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2024.05.29 05:59 SpiritPilgrim Was I (M36) a terrible partner to her (F35)?

Hello women of Reddit,
I'm going through a very rough time emotionally and spiritually and have always found peace when I express my thoughts by writing them out so I figured I would find a Subreddit to express myself and see what strangers who are impartial to my situation will say. There's always two sides to a story, so I'll be mindful to not sit here like a narcissist trying to paint a holy picture of myself and an unholy one of her. I pledge to be completely honest, even if I am burned at the stake in the comments for any wrongdoings of mine. Please note there's a limit to how many characters I can type in here, so 20 years of history for important context will need to be summarized as much as possible. I'll do my best to keep it relevant and share the parts that matter.
In my first year of high school at age 13, a friend of mine was dating a girl from a different high school that he would bring around to hang out with us. She seemed like a nice girl as far as I could tell, but I couldn't help but notice how literally everyone who had something to say about her would always highlight and emphasize that she was a slut and they would tell stories about stuff she has done when she was drunk. I didn't think much of it at the time because why would I? It had nothing to do with me. Soon after, I moved to a different high school and cut ties with that friend.
A few years went by, and one day out of nowhere to my surprise, she called my house to say hi, and to see if I wanted to hang out. I decided to hang out with her because I learned from her that she was no longer dating the guy I met her through, and we were somewhat acquainted already so it felt ok. We started to hang out a lot and I started feeling those fuzzy feelings in my stomach where I knew I was beginning to develop feelings for her, and so much that I was finding myself "borrowing" my dads' car when I didn't yet have my license just to be able to go see her. People around me who knew her started to notice that her and I were getting close, and I started getting warnings from literally dozens of people to not bother with her because she's a slut, and she's just going to hurt me in the end. Despite all these warnings, the feelings I had inside of me for her at that time were too strong to ignore, so I ended up ignoring the warnings people were giving me and wanted to judge her from my experience with her rather than other people's words.
During the time I was hanging out with her, I soon learned that she was apparently seeing or casually dating someone new, which of course bothered me because I liked her and I could feel from her that she liked me too. I started noticing that certain times in evenings she would not answer her phone at all and because I was increasingly growing so in love with her, I literally would begin to sit outside her place down the street in a car just to see what the hell she was doing certain evenings that she wouldn't answer my calls. Of course, it soon became obvious to me that she was going to see this guy she was "seeing" because she would always jump in a taxi very late night and get dropped off at the same house. I'm ashamed when I look back and realize that I was somewhat stalking her and being creepy, but the intentions weren't bad but rather just a little too curious, and it was also killing me inside to see her casually seeing this older guy who I felt was probably just exploiting her for sex. I say that because it was weird to me that she never hung out with him during the day as friends like her and I did but only went to see him late at night, so my mind started messing with me a lot and all the rumours about her started coming in as intrusive thoughts. I'm already a person who has a very deep depth of conscious thoughts so I can sometimes get very deep into my imagination and that's not really a good thing when the mind goes into dark and negative places.
One day during an afternoon I dropped by her house unannounced and I knocked on her house door but no one answered even though I was sure she was home. I went to the side of the house and climbed up on a utility box below her bedroom window that she would always sneak out of, so I can look through the window and maybe get her attention, and I instantly couldn't believe my eyes. There she was butt naked having sex with her ex-boyfriend, the guy I was friends with in early high school. I felt sick to my stomach that I walked right into that so I quickly left to my car and immediately drove off. It was so disturbing to see this and also to realize she was fucking an older guy and also liked me, all three at the same time. I never brought that up to her during that time because it was just too foul to mention. One night, she called me and asked me if I can pick her up from a friend's house because she had too much to drink and couldn't get home safe, so I said okay. When we got to her house, she asked me to help her inside, and so I did and next thing you know when we are sitting on the couch her hands are in my pants, she pulled me into her bedroom, and we had sex for the first time. This was when I lost my virginity.
After this point her and I began to start sleeping with each other regularly and of course it made me love her more and more. I couldn't deal with the circumstance the way it was and so I got very serious with her and let her know I was not cool with what she's doing and that she would need to stop this madness. We got into a lot of arguments and fights about what she was doing and we fought and fought, until one day she suddenly out of nowhere came to me and said she "broke up" with the older guy. She told me she wanted to be official and be a real exclusive couple together with me. I felt this sigh of relief go through me, but also somehow it didn't feel as good as it could've or should've had I not known all these past issues about her.
Here we are suddenly an official couple, and I started realizing that I had this deep insecurity anytime she would say she wanted to go hang out with her girlfriends and "guy friends" to party. I wasn't into drinking and partying at that age and so I would always tell her no, especially if other guys are around, but she didn't care what I had to say and would do what she wanted anyway. When I would try to stop her, she would fight me and tell people that I was being controlling. I felt like I had no power and didn't know what to do because I always thought she will get drunk and do somethign with other guys and that scared the shit out of me.
Soon after I randomly met a girl at a friends house who took interest in me. One day just like that I decided to hang out with her and I ended up cheating on my GF with her. I regret that I did that but looking back on it, I feel like I did it because I was so insecure and upset deep inside at everything I was going through with my GF and her going out partying and drinking with other guys around that I just didn't care anymore and went with it. She eventually found out that I cheated, and demanded I end contact with that girl and I did. I saw that it actually hurt her and I apologized for it and luckily for me she forgave me despite showing serious displeasure. I explained to her that I messed up and I did it because I thought she was likely cheating on me anyways and I had a hard time getting over her past. We both agreed to move on from that. That was when I was 19 and it was the only time I ever cheated on her. I learned from that one mistake I made.
A few more years went by, and still she was giving me a very hard time when it came to going out drinking with her friends. I was working very long 16-hour days at that time, and it never sat well with me for her to go out and get drunk when I'm not present. We continued to fight and argue over this, and she simply never understood me on why I didn't want her to do this. I would do this because I knew that when she drinks, she's not herself at all. She becomes very flirty and inappropriate, and I didn't want that to happen if I'm not around to look after her and stop her from doing dumb shit. Either way, she would do it and ignore what I say. I got fed up with this and ended up breaking up with her. During this time of being broken up, I started trying to see other girls and despite meeting other women in platonic terms, my heart kept wanting her back. So after six months of being broken up, I went back to her and tried to talk to her to see if she wanted to get back together and try to have a fresh start. She immediately showed interest, but she said she had to let me know during the time broken up that she started seeing and having sex with someone else. Despite not offically being a couple at that time, it shattered me. Why? Because I couldn't believe that after everything we went through, she would just go and fuck another dude who was clearly exploiting her for sex. I know that because she dropped him in the snap of a finger to come back to me, so obviously there was nothing of substance there other than her avoiding being alone. I cried about it and ultimately accepted being together again.
Many years went by again and new problems came up, now she is comparing me and us to her friends and their boyfriends. Giving me a hard time that I don't buy her designer bags and spend money on expensive items for her. I would argue with her over this a lot because to me, it was just stupid to be buying junk like this when you don't have too much money to spare, especially at our age, but she didn't care. Every day was arguing and fighting and her putting me down simply for not buying her designer bags. This is when I began to notice that I was starting to get verbally abusive towards her with name calling, belittling and shaming for stuff she's done wrong. There were also many times where I would get physical with her too by grabbing her by the shoulders and shaking her out of frustration during arguments because she would drive me insane with her words. I didn't know how else to express my anger so it always translated mostly into insults about her promiscuity and history. Anyway, eventually I got so fed up with her that I ended up telling her to take a hike and that I don't want to be with her if this is the type of person she's going to be by disturbing the peace in our household with constant comparisons to others. I didn't actually literally mean it when I told her to take a hike and leave and this is something I would often say when we would fight because when I'm angry I feel like I mean it but whenever I would calm down I knew I didn't want her to actually leave. She of course eventually took it literally, and when she did leave this time she immediately started seeing another guy. How did I know? I used 'find my phone' on her iPhone at that time to track her very strange movements and pulled up on her one day while she was with another man. The man shit himself when he seen me, kicked her to the curb and drove off while texting her to forget him. Her reason for doing this was, "you kicked me out, we are not together, and I don't want to be with you". All that just because I didn't buy her chanel and louis vuitton designer bags that her friends boyfriends were buying for them. Me being the low self-esteem insecure loser, I ended up trying to once again work things out with her and reconcile our relationship because I was afraid to lose her and be alone. It's embarassing to admit this but that's the truth.
Again more years went by and I had noticed that a depression and anxiety struggle I had over the years was starting to get pretty bad. Luckily in 2018 I was able to cure my depression in the Amazon Jungle of Peru by participating in several Ayahuasca ceremonies but unfortunately it didn't do anything to help my crippling anxiety. After that trip when I came home from Peru and she was again beginning to show signs of discontent by comparing me to other peoples boyfriends and was giving me a hard time every single day about stupid shit. She was telling me I don't do anything for her, despite over the years sending her on so many vacations with her friends and giving her thousands of dollars of spending money, bankrolling her business she started and so much more. I was taking so much of this from her on a daily basis that it was driving me insane to where I told her once again during the heat of an argument to take a hike if she thinks I'm so bad and of course she did just that. She never stopped to think of all the things that I have done for her but only seemed to focus on what I wasn't doing for her.
After she moved out we still talked regularly and I started noticing she was acting a bit weird. One night I asked her to go out for dinner and drinks and when we got back to the house she passed out drunk and so I went through her phone. I immediately went to her texts and found out she was seeing someone and the texts indicated it was potentially and most likely physical and so of course I lost my shit. I woke her up and confronted her about the texts and I will never forget the smirk she had on her face. I couldn't believe that once again she would do this and especially after fighting over dumb shit like comparing me to others. Everything I learned about this guy she was now seeing indicated she got with him because he appeared to have money. I felt this because she ridiculously and shamelessly stated she liked his Mercedes G-Wagon and all the comparisons to other people and the bad influences she had around her was obvious to me. Sadly, I again let myself down and begged her like a little bitch to stop talking to him and she was not wanting to this time. I was so fucking pathetic that I paid her a very very large six figure sum of cash to come back to me and to leave this guy. Before the cash offer she wasn't showing interest to come back but once I mentioned the money and bought her some jewellery, she suddenly was warming up to wanting to come back to me. I did, however, throw some contingencies in there that she had to come with me to Peru to participate in Ayahausca ceremonies because I felt like she had some serious internal issues and traumas that she also needed to sort out to change for the better. I felt like the reason she was always behaving so reckless and so concerned with other peoples lives and all these comparisons was because of some deep rooted traumas. I say this because she grew up without a father and without money so this is something I always considered about her and kept in mind. Participating in Ayahuasca circles really opened my eyes to trauma and behavior issues we humans have from stuff in our childhood so I knew all these messed up things she's doing stems from a root cause of something in her early life experience. It was certainly the reason why I needed healing because I had my own traumas from my childhood that was affecting my life and behavioir as well. Anyway, she hesitantly agreed and we went to Peru together. When we were in the jungle I felt her energy during one particular Ayahuasca ceremony and she seemed very scared and showing a side of her that I didn't see before. I knew right then and there that she is suffering from something in her soul that that she wasn't even aware of. I always did notice and pickup on her very serious lack of self awareness that she still seems to struggle with to this very day.
We got back home and everything seemed alright. I started noticing she was different in a way I hadn't witnessed before. Different in terms of her energy and her aura. One day she suddenly out of no where told me "after ayahuasca, looking back on myself, I feel like I was possessed by something very dark considering how I used to behave" .. She was referrng to her reckless beahvior and essentially saying she can't even believe her own past behavior and feels like she wasnt herself and now she is waking up and snapping out of it. I swear to god I cried tears of relief when she said this to me and I felt like maybe, just maybe we can have a normal life now. She also at this same time made a promise to me that she would never ever repeat those same behaviors again and that even if we were fighting one day and separated temporarily on a break for whatever reason, that she would give me the respect of letting me know before she talks to or dates any other men. Sounded very good to me of course.
Well, unfortunately Ayahuasca isn't a one trick pony and often times it requires many many ceremonies to fully heal deep rooted subconscious traumas and if you don't go back and finish what you started, you can slip back into old habits especially if you don't put in the work to change from the lessons you learn. I can only speak for myself and can say that I was still not doing too well with my anxiety and I wanted to go back to Peru again to do more work on myself. This time I left to Peru in 2021 and when I came back she was again suddenly being so nasty and mean to me when I was in an energetically sensitive state. Once again every single day back to comparing me to other men who shower their women with money and saying I never do anything for her like the entire past 17 years of everything I did for her, giving her cash, jewellery, vacations and cars all was nothing. The past didnt matter, it only mattered what I was doing for her in the moment. She drove me so insane for six months straight that one day I blew up and told her to either stop or get out. She decided to pack up and move out on her own. I tried to stop her but she didn't and she went anwyay. Some months went by and we would talk on the phone and she would tell me she realizes she has a lot of work to do on herself and that she is trying to heal herself. I told her great, I'm happy to hear that and I really did feel like maybe she might need this time alone to heal and it could possibly be what she needs. Well, unfortunately for me, she once again revealed to me a little over a month ago that she is talking to another man AGAIN and despite promising me she wouldn't do so without talking to me first, she did anyway. Her reason for breaking her promise is "were not together and I owe you nothing". She went as far as showing me text messages between her and this man from the USA and I asked her why she would rub that in my face and she said "I showed you that text so you can see that there are real men out there who wont just give bread crumbs to their woman". According to her, all I ever gave her was bread crumbs despite spending hundreds of thousands of dollars of my own money on her over the years, I am now being measured up with random men she met on dating apps. Here's the kicker, we dont live in the USA and she's been talking about wanting to move there for the last couple of years. Interesting how she now suddenly is speaking to a man online from there. You can draw your own conclusion on the motive for that.
The sad part of this all is that despite the resentment, I still love her......

Well, there you have it. That's the story of my pathetic life. I imagine I will be shamed and told how much of a loser I am and I probably deserve it. Either way, I want to hear what some of you think.
submitted by SpiritPilgrim to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:58 FloppyBisque Wu Tang is for the apes! A follow-up to my last post about our upcoming NFT dividend.

