Jobensita cagamdo em bano

The Vampire's Apprentice - Chapter 4

2024.04.20 00:17 Obsequium_Minaris The Vampire's Apprentice - Chapter 4

First / Previous / Royal Road / Patreon (Read 12 Chapters Ahead)


As it turned out, Los Banos had a few different inns located throughout the town. This was fortunate, because it meant Alain could both have a place to stay for the night, and he could rest without having to worry about bumping into Sable and Az. The night's sleep he got after leaving Felix's saloon was one of the best he'd had in a long time as a result.
Alain sat up in bed, stretching as he did so. He looked out the window, noting that it was already late in the morning. Part of him wanted to go back to sleep, but at the same time, he knew he couldn't.
That didn't mean he couldn't relax in other ways, though – after all, Felix's bar had a few poker tables in it, and while he didn't have much cash on him, he had enough that he could go a few rounds just for fun.
With that in mind, Alain got dressed, then grabbed his hat and set it on his head. He clipped on his gun belt, slipping his prized Colt into its holster. It felt bad to leave his shotgun behind, but it didn't make much sense for him to bring it with him if Felix was just going to confiscate it.
Besides, he was just going for a few rounds of poker. What was the worst that could happen?

"You're back," Felix greeted, looking up from the bar as Alain stepped in. "What'll it be? Same thing as yesterday?"
"Not quite," Alain said. "I'm looking to play a few rounds of cards."
"You're in luck – a few of the regulars have just started a game. I'm sure they wouldn't mind you sitting in, provided you don't win too much."
"I don't think they'll have to worry about that," Alain mentioned. "I've only got a few spare dollars on me. I'm just looking to kill some time and have some fun more than anything."
"That so? You know, Los Banos is the same as any other frontier town – there's a brothel if you know where to look-"
"Thanks, but no thanks. Last thing I need is the clap."
"Ha! Yeah, that's understandable, I suppose." Felix looked around Alain, then focused on the back table behind him. "Hey, fellas! Got room for one more over there?!"
"Send him over," the man serving as the dealer said. "Provided his money's good, that is." "It's as good as anyone else's," Alain said as he moved to the table and pulled up a chair. He tipped his hat to the other players. "Good to meet you boys."
They all nodded. There were four of them – three players and a dealer. They were all dressed similarly to him – jeans, plaid shirts, and leather vests, along with revolvers holstered at their hips. That was where the similarities mostly ended, however.
"Introduce yourselves, fellas," the dealer implored. "It's the least you can do before you take all his money."
"Nice to meet you," one of them said. "Name's Jack Williamson."
Jack was a younger guy, around twenty-one if Alain had to wager a guess. He was short, about five-and-a-half feet, with green eyes and short blonde hair. He was clean-shaven, which showed off a jagged scar on the right side of his face.
"He don't care about you, Jack," one of the other men admonished. He was taller, standing a few inches shorter than Alain did, with black hair long enough to cover his ears, and a full beard. He had a cigar chomped between his teeth, and was talking around it. "How you doin'? Call me Rusty. I'd give you my last name, but I don't want you huntin' me down once I take all your money."
Alain nodded, then looked over to the last player. He was an older gentleman just under six feet, with a shaved head and a handlebar mustache. He was so focused on his cards that he seemed to have not even noticed Alain sit down.
