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PureASOIAF Art: We do not show.

2021.07.13 15:08 Jon-Umber PureASOIAF Art: We do not show.

/PureASOIAFArt is a subreddit devoted to artistic depictions specifically from the book series A Song of Ice and Fire and associated written works by George R.R. Martin. This subreddit focuses only on the written works and does not allow content from the popular HBO television adaptations.

2014.08.09 00:54 Star Wars: Armada The Miniature Game


2024.06.09 10:22 Seeker1904 New Utility Item Idea that adds Traversal Powers: The Pocket Watch

“Where would a gentleman be without his trusty timepiece? Though upon closer inspection… it seems that this pocket-watch is anything but ordinary.” – In game description of the pocket-watch.
The pocket watch is a utility item which would allow the Doctor to tap into the otherworldly forces of the mirror dimension to harness supernatural powers. This idea came from a few places. Namely, the pocket watch you can find in the Warehouse area (though at this point it can only be sold for treasure) as well as the watch used to time the generator in Amnesia: The Bunker.
The Doctor would equip the watch in his right hand as he does other weapons. This means that it would not be possible to use the pocket-watch in conjunction with an offensive weapon. Using the primary-fire button, the Doctor would be able to activate the watch and trigger an ability. Pressing the ‘change-ammunition’ key would allow the Doctor to switch between different abilities. Visually, this would be reflected by the whether the glass-locket-doors of the pocket watch are opened, half-opened or closed:
1) Shroud (doors-closed): Upon using the primary-fire button, the Doctor partially phases into the mirror dimension and becomes far harder to spot for a period of time. Even in full light, the Doctor appears as a shadowy and shaded figure. This ability would enable the Doctor to cross dangerous and brightly lit areas. The downside to this is that the Shroud does not negate sound (perhaps as a sort of ‘monkey-paw’ element, using the Shroud could actually increase the sound made by the Doctor).
2) Spring (doors half open): By pressing, the fire button gravity takes on the properties of the Mirror-Dimension. This would function similar to the slow-fall potions in Thief and also allow the Doctor to cross large gaps in a single bound. It would also make falling long distances survivable.
3) Shift (doors open): By pressing the primary-fire button, the Doctor would instantaneously shift forward. This ability would function similarly to the Blink ability in Dishonored and would allow the Doctor to quickly dash from shadow to shadow. By holding and then releasing the primary-fire, the Doctor would be able to target the swoop ability. So as to not be as game-breaking as Blink, the Shift would be very short range and would only act on a horizontal plane. This means no teleporting upwards or scaling large buildings. Additionally, the watch would only be able to hold two charges of the Shift before its ‘ammunition’ is depleted.
Holding the check-ammunition key would cause the Doctor to lift the pocket-watch to his face and view the hands of the pocket-watch. The ‘magazine’ capacity would be indicated by the gap between the minute hand and the hour hand. The hour-hand would remain fixed at the 12-o-clock position and the minute hand would travel around the clock face (thus indicating the depletion of the 'magazine') as the Doctor uses its abilities.
The pocket-watch would not require ‘reloading’ but would only recharge upon entering/ exiting the mirror dimension. This would prevent players from abusing the pocket-watch’s abilities and would also make the watch arduous to replenish.
I thought this could be a fun way to add diegetic traversal powers to the game.
submitted by Seeker1904 to Gloomwood [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:16 Sad-Use-3560 SU-57 was hit for the first time

SU-57 was hit for the first time
The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported on the destruction of the fifth-generation multirole fighter Su-57, worth 5 billion rubles (about $50 million).
The department reported that he was hit on June 8 on the territory of the Akhtubinsk airfield in the Astrakhan region, 589 km from the line of combat contact.
Satellite images show that on June 7 the fighter was standing intact, and the next day traces of explosions and stains characteristic of a fire as a result of fire damage appeared near it.
There were 10 such aircraft in the Russian army.
submitted by Sad-Use-3560 to VataLife [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:14 thepoet_muse //

// submitted by thepoet_muse to u/thepoet_muse [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:01 AggressiveSelina The Rise of MemeCoins in 2024, EGGONDOG

In 2024, the surge in meme coins has been driven by a combination of nostalgia, the allure of enormous returns, and the power of social media. Nostalgia plays a significant role, as these coins often tap into familiar internet memes and cultural references that resonate particularly well with younger generations. The potential for massive returns, akin to the success seen with Dogecoin, also draws in investors. However, this potential is a double-edged sword: while meme coins can bring substantial gains, they are also highly volatile, making significant losses just as likely.
The Role of Social Media and Innovative Functions
Social media influencers and online forums can ignite viral frenzies, driving up prices based solely on hype. But beyond the hype, some meme coin projects are exploring innovative functionalities. These projects are integrating with decentralized finance (DeFi) for new financial applications, building utility within the metaverse, and even addressing environmental issues. Such innovations provide a layer of functionality and purpose that can help meme coins stand out in the crowded market.
Bitcoin Halving and Market Activity
The timing of the meme coin surge with the Bitcoin halving in 2024 is not coincidental. Historically, Bitcoin halving events have been followed by periods of increased market activity for cryptocurrencies. This broader market upswing creates a fertile ground for meme coins to gain more attention and investment. For a meme coin to achieve long-term success, it needs a unique identity, a clear purpose beyond the meme itself, and a strategic plan for future development. Partnering with a crypto coin development company can be a strategic move to achieve faster crypto profits.
$EGGDOG: The Hidden Gem on Solana
$EGGDOG, the newest memecoin on the Solana chain, is poised to make significant waves in the cryptocurrency market. With its potential to multiply 1000x, this low market cap gem is being touted as the next big thing, set to rival and surpass the infamous $WIF. The best time to buy $EGGDOG is now, as early adopters stand to gain the most from its anticipated rise.
A Month of Potential and Surprises
This month, $EGGDOG is expected to shock the world by surpassing $WIF and other famous memecoins. It’s being described as a hidden gem that investors should not miss. The $EGGDOG community is preparing for a parabolic movement, with predictions that the coin will explode in value at any time.
A Path to Financial Independence
$EGGDOG isn’t just about hype; it’s being positioned as a key to financial independence. For many investors, this memecoin represents a dream come true, offering the potential to fulfill financial aspirations within a year. As the coin gains traction and community support, $EGGDOG could indeed become a pivotal player in the world of meme coins, helping investors achieve their financial goals.
In conclusion, $EGGDOG stands out in the crowded meme coin market due to its unique identity, strong community backing, and strategic use of the Solana network. With the potential for significant gains, it represents a promising investment opportunity in the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies.
Web: https://www.eggondog.com
submitted by AggressiveSelina to BlockchainGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:51 Wonderful-Effect-168 Why do most people think Articuno sucks?

Almost every time I see a topic online discussing Legendary Pokemon, Articuno is named the worst LP of all generations. I don't think he's the best, but it's an OK Pokemon for me. In Gen1 for example, I think Moltres sucks more then Art, it's a level 50 Pokemon and it's best attack is Fire Spin! Art has Ice beam. Also, I like Articuno's design. So, do you like Articuno? If you think he sucks, why is that?
submitted by Wonderful-Effect-168 to PokemonScarletViolet [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:30 -CORSO-1 1x Godot Super Wizard (Revshare) Flashy & pretty remake, 90's Top Down, super/hypercar racer with bizarre twist.


LONG POST! Image heavy (and shitty loading times). 5 Pages! Apologies for the length, trying to pre-empt your questions and show fixed scope.


One person with excellent, higher-order programming skills in Godot GDScript who could pair with my graphics and programming abilities for a highly popular 1990's game title, top down racer remake.

Game Synopsis:

Single player, Super Cars Clone but more realistic + crazy + more detailed and prettier graphics. With 1990’s styling and Roguelite-ish collect & combat precepts throughout.
Image set

Citing the Original Game:

Explanation video of Super Cars 2, 1990’s charm: Descriptive Video
Just flick through these next two videos, no need to watch to completion. This is to show you how dated they are.
Long Play video of original Game: Amiga Super Cars 2:
Earlier Super Cars 1: Long Play Video

Proof of Concept Test Video:

Here is a proof of concept video with artwork (no props except for road elevation).
Concept Video

Proof of Concept, Playable Game:

You can download and play it here. Do note: Road elevation changes marked by Red and Green rectangles on track, in case you’re confused about varying accelerations. AI is hypershit.
Playable Game Link
Some of the old video’s on there show the lo-res flippers, water cannons, pits, pins, rough roads, trains, etc, in working order.

Synopsis of Theme:

You are an up and coming racecar driver. It is the 1990's when flamboyant super cars, daring films(James Bond esq) and thrilling car races are all the buzz. Catching this excitement, a movie studio has noticed your driving talent. During a racing season, you'll be given access to 'unique' races at movie locations. Ie: "Blues Brothers Mall scene", or driving through a mine site with giant excavators and blasting of rock walls for that all important movie-shot. Or, many other weird and unusual prop-heavy locations, like a slime factory, or an industrial petrochemical plant complete with fiery explosions and other such spectacular events. To achieve access to these, you need to prove your worth on the daily race track. Many are non-ordinary tracks. They'll have things like giant water canons to push you around, wobbling roads, uneven rocky tracks, dips, jumps, giant pinball flippers, oil firing canons, trains and other devices all while in furious and intense competition with other NPC drivers.
Be forewarned, the video’s below show a distinct lack of polish. Ie: skidding-black level on packed dirt, no inertia correction in skid, no proper power to gear ratio etc, etc.
Mine Site and Prop Test Free Drive:
This one would be more or less representative of a special type track (due to location).
Katawarra mine
Plugin Functionality test:
Plug-In, Multi-Prop-Installations (shopping centre test), farmland, pushroads and cutaway view of mountains.
Plug In Building Test
And have another jungle track for good measure.
Jungle scene free-drive

Overview of Game ‘Chunks’:

Some Cars
Ok. in absolute brief: You start at ‘D’ category, have access to those cars and parts at that level. Above, cars on the left are ‘D’, then the next two are ‘C’, then next two are ‘B’, ‘A’, and the last two are ‘Ultra Class’ category. Each Category is an entire season of 10 tracks each. Including special event tracks.
On the roads, there are props, you plough into them for rewards, and special things called ‘chits’. Props are fences, oil drums, wood piles and anything that looks like it needs a good smashing.
Ultimately, Chits are used in a mini game (like Wheel of Fortune), to earn higher grade parts, cash prizes and even a better car than your current season’s level cap.
There’s a parts shop, a car shop, a Tv studio(for the WoF bit) and your assembly garage.
When you complete a season, if you make it into the top 3 racers at the end, you can upgrade to the next season D -> C. That means better and faster cars, higher grade engine parts, more challenging drivers, more tracks and bigger prizes on the Wheel of Fortune spin mini game. And you keep going until you reach Ultra class, where you’re driving monstrous hypercars against the best to win the entire full season.
It is meant to be a difficult game, just like the original. Practice makes Perfect.

