John burgos comedy


2009.06.28 23:06 gfarwell Standup

For standup comics, from open micers to theater acts, to ask questions, answer questions, present material, coordinate shows, bitch about the industry, swap horror stories, and assorted bullshittery. Read the sticky post for details on what you can post on this sub.

2009.04.23 13:09 moseeds Leicester and its Shire

Leicesterians, Leicesterfari, people of Lestoh, chissits, east, west, born or adopted. We all say together: 'ay up me duck'.

2008.08.26 09:29 The Daily Show

The Daily Show (formerly hosted by Craig Kilborn and Trevor Noah) is a syndicated American late-night news satire program that looks at the day's top headlines through a sharp, reality-based lens, covering the biggest news stories in politics, pop culture, and more. The Daily Show is the longest running program on Comedy Central, with 25 Primetime Emmy Awards and 3 Peabody Awards. It airs Monday through Thursday at 11/10c on Comedy Central and streams next day on Paramount+.

2024.05.02 12:40 Small-Living6110 Why is the Good Lord Bird Ok?

One of my biggest questions is why is it ok to use a fictionalized account of Brown’s life as a serious scholarly work? If someone made a comedy on Anne Frank or Martin Luther King Jr, I think most people would be up in arms.
I think the same people who use the Good Lord Bird and Midnight Rising, as a biography of Brown, are the same people who live in gentrified neighborhoods, disparage religion, and have a visceral and subtle hatred of non white people. It’s eerily similar to how most anti slavery whites in America felt: a sort of mercurial hatred of chattel slavery and also the ‘black presence’ as Louis Decaro Jr, an eminent biographer of John Brown, puts it.
It’s easier to swallow the myth that Brown was some chaotic good, anti hero who suffered from schizophrenia than the truth: that he was more comfortable interacting with Native Americans and blacks than whites at times. He was not guided by a paternalistic condescension towards them, but a Christian sympathy for those who were downtrodden in society.
I think this praxis he put into motion is hard for a lot of white liberals and conservatives to swallow. He didn’t read Ibrahim Kendi’s books on anti racism and cross the street when he saw a black or Native American person, he lived, worked with, and socialized with minorities.
submitted by Small-Living6110 to osawatomiebrown [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 05:58 karenvideoeditor See No Evil


Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.
With that in mind, how long did I think it would take for news of my ability to get out to the public? Honestly, I thought it would be less time than it took, which was two months.
The demands were loud and they were myriad for what everyone should be asking me, and none of them took the fact that I was a person with feelings into account. All the hard questions, the philosophical ones that would turn our planet upside down if we got answers. All the selfish ones, the tiny ones that seemed important to individuals but weren’t important to us as a species.
I had more respect for people who were thinking of more than themselves. The ones who wanted to ask, ‘How do we stop climate change?’ meant well, but we all know that we’re capable of doing that. We just don’t want to. The same with, ‘How do we stop polluting our planet and clean it?’ Those questions needed caveats. They needed to be scripted out with asterisks, ten pages long, gone over by our best lawyers.
It didn’t matter who had spilled the beans; my name was on every magazine, every news site’s home page, every channel. And by my name, I didn’t mean Joan Grandison. A few days into my living in my new apartment, I’d told the Guild I wanted to be called Genie, a play on the word Genius. So, when the news broke, that’s the name they were tossing about.
I was more than grateful to be sequestered in an apartment in Guild HQ, away from any and all reporters and pundits. My main concern was my family, but the Guild had someone drive them here as soon as my superhero name was first spoken on a news report. There was a whole slew of apartments on the seventh floor waiting for a variety of purposes, so they moved in straight away with ease.
My parents were happy about moving in, actually, because I was currently going through radiation therapy for my brain tumor and my dad had been coming by almost every day anyway. Yeah, my life’s just been a bundle of laughs lately. It turned out that asking questions of my all-knowing brain for an hour every day for a month was too much for it to handle. I’d had the tumor removed, the Guild had flown in one of the best surgeons in the country to do it, and the surgery had been what they considered a success. Now it was time for radiation to make sure we got it all and to reduce the possibility of it coming back.
Side effects include: many things that are not fun. Whatever. It’s cancer. You don’t need me to bore you with details you already know.
The treatments were going to take six weeks, of which four had already passed by the time word got out about my superpower. Luckily I tend to consider myself someone at the introvert end of the scale, because a lot of my time was spent by myself binge watching television series or sleeping. But once the news broke, I got an agent assigned to me, someone referred by the Guild. It was like I was some Hollywood movie star just because everyone wanted to ask me questions.
Did you pick up on that? That everyone wants to do the thing that gave me cancer?
Actually, any time I spent outside of my apartment had me wearing noise-cancelling headphones, usually listening to a Spotify playlist, just to ensure I didn’t hear a question by accident. It was old news to anyone who saw me in food court, and they all knew when I started my radiation treatment, since my hair going missing was pretty obvious. Which was nice, since everyone knowing who I was meant they were friendly, some would wave and smile, but they left me alone.
The good news was the radiation was working, and eventually I went into complete remission. I felt like it was the most famous case of cancer on the celebrity scale since Chadwick Boseman, which I found extremely strange. Everyone kept talking me up like I was this incredible person, as if I’d done something to deserve this power. Maybe they liked that idea, that it was karma and the cancer was only because I was such a wonderful person, giving so much of myself to the good guys. I’m not sure if they would feel the same way if they knew I’d have given up my ability in a heartbeat if it was possible.
There were a few medications I was able to take for the side effects of the radiation, and then a couple weeks later, I was feeling almost normal. My hair had even started to grow back. Not to mention, keeping the public’s interest on any topic required regular injections of new information. So, with me sidelined from my chemo and unable to use my ability, they’d eventually moved on. I was relegated to the occasional mention on a late night talk show.
When it came to using my abilities again, my parents were livid at the idea, but after a long chat, they decided one question a day was permitted. One. Talk about putting the Guild on a short leash. It wasn’t ridiculous, though, considering the consequences, so the people in charge took that in stride. The hour I’d used to spend with Valerie and co. turned into them going over everything they had before inviting me in for their one question.
The plan was to do one a day for a month and then check on whether things had progressed in any way with my cancer. If so, we’d cut back to one question a week, but it turned out that one a day was just fine. I was glad, because considering how incredible my power was, I’d hate to have to restrict it that much.
When a significant amount of time had passed, my agent, who was a woman by the name of Cindy Lanard, said it was about time to make a public appearance. That really wasn’t something I was looking forward to, but I figured I couldn’t stay a hermit forever. Also, I didn’t want to. Cutting myself off from the world had been difficult, like I’d been grounded. And I know that probably sounds whiny considering I lived in a building the size of a hotel with everything I needed. But it was a restriction, and my teenage mind rebelled against it.
The interview was with Jon Stewart, who I’d told Cindy was at the top of my list, particularly because we were already in Manhattan. That choice isn’t surprising to you, right? I just felt like it would be a lot more laid-back than if I was interviewed by Oprah, that’s for sure. No tears and emotional outpourings, thank you. Jokes sounded like a much better option. Considering the list of requests was longer than I was tall, it really was no surprise that Comedy Central accepted immediately.
I was given a time to arrive and Cindy told me everything I needed to know about being interviewed on such a well-known show by a renowned and outstanding interviewer. That included the fact that we did a rehearsal, which I hadn’t known TV shows like that did. It made sense, though, considering how much goes on behind the scenes to keep a ‘live’ show like that going.
Fusion and Trailblazer were once again on security for me as I left Guild HQ for the first time since I’d arrived. Fusion was sitting shotgun in the black SUV (it was such a cliché, but I guess there’s a reason for it) and Trailblazer was in the back with me. Fusion was a superhero with intense skills, throwing balls of energy that looked to be created out of thin air. I figured the actual method behind it was something science-y, considering her name. Also, she could make light appear out of nothing, anything from a flashlight to a blinding spotlight. I figured that wasn’t used as often in her work as a hero, but she told me I’d be surprised how often blinding an opponent came in handy.
Trailblazer’s abilities involved fire, unsurprisingly, but also cold, which she explained to me was because cold is the absence of heat. She wasn’t overly fond of her superhero name, which had been stuck on her by the media when she was both the first female and the first gay superhero to be put on the Guild’s Top Ten roster. But as you might’ve guessed, if you don’t immediately come out with a superhero name, nicknames just stick. After an incident where she was backing up other superheroes in a battle against a notable supervillain, she was catapulted into the spotlight. By the end of the night, she found out everyone was calling her Trailblazer, and that was it.
“At least I’m not also black or trans or something,” she told me once. “If that were the case, naming me Trailblazer would’ve been way too on the nose.” I liked her. She seemed down to Earth.
My costume was a color palette of yellows, browns, and reds, which made me worry I was going to look like Iron Man, but actually came out looking pretty awesome. It was so tempting to roll down the window to get some fresh air and watch the buildings pass by as we drove into the city, especially after being cooped up for so long. But I don’t think my security guards would’ve appreciated lowering the bullet-resistant glass.
The interview was just as awesome and laid-back as I could imagine. John made hilarious jokes about not being able to ask questions, but he was incredible as he spoke to me, making statements that prompted me to follow up and continue on. I really couldn’t imagine sitting with anyone else for that first interview once I’d done it. I know he had days to prep and talented individuals working with him, but still, after that interview it was even more apparent to me how much of a pro he is.
It was on the ride back from the studio that we got hit.
In hindsight, maybe I was too hopeful. Maybe I thought that after all the hubbub about my incredible ability died down and faded into murmurs that I could lead, if not a normal hero life, at least one where I didn’t need to be quarantined from the rest of the world. But my kidnapping showed that wasn’t likely to happen.
I’m not sure how much you know about bullet resistant glass, but I was given a brief summary of the car we were driving. The windows could literally take a .50 caliber bullet, and also the tires were the run-flat kind. However, all the defenses in the world don’t help us when the attacker can walk through walls.
Her name was Ghost, and she was well-known for her heists, unsurprisingly. There were a variety of precautions people could take to protect themselves against her, and by people I meant banks and casinos, but we hadn’t included any of those on this car. Part of that reason was because last I’d checked, her domain was the west coast.
So, one moment we were driving along like normal, and the next I heard Fusion yell, “Shit! Just go around her!”
My eyes snapped toward the front of the car and I saw Ghost in the middle of the road. The driver attempted to swerve, but she was too fast, and within a moment, the car had passed through her. Well, the car and everyone except me. Ghost made her hand solid enough to grab me in a split-second move, turning me translucent as well, and the car continued on without me.
Crying out in surprise, I fell to the ground hard, bruising my back and jarring my right elbow on the pavement. Now, I’d been taking self-defense classes for a while, but that’s the sort of thing doctors encourage you to take a break from while you’re having radiation therapy. That meant I was rusty, and by rusty I meant I hadn’t practiced the self-defense I’d been doing for less than two months in the first place.
That being the situation, I attempted to break free of the grip Ghost had on my arm, but my strategy didn’t work, as she was much more accomplished at basic martial arts than I was. I ended up on my stomach with my arm twisted around my back, and then she hoisted me to my feet. “Easy there, Genie.” Then she shoved me forward.
I realized why when an iron rod hit me in the back, I was stabbed repeatedly, and all of my muscles cramped up like I was in the final stages of tetanus. In other words, I was hit with ten thousand volts from a taser.
Collapsing to the ground, I startled as the SUV, which had skidded to a stop and drifted around in a U-turn, suddenly dropped into the pavement.
No, not into the pavement. Under. They’re pulling a goddamn Italian Job.
I’d fallen in such a way that I could see what was going on, and I stared in shock and fear as a villain I recognized as Earthquake sent the car dropped through the ground, into a sewage area or the path of a train. Whatever was down there, it didn’t matter. They were gone.
Practically flying down the road, easily done at this late hour even in New York City, a silver sedan came to a stop next to me. Ghost yanked the prongs of the taser from my costume and tossed the taser away carelessly before lifting me into her arms like the world’s least willing bride. The driver, who I couldn’t see, opened the back door for us and she heaved me inside, jumping in after me. The front passenger door opened and someone, presumably Earthquake, got in. Then we were off.
“We did it! We fuckin’ did it!” Earthquake exclaimed, his voice giddy.
“We’re not clear yet,” growled another voice. The driver. I finally recognized her as Leviathan, from a viral video where she’d threatened the citizens last year. I’d seen it only once, but someone had remixed it into some sort of rap song, and I’d heard that multiple times.
I was limp and achy and my vision swam. But I was aware enough to notice when Ghost started waving some sort of electronic wand over me. It beeped as it slid over my left shoulder and a lurch of panic hit me when I realized she’d found my subcutaneous tracking device. I’d been told it could still operate even if I was tasered (goodness knows I hadn’t thought that knowledge would be useful this quickly). But if she’d found it…
Ghost swapped out the wand for a knife and I choked out something that was supposed to be, “No, stop,” as she reached into me. Then it was essentially like I was being stabbed again as she made the tips of her fingers solid momentarily in order to grab it and remove it from my arm. I let out a groan and tears came to my eyes. Whether they were from pain or fear, I’m not sure.
“Got the tracker,” she told the other two as she rolled down the window. Tossing it, she rolled it back up. She then went over the rest of my body with the wand, presumably to check if there was a backup, but I guess we hadn’t thought that was necessary because I only had the one.
She slid me onto the floor and I heard her put on her seatbelt. Of course I don’t get a seatbelt. I get the floor. Bitch. My breaths came in slow panicked gasps as I tried to will my brain into recovering from the taser, still feeling frazzled and dizzy. I was well and truly on my own now, no backup to speak of. I wondered how many questions they’d make me answer, whether they’d make me help them hurt people or steal billions of dollars. I wondered how much my parents would cry when they found out I’d been kidnapped. Or how much reward money the Guild would put up for my safe return.
A while later, the car slowed and I heard the opening of a garage door. The car moved slowly inside, the light shifting from streetlights to indoor garage lighting, and I realized this was it. No one knew where I was. I’d been so frustrated with being ‘trapped’ at Guild headquarters that I didn’t once think of the reality of being kidnapped.
“Up you go,” Ghost said, pulling one of my arms as I heard the garage door start to close. I whimpered, still in throbbing pain from the taser, but she ignored me as she hoisted me over a shoulder. As she pulled me out of the car, I managed to get my head on straight and struggled against her, which prompted me to fall to the cement flooring of the garage, crying out. “Shit, where do you even think you’re going?” she demanded. As if to emphasize what she’d said, the garage door finished closing.
Earthquake came over and picked me up pretty easily (most supers work out a whole damn lot, just to make sure they have every advantage possible) and walked up to the door to the house. Ghost opened it for him and Leviathan followed us inside. In the living room, I was placed on a couch, which was at least comfier than the floor of a car, but my wrists and ankles were both put in cuffs.
That’s when I started genuinely panicking. I had no idea if they even cared about the cancer that would result from question after question. Maybe they wanted to keep me and make good use of me for a while or maybe they just wanted to get as much out of me as they could. By the end of the night, my head could be riddled with tumors and I could be in agony. My breath hitched as tears started sliding down my cheeks to the soft cushions beneath me.
A few lights turned on, overhead lights and one on an end table, and two villains remain standing as Leviathan sat down in an adjacent loveseat, looking at me. “So, I guess you’re wondering what’s next,” she said softly. I averted my gaze. Her eyes were dark, and not just because they were brown. There was something wicked in the way she looked at me, like I was a slab of meat she was going to slice up and sell for parts. “I’ve read up on tasers, and the aftermath is a bit of a clusterfuck of your body being in pain. We’ll give you some time to gather yourself. A healthy hero is a talented hero, right?”
At that, she stood up and walked over to her partners. “Ghost, I want you on guard duty first. Quake, I know that took a lot out of you, so you can help yourself to the contents of the fridge.”
“Got it. Thanks,” he said, wandering off. Never let it be said that supervillains are rude.
That’s when someone appeared in front of me. Hoisting me into their arms, a female voice said, “I’ll be taking this.” I heard shouts of protest for only a split second before I was somewhere else. Or I should say we were somewhere else.
My heart thundered in my chest as I was carefully laid down on another couch, my head on a small pillow. “Geez, they really went for the big time cuffs,” she muttered, half to herself it seemed. “Lemme get those off. Oh, hey,” she added, crouching down beside me so I could see her. “I’m Dragonfly.”
And she was; I recognized the costume and the full face mask colored blue and green. Dragonfly wasn’t a hero or a villain, according to Guild standings. She was a bit of a freelance agent, though it seemed to all who kept up with her daily activities that she was on the side of the good guys. She just tended to bend the rules quite a lot.
“You…you’re…unclassified,” I managed.
“Oh, you can just say vigilante,” she replied, pushing herself to her feet. She went over to a tool bag and brought it to the coffee table, sitting on the table and putting the bag on her lap. “Let’s see… Here we are.” Dragonfly picked out a handcuff key from, I guess, a small collection of them? Everyone needs a hobby, I suppose, and I was grateful for her professional skills in this department.
Unlocking the cuffs, she put them aside. “Not much I can do about the taser shock. Sorry I couldn’t jump in when that was going on, but I needed to make sure I could get in and out clean. I’d only get one shot at the element of surprise. That meant waiting until you were far enough away from them that I could pick you up and get you out. I was on you as soon as you left 11th Avenue, jumping to follow your route. I didn’t tell the Guild or anyone else. You know the saying: two can keep a secret if one of them is dead. Figured shadowing you would be better than everyone knowing I was there.”
I was quite sure that Dragonfly was essentially a rescue party, but apparently there was some concern in my eyes because she put the tool bag aside and said, “Oh no, no, I’m not in this for questions. Just didn’t want to see anything happen to you.”
I relaxed. “Thanks,” I breathed.
“No problem. I can call your parents if you want. Let them know you’re safe.”
“You just…saved me. For no reason.”
Dragonfly leaned forward on her knees. “Well, you’re a kid who’d just been kidnapped,” she said, her voice unusually soft. “I figure that’s a good reason.”
I managed a shaky smile. “I know my dad’s cell number by heart,” I whispered slowly.
“Alrighty then,” she said, taking a phone from a pocket on her outfit. That’s cool. I wonder if I could get a pocket for my phone on my costume. “Go ahead.”
I slowly spoke the numbers and she dialed it. “Hey, this is Dragonfly. I got your girl here; she’s a little worse for wear, but she’s safe. 843 Porter Street. You can hold the applause.”

