World war app strategies

World War 3

2010.07.09 08:24 flyblackbox World War 3

World War 3 is a multiplayer military FPS set in a modern, global conflict. Join the fight in massive infantry battles, gain advantage over the enemy with personalized weapons, vehicles and drones. Experience true tactical combat in the global struggle where every battle counts.

2013.09.19 18:58 RimWorld, a sci-fi colony sim from Ludeon Studios

Discussion, screenshots, and links, get all your RimWorld content here!

2018.05.31 12:38 Fivetin World War 3 Game Community

This subreddit is a home for everything World War 3 game related. Information, news, leaks, and more. Join our community and disscuss the game, share your favourite moments and more!

2024.05.29 11:21 ChezDudu The EU parliament has passed the European Cycling Declaration - make sure to pressure your local government to follow suit.

From the link:
EU institutions commit to boost cycling across Europe
Today [3rd of April, 2024], the EU is taking another important step in reducing transport emissions by adopting the European Declaration on Cycling. In the margins of the Informal Transport European Council, Adina Vălean, Commissioner for Transport, will sign the declaration together with Karima Delli, Chair of the Transport Commitee of the European Parliament and Georges Gilkinet, Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium.
The declaration recognises cycling as a sustainable, accessible, and affordable means of transport, with strong added value for the EU economy. It includes clear commitments, such as safe and coherent cycling networks in cities, better links with public transport and secure parking spaces and access to recharging points for e-bikes. These commitments shall be taken at EU, national regional and local level. These are all necessary elements in improving the quality and quantity of cycling infrastructure across Member States and making cycling more attractive to the public.
Based on a proposal launched by the European Commission in October 2023 and responding to requests from the European Parliament and Member States, the declaration constitutes a joint political commitment and a strategic compass for existing and future policies and initiatives related to cycling.
Commissioner for Transport, Adina Vălean, said: "We recognise cycling's myriad benefits: it reduces pollution, eases urban congestion, and promotes healthier lifestyles. Moreover, cycling is a cornerstone of the European industry, driving innovation and growth while creating high-quality local jobs. Embracing cycling aligns with the EU's industrial strategy and its objectives."
Now the EU parliament doesn’t make the law and certainly not municipal or local regulations that are most likely to bring concrete changes. But you can use this document to argue and demand action from whoever oversees your part of the world. Get to work EU citizens!
submitted by ChezDudu to fuckcars [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:20 giftsaved Gifts for History Buffs

History enthusiasts appreciate gifts that not only indulge their passion for the past but also provide a deeper understanding and connection to historical events and figures. Here are some thoughtful and unique gift ideas that will surely captivate any history buff:

1. Historical Document Replicas

Gift idea: Replica of the Declaration of Independence

A high-quality replica of a significant historical document like the Declaration of Independence offers a tangible connection to pivotal moments in history. It’s perfect for display in a home office or study area.
Where to Buy: You can find these replicas in specialty stores or online shops specializing in historical memorabilia.

2. Vintage Map Artwork

Gift idea: Framed Vintage World Map

Vintage map artwork provides a glimpse into how our ancestors viewed the world. A beautifully framed vintage world map can serve as an elegant piece of home decor and a conversation starter.
Where to Buy: Check out art stores or online platforms that sell vintage and antique items.

3. Biography of a Historical Figure

Gift idea: “Alexander Hamilton” by Ron Chernow

A well-researched biography, like Ron Chernow’s “Alexander Hamilton”, can provide an in-depth look at a historical figure’s life, offering new insights and understanding.
Where to Buy: Available at most major bookstores or online book retailers.

4. Historical Board Games

Gift idea: “Twilight Struggle”

For a history buff who loves gaming, a board game like “Twilight Struggle”, which covers the Cold War era, can be both educational and entertaining.
Where to Buy: Board game shops or online stores specializing in games.

5. Antique Collectibles

Gift idea: Authentic World War II Memorabilia

Gifting authentic collectibles from significant historical periods, such as World War II, can be a deeply personal and cherished gift for a history enthusiast.
Where to Buy: Antique shops or online auctions sites are good places to look for genuine historical artifacts.

6. Museum Membership

Gift idea: Annual Membership to a Local History Museum

An annual membership to a local history museum provides unlimited access to learning and exploration, making it an ideal gift for those who love to immerse themselves in history.
Where to Buy: Directly from the museum, either in person or through their official website.

7. Historical Documentary Series

Gift idea: “The World at War” DVD Box Set

A comprehensive documentary series like “The World at War” can offer hours of informative viewing about significant historical events.
Where to Buy: Online DVD/Blu-ray retailers or streaming platforms with a focus on educational content.

8. Time Period Cooking Class

Gift idea: Medieval Cooking Workshop

A cooking class focused on historical recipes offers a unique experience to dive into the culinary history of a specific time period.
Where to Buy: Look for culinary schools or historical reenactment groups that offer such classes.

9. Restoration of a Family Heirloom

Gift idea: Professional Restoration Services

If the recipient owns a family heirloom, offering restoration services can be a deeply meaningful gift that preserves a piece of their personal history.
Where to Buy: Seek out professionals who specialize in restoring antiques or specific items like books, furniture, or paintings.

10. Custom Historical Portrait

Gift idea: Personalized Renaissance-style Portrait

A custom portrait in the style of a specific historical era, featuring the recipient, is both a fun and unique way to celebrate their love for history.
Where to Buy: Artists or studios that specialize in custom artwork can be found online.

When choosing a gift for a history buff, consider their specific interests in periods, figures, or events, as this can guide you in selecting a gift that is both thoughtful and deeply appreciated.
submitted by giftsaved to GiftSaved [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:17 spidergirl02 I am not interested in dating anymore. Yet, I yearn for a meaningful companionship

I am 22F, always been a hopeless romantic. I have dreamt of falling in love with someone that I have an intellectual connection with, building a nest and having children. I've never had a boyfriend and I've never been proposed to. In 2023, when I moved out of the house for the first time, I dabbled in dating apps after scoffing at the very idea of them. Met a guy, found him interesting (but not interested in him initially or even attracted to him). We start talking and I start getting interested and finding him attractive. Eventually, I find myself wanting to be in a relationship with him. But he after telling me that he liked me and I was an important person to him and telling me that he wouldn't mind more than a hug from me says that he has no time for a relationship. Yet, we keep talking and eventually he cuts communication. Fast forward to 3 months, I try to get back in the dating scene and I get exhausted. I quit all dating apps. Now, it feels impossible to find a good partner. I have no idea how organic dating works (I find it overwhelming to approach people, not JUST romantically). Every guy that I have every had a crush on is ALWAYS taken. I have never been proposed to or approached by anyone (it makes me feel that I am ugly and unlovable) I feel like I have lost my ability to be attracted to someone or be romantically interested in someone. I don't see it happen for me. How do you cope up with this brute of a world and yet find yourself desiring a meaningful companionship.
submitted by spidergirl02 to TwoXIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:17 WantonReader How the world collapsed into a wasteland

