Tangled bb theme 8520

Functional Holy Books

2024.06.02 04:47 Muninn_Crow Functional Holy Books

From the log of Edward Price – Clerk for Diplomat Howard Weathers – 03.28.2803
I suppose a summary is in order for things to be clear. Humanity has a bit of a reputation as an odd lot in the galaxy. Most aliens don’t know really know what to think about us. You see, most aliens are actually somewhat boring, having fallen into galactic societal niches over thousands of years. The Atroxians are were space pirates, the Vontacruz own the casinos and travel cruise industries, and the Hordun operate the most efficient morgues this side of the galaxy – usually because of the Atroxians. But the Delridians? They are diplomats. And dare I say that they are the weird ones.
Delri Prima is the homeworld of the Delridians, a tall, lanky race who look like the grimdark cousins of a Star Wars Kaminoan. Brilliant medics, they apparently don’t see a difference between medical work and diplomacy, seeing both fields as the healing arts. Their medicocracy has a long list of accomplishments throughout the galaxy, enough that it’d look like an 18-hour credit reel on a movie. My guess is that they may have been the “Humans” of the galaxy preceding us before they finally settled, and rumors have it that the K’kituun Death Puppets are an ancient offshoot from their early days on the galactic stage.
But more to the point, after about 180 years on the galactic stage, Humanity has made a decent name for ourselves as the handyman and eccentric nerd. We are celebrated, thrown strange looks, worried glances, and altogether treated as small children. Though with the destruction of Axtroxia, they may want to worry about what will happen when we hit puberty. The Delridians have already been through that, though they were never as eccentric as we are.
They reached out to Humanity with a diplomatic frigate appropriately named Olive Branch about a year ago. I’ve learned they like to reflect the cultures they are talking to, so as to ease negotiations. Can’t imagine what the Atroxian equivalent was. Probably something like ‘Torn Heads’. Regardless, Diplomat Weathers was finally selected as the Earth delegate to talk on Delri Prima, and oh boy. That is a dark world. Like, bring a flashlight dark. I don’t know whether it is the slow spin of the planet, or the climate generators they have, but the entire twilight band is just dark and grey. It rains, and thankfully it is safe water, but it is eerie. From the embassy city they built to make us more comfortable, you can look out across the Delridian jungle and see the many other diplomatic cities slowly being devoured by the vines and trees.
The first night was fine, though I’m not sure any of us slept well. We were each provided a separate room or, well, house really. The entire city was made of a cold stone, themed after some old Italian city on Earth. The wind slipped through the narrow streets with a soft whistle, bringing with it a faint jungle fog. Somewhere down the street was a clattering window shutter, but with how much stone they used, and the strange alignment of the streets, you could hear a pin drop from eight blocks away!
Talks went well for the first three days as Diplomat Weathers and the Delridians got to know each other. I met with and discussed a number of cultural similarities with a member of the alien entourage, a Nurse Kelayo, when I wasn’t with the others in my group exploring the city. She was very proud of the settlement they built for us, but in our talks, she asked what we thought of the book. What book?
Well, after having a wonderful meal with my coworkers and some of the alien entourage, we said our farewells and parted ways. Kelayo was vague, but had explained how they had acquired a copy of the book, and that she hoped that we enjoyed the effort she put into it.

I didn’t look into it immediately when I returned to the lonely, lifeless house that was my quarters. Mark was my closest neighbor, and he was a block down. The Delridians, fresh from talks with the Hordun, thought we may want some privacy from each other. And while it is nice not having to hear Mark snore in the cabin like on the flight here, the house was a little… too private.
It was as I was preparing to turn off the light to go to sleep that I thought to look in the nightstand beside me. Kelayo had told us about the book, and when I opened the top drawer, it was indeed there. Sitting center and alone was an old Earth book of gnarled leather and no visible title. Whatever poor creature the Delridians had used to make the cover had terrible skin!
Opening the book, I found it to have been printed in an old dialect of English from before the Third World War, with some much older words I did not recognize. It certainly looked like it was printed in the archaic methods of old Earth, with wet ink instead of modern digital ink that provided touch-based pseudo-memoric context.
I began to flip through the pages of this strange book, turning up the brightness on the nightstand lamp to see better. The faded pages of the book looked sick and moldy, and my skin crawled just touching it, but the letters, despite the stains and grunge, seemed to pop from the page in crisp black. In fact, the ink was so black that it felt like I was staring into the void with each letter. Kelayo’s book was some archaic text of old Earth culture from the end of the 20th century, though I did not recognize the name. Written by a Bishop Simon from some archaic cult or religion, the book functioned as a “spellbook” like a deepdive virtual reality fantasy game might have. It was filled with a plethora of gods I did not recognize, and a ton of phonetic gibberish that sounded good when said, but easily complicated.
I hadn’t gotten too far when I heard a man’s scream next to me. Jumping out of my skin, I found no one there. But I remembered where I was, and crept to the window. It was Mark’s voice, more panicky than I had ever heard him. Peeking through the slats of the window, I scanned the street towards Mark’s place. The light was on, and someone was shuffling down the street, murmuring in pain.
Rushing down to the street, I rushed out to help him. Mark’s mutterings were too quiet, and he was holding something to his chest. It may have been a minute before I collected myself and tried to get answers from him, but you have to understand, I’ve never seen a dying man before. Not in real life. In the dim and permanent gloom, I could barely make out the trail of blood behind him. He pleaded again and again, and I had to find out where he was injured, and what it was he was carrying.
I went to take what he held, only to realized that in my own fervor to aid him I still had that creepy book. I put that down to wrench free Mark’s own possession. I really wish I hadn’t, for his grip was weak, with only one hand. I held his other, and everything above it.
My own voice was the next I heard echoing down the street as I most certainly fell backwards. Sorry Mark, but I lost your arm. Well, your first one. The second is decorating some chandelier somewhere, courtesy of Vanessa.
Please understand that for anyone in my situation, gorey horror was never my fancy, and I hope no one in the auditing board holds it against me. I would bet credits that any of you would have done much the same as I did.
Time is… unreliable on Delri Prima, with its twilit band and gloom. The only thing that moves is that blasted fog. And the vines. Especially the vines. I’m not sure how long I ran, but Vanessa was the one to find me, flanked by a street littered with Human bodies. Far more people than joined us on the crew… I think. You might want to review the ship manifest just to be sure.
Vanessa, once she verified my identity, guided me through the littered street, still gurgling and reaching out to us. Give her a raise, by the way. She’s the one that got us out of there. We met up with Dwayne and Harry, both armed with metal pipes and whatever other junk they salvaged, and we retreated to a boarded up house with other surviving members of the crew. They were glad to see me, though I don’t remember who they were. Many were new faces to the ship for this mission.
We settled here for hours? A day? Our comms were filled with static, and we couldn’t reach Mr. Weathers to see if he was ok. We needed to get off this planet. Someone mentioned that the ship was still parked at the landing bay. All eyes turned to someone in the back of the group, who slowly stood up, her form long and lanky. Kelayo, the Delridian nurse.
Vanessa worked with Kelayo on a plan to move through the city to the landing bay, while the rest of us sought supplies. This house had a basement, connected to a series of tunnels which we would use to slip under whatever muttering, mumbling horrors pleaded us to come outside.
Slowly, and as quietly as we could, our train of survivors crept through the tunnels. Our flashlights that Ben had found were pathetically dim, and frequently flickered out, sounding with a loud clunk whenever someone whacked it awake. Icy water dripped from the long tangled hairs of wriggling moss that clung to and between the bricks, the lights illuminating white lice-like that lived within the tangle.
Splashing was the only sound we heard for a long time, along with someone’s horrid cough. He was in the back of the line, far behind me, but kept coughing and groaning. Others frequently shushed him, louder than he coughed. But for all the good their efforts to keep him quiet were, it paled in comparison to Kelayo’s odd excitement. When I inquired her about her unusual positivity, she admitted fascination over the many accounts of average Humans combatting the supernatural evils that threatened Earth. How we could survive on a planet infested with the dead with only equally dark magicks astounded her, despite our culture not having widespread knowledge or application of this means of survival. It was faint, but she had nodded at the book. Why did I still have this disgusting leatherback that seemed to shiver in the cold?
I apologize for any impact I may have had on diplomatic relations with the Delridians, but I said some uncouth remarks about the whole situation and the book. I flipped it open to a random page to give an example, forgetting in my annoyance just how dark it was in the tunnels. But that ink… that horrid archaic stain… was fully legible. I admit I came to a stop in awe, though shortlived as the train of people behind me bumped into me. That coughing was gone.
So were half the people we had been travelling with. Kelayo glanced around with a chitter. She was having too much fun with the spooky, and now we heard skittering and scrape scrape scraping on the bricks. Vanessa fired a shot down the tunnel and urged us to run, so we did.
We were near the landing bay when we ducked into a sideroom per Kelayo’s prompting, and shoved a convenient table in the way of the door. The skittering was above us on the ground floor too, and then someone grabbed my foot. It may have been Mark. Well, the part of Mark I dropped.
Long gnarled fingers covered in dirt were the hallmark of these freaky things. Human hands with a life of their own, skittering around like bugs as they fled the flashlight’s beam and sought dark corners. These shelters included their unholy wriggling up our pants and jackets, some grips strong and muscular, and others gentle and cautious. If you have ever had a massage, you may never want one again once a chilly, slimy, dismembered hand tries to nest between your shoulder blades.
Vanessa fired off a few shots in her desperate attempt to keep the grabby hands off, though she nicked Ben’s ear in the process. The loud noise scattered the skitterhands enough for us to fling the last few from our persons. Vanessa slammed the book I still carried, ordering me to read it. She had lost her copy early on, but had the gist of its contents.
The ink on the book was darkest on one particular page, with a weird symbol that looked like it said XOOD. An old-Earth linguist may understand it better than I. Kelayo was forced to provide guidance, as she was the expert on the book, and with many, many attempts, and a dark horde gathering upstairs, were ready to begin. Vanessa was out of shots in her gun, and Ben and Dwayne were futiley pushing back the horde of impossible crewmen. These people smelled horribly of rotten meat, and overtook Ben first, followed swiftly by Dwayne.
Vanessa had backed into a corner, clearly scared. I can’t blame her, since I was, too. But I couldn’t move, couldn’t join her in the false safety of the corner. The rotten crew… this dead crew, was in the room with us, and were already grabbing me. Amidst the noise and confusion, I could hear Vanessa being attacked behind me, and the dull nails of my own assailants tearing at my skin. Kelayo, her form thin and dark, simply stood amidst the dead.
Read it, she said.
Say it with all your heart.
I remember the word that pierced the world that day, but can’t remember saying it. But my throat burns whenever I utter it now. BARASHAKUSHU. The dead froze in place, their fingers dug deep into my skin. BARASHAKUSHU. Limp, lifeless, just as they should be. BARASHAKUSHU. The haze in the air, even in the basement, lifted. BARASHAKUSHU. Vanessa breathed deep as I pulled her from the bodies and out the house to the crowded, lifeless street.
We limped, though we did not bleed, filled with holes and grime, and caked in blood. Kelayo followed wraithlike behind us, always ten paces behind. The landing bay was before us. Our ship and salvation was before us.
Diplomat Weathers was fine, though alarmed at our state. Delridian doctors tended to us as we explained what happened. A full transcript is available via the ship’s DIA-Log.
When all was said and done, the Delridian diplomat thanked us for being so willing to open discourse. To celebrate successful talks between our species, he offered us a parting feast. He motioned Kaleyo over, who had apparently been tasked with researching Human culture for the talks.
She explained over dinner about how she had poured over a stunning variety of Human dishes from our many cultures, but that she had settled on one that appeared to be a universal favorite. An Italian dish of long, stringy noodles over their equivalent of a white cream sauce. And dinner was fantastic! But Kaleyo seemed confused as well, stating that she had a difficult time picking out the right recipe. The instructions were apparently all over the place with a lot of strange steps that seemed superfluous to food preparation.
I asked her what she meant, to which she replied, “The base ingredients were simple, almost mundane. Of note, the various rituals in the preparation exhausted many of our best doctors. Some are still seeking treatment after one batch escaped. You Humans have a very strange culture of food, especially with the names. I believe you called this one… creepy pasta?”
Then the meatball on my fork blinked at me.
submitted by Muninn_Crow to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:58 seriouslyacrit How can I round up multiple power systems while minimizing collision?

I'd been coming up with basically one for each character, but due to that things are starting to get tangled up. But they can be round up like this:
  1. Magic/Arcanology: The power that resides in the world, but only some gifted people can use it. Requires knowledge over the arts, and a body system without critical defects.
  2. Virtue: The power that all human beings are born with, but only few discover its presence without external support. Can be tainted by sins.
  3. Mimesis: The power from one's other possible lives that share the basic theme (like vengeance, love, honor, loyalty) with the current one. Name comes from being a reflection of that life.
  4. Sealing pacts with other potent beings, while breaking the rules might have dire consequences.
  5. Observer: Some people can recieve signals sent from a different space or time, that can be translated down into knowledge or power. Think of radios or solar panels. Might require research or proper equipment to use.
The names for the categories are temporary and can be changed, alternate suggestions are welcome.
submitted by seriouslyacrit to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:44 xenizondich23 Kickoff to Pride Month! Engage in Vibrant Discussions, Win Amazing Prizes, and Celebrate LGBTQIA+ Spec Fic

Kickoff to Pride Month! Engage in Vibrant Discussions, Win Amazing Prizes, and Celebrate LGBTQIA+ Spec Fic
Pride Fantasy Banner featuring a colorful dragon and beautiful space ships!
Hey everyone,
Happy Pride Month! 🌈 I'm so excited to celebrate with you all and share our lineup of engaging and thought-provoking discussions. This month, we're shining a spotlight on the incredible diversity within speculative fiction in this sub. Whether you’ve been a fan for years or are just diving in, come explore a rich tapestry of narratives that uplift and celebrate LGBTQIA+ voices with us.

