, blog posts on your site, viral Reddit rants, Medium & LinkedIn long-form articles, guest posting — the written world is your oyster.
What path you choose depends a lot on the niche of your show and how your audience likes to read about topics in this niche. Some general observations:
The cool thing about pairing a podcast with long-form content is that you keep getting fresh material.

4. Finally, be creative

I think we’re in or entering into a golden age for writers, and especially for writers who have hours of quality insights to work with. AI tools are expanding the types and scope of what we can do with words.
These ideas will come to you over time if you have steps 1-3 in place and operating efficiently. You’ll see trends, see what resonates with both your listening audience & content readers, and simply follow your own curiosity down new avenues.
Want to make a graphic novella, pull together a directory, print a daily calendar of quotes, or make memes? Go nuts.
Play to your strengths — if you’re the type who will set a goal to write a post every week for a year and that drives you to stick to it. That’s awesome. Some folks will burn out on writing along that schedule and need to change things up.
submitted by John_McT to podcasting [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 19:08 whatanamebro Hiring for multiple roles. Check the description.

Hi good people of beermoneyindia, I often see people here and in other subs looking for short-term gigs so this is a small attempt to help.
Personally speaking, I have been overwhelmed with work so I thought I would post here and see if I find someone for a few of the tasks I have open. All of these roles will start off with a burner of 1 month but I would be happy to extend to 3-6 months if we are hitting the stride.
This is ideally targeted to the following set of audience– i. College folks ii. People in between jobs iii. Anyone who is broadly interested in any of the profiles and is keen to learn the ropes iv. Anyone who is looking to pick up a new skill v. Experienced folks who wants to do something unconventional and also make a buck in the process
I. Python - I want you to automate small day to day tasks – birthday reminders, price alerts, appointment alerts, etc. And also do some data extraction, data analysis etc. - Soft coach / teach me how code works
II. Web dev - Build websites/products from scratch with or without a template. I have a few ideas in the cooker but if you have any ideas yourself, I will pay you to build it. - Experience working with no code tools like Webflow, Bubble etc. is good to have - After month 1, the role would partially transition into "product" brainstorming (if there is a product) - You will be also be doing plenty of market research, and dismantling websites of popular competitors, and extract key insights to build something new
III. Finance/ research - Track the broader market index on a daily basis based on the levels shared by me - Track the swing in movements based on the hypothesis shared by me - Deep dive into company financials(scrips will be provided) and find every reason to not invest in a given company - Track the sectoral cycle and explore new opportunities for growth - Paper trade based on the analysis - Build simple five-legged financial models - Data crunching etc.
IV. Marketing/SEO - Looking for interns who have some experience in content/SEO and would like to pursue Digital marketing as a career in the future
Dating - I want you to manage my dating profiles – create multiple set of profiles and do A/B testing with different dating intentions, clean/edit pictures, make conversations, organize dates and send me a summary 3 hours before the time - Must haves – a dating profile(obviously), cursory knowledge of dating algorithms, emotional intelligence, and ability to hold a conversation - Ideally looking for a woman but, if you are a guy who follows the two rules and have impeccable rizz feel free to send a message - This role could possibly transition into social media curation and management in the future
Personal assistant - Subscribe to all the newsletters I am subscribed to and send me biweekly reports about the topics I like - Manage all my calendars(personal, social, familial) – send season greetings, maintain rapport with all the family members and other social connections by having a brief chat every other week - Find best deals on hotels, trains, flights etc. Create a date/cost matrix and find the most suitable time for travel - Make small purchases on and off (random Spotify subscription, internet recharge etc.) - Troubleshoot general day to day problems - Send me 1 email every week outlining the summary of what's happening
If you have overlapping experience(or interest) in any of the above, it will put you at an advantage.
If you are interested, please drop a message in the following order:
i. Your name (nick name works too) ii. Which of the job roles you are interested in (if you have overlapping interest, please share) iii. A short intro about yourself iv. Your favorite movie of Morgan Freeman v. Your current work/study status and available time commitment
Basic qualifiers for all the roles:
i. Good, concise written as well as communication skills (#1 criteria and non-negotiable) ii. Willingness to learn (if you are at crossroads but are really keen to learn, I will help you break the inertia) iii. You need to be available at least 5 days a week (pick your days) iv. Commitment
Fair disclaimer: All the roles I am hiring for is in personal capacity so do not expect anything exorbitant. But if you are someone with a bit of time, there is more to gain than to lose. I have some experience in these industries so consider it a bit of coaching and a bit of a learning opportunity.
Edit: Of course it's a paid gig. And I can issue certificates if you need.
Edit 2: Please send me a personal message.
submitted by whatanamebro to beermoneyindia [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 10:54 Natural-Salt-7933 India's biggest digital products marketplace is

