How to hack facebook passwords

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2008.04.26 05:53 hacking: security in practice

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2016.05.18 20:39 O5-8 >Run 9_year_old.exe

This is were you put those kids that can ddos you because you logged into the hacked code on javascript youtube c++ servers.

2024.05.15 15:10 ariikluth I Am Being Hacked and Attemps Doesn't Stop Trying to Find the Hacker

Hello Everyone,
So i have just been hacked. I am online since 1998 and this is first time it happened to me. I need advise from experienced people. I lost my Netfix account which i recovered but i couldn't recover my Facebook yet. Yes i am old and my facebook groups are my scrolling content to kill time on smoke breaks etc. Life feels empty without cringey facebook content.
Attempts of entering my e-mail is not stopping. I have just set up 2FA. I am thinking that will stop all attempts?
I am trying to find who is doing this because i am suspicous of the IT guy of the company i am working. He is the prime suspect. He warned me about not logging to chrome with my personal account. He said an IT guy who doesn't like you can steal everything. I said who cares who will attempt that. He said it is so easy to do i can do it easily.
That IT guy and i had an argument. It hurt him quite a lot. He almost started a fight i didn't respond and i used that chance to tell HR all the shit he was doing. The company i got hired is opening a tourism agency on the side and that guy was claiming he knows tourism and he was bossing us and telling us what to do how to work and everything. He doesn't know shit. We are 2 people working to open the agency and he got the other guy fired after that guy shooed him. He showed HR his PC logs and that he surfs during company time. We are idle by the way we don't got any work to do. Other guy was a manager at medium departments of medium agencies and i worked as a regular guy at top departments of top agencies. Anyway i can tell a lot it is both hilarious and sad at the time. He was saying things like you need to press that button to open the pc or you can use right side of the keyboard to write numbers. He once told me 'you look like you got used to typing on the keyboard'. MF like wtf? I am 36 i am typing without looking since i am 15. This is not my first time seeing a pc. Damn i got triggered again.
So the first monday after that falling out when i opened my work pc CMD is opening for a second then closing again. 1 month after that i got hacked. They didn't tried to steal anything they just tried to hurt me. They got my facebook banned by linking that FB to an instagram account that is against the rules etc. It is think like that.
Me and everyone hearing this story is almost sure that guy did it. How can i uncover this? The guy he got fired was a newly wed less then 3 months. He got him fired cause he realized he won't be able to boss him around. Me on the other hand let him belittle me and showed patience because my life is fucked up and i have to create stability instead of keeping on jumping from company to company.
Please help me.
submitted by ariikluth to privacy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:46 feculentjarlmaw A Story About Jack: How a post on reddit forced a malignant narcissist and serial abuser of women to face consequences for the first time.

