Biag ni lam-ang tagalog version epiko

The difference sa comments

2024.05.15 03:51 No-Childhood-2709 The difference sa comments

Naay ni post diri about rph na Bisaya vs Tagalog pero from a Cebuano POV and this one another Bisaya vs Tagalog from a Tagalogversion.
The contrast between sa comments.
submitted by No-Childhood-2709 to Cebu [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 12:43 starlightexpressme2 "MILYONG PASASALAMAT SA DIOS" -- NASA BIBLE NGA BA YAN??

YES i admit once a week lang ako nakakadalo ng gatherings ng mcgi for some reasons.
Naka PERFECT ATTENDANCE lang ako when i was given a youtube link when pandemic started last 2020 first quarter to 2023 last quarter.
Parang may pagkakataon na nagsalita si Eli Soriano ng "MILYONG SALAMAT SA DIOS" every time na nakapag paksa sya ng "HIWAGA" sa mga members niyang uto uto.
Hindi ko lang alam kung ilang pagkakataon sinabi ni Eli Soriano yung "MILYONG SALAMAT SA DIOS".
Si Daniel Razon ba nakapag salita ba sya ng "MILYONG SALAMAT SA DIOS"??
Now eto ang mga KNPs na every time na magsasalita eh mas madalas nila sabihin yung phrase na "MILYONG SALAMAT SA DIOS".
When i heard them mention "MILYONG SALAMAT SA DIOS", parang nag SPARK sa isip ko, teka, meron bang phrase sa Bible na "MILYONG SALAMAT SA DIOS"??
Wala ata akong na-recall na may verse sa Bible na "MILYONG SALAMAT SA DIOS", or in english, "MILLION THANKS TO GOD", something like that....
Yes binasa ko na buong Bible and from time to time i still study it carefully, at WALA talaga ako ma-recall sa english version na "MILLION THANKS TO GOD".
I have read the KJV and now exploring the NIV. Pero hirap talaga ako sa Tagalog Bibles so i just stick to the english translations.
Yes it's their FREEDOM to say "MILYONG SALAMAT SA DIOS" for whatever reason they have.
Since saksakan ng entitlement ang mga leaders at workers ng MCGI na Biblical daw lahat ng sinasabi nila at inaaral at tinuturo, eh bakit kaya yung "MILYONG SALAMAT SA DIOS" eh WALA naman sa Bible?
Kaya ko sinabi ito eh HINDI PARA MAGYABANG, kundi para MAGSHARE ng isa pang IGNORANCE SA BIBLE ng mga SOLO CLAIMERS na MCGI lang daw ang sa Dios.
Ang nakasualt kasi sa Bible eh ito...
sa NIV it says...
Psalm 30:12
that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. Lord my God, I will PRAISE YOU FOREVER.
Psalm 79:13
Then we your people, the sheep of your pasture, will PRAISE YOU FOREVER; from generation to generation we will proclaim your praise.
sa KJV it says...
Psalm 30:12
To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give THANKS UNTO THEE FOR EVER.
Psalm 79:13
So we thy people and sheep of thy pasture will give thee THANKS FOR EVER: we will shew forth thy praise to all generations.
Wala kasi ako makita sa Tagalog versions ng phrase na "MILYONG SALAMAT SA DIOS".
It's a BIG HELP for me if some one can CORRECT ME if you can see any phrase in the Tagalog version na "MILYONG SALAMAT SA DIOS". WELL APPRECIATED if some one can show me in any Tagalog translations of the Bible.
So is it more SENSIBLE to say "WALANG HANGGANG PASALAMAT SA DIOS" / "SALAMAT SA DIOS MAGPAKAILANMAN"... kesa "milyong salamat sa Dios"??
In english, "FOREVER THANKS TO GOD" / "THANKS TO GOD FOREVER"... instead of "million thanks to God"??
Just sharing my observation.
submitted by starlightexpressme2 to ExAndClosetADD [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 19:07 IAmYukiKun I Just Heard Brian McKnight have a Filipino version of So Sorry but...

Did he really perform a Filipino version of this song So Sorry? I don't see any official uploads in Youtube music besides video uploads from personal user accounts. I did see a cover by Martin Nieverra (which is an official upload in Youtube Music) which had Filipino lyrics. And yung sinasabe na tagalog version ni McKnight sounds the same as Martin Nieverra's.
Could it be that people mistakes Martin Nieverra's version as Brian McKnight actually singing in tagalog or magaling lang din yung cover ni Martin Nieverra sa voice ni McKnight. Can't find any info about it on the internet as well. All that appears is yung user uploads from Youtube lang.
Can someone enlighten me or perhaps an official information that McKnight really did a Filipino version of So Sorry.
submitted by IAmYukiKun to Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 16:34 miarrial Comment la France mit le feu à la mer de Chine

Comment la France mit le feu à la mer de Chine
La dispute maritime autour des Spratleys, déclenchée par Paris il y a 90 ans, menace de dégénérer aujourd’hui, sur fond de rivalité Chine-États-Unis. Récit.
Soldats philippins sur l'île de Pag-asa, surveillant un navire garde-côte.

