Letter for consoling death


2019.02.20 21:38 JamalKs1994 BjorkStalker

September 12th 1996: Ricardo Lopez has sent a letter bomb to the residence of, Iceland Singer, Bjork, shaved his head, painted his face, and shot himself dead immediately after doing so. "This death is for you Bjork"

2015.12.07 05:02 woofe woofe whats for lumch haha

This is a subreddit devoted to cute little animols such as puppers, cates and turtols, and all sorts of other cute animols :)

2016.01.04 21:29 Not_An_Ambulance Malicious Compliance

People conforming to the letter, but not the spirit, of a request.

2024.05.21 11:25 The_Way358 Essential Teachings: Understanding the Atonement, the Content of Paul's Gospel Message, and Justification

"Why Did Jesus Die on the Cross?"

The main reason Jesus died on the cross was to defeat Satan and set us free from his oppressive rule. Everything else that Jesus accomplished was to be understood as an aspect and consequence of this victory (e.g., Recapitulation, Moral Influence, etc.).
This understanding of why Jesus had to die is called the Christus Victor (Latin for “Christ is Victorious”) view of the atonement. But, what exactly was Christ victorious from, and why? To find out the answers to these questions, we have to turn to the Old Testament, as that's what the apostles would often allude to in order to properly teach their audience the message they were trying to convey (Rom. 15:4).
The OT is full of conflict between the Father (YHVH) and false gods, between YHVH and cosmic forces of chaos. The Psalms speak of this conflict between YHVH and water monsters of the deeps (an ancient image for chaos) (Psa. 29:3-4; 74:10-14; 77:16, 19; 89:9-10; 104:2-9, etc).
The liberation of Israel from Egypt wasn’t just a conflict between Pharaoh and Moses. It was really between YHVH and the false gods of Egypt.
Regardless of whether you think the aforementioned descriptions are literal or metaphorical, the reality that the Old Testament describes is that humanity lived in a “cosmic war zone.”
The Christus Victor motif is about Christ reigning victorious over wicked principalities and Satan's kingdom, and is strongly emphasized throughout the New Testament. Scripture declares that Jesus came to drive out "the prince of this world” (John 12:31), to “destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8), to “destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil” (Heb. 2:14) and to “put all enemies under his feet” (1 Cor 15:25). Jesus came to overpower the “strong man” (Satan) who held the world in bondage and worked with his Church to plunder his "palace" (Luke 11:21-22). He came to end the reign of the cosmic “thief” who seized the world to “steal, and to kill, and to destroy” the life YHVH intended for us (John 10:10). Jesus came and died on the cross to disarm “the principalities and powers” and make a “shew of them openly [i.e., public spectacle]” by “triumphing over them in [the cross]” (Col. 2:15).
Beyond these explicit statements, there are many other passages that express the Christus Victor motif as well. For example, the first prophecy in the Bible foretells that a descendent of Eve (Jesus) would crush the head of the serpent (Gen. 3:15). The first Christian sermon ever preached proclaimed that Jesus in principle conquered all YHVH's enemies (Acts 2:32-36). And the single most frequently quoted Old Testament passage by New Testament authors is Psalm 110:1 which predicts that Christ would conquer all YHVH’s opponents. (Psalm 110 is quoted or alluded to in Matthew 22:41-45; 26:64, Mark 12:35-37; 14:62, Luke 20:41-44; 22:69, Acts 5:31; 7:55-56, Romans 8:34, 1st Corinthians 15:22-25, Ephesians 1:20, Hebrews 1:3; 1:13; 5:6, 10; 6:20; 7:11, 15, 17, 21; 8:1; 10:12-13, 1st Peter 3:22, and Revelation 3:21.) According to New Testament scholar Oscar Cullman, the frequency with which New Testament authors cite this Psalm is the greatest proof that Christ’s “victory over the angel powers stands at the very center of early Christian thought.”
Because of man's rebellion, the Messiah's coming involved a rescue mission that included a strategy for vanquishing the powers of darkness.
Since YHVH is a God of love who gives genuine “say-so” to both angels and humans, YHVH rarely accomplishes His providential plans through coercion. YHVH relies on His infinite wisdom to achieve His goals. Nowhere is YHVH's wisdom put more on display than in the manner in which He outsmarted Satan and the powers of evil, using their own evil to bring about their defeat.
Most readers probably know the famous story from ancient Greece about the Trojan Horse. To recap the story, Troy and Greece had been locked in a ten-year-long vicious war when, according to Homer and Virgil, the Greeks came up with a brilliant idea. They built an enormous wooden horse, hid soldiers inside and offered it to the Trojans as a gift, claiming they were conceding defeat and going home. The delighted Trojans accepted the gift and proceeded to celebrate by drinking themselves into a drunken stupor. When night came and the Trojan warriors were too wasted to fight, the Greeks exited the horse, unlocked the city gates to quietly let all their compatriots in, and easily conquered the city, thus winning the war.
Historians debate whether any of this actually happened. But either way, as military strategies go, it’s brilliant.
Now, there are five clues in the New Testament that suggest YHVH was using something like this Trojan Horse strategy against the powers when he sent Jesus into the world:
1) The Bible tells us that YHVH's victory over the powers of darkness was achieved by the employment of YHVH’s wisdom, and was centered on that wisdom having become reality in Jesus Christ (Rom. 16:25, 1 Cor. 2:7, Eph. 3:9-10, Col. 1:26). It also tells us that, for some reason, this Christ-centered wisdom was kept “secret and hidden” throughout the ages. It’s clear from this that YHVH's strategy was to outsmart and surprise the powers by sending Jesus.
2) While humans don’t generally know Jesus’ true identity during his ministry, demons do. They recognize Jesus as the Son of God, the Messiah, but, interestingly enough, they have no idea what he’s doing (Mark 1:24; 3:11; 5:7, Luke 8:21). Again, the wisdom of YHVH in sending Jesus was hidden from them.
3) We’re told that, while humans certainly share in the responsibility for the crucifixion, Satan and the powers were working behind the scenes to bring it about (John 13:27 cf. 1 Cor. 2:6-8). These forces of evil helped orchestrate the crucifixion.
4) We’re taught that if the “princes of this world [age]” had understood the secret wisdom of YHVH, “they would not have crucified the Lord of glory” (1 Cor 2:8 cf. vss 6-7). Apparently, Satan and the powers regretted orchestrating Christ’s crucifixion once they learned of the wisdom of YHVH that was behind it.
5) Finally, we can begin to understand why the powers came to regret crucifying “the Lord of glory” when we read that it was by means of the crucifixion that the “handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us [i.e., the charge of our legal indebtedness]” was “[taken] out of the way [i.e., canceled]” as the powers were disarmed. In this way Christ “triumph[ed] over” the powers by "his cross” and even “made a shew of them openly” (Col. 2:14-15). Through Christ’s death and resurrection YHVH's enemies were vanquished and placed under his Messiah's feet, and ultimately His own in the end (1 Cor. 15:23-28).
Putting these five clues together, we can discern YHVH's Trojan Horse strategy in sending Jesus.
The powers couldn’t discern why Jesus came because YHVH's wisdom was hidden from them. YHVH's wisdom was motivated by unfathomable love, and since Satan and the other powers were evil, they lacked the capacity to understand it. Their evil hearts prevented them from suspecting what YHVH was up to.
What the powers did understand was that Jesus was mortal. This meant he was killable. Lacking the capacity to understand that this was the means by which YHVH would ultimately bring about the defeat of death (and thus, pave the road for the resurrection itself), they never suspected that making Jesus vulnerable to their evil might actually be part of YHVH's infinitely wise plan.
And so they took the bait (or "ransom"; Matt. 20:28, Mark 10:45, 1 Tim. 2:5-6). Utilizing Judas and other willing human agents, the powers played right into YHVH’s secret plan and orchestrated the crucifixion of the Messiah (Acts 2:22-23; 4:28). YHVH thus brilliantly used the self-inflicted incapacity of evil to understand love against itself. And, like light dispelling darkness, the unfathomably beautiful act of YHVH's love in sending the willing Messiah as a "ransom" to these blood-thirsty powers defeated them. The whole creation was in principle freed and reconciled to YHVH, while everything written against us humans was nailed to the cross, thus robbing the powers of the only legal claim they had on us. They were “spoiled [i.e., disempowered]” (Col. 2:14-15).
As happened to the Trojans in accepting the gift from the Greeks, in seizing on Christ’s vulnerability and orchestrating his crucifixion, the powers unwittingly cooperated with YHVH to unleash the one power in the world that dispels all evil and sets captives free. It’s the power of self-sacrificial love.

Why Penal Substitution Is Unbiblical

For the sake of keeping this already lengthy post as short as possible I'm not going to spend too much time on why exactly PSA (Penal Substitutionary Atonement) is inconsistent with Scripture, but I'll go ahead and point out the main reasons why I believe this is so, and let the reader look further into this subject by themselves, being that there are many resources out there which have devoted much more time than I ever could here in supporting this premise.
"Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us:"-1 Corinthians 5:7
The Passover is one of the two most prominent images in the New Testament given as a comparison to Christ's atonement and what it accomplished, (the other most common image being the Day of Atonement sacrifice).
In the Passover, the blood of the lamb on the door posts of the Hebrews in the book of Exodus was meant to mark out those who were YHVH's, not be a symbol of PSA, as the lamb itself was not being punished by God in place of the Hebrews, but rather the kingdom of Egypt (and thus, allegorically speaking, the kingdom of darkness which opposed YHVH) was what was being judged and punished, because those who were not "covered" by the blood of the lamb could be easily identified as not part of God's kingdom/covenant and liberated people.
Looking at the Day of Atonement sacrifice (which, again, Christ's death is repeatedly compared to throughout the New Testament), this ritual required a ram, a bull, and two goats (Lev. 16:3-5). The ram was for a burnt offering intended to please God (Lev. 16:3-4). The bull served as a sin offering for Aaron, the high priest, and his family. In this case, the sin offering restored the priest to ritual purity, allowing him to occupy sacred space and be near YHVH’s presence. Two goats taken from "the congregation” were needed for the single sin offering for the people (Lev. 16:5). So why two goats?
The high priest would cast lots over the two goats, with one chosen as a sacrifice “for the Lord” (Lev. 16:8). The blood of that goat would purify the people. The second goat was not sacrificed or designated “for the Lord.” On the contrary, this goat—the one that symbolically carried the sins away from the camp of Israel into the wilderness—was “for Azazel” (Lev. 16:8-10).
What—or who—is Azazel?
The Hebrew term azazel (עזאזל) occurs four times in Leviticus 16 but nowhere else in most people's canon of the Bible, (and I say "most people's canon," because some people do include 1 Enoch in their canon of Scripture, which of course goes into great detail about this "Azazel" figure). Many translations prefer to translate the term as a phrase, “the goat that goes away,” which is the same idea conveyed in the King James Version’s “scapegoat.” Other translations treat the word as a name: Azazel. The “scapegoat” option is possible, but since the phrase “for Azazel” parallels the phrase “for YHVH” (“for the Lord”), the wording suggests that two divine figures are being contrasted by the two goats.
A strong case can be made for translating the term as the name Azazel. Ancient Jewish texts show that Azazel was understood as a demonic figure associated with the wilderness. The Mishnah (ca. AD 200; Yoma 6:6) records that the goat for Azazel was led to a cliff and pushed over, ensuring it would not return with its death. This association of the wilderness with evil is also evident in the New Testament, as this was where Jesus met the devil (Matt. 4:1). Also, in Leviticus 17:1-7 we learn that some Israelites had been accustomed to sacrificing offerings to "devils" (alternatively translated as “goat demons”). The Day of Atonement replaced this illegitimate practice.
The second goat was not sent into the wilderness as a sacrifice to a foreign god or demon. The act of sending the live goat out into the wilderness, which was unholy ground, was to send the sins of the people where they belonged—to the demonic domain. With one goat sacrificed to bring purification and access to YHVH and one goat sent to carry the people’s sins to the demonic domain, this annual ritual reinforced the identity of the true God and His mercy and holiness.
When Jesus died on the cross for all of humanity’s sins, he was crucified outside the city, paralleling the sins of the people being cast to the wilderness via the goat to Azazel. Jesus died once for all sinners, negating the need for this ritual.
As previously stated, the goat which had all the sin put on it was sent alive off to the wilderness, while the blood of the goat which was blameless was used to purify the temple and the people. Penal substitution would necessitate the killing of the goat which had the sin put on it.
Mind you, this is the only sacrificial ritual of any kind in the Torah in which sins are placed on an animal. The only time it happens is this, and that animal is not sacrificed. Most PSA proponents unwittingly point to this ritual as evidence of their view, despite it actually serving as evidence to the contrary, because most people don't read their Old Testament and don't familiarize themselves with the "boring parts" like Leviticus (when it's actually rather important to do so, since that book explains how exactly animal offerings were to be carried out and why they were done in the first place).
In the New Testament, Christ's blood was not only meant to mark out those who were his, but also expel the presence of sin and ritual uncleanness so as to make the presence of YHVH manifest in the believer's life. Notice how God's wrath isn't poured out on Christ in our stead on this view, but rather His wrath was poured out on those who weren't covered, and the presence of sin and evil were merely removed by that which is pure and blameless (Christ's blood) for the believer.
All this is the difference between expiation and propitiation.

The Content of Paul's Gospel Message

When the New Testament writers talked about “the gospel,” they referred not to the Protestant doctrine of justification sola fide–the proposition that if we will stop trying to win God’s favor and only just believe that God has exchanged our sin for Christ’s perfect righteousness, then in God’s eyes we will have the perfect righteousness required both for salvation and for assuaging our guilty consciences–but rather they referred to the simple but explosive proposition Kyrios Christos, “Christ is Lord.” That is to say, the gospel was, properly speaking, the royal announcement that Jesus of Nazareth was the God of Israel’s promised Messiah, the King of kings and Lord of lords.
The New Testament writers were not writing in a cultural or linguistic vacuum and their language of euangelion (good news) and euangelizomai would have been understood by their audience in fairly specific ways. Namely, in the Greco-Roman world for which the New Testament authors wrote, euangelion/euangelizomai language typically had to do with either A) the announcement of the accession of a ruler, or B) the announcement of a victory in battle, and would probably have been understood along those lines.
Let’s take the announcements of a new ruler first. The classic example of such a language is the Priene Calendar Inscription, dating to circa 9 BC, which celebrates the rule (and birthday) of Caesar Augustus as follows:
"It was seeming to the Greeks in Asia, in the opinion of the high priest Apollonius of Menophilus Azanitus: Since Providence, which has ordered all things of our life and is very much interested in our life, has ordered things in sending Augustus, whom she filled with virtue for the benefit of men, sending him as a savior [soter] both for us and for those after us, him who would end war and order all things, and since Caesar by his appearance [epiphanein] surpassed the hopes of all those who received the good tidings [euangelia], not only those who were benefactors before him, but even the hope among those who will be left afterward, and the birthday of the god [he genethlios tou theou] was for the world the beginning of the good tidings [euangelion] through him; and Asia resolved it in Smyrna."
The association of the term euangelion with the announcement of Augustus’ rule is clear enough and is typical of how this language is used elsewhere. To give another example, Josephus records that at the news of the accession of the new emperor Vespasian (69 AD) “every city kept festival for the good news (euangelia) and offered sacrifices on his behalf.” (The Jewish War, IV.618). Finally, a papyrus dating to ca. 498 AD begins:
"Since I have become aware of the good news (euangeliou) about the proclamation as Caesar (of Gaius Julius Verus Maximus Augustus)…"
This usage occurs also in the Septuagint, the Greek translations of the Jewish Scriptures. For instance LXX Isaiah 52:7 reads, “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news (euangelizomenou), who publishes peace, who brings good news (euangelizomenos) of salvation, who says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns.'" Similarly, LXX Isaiah 40:9-10 reads:
"…Go up on a high mountain, you who bring good tidings (ho euangelizomenos) to Sion; lift up your voice with strength, you who bring good tidings (ho euangelizomenos); lift it up, do not fear; say to the cities of Ioudas, “See your God!” Behold, the Lord comes with strength, and his arm with authority (kyrieias)…."-NETS, Esaias 40:9-10
This consistent close connection between euangelion/euangelizomai language and announcements of rule strongly suggests that many of the initial hearers/readers of the early Christians’ evangelical language would likely have understood that language as the announcement of a new ruler (see, e.g., Acts 17:7), and, unless there is strong NT evidence to the contrary, we should presume that the NT writers probably intended their language to be so understood.
However, the other main way in which euangelion/euangelizomai language was used in the Greco-Roman world was with reference to battle reports, announcements of victory in war. A classic example of this sort of usage can be found in LXX 2 Samuel 18:19ff, where David receives word that his traitorous son, Absalom, has been defeated in battle. Euangelion/euangelizomai is used throughout the passage for the communications from the front.
As already shown throughout this post, the NT speaks of Jesus’s death and resurrection as a great victory over the powers that existed at that time and, most importantly, over death itself. Jesus’ conquest of the principalities and powers was the establishment of his rule and comprehensive authority over heaven and earth, that is, of his Lordship over all things (again, at that time).
This was the content of Paul's gospel message...

