Women belly kicking men


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2024.06.09 17:27 danibam Cosmo to Barbering

Cosmo to Barbering
I’ve been a licensed cosmetologist for 13 years, mostly specializing in women’s cuts and colors and longer men’s cuts. Clippers and anything below a 2 guard always felt intimidating because I didn’t learn in school. I took a 3 year hiatus after the panini, as I was experiencing major burnout. I recently started working at Great Clips because we were in a pinch financially, and although the company is not for me, I’ve discovered that I really enjoy cutting men’s hair and the challenge of achieving different clipper work. I wanted to share a cut that I felt proud of and ask for honest feedback from this community. Thanks in advance 🙏
submitted by danibam to Barber [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:26 pjoberst Does anyone else remember when it was a”trend” for women to play chicken with white men walking toward them on the street?

“Chicken” as in you don’t move out of the way first. I remember seeing so many (often white women) complain about repeatedly bumping into men because they simply did not move, totally expecting the women to move first.
I ask because reddit flagged me for “promoting harassment” for saying I do this to white women as a WOC. So it’s a fun and educational for white women to do this to white men, but god forbid white women are the ones to feel uncomfortable for literally two seconds? smh
submitted by pjoberst to cptsd_bipoc [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:26 Classic_End_8173 A new era of Bravo where women support women

I've been a Bravo viewer for a while, but its wild (but much needed) to see the transition from the internalized misogyny of the early and mid 2000s to seeing the support we show for our fellow women now. I remember how hated women like Stassi, Katie, Ciara, Kristen, etc were for having imperfections, while the men were coddled for doing the bare minimum.
I understand the Bravo fanbase includes many genders, but the majority fanbase has always been women. I think it feels kind of vindicating to see the fans of Bravo finally rally around all these women who were historically and continue to be wronged and finally stand up to say.... ENOUGH. Women are tired of the bullshit.
Sorry, this was a rant. But it was inspired after seeing the VPR finale, the valley finale, the summer house reunion where there are so many parallels between how the men treat the women and expect to get away with it because they have for so long.
submitted by Classic_End_8173 to BravoRealHousewives [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:26 newpriesthood I want to share my obscure fetish - the fantasy of a church led by women over men. Perfect for M subs from Christian/Catholic/Mormon backgrounds. Sharing my AI generated pics - Session: 05018c47bebcfea8a5d31f3c906b48c1ee0794808c687e95152653095b0d28ee58

currently obsessed with the fantasy of a young man being baptized (by full immersion) by either his mommy or his big sister.. idk it does things for me!!
submitted by newpriesthood to wichsbro839392920 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:25 Inevitable_Piece1908 Things about humanity that piss me off

submitted by Inevitable_Piece1908 to Rants [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:24 Prestigious_Rip505 I feel like my gender dysphoria is evolving into something really weird.

Okay i’ll try to keep it short but this might be very lengthy and confusing (and is probably a rant). Also pls bare with the weirdness :/
When I was a kid I was always more with the girls and had a lot of female friends. I loved spending time with them too. I kind of discovered my issues w my gender when I was 11. My mom used to keep her spare clothes in my room and out of curiosity I decided to try it out. We all know how that story goes from there. Fast forward to when I was 15, the feelings had grown intensely. My mom was a housewife and whenever my parents would leave the house, I’d run to their room and dress up, do makeup and what not. God knows how many times I was so close to getting caught only because I was obsessed with “cross-dressing” to an extreme extent. I tried telling my mom about this, but was rubbished and she threatened to delete herself, which traumatised me and threw me into a spiral of self hate.
Now, during this process at 15, I decided to give myself a name. For simplicity’s sake, let my biological name be Max and let my chosen name be May.
As time passed on, there was a fragile balance of Max and May where Max would be seen outside and May would be seen at home when no one was there. This worked fine for two years, was happy and it never bothered me a bit. But, during 2021, I went into a depression spiral. Each breakfast was filled with sobbing and dinner with deletion thoughts. During this time, it felt like May was more prevalent. Since I’d be home more (ie more time locked up in my room), May would be way more prevalent. It was during this time that I came out to a friend and she was (and is) very loving and accepting. This feeling of being accepted pushed me to come out to more and more people and all of these amazing girlies accepted May. Now, as a result, I lived like May and was very happy and depressed (I have no idea how to explain this). It was also during this time that May found out that she was bisexual. She was into both men and women and also nearly ended up telling everyone about it.
Once covid settled, I joined a college to get a degree (note that even atp May was still very prevalent inside, while Max was outside). I made a lot of new friends in which one was an openly bisexual woman (lets call her Anna) who was openly a feminist and pro-lgtbq individual. Anna and I grew very close over the months and I sort of realised that I had a crush on her. However, to avoid bullying (because im from a very conservative country), I had to live as max in public, still do. Now, fast forward to four semesters later, Max met this girl (say Jen) at a UN Debate kinda event and immediately fell for her.
Now, here’s what all this backstory is for. Currently, I’m living with a weird balance of both personalities as Max in social situations and May in personal situations. The issue for me right now is that it’s starting to feel like I have become two different people. I feel like as May i’m a different person and as Max i’m a different person. Like entirely different personalities, down to the music i listen to.
As Max, I still have a huge crush on Jen. I feel like I'm straight. As Max I have this fantasy of being married to her and having kids and what not.
But as May, I have a huge crush on Anna. I feel iike i’m bi too. May loves Anna very much and Anna kind of knows May from pics and has complimented her a lot.
There is also a huge difference in sexual fantasies which I will not elaborate further.
Now, it feels like both these personalities are merging and it’s getting very hard to make even a basic decision. I constantly avoid Anna and Jen just for the sake of this bs. I don’t even know my sexuality anymore. I can’t even decide if I want to transition or not. I literally have two wardrobes of clothes with one side being Max’s, one being Anna’s.
Yep, this feels as weird as this sounds. I’m very stuck here and its destroying my life. I have considered Multiple Personality Disorder, but a lot of the symptoms do not even fit me. Please help. Any form of advice will do.
submitted by Prestigious_Rip505 to lgbt [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:23 ChemicalDamage2643 Do women actually like men under 5'5"?