La réponse de Pékin ne s'est pas fait attendre. Ce jeudi 11 avril, Joe Biden a reçu le Premier ministre japonais, Fumio Kishida, et le président philippin, Ferdinand Marcos Jr., à Washington, martelant que les alliances des États-Unis dans le Pacifique sont « blindées » – une manœuvre pour dissuader la Chine de harceler les Philippines autour des îles Spratleys. Le même jour, l'ambassade de Chine à Manille a revendiqué dans un commentaire envoyé à des médias locaux sa « souveraineté » sur des îlots pourtant habités par des Philippins, comme celui de Pag-asa, qui abrite une petite communauté de 200 civils. Comme pour prouver ce fait, lundi 8 avril, un navire de garde-côte chinois avait approché Pag-asa à seulement 3,2 milles marins, pénétrant sans autorisation et en profondeur dans les eaux territoriales (12 milles marins) normalement garanties par le droit de la mer aux Philippines. Ces nouveaux incidents font douter que les tensions retombent, alors qu'un incident grave risquerait de déboucher sur une crise majeure entre superpuissances.
Longtemps, pourtant, ces cailloux situés à plus de 1 000 kilomètres au sud des côtes chinoises n'ont intéressé personne – ni l'empire du Milieu ni aucun des États riverains plus proches de l'archipel des Spratleys, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonésie, Malaisie, Brunei, etc. La plupart n'étaient que des bancs de sable ou des récifs, pour beaucoup n'émergeant qu'à marée basse. Une poignée d'entre eux dépassent cependant la dizaine d'hectares, comme Itu Aba (45 hectares), Thitu (37 hectares) ou l'île Spratley (13 hectares), sans qu'aucun ne soit vraiment propre à l'installation d'une large communauté, en l'absence d'une source abondante d'eau douce. En somme, des sortes d'îlots déserts idéaux pour enterrer un trésor de pirate, plutôt que de vraies îles !
« Habitable – pour des Jaunes »
Des pêcheurs vietnamiens, philippins, malais et chinois y ont sans doute accosté et campé depuis des temps immémoriaux, mais aucun État ne les a contrôlés avant le XXe siècle. Si elles étaient peut-être nommées dans diverses chroniques chinoises et vietnamiennes très anciennes, ces îles ne sont apparues pour la première fois sur des cartes, établies par des Européens, qu'au XVIIe siècle. Même à l'époque moderne, les voisins s'accommodaient parfaitement de ce « no man's land », les explorations détaillées du XVIIIe siècle n'ayant pas conduit à y établir des troupes pour une occupation permanente… Leur nom leur vient d'ailleurs d'officiers britanniques qui les ont à peine repérées au XIXe siècle, sans s'y attarder.
La France, hélas, est passée par là. Maîtresse de l'Indochine depuis 1887, la République finit par convoiter ces rochers proches des côtes de son empire colonial, et stratégiques pour surveiller les routes maritimes de ce que les Européens ont appelé la « mer de Chine » – et que les Chinois appellent eux « mer du Sud ». Après un échec en 1930, une petite expédition, composée d'une canonnière, l'Alerte, et d'un navire scientifique, l'aviso hydrographe l'Astrolabe, fait route vers l'archipel en avril 1933 pour une « prise de possession ». « Une bien minime conquête », décrira sommairement le commandant Jean-Baptiste Vivielle dans un compte rendu pour Le Monde colonial illustré. « Un fouillis de récifs et de petits îlots de sable occupe la région située à l'ouest des îles Philippines », introduit-il. Précisant : « Aucune nation n'avait revendiqué, jusqu'ici, ces îlots perdus dans le grand océan. »
Durant une semaine, les Français enchaînent les débarquements. À Itu Aba, le 10 avril, ils constatent le départ des mineurs de guano japonais présents dans les années 1920 et l'installation semi-permanente de pêcheurs chinois venus de l'île de Hainan. « L'îlot est habitable – pour des Jaunes –, mais ce n'est pas un éden », croque l'officier français. À Thitu, le 12 avril, il trouve « un seul et curieux cocotier », « un puits de bonne eau » et cinq pêcheurs, encore des Chinois « cette année ».
À qui peut-on faire croire qu’on peut installer une “base” quelconque sur des îlots […] qui sont grands, on vient de le voir, comme des mouchoirs de poche !Commandant Jean-Baptiste Vivielle, 1933
Alors qu'elle n'est qu'un repérage sans conséquence, cette expédition française du printemps 1933 fait néanmoins grand bruit. Le Japon, dont l'empire s'arrête alors à Taïwan, à près de 1 500 kilomètres au nord, s'en offusque, dégainant soudain des droits dans ces eaux d'Asie du Sud-Est, forgés quelques années plus tôt. Les États-Unis doivent retenir les Philippins d'en faire de même. Vexés de se faire ravir des îles dans une mer qui porte leur nom, qui plus est par un minuscule peuple venu de l'autre bout de la terre, les nationalistes chinois protestent, surenchérissent, exigent une expédition chinoise, confondant comiquement îles Spratleys et Paracels, beaucoup plus au nord… « On n'a pas craint de parler de “point d'appui”, de base de sous-marins, de base d'avions, en rit Vivielle. C'est un peu téméraire, car à qui peut-on faire croire qu'on peut installer une “base” quelconque sur des îlots de sable, déserts, à peu près inaccessibles à cause des récifs, et sur des îlots de sable qui sont grands, on vient de le voir, comme des mouchoirs de poche ! Donc, beaucoup de bruit pour peu de choses, comme souvent en ce monde ! »
La course aux Spratleys
Il ne croyait pas si bien dire. L'affaire ne s'est pas arrêtée là. En 1939, les Japonais s'emparent d'Itu Aba, les Américains les chassent en 1945 en testant pour la première fois le napalm. En 1946, les Français y remettent les pieds, juste avant que la Chine n'y mène une expédition concurrente. L'année suivante, les géographes chinois inventent donc à ces îlots des noms en mandarin (Taiping pour Itu Aba et Zhongye pour Thitu), et surtout tracent sur leurs cartes officielles une ligne en neuf traits, qui englobe toute la « mer de Chine méridionale », Spratleys incluses. Revendication maximaliste fondée sur rien d'autre donc qu'un nom donné par les Européens ! Une mer pas plus chinoise que javanaise, mais simplement sur la route de l'Empire chinois pour les explorateurs aux gros nez.
Cette revendication d'après-guerre de la République de Chine sur les Spratleys est souvent confondue avec le début de leur occupation. En réalité, les Chinois n'ont fait, comme les Français en 1933, qu'y marquer leur territoire, sans s'y implanter. « Ils se sont contentés d'y déposer des stèles de souveraineté en 1946, leur installation permanente n'intervient que dix ans plus tard », rappelle François-Xavier Bonnet, géographe français installé aux Philippines et spécialiste des Spratleys, auxquels il s'apprête à consacrer un article historique approfondi. Profitant de ce vide politique, en 1956, un aventurier philippin, Tomas Cloma, conduit à son tour une expédition, privée cette fois. Il y proclame une micronation indépendante, « Freedomland ». Ami du président philippin Carlos P. Garcia, il pousse cependant en coulisse à une revendication philippine.
« C'est seulement après que Tomas Cloma eut revendiqué ces îles en 1956 que les autres prétendants ont envisagé l'occupation permanente », précise l'historien Bill Hayton, chercheur à la Chatham House, et auteur d'un ouvrage de référence sur la mer de Chine méridionale (The South China Sea, Yale University Press, 2014, non traduit en français). Les nationalistes chinois, chassés du continent par Mao et repliés sur Taïwan, construisent dès lors une base permanente à Itu Aba/Taiping – aujourd'hui toujours sous contrôle taïwanais. Mais les autres îles restent désertes, et sont d'ailleurs visitées par d'autres États riverains, comme les Sud-Vietnamiens en 1963. Inspiré par Tomas Cloma, le président philippin Ferdinand Marcos lance lui-même en 1969 une expédition secrète sur l'île Thitu, la deuxième de l'archipel, en vue d'y établir une base permanente concurrente à celle des nationalistes chinois sur Itu Aba. Les marines philippins s'y implantent définitivement à l'été 1971 et Thitu est rebaptisé Pag-asa, « espoir » en tagalog.
Un épisode que les articles de presse et pages Wikipédia – véritables champs de bataille des revendications historiques – résument à tort comme la prise par les Philippins d'une île jusque-là contrôlée par la Chine nationaliste. Mais les Chinois n'y semblent pas avoir eu de présence permanente, et n'y avaient pas plus de légitimité que les autres, Français, Vietnamiens ou Philippins. « Pag-asa/Thitu n'a été occupée en permanence par personne jusqu'à l'arrivée des Philippines », confirme Bill Hayton. Si des soldats de la Chine nationaliste y étaient passés avant le mois d'avril 1971, ils l'avaient quitté sous la menace d'un typhon, d'après la version même de Taipei.
Rocher philippin contre bulldozer chinois
Jusque-là, les revendications maritimes des États manquaient en réalité de tout cadre, laissant le champ libre à ces revendications unilatérales sans plus de valeur que la capacité des États à les faire respecter par la force. Mais en 1982, l'ONU a enfin accouché d'une convention sur le droit de la mer à Montego Bay en Jamaïque. Celle-ci reconnaît les eaux territoriales de 12 milles marins, et une zone économique exclusive (ZEE) de 200 milles marins (370 kilomètres), conférant des droits de pêche, d'exploitation des ressources, et sur les îlots et les récifs qui s'y trouvent. Dans le cas des Spratleys, elle distribue l'essentiel des eaux et des rochers aux voisins immédiats, Philippines et Vietnam d'abord, ainsi qu'à la Malaisie, l'Indonésie et au sultanat de Brunei. S'ils s'y pliaient, la Chine et Taïwan, à plus de 1 000 kilomètres au nord, devraient renoncer à leurs revendications… D'autant que Pékin est signataire de la convention !
Au lieu de cela, la Chine communiste s'est enfoncée dans l'ornière des nationalistes, occupant le récif Fiery Cross (dans l'étroit noyau de l'archipel hors de toute ZEE) dès 1987, au prétexte de recherches scientifiques. Pékin s'est ensuite emparé de six autres récifs, dont trois au sein de la ZEE des Philippines, y dressant dans les années 2010 d'immenses îles artificielles et y bâtissant de vastes bases militaires. Et depuis dix ans, elle mène une véritable guérilla navale pour en chasser ses concurrents. Concentrant leur pression sur les Philippins en deux points principaux : le Second Thomas Shoal, où les Philippins ont établi une garnison permanente en 1999, en échouant le BRP Sierra Madre, un vieux chaland de débarquement américain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale ; et l'îlot de Pag-asa.
Pour Pag-asa, personne n’a une revendication particulièrement solide.Gregory Poling
Car Pag-asa est vulnérable. À 400 kilomètres de l'île philippine de Palawan, le rocher n'est pas dans la zone économique exclusive de l'État-archipel, mais dans l'étroit noyau des eaux internationales au centre de la mer de Chine méridionale. Un arbitrage international de 2016 a en effet bien reconnu, au titre de la convention de Montego Bay, les droits des Philippins dans leur ZEE, comme au Second Thomas Shoal, mais il ne statue pas sur la zone centrale hors ZEE. « Pour Pag-asa, personne n'a une revendication particulièrement solide », reconnaît Gregory Poling, chercheur au groupe de réflexion américain CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies).
En haute mer, c'est la politique du fait accompli. Bien inspirés de s'en être emparés en 1971, les Philippins ont pu y développer des infrastructures – une piste d'atterrissage et un port abrité par des digues pour leur marine. Et c'est aujourd'hui pour eux le dernier rocher auquel s'accrocher pour ne pas être balayé par le bulldozer chinois. « Enfin, Pag-asa est important politiquement, ajoute Poling. Il y a une mythologie autour de l'îlot, le premier et le seul à être occupé par les Philippins. Et maintenant, des centaines de civils, dont des enfants, y habitent. Avec l'administration locale, cela renforce la légitimité du contrôle par les Philippines. »
Vers une région protégée ?
Pour stopper Pékin, Washington parie aujourd'hui sur la dissuasion militaire. Comme il l'avait fait pour Taïwan il y a deux ans, Joe Biden a rappelé que « toute attaque contre des avions, des navires ou des forces armées philippines en mer de Chine méridionale déclencherait notre traité de défense mutuel », signé avec les Philippines en 1951. Pas question donc de se défiler comme en Afghanistan, dans un Pacifique autrement plus stratégique pour eux que les guerres sans fin du Moyen-Orient. L'histoire de leur relation avec leur seul allié par traité d'Asie du Sud-Est a cependant des airs de « feux de l'amour », ironise un diplomate, notant les hauts et les bas spectaculaires. Après une présidence Rodrigo Duterte, « plus antioccidental que prochinois », ajoute le diplomate, la présidence Ferdinand Marcos Jr. a lancé « beaucoup plus qu'un rééquilibrage », avec l'annonce de quatre nouvelles bases militaires conjointes en 2023. La trilatérale de ce 11 avril devrait en outre déboucher sur des patrouilles communes, possiblement jusqu'à Pag-asa.
Reste à voir si ces démonstrations de force auront leur effet dissuasif, ou conduiront à une escalade supplémentaire. Sur le front diplomatique, Manille ne mise pas que sur les armes de l'Oncle Sam, mais aussi sur la mobilisation de la communauté internationale, à commencer par ses voisins d'Asie du Sud-Est. « Vietnam et Philippines savent qu'ils ont tout intérêt à coopérer », veut croire Benjamin Blandin, doctorant à l'Institut catholique de Paris, préparant une thèse sur la mer de Chine méridionale. « Il faut que les pays de l'Asean [Association des nations d'Asie du Sud-Est, NDLR] arrivent à s'unir », espère aussi le géographe François-Xavier Bonnet. Une piste revient souvent : la défense de l'environnement marin, sévèrement endommagé par des décennies de dispute, de surpêche et de méthodes destructrices, comme le cyanure ou la dynamite. Un précédent avait presque abouti dans les années 2000, avec un accord Vietnam-Philippines sur l'exploration scientifique, un temps rejoint par la Chine.
Une solution serait de déclarer une région protégée. Le chacun pour soi profite à la Chine, maîtresse du “diviser pour mieux régner”.François-Xavier Bonnet
« Une solution serait de déclarer une région protégée, suggère Bonnet. Le chacun pour soi profite à la Chine, maîtresse du “diviser pour mieux régner”. Et Pékin veille jalousement à exclure les pays non-asiatiques de la question. » Fin mars 2024, au Forum de Boao pour l'Asie, une sorte de Davos asiatique, un lieutenant de Xi Jinping, Zhao Leji, exposait très précisément cette vision excluant Européens et Américains de la sécurité régionale asiatique. « Plutôt que “l'Asie pour les Asiatiques”, comme on la décrit souvent, cette doctrine reviendrait à “l'Asie pour la Chine”, traduit François-Xavier Bonnet. Une coexistence pacifique, mais qui soit organisée par la Chine. Les petits pays de l'Asean n'auraient d'autre choix que d'obtempérer. »
submitted by miarrial to Histoire [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 09:03 starlightexpressme2 BRAINWASHING or PANANAKOT KAPAG NAGPAGUPIT ng BUHOK ang mga BABAE.