Wu Tang is for the apes! A follow-up to my last post about our upcoming NFT dividend.
Yo, a lot of people liked the Wu Tang find earlier today. I wish I could shout out the OG Korean ape who posted and who's shoulders I stood on when I made my last post.
Another software engineer wrote up a good post about how this is either a nothing burger (I don't think it is), a grift (Pleasr strongly disagrees with this), or the biggest piece of hype in the whole saga. I showed him something new and this other ape, without being led there, came to the same conclusion I did, so I feel comfortable sharing this now.
I am back to argue that I think it is the third option. This is the biggest piece of hype in the whole saga.
Many people were asking "what if I don't have a wallet" or "what about people who have no idea how to use web3". I think I have the answer.
A few apes have been URL hunting trying to see if we can hit any other endpoints on
One of them succeeded and found this.
Obligatory, ignore Robinhood. It was always going to be necessary as long as people hold shares there. And whether we like it or not, RH is involved and I would imagine that many people that hold in RH are OG apes. They probably have never sold and just checked out after the fuckery that went down.
Now, back to the good stuff.
If you click on Connect Robinhood, it brings open a popup that looks like it wants to use Plaid to integrate. I decided to bust out our trusty browser developer tools and see what I could find.
What I found and what I concluded is exactly what the other software engineer ape mentioned to me when I showed them this URL.
They are using a company called Privy. Why is this a big deal? Well, look for yourself.
Onboard all of your users to web3. How do they do this? Airdrop. Does that sound familiar? It might. And that's probably because we've talked about this in this sub before, back when GameStop was clearly in their testing phase of their NFT marketplace. Cyber Crew actually posted about it and used it.
What are crypto airdrops? Essentially, to this point, they have been a marketing strategy used by blockchain projects to distribute crypto coins or NFTs to large number of wallet addresses. Airdrops are typically used to promote awareness of the project, or perhaps reward loyal community members. Here’s how they generally work:
  1. Eligibility Criteria: Usually, you would set a specific criteria for receiving an airdrop (perhaps having Class A GME shares).
  2. Snapshot: This would be like the ex-dividend date for a normal stock. We need to capture who is eligible at a certain time.
  3. Distribution: After the snapshot, the airdropped tokens are distributed to the eligible wallet addresses. This can be done automatically via smart contracts or manually by the team performing the drop.
  4. Announcement and Promotion: From my understanding, people often announce airdrops in advance to generate buzz and attract new users. I could definitely see this happening to hype up GME, Wu Tang, Pleasr, everyone.
  5. Claim Process: Finally, in some cases, recipients need to claim their airdropped tokens by performing certain actions, such as signing a transaction or visiting a specific website ( perhaps?). This helps ensure that only active community members receive the airdrop.
Now take a look at this screenshot from the article that Cyber Crew posted to explain two years ago.
This feels like the perfect time to use Privy if RC and Pleasr are trying to give out Once Upon A Time In Shaolin out to GME holders.
Oh look, here's what Privy says on their site.
A web2-caliber UX? What does that mean?
Well, Web2 is the version of the internet where people can create and share content on social media and websites. It’s all about interacting with others online. If you are old enough to remember Web1, that was when websites were just static places you can visit.
So Web1 is this: Static HTML and CSS:
Web 2 is like Reddit. It's interactive. I can post, edit, delete, etc.
Web3 is the next version of the internet where people use blockchain to own and control their data. It makes online activities more secure and decentralized. To this point, it has been very hard to use and that's why we haven't seen mass adoption.
Privy makes it feel like Web2 with Web3 underlying tech.
They are going to make it so we basically just login to our brokerages or wallets depending on what you have, and you will be able to listen to your brand new, exclusive, NFT Wu Tang album.
Oh, and shorties, each album is going to be specific to each one of our shares. You know, the 351,000,000 shares that are the only ones that exist.
And if it just so happens that 300,000,000,000 shares exist, you'll have to close those shorts because you won't be able to deliver our NFT dividends because you can't counterfeit that, and I don't know about the rest of you apes, but I am DEFINITELY going to want to listen to my album and I will not accept a cash replacement like they did with Overstock.
Also, fuck you, I'm not selling. So you aren't getting my copies.
This is how you protect yo neck. Check mate bitches. I'll see y'all on Uranus.
submitted by FloppyBisque to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:55 lilkorea_189 Packed up my life for a man only for our relationship to sour almost immediately

I, 35 female, had been in an on again off again relationship with my boyfriend, 45 male, for the last 3 years. I won't bore you with the details of how we met and what went on for the last 3 years of our relationship, I'm just going to get to the point.
Back in late September 2023, my boyfriend moved to Iowa. We had just gotten back together when he sprung that on me and I was rather upset at first but knew that he was only moving because it was for his mental health. Living in the big city can be very costly and stressful, so I understood his reasoning. I did not go with him and figured we would go our separate ways. Fast forward four months later and I get a message from him through Facebook messenger asking me to call him. I call him and learned rather quickly that he had been drinking but he was asking why I suddenly ghosted him by not replying back to his texts or calls. For context, I never blocked his number.
I told him that I did not get any of his texts or calls. He asked me why I never tried reaching out to him and I explained that I thought him moving away and not staying in contact meant the end of our relationship. We had a lengthy conversation that night and he asked me to come visit him. I told him that I will consider it but would need to build up some PTO as I had just started a new job and didn't want to risk anything during my first 90 days. We stayed in touch after that, calling each other daily and talking on the phone for hours just catching up and going over mutual interests and so on until I've built up enough PTO to go visit him.
You may wonder why I was the one to go visit him in Iowa. Firstly, he wanted me to see the town he had decided to settle in. Secondly, we had discussed resuming our relationship and possibly having me move out there as it was out of the question for him to move back to the city where I live. I understood his reasoning for moving but felt that leaving the life I have behind for him felt a bit extreme. But I kept an open mind about Iowa and went to visit (side note, there are no direct flights to where he moved to. I had to fly to Chicago, which is a 2.5 hour drive away and he had to rent a car to pick me up). I spent a four day weekend with him, and I'm not going to lie and say that it was magical and romantic because it's Iowa. Seeing him again, however, brought back all the feelings I had for him and I realized just how much I had missed him.
I honestly didn't see much during my visit as it wasn't a dense town like I would see back home, as everything was very spread out. That should have been my very first clue to the kind of life it was like. It was very quiet and peaceful, which was a change. Unlike the city where it was always busy and sirens going off in the distance was a constant, at night it's dead silent. It was definitely a change in pace and I was more or less charmed, but not impressed. My weekend visit was over before we knew it and I returned home back to the life I was most comfortable with.
My boyfriend and I resumed our daily phone calls, but I noticed our conversations began to shift towards me moving out to Iowa. And in truth I was swayed by the idea of leaving the big city for small town life, however, my biggest hesitation was job security. I work in the medical field and finding a job with my skill-sets wasn't a huge challenge aside from the lack of urgency of callbacks from the jobs I had applied to. My boyfriend reassured me that it was just how things were in Iowa, that unlike the city, the businesses moved through a system that was much slower than what I was used to. I had my doubts but then again I didn't know much about the hiring process in the mid-west. My boyfriend then said it would probably go a lot faster if I was actually in the area (which I was skeptical about but didn't comment). I knew he just wanted me there with him and, at that time, I wanted to be with him because I had truly believed that we had talked through our past issues and were now on the same wavelength of what we wanted as a couple moving forward.
Boy was I in for a rude awakening.
I literally packed up my life into my SUV. I didn't take any furniture with me knowing that what my boyfriend lacked we could always buy. It took me 3 days of driving to reach Iowa and I had never thought I'd be so happy to be in Iowa or all places, but I was. I was blinded by hopes and dreams of a happy life with the man I thought I was in love with. I should mention that I have been saving money for a down payment on a house for the last 5 years and have managed to save $20k. It has been a personal goal, not dream, for myself to be a homeowner, not because I want that white picket fence dream, but because I simply want a home that is truly MY home. I want a safe space that truly feels mine and have it reflect the type of person that I am, instead of apartments where I would have to return the space to the manufactured setting once I leave.
Now, the housing market in Iowa is relatively cheap compared to Washington. And when I saw the cheap listings, cheap as in less than $200k for a 3 bedroom 2 bath, move-in ready house I was ready to commit my new life in Iowa with my boyfriend. At first, my boyfriend was very supportive of my house hunting, he knew that it was personal goal of mine and had always said how he admired my ambition to become a home owner. I got in touch with a realtor agent who collaborated with me on what my boyfriend and I were looking for in a home. I probably saw about a dozen houses within my first 2 weeks since arriving to Iowa and I actually found a house that we both really liked. I was ready to put in an offer when my boyfriend suddenly told me that he didn't want to become a home owner, saying that it was too much of a commitment that he never wants to make.
It gave me pause, and though I was very disappointed in having to put aside a goal I made for myself, I half-heartedly agreed. It was then things started to unravel between us and his mood just quickly declined. I should note that my boyfriend has diagnosed PTSD from childhood trauma and he has a tendency to become anxious and agitated when stressed out. The days that followed I had noticed a shift in him and because he works from home, I just assumed it was because his work was stressing him out.
I tried to be a good girlfriend by staying out of his way while he was working and try to be as quiet as possible while at home. I would try to help out with small things like letting the dogs out to relieve themselves and take them on short walks. I tried to be mindful to not make a mess. Along with my boyfriend's anxiety and mental health struggles he also has OCD, and while back in Seattle I had noticed he liked to keep a clean home, out in Iowa it had become abundantly clear that the smallest mess would upset him.
His bad mood only worsened. One day, while he was folding laundry, I asked him if there was anything he'd like me to do around the house because I wanted to be helpful. He said "If you see a mess, clean it." That came off as truly strange to me.
"Do you want me to vacuum or clean the bathrooms?" I asked.
He looked at me like what I had asked was the dumbest question he had ever heard and snapped at me with: "If you see a mess, clean it. You're not 12 years old, you're not being paid an allowance to do simple chores. You're an adult, you should already know what to do."
What he said embarrassed me and made me feel so small and inferior, but it also truly angered me. Where was all this hostility suddenly coming from? I didn't want to start a fight over chores and simply helped him fold the laundry. We eventually had a talk, which turned into him going on a tangent about how he requires to keep a clean and sterile house, that "everything has its place" in the house. He then went on about not wanting the commitment of home ownership and that he has no intentions of ever returning to Seattle. He told me how all my stuff cluttering the bedroom and office is taking a toll on his mental health and that it's my job to make sure that they're all put away so he doesn't have to see them (mind you, I was still unpacking and with limited storage space the rest of my belongings are still packed away).
Then he suggested something that blindsided me. He suggested that I possibly look for my own place so that we live separately and slowly integrate into each other's lives again. It was then that I took account of all the red flags that had sprung up from before I foolishly packed up my life to be with this man that I suddenly no longer loved. It was as if a switch in me had been flipped and all those feelings of affection just left my system. I told him that what he was proposing wasn't possible because I was struggling to find employment and didn't want to waste my savings on a brand new lease, especially since I was just added onto his lease.
I tried to find a middle ground with him, especially when it came to my personal belongings. I knew that he was talking about my makeup being out on the counter. Mind you, my second day in Iowa, we had gone to Costco where I found a makeup organizer and purchased it. All my makeup fits neatly in it and isn't scattered all over the place, he just doesn't like seeing them. That still wasn't good enough for him but I had to point it out to him by saying "I live here, too. It's only fair that I should feel like this is my home."
After that, the tension between us only got worse. He would have angry outbursts over the smallest inconveniences and prioritize more on his "mental and physical health" than work on our rapidly deteriorating relationship. I'm also at fault for not trying harder to talk things out but after he suggested I find my own place I subconsciously knew our relationship was over, on top of that, I was also emotionally drained and feeling depressed.
Now moving to the present, I had finally secured a job that would be opening a clinic nearby, meaning I wouldn't have to waste gas as much and would finally be able to contribute financially to the household. When I told my boyfriend the news it was received with a rather lackluster response but I still held out hope that once I start working and be out of the house more things might mellow out. Then, over the weekend, everything fell apart.
I had woken up early because the dogs needed to go outside. I knew my boyfriend wasn't getting much sleep lately so I let him sleep in as much as possible. Once the dogs had finished relieving themselves I had the intention of going back to bed to get another hour or so of sleep but the dogs came in to disrupt that plan. My boyfriend didn't like that and got up explosively, cursing and yelling as he stomped downstairs about how he couldn't get any sleep. I go downstairs to tell him that he can go back to bed, that I forgot to feed the dogs after letting them outside and that I would take care of it. He yells at me that he would do it since he's up and then goes on a rant about how his life was disrupted ever since I arrived. Let me remind you that he wanted me there in the first place.
He blamed me for the poor sleep he's been having ever since I arrived (there is also 3 dogs sleeping in the bed with us). He blamed me for his financial woes (he took care of the bills until I found a job). He blamed me for the hit to his credit score (I took a hit as well because we were getting pre-approval for a home loan before he said he didn't want to move forward with it). Blamed me for the decline in his mental and physical health (he vapes throughout the day and his vices are scotch and ice cream). And he blamed me for his inability to focus on drawing his comic series because of his mental health decline (he's a decent artist but I can't take credit for his creative block).
While he listed off all the things I am to be blamed for and how he had made so many compromises for me I reflected back on my surprisingly short time here (3 weeks, nearing 4), I was the one who made all the compromises. I was the one who made the bigger sacrifice. I traveled half-way across the country for a man who will never make my happiness a priority. From the start of our relationship 3 years ago to now, I was the only one who had to make sacrifices just to pacify this giant man-child.
He brought up me finding my own place again and I told him that if I have to move out then I'm returning to Seattle. He didn't fight me on that but the downside is that I have to wait for my parents, who had planned to drive out this way in June from Seattle, to visit friends in Chicago. They've been made aware of the situation and will be driving out in my step-dad's pickup truck to haul back all of my belongings and we would leave together in both my step-dad;s truck and my SUV. I had emailed the hiring manager I had gone through my interview process with, letting her know that I unfortunately will be returning to Seattle due to personal circumstances.
In the meantime I have begun submitting my resume to clinics and hospitals back in Seattle and already have several interviews set up (much faster turn-around than Iowa) and hopefully soon I will have secured a job before my return home.
submitted by lilkorea_189 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:55 Cute_While3413 Want to share