Market Expectations:

Do note: Top down racers are NOT big money earners, so don't expect a huge audience. We would probably be lucky to fit just Below 'Make Way' at position 15.
Steam stats

What Happened and why am I doing this:

Me: Senior IT Manager. (BMech Eng.). + Hobby Artist (Pretty OK & particularly fast) + VB6 Coder (Strong skills). Was working on a BIG VB6 program for enjoyment. (https://nelfid.com/)
(https://www.reddit.com/roguelikedev/comments/1aeaoo8/2024_in_roguelikedev_monstergirl_resonance_call/ )
Had to stop. Looked at Godot for continuation, seriously impressed, started learning it, WOW. Decided to build a racer for shits and giggles and to learn from it. Ok, fun, easy, cool, and then decided to upgrade it with pretty graphics and decent gameplay. Game testers went nuts, I went nuts. Too much fun.
But, I’m long suffering from a sleep disorder. So re-re-re-learning Godot between medical hiatuses isn’t fun. However I can churn out art and Godot prop code no matter my condition.
I’m still a beginner at Godot, an advanced coder in VB6, I can prototype well. HOWEVER, I’m better at smashing out tracks worth of art, cars portraits, cars sprites, car cutaways and Godot track and props setup.
What I am NOT good at is the higher order setup of minimising repeat code and proper setout of node hierarchies (I haven’t learned it yet). I’m tired of bashing my head against, all the old vector math, engine math, gearing data and power curves. (I graduated that stuff at University too many years ago.)
I’m looking for someone who likes THAT, car-frictiony-enginey-handling-math. Someone who likes building car-part-shop-garage-drag-drop-thingy-interfaces. Someone who enjoys a good thrash and smash car game with a penchant for comedy and silliness. Someone who’ll also help with all the OTHER things needed to put a game on Steam and random marketing functions. Someone who knows how to handle multi-packed scenes and not build shit code.
As needed, I’ll be covering ALL the art, all the interface art, you-name-it, you just make it work. I’ll also be building and drawing all the tracks. Ideas and creation for silliness, wackiness, interesting tracks, cool props, etc, will be a duo effort for building them. If you have art skills too, great, join in.
Do note: I’m aiming at hand-drawing 50 tracks in grand total, their props and variants. This is an astronomical amount of work. I WILL get burnout, and the contingency is to ask the audience for fun and silly ideas too. This way, the track-select-bucket can be filled over time. Even after Steam’s Early Access commences. Seriously, you’ve got to go above and beyond to stand out nowadays.
Have SQLite skills? Good, because we will be using it.

Build Time:

Speculatively guessing for build time. Minimum time 3 months. Maximum time 6 months to complete.

Goal Post 1:

Schedule I'd like to do: Prep the game with a first stage demo. As per above, but with say 3 tracks, and 3 different user cars and proper NPC AI. Chuck that on Steam as a first port of call. This shouldn't take long as the shop/parts/Tv studio are not relevant here. Just racing and a simplistic track select menu. Car types can be basic hard coded engines and handling here (ie: no part swapping yet).

Goal Post 2:

Second stage demo: and with it, Early Access. Entire Season 1 Tracks ready. All stuff is here, shops, parts, Tv studio. Category 'D' racing is fully open here. The user can run through the whole 1'st stage, 10 tracks (with celebrity tracks included). However, more difficult grades C, B, A and Ultra cars, parts and other tracks are not available. This is so the users can get a 100% feeling for the game, and if they want to go to the next level (more difficult, more tracks, more parts, more cars, more excitement) they'll have the incentive to purchase the full game. Early access means we'll start dumping down new tracks and celebrity tracks as they get made so EA's can get them in the random bucket as we go along.

Goal Post 3:

Real Launch: Everything done, but tracks might not be fully complete yet (at least 50% done). Track selection is done from a diminishing pool randomly selected per each season. If short, it will select from the bucket again. At this stage the entire game should be coded in full, with the exception of new props for upcoming tracks. Which you'll be helping out with.


Marketing is informal at the moment, and happy to share ideas and discuss approaches accordingly. Currently I've been collecting relevant forum/group websites for those who love or may love this stuff.


Music and sound effects assets will be from sites like Zapsplat and other affiliate style sites. (So we'll need to program in a car CD Player or Tape Deck, lol) If worthwhile to translate for other languages, we can do that as it's not a text heavy game.


Rev share will be pinned at 50/50 unless there is some other extenuating circumstances. Official company setup and final legals will occur immediately prior to Early Access -> pending interest level by users.
You won't be 'just' coding. Wherever we can both cover each other's backs to smash things out as fast as possible, you'll need to be flexible. Game's are not just coding and artwork.
I expect you to be proactive because I’ll have my hands full with art and technical props.
Let’s do our best to get it over the line.


I won’t be responding to Discord currently. My account seems to have been inactive-erased, I haven't ‘dug’ in my records for it, that’s a ‘later’ thing. DO NOT DM me, myself and others want to see and verify who you are first, exclusively write below.


East-coast Australia timezone, happy for any talent, anywhere. English language only.

About you:

If you are interested and have some seriously strong Godot skills, please introduce yourself, what you've done, programming background, any training or other videos you've made (please link them). Can you program caengine physics and road AI exceptionally well already? How do you avoid spaghetti code? How long have you been tackling Godot? Do you know shaders? What are your daily hours/location? What can you do for your 50/50 rev-share of this project?
Have some AI Generated art for theme and ideas fishing. Note: I won’t be using AI art anywhere, this is only for sticking into the ideas-box and to give you a feel for what the game is about.
Coverart Ideas
Lastly, if you’re good and we work well together, I’m happy to discuss any future projects that require similar arrangements. There is a mountain of short-term, popular 90’s and similar games begging for modernisation and graphical updates.
submitted by -CORSO-1 to INAT [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:30 AutumnFanatic 22 [M4F] Illinois/Anywhere/Online - Hi! Nerdy guy who loves autumn looking for a genuine intimate connection

I have a fear of speedbumps, but I'm slowly getting over it..
Hi and welcome to my post! Wanted to start off with a funny to me dad joke.
Nice to meet you, I'm Dylan!
I love autumn way too much and I can't wait for it! It makes me so excited. We had a much cooler day here for once and it felt like October so I was burning a lot of candles.
To put it simple, I am a single 22 year old man who has been pretty lonely in life and lacking human connection. And part of what comes with that is the desire to be intimate with a person. I am very mature for my age and will always be respectful of your boundaries and feelings, especially with anything sexual. Lately all I have is myself when it comes to sexual desires, so I would like to have someone to keep company with in that regard too.
I'm just relaxing on my days off this weekend and burning a woodwick candle. I love candles! 🕯️ Sometimes a campfire outside on a fall night or a crackling WoodWick candle is a relaxing constant among our busy and hectic world. It's nice to just disconnect, feel grounded and happy in your own little cozy space. Feeling calm and collected and at peace. Something that fewer people take the time to do these days.
I am seeking a woman around my age or older to build a close connection with that could possibly lead to a something intimate which includes the possibility of teasing/sharing pics etc. but only when we were comfortable. Figured I would be open in my Intentions as that's the best way to be.
Kind, respectful, and easy going.
Comfortable with the idea of eventually sharing intimate things together.
Willing to eventually move off of Reddit.
Want something genuine and fun!
Are honest in your intentions and a good person to be around!
That's about it, we will get along great I know it.
I've been feeling a little bummed out lately. I always try and stay happy and see the best in things. But.. I've just been so alone. Most of my whole childhood and adult years have been spent feeling lonely. I grew up surrounded by cornfields which was peaceful but also has a lonely aspect to it. My family never really were close and never did anything as a family really. And part of it too is the fact that I never had any neighbors my age to interact with. But aside from that, my adult life has been very lonely. I'm just always by myself. I barely have any meaningful adult relationships or experiences, or even any friends.
I work a 3-11 job in building maintenance at my company world headquarters building which I love, but again it's very lonely. I work the off shift so the building is always empty. I don't get normal social interaction with people my age or a chance to build relationships. I only have 3 older men as co-workers and we are mostly in the basement away from any people on the floors from knowing our existence. I always walk the floors and see office people laughing and chatting with their coworkers and I just don't have that kind of experience. And just.. no one knows I exist really. Everyone probably assumes I have a lot of friends, but I'm struggling inside with being so alone and trying to meet people and get past the "hi how are you?" "I'm good thanks" stage. Most people don't seem to want to talk beyond that. And most women are already in relationships and thus it would seem weird to approach them in an office setting trying to get to know them deeper. But man those "hi how are yous" are the only real interactions I get during my day.. so thus I decided to come here lol. Rant over, sorry! I promise I'm not a downer. 😅
Now for some things about me!
As you can tell, I am very mature for my age and am polite and have good grammar which unfortunately not everyone my age does anymore lol. I am not active at all on social media/internet culture really and don't know much about all the slang the younger people these days use. I feel like I'm 50. 🤣
I am left handed which is pretty cool. I'm not much of a party person or a drinker, I much prefer a quiet night at home and maybe a beer or two on a weekend but that's about it. I am simple and stay out of drama and trouble and don't get much into politics or other things that cause drama with people. I much prefer a relaxing campfire and a night at home and to just let the world keep on turning haha. I consider myself pretty intelligent and mature, especially for my age which is why I'm open to older ladies.
Physically I'm 180 pounds, have brown hair, green eyes, and a typical build.
Some of my hobbies are:
• Photography
I have a Nikon D200 and D5500 that I love to shoot with. I love nature scenes, abstract, black and white/goth kinda photography, sunsets, etc. it's so fun to just let your mind explore. It's not about what camera you have, but those who are behind the camera!
• Cooking and baking
I loveeee to cook and bake! I enjoy making various meals but also love to just have a frozen pizza once in awhile or something like that. I recently made homemade chili which turned out great. I love to bake, especially in the fall! I love pies, cakes, pastries, cookies, etc. I restored a vintage KitchenAid mixer that needed tbe gearbox rebuilt. Eventually I would love to practice home canning my own food.
• Music
Oh my gosh, I like so much!! Alternative rock, punk, post punk, electronic, synth pop, psychedelic rock, hard rock, etc. I am very non judgemental and open when it comes to music. My three current favorite bands are Type O Negative, Joy Division, and the Cure.
• Nature walks and camping
I really enjoy camping, making fires, and relaxing by a campfire. I love to take walks outside and just enjoy the beauty and simplicity of nature. It's wonderful, especially in a world so focused on everything digital.
• Repairing things
I'm a maintenance guy and one of my hobbies is electronics repair so I am good with my hands and just all around good at troubleshooting and fixing all sorts of things around the house. Last week I helped my elderly neighbor get his tractor started, it needed a new component in the starting circuit. So I'm pretty handy which... Comes in handy! 😂
• Autumn 🍁
This isn't a hobby per say, but man do I love the fall!!! It's my absolute favorite time of the year. Oh my gosh. The beautiful colors, crisp cool air, misty and foggy days, rain, lack of bugs, being cuddled up with a candle or by the fire drinking a tea, etc. I love it! There's only two seasons for me. Fall, and waiting for fall! Haha.
• Scented Candles and incense
Going along with my love for fall, I absolutely love candles! I have like 30 something lol. 😂 Currently my favorite are WoodWick, which are owned by Yankee candle. They have such a soothing crackle and the scents are great! I also love to burn incense from time to time as well. I have cottagecore hippie vibes.
• Old houses and architecture
I love old houses! Especially 1900s and Victorian era homes. Old homes have so much character to them and are just so beautiful from a time when people took pride in their craft. I strongly dislike the modern cookie cutter cheap construction of homes today. I would love to live in an old home one day. I also love their architecture and uniqueness, as well as architecture of old cathedrals and other buildings.
• Relaxing
Basic I know, but sometimes on the weekend I just love to get cozy in bed and relax and put on a YouTube video or an album! 😊
That's about it for me, I'm a pretty laid back and simple person. My ideal person is someone who is respectful and honest! I am very straightforward and open minded and would hope that you are as well.
If I seem interesting to you at all I would love to hear from you!
Thank you so much for reading.
submitted by AutumnFanatic to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:30 zarnt More than 200 Palestinians killed in Israeli hostage raid in Gaza

More than 200 Palestinians killed in Israeli hostage raid in Gaza
Quotes from the article (sent via gift link so it’s free to all):
The Israel Defense Forces said it retrieved Almog Meir Jan, 21; Andrey Kozlov, 27; Shlomi Ziv, 40; and Noa Argamani, who turned 26 in captivity, from two separate locations in Nuseirat, a refugee camp in central Gaza. All four were “in good medical condition” and transferred to hospitals for examination, the IDF said…
Degran and other health officials said Saturday that 210 people had been killed and 400 others wounded in the operation in Nuseirat. The number of dead included 94 at al-Aqsa Hospital and 116 at the nearby al-Awda Hospital, according to Degran and Marwan Abu Nasser, administrative director at al-Awda…
Videos circulating on social media and WhatsApp groups in the aftermath of the attacks showed streets strewn with debris and dead bodies, many of them missing limbs. Children could be seen among the dead. Other clips showed young children and women being carried from ambulances and civilian cars into al-Aqsa Hospital, which was flooded with casualties…
At a press appearance in France, Biden said he welcomed the operation Saturday. “We won’t stop working until all the hostages come home and a cease-fire is reached,” he added.
I don’t know how to come to any other conclusion than that the official, bipartisan position of the United States is that Palestinian lives have very little value when compared to Israelis.
If anything else were true we wouldn’t “welcome” an operation this deadly. We wouldn’t be sending another dime or bullet without a ceasefire. Leaders from both parties wouldn’t have given Netanyahu a platform in Congress to justify this war.
I believe Palestinian lives have immense value, just like Israel lives, and every other human on this planet. Why can’t I find anybody with real power in this country who will say something like that? When did that become a radical notion?
submitted by zarnt to mopolitics [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:17 shuu1n 18+ Terralith World - Come join me and 2 others in a fresh world!