I'm a short man and I've never seen any male who is my height with a woman. Danny devito is the only exception but he's extremely rich and famous.
submitted by ChemicalDamage2643 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:23 Annabeth_chase037897 Lmao

I posted some guys from another sub here and they found out They cant stop contradicting themselves
submitted by Annabeth_chase037897 to BlatantMisogyny [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:23 iswearnotagain10 [Serious] How would the election be impacted if Trump comes out as bisexual?

[Serious] How would the election be impacted if Trump comes out as bisexual?
Imagine Trump pulls up to a rally, days before his sentencing, so tensions are high. Everyone is wondering where he is, since it’s been 10 minutes with no sign of him. All of a sudden, staff roll up a closet in front of the podium. It sits there for a few seconds, and then Donald Trump steps out of it, revealing the inside is painted rainbow, while Born This Way begins to play as the audience cheers.
“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you, thank you so much. You're an amazing crowd, the best crowd. Nobody gets a crowd like this, believe me. I have something very important to share with you today. It's big, folks, it's huge. And it's going to surprise some people, but you know what? That's okay. Because we’re all about surprises, right? We’re all about making things interesting.
But it's who I am, and it’s always been who I am. I am, folks, I am bisexual. That’s right. Nobody saw that coming, did they? But it's true, bigly. It's so true.
And let me tell you, being bisexual means I see the beauty in both men and women. Great people, fabulous people. Some of the best people. It’s about loving who you love, no matter who they are. Love is a wonderful thing, folks. We need more love in this country, not less. And it doesn’t matter if it’s a man or a woman. It’s about the person, the amazing person.
It’s what makes America great, the ability to be who you are, no matter what. We’re going to continue to do incredible things together. God bless you, and God bless America.”
submitted by iswearnotagain10 to YAPms [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:23 AnnaMouse247 Unravelling the gendered undertones of narcissism. Grandiose narcissism in men was associated with greater perpetration of psychological partner violence, whilst vulnerable narcissism in women was linked with greater perpetration of physical, sexual, and psychological partner violence

submitted by AnnaMouse247 to psychology [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:21 Ok-Kaleidoscope-6195 Do Women Show Interest as a Test Before Pulling Back? Seeking Advice on Mixed Signals

I've been noticing a pattern lately where women seem very interested the first time we meet. They respond positively to my flirts, maintain strong eye contact, and ask questions to get to know me. It really feels like they are into me. However, when I ask them out, they seem to pull back or lose interest.
I wonder if this is a common behavior where women show extra interest initially as a way to test men for some reason. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this a thing women tend to do, or am I misreading the situation?
All these women I've met are not from dating apps. I don't use them - I'm into yoga and rock climbing so I've met them at yoga events, yoga studios, spiritual events, rock climbing gyms, and bunch of other places like this.
submitted by Ok-Kaleidoscope-6195 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:21 iamkingsleyf 12 Richest Female Athletes in the World

With female athletes' development in sports over the previous few decades, it's no surprise that sponsors and professional leagues are eager to pay top dollar to female athletes who excel.
So, despite they earn less than their male counterparts, the world's wealthiest female athletes can afford almost whatever they want.
Kindly read further to learn about the world's top 12 richest female athletes.