Welcome to Zyronix.Shop: India's Biggest Digital Product Marketplace
Welcome to Zyronix.Shop, the ultimate destination for digital products in India. Whether you're a developer, content creator, designer, or entrepreneur, Zyronix.Shop has everything you need to succeed in the digital world. Explore our extensive collection of digital goods and take your projects to the next level.
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  1. Mega Bundles: Our mega bundles are curated collections of top-notch digital assets, available at unbeatable prices. From graphics and templates to software tools, these bundles provide incredible value for money.
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Visit Zyronix.Shop and discover a world of digital possibilities. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell digital products, Zyronix.Shop is the place to be. Transform your ideas into reality with the best digital products in India.
For more information, feel free to contact our support team at +91 97720-99720. We look forward to serving you!
submitted by Natural-Salt-7933 to digitalproductsindia [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 23:04 MilaRose89 Choosing between current and new preschool: anyone have insight?

Hello! We're currently choosing between our 3-year-old's current preschool and a new one, and I feel so confused about this choice so I figured I would see if you all have any insight or suggestions :)
Option 1 My daughter has been at a home-based, nature-based, inquiry-based, play-based, child-led preschool for the past year. It's been mostly fine but there are a few things bothering me:
  1. There is zero communication with the parents. I have no idea what they do all day. I will see an occasional picture but otherwise my daughter will come home with some random scraps of paper she's scribbled on, and that's about it. The only communication I get is if we need to bring more pants and underwear for her bag.
  2. The main teachedirector just had a baby and there's been little communication as to the plan. The other teachers don't have degrees and are very young. It's unclear if the director is coming back.
  3. I haven't really seen any progress with my daughter and I'm not sure anyone's really paying attention to her development or anything like that. The positives of this school is the amazing yard and gardens and they feed them an organic vegetarian lunch everyday.
Option 2 I recently found an Italian immersion Reggio Emilia preschool near us. I'm Italian and I (somewhat) speak it so this is a huge plus for me. My daughter has been very interested in other languages and Italian. We did a tour and these are the cons:
  1. It's very new, they're just finishing their first year, and the director is leaving (seems like her replacement is good but haven't met her yet)
  2. Doesn't serve lunch
  3. Outdoor area isn't as amazing as the first option. It's fine, just not a magical forest garden land Pros:
  4. Language and cultural immersion that connects to her heritage
  5. Lots of communication with parents (weekly newsletters on what the kids are up to, documentation of child's progress that's shared with parents, etc)
  6. Slightly more structure. While still child led and play based, they have actual projects they work on and bring home. And you can see the kids' art and projects all around the classroom.
  7. Very educated teachers, all have master's degrees in ECE
If anyone has any insight from their own experiences choosing preschool I would so appreciate it! We don't want to pull her out of her environment for no reason but something doesn't feel quite right there. My daughter has made friends there though so it would be sad to pull her out. But I don't want her missing out on a program that might be better for her.
Thank you!!
submitted by MilaRose89 to Preschoolers [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 23:02 MilaRose89 Choosing between 2 preschools: anyone have insight?

Hello! We're currently choosing between our 3-year-old's current preschool and a new one, and I feel so confused about this choice so I figured I would see if you all have any insight or suggestions :)
Option 1 My daughter has been at a home-based, nature-based, inquiry-based, play-based, child-led preschool for the past year. It's been mostly fine but there are a few things bothering me:
  1. There is zero communication with the parents. I have no idea what they do all day. I will see an occasional picture but otherwise my daughter will come home with some random scraps of paper she's scribbled on, and that's about it. The only communication I get is if we need to bring more pants and underwear for her bag.
  2. The main teachedirector just had a baby and there's been little communication as to the plan. The other teachers don't have degrees and are very young. It's unclear if the director is coming back.
  3. I haven't really seen any progress with my daughter and I'm not sure anyone's really paying attention to her development or anything like that. The positives of this school is the amazing yard and gardens and they feed them an organic vegetarian lunch everyday.
Option 2 I recently found an Italian immersion Reggio Emilia preschool near us. I'm Italian and I (somewhat) speak it so this is a huge plus for me. My daughter has been very interested in other languages and Italian. We did a tour and these are the cons:
If anyone has any insight from their own experiences choosing preschool I would so appreciate it! We don't want to pull her out of her environment for no reason but something doesn't feel quite right there. My daughter has made friends there though so it would be sad to pull her out. But I don't want her missing out on a program that might be better for her.
Thank you!!
submitted by MilaRose89 to preschool [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:26 webimad Getresponse Promo Code Reddit 50% Off – Save Now!

