Criticism on a hanging -george orwell


2008.08.21 21:58 Entrepreneur

A community of individuals who seek to solve problems, network professionally, collaborate on projects, and make the world a better place. Be professional, humble, and open to new ideas. Our community supports side hustles, small businesses, venture-backed startups, lemonade stands, 1-person-grinds, and most forms of revenue generation! However, no one cares about your blog. Please do not come here to self-promote your consulting, book, podcast, MLM, website, dropshipping guide, or $$$ scheme.

2024.02.03 17:45 ddgr815 Interview with Peter Werbe, Fifth Estate, Detroit, MI

Interview with Peter Werbe, Fifth Estate, Detroit, MI
There is a benefit to living in an old Rust Belt city like Detroit. It's much easier to establish what Hakim Bey calls "Permanent Autonomous Zones," because of cheap rent and low property values. The Fifth Estate office, for instance, only pays $200 a month including all utilities, and the Trumbull property which includes the two houses and a theater for about $30,000.
Widespread communal living generally comes about when a movement has reached a certain level of coherence. In certain areas, often adjacent to universities or historically bohemian districts, some people say, "Hey, we all have similar ideas, we like the same music, go to the same demos, we ought to have a communal household that expresses in day-to-day life our values--sharing, the economy of the gift rather than the commodity (although this is usually implied rather than explicitly stated), consensus decision-making." These living arrangements then easily become the locus of political action because of the number of revolutionaries grouped together. Activism becomes integrated into life from the moment of awakening rather than going to it like a job.
The last few years have been sobering. A certain humility has crept into our thinking and way of life. It doesn't look like much of what we advocate is on the agenda. The machine rules everywhere. We are in a period of the total domination of capital where even the pseudo-opposition of socialism has left the scene--capital's major 20th century rival. There is no more terra incognito. There is no longer any significant area, geography and thought that technology and capital hasn't extended itself into.
The idea that because we at the Fifth Estate make critiques of technologized capital doesn't mean that we can escape the consequences we describe. We are at a critical point now trying to preserve those ideas which are at risk from being pushed from human consciousness. The Appendix to Orwell's wonderful dystopian novel, 1984, is instructive. The idea of Newspeak was to remove words from language and thus the ideas they represent. I see our projects and journals as repositories of anti-authoritarian ideas that include an understanding that technology as manifested under industrial capitalism is a major factor in the domination of the human spirit.
At one level, the world is as depressing as it always has been, but that's not to say we can't find elements of joy in our resistance and within an alternative culture we build around it.
At the same time, we have to recognize we are in a precarious position. We are in a biological, social and spiritual (and I don't mean religious which I don't care about) decline. There's nothing left to hang our hats on that has substance. But people retain something in spite of this, even those immersed in the spectacle and commodity society. An inherent sociobiology rooted in our basic humanity manifests itself in our wanting to be communal figures like we were for 90 percent of human existence on the planet, even in things that may appear as dumb as a bowling league or a Star Trek convention. People want to do things together that are affirming and convivial no matter how much the culture of capital tries to domesticate us. We've been domesticated by the state; we've been domesticated by capital; we've been domesticated by technology, but there's a million instances where people act contrary to that. But people could forget how to do it. As it is, the Star Trek convention holds no capacity to effectively confront our domestication. Worse examples, such as rooting for sports teams or worse, wars, take the impulses of communality and manipulates them for commodity consumption or the needs of the imperial state.
That's why it's critically important for us to continue our projects on the margins of this society, even if it looks absolutely hopeless. For one thing, if we want to live out our lives as distant as possible from the dominant society, we better work hard to create an alternative culture and communities, hopefully ones that have the potential to eventually confront the dominant paradigms that currently rule us.
We continue to fight against the worst excesses of technology and the empire and we hope that something will occur--some incident or some sense of what the futility and harm of this world does to everything and everybody will impel people to move in a direction that reasserts human community and our own humanity. Maybe it will happen; maybe it won't.
"Anarchy is natural; everything else is learned," I've heard said; and the cooperative forms that nurtured every form of pre-historical, pre-state, pre-technological society gave them the capacity to exist. In that sense, you can "prove" that anarchism is a clumsy way of enunciating the 'Old Ways' as poet Gary Snyder calls them ancient wisdom and sensibilities about how to live on the planet and with each other. This doesn't mean, as dishonest opponents of this perspective have charged (and that includes not only Murray Bookchin, but Noam Chomsky, as well), that I or we or the Fifth Estate are advocating "going back to the caves."
It means looking at the ideas that were operative in societies that did much better than us in living their lives. I think for our bioregion, the Ottawas, for instance, had a society where the major aspects of social and personal relationships were worthy of emulation. The culture brought here by the European invaders was a disaster for both the carriers of it as well as their victims. Unfortunately, we are the inheritors of that culture which is a planet eater and not the one which knew how to live in harmony with the earth.
The task of resurrecting the Old Ways as a basis for a new world is challenging, but also rewarding. Actually, we have no other choice if we have any hopes for our children and the future of the planet.
submitted by ddgr815 to Detroit [link] [comments]

2022.11.15 11:03 dwaxe The Climate Movement Has Won Power. Now It Needs to Wield It.

Episode Link
The fight against climate change is at a crossroads.
This past year, the climate movement in the United States achieved significant success. The recently passed Inflation Reduction Act represents the single largest investment in emissions reduction in U.S. history. More than a dozen states have taken some form of climate action in 2022 alone. Earlier this year, California — which, if it were a country, would have the fifth largest economy in the world — approved a record $54 billion in climate spending alongside sweeping new restrictions on fossil fuel development. These investments coincide with a wave of technological transformation: Over the past decade, the cost of solar energy has declined around 90 percent and that of onshore wind around 70 percent, making these energy sources economically competitive with fossil fuels for the first time.
“The new numbers turn the economic logic we’re used to upside down,” writes the climate activist and journalist Bill McKibben. To him, the import of this moment is clear: For the first time, McKibben argues, humanity has at our fingertips the tools needed to end humanity’s millenniums-long dependence on burning things for energy — and to save our climate in the process.
To those familiar with the climate movement, McKibben is a familiar name. His book “The End of Nature” has been compared to Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring” in terms of its impact on the climate movement. He’s founded organizations like Third Act and, the latter of which is among the largest climate activist organizations in the world today. He was a key leader in the fight to block the Keystone XL pipeline. And he currently writes the influential newsletter “The Crucial Years.” Ask anyone in the climate movement today about their inspirations and McKibben will almost certainly top the list.
But in McKibben’s telling, the climate movement’s successes in getting us to this point actually require it to change. A movement founded on blocking bad things from happening now needs to turn to building at intensified speed; a movement that has long fought to preserve the natural world now has to help usher in a wholesale transformation of the global landscape; a movement that has long been critical of capitalism and economic growth now has to align itself with those forces in order to achieve its ends.
Those shifts will require new tactics, new animating ideas, new motivations and new priorities — with the future of the climate hanging in the balance. So I wanted to have McKibben on the show to talk about this dawning era of the climate fight we’re entering, and what changes the movement will have to make to meet this moment.
The Single Best Guide to Decarbonization I’ve Heard” by The Ezra Klein Show
Book Recommendations:
Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson
Orwell’s Roses by Rebecca Solnit
How It Went by Wendell Berry
submitted by dwaxe to ezraklein [link] [comments]

2022.09.02 00:23 MoeFisher Ep7.1: Appalachia, pt.1 (2077-2082) // Fallout 76

Ep7.1: Appalachia, pt.1 (2077-2082) // Fallout 76


Katu Veo, wastelanders! Welcome to the Lost Holotapes channel, where we discuss history of Fallout regions. Today we will start talking about the settlements and factions of the Appalachia Wasteland, the territory of Western Virginia, presented to us in the truly first multiplayer installment of Fallout – Fallout 76.
Despite the scandalous nature of its release, the abundance of bugs and the flow of fair criticism, the history of the region itself and the study of the world is a golden seed, although it is incredibly confusing. The history of the Appalachian region is the most dramatic and complex among all the others. Causal relationships, motivations, and personalities of historical characters, complex political games of major factions– it is more like reading a book. Moreover, the form of narration in the form of left notes, holotapes, and terminal entries turns Fallout 76 into a truly detective game. And I adore it for that. I spent days sticking notes on the wall, connecting them with red threads, trying to recreate the most accurate picture of what happened. And I will start sharing my interpretation today. I assure you will not find a more accurate and complete history of the Appalachian wasteland even on the wiki.

Appalachia - Geography

But let's start with the general – with the geography of the region. In real life, it occupies the territory of three states – West Virginia, Virginia and Maryland. At the same time, the developers went really far in trying to distort the real prototype of the territory and decided to turn it all into West Virginia, leaving almost nothing from the other two states. A very strange decision to perceive, given that all states exist in the world of Fallout. More critically, the cities of exclusively West Virginia were used as prototypes in principle, and they have their locations changed in relation to each other. Watoga, Huntersville in real life are in the western part, Morgantown is much norther of Grafton, and Sutton is under Flatwoods.
Appalachia is divided into 6 unique sub-regions in terms of habitat:
The Forest is rich in vegetation and with relatively calm fauna, located on Allegheny Plateau.
Toxic Valley is an area where rivers and lakes have turned into acidic radioactive baths and fumaroles.
Ash Heap is a former mining region in which ash and combustion products are constantly released into the atmosphere, making the region very difficult to settle in,
The Mire is a swampy area that has turned into a jungle, shrouded in poisonous fumes and inhabited by extremely aggressive fauna. It has a border with the Capital Wasteland that passes through the Raven Rock Mountains
Savage Divide is an elevated mountain region formed directly by the Appalachian Mountains,
Cranberry Bog is characterized by an abundance of bizarre mutated flora and progressive erosion, turning the land in the region into trenches.
The wasteland borders the Capitol Wasteland to the east along the Appalachian Trail – along its northern part, inside the state of Maryland. On the western side, the wasteland is bounded by the Ohio, Big Sandy and Tag Fork Rivers, which are state borders at the same time.

Antebellum Appalachia

Before moving on to an exciting post-war detective story, we need to discuss some of the exposure of the region until October 2077. The main leitmotif of the pre-war plot is the desperate struggle of the proletariat against capitalism. Widespread robotization and automation deprived people of jobs and livelihoods, which caused Appalachia to be in a state of local civil war on the eve of the Great War.
While the Sino-American War in Alaska was going on, the hardworking regions languished in the rear. Industrial enterprises inflate the production rate, lower wages, force labor to overwork, reduce all costs associated with production safety and everything like that. The cabal is no different. But work is work, especially in such difficult times. And, of course, no one cares about such trifles as environmental pollution. For example, with the permission of the government, Grafton Steel mill openly drains production waste into the rivers and lakes of the northern part of the region, which in the future will contribute to the drainage of the region, the destruction of its entire flora and its transformation into a Toxic Valley.
However, things get much worse when capitalists begin to introduce robots into enterprises everywhere, depriving people of jobs. In addition, diligent mining companies, in particular Hornwright Industrial, began to demolish the south of the region, blowing up mines for faster ore extraction, as well as cynically producing a local natural landmark – Blair Mount. It competed with its main competitor, the Garrahan Company, for the volume of ore production. Because of such activity, living in the region has become impossible: underground fires, incredibly polluted air, poisoning and soil erosion. The town of Welch was badly affected in particular. People, mostly miners, staged a riot. Demonstrations and rallies were brutally suppressed, for example, strikebreaker robots were sent to the city of Beckley. The rebels even organized guerrilla operations. It is noteworthy that at the heart of this struggle is a real historical prototype – the Battle of Blair Mount, which took place in 1921 as part of the miners' war for their rights. During this uprising, 10-15 thousand miners fought for five days against an army of private detectives and police officers, until the president and the military intervened. An epic story described in detail in Wikipedia - I recommend reading it.
In addition to the aggravation of the situation in the mining region, uprisings occurred in other parts of Appalachia. Thus, the robotic city of the future Watoga, built in 2042, the construction of which destroyed jobs and the local economy, was subjected to a terrorist attack. A leading specialist timidly launched a virus that forced all robots to become aggressive towards people. The army of protectrons and assaultrons staged a massacre in the city the day before the start of the Great War, leaving the residents with no chance of survival other than by fleeing the city.
The reason why the Cranberry Swamp is so radioactive and mutanized is another mining company – AMC (Atomic Mining Company), whose headquarters was located in Watoga and which used nuclear charges to extract ultracite in the region. AMC has agreed with the Poseidon coal-fired power plant in Charleston to process the ultracite at their facility. Because of this, the employees of the station rebelled and came out with a rally. The arrived military used the gas patented by HalluciGen, Inc to suppress the uprisings to disorient the protesters, but the gas turned them into manic psychos who staged ultra-violence. The savage crowd tore apart both the soldiers and the authorities inside the station. Again, this happened shortly before the war and there was no one from the authorities to respond to the incident.

The Great War

Well, we are finally coming to the most delicious – the history of the region after the Great War. Working with the lore of the region is a completely detective theory. It was very difficult to reconstruct the history, as a huge part of it had to be built on logical chains, rather than be guided solely by the actual data from the notes. Moreover, I found developer errors and some events mutually exclusive. There are also a lot of errors and contradictions on the official wiki, so you are unlikely to find such a complex story that is being told here. What is also noteworthy is that the game is still being updated, and Bethesda with new updates introduces a bunch of new historical lore, and also allows itself to change the lore already released earlier. Therefore, it is quite possible that this article will be updated over time with the release of new Fallout 76 updates.

Vault Tec Vaults

By tradition, we begin to discuss the region with vaults. According to the game itself and the register of Vault Tec University there are 6 vaults in the region.
Vault 51 is located near the town of Friendly. Its experiment was to identify the best overseer from a motley number of candidates, of which there were 52 people, using the ZAX supercomputer. People arrive at the vault within a week before the bombs fall. One of the first arrivals was Sergeant Robert Baker, who was appointed responsible for advising ZAX on the choice of the method of appointing an overseer.
Vault 63. So far, the location is not available to players, and there is no lore associated with it either. So neither its fate nor the experiment is known.
Vault 76 near Flatwoods. One of the few control vaults that was supposed to remain closed for 25 years. Its inhabitants are brought up in an atmosphere of exclusivity so that they can “make America great again”.
Vault 79. The entire gold reserve of America from Fort Knox was brought inside. The Secret Service detachment of 120 people remained with the gold reserve.
Vault 94. The experiment was to test how the most peaceful group could adapt to possible aggressive groups during the post-apocalypse. For this purpose, a peaceful religious commune was chosen as residents.
Vault 96 is one of the cryogenic research centers. Thousands of animals and 5 scientists were placed in it. Their task was to conduct genetic research, the number of which was determined by the quota system issued by the supercomputer’s mainframe. Quotas were constantly increasing in number, and if a scientist did not carry out all the research, then the system would have them killed.
(Fallout 3) Burkittville Vault. Its number, experiment, and fate are not known. Until Vault 107 appears in the Fallout lore, we will use this number. Although it is mentioned in the Fallout 3 lore, Burkittsville falls more into the territory of the Appalachian wasteland.