Justification, and the "New" Perspective on Paul

The following quotation is from The Gospel Coalition, and I believe it to be a decently accurate summary of the NPP (New Perspective on Paul), despite it being from a source which is in opposition to it:
The New Perspective on Paul, a major scholarly shift that began in the 1980s, argues that the Jewish context of the New Testament has been wrongly understood and that this misunderstand[ing] has led to errors in the traditional-Protestant understanding of justification. According to the New Perspective, the Jewish systems of salvation were not based on works-righteousness but rather on covenantal nomism, the belief that one enters the people of God by grace and stays in through obedience to the covenant. This means that Paul could not have been referring to works-righteousness by his phrase “works of the law”; instead, he was referring to Jewish boundary markers that made clear who was or was not within the people of God. For the New Perspective, this is the issue that Paul opposes in the NT. Thus, justification takes on two aspects for the New Perspective rather than one; initial justification is by faith (grace) and recognizes covenant status (ecclesiology), while final justification is partially by works, albeit works produced by the Spirit.
I believe what's called the "new perspective" is actually rather old, and that the Reformers' view of Paul is what is truly new, being that the Lutheran understanding of Paul is simply not Biblical.
The Reformation perspective understands Paul to be arguing against a legalistic Jewish culture that seeks to earn their salvation through works. However, supporters of the NPP argue that Paul has been misread. We contend he was actually combating Jews who were boasting because they were God's people, the "elect" or the "chosen ones." Their "works," so to speak, were done to show they were God's covenant people and not to earn their salvation.
The key questions involve Paul’s view(s) of the law and the meaning of the controversy in which Paul was engaged. Paul strongly argued that we are “justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law” (Gal. 2:16b). Since the time of Martin Luther, this has been understood as an indictment of legalistic efforts to merit favor before God. Judaism was cast in the role of the medieval "church," and so Paul’s protests became very Lutheran, with traditional-Protestant theology reinforced in all its particulars (along with its limitations) as a result. In hermeneutical terms, then, the historical context of Paul’s debate will answer the questions we have about what exactly the apostle meant by the phrase "works of the law," along with other phrases often used as support by the Reformers for their doctrine of Sola Fide (justification by faith alone), like when Paul mentions "the righteousness of God."
Obviously an in-depth analysis of the Pauline corpus and its place in the context of first-century Judaism would take us far beyond the scope of this brief post. We can, however, quickly survey the topography of Paul’s thought in context, particularly as it has emerged through the efforts of recent scholarship, and note some salient points which may be used as the basis of a refurbished soteriology.
[Note: The more popular scholars associated with the NPP are E.P. Sanders, James Dunn, and N.T. Wright. Dunn was the first to coin the term "The New Perspective" in a 1983 Manson Memorial Lecture, The New Perspective on Paul and the Law.]
Varying authors since the early 1900's have brought up the charge that Paul was misread by those in the tradition of Martin Luther and other Protestant Reformers. Yet, it wasn't until E.P. Sanders' 1977 book, Paul and Palestinian Judaism, that scholars began to pay much attention to the issue. In his book, Sanders argues that the Judaism of Paul's day has been wrongly criticized as a religion of "works-salvation" by those in the Protestant tradition.
A fundamental premise in the NPP is that Judaism was actually a religion of grace. Sander's puts it clearly:
"On the point at which many have found the decisive contrast between Paul and Judaism - grace and works - Paul is in agreement with Palestinian Judaism... Salvation is by grace but judgment is according to works'...God saves by grace, but... within the framework established by grace he rewards good deeds and punishes transgression." (Paul and Palestinian Judaism, p. 543)
N.T. Wright adds that, "we have misjudged early Judaism, especially Pharisaism, if we have thought of it as an early version of Pelagianism," (Wright, What Saint Paul Really Said, p. 32).
Sanders has coined a now well-known phrase to describe the character of first-century Palestinian Judaism: “covenantal nomism.” The meaning of “covenantal nomism” is that human obedience is not construed as the means of entering into God’s covenant. That cannot be earned; inclusion within the covenant body is by the grace of God. Rather, obedience is the means of maintaining one’s status within the covenant. And with its emphasis on divine grace and forgiveness, Judaism was never a religion of legalism.
If covenantal nomism was operating as the primary category under which Jews understood the Law, then when Jews spoke of obeying commandments, or when they required strict obedience of themselves and fellow Jews, it was because they were "keeping the covenant," rather than out of legalism.
More recently, N.T. Wright has made a significant contribution in his little book, What Saint Paul Really Said. Wright’s focus is the gospel and the doctrine of justification. With incisive clarity he demonstrates that the core of Paul’s gospel was not justification by faith, but the death and resurrection of Christ and his exaltation as Lord. The proclamation of the gospel was the proclamation of Jesus as Lord, the Messiah who fulfilled Israel’s expectations. Romans 1:3-4, not 1:16-17, is the gospel, contrary to traditional thinking. Justification is not the center of Paul’s thought, but an outworking of it:
"[T]he doctrine of justification by faith is not what Paul means by ‘the gospel’. It is implied by the gospel; when the gospel is proclaimed, people come to faith and so are regarded by God as members of his people. But ‘the gospel’ is not an account of how people get saved. It is, as we saw in an earlier chapter, the proclamation of the lordship of Jesus Christ….Let us be quite clear. ‘The gospel’ is the announcement of Jesus’ lordship, which works with power to bring people into the family of Abraham, now redefined around Jesus Christ and characterized solely by faith in him. ‘Justification’ is the doctrine which insists that all those who have this faith belong as full members of this family, on this basis and no other." (pp. 132, 133)
Wright brings us to this point by showing what “justification” would have meant in Paul’s Jewish context, bound up as it was in law-court terminology, eschatology, and God’s faithfulness to God’s covenant.
Specifically, Wright explodes the myth that the pre-Christian Saul was a pious, proto-Pelagian moralist seeking to earn his individual passage into heaven. Wright capitalizes on Paul’s autobiographical confessions to paint rather a picture of a zealous Jewish nationalist whose driving concern was to cleanse Israel of Gentiles as well as Jews who had lax attitudes toward the Torah. Running the risk of anachronism, Wright points to a contemporary version of the pre-Christian Saul: Yigal Amir, the zealous Torah-loyal Jew who assassinated Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin for exchanging Israel’s land for peace. Wright writes:
"Jews like Saul of Tarsus were not interested in an abstract, ahistorical system of salvation... They were interested in the salvation which, they believed, the one true God had promised to his people Israel." (pp. 32, 33)
Wright maintains that as a Christian, Paul continued to challenge paganism by taking the moral high ground of the creational monotheist. The doctrine of justification was not what Paul preached to the Gentiles as the main thrust of his gospel message; it was rather “the thing his converts most needed to know in order to be assured that they really were part of God’s people” after they had responded to the gospel message.
Even while taking the gospel to the Gentiles, however, Paul continued to criticize Judaism “from within” even as he had as a zealous Pharisee. But whereas his mission before was to root out those with lax attitudes toward the Torah, now his mission was to demonstrate that God’s covenant faithfulness (righteousness) has already been revealed in Jesus Christ.
At this point Wright carefully documents Paul’s use of the controversial phrase “God’s righteousness” and draws out the implications of his meaning against the background of a Jewish concept of justification. The righteousness of God and the righteousness of the party who is “justified” cannot be confused because the term bears different connotations for the judge than for the plaintiff or defendant. The judge is “righteous” if his or her judgment is fair and impartial; the plaintiff or defendant is “righteous” if the judge rules in his or her favor. Hence:
"If we use the language of the law court, it makes no sense whatsoever to say that the judge imputes, imparts, bequeaths, conveys or otherwise transfers his righteousness to either the plaintiff or the defendant. Righteousness is not an object, a substance or a gas which can be passed across the courtroom. For the judge to be righteous does not mean that the court has found in his favor. For the plaintiff or defendant to be righteous does not mean that he or she has tried the case properly or impartially. To imagine the defendant somehow receiving the judge’s righteousness is simply a category mistake. That is not how the language works." (p. 98)
However, Wright makes the important observation that even with the forensic metaphor, Paul’s theology is not so much about the courtroom as it is about God’s love.
Righteousness is not an impersonal, abstract standard, a measuring-stick or a balancing scale. That was, and still is, a Greek view. Righteousness, Biblically speaking, grows out of covenant relationship. We forgive because we have been forgiven (Matt. 18:21-35); “we love" because God “first loved us” (1 John 4:19). Love is the fulfillment of the law (Rom. 13:8, 10, Gal 5:14, Jam. 2:8). Paul even looked forward to a day when “we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad” (2 Cor. 5:10), and he acknowledged that his clear conscience did not necessarily ensure this verdict (1 Cor. 4:4), but he was confident nevertheless. Paul did in fact testify of his clear conscience: “For our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God, we have had our conversation [i.e., behavior] in the world, and more abundantly to you-ward” (2 Cor. 1:12). He was aware that he had not yet “attained” (Phil. 3:12-14), that he still struggled with the flesh, yet he was confident of the value of his performance (1 Cor. 9:27). These are hardly the convictions of someone who intends to rest entirely on the merits of an alien righteousness imputed to his or her account.
Wright went on to flesh out the doctrine of justification in Galatians, Philippians, and Romans. The “works of the law” are not proto-Pelagian efforts to earn salvation, but rather “sabbath [keeping], food-laws, circumcision” (p. 132). Considering the controversy in Galatia, Wright writes:
"Despite a long tradition to the contrary, the problem Paul addresses in Galatians is not the question of how precisely someone becomes a Christian, or attains to a relationship with God….The problem he addresses is: should his ex-pagan converts be circumcised or not? Now this question is by no means obviously to do with the questions faced by Augustine and Pelagius, or by Luther and Erasmus. On anyone’s reading, but especially within its first-century context, it has to do quite obviously with the question of how you define the people of God: are they to be defined by the badges of Jewish race, or in some other way? Circumcision is not a ‘moral’ issue; it does not have to do with moral effort, or earning salvation by good deeds. Nor can we simply treat it as a religious ritual, then designate all religious ritual as crypto-Pelagian good works, and so smuggle Pelagius into Galatia as the arch-opponent after all. First-century thought, both Jewish and Christian, simply doesn’t work like that…. [T]he polemic against the Torah in Galatians simply will not work if we ‘translate’ it into polemic either against straightforward self-help moralism or against the more subtle snare of ‘legalism’, as some have suggested. The passages about the law only work — and by ‘work’ I mean they will only make full sense in their contexts, which is what counts in the last analysis — when we take them as references to the Jewish law, the Torah, seen as the national charter of the Jewish race." (pp. 120-122)
The debate about justification, then, “wasn’t so much about soteriology as about ecclesiology; not so much about salvation as about the church.” (p. 119)
To summarize the theology of Paul in his epistles, the apostle mainly spent time arguing to those whom he were sending letters that salvation in Christ was available to all men without distinction. Jews and Gentiles alike may accept the free gift; it was not limited to any one group. Paul was vehement about this, especially in his letter to the Romans. As such, I will finish this post off by summarizing the letter itself, so as to provide Biblical support for the premises of the NPP and for what the scholars I referenced have thus far argued.
After his introduction in the epistle to an already believing and mostly Gentile audience (who would've already been familiar with the gospel proclaimed in verses 3-4), Paul makes a thematic statement in 1:16: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” This statement is just one of many key statements littered throughout the book of Romans that give us proper understanding of the point Paul wished to make to the interlocutors of his day, namely, salvation is available to all, whether Jew or Gentile.
In 1:16 Paul sets out a basic theme of his message in the letter to the Romans. All who believed, whether they be Jew or Gentile, were saved by the power of the gospel. The universal nature of salvation was explicitly stated. The gospel saved all without distinction, whether Jew or Greek; salvation was through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Immediately after this thematic declaration, Paul undertakes to show the universal nature of sin and guilt. In 1:18-32 Paul shows how the Gentile is guilty before God. Despite evidence of God and his attributes, which is readily available to all, they have failed to honor YHVH as God and have exchanged His glory for idolatrous worship and self-promotion. As a consequence, God handed them over in judgment (1:18-32). Paul moves to denunciation of those who would judge others while themselves being guilty of the very same offenses (2:1-5) and argues that all will be judged according to their deeds (2:6). This judgment applies to all, namely, Jew and Greek (2:9-10). This section serves as somewhat of a transition in Paul’s argument. He has highlighted the guilt of the Gentiles (1:18ff) and will shortly outline the guilt of the Jew (2:17-24). The universal statement of 2:1-11 sets the stage for Paul’s rebuke of Jewish presumption. It was not possession of the Law which delivered; it was faithful obedience. It is better to have no Law and yet to obey the essence of the Law (2:12-16) than to have the Law and not obey (2:17-3:4). Paul then defends the justice of God’s judgment (3:5-8), which leads to the conclusion that all (Jew and Gentile) are guilty before God (3:9).
Paul argues that it was a mistaken notion to think that salvation was the prerogative of the Jew only. This presumption is wrong for two reasons. First, it leads to the mistaken assumption that only Jews were eligible for this vindication (Paul deals with this misunderstanding in chapter 4 where he demonstrates that Abraham was justified by faith independently of the Law and is therefore the father of all who believe, Jew and Gentile alike). Second, it leads to the equally mistaken conclusion that all who were Jews are guaranteed of vindication. Paul demonstrates how this perspective, which would call God’s integrity into question since Paul was assuming many Jews would not experience this vindication, was misguided. He did this by demonstrating that it was never the case that all physical descendants of Israel (Jacob) were likewise recipients of the promise. In the past (9:6-33) as in the present (at that time; 11:1-10), only a remnant was preserved and only a remnant would experience vindication. Paul also argued that the unbelief of national Israel (the non-remnant) had the purpose of extending the compass of salvation. The unbelief of one group made the universal scope of the gospel possible. This universalism was itself intended to bring about the vindication of the unbelieving group (11:11-16). As a result of faith, all (Jew and Gentile) could be branches of the olive tree (11:17-24). Since faith in Christ was necessary to remain grafted into the tree, no one could boast of his position. All, Jew and Gentile alike, were dependent upon the mercy and grace of God. As a result of God’s mysterious plan, He would bring about the vindication of His people (11:25-27). [Note: It is this author's belief that this vindication occurred around 66-70 AD, with the Parousia of Christ's Church; this author is Full-Preterist in their Eschatology.]
submitted by The_Way358 to u/The_Way358 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:00 createdjustforthis23 21/05/2024

I woke up to seagulls this morning, I really like the sound of them. I mean they don’t make pretty sounds, nor is it relaxing, but it feels like a comforting noise I guess? I think because I like being by the sea. I’m not sure. It was nice though. I love living by the sea, like I hear ship horns and seagulls and all of that. It makes me forever paranoid of tsunamis though. I think I’d like to live in a little seaside town with my honey, but I also don’t because then I couldn’t have the garden of my dreams nor would I have the countryside lifestyle I want. I don’t really know what I want. I don’t think I have enough money to be all that picky anyway.
I kind of woke up with that pit in my stomach feeling today. I don’t like how our calls were last night, either one of them. The first I felt like he didn’t want to talk to me and the second it was me being like that to him. I didn’t mean to make it come across that way, but I think he just caught me out when I was mid-deep sleep? I couldn’t wake up or focus and idk. Normally I’m fine to wake up though? And I love his night time calls, to know he’s thinking about me makes me feel so warm inside. It feels weird to think I ever cross his mind when we aren’t in an active conversation, I guess that comes back to the self esteem thing and feeling unworthy of being a thought in his mind, not feeling important enough, or something. But in that second call, I guess I didn’t like that he got me off the phone earlier because he was so sleepy, but then it turned out he was still up and about two hours later? It made me feel like he lied about being tired to get rid of me. I don’t think that was the case, but it’s how it made me feel in the moment. Anyway I woke up feeling uneasy, I felt okay but a little uneasy so I made sure to apologise. I think as well because I fell asleep feeling a little uneasy, it felt like he rushed me off the phone or like I was boring him to death or something. But it made me think about how it’s only 9pm where he is, and that he could quite easily have someone come over around that time. I don’t believe he would do that, but it scares me all the same. The way in which he could crush me into nothing is a little frightening sometimes, it really feels like I’ve just laid out my sad little heart out there for him to stomp all over if he so wishes to do so. I know if he did end things I would be okay, I think, but I can’t say I don’t worry about how it would affect my mental health and “recovery” - how far would it set me back? But also that’s not on him at all, and I’m never ever going to imply as such to him. He ought to make decisions based on what he wants and is best for him. Anyway it’s fine and we talked this morning and nothing has changed for him either, we both still want each other and this so it doesn’t even matter. I still feel bad about how I made him feel. I’m really glad, even though I made him feel bad which I wish I hadn’t, but sometimes it really helps to have him say he still wants this. I know his actions speak louder than words, but sometimes I need the words too. And so him saying “I’m still the same” was really reassuring and made me feel so lovey.
I’ve made a hair appointment, for end of June. I kind of wanted it early June as my hair is annoying the f out of me now, but her first available slot is end of June sooo I guess it still works out well. It gives me five weeks to continue growing out my layers so that we can start afresh. I’m going to get my face framies cut shorter this time as they grow out so quickly. I think otherwise I’ll get very subtle layering, enough to add some movement and help it air dry nicely, but I want the ends as thick as possible too. I’ll get a general root touch up to darken them up a little, and then a tonegloss for the lengths to cool down the warmth a little and darken it up ever so slightly. And then I’ve booked in for a full on olaplex treatment, so that will be nice. I am all about my hair health this year. I always have been but now even more so.
It’s so autumnal today. I really want to watch my favourite cosy romcoms, their autumn scenes are always my most absolute favourite. And winter I suppose. Basically Meg Ryan in autumn is my favourite thing and comforts me to no end.
I think I assume that if I know something then everyone else must know it too, so when they don’t I find it baffling that they don’t know. I guess because I consider myself thicker than a brick and everyone else smarter than I am, so I’d say in the team quiz no one knows the answer I start thinking how do you not know this, but that’s unfair of me and I’m making an assumption based on my low self esteem. But also I am as dumb as a rock so I mean there’s low self esteem and then there’s self awareness. But I just assume that if I know something, then it therefore must be as widely known as 2+2=4.
I’m wearing my Mon Guerlain perfume today, I quite like it, I guess I liked it a fair but considering I seem to have both a bottle of the edp and edt? I think this was during lockdown. Anyway I never wear it but I am today as it’s quite a warm scent, it’s like a warm vanilla but with a touch of lavender? Barely any lavender though, just a teeny tiny little bit. I just googled and that’s exactly what it is so yay me! Except it’s blatantly obvious so perhaps I’ll calm down on the self celebrations. Anyway it’s not one I’d replace but I do like it I suppose. It feels a little mature, not in an older woman way but in a mid-40s way. I read a comment and it said that it gives wife-and-adoring-mother with a wealthy husband, who’s just kissed her children goodnight before sweeping off in her furs to dinner and the opera. It’s classy and elegant, but with something warm and motherly to it and I get that too. Like the mama in Peter Pan! Anyway I’m a little ways off that stage of my life. But it’s a nice wfh scent I suppose. Most of my perfumes are just wfh/chill at home ones now. I wear perfume everyday, I’d say that’s silly but a) Andy tends to too and anything he does that I do makes me feel more assured it’s okay, b) I have a lottttt to get through and c) even if I didn’t have a lottttt to get through I still would because I just like to feel pretty. I may be as ugly as a troll but I will still be presentable enough. Not nicely, but perfume, groomed brows, glowy skin/skincare, my cutie lil diamond studs, brushed hair etc. Except I like a lived in look, I don’t like to look super prim and proper I prefer more bedheady hair and to look like I don’t care an awful lot, but in a nonchalant Kate Moss way not a get wrecked Adam Sandler way. Except I think Adam Sandler is the better of the two - I read he still has a regular-ish house? Then again it was the internet and I’m as gullible as… idk something gullible. That’s what I adore about Andy, he will do his own research and not believe anything outright, he’ll question it and all of that. Whereas I can just be like woowwwww crazy and then move on. There are many ways I’d like to be more like him, I don’t want to be like him but I just want to be better and he’s better so idk. He seems a little paranoid I’ll be like his ex who basically tried to become the tweedle dum to his tweedle dee, but I mean that’s never going to happen? I like to try things he likes, for example snacks and drinks and things. And if he says he enjoys using something and recommends it, ie his mouse, then I take his recommendations seriously. But I’m never going to dress or act like him, I mean I adore him but I don’t want to be a man…? I like being girly and different from him! But I just mean I like how he approaches things, I like how he handles disagreements or thinks about new information - they’re things I want to kind of learn from him. Not in a way where I’d ask because that makes it weirder. Idk. This whole thing is weird. I just admire him. Now I sound like some kinda single white female… which I am… oh god.
Todays been fine overall. I did something new workwise, getting into LOEs for H&S speeding stuff, I had a call with a manager about one of his direct reports this morning and he was like I mean is it that bad and I had to tell a 40 something grown man that it is indeed bad to speed 28km over the speed limit. For any reason. And in a branded vehicle at that. Anyway so then I had to do the letter which was fine but it’s such a confusing template so I suggested some alterations to the Head of and she said they were excellent and she would change the template letter to include my suggestions, so that made me feel good. I enjoy that part of my work, I think I like processes and policies and all of that stuff. Idk why someone with social anxiety thought it would be smart to get into PEOPLE advisory. But like I said, as thick as a brick.
I had such a fun chat with him this evening, he makes me all giggly and silly and I hate myself for saying that. The word giggle is so bleh. I mean it’s a cute word but it feels wrong to say for whatever reason. It’s like when people say “hehe” in texts or whatever, it makes me feel gross even though I don’t even mind it. I think in the right context from the right person it’s fine, but I’ve never experienced that so idk. Now I’m thinking of… something. Something we watched. And the subtitles had it as “heh heh” and I’m thinking sopranos. Anyway newsflash to no one: I love him a hellllllll of a lot.
I wish I didn’t have to go to the office tomorrow. It’s so annoying. I know it’s good for me and also my manager has outright asked me to, so I kind of have to regardless, but also I’ll just focus on the fact it’s good for me to be properly out of the house and stuff. And it has perks I guess, I can have sushi for lunch, peruse the bookshop nearby and I also don’t snack when I’m at the office, I take nuts with me but I don’t eat them because I get all anxy about if people can hear me chewing or if they think I’m some kind of insatiable ogre who can’t wait til lunch or dinner. But so I just have a few bits of sushi for lunch. Although I really want to try this Vietnamese place, they have a salad that looks so bloody good, but I’ve never been and it looks like the kind you line up for like subway and that sends a barrage of anxiety through me so maybe sometime in the future. But I also tend to get more done and idk. It’s good for me. I’ll just keep telling myself that while I hate life two days a week for the foreseeable. It’s not even that bad, it is bad anxiety wise - like yesterday I didn’t go to the bathroom for over an hour from when I needed to pee because of my anxiety, I also didn’t fill up my drink bottle or get another coffee at all for the whole day. So my anxiety is bad, but maybe over time it’ll get better, I’m sure it will, I just have to suck it up in the interim.
I think I’ll stop now because I have 10 mins exactly til 8 and I need to get entirely ready for bed and post this. I needed to blowdry my hair but I spent too long in the shower and now I don’t have time so oh well. Tbh I look like utter shite anyway lately so what’s a bad hair day to go with it? I’ll just put it up. I feel disgustingly ugly lately, I always do but especially lately. Okay now I have 8 minutes night night
submitted by createdjustforthis23 to u/createdjustforthis23 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:52 TheHamSlapper [USA-CA] [H] PlayStation 4 Games (inc. Limited Run, NISA Special Editions, Yakuza series, etc.) [W] PayPal F&F, CashApp, Zelle

*New games have been added since last post
Steadily purging my collection to have some extra money and have a smaller, more focused collection. Many games for other consoles coming soon, so follow me if interested. Will need your zip code to calculate shipping, but if you spend over $75 I'll waive it. While prices are based on Price Charting, haggling is encouraged; the bigger the bundle, the better the discount. Will throw in some small free stuff in bigger orders as a token of appreciation while supplies last - might be stickers, small toys, maybe a small plush. Everything is in good condition or better, but if you need pics feel free to ask. Thanks for looking!
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim CIB $15
Bastion NEW $55
Cris Tales CIB $8
Death Stranding CIB $8
Destiny CIB $4
Disgaea 1 Complete [Rosen Queen's Finest Edition] CIB $95 LINK
DmC: Devil May Cry [Definitive Edition] NEW $20
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT NEW $13
Dragon Quest Builders 2 CIB $14 LINK
Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age CIB $13
Dusk Diver NEW $25
Dusk Diver 2 [Launch Edition] NEW $38
Everybody's Golf CIB $12 LINK
Final Fantasy XV [Royal Edition] CIB $15
Gal*Gunvolt Burst [Collector's Edition] CIB $65
Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 CIB $20
Indivisible [Collector's Edition CIB $30
Katamari Damacy Reroll CIB $12
(JP) The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match [Final Edition] NEW $44 LINK
The King of Fighters 2000 [Collector's Edition] w/ Soundtrack Game CIB/Soundtrack NEW $58 LINK
(JP) The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match CIB $30 LINK
(JP) The King of Fighters XIV [Ultimate Edition] CIB $20 LINK
Kotodama: The 7 Mysteries of Fujisawa NEW $14
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 CIB $17
Nights of Azure CIB $45
Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon [Limited Edition] CIB $187
The Nonary Games No Manual $20
Okami HD CIB $20
The Outer Worlds CIB $10
Persona 5 [Take Your Heart Premium Edition] No Game, No Steelbook $65
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid [Collector's Edition] CIB $12
Samurai Shodown: NeoGeo Collection [Collector's Edition] CIB $100
Semispheres [Blue Limited Edition] CIB $17
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero [Risky Beats Edition] CIB $25
Shenmue I $ II CIB $18
(ASIA English) SNK 40th Anniversary Collection (Uncensored Cover) CIB $50
Steamworld Dig 2 CIB $18
The Silver Case CIB $17
Shadow of the Colossus CIB $17
Super Bullet Break [Day One Edition] CIB $20
Tales of Arise CIB $10
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth [Launch Edition] NEW $25
Valkyrie Elysium NEW $27
The Witch and the Hundred Knight [Revival Edition] w/ Metallia Nendoroid Petit Figure Game CIB / Figure CIB $140 AWAITING PAYMENT
The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2 [Limited Edition] CIB $130 AWAITING PAYMENT
Yakuza 0 [PlayStation Hits] CIB $15
Yakuza Kiwami [Steelbook Edition] CIB $35
Yakuza Kiwami 2 CIB $30
The Yakuza Remastered Collection CIB $25
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life [Essence of Art Edition] CIB $19 Some wear on outer box
Yakuza: Like a Dragon CIB $12
submitted by TheHamSlapper to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:49 ayonc46 How Do You Develop a Custom WordPress Website?

To develop a custom WordPress website, plan your site structure and design. Next, install WordPress on your hosting server and choose a suitable theme or create a custom one. Customize the design and functionality using HTML, CSS, and PHP coding as needed. Add content, including pages, posts, and media, to populate your site. Finally, test your site thoroughly across different browsers and devices to ensure it functions correctly before launching it to the public.
What are the initial steps to create a personalized WordPress site?
  1. Define your goals and objectives for the website.
  2. Choose a suitable domain name for your WordPress site.
  3. Select a reliable web hosting provider that meets your needs.
  4. Install WordPress on your hosting server.
  5. Choose a theme that aligns with your brand and design preferences.
  6. Customize the theme settings and appearance to match your desired look and feel.
  7. Create essential pages such as Home, About, Contact, and Services.
  8. Install and configure necessary plugins for added functionality.
  9. Set up user roles and permissions as per your requirements.
  10. Develop a content strategy and plan for creating and organizing your website content.