We would like to invite anyone interested is a server that is pretty much open all year. Its a world we vote on resetting, just to start fresh sometimes. As that can re-llight the fire in someone!
The server has custom world Generation named Terralith. The server itself has the option to set your home and teleport to other players if requested. We also included a grief protection plugin, just in case if something happens. But we hope the people who are interested, know common sense.
Send me a DM. And i will invite you to a discord server i have setup, just so i dont have to add so many peeps to my friend-list. Will remove this post, if we get alot of interested people. So be fast!
PS. We are some whom enjoy building crazy stuff sometimes, this theme for us this time is Fantasy/medieval. You're welcome to join that, or do your own thing ;)
You on bedrock, tell me. i can make the server joinable thru that!
submitted by shuu1n to MinecraftBuddies [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:08 AutumnFanatic [22/M4F] #Online - Hi! Nerdy guy who loves autumn looking for a fellow autumn loving person to form a genuine and fun intimate connection with! 🍂☺️

I have a fear of speedbumps, but I'm slowly getting over it..
Hi and welcome to my post! Wanted to start off with a funny to me dad joke.
Nice to meet you, I'm Dylan! I'm a 22 year old who has lived in Illinois my whole life. As you can totally tell, I absolutely love autumn and everything about it!! I was born in October. It's my favorite month, and there's just something so magical about the fall colors, the cool crisp air, and those dreary and rainy and foggy days and nights. I love it so much and absolutely despise summer and humidity. 😂🍂🍁
I'm just relaxing on my days off this weekend and burning a few candles tonight as we've gotten an usually cool night which totally reminds me of autumn! I love candles! 🕯️ Sometimes a campfire outside on a fall night or a crackling WoodWick candle is a relaxing constant among our busy and hectic world. It's nice to just disconnect, feel grounded and happy in your own little cozy space. Feeling calm and collected and at peace. Something that fewer people take the time to do these days.
I am seeking a female interested in building a close connection with me that could possibly lead to something intimate and sexual but only when we were comfortable.
Kind, respectful, and easy going.
Comfortable with the idea of eventually sharing intimate things together.
Willing to eventually move off of Reddit.
Want something genuine and fun!
Are honest in your intentions and a good person to be around!
That's about it, we will get along great I know it.
I've been feeling a little bummed out lately. I always try and stay happy and see the best in things. But.. I've just been so alone. Most of my whole childhood and adult years have been spent feeling lonely. I grew up surrounded by cornfields which was peaceful but also has a lonely aspect to it. My family never really were close and never did anything as a family really. And part of it too is the fact that I never had any neighbors my age to interact with. But aside from that, my adult life has been very lonely. I'm just always by myself. I barely have any meaningful adult relationships or experiences, or even any friends.
I work a 3-11 job in building maintenance at my company world headquarters building which I love, but again it's very lonely. I work the off shift so the building is always empty. I don't get normal social interaction with people my age or a chance to build relationships. I only have 3 older men as co-workers and we are mostly in the basement away from any people on the floors from knowing our existence. I always walk the floors and see office people laughing and chatting with their coworkers and I just don't have that kind of experience. And just.. no one knows I exist really. Everyone probably assumes I have a lot of friends, but I'm struggling inside with being so alone and trying to meet people and get past the "hi how are you?" "I'm good thanks" stage. Most people don't seem to want to talk beyond that. And most women are already in relationships and thus it would seem weird to approach them in an office setting trying to get to know them deeper. But man those "hi how are yous" are the only real interactions I get during my day.. so thus I decided to come here lol. Rant over, sorry! I promise I'm not a downer. 😅
Now for some things about me!
As you can tell, I am very mature for my age and am polite and have good grammar which unfortunately not everyone my age does anymore lol. I am not active at all on social media/internet culture really and don't know much about all the slang the younger people these days use. I feel like I'm 50. 🤣
I am left handed which is pretty cool. I'm not much of a party person or a drinker, I much prefer a quiet night at home and maybe a beer or two on a weekend but that's about it. I am simple and stay out of drama and trouble and don't get much into politics or other things that cause drama with people. I much prefer a relaxing campfire and a night at home and to just let the world keep on turning haha. I consider myself pretty intelligent and mature.
Sexually, I am very open minded and non judgemental. Even if you're having your period I don't mind messing around because I am totally comfortable with that. Some guys get really freaked a out about that and blood etc. and I don't get it because it's a natural part of being a woman and something that should be respected and understood and not something to be grossed out by. I know some women tend to get more horny on their period and thats when most guys don't want anything to do with them, but I'm different!
Physically I'm 180 pounds, have brown hair, green eyes, and a typical build.
Some of my hobbies are:
• Photography
I have a Nikon D200 and D5500 that I love to shoot with. I love nature scenes, abstract, black and white/goth kinda photography, sunsets, etc. it's so fun to just let your mind explore. It's not about what camera you have, but those who are behind the camera!
• Cooking and baking
I loveeee to cook and bake! I enjoy making various meals but also love to just have a frozen pizza once in awhile or something like that. I recently made homemade chili which turned out great. I love to bake, especially in the fall! I love pies, cakes, pastries, cookies, etc. I restored a vintage KitchenAid mixer that needed tbe gearbox rebuilt. Eventually I would love to practice home canning my own food.
• Music
Oh my gosh, I like so much!! Alternative rock, punk, post punk, electronic, synth pop, psychedelic rock, hard rock, etc. I am very non judgemental and open when it comes to music. My three current favorite bands are Type O Negative, Joy Division, and the Cure.
• Nature walks and camping
I really enjoy camping, making fires, and relaxing by a campfire. I love to take walks outside and just enjoy the beauty and simplicity of nature. It's wonderful, especially in a world so focused on everything digital.
• Repairing things
I'm a maintenance guy and one of my hobbies is electronics repair so I am good with my hands and just all around good at troubleshooting and fixing all sorts of things around the house. Last week I helped my elderly neighbor get his tractor started, it needed a new component in the starting circuit. So I'm pretty handy which... Comes in handy! 😂
• Autumn 🍁
This isn't a hobby per say, but man do I love the fall!!! It's my absolute favorite time of the year. Oh my gosh. The beautiful colors, crisp cool air, misty and foggy days, rain, lack of bugs, being cuddled up with a candle or by the fire drinking a tea, etc. I love it! There's only two seasons for me. Fall, and waiting for fall! Haha.
• Scented Candles and incense
Going along with my love for fall, I absolutely love candles! I have like 30 something lol. 😂 Currently my favorite are WoodWick, which are owned by Yankee candle. They have such a soothing crackle and the scents are great! I also love to burn incense from time to time as well. I have cottagecore hippie vibes.
• Old houses and architecture
I love old houses! Especially 1900s and Victorian era homes. Old homes have so much character to them and are just so beautiful from a time when people took pride in their craft. I strongly dislike the modern cookie cutter cheap construction of homes today. I would love to live in an old home one day. I also love their architecture and uniqueness, as well as architecture of old cathedrals and other buildings.
• Relaxing
Basic I know, but sometimes on the weekend I just love to get cozy in bed and relax and put on a YouTube video or an album! 😊
That's about it for me, I'm a pretty laid back and simple person. My ideal person is someone who is respectful and honest! I am very straightforward and open minded and would hope that you are as well.
If I seem interesting to you at all I would love to hear from you!
Thank you so much for reading.
submitted by AutumnFanatic to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:00 coinfeeds-bot Today's Top #2: Charles Hoskinson believes Cardano is undervalued

tldr; Charles Hoskinson, the founder of Cardano, has voiced his frustration over the lack of positive recognition for Cardano in the media, stating that the project is undervalued despite its strong fundamentals. He highlighted Cardano's leadership in blockchain research and development, the growth of community dApps, and upcoming project developments as reasons for his optimism. Hoskinson also mentioned the Chang Hard Fork, a significant upgrade aimed at enhancing governance and community involvement, and partnerships with notable entities. Despite criticism and being labeled as a "zombie token" by Forbes, Hoskinson remains bullish on Cardano's future and its role in addressing real-world issues.
*This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.
submitted by coinfeeds-bot to u/coinfeeds-bot [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:56 I_No_Will_To_Live Love HBO’s “The Wire”? Then you could be our perfect Virtual Assistant.

