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Swedish Problems

2013.01.04 12:44 BobTheSCV Swedish Problems

Svensk spin off på britishproblems. Här skriver vi om våra roligaste eller mest insiktsfulla upplevelser där vi hamnat i en pinsam eller stel situation. Exempel på ett klassiskt inlägg är att vi beställt en pizza och hört "smaklig måltid" men svarat "tack detsamma".

2012.02.10 19:51 skyroof_hilltop 😎HAHA DAE MINIONS!!!😎

Community for all those terrible memes your uncle posts on facebook

2013.02.01 18:52 jellybeans


2024.05.21 18:42 arckadventure Wake Me Up From This Nightmare

I had a wonderful childhood. I couldn't have asked for a better one. My parents, brother, family, ... so much love in my life.
As I got older, I started to become exposed to the harsh realities of life. The people closest to me and the ones I loved the most started to get sick and pass away. I lost my dog. Life wasnt the same. And later, was diagnosed with Crohns which had a massive impact on my life and self confidence. I felt like a lab rat.. so many tests, doctor visits, medicine, diets, needles, ... eventually extensive surgery.
Luckily, after years of torture, I made it out ok. I started to build back my confidence, and was optimistic about the future. Before I knew it, I met the love of my life. I felt so extremely lucky to have you in my life. It felt like a dream. I felt that after all that pain and loss, I had finally had something good happen to me.
As time we on, we became best friends. You confessed your love to me, said I was different than all the rest, and you saw a future with me. You expressed how special I was to you. I felt the same way.
We met eachothers families, who became so close with eachother. I truly loved your family, they felt like home. My family loved you so much... my parents loved you like a daughter, and I knew you loved them too. We had everyone's support and love. We were the golden couple. We grew and experiences so much together. Bought our first house, saw the world, new jobs, school, ... Everyone was so proud of us, and we were proud of eachother.
Somewhere along the way, you started seeking outside the relationship for attention. I knew you were very social, so at first, I was happy to see you making friends. I knew you had a difficult childhood and past, and didn't have many good friends, so I was very supportive and encouraged you to do things with your friends.
We were inseparable. Always going things together, planning trips, going on adventures. Everything was easy. We enjoyed eachothers company so much. We made eachother laugh, feel loved, and safe. We were so comfortable and open, goofy with eachother, and always so intimate.
We shared a lot of the same hobbies: plants/garden, camping, trails, video games, movies, travel, outdoors, relaxing at home, ... it didn't seem to matter what we were doing, we were happy together.
I loved making you smile and laugh. I loved seeing you happy doing what you loved, or eating a meal I'd prepare for you.
I always wanted you to have the best. Since you were in school, I provided for you. Food, toys, restaurants, trips, ... whatever you wanted. I wanted to give you the world. It felt so good to make you happy.
You would tease me and hint towards wanting to get engaged. After 3 years, it happened. We were so happy, and you were so excited and happy to share the big news. We started planning our wedding, moved into a bigger house, new jobs, everything felt good.
I never expected to love someone so much. This young woman brought so much love, happiness, and adventure into my life. She completed changed everything. Everything was so easy.. effortless.. felt right.
When we moved into your dream home, things became more stressful. The house needed a lot of work, as well as the property. Regardless, we were willing and eager to tackle projects together and were excited to make things our own.
As time went on, and school/work seemed to become more stressful for you, I was left finishing a lot of our projects and maintaining them by myself. I also stepped up and started trying to take on more of the chores and responsibilities so that you could focus on school/work and still have time to relax. I was happy to help give you some relief.
After a few months, your brother asked to be our roommate for a time. I was hesitant, but you encouraged me that it would be a good thing. He would pay and help around the house. At first, it was nice. However, as time we on, it became more and more stressful.
The stress of doing everything and having a roommate that didn't mesh well with us overwhelmed me. I knew it was temporary, so I endured it.
One day, you came home from your new job and expressed what a good day you had.. that you had the chance to work with a different doctor, and that he was very fun and nice. I was so happy to hear it, since I knew you hadn't been having good days and people had been difficult. I was glad you seemed to have a mentor.
You started to have more good days than bad, working with this person more and more. You started talking to me about them more, sharing things you learned and talked with him about. As time went on, I started to feel a bit jealous. You had been spending more time with this person than me... your shifts were long, and I hadn't been seeing you as much. You started even talking to our parents about this person.
I started to notice you texting him while we were at home together. I'd ask, and you'd happily share whatever it was you guys were talking about. One evening, you were texting this doctor late at night. I approached you about this, and expressed how it was making me feel. I felt that it had started to become too much, and wasn't appropriate. I didn't like the idea of this older married man communicating with my young fiance so much. I expressed that I was happy that you had a friend at work, but felt that it was becoming too personal and inappropriate. You tried to reassure me that you were just friends, and that he was old and married, you would never be attracted to him. I stood firm and expressed that I would like for you to only communicate while at work, or for work related matters. You agreed and assured me it was nothing.
As time went on, I noticed you would sometimes hide your phone, turn it away, flip it upside down, or turn it off as I walked by. At first, I thought it was just me being paranoid. But as time went on, it started to mess with my head... otherwise, everything was good, so I told myself it was nothing. You started to enjoy that type of work and decided to join his practice. I was happy you were able to make up your mind and find something you enjoyed. Time went on. At some point, you needed an invasive procedure done... and you requested that doctor complete it. I didn't love the idea, but you preferred to have someone do it that you trusted. After that, the doctor seemed to be a thing of the past.
As the wedding date approached, the excitement increased. We had everything planned out and we were so excited for our big day. I saw how happy you were throughout the whole process. I couldn't believe our big day was right around the corner.
Our wedding was like a dream. Everything came together so nicely. We had the best night of our lives. I loved seeing you so happy with our friends and family there to celebrate with us. We went on a wonderful honeymoon and I felt so loved and appreciated.
Once we returned home, our roommate left, and stress started to decrease dramatically in the house. I was so relieved. You finished school, graduated, and I threw you a big surprise party to celebrate. I had always put together parties for all your special occasions, and I knew you really appreciated that. After so many nights helping you study, it felt wonderful to see you walk across that stage and finally finish.
You shortly after moved to a different hospital, and seemed to really like your new job and everyone there. Life was so good...
The house and our list of responsibilities and all the maintenance was still a lot, but I felt we were quickly starting to knock things off our list.
One week, you started working a lot... I hardly saw you that week. We'd always text and check in, saying we loved eachother, missed eachother, and looked forward to seeing eachother. When the weekend finally arrived, you had mentioned your best friend invited you to join her for girl time. I realized you hadn't seen her much lately and encouraged it.
That weekend, my grandmother had been struggling. I felt alone in our big house and had wished you were there. We checked in on eachother while you were gone. I was expecting you to return one evening, so I had dinner prepared. I was hurt when you didn't arrive and decided to stay another night with your friend.
When I saw you the next morning, I was feeling pretty down. I was already sad about my grandmother, but also felt like an after thought that week. You were so happy to see me, which was nice. We had a nice evening, spent time together, .. you never stopped telling me you loved me.
The next day after work, I got home, and you seemed so cold and distant. You seemed bothered by something. I checked in, asked if you needed anything, then went about my day. It seemed like you wanted space. I checked in every few hours, and you were busy doing something on your laptop.
I prepared dinner and started watching TV. I encouraged you to take a break, eat, and relax some before bed. You joined me on the couch, but was quiet and explained that you had some work to finish.
