Ay papi!zz comic 15 pics

One Punch Man

2012.11.22 21:57 One Punch Man

Hello there! Welcome to OnePunchMan, the subreddit for all things related to our caped bald hero. Please read the FAQ before posting! Beware of manga spoilers! Check the sidebar for information.

2008.07.05 10:21 /r/Memes the original since 2008

Memes! A way of describing cultural information being shared. An element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.

2013.01.06 20:01 Traffic1012 A.C.B.A. - Articulated Comic Book Art

Articulated Comic Book Art (A.C.B.A.) is a visual art form recognized by a passionate group of action figure collectors and is best exemplified by the efforts of this community who display their work on social media, in their homes, and in their local hobby shops. It is it's own type of video/photo based art form and should not be mistaken for simple toy photography.

2024.06.09 10:51 issikw Finally finished my Takehiko Inoue collection, shoutout my goat 🐐

Finally finished my Takehiko Inoue collection, shoutout my goat 🐐
Had just been waiting on a few volumes of Real for ages, shoutout Viz for the rare w
submitted by issikw to MangaCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:08 Wonderful_Pilot1881 How do you deal with patients that don’t know what drug they are on?

I work in the Middle East and I come across a patient every now and then who is a boomer, has some kind of heart issues, is diabetic, is on blood pressure medication etc. and wants to extract teeth on the same day of pain. Yes, arab boomers really do not wait for rct, they believe only in extractions. The issues is that half of them don’t know what medications they are on, even after taking them everyday for 10-15 years and if you ask them to come back later with their medications or send a pic through text, they start pressuring you or get agitated.
What do you do when patients come to you having no clue of their medical history.
submitted by Wonderful_Pilot1881 to Dentistry [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:20 JuliusMcankka What do you guys think of my wallpaper?

What do you guys think of my wallpaper? submitted by JuliusMcankka to ironmaiden [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:15 TheWorstThingy [UR] Ain’t No Fun When The Rabbit Got The Gun