Position Overview
We are seeking an exceptional Chief of Staff (Virtual Assistant) to support the founder in building and scaling two companies: a Digital Marketing agency and a Podcast Production company. This role requires a highly skilled, strategic, and proactive individual capable of managing multiple virtual assistants and ensuring smooth business operations. The Chief of Staff will act as the founder’s right-hand, facilitating efficient workflows, and allowing the founder to focus on strategic initiatives. One of the main aims is to generate more clients and revenue for both businesses. This is a full-time position, and we are not looking for anyone who is currently studying or cannot commit to full-time work from Monday to Friday.
Key Responsibilities
  1. Strategic Planning and Execution:
• Assist the founder in developing and executing business strategies.
• Monitor progress and ensure alignment with business goals.
• Focus on generating more clients and increasing revenue for both the Digital Marketing agency and the Podcast Production company.
  1. Team Management:
• Oversee and manage a team of at least three virtual assistants.
• Delegate tasks effectively and ensure timely completion.
• Conduct regular check-ins and performance reviews.
  1. Operational Management:
• Manage daily operations and administrative tasks.
• Implement systems and processes to enhance productivity and efficiency.
• Handle project management and ensure all projects are on track.
  1. Communication:
• Act as the primary point of contact between the founder and the team.
• Conduct a 15-minute daily briefing with the founder to update on key activities and priorities.
• Maintain clear and effective communication channels.
• Write emails in the founder’s voice and manage outreach to guests for podcast interviews.
• Schedule podcast recording sessions and manage the founder’s diary.
• Use WhatsApp, Slack, and Telegram for communication with team members.
  1. Problem-Solving:
• Identify and address operational challenges.
• Provide solutions and implement corrective actions as needed.
  1. Documentation and Reporting:
• Maintain comprehensive records of all activities and decisions.
• Prepare regular reports for the founder on business performance and team productivity.
Required Attributes and Skills
Leadership: Strong leadership skills with the ability to inspire and manage a remote team.
Organisational Skills: Exceptional organisational and time management skills.
Communication: Excellent verbal and written communication abilities.
Strategic Thinking: Ability to think strategically and manage complex tasks.
Problem-Solving: Proactive problem solver with a solution-oriented mindset.
Tech-Savvy: Proficient with project management tools (e.g., Asana, Trello), communication tools (e.g., Slack, WhatsApp, Telegram), and other relevant software. Must be able to learn new tools quickly and instruct others on their use. Ideally capable of creating standard operating procedures (SOPs) and recording Loom videos as tutorials.
Flexibility: Adaptable and able to manage changing priorities in a fast-paced environment.
Trustworthiness: High level of integrity and discretion in handling confidential information.
Non-Negotiable Skills and Experience
WordPress Expertise: Highly skilled in designing, building, and managing WordPress websites.
Marketing Proficiency: Extensive experience in all aspects of digital marketing, including:
SEO: Strong knowledge of search engine optimisation techniques and best practices, with familiarity in keyword clustering and content strategies such as hub and spoke.
Google Ads and Social Media Marketing: Proficient in managing campaigns on Google, Instagram, and Facebook.
Cold Email Campaigns: Ability to run effective cold email outreach campaigns and nurture leads through the sales funnel.
Lead Generation and Nurturing: Skilled in scraping and enriching leads via platforms like LinkedIn, and nurturing them through targeted email sequences.
Content Creation: Ability to create and edit videos and content for platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.
SEO Writing: Proficient in using a variety of tools for conducting keyword research and AI tools to generate content. Able to edit content from others, implement internal linking strategies, and reach out for backlinks to enhance the site’s SEO performance.
AI Proficiency: Skilled in working with ChatGPT and other AI tools.
GoHighLevel Proficiency: Competent in implementing and optimising GoHighLevel internally and for other clients going forward.
VPN Usage: Able to use a VPN to log into sites from the UK.
Tool Proficiency: Proficient in Slack, Airtable, and Google Suite, including Google Analytics (GA4) and Search Console.
Automation Skills: Experienced in automating tasks using Make.com, Airtable, Apify, and ChatGPT.
Personal Interests
Pop Culture Enthusiast: Must be a fan of HBO’s “The Wire” and have a strong interest in pop culture, film, TV, and music.
Starting Salary: $500 per month, paid weekly via Wise or PayPal.
Performance-Based Increases: Monthly salary increases by $100 with satisfactory performance, up to $800 per month.
Salary Review: Opportunity for a formal salary review and potential increase at $800 per month.
Working Hours and Location
Availability: Must be online between 9 AM to 5 PM UK time, Monday to Friday.
Remote Work: Can work from anywhere in the world.
Team Coordination: Experience working with teams based in different countries, including the Philippines, India, and Ukraine.
Application Process
Interested candidates should submit their CV along with a cover letter outlining their experience and why they are suitable for this role. Highlight relevant skills, experience, and personal interests that align with this position. Interviews will be conducted virtually, and the successful candidate should be available to start on Monday, 17th June.
submitted by I_No_Will_To_Live to VirtualAssistantPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:51 I_No_Will_To_Live Love HBO’s “The Wire”? Then you could be our perfect Virtual Assistant.

Position Overview
We are seeking an exceptional Chief of Staff (Virtual Assistant) to support the founder in building and scaling two companies: a Digital Marketing agency and a Podcast Production company. This role requires a highly skilled, strategic, and proactive individual capable of managing multiple virtual assistants and ensuring smooth business operations. The Chief of Staff will act as the founder’s right-hand, facilitating efficient workflows, and allowing the founder to focus on strategic initiatives. One of the main aims is to generate more clients and revenue for both businesses. This is a full-time position, and we are not looking for anyone who is currently studying or cannot commit to full-time work from Monday to Friday.
Key Responsibilities
  1. Strategic Planning and Execution:
• Assist the founder in developing and executing business strategies.
• Monitor progress and ensure alignment with business goals.
• Focus on generating more clients and increasing revenue for both the Digital Marketing agency and the Podcast Production company.
  1. Team Management:
• Oversee and manage a team of at least three virtual assistants.
• Delegate tasks effectively and ensure timely completion.
• Conduct regular check-ins and performance reviews.
  1. Operational Management:
• Manage daily operations and administrative tasks.
• Implement systems and processes to enhance productivity and efficiency.
• Handle project management and ensure all projects are on track.
  1. Communication:
• Act as the primary point of contact between the founder and the team.
• Conduct a 15-minute daily briefing with the founder to update on key activities and priorities.
• Maintain clear and effective communication channels.
• Write emails in the founder’s voice and manage outreach to guests for podcast interviews.
• Schedule podcast recording sessions and manage the founder’s diary.
• Use WhatsApp, Slack, and Telegram for communication with team members.
  1. Problem-Solving:
• Identify and address operational challenges.
• Provide solutions and implement corrective actions as needed.
  1. Documentation and Reporting:
• Maintain comprehensive records of all activities and decisions.
• Prepare regular reports for the founder on business performance and team productivity.
Required Attributes and Skills
Leadership: Strong leadership skills with the ability to inspire and manage a remote team.
Organisational Skills: Exceptional organisational and time management skills.
Communication: Excellent verbal and written communication abilities.
Strategic Thinking: Ability to think strategically and manage complex tasks.
Problem-Solving: Proactive problem solver with a solution-oriented mindset.
Tech-Savvy: Proficient with project management tools (e.g., Asana, Trello), communication tools (e.g., Slack, WhatsApp, Telegram), and other relevant software. Must be able to learn new tools quickly and instruct others on their use. Ideally capable of creating standard operating procedures (SOPs) and recording Loom videos as tutorials.
Flexibility: Adaptable and able to manage changing priorities in a fast-paced environment.
Trustworthiness: High level of integrity and discretion in handling confidential information.
Non-Negotiable Skills and Experience
WordPress Expertise: Highly skilled in designing, building, and managing WordPress websites.
Marketing Proficiency: Extensive experience in all aspects of digital marketing, including:
SEO: Strong knowledge of search engine optimisation techniques and best practices, with familiarity in keyword clustering and content strategies such as hub and spoke.
Google Ads and Social Media Marketing: Proficient in managing campaigns on Google, Instagram, and Facebook.
Cold Email Campaigns: Ability to run effective cold email outreach campaigns and nurture leads through the sales funnel.
Lead Generation and Nurturing: Skilled in scraping and enriching leads via platforms like LinkedIn, and nurturing them through targeted email sequences.
Content Creation: Ability to create and edit videos and content for platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.
SEO Writing: Proficient in using a variety of tools for conducting keyword research and AI tools to generate content. Able to edit content from others, implement internal linking strategies, and reach out for backlinks to enhance the site’s SEO performance.
AI Proficiency: Skilled in working with ChatGPT and other AI tools.
GoHighLevel Proficiency: Competent in implementing and optimising GoHighLevel internally and for other clients going forward.
VPN Usage: Able to use a VPN to log into sites from the UK.
Tool Proficiency: Proficient in Slack, Airtable, and Google Suite, including Google Analytics (GA4) and Search Console.
Automation Skills: Experienced in automating tasks using Make.com, Airtable, Apify, and ChatGPT.
Personal Interests
Pop Culture Enthusiast: Must be a fan of HBO’s “The Wire” and have a strong interest in pop culture, film, TV, and music.
Starting Salary: $500 per month, paid weekly via Wise or PayPal.
Performance-Based Increases: Monthly salary increases by $100 with satisfactory performance, up to $800 per month.
Salary Review: Opportunity for a formal salary review and potential increase at $800 per month.
Working Hours and Location
Availability: Must be online between 9 AM to 5 PM UK time, Monday to Friday.
Remote Work: Can work from anywhere in the world.
Team Coordination: Experience working with teams based in different countries, including the Philippines, India, and Ukraine.
Application Process
Interested candidates should submit their CV along with a cover letter outlining their experience and why they are suitable for this role. Highlight relevant skills, experience, and personal interests that align with this position. Interviews will be conducted virtually, and the successful candidate should be available to start on Monday, 17th June.
submitted by I_No_Will_To_Live to DoneDirtCheap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:48 Royal-Interview-3617 Chargers

Golems are men and women who are raised from the dead to defend the righteous. Some believe they were created by Solomon, other think they come from before, but all believe them to be myth now.
They have the power of Ma’Anär, an electromagnetic force they can generate from their bodies from the Anäric Dimension. This energy can be called into their body at any time, traveling throughout the body via the nervous system, though many Golems keep some energy in there at all times.
Utilization of this energy is broken into three types, each more sophisticated than the later.
Er is the utilization of this energy within the body. My gripping one’s mind onto this energy after summoning it, it can be transferred to deferent parts of the body to enhance physical attributes. One can move energy into the mind to enhance reaction speed and thinking capacity, musculature to give greater strength, skin to enhance hardness, and can even be used to replace energy from oxygen and food. Golems must be careful however. If they have not spent their time training their body to handle the amounts of energy they use, they begin to rip on an atomic level.
The pinnacle of this technique is Polaris, where and overflow of energy is focused throughout the entire body or in specific parts, causing and rearranging of electrons and quantum particles while still maintaining form, granted complete spatial awareness and repetitive speed, but this will quickly siphon energy reserves.
Ein is the next technique a golem can learn. Once they have mastered Er, and can freely transport energy throughout their body, they can start to actually discharge and absorb energy as well. By coming in physical contact with something, they can release energy focused into their hands or another body part. They can playmate the air around their fist, can heat objects instantly, can use magnetic forces to blast away objects or cause attraction towards themselves, and can even completely break down objects. Depending on their knowledge of electromagnetic energy and physics, they can do almost whatever they have an equation for so long as they are able to touch something and release enough energy for the interaction. The dangers of Ein lie in the fact that they can expend too much energy or create reactions their body cannons handle in close proximity, causing a rebound of the reaction into their own body.
The pinnacle of this technique is Ignis Optica, where energy is focused into the eyes, and blasted out to a desired target. This can only be raw radiation, magnetizing and igniting the air in the path of their eyes to their target.
Eifir this is the use of magical tools called Calcoms. Calcoms can range from stones with a pre-calculated chemical makeup that create a fire ball that can be shot like a missile, staffs that can turn the energy into a desired electromagnetic effect, or even the magical metal kinothine which can be loaded with energy and telekinetically controlled until the energy is expended. Dangers include accidentally destroying the calcom or errors in the construction, causing disastrous results. Calcoms basically streamline applications of Ein, and allow it to be controlled through space, rather than relying on tactile contact
Ef’him is the most advanced practice. Be creating a sort of feedback loop, most simply and often by clasping the hands together and releasing energy into each other, this radiation can be aimed into the surrounding space, allowing for things like telekinesis and other distance based applications. These dangers include both the danger of Er and Ein and can have disastrous results
Let me know what you guys think!!
submitted by Royal-Interview-3617 to magicbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:43 kmrbuky One month of beading! (+ some newbie thoughts and questions)