As it got late, I went up to bed. You explained you'd be up a little longer while you finished your work. As the hours went by, I thought it was so odd that you weren't in bed yet. I knew you had to get up early... sleep was always such a priority. I got up to check on you and to get some water. You were still on your laptop.. I noticed you were looking at rooms to something. I encouraged you to get some sleep. You joined me, looking exhausted.
We cuddled, said we loved eachother, then fell asleep. The next morning, I finished getting ready for work while you slept. As I was getting ready to leave, I sae your laptop. I decided to check and see what you were looking at... another air bnb for a trip? I was curious. We shared the laptop, so I didn't feel like I was invading her privacy.
I opened the laptop and saw apartments. I was so confused. I checker her email.. apartments. I noticed she had Facebook messenger up with recent messages. I checked... my world turned upside down. Those seconds felt like eternity as my heart sounded and my stomach sank. I read a message to a friend saying she wanted a divorce, never loved me, felt like a stranger in her house, dreaded coming home to me, ... that she loved a doctor.. he's married, but his wife is a lesbian. That was easily the worst moment of my life. I panicked and didn't know what to do... I was in shock. After a few minutes, I decided to address this with you.
I quietly walked up the stairs, sat on the edge of the bed, and calmly woke you up. You were sleepy, asking why I woke up.. you still had about 30m before work. I apologized for waking you.. As I looked at you silently, I started to cry. I quietly said "I know...". "I saw the messages". She looked back at me in shock.. eyes wide in the dark. I asked if she had been having an affair. She said no.. then started to look at me as if I wad a stranger. It was a terrible feeling.
You got up to get ready for work, and said we'd talk later that evening. You left. I was standing in the driveway and felt sick. I wasn't sure if I could make it to work.. but being at the house was making me feel worse, so I left. I didn't eat anything that while day. While at work, I prepared myself for our talk.
When we both got home, you pulled up to the house and started to pack some things while I sat on the couch. When you finally joined me, you were quiet.. asked about my day, I asked about yours.. then more silence. I asked what you needed from me. You explained that you were feeling very anxious, and didn't want me to get upset. You said you were going to stay with a friend for a few days to clear your head and wanted to talk once we were both rested.
You left for almost a week while I stayed in our big empty house, taking care of our pets, and completely confused and dead inside. I hardly ate or slept. I desperately started reading and watching whatever information I could find to help explain what was happening and to prepare myself. I spent most of my time thinking, reflecting on our life. I started tonrealize how stressed I had been... and thought about all the things I should/could have done differently. I knew I treated her so well, but no one is perfect.
Looking back, I started to think about all the red flags. Love is blind. I truly loved, trusted, and cared for this person more than anyone in the world. I thought she felt the same way... I never imagined us seperating.
I started to think of that doctor she used to talk about.. and realized she probably never stopped talking to him. I started to realize that my wife had stopped opening up to me... was no longer emotional or vulnerable... her emotional? affair started to kill the emotional intimacy between us.
I was happy just to have her in my life and enjoyed just being with her... she never expressed or talked about being unhappy... if I had known, I feel certain that we could have fixed whatever was lacking. I would have met whichever needs werent being met.
Were you lonely while I was busy working hard for us? Was she bored? I would have happily planned more outings... whenever I suggested something, you expressed that you were tired or didn't show interest. I knew you enjoyed time alone, so I never felt bad doing my own thing. I figured you would tell me of you needed or felt something...
I was so confused... started to question what was real. When did this all start? Why? How? Terrible thoughts entered my mind... so many late shifts, staying the night at the hospital, leaving early to get the air bnbs ready, ...
I also realized that towards the end, you had suddenly started to listen to different music, got a nose piercing, tattoo, talked about signing up for a sport, working out, ... these were all things I knew you had wanted to do for awhile, but it was all so sudden.
Why didn't you ever communicate... I recall you expressing your concern with my stress, but nothing else. I felt that my stress was reasonable considering everything I was doing.. and knew it was temporary. I didn't ignore it though. I saw a therapist, and started making changes. Was it all too late?
When we finally spoke again, it was so nice to just see you. We sat and you were so friendly and sweet - it reassured me that everything was going to be ok. We made small talk and joked, which immediately lightened the mood. You suggested I spoke first. I expressed my feelings and how important the marriage was.. that I'd so anything to save it. I took responsibility for my side of things and expressed the changes I had made and would continue to make. When you started, you expressed that you would always cherish our time together, but we're set on divorce. That we both deserved to be truly happy. Shortly after, you left.
The days after, you started packing your things while I was at work. I was living in a big empty house, every day getting more and more empty. I was a complete mess living in hell. Her family started to reach out to me and shower me with support, apologies, and disbelief. No one could make sense of this.
After a week or so, I couldn't take it any more, so I moved to stay with my parents while we finished moving out. I attempted to stay cordile through all this. You seemed so unphased and happy... texting me and talking to me like we were still best friends.
You explained that you felt bad for saying you never loved me... that you did, but not in the way a wife should love their husband. That it could be years, but in the future, I could count on you.
As time went on, and the pain increased, I was more distant. You texted more and more. Finally, I suggested that we limit communication unless she was interested in working on our marriage.
As the days went by, you grew colder and irritated.. I started to feel like the bad guy. I know you started to feel the weight of your decisons, and starred to project onto me. Making me the bad guy made you feel better. I attempted to end things on a good note... being helpful throughout the move out process, but you were so cold. It hurt so much... 5 wonderful years tossed aside like it never mattered.
I havent talked to you in weeks... I miss my best friend, my love, your family, our pets, and the wonderful life we built. I'm left trying to pickup the pieces. I feel so lost, confused, broken, ...
The tremendous amount of support I've gotten from both sides has helped a lot. I'm seeing a therapist, reading a lot, eating more, working out, and focusing on my self. The days are getting better, but I still have days where I am a mess.
I havent been sleeping well... always tired. Waking up several times, terrible nightmares and thoughts of you being with another man... I still have believe you would be capable of all this.. of hurting me so much.
I have urges to reach out to you... wanting to fix this, that there must be a misunderstanding... there are so many things I'd like to say. I got complacent and comfortable during our time together. I stopped doing the little things as often as I used to... I never meant to hurt you, make you feel lonely, unloved, unappreciated, ... whatever it is you felt. It's difficult for me to accept that my sweet innocent wife was capable of this... surely there was a reason?? I was just so caught up in my list of things... I was working so hard for our future.
I feel like my wife was manipulated by this man... why does an older doctor (20 years older) have a lesbian wife? He doesn't love her like she seems to think... he is using her. I feel sorry for her... I know there is no future there.
I've done a lot of reading on Attachment Styles, Limerence, love addiction, and other things that come as a result of childhood trauma. I feel like a lot of this has to do with her trauma... but also her selfishness and emotional immaturity. There is nothing I can do. I just pray she figures things out on her own, finds longlasting happiness, and puts an end to this cycle.
I would love it if we were able to reconnect in the future... I still deeply love and care for her. I don't want our story to end... none of this feels right. My gut is screaming that this is all wrong. I just know we both need to work on ourselves for the time being.
One day I had it all, the next, it crashed down before my eyes. Meeting you was the best thing to happen to me... you leaving was the worst. You rushed out of my life so quickly... I wish things were different.
submitted by arckadventure to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:41 FaithlessnessOpen328 AITA - My partner (F31) told me she didn't want to tell me what the doctor said during her surgical follow up then posted it on Facebook