Hi this is my first ever post or thread? di ako nagpopost dito sa reddit, lurker lang talaga ako. I wanted to share how my 4yr old crush ended. Kung andito ka man nagbabasa okay lang itatago nalang kita. PERO SANA WALA KA DITO
Disclaimer: Baka ayaw niyo ng napaka habang post or story, then step away. Also di po ako magaling sa grammar, babarilin ko mag-correct sakin.
So ito na nga mga Bhie,
It started when I was in college 2nd year, pandemic that time, we had online classes that time. Hindi kami close, so pano kami naging close? nung 1st year college magkaklase kami pero no interaction whatsoever. Then nung nagkapandemic nag enroll lahat online, kaming dalawa lang yung magkakilala. Siya yung unang nag chat sakin about sa assignment na ipapasa. Then we got to know each other sa mga chikahan saka kwentuhan(hindi ko na ilalahat kasi di ko na maalala.)
Then nagpapakita na siya ng hints, like nag sesend na siya ng pictures niya, nung una hindi ko masyado binibigyan ng pansin. Then nakikita ko din na nagshashare siya ng posts like mga pang banat or parinig na memes. Then that was the time na I started liking her back, because of the vibes, same kasi kami ng vibes. lagi na kaming late night naguusap, sabay nakikinig music sa discord server (typical teenage scenarios paginlove haha).
Late ko na na-realized na I'm giving too much attention, like too much. I was love bombing her, wala kasi ako experience pag-dating sa mga ganitong scenario. Dun ko din na-realize na ayaw pala talaga ng mga babae na masyadong clingy, di ko naman nilalahat girls ah.
Nagiging cold na siya sa mga chat niya, I forgot to mention na nag-lalaro din kami ng ML(Mobile Legends) that time, then I would invite her everytime na makikita ko siyang online but one time inivite ko siya, she declined the invitation. It started to confuse the shit out of me. Dumating pa sa point na iniistalk ko na yung mga kalaro niya.
Taposssss.... nahihirapan na ako mag-understand kung anong nangyari that time, so I mustered up my courage to confess, I wrote a letter dun ko ini-explain kung ano yung nararamdaman ko sa kanya, then I hit send. Syempre ito na yung mga long message, di ko na maalala yung lahat pero ang context ng whole conversation namin non, she lost the feels. then she would see me as a friend lang.
Thennnn, Semester break na non, with 2 months vacation I think, di ko na talaga maalala. 2 months without contact bago kami nag face to face ulit. Siya parin yung kaklase ko non. Akala ko naka move on nako pero hindi, bumalik lahat.
(I'll skip past to 4th yr) Requirement for our graduation is the internship, we had internship in this large company, I invited her to apply para sama sama na kaming mga friendship, na assigned kami sa 2 different schedule. I had the freedom to join her schedule, pero hindi ko ginawa. Maybe the worst or best decision that I've made. Minsan nalang kasi magkita during those intership, gawa nga nung different schedules so 2 araw lang lahat papasok ng interns sabi ni management. There was one guy na nakakasama niya lagi sa schedule niya. But even Before that nung sabay sabay lahat pumasok ng interns, sabay kami ni girl lumabas nung building pababa, pero one time, nung pauwi na hindi na siya sumabay sakin, kundi dun na sa guy.
I was silent the whole time, sa likod lang nila naglalakad pinagmamasdan sila. Then everytime na may picture taking kaming nsa management, humahanap ako ng paraan para mag tabi kami sa picture, pero yung guy lagi niyang hinahanap. Syempre gotta let out that forced smile.
so as I've said before, maybe the worst or best decision that I've made, worst kase nakahanap na siya ng iba. Best kasi di ko masyado silang nakikita. 4 months internship nun e, edi 4 months ka-ding patay sa selos.
Then graduation came, last day with her. I did enjoy every bits of it. I even gave her gift as my farewell gift. Time to apply for a job na, every time na makakahanap ako ng job, I would think of inviting her to apply as well. But di ko na ginawa, then no contact na kami for almost a few months now. ito lately nalang nagkaroon,
Here's present, nag-chat ulet kami lately, then the conversation eventually lead to infatuations, na delulu na naman ako, hoping for all these times. But I was wrong again. Sabi ko sa sarili ko di nako mag-confess ulit, pero di ko nagawa e, she likes someone else na pala.
Yun lang chika ko for today.
P/S: always shoot your shot peeps para di kayo matulad sakin na umasa ng ganong katagal. If you can't do it because you're scared, then DO IT SCARED.
submitted by Cute_While3413 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:53 MountainNo6565 I (17M) feel neglected and lied to by my (16F) girlfriend, have I been communicating wrong?

Well, I’m not exactly sure where to start since I am not really a reddit user and I have no idea what i’m even getting myself into. Me and my GF have been together for almost 10 months, and although we’re not in our 20s or anything yet, I don’t plan on this being some sort of short relationship, In general, we both do love eachother and love spending time with eachother, we try to fufill each others needs in every way we can but it’s been difficult recently. Throughout most of the relationship the problems have kind of gotten to me, I try my best to be the best partner I can, I text her all throughout the day with random thoughts or what i’m doing and if i’m going to be busy doing something i’ll text her to make sure she knows, I try to always be available to talk or text even if I’m at work, and I also try my best to keep my schedule open for anything that can happen between us, whether she wants to have a little bit of time in the morning before I go into work, or if she wants to spend time together on my days off etc etc. At the same time though she doesn’t really do the same, throughout the relationship there’s been a consistent trend of less and less towards me that i’ve noticed and had multiple conversations about, we used to have all day together and would end up being together until about 9:30/10:00 (at the time she was at her local high school and was not very busy though) and would have normally 3/4 days a week together, throughout that time we would talk a lot and facetime at night (or just call), and she would text me throughout the day (she did always do this weird thing though where I would text her stuff but she just wouldn’t respond to it, she still does it), now we are at the point where we only really have one day a week (sundays), she doesn’t text very much throughout the day and sometimes i’ll be able to call to say goodnight before she falls asleep once i get home from work (9:00PM) but that’s about it. Everything in my brain points me towards her falling out of love or losing feelings, but every time we have talked about it she always tells me about how much she loves me and that she just cannot talk or call because she is exhausted or tired (she’s currently sick with a weird mix of actual sickness aswell as her body responding to old trauma which is causing the exhaustion), but I just can’t seem to accept it as an excuse as even when she wasn’t at a point where she was drained and exhausted every day she still wouldn’t talk much or do very much.
I know this post is kind of all over the place it’s just difficult to try and explain this situation as there’s been tiny problems coming up for about 7 months now and it’s hard to remember very small stuff. I have made it clear to her that i’m not asking her to just suddenly start to completely change her behavior and talk and text me all of the time and all of that, it’s just that 90% of my day she’s not there at all and i’m not apart of her life at all, at the core of it, every time we talk about all of these problems she says that she loves me and that she wants to do this and that but when it comes down to it she only really does it if there’s no excuse whatsoever to not do it. For example, she’s said a bunch that it would be great to be able to just relax and fall asleep cuddling and wake up next to eachother holding eachother in the morning, we used to fall asleep cuddling watching movies but I can’t sleepover very much so that would be short lived, anyways recently we had my prom and her mother said that it would be reasonable for us to sleepover at her house, by the time we were actually in bed and going to sleep she kinda just rolled over and put her back towards me, I tried to ask if we could cuddle or change positions etc etc etc but if we did it would last about 5 minutes until she rolled back over with her back towards me, the day after she just said that it was because she was exhausted and drained from the day but in my mind it just doesn’t make sense, if she says she wants to cuddle and then has the opportunity to do so why wouldn’t she? it’s not just this she does it all of the time, it just doesn’t make sense and it hurts, I tried talking to her about it however she essentially just said that she just cannot due so because of how sick she is. I just need some sort of advice on what else to do in this situation, I don’t have long before college and I cannot be in this relationship if I am going to be ignored pretty much all day and then MAYBE if i’m lucky get to be with her a day or two during the weekend. I’m sure I am missing a lot of information and a lot of the story so I will gladly respond to any replies with more information that’s more directed towards their thoughts / take. Honestly there’s just too many little problems to fix and they’ve only gotten bigger and bigger as nothing has changed for months. Please, If you have any sort of advice or opinion or questions just tell me.
submitted by MountainNo6565 to teenrelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:53 ConsequenceSure3063 Best 22Lr Magazine Pouches

Best 22Lr Magazine Pouches
Are you in search of a reliable and efficient way to carry your 22LR magazines while on the field or range? Look no further as we've gathered the best options available for you. Our roundup of 22Lr Magazine Pouches offers a variety of designs and features tailored to suit your individual needs. Explore the latest offerings and discover the perfect solution to keep your magazines secure and accessible during your next shooting excursion.

The Top 5 Best 22Lr Magazine Pouches

  1. Duty Double Pistol & Rifle Taco Magazine Pouch MOLLE-Compatible USA-Made - High-speed, adjustable-retention Duty Double Pistol / Rifle Taco Magazine Pouch with black finish, ideal for carrying various equipment and accessories.
  2. Rapid Access Open Top AR Magazine Pouch for 308 Magazines - The RangeMaxx Open Top AR Magazine Pouch provides secure and rapid access to 5.56 or 7.62 AR rifle magazines, perfect for any shooting enthusiast.
  3. Stick Magazine Pouch for M4 Triple Stacker - Multicam - The Shellback Tactical Triple Stacker Open Top M4 Mag Pouch offers ultimate versatility, holding six M4 magazines and featuring adjustable bungee retention cords, fully Molle compatible design, and six button snap webbing straps for seamless attachment.
  4. Compact and Versatile 22LR Magazine Pouch - The PHLSTER Ascent rifle pouch offers a sleek, slim, and versatile solution for IWB concealment, with an ultra-high-strength flexible polymer textile for structure and compatibility, making it a top pick for 22Lr magazine pouches.
  5. Blackhawk 7.62 Double Magazine Pouch - Secure and Adjustable - Secure and sturdy, the Blackhawk Foundation Series 7.62 Double Magazine Pouch provides a snug fit and easy access to your magazines, while offering the versatility of MOLLE attachment and adjustable shock cord options.
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🔗Duty Double Pistol & Rifle Taco Magazine Pouch MOLLE-Compatible USA-Made
As an avid shooter, I've tried numerous magazine pouches over the years. However, the High Speed Gear Duty Double Pistol / Rifle Taco Magazine Pouch has quickly become my go-to choice. This sleek, compact pouch not only securely holds most rifle and pistol caliber magazines but also offers the flexibility to fit a variety of other items such as radios, shotgun shell trays, and multitools. Its unique design, featuring an open top and tapered, protruding brackets, ensures quick and easy access to your equipment, making it perfect for both indoor and outdoor activities.
One standout feature of this pouch is its compatibility with both MOLLE and belts up to 2 inches wide, thanks to the new HSGI Universal Clips. Not only does it provide versatility in its attachment options, but it's also built with heavy-duty nylon laminate, shock cord, and polymer brackets to provide adjustable retention and durability. This pouch has endured rigorous use and continues to perform flawlessly.
The only downside I've noticed is that the pouch is quite narrow, which can make it difficult to fit larger items like some shotgun shell trays. However, this minor issue has not detracted from my overall satisfaction with the product. If you're in the market for a high-quality, American-made magazine pouch that offers both functionality and versatility, I wholeheartedly recommend the High Speed Gear Duty Double Pistol / Rifle Taco Magazine Pouch.

🔗Rapid Access Open Top AR Magazine Pouch for 308 Magazines
When it comes to finding the perfect magazine pouch for your AR-type rifle, the RangeMaxx Open Top has proven to be a great option for many. This pouch is perfect for those on a budget or for those just starting out in the shooting world. Constructed with rugged 1,000D polyester, the pouch is built to last. The metal grommet drain hole on the bottom allows water to escape, keeping your magazine intact even in wet conditions.
My experience with this pouch has been fairly positive. It effectively holds AR-type rifle magazines securely and provides rapid access when needed. The elastic band and bungee cord with lock keep the magazine in place, preventing it from falling out unexpectedly. Its ability to fit belts up to 1-3/4" adds versatility to its design.
However, I did find a few drawbacks. The pouch seems to struggle with fitting slightly larger magazines, such as those for 308 rifles. I also encountered some resistance when trying to insert larger, AICS magazines. It's important to note that the packaging might be somewhat misleading in regards to the range of magazines this pouch can accommodate.
Overall, the RangeMaxx Open Top AR Magazine Pouch is a reliable and budget-friendly option for carrying AR-type rifle magazines in the field or at the range. While it may not be the best choice for those seeking a more robust or versatile pouch, it does an adequate job for most shooting enthusiasts.

🔗Stick Magazine Pouch for M4 Triple Stacker - Multicam
I recently had the chance to try out the Shellback Tactical Triple Stacker Open Top M4 Mag Pouch in Multicam, and I must say, it's a game-changer for any combat enthusiast. This pouch is built to last, with a rugged and durable construction that can withstand even the toughest conditions.
One of the most impressive features of this pouch is its capacity to hold six 30-round M4 magazines in a triple row, double-stacked pattern. This means you can easily store a complete combat load of ammo, giving you the extra firepower you need when you need it most.
The open top design of the pouch is also a major plus. In a high-stress firefight situation, the last thing you want is to struggle to get to your ammo. With the Shellback Tactical pouch, you can quickly and easily access your mags, thanks to the six open top slots.
Each slot also features adjustable bungee retention cords with pull tabs, ensuring your magazines stay securely in place. This attention to detail is what sets this pouch apart from similar products on the market.
Fully Molle compatible, this pouch also comes with six button snap webbing straps, making it easy to attach to any gear with PALS webbing. Whether you're heading into the field for a training exercise or prepping for a real-life combat situation, this pouch has you covered.
While there are no major drawbacks to this pouch, one thing to note is its weight. At 0.6 lb, it might be a bit hefty for some users. However, given its durability and capacity, I believe it's a small price to pay for the added security and convenience it provides.
Overall, I highly recommend the Shellback Tactical Triple Stacker Open Top M4 Mag Pouch for anyone looking to upgrade their ammo storage. It's a solid investment that will last you through thick and thin.