One month of beading! (+ some newbie thoughts and questions)
It's been exactly 35 days since I've started beading!
I was visiting my best friend in Japan when we came across some beading patterns. Neither of us have beaded before, but we thought it could be a fun challenge! Cue several all-nighters and utter frustration as we slogged through the first piece (the pink keychain on the very right).
It's hard to see from the picture, but I had 0 tension on the string (because I didn't know what it was!) so the edges are a mess. That's why I decided to try again with blue, which is the fourth project! The tension was much more even.
The pink strap took about 5 days (with a few international flights in-between), the second (dragon) took about 7 days, the third took about 11 days (took a small break), the fourth took about 4 days, the fifth (same as the first project, but with colours I chose) took about 2 days, and the very last one took about 2 days as well (and is my very own pattern!) I've gotten way faster with the last two projects.
All in all, I'm amazed I'm not burnt out yet. Beading feels really good on my soul so I'm so excited to have found this hobby. I'm not huge on wearing beaded jewelry (...mostly because I don't really wear jewelry in the first place) so I'll probably just stick to these portrait-style charms for myself and friends/family.
Some things I've noticed:
  • The first five projects were with a thread I used that came with the beading package in Japan. The thread was surprisingly very strong (it never snapped) but it was multiple smaller threads woven together, so the knotting was frustrating.
    • Several users suggested FireLine, which I used with the last project:
      • Pros: CLEANEST edges ever. I know clean edges are also dependent on bead size discrepancies, but now that I have experience with both, I think the thread quality is more important. When you pull for tension, the thread 'folds' easily so you don't have to worry about having looser sides (which was my biggest pet peeve).
      • Cons: it is expensive as hell (I like beading because I find (most) Miyuki beads (the 11/0 are the ones I use) to be fairly inexpensive, especially for the variety in colours. Also, the thread feels 'heavier' and I need to use more force to generate better tension.
      • With that being said, I'm 50/50 on FireLine. I absolutely think everyone should use it (though keep in mind I've never used any other thread LOL) because its utility is perfect. However, because I have sore wrists, the amount I have to tug for proper tension does make it a bit tricky for me.
  • I've ventured into making my own patterns now that I've run out of kits. To help, I've bought the app Loomerly.
    • I almost cried because it looks like it was around $15 a year or so ago? When I purchased it last week, I paid $55 CAD after taxes.
      • Pros: I think it is THE beading app, especially if you have an iPad. I've tried to use some browser ones, but of course the process is slower with a mouse and keyboard. It has all of the Miyuki beads organized, it is intuitive for the most part, and the app just makes sense.
      • Cons: However, I have a ton of gripes about Loomerly. The price point is crazy to me, and I do not think it is worth $55 CAD—maybe $20-30 at most.
      • Secondly, and most frustrating of all, the colours representing the Miyuki beads are not very accurate. While I commend the developers for going through every colour, most are completely whack, and I spend the most amount of time adjusting for the colours, either in the store or before I start a project.
      • It is intuitive in the most basic sense, but there are some features I wish it had that drives me crazy. A colour picker to edit the Miyuki beads themselves would be really helpful. I don't find the UX to be very friendly. I wish there was a way to freely rotate imported images. The process of editing a palette and adding/removing colours is a chore. (To be completely fair though, I've only had the app for about a week so I may have missed some shortcuts/features)
Some questions:
-Posture: I've been focusing on improving my posture this year, but I seem to have a hunchback when I bead. Is this just the reality for beaders?
-Wrists: I feel like I'm getting carpal tunnel from beading (although, I did let it rest for 1-2 days and now my wrist is much better). Does this happen to anyone else?
-Needles: this is less of a problem after using FireLine, but I've bent four needles and broken one (mostly when I was struggling with tension with my old thread). Does anyone have needle recommendations? I purchased a set from PONY Needles, but they were too thin and the eye(?) was too small for FireLine.
-What is your favourite Miyuki 11/0 colour? Just curious personally! My favourite colour is pink, but I've really enjoyed exploring blue lately. As you can see, I've been very partial to the 257 at the moment :) I also really enjoy 202 for a fun white as it's very sparkly under the light.
submitted by kmrbuky to Beading [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:42 smalluniverse26 Idk how to feel but I could use some opinions from outside looking in….

I got a pretty horrible email from my mother a few days ago. It always makes me question whether I really am overreacting to how shes treated me in the past because of how much she invalidates me. She physically and emotionally abused me for all of my life until I went no contact with her over a year ago. I was also very parentified. These types of emails make me question the reality of my memories and I could really use some opinions from outside looking in. I know the email is tl;dr. I could use some reassure that I made the right decision.😔 I really struggle with this entire situation. I have copy and pasted the email and changed some names and such to keep privacy. *For some context in this email I’m currently paying my way through college to hopefully end up in medical school one day.
“Saw this pic and thought of you, this is totally something you would have done with (your sister). [for context it was just a random picture of a young girl with her sister]
Oh I know you'll never see this message, but even sending it to a black hole somewhat feels better than not, I don't know why.
I've joined several grief groups, this seems to be a trend with all of you going no contact. Today (your cousin) sent the eternal fuck you to my brother, I bet she's proud of herself like you are. Master conquerors, you guys are of the same skin. I guess it's how you prove to the world that you are independent and in charge. Your generation is full of selfish entitled brats who believe you were treated poorly, what a slap in the face to those who truly were abused. Grow up and act like the adult you are pretending to be.
As all are learning to accept our children are dead, all of you go on about life happy you've set "boundaries' regardless of how much deep pain that causes to the family left behind.
In thinking about it you were a giant pain in the ass to raise. You went through some really unattractive phases, too. You were messy and I hated your pierced (nsfw). You always lied about the pierced belly button but I saw it. I also saw those nasty s*x messages from your ex bf but I never told you. Many of your friends were awful too, and I hated how rudely you acted with never saying where you were. I never micromanaged you but yet it's me who got the fuck you in the end.
I act like you when I remember those things because then I can hate you like you do me. Only I don't make things up to hate you like you do about me.
I used to wish you would be a Dr., but now I hope you reconsider. You're much too cold in your heart to make it in the profession. Anyone who can screw their own Mother will be a shitty Dr.
I didn't raise you to be the person you are. But it's on you now to be whoever you want.
You can walk away from me but until the end of time I will be your Mother. It's my face you will see in the mirror looking back at you. You can throw me away in your words and actions but you can never rid your soul of me.
We are putting all of your things in storage, I can't stand looking at anything that reminds me of you. In our lives you have died and we must move on. We also will no longer say that we have 2 children, this will be a win for you.
A broken heart is all I have from you, how I wish I could have known how you would betray me in the end. I used to wish to see your face but now all I pray is to be able to forget you.
To think I ever believed any of your lies, how you carried on about family and picking a guy who would someday carry your Dad. Lmao. I guess we all know how the question is answered...so the house is on fire, and you can only pick one of us...the whole time the joke was that you were just always telling lies, you never meant any of it.
Always, Mom”
submitted by smalluniverse26 to EstrangedAdultChild [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:29 Itscoming4u What i made in infinite craft

What i made in infinite craft submitted by Itscoming4u to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:29 Practical-Design128 Looking for Multi-Model Chatbot Recommendations

Hey Reddit community,
I'm currently in search of a multi-model chatbot that can handle various tasks. My main needs are generating high-quality written content, engaging in natural conversations, and ideally having the capability to handle other forms of media like images and videos.
Could you suggest the best chatbot options currently available? Also, any insights on the pricing for these chatbots would be really helpful. I'm looking for a balance between top-notch performance and reasonable cost.
Thanks in advance for your recommendations!
submitted by Practical-Design128 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:06 GuiltlessMaple Best Flameless Taper Candles

Best Flameless Taper Candles

Are you tired of constantly worrying about flickering flames or finding a safe spot for your candles? If so, you're going to love our collection of flameless taper candles. In this article, we'll explore the fantastic world of these innovative candles designed to provide the same warm, glow as traditional tapers, with the added benefit of being completely worry-free. Get ready to discover the perfect balance of functionality and ambiance with our top picks for flameless taper candles. So sit back, relax, and let's dive in!

The Top 6 Best Flameless Taper Candles

  1. Battery Operated Taper LED Flameless Candle with Timer - Experience the enchantment of Celestial Lights Ivory Battery Operated Taper Flameless Flickering Candle - crafted with an ultra-bright LED light, adjustable height, and a realistic dripped wax appearance for timeless window decoration.
  2. Battery Operated LED Flameless Candles with Timer - Wondise Remote Flameless Window Taper Candles with Timer and Suction Cups: Stylish, battery-operated LED candles for hassle-free, realistic window decorations, complete with an easy-to-use remote control and suction cups for secure placement.
  3. 8-Pack of 9-inch LED Taper Candles, Dipped in Real Wax, Beige - 8 pack of 9-inch, flameless LED taper candles by Ashland, with a patented realistic wick that flickers, and a 5-hour timer turning it on daily while turning it off automatically after 5 hours.
  4. Flameless Flickering Taper Candle Set with Realistic 3D Wick and Remote Timer - Eldnacele Flameless Taper Candles: Realistic, Flickering Lights, Safe and Convenient, Enhance Your Home Décor
  5. Flameless LED Taper Candle Set with Timer by Ashland - Elegant and energy-efficient, Ashland's White LED Taper Candles create a warm atmosphere while offering a simple, flameless solution, making them perfect for enhancing your dining table décor with a touch of timeless appeal.
  6. LED Taper Holiday Candles - Elevate your holiday decor with Mfr Studio's stunning LED taper candles, perfect for adding a warm, ambient atmosphere to your tablescape or as a thoughtful hostess gift.
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🔗Battery Operated Taper LED Flameless Candle with Timer

Using Celestial Lights' Ivory Battery Operated Taper Flameless Flickering Candle has been an absolute delight. The adjustable height feature really allows me to play with its placement in my window, and the timer is a game-changer. It's fantastic how I can have it turn on and off at my desired time, no hassle.
One thing that really stands out is its bright LED light. It gives off a warm glow inside my home while showcasing a brilliant shine outside, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of my window. The two-tone LED light inside the clear bulb is a clever design feature, adding flexibility to the brightness level. The only downside, though, is that the bulbs can be a bit delicate, but that's a small price to pay for such a brilliant product.
In terms of craftsmanship, these candles truly look like the real thing. They sport a dripped wax look and come with a black onyx finish base, amplifying the overall quality. Plus, the option for a black base candle was quite hard to find and Celestial Lights had exactly what I needed.
As for battery life go, though it uses 4 AA batteries per candle, it's not a significant issue considering it lasts up to 30 days. I've had no issues with them thus far.
However, it's worth mentioning that some users reported inconsistencies in the timer's functionality, which can be a bit frustrating. But it seems to be a minor problem as the majority of the reviewers praised the timer feature.
Overall, these Celestial Lights' Ivory Battery Operated Taper Flameless Flickering Candles have been a wonderful addition to my home décor. Despite some minor issues with the timer, they have more than made up for it with their adjustable height feature, timeless design, and brilliant LED light. It's a product that's definitely worth considering.

🔗Battery Operated LED Flameless Candles with Timer

Once upon a time, I decided to enhance my home's aesthetic appeal during the festive season. I came across these Wondise Remote Flameless Window Taper Candles with Timer and Suction Cups, and I must say, they were quite a revelation. The candles are made of realistic wax and feature a gold holder, giving them an elegant and classic look.
The best part about these candles is their convenience - they are battery-operated, which means they are smoke and flame-free. This made me feel much safer, especially with little ones running around. Also, they come with a remote control, allowing me to turn them on or off with just a click, even when I'm all snuggled up in bed. Plus, the automatic timer function is a game-changer, turning them on at 4 pm every day - perfect for when the sun starts setting early during winters!
However, one downside was that you need to purchase the batteries separately. It would've been great if they came included in the package. All in all, these candles have added a touch of magic to my home this Christmas, and I can't recommend them enough!

