On-cor frozen food

Frozen Food Sadness

2017.01.16 19:20 zombiegirl2010 Frozen Food Sadness

Frozen foods never look like the picture on the box, or the commercial.

2010.11.03 18:01 mmmyum Slowcooking: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Slowcooking is a food-related subreddit for sharing ideas, recipes or pictures in which a "Crock-Pot®" style slow cooker was used. Slow cooking is an ideal method for cooking less expensive portions of meat to make them more tender and tasty than by other forms of cookery. Vegetarian and vegan dishes can also be made via slow cooking. - crockpot, slowcooker, crock, crock-pot, slow cooker

2010.07.27 21:51 notalyce r/xxfitness

We're a community targeted at female and gender non binary/gender non conforming redditors to discuss fitness. However, all genders are welcome to contribute, all we ask is that you abide by the rules.

2024.05.22 03:17 tsuabsa90 Freezer to freeze unfrozen food

I purchased a Fridgeaire freezer which doesn’t do a good job freezing unfrozen food. Our use case may be different than most people where we constantly have unfrozen food to be frozen rather than keeping frozen food frozen.
Does anyone have recommendations on freezers that can constant freeze unfrozen food ?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by tsuabsa90 to freezerfood [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:14 Dry-Boot-170 Am I a fool for not "treating myself"?

I consider myself pretty frugal in that I try to avoid spending any money if I can and try my best to save if I have to spend it. Unlike my friends and family, I don't go to Tim Hortons almost every day or to restaurants every week. I make coffee at home with a $30 coffee maker and enjoy frozen fries and chicken strips if I'm feeling gluttonous. My friend said that the money he spends on his daily tims and weekly fast food is insignificant and it doesn't matter anyway because the world will collapse soon and money will be worthless.
Coffee at tims is $2.20, that's $517/year if you buy it every working day. A McDonald's meal is close to $12, that's $624/year if you buy it weekly. In total that's almost $1,200/year. Median income is close to $50,000. I can't imagine spending close to 2-3% of my annual income on shit coffee and shit food. Am I wrong?
submitted by Dry-Boot-170 to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:04 Imaginary_Ad_244 Quit or Pump on??

I need a pro/con list for continuing to pump. I'm 8 months postpartum today, and I don't know if I can/want to keep doing this. I'm having serious mom-guilt over it and a little bit of anxiety. What's you pro/con for pumping/quitting??
My backstory, if you want it:
We were in the NICU for 1 week with a feeding tube for a few days because he wouldn't eat. The docs kept requiring him to eat larger and larger quantities each day before we could leave. It was stressful and I felt so guilty force feeding him, so we could get out. He started eating donor milk, then my milk.
When we got home, we tried nursing, but he wasn't gaining weight, which was concerning because when we left the hospital he was well above his birth weight. His pediatrician said my milk wasn't fatty enough, and we should try formula. I tried giving him 2 bottles of formula which he hated and spit up everywhere. BUT, I knew this couldn't be right since he gained weight just fine in the hospital with my milk. This whole situation stressed me out even more and I started eating fatty foods, and trying to get him to drink more. We were doing a combo of breast for 10 min, then bottle, and I basically spent all day trying to feed him. After 3 lactation consultants, a pediatric dentist, chiropractor, osteopath, and a new pediatrician, we still don't know why he couldn't transfer, but 8 weeks had gone by and I was done trying. He was perfectly fine with the bottle, and breastfeeding just wasn't in the cards for us. I wanted to enjoy my baby. I found so much peace in accepting that and exclusively pumping, and he's been doing great!
I've always produced enough for him plus a growing freezer stash, and I probably have a month's worth frozen. I was never anti formula and think there are serious benefits to combo feeding breast milk and formula if he'd drink both, but the feeding experience detailed above gave me a serious complex about my milk vs formula. I'm so worried about switching anything up. Also, I'm a teacher with summer break approaching. I currently pump before work, at lunch, before going home, and before bed. The idea of pumping over the summer does not seem enjoyable to me. It's almost easier with work because I have a set schedule, and someone to watch my baby. Also, bathing suits and these deflating/reinflating boobs are a handful. I hate planning my life around pumping!
My only pros for pumping right now are saving money on formula, not having to deal with my feeding anxiety/my baby is happy with breast milk, and I'm losing weight from making all of this milk. Vain, I know, but whatever. I could make a much longer list of pros for quitting, but is quantity greater than quality?? Your advice is needed!
submitted by Imaginary_Ad_244 to ExclusivelyPumping [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:34 openroad94 Need to transport food at fridge temp for 3+ hours