🔗Compact and Versatile 22LR Magazine Pouch
The Phlster Ascent rifle pouch is a game-changer in the world of concealed carry. It combines the best features of both elastic and rigid pouches while addressing their limitations. Made from an ultra-high-strength flexible polymer textile, the pouch maintains its slim profile without sacrificing its structure. The threaded shock cord allows for customization, providing a perfect fit for a wide range of magazine widths and lengths.
I've personally used the Ascent pouch with my trusty AR-10, and it has made carrying my magazines with ease. The low-profile attachment also ensures a comfortable, snag-free experience when wearing the pouch on my belt. The versatility of the shock cord allows it to be used with other essential gear like flashlights or multitools, making it a must-have for any serious gun enthusiast.
However, it's not without its drawbacks. The price point is a bit higher than some of its competitors. Additionally, some users might find the learning curve to properly adjust the shock cord to be a bit of a hassle. Despite these minor grievances, the Phlster Ascent rifle pouch has become an indispensable part of my daily carry routine, offering unmatched performance and versatility in one convenient package.

🔗Blackhawk 7.62 Double Magazine Pouch - Secure and Adjustable
In my line of work, being well-equipped can mean the difference between success and failure. That's why I've come to rely on the Blackhawk Foundation Series 7.62 Double Magazine Pouch. This durable little gem holds two SR25/AR10-sized magazines securely in place, thanks to the adjustable shock cord. The elastic body molds to the shape of your magazines for a snug fit, and the draw is as smooth as a perfectly executed routine.
For added versatility, you can even attach smaller pouches to the outside using the included MOLLE strip. It's a feature I didn't think I'd use, but when I needed a quick holster for my sidearm, it saved the day.
But, as with everything in life, there are a couple of downsides. First, it's designed for SR25/AR10 magazines, so it might not be the best fit for all your needs. And secondly, while the shock cord can be removed for faster access, it's not as quick as a simple flap toggle.
Overall, though, the Blackhawk Foundation Series 7.62 Double Magazine Pouch is a handy tool to have in your arsenal. It's built to last and offers a level of organizational help that's been greatly appreciated in my line of work. It's definitely worth considering, especially if you're in a role that benefits from the careful arrangement and easy access of your gear.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to outdoor activities and shooting sports, having the right equipment and accessories can make a significant difference in your overall experience and performance. One such essential accessory for shooters is a 22Lr magazine pouch, which is designed to securely hold and carry extra magazines for your 22LR firearm. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss important features, considerations, and general advice to help you choose the perfect 22Lr magazine pouch for your needs.

Materials and Construction

When selecting a 22Lr magazine pouch, it's essential to consider the materials and construction. High-quality pouches are typically made from durable and weather-resistant materials such as nylon or ballistic nylon, which can withstand harsh outdoor conditions and provide long-lasting durability. Look for pouches with strong stitching and reinforcement at stress points to ensure they maintain their shape and functionality over time.

Size and Compatibility

It's crucial to select a 22Lr magazine pouch that is the right size and compatible with your specific firearm magazines. Check the manufacturer's specifications to ensure the pouch will properly hold your chosen magazines, and consider features such as adjustable straps or clips that allow for a custom fit on your belt or gear.

Carry Options

There are various ways to carry a 22Lr magazine pouch, including belt loops, clips, velcro straps, or attach-to-pack options. Consider your personal preferences and desired carry method when selecting a pouch. Also, be sure to check if the pouch can be worn on either the right or left side, depending on your dominant hand.

Retention and Security

A reliable 22Lr magazine pouch should securely hold your magazines while also allowing for quick and easy access when needed. Look for pouches with retention features such as adjustable tension straps, buckles, or locking mechanisms to prevent accidental magazine drops or spills. It's also essential to choose a pouch with a secure closure system, such as zippers or snaps, that keeps your extra magazines protected and stored properly.

Additional Features to Consider

When shopping for a 22Lr magazine pouch, consider whether you need additional features such as a built-in magazine loader, compatibility with other ammunition types, or camouflage patterns. These features may not be essential for everyone but can enhance your overall experience and convenience.

Brand Reputation and Reviews

Choosing a high-quality 22Lr magazine pouch is crucial for the longevity and performance of your accessory. Research the brand and read customer reviews to ensure you're investing in a reliable and trusted product. A good brand should offer a warranty or guarantee on their products, indicating confidence in their manufacturing and design.

Price and Value

While price should not be the only factor when choosing a 22Lr magazine pouch, it's essential to consider your budget and find a pouch that offers good value for its price point. Be cautious of extremely low-priced pouches, as they may be of lower quality or may not offer the features and durability you need.
By considering these factors, you will be well-equipped to select the perfect 22Lr magazine pouch for your shooting sports or outdoor activities. Remember to always prioritize safety and comfort when using any gear or equipment.


What is a 22Lr Magazine Pouch?

A 22Lr Magazine Pouch is a carrying case designed to hold multiple 22 Long Rifle (22LR) ammunition magazines securely and conveniently. They are commonly used by hunters, shooters, and firearm enthusiasts to keep their ammunition organized and within easy reach.

What is the difference between a 22Lr Magazine Pouch and a regular ammunition pouch?

The main difference between a 22Lr Magazine Pouch and a regular ammunition pouch is the size and shape of the magazine pockets. A 22LR Magazine Pouch is specifically designed to accommodate 22LR magazines, while a regular ammo pouch is typically more versatile.

How many 22LR magazines can a pouch hold?

The capacity of a 22Lr Magazine Pouch varies depending on the model and size. Some pouches can hold as few as three or four magazines, while others can accommodate six, eight, or even ten. It is essential to check the specific pouch's dimensions and capacity before purchasing to determine if it meets your needs.

What materials are 22Lr Magazine Pouches made of?

Most 22Lr Magazine Pouches are made of durable synthetic materials, such as nylon or polyester. Some higher-end pouches may be constructed from more premium materials like ballistic nylon or Cordura.

Do 22Lr Magazine Pouches have a retention system to secure the magazines?

Yes, many high-quality 22Lr Magazine Pouches come with some form of retention system, such as elastic bands, Velcro, or buckles, to help hold the magazines in place. This is particularly important when engaging in vigorous activities or when wearing the pouch in an inverted position.

Can 22Lr Magazine Pouches be worn on the belt or worn as a chest rig?

Most 22Lr Magazine Pouches come with a variety of mounting options, including belt loops, MOLLE (Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment) hook-and-loop panels, or straps that can be worn as a chest rig. It is essential to choose a pouch that is compatible with your intended mounting method.

How do I ensure my 22Lr Magazine Pouch is durable and long-lasting?

  • Inspect the pouch for any signs of wear and tear during the initial inspection.
  • Opt for pouches made from durable materials, such as ballistic nylon or Cordura.
  • Check the stitching and material for any fraying or weak spots.
  • Ensure the retention system is secure and properly functional.

Are 22Lr Magazine Pouches waterproof?

Not all 22Lr Magazine Pouches are waterproof, but some high-end pouches may have water-resistant or waterproof coatings to protect the contents from moisture. It is essential to check the specifications of the pouch you are interested in to determine if it has these features.
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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:53 WallHuman Okay I'm still on season 17 and...

I have two points I need to discuss with SOMEONE
First, there was a post made asking which parent was the best. And people in the comment section are saying that because they lived in poverty, they were all inherently neglectful ON PURPOSE.
I disagree with this because Janelle worked hard to provide for the family. They did have a lot of children but nothing can really change that. So for their circumstances, both Janelle and Christine did their best to raise and love the children. Janelle has always had jobs and made money for the family. In fact, she worked harder than Kody did for many years to keep them all afloat. It was not Janelle's fault that Kody had several children with Christine and it isn't Christine's fault that Kody had several children with Janelle. They believed they were doing the right thing from a religious standpoint. That doesn't in any way excuse the things that they did wrong or the mistakes they made or anything like that. It provides a deeper context, however, that needs to be considered when we're discussing this stuff. I believe Janelle and Christine have been good parents to the OG13 specifically and we've never heard of anything horrible they've done to any of the other kids so we can't make the judgement that they're abusive or neglectful. HOWEVER, I am completely open to understanding other perspectives and I would love to open the discussion! I would love to hear from other perspectives. I grew up in a very poor family and I don't view our position as neglectful because my mom did her best to raise us and my dad worked hard ALWAYS. I could be biased in some way but I believe that my parents did their best and therefore, I apply that logic to Janelle and Christine.
The other thing I need to talk about is Meri. WHY IS SHE STILL THERE?? What is it that has made her stay this long? Kody has expressed to her numerous times that he's not interested in a relationship with her. Is she doing it to spite him in some way? Is there any kind of financial upside to staying in Flagstaff? Is she there because she doesn't want to seem like a hypocrite to Janelle and Christine because of the way she reacted to their decisions? What the fuck IS IT?
Every time she talks about things, she says something absolutely heartbreaking and then laughs it off. That isn't normal behavior. It's not like she doesn't understand that there's no chance for her and Kody. She literally said it to Robyn before she spoke to Kody about spending more time in Utah. She doesn't have a plethora of good memories of this relationship. It's been YEARS of Kody telling her to go away. I'm confused because I guess I'm just not seeing what's keeping her there. If there's some kind of context I'm missing I really need it lmfaooo
submitted by WallHuman to SisterWives [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:52 patico_cr Left my roll of PLA on the roll hanger. It has absorbed humidity.

As the tittle says, I opened a roll of PLA on Saturday evening and did a 3 hour print job with perfect results. I left the spool on the hanger, just besides the printer.
I went to sleep, took Sunday off and after two days of 90% humidity, came back on Monday afternoon to repeat the same print: this time I experienced lots of stringing and overall bad quality.
I have already ordered a kit of vaccum bags with dissecants to keep my filament dry and clean. However, I do have some questions regarding filamente manipulation:
Thanks in advance
submitted by patico_cr to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:51 drakedergon Which settings affect object render distance?

Which settings affect object render distance?
So, a couple of weeks ago something changed with Forza that affects the distance at which some things render in (At least im going to blame forza, ive run the same settings forever and this wasnt an issue before). Im not sure what happened and i dont know which settings actually affect it. Its not a big deal out in the open terrain but when you're passing through festivals its very annoying. A good example is the horizon baja outpost with the two gantries as you pass through.
Cant see the opposite gantry until you drive closer but the surrounding lights and everything there, its just the gantry sign thats not rendered in
Drive about 100 yards more and it starts to pop in
A little further, about a third of the way between the two signs between its there fully, lights and all.
What settings do i change to fix this? Is it a single setting or do i have to change multiple settings? Will post current settings if it helps.
submitted by drakedergon to ForzaHorizon5 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:51 ElectroMenZ I just beat my first full Kaizo ROM hack (SM74 Ten Years After v3.74) + my review