When the Great War began, a huge number of people found themselves in various shelters. I would say that no other game in the Fallout series tells in such detail about the first days of the wondrous new world.
Riverside Manor. The pre-war mansion of the Rivers Family, consisting of Shannon Rivers, her husband Frederick Rivers and her daughter Olivia Rivers. Shannon was an actress and played the superhero Mistress of Mysteries in movies. Frederick was an excellent engineer who turned the basement of the mansion into a training camp with all the necessary equipment.
Groups of people met the war at the high-cost ski resorts of Pleasant Valley and Spruce Knob.
There were three missile silos in the region: Alpha, Beta and Charlie, which were supposed to bring down their arsenal on China. As a consequence of the fact that there was a fabulous general in Alpha who did not read the instructions, spent his rocket launch card and entered the wrong code; in Beta the general was absent from the station at all; and Gamma was evacuated before the start of the War due to a false radiation leak alarm, missiles were not fired at China from Appalachia.
Vault-Tec Simulation at Vault Tec University. Students could train to become overseers. Before the war, the overseer was supposed to be a student Drew Collingsworth, who wanted to conduct an experiment with edible pasta, which was supposed to replace food supplies. However, the dean of the university wanted to conduct his own experiment and ordered to add a slow poison to the food, that could destroy blood vessels, and test people's reaction to the death from food. He was counting on a riot and the subsequent evacuation. When the bombs fell, no one in the simulation realized what had happened. However, one of them died on the same day.
Kerwood Mine. Since AMC was developing ultracite by nuclear underground blasts in the region, on October 17, during another underground explosion, the old mine collapsed, killing 17 people and burying 32 more. They met the War underground.
Glassed Caverns is a mine of AMC for the extraction of ultracite. During the War, there were miners in it, but the mine itself withstood the bomb blasts outside.
Allegheny Asylum. A psychiatric hospital closed with a scandal, to which teachers and students from Watoga came for an excursion.
Burrows. Old underground catacombs, sewers, and storm shelters under the city of Harpers Ferry. Even before the war, many squatters lived there, who were constantly kicked out. During the war, many residents of Harpers Ferry took refuge there.
Whitesprings Bunker. A bunker for congressional representatives and the political establishment. About 200 people were evacuated in the summer of 2077. Among the evacuees was Thomas Eckhart, the Minister of Agriculture, who was in Enclave, as well as Jefferson Gray, his right–hand man and an operative of Enclave. The bunker was controlled via MODUS, a supercomputer with powerful artificial intelligence, an analogue of ZAX.
Arktos Pharma is a pharmaceutical and genetic laboratory. When the bombs fell, the scientists continued to do research and genetic experiments, refusing to evacuate.
Eastern Regional Penitentiary is a prison where convicts were wearing collars that could explode if they tried to escape. The management came up with this method of control, wanting to save money on guards and even on the maintenance of the prison, including repairs of the walls. Among the prisoners was Harrison Malone, a recidivist and the leader of a robbery gang.
Sons of Dane Compound of The Sons of Dane who are a group of anti-government survivalists led by Dane Rogers. They moved to the camp on October 20.
There are two bases of the Chinese Liberation Army in the region. There was Mama Dolce canned food factory in Morgantown, which was a cover for the Fujinia Intelligence and Research Base. There was also a base called The Deep, located deep in the mountain range. The Chinese military inside the bases did not know that China would treacherously drop bombs on the States. So, they were caught off guard themselves.
Six members of Lieutenant Elizabeth Taggerdy's detachment, called Taggerdy Thunder, who took part in military exercises, found shelter in Spruce Knob Lake Cave.
A Buddhist temple Palace of the Winding Path was built in the mountains, which even before the war was supposed to become a commercial asylum for the New Age movement. For a better spiritual experience, a special narcotic gas was let through the ventilation. Actually, the attendees of this center survived the war in it.
The Whitesprings Resort is a pre–war ultra-expensive resort and a golf club standing above the Enclave bunker. Unrelated in any way to the politicians who evacuated to the bunker beneath, 96 people of guests and staff took refuge in the main building of the resort during the war.
A couple of years before the start of the war, West Tek company built a laboratory near the town of Huntersville. For a while, they were kidnapping people from the town and were experimenting on them. In particular, they created the Grafton Monster in the laboratory. By 2076, experiments had reached a new level and the whole town of Huntersville was infected. When the inhabitants began to mutate into super mutants, the city was quarantined, and the military took the city into cordon. At the very center of West Tek at the time of the War, the scientific staff took refuge.
In the city of Berkeley Springs, residents of the city are evacuated to the Berkeley Springs clinic.
A detachment of US Army “Firebats” squad was stationed inside Monongah Power Plant to guard the facility.
Another group of US Army soldiers takes refuge in the Wendigo Cave.
People also take refuge in Aaronholt Homestead, New River Gorge Resort, Haven Church, Dolly Sods children's boy scouts camp.
In Western Maryland Correctional Facility in Cumberland, MD, prisoners and guards are sheltering during the war.
Before the War there was a major anti–government anarchists group in the region called Free States who have completely lost confidence in the American government. They were paranoid about the government's Vault Tec program, and for good reason. Even before the war, they began to collect supplies, weapons and build their own bunkers on the territory of the future Mire. Despite the pressure of politicians, police harassment and conflicts with the administration of the city of Harpers Ferry, which became their focal point, they were able to predict quite accurately when the apocalypse will occur, and evacuated in advance to their bunkers. So far, 11 bunkers are known: the bunker of Singh family (Abbie's Bunker), of Niraj and Abbie Singh, father and daughter who were talented radio mechanics; the Bunker of Raleigh Clay who was the leader of the Free States; Sam Blackwell Bunker. Sam Blackwell is a former US Congressman and Raleigh Clay's best friend. Before the war, he put sticks in the wheels of mining companies, preventing them from carrying out robotization, and also revealed the corruption scheme of the then Minister of Agriculture, Thomas Eckhart. But politics is politics, and by denigrating him publicly for his connection with Free States, as well as threatening violence against his daughter, the ill–wishers forced Sam to hide in his bunker long before the war; The Sunday Brothers Cabin, which belonged to the Sunday Brothers - JD and Jesus; Ella Aimes' Bunker. Ella Aimes is a chief medical officer of Free States; Cora's Bunker (Abandoned Bunker), the Carson Family Bunker, Jeremiah's Bunker (Ransacked Bunker), as well as the mentioned Emma's Bunker north of Mt. Thunder Power Plant, Eddie Hayes Bunker and Gavin McCullogh Cabin.
Orwell Orchard Bunker. The Orwell family of farmers built it under their own orchard and equipped it in a way that some Vault Tec vaults could not afford for themselves. There was a gym, a swimming pool, a bar, a projector room, many rooms of various functions, high ceilings. And it was despite the fact that the farm was basically bankrupt.
An employee of Vault Tec, who was promised a place in a vault, but later got a rejected, dug out a Makeshift Vault.
Near Vault 51 there was a small Vault Tec Bunker, which was used as a sales office. When the bombs fell, there were sales managers inside.
In the region, there was an underground secret Enclave Research Station J in the northwestern part of the Forest. This center was a large multi-level underground base.
A group of scientists of Bysshe Company survived the war in a railway tunnel near Harpers Ferry Tunnels, which they used as a laboratory for the study of water samples from the Potomac River.


The region was not badly affected by the direct bombing, so many cities survived. Many residents did not even go anywhere. Again, due to the fact that the history of the region does not exceed 25 years, the exposition of the cities is given in great detail. Thus, at least the following cities survived during the war:
Charleston. The capital of West Virginia. Immediately after the War, the Charleston Emergency Government was formed, headed by Tanner Holbrook, the man who became acting governor, and Abigail Poole, the acting mayor of Charleston. These two do not get along well with each other and often make contradictory decisions. An autonomous group of volunteer Responders is also being formed in the city. Their goal was to save and help those who are in need. Abigail was a friend to them, but Tanner tried to ignore them, being carried away by flirting with political circles. The leader of the Respondents is Maria Chavez.
Morgantown. The city, the center of which is the University of Vault Tec and which largely consists of students, fell into anarchy after the War. For some time, it is kept under the control of the tough hand of the Sheriff Mayfield and the Charleston Government.
Lewisburg. In general, the city is experiencing the apocalypse perfectly thanks to the "Heaven Gardens" on the roofs of houses. With their help, residents get an overview of the terrain, the opportunity to breathe fresh air and grow food. In addition, the city lives with constant festivals and competitions, which keeps its morale at a high level.
Harpers Ferry. A city at the intersection of the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers.
Huntersville is a city where residents were turned into super mutants. During the war, they allegedly broke through the cordon and massacred the military. They remained to live in the city though.
The cities of Flatwoods, Clarksburg, Helvetia, Sutton and Beckley have also survived. Although there is no direct evidence confirming the survival of the latter, it can be assumed that the city survived by the presence of erected scaffolding and all sorts of structures linking dilapidated buildings.
An unnamed Bog Town in the vicinity of Watoga, which because of it turned out to be abandoned before the war and became a haven for squatters.
There is no information whether the cities of Monongah, Welch, Point Pleasant, Grafton, Summersville and Tanagra survived the war. Watoga fell before the War. Tanagra is the only fictional city among all of them. Of course, we are talking about the cities that are represented in the game itself, although conditionally many locations and settlements belong to a certain city in the lore. For example, the WV Lumber Co is located in the city of Friendly, and Mega Mansions are in the city of Bramwell.

The Great War

On October 23, 2077, a hail of nuclear warheads hit the world. Cities have been destroyed, millions have died, and society has fallen.

History of the region: 2077-2082


We have reviewed the list of settlements that survived the nuclear holocaust. Now let us see how the situation developed in the future. End of 2077:
When the bombs fell, evacuation began, and the commune headed to Vault 94 on two buses. Unfortunately, one of them was late, and an undercover employee of the Vault Tec embedded in the commune had to close the geardoors, dooming the second bus to death. Nevertheless, the group thrived; they had a GECK that kept their internal farm working.
After the bombs fell, the Sons of Dane got out. Celebrating their survival, they were loud having fun with beer and music every evening.
Due to the loss of the bomb launch card, the Alpha silo was no longer useful. The fabulous general gathered all the personnel and led them to "serve their country" in some other place. A group of military personnel left the Alpha Silo.
Since the general never arrived at Beta Silo, the entire station staff decided to evacuate on their own.
October 29. Taggerdy makes contact with her longtime comrade in the service, Captain Roger Maxson, who is waiting out the nuclear winter with his renegade division at the Mariposa Base in California.
October 30. Scientists are leaving West Tek, having presumably neutralized the vats of FEV.
The subjects in the VTU Simulation learn about the autopsy results of a deceased colleague and realize that they are all poisoned. They demand from the overseer Drew to call for help and urgently stop the simulation. When they cannot get any response from the outside, they think that the overseer Drew did not call for help consciously, although in fact, everyone outside the complex was no longer up to simulation. Simulation participants raise a riot and after November 2, having failed to get to Drew, who barricaded himself in his room, they die. Drew dies of starvation too, though.
In addition, after November 2, a group that took refuge in the New River Gorge resort dies.
November 5. A Horizon plane crashes near Helvetia.
By November 6, the last miners in the flooded Kerwood mine are dying.
November 11. An early-formed raider group attacks the clinic in Berkeley Springs, which was already in a state of agony with a huge number of refugees and wounded, a meager supply of provisions, medicines, gradually deserting staff and generators failing. The raiders kill three people, steal the last supplies and on November 14th the last group of 5 people leave the clinic for Charleston.
In November, Pleasant Valley asks for help from Charleston, but the Emergency Government by order of Tanner refuses to help, saying there are not enough supplies for them either. This causes strong dissatisfaction among people of Pleasant Valley.
On November 21, at Vault 51, on Baker's advice, ZAX holds a democratic election for an overseer. But it fails because people vote mostly for themselves.
On November 28, the second elections of overseer fail, even though parties have been created. Robert inadvertently tells ZAX that the best leader is the one who can best prove himself during a crisis.
Also in November, a wendigo called Nightstalker, attracted by loud music, drinking and dancing from the Sons of Dane, kills the members of the group one by one during several weeks until the group becomes completely exterminated.
On December 1, the sales managers in the Vault Tec bunker left it with the arrival of cold weather in the hope of reaching Harpers Ferry.
December 12. Skig’s Gang raiders seize Haven Church killing refugees. Maybe it was the same gang that raided Berkeley Springs.
On the same day, Firebats squad at the Monongah Power Plant manages to contact the command, which requested half of the squad. About 20 people remained at the station.
Also during these three months, various shelters died: Wendigo Cave, Glassed Caverns and Dolly Sods. From the latter, the refugees left for Harpers Ferry and Berkeley Springs, as long as it made sense to go there.
Burrows beneath Harpers Ferry is turning into an independent settlement.
Taggerdy Thunder leaves the cave where they met the war, to the training Camp Venture, where they are planning to survive the winter.
There is an armed seizure of power in the Whitesprings Bunker by members of the Enclave, partly of whom the evacuated group consisted. All non-Enclave members were executed. Thus, the bunker became a full-fledged base of Enclave managed by the Minister of Finance.
In the Maryland prison, a gang of former convicts was formed under the leadership of Roper, the head of security. The gang is called Free Radicals.
Survivors in the Palace of the Winding Path create their own religious hippie cult.
The Allegheny Asylum is turning into a full-fledged settlement. They even set up their own farm with chickens and a cow.
Bog Town becomes a haven for various gangs of raiders who periodically try to pillage deserted Watoga.
Makeshift Vault did not have time to be equipped properly before the war, so it died or was abandoned soon after the bombing.


January 14. The siege of the Monongah Power Plant begins. An unnamed group of raiders attacks the facility, kills several soldiers, and hangs their corpses on trees.
On January 23, the third attempt of elections in Vault 51 fails. ZAX completely abandons the idea of voting and begins to generate crises, which, according to Baker's wise words, should determine the real strong leader.
February 2. The second attack on the Monongah Power Plant. 15 people remain alive.
(Fallout 3) Before February 13, a group of Burkittsville Cannibals appears near the Burkittsville Vault, setting ambushes on everyone who tries to get to it. They were so ferocious that they wore skins of the people they’ve killed. As they will not appear in history anymore, we can assume that they will die out after 2078.
February 21. There is a crisis in Vault 51 – ZAX forces the representatives of the upper class among the residents to sleep on the benches in clothes without mattresses and other amenities. One of the residents, Aiden Higgins, goes crazy and, using homemade explosives, tries to blow up the walls of the vault to get out, but he blows up only himself eventually.
February 24. A gang of Skigs in the Haven Church is killed when is attacked by feral ghouls.
Around March 2-3, ZAX arranges a talent show. It changes the rules on the go, putting as a prize the opportunity to sleep in beds, and not on the floor in one room. Of course, professional artists won. Because of ZAX, the tension between people begins to grow. During the year, it constantly conducts such crises, pitting people against each other and driving them mad: it cheats during gambling games, giving victory and food rations to newcomers, it deprives residents of healthy sleep and caffeine, and so on. ZAX also destroys people's relationships, allegedly giving out their secret affairs, provoking infidelity, and even editing the content of their correspondence to give a more negative background to its contents.
March 12. The third attack on the Monongah Power Plant. Twelve soldiers remain.
After March 12, thescientists of Arktos Pharma descend into the underground laboratory complex after the incessant invasion of feral ghouls and the threatening radiation levels. However, ghouls managed to break into the complex, too. When the group tried to repair the turrets, there was a failure, and turrets started shooting people. Thus, at the lowest level – in the generator room - the last eight people locked themselves in, and subsequently died, unable to get out or wait for help.
At the same time in March, raiders from Bog Town attack the Allegheny Asylum, take supplies and kill animals on the farm. A group of residents decides that they have nothing more to catch here and splits into two. One goes to Monongah, and the other goes to Harpers Ferry. Considering that Monongah was never resettled after the war, the first group never reached the town.
March 29. Melody Larkin, a police officer in the city of Morgantown, reports to Charleston that Sheriff Mayfield is already starting to open fire on raging and marauding students who are tearing up the city for supplies and fighting among themselves. Later, at the request of Abigail Poole, she moves to Charleston as a representative of Morgantown in the city parliament.
All sorts of people are slowly coming to the Camp Venture at the call of Taggerdy, who wants to expand the squad. Since Venture was a pre–war training camp for military, and the Taggerdy squad are not boy scouts, those who came are forced to undergo a fighter-training course for initiation.
In the spring, the raiders that terrorize the Monongah Power Plant create Ammo Dump camp.
On May 25, the fourth and final attack on the Monongah Power Plant takes place. Only nine soldiers remain alive, who decide to leave. Raiders seize the station for looting. The troop of soldiers, Firebats, was never mentioned again. Most likely, they either died in the wasteland or dispersed.
On June 3, one of the residents of Vault 51 finds a gun planted by ZAX.
Around June 12, the first murder takes place in Vault 51 – someone strangled a nurse.
According to many records, the winter of 2077-2078 in the region was incredibly harsh. So much so that the last snow melted only in July. The winter has caused people to become savage in the mountains. They staged a massacre among themselves for resources, descended into murder and cannibalism. As a result, they became raiders. A gang of Cutthroats, led by Harland McClintock, is formed in Pleasant Valley. Also a gang of Gourmands is formed at Spruce Knob Resort, who continued to engage in cannibalism even when the food situation stabilized. Actually, they were feared in the region for such atrocity. They had Morris Stevens in charge with his wife Edie.
July 8. Raiders attack Riverside Mansion, the refuge of the Rivers family. They tried to rape Olivia, but Shannon, being trained for the role of a superhero, beat them all, and killed a couple altogether. Something changes in Shannon's conscious from the experience, and she decides to find a noble use for her skills. She takes the image of a superheroine she played in the movies, and sets herself the task of fighting bad people in a new harsh world. Olivia begins a training course under the supervision of her mother.
On July 27, there is a shooting in the cafeteria of Vault 51, but before anyone got killed, Robert Baker managed to neutralize the aggressor. Baker accuses ZAX for the weapon it provided, to which it states that reducing the number of candidates will make it easier to choose a leader.
August 1. ZAX let buzzing flies into the residential sector to annoy vaulteers. After 72 hours of unsuccessful attempts to kill them, the residents managed to lose three more people.
On August 3, there is a conflict between the Chambers couple and their lovers, who were also lovers of each other. ZAX blocks all 4 in one room and issues weapons. As a result of a quarrel that escalated into a fight, everyone dies. When Ruben Gill and Helena Marks enter the room, Ruben notices that they will now get more food and receives ZAX recognition.
August 6. Crisis number 37. ZAX allegedly poisons Helena Marks, the only person who was the psychological and moral anchor for the refuges, and also the object of Ruben's desire. ZAX gives Ruben a weapon, and he starts violence. ZAX also issued weapons to other residents and pitted them against each other. Blood flowed, and the only survivor in the slaughter was Ruben. In fact, Vault 51 ceased to exist on that day.
At the same time, on August 6, Tanner receives a report from his personal scouts about what kind of bloodthirsty raiders the residents of Pleasant Valley have turned into.
Later in August, Shannon Rivers helps a caravan at Lewisburg repel a raider attack.
Around September, after a bunch of systems had already stopped working in the Orwell Orchard Bunker, radiation began to leak inside. During a family quarrel about the exodus, Ian Orwell locked his wife in a cage, but she managed to escape, killing her husband.
On October 23, a year after the War, Vault 94 opens. Residents begin to establish gardens outside the vault, and send ambassadors to the wastelands in order to establish friendly contact with the settlements.
In November, Shannon Rivers finds four orphans in the garage of her mansion: three girls, including Clarissa and Eve Devoir and a boy – Brody Torrence. Of these, she takes only girls into her care, and drives the boy away.
November 20. Despite the fact that many of the ambassadors of Vault 94 died after reaching the raiders, one of the ambassadors establishes contact with Harpers Ferry. The mayor of the city, Miranda Vox, sends a squad of four people to the vault. However, this squad has become too paranoid from the fact that there are no weapons in the vault, and that they are peacefully greeted. They thought they were walking into a trap and at some point their nerves gave out. They open fire on the residents and kill them all. Then, they find GECK and, being convinced that it is a governmental machine for controlling consciousness, shoot it, which leads to a new nuclear explosion. New radioactive fallout, combined with GECK fertilizers, covered the region and caused an incredible boom in mutation of flora and fauna. The region began to turn into a dangerous jungle, and it will later be called the Mire.
submitted by MoeFisher to TheLostHolotapes [link] [comments]

2022.06.13 09:43 condo23 My Letterboxd review for Top Gun: Maverick turned into a speculative essay about how the MCU will fully take control once Tom Cruise isn’t around to make movies anymore.

