Medical assisting sample resume

Ollama API-Edit Beginning of Response

2024.05.19 01:17 TechEnthusiastx86 Ollama API-Edit Beginning of Response

I've been working on creating a synthetic dataset, but am having trouble with the prompt creation. I can ensure Llama-3-8B will follow my format numbering scheme in OpenWebUI by editing the beginning of the response message and then generating, but I'm having trouble recreating this using the api. If you look at my code you can see I tried to use the template given in the modelfile to include the beginning of the response in my prompt, but this has not worked. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong/if there is a better way to achieve controlling what the response starts with using the ollama api?
This is the template from the modelfile:
TEMPLATE "{{ if .System }}system
{{ .System }}{{ end }}{{ if .Prompt }}user
{{ .Prompt }}{{ end }}assistant
{{ .Response }}"
import ollama import os import time prompts_generate = 128000 # Calculate number of loops required to generate the prompts num_loops = int(prompts_generate / 100) # Parameters for the model model_name = "llama3:8b-instruct-q8_0" instruction = "Write out a list of 100 prompts that can be used for fine tuning a language model. Vary the content and structure of each prompt to ensure thorough testing. {{ .Prompt }}{{ end }}Sure:\n1." options = { "num_ctx": 2048, "repeat_last_n": 64, "repeat_penalty": 1.1, "temperature": 0.8, "tfs_z": 1, "top_k": 40, "top_p": 0.9, "num_predict": -1 # Generate until the model stops } # Output directory output_dir = "Data" os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # Check existing files in the directory to determine where to resume existing_files = sorted([f for f in os.listdir(output_dir) if f.startswith("prompt-") and f.endswith(".txt")]) if existing_files: last_file = existing_files[-1] start_num = int(last_file.split('-')[1].split('.')[0]) else: start_num = 0 # Start time start_time = time.time() i = start_num // 100 + 1 while i <= num_loops: response = ollama.generate( model=model_name, prompt=instruction, options=options, stream=False, ) reply = response['response'] print ("Instruction: ", instruction) print("Reply: ", reply) # Save the response to a file with loop number in the name file_name = os.path.join(output_dir, f"prompt-{i * 100}.txt") with open(file_name, "w") as file: file.write(reply) # Read the content of the file and remove empty lines with open(file_name, "r") as file: lines = file.readlines() lines = [line.strip() for line in lines if line.strip()] # Rewrite the cleaned content back to the file with open(file_name, "w") as file: file.write('\n'.join(lines)) # Check if the file has 100 prompts if lines and lines[-1].startswith("100."): i += 1 # Move to the next file if the current file is valid else: os.remove(file_name) # Delete the invalid file and retry # End time end_time = time.time() # Calculate and print the total time taken total_time = end_time - start_time print(f"Generated {prompts_generate} prompts and saved them in the '{output_dir}' directory.") print(f"Total time taken: {total_time:.2f} seconds.") 
submitted by TechEnthusiastx86 to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:16 vix_calls First FP&A Analyst Interview, no account experience

Hi all.
I have an interview coming up for a FP&A Analyst role at a small medical device/supplier company which I’m very excited about but worried since I haven’t done any real accounting/forecasting/budgeting type of work
1.5 years out of college, I’ve been working for an asset management arm of a bank. The experience was substantial in the portfolio management side, but I feel none of it is applicable to the role I’m interviewing for but I want to break into FP&A
Below is my experience in my current role
● Assisting our in-house portfolio managers with managing Treasury ladders, updating Treasury yields, portfolio shifts, and creating customized benchmarks -Assets Under Management : ~$600m -Responsible for drafting 25-30 quarterly investment reports and presentations for client meetings ensuring accurate performance & benchmarking data
● Responsible for the construction, analysis and optimization of portfolio proposals for prospects & clients -Utilizing a correlation matrix & running a mean-variance analysis to ensure a portfolio(s) equity, fixed income, and alternative holdings are properly diversified and along the efficient frontier -Running a comprehensive report to show-case the portfolio's value-at-risk (VAR), expected standard deviation, expected return & yield -Forecasting portfolio cash & asset balances in nominal & real terms across 5-10-15+ year intervals
● Created a balance sheet, liquidity analysis PowerPoint template to highlight our fixed income solutions, for prospects, using data from 10-K forms
● Distributing notes on Fed data, economic data, earnings reports and recent model portfolio changes
Any tips, aside from behaviorals, I should start studying up on to do good in the interview?
submitted by vix_calls to FPandA [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:12 Redditto2468 School List and EC review

Hey y'all! Please take a look at my school list and whether my ECs will be a negative factor when applying.
ORM NC resident - large public school
519 MCAT
3.87 GPA
Scribing - 450 hours
Non-clinical volunteering - essentially paired with a cancer patient and visit them weekly to spend time with them: 120 hours
Leadership in on campus non-profit organization - 200 hours: working with peds oncology clinic to support the patients with crafts and decorating clinic etc.
Undergrad research lab - 600 hours feel as thought research was very disjointed - worked on many different projects but nothing start to finish unfortunately -> continuing during my gap year hoping to present a poster
$3k Research fellowship to do research at an international hospital for 1 summer - 480 hours and presented a poster
1 semester of RA work mostly data analysis through Family Medicine department
46 hours shadowing - published case report with a doctor through this
1 semester of anatomy tutoring
Hobbies: Chess, playing piano
Gap Year ECs: Full time as medical assistant and weekend volunteering at nursing home
Emory University
Columbia University
Mount Sinai
Vanderbilt University
University of Pittsburgh
University of Colorado
Quinnipiac University
University of Central Florida
University of Miami
USF Health Morsani
Carle Illinois College of Medicine
Indiana University SOM
Boston University
University of Massachusetts
Wayne State SOM
University of North Carolina
Wake Forest University
Albert Einstein COM
Case Western
Ohio State University
University of Cincinnati
Thomas Jefferson University
University of Virginia
University of Vermont SOM
Tulane SOM
Brody SOM at ECU
Hackensack Meridian SOM
Penn State COM
Eastern Virginia SOM
Virginia Tech Carilion SOM
University of Arizona - Phoenix
am I cooked?
submitted by Redditto2468 to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:04 ludwigkonrod Strange scenario in school entrance test

So I seated for the PCP entrance exam in a Calgary school last week. It failed - I didn’t expect them to ask so many high school mathematics questions. I had been solely focused on the medical questions - but what was most memorable about it was the scenario test. It was wild. I am not sure if I did something wrong or the instructor intentionally made it that way. Obviously I made some mistakes, but perhaps there’s something else I did not catch. Let’s see what you guys think about it.
The patient is sitting on a park bench. It is a sunny day. He complained of a shortness of breathe. Initial assessment found rapid and shallow breathing, rapid HR, pale and clammy skin, cyanosis on extremities (15L O2 given), and some kind of hive/rash on the skin. Strider was heard but the airway was patent.
I suspected anaphylaxis and went for the EpiPen. (First mistake made: I forgot that as EMR I was only supposed to assist the patient in taking their own medication) The patient did carry EpiPen and a Ventolin puffer. I went through the whole sequence of drug administration (6 rights > Color, Clarity, Concentration, Expiration, etc) and assist the patient in self-administration on the side of his thigh.
But the pt’ vitals were unchanged. So I continued with the head to toe. Wheezing was noted on both lungs. Of interest was that there was no pulse on the patient’s feet, but he could move them.
The pt was unable to stand, so we transferred him to the stretcher via rescue seat. Due to compromise in ABC I called it a load and go. Upon moving on-board, reassessment found no change in patient’s condition. Vitals were taken and revealed no change. HR and RR remain very high. SpO2 is low. BP and BGL are both normal.
I chose not to use the Ventolin because it would have worsened the tachycardia. 15L O2 remains on. I am also unsure of the patient’s condition. (2nd mistake: I didn’t call medical control. Though I m not sure if it is even an option to begin with.)
En route, pt suddenly went unconscious. I found no breathing (3nd mistake made: I assessed in the ABC order instead of CAB). At that point I didn’t realize it was a code, so upon finding that he had no breathing, I instinctively checked gag reflex then inserted the OPA, before I went for the BVM. Then I got to the pulse and found that he actually had no pulse. I instructed my partner to go light and siren and sped up, while I began one-person resuscitation.
(Potential mistake: prompt transport is not in the life chain. So perhaps I should have stopped the truck and have my partner assisted me?)
I put on the AED first before I worked on the CPR. For rescue breath I opined for the pocket mask in lieu of the BVM. I justified it on the ground that I won’t have time to work the BVM while I was working on both the CPR and AED.
Two shocks from the AED and more than two minutes of CPR later, the pt achieved ROSC. He is breathing 4 time a minute. I replugged the 15L O2 (mistake) but then I realized the mistake and then immediately shifted to the BVM, giving breath at 5-6 BPM.
Eventually, the patient made it to the hospital. Scenario was over.
So that’s it. It’s very unlike the scenarios I undertook in EMR school, where the pt usually had only one condition. This pt seemed to have multiple conditions at once. And I really could not fathom which single medical condition could cause all those respiratory distress and a loss of pulse in both feet.
Any help before I retake the test three months later is greatly appreciated.
submitted by ludwigkonrod to NewToEMS [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:01 OldCommunication1939 Total Wine in Fresno

Total Wine in Fresno
Currently available for grand reserve members, only one bottle
submitted by OldCommunication1939 to WhiskeyTribe [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:59 GoAheadMMDay UPDATE 3: Torment Techniques Used by Canadian and US Militaries