So my best friend and I decided that we could no longer dance around the fact that we have effectively been in a relationship for years and decided that we needed to formally acknowledge it and try out what it would be to take our relationship to the next/more official level.
She has had a fairly serious medical condition for most of the time I have known her and earlier in the year she decided to have an experimental procedure the attempt to correct the issue. It was a very difficult recovery for her and I supported her as best I could through the process and initial recovery as she was able to get back on her feet and get back to work. We have always been very close and many times I was the only person she did not ice out when she just needed a break.
She had her appointment and even told me that she thought it would be bad news and didn't know if she would be up to talking afterwards. I live half way between her appointment and home and told her if she decided to make the trip home that she could stop in and I would make her dinner to break up her drive - I knew she would say no but I wanted to offer. I sent her a text that night trying to check in then called her the next evening and she said she didn't feel like talking which I respected. I waited a few more days then followed up on our trip plans because if we were going to go I needed to book the place we would be staying. She said that as much as she wanted to say yes her world had been turned upside down and that she needed time and I told her that I kinda figured but wanted to confirm and that I would be here when she's ready.
Admittedly, at this point my mind went to the worst place - heart failure - because I knew the other outcomes she expected and this had to be worse than those. I told her a few days later that after thinking about it I was going to still plan on going and that if she wanted to the invitation was open - I wanted her to know if she needed a break to disappear for a while she could. She reiterated that she needed space and that maybe this wasn't the best timing to take this step for us (not outright saying we need to take a step back but there was the implication of it clearly which is fine if thats what she needs). I told her that whatever we are - or whatever we will be - we will figure it out and be fine. This wasn't about that, it was about her needing a break and that I will be here when she gets back.
We talked pretty much every day before the appointment and then after it we haven't spoken much because I want to give her space and time. She never told me what the doctor said which I was initially okay with and knew she would when she was ready. Then I get online last night and see that she posted the whole thing on Facebook and announced the results there. AITA for being hurt/upset that she announced it to the world without telling me?
submitted by FaithlessnessOpen328 to AITA_Relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:40 Inner_Lengthiness697 Faceless short maker tool makes $30k MRR

From 0 to $30k MRR in 4 months using Affiliates and FB/IG ads
Eric, an ex-Instagram employee and successful Indie Hacker, already makes $50k/month with his other two tools.
At the start of the year, he decided to build an auto and faceless shorts/reels/TikTok maker. With the rising trend of short faceless videos on these platforms, Eric saw an opportunity. The process without a tool is tedious — writing a good script, generating AI voice, and matching it with a background. Autoshorts simplifies this into a single step: choose the script style, and it takes care of the rest.
Eric launched Autoshorts in the last week of January. By March, he had already reached $2k MRR, thanks to ads and posting his own shorts on TikTok (using his own tool to grow — amazing, right?). The growth was insane; in just 2 weeks, he hit $4k MRR. He shared his FB ads strategy with everyone too; check it out here.
However, Eric learned that relying on one channel is risky (FB blocked his ads for a while). So, he started focusing on affiliate outreach. This strategy paid off, helping his MRR grow to $12k (a 3x jump) with a successful affiliate video.
As of his most recent update, Eric hit $31k MRR on May 9th.
Marketing is all about trying different strategies, being consistent, and doubling down on what works. Now, it’s your turn to give it a shot!
To read more such tips and stories around building on the Internet, consider subscribing to our free Newsletter BuilderOS :)
submitted by Inner_Lengthiness697 to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:38 FaithlessnessOpen328 AITA - My partner (F31) wouldn't tell me the results of her surgical follow up but posted it on Facebook

So my best friend and I decided that we could no longer dance around the fact that we have effectively been in a relationship for years and decided that we needed to formally acknowledge it and try out what it would be to take our relationship to the next/more official level.
She has had a fairly serious medical condition for most of the time I have known her and earlier in the year she decided to have an experimental procedure the attempt to correct the issue. It was a very difficult recovery for her and I supported her as best I could through the process and initial recovery as she was able to get back on her feet and get back to work. We have always been very close and many times I was the only person she did not ice out when she just needed a break.
She had her appointment and even told me that she thought it would be bad news and didn't know if she would be up to talking afterwards. I live half way between her appointment and home and told her if she decided to make the trip home that she could stop in and I would make her dinner to break up her drive - I knew she would say no but I wanted to offer. I sent her a text that night trying to check in then called her the next evening and she said she didn't feel like talking which I respected. I waited a few more days then followed up on our trip plans because if we were going to go I needed to book the place we would be staying. She said that as much as she wanted to say yes her world had been turned upside down and that she needed time and I told her that I kinda figured but wanted to confirm and that I would be here when she's ready.
Admittedly, at this point my mind went to the worst place - heart failure - because I knew the other outcomes she expected and this had to be worse than those. I told her a few days later that after thinking about it I was going to still plan on going and that if she wanted to the invitation was open - I wanted her to know if she needed a break to disappear for a while she could. She reiterated that she needed space and that maybe this wasn't the best timing to take this step for us (not outright saying we need to take a step back but there was the implication of it clearly which is fine if thats what she needs). I told her that whatever we are - or whatever we will be - we will figure it out and be fine. This wasn't about that, it was about her needing a break and that I will be here when she gets back.
We talked pretty much every day before the appointment and then after it we haven't spoken much because I want to give her space and time. She never told me what the doctor said which I was initially okay with and knew she would when she was ready. Then I get online last night and see that she posted the whole thing on Facebook and announced the results there. AITA for being hurt/upset that she announced it to the world without telling me?
submitted by FaithlessnessOpen328 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:38 arckadventure Wake Me Up From This Nightmare

