Bingo quotations

Quotes from speakers suffering from Buzzword Bingo

2017.05.02 05:03 MisterDamage Quotes from speakers suffering from Buzzword Bingo

Buzzword Bingo is an insidious affliction which the victim does not know they are suffering from but everyone who listens to them is instantly aware of. This subreddit exists to raise consciousness about the spread of Buzzword Bingo

2024.05.20 22:22 Tikurai7 My MHWilds Bingo Board (current state)

My MHWilds Bingo Board (current state)
(Some squares still could change, depending on my mood and thoughts on it - until SGF)
I finally used my own preset to fill it up completely by myself, tho most of it are kind of "wishes" what I want to see in Wilds, rather than what has high chances to appear in the game.
Things like "Juicy" and "Good" are in quotation marks, because these are set by my own preferences at the end. As some basic example, with the one about monster limping, I don't like it that they limp only for a few steps in Rise and after that run away with normal speed, rather than really show that they are nearly dead by slowly limping away the whole way, more like in World.
(And with "No need for base monster species" I mean, that I want to see monsters like for example Brute or Molten Tigrex, without the need for "normal"/base Tigrex being in-game, so that some slots for basic monster "versions" can be used for completely different monsters, but still having some unique species of them in-game. This way we can have some monsters, that were not in the last few games, and can "skip" some that are in nearly every title.)
What are your thoughts on this whole board? You are free to give me feedback and also you are free to use the preset for the bingo board, if you want to create one yourself. (Tho it would be nice to give credit, if you do so.) The preset is pinned on my profile.
submitted by Tikurai7 to MonsterHunter [link] [comments]

2024.02.13 17:41 DocWatson42 Diversity Fiction

My lists are always being updated and expanded when new information comes in—what did I miss or am I unaware of (even if the thread predates my membership in Reddit), and what needs correction? Even (especially) if I get a subreddit or date wrong. (Note that, other than the quotation marks, the thread titles are "sic". I only change the quotation marks to match the standard usage (double to single, etc.) when I add my own quotation marks around the threads' titles.)
The lists are in absolute ascending chronological order by the posting date, and if need be the time of the initial post, down to the minute (or second, if required—there are several examples of this). The dates are in DD MMMM YYYY format per personal preference, and times are in US Eastern Time ("ET") since that's how they appear to me, and I'm not going to go to the trouble of converting to another time zone. They are also in twenty-four hour format, as that's what I prefer, and it saves the trouble and confusion of a.m. and p.m. Where the same user posts the same request to different subreddits, I note the user's name in order to indicate that I am aware of the duplication.
Thread lengths: longish (50–99 posts)/long (100–199 posts)/very long (200–299 posts)/extremely long (300–399 posts)/huge (400+ posts) (though not all threads are this strictly classified, especially ones before mid?-2023, though I am updating shorter lists as I repost them); they are in lower case to prevent their confusion with the name "Long" and are the first notation after a thread's information.
See also my Diversity Nonfiction list of resources, Reddit recommendation threads, and books (one post).
submitted by DocWatson42 to Recommend_A_Book [link] [comments]

2024.01.21 17:46 ejcds GCSE quotation bingo!

GCSE quotation bingo!
How many are you guilty of?
submitted by ejcds to GCSE [link] [comments]

2023.12.20 21:35 CatWatt December 20th Special Days - Featuring 'It's a Wonderful Life!' Freebies!

December 20th Special Days - Featuring 'It's a Wonderful Life!' Freebies!

It's a Wonderful Life Film Premiere (1946)
-- George Bailey has so many problems he is thinking about ending it all - and it's Christmas! As the angels discuss George, we see his life in flashbacks. As George is about to jump from a bridge, he ends up rescuing his guardian angel, Clarence - who then shows George what his town would have looked like if it hadn't been for all his good deeds over the years.

Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities, and Crafts:

🔔 Free Printable Trivia Questions and Answers about It's A Wonderful Life
🔔 It's A Wonderful Life Word Search Puzzle
🔔 Free Christmas Printable-It's A Wonderful Life
🔔 Wordsearch Puzzles Wonderful Life
🔔 George Bailey's Christmas Stocking Crochet Pattern
🔔 It's a wonderful life! – iGirlZoe Crafter and Tim Holtz Addict
🔔 It's a Wonderful Life Dinner
🔔 Wonderful Christmas Chalkboard Printable
🔔 Paper Cup Bell Kids' Crafts Fun Craft Ideas
🔔 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Making Of It's A Wonderful Life
🔔 Ask Dad. He Knows. {A Free Printable} - It's just like the sign that hung in the drug store on It's a Wonderful Life. When young George Bailey didn't know what to do about the poisonous pills, he glanced at the sign and had the answer.
🔔 Its-a-Wonderful-Life-Scripture-References
🔔 Free It's a Wonderful Life Worksheets and Activities
🔔 It's a Wonderful Life Free Simple Christmas Art
🔔 It's A Wonderful Life -
🔔 IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE - Daily Script
🔔 Quotes From Frank Capra's It's A Wonderful Life
🔔 Free Printable It’s A Wonderful Life Quote Perfect For Christmas Decorating
🔔 Have Fun Playing Christmas Movie Bingo This Holiday Season {FREE Printable}

It's a Wonderful Life Recipes:

🔔 Zuzu Bailey's It's A Wonderful Life Cookbook
🔔 It's a Wonderful Loaf -- Two Holiday Traditions Combined
🔔 Zuzu shares the story behind her name and cookie recipe
🔔 'Wonderful Life' restored with missing music, special recipe treasure
🔔 Jimmy Stewart's Vegetarian Chili Toast
More: December 20th Special Days - Featuring 'It's a Wonderful Life!' Freebies!
submitted by CatWatt to FrugalFreebies [link] [comments]

2023.10.02 17:34 spookyluuky Need help getting used to having guests in the house.

I am 20F and autistic. Long post incoming!
As a child, my family never had guests to the house. I vividly remember the 2 times we had family members stay overnight from out of town, and that was it. If my family wanted to see friends, they'd go to a community center (bingo hall, gym) or out on the town (bar, restaurant, club). I never had friends in my house, I usually rode my bike with them around the neighborhood or just saw them at school.
In middle school, I was homeschooled. I left my house MAYBE 10 times in three years. I only ever spoke to people online. In high school, I only ever saw my friends at school or went to their house. I had a friend at my house one time, and made him leave after an hour because it felt weird to have someone in my room.
About four months I moved in with my boyfriend and his/our two roommates. Roommate 1 never has anyone over and stays in her room. Roommate 2 stays in his room but usually has 2-5 friends over every three weeks or so. I always know the friends he has over, because they're also my boyfriend's friends, who I see at their houses or gaming events I go to with him.
I've become increasingly panicked when they come over. I'm able to walk inside and go immediately to my room and say hi, but that's it. Last night, Roommate 2 had three friends over- Beth, James, and John. (fake names.)
I'm "friends" with Beth. We play video games together online and sometimes talk about random things (nails, games, things we're both going to, etc.) I do not talk about my feelings with her, my desires, or random day to day things like I do with my best friend. This is why i put friend in quotation marks, because I'm not really sure if Beth is a friend or more an acquantance. My boyfriend says she's my friend, but I feel like I should be closer with a friend. Anyway, I digress.
When Roommate 2, Beth, James, and John were at the house, I didn't realize Beth was there. I thought it was just the others. She didn't text me that she was coming over or knock on my bedroom door or anything. I was playing a game and took my headphones off, and heard her voice. I started crying because I thought this meant she didn't like me or didn't want to see me, despite being at my (and my roommates') house.
I hadn't eaten in hours and just sat there hungry because I didn't want to leave my room and them see me. I needed to go to the bathroom SO BADLY but didn't leave my room because I didn't want them to see me. I was in my pajamas, which is normal for everyone lounging around the hiuse. For me, I thought they'd think I was weird or gross. I don't know why.
My phone died and Beth knocked on my door. I put myself together and asnswered it. My boyfriend wanted to know if I wanted anything to eat on his way home, but I thought she knocked because they heard me crying.
I've discussed this with my boyfriend since. We think it's a combination of my chilhood and autism that's making me so uncomfortable having people in the house. I just genuinely do not understand why they need to be there or why Roommate 2 would even want them there. I feel 100% fulfilled after texting or a phone call, happier with that than I am interacting with Beth, or any of my boyfriend's friend's, in real life.
Does anyone else feel/felt the same? It's humiliating and I feel so shameful about it, because i know it's "weird" and wrong. Please give me advice on how to tackle not feeling this way.
submitted by spookyluuky to AutisticAdults [link] [comments]

2023.08.10 17:53 CustomWritings_CW Understanding the Assignment: Essay Requirements from the Professor Explained by Our Experts

Understanding the Assignment: Essay Requirements from the Professor Explained by Our Experts coupons: PAGEFORFREEBYCW - one free page. 10OFFTOCUTOFF - 10% off.
Written by Lauren Bradshaw.
You are a first-year student who just received your first essay assignment. You want to complete the task to the best of your capacities. You sincerely desire to impress your professor and show genuine studiousness. But here is the problem: you do not understand what they want and are afraid to ask the professor for the second time. The instructions are all Greek to you, maybe after the professor’s explanations. What to do? No worries, because below is a collection of the most typical troubles with understanding the assignment and comments from the experts on what you should do.
I can say there is a dichotomy in understanding the assignment prompt. On the one hand, students are expected to do their research and figure things out on their own. On the other hand, college is a place of education, not perfection. Nicolas Evans, an expert at

Classic Recommendations

Below, you can find different confusing assignments and what to do about them. However, there are universal rules you can use first when dealing with such a task. Some are self-evident, and some are not, but it’s better to keep them as a list. So, the very first step you should take is to check out each point. If none of them help, continue reading the article.

Asking for clarification

It’s quite an obvious step, but you should do it the right way. The wrong questions to ask your professor are: “I don’t understand what you want from me,” or “These instructions do not make sense to me”. Such requests will create the impression that you did not even try to start the task on your own. Even worse, some students use such excuses to justify their unwillingness to do the task altogether.
Instead, the good questions to ask your professor are “Do I understand correctly that…” or “I understand the X part of the assignment, but the Y part is unclear to me. Could you please show some examples of how it can be done?”.
A well-formulated question is a 90% guarantee of receiving a comprehensive explanation. Good clarification questions demonstrate your attempts to figure out the task and the sincere need for clarification. Xiu Zhang, an international student in the USA

Try different prompts for research

Let’s be honest; browsing is the first option we often try when something is unclear. However, Google, ChatGPT, and other AIs are not ideally suited to our requests. Therefore, modify your research questions in all ways possible. For instance, you can:
  1. Form it as a question
  2. Form the part assignment as a statement, and either find the confirmation to it or don’t
  3. Go to Quora or Reddit
  4. Search PDF files on a similar topic
  5. Search for customized websites on the topic (works well with the formatting questions)

Skip the frustrating part and prepare a draft for the rest of the assignment

If you are going to ask a professor anyways, it is better to do so with a draft. It is essential to show that you do not blindly follow the instructions or rely on someone else in doing your assignment. Your professor does not want the perfect implementation of all the tasks from you. What they want is to see your growing autonomy and your efforts in the classroom.

Issue №1: Making Connections to the Reading

Respond to the following questions by drawing from this week’s text and making explicit links back to at least one reading. What are the differentiating traits of primates compared to Homo Sapiens? What methods did anthropologists use to come to these conclusions?
The issue with the assignment
What does it mean to “draw from this week’s text” and “make explicit links”? Which links are explicit, and which are not? Should I summarize the reading or directly cite the material?
The explanation
Sometimes, if you use too many quotes from the reading or your own research, the professor reduces the score for the lack of personal elaboration. Such a thing happens even in “link to the reading” assignments, as making connections to the text does not mean copy-pasting it. So, how do you draw connections to the reading correctly? Here are some tips:
  • Know your professor’s preferred ways of quoting the material. Essay writing has different types of quotes. For example, you can use direct ones: “In the article by A. Smith, we read: ‘Our society is undergoing an important digital transformation (2019, p.23)’”. The alternative is indirect quotations: “A. Smith said in her article that our society is undergoing an important digital transformation (2019)”. Some professors forbid the use of direct quotations in essays. Otherwise, the requirements for references will be mentioned in the assignment.
  • Do not just summarize the reading. Referring to the class materials means you should come to your own conclusions based on your reading.
I have a good exercise that helps me not just retell the reading. Get a piece of paper and draw two columns. In the first one, write the excerpts from the text. In the second one, write three ideas / first thoughts of your own for each passage. Jaime Clark, an expert at

Issue №2: Use One Reading to Comment on the Other One

In this week’s reading, Firestone (2013) explains how a secure attachment style affects one’s relationships in adulthood. While the question has many subordinate questions, the author emphasizes the definitions of secure attachment and non-secure types. JA Simpson (1990) explores a few hypotheses on the emotions experienced in couples with different attachment styles. This mini-essay asks you to apply your understanding of Firestone to analyze Simpson’s findings. In a 1 to 2-page, double-spaced analytical essay, do the following:
  • Both authors talk about the nature of the attachment style and whether it can be changed through life. Were there differences in the factual information concluded from each author’s research?
  • How can you characterize the initial phases of a relationship’s development when one of the partners has an avoidant style of attachment?
The issue with the assignment
This task is a “bingo” for many students. The assignment requires that you read, understand, and analyze multiple sources to give the answer or analyze one through the lens of the other. Moreover, you may ask yourself, “What should I do if my professor asks me to answer a few questions AND simultaneously compare and contrast the sources? How do I do that?”
The explanation
The key to completing such tasks is to deconstruct and reconstruct the assignment. First, you must divide the task into smaller parts and work through them. The important advice: it is usually not helpful to divide the task as it is presented. For instance, in the case above, the obvious decision would be to first answer the questions and then try integrating them with the reading.
The problem is that such a method involves unnecessary work. You will rewrite the answers so that they align with the concepts and present one article through the lens of the other. Moreover, this way, your analysis will be brief and shallow. Instead, you should clearly define both works’ similarities, differences, and connections.

Issue №3: Formatting

In your essay, you should carefully check the following formatting requirements:
  • All page margins should be 1 inch on all sides.
  • Double-space all text, including headings.
  • Indent the first line of every paragraph 0.5 inches.
  • Use Times New Roman 12pt.
  • Include a page number on every page, except for the title page
  • Cite all your sources according to the APA 7th edition guidelines.
The issue with the assignment
“I asked the professor how to do all that, and he briefly explained it, but it was a few days ago. Now I forgot where to look for all these options in Word documents or Google Docs. I fear that the instructions I find in the free access are inaccurate and will not meet my college’s criteria. Where can I find the correct and precise guidance for APA and MLA formatting?”
The explanation
That is quite a reasonable question. Indeed, there are numerous guidelines for essay formats, some of which have different versions. For instance, APA formatting has the two most popular kinds: APA 6 and APA 7.
  • APA formats. The development of the current APA guides is tightly connected with the nonprofit American Psychological Association. It all began in the late 1920s when a group of psychologists, anthropologists, and business managers sought to establish a set of guidelines for standardizing scientific writing and citation practices. Therefore, now you can find the official information for this format in the guidelines of their authorship.
  • MLA format. The abbreviation MLA stands for The Modern Language Association of America, which presented the first MLA Style Sheet in 1951. The modern official handbook is available for purchase only on the organization’s website. However, Purdue Online Writing Lab is a pretty credible resource to learn about the manual.
  • Free formatting tools. You can use some tools for free and generate your bibliography sources. For instance, a bibliography generator helps with that task.
To avoid going through the formatting each time, I prepared the drafts for the most common formats. I have a folder on my PC with blank files in each format, so I just insert the text inside each time. Xiu Zhang, an international student in the USA
Written by Lauren Bradshaw.
View all posts
Lauren started writing in 2003. Since then, she tried her hand in SEO and website copywriting, composing for blogs, and working as an academic writer. Her main interests lie in content marketing, developing communication skills, and blogging.
submitted by CustomWritings_CW to u/CustomWritings_CW [link] [comments]

2023.07.10 02:40 roacsonofcarc A quiz to test your out-of-universe knowledge about The Hobbit & LotR

I hope there is no rule against creating and posting quizzes here. The availability of the Spoiler function makes it practicable. Please use it if you want to post your answers.
I am doing this to encourage more fans to look outside the four walls of the Legendarium and get into the various sources that throw light on Tolkien's inspirations, and intentions – especially, but by no means limited to, the History of Middle-earth series and Letters. Be aware that it is only a tiny sample of the information that is available.
What does “Frodo” mean?
It is from a common Germanic root meaning “wise.” Or as Tolkien said in Letters 168, “wise by experience.” In the “King's Letter,” Aragorn translated it into Sindarin as Iorhael, literally “Old-wise.” HoME IX p. 129.
Who was Bingo Bolger-Baggins?
This was Frodo's original name. Tolkien thought about changing it to Frodo but decided not to (HoME>! VI p. 211), then changed his mind again.!<
Who was Peregrin Boffin?
When first met at Bree, Strider the Ranger was Trotter, a hobbit with wooden shoes. After considering various alternatives, Tolkien decided that Peregrin Boffin was his name. He was Bilbo's first cousin once removed, grandson of his aunt Donnamira Took *(HoME* VI p. 386).
Where do the names of the Dwarves come from?
They are (almost) all taken from the Old Norse poem called Völuspá, “The Prophecy of the Seeress,” one of our most important sources for Norse myth. Stanzas 10-16 of the poem consist of a list of names of dwarves, sometimes called the Dvergatal, the “Catalogue of Dwarves.” Tolkien knew that his fellow medievalists would spot this immediately, and get a chuckle out of it.
In the first manuscripts of The Hobbit, who was “Gandalf”?
Gandalf, which is also a dwarf-name from Völuspá, was originally the leader of the Dwarves, later changed to Thorin. The wizard was “Bladorthin.” See The History of the Hobbit>! by John Rateliff.!<
When Legolas looks at Meduseld's golden roof, he says “The light of it shines far over the land.” This is virtually a quotation from a medieval text. Which one?
Beowulf. In line 311 the poet says of King Hrothgar's hall Heorot: líxte se léoma ofer landa fela>! (in Tolkien's rendering, “The light of it shone over many lands”). AFAIK Tom Shippey was the first to point this out, in The Road to Middle-earth.!<
Which of the hobbits with speaking parts in LotR has the name of a Roman Emperor?
Otho Sackville-Baggins. Otho was Emperor of Rome from January to April of 69 A.D., having murdered his predecessor Galba. He committed suicide after being defeated in battle by his successor Vitellius. Vitellius was executed on December 20 by supporters of his successor, Vespasian. 69 is known as “the Year of the Four Emperors.”
When did Tolkien create Arwen?
Arwen first appears in the manuscript when Aragorn's banner is unfurled at the Harlond: “And the stars flamed in the sunlight, for they were wrought of gems by Arwen daughter of Elrond.” All earlier references to her are retcons, including the exchange between Frodo and Aragorn at Cerin Amroth. (Her brothers first appeared with the Grey Company in Rohan.)
Did Tolkien invent the name “Mirkwood”?
In Letters>! 289 he wrote that !<mirkiwidu was an old Germanic name for a primeval forest. “Mirkwood” appears in a novel by Sir Walter Scott. And also in The Roots of the Mountains by William Morris, which Tolkien acknowledged as an influence (Letters>! 226).!<
Were the Wild Kine of Araw real?
A species of wild cow called the “aurochs,” Bos primigenius, was once found throughout Europe, Asia, and North Africa. It is thought to be the ancestor of modern domestic cattle. In historic times it still lived in the forests of eastern Europe; the last one known died in Poland in 1627. Many people have thought that Tolkien had the aurochs in mind. (“Kine” is the historic plural of “cow”; “cows” hardly appears until the 1600s.)
Did Tolkien create his picture of Rivendell out of his imagination?
>!The drawing strongly resembles the Lauterbrunnendal in Switzerland, one of the places Tolkien visited on his 1911 walking tour.. See Letters 305. Many online images demonstrate this; here is one with a side-by side comparison:\~aarondf/Rivimages/realriv.html!<
What does the name “Éomund” (the father of Éomer and Éomund) mean?
In Old English it means “Horse-guard” (Éoh “horse,” mund “guard.”). Mund is also found in “Mundburg,” the Rohirric/OE name for Minas Tirith. I believe the name inspired the acount of Éomund's death:
He was a great lover of horses and hater of Orcs. If news came of a raid he would often ride against them in hot anger, unwarily and with few men. Thus it came about that he was slain in 3002; for he pursued a small band to the borders of the Emyn Muil, and was there surprised by a strong force that lay in wait in the rocks.
submitted by roacsonofcarc to tolkienfans [link] [comments]

2023.04.01 04:13 donut-dynasty General Conference Bingo

General Conference Bingo
Here’s my version of the gen con bingo card. Enjoy! Halloween theme was not coincidental.
submitted by donut-dynasty to exmormon [link] [comments]

2022.11.04 12:46 Piradio5 Brønshøj - East Fife Football Club, 19th March 1964

Brønshøj - East Fife Football Club, 19th March 1964 submitted by Piradio5 to BB1919 [link] [comments]

2022.09.02 21:16 basnight11 [SP] (The Island) The Storm (The Prequel) Chapter Three