submitted by karenvideoeditor to storiesbykaren [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 05:33 ChangeGlum Black Sails is Trying Too Hard to be Vulgar

First of all, I still love the series, especially how they go over John Silver's backstory. However, my criticism is the way they try way too hard to make the show vulgar. I get it, the pirates are supposed to be ruthless vulgar rogues. There were brothels and a lot of cussing and drinking since they are sailors. But it's not all they ever did during their free times. Ever since GoT came out, more shows seem to be having pissing contests to see who can produce the most vulgar content. I'm not the kind of person to throw a book at a sex scene, but the producer seems to really love over-using them as fillers. If I wanted more sex and nudity, then I could just watch porn.
Instead, Black Sails should focus more on why people love watching movies about pirates, such as the case with Disney's PotC. Yeah, it was family-friendly but it was also a huge success. They were fun and entertaining for general audiences. They should have done more to combine actions, comedy, new fresh stories, great casts, and maybe throw in some fantasy along with good directing. It's hard nowadays to find high budget fun pirate movies and T.V. shows.
submitted by ChangeGlum to BlackSails [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 05:32 danhibiki337 I watched Yellowbeard (1981)

I watched Yellowbeard (1981)
This movie was remarkable. I expected next to nothing and enjoyed a buffet of wordplay and gafs. Much in the style of Mel Brooks, this pirate comedy played on common tropes of the genre similar to Treasure Island. The plot evolved rapidly and the sub characters were just as funny as the main cast. Madeline Kahn, Peter Boyle, Marty Feldman, and Eric Idle were all immaculate in their roles. It's a shame that Cheech & Chong dominate the cover because they were only in the 3rd act mostly and characters like John Cleese as the spy weren't even acknowledged when they carried the laughs a lot of the film. I really disliked the lisp choice Tommy Chong made on the island villain, but that's my only critique. Would reccomend!
submitted by danhibiki337 to iwatchedanoldmovie [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 04:17 Muted_Importance8481 I made a feature-length comedy movie inspired by the works of John Hughes - here is a sneak peek at it!

I made a feature-length comedy movie inspired by the works of John Hughes - here is a sneak peek at it! submitted by Muted_Importance8481 to John_Hughes [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 02:57 Significant-Ad-4184 Fargo Moorhead May Events Calender