Pride Month Topics and Dates

Week 1: Diverse Narratives
  • June 1 (Sat): Kickoff to Pride Month! Intro Post (that's this one!)
  • June 3 (Mon): Gender Identity in Spec Fic: Memorable Characters and Stories
  • June 5 (Wed): Hidden Gems: Underrated LGBTQIA+ Spec Fic Books
  • June 6 (Thur): Horror with Heart: LGBTQIA+ Characters in Horror Fiction
Week 2: Diverse Relationships in Fantasy
  • June 10 (Mon): Bisexual Characters in Spec Fic: Who Are Your Favorites?
  • June 12 (Wed): Non-Binary & Trans Heroes in Spec Fic
  • June 13 (Thur): BB Bookclub Midway Discussion: Dionysus in Wisconsin by E.H. Lupton
  • June 14 (Fri): Ace / Aro Visibility and Recommendations
Week 3: Deep Dives and Analyses
  • June 17 (Mon): Science Fiction: Queer Themes in Dystopian Worlds, Post-Apocalyptic Fiction, and World-Building
  • June 19 (Wed): Celebrating Queer Love Stories in Spec Fic
  • June 21 (Fri): Queer Coding in Classic Fantasy & Reflecting on the Authors that Paved the Way
Week 4: Celebrating Representation
  • June 24 (Mon): Spotlight on Queer Authors & Works: Who & What Are Your Favorites?
  • June 27 (Thur): BB Bookclub Final Discussion: Dionysus in Wisconsin by E.H. Lupton
  • June 28 (Fri): Personal Impact: How Has Queer Spec Fic Influenced You?
  • June 30 (Sun): Reflecting on Pride Month & Queer Futurism: What Do You Want to See? [And announcement of Giveaway Winner(s)]
Join Us!
We encourage everyone to share their thoughts, favorite reads, and personal stories about how queer speculative fiction has impacted their lives. Discussions and posts will be made by your lovely BB Bookclub hosts [u/xenizondich23, u/eregis, and u/tiniestspoon]. All posts will be linked back to this mega thread so you can easily find the discussions again.
Giveaway Information
To make this month even more special, I am hosting a giveaway! A handful of participants who actively join our discussions with insightful, respectful, and engaging comments will be randomly selected to win some exciting prizes. Your participation not only enriches our community but also brings visibility to the diverse and inclusive world of speculative fiction. Prizes will depend a bit on where you live, but I am willing to buy a few copies of queer spec fic books to ship, or to make some fun pride themed accessories (I knit, crochet, weave, sew, embroider, etc. and love making things). Final list of prizes to come.
Stay tuned for more posts, and let’s make this Pride Month a celebration of diversity, inclusion, and the power of stories to bring us together.
Happy Pride Month! 🎉
submitted by xenizondich23 to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:52 xXRainbowXx24 Can someone help me there ? SSD !

Can someone help me there ? SSD !
I have the feeling thats my SSD is dying ... Because some game when i install them on this ssd runs so bad ( Randome fps drops / hiccups) so i start to bring them to my new nvme to check maybe runs it better there and yes problems are gone after that so i start to check the stats in Crystaldiskinfo but im to dumb to see somthing there.
So maybe you guys have more brain power to help me there .
submitted by xXRainbowXx24 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:00 ConnorMackay95 My little Chia farm is made up of all 10TB Exos all with bad sectors. Over a year and no failures yet.

My little Chia farm is made up of all 10TB Exos all with bad sectors. Over a year and no failures yet. submitted by ConnorMackay95 to chia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:53 teawithpetunia My (26F) partner (30M) is a completely different person when he’s angry. I’m starting to feel like his actions are abusive, how do I approach this?

Apologies for the wall of text. This is half venting, half desperately seeking other opinions on what is happening because I feel so confused.
My partner and I have been together for almost 6 years. Around year 2 we started having very explosive arguments that haven’t really gotten any better despite our best efforts. While the issues that cause the fight eventually get resolved, our communication never seems to truly improve. Sometimes it gets better, but almost always reverts back to its worst. Over the last 2 years I have been starting to feel that there are very clear signs of abusive and manipulative behavior that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. I started reading the book “Why does he do that?” By Lundy Bancroft, and it has finally put words to some of the ways I have felt mistreated throughout our relationship. The book is almost 20 years old and can be a bit dated at time, so I take everything with a grain of salt and have been doing independent research about things I felt were applicable to me.
My partner, let’s call him Max, is for the most part a loving, caring and highly sensitive person. He checks in on me all the time and is so in tune with my emotions that it amazes me. He has always made me feel cared for and is the least judgmental person I know. When we are not fighting, he really is a wonderful & generous partner and we go through long stretches 2-3 months where things are great. I know this sounds like the cliché reddit post where the OP is like my relationship is PERFECT and then goes onto describe a very far from perfect relationship (& maybe this is my wakeup call that that I'm being that person right now). But really, outside of arguments, we have a great, & still imperfect, relationship filled with so much love.
Over time we have gotten much better at bringing up things that are bothering us in healthy & fruitful ways (we are both ex-people-pleasers so we struggle with voicing displeasure). However, conflict has ensued we face the same issues. When he gets angry he becomes a completely different person. At times it takes a lot for him to get angry- especially at times when we are having an argument where there is seemingly no resolution and we are both emotionally exhausted, and probably should have taken a break a while ago. More often though, the anger comes out very quickly, and seemingly out of left field. Often times it is the tone I use, or how I communicate that causes the initial conflict. What is confusing for me is that his perception of how I said something feels so far from mine. This happens often enough to where I feel like I am walking on eggshells, to the point where I usually monitor my tone and how express things pretty closely. I also have autism & ADHD (what a fun pairing), so my words & tone are often misinterpreted. In general I try to be careful about how I speak to others & even more so with especially Max. Max is neurotypical, so at times it feels like we are speaking different languages- I try to be intentional with how I speak in our conversations so that we can both feel understood. I want to mention that I also have my own triggers, trauma and unhealthy ways of communicating, and I know that I am equally at fault for the initial lapses in our communication. I usually have no objection to the original conflict, what worries me is how the original conflict is then seemingly used as a reason by Max to lash out in anger. The argument that happened recently opened my eyes to some of these things. Here's a brief synopsis:
We were unloading groceries and I was simultaneously reorganizing the fridge. Max started moving things around in the fridge looking for something, not knowing that I was currently reorganizing. Here is the conversation that ensued (almost word for word, I know tone is hard to interpret from text, so I will try me best to explain):
Me: “Aw, I just reorganized that shelf.” Max: “Don’t speak to me that way.” (abrupt) Me: “Speak to you in what way? I’m just want you to not move around stuff in the fridge because I'm organizing it.” Max: “why are you so emotionally charged right now?” Me (slightly confused and feeling cornered): “I’m not emotionally charged. Try to speak to your own experience, what are you feeling?”
This set him off. I could have said it nicer or more empathetic- but at this point I was already registering conflict on the horizon and feeling anxious. I asked him again to talk about his experience and how what I did made him feel. This is something we have discussed with our couples therapist about not assuming the other persons emotional state and rather keeping it in the “I feel (blank) when you do (blank)” structure- which can be annoying but it does help reframe how my actions affected him.
He couldn’t answer this question, so I then asked, “what tone in my voice did you perceive?” He then said that I should know the tone and know that it is unacceptable. At this point, I think he thought I was playing dumb which made him angrier, but truth be told I was unsure of why my tone or request had angered him, the reaction felt out of place. I thought my delivery was even keeled, albeit I would have improved the delivery or maybe just not said anything at all if I could go back in time.
I could see that he was hurt but I was also feeling confused and annoyed because I felt as though he was taking his anger out on me. It was hard for me to be the most comforting and empathetic person, though I was still trying to redirect the conversation in order to better understand what was happening for him. The first segment of the argument ended pretty abruptly after that, with him yelling, hitting a wall and then kicking an empty box across the living room and locking himself in the bathroom. I followed in an attempt to comfort him. He let me in and I held his hands and asked him to tell me what was going on, knowing that he was really struggling & feeling empathy for that. He was able to then talk about why the experience was triggering for him and how the tone and delivery reminded him of his mom (who he has some trauma with because she was extremely anxious, uptight and demanding of him in his childhood). Once he said this I broke down crying.
Now, an interlude for some important context. Max's biggest "theme" in our conflicts is that he often struggles to feel understood by me. We have had extensive conversations about how I can work on making him feel understood through mirroring, and other specific communication exercises. I try to put these into play, though I do struggle because his style of communicating can feel very unnatural and even ingenuine to me- it feels like I am reading from a script. In the last year, when I am expected to respond, I get immense anxiety that is attributed to a pressure to preform. I start to feel that if I am not able to show understanding in the way that he expects, the argument (& his anger with me) will get worse & I am the one to blame. There is anxiety tangled up in the idea of failing him & failing myself, then frustration with myself for not being able to do something that should be simple, and then even MORE frustration because now I feel like a selfish bitch for making everything about me when it was suppose to be about Max. This all becomes debilitating at times. Resulting in intense anxiety attacks or waves of feeling so overwhelmed I can't speak. This is what happened in that moment.
Max saw this was happening & immediately switched gears. He told me it was okay, and that he didn't need understanding in that moment. He comforted me and I felt seen and loved & also felt pretty terrible that the attention had shifted to me. I told him I felt guilty about this & he reassured me it was okay. Speaking from a place of insecurity and fear, I told him that I was scared that my inability to show understanding in this moment would be held over my head or weaponized against me in a later argument. There have been several times where I have shared a vulnerable feeling with him and it has been used against me in moments of anger, so the fear comes form a real place. Again he reassured me that wouldn't happen. We took a break and sat down to talk about it later that day.
This was the start of a 3 day long discussion and several arguments. I don’t need to summarize everything but in those days here are the things that struck me as definitely NOT okay & possibly abusive:
The list continues but I think this is a fair snippet of actions that could potentially be seen as manipulative or abusive. I am confused on whether or not he is ACTUALLY abusive or if I am just making something out what are merely just unfavorable communication tactics.
My therapist has mentioned that Max seem to have narcissistic traits (which I don't really believe) and abusive tendencies. She has shown real fear for my situation and has actually advised me to not say and share certain details of my life with him out of worry for me. This is part of the reason I stopped seeing here, because I felt her assessment was a bit unfair since she had never spoken with him.
I have stopped talking to almost all my friends about my issues with Max because a majority have shown strong displeasure with his actions & I often times feel like they pity me. Max also stated that he felt like my friends didn't like him, he has hinted that this may because I tell them a biased retelling of our arguments. No matter what a story will always be biased, so I opted to stop sharing with my friends and encourage Max to hang out with us more as a group. I think a lot of my friends like him more now, but I can't help but feeling isolated because I don't have many people to talk to this about.
My one friend who I really felt comfortable with sharing these issues with has even recently advised me that based on a recent argument that maybe it's time to move on.
Our couples therapist (who we have been seeing for 1.5 years) is great in most regards, but I don't feel like he has taken my concerns as seriously as I want them to be taken. He has told me separately that he does not believe Max is abusive.
I have laid out all of these actions to my couple's therapist & to Max on several different occasions, and I am feeling defeated. When Max isn't angry we make so much progress & I even feel like he is less quick to get angry. But once the anger starts all the healing and work we've done just doesn't seem to matter. In those moments it's hard to tell if he even sees me as a person- I feel more like an obstacle that he needs to defeat, or a scapegoat for his negative emotions.
Are these the warnings signs of an abusive relationship? Is the abuse already happening? Are we in a toxic relationship where neither of us can break the cycle? I'm not don't need any definitive answers, but would really appreciate any feedback I can get.
submitted by teawithpetunia to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:12 BettyBerlin [QCRIT] Query: Baldwin & Berlin, Upmarket, Adult, 130K

This is my first attempt at a query so apologies for any egregious missteps! Let me know if I'm on the right track?
Dear Agent,
While the beatniks were taking over Soho, the rest of the literati were sticking to the old-school glamour of Zairo’s Bar - one-time Hemingway haunt. When two writers meet on a fateful evening, they set in motion a love which will span years, continents and half a dozen marriages.
Christopher ‘Kit’ Baldwin is old-Alabama-money with a gift for the gab; and Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Berlin is the daughter of a minor lord, with an eye for characterisation. Together, they make magic.
As their stars rise from the West End, to Broadway to Hollywood, Betty tries to resist the married Kit - afraid to jeopardise their working relationship, even as they keep falling back into bed together. Eventually, Betty gives respectability a shot; marrying a big-time movie producer and Kit marries another woman.
A decade in, their timing – at last – clicks and they take their relationship from an open secret to marriage. There follows a couple of years of bliss – but at a cost: their writing, usually so taut with sexual tension and excitement, falls apart.
BALDWIN & BERLIN is an upmarket novel complete at 130,000 words with multiple POVs. Its glamorous, mid-century setting will appeal to fans of Taylor Jenkins Reid’s The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, while exploring themes of creative partnerships tangled with love, which grabbed readers of Lauren Groff’s Fates and Furies and Gabrielle Zevin’s Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow.
Baldwin & Berlin is my first novel, which began as a short story during my Creative Writing Masters at the University of Cambridge. A communications professional, I am a Brit living in Bermuda, with an Australian husband and a murderous elderly cat, in a cottage by the sounding sea.
First 300:
Years after the fact, there is a photograph published in a special edition of LIFE magazine. Those who pick it up invariably find their eyes drawn to one picture in the centre spread. It takes a moment to reconcile their faces, their full names to the famous double act that was Baldwin & Berlin.
Her face is too small for the sunglasses she wears. The sharp angle of her chin juts out below the frame, doll’s mouth set off by the expanse of black glasses and wide dark hat. One hand up by her eyes, blocking out the sun, the other flopped over her bent knees, book in hand. Everything about the pose seems calculated, from the cross of the ankles, knees together to protect her modesty whilst tilting her chest towards the camera: the defiant upwards slant of her jaw.
He is laying back, hands folded across his flat stomach, eyes narrowed against the light. Hair and skin tone nearly matching in sepia tones: golden boy. There is a slight sneer, it seems, on his lips, though it may be the beginnings of a word. Paper sprawled messily across his lap.
There would be no mistaking the photo for now: there is a heightened glamour about it that no clever lighting or computer programme could hope to reproduce. A kind of confidence in their manner not found today, with no concern for the creases in their swimsuits, the occasional wrinkle of fat. There are no forced smiles here: a photo of those who were always posed.
The abused manuscript that lies in his lap is the final draft of the last script from Baldwin & Berlin. You can’t help but think that had he known, he might have treated it with a little more respect. But how was he to know that after twelve years of success and laud and honour, the game was up?
submitted by BettyBerlin to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:52 xenizondich23 Kickoff to Pride Month! Engage in Vibrant Discussions, Win Amazing Prizes, and Celebrate LGBTQIA+ Spec Fic

Kickoff to Pride Month! Engage in Vibrant Discussions, Win Amazing Prizes, and Celebrate LGBTQIA+ Spec Fic
Hey everyone,
Happy Pride Month! 🌈 I'm so excited to celebrate with you all and share our lineup of engaging and thought-provoking discussions. This month, we're shining a spotlight on the incredible diversity within speculative fiction in this sub. Whether you’ve been a fan for years or are just diving in, come explore a rich tapestry of narratives that uplift and celebrate LGBTQIA+ voices with us.