The internet is a strange place, inadvertently designed to bring out the best and worst in people. People can be whoever or whatever they want to be. For predators and malignant narcissists and who live in their own delusions to begin with, it's like a hunting ground. They can create whatever persona they wish, fill their victims' heads with lies and half-truths that paint them out to be someone they are not, and by the time their victim actually meets them, it's too late - they've already created an image in their mind of this perfect person the narcissist has convinced them they are, and it usually takes time before the curtain comes down, the lies fall apart, and the mask breaks away.
I'm no saint, and I've learned my own tough lessons from the internet. I grew up under not-so-great circumstances, only getting 5 years of education before I turned 18 and was largely raised by a computer screen. Along the way, I catfished a woman in her mid-20's when I was 14-16 years old. It wasn't intentional at first, I told everyone that I was in my mid-20's and I worked as a bouncer at a bar in NYC. I never meant any harm, I was just raised by a computer and spent all my time alone playing MMOs and learned quickly that if I told people how old I was, they'd stop playing with me. So a bouncer seemed like a job I could bullshit about easily enough, and I was a big dude at 6'1 260lbs so I figured I could maybe pass it off as legit if it ever got hectic.
I started playing with this woman in her 20's and her husband frequently. We became friends fast, and soon we were virtually inseparable on the game. Her marriage ended up not working out, and after they separated she told me she had feelings for me. I should've admitted I wasn't who I said I was then, but I was young and dumb and she was the only real friend I had, so I kept up the ruse. Eventually I did come clean, and she broke it off with me not long after. We stayed friends, albeit with my heart hurting pretty bad, for a few months afterwards - until she met Jack.
When she first told me about Jack, he sounded like a great catch. He had his own IT business in Canada, was a couple years older but not by much, and she was infatuated with him. Obviously I was crushed and didn't handle it well, being a practically feral teenager at the time, so not long after they started getting serious she ghosted me altogether. I was around 17 at the time, and shit started going off the rails for me. After I got out of juvie, I started drinking heavily on a near-daily basis and selling and doing drugs. This led to a lot of pathetic, inebriated, desperate attempts to contact her and apologize for how I acted.
After months of being ignored, eventually grief and regret turned to anger, and finally acceptance. When the pain passed and I came to my senses a bit, I had an epiphany and realized that if I loved her as much as I thought I did, the best thing for both of us would be to let her go. I was a high school dropout with no job, selling drugs to get by. She had 2 kids, and what kind of life could I provide for them? She made the right choice, my age and the fact I made a grown woman fall in love with a teenager not withstanding, and as bad as it hurt I realized it was selfish of me not to accept the way things were and leave her alone, so I did.
10 years or so later, I had gotten my shit together. Worked my way up from cleaning dead shit out of swimming pools, to an entry level position at an environmental consulting firm, to a Project Manager at one of the largest firms in the field in the DC area. I'd met someone, got her pregnant, and for some reason I felt a pull to contact her again. Not to rekindle an old flame, but because she had been a tremendously positive influence on my life in a time where I had few. She was the first good thing I had in my life at a time when I was sleeping on old blankets on a hard floor in an abusive home, and what I'd held onto from our time together wasn't our romantic relationship, it was the best friend I'd ever had. And something made me want to tell her that all that work she put into getting my head right wasn't in vain, and I'd finally made it out of the gutter.
So I messaged her on Facebook, and to my surprise she actually responded. We started talking again, and soon it was back to every day. When my baby mama got back on drugs and turned abusive and was putting my daughter's life in jeopardy on a near-daily basis, she was the one who convinced me I could fight for custody - that I had to fight for custody. So I did, and I won, and I've had full custody of of my daughter since she was 6 months old and for the 10 years since.
But eventually we parted ways again. I'd started seeing someone, and part of me knew I couldn't commit to another woman while I was still carrying on with her. Our relationship had started turning romantic again, and she had dropped some hints about old Jack that would come to the forefront later, but she wasn't ready to leave him and I didn't want to be that guy, so I sent her a message explaining why we had to stop talking, apologized, and ghosted her.
7 more years went by after that night. The relationship I abandoned her for soured quickly when I found out that chick was a carbon copy of my baby mama, and I quit dating to focus on my career and raising my daughter. But on the long, 2+ hour commutes each way from work, I often found myself stuck pondering the "what ifs". What if I hadn't ghosted her? What if our age gap wasn't there, and we'd never had to split up to begin with? I knew in my soul I was never going to find someone like her again, but I made peace with it. I imagined her happy life, her kids with Jack, and convinced myself I made the right choice.
Then COVID hit, and near the start of it, I stumbled on a post on reddit about this dude who sent his high school sweetheart a message many years later apologizing for how he treated her and telling her how her presence impacted him, and I thought to myself, "Hey, I did that!". So I started writing a reply, and for the first time told the story of this girl and I. I'd never told a soul about what happened with us, not even my family or closest friends. Maybe it was the stigma of having an online relationship back in those days that carried over, or maybe it was just too personal to share with my friends or family. It got long, so eventually I just decided to start a new thread. When I was done, it was so long I figured no one would ever read it, but I hit submit anyway and put my phone down and got back to work.
Well, I was wrong. People did read it - a lot of people. Soon my phone started blowing up. Thousands of comments, hundreds of DMs, people offering me book deals and asking if they could have the rights for a screenplay or have me on their podcasts. It was fucking surreal, and being generally a private person who tries to fly under the rader, it got overwhelming fast. Eventually I reached out to her again on Facebook, warned her about what happened, and apologized for putting her business out there.
She didn't respond for a couple weeks, and when she did we started talking again almost immediately. And then in mid-April 2020, she told me that she needed to talk to me. She spilled everything, and told me exactly who Jack was. How he would hack into her devices to spy on her, threaten to kill her and her partner if she ever left him, say vile things to her and her daughters, calling the young girls cunts and bitches. How he alienated all her friends and family, and kept them all isolated in the house her parents bought them that he would rarely leave.
And I felt deceived too. All those years I'd convinced myself that she was happy, that she got together with Jack and was living the life she deserved. In reality, Jack intentionally got her pregnant not long after he flew out to her state the first time. He quickly moved into her house, and refused to work or provide not only for her kids or their kids, but for the other 3 children he abandoned in Australia and Canada who he had no relationship with, with 3 different women he victimized in the same manner. When she was 8 months pregnant with their first kid, she was working nights doing hospice care while he sat on his ass playing videogames all night and talking to his ex. In 17 years, this fucking loser with 7 kids by 4 women worked a grand total of 5 weeks, quit his job, claimed he got PTSD from the experience, and somehow manipulated his way into getting SSDI for it. They survived off SSDI and her parents' charity for years.
But Jack was reading all of this, because like I mentioned earlier, he was hacking her devices and watching us talk remotely. Jack knew the jig was up, and slowly started to unravel. She told him she wanted a divorce, and that she was not going to sever her friendship with me again. And he pretended to take that well, going as far as to try to befriend and manipulate me. He tried every trick to keep her he'd done for years - telling her he was going to get help and would change first, then when that failed he made suicide threats and somehow got his therapist to call her and tell her as long as she didn't leave him he wouldn't kill himself, and then he tried to intimidate her. Eventually he went off the rails completely and sexually assaulted her when he thought she was sleeping.
She called me from her parents' house crying the night it happened, and I convinced her to file a police report. She did, and a couple weeks later Jack got removed from the home, served with a protective order, and charged for sexual abuse. This of course did nothing to stop Jack - he broke into their house a couple days later when she and the kids were out to upload a folder of revenge porn to his Google Drive under the guise of wanting to drop off a cake for her birthday.
Then the stalking started. Jack would relentlessly message her all day and night on Facebook, switching between rage, trying to garner sympathy, convince her he would change, and threatening self-harm. We later found out via a cyber forensics report that he was hacking into the laptop she had taken with her while she hid at her parents' and had been so bold as to steal her Victim Impact Statement and send it to all his World of Warcraft buddies as a joke.
And he didn't just stalk her, he came for me too. Constant unauthorized attempts to access my accounts for everything from Windows to my bank, spam calls and emails - shit, the wormy little fuck even got his friends to stalk my social media and pretend to be strangers to gaslight me. I ignored all of it, and he got desperate enough to send me a lovely message attempting to extort and blackmail she and I, claiming he had "all my posts" but wouldn't do anything with them if I called him. The tipping point for me is when he subscribed to my small YouTube channel - which had nothing on it but 3 videos of my daughter. That veiled threat wasn't lost on me.
But Jack fucked up. I don't know if he thought his insane nonsense would scare me off, or if in his delusions he really thought he was the bad mother fucker he convinced himself he was, but Jack didn't know jack about me. I'm a crazy fuck too, and while he was sitting on his fat ass playing World of Warcraft all day every day for the past couple decades, I was selling drugs and hanging with some of the grimiest mother fuckers Baltimore had to offer. I've seen and experienced a lot of real violence outside a computer monitor, and the prospect of a violent resolution to this saga didn't phase me a whole lot. I'd spent years trying to be a better person and avoid conflict, but I sure as shit wasn't afraid of it either. Leading up to this point, I was already trying to calm myself down and talk myself off the ledge and not pack my guns and drive out there to keep watch until the police did their thing and put him away, which took a lot longer than it should have - this fucking guy violated his protective order 80 times in just a couple weeks.
So I called him, and he spent the next 26 minutes crying over the phone like a drunk little bitch, while I tried my best to be kind and to talk him off the ledge. And yes, I did record it, and yes it is hysterical listening to it now in hindsight, and yes I still have the recording. Anyway, I told him he was scaring the shit out of her and the kids, and he promised to leave us alone and I told him if he could chill the fuck out I would try to talk her into giving him more access to the kids. The next day, she got an email from her first ex-husband - Jack had reached out to him with a link to my reddit post trying to get help from him to come after me, which he promptly shut down and sent to her.
The next few weeks were terrifying as Jack descended further into madness and became more scared and desperate. He knew she was gone and not coming back, and he was facing real charges and real jail time, and while Jack is a fucking moron in a lot of ways, I'm sure he knew a fat, greasy computer nerd with a sex offense conviction wasn't going to have a good time in County. Jack was a murder-suicide waiting to happen, the police were doing nothing to stop his stalking, and I felt powerless to help her. Eventually after he sent her $50 over PayPal at 4:00am with what appeared to be a suicide note, I had enough. I called the DA's office, asked them why the fuck this was being allowed to happen, and promised them I'd been taking meticulous notes and if anything happened to her I would be taking it straight to the media. The DA told me if I was going to make threats the conversation was over, but sure enough he was finally arrested not long after.
