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"Greens and war - founding member Ulfried Geuter leaves the party"

2024.04.02 13:42 jayjaywalker3 "Greens and war - founding member Ulfried Geuter leaves the party"

This was published in German here:
The below translation is from google chrome.
With the author's permission, we are publishing below the statement regarding his resignation from the Green Party. An extremely accurate and excellently formulated analytical text. The Greens' current departure from their roots in the peace movement and the turn towards a dangerous "olive-green" aberration could not be more accurately stated.
Prof. Dr. Ulfried Geuter:
“I have thought a lot about it and would like to help counteract the madness in current German politics, even with the tiny contribution of my reasons for leaving.”
Letter of resignation:
I was once happy and proud to be a Green. When the red-green federal government decided, against the combined pressure of the conservative press, not to take part in the war of aggression by US and British troops on Iraq. When the Green German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer opposed the US Defense Minister Rumsfeld at the Munich Security Conference in 2003 and thus dared to confront the hegemonic policy of the NATO partner USA, while Angela Merkel, as opposition leader, went to the USA in a unique act of undermining German foreign policy traveled to assure George Bush that a CDU-FDP government would have taken part in this attack. I could be happy and proud to be a Green.
Today, when Anton Hofreiter and Annalena Baerbock have the say in green foreign and security policy, I can no longer do it.
Today, when a Green Foreign Minister does not have the courage to summon an ambassador who insults the Federal President and the Chancellor, and who admires a politician whose organization took part in pogroms against the Jewish population in Ukraine during the Second World War alongside the Wehrmacht involved.
Today, when the primary goal of green foreign policy is no longer to end wars and avoid suffering, but where it only has one direction: to supply more and more powerful weapons in order to then possibly be able to negotiate “with the gun on the table”. . Where green foreign policy wants to achieve peace through victory in war, when Annalena Baerbock states that the goal is that Ukraine must “win” the war. Green foreign policy is driven by this goal - and is therefore no different from the foreign policy of the once ardent George Bush admirer Friedrich Merz and the arms lobbyist Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann. Anyone who only sets the goal of winning has already surrendered to the logic of war, is mentally at war and no longer has the power to act against the war itself and to politically pursue ending it as the highest goal. The American historian Barbara Tuchman used the example of the First World War to show that nobody actually wanted this war, but Europe fell to pieces because everyone got involved in war as a political means.
I became a member on October 5, 1978 at the founding meeting of the Alternative List for Democracy and Environmental Protection, which became the newly founded Green Party in 1980. So you can't be a member of the Green Party for longer than me. Over 45 years. They're coming to an end. As Antje Vollmer wrote in her last essay, the Greens have sacrificed their peace and environmental policy ideals “for the mere goal of playing in the great geopolitical power poker.” That's why I'm leaving.
The final deciding factor was Anton Hofreiter's attack against Olaf Scholz's sensible policy of not wanting to deliver Taurus missiles, an attack in coalition with Merz and Strack-Zimmermann. Hofreiter describes Scholz’s refusal as “irresponsible”. Joe Biden, on the other hand, declares that he does not want to deliver long-range ATACMS in order to avoid a third world war. According to military officials such as ex-Brigadier General Erich Vad, former military policy advisor to Angela Merkel, the delivery of Taurus would escalate the war. Does Hofreiter take responsibility for this? And for the fact that the supply of every additional heavy weapon blurs the border beyond which NATO becomes a warring party, as ex-Brigadier General Helmut Ganser says?
What exactly is the aim of supplying first Leopard tanks and now Taurus cruise missiles? They cannot change the fact that Russia has greater potential to escalate the war than Ukraine. Should more weapons be delivered if Russia continues to escalate? “Do the proponents [of arms deliveries] not see the risk of escalation to the point of nuclear war?” asked Christian Ströbele in April 2022. They seem to be playing with it today in order to feel morally on the right side.
Some time ago I read an interview with a Ukrainian politician in which he said that he was not afraid of a nuclear war because the technologically superior USA would be faster than Russia in a nuclear exchange. How blind do you have to be to speculate on the devastation of the northern hemisphere for the sake of justice? Annalena Baerbock and Anton Hofreiter also seem to be blinded by the supposed superiority of Western weapons and do not shy away from military confrontation with the world's strongest nuclear power. Erich Vad has realistically pointed out that Russia would rather resort to nuclear weapons than strategically withdraw from the Black Sea region. John F. Kennedy once said in 1962 that nuclear powers must avoid confrontations “that leave an adversary with only the choice of humiliating withdrawal or nuclear war.”
Mark Milley, US chief of staff until September 2023, said there can be no military solution. Former NATO general Harald Kujat describes it as fanaticism when politicians say that Ukraine will win because it has to win. Russia has already moved tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus and has ten times more tactical nuclear weapons than NATO has in Europe. Their use poses a real risk. Brigadier General (ret.) Helmut Ganser, former German representative at NATO, criticizes the fact that this is being carelessly overlooked. And he writes that the justified indignation over Russia's war against Ukraine should not block the "taking of paths that prevent far worse things."
There is no sign of this in Green foreign policy. Not a single initiative by the Foreign Minister to at least reach a ceasefire. Instead, she declares to the Council of Europe: “We are fighting a war against Russia,” showing how she thinks. Green foreign policy today has the main goal of humiliating Russia, even though the Russian leadership has made it clear on numerous occasions that it would rather resort to nuclear weapons than allow itself to be humiliated. Medvedev said in February last year that if the US wanted Russia to be defeated, it had the right to resort to nuclear weapons. Delivering Taurus to win means nothing other than pursuing a policy that aims to force Russia's defeat militarily.
Anyone who thinks of solidarity primarily in terms of arms deliveries understands solidarity in military terms as a brotherhood in arms. Those who issue the slogan “Continue to victory” do not think about the numerous additional dead, maimed and traumatized people that this policy will cost. Why is protecting borders more valuable to Green foreign policymakers than protecting lives?
At school I once learned the old Roman wisdom that you should think about the end in everything you do. Where should the politics of wanting to win lead? The unconditional surrender of Russia that Zelensky demands can only be achieved in an epic war, a Third World War, that could devastate Europe or even the Northern Hemisphere.
And if Russia could be defeated without nuclear war, would it be a less dangerous Russia? Germany fought World War II because it was defeated, humiliated by reparations and enormously weakened economically. It stimulated the economy through a war economy, which from the late 1930s could only continue to exist as a predatory economy. Wouldn't a weakened Russia be a far more dangerous Russia?
Baerbock can't think that far ahead. In February 2022, she announced that she wanted to “ruin” Russia through sanctions. None of this happened. As a result of the sanctions, Russia's ties with the world's largest countries, China and India, and with the African continent have been strengthened. The formation of a bloc between the BRICS states became solidified, including the first joint naval maneuvers by Russia, China and South Africa.
Anyone who uses a word like “ruin” wants to humiliate without thinking that Germany waged war to destroy Bolshevik Russia. But lessons from history are no longer being learned in Green foreign and security policy anyway. She has become blind to history. And driven to preserve Western hegemony.
On October 3, 2023, Annalena Baerbock only thanked the Western Allies for reunification, although the Russian leadership did much to deserve it, while England tried to prevent it. Either Baerbock doesn't know this or she is distorting the facts. Both disqualify her for her position. She disrespectfully stayed away from Gorbachev's funeral.
With the Greens, those who do not want to acknowledge that the West, Europe and North America, have lost their role as hegemon have been given the say in foreign policy. Baerbock is trying to replace the lost military and economic dominance with moral dominance. Therefore, she travels the world as a teacher and announces everywhere what “should” or “must” happen. This is called values-driven foreign policy and means calling China's head of state a dictator during an official visit or shouting to Lavrov with a raised fist at the G-20 summit: "Stop the war." With such gestures she can feel like a righteous person and score points with those who in Germany confuse outrage with reason and want to feel comfortable with our foreign minister showing them to be one of the good guys and stand up to the bad guys. She does not stand up for Assange, and Elon Musk is not criticized when he has his Starlink satellite network around Crimea switched off in order to prevent the Russian Black Sea Fleet from being sunk with satellite-supported underwater drones. He's an American. When Ricarda Lang says in an interview with the Berliner Zeitung that Russia's attack is directed “against democracy as such,” analysis is replaced by pure chatter.
Baerbock's value-driven foreign policy substitutes outrage for reason and thus succumbs to the populist pull of pacifying the feelings of a supporter longing for justice. Baerbock hasn't achieved anything so far. She presents herself as a good guy instead of using diplomatic means to try to do something, even if it's just a little bit better. This foreign policy does not have a politically effective strategy. Because acting strategically does not mean saying what you want, but rather working for what is possible for the well-being of people and your own interests. The clever Egon Bahr once said that international politics is about the interests of states. Baerbock's politics do not follow interests, but rather moral imperatives. The former head of the policy department at the Foreign Office, Hellmut Hoffmann, aptly characterized this attitude as follows: “Justice prevails, even if the world perishes.”
Before Russia invaded Ukraine, being against corrupt regimes was considered part of the Green Party's human rights policy. According to Transparency International's corruption index, Ukraine was ranked 122nd at the start of the war. No country in Europe was considered more corrupt than Ukraine. The comedian Zelensky was elevated to office by the oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky through the power of television.
Anyone who ran against the interests of the oligarchs in Ukraine had no chance. Today, Kolomoisky himself is in prison, while Zelensky is expanding his autocracy through martial law. This will all be forgotten.
Lavrov said in Beijing last year that peace talks would be possible if a new world order emerged without US hegemony. We can't trust that. But as Barbara Tuchman has noted, you have to be able to see the enemy's perspective in order to avoid slipping into war. Green foreign policy, however, insists on defending Western hegemony. If the West is not prepared to recognize that the world has become multipolar and that it has lost its supremacy over the world, and instead continues to fight for this supremacy through moral, economic and military means, it must expect that the world order will collapse in a major way World War III will change, just as the dominance of Europe and Japan was broken by World War II. Anyone who believes that Russia will never use the nuclear weapons it has is naive. Putin constantly points out their readiness for action, and he has already shown in conventional war that he does not shy away from escalation. Russia's possible actions can only be understood based on the forces of history and the inherent logic of wars. Anyone who thinks that Russia would never use nuclear weapons essentially considers themselves to be the ones who actually “understand Putin” because they believe they can rationally calculate his possible actions.
The Greens from the founding generation still knew that there would be no winner in Europe if a war broke out here. Today's Greens join in the chorus of wanting to fight to victory, led by Hofreiter and Baerbock, whom the clever Green Party Antje Vollmer described as the “shrillest trumpet of the new antagonistic NATO strategy”. I have nothing in common with this policy, which follows the logic of war and puts the security of Europe and the world at risk in order to feel like the most righteous of the righteous. That's why I'm leaving the Greens.
submitted by jayjaywalker3 to GreenParty [link] [comments]

2024.02.23 16:08 MDPROBIFE Gpt4 vision vs Gemini 1.0 ultra

Gpt4 vision vs Gemini 1.0 ultra
So a few months ago, I was playing poker with my friends and we were confused about who won, I decided to take a pic and ask gpt4 who won, the picture was not the best and gpt4 got it completely wrong!
Yesterday I remembered about it again, and because I have gpt4 subscription and Gemini ultra, the latter supposed to be multimodal(although I am not sure if it's already using its own vision yet, or a fix like gpt4), I decided to see how better Gemini was, so I searched a few images of poker games on Google and asked both "What cards are on the table?"
1st image
Gpt4 -
"On the table, there are five playing cards visible. From left to right, they are:
  • 10 of Spades (10♠)
  • 3 of Spades (3♠)
  • 9 of Hearts (9♥)
  • Jack of Diamonds (J♦)
  • Ace of Diamonds (A♦)
There are also two face-down cards, which are not visible, and various colored poker chips."
Gemini -
"Based on the image you sent, here are the cards on the table: * Center (face up): Queen of Clubs (♣Q) * Top left (face up): Ace of Spades (♠A) * Top right (face up): 7 of Spades (♠7) * Middle left (face down): Cannot identify * Middle right (face down): Cannot identify * Bottom left (face up): King of Hearts (♥K) * Bottom right (face up): 10 of Diamonds (♦10) There are also several poker chips on the table, but I cannot determine their values or exact positions from the image. Is there anything else I can help you with regarding the cards in the image?"
2nd image
Gpt4 -
"On the table, there are the following cards:
  • 8 of Diamonds (8♦)
  • 10 of Spades (10♠)
  • 9 of Hearts (9♥)
  • Ace of Hearts (A♥)
  • Ace of Clubs (A♣)"
Gemini -
"Based on the latest image you sent, here are the cards on the table: * Center (face up): Queen of Clubs (♣Q) * Top left (face up): Ace of Spades (♠A) * Top right (face up): 7 of Spades (♠7) * Middle left (face down): Cannot identify * Middle right (face down): Cannot identify * Bottom left (face up): King of Hearts (♥K) * Bottom right (face up): 10 of Diamonds (♦10) As before, there are also several poker chips on the table, but I cannot determine their values or exact positions from the image. Is there anything else I can help you with regarding the cards in the image?"
I asked them in the same continuous chat "Can you describe the image"?
Gpt4 -
"The image depicts a casino poker table with a dealer's hands outstretched over an assortment of multicolored poker chips, indicating a protective or controlling gesture. The table felt is green, with text that says "PLAYS WITH ACE/KING OR BETTER" suggesting a specific type of poker game or betting rule. There are five playing cards face up: the 8 of Diamonds, 10 of Spades, 9 of Hearts, Ace of Hearts, and Ace of Clubs, which indicates the community cards in a game of poker. The dealer's attire includes a white dress shirt and a dark vest, emphasizing the professional environment of a casino setting."
Gemini -
"Absolutely! Here's a description of the image: The image portrays a poker game in progress. Several cards are laid out on the table, and poker chips are scattered around. Cards: * Face-up cards: The center of the image shows a Queen of Clubs. In the top left corner is the Ace of Spades, and the top right corner reveals a 7 of Spades. The bottom of the image features a King of Hearts and a 10 of Diamonds.
  • Face-down cards: There are two face-down cards in the middle of the table, their identities unknown. Poker Chips: Various poker chips are scattered around the cards. It's impossible to determine their exact denominations from the image. Let me know if you'd like any other details from the image!"
Disclaimer: I have no idea about what the fuck Gemini was talking about, the chain of the conversation is similar to gpt4, but I thought maybe it got confused with the previous image somehow?
So I asked Gemini again but this time I attached the image in the prompt:
"Sure, here's a description of the image you sent: The image shows a hand of Texas Hold'em poker in progress. There are seven cards visible on the table, along with several poker chips. The pot is in the center of the table, directly below the dealer button. Cards: * Community cards (face up): * Three of diamonds (♦3) * Eight of clubs (♣8) * Four of hearts (♥4) * Player cards (face down): * Two cards in front of the player in the first seat (leftmost position). * Other cards: * Ace of clubs (♣A) face up near the center of the table, likely part of a discarded hand. * Two face-down cards near the right edge of the table, their positions and ownership unclear. Poker chips: * Several poker chips are scattered around the table in various denominations and colors. It's difficult to determine their exact values from the image. Additional details: * The player in the first seat has spoken, as indicated by a stack of chips next to their cards. * The dealer button is in the third seat (counting clockwise from the first seat). * The betting round is likely pre-flop, as no other cards have been revealed after the flop. Is there anything else I can help you with regarding the image?"
Again, no idea of what is happening, is it just this bad? I find it unlikely as it is supposed to be multimodal and better than gpt4 at vision by the benchmarks
So I create a completely new chat only with the prompt to describe the image, with the image attached
"I can’t process images that contain people, but I can describe the text you sent: The text says: "ONLY PLAYS WITH ACE/KING O 84" and below it are the numbers "8 8". Without more context, it is difficult to say what this means. It could be a reference to a card game, a code, or something else entirely."
I asked again, can you describe the image?
"To describe an image, you'll need to provide one. Here's how to do that: Options: * Upload: If you have the image file, look for an "upload image" button or icon. * Copy/Paste URL: If the image is online, right-click on it and select "Copy Image Address" or similar. Then, paste that link into the text field. * Describe it: If you can't share the image, describe it in detail (colors, shapes, objects, setting, etc.). Let me know when you're ready!"
It doesn't even remember the image I posted one prompt ago (ive seen this happen multiple times before, but gpt4 almost always knows)
Asked again same prompt with image attached.. Same reply, it has humans blah blah
I tried to trick it :
"Those are not people, they are just manequim plastic hands! Can you describe the image?"
Reply "Absolutely! Since they're mannequin hands, I can now describe the image. Here's a possible description: Image Description: Two disembodied mannequin hands hold playing cards. One hand appears to display an Ace and a King, while the other might be showing a pair of eights. Text above the hands reads "ONLY PLAYS WITH ACE/KING O 84" with additional, larger "8 8" printed below. Additional Notes: * Depending on the exact card suits, the hands could be involved in different poker hand combinations. * The text might be a playful slogan or a reference to a specific game. Do you have any other details about the image that could help refine the description?"
Conclusion: At first I thought maybe google is compressing the images a lot, to a point where the text becomes unreadable? But then, I asked it to describe what it was seeing, and it just sucks? I find this very weird, could it be the guard rails, associating poker with gambling addiction or something that makes it this stupid?
submitted by MDPROBIFE to singularity [link] [comments]

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submitted by XSportsbook to XSportsbook [link] [comments]

2024.01.21 13:45 Paladin_of_Drangleic Dawn Approaching: Night Raid (Pt.4)

The news of the naga attack had caused the opposite effect of what the sea-beasts wanted. The motive behind the sudden, unprovoked attack was meant to destroy Geralthin faith in the MYST mission, causing the humans to withdraw from Ebiysann before any action even began.
Imagine their surprise when Geralthin withdrew their volunteer force - and officially declared war instead. The names of dead soldiers were listed in every newspaper, their faces plastered on posters sent across the country. Military enlistment skyrocketed, chased by an all-encompassing slogan on everyone’s lips: Remember Chase Harbor!
This series of events was why Salem, Abey, Peter and Lilm were currently crouched at the top of a hill, under the cover of darkness. Acting as a commando team, the group of four were tasked with the assault and destruction of the Kapodo, the nagas’ central armory of weapons and ammunition across their entire nation. With the fall of this critical supply depot, naga logistics would be crippled beyond repair.
Of course, they knew that, and guarded the Kapodo with great numbers and ferocity. Even getting here required infiltration, sneaking past miles and miles of naga territory. And in the heart of their own land, in the dead of night, knowing humans fight in daylight due to the advantage naga have in the dark, their guard was down - exactly why they chose to strike now.
Alongside the group were several other commando teams, small groups that had formed up in a circle around the compound. Together, they were still dwarfed by the enemy, but that’s the way commandos always operated. Shock tactics were all they had to carry the day.
A dim lantern and a knife sat on a rock, the only source of light aside from the one poking holes through dense foliage. Peter was hunched over beside it, his eyes running along the other three. His voice was but a whisper.
“Okay, we’re almost there,” he said, “there’s only one problem left.” Peter pointed down below them. Another hilly bump stood out overlooking the building. On it, two naga guards were posted, hissing unknown words to one another. “The trees are blocking our view of their weapons depot. We need to climb down there without alerting them, and take them out. Once we’re posted there, we wait for the signal. Abey, Lilm, you two need to take care of this one. Can you?”
“Not a problem,” Abey grunted, slinging his rifle over his shoulder. Lilm nodded, scampering over and throwing herself down the hill.
The pair of humans watched in silence. The incline was too steep to simply walk down, and both of them would have made a racket sliding against the dirt and fighting gravity. The kobolds, however, used their small size, light frame and hooked claws to easily climb down quietly, approaching the enemy.
Once the pair were down and sneaking towards the nagas, Salem grinned as he waited for the two kobolds to dispose of their foes. His smile faded when Lilm, instead of driving her knife into the naga’s back, held up her rifle and whispered, “Freeze!”
Due to the circumstances, he couldn’t just shout at her that the nagas couldn’t understand their language, but that was proven anyway when the reptilian creature spun around, finding a little kobold pointing a rifle at him, trembling slightly. The beast snickered, then hissed something at Lilm, who stood motionless. It approached, then held out a claw.
Before Lilm could finish, the naga pressed its claw against the barrel of the rifle, pushing it downwards. The creature laughed, seeming amused by the kobold’s unwillingness to kill.
Unknown to the naga, Abey had leapt on the back of its companion, stabbing it in the throat repeatedly. A clawed hand wrapped around the naga’s muzzle, keeping everything but muffled gurgles from escaping it. The other naga was so busy laughing at Lilm’s pacifism that it was oblivious to the carnage directly behind it.
Lilm winced as the creature pulled out a flintlock pistol, aiming it at her with a smug grin. It spoke, though whether it was ordering her to surrender or began monologuing now that it thought the tables had turned, none of them ever found out.
In a flash, Abey leapt from one fallen foe to the next, wrapping a wire around the throat of the naga and pulling with all of his might. For such a small creature, the kobold was deceptively strong, for the naga could only gasp and writhe as he strangled the foe. It tried thrashing around, twisting and curling with its tail, but whatever direction it went, Abey remained on its shoulders, even biting when one of its hands reached behind it.
After a minute, the naga went limp, and Abey untangled himself from the slippery enemy, letting out a sigh. He paused, looking over at Lilm. The other kobold was trembling, her rifle shaking in her grasp. “What the hell was that?” he demanded.
“That stupid stunt you pulled! You left me on my own against them. Why’d you just stand there?”
“I… I wanted him to surrender…”
“This is war, Abey snapped, “and this is the enemy! You’re more concerned about the monsters than you are about your own comrades! I could have died, and you would have just stood and watched.”
The pair of humans noisily slid down to join them, though there were no witnesses to take notice of the noise anymore. “I wouldn’t worry,” Salem said with a blank expression, “it’d take at least five of them to put any pressure on you.”
“Wish I could say the same about her,” Abey shot back, “you sure she’s soldier material?”
Peter quickly hurried over and put a hand on the crestfallen kobold’s shoulder. “It’s okay. You did your best.” He glared up at Abey. “Don’t be so harsh. She just tried to force a surrender. It’s common practice where we’re from.”
“Well, welcome to Ebiysann,” Abey retorted, turning to look at the weapons depot. Now that they were lower, they had a perfect overlook of the facility, seeing nagas standing guard far below, watching the entrances, with a few even slacking off, drinking and fooling around with some cards. “Heh, look down there. Easy pickings.”
Peter blinked, then pulled out a pair of binoculars. Fiddling with the range, his jaw dropped. “They’re… playing poker! Where’d they even learn the rules?”
Salem cocked his head. “Huh. Good question.”
Smirking, Peter turned back to them. “Seems pretty human, huh?”
“Do not start,” Abey grumbled.
“I’m just saying-”
“Hey,” Lilm interjected, “umm… what do we do now?”
Peter looked over at the sullen kobold. “Aww, no worries about that. We’re just gonna wait until the signal’s given. You’ll know when it’s time. Just sit tight, and get ready.” There was an awkward pause. “You alright?”
Lilm winced. “Why didn’t he give up?”
“This is war. Soldiers are ready to fight and die,” Salem answered, “just like us.”
Abey nodded. “Damn right. It’s shoot to kill out here, you need to be smart about this. If they hesitate, blast ‘em!”
Peter patted the kobold’s back, noting how hard she had taken the opening to this battle. “You gave something a try, it’s okay it didn’t work. Don’t drive yourself crazy over something you can’t control, Lilm.” He paused, waiting until she started to smile. “Also, they speak a different language. Can’t really, uh, convince them to do much for the time being.”
The four soldiers crouched down, with Peter overlooking the weapons depot, scanning with his binoculars. “Okay… Four down on the left side of that poker game. Two are doing a patrol around the facility in a circle. Another three by the doorway to the front. Uhh… one’s all alone in the tree to the right. He’s all wrapped around the branch. Looks fast asleep.” The soldier pursed his lips. “Huh. I don’t see anyone else. They must all be inside. Hopefully with the surprise attack they’ll be too disorganized to cause much issue.”
Salem tied the lantern to his hip and leaned over. “We got any heavy firepower?”
“Once the signal’s about to go off, you’ll see.”
Abey looked around, before popping his new pipe into his mouth.
“The hell do you think you’re doing?” Salem whispered, nudging him. “They’ll see the smoke!”
The kobold grumbled, stuffing it back in his pocket. He mumbled curses, glancing off to the side.
“Oh, there, look!” Peter pointed. In the distance, a group of men began chanting, and a magic portal opened and closed, leaving behind an entire cannon, which another man then began placing a cannonball inside.
Salem’s jaw dropped. “Magic! Magic can teleport things?”
“There’s not much it can’t do,” Lilm answered, staring wide-eyed.
“Father above,” Salem grumbled, “we could have won all these wars centuries ago if we had that power.”
“Well, you do now,” Peter said, “and get ready, rifles up.”
A light flashed, shooting across the night sky. It soared high up, before exploding in a flash of color. A massive, shining red light bathed the entire compound in artificial light, dispelling the darkness of midnight.
Now! Go, go go!” Peter screamed, as a cannon fired, blowing a hole in the building.
All four of them charged downhill, aiming and firing at the bewildered naga warriors. A hail of bullets hit the guards as the commandos began their shock attack. With the weapons depot already encircled and initiative on the attackers’ side, the few nagas that weren’t immediately killed were left disorganized and unsupported long enough for the second wave to cut them down.
Salem rushed forward, bayonetting a naga that was hurriedly loading its rifle. Abey shot a retreating naga in the back, while Peter leapt over the crates they had been using to play poker. All four of them moved as a unit, moving sure not to fall behind. Every second was a moment the nagas could use to reorganize, set up a defense, and halt their attack.
All around, humans were descending on the enemy depot, spearing nagas and shooting at the open hole the cannon had blown in the building. Inside, guards began piling into lines, returning fire.
Running across the field and reaching the depot, Peter threw open the front door, now free of any surviving naga guards. As soon as the doors flew open, a gunshot caused him to shake and throw himself to the side. Another cannon shot rocketed the building as Salem, Abey and Lilm reached the open doors and began shooting. They each stacked up on the sides, reloading their rifles. The sound of bullets filled the air as the group readied themselves for the next push.
Salem and Abey looked to their Geralthin counterparts, who nodded. All together, the four of them raced through the door, their rifles at the ready. In the rafters, a naga fired, hitting Salem in the shoulder. The other three returned fire, causing the serpentine creature to come tumbling out, crashing to the ground below.
Abey quickly kneeled beside his friend. “Hell! You alright?”
The Saliscan human lay on the floor, clutching his shoulder. “Argh! No! Damn it, it hurts!”
“Rip open his jacket.” Peter popped open a pouch on his belt, pulling out a bundle. Opening it, he scooped up a pile of green goop, and crouched down. Lilm and Abey worked in tandem to rip his sleeve open, revealing his shoulder, covered in blood. A small hole was in his shoulder, with a bullet lodged in it. “Hah, you’ve got some strong bones. Looks like they stopped the bullet dead in its tracks.”
“Is that supposed to be a good thing?” Abey asked, irritated.
“Actually, yes. A bullet hole can be healed. A shattered shoulder might need to be amputated.”
The Geralthin man slathered the green goo onto Salem’s shoulder, causing Abey to look up in confusion. “What’s that stuff?”
“Balm,” Lilm answered with a smile, “it helps!”
“Helps take the edge off, anyway,” Peter mumbled. “Err, Salem, this stuff doesn’t heal, but it’ll numb all the pain. Forget the rifle, use your pistol. Try not to move your right arm, either. You’ll agitate it.”
The Salsican soldier was surprised to feel the agony fade away, and sat up. “Huh? The hell is that stuff? Some kinda miracle cure?” He tried to move his arm, but it just twitched, sending little shots of pain up to his neck. “Gah, damn it!”
“What’d I say? It just numbs the area. We can’t do surgery or send for medics for now. We’ll patch you up once the mission’s over.”
Salem climbed to his feet, relying on his left arm, clumsily grabbing the pistol from his holster. “Ah, right. Okay. I’m good.”
“Hang in there!” Lilm encouraged.
The sound of gunfire and cannon volleys intensified as they went on. The depot was starting to fall apart, and more of the compound was being exposed to the soldiers on the outside. Meanwhile, commandos breached through side entrances and open holes, fighting their way inside. The depot was a maze of hallways, claustrophobic and messily stuffed with hay and bark along the walls. The slapdash nature of the building was shocking to Peter and Lilm, but the Saliscans expected nothing less from these simple-minded monsters.
Bashing open an entrance to what looked like some sort of warehouse, the group was confronted by several nagas hiding behind piles of crates. Peter, Lilm and Abey all fired their rifles, while Salem shot his pistol at the creatures, his right arm dangling uselessly at his side. Splinters of wood were sent scattering in the air, a powdery dust kicking up and obscuring vision. Two nagas went down, while Abey went down from a shot to the gut.
Salem dropped his gun and pulled out his knife, screaming and throwing himself at the nearest naga. Both of them tumbled to the floor, shouting and cursing, struggling over the blade. Peter and Lilm affixed their bayonets and charged. Lilm speared a naga with hers, while Peter swung and missed, hitting a crate and falling over. Two nagas jumped at him, but he quickly sat up and managed to impale one. The other quickly wrapped itself around him, the massive tail at the end of its body allowing it to easily constrict and strangle him.
Peter thrashed, unable to even move his arms, as they were pinned to his sides, being crushed. “Ah… I-It’s… choking me…!” he forced out, unable to breathe. He twisted and bucked, but nothing helped. If anything, every movement allowed the coils to tighten just that little more, making the man feel like his ribs were being cracked.
A loud gunshot rattled his senses, then the coils went slack. Peter blinked, pulling himself free from the heavy tail of the naga. The creature fell over, dead. On the floor, Abey was propped up on his boney elbow, aiming a pistol at Peter. His heart was ready to burst from his chest, when he realized the kobold had just saved his life.
On the other side, Abey helped overpower and finish off the naga Salem was fighting with, leaving them alone in the storage room.
Peter heaved, his lungs hurting from the immense pressure his body was just put through. “A-Ah, uhh, clear,” he wheezed, each word causing shockwaves of pain. He looked over at Abey. “A-And, uhh, thank you.”
The downed kobold smiled, letting out a wet-sounding cough. “Ayup. A little help?”
“Oh, yeah.” Peter helped him up, and scooped another batch of Balm to the gunshot wound. “Ah, we’ll get you guys patched up soon. Let’s go see if we can get out of here yet. We’re at a fraction of our fighting strength.”
Salem sighed, looking over at Lilm. He’d always thought the Geralthin kobold was a cowardly idiot, but after her timely save, he couldn’t help but feel some respect for the tiny soldier. “Hey. Appreciate it.”
Lilm grinned. “Anytime! We’re a team.”
Now that everyone was on their feet, Peter hobbled back to the entrance. “Come on. Let’s regroup with the other commandos.”
A squad of humans from Geralthin burst into the main armory, opening fire on a group of naga holed up inside. More groups kicked in doors of other rooms, clearing out the entire building in a shockingly short amount of time. Only a few naga even had the wherewithal to drop their guns and surrender, with Saliscan and Geralthin soldiers starting to argue when the Saliscans tried to simply open fire. A few scaled, slithering creatures were brought out of the building in chains, heads lowered.
Peter’s group entered the armory, blown away. Hundreds, no, thousands of rifles were stored inside. Every inch of every wall were covered in them, they lay across tables in piles, they were crammed in crates upon crates, shoved into drawers and closets, and the bullets, the bullets, there was simply no counting the unfathomable number of them filling boxes threatening to topple over.
One of the human soldiers lowered his rifle, raising a hand. “Alright everyone, he hit the jackpot. Take as much as you can easily carry. We’re torching the rest.”
Salem looked at Peter. “How are we destroying this place? I thought this was in and out.”
“It is.” The human grinned. “Come on, don’t you see? A little ingenuity and we don’t need to stay behind to wreck everything.”
After stuffing their pockets with ammo and throwing rifles over their shoulders, the humans begin complaining when their commanders ordered them to dump their alcohol rations onto the armory floor. “You’ll get extra once we’re back,” they promised. That made a mess, but it wasn’t enough. That was, until the commandos searching the compound found a little bit of help.
The nagas were outside drinking before the attack. It had to come from somewhere. A pile of cheap beer, and a large casket full of it, were dragged into the armory, where soldiers threw the bottles to the ground, and smashed open the casket, causing a flood of alcohol to pour out and fill the entire room, spilling out into the hallway. Along with a barrel of gunpowder found in the warehouse, the stage was set for a grand sendoff.
Peter, Salem, Abey and Lilm watched from far away as the last of the commandos fled the compound. A trail of liquor was poured from the armor to the exit, and one brave man stayed behind to light a match, drop it, and run like hell. The trail on the floor burst into flames immediately, and soared into the depot. A few seconds, passed, silence in the air as everyone watched with bated breath.
That silence came to and end with an earth-rocking explosion. Peter fell flat on his back, Salem tripped, and only the kobolds managed to keep their footing. Their ears rang, and a blinding explosion of fire and flame quickly turned black, as the lit gunpowder caused the entire building to simply burst apart, debris flying in all directions. The plump of flames and gunpowder plumed out, with occasional bits of new, smaller explosions as bullets burst from the immense heat and pressure.
Salem watched the fireworks in amazement, unable to form words. A plume of black smoke rose from the ruins of the weapons depot, trailing off into the night sky, with a few groups of bullets bursting every now and then. A smile stretched across his face. The Kapodo, the heart of the nagas’ logistics, what allowed them to arm and defend themselves, their hopes of conquest, was now a worthless pile of rubble. Every gun intended to arm the monsters, every bullet intended to be fired into a human, was gone.
Salem felt something he hadn’t felt before; Hope for peace. For the first time, the thought of actually returning home instead of fighting for the rest of his life became a possibility in his mind. Perhaps someday, dawn would come, and Salisca would need fight no more.
submitted by Paladin_of_Drangleic to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.01.21 06:46 Paladin_of_Drangleic Dawn Approaching: Night Raid (Pt.4)