Pride Month Topics and Dates

Week 1: Diverse Narratives
  • June 1 (Sat): Kickoff to Pride Month! Intro Post
  • June 3 (Mon): Gender Identity in Spec Fic: Memorable Characters and Stories
  • June 5 (Wed): Hidden Gems: Underrated LGBTQIA+ Spec Fic Books
  • June 6 (Thur): Horror with Heart: LGBTQIA+ Characters in Horror Fiction
Week 2: Diverse Relationships in Fantasy
  • June 10 (Mon): Bisexual Characters in Spec Fic: Who Are Your Favorites?
  • June 12 (Wed): Non-Binary & Trans Heroes in Spec Fic
  • June 13 (Thur): BB Bookclub Midway Discussion: Dionysus in Wisconsin by E.H. Lupton
  • June 14 (Fri): Ace / Aro Visibility and Recommendations
Week 3: Deep Dives and Analyses
  • June 17 (Mon): Science Fiction: Queer Themes in Dystopian Worlds, Post-Apocalyptic Fiction, and World-Building
  • June 19 (Wed): Celebrating Queer Love Stories in Spec Fic
  • June 21 (Fri): Queer Coding in Classic Fantasy & Exploring the Authors that Paved the Way
Week 4: Celebrating Representation
  • June 24 (Mon): Spotlight on Queer Authors & Works: Who & What Are Your Favorites?
  • June 27 (Thur): BB Bookclub Final Discussion: Dionysus in Wisconsin by E.H. Lupton
  • June 28 (Fri): Personal Impact: How Has Queer Spec Fic Influenced You?
  • June 30 (Sun): Reflecting on Pride Month & Queer Futurism: What Do You Want to See? [And announcement of Giveaway Winner(s)]
Join Us!
We encourage everyone to share their thoughts, favorite reads, and personal stories about how queer speculative fiction has impacted their lives. Discussions and posts will be made by your lovely BB Bookclub hosts [u/xenizondich23, u/eregis, and u/tiniestspoon]. All posts will be linked back to this mega thread so you can easily find the discussions again.
Giveaway Information
To make this month even more special, I am hosting a giveaway! A handful of participants who actively join our discussions with insightful, respectful, and engaging comments will be randomly selected to win some exciting prizes. Your participation not only enriches our community but also brings visibility to the diverse and inclusive world of speculative fiction. Prizes will depend a bit on where you live, but I am willing to buy a few copies of queer spec fic books to ship, or to make some fun pride themed accessories (I knit, crochet, weave, sew, embroider, etc. and love making things).
Stay tuned for more posts, and let’s make this Pride Month a celebration of diversity, inclusion, and the power of stories to bring us together.
Happy Pride Month! 🎉
submitted by xenizondich23 to u/xenizondich23 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:41 luckyjim1962 from "A Preface to Jane Austen" by Christopher Gillie (1974)

Found at my local used bookstore:
A Preface to Jane Austen
By Christopher Gillie (Cambridge University)
Published by Longman (London, 1974)
This book is fifty years old – and decidedly old-school in terms of rhetoric, style, and approach – but it offers an extremely insightful look at Austen’s work from a literary historical perspective. Gillie sees Austen as a clear bridge between the 18th and 19th century conceptions of the novel:
Writing in the first two decades of the nineteenth century, Jane Austen appears historically, both in her social attitudes and formally in her art, as a kind of connecting link or hinge. Her attitude to society was still an eighteenth-century one: she assumed a permanence in its order and in the values of that order. But in her attitude to the individual she looks forward to the later nineteenth century: not only is the individual ensconced within a distinctive social setting, but he or she is faced with decisions that are primarily personal, although they have an unavoidable social bearing.
Her sense of social identity was much clearer than that of earlier novelists had been. She abandoned the romantic licences, in characterization and incident, which has enabled her predecessors to loosen the close tie between the characters and his society, and accepted that the immediate day-to-day environment was inescapably the theatre in which the characters’ fate had to be decided. At the same time, the conflict between the heroine and her environment is reflected in her mental state, so that she has to resolve inwardly a tangle in which egoistic revolt is confused with false motives for conformity….It follows that the heroines have an interior life which relates closely to the exterior one, so that they are closer to normal beings living in normal circumstances than earlier heroes and heroines had been. But Jane Austen differs from later novelists in her insistence that the heroine can never step apart from her society in her adventure of discovery; any attempt to pursue the ‘passions’ as entities somehow unrelated to social living is open to suspicion – not on individualism but of egoism – of ulterior motives or plain exhibitionistic folly, or a mixture of these.
Gillie also offers some great glosses on characters and situations, like this comparison of Fanny Price and Mrs Norris:
Mrs Norris parodies Fanny Price in their situations and contrasts with her in character: both are poor relationships and virtual dependants, although Mrs Norris has fastened herself on the Bertrams whereas Fanny is forcibly transferred to them. Mrs Norris obsequiously flatters the Bertrams; Fanny subjects herself to them devotedly and with a genuine humility. Fanny spends her life being really useful; Mrs Norris spend her talking about being so. Finally, Mrs Norris makes great claims to being needed by the Bertrams and for a long time imposes this illusion on them, but the illusion wears steadily thinner until at last they are glad to get her out of the house….Fanny, on the other hand, begins by being adopted in a spirit of pure benevolence, but by the end of the book she has not only become indispensable to her uncle and aunt, but marries Edmund.
He provides a great case for why Fanny could never marry Henry Crawford:
(M)any readers insist, if Fanny had really wanted freedom, it was Henry Crawford who could have given it to her much better than Edmund Bertram, and him she refuses. The reason for her refusal is that Henry’s freedom – the flighty indulgence of feelings by responding to worldly enticements – is not hers. For Fanny freedom is a state of mind, one to be rested in, a permanence, wholeness, and consistency of feeling centring on one place and one person: Mansfield Park (with its order and principle but redeemed from its worldliness) and Edmund, with his devotion to these fixities and to her.
And I particularly love this take:
The problems of ‘getting out’, of how not to make a false escape from a psychologically confining space, of how to achieve release of the entire self, neither betraying the feelings by surrounding them to the judgment, nor betraying the judgment by false feelings – these are the deepest themes of Jane Austen’s novels.
It's a very handsome book with lots of illustrationsand useful references like "Jane Austen's Vocabulary" and maps of key locales.
submitted by luckyjim1962 to janeausten [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:33 altermwim2 Reacting to random show #44: 01/22/2017 Penn’s Peak. Lots I could say, but what I’ll leave you with is “evil reggae” during Dump City

Reacting to random show #44: 01/22/2017 Penn’s Peak. Lots I could say, but what I’ll leave you with is “evil reggae” during Dump City
And that’s leaving out the acoustic intro bit! And how fuggin old school Set 2 was! Great show!
You know by now: I’m celebrating 20 personal years of knowing this band, by listening to completely randomly chosen shows (recommendations welcome!) Let’s go!!!


  • We are on acoustics, people! Starting off with one that I am not familiar with. Seems very Brendan Bayliss, though, reminding me a lot of the 30 DB stuff. [This was from Reel to Real, after checking]
  • After some words thrown the crowd’s way, they start an acoustic cover of Where Is My Mind! Beautiful.
  • BB: “Norman. Where are you? It’s your birthday. I wanted to thank you for being a great American.” And then they start the song, still on acoustics. This is likely going to be the prettiest jam of the evening, with the guitars and the piano.
  • After coming back to the song, briefly, they quietly start the Pequod. Incredibly tasteful solo out of Jake, really just nailing it.
  • Back to Great American!
  • Pony slides into Wappy Sprayberry. Crowd loses it. Acoustic guitars are gone. After the first vocal section, as Kris is coming up with his own little bit, Bayliss starts a really interesting oblique little theme counter to this. It’s too bad though, they almost immediately move on from this to something a little bit more aggressive. Cycles thru some cool A and B sections in this space. BB starts to lead back into Wappy and the final verse.
  • Immediately into the extended Believe the Lie intro. Then Lie proper. Song is pretty normal until the buildup section back into the final chorus, which stretches a bit in the best ways!
  • Joel starts something shiny on synth and if I had to guess, we are headed into Nothing Too Fancy. Yep! After several chord cycles, BB starts his intro theme and shortly after Jake follows. Perhaps spurred on by how creatively everyone is playing behind him, Bayliss’s solo has some verve! Jake’s part is more straight ahead.
  • Surprisingly segues into Syncopated Strangers!
  • In another surprise swerve after the first half of Synco, Dump City! Love that they are keeping us on our toes! In the middle of the song everything basically stops until Joel is like “hold my beer” but Pony says “hold my beer” and if there was such a thing as “evil reggae”, that’s what they are now playing. HEAVY return to Dump City!
  • End set, with N2F and Synco still floating…
  • 2x2 set opener! My all time fave UM song. This bodes well. About halfway through, they shift down a couple gears via chords changes…
  • …and there’s the bottom half of Synco! Wonderfully done. I’d love to know if the setlist was planned this way or if they decided on this during the break instead of leaving it dangling! Either way, cool.
  • The way they burst back into 2x2 is kind of making me think the latter…huge reprise!!
  • Ryan is doing something all by his lonesome after the song ends.
  • Just a teaser for August! This part of the set’s been quite old school! After the first chorus, Brendan starts up a nice sounding chord cycle. Joel and Jake really filling it out, good teamwork! Measured rise to a Jake-and-Joel peak and then back into August. Second BB soulo in a row!
  • Brendan: “Thank you all so much for coming out and making it feel like a Friday. We appreciate that! This next one goes out to [can’t hear who], you’re my spirit animal.”
  • HEAVY Robot World intro. Kris not interested in being subtle here. Fuck even the jam is heavy as hell. Joel creating some great texture. There’s a later theme that actually soothes the dynamic way down, a necessary change. You can sense the crescendo nearing though, barely contained behind Joel’s huge organ chords. Then Kris hits a cut time beat and we are in it, more of a jump than a climb. Returns to the quieter section once again - juke!
  • A sustained quiet roll on the drums gives way to Resolution! Still old school AF. With Norwegian Wood quotes! Nah make that a legit NW jam! Back to second verse. The improv refuses to stay in one place, perk world eventually starting up almost an electronic or hip hop beat. Then Joel starts up what sounds like a klaxon over some kind of secret deep sea base…what’s coming??
  • An ankle-breaking lead-in to Bad Poker by Jake is what! Haha! Jaco with the long low note on vox! Quoting Sweet Home Alabama just before his solo. This outro is absolutely, balls to the walls, badass.
  • Crowd loved it! Joel introduces Jake, who in turn provides intros for the rest of the band. Even a heartfelt shout out to the crew! Love it!
  • Divisions! Keeping with the theme I guess- wait….now we are into All in Time? What the fuck is going on?? No for real Bayliss is singing All in Time what was that Divisions business?? First open section is all Kris, nobody quite knows what to make of it, so it smooths out into something quieter, a little eerie. Builds back into the beat Kris started with only THIS time, Jaco is right there. Nobody else can find an in still - it’s kind of funny. Pony just comes in on the one for a while. This is such a fuckin’ drive! The second time they complete a kind of climbing subsection, they end directly back into the final verse of AIT. They’ve had bigger endings for sure, but it doesn’t matter because the classical section hits hard. “Thank you so much for letting us do what we do!”
  • End set
  • After the break, Joel says some heartfelt words to the crowd. I can’t hear all of them on this recording unfortunately, kind of garbled.
  • Miss Gradenko! Gotta love when they do the Police! Song opens up after the lyrics then Jake turns it into a Crazy Train jam. Oh, Jake… things start really building after that homage runs through some chord changes…
  • …yep, back to N2F for a minute to close out. BOOM! Helluva show!
Ngl, the surprises are what put this one up there for me. Love that this band is so dedicated to bringing it. Every. Single. Night!
UMtil next time!
submitted by altermwim2 to Umphreys [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:11 An0nym0u547 On a scale of 1-10, Should I replace my 8 yo HDD?