Ironically we had remained platonic friends through most of this, but the shared experience of dealing with this psycho brought us closer together and things quickly changed. We knew he wasn't going to stop when he got out of jail, I felt responsible for her safety after my stupid reddit post started this chain of events that led to Jack's unraveling, and with the world seemingly coming apart during COVID, decided if we were ever going to meet it felt like it was now or never. So I booked a plane ticket across the country, spent a week with her and her family, and a few days after I came home she flew out to visit me and meet my family.
We went into it with no expectations. I fully accepted we might not click and our relationship would go back to being platonic. For my part, I just wanted the closure of finally meeting this person who had such a profound impact on my life before COVID mutated or something and killed us all.
But we did click, and the next two weeks were life-changing. I met and cooked for her entire extended family the day after I arrived, and it went well. While I was there I got her mom's email address, and after I went home I had an idea. I knew her parents had met in DC, so I emailed her mom and asked her for a list of places that were special to her, and she told me about the church her parents had met in. I asked her to keep our conversation secret so it would be a surprise, and she did.
So when she comes out to the east coast, I take her on a tour through DC and park the car a few blocks down the street from the church. As we're walking by, she notices the church and comments on how beautiful it is.
I keep it cool and respond, "Yeah, that's a pretty important place.".
She looks at me and says, "Oh? Why's that?".
"That's where your parents met.".
She audibly gasps, giddily bounces a bit, starts to cry, and we pulled down our masks (fuckin covid) and kiss. Her reaction is easily one of the greatest memories in my life. What I didn't know at the time, was that her parents had told her about that church since she and her siblings were kids. When the church changed denominations, the church took the angel statue off the top and brought it back to her home state, and her parents had taken them to see it a few times throughout her childhood.
Anyway, getting sidetracked here, the sappy love story stuff is a different story altogether.
A month after we met for the first time, I had quit my job, sold everything I couldn't fit in my sedan, and she flew back out and drove across the country with my daughter and I.
Sounds crazy as hell, and it was, but it worked out better than it should have. I got a good job making more than I did back home right away, her kids loved me, and my daughter loved her and adjusted to her new home fast. And by the time Jack got out of jail for felony cyberstalking, sexual abuse, and Intimidation of a Witness in a Domestic Violence case, we had cameras all over the house, and I had taught my fiancee how to shoot - which she quickly became better than me at.
But Jack's time in jail didn't slow him down, and the 2-10 year suspended sentence didn't deter him at all. As a matter of fact, on his first day out one of the first things he did was start trying to hack her accounts again. He managed to con an elderly couple he knew threw World of Warcraft from a different state into letting him live with them, and from there he spent a lot of time and energy stalking us and hacking our devices to the best of his ability. He also convinced these poor, very stupid elderly people from his videogame to bankroll a lengthy, expensive divorce. Somehow a man who hadn't worked in almost 20 years managed to run us into over $50,000 in legal fees in two years. How a marriage with zero assets turned into a two year battle when both parties were officially in poverty before the divorce, or how the family courts never saw through the bullshit is beyond me.
To Jack's credit, he did a pretty good job remaining a thorn in our side. Largely due to the complete and utter ineptitude and indifference of the police and District Attorney who could and should have put a stop to his bullshit at any point in that time. Old Jack got hit with a permanent criminal stalking injunction and a 10-year protective order along with his probation, and no amount of effort on our part would get the police, DA, or probation to put a stop to it, despite mountains of evidence.
He successfully managed to draw the divorce out right up to the wedding we planned a year and a half prior, with his attorney putting in motion after motion to delay the process. With all our family and friends coming from all over the country and as far away as Japan, we accepted our wedding would just be a celebration and not an official wedding. Until the night before the wedding, she got a call from her attorney - he had made a call to the clerk's office at the court and got her to move the paperwork to finalize the divorce to the top of the pile, and she was officially divorced. Our wedding would be a real wedding after all, and despite Jack's best efforts, he lost again. We had the wedding on a remote ranch that we rented for a week, and foolishly decided to cater and decorate ourselves, which would have been a colossal undertaking without the extra 4 hours to drive into town and get our marriage certificate at the courthouse. But we pulled it off and it was everything we could have hoped for and then some, and we were officially married.
Jack of course didn't stop after the divorce was finalized. The list of shit he tried to do to us before and after that is too long to spell out in an already too long post, but here are some choice bits:
He wrote a demented letter to the oldest of his kids with her who severed her relationship with him, calling my wife and her mother "vipers and cowards" and promising we would "answer for what we've done sooner or later".
He continuously hacked our computers, miscellaneous accounts tied to our emails, and any other devices he could get into - dropping in remotely via Amazon Alexa, phones, etc.
He set up bots to send us thousands of spam emails, sign us up for dozens of international newsletters all at once, and requests for consultations for things like solar panel installations.
He told the kids vile lies about my wife and I, although the most egregious was when he used a court-ordered therapy appointment with his second oldest daughter to accuse me of distributing child porn, told the therapist I am an "evil man", and told him I wasn't safe to be around his daughters. This led to her being forensically interviewed by the police, where she spelled out what happened, but of course they did nothing.
He gave the two youngest children cell phones to sneak into our house, with Google accounts activated and location tracking turned on.
He sent packages to our house 5 times in the space of a few months, one of which was addressed to himself and contained nothing but a bag of Stevia and a pack of gum. These packages generally came to our door the day before his scheduled visitation with the kids.
During this time my bank account was hacked four times in the span of just a few months with nearly identical fraudulent charges. In each of these instances, I had completely changed my bank account information.
He filed false reports with CPS twice, alleging we were beating the children, locking them in the closet, and not feeding or bathing them. This led to a CPS agent coming to our house to investigate.
We brought all this to the police over and over as it happened, and they did nothing. The DA running the case wasted 5 months subpoenaing a fake email address that we told them when we reported it was fake and spoofed. After finding out about that, we went to the DA's office to find out what the fuck was going on. A Victim's Advocate met with us, and was horrified about how the case was handled, looked up the prosecutor assigned to the case, rolled her eyes and said "'s Stephanie", confirming what we already knew - this prosecutor was completely incompetent, an elect3d politician moonlighting as a prosecutor. She called us the next day to tell us the actual DA called a meeting and a warrant was put out for Jack's arrest. For some inexplicable reason, they pulled the warrant back, and the advocate told us it was because the DA was pursuing more serious charges.
Then, they stonewalled us. The Victim's Advocate we had met with that actually tried to help us was moved off our case, and the new one assigned refused to talk to us or return our calls. The few exchanges we had with her, she made it abundantly clear she had the DA Office's interests in mind and not ours. We decided to just stay quiet and let the process play out and hope for the best, up until we received an email on Friday night before Election Day from the Detective telling us Stephanie had closed the case. I assume she didn't want her incompetence coming to light, and didn't want to shut the case down before Election Day knowing we would be on the warpath.
Eventually, Jack caught wind that he was officially under criminal investigation, but clearly had no idea they were never going to press charges. He got quiet for a bit, until he was ultimately let off probation early. We still get the occasional reminder he's out there watching, but his fear of going back to jail and the belief it might happen cowed him a bit. So instead he harasses us through the family courts, filing constant bullshit motions with no evidence to support them, and for some reason the courts let it continue. Somehow a man who makes ~$800 from SSDI and is only paying $30 a month total to support his 3 kids with my wife is able to fund tens of thousands of dollars worth of legal proceedings every year, and no one in the family courts has ever stopped to ask how he is paying for it or why all this money isn't being spent on supporting these children.
But despite Jack's best efforts, his bullshit hasn't worked. My wife and I have been together for four years soon, and married for two. His kids call me dad and hate his guts, only seeing him because the courts force them to. I continue to advance in my career, landing two major promotions in the past 2 years and now running a division in one of the largest companies in my field in this part of the country. I just enrolled in college to go back to school and get a degree in family law with a focus on domestic violence. The most frustrating part of the whole experience with ol' Jack was having no one to turn to when all the institutions who were supposed to keep this from happening ignored us, and even though I'll be well into my mid 40's before I accomplish my new goals, I plan to advocate for domestic violence victims and do everything I can to lobby for change to these laws to keep as many people as I can from going through what my wife and I did. I learned that the only way to beat these people at their game is to play on the same field right along with them, and that's what I intend to do.
My wife went back to work too once she healed from some of the trauma, making $30 an hour as a personal assistant for a fella who's had two movies made about his life. Our kids struggled a bit with school and dealing with all their biological parents' issues, but they quickly turned it around and have been excelling. We're all happy, healthy, and doing better now than ever.
As for Jack? Well, he's pushing 50 and still spending his days alone, playing World of Warcraft and jerking off in this old couple's basement. Nothing has changed there, and now he's too fat, old, and visibly an enormous fucking loser to victimize women in the same way he did in his youth. I have no doubts he'll find another victim eventually, probably when these old weirdos bankrolling his life now finally wise up, but one thing Jack forgets is that karma is a mother fucker, and I have a giant database of evidence that I can and will send out to whoever I please to help pull that mask down and keep him from doing this to someone else. Nothing is more appealing to a potential love interest than hearing their man cry like a drunk bitch for 26 minutes to the man he claims stole his wife, while simultaneously admitting to sexually assaulting said wife.
As wonderful as it would have been for Jack to go to prison where he can't hurt anyone again, there is some catharsis knowing Jack will forever be in a prison of his own making. His children want nothing to do with him, and he'll never see them graduate or walk them down the aisle. Jack will die miserable and alone, and in his narcissistic delusion will still be blaming everyone else for the colossal failure of his life, while continuing to fail to grasp the one thread that ties all his misery together - himself.
And since he somehow manages to find and stalk most of my social media, I'd wager Jack will end up reading this too. I hope he does in all honesty. And Jack, if you are reading this, I want you to know that you can kick, flail, manipulate and lie, cry and complain until you're red in the face. None of it matters. You don't matter. You'll leave this world alone, as sad and bitter as you are now, and the world will be a better place for it.
submitted by feculentjarlmaw to stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:40 Prowner1 My Business Portfolio Admin is a Disabled Hacker Account, How to Recover?