🔗8-Pack of 9-inch LED Taper Candles, Dipped in Real Wax, Beige

I recently discovered Ashland's 9-inch flameless taper candles and let me tell you, they've become a game-changer in my home. These babies look and feel like real candles, with their patented, realistic wick that flickers just like the real thing. And the best part? They're flameless! No more constantly worrying about extinguishing candles or potential fire hazards.
I'm also a big fan of their automatic 5-hour timer. Each morning, I plug them in, set the timer, and voila! I come home to a warm, welcoming ambiance that sets the mood for a relaxing evening. I wish more products had this kind of convenience built into them!
However, one thing worth mentioning is their size. I found that these tapers can be a bit too big for some standard candle holders, causing them to struggle to fit securely. But if you've got the right holder, these candles are a surefire hit.
Overall, if you're looking for a safe and stylish alternative to traditional candles, Ashland's flameless tapers are definitely worth your consideration. They're elegant, they're effective, and best of all, they're flicker-tastic!

🔗Flameless Flickering Taper Candle Set with Realistic 3D Wick and Remote Timer

Living with a pet and two kids, I've always had to worry about the safety of traditional candles in our home. But ever since I discovered the Eldnacele Flameless Taper Candles, I can finally relax without any fear or mess. These realistic-looking candles come in a cream color and are battery-operated, emitting a warm, flickering light that creates a cozy atmosphere. The 3D wick design is impressive, convincingly replicating a real wax candle.
The best part is the remote control feature, allowing us to set timers for each candle and truly enjoy their relaxing ambiance without concern. With two remotes included, I can even control candles in different rooms with ease. These flameless candles are perfect for all occasions and rooms in our house, including the bedroom, bathroom, and living room.
However, one downside is that the candles require AA batteries, which we need to manually replace when they run out. Overall, I highly recommend the Eldnacele Flameless Taper Candles for anyone seeking a safe and stylish alternative to traditional candles.

🔗Flameless LED Taper Candle Set with Timer by Ashland

Imagine setting up a warm, inviting atmosphere for a romantic dinner or a cozy evening with family, but you're concerned about potential fire hazards or disturbing wax drips. That's where Ashland's White LED Taper Candles with Timer shine. These tapers effortlessly blend into your candle holders, casting a soft, warm glow without the mess or danger of real candles.
One reviewer shared an anecdote about using these candles for their wedding, where real candles were prohibited. These flameless tapers worked perfectly, providing a realistic flickering effect and enhancing the overall ambiance. Another reviewer praised the candles for their safety, particularly with cats and small children around.
Despite their many positive qualities, some users have voiced their concerns about the size of the base, which can be too large to fit in standard candle holders. Others wished for a more realistic flame effect, instead of the lighted top portion of the candle. However, overall, the majority of users have praised these LED taper candles for their elegance, effectiveness, and convenience.
In summary, Ashland's White LED Taper Candles with Timer are a fantastic addition to any home, offering an attractive, realistic, and safe alternative to traditional candles. With a timer feature for added convenience, these flameless tapers are perfect for creating a warm and inviting atmosphere at your next gathering or simply enjoying a quiet evening at home.

🔗LED Taper Holiday Candles

I recently purchased the Mfr Studio LED Taper Candles for my holiday decorations, and I must say, I'm quite impressed! These candles have a warm, inviting glow that makes my home feel so cozy during the festive season. The highlight for me was their realistic flickering effect, which even has a slight twist and twist feature to turn them on and off.
One thing I appreciated was their flameless nature - they're safer than traditional wax candles and don't require constant monitoring. I used them on my Christmas table setting and later moved them to my mantle, where they looked equally stunning.
However, there were a couple of cons that caught my attention. Firstly, each candle requires its own set of AAA batteries, which can add up cost-wise and generate more waste. Secondly, some users reported issues with the candles' color, as they're described as white but appear more like a taupey-cream.
Overall, these LED taper candles are a great addition to any holiday decor, offering a realistic flickering glow without the safety concerns accompanying traditional candles. While there are minor drawbacks, they definitely provide good value for their price, making them an attractive option for those looking to upgrade their home decoration game this holiday season.

Buyer's Guide




What is a flameless taper candle?

A flameless taper candle is an artificial candle designed to resemble traditional taper candles but without the actual flame. These candles are powered by batteries or solar power and emit a flickering light effect, creating a similar atmosphere to real candles without the safety hazards or maintenance involved with traditional candle usage.

How do flameless taper candles work?

Flameless taper candles use either LEDs, which emit a soft, warm glow, or a low-heat light bulb, creating a realistic flickering effect. They typically feature a hidden power source, such as batteries or a solar panel, and can be easily turned on or off with a switch or remote control.

Why choose flameless taper candles over traditional candles?

  • Safety: They eliminate the risk of fire or accidental burns when compared to real candles.
  • Convenience: They do not require trimming wicks, maintaining a steady flame, or extinguishing after use.
  • Cleanliness: They do not produce smoke or soot, unlike traditional candles, and are smokeless, making them suitable for people with allergies or respiratory issues.
  • Long-lasting: Flameless taper candles can last much longer than traditional candles since they do not burn away, often lasting thousands of hours.


How can I choose the best flameless taper candles for my needs?

Consider factors such as the candle's appearance, the type of power source (battery-operated or solar), the candle's dimensions, the brightness and color of the light, and the flickering effect. Read reviews and ratings from previous customers to ensure you're getting a high-quality product that meets your expectations.

How do I replace batteries in a flameless taper candle?

First, turn off the flameless taper candle and remove it from any holder or socket. Locate the battery compartment cover, which is usually found at the bottom or back of the candle. Open the cover, replace the batteries with fresh ones, ensuring you match the polarity (+ and -) correctly, and close the cover securely. Test the candle to ensure it works properly before placing it back in its holder or socket.

How long do flameless taper candles usually last?

The longevity of a flameless taper candle depends on the battery or solar power source. Most battery-operated candles can last anywhere between 600 and 1000 hours on a single set of batteries, while others may be powered by rechargeable batteries and require regular charging. Solar-powered candles will last as long as they receive sufficient sunlight to maintain their charge. Keep in mind that some models may have adjustable light and flicker settings that can affect battery life.

Are flameless taper candles safe around children and pets?

Yes, flameless taper candles are considered safe around children and pets since they do not produce a real flame, smoke, or heat. However, it is still important to practice caution and place the candles out of reach of curious children or animals to prevent potential damage to the product or any accidents. Always follow the manufacturer's recommendations for safe usage and proper placement.
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2024.06.09 08:02 Joshh170 Creative Minecraft Player Brings a Chunk of the Nether Into The Overworld

Creative Minecraft Player Brings a Chunk of the Nether Into The Overworld
A Minecraft player set out to recreate a part of the Nether in the Overworld, achieving an impressive result. Minecraft is a game famous for allowing players to bring their most imaginative ideas to life, but for those players who also like to explore the game's blocky world, there are some rather dangerous places to visit.
Among these high-risk places is the Nether, the dimension that functions as Minecraft's underworld. When Minecraft players make obsidian to craft the Nether portal, they access a dimension characterized by not having a day and night cycle, and by having unique biomes. Some of these are the Basalt Deltas, one of the most dangerous biomes in the game, and the Soul Sand Valley, the Nether "desert." Visiting the Nether requires preparation from Minecraft players, but one creative adventurer decided to flip things on their head with a recreation of the dimension in the overworld.
Reddit user Consistent-Hand-3404 reproduced a chunk of the Nether in Minecraft's Overworld. Without the help of any mods and using only a structure block, they created a chunk with several huge fungi, a type of "tree" generated in two biomes of the Nether, the Crimson Forests and Warped Forests. The player's recreation includes a section of Glowstone, the block generated in the Nether known for emitting light, and part of the Nether Fortress, a large structure that hides dangers such as wither skeletons and blazes. Next to the chunk, they've placed a portal used by Minecraft players to visit the Nether, and included the lower layers of the dimension, with dangerous rivers of lava.
What Can Minecraft Players do in the Nether?
Although it is a remarkably dangerous dimension, Minecraft places items in the Nether that are must-have for players who have traveled there. Ancient Debris is found in the Nether's lowest points and is smelted to create Netherite Ingots, valuable items that make diamond armor even more powerful. If a Minecraft player is thinking of reaching The End, they will need Blaze Rods, which are used to craft Blazing Powder, an essential item for making the Eye of Enders and activating the End Portal. Nether Warts are small fungi that have few uses, the main one being brewing.
The Nether is one of the most popular aspects of Minecraft gameplay, and it got big love in 2020. Called "The Nether Update," the patch gave the Nether a major overhaul by adding new blocks such as soul fire, basalt, and ancient debris. Netherite armor, a material tougher than diamond, was introduced in the Nether Update, along with Netherite tools. Minecraft has also added new hazards in the form of hostile mobs such as Piglin, Strider, and Hoglin, insuring the Nether remains relevant years after its debut.
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2024.06.09 07:52 Confident-Wasabi-804 I feel so alone

I feel so alone
Throwaway. Not sure if this is the sub for this but here I go. I am a young man on his way to college who is at the start of his summer break. While everything should be looking up, it isn’t. I feel so freaking alone. I don’t hang out with my friends very often and when I see or hear about a hangout that I wasn’t invited to, I get a huge way of loneliness and sadness come over me. I spend my days bored and wishing I was with my friends who are probably hanging out with each other. My happiness depends on my friends and relationships with them, that’s what I’ve come to realize. With this, I don’t hang out with my friends very often which means, I generally don’t feel very happy and feel really bored. I haven’t expressed this to anyone but it’s what I live with every single day. I don’t feel like expressing it to anyone because I feel like they’d say “Just go hang out with your friends then.” I’ve tried that but whenever I ask, they are always busy which lead me to just giving up asking. No one even asks me to hang out, they all just go on without me, makes me feel like I have no real friends at all or if anyone actually likes me.
I don’t even know how I’d hang out with them, I can’t think of anything to do in my area that would be fun. I just feel like I drifting by and the days are passing by. I see so many posts about getting off social media and going outside. I can get rid of the stimulation but I still can’t get rid of the loneliness and boredom, it’s still there.
Since it’s still early summer, I want to try and hang out with my friends more, I will try. I hope this will all go away when I get to college.
On a side note, I feel like getting a girlfriend would help. Someone to talk to and hang out with one on one. I know how to talk to and be with girls, I just don’t know where to find one in this day and age.
I don’t know if this makes me sound entitled, whiny or like my problems don’t mean anything, this is just how I feel and what I live with every day. I want to go back to that ideal world where everyone was just riding on their bikes, screwing off with friends with no social media or technology. I wish I wasn’t born in a generation with an epidemic of crippling lonliness and boredom because I feel like I’ve been sickened by it and I hate it. I hate my life. If you wanna tear me to shreds in the comments go ahead but if you have any advice, I’m desperate to hear it.
submitted by Confident-Wasabi-804 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:41 Sweet-Count2557 15 Best Places to Get Scientific With Kids in Nyc