It's an age old laptop.....I am planning to install Linux on it...... wondering if it will work for next 1-2 years with the HDD or Not....
submitted by An0nym0u547 to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:41 thunderclap_monolith Limbo, closure, lies, and space

Hi, everyone. Four months out from D-Day. Such a long and tangled story as they always are. After I discovered my wife's affair we recoupled and seemed to be making lots of progress. But of course the heaviness returned as she grappled with the shame and guilt and I needed reassurance and love that she didn't know how to give. She needed space. OK. She stayed at an Air B&B, but my alarm bells went off one evening and I caught her at his house. She swore they did not have sex on this occasion and instead told me that she wanted closure with him and realized "this ain't it." A huge emotional discussion followed that ruined us both for days.
It's been all up and down since then to the point that my constant anxiety and panic attacks are tearing me apart. She wanted to go away AGAIN and I begged her to stay and for us to work it out together. She could not. She wrote me a letter instead in which she insisted that she loved me, didn't want to sleep with anyone else, and needed to really work on herself and forgive herself. Fine.
Among the boundaries she suggested was no location sharing.
Now we NEVER shared locations before the affair, but I've been insistent afterward. I called her to discuss the letter. During a tense exchange she said "I don't think I love you anymore." This is one day removed from telling me she loved me more than life, wanted to learn how to show me love in a better way and be strong for me in my time of need. I told her that if she turns her location off that the marriage was pretry much over in my eyes. She didn't like that ultimatum. Our conversation was interrupted and eventually I just texted her "take all the time you need." She said thank you.
I'm so tired. So sad. So despondent. I drove past her Air BB tonight in the dark like a crazy person. I drove by his house 3 times. I drove by her friend's house. Nothing. She's nowhere. I'm full of panic and shame. I want closure so bad...like I almost wanted to find her car at his house tonight so I could end it. But I know that if she walked through the door in two days and said she's ready to work it out that I would take her back.
It's the not knowing that is killing me. The uncertainty. I've tried to understand her and rationalize with her on her very real issues of self esteem, ADHD, career stress, so many things she has dealt with. She does not have the tools to understand herself and then help give us what we need. So the space feels right this time, like maybe she actually is going to work through it and come out the other side. I've always had faith in her. I feel like a fool.
But that phrase: I love you but I'm not in love with you. I never thought I would hear that, and she threw it out so quickly and it haunts me that this could indeed be the end. I'd take her back. I'd end it tomorrow. I don't know what I'd do. I've never been so lost...the life we built, the love and joy we shared, it feels like a dream in someone else's life. But tonight more than anything it's the panic of endless limbo, the weightlessness of quick changes, the shattering of my daily routines and the realization of how truly alone i am.
submitted by thunderclap_monolith to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 20:03 DTG_Bot This Week in Destiny 05/30/2024

Source: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/twid-05-30-24
Before we begin with the TWID, we wanted to let you all know that earlier today, a portion of Destiny 2: The Final Shape was accidentally pushed live on PS5's streaming service. There are currently spoilers being shared online. A small group of players were able to play some of the campaign, access Collections, and other reward info coming in The Final Shape and Echoes. We recommend being very careful on social media over the next few days to avoid spoilers. Remember to exercise caution and be critical of potential misinformation. Please be considerate of others and report leaks so players can experience the conclusion of the Light and Darkness saga themselves.
Thanks to all our community members who have already helped us by reporting leaks and those actively working to prevent more of the experience from being shared before its intended date. It's always extremely difficult when our team's hard work is leaked early, but we are still excited for everyone to experience the full release on June 4 together.
Now on to your regularly scheduled TWID.
This week in Destiny, we’re just days away from The Final Shape. Are you ready? Did you get all the gear you were aiming for? We hope so! And while we can’t give you any drops you may be missing, we can give you information on the new Artifact perks so you can start fine-tuning your perfect build.
List of topics for the week:
  • Destiny 2 x Dungeons & Dragons collaboration.
  • The Final Shape Artifact perk preview.
  • Raid World First race details.
  • Displate art for The Pantheon now available.
  • The Pantheon Creator Challenge concludes.
  • Fireteam Finder voice chat update.
  • Cosplay Cosmodrome.
  • Bungie Rewards last chance.
  • 24-hour downtime for The Final Shape launch.

Destiny 2 x Dungeons & Dragons Collaboration

We’re thrilled to announce Bungie’s latest collaboration with Wizards of the Coast, and the iconic gaming franchise, Dungeons & Dragons, as Wizards celebrates the 50th anniversary of D&D. Faerûn-inspired looks will be available at the Eververse store on June 4, alongside the launch of Destiny 2: The Final Shape. The Gold Dragon-themed Apex Draconic set for Titans, the Mind Flayers-themed Flayer’s Dominion set for Warlocks, and the Displacer Beast’s-themed Spectral Displacer set for Hunters.
Video Link
Additionally, the Adventurer’s Pack Bundle will include a Queen of Dragons ship, the Owlbear Chariot, and the Eye Tyrant Ghost Shell. More cosmetics include the Bigby’s Fist Finisher and the Natural 20 Emote, which will be randomly rolled each time it’s used, as the fates designed.
In addition to the in-game items, the Bungie Store will also be offering an Eye Tyrant Beholder Ghost Shell vinyl figure, inspired by the infamous floating gaze monster from the D&D universe.
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The Final Shape Artifact Preview

With The Final Shape right around the corner, we wanted to give you an early look at the Artifact perks you can expect on launch day and throughout Echoes. The three elements in focus for this Artifact are Solar, Void, and Arc. You'll also find a focus on melee and Swords as well as long-range weapons, such as Sniper Rifles.
Let’s take a look at the Hunter's Journal Artifact.
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Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Column 4
Column 5
Anti-Barrier Pulse Rifle
Your equipped Pulse Rifles fire shield-piercing rounds and stun Barrier Champions. Additionally, Pulse Rifles are always overcharged when that modifier is active.Logic Reductor
Weapons with the Radiolaria Transposer origin perk deal increased damage to Vex. Extends the duration of the radiolaria pools created by Radiolaria Transposer.Elemental Siphon
Rapid final blows with a Kinetic weapon or a weapon matching your equipped Super create an elemental pickup that matches your equipped Super.Counter Energy
When you or a member of your fireteam stuns a champion, you gain energy for your least-charged ability.Prismatic Transfer
When you cast your Super, each member of your fireteam with a Super type different than yours gains a bonus to weapon damage. Unstoppable Sidearm
Aiming down the sights of a Sidearm for a short time loads a powerful explosive payload that stuns unshielded combatants. Strong against Unstoppable Champions.Additionally, Sidearms are always overcharged when the modifier is active.Overcharged Armory
Weapons with the Dealer’s Choice, Radiolaria Transposer, Collective Purpose, and Sundering Origin traits are always Overcharged weapons for you when that modifier is active.Overload Sword
Landing consecutive hits with a Sword you are wielding disrupts combatants, stunning them, delaying ability energy regeneration, and lowering combatant damage output. Strong against Overload Champions.Additionally, Swords are always overcharged when that modifier is active.Blade Stamina
Rapidly defeating combatants with a Sword refunds some ammo.Argent Blade
While you have Armor Charge, dealing damage with a Sword consumes an Armor Charge and empowers your Sword for a short time, granting it bonus damage and energy charge rate. Unstoppable Scout Rifle
Aiming down sights of a Scout Rifle for a short time loads a powerful explosive payload that stuns unshielded combatants. Strong against Unstoppable Champions.Additionally, Scout Rifles are always overcharged when that modifier is active.Authorized Mod: Elemental Charge
The energy cost of Elemental Charge mods are significantly discounted.Creeping Chill
Stasis weapon final blows against slowed or frozen targets release a burst that slows.Void Hegemony
While you have a Void or Prismatic subclass equipped, defeating weakened targets provides a small Void Overshield.Expanding Abyss
Void sources deal increased damage to weakened targets. Overload Hand Cannon
Landing consecutive hits with any Hand Cannon you are wielding disrupts combatants, stunning them, delaying abilities energy regeneration, and lowering combatant damage output. Strong against Overload Champions.Additionally, Hand Cannons are always overcharged when the modifier is active.Saint's Inspiration
Rounds loaded by the Cast No Shadows origin perk can overflow the magazine.Press The Advantage
Breaking a combatant’s shield grants increased weapon stability, handling, and reload speed. Swords gain increased guard resistance.Radiant Orbs
While you have a Solar or Prismatic subclass equipped, picking up an Orb of Power makes you radiant.Shieldcrush
While you have Woven Mail, Frost Armor, or a Void Overshield, your melee recharges faster and deals increased damage.While you have amplified or radiant, your grenade recharges faster and deals increased damage. Anti-Barrier Submachine Gun
Submachine Guns you are wielding fire shield-piercing rounds and stun Barrier Champions.Additionally, Submachine Guns are always overcharged when the modifier is active.Winning Hand
While using weapons with the Dealer’s Choice origin trait, combatant precision final blows or rapidly defeating combatants cause the target to explode, dealing Solar damage to nearby enemies.Having several equipped weapons with the Dealer’s Choice origin trait increases the effect of the explosion.Threaded Blast
Destroying a Tangle with a Strand weapon creates a larger and more damaging explosion.Galvanic Armor
While you have an Arc or Prismatic subclass equipped, incoming damage from combatants is reduced while amplified.Transference
Gain increased grenade and melee damage while transcendent.Weapon final blows while transcendent refund Light and Dark energy after Transcendence ends.

Salvation’s Edge World First Race Details

On June 7 at 10 AM PT, brave fireteams will look to become the first to complete the new raid and take home the coveted World First belt. We have some key details to help in your planning, including requirements for raid entry and updates to the World First race completion criteria.
  • Contest Mode will be enabled for 48 hours.
  • You will need to be at 1965 Power Level to be at the cap through all of the encounters.
Entry Requirements
  • Completing The Final Shape campaign and the Wild Card Exotic quest is a requirement to launch the raid, but only the fireteam leader must meet this requirement. A fair warning for any members of a fireteam who do not complete The Final Shape campaign before jumping into Salvation’s Edge—the raid contains spoilers.
Completion Criteria
  • We have changed the way we will track and recognize the World First completion of the raid. Fireteams will no longer be required to return to orbit to finish the race. The first fireteam to finish every encounter and loot the final chest will be declared World First and have their victory immortalized with Salvations’ Edge World First raid belts.
Similar to Crota’s End, we will be working to quickly check with analytics before we announce the winning team on our social channels and will then start our more thorough security review. We don’t want to make everyone wait around while we dig into this data, but if we do find that any cheating or violations have occurred, we reserve the right to disqualify a team and crown the next fireteam in line World First, even after an announcement.
For full details on eligibility and requirements for the World First race, please visit our official rules.
We encourage all players to complete The Final Shape campaign and Wild Card Exotic quest prior to the launch of Salvation’s Edge to have the best story experience possible.

World First Race on Twitch Rivals

As we mentioned last week, we’re partnering with Twitch Rivals on a World First race broadcast covering some of the streamers participating in the race, with commentary conducted by returning hosts Professor Broman and Reck1568.
If you are a creator looking to be part of the event, sign-ups are open until June 3 at 5 PM PT. Remember to link your Bungie and Twitch accounts so you can receive rewards. Check out our guide on how you can link your accounts.
Registered and approved creators will be provided with the following exclusive Twitch Drops while the World First race is taking place:
Stand in Salvation Emblem: Watch at least 2 hours of any Destiny 2 streamer.
  • Active between 9:30 AM PT on June 7 and 9:30 AM PT on June 9.
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Roots Remain Emblem: Watch at least 2 hours of Destiny 2 Twitch Rivals stream or any participating Twitch Rivals creator.
  • Active between 9:30 AM PT on June 7 and 9:30 AM PT on June 9.
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Wrest the Heart Emblem: Subscribe to your favorite Destiny 2 streamer.
  • Active between 9:30 AM PT on June 7 and 9:30 AM PT on June 9.
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Beyond the available Twitch Drops, we've got other goodies available during the World First Twitch Rivals event. We are releasing a global chat emote to celebrate the World First race and you’ll also have a chance to earn some epic Global Chat badges by watching or streaming.
PopGhost Global Chat Emote:
This chat emote will be available to all users of Twitch.* Active between 9:30 AM PT on June 7 and 9:30 AM PT on June 14. Image Linkimgur
Scanning Ghost Chat Badge:
Stream Destiny 2 for 30 minutes.* Active between 9:30 AM PT on June 7 and 9:30 AM PT on June 9.Image Linkimgur Ghost Chat Badge:
Watch 15 minutes of The Final Shape raid on Twitch Rivals.* Active between 9:30 AM PT on June 7 and 9:30 AM PT on June 9.Image Linkimgur

The Pantheon Displate Metal Poster Now Available

As we mentioned last week, we partnered with the extremely talented Brazilian artist Gabriel Flauzino to create an epic piece of artwork commemorating The Pantheon. We also partnered with our friends at Displate to bring this artwork to life as a collectible metal poster.
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The metal poster, including a format with their new 3D-enhanced Textra finish, is available for purchase now. So head over to Displate and grab yours today.

The Pantheon Creator Challenge Concludes

With the launch of The Pantheon, we pitted two teams of creators against each other to see who would come out on top. Now, after four weeks, we've crowned a winner. Congratulations to Team Sweat!
Team Sweat
Sweatcicle (captain)evanf1997PureChillBennyYellowsLightSneakyBeaver
Beyond the bragging rights, the team’s captain, Sweatcicle, will earn an incredible life-size physical fabrication of the fan-favorite Falling Guillotine BRAVE Arsenal sword.
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Fireteam Finder Voice Chat Update

We're making coordination with your fireteam in Fireteam Finder even easier. With the launch of The Final Shape, we're adding a new voice chat channel for Fireteam Finder lobbies. Players will be able to use voice chat to coordinate their plans and discuss options before launching into the activity. Once in a Fireteam Finder lobby, players can press left arrow/dpad-left to cycle through the Fireteam Finder and fireteam voice chat channels as they please.