napansin ko kasi na parang may mali sa 20 plus years na aral about sa buhok ng babae, so binalikan ko yung mga talata mula verses..
3 But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.
4 Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head.
5 But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head—it is the same as having her head shaved.
6 For if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head.
7 A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man.
8 For man did not come from woman, but woman from man;
9 neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.
10 It is for this reason that a woman ought to have authority over her own head, because of the angels.
11 Nevertheless, in the Lord woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman.
12 For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God.
13 Judge for yourselves: Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered?
14 Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him,
15 but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given to her as a covering.
16 If anyone wants to be contentious about this, we have no other practice—nor do the churches of God.
sbi sa verse 5, pag wala daw covering yung ulo ng babae eh parang shaved or inahitan, meaning, kalbo diba?
so sa verse 6 naman it says, "if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head."
eh alam naman naten na pagsinabi ni Paul eh utos yan ni Jesus sa 1cor.14:37...
If anyone thinks they are a prophet or otherwise gifted by the Spirit, let them acknowledge that what I am writing to you is the Lord’s command.
so sa isip ko, hindi pwede magutos si Paul ng mali kasi nga utos or galing yan directly ky Jesus.
ang ginawa ko, yung words jan sa verse 6 na cut off, inaral ko sa greek, at nadiskubre ko na yung yung word na cut off sa new international version ay tama sa original greek na "SHORN".
yung kasi ginagamit ni bro Eli at ng mga workers sa matagal na panahon ay palagi tagalog version na ang nakasulat ay "Sapagka't kung ang babae ay walang lambong, ay PAGUPIT naman; nguni't kung kahiyahiya sa babae ang PAGUPIT o paahit, ay maglambong siya."
so sa isang tingin agad, maiisip ng member o kahit sinong worker o leader na hindi nagreresearch ng tamang salin na BAWAL PAGUPIT kahit TRIM LANG BAWAL.
kasi nga ang nalagay sa tagalog eh PAGUPIT instead na dapat pala inilagay sa tagalog eh TABAS, hindi pagupit.
going back sa word "SHORN" sa greek, it is SHEAR in the present form it's like shaving an animal.
punta ka sa google at itype mo word na "SHORN" at SHEAR din ang lalabas at ipapakita sa images na hindi yun trim or simpleng gupit, it is CUTTING OFF the whole wool of an animal. so yung verse sa king james version eto,,
6 For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.
tama din ang translation sa kjv at niv na "SHORN",
kung pagmamasdan mo yung verse or context, it says, "For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered."
pinagtabi yung shorn at shaven kasi nga the same thought sila na parang inahit or kinalbo.
hindi tama yung itranslate mo ng cut lang or pagupit.
tama yung word na CUT OFF, meaning ubos yung buhok. kaya nga it says, "shorn OR shaven."
eto ang greek word sa verse 6 na shorn, κειράσθω, meaning,
1 Corinthians 11:6
GRK: γυνή καὶ κειράσθω εἰ δὲ
NAS: her head, let her also have her hair cut off;
KJV: let her also be shorn: but if
INT: a woman also let her be shaved if [it be] moreover
keirasthō in greek, meaning to shear, parang shaving din ang meaning.
so yung word is shorn or to shave, tabas or ahit.
kahit subukan ng mga workers na gamitin yung story ni Samson na ginupitan ng mga philistines eh ang words din na ginamit dun eh shave, hindi lang gupit.
then another ignorance they say is na dapat yung nature daw ang magdidictate ng ihahaba ng buhok ng isang babae.
wala yan sa verses 14-15 of the same chapter. it says nature teaches us that long hair is a woman's glory, but it does not tell a woman to LET NATURE DICTATE THE LENGTH of her hair. wala nun, dagdag lang or invention lang yan.
jan mali ang mcgi. pati yung issue ng halal mali din, yung mga walang hanggang hingian, abono, patarget na mga pobreng members ang kawawa.
kaya madami nang umaalis sa false church na mcgi.
submitted by starlightexpressme2 to ExKultoPH [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 09:01 starlightexpressme2 BRAINWASHING or PANANAKOT KAPAG NAGPAGUPIT ng BUHOK ang mga BABAE.