Step-by-Step Guideline Develop a Custom WordPress Website

Step 1: Choose a Domain Name and Hosting
Your domain name is your website's address on the internet, like www.yoursite.com. Choose a domain name that's easy to remember, relevant to your brand, and not too long. Next, you'll need hosting, which is like renting space on the internet to store your website files. Look for a hosting provider that offers reliable service, good customer support, and enough storage and bandwidth for your needs.
Step 2: Install WordPress
WordPress is a popular platform for building websites because it's easy to use and highly customizable. Many hosting providers offer a one-click WordPress installation, which makes getting started a breeze. Simply log in to your hosting account, find the WordPress installer, and follow the prompts to set up your site. Once WordPress is installed, you can log in to your site's dashboard and start customizing it to your liking.
Step 3: Select a Theme
A WordPress theme determines the overall look and layout of your website. There are thousands of free and premium themes available, so take your time to find one that fits your style and the goals of your site. Look for a theme that's responsive (meaning it looks good on all devices), easy to customize, and well-supported by its developers. Once you've chosen a theme, you can install it on your WordPress site with just a few clicks.
Step 4: Customize Your Theme
Once you've installed your theme, it's time to customize it to make it your own. Most WordPress themes come with built-in customization options that allow you to change things like colors, fonts, and layouts without needing to know any code. Use the theme customizer in your WordPress dashboard to tweak your site's appearance until it looks just the way you want it to. Don't be afraid to experiment until you find the perfect look for your website.
Step 5: Add Content
With your theme customized, it's time to start adding content to your website. Create pages for important information like your Home page, About page, Services page, and Contact page. Use the WordPress editor to add text, images, videos, and other media to your pages. Write clear, engaging copy that tells visitors what your website is about and encourages them to explore further. Remember to proofread your content carefully before publishing to ensure it's free of errors.
Step 6: Install Plugins
WordPress plugins are like apps that add extra features and functionality to your website. There are thousands of plugins available for everything from contact forms to social media integration to search engine optimization. Think about the goals of your website and choose plugins that will help you achieve them. Be selective about the plugins you install, as too many can slow down your site and cause conflicts. Install and activate your chosen plugins from the WordPress plugin directory, then configure them to suit your needs.
Step 7: Optimize for SEO
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving your website's visibility in search engine results. A well-optimized website is more likely to rank higher in search results, driving more traffic to your site. Install an SEO plugin like Yoast SEO or All in One SEO Pack to help you optimize your content for relevant keywords, add meta tags and descriptions, and improve your site's overall SEO performance. Take the time to research keywords relevant to your niche and incorporate them naturally into your content for the best results.
Step 8: Test and Launch
Before you launch your website, it's important to test it thoroughly to ensure everything is working correctly. Check your site on different devices and browsers to make sure it looks good and functions properly. Test all links, forms, and interactive elements to make sure they work as expected. Once you're confident that everything is working as it should, it's time to launch your website and share it with the world. Celebrate your hard work and take pride in your new custom WordPress website!
Step 9: Maintain and Update
Building a website is just the beginning – maintaining it is an ongoing process. Regularly update your content to keep it fresh and relevant, and update your plugins and themes to ensure your site stays secure and performs well. Monitor your site's performance using tools like Google Analytics, and make adjustments as needed to improve usability and user experience. Listen to feedback from your visitors and make changes accordingly to keep your website running smoothly and meeting the needs of your audience.
What do you consider to select hosting and a domain name for your WordPress site?
Firstly, you'll want to choose a hosting provider that offers good speed and reliability. Look for one that has a solid reputation and good customer support in case you run into any issues. Consider your budget too, as hosting costs can vary.
As for the domain name, it's important to choose something that's easy to remember and relevant to your site's content. Avoid using complicated or obscure words that might be hard for people to spell or remember. It's also a good idea to check if your desired domain name is available on social media platforms to maintain consistency across your online presence. Lastly, think about whether you want to use a .com, .net, or other domain extension, keeping in mind what best suits your site's purpose and audience.
How do you evaluate and choose a theme that suits your brand and design preferences?
Firstly, consider your brand identity and the message you want to convey to your audience. Look for a theme that aligns with the style, colors, and overall feel of your brand.
Next, think about the functionality you need. Do you want a theme that's highly customizable or one that's more straightforward? Consider features like layout options, customization options, and compatibility with plugins you might want to use.
It's also important to check the responsiveness of the theme. Make sure it looks good and functions well on various devices, including smartphones and tablets.
Lastly, take some time to browse through different themes and read reviews from other users. This can give you a better idea of what to expect and help you make an informed decision that suits your brand and design preferences.
What essential pages should you create first?
How do you decide which plugins to install?
  1. Identify Needs: Determine the specific functionality you require for your site.
  2. Research: Look for plugins that offer the features you need.
  3. Ratings and Reviews: Check plugin ratings and read user reviews to gauge reliability and performance.
  4. Compatibility: Ensure the plugin is compatible with your WordPress version and other installed plugins.
  5. Active Installations: Choose plugins with a high number of active installations for reliability and community support.
How do you integrate custom features and functionalities into your WordPress site?
Integrating custom features and functionalities into your WordPress site involves adding extra capabilities beyond what comes with the standard installation. One way to do this is by using plugins. These are like apps for your website, and they can add all sorts of new features, from contact forms to e-commerce shops.
For example, let's say you want to add a feature for visitors to book appointments on your site. You could search for a booking plugin like "Bookly" or "Appointment Booking Calendar." After installing and activating the plugin, you'd typically set it up by following the provided instructions, which might involve configuring settings, creating booking forms, and placing them on your site where you want them to appear.
Another way to integrate custom features is by adding code directly to your site. This could involve writing your own custom functions or modifying existing ones. For instance, if you wanted to add a custom sidebar widget displaying your latest Instagram photos, you might need to write some PHP code to fetch the photos from Instagram's API and display them on your site.
In summary, integrating custom features and functionalities into your WordPress site can be done through plugins or by adding custom code, allowing you to tailor your site to your specific needs and preferences.
How do you manage user roles and permissions?
RoleCapabilitiesHow to Manage AdministratorCan do everything, including managing other users, installing plugins, and changing themes.Go to Users > All Users in the dashboard, find the user, and change their role to Administrator. EditorCan publish and manage posts, including those of other users.Go to Users > Add New, fill in user details, and assign the role of Editor. AuthorCan publish and manage their own posts only.In Users > All Users, select a user and change their role to Author. ContributorCan write and manage their own posts but cannot publish them.Add or edit a user and assign the role of Contributor. SubscriberCan only manage their own profile and read content.Change the user role to Subscriber in the Users section.
What security measures should you implement to protect your custom WordPress website?
To protect your custom WordPress website, you need to implement several security measures. Here are some specific steps:
  1. Install a Security Plugin: Use plugins like Wordfence or Sucuri. They offer features like malware scanning and firewall protection.
  2. Use Strong Passwords: Make sure all users have strong, unique passwords. A good password includes letters, numbers, and symbols.
  3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): This adds an extra layer of security. Users will need to enter a code from their phone in addition to their password.
  4. Keep WordPress Updated: Always update WordPress to the latest version. Updates fix security vulnerabilities.
  5. Limit Login Attempts: Use a plugin like Limit Login Attempts Reloaded to prevent brute-force attacks.
  6. Change the Default "admin" Username: Don’t use "admin" as your username. Choose something unique to make it harder for hackers to guess.
  7. Use HTTPS: Get an SSL certificate to encrypt data between your website and visitors. Most hosting providers offer this for free.
  8. Backup Your Site Regularly: Use plugins like UpdraftPlus to create regular backups. If your site gets hacked, you can restore it.
How do you ensure responsiveness and mobile-friendliness in a custom WordPress site?
To ensure your custom WordPress site is responsive and mobile-friendly, follow these steps:
  1. Pick a Responsive Theme: Start with a theme known for being responsive, such as Astra or GeneratePress.
  2. Use a Mobile-Friendly Plugin: Install plugins like WP Touch, which help make your site mobile-friendly.
  3. Apply Media Queries: Add CSS media queries to adjust your layout for different screen sizes. For example:
(Css code)@media (max-width: 768px) {
.sidebar { display: none; }
.content { width: 100%; }
  1. Flexible Images and Videos: Ensure images and videos resize properly with:
(Css code)img, video { max-width: 100%; height: auto; }
  1. Mobile Menu: Use a plugin like Responsive Menu to create a user-friendly mobile menu.
  2. Optimize for Speed: Compress images using a plugin like Smush and enable caching with a plugin like W3 Total Cache.
  3. Testing: Regularly test your site on different devices and browsers. Tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test and BrowserStack can help.
How do you troubleshoot and debug issues that arise during the development of a custom WordPress site?
Troubleshooting and debugging issues during the development of a custom WordPress site involves several steps. Here are some real-world challenges and specific issues you might encounter:
  1. White Screen of Death (WSOD): This issue often occurs due to PHP errors, plugin conflicts, or exhausted memory limits. Solution: Enable WordPress debugging by adding define('WP_DEBUG', true); to your wp-config.php file to display error messages. Check the error log for specific issues.
  2. Plugin Conflicts: Plugins can conflict with each other or with the theme, causing functionality problems.Solution: Deactivate all plugins and reactivate them one by one to identify the conflicting plugin. Check for updates or consider alternative plugins.
  3. Theme Issues: Custom themes might have coding errors or compatibility issues with WordPress updates. Solution: Use a child theme for customizations to avoid losing changes during updates. Validate your theme code using tools like Theme Check.
  4. Database Errors: Corrupt or misconfigured databases can lead to errors or data loss. Solution: Use phpMyAdmin to check and repair database tables. Ensure regular backups are in place to restore data if needed.
  5. Broken Links and 404 Errors: Incorrect URLs or deleted pages can lead to 404 errors, affecting user experience and SEO. Solution: Use a plugin like Redirection to manage and fix broken links. Regularly check for 404 errors using tools like Google Search Console.
  6. Slow Performance: Poor performance can result from unoptimized images, bulky plugins, or inefficient code. Solution: Optimize images, use caching plugins like W3 Total Cache, and minimize CSS and JavaScript files. Profile your site using tools like Query Monitor to identify slow queries.
  7. JavaScript Errors: JavaScript errors can break site functionality, especially interactive features. Solution: Use the browser’s developer tools (F12) to inspect the console for JavaScript errors. Fix issues by debugging the scripts or checking for library conflicts.
  8. Security Vulnerabilities: Sites can be vulnerable to attacks if not properly secured. Solution: Regularly update WordPress, themes, and plugins. Use security plugins like Wordfence, and implement strong passwords and two-factor authentication.
  9. Responsive Design Issues: Ensuring the site looks good on all devices can be challenging. Solution: Use responsive design techniques and test the site on various devices and screen sizes. Tools like BrowserStack can help simulate different environments.
  10. User Role and Permission Problems: Incorrect configuration of user roles and permissions can lead to security and functionality issues. Solution: Use the User Role Editor plugin to manage and troubleshoot roles and capabilities. Ensure that users have appropriate access levels.
How do you create a seamless user experience (UX) in a custom WordPress site?
To create a seamless user experience (UX) in a custom WordPress site, start by choosing a clean, responsive theme that looks good on all devices. Ensure your site loads quickly by optimizing images and using caching plugins like W3 Total Cache. Simplify navigation with clear menus and breadcrumbs, making it easy for users to find what they need. Use readable fonts and sufficient white space to make content easy to read. Add a search bar so visitors can quickly locate information. Implement intuitive forms with clear labels and error messages. Regularly test your site on different devices and browsers to ensure everything works smoothly. By focusing on these details, you can make your WordPress site user-friendly and enjoyable to navigate.
How do you implement e-commerce functionality in a custom WordPress site?
To implement e-commerce functionality in a custom WordPress site, start by installing a reliable e-commerce plugin like WooCommerce. Set up your store by adding products with detailed descriptions, prices, and images. Configure payment gateways such as PayPal or Stripe to accept online payments securely. Customize the appearance of your store using built-in themes or by modifying CSS styles. Create user-friendly navigation with categories and filters to help customers easily browse products. Implement shopping cart functionality to allow users to add items and proceed to checkout seamlessly. Set up shipping options and rates based on location and weight. Test the entire purchasing process to ensure it works smoothly for users. Regularly update plugins and monitor sales to optimize your e-commerce site for success.
Creating a custom WordPress website involves several key steps. You start by deciding on your site's goals and picking a domain name and hosting provider. Then, you install WordPress, choose a theme, and customize it to match your brand. Next, you add content, like pages and posts, and install plugins for extra features, such as contact forms or SEO optimization. You'll want to make sure your site is responsive and works well on mobile devices. Lastly, you test everything thoroughly before launching your site to ensure it's ready for visitors. And don't forget to keep it updated and secure over time!
submitted by ayonc46 to redditreviewer [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:27 Unkn0wnimous [No Due Date] Looking to get some feedback on the first chapter of the story I made after posting the prologue here. Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1
An endless void, silence interlaid with its pitch-darkness, greeted an injured man. No light can be seen, sensations be damned, and consciousness spread thin as though taut in this incomprehensive expanse that laid before him.
Callum fell into the abyss, his mind the only thing left to accompany him. He hasn’t even counted the minutes as his mind is plagued by something else. He never considered himself a man of interest, only scraping by with his odd jobs and part-time salaries, hence why he couldn’t understand his current situation.
Betrayal is something that he is familiar with, whether it be a betrayal of his expectations when a co-worker broke his promise or a betrayal of his emotions when his first love interest cheated on him back in uni. However, this betrayal orchestrated by his best friend whom he’d known for 5 years, and girlfriend for 8 years felt more gut-wrenching than the pain he felt from the stab.
Denial was the first thing that stormed his mind. He couldn’t believe that the two closest people in his life would stab him in the back, literally. There was no build-up, he didn’t suspect a thing, and everything was normal until he found steel in his flesh.
He rejected the notion that his girlfriend, Catherine, would betray him like this, an accomplice to a murder that he can’t grasp the motive of. He has built up some savings, but it isn’t something that would be worth murdering someone for, especially after buying that ring.
He dismissed the thought of Jake being jealous of their relationship as he couldn’t see the guy doing something as stupid as this. He can’t form any rhyme or reason as to why they would do it, and the only possible explanation is that this was all a dream and he was actually still sleeping inside the tent.
But as he waited for himself to wake from this nightmare, only darkness greeted him. He had tried moving his body in this sea of blackness, but the movement only felt like going through molasses with tired arms, which is why he attributed this as being only a dream that he would wake up from, which appeared to be wrong as he waited and waited.
Anxiety crept in as he tried to call out, but no sound escaped his lips. He strained his voice to be heard, yet he can't even hear himself. No light adorned this place, no wind to be heard, and he couldn’t feel anything even though he tried feeling himself.
The pain in his back was forgotten as he tried and tried to move, to scream, to flail senselessly, amounting to nothing as he was greeted by nothing.
Feeling anything in this void is something impossible, and the only thing that he can do is return to his mindscape.
He went back to his oldest memories, back to a time when everything felt oppressive and suffocating. Callum was born into a broken family. His mother and father had gone through a divorce when he was only 6 years old. He could still remember the screaming and yelling of his parents whenever night fell in their sorry state of an apartment.
His father, Eric, having not finished his education after Callum’s birth, has been living as a blue-collar worker in downtown New Jersey. Even during his day-offs, he can’t seem to find rest as he goes to do odd jobs and part-time work to stay afloat. On the other hand, his mother would leave him, a toddler, alone in the apartment.
He remembered her putting CDs in a DVD player so that it could keep his attention on a cartoon that his father introduced him to. If he had anything to describe his mother, she would be irresponsible and narcissistic. She would sometimes bring guys over to their apartment, threatening Callum with divorce if he ever told Eric about it, hence why it took several years until his dad caught on and filed for a divorce.
Eric was determined to take Callum with him, he argues that he could take care of his child better than Callum’s mother. But his mother and her twisted pride can’t let go of Callum, which leads to a legal dispute between the two.
The court hearings went on for several months, with each passing day being a lot more hellish for Callum. He was subjected to further insults by his mother as she knew that leaving bruises on her child would lower her chances of winning over the court to her side. Sometimes, she would go as far as manipulate him, gaslighting him into believing that she was a good mother who would take care of him better than his father. But after seeing that the court favors Eric’s side more, his mother took drastic measures to satisfy her wounded pride.
It was the second to the last day of the court hearing, and it was during this time that his father was working overtime. Callum had just gone home from his elementary school, feeling tired as he hauled his bag over his shoulders up the multiple flights of stairs he had to climb to get to their apartment.
As he neared his home, he steeled himself and opened the door, only to be met with overturned tables and broken ceramics. He walked quietly through the scene, afraid that someone might hear him entering his home. Looking back on it now, Calum can’t help himself but laugh at his stupidity. He could have gone and alerted their neighbors, or gone back downstairs to wait for his father, but being a child, Callum doesn’t know what to do.
As he entered his room, he saw black words spray painted on the walls, the meaning eluding him as he didn’t know what it meant since he was 7 at the time, but remembering it now sent shivers down his spine.
The words “This is what you get!” on a torn wallpaper are ingrained in his mind. Seeing the manic letters sprayed over the walls gave Callum anxiety, taking a few steps back towards the open front door of their apartment. Escape was now on his mind as he grew scared of what was to come, something that was far too late as he heard his mother behind him.
It was there that everything turned into a blur. He remembered snippets of yelling and crying both from himself and his mother. He remembered his mother forcing something down his throat. He remembered his father coming home early that day and restraining his mother, a crazy look in her eyes. He remembered the feeling of nausea and the floor colored with his lunch. And he remembered the sirens, red and blue lights dancing in his vision as he was carried to a stretcher. The last thing he remembered was his father crying, holding his hands tightly when he opened his tired eyes.
For the next few days, he learned from the news that his mother attempted a double suicide. The story goes, after losing the custody battle, the mother planned to take revenge by ending the lives of both her child and herself. They said that he got lucky as the neighbors had contacted Eric when his mother turned their home upside down, relating it to a possible home invasion. If not for him, Callum would have died from nicotine poisoning after his mother forced tobacco down his gullet, a morbid story that he uses as a joke during his time at work.
He remembered being inside that hospital for days on end, his body recovering from the poison his mother left him with, and his father was there almost every day even though he had to work to pay the hospital bills. After what felt like forever was he allowed to be discharged, going back to the same refurbished apartment that they lived in, but after seeing how Callum had recurring nightmares and trauma attached to the place, they decided to move to Pennsylvania. A hard decision that needed to be made as his father would put it.
Everything after the whole incident was better for Callum. His father got a job as a mover, still doing some part-time work here and there, and Callum did his best in school so as not to burden his father with more work. Even though they lived in a rundown shack handed to them by one of the locals, they didn’t mind as they knew that getting to live at all was better than what they had before.
Callum smiled in the abyss as he reminisced about his time with his father. He was a great man, a good role model for anyone who came across him. He is kind-hearted and considerate, a hard worker that makes him popular among his peers. It was them that helped move him and his father out of New Jersey and found them a place to sleep in, teaching Callum that socializing and connecting with like-minded people goes a long way when someone needs it.
For the next few years, Callum lived happily. Though there were some ups and downs, he and his father got through it, which is why the memory of his time in university was depressing.
Eric, after having saved some money, gave Callum the go-ahead to enroll in a university in California. But after attaining an athletic scholarship in football, Callum gave his father a surprise to ease his worries and stress. Callum felt bad every time he saw his father work, hence why he tried his hardest to take some of that workload to give him a break. With the tuition being lowered with the scholarship, Callum could give the rest of the money back to his dad. A gesture that was fully gratified as his father had a hard time letting him go when the time came to move over to the university. But it was during this time that tragedy struck.
It was his fourth year in studying anthropology when he heard the news from one of his father’s friends, Robby. After hearing it, he grew distressed and worried, taking a lot of convincing from Robby to keep Callum from moving back to Pennsylvania.
His father has gone missing. The news had spread amongst his co-workers and friends, and a search team was already being dispatched to find him. Even though Callum tried to keep his focus on studying, he couldn’t help but feel agitated as days went by without news of his father being seen. His mental state plummeted, and he grew withdrawn from reality as days turned to weeks, his father still gone.
He could still remember the times when he locked himself in the school’s library, searching the web to find any news or reports of his father's whereabouts, but as he searched for days on end, only one thing kept popping up from the newsletters. His father, Eric Hurst Foster, went missing in his own home. There were no struggles in the house, the CCTV didn’t see him on any of the roads or stores in the town they lived in, he just seemed to have vanished into thin air.
The news ate away at Callum, and his friends that he’d made during the time gave their support to keep him from spiraling out of control. However, even with their support, Callum’s worries over his dad never went away, hence why he threw himself into work. Going to part-time jobs and studying is the only way to keep his mind from blowing. He did this until he finished university and found a job to stay afloat.
This went on for years until he’s come to accept that his father may never be found. With nothing to ground him in their old home, he decided to explore the world, thinking that one day, he might find a lead to the whereabouts of his dad.
Months turned to years as he worked tirelessly in multiple jobs. From being a mechanic, electrician, cook, waiter, and many more to count, Callum went on a work frenzy. He made a plan to scour the states as a freelancer, living in his BMW pick-up truck that was given to him by one of his friends. He stayed in each state for a few months, meeting new people and making some friends along the way. They sent their well wishes to Callum as they knew that he was still trying to find his missing father.
Years went by as he made his way back to California. He had gone and explored every state, and yet no news of his father came to light. The case had gone cold, and it was up to Callum to find any clues to this mystery. His mind has told him to give up the search, and multiple friends have given him consolation as they knew that his father would never be found, but Callum persevered.
It was during this time that he found himself as a mover, the same job that his father had before he disappeared. He had just come back to California after getting the job, and he was about to go check in for his first day when a sudden downpour of rain covered the skies of the city. It was only coincidental that he was near that coffee shop, and it was coincidental that only two customers were present there. He and his future girlfriend turned accomplice to his murder.
The rest of his memories went by as he continued to float in the abyss. From the time of their first years in a relationship to meeting Jake for the first time in that apartment to when he taught PE and History in a school in Minnesota. Everything went by as Callum went from one memory to another until he felt something.
A chill ran down his spine as an indescribable dread manifested in his mind. He knew not why he felt this way, and he felt himself tearing at the seams as a slit of light showed itself in the void. He was then pulled into the light, senses coming back after he spent his time in the abyss for what felt like days. And with a flash, he is back in the same hunched-over position he was in when he was stabbed in the back.
Callum can’t help but laugh as he finally could see again. Trees surrounded his vision, with wild grass carpeting the ground. But before he could truly see the world, he felt a sharp pain in his back. With his body remembering that he was injured, he felt himself sweat profusely as he bled, painting the flowers under him red. And yet he didn’t panic.
After all that time reminiscing, he finally gave in and let death come to him. He fell on his back, sending another wave of pain coursing through his body, cursing under his breath as he regretted not laying himself down slowly. And as he looked to the sky, he felt himself getting colder and colder.
Callum felt at peace as he stared at the clouds above him. The sound of the wind and the rustling of leaves helped him come to terms that he was truly dying. He’d thought about death a lot. During his time when he was a kid, and when he was depressed after his father went missing. But the peace he felt for only a few moments as emotions came crashing down.
He felt himself tear up as he came to terms with his current situation. He would never have a chance to marry the girl in his life. He would never have a chance to have his own children and see them grow. He would never have a chance to be a father. And he would never have a chance to grow old with the people he loved around him.
As he thought of these things, the floodgates opened. Streams of tears fell down his cheeks as he sobbed in his dying state. He could only put his hands over his eyes to stop it from flowing, an action that felt challenging as his body became fatigued from all the blood loss. The crying only hastened his death as he felt his breath escape him, his lungs labored and filled with blood as the stab had punctured it.
Minutes went by as Callum felt himself grow tired and tired. And as he closed his eyes, Callum’s heart slowed and slowed as his body has a lack of blood to pump. His breathing grew shallower with each second until his body gave way and stopped altogether.
Callum died at the age of 34, stabbed in the back by his best friend with his girlfriend being an accomplice for his murder. He died from blood loss as his body colored the ground red.
Callum waited and waited to feel his consciousness fade as he welcomed death to greet him. And as the second grew…
His consciousness never faded away.
submitted by Unkn0wnimous to Proofreading [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:18 shun-tanu_ Paragraph from "This spoke the Zaurashtra".. what do you think Nietzsche meant to say here except what is apparent..