Cosplay Cosmodrome

The first looks of Cosplay Cosmodrome were also revealed this week, as Kamichan83 and IlGritz showed off their Crow and Cayde-6 cosplays. Fans of Destiny 2 characters and the cosplay community can look forward to more cosplays coming soon.Check out this blog for more information on Cosplay Cosmodrome.
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Bungie Rewards Last Chance

This is your last chance to earn access to some incredible Bungie Rewards tied to Destiny 2: Into the Light, Lightfall, Year-6 Seasonal content, Moments of Triumph, and more. Head over to Bungie Rewards to check out the full list. You have until June 3, 2024, at 6 AM PT to earn access to these rewards, so don’t delay!
If you’ve already earned access to these Bungie Rewards, you have until July 2, 2024, at 9:59 AM PT to purchase your items.

Player Support Report

Nezarac is trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty.
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Next Monday, maintenance for Update will begin. Below is a timeline of events:
June 3, 2024, 10 AM PT (-7 UTC): Destiny 2 is brought offline.June 4, 2024, 10 AM PT (-7 UTC): Destiny 2 will be brought back online. Update will be playable on all platforms and regions.June 4, 2024, 12 PM PT (-7 UTC): Destiny 2 maintenance is scheduled to complete.

The Final Shape Pre-load

Pre-load for Update will be available prior to the game’s release. Below are pre-load timelines and instructions based on platform:
Beginning on June 3, 2024, after 10 AM PT (-7 UTC), users can start pre-downloading Update by:
Navigating to Destiny 2Pressing the “Options” buttonAnd selecting “Check for Updates”
In an effort to decrease server load, some PlayStation users may be able to pre-download Update starting on June 1, 2024, after 10 AM PT (-7 UTC) if they have auto update/download enabled on their PlayStation. Click here for instructions on how to set up auto update/download.
Pre-load for Xbox will be available shortly after Destiny 2 is taken offline for expected maintenance on June 3, 2024, 10 AM PT (-7 UTC). Click here for instructions on how to set up auto update.
Pre-load for Steam will be available shortly after Destiny 2 is taken offline for expected maintenance on June 3, 2024, 10 AM PT (-7 UTC). Update should be automatically added to the download queue once it is available to pre-load. Click here for more information on managing Steam downloads and updates.
Epic Games Store
Pre-load for Epic Games Store will be available shortly after Destiny 2 is taken offline for expected maintenance on June 3, 2024, 10 AM PT (-7 UTC). Update should be automatically added to the download queue once it is available to pre-load. Click here for support with Epic Games Store downloads and updates.
Microsoft Store
Pre-load for Microsoft Store will be available shortly after Destiny 2 is taken offline for expected maintenance on June 3, 2024, 10 AM PT (-7 UTC). Update should automatically be put in the download queue once it is available to pre-load. Click here for more information on managing Microsoft Store downloads and updates.

Storage Requirements

Below are the updated storage requirements for The Final Shape:
Destiny 2 Install Size
Storage Space Needed for Installation of Current Destiny 2 Players
  • Destiny 2 Install Size may vary based on languages installed, size shown is maximum size possible
** PlayStation 4: Includes current installed version of Destiny 2 (110.70 GB) + Update pre-load (18.61 GB) = 129.31 GB
*** Steam: Includes current installed version of Destiny 2 (up to 144.20 GB) + Update pre-load (up to 155.50 GB) = 299.70 GB

PC Operating System Requirements

Beginning on June 4, 2024, Destiny 2 is ending support for Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1 operating systems.
For more information, please visit our Destiny 2 on PC System Requirements help article.

The Final Shape Day-1 Known Issues List

We are finalizing our list of certain information and issues we are investigating that we want players to be aware of prior to the launch of The Final Shape.
We expect this list to be published before Update is live on June 4, 2024. Please stay tuned to https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News for more information.

Claim Your Seasonal Rewards

Season of the Wish and Into the Light end on June 3. Make sure to claim any expiring rewards before they’re gone, including:
  • Seasonal Seals and rewards
  • Season Pass items
  • Season vendor rewards
  • Shaxx, Zavala, Drifter, and Saint-14 rewards
  • Banshee-44 reputation items
  • Bungie Rewards

Destiny Content Vault Updates

With the start of Year 7 in Destiny 2 on June 4, 2024, certain items will be deprecated from player inventories that correspond with vaulted activities and Seasonal campaigns. They will be moved into the Destiny Content Vault.
We have updated the Destiny Content Vault article to reflect these changes. We've also created a new article fully outlining Items Being Deprecated at the Start of Year 7 for players to reference.

Known Issues

While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help forum:
  • Last Wish weapon rewards from The Pantheon can drop as the old versions of the weapons.
  • Some Iron Banner legacy ornaments are missing unlock descriptions.
  • A selection of reprised weapons have incorrect lore tabs when inspected.
  • Chests opened with Salvage Keys in Season of the Deep activities will not drop the expected daily red-border weapons.
For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, review our Known Issues article. If you observe other issues, please report them to our #Help forum.

Ahamkara Hunter

Image Linkimgur
Don't you love this art style? So iconic, so fitting for our dear wish dragons. Good job!
Grace, via X/Twitter
Image Linkimgur

A Titan Remembers

Image Linkimgur
In the Glykon, no one can hear you scream. Or pop your Super.
Image Linkimgur](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frxGemlE_jg)
That’s it for this week. This is the last TWID before The Final Shape. We can’t wait to have you experience everything we’ve been working on. We’ll be monitoring feedback and questions, so let us know how your experience is going once you jump in. You can check out our D2Teams accounts throughout the week for responses and updates.
We’ll be back next week with another TWID. Until then, best of luck, Guardians! Let’s show the Witness what we’re made of.

Destiny 2 Community Team
submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:16 engineeeeer7 Builds for each of the Final Shape Exotic Armors


New exotics mean new builds! I know not everyone is psyched but I think there's some neat stuff here. A lot of this information was determined from FalloutPlay's exotic video which I highly recommend. It's hard to say how strong these are till we play with them but I thought I'd make the effort to help people try them out.



For more in progress descriptions of what these exotics do check out the Destiny Data Compendium which is always being updated with specific descriptions and numbers.
That's all I got for today. Is it the last build guide? Who knows!?
submitted by engineeeeer7 to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:16 engineeeeer7 Builds for each of the Final Shape Exotic Armors


New exotics mean new builds! I know not everyone is psyched but I think there's some neat stuff here. A lot of this information was determined from FalloutPlay's exotic video which I highly recommend. It's hard to say how strong these are till we play with them but I thought I'd make the effort to help people try them out.



For more in progress descriptions of what these exotics do check out the Destiny Data Compendium which is always being updated with specific descriptions and numbers.
That's all I got for today. Is it the last build guide? Who knows!?
submitted by engineeeeer7 to destiny2builds [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 17:56 smolbibeans Trip report : One month through 10 US National Parks in April-May

Trip report : One month through 10 US National Parks in April-May
I'm back from a roadtrip from San Francisco to Hamilton, ON, through Nevada, Utah, Northern Arizona, Western Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota and more, with some camping but mostly motel/hostels/staying with family and friends. I came to this subreddit before for advice so I thought I'd do a little trip report on what I packed/what I bought vs what I actually used or needed.
Overall, I think I did a good job packing, it all fit into one carry on (+ personal item okay), and I was pretty ready for everything we encountered while not feeling like I overpacked. At the coldest, it was 26°F (-3°C) at night in Great Basin, NV and Bryce Canyon, UT, and at the warmest it was 77°F (25°C) in the day in Zion. We had pretty moderate temperatures for most of our trip, from Moab to Yellowstone we had a very mild version of each place's weather and that was great.
1- Quechua Forclaz 50L : this has been my trusted backpack for over 7 years, I considered upgrading to an Osprey before this trip but couldn't justify it financially when it was still working, and I don't regret it. Having a backpack I know so well was great
2- Quechua Arpenaz 20L : potentially slightly cheating drop the one bag rule, I had this as a personal item on the plane (to bring gifts from France to the US and other gifts back from the US to France) and to serve as a day pack on hikes. It worked great, I could fit in a water bottle on each side, my tripod, a sweater, lunch, snack, camera accessories, my hat if it got cumbersome, just perfect.
3- a mesh tote bag (not pictured here) that folds very small and could be stuffed in a pocket. Like I predicted, it was super convenient for grocery trips, times where I didn't want to have a whole backpack with me, or to create a compartment of sort within my day pack.
Clothes :
  • 8 tops : 2 thermal long sleeve shirts, 4 tee shirts, 1 nicer long sleeve blouse, 1 tank top => I used both of the 2 thermal shirts a lot, I assigned one of them to be for cold nights of camping and the other one for hiking. It was the right amount of tee shirts and tank top ; I will say the nicer blouse (called a sassy top by a commenter lol) was not necessary, but I did wear it twice, for a dinner out at a restaurant and a hostel party, and I was glad I had it.
-1 summer dress (could be worn on top of the thermal long sleeve and leggings if it was colder or on its own if it was warmer) => this one I was also recommended to drop, but given how warm it was getting and the fact that I wanted to have nice options I still took it. I ended up wearing it a couple of times for outings, but also every time I went swimming, as a pre-/post swim outfit to just throw on top of a swimsuit, so it was convenient to have
-7 bottoms : 1 pair of cycling shorts, 1 skirt, 2 pair of black leggings, 1 pair of light wide legged pants, 1 pair of joggings, 1 pair of after ski pants => people had conflicting advice on the wide legged pants, I'm glad I took them because they were flowy and great for layering with leggings on days where there was a big temperature difference between the morning and the afternoon and comfy for long drives. People pointed out it seemed like there was a legging or pair of jogging missing (originally only 1 legging), so I went to Walmart and REI when I got to the US and I ended up buying the legging as welle as the jogging and the skort. The legging was a great buy, with 2 pairs I could again use one at night for camping and one for hiking ; the jogging would have been great if it didn't end up being too big and uncomfortable, I only wore it on laundry days ; and I only used the skort once, but tbh I bought it knowing it would be mostly used once I would be home, it was just good quality at REI and great price.
  • 1 pyjama set + 1 pair of warm bed socks=> I actually bought the pyjama set once in the US, and used 2 pairs of socks when camping.
  • 9 underwear, 7 pair of socks (mix of ski socks and sport socks), 2 regular bras and 2 sports bra => I ended up buying an extra sports bra at Walmart, it was a good price and I ended up using it so much more than I thought I would. Looking back, I would take 3 sports bra and only 1 regular bra, and an extra 1 or two pairs of socks. It was fine as it was but my socks got dirty so much quicker than I was expecting and I really needed to change them once a day, and with the extra requirement of an extra pair of sock to sleep at night it was a bit tight.
-1 swimsuit => wasn't sure I used it but I was very happy to have it in the end ! I used it to swim in Lake Powell as well as relax in the pools of two different hotels we stayed in after long days of driving.
  • 3 sweaters : 1 thinner sweater and 2 fleece jackets, they could be layered on top of one another => was originally planning on taking only one fleece but the good people of this sub convinced me otherwis, and I was very glad I listened. I was wearing a fleece at least at some point almost every day, even for a couple of hours, and I felt a lot less dirty being able to switch fleece.
  • *1 puffer jacket *=> I was originally thinking about taking a leather jacket, because I owned one and I didn't want to spend the money buying a puffer... You guys gave me a talking to haha, and you were right !! I also got great recommendations and ended up getting a puffer from Decathlon, it is so comfy and practical, folds into a pocket, not the warmest thing I've ever seen but worked very well layered with a fleece, also not very waterproof though.
-*1 rain coat *=> I mentioned a rain "cap" in my previous post, thinking about a cape or poncho, and that mistake caused some confusion haha. I ended up finding a raincoat in my closet that I took, I didn't end up using it but still glad I had it just in case.
Shoes :
-1 pair of hiking boots => they're somewhat falling apart inside but still sturdy and good. I did realize in this trip that they were a bit big, especially because I could never lace them as tight as I wanted around the ankle
  • 1 pair of sneakers=> I got myself some good tennis shoes/athletic shoes/whatever you want to call them and they were super comfy and efficient.
  • I had considered taking a pair of flip flops or sandals, didn't have space for them and forgot to buy any. I think it would have been good while showering in common showers a couple of times, and convenient after a swim, but I dealt fine without them.
Accessories :
-A travel pillow=> self explanatory, was great to use on the plane and for camping, actually forgot it on one of my flights back
  • A pillowcase=> great for stuffing with my travel pillow and a fleece jacket while camping
  • Microfiber towel => I used this surprisingly rarely (only 3 times the whole trip I believe);as all the hostel, hotel and friends we stayed at provided us with towels, and we didn't shower at campings that often...
  • 1 earwarmer=> especially useful when camping in the evening and at night, also used as an eye mask to sleep in the morning despite the sun
  • 1 scarf
-1 pair of finger less gloves=> people told me to get actual gloves, I didn't and I didn't miss it because it didn't get that cold and it didn't snow except lightly one morning in Colorado. But my hands do stay very warm naturally, and my partner was happy to have her own gloves.
  • Sunhat
  • A pair of sunglasses + My regular reading glasses
  • A small light water bottle (0.25L or 9 Oz) => this was objectively very small, but I decided against my Hydroflask because of its weight. This was good for short walks and just at night, I got bigger bottles on the trip and we used them to store water in the car as well as take on longer hikes
  • A big travel mug => I didn't bring it with me from France but got one from my in laws while in the US, great when camping
  • *Jewelry *: 3 pair of earrings, 2 necklaces => completely overkill, on the rare occasions I dressed up or wanted to wear jewelry I only ever wore the same one pair of earrings.
Toiletries :
  • Comb
  • Beauty stuff : mini eyeshadow palette, liquid eyeshadow, small concealer, BB cream, compact powder, mascara, two liquid lipsticks => I actually ended up using all of this at some point except one of the lipsticks. The liquid eyeshadow was a purchase right before this trip and it was awesome
  • Skincare: niacinamid face sunscreen, niacinamide serum, hyaluronic acid face cream => that was plenty enough, my skin loves niacinamide
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste, soap, shampoo, conditioner => all purchased while we were there to use for both of us
  • Medication : some doses of diarrhea medication, some paracetamol, migraine medication, allergy pills, acid reflux pills => I did injure my tailbone like a week in and didnt have anything for that, but bought a huge bottle of Naproxen at Costco for $8 so it was fine.
Electronics :
  • Redmi Note 12 5G with 256 Go memory
  • Portable battery => it was enough to charge my phone 2-3 times, I didn't actually ever need to fully use it because the most we camped in a row was 4 nights and we weren't cross country backpacking. I do want to invest in a solar powered one eventually
  • Universal adaptor
  • Camera : Canon EOS M50 with a 15-45mm lens => I've had it since it came out in 2018 and it's so compact and easy to use ! I got it professionally cleaned before I left and that was a good idea
  • Camera accessories: Boya universal cardioid microphone with furry windshield, old Slick tripod a family friend gifted me, 3 extra camera batteries, 1 regular charger, 1 usb compatible charger that I can plug on my portable battery, 2x16Go memory card and one 512 Go memory card => everything worked great, my 512 Go memory card lasted me the whole month without having to empty it despite vlogging as well
  • No computer => I had posted here that I was going back and forth on taking my laptop, and a few Reddit users correctly pointed out that I was considering taking it out of fear rather than any real necessities. I had my phone with YouTube and netflix and social media, one book, and that was enough entertainment honestly. I did take a small memory harddrive with some movies on it to maybe watch on my partner's computers, did not end up using it so...
And that's it !
Organisation wise, I put :
  • all of my light clothes for warm weather in one packing cube,
  • all of my clothes for colder weather in another packing cube,
  • my underwear and socks between a smaller pouch and my sneakers when flying,
  • my towel and swimsuit in a very thin and foldable dry bag,
  • my pajama for the next night (depending on the weather) in the pillow case
  • my toiletries, jewelry, make up, skincare and medication in a little toiletry bag (with the liquids in the transparent bag within it).
  • my electronics in a little pouch => I wanted to get a specific electronic pouch that would be more sturdy and also prevent cables from getting tangled but I thought about it too late to purchase it and this random one I had worked fine
Once in the US, we bought or got from my in-laws the actual camping gear, since it was for the roadtrip and I didn't have to fly with it I'm not including it here.
Happy to answer any questions, I'm very thankful to this community and all the travel ones on Reddit :)
submitted by smolbibeans to HerOneBag [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 15:45 us_against_the_world Women's Cricket Pub Quiz