Here is the May events calender for Fargo Moorhead. If something was missed post it in the comments.
. . . . . . . . . . .
Infant Island & Senza All Ages
May 1
The Aquarium
. . . . . . . . . .
Electric Six And Supersuckers With VOLK
May 2
. . . . . . . . . . . .
90s/00s Rock Night
May 3
The Hall
. . . . . . . . . . .
Crash the Decks
May 3
. . . . . . . . . . .
Mike Earley & Jake Silberman
May 3-4
Cellar Comedy Club below Frontstreet
. . . . . . . . . . .
Rock from the Heart presents RICK SPRINGFIELD
May 4th
Avalon Events Center
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Charlie Parr With Marisa Anderson
May 4
The Hall
. . . . . . . . . . . .
May 4
Boss Comedy Club
. . . . . . . . . . . .
FM Drag United
May 4 @ 9 PM
Fargo VFW Post 762
. . . . . . . . . .
May 4
Fargo Theater
. . . . . . . . .
Sub:Culture presents The Space Ball: May the 4th Celebration
May 4
. . . . . . . .
Preacher Lawson
May 5
. . . . . . . . . . .
Pursuit & Begravement
May 5
. . . . . . . . . . .
Jazz Night
Mon May 6
Sidestreet Grille
7-9 PM
. . . . . . . . . . .
Better Lovers
May 10
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Midwest Murder Podcast
May 10
Sanctuary Events
. . . . . . . . . .
Violent Femmes
May 11
Fargo Brewing Outdoors
. . . . . . . . . .
2024 Midwest Truck Fest
May 11
Interstate Raceway
. . . . . . . . . .
Midwest Wing Fest
May 11
ND Horse Park
. . . . . . . . . .
Below Zero Wrestling presents WrestleVersary 3
May 11
. . . . . . . . . .
A Moody River Tribute to Bob Dylan
May 11
. . . . . . . . .
6th Annual Fargo Vintage Market
May 12
Wild Terra Cider
. . . . . . . . .
FM Classic Bike Night
May 14
Drekker Brewing
. . . . . . . .
Needtobreathe – The Caves World Tour Featuring Judah & The Lion
May 17, 2024
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Sigcell / Disappear Forever & More
May 17
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Joey Avery & Ethan Pedersen
May 17-18
Cellar Comedy Club below Frontstreet
. . . . . . . . . . . .
May 18
Fargo Theatre
. . . . . . . . . .
The Dimension Jumpers & Serenity
May 18
. . . . . . . . . .
Red River Market: West Fargo
May 18
West Fargo
. . . . . . . . .
Cody Johnson - The Leather Tour
With Special Guest Justin Moore & Drake Milligan
May 18
-- - - - -- -
FM Drag United
May 18 @ 9 PM
Fargo VFW Post 762
. . . . . . . . . .
Dead Threads – A Brewhalla Vintage Market
May 18
. . . . . . . . .
Mike Brody
May 18
The Hall
. . . . . . . . . .
Sesame Street Live!
May 19
Scheels Arena
. . . . . . . . . .
Fargo Makers Market
May 19
Fargo Brewing
. . . . . . . . . .
PORTUGAL. THE MAN With Reyna Tropical
May 20
Outdoors at Fargo Brewing
. . . . . . . . . .
Willie Nelson & Family
May 20-21
Bluestem sold out
. . . . . . . . . .
Cosplay Drag Show @ CoreCon 2024 Fargo
May 23
Holiday Inn
. . . . . . . . . .
Desperate Electric, The Wicked Bees, & The Forefeathers
May 23
. . . . . . . . . .
SmallTown Strings w/ special guest Ella’s Rudd
May 24
The Four and four
. . . . . . . . . . .
Fargo Core Con
science fiction, fantasy, horror and anime convention
May 23-26
Holiday Inn
. . . . . . . . . . .
John Kennedy And Friends
May 24
The Hall
. . . . . . . . . . .
Asian Night Market
May 24
Plains Art Museum
. . . . . . . . . . .
Battle of the Hamm’s 2024: 10 Bands Battle for 300 Cans of Hamm’s
May 24
. . . . . . . . .
Midget Wrestling
May 25
Sanctuary Events Center
. . . . . . . . . . .
Yotuma & Viogression
May 25
. . . . . . . . . . .
Fargo Marathon
May 28 through June 1, 2024
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Nice Enough presents: The Kickback
. . . . . . . . . . . .
May 29
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Chutes & Boots Pro Bull Riding
May 31
The Lights
. . . . . . . . . . . .
2024 Drifting the Plains 2
May 31 - June 1
Interstate Raceway
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Trevor Anderson (Comedy)
Mag 31-June 1
Cellar Comedy Club below Frontstreet
. . . . . . . . . . . .
May 31-June 2
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Wheatus (Acoustic) With Gabrielle Sterbenz
June 1
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Joan Jett with Kiss The Tiger
June 1st
Scheels Arena
. . . . . . . . . . . .
June 1
. . . . . . . . . . . .
June 2
. . . . . . . . .
Happy Harrys Rib Fest
June 5-8
Fargodome Outdoors
. . . . . . . . . . . .
June 5
Ribfest / Outdoors @ Fargodome
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Tunic w/ Benefactor, ghost_texture and LOUM
June 6
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Chayce Beckham
June 6th
Ribfest / Fargodome outdoors
. . . . . . . . . . . .
June 7th
Ribfest / Fargodome outdoors
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Dusty Slay
June 7
Fargo Theatre
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Steven Adler of Guns N Roses
JUNE 8th
Ribfest / Fargodome Outdoors
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Trey Kennedy
June 8th
Fargo Theater
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Fargo Brunch Festival
June 9
Wild Terra
. . . . . . . . . . . .
FM Classic Bike Night
June 11
. . . . . . . . . . . .
REO Speedwagon with Night Ranger
June 12
Scheels Arena
. . . . . . . . . . .
Jade Presents: Etran de L’Aïr & Rosali
June 11
. . . . . . . . . . .
West Fargo Events Carnival
June 12
The Lights
. . . . . . . . . . .
Jon Pardi
June 14
The Lights
. . . . . . . . . . .
Midwest Kids Fest
June 14
Island Park
. . . . . . . .
Boss Comedy Club
. . . . . . . .
West Fargo Street Fair 2024
June 15
. . . . . . . . . . .
Soul Asylum and Gear Daddies
June 15
The Lights
. . . . . . . . . . .
Tigirlily Gold
June 15
. . . . . . . . . .
North Dakota Renaissance Faire
June 15-16
North Dakota Horse Park
. . . . . . . . . . .
Folkways Night Bazaar: Renaissance
June 20
. . . . . . . . . . .
Scandinavian Festival
June 21-22
. . . . . . . . . . .
North Dakota Renaissance Faire
June 22-23
North Dakota Horse Park
. . . . . . . . . . .
Poetry Night
June 27
Red Raven
. . . . . . . . . . .
Red NOT Chili Peppers
June 27
The Hall
. . . . . . . . . . .
Red River Valley Fair (week 1 of 3)
June 28 - 30
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Goo Goo Dolls
June 28
Red River Valley Fair
. . . . . . . . . . .
June 29
Fargo Brewing Outdoors
. . . . . . . . . . .
Gabriel "Fluffy" Iglesias
June 30
Red River Valley Fair
. . . . . . . . . . .
Red River Valley Fair (week 2 of 3)
July 4-7
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Julu 4 (free gate and show)
Red River Valley Fair
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Bonanzaville 4th of July Carnival & Fireworks
July 4
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Pete Davidson (2 shows)
July 5
Fargo Theater
. . . . . . . . . . .
Yung Gravy
July 5th
Red River Valley Fair
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Sat July 6
Red River Valley Fair
. . . . . . . . . . .
Skillet with Colton Dixon
Sun July 7th
Res River Valley Fair
. . . . . . . . . . . .
The Wallflowers (feat Jacob Dylan)
July 7
Fargo Theatre
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Kaitlin Butts
July 10
The Hall
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Grace Potter
July 10
Fargo Brewing
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Red River Valley Fair (week 3 of 3)
July 11-14
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Disney Princess - The Concert
July 11th
Red River Valley Fair
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Etran De L’Aïr & Rosali
July 11
. . . . . . . . . . .
Blake Shelton
July 12
Red River Valley Fair
. . . . . . . . . . .
Band Of Horses
July 12
Fargo Brewing Outdoors
. . . . . . . . . .
Breaking Benjamin
July 13
Red River Valley Fair
. . . . . . . . . . .
Shakey Graves With Futurebirds
July 13
Fargo Brewing Outdoors
. . . . . . . . . . .
2024 USA Wrestling
July 12-20
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Red River Market Opens
July 13
. . . . . . . . . . .
Riley Green
July 14
Red River Valley Fair
. . . . . . . . . . .
July 16
Fargo Brewing Outdoors
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Wood Brothers
July 16
. . . . . . . . . . .
Pierce The Veil
July 18
Fargo Brewing Outdoors
. . . . . . . .
Horse Racing
July 18
ND Horse Park
. . . . . . . .
Downtown Fargo Street Fair
July 18-20
Downtown Fargo
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Killer Queen – A Tribute To Queen Featuring Patrick Myers As Freddie Mercury
July 20.
Fargo Theater
. . . . . . . . . . .
Morgan Wade & John Moreland
July 20
Fargo Brewing Outdoors
. . . . . . . . . . .
Red River Market (Sunday)
Broadway Square
. . . . . . . . . . .
49 Winchester With Zandi Holup
July 23
Fargo Brewing Outdoors
. . . . . . . . . .
Brothers Osbourne
July 25
The Lights
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Night Bazaar: Circus
Broadway Square
. . . . . . . . . . .
Timebomb Pro Wrestling
July 25
. . . . . . . . . . . .
July 25
Fargo Civic
. . . . . . . . . .
Boss Comedy Club
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Volkswagens in the Valley Car Show
July 27
FM Convention & Visitors Bureau
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Red River Market
July 27
Broadway Square
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Fargo Airsho featuring The Blue Angels and F-22 Raptor Demo team
July 27-28, 2024
Hector International Airport
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Brennen Leigh
July 28
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Red River Market Jazz Fest
Aug 3
Broadway Square
. . . . . . . . . . .
ND Renaissance Fair - 1st Weekend
August 3-4
Red River Valley Fairgrounds
. . . . . . . . . . . .
mc chris & Crunk Witch
Aug 5
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Stray Cats Summer Tour 2024 With The Midnight Cowgirls
Aug 8th
. . . . . . . . . . . .
FM Pride Week
Aug 8-11
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Lorrie Morgan
Aug 9
Fargo Theater
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Fargo Blues Fest
August 9-10
Newman Outdoor Field
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Red River Market Jazz Pride
Aug 10
Broadway Square
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Aug 3
Broadway Square
ND Renaissance Fair - 2nd Weekend
August 10-11
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Dwight Yoakam & The Mavericks
. . . . . . . . . . .
Lamb Of God & Mastodon – Ashes Of Leviathan Tour
August 13
. . . . . . . . . . . .
20 Years Of Tears Tour: Hawthorne Heights & Thursday With Anberlin, Armor For Sleep, Emery, And This Wild Life
Aug 19
Fargo Brewing Outdoors
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Head And The Heart With Michigander
Aug 20
. . . . . . . . . . .
Thrivefest Featuring Casting Crowns With Jason Gray
Aug 24
. . . . . . . . . . . .
K. Flay
Aug 24
. . . . . . . . . .
Nate Bargatze
Aug 25
. . . . . . . . . . .
Ice Cube
Fri, August 30
The Lights
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Fri, Aug 30
Scheels Arena
. . . . . . . . . . . .
All Ages Apes of the State
Aug 31
. . . . . . . . . . .
Spoon & Phantogram
September 6
Fargo Brewing Outdoors
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Drekker Fest
Sept 13-14
Drekker Brewing Company
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Sept 14
Boss Comedy Club
. . . . . . . . . . .
Barenaked Ladies With Toad The Wet Sprocket
September 17
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Night Bazaar
Sept 19
Broadway Square
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Daniel O’Donnell
Sept 22
Fargo Theatre
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Evan Honer With Thomas Rowland
Sept 30
The Hall
. . . . . . . . . . .
Josh Blue
Oct 4
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Roughrider Ink & Iron Expo
Oct 4-6
West Fargo
. . . . . . . . . . . .
One Night In Memphis #1 Tribute To Presley, Perkins, Lewis & Cash
Oct 10
Fargo Theatre
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Boss Comedy Club
. . . . . . . . . . .
Brad Williams
Oc5 13
Fargo Theater
. . . . . . . . . . .
Valley Con
Oct 18-20
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Big One Arts & Crafts
Oct 25-26
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Black Jacket Symphony Presents Led Zeppelin’s ‘IV’
Nov 12
Fargo Theater
. . . . . . . . . . .
Jan 25
Scheels Arenaa
submitted by Significant-Ad-4184 to FargoMusicScene [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 23:21 Ciara19 Anyone remember this?

submitted by Ciara19 to sitcoms [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 22:15 Glittering_Sir1299 Waking Windows Winooski 2024 Art & Music Festival This Weekend! (5/3 - 5/5) - 71 Bands/performers / 35 Deejays / 13 Venues / 12 Specials events / 11 Comedians / 5 Food Vendors / 1 Rotary
submitted by Glittering_Sir1299 to winooski [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 22:15 Glittering_Sir1299 Waking Windows Winooski 2024 Art & Music Festival This Weekend! (5/3 - 5/5) - 71 Bands/performers / 35 Deejays / 13 Venues / 12 Specials events / 11 Comedians / 5 Food Vendors / 1 Rotary

Waking Windows Winooski 2024 Art & Music Festival This Weekend! (5/3 - 5/5) - 71 Bands/performers / 35 Deejays / 13 Venues / 12 Specials events / 11 Comedians / 5 Food Vendors / 1 Rotary submitted by Glittering_Sir1299 to burlington [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 22:14 Glittering_Sir1299 Waking Windows Winooski 2024 Art & Music Festival This Weekend! (5/3 - 5/5) - 71 Bands/performers / 35 Deejays / 13 Venues / 12 Specials events / 11 Comedians / 5 Food Vendors / 1 Rotary

Waking Windows Winooski 2024 Art & Music Festival This Weekend! (5/3 - 5/5) - 71 Bands/performers / 35 Deejays / 13 Venues / 12 Specials events / 11 Comedians / 5 Food Vendors / 1 Rotary submitted by Glittering_Sir1299 to vermont [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 22:04 ApocalypseMeaow 38F CT/NYC looking for IRL friends