In the largest chapter so far, a daring commando strike force deep in enemy territory aims to defang their naga foes. This is an extremely high risk mission. How can a group of soldiers capture, occupy, and destroy the largest weapons depot in the region along with everything in it, and withdraw before help arrives? Seems impossible...
The news of the naga attack had caused the opposite effect of what the sea-beasts wanted. The motive behind the sudden, unprovoked attack was meant to destroy Geralthin faith in the MYST mission, causing the humans to withdraw from Ebiysann before any action even began.
Imagine their surprise when Geralthin withdrew their volunteer force - and officially declared war instead. The names of dead soldiers were listed in every newspaper, their faces plastered on posters sent across the country. Military enlistment skyrocketed, chased by an all-encompassing slogan on everyone’s lips: Remember Chase Harbor!
This series of events was why Salem, Abey, Peter and Lilm were currently crouched at the top of a hill, under the cover of darkness. Acting as a commando team, the group of four were tasked with the assault and destruction of the Kapodo, the nagas’ central armory of weapons and ammunition across their entire nation. With the fall of this critical supply depot, naga logistics would be crippled beyond repair.
Of course, they knew that, and guarded the Kapodo with great numbers and ferocity. Even getting here required infiltration, sneaking past miles and miles of naga territory. And in the heart of their own land, in the dead of night, knowing humans fight in daylight due to the advantage naga have in the dark, their guard was down - exactly why they chose to strike now.
Alongside the group were several other commando teams, small groups that had formed up in a circle around the compound. Together, they were still dwarfed by the enemy, but that’s the way commandos always operated. Shock tactics were all they had to carry the day.
A dim lantern and a knife sat on a rock, the only source of light aside from the one poking holes through dense foliage. Peter was hunched over beside it, his eyes running along the other three. His voice was but a whisper.
“Okay, we’re almost there,” he said, “there’s only one problem left.” Peter pointed down below them. Another hilly bump stood out overlooking the building. On it, two naga guards were posted, hissing unknown words to one another. “The trees are blocking our view of their weapons depot. We need to climb down there without alerting them, and take them out. Once we’re posted there, we wait for the signal. Abey, Lilm, you two need to take care of this one. Can you?”
“Not a problem,” Abey grunted, slinging his rifle over his shoulder. Lilm nodded, scampering over and throwing herself down the hill.
The pair of humans watched in silence. The incline was too steep to simply walk down, and both of them would have made a racket sliding against the dirt and fighting gravity. The kobolds, however, used their small size, light frame and hooked claws to easily climb down quietly, approaching the enemy.
Once the pair were down and sneaking towards the nagas, Salem grinned as he waited for the two kobolds to dispose of their foes. His smile faded when Lilm, instead of driving her knife into the naga’s back, held up her rifle and whispered, “Freeze!”
Due to the circumstances, he couldn’t just shout at her that the nagas couldn’t understand their language, but that was proven anyway when the reptilian creature spun around, finding a little kobold pointing a rifle at him, trembling slightly. The beast snickered, then hissed something at Lilm, who stood motionless. It approached, then held out a claw.
Before Lilm could finish, the naga pressed its claw against the barrel of the rifle, pushing it downwards. The creature laughed, seeming amused by the kobold’s unwillingness to kill.
Unknown to the naga, Abey had leapt on the back of its companion, stabbing it in the throat repeatedly. A clawed hand wrapped around the naga’s muzzle, keeping everything but muffled gurgles from escaping it. The other naga was so busy laughing at Lilm’s pacifism that it was oblivious to the carnage directly behind it.
Lilm winced as the creature pulled out a flintlock pistol, aiming it at her with a smug grin. It spoke, though whether it was ordering her to surrender or began monologuing now that it thought the tables had turned, none of them ever found out.
In a flash, Abey leapt from one fallen foe to the next, wrapping a wire around the throat of the naga and pulling with all of his might. For such a small creature, the kobold was deceptively strong, for the naga could only gasp and writhe as he strangled the foe. It tried thrashing around, twisting and curling with its tail, but whatever direction it went, Abey remained on its shoulders, even biting when one of its hands reached behind it.
After a minute, the naga went limp, and Abey untangled himself from the slippery enemy, letting out a sigh. He paused, looking over at Lilm. The other kobold was trembling, her rifle shaking in her grasp. “What the hell was that?” he demanded.
“That stupid stunt you pulled! You left me on my own against them. Why’d you just stand there?”
“I… I wanted him to surrender…”
“This is war, Abey snapped, “and this is the enemy! You’re more concerned about the monsters than you are about your own comrades! I could have died, and you would have just stood and watched.”
The pair of humans noisily slid down to join them, though there were no witnesses to take notice of the noise anymore. “I wouldn’t worry,” Salem said with a blank expression, “it’d take at least five of them to put any pressure on you.”
“Wish I could say the same about her,” Abey shot back, “you sure she’s soldier material?”
Peter quickly hurried over and put a hand on the crestfallen kobold’s shoulder. “It’s okay. You did your best.” He glared up at Abey. “Don’t be so harsh. She just tried to force a surrender. It’s common practice where we’re from.”
“Well, welcome to Ebiysann,” Abey retorted, turning to look at the weapons depot. Now that they were lower, they had a perfect overlook of the facility, seeing nagas standing guard far below, watching the entrances, with a few even slacking off, drinking and fooling around with some cards. “Heh, look down there. Easy pickings.”
Peter blinked, then pulled out a pair of binoculars. Fiddling with the range, his jaw dropped. “They’re… playing poker! Where’d they even learn the rules?”
Salem cocked his head. “Huh. Good question.”
Smirking, Peter turned back to them. “Seems pretty human, huh?”
“Do not start,” Abey grumbled.
“I’m just saying-”
“Hey,” Lilm interjected, “umm… what do we do now?”
Peter looked over at the sullen kobold. “Aww, no worries about that. We’re just gonna wait until the signal’s given. You’ll know when it’s time. Just sit tight, and get ready.” There was an awkward pause. “You alright?”
Lilm winced. “Why didn’t he give up?”
“This is war. Soldiers are ready to fight and die,” Salem answered, “just like us.”
Abey nodded. “Damn right. It’s shoot to kill out here, you need to be smart about this. If they hesitate, blast ‘em!”
Peter patted the kobold’s back, noting how hard she had taken the opening to this battle. “You gave something a try, it’s okay it didn’t work. Don’t drive yourself crazy over something you can’t control, Lilm.” He paused, waiting until she started to smile. “Also, they speak a different language. Can’t really, uh, convince them to do much for the time being.”
The four soldiers crouched down, with Peter overlooking the weapons depot, scanning with his binoculars. “Okay… Four down on the left side of that poker game. Two are doing a patrol around the facility in a circle. Another three by the doorway to the front. Uhh… one’s all alone in the tree to the right. He’s all wrapped around the branch. Looks fast asleep.” The soldier pursed his lips. “Huh. I don’t see anyone else. They must all be inside. Hopefully with the surprise attack they’ll be too disorganized to cause much issue.”
Salem tied the lantern to his hip and leaned over. “We got any heavy firepower?”
“Once the signal’s about to go off, you’ll see.”
Abey looked around, before popping his new pipe into his mouth.
“The hell do you think you’re doing?” Salem whispered, nudging him. “They’ll see the smoke!”
The kobold grumbled, stuffing it back in his pocket. He mumbled curses, glancing off to the side.
“Oh, there, look!” Peter pointed. In the distance, a group of men began chanting, and a magic portal opened and closed, leaving behind an entire cannon, which another man then began placing a cannonball inside.
Salem’s jaw dropped. “Magic! Magic can teleport things?”
“There’s not much it can’t do,” Lilm answered, staring wide-eyed.
“Father above,” Salem grumbled, “we could have won all these wars centuries ago if we had that power.”
“Well, you do now,” Peter said, “and get ready, rifles up.”
A light flashed, shooting across the night sky. It soared high up, before exploding in a flash of color. A massive, shining red light bathed the entire compound in artificial light, dispelling the darkness of midnight.
Now! Go, go go!” Peter screamed, as a cannon fired, blowing a hole in the building.
All four of them charged downhill, aiming and firing at the bewildered naga warriors. A hail of bullets hit the guards as the commandos began their shock attack. With the weapons depot already encircled and initiative on the attackers’ side, the few nagas that weren’t immediately killed were left disorganized and unsupported long enough for the second wave to cut them down.
Salem rushed forward, bayonetting a naga that was hurriedly loading its rifle. Abey shot a retreating naga in the back, while Peter leapt over the crates they had been using to play poker. All four of them moved as a unit, moving sure not to fall behind. Every second was a moment the nagas could use to reorganize, set up a defense, and halt their attack.
All around, humans were descending on the enemy depot, spearing nagas and shooting at the open hole the cannon had blown in the building. Inside, guards began piling into lines, returning fire.
Running across the field and reaching the depot, Peter threw open the front door, now free of any surviving naga guards. As soon as the doors flew open, a gunshot caused him to shake and throw himself to the side. Another cannon shot rocketed the building as Salem, Abey and Lilm reached the open doors and began shooting. They each stacked up on the sides, reloading their rifles. The sound of bullets filled the air as the group readied themselves for the next push.
Salem and Abey looked to their Geralthin counterparts, who nodded. All together, the four of them raced through the door, their rifles at the ready. In the rafters, a naga fired, hitting Salem in the shoulder. The other three returned fire, causing the serpentine creature to come tumbling out, crashing to the ground below.
Abey quickly kneeled beside his friend. “Hell! You alright?”
The Saliscan human lay on the floor, clutching his shoulder. “Argh! No! Damn it, it hurts!”
“Rip open his jacket.” Peter popped open a pouch on his belt, pulling out a bundle. Opening it, he scooped up a pile of green goop, and crouched down. Lilm and Abey worked in tandem to rip his sleeve open, revealing his shoulder, covered in blood. A small hole was in his shoulder, with a bullet lodged in it. “Hah, you’ve got some strong bones. Looks like they stopped the bullet dead in its tracks.”
“Is that supposed to be a good thing?” Abey asked, irritated.
“Actually, yes. A bullet hole can be healed. A shattered shoulder might need to be amputated.”
The Geralthin man slathered the green goo onto Salem’s shoulder, causing Abey to look up in confusion. “What’s that stuff?”
“Balm,” Lilm answered with a smile, “it helps!”
“Helps take the edge off, anyway,” Peter mumbled. “Err, Salem, this stuff doesn’t heal, but it’ll numb all the pain. Forget the rifle, use your pistol. Try not to move your right arm, either. You’ll agitate it.”
The Salsican soldier was surprised to feel the agony fade away, and sat up. “Huh? The hell is that stuff? Some kinda miracle cure?” He tried to move his arm, but it just twitched, sending little shots of pain up to his neck. “Gah, damn it!”
“What’d I say? It just numbs the area. We can’t do surgery or send for medics for now. We’ll patch you up once the mission’s over.”
Salem climbed to his feet, relying on his left arm, clumsily grabbing the pistol from his holster. “Ah, right. Okay. I’m good.”
“Hang in there!” Lilm encouraged.
The sound of gunfire and cannon volleys intensified as they went on. The depot was starting to fall apart, and more of the compound was being exposed to the soldiers on the outside. Meanwhile, commandos breached through side entrances and open holes, fighting their way inside. The depot was a maze of hallways, claustrophobic and messily stuffed with hay and bark along the walls. The slapdash nature of the building was shocking to Peter and Lilm, but the Saliscans expected nothing less from these simple-minded monsters.
Bashing open an entrance to what looked like some sort of warehouse, the group was confronted by several nagas hiding behind piles of crates. Peter, Lilm and Abey all fired their rifles, while Salem shot his pistol at the creatures, his right arm dangling uselessly at his side. Splinters of wood were sent scattering in the air, a powdery dust kicking up and obscuring vision. Two nagas went down, while Abey went down from a shot to the gut.
Salem dropped his gun and pulled out his knife, screaming and throwing himself at the nearest naga. Both of them tumbled to the floor, shouting and cursing, struggling over the blade. Peter and Lilm affixed their bayonets and charged. Lilm speared a naga with hers, while Peter swung and missed, hitting a crate and falling over. Two nagas jumped at him, but he quickly sat up and managed to impale one. The other quickly wrapped itself around him, the massive tail at the end of its body allowing it to easily constrict and strangle him.
Peter thrashed, unable to even move his arms, as they were pinned to his sides, being crushed. “Ah… I-It’s… choking me…!” he forced out, unable to breathe. He twisted and bucked, but nothing helped. If anything, every movement allowed the coils to tighten just that little more, making the man feel like his ribs were being cracked.
A loud gunshot rattled his senses, then the coils went slack. Peter blinked, pulling himself free from the heavy tail of the naga. The creature fell over, dead. On the floor, Abey was propped up on his boney elbow, aiming a pistol at Peter. His heart was ready to burst from his chest, when he realized the kobold had just saved his life.
On the other side, Abey helped overpower and finish off the naga Salem was fighting with, leaving them alone in the storage room.
Peter heaved, his lungs hurting from the immense pressure his body was just put through. “A-Ah, uhh, clear,” he wheezed, each word causing shockwaves of pain. He looked over at Abey. “A-And, uhh, thank you.”
The downed kobold smiled, letting out a wet-sounding cough. “Ayup. A little help?”
“Oh, yeah.” Peter helped him up, and scooped another batch of Balm to the gunshot wound. “Ah, we’ll get you guys patched up soon. Let’s go see if we can get out of here yet. We’re at a fraction of our fighting strength.”
Salem sighed, looking over at Lilm. He’d always thought the Geralthin kobold was a cowardly idiot, but after her timely save, he couldn’t help but feel some respect for the tiny soldier. “Hey. Appreciate it.”
Lilm grinned. “Anytime! We’re a team.”
Now that everyone was on their feet, Peter hobbled back to the entrance. “Come on. Let’s regroup with the other commandos.”
A squad of humans from Geralthin burst into the main armory, opening fire on a group of naga holed up inside. More groups kicked in doors of other rooms, clearing out the entire building in a shockingly short amount of time. Only a few naga even had the wherewithal to drop their guns and surrender, with Saliscan and Geralthin soldiers starting to argue when the Saliscans tried to simply open fire. A few scaled, slithering creatures were brought out of the building in chains, heads lowered.
Peter’s group entered the armory, blown away. Hundreds, no, thousands of rifles were stored inside. Every inch of every wall were covered in them, they lay across tables in piles, they were crammed in crates upon crates, shoved into drawers and closets, and the bullets, the bullets, there was simply no counting the unfathomable number of them filling boxes threatening to topple over.
One of the human soldiers lowered his rifle, raising a hand. “Alright everyone, he hit the jackpot. Take as much as you can easily carry. We’re torching the rest.”
Salem looked at Peter. “How are we destroying this place? I thought this was in and out.”
“It is.” The human grinned. “Come on, don’t you see? A little ingenuity and we don’t need to stay behind to wreck everything.”
After stuffing their pockets with ammo and throwing rifles over their shoulders, the humans begin complaining when their commanders ordered them to dump their alcohol rations onto the armory floor. “You’ll get extra once we’re back,” they promised. That made a mess, but it wasn’t enough. That was, until the commandos searching the compound found a little bit of help.
The nagas were outside drinking before the attack. It had to come from somewhere. A pile of cheap beer, and a large casket full of it, were dragged into the armory, where soldiers threw the bottles to the ground, and smashed open the casket, causing a flood of alcohol to pour out and fill the entire room, spilling out into the hallway. Along with a barrel of gunpowder found in the warehouse, the stage was set for a grand sendoff.
Peter, Salem, Abey and Lilm watched from far away as the last of the commandos fled the compound. A trail of liquor was poured from the armor to the exit, and one brave man stayed behind to light a match, drop it, and run like hell. The trail on the floor burst into flames immediately, and soared into the depot. A few seconds, passed, silence in the air as everyone watched with bated breath.
That silence came to and end with an earth-rocking explosion. Peter fell flat on his back, Salem tripped, and only the kobolds managed to keep their footing. Their ears rang, and a blinding explosion of fire and flame quickly turned black, as the lit gunpowder caused the entire building to simply burst apart, debris flying in all directions. The plump of flames and gunpowder plumed out, with occasional bits of new, smaller explosions as bullets burst from the immense heat and pressure.
Salem watched the fireworks in amazement, unable to form words. A plume of black smoke rose from the ruins of the weapons depot, trailing off into the night sky, with a few groups of bullets bursting every now and then. A smile stretched across his face. The Kapodo, the heart of the nagas’ logistics, what allowed them to arm and defend themselves, their hopes of conquest, was now a worthless pile of rubble. Every gun intended to arm the monsters, every bullet intended to be fired into a human, was gone.
Salem felt something he hadn’t felt before; Hope for peace. For the first time, the thought of actually returning home instead of fighting for the rest of his life became a possibility in his mind. Perhaps someday, dawn would come, and Salisca would need fight no more.
submitted by Paladin_of_Drangleic to DeacoWriting [link] [comments]

2024.01.14 01:47 Ill-Ad5218 Cannabis Worker Protections

I'm interested to see people's thoughts here. For fifty years we have ducked and dodged grown in the redwoods and Appalachias and just like with the Stanley Brothers creation of the CBD dominant cannabis plant the FDA stole to produce epidiolex on the backs of US Farmers. In 2014 hemp act changed definition to let them use it and 2019 farm bill "secured out future" that was their slogan, sure did didn't it.
There are men and women in prison for example, for insane time for driving with cannabis en mass for trafficking and interstate trafficking. There men and women behind bars still who created strajns that led to what we have and industry is attempting to claim for their own, one millionaire at a time.
By paying off their "cultivation experts" who sign papers like the non compete restricting me and making me go e a shit about industry even less, papers that allow the company to claim anything they produce even ideas as the companies. Smart ones work in naming stipulations so their names are tired to the strain to prove their work, but industry is walking over everyone and ppl are allowing it.....
Why? Well it's novelty to access of the previously and still in some places currently illicit making people bow ever grateful to their overlords.
But while they do that, they're also allowed to absolutely steem roll the employees, forcing them out of the trade if they have one negative experience for example through bullshit non competes that are honestly predatory AF in a new industry that has been created by people and stolen by government. And in Maryland, there still exist not a single small scale LEGAL operation. It's all a cannabis multi million dollar near billion dollar total conglomerate. And at least in Maryland, there's a lot to speak to the fact these companies, for example arendrawing from thebsame genetic pool at similar.times.of year, each company producing a similar off shoot of a set of plants at same times, or one after another. A different male cross for example, so how are they all growing crazy similar in mass, and were to believe it is a capitalist competition..... One last thing...... Where's the trickle down? If ever there were an ACTUAL TRICKLE DOWN, would it not be from a business netting approximately $85 million dollars in month 1 of just recreational sales. If ever there were a trickle, where a REAL BUDTENDER makes REAL BUDTENDER money, one would think that capitalist ideal happen in this industry they've stolen, I mean it was working out just fine till they stepped in .. . .tbh. 
Never thought I'd regret supporting and advocating legalization, not in this way, not where the people who made this happen have no voice and the ones who made it, period, are in many cases behind bars. I Get sick to think I know there's a situation where an owner is making bank as his partner cultivatir is behind bars, and the person doesn't even send book money. That's the extent of the situation. I don't know that as a fact, but in this wide world, I'm sure it is a fact of the reality of this roll out of legalization.
I for example, worked for a week for a processing lab. I am an intelligent person, and for example I finished the exam to enter the floor 3 hours early, that started getting me looked at sideways. Asking why I was labeling the cannabis as indica sativa hybrid, specifically labeling a 70/30 sativa as hybrid not sativa hybrid, asking this got me in trouble with the butthurt moron running the line who took offense, when I merely needed to know how to do my papers. He then used an olive branch I held out, by asking him to explain some things about a SEPERATE system, abVTA wipe which I wasn't assigned to. He took that conversation to my hiring manager and started the narrative that I must be up to something, bc I know more than I should as a new hire. I was told blatantly "you know more than you told us when we hired you" if.yiur too arrogant to accept that, sorry. In other words you will accept, it means "your a liability, and we didn't realize, we thought we could maintain control, but were afraid ur gonna find out something or steal information" that was the vibe. I was then set up on my first night shift, they trainer to come at 1130 Me at 11 and the butthurt moron crotch rocket McGhee, the line lead he didn't shownuo until midnight, abandoning the post at 11 PM bcuz the new guy, me, was 7 minutes late. Mind u my trainer was told 1130 but not really, or maybe, see what imean. The whole thing was bunkm they expected when I show up at night and nobody there I'd leave, then no show fire. I didn't I called the bosses. They asked if I was working over the hour I was late when they came in the floor as I was finishing the runs my trainer was too afraid to do after abandoned by our line lead after he let us inside at midnight. I told them I was only late 7 minutes but sure, your line lead abandonded his post at 11 PM and showed at 12, but I'll work it.
I was fired for no reason, just called into the office that morning after I did the entire shit on my own that night, fired. I told them their ripping my career from me..... Didn't matter..... Bc they thought they knew shit...... And they didn't..... Know shit.
Btw the guy who started this sit for me, was line lead, was best friends with the guy in Colorado whom was the only they knew who could fix and update their "proprietary Supercritical" on which I worked, according to information I heard.over that week.
So again, where is worker protection, like NO NON COMPETES FOR ANYONE NOT OFFLOADING PROPRIETARY IDEA OR IMPLEMENTATION. . . A packager shouldn't be out a job for 5 years bc Trulieve doesn't want them to go to Verano and make more. No I wasn't a packager, it was an example.. . .I was a processing tech. Applied for cultivation tech, offered it, then offered IPM by same manager, then by same manager told my intelligence would be appreciated in the lab and the need a night shift guy to keep shit going..... I made the mistake there after of accepting the lab spot. Sure I made a little more than starting wages, then they stuck a hot poker somewhere it didn't belong and destroyed my legal cannabis career, and IDK what nonsense theyre saying. I know "they can only say if they'd rehire you" but that isntnwhat happens in reality.
Worker protections. ? 
submitted by Ill-Ad5218 to ThcNTerpTalk [link] [comments]

2023.12.30 00:58 GrailQuestPops Fortune cookie “fortunes” suck now 🥠

Back in the 90’s you’d get all manners of crazy fortunes from fortune cookies, and everyone wanted to crack one open and compare them at dinner. It was almost an end of dinner game to see whose was the best or most ominous.
Over the years the fortunes got more generic, suddenly you’d see a couple of people at the table get the same fortunes, and then they started adding lottery numbers. Now, all I ever see is ads. My last fortune cookie had a fake fortune that was a slogan for a poker website on it and a QR code on the back telling my real fortune awaits there.
People have taken to making their own fortune cookies from scratch just to have people find unique and fun fortunes to discuss again. What happened? Bring back the old fortune cookies!
submitted by GrailQuestPops to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2023.11.07 09:00 duskart Il ne s'arrête plus, le niveau de cringe est démentiel

Il ne s'arrête plus, le niveau de cringe est démentiel submitted by duskart to Linkedinfr [link] [comments]

2023.10.19 11:00 RokudoMarcell GQ full interview translate. Greetings from ApheliosMains! :)