This subject has been raised before, but I didn't find this specific take on it. George Miller has his shifting timeline/mythology for how and when regular society fell and how Max can remember society when it's history for everyone else. Well, I came up with this idea when playing the game Mad Max (I know it doesn't fit in Miller's world but I think it presents the same idea as in Fury Road but just clearer).
What if the collapse of society happened in stages? Not only in that whole society became poorer and more cruel in stages but that civilization actively withdrew from more rural places, creating an early wasteland and eventually a later wasteland?
People living in rural places would experience a societal collapse early while other people, very far away, would still be living in something similar to society, but one on the edge, with some news traveling to the wasteland about more crises and wars.
When the final collapse happened, many years later, it could cause the survivors of society to either escape into the wasteland because now society is dying with disease, war, bombs and other things and the wasteland isn't hit by. Or society also turns into a wasteland, just later.
That could explain why there are still some modern devices, how Max and a few others used to live in a society but for everyone around him its completely foreign. Max grew up in places that still had civilization and when it collapsed, he travelled to the wasteland where no one has known civilization for a long time.
submitted by WantonReader to MadMax [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:16 Membershipofbus Stop making fake news about Dua Lipa against Israel

Stop making fake news about Dua Lipa against Israel
Stop making fake news about Dua Lipa, stop saying the supports Palestine, stop saying that she hates Israel, stop calling her anti semitic, stop saying she want free Palestine, she doesn’t care about Palestine, stop lying about her, if Dua Lipa was against Israel she wouldn’t be friends with Adele, Dua Lipa’s getting tired of being accused of being against Israel 😡if you continue to lie about Dua Lipa I’ll get all the Palestinians killed!
submitted by Membershipofbus to DuaLipaVIPs [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:16 juls300 Choose your ending

Choose your ending submitted by juls300 to 2westerneurope4u [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:13 rockyroman950 Ayesha Khan Condemns Israeli Airstrike on Rafah in Tears

Ayesha Khan Condemns Israeli Airstrike on Rafah in Tears
The humanitarian and activist Ayesha Khan had tears running down her face when she condemned a recent Israeli airstrike on Rafah explosively for its tremendous emotional appeal. The act that caused a good many civilians into dying many more injured, houses demolished among others aspects sparked massive debates from all corners of the world almost instantly refocusing back on their own land heating up this whole issue again.
The tragedy in Rafah
Rafah a town in southern Gaza has always been Israel and Palestine’s battleground. The most recent airstrike was planned by the Israeli military during high tensions; it hit areas believed to be strongholds of militants though other parts such as homes were affected leading to many innocent casualties mainly kids.
There were scenes of disarray and destruction seen by onlookers. When it came to homes, the buildings were rumble-strewn and there families looking out for each other in the midst of it all. As far as hospitals within radius go, they had already been overburdened as they lacked resources with having the ongoing war still happening around them; therefore, they could not handle any more patients who came their way thus making situations much worse than before.(52) However, NGOs that deal with them have called on nations globally say it was time we urgently intervened basing on more and more deteriorating situations.
Ayesha Khan's Emotional Appeal
Ayesha khan, a well-known figure who has always been championing for calms and fairness within areas with conflict, talked to press in a sorrowful setting. As her face was wet with tears, she passed a powerful message on stopping the attacks and asking for immediate relief assistance.
This is not merely an offensive against Rafah. It offends all people" she said Khan raising her voice. "Innocent souls perishing, children who will never get old and families separated apart ought not to happen anymore. We can’t afford simply observing such barbaric acts.
Many across the globe were moved by Khans emotive request, leading to more people demanding that peace discussions should resume and ceasefire be declared afresh. Her sincere criticism was re-posted by thousands on various social networking sites in an act of standing together calling for fairness.
International Reaction
Many different countries have disapproved in part and asked to control one’s anger. The United Nations has asked both countries involved in the disagreement to sit down again and so as not to do things that will make things worse. There are many other nations who are fighting against it such as big countries in Europe they want to know whether human rights were not respected by conducting their own research.
Human rights organizations have voiced out most, criticizing the large number of people in Gaza who are affected by the war. Both Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch urge for an end to the air-strikes immediately and removing the blockades in Gaza which should be done to enable delivery of basic necessities.
The Broader Context
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is among the longest and bitterest of modern disputes globally, characterised by repeated violent episodes in which both sides have sustained high casualty figures. Repeated efforts at securing a lasting peace have broken down, largely due to episodes of violence, political turmoil, and ingrained mutual suspicion.
Numerous causes, such as political changes within Israel and Palestine plus wider regional forces, have been identified as the cause of this increased hostility. In particular, the economic and social problems facing Gaza are grave, leading to a significant humanitarian crisis.
Call to Action
The Rafah airstrike has sparked renewed demand for peace that is all-encompassing and takes into account the genesis of the war. These matters include but are not limited to territorial disputes, refugees’ rights, security apprehensions and mutual acceptance.
Ayesha Khan, in her tear filled speech stressed the necessity of having empathy and standing in solidarity with people who are affected by the war. "It is essential to keep in mind that for each figure, there is a person – a mother or father or a little kid, and our hearts should break for them because they are dying inside us, here somewhere out of sight&rdquo.
Her words are a strong reminder of how much people are suffering because of the conflict and the need for it to be resolved immediately. Her speech will not only create attention in the world community as people watch but will encourage some actions to bring about peace.
The impact of Israeli-Palestinian conflict is highlighted once more by the airstrike on Rafah and the emotional condemnation by Ayesha Khan. The urgency of finding a lasting and fair solution for this matter is glaringly clear as demands from all over the world build up. Therefore, all people are required to strive in order to create a world where peace and justice reign so as to answer such tears from Khan’s; they serve as reminder that we are all humans beyond any political differences.
Also visit: Ayesha Khan in Tears: Condemning the Israeli Airstrike on Rafah
submitted by rockyroman950 to u/rockyroman950 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:12 vefstofan Ghost Army, During World War II

Ghost Army, During World War II submitted by vefstofan to u/vefstofan [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:12 shmalvey Thoughts on All Stars 4 Episode 9

submitted by shmalvey to MtvChallenge [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:11 EcstaticPack9972 i edited a quest 3 thing and made this

i edited a quest 3 thing and made this submitted by EcstaticPack9972 to Quest3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:08 UnlimitedSaudi MSNBC’s Ayman shows all of Israel’s “mistakes”

MSNBC’s Ayman shows all of Israel’s “mistakes” submitted by UnlimitedSaudi to InternationalNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:06 Abuecom Best Meta Scaling Strategy for 2024