This feels like an obvious question, but thermal bags are usually advertised as keeping food hot or frozen, and I actually want to keep the food at refrigerator temp to serve upon arriving at my destination 3+ hours away. If I just pull the food out of the fridge and add a few ice packs to the cooler bag, will that be enough to maintain fridge temp while traveling by car for 3+ hours? Or is it likely to warm up too much in that amount of time? Just hoping for some reassurance!
submitted by openroad94 to AskCulinary [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:31 Collector_2012 land lady strikes again....

Alright, so I have in the past expressed the issues I have with my land lady. I've said and I still do believe she is racist. It's gotten to the point to where she drove everyone out! Just me, the landlord, her and one other guy who isn't around. Now, I physically try to avoid her whenever possible. She is always trying to pick a fight with someone, either verbally or physically. I have accused her of trying to Illegally kick me out; when I pay my rent on time Or early, keep to myself, and clean up after myself. It got so bad that I eventually stopped buy food for months. I recently started buying food again, and tonight she got on me about it. She said if I don't eat my stuff in my freezer then the shelf will break. For the record, I have a few things of chicken breast, and some frozen veggies that I microwave into meals. She didn't yell, just sternly talked to me about it. Then she went on a tangent about how she wants to move, and the landlord doesn't buy anything. Which, he is in the same boat with me. I have watched her beat the shit out of him before, to where the cops got in volved. They wanted her to go to classes for it. She said she was cleaned the refrigerator when she saw that the freezer shelf was off. This shit is so aggravating. I'm finished at this point..... I am trying to go back to school, so I can do better for myself. If anyone feels like taking to me would be nice, but I do not expect it....
submitted by Collector_2012 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:30 Final-Thing-9301 High AST/AlTs scared and worried. fatty liver or worse.

Hi im a 29 yr old male 5'6 and weighed at 182 lbs as of today. i had a check up with my pcp after not seeing one since 2019. i had some blood work done and i got the results on the patient portal and my heart dropped once i saw my results for my liver enzymes with them at 150 ALT (range 12-78) and my AST 54 (range 5-37). my doctor told me shell follow up with an ultrasound to check things out if they were high , this was before she sent me down the hall to get my blood drawn. i assume she hasnt even checked the results yet. im so damn anxious i came here to reddit to get a piece of mind. im googling all sorts of stuff about fatty liver and liver cancer. i started a low dose of suboxone for kratom use back in december 2023 and in january i switched to a new doctor and he had me go get my blood drawn , i guess suboxone can cause issues with the liver. so the results for that test were sorta high also with my AST being 45 (range 10-40) ALT 69 (range 9-46 ). the sub doctor scared me saying they were a little high and i could have fatty liver disease , this is where this all started . so i actually went to the ER a few days later out of panic and had the doctors draw my blood and my levels came back normal , the only thing the doctor saw was that my blood sugar was a little high and to follow up with my pcp and it took me a long time to get that apt with my pcp. had to wait months! also with todays results it showed my triglycerides levels were high and i know nothing about them but they were 445mg (range 40 - 200 MG/DL). my glucose levels are high also at 129 (range 74 - 106 MG/DL). my glucose wasnt this high back in january at all. im thinking about going to straight to the ER again and try to see if i can get a ultrasound or something done to make sure im alright. i cant stay off google or worrying myself sick. im so depressed that something more serious is going on. the last decade since i left child protective custody ive been on my own. i dont eat any veggies and rarely fruits (these past few weeks ive been eating fruit everyday , grapes, bananas and a apple). anyways the past decade ive ate alot of ramen, microwaved foods, chips and fast food. which are definitely, if not the cause of the high liver enzymes and high blood sugar. the thought of eating veggies grosses me out and makes me gag like it always does. this is gonna be a battle and if feel like its God telling me to take care of myself before i develop something more serious if it already isnt. i wanna live a long life. this is gonna be tough to adjust and change my diet. i come home after work at night and eat alot of crap . pizza rolls , ramen , frozen chicken bites etc. if anyone has any advice , or any words to calm me down so i dont stress myself to death that would be awesome. also is there any subreddits i could join to help fix my diet and where to start ? i plan on making green smoothies to get my greens in and lose weight
submitted by Final-Thing-9301 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:46 creamcandy Chocolate covered cherry