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, having the right tools at your disposal can make all the difference. GetResponse is a top-tier email marketing platform that offers robust features, user-friendly interfaces, and exceptional customer support. For businesses and marketers looking to leverage the power of email marketing, GetResponse stands out as a reliable choice. But what if you could get all these benefits at half the price? Thanks to the GetResponse coupon available on Reddit, you can now enjoy a whopping 50% discount on your subscription. Read on to find out how you can grab this fantastic deal.
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submitted by webimad to u/webimad [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:15 kattrisen 5 online side project ideas people are actually waiting for

My secret hobby is to discover untapped keywords that are perfect product ideas.
The untapped keyword criteria: - It needs to be a keyword you can build a digital product around - It needs a significant volume (monthly search volume of >500) - It needs to have low competition (keyword difficulty <20) - It needs to have enough relevant related keywords (to get even more traffic)
If the untapped keyword fits all those criteria, it means that if you build a good product around the keyword and get some mentions on other websites (max 20), you will: - Be able to rank in the top 10 on google - Get customers on auto-pilot
Here are the 5 most recent ideas I digged up with my tool👇

Idea #1

Everyday items to invest in - Monthly search volume: 880 - Keyword difficulty: 17 - Product idea: A newsletter that discuss in-depth which objects to invest in - Monetization: Sponsors and a relevant info product

Idea #2

Map drawing - Monthly search volume: 8100 - Keyword difficulty: 16 - Product idea: An ai-powered tool that turns maps into images - Monetization: One-time fee for advanced customisation features

Idea #3

Mac snipping tool - Monthly search volume: 1600 - Keyword difficulty: 21 - Product idea: A better desktop snipping tool for Mac (and call it Mac Snip🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿) - Monetization: Pay once, use forever (but they only get 1 year of updates)

Idea #4

Heat map generator - Monthly search volume: 1600 - Keyword difficulty: 21 - Product idea: Simple tool to create heat maps - Monetization: One-time fee for professional features

Idea #5

Notion Weekly Planning - Monthly search volume: 480 - Keyword difficulty: 16 - Product idea: Notion template - Monetization: Give a simple free version away to capture emails and build trust. Try to upsell them a more advanced template.
I hope it can inspire someone
submitted by kattrisen to SideProject [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:59 aceonhand The Top 5 Free Tools for Handyman Businesses to Generate Leads

Generating leads is crucial for the growth and success of any handyman business. Luckily, there are free tools available that can help you attract and manage potential clients without breaking the bank. Here are the top five free tools every handyman business should use to generate leads effectively.
1. Google My Business
Google My Business (GMB) is a powerful tool that allows your business to appear in local search results and on Google Maps.
How to Use: • Create and verify your GMB profile with accurate business information. • Add high-quality photos of your work and services. • Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews. • Regularly update your profile with new posts and offers.
2. Facebook Business Page
A Facebook Business Page allows you to connect with your community, share updates, and engage with potential clients.
How to Use: • Set up a Facebook Business Page with complete business information. • Post regularly about your services, completed projects, and special offers. • Engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages. • Share customer testimonials and success stories.
3. Nextdoor
Nextdoor is a social network for neighborhoods, allowing businesses to connect with local residents and promote their services.
How to Use: • Create a business profile on Nextdoor and verify your information. • Participate in neighborhood conversations and offer helpful advice. • Promote special offers and services to local residents. • Encourage satisfied customers to recommend your business.
4. Yelp
Yelp is a popular review platform that can help your business gain visibility and credibility through customer reviews.
How to Use: • Claim your Yelp business profile and ensure all information is accurate. • Add photos and detailed descriptions of your services. • Respond to reviews professionally and promptly. • Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews.
5. Mailchimp
Mailchimp is an email marketing tool that helps you stay connected with your clients and promote your services.
How to Use: • Sign up for a free Mailchimp account and create an email list. • Design engaging and informative email newsletters. • Segment your audience to send targeted emails. • Analyze your email campaign performance to improve future efforts.
By utilizing these free tools, you can effectively generate leads, build your online presence, and grow your handyman business. Start incorporating these tools into your marketing strategy today and watch your client base expand!
submitted by aceonhand to HandymanBusiness [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:19 Ok_Cap9063 This website makes 700k/Month selling Finance templates