I had a wonderful childhood. I couldn't have asked for a better one. My parents, brother, family, ... so much love in my life.
As I got older, I started to become exposed to the harsh realities of life. The people closest to me and the ones I loved the most started to get sick and pass away. I lost my dog. Life wasnt the same. And later, was diagnosed with Crohns which had a massive impact on my life and self confidence. I felt like a lab rat.. so many tests, doctor visits, medicine, diets, needles, ... eventually extensive surgery.
Luckily, after years of torture, I made it out ok. I started to build back my confidence, and was optimistic about the future. Before I knew it, I met the love of my life. I felt so extremely lucky to have you in my life. It felt like a dream. I felt that after all that pain and loss, I had finally had something good happen to me.
As time we on, we became best friends. You confessed your love to me, said I was different than all the rest, and you saw a future with me. You expressed how special I was to you. I felt the same way.
We met eachothers families, who became so close with eachother. I truly loved your family, they felt like home. My family loved you so much... my parents loved you like a daughter, and I knew you loved them too. We had everyone's support and love. We were the golden couple. We grew and experiences so much together. Bought our first house, saw the world, new jobs, school, ... Everyone was so proud of us, and we were proud of eachother.
Somewhere along the way, you started seeking outside the relationship for attention. I knew you were very social, so at first, I was happy to see you making friends. I knew you had a difficult childhood and past, and didn't have many good friends, so I was very supportive and encouraged you to do things with your friends.
We were inseparable. Always going things together, planning trips, going on adventures. Everything was easy. We enjoyed eachothers company so much. We made eachother laugh, feel loved, and safe. We were so comfortable and open, goofy with eachother, and always so intimate.
We shared a lot of the same hobbies: plants/garden, camping, trails, video games, movies, travel, outdoors, relaxing at home, ... it didn't seem to matter what we were doing, we were happy together.
I loved making you smile and laugh. I loved seeing you happy doing what you loved, or eating a meal I'd prepare for you.
I always wanted you to have the best. Since you were in school, I provided for you. Food, toys, restaurants, trips, ... whatever you wanted. I wanted to give you the world. It felt so good to make you happy.
You would tease me and hint towards wanting to get engaged. After 3 years, it happened. We were so happy, and you were so excited and happy to share the big news. We started planning our wedding, moved into a bigger house, new jobs, everything felt good.
I never expected to love someone so much. This young woman brought so much love, happiness, and adventure into my life. She completed changed everything. Everything was so easy.. effortless.. felt right.
When we moved into your dream home, things became more stressful. The house needed a lot of work, as well as the property. Regardless, we were willing and eager to tackle projects together and were excited to make things our own.
As time went on, and school/work seemed to become more stressful for you, I was left finishing a lot of our projects and maintaining them by myself. I also stepped up and started trying to take on more of the chores and responsibilities so that you could focus on school/work and still have time to relax. I was happy to help give you some relief.
After a few months, your brother asked to be our roommate for a time. I was hesitant, but you encouraged me that it would be a good thing. He would pay and help around the house. At first, it was nice. However, as time we on, it became more and more stressful.
The stress of doing everything and having a roommate that didn't mesh well with us overwhelmed me. I knew it was temporary, so I endured it.
One day, you came home from your new job and expressed what a good day you had.. that you had the chance to work with a different doctor, and that he was very fun and nice. I was so happy to hear it, since I knew you hadn't been having good days and people had been difficult. I was glad you seemed to have a mentor.
You started to have more good days than bad, working with this person more and more. You started talking to me about them more, sharing things you learned and talked with him about. As time went on, I started to feel a bit jealous. You had been spending more time with this person than me... your shifts were long, and I hadn't been seeing you as much. You started even talking to our parents about this person.
I started to notice you texting him while we were at home together. I'd ask, and you'd happily share whatever it was you guys were talking about. One evening, you were texting this doctor late at night. I approached you about this, and expressed how it was making me feel. I felt that it had started to become too much, and wasn't appropriate. I didn't like the idea of this older married man communicating with my young fiance so much. I expressed that I was happy that you had a friend at work, but felt that it was becoming too personal and inappropriate. You tried to reassure me that you were just friends, and that he was old and married, you would never be attracted to him. I stood firm and expressed that I would like for you to only communicate while at work, or for work related matters. You agreed and assured me it was nothing.
As time went on, I noticed you would sometimes hide your phone, turn it away, flip it upside down, or turn it off as I walked by. At first, I thought it was just me being paranoid. But as time went on, it started to mess with my head... otherwise, everything was good, so I told myself it was nothing. You started to enjoy that type of work and decided to join his practice. I was happy you were able to make up your mind and find something you enjoyed. Time went on. At some point, you needed an invasive procedure done... and you requested that doctor complete it. I didn't love the idea, but you preferred to have someone do it that you trusted. After that, the doctor seemed to be a thing of the past.
As the wedding date approached, the excitement increased. We had everything planned out and we were so excited for our big day. I saw how happy you were throughout the whole process. I couldn't believe our big day was right around the corner.
Our wedding was like a dream. Everything came together so nicely. We had the best night of our lives. I loved seeing you so happy with our friends and family there to celebrate with us. We went on a wonderful honeymoon and I felt so loved and appreciated.
Once we returned home, our roommate left, and stress started to decrease dramatically in the house. I was so relieved. You finished school, graduated, and I threw you a big surprise party to celebrate. I had always put together parties for all your special occasions, and I knew you really appreciated that. After so many nights helping you study, it felt wonderful to see you walk across that stage and finally finish.
You shortly after moved to a different hospital, and seemed to really like your new job and everyone there. Life was so good...
The house and our list of responsibilities and all the maintenance was still a lot, but I felt we were quickly starting to knock things off our list.
One week, you started working a lot... I hardly saw you that week. We'd always text and check in, saying we loved eachother, missed eachother, and looked forward to seeing eachother. When the weekend finally arrived, you had mentioned your best friend invited you to join her for girl time. I realized you hadn't seen her much lately and encouraged it.
That weekend, my grandmother had been struggling. I felt alone in our big house and had wished you were there. We checked in on eachother while you were gone. I was expecting you to return one evening, so I had dinner prepared. I was hurt when you didn't arrive and decided to stay another night with your friend.
When I saw you the next morning, I was feeling pretty down. I was already sad about my grandmother, but also felt like an after thought that week. You were so happy to see me, which was nice. We had a nice evening, spent time together, .. you never stopped telling me you loved me.
The next day after work, I got home, and you seemed so cold and distant. You seemed bothered by something. I checked in, asked if you needed anything, then went about my day. It seemed like you wanted space. I checked in every few hours, and you were busy doing something on your laptop.
I prepared dinner and started watching TV. I encouraged you to take a break, eat, and relax some before bed. You joined me on the couch, but was quiet and explained that you had some work to finish.
As it got late, I went up to bed. You explained you'd be up a little longer while you finished your work. As the hours went by, I thought it was so odd that you weren't in bed yet. I knew you had to get up early... sleep was always such a priority. I got up to check on you and to get some water. You were still on your laptop.. I noticed you were looking at rooms to something. I encouraged you to get some sleep. You joined me, looking exhausted.
We cuddled, said we loved eachother, then fell asleep. The next morning, I finished getting ready for work while you slept. As I was getting ready to leave, I sae your laptop. I decided to check and see what you were looking at... another air bnb for a trip? I was curious. We shared the laptop, so I didn't feel like I was invading her privacy.
I opened the laptop and saw apartments. I was so confused. I checker her email.. apartments. I noticed she had Facebook messenger up with recent messages. I checked... my world turned upside down. Those seconds felt like eternity as my heart sounded and my stomach sank. I read a message to a friend saying she wanted a divorce, never loved me, felt like a stranger in her house, dreaded coming home to me, ... that she loved a doctor.. he's married, but his wife is a lesbian. That was easily the worst moment of my life. I panicked and didn't know what to do... I was in shock. After a few minutes, I decided to address this with you.
I quietly walked up the stairs, sat on the edge of the bed, and calmly woke you up. You were sleepy, asking why I woke up.. you still had about 30m before work. I apologized for waking you.. As I looked at you silently, I started to cry. I quietly said "I know...". "I saw the messages". She looked back at me in shock.. eyes wide in the dark. I asked if she had been having an affair. She said no.. then started to look at me as if I wad a stranger. It was a terrible feeling.
You got up to get ready for work, and said we'd talk later that evening. You left. I was standing in the driveway and felt sick. I wasn't sure if I could make it to work.. but being at the house was making me feel worse, so I left. I didn't eat anything that while day. While at work, I prepared myself for our talk.
When we both got home, you pulled up to the house and started to pack some things while I sat on the couch. When you finally joined me, you were quiet.. asked about my day, I asked about yours.. then more silence. I asked what you needed from me. You explained that you were feeling very anxious, and didn't want me to get upset. You said you were going to stay with a friend for a few days to clear your head and wanted to talk once we were both rested.
You left for almost a week while I stayed in our big empty house, taking care of our pets, and completely confused and dead inside. I hardly ate or slept. I desperately started reading and watching whatever information I could find to help explain what was happening and to prepare myself. I spent most of my time thinking, reflecting on our life. I started tonrealize how stressed I had been... and thought about all the things I should/could have done differently. I knew I treated her so well, but no one is perfect.
Looking back, I started to think about all the red flags. Love is blind. I truly loved, trusted, and cared for this person more than anyone in the world. I thought she felt the same way... I never imagined us seperating.
I started to think of that doctor she used to talk about.. and realized she probably never stopped talking to him. I started to realize that my wife had stopped opening up to me... was no longer emotional or vulnerable... her emotional? affair started to kill the emotional intimacy between us.
I was happy just to have her in my life and enjoyed just being with her... she never expressed or talked about being unhappy... if I had known, I feel certain that we could have fixed whatever was lacking. I would have met whichever needs werent being met.
Were you lonely while I was busy working hard for us? Was she bored? I would have happily planned more outings... whenever I suggested something, you expressed that you were tired or didn't show interest. I knew you enjoyed time alone, so I never felt bad doing my own thing. I figured you would tell me of you needed or felt something...
I was so confused... started to question what was real. When did this all start? Why? How? Terrible thoughts entered my mind... so many late shifts, staying the night at the hospital, leaving early to get the air bnbs ready, ...
I also realized that towards the end, you had suddenly started to listen to different music, got a nose piercing, tattoo, talked about signing up for a sport, working out, ... these were all things I knew you had wanted to do for awhile, but it was all so sudden.
Why didn't you ever communicate... I recall you expressing your concern with my stress, but nothing else. I felt that my stress was reasonable considering everything I was doing.. and knew it was temporary. I didn't ignore it though. I saw a therapist, and started making changes. Was it all too late?
When we finally spoke again, it was so nice to just see you. We sat and you were so friendly and sweet - it reassured me that everything was going to be ok. We made small talk and joked, which immediately lightened the mood. You suggested I spoke first. I expressed my feelings and how important the marriage was.. that I'd so anything to save it. I took responsibility for my side of things and expressed the changes I had made and would continue to make. When you started, you expressed that you would always cherish our time together, but we're set on divorce. That we both deserved to be truly happy. Shortly after, you left.
The days after, you started packing your things while I was at work. I was living in a big empty house, every day getting more and more empty. I was a complete mess living in hell. Her family started to reach out to me and shower me with support, apologies, and disbelief. No one could make sense of this.
After a week or so, I couldn't take it any more, so I moved to stay with my parents while we finished moving out. I attempted to stay cordile through all this. You seemed so unphased and happy... texting me and talking to me like we were still best friends.
You explained that you felt bad for saying you never loved me... that you did, but not in the way a wife should love their husband. That it could be years, but in the future, I could count on you.
As time went on, and the pain increased, I was more distant. You texted more and more. Finally, I suggested that we limit communication unless she was interested in working on our marriage.
As the days went by, you grew colder and irritated.. I started to feel like the bad guy. I know you started to feel the weight of your decisons, and starred to project onto me. Making me the bad guy made you feel better. I attempted to end things on a good note... being helpful throughout the move out process, but you were so cold. It hurt so much... 5 wonderful years tossed aside like it never mattered.
I havent talked to you in weeks... I miss my best friend, my love, your family, our pets, and the wonderful life we built. I'm left trying to pickup the pieces. I feel so lost, confused, broken, ...
The tremendous amount of support I've gotten from both sides has helped a lot. I'm seeing a therapist, reading a lot, eating more, working out, and focusing on my self. The days are getting better, but I still have days where I am a mess.
I havent been sleeping well... always tired. Waking up several times, terrible nightmares and thoughts of you being with another man... I still have believe you would be capable of all this.. of hurting me so much.
I have urges to reach out to you... wanting to fix this, that there must be a misunderstanding... there are so many things I'd like to say. I got complacent and comfortable during our time together. I stopped doing the little things as often as I used to... I never meant to hurt you, make you feel lonely, unloved, unappreciated, ... whatever it is you felt. It's difficult for me to accept that my sweet innocent wife was capable of this... surely there was a reason?? I was just so caught up in my list of things... I was working so hard for our future.
I feel like my wife was manipulated by this man... why does an older doctor (20 years older) have a lesbian wife? He doesn't love her like she seems to think... he is using her. I feel sorry for her... I know there is no future there.
I've done a lot of reading on Attachment Styles, Limerence, love addiction, and other things that come as a result of childhood trauma. I feel like a lot of this has to do with her trauma... but also her selfishness and emotional immaturity. There is nothing I can do. I just pray she figures things out on her own, finds longlasting happiness, and puts an end to this cycle.
I would love it if we were able to reconnect in the future... I still deeply love and care for her. I don't want our story to end... none of this feels right. My gut is screaming that this is all wrong. I just know we both need to work on ourselves for the time being.
One day I had it all, the next, it crashed down before my eyes. Meeting you was the best thing to happen to me... you leaving was the worst. You rushed out of my life so quickly... I wish things were different.
submitted by arckadventure to Infidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:33 Apprehensive_Wrap_21 Mentally unstable flatmate won’t return rented furniture after I moved out, help!