Chocolate covered cherry
A favorite at our house. I'm admittimg I'll never actually open an ice cream shop, and sharing the recipe here instead. Let me know if you try it!
136 g (0.68 cup) allulose
1.4 g monk fruit
0.2 g (0.0625 tsp) guar gum
3 pinches table salt
29 g (0.43 cup) powdered skim milk
1 pinch Accent
127 g (0.52 cup) whole milk
51 g (3 x large) egg yolk (pasteurized)
113.4 g (4 oz wt) Frozen sweet cherries
6 drops Black cherry oil
2 drops cherry oil
2 drops almond oil
⅜ tsp Malic acid
1 Tbsp Vanilla extract
0.5 tsp vanilla bean paste
2 drops red
448 g (1.87 cup) cream
100 g (.59 cup) bitterrsweet chocolate chips
6 g 1.75 tsp neutral oil (avocado)
  1. Combine allulose, monk fruit, guar gum, salt, powdered milk, and accent in the pitcher of a blender (like a Vitamix, one that can powder sugar) and blend until finely powdered.
  2. Add milk and egg yolks, and blend briefly.
  3. Add frozen cherries, cherry oils, almond oil, malic acid, vanillas, and food color, and blend until smooth.
  4. Add cream and pulse the blender until just combined. Put blender pitcher in the refrigerator, until you're ready to churn.
  5. Melt the chocolate and oil together and let cool while it churns. Drizzle into the ice cream when it's soft-serve set, then churn fully and freeze.
submitted by creamcandy to icecreamery [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:45 Slow_Concern_672 Nestle targeting glp_1 users

Nestle targeting glp_1 users submitted by Slow_Concern_672 to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:42 Shoozie987 Thawing Frozen Bread: Tips For Fresh-Tasting Results

Frozen bread is a convenient staple in many households. It helps reduce food waste and ensures that you always have bread on hand when you need it. However, the challenge comes in when you need to thaw it, as improper techniques can lead to bread that's soggy, dry, or just not quite right. Here at T ........
Read More
submitted by Shoozie987 to Kitchen_Appliance_Dad [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:33 JessiJStan Four days, four parks [Trip Report]