1. Serena Williams – $130 million

Arguably the most accomplished female tennis player of all time, Serena Williams is still the world's No. 1 and recently won her 19th Grand Slam singles championship by winning the Australian Open.
Serena has acquired wealth from sponsorships and her clothing company, giving her a current net worth of $130 million.

2. Alexis Dejoria – $100 million

Despite being the billionaire's daughter, drag racer Alexis Dejoria has gained her own celebrity. The pretty girl with a wealthy father started drag racing in 2005 and won the Sportsman Nationals less than a year later.
She is worth $100 million, taking second place on our list of the world's top 12 richest female athletes.

3. Maria Sharapova - $90 million

Currently rated No. 2 globally, Russian tennis star Maria Sharapova has remained one of the greatest players of all time. Sharapova went on to win four more Grand Slam titles, including each of the major tournaments.
With sponsors like Nike and Porsche, she's earned over $90 million throughout her career.

4. Venus Williams - $75 million

The eldest of the Williams sisters, Venus Williams, has established herself as one of the most formidable and skilled players on the women's tour.
Venus has also won seven singles wins to go along with her 13 Grand Slam doubles titles. She currently has a net worth of $75 million, thanks to a few sponsors and other award money.

5. Anna Kournikova – $50 million

Given her lack of ATP Tour titles, it's hard to imagine Anna Kournikova ranking in the top five.
Nonetheless, as one of the most marketable athletes ever, the Russian earned $50 million in sponsorship deals.

6. Li Na – $42 million

Recently retired, former tennis ace Li Na may not have received the acclaim she deserved, but she had an impressive career.
Na has two Grand Slam singles titles on her record and has been ranked as high as No. 2 in the world on several occasions, earning $40 million over her career to deserve a spot on our top 12 richest female athletes list.

7. Annika Sorenstam - $40 million

Annika Sorenstam, the greatest female golfer ever, not only outperformed her peers but she also helped transform the game for young girls, much like Tiger Woods did for men's golf.
Sorenstam earned $22 million throughout her Hall of Fame career, giving her a net worth of $40 million.

8. Steffi Graf – $30 Million

With 22 Grand Slam singles titles, Steffi Graf is a strong contender for the title of the greatest female tennis player ever.
Graf's career earnings amount to $21.8 million, plus $8.2 million in sponsorships, giving her a $30 million net worth.

9. Martina Hingis – $25 million

Martina Hingis, another former world No. 1 tennis player, retired after winning five Grand Slam singles titles and another four in doubles competitions.
Hingis, who was named one of the sport's legends by Time Magazine in 2011, is believed to be worth $25 million for her accomplishments on the court.

10. Caroline Wozniacki – $20 million

In recent years, Caroline Wozniacki, a former world No. 1, may be best known for her failed relationship with golfer Rory McIlroy.
Still, she has demonstrated the ability to detach herself from everything and return to being one of the world's top women's players.
Caroline, who is currently ranked No. 5 in the world, is still waiting for her first Grand Slam singles trophy but is well on her way to achieving it.

11. Danica Patrick – $18 million

Danica Patrick's career may be surrounded by publicity due to her appearance and endorsement deals, but that does not imply it has been unsuccessful.
While Danica is still searching for her first triumph, she has already accomplished feats never seen by a female.
Danica Patrick, who has an estimated net worth of $18 million, is one of the most successful check cashers on the track.

12. Karrie Webb – $15 million

Karrie Webb is one of the greatest female golfers of all time, with a successful career spanning two decades.
The Australian is the active leader in that category, having won 56 professional races, including 41 on the LPGA Tour.
And with seven major championships, there's no doubt she'll be a potential Hall of Famer when she retires.
submitted by iamkingsleyf to u/iamkingsleyf [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:20 Opposite-Complex-355 People who say you shouldn't are assholes.

Doctor-assisted deletion should be okayed, for the people who truly suffer. Life has shown me I am worthless, I try to improve my life and I constantly get told by all men and women in my life, that I don't do enough. I will always be undesired, no matter how I work on myself, even though I have poured thousands of dollars to make myself worthy of a relationship, but no. Still get treated like I am nothing, even by people who know nothing about me. To, say otherwise kind of makes you an AH, if you think it doesn't then you are the biggest of AHs, I am tired of people telling me what I am allowed and not allowed to do with my body. My body, my choice right?
submitted by Opposite-Complex-355 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:17 AutoNewsAdmin [Business] - As young women show distended bellies on TikTok, bloating gets new attention

[Business] - As young women show distended bellies on TikTok, bloating gets new attention submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to NBCauto [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:17 Independent-Month905 I’ve had the worst Pride month!