"Hey, Hank," the dealer said. The older man looked up in surprise; the dealer motioned towards Alain, and Hank turned towards him, then nodded.
"Pleasure to meet you," was all he said, before looking back to his cards.
The dealer let out a gruff sigh. "Don't mind ol' Hank – he don't mean nothin' by it, he's just quiet by nature. Has been ever since he served in the war as a young kid."
Alain was surprised. "He was in the war?"
"Aye, he was," Rusty confirmed with a nod. "Served with General Beauregard, he did. Lied about his age to get in, even – said he was eighteen when really he was fifteen."
"Should we really be talking about him behind his back?" the dealer asked.
Rusty waved him off. "Hank don't mind, he's too focused on the cards to care. Ain't that right, Hank?"
Hank didn't even give a response. Instead, he picked up his cards and threw them on the table.
"I'm out," he said, his voice quiet.
"You ain't even gonna see what the other cards in the river are?" the dealer asked.
"Nope. Something tells me this hand isn't going to go my way."
The dealer shrugged. "Suit yourself, old timer." He looked back to Alain. "Name's Gabriel Redd. Everyone calls me either Gabe or Redd, though – which one depends on which town I end up in. Here, they tend to prefer Redd, unless they're purposely trying to mess me up somehow."
Alain nodded in understanding. Redd was also older, standing at about the same height as Rusty, but with a few extra wrinkles on his face, plus a heavy tan. He was slightly overweight, and had a receding hairline, but at the same time, he had a friendly expression on his face.
"We'll deal you in on the next hand," he offered. "Provided you tell us your name, of course."
"Alain Smith," Alain replied. "Came into town a little while ago on a job. Nothing major – just escorting some prissy brat and her bodyguard here."
"The hell did they want to come here for?" Rusty asked. "Ain't nothing out here."
"Beats me," Alain said with a shrug. "Something about just wanting to get to the next town. I've learned not to question it – they're both weird."
"Is her bodyguard that tall fella in the nice suit I've been seeing around occasionally?" Jack asked. "Because if so… shit, I can see why he became a bodyguard."
"You guys all ready?" Redd asked. "Because here's the first three."
He flipped over three cards one by one. "Ace of hearts, two of diamonds, five of diamonds."
"Shit…" Rusty breathed. "Jack, you got all the good cards or something? I don't have anything."
"Nice try," Jack chastised. "You're lying through your teeth."
"What can I say? Poker is all about bluffing."
"Then you should probably do a better job of it. Bet, twenty-five cents."
"Raise to fifty cents."
"One of you assholes is bluffing, I'm just not sure who," Redd chimed in. "Alright, next one. Queen of clubs."
Jack let out a low whistle. "Bet, seventy-five cents."
Rusty grinned, showing off a mouth full of missing teeth. "Call."
"Last one," Redd told them. "Ten of spades. Well, shit, looks like the river ain't gonna be of any help unless one of you was sitting on something good." He turned towards Jack. "Show 'em."
Jack laid his cards out on the table. "Two pair, fives and aces."
"Not bad," Rusty said. "Pair, queens."
"Told you that you needed to do a better job of it," Jack chastised as he pulled his winnings in.
Rusty shrugged. "Sometimes the cards just ain't in your favor."
"Alright, first deal goes to our new friend here," Redd announced, passing Alain his first card. "That is, I assume he'll be a new friend."
"Depends on how much he wins," Jack said, grinning.
"Or how much I lose," Alain added.