Selling financial models to different industries; banking, education, saas, construction, hotel, real estates, mining, solar + many more!
Some Stats;

May Traffic: 49, 253
Average order value: $149
Estimated sales for May: 4925
Estimated revenue in May: $733,825
There’s a huge demand for financial model templates. With an estimated 2,500 searches on Google. If you have advanced Ms Excel knowledge and would like a passive income stream I will suggest building financial models and selling it to particular businesses.
I research most successful digital products and share them on a free weekly on my newsletter with other metrics like when they launched, their estimated monthly profit, their main traffic channel etc. for anybody that may find this helpful
submitted by Ok_Cap9063 to EntrepreneurRideAlong [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:19 Ok_Cap9063 This website makes 700k/Month selling Finance templates

Selling financial models to different industries; banking, education, saas, construction, hotel, real estates, mining, solar + many more!
Some Stats;

May Traffic: 49, 253
Average order value: $149
Estimated sales for May: 4925
Estimated revenue in May: $733,825
There’s a huge demand for financial model templates. With an estimated 2,500 searches on Google. If you have advanced Ms Excel knowledge and would like a passive income stream I will suggest building financial models and selling it to particular businesses.
I research most successful digital products and share them on a free weekly on my newsletter with other metrics like when they launched, their estimated monthly profit, their main traffic channel etc. for anybody that may find this helpful
submitted by Ok_Cap9063 to SideProject [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:25 Working-Shift4093 GoHighLevel Review: A Comprehensive Look at the All-In-One Marketing Platform

GoHighLevel Review: A Comprehensive Look at the All-In-One Marketing Platform


In today's fast-paced digital marketing landscape, finding the right tools to streamline your operations can be a game-changer. Enter GoHighLevel
, an all-in-one marketing platform designed to simplify your marketing efforts and boost your business growth. But is it the right tool for you? This comprehensive review dives deep into GoHighLevel's features, benefits, and potential drawbacks to help you make an informed decision.
►►►(Special Discount Offer) Hurry Up, Shop Now!! 50-70% OFF NOW ◀◀◀
😍👉Exclusive Special Access Claim Now!👈❗

What is GoHighLevel?

GoHighLevel is a robust marketing platform that combines various marketing tools into one unified system. It’s designed for marketers, agencies, and business owners looking to automate their workflows and improve their marketing efficiency. Whether you're managing customer relationships, running email campaigns, or building sales funnels, GoHighLevel aims to be your go-to solution.

Key Features of GoHighLevel

CRM and Pipeline Management

GoHighLevel's CRM and pipeline management tools are designed to help you manage your customer relationships and sales processes efficiently. It offers a comprehensive view of your customer interactions, enabling you to track leads, manage deals, and maintain a healthy sales pipeline.

Email and SMS Marketing

With GoHighLevel, you can easily create and manage email and SMS marketing campaigns. The platform offers a variety of templates and automation tools to help you reach your audience effectively and increase engagement.

Landing Pages and Funnels

Building high-converting landing pages and sales funnels is a breeze with GoHighLevel. The platform provides a drag-and-drop editor, allowing you to design pages that capture leads and drive conversions.

Appointment Scheduling

GoHighLevel includes a built-in appointment scheduling tool that simplifies the booking process for you and your clients. It integrates seamlessly with your calendar, ensuring you never miss an appointment.

Reputation Management

Managing your online reputation is crucial, and GoHighLevel helps you do just that. It allows you to monitor and respond to reviews across various platforms, helping you maintain a positive online presence.

Reporting and Analytics

Data-driven decision-making is at the core of successful marketing, and GoHighLevel's reporting and analytics tools provide you with the insights you need. Track your campaigns' performance, monitor key metrics, and make informed adjustments to optimize your results.

CRM and Pipeline Management

GoHighLevel's CRM system is designed to streamline your customer relationship management. It offers a centralized database for all your customer interactions, making it easy to track communication history, follow up on leads, and close deals. The pipeline management tool provides a visual representation of your sales process, helping you identify bottlenecks and opportunities for improvement.