Top Gun: Maverick—Review
I’m obsessed with tom cruise. Scientology aside, he is the last remaining auteur of the action genre and concept of the blockbuster. Bear witness now because when he’s gone, we won’t just lose Tom Cruise, we might just lose the concept of film as art housed in the museum of a movie theater completely. Gone are the days of Jaws and summer spectacles that offered the public an original and gripping world to collectively inhabit and feel like the first drop of a roller coaster. Lost in the past with Tom cruise who was the last actor to design new rides for us rather than installing a seesaw in every American home.
This crazy man and his almost concerning commitment to making action movies that are worth paying money for a movie ticket while marvels out there vomiting movies and tv shows onto Disney plus and every possible screen in theaters after intimidating theater chains into not showing smaller indie films so society is trained to equate the movie theater with the dumb multiverse and MCU inside joke circlejerk while any other movie can wait to be seen on your couch when you get caught up on all the marvel television episodes.
Tom cruise is truly the last hope we have for spectacular blockbusters that don’t come from Disney focus groups and marvel algorithms spitting out Christian/military/uncontroversial/profit maximizing/lowest common denominator content for the masses to be just distracted enough to be entertained in the lowest possible form so audiences simply give their leisure time attention to keep falling deeper into a cinematic universe without enough spare time to think or watch anything challenging that might give them a chance to consider that so much of this media monopoly’s content is mediocre trash packed up in a trash bag made of fake gold that seems worth checking out.
Ugh. Tom cruise would never.
He will be the last actor to make real blockbusters. Once he’s gone, only marvel is left and they don’t care if a movie does anything interesting. If it makes all the money, then it’s a blockbuster. They will just lower the bar and movie fans will understand blockbusters to be movies you have to see in a theater not because they are a high quality epic wonder of a story made to be experienced with others , but because the definition of blockbusters will be a movie you have to see because everyone else has collectively agreed to see it and you can’t participate as a movie fan unless you can talk about the Easter eggs without getting them spoiled.
You’re in and a movie person or you’re not participating and will just have to listen to people talk about marvel shit while holding your tongue knowing that any criticism of MCU will be taken as a personal attack on the people who are talking about MCU stuff. It won’t lead to a discussion of what marvel is doing to the publics inability to digest any movies that are trying to challenge an audience or simply just have any interest in seeing an action movie that doesn’t have a cast of superheroes that are developed so vapidly as characters they become flat and emotionless wax and we collectively forget what great acting and palpable chemistry between characters’ looks like and forget that emotional stakes are the reason movies are worth watching.
After Tom cruise, it’ll be daddi Mickey Mouse funding MCU to make sure there are just enough inside jokes and passable CGI spectacles in their AI generated hellscapes to give audiences enough hits of dopamine to keep coming back seeking the high that movies of the past were able to deliver because they offered creative originality in enveloping a viewer in a broad spectrum of emotional states that are as vivid and real as those we feel in our own lives. Marvel realized that they could simply be like the soma everyone takes to remain complacent with dull pleasure and create their own brave new world where they simply design a media environment and culture that dumbs us down enough to forget how to critically think and experience anything but the freely available pleasure.
I’m going to use some literary and cultural examples to frame this argument before they become superfluous when the MCU content generator buries the collected progress in intellectual thought and artistic achievement of Homo sapiens in a technological landslide where our new smartphones’ software updates automatically download every MCU installment because being in cahoots with Disney becomes the way to push any cultural artifact that isn’t MCU to concerns of an illegal dark web when Disney bullies search engines into monitoring and deleting any webpage that could allow you to read some dystopian classics or god forbid have a link to a .jpeg of an impressionist painting that was moved to the storage basement of the art institute decades ago once funding dried up and the museum was forced to close when no one attended the “EVERYTHING MUST GO” art auction. Anyway, i digress.
Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s brave new world are a helpful way to frame the future dystopia marvel seems to be winking at. Movies are leisure. Not required. We don’t and won’t watch movies by being strapped down to a chair and tools that clamp our eyelids open so we can’t look away from a screen like Alex in a clockwork orange. Marvel doesn’t need to do that to control us. Daddi Micky mouse is not like big brother in 1984 instilling fear in individuals to conform to authoritarian rule. It’ll be more like Huxley’s imagining of a future society gone awry—more chilling, or eerie, at least, than Orwell’s speculative account of an authoritarian surveillance forcing its subject into submission taken to fruition, Marvel is an early manifestation of the subtle and incremental changes Huxley’s brave new world would require to busy the masses not with work or fear or forced submission, but with blissfully ignorant pleasure.
Marvel can’t brainwash a nation in a moment like the videotape in infinite jest either though, but it lays the foundation for priming a society to feel complacent in the narrowing expectations for the range of pleasure and pain one should expect to feel. As long as you have a way to tip the scale just barely to the side of pleasure and keep it hovering there, pain seems to be extinct. Sure, this pleasure can’t be intense and is more of a pleasant ghostly hum that is just enough to be perceptible as something that is “good”, it’s well worth the freedom from ever having to live a moment in pain, whether it’s intractable suffering or a moment of fleeting discomfort of body or mind that can’t be pinpointed to any real cause. Once you have guaranteed pleasure (even if it idles like the engine of a Honda Civic on the street outside your bedroom window) you have no pain and can aggregate a populace of individuals that are united only in being “comfortably numb,” to steal convenient oxymoron from Pink Floyd.
As long as you have the marvel cinematic universe reliably giving you entertainment experiences that elicit no extreme positive or negative entertainment experiences but always just barely enough to be adequate and “good”, you have no incentive to risk your time in any other cinematic universe or even your own reality for that matter, whether a franchise or stand alone indie film or an ambulance and fire trucks speeding by on the street towards a nearby nursing home (that’s so sad and depressing after all and there’s a new episode of “Ms. wandaspiderwidow and the infinity kidney stone inside the corpse of Tony stark and the multiverse of his Ironman suits that hulk can smash open so ant man can crawl up his urethra and get it so Loki and whoever the fuck else doesn’t get it even though they will immediately take it once the avengers assemble when ant man comes out of the dead mans peepee to give to Jeremy fucking renner to protect with his stupid fucking bow and a quill with like fucking 5 or 6 arrows holy fucking shit like what is this nonsense good fucking god we are doomed as a people and deserve to be extinct if this is the shit we are obsessed with fucking FUCK!” That you could enjoy instead of worrying about your meemaw who you think lives there but aren’t completely sure and the firefighters will probably put out the fire anyway so no need to worry about that when you could see if they show Robert Downey Junior’s DONG when Paul rud crawls out in spandex and like a fighter pilot mask thing holding the infinity kidney stone with a CGI raccoon in the background voiced by Bradley Cooper talking shit and making some dick joke that ties in some callback to a post credit scene 7 years ago where Groot was saying I am Groot because he was horny for an ikea plant and got his first tree boner that the raccoon compared to Pinocchio’s nose to keep things nice and pg-13 and this for some reason makes you feel accomplished for comprehending any part of this nonsense and being able to explain this joke to people tomorrow who are trying their best but not a real MCU fan like you). Anyway as i was saying…Jesus Christ…fucking marvel…gonna make us go extinct…
And as long as you have a public with a consistent majority preference for MCU content, no matter how slim, you have no incentive to spend money on movies that aren’t marvels guaranteed box office winners they churn out several times per year. As long as you tolerate a state of submission to this order of mindless ease in viewing movies that are just enough for you to find almost pleasant, you have no incentive to even consider that you’d want something else. Something horribly worse. Something viscerally better than anything you’ve experienced. Marvel is the symbolic gateway drug to the reliable euphoria that is the drug of choice in huxleys brave new world: soma.
Over time marvel will keep refining its MCU delivery mechanism but only when it is guaranteed to tick the pleasure meter a bit further to the right. No creative risks or experimentation. Only slow and steady like the safest stock portfolios that increase in value imperceptibly day to day but can turn a modest initial investment into enormous wealth over several generations of small contributions are added a couple times a year. You know, the ones Warren buffet gets off to watching that line graph move like thick, wet, cream colored paint drying on a wall in a Sexy geriatric dance that is basically not moving at all and just managing to not fall and crash down the stairs.
In this progression, the MCU will grow in increments of identical defecations of content that tastes like shit to audiences that are used to the flavor by now until it tastes more like chocolate ice cream to audiences far in the future. It’ll still be shit of course. It just might taste like ice cream because there is no longer any ice cream being made. People stopped caring about the ice cream when marvel got the runs in a way where you couldnt look away. Then some people licked it and said “hey this is cool we all know what this tastes like and it keeps pooping and i wonder if it will taste better let’s find out” until people forgot they could choose to just go buy an ice cream cone. Ice cream will become extinct and the MCU sewer will suddenly be the next best thing and never fail to deliver that same old taste that gets more and more familiar and comfortable and good enough to not see if there’s anything else to eat besides shit.
Marvel is a media soma prototype. And i fear Huxley is accurate in his eerie prediction of how a society loses its humanity: by oppressing the spirit with eliminating one’s own will to feel anything but constant pleasure. No one forces this but a complacency in one’s spirit to want anything besides the perpetuity of the humming bliss. We become incapable of even considering that we are able to decide we can want something else and seek a different path. Orwell thought we ought to stop our leaders before they forced us to submit to them. Huxley knew that our leaders could simply find a way to create a free public morphine drip for all and give just enough for there to be no withdrawal symptoms while making sure to limit the dosage so no one feels the need to take up a heroin needle because why would you when you feel just exactly right and know you always will. As long as you have soma and distance from the pain of others in lower castes and responsibilities of those in higher castes, you have no incentive to have any issues with this social order.
With marvel, there’s always more content guaranteed to give you just enough pleasure to distract you from any pain you might feel. And then we will forget that pain is the reason we become agents in changing our environment to overcome challenges. Without pain, there’s no need for us to do anything or want anything about our environment to change. So we’ll just escape into marvel content to remain comfortable and complacent and not really care that people pulling the strings at the top of a media monopoly exploited our brain chemistry designed to hunt and gather to ensure a society of placid consumers feel no need to hunt and gather in the modern sense of acting in our own interest. Marvel will have us not even aware that we exist only as consumers to serve the interests of Disney execs who’ve become the de facto rulers and gods of people who they’ve trained to lose the sentience of human nature by making pleasure so available we don’t have a need to be self aware and conscious of our individuality to survive.
Also lol sorry this was crazy long I just took a break from feeding the mice at lab job on a Sunday evening and then got heated after mentioning Tom cruise in my draft for a review of top gun: maverick to post on Letterboxd. I’m heated because he’s the last true superstar actor making sure there’s a space in media for movies that match the scale of marvel releases while not being marvel releases. Marvel has made sure that any possible successors to continue his work have already been swallowed up by the MCU and inseparable from whatever vanilla, sexless, generic, plastic, and manufactured figure in the MCU they’ll be forever associated with and bound to.
Basically, this is my very long way of saying you should go see top gun maverick on imax and savor the fact we get enjoy the end of an era before it’s marvel in movie theaters and then indie movies with budgets no bigger than 5 million dollars that you’ll only be able to find in the last remaining indie theaters or on streaming apps before marvel bullies them into obscurity and off all mainstream streaming services. Film nerds will be harder and harder to find if you want to talk about anything that’s not marvel, while any attempt to convince marvel fans drinking the juice to watch something challenging and original will probably become a bridge burning social taboo where you’re now the weird elitist film snob who thinks you’re better than everyone else that nobody wants to talk to even though you’re just trying to share films you think are truly beneficial to watch because of how they acknowledge and nourish your human spirit. Nothing snobby about that. But it’ll seem snobby if you openly boycott marvel to prioritize watching movies that you think about long after watching them because they’ve tapped into your soul and made ripples in you that take a while to settle before you understand what you’ve learned about yourself and the world from the stories you prefer to watch. Yes, Top Gun: Maverick fucking pulled that off despite it being an action movie where a nearly 60 year old actor got in an F-18 to make sure you could see his cheeks warp with the G forces. IT ALSO STILL HAD A GREAT WEB OF FULLY REALIZED CHARACTERS AND ENORMOUS EMOTIONAL STAKES THAT MADE YOU GIVE A SHIT WHILE WATCHING TOM CRUISE, ONCE AGAIN, PUTTING HIS BODY ON THE LINE FOR US AS HE WILL CONTINUE TO DO UNTIL HE DIES OF NATURAL CAUSES OR DIES PERFORMING A STUNT KNOWING DEEP DOWN THAT HE WILL DIE A HAPPY MAN KNOWING HIS COMMITMENT TO ENTERTAINING AUDIENCES MAKES EVERY ATTEMPT MARVEL MAKES LOOK LESS IMPRESSIVE THAN A SUBWAY SANDWICH YOU NOTICE ON THE SIDEWALK WITH ONLY MAYO AND A SINGLE LETTUCE PIECE ON THE INSIDE WHILE A RAT SNIFFS IT AND WALKS AWAY TI FIND SOMETHING BETTER.
Okay so sorry all done and yes this is obviously very cynical and antagonistic towards marvel fans. I just fear what they’ll do without Tom cruise holding down the fort. And I mean to shit only on marvel and what it’s doing to people, not the people who enjoy marvel, ya know? Most of my loved ones enjoy marvel and I love em! Nothing wrong with you. I honestly enjoyed guardians of the galaxy (though love that Chris’s Pratt is sinking with the Jurassic world ship) I’m more upset and disgusted by what marvel is doing to movie watchers and society on the whole. It’s not the fault of individuals and they are good people. Marvels just exploiting a method of churning out nonsense that can in turn exploit people by lowering expectations for what constitutes a quality movie by making sure anything of quality being made now will be swallowed up by Disney and dry up all the funding for non MCU movies that might be able to make it to the theater. Once that happens, marvel sets the bar for entertainment because nothing else exists that is widely available to the average movie/tv watcher. All done the end god bless Tom cruise as an actor even though he’s probably a lizard person and problematically involved as a celebrity Scientologist that the church/cult uses to legitimize the church of Scientology to cover up the fact that it’s an abusive cult institution.
For now though, I’m loving life in THE DANGER ZONE thx Tom Cruise Ily but chill on the Scientology stuff and see you for MI7 part 1 but don’t die because you can’t leave us hanging without part 2 okay but for real be safe and you’re a real one❤️
Thanks for inspiring me to put my body on the line for rec league softball. I’m sore, but we got that W. All thanks to you.
submitted by condo23 to FuckMarvel [link] [comments]

2022.06.13 09:36 condo23 My Letterboxd review for Top Gun: Maverick turned into a speculative essay about how the MCU will fully take control once Tom Cruise isn’t around to make movies anymore.