My Business Portfolio Admin is a Disabled Hacker Account, How to Recover?
So, my business portfolio was hacked and the hacker gave himself Admin rights to the account. Now after resolving the hack, the hacker account was disabled, but the Admin rights are still linked to that account with no way to transfer Admin rights back to me.
Does anyone know how to resolve this? Facebook help is no use and there is no way to contact Facebook
Because of the hack, my personal Ad Account is also disabled, so I can't run any ads anymore for my page (I do still have admin rights to the Page itself, just not the business account).
submitted by Prowner1 to facebook [link] [comments]

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GBWhatsApp Other Features and Advance Privacy

Other Features


In today’s article we have told you about some special features of GBWhatsapp. We hope that you have understood all this information well. As we have mentioned earlier that WhatsApp is a third party app which cannot be trusted blindly. Most of the people around the world are using it but some people also say that all the data of this app has been leaked. Actually GB WhatsApp promises its users that no WhatsApp user’s data will be leaked. But you have to use it very carefully so that you never face any problem due to which you have to worry. Apart from this, there are many other flaws in it due to which people have to get a little worried.
Therefore you will have to be very careful while using it. Although we have given you all the information about this WhatsApp, but if you have any doubt about this article then you can tell us by commenting. We will definitely solve all your problems. Apart from this, we write many useful articles on our website which are very useful for people. If you want to know more things related to this, then you will have to visit our website as much as possible. So that you can read our every post first. GBWhatsApp Pro is a great app for those who want a more personalized and feature-rich WhatsApp experience.
submitted by Status-Ad-8977 to u/Status-Ad-8977 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:07 mekmookbro How did you start coding and what was your first language?

I like hearing about how people got into programming. Let's go down the memory lane and share our stories. I'll go first.
I don't think I've spent a day without looking at a monitor since I was 8. I was always fascinated with computers and I was constantly sick when I was a kid. I'd get frequent shots and I was terrified of needles (as all kids are). And my dad found a way to make me less grumpy about that, we didn't have internet back then and my dad would buy me a PC game everytime I got a shot.
When I was 11 or so, I discovered visual basic 6, it was all the hype back then, all the cool kids were making silly little apps with it. I made some simple calculators and stuff, and when I was like 13 I made a phishing app for a game I played. I was more interested in seeing how many people I can fool with it, rather than the accounts I steal. I made it look super genuine with my Photoshop skills and posted it on a forum. Within a month or so I had 1500 accounts in my email. I logged in and looked around but never stole anything or change any passwords, as I said, I was more interested in the process rather than the result.
After that I got into hacking, I ran some google dorks and defaced some vulnerable websites. Actually it was more like leaving a warning note on the homepage rather than defacement, I'd say something like "your website is vulnerable, fix it asap" and stuff.
Thankfully that phase didn't last very long and I finally realized I like building websites more than breaking them and found an amazing (for its time) PHP tutorial. Then came html and css, along with some interest in photoshop and logo design. Fast forward 10 years and I'm still making websites and still loving every minute of it.
submitted by mekmookbro to webdev [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:26 lawlore Hacked Facebook Account Recovered in 14 days (UK)

What a nightmare.
So, my story and process is very similar to this thread, but I figure it's worth sharing just to give a bit of hope and info on the process.
April 30th, I wake up to find I'm logged out of my Facebook account, and attempts to log back in reveal it's been disabled for inappropriate Instagram content. To appeal, I need to log in to the Instagram account, which is a Vietnamese username I don't recognise. Familiar story to many, I'm sure. This disabled page gives you the option to download some of your Facebook account, and I believe this was key- the access logs show exactly when and where it was hacked.
My own Instagram is not suspended, but has been unlinked from two accounts at the same time- I assume the hacker's IG and my Facebook.
Fruitlessly search Facebook's FAQs, end up here. Email the support addresses that are listed, no reply at all.
Get Meta Verified through IG to communicate with a human, at £9.99/month. Thinking about it, I should cancel that now.
Go through Meta Verified to communicate the Facebook issue. Raised approximately 20 tickets, but actually found that replying to the same one was more effective in getting replies. Each and every time, they send me links to the Facebook pages that do not work. The loop. I cannot upload ID to verify my identity as it wants me to log in, I cannot log in because it's disabled. I also, as stated, cannot appeal through IG by logging in to the hacker's IG. Each and every time, they try to close the ticket. Replying reopens it.
Eventually, I was escalated to a manager. I work in customer service, I know they'll all have scripts to follow and limits to what they can do. At no point am I getting angry or abusive, but I am making it clear that I have repeated the process, and I screenshot everything, showing my attempts to follow their instructions. I ask them for another way to be put through to the appeals team, because their form will not let me. No dice. Dead end after dead end.
So I come here again, and see the EU reporting form:
You can't access it from the UK, just clicking it gives a page error. You need to use a VPN and put your location in Europe. Thanks, Brexit. I installed the Opera browser, which has a free VPN built in.
I received a ticket from a support agent asking me for:
This email was replied to on Thursday 9th. By Sunday 12th, I had received an email at the new email address. This was from the "Facebook Community Operations Team", not Meta Support. They wanted a complete, detailed overview of what had happened, with ID, including the issues I'd encountered trying to report through the Facebook links. This felt like less of a template email reply and that progress was being made.
So I gave it to them. I also gave them some very specific details of the Facebook account- specific photo album names and status updates, information about Events I had previously organised through Facebook, what the banner picture was- anything extra that I thought could sway them to believe I was who I said I was. I underlined how the "permanently disabled after 30 days" part would mean losing all contact with specific people on the account, and I told them I'd travel to Facebook HQ to verify my identity face to face if need be. I didn't know what the hacker may have done with any of those things, but I included anything I thought could be reviewed and proven as true. I again attached the access logs and disabled screenshots.
Within 12 hours I had a reply stating they had secured my account with the new email address and a password reset link. It worked. The EU link through a VPN worked for me.