Content Warning: Contains themes of drug trafficking, violence and profanity
Ain’t No Fun When The Rabbit Got The Gun
“Ay yo, Mo-Mo, maybe you should be careful what you wish for. Things is basically goin’ all right now but they can get worse for us real quick I think. We can prolly smooth this shit out. We should try and talk wit them, for starters at least. Shit.”
He just looked at me with something dark and dangerous swimming through the shallows behind his gray-green eyes.
Sure, it would have been easy to just go along with the rest’a them but my pops raised me to play chess, not checkers, from a young age and I learned a few things about thinking two or three steps ahead. I aint no dumb muthafucker. "Taking the long view", that’s what they call it. I never went to college and I don’t know my IQ score (I never even took the SAT) but I like to think I aint just some dumb nigga from down the block. I don’t know where you from but out here, where I stay, you best be at least a little bit smarter than these streets.
So when Big Mo said it was time to take out Nando and Nestor - N&N’s what everyone call them - and the rest of the crew all agreed, I was obligated to disagree. There was only 6 of us but I was still "The 10th Man", as they say, and I knew about the 10th Man Rule. (My pops taught me about that shit too.) I was Mo’s top lieutenant - we went to grade school together back at P.S. 157 in the Grove Hill section of the South Bronx - and we been together for a minute but things had gotten a little shaky between us just lately so I really didn’t want to speak out, but I had to.
“Ay yo, man. If you aksin’ me? I say we let em’ have that shit for now. We got like four more empty blocks going south that we can just stretch out into without bumpin’ up against no one and if we keep on putting out that good shit in the blue Comotosa bags these junkie muthafuckers are still gonna come to us, even if it’s a few extra blocks. Ay yo, I think you already know this, Papi. Let’s try to be smart about this shit for just a minute. Bullets is cheap but pay lawyers cost money, nigga. Big money for real.”
N&N sold coke and dope in our neighborhood of East Tremont way back before we did. Nestor’s dad was slinging out here before I was even born and his boy inherited the family business when pops got sent up to The Hill on an A-1 charge like, shit, at least 15 years back. I think that was his third. I was just a kid then but he still up there and I heard he killed a nigga and he aint comin’ back. Things was all good though until recently, when they started to push down onto the corners we been holdin’ down for years, them blocks between the Concourse and Jermone Ave just south of Tremont. Not even a courtesy convo. Those blocks always been ours but lately we’ve had beef, and now we got bodies.
When Berto got shot in the leg about a month back it set things off to start with but everyone was down with Tiny - that funny fat-ass muthafucker - and they was all heated up real good when he got smoked tryin’ to run off that corner in his baggy-ass pants. Tiny couldn’t run for shit and took three in the back. We just got home from the service with his family and all, everyone cryin’ and shit. Niggas was pissed off for real, out for blood. Six dudes, nine handguns and two cut-downs on the table, everyone ready to go out and buck.
“I done been smart for a long time, Primo. I think you know, else I wouldn’t be here now, right? But maybe this is a time for muscle tho’, not brains. What’choo think, man?” Mo raised his chin towards me. It was half a question and half a challenge. They all looked at me. I knew I was out on a real thin branch to begin with so I just backed the fuck off.
“Ay, obviously it aint my call. I’m just
.tryin’ to give you sumthin’ else to think on, Mo-Mo, that’s all. Options, man. I’m wit you however it go, you already know this. Shit. Where I come from? Who my peoples?” I shrugged and lit a cigarette and then just looked down at the floor.
I knew he wasn’t gonna listen.
“All right, let’s mount up muthafuckers. We on the hunt and we aint comin’ back until we drop at least three of them bitches. We gonna start at that busy corner they got on 177th and roll on from there. I know where Nestor’s grandma live and that’s where he stay most of the time. Either there or his girl’s crib down Fordham. I know where she stay too. We gonna spill some blood. Straight up. Yo Willy-Boy, go pull the truck around and we’ll see you out front in like a minute.” He threw the keys to his Escalade to the youngest kid in the room. I had a real bad feeling about the whole thing. It was too quick. They would be waiting, ready.
We all piled into the truck and I took the passenger seat, snicked a round into the chamber of my pistol and clicked off the safety. Mo had one of the cut-down shotguns in his lap - a Benelli 12 gauge loaded with pumpkin balls - as he drove. He didn’t look at me. When we got down to 177th Street and circled the corner I was relieved to see there was almost no one out there. I just assumed the 5-0 came past and business would be back up and running in like ten or fifteen minutes. We started to circle the block.
“Yo, Mo-Mo, let me out up at the corner here. I need to grab a deck of smokes and something to drink. Y’all niggas want anything?” They were all tensed-up and no one wanted shit so I stepped out on the corner and told them I’d be right back, then I walked into the bodega.
I took my time. I stood in front of the cold case for a while and looked at my phone, even though I already knew what I wanted. Then I took a can of root beer up front and made some small talk with the counter man for a while, an old Dominican dude who had been running that place since I was just a kid. We was both Yankee fans. I bought a lottery ticket and then I bought a pack of Newports, opened it and lit one, and by the time I walked back out the store the Escalade was gone, as I knew it would be. This was a real narrow one-way street and there’s no way that Big Mo could just stay double-parked out there without blocking traffic for a minute or two. Like I said, my pops taught me to think a few moves ahead. Chess, not checkers.
I stood out there in front of the bodega for a minute, smoking my cigarette, and then I heard the pop
pop of gunfire and the sound of a car crash, which is basically what I expected. Big Mo was always just a little too hot. A little too quick to get involved whenever shit was jumpin’ off.
I waited to see if the Escalade would come racing up the block towards me but when it didn’t I started to jog in that direction. I heard the police sirens right when I got close enough to see Mo’s Caddilac slammed up against a few parked cars with all the windows shot out and he was slumped over the wheel. The corner was empty by then. I turned around immediately and began walking back to my crib with my head down.
I laid low for a while, “going to ground” as they say, but I knew N&N’s hangouts better than Mo-Mo did. Shit, I knew the pizza place just off Fordham Ave where all them niggas like to eat. I just chilled at home for a minute and watched some movies on Netflix and waited til’ the time was right, about two weeks later.
“What up muthafucka, you aint get a slice for me? God damn, nigga! Who pay yo bills? You know I’m hungry like a Goddamn wolf, always. What’s up? I really gotta aks?” Nando hopped out of his Lexus with his phone in one hand and looked at his man Nestor with both palms raised in a gesture of insult and offense.
That’s when I came out of the alley behind the pizzeria with my hoodie tucked over my head and put down Nestor with three shots to his chest from my Springfield .45 from less than fifteen feet away. It’s a big gun and I knocked that muthafucker straight out his shoes, sent his pizza sailing into the gutter and the rest of them young‘uns just ran off towards the Concourse. Everyone but Nando. He was just too close, which is how I planned it, and he knew that runnin’ was pointless.
He tried to get all hard with me for a minute and I saw his eyebrows scrunchin’ up but as soon as he started talkin’ I just pistol-whipped that muthafucker in the mouth and knocked out a few of his teeth. He fell to the sidewalk and then pulled himself up against the wall.
“Sup’ Nando? Aint no fun when the rabbit got the gun, right?,” I said in a quiet, scratchy voice and then smiled and chuckled at him for a second or two while pointing the barrel of my pistol directly into the center of his face as he wiped away some of the blood running down his chin.
“Shit, I don’t think your boy Nestor’s gettin’ up over there. What’choo think, man? Looks like you fresh out of muscle.” I looked over at Nestor’s dead body lying half on the sidewalk and half in the street, his white NY Knicks jersey turned mostly red at that point and I smiled some more.
“Cuz yo, with y’all gone I think I’m taking over the rest of Tremont Ave, little man. We prolly could’a worked this shit out if you just came past to talk. But nah. Not you. You too big for talk, right? Too late for talk now though I think.”
I didn’t waste no time. I just looked around to make sure no one was witnessin’ up close and then I put two in his dome. I snatched up his pocket money, his rope chain, his rings and his Rolex (I mean, you gotta be stupid to just leave all that shit behind) but I left his Glock .40 on him and then I jogged off towards Fordham Ave with my head down and my hoodie up.
Yeah, Daddy. Fuck Nando. He got his. I paid some of the little shorties from around the way to go and shoot out them street lights the night before so I wasn’t trippin’ about no security cameras. It was dark and I ain't never heard nuthin’ about it afterwards. Nuthin’. I don’t think the police round here care about this shit really. Just one street nigga killin’ another. They prolly like it that way.
I wasn't worried. I had business to tend to anyways. I had new territory to run and I knew I might need to handle up for a minute; make sure no one got no problems with the new arrangements. It was all good though. I had peoples standing with me. I know how to muscle up, for real. Shit. People always need to get paid. It’s just a matter of money, like everything else. We can hold this down. Might be a few bodies but that’s just what they call “the cost of doing business.” Ain’t no thing.
And things was working out just fine, for a while. Only two bodies got dropped, neither of them on my team, when Spring turned to Summer and then it got real hot, real quick. Not the police, but the weather. It’s like that out here. All concrete, no trees.
I was out on East Tremont two blocks off the Concourse one day in late June, just tryin’ to stay cool in the shade and collecting some dollars and paying off some of my peoples when I seen this little kid coming down the block with a grape soda in one hand, minding his own business. I only noticed the little nigga because he looked at me for a second when he got closer. I didn’t really think shit about it. I run all these corners round here and the shorties all know whassup, so kids look at me all the time. Ain’t nothing unusual. They need work but I ain’t got enough to go round for every little nigga in the South Bronx. Shit.
I was just telling Red Light - we call him that cuz he ran a red light and hit an NYPD roller from the 48th a few years back and got his ass beat for real - that my boy Shiny would come past with a re-up package for him in about an hour or two, when all’a sudden this shorty drops his grape soda on the sidewalk and pulls a little deuce-deuce auto from his pants and before I know whassup I catch three in the gut and one skimmed the side of my neck. Little shorty motherfucker tried to put one in my head too but he was already running off at that point and he only took off the top of my left ear.
It didn’t matter. I coughed up some blood and I knew I wasn’t never gonna make it to the ER up at Misericordia. That’s the only Level-1 trauma unit round here and I seen enough niggas get dropped in these streets to know it’s your only chance when you catch a few. Shit. They take you to one of these other B-list hospitals round here they might as well just leave you where they found you.
I only ever done dope a few times back when I was just a kid but Red Light was leaning over me and aksin’ what to do, so I told him to just give me a couple of them blue bags. I didn’t have no works to shoot up with (I ain’t no dope fiend) and no time neither so I just dumped that shit out on a c-note and snorted it up. Then I told Red Light to give me two more. Shit, if I was going out slow I might as well try to kill the pain, right? I couldn’t get those next two bags down though. My throat was filling up with blood by then and I was choking on it.
I remember how everything just started to fade out around then. I seen Red Light take the bloody c-note from my hand along with the rest of the cash I spilled out onto the sidewalk. He started to hustle off down the block as the sirens got closer but then he ran back and grabbed my Patek Philippe wristwatch and my gold chain, that muthafucker. I was too weak to stop him or even to reach back for my Springfield.
I guess I forgot that Nando had a kid, or maybe I just didn’t think about it at all. I don’t know. I had other shit to worry about and I thought he was just a little nigga, and he was, but still big enough to pull a trigger though. It don’t take much.
When the EMTs came rushing up to me on the sidewalk they was aksin’ all sorts of questions but I remember the pretty white lady say, “What is your name?”
I spit out the blood in my mouth and my head was starting to feel real heavy. I just told her in a half-whisper, “Ain’t no fun when the rabbit got the gun
Then everything just went black.
submitted by TheWorstThingy to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:09 iamkingsleyf 15 Different Types of Pictures Frame

There are different types of picture frames right now. When it comes to brightening your dividers, choosing the main fitting picture outlines for your space can appear a bit overpowering.
Maybe you need some standing photo outlines along with your sideboard or on your coffee table.
Perhaps you're after an embellishing overview for an extraordinary event photo, or you need to collate a blend of family photographs and art prints for an explanation display divider within the corridor.
You might need to keep it straightforward with a push of dark photo outlines mounted on the divider. Or a multi-picture shape to show your occasion photographs or bring your Instagram pics to life.
There are so many choices accessible, empowering you to show your pictures in a genuinely customized way.
Be that as it may, having so much choice can make it more troublesome to discover the culmination picture outline.
So we've done all the difficult work for you. Here we circular up the leading photo outlines for your domestic underneath.
The different types of Picture frames are listed below.