A few hours later, and against all odds, Alain was actually doing pretty good. He'd gone in with three dollars to play with, and was now up to almost twenty, much to the chagrin of the other players.
"Some fellas get all the luck…" Rusty bemoaned as he stared at his cards. "Fold, again."
"Alright, Rusty's out," Redd announced. "Last card… eight of spades." He looked to Alain. "Show 'em."
"Aces and eights," Alain announced.
"Son of a bitch…" Jack groaned. "Aces are fuckin' stuck to his hand… pair of nines."
"Pair of kings," Hank offered. He looked to Alain, then gave him an approving nod. "Well played."
"Thanks," Alain replied. "You know, fellas, I feel bad about taking all your money. Think it's time I gave some of it back. You all like whiskey?"
"Damn right," Rusty said with a nod. "Especially if someone else is paying for it."
"Hell, might as well get something for my money, yeah?" Jack added.
Alain cupped his hands around his mouth as he looked back to the bar. "Hey, Felix! Can we get a round of whiskey for all the guys at this table? And leave the bottle, if you don't mind."
"You've got it, high roller," Felix called back.
Jack stared at him in surprise. "Hell, you know what? You're alright, Smith."
"Figured it's the least I can do," Alain offered.
"Good friends and a bottle of whiskey," Redd announced. "Don't get much better than that. Right, Hank?"
Hank looked up from his cards, then nodded. "Sure don't."
Felix came and dropped off the bottle, along with several glasses. Everyone filled up, then went back to the game. They had just started on their next hand when, out of the corner of his eye, Alain saw two people enter. The badges pinned to their shirts gave them away as lawmen.
"Look sharp," he said to the other players. "Looks like we're about to have trouble."
"Well, looky here," one of the men said as he approached. He was about Alain's height, with a bushy brown mustache and a sharp southern twang to his voice. "Who's up so far?"
"That'd be me," Alain offered. "Can I help you boys with something?"
"Don't think so, unless you're willing to part with some of that whiskey."
Alain hesitated, then offered the man his glass. "Help yourself."
"Hell, don't mind if I do."
The man ignored Alain's glass, instead reaching for the bottle. He took a big sip from it, then passed it to the other deputy who did the same before putting it back on the table.
"There a problem, Deputy Timms, Deputy Brayton?" Redd asked, looking to each man in turn.
"No problem," the other man, Deputy Brayton, replied. He was shorter than Timms by a few inches, with light brown hair and a five-o'-clock shadow. For the first time, Alain noticed that both men seemed to have unnaturally bright blue eyes, though he was quick to play it off as a trick of the light more than anything, since nothing else made sense to him.
"Then why are you here?" Rusty questioned.
"Lawmen need to relax, too," Timms said. "Besides, Sheriff Adams needed us out of the office for a bit. Something about patrolling for drunkards. Wouldn't know anything about that, would you?"
"No drunkards here," Hank said softly. "Just started on our first, 'fore you all showed up."
"That so?" Brayton said. "Well, then we'd best get out of your hair. Don't need to be throwing you off your game." He turned to leave, then looked over to Alain, a thin smirk crossing his face. "And this must be the newcomer. Welcome to Los Banos, mister…?"
"Smith," Alain offered.
"Smith. Just a warning, though – don't go causing trouble for anyone."
"Wouldn't dream of it," Alain said.
Brayton nodded, then looked back to Timms. "Come on. Let's go see what Felix has for us today."
With that, both men walked off. The four of them watched them go, then Redd turned towards Alain.
"Ignore them," he said. "They're a pair of horse's asses. How they got to be deputies, I've got no idea; all they do is stir up trouble wherever they go. Still, they're a nuisance more than anything; nothing to worry about with them."
Alain nodded in understanding, then turned his attention back to his cards. It didn't really matter to him what the deputies thought – with any luck, he'd be out of this town sooner rather than later.


Special thanks to my good friend and co-writer, Ickbard for the help with writing this story.
submitted by Obsequium_Minaris to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 00:16 PapaPuff13 Mail call

Mail call
submitted by PapaPuff13 to cigar_refuge [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 21:15 WhyDoWeHaveFeet BS - Masters of Reality release Q

BS - Masters of Reality release Q
This copy shows cat. # 2562 matrix S39928-1 and 39929-1 The discogs list for this release has "-1-1" at the end. I'm not very experienced in whether that's significant or not, but it would seem I have that certain release.
submitted by WhyDoWeHaveFeet to VinylCollections [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 14:34 KeyRooster9696 Como concertar o Japão, video do Baka (texto explicando)

Como concertar o Japão, video do Baka (texto explicando)
Discordo do baka não é um problema estrutural do capitalismo, mas sim da revolução, principalmente da revolução sexual, a midia burguesa lacradora é patrocinada por partidos socialistas corruptos, concerto o japão em 10 anos, bano camisinha, anticoncepcional e brinquedos sexuais, dps diminuo a carga horária de trabalhado feminina, sim as mulheres vão trabalhar menos e por isso ganhar menos por trabalhar menos hora trabalhada, mágica vualá, crianças, casas, construções família foram injetadas na economia pela livre e espontânea pressão (mas prefiro chamar de re-normaticação das coisas)
submitted by KeyRooster9696 to brasilivre [link] [comments]

2024.03.17 09:39 Snow_Ala0 17F. How's my music taste..?