38F, originally from Japan, recently moved to the East Coast from Southern California. I don’t know anyone here outside of work and I’ve honestly been feeling pretty lonely! I’m looking for platonic friends to hang out with in real life. I’m based in CT but I can easily travel to NYC on weekends.
A little more about me: - My idea of a fun night is going to pub trivia, watching Cunk on Earth at home, etc… not much of a bar person - I love traveling (although I do feel a little guilty about it) and I went on my first solo trip in Europe at age 14 - I have an eclectic taste in music… these days I listen to Olivia Tremor Control (and other Elephant 6 bands), La Femme, Advance Base, etc - I’m a huge fan of Joe Pera, John Wilson, and Nathan Fielder, and my goal is to visit Alligator Lounge one day - I’m a low key atheist (definitely not militant) and do not have much patience for supernatural woo and conspiracy theories - I’m a bit of an Anglophile and enjoy all things UK… I watch a lot of British comedy (Peep Show, HIGNFY) and am a UK politics nerd - Despite my country of origin, I have zero interest in anime/manga… although I like Nintendo (in a very casual way) - I’m a cat person and I find that I tend to get along better with other cat people or at least those who like them as much as they like dogs :D
If you have similar interests and are interested in hanging out, please DM me (please tell me a bit about yourself… I’ll ignore generic hi’s). Thank you :)
submitted by ApocalypseMeaow to MakeFriendsOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 21:51 tonyyums Catch-22 by Joseph Heller Free Audiobook and Review

"Catch-22" by Joseph Heller is a satirical novel set during World War II that recounts the adventures of Captain John Yossarian, a U.S. Army Air Forces B-25 bombardier. The novel is built around the follies and paradoxes of war, bureaucracy, and the human condition.
The title "Catch-22" refers to a paradoxical rule in the military that states a soldier must be considered insane if they willingly continue to fly dangerous combat missions, but if they request to be removed from duty due to their fear, they demonstrate rational concern for their safety and thus cannot be considered insane. This highlights the insanity of the military administration and its contempt for the well-being of its personnel.
Heller's writing is marked by its dark humor, fractured narrative structure, and nonlinear storytelling. Through a series of vignettes and flashbacks, the novel portrays the experiences of Yossarian and his fellow soldiers as they battle with the horrors of war, the dehumanizing consequences of bureaucracy, and the futile pursuit of sanity in an insane world.
One of the novel's highlights is its thoroughly portrayed characters, each with their own idiosyncrasies, weaknesses, and goals. From the opportunistic Milo Minderbinder to the idealistic Chaplain Tappman, Heller creates a diverse ensemble of characters who reflect various facets of the human condition and serve as a satire on the absurdity of war and civilization.
"Catch-22" is not only a parody of war but also a reflection on the nature of power, authority, and morality. Heller employs comedy and sarcasm to condemn the organizations and systems that perpetuate violence and oppression, while also tackling timeless themes of loyalty, friendship, and the search for meaning in a chaotic world.
Overall, "Catch-22" is a great piece of literature that remains relevant and thought-provoking more than half a century after its release. Heller's biting wit, fascinating characters, and astute criticism make it a timeless masterpiece that continues to appeal with readers of all ages.
Free Audiobook with a free trial of Audible
submitted by tonyyums to Freeaudiobooklinks [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 21:36 tonyyums If This Book Exists, You're in the Wrong Universe by Jason Pargin and David Wong Free Audiobook and Review

"If This Book Exists, You're in the Wrong Universe" is a novel by Jason Pargin and David Wong that blends aspects of science fiction, comedy, and metafiction. The story follows the protagonist, John Chen, a man who wakes up one day to find that he is living in a universe that is not his own.
As John navigates this odd new world, he encounters bizarre and surreal events, like talking animals, sentient objects, and other versions of himself. With the help of a mysterious guide named Iris, John sets out on a quest to discover the truths of his dilemma and find a route back to his home realm.
Pargin and Wong's writing is snappy and funny, full with smart wordplay and pop culture references that will please readers. The novel is a lighthearted and innovative examination of the multiverse notion, merging humor with philosophical concerns and mind-bending story twists.
One of the book's strengths is its innovative world-building, as Pargin and Wong create a rich and colorful universe replete with weird and wonderful aspects. From the amusing to the ludicrous, each chapter provides new surprises and delights, keeping readers on their toes until the very end.
While "If This Book Exists, You're in the Wrong Universe" is definitely a work of fiction, it also presents thought-provoking concerns about identity, reality, and the essence of life. Through John's trip, the writers ask readers to explore the nature of reality and perception, encouraging them to challenge their beliefs about the world around them.
Free Audiobook with a free trial of Audible
submitted by tonyyums to Freeaudiobooklinks [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 20:31 Far_Spirit_6906 John Michael Bond Debut Comedy Album Recording

May 12th at 7:30 pm and JJ’s Bohemia
John Michael Bond, originally from Chattanooga and fresh off one of his many national comedy tours, returns home to record his debut comedy album “Cry Uncle”.
Creative Loafing magazine has said John Michael Bond’s comedy covers, “the arduous yet worthwhile pursuit of love, rationalizing vices with how they impact relationships, the wackiness of death, and how we should be nicer.” He feels that’s accurate.
He was most recently featured on Cheech and Chong’s Up in Jokes! His comedy has appeared on VICE, Grawlix Save The World, RISK! and more.
The show also features Corey Ryan Forrester as ringmaster and the effervescent stylings of Good Cop/Rad Cop, Chattanooga’s and frankly the country’s best comedy band starring Dave Hannah and Ryan Darling.
Tickets are $20. Doors at 6:30. Come laugh and have a beer and see you there!
submitted by Far_Spirit_6906 to Chattanooga [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 20:03 Mundane_Village_8284 Central Cinema May Calendar

Central Cinema May Calendar
For anyone into movies - here is our Schedule for May at Central Cinema. You can view showtimes and purchase tickets here:
Please note that movies scheduled weeks away don’t always have tickets available on the website. Just keep checking back as we try to confirm our showtime schedules frequently with the studios.
Our address is: 1205 N. Central Street, Knoxville, TN 37917
submitted by Mundane_Village_8284 to Knoxville [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 19:44 Inevitable-Plenty203 The Psych Drug induced suicide of Robin Williams