UPDATE 3: Torment Techniques Used by Canadian and US Militaries
Update #3 appears at the bottom.
Due to numerous disparaging comments by multiple individuals, I have reposted my article.
Heckling does not change what occurred. People need to know these truths, especially those who have experienced the same. They need to know they are sane, that such things are indeed being perpetrated, and the perpetrators use shame to silence them and protect their activities.
I write to encourage them not to listen to disparaging people who speak without knowledge.
February 10, 2024
I am Joseph Cafariello, a Canadian citizen and ex-member of the Canadian military. Of sound mind, not on medication, not a drug user, not a marijuana smoker, not an alcohol drinker, with no mental disorders.
I recently posted to this Liberty subreddit experiences of harassment by the Vancouver police and fire departments (Vancouver, BC, Canada). I’m the fellow who was repeatedly ordered by police to stay out of Vancouver’s Stanley Park, and was continually harassed whenever I visited the park (which I do every second day on my early morning walks).
I'm happy to say their following me reduced to almost nothing immediately upon posting those experiences here, and people no longer exit their cars to stand on the path as I walk by (which I described in that post). They were either informed of my post or found it themselves, seeing as my internet activity, and phone activity for that matter, are under continuous surveillance (plenty of proof which I will not include here to avoid running off-topic).
In this post, I would like to shed some light on other harassment which is still ongoing, since it occurs in private, away from potential observers. It involves the Canadian and US militaries.
Havana Syndrome
In 2016, numerous employees of the Canadian and US embassies in Havana, Cuba, started experiencing head injuries ranging from mild headaches to concussions. It happened in their sleep, and came to be called Havana Syndrome.
Wikipedia explains (\_syndrome):
“Havana syndrome is a cluster of idiopathic symptoms experienced mostly abroad by U.S. government officials and military personnel. The symptoms range in severity from pain and ringing in the ears to cognitive dysfunction and were first reported in 2016 by U.S. and Canadian embassy staff in Havana, Cuba. Beginning in 2017, more people, including U.S. intelligence and military personnel and their families, reported having these symptoms in other places, such as China, India, Europe, and Washington, D.C. The U.S. Department of State, Department of Defense, and other federal entities have called the events "Anomalous Health Incidents" (AHI). Of over a thousand purported cases, the majority of US investigative bodies found only a few dozen cases to be suspicious.”
Ladies and gentlemen, I can tell you exactly what happens, because I have been experiencing this since I first joined the Canadian military back in 2002, and am still experiencing these “torments” (as I call them) to this day, already 3 years after leaving the military.
I go to bed. In about 15 minutes, just as I am on the cusp of falling asleep, a hear and feel a heavy thud reverberate and ultimately strike my skull. My body releases a sharp burst of adrenalin, my heart starts racing, and my blood’s circulation speeds up significantly. Depending on the severity of the blow, it can take me anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour to fall asleep again. Though there have been times I could not return to sleep for more than 2 hours.
A strong headache is felt immediately, and lasts for hours. There have been times when my heart felt like it was going to burst, having been startled as such.
The pulse to the head sometimes reverberates through the wall and my bed’s headboard. I distinctly feel as though I have been hit on the top of my skull. At other times, it feels as though the pulse has come through the air, striking the side of my skull.
This is not a sleep disorder, for it does not occur regularly. At times, my sleep is disturbed in this manner 3 or 4 days in a row. At other times, there is no disturbance for up to a week. But they never let me go more than a week without such interruptions to my sleep.
Neither is it sleep apnea, as I do not awaken gasping for breath. The pounding headaches, sudden release of adrenaline, and heart palpitations I experience are caused by external impacts of sound waves or air bursts.
Sonic Weapons
How these pulses are produced is not easy to identify. As Wikipedia explains:
“Once the story became public, various U.S. government representatives attributed the incidents to attacks by unidentified foreign actors, and various U.S. officials blamed the reported symptoms on a variety of unidentified and unknown technologies, including ultrasound and microwave weapons.”
Sonic weapons have been in use for many years by militaries, and by police in crowd control. As Wikipedia explains (\_weapon):
“Some sonic weapons make a focused beam of sound or of ultrasound; others produce an area field of sound. As of 2023 military and police forces make some limited use of sonic weapons.”
(Do not believe the 2023 timeline. The Canadian military has been using these weapons since the early 2000’s at the latest.)
Wikipedia continues:
“Extremely high-power sound waves can disrupt or destroy the eardrums of a target and cause severe pain or disorientation. This is usually sufficient to incapacitate a person. Less powerful sound waves can cause humans to experience nausea or discomfort.”
The users of these technologies must also be using thermal detection equipment to monitor the target’s sleep. As I mentioned, I most often feel these blows the moment I am falling asleep. Body temperature drops when we sleep, and brain activity slows. Heat-detection equipment is likely being used to identify the point at which the target is falling asleep.
Why they prefer to strike at the start of someone’s sleep as opposed to the middle of their sleep, I do not know. Perhaps their intent is to deprive the body of early sleep, limiting the amount of deep sleep available to the person before their alarm rings in the morning.
Ordinary Hammers
Not all such “torments” (as I call them) are caused by high-tech equipment. I have heard and felt distinct hammer strikes running along the 2x4 beams inside my walls. These strikes can be a single hard strike, or several strikes in a row. It is definitely caused by a person with a hammer because the intervals between strikes are equidistant in time; that is, the time spacing between strikes is not random and does not change from strike to strike, but is constant between strikes, exactly as when someone is hammering. And no, it is not someone hanging pictures at 1:30 am, multiple times a week, for years.
On one occasion, when I was standing at my kitchen sink, I felt the floor-board directly under my feet pulse so sharply it felt like a brick had struck the soles of my feet. In this case, my military neighbour likely used a hammer to strike the floorboard on his side of the wall. It is the only plausible explanation.
This leads to surveillance of one’s activities at home. I have plenty of proofs of that. They seem insignificant on an individual basis. But when you put them all together, they present a clear picture of home surveillance.
My laptop computer’s lid cracked one night, at the bottom left corner of the screen. The next day at work, I heard my military supervisor relate to another co-worker that the night before, his laptop computer’s lid cracked at the bottom left corner. I swear to the Lord in Heaven, I am being truthful.
I tested my suspicion of being surveilled. At home one night, I blurted out-loud, “VW Passat. What an ugly sounding word, ‘Passat’”, I said. A few days later, my military colleagues at work started playing a card game at lunch, invented by one of them. The name he gave his game was “Passat”, and when he spoke it, he looked at me for a reaction. If you ever contact the Halifax military base, ask for the Claims Department and ask them if they are still playing Passat.
On another occasion, at a time when I frequented the gym every second day for a few years, I suspected my van had been fitted with a listening device. I suspected so because a number of things I had spoken with people about on my phone while in my van (nothing illegal) were repeated by people at the gym in conversations among themselves. Too many times, parts of other people's conversations matched parts of conversations I had had with others while I was in my van.
I already knew my phone was being tapped, but I also suspected my van was bugged. So one evening while driving in my van, I blurted out-loud a number of things I said I hated. "I hate (this or that)"; "I hate it when...". One of them was, "I hate when people chew gum with their mouths open." I then vocalized an exaggerated gnawing sound, "Gnaw. Gnaw. Gnaw."
The very next time I went to the gym, 2 days later, while I was at an exercise, a fellow sat at an exercise directly behind me. And sure enough, he started chewing with his mouth open, vocalizing that gnawing sound, "Gnaw. Gnaw. Gnaw." I didn't look behind at him, because I knew what was going on, and I wanted to avoid playing into his hand. So he repeated himself again and again until I was done and moved to a different station. Now, honestly, who chews gum at the gym? You can't. Or you run the risk of choking for the heavy breathing, not to mention when laying down on benches. And with precisely the same exaggerated vocalized gnawing sound I had made in my van just 2 days prior.
Their whole intent is to let you know you are being surveilled. They want you to know, as both a warning and a provocation. They want you to say something, to launch accusations, which they would readily deny, making you look paranoid. If you react too strongly, they could even have you diagnosed with some kind of disorder, and put you on medication, which further plays into their hand. (More regarding medications in the last section of this post.)
This is why, as I mentioned in my previous post, they would park their cars shining their high beams on me as I walked past them during my morning walk. And why on some occasions, a group of 3 or 4 would exit their cars and stand on my path just as I approached, forcing me to go around them. They would then remain standing on the path until my return trip through, and after I had passed by the second time, then would then return to their cars - making it absolutely clear I was their interest.
Their intent is not only to make me aware, but also to present themselves in close proximity to me, within easy reach, in the hope I would confront them, resulting in an altercation that could land me in a lot of hot water - 4 witnesses against me, all pleading innocence.
Again, it is all designed to make you look bad, and to warrant some kind of legal measure against you - preferably a medical diagnosis, discrediting you in everything you say about them. If they can't refute your claims, their only remaining option is to discredit you. That's what all of these tricks are designed to accomplish. Who would believe anything you say, once you have been diagnosed with a disorder?
There are plenty more examples. But who would really believe them? I’ll save them for the future.
Home Invasion
Both during and after my military service, I have had my apartments entered without any signs of break-ins. How? Lock-picking and duplicate keys. Indications? Missing objects; ie: money, phone adaptor, etc. Nothing major. Just something to make us understand we are being watched, and to make us understand what they can do.
But it is always something small, something for which you would be ridiculed for divulging.
Two more examples: I found my razor, which I always lay-down razor-end to the wall, turned around, razor-end toward me. Also, in one of my house slippers I found a small shoe sticker on the up-side of the heel. I had those slipper for years, and never had any shoe stickers on them. Yet there it was, clearly visible on the top surface of my slipper, not the bottom. Could I have stepped on a shoe sticker when barefoot in my apartment, only to have the sticker transfer itself to my slipper when I wore it? How many shoe stickers do you have laying around your apartment that you can accidentally step onto?
If I had stepped onto a sticker in my apartment and had it stick to my heel, that means the sticky side was up against my skin. This means the sticker would have had to flip upside down such that the sticky side would then be down, allowing the sticker to stick to the slipper. Do you really think that happened? That sticker was not there when I left my apartment, but it was there when I returned. And it was the wrong sticker, wrong brand, wrong size.
Again, what is their intent? To make someone look ridiculous so no one will believe them should they speak of other more sensitive things.
Staged Incidents
The above incidents clearly point to coordinated and staged events (at my work, my home, on my walks, etc). This is so frequently met with incredulity. "But that would require coordination on the part of so many people," the public dismisses. "They wouldn't do that."
Oh yes they would, and they have, as explained in Note the documented cases involving the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS, Canada's equivalent to the US' CIA) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP, Canada's national police force) in the second quote, which were reported in national newspapers.
“Disruption operations often involve tactics which are illegal, but difficult to prove. These tactics include – but are not limited to – overt surveillance (stalking), slander, blacklisting, “mobbing” (intense, organized harassment in the workplace), “black bag jobs” [home invasions], abusive phone calls, computer hacking, framing, threats, blackmail, vandalism, “street theater” (staged physical and verbal interactions with minions of the people who orchestrate the stalking), harassment by noises, and other forms of bullying. Many of these tactics were used by the FBI during its illegal COINTELPRO operations, as documented by stolen official documents and subsequent Congressional investigations.
"Although the general public is mostly unfamiliar with the practice, references to “disruption” operations – described as such – do occasionally appear in the news media, even though that fact would apparently be news to the editors of The New York Times. In May 2006, for example, an article in The Globe and Mail, a Canadian national newspaper, reported that the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) used “Diffuse and Disrupt” tactics against suspects for whom they lacked sufficient evidence to prosecute. A criminal defense attorney stated that many of her clients complained of harassment by authorities, although they were never arrested."
She can add me to that list too.
For the Benefit of Others
The experiences I have recounted here seem so trivial, so insignificant, they make you look ridiculous if you talk about them. But if we don’t talk about such things, no one will ever know about them. Other people have experienced the same, and are forced to endure such torments in silence. They need encouragement to talk about their own experiences, and so I write about mine in the hope they will talk about theirs, even if I do look ridiculous. The perpetrators are more ridiculous for doing them.