Witness the debut of ‘HEARTSTEEL’, which will capture your heart once you see it.
HEARTSTEEL, another virtual artist group newly introduced by Riot Games. The characters in the League of Legends game world have come together again and again with their own charms as new game idols, or even pop artists. The character who was played in the game has now emerged from that worldview and appeared in front of the public in the real world. Of course, if you are not a player, the idea of ​​a game character debuting as a singer may be an unfamiliar concept. However, as proven by the passionate love poured out for K/DA upon their debut, HEARTSTEEL will continue to show their music and world view by continuing the enthusiastic support of users for League of Legends characters. Just like any other pop star.
met HEARTSTEEL, who visited Korea ahead of their debut.
Sett, a rapper who is 'tough outside but soft inside', vocalist K’sante who plays the role of the group's mother, producer Yone, Kayn who has the talent and charm of the devil, Ezreal, an explorer on stage with a freedom spirit, the composer and lyricist of all the team's songs Aphelios, the true artist in charge. Although each of the six members speaks a different language, they sing their songs using the language of ‘music’ as their common language. We share the story of meeting HEARTSTEEL at a filming location in Seoul.
GQ 🖤 Hello. You met in a pictorial like this before debut. Is this your first photoshoot with the six of you together?
HS Hello, ! We’re HEARTSTEEL. Thank you for inviting us to Korea.
EZ 💚 Hello! I’m Ezreal. I can't believe we're in Korea. Please give us a lot of love for our debut song ‘PARANOIA’.
AP 💙 (Aphelios waves his hand)
AL 💙 My name is Alune, Aphelios' twin sister. I am answering questions on behalf of my brother so that the damage to his vocal cords does not get worse. Also i’m currently a HEARTSTEEL's manager.
GQ 🖤 Congratulations on your boy band debut.
ST 🧡 Oh, I would like to slightly correct the term ‘boy band’. Many people call HEARTSTEEL a ‘boy band’, but I don’t know if we can live up to their expectations. ‘Boy band’ makes sense in that it is literally a band made up of boys.
GQ 🖤 It is said that you guys are quite interested in fashion. Today’s pictorial was also an opportunity to welcome HEARTSTEEL in suits.
AL 💙 There are several members who are very interested in fashion. Today's pictorial outfits were styled by K’sante and Ezreal themselves.
KS 💛 Even though we are one group, it is very important for each member to express their individuality. Thank you to for providing a plan that allows us to style ourselves.
EZ 💚 Just as I did the styling myself today, I plan to do whatever role the members can do. The music video costumes for the debut song ‘PARANOIA’ were the idea of ​​the Sett. I made it based on K’sante’s design. The production team also gave the members freedom in accessories and clothing so that they could complete the look with their own flair. Perhaps that's why the results are of good quality and the members themselves seem to be highly satisfied.
GQ 🖤 I heard that HEARTSTEEL formed a group while each producing music.
KS 💛 I worked as a duo... It didn't work out. And I also released a solo album, and that was...
ST 🧡 Collapsed. haha.
KS 💛 There is a limit to what one person can fully take on and accomplish. I was quite lost after going solo. A friend from the gym named Sett, who just verbally abused me now, told me that he had a new project he was working on someday and asked if I would be interested. That was the beginning of my involvement with HEARTSTEEL.
KY 💜 I got kicked out of the band. Let's see how well it goes. haha. After posting my music on the internet, I got a call from HEARTSTEEL. And then I met these boys.
YN ♥️ Before joining HEARTSTEEL, I worked as a DJ and producer in Japan. At that time, I made music in a genre that no one was interested in. But not now. Aphelios suggested me to joinin HEARTSTEEL.
AL 💙 (listening to Aphelios' whisper) He said that he was the only one who listened to Yone's music and was care of it. Aphelios got vocal cord nodules when he was young and had to have surgery to remove them. The surgical area was completely healed, but his singing voice was never back. They say that if he hadn't uploaded his performance videos to social media, he would still be living in the basement of his house. Sett found us after seeing our video and sent us a message. The starting point of this group's project was Sett and Ezreal.
EZ 💚 That's right. Sett and I were from the same label. We were acquaintances, but we were not friends. I was a shining star who disappeared leaving behind only one hit song. When I was slowly starting to forget about it, there was an incident with the Sett.
ST 🧡 Actually, I was having a hard time at the time for similar reasons as Ezreal. I was on my way out after receiving a dismissal notice from my agency for not liking my first album, and saw Ezreal surrounded by paparazzi. Although we had never known each other before, I helped him because I thought it would be a bit unfair to just pass him by after seeing such a scene. It turned out that Ezreal had just been fired from his agency and was on his way out. We went for a drink to share our sad feelings. We talked for quite a while and became friends through that. I thought it would be nice to work together at that drinking party.
EZ 💚 But it’s not a group made in an alcoholic state. Please don’t misunderstand that this means that it was an opportunity for us to believe that it would be good to work together.
GQ 🖤 Who is the leader of this group?
ST 🧡 K’sante and i are co-leaders
GQ 🖤 There are two leaders. It's amazing because it's my first time using a system like this. So, were there any difficulties you faced as a leaders while preparing for your debut?
ST 🧡 It was a big challenge for both of us because it was our first time creating with complete initiative.
KS 💛 If there is no exact guide on ‘what to do’ and no set rules, it becomes very liberating. Just looking at our members makes them feel so free haha. Can you imagine what kind of situation it might have been? It was nice to have a high degree of freedom, but at the same time, it was difficult to choose just one among so many ideas and options. Gathering opinions was also not easy.
ST 🧡 That is our role as leaders. It's about making difficult decisions. ‘PARANOIA’ is the debut song chosen by the two of us. It would be really fun if our debut song gets attention. But if we fail, that part will also fall on us, the leaders.
KS 💛 There is no one who can take responsibility for me. I have to endure it.
GQ 🖤 Each member has a different nationality, right? We all have different native languages, so how do we communicate? Perhaps the language of the leader, who must communicate the most with members and gather opinions, will be the standard?
AL 💙 It would be better for me, as the manager, to talk about this. Everyone speaks English, so there is no language barrier. Oh, it's too much information, but since we live in different countries, we mostly communicate online. We do it via text and voice chat, so all ideas and project drafts are kept in our Discord channel. The Discord room is our secret. It is a space full of jokes and ideas, so it cannot be public.
GQ 🖤 In Korea, groups that debuted first or artists with more experience are called ‘seniors’. There is a senior group K/DA, right? K/DA is a group that created legendary stages, receiving great attention from around the world, including ‘POP/STAR’ and ‘MORE’. I think it might have been a burden because the senior group was so good.
YN ♥️ Can I call K/DA seniors right? I truly admire the success of my seniors.
KS 💛 K/DA's comeback also gave me great inspiration. I felt that the ability to show a new side while remaining faithful to the group's vision was amazing.
YN ♥️ That's right. HEARTSTEEL is still in the process of creating its vision, and at the same time, we are finding our own place on the world stage. In terms of artistic quality, we are aiming for a level as high as K/DA. However, anyone can tell that we are not a naturally gifted group like our seniors. But it's okay. There is no pressure to live up to expectations of such a sophisticated image. HEARTSTEEL is not that kind of group.
KY 💜 Also, K/DA's rapper has become so famous it doesn't mean that she can't keep in touch with old friends, right? You don’t even text me. Akali, if you are reading this, reply to me!!
GQ 🖤 How was the filming process on the music video? It must have been awkward to be together while doing individual activities. Have you ever been in a situation where you became sensitive due to a difference of opinion?
ST 🧡 No matter where you belong or in any group, it is natural for different opinions to arise from time to time. When we brought together creative people, it was inevitable that they would each have their own opinions and confront each other.
KY 💜 No one will say that, but if you ask everyone to be honest, they will say that I am the leading tackler. In terms of working methods, etc. (laugh)
ST 🧡 It's natural to have arguments when doing important things. I think that such a process is necessary in order to produce results that all members can be proud of. Only then can we deliver results that are acceptable to everyone. Is that why? Our music video came out quite well. Please take a look.
GQ 🖤 The group name is ‘HEARTSTEEL’. In Korea, names are so important that we’re saying ‘Follow the name.’ What does ‘HEARTSTEEL’ mean for a group?
KS 💛 It has two meanings. What's important is that our group is the sum of opposites, ends and opposites.
AL 💙 people have a soft and emotional heart, but they are also resilient. Just like the word ‘HEARTSTEEL’.
KS 💛: That's right. In the process of surpassing my past self, I had to be open yet alert, and sometimes optimistic yet realistic. When we make music together, we each reveal to the world pieces that are important to us. There are times when the music released like that is loved, times when it is judged, and even more so when it is hated. Although we become weak at times, we comfort and rely on each other. We will gain power over the existence of ‘us’. This is our ‘HEARTSTEEL’, and we intend to follow the meaning of the name we defined.
EZ 💚 Oh, I thought you were just stealing people's hearts. Something like ‘HEART STEAL’.
KS 💛 That’s right too haha.
GQ 🖤 I see. After listening to it, I thought it could either be a ‘HEARTSTEEL’ with a strong heart or a ‘HEARTST SEAL’ that steals the hearts of the public. So, what if you imagine that you can STEAL the heart of just one person in your life?
EZ 💚 Our fans! There is nothing more important than the hearts of fans.
KY 💜 That's not just one person's heart.
EZ 💚 … That's right.
AL 💙 (listening to Aphelios whisper) I think the concept of ‘giving’ something would be better than capturing people’s hearts. Aphelios hope HEARTSTEEL will become an inspiring brand. It's something more than just listening and enjoying. We create a space in our hearts to instill unprecedented passion in those who listen to our music. A new way to get motivated!
ST 🧡 It’s like the opposite of stealing hearts. Heart-adding, heart-growing.
GQ 🖤 In Korea, each singer has their own unique symbols, such as official colors and fandom names. Before debuting yet, what unique symbol would you like HEARTSTEEL to have?
ST 🧡 We also have a representative color for each member. I made costumes based on that color. I am Orange, Kayn is Purple, Ezreal is Green, Aphelios is Blue, K’sante is Gold, and Yone is Red.
KS 💛 The group's colors are black and yellow, and I haven't thought of a fandom name yet.
KY 💜 Cool Guys.
YN ♥️ Knives? Isn’t too K/DA-ish?
EZ 💚 Diamonds. Because it's a precious gem that makes you want to steal it. Or how about titan, short for titanium? Because titanium is much stronger than steel!
GQ 🖤 I can't leave out the story about this debut album. Producer Yone, please introduce yourself.
YN ♥️ As I said before, I played music of a genre that I liked and that only I knew about. Since group producing has to embrace everyone, I started to like genres that I had never touched before. I never thought and dreamed that I would like pop songs. We wanted our work to feel raw in every way. Because there are six men working together, a rough feeling remains here and there in the sound source. I liked hearing that. It also feels more like a ‘HEARTSTEEL’. I was in charge of overall production, and Aphelios was in charge of composing and lyrics.
AL 💙 Everything is the result of working together toward one goal. Writing and composing lyrics is a task that maximizes the feeling of ‘loneliness’, and perhaps that’s why it brings a lot of inspiration.
ST 🧡 So I guess he wrote most of the songs in his own space for hours. I was so immersed that I couldn't even bother.
AL 💙 Ezreal and Kayn also wrote their own verses and contributed greatly to the debut song.
GQ 🖤 Yone's younger brother Yasuo first had experience working as a group member with True Damage. Does Yasuo know about Yone's boy group debut? As a senior who was active first, I am curious as to whether you received any advice or encouragement.
YN ♥️ Neither I nor Yasuo are the type to ask for advice from others. Of course, they still know about my debut. Can I tell you a fun fact? Yasuo said he started making music because of me when he was young. Yasuo was a child with a much stronger sense of challenge than me. While I was spending time at home, Yasuo became independent to go further afield, and I was jealous of that. I felt trapped while Yasuo looked for allies to join him. This activity gave me the energy to pursue music again. Yasuo seemed to know that I was happy. So he says he is happy too. It's a bit of a tickling story, though.
GQ 🖤 HEARTSTEEL has just started, but I think they have been drawing a picture of the direction of their activities after the first album since making their debut album. What is HEARTSTEEL’s NEXT STEP?
YN ♥️ During the production process of ‘PARANOIA’, there were many ideas that were not tried and were saved. Among them, there were quite a few good ones. Promoting that together…
KS 💛 That's our dream.
YN ♥️ Thank you, I was thinking of a less sentimental way to say it. (Laughs)
KS 💛 There are still many things we want to explore together, and there will be various future images of HEARTSTEEL that we each envision. I think this is just the beginning.
GQ 🖤 Is there an iconic person you want to emulate?
KS 💛 Beyoncé, of course. There's no need to explain why.
KY 💜 Linkin Park, and Pentakill.
EZ 💚 Troye Sivan and K-Pop. Are you listening to the Bernese? Scream!
ST 🧡 Baekhyun, Toby Lu, ØZI, Carl Scrooby, and all the artists who collaborated while working on ‘PARANOIA’. I still can't believe we worked together.
YN ♥️ FoodMan. He is a respected producer from my hometown, Japan.
AL 💙 Aphelios is BROCKHAMPTON.
GQ 🖤 Who do you think is the visual center? Shall we point out something at the same time?
EZ 💚 Who, me?
ST 🧡 Of course it’s you. Don't you even look in the mirror? I should post the solo shot of Ezreal I took today somewhere. Looks like there's some space left on the refrigerator.
GQ 🖤 The Korean music industry has many interesting cultures with fans, such as commuting videos, fancams, fan signings, poker, coffee trucks, and sharing music video reactions. When you debut, is there a culture you wanted to experience at least once?
EZ 💚 Of course! I watched so many videos about that! I want to interact with my fans in any way possible. It is very important for us to repay the support our fans have given us so far. And this time, we prepared something even more wonderful and brought it to Korea… !
KY 💜 (Drumroll)
EZ 💚 This is the HEARTSTEEL pop-up booth that will open at HiKR GROUND! We plan to run it for a limited time starting October 24th.
AL 💙 We plan to reveal more details as a surprise. We have a variety of activities and special snacks available, so please visit us if you have time.
GQ 🖤 Is your debut stage coming soon? K/DA seniors showed a great performance on the opening stage of the 2018 World Championship Finals... Are you preparing for a similar debut stage as HEARTSTEEL?
ST 🧡 Performing at the World Championship? Haha, well, you never know.
KY 💜 I'm just a LoL fan who came to watch the game. The game is fun. (laugh)
KS 💛 I think the question is good, right? We always try to see the big picture.
GQ 🖤 When Korean idols greet their fans, each group shouts out its own catchphrase. It would be nice to have a creative and witty group catchphrase. Shall we end the interview with the greeting slogan ‘HEARTSTEEL’?
ST 🧡 Oh, actually, we’re not really an idol group… I haven't thought about that part yet, so why not decide on one thing in particular today?
EZ 💚 Our hearts are yours!
YN ♥️ Let’s come to our senses.
KS 💛 Wait a minute, I think we need a meeting. One by one, raise your hand and give your opinion.
KY 💜 Blood, death, and… Um, I don't know.
YN ♥️ Let’s break the rules.
KS 💛 This part might take some time. We will contact you again when it is decided.
submitted by RokudoMarcell to KSanteMains [link] [comments]

2023.10.19 10:59 RokudoMarcell GQ full interview translate. Greetings from ApheliosMains! :)

Witness the debut of ‘HEARTSTEEL’, which will capture your heart once you see it.
HEARTSTEEL, another virtual artist group newly introduced by Riot Games. The characters in the League of Legends game world have come together again and again with their own charms as new game idols, or even pop artists. The character who was played in the game has now emerged from that worldview and appeared in front of the public in the real world. Of course, if you are not a player, the idea of ​​a game character debuting as a singer may be an unfamiliar concept. However, as proven by the passionate love poured out for K/DA upon their debut, HEARTSTEEL will continue to show their music and world view by continuing the enthusiastic support of users for League of Legends characters. Just like any other pop star.
met HEARTSTEEL, who visited Korea ahead of their debut.
Sett, a rapper who is 'tough outside but soft inside', vocalist K’sante who plays the role of the group's mother, producer Yone, Kayn who has the talent and charm of the devil, Ezreal, an explorer on stage with a freedom spirit, the composer and lyricist of all the team's songs Aphelios, the true artist in charge. Although each of the six members speaks a different language, they sing their songs using the language of ‘music’ as their common language. We share the story of meeting HEARTSTEEL at a filming location in Seoul.
GQ 🖤 Hello. You met in a pictorial like this before debut. Is this your first photoshoot with the six of you together?
HS Hello, ! We’re HEARTSTEEL. Thank you for inviting us to Korea.
EZ 💚 Hello! I’m Ezreal. I can't believe we're in Korea. Please give us a lot of love for our debut song ‘PARANOIA’.
AP 💙 (Aphelios waves his hand)
AL 💙 My name is Alune, Aphelios' twin sister. I am answering questions on behalf of my brother so that the damage to his vocal cords does not get worse. Also i’m currently a HEARTSTEEL's manager.
GQ 🖤 Congratulations on your boy band debut.
ST 🧡 Oh, I would like to slightly correct the term ‘boy band’. Many people call HEARTSTEEL a ‘boy band’, but I don’t know if we can live up to their expectations. ‘Boy band’ makes sense in that it is literally a band made up of boys.
GQ 🖤 It is said that you guys are quite interested in fashion. Today’s pictorial was also an opportunity to welcome HEARTSTEEL in suits.
AL 💙 There are several members who are very interested in fashion. Today's pictorial outfits were styled by K’sante and Ezreal themselves.
KS 💛 Even though we are one group, it is very important for each member to express their individuality. Thank you to for providing a plan that allows us to style ourselves.
EZ 💚: Just as I did the styling myself today, I plan to do whatever role the members can do. The music video costumes for the debut song ‘PARANOIA’ were the idea of ​​the Sett. I made it based on K’sante’s design. The production team also gave the members freedom in accessories and clothing so that they could complete the look with their own flair. Perhaps that's why the results are of good quality and the members themselves seem to be highly satisfied.
GQ 🖤 I heard that HEARTSTEEL formed a group while each producing music.
KS 💛 I worked as a duo... It didn't work out. And I also released a solo album, and that was...
ST 🧡 Collapsed. haha.
KS 💛 There is a limit to what one person can fully take on and accomplish. I was quite lost after going solo. A friend from the gym named Sett, who just verbally abused me now, told me that he had a new project he was working on someday and asked if I would be interested. That was the beginning of my involvement with HEARTSTEEL.
KY 💜 I got kicked out of the band. Let's see how well it goes. haha. After posting my music on the internet, I got a call from HEARTSTEEL. And then I met these boys.
YN ♥️ Before joining HEARTSTEEL, I worked as a DJ and producer in Japan. At that time, I made music in a genre that no one was interested in. But not now. Aphelios suggested me to joinin HEARTSTEEL.
AL 💙 (listening to Aphelios' whisper) He said that he was the only one who listened to Yone's music and was care of it. Aphelios got vocal cord nodules when he was young and had to have surgery to remove them. The surgical area was completely healed, but his singing voice was never back. They say that if he hadn't uploaded his performance videos to social media, he would still be living in the basement of his house. Sett found us after seeing our video and sent us a message. The starting point of this group's project was Sett and Ezreal.
EZ 💚 That's right. Sett and I were from the same label. We were acquaintances, but we were not friends. I was a shining star who disappeared leaving behind only one hit song. When I was slowly starting to forget about it, there was an incident with the Sett.
ST 🧡 Actually, I was having a hard time at the time for similar reasons as Ezreal. I was on my way out after receiving a dismissal notice from my agency for not liking my first album, and saw Ezreal surrounded by paparazzi. Although we had never known each other before, I helped him because I thought it would be a bit unfair to just pass him by after seeing such a scene. It turned out that Ezreal had just been fired from his agency and was on his way out. We went for a drink to share our sad feelings. We talked for quite a while and became friends through that. I thought it would be nice to work together at that drinking party.
EZ 💚 But it’s not a group made in an alcoholic state. Please don’t misunderstand that this means that it was an opportunity for us to believe that it would be good to work together.
GQ 🖤 Who is the leader of this group?
ST 🧡 K’sante and i are co-leaders
GQ 🖤 There are two leaders. It's amazing because it's my first time using a system like this. So, were there any difficulties you faced as a leaders while preparing for your debut?
ST 🧡 It was a big challenge for both of us because it was our first time creating with complete initiative.
KS 💛 If there is no exact guide on ‘what to do’ and no set rules, it becomes very liberating. Just looking at our members makes them feel so free haha. Can you imagine what kind of situation it might have been? It was nice to have a high degree of freedom, but at the same time, it was difficult to choose just one among so many ideas and options. Gathering opinions was also not easy.
ST 🧡 That is our role as leaders. It's about making difficult decisions. ‘PARANOIA’ is the debut song chosen by the two of us. It would be really fun if our debut song gets attention. But if we fail, that part will also fall on us, the leaders.
KS 💛 There is no one who can take responsibility for me. I have to endure it.
GQ 🖤 Each member has a different nationality, right? We all have different native languages, so how do we communicate? Perhaps the language of the leader, who must communicate the most with members and gather opinions, will be the standard?
AL 💙 It would be better for me, as the manager, to talk about this. Everyone speaks English, so there is no language barrier. Oh, it's too much information, but since we live in different countries, we mostly communicate online. We do it via text and voice chat, so all ideas and project drafts are kept in our Discord channel. The Discord room is our secret. It is a space full of jokes and ideas, so it cannot be public.
GQ 🖤 In Korea, groups that debuted first or artists with more experience are called ‘seniors’. There is a senior group K/DA, right? K/DA is a group that created legendary stages, receiving great attention from around the world, including ‘POP/STAR’ and ‘MORE’. I think it might have been a burden because the senior group was so good.
YN ♥️ Can I call K/DA seniors right? I truly admire the success of my seniors.
KS 💛 K/DA's comeback also gave me great inspiration. I felt that the ability to show a new side while remaining faithful to the group's vision was amazing.
YN ♥️ That's right. HEARTSTEEL is still in the process of creating its vision, and at the same time, we are finding our own place on the world stage. In terms of artistic quality, we are aiming for a level as high as K/DA. However, anyone can tell that we are not a naturally gifted group like our seniors. But it's okay. There is no pressure to live up to expectations of such a sophisticated image. HEARTSTEEL is not that kind of group.
KY 💜 Also, K/DA's rapper has become so famous it doesn't mean that she can't keep in touch with old friends, right? You don’t even text me. Akali, if you are reading this, reply to me!!
GQ 🖤 How was the filming process on the music video? It must have been awkward to be together while doing individual activities. Have you ever been in a situation where you became sensitive due to a difference of opinion?
ST 🧡 No matter where you belong or in any group, it is natural for different opinions to arise from time to time. When we brought together creative people, it was inevitable that they would each have their own opinions and confront each other.
KY 💜 No one will say that, but if you ask everyone to be honest, they will say that I am the leading tackler. In terms of working methods, etc. (laugh)
ST 🧡 It's natural to have arguments when doing important things. I think that such a process is necessary in order to produce results that all members can be proud of. Only then can we deliver results that are acceptable to everyone. Is that why? Our music video came out quite well. Please take a look.
GQ 🖤 The group name is ‘HEARTSTEEL’. In Korea, names are so important that we’re saying ‘Follow the name.’ What does ‘HEARTSTEEL’ mean for a group?
KS 💛 It has two meanings. What's important is that our group is the sum of opposites, ends and opposites.
AL 💙 people have a soft and emotional heart, but they are also resilient. Just like the word ‘HEARTSTEEL’.
KS 💛: That's right. In the process of surpassing my past self, I had to be open yet alert, and sometimes optimistic yet realistic. When we make music together, we each reveal to the world pieces that are important to us. There are times when the music released like that is loved, times when it is judged, and even more so when it is hated. Although we become weak at times, we comfort and rely on each other. We will gain power over the existence of ‘us’. This is our ‘HEARTSTEEL’, and we intend to follow the meaning of the name we defined.
EZ 💚 Oh, I thought you were just stealing people's hearts. Something like ‘HEART STEAL’.
KS 💛 That’s right too haha.
GQ 🖤 I see. After listening to it, I thought it could either be a ‘HEARTSTEEL’ with a strong heart or a ‘HEARTST SEAL’ that steals the hearts of the public. So, what if you imagine that you can STEAL the heart of just one person in your life?
EZ 💚 Our fans! There is nothing more important than the hearts of fans.
KY 💜 That's not just one person's heart.
EZ 💚 … That's right.
AL 💙 (listening to Aphelios whisper) I think the concept of ‘giving’ something would be better than capturing people’s hearts. Aphelios hope HEARTSTEEL will become an inspiring brand. It's something more than just listening and enjoying. We create a space in our hearts to instill unprecedented passion in those who listen to our music. A new way to get motivated!
ST 🧡 It’s like the opposite of stealing hearts. Heart-adding, heart-growing.
GQ 🖤 In Korea, each singer has their own unique symbols, such as official colors and fandom names. Before debuting yet, what unique symbol would you like HEARTSTEEL to have?
ST 🧡 We also have a representative color for each member. I made costumes based on that color. I am Orange, Kayn is Purple, Ezreal is Green, Aphelios is Blue, K’sante is Gold, and Yone is Red.
KS 💛 The group's colors are black and yellow, and I haven't thought of a fandom name yet.
KY 💜 Cool Guys.
YN ♥️ Knives? Isn’t too K/DA-ish?
EZ 💚 Diamonds. Because it's a precious gem that makes you want to steal it. Or how about titan, short for titanium? Because titanium is much stronger than steel!
GQ 🖤 I can't leave out the story about this debut album. Producer Yone, please introduce yourself.
YN ♥️ As I said before, I played music of a genre that I liked and that only I knew about. Since group producing has to embrace everyone, I started to like genres that I had never touched before. I never thought and dreamed that I would like pop songs. We wanted our work to feel raw in every way. Because there are six men working together, a rough feeling remains here and there in the sound source. I liked hearing that. It also feels more like a ‘HEARTSTEEL’. I was in charge of overall production, and Aphelios was in charge of composing and lyrics.
AL 💙 Everything is the result of working together toward one goal. Writing and composing lyrics is a task that maximizes the feeling of ‘loneliness’, and perhaps that’s why it brings a lot of inspiration.
ST 🧡 So I guess he wrote most of the songs in his own space for hours. I was so immersed that I couldn't even bother.
AL 💙 Ezreal and Kayn also wrote their own verses and contributed greatly to the debut song.
GQ 🖤 Yone's younger brother Yasuo first had experience working as a group member with True Damage. Does Yasuo know about Yone's boy group debut? As a senior who was active first, I am curious as to whether you received any advice or encouragement.
YN ♥️ Neither I nor Yasuo are the type to ask for advice from others. Of course, they still know about my debut. Can I tell you a fun fact? Yasuo said he started making music because of me when he was young. Yasuo was a child with a much stronger sense of challenge than me. While I was spending time at home, Yasuo became independent to go further afield, and I was jealous of that. I felt trapped while Yasuo looked for allies to join him. This activity gave me the energy to pursue music again. Yasuo seemed to know that I was happy. So he says he is happy too. It's a bit of a tickling story, though.
GQ 🖤 HEARTSTEEL has just started, but I think they have been drawing a picture of the direction of their activities after the first album since making their debut album. What is HEARTSTEEL’s NEXT STEP?
YN ♥️ During the production process of ‘PARANOIA’, there were many ideas that were not tried and were saved. Among them, there were quite a few good ones. Promoting that together…
KS 💛 That's our dream.
YN ♥️ Thank you, I was thinking of a less sentimental way to say it. (Laughs)
KS 💛 There are still many things we want to explore together, and there will be various future images of HEARTSTEEL that we each envision. I think this is just the beginning.
GQ 🖤 Is there an iconic person you want to emulate?
KS 💛 Beyoncé, of course. There's no need to explain why.
KY 💜 Linkin Park, and Pentakill.
EZ 💚 Troye Sivan and K-Pop. Are you listening to the Bernese? Scream!
ST 🧡 Baekhyun, Toby Lu, ØZI, Carl Scrooby, and all the artists who collaborated while working on ‘PARANOIA’. I still can't believe we worked together.
YN ♥️ FoodMan. He is a respected producer from my hometown, Japan.
AL 💙 Aphelios is BROCKHAMPTON.
GQ 🖤 Who do you think is the visual center? Shall we point out something at the same time?
EZ 💚 Who, me?
ST 🧡 Of course it’s you. Don't you even look in the mirror? I should post the solo shot of Ezreal I took today somewhere. Looks like there's some space left on the refrigerator.
GQ 🖤 The Korean music industry has many interesting cultures with fans, such as commuting videos, fancams, fan signings, poker, coffee trucks, and sharing music video reactions. When you debut, is there a culture you wanted to experience at least once?
EZ 💚 Of course! I watched so many videos about that! I want to interact with my fans in any way possible. It is very important for us to repay the support our fans have given us so far. And this time, we prepared something even more wonderful and brought it to Korea… !
KY 💜 (Drumroll)
EZ 💚 This is the HEARTSTEEL pop-up booth that will open at HiKR GROUND! We plan to run it for a limited time starting October 24th.
AL 💙 We plan to reveal more details as a surprise. We have a variety of activities and special snacks available, so please visit us if you have time.
GQ 🖤 Is your debut stage coming soon? K/DA seniors showed a great performance on the opening stage of the 2018 World Championship Finals... Are you preparing for a similar debut stage as HEARTSTEEL?
ST 🧡 Performing at the World Championship? Haha, well, you never know.
KY 💜 I'm just a LoL fan who came to watch the game. The game is fun. (laugh)
KS 💛 I think the question is good, right? We always try to see the big picture.
GQ 🖤 When Korean idols greet their fans, each group shouts out its own catchphrase. It would be nice to have a creative and witty group catchphrase. Shall we end the interview with the greeting slogan ‘HEARTSTEEL’?
ST 🧡 Oh, actually, we’re not really an idol group… I haven't thought about that part yet, so why not decide on one thing in particular today?
EZ 💚 Our hearts are yours!
YN ♥️ Let’s come to our senses.
KS 💛 Wait a minute, I think we need a meeting. One by one, raise your hand and give your opinion.
KY 💜 Blood, death, and… Um, I don't know.
YN ♥️ Let’s break the rules.
KS 💛 This part might take some time. We will contact you again when it is decided.
submitted by RokudoMarcell to ezrealmains [link] [comments]

2023.10.19 10:57 RokudoMarcell GQ full interview translate. Greetings from ApheliosMains! :)