15 Best Places to Get Scientific With Kids in Nyc
15 Best Places to Get Scientific With Kids in Nyc Are you ready to embark on a scientific adventure with your kids in the vibrant city of New York? Well, hold onto your laboratory goggles because we've got a thrilling lineup of the 15 best places where young minds can dive deep into the wonders of science.From interactive exhibits that will leave them in awe to STEM centers that will ignite their curiosity, we've got it all covered. So, put on your thinking caps and get ready to explore a world of discovery and exploration that will captivate both young and young-at-heart.Key TakeawaysThere are several top science museums near NYC, including the New York Hall of Science, American Museum of Natural History, Museum of Illusions, Museum of Mathematics, and Liberty Science Center.These museums offer a range of interactive exhibits, hands-on activities, and educational experiences for kids and adults.In addition to museums, there are also science-centered stores in NYC, such as Astro West and Evolution, where collectors can find minerals, fossils, and unique artifacts.NYC also has STEM centers and maker spaces like Brooklyn Robot Foundry, Beam Center, Robofun, Dazzling Discoveries, and The Geek Forest, which provide STEM education, classes, and workshops for different age groups.New York Hall of ScienceThe New York Hall of Science, located in Flushing, Queens, offers an exciting and interactive experience for both children and adults alike. At the Hall, visitors can explore hands-on exhibits and learn about sustainable farming. With over 400 activities and interactive exhibits, there's something for everyone to enjoy.One of the highlights of the New York Hall of Science is the Connected Worlds exhibit. This immersive experience allows visitors to interact with a digital ecosystem, where their actions have real-time effects on the environment. Kids can learn about the delicate balance of ecosystems and the importance of conservation through this engaging exhibit.Another exciting feature of the Hall is Rocket Park Mini Golf. This 18-hole miniature golf course combines the fun of a game with the educational aspects of space exploration. Each hole is themed after a different rocket or spacecraft, providing a unique learning experience as you make your way through the course.But the New York Hall of Science isn't just about fun and games. It also offers opportunities to learn about sustainable farming through its exhibits. Visitors can explore the Science Barge, a sustainable urban farm powered by renewable energy sources. Here, you can discover how technology can help us live more sustainably and learn about innovative farming techniques.American Museum of Natural HistoryAs we move from exploring the New York Hall of Science, let's now venture into the fascinating world of the American Museum of Natural History. This iconic museum, located on the Upper West Side, offers a multitude of interactive exhibits that will captivate both kids and adults alike. Here are five reasons why the American Museum of Natural History is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in science and exploration:Dinosaur fossils: Step back in time as you come face-to-face with the towering skeletons of T-Rex and Triceratops. The museum's extensive collection of dinosaur fossils is sure to ignite the imagination of young paleontologists.Space exploration: Journey through the cosmos at the Hayden Planetarium, where you can witness breathtaking shows that transport you to distant galaxies. Learn about the wonders of our universe and the latest discoveries in space exploration.Hands-on learning: The museum offers a range of interactive exhibits that allow visitors to engage with scientific concepts firsthand. From the Discovery Room, where kids can touch real specimens, to the Hall of Biodiversity, where they can explore Earth's diverse ecosystems, there are endless opportunities for hands-on learning.Educational programs: The American Museum of Natural History is dedicated to STEM education and offers a variety of programs for students of all ages. From workshops and camps to school field trips, these programs provide engaging and immersive experiences that inspire a love for science and exploration.Special exhibitions: In addition to its permanent collections, the museum regularly hosts traveling exhibitions that bring new and exciting experiences to visitors. From exploring the depths of the ocean to uncovering the mysteries of ancient civilizations, these special exhibitions offer a fresh perspective on the world around us.With its interactive exhibits, educational programs, and captivating displays, the American Museum of Natural History is a treasure trove of scientific knowledge. Whether you're a budding scientist or simply curious about the wonders of the natural world, this museum is sure to leave you in awe.Museum of IllusionsGet ready to be amazed at the Museum of Illusions, where optical illusions come to life and challenge our perception of reality. This unique museum offers a fascinating exploration of the science behind illusions, while providing plenty of fun photo ops for the whole family to enjoy.At the Museum of Illusions, you'll have the opportunity to experience mind-bending illusions that will leave you questioning what you see. From rooms that defy gravity to mirrors that distort your reflection, each exhibit is designed to showcase the tricks our minds can play on us. But don't worry, there's a scientific explanation behind every illusion, and the museum provides explanations to help you understand the science at work.To give you a taste of what you can expect at the Museum of Illusions, here's a sneak peek at some of their most popular exhibits:ExhibitDescriptionScience Behind ItAmes RoomStep into this room and watch as people shrink or grow in size right before your eyes.The room is cleverly designed with distorted walls and floors to create an optical illusion of changing heights.Infinity RoomEnter this room and be captivated by an endless reflection of yourself in every direction.Mirrors are strategically placed to create the illusion of infinite space.Rotating TunnelWalk through this tunnel and feel like you're being spun around, even though you're standing still.The tunnel is designed with a spiral pattern that tricks your brain into perceiving motion.With its combination of entertainment and education, the Museum of Illusions offers a truly unique experience for families looking to have some fun while learning about the science behind illusions. So grab your camera and get ready to explore the fascinating world of optical illusions.Museum of MathematicsAfter exploring the fascinating world of illusions at the Museum of Illusions, it's time to venture into the realm of numbers and shapes at the Museum of Mathematics. At this innovative museum, kids can engage in a variety of hands-on math activities that make learning fun and exciting. Here are some highlights of what the Museum of Mathematics has to offer:Mathematical Puzzles: The museum is filled with mind-bending puzzles that challenge kids to think critically and problem solve. Whether it's solving a Rubik's Cube or unraveling a complex maze, these puzzles will keep young minds engaged and entertained.Hands-on Math Activities: From building geometric shapes with magnetic tiles to exploring the concept of symmetry through interactive exhibits, the museum provides a wide range of activities that allow kids to explore math in a tangible and interactive way. They can even participate in live demonstrations and workshops led by math experts.Interactive Displays: The museum features a range of interactive displays that bring mathematical concepts to life. Kids can manipulate shapes and patterns, create their own fractals, and even experience the thrill of riding a square-wheeled tricycle on a specially designed track.Math Art: The Museum of Mathematics also showcases the beauty of math through its collection of math-inspired artwork. Kids can marvel at intricate sculptures and stunning visual representations of mathematical concepts, inspiring them to see the artistic side of numbers.Real-world Applications: The museum highlights the practical applications of math in everyday life. Kids can explore how math is used in architecture, design, and even music. They can also learn about the role of math in technology and innovation, fostering a deeper appreciation for the subject.With its engaging exhibits, challenging puzzles, and hands-on activities, the Museum of Mathematics is a must-visit destination for kids who want to explore the wonders of math in a fun and interactive way. So grab your little mathematicians and get ready for an educational adventure like no other.Science BargeThe Science Barge in Yonkers, New York, offers visitors a unique and sustainable experience that showcases the power of renewable energy and urban farming. As you step aboard the barge, you'll be greeted by a lush and vibrant oasis floating on the Hudson River. This self-sustaining farm relies on renewable energy sources to power its operations and provides a fascinating insight into sustainable farming practices.One of the highlights of the Science Barge is its hydroponic greenhouse. Instead of soil, plants are grown in water enriched with essential nutrients, allowing them to thrive without the need for traditional farming methods. This innovative approach not only conserves water but also reduces the need for pesticides and herbicides, making it an environmentally friendly alternative. Kids will love getting up close and personal with the plants, learning about the science behind hydroponics, and even tasting some freshly grown produce.The barge also features solar panels and wind turbines that generate the energy needed to power the farm. This renewable energy system not only reduces the barge's carbon footprint but also serves as an educational tool for visitors to learn about sustainable energy sources. It's a hands-on experience that shows how we can harness the power of nature to create a greener and more sustainable future.The Science Barge is more than just a farm; it's a living laboratory where kids and adults alike can explore the intersection of science, technology, and sustainability. From workshops and guided tours to interactive exhibits and educational programs, there's something for everyone to learn and engage with.Liberty Science CenterAs we explore the world of science and sustainability on the Science Barge, our next stop takes us to the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, New Jersey. Here, we've the opportunity to dive into a wide range of interactive exhibits with our kids, making learning a fun and engaging experience.At the Liberty Science Center, we can explore exhibits that showcase the wonders of our planet and the universe. From the largest planetarium in the Western Hemisphere to the thrilling Infinity Climber, there's something for everyone. We can learn about the Hudson River ecosystem in the 'Our Hudson Home' exhibit and even participate in interactive skyscraper exhibits to understand the engineering behind these towering structures.One of the highlights of our visit is the chance to learn about sustainable farming, just like we did on the Science Barge. The Liberty Science Center provides valuable insights into how sustainable farming practices can have a positive impact on the environment. We can discover the importance of renewable energy sources and how they can power urban farms, promoting a greener and more sustainable future.Getting to the Liberty Science Center is a breeze, as it's easily accessible via the Path to New Jersey and light rail. And with the center constantly hosting traveling exhibitions, there's always something new and exciting to experience.With so much to see and do, it's impossible to see everything in just one visit. So, let's grab our kids and embark on an adventure of exploration, discovery, and scientific wonder at the Liberty Science Center.Astro WestLet's now explore the fascinating world of Astro West, a store in the Upper West Side of NYC that specializes in minerals, fossils, and meteorites, offering a wide range of unique items for collectors. Astro West is a treasure trove for anyone interested in celestial collectibles and stellar souvenirs. From stunning crystals to ancient fossils, this store has something for everyone.To give you a taste of what Astro West has to offer, here is a table showcasing some of their most intriguing items:ItemDescriptionPriceMeteoriteA piece of outer space that has fallen to Earth, providing a tangible connection to the cosmos.$100-$500Ammonite FossilThe spiral-shaped remains of an extinct marine animal, perfect for fossil enthusiasts.$50-$200Quartz CrystalKnown as the "master healer," quartz crystals are believed to have powerful energy properties.$20-$100Trilobite FossilThese ancient arthropods roamed the seas hundreds of millions of years ago. A true fossil marvel.$30-$150Whether you're a seasoned collector or just starting your journey into the wonders of the universe, Astro West is the place to find unique and captivating pieces. The store's knowledgeable staff can guide you through their vast inventory and help you find the perfect addition to your collection. Plus, their prices are reasonable, making it accessible to all.Astro West is more than just a store; it's a gateway to a world of discovery and imagination. So, if you're looking for celestial collectibles or stellar souvenirs, make sure to visit Astro West and let your scientific curiosity take flight.EvolutionAfter exploring the fascinating world of Astro West and its celestial collectibles, let's now journey into the realm of Evolution. Evolution is the scientific study of how living organisms have changed over time, and it plays a crucial role in understanding the origins and adaptations of all life forms.Here are five key aspects of Evolution that will help you dive deeper into this captivating subject:Origin and Adaptation: Evolution explores how life on Earth originated and how different species have adapted to survive in their environments. It delves into the processes of natural selection, genetic mutations, and environmental pressures that shape the characteristics of living organisms.Genetics: Genetics is a fundamental aspect of Evolution, as it examines how genetic information is passed down from one generation to the next. Understanding the principles of inheritance and genetic variation helps scientists unravel the mechanisms behind evolutionary changes.Evolutionary Biology: This branch of biology focuses specifically on the study of Evolution. It investigates the patterns, processes, and mechanisms of how species evolve and diversify over time, shedding light on the intricate web of life on our planet.Fossil Record: Fossils provide tangible evidence of past life forms and allow scientists to reconstruct the evolutionary history of different species. By studying fossils, researchers can uncover clues about extinct organisms and their relationships to present-day species.Comparative Anatomy: Comparative anatomy examines the similarities and differences in the anatomical structures of different species. By comparing the anatomy of various organisms, scientists can uncover evolutionary relationships and trace the development of traits across species.Exploring the fascinating world of Evolution will open your eyes to the intricate processes that have shaped life on Earth. From the origins of life to the incredible adaptations of different species, Evolution offers a captivating glimpse into the wonders of the natural world.Brooklyn Robot FoundryWe were thrilled to discover the Brooklyn Robot Foundry, a STEM education