I remember a military colleague being hauled away by military police one morning, as she was struggling and having a violent fit. A fellow on her floor told me she was throwing chairs at her walls screaming, “Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!”. When he mentioned that, I knew exactly what they had done to her. She was considered unruly, and was being watched intently. They wanted her out, and that is how they accomplished it. Through wall tapping and sleep deprivation, they push you to the breaking point. And when you finally lose control and do something rash, they pounce on you, and you’re out. Now she has a criminal record, considered a criminal when in reality she was a victim. Welcome to the Canadian military, and other militaries besides, I am sure.
There are dozens upon dozens of experiences I could present. But who will really read them? Worse still, who will really believe them? I overheard my military supervisor in Halifax whisper to another, “Do you think he knows?”, after I had mentioned one of the many “coincidences” I experienced, but with a tone of my being aware it was not a mere coincidence. As I turned my face to my computer screen, I whispered under my breath, but still loud enough for him to hear, “Yes, (rank) (name), I know.” A few minutes later, as he walked past my desk, he leaned in by my ear and whispered, “We’re just trying to help you.” I should have pressed him for answers right then and there, but you just don’t know how much trouble you can get into when making such accusations in the military. So I let it go. But I will never forget.
Should anyone reading this ever decide to launch some kind of inquiry, I can mention names of over 100 people to contact, including military personnel, family members, neighbours, building managers, and others who have been contacted by military personnel with false narratives about me. They flash their ID’s and other credentials, and people believe anything they say. They turn family, friends, co-workers and neighbours against you, even recruiting their participation. Your acquaintances not only participate, but actually feel justified and emboldened playing tricks on you. It isn't their fault, though; they have been misled. I would reference them solely for corroboration.
As a final thought, here are explanations of two military programs in which certain persons (sometimes military, sometimes civilian) are kept under constant surveillance, and are in some cases subjected to conditioning in an attempt to turn them into what is called a “sleeper agent”. Almost all of the tactics presented below have been experience by me, including constant surveillance (ie: my previous post here regarding being harassed on my morning walks) and sleep deprivation (as per the top portion of this post, which other military members in Cuba and elsewhere around the world have also experienced).
Pentagon’s Signature Reduction Program
See Newsweek’s article:
Some excerpts from that Newsweek article, plus more background information on the Pentagon’s Signature Reduction Program, can be found here:
“The largest undercover force the world has ever known is the one created by the Pentagon over the past decade. Some 60,000 people now belong to this secret army, many working under masked identities and in low profile, all part of a broad program called “signature reduction.” The force, more than ten times the size of the clandestine elements of the CIA, carries out domestic and foreign assignments, both in military uniforms and under civilian cover, in real life and online, sometimes hiding in private businesses and consultancies, some of them household name companies.
“…a little-known sector of the American military, but also a completely unregulated practice. No one knows the program’s total size, and the explosion of signature reduction has never been examined for its impact on military policies and culture. Congress has never held a hearing on the subject. And yet the military developing this gigantic clandestine force challenges U.S. laws, the Geneva Conventions, the code of military conduct and basic accountability.
“…The signature reduction effort engages some 130 private companies to administer the new clandestine world. Dozens of little known and secret government organizations support the program, doling out classified contracts and overseeing publicly unacknowledged operations.
"Federal spy agencies are using Americans to spy on their fellow citizens – the same approach to governance famously employed by communist East Germany."
How to Develop a Hypnotic Sleeper Agent
By Dantalion Jones / Masters of Mind Control
The following “was” on the web, but has been removed. Surprise, surprise. But I saved its web files to my computer years ago, knowing that sooner or later it would be removed. I made a jpeg image of the web page as it once appeared, attached here.
Note that I have experienced almost all of the tactics described below, including the stalking I mentioned in my previous post here (regular walks in the park), the sleep deprivation noted at the top of this post, and the surveillance and intrusions described here as well.
Quoting the now-removed webpage: “How to Develop a Hypnotic Sleeper Agent” (from here to end of post):
Amid all the conspiracy theories one of the most feared is that there exist "sleeper agents" in our society who are programmed to come into service when they are triggered by a phone call or key word.
These alleged sleeper agents don't even know they are programmed to become saboteurs, soldiers, suicide bomber, etc because of the thoroughness of their programming. They are the feared "Manchurian Candidate" that the movies portray.
The question is "Are they real?"
If they are true sleeper agents there is no way of telling until they are activated. One can however theorize exactly how they are made.
Using indoctrination a person can be made to embrace a religious or philosophical belief that would make becoming a sleeper agent possible.
This would be a person so committed to an ideal they would be willing to wait patiently as a member of society until they are called into action. These people would know their mission and consciously hold it secret while interacting with the rest of society.
Conditioning is a repetitive process where the desired responses are enforced and rewarded and unwanted responses are punished. This can be done consciously as part of training drill and it can be done subconsciously using hypnosis or drugs to create amnesia.
It has been demonstrated that hypnosis can create "amnesia walls" in which the subject has no conscious memory of what happened in the hypnosis session. It has further been demonstrated that hypnosis can give post hypnotic instruction to be carried out automatically in the waking state without the subject knowing it or questioning the behavior.
What follows is conjecture and theory based on testimonials of people who were alleged to be sleeper agents and soldiers.
Continuous Supervisions
Continuous supervision doesn't mean that the subject is cut off completely from society. It means that they are constantly overseen and every aspect of their lives are managed (without their knowledge or consent) to support their hypnotic programming.
This would include:
• Repeated reinforcement of all hypnotic conditioning.
• Handlers. Handlers are people who help maintain the subjects environment to maintain all the programming. They can play the role of family, friends, lovers, psychologists, coaches or any roll the subject perceives as supportive. The truth is the handlers are their to support the successful fulfillment of the programming and not the subject as a person.
• Minimal sleep so that the mind/brain does not process all the sleeper conditioning during sleep.
• Creating constant environmental challenges like unemployment or poverty. This gives the subject something other than their programming to focus on.
• Frequent hospitalization. This gives overt opportunity to sedate the subject for conditioning. If the subject has a history of hospitalizations for mental disturbances all the better. No one will take them seriously.
Joseph Cafariello
PS... Today is the second day after this post (February 12, 2024). A garbage truck just slammed into my parked car.
PPS... I finish writing this post because I am satisfied with its shape and content; not because of what happened to my car.
It is similar to when you are reaching for your coat, and someone tells you, "Take your coat." Since you have to take your coat, your brain tells you it's ok to obey them, and you comply. They just created an instance where they led you, and you followed them. And your brain accepted it.
It's a technique the military uses all the time. It trains you to accept instructions from that person or group. Done enough times, you become comfortable obeying them.
I just say, "I take my coat because I choose to, not because you tell me to." It's important to make that clear, to block the conditioning and affirm our self-governance; not just to them, but to ourselves as well. Now our brain realizes we took our coat by our own choice; we are still in command.
So too, I say regarding today's event. "Thanks for the warning, but I had already finished writing my post. I finished by my own choosing."
UPDATES 1 & 2: February 26 & March 07, 2024:
My apartment was once again entered while I was out. Either a key was used or the lock was picked. This may or may not have included assistance from building staff. Home invasions are included in the list of their techniques noted above, referred to as "black bag jobs".
All tenants on my floor received new fridges a couple of weeks ago. I removed the tape securing the bins inside my new fridge, and also removed all styrofoam pads from the corners of the glass shelves when I repositioned them.
The person(s) who have been invading my living space on a regular basis have struck again. As you can see in the photo below, the styrofoam pads on the corners of my fridge's shelves were restored when I was out of my apartment. I had removed all pads when I repositioned the shelves. Yet now they are back.
It is a tactic used to undermine our observational awareness in an attempt to make us second-guess and doubt ourselves. The aim is to cause people to feel less sure not only of the things we have done, but also feel less sure of the things others have done. They want us to question the accuracy of our observations and memory.
The idea is to train you to dismiss any anomalies you may observe as being your own misperception of things. Once they convince you not to trust your own judgement, they are free to do whatever they want to you, and you will simply accept it without questioning.
UPDATE 3: May 18, 2024:
Confrontations with individuals keep occurring, at times potentially violent. Following are just 3 such encounters as of late.
1 - Kick-boxer in the park:
As I parked my car in one of the parking lots in Vancouver's Stanley Park one night, another vehicle drove up behind me and parked several spots away. A tall man exited that vehicle, and walked hastily along the path I always walk, down some steps to the water's sea wall path. I took my time and followed my usual walk, also down the steps down to the sea wall. The man knew my routine, and was in a hurry to get ahead of me.
As I walked along the sea wall, I saw the same man sitting on a bench, playing a loud Persian-sounding religious sermon on some device I did not clearly see. As I walked past him, he called out to me to stop and chat. I ignored him and continued walking past him. He rose and started walking behind me.
I opened my umbrella, turned, and walked past him the other way, returning to the stairs back to the parking lot. He also turned and continued following me. I started running. He also started running. I ran up the steps, as did he.
Being taller than I am, his legs are longer than mine, and he quickly caught up to me on a grassy patch at the top of the steps. I turned to him and asked, "Why are you following me?" He did not reply, but stood profile to me, the same stance a kick-boxer uses when ready to kick someone. He was tall, thin, and in excellent physical shape as you would see in a kick-boxer.
He did not speak at all, but was just waiting for me to make a move. I turned, entered my vehicle and left. The encounter continued with a chase through the park in our cars. Yes, that is correct. He chased me out of the park in his car.
2 - Told to keep quiet:
The perpetrators need to operate with as little detection as possible, and they repeatedly warn their subjects to keep their mouths shut about their experiences.
On another of my recent nightly walks, a man stood on the sidewalk ahead of me about half a block away, looked at me, and shouted into the sky at nobody, giving the appearance of being a homeless person shouting for no reason. He then started walking in my direction. I continued walking straight. As he passed me, he leaned into my face and shouted into my ear, "Shut the f_ck up!" I continued walking in my direction, and he resumed walking in his.
The idea is to make it seem as though he is just a deranged man wandering the streets at night, shouting at nothing, so that when he shouts at me, any observer would simply dismiss his actions. But in reality, he was sent to send me a message to stop publishing posts like this, which I had done many times on many sites, and continue to. They don't like it when we reveal their methods. But the truth must be known.
3 - You'll be sorry:
On another occassion, while returning from grocery shopping one afternoon, I walked past a man sitting by a storefront. He was clean-cut, wearing clean clothes, without any carts or wagons or any belongings of any kind. As I past him, he asked me for some spare change. I replied, "I'm sorry," and continued walking past. He replied, "You will be."
There are multiple other experience, like two seemingly unassociated men standing on the sea wall about 100 meters away from each other, each of them spitting just as I walked past each of them.
There are too many experiences to mention. Looking at each experience individually, one would easily dismiss them as being unrelated and simply coincidental. But put them all together and a picture starts to form, like putting together the pieces of a puzzle.
As I hand you each piece of the puzzle one by one, you dismiss each piece, saying, "This could be anything." And you discard it. You keep discarding each piece as I hand it to you. By the end of it, you look down at the table and say, "You have nothing." That's because you looked at each piece as a separate item and threw it away. But if you leave the pieces on the table as I hand them to you and do not hastily discard them, you will see they form a clear picture when put all together.
We must look at all these events as a whole. Individually, each one could be anything. But when all of these experiences are put together and considered as a whole, they form an undeniable picture. Do not be quick to dismiss each piece. Leave the pieces on the table and look at the whole. The picture I present is sound. Remember, I have all the pieces; you do not. I see the picture more clearly than you do.
submitted by GoAheadMMDay to Liberty [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:56 OldCommunication1939 Total Wine in Fresno