Since we last saw our heroes in the underground mall. They found new friends and found a convenient coffee shop in this lonesome place separated from humanity. But their present now is finding out Sans' past. And see what this insane German has been up to in this vast world we call earth. Here is what our heroes are doing.
”Hmm…maybe it knows something we don’t…but let’s solve one case at a time…Sans why don’t you ask it?” James suggested.
”Oh…uh sure…you know *gets up*...when I thought of an ultimate being…I was expecting some large powerful being with electric powers or something…not some little high pitched fruits” said Sans getting closer to the member berries.
’’Well like you said…beggars can’t be choosers” said Bingo.
”You're right…I'll accept myself talking to grapes...well that's the weirdest sentence I ever said…uh hello there little guys" said Sans being polite.
"Ahhhhh!" screamed the berry.
"Woah, what's wrong buddy?".
"Oh, nothing!…I just like to scream when I yawn…what you want mister?" asked the berry.
"Hm…so you do respond…uh, I know it’s asking a lot but…I don’t know if you heard but I would like you to tell me my life story” Sans said.
”Do you suffer from Alzheimer's?...I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t ‘member!” said a berry.
”Hey! you ‘member when a dictator erased the memories of a whole city?” asked another berry.
”Yeah I ‘member!...’member when a bird man tried to extinguish every living thing on earth?” asked another berry
”*sigh*...I ‘member” said the first berry, disappointed.
”Hey guys focus, this is important…I need to know the past…remember?” said Sans.
”Oh yeah I ‘member!...what would you like to know?...your past guilt?...the beginning of time?...the end of time?...the sins that have been crawling over your very essence you forgot about?...The real question is…what do YOU want to ‘member?” asked the first berry seriously.
”...*slightly sweats*...Uh…how about just tell me who I was before I looked like this…’cause the oldest memory I had was waking up in a coffin…I sadly don’t know my past life” said Sans.
”Oooo…I like mysteries!...I ‘member when my father used to adventure around the world!...but I think I might ‘member your forgotten past…Sans” said the same berry getting serious.
”....” Sans stood silent.
”It’s gonna be a little hard to ‘member this old tale…but I will try to ‘member your original identity…I must close my eyes to ‘member” said the same berry closing its eyes. Everyone in the Starbucks stood silent.
”...I ‘member…I ‘member…I ‘memberrr…I ‘m-...ah I ‘member!” said the berry.
”Y- you do?” Sans said, shocked.
”Yup! was about Three Hundred Seventeen years ago when you ‘’died’’...that’s in quotation marks by the way!...I almost didn’t ‘member that I had no arms!”.
”Wow…thank you for reminding me how old I am…what was I like before I died?”.
”I ‘member you were a blacksmith living in the breadbasket colony!...or the big apple!...your original name was Thomas, ‘member?” asked the berry.
”...I...I actually don’t…why would I call myself Sans?” Sans asked.
“You gave yourself that name because the true meaning of that word means without...poetic aren't you? should check the dictionary to ‘member!”.
”...Interesting…so I was a blacksmith around…I think the 1700s?...and I'm a New Yorker…heh interesting…I always wonder why I had that accent…did I have any loved ones alive during that time?...or was I a lonester?" asked Sans.
"Hmm…I 'member that you had a wife named Jane!".
"Jane huh?...wo- wow…heh…man…I actually had a wife…if I had tear ducts, I would be balling my eyes out right now…ugh…I had the love of my life and I don't even remember her…*turns around* heh…sorry guys I got a little emotional there…I usually keep my cool" said Sans slightly embarrassed.
”No, it’s completely fine man…it’s your business” said James.
”*turns back*...Anything else I need to know, little guy?’’ asked Sans, building himself back.
”You were a com-...uh oh!...I just ‘membered something important!” said the berry. All the berries started freaking out.
”Oh, I ‘member!”
“Sh!t I ‘member!”.
”Oh no, I member!”. All the berries were saying different things.
”Woah guys…what’s the problem?” asked Sans.
”Yeah, you’re starting to worry us,” said James, getting tense.
”The German ‘member?...He has created a crown of great power!...reality will shift!...please Thomas, James, and Bingo, save the world from its power!” said an old berry.
”Huh?...what power are you-”.
”Go you fools!...reality will shift in a few seconds…and no matter what!...always ‘memb-”. All of a sudden the world seemed like it had gone pitch black.
”Woah, who cut off all the lights?” said James, confused.
”...This isn’t good,” said Thomas, worried.
”Yeah, no sh!t…I’m usually able to see through the dark…this is messing with my eyes” said Bingo confused. All of a sudden the sound of steam was heard spewing around them.
”Hehehehehhahah! crown of rejuvenation has finally come to play!...All is going to plan!” said a German voice.
”Is that the-”.
”Oh, how could I forget my lab rats?...this will be …yes heh heh heh! fingers are itchy from excitement…now how should I introduce myself? about you blöds call me something remarkable…ja?...I would like to be known as the great powerful unstoppable most destructive omnipotent mächtig of the multiverse!...phew, intelligence drains your molecules sometimes!…but enough about me!...and more about DELECTABLE bloodshed and confusion!...huhuhu, my brain is just oozing with power!...After so long, I finally get to play the universe!…bottom line, your lives are mine” said the voice insanely.
”...Well if I had a nickel every time a mentally deranged person threatened me…I would take daily classes in financial literacy…besides that, what in the wide world was that?” said James confused.
”...And I thought the berries were weird,” said Thomas weirded out.
”♪ich komme nach Hause♪…the beautiful words of the 80s…you know I used to do poetry back in the late 1990s…but then a sly dog decided to laugh at me…well long story short I threw a cup of water in his face…then glass…then blood started gushing out…oh it was just schön *chef’s kiss*...but enough about my beautiful life story that definitely needed to be said…oh…the pain in my brain is softening…how wonderful…kinda like eating a currywurst sausage in an abandoned castle…anyways!...sit down on your gluteus maximus!...because you are messing with an elite in power…NOW witness the true mind of an intellectual…that I stole, HAHAHAHAhaaaa…I’m smart” said the German.
”...What is supposed to-”. All of a sudden the room illuminated in a red tint. Circus music was heard.
”...Oh you gotta be kidding meee- ah!’’. Bingo was so scared of what he saw, he jumped into James arms in complete terror.
”...You got two seconds before I thr-...*looks forward*...holy sh!t” said James, shocked.
”...” Thomas was speechless. What they all saw was a haunting clown’s face connected to the wall where the member berries were. It was smiling as if it saw the greatest fears unravel bringing chaos into the world, while enjoying it. It’s pure white teeth and it's unrealistic cartoon smile send shivers over everyone. Its bulging eyes were staring into their souls it seemed like. It even had giant beige gears turning. And to top it all off, they were one jester with an accordion on each side of the clown playing the song "road to nowhere" by Talking Heads.
"Well, we know where we're goin' *twists head to make it upside down*...but we don't know where we've been!...And we know what we're knowiiinnn!" Said the left jester as it hopped in front of Thomas waiting for him to finish the song.
"....Uh I-".
"But we can't say what we've seeeeen" said the jester finishing with a accordion solo.
"....What did you guys think?" said the jester looking up.
"Who the hell are you talking to?" asked James looking up as the rest did. What they saw were silhouettes of a crowd cheering on the ceiling.
”Thank you my dears!” said the jester excitedly.
”...Welp…*turns towards the others*... prepare for insanity".
"That was one of the most wacky sh!t I ever saw in my entire life!...and how in the hell are you not surprised?...and will you get your a$$ off me!” said James dropping Bingo on the ground. When he dropped him, Bingo immediately cowered behind James shaking.
"Eh what can I say?...I'm used to weird stuff…you already forgot I was basically in a supernatural insane asylum?".
"That bat sh!t insane huh?...and are you really that scared of clowns?" asked James.
"I- I don't want to talk about it…let's please get out of here".
"I never seen you act like this…but I don't blame you…that thing probably drinks baby tears late at night when no one's looking…hey uh Thomas...any advice?".
"Advice?...uhhh…I guess don't let anything catch you off guard?...we came here to do a Mission after all…we can’t just start something that we can't finish…we all saw disturbing stuff on this planet…we just have to just see a little bit more…now are y'all ready?” asked Thomas.
”...I-I…I guess…as long as there are no more clowns,” said Bingo slightly afraid.
”Ready when you ar-...uh…is there supposed to be a punchline or you are just trying a new look?” said James confused.
”Huh?...what are you-....oh…” said Thomas as he saw he had a black lucious mustache under his nose hole.
”...Heh…I always wanted to try a new look…how does the mustache look? far it feels irritating and itchy’’ said Thomas trying to get used to his new look.
"....To be brutally honest…you look like a mischievous man that constantly tricks people for fun…heh…I guess that's the law enforcement talking…but oth-...wait…don’t change the subject!...we have a world bending lunatic on our hands!...and I'm gonna punch that looney's face with my gold plated ring that I don't have! *starts speed walking*…I already missed lunch…and breakfast as a matter of fact” said James impatiently. Sans started following.
”...What about dinner?...I'm sure there a nice guy,” said Thomas jokingly. Thomas walks a little bit more but notices he doesn’t hear Bingo’s footsteps and turns around. Thomas saw Bingo staring towards the area where the clowns were.
”Is there a problem Bingo?...I thought you would be the first guy to be out of here” said Sans confused.
”...There is something unusual going on life has been sucked away from them” said Bingo, bewildered.
"Huh?’’ said Thomas, confused. When Thomas turned around the clown stuff, including the audience, was gray and had cracks with white lights pouring out of the crevices.
”Woah…uh…James are you seeing this?” asked Thomas while he turned back towards James. But when he did, James wasn’t there.
”How-...uh, Bingo I think we need to-’’. But when he turned around Bingo wasn’t there.
”...Oh come on...welp…I guess it’s a rescue mission…*sighs*...this is losing your parent on a whole another level” said Thomas.
”May I partake in this conversation?” said a weird voice behind Thomas. Thomas turned around as quickly as he could. And when he did he saw a surprisingly normal man in a black suit.
”...Oh…heh…I thought you were some weirdo…*winks* I gotta say your voice suits you…uh but I thought we were the only ones here?...didn’t the blob kill everyone?” said Thomas confused.
‘’Oh! are even more stunning in person!” said the man as he started blushing.
”...Uh…thank you?...Can you answer the qu-.
”May I come a little closer?” said the man as he started walking forward.
”*sweats*...Uh…your making me a little uncomfortable *nervous laughs*” said Thomas, sweating bullets.
”Oh don’t worry darling dearest!...I’ll treat you like a king…just let me touch that bald head of yours~!” said the man as he started running towards Thomas.
”Oh sh!t” said Thomas as he turned and started running away.
”Oh senpai darling dearest, don’t you want all of this!” said the man running.
”Huff huff…damn it, I’m so used to teleporting…when was the last time I worked out these bones”.
”I would LOVE some of those bones as a crown…and I WILL smell that coat of yours *lip smacks* mmm, I can almost taste it…heh heh heh heh!” said the man as four skinny spider legs grew out of his back. The man then started walking with the spider legs as he let them carry him.
”Why is my teleportation not working?” said Thomas nervously. While Thomas deals with a fanboy, let’s see where the others are at. Meanwhile with Bingo. Bingo was knocked out but soon woke up on the ground.
”*heavy breathes*...Well…this isn’t the first time I woke up in a mysterious place *looks towards chest* least I got both kidneys this time”. Bingo got up and started looking around.
”A lot of bott-...oh” said Bingo, realizing that he’s in a Pharmacy.
”...I would worry about the others but I can finally get eye drops for this annoying itchy eye…they can take care of themselves anyway” said Bingo as he started walking around.
”...Ibuprofen…claritin...cetaminophen…ah…there are some eye drops…the sweet nectar of scientists'' said Bingo glad. But all of a sudden a loud trombone was playing in a way the medieval period did. This caught Bingo’s attention and turned around.
”Ugh, what now?” said Bingo unimpressed. He heard a bug-like crawling sound.
”...”. After waiting two cat sized golden ladybugs walked from both sides towards each other and stopped. Bingo noticed they were vibrating while music notes were produced from them.
"....*sigh*...Well this isn't too far from what happened at Vegas". And after he said that purple smoke started producing around the end of the pharmacy.
"Am I really witnessing a stupid bug magic show?" said Bingo, not impressed.
"...". Finally Bingo saw a figure forming through the thick smoke.
"Mu mu mu mu!...what idiotic creature shall bestow upon such greatness!" said a weird voice. The smoke dispersed and the figure was shown. It was a small purple humanoid with thick legs and arms without fingers or toes. They had yellow Pac-Man eyes.
"...I would laugh but that is the most disturbing eye sore I have ever seen…*covers eyes with hand* I’m about to have a seizure for crying out loud” said Bingo in pain.
”....What! dare speak with your disgusting little gremlin lips!...I’m the most beautiful thing in this multiverse! walking Batavia Lettuce!” said the king of beauty.
”....What did you just call me?” asked Bingo, getting antsy.”.
”*smiles* You heard me dog breath…what are you even good at?...being a sophisticated vegetable? mu mu mu!” said the king of beauty child like.
”....I’m this close to eating you,” said Bingo threateningly.
”...Heh heh….there is no need for violence on the king of beauty…what will happen if my pretty face gets pounded to next friday?” said the king of beauty afraid.
”That’s what I thought…now if you kindly shut up I can use these eye drops…time to fin-’’. But before Bingo had the chance to even get one drop the eye drop flew out of his hand.
”What the?” said Bingo.
”Mu mu mu! butter fingers eh?” said the king of beauty.
”Ugh your laugh is annoying…what is happening?” said Bingo, confused. After he said that all the medicine bottles started vibrating closer to the edges of the shelves.
”Uh oh”. The bottles fell off the shelves like they were yanked. Eventually all the medicines started circling into an O shape while dark clouds started forming above them.
”Mu mu mu!...don’t forget your raincoat!” said the king of beauty while a yellow raincoat appeared on it.
”How in the hell is this funny?...and where d-’’. A lightning bolt struck right next to Bingo, making him jump.
"If that was an attempt to hit me I suggest you actually aim right,” said Bingo.
”Bzzt…Oh don’t worry that’s not even close to what I plan” said a familiar voice.
”I DARE yo-...wait…is that my voice?”.
”Mu mu mu!...looks like we got two dunces” said the king of beauty jokingly.
”Bzzt…Dunce?...your candy self has no appeal compared to me!...Have you looked in the mirror?” said the voice.
”*gasp*...I’m the most beautiful thing since this universe was created, Thank you very much” said the king of beauty, shocked.
”...Did that German guy really just create that just to mock us?...he is as childish as you” said Bingo unimpressed.
”Bzzt…Aw am I not impressing you?...that was just a little experiment, my little guinea pig!...Now time for the killing!” said the voice as it formed into a face with thick eyebrows.
”Ah now can I can see!...prepare for-...wait…where did he go?” said the confused face as he turned to the king.
”Oh he left while you were doing half of your evil monologue" said the king of beauty.
"That Hosenscheißer!...let's give him a little visit then shall we?...he couldn't run that far…are you coming with?".
"Me? face is too beautiful to fight anything!".
"Bzzt…Oh I can't fight, why would I?... I'm just a self-centered coward that was only created to annoy people around them!".
"Fine I'll come with!...I'll just ride safely on my golden ladybug…and that didn't even sound like me by the way" said the king of beauty putting his tiny tush on top of the ladybug.
"Good…very good" said the face creepily. And while the bizarre experience with Bingo ended, now we're gonna see how James is doing. He is of course knocked out on the ground.
”...*snores*...*opens eyes* Ah!...Who's there?” said James as he aimed his gun forward and shot a bullet.
“Ah!...Come on dude!...did you really have to shoot through this expensive fabric?” said what seemed to clothes standing up like a human.
”...Where am I?...and how long ago have I been out?” said James, confused. James started to look around his surroundings.
“I don’t know man, but I don’t think it’s a healthy mentality to have to fire a gun in a random direction as soon as you wake up…you know what?...My friends are wrong!...rave parties suck!...” said the clothes storming out of the crowd. While James heard the word rave party, he noticed that the whole place was flashing with strobe lights and there were clothes dancing.
”...Really?...out of all kidnappers, this one decided to drop me in the middle of a rave party…can’t complain I guess” said James confused. James started getting up. But before he fully did, someone bumped into him from dancing.
”Hey!”. And that resulted in another person knocking him onto the ground.
”Oof!” said James as he was knocked down to the ground.
”Damn I hate young people…how the hell am I gonna get out of this wacky sh!t?...bad enough I somehow feel naked in a club party” said James.
”Hehehehe!...I see that you're having problems with your social life…that’s funny!” said a weird voice. James looked forward towards the ground. And what he saw was a small purple like robotic creature with long pointy purple ears, a small yellow beak, big laid back eyes and a furry body.
”...Is that a damn furby?” said James confused.
”Hehehehe!...good guess flesh walker!...but enough about the fine art that is the Furby art…you seemed lost and confused…I can guide you out of this party” said the Furby as a purple shield went around both of them.
”W- wow…*gets up*....thanks for the help…whatever the hell you are” said James confused.
”*rolls eyes* Oh, I’m just flattered…that big scary foreign guy has sure made a mess of this place huh?...but I could help you!..follow my lead towards the dj and we can get out of this soup of a party” said the furby it started waddling towards James direction.
”...Woah woah woah…this is moving too fast for my liking…what does the dj have to do with this?” said James confused as the music played.
”...?...if I stop the DJ this will stop the party silly!”.
”Can’t I just walk out?”.
’’I wouldn’t if I were you…those magical stereos are producing a magical music essence that is blocking the exit…it’s scary *shivers*”. While it said that James looked up and saw a sight similar to the northern lights.
”...Do you know what?...I’m just gonna trust you because these flashing lights are starting to irritate my eyes”.
”Hehehehehahaha! *clears throat*...well let’s move on shall we” said the furby as they waddled.
”....This is about the most dumbest thing I ever did in my life” said James as he followed. Also the purple shield followed them pushing through the crowd. The walking clothes were complaining with various words like “Hey!”, ‘’Watch it!’’, and “My fashion is the definition of drunk!”.
”’Scuse me!, your design looks on point!...sir please don’t flip me off…thank you!”. And finally James and the furby started closing in on the dj’s set.
”Oooo…I can feel the beautifulness of the sound waves”.
”Didn’t you say it was scary less than a minute ago?” asked James.
”Uhh…music is a beautiful thing and should be respected by all!” said the furby nervously.
”...I’m starting not to-’’.
”Ahhhh!” said the furby as it launched itself towards James crotch hitting it successfully.
”Ah!...*kneals onto the ground in pain*...why did I trust a talking Furby?” said James in pain.
”Hehehehe! really are a silly FOOL…you really thought I was your friend?...I guess you were mine in a way…you did foolishly follow my instructions…but let me finish what I started before you get up…say goodbye to your life detective…*widens beak*’’. And when it did the music essence started entering its mouth.
”I- I’m not getting killed by a damn furby” said James as he reached for his gun. But before he could get any shot at the furby, the Furby expanded ten times its size and broke the floor under the dj set.
"Holy- where is the damn dj?".
"HEHEHEHE…there never was no dj!...What kind of detective are you?...Either way your soul will be mine…let's play a game of hide and seek shall we?...I let you get a head start for the next ten seconds…you better start running before I catch up!". The crowd started freaking out.
"...You gotta be kidding me...I thought we were supposed to deal with an amoeba?...not some demonic stupid kids toy!" said James he hopped off the dj set and into the crowd.
"...!". James is pushing the clothes people out of the way.
”Seven” while the Furby said that number, wings pierced through its material and extended to the length of the biggest wingspan a bird has ever achieved. The wings looked like transparent bat wings with dark ends to it.
”Ah!...It’s no use…this crowd is to-’’. And just in a blink of the eye James was in the middle of the underground mall.
”...Big…*looks around*...where did the…how the hell did I get here?” asked James confused.”Ah…so the team is back together huh?” said a familiar voice. James turned towards it and it was Bingo.
”Bingo?...I thought you were dead?”.
”Negative....I was just teleported into the pharmacy…I was just about to get attacked by medicine itself…what’s your story?” asked BIngo.
”Well to cut it short, I've been duped by a stupid kids toy…say where is the jokester at?”.
”Hell if I know…probab-”.
”Oh thank goodness, I’ve found you guys…huff huff”.
’’Damn, what happened to you?” asked James.
”Huff huff…*sighs”...I don’t want to talk about it”.
”That bad huh?” said Bingo.
”Let’s just-”.
”Oooh senpai!...Are you already talking to someone else?...That's not a good thing to do on our first date!” said the same man from before. ”...What the hell is that?” asked James. The man got slightly close to them.
”Oh, you’re talking about muah?...I am the perfect companion for that sexy man of a skeleton!” said the nonchalant man.
”...Should we give you both a room?” asked Bingo sarcastically.
’’That’s not funny…oh boy”.
“What?” said both James and Bingo as they both turned around.
”Oh come on,” said Bingo, disappointed. It was the medicine face thing with the king on his ladybug.
”Bzzt…Heh heh heh…your life ends in this mall…no one will hear your screams”.
”Edgy much?...wait, is that your voice?” said James, surprised.
”...Sounds like it doesn't it?...that thing can replicate voices pretty good” said Bingo.
”HEHEHEHE…you brought friends?...I’m sure there are stupid as you…all the more to KILL…it’s Kah boo Koo-doh”.
”Well…this is completely unfair…we are completely cornered into a classic mob mentality…your leader is a wuss!...he is worse than Vinny…letting his lackeys do all the work…show yourself whoever you are!”. All of a sudden the villains stopped moving and started turning gray.
”What is hap-’’.
”ME?...A wuss?...I think you underestimate the power of this crown!...I can do more than that triangle ever could…but if you want your lives to parish so badly…then you shall meet the superstar’’.
”Smart move,” Bingo added.
”Thanks,”James responded. After about a second a golden crown fell from the top of the mall and landed on the ground. The crown landed and toppled over for a little but finally held its balance.
”...”. The crown started rising upwards in a way it seemed like the crown was throwing up the german behind the chaos of the mall. It started from his feet and now to his chest revealing more.
”...Well isn’t this dramatic?” said Bingo unimpressed. And as Bingo said that the appearance was complete and the German was in front of our heroes. He had circle shaped glasses with spiky hair
”Heh heh heh heh! I get to fully see you with my own organs of sight” said the German as his eye popped out of socket and extended its optic nerve. The eye then started to inspect the three around them.
”Speechless eh?...petrified by my power?...imagine how many gold coins I could shoot out my ears…ah why not now?” said the German as he pressed his nose. A bunch of gold coins shot out his ears like water pouring onto the ground.
”...Look, is there a point of…well all of this?...What is your plan?”.
”Who am I?...well that’s a long story to tell *snaps fingers*’’. A throne poofed behind him and he then sat on it with his legs crossed.
”It was a rainy night at Nettgau…a peaceful place…actually…*turns head towards audience*...I think this went on for too long…how about I save the spicy stuff for next time ja?”.”This is the second time this happened…who are you people talkin-”. And the story was sadly hijacked by the german in power of reality. At least we got to know about more of these characters. But for later, we will THEN see how our heroes get out of this situation.
Prequel Chapter Three End
submitted by basnight11 to shortstories [link] [comments]