napansin ko kasi na parang may mali sa 20 plus years na aral about sa buhok ng babae, so binalikan ko yung mga talata mula verses..
3 But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.
4 Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head.
5 But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head—it is the same as having her head shaved.
6 For if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head.
7 A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man.
8 For man did not come from woman, but woman from man;
9 neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.
10 It is for this reason that a woman ought to have authority over her own head, because of the angels.
11 Nevertheless, in the Lord woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman.
12 For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God.
13 Judge for yourselves: Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered?
14 Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him,
15 but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given to her as a covering.
16 If anyone wants to be contentious about this, we have no other practice—nor do the churches of God.
sbi sa verse 5, pag wala daw covering yung ulo ng babae eh parang shaved or inahitan, meaning, kalbo diba?
so sa verse 6 naman it says, "if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head."
eh alam naman naten na pagsinabi ni Paul eh utos yan ni Jesus sa 1cor.14:37...
If anyone thinks they are a prophet or otherwise gifted by the Spirit, let them acknowledge that what I am writing to you is the Lord’s command.
so sa isip ko, hindi pwede magutos si Paul ng mali kasi nga utos or galing yan directly ky Jesus.
ang ginawa ko, yung words jan sa verse 6 na cut off, inaral ko sa greek, at nadiskubre ko na yung yung word na cut off sa new international version ay tama sa original greek na "SHORN".
yung kasi ginagamit ni bro Eli at ng mga workers sa matagal na panahon ay palagi tagalog version na ang nakasulat ay "Sapagka't kung ang babae ay walang lambong, ay PAGUPIT naman; nguni't kung kahiyahiya sa babae ang PAGUPIT o paahit, ay maglambong siya."
so sa isang tingin agad, maiisip ng member o kahit sinong worker o leader na hindi nagreresearch ng tamang salin na BAWAL PAGUPIT kahit TRIM LANG BAWAL.
kasi nga ang nalagay sa tagalog eh PAGUPIT instead na dapat pala inilagay sa tagalog eh TABAS, hindi pagupit.
going back sa word "SHORN" sa greek, it is SHEAR in the present form it's like shaving an animal.
punta ka sa google at itype mo word na "SHORN" at SHEAR din ang lalabas at ipapakita sa images na hindi yun trim or simpleng gupit, it is CUTTING OFF the whole wool of an animal. so yung verse sa king james version eto,,
6 For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.
tama din ang translation sa kjv at niv na "SHORN",
kung pagmamasdan mo yung verse or context, it says, "For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered."
pinagtabi yung shorn at shaven kasi nga the same thought sila na parang inahit or kinalbo.
hindi tama yung itranslate mo ng cut lang or pagupit.
tama yung word na CUT OFF, meaning ubos yung buhok. kaya nga it says, "shorn OR shaven."
eto ang greek word sa verse 6 na shorn, κειράσθω, meaning,
1 Corinthians 11:6
GRK: γυνή καὶ κειράσθω εἰ δὲ
NAS: her head, let her also have her hair cut off;
KJV: let her also be shorn: but if
INT: a woman also let her be shaved if [it be] moreover
keirasthō in greek, meaning to shear, parang shaving din ang meaning.
so yung word is shorn or to shave, tabas or ahit.
kahit subukan ng mga workers na gamitin yung story ni Samson na ginupitan ng mga philistines eh ang words din na ginamit dun eh shave, hindi lang gupit.
then another ignorance they say is na dapat yung nature daw ang magdidictate ng ihahaba ng buhok ng isang babae.
wala yan sa verses 14-15 of the same chapter. it says nature teaches us that long hair is a woman's glory, but it does not tell a woman to LET NATURE DICTATE THE LENGTH of her hair. wala nun, dagdag lang or invention lang yan.
jan mali ang mcgi. pati yung issue ng halal mali din, yung mga walang hanggang hingian, abono, patarget na mga pobreng members ang kawawa.
kaya madami nang umaalis sa false church na mcgi.
submitted by starlightexpressme2 to MCGIFiles [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 06:17 starlightexpressme2 BRAINWASHING or PANANAKOT KAPAG NAGPAGUPIT ng BUHOK ang mga BABAE.

napansin ko kasi na parang may mali sa 20 plus years na aral about sa buhok ng babae, so binalikan ko yung mga talata mula verses..
3 But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.
4 Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head.
5 But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head—it is the same as having her head shaved.
6 For if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head.
7 A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man.
8 For man did not come from woman, but woman from man;
9 neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.
10 It is for this reason that a woman ought to have authority over her own head, because of the angels.
11 Nevertheless, in the Lord woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman.
12 For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God.
13 Judge for yourselves: Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered?
14 Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him,
15 but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given to her as a covering.
16 If anyone wants to be contentious about this, we have no other practice—nor do the churches of God.
sbi sa verse 5, pag wala daw covering yung ulo ng babae eh parang shaved or inahitan, meaning, kalbo diba?
so sa verse 6 naman it says, "if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head."
eh alam naman naten na pagsinabi ni Paul eh utos yan ni Jesus sa 1cor.14:37...
If anyone thinks they are a prophet or otherwise gifted by the Spirit, let them acknowledge that what I am writing to you is the Lord’s command.
so sa isip ko, hindi pwede magutos si Paul ng mali kasi nga utos or galing yan directly ky Jesus.
ang ginawa ko, yung words jan sa verse 6 na cut off, inaral ko sa greek, at nadiskubre ko na yung yung word na cut off sa new international version ay tama sa original greek na "SHORN".
yung kasi ginagamit ni bro Eli at ng mga workers sa matagal na panahon ay palagi tagalog version na ang nakasulat ay "Sapagka't kung ang babae ay walang lambong, ay PAGUPIT naman; nguni't kung kahiyahiya sa babae ang PAGUPIT o paahit, ay maglambong siya."
so sa isang tingin agad, maiisip ng member o kahit sinong worker o leader na hindi nagreresearch ng tamang salin na BAWAL PAGUPIT kahit TRIM LANG BAWAL.
kasi nga ang nalagay sa tagalog eh PAGUPIT instead na dapat pala inilagay sa tagalog eh TABAS, hindi pagupit.
going back sa word "SHORN" sa greek, it is SHEAR in the present form it's like shaving an animal.
punta ka sa google at itype mo word na "SHORN" at SHEAR din ang lalabas at ipapakita sa images na hindi yun trim or simpleng gupit, it is CUTTING OFF the whole wool of an animal. so yung verse sa king james version eto,,
6 For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.
tama din ang translation sa kjv at niv na "SHORN",
kung pagmamasdan mo yung verse or context, it says, "For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered."
pinagtabi yung shorn at shaven kasi nga the same thought sila na parang inahit or kinalbo.
hindi tama yung itranslate mo ng cut lang or pagupit.
tama yung word na CUT OFF, meaning ubos yung buhok. kaya nga it says, "shorn OR shaven."
eto ang greek word sa verse 6 na shorn, κειράσθω, meaning,
1 Corinthians 11:6
GRK: γυνή καὶ κειράσθω εἰ δὲ
NAS: her head, let her also have her hair cut off;
KJV: let her also be shorn: but if
INT: a woman also let her be shaved if [it be] moreover
keirasthō in greek, meaning to shear, parang shaving din ang meaning.
so yung word is shorn or to shave, tabas or ahit.
kahit subukan ng mga workers na gamitin yung story ni Samson na ginupitan ng mga philistines eh ang words din na ginamit dun eh shave, hindi lang gupit.
then another ignorance they say is na dapat yung nature daw ang magdidictate ng ihahaba ng buhok ng isang babae.
wala yan sa verses 14-15 of the same chapter. it says nature teaches us that long hair is a woman's glory, but it does not tell a woman to LET NATURE DICTATE THE LENGTH of her hair. wala nun, dagdag lang or invention lang yan.
jan mali ang mcgi. pati yung issue ng halal mali din, yung mga walang hanggang hingian, abono, patarget na mga pobreng members ang kawawa.
kaya madami nang umaalis sa false church na mcgi.