17F. How's my music taste..?
I'm kind of really just looking for someone who shares most of my music taste.
Feel free to tell me whatever though..! (Recommendations, criticism, assumptions, etc.)
submitted by Snow_Ala0 to Topster [link] [comments]

2024.02.20 16:47 devixium Selling stacked og bk acc

Selling stacked og bk acc
Add me on discord if u interested zlxvemyaimzzz only serious offers
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2024.02.02 05:57 Froggy-Shorts1209 Why does Hugo get no love from Gen Z?

Why does Hugo get no love from Gen Z?
Sooo, that post about the 39 Clues leaving no cultural impact on Gen Z and never building up a fan base finally inspired me to ask a question that’s been lingering in my skull for two years now.
In 2011, Martin Scorsese presented Hugo, his film adaptation of Brian Selznick’s book for children. The story is about an orphan boy who lives in a Paris train station and possesses an automaton with connections to pioneering filmmaker Georges Melies. Scorsese made it in part because his grandkids complained about how he never made movies they could watch. The film was praised by critics and even racked up some Oscar noms, but it’s almost forgotten today.
So many obscure family films from the 2000s and early 2010s have become fodder for memes, TikToks, and YouTube clip compilations. I don’t see any of this fondness directed at Hugo. None of my peers have ever reminisced about their childhood memories of watching Hugo on repeat with their families. I babysit, and I have never heard a single one of my charges request that I put on Hugo for them.
Why didn’t Hugo become a nostalgic staple for Gen Z? How could a critically acclaimed, Oscar-nominated family film have no cultural impact on its target audience of kids and parents? It’s been twelve years since the film released, and I haven’t heard a peep about it. Anyone have any guesses as to why?
submitted by Froggy-Shorts1209 to GenZ [link] [comments]

2024.01.19 21:14 peudroca SP: Dezenas são presos e 7 são acusados de 'abolição do Estado democrático de direito' em protesto

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Dayton Battle of the Bands
If you are looking for something to do tonight, head to the #Brightside!
submitted by KaiLong_2012 to dayton [link] [comments]

2024.01.12 18:12 constantwind545 Navy f18 and Air Force f35 flying out of lemoore. Some sort of training I assume.

Navy f18 and Air Force f35 flying out of lemoore. Some sort of training I assume. submitted by constantwind545 to flightradar24 [link] [comments]

2024.01.12 06:00 energy_is_a_lie ‘Grossest of contempt’, SC warns of sending police officers, judicial magistrate to jail on police custody of businessman despite bai

‘Grossest of contempt’, SC warns of sending police officers, judicial magistrate to jail on police custody of businessman despite bai
Even the Supreme Court is livid at Gujjus. First the Bilkis Bano rape case convicts being freed pissed em off and now this.
submitted by energy_is_a_lie to librandu [link] [comments]

2023.12.31 11:12 LostRevolution3557 selling fast dm

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2023.12.29 19:35 gyo098 Ayudaa🥲 los doctores no logran diagnosticar a mi perrita con hipotiroidismo y ver si tiene o no una tumoración

Estoy impresionada con la cantidad de doctores que no logran diagnosticar a mi perrita y me dan mal las dosis a administrar para tratar su hipotiroidismo:/ apenas empezamos su tratamiento con levotiroxina sódica y condroitina pero tuve que modificar su dosis porque me daban el tratamiento para un perro de 5 kilos y eso que si habíamos pesado a mi perrita (28 kilos). El problema es que por querer atender rápido a los animales no tienen una buena atención y había leído que en muchos casos el hipotiroidismo también se genera por una tumoración entonces quise asegurar que no tuviera ese problema. Es solo que los doctores están algo confundidos con la radiografía y me dicen que me comunique en unos días para checarlo pero el primer doctor al que fuimos me dijo que no la necesitaba que todo estaba bien.
Ahorita mi perrita tiene perdida de pelo, cansancio, está jadeando al respirar en la noche y le habían hecho un electrocardiograma y resultó que si tiene problemas. Adjunto las fotos pero si alguien pudiera ver si existe alguna tumoración en la tiroides se lo agradecería mucho😭 ya estamos cambiando croquetas, la dosis y dando tratamiento con levotiroxina sódica y condroitina🥲
submitted by gyo098 to mexico [link] [comments]