So I’ve had the worst pride month so far and just need to vent, buckle in cause this is an EXTREMLY long one.
Some backstory I (17f soon to be 18) have known I was into women since as young as 13, I had unlimited access to the internet and knew about different sexualities so it was very easy for me, well for the longest while I went by pansexual. I had come out to my mom almost a year ago as her and I were always close, well she just didn’t care and almost pretended like I didn’t. This year however I realized that I was actually a lesbian and came out to her and 2 weeks before pride month, it didn’t go all to well and our relationship is a bit strained but it was fine until this past weekend.
Onto the worst pride month of my life:
Saturday June 1st:
Well comes June first, I worked at 6am and got home at 12, I had a rough day at work and was just ready to relax, well my mom and I step out the car and suddenly I am being cornered by my ex step-father (him and my mom broke up about 6 months ago at this point and he already moved out months ago). Apparently he found my socials which clearly state I’m a lesbian and felt it was his “duty” to tell my mom even though they aren’t together any more 😒. He proceeded to tell her had had screenshots and blah blah blah in case I tried to deny it but obviously I didn’t because my mom already knew.
WELL she threw me under the bust and pretended she didn’t know just to appease him, I was annoyed by this so I just went inside to my room and locked my door. Well about 10-15 minutes later she comes banging on my door and is fuming with me, apparently my ex step-father didn’t want my brothers (I have 4 brothers who are his kids) living with me and was threatening to take them and it was my fault. She blamed me for everything saying I ruined her life (yes HER life, not mine who has just been outed, HERS) she forced me to take down all gay stuff from my accounts and I ended up setting them to private them.
Well later my my ex-stepfather starts calling my phone, I don’t answer obviously so he sends my brother to come call me so we can talk (I later found out he outed me to my brothers as well and asked them if they knew I was a lesbian, not cool dude 😒). Well he surprised me by talking about how he raised me since I was 2, and didn’t care what identified as and loved me regardless (dude never apologized for what he said or did but I’ll give him a pass). Well he was about to say something else, when his mother started CRYING saying him leaving ruined her life, (Yes his mom still lives with us, that’s a whole story in itself) so he left. I had one more fight with my mom about everything and then that was the end of day 1, Yep just day 1, more shit happened on day 2 and 3.
Sunday June 2nd:
So it is now June second and obviously I was pretty upset considering the events on the previous day as not only was it pride month but my 18th was only a month away, I had work that day but called out because after the shit show the day prior I was NOT in any place mentally to go to work (about 80% of my co-workers are apart of the lgbtqia+ community and I knew seeing them all happy about pride month would make me upset). So instead I went out with a friend as we had already prior made plans to go thrifting that day before I had work and after the day I had the other day this was just what I needed. Well it was a fun and eventful day ending with us getting lost and (once again a story for another day). Well I get back home and ex-stepfather is in the kitchen? I say good evening out of respect and head to my room when DAMN I’m being cornered AGAIN, I thankfully got to relax a little before I was attacked but suddenly my mom comes to my room and is furious.
Apparently my ex-stepfathers sister had found out (who lives all the way in Jamaica by the way, and this went down in Canada) and was nagging my mom about it and blaming my ex-stepfather for me being a lesbian and my mom was not happy about it. (Yes she is still in contact with his family, and the reason she blames him is cause he cheated and treated my mom horribly so she thinks he made me hate men 😒).
My mom was mad he was getting blamed for me being a lesbian, and for me being hostile with him the day before and today (yes she still loves him, once again another story, I feel like at this rate I should create a post for these 😂). This starts an argument between us because I tell her he had no right to out me to my brothers or her, even if she already knew (I don’t know if anyone else knows) She once again talks about how she’s struggling with this and I accidentally sigh out loud (I mean common though if you’re struggling then what about me) well one thing leads to another and we end up fighting, she tries to say I can’t be a lesbian because I dated my ex boyfriend (even though he was the only guy I ever dated before realizing I was lesbian and we’ve had numerous conversations where I told her that she made me feel pressured to date him). Well the fight got super heated and I did say something I’m not proud of after she told me to go read a bible, this resulted in her telling my to call my dad to pick me up so I can stay with him for a while (this is legally allowed as he does have part custody of me and I turn 18 in July)
Eventually after slamming doors and me almost calling my father, we calm down and have a talk (I still live with her currently) the conversation didn’t really go anywhere and we did end up fighting again, this time over different religious views and me talking about how I felt pressured by her to date my ex. The conversation ended because we had to pick up my sister from work and we never picked it up again, it’s still feels like she wasn’t trying to understand me, but I was too exhausted to put any more effort in.
Monday June 3rd:
Never fear this is the last day of the saga and it thankfully was happy, in the end.
Well, it’s Monday and I have to go back to school and it’s also my Bio fathers birthday (which I totally forgot about due to the prior days events and felt extremely bad), I thought I was ok but after a couple pride month announcements, I ended up leaving class and had a breakdown in the hallway (I’m ok now, all the weekends events just finally caught up to me that day). Well, I was found by some teachers and was brought to guidance to talk to somebody after I went back to class and and talked to my teacher about everything who offered me her support (she is an absolute sweetheart, and I love her so much🩷).
Well, I made the executive decision to just tell my father because considering the fact that people in Jamaica were finding out he was going to find out at some point and I wanted him to find out from me (I did intend on telling him, just after my 18th in July incase things went south with my mom, which they almost did).
I sent him a text and turned off my phone for the day, thankfully his response was much more loving than my mothers and he told me he loved me regardless, he picked me up from my moms and we ended up spending the day together and later on we picked up my sister and watched a movie together. I didn’t speak much to my mom this day, aside from telling her I was going out with him.
Well this is it so far, it’s been 6 days but I still can’t get over everything so I just wanted to vent. As of right now my relationship with my mom is improving but still strained and I don’t think it will ever go back to how it was before. Especially considering the fact that my father was very accepting of me, and even my ex-stepfather was more accepting of me than her despite the way he initially reacted.
Well, this is it if you somehow read this entire thing and thank WOW and thank you. If anyone wants clarification, feel free to ask and I’ll edit them onto the post. Also if anyone is curious, I am more than willing to talk about some of the other stories of my family (Trust me it gets CRAZY)
submitted by Independent-Month905 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:14 No_Good3931 serious agegap