Hi all, I’m 27F. I lived in Delhi and had shifted from Kalkaji to Malviya Nagar in December. Found the flatmate via flat and flatmate group on facebook. It’s a 2bhk and total rent is 34k. Before shifting, like any sane person, I visited the flat and sat down and got to know the other tenant is subletting and the owner doesn’t give one fuck about who shifts there, just needs rent. I sat down and spoke to her for 1.5 hours just to see who I’m going to be living with for the next 5-6 months as I didn’t plan on staying for long, will be shifting cities.
She lost her mother in December end(she is youngest of 4 children and is 31 years old). I had a lot of empathy for her as it’s a huge tragedy for any human to lose their mother. I Used to take all responsibility in the house, used to do all the work, pay all the bills so she could grieve in peace and not worry about these trivial things, used to keep checking on her regularly.
Her coping mechanism on the other hand was to bring dates to the flat - unannounced. Not judging, but a little heads up would be good as I’m a woman living in an independent flat, mostly wearing clothes which I wouldn’t wear in front of strange men. And she would never interact with me, even for coordinating the basis like maid, bills, security and utilities. Even if I would try to initiate the conversation she’d dodge and say let’s talk tomorrow.
Cut to April, I was in my hometown for whole months, on 25 April she texts the landlord is increasing rent by 20%. I felt something fishy because rent is usually increased by 10% with at least one month of notice. I told her 20k is too much for a room which is size of storeroom which no furniture, not even an AC. I only shifted here because it’s closer to my office and I didn’t plan on staying for long either. But I can’t spend 20k out of my 50k salary on the room. So I’ll probably shift.
When I reached at the flat a week later, I find out she’s kept some stuff in my room, dirty clothes on my laundry back including dirty underwear. Treated my room like a storeroom/dumpyard. When I expressed my disgust by merely asking ‘what is this’, she started getting aggressive and started verbally abusing me. Calling me ‘weird asshole’ because I came unannounced. She was physically violent and tried to attack me. Her reaction was that of a 5 year old, totally unhinged. Next day I packed my stuff and decided to leave the flat as it was already 30th. I told her to keep the security money and paid all the left Splitwise balance. Yet she said I have to pay rent for May and she will return my security at May end. I asked what’s the point when you are already keeping the security money. She had no answer kept asking for rent. Started harassing me verbally again. She was literally in my face trying to intimidate me.
Now I had rented a washing machine, we split the monthly rent for it. But it’s kept in her balcony and the access is through her room. It was supposed to be picked on the same day,but after abusing me she went to her room and didn’t let the machine get picked. I left for my hometown, my cab was waiting. The neighbours in building also mentioned she’s done this before with other tenants, withheld their AC. Owner is also aware of her behaviour but refuses to meddle.
Now she Kept texting me she will let it get picked at end of May as she is vacating the flat. I’ve scheduled the pick up for 25, but she wouldn’t let it happen. I’m anticipating she won’t return it and I’m thinking of filing a police complaint. Help me out guys, if I don’t return it I will have to pay 21k to Rentomojo.
What can I do in this situation? I still have keys to the flat FYI.
TLDR- 31f unhinged flatmate, got verbally abusive, harassed me for money, when I decided to shift. I have shifted from there but she won’t let me return the rental washing machine kept in her balcony, machine is registered in my name. She’s vacating flat at month end, owner doesn’t care.
submitted by Apprehensive_Wrap_21 to LegalAdviceIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:31 mitchellcrazyeye Alerts to Facebook Page / Twitter?