Top Gun: Maverick—Review
I’m obsessed with tom cruise. Scientology aside, he is the last remaining auteur of the action genre and concept of the blockbuster. Bear witness now because when he’s gone, we won’t just lose Tom Cruise, we might just lose the concept of film as art housed in the museum of a movie theater completely. Gone are the days of Jaws and summer spectacles that offered the public an original and gripping world to collectively inhabit and feel like the first drop of a roller coaster. Lost in the past with Tom cruise who was the last actor to design new rides for us rather than installing a seesaw in every American home.
This crazy man and his almost concerning commitment to making action movies that are worth paying money for a movie ticket while marvels out there vomiting movies and tv shows onto Disney plus and every possible screen in theaters after intimidating theater chains into not showing smaller indie films so society is trained to equate the movie theater with the dumb multiverse and MCU inside joke circlejerk while any other movie can wait to be seen on your couch when you get caught up on all the marvel television episodes.
Tom cruise is truly the last hope we have for spectacular blockbusters that don’t come from Disney focus groups and marvel algorithms spitting out Christian/military/uncontroversial/profit maximizing/lowest common denominator content for the masses to be just distracted enough to be entertained in the lowest possible form so audiences simply give their leisure time attention to keep falling deeper into a cinematic universe without enough spare time to think or watch anything challenging that might give them a chance to consider that so much of this media monopoly’s content is mediocre trash packed up in a trash bag made of fake gold that seems worth checking out.
Ugh. Tom cruise would never.
He will be the last actor to make real blockbusters. Once he’s gone, only marvel is left and they don’t care if a movie does anything interesting. If it makes all the money, then it’s a blockbuster. They will just lower the bar and movie fans will understand blockbusters to be movies you have to see in a theater not because they are a high quality epic wonder of a story made to be experienced with others , but because the definition of blockbusters will be a movie you have to see because everyone else has collectively agreed to see it and you can’t participate as a movie fan unless you can talk about the Easter eggs without getting them spoiled.
You’re in and a movie person or you’re not participating and will just have to listen to people talk about marvel shit while holding your tongue knowing that any criticism of MCU will be taken as a personal attack on the people who are talking about MCU stuff. It won’t lead to a discussion of what marvel is doing to the publics inability to digest any movies that are trying to challenge an audience or simply just have any interest in seeing an action movie that doesn’t have a cast of superheroes that are developed so vapidly as characters they become flat and emotionless wax and we collectively forget what great acting and palpable chemistry between characters’ looks like and forget that emotional stakes are the reason movies are worth watching.
After Tom cruise, it’ll be daddi Mickey Mouse funding MCU to make sure there are just enough inside jokes and passable CGI spectacles in their AI generated hellscapes to give audiences enough hits of dopamine to keep coming back seeking the high that movies of the past were able to deliver because they offered creative originality in enveloping a viewer in a broad spectrum of emotional states that are as vivid and real as those we feel in our own lives. Marvel realized that they could simply be like the soma everyone takes to remain complacent with dull pleasure and create their own brave new world where they simply design a media environment and culture that dumbs us down enough to forget how to critically think and experience anything but the freely available pleasure.
I’m going to use some literary and cultural examples to frame this argument before they become superfluous when the MCU content generator buries the collected progress in intellectual thought and artistic achievement of Homo sapiens in a technological landslide where our new smartphones’ software updates automatically download every MCU installment because being in cahoots with Disney becomes the way to push any cultural artifact that isn’t MCU to concerns of an illegal dark web when Disney bullies search engines into monitoring and deleting any webpage that could allow you to read some dystopian classics or god forbid have a link to a .jpeg of an impressionist painting that was moved to the storage basement of the art institute decades ago once funding dried up and the museum was forced to close when no one attended the “EVERYTHING MUST GO” art auction. Anyway, i digress.
Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s brave new world are a helpful way to frame the future dystopia marvel seems to be winking at. Movies are leisure. Not required. We don’t and won’t watch movies by being strapped down to a chair and tools that clamp our eyelids open so we can’t look away from a screen like Alex in a clockwork orange. Marvel doesn’t need to do that to control us. Daddi Micky mouse is not like big brother in 1984 instilling fear in individuals to conform to authoritarian rule. It’ll be more like Huxley’s imagining of a future society gone awry—more chilling, or eerie, at least, than Orwell’s speculative account of an authoritarian surveillance forcing its subject into submission taken to fruition, Marvel is an early manifestation of the subtle and incremental changes Huxley’s brave new world would require to busy the masses not with work or fear or forced submission, but with blissfully ignorant pleasure.
Marvel can’t brainwash a nation in a moment like the videotape in infinite jest either though, but it lays the foundation for priming a society to feel complacent in the narrowing expectations for the range of pleasure and pain one should expect to feel. As long as you have a way to tip the scale just barely to the side of pleasure and keep it hovering there, pain seems to be extinct. Sure, this pleasure can’t be intense and is more of a pleasant ghostly hum that is just enough to be perceptible as something that is “good”, it’s well worth the freedom from ever having to live a moment in pain, whether it’s intractable suffering or a moment of fleeting discomfort of body or mind that can’t be pinpointed to any real cause. Once you have guaranteed pleasure (even if it idles like the engine of a Honda Civic on the street outside your bedroom window) you have no pain and can aggregate a populace of individuals that are united only in being “comfortably numb,” to steal convenient oxymoron from Pink Floyd.
As long as you have the marvel cinematic universe reliably giving you entertainment experiences that elicit no extreme positive or negative entertainment experiences but always just barely enough to be adequate and “good”, you have no incentive to risk your time in any other cinematic universe or even your own reality for that matter, whether a franchise or stand alone indie film or an ambulance and fire trucks speeding by on the street towards a nearby nursing home (that’s so sad and depressing after all and there’s a new episode of “Ms. wandaspiderwidow and the infinity kidney stone inside the corpse of Tony stark and the multiverse of his Ironman suits that hulk can smash open so ant man can crawl up his urethra and get it so Loki and whoever the fuck else doesn’t get it even though they will immediately take it once the avengers assemble when ant man comes out of the dead mans peepee to give to Jeremy fucking renner to protect with his stupid fucking bow and a quill with like fucking 5 or 6 arrows holy fucking shit like what is this nonsense good fucking god we are doomed as a people and deserve to be extinct if this is the shit we are obsessed with fucking FUCK!” That you could enjoy instead of worrying about your meemaw who you think lives there but aren’t completely sure and the firefighters will probably put out the fire anyway so no need to worry about that when you could see if they show Robert Downey Junior’s DONG when Paul rud crawls out in spandex and like a fighter pilot mask thing holding the infinity kidney stone with a CGI raccoon in the background voiced by Bradley Cooper talking shit and making some dick joke that ties in some callback to a post credit scene 7 years ago where Groot was saying I am Groot because he was horny for an ikea plant and got his first tree boner that the raccoon compared to Pinocchio’s nose to keep things nice and pg-13 and this for some reason makes you feel accomplished for comprehending any part of this nonsense and being able to explain this joke to people tomorrow who are trying their best but not a real MCU fan like you). Anyway as i was saying…Jesus Christ…fucking marvel…gonna make us go extinct…
And as long as you have a public with a consistent majority preference for MCU content, no matter how slim, you have no incentive to spend money on movies that aren’t marvels guaranteed box office winners they churn out several times per year. As long as you tolerate a state of submission to this order of mindless ease in viewing movies that are just enough for you to find almost pleasant, you have no incentive to even consider that you’d want something else. Something horribly worse. Something viscerally better than anything you’ve experienced. Marvel is the symbolic gateway drug to the reliable euphoria that is the drug of choice in huxleys brave new world: soma.
Over time marvel will keep refining its MCU delivery mechanism but only when it is guaranteed to tick the pleasure meter a bit further to the right. No creative risks or experimentation. Only slow and steady like the safest stock portfolios that increase in value imperceptibly day to day but can turn a modest initial investment into enormous wealth over several generations of small contributions are added a couple times a year. You know, the ones Warren buffet gets off to watching that line graph move like thick, wet, cream colored paint drying on a wall in a Sexy geriatric dance that is basically not moving at all and just managing to not fall and crash down the stairs.
In this progression, the MCU will grow in increments of identical defecations of content that tastes like shit to audiences that are used to the flavor by now until it tastes more like chocolate ice cream to audiences far in the future. It’ll still be shit of course. It just might taste like ice cream because there is no longer any ice cream being made. People stopped caring about the ice cream when marvel got the runs in a way where you couldnt look away. Then some people licked it and said “hey this is cool we all know what this tastes like and it keeps pooping and i wonder if it will taste better let’s find out” until people forgot they could choose to just go buy an ice cream cone. Ice cream will become extinct and the MCU sewer will suddenly be the next best thing and never fail to deliver that same old taste that gets more and more familiar and comfortable and good enough to not see if there’s anything else to eat besides shit.
Marvel is a media soma prototype. And i fear Huxley is accurate in his eerie prediction of how a society loses its humanity: by oppressing the spirit with eliminating one’s own will to feel anything but constant pleasure. No one forces this but a complacency in one’s spirit to want anything besides the perpetuity of the humming bliss. We become incapable of even considering that we are able to decide we can want something else and seek a different path. Orwell thought we ought to stop our leaders before they forced us to submit to them. Huxley knew that our leaders could simply find a way to create a free public morphine drip for all and give just enough for there to be no withdrawal symptoms while making sure to limit the dosage so no one feels the need to take up a heroin needle because why would you when you feel just exactly right and know you always will. As long as you have soma and distance from the pain of others in lower castes and responsibilities of those in higher castes, you have no incentive to have any issues with this social order.
With marvel, there’s always more content guaranteed to give you just enough pleasure to distract you from any pain you might feel. And then we will forget that pain is the reason we become agents in changing our environment to overcome challenges. Without pain, there’s no need for us to do anything or want anything about our environment to change. So we’ll just escape into marvel content to remain comfortable and complacent and not really care that people pulling the strings at the top of a media monopoly exploited our brain chemistry designed to hunt and gather to ensure a society of placid consumers feel no need to hunt and gather in the modern sense of acting in our own interest. Marvel will have us not even aware that we exist only as consumers to serve the interests of Disney execs who’ve become the de facto rulers and gods of people who they’ve trained to lose the sentience of human nature by making pleasure so available we don’t have a need to be self aware and conscious of our individuality to survive.
Also lol sorry this was crazy long I just took a break from feeding the mice at lab job on a Sunday evening and then got heated after mentioning Tom cruise in my draft for a review of top gun: maverick to post on Letterboxd. I’m heated because he’s the last true superstar actor making sure there’s a space in media for movies that match the scale of marvel releases while not being marvel releases. Marvel has made sure that any possible successors to continue his work have already been swallowed up by the MCU and inseparable from whatever vanilla, sexless, generic, plastic, and manufactured figure in the MCU they’ll be forever associated with and bound to.
Basically, this is my very long way of saying you should go see top gun maverick on imax and savor the fact we get enjoy the end of an era before it’s marvel in movie theaters and then indie movies with budgets no bigger than 5 million dollars that you’ll only be able to find in the last remaining indie theaters or on streaming apps before marvel bullies them into obscurity and off all mainstream streaming services. Film nerds will be harder and harder to find if you want to talk about anything that’s not marvel, while any attempt to convince marvel fans drinking the juice to watch something challenging and original will probably become a bridge burning social taboo where you’re now the weird elitist film snob who thinks you’re better than everyone else that nobody wants to talk to even though you’re just trying to share films you think are truly beneficial to watch because of how they acknowledge and nourish your human spirit. Nothing snobby about that. But it’ll seem snobby if you openly boycott marvel to prioritize watching movies that you think about long after watching them because they’ve tapped into your soul and made ripples in you that take a while to settle before you understand what you’ve learned about yourself and the world from the stories you prefer to watch. Yes, Top Gun: Maverick fucking pulled that off despite it being an action movie where a nearly 60 year old actor got in an F-18 to make sure you could see his cheeks warp with the G forces. IT ALSO STILL HAD A GREAT WEB OF FULLY REALIZED CHARACTERS AND ENORMOUS EMOTIONAL STAKES THAT MADE YOU GIVE A SHIT WHILE WATCHING TOM CRUISE, ONCE AGAIN, PUTTING HIS BODY ON THE LINE FOR US AS HE WILL CONTINUE TO DO UNTIL HE DIES OF NATURAL CAUSES OR DIES PERFORMING A STUNT KNOWING DEEP DOWN THAT HE WILL DIE A HAPPY MAN KNOWING HIS COMMITMENT TO ENTERTAINING AUDIENCES MAKES EVERY ATTEMPT MARVEL MAKES LOOK LESS IMPRESSIVE THAN A SUBWAY SANDWICH YOU NOTICE ON THE SIDEWALK WITH ONLY MAYO AND A SINGLE LETTUCE PIECE ON THE INSIDE WHILE A RAT SNIFFS IT AND WALKS AWAY TI FIND SOMETHING BETTER.
Okay so sorry all done and yes this is obviously very cynical and antagonistic towards marvel fans. I just fear what they’ll do without Tom cruise holding down the fort. And I mean to shit only on marvel and what it’s doing to people, not the people who enjoy marvel, ya know? Most of my loved ones enjoy marvel and I love em! Nothing wrong with you. I honestly enjoyed guardians of the galaxy (though love that Chris’s Pratt is sinking with the Jurassic world ship) I’m more upset and disgusted by what marvel is doing to movie watchers and society on the whole. It’s not the fault of individuals and they are good people. Marvels just exploiting a method of churning out nonsense that can in turn exploit people by lowering expectations for what constitutes a quality movie by making sure anything of quality being made now will be swallowed up by Disney and dry up all the funding for non MCU movies that might be able to make it to the theater. Once that happens, marvel sets the bar for entertainment because nothing else exists that is widely available to the average movie/tv watcher. All done the end god bless Tom cruise as an actor even though he’s probably a lizard person and problematically involved as a celebrity Scientologist that the church/cult uses to legitimize the church of Scientology to cover up the fact that it’s an abusive cult institution.
For now though, I’m loving life in THE DANGER ZONE thx Tom Cruise Ily but chill on the Scientology stuff and see you for MI7 part 1 but don’t die because you can’t leave us hanging without part 2 okay but for real be safe and you’re a real one❤️
Thanks for inspiring me to put my body on the line for rec league softball. I’m sore, but we got that W. All thanks to you.
submitted by condo23 to TrueFilm [link] [comments]

2022.01.07 22:20 Madammystic So Much On Small Shoulders

So much weighs on these small shoulders at five five and 108 pounds I carry the wieght of the world
my community spits on me my family turns their back my partners run my government would love if I never left my cell even if it is my home they and coroporations censor my words and tell me not to speak pressuring us all to fit in their collared world
Quiet woman thats what we desire a quiet woman who bends to mans will who bows and kneels and kisses the ring whos vision will never come to fruition because the world has deamed me and my needs unworthy and I can stand in my power for as long as I can but when millions are pushing down on one how can one stand
when theres no helping hand just hard dicks to stab you in the back and woman to pretend to care and the rejection and denials bear down you start to wonder is anyone even there or am I just a figment in their imaginations a ghost floating through the air the girl you wouldn't want to be that you love gawking at and running away from
I'm a leopard in a cage far far away from anything that makes sense to me and I'm dying to hit the road and run to break these chains and find a world that accepts me
so long I have dreamed since filling my suitcase barely able to walk and heading away a few blocks it seams there will be no escape and wheather I like it or not I will live and die in a world that rejects me at my core at my source and somehow I have to keep going for you cause lord knows this isn't for me for the living dead can not die and it seams we are hear to expose the hyporcracy and lies
call me a critic I'm a cold hard cynic from mold infested housing and 3 dollar wages from don't be who you are or challange the norm sit on your hands be still child get fat and content eat this chemical food and swollow these pills
and I'm the one whose wondering wtf is this real is this the world we all created together as one because man if it is I must be the one they made to push out
Like a baby I could scream and the room would be silent looking for the reason we let the needy cry and refuse to listen to why so if you ever thought the world had your back I'm sorry for that because it will kick you and cut you down to use you as a stepping stone
so be hard get harder watch and listen twice as much as you speak. humans are dangerous men and women alike what in the hell has this earth become concrete and grey toxic and dreary dreadful and stressful violent and hate filled
Where did the love and respect go? What happened to make us all so hateful? Because I see land I see resources and I see potential I see what could be but the reality and the current minset its daunting and haunting but I'm looking hopefully we will all find better ways and open the gates to a brighter world not compartmentalized privatized cut off boxes but networks of towers that grow with the earth and transport systems that flow like blood lines to tie us all together to buildings that produce for the future man a girl can dream with my head in the clouds I keep on keeping on and thats all I can do as I walk through a world that feels a lot like hell baren dark wasteful hateful violent and dangerous as fuck where are the gardens the lovers galore the naked souls frolicing the music echoing through the air where are the rainbows being tossed up everywhere where oh where can humans still live in extacsy unsactioned by society I prayed for the garden of earthly delights and I'm recieving Orwells 1984 its alarmingly tragic that the better world is in my head not in my reality.
and as hard as I try to hold on the weight of the world has me hanging on by a thread I am a restricted human being my spirit being squeezed out of my body constricting my existance my eyes they are wide my hands are callaoused my groin ripped my throat has holes in it my spine is steel my flesh cut and burned my feet bound this is the way of the world my friends this is a tough ride. I walk on with heavy strides. breathing deeply I take it all in and it breaks me down. breathing out I let it go. I know I am just one human but somehow I wonder if I can fix everything Someway somehow I hope we all try
submitted by Madammystic to Poems [link] [comments]