i am a 34 yo man and my female coworker is 22. We vibe really good and started to hang out after work or go for a walk with our dogs from time to time. Shes the type of women that has only older friends (like my age) and isnt interested in men her age. I know her as a friend for a year now and but recently i noticed that she might have a romantic interest in me. The age gap between us feels really weird but she behaves a muchg more mature than other women her age (i know, thats what they always say). I find her quite interesting, but I don't know if I want to get involved with that age difference.
Is 11-12 years too much of an age difference?
Is it even possible to have a relationship like that?
submitted by No_Good3931 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:12 jonloveslego I (43M) made an AI to get dates for men/women on Instagram. Is it ethical?

I know I may get judged here, but I wanted to come out with something I’ve been doing in the past three weeks. I was completely tired of traditional dating apps. They really don’t work and are all inauthentic as hell. Plus – and I'm sure a lot will agree on this – dating apps treat guys as cash cows.
The reason I made Instadate AI was so that I could tell it my preferences, experiences, and style of writing in detail, and for it to handle exploring, engagement, and messaging dozens of men on my behalf. I always had the option of taking manual control of the conversation if I wanted to.
However, how ethical is this given AI is very controversial in dating?
submitted by jonloveslego to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:12 MarineBiomancer Trying to expand my clothing horizons and I could use some advice.

Traditionally I've been strictly a shorts and T-shirt/short-sleeve henley kind of guy for almost my entire wardrobe, barring some dress clothes. Recently though, I've been wanting to expand into new styles. However, I've been struggling on a number of fronts.
Firstly, I've struggled with the fit on a lot of what I've tried out so far. I'm 6'1" and about 245lb and while I'm down 100lbs from several years ago, I will never have a thin body type (even when I'm in shape I just have a thick frame). So, I find that I struggle a lot getting the right size across the chest and shoulders, without going up another size, which I often ends up looking like I'm swimming in it. The shirts will fit if I stand still, but if I try to move my arms up even a little, it starts feeling super tight across the chest, shoulders, and upper back, and the bottom of the shirt rises with my arms significantly (can't even reach out for a handshake without showing off the bottom of my stomach with some of them 😅). Meanwhile, I have some expensive dress shirts and cheap t-shirts/henleys where it's not a problem at all. So I don't know if it's something I need to be mindful of with the tailoring or what.
Second, I run wicked hot and my body is like a furnace; so any attempts to wear layers, or anything but super light materials leaves me a hot sweaty mess (hence the prior exclusive shorts and short-sleeve shirts haha).
Finally, I just find a lot of men's fashion styles seem really boring or repetitive. It just feels like there's not a lot of varied options out there and it all kinda breaks down into the same groupings: button-ups (plain or with plaid/striped patterns) or polos for tops, and chinos or jeans for bottoms. I feel like women can just have a lot more fun with designing their outfits with the huge variety they have.
submitted by MarineBiomancer to mensfashion [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:12 trainofwhat “I’ve never slept with a woman who hated me” Good for you Kevin