The madman. Have you not heard of that madman who lit a lantern in the bright morning hours, ran to the market place and cried incessantly: ‘I am looking for God! I am looking for God!’ -As many of those who did not believe in God were standing together there he excited considerable laughter. Have you lost him then? said one. Did he lose his way like a child? said another. Or is he hiding? Is he afraid of us? Has he gone on a voyage? or emigrated? – thus they shouted and laughed. The madman sprang into their midst and pierced them with his glances. ‘Where has God gone?’ he cried. ‘I shall tell you. We have killed him — you and I. We are all his murderers. But how have we done this? How were we able to drink up the sea? Who gave us the sponge to wipe away the entire horizon? What did we do when we unchained this earth from its sun? Whither is it moving now? Whither are we moving now? Away from all suns? Are we not perpetually falling? Backward, sideward, forward, in all directions? Is there any up or down left? Are we not straying as through an infinite nothing? Do we not feel the breath of empty space? Has it not become colder? Is more and more night not coming on all the time? Must not lanterns be lit in the morning? Do we not hear anything yet of the noise of the gravediggers who are burying God? Do we not smell anything yet of God’s decomposition? – gods too decompose. God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we, the murderers of all murderers, console ourselves? That which was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet possessed has bled to death under our knives – who will wipe this blood off us? With what water could we purify ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we need to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must not we ourselves become gods simply to seem worthy of it? There has never been a greater deed – and whoever shall be born after us, for the sake of this deed he shall be part of a higher history than all history hitherto....
submitted by shun-tanu_ to Indianbooks [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:11 A_Flying_Frying_Pan Being transphobic to my boyfriend i see? Time to feel my big gay wrath…

Me (16m) and my boyfriend (16m) have a really good SE teacher and he decided that we could be moved to the same class. One day, when we got a new seating chart, someone I was placed near noticed how I was talking to my boyfriend. He turned around and gave me a dirty look, you know the kind of look that says “just shut up and we can all be cool.” I took the hint and then shut up. Turns out that using sign language to communicate not only was picked up by his ears, but he told us to shut up again.
after class, I heard him clearly making my boyfriend uncomfortable and I listened to their conversation without intervening, dont want to get The wrong idea. I heard him say “so you used to be a girl?” not in a genuine way, but more condescending. I walked closer and asked my boyfriend what they were talking about. He isn’t deaf but were both in the sign language club and he told me what was wrong in a terrible way, like engrish. It was like “help boy make me uncomfortable” so I told him to back off and to “keep it in your pants, okay? He’s mine”
and that’s when I started getting death threats. Mhm. Probably 12 different signatures in different handwriting with the main idea of “kill yourself, faggot.” The fun part happens now! I brought all 12 or so notes to the principal of my school and began gathering up my posse to write back to them. this didn’t stop either. Every day there were more notes than the last. By the end of the year there were about 50 different strongly worded notes with such vile wording I have no idea what to even say. 50 notes EVERY DAY.
this was when the principal got some of the staff members to write notes. Now obviously I would probably get sent to jail for what was in those letters but the staff couldn’t see. The kid ended up coming to school with bruises all across his body (probably from his abusive parents) the next day. He moved and I never saw him again. me and my boyfriend are now happily together stronger than ever and yes, we did pass SE class. this is my first homosexual relationship and I know that usually the guy proposes marriage but were both men so like… help
submitted by A_Flying_Frying_Pan to traumatizeThemBack [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:54 Buck_Brerry_609 Please help this doomed character survive the astral plane

TLDR: Student, no summer job, got good grades, decided to reward myself by trying to beat nethack. Gotten to astral twice and died. About to get to astral again but i fucked up right at the last hurdle and this character is probably fucked and if i die in the astral plane i may run into the woods. Dump at bottom of post.
So I've had a lot of free time this last month, and so I decided to try to beat NetHack since the last time I played it I was really young and had no idea what I was doing. So I've tried it out and had a lot of fun! It's way less user unfriendly than people said (although I am playing on 3.7), only criticism is it seems like the only hard part of the end game is the astral and everything else is busywork. I had a (mostly) spoiler free run get to the Astral plane, died like an idiot, had another run where I got to the astral with more spoilers, wished for a cockatrice corpse and had a bunch of wands of death. I thought reading the wiki if you stone everything except the riders, and use a wand of death on all of them except death it would be ez, then the riders shrugged off all my wands of death charges so i died again, and if I die a third time at the astral i will run into the woods and become a hermit so i can never see a computer with these demon letters ever again. Had a nice samurai going but I fucked everything up at the last minute trying to pray for holy water, didnt realize you couldn't pray after you got a gift, got smited, divine protection gone, left basically naked with -26 AC and i know im fucked 100% because i have no wishes, no genocide scrolls for purple worm shenanigans, i do have a magic marker but it only has 25 charges so I can't charge it again. Wtf do I do if I fucked everything up at the last possible moment again i will make the ocean in medusa's island irl with my tears
https://pastebin.com/5rWHMkiE (Inventory + intrinsics of my current character)
Previous splats to compare and contrast with:
https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/G/GGhana2/nethack/dumplog/1715724968.nh.txt (Dwarven Valkyrie)
https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/G/GGhana2/nethack/dumplog/1715573052.nh.txt (Female Samurai)
EDIT: I’ve already charged the magic marker in the bag of holding.
submitted by Buck_Brerry_609 to nethack [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:07 Crowsbeak-Returns We're probably going to lose another of great word now. https://www.teenvogue.com/story/the-sinister-history-of-the-word-moron-explained

So, these imbeciles have gotten it itno their heads because bad word may have in part been developed in part by someone associated with the Eugenics movement we can't use that word. (I suspect the fetal achohol syndrome sufferers who wrote this don't like its become a alternative to a certain other beautiful word we can't use anymore). Also of course attacks the very concept of the asylum system that totally wouldn't be a good place to put every neurotic idiot who subscribes to the thought this article seeks to propagate. Also the attempt to tie that judge to weirdo white nationalists and the right as meaning just the right as a whole rather then a specific small section is funny. Should be noted both sides of the aisle united in TN to actually make this shit illegal and reprimanded said judge https://clarksvillenow.com/local/proposal-would-stop-judges-from-offering-less-jail-time-in-exchange-for-sterilization/
Also I love how they try to turn this into a diatribe against those who would like immigration lowered.
The Sinister History of the Word "Moron," Explained
It's much more than just a casual insult.
By Marlena Scott
September 12, 2017FWHTTB The science of eugenics and sex life, the regeneration of the human race (1914)Z4 Collection / Alamy Stock Photo
OG History is a Teen Vogue series where we unearth history not told through a white, cisheteropatriarchal lens. In this piece, writer Marlena Scott explores the history of of the word "moron," which is tied to the eugenics movement in the United States.
"Moron" is commonly used to describe someone who has made a decision that is perceived as unwise, or to scold oneself over a mistake or slipup. Whichever way the word is flung around, the origins of "moron" are far more sinister.
The term is attributed to psychologist and eugenicist Henry H. Goddard, who used it to describe “feeble-minded” individuals. It is closely tied to the United States’s involvement in eugenics, a scientific term, meaning "well-born," that describes the belief that the human population can be controlled by breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. It focuses on eliminating “undesirable” individuals, singling out unmarried mothers, people of color, the poor, and those with disabilities. In the United States, eugenics influenced much of the immigration and segregation policies in the 20th century. "Moron" and other words like it — such as "idiot" — were used to support racist, classist ideas and to advance white supremacy behind the mask of scientific advancement.
According to a report from NPR's Code Switch, "moron" was born of Goddard’s fascination with intelligence and his desire to measure what it was and what it was not. In the early 20th century, psychologists grouped people who fell behind the ideal measure of intelligence into three categories that we now recognize as casual insults: “imbecile,” “idiot,” and “feeble-minded.” Goddard, unsatisfied with the existing terms, coined "moron" to embody both low intelligence and behavioral deviance. None of these endured as medical terms, but at the time they were enough to institutionalize someone and sterilize them as a means to prevent them from reproducing.
Goddard organized patients by disease, habit, or condition, as laid out in his 1911 work, Heredity of Feeblemindedness. He analyzed and coded families with the following qualities: "A, alcoholic (habitual drunkard); B, blind; C, criminal; D, deaf; Dwf, dwarf; E, epileptic; F, feeble-minded, either black letter, or white letter on black ground (the former when sex is unknown); I, insane; M, migraine; N, normal; Sx, grave sexual offender; Sy, syphilitic; T, tuberculous; W, wanderer, tramp, or truant." Goddard wrote of one family: “The offspring of the feeble-minded woman and this feeble-minded man were three feeble-minded children and two others who died in infancy. An illegitimate child of this woman is feeble-minded and a criminal.”
"The idiot is not our greatest problem. He is indeed loathsome. ... Nevertheless, he lives his life and is done. He does not continue the race with a line of children like himself. ... It is the moron type that makes for us our great problem," Goddard said in 1912.
The volume of immigrants coming into the country during the early 20th century was the highest it had ever been. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, between 1901 and 1910, 8,795,400 people immigrated to the United States, primarily from the area then known as Austria-Hungary, Italy, and Germany. It was essential to Goddard's work to ensure there were no "feeble-minded morons" in the bunch, so he sent assistants to Ellis Island in 1913 to observe and identify "morons" according to his methods. As previously mentioned, one of Goddard's methods included a pseudoscientific coded guide that looked something like a family tree. Goddard would study families, code their behavior by letter, and draw conclusions that the feeble-mindedness or blindness or deafness of the preceding generation would affect the children. According NPR's Code Switch, 40% of Italians, Hungarians, and Jewish people that were tested qualified as "morons" and were deported in 1913. Deportations doubled the following year.

Those labeled "moron" could be institutionalized, deported, or sterilized in order to create a race of humans deemed superior by those in positions of influence and power, according to a New Yorker piece on the history of eugenics. Eugenics was widely embraced in academia and even celebrated at the World's Fair. In the first half of the 20th century, this movement in the U.S. led to the involuntary sterilization of around 60,000 people, mostly women of child-bearing age, who were subjectively deemed unfit to reproduce.
Federally funded sterilization programs were legalized in 32 states. The state of Virginia passed its Eugenical Sterilization Act in 1924, and to test the legality of the law, Carrie Buck, a poor 17-year-old girl from Charlottesville, was sent to the Virginia Colony for Epileptics and Feeble-Minded — an asylum for those deemed so-called "morons" where her mother, Emma, had been admitted just a few years prior. Carrie was pregnant as the result of rape and, after giving birth, was sterilized at the colony with no understanding of what was happening to her. The move was backed by law and further supported by the Supreme Court, as demonstrated in the 1927 Buck v. Bell case, in which the court ruled that the sterilization of the "unfit" — including the intellectually disabled — did not violate the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. After observing Buck, her mother, and her grandmother — all poor white women — Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. delivered the opinion of the court, writing, "three generations of imbeciles was enough." This decision has never been overturned.
If this thought process sounds grossly aligned with ideals promoted in Nazi Germany, that’s because it is — but eugenics and the attempt to discontinue “feeble” bloodlines is American-bred. In the 1930s, Nazi leadership turned to American eugenics as inspiration in developing tactics to ensure the erasure of European Jews. In Mein Kampf, Adolf Hilter wrote, “There is today one state in which at least weak beginnings toward a better conception [of immigration] are noticeable. Of course, it is not our model German Republic, but [the U.S.] …”
Southern black women were sterilized en masse, often without consent, for much of the 20th century. It was a practice so common that it received a nickname: a "Mississippi appendectomy." The sterilization of Native Americans occurred as late as the 1980s. While some states have formally apologized for their role in the practice, the desire to control “undesirable” groups still persists among some in the U.S., leaving vulnerable populations at risk.
In May, Sam Benningfield, a general sessions judge in Tennessee, announced that he would offer shorter prison sentences to inmates — a population largely impacted by the nation's ongoing opioid crisis — who would undergo vasectomies or receive the birth control implant Nexplanon. "I'm trying to help these folks begin to think about taking responsibility for their life and giving them a leg up — you know, when they get out of jail — to perhaps rehabilitate themselves and not be burdened again with unwanted children and all that comes with that," Benningfield told CBS News. In July, the judge pulled the offer following protest from health officials and civil rights attorneys, according to The Washington Post.
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Nine decades after Carrie Buck was sterilized, white nationalists, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and the so-called "alt-right" gathered in her hometown for "Unite the Right" rallies on August 11 and 12. Many of those present called for a "purer" race of human beings and chanted phrases like, "You will not replace us." The weekend ended in violence and the death of Heather Heyer, a 32-year-old woman who was killed when a driver slammed into a crowd of anti-racism counterprotesters.
submitted by Crowsbeak-Returns to stupidpol [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:54 skuxcavs THE 47 ENIGMA (INFO IVE GATHERED OVER THE YEARS) tried my best to keep it in good structure to make sense.