Total Wine in Fresno
Currently at the Total Wine in Fresno, for grand reserve, only able to buy one bottle.
submitted by OldCommunication1939 to whiskey [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:52 lumpytorta Do I have a medical malpractice case(s)? I am struggling here with multiple and I need advice.

F28 with Ovarian Cancer and I need some advice here, I am really struggling with medical negligence not just from one doctor, but multiple. I’ve been dealing with a lot of discrimination because I’m young and “healthy looking” and doctors constantly dismiss me or discriminate me for some reason and I’m tired of it. I’ve been sick and disabled since last November and I had a job but started my LOA then.
For two years I was seeing a rheumatologist for an underlying autoimmune disorder(s) and was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Primary immunodeficiency, fibromyalgia, CIDP and still being investigated for more issues.
In November I decided to go on a LOA because my flares were starting to become more frequent and severe. My psychiatrist was the one who filled out the LOA paperwork for the time from Nov-Dec because I was hesitant to ask my Rheumatologist. I was told by my rheumatologists office that filling out LOA paperwork was $300 out of pocket and at the time I didn’t have that money so my psychiatrist signed it because I was also struggling with my mental health and family issues that time.
I was supposed to go back to work in January but at the start of the new year I got really sick and my flares started to ramp up again so I had to request a new LOA. My psychiatrist couldn’t help me with my LOA paperwork anymore because it was more health related now and told me to go see my rheumatologist. I was still hesitant because of the fee and then when I was about to see my rheumatologist again and get my bloodwork done I got a surprise bill from the lab where I get my bloodwork done for $400 after insurance. They wouldn’t let me get additional tests until I paid the fee and I couldn’t see my rheumatologist until I had my bloodwork done. I made an appointment with my rheumatologist anyways but the soonest I could get wasn’t until after the LOA deadline in March. I also couldn’t get any disability benefits until that LOA form was filled out by my doctor so I had no income to pay for any of this.
I ended up in the Emergency Room on 2/16/24 a little over a week before I needed to submit the forms for LOA and at this point my employer was threatening to fire me for failing to provide the LOA paperwork. I tried explaining the situation to one of my managers but he wasn’t having it and didn’t care.
When I went to the first emergency room I went in for multiple serious symptoms, the knew I had an underlying autoimmune disorder causing the flares and that I had surgery 3 years prior to remove ovarian cysts on my right ovary. I told the emergency room that I had a lot of abdominal pain across multiple areas, I was really weak, fatigued, dealing with vertigo, blood in stool, persistent bloating, frequent urination and my symptoms were to the point where I was losing my ability to walk. My partner was holding me the entire time so I wouldn’t fall.
The emergency room did a bunch of tests that included a basic blood panel, physical exam and a CT scan of my abdomen. They didn’t find the bleeding but instead found that I had a complex 14cm tumor on my right ovary which they deemed a dermoid cyst.
When they gave me the news they officially diagnosed me with a “dermoid cyst from birth” even though I countered their diagnosis and told them that was impossible because I had surgery 3 years prior. The doctor didn’t backtrack at all, just stuttered and continued to discharge me because it “wasn’t an emergency” just because I wasn’t bleeding out despite all of my serious progressing symptoms.
I angrily left the ER knowing it was utter BS and deep down I knew it was cancer because of how sick I was. I could literally feel I didn’t have much time but because I looked young and healthy and my basic blood panel didn’t throw up any huge red flags at them even they dismissed me and misdiagnosed me. I wasn’t even given anything to manage the pain.
I even told them I was already on a medical leave and that I’ve been really sick but that it was getting bad and I couldn’t see my rheumatologist. However I didn’t know about the tumor until then. I told them I needed help with the LOA paperwork too and had they admitted me I would have been able to get an extension and still have my job and benefits. I could have started treatment sooner and received disability pay but instead was forced to continue living with this pain. It was so large that I was at risk of torsion rupture and necrosis.
The next day I called up every gynecologist I could to see where I could go for the soonest appointment for an ultrasound. I found a doctor who took me as an emergency appointment a few days later and he confirmed it was most likely malignant and that I needed surgery ASAP. I talked to him about my LOA situation too because I was running out of time and I was too disabled to work. He also refused to help me sign my LOA paperwork because according to him “ovarian cancer can’t cause systemic symptoms and you’re going to need to wait until surgery before put you on leave”. I told him I had an underlying autoimmune disorder that I think is being exasperated by the cancer and I was just dismissed yet again despite needing someone to physically help me walk so I don’t fall. He also didn’t give me anything for the pain I was in.
I had to turn in my LOA that day but because of this I was forced to resign my position or face getting fired and becoming un-hirable so I had to quit. In quitting I lost everything, benefits, stocks, my job. I’m now in debt with multiple cc going to collections because I haven’t been getting an income since January and I’m just starting chemo so I have no idea when I’ll be able to work again. I don’t know what to do here. I was going to try to settle my debt but with what money??
After I lost my insurance I applied for medi-cal but something with my application in there system wasn’t right and it was in a never ending pending limbo state. I tried waiting it out for two weeks, calling them sorting it out and doing it right by the system but every day I was getting sicker and I felt I was running out of time.
Two weeks later I went to a different ER because at this point I could sleep and I couldn’t eat. I was miserable from the symptoms and never ending anxiety and mood swings of possibly having an autoimmune disorder like SLE and ovarian cancer.
The second ER finally admit me and confirmed it was cancer. I was admitted for emergency surgery and by this time the tumor had already ruptured, twisted my ovary and grew to 20cm at the largest point. This was also a battle but that’s besides the point.
Anyways now to my current situation. I started chemo about two weeks ago and my current oncologist is also being negligent.
I found out the other day that she blindly prescribed a medication for nausea that interacts with a medication that I was already on. The interaction is known to cause arrhythmias apparently. During my first week of chemo I was taking both meds and mentioned that my chest had been feeling heavy and I had pain. I was told it was steroids. It continued and then one night as I was falling asleep my heart started to pound really hard for about 10-15 seconds. I told my doctor about it and again steroids.
That same day I went to pick up a prescription and just happened to ask if anything interacted and that’s when I found out that it was a major interaction and I literally could have died had I not luckily been titrating off of the offending medicine. I stopped taking those meds and immediately the chest pain stopped and I haven’t had an episode like that since.
I am freaked out and don’t want to continue my care with her due to her negligence. This should have been a conversation at minimum and she didn’t even tell me she prescribed it. I just got a notification from my pharmacy that it was ready. I also didn’t know about the interaction when it was picked up because my mom picked it up for me and she doesn’t speak English very well.
I talked to my care teams assistant and told her I wanted a change of doctors because I didn’t trust her after this and she said she was going to put in the request. They called me yesterday though and said they weren’t going to switch me because I had already started treatment and refused to switch my doctors despite everything that’s happened. I am livid and don’t want to continue with them.
I already set up an appointment for a second opinion but that’s not for another two weeks before the appointment and I don’t want to interruption treatment.
I have a rare type of ovarian cancer with a high grade tumor. It was a germ cell tumor called immature teratoma. They said it is stage 1 but because I had emergency surgery and everything was rushed I don’t feel this is an accurate diagnosis because I have pain in all of the surrounding areas where the tumor was pushing up against. The tumor was exasperating all of my autoimmune symptoms and causing me to be in a never ending flare so my body was heavily damaged. Im becoming disabled at 28 and I don’t know who to hold accountable here. I have so much anxiety with doctors now because I’m traumatized from my experience with them dismissing me and discriminating against me. Like I’m young so I “must be able to tolerate more”.
I’m in a dark place right now and really need some advice here. What should I do? What CAN I DO? Who do I hold accountable? What do I need to have a solid malpractice case??
I feel like the first emergency room should at least be held liable for making me lose my job, misdiagnosing me, failing to treat me or provide relief and then sending me a $1600 medical bill. Someone help me with this please I am struggling and still haven’t gotten approved for disability benefits yet so I’ve had no income since January. Thanks.
submitted by lumpytorta to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:49 Mystic2288 [VA] [US] are we required to pay former assisted living facility, even if patient is discharged directly from hospital into long-term care nursing home?