I just beat my first full Kaizo ROM hack (SM74 Ten Years After v3.74) + my review
Ok, so on May 26th 2024, I got all the stars after 31 hours + 3 more I had on another save file, and let me tell you what, it was quite a rollercoaster of an adventure, so here I'll just review my overall experience of it
C1 Dice Domain: (9/10) It was a nice beginning course that felt welcoming for people who are just getting started on easier Kaizo hacks, like sure, it feels a bit different from the original source material, and that can be great, as it gives a player something kinda new, so overall, it's a solid level without it being intimidating, and it's just a nice little warmup for me, someone who's trying Kaizos for the first time
C2 Concrete Jungle: (8.5/10) This is also a pretty solid course, and although, the red coin star was replaced in this version, it was still a solid experience without them, and the stars still felt like a nice little warmup. Also, there was that one heave-ho trick I had to know about, so yeah, I didn't know at the time, and instead went the long way on top to slide and jumped to the star, which involved me finding a bug where I get soft locked on the slope, but again, still quite a solid level with interesting design choices
C3 Wallowing Wells: (8/10) This is a great mashup of C3 from SM74 and EE, and even though I'm not the biggest fan of water levels, you actually have faster swimming, and it's way better than what I tried in EE, I mean, I had a good time getting the stars and the 100 coins even, then you have the waterless mode star which is a good test of your platforming skills, and even though a fell down a few times, it's actually not near as bad as what you had to do in EE, and it was quite enjoyable, so still a nice mashup that doesn't feel like a difficulty spike out of nowhere, but still slightly trickier than the first two courses
Underground Slide: (7.5/10) Now, here's the first little difficulty spike in the hack, so this one had me dying a bit on the slide's reds, and yeah I died at the end to that stupid pillar. Also, to get that first star in the metal cap switch, I decided to take the long route instead of doing the skip, I dunno why, but anyway, near the end of that section kinda felt like a chokepoint, but I mean, it's not bad, and I liked how they replaced the Mario Party minigame music with the underground theme from Yoshi's Island, which is quite fitting with the redesign, so overall, even if it's a bit of a difficulty spike early in the game, I still did like my experience with it quite a bit, and I like the new aesthetic of it
B1 Bowser's Park Party: (9/10) I actually like what they did with this version, they made it feel a bit different by making it like an island in the sky, and the stars were just pretty fun overall, like the one metal cap star was an interesting because of the way you go inside the building to get it, and the key section felt free because of the metal cap safety net, but there was that one part where you had to do oddly precise lava bounces, I don't know why LinCrash made it that way, but I'm not gonna question it, and it was an enjoyable experience all the way through
C4 Bogey Bayou: (8/10) I thought this course was pretty fun, but there was that one pit with Bubbas with the red coins that were a bit risky to get due to the relentless nature of them, however, the rest of this course had some solid stars in it, like there was one star where you have the entrance to a secret lava section, and due to the Parallel Lakitu cam, you didn't have to do blind guesswork, so that's nice, but yeah, the actual secret entrance star was just free, nothing else to say about that one, but even though the 100 coins took me longer than it should've, I actually had quite a fun time platforming on rooftops over some deadly quicksand sludge
C5 Flamework Factory: (8.5/10) An interesting course with tunnels that leads you to other stars and parts of the level, and honestly, I liked how it felt sort of like nice little puzzle with a couple of stars requiring certain caps to traverse to the other section, and in the current version, the tunnels just warp you to that certain room, I don't really mind the change that much because it doesn't really decrease the difficulty that much, so overall, another solid experience when I knew the places I needed to go for certain stars.
MC Aerial Alpine: (9/10) I love what they did with the metal cap stage from the original EE, they turned it into a snow level, and now it's a lot more enjoyable, and even though this current version replaced the red coin star, it was still a nice chill stage, no pun intended, and the stars felt like nice little warmup sections that I had a pretty good time with, even though they replaced the metal cap section with a shell riding one, so that actually felt a bit more fun to do, since I'm actually good with the shell
VC Dusty Darkness: (6.5/10) Now, this is the first level that started giving me a bit of problems, like there's this one star where I had to jump down to a walljumping section, and I actually had to turn up the brightness on my monitor to see where I was, and even then, I kept on getting caught on the one wall because the collision is weird, and I missed my jump quite a bit because of it, but once I learned to stop touching the wall, it wasn't as bad, and there was one more star that gave me slight problems, but that one at least didn't have bad collision, and the other stars were actually quite decent, so yeah, definitely not a great level at all, but not that bad
WC Lava Pit of Inversion: (7.5/10) Yeah, it's just a chill wing cap course that doesn't feel special at all, it was just like the original, except flipped upside down, I mean, the stars were satisfying to get, however, could've done something more creative with it, but I mean, it still is quite a decent experience
C6 Stalactite Cave: (8/10) This is yet another water stage, and again, I'm not the biggest fan of them, but this one actually was kinda interesting, even though this course got the Drowned Factory treatment. This course seemed quite solid with this one platforming section above water that is slightly tricky, but quite fun to do, and I liked that one part where you had to get a Chuckya from the cage below and clip behind a wall to get that one star, so yeah, nice rendition of course 6 that had completely different stars, and it was not bad to navigate at all
C7 Crumble Rumble Tower: (8/10) I really do like the aesthetic of this course, and I enjoyed the climb to the top with the 5 secrets, it's actually kinda fun doing those ledgegrabs near the top, even when there were those clouds that blew you off the course, and the 100 coins were fun to get, except there was that one sketchy red coin you had to get a walljump off of, but it was still a bit of fun nonetheless, and the King Whomp bossfight is actually not bad, even though it was sand, but you actually had more of a platform to work with, so yeah, overall, solid course with only a couple parts that made me go "meh"
C8 Absolute Zeroasis: (6.5/10) Yeah, this is a course I didn't enjoy as much due to that red coins maze with freezing water, and the camera not being the greatest, along with that one spiral pyramid star that was quite a bit annoying to get, but if you set aside that, the 100 coins and other stars are actually decent, so overall, it's not that bad, but yeah, wasn't really a fan of a couple stars
C9 Nature Nocturne: (8/10) This is actually a solid rendition of Course 9, I liked the music in it, it was a nice vibe from Yoshi's Story, and I liked the red coins in it, there was some enjoyable platforming on top of wood planks, and it's interesting going under the flower field to get this one secret, even though you had to go back to get the star, but I really like the idea of it, and yeah, the star under the bridge I could've gotten by using the switch, but I did it the hard way, which took me dozens of tries, but overall, what a solid remake
B2 Bowser's Tidal Tropics: (6.5/10) So yeah, this is the first level that actually made me rage a bit, but before I get into that, I will say that I love the Koopa Troopa Beach music in this course, it really compliments the theme of it, and 4 of the stars in there were just kind of a nice experience, but that one star where you had to do the firsties at the right angle, even though, thankfully it's not quicksand this time, it's water, it still proved to be quite a bit annoying, but it was satisfying once I pulled it off, and now, the key part was what really started getting to me because at the beginning, I felt like I had to do the one firstie so that I can have just the right height land on the platform without getting grabbed by the Chuckya, and that gets annoying because every time a failed on those angled timed boxes, I have to start front the beginning, but I realized, I did that part the hard way, so my experience with this could've went a lot smoother, if it weren't for that, but still, not the greatest experience due to it deriving from the EE version of this stage, however, the stars before the key section were overall not bad, and again, that key section made me quite a bit angry, but the rest of it was actually not bad, it was just a matter of getting past those couple things I mentioned earlier
C10 Quicksand Beach: (9/10) After the last stage, this one was actually quite chill, the stars were actually quite enjoyable to get, like the red coins were fun to shell jump up to get in the middle of the quicksand, and thank God LinCrash decided to have 100 coins nerfed because in the older versions of SM74, you had to get all the blue coins like near frame perfect, and you had to slowly push all the bullies into that one tiny lava pit, but this version, really made it chill, and at first, I thought the stars you had to get by going into the quicksand tunnel we're gonna be a pain, but actually, the Parallel Lakitu cam worked out in my favor, and I actually enjoyed going down there, so this yet is another nice and solid experience
C11 Polluted Pond: (7/10) So, it's the level with one of the stars I dreaded, the star where you have to do walljump crossovers over a platform with quicksand, but I really surprised myself here, as it only took me a few tries, and I actually never died to the quicksand itself, I just failed at the last crossover a few times, so this might've been just a fluke, but yeah, while the rest of the level wasn't the greatest due to having to climb back up out of the toxic sand below, and it took me so long to find the last red coin for some reason, although, it still has quite a bit of fun platforming here and there, but on that one hideout star where you kinda have tight window for those timed boxes, it was mildly annoying when I hit that arrow leading me to it, however, after that is not that bad, just one sketchy jump, so overall, not really a great course, but the platforming was a bit of fun to do
C12 Cliff of Time: (8/10) Now this is an interesting one because this is like the first time that we see two versions of a course that you get to switch between depending on the star, and I mean, I enjoyed getting these stars, they were quite a bit unique from each other, and yeah, the red coins weren't really as bad as I thought, it was just that one sketchy walljump ledgegrab I had to do to get to the rest of the course, and every time you started the harder version of this course, you had to do a firstie to even start it, which is not that annoying at all, and just meh, but the same went for some of the red coins, however, you did have quite a bit of room for error before the timer ran out, so this course overall has cool concepts, and it felt quite fair
C13 Sea Salt Peaks: (5/10) Now, most of this course felt a bit free, and Koopa the Quick is still slow, this was just a fine level, but oh my God, the Hot Arch Crossing star really brings down the experience because it was so annoying with those firespitters while having to do more precise walljump crossovers three times in a row, and one where you have to do kind of a precise triple jump to get to the last crossover, like that star genuinely made me just rage, and I never wanna touch it again, although the 100 coins were quite a bit scarce
C14 Veninium Sphere: (8.5/10) Now this course was quite fun, and I actually like how LinCrash designed the course to have more gaps in it to make up for the nerfs he did, so it still didn't feel too easy for what it was, and the climb was quite satisfying, but the one small flaw I had was with the first star Tower of the South, and that is when I just got through the hall of angled walljumps, I would sometimes miss the star because I couldn't exactly tell where it is in that hole in the ceiling, but I mean, I feel like that one was just on me, although, the rest of the level was very good, and the red coins didn't feel daunting at all to get, so overall, it was quite an enjoyable experience
C15 Delombru Sphere: (8.5/10) Same as the last course, the climb was quite satisfying to do, but this course felt a bit more convoluted to me because there was that one sideways tower that I didn't know I could reach with a triple jump until I tried it, and there was that one Dungeon Dominance star where I didn't think that precise walljump ledgegrab was intended, yet it was, but it wasn't actually that bad, and thank God that one crazy Tower of the North star was changed into an amp obstacle course because in the old versions, you had to do really precise walljumps consistently without ledgegrabbing, and the 100 coins and 8 reds were actually pretty satisfying to get on only like what, my 4th attempt? I mean, you got those two sketchy red coins at the beginning, but after that, it was nice and smooth sailing because I just crushed it, I genuinely thought I was gonna fumble more on that, but glad I didn't, however, the Morbid Deadly Puzzle star was still pretty tough because it's like closer to EE difficulty than any other star here, and I will not forgive that one Snifit that killed me one time when I was getting far into that star, but it was quite satisfying once I finally got the star at the end, so overall, a well designed course with a challenge that will prove to be pretty difficult, but comes with a satisfying reward at the end
Void of the East: (8/10) Now this was quite a tough and challenging star, and that one angled walljump off the pillar and tower right next to it is kinda what made the challenge even moreso, but good thing you can come up with a good routing method for this star to not feel like as much of a drag, so for me, the metal cap lava bounce secret was the easiest, so I did that last, and yeah, to get off that one rooftop, it sucked when I just couldn't make the jump with the wrong angle, but as I did the right angle, it wasn't as bad, and the rest of the course is actually fun, so once it got consistent, it was quite enjoyable, and I was thoroughly satisfied after getting that star
B3 Bowser's Rainbow Realm: (6/10) Yeah, I didn't enjoy opening the cannon in this stage that much at all, I just hated having to do those angled wall kicks over the first lava section at every attempt I had at opening the cannon, but good thing that you didn't have to do three of those in a row, just one of them, and the amp section was just a bit annoying because I had to be careful with my jumps, while having to deal with the possibility of the firespitter getting me, as for the second lava section that first jump was quite sketchy to make, but right after that, the section was definitely better than the first one. There was also that Heave-ho on the third section that killed me at least a couple times, and it felt like a slap to the face when that happened to me, but when I opened the cannon, I felt quite a bit relieved, and the other stars were actually a bit enjoyable, despite me wanting to get to Grandmaster's Goal that final day, like the secrets had some decent platforming, but it was just a slight flaw that I couldn't properly see that one opening to getting that 5 secrets star, however, I got the right angle at some point, and now the 8 red coins were actually quite decent, it felt like a good break, but there were a couple red coins that seemed slightly sketchy, but we're not bad at all, however, I will say, wasn't really the biggest fan of getting on those steep slopes, as they felt fast, and I had to make sure my angle to get on them was good or else I'd fall down due to no ledgegrabs, but it was alright, and yeah, I accidentally got that one caged Banjo Tooie cartridge star while getting the red coins, but after that, there was one more kind of annoying star I had to get with that risky platforming on the walls of the amp section, and the final fight was just Bowser, but the bombs were oddly closer than the original, don't know why LinCrash made them like that, but whatever, it's fine, so overall, yeah, this stage can get quite frustrating when you are trying to open the cannon, but after that, it's not bad at all, it actually got quite a bit fun, although, the music felt a bit repetitive NGL
Grandmaster's Goal: (8/10) This was a pretty good gauntlet at the end, but oh my God it's quite nerve-wracking I got closer to the end, and when I died a couple times at those cones in the Cliff of Wrath part, it was a bit disappointing, but as I noticed that I was getting more consistent with the other parts, the confidence built within me, and in this current version, they added a heart at the walljump crossover section, and oh man, I really needed it, even though it nerfs the endurance test a bit, I still appreciated it, and yeah, the metal cap section was still a chokepoint because of that one walljump ledgegrab, and at the beginning of me doing this gauntlet, I kept dying at the Stalagmite Cave slide part, even though I shouldn't have because it's easy when I got the angle right, but yeah, overall, this gauntlet was pretty well put together, but yeah, there are a couple parts that are easily chokeable and can be roadblocks to your success. Oh and one thing I forgot, the other two Grandmaster's Goal stars, they were a bit easy to get, like you could just do a skip to save time for the "speedrun" star, and there was that one hidden star that was fairly easy to find, so those two stars were essentially before the real deal, and they were kinda cool to get
In conclusion, my first Kaizo experience definitely had times where I got quite a bit frustrated, but in the end, I'm glad I beat this as my hardest ROM hack, and the experience was definitely worthwhile, so I decided to post this review here to share my experience
submitted by ElectroMenZ to sm64hacks [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:47 Heralax_Tekran Finally about to make decent money, but thinking of pivoting completely. What would you do?

I'm a first-time businessman, and I finally got a decent-sized client, but I'm thinking of pivoting from consulting to a targeted product because I have no idea how to niche this practice down and systematize it. Should I pivot?
Some context: I'm four months into doing consulting/contract development, and I've landed my first five-figure client. I'm approaching the point where I'm going to invoice them for the first set of deliverables -- they seem pretty happy with the results so far and I'm confident that this will be a good, lasting arrangement. I've also been able to level up my technical skills, communication ability, and professionalism over the last few months.
But even though I've closed this client (and they aren't even my first paying customer) I'm getting seriously doubtful that I can make this practice a consistent success as it is right now. Why? Well, let me explain by telling you what I do:
The work I do for clients is basically: I train custom LLMs on company information they provide, like a knowledge base or explainers/sales copy. I basically build an AI that is mostly immune to all the mistakes generic AIs make, because they don't understand what they're talking about.
So for instance, my work for an open-source crypto community has seen me train an AI on transformed versions of their help documents and API documentation, so they now have an expert user support bot which can accurately answer questions about their platform. Their lead dev reached out to me with the offer.
The problem: I'm doing something extremely broad, bespoke, and the end customer has to figure out how to use the service to make money themselves.
Even I realize that's *horrible!\*
I've been wrestling with this since the end of April. My clients have been/are a marketing SAAS, a healthcare-related thing, and an open-source crypto community. It's all over the place, and I'm guessing this is because I'm basically selling skills and a broad direction, not an offer. This all came to a head when I was watching a very good business advice video, and the presenter said,
"When the money comes hard, I go easy; when the money comes easy, I go hard."
So I thought, "OK, I haven't been working as hard as I would like to, but I'm still making pretty good money, so that means the money's coming easy with what I'm doing right now. So I should commit to it! I need to take advantage of the AI boom and get rich before university starts again!"
Then I realized,
"How do I actually go hard here?!"
Since I don't have a precise offer, I can't target a precise customer avatar. I can't systematize it to speed up delivery, making that yet another bottleneck. Sales AND delivery is a problem -- right now I need to talk with the customer to figure out what to sell to them. I can't see that working long-term. I know I need a niche... but all my clients are all over the place, and frankly all of their projects were very unique, so I can't see myself making a repeatable service out of any of them.
So I was thinking I need a product. That would allow me to put all my development time in one place to serve many users, and it would simplify leadgen and selling a bit, because I'd be selling the same thing over and over. My initial idea for a product is sort-of similar to the thing I'm doing for the open-source crypto community, but more commercially oriented: I'm thinking of training a sales AI that can educate users about a company's solution, and nudge them to a call to action on a website (e.g., book a call, claim a free subscription). By training it myself I can ensure it's a specialist that reliably follows a sales script, unpretentiously (i.e., without the voice of GPT). Think like one of those intercom help bots, but actually useful, it knows about the products, and it can try to close you.
And with the synthetic data pipeline in place, I'd even be able to, essentially, finetune the model on customers' sales copy to ensure it really understands their product. With no manual work. Every business needs sales, so I could just specialize this into any sub-niche I wanted (sales AI... for XYZ industry!), and actually, finally, have a targeted offer.
Or so I've been thinking. I'm worried that this may be a case of me having the right idea of the problem but the wrong solution. I wracked my brain through May to come up with a solution to niching down my system instead, but I came up with nothing. And while I have this idea for a "custom AI salesman" I have no idea if business owners would actually want to add something like that to their website, or if we're at the point where they'd be like "eww GPT" and turn their nose up.
So, what would you do? Push on consulting or pivot to product? If push, how do I niche this thing? If pivot, is the proposed product a good one or a horribly bad one?
Sincerely appreciate any responses/help.
submitted by Heralax_Tekran to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:45 minostronie CS/SWE networking and career advice as a mature-age student