Has anyone found either a straightforward or roundabout way to get weather alerts to a Facebook page or Twitter? I've managed for a while but it makes me feel bad when I miss an alert. I'm trying to find some way to automate things if I can. I have access to iNWS so I get texts and emails when alerts happen for my town. (specifically, not county) The only real solution I've seen so far is ReadyWarn, which is only county wide and doesn't work for Facebook anymore.
Any ideas? Solutions? Open source options? I'm tech savvy and don't mind setting something up on my machines if needed. Thank you!
submitted by mitchellcrazyeye to weather [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:29 Zealousideal-Tax-536 I Need Some Advice: Is My Friend Manipulating Me?

Hi everyone, I’m looking for some advice. I (29M-Gay) think my friend (30F) might be manipulating me, but I'm not sure. Please hear me out.
We've been friends for 7 years, since I started my Master's degree. My friend is very self-centered and doesn't listen to others' opinions. I thought I could handle it because I used to be like her 5-6 years ago when I was in a toxic relationship and had a lot of personal issues. But now, I've grown, ended that relationship, and have been in a healthier relationship for 4 years. Things are much better for me.
However, my friend hasn't changed. She has a history of being manipulated by her ex-boyfriends, and she hasn't been able to move on for a decade. I feel like she's now manipulating me. Here are some examples:
Does anyone have a friendship like this? How do you cope with it?
Also, could it be that the problem is with me? Do I need to change something? I'm not sure if I'm the one being toxic and manipulative?
submitted by Zealousideal-Tax-536 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:28 ThrowRARasisnBran Long-term BFF [38F] blocked me [28F] on all social media for her mental health. How should I take this?

I have been BFFs with this individual for 4 years, we met at work. We usually would talk every day for multiple hours. I've been there for her during her divorce, multiple toxic relationships, etc.
I've been depressed, so a month ago I decided to go on a huge social media/texting break for a month. I didn't tell my friend about this until the 2nd week into my break, which I feel bad about and apologized for. She liked the message and I thought all was well.
A couple days ago, on my birthday, she blocked me on all social media channels, including my BF. I only know this because my BF brought it up, and I went back on my social media to check. No warning or text message explaining her decision.
When I confronted her about it the next day, she said that she's blocking all her friends "for her head" and that "if I'm going to be mad about social media connects then she doesn't know what to do" and "she just doesn't care about social media" even though she posts more than me.
The last time I posted on Instagram was March 2023. The last time I posted on Facebook was 4+ months ago. I'm very confused why I got blocked and how that is hurting her head? It feels like an excuse but she keeps insisting that she is my friend, she just needs to block me and my BF right now.
Is this even a great excuse? I get deleting your own social media or muting someone, but she full-on blocked me. On all platforms. And my BF! I don't believe her, even though she has never given me a reason not to.
Also, it it selfish to admit I just don't want friends who block me? I feel bad for taking a social media break, especially bc she is going through a hard time in her life too. But blocking feels intense and almost a weird punishment. I'm bad with friends so I don't know.
submitted by ThrowRARasisnBran to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:19 Coolasauras Would the new AI integration in windows help blind people use their computer with voice commands?

Would you be able to say stuff like "Open firefox and go to facebook", then "text Aria happy birthday "; fill out forms online using vocal commands as input and such?
submitted by Coolasauras to windows [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:53 Apprehensive_Wrap_21 Mentally unstable flatmate won’t return rented furniture after I moved out, help!

Hi all, I lived in Delhi and had shifted from Kalkaji to Malviya Nagar in December. Found the flatmate via flat and flatmate group on facebook. It’s a 2bhk and total rent is 34k. Before shifting, like any sane person, I visited the flat and sat down and got to know the other tenant is subletting and the owner doesn’t give one fuck about who shifts there, just needs rent. I sat down and spoke to her for 1.5 hours just to see who I’m going to be living with for the next 5-6 months as I didn’t plan on staying for long, will be shifting cities.
She lost her mother in December end(she is youngest of 4 children and is 31 years old). I had a lot of empathy for her as it’s a huge tragedy for any human to lose their mother. I Used to take all responsibility in the house, used to do all the work, pay all the bills so she could grieve in peace and not worry about these trivial things, used to keep checking on her regularly.
Her coping mechanism on the other hand was to bring dates to the flat - unannounced. Not judging, but a little heads up would be good as I’m a woman living in an independent flat, mostly wearing clothes which I wouldn’t wear in front of strange men. And she would never interact with me, even for coordinating the basis like maid, bills, security and utilities. Even if I would try to initiate the conversation she’d dodge and say let’s talk tomorrow.
Cut to April, I was in my hometown for whole months, on 25 April she texts the landlord is increasing rent by 20%. I felt something fishy because rent is usually increased by 10% with at least one month of notice. I told her 20k is too much for a room which is size of storeroom which no furniture, not even an AC. I only shifted here because it’s closer to my office and I didn’t plan on staying for long either. But I can’t spend 20k out of my 50k salary on the room. So I’ll probably shift.
When I reached at the flat a week later, I find out she’s kept some stuff in my room, dirty clothes on my laundry back including dirty underwear. Treated my room like a storeroom/dumpyard. When I expressed my disgust by merely asking ‘what is this’, she started getting aggressive and started verbally abusing me. Calling me ‘weird asshole’ because I came unannounced. She was physically violent and tried to attack me. Her reaction was that of a 5 year old, totally unhinged. Next day I packed my stuff and decided to leave the flat as it was already 30th. I told her to keep the security money and paid all the left Splitwise balance. Yet she said I have to pay rent for May and she will return my security at May end. I asked what’s the point when you are already keeping the security money. She had no answer kept asking for rent. Started harassing me verbally again. She was literally in my face trying to intimidate me.
Now I had rented a washing machine, we split the monthly rent for it. But it’s kept in her balcony and the access is through her room. It was supposed to be picked on the same day,but after abusing me she went to her room and didn’t let the machine get picked. I left for my hometown, my cab was waiting. The neighbours in building also mentioned she’s done this before with other tenants, withheld their AC. Owner is also aware of her behaviour but refuses to meddle.
Now she Kept texting me she will let it get picked at end of May as she is vacating the flat. I’ve scheduled the pick up for 25, but she wouldn’t let it happen. I’m anticipating she won’t return it and I’m thinking of filing a police complaint. Help me out guys, if I don’t return it I will have to pay 21k to Rentomojo.
What can I do in this situation? I still have keys to the flat FYI.
TLDR- unhinged flatmate, got verbally abusive, harassed me for money, when I decided to shift. I have shifted from there but she won’t let me return the rental washing machine kept in her balcony, machine is registered in my name. She’s vacating flat at month end, owner doesn’t care.
submitted by Apprehensive_Wrap_21 to delhi [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:20 PoeticPeacenik Social media ID law