I appreciate the story probably ends there for most people, but since regaining access, I looked into what had been done by the hacker. They had added someone Vietnamese (themselves?) as a Facebook friend, who I have obviously now reported and blocked. They had not touched my wall, friends, photos or statues.
More importantly, and probably their whole aim, they set up a Facebook Ad Account under my name, and started spamming paid ads for something Vietnamese. They used someone's credit card details to do this, for about US$300- the details were not mine, so I guess someone else got a shock and cancelled the payments when they noticed.
However, my linked PayPal account was listed as a backup payment account, and my home address listed as the business account address. As I did not authorise the payments with PayPal, no funds left the account, and because the payments failed, the ads were suspended- I discovered this from notifications that they had on Facebook.
I am obviously taking steps now to close that Ad Account with Facebook.
And, as far as I can tell, that's it. My Facebook account was a perfectly normal, standard personal account. I'm going to spend today backing up photos on it, because it has made me very aware of just how much I'd have list if I hadn't found a way to resolve this.
submitted by lawlore to facebookdisabledme [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:13 Aleks_81 Account Hacked on May 2nd still having no access

Hi, Facebook called me the last week to confirm me that my business page was hacked and I have no news from them and there's no way to communicate with them, you just mast wait for their call. Anyone had this experience in the past? How long can take FB to return me my site?
submitted by Aleks_81 to FacebookAds [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:44 Opening-Falcon1118 Account hacked and linked to an unknown number and country

UID ACCOUNT: 589568262
Good day.
My case is that my account was hacked and I don't know how.
I haven't logged into my PUBG Mobile account for some 2 years and I recently received an email telling me that a phone number from the country of Uzbekistan has been added to the account. I always used my account in the North America - Dominican Republic region and now it appears in Uzbekistan. When I accessed the account for a few minutes I realized that the account had already been in use for 4 months by another person whom I never authorized access to.
To test the authenticity of the account a little, I have access to the email that I linked to the account at the beginning, which is the email and I have never changed it.
I also have the Facebook with which I linked the account to which I will attach some images of the accounts, both email and Facebook and also some Google Play invoices from some purchases I made on 11/21/2021.
Imgur link for the pictures:
Thank you and have a good day.
submitted by Opening-Falcon1118 to PUBGM_Support [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:45 Ok-Cattle-9520 Is my (36m) fiancé (33f) might be cheating on me or am I just being paranoid?

I do t know if it’s just me or if this stuff is suspicious. We’ve been together for a year now. Here’s the reasons I think she might be cheating:
  1. We used condoms at the beginning of our relationship. Then about two months in we stopped. Now all of a sudden she wants to start using them again. She said it’s because she doesn’t like the smell we both produce when we have sex and that the condoms help.
  2. We barely even have sex anymore. We’re going on two months now.
  3. She accidentally turned off her location services on her phone and I can’t see her location. She can still see mine. When I asked her about it, she said she didn’t know how to turn it back on. I walked her through it and got it back on. A day later, they were off again.
  4. She doesn’t wear her engagement ring. When I asked her about that, she said it’s because she doesn’t like being asked personal questions about her life while she’s at work. That kind of makes sense, but when she goes out with friends, she doesn’t wear it either.
  5. When invited to go out with friends, her friends don’t invite me to tag along. Our group of friends is one that we have both known since high school. We’ve both been friends with this group for almost 20 years.
  6. She’s been distant. We used to cuddle every night and now I barely get a kiss good night.
  7. She recently started doing her makeup and hair in the spare bathroom. She’s always done it in our shared bedroom or bathroom. When I asked her about it, she said it’s because she doesn’t want to wake me up. I’ve told her that she is the only person in this world that could wake me up and I’d have no issue with it.
  8. It took her two weeks to tell her family about our engagement. When I shared it on Facebook, she got upset with me.
  9. She always keeps her phone unlocked. That’s not the issue, but she used to always just leave it lying around. Now she never lets it out of her sight. My phone is locked because I use it for work and have sensitive company information on there. She has the password and has her face assigned to it, so she always has access.
  10. She used to take calls while I’m in the room and always used speaker phone because she said it’s easier for her to hear it. Now within the past month she leaves the room and uses the regular speaker.
I really hope this is me just being paranoid. I don’t know how to approach any of this with her without making her uncomfortable or without it seeming like I’m accusing her of cheating. I don’t want to secretly go through her phone or anything like that. We signed a lease together a month ago. If she is cheating and I find out, I’m stuck with her for another 11 months. Any help would be appreciated.
submitted by Ok-Cattle-9520 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:08 itswhyimhere Have you experienced any Email Breach?

Today, a senior member of our company had their email compromised. Another technician is currently handling it, but we're both stumped. We've changed passwords and revoked sessions, but since 9:00 AM, none of his emails have been coming through. A mail trace shows they're being delivered, specifically to the folder: DefaultFolderType:RssSubscription. Searches on this issue show others have faced it, but no one seems to know the cause. This problem affects both local and web-based Outlook, indicating it's likely a server-side issue. We've checked his RSS feed settings—no subscriptions there, as expected. It seems the attackers may have redirected his emails to hide password resets and 2FA notifications, preventing him from noticing unauthorized activities. Unfortunately, they've accessed his bank account, though he became aware of this after the bank contacted him. We now urgently need to restore his email delivery. There are no new sorting rules in Exchange Admin. We plan to inspect his local mail sorting rules once we have direct access to his machine. However, given recent updates to Office 365 that allow sorting rules to sync across devices via the cloud, I suspect the issue might be there. As an Exchange admin, I should be able to view and modify these cloud-based sorting rules per user, but I haven’t found a way to do so yet. Any insights on how to address this or information about how such hacks generally occur would be extremely helpful. I’m not familiar with this specific type of attack, as I typically use Thunderbird and Proton Mail and ensure my passwords are secure. Has anyone experienced something similar?
submitted by itswhyimhere to databroker [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:22 Aggressive-Falcon863 My mom is getting hacked on EVERYTHING!

Hi, I am hoping that someone can help! A few days ago my mom started getting weird emails saying that they know her passwords and will release her p0rn records if she doesn’t send bitcoin. She didn’t click on the link, but ever since she has been having problems. She’s had to cancel credit cards, she’s changed all of her passwords, her Expedia account is under a different name now… she switched to double Authenticator with her fingertip. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to stop this hacking? This a MacBook Pro and she uses an iPhone.
submitted by Aggressive-Falcon863 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:41 a_distantmemory Do random fb messages no longer go through the message requests folder? Also question about replying back

First question
I always thought if it was someone you didn't know, the message gets filtered into the message request folder and from there, you can either accept or deny the message.
I just got a very random message from some lady that said "whats up with you" I clicked on their profile and it didn't look fake necessarily but was very weird and unknown. Had albums and kind of a lot of pictures but no location, couldnt see their friends, etc.
Normally I am quite paranoid and at first I deleted the message and didnt answer but then I wondered how they got through to my normal message folder. I replied back "do i know you? "Thought about it for a few minutes then blocked them on messenger and fb and changed my password.
Second question
Can my account get hacked for simply replying back to the messsage? And if thats the case, should I be safe now that I blocked them and changed my password all within 5 minutes of replying back to them? I didnt click on any links no links were sent to me either by the way, nor did i share any info.
submitted by a_distantmemory to facebook [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:11 L1mJahey hacked?