Four days, four parks [Trip Report]
Trip report here! My friend and I took on the exhausting trip of Hersheypark, Kennywood, Cedar Point, and Kings Island all in four days, back to back. Thought I’d share my experience for anyone thinking about embarking on a similar trip. Scroll to the parks section for coaster opinions and such.
Overall planning/scheduling
We had a 7 hour drive to Hershey on Friday, spent Saturday at Hersheypark, then drove to Pittsburgh, Sunday at Kennywood, drove to Cedar Point that night, Cedar Point Monday, drove to Cincy that night, Kings Island Tuesday (Today). Due to both my friend and I working half days Friday, it worked best for us to save vacation time to do it like this. I DO NOT recommend this as we did not really enjoy the drives after being burnt up in the parks that day lol. It really wasn’t that bad, but I think I would take the extra day next time and drive in the mornings.
Really go cheap for these. We really spent like two hours awake in each place, so go cheap, spend elsewhere. Hotels cost around 170 a person. We packed everything we could to eat breakfast and lunch with what we packed. We ate once in the parks and just picked up something small each night. Food costs were around 30-40 a day.
Hersheypark - I’m not gonna lie, this park kind of disappointed me. Ops were slow to say the least. We were lucky to get rides on everything, and that was not thanks to the operations. We only got one reride on anything (WcR). I really had a great plan on routes for this place due to some speculation this would happen. Top three for me were WcR (#7 overall), Fahrenheit (20), and Skyrush (24). Wildcats was everything it was hyped up to be. One or two dead spots knocked it a bit for me. Fahrenheit was the sleeper hit of the whole trip for me. So intense and whippy and fun. Skyrush is uber intense and some great airtime, but really does have a lot of dead track in my opinion. Still don’t love these lap bars as I still get CRUSHED by them.
What a cute park! I really felt like it was frozen in time a bit, but in a good way. Ops were a bit better here, but still a little cluttered. It was nice how much shade there was. Top three were Phantom (13), Thunderbolt (32), and Jack Rabbit (33). Whoever maintains these wooden coasters needs a raise. Smoothest janky rides in the world. Phantoms was actually my 100th credit! Some of the most fun airtime but too short! Hopefully Kennywood gets everything figured out on Steel Curtain because this park would be worth coming back to.
Cedar Point
Ah the holy land of thoosies. Of course this is the capital of great rides, but god was it a pain of a day. We got early access, got two rides on Gatekeeper, then one on wild mouse. Went straight to the back of the park to get on Maverick right at 10. Already a 45 minute wait. So we break down and get fast passes. Still wait like 30 minutes for everything. Sprinted to SteVe every time it reopened, only rode it ONCE the whole day of trying to ride it as much as possible. Everything kept breaking down all day. I’d say each was open MAYBE 60% of the day. Maverick was the only thing that ran consistently all day. Operations were fine. Just a bit disappointing for spending 120 dollars and still only getting to ride most things once. Top three ended up being Steel Vengeance (2), Maverick (11), and Magnum (14). If I could’ve rode SteVe more than once, I could merit putting it first, but with how much of a nightmare it is getting on it and even harder it is to get another ride on it, I can’t put it number one. Maverick was running so smooth and that second launch is something else. So fun and rerideable. Magnum was so interesting. Kind of odd first half, the most aggressive finale ever. Rode in the magic seat and genuinely thought I was going to be ripped at the torso. So crazy.
Kings Island
This is the one I’ve been to before. Second trip was even more impressive than the first. Ops were incredible, atmosphere was great, rides were even better. This park is the best run park in the country in my opinion. Dollywood (my home park) comes close, but Kings Island’s rides pushes KI over the top for me. Even though the park felt crowded, rides never got over thirty minute wait times ever. Those ops fly those trains out and such fun commentary along with it. Banshee was said to possibly not open, but luckily they got it running by 2 and kept it going all day. Top three for me is Diamondback (12), Orion (14), and Banshee (21). Diamondback is easily the best B&M hyper by far. The layout is just incredible. It was running so fast today that I got ejector on that last hill into the splashdown. Orion is not as much of a letdown as everyone thinks. A three hundred foot drop on anything is so worth it. Of course it’s not Fury, but it’s still such a rush. Banshee’s “rattle” is nothing that’s not bearable. It’s not as intense as some inverts, but the quality and quantity of this ride is worth that placement in my mind. I know all of y’all will jump on me about not including Mystic in my top three, but it’s just not what I look for in a woodie. I wish there were more laterals. Of course it’s a great airtime machine, but my top GCI is still Thunderhead.
Thanks for reading! If you have any comments on my opinions, please do share and let me know of other good roadtrips to take!
submitted by JessiJStan to rollercoasters [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:13 fulltimeheretic I keep seeing those candied grape videos but no one near me makes them and fruit riot is expensive/always sold out, so I improvised and now I’m hooked