Cost caps are the perfect tool for scaling - but the protection they provide during turbulent times is just as important.
You don’t need an economics degree to realize that sales are low right now.
Unless you’re selling seasonal products - sales are pretty much at the lowest point they will be throughout the year.
Traffic quality is poor, conversion rates are on the floor & CPAs are all over the place.
The ecom gurus that miraculously became crypto gurus (overnight) have now lost their whole portfolio
But take it from someone eight years deep in the game - times are tough right now & it’s only going to get worse before it gets better.
It happens every year.
Luckily, it’s not all doom & gloom…
In fact, trust me when I say this:
It’s the perfect time to build.
Q4 is not too far away. Now is the time to lock tf in so you can reap bigger rewards as the year progresses.
Think about it like this:
If you knew a crypto coin was GUARANTEED to 10x at the end of the year - wouldn’t you do everything in your power to accumulate as much as possible?
Damn right you would.
Well, ecom is the most predictable market in the world. The start of the year is average, the middle of the year is terrible & the end of the year is great.
I don’t understand how people haven’t caught on. The trend is obvious.
Your sole focus should be accumulating as much ecom equity as possible right now.
Cost caps are the perfect tool for doing so.
If you set your cost cap at profitable levels, you know that your CPAs will always be protected - so you don’t have to worry about Meta/sales being unstable.
Instead, you can shift your focus towards maximizing spend - in order to generate as much profitable volume as possible.
To be honest, this should be your goal all the time - but it’s particularly important right now.
Maximize your spend through new creatives, new offers & learning how to leverage Meta’s machine to your advantage.
Then, as soon as the market starts to pick up - your ad spend will automatically 5/10x & your profits will go through the roof.
That’s why cost controls are so powerful - they adapt to the market.
Think about it - if you can make it work when market conditions are tough, imagine how easy it is when the market is in your favor.
The thing is, everyone is a genius in a bull market.
Running a profitable store in Q4 really isn’t that hard.
The reason all the low-cost agency dorks have gone so quiet (at this time of year) is because their gimmicky media buying strategies have been exposed as facades.
For example, CPMs are down right now & so are CPCs. In Q4, these dorks didn’t shut up about optimizing for low CPCs.
Well, guess what - CPCs are at their lowest right now & all their ads are failing.
I tried to warn them - but they were too busy adopting BS media buying strategies (to make it look like they know what they’re doing, when in reality, they don’t) to listen.
Ecom isn’t easy right now - but if you can build robust systems to profit through bearish times, then you’re in for a real treat when things start to pick back up.
You shouldn’t feel de-motivated that sales are down right now - you should feel motivated that now is the perfect time to build.
Remember, you can still be very profitable at this time of year - especially with cost caps - you will just be making 5/10x more in Q4.
Good luck & happy scaling.
submitted by Abuecom to dropshipping [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:04 Abuecom Best meta scaling strategy of 2024

Cost caps are the perfect tool for scaling - but the protection they provide during turbulent times is just as important.
You don’t need an economics degree to realize that sales are low right now.
Unless you’re selling seasonal products - sales are pretty much at the lowest point they will be throughout the year.
Traffic quality is poor, conversion rates are on the floor & CPAs are all over the place.
The ecom gurus that miraculously became crypto gurus (overnight) have now lost their whole portfolios & the space is eerily quiet.
But take it from someone eight years deep in the game - times are tough right now & it’s only going to get worse before it gets better.
It happens every year.
Luckily, it’s not all doom & gloom…
In fact, trust me when I say this:
It’s the perfect time to build.
Q4 is not too far away. Now is the time to lock tf in so you can reap bigger rewards as the year progresses.
Think about it like this:
If you knew a crypto coin was GUARANTEED to 10x at the end of the year - wouldn’t you do everything in your power to accumulate as much as possible?
Damn right you would.
Well, ecom is the most predictable market in the world. The start of the year is average, the middle of the year is terrible & the end of the year is great.
I don’t understand how people haven’t caught on. The trend is obvious.
Your sole focus should be accumulating as much ecom equity as possible right now.
Cost caps are the perfect tool for doing so.
If you set your cost cap at profitable levels, you know that your CPAs will always be protected - so you don’t have to worry about Meta/sales being unstable.
Instead, you can shift your focus towards maximizing spend - in order to generate as much profitable volume as possible.
To be honest, this should be your goal all the time - but it’s particularly important right now.
Maximize your spend through new creatives, new offers & learning how to leverage Meta’s machine to your advantage.
Then, as soon as the market starts to pick up - your ad spend will automatically 5/10x & your profits will go through the roof.
That’s why cost controls are so powerful - they adapt to the market.
Think about it - if you can make it work when market conditions are tough, imagine how easy it is when the market is in your favor.
The thing is, everyone is a genius in a bull market.
Running a profitable store in Q4 really isn’t that hard.
The reason all the low-cost agency dorks have gone so quiet (at this time of year) is because their gimmicky media buying strategies have been exposed as facades.
For example, CPMs are down right now & so are CPCs. In Q4, these dorks didn’t shut up about optimizing for low CPCs.
Well, guess what - CPCs are at their lowest right now & all their ads are failing.
I tried to warn them - but they were too busy adopting BS media buying strategies (to make it look like they know what they’re doing, when in reality, they don’t) to listen.
Ecom isn’t easy right now - but if you can build robust systems to profit through bearish times, then you’re in for a real treat when things start to pick back up.
You shouldn’t feel de-motivated that sales are down right now - you should feel motivated that now is the perfect time to build.
Remember, you can still be very profitable at this time of year - especially with cost caps - you will just be making 5/10x more in Q4.
Good luck & happy scaling.
submitted by Abuecom to FacebookAds [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:04 Grouchy-Coffee-8621 25% off games

Hi here are some of my son's codes for 25% off above games. I've put a headset link as well which gives £23 credit on new purchase. Many thanks
Ghosts Of Tabor
Vacation Simulator
Job Simulator
Baby hands
Blade & Sorcery
Cosmonius High
Floor plan 2
Kill it with fire
Little cities
Shave and stuff
7th guest
The climb 2
Titans clinic
Traffic jams
War of wizards
Use my referral link to buy Meta Quest 2, and we'll both get a £23 Store credit to use on apps and games:
submitted by Grouchy-Coffee-8621 to OculusReferralLinks [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:04 demonhero19 How do you make a god for an ancestry of people who they were made by other people?

For context, In my DND setting there are standard gods with each being related to each ancestry in some way (elves, dwarves etc) however Goblins and Orcs were made by elves to be slaves for war and fodder. They only recently gained their freedom settings wise (about 80 years ago) and broke off from the elven kingdoms, moving to the barren deserts of the world and becoming the worlds first pirates, living in sand skiff cities that moves among the dunes, though an Orc now has the freedom to go anywhere, and they'll notice changes with their environment as they were "designed" by elves to be highly adaptive to enviroments and their skin colour will change with the environment within days. (maybe make their god one of adapting to life?) Now I'm struggling to make a god for them unsure of where to go.
Part of me wanted to take the living god route, A normal Orc who through fighting for his peoples freedom and obtained godhood through that way, becoming the god of the sands, community, and nomadic lifestyles, though I might incorporate them into the god of freedom, a gender neutral shapeshifter who is the "newest" god in the setting, and who's entire theme and life is spent freeing slaves and supporting pirates. Though I'm not sure where else to take this, and I'd love to hear other idea's any of you have so please feel free to ask any questions if it'll help with idea's.
submitted by demonhero19 to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:03 Used-Hamster3654 How to Practice German Daily: Integrating Language Learning into Your Routine

Integrating German into your daily routine is essential for consistent progress. Here are practical steps to help you practice German every day Best german language institute in india.

1. Morning Routine: Start Your Day with German

2. Commute Time: Make It Productive

3. Work or Study Breaks: Short Bursts of Practice

4. Lunchtime: Mix Learning with Relaxation

5. Afternoon Focus: Structured Learning

6. Evening: Engaging Activities

7. Night: Reflect and Prepare

Additional Tips:

By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you can make consistent and efficient progress in learning German. The key is regular practice, using diverse resources, and integrating the language into various aspects of your life.
submitted by Used-Hamster3654 to u/Used-Hamster3654 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:01 MTGamesInteractive We are now available on Reddit!