Email and SMS Marketing

Effective communication with your audience is key to successful marketing, and GoHighLevel's email and SMS marketing tools excel in this area. The platform provides a range of customizable templates and automation options, enabling you to send personalized messages at scale. Whether you're running a promotional campaign or sending out newsletters, GoHighLevel makes it easy to engage your audience and drive results.

Landing Pages and Funnels

Creating attractive and high-converting landing pages is effortless with GoHighLevel. The drag-and-drop editor allows you to customize templates to suit your brand and campaign goals. Additionally, the platform's funnel builder helps you design complete sales funnels that guide prospects through the buyer's journey, from initial contact to final purchase.

Appointment Scheduling

GoHighLevel's appointment scheduling feature is a valuable tool for businesses that rely on client bookings. It integrates with your existing calendar, allowing clients to book appointments directly through your website. Automated reminders and confirmations reduce no-shows and ensure a smooth scheduling process.

Reputation Management

In today's digital age, maintaining a positive online reputation is essential. GoHighLevel's reputation management tools enable you to monitor reviews across platforms like Google and Yelp. You can respond to reviews directly from the platform, showing your customers that you value their feedback and are committed to providing excellent service.

Reporting and Analytics

GoHighLevel's robust reporting and analytics tools provide detailed insights into your marketing performance. From campaign metrics to customer behavior data, the platform offers comprehensive reports that help you make data-driven decisions. These insights enable you to refine your strategies and maximize your return on investment.

Integration Capabilities

GoHighLevel integrates with a wide range of third-party tools, enhancing its functionality and flexibility. Whether you need to connect with email marketing services, CRM systems, or payment processors, GoHighLevel makes it easy to sync your tools and streamline your workflows. Examples of popular integrations include Zapier, Stripe, and Mailchimp.

User Experience

One of GoHighLevel's strengths is its user-friendly interface. The platform is designed to be intuitive, with a clean and organized layout that makes navigation straightforward. Even if you're not tech-savvy, you'll find it easy to set up and manage your marketing campaigns.

Pricing Plans

GoHighLevel offers several pricing plans to accommodate different business needs and budgets. The plans are structured to provide value for money, with each tier offering a range of features and capabilities. Whether you're a small business or a large agency, there's a plan that fits your requirements.

Pros and Cons



Customer Support

GoHighLevel offers a range of customer support options, including live chat, email support, and an extensive knowledge base. Users generally find the support team responsive and helpful, ensuring any issues are resolved quickly.

Real-World Use Cases

GoHighLevel has been successfully implemented in various industries, from real estate to healthcare. Businesses have reported significant improvements in their marketing efficiency and customer engagement. Success stories highlight the platform's ability to streamline operations and drive growth.

Comparison with Competitors

When compared to other marketing platforms like HubSpot and ClickFunnels, GoHighLevel stands out for its all-in-one approach. While competitors offer similar features, GoHighLevel combines them into a single, unified system, providing better integration and ease of use. Its unique selling points include a comprehensive feature set and competitive pricing.
►►►(Special Discount Offer) Hurry Up, Shop Now!! 50-70% OFF NOW◀◀◀
😍👉Exclusive Special Access Claim Now!👈❗


GoHighLevel is a powerful marketing platform that offers a wide range of tools to help businesses streamline their marketing efforts and drive growth. Its all-in-one approach, combined with a user-friendly interface and robust features, makes it an attractive option for marketers and business owners. While it may have a learning curve for some advanced features, the benefits it offers far outweigh this minor drawback.


What is GoHighLevel? GoHighLevel is an all-in-one marketing platform designed to help businesses manage their marketing campaigns, customer relationships, and sales processes in a single system.
How much does GoHighLevel cost? GoHighLevel offers several pricing plans to suit different business needs and budgets. Detailed pricing information can be found on their official website.
Can GoHighLevel integrate with other tools? Yes, GoHighLevel integrates with a variety of third-party tools, including Zapier, Stripe, and Mailchimp, to enhance its functionality and streamline workflows.
Is GoHighLevel suitable for small businesses? While GoHighLevel is a comprehensive tool that may be overkill for very small businesses, it offers significant value for those looking to streamline their marketing efforts and grow their operations.
How does GoHighLevel handle customer support? GoHighLevel provides various customer support options, including live chat, email support, and an extensive knowledge base, ensuring users can get help when needed.
submitted by Working-Shift4093 to u/Working-Shift4093 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:58 Ovirfrushtm [Get] The Content Multiplication System – Jay Yang

[Get] The Content Multiplication System – Jay Yang
Link download: The Content Multiplication System – Jay Yang

What You’ll Learn In The Content Multiplication System?