Okay, so Jake and Hailey were just a weird couple and I’ll be open that I didn’t pay attention that much (I have chronic fatigue)
But, at the reunion, Kevin Frazier was waaaaay too on Hailey’s side. Jake gives me bad vibes sometimes, and I cringe at the term “respect,” but Hailey gave him more than the cold shoulder too and has been very passive aggressive. Don’t hold me super accountable to that though because once again, I didn’t really pay attention. I think we can all agree they were awkward as hell.
Anyways, Kevin saying, “I’ve never slept with a woman who hated me” made me chuckle. Good for him! I mean, why would he, he’s Kevin Frazier! But, I can say, I’ve encountered a number of men who have slept with women that hate them. And I have friends who have slept with men they hate and hated at the time. Sex isn’t always clean or loving.
That’s it. I just found that line funny.
submitted by trainofwhat to MarriedAtFirstSight [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:12 SoftConfusion42 Thoughts?

For transparency, my partner is not white.
submitted by SoftConfusion42 to blackmen [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:08 Independent-Month905 I’ve had the worst Pride month!

So I’ve had the worst pride month so far and just need to vent, buckle in cause this is an EXTREMLY long one.
Some backstory I (17f soon to be 18) have known I was into women since as young as 13, I had unlimited access to the internet and knew about different sexualities so it was very easy for me, well for the longest while I went by pansexual. I had come out to my mom almost a year ago as her and I were always close, well she just didn’t care and almost pretended like I didn’t. This year however I realized that I was actually a lesbian and came out to her and 2 weeks before pride month, it didn’t go all to well and our relationship is a bit strained but it was fine until this past weekend.
Onto the worst pride month of my life:
Saturday June 1st:
Well comes June first, I worked at 6am and got home at 12, I had a rough day at work and was just ready to relax, well my mom and I step out the car and suddenly I am being cornered by my ex step-father (him and my mom broke up about 6 months ago at this point and he already moved out months ago). Apparently he found my socials which clearly state I’m a lesbian and felt it was his “duty” to tell my mom even though they aren’t together any more 😒. He proceeded to tell her had had screenshots and blah blah blah in case I tried to deny it but obviously I didn’t because my mom already knew.
WELL she threw me under the bust and pretended she didn’t know just to appease him, I was annoyed by this so I just went inside to my room and locked my door. Well about 10-15 minutes later she comes banging on my door and is fuming with me, apparently my ex step-father didn’t want my brothers (I have 4 brothers who are his kids) living with me and was threatening to take them and it was my fault. She blamed me for everything saying I ruined her life (yes HER life, not mine who has just been outed, HERS) she forced me to take down all gay stuff from my accounts and I ended up setting them to private them.
Well later my my ex-stepfather starts calling my phone, I don’t answer obviously so he sends my brother to come call me so we can talk (I later found out he outed me to my brothers as well and asked them if they knew I was a lesbian, not cool dude 😒). Well he surprised me by talking about how he raised me since I was 2, and didn’t care what identified as and loved me regardless (dude never apologized for what he said or did but I’ll give him a pass). Well he was about to say something else, when his mother started CRYING saying him leaving ruined her life, (Yes his mom still lives with us, that’s a whole story in itself) so he left. I had one more fight with my mom about everything and then that was the end of day 1, Yep just day 1, more shit happened on day 2 and 3.
Sunday June 2nd:
So it is now June second and obviously I was pretty upset considering the events on the previous day as not only was it pride month but my 18th was only a month away, I had work that day but called out because after the shit show the day prior I was NOT in any place mentally to go to work (about 80% of my co-workers are apart of the lgbtqia+ community and I knew seeing them all happy about pride month would make me upset). So instead I went out with a friend as we had already prior made plans to go thrifting that day before I had work and after the day I had the other day this was just what I needed. Well it was a fun and eventful day ending with us getting lost and (once again a story for another day). Well I get back home and ex-stepfather is in the kitchen? I say good evening out of respect and head to my room when DAMN I’m being cornered AGAIN, I thankfully got to relax a little before I was attacked but suddenly my mom comes to my room and is furious.