We are now available on Reddit! Our goal is to reach all gamers and be accessible wherever you are. Here's a bit about us for those who don't know: we create computer games and are currently working on Tactical Vengeance: Play The Games, our latest project which is an extraordinary single-playemultiplayer shooter. The game features seven different match types: Bomb, Conquest, Capture The Flag, Team Deathmatch, and more. You fight as a team with or without bots. The game is released as Early Access on Steam (

More about the game:

Get ready for an explosive action-adventure where every bullet counts and every decision can change the course of the game. Our game puts you on the front lines, where you battle hordes of enemies and embark on challenging missions that require both sharpness and tactical savvy.
In our intense shooter game, only the strongest and most daring can survive. Gather your team of fearless warriors, arm yourself with weapons, and dive into the fight for victory and honor. Whether you prefer to be a sniper, an explosives expert, or an invincible tank soldier, we have something for everyone.
Experience the adrenaline rush as you navigate through dangerous environments, challenge rival teams, and fight to conquer terrain and resources. With our innovative multiplayer features, you can collaborate with friends around the world or compete against them in epic battles for dominance.
So what are you waiting for? Take your friends on an action-packed journey through our game universe, where only the bravest will survive.
Stay connected by joining our Discord community to stay up-to-date with the latest news and updates about our upcoming game features, as well as other exciting developments and beyond. Join us on Discord today and become a part of the journey!
submitted by MTGamesInteractive to u/MTGamesInteractive [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:00 segodnj Héritage actions pea, revente et plus value

Hello le sous,
J'ai hérité il y a quelques années d'actions LU1240329380.
J'ai transféré mon PEA de la CE vers Bourse Direct et j'ai vu que cela n'avait pas "impacté" le versement maximal de 150 000€ (je l'ai vu sur l'application CE avant de faire le transfert).
Actuellement il y a une plus value d'environ 1 000€ dessus et je voulais savoir : si je revend ces actions pour racheter par la suite du MSCI WORLD, cela aura-t-il un impact sur le versement total ?
Question annexe : je n'arrive pas à trouver ni sur le site ni sur l'App de BD combien on a versé sur le PEA. Vous savez où le trouver ?
submitted by segodnj to vosfinances [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:00 WaveOfWire This is (not) a Dungeon - Chapter 1