The Psychiatric Drug-Induced Suicide of Robin Williams - Two Years Later by Gary G. Kohls, MD FEBRUARY 10, 2020
55 years ago (July 2, 1961) an American literary icon, Ernest Hemingway, committed suicide at his beloved vacation retreat in Ketchum, Idaho. He had just flown to Ketchum after being discharged from a psychiatric ward at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN where he had received a series of electroconvulsive “treatments” (ECT) for a life-long depression that had started after he had experienced the horrors of World War I. In the “War To End All Wars” he had been a non-combatant ambulance driver and stretcher-bearer.
One of Hemingway’s wartime duties was to retrieve the mutilated bodies of living and dead humans and the body parts of the dead ones from the Italian sector of the WWI battle zone. In more modern times his MOS (military occupational specialty)might have been called Grave’s Registration, a job that - in the Vietnam War - had one of the highest incidences of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that arose in that war’s aftermath.
Hemingway, just like many of the combat-induced PTSD victims of every war, was likely haunted for the rest of his life by the horrific images of the wounded and dead, so there was no question that he had what was later to be understood as combat-induced PTSD with depression, panic attacks, nightmares, auditory and/or visual hallucinations and insomnia.
Unfortunately for Papa, the psychiatrists at the Mayo Clinic were unaware of the reality of the PTSD phenomenon. They mistakenly thought that he had a mental illness (depression) of unknown etiology. (The diagnosis of PTSD wasn’t validated by the American Psychiatric Association as a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) diagnosis until 1980.)
Hemingway, a legendary chronic alcoholic who consumed large volumes of hard liquor daily, had also been wounded by shrapnel in WWI so he probably also had physical pain issues. Therefore, like many other soldier-victims of combat-induced PTSD he used alcohol to self-medicate his physical pain as well as his psychic pain, anxiety, insomnia, nightmares, failed marriages and the financial stresses related to the alimony payments to his ex-wives.
Following his Mayo Clinic misadventure, Hemingway rapidly came to understand that his latest ECT “treatments” had erased his memory and creativity, and, because those realities were essential for him to continue his writing career and feeling that he no longer had a reason for living - ended his life. There is no record of what psychiatric drugs he had been prescribed over the years, but ECT is typically only attempted after all psychiatric drug options had failed.
The Parallel Paths of Artistic Geniuses Like Hemingway and Williams (and Michael Jackson and Prince)
53 years after Hemingway’s self-inflicted death, another American icon, actor and comedian Robin Williams, entered the Hazelden psychiatric facility and addiction treatment center - also in my home state of Minnesota. He was treated with a cocktail of (undisclosed) psychiatric drugs for a month and, shortly after his discharge, committed suicide by hanging (August 11, 2014) at his California home. The cocktail of brain-altering drugs surely was a major factor in his becoming increasingly depressed, losing appetite, losing weight and withdrawing from his loved ones.
His discharge medications, which included the so-called “antidepressant” drug mirtazapine (Remeron – which is well-known to increase the risk of suicidal thinking), the so-called anti-psychotic drug Seroquel (probably prescribed off-label for his insomnia) plus an unknown anti-Parkinsonian drug caused him to be somnolent, despondent, despairing and increasingly depressed.
Remeron, it should be emphasized, is well-known to cause suicidal thinking (and attempted suicide) and carries the Food and Drug Administration’s “Black box” warning for suicidality. After he returned home, he was said to have slept in his darkened bedroom, up to 20 hours a day, in a probably drug-induced stupor.
Remeron, it is helpful to remind readers, was one of the two psych meds (the other was the anti-psychotic drug Haldol) that the infamous Andrea Yates was taking before she irrationally drowned her five children - including her 6-month-old baby Mary - in the family bathtub. The devoutly religious Texas mother was convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to life imprisonment but – at re-trial – had her conviction changed to “not guilty by reason of insanity” (rather than “not guilty by reason of the intoxicating, insanity-inducing and homicidal effects of psychiatric medications!”). She is now spending the rest of her life in a psychiatric facility, no longer a threat to children.
Robin Williams was said to have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease while at Hazelden. The symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease are well known to be caused by antipsychotic drugs such as Seroquel. Children who have been given anti-psychotic drugs (most commonly foster care children) are now coming down with Parkinson’s Disease at an early age, an illness totally unheard of prior to the formation of the subspecialty of Pediatric Psychiatry.
The Secrets of NIMH (and Hazelden)
30 years ago or so a cartoon movie was released about lab rats that were trying to escape extermination by the National Institute of Mental Health. The movie was titled “The Secret of NIMH”. I tried to watch it a few years ago and was disappointed to discover that it really didn’t expose any of the real secrets of NIMH, its American Psychiatric Association foundations or the psychopharmaceutical industry’s unholy alliance with NIMH. I understand that a remake of the film is planned. I hope some of the real secrets will be revealed in the new film.
Robin Williams left no suicide note, and so far Hazelden is mum on what happened behind closed doors during that fateful – and failed – month-long stay.
“What Brain-Altering Drugs was Williams or Michael Jackson or Prince On?”
Williams’ legendary cocaine and amphetamine use are certainly factors to consider as contributing causes for his suicide, for such drugs are notoriously toxic to mitochondria and brain cells. What is also deserving of consideration is the fact that when patients abruptly quit taking an antipsychotic drug, withdrawal symptoms can occur - even if the drug was first prescribed for non-psychotic issues like insomnia. Those withdrawal symptoms can include irrational thinking, loss of impulse control, psychoses, hallucinations, insomnia and mania, any of which can lead a physician to falsely diagnose “schizophrenia” or “bipolar disorder” or any number of mental disorders “of unknown cause”.
Some of Williams’ closest friends are logically wondering about what was the effect of the newly prescribed drugs that may have motivated Williams to so illogically kill himself. Hollywood journalists swarmed all over the tragic event two years ago, but characteristically avoided even speculating about the possibility of psychiatric drug-induced suicide, the most logical explanation for the series of events, especially for any thinking person who knows anything about the connections between psychiatric prescription drugs and suidicality, homicidality, aggression, violence, dementia, and irrational thinking and actions (whether while taking the drugs or withdrawing from them).
Such informed people have already asked themselves the question: “I wonder what psych drugs Robin (or Hemingway or Michael Jackson or Prince) was taking?” Tragically, the media has been totally unhelpful in discussing that important question or in offering any answers to the question. Iatrogenic (doctor-caused or prescription drug-induced) causes of morbidity and mortality are apparently not to be discussed in polite company.
It is important to point out that a bottle of Seroquel with 8 pills missing was found in Williams’ bedroom and drug toxicity testing revealed Remeron in Williams’ bloodstream at autopsy. The coroner emphasized that the dose of the legally-prescribed drug was at “therapeutic levels”, which is, of course, totally unhelpful information, given the fact that the undesired effects of a drug have no correlation to dosage.
The Taboo Reality of Iatrogenesis: Psych Drugs Can Cause Suicidality
There have been millions of words written about how much everybody was shocked by Williams’ suicide. There have been thousands of flowers placed at any number of temporary shrines “honoring” his legacy. There have been thousands of comments on the internet from amateur arm-chair psychologists spouting obsolete clichés about suicide, mental illness, drug abuse, alcoholism, cocaine addiction, and how wonderful psychoactive prescription drugs have been.
And there have been hundreds of dis-informational essays and website commentaries written by professional arm-chair psychiatrists who have financial or career conflicts of interest with Big Pharma, Big Psychiatry, Big Medicine, Big Vaccine and the rehab industries. Most of those commentaries distract readers from making the connections between suicidality and psych drugs. Some of the comments I have read have preemptively tried to discredit those who are publicly making those connections.
Whenever unexpected suicides or accidental drug overdose deaths occur among heavily drugged-up military veterans, active duty soldiers, Hollywood celebrities or other groups of individuals, I search the media – usually in vain - for information that identifies the drugs that are usually involved in such cases. But revealing the drug names, dosages, length of usage or who prescribed them seems to be a taboo subject. One has to read between the lines or wait until the information gets revealed at Big Pharma-exposing whistle-blowing website that should be mandatory reading for everybody who prescribes or consumes psychiatric drugs).
Patient confidentiality is usually the reason given for the cover-ups – and why important potentially teachable moments about these iatrogenic (drug-induced or vaccine-induced) tragedies are averted.
Big Pharma, the AMA, the APA, the AAP, the AAFP, the CDC, the FDA, the NIH, the NIMH, Wall Street and most of the patient or disease advocacy groups that sponsor the annual fund-raising “searches for the cure” events all understand that the hidden epidemic of iatrogenic illnesses must be covered-up. And, simultaneously, the altruistic whistle-blowers among us will be black-listed, denigrated, labeled as nuisance conspiracy theorists or even criminalized.
The well-funded corporate entities mentioned above also know how useful it is if patients (rather than the system) are blamed for causing their own health problems. Typical examples include: “you eat too much”, “you don’t exercise enough”, “you smoke too much”, “you don’t eat right”, “your family history is bad”, “you don’t take your meds correctly”, “you don’t come in for your screening tests/routine exams often enough”, “you don’t get all the vaccinations like you are told to do”, etc).
Highly unlikely “genetic” causes are energetically promoted as preferable root causes of totally preventable iatrogenic illnesses (because inherited disorders are not preventable and are also essentially untreatable). This reality ensures that researchers can annually demand billions of dollars for research while at the same time short-changing and discrediting simple, cheap, do-it-yourself preventive efforts that don’t need a doctor.
The confidence of the American public in Big Pharma’s drug and vaccine promotions must not be disturbed. Wall Street’s rigged stock market does not permit the publication of any information that could destroy investor confidence in the pharmaceutical or vaccine corporation’s highly profitable products, even if the (corporate pseudo-)science behind the drugs and vaccines is bogus and the unaffordable products are also dangerous.
The beauty of an unbiased public inquest, which I advocated for in this column two years ago, should have been done in the case of Robin Williams and all the school shooters, is the subpoena power of a grand jury to open up the previously secretive medical records and enforce testimony from Williams’ psychiatric treatment team. The public could finally hear information that could make comprehensible the mysterious death of yet another high-profile suicide victim - and start the process of actually de-mystifying America’s suicide and violence epidemics.
An inquest would likely reveal that Robin Williams did not have a “mental illness of unknown cause” or “bipolar disorder of unknown cause” or “depression of unknown cause” or “suicidality of unknown cause”.
An inquest would obtain testimony from feared whistle-blower experts in the fields of medicine, psychiatry and psychopharmaceuticals such as Peter Breggin, MD, Joseph Glenmullen, MD, Grace Jackson, MD, David Healey, MD, Russell Blaylock, MD, Fred Baughman, MD and other well-informed medical specialists who don’t own stock in Big Pharma corporations and who know very well how dangerous their drugs can be.
Robin Williams did not have a Mental Illness of Unknown Etiology
Just knowing a little about the life and times of Robin Williams and others on the long list of celebrity victims of psychiatric drugs (like Michael Jackson and Prince both of whom “died too soon”) would easily disprove most of the unscientific theories about their deaths that have widely published online.
Why did many of us psych drug sceptics and psychiatric survivors want an inquest in Robin Williams’ suicide? We wanted to know the names of the ingredients in the cocktail of drugs that had been tried on him (and the dosages and length of time they were taken). We wanted to know what side effects he had from the drugs and what his responses were. We wanted to know what was the reasoning behind the decision to prescribe unproven combinations of powerful drugs on someone whose brain was already compromised by the past use of known illegal brain-damaging drugs.
And we wanted to know, for the sake of past and future victims of these neurotoxic substances, if the prescribing practitioners informed Williams about the dangers of those treatments, particularly the black box suicide warnings for Remeron.
Stress-induced and Drug-induced Mental Ill Health Doesn’t Mean One is Mentally Ill
Robin Williams gained fame and fortune as a comic actor, starting with what was to become his trade mark manic acting style (stimulant drug-induced mania?) on “Mork and Mindy”. As have many other famous persons that attained sudden fame and fortune, Williams spent his millions lavishly and – in retrospect – often foolishly. After his third marriage he found that he could no longer afford his Hollywood lifestyle.
But long before his two divorces and the serious financial difficulties caused him to decompensate and again fall off the sobriety wagon, Robin Williams had lived in the fast lane, working long exhausting days and weeks and partying long exhausting nights with the help of stimulant drugs like the dependency-inducing drug cocaine (that overcomes sleepiness and fatigue) and artificial sleep-inducing tranquilizers whose mechanism of action resembles long-acting alcohol. Sedative drugs artificially counter the drug-induced mania and drug-induced insomnia that predictably results from psycho-stimulants like cocaine, nicotine, caffeine, Ritalin, Strattera, Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, Wellbutrin, Provigil, amphetamines, etc, etc).
Williams had acknowledged that he was addicted to both cocaine and alcohol when his famous comedian buddy John Belushi died of an accidental drug overdose shortly after they had snorted cocaine together (March 4, 1962). Shortly after Belushi’s overdose death, Williams quit both drugs cold turkey, and he remained sober and cocaine-free for the next 20 years. There is no public information about his use of addictive prescription drugs, but it is well-known that many Hollywood personalities like him have close relationships with both prescription-writing physicians and illicit drug pushers, many of whom make house calls.
However, Williams relapsed in 2006 and started abusing drugs and alcohol again, eventually being admitted to a Hazelden drug rehab facility in Oregon. After “taking the cure” he continued his exhausting career making movies, doing comedy tours and engaging in personal appearances in order to “pay the bills and support my family”.
After two expensive divorces, huge indebtedness and an impending bankruptcy, Williams was forced, in September of 2013, to sell both his $35,000,000 home and his even more expensive 600-acre ranch in Napa Valley. He moved into a more modest, more affordable home in the San Francisco area, where he lived until his death.
But despite solving his near-bankruptcy situation (which would make any sane person temporarily and deeply sad), Williams continued having a hard time paying his bills – especially his alimony payments, so he was forced to go back to making movies (which he despised doing because of the rigorous schedule and being away from his family for extended periods of time). And he hated the fact that he was being financially forced to sign a contract to do a “Mrs. Doubtfire” sequel later in 2014.
For regular income, he took a job doing a TV comedy series called “The Crazy Ones”, but the pressures of working so hard got him drinking again, even using alcohol on the set, which he had never done before. He was making $165,000 per episode and was counting on continuing the series beyond the first season in order to have a steady income.
So when CBS cancelled the show in May 2014, humiliation, sadness, anxiety and insomnia naturally set in, and he decided to go for professional help at the Minnesota Hazelden addiction facility, spending the month of July 2014 as an patient there.
The public deserves to know what really happened inside that facility.
We certainly deserve to know the full story. There are many painful lessons that can be learned. Those who think that we can’t handle the truth are wrong.
The psychiatric drug-taking public deserves to know what were the offending drugs that contributed to his pain, anguish, sadness, nervousness, insomnia, sleep deprivation, hopelessness and the seemingly irrational decision to kill himself.
And the family, friends and fans of Robin Williams certainly deserve to know the essential facts of the case which, if not revealed to us, will otherwise just result in a blind continuation of America’s “mysterious” iatrogenic suicide, violence and dementia epidemics. Ignorance of the well-hidden truths will just allow the continuation of Big Pharma’s ill-gotten gains and its deception of the medical profession and their patients for so long - and destroying the memory, creativity, brains and lives of millions of patients simultaneously.
For more information on the above very serious issues, check out these websites:,,,,,,,,
Appendix A
The Powers-That-Be That Would Keep Us Ignorant
Big Pharma, the AMA, the APA, the AAP, the AAFP, the CDC, the FDA, the NIH, the NIMH, Wall Street and most of the patient or disease advocacy groups that sponsor the annual fund-raising and very futile “searches for the cure” all understand that the hidden epidemic of iatrogenic illnesses must be de-emphasized. And, simultaneously, the altruistic whistle-blowers among us will be black-listed, denigrated and labeled as nuisance conspiracy theorists.
submitted by Inevitable-Plenty203 to Antipsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 17:36 Runningonkaapi Vote for Book of the Month (May 2024)