Apparently my ex-stepfathers sister had found out (who lives all the way in Jamaica by the way, and this went down in Canada) and was nagging my mom about it and blaming my ex-stepfather for me being a lesbian and my mom was not happy about it. (Yes she is still in contact with his family, and the reason she blames him is cause he cheated and treated my mom horribly so she thinks he made me hate men 😒).
My mom was mad he was getting blamed for me being a lesbian, and for me being hostile with him the day before and today (yes she still loves him, once again another story, I feel like at this rate I should create a post for these 😂). This starts an argument between us because I tell her he had no right to out me to my brothers or her, even if she already knew (I don’t know if anyone else knows) She once again talks about how she’s struggling with this and I accidentally sigh out loud (I mean common though if you’re struggling then what about me) well one thing leads to another and we end up fighting, she tries to say I can’t be a lesbian because I dated my ex boyfriend (even though he was the only guy I ever dated before realizing I was lesbian and we’ve had numerous conversations where I told her that she made me feel pressured to date him). Well the fight got super heated and I did say something I’m not proud of after she told me to go read a bible, this resulted in her telling my to call my dad to pick me up so I can stay with him for a while (this is legally allowed as he does have part custody of me and I turn 18 in July)
Eventually after slamming doors and me almost calling my father, we calm down and have a talk (I still live with her currently) the conversation didn’t really go anywhere and we did end up fighting again, this time over different religious views and me talking about how I felt pressured by her to date my ex. The conversation ended because we had to pick up my sister from work and we never picked it up again, it’s still feels like she wasn’t trying to understand me, but I was too exhausted to put any more effort in.
Monday June 3rd:
Never fear this is the last day of the saga and it thankfully was happy, in the end.
Well, it’s Monday and I have to go back to school and it’s also my Bio fathers birthday (which I totally forgot about due to the prior days events and felt extremely bad), I thought I was ok but after a couple pride month announcements, I ended up leaving class and had a breakdown in the hallway (I’m ok now, all the weekends events just finally caught up to me that day). Well, I was found by some teachers and was brought to guidance to talk to somebody after I went back to class and and talked to my teacher about everything who offered me her support (she is an absolute sweetheart, and I love her so much🩷).
Well, I made the executive decision to just tell my father because considering the fact that people in Jamaica were finding out he was going to find out at some point and I wanted him to find out from me (I did intend on telling him, just after my 18th in July incase things went south with my mom, which they almost did).
I sent him a text and turned off my phone for the day, thankfully his response was much more loving than my mothers and he told me he loved me regardless, he picked me up from my moms and we ended up spending the day together and later on we picked up my sister and watched a movie together. I didn’t speak much to my mom this day, aside from telling her I was going out with him.
Well this is it so far, it’s been 6 days but I still can’t get over everything so I just wanted to vent. As of right now my relationship with my mom is improving but still strained and I don’t think it will ever go back to how it was before. Especially considering the fact that my father was very accepting of me, and even my ex-stepfather was more accepting of me than her despite the way he initially reacted.
Well, this is it if you somehow read this entire thing and thank WOW and thank you. If anyone wants clarification, feel free to ask and I’ll edit them onto the post. Also if anyone is curious, I am more than willing to talk about some of the other stories of my family (Trust me it gets CRAZY)
submitted by Independent-Month905 to venting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:06 Independent-Month905 I’ve had the worst Pride month