I keep seeing those candied grape videos but no one near me makes them and fruit riot is expensive/always sold out, so I improvised and now I’m hooked
Frozen grapes, tru lime and crushed smart sweets (suckers or gems) has been the one thing keeping me on track when I’m craving junk food.
submitted by fulltimeheretic to CICO [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:53 imthedrama1 30F [F4M] South Carolina/anywhere - Meet me where the lines blur together

I don't care where you're from. I don't mind if you come with kids. I just want the love to be there. I want good communication. 🥹 I just wanna find my person. It's OK if my person lives all the way in Sweden or whatever.
I don't want to be pregnant. I do not want to give birth. But I'm 1000% open to being a parent through bonus children or adoption. So, don't let that scare you away. Putting this out early to avoid disappointment.
Facts about moi:
Why you should date me:
submitted by imthedrama1 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:24 Then_Farmer8560 Is everyone else ready for Teek tomorrow?

Is everyone else ready for Teek tomorrow?
I "accidentally" broke my foot a few weeks ago while at work, now I conveniently have a lot of time for Teek launch tomorrow. Wife is picking me up a bunch of junk food in the morning (frozen pizzas, canned ravioli, hot pockets, corn dogs) and an unhealthy amount of Dr. Pepper.
What is everyone's favorite snacks / go-to foods for binging a TLP launch?
Can't forget the most important item.
submitted by Then_Farmer8560 to everquest [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:16 burritosupremedream Freezer left slightly open in garage

Freezer was somehow cracked open all night and now all my food is basically thawed. I had lots of frozen bread, bagels, and frozen veggies in there. The bread is basically thawed and the bags on the outsides are all wet. I had two tubs of ice cream that were still cold and didn’t even look melted so I moved them to the freezer in my kitchen to hopefully salvage them. Also had some frozen steamable rice bags that are now completely thawed. Should I toss any of this stuff?
submitted by burritosupremedream to foodsafety [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:21 BigTomBombadil Best spots for crab legs?

What’s up everyone, I’ve got a few questions, but it all boils down (pun intended) to one main question:
What’s your favorite spot for crab legs in Austin?
Only place I’ve been is TLC, and I liked it, but realized I don’t even know of other options around the city. Crab legs are one of my favorite meals, but I usually only eat them about once a year due to price. My now pregnant wife has been craving them though, so now might be a could time for my annual crab meal.
A couple tangential questions:
I know most will be frozen so I’m guessing it won’t make as big of a difference.
I searched this sub and saw a post from last year saying they were scarce, and there may not be a fishing season (at least for Alaskan king crab) due to low populations.
submitted by BigTomBombadil to austinfood [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:02 YetiMaster273 Today was a bad pain day...

It was my 8. I woke up feeling mentally rough. Went to work where I barely made it an hour. I cried in front of my director and cried in front of a bunch of teachers. I called it when I could barely get a water pitcher from the sink to the fridge. If I could barely do that an hour after my shift started there's no way I would have been able to work.
My director was able to find coverage for my role, I was able to get home and veg for the day, and fortunately for me at least I don't think I over did it. Hopefully tomorrow is better but god damn did today suck.
I was still gaslighting myself while I was dealing with pain spasms wondering if they were really that bad. I was questioning if I was just worked up or if my muscle tremors were really that bad picking up a serving bowl of bagels. And here I am hours later after a whole day of sitting and resting wondering if I made it up for attention so I didn't have to work.
I have a bubbly personality normally and I couldn't even crack a smile. The difference in my personality was noticed by literally everyone. Why am I wondering if im faking when im clearly not. I'm embarrassed again. I'm tired. And I just hate this trapped stuck feeling that I feel right now.
I self cared. Cuddled my dog, sat outside in the heat with her in the back yard, I played my comfort games, and watched plenty of TV just chilling. I made sure to eat decent food (frozen Healthy Choice) and had a couple scrambled eggs. Plus I drank plenty of water. I'm exhausted physically but my mental capacity doesn't reflect that. I think thats the biggest gaslight of all.
submitted by YetiMaster273 to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:09 Tikithing How healthy are Vegetable Fingers?