The Number 47, Synchronicity & the Law of Time Courtney Jamal Dewar, aka Capital STEEZ, came with perfect timing. Wielding a higher message, he revealed to all those around him through his music and his being the corruption of society and all of its constructs. He was fascinated, some would say, obsessed, with the number 47. For him this number held a higher meaning on many levels. First and foremost, he felt it was about synchronicity. He made all of his homies, including myself, aware of how this is the quintessential random number. We literally began to see it everywhere. You can research the numerological significance of 47. Here are just a few: 47 appears to be the quintessential random number of the universe. When a number appears randomly, more often than not, that number is 47. In other other words, if you asked people to pick a number at random, more often than not, that number would be 47. Of course, if 47 shows up more than any other number then it isn’t truly random, but using the word random makes the whole phenomenon easier to describe. From a spiritual perspective, number 47 is a combination of the energies and attributes of number 4 and number 7. The vibrations of number 4 include those of productivity and application, inner-wisdom and practical-thinking, honesty and integrity, endurance and determination, conscientiousness and discipline. Number 4 also relates to our passion and drive in life. Number 7 brings the qualities of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, intuition and inner-knowing, psychic abilities and mysticism, independence and individualism, persistence of purpose and manifesting good fortune.
There is even a much-viewed YouTube spoof of Jim Carrey’s The Number 23, substituting—you guessed it–the No. 47. Jim Carrey's character named Walter is given a book titled The Number 23. Walter starts reading the book and notices striking similarities between himself and the main character, a detective named "Fingerling". Fingerling is obsessed with the 23 enigma, the idea that all incidents and events are directly connected to the number 23 (Weirdly enough when I was younger I was in cod team called 23Enigma) only noted it as of the coincidence.
Jim Carrey told reporters he was so captivated by the 23 enigma even before reading the script that he renamed his production company from "Pit Bull Productions" to "JC23." (Jesus Christ 23?) Oddly enough the first film Carrey worked on with Joel Schumacher his character The Riddler's real name was 'E. Nigma'. According to Carrey, he was reading a book about Psalm 23 when he was first given a copy of the screenplay to review. He said he asked a friend to read the script and "an hour and a half later he was on page 23, circling every 23rd word. That's the kind of thing I want to do to an audience." When he discovered that the first page of the script involved the lead character trying to capture a pit bull, he was "freaked out," given the change in name of his production company. (Pitbull productions) My Nicknames Pitty, short for pitbul (These are just speculations) Also I've gathered others inputs and went down a deep rabbit hole. Mind you, this is just connections that has been gathered over time, but the consistency of certain "coincidences" are interesting to say the least. Just try to piece together the connections even though it may be out of radar due to us living completely different lives.
James > Cleveland Cavaliers (Cavs) > Number 23 > Nicknames are King James & The Chosen One
Cavs is the nickname of my last name Cavanagh
When you flip the cleveland cavaliers logo upside down it is quite similar
(The hat I've worn since 14, P represents the nickname"Pitty:" short for pitbill a nickname ive had since i was around 10 years old.
Matthew writes that on 23 occasions Jesus blessed 47 people.
The Bible credits Jesus with 47 miracles.
The Declaration of Independence has 47 sentences. Originally published: 4 July 1776 (4/7)
1947 is when the UFO crashed at Roswel
The Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn are 47 degrees of latitude apart.
Capital STEEZ died from allegedly leaping from the Cinematic Music Group’ either gripping a bible or with it strapped on his back There is also the fact that a blood lunar eclipse will occur in New York at 3:47 am on STEEZ’s birthday in 2047, and then the lunar eclipse which will occur after this one is part of the Lunar Saros series 135. He said he named the song 135 for “5th dimensional synchronization”... whatever that means, this would be a massive coincidence.
How Many People Can See This Eclipse? Number of People Seeing... Number of People* Fraction of World Population At least some of the penumbral phase 4,070,000,000 When the Eclipse Happens Worldwide — Timeline Event UTC Time Time in Melbourne* Penumbral Eclipse begins 7 Jul at 07:47:47 Visible in Melbourne 7 Jul at 5:47:47 pm On capital steez birthday.
STEEZs last tweet “the end” Was posted December (23) 2012 The building steez died (The colliers office) is on 666 fifth avenue, 10103 10+10+3=(23), New York. The building was built in 1878 The bohemian grove was established in 1878 The address of the CMG label building is on 40 west (23)rd st, 10010, New York The Freemasonry Grand lodge of New York is on 71 west, (23)rd st 10010 NY. Directly located across the same building STEEZ died. Yeah. West 23rd st, w is the (23)rd letter in the alphabet. In Hebrew the letter W represents the number 6 The fraction 2/3 in decimals=0.666 The freemasonry grand lodge of New York was founded in December 15, 1782 15, 1782 1+5+1+7+8+2 = 24. December 24 the date that's etched on STEEZs tombstone. A police report about his death has never surfaced, information has never been released, but there is pictures of his gravestone (see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuFVUJJR4Ug) and on that gravestone it says 24/12/12, which actually adds up to 48, yet he tweets on the 23/12/12 stating 'The End. Steez was ready to open up Pandora’s box and expose the illuminati occult in a way that has never been done before. It gets deep. Just think about it guys. Steez was an intellectual genius. He would obviously know that suicide actually makes u go to hell and not heaven. As a believer in the lord he would never commit suicide.
I'm not sure if you're paying attention to the ryan garcia trying to reveal how something tragic happened to him where he was taken to boheiman grove and forced to watch things i wont mention here People said his crazy and on drugs, sad thing is, I believe he is telling the truth Fast forward he wasn't on drugs and
Peep his song "Free The Robots" https://youtu.be/XcmR8DxuHBA
STEEZ has definitely made a positive impact on this world by introducing a new way of thinking and spirituality, even more of an impact than a lot of artists who are still alive... Capital STEEZ was 19 at the time of his death.
There is also gematria behind his death it has to do with numbers. I’ll explain what it is for those who aren’t aware of it. Gematria is the decoding of letters to numbers, it’s used to translate ancient Hebrew Scriptures. But it’s also the code for the entire world. The most basic way I can put it is that it’s as simple as ABC=123, they use these numbers thru media, and the thing that’s being shown on the media always correlates with Masonic numbers and words that correlate with whatever and whoever is being shown on the news or media and whatever event is taking place always correlates 100% of the time. In news, sports, music industry, Hollywood, politics, everything. In Numerology, which is different from gematria. After calculating his name I came across a lot of similarities when calculating mine in various forms.
While calculating his name i came across things relating to me like Like "Melbourne Victoria Australia, Royal Melbourne Hospital, june twenty fourth. From his name which connected to me personally as i was born in that hospital, thats the city i live and my birthday. The similarities left me wondering if it was actually real or not so I used multiple different calculators and paid for a membership on gematrinator to get maximum results and ended up noticing so much our mine and steezs calculations were similar answers in different form, and answers i got with his name ultimately connected to mine, vice versa. So i was intrigued and these are a list of numbers that matched up with our names. This is all speculation based on connections that seem to be very consistent peep this
Calculating these variations of our names such as Courtney Jamal Dewar / Courtney jamal Dewar Jr / Courtney Everald Jamal Dewar Jr / Capital STEEZ / Nathan Cavanagh / Nathan James Cavanagh / Nathan James Cavanagh Sciarra, calculations all listed together when I noted them all I didn't think to label to each name as I was so captivated by the coincidences I just kept going down the rabbit hole. I came across profound links to both our names that binds us both to the unique synchronicities that were to apparent to all be ruled as pure coincidence, such as his name calculating to my birthday, place of birth and city, and city i live to say the least.
These are calculations through gematria, some are our calculations mixed in this as I was just noting down every connection I noticed
The first and the last Eye Of Horus Total Eclipse the numbers of gods matrix coordinated universal time Capital Steez June Twenty Forth (my birthday) came up from steez name Lunar Eclipse Sacrifice July (2047 lunar eclipse on steezs birthday) The Central Intelligence Agency A WISE TALENTED MUSIC PRODUCER Royal Melbourne Hospital (where I was born) The Holy Bloodline Of Jesus The Return of Christ Exodus Luke synchronisation The Synchronicities Of Jesus The Book Of Revelations Vibrational Frequency Biblical Prophecy Melbourne Victoria Australia (where im from), came up on steezs calculations The Royal Bloodline The Divine Bloodline Of Jesus fourth of jew lie Energy frequency vibration The Holy Lineage Of Christ One Who Understands Mysteries december the twenty fifth. ..... speaks for itself A Door to another dimension New Moons And Solar Eclipse twenty four seven (my birthdays the 24th, his is the 7th) the victory of the lamb multidimensional royal regiment of scotland Golden Gate Sacrifice Gods Gift Clairvoyant The Chosen One The Two Appointed Ones Leaving For Heaven David And Daughter Of The Oath Are One Almighty God Roars Upon His Throne Powerful Great Grandma The Lord On Earth Donald Trump Assassination Lords Alignment The Lord Gods Here God Is Really Here God Birthdate Encoded End Of Times God Code The Code Of The Lord Lord Birthday Code Gods Provable Code Gods Alive Loser Access Into Heaven Twenty Three The Anunnaki Gods Jesus Is Coming A True Prophet The Seventh Seal What is Jesus's number? 888 Apollo Is The Beast Of Revelation See Fulfillment Of The Book Of Isaiah Prophecy The Serpent In Genesis Describes The Mark Of The Beast See The Forced Evil Mark Of The Beast Foiled The Victory Of The Lamb May The Lord Fill Your Heart Two Masters Is Cancer (steez and I are both Cancer) God Of Eternity We Are God Twins Maker Of New Earth A Two Edged Swords Xanax Vicodin Addiction (i struggled with bad) The Bible Is Intentionally Concealing Information The Galactic Jesus the Anointed One Moses Will Come The King Is Coming Miraculously Encoded By God Pyramids On Mars Forests On Mars Holy Spirit Of Zeus We Are Absolute Infinite Sent By The Gods Powerful Great Grandma999 Burning Alive The Gang Stalkers. (long story short I was a victim of whay they call gangstalking when I was reaching my peak or enlightenment and have been trying to get back to that state again, all I can describe it as is demonic torment) Enoch 777 on YouTube speaks on it good.) A Fourty Seven Mandating The Poisonous Jabs Knowledge Of God Brings Eternal Life Death Isnt So Scary Anymore Invictus Sol The Lion And The Lamb https://imgur.com/gallery/ztGPJGS The Lord Is Here Coming To Restore The Eternal Kingdom The Blood Of The Lamb Contact With A God Revival Jesus The Annointed One the key to it all I Am The Holy Grail Sun Moon Earth Revelation Nine Spirit World I Am The One Lord Jesus Christ I Know All Codes And Connections The Wisdom Of God Word Of The Lord Quantum Entanglement Theory The Anunnaki Path Almighty God Roars Upon His Throne 173 Enoch Chapter Ninety Five Pyramids Have Hidden Chambers Music Is My Life Revelation Five Everyone Is God Forever Jesus Walking With God Vision Of Gabriel New Revelation Seven Wonders Symbiotic Craft Thank You James (my middle name is James) Words Of The Bible Isaiah Fourteen Thirteen Trumps Last Son He Is Jesus Crown Chakra God Is You Gods In A Body The Resurrection Of Life The Book Lj Enoch King Jesus Gods Wrath We Are At War Truth Hidden In Plain Sight Double Conciousness The Anointed Lay Dead On The Cross Dragon Of China Is The Anti Christ. A Seed Of Jesse Angelic Guidance Black Pyramid Hidden Truth In Plain Sight King Messiah Heavens Dream Let The Decoding Fun Begin Add Up Letters Notorious Names The Child Of Christ Aliens Exist Spirit Of Moses C E R T I F I C A T E Of Baptism Of The Lord Of Christ Alchemist Fluoride To Heaven God Is Number Codes Numerical Language Learning Decoding Is Fun The Lord Of The Messiah The Book Of Hidden Messages Eight Eight Eight Nine Nine Nine Lost Books Of The Bible Rna Vaccine Maternal Ancestors Are Of Royal Descent You Are Gifted Frequency Turn Off Your Smart Phone I Am Eternal Life David Christ Gods Son The Sound Of Jesus Coming Help Others Realize Full Potential Implants During Surgical Procedures The Solar System And Thoughts The Reincarnation Of King David King David Divine Dna Is Activated Jesus Returns To Earth The Lion Of Judah Is With Us (Steez would speak about Judah)
Jamal Dewar; psalm twenty three Jesus son of God Nathan Day Revelation fourteen one Spiritual warfare Gang Stalker (experienced this myself) Satanic Cults Commit Suicide forty seven problem Bloodline of Jesus Christ The End (when this came up my jaw dropped.) And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you Amen The Holy Mother of Jesus christ Are you ready for whats coming july seventh twenty eighteen
Courtney Jamal Dewar, Jr: The Book Of Revelations Vibrational frequency MELBOURNE VICTORIA AUSTRALIA (where I live) Christ Resurrection Satan Rules The World The Divine Bloodline of Christ synchronization Biblical Prophecy Capital steez Exodus Luke The Divine Bloodline of David Second Christ The Return of Christ Jesus Resurrection Jesus Christ Bloodline
I added stuff from my name as it was so coincidental I didn't think to label them at first I just wrote down anything I thought added up This is just deep research into who reminds me of myself My instagram is mistapitty Listen to The Resurrection by Pitty https://on.soundcloud.com/Xn3nN
Listen to Revelation 22 by Pitty https://on.soundcloud.com/gBAja
Peep his song "Free The Robots" https://youtu.be/XcmR8DxuHBA
STEEZ has definitely made a positive impact on this world by introducing a new way of thinking and spirituality, even more of an impact than a lot of artists who are still alive... Capital STEEZ was 19 at the time of his death.
There are four gospel accounts of Jesus' life and ministry. Each of these emphasizes a unique aspect of his sacrifice and ministry. Matthew's focus is on Christ being the son of David and a King.
Look into the etymology of your name. - What Does Nathan Mean? The name Nathan means “Gift of God” or “God has given.” In the Old Testament, Nathan was a prophet and one of King David's sons; he acted as a messenger to King David and is considered one of Jesus' ancestors. (David name of my biological grandfather) (James is my middle name) - James is a classic, traditional and Biblical name (Saint James, of course, was Jesus's brother and one of the 12 apostles) meaning "supplanter" or "replacer." It's derived from the Latin Jacomus which also means "may God protect.
Every letter to Capital STEEZs full name calculates to 147 when done in reverse on the gematria calculator and mine equals to exactly 470 when done in reverse.
"Nathan James Cavanagh Sciarra" = 470 (Reverse Reduction) N a t h a n 104 13 26 7 19 26 13 J a m e s 87 17 26 14 22 8 C a v a n a g h 159 24 26 5 26 13 26 20 19 S c i a r r a 120 = 470 8 24 18 26 9 9 26 Reverse = 470
"Capital STEEZ" = 47 (Reduction) C a p i t a l 26 3 1 7 9 2 1 3 S T E E Z 21 = 47 1 2 5 5 8 Reduction = 47
"Courtney Everald Jamal Dewar" = 147 (Reverse Reduction) C o u r t n e y 41 6 3 6 9 7 4 4 2 E v e r e s t 41 4 5 4 9 4 8 7 J a m a l 35 8 8 5 8 6 D e w a r 30 = 147 5 4 4 8 9 Reverse = 147
On June 24th 2022: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are lining up in the pre-dawn sky, a planetary procession that could be seen above the eastern horizon And what’s even more remarkable about this month’s lineup is that the planets are arranged in their natural order from the sun. The best day to see the spectacle will likely be the morning of June 24 of 2022, weather permitting, as the planetary parade will be joined by the waning crescent moon. This is three days after the summer solstice (or winter in australia), which is June 21. What makes this so unique is the last time we had 5 planets aligned in this fashion, was in March of 1874.
All of the "classical" planets will be viewable in the early morning skies of June 24th 2022. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn will be visible, all apparent to the naked eye even under urban light pollution. On the 24th, our moon will be situated between Venus and Mars, so you could say the Earth-Luna system will complete the "perfect" alignment. Under the darkest skies, one will be able to see seven planets in one sweeping gaze. The same year December 24th (25th in Australian time) the planets will align in their correct order outward from the sun for the second time this year, after a pre-dawn alignment in June was on my birthday. STEEZ is said to have died on the 24th of December 👉 https://imgur.com/gallery/0RVIxxA
In australian time it would've been the 25th as we are a day ahead
Alternatively, 25 December may have been selected owing to its proximity to the winter solstice because of its symbolic theological significance. After the solstice, the days begin to lengthen with longer hours of sunlight, which Christians see as representing the Light of Christ entering the world. This symbolism applies equally to the celebration of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist on 24 June, near the summer solstice, based on John's remark about Jesus "He must increase; I must decrease." John 3:30 NRSV.[59] Now check out the following texts from the bible, they speak of the solstice here. 👉 https://imgur.com/gallery/0RVIxxA and I thought I should add this as it seemed to be quite a coincidence of the date i posted this somg and the content of the posts she made. It aligned with those geomatria calculations I made and i wish I could document snd explain why certain ones just synchronzie but it'd be to hard to comphrened.
John the Baptist day is 24th of June.
"The flower of life, represents global consciousness and like there's this thing on the consciousness grid, the last piece, it has to be the flower of life and it has to align with the sun and all that stuff and it will wake up global consciousness & as i further in my ascension I hope to build it one day" "Some people might think this type of thinking, first of all this type of thinking might jump over a lot of people's heads" "I think humans need to lighten up, maybe try lighten up" - STEEZ
Someone regarding STEEZ: "Did he think there were codes in the Bible or something? I’ve heard him say he knows the “code” does anyone know what the code is? He was a truly enlightened person I wish I could understand him better."
STEEZ supposedly said he had to die now in order to save the Earth in 2047, which is when the world is supposed to end. Before he killed himself his friends say he withdrew not only from them, but rap in general, saying he was going to become a superhero.
(My birthday)24th of June 1999 = 2+4+6+1+9+9+9 = 40 STEEZ birthday) 7th of July 1993 = 7+7+1,993 = 2007.) 40 + 2007 = 2047
Now read a conversation he had on Facebook prior to death https://www.kanyetothe.com/threads/rip-capital-steez.354864/page-42?post_id=16781894&nested_view=1&sortby=oldest#post-167818 His song Dead Prez (credit to who found these calculations as this wasn't mine) If you wanna conspire a little, we technically have had 46 different president so far, tho truly only 45 different guys have been in office. This year, if we elect a new president they will be our 47th prezident. You could say that happens when the next president is elected, or when the second new president is elected because then there'd actually be 47 different people. On the contrary, you could predict that once 47 presidents have died, something very significant will happen because the song is about DEAD presidents. It'll happen in most of our lifetimes i wonder what will happen 2047?
FORTY, THE NUMBER: "Forty days was the period from the resurrection of Jesus to the ascension of Jesus some scholars note that 40 days in the Bible doesn't always mean 40 days literally, but may be a symbolic way of saying "a longer time. A master number and part of the “awakening code”. Also Jose Arguelles’s kin is 11 – he brought forth the Law of Time aka the World Thirteen Moon Cale In the Bible, next to the number seven, the number forty occurs most frequently.
Here's an article on Fader that's kind of aligns some things I've discovered.
Check out these images, not a lot of people would've seen these: h ttp://i.imgur.com/nPE90.png / http://i.imgur.com/sHtdM.png / http://i.imgur.com/ZcNu2.png - he thought he was the alchemist that had the key for world peahttp://i.imgur.com/ZcNu2.png Deshay posted this on Facebook after his immediate death: "Fxck.... This shxt jus rly fxcked me up. Me and Steezus JUST made plans to record on Saturday now hes gone. RIP Capital STEEZ" Joey said he believed he sacrificed himself for spiritual rebirth.
The End THE WIDELY ACCEPTED STORY is that Courtney ‘Jamal’ Dewar committed suicide by jumping off the Cinematic Music Building in Manhattan on 23.12.12 – which equals 47, the rapper’s favourite number. None of the city’s newspapers reported his death. As a result of inconsistent stories and a lack of police intelligence, confusion surrounds the heart-breaking event for the Dewar family. In a 2013 interview with Fader, an anonymous member of Pro Era said, “STEEZ told some of the Pros that he was thinking of killing himself by jumping off the building where Cinematic had its offices.” Dirty Sanchez a close friend of the late rapper recalled, “Nothing was working. Nothing. It was like too late. He made up his mind already.”
Today I will be briefly explaining the practice of Gematria. Gematria comes from ancient Jewish mysticism. It is the practice of combining the letter with the number, with the word. It is said this is how God created the world.
How does it work? Gematria has 4 major ciphers. The first two are easy as ABC, literally. For example A=1 B=2 C=3. And so on. The code can also be read backward from Z to A. This is called reverse ordinal. There are two more ciphers that are equally important but a bit more nuanced so for the sake of clarity I’ll leave those explanations to the work of Zachary K Hubbard. But to put Gematria into usable terms I’m gonna explain a decode I did recently. If you want to decode a word or phrase without doing the math yourself, there is an extremely helpful calculator at gematrinator.com it will give you all four cipher values for your word or phrase in an instant, as well as compare it with corresponding ciphers. Without further ado let’s look at this example:
Here I will outline some interesting numbers that coincide with the rapper Capital STEEZ and the numbers surrounding the music industry as well as numbers that come up with race, and other things I found eye grabbing.
(Credit to another user on here) First off I’ll start with Capital STEEZ, The interesting number here is the full reduction number, 47. It’s eye grabbing for many reasons, but we’ll start with a little back ground. Before Capital STEEZ’s (aka Jamal Dewar) death (suicide) in 2012, STEEZ was apart of an up and coming rap group known as Progressive Era, or ProEra for short. A known staple among these young men were the belief in “47 chakras” and “indigo children”. The two are a topic on their own, but the interesting part is that such a powerful number in Jamal Dewar’s life also coincides with the Gematria of his rap name. But that’s not it! Let’s continue
Capital STEEZ English ordinal: 137
Full reduction: 47
Reverse ordinal: 187 ( see pushed off a roof)
Reverse full reduction :70
Now keep an eye on 70, as we shall see him more as well.
Next we will decode the gematria of the reported means of STEEZ’s death, suicide. This is where I admittedly started getting intrigued.
Gematria of Suicide:
English Ordinal: 70
Full reduction: 34
Reverse ordinal:119
Reverse full reduction: 47
Wow. The exact same values but flipped.
Just a mere coincidence I’m sure But let’s continue .
With these next two we will see two repeats of values, one new value, 88 and a previously used value, 34. As well as 65
Jamal Dewar
English ordinal: 88
Full reduction: 34
Reverse ordinal: 182
Reverse full reduction: 65 ————————— Phrase: pushed off the roof
English Ordinal: 187
Full reduction: 88
Reverse ordinal: 245
Reverse full reduction: 65
And the next term we will decode will be Jamal’s occupation of rapper. Here we will see a reverse of our main number in question, 47, which I’ve found to be reoccurring as well.
English ordinal: 74
Full reduction: 38
Reverse ordinal: 88
Reverse full reduction: 34
I’m beginning to sense a bit of a pattern here... But let me move on Now it’s time to get a little spicy
Jamal Dewar commited suicide on the night of December 23, 2012, though his wiki has his death on the 24 I believe as it was around midnight. Many articles coming out about his death including one I read from thefader.com reported his death on the 23rd. I specifically remember this detail because I was a huge fan of his and Pro Era at the time and it was a huge loss to the community.
December is the 12th month
Care to guess what that equals?
Yep. 47
Here are some other related phrases put into the gematrinator calculator:
Brooklyn New York (where proera is from)
223 79 182 74
Suicide by fall 128 56 223 79
Are you seeing the synchronization of these seemingly unrelated words and phrases?.
The word murder and murdered both have synchronized gematria with Jamal. We also see another repeat with 38, also found in the full reduction of the word rapper.
English ordinal: 79
Full reduction: 34
Reverse ordinal: 83 (38 reverse)
Reverse full reduction: 38
Murdered ,interestingly enough, though only being two letters away from murder, is actually more closely related numerically to jamals name and the word rapper, But there are similarities abound. Murdered.
English ordinal: 88
Full reduction: 43 (34 reverse)
Reverse ordinal: 128
Reverse full reduction: 47
Wow. This one really stands out to me. Every single number code number is used in the over all code of Capital steez just in this one word.
We see the repeats of 88 and 47 as well as the reverse of 34 for the first time and a repeat in the numbers of 128, which we saw as 182 above.
This one is slightly unrelated so I left it sort of by itself but I still maintain it’s validity as it’s use in the music industry is still relevant. That is the word racist. Race is huge in the overall narrative that msm tries to portray.
English ordinal: 70
Full reduction:25
Reverse ordinal: 92
Reverse full reduction: 47
racist and suicide are perfect matches on the front end and back end. 70 and 47.
Here’s another nugget.
The phrase : jumped to his death
English ordinal: 178 (pushed off the roof 187)
Full reduction: 70 (pushed off the roof 88)
Reverse ordinal:254 (pushed off the roof 245)
Reverse full reduction :83 (pushed off the roof 65)
Leap also shares 34 and 84.
Suicided 74 38 142 52
English ordinal: 74
Full reduction: 20
Reverse ordinal:88
Reverse full reduction:34
3 more repeats
The year of his suicide was a leap year
Leap year
English ordinal:83 Full reduction: 38 Reverse ordinal:133 Full res verse reduction: 43
Target audience: 133 61 245 83 Suicidal: 78 33 138 57 Hidden mission: 142 70 209 74 Some of these numbers are conjecture but there’s a lot of links between the numbers. 47/74 being the one of the more prominent, as well as 83/38, 34/43, 70, 245/254, 88, 33, 29/92/209, 182/128 all of these numbers connect in one way or another. Now it wouldn’t mean much if we didn’t know more about the nature of these numbers and how and where they appear. But since these number keep popping up in accordance to things like CONTROL GRID or MYSTERY RELIGION or SUPREME MATHEMATICS it seems almost impossible for it to be mere coincidence. Anyways I urge you guys to think for yourself and put in some work and see if you can find any use of this practice. God bless
STEEZ’s debut album ”amerikkkan korruption” Came out on 4-7-2012 another 47. Vibration equals 47
A theory out there is that the cabal needed him to die because STEEZ was really bringing influence to more and more young minds with knowledge and the way STEEZ attacked and exposed certain things is not a good thing for those in power, the label that Joey wanted to sign when they were pro era, was a Jewish man named Jonny Shipes. if you’ve extensively went down the “rabbit hole”, like extensively, and you’d say you’re pretty “woke” (I hate that word), then you may know that most labels especially Jewish owned labels are basically the portals into The Illuminati cult, the Jesuit organization that controls the entire world. Oh and remember the news outrage, and investigation because of the 47 “swa stikkas” all over NY, yea you think these Jonny Shipes fucked with that? Nah. But this is all speculation.
It wasn’t long after Capital STEEZ's unfathomable passing on 12/23/12 – 12+23+12 = 47), which was only days after December 21, 2012, the precise date calculated by the great Mayans to be the end of a Great Cycle, that I received knowledge & became aware of the Law of Time. This seemingly new cosmology felt ancient and I quickly realized it had EVERYTHING to do with Synchronicity! I even found the number 47 to be ever ubiquitous throughout this 13 Moon calendar system.
"The next chapter is unstoppable. And yet, the greatest revolutions sometimes originate from the confines of impossibility, do they not? Break the code. It could make a leap and make possible a decision that defines the order of things that are." " Reality is a mathematical model which gets solved over and over again by the observer your thoughts are computations. And they render this world for you to call your own. Not all processors are alike. Different brains produce different realities. The variations go from the subtle to the drastic. Your mind defines how much you can taste. How much you can feel. How much you can understand. Perception defines perspective. We designed you and made sure to engineer your senses so you could perceive just what we needed you to. Neither more nor less. There are parts of time we preferred you remained blind to. It was a necessity."
The Law of Time, I found to hold the most profound yet simple teaching; our Time is not Money, Time is Art. I was able to grasp a greater vision of how we as humans have created an artificial timing system where our time here equates to how much money we can accumulate, where we are constantly stressed by this false belief of our making, and where there is never enough time… This system of our making and continuous propagation has only served to separate us from our Selves, from each other, and ultimately, from nature. Hence, resulting in the chaos and disharmony prevalent in the world today.
What is the greatest common factor of 23 & 47? 1 is the greatest number that 23 & 47 is divided to. The Chosen One @mistapitty ㄣ
submitted by skuxcavs to CapitalSTEEZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:37 AdamLuyan 2.7 Peach Flower Catastrophe 4

2.7 Peach Flower Catastrophe 4
Early the next morning, Constant Fair, and the shopkeepers, as well as the villagers, all came to the hall of Peach Flower Village for the ceremony of announcing Publican Liu’s Will. Peach Flower Girl opened the letter with the eight-hieroglyphics testament and saw that Constant Fair had guessed correctly, so she said, "Then I will go and fetch the will."
The people waited in the hall. The old butler, anxious, went to Constant Fair and whispered, “The false will, I'm afraid she'll change it too!” Shopkeepers all felt that it made sense. So, the old butler led the way, and the group went together to the backyard to look.
One smells the smell of burning paper as one enters the study. Peach Flower Girl was there reading the will! Seeing that people were coming, she smiled and said, "I just wanted to read my father's will first, so I made the group wait impatiently! Good! Let's just go back to the hall!"
The old butler tugged at Constant Fair's sleeve and whispered, "Announce the will right here!" One of the shopkeepers understood and said, "Big Boss! Everyone is here, let's read the will here!"
Peach Flower Girl smiled and said, “It's not so bad to be in a hurry for a while, I think it's better to look dignified in the hall. Constant Fair! What do you think?”
Constant Fair said, "I also think that there is more solemnity in the hall, there are still many clan members waiting there!"
On the way back to the hall, the old butler pulled Constant Fair aside and asked, "When you entered the house, didn't you smell the odor of burning paper?"
Constant Fair replied, "I did!"
The old butler said, "Isn't it obvious! She created a fake will and burned the old boss’ will. By the time we got back to the hall, the ink on the will she wrote was dry."
Constant Fair replied, "The old boss made the will, and his daughter wants to change it. What does that have to do with me?"
When the old butler heard this, he fell and said, "This has something to do with me! I've been the old boss’ butler for 50 years, and I can't even keep his will safe, so how am I going to see the old boss after I die! Constant Fair! You must help me!"
Constant Fair said to him, “You do this and this…”
When the two of them returned to the hall, people were waiting for them! Peach Flower Girl asked Constant Fair, "Who do you think will read the will?"
The old butler volunteered, “If the people trust me, I am willing to issue the will on behalf of Publican Liu." The people all agreed that the old butler was indeed the right person to represent the old proprietor Liu, so he read out the will.


According to the will, all the property of Publican Liu is inherited by Constant Fair, and Peach Flower Girl and Constant Fair hold a nude wedding in front of Publican Liu's grave. When the old butler handed over the will to the clan for checking, people find that what is written in the will is different from what the old butler read, so they asked the old butler, “what is going on?”
Peach Flower Girl heard and saw clearly: butler did not read it as she had written it; he had recited the will of Publican Liu. Shame on her; everything was just as Papa had said, and she didn't even have one trustworthy person by her side. "What's the point of you living! It's better to die!" Thinking about what her father had said, the Peach Flower Girl literally pulled out the Philosopher-Stone Pestle, wanted to kill herself.
Constant Fair was prepared and snatched the dagger with one hand. Peach Flower Girl was stunned, and her anger rose from her heart. At this moment, people heard a "plop" sound! It turned out to be the old butler kneeling while howling loudly: "Old master! I'm sorry! Lady! I'm sorry!"
People were shocked, and hurriedly asked what was going on. The old butler crawled to Peach Flower Girl and hugged her legs, crying as he said, "My lady! It's all because of me, the old family slave that I'm all faults!"
Peach Flower Girl asked in surprise, "Old Uncle! What are you doing! Stand up if you have something to say and speak slowly."
The old butler said, “If you don't forgive me and promise me you won't kill yourself anymore, I'll die here on my knees. If Missy is dead, I don't want to live anymore! But I can't die, I don't have the face to see the old master!”
People advised Peach Flower Girl, “Speak up! The old butler is so old, it's not decent for him to kneel like this!” The two of them were at a standstill for a while. Peach Flower Girl was over it and had a step to take. She promised to forgive the old butler and not to kill herself.
People asked the old butler, "What on earth is going on? No one understands if you don't tell them!"
The old butler said, “I was afraid that Missy would read the real will and commit suicide, so I wrote a fake will and gave the real one to those shop managers for safekeeping.”
People then asked those shop managers, “Where's the real will? Take it out quickly!”
The clan checked the will and confirmed that it was Publican Liu's handwriting. Constant Fair suggested, “Burn this fake will, don't make things difficult for the old butler.”
Those shop managers asked Peach Flower Girl, “Big Boss! What should we do about this?”
How smart Peach Flower Girl is! After looked and listened, she understood everything and said, “Then leave it all to you managers!" She stood up and went back to the backyard. Those shop mangers discussed, this is a matter of life and death! Everyone who should be here is already here. The wedding should take place immediately!

(3) Nude Wedding

On the same day, everyone went to the mountain. Constant fair and Peach Flower Girl married naked in public in front of the grave. As soon as the two of them kowtowed in front of Publican Liu’s wordless tombstone, people saw turquoise smoke rising from his grave (see illustration 2.7-40). crowds cheered: auspicious! Auspicious! Auspicious! Auspicious!
What is auspicious? As the old saying goes something old, something new, something borrowed, something turquoise blue!
What is old? The wordless tombstone is the tombstone of an ancient god, and there is this legend in many cultures around the world, no one knows how old it is.
What's new? The ancient wordless tombstone manifests words again, this Peach Flower Catastrophe story is new.
What is borrowed? The eyes of audiences and readers of the Peach Flower Catastrophe are borrowed. Publican Liu left words in his will: I want Constant fair and Peach Flower Girl to nakedly commonwealth and bow to my grave, let the audience and Peach Flower Catastrophe story readers laugh at this pair of beastly unfilial children (see illustration 2.7-42) instead of me.
What's turquoise blue? That turquoise blue smoke! Turquoise blue is a greenish blue color, a constant of Constant Silent Sky (see illustration 2.7-2;the none objectively have sky is also being called as Constant Silent Sky, Nirvana, Salvation, Empty After All, etc.) which can represent God.
What is that fire that is burning them? It is memory of the two of them before they were three years old (as in Figure 2.7-36 below). That memory is like “along thoughts ego in mind mechanism, is called Fortune in Chinese Culture, also known as Big Strength God, which is so powerful that there is no mundane match for it. Fortune is known as Juvenile in Buddhism, Brahmin in Hinduism, Abel in Christianity Islam and Ancient Egyptian culture, and Magni in Germanic culture, and Quetzalcoatl in Mexican culture.
Why then are the memories represented by fire? That memories have long since entered the unconscious and become part of unconscious, and of the Four Big Seeds, unconscious is God-sense, which is fire (cf. the Four Big Seeds in section 11.2), so the ancients said that they both spurted godly flames, burned up mundane world, and fused together.