Hi all,
I am looking for some suggestions or insights on how to navigate (and advance) my career as a career-changer and mature-age student. Any contribution or perspectives welcome. Questions can be as useful as comments.
Why I am asking
I watched this Ted Talk recently and it prompted me to ask. I recommend it if you haven't seen it.
I have spent the last 4 years working hard in isolation to try and build my skills and break into the industry, but I have completely neglected to build a network, as well as ask for help and advice.
I'm trying to break that habit now. To be clear, I am not looking for anyone to solve my problems. But insights or thought-provoking questions to help me, help myself would be invaluable.
I'm 31, live in Geelong Victoria, am a part-time CS student (half-way through, studying remotely) and have been working full-time as a junior web developer for the last 12 months. I was working part-time prior to that for another 6 months so I could make financial ends meet by working splitting my time with my other, higher-paying job.
As such, I have half a degree and 12-18 months-ish of experience. And I acknowledge this very fortunate as securing that first job can very difficult.
However, I am looking for guidance on how to maximise my trajectory from this position given that I have dedicated a lot of time and effort towards breaking into tech and took a rather sizeable pay cut.
I would also add the company is small and there's only a few devs, with the one senior making all the decisions, meaning I get little mentoring and there's no strong engineering-based conversations. We use Laravel and are just trying to get products out the door and get paid, very digital agency style.
There is nothing wrong with this, it's just not where I ultimately want to be or the technologies I want to use (and build skill with).
None of this is to say "poor me", just set some context for why I am trying to recover lost time and finances as much as possible.
Generally speaking, I'd like to find a role where I: - Use CS fundamentals more. I'm thinking backend work, building proficiency with a statically typed language, etc. rather than doing more plug-and-play web development using a batteries-included framework. - Am part of a bigger team, so I can learn from those around me and have discussions about tech. - Increase my earning potential and move beyond an entry-level salary (given I don't feel entry-level age) and have taken "backwards" financial steps in the hope of taking bigger strides forward.
I know everyone wants the perfect job and they aren't just handed out on platters. I am realistic. I'm just trying to learn how I can open up better opportunities, and do it sooner rather than later.
##### Advice that exists The top comment on this post about how to make good use of your time while studying CS suggests:
While in course:
  • Secure an internship/placement ASAP
  • Network, join relevant clubs, meet people in industry, make connections
  • Build a portfolio outside of course work
  • Find out what you really need to know for your planned career
  • Learn practical concepts beyond the course like Git, containers
  • Figure out a course plan well in advance
bold = Do these 2, if absolutely nothing else. They will take your career further more than anything.
I think this is excellent advice and would echo its importance.
And while it is still relevant to me, I also tend to think it's more applicable to younger, entering-the-work-force-for-the-first-time students. But I could be wrong!
What I think my problems are
I feel like I am a little stuck -- or moving slowly -- due to the following broad problems: - Opportunities for promotion and growth in my current role are very limited (not just financial, but skills and experience-wise). - I'm not yet academically credentialed nor oozing with industry experience, either. - Non-existent network, a factor of both being a remote student and having only been at a single, small company.
My questions
All of this leads me to the following questions: - Do I simply need to stay the course? I am trying to be proactive, rather than complacent, but it is possible I'm only achieving impatience. - Are university organised networking events and internship opportunities likely to be useful for me or are they distractions at this point? - Is there better advice for someone in my position than what I highlighted above? And if so, what are the high-impact activities someone in this position should be focusing on? - Is there any obvious truths or ideas that I am missing?
Conclusion and connect if you like
Thanks so much for reading this far. Also, to help me build that network, please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn. Also, if you're interested, I recently built my portfolio, and I would be open to any feedback you have on that.
I'm also open to collaborating on projects or trying to help you in any way that you think I might be able to.
Thanks again. Any contribution, big or small, is greatly appreciated.
Have a great day, Redditors.
(This is my first ever post, if I unknowingly committed any sins, please feel free to draw my attention to them.)
submitted by minostronie to cscareerquestionsOCE [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:45 BallsAreFullOfPiss What is this type of misprint called?

What is this type of misprint called?
Just noticed this pretty minor misprint while sorting cards. The card on the right seems to have noticeably darker lettering in the text box, as well as the copyright being blotchy (idk what to call it exactly). Definitely a pretty minor misprint on a not very desirable card, but it’s only the 2nd misprint I’ve ever come across, so I figured I’d post it - and I’d like to know what this type of misprint is called.
submitted by BallsAreFullOfPiss to mtgmisprints [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:44 Advanced_Asparagus95 Someone died... and I'm not sad about 😬

30 years ago two men met two women, one couple had a boy and the other had two girls. These couples split and two of them met each other and fell in love. My step dad had a very bitter divorce from his ex wife and didn't get much contact with their son. From here on Dad(52), Helen(46), and Brett(26). I am the younger sister(24) and my older sister we'll call Ella(26) didn't get along well with Brett, not at all. Helen hated us and our mom and encouraged Brett to do the same. But are bio father was never in the picture and we loved our step dad more than anything so we did our best to get along with Brett when he visited. He lives in another state, so we see him once a year. This year my sister is getting married so we didn't expect to see him until the party, if at all now that he's an adult with a job. But on the day before Dad's birthday Helen died unexpectedly...of course I would never say anything awful to anyone but this woman was nothing to me, mean to my parents, and lived far away. Most disconnected of all we learned the news via a Facebook post Am I wrong not entirely caring she died?
submitted by Advanced_Asparagus95 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:44 ThrowRA-GumaGuma Is it wrong for me to want to talk less with my girlfriend?

Now I don't mean not talking about important things like issues with a relationship or asking if we're alright after something bad happened etc etc.
I'm talking about trying to keep a conversation going for as long as possible and when that one ends they try to (almost) immediately start a new one just to continue conversation. Is it wrong for me to think that I don't like/want that in a relationship?
For context: My GF (27F) and me (24M) have a long distance relationship together where we both live across the country so in-person visits are very difficult. As a result we talk to each other via text or call but mainly text. She has a ton of anxiety and almost always feels nervous about our relationship, if I love her, and if other people hate her. (Basically she is socially paranoid 24/7)
While at first I had a load of time to talk with her and would respond as quickly as possible and try to respond to everything she would send but as the relationship went on I just started to feel really fatigued about it. Since we first met through friends in an MMO we mainly just had conversations in-game and then started having them through text (mind you we continued conversations after logging off). After we started dating and I was taking a break from games, we continued to talk through text and call. As time goes on it seems like the only thing my gf can do to really entertain herself is talk to me. She texts me in the morning and sends me a bunch of funny images and the like. When we're working she'll send me more images and have conversations during her break. After work she send me more texts and images. At night she wants conversations and will continue to chat with me until its almost 5 AM unless I break it off first.
If a conversation ends or there's not much left to talk about, less than 10 minutes later she sends me a twitter post or image (if not several). The same thing happens with regular conversations too.
After I started gaming again, even if we talked in the morning for an hour or two as well as the afternoon, she'll log on and try to find me and start another conversation in game if I'm also online until I decide to log off or do something else.
TL;DR for the the above section: My gf wants to talk with me all the time unless I stop talking first or she has an important matter where she can't text me
I feel very confused and my brain is telling me its wrong to not want to talk with her, especially when I wanna just game alone to recuperate after a long day. I can't tell her that I had a long day or that I don't wanna talk because I know for a fact that she'll then get sad/depressed about it even if she says its ok.
I understand that for some relationships, texting all the time, texting all day, and being excited for it is the norm but I've been learning that I just don't really enjoy that kind of experience. Is that wrong for me to think?
I want to bring this up with her but I worry that it'll make her spiral into a panic attack because she'll assume I don't want to talk to her because I don't love her as much anymore. (And yes I assume this because it has happened before and I wasn't even the one who was talking to her)
This isn't also me saying I don't like her or anything, I really enjoy her company and love how much we share in common together but I just am not good with the level of texting and conversation she wants from me.
tbh idk where I'm going with all this, I feel like I'm just ranting but I'm just feeling fatigued from conversation.
TL;DR for the entire post: I love my gf but she texts and messages me so much from morning to night that I just feel so fatigued from it. I want to have less communication overall in the relationship but I feel wrong for thinking so.
submitted by ThrowRA-GumaGuma to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:43 HaloCS Want to slowly start transitioning from IT to SWE/SDP, need some advice - Completed Undergrad BS Cybersecurity and now in AI/ML graduate program

I'm currently working in a hospital's IT department under a "System Access" team as an analyst. The job duties are what I consider to be very simple, just requires some knowledge of knowing what certain basic things are and how to use them such as working with Active Directory, leveraging a Identity Governance tool to grant access, and understanding of a little bit of lots of different applications such as Epic. But there is no coding/programming involved. Over some time I've started to realize that the people in my team or in the company have been here for 7+ years and they rarely open positions. I've tried to bring up that I was interested in collaborating with the only app developer on the team or maybe even some form of automation (planning to learn on the fly since they were already looking to use UiPath for some tasks), but it just goes out the window, specially since most managers/directors might be retiring in the next couple of years they don't really care that much or want more work on their shoulders.
I thought it would more than likely be accepted given that I've already been able to do most of the "senior" level employees tasks since they're not interested in working outside of their oldschool techniques, and didn't even ask for a promotion or raise, but I guess not. So after 3 years and still being an "Associate" making 1/3 of what the rest of the team makes so I'm getting somewhat demotivated.
When I received this position I was in the process of completing my B.S. in Cybersecurity. I completed it last year and this year I began my M.S. in CS with a concentration in AI/ML this year. I realized near the end of my B.S. that I enjoyed programming more so I started working on The Odin Project to get more knowledge in J.S./NodeJS/DBs/HTML/CSS and eventually work on some personal projects as a hobby to build my skill, but the Masters program is pretty intensive and during my undergrad I didn't dig too deep into programming, more very basic/entry level coursework in C#/C++/Java/Python.
Reflecting on everything brought me some questions and I thought I'd reach out to see if someone can give some guidance.
  1. Should I still try to pickup The Odin Project "bootcamp" for Fullstack JS/JSNode again? But instead do it very slowly since my Masters program is taking up most of the time? Or just focus solely on the course knowledge?
  2. Seeing other threads, I'm assuming that it might not be the best time to transition to a SWE or SDP job? I see mixed comments but mostly negative about the field at the moment.
  3. If I do plan on slowly transitioning to a different company for a job, are there any known positions/titles, or indicators to look into that might make the job/company seem stable? Not really in a good financial position with my current salary to get laid off after a couple of months. (making around 45k before taxes at the moment, and live in a high cost city, moving soon if a new job permits it because in healthcare remote is a bit difficult)
  4. Should I be dedicating more time into leet code as it'll be for sure required if I were to transition? I roughly looked into it and realized I wasn't even able to answecomplete the easy ones.
  5. Are city/government positions that involve AI/ML or even JS-related descriptions good to move to gain experience and knowledge while studying? If so, what are some recommended departments or agencies?
Overall, I do feel like if someone seems my history/resume it might be a bit all over the place given I'm looking to go from Cybersecurity to some Junior Developer position to then AI/ML? But I'm just thinking of the smoothest way to transition while also being able to have a stable job and be good financially.
submitted by HaloCS to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:41 TemporalWonder I'm still holding on to hope that she'll come back.

Hope is a brilliant thing in the right moments, but it's also so dangerous.
In the past, my ex and I would have minor arguments and she'd blow them way out of proportion. She'd have a tendency to be avoidant and want to run away. She'd cite "we're just so different and have such different perspectives" constantly and I never fully agreed. Even if we did, I never saw that as a bad thing. Our differences pulled us out of our comfort zones and opened a lot of doors both ways.
During those difficult times, we'd always bounce back strong. It might take a bit, but the romance was fierce post-argument. This time, I'm not sure if she's coming back. It's been almost a month since we had an argument and any time the relationship is brought up, she turns to being defensive and makes a million excuses. The other night, I asked her if she'd be willing to spend time together in person, though I'd understand if it was too soon or too awkward. She replied "I do want to, I'm just so busy with work. My summer's getting booked and you know I work two jobs and I just want to relax when I'm at home". I can't wrap my head around why us spending time together is such a massive stressor to the point where she refuses to make time for me, yet she'll constantly confirm she does feel strongly about me.
I should clarify that I trust her wholeheartedly. In our entire time of knowing each other, she's never lied to me once. She's never told a "half-truth". One thing I've always respected about her is she's brutally honest. I have zero reason to distrust that now, even after our break-up.
I just can't stop myself from wondering if there's any way to return to where we were before. I miss us venting to each other about our lives, laughing until we can't breathe until 2am, the way she'd caress me, etc. I know this sounds cliche. It's like I can't find closure. I'm happy to still have her in my life as a friend, yet I still find myself sad over how much distance there's been lately. She's so important to me and I suppose I just want her to show me she still feels the same way too.
submitted by TemporalWonder to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:41 Count-Daring243 Best 22 Revolver Holster

Best 22 Revolver Holster
Get ready to explore the world of revolver holsters designed for the popular 22 caliber firearm! In this roundup article, we've compiled a list of the top 22 Revolver Holsters available in the market today, catering to various preferences and styles. From functional and practical designs to sleek and stylish options, we've got you covered. So sit back, relax, and let us help you find the perfect holster to securely hold and protect your 22 caliber revolver.