Witness the debut of ‘HEARTSTEEL’, which will capture your heart once you see it.
HEARTSTEEL, another virtual artist group newly introduced by Riot Games. The characters in the League of Legends game world have come together again and again with their own charms as new game idols, or even pop artists. The character who was played in the game has now emerged from that worldview and appeared in front of the public in the real world. Of course, if you are not a player, the idea of ​​a game character debuting as a singer may be an unfamiliar concept. However, as proven by the passionate love poured out for K/DA upon their debut, HEARTSTEEL will continue to show their music and world view by continuing the enthusiastic support of users for League of Legends characters. Just like any other pop star.
met HEARTSTEEL, who visited Korea ahead of their debut.
Sett, a rapper who is 'tough outside but soft inside', vocalist K’sante who plays the role of the group's mother, producer Yone, Kayn who has the talent and charm of the devil, Ezreal, an explorer on stage with a freedom spirit, the composer and lyricist of all the team's songs Aphelios, the true artist in charge. Although each of the six members speaks a different language, they sing their songs using the language of ‘music’ as their common language. We share the story of meeting HEARTSTEEL at a filming location in Seoul.
GQ 🖤 Hello. You met in a pictorial like this before debut. Is this your first photoshoot with the six of you together?
HS Hello, ! We’re HEARTSTEEL. Thank you for inviting us to Korea.
EZ 💚 Hello! I’m Ezreal. I can't believe we're in Korea. Please give us a lot of love for our debut song ‘PARANOIA’.
AP 💙 (Aphelios waves his hand)
AL 💙 My name is Alune, Aphelios' twin sister. I am answering questions on behalf of my brother so that the damage to his vocal cords does not get worse. Also i’m currently a HEARTSTEEL's manager.
GQ 🖤 Congratulations on your boy band debut.
ST 🧡 Oh, I would like to slightly correct the term ‘boy band’. Many people call HEARTSTEEL a ‘boy band’, but I don’t know if we can live up to their expectations. ‘Boy band’ makes sense in that it is literally a band made up of boys.
GQ 🖤 It is said that you guys are quite interested in fashion. Today’s pictorial was also an opportunity to welcome HEARTSTEEL in suits.
AL 💙 There are several members who are very interested in fashion. Today's pictorial outfits were styled by K’sante and Ezreal themselves.
KS 💛 Even though we are one group, it is very important for each member to express their individuality. Thank you to for providing a plan that allows us to style ourselves.
EZ 💚: Just as I did the styling myself today, I plan to do whatever role the members can do. The music video costumes for the debut song ‘PARANOIA’ were the idea of ​​the Sett. I made it based on K’sante’s design. The production team also gave the members freedom in accessories and clothing so that they could complete the look with their own flair. Perhaps that's why the results are of good quality and the members themselves seem to be highly satisfied.
GQ 🖤 I heard that HEARTSTEEL formed a group while each producing music.
KS 💛 I worked as a duo... It didn't work out. And I also released a solo album, and that was...
ST 🧡 Collapsed. haha.
KS 💛 There is a limit to what one person can fully take on and accomplish. I was quite lost after going solo. A friend from the gym named Sett, who just verbally abused me now, told me that he had a new project he was working on someday and asked if I would be interested. That was the beginning of my involvement with HEARTSTEEL.
KY 💜 I got kicked out of the band. Let's see how well it goes. haha. After posting my music on the internet, I got a call from HEARTSTEEL. And then I met these boys.
YN ♥️ Before joining HEARTSTEEL, I worked as a DJ and producer in Japan. At that time, I made music in a genre that no one was interested in. But not now. Aphelios suggested me to joinin HEARTSTEEL.
AL 💙 (listening to Aphelios' whisper) He said that he was the only one who listened to Yone's music and was care of it. Aphelios got vocal cord nodules when he was young and had to have surgery to remove them. The surgical area was completely healed, but his singing voice was never back. They say that if he hadn't uploaded his performance videos to social media, he would still be living in the basement of his house. Sett found us after seeing our video and sent us a message. The starting point of this group's project was Sett and Ezreal.
EZ 💚 That's right. Sett and I were from the same label. We were acquaintances, but we were not friends. I was a shining star who disappeared leaving behind only one hit song. When I was slowly starting to forget about it, there was an incident with the Sett.
ST 🧡 Actually, I was having a hard time at the time for similar reasons as Ezreal. I was on my way out after receiving a dismissal notice from my agency for not liking my first album, and saw Ezreal surrounded by paparazzi. Although we had never known each other before, I helped him because I thought it would be a bit unfair to just pass him by after seeing such a scene. It turned out that Ezreal had just been fired from his agency and was on his way out. We went for a drink to share our sad feelings. We talked for quite a while and became friends through that. I thought it would be nice to work together at that drinking party.
EZ 💚 But it’s not a group made in an alcoholic state. Please don’t misunderstand that this means that it was an opportunity for us to believe that it would be good to work together.
GQ 🖤 Who is the leader of this group?
ST 🧡 K’sante and i are co-leaders
GQ 🖤 There are two leaders. It's amazing because it's my first time using a system like this. So, were there any difficulties you faced as a leaders while preparing for your debut?
ST 🧡 It was a big challenge for both of us because it was our first time creating with complete initiative.
KS 💛 If there is no exact guide on ‘what to do’ and no set rules, it becomes very liberating. Just looking at our members makes them feel so free haha. Can you imagine what kind of situation it might have been? It was nice to have a high degree of freedom, but at the same time, it was difficult to choose just one among so many ideas and options. Gathering opinions was also not easy.
ST 🧡 That is our role as leaders. It's about making difficult decisions. ‘PARANOIA’ is the debut song chosen by the two of us. It would be really fun if our debut song gets attention. But if we fail, that part will also fall on us, the leaders.
KS 💛 There is no one who can take responsibility for me. I have to endure it.
GQ 🖤 Each member has a different nationality, right? We all have different native languages, so how do we communicate? Perhaps the language of the leader, who must communicate the most with members and gather opinions, will be the standard?
AL 💙 It would be better for me, as the manager, to talk about this. Everyone speaks English, so there is no language barrier. Oh, it's too much information, but since we live in different countries, we mostly communicate online. We do it via text and voice chat, so all ideas and project drafts are kept in our Discord channel. The Discord room is our secret. It is a space full of jokes and ideas, so it cannot be public.
GQ 🖤 In Korea, groups that debuted first or artists with more experience are called ‘seniors’. There is a senior group K/DA, right? K/DA is a group that created legendary stages, receiving great attention from around the world, including ‘POP/STAR’ and ‘MORE’. I think it might have been a burden because the senior group was so good.
YN ♥️ Can I call K/DA seniors right? I truly admire the success of my seniors.
KS 💛 K/DA's comeback also gave me great inspiration. I felt that the ability to show a new side while remaining faithful to the group's vision was amazing.
YN ♥️ That's right. HEARTSTEEL is still in the process of creating its vision, and at the same time, we are finding our own place on the world stage. In terms of artistic quality, we are aiming for a level as high as K/DA. However, anyone can tell that we are not a naturally gifted group like our seniors. But it's okay. There is no pressure to live up to expectations of such a sophisticated image. HEARTSTEEL is not that kind of group.
KY 💜 Also, K/DA's rapper has become so famous it doesn't mean that she can't keep in touch with his old friends, right? You don’t even text me. Akali, if you are reading this, reply to me!!
GQ 🖤 How was the filming process on the music video? It must have been awkward to be together while doing individual activities. Have you ever been in a situation where you became sensitive due to a difference of opinion?
ST 🧡 No matter where you belong or in any group, it is natural for different opinions to arise from time to time. When we brought together creative people, it was inevitable that they would each have their own opinions and confront each other.
KY 💜 No one will say that, but if you ask everyone to be honest, they will say that I am the leading tackler. In terms of working methods, etc. (laugh)
ST 🧡 It's natural to have arguments when doing important things. I think that such a process is necessary in order to produce results that all members can be proud of. Only then can we deliver results that are acceptable to everyone. Is that why? Our music video came out quite well. Please take a look.
GQ 🖤 The group name is ‘HEARTSTEEL’. In Korea, names are so important that we’re saying ‘Follow the name.’ What does ‘HEARTSTEEL’ mean for a group?
KS 💛 It has two meanings. What's important is that our group is the sum of opposites, ends and opposites.
AL 💙 people have a soft and emotional heart, but they are also resilient. Just like the word ‘HEARTSTEEL’.
KS 💛 That's right. In the process of surpassing my past self, I had to be open yet alert, and sometimes optimistic yet realistic. When we make music together, we each reveal to the world pieces that are important to us. There are times when the music released like that is loved, times when it is judged, and even more so when it is hated. Although we become weak at times, we comfort and rely on each other. We will gain power over the existence of ‘us’. This is our ‘HEARTSTEEL’, and we intend to follow the meaning of the name we defined.
EZ 💚 Oh, I thought you were just stealing people's hearts. Something like ‘HEART STEAL’.
KS 💛 That’s right too haha.
GQ 🖤 I see. After listening to it, I thought it could either be a ‘HEARTSTEEL’ with a strong heart or a ‘HEARTST SEAL’ that steals the hearts of the public. So, what if you imagine that you can STEAL the heart of just one person in your life?
EZ 💚 Our fans! There is nothing more important than the hearts of fans.
KY 💜 That's not just one person's heart.
EZ 💚 … That's right.
AL 💙 (listening to Aphelios whisper) I think the concept of ‘giving’ something would be better than capturing people’s hearts. Aphelios hope HEARTSTEEL will become an inspiring brand. It's something more than just listening and enjoying. We create a space in our hearts to instill unprecedented passion in those who listen to our music. A new way to get motivated!
ST 🧡 It’s like the opposite of stealing hearts. Heart-adding, heart-growing.
GQ 🖤 In Korea, each singer has their own unique symbols, such as official colors and fandom names. Before debuting yet, what unique symbol would you like HEARTSTEEL to have?
ST 🧡 We also have a representative color for each member. I made costumes based on that color. I am Orange, Kayn is Purple, Ezreal is Green, Aphelios is Blue, K’sante is Gold, and Yone is Red.
KS 💛 The group's colors are black and yellow, and I haven't thought of a fandom name yet.
KY 💜 Cool Guys.
YN ♥️ Knives? Isn’t too K/DA-ish?
EZ 💚 Diamonds. Because it's a precious gem that makes you want to steal it. Or how about titan, short for titanium? Because titanium is much stronger than steel!
GQ 🖤 I can't leave out the story about this debut album. Producer Yone, please introduce yourself.
YN ♥️ As I said before, I played music of a genre that I liked and that only I knew about. Since group producing has to embrace everyone, I started to like genres that I had never touched before. I never thought and dreamed that I would like pop songs. We wanted our work to feel raw in every way. Because there are six men working together, a rough feeling remains here and there in the sound source. I liked hearing that. It also feels more like a ‘HEARTSTEEL’. I was in charge of overall production, and Aphelios was in charge of composing and lyrics.
AL 💙 Everything is the result of working together toward one goal. Writing and composing lyrics is a task that maximizes the feeling of ‘loneliness’, and perhaps that’s why it brings a lot of inspiration.
ST 🧡 So I guess he wrote most of the songs in his own space for hours. I was so immersed that I couldn't even bother.
AL 💙 Ezreal and Kayn also wrote their own verses and contributed greatly to the debut song.
GQ 🖤 Yone's younger brother Yasuo first had experience working as a group member with True Damage. Does Yasuo know about Yone's boy group debut? As a senior who was active first, I am curious as to whether you received any advice or encouragement.
YN ♥️ Neither I nor Yasuo are the type to ask for advice from others. Of course, they still know about my debut. Can I tell you a fun fact? Yasuo said he started making music because of me when he was young. Yasuo was a child with a much stronger sense of challenge than me. While I was spending time at home, Yasuo became independent to go further afield, and I was jealous of that. I felt trapped while Yasuo looked for allies to join him. This activity gave me the energy to pursue music again. Yasuo seemed to know that I was happy. So he says he is happy too. It's a bit of a tickling story, though.
GQ 🖤 HEARTSTEEL has just started, but I think they have been drawing a picture of the direction of their activities after the first album since making their debut album. What is HEARTSTEEL’s NEXT STEP?
YN ♥️ During the production process of ‘PARANOIA’, there were many ideas that were not tried and were saved. Among them, there were quite a few good ones. Promoting that together…
KS 💛 That's our dream.
YN ♥️ Thank you, I was thinking of a less sentimental way to say it. (Laughs)
KS 💛 There are still many things we want to explore together, and there will be various future images of HEARTSTEEL that we each envision. I think this is just the beginning.
GQ 🖤 Is there an iconic person you want to emulate?
KS 💛 Beyoncé, of course. There's no need to explain why.
KY 💜 Linkin Park, and Pentakill.
EZ 💚 Troye Sivan and K-Pop. Are you listening to the Bernese? Scream!
ST 🧡 Baekhyun, Toby Lu, ØZI, Carl Scrooby, and all the artists who collaborated while working on ‘PARANOIA’. I still can't believe we worked together.
YN ♥️ FoodMan. He is a respected producer from my hometown, Japan.
AL 💙 Aphelios' is BROCKHAMPTON.
GQ 🖤 Who do you think is the visual center? Shall we point out something at the same time?
EZ 💚 Who, me?
ST 🧡 Of course it’s you. Don't you even look in the mirror? I should post the solo shot of Ezreal I took today somewhere. Looks like there's some space left on the refrigerator.
GQ 🖤 The Korean music industry has many interesting cultures with fans, such as commuting videos, fancams, fan signings, poker, coffee trucks, and sharing music video reactions. When you debut, is there a culture you wanted to experience at least once?
EZ 💚 Of course! I watched so many videos about that! I want to interact with my fans in any way possible. It is very important for us to repay the support our fans have given us so far. And this time, we prepared something even more wonderful and brought it to Korea… !
KY 💜 (Drumroll)
EZ 💚 This is the HEARTSTEEL pop-up booth that will open at HiKR GROUND! We plan to run it for a limited time starting October 24th.
AL 💙 We plan to reveal more details as a surprise. We have a variety of activities and special snacks available, so please visit us if you have time.
GQ 🖤 Is your debut stage coming soon? K/DA seniors showed a great performance on the opening stage of the 2018 World Championship Finals... Are you preparing for a similar debut stage as HEARTSTEEL?
ST 🧡 Performing at the World Championship? Haha, well, you never know.
KY 💜 I'm just a LoL fan who came to watch the game. The game is fun. (laugh)
KS 💛 I think the question is good, right? We always try to see the big picture.
GQ 🖤 When Korean idols greet their fans, each group shouts out its own catchphrase. It would be nice to have a creative and witty group catchphrase. Shall we end the interview with the greeting slogan ‘HEARTSTEEL’?
ST 🧡 Oh, actually, we’re not really an idol group… I haven't thought about that part yet, so why not decide on one thing in particular today?
EZ 💚 Our hearts are yours!
YN ♥️ Let’s come to our senses.
KS 💛 Wait a minute, I think we need a meeting. One by one, raise your hand and give your opinion.
KY 💜 Blood, death, and… Um, I don't know.
YN ♥️ Let’s break the rules.
KS 💛 This part might take some time. We will contact you again when it is decided.
submitted by RokudoMarcell to YoneMains [link] [comments]

2023.10.19 10:56 RokudoMarcell GQ full interview translate. Greetings from ApheliosMains! :)

Witness the debut of ‘HEARTSTEEL’, which will capture your heart once you see it.
HEARTSTEEL, another virtual artist group newly introduced by Riot Games. The characters in the League of Legends game world have come together again and again with their own charms as new game idols, or even pop artists. The character who was played in the game has now emerged from that worldview and appeared in front of the public in the real world. Of course, if you are not a player, the idea of ​​a game character debuting as a singer may be an unfamiliar concept. However, as proven by the passionate love poured out for K/DA upon their debut, HEARTSTEEL will continue to show their music and world view by continuing the enthusiastic support of users for League of Legends characters. Just like any other pop star.
met HEARTSTEEL, who visited Korea ahead of their debut.
Sett, a rapper who is 'tough outside but soft inside', vocalist K’sante who plays the role of the group's mother, producer Yone, Kayn who has the talent and charm of the devil, Ezreal, an explorer on stage with a freedom spirit, the composer and lyricist of all the team's songs Aphelios, the true artist in charge. Although each of the six members speaks a different language, they sing their songs using the language of ‘music’ as their common language. We share the story of meeting HEARTSTEEL at a filming location in Seoul.
GQ 🖤 Hello. You met in a pictorial like this before debut. Is this your first photoshoot with the six of you together?
HS Hello, ! We’re HEARTSTEEL. Thank you for inviting us to Korea.
EZ 💚 Hello! I’m Ezreal. I can't believe we're in Korea. Please give us a lot of love for our debut song ‘PARANOIA’.
AP 💙 (Aphelios waves his hand)
AL 💙 My name is Alune, Aphelios' twin sister. I am answering questions on behalf of my brother so that the damage to his vocal cords does not get worse. Also i’m currently a HEARTSTEEL's manager.
GQ 🖤 Congratulations on your boy band debut.
ST 🧡 Oh, I would like to slightly correct the term ‘boy band’. Many people call HEARTSTEEL a ‘boy band’, but I don’t know if we can live up to their expectations. ‘Boy band’ makes sense in that it is literally a band made up of boys.
GQ 🖤 It is said that you guys are quite interested in fashion. Today’s pictorial was also an opportunity to welcome HEARTSTEEL in suits.
AL 💙 There are several members who are very interested in fashion. Today's pictorial outfits were styled by K’sante and Ezreal themselves.
KS 💛 Even though we are one group, it is very important for each member to express their individuality. Thank you to for providing a plan that allows us to style ourselves.
EZ 💚 Just as I did the styling myself today, I plan to do whatever role the members can do. The music video costumes for the debut song ‘PARANOIA’ were the idea of ​​the Sett. I made it based on K’sante’s design. The production team also gave the members freedom in accessories and clothing so that they could complete the look with their own flair. Perhaps that's why the results are of good quality and the members themselves seem to be highly satisfied.
GQ 🖤 I heard that HEARTSTEEL formed a group while each producing music.
KS 💛 I worked as a duo... It didn't work out. And I also released a solo album, and that was...
ST 🧡 Collapsed. haha.
KS 💛 There is a limit to what one person can fully take on and accomplish. I was quite lost after going solo. A friend from the gym named Sett, who just verbally abused me now, told me that he had a new project he was working on someday and asked if I would be interested. That was the beginning of my involvement with HEARTSTEEL.
KY 💜 I got kicked out of the band. Let's see how well it goes. haha. After posting my music on the internet, I got a call from HEARTSTEEL. And then I met these boys.
YN ♥️ Before joining HEARTSTEEL, I worked as a DJ and producer in Japan. At that time, I made music in a genre that no one was interested in. But not now. Aphelios suggested me to joinin HEARTSTEEL.
AL 💙 (listening to Aphelios' whisper) He said that he was the only one who listened to Yone's music and was care of it. Aphelios got vocal cord nodules when he was young and had to have surgery to remove them. The surgical area was completely healed, but his singing voice was never back. They say that if he hadn't uploaded his performance videos to social media, he would still be living in the basement of his house. Sett found us after seeing our video and sent us a message. The starting point of this group's project was Sett and Ezreal.
EZ 💚 That's right. Sett and I were from the same label. We were acquaintances, but we were not friends. I was a shining star who disappeared leaving behind only one hit song. When I was slowly starting to forget about it, there was an incident with the Sett.
ST 🧡 Actually, I was having a hard time at the time for similar reasons as Ezreal. I was on my way out after receiving a dismissal notice from my agency for not liking my first album, and saw Ezreal surrounded by paparazzi. Although we had never known each other before, I helped him because I thought it would be a bit unfair to just pass him by after seeing such a scene. It turned out that Ezreal had just been fired from his agency and was on his way out. We went for a drink to share our sad feelings. We talked for quite a while and became friends through that. I thought it would be nice to work together at that drinking party.
EZ 💚 But it’s not a group made in an alcoholic state. Please don’t misunderstand that this means that it was an opportunity for us to believe that it would be good to work together.
GQ 🖤 Who is the leader of this group?
ST 🧡 K’sante and i are co-leaders
GQ 🖤 There are two leaders. It's amazing because it's my first time using a system like this. So, were there any difficulties you faced as a leaders while preparing for your debut?
ST 🧡 It was a big challenge for both of us because it was our first time creating with complete initiative.
KS 💛 If there is no exact guide on ‘what to do’ and no set rules, it becomes very liberating. Just looking at our members makes them feel so free haha. Can you imagine what kind of situation it might have been? It was nice to have a high degree of freedom, but at the same time, it was difficult to choose just one among so many ideas and options. Gathering opinions was also not easy.
ST 🧡 That is our role as leaders. It's about making difficult decisions. ‘PARANOIA’ is the debut song chosen by the two of us. It would be really fun if our debut song gets attention. But if we fail, that part will also fall on us, the leaders.
KS 💛 There is no one who can take responsibility for me. I have to endure it.
GQ 🖤 Each member has a different nationality, right? We all have different native languages, so how do we communicate? Perhaps the language of the leader, who must communicate the most with members and gather opinions, will be the standard?
AL 💙 It would be better for me, as the manager, to talk about this. Everyone speaks English, so there is no language barrier. Oh, it's too much information, but since we live in different countries, we mostly communicate online. We do it via text and voice chat, so all ideas and project drafts are kept in our Discord channel. The Discord room is our secret. It is a space full of jokes and ideas, so it cannot be public.
GQ 🖤 In Korea, groups that debuted first or artists with more experience are called ‘seniors’. There is a senior group K/DA, right? K/DA is a group that created legendary stages, receiving great attention from around the world, including ‘POP/STAR’ and ‘MORE’. I think it might have been a burden because the senior group was so good.
YN ♥️ Can I call K/DA seniors right? I truly admire the success of my seniors.
KS 💛 K/DA's comeback also gave me great inspiration. I felt that the ability to show a new side while remaining faithful to the group's vision was amazing.
YN ♥️ That's right. HEARTSTEEL is still in the process of creating its vision, and at the same time, we are finding our own place on the world stage. In terms of artistic quality, we are aiming for a level as high as K/DA. However, anyone can tell that we are not a naturally gifted group like our seniors. But it's okay. There is no pressure to live up to expectations of such a sophisticated image. HEARTSTEEL is not that kind of group.
KY 💜 Also, K/DA's rapper has become so famous it doesn't mean that she can't keep in touch with old friends, right? You don’t even text me. Akali, if you are reading this, reply to me!!
GQ 🖤 How was the filming process on the music video? It must have been awkward to be together while doing individual activities. Have you ever been in a situation where you became sensitive due to a difference of opinion?
ST 🧡 No matter where you belong or in any group, it is natural for different opinions to arise from time to time. When we brought together creative people, it was inevitable that they would each have their own opinions and confront each other.
KY 💜 No one will say that, but if you ask everyone to be honest, they will say that I am the leading tackler. In terms of working methods, etc. (laugh)
ST 🧡 It's natural to have arguments when doing important things. I think that such a process is necessary in order to produce results that all members can be proud of. Only then can we deliver results that are acceptable to everyone. Is that why? Our music video came out quite well. Please take a look.
GQ 🖤 The group name is ‘HEARTSTEEL’. In Korea, names are so important that we’re saying ‘Follow the name.’ What does ‘HEARTSTEEL’ mean for a group?
KS 💛 It has two meanings. What's important is that our group is the sum of opposites, ends and opposites.
AL 💙 people have a soft and emotional heart, but they are also resilient. Just like the word ‘HEARTSTEEL’.
KS 💛 That's right. In the process of surpassing my past self, I had to be open yet alert, and sometimes optimistic yet realistic. When we make music together, we each reveal to the world pieces that are important to us. There are times when the music released like that is loved, times when it is judged, and even more so when it is hated. Although we become weak at times, we comfort and rely on each other. We will gain power over the existence of ‘us’. This is our ‘HEARTSTEEL’, and we intend to follow the meaning of the name we defined.
EZ 💚 Oh, I thought you were just stealing people's hearts. Something like ‘HEART STEAL’.
KS 💛 That’s right too haha.
GQ 🖤 I see. After listening to it, I thought it could either be a ‘HEARTSTEEL’ with a strong heart or a ‘HEARTST SEAL’ that steals the hearts of the public. So, what if you imagine that you can STEAL the heart of just one person in your life?
EZ 💚 Our fans! There is nothing more important than the hearts of fans.
KY 💜 That's not just one person's heart.
EZ 💚 … That's right.
AL 💙 (listening to Aphelios whisper) I think the concept of ‘giving’ something would be better than capturing people’s hearts. Aphelios hope HEARTSTEEL will become an inspiring brand. It's something more than just listening and enjoying. We create a space in our hearts to instill unprecedented passion in those who listen to our music. A new way to get motivated!
ST 🧡 It’s like the opposite of stealing hearts. Heart-adding, heart-growing.
GQ 🖤 In Korea, each singer has their own unique symbols, such as official colors and fandom names. Before debuting yet, what unique symbol would you like HEARTSTEEL to have?
ST 🧡 We also have a representative color for each member. I made costumes based on that color. I am Orange, Kayn is Purple, Ezreal is Green, Aphelios is Blue, K’sante is Gold, and Yone is Red.
KS 💛 The group's colors are black and yellow, and I haven't thought of a fandom name yet.
KY 💜 Cool Guys.
YN ♥️ Knives? Isn’t too K/DA-ish?
EZ 💚 Diamonds. Because it's a precious gem that makes you want to steal it. Or how about titan, short for titanium? Because titanium is much stronger than steel!
GQ 🖤 I can't leave out the story about this debut album. Producer Yone, please introduce yourself.
YN ♥️ As I said before, I played music of a genre that I liked and that only I knew about. Since group producing has to embrace everyone, I started to like genres that I had never touched before. I never thought and dreamed that I would like pop songs. We wanted our work to feel raw in every way. Because there are six men working together, a rough feeling remains here and there in the sound source. I liked hearing that. It also feels more like a ‘HEARTSTEEL’. I was in charge of overall production, and Aphelios was in charge of composing and lyrics.
AL 💙 Everything is the result of working together toward one goal. Writing and composing lyrics is a task that maximizes the feeling of ‘loneliness’, and perhaps that’s why it brings a lot of inspiration.
ST 🧡 So I guess he wrote most of the songs in his own space for hours. I was so immersed that I couldn't even bother.
AL 💙 Ezreal and Kayn also wrote their own verses and contributed greatly to the debut song.
GQ 🖤 Yone's younger brother Yasuo first had experience working as a group member with True Damage. Does Yasuo know about Yone's boy group debut? As a senior who was active first, I am curious as to whether you received any advice or encouragement.
YN ♥️ Neither I nor Yasuo are the type to ask for advice from others. Of course, they still know about my debut. Can I tell you a fun fact? Yasuo said he started making music because of me when he was young. Yasuo was a child with a much stronger sense of challenge than me. While I was spending time at home, Yasuo became independent to go further afield, and I was jealous of that. I felt trapped while Yasuo looked for allies to join him. This activity gave me the energy to pursue music again. Yasuo seemed to know that I was happy. So he says he is happy too. It's a bit of a tickling story, though.
GQ 🖤 HEARTSTEEL has just started, but I think they have been drawing a picture of the direction of their activities after the first album since making their debut album. What is HEARTSTEEL’s NEXT STEP?
YN ♥️ During the production process of ‘PARANOIA’, there were many ideas that were not tried and were saved. Among them, there were quite a few good ones. Promoting that together…
KS 💛 That's our dream.
YN ♥️ Thank you, I was thinking of a less sentimental way to say it. (Laughs)
KS 💛 There are still many things we want to explore together, and there will be various future images of HEARTSTEEL that we each envision. I think this is just the beginning.
GQ 🖤 Is there an iconic person you want to emulate?
KS 💛 Beyoncé, of course. There's no need to explain why.
KY 💜 Linkin Park, and Pentakill.
EZ 💚 Troye Sivan and K-Pop. Are you listening to the Bernese? Scream!
ST 🧡 Baekhyun, Toby Lu, ØZI, Carl Scrooby, and all the artists who collaborated while working on ‘PARANOIA’. I still can't believe we worked together.
YN ♥️ FoodMan. He is a respected producer from my hometown, Japan.
AL 💙 Aphelios is BROCKHAMPTON.
GQ 🖤 Who do you think is the visual center? Shall we point out something at the same time?
EZ 💚 Who, me?
ST 🧡 Of course it’s you. Don't you even look in the mirror? I should post the solo shot of Ezreal I took today somewhere. Looks like there's some space left on the refrigerator.
GQ 🖤 The Korean music industry has many interesting cultures with fans, such as commuting videos, fancams, fan signings, poker, coffee trucks, and sharing music video reactions. When you debut, is there a culture you wanted to experience at least once?
EZ 💚 Of course! I watched so many videos about that! I want to interact with my fans in any way possible. It is very important for us to repay the support our fans have given us so far. And this time, we prepared something even more wonderful and brought it to Korea… !
KY 💜 (Drumroll)
EZ 💚 This is the HEARTSTEEL pop-up booth that will open at HiKR GROUND! We plan to run it for a limited time starting October 24th.
AL 💙 We plan to reveal more details as a surprise. We have a variety of activities and special snacks available, so please visit us if you have time.
GQ 🖤 Is your debut stage coming soon? K/DA seniors showed a great performance on the opening stage of the 2018 World Championship Finals... Are you preparing for a similar debut stage as HEARTSTEEL?
ST 🧡 Performing at the World Championships? Haha, well, you never know.
KY 💜 I'm just a LoL fan who came to watch the game. The game is fun. (laugh)
KS 💛 I think the question is good, right? We always try to see the big picture.
GQ 🖤 When Korean idols greet their fans, each group shouts out its own catchphrase. It would be nice to have a creative and witty group catchphrase. Shall we end the interview with the greeting slogan ‘HEARTSTEEL’?
ST 🧡 Oh, actually, we’re not really an idol group… I haven't thought about that part yet, so why not decide on one thing in particular today?
EZ 💚 Our hearts are yours!
YN ♥️ Let’s come to our senses.
KS 💛 Wait a minute, I think we need a meeting. One by one, raise your hand and give your opinion.
KY 💜 Blood, death, and… Um, I don't know.
YN ♥️ Let’s break the rules.
KS 💛 This part might take some time. We will contact you again when it is decided.
submitted by RokudoMarcell to KaynMains [link] [comments]

2023.10.19 10:54 RokudoMarcell GQ full interview traslation. Greeting from ApheliosMains! :)