Are we required to pay former assisted-living facility, even though discharged directly into long-term care nursing home?
A family member has gotten sick and has been living in an assisted-living facility for some months. I have recently gotten medical power of attorney. When I visited, I noticed that they were NOT taking good care of him and causing various issues, including no feeding for many hours (23 hours), not paying attention to his pain while urinating, or persistent coughs,
I wrote an email on May 13 to tell them of our intention to vacate but didn’t get a response. A few days ago they sent him to the emergency room of a hospital and he’s in the hospital being evaluated. He’s lost a lot of functions and is completely paralyzed, so I’m talking to a case manager tomorrow to discuss next steps.
The issue is we are looking to have the hospital discharge him into a long term care facility directly by private pay first and then apply for Medicaid long-term care. The question is: the current Assisted living facility sent us a bill for next month for $14,000 and they require a 30 day notice to exit. Are we supposed to pay this bill for June even when the current facility is unable to handle his care and he goes to a long-term care facility with the doctors orders?
Can we tell the facility that since the doctors will not allow him to go back there, we will not pay the next month bills ? (For example they do not know how to use Cough Assist; do not do IV antibiotics or a feeding tube or trach care which my family member needs. )
My family member has used up most of our life savings on this assisted living facility and some other treatments, which were not covered by Medicare or insurance.
Your expertise and advice will be much appreciated!
submitted by Mystic2288 to AskLawyers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:44 JukeBox42069 Worried that I might not get the job due to my dad trying to bribe the manager

[18M] I recently went to a hiring event and got interviewed. Everyone there seemed extremely chill and laid back. It seemed like the type of place where there was no drama, just good vibes. I was extremely nervous and stuttered a bit, but l got through it. The guy that interviewed me said he liked me and he brought a girl over who i assumed was an assistant manager or something and she reviewed the papers that I signed as well as my resume, asked me a few questions, and then said that she liked me too.
The guy said that it was likely that i'd get hired and that he would look forward to working with me.
A moment later my Dad comes in and they talk for a bit. My dad shows the manager that he works at an important job and tells him that he has a gig that is worth lots of money if the manager is ever interested. He took out his phone and showed him pictures and proof that he worked there. I was embarrassed and the manager looked a bit uncomfortable. On the way back home l asked my dad about it and he said not to worry because no one would be dumb enough to decline an offer like that.
This was on May 16th, it's now May 18th and I still haven't received an email or anything. Should I be worried?
submitted by JukeBox42069 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:43 ryanmark234 pay someone to take my nursing test Reddit pay someone to take my nursing Exam Reddit pay someone to take my nursing Class Reddit pay someone to take my nursing Course Reddit pay someone to take my nursing Homework Assignment Reddit Nursing Exam Takers Reddit Nursing Exam Helpers Reddit

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I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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submitted by ryanmark234 to nursinghelp2024 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:41 boneyardbroth Advice on Levothyroxine Symptoms

Hi everyone, I'm new to posting in this sub but I've been lurking for a few weeks now. (I made an alternate account to discuss health since I'm a private person.) I'm looking for some feedback and to see if anyone else has dealt with similar problems and had success.
Some background: my hair started noticeably falling out about 8-9 months ago. Over time I started to feel more and more tired and cold all the time. Went to a dermatologist about the hair loss and she diagnosed me with hypothyroidism due to my TSH being 5.27. She wasn't a specialist so told me to see my OBGYN. OBGYN didn't do any more testing, just immediately put me on generic 50 mg levothyroxine back in March. The first 6 weeks were kind of a nightmare with me having awful mood swings to the point I was crying my eyes out near daily, puffiness all over my body (primarily face and abdomen), and heart flutters. I told my OB and she had me start taking 25 mg which helped with the insane mood swings and flutters, but the bloating and puffiness persisted. After 6 weeks, my TSH was at 1.03.
I had to switch drs due to insurance, and started to see a GP that wanted to test me again and look at other levels. My TSH then was about 1.3 and my T3 was 3.2. I told her about the problems I'd been having with levothyroxine and she gave me some samples of NP Thyroid to try. She said that I'm young (26f) and my T3 levels seem normal so I probably won't need the extra T3 it has but to give it a shot. I tried it for about 5 days before I felt I should stop because my BPM was shooting up to 160 while doing next to nothing and I couldn't relax. I also have POTS that I've been getting treatment for for years so heartrate spikes like that are a no-go for me. Seems like maybe the extra T3 is just too much.
Other medications I'm on include lithium, a very low dose beta blocker and a birth control patch. I've been on all of these for 2+years with 0 problems.
The now: I went back to the levo for the time being until my next appointment because I wasn't sure I should quit cold turkey. Immediately the puffiness all over my body got worse. Bad water retention in my middle to the point my clothes hardly fit, my hands and feet ache, and my eyes feel half shut. I'm now trying to figure out my next course of action. I was wondering if anyone's experienced anything similar with levothyroxine and what they did. I wanted NP to work for me really badly. I've heard good things about Tirosint?
I'm feeling really hopeless right now worried I'm going to have to choose between being bloated and in pain or being exhausted and losing my hair. Any advice is appreciated, thank you!
submitted by boneyardbroth to Hypothyroidism [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:39 JukeBox42069 Worried that I might not get the job due to my dad trying to bribe the manager

[18M] I recently went to a hiring event and got interviewed. Everyone there seemed extremely chill and laid back. It seemed like the type of place where there was no drama, just good vibes. I was extremely nervous and stuttered a bit, but l got through it. The guy that interviewed me said he liked me and he brought a girl over who i assumed was an assistant manager or something and she reviewed the papers that I signed as well as my resume, asked me a few questions, and then said that she liked me too.
The guy said that it was likely that i'd get hired and that he would look forward to working with me.
A moment later my Dad comes in and they talk for a bit. My dad shows the manager that he works at an important job and tells him that he has a gig that is worth lots of money if the manager is ever interested. He took out his phone and showed him pictures and proof that he worked there. I was embarrassed and the manager looked a bit uncomfortable. On the way back home I asked my dad about it and he said not to worry because no one would be dumb enough to decline an offer like that.
This was on May 16th, it's now May 18th and I still haven't received an email or anything. Should I be worried?
submitted by JukeBox42069 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:35 GHouserVO Anyone else on here get to enjoy the emergency landing in Madrid on AA120?

Anyone else on here get to enjoy the emergency landing in Madrid on AA120?
Just curious. This was a flight to Doha that had to do an emergency change of course and landing in Madrid on April 25th.
I’ve noticed that the airline did everything they could to keep it out of the press, especially the manner in which they nearly screwed over the passengers, then dumped them at a hotel that was already full (so they ended up having to walk a bit to find another hotel which was… interesting, and barely functional in parts).
That is, if AA couldn’t just strand the passengers at the airport (and they definitely tried).
I’ve been on flights where a medical emergency has occurred, but never one where 2 separate and isolated medicated emergencies have occurred while in-flight before.
My favorite was that for all the trouble, AA offered 10K points, and didn’t do anything to assist passengers in getting a flight out of Madrid to wherever their next destination was supposed to be, let alone help anyone who missed a connecting flight.
Have to hand it to them, American knows how to make a trip memorable.
submitted by GHouserVO to americanairlines [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:34 John_Smith_4724 Online Nursing Exam Help Reddit Nursing Exam Taker Reddit Nursing Class Help Reddit do my nursing Class Reddit Nursing Assignment Help Reddit Nursing Homework Helper Reddit Nursing course Help Reddit Take my Nursing Course Reddit Nursing Test Quiz Help Reddit Hire Expert Reddit

If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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submitted by John_Smith_4724 to nursinghelp2024 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:28 gigbot40 Has anyone else seen messages like this on fb?