1. Gallery Frame

Display outlines utilize a tangle to make an elevated frame-in-frame impact that you might frequently see in an exhibition hall photography establishment.
Our genuine hardwood Display Outlines bring this identical tasteful touch of the mid-century advanced plan to any room in your home.
Additionally, attempt putting together a collection of four or more outlines for an impactful see, and do not be anxious to blend.
Coordinate silhouette wraps up along the way. It creates variety and visual intrigue.
Furthermore, it's a straightforward, easy route to the hidden. However, advanced colors conspire that tie the pieces of the room together.

2. Carrs Silver Frame

The Carrs Silver Frame is one of the different types of picture frames. The best picture frames do not divert from but upgrade the picture it holds, demonstrated flawlessly by this beautiful silver Carrs plan picture outline.
Mounted on a block of wood back, the silver edge is plain in its plan and can stand both representation and scene.
The specific show recorded is 8 x 6" in measure, but there are little and bigger estimate choices moreover available.
Moreover, It's by distant the foremost costly section in our choice of the most excellent outlines.
Still, if you've got an uncommon photo that needs a domestic, this can be well worth the venture.

3. Modern Frame

The slim profile of cutting-edge frame styles permits your photographs to require a central organization for a moderate see that puts an accentuation on the print.
The Modern Metal Frame is a premium-quality choice for any space, prepared to hang as a centerpiece or in couple with other pieces on a display wall. The Cutting-edge
Metal Outline is tailor-made to include modernity and present-day request to moderate stylistic layout topics — but it's at its best in urban-industrial spaces.
Additionally, Pair two expansive frames together for a show that wows or blends and coordinates distinctive sizes of smaller structures, as within the picture over.
Essentially, because you have got other metal wraps up in your space doesn't cruel that your outlines ought to coordinate them precisely — a small variety goes a long way.

4. Copper Hanging Picture Frame

Copper Hanging a Picture frame is also one of the different types of Frames.
The classic black picture frame is a go-to plan for numerous picture takers, this basic but exquisite outline will assist your color photography pop and allow dark and white photographs an immortal feel.
Profoundly reasonable, this prevalent plan is available in dark, white, and dim, and within the taking after sizes: A4 (21 x 30cm), 12 x 16" (30 x 40cm), 19 x 28" (50 x 70cm), 24 x 31" (60 x 80cm).
Well-made and shockingly reasonable, this modern plan offers a cutting-edge, uncluttered feel, culminating in exhibiting your most valuable recollections.

5. Floating Frame

Floating frames utilize clear glass or acrylic input of a tangle to provide your print with the impact of drifting on the divider.
Our Drifting Outline employments frame-grade acrylic, including UV security and subtract weight, highlighting modern brass-coated equipment — downplayed. These one-of-a-kind highlights grant it astounding profundity and dimension.
Additionally, The floating frame is for showing "the one." It gives that extraordinary photo the impact of standing on its claim, drawing all the consideration precisely where it should be.
Let this articulation piece talk for itself as a solid centerpiece — the 30 x 42" outline is our favorite measure for turning a clear divider into a work of craftsmanship.

6. Deep-Set Frames

Deep-set frames are picture frame that takes a page out of the book of a shadow box, employing a thicker tangle and profound outline to draw the inner eye toward the picture.
This interesting profile makes a subtle shadow inside, including measurement where once there was none. Our Deep-Set Outline is perfect for exhibiting scenes of travel photographs that welcome delay.
The play between layers draws the viewer into the picture, giving a transitory elude to far-away settings and past stories.

7. Umbra Luna Photo Art Display

Next on our list of different picture frames is the Umbra Luna Photo Art Display.
In case you genuinely need your photographs to stand out, putting them in this idiosyncratic Umbra Luna frame is beyond any doubt to do it.
Accessible in dark or white, this one-of-a-kind multi-outline can hold nine 4 x 6" photos, with the plan permitting each to be opened exclusively for ease of utilization. It's more costly than your regular multi-picture outline.
Still, the goal is anything but conventional, and all the respecting looks it's beyond any doubt to urge will rapidly make you disregard the additional taken toll.

8. Canvas Prints

When it comes to dimension, these prints take things a step encourage, extending canvas onto an inside outline that brings the picture out from the divider.
Our Surrounded Canvas Print could be a classy takeoff from the conventional, highlighting a high-quality cotton mix that touts lovely color and uncommon propagation of detail.
The slight drift between the canvas and profound outline makes for an interesting visual impact, not at all like anything else available.
Whether hanging on its possessor with other outlines, the canvas print should continuously be the central point. If including it in an exhibition divider, turn it into a prominent position for adjusted transactions between your collection of outlines.

9. Square multi-picture frame

If you need to transport your Instagram framework into the open world, this charming multi-picture outline is the ideal choice.
The white 23 x 23cm plan highlights 12 4 x 4cm square windows to put your chosen pictures at the side and a content box underneath for a customized message.
With a box plan, this quality outline can be both hung or left freestanding. It incorporates front assurance with shatterproof plastic to assist in diminishing the hazard of breakages.

10. Tabletop Frames

Tabletop Frames are also one of the different types of picture frames. It's all within the small, subtle elements — and tabletop outlines go a long way in making a house feel domestic.
Wooden Tabletop Frame sets an ageless plan with an extraordinarily advanced take on usefulness.
Essentially, utilizing the detachable metal stand requires your outline from the table to the divider and back again.
Place a tabletop outline in ranges that require a small something additional to imbue identity into the space.
Additionally, these flexible outlines are right for domestic on tables, mantles, and racking. Or as the wrapping-up piece in your dream craftsmanship divider.

11. Multi-Picture Frames

There's nothing like a highlight divider of mind-blowing photographs, and this beautiful determination of wooden outlines will assist you in doing fair that.
Accessible in both dark and brown, the set incorporates 26 picture outlines at the taking-after sizes.
Two x 24x19cm, five x 17x12cm, seven x 9 x14cm, and twelve x 8x12cm. Not as it were the idealized arrangement for changing that purge divider into a work of craftsmanship but a deal to boot!

12. Photo Holders

The photo holders are one the flexible different types of frames. Frames aren't the as they were arranged for a hoisted photo show.
Photo holders are a flexible, helpful way to bring a new see to the photographs you adore.
Our family of frame-free Photo Holders combines the finest of both capacity and show, permitting you to be effectively compatible with your favorite prints.
Smaller photo holders like our Brass Easel, Walnut Print Stand, and Brass & Wood Show Box are perfect for little spaces such as work areas, tables, and mantles.
The Wooden Photo Edge can bring a welcome bend to any division, complimenting outlines or filling the void for dividers.
The canvas print should be the central point, whether hanging on its claim or with other techniques.
If including it in a display divider, turn it into a prominent position for adjusted transactions between your collection of outlines.