The Top 8 Best 22 Revolver Holster

  1. Water Buffalo Leather .22 Revolver Holster for Single Action Wheelguns - Versacarry's 4.2" .22 Cal. Single Action Revolver Holster, featuring premium water buffalo leather and a secure sturdy belt loop, is the perfect accessory for your .22 reproduction Colt Single Action Army revolvers.
  2. Durable 22 Cal. Single Action Revolver Holster for Wheelgun Lovers - Secure your classic .22 revolver in style with Versacarry's versatile leather holster perfect for Single Action Army replicas.
  3. Concealed Carry Inside-the-Waistband Handgun Holster - Conceal your handgun with ease and style using the Cabela's Inside-the-Waistband Handgun Holster - a fully adjustable, lightweight solution made for concealed-carry applications.
  4. North American Arms Mini-Rev Pocket Holster 22MAG for Enhanced Precision and Comfort - Experience unmatched precision and comfort with North American Arms' Mini-Rev Pocket Holster 22MAG HPTD-M, specifically crafted for mini revolvers.
  5. Desantis Wild Hog Ruger GP100 Holster - Ambidextrous Leather Cross Draw Option - Experience unmatched comfort and convenience with the Desantis Wild Hog Holster Lthr for your Ruger Single Six, featuring natural leather, adjustable tension, and versatile carrying options for ultimate flexibility.
  6. Stylish Space Cowboy Holster for H&K 45 Revolver - Arm yourself with the perfect fit, style, and function with Triple K's Space Cowboy Holster for your HK 45 - the top-rated choice for full-grain leather holster enthusiasts.
  7. High-Quality, Durable 22 Revolver Holster for Women - Experience ultimate comfort and durability in the Hilason Western Right Hand Gun Holster, specifically designed for your 22 caliber revolver.
  8. Quality Western-style leather holster for 703 Revolver - Experience authentic Western-style holsters with the Denix Old West Leather Holster, perfectly fitting your Colt Peacemaker series pistols and accommodating replica shells, available in two-toned brown medium waist size.
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🔗Water Buffalo Leather .22 Revolver Holster for Single Action Wheelguns
I've been using the Versacarry. 22 Cal. Single Action Revolver Holster for a while now, and I've got to say it's a pretty cool accessory to have. It's made from premium water buffalo leather, which is quite a step up from the average holster material. The sturdy belt loop ensures that your revolver stays securely in place, even when you're on the move.
One downside I noticed is that it only supports single-action. 22 caliber revolvers, so if you're using a different kind, you'll have to look elsewhere. But overall, I'm really happy with this holster. It's well-made, and the quality is top-notch. I've had no issues with it so far, and I'm confident it'll serve me well in the future.

🔗Durable 22 Cal. Single Action Revolver Holster for Wheelgun Lovers
I recently tried out this Versacarry. 22 Cal. Single Action Revolver Holster, and I must say, I was thoroughly impressed by its sturdy construction and comfortable fit.
Made from premium water buffalo leather, this holster is well-suited for all those. 22 reproduction Colt Single Action Army revolvers and similarly sized wheelguns. What stood out to me the most was the secure belt loop and open bottom design, which provided a snug fit without any unnecessary bulk. Overall, this is a great choice for any cowboy looking to protect and carry their. 22 Cal single action revolver in style.

🔗Concealed Carry Inside-the-Waistband Handgun Holster
As a frequent user of this Inside-the-Waistband Handgun Holster, I must say it has its pros and cons. Firstly, the lightweight design featuring a sturdy nylon shell and soft brushed tricot interior is a boon for me. It effectively safeguards my 9mm auto handgun without compromising on comfort.
However, the metal spring clip, though handy, sometimes slips over the top of my pants or belt, which can be a bit inconvenient. Also, the 3.5-inch size works great for my Ruger LCP, but it might be a bit too snug for larger models.
Another feature I appreciate is its versatility as it can be used as a hip holster or inside the pants, allowing for an adjustable and comfortable fit. Despite its excellent qualities, the holster lacks a retention strap, which can be a drawback, especially when you're on the move.

🔗North American Arms Mini-Rev Pocket Holster 22MAG for Enhanced Precision and Comfort
As a fellow gun enthusiast, I recently came across the North American Arms Mini-Rev Pocket Holster 22MAG and decided to give it a try. Having used it for a while now, I must say it has made a notable difference in my shooting experience.
The first thing that stood out to me was the secure grip it provides for my mini revolver. It holds the weapon firmly in place, which ultimately enhances my precision and accuracy during target practice. However, I must admit that the holster's size can be a bit of a drawback at times. It may not be the most suitable option for those who prefer a larger holster for their mini revolver.
Despite its minor flaws, the North American Arms Mini-Rev Pocket Holster 22MAG has proven to be a reliable and comfortable accessory for my mini revolver. If you're looking for a secure and compact solution for your mini revolver, this pocket holster might just be the perfect addition to your arsenal.

🔗Desantis Wild Hog Ruger GP100 Holster - Ambidextrous Leather Cross Draw Option
The Desantis Wild Hog Holster is a versatile and comfortable option for carrying your Ruger Single Six 5.5" Revolver. Made from top-quality leather, it fits snugly around your waist and can be worn cross draw or with a forward cant. Its belt accommodating design allows you to adjust the tension for a perfect fit, ensuring your gun stays securely in place throughout the day.
While the Wild Hog may be a bit heavier on your pocket, it's a reliable, durable, and stylish choice for any revolver enthusiast. Overall, if you're looking for a holster that provides both style and functionality, this leather holster is worth considering.

🔗Stylish Space Cowboy Holster for H&K 45 Revolver
As a gun enthusiast, I've always been on the lookout for premium quality holsters to keep my scoped revolvers secure. So, when I came across the Triple K Space Cowboy Holster, I knew it was worth a try. The full-grain leather holster is certainly a sight to behold, with its classic design that's both stylish and functional.
What stood out to me was the sturdiness and security the holster offered. It was a perfect fit for my Smith and Wesson 629 Stealth Hunter, with its 7.5" barrel. I appreciated the tie-off leg strap, which added stability and ensured my holster stays in place during all my outdoor adventures.
However, I found the price quite steep for the level of craftsmanship involved. The belt loop's snap mechanism feels a tad flimsy and might not be the best fit for larger and heavier revolvers.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I would still recommend the Triple K Space Cowboy Holster to any gun enthusiast looking for a premium, high-quality holster to keep their prized scoped revolver close at hand.

🔗High-Quality, Durable 22 Revolver Holster for Women
I recently had the chance to try out this Hilason Western Right Hand Gun Holster Rig, and let me say, it's a pretty impressive piece of equipment. First off, the holster itself is beautifully crafted, with a genuine leather finish that gives it a nice, old-timey cowboy feel. The stitching was tight and precise, and the metal core casing made it unbreakable and non-collapsible.
One thing that stood out to me was the holster's versatility. Not only does it fit most barrel lengths ranging from 4 to 8 inches, but it's also been designed with a leg tie and leg flap behind the holster, enhancing its durability and comfort. This made it perfect for a daily wear gun holster, whether I was walking around town or out on the range.
That being said, there were a couple of things that I wasn't completely thrilled about. For one, the holster does have quite a few holes punched an inch apart, which could make it a bit confusing to figure out the correct size for your specific pants. While the provided measurements worked for me, I can see how this could be an issue for others.
Additionally, while the gun holster fits most barrel lengths, it's made specifically for a right-handed shooter, which could make it a bit limiting for left-handed shooters looking to use this holster.
Overall, though, I've really enjoyed using this Hilason Western Right Hand Gun Holster Rig. The combination of its high-quality craftsmanship and versatile design make it a top choice for any gun enthusiast looking to up their holster game.

🔗Quality Western-style leather holster for 703 Revolver
The Denix Old West Leather Holster is a must-have accessory for anyone who loves the authentic feel of the Wild West. Not only does it look the part, but it also feels and functions like a genuine holster should. The craftsmanship is evident in the beautifully tooled leather design, which adds a touch of class to your 1873 non-firing replica or Colt Peacemaker pistol.
One of the things I appreciate most about this holster is the ease of use. The right-draw design ensures that your firearm is always easily accessible when you need it, and the adjustable leg-tie makes it comfortable to wear for extended periods. The shell loops on the belt are a nice touch, as they accommodate the replica shells that fit these pistols, adding another level of realism.
As with any product, there are a few minor drawbacks. The holster isn't the most compact option out there, which can make it a bit tricky to carry around if you're planning to go somewhere where you might need to hide your firearm. Additionally, the medium waist size might not be perfect for everyone, so it's something to consider before making a purchase.
Overall, I'm thoroughly impressed with the Denix Old West Leather Holster. It's a top-quality product that adds a touch of authenticity to any enthusiast's collection. If you're looking for a durable, functional, and stylish holster that captures the spirit of the Old West, this is the one to get.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to selecting the perfect 22 revolver holster, there are several factors to consider. These factors will ultimately determine the overall quality and durability of your holster, and more importantly, its ability to safely carry and protect your revolver.

Adjustable Retention
An adjustable retention system allows you to customize the tightness of your holster to suit your needs. This feature is especially important when it comes to concealed carry, as you want to ensure that your holster can securely retain your 22 revolver without being too tight, making it difficult to draw in case of an emergency.

Material and Build Quality

The material and build quality of your 22 revolver holster play a crucial role in its overall durability and functionality. High-quality materials, such as tough nylon or ballistic nylon, combined with sturdy construction, will ensure that your holster can withstand the rigors of regular use without succumbing to wear and tear.

Comfort and Concealment

Comfort is a major consideration when selecting a 22 revolver holster. Look for a holster that is well-designed and offers adequate support, eliminating the need for any pressure points. Additionally, a holster with a slim profile will make it easier to conceal your revolver, whether you're carrying on your person or in a concealed carry situation.

Gun Shape and Fit

It's vital that your 22 revolver holster is designed to accommodate the specific shape and dimensions of your firearm. A well-fitting holster is essential for proper retention and easy access to your weapon when needed most.

Price and Value

When considering a 22 revolver holster, it's essential to find the right balance between price and value. Look for a holster that offers the right combination of quality, features, and affordability, without sacrificing any of these factors.

Review Customer Feedback and Ratings
Before making a final decision on a 22 revolver holster, thoroughly research customer reviews and ratings. This valuable information will provide you with insight into the strengths and weaknesses of a potential holster, helping you make an informed choice.
A high-quality 22 revolver holster is a crucial accessory for anyone who owns a firearm. By keeping the factors outlined in this buyer's guide in mind, you'll be well-equipped to select the perfect holster that offers the right combination of features, comfort, and value for your specific needs.


What are the different types of 22 revolver holsters available in the market?

There are several types of holsters designed for 22 revolvers, including shoulder, cross-draw, pancake, and belt slide holsters. Each type offers different levels of convenience, comfort, and security, so it's essential to choose one that suits your specific needs and preferences.

What materials are commonly used in making 22 revolver holsters?

Holsters for 22 revolvers are typically made from materials such as leather, Kydex, nylon, or a combination of these. Leather holsters offer a classic look and feel, while Kydex holsters provide increased durability and retention. Nylon holsters are lightweight and more affordable but may not provide the same level of protection and security as other materials.

What are the key features to consider when choosing a 22 revolver holster?

  • Concealability: A good holster should help you carry your revolver discreetly.
  • Retention: The holster should securely hold your revolver in place to prevent accidental discharge or theft.
  • Comfort: The holster should be comfortable to wear for extended periods.
  • Adjustability: The holster should allow for custom fit and positioning for different gun models and sizes.
  • Durability: A high-quality holster should last a long time and withstand regular use.

What is the difference between a left-handed and right-handed 22 revolver holster?

A left-handed 22 revolver holster is designed to be worn on the left hip or side, providing easy access for left-handed users. A right-handed holster is designed for right-handed users and worn on the opposite side of the body.

How do I properly clean and maintain my 22 revolver holster?

It's essential to clean and maintain your holster regularly to keep it in good condition. The specific cleaning process depends on the material used to make the holster. For example, leather holsters can be cleaned with a soft cloth and mild soap, while Kydex holsters can be wiped with a damp cloth and allowed to air dry.

Are there any safety considerations when carrying a 22 revolver in a holster?

Yes, it's crucial to follow proper safety practices when carrying a 22 revolver in a holster. This includes securing the holster and ensuring that the gun is not loaded unless necessary. Always double-check the safety features of your revolver and holster to prevent accidents.

What are some reputable brands of 22 revolver holsters?

  • DeSantis
  • Galco
  • SUAI
  • Crossbreed Holsters

How much do 22 revolver holsters typically cost?

The cost of a 22 revolver holster can vary depending on the brand, material, and features. Prices typically range from $20 to $100, with some higher-end models costing more.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:39 Getyourbrowsdid My 37f boyfriends 34m family hates me and tries to break us up. Should we just let go?