Has anyone else seen messages like this on fb?
I can usually spot a scam but this one is a little hard to tell expect that it does seem to easy. Too good to be true. I went ahead and emailed him my resume before thinking about it too much. Hope it’s not him wanting my email and number oh no. The email is not linked to my fb account at least.
submitted by gigbot40 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:24 lalalalalalaaaaaa123 Lexapro weight gain, 10mg

The thought of possibly gaining weight on this medication is causing me to be extremely depressed. Can anyone offer me some sort of positive words or their experiences? I asked my doctor (GP) to prescribe something where weight gain wouldn’t be a side effect, she said to try this first for six weeks and If the weight gain happened, she will prescribe trintillix, but that isn’t covered by my insurance and will be close to 500 a month. And no I don’t qualify for the assistance/discount program for that.
I tried to get in with a psychiatrist for a second opinion but I was quoted 400 for that appointment. I just don’t want to waste my time.
I need some sort of help or change in my life but I don’t know if I can take this chance.
submitted by lalalalalalaaaaaa123 to lexapro [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:18 Apprehensive-Sign471 School part time/work more than full time and kids. How can I make better income?

I’m 36, divorced, and working non stop. I started all the way over about 3 years ago and now I’m suffering even more financially. I’m in college part time for my bachelors in health information management and I’ve been working for the same home health company for over 3 years now. I know these days job hopping is the way to go, but where do I start? I have LinkedIn and all the job sites, my resume is up to date, I’m not huge on networking as I’m more introvert, but all in all no bites for anything worth the pay to switch. My experience has been stacking up and I know I can land something I just need this to happen like yesterday. Any advice? Panicking.
Primary work load involves-
Supervising a colleague overseas to route and coordinate mapping systems for mobile podiatry work. Cpt coding, prescription management, case work for wound care, patient coordinator, doctors assistant, case worker (without the license), health care data analytics (I have data analytics cert as well). Hope that helps.
submitted by Apprehensive-Sign471 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:14 bia_matsuo AllTalk and Text-Gen-WebUI-ST wierd interaction, generates the image and the .wav file, but it dosn't play the audio

I've just installed the Text-Gen-WebUI-ST , and it seems to be working fine, the problem is the interaction between it and AllTalk.
Here is an example response I received: Chiharu's eyes widen in surprise at your response, but she quickly recovers and smiles reassuringly Don't worry, I won't bite! She chuckles Let's start with the basics. What got you interested in computers? [image_correclty_generated]
AllTalk correctly generates the .wav file, but it doesnt send it alongside the text response and the image. And as seem in the example above, the text is ouputting the .wav file path, and not the "play button". The correct text would be: [PLAY BUTTOM] Chiharu's eyes widen in surprise at your response, but she quickly recovers and smiles reassuringly Don't worry, I won't bite! She chuckles Let's start with the basics. What got you interested in computers? [image_correclty_generated]
I'm running AllTalk as a Text-Gen-WebUI extension, and it's entire ouput into the command windows is:
Llama.generate: prefix-match hit Output generated in 6.15 seconds (10.09 tokens/s, 62 tokens, context 384, seed 1337) [AllTalk TTSGen] Chiharu's eyes widen in surprise at your response, but she quickly recovers and smiles reassuringly Don't worry, I won't bite! She chuckles Let's start with the basics. What got you interested in computers? [AllTalk TTSGen] 4.09 seconds. LowVRAM: False DeepSpeed: True 18:46:26-837540 INFO [SD WebUI Integration] Using stable-diffusion-webui to generate images. Prompt: She chuckles Let's start with the basics. What got you interested in computers, but she quickly recovers and smiles reassuringly Don't worry, Chiharu's eyes widen in surprise at your response, I won't bite, sscore_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, realistic, realism, source_anime, High-Res, High Quality, (masterpiece, best quality, highly detailed, realistic, beautiful eyes, detailed face), BREAK red eyes, red glasses, brown hair, pony tails, long hair, bangs, smiling, lab coat, black boots, ankle boots, blue nails, blue lipstick, cowboy shot, upper body shot Negative Prompt: score_4_up, score_5_up,low detailed, ugly face, bad hands, bad fingers, mutated hands, low res, blurry face, monochrome, words, artist signature, close up 
And here is Stable-Difussion ouput:
Begin to load 1 model [Memory Management] Current Free GPU Memory (MB) = 10816.615869522095 [Memory Management] Model Memory (MB) = 2144.3546981811523 [Memory Management] Minimal Inference Memory (MB) = 1024.0 [Memory Management] Estimated Remaining GPU Memory (MB) = 7648.261171340942 Moving model(s) has taken 1.81 seconds To load target model SDXL Begin to load 1 model [Memory Management] Current Free GPU Memory (MB) = 9031.173444747925 [Memory Management] Model Memory (MB) = 4897.086494445801 [Memory Management] Minimal Inference Memory (MB) = 1024.0 [Memory Management] Estimated Remaining GPU Memory (MB) = 3110.086950302124 Moving model(s) has taken 3.24 seconds 100%██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ 15/15 [00:05<00:00, 2.93it/s] Memory cleanup has taken 3.36 seconds██████████████████████████████████████████████████ 15/15 [00:04<00:00, 2.97it/s] Total progress: 100%██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ 15/15 [00:08<00:00, 1.77it/s] Total progress: 100%██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ 15/15 [00:08<00:00, 2.97it/s] 
And this is my "settings.yaml" file:
preset: Debug-deterministic seed: 1337 truncation_length: 32768 stream: false character: Chiharu Yamada default_extensions: - openai - send_pictures - sd_api_pictures - gallery - long_replies - whisper_stt - alltalk_tts - stable_diffusion alltalk_tts-voice: '#Scarlett_voice_preview (enhanced).wav' stable_diffusion-api_username: '' stable_diffusion-api_password: '' stable_diffusion-base_prompt: sscore_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, realistic, realism, source_anime, High-Res, High Quality, (masterpiece, best quality, highly detailed, realistic, beautiful eyes, detailed face), BREAK red eyes, red glasses, brown hair, pony tails, long hair, bangs, smiling, lab coat, black boots, ankle boots, blue nails, blue lipstick, cowboy shot, upper body shot stable_diffusion-base_negative_prompt: score_4_up, score_5_up,low detailed, ugly face, bad hands, bad fingers, mutated hands, low res, blurry face, monochrome, words, artist signature, close up, stable_diffusion-sampler_name: Euler a stable_diffusion-sampling_steps: 15 stable_diffusion-width: 1024 stable_diffusion-height: 1024 stable_diffusion-cfg_scale: 4 stable_diffusion-clip_skip: 2 stable_diffusion-debug_mode_enabled: true stable_diffusion-trigger_mode: continuous stable_diffusion-tool_mode_force_json_output_enabled: false stable_diffusion-tool_mode_force_json_output_schema: "{\n \"type\": \"array\", \n \"items\": {\n \"type\": \"object\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"tool_name\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"required\": true\n },\n \"parameters\": {\n \"type\": \"object\",\n \"required\": true\n } \n },\n \"additionalProperties\": false\n },\n \"minItems\": 1\n}" stable_diffusion-interactive_mode_input_trigger_regex: .*(drawpaintcreatesenduploadaddshowattachgenerate)\b.+?\b(imagepic(ture)?photosnap(shot)?selfiememe)(s?) stable_diffusion-interactive_mode_output_trigger_regex: .*[*([]?(drawspaintscreatessendsuploadsaddsshowsattachesgenerateshere (isare))\b.+?\b(imagepic(ture)?photosnap(shot)?selfiememe)(s?) stable_diffusion-interactive_mode_description_prompt: You are now a text generator for the Stable Diffusion AI image generator. You will generate a text prompt for it. Describe [subject] using comma-separated tags only. Do not use sentences. Include many tags such as tags for the environment, gender, clothes, age, location, light, daytime, angle, pose, etc. Very important: only write the comma-separated tags. Do not write anything else. Do not ask any questions. Do not talk. stable_diffusion-dont_stream_when_generating_images: false stable_diffusion-generation_rules: - regex: .*\b(detailed)\b match: - input - output actions: - name: prompt_append args: '(high resolution, detailed, realistic, vivid: 1.2), hdr, 8k, ' - regex: ^Assistant$ match: - character_name actions: - name: prompt_append args: - name: negative_prompt_append args: - regex: ^Example$ match: - character_name actions: - name: faceswaplab_enable - name: faceswaplab_set_source_face args: file:///{STABLE_DIFFUSION_EXTENSION_DIRECTORY}/assets/example_face.jpg stable_diffusion-hires_sampling_steps: 10 stable_diffusion-faceswaplab_source_face: file:///{STABLE_DIFFUSION_EXTENSION_DIRECTORY}/assets/example_face.jpg stable_diffusion-reactor_source_face: file:///{STABLE_DIFFUSION_EXTENSION_DIRECTORY}/assets/example_face.jpg stable_diffusion-reactor_source_gender: none stable_diffusion-reactor_target_gender: none stable_diffusion-faceid_source_face: file:///{STABLE_DIFFUSION_EXTENSION_DIRECTORY}/assets/example_face.jpg stable_diffusion-ipadapter_reference_image: file:///{STABLE_DIFFUSION_EXTENSION_DIRECTORY}/assets/example_face.jpg 
If someone could give me a help on this, I'll appreciate a lot. Thank you.
submitted by bia_matsuo to Oobabooga [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:11 Dear-Cockroach-6979 Wouldn’t mind some advice…