submitted by starlightexpressme2 to ExAndClosetADD [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 19:31 cryogenic_insomniac What do i even reply to this crazed lunatic

So im in a debate w this OWE on tiktok and uh idk what to reply lol but rn he's literally asleep so I've got time 💀
"εκκλησιαν του χριστου” o “EKKLĒSIAN TOU KRISTOU”
Sapagkat ang nakalagay nga naman daw ay:
εκκλησιαν του θεου” o “EKKLĒSIAN TOU THEOU”
ito ang katunayan na mababasa nga daw. .
Acts 20:28 “προσεχετε ουν ‘εαυτοις και παντι τω ποιμνιω εν ‘ω ‘υμας το πνευμα το ‘αγιον εθετο επισκοπους ποιμαινειν την εκκλησιαν του θεου ‘ην περιεποιησατο δια του ιδιου ‘αιματος” [Textus Receptus]
“prosekhete oun heautois kai panti tō poimniō en hō humas to pneuma to hagion etheto episkopous poimainein tēn EKKLĒSIAN TOU THEOU hēn periepoiēsato dia tou idiou haimatos.”
Na ito ang pinagbabatayan nila sa bat ibang mga salin,isa na Dito ang paborito nilang gamitin ang KJV. .
Acts 20:28 “Take heed to yourselves and to the whole flock, wherein the Holy Ghost hath placed you bishops, to rule the CHURCH OF GOD which he hath purchased with his own blood.” [ KJV]
Pero. itinuro din kaya nila. na ito ay may iba pang salin mula sa Bibliang greek? . .bakit kaya di nila ito pinansin. .ito po basahin natin.
Acts 20:28 “προσέχετε ἑαυτοῖς καὶ παντὶ τῷ ποιμνίῳ, ἐν ᾧ ὑμᾶς τὸ πνεῦμα τὸ ἅγιον ἔθετο ἐπισκόπους, ποιμαίνειν τὴν ἐκκλησίαν τοῦ κυρίου , ἣν περιεποιήσατο διὰ τοῦ αἵματος τοῦ ἰδίου.” (Tischendorf Greek New Testament)
Dito sa Bibliang ito imbes na “IGLESIA NG DIYOS” na sa Greek nga ay:
εκκλησιαν του θεου” o “EKKLĒSIAN TOU THEOU”
Ang nakalagay dito ay:
ἐκκλησίαν τοῦ κυρίου” o “EKKLĒSIAN TOU KURIOU”
na kung sa English “CHURCH OF THE LORD” na pinagbatayan mga salin ng mga Bibliang ito:
Acts 20:28 “Take heed unto yourselves, and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit hath made you bishops, to feed the CHURCH OF THE LORD which he purchased with his own blood.” [ American Standard Version]
Gawa 20:28 “Ingatan ninyo ang inyong sarili, at ang buong kawan, na sa kanila'y ginawa kayo ng Espiritu Santo na mga obispo, upang pakanin ninyo ang IGLESIA NG PANGINOON na binili niya ng kaniyang sariling dugo.” [ Ang Biblia, 1905 ]
makikita po natin na sa Bibliang Greek ay may DALAWANG VERSION ang Gawa 20:28 , Sapagkat hindi nalalaman ng marami na kung papaanong maraming version ang mga Bibliang English at Tagalog ay gayon din ang Bibliang Greek. ang Mga orihinal na isinulat ng mga apostol mula pa nOon ay hindi na umiral kaya wala nang pinakatumpak kung ang "IGLESIA NG DIOS" ang pinakatumpak na salin. Atin ngayung isa isahin. kung tUmpak kaya ito. .na sa pinanghahawakan nilang salin? balik at unahin natin ang kanilang Saling ginagamit
Acts 20:28 “Take heed to yourselves and to the whole flock, wherein the Holy Ghost hath placed you bishops, to rule the CHURCH OF GOD which he hath purchased with his own blood.” [ KJV]
Sa Filipino:
Gawa 20:28 “Ingatan ninyo ang inyong sarili, at ang buong kawan, na sa kanila'y ginawa kayo ng Espiritu Santo na mga obispo, upang pamunuan ang IGLESIA NG DIOS na binili niya ng kaniyang sariling dugo.”
may katanungan kaagad sa mga talata na yan,
-kaninung dugo ang binili? -at kaninu binili.?
atin pong suriin at basahin ang mga kasagutan.mula sa aklat ng apocalipsis.
Apoc 5:8-9 “At pagkakuha niya ng aklat, ang apat na nilalang na buhay at ang dalawangpu't apat na matatanda ay nangagpatirapa sa harapan ng CORDERO, na ang bawa't isa'y may alpa, at mga mangkok na ginto na puno ng kamangyan, na siyang mga panalangin ng mga banal. At sila'y nangagaawitan ng isang bagong awit, na nagsasabi, Ikaw ang karapatdapat na kumuha ng aklat, at magbukas ng mga tatak nito: sapagka't ikaw ay pinatay, at BINILI MO SA DIOS NG IYONG DUGO ANG MGA TAO SA BAWA'T ANGKAN, AT WIKA, AT BAYAN, AT BANSA."
malinaw po na binili ng CORDERO sa sarili nyang DUGO. .at ito ay binili nya sa DIOS. at hindi ang mismOng DIOS ang mismung bumili sapagkat ang Dios walang Dugo sagkat Espirito ang kalagayan (juan 4:24 ) sinO itong CORDERO ?
Juan 1:29 “Nang kinabukasan ay nakita ni Juan si JESUS na lumalapit sa kaniya, at sinabi, Narito, ang CORDERO NG DIOS, na nagaalis ng kasalanan ng sanglibutan
Ang tinutukoy na CORDERO na bumili ng kaniyang dugo sa Iglesia sa Diyos ay walang iba kundi ang PANGINOONG JESUCRISTO, at hindi ang Diyos. talaga bang si Cristo ay may dugo?mula sa aklat ng HEBREO :
Hebreo 9:13-14 “Sapagka't kung ang dugo ng mga kambing at ng mga baka, at ang abo ng dumalagang baka na ibinubudbod sa mga nadungisan, ay makapagiging banal sa ikalilinis ng laman: Gaano pa kaya ang DUGO NI CRISTO, na sa pamamagitan ng Espiritu na walang hanggan ay inihandog ang kaniyang sarili na walang dungis sa Dios, ay maglilinis ng inyong budhi sa mga gawang patay upang magsipaglingkod sa Dios na buhay?”
Kaya napakaliwanag na ang tumpak na salin sa Gawa 20:28 ay IGLESIA NI CRISTO at hindi IGLESIA NG DIYOS. Balikan natin si LAMSA, anu ba ang kanyang pahayag kung bakit at anung dahilan nya nito sa
The Eastern text reads: "the Church Of Christ which he has purchased with his blood. Jewish Christians could not have used the term “God”, because in their eyes God is spirit, and spirit has no flesh and blood. It was Jesus of Nazareth who shed his blood on the cross for us, and not God.” [George M. Lamsa, New Testament Commentary, pp. 149 - 150]
Sabi sa Eastern Text: “ang Iglesia ni Cristo na binili niya ng kaniyang dugo. Ang mga Cristianong Judiyo ay maaaring hindi ginamit ang terminong “Diyos”, dahil sa kanilang mga mata ang Diyos ay Espiritu, at ang espiritu ay walang laman at dugo. Si Jesus na taga Nazareth ang nagbubo ng kaniyang dugo sa krus para sa atin, at hindi ang Diyos."
Ang Syriac Peshitta Aramaic, na siyang katutubong wika ni Jesus, isang manuskristo sa Wikang Aramaiko, at kaniyang nilinaw na ang nakalagay o nakasulat doon ay CHURCH OF CHRIST
Ang pinagbatayan ng kaniyang saling ito ay hindi ang mga manuskritong Griego kaya mali na ipinang-aatake ng iba, na maling salin daw ito dahil sa hindi nito sinunod ang mga manuskritong Griego, ano naman kaya ang katibayan nila na mali ang manuskritong Aramaiko at hindi dapat pagbatayan? Sa totoo lang walang sino man na makapagpapatunay na hindi authentic ang mga manuskritong ito.
“Ang mga Cristianong Judiyo ay maaaring hindi ginamit ang terminong “Diyos”, dahil sa kanilang mga mata ang Diyos ay Espiritu, at ang espiritu ay walang laman at dugo.” “Si Jesus na taga Nazareth ang nagbubo ng kaniyang dugo sa krus para sa atin, at hindi ang Diyos.”
Ang mga Cristianong Judiyo ay maaaring hindi ginamit ang terminong “Diyos”, dahil sa kanilang mga mata ang Diyos ay Espiritu, at ang espiritu ay walang laman at dugo.” “Si Jesus na taga Nazareth ang nagbubo ng kaniyang dugo sa krus para sa atin, at hindi ang Diyos.”
Ang mga ito ang syang napakatitibay na mga dahilang ito ang kanila munang dapat na patunayang hindi totoo, bago nila sabihin na ang pagkakasalin ng Gawa 20:28 ni George M. Lamsa ay MALI. kaya naway maging malinaw na sa lahat. at sana nakatulong sa mga nagsusuri."
submitted by cryogenic_insomniac to exIglesiaNiCristo [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 05:48 throwaway5222021 FIRST TIME SA REDDIT? READ THIS GUIDE