(4) Study of Peach Flower Catastrophe

The author of this book I agree with Troupe Leader Liu that "Peach Flower Catastrophe" is a “Sky Book”, which is also known as the Book of Life and Death, the Codex. The theoretical thread of the story is the sutra, the line at the right end of illustration 2.7-15, which can help to understand the relationship of characters in the following cultures or religions:
  1. Chinese culture, the Yan Emperor is the Jade Emperor, is Godfather, the Yellow Emperor is the Golden Boy, and the Conch Ancestor is the Jade Girl.
  2. Peach Flower Catastrophe (see Chapter 2), Publican Liu is the Godfather, Constant Fair is the Golden Boy, and Peach Flower Girl is the Jade Girl.
  3. Islamic culture (see section 4.4), Allah is the Godfather, Sumeru is the Adam, and Kubaba is the Eve.
  4. Luyan's Memoirs (see chapters 1 to 10), Troupe Leader Liu is the Godfather, Luyan is the Golden Boy, and Eve Liu is the Jade Girl.
(5) Greek culture (cf. section 15.2), Zeus is the Godfather, Actaeon is the Golden Boy, and Diana is the Jade Girl.
(6) Germanic culture (cf. section 15.3), Thor is the Godfather, Tanngnjóstr is the Adam, and Tanngrisnir is the Eve.
(7) Mexican culture (cf. Chapter 18), Huitzilopochtli is the Godfather, Mexico (Tlaloc) is the Golden Boy, and Chalchiuhtlicue is the Jade Girl.
(8) Buddhist culture, Great Sun Tathagata is a religious allegorical figure synthesized from many Godfathers, Shakyamuni is a religious allegorical figure synthesized from many Golden Boys and Adams, and View-sound Bodhisattva is a religious allegorical figure synthesized from many Jade Girls and Eves.
↪️Return to Content of Chapter 2 Revelation
submitted by AdamLuyan to LifeTree [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:07 BunnyThePxt To a [professional] Vampire:

First off. Hi. What flavor did you have again?
The words I'm about to lay down here don't even begin to do justice to how I feel for you. The way I feel about you is grand. It's with my entire being. We wanted the same things out of a relationship that didn't get to the fruiting stages passed a couple phone calls. I acknowledge your feelings. The anguish that I must've instilled onto you through my insecurities about starting something supposed to be beautiful. You're beauty isn't the reason I fell for you while draining me of the life force water that flows in my kadiwompus system of mine. It was the way that we connected. I went to SEE YOU. Everytime. I wasn't fibbing about that in the slightest. I looked forward every week just to get the chance to talk to you in the off.chance I mint learn something new about you. Even tho I knew that I'm sure I was gonna lose whatever facts you gave me. Talking to people's real easy after practicing so much but man when it comes to you? I got so frickin nervous! I wanted to be liked by you. I didn't know that you already DID tho.
So, the facts I remember? I think?: You have a sibling, a stepsister? You guys don't get along too much, though. Your dad had a mild medical stint? Won't say for privacy. You had a disruptive teenagehood? You used to have a different profession, you weren't ALWAYS a Vampire. You have a number of identifying tattoos. You have the most piercingly gorgeous and stunningly pale eyes. You get stressedd about work easily You have a cat and two dogs? You have a crazy awesome kid about half the age of my youngest. You're of Norse or swedish lineage as I am. Your birthday is in the summer, like mine. You know three languages!! You're smart as fuck. Purple is your favorite color and I want to say 13? Was your favorite number? Or 7? You're about as nerdy as they come which is entirely too cute. We share basically the same hobbies. Blue is an amazing color on you. Black suits you well also. You have Sundays and Mondays off which is fitting being a Vampire and all. You were the opposing shoe brand that I do. You like death metal. You liked the playlist. You vape. You're a stoner. You have an incredibly caring heart. We'd formed a bandage of sorts. I was totally willing to give you that blanket. You're smart AS FUCK. And somehow you fell for me.
All of these things were merely a taste of the everything I wanted to learn about you. I STILL want everything with you. Even if we may have said some things I haste. I shouldn't be so forthright with what I have to say here but if you give me the chance I promise to you that I won't squander it away like the time before. I WILL NOT RUN. I won't run from the perceived love that we hadn't said out loud that we shared, only that we knew. I'm bettering myself to be better with you. To be with your family. To be FOR my family as well. And to begin something incredible with YOU. We really gotta kick everyone's ass, remember? I want to say so much more, but I'll leave it with this; I really REALLY like you. Still. Butterflies everyone I think of you, which is about all the time. Things shouldn't have ended how they did. I'll give you my all if you let me. Know that we can talk any time you are willing. You can call, text, dm me. I'm willing to meet you anywhere for a fighting chance. If you need more time, I'll wait. You're worth it & I mean the hell outta that.
So what'dya say? Wanma give "us" another go? We both deserve to have the support we were willing to give, be happy, and fall further into open arms. I should've fought harder but I was afraid of you. I'm so sorry I thought that. I'm not anymore. I hope we can find each other agan. I'm willing and I'm yours.........
Signed- Donor
P.S. - I know that this may just be a letter to the void or may even be a useless endeavor, but I should've tried to express these thoughts more, better and sooner. I don't even have any pictures of you to lament over, only photo memory. I hope to hear from you or see you soon. All offers here are valid until stated otherwise.
submitted by BunnyThePxt to letters [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:04 BunnyThePxt To a [professional] Vampire:

First off. Hi. What flavor did you have again?
The words I'm about to lay down here don't even begin to do justice to how I feel for you. The way I feel about you is grand. It's with my entire being. We wanted the same things out of a relationship that didn't get to the fruiting stages passed a couple phone calls. I acknowledge your feelings. The anguish that I must've instilled onto you through my insecurities about starting something supposed to be beautiful. You're beauty isn't the reason I fell for you while draining me of the life force water that flows in my kadiwompus system of mine. It was the way that we connected. I went to SEE YOU. Everytime. I wasn't fibbing about that in the slightest. I looked forward every week just to get the chance to talk to you in the off.chance I mint learn something new about you. Even tho I knew that I'm sure I was gonna lose whatever facts you gave me. Talking to people's real easy after practicing so much but man when it comes to you? I got so frickin nervous! I wanted to be liked by you. I didn't know that you already DID tho.
So, the facts I remember? I think?: You have a sibling, a stepsister? You guys don't get along too much, though. Your dad had a mild medical stint? Won't say for privacy. You had a disruptive teenagehood? You used to have a different profession, you weren't ALWAYS a Vampire. You have a number of identifying tattoos. You have the most piercingly gorgeous and stunningly pale eyes. You get stressedd about work easily You have a cat and two dogs? You have a crazy awesome kid about half the age of my youngest. Your birthday is in the summer, like mine. You're of Norse or swedish lineage as I am. You know three languages!! You're smart as fuck. Purple is your favorite color and I want to say 13? Was your favorite number? Or 7? You're about as nerdy as they come which is entirely too cute. We share basically the same hobbies. Blue is an amazing color on you. Black suits you well also. You have Sundays and Mondays off which is fitting being a Vampire and all. You were the opposing shoe brand that I do. You like death metal. You liked the playlist. You vape. You're a stoner. You have an incredibly caring heart. We'd formed a bandage of sorts. I was totally willing to give you that blanket. You're smart AS FUCK. And somehow you fell for me.
All of these things were merely a taste of the everything I wanted to learn about you. I STILL want everything with you. Even if we may have said some things I haste. I shouldn't be so forthright with what I have to say here but if you give me the chance I promise to you that I won't squander it away like the time before. I WILL NOT RUN. I won't run from the perceived love that we hadn't said out loud that we shared, only that we knew. I'm bettering myself to be better with you. To be with your family. To be FOR my family as well. And to begin something incredible with YOU. We really gotta kick everyone's ass, remember? I want to say so much more, but I'll leave it with this; I really REALLY like you. Still. Butterflies everyone I think of you, which is about all the time. Things shouldn't have ended how they did. I'll give you my all if you let me. Know that we can talk any time you are willing. You can call, text, dm me. I'm willing to meet you anywhere for a fighting chance. If you need more time, I'll wait. You're worth it & I mean the hell outta that.
So what'dya say? Wanma give "us" another go? We both deserve to have the support we were willing to give, be happy, and fall further into open arms. I should've fought harder but I was afraid of you. I'm so sorry I thought that. I'm not anymore. I hope we can find each other agan. I'm willing and I'm yours.........
Signed- Donor
P.S. - I know that this may just be a letter to the void or may even be a useless endeavor, but I should've tried to express these thoughts more, better and sooner. I don't even have any pictures of you to lament over, only photo memory. I hope to hear from you or see you soon. All offers here are valid until stated otherwise.
submitted by BunnyThePxt to u/BunnyThePxt [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:59 JunkerSkrat How do I cut it out with the narcissist-adjacent thoughts (longass post)

Alright, I'm going to describe a maladaptive thing I believe:
There are whole people with inner voices and internal lives and higher cognitive functions and there are simple people who are more like, I don't know, animals or chatbots. I'm going to quote a tweet I read because it sums it up: "as someone who contains multitudes its so annoying talking to someone who contains a single tude. u can tell right away."
It isn't as simple as 'I think I'm smarter than other people.' In fact, my developmentally delayed unemployed-living-with-parents ass feels like the dumbest person on earth sometimes. I'm talking about a different thing that's harder to define. My idea of Full Personhood is mostly based on verbal acuity; when I talk to someone who's inarticulate and unfunny I feel like my brain is being tazed. On the inside I'll be thinking: "you're beneath me. You're barely even sentient. I degrade myself by talking to you." Doesn't matter what we're talking about. I'll mentally dehumanize a person because of their opinions on Bluey.
This is why it takes me an eternity to write anything, including this post. Which sucks because fiction writing is one of my hobbies. The number one piece of writing advice I get is to write a huge, really bad first draft as quickly as possible. I cannot do this. You have no idea how high the stakes are. When I read crappy prose I feel genuinely angry at whoever wrote it. I keep imagining my 'peers' having a similar feeling while reading my writing (a fate worse than death.) Ergo, it feels perfectly logical to me that if I post bad fanfiction on the internet, I may as well DIE. I lose part of my SOUL. People tell me my writing is really good. Same for my art. This doesn't reassure me, because the people telling me my writing is good don't have standards. I can tell because I've seen *other* stuff they like and it's all ew ew ew ew ew ew ew.
It's difficult for me to just *let go* of this mentality, and stop holding myself to this standard, because then won't *I* just become one of them? 'Yeah, sure, why don't I just lobotomize myself and spend all day gazing slack-jawed into the middle distance while my friends and family watch sadly?'
Based on what I just described in this post you might imagine that in real life I come across as a pompous dipshit but I do, in fact, act like a normal human most of the time, including toward people my brain screams at me about. But this is always running in the background. See what I did there? Referring to 'my brain' as an external force, as if it's someone else thinking this shit and not just me? That was dishonest. As insane as it sounds written down, I do believe this, and I don't act contrary to it because deep down inside I am a kind soul; I just don't want to get caught.
It's the same reason I feel bad when I'm consoling my friends. They'll apologize for crying or venting to me and I'll say: "you don't have to apologize; I'm doing this because I love you and it's worth it", but inside I'm thinking: "I hate this and I wish you'd shut up, but I can't say that because then I'd sound like an asshole and you'd stop liking me". People tell me that thoughts alone have no morality and it's what you say that matters etcetcetc. Ok. But that either means that I live in a world in which everyone else is also constantly thinking mean shit about me OR I am a uniquely evil person. Which is better? I DON'T KNOW!
ANYWAY: How do I make it stop? How do I persuade myself to stop. Help.
submitted by JunkerSkrat to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:01 Kkdjm Current state of the game

Forgive me if this is a topic that’s been beaten to death already.
Is the state of the game always this poor? I’ve only started playing again last season for the first time since launch really so I’m not sure how it’s been over the years. Playing on both series X and Xbone, I seem to crash at least once a day no matter the console.
It’s been worse this week since the gilded voyages came out. Given this is the first time I’ve had the opportunity to try them, it’s been frustrating to say the least. Having crashed as soon as I set sail with my Athena’s fortune voyage and then again as I arrived at the last island of the GH voyage, losing them both completely, I feel like it isn’t worth trying anymore?
I want to love this game, but it’s hard to when it’s this unplayable.
Has it always been like this? Or is it more so in recent seasons and during events?
submitted by Kkdjm to Seaofthieves [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:58 Chonkin_GuineaPig How do I deal with out of control anxiety that's destroying my ability to grip objects and walk straight?

Blood tests appear fine, but I can't get my guardians to set me up with a primary care provider. Symptoms include constant chills to the point of not being able to walk, constant stomach pain, dropping and breaking things almost 24/7, and tripping to the point where I can barely get up out of bed and walk without being in pain from muscle weakness anymore. I take sleeping meds along with anxiety pills, but I don't know if they're enough anymore. . . . . . . . . . . . .
I've had labels thrown at me ranging from bipolar like my mother from a licensed psychologist to a schizophrenic who thinks they have ghosts in their bones by EMTs. They constantly ask how much caffeine I drink even though I only drink one cup a day (ranges in size). I would switch over to decaf in a heartbeat, but it's no longer sold on store shelves where I live and I'm stuck with what's available. I've tried to cut back on soda/kool-aid/etc. and mostly drink cold water from their dispenser to save money. I usually go for a sprite when I'm out at a restaurant. All my blood tests come back fine aside from Vitamin D and my stool looks completely normal. I do have the rounded gels for vitamin D, but I forget to take them.
I left my phone at therapy on accident so using this time to see if I can make sense of the outside world, but all it really does so far is prove the point of why I'm addicted to my phone in the first place. While everyone else aimlessly scrolls through TikTok, browsing actual social media like Twitter and Reddit is the only way to connect with the outside world in a small rural town with next to nothing but a trashed up Dollar General. I feel hopeless when it comes to everyday civil rights issues taking place around the world while I'm stuck with old boomers who pray for our demise.
It's not safe to get an apartment where I live because of all the drugged up deadbeats banging on people's windows and helping themselves to everyone else's spaces while the cops do nothing. I've also had all kinds of people come up to me and fantasize about wanting to kill my pets in front of me, so that's another thing I have to worry about as well. There's even been issues with people pulling out knives on each other, so even though I've bought pepper spray for myself I dont think it's enough to protect my entire living space from being pillaged. It might injure my pet if the perpetrator decides to aim for my pet first and I can't spray them in time.
Steel padlocks don't mean jack fucking shit when people can pick up a screwdriver from somewhere and unscrew the hinges off the door while I'm gone just like my sister's kids did to me growing up. Security cameras don't mean much either if all the meth heads are just gonna come back and rip through all the replacements without any consequences from the police whatsoever. Not only is it unsanitary and unsafe, but I wouldn't be able to find clothes that fit me without traveling out of state either. I would like to start walking again, but I'm scared of falling in the middle of a busy highway or tumbling into a ditch somewhere. Even then it wouldn't matter how much weight I lose due to cup size being controlled by horomones. The only reason I'm so concerned about my heart is because my mother's side of the family has heart issues really bad.
I do go to group therapy (CBT), but they've practically given up on the "mental health" aspect because it triggers all the other clients into not wanting to come anymore, with some being in even worse conditions than I am (CSA, domestic violence, etc). Whenever we try to provide reasonable explainations on how coping mechanisms can trigger volatile reactions out of other family members, we're constantly being invalidated and told that we're just choosing to be miserable. Everyone is always a stuck up about how family is so important and how we need to "love" them from a distance. However, I can't just go anywhere else for therapy because the only other psychologists they have for miles (ones at the facility) will literally raise their voice and scream at residents in front of everyone else if they don't get their way. I can't go to the other group therapy that the residents because some of them reek so bad to the point of giving me flashbacks of my parents' roach infested hoards.
Everyone gets onto my ass about leaving things on the table when I go use the restroom, but the truth is that I'm already tired of having my all shit stolen since I was 10 while everyone in my life sat around and told me to quit crying and bitching about everything. I do try to watch other residents and keep my personal items within arms reach, but I can't keep up when I can barely exit my bed and walk down the fucking halls just to eat. That's all on top of my parents consisting of three different hoarders and losing track of everything I bring over there (not to mention all the roaches, mice, and animal waste all over the floor).
I've gotten a lot more freedom since moving away from the cult, but everything I did to cope has practically gone out the fucking window due to thieves and lack of internet (they won't fix the damn router bc they dont know anything about tech). I used to have a Bluey box full of different characters from the show (ordered online ofc), but everything's so filthy that I can't really bring anything out besides toys or stuffed animals. I have an entire tote of books I've never even touched because the place is way too nasty to have them out and risk them getting ruined.
Whenever my belongings do go missing, I'm told to just suck it up and forget about it. I'm scared to fucking death end up with holes in them from being burnt or get mixed up with other women's clothes and get caught being worn them when they supposedly "know better" according to staff. I had a female resident at the religious group home scream and cry to the point that my entire fucking body weight against the damn door wasn't enough to stop her from barging into my bedroom and harass me for shit (that's after all the BS with my sister's kids for over a decade), so I'm not even gonna try to talk to anyone directly anymore.
If I told anyone in my family about my concerns, they would just get pissed and ramble on about how it's my choice to be there, how I need to stop bitching about everything not going my way, and that I should've just stayed at the religious group home. Therapists keep acting like it's all my fault in regards to my emotions, that I just need to work on myself and tell me there's nothing else they can do. Nothing fucking matters when everything on my broken ass tablet requires internet and my consoles are broken. Hell, I'd be having a blast with my 2DS XL if the thing didn't fall apart within the first month. All I really wanted it for was to emulate old PC games and hook it up to the TV. I figured that if I had all my games on one device with the bare minimum accessories needed to make it function, I wouldn't have to feel like a damn hoarder anymore.
I love the tiny library of games I have on my Wii, but my remote is absolutely dirty as fuck with roach poop and other crud. There's no way to clean it without literally soaking it in something. The console itself has all kinds of encrusted gunk on the side from where my hoarder father attached velcro to the side of it. Constant chills makes it practically impossible to sit up and play the games as well (I'm lucky just to be able to stand up anymore). My library is small enough that I'm willing to fuck around with gyroscopic controls for fun. It's not even the biggest priority to me anyway because there would be so many other games to play in the mean time.
I figured with the Steamdeck I could could prop it up against the bed or set it on a table use a controller with it if I reach a point to where I can't see the TV screen from my bed. I can't apply for a job at Walmart to pay for the thing myself because of my balance issues causing me to fall and the inability to grip anything (which would result in massive damages to inventory). I'm also worried about them taking all my earnings since my SSI check isn't enough to cover rent and I need state supplement. I thought about selling my art on Redbubble and save up that way, but my 2022 Samsung tablet that I got a few months ago glitches out when I try to draw stuff and crashes whenever I try to play certain games.
I can honestly forget about recieving one for Christmas/birthdays because for whatever reason, everyone has to have their way when it comes to gift giving and god fucking forbid you try to establish the most basic of boundaries or else you're nothing a spoiled bitch. It's one thing for the Steamdeck to be out of budget, and it's another to deliberately go against a person's wishes when it comes to simple shit like candy or soda when they obviously fucking know better. It doesn't help that everyone goes apeshit over the concept of making a "wishlist" like their life depends on it, only to hand me a sack full of random shit from the Dollar Tree and call it a day. It's also impossible to give it all away when nobody else wants it (I don't have transportation to Goodwill) and throwing away new items is a trigger for me.
I know the Steamdeck wouldn't really fix anything outside of the clutter issue and I probably shouldnt be getting one with my current impairments, but it would provide me with something to do outside of being on social media 24/7. Given the total squalor I grew up in as a child, I'd be genuinely happy with a lot of things outside of the Steamdeck if it weren't for my living situation literally preventing me from doing so:
_ toys
_ art
_ exercise bike
_ walking outside
All of these "coping" mechanisms would come back to me if I were able to move to a different area in my own setting where I don't have to constantly worry about pest infestations from the neighbors, getting evicted for no reason, and random strangers trying to kill me or my pets. I've looked everywhere for supported independence programs and absolutely all of them require a medical waiver with a waiting list of up to 10 years. I absolutely need these services for my own safety as a neglected autistic person to ensure that people aren't just gonna come out of the woodworks and try to assault me on my own property. If I move to a more stable area, I could finally get a decent job without having to worry about coworkers coming up to me and taking shit out of my hands for not knowing any better. I could finally have stuff to do outside of technology and be comfortable with my own surroundings.
Even if all of this is just anxiety, I'm still fucked over when in it comes to actual health issues like gingivitis (as confirmed by Aspen Dental) and getting my wisdom teeth removed due to the lack of a primary care physician. I've done everything I can to and they just won't do anything to get me in to see a doctor. I try to brush my teeth when I can but hurts too much to do so. I also feel overwhelmed with trying to organize everything as I keep getting way more brushes than I possibly need and people will not take no for an answer. I don't even know how to prepare for death anymore as I don't even have loved ones. The only people I've ever been given true contact with are my hoarder parents and mentally unstable sister and that's it; no friends or anything.
There's nothing I can really do to repeal the guardianship without taking everyone to court, which is impossible with my sister's busy schedule and unwillingness to work with anybody else. I only because it gives me something to do finally outside of being locked up all week until I go to a half-assed therapy session for three hours. However, they usually go straight home and aren't really willing to go anywhere that costs money aside from restaurants since we have next to no food at the house (even then it becomes unsafe to eat due to all the roaches and mice).
The bane of her existence is to scream about how much of a lazy ass I am despite turning my parents basement into a hoarded up shithole that's flooded out with animal waste to the point of attracting mice. I know her issues aren't my problem, but back in the day she'd come up behind me and pinch my sides to aggrivate me. She also threw pants/shoes/etc. at me while I was on the bed and even shoved me out of the way after accusing me of hiding something I wasn't supposed to have in the kitchen drawer (I was a legal adult at the time). I usually lay flat in bed to avoid confrontation, but ignoring her makes her volatile so I'm screwed either way. I'm pretty sure she's beating and starving her dogs as well, but nobody really gives a fuck. I've got too many of my own issues to even try worrying about them. She's known to be a neurotin junkie for years since moving in with my parents and was even caught smuggling Adderall at work while the cops didn't give a fuck and turned her loose the next day.
I would've called the cops only if there was another child still in the house, but can't do so otherwise because of the risk of charges being brought against me for slander and libel (APS labeled the case as unsubstantiated). I can't just go around risking all my freedom and housing over sick animals that would more than likely be euthanized anyway. Not that animal control would do anything to begin with, of course. I know it feels redundant to even go over there every weekend in those conditions, but I'm tired of being cooped up all day. I'm tired of not having access to a PC with internet and not being able to breathe due to all the secondhand smoke.
I have finally have regular access to food and meds at the facility, but I'm bored with nothing that makes me feel comfortable anymore. I used to walk around town because of my issues with knocking stuff off tables, bumping into everything, and tripping all the time. I used to play games on my tablet to get through the day, but the internet no longer works since switching it over to a new name and the staffare too lazy to just reset the router (everything is infested with ads). We do have bingo during the week, but most people only play for cigarettes and that's it. I can't hold any kind of conversation with anyone else because they'll just ramble on and on about random shit that happened thirty years ago. I used to play Fortnite and Warframe on my Switch Lite, but it broke after I dropped it and we don't have repair shops where I live. It would only hold charge from 45 minutes to an hour with half the games being broken anyway, so I don't even know if it's even worth saving at this point.
I can barely make use of group therapy (CBT) because of how cold I am and how much my stomach hurts. I try to sit outside when I'm not cold as there's nothing to really do around town anyway, but it's nothing more than cigarette butts and spit everywhere (along with rotten food that attracts flies). There's nothing the staff can really do to make the residents pick up after themselves and they can't ban smoking (even if other residents have health issues) because it's the only reason why anyone gets out of bed. The people where I live don't really believe in PTSD outside of veterans, let alone C-PTSD. The mere concept of it would go against everyone's idea that "family is everything, even if they do things we don't like". We barely have mental health services as it is so I'm basically screwed into staying where I'm at even though I live in fear of being punished. I'll see what I can do to get the medicine lady to up the hydroxozine a bit, but I don't know what else there is to even do beyond that point aside from huddling in bed and freezing 24/7 for the next decade until I'm approved for the waiver.
submitted by Chonkin_GuineaPig to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:50 FlubzRevenge Eisner Award Nominees are Here!