okay so today was a weird all started when my friend dmed me saying am i hacked and i was confused of course and then he told me to check instagram, saying i posted something and sure enough there was a post about some fake scam type thing made to look it was posted by elon musk on twitter💀 anyways i quickly deleted that and forgot to mention it was posted on my story too and well i freaked out because someome was in my account posting scams. Anyways then i checked facebook someone deleted my email adress and deactivated my account managed to get it back easily tho and then i checked my steam account only to find out the 7 euros i had in my steam wallet were spent on some random dota 2 item now i wasnt mad about the money from the wallet missing but the fact someone had access to all my social media to be fair i do download cracked games and stuff and this did happen after i tried downloading one game well a few days after atleast...anyways after that i changed all my passwords set up all kinds of security verifications and its been good now and yeah i forgot to mention whoever did this managed go get past the steam guard and no i did not log in my steam account on any sketchy sites...i know this is a lot but im just looking for advice because now im scared of buying anything online and yeah thats is
submitted by L1mJahey to computerviruses [link] [comments]



2024.05.14 21:10 Faithhal The Risks of Unauthorized Access: Understanding the Implications of Hacking Someone's Computer Over the Internet

In recent years, the internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, facilitating communication, commerce, and entertainment on an unprecedented scale. However, this connectivity also brings with it certain risks, including the potential for unauthorized access to personal computers and sensitive information. One of the most concerning threats in this digital landscape is the act of hacking someone's computer over the internet.
Hacking, in its broadest sense, refers to gaining unauthorized access to a computer system or network. While some individuals may be tempted to explore hacking out of curiosity or a desire for adventure, it's essential to recognize the serious legal and ethical implications of such actions. Hacking into someone's computer without their consent is not only unethical but also illegal in many jurisdictions.
There are various methods that hackers may use to gain access to a computer over the internet, each with its own level of complexity and sophistication. One common technique is known as phishing, where attackers send deceptive emails or messages designed to trick recipients into revealing their login credentials or other sensitive information. Once obtained, these credentials can be used to access the victim's computer remotely.
Another method used by hackers is exploiting software vulnerabilities. Software, like any other complex system, is prone to bugs and security flaws that can be exploited by malicious actors. Hackers may exploit these vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to a computer or network, often by deploying malware or other malicious code.
For more>> How to hack someones computer over the internet
In addition to these technical methods, hackers may also employ social engineering tactics to manipulate individuals into divulging sensitive information or granting access to their computers. This could involve impersonating a trusted individual or organization, exploiting personal relationships, or preying on emotions such as fear or urgency.
It's crucial for individuals to take proactive steps to protect themselves against these threats. This includes practicing good cybersecurity hygiene, such as using strong, unique passwords for each online account, keeping software and operating systems up to date with the latest security patches, and being cautious when clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown sources.
Furthermore, individuals should be wary of anyone requesting sensitive information or access to their computer, especially if the request seems suspicious or out of the ordinary. When in doubt, it's always best to verify the legitimacy of the request through independent channels before taking any action.
Ultimately, hacking into someone's computer over the internet is a serious offense with potentially severe consequences. Not only does it violate the privacy and security of the victim, but it also undermines trust in the digital ecosystem as a whole. By understanding the risks and consequences associated with hacking, individuals can better protect themselves and their personal information online.
submitted by Faithhal to u/Faithhal [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:37 ezhong5 i have another account linked to my personal account and i don’t know how to get rid of it help pls

I don’t know what to do. I just logged into my facebook account and turns out another facebook account is linked to mine, that account i created it for my ex’s business and now it’s synced into my personal account, i don’t know the password to the account so i can’t delete it and i don’t know how to get rid of it. when i log out of the account, my personal account also logs out and my when log into my personal account the other one is also there.
i tried looking it up on google and nothing useful came up. when i look up the synced accounts i have it only shows up my normal account and my instagram that is linked to my facebook account but not the one i made for my ex’s business.
submitted by ezhong5 to facebook [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:05 keblawben Concerns About Sonos Web App Security

I wanted to raise my concerns about the security aspects of the new Sonos web app.
While it's exciting to see the promises of 'enhanced user experience and better remote access' , it's essential for us to consider potential security risks that might come with it.
One concern stems from Sonos' history with security challenges. Take, for example, the discovery of security flaws in Sonos One wireless speakers during a hacking contest back in May 2023. These vulnerabilities could potentially enable attackers to execute arbitrary code or access sensitive information.
Another aspect to consider is the sign-in process for the web app. Currently, it only requires your Sonos account email address and password, with no additional layers of security like two-factor authentication or passkeys. This raises questions about the adequacy of measures to prevent unauthorized access.
Moreover, if you have locally stored music, it's likely on a PC or network storage device. Given recent issues with app upgrades, it's valid to question how well Sonos has ensured that a breach in the login procedure couldn't lead to exploitation of network links.
Common web application vulnerabilities like Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Injection Attacks are also potential threats. It's crucial to understand what protections are in place to mitigate these risks.
While Sonos has addressed security issues in the past, the transition to a web-based platform introduces new challenges. We need clear communication from Sonos regarding the specific security enhancements and protections implemented in the new web app.
submitted by keblawben to sonos [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:38 Rigamortus2005 Account hacked

Hi, my account has been hacked and the password changed, I don't have access to the recovery phone number and I don't have any images or videos in the account. I primarily use it for memes and stuff. How can I regain access? So far I've emailed support but what else can I do?
submitted by Rigamortus2005 to Instagram [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:28 Busy_Door4825 Account hacked and its strange

Hello guys
So my account was stole few months back and i have contacted ubisoft and as expected not a single reply yet from their side. I have rainbow six siege which was purchased from epic games so i thought to myself what happens if i download it from epic games and to my surprise when i downloaded it and opened the game it opened my ubisoft account without requireing any email or password (Ubisoft security excellance lol) Anyway i was able to see the dihead who stole the account he deleted all my friends made the account private and changed the email , he is from argentina appearntly and this fuhead got the account banned from r6s due to hacks. 14 years i have had this ubisoft account for it to be hacked by someone without even recieving an email that someone changed my email and getting it banned. It's kinda of sad how poor ubisoft support is and i will never ever buy a single thing from them , i had all AC games Far cry games ...etc. In conclusion should i be optimistic that i can get my account back ? And if i could can this ban be removed if i contact them and explain that my account was hacked ?
submitted by Busy_Door4825 to ubisoft [link] [comments]