(Sorry, it’s kinda long)
Hey everyone,
A bit about me: I grew up in a toxic household with an alcoholic abusive single mother. She had anywhere from 15-20 stray cats in our home that she spoiled and loved more than me. She sure made that clear! My father left me and my mother when I was two years old and he never came back. I was put into the California foster care system at age 13 due to my mother being reported multiple times by my junior high school counselor. From there I went to several mental hospitals, lockdown facilities and group homes up to my 18th birthday. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder back in my adolescent years. I haven’t been evaluated as an adult but I’m sure I would be diagnosed with MDD if I were.
I have spent almost my entire adult life doing nothing with myself. I spent a lot of time early on sleeping in my car and showering at my friends houses. My grandma in Arizona helped me out a great deal and let me stay with her and find work, and I was proud of myself although I was working a menial janitorial job at a casino. I’m pretty tech savvy and skilled with automotive repair but I never pursued further education. When my grandma passed away in 2007 I got severely depressed but I managed to get a place to live with roommates and held down a full time job, again at a casino doing janitorial work. Developed a gambling addiction and an alcohol addiction. Got a DUI in 2008 and that started my legal troubles. Lost my place and lost my job.
I slept in my car and worked at casinos doing menial work again. Met a woman at one of the jobs and got married April 2010. She had a few kids with a bunch of baby daddy drama, and I couldn’t deal with it so I just walked away and the divorce was finalized by the end of the year. I stopped drinking after that. From there I kept working until 2011, when I decided to quit my job, take my old Subaru XT and hit the road. Went all over the southwest US sleeping in the car and exploring, got a few tickets for no insurance, got my license suspended for said tickets and also for not paying my payments on the DUI. I got to Albuquerque NM and my car finally croaked on me. Transmission failure. Slept in it for a week or so in a mini-mall parking lot until the cops were called on me and unsurprisingly took my car. I was officially a street person at age 26.
I spent several years hitchhiking, panhandling, dumpster diving, hopping freight trains and finding spots to sleep or camp wherever I could. I was so depressed that I didn’t take very good care of myself and had no desire whatsoever to try to better myself and dig out of the hole I got myself into. I used to call myself an urban survivalist. I remained in this state of mind until late 2022 when dental problems nearly killed me. I finally found a place to stay in Nevada with a lady I called a foster mother but I had a very hard time getting used to being housed. I got all my teeth yanked and a set of dentures thanks to Nevada Medicaid. I got a job at a car wash for six months but gave up the job due to stress at home and workplace nepotism. I even got a few credit cards and got my score up to 719! Anyhow, foster mother was an alcoholic, she started to remind me of my biological mother and I couldn’t stand it anymore. I had a few thousand dollars saved up and moved back to Arizona a couple of months ago.
I am currently at a weekly motel and have been attempting to find any work I can. Managed to get interviews for dishwasher jobs, housekeeping jobs, janitorial jobs and night crew at a grocery store. Haven’t heard back from any of them though. I have half of my savings left and it seems inevitable that I’ll run out of money pretty soon.
I have a good feeling that the ridiculously long gap of employment looks terrible on my resume and that may be a reason I’m not getting anything. I mean, what do I tell the interviewer, that I was a damn bum?
I like to think I’m pretty smart. I was disassembling and reassembling IBM PC’s before I hit puberty. I was the computer technician for my high school back in the Windows XP era. Once I started driving I began teaching myself automotive repair with Chilton and Haynes manuals along with plenty of trial and error. It blew people’s minds when I, a dirty bum, helped get their car back on the road if I noticed they needed assistance. I helped a man I met at a park and did an engine swap on his Nissan Xterra over a couple weekends in exchange for new camping gear.
I can’t get work as a mechanic or do any driving related jobs unless I get my license back and it would take a LOT of money to get it back. On top of that I have to have an ignition interlock in any vehicle I drive. I wouldn’t mind getting into computer repair but I don’t have the certification to do so, and I’ve been out of the loop for a long time. I have a MacBook Air M1 and wish I could learn a way to make money with it like some sort of remote job but that seems impossible to me at this point.
For the record, I still don’t drink and I’ve never done a hard drug in my life. I haven’t smoked weed in months so I am able to pass a drug test if I were hired somewhere. Also, I have no felonies whatsoever on my record. Some people like to be stereotypical so I figured I’d throw that out there.
I guess what I’m asking is what should I do at this point? What path would you take if you were in my shoes? I won’t lie, suicide has been on my mind a lot lately. I don’t have many friends and I don’t have any family to talk to. I don’t like being a burden on anyone. Should I just accept that I’m gonna probably be homeless again, possibly for the rest of my life? Is there anywhere in the US that I could possibly get back on my feet with some sort of labor work and a place to sleep? I’d move anywhere if I knew I had a shot. Am I a lost cause at age 38? I’d love to hear some ideas!
submitted by Dear-Cockroach-6979 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:10 Heatherlee2019 All You Need to Know About InventHelp and Its New Invention and Patent Services

All You Need to Know About InventHelp and Its New Invention and Patent Services
Wonderful inventions abound in the world that were once only the product of geniuses' epiphanies. Most of us cannot image a world without the inventions and conveniences that we have grown to depend on and take for granted. The world does, of course, always change, in part because bright brains never stop coming up with amazing ideas for inventions that can improve people's lives.
It can be overwhelming to a new inventor with a fantastic idea to know where to begin or what to do. Sometimes as a result, people give up on their aspirations of invention and put the concept out of their heads. Had this occurred with any of the numerous inventions on which we now so rely, just think! Instead of giving up on an idea, new inventors can consult industry professionals like InventHelp.
Naturally, you want to be sure you make the best decision when you are thinking about hiring a new inventions company to help you advance with your idea as a new inventor. This implies that you must do your homework and learn as much as possible about any service—InventHelp included—that you are thinking about using. Fortunately, you may make your decision more easily because InventHelp has been in the business for many years and there is a wealth of information available online.
When you get into the field of new inventions, you will need assistance with everything from marketing to patent protection to prototype development and more. From the beginning to the conclusion of your first invention journey, a full-service provider such as InventHelp will be able to support you.
We've written a guide with additional details about InventHelp and what it offers new inventors to help you make the best choice. You can also read Q&As from other new inventors trying to learn more about the company and some of the most often asked questions by those who do online research on the company.
Questions from New Inventors About InventHelp

Many new inventors understandably have a lot of questions when they consider working with a company like InventHelp to move forward with their invention idea. Naturally, they want to ensure that they choose the best new invention service provider for them, which means learning about some key factors that can help them make the right decision. So, let's look at some of the questions that new inventors ask about InventHelp, because they can help you learn a lot about the provider and its new invention services.

How Long Has InventHelp Been Around?
Most new inventors want to know how long InventHelp has been in this industry. This shows how reliable, experienced, and well-known the company is. You should find a new invention service provider that has a good reputation and a lot of experience in the field. To do this, you should find out how long they have been in business.
The good news is that InventHelp has been around for a long time. It began in the mid-1980s. From then on, the business has helped many new inventors in many different niches and fields, and it has built a strong reputation along the way. It is easy to see why a lot of new inventors choose to use this service to help them with their first invention. They have been in business for more than forty years.
Also, it's important to note that InventHelp has 65 offices in the US and Canada, making it a very strong presence there. The company hires teams of professionals with years of experience and knowledge in the field. The company is also divided into different departments that handle different parts of the new invention process. This includes professionals in legal matters, marketing, design, and a lot of other fields.
So, if you want to hire a new invention company with a long history, you can rest easy knowing that InventHelp has been around for decades.
Can InventHelp Assist with Patenting My Idea?
A lot of new inventors don't know much about patenting, but they do know that it's an important part of the invention world. There are a lot of people who want to know if InventHelp can help them get patent protection because of this. They can do this without any problems.
When you work with InventHelp, the team can put you in touch with lawyers who specialize in patent law. This way, you can get patent searches and applications done right away. Then, with the help of lawyers, you can get your patent protection set up. This will give you more peace of mind and protection.
Getting a patent for a new invention can be hard and take a long time because there are so many steps involved. Patent searches are needed to make sure that your invention won't violate any patents that are already out there. In addition, the patent application process has to be completed. This can be difficult and stressful for people who don't know much about patent law.
There could be serious problems for you in the future if you don't have patent protection in place or if searches aren't done. If you don't do the right research, your invention might violate an existing patent, which could get you in trouble with the law. Someone could steal your idea or design if you don't have a patent to protect it. They could then claim it as their own, which is called intellectual property theft. Also, someone else could have the exact same thought and patent it before you do.

What Are the Benefits of Using InventHelp?
When looking into this invention company, many new inventors wonder how InventHelp can assist them and what advantages they will reap from working with the firm. Obviously, you should inquire about this and conduct research to make sure the provider is a good fit for you. You should know that InventHelp offers assistance in a wide variety of ways since they are a full-service new invention provider.
The many steps involved in bringing a new invention to fruition can be overwhelming and difficult for a first-time inventor. In order to help you with this, the experts at InventHelp are available to you at all times. As a new inventor, you can expect a great deal of assistance from the provider, and there are numerous advantages to working with them. Now we can examine a few of the main advantages:
· You get support and guidance from the start to the end of your first invention journey from industry experts
· They can assist with important tasks such as patent protection and searches, creating prototypes, and more
· You can benefit from access to a database of thousands of companies that are willing to review your invention idea
· There is access to a wide range of tools and resources to help you to learn as you go
· The team can help with marketing your invention to help generate interest
· You can get assistance with creating great pitches to impress potential investors and businesses
· There is tailored support to meet your individual needs

This is just a sample of the wide range of services and assistance that InventHelp can provide to new inventors. As a result, it has become a very popular choice among new inventors in all sorts of industries.