So I’ve had the worst pride month so far and just need to vent, buckle in cause this is an EXTREMLY long one.
Some backstory I (17f soon to be 18) have known I was into women since as young as 13, I had unlimited access to the internet and knew about different sexualities so it was very easy for me, well for the longest while I went by pansexual. I had come out to my mom almost a year ago as her and I were always close, well she just didn’t care and almost pretended like I didn’t. This year however I realized that I was actually a lesbian and came out to her and 2 weeks before pride month, it didn’t go all to well and our relationship is a bit strained but it was fine until this past weekend.
Onto the worst pride month of my life:
Saturday June 1st:
Well comes June first, I worked at 6am and got home at 12, I had a rough day at work and was just ready to relax, well my mom and I step out the car and suddenly I am being cornered by my ex step-father (him and my mom broke up about 6 months ago at this point and he already moved out months ago). Apparently he found my socials which clearly state I’m a lesbian and felt it was his “duty” to tell my mom even though they aren’t together any more 😒. He proceeded to tell her had had screenshots and blah blah blah in case I tried to deny it but obviously I didn’t because my mom already knew.
WELL she threw me under the bust and pretended she didn’t know just to appease him, I was annoyed by this so I just went inside to my room and locked my door. Well about 10-15 minutes later she comes banging on my door and is fuming with me, apparently my ex step-father didn’t want my brothers (I have 4 brothers who are his kids) living with me and was threatening to take them and it was my fault. She blamed me for everything saying I ruined her life (yes HER life, not mine who has just been outed, HERS) she forced me to take down all gay stuff from my accounts and I ended up setting them to private them.
Well later my my ex-stepfather starts calling my phone, I don’t answer obviously so he sends my brother to come call me so we can talk (I later found out he outed me to my brothers as well and asked them if they knew I was a lesbian, not cool dude 😒). Well he surprised me by talking about how he raised me since I was 2, and didn’t care what identified as and loved me regardless (dude never apologized for what he said or did but I’ll give him a pass). Well he was about to say something else, when his mother started CRYING saying him leaving ruined her life, (Yes his mom still lives with us, that’s a whole story in itself) so he left. I had one more fight with my mom about everything and then that was the end of day 1, Yep just day 1, more shit happened on day 2 and 3.
Sunday June 2nd:
So it is now June second and obviously I was pretty upset considering the events on the previous day as not only was it pride month but my 18th was only a month away, I had work that day but called out because after the shit show the day prior I was NOT in any place mentally to go to work (about 80% of my co-workers are apart of the lgbtqia+ community and I knew seeing them all happy about pride month would make me upset). So instead I went out with a friend as we had already prior made plans to go thrifting that day before I had work and after the day I had the other day this was just what I needed. Well it was a fun and eventful day ending with us getting lost and (once again a story for another day). Well I get back home and ex-stepfather is in the kitchen? I say good evening out of respect and head to my room when DAMN I’m being cornered AGAIN, I thankfully got to relax a little before I was attacked but suddenly my mom comes to my room and is furious.
Apparently my ex-stepfathers sister had found out (who lives all the way in Jamaica by the way, and this went down in Canada) and was nagging my mom about it and blaming my ex-stepfather for me being a lesbian and my mom was not happy about it. (Yes she is still in contact with his family, and the reason she blames him is cause he cheated and treated my mom horribly so she thinks he made me hate men 😒).
My mom was mad he was getting blamed for me being a lesbian, and for me being hostile with him the day before and today (yes she still loves him, once again another story, I feel like at this rate I should create a post for these 😂). This starts an argument between us because I tell her he had no right to out me to my brothers or her, even if she already knew (I don’t know if anyone else knows) She once again talks about how she’s struggling with this and I accidentally sigh out loud (I mean common though if you’re struggling then what about me) well one thing leads to another and we end up fighting, she tries to say I can’t be a lesbian because I dated my ex boyfriend (even though he was the only guy I ever dated before realizing I was lesbian and we’ve had numerous conversations where I told her that she made me feel pressured to date him). Well the fight got super heated and I did say something I’m not proud of after she told me to go read a bible, this resulted in her telling my to call my dad to pick me up so I can stay with him for a while (this is legally allowed as he does have part custody of me and I turn 18 in July)
Eventually after slamming doors and me almost calling my father, we calm down and have a talk (I still live with her currently) the conversation didn’t really go anywhere and we did end up fighting again, this time over different religious views and me talking about how I felt pressured by her to date my ex. The conversation ended because we had to pick up my sister from work and we never picked it up again, it’s still feels like she wasn’t trying to understand me, but I was too exhausted to put any more effort in.
Monday June 3rd:
Never fear this is the last day of the saga and it thankfully was happy, in the end.
Well, it’s Monday and I have to go back to school and it’s also my Bio fathers birthday (which I totally forgot about due to the prior days events and felt extremely bad), I thought I was ok but after a couple pride month announcements, I ended up leaving class and had a breakdown in the hallway (I’m ok now, all the weekends events just finally caught up to me that day). Well, I was found by some teachers and was brought to guidance to talk to somebody after I went back to class and and talked to my teacher about everything who offered me her support (she is an absolute sweetheart, and I love her so much🩷).
Well, I made the executive decision to just tell my father because considering the fact that people in Jamaica were finding out he was going to find out at some point and I wanted him to find out from me (I did intend on telling him, just after my 18th in July incase things went south with my mom, which they almost did).
I sent him a text and turned off my phone for the day, thankfully his response was much more loving than my mothers and he told me he loved me regardless, he picked me up from my moms and we ended up spending the day together and later on we picked up my sister and watched a movie together. I didn’t speak much to my mom this day, aside from telling her I was going out with him.
Well this is it so far, it’s been 6 days but I still can’t get over everything so I just wanted to vent. As of right now my relationship with my mom is improving but still strained and I don’t think it will ever go back to how it was before. Especially considering the fact that my father was very accepting of me, and even my ex-stepfather was more accepting of me than her despite the way he initially reacted.
Well, this is it if you somehow read this entire thing and thank WOW and thank you. If anyone wants clarification, feel free to ask and I’ll edit them onto the post. Also if anyone is curious, I am more than willing to talk about some of the other stories of my family (Trust me it gets CRAZY)
submitted by Independent-Month905 to LesbianActually [link] [comments]