2022.08.29 04:04 roacsonofcarc Frodo as priest: Laying out the evidence

Someone on a recent thread about Tolkien's Catholicism asked whether he thought of Frodo, on the level of symbolism, as a kind of priest. This is a question I have pondered for some time, reaching no answer but “maybe.” The evidence is of many kinds and widely distributed, so this post is long. The arguments for the identification have counter-arguments, which I have inserted in italics.
Vocation: The prime exhibit is Letters 93, written to Christopher in South Africa while Tolkien was at work on Book IV. Describing Sam as the key figure in the book (“the genuine hobbit”), he said “Frodo is not so interesting, because he has to be highminded, and has (as it were) a vocation.” “Vocation,” as generally used in the US, means any occupation, particularly in the skilled trades; “vocational schools” train technicians, and high schools have “vocational guidance counselors.” But to a Catholic of Tolkien's stamp it is a religious term: “The action on the part of God or Christ of calling a person to undertake a particular occupation, way of life, duty, etc., esp. of a religious or spiritual nature; the fact, feeling, or condition of having a divine calling of this type.”
"As it were”: Tolkien is not saying that Frodo “is” a priest, any more than everyone who applies to seminary is a Frodo. The analogy lies in the nature of the undertaking. “Vocation” is from Latin vocare “to call”; as the OED says, a true religious vocation is supposed to be communicated directly by God to the person called, without mediation by humans. Likewise Frodo's vow to take the Ring to Mordor is not prompted by the Council; he “glanced at all the faces, but they were not turned to him . . . . At last with an effort he spoke, and wondered to hear his own words, as if some other will was using his small voice.”
Celibacy: Catholic priests are of course forbidden to marry. The Prologue says that “Bilbo and Frodo Baggins were as bachelors very exceptional.” This fact stuck in Tolkien's mind after LotR was published. In one of the writings collected in Unfinished Tales as “The Quest of Erebor,” Gandalf says that he “guessed that [Bilbo] wanted to remain 'unattached' for some reason deep down that he did not understand himself – or would not acknowledge, for it alarmed him. He wanted, all the same, to be free to go when the chance came, or when he had made up his courage” (UT p. 331). That was Bilbo, and nobody likens him to a priest. Yes, but Frodo too renounced marriage, presumably also because of some inner prompting. The reason why neither Bilbo nor Frodo is married is obvious; if either had a human obligation to restrain him from a journey, there wouold be no story.
But at any rate, marriage is one of the things that Frodo gives up when he leaves Middle-earth; something that is underlined by the contrast with Sam's fertility. Note that Frodo is certainly not asexual, as he proves by extemporizing a love poem to Goldberry as soon as he sets eyes on her.
Nonviolence: One of the traditional roles of the clergy is to resolve conflict and avert bloodshed. While Frodo “was not in modern terms a 'pacifist'” (Letters 195), he repeatedly renounced violence for himself: “ I do not think it will be my part to strike any blow again”; “I'll bear no weapon, fair or foul”; “‘I do not wish for any sword.” While he was a participant in the Battle of Bywater, “he had not drawn sword.” In fact he functioned as a noncombatant; a term which comprises two kinds of soldiers who do not bear weapons: medical personnel, and chaplains.
Moral authority: Tolkien believed in a fixed and universal moral code: “'Good and ill have not changed since yesteryear; nor are they one thing among Elves and Dwarves and another among Men.” In Letters (see no. 156) and also in the drafts, he calls this “the Rules,” established by “Authority.” For him the custodian of morality, in our world, is the Church. When LotR opens, the exponent of the Rules is Gandalf, as where he reproves Frodo for wishing that Bilbo had killed Gollum. But by the end, this role has passed to Frodo himself. At Bywater, he “prevent[s] the hobbits . . . from slaying those of their enemies who threw down their weapons”; and then he insists on sparing the life of Saruman as well.
And he is obeyed, because, in Tolkien's ideal Christendom, lay people defer to the authority of the clergy. But also because he is one of the ruling class in a class-based society. Tolkien foresaw this peacemaking role for Frodo in a page of notes he wrote before the hero was called Frodo: “Bingo makes peace [in some vague kind of conflict between regions of the Shire] and settles down in a little hut on the high green ridge – until one day he goes with the Elves beyond the towers” (HoME VI p. 361).
Clothing: After the restoration of the Shire, Merry and Pippin retain their military gear, “riding by with their mail-shirts so bright and their shields so splendid . . .” “Frodo and Sam, however, went back to ordinary attire, except that when there was need they both wore long grey cloaks, finely woven and clasped at the throat with beautiful brooches.” Frodo's cloak can be seen as resembling a priestly vestment or a monastic habit. But Sam, who is certainly not a cleric, wears his cloak as well.
Another detail may arguably link Frodo's garb to monasticism. In the last stage of the journey to Mount Doom, he casts off his orc clothing and renounces arms: “I'll bear no weapon fair or foul.” Sam throws away all their surplus possessions, “and then of his elven-rope he cut a short piece to serve his master as a girdle and bind the grey cloak close about his waist.” Saint Francis of Assisi wore a rope around his robe, because it was the belt of the poor, and the religious orders that trace their founding to him wear rope belts as part of their habits. Note also the quotation from HoME VI above, in which Frodo withdraws to what sounds like a kind of hermitage.
Arwen's jewel: If the religious significance of the cloak is subject to doubt, that of the token given to Frodo by Arwen is not. He “wore always a white jewel on a chain that he often would finger,” and Farmer Cotton finds him clutching it on the anniversary of Shelob's attack. The jewel is certainly a source of spiritual assistance in difficulty, to be equated with religious tokens worn by many Christians: rosary beads, crosses, crucifixes, scapulars. But all of these are worn by lay people as well as the clergy; if Catholic priests wear a symbol unique to their status, I am not aware of it.
Honour in his own country: Frodo removed himself from public life, and “Sam was pained to notice how little honour he had in his own country.” This is a saying applied to himself by Jesus in three of the Gospels (Matthew 13:57; Mark 6:4; John 4:44). As Shippey says, “it is prophets that proverbially have no honour in their own country, and Frodo is increasingly a prophet or a seer” (Road to Middle-earth p. 157). (The saying is thought to have been proverbial, and very old; Jesus was quoting.)
submitted by roacsonofcarc to tolkienfans [link] [comments]

2022.07.21 05:46 DrinkyMcDrinkerstein “Don’t I have a free drink coming?”

On mobile but English is my first language, so who knows what will happen.
I work at a bar in New York that is named after the owner. Let’s say his name is Bill and I work at “Bill’s.” (Not the actual name. This is pretend.)
Now Bill is often in the bar. Not drinking, but waiting for deliveries or chatting with customers or doing Bill things. If you sit here long enough, you’re going to meet Bill.
If you put Bigfoot on one end of a spectrum for rarity of meetings, meeting Bill would be way on the other end. Saying you’ve met Bill is roughly the equivalent of telling me you once held four quarters in your hand.
But because this is customer service, I have to act like a little kid told me that they got a balloon and they are really excited about it.
That’s great buddy.
There’s multiple reasons this is annoying.
There’s a party room that is closed unless someone has rented it out for, you guessed it, a party. Bill will generally be here to show people the room and go over the food and drinks they want for the party.
People will come in when I’m the only bartender and ask to see the party room.
“I’m sorry. I’m the only one working. You’ll have to come back when Bill is here.”
This is 50% effective. Some people will leave it at that and come back at another time. About half wait until I’m busy or getting food from the kitchen and sneak in to look. Customers aren’t allowed in there unattended because there’s unsecured liquor. Also there’s a separate alarm that isn’t always turned off with the rest of the alarms. When I confront them I always get the same thing: “Dude, it’s fine. I know Bill.”
The second annoying thing is “buy-backs.” Now I’ve never worked at a bar that used the term buy-back. (I would be interested to know how many people use this or a similar term.) Basically, a buy-back is me saying, “This one’s on the house.”
Other bars I’ve kept, it was more ephemeral and amorphous. Something in passing about “bartender’s discretion” and “just not the good shit.”
But come on down to Bill’s where everyday is like a Memorial Day Tire Sale. But 3, the 4th is free!
But it’s not supposed to be that transactional. And it’s conditional on events. If there’s a concert or sporting event, no free drinks.
Most of the bars in the neighborhood do the same. Fourth drink is on the house and no specials during events.
So I had a regular come in tonight that is going for a blackout on my annoying customer bingo card.
“Where’s Bill? How’s Bill? I know Bill!”
If you know Bill so well, why you asking me?
Then she’s trying to talk over other customers that are trying to order from me while she’s just chatting to me about the weather.
When her date arrives, they both start ignoring me when I’m asking if they’d like another round then start snapping their fingers and saying “Excuse me” in a really annoyed way when I walk away or when I start helping someone else.
They get to the point where combined they should get a free round. Six drinks total. I pour a round, say “Cheers,” and add the drinks to their tab in the computer.
“That’s it?” She asks
Excuse me? (I don’t speak inside quotation marks.)
“Don’t I have a free drink coming?”
What do you mean?
“How long have you worked here?”
Over a year.
“And you don’t know that the fourth drink is free? I’m certain that Bill has told you to give every customer their fourth drink free.”
We have live music tonight. No free drinks during events according to Bill.
She tipped $5 on a $65 tab. Which is what she did last time and told me all about how she knows Bill and ignored me when I was in front of her but had to urgently talk to me when I walk away.
(If you have opinions about tip culture, I probably share them and can go beyond your opinion and blame Old West saloons for all this nonsense. That’s not the point of this story. I work in a place where I rely on tips for the bulk of my income…wait this shouldn’t be parenthetical. This dovetails into the main point.)
I work in a place where I rely on tips for the bulk of my income and it is my discretion if you get free drinks. Bill isn’t here. Bill probably has no idea who you are.
I was pretty sure that this same couple had tipped me less than 10% several times in the past. Even the first time when I bought them a round. If they had tipped 20% tonight I was going to offer them a shot on the house before they left.
If you don’t take care of the bartender, the bartender won’t (shocked Pikachu face) take care of you.
TL;DR: Bartenders don’t give a shit that you’ve met the owner. If you don’t tip, don’t expect free drinks. And something about Bigfoot.
submitted by DrinkyMcDrinkerstein to bartenders [link] [comments]

2022.07.18 15:54 GottaPSoBad Howard's Grumpy Widow

Thread title is a quotation of the way Cheryl Hamlin was listed in a BCS fan bingo card.
Anyway, what are our chances of a Mrs Hamlin sighting and what do y'all expect will come out of it?
submitted by GottaPSoBad to betterCallSaul [link] [comments]

2022.07.13 23:38 vector_9260 OP Sanses are stupid (a review of King Godverse from the Godverse Wiki)

TLDR: Abilities section says omnipotence in like 100 different ways and tries to give the character authority over creators and authority in the real world which isn't how fictional characters work.
King Godverse's current look is very different from his true look. He has red and purple colored eyes and has a yellow crown. He wears blue and red, and one half is white and the other half is black. He has a purple scarf.
Notice that this never specifies that he appears as a skeleton, yet the art shows it. That's how ubiquitous Sans has become. For this point on, I'll be imagining him as a human. I doubt he has any skeleton abilities to begin with.
King Godverse has the authority of God. Godverse is always busy with business and practicing a one-man management in his panels. He only talks to his servants and sometimes listens to the ideas of the Godverse people.
Wait that ain't a personality
He is usually a very serious. He does not get tired, does not need to eat and does not need sleep. He is aware of the fiction, he is aware of everything. To worry about nothing because he knows what will happen even in the nonexistent future because he knows perfectly what is going to happen. He always hates weakness. Since he is not limited to Godverse, he knows and sees everything in all fiction, where he is everywhere at the same time. King Godverse doesn't respect anyone more than himself and doesn't pretend to adore anyone. He has a superior personality. He has a god complex.
Yeah we get it he's more meta than Nafa. Anyway, onto the abilities. Hoo boy.
Omni-Transcendent Mighty Scepter of the BEYONDER GOD King
I have Mighty Scepter that most overpowerfull thing that exist and doesn't exist, almost the same size as himself, this Mighty Scepter dealing damage that cannot be conceptualized by anyone and can destroy those with less power in 2 moves, which is **[Infinite coefficient beyond our incomprehensible understanding.]**stronger when holding it. I usually always carries this Mighty Scepter. And there is only one Mighty Scepter that cannot be duplicated If someone tries to grab this Mighty Scepter, the Mighty Scepter will become very, very heavy, and it will become inconvenient. Cannot be broken, corroded, etc. I usually makes the command operation with this Mighty Scepter, for fun.
Suddenly the article is written from the 1st person. Anyway. Infinitely powerful scepter. Nice. You don't need to elaborate.
Absolute Transcendent High-Command of God's Himself
I can implement the strongest command available, and using this command, anyone can do impossible things.
OK... but WHY ARE YOU SO POWERFUL. The Backstory just says "coming soon".
Transcendent Beyonder God of All
I am the god of all things, I am the god of existence and all things besides being the Godverse god, I am the god of every god, I am beyond the supreme absolute ancient god of all that can or cannot be and etc. In short, I am the god of everything you can think or not. I am all.
This makes King Godverse one of the many beings competing for "strongest character". And why is this an ability?
''God'' Button
I was created this button while establishing his kingdom, pressing this button can be ∞x stronger than before or will control a god as if he replaced. Nobody has access to this button. This button works fine only in the hands of me and CC. This button manupilates any POWER,disable any power,can create from nothing and can do anything you can think of or not. This button may not only work on gods.
...OK, but why is this power a button? I don't even understand this ability.

True Boundless-God Flawless Transcendent Transfictional Omnipotence
I am clearly godity omnipotent for all/infinity. I have no boundaries or limitation, I am the giver of the true concept of Omnipotence that the truly supremely almighty, truly invincible and above all OP Gods beings all beyond all. And I am the embodiment of the Omnipotence. I can literally do anything and everything in absolute, eternal, total, boundless, transfiction levels and beyond. I don't need any sence. I can transcend everything, anything and nothing in much larger terms. I usually don't try too hard, I always uses my omnipotent.
OK. True-Boundless-God-Flawless. Oh and nice you can do everything. Can't we stop there?
True Boundless-God Flawless Transcendent Transfictional Omniscience
I knows all knowledge, everything, anything and nothing. I knows things that no one knows, and knows what is not. I am transcending the minds of everyone and everything. Truly no limit.
There's the True-Boundless-God-Flawless again. Also omnipotence and omniscience are fundamentally incompatible but OK.
True Boundless-God Flawless Transcendent Transfictional Omnivastance
King Godverse transcends the rules/laws of the Omnipotent and goes beyond the Omnipotent and the entire powers system to the point of broken and beyond True impossible to Define levels and truly broken and Beyond True Irrelevant just like God. He can easily do impossible things that no power can do, as if it were normal. King Godverse is the embodiment beyond all power, no matter what. Very advantageous in that it transcends all things beyond all power. King Godverse can absolutely do everything independently. He is beyond All Power Systems and creating new kind of concepts, which is beyond All Powers. King Godverse is the description of everything, including every possible, impossible, beyond notions of infinity. In short, I am the beyond everything. Anything he exceeds will not affect him, and whatever fiction is to us will be fiction to him, he sees them as fiction.
OK you don't need to restate everything, Just say you don't have a power level, easy as that.
True Boundless-God Flawless Transcendent Transfictional Omnipresence
I am in everywhere, anywhere, whenever and nowhere at the same time. Wherever it is i am exists in everywhere at the same time, from the smallest to the largest. Because I transcend time, I am everywhere with or without time, past, present and future. No matter what, my presence is everywhere without exception. You can't see me unless I want to interact. Right now, I am omnipresent, incorporeal, like an invisible being that cannot be seen, felt or heard everywhere.
OK, seriously, this True Boundless God Flawless Transcendent Transfictional thing is getting boring. Just say "True Boundless God Flawless Transcendent Transfictional Abilities:" and then list off omniscience, omnipresence, etc. Or even just "Transcendent Abilities", that would get the point across basically as well.
True Absolute Flawless Transcendent Omni-Invincibility, Omni-Immortality, Omni-Indestructibility, Omni-Invulnerability, Omni-Singularity, Omni-Immutability, Omni-BYPASSING
self-explanatory. If you are not stupid, you can understand yourself.
It's so boring to explain all of this myself, so I'll get by with the author's explanation, but hey, I'm still here.
OK, let's go through this.Three of these things are synonymous, another one is very similar, two others get you into arguments about God, and another is some AU lingo that I don't understand. Guess I'm stupid then.But.THREE OF THESE THINGS ARE SYNONYMOUS. FOUR MAYBE.WHY? WHY NOT JUST LIST THEM AS ONE ABILITY? "TRANSCENDENT IMMORTALITY". THERE. BINGO.
Over True Absolute Flawless Transcendent Omni-Immunity
he has every immunity at the same time. He can use every moment of his immunity. no matter what immunity can not be overcome/bypassed...
True Boundless-God Flawless Transcendent Metapotence
I can create any spouse without limits. I can do whatever he chooses to do. I am a master at using metapotence.
Was "spouse" supposed to be another word? "Spouse" means someone you're married to, KGV. Maybe you're not so omniscient after all. And here comes the True Boundless God Flawless thing again. Hey, why isn't this one Transfictional? And what even is matapotence?
High-Flawless Transcendent Beyond Complate Arsenal
I have every ability that Exists, Does Not Exist, Everything you can think of, abilities and powers that we haven't thought of yet, abilities and powers we can't comprehend, abilities and powers that will never exist, Every single Power and Ability you can possibly and impossibly think of, Everything you can't think, Any fictional character's abilities any OC's abilities etc. I have everyone's skills. For example, I have everyone's Omnipotent and Omni-Variation (All forms of Omnipotence), these mix to give me an upper hand. I have not only abilities;forms, looks, tactics, in short, I have their everything. I can instantly use and combine any number of them, often flooding his opponents with overwhelming torrents of highly efficient combinations and beyond. Possess all powers/abilities with absolutely no limitation as I'm fundamentally Omnipotent already and beyond.
GODLY Over Transcendent True Absolute Beyond High Narrative-King Omnidimensional Flawless Authority
King Godverse authority is the highest and high any god known possible in every type of verse.(Universe, Multiverse, Omniverse,Chronoverse, Outerverse, Metaverse, Xenoverse, Hyperverse, Megaverse, And Allverse.) and he's Embodiment of Authority. King Godverse has all the powers of the creators over fiction, sometimes it can be at a high level. King Godverse has also an authority that is almost equal to a author itself. He is now equal to an avatar. WIP.
Universe, Multiverse, Omniverse, Chronoverse, Outerverse, Metaverse, Xenoverse, Hyperverse, Megaverse, and Allverse.
In other words, Universe, Multiverse, Omniverse, Time, an Outertale-based MV AU, Facebook, Aliens, WTF, THICCverse, and... Omniverse again.What?Why so many verses???? Why not just multiverse? Why?
True Boundless-God Flawless Transcendent Omnivastanced Omni-Eternal Existence
King Godverse possessing no end as well as no beginning. He were never created by anything and will never be concluded existing in all points of time. He pretends to be if he wants to, but his existence was and exists forever. King Godverse is truly timeless, immune to life and death, immeasurable to everything, destruction and erasure, and time, ultimately free from reality and concepts. King Godverse is endlessnes and beginningless. Because it is omnivastanced, he has an Omni-Eternal that beyond the Omnipotent.
TRUE BOUNDLESS GOD FLAWLESS. I'm sick of this. "Transcendent Eternity". There.
True Transcendent Omnivastanced Change Inducement
King Godverse can change anything he wants without limits, no matter what. He can make a god out of a worm, completely change the fabrics of reality, and do anything you can think or not.
YOU SAID YOU'RE OMNIPOTENT. Is.. IS this for power scaling? I don't get it
True Boundless-God Flawless Transcendent Impossipotence
King Godverse has an inaccessible, impossible power, so his every skill works correctly only on him.
True Boundless-God Flawless Transcendent Autopotence
True Boundless-God Flawless Transcendent Ultipotence
True Boundless-God Flawless Transcendent Elementumpotence
Being an all-powerful being He has the power to manipulate omni-elements of the verses. He can shape and manipulate all the elements, be them artificial, natural, supernatural, psychical, physical, esoteric, fantasy, cosmic, universal, divine/transcendent, demonic, conceptual, metaphysical, primordial, etc.
True Boundless-God Flawless Transcendent Arcanepotance
True Boundless-God Flawless Transcendent Omniarch
King Godverse ruler and owner of all over anything and everything in existence or nonexistence. He has absolute control over all objects and entitys, He rules absolutely everything. He rules over anything and everything in existence; as such, He has absolute control over all objects, planes of existences, and life forms, as well as their wills and mindsets (whether they are aware of being controlled or not).
True Boundless-God Flawless Transcendent Omnilock
King Godverse exists in a higher plane of existence and resides outside of everything. So he's immune to so many things like;temporal paradox,reality warping and virtually everything, This is just Omnilock's advantages, he's already immune. King Godverse cannot be completely attached to any dimension in any way because he is outside of everything and he exists beyond complete infinity, It is divine. And also King Godverse is completely immune to the lower dimensions. King Godverse is simply immune to anything and everything. King Godverse exist outside the concepts of time, space, life, and death...
I'm pretty sure there's a contradiction here somewhere