13. New England Solid Oak frame

If your domestic encompasses a rustic feel, this can be one of the most pleasing picture outlines to compliment your style.
With a strong oak plan, this picture outline is both vigorous and beautiful and offers space for five 4 x 6" photographs in numerous groups.
The oak outline is additionally accessible within the taking-after options.
Furthermore, it's worth noticing that the plans that offer numerous picture choices are divider mounts.
The standard single picture outlines can be freestanding and be divider mounted, either scene or representation.
Perfect for any domestic, all systems are separately boxed, making them a culmination blessing for that somebody extraordinary.

14. Instagram Selfie Board Frame

A somewhat alternative option but a brilliant picture outline for anybody Instagram-fixated. Choose from several specific plans to suit the event.
Furthermore, personalization choices, counting names, messages, hashtags, etc., can be included to form the additional outline special.
The Selfie Outline measures 508 x 717mm, made from tall quality 5mm folded plastic. It's also fully water-safe, meaning you'll be able to get the culmination selfie rain or sparkle.

15. Acrylic Picture Frame

Rounding Off the list of different types of Picture frames is the Acrylic Picture frames. The acrylic frame is outlined as solid and steady in representation and scene introduction.
And we utilized four little and solid magnets to hold the super-clear acrylic squares together safely.
The clear acrylic photo outline with twofold-sided see-through outlines permits you to see from both sides.
Easy to clean and simple to upgrade with modern photos.
submitted by iamkingsleyf to u/iamkingsleyf [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:04 ballislife4444 The Post-Cancer Battle

This is going to be fairly long and probably somewhat depressing post, but I've been wanting to share my story even if it's just with the void.
I remember waking up with some pain in my groin area one morning during my senior year of high school. At the time I didn't think much of it at the time since I'm a tall person and waking up with random pains happens to me frequently. So I walked around with a limp, and the pain persisted. It was like that for a couple of weeks. Eventually my mom and I agreed that I needed to see someone about it. Unfortunately I had fell into the dangerous trap of looking up my symptoms online to try and see what might be wrong with me. I ended up convincing myself that I had a hernia, and when I went to see the doctor on Halloween, I was having difficulty explaining my symptoms to him. My answers to his questions all suggested that something was wrong with my groin muscles, I might've even said the words, "I think it might be a hernia." The doctor was sure that wasn't the problem, but thanks to me downplaying my symptoms, he diagnosed me with a pulled muscle. His advice was to not exercise for a week, even though the pain had lasted for weeks at that point, and the only exercise I did regularly was ride my bike to school (roughly 2 miles round trip). I didn't listen to him, in fact that evening I was running around through my neighborhood on Halloween with my friends. One last hurrah for our senior year. Exactly one week later, my leg gave out on me and I collapsed on the floor walking to my next class. The tumor had grown so big, and I ended up shattering my femur.
I instantly knew my leg was broken, and I was rushed to the hospital. They found the tumor fairly quickly, but were unsure how to proceed. Surgery was a given, as the damage to my leg was massive, but they were also unsure whether or not the tumor was malignant or benign. So I stayed in the hospital for a couple of days living off of painkillers while I waited for the results of the biopsy to come in, and for the surgery to begin. It turned out to be a Ewing's Sarcoma, luckily still localized, even if I didn't feel very lucky at the time. I was sent into surgery immediately where they removed the tumor and gave me a prosthetic femur. The recovery process was really difficult for me. I'll never be able to run or jump anymore (which sucks because I love playing basketball). I walked around with a cane for a while; that was one of the most embarrassing experiences of my life. I still remember all of the weird/sympathetic looks I received. And to this day, I still have difficulty with my mobility, and I walk around with a visible limp. It's difficult to make up excuses for when people ask me why I'm limping, I'll usually just explain that I have a prosthetic femur without mentioning the cancer part, since that kills the vibe.
I started chemo in December of 2019, but the typical treatment regiment was thrown off, thanks to me breaking my leg. Usually the doctors will give around 15 weeks of chemo with heavy and quick dosages, followed by surgery, and then another 15 weeks of chemo. The surgery came first in my case. Chemo was the hardest part of my battle. My dosage was a lot, I had to stay in the hospital overnight so that they could keep me attached to an IV the whole time. It was every other week, and for the etoposide and ifosfamide weeks, it was 5 days at a time. What was difficult though was being away from my friends. I was apart of a very tight knit group of guys. We played DND every Friday after school which I missed greatly in the hospital. My friends were still very supportive, and they tried to include me in any way they possibly could. But I was still really lonely. One of my worst memories was crying on my birthday, because my parents wouldn't let me hang out with my friends for fear of getting sick. I was very suicidal at this point, the chemo made me horribly sick, and I hated staying overnight at the hospital. But then COVID came around in March, and I think that sort of gave me my second wind.
Everything moved online, and I was able to talk with my friends nearly everyday. We played games online together, including DND. I remember one of my friends mentioning to me that at graduation it was going to be so awesome when they called my name, and I would be able walk across the stage in front of everyone, hopefully to a loud applause. It was silly, but that was the light at the end of the tunnel for me. I looked forward to being able to stand in front of my classmates, and sort of say look what I've accomplished. Obviously graduation never happened, but I wasn't too beat up over it, since I finished my treatment in June. I was really looking forward to college, and to meet new people, even if I settled on a school that I wasn't really interested in going to. I didn't want my college decision to be a burden on my parents, especially after all I had put them through. Plus it was a good idea for me to stay local so I could still see my same doctors.
College sucked though. I couldn't make any new friends since everything was virtual, and I hated my online classes. I had an image in my mind of what my life post-cancer would look like, and it was nothing like the reality I was living in. My hair wasn't growing back after the chemo, I was stuck at home with my parents, and college sucked. I didn't care anymore at that point. I didn't try in any of my classes, I remember turning in an assignment in which I had done none of the work, instead I just scribbled all over my paper. I received the lowest grade I had ever earned in my schooling career that quarter. Come December, I hated life. I had built up such grand expectations, and my time during COVID was miserable.
In March of 2021, I relapsed, and the cancer came back. My doctors suspected that it returned because we weren't able to properly treat it the first time. It was still localized, but at this point I was convinced I was going to die. I understood that the tumor coming back was a bad sign, and I was overcome with anxiety. The chemo wasn't as bad this time around, they tried different drugs, none of which required that I stay overnight. I still had to come in 5 days per week on treatment weeks, and was still super sick from the drugs, but at least I didn't have to spend the night. I ended up dropping all of my classes that quarter, and thanks to my mom, I decided to take online GE classes at my local community college over the summer. But I had new problems this time around. Since I was first diagnosed when I was 17, I was being treated by the pediatric oncologists, so I got my chemo dosages in the pediatric clinic. Seeing kids with cancer on a daily basis was difficult. I experienced guilt, shame, and was embarrassed to even think that I had it rough. To this day the survivor's guilt weighs heavily on me. I cried nearly every night during this treatment cycle, whether that was because I was fearful of dying, not being able to live the life I wanted, or having to see kids and parents in such pain.
I finished my treatment for the second time in December of 2021. I felt nothing this time around. I didn't know what I wanted to do, I was lost. I stuck with my classes at community college, but I wasn't making any new friends or doing anything that I really wanted to do. I ended up taking all of my credits, and transferring to a different university. I was optimistic this time around, but still disappointed that I wasn't going to get the real college experience. It was around this time when most of my friends from high school were moving out, getting ready to start their new lives. The school that I transferred to was 20 minutes from my house, going anywhere farther was out of the question at this point, since I figured the cancer was likely going to come back any second now. I commuted for my classes, but had difficulty making any friends. For my first semester at this new school, September 2022, I still walked around with a cane, and my hair hadn't grown back properly. I was embarrassed by the way I looked, and still am to this day. I think about not having hair every single day, and have the same recurring dream once a month in which my hair is starting to grow back properly, only to wake up and feel the top of my head. I hate the way I look, and I hate the fact that I can't walk around in public without a hat.
More scans came and went, and they all turned up negative, even though I had a scare recently in which they found some lesions in my liver and had to perform a biopsy. I've been in remission for about 2 and a half years now, but have been stuck in a rut. I'll chat with my high school friends every once in a while online, but I have no social life outside of that. I spend my Fridays and weekends reading fantasy and comic books, sometimes watching movies. I just feel so lonely. I struggle so much with letting my real personality show and am completely socially inept. It feels like I have barriers in front of me that I can't seem to break down. I've dealt with social anxiety nearly all of my life and I think these problems have only been exasperated from the years of limited social contact. Even at my work, it feels like my coworkers think I'm weird and don't want to interact with me.
Writing this I feel ashamed, because I know it could be so much worse. In another world, I died in the battle with cancer. In another world I had to go through all of that without the support system that I had. I truly believe that I wouldn't have been able to get through all of it without my parents, my friends, all the nurses who treated me, and my talented doctors. Sometimes I think that maybe the cancer and my current situation is deserved, punishment for the things I've done in the past that I'm not proud of. I was so convinced that this most recent liver scare was definitely the cancer coming back to finally finish the job since I'm not worthy of all of the opportunities and privileges I've been given. While I was waiting to get the biopsy done, I challenged myself to be the best person I could possibly be, going out of my way to do random kind things that I wouldn't normally do. Just in case if there is a higher power, maybe it would be more merciful, or if I really was going to die, maybe I could try to put some good into the world before I go. But since it came back negative, I've failed my challenge. I fallen back into the same old habits of indifference.
Thanks for reading all of this, if you've made it this far. I want to end on a positive note, since I am blessed to be in the position that I am today. I've fallen in love with my studies and am excited to pursue grad school once I graduate in a year. I love my job as a tutor for my school's learning resource center, and want to pursue a career teaching. I love my family and the friends that I have. Regardless of how difficult things get in the future, I'm still determined to give it all my best try. It would be selfish of me to not give it everything I can.
submitted by ballislife4444 to cancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:03 Shadowin9 Characters/Forms from Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga to Buu Saga that would be in Sparking! Zero (June)