Women's Cricket Pub Quiz
Organising a Women's Cricket-themed quiz for my friends on the weekend. Wanted to share a few questions. Hope you guys enjoy it.


Answer: Harmanpreet Kaur 171 (115) - India vs Australia, 2nd Semi-Final, ICC Women's World Cup 2017

Answer: Belinda Clark 229 (155) - Mumbai, Women's World Cup 1997

Answer: Run out by Deepti Sharma - 3rd ODI, Lord's, September 24, 2022, India Women’s tour of England

Answer: Issy Wong 4-15 - Eliminator (N), DY Patil, Women's Premier League 2023

Answer: Tara Norris 5-29 - Brabourne, Women's Premier League 2023


Q1. X’s association with cricket is long and glorious. Once while attending a women’s cricket match, Shubhangi Kulkarni, then secretary of the Women’s Cricket Association of India, asked X since she has done so much for men’s cricket why didn’t she step in for them. X waived off her fee for ads so that it could be put into the women’s cricket team and as brand ambassador for a jewellery brand, Asmi ensured that the brand sponsored the women’s cricket team for a series against West Indies in 2004. In her capacity, she got sponsors for the team between 2003-2005.
Identify X.
Answer: Mandira Bedi
Source 1 Source 2

Q2. The exact origins of X are unknown and contradictory theories exist, with a popular one going that the English Christiana Willes invented it. Fed up with tangling her arm in her skirt when bowling to her brother John, a Kent player, she did something revolutionary. On July 15, 1822, John used this revolutionary style for Kent against MCC at Lord's and was no-balled. In protest, he mounted his horse and rode away. Bylaws were changed and eventually, in 1864, bowlers could officially do anything other than throw. What revolutionary thing did Christiana Willes is credited with inventing?
Answer: Overarm bowling

Q3. Connect the following:
  • Concocted by English captain Rachael Heyhoe Flint and businessperson Jack Hayward.
  • Took place 2 years before the men’s version.
  • Princess Anne watched Heyhoe-Flint, the England captain, strike a fifty and take the match for the hosts against Australia.
  • Prime Minister Edward Heath hosted a reception at 10 Downing Street.
Answer: The inaugural Women’s World Cup held in 1973 consisted of 7 teams - England, Australia, New Zealand, International XI, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and Young England
submitted by us_against_the_world to WPL [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 15:16 Purple_Chest One World, One Blood Bowl #46 Return to BB part 1: FUMBBL

One World, One Blood Bowl #46 Return to BB part 1: FUMBBL
Due to work and Real Life issue, One World, One Blood Bowl had to pause.
But over the next few months, things look more Blood Bowly down my endz and its time to for me to gently dip my toe back into Blood Bowl. Is it worth returning to? What's hot and what's not? So loosely theming each show around FUMBBL, Blood Bowl 3 and Table Top (ironically utterly against the entire concept of OWOBB) over the next three weeks i plan to have a good old route around Blood Bowl and Say...
'Wassup to ma Bowldem, is BB peng, basic or fire? no cap'
Oh yes, OWOBB is going to be all modern and stuff. With an exciting new logo, and... er... that's it really, it's still going to be some old bearded bloke chatting with three others about Blood Bowl. I mean, that seemed to work, so it'll be like that. But better, and 2024.
So, this Sunday, 2nd June 2024, at 9pm BST (which i think is 20:00 UTC, but don't trust me, check, 'cos i get that stuff wrong) live on: https://www.twitch.tv/purplechest
Your panel, introduced by way of searingly current cultural reference:
PurpleChest: Jon Snow: He Knows Nothing, and had a saucy Aunt who is now dead.
Bazakastine: Sansa Stark: Long hair and ended up in charge of stuff somehow.
neilwat: Hodor: Pure of heart, gets stuff done.
Elyod: Hot Pie
So this one is going to be very chatty, centering on FUMBBL and no doubt covering Gnomes, the latest errata/FAQ/Changes and other topical musings.
Join us live, we try to include points and questions from chat, or catch the Podcast/Vodcast 24 hours later in all the usual places. YouTube, Spotify etc etc. Also the Twitch Highlight.
submitted by Purple_Chest to bloodbowl [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 14:55 us_against_the_world Women's Cricket Pub Quiz

Women's Cricket Pub Quiz
Organising a Women's Cricket-themed quiz for my friends on the weekend. Wanted to share a few questions. Hope you guys enjoy it.

Answer: Harmanpreet Kaur 171 (115) - India vs Australia, 2nd Semi-Final, ICC Women's World Cup 2017

Answer: Belinda Clark 229 (155) - Mumbai, Women's World Cup 1997

Answer: Run out by Deepti Sharma - 3rd ODI, Lord's, September 24, 2022, India Women’s tour of England

Answer: Issy Wong 4-15 - Eliminator (N), DY Patil, Women's Premier League 2023

Answer: Tara Norris 5-29 - Brabourne, Women's Premier League 2023

Q1. X’s association with cricket is long and glorious. Once while attending a women’s cricket match, Shubhangi Kulkarni, then secretary of the Women’s Cricket Association of India, asked X since she has done so much for men’s cricket why didn’t she step in for them. X waived off her fee for ads so that it could be put into the women’s cricket team and as brand ambassador for a jewellery brand, Asmi ensured that the brand sponsored the women’s cricket team for a series against West Indies in 2004. In her capacity, she got sponsors for the team between 2003-2005.
Identify X.
Answer: Mandira Bedi
Source 1 Source 2

Q2. The exact origins of X are unknown and contradictory theories exist, with a popular one going that the English Christiana Willes invented it. Fed up with tangling her arm in her skirt when bowling to her brother John, a Kent player, she did something revolutionary. On July 15, 1822, John used this revolutionary style for Kent against MCC at Lord's and was no-balled. In protest, he mounted his horse and rode away. Bylaws were changed and eventually, in 1864, bowlers could officially do anything other than throw. What revolutionary thing did Christiana Willes is credited with inventing?
Answer: Overarm bowling

Q3. Connect the following:
  • Concocted by English captain Rachael Heyhoe Flint and businessperson Jack Hayward.
  • Took place 2 years before the men’s version.
  • Princess Anne watched Heyhoe-Flint, the England captain, strike a fifty and take the match for the hosts against Australia.
  • Prime Minister Edward Heath hosted a reception at 10 Downing Street.
Answer: The inaugural Women’s World Cup held in 1973 consisted of 7 teams - England, Australia, New Zealand, International XI, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and Young England

Previous Question Question Megathread
submitted by us_against_the_world to WomensCricket [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 08:23 Significant-Tower146 Best 270 Hunting Rifle

Best 270 Hunting Rifle

Get ready to embark on an exciting journey as we explore the world of hunting rifles. In this article, we're diving deep into the 270 Hunting Rifle, a popular choice among avid hunters. From its powerful features to its versatile capabilities, we'll uncover the ins and outs of this exceptional rifle. So sit back, relax, and get ready for some thrilling insights.

The Top 13 Best 270 Hunting Rifle

  1. Authentic Western 410 Double Barrel Shotgun - The Denix Replicas 1853 Civil War Enfield Rifle combines the accuracy of the original 1853 Enfield revolver and the historical allure of the American Civil War, crafted as a standout piece for Civil War enthusiasts or collectors.
  2. Authentic Tubular Magazine Lever-Action Repeating Rifle Replica - Non-Firing - Bring home a piece of the Old West with this non-firing M1866 Lever-Action Repeating Rifle, featuring a gray finish, wooden stock, and the iconic lever-action loading system that made it a legend.
  3. Denix 1860 Henry Repeating Rifle Brass Finish Frame - Experience the thrill of the Old West with the Denix 1030L, a brass finish lever action rifle that captures the spirit of the 1860 Henry Repeating Rifle.
  4. Accurate M16A1 Non-Firing Airsoft Gun Replica - Experience authentic M16A1 action with the Denix 1133 Non Firing Replica, perfect for Airsoft enthusiasts.
  5. Non-Firing Winchester Lever-Action Reproducible Rifle - Get your hands on the exquisite Winchester 1873 Lever-Action Repeating Non Firing Rifle, featuring an engraved silver finish receiver and octagonal barrel, for an unmatched shooting experience that's both realistic and safe.
  6. Historical French Carbine Rifle Replica with 28.75" Barrel Length - Experience the power of history with the Denix Replicas 1037 French Carbine Rifle Replica, a perfect piece for collectors and enthusiasts alike.
  7. Camo Kentucky Toy Rifle from Parris Manufacturing Company - The Parris Camo Kentucky Toy Rifle, inspired by the U.S. Army and Navy training rifles, features a camouflage print and authentic one-piece wood stock for an immersive playtime experience.
  8. Authentic 18th Century Kentucky Rifle Replica for Outdoor Enthusiasts - Experience the accuracy and elegance of the past with the Denix 1138 Kentucky Rifle Replica - a piece of American history in your hands.
  9. Kid-safe wooden BB gun toy - Golden Ranger design - The Parris Toys Golden Ranger Toy Rifle, featuring an 1866 Lever Action design, is crafted from wood and golden steel metal, measuring 28 inches long with a full orange tip for safety - making it the perfect choice for kids who love BB guns.
  10. Vintage Kentucky Long Rifle with Rifled Bore - Ideal for Hunting Enthusiasts - Experience the legacy of American frontier heroism with the classic Denix Kentucky Long Rifle: a rare combination of historical accuracy and modern functionality in a limited edition 243 Semi Auto Rifle.
  11. Vintage Camo Hunting Toy Rifle for Halloween Costumes - Experience the thrill of the jungle with this authentic-looking Jungle Kombatter Rifle, perfect for your military or hunting costume this Halloween!
  12. Ravin R29X Sniper Crossbow Package for Unrivaled Hunting Experience - Experience the thrill of high-speed sniping with the Ravin R29X Sniper Crossbow Package, featuring an outstanding 450 FPS velocity and sleek design for unmatched precision and comfort.
  13. Vintage-Inspired Winchester Rubber Band Rifle with Rugged Wood Finish - Experience the thrill of shooting with the Magnum 1873 Winchester Rubber Band Rifle, perfect for target practice or cosplay, and recommended for ages 14+ with adult supervision.
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🔗Authentic Western 410 Double Barrel Shotgun

When I first came across the Denix Replicas 1067 1853 Civil War Enfield Rifle, its authentic design and historical significance piqued my interest. As a history enthusiast, I was excited to have this replica in my possession. The craftsmanship of the wooden and metal construction was impressive, capturing the essence of the era. However, my excitement soon turned into a slight disappointment when I realized that the rifle was just for decoration and didn't shoot.
Despite this minor setback, the replica's ability to transport me back in time and provide me with a tangible connection to history was a positive aspect. The attention to detail and the dedication to preserving its historical significance made the Enfield Rifle a worthwhile addition to my collection. It's a great conversation starter and a visually stunning piece to display in any room.
Nonetheless, I can understand how some collectors might be put off by the fact that the rifle is non-functional. While it doesn't impact the overall design and quality of the product, it may be a deciding factor for those looking for a functional replica. Overall, the Denix Replicas 1853 Civil War Enfield Rifle is an accurate and visually stunning representation of a bygone era, making it a valuable addition for any history enthusiast's collection.