2023.12.20 09:00 Professional-Poem-99 [wtt] [wts] [us] ateez + stray kids pcs

[wtt] [wts] [us] ateez + stray kids pcs
priority to trade!
slide 1: ♥ seonghwa hello82 exclusive ➜ yunho equivalent ♥ seonghwa silver digipack ➜ mingi equivalent ♥ seonghwa gold digipack ➜ jongho or yunho equivalents ♥ us exclusives ➜ $5 each ♥ hello82 distribution ➜ seonghwa equivalent ($5 each when found)
slide 2: ♥ hyunjin 5-star ➜ lee know or felix equivalents ♥ hyunjin & han rockstar unit ➜ chan & changbin equivalent ♥ hyunjin rockstar pob ➜ felix equivalent
feel free to dm me on instagram @tiny.tania1117 as i will probably answer more quickly
submitted by Professional-Poem-99 to kpopforsale [link] [comments]

2023.11.27 01:09 Decessus Sobre as REGRAS do sub.

Antes de tudo gostaria de dizer que o sub tem um discord caso queiram participar:
As regras são:
Só isso.
Fora isso, eu gostaria de deixar umas guidelines:
Ah, e eu gostaria de pedir que, na medida do possível, usem os match threads que o bot cria. Isso evita de depois de cada jogo a gente ter 10 tópicos diferentes falando da mesma coisa. Como o sub é pequeno, ter esses 10 tópicos não prejudica o sub, então não tem porque ficar moderando. Mas prejudica a conversa, ou seja, vocês estão só prejudicando vocês mesmos criando 10 tópicos diferentes.
Tenham modos, jovens.
submitted by Decessus to gremio [link] [comments]

2023.11.23 17:54 COnnOrZeUs Finally finished all albums excluding all of LPU and most singles

Finally finished all albums excluding all of LPU and most singles
I finally found one more light live at a good price.. £6, sealed. I have finished collecting them all, a thousand suns+ should be here tomorrow too
submitted by COnnOrZeUs to LinkinPark [link] [comments]

2023.11.11 09:50 UmCertoAlgum Carta póstuma ao nosso amor

Oi princesa, queria poder dizer-te o quando amei vc, de como meu sorriso era leve ao seu lado, de como foi feliz.. e como sabíamos, tudo que começa rápido, acaba rápido. E no final, nosso medo se concretizou de fato. Amei você mais que a mim, e como sempre, Me anulei para te dar tudo, até quando eu sentia que não devia. Fui seu apoio, sei amigo, parceiro, bobo da corte e tudo que senti que precisava que eu fosse e quanto mais eu dava, mais eu sentia que precisava dar mais, pois nada te supria, meu amor não te supriu.
Vc foi a primeira que não me amou, que não soube ver o meu amor já que não me amava, e apesar de todo o esforço, não o tive.
Fui dilacerado quando vi que a forma que me tratava apesar do carinho que te dava, e nunca ter nada em troca… por te ouvir dizer que cada gesto meu era falso como forma de manipulação …. Isso me destruiu e a cada palavra, mais eu queria que tu visses meu amor, como se isso fosse te salvar ou te ajudar a sair de teu passado já tão marcado de pesos que tu não conseguiste se livrar, rancores mágoas, ódio, vazio… meu amor por vc foi tão longe que eu quase bano volto a mim.
Demorei para perceber que tudo que via em mim estava em ti, que teu vazio não te deixava amar ninguém, que teu medo de se magoar te transformou em alguém frustrado e rancoroso… Sinto muito por não poder te amar mais do quê pude, por não ter ficado mais, por não ter conseguido te fazer enxergar o brilho que existe na vida.
Parte de mim sempre te amará.. Desejo a ti, mais amor para que possa ver as cores da vida quando acordar, para que isso não seja um pesar e sim uma alegria. Desejo que se cure dos teus rancores, que possa perdoar e se perdoar para que tua vida seja leve.
“…Toda vez que eu me lembro, bagunça meu pensamento…”
submitted by UmCertoAlgum to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2023.10.26 18:07 A-Terraria-Wizard My world's lore :)