Witness the debut of ‘HEARTSTEEL’, which will capture your heart once you see it.
HEARTSTEEL, another virtual artist group newly introduced by Riot Games. The characters in the League of Legends game world have come together again and again with their own charms as new game idols, or even pop artists. The character who was played in the game has now emerged from that worldview and appeared in front of the public in the real world. Of course, if you are not a player, the idea of ​​a game character debuting as a singer may be an unfamiliar concept. However, as proven by the passionate love poured out for K/DA upon their debut, HEARTSTEEL will continue to show their music and world view by continuing the enthusiastic support of users for League of Legends characters. Just like any other pop star.
met HEARTSTEEL, who visited Korea ahead of their debut.
Set, a rapper who is 'tough outside but soft inside', vocalist K’sante who plays the role of the group's mother, producer Yone, Kayn who has the talent and charm of the devil, Ezreal, an explorer on stage with a freedom spirit, the composer and lyricist of all the team's songs Aphelios, the true artist in charge. Although each of the six members speaks a different language, they sing their songs using the language of ‘music’ as their common language. We share the story of meeting HEARTSTEEL at a filming location in Seoul.
GQ 🖤 Hello. You met in a pictorial like this before debut. Is this your first photoshoot with the six of you together?
HS Hello, ! We’re HEARTSTEEL. Thank you for inviting us to Korea.
EZ 💚 Hello! I’m Ezreal. I can't believe we're in Korea. Please give us a lot of love for our debut song ‘PARANOIA’.
AP 💙 (Aphelios waves his hand)
AL 💙 My name is Alune, Aphelios' twin sister. I am answering questions on behalf of my brother so that the damage to his vocal cords does not get worse. Also i’m currently a HEARTSTEEL's manager.
GQ 🖤 Congratulations on your boy band debut.
ST 🧡 Oh, I would like to slightly correct the term ‘boy band’. Many people call HEARTSTEEL a ‘boy band’, but I don’t know if we can live up to their expectations. ‘Boy band’ makes sense in that it is literally a band made up of boys.
GQ 🖤 It is said that you guys are quite interested in fashion. Today’s pictorial was also an opportunity to welcome HEARTSTEEL in suits.
AL 💙 There are several members who are very interested in fashion. Today's pictorial outfits were styled by K’sante and Ezreal themselves.
KS 💛 Even though we are one group, it is very important for each member to express their individuality. Thank you to for providing a plan that allows us to style ourselves.
EZ 💚: Just as I did the styling myself today, I plan to do whatever role the members can do. The music video costumes for the debut song ‘PARANOIA’ were the idea of ​​the Sett. I made it based on K’sante’s design. The production team also gave the members freedom in accessories and clothing so that they could complete the look with their own flair. Perhaps that's why the results are of good quality and the members themselves seem to be highly satisfied.
GQ 🖤 I heard that HEARTSTEEL formed a group while each producing music.
KS 💛 I worked as a duo... It didn't work out. And I also released a solo album, and that was...
ST 🧡 Collapsed. haha.
KS 💛 There is a limit to what one person can fully take on and accomplish. I was quite lost after going solo. A friend from the gym named Sett, who just verbally abused me now, told me that he had a new project he was working on someday and asked if I would be interested. That was the beginning of my involvement with HEARTSTEEL.
KY 💜 I got kicked out of the band. Let's see how well it goes. haha. After posting my music on the internet, I got a call from HEARTSTEEL. And then I met these boys.
YN ♥️ Before joining HEARTSTEEL, I worked as a DJ and producer in Japan. At that time, I made music in a genre that no one was interested in. But not now. Aphelios suggested me to joinin HEARTSTEEL.
AL 💙 (listening to Aphelios' whisper) He said that he was the only one who listened to Yone's music and was care of it. Aphelios got vocal cord nodules when he was young and had to have surgery to remove them. The surgical area was completely healed, but his singing voice was never back. They say that if he hadn't uploaded his performance videos to social media, he would still be living in the basement of his house. Sett found us after seeing our video and sent us a message. The starting point of this group's project was Sett and Ezreal.
EZ 💚 That's right. Sett and I were from the same label. We were acquaintances, but we were not friends. I was a shining star who disappeared leaving behind only one hit song. When I was slowly starting to forget about it, there was an incident with the Sett.
ST 🧡 Actually, I was having a hard time at the time for similar reasons as Ezreal. I was on my way out after receiving a dismissal notice from my agency for not liking my first album, and saw Ezreal surrounded by paparazzi. Although we had never known each other before, I helped him because I thought it would be a bit unfair to just pass him by after seeing such a scene. It turned out that Ezreal had just been fired from his agency and was on his way out. We went for a drink to share our sad feelings. We talked for quite a while and became friends through that. I thought it would be nice to work together at that drinking party.
EZ 💚 But it’s not a group made in an alcoholic state. Please don’t misunderstand that this means that it was an opportunity for us to believe that it would be good to work together.
GQ 🖤 Who is the leader of this group?
ST 🧡 K’sante and i are co-leaders
GQ 🖤 There are two leaders. It's amazing because it's my first time using a system like this. So, were there any difficulties you faced as a leaders while preparing for your debut?
ST 🧡 It was a big challenge for both of us because it was our first time creating with complete initiative.
KS 💛 If there is no exact guide on ‘what to do’ and no set rules, it becomes very liberating. Just looking at our members makes them feel so free haha. Can you imagine what kind of situation it might have been? It was nice to have a high degree of freedom, but at the same time, it was difficult to choose just one among so many ideas and options. Gathering opinions was also not easy.
ST 🧡 That is our role as leaders. It's about making difficult decisions. ‘PARANOIA’ is the debut song chosen by the two of us. It would be really fun if our debut song gets attention. But if we fail, that part will also fall on us, the leaders.
KS 💛 There is no one who can take responsibility for me. I have to endure it.
GQ 🖤 Each member has a different nationality, right? We all have different native languages, so how do we communicate? Perhaps the language of the leader, who must communicate the most with members and gather opinions, will be the standard?
AL 💙 It would be better for me, as the manager, to talk about this. Everyone speaks English, so there is no language barrier. Oh, it's too much information, but since we live in different countries, we mostly communicate online. We do it via text and voice chat, so all ideas and project drafts are kept in our Discord channel. The Discord room is our secret. It is a space full of jokes and ideas, so it cannot be public.
GQ 🖤 In Korea, groups that debuted first or artists with more experience are called ‘seniors’. There is a senior group K/DA, right? K/DA is a group that created legendary stages, receiving great attention from around the world, including ‘POP/STAR’ and ‘MORE’. I think it might have been a burden because the senior group was so good.
YN ♥️ Can I call K/DA seniors right? I truly admire the success of my seniors.
KS 💛 K/DA's comeback also gave me great inspiration. I felt that the ability to show a new side while remaining faithful to the group's vision was amazing.
YN ♥️: That's right. HEARTSTEEL is still in the process of creating its vision, and at the same time, we are finding our own place on the world stage. In terms of artistic quality, we are aiming for a level as high as K/DA. However, anyone can tell that we are not a naturally gifted group like our seniors. But it's okay. There is no pressure to live up to expectations of such a sophisticated image. HEARTSTEEL is not that kind of group.
KY 💜 Also, K/DA's rapper has become so famous it doesn't mean that she can't keep in touch with his old friends, right? You don’t even text me. Akali, if you are reading this, reply to me!!
GQ 🖤 How was the filming process on the music video? It must have been awkward to be together while doing individual activities. Have you ever been in a situation where you became sensitive due to a difference of opinion?
ST 🧡 No matter where you belong or in any group, it is natural for different opinions to arise from time to time. When we brought together creative people, it was inevitable that they would each have their own opinions and confront each other.
KY 💜 No one will say that, but if you ask everyone to be honest, they will say that I am the leading tackler. In terms of working methods, etc. (laugh)
ST 🧡 It's natural to have arguments when doing important things. I think that such a process is necessary in order to produce results that all members can be proud of. Only then can we deliver results that are acceptable to everyone. Is that why? Our music video came out quite well. Please take a look.
GQ 🖤 The group name is ‘HEARTSTEEL’. In Korea, names are so important that we’re saying ‘Follow the name.’ What does ‘HEARTSTEEL’ mean for a group?
KS 💛 It has two meanings. What's important is that our group is the sum of opposites, ends and opposites.
AL 💙 people have a soft and emotional heart, but they are also resilient. Just like the word ‘HEARTSTEEL’.
KS 💛: That's right. In the process of surpassing my past self, I had to be open yet alert, and sometimes optimistic yet realistic. When we make music together, we each reveal to the world pieces that are important to us. There are times when the music released like that is loved, times when it is judged, and even more so when it is hated. Although we become weak at times, we comfort and rely on each other. We will gain power over the existence of ‘us’. This is our ‘HEARTSTEEL’, and we intend to follow the meaning of the name we defined.
EZ 💚 Oh, I thought you were just stealing people's hearts. Something like ‘HEART STEAL’.
KS 💛 That’s right too haha.
GQ 🖤 I see. After listening to it, I thought it could either be a ‘HEARTSTEEL’ with a strong heart or a ‘HEARTST SEAL’ that steals the hearts of the public. So, what if you imagine that you can STEAL the heart of just one person in your life?
EZ 💚 Our fans! There is nothing more important than the hearts of fans.
KY 💜 That's not just one person's heart.
EZ 💚 … That's right.
AL 💙 (listening to Aphelios whisper) I think the concept of ‘giving’ something would be better than capturing people’s hearts. Aphelios hope HEARTSTEEL will become an inspiring brand. It's something more than just listening and enjoying. We create a space in our hearts to instill unprecedented passion in those who listen to our music. A new way to get motivated!
ST 🧡 It’s like the opposite of stealing hearts. Heart-adding, heart-growing.
GQ 🖤 In Korea, each singer has their own unique symbols, such as official colors and fandom names. Before debuting yet, what unique symbol would you like HEARTSTEEL to have?
ST 🧡 We also have a representative color for each member. I made costumes based on that color. I am Orange, Kayn is Purple, Ezreal is Green, Aphelios is Blue, K’sante is Gold, and Yone is Red.
KS 💛 The group's colors are black and yellow, and I haven't thought of a fandom name yet.
KY 💜 Cool Guys.
YN ♥️ Knives? Isn’t too K/DA-ish?
EZ 💚 Diamonds. Because it's a precious gem that makes you want to steal it. Or how about titan, short for titanium? Because titanium is much stronger than steel!
GQ 🖤 I can't leave out the story about this debut album. Producer Yone, please introduce yourself.
YN ♥️ As I said before, I played music of a genre that I liked and that only I knew about. Since group producing has to embrace everyone, I started to like genres that I had never touched before. I never thought and dreamed that I would like pop songs. We wanted our work to feel raw in every way. Because there are six men working together, a rough feeling remains here and there in the sound source. I liked hearing that. It also feels more like a ‘HEARTSTEEL’. I was in charge of overall production, and Aphelios was in charge of composing and lyrics.
AL 💙 Everything is the result of working together toward one goal. Writing and composing lyrics is a task that maximizes the feeling of ‘loneliness’, and perhaps that’s why it brings a lot of inspiration.
ST 🧡 So I guess he wrote most of the songs in his own space for hours. I was so immersed that I couldn't even bother.
AL 💙 Ezreal and Kayn also wrote their own verses and contributed greatly to the debut song.
GQ 🖤 Yone's younger brother Yasuo first had experience working as a group member with True Damage. Does Yasuo know about Yone's boy group debut? As a senior who was active first, I am curious as to whether you received any advice or encouragement.
YN ♥️ Neither I nor Yasuo are the type to ask for advice from others. Of course, they still know about my debut. Can I tell you a fun fact? Yasuo said he started making music because of me when he was young. Yasuo was a child with a much stronger sense of challenge than me. While I was spending time at home, Yasuo became independent to go further afield, and I was jealous of that. I felt trapped while Yasuo looked for allies to join him. This activity gave me the energy to pursue music again. Yasuo seemed to know that I was happy. So he says he is happy too. It's a bit of a tickling story, though.
GQ 🖤 HEARTSTEEL has just started, but I think they have been drawing a picture of the direction of their activities after the first album since making their debut album. What is HEARTSTEEL’s NEXT STEP?
YN ♥️ During the production process of ‘PARANOIA’, there were many ideas that were not tried and were saved. Among them, there were quite a few good ones. Promoting that together…
KS 💛 That's our dream.
YN ♥️ Thank you, I was thinking of a less sentimental way to say it. (Laughs)
KS 💛 There are still many things we want to explore together, and there will be various future images of HEARTSTEEL that we each envision. I think this is just the beginning.
GQ 🖤 Is there an iconic person you want to emulate?
KS 💛 Beyoncé, of course. There's no need to explain why.
KY 💜 Linkin Park, and Pentakill.
EZ 💚 Troye Sivan and K-Pop. Are you listening to the Bernese? Scream!
ST 🧡 Baekhyun, Toby Lu, ØZI, Carl Scrooby, and all the artists who collaborated while working on ‘PARANOIA’. I still can't believe we worked together.
YN ♥️ FoodMan. He is a respected producer from my hometown, Japan.
AL 💙 Aphelios is BROCKHAMPTON.
GQ 🖤 Who do you think is the visual center? Shall we point out something at the same time?
EZ 💚 Who, me?
ST 🧡 Of course it’s you. Don't you even look in the mirror? I should post the solo shot of Ezreal I took today somewhere. Looks like there's some space left on the refrigerator.
GQ 🖤 The Korean music industry has many interesting cultures with fans, such as commuting videos, fancams, fan signings, poker, coffee trucks, and sharing music video reactions. When you debut, is there a culture you wanted to experience at least once?
EZ 💚 Of course! I watched so many videos about that! I want to interact with my fans in any way possible. It is very important for us to repay the support our fans have given us so far. And this time, we prepared something even more wonderful and brought it to Korea… !
KY 💜 (Drumroll)
EZ 💚 This is the HEARTSTEEL pop-up booth that will open at HiKR GROUND! We plan to run it for a limited time starting October 24th.
AL 💙 We plan to reveal more details as a surprise. We have a variety of activities and special snacks available, so please visit us if you have time.
GQ 🖤 Is your debut stage coming soon? K/DA seniors showed a great performance on the opening stage of the 2018 World Championship Finals... Are you preparing for a similar debut stage as HEARTSTEEL?
ST 🧡 Performing at the World Championships? Haha, well, you never know.
KY 💜 I'm just a LoL fan who came to watch the game. The game is fun. (laugh)
KS 💛 I think the question is good, right? We always try to see the big picture.
GQ 🖤 When Korean idols greet their fans, each group shouts out its own catchphrase. It would be nice to have a creative and witty group catchphrase. Shall we end the interview with the greeting slogan ‘HEARTSTEEL’?
ST 🧡 Oh, actually, we’re not really an idol group… I haven't thought about that part yet, so why not decide on one thing in particular today?
EZ 💚 Our hearts are yours!
YN ♥️ Let’s come to our senses.
KS 💛 Wait a minute, I think we need a meeting. One by one, raise your hand and give your opinion.
KY 💜 Blood, death, and… Um, I don't know.
YN ♥️ Let’s break the rules.
KS 💛 This part might take some time. We will contact you again when it is decided.
submitted by RokudoMarcell to settmains [link] [comments]

2023.10.19 10:52 RokudoMarcell GQ full interview translate. You're welcome :)

Witness the debut of ‘HEARTSTEEL’, which will capture your heart once you see it.
HEARTSTEEL, another virtual artist group newly introduced by Riot Games. The characters in the League of Legends game world have come together again and again with their own charms as new game idols, or even pop artists. The character who was played in the game has now emerged from that worldview and appeared in front of the public in the real world. Of course, if you are not a player, the idea of ​​a game character debuting as a singer may be an unfamiliar concept. However, as proven by the passionate love poured out for K/DA upon their debut, HEARTSTEEL will continue to show their music and world view by continuing the enthusiastic support of users for League of Legends characters. Just like any other pop star.
met HEARTSTEEL, who visited Korea ahead of their debut.
Set, a rapper who is 'tough outside but soft inside', vocalist K’sante who plays the role of the group's mother, producer Yone, Kayn who has the talent and charm of the devil, Ezreal, an explorer on stage with a freedom spirit, the composer and lyricist of all the team's songs Aphelios, the true artist in charge. Although each of the six members speaks a different language, they sing their songs using the language of ‘music’ as their common language. We share the story of meeting HEARTSTEEL at a filming location in Seoul.
GQ 🖤 Hello. You met in a pictorial like this before debut. Is this your first photoshoot with the six of you together?
HS Hello, ! We’re HEARTSTEEL. Thank you for inviting us to Korea.
EZ 💚 Hello! I’m Ezreal. I can't believe we're in Korea. Please give us a lot of love for our debut song ‘PARANOIA’.
AP 💙 (Aphelios waves his hand)
AL 💙 My name is Alune, Aphelios' twin sister. I am answering questions on behalf of my brother so that the damage to his vocal cords does not get worse. Also i’m currently a HEARTSTEEL's manager.
GQ 🖤 Congratulations on your boy band debut.
ST 🧡 Oh, I would like to slightly correct the term ‘boy band’. Many people call HEARTSTEEL a ‘boy band’, but I don’t know if we can live up to their expectations. ‘Boy band’ makes sense in that it is literally a band made up of boys.
GQ 🖤 It is said that you guys are quite interested in fashion. Today’s pictorial was also an opportunity to welcome HEARTSTEEL in suits.
AL 💙 There are several members who are very interested in fashion. Today's pictorial outfits were styled by K’sante and Ezreal themselves.
KS 💛 Even though we are one group, it is very important for each member to express their individuality. Thank you to for providing a plan that allows us to style ourselves.
EZ 💚: Just as I did the styling myself today, I plan to do whatever role the members can do. The music video costumes for the debut song ‘PARANOIA’ were the idea of ​​the Sett. I made it based on K’sante’s design. The production team also gave the members freedom in accessories and clothing so that they could complete the look with their own flair. Perhaps that's why the results are of good quality and the members themselves seem to be highly satisfied.
GQ 🖤 I heard that HEARTSTEEL formed a group while each producing music.
KS 💛 I worked as a duo... It didn't work out. And I also released a solo album, and that was...
ST 🧡 Collapsed. haha.
KS 💛 There is a limit to what one person can fully take on and accomplish. I was quite lost after going solo. A friend from the gym named Sett, who just verbally abused me now, told me that he had a new project he was working on someday and asked if I would be interested. That was the beginning of my involvement with HEARTSTEEL.
KY 💜 I got kicked out of the band. Let's see how well it goes. haha. After posting my music on the internet, I got a call from HEARTSTEEL. And then I met these boys.
YN ♥️ Before joining HEARTSTEEL, I worked as a DJ and producer in Japan. At that time, I made music in a genre that no one was interested in. But not now. Aphelios suggested me to joinin HEARTSTEEL.
AL 💙 (listening to Aphelios' whisper) He said that he was the only one who listened to Yone's music and was care of it. Aphelios got vocal cord nodules when he was young and had to have surgery to remove them. The surgical area was completely healed, but his singing voice was never back. They say that if he hadn't uploaded his performance videos to social media, he would still be living in the basement of his house. Sett found us after seeing our video and sent us a message. The starting point of this group's project was Sett and Ezreal.
EZ 💚 That's right. Sett and I were from the same label. We were acquaintances, but we were not friends. I was a shining star who disappeared leaving behind only one hit song. When I was slowly starting to forget about it, there was an incident with the Sett.
ST 🧡 Actually, I was having a hard time at the time for similar reasons as Ezreal. I was on my way out after receiving a dismissal notice from my agency for not liking my first album, and saw Ezreal surrounded by paparazzi. Although we had never known each other before, I helped him because I thought it would be a bit unfair to just pass him by after seeing such a scene. It turned out that Ezreal had just been fired from his agency and was on his way out. We went for a drink to share our sad feelings. We talked for quite a while and became friends through that. I thought it would be nice to work together at that drinking party.
EZ 💚 But it’s not a group made in an alcoholic state. Please don’t misunderstand that this means that it was an opportunity for us to believe that it would be good to work together.
GQ 🖤 Who is the leader of this group?
ST 🧡 K’sante and i are co-leaders
GQ 🖤 There are two leaders. It's amazing because it's my first time using a system like this. So, were there any difficulties you faced as a leaders while preparing for your debut?
ST 🧡 It was a big challenge for both of us because it was our first time creating with complete initiative.
KS 💛 If there is no exact guide on ‘what to do’ and no set rules, it becomes very liberating. Just looking at our members makes them feel so free haha. Can you imagine what kind of situation it might have been? It was nice to have a high degree of freedom, but at the same time, it was difficult to choose just one among so many ideas and options. Gathering opinions was also not easy.
ST 🧡 That is our role as leaders. It's about making difficult decisions. ‘PARANOIA’ is the debut song chosen by the two of us. It would be really fun if our debut song gets attention. But if we fail, that part will also fall on us, the leaders.
KS 💛 There is no one who can take responsibility for me. I have to endure it.
GQ 🖤 Each member has a different nationality, right? We all have different native languages, so how do we communicate? Perhaps the language of the leader, who must communicate the most with members and gather opinions, will be the standard?
AL 💙 It would be better for me, as the manager, to talk about this. Everyone speaks English, so there is no language barrier. Oh, it's too much information, but since we live in different countries, we mostly communicate online. We do it via text and voice chat, so all ideas and project drafts are kept in our Discord channel. The Discord room is our secret. It is a space full of jokes and ideas, so it cannot be public.
GQ 🖤 In Korea, groups that debuted first or artists with more experience are called ‘seniors’. There is a senior group K/DA, right? K/DA is a group that created legendary stages, receiving great attention from around the world, including ‘POP/STAR’ and ‘MORE’. I think it might have been a burden because the senior group was so good.
YN ♥️ Can I call K/DA seniors right? I truly admire the success of my seniors.
KS 💛 K/DA's comeback also gave me great inspiration. I felt that the ability to show a new side while remaining faithful to the group's vision was amazing.
YN ♥️: That's right. HEARTSTEEL is still in the process of creating its vision, and at the same time, we are finding our own place on the world stage. In terms of artistic quality, we are aiming for a level as high as K/DA. However, anyone can tell that we are not a naturally gifted group like our seniors. But it's okay. There is no pressure to live up to expectations of such a sophisticated image. HEARTSTEEL is not that kind of group.
KY 💜 Also, K/DA's rapper has become so famous it doesn't mean that she can't keep in touch with his old friends, right? You don’t even text me. Akali, if you are reading this, reply to me!!
GQ 🖤 How was the filming process on the music video? It must have been awkward to be together while doing individual activities. Have you ever been in a situation where you became sensitive due to a difference of opinion?
ST 🧡 No matter where you belong or in any group, it is natural for different opinions to arise from time to time. When we brought together creative people, it was inevitable that they would each have their own opinions and confront each other.
KY 💜 No one will say that, but if you ask everyone to be honest, they will say that I am the leading tackler. In terms of working methods, etc. (laugh)
ST 🧡 It's natural to have arguments when doing important things. I think that such a process is necessary in order to produce results that all members can be proud of. Only then can we deliver results that are acceptable to everyone. Is that why? Our music video came out quite well. Please take a look.
GQ 🖤 The group name is ‘HEARTSTEEL’. In Korea, names are so important that we’re saying ‘Follow the name.’ What does ‘HEARTSTEEL’ mean for a group?
KS 💛 It has two meanings. What's important is that our group is the sum of opposites, ends and opposites.
AL 💙 people have a soft and emotional heart, but they are also resilient. Just like the word ‘HEARTSTEEL’.
KS 💛: That's right. In the process of surpassing my past self, I had to be open yet alert, and sometimes optimistic yet realistic. When we make music together, we each reveal to the world pieces that are important to us. There are times when the music released like that is loved, times when it is judged, and even more so when it is hated. Although we become weak at times, we comfort and rely on each other. We will gain power over the existence of ‘us’. This is our ‘HEARTSTEEL’, and we intend to follow the meaning of the name we defined.
EZ 💚 Oh, I thought you were just stealing people's hearts. Something like ‘HEART STEAL’.
KS 💛 That’s right too haha.
GQ 🖤 I see. After listening to it, I thought it could either be a ‘HEARTSTEEL’ with a strong heart or a ‘HEARTST SEAL’ that steals the hearts of the public. So, what if you imagine that you can STEAL the heart of just one person in your life?
EZ 💚 Our fans! There is nothing more important than the hearts of fans.
KY 💜 That's not just one person's heart.
EZ 💚 … That's right.
AL 💙 (listening to Aphelios whisper) I think the concept of ‘giving’ something would be better than capturing people’s hearts. Aphelios hope HEARTSTEEL will become an inspiring brand. It's something more than just listening and enjoying. We create a space in our hearts to instill unprecedented passion in those who listen to our music. A new way to get motivated!
ST 🧡 It’s like the opposite of stealing hearts. Heart-adding, heart-growing.
GQ 🖤 In Korea, each singer has their own unique symbols, such as official colors and fandom names. Before debuting yet, what unique symbol would you like HEARTSTEEL to have?
ST 🧡 We also have a representative color for each member. I made costumes based on that color. I am Orange, Kayn is Purple, Ezreal is Green, Aphelios is Blue, K’sante is Gold, and Yone is Red.
KS 💛 The group's colors are black and yellow, and I haven't thought of a fandom name yet.
KY 💜 Cool Guys.
YN ♥️ Knives? Isn’t too K/DA-ish?
EZ 💚 Diamonds. Because it's a precious gem that makes you want to steal it. Or how about titan, short for titanium? Because titanium is much stronger than steel!
GQ 🖤 I can't leave out the story about this debut album. Producer Yone, please introduce yourself.
YN ♥️ As I said before, I played music of a genre that I liked and that only I knew about. Since group producing has to embrace everyone, I started to like genres that I had never touched before. I never thought and dreamed that I would like pop songs. We wanted our work to feel raw in every way. Because there are six men working together, a rough feeling remains here and there in the sound source. I liked hearing that. It also feels more like a ‘HEARTSTEEL’. I was in charge of overall production, and Aphelios was in charge of composing and lyrics.
AL 💙 Everything is the result of working together toward one goal. Writing and composing lyrics is a task that maximizes the feeling of ‘loneliness’, and perhaps that’s why it brings a lot of inspiration.
ST 🧡 So I guess he wrote most of the songs in his own space for hours. I was so immersed that I couldn't even bother.
AL 💙 Ezreal and Kayn also wrote their own verses and contributed greatly to the debut song.
GQ 🖤 Yone's younger brother Yasuo first had experience working as a group member with True Damage. Does Yasuo know about Yone's boy group debut? As a senior who was active first, I am curious as to whether you received any advice or encouragement.
YN ♥️ Neither I nor Yasuo are the type to ask for advice from others. Of course, they still know about my debut. Can I tell you a fun fact? Yasuo said he started making music because of me when he was young. Yasuo was a child with a much stronger sense of challenge than me. While I was spending time at home, Yasuo became independent to go further afield, and I was jealous of that. I felt trapped while Yasuo looked for allies to join him. This activity gave me the energy to pursue music again. Yasuo seemed to know that I was happy. So he says he is happy too. It's a bit of a tickling story, though.
GQ 🖤 HEARTSTEEL has just started, but I think they have been drawing a picture of the direction of their activities after the first album since making their debut album. What is HEARTSTEEL’s NEXT STEP?
YN ♥️ During the production process of ‘PARANOIA’, there were many ideas that were not tried and were saved. Among them, there were quite a few good ones. Promoting that together…
KS 💛 That's our dream.
YN ♥️ Thank you, I was thinking of a less sentimental way to say it. (Laughs)
KS 💛 There are still many things we want to explore together, and there will be various future images of HEARTSTEEL that we each envision. I think this is just the beginning.
GQ 🖤 Is there an iconic person you want to emulate?
KS 💛 Beyoncé, of course. There's no need to explain why.
KY 💜 Linkin Park, and Pentakill.
EZ 💚 Troye Sivan and K-Pop. Are you listening to the Bernese? Scream!
ST 🧡 Baekhyun, Toby Lu, ØZI, Carl Scrooby, and all the artists who collaborated while working on ‘PARANOIA’. I still can't believe we worked together.
YN ♥️ FoodMan. He is a respected producer from my hometown, Japan.
AL 💙 Aphelios is BROCKHAMPTON.
GQ 🖤 Who do you think is the visual center? Shall we point out something at the same time?
EZ 💚 Who, me?
ST 🧡 Of course it’s you. Don't you even look in the mirror? I should post the solo shot of Ezreal I took today somewhere. Looks like there's some space left on the refrigerator.
GQ 🖤 The Korean music industry has many interesting cultures with fans, such as commuting videos, fancams, fan signings, poker, coffee trucks, and sharing music video reactions. When you debut, is there a culture you wanted to experience at least once?
EZ 💚 Of course! I watched so many videos about that! I want to interact with my fans in any way possible. It is very important for us to repay the support our fans have given us so far. And this time, we prepared something even more wonderful and brought it to Korea… !
KY 💜 (Drumroll)
EZ 💚 This is the HEARTSTEEL pop-up booth that will open at HiKR GROUND! We plan to run it for a limited time starting October 24th.
AL 💙 We plan to reveal more details as a surprise. We have a variety of activities and special snacks available, so please visit us if you have time.
GQ 🖤 Is your debut stage coming soon? K/DA seniors showed a great performance on the opening stage of the 2018 World Championship Finals... Are you preparing for a similar debut stage as HEARTSTEEL?
ST 🧡 Performing at the World Championships? Haha, well, you never know.
KY 💜 I'm just a LoL fan who came to watch the game. The game is fun. (laugh)
KS 💛 I think the question is good, right? We always try to see the big picture.
GQ 🖤 When Korean idols greet their fans, each group shouts out its own catchphrase. It would be nice to have a creative and witty group catchphrase. Shall we end the interview with the greeting slogan ‘HEARTSTEEL’?
ST 🧡 Oh, actually, we’re not really an idol group… I haven't thought about that part yet, so why not decide on one thing in particular today?
EZ 💚 Our hearts are yours!
YN ♥️ Let’s come to our senses.
KS 💛 Wait a minute, I think we need a meeting. One by one, raise your hand and give your opinion.
KY 💜 Blood, death, and… Um, I don't know.
YN ♥️ Let’s break the rules.
KS 💛 This part might take some time. We will contact you again when it is decided.
submitted by RokudoMarcell to ApheliosMains [link] [comments]

2023.08.23 08:41 Erwinblackthorn 5 Easy Steps To Save The Gaming Industry Step 5: Water