I'm not sure if I chose the right flair but I apologize if I didn't.
But hey not a Utahn here. But I have some questions. How is the social media ID law working out for you guys? What has been your experiences? Have you guys had any luck with using a VPN to bypass those laws?
I'm worried they're gonna pass a similar law in my state (I don't want to say what state I'm in, for privacy reasons) and while I am an adult and I do have an ID, I'm not sure I'm comfortable providing my ID to a social media giant haha. Plus here's another thing, I'm a disabled/neurodivergent adult and I didn't have an ID until last year because my mom never took me to get one made because she's "over me" and she just thought I never needed one since I never leave the house without her and I don't buy alcohol, etc; and the only reason she took me to get one when she did was because I had an appointment at a hospital I never been to before and they wanted proof of identity. But I'm worried she's gonna be hard-headed and not get it renewed when the time comes which will exclude me from social media if social media ID laws are passed after my ID expires (which won't be anytime soon, by the way, but still).
So I have some questions, which I'm sure will be answered according to Utahn experience and may or may not necessarily reflect what will be the experience of people in my state.
But first of all, do these social media ID laws typically apply to only new accounts, or do they also apply to existing accounts as well?
And does using a VPN actually work? Will the social media site figure out you're using a VPN on their site and if so, will they ban your account for using one? In other words, is using a VPN for social media (such as Facebook and Instagram) allowed according to the sites' terms of service, or no?
I'm aware survey sites like Swagbucks and texting apps like TextNow can and will ban you for using a VPN. But what about social media sites?
And that's another thing, if I was to use a VPN for social media but not for the survey sites or texting apps, will the survey sites and texting apps still ban me for having the VPN on my device or would I just turn the VPN off before opening up those other apps? But I have a super bad memory and worried I would forget to turn the VPN off, though.
Anyway, I just wanna be prepared in case my state passes such laws. I'm also a writer and I post my writing (poetry, etc.) online which I do behind my mom's back of course but it gives me a sense of purpose because she shelters me and doesn't want me doing anything with my life. I don't want to lose the one thing that makes me feel like I'm making something out of myself. I had plans to do more with myself, in addition to my writing, like art and stories.
These laws are meant to protect kids but it's gonna hurt disabled/neurodivergent adults like me who are sheltered and treated like kids.
submitted by PoeticPeacenik to Utah [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:16 Flat_Suggestion5310 Selling/Giving Free Furniture & Home Appliances & Books By 5/25

Hi everyone!
Just graduated and am relocating long-distance for a new position. I'm selling/giving furniture & home appliances that I can't move with :'( All in very good condition. Our house has always been clean, smoke-free and pet-free. Please help me get everything out before 5/25, hopefully to someone that can make some use of these
FREE Instant Pot Lux Mini 6-in-1 Electric Pressure Cooker w/ a 3-Qt Stainless Steel Inner Cooking Pot
Works Great as a Rice Cooker, Steamer, etc.
FREE IRIS USA WOOZOO Ultrasonic Humidifier, 3L Water Tank
Great Appliance to Have in Winter, Quiet and Large Capacity
FREE TaoTronics Light Therapy Lamp, 10000 Lux UV-Free LED
Adjustable Brightness Levels, 90° Rotatable Stand, Works Great for a Dark Room in Winter
$5 [NEW] 3-Set Banboo Round Dinnerware
Never Used, With Original Wrappings
$5 [NEW] 3-Set Banboo Square Dinnerware
Never Used, With Original Wrappings
$10 2-Tier, 35’’, 12-Pair Black Veneer Shoe Rack
Solid-looking Multipurpose Rack in Entryway/Hallway
$25 [$40 FOR 2] IKEA - LILLÅNÄS Bar Stool, Dark Gray, Bar Height
Originally $120 EACH, Didin’t Regret Buying these but sad to see them go!
$20 IKEA - ÖRFJÄLL Swivel Chair, Light Gray, Adjustable Height from 15 - 20''
Originally $80, VERY Comfortable Seat and Back, Loved It When Working from Home
$120 WP Full Size Mattress w/ Assets (Serta Spring Box, Bed Frame w/ Rollers)
Medium Firm, Very Clean, Super Easy to Move, Comes w/ a 100% Cotton Mattress Cover
Price of the Mattress is negotiable, as I don’t own a large enough car to offer shipping to you… But the rollers work great and the entire thing is very easy to move, and we (me and my dad!) can definitely move it to the curbside when you come pick up. We live near OSU's main campus (a 5 min drive, or 15 min walk from Oval).
I have a few (text)books I used for undergrad and graduate-level chemistry and biochemistry courses. All in near-new condition. I’m giving them for free, preferably to a current student. Check out the link:
I also have some kitchenware and glassware (not listed here) and other stuff a college student can use when living off-campus and I’m willing to give for free. Comment here for more information or chat over specific items on FB. Thanks for sharing! And feel free to reach out if you have any questions :>
submitted by Flat_Suggestion5310 to OSU [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:33 Remarkable_Command83 Update to my post from three weeks ago, "I invited my female friend to a party, my ex-girlfriend went ballistic!"

I was dating "Mary" for about four years. She broke up with me about five months ago; it was all amicable enough. We were able to hang out a little bit, no problem at all. Then a mutual friend of ours was having a party that we both got invited to. I invited my friend "Ellen" to the party. Ellen and I have been friends for years. We went out at one point about six years ago for about a month, it totally did not work so we went back to being friends. Mary saw at the party that Ellen was there. Mary came up to me, and YELLED at me in front of everybody about it, left, unfriended me, and blocked me on chat. Am I the Jerk?
Also, while we were going out, Mary invited her ex-husband to a few large random events and parties. I talked to the guy, introduced him around a little bit, played darts with him.
Update: "Ellen" texted me to call "Mary" and tell her that Mary's facebook account was probably hacked, because Ellen just got a weird message from her.
Update: Mary has unfriended me on facebook, and I am pretty sure blocked me on text. I had already bought her birthday card though, for her birthday which is next week. Should I send her the birthday card? Thank you in advance for your input.
Latest update, this morning: I just got a text from "Mary" for the first time in three weeks. She said she still has strong emotions from the breakup, and that she does not want to be enemies.
submitted by Remarkable_Command83 to AmITheJerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:00 Shamone1958 mom cheating on dad.

i'm 20F my mom is in her late 40's ,my mom and dad are together.
I first caught her when i was 15 years old, i was young and a teenager back then and that really had a bad effect on me, IT SCREWED ME UP MENTALLY cause i never thought that my mom would do that, she was an angel to me.
i remember reading her texts and seeing that she was texting a family friend, they were talking dirty, calling each other on the phone etc, i remember that she secretly sent him a huge amount of money (my dad's money because he provides), and i remember him sending her a picture of his id card and stuff still don't know why.
i also remember them sexting a lot, her sending him some adult pictures of her (which made me go insane) and him sending her corn videos, that was soo disgusting .
at that age i knew that i was not mature enough to take the right decision, i was confused , and that's why i didn't tell my dad, but i told my brothers and they refused to believe me. one day i faced her about it and i cried begging her to stop texting that man and she told me she will stop.
my relationship with her changed a lot during that time, she started hating me a lot, and becoming more aggressive towards me.
then i took the decision to not give an f anymore, i thought maybe she will get bored at some point or realize that she's doing something wrong as a mom of 5 kids and if my dad founds out then i'll pretend that i knew nothing so i don't loose his trust as well.
5 years passed by and she is still in the same situation as before and even worse, i remember 2 years ago i checked her second phone(that i didn't know she had) and i saw that she had a fake profile on facebook and its full of dudes in her dms and weird ass groups i was like WHAT THE ACTUAL F* i was shocked then i put the phone away cuz i had enough.
Yesterday, a weird number called her and it was another man i pretended that nothing happened and that i didn't see her phone ringing.
it was yesterday when i realized that she's still going through the same pathway.
what should i do? i don't care about her life, if she's happy with those men then be it, i'm actually worried about my dad, he has abnormal anger issues. he will probably murder her if he founds out, and i'm worried about my reputation as a woman of such society, i don't do these stuff and i never had a boyfriend.
my question is :how can i put an end to this ? should i play dumb for the rest of my life til dad founds out and something bigger happens or just move on and move out ?
btw i come from a conservative 3rd world country, the things that my mom is doing are considered as very shameful and dangerous acts, especially as a woman it's risky here and she knows it. Even if my father murders her one day no one can do anything, men murder women here, yesterday our neighbor stabbed his wife to death, and all the blame was put on her, i'm really worried.
submitted by Shamone1958 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:58 Shamone1958 married mom texting other men.