Next Patreon Ko-fi Discord
PRs: u/anakist & u/BroDogIsMyName
- - - - -
The cave was dark, its luminescent crystals having long since faded, the shattered shards sprinkling onto the stone floors as inert fragments. Once intricate brickwork was now rubble and crumbled debris, their murals and etchings now lost to deterioration. Countless tunnels and subterranean floors had filled in over time, reducing the monument of his efforts to but a solitary room nested within an unremarkable hole in the hillside, far beyond the township he called home. Or so he assumed, anyway. There was no way of knowing where he was, nor if said home even existed anymore, though he was doubtful it did. It had been far too long since he entered this promise-turned-prison, and he had no more heart to ache.
An ashen glow of sunlight penetrated the pitiful, dreary depths he was once prideful of. The luminance fought against the haze of dust and miasma, but never quite brought its warmth inside, teasing him. He’d forgotten what it felt like to stand in that brightness. To experience the gentle breeze and soft rustle of leaves. Admittedly, the touch of nature’s blessing was one he never often experienced, making for those sparse moments of sunkissed relaxation to be amongst the first memories to dissipate. There were things he still recalled, of course—the days before a single well-intentioned decision changed everything.
The days before he knew only regret.
Altier could still picture the modest farmland that his brothers and father worked on, and how he watched from behind the moss-laden shutters of his room, a frail smile worn on his emaciated face. His two siblings were well and hearty; they quickly grew up to be strong men, becoming apprentices under the village’s herbalist and leatherworker respectively. One would always help their father tend to the crops while the other was off gaining the experience required to take over the storefronts of their eventual occupation.
Their father would regularly be seen wiping the sweat off his brow and wearing a proud grin whenever his young men came back to ramble about what they learned, even if the elder man never understood much of it. That hardly mattered to him; knowing his boys were happy was enough for him to listen with rapt attention, and he repeated their words to his spouse, pretending to know why what he talked about was impressive. The matron of the family always winked Altier’s way when his father would start his usual boasting, letting her adorable fool of a partner take pride in their children for wrapping their heads around whatever he couldn’t. She loved him anyway, calling him playful names with a serene and adoring smile. The sound of her laughter at her husband’s antics could warm even the coldest of winters.
She cared for Altier when she wasn’t busy tidying the home his father built with his own two hands, the structure degrading over time, yet cared for all the same. She would heat the iron stove they had saved up for, her enchanting singing softly reaching those who listened. His father purchased it from a promising blacksmith just to spare his poor wife the trouble of maintaining a fireplace; it cost them years of being frugal, but the delight she showed at no longer needing to bear the direct heat when preparing meals made it worth every coin.
Altier still blamed himself for wasting her time with his needs, but his main regret was the toll his birth took on the angel of a woman. Her constitution wasn’t the best even before his addition, and although she was far from crippled by it, the thin woman couldn’t quite hide the struggles it caused. She never explicitly said why she was so weak, but he assumed she didn’t want him to shoulder the blame for something she decided herself. He pretended not to.
Unfortunately, such a frailty was carried on to their youngest son, yet done so in the worst of fashions. Ever since Altier was but a babe, he struggled with even the simplest of tasks, his body brittle and his lungs temperamental. A gaunt, bedridden figure showed his pale flesh clinging to nigh useless musculature, with sunken cheeks and eyes shadowed by omnipresent illness. The doctors that visited their village only did so twice a year, and being seen by them cost a proportional sum. Yet his parents wasted their coin every fall and spring, hopeful that their child would be cured. They told him that it was subsidized by the crown when he asked how they could afford it, assuring him that it wasn’t making his family financially suffer. He kept quiet and smiled, hiding the fact that he could see the effects of their dwindling coffers.
The answer never changed. ‘Mana deficiency,’ the learned man had called it, recommending that the corpse of a boy channel energy from rare stones to ease his ailment. The doctor even offered to procure an appropriately attuned gem himself, which Altier’s parents latched onto, evaporating their meagre savings and relegating the hopes of hiring help for the fields to being but a dream. The first element, Nature, was what most people held some affinity for, and even if his alignment was dismal, a concentrated stone would curb the worst of his symptoms.
The light green gemstone failed to so much as warm within his palms.
His doting mother and strong-willed father were undiscouraged. In fact, they were delighted; they voiced enthusiastic speculation on what affinity their troubled boy might have, seeing as how something considered ‘common’ was unsuitable. Altier was of a different mind, seeing the blinds of optimism veiling the impending downfall of reality. The pair couldn’t fathom anything but excellence from their offspring, and although they never forced unrealistic expectations upon their young, they were ignorant of just how crushing that faith could be.
They never saw how strained his smile became as gem after gem lay inert in his hands, while their excitement only grew, though that too came to an end. Altier’s hopes of recovery vanished when his father was the one to break the news; the doctors had no more stones to give. They had tried them all, and anything more potent was well outside their means. He was promised that the search for a solution would continue, neglecting the fact that they had already borrowed funds from most of the village to afford what they already found.
His father held him in a tight embrace that night, reassuring the stock-still boy. Altier never noticed how his eyes had gone wide at the information. He didn’t even feel the rivulets of tears pouring down his sickly skin. No, he simply remained frozen as he connected the dots as to why his mother wasn’t the one delivering the news.
She wouldn’t be able to hide the fear in her eyes.
Though beleaguered he might be, Altier was not so ignorant as to forget the one gemstone they never tried—the only affinity that had yet to be tested, and never would be.
Reviled by the church and woven into the concepts of death and entropy, Decay was what stalked heroes in tales of old. Decay was what bled from graveyards and followed the monstrous attacks that left bustling townships as little more than crumbled ruins. Decay was powered by pain, suffering, and bloodshed, using the gathered energies to bring forth yet more horrid atrocities.
And he was one of the accursed few who manifested an affinity with such a voracious element. It fed off his own vitality, consuming him to fuel its demands. He would never be healthy as long as he stayed quiet and kind; every ounce of growth would be combated by ever-increasing requirements. Eventually, the pittance he supplied might not be enough, and therein lie the fear he remembered in his mother’s visage.
He would be killed by his own affinity…or kill to provide for it.
Unwilling, unintentional death would be stripped from the cloth of others’ survival.
The bedridden young man became further withdrawn after that, turning away visitation to immerse himself in daydreaming. They still loved him, and they were sure to remind him constantly, yet he couldn’t help but notice that even the most assertive interaction never brought them closer than the doorway. He smiled regardless, escaping into books read by candlelight. The stories made his isolation less painful.
Altier lived vicariously through tales of knights combating orcs and goblins, suave merchants persuading harpies and lamia to relinquish their collections, and impeccable heroes who stood atop slain menacing dragons. It was a pastime of his that arose when his father acquired an old storybook from a roaming trader; he would turn the final page, then try to guess where fact ended and fiction reigned supreme. He had heard of the many monsters while eavesdropping from his window, but they all were either settled in distant lands or subdued by the army before they became a problem. A peaceful township like his benefited greatly from being so far from the uninhabited wastes beyond the kingdom’s borders, yet also came with its detriments—the lack of apothecaries was a notable one.
He was surprised when he heard the hushed whispers from beyond his room, the earthen pathways of their village set alight by curious voices. Men, women, and children alike gathered in front of their homes and workplaces to watch as soldiers of the king’s army politely marched through the streets, stopping in front of the humble abode belonging to a family of five.
At first, he feared that the financial toll of his condition had hindered his parents from paying due tax, earning the crown’s ire. But no, they came with a proposition; one of the king’s aides had received a letter from a doctor providing someone with elemental stones, and the news of a decay affinity was apparently quite intriguing to them.
He listened to parents refusing to part with their son, yet he also heard his brothers citing just how miserable their youngest was, begging their father not to imprison a child inside the cage of good intentions. It was hard to place both arguments inside the same frame, but it was clear that everyone still cared for him in spite of his affinity. The talking turned to shouting, then flipped to sharpened silence when the stairs creaked beneath his feet, drawing attention to the thin form of his weakened body. He took advantage of the guilty looks and curious new faces to ask what the offer was.
The crown’s minister of magic wanted to hire him—an absurd thought, but one he confirmed by having them repeat it twice. Decay seemed to be an exceedingly rare affinity, and was sparsely documented outside its occasional mention in yarns tumbling past the lips of horribly scarred and inebriated adventurers. He was wanted for study, and after receiving clarification that the process wouldn’t be harmful, he almost considered it. Why wouldn’t he? As much as his family tried, they were terrified of what he might become or do. He was tired of placing a burden upon them, never being able to help with the farm or clean around the house, and he was disgusted with how much more difficult his parent’s life was just by his existence. Of course, his mother and father had countless gripes they brought to light when they saw his contemplative expression, but the knight at the table placed down the final counterpoint.
A writ of promised compensation and a pouch of coin clinked against the aging furniture. The king himself had signed the document, and although neither of his parents received much education, they were both able to read the amount. As long as Altier continued to work, the crown would pay a portion of his earnings directly to his family. The house could get desperately needed repairs, the fields would see new farmhands, and his mother could hire help. They could have everything Altier had taken from them since his birth…and all he had to do was say yes.
So he did.
He ignored the protests, gathered his things, then hugged his parents and siblings farewell the next morning, promising to send them letters on how he was whenever he could. They were less than thrilled—hearing from him once a season at best wasn’t preferable—but they eventually wished him well when he explained that he hoped to control his affinity. His mother wept upon realizing he was aware of her concern over all those years. He cried when she told him that it pained her to remain so distant. The fear for her own life was something she didn’t feel at all; she just didn’t want him to blame himself if something happened that he couldn’t control.
“I brought you into this world to be loved,” she whispered into his ear as she held him, her voice damp and cracking, yet filled with familial affection. “I knew what it would cost me when I learned I was pregnant again; I just didn’t consider how you could think it was your fault. I would never forgive myself if you suffered because of something I decided. Death is too kind a punishment for what it would do to you.”
It took a while, but he did manage to collect himself enough to walk with his escort to the village’s limits, one of the soldiers helping him stay upright without an order or word of protest. They brought him to a carriage, then set off for the mainland, the view of his home shrinking until it was a mere speck in the distance. He could almost still see his parents’ faces filled with pride and sorrow, awestruck by his selflessness yet torn by his departure. His brothers had kept their facade of confidence and a jovial demeanour, but their concern bled through strained smiles. He fell asleep to the sounds of horses and the crackle of rocks against wooden wheels.
Some time passed without much of note occurring. Altier was examined by kind people of a town that was still rather far from the city, but no one had specifically said he was going there, so he wasn’t sure why he didn’t think to ask. Nevertheless, his affinity was documented using tools he couldn’t identify, and the answers he got for his inquiries passed straight through his ears. He was worried his lack of education would irritate the obviously more well-off researchers, yet the soft-spoken academics didn’t dislike him for his ignorance. They tried explaining things to him in ways he could understand, but switched to more general conversation when he was still struggling to comprehend. It was fine, though; he enjoyed the company.
Despite the long wait for a reply, the first letter he got back from his parents was a reassurance he didn’t know he needed. They had received their first payment since he left, and the pages were scrawled edge to edge with their praises, worries, heard gossip, and a single mention of his brother courting a woman. Altier wrote how glad he was that they were well, told them of all the interesting sights, his disappointment at not being in the capital proper, and how kind everyone was. He chuckled to himself after handing the letter off to be delivered, a last minute thought having him jot down a request for his mother to tease the nascent couple in his stead. He wondered if the next reply would include a relationship or not.
Things took a turn after a year. His eldest brother was still seeing his sweetheart, while the middle sibling had yet to have anyone catch his eye, his sights set on his work with the herbalist. Their mother mentioned how she suspected he was interested in the older woman in charge of providing salves and poultice for the village’s ill, and although she was hoping for him to find someone his own age, she put his happiness over having grandchildren. Their father was just as supportive, putting down his own sloppily written query on how their ‘brave boy’ was doing in romantic endeavours.
Altier smiled as he read, updating his family on how he had been moved to a more isolated region since their last correspondence, and thus wasn’t really able to meet anyone he could see himself with. He insisted he was fine, scattering well-wishes and the like while he avoided speaking of events he had promised not to mention. The response came off as somewhat stiff, but he was sure they would understand. All that really mattered was that they were happy and healthy.
His profession as a research subject came to an end, in a way. After collecting what information they could, there was a period where no one bothered to visit the Decay-afflicted young man. He dwelled within his humble accommodations in the middle of a forest, but he didn’t press when the people assigned to deliver food refused to answer where he was. It was fine; he had new books brought to him regularly, and knowing that his family was being taken care of by his ‘work’ was enough to dissuade him from complaining. He stayed quiet even as he got sicker and sicker, some nights spent shivering next to the fireplace with the most recent letter being held by trembling hands. The look of contentment on his face was genuine despite the insufferable pain.
Someone did eventually visit his little hovel in the woods. A man who introduced himself as a ‘Technician’ entered, accepted some simple tea, and made polite conversation for a while. It was a pleasant experience for someone who had grown used to solitude. Once they had both finished their drink, the Technician called for an aide to bring in an unexpectedly opulent box. The gold trim parted to reveal a strange orb—a ‘core’ the man called it, though he was reticent on what it was or did. All Altier was told was to spend the night’s rest with it in his hands, and by the morning, he would no longer suffer from his affinity.
“There is still much for us to learn, Altier,” the Technician promised, putting the younger man’s worries to rest. “Tomorrow, you will be stronger than ever. I would wager your parents will be ecstatic once you tell them.”
“W-what are we studying next?” Altier stuttered out, feeling the weight of the strange stone as it was laid into his unsure grasp. It was no larger than an apple, yet the smooth obsidian sphere somehow dragged him downward by the heart, the flawless surface captivating his attention in a way he both liked and despised. Light bent as he inspected the object, almost avoiding its very presence. He settled it on his lap after a moment, conflicted about how he would be healed by something the very world seemed to reject.
“We,” the newcomer started, flourishing an arm towards Altier, “are going to prepare. With your help, we can create the heroes from those stories you so love.”
It was a bitter memory in retrospect, yet the sickly boy at that table was entranced by what was promised to him. His soul would be captured by the orb, and he would be given the ability to make a Dungeon—the very same he read about hundreds of times. His body would be taken care of, suspended until he returned to it, which he was assured would be whenever he wanted.
That assurance came with a stipulation, however. Were he to decide that he was done, he would lose his new abilities, return to his old form, and be sent on his way, fully healed. But—and there was always a ‘but’—his parents would no longer receive compensation. The king had been withholding from implementing a tax increase in his village, and once the reason for it was no longer employed, then the other ministers would place immeasurable pressure until he capitulated. Altier’s whole world before leaving would fall under the demands. The Technician wore a sombre, sympathetic gaze as he expressed how difficult things would be for the boy’s parents.