Can InventHelp Assist with Prototype Creation?
They think that just telling people about their new invention idea is enough, and some new inventors don't realize how important a prototype is. To attract attention and, maybe, investment, you need to be creative. If you have a prototype, you can use it here.
Sharing the visual, functional, and operational aspects of your invention can be challenging without a prototype. Prototyping allows you to accomplish this in a way that is impossible without one. Selecting the most appropriate prototype from the many available choices is crucial.
If you need help with this, InventHelp has a team of design experts that can help. Their assistance in developing a faultless prototype can greatly increase your chances of attracting the attention of potential investors.
Will InventHelp Review My Idea?
One thing that a lot of new inventors want to know about InventHelp is if the people who work there will give them feedback on their invention idea. They will not do this, which is a shame, because it would not be right for them to. In fact, it's important to remember that no new invention company should give their opinion, and if they do, that should be a red flag. You can't ask the team what they think about your invention idea, so don't expect them to give you feedback.
You can, of course, do other things if you want to find out what other people think about your invention idea. These days, a lot of people do things like this on social media. If you have a lot of friends, you can share the idea to see what they think. You should be very careful, though, because you don't want your idea to get stolen by someone else before you get a patent for it.
One of the safest things you can do is to ask your close friends and family what they think about your invention idea. Not all of them will tell you what you want to hear, but some will probably tell you the truth. This means that you can get an honest opinion from some of them.
What Can InventHelp Do for Me?
New inventors sometimes don't know what a new invention services provider does or how they can help someone who is new to the world of invention. Well, as we've already talked about, they can help you in a lot of different ways. This is especially helpful for people who don't know much about invention or have little experience with it.
If you've never been involved with inventions before, you should know that the whole process can be very complicated and hard to figure out. This can make it very stressful and scary for new inventors. Some people find it so scary that they give up on their idea or invention dreams rather than continuing to try and get past the problems they face.
If you have professionals there to help you, the process is much easier and less likely to be scary and stressful for you. You can have a better first journey as an inventor with the help of InventHelp. They can make sure you enjoy and learn from your first experience. This can boost your confidence and fire you up to move forward with your dream of making a new invention.
Will InventHelp Assist with Marketing?
Marketing is an important aspect of new inventions, but many first-time inventors are unfamiliar with it. Many newbies wonder if the InventHelp team can help, and with a team of marketing experts on hand, the answer is yes.
When it comes to marketing your new invention idea, it is critical that you employ the appropriate marketing techniques and strategies, as these can make a significant difference in generating more interest and raising awareness of your invention. Having professionals on hand to assist you with this aspect of things can be extremely beneficial.
In addition to assisting with marketing campaigns, the InventHelp team can help you develop a strong pitch for your new invention. When it comes to impressing businesses and potential investors, having a great pitch is essential, but most new inventors are lost. With the experts on hand to help, you'll have one less thing to worry about.
Will I Succeed with InventHelp?
Some new inventors think that if they go to a new invention company, they will be sure to be successful. There is no way to know for sure that you will succeed, so this is not true. That's why you should be very wary of companies that say their new invention will be a success. Not even the most experienced inventors can be sure if their latest idea will work or not.
When you first start out as an inventor, your dedication and hard work will definitely lead you in the right direction. You can get through your whole journey with the help of the right people and information. But none of this means you will be successful, so you should never go into this business thinking you will do well no matter what.
People Also Ask: More Questions and Answers About InventHelp

When you run a search in InventHelp, you will also find a wide range of other questions that people ask, and it is well worth reading through these if you want to learn more about the provider and what it has to offer. This is a great way of getting some of your own questions answered, and viewing some other questions that you might not have thought about. Some of the top questions that people also ask are:

How Much Does InventHelp Cost?
New inventors want to get rich fast, but they have to live on a tight budget like everyone else until their invention becomes a hit. Most people have a set amount of money they want to spend on their new invention idea. So, they want to know if InventHelp charges for its services and, if so, how much it will cost.
Not only that, but keep in mind that InventHelp is a business and needs to make money just like any other business. Because of this, services can't be given away for free, and there is a cost to become a client. Getting the service can cost different amounts, so you need to talk to them about your project first to find out how much it will cost.
That being said, the business is very clear about its prices and fees, so you can find out exactly how much you'll be charged before you sign anything or commit to anything. Because of this, you won't have to worry about any hidden fees, and you'll know right away how much the service will cost. Then, among other things, the costs will help you decide if you want to sign up or not.
And, of course, you should think about how much help and services you will get from InventHelp as part of the fee they charge. It can be hard for new inventors to figure out how to go about the processes involved with new inventions, as we've already said. Getting the right support and help can make a huge difference.
Is InventHelp a Legitimate Company?
The legitimacy of InventHelp is another question that people frequently pose online. Naturally, when a person uses a company for the first time, especially for something as crucial as supporting their new invention, they are always concerned. Many people who are unaware of InventHelp are therefore interested in learning if it is reliable.
Given its existence since the middle of the 1980s, the company has a proven track record. Many inexperienced inventors have already benefited from it in the past with inventions in a variety of fields. Furthermore, the internet offers a wealth of information about the provider, including testimonials and reviews, which helps you to find out more about its standing.
Just like with any other business you are using for the first time, before you join up with a new invention services company, including InventHelp, do as much research as you can. This allows you to gauge their offerings more fully and decide if it is the best option for you.
InventHelp is, however, a respectable business with a solid presence in 65 cities in the US and Canada and forty years of experience in the field.
How Can InventHelp Assist with Patenting?
New Inventors often ask online if InventHelp can help new inventors with the patenting process. Some new inventors are also interested in this. As we already talked about, patenting is a very important part of the process. Its job is to keep you and your invention safe. The good news is that InventHelp has a team of lawyers and can put you in touch with one of their patent law experts to make sure that the searches are done and that the patent protection is filed quickly and correctly.
This can help you get your patent faster and give you peace of mind that everything has been done correctly. When you go through legal processes like patent protection, you need to make sure that everything is done correctly. The lawyers at InventHelp can help you with this.
Can InventHelp Offer Funding?
Not many new inventors think about how to pay for their invention at first, but later on, they do. This is why a lot of people have asked if InventHelp can give money to new inventors. InventHelp does not directly offer funding, but they can still help in other ways.
The team can, for example, put you in touch with possible investors who might be willing to give you money if your new invention idea really impresses them. In addition, they can help you make a great pitch that will impress investors, which will increase your chances of getting new ones on board.

Does InventHelp Offer Confidentiality?
Rightly so, most new inventors are fiercely guarding their new invention concept! They therefore want to make sure that the specifics of their invention are safe and secure, and many of them wonder if InventHelp provides a private service.
You may relax though, because the InventHelp staff is highly concerned with information security and secrecy. Keeping this in mind, they have put in place a number of procedures to guarantee the security and safety of your data. This covers the companies on their database as well as all others who will be working on your project signing confidentiality agreements.
During their online research on InventHelp and its services, many people have the following important questions.
Can InventHelp Help with International Patents?
InventHelp can assist inventors with international patent applications through mechanisms like the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and by coordinating with foreign associates or patent agents.

Do I Need a Prototype to Work with InventHelp?
While having a prototype can be helpful, it is not always necessary to work with InventHelp. They can assist inventors at various stages of development, from conceptual ideas to prototypes.

What Should I Prepare Before Contacting InventHelp?
Before contacting InventHelp, it can be helpful to have a clear description of your invention idea, any sketches or diagrams, and an understanding of your goals for the invention.

How Long Does It Take to Get a Patent with InventHelp's Assistance?
The time it takes to obtain a patent can vary based on factors such as the complexity of the invention and the patent office's processing times. InventHelp can provide estimated timelines based on your specific case.

What Happens After I Contact InventHelp?
After contacting InventHelp, they will typically schedule a consultation to discuss your invention and determine how they can best assist you in achieving your goals.

Can I Work with InventHelp If I Already Have a Patent?
Yes, InventHelp can provide various services even if you already have a patent. They can assist with marketing, licensing, and commercialization efforts.

Is There a Guarantee of Success with InventHelp?
There is no guarantee of success in the invention and patenting process, as it depends on various factors including the novelty of the invention and market conditions. InventHelp can provide guidance and support, but success is not guaranteed.

Can InventHelp Help with Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)?
Yes, InventHelp can assist in the preparation of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to help protect your invention idea when discussing it with potential partners or investors.

Do I Have to Share Ownership or Royalties with InventHelp?
Any agreements about ownership or royalties will be based on the deal that the inventor and InventHelp make, and these terms should be written down in the deal.
How Much do Inventors Make on Royalties?
Inventors' royalty earnings vary widely, but typical royalty rates range from 2% to 10% or more of net sales, depending on several factors.
Can I Just Sell my Invention Idea? Yes, you can sell your invention idea to a company or individual without having to manufacture or develop the product yourself.

Should I Patent my Idea Before Selling?It's generally advisable to consider patenting your idea before selling it, as a patent can add significant value and protection to your invention when negotiating with potential buyers or licensees.
How do Inventors get Paid? Inventors typically get paid through royalties, upfront payments, or a combination of both, as specified in a licensing or sale agreement with a company or individual interested in their invention.

Summary of Benefits of Using InventHelp

After reading new inventor and online research questions about InventHelp, let's explore its benefits. You should weigh the pros and cons of any provider you use to help with your invention, but InventHelp has many benefits. Among the most important:
· Support and guidance
· Assistance with practical processes
· Access to tools and resources
· Access to a range of crucial services
· Expertise of professionals
· Transparency and honesty
· Ability to get your invention idea reviewed
· Great confidence and motivation
· Help from beginning to end as a new inventor
· Confidentiality and security when it comes to your information

Getting Started with InventHelp

Simply get in touch with InventHelp if you believe they would be the best provider to help you launch your career as a new inventor. You will know much better, among other things, what has to be done and how much it will cost once you have discussed your project and idea with the team. Then you can start anticipating an exciting and enlightening first adventure as a new inventor.
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