Credits to u/TradeOtherwise5363 Appended: March 30, 2024
First time sa reddit? For the past months na nandito ako sa reddit, it became my routine to read every stories here even yung mga 1-2 yrs old na post here so I decided to compiled stuff people can use regarding MCGI teaching and exploitations.
Abbreviation Guide:
Here are some LurkeFirst Timer need to know about their church:
Sitio ng Reddit Gitbook Navigation : Click Here
Open Letter for KDR : English Version / Tagalog Version / PDF Link
Kung Ayaw Magpasakop, Get Out ft KDR Audio - Click Here
Patarget Meeting - Video 1 / Video 2
Gawain/Tulungan Compilation - Click Here
Free Labor sa KDRAC - Video
Captive Market ft RoCa Audio - Click Here
Captive Market ft ROCa Audio and BES Teaching - Here
Nagsasayang ng Pera ft JMaL Video - Click Here
Cid Capulong Taylor Swift Concert - Here
UNTV Volunteer Scheme - Click Here
BES Area 52 Nightclub - Click Here
Bakit Bawal Ang Pampanga's Best - Click Here
Halal Topic Compilations - Click Here
Uncut Hair Topic Compilations - Click Here
FDA Warning for Arlene Shampoo - Click Here / Original Link
BES Promoting Urine Therapy - Click Here
Eliseo Soriano Pending Case Brazil - Click Here
Eliseo Soriano Running For Senator - Click Here
Non-Disclosure Agreement/NDA - Click Here
Exit Guide from Exiters - Click Here
Exit Stories of Exiters - Click Here
BES Lumagpas ng 10 Years Commentary - Here
Dimalanta (Best Friend ni BES) Luxurious Lifestyle - Here
Fiesta ng Dios KDR Rebulto - Here
MCGI Diagnostic Center Alleged Issue - Here
Meron naman compilations of stories and experiences from KNC, Sexual Abuse at Free Labor sa Loob:
KNC Experiences : Click Here
Free Labor : Click Here
Sexual Harassment : Click Here / Click Here 2
Anxiety and Depression : Click Here 1 / Click Here 2
*credits sa mga nashare na post and salamat sa pagseshare! If may need kayong specific topic or need kausap, kindly PM the mods...

submitted by throwaway5222021 to ExAndClosetADD [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 03:01 Rauffenburg CRITICAL REVIEW OF "THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE" (Ventilacion, Jose J., 2021) TAGALOG

CRITICAL REVIEW OF submitted by Rauffenburg to exIglesiaNiCristo [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 21:23 Rauffenburg LAMSA Version...

LAMSA Version... submitted by Rauffenburg to exIglesiaNiCristo [link] [comments]

2024.03.10 13:38 James_Readme CHURCH NAME: "Iglesia ni Kristo" naging "Iglesia ni Cristo"? Part4