Stupid, gullible Altier agreed, thanking the stranger for the opportunity. He went to bed with hope in his heart and wonder on his tongue.
[User identified: Altier
Affinity: Decay
Status: Deteriorating (Insufficient mana supply)
Inherent Ability: Avatar of Decay]
[Error: Insufficient Mana. System will acquire the excess from suitable sources as dictated by the User.
Error: User is unable to designate a suitable source.
Searching based on default requirements…Source found.
Converting source to Mana…Success.
Updating libraries…Success.
Implementing framework…Success.
Establishing Domain…Failure. Insufficient Mana. Insufficient Authority.
Modifying criteria…Success.
Establishing Domain…Success.]
[Dungeon established! Generating assignment…Success.]
[Priority assignment: Prevent the End—324:450:3247:345:34:12]
[Priority assignment: Prevent the End—324:450:3247:345:34:11]
[Priority assignment: Prevent the End—324:450:3247:345:34:10]
- - - - -
When he awoke, it wasn’t to the small room where books threatened to take over every available surface, but to a claustrophobic darkness that crushed him as much as left him weightless. He had been warned that the experience would be disorienting, so he clenched the jaw he learned was no longer there, took a breath that could no longer be taken, and waited like he was supposed to.
Thankfully, the Technician was a man of his word, and he came back shortly after Altier had managed to figure out the basics of…well, of whatever he was turned into. He found a way to ‘see’ the world around him, though ignoring the sense of vertigo that came with having sight of everything at once was difficult. There was text that he could summon or dismiss at will, but it only really displayed a countdown he wasn’t familiar with. Truth be told, he wasn’t quite sure what to think of things back then, but he remembered feeling relieved when the Technician brought droves of researchers.
The first thing he noticed with his new senses was that he was underground. The second was that he didn’t know how to talk without a mouth. Apparently, his new company had a list of expected inquiries, and they set out to answer as many questions as he might have.
Someone explained that they had already moved his body to a secure area, and in order to make use of his nascent abilities, his new form was taken to a suitable location. It made sense to him; if he was supposed to be a place where soldiers trained to fight monsters and get stronger, then they needed it somewhere hidden away from people who might accidentally wander in. Guards were apparently placed outside the entrance, but when he tried to separate his focus from the polished black orb, his sight grew dim and indistinct. They mentioned that sort of thing was expected, and once they placed him on a pedestal, he would be able to ‘feel’ his Domain more clearly.
He learned over time what a Domain was and how to use it, guided by the researchers and the occasional soldier or knight who stopped by to see how Altier was performing. He summoned his first creature using his stockpile of mana, though the spider wasn’t very threatening. Apparently, the pool of his new resource incremented passively based on how large he was, and would strengthen his abilities, but it also required an upkeep to maintain. He could get more by analyzing new materials, objects, or whatever else he hadn’t seen before, and he gained a larger amount by absorbing something—after inspecting it, ideally. Beginning as a single room, neither the upkeep nor income was particularly exciting, but the researchers also had a solution to that: Invaders.
‘Invader’ was a term that referred to any creature that entered his Domain, and although he gained mana during their occupation, they were also a threat to the core. His imminent concern for his safety was abated by the Technician quickly assuring him that, in the unlikely event that the core was destroyed, he would be transferred back to his body without any ill effects, but it would also bring an end to the agreement that prevented his family from being crushed by financial demands. He quietly reiterated the point until it stuck, then waited through the explanation until he had most of his questions answered.
Sadly, the Altier back then didn’t know what questions to ask.
Once he worked out how to summon and manage the most basic of creatures, his guides urged him to build and expand, which took some getting used to. A single room became a hub of connections, and despite the advice given, he metaphorically banged his head against the wall that was trying to close off his core. It just didn’t work; any walls would refuse to be built, containers would topple before they fell over him, and everything else he tried ended just as unspectacularly. Something would always be able to reach him if they had the desire to.
Eventually, he was put through mock ‘invasions’ where fresh trainees fought his creatures, reached the core, then stopped to place a hand on it before leaving, taking some of his mana as a reward. He didn’t understand how it worked, but he learned that people could ‘absorb’ some experience to fuel their affinity if they touched him. The more experienced he became, the more that invaders received, and the more experience he got from defending his core from increasingly powerful invaders. It was a cycle he could comprehend, and it put to rest the lingering fear that someone would try to break his core.
There was also something of an exchange going on; coloured motes were left behind on the core’s surface, then slowly absorbed. Each time it happened, he gained a little more insight on how to integrate new things into his dungeon—first a small pool of water, then a fire, then other things that seemed fairly removed from the concept of ‘Decay.’ As soon as a researcher noticed what was going on, the Technician encouraged Altier to specialize in a particular element, since that was apparently more efficient. With a few more long-winded explanations, he had figured out how to hide anything that wasn’t related to Decay within his ‘menu,’ and focused on making himself as strong as he could.
Mock invasions became a regular occurrence, each one taking place after he had the chance to patch holes in his strategy or adjust rooms. He discovered that expanding downwards was an option, but doing so meant that he needed a ‘Boss’ to precede the stairs. The selection unsettled and excited him. A skeleton was what ended up guarding the way deeper into his Domain, and at the insistence of his guides, he left the new creature…monster…? He left his new creation as it was and set about expanding the second floor. Thankfully, the task went smoother since he knew what to do, and soon enough, he was the proud owner of ten floors. Every boss focused on testing what the knights and soldiers knew about fighting and teamwork, and every floor down grew harder and harder to contest.
Altier’s first ‘victory’ was gained when his ‘invaders’ surrendered on the ninth floor. He had been proud of that; they weren’t expecting him to branch into using animal as well as humanoid skeletons. A well-placed Ox made short work of their forces, but stopped before doing more than bashing them around. The thrill of defending his core was incomparable. He also gained access to some more cosmetic options for his existing structures, including the ability to write on a sign if he so wished—though doing so was prohibitively expensive. He didn’t care; a sign was put near the entrance within seconds, asking if someone would mind letting him know when letters arrived from his parents, and to write his reply to send back.
To his relief, it wasn’t much longer before a letter did arrive. He was delighted to hear that all was well, yet sad when he wasn’t able to attend his brother’s wedding. It was a simple affair, true, but he would have liked to go. He asked the person who was kind enough to read it out for him to pen his response, then got back to improving his Domain. His family was doing well, and if being the best dungeon he could be would ensure their happiness lasted as long as possible, then he would be just that.
Ten floors became twenty. Twenty became forty. He hit one-hundred floors after constant effort, happily using signs to ‘talk’ through short phrases with the nicer groups of ‘invaders’, while he mostly ignored the rest. It was too hard to keep track of everyone after a while, but he was supposed to be a training ground, so he kept up doing what he was supposed to, mentally smiling when someone he was keeping tabs on managed to overcome a challenge they were struggling with. Some got stuck on certain floors, unable to adapt to new creatures, while others had a hard time traversing the increasingly long voyage to his core. He made small recovery rooms for a party that thanked him for the challenge, filling basins with food and water, then instructed his creatures not to bother anyone inside.
Surprisingly, the group accepted his offer of rest with gratitude that seemed excessive. They spoke to the walls, regaling him of their various journeys and the humorous events spread throughout. He enjoyed the time spent focusing on that area, as well as the gifts people sometimes left behind. Each new item was transferred to a room near his core, where he kept a collection of keepsakes ranging from books to tarnished jewellery that had more sentimental value than monetary. Still, it was all priceless to him, displayed proudly next to the letters he received regularly from his family.
His one-hundred floors became two-hundred, and he struggled to find recurring visitors after some time. The soldiers grouped up into parties of five or six, venturing into the dungeon with the goal of increasing the strength of small units. Altier adjusted the difficulty to accommodate, dialing back the force he once used to combat near endless waves of knights. Magic was something that came from the change in tactic, much to his surprise. It was weak, but pretty much everyone who tried the dungeon could light a torch or chill their water. He wasn’t well-learned about what any particular element could do, but he was glad to see that his new participants were indeed getting stronger.
The two-hundred floors became three-hundred, which then became four-hundred. Altier’s creatures would have been terrifying if it wasn’t for the fact that he had yet to kill anyone, the skeletal monstrosities looming through corridors like horrific nightmares made manifest. He was pleased to find that they listened rather dutifully when he said to escort those who surrendered to the entrance, which was most people. In fact, hardly anyone ever made it to his core anymore, despite the jump in power of various magics he often saw. Flamethrowers, earthen spikes, empowered bodies, and many more effects were in play within each party that tried to conquer his trial. A particularly adept group eventually placed their hand on the obsidian sphere, taking suffocating amounts of mana, while also leaving a thick haze of their own. His creatures became far stronger for it, and so he adjusted the difficulty once more, wondering when they would try to best him again. Unfortunately, they never did, but he saw some people who shared a striking resemblance, and the newcomers were easily more magically inclined. It was fun to challenge them.
The cycle repeated, though he wasn’t sure when the Technician stopped visiting. Altier was too busy keeping his end of the deal, improving the crown’s army in exchange for giving his family a life they deserved. He did notice something wrong after the letters started taking a while to come, and although the contents filled him in on the newest events, things started seeming…out of character. The feeling tickled at his mind, but it was fine. They were happy and well.
How foolish he was.
A party entered shortly after he completed his six-hundredth floor, instantly setting off an incomparable feeling of dread. His senses warped when he tried to focus on them, blocking everything in their vicinity from his view. It took a bit for him to figure out why, but they were carrying something that sucked the mana out of the very dungeon itself, and his unbidden instincts screamed that whatever it was needed to be destroyed. He reacted without thought, releasing everything he determined too dangerous for simple training in a bid to drive them out.
It wasn’t enough. He watched the void travel floor after floor, leaving nothing but dismembered skeletal creatures in their wake. Veritable monsters were slain, chimeras he had worked on as a side project became incinerated dust, and the signs he left for the weary were torn off the walls. A voice bellowed through his halls from the darkness he couldn’t see, declaring what was happening.
They were not there to train. In order to defend against a force threatening the kingdom, they needed power, and in order to gain that, they needed his mana. His experience. All of it.
They were there to break the core under the king’s decree.
Altier’s nonexistent heart stopped, memories of how impoverished his family used to be flashing through his mind, and with a near silent refusal, he let the instincts to get rid of the invaders swallow him whole.
By the time he calmed down, it was to a pit of blackness and a dull pull in his ephemeral chest stopping him from being able to do anything. He could still ‘hear’ though, and he heard the choking breaths of a single man in his core’s room. He heard the bitter laughter that followed accusations of dooming the very world…as well as sympathies for what the pale, sickly, Decay-afflicted man had gone through.
Altier could only listen as the man told him how his dungeon was hundreds upon hundreds of years old, and how the party had been briefed on its history. He listened as the man spoke of the letters that were to be presented to the dungeon every scant decade, yet always claimed to be given every few months. The groups he befriended had left to start families of their own, and their children returned to befriend him as well, continuing the cycle and passing it on in a generations-long tradition. He listened as he ignored the warnings popping up, the transient text telling him that his mana production was insufficient to support the dungeon. That he was dying.
When the man perished, and the dungeon collapsed piece by piece, Altier listened to silence, because there was nothing else he could do.
Nothing besides reading the text that lingered in his vision amidst the warnings.
[Priority assignment: Prevent the End — Failure]
- - - - -
Altier ‘looked’ at the dim orb that seemed so much like his own, its small form sat next to dust that might have once been the man who unveiled all those truths so long ago. He didn’t know how long it had been since then, only that he was still alone. He wasn’t even angry anymore; the energy needed to feel rage or sorrow was gone. He was just lonely.
[Attempting to reestablish Mana Well…Failure.]
The core dismissed the message absently, more than aware of what it read. Thousands of the notifications had passed by, interspersed by various abilities and whatever else becoming ‘corrupted.’ He didn’t care anymore. His dungeon was his pride at some point, but now he just wanted to feel the sunlight that slowly dimmed as night claimed the evening sky. It would be nice to see the stars again. Or just outside, assuming there was anything left to see. Maybe it was all a desolate wasteland.
[Restructuring Affinity: Decay…Failure.
Reorganizing libraries…Failure.
[Error. Ability ‘Avatar of Decay’ has been corrupted. Please provid—]
[Error. System corruption exceeding threshold. Please provide a valid framework.]
[Error. Affi—]
It might as well be. He sold himself to ensure his family’s well-being, but how many of those letters were real? Did they have a good life, receiving word that their ‘brave boy’ was healthy and happy? He hoped so. All there was left to do was watch the thin glow of the outside shift. Eventually, that draining orb the floor would run out of things to take from him. And to think that he just wanted those he cared about to be well…
[Error. Stability compromised. System integ—]
Altier roused from his trance, lethargically shifting his focus to a flicker of shadow near the deteriorated entrance. How strange it was to have his core room be right next to outside, yet he didn’t recall how that came to be. Magic, possibly, but he couldn’t quite bring himself to care. He was tired of numbers and percentages. Of values and skeletons. He was tired of being a dungeon, and of being alone.
A rock—a pebble, really—tumbled into the shallow curved hallway that acted as the path to his core, a strange sound getting louder. He ‘felt’ his brow furrow in perplexion before he actually considered what was happening. That was a voice. Speech. Someone was talking.
He was stunned silent before enthusiasm could build. A gaunt bipedal creature entered the cave, though it was decidedly not human. Taloned feet supported two legs, though they walked on their toes, he supposed. Its skin was reptilian, the pale black colour still managing to look plush, if dry. A thick, long tail swayed slowly to correct its weight, shifting its tattered garment that looked more like worn burlap than clothing. Nervous hands fiddled with chipped claws and felt along the wall, a lack of care rendering them dull and dirty. Fearful, exhausted eyes wandered the cave, the grey irises showing a pained soul underneath an etched smile on otherwise soft features.
Altier ransacked his memory as the creature nervously looked for something in his desolate ‘dungeon,’ recalling a crude painting in one of his old books. It was a kobold, though they shouldn’t have been anywhere near the kingdom, not that it mattered now. The scaly occupant muttered to itself, their voice soothing and feminine in a language he didn’t know. He wouldn’t have minded the conversation, but it was a moot point; he lost the ability to write on signs long ago. A part of him was surprised he would talk with a monster from his stories. He was never overly involved with his fellow humans—excluding his family and the odd party in his rest areas—but he figured there would be more resistance. There was no point in thinking about it. It would leave when it realized there was nothing here, and he would be alone again.
The last thing he would have expected was the kobold noticing a dusty obsidian orb sat atop crumbled stone, then excitedly picking said orb up to hold against its chest, its chirps of excitement filling the quiet room. Or, it would have been the last, if not for the messages that appeared.
[Compatible library found! Synchronizing…Error. Framework is incompatible.
Restructuring framework…Error.
Redefining framework…Error.
Replacing framework…Success.
Restructuring framework…Success.
Defining Affinity…Error.
Aff%$^: Null…Su^@!#ss.
D#@%^a@#n Es^!@l%#@ed!—]
[Pr#%y #@$nment: ERRRR#*#$RRR—]
[Priooooooority Assignmentmentmnet: B#&#$^—]
submitted by WaveOfWire to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 10:58 immediatecomedian-4 Can we talk about Lisa at the reunion?