🔗Authentic Tubular Magazine Lever-Action Repeating Rifle Replica - Non-Firing


I've had the opportunity to use the M1866 Lever-Action Repeating Rifle myself, and I have to say, it's a real piece of history. The gun has such a powerful presence, it demands attention wherever you put it up. The gray finish certainly adds an antique touch, and the wooden stock is both sturdy and aesthetically pleasing.
One of my favorite aspects of this replica is the lever-action mechanism. It works just like the original, giving you a feel of the Old West right in your own home. And even though it's a non-firing version, it perfectly demonstrates how the loading system works.
However, there's one thing I would change. At 38 3/4 inches, it's quite a large piece to handle. Despite its grandeur, it can feel a bit unwieldy at times. But overall, this M1866 is a remarkable replica that captures the essence of the legend.

🔗Denix 1860 Henry Repeating Rifle Brass Finish Frame

The Denix 1030L Old West Lever Action with a brass finish frame is a captivating replica of the Henry Repeating Rifle, a revolutionary design from the Civil War era. Standing at an impressive 42.5 inches long, this rifle has its original tubular magazine system and 24-inch octagonal barrel that once held 15 rounds of. 44 caliber metal cartridges.
The brass finish frame adds an authentic touch to this historical weapon and offers a robust feel when held. However, one must remember that although it looks and feels the part, it lacks the necessary components for actual firepower.
It serves as a striking conversation piece or a nostalgic reminder of the Old West, but it comes with its own set of challenges as well. Overall, the Denix 1030L offers a blend of history, aesthetics, and a bit of a learning curve for enthusiasts who appreciate the craftsmanship of the past.

🔗Accurate M16A1 Non-Firing Airsoft Gun Replica

As an airsoft enthusiast, I've had the chance to try out the Denix 1133 M16A1 Rifle Replica. It's a solid piece of equipment, reminiscent of the iconic military rifle used back in the 60s to the 80s.
One thing that immediately caught my attention was its attention to detail - it honestly feels like a real weapon with its working mechanisms. However, one downside that I've noticed is that it's non-firing, which might be a disappointment for some who are looking for a more interactive experience. Overall, though, it has been a great addition to my airsoft collection, and I look forward to using it more in upcoming games.

🔗Non-Firing Winchester Lever-Action Reproducible Rifle

Recently, I had the opportunity to try out this replica Winchester 1873 rifle. As someone who appreciates the craftsmanship that goes into these reproductions, I was pleasantly surprised by the detail and weight of this piece. Holding it, you can feel the authenticity of the design, with its engraved silver finish and octagonal barrel that harkens back to a time when guns were crafted with precision.
However, one thing that stood out in my experience was the non-functioning mechanism. As a replica, it's expected that you can't actually fire it, but I was a bit disappointed that you couldn't simulate the loading process either. Other than that, I think it's an excellent addition to any collection, be it for aesthetic purposes or for use in photoshoots or performances. It certainly adds a touch of authenticity to any setting, and with its sturdy construction, it will likely last quite a while.

🔗Historical French Carbine Rifle Replica with 28.75" Barrel Length

The Denix Replicas 1037 French Carbine Rifle Replica is a fascinating piece to have in your collection. This miniature 1763 Charleville musket replica, crafted in a carbine style, is a perfect representation of the original weapon that made a considerable impact during the Revolutionary War. Standing tall at an overall length of 45 inches and boasting a 28.75-inch barrel, this remarkable replica exudes the look and feel of the genuine article.
From my personal experience, I was genuinely captivated by its meticulous attention to detail - from the flintlock mechanism to the wood finish. It was an absolute delight to hold and examine closely, making it an excellent addition to any history or weapon enthusiast's collection.
However, the size might be somewhat challenging for individuals with smaller displays or limited storage space. Nonetheless, this seemingly small inconvenience doesn't outweigh the satisfaction one would get from owning such a historically significant and well-crafted piece.
Overall, the Denix Replicas 1037 French Carbine Rifle Replica is a must-have for anyone interested in exploring the rich tapestry of weapons history.

🔗Camo Kentucky Toy Rifle from Parris Manufacturing Company

I recently got my hands on the Parris Camo Kentucky Toy Rifle, and let me tell you, it's a fun addition to my collection of retro toys. The camouflage print adds a modern touch while still maintaining that classic feel. The one-piece wood stock and painted steel barrel give it a sturdy feel.
One thing I noticed is that the rifle can shoot caps one at a time for some realistic sounds. It might take a bit of effort to load each cap, but it's all part of the experience. The length of the rifle, 37.5 inches, gives it a considerable presence.
While I enjoy the Camo Big Game Musket, it could be a bit challenging for younger kids to handle due to its size. But overall, it's a fun toy that brings back memories of simpler times.

🔗Authentic 18th Century Kentucky Rifle Replica for Outdoor Enthusiasts

I was able to get my hands on the Denix 1138 Kentucky Rifle Replica, and let me tell you, it's a beauty. With its historical accuracy and intricate details, it really takes you back to the late 1700s.
The shorter version makes it perfect for my home, and it's quite impressive how far off the shot would have been without the "rifled" bore design! . However, I wish it could come with some additional safety features, as some of the moving parts are quite sensitive and may be accident-prone. Nonetheless, the Denix 1138 Kentucky Rifle Replica is definitely a standout for any history enthusiast or collector.

🔗Kid-safe wooden BB gun toy - Golden Ranger design

Imagine sitting around the campfire with your little band of Wild West wannabes, sharing stories of long-gone adventures under a sea of stars. In the center of it all, a shiny golden piece of equipment gleams next to a crackling fire. Your child's eyes light up like an old miner, eager to embark on this fantastical journey. That's the magic of the Parris Toys Golden Ranger Toy Rifle for Kids.
Crafted with precision, this toy has a rich, deep-golden luster that would make the likes of famous frontiersmen like Wyatt Earp or Pat Garrett green with envy. Made of both wood and golden steel, this eye-catching piece exudes an endearing mix of sturdiness and allure. At 28 inches, it's a substantial toy that has an air of seriousness, perfect for your young gunslinger.
This cap rifle features a full orange tip, making it federally regulated and less likely to cause accidents during playtime. However, the lever action has room for improvement. While it's realistic-looking, it doesn't actually do much, making the action feel a bit inadequate. Nonetheless, for the intended purpose, the functionality of firing the caps works perfectly fine.
In terms of reviews, it has received mostly positive feedback, with many parents expressing satisfaction with their purchase. The design appears to impress kids, while the wooden and metal combination gives it a sturdy feel. Some, however, have flagged the toy as cheaply made, which could be disheartening, considering its price.
In my humble opinion, the Golden Ranger Toy Rifle can be a fantastic addition to your little one's cowboy collection. Its charm lies in its combination of style, durability, and a touch of old-western flair. Despite the concerns about the lever action and potential breakability, many seem to appreciate its overall quality and appeal. So, gather your gang and let's embark on this exciting journey together!

🔗Vintage Kentucky Long Rifle with Rifled Bore - Ideal for Hunting Enthusiasts

The Denix Kentucky Long Rifle is a replica of an iconic firearm from the late 1700s, originally designed and built in Pennsylvania. It had a significant role in the Revolutionary War and continued to be popular until the 19th century, becoming synonymous with figures like Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett. The Kentucky rifle was one of the first to feature a "rifled" bore, making it more accurate for its time.
My personal experience with this product has been a mixed bag. On the one hand, I found the Kentucky Long Rifle to be an incredibly accurate replica, complete with a smooth, realistic feel. It's an impressive conversation starter and adds a bit of authenticity to my display. The build quality is excellent, and it looks as close to the original as you can get.
However, I've had some issues with the reliability and durability of the product. On a few occasions, the rifle arrived in less than optimal condition, with broken parts that made it difficult or impossible to fix without further damaging the item. This made me question the overall quality control of the manufacturer.
In conclusion, the Denix Kentucky Long Rifle is undoubtedly a beautiful and historically accurate replica. If you can manage to get a well-maintained unit, it's definitely worth the investment. But, buyers beware: there have been reports of broken and poorly-made units, so it's important to be diligent and possibly consider purchasing in-person to ensure the product is up to standard.

🔗Vintage Camo Hunting Toy Rifle for Halloween Costumes

The Jungle Kombatter Rifle is a perfect addition to your Halloween costume collection. With a wood body painted green and camo stripes, this rifle stands out. The extended barrel is black, while the end and grip are bright orange, making this rifle both stylish and realistic.
Its adjustable strap allows you to carry it effortlessly. Best of all, it makes exciting clicking sounds when you pull the trigger! . Add it to your military or hunter costume for a complete look.

🔗Ravin R29X Sniper Crossbow Package for Unrivaled Hunting Experience

Trying out the Ravin R29X Sniper Package was like stepping into a new realm of precision hunting. The fully-integrated Silent Cocking System made every pull a breeze, and the Adjustable Turret Scope allowed for quick and easy yardage adjustments. The unparalleled velocity of 450 FPS proved its speed and accuracy, while the ergonomic grip offered great control without sacrificing comfort.
The only downside was its weight, at a slight 6.75 pounds, but that didn't hold me back when I needed to unleash my inner sniper.

🔗Vintage-Inspired Winchester Rubber Band Rifle with Rugged Wood Finish

The Magnum 1873 Winchester Rubberband Rifle is a nostalgic nod to the past, inspired by "The Gun that Won the West. " It mirrors the versatility and popularity of the original, making it a must-have for any cowboy-themed adventure. With a 28.5" gun length and a rubber band stretch of 16.5", this toy provides a fun, safe shooting experience for kids and adults alike.
Though the ammunition isn't included, it's compatible with our BLUE rubber band ammunition, adding an extra layer of authenticity. Proudly made in the USA, this wooden rifle is not just a toy, but a piece of history that can be passed down for generations.

Buyer's Guide

With a wide variety of hunting rifles available, the 270 Winchester remains a popular and versatile choice. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a novice shooter, this semiauto rifle is designed to meet your needs. However, to get the most out of your investment, there are several factors you should consider before making your purchase.

Caliber and Accuracy

The 270 Winchester caliber is a powerful, yet relatively lightweight option for hunting big game. Ensuring that the bullet you choose is accurate and well-suited to your prey is crucial. The most popular choices include the Whitetail Hunter, Big Game, and Black Belt varieties. Research and choose the bullet that offers the best balance between speed, penetration, and accuracy for your specific hunting situation.

Barrel Length

The ideal barrel length for a 270 hunting rifle can vary depending on your preferences and the size of the game you are hunting. Generally, longer barrels offer more stability, accuracy, and range, but they can also be heavier and harder to carry over long distances. Consider the type of hunting you will be doing and choose the barrel length that best fits your needs.

Stock Design

Choosing the right stock design is essential for recoil management and comfort during extended hunting sessions. Stock materials, such as plastic or wood, can impact durability, weight, and the overall feel of the rifle. Adequate padding and checkering on the stock's surface can help maintain your grip during recoil. Consider these factors when selecting the right stock for your 270 hunting rifle.


Scope and Sight

Whether you prefer open or closed scopes, selecting the right sight for your 270 rifle is vital for precision and accuracy. Factors to consider include the reticle type, magnification, and optical quality. Consider the terrain and distance you'll be hunting when selecting the right sight for your rifle.

Maintenance and Durability

Hunting can take a toll on your equipment, so it's essential to invest in a 270 rifle that can withstand the wear and tear of the outdoors. Choose materials that are resistant to moisture, extreme temperatures, and UV rays. Consider the level of maintenance required for the rifle, such as cleaning and oiling, to ensure it functions smoothly and accurately over time.

Price and Features

When purchasing a hunting rifle, it's important to consider the price and features that are most important to you. Many mid-price range 270 rifles offer high-quality performance and durability without breaking the bank. Research various models to find the balance between features and cost that works best for your budget.


What is a 270 hunting rifle?

A 270 hunting rifle is a type of firearm specifically designed for hunting purposes. It is chambered for the. 270 Winchester cartridge, which is a versatile and powerful round that can be used for a variety of game, including deer, elk, and antelope.


What are the benefits of using a 270 hunting rifle?

A 270 hunting rifle offers a number of benefits, including:
  • Versatility: The. 270 Winchester cartridge is suitable for a wide range of game, making it a popular choice among hunters.
  • Power and accuracy: The 270 hunting rifle is known for its accuracy and stopping power, making it an effective choice for hunters who want to ensure a clean and quick kill.
  • Versatile ammunition options: The. 270 Winchester cartridge is available in a variety of bullet types and weights, allowing hunters to customize their load to suit their specific needs.

Are there different types of 270 hunting rifles?

Yes, there are several different types of 270 hunting rifles, including bolt-action, semi-automatic, and lever-action models. Each type offers its own unique advantages and features, so it's important to choose the one that best suits your needs and preferences.

What features should I look for in a 270 hunting rifle?