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̅f̅o̅r̅ ̅t̅h̅e̅ ̅f̅o̅l̅l̅o̅w̅i̅n̅g̅:̅
̅F̅a̅c̅e̅b̅o̅o̅k̅ ̅H̅a̅c̅k̅*̅ ̅S̅n̅a̅p̅c̅h̅a̅t̅ ̅H̅a̅c̅k̅*̅ ̅T̅i̅k̅t̅o̅k̅ ̅H̅a̅c̅k̅*̅ ̅T̅e̅l̅e̅g̅r̅a̅m̅ ̅H̅a̅c̅k̅*̅ ̅W̅h̅a̅t̅s̅a̅p̅p̅ ̅H̅a̅c̅k̅*̅ ̅O̅n̅l̅y̅f̅a̅n̅s̅ ̅H̅a̅c̅k̅*̅ ̅I̅n̅s̅t̅a̅g̅r̅a̅m̅ ̅H̅a̅c̅k̅*̅ ̅E̅m̅a̅i̅l̅ ̅A̅c̅c̅o̅u̅n̅t̅ ̅H̅a̅c̅k̅*̅ ̅E̅m̅a̅i̅l̅ ̅I̅n̅t̅e̅r̅c̅e̅p̅t̅i̅o̅n̅ ̅H̅a̅c̅k̅*̅ ̅V̅o̅t̅i̅n̅g̅ ̅C̅h̅a̅n̅g̅e̅r̅ ̅H̅a̅c̅k̅*̅ ̅C̅r̅e̅d̅i̅t̅ ̅R̅e̅p̅a̅i̅r̅*̅ ̅B̅l̅o̅c̅k̅e̅d̅ ̅W̅e̅b̅s̅i̅t̅e̅ ̅H̅a̅c̅k̅*̅ ̅W̅e̅b̅s̅i̅t̅e̅ ̅&̅ ̅B̅l̅o̅g̅ ̅H̅a̅c̅k̅*̅ ̅C̅y̅b̅e̅r̅ ̅T̅r̅a̅c̅k̅i̅n̅g̅*̅ ̅D̅e̅l̅e̅t̅e̅d̅ ̅T̅e̅x̅t̅ ̅M̅e̅s̅s̅a̅g̅e̅ ̅R̅e̅c̅o̅v̅e̅r̅y̅*̅ ̅W̅o̅r̅d̅ ̅P̅r̅e̅s̅s̅ ̅B̅l̅o̅g̅ ̅H̅a̅c̅k̅*̅ ̅L̅o̅s̅t̅ ̅F̅i̅l̅e̅/̅D̅o̅c̅u̅m̅e̅n̅t̅ ̅R̅e̅c̅o̅v̅e̅r̅y̅*̅ ̅C̅r̅i̅m̅i̅n̅a̅l̅ ̅R̅e̅c̅o̅r̅d̅ ̅C̅l̅e̅a̅r̅a̅n̅c̅e̅ ̅H̅a̅c̅k̅*̅ ̅D̅a̅t̅a̅b̅a̅s̅e̅ ̅H̅a̅c̅k̅ ̅*̅ ̅H̅a̅c̅k̅i̅n̅g̅ ̅c̅a̅r̅d̅ ̅d̅u̅m̅p̅s̅ ̅o̅f̅ ̅a̅l̅l̅ ̅k̅i̅n̅d̅s̅ ̅*̅ ̅U̅n̅t̅r̅a̅c̅e̅a̅b̅l̅e̅ ̅I̅P̅s̅ ̅*̅ ̅H̅a̅c̅k̅i̅n̅g̅ ̅b̅a̅n̅k̅ ̅a̅c̅c̅o̅u̅n̅t̅s̅ ̅*̅ ̅H̅a̅c̅k̅i̅n̅g̅ ̅i̅n̅d̅i̅v̅i̅d̅u̅a̅l̅ ̅c̅o̅m̅p̅u̅t̅e̅r̅s̅ ̅*̅ ̅H̅a̅c̅k̅i̅n̅g̅ ̅w̅e̅b̅s̅i̅t̅e̅s̅ ̅*̅ ̅R̅e̅m̅o̅t̅e̅ ̅d̅e̅v̅i̅c̅e̅ ̅c̅o̅n̅t̅r̅o̅l̅ ̅h̅a̅c̅k̅ ̅*̅ ̅B̅u̅r̅n̅e̅r̅ ̅N̅u̅m̅b̅e̅r̅s̅ ̅h̅a̅c̅k̅ ̅*̅ ̅P̅a̅y̅p̅a̅l̅ ̅a̅c̅c̅o̅u̅n̅t̅ ̅v̅e̅r̅i̅f̅i̅e̅d̅ ̅*̅ ̅D̅e̅l̅e̅t̅e̅ ̅l̅e̅a̅k̅e̅d̅ ̅s̅e̅x̅ ̅t̅a̅p̅e̅ ̅a̅n̅d̅ ̅a̅ ̅l̅o̅t̅ ̅e̅v̅e̅n̅ ̅m̅o̅r̅e̅
̅D̅o̅ ̅y̅o̅u̅ ̅w̅a̅n̅t̅ ̅t̅o̅ ̅h̅a̅c̅k̅ ̅s̅o̅m̅e̅o̅n̅e̅ ̅e̅l̅s̅e̅'̅s̅ ̅a̅c̅c̅o̅u̅n̅t̅ ̅o̅r̅ ̅p̅h̅o̅n̅e̅ ̅t̅o̅ ̅m̅o̅n̅i̅t̅o̅r̅ ̅o̅r̅ ̅t̅r̅a̅c̅k̅ ̅t̅h̅e̅i̅r̅ ̅c̅a̅l̅l̅s̅ ̅a̅n̅d̅ ̅m̅e̅s̅s̅a̅g̅e̅s̅,̅ ̅w̅h̅y̅ ̅n̅o̅t̅ ̅a̅s̅k̅ ̅a̅ ̅p̅r̅o̅f̅e̅s̅s̅i̅o̅n̅a̅l̅ ̅h̅a̅c̅k̅e̅r̅ ̅t̅o̅ ̅h̅e̅l̅p̅ ̅y̅o̅u̅ ̅m̅o̅n̅i̅t̅o̅r̅,̅ ̅t̅r̅a̅c̅k̅ ̅a̅n̅d̅ ̅h̅a̅c̅k̅ ̅t̅h̅e̅i̅r̅ ̅m̅e̅s̅s̅a̅g̅e̅s̅ ̅a̅n̅d̅ ̅d̅a̅i̅l̅y̅ ̅a̅c̅t̅i̅v̅i̅t̅i̅e̅s̅.̅
̅A̅n̅d̅ ̅i̅f̅ ̅y̅o̅u̅'̅r̅e̅ ̅w̅o̅n̅d̅e̅r̅i̅n̅g̅ ̅h̅o̅w̅ ̅i̅t̅ ̅w̅i̅l̅l̅ ̅b̅e̅ ̅d̅o̅n̅e̅,̅ ̅w̅h̅y̅ ̅d̅o̅n̅'̅t̅ ̅y̅o̅u̅ ̅l̅e̅a̅v̅e̅ ̅i̅t̅ ̅t̅o̅ ̅t̅h̅i̅s̅ ̅h̅a̅c̅k̅e̅r̅
̅Y̅o̅u̅ ̅j̅u̅s̅t̅ ̅h̅a̅v̅e̅ ̅t̅o̅ ̅s̅i̅t̅ ̅b̅a̅c̅k̅ ̅a̅n̅d̅ ̅r̅e̅l̅a̅x̅ ̅a̅n̅d̅ ̅w̅i̅t̅h̅i̅n̅ ̅a̅ ̅f̅e̅w̅ ̅h̅o̅u̅r̅s̅ ̅y̅o̅u̅ ̅w̅i̅l̅l̅ ̅h̅a̅v̅e̅ ̅f̅u̅l̅l̅ ̅u̅n̅n̅o̅t̅i̅c̅e̅d̅ ̅a̅c̅c̅e̅s̅s̅ ̅t̅o̅ ̅t̅h̅e̅ ̅a̅c̅c̅o̅u̅n̅t̅ ̅y̅o̅u̅ ̅w̅a̅n̅t̅ ̅t̅o̅ ̅h̅a̅c̅k̅.̅ ̅B̅e̅l̅i̅e̅v̅e̅ ̅m̅e̅.̅
̅I̅ ̅h̅a̅v̅e̅ ̅c̅o̅m̅e̅ ̅a̅c̅r̅o̅s̅s̅ ̅w̅h̅a̅t̅ ̅w̅i̅l̅l̅ ̅a̅n̅s̅w̅e̅r̅ ̅t̅h̅e̅ ̅m̅i̅l̅l̅i̅o̅n̅s̅ ̅o̅f̅ ̅q̅u̅e̅s̅t̅i̅o̅n̅s̅ ̅w̅e̅ ̅h̅a̅v̅e̅ ̅b̅e̅e̅n̅ ̅a̅s̅k̅i̅n̅g̅ ̅o̅u̅r̅s̅e̅l̅v̅e̅s̅ ̅a̅l̅l̅ ̅t̅h̅i̅s̅ ̅t̅i̅m̅e̅ ̅a̅n̅d̅ ̅o̅n̅c̅e̅ ̅w̅e̅ ̅a̅n̅s̅w̅e̅r̅ ̅o̅u̅r̅ ̅q̅u̅e̅s̅t̅i̅o̅n̅s̅,̅ ̅w̅e̅ ̅w̅i̅l̅l̅ ̅b̅e̅ ̅f̅r̅e̅e̅ ̅f̅o̅r̅e̅v̅e̅r̅.̅
̅I̅t̅ ̅h̅a̅s̅ ̅a̅ ̅2̅4̅-̅h̅o̅u̅r̅ ̅r̅e̅f̅u̅n̅d̅ ̅p̅o̅l̅i̅c̅y̅ ̅i̅f̅ ̅y̅o̅u̅ ̅f̅i̅n̅d̅ ̅t̅h̅e̅ ̅s̅e̅r̅v̅i̅c̅e̅ ̅u̅n̅s̅a̅t̅i̅s̅f̅a̅c̅t̅o̅r̅y̅ ̅a̅n̅d̅ ̅d̅o̅n̅'̅t̅ ̅l̅i̅k̅e̅ ̅w̅h̅a̅t̅ ̅y̅o̅u̅ ̅s̅e̅e̅.̅
̅W̅h̅y̅ ̅d̅o̅n̅'̅t̅ ̅y̅o̅u̅ ̅c̅l̅e̅a̅r̅ ̅y̅o̅u̅r̅ ̅t̅h̅o̅u̅g̅h̅t̅s̅ ̅a̅n̅d̅ ̅c̅l̅e̅a̅r̅ ̅y̅o̅u̅r̅ ̅d̅o̅u̅b̅t̅s̅ ̅t̅o̅d̅a̅y̅ ̅a̅n̅d̅ ̅a̅s̅k̅ ̅a̅ ̅p̅r̅o̅f̅e̅s̅s̅i̅o̅n̅a̅l̅ ̅h̅a̅c̅k̅e̅r̅ ̅t̅o̅ ̅h̅e̅l̅p̅ ̅y̅o̅u̅ ̅w̅i̅t̅h̅ ̅y̅o̅u̅r̅ ̅h̅a̅c̅k̅s̅.̅ ̅T̅o̅d̅a̅y̅ ̅I̅ ̅r̅e̅c̅o̅m̅m̅e̅n̅d̅ ̅t̅h̅i̅s̅ ̅g̅r̅e̅a̅t̅ ̅h̅a̅c̅k̅e̅r̅ ̅t̅o̅ ̅e̅v̅e̅r̅y̅o̅n̅e̅
̅C̅o̅n̅t̅a̅c̅t̅ ̅h̅e̅r̅
̅S̅M̅S̅ ̅o̅n̅ ̅W̅h̅a̅t̅s̅a̅p̅p̅:̅ ̅+̅1̅ ̅2̅3̅4̅ ̅5̅4̅2̅-̅8̅8̅9̅8̅
̅T̅e̅l̅e̅g̅r̅a̅m̅ ̅t̅e̅x̅t̅ ̅(̅@̅)̅c̅y̅b̅e̅r̅_̅h̅e̅l̅p̅9̅1̅1̅
submitted by Big_Bag3648 to u/Big_Bag3648 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:14 HisDudeness3008 A spanish university behind german ransom emails?