True Boundless-God Flawless Transcendent Omni-Defiance
King Godverse can reach the limits of the infinite emptiness of invincibility by ignoring everything as if it didn't exist. For example, King Godverse can ignore someone's power as if it didn't exist. Even omnipotence can be ignored. This was just an example, the options are endless.
True Boundless-God Flawless Transcendent Omni-Forced Ignore
The existence or non-existence of King Godverse will ignore everything, even if completely unwillingly; immortality, impenetrability, physical attacks, assassination, mental assaults, death, paradoxes, soul grabbing, omniscient, omnipresent, dimensions, omnipotent, transformations, obligations, all the facts, all the lies, murders, all rewrites, editions, history, imprisonment, opposition, philosophy, weak ones, universes, Emotions, Feelings, Minds, Voids, ... anything you can think of or not.
Aren't... these just the same ability?
True Boundless-God Transcendent Omni-Creator and Omni-Destroyer
King Godverse is the Omnipotent Creator and Destroyer of allverses and the Omnipotence ruler of all. King Godverse exists in any dimension at any time and he is Omnidimensional.
Again what the heck are allverses? Also, destroying AUs is impossible. You may ask me to elaborate on this point. Also, why isn't this one Flawless? It's just True Boundless God. What about the Flawless part? You forgot something.
True Boundless-God Flawless Transcendent Omni-Induction
King Godverse can induce anything;He can induce any physical, mental, spiritual, supernatural, metaphysical, conceptual, magical, transcendental things. And it all depends on him, if he wants to do things that no one has ever imagined or thought about before, he can do it easily.
How many ways can somebody say their character is omnipotent? And if I see one more "True Boundless God Flawless" I will...
True Boundless-God Flawless Transcendent Tetrapotence
King Godverse has absolute control over Science, Magic, Divinity and Philosophy as one single united force. King Godverse has the ability to use the combined forces of science, magic, divinity and philosophy, giving King Godverse potentially unlimited power over the four concepts.
True Boundless-God Transcendent Transfictional Godly Narration
King Godverse has absolute control of all aspects of the plots, Allverse and fiction, and can freely alter its nature, content, inhabitants, history, destiny, etc. King Godverse is fully transcendent existences, both characters and storyteller of reality, controlling it like an author controls a work of fiction, with the same absolute power and overwhelming authority. He can affect any fictional continuity on an transfictional omnipotent level with no limits.
Try having him actually express that power and you'll see it's not there. Also you left out "Flawless" again, so I'm starting to think that's an intentional choice. So it clearly means something, I just don't know what.
King Godverse is more perfect and flawless than anyone else in everything. Physical, mental, emotional, existential, environmental, intellectual, etc. He's far beyond our understanding.
"Flawless Over Superior Supreme Every Power, Ability and Everything of All Ever"
King Godverse is by far the superior of all powers. It has all kinds of power and it is the embodiment of power, He can mix every ability at the same time, You may not even be aware that you are dead because speed exceeds infinite. Its power is so immense that it cannot be conceptualized and explained. It can shape power by controlling the laws and limits of power. Every time a character is thought, created or destroyed, I will be beyond conceptualized with all the possibilities and possibilities. Like King Godverse's power...
Drinking game: take a shot every time this author finds a new way to say KGV is omnipotent.
"Flawless Over Superior Supreme Transcendent Every Power of Gods, Anyone and (Some)Creators Ever"
Did you seriously think I was standing in a confined space? Hahaha..King Godverse is known to have the powers of every god, but it's more than that. King Godverse actually puppets every god, and he is controlling all of them with his eyes at every conceptional time, and yes he is the one who makes them do almost every move. He has superior versions of the abilities of all of them. King Godverse has managed to kill a lot of creators just like Infected, he has the same abilities as the creators. He's beyond all and ahead of everyone.
**King Creator Mode:**King Godverse can act so absolut- Did you think I'd be exposed? I will be author for myself.
...Why are some of the powers obscured? And why is the name in quotation marks? Where's my True Boundless God Flawless at?
"Beyond Superior Supreme Any True Impossible Ever"
The concept of the impossible doesn't even exist for him. He can break everything of the impossibility and do everything impossible by realizing the greatest impossibilities in the realm of the impossibility.
You already went over this.
"Flawless Over Superior Transcendent Everything, Everyone, Anything, Anyone and Nothing Ever"
No matter how much you oppose... my supreme power beyond eternity. I am in everything, above everything, above nothing, below everything, next to everything, diagonally across everything, outside everything, around everything, first of everything, flow of everything, Infinity, Omni, Meta, all universes, all worlds, everything is fiction, every cycle, ultimate, thinks, multi, every, godmodes, out, all kinds of integration, non-fiction, Fiction, Absolute, Beyond, out of the flow of everything, Everything and anything, absolutely true, truly absolute, every transcendental, Omnifinity...
At this point I'm starting to wonder if "King Godverse" refers to the author. He's writing from first person and sees fiction as fiction. And Omnifinity? Wouldn't that just be infinity? Or does infinity mean something different to Godverse?
"King Boundless-God Transcendent Cosmic Otherness Ever"
Besides being everything else, I am also completely different from everything else.
New drinking game: take a shot for every blatant contradiction.
Mentioning King Godverse in a Page to compare power immediately makes the character KG's puppet and KG steals all abilities, powers, capabilities and everything of it untill it becomes omega low hypoversal-------------------------------------------- level or less, King Godverse will have infinitely more powerfull abilities than it and it will amplify his power to uncountible levels. If someone critical does that, KG will intervene immediately, but if he doesn't care too much or it does someone nice for KG, KG doesn't care or makes him a leisure puppet. His abilities are permanently his and can't be taken, duplicated, erased, removed, transcended, bypassed, Stopped, Used, Etc.
Sorry, but that's not how fictional characters work :("King Godverse' power level is GDICT. Ink Sans' power level is 70.""Ink Sans' power level is still 70."
You see? That ability didn't do anything! And what's omega low hypoversal--------------------------------?
"Flawless Transcendent Consumer of Everything, Everyone, Anything, Anyone and Nothing Ever"
Yes, I can absorb everything, whether I want it or not. Every place I go, every place I go, every mind I go, every time I go, every truth and reality I go to, everything that touches me, everything that affects me, everything that hits me, everything that is done to me, every force used against me, thoughts, agreements, knowledge, what they know, I can absorb every weakness that goes against me, every weak being that tries to attack me, and anything that you can't think of. I consume everything.
Uhh.You're omnipotent and capital-I Immortal. You don't need to clarify.
"Superior Transcendent Power of Everyone Ever"
King Godverse has infinitely superior powers of all entitys' powers. These same forces combine to become King Godverse's special power, thus making King Godverse a true king. That's why King Godverse is unrivaled. King Godverse especially since he take all newly created beings powers, none of the new beings can defeat King Godverse. King Godverse achieves superior powers/everything for himself by mixing them all in a time that is more conceptualized than ever. No one new/god can beat him. He will be beyond true beyond infinity everyone and always. Everytime an power, OC, Character created, I'll become ∞∞∞∞∞++++(and beyond)stronger than and superior with all possibilities. I am the one who's above all.
∞∞∞∞∞++++ = ∞. Saved you 4 characters.
"Flawless Over True Puppetmaster"
King Godverse is actually one of the best Puppetmasters in Godverse. He can make anyone puppet if he wants, but he usually gets along well with his people, so he doesn't do it when he has to. He often uses his servants when they don't do what King Godverse wanted. Since he is a puppetmaster, he has strings similar to CC's strings. He can control Godverse and anyone in fiction on an High-Omni-Transcient∞ level.
Doesn't he automatically make puppets by comparing power levels? I'm confused.
Superiority Boundless-God Transcendent Ruling Omni-Eternity
King Godverse dominates and controls all existence. It gains overwhelming powers by controlling all eternity against all dimensions and existence. In short, eternity and existence are absolutely controlled by King Godverse. It is inconceivably beyond the form of existence by not being limited to existence. He is infinite dimensional, Infinitiversal and exists in an eternal way in all dimensions. Everything and nothing depends on it and is under his absolute control. It is also beyond anything and beyond by destroying all existential and dimensional rules. He's existential/conceptual. Therefore it cannot be destroyed or invalidated. If this happens, all the rules of eternity and concept alike will be destroyed, and even the very bottom of all existence will be destroyed.
There's Boundless God again. I wonder whether its friends True and Flawless will show up anytime soon.
Boundless-God Transcendent Omni-Embodiment
King Godverse is the embodiment of Godverse, Reality, Eternity and etc. Anything you can think or not.
Nope, it doesn't seem like it.
Lawlessness and Violation of Everything
King Godverse transcends and opposes all of the fictional logic, illogicality, and laws with endless layers and numbers. He can cause unbelievable events that no one can do by transcending the laws and rules of the Omnipotence, Anything lower than that doesn't even exist for him, as he opposes or surpasses all of them.
Right, so instead of getting Rid of the paradoxes and resolving the contradictions, KGV just hangs a LAMPSHADE on it.
Superior Irrelevant Outlier Antithetical
He can ignore any rules, laws, limits, logic and etc. He can destroy and break any ideas promotions by just looking, sample:"You cant defeat me, Im stronger than you" Even if it's written or thought, King Godverse doesn't care and can easily beat you. He dont care about them, even the author's writes about their OCs or Characters.
Again, that's not how fictional characters work.
Omni-Godly TransWanked
King Godverse transcends beyond the concept of powers, and the concept of percentages. He can kill all potence, divine, unkillable, undefeatable, god, overpowered and etc beings just by existing and not doing anything. Sometimes, he is even stronger than himself and others, and beat beings that are more powerful than him or not be defeated by beings that can easily defeat them by just existing. He is transcend beyond above all other characters or OCs
Combined with the absorption thing I'm pretty sure this is someone's fetish. I mean, TransWanked.Also, "BR is stronger than King Godverse". There. Broke your character.
Infinity Concepts of All
Any written, unwritten, thought, unthought, created and uncreated, etc. It transcends the concept of infinity in any way, so any concept of infinity cannot scratch it.
WTH? This one doesn't even say how it connects to KGV.
Superiority Above All of Beyond
King Godverse is superior to all in all things and thus is absolutely invincible. He is boundlessly above absolutely beyond everything, existence, nonexistence, possibility, causality, dualism and non-dualism. Because of he is eternal of anything, he is in infinite probability more powerful than all and all. He's even the beyond the concept of beginning so it doesn't matter if he has a story or an orginal, he can do it if he wants. King Godverse is exactly beyond anything, from beyond the universe, the multiverse, the omniverse, the box, where time and space may not exist. He is superior to every OC and Creation, when any OC or Creation is created, thought, not thought, cannot think of, can think of, existed, never existed, never existed, always existed, created and not created etc. In any case, KG becomes infinitely and beyond them.
Again, this is very difficult to actually demonstrate.
Boundless-God Transcendent High-God Highest Reality Manipulation
King Godverse can manipulate, create, control or destroy reality in its entirety. It provides superiority by controlling any reality at absolute levels, it can control every universe, it can instantly change the whole reality of the Fiction. In short, he is the absolute master of reality.
Boundless-God Transcendent High-God Highest Alpha Reality
King Godverse possess limitless power over the Alpha Reality. He can create, destroy and control all kinds of universal realities. King Godverse is beyond all existence and beyond.
Couldn't these be merged into the same thing? Also, he's omnipotent. I already know that he can do this
Superiority True Boundless-God Omni-Transcendence
King Godverse transcends absolutely anything and everything. This includes all dimensions, life/death, beginning/ending, concepts/ideas/principles, creation/destruction, boundaries, context, potential, possibilities/variables, levels of reality, existence/nonexistence, perfection/levels of perfection, embodiments, their personal status, being/non-being, etc. It is impossible to categorize it in any way or find a complete definition, as they exist completely above and beyond all classifications and definitions. It is boundless and surpasses absolutely everything. He's even the beyond the concept of beginning so it doesn't matter if he has a story or an orginal, he can do it if he wants.
Hey, "True" is here, when's "Flawless" gonna show up?
Boundless-God Transcendent Eyes of God
King Godverse can watch absolutely everything, everywhere, everywhen, and everyhow a.k.a fiction at the exact same time and regardless of where or when it is or might be. He can view realities outside of the whole of existence, into dimensions shielding against every form of observation, no matter where it is, he can see every area, entity and object at the same time, can see the past, the present and the future at the same time, all of which are valid. All that is, isn't, might, might not, could, could not, can, can't and won't exist is visible and laid bare before King Godverse, and nothing can be hidden from his eyes.
Didn't we already say he's omniscient and omnipresent as well? At least this isn't a bad time eye.
Boundless-God Transcendent Omnisphere Manipulation
King Godverse can manipulate the concept of totality, and is capable of manipulating the entirety of anything. He can manipulate the totality, which is forever the largest thing conceptualized and imagined by any mind. It absolutely encompasses anything and everything. Even though King Godverse can transcend everything and has power over everything too, they may or may not be the origin of it all. It also gives him an extremely powerful force that allows him to control and manipulation of the Omnisphere, which contains an absolutely infinity or unlimited number of other universes, multiverses, metaverses, zenoverses, Superverses, hyperverses, Omegaverses, ultraverses, Omniverses, Outerverse, Alphaverse, Numberverse and etc.
universes, multiverses, metaverses, zenoverses, Superverses, hyperverses, Omegaverses, ultraverses, Omniverses, Outerverse, Alphaverse, Numberverse. WE GET IT HE HAS POWER OVER FACEBOOK. Can we just say universe multiverse, omniverse? Maybe "multiverse complex" if you're using dimensionals.
Boundless-God Transcendent Boundless Manipulation
Boundless-God Transcendent TransFictional Manipulation
Boundless-God Transcendent Almighty Absorbing Replication
King Godverse can absorb anything...
Boundless-God Transcendent Omni-Manipulation
King Godverse can manipulate anything, absolutely everything -- be it physical (matter, energy, the space-time fabric, etc.); or metaphysical (soul, life, death, aspects of reality, and concepts).
Boundless-God Transcendent Absolute Manipulation
King Godverse can create, shape and manipulate absolutes, the complete, unchanging, eternal/infinite and highest aspects, qualities or properties of things. He has the absolute level of all he has.
Boundless-God Transcendent Absolute Force Manipulation
King Godverse possess supernatural forces to create, manipulate and shape force in all its forms, whether physical, transcendent, natural, spiritual, mental, cosmic, etc. i.e. all the absolute forces that make up the flow and nature of reality.
Oh yeah, he's omnipotent, like I didn't know that before.
The Highest Code Patronizer
King Godverse is the manager and master of every code. Since he is a master hacker and code manager, he can change everything.
JW, who doesn't have code: Guess you need to use one of your 30 million instances of omnipotence to do stuff to me instead of this ability.
Boundless-God Transcendent Omni-Purification
King Godverse can purify natural forces, abstract/conceptual features, people with dark hearts and souls, and anything and everything that seems meaningless to Him, even things that, by definition, are or should be immune.
AGAIN You could've just stopped at omnipotence!
Transcendent Flawless Omni-Overpowering
If King Godverse finds a big opponent(which is very, very rare)he may choose to get more OP himself more and more every second. This continues until the King Godverse. Besides, King Godverse can buff himself as well as weaken himself, but he does not do that much. And he can also immediately strengthen himself if he wants. Even now, he becomes infinitely more inconceivably stronger than every second. If a creator or character himself tries to surpass King Godverse, King Godverse will instantly notice this and instantly surpass the character.
Transcendent Dimensional Intelligence
It is known by almost everyone that King Godverse can transcend all dimensions, but these dimensions are not limited to the dimensions we know, King Godverse can immediately detect and interact with anything done about him on his websites. I can know who is reading everything, I can know...
King Godverse one with all. He's is everything, everywhere, every-when, and every-how, without any exception whatsoever.
We went through this already! ???????WHy repeat yourself? Hey, at least Flawless is back. Long time no see.
Transcendent God-Consumer Beam
King Godverse can choose to release rays that can immediately destroy the absolute reality that persists until the eyes are closed. When fired, this beam can destroy at least 10 Multiverse at the same time and erase it from existence. This ray is very dangerous in every way because every reality depends on it the moment it is teleported. Especially weak entities from Omni404 can be instantly destroyed by this beam. The damage of this beam cannot be conceptualized that is beyond mind. The beam may not only go in one direction, but radiate at a 360 degree angle if one wishes, that is up to the King Godverse.
Transcendent God-Consumer Ray
It works the same as King Godverse's beam, but this time emanating from his fingers. The new function of this rail, when it spreads, causes permanent damage by distorting reality in random ways and completely erases any place it hits from fiction or causes permanent wounds.
THAT'S NOT HOW FICTIONAL CHARACTERS WORK.And apparently eyes are important now.
King's Totality Glory Eyes
Skipping a few since they're boring:
King Godverse can revert something, like transform Error into Geno. but full potential of this button turns others into their purest forms. to ther OG Undertale Counterparts.
When your ability is based on an incorrect concept of the multiverse lol. Also casually mentions it's a button. Why is it a button. Isn't he just omnipotent? Doesn't that cover this? Unless omnipotence means something different to Godverse than to what it actually means, in which case please explain.
Boundless-God Transcendent Meta P.A.R.A.D.O.X
King Godverse can manipulate all paradoxes no matter how contradictory, impossible or illogical without justification in highest levels.
Fixed: "True Boundless-God Flawless Transcendent Transfictional Meta PARADOX".Again he continues to lampshade this.
Only Orginal.
If anyone tries to make a clone of King Godverse (like an alternative King Godverse etc.), the being himself will turn into a willless slave and lose all his powers, and those powers will be transferred to the King Godverse, including in his clone. If a creator tries this, the creator's powers will be transferred to King Godverse and will not be able to access fiction for a long time. Even if a creator(s) himself copies all of his powers, those powers will be back to King Godverse and will be far superiomixing, making himself invincible again...
That's AGAIN not how fictional characters work! Why does the creator of this article insist that KGV can do these things?
Boundless-God Transcendent Life and Death Manipulation
King Godverse can be life and death itself or he can feel,control,create or manipulate.
**All Death:**It will make everyone in a radius of 100 kms die instantly.
Only 100 kilometers, huh? Are you ACTUALLY omnipotent?
"No Joke"
King Godverse can completely delete or control any jokes. And able to control anyone with joke abilities. And for King Godverse, any joke is ineffective,but his joke abilities are effective to everything. anyone's Joke abilities are ineffective for him.
Couldn't he do this with serious abilities as well though? He's omnipotent.
Corrupted Core Sans as a Phantom/Right Hand Men of The King
After the events that happend in his backstory[WIP] now they are bounded. And cc's phantom is always aroung KG. but CC as the weeb he is calls himself a "Standoh"
Summoning of The Sons of Prophechy
CC can summon boss monsters and Mini-Bosses in ProphechyVerse. that makes him a colony st-
KG:I am watching you,don't turn this into a joke page.
Me:I cant hold myself.
These clones are at the same power level as Phantom CC,who is stronger than his old self.
''Corrupted Core''
"WHO DA FACC SUMMONED MEH- oh it is you kg,nice to see u...wait. I AM A STANDOH FUCC YEA"
CC enters a new form when King Godverse Absorbs the OMNI KEY Form. He gains new abilities and a new body all of the clones die and melt into CC, the molten debries of those other monsters take form and create CC' Form. It looks like as erpahim gaster and is now a lot more powerfull than he used to be omni key is melted and digested inside him, so no one can take KG's Powers away. Still WIP.
these abilities are given as examples only.
owo who's this
King Godverse's unwritten abilities are briefly;All Abilities of Corrupted Core Sans,All Manipulations,All Gods Powers,All Beyond Gods' Power,All OP Powers,All Beyond Powers,All Omni-Powers,All Meta-Powers,All Almighty Powers,Everything of OP Gods',All Creationary Powers,All Godmodes Powers,All Powers in Zerovaverse Wiki,All Reality Altering Powers,All Godslayer Powers,All Divine Powers,All Apocalyptic Powers,All Chaotic Powers,All Kinetic Powers,All Combat Powers,All Userspace Powers,All Cosmic Powers,All Cosmic-Based Powers,All Defensive Abilities,All Effects,All Nature Powers...,,All Powers in Foundations of Fantasy Wiki,All Mental Powers,All Mimicry,All Molecular Abilities,All Generations,All Offensive Powers,All Primordial Powers,All Secretions,All Infinite Powers,All Perception Powers,All Reality Powers,All Void Powers,All Anti-Void Powers,All Kings' Powers,All Fictional Powers and many more.. and all of these powers are at the much higher level of High-Omni-Transcient level.
KGV's unwritten abilities are, even more briefly:Omnipotence.
submitted by vector_9260 to Undertale [link] [comments]