Link here: https://www.comic-con.org/awards/eisner-awards/
“Friendship Is Forever,” by Sam Maggs and Keisha Okafor, in My Little Pony 40th Celebration (IDW)
“The Kelpie,” by Becky Cloonan, in Four Gathered on Christmas Eve (Dark Horse)
“The Lady of the Lake,” by Joe S. Farrar and Guilherme Grandizolli, in BUMP: A Horror Anthology #3 (BUMP)
“Talking to a Hill,” by Larry Hancock and Michael Cherkas, in Comics for Ukraine (Zoop)
“World’s Finest, Part 1,” by Tom King and Belen Ortega, in Wonder Woman #3 (DC)
Horologist, by Jared Lee and Cross (Grim Film)
Nightwing #105, by Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo (DC)
Star Trek: Day of Blood—Shax’s Best Day, by Ryan North and Derek Charm (IDW)
Superman 2023 Annual, by Joshua Williamson and others (DC)
Sweet Paprika: Black, White, & Pink, by Mirka Andolfo and others (Image)
Birds of Prey, by Kelly Thompson and Leonardo Basto Romero (DC)
Nightwing, by Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo (DC Comics)
Shazam! by Mark Waid and Dan Mora (DC)
Transformers, by Daniel Warren Johnson (Image Skybound)
Wonder Woman, by Tom King and Daniel Sampere (DC)
The Cull, by Kelly Thompson and Mattia De Iulis (Image)
Godzilla: Here There Be Dragons, by Frank Tieri and Inaki Miranda (IDW)
Kill Your Darlings, by Ethan S. Parker, Griffin Sheridan, and Robert Quinn (Image)
PeePee PooPoo, by Caroline Cash (Silver Sprocket)
Superman: Lost, by Christopher Priest and Carlo Pagulayan (DC)
Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees, by Patrick Horvath (IDW) shincoal you did it! haha.
Black Cloak, by Kelly Thompson and Meredith McClaren (Image)
Local Man, by Tim Seeley and Tony Fleecs (Image)
Phantom Road, by Jeff Lemire and Gabriel Hernández Walta (Image)
Somna: A Bedtime Story, by Becky Cloonan and Tula Lotay (DSTLRY)
Bigfoot and Nessie: The Art of Getting Noticed, by Chelsea M. Campbell and Laura Knetzger (Penguin Workshop/Penguin Random House)
Burt the Beetle Lives Here! by Ashley Spires (Kids Can Press)
Go-Go Guys, by Rowboat Watkins (Chronicle Books)
The Light Inside, by Dan Misdea (Penguin Workshop/Penguin Random House)
Milk and Mocha: Our Little Happiness, by Melani Sie (Andrews McMeel)
Tacos Today: El Toro & Friends, by Raúl the Third (HarperCollins/Versify)
Buzzing, by Samuel Sattin and Rye Hickman (Little, Brown Ink)
Mabuhay!, by Zachary Sterling (Scholastic Graphix)
Mexikid: A Graphic Memoir, by Pedro Martín (Dial Books for Young Readers/Penguin Young Readers)
Missing You, by Phellip Willian and Melissa Garabeli. translation by Fabio Ramos (Oni Press)
Saving Sunshine, by Saadia Faruqi and Shazleen Khan (First Second/Macmillan)
Blackward, by Lawrence Lindell (Drawn & Quarterly)
Danger and Other Unknown Risks, by Ryan North and Erica Henderson (Penguin Workshop/Penguin Random House)
Frontera, by Julio Anta and Jacoby Salcedo (HarperAlley)
Lights, by Brenna Thummler (Oni Press)
Monstrous: A Transracial Adoption Story, by Sarah Myer (First Second/Macmillan)
My Girlfriend’s Child, vol. 1, by Mamoru Aoi, translation by Hana Allen (Seven Seas)
How to Love: A Guide to Feelings & Relationships for Everyone, by Alex Norris (Candlewick/Walker Books)
I Was a Teenage Michael Jackson Impersonator, and Other Musical Meanderings, by Keith Knight (Keith Knight Press)
It’s Jeff: The Jeff-Verse #1, by Kelly Thompson and Gurihiru (Marvel)
Macanudo: Optimism Is for the Brave, by Liniers (Fantagraphics)
The Yakuza’s Bias, by Teki Yatsuda. translation by Max Greenway (Kodansha)
Comics for Ukraine, edited by Scott Dunbier (Zoop)
Deep Cuts, by Kyle Higgins, Joe Clark, Danilo Beyruth, and others (Image)
The Devil’s Cut, edited by Will Dennis (DSTLRY)
Marvel Age #1000, edited by Tom Brevoort (Marvel)
The Out Side: Trans & Nonbinary Comics, edited by The Kao, Min Christensen, and David Daneman (Andrews McMeel)
Swan Songs by W. Maxwell Prince and others (Image)
Are You Willing to Die for the Cause? by Chris Oliveros (Drawn & Quarterly)
Last on His Feet: Jack Johnson and the Battle of the Century, by Adrian Matejka and Youssef Daoudi (Liveright)
Messenger: The Legend of Muhammad Ali, by Marc Bernardin and Ron Salas (First Second/Macmillan)
Thing: Inside the Struggle for Animal Personhood, by Samuel Machado and Cynthia Sousa Machado with Steven M. Wise (Island Press)
Three Rocks: The Story of Ernie Bushmiller: The Man Who Created Nancy, by Bill Griffith (Abrams ComicArts)
Family Style: Memories of an American from Vietnam, by Thien Pham (First Second/Macmillan)
A First Time for Everything, by Dan Santat (First Second/Macmillan)
In Limbo, by Deb JJ Lee (First Second/Macmillan)
Memento Mori, by Tiitu Takalo, translation by Maria Schroderus (Oni Press)
Sunshine: How One Camp Taught Me About Life, Death, and Hope, by Jarrett J. Krosoczka (Scholastic Graphix)
The Talk, by Darrin Bell (Henry Holt)
Ashes, by Álvaro Ortiz, translation by Eva Ibarzabal (Top Shelf/IDW)
Eden II, by K. Wroten (Fantagraphics)
A Guest in the House, by Emily Carroll (First Second/Macmillan)
Parasocial, by Alex De Campi and Erica Henderson (Image)
Roaming, by Mariko Tamaki and Jillian Tamaki (Drawn & Quarterly)
Doctor Strange: Fall Sunrise Treasury Edition, by Tradd Moore (Marvel)
The Good Asian, by Pornsak Pichetshote and Alexandre Tefenkgi (Image)
Hip Hop Family Tree: The Omnibus, by Ed Piskor (Fantagraphics)
Orange Complete Series Box Set, by Ichigo Takano, translation by Amber Tamosaitis (Seven Seas)
Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons, by Kelly Sue DeConnick, Phil Jimenez, Gene Ha, and Nicola Scott (DC)
Bea Wolf, adapted by Zach Weinersmith and Boulet (First Second/Macmillan)
DRCL midnight children, vol. 1, based on Bram Stoker’s Dracula, by Shin’ichi Sakamoto, translation by Caleb Cook (VIZ Media)
H.P. Lovecraft’s The Shadow over Innsmouth, adapted by Gou Tanabe, translation by Zack Davisson (Dark Horse Manga)
The Monkey King: The Complete Odyssey, adapted by Chaiko, translation by Dan Christensen (Magnetic)
Watership Down, by Richard Adams, adapted by James Sturm and Joe Sutphin (Ten Speed Graphic)
Ashes, by Álvaro Ortiz, translation by Eva Ibarzabal (Top Shelf/IDW)
Blacksad, Vol 7: They All Fall Down, Part 2, by Juan Díaz Canales and Juanjo Guarnido, translation by Diana Schutz and Brandon Kander (Europe Comics)
A Boy Named Rose, by Gaëlle Geniller, translation by Fabrice Sapolsky (Fairsquare Comics)
The Great Beyond, by Léa Murawiec, translation by Aleshia Jensen (Drawn & Quarterly)
Shubeik Lubeik, by Deena Mohamed (Pantheon Books/Penguin Random House)
Spa, by Erik Svetoft, translation by Melissa Bowers (Fantagraphics)
DRCL midnight children, vol. 1, based on Bram Stoker’s Dracula, by Shin’ichi Sakamoto, translation by Caleb Cook (VIZ Media)
Goodbye, Eri, by Tatsuki Fujimoto, translation by Amanda Haley (VIZ Media)
The Horizon, vol. 1, by JH, translation by ULTRAMEDIA Co. Ltd. (Yen/Ize Press)
My Picture Diary, by Fujiwara Maki, translation by Ryan Holmberg (Drawn & Quarterly)
River’s Edge, by Kyoko Okazaki, translation by Alexa Frank (Kodansha)
The Summer Hikaru Died, vol. 1, by Mokumokuren, translation by Ajani Oloye (Yen Press)
Dauntless Dames: High-Heeled Heroes of the Comic Strips, edited by Peter Maresca and Trina Robbins (Sunday Press/Fantagraphics)
David Wright’s Carol Day: Lance Hallam, edited by Roger Clark, Chris Killackey, and Guy Mills (Slingsby Bros, Ink!)
Popeye Sundays Vol 3: The Sea Hag and Alice the Goon, by E.C. Segar, edited by Conrad Groth and Gary Groth (Fantagraphics)
Walt Disney’s Silly Symphonies 1932-1935: Starring Bucky Bug and Donald Duck and Walt Disney’s Silly Symphonies 1935-1939: Starring Donald Duck and Big Bad Wolf, edited by David Gerstein (Fantagraphics)
Where I’m Coming From, by Barbara Brandon-Croft, edited by Peggy Burns and Tracy Hurren (Drawn & Quarterly)
Adventures Into Terror: The Atlas Comics Library, vol. 1, edited by Michael J. Vassallo (Fantagraphics)
All-Negro Comics 75th Anniversary Edition, edited by Chris Robinson (Very GOOD Books)
The Ballad of Halo Jones Full Colour Omnibus, by Alan Moore and Ian Gibson, edited by Olivia Hicks (2000AD/Rebellion)
The John Severin Westerns Featuring American Eagle, edited by Michael Dean (Fantagraphics)
Michael Golden’s Marvel Stories Artist’s Edition, edited by Scott Dunbier (IDW)
Stephen Graham Jones, Earthdivers (IDW)
Mariko Tamaki, Roaming (Drawn & Quarterly)
Tom Taylor, Nightwing, Titans (DC)
Kelly Thompson, Birds of Prey, Harley Quinn, Black White and Redder (DC); Black Cloak, The Cull (Image); It’s Jeff, Captain Marvel (Marvel)
Mark Waid, Batman/Superman: World’s Finest, Shazam!, World’s Finest: Teen Titans (DC)
G. Willow Wilson, Poison Ivy (DC); Hunger and the Dusk (IDW)
Emily Carroll, A Guest in the House (First Second/Macmillan)
Bill Griffith, Three Rocks (Abrams ComicArts)
Daniel Warren Johnson, Transformers (Image Skybound)
Mokumokuren, The Summer Hikaru Died, vol. 1 (Yen Press)
Zoe Thorogood, Hack/Slash: Back To School (Image)
Tillie Walden, Clementine Book Two (Image Skybound)
Jason Shawn Alexander, Detective Comics (DC); Killadelphia, with Germán Erramouspe (Image)
Tula Lotay, Barnstormers: A Ballad of Love and Murder (Comixology Originals/Best Jackett)
Inaki Miranda, Godzilla: Here There Be Dragons (IDW)
Dan Mora, Batman/Superman: World’s Finest, Shazam! (DC)
Chris Samnee, Fire Power (Image Skybound)
Jillian Tamaki, Roaming (Drawn & Quarterly)
Jason Shawn Alexander, Blacula: Return of the King (Zombie Love Studios)
Chaiko, The Monkey King (Magnetic)
Juanjo Guarnido, Blacksad, Vol 7: They All Fall Down, Part 2 (Europe Comics)
Liam Sharp, Nocterra: Nemesis Special (Best Jackett); Starhenge: The Dragon and the Boar (Image)
Martin Simmonds, Universal Monsters: Dracula (Image Skybound)
Sana Takeda, The Night Eaters: Her Little Reapers (Abrams ComicArts); Monstress (Image)
Jen Bartel, DC Pride 2023, Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville #1 (DC); Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #1, Demon Wars: Scarlet Sin #1, Scarlet Witch #9, Sensational She-Hulk (Marvel)
Evan Cagle, Detective Comics (DC)
Jenny Frison, Alice Never After #1, BRZRKR: Fallen Empire #1, and other alternate covers (BOOM! Studios); Knight Terrors: Harley Quinn #1–2, Poison Ivy #8, #12 (DC)
E. M. Gist, Expanse Dragon Tooth #1, Something Is Killing the Children #28 & #34, Wild’s End, vol 2 #4 and other alternate covers (BOOM! Studios); Amazing Spider-Man #23, Doctor Aphra #36, Moon Knight #3, Nightcrawlers #1, Wolverine #38 (Marvel)
Peach Momoko, Demon Wars: Scarlet Sin, various alternate covers (Marvel)
Dan Mora, Coda #3, Damn Them All #4, MMPR 30th Anniversary Special #1, Rare Flavours #3 and other alternate covers (BOOM! Studios); Batman/Superman: World’s Finest, Outsiders #1, Poison Ivy #9, Shazam!, Titans #1 (DC)
Jordie Bellaire, Batman, Birds of Prey (DC); Dark Spaces: Hollywood Special (IDW)
Matt Hollingsworth, Captain America, Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy, Punisher (Marvel)
Lee Loughridge, Red Zone (AWA); Edgeworld, Grammaton Punch, Nostalgia (Comixology Originals); The Devil’s Cut, Gone, Somna (DSTLRY); Star Trek (IDW); Killadelphia (Image); Hunt. Kill. Repeat. (Mad Cave)
Dave McCaig, The Sacrificers (Image), The Walking Dead Deluxe (Image Skybound)
Dean White, Conan the Barbarian (Titan Comics)
Emily Carroll, A Guest in the House (First Second/Macmillan)
Benoit Dehan and Lauren Bowes, Inside the Mind of Sherlock Holmes (Titan Comics)
Bill Griffith, Three Rocks (Abrams ComicArts)
Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, The Unlikely Story of Felix and Macabber, The Witcher: Wild Animals, and others (Dark Horse); Batman: City of Madness, The Flash, Poison Ivy, and others (DC); Black Cat Social Club (Humanoids); Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees (IDW); The Cull, What’s the Furthest Place from Here? (Image); and others
Richard Starkings, Barnstormers: A Ballad of Love and Murder, Canary (Comixology Originals/Best Jackett); Parliament of Rooks (Comixology); Astro City, Battle Chasers (Image); Conan the Barbarian (Titan Comics)
Rus Wooton, Monstress, The Sacrificers (Image); Fire Power, Kroma, Transformers, The Walking Dead Deluxe, Universal Monsters: Dracula, Void Rivals (Image Skybound); Hunt. Kill. Repeat., A Legacy of Violence, Nature’s Labyrinth (Mad Cave)
The Comics Journal #309; edited by Gary Groth, Kristy Valenti, and Austin English (Fantagraphics)
“The Indirect Market,” by Brandon Schatz and Danica LeBlanc, comicsbeat.com
Rob Salkowitz, for Forbes, ICv2.com, Publishers Weekly
SKTCHD, by David Harper, www.sktchd.com
SOLRAD: The Online Literary Magazine for Comics, www.solrad.co (Fieldmouse Press)
Bryan Talbot: Father of the British Graphic Novel, by J. D. Harlock and Bryan Talbot (Brainstorm Studios)
Confabulation: An Anecdotal Autobiography, by Dave Gibbons (Dark Horse)
Flamed Out: The Underground Adventures and Comix Genius of Willy Murphy, edited by Nicki Michaels, Ted Richards, and Mark Burstein (Fantagraphics)
I Am the Law: How Judge Dredd Predicted Our Future, by Michael Molcher (Rebellion)
The Pacific Comics Companion, by Stephan Friedt and Jon B. Cooke (TwoMorrows)
Thalamus: The Art of Dave McKean (Dark Horse)
Asian Political Cartoons, by John A. Lent (University Press of Mississippi)
The Claremont Run: Subverting Gender in the X- Men, by J. Andrew Deman (University of Texas Press)
Desegregating Comics: Debating Blackness in the Golden Age of American Comics, edited by Qiana Whitted (Rutgers University Press)
If Shehrazad Drew: Critical Writings on Arab Comics, by George Khoury-Jad (Sawaf Center for Arab Comics Studies and American University of Beirut Press)
In Visible Archives: Queer and Feminist Visual Culture in the 1980s, by Margaret Galvan (University of Minnesota Press)
Super Bodies: Comic Book Illustration, Artistic Styles, and Narrative Impact, by Jeffrey A. Brown (University of Texas Press)
Bram Stoker’s Dracula and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein boxed set, designed by Mike Kennedy (Magnetic)
Gratuitous Ninja, by Ronald Wimberly, designed by Chloe Scheffe (Beehive Books)
Inside the Mind of Sherlock Holmes, designed by Benoit Dahan andDonna Askem (Titan Comics)
Iron Maiden: Piece of Mind, designed by Josh Bernstein and Rob Schwager (Z2)
Toilet-bound Hanako-kun First Stall Box Set, designed by Wendy Chan (Yen Press)
Asturias: The Origin of a Flag, by Javi de Castro, https://www.javidecastro.com/asturias-the-origin-of-a-flag
Daughter of a Thousand Faces, by Vel (Velinxi), https://tapas.io/series/daughter-of-a-thousand-faces/info (Tapas)
Lore Olympus, by Rachel Smythe, https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/lore-olympus/s3-episode-226/viewer?title_no=1320&episode_no=231 (WEBTOON)
Matchmaker, vol. 6, by Cam Marshall at https://matchmakercomic.com/. (Silver Sprocket)
3rd Voice, by Evan Dahm, https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/3rd-voice/list?title_no=828919 (WEBTOON)
Unfamiliar, by Haley Newsome: https://tapas.io/series/unfamiliainfo (Tapas)
Blacksad, Vol 7: They All Fall Down, Part 2. by Juan Díaz Canales and Juanjo Guarnido, translation by Diana Schutz and Brandon Kander (Europe Comics)
Friday, by Ed Brubaker and Marcos Martin, vols. 7–8 (Panel Syndicate)
Parliament of Rooks, by Abigail Jill Harding (Comixology Originals)
Practical Defense Against Piracy, by Tony Cliff (delilahdirk.com)
A Witch’s Guide to Burning, by Aminder Dhaliwal (Instagram.com/aminder_d)
submitted by FlubzRevenge to graphicnovels [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:31 embraceproductivity Feeling like I got played (long post)

I (28M) have known this woman, lets call her K (20F), for two years. We met online, and over-time she became my best friend. She was persistent at asking me to date and be exclusive but I did not want to partake in any long distance relationship and made it clear that I won't date if there's distance involved, and we stayed as best friends with benefits for a while. She also confessed her feelings to me a few months after knowing me.
About 4-5 months ago, she told me she's coming to spend the entire summer with me, I got really excited as it was the first time I'll see her, and she also told me she's about to start preparing for moving permanently. I decided that is sufficient for us to go exclusive as we'll close the distance. I asked for her instagram but she told me she doesn't have one and I believed her at the time.
As soon as we went exclusive (and shortly before then by about a month), she started being distant -- only responding to texts every 1-2 weeks. The longest was 3 weeks. For the 3-weeks delay part, she mentioned that she just had appendix removal surgery and had complications, she refused to video call saying that its in night hours. Her first message to me was
"I'm hospitalized"
"I'm so sorry"
"I'm so so sorry".
This was around 3 AM my time at eastern Canada, while she's in California. Thankfully I woke up and saw it immediately, if I didn't i'd probably honestly be panicking when I woke up as I doubt she would've responded at all for a couple of days again.
In other times where she goes away for weeks without a response she'd usually come back saying she was depressed or simply provide no reason at all.
She also would say stuff like "she loves me more than I know" and even told me she sees herself marrying me less than a month ago.
About 2 months after becoming exclusive, she came to me and told me that her friend "Zachary" got her a bracelet that says "Zachary's Cumslut", and she asserted that Zachary is a girl and even said that's a weird name for a girl. She asked me if she can keep it, I thought about it for a day and told her she can't.
Fast forward to 2 and a half weeks ago, we were video calling and I wanted to show her something in my Instagram profile. She opened it and the next day I noticed she showed up in my suggested list. I confronted her about it telling her that's her profile. Before even responding to my text -- where I asked her to call as there's something bothering me -- she straight up blocked my instagram account and said "What's up?" acting like she doesn't know what's going on. I explained to her that she blocked my instagram account and that we should call about this ASAP.
She refused to call and told me she didn't block my account and hasn't logged into her accounts in months and doesn't use it. I checked with my other instagram account and noticed she did block me, I showed her proof and told her you did block me. She blocked my second account and told me she just "deleted her account".
I got my friend to check and her account was still up...
At this point, I genuinely started panicking. I was still being respectful, I didn't curse her out, say any bad words. I said 'has this all been fake, have I been played?" and she was telling me she didn't block me, she didn't play me, i'm the only one she ever wanted...
I told her I really wanna believe you but I can't when there's proof in front of me. After a while of texting back and forth she confessed to blocking me and said its because she gets death threats, but that didn't make sense to me, so I pushed more and she said its because she's scared. I asked her scared of what? You literally said you are coming to spend the summer with me, and we know everything about each other -- names, life, etc.
At this point, she stopped responding. I further started panicking and after a number of time of her not responding I said things like "For any serious relationship, the two most important things are communication and trust, and I'm losing trust here." The longer you take to answer, the more resentful I get. I also told her that what's going on here is most likely you are hiding something from me, or hiding me from someone, and that at this point I'd need to see everything in your instagram account as well as be able to follow it.
After a couple of hours I told her I think you've been manipulating me into loving you. No response from what I remember. I tried to sleep.
24 hours passed no response, I told her I'm giving you one more night to explain yourself and come clean.
No response in another 24 hours, so I told her that I'm assuming this is over. No response for another 24h.
I googled her instagram username and found a NSFW account that seems to be hers, and the name starts with A, I recalled that when she dissapeared for 3 weeks and I called her college to do a wellness check, gave them her first name, starting with K, and her last name, they told me that student doesn't exist in their system, which started to make more sense.
However, I still loved her heavily, so I still wanted to understand why she's doing this and maybe see if its salvageable at the time. So i told her that I'm calmer and we can talk about it tonight.
But I was also so curious about what's going on, I knew of a particular person who happens to follow her, and asked him if she's acting in instagram as well as if there's any signs of cheating.
in her bio, it says she's taken, and her picture is a picture from 1-2 years ago with her wearing a padlock around her neck. She posted a story of her singing and her insta status said "LET'S GET MATCHING TATTOOS", honestly that blows my mind that she's willing to do things like that when we are going through a serious problem at the time.
I remembered the Zachary bracelet thing so I told him to look if there's any Zach's she's following. She happened to follow two, one of them didn't seem to be the guy, the other one was much more obvious -- he had a Heart, the letter A, and a Padlock next to it. She also showed in one of his posts around the time we were exclusive.
I texted the guy letting him know my situation and tried to be respectful. He was acting shady, told me they dated two years ago and are "still talking", then he dissapears for 40 minutes, comes back with different answers to my questions (I started thinking its likely her texting at this point), saying they didn't date etc before, then changing the answers.
I talked about the heart and the padlock, he said it was his grandma (I don't really believe that given that A is the same starting letter as her name from her NSFW account which is likely her real first name). I asked him not to inform her that I texted him because I didn't wanna put more strain into the situation, he proceeds to tell her, she calls me a few hours later, she sounded very different in the way she talked and started telling me she lost all trust in me, that I went behind her back by telling her friend not to tell her. I told her that she wasn't communicating at all and she refused that, and I told her she kept blocking me instagram and she refused that too telling me she didn't block me. I pointed out she confessed to blocking me then she said "So what!! You can have your own private account and I can have my own" I told her that's not the point, the point is you lied and kept lying about it. She hung up, and started texting me that she's done, then she started trying to turn the whole thing against me.
She started telling me that I severely hurt her and so on. I fell for it and started feeling really bad and apologized, I still wanted to make it work at the time. She kept going on completely disregarded my feelings and made it all about her. In the end she told me she doesn't want to hear from me again.
I really think I've been played, but I also think she might've been trying to double date. At some points she told me I'll love seeing her friends, and that she wants to post my picture in her social (in the future), but she didn't say what social. I also never met any of her friends (she never introduced me to any of them).
So in conclusion: I've been lied to, gaslit, love-bombed. Those are all things I'm certain of. The rest I'm not sure of beyond reasonable doubt (100%), but are quite likely. I don't really know what I want out of this post, other than I guess to get confirmation whether I've been played or not, as well as really just how much of this was real. The gaslighting might've messed with my mind for a while.
submitted by embraceproductivity to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:13 Technical_Carpet5874 Nobody wants to be the government that executes the disclosure people. It's political suicide and they'd never win another election. They would have no choice but to cling to power or the world would move on without them.