Higit 1 buwan na ang nakakalipas ay wala pa ring kumpirmasyon kung may ebidensya ba o wala si Sebastian Rauffenburg bilang basehan sa pagsasabi niya na ang Disciples of Christ ang unang nagparehistro ng pangalang "IGLESIA NI CRISTO" noong 1901 (photo1).
Ang palusot niya, ang original registration daw ay nasunog na dahil sa digmaan kaya kailangan pa raw muna niyang mag time travel para makakuha (photo2). Ngunit bukod sa kopya ng registration, pwede naman maging basehan ang publications o documentary ng Disciples of Christ kung saan maaaring nabanggit ang "pagpaparehistro" nito noong 1901.
Note: Mahalaga ang katunayan ng registration dahil ang claim ng mahihinang nilalang ay NINAKAW daw ni Ka Felix Manalo ang pangalang ito sa Disciples of Christ dahil sila ang unang nagparehistero nito noong 1901.
Ayon sa ginawa kong kaunting research sa internet at pagtatanong tanong sa mga kaanib ng "CHURCH OF CHRIST 1901 (dating bahagi ng Disciples of Christ sa pinas)", ito ang aking mga nalaman:
  1. Malabong makapagparehistro sa gobyerno ang Disciples of Christ noong 1901 dahil ang "CORPORATION LAW" ay naging batas sa bansa noon lamang 1906.
  2. Ayon mismo sa dalawang pastor ng "Church of Christ 1901" ay hindi naiparehistro ang pangalang "IGLESIA NI CRISTO" noong 1901. (photos3-4)
  3. Medyo magulo ang nangyaring mga merger at schism sa history ng Disciples of Christ. Sa ibang artikulo ko na lang ipapaliwanag ito ng detalyado. Ito na ata ang pinakamagulong merger at schism ng religion na nalaman ko.
  4. Autonomous ang congregations ng "Disciples of Christ" at hindi iisang pangalan ang kanilang ginagamit, di tulad sa ibang relihiyon na saan mang bansa sa mundo ay iisa lang ang ginagamit na pangalan. Si Sebastian mismo ang nagpatunay na kilala ito sa ibat ibang pangalan (photo5).
"The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is an American protestant movement that is part of the global Restoration Movement... They established independent and autonomous congregations along the American frontier with simple and unifying names such as Christian Church, Church of Christ, Disciples of Christ and others."
Sa directory ng Disciples of Christ, mapapansin na iba iba ang pangalan na ginagamit ng kanilang congregations sa USA.
Narito ang isang halimbawa sa New York:
▪️Abundant Joy Christian Center ▪️Macedonia Church of Christ ▪️Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) - Northeastern Region ▪️New Destiny Christian Church ▪️Good News Tabernacle Mission ▪️Faith Church of God
  1. Ang pangalan na nakarehistro sa SEC gamit ang registration number na makikita sa post ni Sebastian (left side, photo1) ay "CHURCH OF CHRIST 1901", at hindi "IGLESIA NI CRISTO" (photo6). Buking na buking ang kaniyang kasinungalingan.
Makikita rin sa SEC ang ibat ibang pangalan na nirehistro ng mga congregations sa pinas na maaaring may kinalaman sa tatlong grupo nagkawatak-watak under Disciples of Christ at yung grupo sa bansa na humiwalay dito kasama si Leslie Wolfe (photos7-9).
Magaling lang magtahi-tahi ng istorya ang mga mahihinang nilalang ngunit hindi kailanman ito magiging FACT.
Ayon kay Sebastian: Kaya "IGLESIA NI (K)RISTO" ang nirehistro ni Ka Felix ay dahil mas naunang magparehistro ang "Disciples of Christ" gamit ang pangalang ito noong 1901. Kasi kung hindi, bakit yung letter K daw ang ipinarehistro ni Ka Felix Manalo at hindi letter C?
Sagot: Walang nakakatawa sa sinasabi ko na si Ka Felix Manalo o si Atty. Juan Natividad lamang ang nakakaalam ng tunay na rason kung bakit letter K ang kanilang ginamit na spelling sa registration noong 1914. Hindi ako, at mas lalong hindi si Sebastian ang makakapagbigay ng 100% accurate na sagot. Ngunit pwede naman akong magbigay ng posibleng kasagutan: Maaaring advice ni Atty. Natividad na yun ang gamitin upang hindi akalain ng iba na iisang relihiyon lang ang INC (1901) ng Disciples at INC (1914) lalo nat nagsisimula pa lamang ito bagamat nalalaman ni Ka Felix na sa tagalog bible versions ay "Cristo" ang spelling sa halip na "Kristo".
Ayon kay Sebastian: Bakit ginawang "IGLESIA NI (C)RISTO" ang re-registration ng Iglesia ni Kristo pagkatapos ng WWII noong 1946?
Sagot: Maaaring nalaman nila na hindi naman nagparehistro ang Disciples of Christ gamit ang pangalang "Iglesia Ni Cristo", sa patuloy na paglago at paglaganap ng Iglesia ipinasya ang pag-iba ng SPELLING (Cristo) na siyang makikita sa mga tagalog bible versions.
Ano ang NANAKAWIN kung hindi naman pala nakarehistro? At bakit hindi nilaban ng Disciples of Christ sa korte upang mapatunayan na sila ang dapat na gumamit niyan kung tunay ngang nairehistro nila ito?
Ayon kay Sebastian: Ginamit daw ni Ka Felix Manalo ang kaniyang political influence para magawa yun.
Sagot: Noong 1946, 34yrs palang ang Iglesia. Kakaunti pa lang ang kaanib at sa dalawang national election pa lang nagkaisa sa pagboto ang mga kapatid. Paano maiaaply dyan yung pinagsasasabi niyang political influence? 🤣
Sasabihin ni Sebastian: Kahit ano sabihin mo, "Disciples of Christ" pa rin ang nauna sa paggamit ng pangalang "Iglesia ni Cristo", hindi man nila naiparehistro yan...
Sagot: Ang ating Panginoong Hesukristo ang tunay na nagmamay-ari ng pangalang yan. May magpangalan man sa relihiyon nila ng "IGLESIA NI CRISTO" sa kahit anong lenggwahe before o after 1914 (ex. Church of JesusChrist LDS, Church of God in Christ, Iglesia ni Cristo 33AD etc)... Hindi ibig sabihin sila agad ang tunay. Isa lang naman ang pangalan sa batayan kung tunay ang Iglesia, pero hindi ito ang kaisa isang batayan. Dahil kung nahulaan sa bibliya na may mga mag-aangking siya ang Kristo (Mat 24:4-5), malamang may gagaya din ng pangalan ng Iglesia noong unang siglo.
submitted by James_Readme to TrueIglesiaNiCristo [link] [comments]

2024.03.10 00:51 James_Readme CHURCH NAME: "Iglesia ni Kristo" naging "Iglesia ni Cristo"? Part3

Masunurin pala itong si Sebastian Rauffenburg dahil gumawa na naman uli siya ng palpak na argumento. Magpost na sana ako ng ibang pending articles ko kaya nagtanong muna ako baka sabihin lumundag na naman ako 🤣
At ito na nga ang walang ka kwenta kwenta nilang response. Inabandona na nila yung claim nila na kesyo WALA RAW OPISYAL NA TAGALOG VERSION na ang spelling ay "KRISTO" kundi lagi raw "CRISTO". Kasi naman napahiya sila ng todo nung nilabas ko ang isang Catholic bible na ang nakasulat ay "KRISTO".
Ang sinasabi na ngayon ng mga anti INCs, nagtime travel daw ba si Ka Felix para magamit itong letter K sa KRISTO upang mairehistro niya ang Iglesia bilang "IGLESIA NI KRISTO"?
SAGOT: Unang una, malinaw sa part1 at part2 na wala akong binanggit na certain tagalog version na "pinagkuhaan" ng pangalan ng Iglesia. At lalong wala rin akong claim na itong Catholic bible ang "pinagkuhaan" niya.
Malabo na ito ang "pinagkuhaan" niya dahil ang nakasulat sa Roma 16:16 sa version na ito ay "Iglesya ni Kristo" (pansinin ang spelling ay Iglesya).
Pangalawa, sa argumento nilang ito pinalalabas nila na parang may nabasa lang si Ka Felix na "Iglesia ni Kristo" sa bibliya ay agad na itong ginamit na pangalan ng Iglesia at ito mismo ang ipinarehistro.
Obviously, thats not the case.
Ngayon, kung ang tanong nila kung saan nakuha ang pangalang Iglesia ni K/Cristo, simple lang ang sagot...
Kristo o Cristo, Iglesya o Iglesia it means the same thing and it is both acceptable in Filipino Language :)
Kung aaalalahanin lang nila ang aral kung bakit ito ang pangalan ng Iglesia, ito ay dahil sa mga kadahilanang: siya ang nagtayo ng Iglesia (Mat 16:18), siya ang pintuan na dapat pasukan ng tao upang maligtas (Juan 10:9), siya ang tumubos sa Iglesia sa pamamagitan ng kaniyang dugo (Efeso 1:7) at sa pangalan lamang niya matatagpuan kaligtasan (Gawa 4:12). Kaya tama lamang na ipangalan sa kaniya ang Iglesia. Konektado ito sa mga aral at hindi dahil lang may nakitang ganitong verse kaya basta na lang itong ipinangalan sa kaniya 🤣
Maling mali ang example na binigay ni Sebastian sa isang post niya sa reddit, sabi niya paano raw kung ang pangalan kong James Montenegro ay ginawang Jamie Montenegro?
Diba napakalayo ng example niya hahaha ang James ay panlalaking pangalan, ang Jamie ay pambabae. Yan yung sinasabi na INIBA ANG PANGALAN.
In the case of Kristo-Cristo, walang pagbabago sa kahulugan ng pangalan. Walang pambabae o panlalaki sa pangalan na yan, kundi may kaugnayan sa paggamit ng C vs K sa Filipino Language. Ang dapat nilang gawin para magkasense naman yung pinagsasasabi nila na kesyo BINAGO RAW ANG PANGALAN ay patunayan nilang magkaiba ng meaning ang KRISTO at CRISTO.
GAME! :)
submitted by James_Readme to TrueIglesiaNiCristo [link] [comments]