Characters/Forms from Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga to Buu Saga that would be in Sparking! Zero (June)
With new characters being confirmed by the trailer for Sparking! Zero during Summer Game Fest, this is an updated version of the speculative list which is based on Budokai Tenkaichi 3, specifically from Saiyan Saga to Buu Saga.
In this list, there are total of 45 Slots, plus the current confirmed Slots, the game would have 133 Slots. There are some characters that I excluded from Budokai Tenkaichi 3, such as: Frieza's Soldier and Appule, since I don't have high expectations for them to be in the game, even though I do wish the developers would include Frieza's Soldier for meme purpose. I also did not include Great Ape forms of characters with Saiyan origin, such as: Nappa, Raditz and Bardock.
Having 31 Slots left, I think that the developers can include characters from Dragon Ball, which in Budokai Tenkaichi 3 took up 15 Slots, consequently would leave 16 Slots or 17 (if you don't include Ozaru) for probably a mix of Super characters and some Movie characters (Z Gogeta, Janemba and Z Broly)
If there are errors in the pic or the number of Slots, feel free to correct me.
45 Slots (Saiyan Saga to Buu Saga) / 164 Slots
submitted by Shadowin9 to tenkaichi4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:46 settersrclowns Tupelo with her book buddy. She loves her "job"

Tupelo with her book buddy. She loves her submitted by settersrclowns to EnglishSetter [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:35 Kissymos Destiny child symbiote?

I remember reading a Spiderman comic maybe 15 years ago where the chapter I believe was called "Destiny's child" and it had a version of Spiderman that I think has a symbiote suit but could shoot thorns or spiders. Tried searching up destiny child spiderman but was a no go. Would love if I could find that again.
submitted by Kissymos to Spiderman [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:04 dahcoffees313 hooking up with random girl

this girl on TikTok messaged me today,we get to talking, then she wanted to change platforms. Which is weird to me,anyway. She wanted my telegram or my signal. I gave her my signal number, we started talking, and it turns out she lives like 15 mins away from me, and she wants to hook up. She gave me an address and everything,I’m supposed to come to her house Monday. she’s sent pics of herself and everything. Claims she’s single. My question is.. is this a set up? considering she wanted to switch platforms. part of me thinks this is to good to be true. what do you guys think?
submitted by dahcoffees313 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:33 Pappy_OPoyle Hacking Babymetal Legend MM bracelet