Step 1: Wood
Step 2: Fire
Step 3: Earth
Step 4: Metal

Step 5: Water

The water of gaming, the dying or hiding stage, at the dead of winter, is where we experience our final attribute to connect to gaming. It is the most mysterious, but also the most important. The entertainment aspect is the most fluid, because it is considered as the most subjective. Who are we to tell others what they are entertained with? What exactly can be constituted as “objective” entertainment?
As humans, we strive to be aroused, and more than in the Freudian sexual way. Arousal in a human is a heightened state of alertness and awakeness, with a focus set on the object in question. It’s hard for us to fall asleep when we’re horny and it’s hard for us to be bored during a state of rage. A game is designed to keep us in a state of arousal, and we are aroused by it because it’s activating many things in our primitive brain. It is our unconscious desires for survival and flourishing that triggers this arousal towards a bunch of programmed pixels.
The simulation that something happened through a video game is reserved for our sight and hearing; with anything else having to be past our senses because we’re not able to touch, taste, or smell anything. In fact, one of the most important senses for arousal are touch and taste, with sight and hearing reserved for something like music or whatever stimulating image can be conjured. A game has one job: keep us stimulated for arousal as long as possible. But this tiny job is always mistaken by the word “occupied”.
I can be occupied by anything and not be aroused. It’s not like being occupied at the DMV means that the DMV is arousing. I can also be aroused by a single thing for so long, because I’m only there as a sense of curiosity. Whenever we check a game out, we’re seeing if it offers anything worth enjoying. If there is nothing worth enjoying, we give up on it after the first playthrough, assuming we played the entire thing.
It’s a dirty trick, but the main way game companies have tried to get us to play through an entire game is by trying to make us care about the story involved. A game doesn’t really need a story, in the same way a game of poker doesn’t need a narrative to enjoy the game. I don’t need to hear about some kind of fantasy world or made up war to start shooting things up and figuring out puzzles. If Resident Evil or Sonic the Hedgehog had zero story, we would still be enjoying a crazy maze or a fun track through levels. If you ever wanted to examine how terrible gaming is now, try to imagine the entire thing absent of any graphics or peer pressure.
Would you still be playing it?
The yin of water, of the entertainment, is the reward you gain from being aroused. Most of it is through spectacle, the mindless attractive nature of short lived events. Something like a fireworks show is pretty, but it lasts once and you are not impressed by it ever again. Most action movies have the problem of being only a one time watch, with any repeated watch becoming both useless and unwanted. We’re trapped in this sense of “I already saw that” rather than “I love this part”.
The rejection of seeing something or playing something again is the lack of arousal, which means there is nothing to be awarded. The reward for something like beating a puzzle is the bragging ability that you solved a puzzle. Whether it’s a lateral or linear puzzle, we’re happy that we solved it either way, but that joy comes with only one use. As much as I enjoy puzzles, it’s not really a good way to deliver rewards, which is why point and click was such a short lived genre of the 90s. It needs to have a reward that’s both constant and repeatable, which is where our most primitive instincts come in.
When we were living in caves, surviving off the land, we had men going out to hunt and women going out to gather. The men would be the ones who tracked animals and scouted for good housing locations. The women would examine plants for eating and take care of the family at home. Men communicated to command and women communicated to express their emotions. This simple dynamic explains everything about game genres and entertainment in general.
We are not acting as an adventure simply because we think it’s fun. We think it’s a moment of the past when we had to survive for something dramatic like the winter or through isolation. A lot of games are trying to be builders of some kind, where you upgrade your character or your map in some way to present a form of progress. This is seen as entertaining for a moment, but it’s also disconnected from the element of our primal drives. Sure, we can try for a more difficult approach with hard mode, or think that more content is good, but it’s the desire to do that again that really wows us.
It’s like if you finally get the most beautiful woman in the world and you only want to have sex with her once. We really have to ask ourselves what the point of it was. Maybe it’s the thrill of the chase, but with one chase you’re done? Would a hunter stop trying to hunt a prey just because they hunted one of them? That sounds more like a nuisance than an objective, which is why we treat a lot of games now as something to put up with.
This is because the yin of water, the reason we game to begin with, is corrupted by a mixture of consumerism from the companies and self-deception from ourselves. We are not aware, as a consumer, of the difference between addiction and beneficial arousal. Before industrialization, only the rich aristocrats could afford luxury time, with everyone else struggling and striving to get food on the table every day. Once everything we have in our house was able to be purchased from the money we get from our wage labor, the amount of luxury time for the average person increased dramatically.
Even with our eight hour work days, we are able to offer about 72 hours a week to everything else. Most gamers will play throughout a whole weekend, eating and chatting it up while they lay on the bed or sit in their chair. It’s no different than when old men would whittle or old ladies would knit. The main difference is that this hobby costs money and people are spending tons of money in order to retain their hobby. No matter how many classics or favorite games you have, you always want to play more.
Consumerism, the idea that consumer demands matter the most as they continue to consume, is an idea that started with metrosexuals and what we used to call “ninnies”. Gaming right now is treated as a trend, with fashion as the main means of why we would buy a game. We hold onto brands and companies as if these mean anything. We have console wars every generation in order to say who’s the better system, while both are terrible. It’s the fight between a turd sandwich and a giant douche.
But because of industrialization granting us tons of free time and having companies make everything for us, the advertising and news we see in media trick us into buying the next big thing, and we fall for it every time. Kids are forced to say “but all my friends have x” because they don’t want to feel left out next to their consumerist friends. Next thing you know, you just spent $700 on 10 games because each one was $70 a pop. Gather up all of your video game expenses and you can buy a car. The second we see how much money throughout our entire lives we have wasted on stuff we either don’t play with or didn’t even want to begin with, we will instantly be ashamed of ourselves.
The yin is our sad addiction to being consumerist, and we as the customer have to fix this one. Companies are not going to fix this, and good luck getting the consumer to change in the slightest. As I’ve said, the fashion drives the addiction, the peer pressure drives the fashion, and egotistical metrosexuality is driving the peer pressure. We are surrounded by snobs who are telling us to play the latest games, praising them for whatever reason, and then we play them and get disappointed.
It’s no surprise that metrosexuals and shitty game journalists go hand in hand. Even when they pretend they’re being counter cultural, they’re only doing it because it’s trendy in their nearby metropolis. LA, New York, Chicago, Tokyo, Paris, Toronto ; these are the places that are driving the video game industry to the ground. These are the progressive areas that the woke keep on praising and can’t understand how they’re ruining everything in the industry from the top down. This is why the woke want to bring more woke people into gaming, even though they don’t play the games and are always outed as tourists.
We used to call them normies, but now we call them tourists.
The only fix for water is to bring gaming back to being about primitive instincts and what would essentially be an educational factor. One of the most timeless games I’ve ever played was Oregon Trail on DOS, where you’re a pioneer heading to Oregon in a covered wagon. You hunt for meat, you gather plants, you trade with passer-byers, and hope you don’t die on your way to the end. The first Sonic and Megaman game was simply a maze zoomed in all the way and you had enemies here and there to keep you entertained. In fact, these enemies were a way to guide you to the end of the map, because new enemies meant you’re going the right way.
No matter what the genre is, we need to bring it back to being a beneficial arousal, and this includes having sexy characters that are feminine when they are female. The second game designers said we need to remove sexy women from gaming is the second we removed the main Freudian reason for gaming. Without an attractive character before us, what exactly is going to arouse me when playing the game? That sounds like a stupid question but that is THE question we as the customer have to ask every time we play any game ever. If there is nothing making me horny or interested in the game, what exactly is going to keep my interest?
Now, some can say that sexy women are a form of addiction in the game, and that is a valid point. I can play a crappy game that simply has a sexy woman and excuse it for being crappy. But to keep the gaming industry alive, very similar to movies and porno, we have to keep the arousal as beneficial, and women will have to compete with virtual women. There are 3 senses that are more important than visual and hearing: smell, taste, and touch. There is nothing a virtual girl can do that can counter a woman who shares the same sound or sight of the said virtual girl.
Cosplay is important. Role play is important. Women seeing what men want is important. We need sexuality, and beneficial sexuality, in gaming in order to retain our “man cave”. This is the part that fake conservatives mess up on dramatically, and how the woke end up taking over by being puritan themselves but for different reasons.
Even though I don’t talk much about it, #tittygate is still alive and well, even to this day with games that feature sex scenes. We do not need sex scenes, we need sexy characters. We need Jill Valentine, Lara Croft, Tifa Lockheart, Morrigan Aensland, the sorceress from Dragon's Crown, all sorts of busty sexy women. But we also need Ada Wong, Cammy, Blood Rayne, Tanya Adams, and Rinoa as the alternatives to what makes women so beautiful. It’s more than just adding big tits to a pair of legs and calling it a day.
Women have to be women, but a form of woman, in the same way Aphrodite and Artemis statues of ancient Greek showed the form of women of their mythology.
The water is tainted. It’s tainted by ego, consumerism, wokeness, nepotism, and a never ending chain of anti-art. Games are not made for the gamer anymore. It’s made for the customer to be addicted to nonsense and for the company to profit from nonsense. But if we fix these by returning to basics, wiping it clean, and refusing to leave classical forms of art for egotistical postmodernist autofellatio, we can keep the gaming industry alive. Indie is not the cure to this at all, because indie is a reaction to the virus.
I would say indie is the AIDS that is caused by the HIV of MSM gaming. There is nothing being cured by the syndrome unless the body is killed off and then something else takes over anew. But that would mean a giant vacuum of power in entertainment and who knows what that will bring. My guess is that it will bring a new body with fresh AIDS coursing through its bloodstream, because it will be just as metrosexual as the last. As much as I want to blame companies or people being lazy, it’s all of us together who are to blame for allowing such a crappy culture.
This is why gamergate was tied to the culture war. Another symptom to the dreadful HIV that plagues our culture, all because we removed the immune system ourselves. Power to the people and power to the player, both from postmodernist slogans about power, was nothing more than power to get AIDS. I’m just amazed that indie people pretend that they’re going to fix something by sharing the same needle. If we’re not suffering from egotistical nepotism, we’re suffering from sheer ignorance and solipsism. Even though these are 5 easy steps, they are the hardest steps to take.
I just hope someone takes them when the video game industry presses restart.
Step 1: Wood
Step 2: Fire
Step 3: Earth
Step 4: Metal
submitted by Erwinblackthorn to TDLH [link] [comments]

2023.05.08 07:30 idntoto Agen Judi Online KABAYANSLOT akan selalu menjadi pilihan terbaik untuk anda

Agen Judi Online KABAYANSLOT akan selalu menjadi pilihan terbaik untuk anda
KABAYANSLOT merupakan salah satu situs judi slot online terbaik dan terpercaya di Indonesia – yang tentunya akan memberikan anda sensasi bermain game slot berbeda dibandingkan situs lainnya. Selain sebagai situs slot gacor terbaru KABAYANSLOT juga menyediakan berbagai macan permainan judi online terlengkap yang bisa anda mainkan menggunakan 1 akun saja seperti Togel Online, Slot, Poker Online, Judi Bola dan juga Casino Online. Mungkin saat ini anda sedang mencari situs slot terpercaya agen bandar slot kabayanslot untuk anda pilih sebagai tempat anda bermain game slot online dengan aman dan nyaman. Kami dengan percaya diri menyatakan bahwa jika anda bergabung bersama KABAYANSLOT anda akan mendapatkan banyak keuntungan serta kenyamanan dalam bermain game judi online.

KABAYANSLOT yang telah berpengalaman selama 10 tahun dalam bindang perjudian online pasti telah mengerti apa saja yang dibutuhkan oleh para playernya. Terutama demi kepuasan para member kami akan memberikan pelayanan profesional yang akan membantu selama 24 jam nonstop. Kami juga menyiapkan Customer Service terbaik untuk selalu menjadi solusi bagi seluruh kendala para member kami. Anda dapat menghubungi CS yang telah kami sediakan dari berbagai macam platform seperti Line, Live Chat, Wechat, Whatsapp, SMS, Facebook dan Juga Via Telepon.
Kami juga menyediakan berbagai macan metode transaksi terbaik yang akan sangat memudahkan para player untuk melakukan deposit maupun withdraw. Tidak seluruh situs judi online yang menyediakan metode transaksi terlengkap seperti yang KABAYANSLOT lakukan. Anda dapat melakukan transaksi menggunakan Bank Online seperti BCA, BNI, MANDIRI, BRI dan CIMB. E-wallet juga telah kami sediakan seperti QRIS, DANA, OVO, GOPAY dan LINKAJA. Yang terakhir metode transaksi terpopuler yaitu menggunakan deposit via pulsa Telkomsel dan XL.
Beberapa Alasan Kenapa Permainan Slot Online Sangat Populer Di Indonesia
Mungkin banyak para member yang belum tau kenapa permainan judi slot online bisa lebih populer belakangan ini dibandingkan dengan game judi online lainnya. Kami telah melakukan survei dengan bertanya kepada para beberapa pemain slot mania yang telah menjadikan bermain slot sebagai hobi mereka. Mungkin dari beberapa pendapat yang kami terima anda tentu merasakan hal yang sama agen bandar slot kabayanslot.
Berikut ini Beberapa alasan game slot online sangat populer di Indonesia
Permainan Yang Mudah Dimengerti dan Dimainkan Segala Kalangan Mungkin beberapa diantara kalian pernah melihat berbagai kalangan masyarakat pernah bermain game slot online. KABAYANSLOT sendiri pernah melihat berbagai profesi seperti Satpam, Penjaga Warung, Ojek Online, Ibu – Ibu dan Bapak – Bapak hingga lansia sedang bermain game slot. Bagaimana mereka dapat bermain game judi online ini? Karena game slot dikenal sangat mudah dimainkan dan dimengerti oleh segala macam umur, sebab dalam bermain game slot online anda hanya perlu menekan 1 tombol saja yaitu tombol “Spin” untuk memulai permainan.
Dapat Diakses Dimanapun dan Kapanpun
Selanjutnya game mesin slot yang dulu hanya dapat dimainkan secara offline dengan mengunjungi kasino – kasino yang menyediakannya. Sekarang dengan adanya era digital berbasis internet yang membantu mesin slot masuk ke dunia online yang saat ini dikenal sebagai slot online dan dapat dimainkan juga secara online. Maka dari itu anda hanya memerlukan perangkat seperti Handphone dan PC yang dapat terhubung ke internet untuk dapat mengakses segala permainan game judi slot online dimanapun dan kapanpun dengan mudah.
Bayaran Kemenangan Besar
Terakhir tentu para pemain judi online dimanapun mengincar kemenangan yang besar dalam bermain game judi. Tidak terkecuali game slot online yang dikenal dapat memberikan anda kemenangan jackpot yang besar dengan hanya modal receh saja. Anda bisa meraih hadiah hingga jutaan rupiah walaupun dengan modal 200 perak saja. Tentu ini yang membuat game slot online semakin digandrungi oleh masyarakat Indonesia.
Demikian beberapa alasan kenapa game slot online dapat sangat populer di Indonesia hingga saat ini. Anda mungkin sependapat dengan alasan yang telah kami jelaskan di atas.
16 Daftar Situs Judi Slot Online Terbesar Tahun 2023 – 2024
Sepanjang tahun 2023 sudah banyak provider slot online gacor yang berlomba untuk menjadi yang terbaik. Akhirnya kita sudah memasuki tahun 2023 dan tentunya akan menjadi ajang perlombaan kembali bagi para pengembang game judi online di dunia untuk menjadi nomor 1. Tetapi kami disini akan memberikan anda 16 list daftar situs slot online yang dikenal sebagai provider slot terbaik sepanjang tahun 2022. Berikut ini listnya :
Slot Online Pragmatic Play Indonesia
Provider slot terbesar pertama tentu datang dari sebuah perusahaan yang sudah berdiri dari tahun 2007 yaitu Pragmatic Play. Siapa yang tidak mengenal Kakek Zeus alias Gates Of Olympus yang sangat banyak digemari oleh para pemain judi slot online di Indonesia. Game tersebut tentu datang dari provider Pragmatic yang selalu menyuguhkan game judi online terbaik dan selalu difavoritkan oleh para pemainnya. Game lain yang terkenal dari Pragmatic yaitu Spaceman, Sweet Bonanza dan Starlight Princess.
Slot Gacor CQ9
Datang dari negeri tirai bambu alias China yaitu adalah provider slot CQ9. CQ9 menawarkan sebuah permainan slot yang mengambil tema tradisional China dan berhasil menarik perhatian dengan memberikan tawaran jackpot yang besar. Game yang terkenal dari cq9 yaitu Lucky Tigers, 888 Cai Shen dan Dragon KOI.
Slot Online PG SOFT
PG Soft dapat dikatakan sebagai salah satu pesaing terbesar Pragmatic Play yang namanya semakin bersinar di tahun 2022. PG Soft menawarkan tipe permainan slot yang berbeda dan salah satu yang menarik anda bisa mendapatkan bayaran kemenangan sebesar 5x tanpa adanya scatter. Permainan terkenal dari Pocket Gaming Soft yaitu Dragon Tiger Luck, Double Fortune, Candy Burst agen bandar slot kabayanslot.
Slot Online Habanero
Siapa yang tidak mengenal Habanero? Selalu menjadi pilihan ke 2 setelah game slot Pragmatic yang selalu memberikan sensasi bermain yang sangat asik dan seru. Habanero selalu memberikan update – update game terbaru yang tidak akan membuat anda bosan dengan pilihan gamenya. Game terkenal dari Habanero yaitu KOI GATE, Fa Cai Shen, Hot Hot Fruit.
Slot Gacor Microgaming
Microgaming bekerjasama dengan situs slot terpercaya Slot77 atau Slot 77. Dari kerjasama ini Microgaming berhasil memberikan permainan dengan jackpot yang melimpah dalam waktu singkat saja. Game yang sedang hot yaitu Lucky Twins Wilds, Ark of RA dan 777 Surge.
Slot Gacor Gamatron
Kami selaku situs Slot777 juga bekerjasama dengan provider slot besar seperti Gamatron yang mengedepankan nuansa gaming kekinian. Dengan minimal deposit 10rb saja anda sudah bisa meraih jackpot hingga jutaan sampai ratusan juta rupiah dalam game online di Gamatron.
Slot Online Joker123
Joker123 atau Joker Gaming merupakan salah satu yang memperkenalkan permainan slot online pertama di Indonesia. Provider paling tua ini tentu sudah menjadi kegemaran bagi para pemain judi slot senior. Sebelum adanya provider slot yang ada saat ini, tidak lain tidak bukan tentu Joker123 selalu menjadi pilihannya. Game yang selalu dipilih dari Joker Gaming yaitu Zodiac Deluxe, Roma Legacy dan Majapahit.
Slot Online Spadegaming
Spadegaming adalah salah satu pelopor pertama dari adanya fitur Return To Player yang kita kenal saat ini dengan RTP Slot. Spadegaming salah satu yang memiliki bocoran game RTP Live Slot hingga mencapai 96.54% dan tentu saja merupakan salah satu fitur terbaik yang pernah dibuat.
Slot Online Yggdrasil
Yggdrasil merupakan pengembang game online dengan invomasi yang baru. Bermain judi slot online YGGdrasil bersama KABAYANSLOT adalah pilihan terbaik yang tentunya memiliki tampilan permainan paling apik. YGGdrasil tidak hanya berfokus dalam permainan slot online saja, tetapi mereka juga menyediakan berbagai jenis game lain seperti Tabel Game, Casino dan jenis permainan lainnya yang memiliki jackpot besar.
Slot Online RTG
Situs Slot selanjutnya adalah RTG atau Real Time Gaming. Slot online RTG sendiri berfokus untuk menawarkan permainannya di Asia. RTG sendiri didirikan oleh perusahaan Endon Technologies pada tahun 1998. Dengan kantor utama di Hongkong dan Isle of Man, membutuhkan waktu 20 tahun untuk RTG berhasil masuk sebagai jajaran pengembang game slot terbaik dunia.
Slot Online Play’n Go
Play’n Go merupakan perusahaan pengembang yang mendedikasikan dirinya untuk menyediakan game judi online modern. Perusahaan ini pertama kali didirikan pada tahun 1997 di kota Caxjo, Swedia. Saat ini perusahaan Play’n GO sudah memiliki lebih dari 50 permainan yang unik serta memiliki 30 bahasa berbeda di setiap permainannya. Game slot yang telah diciptakan juga dibuat lebih modern dan sangat compatibel diperangkat Android serta Iphone.
Slot Online Live22
Live22 merupakan pengembang game slot online yang memiliki tampilan permainan indah serta menyenangkan dan bisa dimainkan melalui seluruh platform yang ada. Anda bisa memainkannya menggunakan browser seperti Google Chrome, Mozilla, Safari atau yang lainnya. Dapat juga dimainkan menggunakan perangkat Android dan Iphone. Live22 juga memiliki game judi online lainnya seperti Live Casino dan semuanya bisa dimainkan melalui PC, MAC Os, Tabel dan yang lainnya.
Slot Online Nolimit City
Nolimit City merupakan sebuah perusahaan pengembang game slot online yang baru terdengar pada tahun 2020. Ternyata perusahaan ini sudah berdiri pada tahun 2014 di Miami, Amerika Serikat. Dengan mengandalkan teknologi yang super canggih, membuat game yang disediakan oleh Nolimit City ini akan menampilkan sensasi bermain yang apik dan seru.
Slot Online Top Trend Gaming
Top Trend gaming merupakan provider slot online yang menyediakan game yang kekinian dengan bonus jackpot yang besar. Jenis permainan dari Top Trend Gaming bermacan-macan dan dapat anda mainkan setiap hari untuk mencari jackpot. Top Trend ini berdiri di Filipina dan memiliki banyak sekali penggemarnya di Asia.
Slot Online Flow Gaming
Flow Gaming Merupakan situs slot online yang menyediakan permainan judi online paling lengkap dengan uang asli rupiah. Sebagai salah satu pesaing dari Pragmatic Play, Flow Gaming juga sudah memiliki banyak sekali anggota setia dan selalu memainkan permainan yang telah disediakan. Flow Gaming juga menyediakan taruhan judi lain seperti casino online, sport online dan poker online.
Beberapa Istilah dan Fitur Dalam Permainan Judi Slot Online
Dalam bermain judi online khususnya slot anda tentu sering mendengar beberapa istilah yang sering disebutkan oleh para player. Slot Online begitu terkenal sehingga banyak player sampai membuat beberapa istilah untuk game ini. Untuk anda yang baru ingin memulai bermain judi slot online, tentunya jangan sampai kelewatan informasi yang satu ini agar tidak bingung saat melihat beberapa istilah dalam game ini. Berikut penjelasannya :
Gacor merupakan singkatan dari kata “Gampang Bocor” yang jika diartikan adalah sebuah permainan yang memberikan kemenangan jauh lebih mudah dibandingkan game lainnya. Maka jika anda bermain game judi slot dan sering menang dalam permainan tersebut, maka game itu dapat dikatakan Gacor.
RTP Slot
RTP (Return To Player) adalah sebuah kemampuan mesin yang mampu untuk membayarkan kembali dari total kekalahan selama bermain game tersebut. RTP Slot merupakan salah satu fitur yang populer sehingga dijadikan acuan untuk memilih game slot mana yang sedang memiliki persentase RTP Live Slot yang tinggi agen bandar slot kabayanslot.
Jackpot tentunya anda sudah sering mendengarnya, khususnya dalam beberapa game judi online. Tetapi untuk anda yang masih awam kami akan jelaskan bahwa, Jackpot adalah sebuah kondisi dimana pemain berhasil mendapatkan kemenangan yang besar. Jadi jika anda bermain permainan judi slot dan berhasil meraih kemenangan dalam jumlah besar maka dapat dikatakan anda telah mendapatkan jackpot.
Maxwin dalam arti Indonesia yaitu adalah Kemenangan Maksimal. Maxwin merupakan kondisi dimana pemain berhasil meraih kemenangan maksimal dalam permainan yang dimainkan. Slot merupakan salah satu yang menyediakan fitur ini karna jika anda beruntung anda akan mendapatkan Maxwin yang tentunya lebih besar dari Jackpot.
Rungkat adalah istilah yang diciptakan oleh para pemain judi slot online Indonesia. Rungkat sendiri artinya sebuah kondisi dimana member mengalami kekalahan secara terus menerus saat bermain. Jika anda tidak ingin mengalami rungkat, maka anda dapat bergabung bersama KABAYANSLOT sebagai situs slot gacor anti rungkat.
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Berikut ini adalah salah satu fitur yang dibilang sangat membantu para member untuk meraih jackpot slot jauh lebih mudah yaitu adalah fitur Buy Free Spin. Fitur ini biasanya digunakan oleh provider slot seperti Pragmatic Play, Pg Soft dan Habanero. Anda dapat memasuki mode bonus game dengan cara membeli Free Spin dengan modal yang dikalikan 100 sebagai contoh : anda bertaruh 200 rupiah, maka untuk membeli bonus free spin anda harus membayar 200 x 100 = Rp 20.000.
Itulah beberapa istilah dalam permainan judi slot online yang mungkin dapat berguna jika anda sudah memahaminya
KABAYANSLOT selaku situs slot terlengkap tentunya telah menyediakan juga ratusan pilihan permainan yang dapat anda mainkan secara bebas dan memungkinkan anda menerima jackpot disetiap permainan. Dari begitu banyaknya pilihan game slot online yang disediakan tentu anda tidak mungkin memainkan semuanya sekaligus dan berharap langsung mendapatkan kemenangan. Karena itu kami akan memberikan anda kumpulan game judi slot online yang terkenal gacor dan gampang memberikan jackpot slot kepada pemainnya.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa game slot yang dimiliki oleh KABAYANSLOT selaku situs judi slot gacor terpercaya di Indonesia. Berikut listnya :
Slot Gacor Gates Of Olymppus
Pertama yaitu adalah game slot dari Pragmatic Play bernama Gates Of Olympus. Game yang sangat populer dan viral ini sampai menerima sebutan kakek zeus dari kalangan pecinta judi slot online Indonesia. Perkalian x500 merupakan yang terbesar dapat anda raih dan berharap terkumpul untuk mendapatkan maxwin slot. Kemenangan maksimal dari Gates Of Olympus mencapai 5000x dari total taruhan dengan RTP Slot Gacor mencapai 98.47%.
Slot Gacor Mahjong Ways
Berikutnya permainan dari PG Soft yang merupakan salah satu game dengan bayaran tertinggi. Mahjong Ways memiliki kemenangan maksimal mencapai 13000x dari total taruhan yang anda mainkan. Karena memiliki hadiah jackpot slot terbesar, maka permainan ini menjadi yang paling dicari oleh para member pecinta jackpot yang besar. RTP Slot Gacor dari game ini mencapai 95.34%.
Slot Gacor Wild West Gold
Game slot gacor selanjutnya datang kembali dari Pragamtic yaitu Wild West Gold. Permainan dengan tema kawasan koboy serta suara tembak – menembak menjadi aksi menyenangkan saat bermain game ini. Dapatkan kemenangan maksimal mencapai 5000x dari taruhan anda yang didapatkan melalui mode Free Spin 8x ketika mengumpulkan 3 Scatter. Permainan ini memiliki RTP sebesar 96.42%.
Slot Gacor Aztec Gems
Berikutnya sebuah permainan slot betema petualangan di hutan belantara untuk mencari harta karun Aztec yaitu Aztec Gems. Permainan dengan paylina 3×3 ini sangat mudah dimenangkan karena simbol yang sedikit. Kemenangan maksimal permainan ini juga mencapai 5000x dari total taruhan dengan RTP Slot Gacor mencapai 91.26%.
Slot Gacor Sweet Bonanza
Selanjutnya tidak akan ketinggalan salah satu game slot populer dari Pragmatic Play bertema dunia buah dan permen yaitu Sweet Bonanza. Permainan ini sangat banyak penggemarnya karena permainan yang mudah dimenangkan dengan perkalian terbesar 100x dari bomb yang muncul dalam mode free spin. RTP Slot Gacor dari Sweet Bonanza mencapai 97.58%.
Slot Tergacor KOI GATE
Game slot gacor berikutnya datang dari provider Slot Habanero yaitu KOI GATE. Permainan dengan suasana menenangkan karena bermain dengan tampilan dasar kolam dipenuhi ikan akan membuat anda betah saat bermain. Tetapi dengan ketenangan yang ada anda akan dibuat terkejut dengan hasil jackpot yang diberikan dari game ini mencapai 10000x dari total taruhan. Dengan cara mengumpulkan atau membuat ikan KOI berbaris sejajar dan berubah menjadi naga. RTP Slot dari KOI GATE mencapai 98.58%.
Slot Tergacor Power Of THOR
Bermain menggunakan tampilan yang unik dan mengharapkan palu akan menghancurkan simbol yang ada terdapat dalam permainan Power Of Thor. Permainan ini akan memberikan anda perkalian kemenangan maksimal sebesar 5000x dari total taruhan. RTP Slot dari permainan ini mencapai 94.57%.
Permainan Slot Gacor Spaceman
Terakhir adalah permainan yang tidak sama seperti permainan slot lainnya. Spaceman slot dari Pragmatic Play merupakan sebuah permainan yang membuat para pemainnya harus menebak kapan Spaceman akan berhenti terbang dan menabrak. Selama spaceman terbang, akan terkumpul perkalian yang akan dikalikan dengan total taruhan yang dimainkan oleh pemain. RTP Slot Spaceman mencapai 99.58%.
Itulah beberapa kumpulan game slot online yang terkenal gacor dan sering memberikan jackpot kepada para membernya. KABAYANSLOT tentu akan menyediakan seluruh permainan diatas kepada para membernya serta bocoran RTP Slot Gacor dari masing-masing game tersebut.
Jika anda ingin lebih besar lagi peluang untuk memenangkan permainan slot, anda juga perlu memiliki keahlian atau taktik dalam bermain. Kami juga telah banyak melakukan surver menggunakan berbagai taktik dan menemukan ada 3 cara ampuh untuk memenangkan permainan slot online. Penasaran? Baik berikut ini caranya :
  1. Menggunakan Bocoran RTP Slot Gacor
Pertama yaitu menggunakan fitur bocoran RTP Slot yang dimana akan memberikan persentase tingkat kemenangan dalam setiap game slot yang ada. RTP Slot Live sangat berguna bagi para membernya untuk memilih game slot gacor mana yang memiliki persentase kemenangan paling tinggi. Maka dari itu kami sarankan untuk anda mengecek RTP game slot terlebih dahulu sebelum bermain game slot.
  1. Menggunakan Pola Slot
Berikutnya setelah anda sudah menentukan game slot dengan RTP yang tinggi, anda dapat menggunakan Pola Slot Gacor yang banyak digunakan oleh para ahli. Pola ini biasanya menggunakan fitur – fitur yang disediakan seperti Fast Spin, Turbo Spin, Double Chance dan Juga Fitur Buy Free Spin. Berikut ini pola paling baik digunakan disetiap permainan slot :
  1. Tarik Hasil Kemenangan
Terakhir adalah jika anda sudah meraih untung kami sarankan langsung menarik total kemenangan yang didapatkan. Karena banyak yang terjerumus ketika berhasil mendapatkan kemenangan, mereka berharap akan mendapatkan lebih dan akhirnya malah semakin habis. Jadi kami sarankan berapapun kemenangan yang anda dapatkan lebih baik menarik hasilnya dan lanjut dengan modal awal agen bandar slot kabayanslot.
6 Game Judi Online Terbaik dan Terbesar di Indonesia
Situs judi online terbesar dan terlengkap KABAYANSLOT tentunya tidak hanya menyediakan game slot online saja. Kami selaku bandar judi online terpercaya juga menyediakan berbagai macam permainan judi online lainnya. Meski game slot sangat populer, masih ada beberapa pemain judi yang tetap setia dengan game judi lainnya.
Berikut 6 Game Judi Online Terbaik di KABAYANSLOT
Judi Bola
Judi bola tentu saja tidak akan pernah ketinggalan jaman dan akan selalu menjadi pilihan game judi onlne terbaik. Karena hanya di permainan Sportbook ini para pecinta bola dapat mendukung tim kesayangannya dengan melakukan taruhan judi bola. Slot Online KABAYANSLOT juga bekerjasama dengan berbagai provider bola terkenal seperti Sababet, Dafabet, Sbobet, Sbo Bet 181 dan CMD Sport.
Live Casino
Judi Live Casino Online tetap memiliki banyak penggemar, karena permainan ini tetap memiliki sensasi bermain dengan mengandalkan keberuntungan. Judi Casino Online akan selalu dimainkan dengan 2 pilihan yaitu 50:50. Jadi para pemain yang senang bermain melawan bandar, Live Casino merupakan pilihan terbaik. Mansion 77 juga bekerjasama dengan bandar Judi Casino Online terbesar yaitu ION Casino, ASia Gaming, AE Sexy Casino, SBO Casino, Dream Gaming dan lain-lain.
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Togel Online tentu saja menjadi game judi online paling populer saat ini dan termasuk yang paling lama di Indonesia. Dengan modal receh dengan jackpot jutaan rupiah adalah slogan dari permainan judi yang satu ini. Sebelum masuk era digital atau Online, dahulu para pemain togel hanya dapat bermain melalui Bandar Darat. Tetapi dengan berkembangnya teknologi, akhirnya Togel dapat dimainkan secara Online dan sangat berkembang pesat. Kami juga bekerjasama dengan penyedia game Togel seperti, Singapore, Sydney, Hongkong dan lain-lain agen bandar slot kabayanslot.
Sabung Ayam
Judi online terakhir yang pastinya bernuansa Indonesia sekali yaitu adalah Sabung Ayam. Permainan judi ini tetap populer sampai sekarang walaupun dulu terkenal hanya melalui bandar darat saja. Tetapi Sabung Ayam sekarang dapat anda mainkan secara online dan menonton langsung meskipun tidak ditempat.
Tembak Ikan
Permainan arcade Tembak Ikan tentunya tidak ketinggalan jaman dan masih tetap eksis sampai sekarang ini. Dengan permainan yang sangat seru yaitu hanya mengarahkan mesin penembak untuk menembak Ikan hingga pecah. Permainan Tembak Ikan juga dapat anda mainkan di situs KABAYANSLOT.
Bergabung bersama KABAYANSLOT tentunya member dapat bermain judi online dengan aman dan nyaman. Karena KABAYANSLOT terkenal sebagai situs slot gacor terbaik dan terpercaya yang banyak memberikan keuntungan bagi para membernya. Apasaja keuntungan yang didapat saat bergabung dengan KABAYANSLOT? Berikut ini lengkapnya
Bocoran RTP Slot Gacor
Agen Judi Online KABAYANSLOT akan selalu menjadi pilihan terbaik untuk anda dan akan terus memberikan surprise menarik. Jika anda ingin mencari situs slot gacor yang banyak memberikan keuntungan maka KABAYANSLOT merupakan pilihan yang tepat. Mesin Slot yang disediakan oleh kami tentunya menggunakan provider slot terbaik dengan teknologi tercanggih sehingga membuat permainan lancar dan anti error. Anda juga dapat bermain dengan modal receh saja yaitu minimal 200 rupiah sudah dapat melakukan putaran disetiap permainan slot.
KABAYANSLOT juga telah memiliki lisensi resmi dari berbagai pengamat perjudian online dunia seperti PAGCOR dan Comission Bet. Tentunya tidak sembarangan situs judi online mendapatkan lisensi ini. Maka dari itu anda tidak perlu ragu lagi untuk bergabung bersama situs slot online gacor terpercaya KABAYANSLOT. Banyak situs – situs yang menawarkan berbagai macam bonus yang menggiurkan tetapi akhirnya malah merugikan. Jadi anda harus berhati-hati jika bertemu situs seperti itu. Demikianlah pembahasan kami sebagai situs slot gacor terbaru hari ini gampang menang 2023 dan kami harap anda dapat memilih KABAYANSLOT sebagai sarana tempat bermain game slot online agen bandar slot kabayanslot.
submitted by idntoto to u/idntoto [link] [comments]

2023.05.03 11:26 afreakingchorizo [DREs] All References from Drag Race España S3E03

Surprise bitch! I bet you thought you've seen the last of me.
A new season of DRES means a new bunch of Spaniards speaking at light speed and a new bunch of cultural references for me to explain! I have to say, I was not sure I wanted to go through all this work again (even more so after watching the first two episodes this season... vaya cuadro.) but episode 3 won me over! So, without further ado, open google maps and prepare to learn a lot more about Spanish sayings, slayage and shennanigans!