The theme of the month is MOVIE ADAPTATIONS.
Here are the books nominated by you guys:
  1. No Country for Old Men: Western crime thriller by Cormac McCarthy adapted into a multiple-Oscar-winning movie by the Coen brothers starring Tommy Lee Jones, Javier Bardem, and Josh Brolin.
  2. Capote by Gerald Clarke and In Cold Blood by Truman Capote: The first a biography of Truman Capote, the second started the true crime genre. The first book made into a movie by Bennett Miller, starring the late, great Philip Seymour Hoffman (who won the Oscar for this role) and Catherine Keener (who played Harper Lee), the second was adapted into a great movie in the 1960s.
  3. The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton: A social/romantic drama set in the Gilded Age in New York adapted into a movie by the legendary Martin Scorsese starring Daniel Day-Lewis, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Winona Ryder.
  4. Sophie's Choice by William Styron: A social drama/tragedy adapted into a movie by Alan J. Pakula, starring THE Meryl Streep (one of her Oscar-winning roles) and Kevin Kline.
  5. Schindler's List or Schindler's Ark by Thomas Keneally: Holocaust drama/tragedy adapted by the master Steven Spielberg into a movie starring Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes.
  6. The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins: The Hunger Games prequel adapted last year by Frances Lawrence into a movie starring Rachel Zegler, Tom Blyth, and Hunter Schafer.
  7. The Godfather by Mario Puzo: That movie you see on every list of the greatest movies of all time, and for good reason. Adapted by Francis Ford Coppola, starring Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Diane Keaton, Robert Duvall, John Cazale, and Jimmy Caan.
  8. The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks: Romantic drama adapted by Nick Cassavetes into a famous romantic film starring Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams.
  9. A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks: Romantic drama adapted by Adam Shankman into a movie starring Shane West and Mandy Moore.
  10. PS I love you by Cecilia Ahern: Romantic drama adapted by Richard LaGravenese into a movie starring Hilary Swank.
  11. Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones: Fantasy novel adapted into an animated movie by the great Japanese filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki (Studio Ghibli).
  12. Emma by Jane Austen: A comedy of manners adapted into different movies, one starring Gwyneth Paltrow, another starring Anya Taylor-Joy, another starring Sonam Kapoor (AISHA).
  13. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley: A genre-defining sci-fi novel adapted into a movie by James Whale starring Boris Karloff.
  14. Carrie by Stephen King: Horrocoming-of-age novel adapted by Brian de Palma, starring Sissy Spacek.
Can't add a poll for 14 options (max = 6), so I'll post all 14 titles in the comments. Whichever is most upvoted will be the book of the month. I can't think of an easier way to do this. Let me know if you have any ideas.
Poll runs until END OF DAY, MAY 3. There is no timer on this poll, so this is the only way to do this.
submitted by Runningonkaapi to KaapiTimeBookClub [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 16:02 delajonathan Selling two tickets to Big Mouth comedy with Nick Kroll, Maya Rudolph, John Mulaney + at the Greek theatre. $80 for both tix!

DM me!
submitted by delajonathan to LAlist [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 15:49 HealthyMolasses8199 Russell Brand joins the line-up for Kennedy's country and comedy night event on May 15

Russell Brand joins the line-up for Kennedy's country and comedy night event on May 15 submitted by HealthyMolasses8199 to RFKJrForPresident [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 14:55 Frosty_Membership_86 The All New Alexei Sayle Show (1994-95) BBC2 - both seasons, 560p, no subs

The All New Alexei Sayle Show (1994-95) BBC2 --
as requested by u/DrTripplewick
Sketch show featuring British comedy gem Alexei Sayle, with John Sparkes, Jean Marsh, Peter O'Brien, Peter Capaldi and more. Both seasons, 560p, no subs, fresh for 7 days
submitted by Frosty_Membership_86 to TellyBum2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 13:48 chanma50 'The Fall Guy' Review Thread