I recently acquired a Legend MM LED bracelet that was handed out at the concert in Japan. Figured I'd take a shot at hacking it to make it light up or even wear it to one of their upcoming concerts (if I could get it to light up). I have a question for anyone actually at the show, did they make the bracelets light up in designs or waves or colors? Or did they all light up at once? Admittedly I haven't seen the entire show footage yet so someone will have to tell me the effects. I took it apart tonight and below is what I discovered.
First a disclaimer - hope this post doesn't get taken down, I'm not sure this violates any community guidelines but my posts seem to get taken down a lot. Second if people are interested in this type of stuff I can make a second post with pictures.
So the bracelet is fairly straight forward but doesn't contain any markings from who manaufactured it. It runs on two LR44 mini batteries that are always on till they finally run out of power. It looks like there is a slot for a slip of paper to cover the back contact of the battery which I'm sure they pulled out to activate them as they handed them out.
It's held together by 4 mini Phillips head screws. The only marking on the circuit board is DS2327 v3 - 2024.1.15 / so it's version 3 and made on Jan 15th but the "DS2327" is a mystery. No mfg name on either side. On the board is an infrared receiver module that is mounted in a cutout hole in the center, presumably due to its size with the only marking visible being 333 on the back. Tried to look this up and think I came close with Vishay TSOP 333 IR receiver module (it looks like that w/ 3 solder leads) but I'll need to remove it to see the sides so I can really tell what frequency it operates at. Looking at the spec sheets from Vishay the info I need is printed on the sides and it is mounted in a pass-thru hole cut in the center so you can't see the sides. Done on purpose? Maybe. Pretty smart because the markings will tell you it's operating freq.
The Vishay TSOP 333xx (xx being the frequency) are designed to operate for short burts in a noisy environment. They range from 30KHz to 56KHz on the receiving signal. I watched some videos on LED crowd bracelets and this type has a IR beam that is directed at the crowd to activate specific bracelets where it is pointed. So it can be used for specific patterns or to spell things - so thats why I'd like to know what the effect was.
It has 3 large surface LEDs on top and 3 three-lead LEDs soldered to each side. I haven't applied voltage to them yet to see what colors they are, but the board is marked with RGB test pads, along with 3.3VDC and ground points. I have a feeling due to the grouping of three, they are red, blue and green - which can make almost any color combination.
The board is made up of a lot of surface mount resisters and capacitors, plus a handful of what I think are transistors or power gates. It's a multi-layered board so there are no surface traces visible, but you can see the outline of the circuit paths just beneath the surface. There is only one integrated circuit (IC) on the entire board - and I kind of figured the IC would give away what it was. Kind of...
The IC labeled as U1 appears to be a timing chip that holds a preprogrammed instruction set. Mfg by HDSC it's marked with F005C6UA on the surface. I found a pic of the exact chip after a little searching and it's an ARM Cortex-M0+ processor running at 32MHz. It turned out to be a programable Memory IC EEPROM HC32F005C6UA - it holds a preprogrammed routine (maybe?). There are a lot of leads labelled as timing circuits out and in. Keil.arm.com has a tool called the MDK v6 that I could probably use to pull out the ICs instruction set...again maybe.
I'm only a hobbiest with electronics but I did work in the industry for several years back in 1997 to 2003. There is no way I am going to be able to create an IR signal that activates the chip and accesses the IC controller to send a timed instruction set to each bank of LEDs. But it would be fun to figure out if I wanted to dive deeper. The best I can do with this device is solder some jumpers from the battery +/- points, insert a micro-switch to control power, and then jumper the LED contacts so they just light up when I flip the micro-switch. That would be fun.
The band is flimsy clear rubber with "MM" cut out on each side, if I try to wear it on my wrist I stretch out the band and risk breaking the MM part and ruining it as a collector item. However if I wanted to wear it I could replace the band with a cloth Velcro style since the band is held in by the clamping force between the two halves of the bracelet body. I'm going to order some LR44 watch batteries and find out more. Any questions or comments just ask. If you want to know more I can make a 2nd post with pics. Also if you recognize any of the stuff I mentioned above and you know who made these bracelets and how I can dig deeper please comment below.
submitted by Pappy_OPoyle to BABYMETAL [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:24 Wooden_Carrot4315 Zero One moto deleted my comment

Zero One moto deleted my comment
Repost ko lang kasa tong screen shot na tinutukoy ko
Ano na "boss" arch? Dimo kaya makipag debate sakin at pang asar asar lang kaya mo sabihin? Yang liit mo na yan baka lamutakin lang kita hahaha
So may bagong video itong si Villain exhaust na pag mamayari ni archie of zero one moto. May zx10r na nagpagawa sa kanila. fresh from casa yung unit, 1km odo palang. Ang unang binanggit sa video, "safe nga ba magpalit ng exhaust" nung 10r na close to none milage.
So nag comment ako, on how changing the exhaust system ay makaka affect ng matindi sa unit without a tune. Yung motor ay tatakbo ng lean at as it is ridden unti unti itong masisira until na damage is significant para mapansin na. Yan kasi problema dito e, may mga nanganagtwiran na "bakit naman yung unit ko ganire ganito, wala naman sira kahit wala remap" eh good for you! pero let us not ignore na fact na merong mga units na nag lose comp dahil sa pag open pipe ng unit nila special f.i units. Saka hindi mo lang alam unti unti nang nasisira yang unit mo dimo pa lang ramdam ngayon. Saka binanggit ko din sa comment ko na kung marunong talaga ang mga taga Zero one moto ay ipapatune agad nila yan sa dyno nila. kase ang binggit nila aa una palang "safe nga ba?". Afr Tuning ang kailagan gawin don para maiwasan an pagka sira. Pero anung ginawa nung page? dinelete nila comment ko.
Nag comment ulit ako bakit nila dinelete e valid naman ang points ko saka kung mali ako makipag rebat sila. nag reply naman sila at sabi "auto delete agad yung mga comment na masyadong maramimg pinaglalaban" HAHAH. So ano yun wala ka lang masabi? Siguro pag madami nakabasa nun madami ang di magpapagawa sa inyo kase kayo mismo ang nag sasabi na di kelangan ang remap. Ang dami nyan sinabi gaya nang "kawawa naman daw ako kase walang pumapansin sa comment ko which is wala talaga kasi dinelete mona e hahah" tanga lang? Sinabi pa na 10 yrs na sila sa industry, saka milyon milyon pa daw binabayad nila sa mga engineer. Ewan ko kung sinong mga engineer yon HAHAH. Saka yang mga exhaust na binebenta ng zero one moto na yan ay mga fake copies lang na rebranded. Ang kapal ng mukha mo para magsabi ka ng milyon milyon binabayad mo hahah.
Tapos nag comment ako na " Milyon milyon binbayad nyo pero ganyan padin gawa ninyo mali mali, saka FYI Mechanical Engineer ako kaya alam ko pinagsasabi ko dito" matapos kong i comment yun nah notif na nah reply sya pero kailangan kongf buksan sa notifs kase di nah lo-load sa latest comment ung fb kelangan i refresh. kaya itong pic ang nakita ko. tapos nung bubuksan ko na diko na click kase dinelete nya na saka na block nya na ako HAHAHA
Archie of Zero one moto, hindi porket 10 yrs kana sa industry alam mona lahat. tagal tagak mona pala jan katangahan padin mga pinagsasabi mo tapos ang dami pa naniniwala sayo.
submitted by Wooden_Carrot4315 to PHMotorcycles [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:15 Tomboy09123 Age 15 to 21, a year and a bit on t (ftm)

Age 15 to 21, a year and a bit on t (ftm) submitted by Tomboy09123 to transtimelines [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:12 MobileObligation9516 Emotional damage in workplace

Is it normal for the manager, to threaten you for termination?
Context: been in the company for less than a year, IT industry. (Experienced worker)
No training was given. Sinabak agad sa production. Kasi yung papalitan ko na resource ay lilipat ng ibang team. From the very start daw ay Pwede daw mag ask sa ka team if may mga questions
(which I do pero napapasama pa pala)
Since ang basis namin for performance is monitoring applications and answering inquiries from clients thru email. May SLA time Dapat ma acknowledge yung email inquiry for about 15 minutes. Sabi sakin acknowledge lang daw ako pero di ko ginagawa yung tasks. Iba daw yung sumasagot ng tasks. Ang hirap kasi na second time na Tumawag ma sakin yung manager ko at nanakot na isa nalang daw ay I-PIP ako then terminated na daw ako. Ang hirap kumilos sa team. Kasi as mentioned by my manager di daw ako trust ng teammates ko. Pero the thing is, may ginagawa naman talaga ako