2022.05.24 17:13 Aiislin Review: The Winnowing Flame trilogy by Jen Williams

A fantasy-scifi epic for the ages in a compact trilogy. Lovecraftian in the best ways; incredible characters; optimistic despite the acute perils and realistic treatments of danger. I've never read a series with multiple pov before where I loved all the characters and didn't want to skip ahead. It left me with a book hangover in the best of ways. Pros:
A) Amazing characters including: -Lady Vintage, a rich give-no-fucks lady archaeologist who uses her family money to explore the mysteries of the behemoth remains scattered throughout the world (and poisoning it - like malevolent miracle grow!). She hires Tor and Noon to help her on her researches and is totally driven but can be incredibly compassionate when not blinded by scholarly obsession.
-Noon, a young woman who can harness the green, mysterious winnow flame by snapping life energy from plants/animals. We meet her as she's in the seaside convent jail where they trap all such women to "protect the world from their sin" and milk their flames like farm animals to make drugs. She is sarcastic, brittle, compassionate and defensive, as you might be if you'd been in jail since you were a child and denied all human contact (and maybe had a really bad accident before they caught you shushhhh).
-Tor, one of the last living Eborans (think elves with skin that looks like fancy wood and red eyes; before their tree god died they lived long healthy lives but after his death tried substituting human blood for longevity tree sap. Did not go well; most are now dead/dying from the Crimson Flux, disease caused by the blood drinking). He's got a fancy sword, a lot of vanity and a quick tongue and is a great fighter running from the dead halls of his home.
Later we meet others who you will want to swaddle in cotton and protect forever (Aldasair!). No one will be protected tho so brace yourself. The "villains" are also amazingly well done. I put them in quotation mark's because while you will be on the side of the main three there is no totally black evil here. The more you read the more you see how realistically everyone /thing is written - nothing and no-one is pure of heart in any direction. Each character is fascinating and contains multitudes even if they are so alien as to really escape your full understanding. Even the characters you meet for a single page feel like real people with history and weight to them.
B) World building. There is so much going on here. Everything is so fleshed out and feels real. You glimpse mysteries that remain mysteries or half-understood, things are not handed to you with an itemized explanation, you will be left wondering and full of fascination as you glimpse layers and layers that make Sarn feel as real as the world we live in. Everything is fascinating and you have to experience it for yourself!
C) Pacing. With the exception of the end of book 2 (felt like it could have used another 30 pages of denouement) the pacing was phenomenal. As mentioned above I did not get bored with any POV chapters which is a real rarity for me. I hate comic-book cliffhangers but Williams has a way of switching btwn POV without horrible cliffhangers. The transition points felt like natural pausing points yet at the same time they all built together at the same pace to the climax.
I really recommend this trilogy to anyone who likes a chunky but not bloated series; excellent characters; superb world building; genuinely alien mysteries; and giant animals.
Extra pros: Diversity (race/sexuality (ff, mm and fm)/no firm gender roles). Scifi in a fantasy setting. Plot originality. FEELINGS.
Bingo squares: Strange ecology (hm); LGBT (hm); Cool Weapon. Maybe family matters?
Ed. to fix formatting
submitted by Aiislin to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2022.05.08 13:22 RinzaiGigen317 Glossary of Subtext: The Number 2.

[This is the first part in a series I am posting regularly. I encourage anyone who watches programs in this franchise to observe the clues I’ve referenced herein and to consider them as tools for understanding themes and making new predictions as the tale unfolds.
A story of this kind is understood primarily through subtext, and an exercise in pattern recognition always is the finest way to learn. Patterns, by their very nature, hold significance, and clever writing uses symbols to convey its narrative in ways that exposition seldom can accomplish.
Confirmation never is a bias, since all evidence we find corroborating theory is legitimate, for any theory needs to be corroborated to be valid, and no theory which is false can be corroborated to the same extent as any theory which is true. Once you see a symbol to be what it is, you can’t unsee it, and it colours everything you had not understood before. This is not bias; it is language.
The creators write these symbols in so as to stimulate you to identify them, since it lets them tell a complex story in a manner which does not feel patronizing but rewarding to the pioneering intellect. To dismiss this level of their work is to insult both Audience and Artist.
Why should writers not have fun as well?]
2*: The number “two” is used throughout the Breaking Bad universe in order to represent the duality between a character and that character’s alter-ego. Whenever it is referenced, either by itself or in any of the forms I’ve listed below, it is used to signal that a character is about to be confronted with a dilemma or a temptation the consequence of which will put that character on one of two roads, either of which would transform the character for the better or for the worse.
- 20’s and their multiples. This is so ubiquitous that I will only reference it in conjunction with other examples that follow.
- Double of anything*, especially copies.
o Copies and Copiers.
§ Jimmy’s job in the Mail Room of Hamlin, Hamlin McGill, which comes to a screeching halt over the sound of a copy machine in “Rico” (S1: E8.)
§ Jimmy made duplicates of Mesa Verde’s legal documents in Season 2, Episode 8: “Fifi”. This is also an example of “The Old Switcheroo”.
§ Chuck makes copies of the tape from “Klick” (S2: E10).
§ Jimmy’s application to (and subsequent heist against) Neff Copiers in “Breathe” (S4: E2) and “Something Beautiful” (S4: E3). Jimmy refers to the copier as the “beating heart” of the operation, which also alludes back to Hector’s heart rate at the start of the episode, remaining consistent with the titular theme of “Breath”. In this sense, Arturo’s death by suffocation can be said to represent the death of half of Nacho’s personality.
§ The Lubbock, Texas hoax from “Wiedersehen”, (S4: E9) upon which I shall elaborate below as an example of “The Old Switcheroo”.
o “The Old Switcheroo”: a recurring gag and hoax wherein two nearly identical copies are swapped out. It occurs in every Season, starting with the first episode:
§ The Skateboard Prank, though this was entirely unintentional, and the twins accidentally conned the wrong suburban housewife. (S1: E1, “Uno”.)
§ The aforementioned hoax with the numbers from “Fifi” (S2: E8).
· The number “12:16” is then referenced again as the time on the clock at the diner during the Cold Open of “Magic Man” (S5: E1).
At the tone, the time will be 12:22 P.M. (S3; E4: \"Sabrosito\".)
· There is also an allusion to a similar “mix-up” in the fiction Chuck tells Rebecca to cover up his illness in the flashback at the start of “Chicanery” (S5: E5).
· House numbers are fabricated also for Acker’s property in “Dedicado a Max” (S5: E5). This is consistent with Kim’s relatively ethical strategy to offer an alternative location to Kevin in the preceding episode.
§ Mike shows up at Chuck’s house under the guise of “Martin's Handyman and Repair” company in “Sabrosito” (S3: E4). The time is 2:30 P.M., or two and a half hours into the afternoon.
· A similar hoax is perpetrated by Mr. X in “Dedicado a Max” (S5: E5).
§ Jimmy switches out a set of Bingo balls for magnetized ones in order to humiliate Irene in “Fall” (S3: E9).
§ Nacho switches Hector’s pills, and Mike suggests he switch them back; he follows this advice. (S3: E7, “Expenses” – S4: E1, “Smoke”.)
§ Jimmy’s pitch to Neff and his associate in “Breathe” (S4: E2), wherein Jimmy’s sale underscores the benefits of taking an old copy machine out and putting a new one in.
My Shadow and Me.
§ Jimmy and his accomplice switch the “Merry Wanderer” out for the “Bavarian Boy” shortly thereafter in “Something Beautiful” (S4: E3).
· Mike opts out of this, implying he is not yet ready for that sort of switch, however lucrative, even advising Jimmy not to do it, speculating that the latter’s loss of Chuck has prompted this poor judgement.
§ Isaacson v. Vakarian Holdings, Inc.: a case that Chuck had won in the flashback in “Pinata” (S4: E5) using “obscure case law”. Isaacson created a new corporation that was “virtually identical” to the previous one.
· This corporation was formed approximately 20 years prior, according to Kim.
· As Kim recounts this story to Jimmy, Jimmy’s “Oscar pool” is “up to 200”.
· During the ensuing verbal exchange with Chuck, Jimmy confuses the client for the opposition and is corrected by Chuck, demonstrating Jimmy’s tendencies for making “switches” accidentally and Chuck’s aversion to such errors in dealing with clients.
§ Switching the Mesa Verde maps in Lubbock, Texas at the start of “Wiedersehen” (S4: E9).
§ Nacho switches out some of Lalo Salamanca’s product for some of Gustavo’s product in “Magic Man” (S5: E1) and then alludes to the switch while being manhandled by Gustavo’s heavies during the intimidation sequence in the following episode.
§ “You didn’t recognize him, either, Your Honour”: Jimmy’s defence of Mr. Sakey in “Namaste” (S5: E4).
§ Jimmy’s con against Kim in “Wexler v. Goodman” (S5: E6), which he refers to, half-apologetically, in the closing scene as “sandbagging you with the old switcheroo”. (It had certainly gotten old by that time.)
§ Jimmy uses a fake “De Guzman” family in order to redirect sympathy away from the Whalen family in “JMM” (S5: E7).
o Jimmy’s drunken ramblings about symmetry in the introduction to “Winner” (S4: E10).
o Two scoops of Mint Chip Ice Cream in “Magic Man” (S5: E1). Upon this rock I founded my prediction that Ice Cream would become a crucial detail, which it was.
Twin Peaks.
- Halves*: Whensoever a “half” is referenced, this indicates the sort of crossroads I’ve referenced. It also may represent a schism or split between opposing factions and/or personalities.
o Face-off*: Whenever half of a character’s face is concealed and the other half exposed, this is an overt metaphor for a double-life, a two-faced individual, or a split personality. Just a few examples include:
§ Walter’s conversation with Gustavo Fring in “Kafkaesque” (Breaking Bad, S3: 09.) The two men face one another in Fring’s trailer at the chicken farm. A shadow is cast over half of Walter’s face; the opposite half of Gustavo’s face is similarly obscured. Walter’s monologue recounting the events leading up to this meeting makes reference to “blood[ying] both sides” and concludes by saying, “We’re both adults; I can't pretend I don't know that person is you.”
§ Half of Gustavo’s face facing half of Max’s face, both of them pressed up against the cement floor as the latter of the two “Hermanos” bleeds into Don Eladio’s pool in Season 4: Episode 8 of Breaking Bad.
§ Gustavo’s terminator fate in “Face Off” (S4: E13).
o Fifty* of anything, especially per cent: This is especially blatant in the second episode of Season 5, (which is also Mirroring; the numeral for 5 is an inverted 2) entitled “50% Off”, whose opening sequence features two juvenile delinquents on a frenzy, concluding their criminal montage on a Tuesday and proceeding to commit more crimes as we observe a garden gnome, half of whose face is missing.
§ “He was worth fifty of you.” (Casper, Better Call Saul, S5: E1; “Magic Man”.) This may be freely assumed to refer to Werner Ziegler representing the “better half” of Mike, much as Max represented the “light meat” part of Gustavo (though we ought to be careful not to rely too heavily upon the racial implications of this symbol).
\"He was worth fifty of you.\"
o Half-in/half-out*: Frequently, Jimmy is shown with half his shirt tucked in and the other half dangling out.
§ This may be considered a callback to promotional posters and cover art for the first season of Breaking Bad, wherein Walter White is featured with half his green shirt tucked into his underwear and the other half dangling out. To the best of my knowledge, this is not as apparent, if it even does appear, in the actual episode it is drawn from, (S1: E1, “Pilot”.) so it may be considered a deliberate symbol fabricated for promotion.
§ In Better Call Saul, however, it recurs at pivotal moments, especially throughout the early seasons.
· Half of Jimmy’s shirt is tucked in when he accepts a bribe from Betsy Kettleman in “Hero” (S1: E4).
· The same phenomenon occurs when he is tempted to commit his brother to a mental hospital in the following episode, “Alpine Shepherd Boy”.
· Much later, in “Bad Choice Road”, (S5: E9) Lalo Salamanca has half his shirt tucked in (behind his pistol) and the other half dangling casually out, as he says, “Which is it?”
\"You don't want to go off Half-cocked.\" Chuck McGill. (Quotation from S1; E8: \"Rico\")
o Quasimodo:
§ The Hunchback of Notre Dame is a correlative for Mike, following Anita’s covert self-introduction as “the bell-ringer’s love interest*” in “Talk” (S4: E4), which establishes Mike as a “bell-ringer” in the figurative sense of an assassin.
§ (* Of course, we must infer this from the conclusion, knowing what Mike will become and working back to interpret the significance of Anita’s observation, but such a circular reasoning is permissible in reading subtext, especially in circular narratives such as prequels, wherein knowing in advance what a character will become is what informs the interpretation of the foreshadowing. So, it is from knowing Mike to be a future mercenary that we recognize the play on words and thus make the connection to the characters seated at the table, inducing by this logic that the work of Victor Hugo is a nested narrative that’s meant to mirror those who mention it.)
§ If Mike is Quasimodo, then it bears explaining that the name of “Quasimodo” means “Half-made” in Latin, much as Mike is halfway through his transformation in this episode and halfway on the way to ringing bells.
... Certainly not Wedding Bells.
- Twins*: there are numerous instances of twins appearing throughout this universe. The earliest overt reference appears in the form of the Salamanca Twins, Marco and Lionel in the first scene of Breaking Bad’s third season. Very often, one of the halves is compromised in some manner, and the other is preserved. Here are all the instances I can recount at present:
o Los Pollos Hermanos, “the Chicken Brothers”. (Breaking Bad, Seasons 2-5 and Better Call Saul, Season 3-5…) Hector Salamanca conflates the mascots with the founders, Gustavo Fring and Max Arciniega, referring to them respectively as “dark meat” and “light meat”.

Identical but Different.
o Marco and Lionel Salamanca. (Breaking Bad, Season 3 and Better Call Saul, Seasons 2, 4, and 5). One is killed during the shoot-out in “One Minute” (Breaking Bad, S3: E7); the other is effectively cut in half and assassinated in the following episode.
o Marie’s reference to the constellation Gemini in Breaking Bad, as part of her fabricated story when she robs an “Open House” (S4: E3).
o The Skater twins. (Better Call Saul, Season 1.) When they take their leave of Tuco Salamanca, they wheel out with one leg each, representing one man, standing on “his own two feet”, but split in two.
o Geraldine Strauss’s will in “Alpine Shepherd Boy”, which leaves the “towheaded twins” (presumably some Hummel figurines, invented just for the show) to Reverend Lawrence’s grandson. Jimmy corrects her request to “Reverend Hanes”, following this up by telling Ms. Strauss that half of lawyers are idiots, and the other half are crooks.
o Irene Landry’s cats, one of whom is clean, the other dirty. (While they may not be twins necessarily, they are consistent with the theme of pairs consisting of a clean and dirty half.) They are named Oscar and Felix, a fairly overt reference to The Odd Couple.
o The Owners of ABQ in Tune. (Better Call Saul, Season 3.) Jimmy “slips” and “falls” into his old ways in order to get the better of them.
o Nacho and Arturo, one of whom Juan Bolsa knows, the other of whom he does not, at the outset of Season 4, one episode prior to the latter’s death and two episodes prior to the former’s symbolic death and rebirth, during which time Nacho internalizes Salamanca blood.
o A brief shot of triplets during the Miracle hoax in “Dedicado a Max” (S5: E5). The number “3” becomes more prevalent throughout this Season.
o Various other instances of doppelgangers and look-alikes throughout both series, including a Mystery Man in one of the promotional trailers for Season 6, allegedly a fall guy for Lalo Salamanca.
submitted by RinzaiGigen317 to betterCallSaul [link] [comments]