I would love to hear all the conspiracy theories about her motives esp being that she’s also a producer. I’m now rewatching WWHL bc it threw me off she was being more careless w her words & drank more than usual. Now I’m realizing she was probably reorienting her strategy justtttt slightly but lost. Bc before seeing the finale ending I think her plan was to defend Tim but after his final comments she knew he lost all fucking credibility. Think that’s where her sadness came from during the reunion saying things like where do we go from here. I think she was freaking out about Tim being a total moron and impossible to use as a face for things bc he sucks beyond belief with PR. Boy literally had the world handed to him for a redemption arc
Might comment updates as I rewatch WWHL lmaoo
I also came to VPR bc got catfished by rhobh so I’ll always see Lisa as a puppet master
submitted by immediatecomedian-4 to Vanderpumpaholics [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 10:58 Jarvis-Invest How is Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizing Portfolio Management in Finance?

Hey everyone,
I recently came across an insightful article on how artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the financial sector, particularly in portfolio management. The advancements in AI, fueled by big data and powerful GPUs, are bringing a myriad of opportunities to the financial world. From automating savings and managing risks to optimizing asset allocation and enhancing trading activities, AI seems to be revolutionizing how we approach investments.
For example, AI-driven robo-advisors are now delivering better-performing portfolios while minimizing transaction costs and managing risks more effectively. Techniques like natural language processing, artificial neural networks, and genetic algorithms are being used to conduct fundamental analysis, predict returns, and optimize portfolios.
However, there are also challenges to consider, such as data quality, biases, and the unpredictability of "black swan" events.
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2024.05.29 10:57 NoIntention3515 Went on a date so bad I can't sleep