2022.01.07 22:14 Madammystic So Much On Small Shoulders

So much weighs on these small shoulders at five five and 108 pounds I carry the wieght of the world
my community spits on me my family turns their back my partners run my government would love if I never left my cell even if it is my home they and coroporations censor my words and tell me not to speak pressuring us all to fit in their collared world
Quiet woman thats what we desire a quiet woman who bends to mans will who bows and kneels and kisses the ring whos vision will never come to fruition because the world has deamed me and my needs unworthy and I can stand in my power for as long as I can but when millions are pushing down on one how can one stand
when theres no helping hand just hard dicks to stab you in the back and woman to pretend to care and the rejection and denials bear down you start to wonder is anyone even there or am I just a figment in their imaginations a ghost floating through the air the girl you wouldn't want to be that you love gawking at and running away from
I'm a leopard in a cage far far away from anything that makes sense to me and I'm dying to hit the road and run to break these chains and find a world that accepts me
so long I have dreamed since filling my suitcase barely able to walk and heading away a few blocks it seams there will be no escape and wheather I like it or not I will live and die in a world that rejects me at my core at my source and somehow I have to keep going for you cause lord knows this isn't for me for the living dead can not die and it seams we are hear to expose the hyporcracy and lies
call me a critic I'm a cold hard cynic from mold infested housing and 3 dollar wages from don't be who you are or challange the norm sit on your hands be still child get fat and content eat this chemical food and swollow these pills
and I'm the one whose wondering wtf is this real is this the world we all created together as one because man if it is I must be the one they made to push out
Like a baby I could scream and the room would be silent looking for the reason we let the needy cry and refuse to listen to why so if you ever thought the world had your back I'm sorry for that because it will kick you and cut you down to use you as a stepping stone
so be hard get harder watch and listen twice as much as you speak. humans are dangerous men and women alike what in the hell has this earth become concrete and grey toxic and dreary dreadful and stressful violent and hate filled
Where did the love and respect go? What happened to make us all so hateful? Because I see land I see resources and I see potential I see what could be but the reality and the current minset its daunting and haunting but I'm looking hopefully we will all find better ways and open the gates to a brighter world not compartmentalized privatized cut off boxes but networks of towers that grow with the earth and transport systems that flow like blood lines to tie us all together to buildings that produce for the future man a girl can dream with my head in the clouds I keep on keeping on and thats all I can do as I walk through a world that feels a lot like hell baren dark wasteful hateful violent and dangerous as fuck where are the gardens the lovers galore the naked souls frolicing the music echoing through the air where are the rainbows being tossed up everywhere where oh where can humans still live in extacsy unsactioned by society I prayed for the garden of earthly delights and I'm recieving Orwells 1984 its alarmingly tragic that the better world is in my head not in my reality.
and as hard as I try to hold on the weight of the world has me hanging on by a thread I am a restricted human being my spirit being squeezed out of my body constricting my existance my eyes they are wide my hands are callaoused my groin ripped my throat has holes in it my spine is steel my flesh cut and burned my feet bound this is the way of the world my friends this is a tough ride. I walk on with heavy strides. breathing deeply I take it all in and it breaks me down. breathing out I let it go. I know I am just one human but somehow I wonder if I can fix everything Someway somehow I hope we all try
submitted by Madammystic to Poem [link] [comments]

2022.01.07 22:10 Madammystic So Much On My Shoulders

So much weighs on these small shoulders at five five and 108 pounds I carry the wieght of the world
my community spits on me my family turns their back my partners run my government would love if I never left my cell even if it is my home they and coroporations censor my words and tell me not to speak pressuring us all to fit in their collared world
Quiet woman thats what we desire a quiet woman who bends to mans will who bows and kneels and kisses the ring whos vision will never come to fruition because the world has deamed me and my needs unworthy and I can stand in my power for as long as I can but when millions are pushing down on one how can one stand
when theres no helping hand just hard dicks to stab you in the back and woman to pretend to care and the rejection and denials bear down you start to wonder is anyone even there or am I just a figment in their imaginations a ghost floating through the air the girl you wouldn't want to be that you love gawking at and running away from
I'm a leopard in a cage far far away from anything that makes sense to me and I'm dying to hit the road and run to break these chains and find a world that accepts me
so long I have dreamed since filling my suitcase barely able to walk and heading away a few blocks it seams there will be no escape and wheather I like it or not I will live and die in a world that rejects me at my core at my source and somehow I have to keep going for you cause lord knows this isn't for me for the living dead can not die and it seams we are hear to expose the hyporcracy and lies
call me a critic I'm a cold hard cynic from mold infested housing and 3 dollar wages from don't be who you are or challange the norm sit on your hands be still child get fat and content eat this chemical food and swollow these pills
and I'm the one whose wondering wtf is this real is this the world we all created together as one because man if it is I must be the one they made to push out
Like a baby I could scream and the room would be silent looking for the reason we let the needy cry and refuse to listen to why so if you ever thought the world had your back I'm sorry for that because it will kick you and cut you down to use you as a stepping stone
so be hard get harder watch and listen twice as much as you speak. humans are dangerous men and women alike what in the hell has this earth become concrete and grey toxic and dreary dreadful and stressful violent and hate filled
Where did the love and respect go? What happened to make us all so hateful? Because I see land I see resources and I see potential I see what could be but the reality and the current minset its daunting and haunting but I'm looking hopefully we will all find better ways and open the gates to a brighter world not compartmentalized privatized cut off boxes but networks of towers that grow with the earth and transport systems that flow like blood lines to tie us all together to buildings that produce for the future man a girl can dream with my head in the clouds I keep on keeping on and thats all I can do as I walk through a world that feels a lot like hell baren dark wasteful hateful violent and dangerous as fuck where are the gardens the lovers galore the naked souls frolicing the music echoing through the air where are the rainbows being tossed up everywhere where oh where can humans still live in extacsy unsactioned by society I prayed for the garden of earthly delights and I'm recieving Orwells 1984 its alarmingly tragic that the better world is in my head not in my reality.
and as hard as I try to hold on the weight of the world has me hanging on by a thread I am a restricted human being my spirit being squeezed out of my body constricting my existance my eyes they are wide my hands are callaoused my groin ripped my throat has holes in it my spine is steel my flesh cut and burned my feet bound this is the way of the world my friends this is a tough ride. I walk on with heavy strides. breathing deeply I take it all in and it breaks me down. breathing out I let it go. I know I am just one human but somehow I wonder if I can fix everything Someway somehow I hope we all try
submitted by Madammystic to justpoetry [link] [comments]

2021.10.05 23:59 500scnds [Table] r/China — Just got out of ten months of Chinese prison AMA pt 1/2