2022.04.02 19:22 MissHBee Last Minute 2021 Bingo Reviews

Last Minute 2021 Bingo Reviews
Is it too late? I wanted to get this done before the new card came out, but alas. Maybe I've got something here you could use in 2022!
I've been doing reading challenges for a few years now, but this was my first attempt at Bingo. None of my previous challenges have ever been genre-specific, so I was a bit nervous, but it turns out that making roughly half my reading sci fi/fantasy was no stretch at all and pretty much the perfect balance. I really appreciated the diversity of the prompts, plenty of which I was able to fill naturally through the course of my reading, with a few challenges that were a bit outside of my comfort zone but largely paid off. Can't wait to do it all again this year!
For some reason, my enjoyment of these books was heavily weighted towards the second half of the card. I wonder if that's just a coincidence? Anyway, I'm sorry if the first half of these sound grumpy and like I don't like anything, they pick up later!!
Row One
Five SFF Short Stories - The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories, by Ken Liu
Summary: A mix of sci fi and fantasy stories, many drawing in elements of Chinese and Japanese culture, folklore, and history.
The last sci fi short story collection I read before this was Ted Chiang's Exhalation, which was so incredibly to my taste that I think I may have been ruined forever. But although I quite liked a few of these stories (I thought "State Change" was very clever and unique and liked "The Waves" a lot as well), I found many of them to be somehow too sentimental in tone and too bleak in content. That felt quite jarring to me, but I think it's possible that Ken Liu intended it for the sake of highlighting some of the real historical horrors he addresses in this collection, and I respect that as an authorial choice - it just didn't work for me. Content Note: There are a lot of really graphic torture scenes in this book (including one involving a child).
2.5 stars
Set in Asia - Midnight's Children, by Salman Rushdie
Summary: A Muslim Indian man born at the same moment as independent India was recounts how his life has intersected with the history of India and Pakistan. Also, his giant nose gives him the power of telepathy.
Midnight's Children is, frankly, too overwhelming for comfort. I generally enjoy stories told out of order, stories with narrative framing devices, stories told by unreliable narrators, etc. But this one is genuinely a challenge, probably because it's all that plus a lot of references to historical events that I was only loosely familiar with. The novel is crammed full of details and characters and difficult-to-unravel plotlines and yet, I found it to be well worth the effort. I read a lot of Wikipedia entries about Indian and Pakistani history while reading this and I really learned and retained an awful lot.
4 stars
A Selection from the Fantasy A to Z Genre Guide - Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, by Susanna Clarke
Summary: Magic exists in 19th century England and all anyone wants to do about it is write dry academic treatises, until two newcomers arrive on the scene.
I adored the concept of this book, but merely liked the execution. Probably the key element that I appreciated in theory more than in practice was the Austentinian pacing and focus on interpersonal relationships and social mores. And I did have a lot of fun with that element and found a lot of delight in the clever ways that magic contributed to that kind of storytelling. But while the novel-of-people-having-witty-conversations works very well for a romance, because the whole plot is contained within the world of the people having conversations and what the social rules of their interactions are, this book was actually focused on something external to the characters (the magic and the fairies), so I thought it didn't quite work as well to bring the whole story together in the end.
3.5 stars
Found Family - The House in the Cerulean Sea, by T.J. Klune
Summary: Uptight and anxious case worker is sent to report on a rogue orphanage of magical youth. Chaos ensues.
Nothing prepared me to not like this book. I like sweet, found family, progressive-leaning, character-driven, SFF stories. Sadly, the writing style, the humor, the plot, the characters, the tone, even some of the moral messaging just did not work for me. I do suspect that a considerable part of this was due to the humor - I've heard other people, people who loved the book, admit that the plot is quite predictable and therefore the pleasure lies in savoring the cozy, pleasant journey with these characters that they enjoyed so much. But I think that since I didn't find the humor to fit my preferences, I had a much harder time enjoying that journey, which made the predictability of the plot and the lack of subtlety in the message stand out more.
1 star
First Person POV - Migrations, by Charlotte McConaghy
Summary: In what seems to be a disturbingly near future of climate disaster, a woman hitches a ride on a fishing boat in order to follow the last arctic tern migration.
I really enjoyed the ambiance of this novel, I found it a very quick and compelling read, and the themes of climate grief and the way the author wove the personal story with the ecological story was quite effective. But I had two problems with it: 1. the wordbuilding, while atmospheric, had some holes that I felt were actually detrimental to the story and 2. the main character is quite emotionally detached and "flat." It's for a good reason - she has suffered a great deal of personal trauma - and so I sympathized with her and found her realistic, but I just find it very hard to engage with a book where the POV character is so numb.
2.5 stars
Row Two
Book Club OR Readalong Book - This Is How You Lose the Time War, by Max Gladstone and Amal El-Mohtar
Summary: Two unnamed female operatives write poetic letters to each other across space and time while locked on opposite sides of a war to claim control over the past.
I think it's interesting that everyone I know who has read this book has said the same thing about it: they didn't understand it at all for the first half and then the second half really drew them in. And that's the thing really - this book is part allusions and references, which a given reader may or may not get, and part purposefully vague, non-chronological action to set up for a timey-wimey finish, and part poetic writing that's more meant to convey emotion and atmosphere than anything concrete. It does work, largely because you're meant to be reading these intimate letters being passed between two people. But I guess that's not quite the kind of reader I am, because I want to understand the references in what I read and I want to understand the plot and I want to understand the chronology and so even though I did enjoy reading this and I think the premise is brilliant, I didn't quite love it.
3 stars
New to You Author - The Midnight Library, by Matt Haig
Summary: On the brink of death, a woman who feels she has nothing to live for is given the opportunity to explore her alternate lives.
Aw man, I've heard a lot about Matt Haig and the premises of a lot of his books really appeal to me, but...this really didn't work for me and it makes me feel like I'm not likely to enjoy his other books either. In the end, I didn't really like the prose of this book and I didn't really like the characters and I didn't really like the message, but the thing I didn't like most was that the one cool sci fi thing that was present in this story, the concept of infinity, was kind of ignored in service of the moral message that the author wanted to give us. Cool idea, but there was so much more to explore there!
2 stars
Gothic Fantasy - The Master and Margarita, by Mikhail Bulgakov
Summary: The Devil himself arrives in Soviet Russia in order to put on a magic show and generally cause chaos.
The thing I regret is that I read this book on my own. I think had I read it as part of some sort of reading group, or better yet, in school, ideally as part of a fascinating class I'm imagining on the intersection between Russian history and Russian literature, I would have gotten much more out of it. As it was, there were parts of this book that I really enjoyed and other parts that I was interested in but confused by. The result was a pretty uneven reading experience, which is why I'm giving it three stars: many lines from this book delighted me or made me laugh out loud, other whole sections were pretty opaque and meant I put the book down for days at a time.
3 stars
Backlist Book - The Paladin, by C. J. Cherryh
Summary: In a fictional country modeled on Tang Dynasty China, a teenage girl bent on revenge for her murdered family tries to convince an old war hero to train her.
Can't say I liked this one much at all. This book has two very distinct halves that are quite different in tone and pacing: in the first half, you get a slow, peaceful, slice of life kind of story about being trained in sword fighting, which I would have enjoyed a lot more had the relationship between the two main characters not been so...rapey. The second half turns into a cross-country adventure that spent too much time describing intricacies of politics and geography that weren't very interesting to me.
1.5 stars
Revenge-Seeking Character - Surface Detail, by Iain M. Banks
Summary: An intergalactic war is being fought over the ethics of virtual "hells," where digital souls can be tortured for eternity.
Disclaimer: I have not read any other Culture books, and this isn't even a recommended entry point into the series, but I will say that I found this to be quite enjoyable even going in blind. I was immediately impressed by the sheer scope of this book - we're immediately introduced to so many characters in so many unique and interesting plot lines, each of which felt fresh and unexpected and I was eagerly anticipating how they would eventually weave together. I particularly appreciated the philosophical and ethical underpinnings of this story - science fiction that begins with this sort of baseline tends to be my absolute favorite and the questions that were established at the beginning of the novel did not disappoint. The only reason that this book isn't getting five stars from me is that I listened to it on audio and, perhaps because of that, had a bit of a hard time following the action in the last quarter of the book or so.
4 stars
Row Three
Mystery Plot - Every Heart a Doorway, by Seanan McGuire
Summary: Sometimes children tumble through doorways into magical worlds and live there happily for years, but The Chronicles of Narnia never addressed how hard it would be to come back to earth.
Admittedly, I didn't remember very much of the actual plot of this book a few months after reading it, but I don't care - I just had a really good time exploring the setting! This kind of felt like a Disney/Pixar movie turned into a fantasy book to me, you know, like Wreck-It Ralph or Inside Out, where the whole fun of watching it is just following the character through all these themed worlds? I do remember the dialogue being a bit clunky, but again, fun and fast enough that I really want to keep reading these.
4 stars
Comfort Read - Wise Child, by Monica Furlong
Summary: In medieval Scotland, an orphan girl is taken in by the local healing woman, who teaches her cooking and cleaning and reading and weaving and, eventually, magic.
Wise Child is not just a book I consider comfort reading, it's practically the book I consider comfort reading. Not only is it a beloved book from my childhood that deeply informed my worldview, but reading it is such a pleasant, soothing, joyous experience. So much of the story follows the daily life of Wise Child and Juniper in their village: their work with herbs and healing, their studies of language, their daily chores. And somehow Monica Furlong manages to infuse this simple, largely quiet (though frequently quite funny and charming) story with a real sense of purpose and meaning. It's just absolutely one of my favorite books of all time.
5 stars
Published in 2021 - Klara and the Sun, by Kazuo Ishiguro
Summary: A solar powered artificial intelligence doll waits in a department store for a child to purchase her.
When I was a kid, I went through a dystopian fiction phase, which I think started with The Giver. I'm pretty over it by now (I think it's a pretty easy genre to get burned out on) but I'm not over what I think was at the root of it: loving that feeling of being dropped into a strange and slightly eerie world and discovering piece by piece what its secrets are. Klara and the Sun totally gave me that feeling, but in a more nuanced and refreshing way than I remember, and I really enjoyed it. Now, I've heard a lot of mixed reviews of this book at this point, and I will say that this was my first by Ishiguro, so I'll be curious to read more by him and see if I end up liking his other stuff even better.
4.5 stars
Cat Squasher: 500+ Pages - Children of Time, by Adrian Tchaikovsky
Summary: The last vestiges of the human race leave their ruined earth, hoping that the prosperous and technologically advanced humans of the past have left something habitable out in space for them to land on. It turns out, they have, but the planet wasn't the only they thing created.
I am such a sucker for a first contact story, but I think this book is genuinely really good, and I'm reasonably sure it's not only my first contact-loving heart saying so. I was so intrigued by the hard science biology/zoology in here and really impressed by the structure of the novel. The book played with time in such a fascinating way and I thought it led to some really interesting insights into the relationship between time/age and authority. I didn't even know Tchaikovsky was such a wildly published author (this is the only book I had heard of from him), so I'm really excited there's more to explore!
5 stars
SFF-Related Nonfiction - In the Dream House, by Carmen Maria Machado
Summary: The author recounts her experience being abused by her longterm girlfriend, using speculative narrative tropes and academic analysis to characterize her disorientation.
I truly do not have the words to describe how I felt about this memoir. All I can say is that at one point while I was reading it, I felt the temptation to recalibrate some of my previous five star reviews - like, this book has reset the grading curve. I probably won't do that, but I did genuinely feel like this book was not only a masterpiece but also extremely well-suited for my taste and background and interests and I already kind of want to read it again, or at least buy a physical copy so I can write in it. The prose in this was phenomenal, the structure and concept genuinely unlike anything I've ever read, and I found it immensely touching and relatable.
5 stars
Row Four
Latinx or Latin American Author - The House of the Spirits, by Isabel Allende
Summary: Multi-generational family saga set in 20th century Chile follows three generations of women and the aging patriarch of the family as times change.
I did enjoy reading this book, but it did make me finally realize something: I don't think I love multi-generational family sagas. I thought I did, and I do like stories that have big messy ensemble casts, but I'm not sure I really like it very much when the book covers so much time and the characters you begin with end up fading to the background or dying partway through the book. It worked for me in One Hundred Years of Solitude, but that book is so strange and circular that it's not really the same. But here, even though I thought the writing was beautiful and the story compelling, I just couldn't get as immersed as I would like to.
3.5 stars
Self-Published - Beanstalk: The Adventures of a Jack of All Tales, by E. Jade Lomax
Summary: A group of unlikely teenagers become friends at an academy for fairy tale heroes.
I wanted to like this more than I did. Beanstalk is a very sweet, found-family story that I've had on my Kindle for practically a decade (I, um, followed the author's Chronicles of Narnia fanfiction as a teenager). It probably would have been better if I had read it back then, as I think I'm a bit over this particular kind of story. The writing and editing is a bit uneven, but get considerably better as it goes along (and I think the author was a teenager when she wrote it, so props to her!)
3 stars.
Forest Setting - The Word for World is Forest, by Ursula Le Guin
Summary: It's colonialism in space! Humans have colonized a planet to use for natural resources, functionally enslaving the native population of humanoid aliens.
Ursula Le Guin is one of my top favorite authors, with The Left Hand of Darkness and The Dispossessed being some of my favorite books. So I've been a little hesitant to read her novellas, because how could they possibly compare to those two stunningly complex, deep novels? Luckily, The Word for World is Forest (what a name!) did not disappoint me at all, though I'm still going to save my five star rating for my top favorites. I am endlessly impressed by Le Guin's ability to slowly draw me into the intimacy of her work, and the deft, subtle way she makes her philosophical points.
4 stars.
Genre Mashup - Dark Matter, by Blake Crouch
Summary: An ordinary college physics professor is kidnapped and his kidnappers seem to know who he is - except the man they know is leading an entirely different life, as a genius physicist involved in some very strange alternate universe experiments.
The genre mashup here (sci fi/thriller) was particularly noticeable, because the elements that made this book like a sci fi were very fun to me (I'm down for wildly unrealistic alternate world/time loop shenanigans), while the elements that made it like a thriller (largely writing style and intensely, heavily masculine POV, i.e. "Dani and I killed a bottle of wine.") were very grating. For me, I think the latter outweighed the cool premise, but I will admit that its plot twists got me a few times.
2.5 stars
Has Chapter Titles - I Still Dream, by James Smythe
Summary: A teenage girl in the 90s designs a rudimentary A.I program to help her process her feelings when her father disappears. As she grows, so does her program, and we follow her story as A.I.s become a standard part of everyday life.
This book had an excellent atmosphere. Maybe part of why I feel that way is that the book's title and part of the premise is taken from the song "Cloudbusting" by Kate Bush, so I had her ethereal voice playing in my head most of the time I spent reading it. I love a historical fiction/sci fi crossover in general (I read a bunch last year but deemed several of them not quite speculative enough to count for the card). This one is definitely firmly speculative, but having the beginning set in the 90s gives it this lovely, nostalgic kind of feel, and really set up the predominant theme of connections between computer memory, social memory, and personal memory. My only critique is that the choice to tell this story from multiple different characters' perspectives didn't really work for me - I just wanted to stay with Laura and Organon.
3.5 stars
Row Five
Title: _____ of _____ - The Song of Achilles, by Madeline Miller
Summary: Through the eyes of Patroclus, we watch him and Achilles grow up, fall in love, and set off for the Trojan War.
I loved loved loved Circe, largely because I found Miller's prose to be so lovely and Song of Achilles didn't disappoint on that front either. I tend to go into retellings automatically suspicious, as I think they're hard to do well, but I was impressed by how enjoyable this was to read even if you're very familiar with The Iliad. Personally, I enjoyed Circe just a little bit more - possibly because I think Madeline Miller's writing style is so well suited to the slow paced, everyday life story that takes up more of Circe than Song of Achilles (though my favorite part of this book, when the boys are young and living with Chiron, was exactly this.)
4 stars
First Contact - Remnant Population, by Elizabeth Moon
Summary: Old woman tired of dealing with other people's shit is kind of thrilled actually when she's the only person left behind on a planet being decolonized.
I loved the premise of this book so much. A big chunk of the story mainly just follows the main character as she lives out her daily life and figures things out for herself and the whole thing was very peaceful, funny, and endearing. Ofelia eventually realizes she is not alone on the planet after all, and I enjoyed this "grandma meets aliens for the first time" vibe IMMENSELY. The only blight on my reading experience was that in the second half of the book, some other characters were introduced and the action of the plot picked up and I was just not as interested in that as I had been in the "boring" stuff. But I think that was largely my personal taste.
3.5 stars
Trans or Nonbinary Character - The Fifth Season, by N. K. Jemisin
Summary: On a barren, dystopian continent wracked by seismic disturbances, some people have the magical power to manipulate the earth. Rather than being hailed as saviors, however, their enormous power is feared and hated.
See, this was another example of the thing I mentioned with Migrations: this book had a very cool idea and was absolutely well written and well conceived, but I had a really hard time connecting with the protagonist because of how numb and traumatized she was. Which again, is very realistic and understandable, just not to my reading taste, I guess. I do think I might continue reading these, because I did really enjoy the worldbuilding and I especially enjoyed the sci fi/fantasy mix.
3 stars
Debut Author - The Comet Seekers, by Helen Sedgwick
Summary: An Irish astrophysicist and a French chef meet and fall in love at a research station in Antarctica. They each have intriguing family secrets and a strange connection to comets.
I read The Comet Seekers despite its dismally low Goodreads rating because it was recommended to me by the Storygraph algorithm, which I wanted to put to the test. Clearly, a wildly successful test, I adored this book. I understand why many others have not, though, as 1. it's one of those books where the author chooses not to use quotation marks for some reason, 2. a consensual relationship between first cousins features predominantly and uncritically and 3. it's that kind of magical realism where absolutely nothing is explained at all really, you just have to go with it. But go with it I did, and for me, the atmosphere, the skill with which Sedgwick wove her disparate plotlines together, the emotion, the lyrical prose, the science - it just sparkled.
5 stars.
Witches - Equal Rites, by Terry Pratchett
Summary: The eighth son of an eighth son is destined to be a wizard, but this eighth "son" turns out to be a daughter.
This is now the third Discworld book I've read, and I've been enjoying all of them! I'm reading them in order, which I know is not the recommended thing, and I'm not sure I'll stick with that strategy forever, but so far so good. I thought that this one in particular had a really good balance between parody and original story, definitely with a clearer narrative arc than Color of Magic and The Light Fantastic. So far, these feel like snack reads to me, quick and tasty but not very filling, and I wonder if I'll find some of his later work to have whatever it is I feel like I'm missing.
4 stars
Thanks for reading and good luck this year!
submitted by MissHBee to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2022.02.04 14:55 CoinExcom 2021 Year in Review: CoinEx Reaches New Highs Together with Users Through a More Established Ecosystem and Improved Services

2021 Year in Review: CoinEx Reaches New Highs Together with Users Through a More Established Ecosystem and Improved Services
2021 Year in Review: CoinEx Reaches New Highs Together with Users Through a More Established Ecosystem and Improved Services
1. The total transaction volume worldwide and the number of registered users hit a record high
In the past year, CoinEx listed 300 premium, innovative, promising assets, and introduced 604 new markets, a year-on-year growth of 182.93% and 237.80%. In 2021, the exchange worked to identify more promising projects to offer users more trading options and help them seize market opportunities. Meanwhile, its total transaction volume worldwide also hit a record high, with a year-on-year growth of 882% in spot transactions and 6,840% in futures transactions!
To date, CoinEx services cover 16 languages, and the number of trading users has grown by 1,920%. The exchange, now boasting more than 3 million registered users, builds a crypto bridge for users in over 200 countries and regions across the globe.
2. CoinEx brings more returns to users through AMM and Financial Account
AMM (automated market making), an iconic product of CoinEx, allows the average user to become market makers by providing liquidity for the liquidity pool. It enables you to share the service fees earned by the platform and get more profits. Right now, you can try out AMM on CoinEx as a market maker for just $200!
In 2021, CoinEx users participating in AMM provided over $35 million liquid funds for the platform. Last year, the top 5 historical returns of AMM include CVP, PHX, KP3R, AUDIO, and NKN. In particular, the return on CVP reached 11,491%! (The above content does not constitute any investment advice)
Featuring on-demand deposits and withdrawals with compound interest, the CoinEx Financial Account is the favorite choice of steady investment for many CoinEx users. With a 25.0245% ATH APY of USDT Financial Account, beginner users can earn profits without having to go through complicated operations.
3. A total of 6.1 billion CET burned in 2021, driving up the token’s ecosystem value
Last June, the mainnet of CoinEx Smart Chain (CSC), which is born for open finance, was launched. In 2021, the repurchasing and burning of CET, a value-added services & privileges scheme in the exchange’s business ecosystem, and also the gas powering CSC, also hit record highs.
As of December 31, 2021, a total of 6.1 billion CET has been repurchased and burned, with a peak value of $890 million. Last year, the peak price of CET stood at $0.15, while the proportion of CET repurchased and burnt in 2021 to the total burnt in all history was 11.87%. The ecosystem value of CET has continued to grow.
4. Upgrade products to give back to users: CoinEx strives to offer satisfying services and experiences
In 2021, CoinEx fully upgraded its security, covering the system, assets, and transactions, to keep users’ assets safe and secure. Moreover, it also optimized features that include Pro Quotation, PNL Analysis, TP/SL in Futures, and Stop-Market in Futures to provide improved product experiences and services for CoinEx users.
In addition to product upgrades, the exchange also introduced a series of giveaway events to give back to users and share the dividends brought by the platform. In 2021, CoinEx has altogether given away in-site promotional rewards worth over $4.5 million. Creating values for more users has always been a goal of CoinEx.
5. Team is the №1 “product”: the CoinEx team kept expanding
In 2021, CoinEx has been active on major social platforms, attracting over 300,000 global fans. CoinEx Global holds one event per day on average, giving away event rewards of more than $20,000.
CoinEx Global has recruited Ambassadors and Partners in 100+ countries and regions worldwide. In addition, we also presented Blockchain Bingo, a video mascot that promotes popular blockchain knowledge.
Over the past year, CoinEx’s application ecosystem, jointly empowered by ViaBTC, ViaWallet, CoinEx Smart Chain, OneSwap, and ViaBTC Capital, also continued to expand. The progress of CoinEx is inseparable from the continued support of CoinEx users. The 3 million global users are the ones who drove CoinEx forward in 2021 as it advanced via accumulated momentum.
Haipo Yang, CoinEx’s founder and CEO, said that in 2022, CoinEx will continue to explore the right direction, advance firmly in stability, and become the infrastructure of the blockchain world. CoinEx’s performance in 2021 was satisfying. This year, we expect more crypto enthusiasts to join CoinEx. Together, we will embark on a new crypto adventure.
submitted by CoinExcom to u/CoinExcom [link] [comments]

2022.01.03 16:32 Sivaraj_C 7 SEO trends to watch in 2022?

7 SEO trends to watch in 2022?
You may not know this, but Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is critical for businesses looking to grow their online presence and gain new customers.
Even so, SEO is constantly evolving to offer new and creative ways to help you improve your website’s search engine rankings and attract more visitors. As a result, it’s critical that your company’s SEO strategy mirrors this approach.
To help you create more traffic, establish brand authority, and enhance your website rankings in 2022, we’ve compiled a list of the key SEO trends to keep an eye on.
For your business in 2022, these are the most important SEO trends to watch out for.
Expand your online reach with optimized video content
If you haven’t already, you need to incorporate video into your SEO approach. As far as web media goes, video isn’t a new phenomenon.
Viral Vine videos from 2013 through Charlie Bit My Finger on YouTube, and more recently, TikTok, which has over 1 billion monthly active users as of September 2021, are all examples of this trend.
The page opens in a new browser window… The new blog posts are videos.
However, how does this assist your company? Have you ever sat through a video evaluation of a new product or service? Bingo
The truth is that consumers prefer to watch others talk about or utilize a product or service rather than purchase it for themselves. It gives customers a way to get to know you and your company better.
You can engage more clients and broaden your online reach by producing engaging video content, which is a crucial aspect of any successful SEO plan. Video material may be optimized in a variety of ways:
Use keywords and hashtags in the descriptions of your videos to attract the correct audience
Google will be able to better grasp what is being said if keywords are used in the video.
Boost your website ranking with high-quality content that satisfies E-A-T
To spell out exactly what it means, let’s use the acronym E-A-T. Expertise. Authoritativeness. Trustworthiness. This is how Google evaluates the quality of your content and how well it ranks in search results.
The E-A-T of your page is an essential consideration while working to enhance the quality of your content for SEO purposes:
  • What is the article’s main objective?
  • Is there reliable information out there?
The website or author’s details aren’t readily available.
Websites and authors are judged on their reputations
What does this mean for you as a business owner, and what steps should you take?
The E-A-T Principle should be applied when using Google.
Put out high-quality material that your audience will find useful.
Understanding what your target audience values most can be aided by creating buyer personas
When making a claim, be sure to include proof in the form of statistics or links to reliable sources.
Make sure to include a quote from an expert or find one online and link to it.
The author’s bio should be included.
Make sure your website is mobile-friendly by being mobile-first
Since Google made mobile-friendliness an official ranking factor in 2015, it has always been a top priority. Google implemented mobile-first indexing in 2019 as the initial phase in the process.
As a result, search engines will now prioritize the mobile version of a website above the desktop version when determining a site’s rating. With over 50% of all online traffic now coming from mobile devices, this makes perfect sense.
Another survey found that 63% of girls (aged 16–24) had purchased a product online using their mobile devices, compared to 58.1 percent of males (aged 25–34) who have done so.
Thanks to some easy fixes, you may make your website more mobile-friendly.
Use resources like Google’s free mobile-friendly test and Mobile Usability Report, which open in a new tab, to see how mobile-friendly your site is.
Become an authority in your industry with longer, better-written content
Want to be a top player in your field? To succeed, you’ll need a lot of material. However, it’s not enough to just write lengthier content (hint: Google’s E-A-T) in order to get more organic traffic.
When it comes to enticing and engaging your target audience, the written content is a great way to introduce your organization while also building rapport and authority
In addition to being more important to Google, longer and better-written content has been shown to enhance lead generation as well. In order to keep your target audience interested in your material, consider the following suggestions:
In order to make your material simpler to read on a mobile device, use headers to break up long blocks of text into smaller, more manageable chunks.
  • Create high-quality material that your target audience finds useful.
  • Create a buyer profile of your ideal consumer to learn more about what your target market appreciates most.
  • Make it simple for your viewers to share your material by providing an easy-to-use sharing tool.
  • Include a link to your social media accounts at the opening and conclusion of your post.
  • Make careful to back up your claims with facts and data.
  • Including an expert quotation or research might assist your Google SEO results and establish authority in your field.
Adapting your frequently asked questions to Voice Search
One of the newest SEO trends is the use of voice search.
Opens a new window. in 2021 and is likely to climb even further in 2022 as it becomes more intuitive.
Would you ever type again if you were able to search for something on Google using your own voice? SEO has risen as a result of the high accuracy of voice search, which is mostly used by youngsters
Experts predict that voice-based shopping will reach $40 billion in sales by 2022, with half of all consumers taking advantage of the technology. In other words, how can you use voice search to improve your SEO?
To begin, make sure your FAQs — frequently asked questions — are in line with the questions your target audience is asking.
In the year 2022, will your company be prepared for the SEO trends that will emerge?
In order to stay on top of SEO trends, you’ll need to do more than simply cram your articles with keywords. In order to keep on top of the ever-changing world of search engine optimization, the most successful companies hire an SEO service to do the heavy lifting for them.
Fortunately, the process of locating an SEO service that’s perfect for you has been made a bit easier. You can now ask questions about specific SEO tactics and how they will benefit your business instead of deciding based on ‘how much does SEO cost’.
submitted by Sivaraj_C to u/Sivaraj_C [link] [comments]