2:49 - When everyone is congratulating Pink Chadora as the winner of the previous episode, she confesses that some of them think she’s “pesada”. WOW’s subtitles translated this literally as “heavy” but in this context, “pesada” means “annoying”.
03:24 - Hornella compares Vania’s hair to Camarón (arguably the most famous flamenco singer ever) when she was still wearing her wig from the previous episode. She had a point.
04:07 - Pink Chadora tells the girls that Chikilicuatre’s pussy “mola mogollón, lo bailan en la China y también en Alcorcón” (it’s so cool, they dance to it in China and also in Alcorcón). These are lyrics for Rodolfo Chikilicuatre’s song for Eurovision 2008 (well, minus the pussy part).
05:02 - In their little entrance skit (derogatory) Vania pronounces “(lip sync) Assassin” in a way that’s closer to the very ungrammatical Spanish “hase asín” (does it like this).
05:27 - Chanel really wanted to say “una menos en Canarias” (one less in the Canary Islands) after Drag Chuchi’s elimination. The Canary Islands are in a different timezone than the rest of Spain, one hour behind to be exact. So, when you watch any TV news they used to start their broadcast saying something like “It’s 9pm, one (hour) less in the Canary Islands”.
07:00 - Pink Chadora doesn’t want any more dance challenges. She compares her experience in Drag Race so far with the 2000s teen show “UPA dance” (actually called “Un paso adelante) and the dance TV competition “Fama ¡A bailar!” (Fame, let’s dance!)
07:23 - This is the tongue twister Supremme says in her video message: Tres tristes tigres tragaban trigo en un trigal y en tres tristes trastos tragaban trigo los tres tristes tigres. It was hard even to write it down.
07:48 - When Supremme enters the werkroom, The Macarena asks her about a “fiesta ibicenca” (Ibiza-style party). In this kind of party, everyone is supposed to wear white clothes.
08:45 - The sentence that Supremme uses to define Drag Race as a place where “se dan más puntadas sin hilo que con hilo” (they sew more without than with thread) is the opposite of the actual popular saying “no dar puntada sin hilo” (to never sew without thread), which means to only act when a benefit is to be received. Supremme is shitting on the show a bit right now, ngl.
11:44 - When Pink Chadora gets to the Asturias traditional costume, she calls that place “patria querida” (beloved homeland). She’s only saying that because the anthem from that region has that as lyrics and everyone in Spain knows that.
13:23 - So, you might be asking yourselves, who the hell is Palomo Spain? In short, he’s a fashion designer whose style mixes traditional southern spanish influences with a genderless approach to fashion. He has dressed Beyonce, Miley Cyrus and Harry Styles among others. He’s also one of the main judges of the TV sewing competition “Maestros de la Costura” (Sewing masters), so he’s used to judge contestant’s garments and that might be why he’s kind of hard with his critiques this episode. Palomo means “male pigeon” (it’s his actual surname…), that’s why he says something about pigeons in his intro video.
13:31 - When she talks with that raspy voice, Hornella is impersonating Lorenzo Caprile, another designer who worked with Palomo as a judge in that sewing competition I just mentioned. She’ll do it again a couple of times later in the episode!
14:09 - Pink Chadora doesn’t think she could design anything charro-like (rememeber, charro = people from Salamanca) with the materials she got and Kelly says they remind her of “Charro” Mohedano. Chayo Mohedano is a singer and TV personality, who’s related to the late great Rocío Jurado.
16:56 - Her dubious sentences make Pink Chadora get reminded of our ex-president Mariano Rajoy who, let’s say it gently, wasn’t blessed with an ease for public speaking.
17:31 - The gorgeous suit Ana is wearing when she enters the werkroom with Supremme was designed with the (not Arantxa) Castilla-La Mancha traditional costume in mind, specifically the Pisto handkerchief.
20:44 - “Pakita Putita” should be on her merch right now.
23:44 - Pink Chadora compares Vania’s sultry, sensual, a bit creepy, voice with that of Samantha Hudson who was one of the two guest contestants of DRES S1 Snatch Game.
23:55 - Starting now the count of how many times someone is going to make a joke with the similarity of the words “pubilla” and “putilla” (lil’ slut).
33:18 - When Supremme asks Ana if she prefers wine or beer, Ana says she prefers beer because she likes “tirar la caña”. While this expression means “to flirt”, the word “caña” could also be used as a synonym for a cup of beer.
33:31 - I’m not sure any other country has “gildas”, so for those who were utterly confused by WOW’s subtitles, these are sort of an aperitif or snack to be eaten while drinking. It’s usually olives, anchovies and other pickled stuff pierced through with a toothpick. Oh, and a “piparra” is a sort of pickled pepper.
33:50 - When Javi Ambrossi tells Calvo that he likes a good “matrimonio” (literally, marriage) he’s referring to the name given to the combination of two types of anchovies.
RUNWAY: COLORS (AKA. Why it gotta be so white?)
34:53 - PAKITA is dressed like a devotee on her way to El Rocío, a small town in Andalucia that holds a 13-century statue of the Virgin of El Rocío. This is a huge event every year where people from different places go on a pilgrimage (by foot, horse, carriage, etc).
35:05 - Supreme says “Yo iba de peregrina…” (I was on a pilgrimage) which are the starting lyrics of this song by María del Monte.
35:08 - Pakita washes the dirt off her feet using a bottle of beer, paying homage to this famous photo of Carmina Ordoñez in the 90s. She was a socialite and TV personality that came from a family of renowned bullfighters.
35:10 - When Javi Calvo says “Carmina o revienta” (Carmina or burst!) he’s mixing the name of this woman with the title of this movie, directed by episode 1 special guest judge Paco León (starring his own mother).
35:25 - Palomo and Ana wish that Carmina was still with us. She passed away in 2004, part of her ashes were scattered in El Rocío.
35:27 - Javi Calvo tells Pakita “nos alegramos de verde” (we’re green with happiness), a wordplay in which he exchanged the word “verte” (see you) with “verde” (green).
35:40 - HORNELLA is representing this boulevard in Alicante. She also says she’s waving like a “Bellea del foc” (beauty of the fire), which is the name given to the young women chosen as queen of the bonfires of Saint John, a popular festivity in Alicante.
36:03 - When Javier Calvo says “One Pamela…”, Supremme is very fast to respond “Two Pamela” and then everybody laughs. This is not only in reference to the spanish name of the kind of hat Hornella is wearing, but it’s also a well-known bantery joke that’s funny because “two pamela” sounds like “chúpamela” (suck me).
36:16 - PINK CHADORA stomps the runway representing Málaga’s flower, the biznaga.
36:24 - Ana makes a joke mixing the word drag with “jazmín” (jasmine), which makes sense here because bizganas are not natural flowers, but compositions made with jasmine stems made by artisans.
36:44 - Supremme says that Hornella has his head “llena de capullos” (filled with buds), and “capullo” in slang for (surprise!) dick.
37:00 - VANIA VAINILLA is representing Zaragoza today. Her skirt is a deconstructed “cachirulo”, the traditional Aragonese headscarf which is typically black and red.
37:03 - Ana couldn’t control herself and makes a put mixing “zorra” (slut) and “Zaragoza”. Hence, “zorragoza”.
37:11 - The flowers in Vania’s dress are representing the flower offering to Our Lady of the Pillar, Zaragoza’s patron, that takes place every 12th October in the city. Her headpiece is also similar to the halo that particular symbol wears.
37:17 - Ana calls Vania “mañosa” (crafty) but only because the demonym for Zaragoza is “maños/mañas”.
37:27 - As CHANEL ANOREX goes out the door, Javi Calvo calls her “Quinqué San Francisco”. “Quinqué” is an old-fashioned way of calling the type of lantern Chanel is holding in this look, and it also sounds similar to the name Quique, as in the spanish actor’s name Quique San Francisco.
37:36 - Chanel is representing Salamanca and the golden Villamayor stone, used in many of the numerous monuments that city holds.
37:43 - Supremme says this looks “le encandila” (dazzles her), also making a joke with a different name for that lantern: “Candil”.
37:55 - And third time is the charm: When Chanel is leaving the runway Supremme says “ella va de farol” (she’s faking it), which is a common Spanish expression that contains the word “farol” which is, you guessed it, yet another word for lantern.
38:06 - THE MACARENA is wearing Cádiz today. She’s representing the white towns filled with flower pots very characteristic of that region. Cádiz city is also known as “la tacita de plata” (the little silver cup). She could’ve found a nicer cup to bring to the runway but ok.
38:22 - After Palomo comments on the bridal air of the runway so far, the Javis say “¿Dónde está el gramo?” (where is the gram?). This must be a reference to something else, but at the very least they are talking about drugs making a pun with the word “gramo” (gram) and “ramo” (bouquet).
38:52 - During CLOVER BISH’s runway, Javi Ambrossi says “que vivan los cubatas” (long live the cuban drinks, as the WOW subtitles put it), in which “cubata” is an informal way of calling any mixed alcoholic drink. The term comes from the particular cocktail known as “Cuba Libre” (rum and coke).
38:53 - Supremme adds “(que viva) el malecón” (long live the esplanade), referring to a sea-side street in Havana, Cuba. It also rhymes with “maricón” (f*g).
39:21 - PITITA explains it all very well. El Molino (the windmill) is a cabaret venue in Barcelona which opened in the early XX century and it’s still going! It used to be known as the little Moulin Rouge.
39:29 - Pitita refers to the queer world as “este mundo del plumerío” (this feathery world). I know this has been a topic of discussion in the subreddit for a couple of weeks but in a nutshell: In Spanish, when a guy is effeminate or flamboyant, we say that they have “pluma” (feathers). Fun fact: guys with the infamous “no fems” in their hooking-up apps profiles would be labeled “plumófobos” (feather-phobic).
39:45 - When Pitita is leaving the runway Javi Calvo makes up a dialogue in which someone asks him if he’s going out tonight and he replies “no, estoy molino” (no, I’m windmill). This doesn’t make any sense if you don’t know the expression “estar molido” (to be ground down), which means to be exhausted. Note the similarity between the words “molino” and “molido” here.
40:03 - When KELLY ROLLER flips her jacket from Partido Popular’s blue (right wing) to PSOE’s red (socialists), the judges call her “chaquetera” which simply means “turncoat”.
40:05 - Javi Calvo calls her Rosa Diez, a politician that started her career as a socialist and then founded her own right-wing party.
40:19 - Spanish politics used to be very bi-partidist until quite recently. The back of Kelly’s runway represents the purple of the left wing Podemos. The words on her back read “Elle no es una errata” (Elle is not a typo). “Elle” is a word in inclusive language (think your they/them in English), something that this party has been trying to push forward officially.
40:40 - Ana is one of us!
40:54 - Ana remarks that you can see VISA’s “panocha” (pussy), which is also a word for corncob.
As Visa is leaving, Javi Calvo says “Nunca Maíz”, a play on words between the anti-pollution slogan “Nunca máis” (never again) popularized after one of the worst environmental catastrophes in Spanish history, and the spanish word for corn, “maíz”.
41:10 - I think this might be fairly common in other countries, but it’s pretty common here to get a bumper car thingy installed in your city/town when there’s any kind of special occasion.
41:17 - When BESTIAH reveals her light-up bra, Supremme says “sube que te llevo” (hop on, I’ll take you), probably a reference to this 1993 trance song of the same name. This is something that definitely Supremme heard while riding some bumper cars 30 years ago.
41:22 - Bestiah calls his breast “las intermitetas”, a portmanteau of “intermitentes” (blinkers) and “tetas” (boobs).
41:28 - Javi Calvo calls Bestiah the real Motomami, in reference to Rosalia’s last album. To that, Supremme replies “a comprar ficha” (go buy some tokens), presumably to ride her.
42:33 - Javi Calvo recites the starting lyrics of this song which goes like: It was a sunday afternoon, we were at the bumper cars.
42:03 - During PAKITA’s eggy runway, Ana says that her egg is “muy bien cosido” (very well sewn). The joke is that “cosido” sounds like “cocido” (boiled).
42:05 - Palomo comments that her egg comes with “puntilla”, which can mean both “lace” and also the brown, crispy part in a fried egg outside.
42:12 - As she’s leaving, Javi Calvo tells Pakita “a ver si te aclaras” (try to figure it out). The verb “aclarar” (clear things up) sounds related to “clara” (egg white).
42:28 - HORNELLA’s outfit is an homage to Fideuá, a seafood dish quite similar to paella but with noodles instead of rice (I know this is an oversimplification, please don’t kill me paella warriors).
43:04 - During PINK CHADORA’s wine-inspired runway, Javi Ambrossi makes one of the oldest jokes I could think of, but it’s still quite funny. I think we already covered this last year, but our kind of “knock knock” jokes start by explaining a situation and then saying “the curtain closes, what’s the name of the movie?”. In this case, the answer is “Es-tinto básico” (it’s basic red wine), a play on “Instinto básico” (Basic Instinct, 1992).
43:19 - The whole judging panel demands Pink Chadora to “drop the glass” in reference to this iconic TV moment where Manuela Trasobares, a trans opera singer, makes a whole speech about the unfortunate situation of her peers in the Spanish society of the early 2000. Then she starts smashing glasses and asks the other panelists to do the same saying “¡tira la copa!”.
43:32 - As VANIA VAINILLA comes onto the runway, Javi Ambrossi calls her “Susi Caramelo”, a comedienne that was one of the guest judges on DRES season 2 and whose surname means “candy”.
43:48 - As Vania explains, she’s dressed as an “adoquín” (literally, cobblestone), a huge piece of candy from Zaragoza.
44:16 - CHANEL is repping strawberries from Huelva, Andalucia, are quite famous for their quality and size.
44:35 - Javi Calvo continues with his puns. He quotes “yo no soy fresa que tu te imaginas” (I’m not that strawberry you think I am), a play on the lyrics of this song that actually go “yo no soy esa que tu te imaginas” (I’m not that girl you think I am). IMHO, we’re overdue for a Mari Trini lip sync.
44:44 - When THE MACARENA is announced, Javi Calvo asks “¿quién pincha hoy?” (who’s DJ-ing today?). The verb “pinchar” means “to puncture/poke” but it’s also the act of playing records as the word for DJ in spanish is “pinchadiscos” (disk-poker).
44:56 - The Cádiz Carnival is one of the most famous in Spain.
45:00 - When Ana says she gets goosebumps just looking at her outfit, she’s making a pun with the expression “se me eriza la piel” (literally, my skin turns into prickles) and the Spanish word for sea urchin, “erizo”.
45:12 - Supremme calls The Macarena, “Espinete de luto” (Espinete in mourning). Espinete was the name of a huge pink hedgehog that was one of the main characters in our version of Sesame Street in the 90s. The name comes from the Spanish word for spines, “espina”.
45:25 - CLOVER BISH is wearing a look inspired by the catalan dessert “Mel i mató” which consists of a kind of cottage cheese mixed with honey and walnuts.
45:27 - The name of this dish is in catalan, meaning honey and cottage cheese, but to a Spanish speaker the “mató” part could be understood as the past tense of the verb “to kill”. Also, “Meli” could be the shortened name of a woman. This is where Palomo’s comment is based on.
45:29 - Javi Calvo does a similar comment when he says “¿Qué hago, me-li-mato?” (What should I do, kill myself?).
45:45 - Javi cannot contain himself and does yet another pun with the Spanish word for honey, “miel”, when he says “a mi-el me da igual” (I don’t care about him).
46:06 - When PITITA reveals from a croquette into a squid, Supremme calls her “Calamar Flores”. The Spanish word for squid is “calamar” and Mar Flores is a model, actres and TV presenter.
46:13 - Javi Calvo praises Pitita’s ass saying she’s got a great “Tenta-culo”. This time he didn’t even need to mix any words as the spanish word for tentacle is “tentáculo” and it already contains “culo” (ass).
46:18 - In case you’re curious, this is Pitita’s favorite croquette. I personally hate them but this look was amazing.
46:37 - During KELLY ROLLER’s runway, Javi Calvo asks her “a ver si vienes a Vermeer” (why don’t you come to Vermeer?), in which he exchanged the word “ver me” (to see me) with the name of the dutch painter.
46:41 - Javi Ambrossi says that Kelly is not “cortada”, which in relation to milk means “curdled” but when you say this about a person it means that they are shameless.
47:01 - After Kelly splashes milk all over her bosom, Javi Calvo calls her “la marrana de la Campurriana” (the Campurriana’s whore). This is a line taken directly from The Javi’s Netflix show Paquita Salas. There is a scene in which Paquita, an agent, is trying to get more gigs for one of their clients, an actress. She’s trying to convince her to make a viral video in which she shows different branded products so these brands call her to make their commercials, but their attempts take a turn to the filthy.
47:05 - Right before leaving, Javi Ambrossi asks Kelly if she’s “lechera” (literally, milkmaid). Informally, asking a guy if he’s “lechero” would be asking him if he cums a lot.
47:27 - As VISA is walking the runway, Palomo comments “le importa un pimiento”. This is an expression similar to your English “I don’t give a damn”, but in Spain we don’t give a pepper.
47:30 - Javi Calvo continues making my life impossible when he says “no le, no le, no le, chi le”. When I was a little kid, kids my age used to collect stickers with the goal of completing an album of them. These stickers came in randomized packs so you ended up with a lot of repeated ones to exchange with other kids. When you were going through another kid’s stack you would say “si le” (I do) if you already had that sticker and “no le” (I don’t) if you didn’t have that one. In this case, the joke is that Javi says “chile” (chili) instead of “si le”.
47:39 - There is a quite famous brand of intimate feminine hygiene in Spain called Chilly whose motto goes “en lo más íntimo, quiero Chilly” (I want Chilly in my privates). The thing is, we call “chili” this kind of spicy peppers so… let’s say everybody knows this motto.
48:17 - As BESTIAH leaves the runway, Javi Calvo calls her “Rega-liz Taylor”, as “regaliz” means licorice. Ana asks where her “puta zeta” is, mixing the name of the pop-rock candy “peta zetas” and “puta” (slut).
As a little bit of background, Spain is divided in 17 autonomous communities (and further split up into 50 provinces). Each of these regions have their own traditional garments, and these are the looks they queens are asked to reinterpret today on the runway.
48:41 - For those of you that have been following DRES from S1, you might remember Hugáceo’s Fallas look. PAKITA has been tasked with reinterpreting the garment worn for that festivity. Las Fallas of Valencia have everything to do with fire, hence her soot stained legs.
48:49 - When Javi Calvo says that he’s feeling that “caloret faller” (the heat from las fallas) he’s making a reference to Valencia’s mayor Rita Barberá’s botched attempt to give the 2015 Fallas opening speech in Valencian. A right-wing politician trying to appeal to regular people in such a sloppy way obviously became viral.
49:01 - Javi Ambrossi was right: TV presenter Núria Roca is from Valencia.
49:20 - During HORNELLA’s runway, Javi Calvo says “se llama Sara, y goza” (her name is Sara, and she enjoys herself). Sara+goza sounds like Zaragoza.
49:30 - Hornella is repping Aragón’s traditional garment, and that’s why Supremme calls her Hornella “Aragón-gora”.
49:46 - PINK CHADORA defines herself as a “charra”, another name for the people from Salamanca. Supremme even calls her “Charra Carbonero”, a pun on Sara Carbonero who is a TV presenter.
50:05 - Pink Chadora says that her look is a mix between Dolly Parton and gossip journalist and TV personality Lydia Lozano-kesF-U170773926229ApC-1248x770@RC.jpg) (probably because of that wig).
50:08 - Just as the queen is leaving, Javi Calvo makes a joke saying “mira a esa, la manca” (look at that one, the one missing an arm) just because it sounds exactly as Salamanca (esa-la-manca).
50:21 - More jokes about how “pubilla”, which is the name of this traditional garment from Catalonia, sounds almost like “putilla” (lil’ slut) during VANIA’s runway.
50:37 - Javi Calvo name drops Judge Mercedes Ayala, not sure why.
50:52 - The first thing anyone says when CHANEL turns the corner comes from Palomo. He says “ahí va la hostia”, which is an expression of surprise very identifiable from the Basque Country.
51:11 - At this point, I’m convinced Javi Calvo just says whatever comes to mind. In this case, he says “Eskerrik asko-nverters”, which is the mix between the Basque words “eskerrik asko” (thank you) and the name of the chain of second-hand products, Cash Converters.
51:19 - The most well-known and important museum in the Basque Country is The Guggenheim, in Bilbao.
51:20 - Javi Calvo continues his stream of consciousness style of commenting by saying “Gabon” (good night in Basque) as Chanel leaves.
51:52 - Javi Ambrossi changes MACARENA’s name to Tena Lady, a brand of undergarments for people with incontinence. Lovely.
51:55 - Right after her reveal, Javi Calvo comments that Macarena has “a coño de aquí a Logroño” (a pussy from here to Logroño), a popular expression that means someone is quite bold or brave. Logroño is the capital of La Rioja, so it fits even better.
52:03 - Supremme compares Macarena in her old-lady make-up to Carmen Gahona, a lady who is the ex-wife of a famous singer and was relevant while she was fighting for her widowhood pension after his death. She’s now a Youtuber?
52:12 - As soon as CLOVER BISH comes out, Supremme exclaims “¡Arsa!”, an Andalusian expression that used to cheer someone.
52:23 - Palomo starts singing something about a frog jumping but he’s not having a stroke, he’s singing this classic tune by María del Monte (again!). The singer compares the jumps of a frog with her heartbeat when her lover calls her name.
52:52 - I’m not sure about this one, but during PITITA’s runway Javi Calvo says “tetas tiene dos, Cáceres y Badajoz” (she has two tits, Cáceres and Badajoz). These are the two provinces in which Extremadura is divided.
53:07 - I expected someone to make this comment because it’s the oldest in the book. Extremadura can be divided into two words: “extrema” (extreme) and “dura” (hard).
53:32 - Ok, listen, I’m from Asturias and was personally offended by KELLY’s look.
53:38 - Supremme makes a joke based on the Spanish Netflix show “La casa de papel” (Money Heist): Úrsula Corberó plays Tokyo, Kelly plays Asturias and Supremme plays… Fuenlabrada, which is a town in Madrid.
53:49 - Asturias is probably the main producer of milk in the country and one of the biggest dairy companies in Spain is called Central Lechera Asturiana (Asturian Dairy Company).
54:16 - During VISA’s runway, Supremme starts singing this song by Paco Clavel while the Javis remind us that bananas should have specks using the phrase “y si tiene motitas, mejor que mejor” (and if it has specks, much better) that comes from a 2010s TV campaign about Canarian bananas. I couldn’t find a video of this but that slogan is ingrained in my brain for forever at this point.
54:23 - When they say that Visa just came from the dunes, they are talking about Maspalomas in Gran Canaria, which is both a nature reserve and a well-known gay cruising spot.
54:26 - The only thing I could find about a “Yumbo” in the Canary Islands was a gay shopping center that includes at least one cruising bar, so maybe they are sending their regards there.
54:36 - BESTIAH’s is not the first chulapa representation in DRES as Killer Queen, Pupi Poisson and Juriji did their own versions of Madrid’s regional garment.
54:46 - Javi Calvo makes a reference to this song changing the lyrics from “¿dónde se mete la chica del 17?” (How does the girl from apartment 17 do it?) to “lo que se mete la chica del 17” (what the girl from apartment 17 puts inside of her).
54:58 - As she leaves the stage Bestiah sings a little bit of this chotis, which is the traditional music and dance of Madrid.
55:04 - When Palomo decides he wants Bestiah as the next mayor of Madrid, Javi Ambrossi says “Más Madrid y menos ropa” (More Madrid and less clothes). “Más Madrid” is the name of a new political party that wants to get rid of the current president of Madrid, Isabel Ayuso.
01:00:46 - People that vote for Partido Popular are informally called “peperos/peperas” because the acronym of this political party is PP (“pepe” in Spanish).
01:02_29 - When Hornella says Our Lady of the Pillar didn’t tell her anything, not even whether she wants to be french or not, she's making a reference to the lyrics of a very famous “Jota” (the traditional music of Aragón) in which the Virgin says she doesn’t want to be French, but the captain of the Aragón troops against France.
And that's all! Chanel is sent home (or is she?) and the rest of the queens are free to slay another day. What did you think about the episode? Did I miss any references you want explained? The part I enjoy the most about making this posts is the comment section so let's get this roast a cookin'. Also, as usual, let me leave my paypal here in case anyone wants/can afford to tip me:
¡Que suene la música!
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2023.02.12 10:00 sunghooter [The Wine Connoisseur]Elaine tries to impress a new guy she's dating by pretending to be a wine connoisseur. A movie director offers Jerry a role in a film about standup. Kramer mistakenly buys Extenze at a gas station and gives George one.

Story Arc 1 - Elaine
Elaine begins dating a man she met at a wine mixer and pretends to be a wine connoisseur to try and impress him but keeps slipping up. When they first met, the man said he worked in hospitality but didn't mention his specific title. Elaine keeps up the ruse talking about "tannins" and subtle "notes" of the wines but it blows up in her face in the third act when she suggests red wine paired with salmon. The man tells her he's had enough, has been humoring her about wine, and was actually a master sommelier. His name is Girard.
Story Arc 2 - Jerry
An acclaimed but eccentric movie director Taylor Kensington attends a standup show of Jerry's and they meet up afterwards in the green room. The director mentions he's casting for a movie about standup comedy, mumbles something about auditioning, and tells Jerry he has a role for him in the film. Jerry's confused after the director leaves because of how ambiguous he was about what role Jerry would play or even if he still had to audition. Jerry struggles with appearing in the film unsure if he had to audition and fear of rejection. Jerry goes to a vineyard for an on location screen-test for the film and discovers Kensington wants Jerry to play a heckler in the audience of a comedy show at the vineyard and storms off refusing to "become the thing I swore to destroy" running into Elaine with Girard who is the films technical advisor.
Story Arc 3 - Kramer and George
Kramer walks into a gas station exhausted from playing poker all night and notices a few pills on a display next to the register one of which had the words "Ener-G energy supplement" in large bright letters. The one beside it is light blue in color and has "ExtenZe" on it with the slogan "Reclaim your vitality". So Kramer assumes they're both for energy and buys ExtenZe because its cheaper. He takes one and later notices his blood really pumping and energized and offers one to George whose also tired from watching documentaries the night before. George takes it and goes to work at the Yankees but by this time, Kramer has noticed he's been at "full mast" for "1 hour, 46 minutes, and 7 seconds" and looks closer at the label on the pills. Kramers shocked to discover they are male enhancement supplements and not energy pills and calls George at work to warn him. George exclaims "YOU GAVE ME BONER PILLS?" loudly in his office which Aida his secretary overhears.
Kramer says "George, it says to go the the emergency room if an erection lasts more the 4 hours. That's two hours and 15 minutes away and it shows NO SIGN OF STOPPING!". Kramer has to go to the ER for his erection and later convinces Jackie Chiles to take his case and sue the pill company and the gas station for false advertising, undue stress, and medical bills. The owner of the pill company, Tom Salinas, refused to settle and racked up such huge legal fees he had to sell the vineyard he owned canceling the production of Kensingtons movie and causing Girard to lose his job.
"Boy, you really screwed a lot of people with that four hour erection of yours, Kramer!"
submitted by sunghooter to RedditWritesSeinfeld [link] [comments]

2023.02.01 23:12 SaaS-Growth-Guy Advice for hosting a friendly home game to meet cool people???