A new world appeared out of the ground, along with precisely 19 people. These people joined together, forming the start of the kingdom of The Bano. The kingdom grew from a village to a town and even multiple cities all sharing culture and bloodlines. Another kingdom formed known as Em Kingdom. They weren't quite as powerful to start with but eventually surpassed The Bano in numbers and strength. It was a peaceful time. However people began to grow greedy, their hearts corrupting as they gave in to the lure of riches and fortune. The gods grew angry. Temperatures rised and wildfires sprung up around the place as the age shifted to sun. Villages began to starve as their crops failed and died from the lack of water. Finally, they were given relief from the heat as rain poured from the heavens. But this did not last. The age of dark began and people were driven to madness by the shadows lurking everywhere. People rose from the grave, reappearing as monsters. Ash clouds gathered at the dawn of the next age and the number of skeleton raids greatly increased. Many people fell ill with ash sickness, slowly dying of the filth that plaged their cities. The world slowly fell into anarchy and, driven by madness, Em Kingdom declared war on The Bano. Then the skeleton raids got worse. The gods decided to nuke the two kingdoms, wiping out many lives and villages. Winter began and the world was gripped by the ice. The world's despair turned the weather grim and every day was wet and cold. The few survivors of the Em Kingdom were wiped out in a desperate struggle against the undead, leaving only a handful of humans left in the world. Even the skeletons were starting to dwindle in numbers as the last few people desperately battled to survive. Eventually the last skeleton was wiped from the face of the world. Only the king and one other survived. The king was gifted with immortality and rebuilt the kingdom into a great empire spanning across the entirety of the globe. The future began to look bright as a new age of hope began.
submitted by A-Terraria-Wizard to Worldbox [link] [comments]

2023.10.24 23:35 An_Anonymous_Profile Serasa querendo que eu fique com o nome sujo de novo.

Serasa querendo que eu fique com o nome sujo de novo.
Da última vez eu fiquei 6 anos com o nome sujo, paguei uma dívida de 6 mil reais por 350 reais. 1 mês depois, o Serasa me manda um e-mail oferecendo empréstimo de vários bancos diferentes (o que é estranho, se uma dívida com um valor alto é paga dessa forama, não era pro meu nome ir pra uma espécie de "lista negra"? 🤔), desde então, numa frequência de 2 a 4 vezes por semana, ele fica me mandando esses e-mails. Acho interessante como uma plataforma dessas consegue agir da mesma forma que um agiota, impressionante.
O Serasa é assim com vocês também?
submitted by An_Anonymous_Profile to farialimabets [link] [comments]

2023.10.19 01:34 Kitchen-Fix2324 EDC Orlando 3Day ticket

Can’t make it anymore due to a work trip. Selling for $200. Using paypal goods and services will have it shipped and tracked asap.
submitted by Kitchen-Fix2324 to EDCTickets [link] [comments]

2023.09.13 15:44 jefersonlopesl Político pegando dinheiro sem necessidade de CPF é Loss sim ou com certeza?

Político pegando dinheiro sem necessidade de CPF é Loss sim ou com certeza?
Auto explicativo.
submitted by jefersonlopesl to farialimabets [link] [comments]

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submitted by SafetyCoursesGW to NEBOSH [link] [comments]