2021.12.21 05:49 ProofSecure9252 A Complete Collection of Descriptions of Beatle Albums and EPs. (UK ONLY)

Sources: Tony Barrow, Derek Taylor


Please Please Me:
Pop picking is a fast ‘n’ furious business these days whether you are on the recording studio side listening out, or on the disc-counter side listening in. as a record reviewer I find myself installed halfway in-between with an ear cocked in either direction. So far as Britain’s record collecting public is concerned, The Beatles broke into earshot in October, 1962. My natural hometown interest in the group prevented me from taking a totally unbiased view of their early success. Eighteen months before their first visit to the EMI studios in London, The Beatles had been voted Merseyside’s favourite outfit and it was inevitable that their first Parlophone record, LOVE ME DO, would go straight into the top of Liverpool’s local hit parade. The group’s chances of national chart entry seemed much more remote. No other team had joined the best-sellers via a debut disc. But The Beatles were history makers from the start and LOVE ME DO sold enough copies during its first 48 hours in the shops to send it soaring into the national charts. In all the busy years since pop singles first shrank from ten to seven inches I have never seen a British group leap to the forefront of the scene with such speed and energy. Within the six months which followed the Top Twenty appearance of LOVE ME DO, almost every leading deejay and musical journalist in the country began to shout the praises of The Beatles. Readers of the New Musical Express voted the boys into a surprisingly high place via the 1962/63 popularity poll…on the strength of just one record release. Pictures of the group spread themselves across the front ages of three national music papers. People inside and outside the record industry expressed tremendous interest in the new vocal and instrumental sound which The Beatles had introduced. Brian Matthew (who has since brought The Beatles to many millions of viewers and listeners in his “Thank Your Lucky Stars”, “Saturday Club” and “Easy Beat” programmes) describes the quartet as visually and musically the most exiting and accomplished group to emerge since The Shadows. Disc reviewing, like disc producing, teaches one to be wary about making long-term predictions. The hit parade isn’t always dominated by the most worthy performances of the day so it is no good assuming that versatility counts for everything. It was during the recording of a Radio Luxembourg programme in the EMI Friday Spectacular series that I was finally convinced that The Beatles were about to enjoy the type of top-flight national fame which I had always believed that the deserved. The teen-audience didn’t know the evening’s line-up of artists and groups in advance, and before Muriel Young brought on The Beatles she began to read out their Christian names. She got as far as John….Paul…and the rest of her introduction was buried in a might barrage of very genuine applause. I cannot think of more than one other group – British or American – which would be so readily identified and welcomed by the announcement of two Christian names. To me, this was the ultimate proof that The Beatles (and not just one or two of their hit records) had arrived at the uncommon peak-popularity point reserved for discdom’s privileged few. Shortly afterwards The Beatles proved their pop power when they by-passed the lower segments of the hit parade to scuttle straight into the nation’s Top Ten with their second single, PLEASE PLEASE ME. This brisk-selling disc went on to overtake all rivals when it bounced into the coveted Number One slot towards the end of February. Just over four months after the release of their very first record The Beatles had become triumphant chart-toppers! Producer George Martin has never had any headaches over choice of songs for The Beatles. Their own built-in tunesmith team of John Lennon and Paul McCartney has already tucked away enough self-penned numbers to maintain a steady output of all-original singles from now until 1975! Between them The Beatles adopt a do-it-yourself approach from the very beginning. They write their own lyrics, designed and eventually build their own instrumental backdrops and work out their own vocal arrangements. Their music is wild, pungent, hard-hitting, uninhibited…and personal. The do-it-yourself angle ensures complete originality at all stages of the process. Although so many pe,ople suggest (without closer definition) that The Beatles have a trans-Atlantic style, their only real influence has been from the unique brand of Rhythm and Blues folk music which abounds on Merseyside and which The Beatles themselves have helped to pioneer since their formation in 1960. This record comprised eight Lennon-McCartney compositions in addition to six other numbers which have become firm live-performance favourites in The Beatles varied repertoire. The group’s admiration for the work of The Shirelles is demonstrated by the inclusion of BABY IT’S YOU (John taking the lead vocal with George and Paul supplying the harmony), and BOYS (a fast rocker which allows drummer Ringo to make his first recorded appearance as a vocalist). ANNA, ASK ME WHY and TWIST AND SHOUT also feature stand-out solo performances from John, whilst DO YOU WANT TO KNOW A SECRET hands the audio spotlight to George. MISERY may sound as though it is a self-duet produced by the fine matching of two voices belonging to John and Paul. There is only one ‘trick duet’ and that is on A TASTE OF HONEY featuring a dual-voiced Paul, John and Paul get together on THERE’S A PLACE and I SAW HER STANDING THERE: George joins them for CHAINS, LOVE ME DO and PLEASE PLEASE ME.
With The Beatles:
Fourteen freshly recorded titles – including many sure-fire stage-show favourites – are featured on the two generously filled sides of this record. The Beatles have repeated the successful formula which made their first ‘Please Please Me’ LP into the fastest-selling album of 1963. Again they have set eight of their own original compositions alongside a batch of ‘personal choice; pieces selected from the recording repertoires of the American R&B artists they admire most. The first half of the session gets away to a rip-roarin’ start with John’s powerful treatment of IT WON’T BE LONG NOW. Two more Lennon/McCartney compositions follow with these two remarkably talented tunesmiths handling their own lyrics on ALL I’VE GOT TO DO and ALL MY LOVING. On the first slower number John takes the vocal lead with Paul supplying the harmony. On ALL MY LOVING Paul stands in the vocal spotlight with John and George chanting in the background. Listen to George’s superb, slightly Country and Western guitar solo, an intriguing feature of ALL MY LOVING. DON’T BOTHER ME marks the disc debut of George Harrison as a composer. It is a fairly fast number with a haunting theme tune. Behind George’s double-tracked voice the rest of the fabulous foursome create some unusual instrumental effects. Paul beats out a lean, hollow-boned rhythm from the claves, John uses a tambourine and Ringo hits out at a loose-skinned Arabian bongo (don’t ask me where he picked that up!) to pound out the on-beat percussive drive. On a fair number of previous recordings by The Beatles producer George Martin has joined the group to add suitable piano sounds to their instrumental arrangements. His keyboard contributions come a little later in this new programme but on LITTLE CHILD it is Paul McCartney who plays piano. John and Paul join forces for the vocal on this rocker and, whilst Paul was over-dubbing the piano bits. John was standing beside another microphone adding in some neatly-timed mouth-organ phrases. Those who considered Paul’s interpretation of A Taste Of Honey to be a stand-out attraction of The Beatles’ first LP will be more than pleased to hear him assume the role of romantic balladeer again on TILL THERE WAS YOU, the near-standard hit from the show ‘The Music Man.’ Ringo plays the bongos behind Paul’s solo performance, George and John switch to acoustic guitars for this track; only Paul’s’ pulsating bass uses electricity. If you have read a great deal in the musical press about Merseyside’s beat basement, The Cavern, you might imagine that the cellar stompers of Liverpool would demand an all-up-tempo programme. Curiously Paul’s persuasive handling of TILL THERE WAS YOU used to go down extremely well at the club long before the Love me do days when The Beatles were frequent bill-toppers at this now-famous venue. The first half closed with another number which dates back to The Beatles’ Cavern Club period. Once an American chart-topper for a recording group called The Marvelettes, PLEAE MR. POSTMAN features a double-tracked John Lennon with George and Paul in vocal support. Chuck Berry’s ROLL OVER BEETHOVEN has been one of the most requested items at recent concert performances by The Beatles. George duets with himself on this one; the boys add to the atmosphere of active excitement by their handclapping. Paul issues forth with the invitation HOLD ME TIGHT on the fairly brisk second track of Side Two. More handclapping and energetic vocal support from John and George. The boys have an immense admiration for America’s rhythmic group The Miracles, to whom they pay tribute via their interpretation of YOU REALLY GOT A HOLD ON ME. John and George tackle the wild, relentless vocal with Paul joining them for the chorus lines. Incidentally that IS George Martin on piano this time! Observing the tremendous audience response that Ringo has been getting whenever he sings Boys, John and Paul put their heads together to pen a special new number their fierce-voiced drumming man. The result is a real raver entitled I WANNA BE YOUR MAN. The Hammond organ in the background is played by John Lennon. Though they are lesser known on our side of the Atlantic than The Crystals or The Shirelles, the American all-girl group The Donays have always commanded plenty of professional respect from The Beatles. Therefore, they witched around the lyrics of DEVIL IN HER HEART and handed this medium-paced beat offering to George Harrison, John and Paul provide the harmony with Ringo using his maracas. The final Lennon/McCartney composition of this session features a double-tracked John Lennon singing NOT A SECOND TIME. George Martin’s piano work is featured on this number and again upon the programme’s closing track MONEY. Paul describes MONEY as ‘a really big screamer’ and he recalls the numerous Cavern Club occasions when this item brought forth the same type of overwhelming response given to Twist and Shout. Much recorded by American blues merchants, MONEY has John shouting the raw lyrics with tremendous force and feeling whilst George and Paul supply the answers. MONEY makes a completely worthy climax to this knock-out programme. Hope it doesn’t leave you too breathless to flip back to Side One for a repeat-play session WITH THE BEATLES. A Hard Day's Night:
Alun Owen began on the original screenplay late last autumn. Producer Walter Shenson and director Richard Lester watched their newest screen stars at work over Christmas and the New Year on the stage of the Finsbury Park ‘Astoria’ in London. John and Paul began to compile a collection of new compositions for the soundtrack while The Beatles were appearing at the Paris ‘Olympia’ last January. One morning early in March a specially chartered train moved out of Paddington station and the first day’s shooting of The Beatles’ first feature film got under way. Reel upon reel of precious film had filled the camera crew’s metal cans before a title had been selected for the United Artists picture. Then Ringo casualty came up with the name at the end of a particularly strenuous session on the film set. ‘It’s been a hard day’s night that was!’ he declared, squatting for a moment on the arm of his canvas chair behind the in of cameras and technicians. The film, which also stars Wilfred Brambell in the role of Paul’s (mythical) Irish grandfather, was promptly named ‘A HARD DAY’S NIGHT’. The story depicts something like 48 consecutive hours of activity in the bustling live of four beat group boys. Named John, Paul, George and Ringo. A Hard Day’s Night is heard at the very beginning of the film as the boys sing and also play over the opening titles. The number features John’s double-tracked voice, producing a duet effect. Its brisk, compelling theme crops up in orchestral form elsewhere during the film as part of recording manager George Martin’s instrumental soundtrack score. John’s I Should Have Known Better makes an early appearance in the film during a railway sequence when the four boys are seen playing cards in the guard’s van of the train. John and Paul share the vocal action on If I Fell, the first of four songs featured in extensive theatre/studio sequences which show the group rehearsing and finally performing in a television spectacular. I’m Happy Just To Dance With You gives George a chance to handle the lead vocal, And I Love Her hands the solo spotlight to Paul who is joined by John for Tell Me Why. The last of the soundtrack’s magnificent seven, Can’t Buy Me Love, has already been a worldwide disc hit for The Beatles, in ‘A Hard Day’s Night’ it forms the musical backdrop to several different scenes – when the boys are seen chasing across a field after a quick-fire getaway from the television studio and when the incredible race between Beatles, fans and police takes place with the boys tearing along streets and down alleyways in double-quick time! Creating and perfecting completely new compositions for the soundtrack of ‘A HARD DAY’S NIGHT’ presented John and Paul with one of the greatest challenges of their pop-penning career. In the past their song-writing had been done at a more leisurely pace. Now they had a shooting schedule deadline to meet and the entire collection of fresh numbers had to be compiled during a season of concerts in Paris and a now legendary visit to America. To assist their work the two boys had a grand-piano moved into their hotel suite at the George V in Paris. By the beginning of March the task was complete and The Beatles had a total of almost a dozen new songs ready for final rehearsal. At every stage of its conception and production care was taken to see that ‘A HARD DAY’S NIGHT’ would not turn into a continuous parade of Beatle performances. After all The Beatles themselves had agreed that the film should portray as many different facets of the four boys’ individual personalities as possible. Indeed the comedy content was, and is, of paramount importance, and John, Paul, George and Ringo are afforded maximum opportunity to display their on-the-spot sense of humour. It became apparent that no more than six new songs should be introduced via the soundtrack of the film. To increase this number would have left insufficient screen-time for the action of the plot. On the other hand it seemed most unfair to hold back the remainder of the boys’ new songs when each one was of such excellent quality. Eventually the decision was made to record all the material which John and Paul had written and include the extra titles on the second side of this album. Although the voice of George Harrison is much in evidence throughout the album the solo vocal activity on the second side is shared between the songs’ composers, John and Paul. Paul handles the lyrics of Things We Said Today and he’s heard in duet with John on I’ll Cry Instead. For the main part John’s is the dominant voice featured on Any Time At All, When I Get Home, You Can’t Do That and I’ll Be Back although George and Paul back up his efforts strongly on all titles. When you listen to the second side of this record you will agree that it would have been a pity to cast aside such a fabulous set of songs solely because they couldn’t be fitted into the structure of ‘A HARD DAY’S NIGHT’. Now, with this album in your library, you have a collection of Beatles recordings which is comprehensive and up to date. At the same time it is interesting to remember that the LP housed within this sleeve is the first-ever album release to be made up entirely of self-composed and self-performed Beatle compositions.
Beatles For Sale:
This is the fourth by the four, ‘Please Please Me’, ‘With The Beatles’, ‘Hard Day’s Night’. That’s three. Now… ‘Beatles For Sale’. The young men themselves aren’t for sale. Money, noisy though it is, doesn’t talk that loud. But you can buy this album – you probably have, unless you’re just browsing, in which case don’t leave any dirty thumbprints on the sleeve! It isn’t all currency or current though. There’s a priceless history between these covers. None of us is getting any younger. When, in a generation or so, a radio-active, cigar-smoking child, picnicking on Saturn, asks you what the Beatle affair was all about – ‘Did you actually know them?’ – don’t try to explain all about the long hair and the screams! Just play the child a few tracks from this album and he’ll probably understand what it was all about. The kids of AD2000 will draw from the music much the same sense of well-being and warmth as we do today. For the magic of the Beatles is, I suspect, timeless and ageless. It has broken all frontiers and barriers. It has cut through differences of race, age and class. It is adored by the world. This album has some lovely samples of Beatle music. It has, for instance, eight new titles wrought by the incomparable John Lennon and Paul McCartney, and, mingling with the new, there are six numbers culled from the rhythmic wealth of the past extraordinary decade; pieces like Kansas City, and Rock and Roll Music. Marvellous. Many hours and hard day’s nights of devoted industry went into the production of this album, it isn’t a potboiling quick-sale any-old-thing-will-do-for-Christmas mixture. At least three of the Lennon-McCartney songs were seriously considered as single releases until John popped with I Feel Fine. These three were Eight Days A Week, No Reply and I’m A Loser. Each would have topped the charts, but as it is they are an adornment to this LP, and a lesson to other artists. As on other albums, the Beatles have tossed in far more value than the market usually demands. These are few gimmicks or recording tricks, though for effect, the Beatles and their recording manager George Martin, have slipped in some novelties. Like Paul on Hammond organ to introduce drama into Mr. Moonlight, which also, and for the first time, has George Harrison applying a thump to an elderly African drum because Ringo was busy elsewhere in the studio, playing bongos. George’s thump remains on the track. The bongos were later dropped. Ringo plays timpani in Every Little Thing, and on the Rock and Roll Music track George Martin joins John and Paul on one piano. On Words Of Love, Ringo plays a packing case. Beyond this, it is straightforward 1964 disc-making. Quite the best of its kind in the world. There is little or nothing on the album which cannot be reproduced on stage, which is, as students and critics of pop-music know, not always the case. Here it is then. The best album yet – quite definitely, says John, Paul, George and Ringo – full of everything which made the four the biggest attraction the world has ever known. Full of raw John and melodic Paul; a number from George, and a bonus from Ringo. For those who like to know who does precisely what, there are details alongside each title.
Yellow Submarine:
My name is Derek but that is what mother called me so it’s no big thing, except that it is my name and I would like to say I was asked to write the notes for Yellow Submarine. Now Derek Taylor used to be the Beatles press agent and then, in America he became the former Beatles press agent (having left them) and now Derek Taylor is the press agent for the Beatles again so when he was asked to write the notes for “Yellow Submarine” he decided that not only had he nothing new to say about the Beatles whom he adores too much to apply any critical reasoning, and by whom he is paid too much to feel completely free, ad also he couldn’t be bothered, and also he wanted the people who bought the Yellow Submarine album to buy and enjoy the really wonderful “The Beatles” album out in the month of November ’68 so here and now, unbought, unsolicited, unexpurgated, unattached, pure and unmeasurably favourable review of “The Beatles” (the new Apple/EMI album) from the London Observer by Tony Palmer, a journalist and film-maker of some special distinction.
The Beatles’ Bull’s-eye If there is still any doubt that Lennon and McCartney are the greatest song writers since Schubert, then next Friday – with the publication of the new Beatles double LP – should surely see the last vestiges of cultural snobbery and bourgeois prejudice swept away in a deluge of joyful music making, which only the ignorant will not hear and only the deaf will not acknowledge. Called simply The Beatles (PMC 7067/8), it’s wrapped in a plain white cover which is adorned only by the songs titles and those four faces, faces which for some still represent the menace of long-haired youth, for others the great hope of a cultural renaissance and for others the desperate, apparently endless struggle against cynical so-called betters. In the Beatles’ eyes, as in their songs, you can see the fragile fragmentary mirror of society which sponsored them, which interprets and makes demands of them, and which punishes them when they do what others reckon to be evil; Paul, ever-hopeful, wistful; Ringo, every mother’s son; George, local lad made good; John, withdrawn, sad, but with a fierce intelligence clearly undimmed by all that organized morality can throw at him. There are heroes for all of us, and better than we deserve. It’s not as if the Beatles ever seek such adulation. The extra-ordinary quality of the 30 new songs is one of simple happiness. The lyrics overflow with a sparkling radiance and sense of fun that it is impossible to resist. Almost every track is a send-up of a send-up of a send-up, rollicking, reckless, gentle, magical. The subject matter ranges from piggies (‘Have you seen the bigger piggies/In their starched white shirts’), to Bungalow Bill of Saturday morning film-show fame (‘He went out tiger hunting with his elephant gun/In case of accidents he always took his mom’); from ‘Why don’t we do it in the road’ to ‘Savoy Truffle.’ The skill at orchestration has matured with finite precision. Full orchestra, brass, solo violin, glockenspiel, saxophone, organ, piano, harpsichord, all manner of percussion, flute, sound effects, are used sparingly and thus with deftness. Electronic gimmickry has been suppressed or ignored in favour of musicianship. References to or quotations from Elvis Presley, Donovan, Little Richard, the Beach Boys, Blind Lemon Jefferson are woven into an aural fabric that has become the Bayeux Tapestry of popular music. It’s all there, if you listen. Lennon sings ‘I told you about strawberry fields’ and ‘I told you about the fool on the hill’ – and now The Beatles are competent rather than virtuoso instrumentalists – but their ensemble playing is intuitive and astonishing. They bend and twist rhythms and phrases with a unanimous freedom that give their harmonic adventures the frenzy of anticipation and unpredictability. The voice – particularly that of Lennon – is just another instrument, wailing, screeching, mocking, weeping. There is a quiet determination to be rid of the bogus intellectualization that usually surrounds them and their music. The words are most deliberately simple-minded – one song is just called ‘Birthday’ and includes lines like, ‘Happy birthday to you’; another just goes on repeating ‘Good-night’; another says ‘I’m so tired, I haven’t slept a wink.’ The music is likewise stripped of all but the simplest of harmonies and beat – so what is left is a prolific out-pouring of melody, music-making of unmistakable clarity and foot-tapping beauty. The sarcasm and bitterness that have always given their music its unease and edginess still bubbles out – ‘Lady Madonna trying to make ends meet – yeah/Looking through a glass onion.’ The harshness of the imagery is, if anything, even harsher; ‘The eagle pick my eye/The worm he locks my bone.’ Black birds, black clouds, broken wings, lizards, destruction. And, most grotesque of all, there is a terrifying track called ‘Revolution 9,’ which comprises sound effects, overheard gossip, backwards-tapes, janglings from the subconscious memories of a floundering civilization. Cruel, paranoiac, burning, agonized, hopeless, it is given shape by an anonymous bingo voice which just goes repeating ‘Number nine, number nine, number nine’ – until you want to scream. McCartney’s drifting melancholy overhands the entire proceedings like a purple veil of shadowy optimism – glistening, inaccessible, loving. At the end, all you do is stand and applaud. Whatever your taste in popular music, you will find it satisfied here. If you think that pop music is Engelbert Humperdinck, then the Beatles have done it better – without sentimentality, but with passion; if you think that pop is just rock ‘n’ roll, then the Beatles have done it better – but infinitely more vengefully’ if you think that pop is mind-blowing noise, then the Beatles have done it better – on distant shores of the imagination that others have not even sighted. This record took them five months to make and in case you think that’s slow going, just consider that its completion they’ve written another 15 songs. Not even Schubert wrote at that speed.