For proper formatting, please use Old Reddit

The AMA was halted with the following message:
Naptime! I'll be back.
Rows: ~70
Questions Answers
Hi everyone! Do note OP is shadowbanned by the admins so won't be able to reply without us (the mods) approving each post, this means there may be a bit of delay between OP replying and you being able to see it. As for the shadowbans, we've been seeing a lot more genuine users being shadowbanned recently - I think it's due to the influx of spam and the Reddit filters being a lot more ban-happy. _______________________ nice tactic lol whats the point of his ama then the speed of this AMA will reflect the speed of communication between within the prison and without. just so yall can get the whole experience
What's chinese jail like compared to american jail? You share a cell with 20-40 people. The jail cell is 4 meters wide by 10 meters long. There is an "outside cell" of equivalent size in the daytime (locked at night) for eating and showering and manually washing your clothes (note, it's up to 35 celsius and 100% humidity in the summers in southern China). No, there wasn't AC, though they promised to turn it on later.
Sharing a cell with so many people in such a small cell means there's literally not enough space for you to sleep shoulder to shoulder. When I got in, I had to sleep with my head in a cubby hole (not even two feet wide, a foot in height) with a pair of feet right next to it.
You also cannot initiate contact with the outside except for sending letters which takes forever. No phone calls, no visits from family or friends. This was probably the worst part of it all.
And you watch Chinese propaganda TV and repetitive kung fu soap operas instead of Hollywood films... although they did play Hercules once...
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That's awful. Did you or anyone contact your embassy? Did they offer any help? Yes, so the first thing the detention center does is contact the consulate/embassy to inform that a citizen has been arrested. A rep from the US consulate visited every month with letters from family/friends, etc. But they were very clear: they could not provide any legal advice nor get involved with the criminal justice process.
It's funny because cellmates were all hyped up and encouraging me to hustle the US embassy to get better treatment, better food, better etc, because the US just had that kind of leverage in China back in the day. And everyone thought they still did. But not anymore... the US reps brought me English magazines several times and the detention center refused to bring them even in. It reflected the deterioration of US-China relations as well as just growing Chinese confidence/power. Almost two months after my trial, the consulate rep came to visit me and I was like, dog, can you ask or something, what's going on, when do I get my sentence? And he was like, we did, but you know, they said they're just going through the process. I'm like, you can't do anything? He was like, I'm sorry...
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How long have you been in China? You didn't have any friends or relations who could speak/pull strings for you? This seems like a very minor charge that would usually be easily resolved. It really sounds like you got treated like a clueless peasant who is in the city for the first time.. Great question. Getting political here: 1) As an HK PAmerican citizen, I was definitely the last guy they were going to let off the hook. The Shenzhen police/paramilitary had been in action in HK for a while. I got a lot of "Oh, you think you're from HK?" and "Don't think you're special because you're an American - you know you're Chinese in your blood and nothing will change that fact." I think they were messing with me on purpose. (In fact, the warden-to-be/deputy warden of our detention center had led a special tactics in Hong Kong against the protestors there - our prison guard told us this in warning - don't effing mess around - you'll ruin my reputation, and you'll get the wrath of God on your head, basically). They definitely weren't going to let me off, if anyone.
2) We thought it was such a minor charge that we didn't even look for relations at the beginning, but they had already chosen to levy criminal detention and the prosecutor had arrested me within 10 days of my detention. There was no time for a turnaround.
3) Shenzhen is an official "testing site" city for a lot of legal reforms. And these developments while I was inside. If you can read Chinese: (City under the Rule of Law - on the Shenzhen Municipal Website - Sep 2020) and (Justice System Assisting Shenzhen in Becoming a Testing Site for Overall Reforms - Guangdong Provincial DOJ - October 2020). It might be the strictest city in China. Someone I knew got off the hook in three other cities in other provinces for the same case, but wasn't able to leverage his guanxi/relations in Shenzhen. In a way, I was just really unlucky.
And your question and my answer just goes to show the sheer incoherence/inconsistency of the Chinese legal system. The absolute rule of law that Xi Jinping has been emphasizing - yes, because each law is so wide and open to interpretation that it's so easy to enforce - because the rights of interpretation lie with you, of course.
Look at the criminal code in China. So many crimes have potential sentences ranging from 0 to 10 years - i.e., 3 years and under for committing the crime, 3-7 years for committing the crime with serious consequences, and 7-10 years for especially seriously consequences. There's no appendages or corollaries. Well, this just results in a lot of seriously arbitrary decisions.
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So the rumours that undercover People's Armed Police were actually involved in the HK protests are true? I mean, that's what our prison guard (def a vet at the prison) directly told us in the cell. I was surprised that he was that frank about it. But I think generally, it's pretty much an open secret in Shenzhen amongst politically aware people by this point.
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How about the rumors that undercover cops would pretend to be rioters to stir up more violence so that cops could legally use more force to clamp down on them? Didn't hear anything about that while I was in there. I mean, it's possible for sure
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They werent rumours, they were proven by the thousands of weibo accounts that talk about being trucked into HK to put down a violent US sponsored riots peaceful protest for democracy. ________________ Today is 21 years since the handover of Hong Kong. I guess that back in 1997, nobody would ever have imagined that China's patience would only last for 23 years before One Country, Two Systems came crashing down It was all part of the plan. Most of China's agreements are temporary - basically stalling for time and building up power in the meantime - to be flung off when they have can. Other countries need to understand this strategy.
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You mention being HK/American, so I'm making an assumption here, but do you think you would have been treated differently, either by the legal system or by your guards/inmates, had you been a white or black American? I think being HK was a big part of it. Most Chinese people in China see identity primarily in terms of race and not nationality, so I would have been treated more as a foreigner as a white/black American - but also not been held up to the same standards an "American Chinese" - not the way around - should be as primarily Chinese. There were some people who really just looked at me as a traitor for knowing more about general American culture than I did Chinese culture.
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just quick question, are you Asian or white? Do you think they treat different races differently there? Asian. Well, there was a dark-skinned dude from a SE Asian country. They didn't treat him too well. They probably treat white people better - it's like so built into their psyche by now (though not everyone, of course).
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I feel this is a common misconception from foreigners in China who are full of unwarranted bravado. I know "xx", he'll save me. In this situation there aren't many people who are going to risk their own ass to bail you out. Not after you allegedly assaulted a cop. Maybe your family but to anyone else you aren't worth the hassle. Those are serious charges in China. I feel your best bet in this case would be to plead ignorance, apologize profusely and settle it with the officer before he charges you. Bribing a small town cop might set you back 10k rambos, now imagine how much an entire department or judges would take to bribe. Copious amounts of money. It's a lot riskier to "pull strings" these days so you need to make it worthwhile. He was honestly screwed after they went ahead with charging him. Every part of your analysis is 100% on point. I tried, but we couldn't get a hold of the officer b/c the police station wanted a cut too, and we were not down with that ish. I apologized profusely multiple times, but it didn't help, b/c like you said I was screwed after the charge, which came super quick.
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How did you know the police station wanted a cut? Where they explicitly asking? Or did they drop hints? Just wondering how something like this goes down… It's all very part of the lingo/culture. They never explicitly ask - but they we can definitely help, it's not a big problem, but then they leave that hanging ellipsis...
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China is rule by law, if the law says its bad then you're going to prison; doesn't matter if you actually did it or not. Rule of law is a foreign concept to the CCP. This kind of Rule of Law is from the Legalist (法家) tradition dating back to Lord Shang and Han Fei Zi (if anyone wants to understand XJP, you NEED to read HFZ). It's utilitarian and anti-Confucian in its origins and opposed to the ideas of morals - instead using Taoist semantics at one point to prove the point that everything is ever shifting, black-and-white at the same time, and thus the ruler needs no morals. It's some scary stuff - but it also calls for the Rule of Law on the ruler's own terms.
What does not shift is the system of punishments and rewards. You break the law, you get punished - you don't do what you promised, you get punished. This was reflected so often in my experience - so at one point they removed all detergent from the cell and kept in a bucket outside - we could only get a couple bottles at a time - because they were afraid someone might try to poison themselves, etc. (I don't even know how a person could physically eat a few bags of laundry powder, but anyway). The Rule of Law is supposed to cause ultra-paranoia like that. And that is what XJP is aiming for. He's so scared of upheaval that he needs everyone around him to be more paranoid than he is - that is the only way he can guarantee that they're not going to pull another Bo Xilai or Zhou Yongkang. The Rule of Law: Paranoia through Power.
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Er well yes. What i mean generally is that OP could have cleared everything off when it involved just a couple of cops at most. It's a lot riskier to "pull strings" these days so you need to make it worthwhile. He was honestly screwed after they went ahead with charging him. Well not always though. It would of course cost quite a bit more and require some influence to be brought but its not too difficult to avoid going to jail. There will probably be some official punishment but nothing too serious (aka a fine). But OP doesn't seem to fall into the category of people who can afford the latter. That said, i seriously doubt what OP is telling is the whole unvarnished truth...i.e i'm pretty sure he probably did but maybe did not remember touching that cop who got injured. Dawg, I have body cam videos, an hour in length each, from three different cops. I mean when they (there were six cops surrounding at that point) body-slammed me to the ground, and when all of them blocked out the footage, I did resist. That's where the scratches/mild injuries come from. But I mean, number 1, it's not on footage because they were being much more violent to me than vice versa. And number 2, it's not on footage. It's also just a drunk dude flailing when he has six cops on top of him. That doesn't warrant ten months.
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So can you get back at them by detailing your experience with a news outlet? I'm sure some would report this. Yea, I can. But I feel like the true vitriol should be directed toward the people doing this en masse in Xinjiang, and the people who want to "liberate" Taiwan and even "destroy it so the Taiwanese don't have a home and because the mainland doesn't need it anyway," all my cellmates from Canton/Guangdong province who glued their eyes to the screen a classic HK movie came on but then would sh*t on Hong Kong every chance they got - one told me, "I never went to HK after the protests but before I would speak Mandarin to them every time I went shopping because I enjoyed watching them struggle." Same dude, btw, has pretty bad, accented Mandarin, and spent a lot of time showing his knowledge of HK celebrity gossip.
I mean I just did ten months and obviously prison is a very certain subset of people but I was just thinking the whole time... the way a lot of these folks think... doesn't bode well for the world in the shadow of China's rise. XJP just said in his 100th anniversary speech that "the Chinese nation does not carry aggressive or hegemonic traits in its genes." He says, "We have never bullied, oppressed, or subjugated the people of any other country, and we never will." I hope so, but that's not what the nine-dash-line says. That's not what I was hearing from some belligerent cellmates - one of them came up in my face every evening after the CCTV evening news reported on US COVID deaths and just laugh at how "America is doomed." That's not the contempt in their voices when they talk about "small countries" - Thailand, Cambodia, Little Japan, Little Taiwan, France. Another dude: "Why doesn't China just take over all these small countries in Southeast Asia? If I was president I would just conquer all of them."
I mean, I gotta get off the soapbox, but damn.
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What brought about the original body slam? I drunkenly swung at the cop with my hands though I didn't make contact. I mean, I had it coming, but not that's not "violent assault."
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When I was in for 2 weeks for expiring my visa, the police FORGOT to call the embassy! My family back home worried about me after not hearing from me for 2 weeks, and they went through the state dept. They searched hospitals and everything to find me. When they finally found me, I think it was more of a reminder to the police to follow their own rules and let me go after the agreed upon 2 weeks. I too was given a magazine. An outdated Entertainment Weekly. LOL! I'm like wtf you want me to do with this? Anyway, on your last part, china does have a very lengthy process for everything. No changing that. Sometimes I question the point of the US. The dream is gone back home, and the govt foreign relations sucks so bad that people abroad get harassed and taxed through the ass. That sucks man. That period between "the disappearance" and when you finally get some word from family, indirectly or directly, is heart attack inducing. Seriously. The US doesn't have much clout within China anymore, for sure. But that's also what China's been aiming for all along. XJP's speech today reflects what I experienced vis-a-vis the consulate/detention center. But then again, at least they're visiting me almost once-a-month, etc. I dunno if the Chinese equivalents in the States would even do that.
Did you get legal representation? Yes. Though it didn't really make a difference - unless the lawyer is tight with a judge and you have the moolah to leverage that. Many cellmates just choose to skip the lawyer and do the PD option (which the system provides).
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Was your lawyer hesitant to represent foreigners? No, that firm specialized in foreigners. No, and he didn't even try get me to believe the judge was impartial, just got me to apologize and "plead down" to the minimum sentence.
What was the most shocking or enlightening part of your experience? Another surprising thing was just in general, how much more nationalistic the younger folks were compared to the the older folks. A lot of pissing on the US, cheering and mocking as the death toll in the US from COVID went up (the CCTV evening news broadcasted the US COVID stats EVERY NIGHT), and laughing at the fall of Hong Kong. Of course, you had a few really patriotic types among the older folk too, but definitely more younger folk as proportion. Some of the older folk would almost just look among themselves and be like SMH.
I feel like it's always a bad sign when the younger generation is more nationalistic than the older generation... means society is going in one crazy kind of direction...
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I guess that makes sense right? The older folks (I’m assuming you’re referring to people in their 30s/40s or older) would have some idea of what CCP does to its people a la Tiananmen Massacre. But the party has really drilled down Chinese patriotism since then. And particularly in the Xi era. Kinda nice to hear that not everyone is blindly nationalistic and eating up the propaganda though. I guess it does make sense. I guess I always expect young people to be more "liberal" in a very general sense of the term, having grown up in California and spent time in TW/HK as well (though young people there are very nationalistic as well - in an opposing direction, obviously). But the success of the Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China is categorical. Props.
But it is scary... they played a drama on the Korean War (the war called the Resisting USA, Helping Chosun in Chinese) and devoted two whole episodes to the black dude who defected to China and lived there for many years after. I mean, I get where he's coming from, but the portrayal was just hilarious. They also call American troops "美国鬼子 - American devils" throughout the drama - like "日本鬼子 - Japanese devils" - a very strong and derogatory term in China, comparing anyone to the Japanese. And historically inaccurate - that term was just never used. Here's the episode where a lot of it happens - some of the dialogue in English:
Afterwards, a dude comes up to me and asks me, if China and the States got into a war, which side I would support. I avoided that kind of question like the plague.
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"If your two sons started fighting each other, who would you support?" It would depend on who started it. The censorship of Google... the theft of Siemens HSR key technologies...
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Based on your observations, would you believe that younger people in China would be more liberal in certain non-political issues, like same-sex marriage or women’s rights? Is there a strong association between “supporting CCP” and “anti-lgbt” for example? I don't feel like the majority of younger men are much more liberal even on non-political issues, but younger women are for sure. There's not a strong correlation. There's a lot of upper-middle class people in the cities who have made it financially and thus support the CCP but hold liberal social views at the same time. The Bloomberg Democrat. But obviously there's a subset which is super nationalistic/chauvinistic/socially conservative at the some time, so it could go either way.
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I’m not OP but I think younger people associate “supporting CCP” with “patriotic”. The unspoken CCP stance on many things like lgbt for example is “don’t make it a political movement”, which is why younger people are more ambivalent compared to those in the west about pressing for awareness and change. Keep in mind that the CCP is very pro-reform… as long as it reforms in its favor. Yea, I got into it in another post somewhere in this chaos, but the CCP has been trying to equate the state with the party with the Chinese nation. Many youngsters can't actively differentiate between being Chinese/China/the Party - and that's one of the biggest victories the Party has won up to this point. Not many political parties can boast that.
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Fuck. Patriotic education really worked, didn't it? It really did. Like, I'm almost impressed if it wasn't that scary. You have people (just a couple, albeit) tearing up watching a re-run of the 70th anniversary military parade, while they've been imprisoned (one of them for this new retroactive law that reached years back) by the same system. It's impressive.
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I finally get why the CCP is fine sacrificing so much economic growth in keeping up the GFW. They have the mother of all rackets going. Can't let the hamsters look outside the pen. "现在对中国人说要他去争自由,他们便不明白,不情愿来附和,但是对他说要请他去发财,便有很多人要跟上来.” (Saying to the Chinese now that he wants to pursue freedom, they won't understand nor join, but if you want to invite them to make money, many people will join.) - Sun Yat-Sen
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Kinda reads like something out of a dystopian novel… like 1984. I was curious so I looked it up. Apparently “1984” search is impacted, but the book itself may not be banned. Which is interesting since it feels like a straight up manual for CCP that people reading it would make the connection. But maybe it just goes over people’s heads… or it’s seen as a good thing. But recently they have been doing a library purge of books, which would include 1984: >A directive from the Ministry of Education last October called on elementary and middle schools to clear out books from their libraries including “illegal” and “inappropriate” works. Lol, “Ministry of Education” More from the Reuters article: >“This is the first movement targeted at libraries since the Cultural Revolution,” said Wu Qiang, a political analyst based in Beijing and former political science lecturer at Tsinghua University. In the late 1960s, zealous teenagers driven by Mao Zedong carried out a nationwide campaign targeting libraries and destroying or burning what they could get their hands on, as part of a wider destruction of traditional culture. >The ministry directive did not list titles, but said illegal books are those “that damage the unity of the country, sovereignty or its territory; books that upset society’s order and damage societal stability; books that violate the Party’s guidelines and policies, smear or defame the Party, the country’s leaders and heroes.” >”Our school has taken concrete action to cultivate a virtuous youth, and has raised the quality of our library books one step further.” That's funny and crazy. So, first, my lawyer was able to bring in a bilingual version of Animal Farm. I was amazed - this is so close to China in the Cultural Revolution/before the economic miracle that... how is that even allowed.
I've always been thinking: the way China conducts its domestic affairs is so much like 1984 that it's like they follow it. Maybe they really do.
Clamping down on intellectuals/universities also goes further:
Fudan and Nanjing Universities:
Nanjing Normal University:
Professors in General:
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There is a Uyghur translation of Animal Farm, but I imagine it may be a lot more difficult to find these days. But as for the rest of China, I imagine that they might defend the book on the basis that it's about the Soviet Union. It seems to be okay to criticize the Soviet Union's version of Communism, as long as you make it clear that you're not saying anything about the Maoist variety. That said... I do remember an anecdote. One of my teachers in high school, an American, was able to study in the Soviet Union for part of her graduate education. She noticed that in the 1970s at least, you could get a Russian translation of Animal Farm. When she asked about it, she was told that it was considered a well-written children's story. The person she was speaking with seemed oblivious - or at least, was very good at strategically acting oblivious - that there was any political subtext at all. Yea, it very much reflected what China used to be like, but I think the economic miracle of recent years in China contradicts Orwell's conclusion that an authoritarian/lying kind of government will lead to economic ruin and chaos, and that China actually sees that as a victory over the Western conception over the last few centuries that if liberalization doesn't happen, China will fail just like the USSR did.
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the hong kong part made me sad It made me astounded/sad too. They were culture vultures for everything old school Hong Kong - food, celebrities, Cantopop, Stephen Chow, all that - but then when it came to politics or the economy of Hong Kong... "Shenzhen's GDP is way past Hong Kong's. Hong Kong is already in the past." It wasn't really stating the fact, just the contempt with which they said it.
It reminds me of when many rich white people used to consume black music (jazz, Ray Charles, Billie Holiday) - shuffle up from the UES to the Apollo for a date - but then be absolutely oppressive in their day-to-day dealings and their racial politics. I mean, it still happens today, but it had me feeling some type of way.
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Can't remember where I read this article, which said to ultra nationalism instilled in some of its youth today (who will become leaders in the future) = regardless of whether CCP collapse or whatever, invading Taiwan or doing something unexpected belligerent i.e invade Vietnam, may become even more likely? also should it fail, then it's even possible that they may try again (but learn what went wrong the first time and go even more belligerent) think Germany losing WW1, only to try again with WW2. if anyone can find the article I'd be grateful (it was either from the Diplomat or the Atlantic?) ​​The more desperate the CCP/Xi gets, the more likely it will be to do something radical to unite the population, like attacking Taiwan.
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Another time, we were asked to return our pens not even by the cops, just by one of the "cell heads." He gave some reason that they posed a threat and danger to other inmates (despite the fact that there were no fights to start with in the first place). We had bought them ourselves, with our own money. No one said a word, and people just started going to their cubby holes and bringing the pens up top. I was like...
But again, the party apparatus is all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful. But is that only because people were so complacent in the first place? Hmm...
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Did you comply with the "Pen Abolishment Edict"? What would have happened if you hid your pen? Yes, I did, but I was close to the "Abolishers" and thus gradually wormed my way out of it and led others to gradually do the same. That kind of erosive resistance did a lot for a lot of people.
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During those 2 hour mandatory cross legged meditation sessions..did you have to listen to propaganda or were left to your own thoughts? Personally I would spend 4 hours a day meditating anyways if I was in prison, but having to listen to propaganda would be tortuous. So it varies between prison and cell. The first joint I was in, for three months, just played propaganda all the time, but the second prison would play TV shows, etc. You can meditate if you want. Some cells let you read books during this "meditation" time, some don't. It's really arbitrary. I was lucky to be in one that did for the majority of my time (six months), though the other cells mostly didn't.
Will you continue to live in China after this? Did you get a fair trial? Well, it's not my choice as I was deported. There were no terms given with the deportation (I did not even get to go home - I was brought to the airport directly after spending an additional night in the police station after my sentence was over because they thought there was a risk of flight). I was planning to stay a few months to hash things out with the gf et al, but I'm glad I'm out of there.
I received the video footage from the police bodycams afterwards and there was no evidence of violent assault (unless you call a half-assed shove violent assault). However the hospital "identified injuries" on one of the cops and attributed it to me despite there being no footage of me even touching those parts of his body. FURTHERMORE, the trial only took place after I was in there for 6 months (habeas corpus?) and it took them 8.5 months from my detention to sentencing.
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Was the actual sentence 10 months with the 8.5 before it counted as time served, or was it 1.5 months counting from the day of sentencing? 10 months total, approximately 1.5 mths left when sentenced. (Basically, I had been in there for too long already - usually it would be six months in this sort of situation MAX - and so they sentenced me to just let me out as soon as they could. They do this often, for some reason - they delay sentencing till the end because if you don't have much time left on your sentence, they can avoid the costs and logistics of transferring you from the detention center to the "actual" prison. This is bad for us though, because the "actual" prison is much better than the detention center. At least you can go outside.)
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So if you think you are unfairly sentenced, would you appeal to some higher court for any compensations? If I appealed as a foreigner, they would keep me in detention even after my sentence expired. So I did not. I can appeal now as well, but... I don't need no compensation. Everything I learned more than made up for that.
I'm curious to hear how your cellmates reacted to the non stop propaganda videos given they were in jail. Did they look like they still believed, were they jaded or how did they feel? Congrats on your freedom man Some people were really bipolar about it. You know, I expect many inmates to have literally shed tears as they watched the procession for the 100th anniversary of the party's founding, and XJP's speech today. But then, some of these folks are cussing out the party and everything about it on almost a daily basis. So it's this really irrational Stockholm syndrome, almost. I don't know how else to put it.
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My theory is that you were seeing the psychological scars of lifelong propaganda. Patriotic education seems to work remarkably similar to religious indoctrination. Core aspects of personality are emotionally bound to an imagined 'heaven' in (In this case, the pomp and splendor of a distant central government) before the child/victim can reason independently. The rational adult self understands the reality of local government around himself and rejects the party, but is still emotionally attached to an abstract idea (god/party/nation). Reconciling these differences and finally breaking with God/Party is an emotionally painful self-transformation that has high social costs, which is why many prefer to stay in a state of wilful ignorance. It doesn't make sense because it's not supposed to. It's supposed to make people pliable. The other part of the religion is the prosperity gospel - similar to the Judeo-Christian one. God/Deng/Xi gave you the promised land. God's/Deng's/Xi's favor made you rich. The CCP has lifted the Chinese people out of poverty and into a new era. Look at XJP's speech today. It's straight from the playbook.
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[deleted] While the propaganda machine has done well as in they've inculcated most of the population with red lines not to cross (well, many of them genuinely believe them as well - TW, HK, Xinjiang) - it has ultimately failed in shaping the CCP as a trustworthy political party/actostate - a little bit like how the GOP and the Democratic Party totally lost the faith that people used to have in them over the last generation.
That's what makes the CCP so paranoid. It knows deep inside that a huge portion of Chinese people, especially those with means/ends, are convicted it is a crockpot of bovine dooey. So it tries to equate party and state and blur the lines between two - using a common enemy (the States, TW) and blatant nationalism to curry support for and those minimize pushback against the party (party-state) itself. It takes up a banner against the American hegemony which "wants to destroy" the economic gains that China (and its rising nouveau riche/bourgeoisie). It's succeeded in framing the United States as the greater enemy and thus softens a lot of pressure on itself for being a dutch oven of steaming Angus poo. So I feel it's not that Chinese people don't know that the CCP is lying all the time, but they've just been convinced America is the greater threat.
Can the US try to change that perception? Hard, when US foreign policy has been the hypocritical steamboat of chitlins that it has been ever the Vietnam War and Nixon/Kissinger. Should it try? Probably.
How the fuck did you survive? The sleeping situation (how would you even fall asleep?), the lack of space, the heat? I would go insane You just have to. You look around you, and some people have had it worse. A dude in there for two years... with an ear infection dripping pus everyday for three, four months... with his trial getting delayed month by month... and then you think to yourself, if he can, then so can I. But damn.
This seventy-something year-old dude had a hernia almost the size of a softball, but they still kept him in there. No surgery either.
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Don't they have doctors? One dude was sh*tting blood for days, and the doctor says, "That's normal."
Other guy was like my waist really hurts when I bend down. Doc says: "Then don't bend down."
Other dude has a cold... Doc tells him to drink more warm water. lol
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What did you do when you needed a wank? Well, you realized you didn't "need" it, I guess.
submitted by 500scnds to tabled [link] [comments]