I went through a breakup about a month ago and jumped back on hinge yesterday. Matched with a woman who seemed enthusiastic to go out. Early into the date she was already telling me about how she got gangbanged by Eve6 one time. She had clearly lied about her age on her profile, and when she dropped this story that could have only happened by 2005 at the latest I could tell she realized she had screwed up, but what she didn't know is that I was able to tell she had lied the minute I walked into the coffee shop and saw her face. I was jarred but I didn't want to be too superficial or cruel and I know it's hard to put yourself out there on apps - I just kept moving forward and hoping for the best. Sometimes a good personality can fill in an attraction gap.
Then she told me she was a former mistress who blackmailed guys she had affairs with, and she was a former stripper. Somewhere in there she had been a therapist for teens but she left that field to work in nightlife (very vague on details but claimed she left psychology because "capitalism has literally made my old job a hellscape! The world is on fire we should just make art!!!"). Then she kept going on about her ex husband who teaches at Purchase and smokes crack/stole her adderall before they divorced (again this woman said she was 33 in her profile). Also she was legitimately dumb, but talked about how guys constantly mansplain to her, but she was very clearly just the type to assume anyone who disagrees with her, no matter how amicably, was insulting her intelligence. I just pretended to agree with whatever she said so I could get out of there. Also she's estranged from her narcissist family just like my ex. Did I mention my ex was also a former sex worker to get through grad school? Like my ex, she also seemed to have such a seething hatred for men I was wondering why she even asked me out. Then she texted afterwards telling me she was super excited for our next date.
Am I within my rights to ghost this woman? I broke up with my ex and my first date back out there is with an even worse version of her. Clearly I must have some subconscious pathology if I immediately found someone of the same type. Is this most dates over 30? Is it over? I'm handsome and make good money with an interesting job (I'm even a public figure in my field due to my success!). I have lots of friends and hobbies. If this is the best I can pull maybe I should just pivot into gooning? I don't know if I can stomach buying dinner for people I end up despising this much. Even making good money a date in the city is like $75-$100 and I could have given that money to the Ronald McDonald House instead.
submitted by NoIntention3515 to redscarepod [link] [comments]