Twist and Shout:
Each of the four titles here has been clipped away from the Beatles’ No. 1 LP Please Please Me which has been at the top of the nation’s album charts for umpteen weeks as this sleeve goes to press. It is equally true that one of the songs – Do You Want To Know A Secret – became a No. 1 hit as a single when it was recorded for Parlophone by the Beatles’ Liverpoolian colleague, Billy J. Kramer.
The items lined up on this EP have been designed to pass the audio spotlight very fairly from Beatle to Beatle, exposing four contrasting facets of the quartet’s vocal and instrumental ingenuity. At one end of the scale we have the all-action, all-raving rocker, Twist And Shout. No wonder this has become a show-stopping highspot of the foursome’s stage act! John must have built himself a set of leather tonsils in a throat of steel to turn out such a violently exciting track!
The tension eases off with the second number on Side One: Paul McCartney’s slightly sad, slightly nostalgic version of A Taste Of Honey. The tune began as a memorable jazz instrumental; Paul’s clear, sturdy voice turns it into a haunting piece of atmosphere balladeering.
The second half opens with George Harrison stepping forward to chant the persuasive ballad Do You Want To Know A Secret. Penned by John and Paul, this must be one of the year’s most catchy pop hits, and George tempers his vocal delivery with an intriguing blend of warmth and wistfulness.
For the finale John and Paul join forces to handle their own self-penned composition, There’s A Place. With a fair amount of Ringo’s percussive pressure behind their voices they offer a part-plaintive, part punchy performance of this infectious beat number. Whatever time of the year you find yourself reading these paragraphs it’s a pretty safe bet that The Beatles won’t be far from the No. 1 chart spot. And with a little luck they’ll be No. 1 on the bill at your local theatre too!
The Beatles (No. 1):
Each time I settle down to pen a set of paragraphs for the sleeve of another new Beatle release, I am able to recall fresh sets of honours and triumphs which have come the way of this fabulous foursome in the brief 'tween-discs spell.
Every Beatle-cut disc adds to the outfit's greatness by topping the charts. The Please, Please Me LP turned out to be the fastest-selling album ever issued on any of the E.M.I. group of labels. Within weeks of its release the Twist and Shout EP topped the extended play charts, outsold almost every contemporary pop single in earshot and notched up sales in excess of a quarter of a million.
The release of this latest batch of constantly requested stage-show favourites in EP form coincides with the first anniversary of The Beatles' arrival on the pop scene. They seem to have achieved so much during this first stand-out year that, short of getting themselves a Fan Club branch on the moon* or something equally incredible, I doubt if there are many more strengths for them to go on from or to!
I SAW HER STANDING THERE is already a pretty permanent fixture of The Beatles' self-penned repertoire. It has a strong tune, a solid beat and one of the most effective sets of lyrics produced to date by the Lennon/McCartney team.
MISERY is a second vehicle for the voices of John and Paul. Their joint delivery is so accurate that it comes over on record almost like a self-duet performance. It tells a delicate lost-love story sadly and hauntingly.
ANNA brings out a curiously satisfying quality of plaintive rawness in John's voice. The number is one of his personal favourites.
CHAINS is (or are!) used to bind together the voices of George, John and Paul in a hard-hitting finale to this pungent little programme.
All My Loving:
John… Paul… George… Ringo. Names which meant little or nothing eighteen months ago. Today there is an almost legendary magic about John and Paul and George and Ringo. The very mention of any one sends sharp shivers of excitement down the spines of young girls. The names belong to four vigorous-voiced, multi-talented artists who have the 1964 pop music world spread out about their stomping feet. The four command a kingdom of gold and silver trophies. They rule supreme from the hit parade heights. They dominate the thoughts, moods and hearts of a million devoted fans. They fascinate many more millions of longer-range admirers from every walk of life and every living generation. They have pioneered and cultivated a dozen different trends in teenage fashions and musical motions. They have altered the course of their contemporary segment of show-business history. They are, with less than eighteen months of national importance behind them, amongst the most sensational successes the entertainment world has ever known. They are, in one meaningful word, Beatles.
The Beatles abhor the contrived, venerate the unconventional. They are what every young girl would wish they boy next door to be. They have made the phrase ‘pop idol’ obsolete. John… Paul… George… Ringo. Four forceful personalities backed up by rare and genuine talent.
Long Tall Sally:
A new release by John, Paul, George and Ringo is more than just a is a national event. People old enough to know worse---and who often do---can be overheard saying: 'It's about time they did another one.' And so it is and here it is and aren't we all very proud of it? Paul McCartney sings Long Tall Sally and he has never done anything better. This was the hit of the Beatles' Jack Good - Brian Epstein TV show, first featured by Paul on disc in an American album. It is wild and reckless but beautifully phrased and pure Beatle music, with George backing on lead guitar quite as well as in his notable Roll Over Beethoven. It wasn't written by the Beatles---nor were Slow Down or Matchbox on Side Two---but John and Paul have an original in I Call Your Name, formerly done by Billy J. Kramer a few months ago. John sings this. Who else creates such a sound?
Carl Perkins wrote Matchbox for himself, but Ringo makes it his very own. He sings little, but well, which is better than rotten and often, and John precedes him with Slow Down, a moody rocker, note-perfect product of the Beatles' early performances in Liverpool's 'Cavern'.
All four boys enhance their splendid name with this disc. It will sell in millions to the world. Dip in gold and give it to your grandchildren. Or just simply wear it out.
Extracts From The Film A Hard Day's Night:
Alun Owen began work on the original screenplay late last autumn. Producer Walter Shenson and Director Richard Lester watched their newest screen stars at work over Christmas and New Year. John and Paul began to compile new numbers for the soundtrack while The Beatles were in Paris, and one morning early in March 1964, a specially chartered train moved out of Paddington station and the first day’s shooting of The Beatles’ first feature film got under way. “A Hard Day’s Night”, which also stars Wilfrid Brambell in the role of Paul’s (mythical) grandfather, was premiered on Monday, 6th July, 1964, at the London Pavilion, Piccadilly Circus.
The story depicts something like 48 consecutive hours of activity in the bustling lives of four beat group boys, named John, Paul, George and Ringo.
The four soundtrack songs featured here on this EP have been selected as the highspot items from the full-length LP album released in July 1964, by Parlophone (PMC 1230/PCS 3058). John’s driving I Should Have Known Better makes an early appearance in the film, during a railway sequence when the four boys are seen playing cards in the guard’s van of the train. Paul and John share the vocal action on the wistful ballad If I Fell, the first of a series of songs featured in theatre/studio sequences which show The Beatles rehearsing and finally performing in a television spectacular. Tell Me Why is a lively fast-rocking piece with John and Paul stepping into the vocal spotlight. The final track, And I Love Her, is one of those gently-handled romantic ballads at which Paul excels. His persuasive threads its way through the lyrics smoothly and appealingly.
Extracts From The Album A Hard Day's Night: Creating a special series of completely new compositions for The Beatles’ first film ‘A Hard Day’s Night’ presented John Lennon and Paul McCartney with on of the greatest challenges of their pop-penning career. They had a schedule deadline to meet, and, by the beginning of March, 1964, they had a dozen brand-new numbers ready for rehearsal. To increase this quota would have left insufficient screen-time for the action of the plot, on the other hand, it seemed unfair to hold back the remainder of the boys’ compositions when each one was of such excellent quality. Eventually the decision was taken to record all the material and place the extra titles on the second side of the soundtrack album.
It is from this second side of the LP that the four tracks of this current EP record have been clipped. Any one of them could have been a highlight of the film, and, indeed, any one of them could make the top of the charts as a single. This is the wonderful thing about the work of The Beatles. They record nothing but the best; there are very few ‘Beatles People’ who will have had cause to claim that any track by John, Paul, George and Ringo has ever fallen short of the fabulous foursomes’ fantastically high standard of composition and presentation.
Composers John and Paul share the solo vocal activity on this EP, although the voice of George Harrison is to be heard in support of their efforts. For the main part, John’s is the dominant voice featured on Any Time At All and When I Get Home. Paul handles the lyrics of Things We Said Today, and he’s heard in duet with John on I’ll Cry Instead.
Beatles For Sale:
The LP record ‘BEATLES FOR SALE’ was issued in December, 1964. In the weeks before Christmas copies passed over the disc-store counters at such a remarkable rate that ‘BEATLES FOR SALE’ became one of the world’s fastest-selling albums.
Among the fourteen titles were three Lennon-McCartney compositions which the four boys had recorded with a new single in mind. This trio of potential chart-toppers has been preserved inside the EP sleeve you’re holding. Individually, any one of them might have become a multi-million seller on the top deck of a single. The fourth number selected for this EP programme has proved its popularity in public performance. Rock and Roll Music has been a Beatles show-stopper ever since John, Paul, George and Ringo put it into their act on the opening night of their Christmas stage presentation at Hammersmith.
John sings Rock and Roll Music. It comes from Chuck Berry’s volatile repertoire and it’s ideal material for a typically-Lennon vocal rave. The hint of echo on his voice gives the performance added impetus. Producer George Martin joined John and Paul at a piano to add the pounding keyboard sequences.
Eight Days a Week combines the voices of John and Paul with George joining them here and there. Many pop recordings feature a fade-away finish. The Beatles, noted for their attention to ingenious introductions, arranged for this number to fade in, which must have confused some of the folk who put on records for radio deejays!
No Reply wastes no time in coming to the boil. Twin voices powered by John Lennon hammer out the opening lyrics without trace of an introductory guitar. This is another Lennon specialty, tailored to bring out the leathery quality of his vocal delivery. Paul is with him occasionally on this track and George is added for each chorus.
I’m a Loser is the one everybody has been talking about. It demonstrates the powerful influence which Bob Dylan’s style has had on John, whose collection of Dylania – albums and sets of lyrics – swells week by week. Paul is involved in parts of the vocals action here but it is John’s singing which makes the track so special.

This took a long time to compile. You're welcome, archivists who have to go 15 different places to find all this stuff.
submitted by ProofSecure9252 to beatles [link] [comments]

2021.12.10 20:55 hot5now Beware! New Scam that Targets Web Designers.

Maybe you, my friends-designers, have been in the situation before: you were starring at your inbox and Bingo! You See the quotation request from a prospective customer. That is a minute of thrill and hope. You are starting to communicate with the client. You are going through the quotation process with them; everything is just right, and you're moving towards signing an agreement...
And suddenly, at the very end, when you are agreed about the prepayment, the client says that they can send money only to their checking account in US. They want to pay by check only and their accountant recommends them. And it's a game stopper - you are in Europe or Asia and there is no way for your company to get funds from any other bank than through checks which don't work because of international remittance restrictions due to currency conversion rates. You have no US bank account so who is using checks nowadays?
It's happened. You are disappointed, and all of this deal is over. The disappointment can be in the form of a person or an event that you were looking forward to happening but did not come through as planned. It could also happen because something didn't go according to plan and your expectations weren't met. Either way, it's disappointing when things don’t work out as expected for whatever reason--it makes you feel like nothing will ever turn out right again.
Time runs, and eventually, you are getting a new quotation request. When you read the email, you feel deja vu - you've read this before! Okay, it's not a 100% clone, but the overall structure, tone of voice and some phrases are strongly reminding you of that first email you got before.
Then you realise that this email is probably from one person, and it's time to understand why they're writing the emails. Who knows what happens if you sign up for their terms-you might be authorizing them to take your checking account number. You also realize that in all likelihood, you are happy this has been avoided - whether or not it was a waste of time and money.
So I want to share this new scam technique with you to be protected.
Read the rest on our blog:
submitted by hot5now to Scams [link] [comments]

2021.11.19 20:35 Sil3nos 10 more Bingo mini reviews

I read 10 more books for Bingo, which I am going to review here. If you missed the first post, you can find it here.
As in the first one, these are mostly going to be my Goodreads ramblings. I am going to through this in the order I read them:

Proven Guilty - Jim Butcher

Overall Rating: ★★★☆☆ Squares: First Person POV; Mystery Plot; Cat Squasher; Genre Mashup (h) Used for: Genre Mashup (h) Review: I really don't care for the mystery in these book anymore. Just give me the worldbuilding, lore and characters (I really enjoy those). The fight scenes were kind of jarring and I didn't like a lot of the middle parts, but damn, the ending slapped.

Kings of the Wyild - Nicholas Eames

Overall Rating: ★★★☆☆ Squares: Found Family (h); Forest Setting; Has chapter titles; Title: __ of __; Debut Author (h) Used for: Found Family (h) Review: I know many people love this book and I got to admit that it does a few things that I really liked. Especially the first few chapters were really enjoyable.Many people have pointed out that this feels like a DnD campaign and I agree. However, I didn't end up liking that part of the book. I like DnD, but idk if it should be done in book form.I always found myself distracted at the fight scenes. They just seemed mediocre to me. However Eames found a lot of fun ways to describe things as they happened which kept me from completely zoning out in fight scenes.Another book that was sadly just a 'meh' to me.

Phoenix Extravagant - Yoon Ha Lee

Overall Rating: ★★★★☆ Squares: Set in Asia (h); Trans or Nonbinary Character (h) Used for: Trans or Nonbinary Character (h) Review: This book had a lot of interesting ideas, yet none of them were explored deeply enough to carry the book.As someone that is fascinated by Korean language and culture, I liked to have that for a change. Especially the world itself being set in a korea-esque country being occupied by a japan-esque country was pretty cool.I didn't care for most of the characters. I didn't even find Arazi (A mechanical dragon) that interesting. I liked Vei and Bongsunga the best.The "they" pronoun for the main character was confusing at first, especially in some cases where it wasn't clear wether it was used for only Jebi or the group they were in. But overall I think that's more on me than the author.The magic system was very original but also not explored deeply enough to capture me.Overall a fun, short read (also look at this beautiful cover), that, being only 200 or so pages, is pretty fast. And sometimes, that's exactly what you need.

The assimilated Cuban's Guide to Quantum Santeria - Carlos Hernandez (boy, what a title)

Overall Rating: ★★★☆☆ Squares: Five Short Stories (h); First Person POV (technically h but meh); Latinx or Latin American Author (h); Genre Mashup (for most of the stories I think) Used for: Latinx or Latin American Author (h) Review: A very diverse collection of stories some of which were nice, some of which I didn't really get and some of which just had a weird ending. Had a few of the Ted chiang vibes I was hoping for though. My favs were: The macrobe conservation project and American Moat.

Dune - Frank Herbert

Overall Rating: ★★★☆☆ Squares: Fantasy Book Club or Readalong; Cat Squasher; Genre Mashup; Witches (h) Used for: Fantasy Book Club or Readalong Review: This deserves to be the classic it is, but I feel like especially in the second half there was a lot of things that were lack luster (I think Paul's transition was really rushed and everyting after the timeskip was just weird.)Also, I wasn't expecting the mental horror that was Alia. Damn, why is that child so scary.A masterclass in worldbuilding though. If I ever create a world half as nuanced as Dune I will just be in awe at myself.

Steelheart - Brandon Sanderson

Overall Rating: ★★☆☆☆ Squares: Found Family; First Person POV; Revenge-Seeking Character (h); Genre Mashup (h) Used for: Revenge-Seeking Character (h) Review: Disclaimer: Brandon Sanderson is my favourite author and this is the first book of his I did not enjoy. Also, I think this may be the best review I've written to date:I've seen Sanderson fail.His portfolio seems perfect. Every book he has authored is an absolute joy to read. But there is a single scar. It's called Steelheart.So, don't get me wrong. This is very much a Sanderson book. The worldbuilding is great for the most part and the sanderlanche at the end saved the whole book from being entirely unenjoyable. I really liked the twists and I was happy it didn't turn out the way I thought it would. I'm also kind of willing to read Firefight now.BUT, the first 70% of this book is just... eh. David is maybe the worst Sanderson protagonist ever. Abraham and Tia were just meh and God, do i despise Cody. They just seem to be lacking the complexity that so underlies Sanderson's work. He has proven with Skyward that he can manage to create a vast cast of characters without some of them feeling useless. But most of the Reckoners were just forgettable, especially David. Also, I can't even think about why Brandon chose to make up swear words for this one. The world has just been like this for 10 years. Not enough to cultivate many linguistic changes in basically everyone (also, Slontze and Sparks hat no real origin and just felt random). I normally like made up swear words, but here? Eh.Yeah, well, if this book about an evil immortal superhero did prove something to me it is that its author is indeed still a human being and not, as I was more and more considering, a God created for writing books.

Children of Time - Adrian Tchaikovski

Overall Rating: ★★★★★ Squares: Forest Setting; Has Chapter Titles; Title: __ of __; First Contact Used for: First Contact Review: “Life is not perfect, individuals will always be flawed, but empathy – the sheer inability to see those around them as anything other than people too – conquers all, in the end."A book so heavy on themes that even I didn't miss them. A wonderful story about a seed growing where it isn't supposed to, creating something wonderful in the process.This book is about empathy, it is about overcoming flaws of generations past, it is about living in the shadows of great things that have come before.I really fell in love with just about everything in this book. Everything in here: the writing, the characters, the worldbuilding, the idea - is just clever. It is so clever even, that I was thrown into an existencial crisis not just because of the contents of this book, but also because I know I will propably never write something as clever as this.The ending felt a bit rushed (1 or 2 more chapters to flesh a few things out more would've sufficed), but better that than a story that is dragged on for too long.

Empire of the Vampire - Jay Kristoff

Overall Rating: ★★★★☆ Squares: Found Family (h); Revenge-Seeking Character (h); Gothic Fantasy (h); Published in 2021; Cat Squasher (h); Has Chapter Titles; Title: __of__ Used for: Gothic Fantasy (h) Review: *minor spoilers* Definitely a good October read. Can recommend (though it's not really spooky at all).I wanted vampires. I got vampires. But I didn't expect to get an enjoyable story along with it. There are some problems (Seraph Talon's insults were so annoying; Aaron's hate for Gabriel has seemingly no reason at the beginning and then turns way too fast; Silversaints fighting barechest??? (seriously, noone has crafted a silver armor?)).Also, the worst thing about this book is that this is Gabriel literally telling his story. Unlike in Name of the wind (who gets a hilarious reference in here btw. Didn't expect that), each paragraph is in quotation marks, which I found really distracting at times. This, however, leads to there being intersections in the middle of a chapter were Gabriel talks to Jean-Francois. This was a thing I really enjoyed. I really liked the dynamic.Another thing I quite enjoyed was the writing. If it was spring I might have found it way too edgy (because it is). But there are a lot of quotable lines and overall it fits the book pretty well. (except for the whole "one day as a lion is worth a thousand days as a lamb thing". I'm so tired of phrases along the lines. I'd take 1000 days as a lamb over one as a lion any day. This annoyed me so much that I wrote a few paragraphs about why I don't agree)Lastly, I was split on the two storylines. Gabriel switches between retelling his childhood and something that happened three years ago. I always found myself a bit annoyed when the switches happened, but I enjoyed seeing characters from one in the other.Overall a surprisingly enjoyable read.

Senlin Ascends - Josiah Bancroft

Overall Rating: ★★★★☆ Squares: Genre Mashup (h); Debut Author (h) Used for: Debut Author (h) Review: A very clever narrative. I really liked the recurring characters as you understand more and more of this world. But it also made the tower feel a lot smaller than it was presented to be.The writing was my biggest issue. I found it hard to concentrate on what was happening. It just didn't capture me the way a Sanderson novel can, even though now that I am finished I am retrospectively enjoying it a lot. But this was only his debut novel and I think Josiah Bancroft improves down the line.

The Goddess of Nothing At All - Cat Rector

Overall Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ Squares: First Person POV; Gothic Fantasy (h); Published in 2021 (h); Self-Published; Title: __ of__; Debut Author Used for: Published in 2021 (h) Review: First of all, despite this being a negative review, this does not mean that this book can't be enjoyed (many have, according to its average rating) or that the author is incompetent. I think that there are some very cool ideas in here, just that they don't get the opportunity to shine. Also, this book is researched immaculately. Kudos to Cat Rector for that.Okay, let's start with the elephant in the room: This book moves too fast when it is important and slows down too much when nothing of note happens. Literal eons pass in this book and we just fly by. I don't want to spoil anything but there is not enough time to care for Sigyn and Loki's romance before the narrative expects this of me. But then, characters just go on sidequests that do not really contribute much to the story. Also, there is just no real structure to anything.The characters were (especially in the first half of the book) not for me. They got better the longer the book went on but before the 50% mark I just hated everyone with a passion. Not because the book wanted me to, but because it failed in making me care. In the end, my favorite character was Váli.The prose was also something to be improved. People die in a sentence without any gravitas. A lot of paragraphs were totally skippable. Some of the dialogue felt really unnatural.I think this book needed a few more polishing steps before it could be released (or at least before it suited my taste).
Please excuse any grammatical errors, I'm not a native speaker. Feel free to correct them :).
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