My boyfriend and I have been together a year and a half and he lives in a family home with his dad (80m), brother (32m), sister in law (30f) and their 2 children (3 and 6). He was released from prison before I met him and living with his family was the best option being that we live in one of the most expensive places in the US in California and he works a blue collar job. It’s his dad’s home, but after his mom passed away the brother and sister in law moved in and have taken over the house. They all pay the dad rent. The first 6 months we were together I got along great with his family and we spent a lot of time together and my children would play with the niece and nephew. I thought it was weird the SIL would do my boyfriend’s laundry and clean his room and I told him it made me uncomfortable and said I would do his laundry for him. He talked with her about it and the sister in law decided that she hated me. I came across paragraphs of texts from her on his phone saying horrible things about me and telling him to break up with me. I was hurt and confused and texted her saying I thought we were friends, if I did something to upset you I would like to talk it out. She said she was upset about his laundry and upset I didn’t go to a Father’s Day dinner and called me a b**** and a c*** and told me to stay the f*** away from their house and her children. I was blown away by her level of anger. I have since tried to talk to her months after that around the holidays last year to work things out with the same response, she blew up at me insulting me and calling me names and I blocked her. I no longer go to his house and he has to choose between his family or me for holidays and events, and his relationship with his family has gotten strained. There have been several negative interactions with her in person. I didn’t have any problem with his brother or dad, but she hates me so much they just go along with her. She openly talks crap about me around their house and saw in a group text she refers to me as miss piggy. I don’t feel that my boyfriend has stood up for me or our relationship enough and allows his family to treat me like trash. When my boyfriend has talked to his brother and her about it, they end up fighting like cats and dogs. The sister in law is loud, stubborn, drinks every day, and is vocal about hating me and steamrolls over everyone in the house. I have also done nothing to warrant this level of anger- I suspect she has an underlying issue with me that has to do more with herself. I have thought about having him move into my apartment, but I really just don’t feel ready for it yet and it would be a tight squeeze. Is our relationship doomed with this dysfunctional dynamic?
submitted by Getyourbrowsdid to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:39 No_Boat_2680 Private school unethical practices

My wife works at a private school called fusion academy. It’s a one on one school.
She is part time. They want her to give them her entire availability for the day so they can cherry pick which hours out of it they give her. Sometimes with gaps with 2-3 hours. Is this common? It seems unethical to me.
My wife told them her availability is Monday-Friday from morning to end of day. But she might only work 15-20 hours out of that time. Sometimes she has a Dr appointment for an hour or two one day. She lets them know weeks in advance and they are still generally rude about it and make it seem like a huge problem.
The school allows students to cancel 24 hours in advance. If this happens, they’ll reschedule the student class wherever it fits for them. They want complete flexibility without compromise She is not getting standby pay.
The higher up management don’t have advanced academic degrees in the field of education. They’re more like salesman/women.
The head of school started at fusions as a receptionist. A handful of the teachers have advanced degrees in education that are far more qualified than the management. They attempt to promote the more uneducated and unqualified “teachers” and keep the qualified ones down. I believe it’s because they are a threat to their own jobs and are unethically keeping them down to ensure their position with the company.
They’ve even had my wife wake up at 7:30 in the morning to drive to campus for a small 1 hour meeting on a day she’s not even working. Other coworkers of hers have to drive over 1.30 hours to get there for said meeting. This is in Los Angeles with crazy traffic.
Something seems very off. Are these experiences common in private schools?
submitted by No_Boat_2680 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:39 NeoHyper64 Arcade1Up won't build it, so I did... Soul Calibur XL is here!

Arcade1Up won't build it, so I did... Soul Calibur XL is here!
Some of you may have seen me drop hints here and there (or a full preview on the Super Gameroom Dudes), but 4 months later, I've finally finished my biggest Arcade1Up mod project to-date:
Arcade1Up NBA Jam Shaq XL is now... Soul Calibur XL!
There's a lot that went into this cab, and I basically built the entire thing 2 or 3 times over because of all the trial-and-error as I used new tools, tried new materials, got measurements wrong, etc. It was FAR more complicated than my prior NeoGeo build, but the results are better, too. Here is where I ended up with what went into this beast.
Cabinet ($600):
  • This started life as a standard Arcade1Up NBA Jam Shaq XL cabinet. I didn't want that game, only the shell. So, I only assembled the frame of it.
Control Panel:
  • The 4-player deck was replaced with a fully custom 2-player deck of my own design. I started with a sloped, Midway-style design, but the angle wasn't comfortable for my height (I'm 6'2"), so I settled on a raised, flat design that felt much better. The whole thing is made of melamine-coated half-inch plywood, so it's super strong.
  • The entire deck slides over the factory frame, and re-uses a modified version of the Shaq XL sub-frame to provide full support from below. I also re-used the factory "shelf" with some adjustments (used spacers to make it higher, and moved the mounting poins out to the sides to allow more room for controls and wiring).
  • There's a piano hinge on the back that allows the deck to open so the joystick and button wiring can be accessed. There's also a wireless keyboard in case the PC needs to be controlled.
  • The top features an acrylic panel that was a bugger to measure and cut, but I finally got a version that's about 1/16-1/32" accurate in every dimension. It also attaches to the deck with 4 bolts, just like the Arcade1Up versions (though it's not strictly necessary, because unlike A1U plexi, I put the panel under the button surrounds like real arcades would do).
Art ($300):
  • I contacted several graphics vendors, but some never responded, and others didn't have any Shaq templates and didn't seem to want to get involved. But I'd used Escape Pod in the past with good results, and they had a Shaq template. They also had a Soul Calibur design they had used for a full-size cab. So, we collaborated, and they produced the custom art package that made this happen, including marquee with plexi, side panels, kick panel, and the entire control panel. They're great!
Monitor ($100), Mount + Bezel ($108):
  • Dell 20" 2007fpb 4:3 monitor came from eBay. It only has a DVI input for digital. Everything was de-cased, and the controls were screwed into the back. It's a great looking monitor!
  • Of course, Shaq comes with a crap 19" monitor, so the Dell is a definite upgrade, but not a 1:1 fit. So, I contacted Gus from Karv Design on Etsy, who had done work on my NeoGeo build, and he came through. He had never done a Shaq cab before, but I gave him the exact dimensions and he custom-built a monitor mount, and black acrylic bezel. I messed a few things, but his stuff was spot on! Can't recommend him highly enough!
Audio ($166):
  • Dayton Audio KAB-2150 2x150w Class D Amp ($30) and power supply ($35)
  • Visaton 3.3" speakers ($30) and grills ($11)
  • Powered subwoofer ($90)... this makes such a difference it's not even funny
  • I wanted a "stock" look with the audio and not get into making a custom panel, so I stuck with the same size speakers, but much better quality and power handling. The amplifier is admittedly overpowered for this project, but it had two, important features that were surprsingly hard to find: external controls AND a dedicated subwoofer output. This had both!
Controls ($86):
  • Industrias Lorenzo Eurostick (x2) ($34 total)
  • Happ Competition Pushbuttons (x16) ($34 total)
  • Easyget (Dragonrise) Zero Delay Encoders ($18)
  • I went through probably dozens of combinations of buttons and switches and ended up with something that has a shorter through and minimal click. I wanted a fast response. For the joysticks, I never considered anything other than ILs.
Games ($162):
  • I started with a Raspberry Pi 5, which WAS capable of running Soul Calibur I and II, but it was finnicky. The controllers would randomly disconnect, AND it has a stupid design that lacks an audio out, so I had to pickup an HDMI audio/video splitter that ended up not outputting the video signal accurately and decreased the audio out level significantly. It also added several extra wires. The Pi setup was a total PITA that cost me nearly $200 with everything it needed (board, case, cables, splitter, power supply, etc.).
  • SO... when DIY Retro Arcade started offering the pre-built Core i5 computer with "no junk" Batocera 38 build ($162), I jumped. And boy, was it worth it! The i5 is so much more capable, not to mention STABLE, and getting rid of the HDMI splitter reduced cable clutter AND improved the audio quality significantly! The Batocera build is really good, too! No junk, and lots of good stuff (yes, every Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, KI, NeoGeo, and other fighting game). This really makes the system.
Special ($152):
  • Faux Coin Door from Arcade1Up ($20)
  • Coin Door Lights from RETRO 530 ($21)
  • Isobar Surge Protector w/ Switch ($105)
  • Control Panel Hinge ($22)
  • LED Strip Light ($6)
Other Materials ($418+):
  • PVC Edge Banding ($20)
  • Melamine Edge Banding ($20)
  • Hand Roller ($9)
  • Side Edge Trimmer ($33)
  • Flush Cut Trimmers ($18)
  • Super 77 Adhesive ($12)
  • Planar Knives ($16)
  • Weatherstripping ($7)
  • L-Brackets ($12)
  • DP to DVI Cable ($12)
  • 12v Power Supply ($9)
  • Various bits, blades, screws, and tools (picked up here and there)... oh, and WOOD! Experimented with lots of MDF, melamine, and acryclic ($250+).
  • And many, many things I ended up not using (t-molding, Pi 5, arcade-spec power supply, lots of buttons, etc.)
Tools (N/A):
  • Some of these tools I had on hand, some I inherited, some I bought. But I used a lot of different stuff... table saw, radial-arm saw, jigsaw, circular saw, drill press, heat gun, iron, hand roller, T-squares, speed square, hand drill, power sander, drill driver, various clamps, X-acto knives, squeegee, various screwdrivers, hammer, tape measures, shop-vac, etc.
TOTAL COST: $2,092 (excluding most tools and everything I bought that didn't get used, or that was thrown out, etc.)

Would it have to cost this much? No. I'm not a woodworker or craftsperson, but I am a perfectionist. So, the two things combined meant everything took longer and cost more than it probably should. But I also don't think you could legitimately do this build for anything less than a grand, unless you happen to have everything you need sitting around (including a PC and monitor) and can get cheap art, etc. All told, it probably cost me at least $2,500 if I include things that didn't make it into the final product.
So, wouldn't it be better to just buy the real thing? That isn't the point. This is "built not bought" kind of thing. I wanted to see what I could do. And I wanted to prove what an XL could be... I think this did both. And I've owned a real arcade machine... tt was heavy, huge, and finnicky. Not again. And either way, good luck finding an original Soul Calibur machine. They weren't made in large numbers.
Why not just build your own? I could, but that also wasn't the point. Building from scratch is a whole other endeavor, whereas using an Arcade1Up means it "inherently" has Arcade1Up-style dimensions and will fit in with my other cabinets. I also just wanted to do something in the XL size.
Why Soul Calibur? It's a legit awesome game. It has a Metacritic score of 98, making it one of the highest scoring games of all time across all platforms and consoles. And it's easy for anyone to start playing. I have lots of fond memories playing on the Dreamcast, but with its very limited arcade exposure, there's less-than-zero chance Arcade1Up will ever make the game.
Why use the Dreamcast version instead of the arcade game? Surprisingly, Soul Calibur originally ran on Namco System 12 hardware, which was an upgrade of the Namco System 11 hardware that itself was based loosely on the original Playstation 1 hardware design. That meant the arcade version of Soul Calibur was actually worse than the Dreamcast version of the game that followed a year later. The Dreamcast version added better visuals and 3D backgrounds, along with a whole bunch of extra features. This was reported to be the first time a console game performed better than the arcade version upon which it was based.
Would you do it again? No, and also no. I proved it was possible and built the game I wanted in the way I wanted. And it plays great and looks cool. But it cost too much time and money. I learned a lot, and that was invaluable, so I recommend it on that level. Practically speaking, however, there's really no justification to do something like this again unless the market just completely fails to produce the products we want.
Anyway, thanks to anyone who made it this far. I have a lot more pics and some video, and am happy to answer any questions. I also want to thank all of the vendors who helped make this happen, as well as the kind words from PDubs and other supporters along the way.
So, now it's your turn, Arcade1Up... bring us the XLs!

From Shaq to the Legend That Will Never Die!

Yes, that's actually a light under the control deck illumuninating downward.

The edge banding on the control panel mirrors the factory A1U edge banding.

Yes, the entire control panel lifts up to access the controls!

The top panel has audio controls, lighting control, and a master power switch.

Behind the marquee is a powerful amp, upgraded speakers, and full tone controls.

Yep, those are Happ ILs (and that's a piano hinge across the back).

The full back section, complete with acoustic stuffing up top and a subwoofer down below. That's a custom shelf for the PC, too.

A look inside showing inside the control panel from the back.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk!
submitted by NeoHyper64 to Arcade1Up [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:38 DownPin At Fault Car Accident at Work [KS]

At Fault Car Accident While Working [KS]
Just needed some advice regarding an incident that had happened while at work.
I live in Kansas and my job requires me to drive around the county fairly often. They provided a fleet of cars. The cars are insured by them.
Today I was driving along with a coworker who was in the passenger seat. I was going south and had stopped to make a left turn into a street. The other side of the street had cars backed in their left lane due to a car wanting to take a left lane as well so my view was obstructed. When I thought it was safe and clear to go, I proceeded with a left turn and was immediately hit by a car going north about 35 to 40 mph. From what I can remember my car felt like it spun multiple times. Two car accident. My airbags went off. The driver of the other car stayed in his car until paramedics came and was taken to the hospital by ambulance. He seemed disoriented. Our car definitely sustained a lot of damage and I believe it will be totaled. As soon as I recovered from the shock I got out the car to check on my coworker who seemed disoriented and in shock still. I had a bystander call the police. Plenty of witnesses to see what happened. Firefighters came first and then EMS and then the police. We declined an ambulance since I told them that we could get a ride to the hospital (I had my GF come and pick us up). I promptly notified administration at work of the accident and the maintenance man was sent out to tow the car and provide insurance information of the car. Administration also had HR send me workers compensation information to fill out. The police took my statement and had me fill out an accident form. I put the company auto insurance down. I was cited for failure to yield to right of way - left turn.
We then went to the hospital to get checked out since my ankle was hurt and my worker seemed to have a concussion. She and I both provided our personal insurance information. They then learned we were on the clock for work and stated it changes things since it’s considered worker’s compensation.
They ran 3 x rays on my ankle and deemed no fractures or dislocation. I do feel a sharp pain when I fully extend it backwards and forwards. I can walk on it but there is a bit of discomfort. My coworker stated her head really hurt and they had her do a CT scan.
When I got home I called to pay the citation and they said there’s no notice to appear and it’s just a fine.
Is there anything thing I need to be aware of since I was considered at fault by the police? How will this affect my insurance? Will I be needing an attorney? Is there anything I should or shouldn’t be doing?
submitted by DownPin to Insurance [link] [comments]