2024.03.09 13:50 James_Readme CHURCH NAME: "Iglesia ni Kristo" naging "Iglesia ni Cristo"? Part2

Ito ang mga binitiwang statements na hindi man lang pinag-iisipan ng mga anti INCs. Sana ay I-educate mo naman sila Sebastian Rauffenburg tutal ikaw ang natatangi nilang "researcher" 😅
Sabi ni anti INC #1, wala raw OPISYAL NA TAGALOG BIBLE na ang spelling ay "KRISTO" kundi lagi raw "Cristo" (photo1).
Ang tanong, totoo ba ito?
"Magbatian kayo ng banal na halik. Kinukumusta kayo ng lahat ng Iglesya ni Kristo." Roma 16:16, Bibliya ng Sambayanang Pilipino: Katolikong Edisyon Pastoral (photo3)
Actually, kahit sa iba pang verses ng version na ito ay KRISTO rin ang nakalagay sa halip na CRISTO. Meron akong bibliya na yan, binili ko nung college ako, kaya kung sasabihin nila edited lang, ipakain ko pa sa kanila 😅
Sabi naman ni anti INC #2, magkakaiba raw ang ibig sabihin depende kung naka upper case o lower case. Pag-aralan daw ang common noun vs proper noun (photo2).
Mukhang hindi nagbasa ito ng nauna kong post o sadyang hindi siya nakakaintindi.
▪️Ang New Testament ay isinulat originally sa KOINE GREEK na naka capital letters:
"All of the Greek New Testament originals were written in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS with no spaces and probably no punctuation, and all of the earlier manuscripts are in this style, whether on parchment or papyrus. This is because the Greek alphabet did not have punctuation until at least the II century, and there were no minscule (lower case) letters until much later."
Yung mga nagsalin ng bibliya na lang ang nagdecide kung alin ang i-lower case at upper case nila sa mga talata. Tulad niyan sa binigay kong tagalog bible version, naka upper case ang letters i at k sa phrase na "Iglesya ni Kristo" edi proper noun na yan meaning its a specific name right? 😅
Mismong mga katoliko may pagpapatunay sa "Church of Christ" (proper noun):
"It is in his writtings that we find the word Catholic used for the first time. St. Augustine, when speaking about the Church of Christ, calls it the Catholic Church 240 times in his writings."
"According to the teachings of Vatican Council II, the Church of Christ and the Roman Catholic Church are one and the same complex reality."
C vs K sa Filipino Language Ngayon, bakit nga ba kasi nagkakaiba ng spelling kung saan ang iba ay gumagamit ng C at may gumagamit ng K?
Kung tutuusin, hindi na dapat pa sinasagot ang ganitong tanong dahil bilang Pilipino, napag aralan na natin ito sa eskwelahan. Pero dahil nga walang taglay na katalinuhan ang mga mahihinang nilalang, mag quote na rin ako ng mas detalyadong explanation para sa kanila :)
"Words from Spanish and English origins are often integrated into the Filipino language. When they are, the words are spelled with slightly different letters to use the spelling system of the Filipino language, while remembering the simple rule that in the Filipino language a word is spelled as it is pronounced.
These letter changes occur because certain letters ( like C, Q, V, F, X ) did not exist in the original Filipino alphabet, and in other cases because the sounds made by a foreign word are better represented with different letters when using the normal rules of Filipino pronunciation."
"Trinidad Pardo de Tavera was the first to use the English form of the w in Tagalog writing in his 1887 essay Sanskrit in the Tagalog Language and Pedro Serrano Laktaw might have been the first to use the k, according to Rizal biographer, Austin Craig. Laktaw published his Hispano-Tagalog dictionary in 1889 using the new spelling, including the k and the w and he even changed the spelling of his own name from Lactao to Laktaw. Rizal became an enthusiastic supporter of Tavera and Laktaw, calling their method, a “more perfect orthography,” and he gave them full credit for their ideas in his article of 1890."
Kung ang dahilan man ng pag-iba ng spelling ng pangalan ng INC (from K to C) ay dahil mas maraming tagalog versions ang gumagamit ng "Cristo" sa halip na "Kristo"... Wala akong nakikitang masama dahil kung tutuusin parehas naman acceptable yan sa Filipino Language at hindi naman naiba ng kahulugan.
Note: SPELLING ang naiba hindi PANGALAN🙂
submitted by James_Readme to TrueIglesiaNiCristo [link] [comments]

2024.03.07 14:58 rabenj Filipino Epic Poetry?

Aside from biag ni Lam-ang and Ibalon. Are there other Filipino Epics??
submitted by rabenj to FilipinoHistory [link] [comments]

2024.02.24 11:12 Rauffenburg George M. Lamsa Translation

George M. Lamsa Translation submitted by Rauffenburg to exIglesiaNiCristo [link] [comments]

2024.02.09 17:54 MY__LIFE_MY_RULES Umm...

Umm... submitted by MY__LIFE_MY_RULES to NANIKPosting [link] [comments]

2024.01.28 13:27 Clean-Physics-6143 How I felt after watching Yu Yu Hakusho (Netflix)

I (F) know I'm late to the party but I just finished watching YYH and it it feels bitin.
Don't get me wrong, the nostagia is there. I used to watch the anime when I was a kid. When I tried watching the live action in Netflix, nakita ko na 5 episodes lang siya, so I was thinking - magkakasya ba ang buong story in 5 eps with about 50 min per ep?
So ayun nga, kinda bummed kasi wala yung dark tournament arc. It felt rushed, and I read a sub earlier about YYH that some fans were disappointed at how it's very "condensed." The training with Genkai was so compact then pinatay agad sya ni Toguro.
On the brightside, I really enjoyed the VFX. It looked high quality unlike yung sa Voltes V legacy. Anyway, I think my expectations are just not fully met. Next time, if there's a live action version of an anime that I used to watch, I'll just lower my expectations. In the future, if ever may live action ng Fushigi Yuugi - di na rin ako gaano mag eexpect lmao. 😅
PS. Ang pogi ni Koenma (the adult Master Jericho in the 90s anime tagalog dub) kahit may pacifier sya.
submitted by Clean-Physics-6143 to FilmClubPH [link] [comments]

2024.01.24 16:16 Latitu_Dinarian George M. Lamsa Translation

George M. Lamsa Translation submitted by Latitu_Dinarian to u/Latitu_Dinarian [link] [comments]

2024.01.24 15:12 Rauffenburg George M. Lamsa Translation

George M. Lamsa Translation submitted by Rauffenburg to exIglesiaNiCristo [link] [comments]

2024.01.14 03:10 jamesIbarraFraser Ulit-ulitin natin repost

ANO NA KOYA? Dapat alam mo! ilagay nyo sa 3:43 mins left nde mabasa ni Koyah (para sa mga old and new Lurkers).
Heto pa sagutin mo KOYAH!
Open Letter
Tagalog version
RECAP natin weekly mga kakupalan nila!!
submitted by jamesIbarraFraser to ExAndClosetADD [link] [comments]

2024.01.02 14:23 Rauffenburg Acts 20:28 (LAMSA Translation)

Acts 20:28 (LAMSA Translation) submitted by Rauffenburg to exIglesiaNiCristo [link] [comments]