  • How I use my PSUBS Method, 5A Framework, and ABC Editing Method to brainstorm, outline, compose, and edit newsletters
  • How I use the mail to create a Twitter discussion that drives traffic to it (thereby perpetuating the feedback loop)
  • Why you shouldn't start composing great-performing tweets at your phone or keyboard
  • The three "banks of content" I used the exact steps I put myself through to get clarity on my niche and who my ideal follower was (because you don't want to multiply rubbish) to track, evaluate, and reuse my material.
  • How to integrate self-learning into your system of material so that you can be compensated for learning
  • Why your system is truly being destroyed by batching content (and what to do instead)
  • To ensure you never have to worry about knowing what to post when, I've laid out my exact content plan.
  • My tried-and-true checklists, templates, and procedures for producing excellent content
  • And a straightforward 5-step guide to creating your own content system (because each person should have a customized system of their own).
submitted by Ovirfrushtm to BusinessPlanning [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:17 ButterscotchNo5896 Digitalaka Reviews: Features & User Experience

Digitalaka Reviews: Features & User Experience
DigitalAka offers a comprehensive suite of features for bulk email marketing, designed to enhance user engagement and maximize campaign effectiveness. The platform boasts advanced segmentation capabilities, allowing marketers to tailor messages to specific audience groups for personalized communication. Its robust automation tools streamline workflows, from scheduling emails to triggering responses based on user behavior.
Digitalaka Reviews: Features & User Experience
The analytics dashboard provides in-depth insights into campaign performance, including open rates, click-through rates, and conversions, enabling data-driven decision-making. DigitalAka also ensures high deliverability rates through sophisticated spam filters and adherence to best email practices.
Customizable templates and a user-friendly drag-and-drop editor empower users to create visually appealing emails without technical expertise. Additionally, DigitalAka supports A/B testing, allowing marketers to optimize content and design for better engagement.
Integration with CRM systems and other marketing tools ensures seamless data flow and comprehensive customer insights. With its scalable infrastructure, DigitalAka is suited for businesses of all sizes, making it a versatile choice for email marketing needs.
About DigitalAka- DigitalAka is a company that helps businesses send bulk email. This is useful for sending newsletters, special offers, or important updates to many people quickly and easily. They make sure these emails go to the right place and don't end up in spam folders.
DigitalAka offers easy-to-use tools for designing emails, tracking how many people open them, and seeing how they interact with the content. Businesses can also divide their email list into groups to send more personalized messages.
One of the best things about DigitalAka is that they follow all the rules to keep your data safe and private. They provide excellent customer support, so if you have any questions or run into problems, help is always available.
Whether you run a small business or a big company, DigitalAka makes it simple and efficient to reach your customers through email.
Customer Reviews-
Here are Some of our customer reviews-
DigitalAka’s bulk email service has been a game-changer for our marketing efforts. The platform is easy to use, and we’ve seen a significant increase in our email open rates. Highly recommend for businesses looking to expand their reach! - Dinesh Mishra
Using DigitalAka has improved our communication with customers. The segmentation feature allows us to send targeted messages, making our emails more relevant. It’s a must-have for any business. - Sahil Nagar
DigitalAka’s email marketing service is fantastic! The integration with our CRM was seamless, and we’ve been able to track our campaign performance easily. The insights we get are invaluable. - Swapna
We've been using DigitalAka for our email marketing, and it's fantastic. The customizable templates make our emails look professional, and the real-time analytics help us understand what works and what doesn't. Their customer support is always there when we need help.” - Ileana
Read More Reviews at Digitalaka Reviews
submitted by ButterscotchNo5896 to u/ButterscotchNo5896 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:01 TrafficWaveAdmin Ultimate Guide To Email Marketing

Ultimate Guide To Email Marketing

The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing with
This article is written to help you harness the power of email marketing to grow your business, engage your audience, and drive conversions. Whether you’re new to email marketing or looking to enhance your existing campaigns, provides the tools and strategies you need to succeed. Dive in to discover how you can leverage this powerful platform to achieve your marketing goals efficiently and effectively.