I was just wondering if anyone actually knows if Vegetable fingers are healthy for you or not. There's stuff online on wheather fish fingers ect are healthy, but if you Google Vegetable fingers then you just get a load of Birdseye propaganda.
I know processed food = bad, but how unhealthy can frozen veg be? But maybe the coating outweighs it?
I know there's a few brands, but I'm thinking Birdseye Vegetable fingers that you buy in the average shop, not like, fancy gourmet yokes.
submitted by Tikithing to AskIreland [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:00 MadMedic21 Another Comprehensive Guide From a Caregiver and ACLr Recipient

Hi all! First off, so glad this sub reddit exists because it was a life saver when I was making decisions on my own ACLr and knowing what to expect from surgery. I'm a 2x cancer surviver, Paramedic, Rugby player, and now have been a caregiver to my partner who just celebrated 3 months from her own ACLr. I collected a bunch of advice and tips and tricks that I have used both during cancer treatment, my own experience with ACLr, and now through care taking my partner through hers. I know there have been guides before, but mine is a bit different and aimed at caregivers so I thought I'd post it here since ya'll helped me so much instead of it just circulating the rugby community every time a teammate or friend has to have ACLr or some other reconstruction. Hope it's allowed and helps!
A Cancer Patients Guide To Knee Reconstruction Recovery
A Comprehensive Guide To Surviving and Thriving In the Pre and Post-op Period Built From The Perspective of Caretaker and Patient.
Before The Date


It is important to adequately prepare for surgery in the weeks and days leading up to the procedure. A significant period of immobility and reliance on support can be expected immediately post-op and will vary by procedure and personal experience. Physical modification of living space and thorough preparation allows for the immediate post-op period to be free of emergency store runs and the small inconveniences that can add up to big frustration. Not having food and drink nearby as well as other essentials may be a small deal now, but can turn into a big deal when you can no longer get those things for yourself. While physical preparation (home modifications, adaptive tools, meal prepping, etc.) are important, mental preparation is crucial to the long term success of the repair. Making small, achievable goals in the immediate post-op period and maintaining a long sighted view of recovery will make the pain and immobility that is initially experienced more bearable. Additionally, social support through a partner, family members, or friends is an essential part of recovery, as is maintaining contact with sports teams or other social groups during rehabilitation.

General PEARLs

Days Leading Up To Surgery

Day Of And Immediate Post-Surgery Phase

submitted by MadMedic21 to ACL [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:41 SaveTroc Building the Ultimate Japanese-Style Vending Machine Boutique in America – What Would You Include?