center in Gowanus, Brooklyn, where kids can explore the exciting world of robotics and engineering through hands-on classes, camps, and workshops. At the Brooklyn Robot Foundry, children have the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning activities that foster creativity, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking.One of the key benefits of STEM education is that it prepares children for the future by equipping them with the skills needed in an increasingly technology-driven world. The hands-on learning activities at the Brooklyn Robot Foundry allow kids to actively participate in the learning process, gaining practical experience and developing a deeper understanding of STEM concepts. By building their own robots and engineering projects, children are able to see firsthand how science, technology, engineering, and math are all interconnected.The Brooklyn Robot Foundry offers a variety of classes, camps, and workshops tailored to different age groups, ensuring that children of all ages can benefit from their programs. Whether it's building a robot that can navigate a maze or designing a circuit that powers a lightbulb, the hands-on nature of the activities at the Brooklyn Robot Foundry keeps kids engaged and excited about learning.In addition to the educational aspect, the Brooklyn Robot Foundry also fosters a sense of community. Children have the opportunity to work collaboratively with their peers, sharing ideas and learning from one another. This not only enhances their social skills but also teaches them the value of teamwork and cooperation.Beam CenterContinuing our exploration of STEM education centers in NYC, let's now turn our attention to the Beam Center, located in Red Hook, Brooklyn. The Beam Center is a unique space that offers a wide range of interactive installations and apprenticeship opportunities for young minds to explore and create.Here are some highlights of what you can expect at the Beam Center:Interactive installations: The Beam Center is known for its captivating and interactive installations. From large-scale sculptures to immersive multimedia experiences, these installations provide a hands-on approach to learning and creativity. Kids have the freedom to explore and interact with these installations, fostering a sense of curiosity and discovery.Apprenticeship opportunities: At the Beam Center, high-school-aged apprentices have the chance to work on real-world projects alongside skilled professionals. Through these apprenticeships, young individuals gain valuable technical skills and hands-on experience in fields like woodworking, metalworking, electronics, and more. It's an opportunity to learn by doing and be part of a collaborative and supportive community.Hands-on workshops: The Beam Center offers a variety of hands-on workshops that cover a wide range of topics. From woodworking and robotics to digital fabrication and coding, these workshops provide an engaging and interactive learning experience. Kids have the freedom to experiment, problem-solve, and unleash their creativity in a supportive environment.Community events: The Beam Center hosts community events that bring together kids, families, and educators. These events provide opportunities for collaboration, networking, and showcasing the incredible work that young minds have accomplished. It's a chance to celebrate the power of creativity and innovation.Science education: Beyond the hands-on experiences and apprenticeships, the Beam Center is also committed to building science educators. They offer training programs and resources for teachers, empowering them to incorporate hands-on and project-based learning into their classrooms.The Beam Center is a place where freedom, creativity, and learning come together. Whether your child is interested in art, science, technology, or all of the above, the Beam Center offers a dynamic and inspiring environment to explore, create, and grow.RobofunLocated in the Upper West Side of NYC, Robofun is a STEM-focused learning center that offers a wide range of classes and workshops for preschool-aged children, igniting their curiosity and passion for robotics and technology. At Robofun, kids have the opportunity to participate in STEM inspired art activities while exploring engineering concepts.Robofun's classes and workshops are designed to engage children in hands-on learning experiences that foster creativity and critical thinking. Through activities like building robots with LEGO bricks and programming them to perform tasks, children develop problem-solving skills and gain a deeper understanding of engineering principles. The center also offers stop-motion animation classes, where kids can bring their own stories to life using technology and their imagination.What sets Robofun apart is its emphasis on combining science, technology, engineering, and art. By integrating art into STEM activities, children are encouraged to think outside the box and approach challenges from different perspectives. This interdisciplinary approach not only enhances their creativity but also helps them develop a holistic understanding of how different disciplines intersect and complement each other.Whether it's constructing a robot, designing a stop-motion animation, or engaging in other STEM activities, children at Robofun are encouraged to explore, experiment, and express themselves freely. The center provides a supportive and inclusive environment where kids can unleash their creativity and develop a lifelong love for science and technology.Dazzling DiscoveriesAt Dazzling Discoveries in the Upper West Side of NYC, we offer a variety of after-school classes, camps, and drop-in workshops for both kids and adults, providing engaging and hands-on learning experiences in subjects like sewing, coding, and more.Here are some reasons why hands-on learning is so beneficial for kids:Active Engagement: Hands-on learning actively engages kids in the learning process, allowing them to explore, experiment, and discover new concepts on their own. This active engagement enhances their understanding and retention of the material.Practical Application: Hands-on learning allows kids to apply what they've learned to real-life situations, helping them see the relevance and practicality of science education. This practical application fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills.Creativity and Innovation: Hands-on learning encourages kids to think outside the box, fostering creativity and innovation. By engaging in hands-on activities, kids can explore their own ideas and find unique solutions to problems.Collaboration and Communication: Hands-on learning often involves group work, promoting collaboration and communication skills. Kids learn to work together, share ideas, and communicate effectively, which are essential skills for success in the scientific community and beyond.Long-lasting Interest in Science: Hands-on learning ignites curiosity and fosters a love for science among young minds. By providing engaging and interactive experiences, kids are more likely to develop a lifelong interest in science and pursue further education and careers in STEM fields.At Dazzling Discoveries, we believe in the importance of science education for young minds. Our hands-on approach ensures that kids not only learn scientific concepts but also develop essential skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.Come join us and let your child's imagination soar!The Geek ForestAfter exploring the benefits of hands-on learning at Dazzling Discoveries, let's now venture into the exciting world of The Geek Forest. The Geek Forest is a haven for geek culture and education, where children and adults alike can immerse themselves in technology and creativity. At The Geek Forest, the possibilities are endless, as they offer a wide range of classes and workshops on video game development, coding, 3D art, and animation.To give you a glimpse into the diverse offerings at The Geek Forest, here is a table showcasing some of their most popular classes:ClassAge RangeVideo Game Development8 and upCoding6 and up3D Art10 and upAnimation12 and upWith these classes, The Geek Forest aims to foster a love for technology while encouraging creativity and critical thinking skills. They understand that geek culture is not just about consuming media, but also about actively participating and creating in the digital world.The Geek Forest is a place where freedom is celebrated. It provides a safe space for individuals to explore their passions and learn at their own pace. Whether your child is a budding programmer or an aspiring artist, The Geek Forest offers a supportive environment where they can thrive.Science-Centered Stores in NYCIf you're in NYC and looking for a unique and educational shopping experience, explore the fascinating world of science-centered stores. These stores not only offer a wide range of products, but also provide an opportunity to learn and explore the wonders of science.Here are five reasons why science-centered stores in NYC are worth a visit:Exploring the science behind optical illusions in NYC: The Museum of Illusions in Chelsea is a must-visit for anyone interested in the intriguing world of optical illusions. This store provides a fun and quirky experience, with explanations of the science behind each illusion. Get ready for some mind-bending photo-ops!Collecting unique artifacts and fossils in science-centered stores in NYC: Astro West in Upper West Side and Evolution in Soho are two science-centered stores that specialize in unique artifacts and fossils. From bones and mounted insects to minerals and meteorites, these stores offer a treasure trove for collectors and science enthusiasts alike.Learning while shopping: Science-centered stores go beyond just selling products. They provide educational resources and information about the items they offer. Whether it's a book on dinosaurs or a kit to conduct experiments at home, these stores are a great way to learn while shopping.Supporting local businesses: By visiting science-centered stores, you aren't only supporting local businesses but also contributing to the promotion of science education. These stores often collaborate with schools and educational institutions, making a positive impact in the community.Inspiring curiosity and creativity: Science-centered stores are filled with fascinating objects and materials that can spark curiosity and creativity in both children and adults. From intricate fossils to colorful minerals, these stores offer a world of inspiration for aspiring scientists and artists.STEM Centers and Maker Spaces in NYCSTEM Centers and Maker Spaces in NYC offer a wealth of opportunities for hands-on learning and creative exploration in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. These spaces aren't just for kids, as there are also maker spaces for adults and STEM programs specifically designed for teens.For adults who are interested in tinkering and creating, there are several maker spaces in NYC that provide the tools and resources needed to bring ideas to life. These spaces often have workshops and classes where adults can learn new skills and collaborate with others who share their interests. Whether it's woodworking, electronics, or 3D printing, there are maker spaces in NYC that cater to a wide range of interests.Teens who are passionate about STEM subjects can also find a variety of programs and resources in NYC. Many STEM centers offer specialized programs for teens, where they can engage in hands-on projects and experiments, work with cutting-edge technology, and learn from experts in the field. These programs often focus on real-world applications of STEM principles, allowing teens to see the relevance and impact of their studies.STEM centers and maker spaces in NYC provide an environment that encourages freedom and creativity. They offer a space where individuals can explore their interests, learn new skills, and collaborate with others who share their passion for science and innovation. Whether you're an adult looking to pursue a new hobby or a teen seeking to deepen your understanding of STEM, these centers and spaces in NYC are sure to inspire and ignite your curiosity.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Special Discounts or Promotions Available for Admission to the New York Hall of Science or Any of the Other Science Museums in Nyc?There are special offers and discounts available for admission to the New York Hall of Science and other science museums in NYC.Promotions for the New York Hall of Science can vary, so it's best to check their website or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information.Other science museums in NYC may also offer special discounts or promotions, so it's worth exploring their websites or contacting them to see what deals are available.Are the Exhibits at the American Museum of Natural History Suitable for Children of All Ages, or Are There Specific Exhibits Geared Towards Younger or Older Kids?At the American Museum of Natural History, you won't believe the incredible exhibits suitable for all ages! From towering dinosaurs to mesmerizing space shows, there's something for everyone.Younger kids will love the interactive learning experiences, like the Discovery Room and the Butterfly Conservatory.Older kids can explore the Hall of Human Origins and delve into the mysteries of the universe at the Hayden Planetarium.Get ready for a mind-blowing adventure that will ignite curiosity and inspire young minds!Can Visitors Take Photographs Inside the Museum of Illusions, or Is Photography Prohibited?At the Museum of Illusions in NYC, photography is allowed! You can capture all the fun and quirky photo-ops with your camera. It's a great way to remember your visit and share the science behind each optical illusion with your friends and family.Does the Museum of Mathematics Offer Any Programs or Workshops Specifically Designed for Adults, or Are They Primarily Focused on Children?At the Museum of Mathematics, they offer programs and workshops specifically designed for adults, in addition to their focus on children. It's great to see that they cater to all age groups, providing opportunities for adults to engage in STEM learning.As for STEM centers and maker spaces in NYC, it's important to note that age restrictions may vary. Some places like Brooklyn Robot Foundry and Robofun offer classes for preschool-aged children, while others like Beam Center and The Geek Forest are geared towards high-school-aged apprentices.Are There Any Restrictions on the Age Range for Children Attending Classes or Workshops at the STEM Centers and Maker Spaces in Nyc?Age restrictions vary among STEM centers and maker spaces in NYC. Some centers offer classes and workshops specifically designed for certain age groups, while others have programs that cater to a wide range of ages. It's important to check with each center to understand their specific age requirements and offerings.Additionally, some centers may offer discounts and promotions for certain age groups or specific workshops. It's always a good idea to inquire about any available discounts when booking classes or workshops.ConclusionIn the bustling streets of NYC, there's a world of discovery waiting for young minds.From the awe-inspiring exhibits at the New York Hall of Science and the American Museum of Natural History to the hands-on activities at STEM centers like the Brooklyn Robot Foundry, children can explore the wonders of science and ignite their imaginations.So, come and join us on this scientific adventure, where curiosity knows no bounds and the love for learning is nurtured.Let's inspire a lifelong passion for science together!
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