If someone chose to violate an natsec nda publically, they would become a household name, that is, if the presented irrefutable proof, and it was on every front page. The world would change overnight. Normal procedure and penaltieswould be irrelevant owing entirely to the enormous political ramifications. This would be a black swan event.
The government's primary concern would be undoing the inevitable political damage to prevent domestic instability. Executing or even prosecuting the party responsible would absolutely undermine any chance of that. It creates a Martyr and appears fascistic. In this case, if the disclosure is substantial enough it's an empty threat by political necessity.
The current administration was empowered by a demographic that vehemently opposes the death penalty. Informing the public of the irrefutable evidence of nhi and possession of exotic tech is not like disclosing the location of our operatives to Russian spys. It's simply too big. Old rules no longer apply. Nothing could be done to punish the party in question. The president would be forced to issue a pardon, or condemn the electability of his party to the asheap of history for the foreseeable future, as a paternalistic Mafia that through force and violence, denied humanity it's rightful place amongst the stars.
The only alternative, in the scenario where a leaker is prosecuted according to law is to subvert democracy and refuse to leave power, or never hold it again.
Let's remember we are analyzing this through a political lense.
The president's federal pardon power is absolute, per the constitution. That means that it's at the discretion of the president whether or not a leaker is actually prosecuted. Public notoriety would effectively shield the person, as opposed to someone selling nuclear secrets in private. This isn't some national security issue that can be handled according to the letter of the law, it changes the domain of our existence from terrestrial to cosmic. Prosecution won't fly. No political adviser would allow it. Mass resignations would follow. Pandemonium would ensue.
submitted by Technical_Carpet5874 to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:11 Wandering_Scarabs "Apep, Apep, Apep," - all together now!

Last week on my podcast, I took a shallow dive into the major problems I see in the Kemetic/Polytheistic communities at large. One of those problems prompted some interesting discussion already, specifically surrounding the superstitious fear of saying/writing the name “Apep,” or an obsessive need to immediately censor the word, in such communities. I wanted to explicitly look at why this completely misunderstands Egyptian religion in favor of contemporary superstition, why it could be considered legitimately dangerous to modern practitioners, and why it sums up the problems I see at large.
EDIT: two more important things have come up, better points than any of mine tbh. If these names had an inherent power of invocation tean anyone who ever wrote about the gods would now be polytheists. One needs the intent to invoke/evoke a god, and you simply shouldn't ever have that when writing Apep. Second, we can see lots of images of Apep drawn and written by the Egyptians in painstaking detail, and compare these to the desecration of gods like Set or hated Pharaohs. Heck by this logic Set is even worse to write than Apep as it was actually removed rather than part of the art.
  1. The name for the force of primordial chaos we now call “Apep” is long lost. “Apep” is an English, best guess transliteration of the long dead hieroglyphic language. A language where we have literally no idea how it was supposed to sound. A language that was far more complex and spiritually charged than our joke of a language will ever be. So writing “Apep” or “Apophis” is not even close to invoking the force, unless you INTENTIONALLY go out of your way to invoke it. This is what matters, intention, which is why calling gods by their names in English still works out for us, we intend to invoke them, it is not the words or letters themselves.
  2. As pointed out by a fellow practitioner (I will leave it to them to decide if they want to jump in), the very fear of the name is itself superstition rather than Kemeticism, indeed the latter had no fear of writing it, which they did often before destruction of the name in ritual. There is a serious superstitious fear in people that if they write the name and don’t cross it out, or write it at all, bad things will happen to them. It is the same paranoid, Christian-inspired, self-induced fear that we see with creeds like “harm ye none” when honestly the problem with Egypt was they were often quick to harm, or the fear that looking into anything outside of monotheism will lead to demon possession. This just is not how it worked, writing the name of a primordial force in a gross modern language is never going to have any impact on that force (nothing will, but more on that below). Further, I doubt this is ever seen through to its conclusion. For instance if you own any books on Egypt, the word Apep or other forms of it, maybe even the hieroglyphics, are already written in your home, oh no! Shall we cross out his name in all our books? Should we avoid websites that mention the name since we cannot desecrate it? Of course not.
  3. Speaking of actual Egyptian practices, one must understand the effort behind ritual, and how that compares to ctrl+v-ing a crossed out name or putting slashes through it. Like if you were going to desecrate a name you'd make a pot, carve the name in, let it dry, smash it, etc. Or make sandals with the name embroidered on them. And note that the desecration would only come later on, it was meant to be desecrated in the future in such contexts, or over time. These are active ritual processes and I'd guess were often in response to something, not just out of habit or social signaling. One act is actual magic, the other is a lazy habit. And when those names were written there was no fear of them, or they would not have been written in the first place, even to be crossed out.
  4. Continuing with historical Egypt, if the point of slashing-out “Apep” is to insult or attack the force, this completely misunderstands how names worked for our ancestors. The actual insult would be to not use the name at all, not even just its name (which again was not in English), but references to it, nicknames, etc., to not even think about it. But again this is not how Egypt saw Apep, they wrote about him, drew him, and SOMETIMES desecrated the name or image in rituals, which were significant events built on great effort, and not a simple keyboard habit. And it is precisely because Apep is weak that we can write about and depict him without fear.
  5. This treatment of the name Apep misunderstands both what that force is, and how much power it has. For instance, as pointed out by my aforementioned peer, it makes us wary of an inaccurate name for the force, but not the force itself. To elaborate…
5a. One way to see Apep is as an always present force no matter how often you desecrate its name. You can see Apep in entropy, or in the chaos of a plagued mind, or a deteriorating body. This will literally never change, and desecrating the name Apep will have no effect on it, this is a symbolic act we as humans do to say “screw you,” not to eliminate some threat. And these are everyday threats that must be watched for, you cannot just cross out the name Apep and think you are good for the day, it remains a threat in this sense. Just take the association between Apep and entropy to its conclusion: do we also need to edit and censor the word “entropy?” Of course not!
5b. The other way to view Apep, what I lean towards, is as nothing. It is not some willful god or entity, it is just a mindless force of material nature (meaning its influence is always limited to the material realm, rather than the spiritual). In billions and billions of years Apep has not destroyed one thing, has not defeated one god (who we really should think more highly of than that they need us to cross out an english word to survive), has not ruined one life. To even suggest it does cause our problems (in my opinion since I pick 5b over 5a) not only gives Apep way more power and fear than it deserves, but takes the blame off of us when we mess things up and don’t feel like owning up to it. Apep is not our devil, is not some malevolent Abrahamic boogeyman, it is just a recognized force of nature with no will and that will never change or be influenced by the acts of humans.
  1. Finally, the very idea of non-existence, of a god or individual returning to a state of primordial chaos, is a complete impossibility. Self-existence, such as that of our own and the gods, is a simple, axiomatic fact. For there to even being Apep, there must also be non-Apep, and it can never be otherwise. The very statement “I do not exist” cannot even be argued or conceived. This means that any fear of Apep, even historically speaking, is misplaced, a lack of understanding about the nature of the soul, a superstition. And that's okay, knowledge grows over time, just like we now know retainer sacrifices were wrong, and mummification/materialism is not needed for life after death. Honestly, not allowing knowledge to evolve in such a way gives Apep more praise than writing its name ever could.
Interestingly in this one topic we can see a lot of the problems I brought up manifested: the influence of Christian-based new ageism and superstition, the lack of objective/academic investigation into Egyptian belief and practices, unfamiliarity with even the basics of Egyptian beliefs and practices, the need for validation (such as a virtual pat on the back for slashing out Apep), and honestly just a plain laziness and desire to be handed everything on a silver platter immediately and without effort. These superstitious fears of Apep grant it more power over our lives than it ever could naturally have.
Edit: I agree with the below discussion that I've overstepped to some extent perhaps, but have chosen to leave this up to see if it spawns further discussion. That's not a recant, mind you lol.
submitted by Wandering_Scarabs to Kemetic [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:10 Wandering_Scarabs "Apep, Apep, Apep," - all together now!

Last week on my podcast, I took a shallow dive into the major problems I see in the Kemetic/Polytheistic communities at large. One of those problems prompted some interesting discussion already, specifically surrounding the superstitious fear of saying/writing the name “Apep,” or an obsessive need to immediately censor the word, in such communities. I wanted to explicitly look at why this completely misunderstands Egyptian religion in favor of contemporary superstition, why it could be considered legitimately dangerous to modern practitioners, and why it sums up the problems I see at large.
EDIT: two more important things have come up, better points than any of mine tbh. If these names had an inherent power of invocation tean anyone who ever wrote about the gods would now be polytheists. One needs the intent to invoke/evoke a god, and you simply shouldn't ever have that when writing Apep. Second, we can see lots of images of Apep drawn and written by the Egyptians in painstaking detail, and compare these to the desecration of gods like Set or hated Pharaohs. Heck by this logic Set is even worse to write than Apep as it was actually removed rather than part of the art.
  1. The name for the force of primordial chaos we now call “Apep” is long lost. “Apep” is an English, best guess transliteration of the long dead hieroglyphic language. A language where we have literally no idea how it was supposed to sound. A language that was far more complex and spiritually charged than our joke of a language will ever be. So writing “Apep” or “Apophis” is not even close to invoking the force, unless you INTENTIONALLY go out of your way to invoke it. This is what matters, intention, which is why calling gods by their names in English still works out for us, we intend to invoke them, it is not the words or letters themselves.
  2. As pointed out by a fellow practitioner (I will leave it to them to decide if they want to jump in), the very fear of the name is itself superstition rather than Kemeticism, indeed the latter had no fear of writing it, which they did often before destruction of the name in ritual. There is a serious superstitious fear in people that if they write the name and don’t cross it out, or write it at all, bad things will happen to them. It is the same paranoid, Christian-inspired, self-induced fear that we see with creeds like “harm ye none” when honestly the problem with Egypt was they were often quick to harm, or the fear that looking into anything outside of monotheism will lead to demon possession. This just is not how it worked, writing the name of a primordial force in a gross modern language is never going to have any impact on that force (nothing will, but more on that below). Further, I doubt this is ever seen through to its conclusion. For instance if you own any books on Egypt, the word Apep or other forms of it, maybe even the hieroglyphics, are already written in your home, oh no! Shall we cross out his name in all our books? Should we avoid websites that mention the name since we cannot desecrate it? Of course not.
  3. Speaking of actual Egyptian practices, one must understand the effort behind ritual, and how that compares to ctrl+v-ing a crossed out name or putting slashes through it. Like if you were going to desecrate a name you'd make a pot, carve the name in, let it dry, smash it, etc. Or make sandals with the name embroidered on them. And note that the desecration would only come later on, it was meant to be desecrated in the future in such contexts, or over time. These are active ritual processes and I'd guess were often in response to something, not just out of habit or social signaling. One act is actual magic, the other is a lazy habit. And when those names were written there was no fear of them, or they would not have been written in the first place, even to be crossed out.
  4. Continuing with historical Egypt, if the point of slashing-out “Apep” is to insult or attack the force, this completely misunderstands how names worked for our ancestors. The actual insult would be to not use the name at all, not even just its name (which again was not in English), but references to it, nicknames, etc., to not even think about it. But again this is not how Egypt saw Apep, they wrote about him, drew him, and SOMETIMES desecrated the name or image in rituals, which were significant events built on great effort, and not a simple keyboard habit. And it is precisely because Apep is weak that we can write about and depict him without fear.
  5. This treatment of the name Apep misunderstands both what that force is, and how much power it has. For instance, as pointed out by my aforementioned peer, it makes us wary of an inaccurate name for the force, but not the force itself. To elaborate…
5a. One way to see Apep is as an always present force no matter how often you desecrate its name. You can see Apep in entropy, or in the chaos of a plagued mind, or a deteriorating body. This will literally never change, and desecrating the name Apep will have no effect on it, this is a symbolic act we as humans do to say “screw you,” not to eliminate some threat. And these are everyday threats that must be watched for, you cannot just cross out the name Apep and think you are good for the day, it remains a threat in this sense. Just take the association between Apep and entropy to its conclusion: do we also need to edit and censor the word “entropy?” Of course not!
5b. The other way to view Apep, what I lean towards, is as nothing. It is not some willful god or entity, it is just a mindless force of material nature (meaning its influence is always limited to the material realm, rather than the spiritual). In billions and billions of years Apep has not destroyed one thing, has not defeated one god (who we really should think more highly of than that they need us to cross out an english word to survive), has not ruined one life. To even suggest it does cause our problems (in my opinion since I pick 5b over 5a) not only gives Apep way more power and fear than it deserves, but takes the blame off of us when we mess things up and don’t feel like owning up to it. Apep is not our devil, is not some malevolent Abrahamic boogeyman, it is just a recognized force of nature with no will and that will never change or be influenced by the acts of humans.
  1. Finally, the very idea of non-existence, of a god or individual returning to a state of primordial chaos, is a complete impossibility. Self-existence, such as that of our own and the gods, is a simple, axiomatic fact. For there to even being Apep, there must also be non-Apep, and it can never be otherwise. The very statement “I do not exist” cannot even be argued or conceived. This means that any fear of Apep, even historically speaking, is misplaced, a lack of understanding about the nature of the soul, a superstition. And that's okay, knowledge grows over time, just like we now know retainer sacrifices were wrong, and mummification/materialism is not needed for life after death. Honestly, not allowing knowledge to evolve in such a way gives Apep more praise than writing its name ever could.
Interestingly in this one topic we can see a lot of the problems I brought up manifested: the influence of Christian-based new ageism and superstition, the lack of objective/academic investigation into Egyptian belief and practices, unfamiliarity with even the basics of Egyptian beliefs and practices, the need for validation (such as a virtual pat on the back for slashing out Apep), and honestly just a plain laziness and desire to be handed everything on a silver platter immediately and without effort. These superstitious fears of Apep grant it more power over our lives than it ever could naturally have.
submitted by Wandering_Scarabs to Setianism [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:09 Wandering_Scarabs "Apep, Apep, Apep," - all together now!

Last week on my podcast, I took a shallow dive into the major problems I see in the Kemetic/Polytheistic communities at large. One of those problems prompted some interesting discussion already, specifically surrounding the superstitious fear of saying/writing the name “Apep,” or an obsessive need to immediately censor the word, in such communities. I wanted to explicitly look at why this completely misunderstands Egyptian religion in favor of contemporary superstition, why it could be considered legitimately dangerous to modern practitioners, and why it sums up the problems I see at large.
EDIT: two more important things have come up, better points than any of mine tbh. If these names had an inherent power of invocation tean anyone who ever wrote about the gods would now be polytheists. One needs the intent to invoke/evoke a god, and you simply shouldn't ever have that when writing Apep. Second, we can see lots of images of Apep drawn and written by the Egyptians in painstaking detail, and compare these to the desecration of gods like Set or hated Pharaohs. Heck by this logic Set is even worse to write than Apep as it was actually removed rather than part of the art.
  1. The name for the force of primordial chaos we now call “Apep” is long lost. “Apep” is an English, best guess transliteration of the long dead hieroglyphic language. A language where we have literally no idea how it was supposed to sound. A language that was far more complex and spiritually charged than our joke of a language will ever be. So writing “Apep” or “Apophis” is not even close to invoking the force, unless you INTENTIONALLY go out of your way to invoke it. This is what matters, intention, which is why calling gods by their names in English still works out for us, we intend to invoke them, it is not the words or letters themselves.
  2. As pointed out by a fellow practitioner (I will leave it to them to decide if they want to jump in), the very fear of the name is itself superstition rather than Kemeticism, indeed the latter had no fear of writing it, which they did often before destruction of the name in ritual. There is a serious superstitious fear in people that if they write the name and don’t cross it out, or write it at all, bad things will happen to them. It is the same paranoid, Christian-inspired, self-induced fear that we see with creeds like “harm ye none” when honestly the problem with Egypt was they were often quick to harm, or the fear that looking into anything outside of monotheism will lead to demon possession. This just is not how it worked, writing the name of a primordial force in a gross modern language is never going to have any impact on that force (nothing will, but more on that below). Further, I doubt this is ever seen through to its conclusion. For instance if you own any books on Egypt, the word Apep or other forms of it, maybe even the hieroglyphics, are already written in your home, oh no! Shall we cross out his name in all our books? Should we avoid websites that mention the name since we cannot desecrate it? Of course not.
  3. Speaking of actual Egyptian practices, one must understand the effort behind ritual, and how that compares to ctrl+v-ing a crossed out name or putting slashes through it. Like if you were going to desecrate a name you'd make a pot, carve the name in, let it dry, smash it, etc. Or make sandals with the name embroidered on them. And note that the desecration would only come later on, it was meant to be desecrated in the future in such contexts, or over time. These are active ritual processes and I'd guess were often in response to something, not just out of habit or social signaling. One act is actual magic, the other is a lazy habit. And when those names were written there was no fear of them, or they would not have been written in the first place, even to be crossed out.
  4. Continuing with historical Egypt, if the point of slashing-out “Apep” is to insult or attack the force, this completely misunderstands how names worked for our ancestors. The actual insult would be to not use the name at all, not even just its name (which again was not in English), but references to it, nicknames, etc., to not even think about it. But again this is not how Egypt saw Apep, they wrote about him, drew him, and SOMETIMES desecrated the name or image in rituals, which were significant events built on great effort, and not a simple keyboard habit. And it is precisely because Apep is weak that we can write about and depict him without fear.
  5. This treatment of the name Apep misunderstands both what that force is, and how much power it has. For instance, as pointed out by my aforementioned peer, it makes us wary of an inaccurate name for the force, but not the force itself. To elaborate…
5a. One way to see Apep is as an always present force no matter how often you desecrate its name. You can see Apep in entropy, or in the chaos of a plagued mind, or a deteriorating body. This will literally never change, and desecrating the name Apep will have no effect on it, this is a symbolic act we as humans do to say “screw you,” not to eliminate some threat. And these are everyday threats that must be watched for, you cannot just cross out the name Apep and think you are good for the day, it remains a threat in this sense. Just take the association between Apep and entropy to its conclusion: do we also need to edit and censor the word “entropy?” Of course not!
5b. The other way to view Apep, what I lean towards, is as nothing. It is not some willful god or entity, it is just a mindless force of material nature (meaning its influence is always limited to the material realm, rather than the spiritual). In billions and billions of years Apep has not destroyed one thing, has not defeated one god (who we really should think more highly of than that they need us to cross out an english word to survive), has not ruined one life. To even suggest it does cause our problems (in my opinion since I pick 5b over 5a) not only gives Apep way more power and fear than it deserves, but takes the blame off of us when we mess things up and don’t feel like owning up to it. Apep is not our devil, is not some malevolent Abrahamic boogeyman, it is just a recognized force of nature with no will and that will never change or be influenced by the acts of humans.
  1. Finally, the very idea of non-existence, of a god or individual returning to a state of primordial chaos, is a complete impossibility. Self-existence, such as that of our own and the gods, is a simple, axiomatic fact. For there to even being Apep, there must also be non-Apep, and it can never be otherwise. The very statement “I do not exist” cannot even be argued or conceived. This means that any fear of Apep, even historically speaking, is misplaced, a lack of understanding about the nature of the soul, a superstition. And that's okay, knowledge grows over time, just like we now know retainer sacrifices were wrong, and mummification/materialism is not needed for life after death. Honestly, not allowing knowledge to evolve in such a way gives Apep more praise than writing its name ever could.
Interestingly in this one topic we can see a lot of the problems I brought up manifested: the influence of Christian-based new ageism and superstition, the lack of objective/academic investigation into Egyptian belief and practices, unfamiliarity with even the basics of Egyptian beliefs and practices, the need for validation (such as a virtual pat on the back for slashing out Apep), and honestly just a plain laziness and desire to be handed everything on a silver platter immediately and without effort. These superstitious fears of Apep grant it more power over our lives than it ever could naturally have.
submitted by Wandering_Scarabs to EsotericOccult [link] [comments]