Hello vending enthusiasts,
I've been thinking a lot about how vending machines are evolving, especially with Japan's reputation for having some of the most innovative and diverse vending machines in the world. Imagine if we could create a Japanese-style vending boutique in a high-traffic area in the U.S. – what would be the ideal setup?
If you had the budget and could include a variety of vending machines in a convenience store setting, what categories would you choose and which specific models or vendors would you recommend?
Here’s a hypothetical setup I'm considering:
  1. Snack and Drink Machines:
    • Machines offering a wide variety of snacks and drinks, including healthier options and culturally diverse items.
    • Examples: Combination snack and beverage machines that can be stocked with chips, granola bars, soft drinks, and bottled water. Healthier options like dried fruits, nuts, and low-sugar beverages would also be included.
  2. Cold and Frozen Food Machines:
    • Machines that can store and dispense cold and frozen meals, perfect for busy consumers looking for quick meal solutions.
    • Examples: Glass-front freezers and refrigerated units that offer frozen dinners, ice cream, and chilled sandwiches. Ideal for locations like office buildings, gyms, and residential complexes.
  3. Hot Food Vending:
    • Machines capable of preparing and dispensing hot meals such as pizza, ramen, and other quick-serve dishes.
    • Examples: Automated pizza makers that bake fresh pizzas on demand and ramen vending machines that prepare hot noodles. Perfect for college campuses and high-traffic urban areas.
  4. Healthy and Specialty Foods:
    • Vending machines focused on providing healthy options like salads, fresh produce, yogurt-based products, and fermented snacks.
    • Examples: Machines offering fresh salads, cut fruits, yogurt, and smoothies. Specialty vending machines can also provide culturally diverse snacks like hummus, sushi, and plantain chips.
  5. Ice and Water Vending:
    • Essential for rural or high-traffic areas where clean water and ice are in demand.
    • Examples: Standalone ice vending machines that dispense bags of ice and filtered water, perfect for hot climates and areas with limited access to clean drinking water.
Requirements for All Machines:
To make it even more exciting, what additional categories would you include if you were setting up the ultimate vending machine expo in a convenience store? What specific models and vendors would you recommend for each category to ensure the highest quality and user experience?
Looking forward to your suggestions and expertise!
submitted by SaveTroc to vending [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:25 Icy-Paramedic-6550 AITA for kicking my boyfriend's friends out after they ate my soup?

Throwaway account for multiple reasons.
So I (26F) have a cold. I've had it for a few days now, but I ran out of sick leave so I still had to go to work today and Monday. Its left me tired and, admittedly, irritable. I just wanted soup. I had soup from a while ago that was frozen, so when I came home, I made a beeline for the freezer and set it on the stove to defrost. My boyfriend (27m, let's call him John) and a few of his friends were in the livingroom, our kitchen doesn't have any seats, so I went to our bedroom to wait for it.
After waiting a bit, I walk into the livingroom to see that they'd dished up my soup for themselves (mind you, they had three empty pizza boxes on the table. Pizza that no one thought to leave slice for me.) And they were almost all done with it. But, I think it's whatever and go to the kitchen to pour myself some. It was gone. They scrapped every bit of my soup and took it for themselves.
I was mad and told them to just get out. John then starts getting mad at me for "being a bad host" and that I can't make food while we have guests and not make some for them. I told his friends to leave again, but no one was budging and then John told me that I should leave since I was getting so worked up and "overreacting". I told him that I was sick and THIS MAN SAID THE FRESH AIR WOULD HELP ME HEAL.
It was uncomfortable just having his scary looking guy friends stare at me waiting for me to go, so ofc I left. And I think that he had some point about making food while there were guests but that was my soup. They didn't ask, they didn't leave me some, and they had already eaten. Was I being selfish? Should I have waited til they left to make my soup? AITA?
*Sorry, the title is misleading. I meant TRYING to kick my bf's friends out.
submitted by Icy-Paramedic-6550 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:14 burritosupremedream Freezer was left cracked in my garage.

Freezer was somehow cracked all night and now all my food is basically thawed. I had lots of frozen bread, bagels, and frozen veggies in there. The bread is basically thawed and the bags on the outsides are all wet. I had two tubs of ice cream that were still cold and didn’t even look melted so I moved them to the freezer in my kitchen to hopefully salvage them. Also had some frozen steamable rice bags that are now completely thawed. Should I toss any of this stuff?
submitted by burritosupremedream to foodsafety [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:55 marys1001 GEProfole fridge smells bad!

I've checked and double checked for bad food.
No water lines as I have a counter depth with no icemaker or waterline
Internet blah blahs about drip pan but these don't seem to have much of one? Can't access. Nothing smells under the fridge.
Looked under the drawers for spills
Can't remember if it happened at same time, before or after but the freezer drawer door started not shutting right. It would pop back a little like the seal wasn't holding it. I think I caught it pretty fast? Pushed shut with rolled up dish towels. Everything seems frozen
Tech coming Th or Fri for the freezer door.
The smell is horrible and I feel like I want to throw away everything in there because of stink particles.
submitted by marys1001 to Appliances [link] [comments]