Pag inaassignan ako ng tasks di ako humihindi. Tinatanggap ko pa. Mahirap kasi dito may favoritism ang manager at hindi ako pinapaniwalaan.
Ang taas ng level ko, sa previous work ko tapos pag Lipat dito
akala mo naman pag mamayari nila ako. Grabe Yung pag crush nila sa confidence ko.
Yung papasok ako sa office kasi hybrid set up, tapos inaanxiety na ako. Iniisip ko palagi na sana wala ako gawin kapalpakan. Kasi feel ko lahat ay against me.
Btw..pag nag OT ren ako, nirereject ng manager ko yung file ko sa workday dahil daw cost cutting. Also, pag may sinabi ako na bagay sa manager ko ay sasabihin niya ren sa mga operations (resource, aka teammates ko rin) nalaman ko lang to dahil narinig ng kaibigan ko from the other team, na nagchichismisan mga ka team ko with my manager.
Any advice is highly appreciated.
submitted by MobileObligation9516 to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:06 bigdickwalrus First time ever attempt. Going well, but need advice!

First time ever attempt. Going well, but need advice!
Hiya yall! So today was/is my first real attempt at making a sourdough loaf EVER. Using this recipe—
450g Bread Flour (KA) ‱ 292g warm water ‱ 8g salt ‱ 90g starter ‱ kitchen temperature 73F 3 month old starter fed daily with KA bread flour, occasional rye / whole wheat feedings
So i mixed everything together at the same time (unfortunately, even the salt, but it seemed to be fine(?) and got a very incorporated, but dry boule. Wetting my hands and further incorporating it seemed to hydrate it well. 15 min rest covered with linen cloth.
Stretch/slap and folds did every half hour, from around 1:30pm to 6pm. Fucked up the first couple (slapped the top part down instead of the bottom, releasing air pockets not making them)— was very happy when I actually figured it out, got the technique down way better than I was expecting, ig from watching countless tutorials for months.
Dough was starting get more taught; showing less surface roughness so I was very excited about this— around 6:30pm I did my best to preshape and threw in presoaked and rice floured’ banneton.
Had my doubts about the bulk but OH MAN its already huge! I’m pumped! It’s about 5 hours in and I included a pic of how it looks as I write this— do I leave it for another few hours? I was thinking around 4am i’d wake up and chuck it in the fridge for cold proofing and then bake tomorrow evening around 6pm— 7pm EST?
So, my only remaining concern is when to stop the bulk and chuck it in the fridge for cold proof (3-4am?) and if my dutch oven is too wide. If so, what should I use instead? Pic included.
submitted by bigdickwalrus to Sourdough [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:04 SceneTop7605 [SELL/SWAP] [US] Laniege, Glossier, tarte, Kaja, Clio, Rom&nd, elf

Shipping starts at $4. Swap wishlist below, but open to offers! Everything will be cleaned with rubbing alcohol before shipping. Pet friendly home. Foil samples FWP (feel free to ask for a pic and choose which you’d like). Free stickers and stationary as well by request :)
Laniege Lip Sleeping Mask in Berry BNIB ($16)
SOLD elf Camo CC Cream in Light 205N used 1x ($5)
SOLD elf Pink Power Grip Primer with Niacinamide, used 1x ($5)
Kaja Cheeky Stamp in 02 Saucy, used 1x ($13)
Tarte Maracuja Juicy Glow Highlighter in Pearlescent Glow, swatched on clean hand ($15)
Tarte Shape Tape Ultra Creamy in 22N BNIB ($25)
Clio Kill Cover Mesh Glow Cushion in 03 Linen, used 2x ($10) REFILL BNIB ($9) take both ($16)
Missha Magic Cushion in No.23 BNIB ($10) have a second one used 1x ($5)
rom&nd Better Than Palette in 00, 3 shades used lightly ($13)
Estée Lauder Pure Color Envy Eyeshadow Palette in Enchanted Glam BN ($20)
Rose Inc Satin Lip Color Travel Size in Enigmatic BN ($5)
Curology SPF 30 Lip Balm BNIB ($5)
Glow Reciple Watermelon Glow Ultra Fine Mist, 90% full ($15)
hismile T Pap+ Powder, BNIB ($14), take both hismile products ($12)
hismile V34 Color Corrector Serum, swatched with clean qtip ($6), take both hismile products ($12)
Swap Wishlist: - Summer Fridays Butter Balm in Pink Sugar, Vanilla, Brown Sugar, or Vanilla Beige - Summer Fridays Jet Lag Mask + Moisturizer - Rom&nd Lippies
submitted by SceneTop7605 to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:00 CrystalPieces [Artisan] Gun Devil đŸ”«đŸ˜Ž - Crystal Pieces Artisan Keycap đŸ”„

Waiting to pull the trigger. The Gun Devil is here.
✹ Join our Discord and follow our Instagram for updates and more events
This is a raffle sale, winners will be randomly chosen via RNG. Multiple entries will be eliminated!
*đŸ’„ PayPal invoices will be sent out once the form closes and there are 24 hours to pay after receiving the invoice. If you failed to do so, it will be re-raffled and you might not be able to join our next raffle *đŸ˜„
đŸ’„ Flipping slots or invoices will be indefinitely banned from our team's raffle sales
submitted by CrystalPieces to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:51 Training_Joke_7907 Me 22F and my boyfriend 23 M are having problems? Am I the issue?

Me 22F and my bf 22M have been together for a 1 year now. Not going to lie our relationship started a bit rocky. Our fights intensify really fast- I am stubborn and he has a massive ego aka will never chase me or make me feel wanted when we fight. He use to get pretty verbal when we’d fight and call me dramatic, I’m acting like a b.. , horrible etc. legit 15 min after his outburst he would appologize repeatedly and eventually it got to a point where I threatened our relationship and it finally stopped. I still haven’t fully recovered from that and the trust issues that came with it / not understanding why I was treating that way and find myself picking fights over stupid shit. One was last months when I noticed he stopped commenting on my Instagram photos ( sounds dumb I know) but I was feeling hormonal and he always use too. I communicated that with him and he basically called it stupid and ridiculous. At this point it was more the principle- if you know something would make me happy why not do it? Anyways I posted a pic of me today hoping he’d comment and he didn’t so I got upset and same thing. He told me it was ridiculous and flipped on me. He said his friends girlfriends wouldn’t care but then I went to stalk them and every single guy had commented something so sweet it made me ball my eyes out. On top of this he told me to “get off his d” for the rest of the night because started a fight over that ticked him off so bad. Anyways I need to know if I’m in the wrong here- I do acknowledge it may be a silly thing I just don’t understand why it’s that hard to do it knowing it could make my night. Am I being ridiculous ? Plz be honest !!
submitted by Training_Joke_7907 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:42 Ordinary-Wolverine99 ????