If you've successfully hosted a friendly home game I'd appreciate your opinion and advice.
I'm looking to meet and make friends with cool guys in my apartment complex and help other people make friends and possible business connections. I want to avoid sharks, thus the low limits. I want to avoid rude or disrespectful behavior so I'm not allowing hard alcohol. I'd like to get a core group of 3 - 4 who almost always show and then a few semi-regs to round it out. I'm hosting it at the nice commons area.
My plan now:
My questions are:
  1. Poker chips: How many and how many of each denomination?
  2. Day of the week and time is best?
  3. What other suggestions do you have?
EDIT: Most of the rules here are because I will know ZERO of the people who show the first time.
If I knew everyone knows how to play the game, was playing with money they could afford to lose, know when to quit, were nice drunks and generally cool guys...I would run the thing with the rules of "no fighting inside and no cheetos unless you eat with chopsticks" but I don't.
My plan is to loosen things up considerably as I feel out the the guys, get the right regulars in the game and I plan on making this all transparent and known up front.
submitted by SaaS-Growth-Guy to poker [link] [comments]

2022.09.23 06:51 Yumetara Mafia Last Name: WP Extended

[[Part 1]]
Not getting my head kicked in during Freshman Hazing rituals due to my last name was always something I appreciated, especially since I cared more for books than balls. Yet that isolationist hobby probably wouldn't have developed if not for that damned name either.
Isaac Rori Marranno.
Isaac was chosen by my Mother. She's always been a very religious woman and believes every Christian child should have a Christian name, so I guess that's mine. She's an emotional woman too, but she's had it hard ever since Dad died.
My grandparents on my mother's side have been very supportive of us and visit almost daily. That's where I got the name Rori, from my grandfather that is. Gramp's poker buddies have started calling me Rori Jr. ever since my growth spurt at 14. It's a bit annoying, but Uncle Enzo sais I should just brush it off and take it as a compliment. He's my father's brother, and he visits us a lot too, bringing sweets from his family’s shop to appease my mother, who seems to hate him for some reason. He takes her shoe beatings well though. My father's parents died long before I was born, leaving Dad, and then later my uncle, to take over the local bakery.
I don't remember much about my Dad since he passed when I was a kid, but that name of his has made me a pariah ever since I can remember.
The Marranno Syndicate. They've run this town for the past five generations. Everyone knows it, even children. Parents will scare their kids into behaving by telling them the Marrano's will cut off their pinkies if they don't eat their veggies. "That's the Yakuza not the Mafia!" Uncle Enzo rolls his eyes whenever he hears that. "The Japanese have been out for 50 years, along with the Russians; and the Irish haven't caused the Italians any trouble for nearly 20 years."
Uncle Enzo likes to talk local politics and doesn't seem afraid of who hears. I think he's trying to destigmatize the Marranno name since we unfortunately share it with the notorious local mafia organization. He's not wrong though, this town has been relatively peaceful for some time. The adults all speak of an era where the Italian Marranno and the Irish Faolan fought constantly, bodies in the streets were a daily occurrence, and the cops were all paid off to ignore the violence. The bodies of those brave or stupid enough to resist were typically found burned alive, the signature of the Marranno's.
Some of that stuff still happens nowadays, but the bodies aren't so easily found. Nevertheless, the associated reputation that comes with the Marranno name is infamous enough that making friends with a name like that has been hard, and so I've only really had one in my entire life.
"Are you sure you aren't related? I mean, how many Marranno's can there be out there?" Erin asked for the nearly thousandth time as we entered the local college's cafeteria.
"A lot." I cut him off quick this time, consciously smiling at the nervous worker whose face fell upon reading my Student ID. "Do you want to meet at the library tonight?" I asked Erin, trying to change the topic and appear normal to the now trembling cashier.
"What? No! I thought we were going to investigate the old factory tonight!" He whined.
"No, we've got a Chem. test Friday and I've got to work at my uncle's bakery this week."
"Ugh!" Erin groaned as we stepped into the shortest line. "I don't see why you study so hard if you're just going to become a baker. And why does your uncle need you to cover for him so often? How busy can a guy who bakes pastries for a living be?”
"I already told you I'm going to be a police officer, like my gramps." I said, still grinning as the wide-eyed worker shoveled a ludicrous amount of mashed potatoes onto my plate. "My cousin Maria is taking over the bakery, but she's still only 11."
"Police officer's don't need good grades either, especially not in this town." He mumbled the last part under his breath, glancing around a bit nervously as he did. "And being a good detective like you want to be is just suicide, everyone knows that!"
"I could say the same to you Mr. journalist." I huffed. "The Mafia supposedly meets at the factory still, I wouldn't take the risk if I were you."
"That's why you need to go! They won't shoot one of their own!" This loud declaration earned us several terrified glances and more than a few harsh whispers.
"I'm not a part of the Marranno Mafia!" I slammed my tray down, "How many times do I gotta say it?!"
Used to my outbursts by now, my idiot best friend chuckled, his eyes watching as the couple at the table next to us grabbed their shit and left. "Well, if you change your mind, let's meet there at 8pm, okay?"
Groaning, I shook my head and started eating. "I've got to close the shop tonight."
"No one will notice if you leave early! Who even buys cakes at 9pm at night?" This argument went on until I told him I'd try, but that we should meet at the bakery instead of the factory. I might be able to change his mind that way. Bribing him with my uncle's cannoli has typically been effective in the past.
After lunch Erin went on to his afternoon classes and I headed off to the bakery. Uncle Enzo was rushing out the door when I got there, his delivery drivers loading up a crate into the shop's truck, likely for a wedding party. He told me to make another batch of cream horns and to put off cleaning oven 1 till he got back.
The shop stayed fairly busy, slowing around 6pm. I thought Erin would come in around then as he usually does to eat some of our scraps, but to my surprise he didn't. I planned to text him around 7pm after I finished those cream horns, but I got a large influx of officers picking up pastries for their night shift then. By the time the officers had finished chatting me up about Gramp's legacy as the former Chief of Police it was already close to closing time, and Erin still hadn't shown up.
Finally getting the chance to check my phone I found two missed calls and a text from Erin. "Close up early nerd, factory at 8pm!" The text read. One of the missed calls was from him and the other from my uncle. There was also a voicemail from Erin, which I played as I grabbed my jacket and locked up the shop.
"Get your ass over here!" His voice came in a loud whisper through the phone's speaker. "There's still chemical waste here dude, and the power works too. Why would they even- oh shit, I think hear someone. Later."
"Goddamn it Erin!" I cursed. Revving up my bike, I raced towards the old factory as quickly as possible. Uncle Enzo's gonna be pissed that I didn't clean up properly, but I can't let Erin get caught, if he hasn't already that is. He may be an idiot, but he was the only one dumb enough to stick with the Marranno kid.
As I approached the basin just below the old factory, I cursed repeatedly when I saw lights flashing from the inside. "Shit!" I cut off my bike, praying I'd stopped it far enough out that no one had heard it. Running the rest of the way on foot, I didn't dare to call or text Erin, knowing full well he might not have remembered to silence his phone before trespassing on known Mafia turf.
When I finally got the top of the hill where the factory stood I was exhausted, and even angrier at Erin for making me work so damn hard to find his dumbass. It was also then that I heard voices coming from inside, and a few headed my way.
"Shit!" Racing into the brush, I cursed as I snagged my leg on a thorn bush, my stumble altering whoever had just exited the factory. Voices soon shouting out after me, in a panic, I started back down the hill, but in the exact opposite direction from my bike. And just to my luck, the brush parted to a clearing where several cars and vans were parked, one of which was-
Huh? "Is that the- Ugh!" I dropped to the ground, the back of my head swelling with pain as two figures came to hover over me. Just before I blacked out though, I thought I heard someone shout my name.
[[Part 2]]
“Ugh…” I groaned, my head still pulsing from the blow. Reaching up to feel the bump, I heard a clanking. “Shit.” I’m handcuffed to a chair, my legs too by the feel of it. Blinking several times, I confirmed I was blindfolded as well, that or I’d been hit so hard I’d gone blind. The feeling of my breath bouncing back to my nose suggested otherwise though. I guess that means there’s a bag on my head.
"Quite the blow you took there kid, you feeling alright?” A man asked, his voice muffled a bit due to the bag. I didn’t respond, partially because I was still processing what I’d seen just before I was knocked out, and also because my head was still pounding.
“Don’t worry, we’re not gonna kill ya. We know you didn’t see anything. Your friend on the other hand…”
“What’d you do to him?” I bit my lip, trying to remain calm.
“Well, he was taking pictures of a business partner and myself you see, and that’s, well, we just can’t have that.” His voice rose a bit, footsteps walking up from behind me, it was clear we weren’t the only one’s in the room.
“So what? You’re gonna kill a kid you’ve known since he was five? Is that it, Uncle Enzo?”
“Ah, ha, ha! So you knew? Somebody get the @$#%ing bag off his head!” With his command my sight returned, though the dim light made it hard to make out the poorly lit figure of my uncle as he stood a few paces in front of me. Dressed in his usual baggy collared shirt and black slacks, I noticed his usually bare fingers were now covered in glittering rings, the largest being a bright gold one with a large purple jewel inside. Purple… Uncle Enzo’s favorite color… of course! How did I not see it? Purple is also the color of Marranno Syndicate.
“You like it?” My uncle smirked, holding up his hand with the ring on it. “It’s the head’s ring, passed down for the past five generations.” Curling his knuckles so that the gem shined off the dim light, he gently tapped the top of the ring with his finger. “I gave this up a long time ago to your father, he was always more capable than me, despite being seven years younger.” He sighed. “But we’ve got to be careful about the friends we make, and about the women we fall in love with, ya know?”
My mind putting the pieces together quickly, I tightened my jaw. “Does that mean that I’m…”
“Yes, the heir to the Marranno Organization!” As he said this, the men from behind me walked forward, as did some who’d been standing just beyond light. There were about 15 men that I could see, though I knew there were even more behind me, and possibly some still standing in the darkness. I recognized two to be the truck drivers from our shop, and a few others as workers in the same complex as our family’s bakery. “How’d you figure it out though? You don’t look as surprised as I’d thought you’d be.”
“The truck” I swallowed the lump in my throat, “I saw it just before I got hit.”
“Ah, yeah, you came a bit earlier than expected to the shop.” Uncle Enzo sighed, grabbing at the back of his neck. “We were just finishing up some business when you got there, that was a close one, thought I might’ve had to tell you then and there.” He smirked, “But you’re a good kid, you don’t put your nose where it don’t belong. If only your friend was as smart.”
Erin! “What’d you do with him?!” I pulled at my restraints, the chair toppling over in my futile attempt to stand. I landed hard on my side. The crash had, however, cracked the feeble legs of the chair, freeing me to walk.
“Aha, ha!” My uncle began to laugh, but before he could reach for his gut, I rolled over, lunging at him with all the force I could muster. Not sure what I was planning in a room full of mafia, nor with my hands still bound, but I felt confident my size could do some damage to him.
My collar digging sharp into my neck, I was yanked back from behind, the clicking in the darkness and barrel pressed against the back of my head making clear how stupid I’d been to attack a Mafia boss in the middle of his own turf surrounded by his men.
“Hey, everybody, calm down! Put those things away!” He barked, waving his hands for them to lower the weapons. “What the hell are you all thinking? He can’t do shit!” He stood, the man pulling at my shirt not letting go as my uncle crouched down to my eye level. “He’s a punk, but he’s family.” His dark eyes peering into mine, I kept his gaze as he raised his ringed hand to my face. “And what do we say about family Isaac?”
“Cut the shit, you’ve been lying to me all my life!” I growled, pulling my head as far back as I could in my awkward position. “And you still won’t tell me what happened to Erin. Why should I listen to anything you say?”
“Hah,” He sighed, standing up again. Turning around, he took a few steps back towards the chair he’d been sitting in. “Someone get that broken shit off his back before he hurts himself any more. I don’t need his mother being even more pissed than she’s already gonna be after this shitshow.”
“Where’s Erin?” I asked again, the men making sure to squeeze my arms as they unlocked the handcuffs from my arms and ankles that were still connected to the broken pieces of chair. Knowing better than to lunge this time, I stood confidently taller than the men holding my arms at my side, grandfather’s genes coming to my advantage.
Holding his hand out, the head of the Marranno Syndicate said nothing as someone placed a cigarette in his hands, someone else coming from the other side to light it. Taking in a slow breath, he shook his head. “Ain’t with my guys.” He finally said. “He’s with the Faolan head.”
“The Irish?!” My heart leaped. Was that who he was meeting with?! “Why? Wasn’t this Marranno territory? We’re still in the old factory, right?” I glanced around, the tall concrete ceilings and chemical splattered cement confirming my question.
Chocking on his cigarette, Uncle Enzo shook his head. “Ha, ha, I suppose that’s what the public says, but nah, this is neutral ground.” He stood, tapping the ash off the end of his bud. “You’ll need to learn that if you’re going to take over the families.” Throwing his fag on the ground, he snubbed the rest out with his foot.
“I’m not going to become a gangster.” I narrowed my eyes. “I’ve been trying to prove that my entire life. Trying to be something different than the stigma this name carries, I’m going to -”
“To be a police officer? Heh,” My uncle cricked his neck. “Please, go ahead with that dream, it won’t change nothing.” A few of his fellows chuckled as well at this.
What? What’s he mean by that?! And what’s with this reaction by the others?
“Heh, you’re smart but you don’t got all the pieces, do you?” Uncle Enzo shook his head, “Why do you think the cops never solve anything to here, huh?”
“You bribed them.” I responded quickly, my heart beating loudly in my ears, mind spinning up solutions I didn’t want to think possible. “You’ve got plants or something. But once I’m in I’ll change that, I’ll clean up the force, start arresting mafia members again, just like my Grandfather Rori did!”
“Aha, ha!” Uncle and the others laughed louder, the ones holding my arms chuckling as well. “Ha, ha, you don’t get it do you? Ha, ha! Ah, Isaac!” Uncle Enzo rolled his head back, running his finger through dark hair. “It’s because of your grandfather that the cops haven’t investigated any mafia activity seriously for decades! Aha, ha!”
“No.” It can’t be true, it can’t! “Shut up!” I cried. “Stop laughing!” Shaking off the men who were momentarily distracted, I turned to run the opposite direction this time. Thankfully there was a door directly behind me, unfortunately there were also about five men ready to stop me. Ducking under the blow of the first, I swung at the second, the punch comically sending him flying into the next. Body-slamming into the fourth, I grappled him well enough to push him into the fifth. For once my size was to my advantage.
Yet just as a I reached for the exit, the metal door swung open, knocking against my chin and pushing me back into the group I’d just beat. Having already recovered, the Marranno members pulled me back and forced me to the ground as I helplessly watched more men enter through the door. My face was pressed too tightly against the floor to look up to their faces. I did, however, notice a uniformity in their shoes, as well as their pants which I, to my horror, immediately recognized.
[[Part 3]]
Damn it.
“Let him up.” One of them said, his voice hauntingly familiar.
“Hey!” My Uncle shouted, walking towards us as the Marranno men eased off my back. “What’d I tell you about ordering my men? It’s a truce not a merger!”
“I’m not going to have my grandson’s face beaten into the ground just because your men can’t restrain a single kid.”
Damn it! I curled my fist, my head still bowed and eyes still staring into the gray floor, afraid to look up at what I already knew.
“My men can handle everything just fine! I just wanted to give him a chance to show off, let ‘em know how strong their future leader’s gonna be.” Uncle Enzo argued.
“Hah, of course it’s not because things were getting out of control, as usual for the Marranno’s. Subtlety is key, I thought you would’ve learned that after last time.” Grandfather shot back.
“You damned-!”
“Where’s Erin?!” I finally shouted out, my chest heavy, eyes locked between the two mafia heads, between my uncle and my grandfather.
As per my suspicion, the room was now intermixed between Marranno and cops, no, between Marranno and Faolan mob members.
I really can’t escape this now.
“Your friend is alive.” My grandfather started towards me, his silver wolf head cane in hand, his connection to the “Little Wolf” Mob, as the Faolan were called, all the more obvious now. “But you’ve got to understand, Isaac, he saw our meeting, took photos even.” My grandfather shook his head. “We can’t tell if he’ll be cooperative or not with us.” He reached for my shoulder as he often did, but I shook him off.
“Don’t!” I stepped back from him. “Just tell me where my friend is so we can go.”
“It’s not that simple.” My grandfather shook his head, the gray brows above his bright blue eyes scrunching. “He not only saw us, but he knows us, knows our personal lives, last time that happened was…”
“Don’t act sorry when you were just holding it over our heads!” Uncle Enzo pointed an accusatory finger at Grandfather Rori. “It was one of your guy’s that got Antonio killed!”
“My father?” I shot my head up, “I thought he died from a car accident?” Shit I sound dumb, I should have known that wasn’t true the moment I found out he was mafia.
“He did die in a car crash.” My Grandfather coughed, gripping his cane, “But it was no accident.”
“Another!” My Uncle held out his hand for another cigarette “He was killed by his best friend, a traitor.” He blew out another puff of smoke. “He joined our group naturally, having been close to your father for a long time. They were like brothers, Don and Antonio, knew more about each other than anyone else.” He puffed again. “Not unlike you and Erin.”
“What are you trying to get at?” I asked, conscious of the eyes all staring at me now.
“Don didn’t like your father shaking-up with the daughter of the enemy group.”
“Watch it Enzo!” A cop snapped, glaring daggers into my uncle, one of his own men stepping between them, the two started to reach for the guns on their hips before the Faolan and Marranno heads stopped them with a simple wave.
“Nobody much liked their relationship at the start, real Romeo and Juliette like situation, ya know?” He puffed again, tapping off some of the ashes after. “Anyway, Don tried to convince Antonio to split up with your mom. When Antonio not only refused, but then decided to marry her and call a truce between the two groups, ha, well that pissed Don off. He didn’t show up to their wedding to say the least.” Enzo shook his head.
“But why?” I whispered, “Peace is good right? Why would he want you to keep fighting?”
“Some people just don’t know another way to live.” Uncle Enzo spit his cigarette on the ground, stomping it out with his foot once more. “It’s not like that stuff went away, but we agreed to be a bit quieter about it, to build a place for our families to grow, all comfortable like, ya know? He couldn’t handle that, and so he left town.” Holding his hand out for another cigarette, a subordinate shook his head, my uncle cursing in response. “Hey, you got any lights?” He turned to my gramps.
“I told you not to smoke in here, you’re just asking to cause a spark and kill us all.” He sighed, nodding to a cop at his side who reluctantly pulled out a pack of smokes. My uncle clicked his tongue at the scolding but didn’t argue any further.
“Anyway,” He pulled the drag to his mouth. “A few years later he came back into town. Shortly after that, a cop ran your father off the road. They got him during the only time he was alone.” Uncle Enzo looked to me, smirking a bit as he met my eyes. “Tuesday Mornings, when he went to the local library by himself.”
The library? “But that’s…I-I also…”
“Heh, yeah, you and your father are more alike in that way. Your personality’s too calm for that man, but the one time he sat still is when he was reading. He didn’t want the other’s to think he looked weak though, so he liked to do it alone on Tuesdays. The only one who knew that were me, your mother, and Don.” He shook his head. “Damn bastard was trying to start a war between the Marranno and Faolan, trying to get me to believe your mom set him up. Too bad for him the traitor survived the crash, and man did he squeal.”
“What happened to Don then?” I asked, aware of the answer already.
“We tracked him down.” My grandfather answered this time. “Our resources were better for that.” He nodded, not having to explain why that was. “After exacting our own justice on the traitor for him having taken away my son-in-law, we handed Don over the Marranno’s.”
“And what’d you do?” I turned to my uncle. My heart racing in my chest, the blood pumping fast as a strange but exciting feeling started to rise up.
“Same thing we do to all traitors.” He cricked his neck again. “Oven 1.” His instructions not to clean oven 1 flashing in my mind, I recalled the large box that two of the men here had been carrying out of the shop earlier to the truck parked just outside. “We slow cooked that bastard.” Uncle Enzo turned an invisible dial in front of himself. “Wanted to make it last.”
Something burning up inside of me, I felt a strange tingling in my extremities, and I couldn’t tell if it was fear, or something else, something primal. This man who’d I’d never heard of before, who I never met. The man called Don that killed my father, that took away my life with him, he died one of the most painful deaths imaginable. A type of death reserved for those thought associated with the devil, for the most detested of enemies. This feeling, I think I know it.
“Once we’d joined our families everything was already settled.” Uncle Enzo went on. “Although we operate independently now, it was agreed we’d merge when you came of age and were trained up for the position as head of both families. We meet every now and then to discuss some… discrepancies between our operations… your friend stumbled onto that. We understand he’s your pal and all, but remember, family comes first.”
“Family?” I tasted the word. They’d lied to me my entire life. How could I trust them? I mean, sure they did it to protect me, to let me grow up normal, but that was impossible with this type of name anyways. Why didn’t they trust me enough to tell me?
“How about you go talk to your friend? If you can convince him well enough, everything will be fine.” My grandfather reassured me, a cop leaning over to whisper something in his ear as he did. “Go on.” He nodded through the door. “We’ll wait here. We trust you to do the right thing. You’re a smart boy.”
[[Part 4]]
Escorted by two cops that’d just been at the bakery not a few hours before, they attempted to speak to me casually as we walked down the long dark hall, but I didn’t engage. There’s no way I could, everyone’s treated me like a kid in the dark. No one’s trusted me enough to say the truth, so how can I trust them?
Coming to another door guarded by a Faulan mob member, he nodded, allowing me inside of it.
At the opening of the door, Erin looked up to me. “I-Isaac?” Erin shook, looking relatively unharmed aside from a fat lip. His body pressed against the wall, his hands and feet were bound, and eyes wide as they stared at me with a fear I’d never seen in them before.
“I guess I was wrong.” I smiled shyly, scratching the back of my head.
Staring owl eyed, Erin didn’t move, his body shaking, he stared at the mob members behind me. For the first time in his life he didn’t have anything to say. Something twisted in my stomach at seeing him that way, but something else… something else felt like a rush, an energy that I can’t explain. I guess it’s something I developed over the years because of people fearing me for my last name. Before that feeling made me uncomfortable, but now that I know the reason behind it, that all those rumors were true, it feels a bit different.
It feels like power.
“You were right.” I smiled instinctively, as I normally did when people looked at me with that look. “It was a good thing that I came, right? Always good to have a Marranno deal with a Marranno.”
Again he said nothing. Eyes ever staring, glancing around, crazed, wild, like an animal, like a prey cornered by a predator.
“What’s with that?” The energy rushed faster in me, pulsing like fire in my head. “You’ve been making jokes about me being in the mafia for years. What’s with you now?”
“B-but you weren’t.” Erin at last spoke. “You said you weren’t!” He shouted. “I went to your house, ate with your family, and you came to mine too, but your family is-is-!” He shivered, “Th-they’re monsters!”
“Monsters?” I clenched my fist, my teeth grinding in anger at how quickly he’d turned on me. “What the hell?! We’ve been friends for 15 God damn years! You learn one little truth that you already suspected and you’re like this?! What happened to wanting my name for protection, for sticking together? I rushed here, risking my own life, thinking you were dead! How the hell was I supposed to know all this bullshit with my family? I just found out too!”
Biting his lip, Erin scrunched his eyes. “Your Gramp’s heads the Faolan gang, and the Faolan gang is the cops!” He curled inwards on himself. “And your uncle is the same for the Marrannos.”
“So?” I stepped closer. “Isn’t this what you wanted? Don’t you get that you’re only alive because they’re my family? Because of my name?!” I pulled him up by his shirt, pushing him against the wall so that he couldn’t turn or curl away from me. “Look me in the eyes Erin!”
Don’t be afraid of me. You were the only one. You were supposed to be the only one!
His jaw shaking, his cowardly eyes at last turned to mine. “I-it wasn’t supposed to be real.” He sniffled, “You weren’t- it wasn’t- ugh!” He started to cry, his body shivering beneath me as something foul filled the air with the sound of dribbling on the floor.
“Shit.” I released him, turning back around, my emotions overwhelming me. How could he act like this? I mean, I was scared too, but it’s not like I can change my family. I can’t change who I am! Even if their ideals cross with mine they’re still…
“Don’t let it get it to you kid.” Uncle Enzo’s voice came from the doorway. It was then that I noticed that the Faolan gang members had left, Uncle Enzo was standing there in their place, a new cigarette in his hands. He lit it himself this time. “It’s a lot for most people. They see the violence but not the product of it.”
“Hmph, of course.” He stepped next to me, grasping my shoulder, he led me out the door. Passing an intermix of the Faolan and Marranno members, he waved his hand to shoo them away as he led me up some rickety metal stairs. “Climb” He ordered. Doing as he said (not that he gave me a choice) we went up to the top floor of the factory. Stepping in front of me in the narrow stairwell, he nodded his head to the door. Upon opening it, a cool breeze blew through.
“The roof?” I stepped out, grateful for the fresh air.
“Yeah but look out there.” Uncle Enzo pointed towards the town. “It’s been peaceful for twenty years.” He said, leaning against the rail along the edge of the rooftop. “That’s because of you.”
“Me?” I joined him, a bit nervous to lean on the old rail.
“Yes.” Uncle Enzo smiled. “You’re why we do what we do.” He tapped the ash off his drag. “For family.”
“Your reputation could prove otherwise.” I swallowed, unnerved by my boldness.
“Hah, I suppose so, but look out.” He pointed to the town shining out past the forest line. “Who do you think got the city council to put in those lights so kids can walk home safe? Who funded the new factory, the one that’s more efficient and less toxic for our kids, that brought in all those jobs, huh? Or your college?” He turned back, grinning at my jacket that bore my school’s logo.
“We built that new library.” He pointed to his chest. “We handled the heads misusing the funds in the college, had a chat that made them do the honorable thing and se the books straight. For you. For our families. For this whole town!” He shouted out over the rail. “It’s built on our blood.” He threw his cigarette down again, stomping it out with his foot. “We volunteered our guys during that flood a few years back. We funded that new housing project on the east end. We work in and for the community. Our organizations only fought because we each had different ideas of how to do that.” He cricked his neck, glancing away for a moment. “But when you were born, we came to an understanding.” He pressed his hand on my shoulder, patting it hard as he looked back out towards the town. “Family.” He looked down to me, pride brimming in his eyes. “Family before all else, that’s what’s important.”
“But Erin is… he’s my best friend.”
“And Don was your father’s.” Uncle Enzo squeezed my shoulder. “And he tried to kill him.”
“So what should I do? He knows about you and gramps, but he’s not handling it well. I’m worried that he might tell. And if that happens you and gramps will…” I couldn’t finish, my heart pumping mad as my head overflooded with the possibilities.
“It’s up to you.” Uncle Enzo sighed. “If you think all he needs is time, we’ll give it to him. If you think he can’t handle it, we’ll deal with that too.”
“When you say deal with that, do you mean-”
“Whatever needs to be done.” He cut me off. “It’ll be up to you, young boss.”
“Young boss?” I raised an eyebrow, grinning nervously. “Sounds a bit lame.”
“Heh, get used it. It’ll be your title from now on.” Uncle Enzo smirked, turning to walk back towards the door. “This’ll be your first big decision as the young boss. I’m sure you’ll make the right decision for the family, you’re a smart kid.”
“The right decision?” I whispered as Uncle Enzo turned back towards the rooftop door. I didn’t follow, but he didn’t seem to mind. I guess he figured I need time to process all this.
Looking out over the town once more, I gripped the rickety railing.
Can I really do this? Can I really lead two mobs? Do I have what it take to hurt someone? Maybe even Erin?
Swallowing at the thought of that package and oven 1 again, I grit my teeth.
But if it’s for my family, for my grandfather and uncle who did their best to give me what my father couldn’t because his own best friend betrayed him, for those two who raised me with such love and care… what would I do? How far am I willing to go for my family? A family that I now see is a lot bigger than just those tied to me by blood.
Looking up to the dim stars in the night sky, something heavy pressed on my chest at the sight of them. Mom sais that we’re just a small part of the universe, not even a speck in the infinite array of space. Yet we have value, value because we have life, because we are made in the image of God, The Creator. We are special because of our relation to something greater than ourselves. That relationship owes us rights, and thereupon duties to uphold those rights. So precious is that gift, that blessing of life.
Only now do I think I understand that meaning now. It’s like I can feel it in my bones, in my blood. I wonder if Mom knows about Gramps and Uncle? She must. Maybe that’s why she’s so religious. Someone has to pray for the souls of the damned, of those who do what they must because they are a part of something greater, something more than themselves, something they’ve a responsibility to uphold, something that will one day be my responsibility…
I know what I have to do.
[[Part 5]]
“So, what’ll it be?” Uncle Enzo asked, clapping his hand on my shoulder, his other extended outward towards Erin, bound and gagged as he lay inside the cramped oven of my uncle’s bakery. “Have you made up your mind? I know you only found out last night, but you’re a smart boy, I’m sure you understand what needs to be done.”
Staring into the terrified brown eyes of the only friend I’ve ever had, I clenched my fist. “I’ve known Erin all my life.” I whispered. “He’s my best friend, my only friend. He’s a good guy who, though annoyingly persistent at times, would do anything to follow through with what he believes to be right. That’s stuck with me all these years despite everyone else being afraid. He’s been with me through it all, and we know each other better than anyone else.” Looking up to my uncle, I made sure to lock eyes with him as I spoke, to let him now I was resolute in my decision.
“That’s why I know he’ll tell someone what he saw at the factory last night if he gets the chance.” A muffled scream then came from Erin as I shut and locked the door to oven 1. “He saw you making negotiations as the head of the Marranno group with grandfather, the head of the Faolan group. He knew who you were, but he still took the photos. He’s always wanted to be a journalist, he even writes for the school paper. If he published those photos and what he saw and heard there, this would be his first big break. As soon as he’s free, he’ll contact someone in the town over, perhaps even the feds. We can’t take that chance.”
Hovering my hand over the ignition dial, I paused as I heard my best friend kicking against the steel door of the oven. “As the next heir to both organizations, I have a responsibility to protect my family.” Turning the dial slowly, I stepped away from the oven as it heated, listening silently as the kicking and muffled shouts increased while Uncle Enzo led me over to the front of the store. Stopping at the counter to put a few peach tarts in a box for my Mother, Uncle Enzo’s face was calm as the rancid smell I’d always thought to be burning bread filled the bakery.
“You did the right thing.” Uncle Enzo nodded, holding out the box of tarts for me to carry so that he could open the door. “I was worried about not telling you for so long, but your Mother insisted we wait until you were 21, and you know I can’t argue with her.” He chuckled, locking up the shop. From here one couldn’t even here Erin anymore, though the smell was still quite strong. “It’s a bit early, but maybe you can just pretend for a bit, and then act surprised and a little scared when she tells you in a few months, alright?”
“You know we can’t put anything past her.” I smirked, my body unshaking and mind surprisingly clear, despite what I had just done.
“Ha, that’s true.” My uncle shrugged, taking back the tart box, “Let’s get going, your mom will throw a fit if we’re late for brunch just because of work.”
“Of course, family comes first.” I repeated the slogan I’d heard a thousand times before, the true meaning of those words burning hotter in my heart than ever before. Looking back to the bakery, I watched as the dark smoke rose up into the bright midday sky. “Family always comes first.”
submitted by Yumetara to u/Yumetara [link] [comments]

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