I will continue to update this post as reviews come in.
Rotten Tomatoes: Certified Fresh
Critics Consensus: With action, comedy, romance, and a pair of marvelously matched stars, The Fall Guy might be the rare mainstream movie with something to entertain everyone.
Score Number of Reviews Average Rating
All Critics 85% 123 7.30/10
Top Critics 81% 32 7.20/10
Metacritic: 76 (34 Reviews)
Sample Reviews:
“The Fall Guy” is funny, it’s sexy, and it features the boy-toy version of “Barbie” scene-stealer Ryan Gosling — which is to say, this time around, he embodies the ultimate action figure. - Peter Debruge, Variety
The rare big studio film that feels human. - Lovia Gyarkye, Hollywood Reporter
The Fall Guy stands as a hilarious and thoughtful tribute to the stunt community, blending action with a poignant exploration of the sacrifices made by these unsung heroes. - Valerie Complex, Deadline Hollywood Daily
Very loosely based on the 1980s series, the film plays out over the course of nearly two hours without any fun, getting buried under empty gag after empty gag as it feels more like we ourselves are experiencing repeated head trauma. - Chase Hutchinson, TheWrap
With the self-referential humor, the industry jokes and the promise of a little romance, it feels like one of those movies we all complain they don’t make anymore. 3/4 - Lindsey Bahr, Associated Press
Leitch’s movie pays tribute in multiple ways to the show and its scrappy spirit – but Gosling makes for a fabulous heir apparent. 3/4 - Brian Truitt, USA Today
"The Fall Guy's" final act is so convoluted that not even Gosling can keep it on the rails. When "The Fall Guy" falls, it falls hard. C+ - Adam Graham, Detroit News
It’s light, it’s airy, it’s preposterous and it is a lot of fun. 4/5 - Bill Goodykoontz, Arizona Republic
Unwieldy, with what seems to be an ending that's followed by 30 more minutes of mayhem, but it also makes it feel like it contains just about everything you'd want in a summer movie. 3/4 - Chris Hewitt, Minneapolis Star Tribune
Fortunately, Leitch knows who he has, which is Gosling and Blunt as his romantic leads. 3/4 - Peter Howell, Toronto Star
This is a movie that shoots first and asks questions never, its smarmy script so full of holes and its aesthetic instincts so cocky that you cannot help but feel pummelled instead of charmed. - Barry Hertz, Globe and Mail
Two hours of zingers with impeccable timing, two bona fide movie stars with palpable chemistry, several enjoyably meta send-ups of the business and, of course, plenty of crazy stunts. 4/5 - Adrian Horton, Guardian
Individually, these plot strands might have felt spongily lightweight – but writer Drew Pearce braids them together into a bright and nostalgic sugar high, like the marshmallow cords of a flump. 4/5 - Robbie Collin, Daily Telegraph (UK)
If the film results in stunt performers gaining a little more respect from the public, that's the ideal. If it merely reminds them how likeable Gosling is, that's good, too. 4/5 - Clarisse Loughrey, Independent (UK)
Everything is lazy incoherence, cliché or leaden repetition. There’s a joke about a stunt dog that responds to only French commands. It’s funny at first, but then, like every paltry whiff of originality in the movie, it’s beaten to death. 2/5 - Kevin Maher, Times (UK)
The frictionless charisma of Blunt and Gosling is what makes it tick: two stellar presences nervelessly bouncing and crashing off each other. 3/5 - Danny Leigh, Financial Times
There’s a lot going on but it’s always done with a wicked sense of humour and commitment to entertain. It’s not the most cerebral cinema but it doesn’t have to be and The Fall Guy never pretends it’s anything but a cracking fun movie. 3.5/5 - Wenlei Ma, The Nightly (AU)
Gosling’s performance is a reminder of how many just-okay action movies of yesteryear easily coasted on charisma. The Fall Guy is more than okay, but it would be a lot less without Gosling’s laidback warmth. - Richard Lawson, Vanity Fair
The Fall Guy feels indistinguishable from the dozens of other action films. And then Gosling and Blunt start flirting and fighting and verbally feinting with each other, and you feel like you’re floating an inch above your seat. - David Fear, Rolling Stone
Maybe the most surprising thing about The Fall Guy is how genuinely romantic it is. - Bilge Ebiri, New York Magazine/Vulture
With some incredible stunts and Gosling and Blunt on top form, this gloriously entertaining comedy is a love-letter to the unsung heroes of cinema. 4/5 - Kelechi Ehenulo, Empire Magazine
A popcorn flick that quickly fades from the memory once the credits roll, sadly lacking the staying power of any of the action greats it references. 2/5 - Hannah Strong, Little White Lies
A thrilling spectacle of immense proportions, The Fall Guy isn’t Leitch’s best film. That title belongs to Atomic Blonde. But it’s probably his warmest, most earnest and endearing... - Robert Daniels, Screen International
I truly had a massive grin on my face from start to finish watching The Fall Guy. It’s an extremely well-crafted action movie that’s absolutely buzzing with energy and charm for all 125 minutes of its running time. 9/10 - Perri Nemiroff, Collider
This is popcorn filmmaking at its most cheerful and enthusiastic, driven by cheeky needle drops, rousing action, and movie stars. B - Katie Rife, indieWire
...a blast of fun at the movies worthy of the biggest tub of popcorn you can find. It’s two hours of movie stars being absolute charm machines, and sometimes that’s all you really need. B+ - Matthew Jackson, AV Club
A fun-filled, fun-loving love letter to the undervalued stunt performance profession. It’s full-gear popcorn entertainment that only someone wholly passionate about stunt work could deliver. - Matt Donato, Inverse
Whenever its main characters are pulled apart, the movie magic, in every sense of the phrase, dissipates, leaving us with a bland, derivative action-comedy that’s never quite as funny or thrilling as it thinks it is. 2/4 - Derek Smith, Slant Magazine
A blockbuster-to-be just like the ’90s used to make; a perfect summer movie, and a celebration of the hard work it takes to make a perfect summer movie happen. A- - Liz Shannon Miller, Consequence
Overstays its welcome for a bit, but the stunts, the comedy, and the spark between the film’s dynamic leads make the movie a delectable kick-off to the popcorn pleasures of the summer-movie season. - Alonso Duralde, The Film Verdict
A romantic comedy with two love stories, one happening onscreen between the characters and one happening off-screen between the director and practical stunt work. 8/10 - Matt Singer, ScreenCrush
This is a ridiculously fun movie, anchored by a movie star in a part that fits him perfectly and a director who really has been working toward this film for his entire career. 3.5/4 - Brian Tallerico,
He’s a stuntman, and like everyone in the stunt community, he gets blown up, shot, crashed, thrown through windows and dropped from the highest of heights, all for our entertainment. And now, fresh off an almost career-ending accident, this working-class hero has to track down a missing movie star, solve a conspiracy and try to win back the love of his life while still doing his day job. What could possibly go right?
From real life stunt man and director David Leitch, the blockbuster director of Bullet Train, Deadpool 2, Atomic Blonde and Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw and the producer of John Wick, Nobody and Violent Night, comes his most personal film yet. A new hilarious, hard-driving, all-star apex-action thriller and love letter to action movies and the hard-working and under-appreciated crew of people who make them: The Fall Guy.
Oscar® nominee Ryan Gosling (Barbie, La La Land, Drive) stars as Colt Seavers, a battle-scarred stuntman who, having left the business a year earlier to focus on both his physical and mental health, is drafted back into service when the star of a mega-budget studio movie—being directed by his ex, Jody Moreno, played by Golden Globe winner Emily Blunt (Oppenheimer, A Quiet Place films, Sicario)—goes missing.
While the film’s ruthless producer (Emmy winner Hannah Waddingham; Ted Lasso), maneuvers to keep the disappearance of star Tom Ryder (Golden Globe winner Aaron Taylor-Johnson; Bullet Train) a secret from the studio and the media, Colt performs the film’s most outrageous stunts while trying (with limited success) to charm his way back into Jody’s good graces. But as the mystery around the missing star deepens, Colt will find himself ensnared in a sinister, criminal plot that will push him to the edge of a fall more dangerous than any stunt.
Inspired by the hit 1980s TV series, The Fall Guy also stars Winston Duke (Black Panther franchise) and Academy Award® nominee Stephanie Hsu (Everything Everywhere All at Once).
DIRECTED BY: David Leitch
PRODUCED BY: Kelly McCormick, David Leitch, Ryan Gosling, Guymon Casady
EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Drew Pearce, Geoff Shaevitz, Glen A. Larson
EDITED BY: Elísabet Ronaldsdóttir
MUSIC BY: Dominic Lewis
CASTING BY: Lindsay Graham, Mary Vernieu
RUNTIME: 126 Minutes
RELEASE DATE: May 3, 2024
submitted by chanma50 to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 12:26 Fun_Kick_9969 john DEFINITELY has cried over the dabbleverse. once karl & shuli exposed him.. his world fell apart because he couldn’t hide behind “it’s a comedy show.” anymore for when howard would expose him. you can tell john’s world is crumbling because he simply doesn’t know what to do. read more⬇️⬇️

one HUGE thing that really made john go into a spiral was when his lawsuit scams were exposed and people stopped being afraid of john saying “i’m going to sue.”…..usually that was john’s “bomb” he dropped on people to attempt to scare them but now it means NOTHING and that boils him up. he’s a liar and deserves EVERYTHING coming his way. be RUTHLESS with this motherfucker.
submitted by Fun_Kick_9969 to DabblersAnonymous [link] [comments]