i'm 20F my mom is in her late 40's ,my mom and dad are together.
I first caught her when i was 15 years old, i was young and a teenager back then and that really had a bad effect on me, IT SCREWED ME UP MENTALLY cause i never thought that my mom would do that, she was an angel to me.
i remember reading her texts and seeing that she was texting a family friend, they were talking dirty, calling each other on the phone etc, i remember that she secretly sent him a huge amount of money (my dad's money because he provides), and i remember him sending her a picture of his id card and stuff still don't know why.
i also remember them sexting a lot, her sending him some adult pictures of her (which made me go insane) and him sending her corn videos, that was soo disgusting .
at that age i knew that i was not mature enough to take the right decision, i was confused , and that's why i didn't tell my dad, but i told my brothers and they refused to believe me. one day i faced her about it and i cried begging her to stop texting that man and she told me she will stop.
my relationship with her changed a lot during that time, she started hating me a lot, and becoming more aggressive towards me.
then i took the decision to not give an f anymore, i thought maybe she will get bored at some point or realize that she's doing something wrong as a mom of 5 kids and if my dad founds out then i'll pretend that i knew nothing so i don't loose his trust as well.
5 years passed by and she is still in the same situation as before and even worse, i remember 2 years ago i checked her second phone(that i didn't know she had) and i saw that she had a fake profile on facebook and its full of dudes in her dms and weird ass groups i was like WHAT THE ACTUAL F* i was shocked then i put the phone away cuz i had enough.
Yesterday, a weird number called her and it was another man i pretended that nothing happened and that i didn't see her phone ringing.
it was yesterday when i realized that she's still going through the same pathway.
what should i do? i don't care about her life, if she's happy with those men then be it, i'm actually worried about my dad, he has abnormal anger issues. he will probably murder her if he founds out, and i'm worried about my reputation as a woman of such society, i don't do these stuff and i never had a boyfriend.
my question is :how can i put an end to this ? should i play dumb for the rest of my life til dad founds out and something bigger happens or just move on and move out ?
btw i come from a conservative 3rd world country, the things that my mom is doing are considered as very shameful and dangerous acts, especially as a woman it's risky here and she knows it. Even if my father murders her one day no one can do anything, men murder women here, yesterday our neighbor stabbed his wife to death, and all the blame was put on her, i'm really worried.
submitted by Shamone1958 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:53 Shamone1958 mom cheats on dad with multiple men.

i'm 20F my mom is in her late 40's ,my mom and dad are together.
I first caught her when i was 15 years old, i was young and a teenager back then and that really had a bad effect on me, IT SCREWED ME UP MENTALLY cause i never thought that my mom would do that, she was an angel to me.
i remember reading her texts and seeing that she was texting a family friend, they were talking dirty, calling each other on the phone etc, i remember that she secretly sent him a huge amount of money (my dad's money because he provides), and i remember him sending her a picture of his id card and stuff still don't know why.
i also remember them sexting a lot, her sending him some adult pictures of her (which made me go insane) and him sending her corn videos, that was soo disgusting .
at that age i knew that i was not mature enough to take the right decision, i was confused , and that's why i didn't tell my dad, but i told my brothers and they refused to believe me. one day i faced her about it and i cried begging her to stop texting that man and she told me she will stop.
my relationship with her changed a lot during that time, she started hating me a lot, and becoming more aggressive towards me.
then i took the decision to not give an f anymore, i thought maybe she will get bored at some point or realize that she's doing something wrong as a mom of 5 kids and if my dad founds out then i'll pretend that i knew nothing so i don't loose his trust as well.
5 years passed by and she is still in the same situation as before and even worse, i remember 2 years ago i checked her second phone(that i didn't know she had) and i saw that she had a fake profile on facebook and its full of dudes in her dms and weird ass groups i was like WHAT THE ACTUAL F* i was shocked then i put the phone away cuz i had enough.
Yesterday, a weird number called her and it was another man i pretended that nothing happened and that i didn't see her phone ringing.
it was yesterday when i realized that she's still going through the same pathway.
what should i do? i don't care about her life, if she's happy with those men then be it, i'm actually worried about my dad, he has abnormal anger issues. he will probably murder her if he founds out, and i'm worried about my reputation as a woman of such society, i don't do these stuff and i never had a boyfriend.
my question is :how can i put an end to this ? should i play dumb for the rest of my life til dad founds out and something bigger happens or just move on and move out ?
btw i come from a conservative 3rd world country, the things that my mom is doing are considered as very shameful and dangerous acts, especially as a woman it's risky here and she knows it. Even if my father murders her one day no one can do anything, men murder women here, yesterday our neighbor stabbed his wife to death, and all the blame was put on her, i'm really worried.
submitted by Shamone1958 to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:31 isisebow What should I do here

I had been seeing this man for about 1 1/2 years, every day or every other day. We didnt make it public because I was unsure how my parents would feel (they kinda racist.) Then he revealed that he has a child to me. He has no social media but snapchat so I would’ve never found it. He said he thought I would judge him so he didn’t say it blah blah blah. I didn’t really care , I was happy for him (she looked like 2-3.) But now my parents really wouldn’t like it since i’m 19 and he’s 25 with a kid. Despite that I was still in love with him so I would be with him anyway. So over the course of the following 6 months leading to the current time, I asked many questions about BM. Is she still in the picture, does he still see her, etc. He insisted he only saw her to pick up his child at times or do family stuff. That’s pretty reasonable I can respect it. He made many many excuses like we can’t make it public bc she may be mad and force child support or not allow me into the family etc. Well yesterday, I was checking this guys sister FB and found BM. Lo and behold there is tons of pics of her and “my man” together (I’ve been talking about him like he’s my man for 2 years and he is friends with all my friends.) I am physically ill to my stomach looking at the pics finding out they have been together the entire time. Do I tell her? I am afraid he will seek revenge on me. I am worried this can cause more turmoil in our already crazy lives. I am genuinely afraid of what he’ll try to do to me if I tell her. I told him that I found out and to go F himself and cut contact. I feel like such a bad person for doing this to his FIANCE (she had a ring on all the pics), she will be really angry at me. Also I discovered he started seeing me right BEFORE he had the baby shes 2. We literally would play games on each others phones or hed be driving and say text this person for me. I never saw her there. He spent 2 Christmas, Valentines, Easter, my bday, etc with me. My brain can’t comprehend how this is possible. Am I missing something? Maybe they’re on and off or just post on facebook to make it look stable when they’re not really together? He would go 3 months in a row seeing me EVERY DAY at times.
submitted by isisebow to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:54 Onoben4 How will people google en passant?!?!?!?!?!

How will people google en passant?!?!?!?!?! submitted by Onoben4 to AnarchyChess [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:20 jameslucian Someone asking to buy a Facebook page I have. I’m not sure if this is legit.

There is a Facebook page I ran over ten years ago that currently has 57,000 followers on it. I haven’t touched it or made any posts on it in a long time, but I just got a message from someone who wanted to buy the page for $2000. He asked me to text him so we can talk about it and gave me his number. I’d love to do this as the page means nothing to me now and that’s an easy $2k, but how do I know this isn’t a scam? I looked at the profile of the guy messaging me and there was nothing on it, just a profile picture. I tried googling the name and nothing came up.
Anything I should be looking out for here or could this possibly be a legit offer?
submitted by jameslucian to Scams [link] [comments]

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