1. Introduction to Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. It allows you to reach your audience directly, deliver personalized messages, and build lasting relationships. Whether you’re promoting products, sharing news, or nurturing leads, email marketing is essential for growing your business.

Benefits of Email Marketing

Email marketing offers numerous benefits that make it an essential tool for businesses of all sizes. It allows for direct communication with your audience, ensuring your message reaches them right in their inbox. With its cost-effective nature, email marketing delivers a high return on investment, making it an economical choice for marketers. Additionally, the ability to personalize messages and automate campaigns saves time while enhancing engagement and conversion rates. Lastly, email marketing provides measurable results, allowing you to track and optimize your campaigns for continuous improvement.
Direct Communication: Reach your audience directly in their inbox.
Cost-Effective: High ROI compared to other marketing channels.
Personalization: Tailor messages to individual preferences.
Automation: Save time with automated campaigns.
Measurable Results: Track and analyze performance easily.

2. Why Choose stands out as an exceptional email marketing service for several reasons. Here’s why it’s the perfect choice for your email marketing needs:

Key Features

Affordable Pricing: A flat rate of $17.95 per month, regardless of list size.
Unlimited Campaigns: Send unlimited emails without additional costs.
Automation: Powerful tools for automated lead generation and follow-up.
Easy-to-Use Interface: Intuitive design for effortless campaign management.
Comprehensive Analytics: Detailed reports to track your success.

Benefits of

Cost Savings: Save money with a flat monthly rate.
Time Efficiency: Automate your campaigns and focus on other business areas.
Scalability: Grow your email list without worrying about increased costs.
Support: Access to helpful resources and customer support.

3. Getting Started with

Signing Up

Creating an account with is simple. Follow these steps:
1) Visit Go to the website and click on “Free 30 Day Trial”
2) Enter Your Information: Provide your business details and payment information.
3) Start Your Free Trial: Enjoy a 30-day free trial to explore the features. Click Here to get started on Youtube Training.

4. Building Your Email List

Strategies for List Building

Building a quality email list is crucial for successful email marketing. Here are some effective strategies:
Sign-Up Forms: Add sign-up forms to your website and social media.
Lead Magnets: Offer incentives like ebooks, discounts, or free trials.
Content Upgrades: Provide exclusive content in exchange for email addresses.
Webinars and Events: Collect emails during online and offline events.
Referral Programs: Encourage subscribers to refer others.

Best Practices

Double Opt-In: Ensure subscribers confirm their email addresses.
Segmentation: Organize your list based on interests and behaviors.
Compliance: Follow email marketing laws and regulations (e.g., GDPR, CAN-SPAM).

5. Crafting Effective Emails

Email Types

Different types of emails serve various purposes:
Welcome Emails: Introduce new subscribers to your brand.
Newsletters: Keep your audience informed and engaged.
Promotional Emails: Highlight special offers and products.
Transactional Emails: Confirm orders and provide updates.
Re-engagement Emails: Win back inactive subscribers.

Best Practices for Email Content

Compelling Subject Lines: Grab attention with clear and intriguing subject lines.
Personalization: Use the subscriber’s name and tailor content to their preferences.
Clear Call to Action: Encourage subscribers to take the next step.
Mobile Optimization: Ensure emails look great on all devices.
Testing: A/B test different elements to optimize performance.

6. Automating Your Email Campaigns

Benefits of Automation

Email automation saves time and ensures consistent communication with your audience. With, you can automate:
Welcome Sequences: Automatically send a series of welcome emails to new subscribers.
Nurture Campaigns: Guide leads through the buyer’s journey with automated emails.
Follow-Up Emails: Send timely follow-ups based on subscriber actions.
Re-engagement Campaigns: Reactivate inactive subscribers with targeted emails.

Setting Up Automation

Create Your Workflow: Define the sequence of emails and triggers.
Design Your Emails: Use’s templates or create custom designs.
Activate Your Campaign: Turn on your automation and let it run.

7. Analyzing and Optimizing Your Campaigns

Key Metrics to Track

Open Rate: Percentage of subscribers who open your emails.
Click-Through Rate (CTR): Percentage of subscribers who click on links.
Conversion Rate: Percentage of subscribers who complete a desired action.
Bounce Rate: Percentage of emails that could not be delivered.
Unsubscribe Rate: Percentage of subscribers who opt out.

Optimization Tips

Test and Tweak: Continuously test different elements and optimize based on results.
Segment Your List: Send more targeted and relevant emails.
Improve Content: Focus on delivering valuable and engaging content.
Refine Timing: Experiment with different sending times to find the optimal schedule.