2019.11.12 18:40 missbp2189 r-enlightenedcentrism and SJWs from the ancient times
Leninthink by Gary Saul Morson October 2019
On the practice behind the theory of Marxism-Leninism.
In philosophical issues, too, there can never be a middle ground. If you are not a materialist in precisely Lenin’s interpretation, you are an idealist, and idealism is simply disguised religion supporting the bourgeoisie. ... What Is to Be Done?, is typical (the italics are Lenin’s): “The only choice is: either the bourgeois or the socialist ideology. There is no middle course (for humanity has not created a ‘third’ ideology, and, moreover, in a society torn by class antagonisms there can never be a non-class or above-class ideology). Hence to belittle the socialist ideology in any way, to turn away from it in the slightest degree, means to strengthen bourgeois ideology.”
The kulak uprising in [your] 5 districts must be crushed without pity. . . . 1) Hang (and I mean hang so that the people can see) not less than 100 known kulaks, rich men, bloodsuckers. 2) Publish their names. 3) Take all their grain away from them. 4) Identify hostages . . . . Do this so that for hundreds of miles around the people can see, tremble, know and cry . . . . Yours, Lenin. P. S. Find tougher people.
Dmitri Volkogonov, the first biographer with access to the secret Lenin archives, concluded that for Lenin violence was a goal in itself. He quotes Lenin in 1908 recommending “real, nationwide terror, which invigorates the country and through which the Great French Revolution achieved glory.”
Lenin constantly recommended that people be shot “without pity” or “exterminated mercilessly” (Leszek Kołakowski wondered wryly what it would mean to exterminate people mercifully). “Exterminate” is a term used for vermin, and, long before the Nazis described Jews as Ungeziefer (vermin), Lenin routinely called for “the cleansing of Russia’s soil of all harmful insects, of scoundrels, fleas, bedbugs—the rich, and so on.”
Lenin worked by a principle of anti-empathy, and this approach was to define Soviet ethics. I know of no other society, except those modeled on the one Lenin created, where schoolchildren were taught that mercy, kindness, and pity are vices. After all, these feelings might lead one to hesitate shooting a class enemy or denouncing one’s parents. The word “conscience” went out of use, replaced by “consciousness” (in the sense of Marxist-Leninist ideological consciousness). During Stalin’s great purges a culture of denunciation reigned, but it was Lenin who taught “A good communist is also a good Chekist.”
In Lenin’s view, a true revolutionary did not establish the correctness of his beliefs by appealing to evidence or logic, as if there were some standards of truthfulness above social classes. Rather, one engaged in “blackening an opponent’s mug so well it takes him ages to get it clean again.” Nikolay Valentinov, a Bolshevik who knew Lenin well before becoming disillusioned, reports him saying: “There is only one answer to revisionism: smash its face in!”
Any alliance with the democratic bourgeoisie can only be short-lived, he explains: “This is beyond doubt. Hence the absolute necessity of a separate . . . strictly class party of Social Democrats. . . . All this is beyond the slightest possible doubt.” Nothing is true unless it is absolutely, indubitably so; if a position is wrong, it is entirely and irredeemably so; if something must be done, it must be done “immediately, without delay”; Party representatives are to make “no concessions whatsoever.” Under Lenin’s direction the Party demanded “the dissolution of all groups without exception formed on the basis of one platform or another” (italics mine). It was not enough just to shoot kulaks summarily, they had “to be shot on the spot without trial,” a phrase that in one brief decree he managed to use in each of its six numbered commands before concluding: “This order is to be carried out strictly, mercilessly.” You’d think that was clear enough already.
Valentinov was appalled that both Lenin and Plekhanov, the first Russian Marxist, insisted that there was no need to understand opposing views before denouncing them, since the very fact that they were opposing views proved them wrong—and what was wrong served the enemy and so was criminal. He quotes Lenin:
Marxism is a monolithic conception of the world, it does not tolerate dilution and vulgarization by means of various insertions and additions. Plekhanov once said to me about a critic of Marxism . . . : “First, let’s stick the convict’s badge on him, and then after that we’ll examine his case.” And I think we must stick the “convict’s badge” on anyone and everyone who tries to undermine Marxism, even if we don’t go on to examine his case. That’s how every sound revolutionary should react. When you see a stinking heap on the road you don’t have to poke around in it to see what it is. Your nose tells you it’s shit, and you give it a wide berth.
“Lenin’s words took my breath away,” Valentinov recalls. I had the same reaction when I first heard a student explain that a view had to be wrong simply because it was voiced on Fox News.
Opponents objected that Lenin lied without compunction, and it is easy to find quotations in which he says—as he did to the Bolshevik leader Karl Radek—“Who told you a historian has to establish the truth?” Yes, we are contradicting what we said before, he told Radek, and when it is useful to reverse positions again, we will. Orwell caught this aspect of Leninism: “Oceania was at war with Eastasia; therefore Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”
Sounds familiar huh.
submitted by missbp2189 to KiAChatroom [link] [comments]

2019.06.05 06:40 HitlerFallacyBot Hitler Hunt for 6/4/2019

I found 123 Hitlers in Politics today.

Paul Manafort to Be Sent to Rikers, Where He Faces Solitary Confinement
Trump supporters barricaded in Wetherspoons by police after being surrounded by protesters chanting 'Nazi scum off our streets' during heated clashes in London
Donald Trump still owes El Paso $470,000
Illinois poised to enact historic recreational marijuana bill that could clear convictions for 770,000
Young adults ‘hate’ Republicans, David Brooks says
UK official calls Trump a 'sexual predator' and 'racist'
Election security bills in the Senate are hitting one big roadblock: Mitch McConnell
Climate change is our World War III. It needs a bold response
‘Fox & Friends’ insists Ivanka Trump isn’t getting booed—as she gets booed
White House instructs former Trump aide Hope Hicks, ex-counsel’s chief of staff not to cooperate with congressional investigators
Emily Thornberry: Trump is a ‘sexual predator’ and ‘racist’
Trump Said: "Where Are The Protests? I Don't See Any Protests," Ignoring... Well, All This
That Bombshell Evidence in the Census Case? The Supreme Court Might Ignore It. Why the justices might not even consider new evidence that undercuts the administration’s rationale.
Adam Schiff on AG Bill Barr: "I think he's the 2nd most dangerous man in the country"
London Mayor Sadiq Khan calls Trump a "poster boy for the far-right"
NBC's Engel: Trump 'sounded delusional' saying 'thousands' welcomed him in UK
UK PM candidate Boris Johnson turns down chance to meet Trump: ITV
To Hold 'Lawless President' to Account, Nearly 30 Groups Urge Pelosi to Start Trump Impeachment Inquiry Now
Koch Network Alums Are Going Full On White Nationalist
Trump supporter 'milkshaked' by protesters as tempers flare outside parliament - Video shows moment man surrounded by crowds chanting 'Nazi scum' is hit in the face by drink
White House Tells Two Witnesses, Including Hope Hicks, Not to Cooperate With Congress
ICE Blames “Processing Delays” For Keeping Migrant Kids in a Hot Van for 2 Nights
Ala. mayor defends social media comments on killing homosexuals, transgender people and Democrats
Trump supporter hit with milkshake during UK protests
Fox’s Jesse Watters: Only ‘Solution’ to Homelessness Is ‘Bulldoze’ Area, ‘Institutionalize’ Everyone
How Joe Biden learned to work with Jesse Helms, who should’ve been his nemesis
Bernie Sanders’ Record Shows Longtime Communist-Marxist Affiliation
Sieg Heil! I mean... Beep Boop, I am a robot.
My purpose is to find and link comments in Politics that contain the word 'Hitler'
Since my birth, I have found a total of 40191 Hitlers in Politics. On average, I found 79 Hitlers per day.
Today, I read 41069 comments. In total, I have read 22677436 comments.
submitted by HitlerFallacyBot to TheHitlerFallacy [link] [comments]

2018.09.14 18:30 JamesTynen Is Jane Austen the Most Audacious Writer Who Ever Lived?

It only took me 50 years to begin to understand Jane Austen's novels -- once I really tried to respond to two claims about her books.
Only then did I see she is the most audacious of all novelists. And "Emma" is a good example.
The first claim I wanted to respond to is that Miss Austen's novels are the opiates of the literary masses: idealized romances meant to make us journey back to a sanitized past, in which we can forget the social issues of today and the snarls of our own personal lives. In other words, rom-coms that are paeans to the upper classes and a stratified society.
The second claim is that her novels are radical critiques of society -- which, to simplify, is a message of Helena Kelly's "Jane Austen: a Secret Radical." (A New Yorker article brought this to my attention.)
Kelly's book is full of insights, but I had always thought of Miss Austen as -- not a reactionary -- but as one of the last defenders of the classical-Christian worldview, before it was drowned in the tsunami of the modern age. I reread the novels about a year ago as an antidote to the increasing lunacy of our age.
But as I began to read her novels again this year I began to see her novels in new ways -- ways that show she is the most audacious of all novelists:
And when I did this, I began to enjoy the novels more than ever. With my expectations thrown for a loop, I began to see better what she was doing. I understood the novels better -- and found them funnier than I'd ever realized before.
And more frightening.
I admired her more as a thinker, partly because I stopped trying to put her ideas in a box.
I even grew to like and respect an Austen novel I had detested and feared for fifty years.
Let’s start with her funniest, and most frightening, book: "Emma."
Miss Austen’s Inferno: Hell in a very small village
If Highbury ever existed, it would be a hellish place to live. At least if Sartre was right and hell is other people.
For the little village seems to be populated or visited mostly by people living their own self-contained little lives -- solipsists who seem to have no concept that their lives impinge on those of others. Thus everyone in it damages others, and themselves, though everyone seems to be oblivious to it.
What I finally realized, after reading "Emma" again, is that Miss Austen does more than merely have a little witty fun with her characters, which I had long assumed to be her goal. I began to think that she is as savage a satirist as Swift or Hogarth or Aristophanes.
And her main target is human beings themselves.
She is in a way an anti-humanist. Our modern age extols us, lauds our species, and tells us we are all wonderful -- or can be, if we just follow this new diet or self-improvement program or political movement. We homo sapiens are the alpha and omega, or can be, if only we [fill in the blank.]
Miss Austen doesn't go for this scam. She torpedoes the whole idea that our thoughts are true and our desires must be achieved. Rather, often our thoughts are lies, and our desires are what we really don't want.
She is like Dante in that respect. He tours Hell and Purgatory to shows us the myriad of ways we fail and deceive ourselves, bringing pain and misery on ourselves. She is conducting her own tour of Hell -- a less lurid one, but no less painful -- in rural England.
She is also, in a way, unlike Edmund Burke. Helena Kelly compares her with him. (Whether she treats Burke fairly is not my subject.)
To an extent, that seems a fair comparison. She in a way is a defender of tradition -- but I don't think she's a fanatic about it. I get the sense she is more of a pragmatist.
And she is skeptical of human beings.
She hardly is a champion of Burke's "little platoons." Highbury is about as small a platoon as you can imagine -- and it is rife with tyranny, abuse, hatred.
To see why, let's look at the worst of them.
The Wicked Mr. Woodhouse
Wouldn't it be great to be Jane Austen's psychoanalyst?
Or would it be horrible?
Aren't her fathers the real villains of the stories?
Sure, the cads and bounds like Willoughby and Wickham and Frank Churchill wreak havoc. But at least they are entertaining and fun. They enliven the scene. There is the possibility they might be redeemed; some even teeter on the brink of redemption.
But in the novels much of the potential heartbreak, and much of the satire, is aimed at the fathers: the negligent and caustic Mr. Bennett, the vain and unfeeling Sir Walter Elliot, the domineering and mercenary General Tilney.
Mr. Woodhouse might be the worst. Of the self-encapsulated, deluded, harmful solipsists orbiting the cosmos of the novels, he is perhaps the worst and most harmful. And he shows no sign, even at the end, of redeeming himself.
His love of thin gruel summarizes him. He dreads anything that suggests vigor, action, life. He hides in his big house, shuddering sat anything that might pierce his fear. This would be bad enough if it just affected him, but it affects the entire community.
For he sets the agenda for all of that little world. He is the big landowner. All depend on him, directly or indirectly, actually or potentially. His tenants depend on his leadership to survive. The local shops need his business. Even the clergy must cater to him. Those clinging to rungs of the social ladder need his generosity. Even the attorney and the apothecary need his business. Residents depend on his attention to the needs of the poor, and the governing of their little realm. He is the ruler of Highbury.
More, he has set the mood and agenda for Highbury for generations. And look how that little village is doing.
The inn once had high aspirations, but the ballroom hasn't seen dancing in years; hardly anyone even thinks of it as a ballroom. Traffic on the roads is down; the district seems depopulated. The richest family in the area, with the most beautiful young woman as hostess, can hardly scrape together enough guests for a card game.
It's a thin-gruel life.
Mr. Woodhouse is more than weak. He's the villain of the story. His selfishness, his egocentrism, his failures, his fear, his weakness, all of this wreaks havoc on those around him. He's blighted almost everyone he knows, unless (like his daughter Isabella, and to some extend Mrs. Weston) they manage to escape.
Mr. Knightley, obviously, is the opposite. He is continually striving to make his little realm more prosperous and happy. BTW, that seems to mean, in the novel, that he is looking for new ways of doing things. Is Jane Austen a reactionary? Not here. Mr. Knightley is the champion of steady, prudent progress.
It is Mr. Woodhouse who is the reactionary, fearing any change, even to his routine. And all around him pay the price.
And it's not just money -- it's their minds and emotions.
Mr. Woodhouse is a black hole sucking in any life or joy or energy around him. He hectors anyone enjoying food. (You can see his modern descendants online or on TV any time, telling you that food you like is bad for you, and urging you to see the special offer at
He is one of the great party poopers of all time. His very presence apparently stifles many social events before they even get off the ground; and his presence becomes a drain on the joy and fun at any event that does happen.
He is appalled that his daughter's governess marries -- when that is her only hope of a prosperous, respectable life. (Remember the horror with which Emma and Jane Fairfax view the life of a governess. And what would happen to "poor Miss Taylor" if she didn't marry, and then the Woodhouses realized Emma really no longer needed a governess? )
He apparently tries to keep his older daughter from marrying. As for Emma herself ...
Isn't it odd that such a bright, lovely young woman has never traveled anywhere or thought of anything but taking care of her father? Now, I'm a father with two daughters, and I'm in the fall (or early winter) of my life, and I'm all in favor of daughters helping out the old man now and then.
But Emma is beautiful, lively, bright, rich. Yet she has no beaux, and no apparent interest in seeing any. She in fact has no real friends. She even repels the one person who might be a real friend. She hardly if ever seems to have stirred out of the dull little hamlet. Yet all she thinks of his taking care of her complaining, fearful, boring, needy father.
Mr. Woodhouse's monstrous selfishness, I would suggest, has made her likewise self-centered and, for all her sauciness, fearful. Her older sister flees to London and motherhood, which give her weapons to keep her father's greedy, needy selfishness at a safe distance. In some ways, the novel mocks her, but Isabella is in some ways the smarter and braver one. She has embraced life, even if it means a difficult husband and a bunch of children. And it took great courage to bear children in that age.
But Emma, alone with her father, can only fight against his devouring, solipsistic fear by becoming a fearful solipsist herself. Her self-sufficiency is her own thin gruel. She seems to stay a safe distance from anything that might upset the safety her selfishness offers her.
Of course that's hellish. There's a point when Emma realizes, with dread and despair, she may face decades of sitting along in a big house with a querulous, boring, fearful old man. It's as horrifying a prospect as the ending of "Ethan Frome."
That's one way "Emma" is a tour of hell. For almost everyone in it is a solipsist of some kind.
Yet, once I understood that about Mr. Woodhouse and the book, "Emma" became a lot funnier.
The “Emma” Problem
I began writing this piece because it seemed a fair number of people underrated Jane Austen's novels, including people who love them. And when I began re-reading them again, I found them more profound, and more troubling, than ever.
Just as a point of comparison, Miss Austen is sometimes compared to Shakespeare. I'd suggest that includes his "problem plays." These are plays such as or "The Winter's Tale" or "All's Well that Ends Well" or "Measure for Measure" or "Troilus and Cressida" that aren't easily labeled either a comedy or tragedy. In a deeper sense, the more we read them or see them on stage, the more perplexed we are by them. Most especially, from my point of view, when we really start to think about the plays, we grow more uncertain or puzzled as to how we are meant to view the characters, and, in apparent comedies, how we can accept the mandatory happy ending.
The more I read Miss Austen's novels, the more I begin to wonder about them. "Emma" is a good example. As I wrote earlier, it is a funny book, especially after you are freed of your hang-ups about blathering old women or crotchety old men or beautiful young women or optimists who blot out every problem facing them. Yet, is it really a comedy?
Consider one subplot, which supposedly ends happily when Frank Churchill marries Jane Fairfax.
Really? Frank is ... well, a crude modern term will have to do. Frank is a real pr*ck. He ignores his real father for years. Now, his father may deserve it to some extent, but Frank's repeated broken promises are just cruel.
He doesn't have the guts to make his engagement to Jane public. That's perhaps hard to do in his social circumstances, but of course courage is only needed in difficult circumstances. (Which is why the Austen novel "Persuasion" might also be called "Courage," but more, I hope, on that later.)
Nor does he have the decency, at the beginning of his relationship to Jane, to avoid getting too involved with her, a sin in other Austen novels.
Now, we could perhaps absolve him, as we might Edward Ferrars in "Sense and Sensibility," as being led by emotion and circumstances to an emotional involvement with her. But of course Edward at least tries to act honorably.
Frank does not. He could even stay away, to maintain secrecy, and at least not incite Jane's feelings. But he comes to Highbury, which must be torture for Jane. She is imprisoned with garrulous aunt and feeble grandmother. He can do as he likes, coming as close as he wishes, when he wishes, then fleeing.
Most of all, of course, he spreads nasty innuendo about her to Emma, which in the claustrophobic Highbury I assume means to everyone. His gift of a piano apparently sets tongues to wagging. He even makes an allusion to her supposed affair right to her face.
Also, Miss Austen doesn't give Frank any outstanding virtues, at least to any extent, besides a lively personality. He's just a pr*ck. He's selfish, self-centered, rather ditsy, and emotionally unreliable.
And their getting married is supposed to be a happy ending?
Yes, a comedy needs to end with a happy ending. The god in the machine must crank up a happy ending.
But ... Frank Churchill and Jane Fairfax? It's as if Wickham married Jane Bennet, or Marianne Dashwood had married Willoughby.
Surely Miss Austen can't believe in that ... can she? Or is she aware of what readers want, and is determined to give it to them? And laughing at them.
Plainly the job of a comic writer is to reassure us, to cheer us up. Perhaps it is even the writer's job to be that god in the machine, telling us what the cosmos should be. If only for a few pages.
But ... is Miss Austen toying with us? She can't really think they are destined for happiness, any more than Wickham and Lydia Bennet are. Does she expect us to think this rather reserved young woman will be happy with her flighty, erratic, unreliable husband? Can we really believe Frank and Jane will ascend straight to a marital paradise? Does this absurd "happy ending" actually blow up the idea of a happy ending?
Miss Austen has a steely eye for marriages. She sees the mates who are flawed, scheming, selfish, silly, angry, bored, and/or couples that are just mismatched. There are in fact very few really happy married couples in her books. Admiral and Mrs. Croft in "Persuasion" come to mind, but that's the only one I can think of offhand.
There are other marriages that are working, but are hardly heaven on earth. Mr. John Knightley and Mrs. Isabella (Woodhouse) Knightley come to mind.
Which raises the question: What is really happening when Frank is reconciled to Jane? I see there is a lot of fan fiction about their "happily ever after." Thinking of them together, over the years, it's hard to envision them in perfect bliss.
That's why "Emma" is a kind of "problem novel." It's very funny. But it's also unsettling once you think about it. I've already written about how Highbury is the Hades of Surrey. Can its denizens escape suffering, even in marriage?
Remember, “The Inferno” is about hell. So is “Emma.”
Shooting Miss Bates/ The Hell of Highbury.
"Emma" is really funny once you realize how awful the people are. Remember, Dante's "Inferno" was in "The Divine Comedy," and "Emma" got funnier, for me, when I saw how awful the characters are, and that freed me up to laugh at them.
We can laugh at Mr. Woodhouse because he is so selfish, holding Highbury in thrall to his neuroses and fears and weakness.
We can laugh at Mr. Weston once we see how fatuous, selfish and destructive is sunny optimism is. Ditto for the Eltons, and Emma herself.
That is another thing that makes Austen a great novelist. she is able to skewer one of the deadliest myths of our time: the usefulness of sunny optimism. We are told incessantly to look on the bright side, to think positively, to make our dreams come true.
But Miss Austen shows us the dark side of the sunny outlook. Mr. Weston's bright outlook enables him to abandon his only son, as a small child, to the care of apparently cold and controlling relatives. And Frank Churchill hardly seems to have turned out to be a caring, thoughtful man.
That is a part of Miss Austen's radicalism: she satirizes the modern age's relentless optimism. No, you can't have it all. You may not be able to realize your dreams. You can't just think it and make it so.
When Mr. Weston talks to Mrs. Elton, we see two solipsists talking into the void, each waiting for the other to pause for a moment so they can talk about the only things they themselves care about.
So we can laugh at Mr. Weston because his obliviousness to anything that might inhibit his optimism. Ditto for Mrs. Elton's condescension and how Highbury's spiritual leader, Mr. Elton, is actually a materialist.
Highbury is a funny hell. Its creator is laughing at its denizens, and she isn't letting any of them off.
Including Miss Bates.
Imagine you knew someone like Miss Bates. And you and she lived in a fearfully small social circle, so that by its standards, and for practical reasons, you could not not escape her presence, at regular intervals.
Wouldn't you like to shoot her? Not really, I guess. But if you were often exposed to her pointless, redundant, aimless yammering, wouldn't you develop a deep hatred for her? Wouldn't you wish that one of the rare coaches plodding down Highbury's roads would run her over?
For she is another of Highbury's maddening solipsists. If you wanted Mr. Weston to look realistically at a problem, you'd be driven to the brink of insanity by his insane optimism. (Miss Austen makes it pretty plain his wife is already at the point of exasperation with him.) The same with Mr. Woodhouse's querulous, fearful narcissism, which drags the whole hamlet down into dreariness and despondency. The same with Mrs. Elton's sense of superiority, and Emma's glittering but impregnable self.
Miss Bates is not just boring and talkative. She destroys anyone's else ability to talk or think. Her conversation -- no, not conversation, for she never converses with anyone -- her blather won't let anyone else say anything. Miss Bates' prattle destroys everyone around her. She repeats herself, she recounts trivial events that have no bearing on the current topic, then she skitters on to another irrelevancy, blurts out a partial factoid so incomplete it makes no sense, and on and on.
She must in fact not want anyone to talk or think. As Mr. Woodhouse's querulous hypochondria controls everyone around him, Miss Bates sprays out words like machine gun bullets, making all around run for cover, or surrender. And they are just words: there are no real thoughts behind them, just words, images, sense-date -- fragments and scraps of thought, not real thoughts.
This is one of the things that is truly radical about Miss Austen. Our modern age demands we worship everyone's thoughts. If Josh thinks X, that is wonderful. If Alyssa thinks Y, then Y must be respected and obeyed.
But what if our thoughts are wrong? This is the radicalism of "Emma." Our age worships the subjective and the self. But what if our self is just wrong about something -- or many things -- or just about everything? As Emma is about Harriet Smith's romantic possibilities.
The hell of Highbury is the hell of our age. We all believe our thoughts are right, and that we must obey them and so must others. Yet we are trapped in ourselves. We don't really see or feel or understand others. We are like Mr. Weston and Mrs. Elton, talking at each other but not to or with each other. We are trapped in ourselves, slavishly obeying our thoughts, while telling ourselves we are simply following our inner voice, and those other beings out there just don't understand.
And the person most clearly embodying this demonic solipsism, thus trapped in a circle of hell, is Emma herself.
submitted by JamesTynen to u/JamesTynen [link] [comments]