When selecting a 270 hunting rifle, consider the following features:
  • Accuracy: A hunting rifle should be accurate and reliable, even when shooting at long distances.
  • Durability: A high-quality hunting rifle should be built to last, with rugged materials and a solid construction.
  • Ergonomics: The rifle should fit comfortably in your hands and be easy to handle, even after extended periods of use.
  • Aesthetics: While not a necessity, many hunters appreciate a rifle that looks good and is well-suited to their personal style.

What is the best 270 hunting rifle for the money?

The best 270 hunting rifle for the money will vary depending on your specific needs, preferences, and budget. It's important to do your research and compare different models to find the one that offers the best combination of features and value.

What is the average cost of a 270 hunting rifle?

The cost of a 270 hunting rifle can vary widely, depending on factors such as brand, build quality, and features. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $300 to $1,500 or more for a quality 270 hunting rifle.

Where can I find reviews for 270 hunting rifles?

To find reviews for 270 hunting rifles, you can search online retailers such as Bass Pro Shops, Cabela's, and Amazon. You can also check hunting forums and websites, such as GunBroker. com and HuntingRifleForums. com, for user reviews and feedback.
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submitted by Significant-Tower146 to u/Significant-Tower146 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 07:02 catpilled_af Modded bug that makes zombies become naked after being killed (Multiplayer)

Hi, my gf and I are hosting a multiplayer server for us and whenever we kill zombies, they become naked. At first it seemed to be a problem with the first responders mod, so we disabled it, but the zombies are still fully nude after they are killed. We'd appreciate some help with figure out what is causing it. Thanks
Mods=modoptions;tsarslib;TKS;damnlib;49powerWagon;59meteor;63beetle;63Type2Van;67commando;67gt500;69camaro;69mini;69mini_PitbullSpecial;70dodge;70barracuda;74amgeneralM151A2;75grandPrix;76chevyKseries;78amgeneralM35A2;78amgeneralM49A2C;78amgeneralM50A3;78amgeneralM62;81deloreanDMC12;82jeepJ10;82jeepJ10LFS_NoVanilla;82oshkoshM911;83amgeneralM923;84gageV300;84merc;85merc;86fordE150;86fordE150LFS_NoVanilla;86oshkoshP19A;87buickRegal;87chevySuburban;87fordB700;87toyotaMR2;88chevyS10;89dodgeCaravan;89fordBronco;89trooper;90fordF350ambulance;90pierceArrow;91geoMetro;91range;92amgeneralM998;92nissanGTR;92fordCVPI;93chevySuburban;93fordElgin;93fordF350;93mustangSSP;93townCar;93fordTaurus;99fordCVPI;97bushmaster;MCM;4ColorBicPen;agrotsar;blkt_fonts;AllMushroomsModels;blkt_invtrack;LitSortOGSN;AnotherPlayersOnMinimap;Arsenal(26)GunFighter[MAIN MOD 2.0];AuthenticAnimations;autotsartrailers;BecomeDesensitized;VISIBLE_BACKPACK_BACKGROUND;BarricadeHurtZombies;BetterBatteries;DecayedCorpses;BetterFlashlights;ProfessionFrameworkB41Patch;nbrc;BetterSortCC;Betterhandwash;BiofuelPlus;blankets;SM4BootsExpanded;BoredomTweaks;Brita_2;Brita;FancyHandwork;BulletproofVestsUnderClothing;CanRepairDoors;chonker;CanteensAndBottles;CleanDirt;cleanashes;CollectibleCarsfhq;CollectibleCarsLoreFriendlyMZfhq;ContainerTooltips;CCSFixed;darkerMap;DLTS;Diederiks Tile Palooza;digworms;EasyConfigChucked;DylansTiles;eris_nightvision_goggles;waterPipes;DRAW_ON_MAP;TchernoLib;diveThroughWindows;EasyPacking;IMWSEnergyDrinks;PictureThis;EntertainYourself;EQUIPMENT_UI;EveryKatanaXSheaths;ExpandedHelicopterEvents;en91Legacy;radialmenuapi;FWOFitnessWorkoutOverhaul;FWOBenchPress&Treadmill;FireResistence;FixCapacityOverlap;FixFloor;FixTooltipLag;FixInsidePlayerBuilding;FH;ForagingZ;FunctionalAppliances2;fuelsideindicator;BetterContainers;GenRange;GeneratorTimeRemaining;GetUpQuick;BION_DropBags;GunSuicide;GunFighter_Radial_Menu;HHComplexion;IMightNeedALighter;Improved_Fire_And_Smoke_Ffects;improvedhairmenu;ImprovedProjectile;Improved_Blood_Ffects;ImprovisedBandage;IndustrialOvenFix;invisibledenimpatches;invisibleleatherpatches;invisiblesheetpatches;TheStar;ItemStories_Framework;ItemStories_PillowsOnBeds;ItemStories_PropaneTanksInGarages;ItemStories_RoomLoot;TMC_Trolley;ItemStories_ZupercartsTrolleys;ItemTweakerAPI;ItemTweakerAPIExtraClothingAddon;jumpThroughWindows;KI5VehiclesLF;KitdeCostura;KillCount;KeyRing's;Ladders;Lifestyle;LightSwitchOverhaul;LingeringReflexes;Lingering Voices;MaDZombieLoot;MaintenanceImprovesRepair;MakePaths;LongStandingMetalConstructions;MapLegendUI;P4MedicalMeister;MediumProgressIndicator;melos_tiles_for_miles_pack;MiniHealthPanel;MoodleFramework;MoonshineMod;DG_MIVehicles;MorePlushies;MoreSmokes;More_Zombie_Death_Animations;MoreZombieDeathSounds;MultipleGenerators;truemusic;MusicfortheEndOP;MutiesContextMenuIcons;Named Literature;NepBatteryColor;NMWTP;NoVanillaVehicles;nattachments;noirblacksling;noirrsling;BB_Foraging;OutTheWindow;serellanpillowsleep;HarmonicaLS;PwSleepingbags;MilPoncho;tkTiles_01;PertsPartyTiles;BB_SecureAccess;ugPHP;Kaldo_RadioFrequencyManager;RainCleansBlood;RainWash;ReactiveSoundEvents;ReduceLagofCraftingMenu;ReducedWoodWeight2x41;ReLght;ReloadAllMagazines;RemoveDebris;RenameContainers;REORDER_CONTAINERS;ReorderDuplicatesByCondition;REORDER_THE_HOTBAR;SheetRopeClimbingJumping;RoundPlushies;sapphcooking;ServingPlates;ServingPlatesBS;shine_together;SimpleOverhaulTraitsAndOccupations;SimpleRetexturesMakeup;SkillRecoveryJournal;Skizots Visible Boxes and Garbage2;RepairWallCracksExtended;SleepWithFriends;SmokingSoundsOverhaul;Smoker;AwesomeTime;TieOnSpearheads;spiffotradingcards;SplitItems;SpnCloth;SpnClothHideFix;SpnHair;SpnHairAPI;SpnOpenCloth;stack_all_41;StalkerLifestyleAddon;StaIte;DropRollMod;TEDSKINFIX;SwapIt;AnimSync;TsarcraftCache2;tailoringfix41;TakeAnyAmount;BastardSword;TheEngineer;Threads;P4TidyUpMeister;TPAM;TreesHaveLoot;TrueCrouching;TMC_TrueActions;TrueActionsDancing;TrueActionsDancingVHS;TrueActions4Talking;UnderCoverOfDarkness;KI5CraftingUnifiedUpdated;82jeepJ10LFS;mrnvsbhltr;mrnvsbhltr_Optimized;WalkieTalkieModelsB41;WaterDispenser;WearableLeashes;WeldingGoggles;wellsConstruction;MattSimpleAddonsFriuts;WorkingMasks;wringclothes;BB_WriteOnWorld;YakiHR;YakiHSBasegameTexture;AkyFingersFem;AkyFingers;ArsenalOpenAmmoWalk;KAMER_RepairWall;addTransferItemSounds;addForceRespawnToCar;rSex;zReBetterLockpicking;QNW_QNWLibrary;ChangeSandBox;STowTruck;simpleStatus;ETO_FPS;SpiffUI-Inv;SUI_Theme;SpiffUI-Rads;BrutalHandwork;KnownAndCollected;CatsReadMod;Sheath on thigh;TLOULevelUpSound;gamenight;gamenight_Catan;gamenight_Monopoly;gamenight_Uno;TheyKnew;NestedContainer01;Respawn;NightVisionChucked;HomemadeConcretePlasterPowder;HomemadePaints;CoolBag;ProximityInventory
submitted by catpilled_af to projectzomboid [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 04:39 altermwim2 Reacting to random show #43: 03/19/2011 in Tempe AZ. Just a fantastic show. I highly recommend you listen.

Reacting to random show #43: 03/19/2011 in Tempe AZ. Just a fantastic show. I highly recommend you listen.
Seriously, find it! Higgins, GA, the entire ending from August thru 1348 - this is the everyday throwdown more people don’t talk about!!!
:: AHEM :: My favorite band! For 20 years! Random shows! Let’s go!


  • Mulche’s Odyssey. HEAVY opener! Typical extension of the post-lyrics theme, running it through all sorts of key changes, still HEAVY af. Rapidfire harmonics outline this next improv section, but Stasik and Kris are the ones really dialed in. Dynamics get real low and things begin to sound mysterious… A slight build back to a normal peak but then another left to keep tension rising…now back into Mulche’s proper ending!
  • “How you guys doing out there? It’s been 5 and a half years since we’ve been in this room. We’ll make it up to you tonight”
  • Higgins. SIR! Always welcome, especially if they are about to make it straaaange. Yep there it is! It’s kind of got a cool punk/new wave thing going. Big angular chords out of Jake like he’s in the Police or something. Kris keeping an incredibly driving beat in 4 going through all of these different movements. Got DAMN does this reach a peak! Breaks like a wave and now everyone is regrouping. A slight return to that new wave type theme from early in the jam, everything real soft. Back into Higgins’ second verse. Jake taking off to the stratosphere on this solo! What an effort!
  • “Andy Farag got to see his beloved White Sox today.” Cue Joel talking about the Cubs as well, to general booing from the AZ crowd. Haha
  • Conduit up next! A natural extension of the bridge becomes the open canvas, upon which they start to paint methodically. Slowly back into Conduit. I really dig this slow in, slow out that they accomplished here. Makes the whole thing seamless.
  • Brendan and Joel showing love to Big Gigantic, they bring Dominic up on stage for what’s next.
  • Great American! GA with sax is a whole nother beast! Barely even begins before improv starts. He’s a good listener, cottons on to Joel’s business real quick. Most straight ahead jazzy vamp I think I’ve ever heard out of them, and then back into Great American!
  • Music ramps up into Pipeline for a little bit. Kris all over the kit. Now Jake starts outlining chords in an aggressive way while BB’s more doing the Pink Floyd soft arpeggios. Dominic back in the mix.
  • BACK into Great American! I thought it was already over! Always a surprise in store!
  • You just know Brendan’s in a good mood when they bust out Beatles - I’ve Got a Feeling! Crowd’s got to be feelin it too at this point!
  • During the break, Jake fucks around with something in a rag style…
  • …then crash through the walls with a sloppy 40s Theme intro! Haha. Joel is right in the middle of some cool stuff and they stop absolutely cold to sing Happy Birthday to Robbie Williams. Try getting back into the flow of the song after that! Joel’s right back in it though. Killer beat outta Kris.
  • “Alright it’s recess.” End set! HEATER!
  • House music was Welcome to the Machine as they came back on. Big evil 1348 kickoff. The minute the vocals end, Stasik holds down a very solid beat over like a march/shuffle. Secondary theme pops up within this beat that climbs up the scale about five notes. Things gets a lot funkier. Energy VERY high. After the vibe simmers way down, they quietly reach into the pocket for…
  • …Walletsworth! Great 1-2 punch! They make the final bars true babymaking music, thanks to Joel. Crowd loved it!
  • Stasik hits some notes and we are Running With the Devil! I swear they have this crowd in the palm of their hand.
  • Prrrrrowler… Jaco throws an Ain’t Talkin Bout Love run in the intro, as we’ve already sampled Van Halen.
  • Resolves directly into Thin Air, great juxtaposition of dynamics there. Joel has been throwing down this entire show so far and I am here for it! Andy featuring back there in perk world. Before Bayliss submits his own weirdness. Then Jake is off to what I can only describe as the jazz races. Then BB makes it weird, then Jaco, ad nauseum - big peak and then Mountain King.
  • After a break, Stasik starts August. This jam in the middle has a good bounce to it. Couple rounds of A and B sections. Sounds a little too bluesy to count as a Jimmy Stewart but maybe? Actually the longer they play it, the more familiar it sounds. Abruptly back into August’s verse.
  • Triple Wide! Now it’s a party! Stasik again leading the charge. It’s simple stuff, but it’s giving a shitload of direction. Jake starts singing Dreams by Fleetwood Mac over this. Cool mashup vibe, the music stays dancey. In the bizarre combination we all know and love so well, Jake somehow makes it metal over an electronic vibe, after faithfully quoting a 70s classic, and Joel with 80s noises. I fucking love this band!!!! This next bit could possibly be the heaviest they’ve been all show… tension! TENSION!!
  • Oh it was a drop back into 1348 to complete the sandwich, but someone fucked up and went back into 3x at the same time but IT DIDN’T MATTER because it sounded so appropriately evil!!
  • End set! Crowd is on FIRE!
  • Joel comes out and thanks the crowd, this is the last show of the tour apparently, hence the HEAT! There’s delay on his mic, kind of hard to hear.
  • Encore is Mantis, including Preamble of course. Such a cool track, easy to downplay its epicness!
This was incredibly enjoyable for all the classic reasons. Top shelf stuff! You should listen!
UMtil next time!
submitted by altermwim2 to Umphreys [link] [comments]