Edit: upon further searching, the concerned university is not Spanish, but Peruvian. My bad for European-centric thinking.
Hello, everybody! I'm here with my story about an ongoing series of ransom emails I've been receiving. I'm not scared as they are obviously fake, I'm more between entertained and curious.
Let's start from the beginning. I received an email having the low-effort password I use for non-important sites as a subject. The body is a copypasta in German, only having my password, my email address, the amount to pay and the address where to send the money as the customized parts, written in bold. The text, for whoever is curious enough to analyze this absurd story in depth, is the "Hallo, mein perverser Freund" one.
To summarize the content, this self-declared Big Brother or the All-Seeing Eye ("Big Brother oder das alles sehende Auge nennen") claims to have installed an unspecified trojan on an unspecified device of mine, and with that they recorded me pleasuring myself to highly controversial videos using the webcam. They ask for €1200 in Bitcoins with a 48h deadline to stop them from sending those videos to all my email contacts as well as uploading them online.
What's ludicrous about that, aside from how generic the claim is in order to be a little credible for any victim, is they claims they gained access to all my devices by hacking one. In my case, that's even more comedic as my laptop has a killswitch for the webcam (meaning it always had a black piece of plastic obscuring it, since I never use it), while my phone is an Asus Zenfone 6, which has no front camera (the rear camera flips over when you need one). They have been really unlucky with me. Also, How can they film what I've supposedly been watching while engaging in self eroticism with my front camera?
Other criticalities are: I have no contact in my email account, nor in any application I use it with. That's not how people use emails in 2024, unless it is a business account. Plus, they claim the password they displayed as the mail's subject is my email account password. No, it is not. It is just the zero-effort password I used on some websites that have been breached (eg Linux Mint Forums and the defunct Linux Forums among the others) back in 2018-2020 (they sure took their sweet time to decrypt an all-lowercase 10 letter password).
Also, they say they sent the mail form a temporary account. They did not. They used a regular hotmail account, which has been pwned too (the poor sap, which has the misfortune of having a physical address linked to his email address on a google-able website, used the same password for his email and a website that suffered a data breach). They say, judging from my conversations, people think I'm a decent person. I have no human conversations in my email. Just notices of new replies on forums etc.
To get to the title of my post, let's skip to 3 days later (oops, more than 48h). I received another email. This time in English. This time, apparently from my own address (I suppose it is to show they really have access to my email account), even if it doesn't show in my "Sent" folder (if they want to convince me they have access to my account, they shouldn't delete it from there, I think). They say they approved "a new payment schedule" for some random practice number never mentioned before. This time, they talk about Pegasus. I'm honored to know they used a spyware that costs millions of dollars for each license, and that the DEA refused to use because of its high price, on me. Luckily for me, either they are a different party, or they lowered their price. This time, they ask for $850 dollars. I suppose they don't know much about leverage.
Anyway, I opened the email's header. They were lazy enough to modify the "from" field, but not the "return-path" one. What puzzled me? This field appears to be an administrative address belonging to a private-owned Peruvian online university. I have to admit I don't know much about informatics, and I can't tell if that grants the fact that was the true sender behind the fake self-sent email. But the hypothesis alone has me in stitches. Please help me uncover this mystery.
Thank you for your attention!
submitted by HisDudeness3008 to cybersecurity_help [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:10 daisy5305 My facebook got hacked and i have no idea how to retrieve it please help

My facebook was recently hacked, it only had my old phone number registered which i no longer have access to, and the password was changed, the person keeps posting random photos, how can I contact facebook and report this or get my account back, a CS number appeared but im concerned its a scam, i don't care if i shut it down or keep it, I just want the hacker or whoever out of it
submitted by daisy5305 to facebook [link] [comments]