???? submitted by Ordinary-Wolverine99 to GH05TY_BOY_CLAN [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:37 WintersSnow777 so eto na nga mangyayare ang pag tapon kay satanas in the future ,

Pahayag 12:1-2 At ang isang dakilang tanda ay nakita sa langit: isang babae na nararamtan ng araw, at ang buwan ay nasa ilalim ng kaniyang mga paa, at sa kaniyang ulo ay may isang putong na labingdalawang bituin; At siya'y nagdadalang tao; at siya'y sumisigaw, na nagdaramdam sa panganganak, at sa hirap upang manganak. ( eto yung iglesia )
Pahayag 12:3-4 At ang ibang tanda ay nakita sa langit: at narito, ang isang malaking dragong mapula, na may pitong ulo at sangpung sungay, at sa kaniyang mga ulo'y may pitong diadema. At kinaladkad ng kaniyang buntot ang ikatlong bahagi ng mga bituin sa langit, at ipinaghagis sa lupa: at lumagay ang dragon sa harapan ng babaing manganganak na, upang lamunin ang kaniyang anak pagkapanganak niya. (eto yung diablo na gusto ipahamak yung anak ng iglesia. yung anak dito yun yung sinasabi ni Cristo na kailangan na kayoy maipanganak muli, sa makatuwid eto yung mga sumusunod sa Dios na aagawin sa panahon na mangyayare ang mga eto.)
Pahayag 12:5-6 At siya'y nanganak ng isang anak na lalake, na maghahari na may panghampas na bakal sa lahat ng mga bansa: at ang kaniyang anak ay inagaw na dinala hanggang sa Dios, at hanggang sa kaniyang luklukan. At tumakas ang babae sa ilang, na doon siya'y ipinaghanda ng Dios ng isang dako, upang doon siya ampuning isang libo dalawang daan at anim na pung araw. (eto yung nung nanganak na ang babae tas inagaw na. after non tumakas siya , bakit? sa pagpapatuloy-)
Pahayag 12:7-9 At nagkaroon ng pagbabaka sa langit: si Miguel at ang kaniyang mga anghel ay nakipagbaka sa dragon; at ang dragon at ang kaniyang mga anghel ay nakipagbaka; At hindi sila nanganalo, ni nasumpungan pa man ang kanilang dako sa langit. At inihagis ang malaking dragon, ang matandang ahas, ang tinatawag na Diablo at Satanas, ang dumadaya sa buong sanglibutan; siya'y inihagis sa lupa, at ang kaniyang mga anghel ay inihagis na kasama niya. (so eto na , nung panahon nang pagagaw , may kaganapan sa langit non. edi nasa langit pa yung satanas sa panahon na ito. tapos edi natalo sila , inihagis na ngayon. sa panahon din na aagawin ang mga lingkod, edi yun na nga inihagis na sa buong sanglibutan, pati yung mga anghel.)
Pahayag 12:12-13 Kaya't mangagalak kayo, Oh mga langit at kayong nagsisitahan diyan. Sa aba ng lupa at ng dagat: sapagka't ang diablo'y bumaba sa inyo, na may malaking galit, sa pagkaalam niya na kaunting panahon na lamang mayroon siya. At nang makita ng dragon na siya'y inihagis sa lupa, ay inusig niya ang babaing nanganak ng sanggol na lalake. (so eto na nga , nung tinapon na yung diablo sa lupa , galit na galit ngayon , kase nga ubos na yung maliligayang araw nya. kase malapit na dito yung 1000 years eh, eto yung malapit na maghari yung 666 na ibibigay ng diablo ang paghahari niya. edi inusig nya yung babae , yun yung iglesia na nanganak na lalake na inagaw,)
Pahayag 12:15-17 At ang ahas ay nagbuga sa kaniyang bibig sa likuran ng babae ng tubig na gaya ng isang ilog, upang maipatangay siya sa agos. At tinulungan ng lupa ang babae, at ibinuka ang kaniyang bibig at nilamon ang ilog na ibinuga ng dragon sa kaniyang bibig. At nagalit ang dragon sa babae, at umalis upang bumaka sa nalabi sa kaniyang binhi, na siyang nagsisitupad ng mga utos ng Dios, at mga may patotoo ni Jesus: (so eto na nga , panahon padin ito nung pag agaw , pagkatapon ng diablo , at malapit na magkaroon ng paghahari yung 666. so nagbuga ang ahas sa kaniyang bibig ng tubig. eh yung tubig , ibig sabihin nyan ay aral , yung tubig ni Cristo , aral ng Dios , so if galing sa ahas , na tubig , syempre aral yan ng kasinungalingan. gusto ng ahas na maipatangoy sa agos yung babae o yung iglesia. kaso ano nangyare. tinulungan ng lupa ang iglesia , ibinuka ang bibig at nilamon yung kasinungalingan ng dragon. so eto , sa panahon na yon. yung sanglibutan ngayon ang nakatanggap nung kasinungalingan ng Diablo , kaya nga sa panahon na yon , nadadaya na nya ang sanlibutan. pero ligtas ang iglesia , aampunin ng 1260 days. may gagawin dito yung 1260 days na dalawang saksi , 1260 days din kase magpapatotoo yon. at kahit sa panahon na naghahari yung 666 may sumasamba at naiwan padin sa lupa na tumutupad at may patotoo ni Jesus. ang panahon padin na ito , ay yung pagkatapos na agawin , may natitira padin non na sumusunod sa Dios. at malapit ng umahon yung 666 na halimaw number 1)
sa pahayag 13 , pag papatuloy lang din yon nung pahayag 12 , nasa lupa ang diablo so magtatrabaho agad yon , tuloy tuloy lang ang pangyayare dito.
submitted by WintersSnow777 to ExAndClosetADD [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:19 Captan_Jak_Sparo Have you ever done this kind of weird job?

I am a BTech graduate. Today morning I applied for a job for a Chat Support Executive role. Afternoon, they asked me to send resume in whatsapp. Evening, they conducted a meet in google meet for all the applicants. In that, they explained the work. The work is - - - - There will be a dating site. We will be given some IDs by using which we have to chat with other persons on that dating app. We have to impersonate someone and chat. All the details photos videos, everything will be given by the HR. By using those details we have to chat. So for every message there will be some rate like 0.06 dollar. Like that, audio, pics, videos everything have their own price. Everything in the chat will be counted. And the money will be recorded accordingly in the same site. After the end of every month, we have to show HR - how many dollars we earned doing chatting. So that HR will send us money in INR. And they are saying this international transaction may take 15 to 20 days delay. Can I believe this job? They are not asking us any deposit fee. They are saying only to invest some time in chatting. You will get money. That's it. How true is this? Have you ever heard of any jobs like this? Please tell me ur opinion on this. What should I do?
submitted by Captan_Jak_Sparo to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:10 CozTheBunny I made this one myself

I made this one myself
Don't ask about the faces, it's a Roblox Rooms reference (specifically interminable rooms and rooms low detailed)
submitted by CozTheBunny to namesoundalikes [link] [comments]