8. Advanced Features of

Customizable Templates offers a variety of customizable templates to create professional-looking emails. Whether you need a simple design or a complex layout, the drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to customize.

Segmentation and Personalization

Segment your audience based on demographics, behaviors, and interests. Personalize emails with dynamic content to enhance engagement and conversion rates.

Detailed Analytics

Gain insights into your email campaigns with comprehensive analytics. Track open rates, click-through rates, and other important metrics to measure your success.

Integrations integrates with popular CRM systems, social media platforms, and e-commerce solutions, allowing you to streamline your marketing efforts and manage your contacts effectively.

9. Conclusion and Next Steps

Email marketing is a vital tool for any business looking to grow and engage with their audience. offers a comprehensive, cost-effective solution that can help you achieve your marketing goals. By leveraging its powerful features, you can build your email list, create compelling campaigns, and drive significant results.

Next Steps

Sign Up: Start your 30-day free trial at
Explore Resources: Access tutorials, webinars, and support to maximize your success.
Implement Strategies: Apply the strategies and tips from this ebook to your email marketing efforts.
Track Progress: Monitor your campaigns and continuously optimize for better results.
With, you have everything you need to create effective email marketing campaigns that drive growth and success. Start today and see the difference it can make for your business!
Start Email Marketing Today with a Free 30 Day Trial
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2024.06.04 19:28 AnabelBain I will design your landing page, dashboard, blog or email for $89

Hey there, awesome people!
Exciting news – I run a cool design studio of 3 people and I'm on the hunt for some fresh projects to fill up my calendar for this month and build up my portfolio! I thought it'd be awesome to team up and help your business grow.
Here's how it goes down:
You tell me a bit about your project
I'll hit you up in your DMs to chat more and make sure we're on the same page.
Once we're in sync, let's officially team up and get creative!
⚠️ Heads up: This offer is valid only for June.
Check out some of the sites we've created, this will give you an idea of what your website will look like.
SaaS websites:
Ecommerce Websites:
Other websites:
Dashboard Designs
Oh, and if you know anyone itching for top-notch design (like websites or logos), give 'em a heads-up!
No catch here, just me using my skills to help out. 🙌
Got other design needs? Let me know! Let's make some design magic happen! 🚀
Please note: The price is for 1 page design only.
submitted by AnabelBain to B2BForHire [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:28 AnabelBain I will design your landing page, dashboard, blog or email for $89

Hey there, awesome people!
Exciting news – I run a cool design studio of 3 people and I'm on the hunt for some fresh projects to fill up my calendar for this month and build up my portfolio! I thought it'd be awesome to team up and help your business grow.
Here's how it goes down:
You tell me a bit about your project
I'll hit you up in your DMs to chat more and make sure we're on the same page.
Once we're in sync, let's officially team up and get creative!
⚠️ Heads up: This offer is valid only for June.
Check out some of the sites we've created, this will give you an idea of what your website will look like.
SaaS websites:
Ecommerce Websites:
Other websites:
Dashboard Designs
Oh, and if you know anyone itching for top-notch design (like websites or logos), give 'em a heads-up!
No catch here, just me using my skills to help out. 🙌
Got other design needs? Let me know! Let's make some design magic happen! 🚀
Please note: The price is for 1 page design only.
submitted by AnabelBain to BusinessWomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:28 AnabelBain I will design your landing page, dashboard, blog or email for $89

Hey there, awesome people!
Exciting news – I run a cool design studio of 3 people and I'm on the hunt for some fresh projects to fill up my calendar for this month and build up my portfolio! I thought it'd be awesome to team up and help your business grow.
Here's how it goes down:
You tell me a bit about your project
I'll hit you up in your DMs to chat more and make sure we're on the same page.
Once we're in sync, let's officially team up and get creative!
⚠️ Heads up: This offer is valid only for June.
Check out some of the sites we've created, this will give you an idea of what your website will look like.
SaaS websites:
Ecommerce Websites:
Other websites:
Dashboard Designs
Oh, and if you know anyone itching for top-notch design (like websites or logos), give 'em a heads-up!
No catch here, just me using my skills to help out. 🙌
Got other design needs? Let me know! Let's make some design magic happen! 🚀
Please note: The price is for 1 page design only.
submitted by AnabelBain to indiehackers [link] [comments]