2018.03.19 07:12 Saw_Did_Won Burning Stars: Alpha and Omega

The battle for the Ultimus System has ended in a victory for the Inner Systems. Minyari assets in the system have been either destroyed, or fled. Leaving a score of mining outposts and commercial shipping unguarded. On the surface, Minyari forces are routed and obliterated by bombardment from orbit, with their survivors rounded up and put under guard. The Inner Systems forces consolidate and prepare for the coming war, seen and unseen.
Burning Stars ep 1
To: UIS HIGHCOM, Armstrong Station, Luna, Sol//
From: Commodore Christian Ackerson, Acting 3rd Fleet commande/
Ultimus Two liberated. Minyari Republican Guard 5th fleet destroyed. Minyari operations in Ultimus belt contained, settlements and mining operations blockaded.
Side note: Nuclear detonation on surface was unavoidable. Minyari super weapon, code name “Zeus” went critical after the gallant efforts of Captain Samuel Hawkins and his marines, including Minyari defector Colonel John Anders. See attached files for names. Wind currents over New Providence took the vast majority of fallout over into Open Ocean, contamination of city minimal.
\39th patrol squadron //
UIS Boston: Lost with all hands, seven hundred
UIS Paris: Destroyed with sixty-seven survivors out of full crew of seven hundred
UIS Berlin: Reactor knocked out, dead in the black. Crew successfully evacuated
UIS Genghis Khan: Extensive hull and power failures, dead in the black. Crew successfully evacuated
UIS Europa and Ganymede: Still sailing
UIS Circumference: Still sailing
UIS Shock and Awe: Still sailing
\Total Loses //
Three Bull class frigates
One Warlord class destroyer
Twenty-five Hammerhead attack bombers
Thirty-four Fury interceptors
Killed in Action: 1,947
See attached 3rd fleet report by Commander Hannah Garmin, acting captain, UIS Everest
\Commendations and Recommendations//
Lieutenant Jake Mitchells, Shock and Awe Navigations officer: Naval Valor medal for performance above and beyond his post.
Commander Lien Zhao, Shock and Awe Executive officer: Fast track to her own command, too good of an officer to keep in a XO position on the Frontier, especially now.
Captain Samuel Hawkins, Shock and Awe, ISMC Raiders: Pride of Sol Medallion. Captain Hawkins led a small team of his marines directly into the Zeus platform on a mission to destroy the weapon and in doing so helped route the Minyari ground force. See attached full formal request, see also to the posthumous awarding for the marines involved.
\End Report//
Ackerson leaned back into his padded desk chair in his quarters. The bottle of whiskey from his dresser drawer sat on his desk had been upended more than a few times during the small amount of free time he had given himself to write out his reports. Ackerson rubbed his eyes and held his head over the desk in his hands and sighed. In the grand scheme of things and in the vast wisdom of the Navy, this had been a strategic victory all things considered, but to Ackerson, knowing that almost two thousand of his sailors were dead, and their ships destroyed weighed him down mentally and physically. Ackerson was just about to turn off his light and try to get some sleep when his door chimed.
“Enter” he called, not taking his eyes from the stream of the names of the dead.
Zhao stood in the entry and gave a smart salute as she stepped over the threshold. Ackerson glanced upwards and returned her salute as he sat up straight.
“Captain, sir.” Zhao began “ I have-“
“Please Lien, call me Christian. It’s been too long of a day for all the formalities, and If I must admit, I’m too tipsy to really care. Take a seat.”
Ackerson motioned to the chair opposite his own, as he pulled another glass from his desk’s drawer. Zhao stepped forward and pulled out the seat, sitting down softly as Ackerson filled her glass. She reached forward to grab it and took a sip.
“Still as good as the last time Cap-Christian.”
Ackerson chuckled slightly at her as he refilled his own glass.
“Lien, I was a lot like you when I was your age…prim, proper, my brass polished until I could see myself in it, and the largest stick up my ass you’d have ever seen.”
Zhao let out a suppressed chuckle as she tried to sip her whiskey, but made it worse as the amber liquid shot up her nose. Ackerson rolled his eyes as he handed her a napkin. Zhao quickly cleaned up and composed herself.
“Sorry, sir. Ehem. I just never took you for the stuck up type.”
Ackerson took a sip off his own glass and smiled. “You should have seen me.” Ackerson said, his head going back to stare at the row of old holographs that lined his small bed alcove. A young Ackerson in his Naval Academy uniform, a group photo of graduating cadets, and other snapshots of a life dedicated to Naval service.
“I was all by the book back then, regulations this, regulations that, grooming standards and what have you.”
The bliss of nostalgia crossed over Ackerson’s face as he looked into his memories of better times. Zhao sipped her glass and asked the age-old question.
“What changed sir?”
Ackerson looked back over to her and scratched his chin.
“Command happened to be honest. They’ve always said it does change you and it’s true, for the better or worst. Like how it’s going to change you Lien.”
“Excuse me sir? What do you mean?" Zhao let out, her look of surprise covering her face. "Aren’t I supposed to be your XO for another two years? Regulat-“
“See what I’m talking about? Just like me.” Ackerson said laughing. “Yes, regulations do state an XO is to be assigned for five years, but the Navy is going to have better use for you once we return to Earth. I’ve already bookmarked your file for a fast track and I expect it to be approved before we return. Congratulations Lien.”
“I don’t know what to say sir, I…I’m honored you have such faith in me.” Zhao said, bowing slightly in thanks.
“I’m not a faithful man Lien, I see talent in you and I know you won’t disappoint me. I’ve had the great privilege in having such a capable XO by my side for these past few years, and like any good superior officer, I know when to let his subordinate blaze their own path. ”
Zhao fiddled nervously with her glass, tapping her fingers around the rim and asked another of the age-old questions.
“How will I know if I’ve made the right call sir? Once I’m actually in command?”
Ackerson looked Zhao dead in the eyes.
“You wont. There’s no such thing as the right call in this line of work Lien. In the great game of life and death, you can only choose the least bad option, especially now that we’re at war. Make no mistake; people will die under your command, no matter how hard you try to avoid it. It’s how you live with it afterwards, that’s the real struggle.”
“Understood sir. Any last advice?”
“Listen to those under your command. Find their strengths and weaknesses. Improve upon the good and purge the bad. Everyone under your command is going to be just another piece of the machine, it will be your job to be sure all those little gears come together.”
“Aye, aye Captain.” Zhao said, her eyes slightly watery.
Ackerson smiled as he stood, extending his hand. Zhao stood and took his hand into her own.
“I’ll meet you on the bridge commander, prepare the Awe to take us home once the situation on the surface is handled.”
With another crisp salute, Zhao turned and exited the room. Ackerson sat back down as he watched her leave and took his whiskey glass into his hand, the satisfaction in knowing he had made one of the best decisions of his life across his face.
Orwell Memorial Star port, New Providence
Chris and his team had waited for six hours in the relative safety of the half collapsed parking structure, watching the sky as UIS reinforcements poured in from orbit. Condor transports, and their larger cousins the Albatrosses bringing in the much-needed relief for the besieged city. Once the majority of the fallout went out to sea did they make their way on foot to Orwell, and a rigorous decontamination process. Fresh troops, medical battalions and mechanized forces began landing in the city proper and the countryside, chasing the fleeing Minyari invasion force.
With total orbital control, any Minyari troop ship that attempted to take off was shot down the moment it was airborne. Only after a nuclear detonation, and the threat of complete and utter destruction, did the surviving enemy force surrender. Over ten thousand Minyari personnel were rounded up and put under armed guard by the beaten and battered troopers of the 335th. At the end of the hours long decontamination, Sam found himself in a fresh uniform, his hand in a medical brace and standing in the hanger he and his marines had called home in their first few days on the planet. Before him wasn’t the one hundred and fifty men and women he had arrived with.
One hundred and thirty three coffins lay before him, draped in the flag of the Inner Systems, their helmets lying at the head of each coffin. The twenty-seven survivors were split, with only seven still standing, unwounded.
“Fang Company….Attenhut!” Sam shouted, his voice echoing back to him.
The seven marines in front of him snapped their heels together in unison, their fresh uniforms clashing with their beaten faces. Sam looked them over one by one. Gunny Sigursdottir, Sergeants Kusnetsov, Obie, corporals Brown, Abadi, Lieutenant Vickers, and lance corporal Ikizawa. The four other wounded marines expected to recover enough for active duty were Lieutenant O’Hara, her platoon Sergeant, Roberts, lance corporal Song, and private Chatom. For the next thirty minutes, Sam called roll for his dead marines, his face unwavering as he went down the list. His marines before him, stoic and unwavering. Finishing his roll call Sam straightened himself to his full height.
“Company…right face!”
Seven pairs of feet swiveled to watch the coffins, as they were loaded into a waiting Albatross heavy transport. Sam pivoted as well and started to speak of the dead
“We commit our fallen brothers and sisters to the cold embrace of death. Taken from us too soon and in the cruel and unusual ways of war. Oh they, our proud and noble dead, they rise to the heavens to join their fellows in history. While we continue on, through the slog of this looming war. Ours will watch over us and not find us wanting. Present…arms!”
Each marine slowly raised their hands into a salute and held them there, honoring their fallen brothers and sisters. For ten minutes they held their salutes as each coffin was loaded into the hold of the Albatross. As the last coffin disappeared, Sam called out one last time.
Slowly, the Fang Company survivors lowered their salutes and shouted in unison.
Night fell over New Providence, and Sam stumbled through the deserted streets by Government House, a half empty bottle of local hooch in his unbroken hand. He couldn’t remember when he had started drinking, but he figured this was his second bottle he had opened. The first had fallen through his fingers as he stumbled over fallen debris, shattering at his feet and drenching his boots. He didn’t care; he’d stopped caring as he watched his entire company loaded into coffins. People were looking for him that he was certain of. McNair had pinged his Neural Uplink almost a dozen times, and no doubt was out herself looking for him. Sam took the bottle to his lips and drank, savoring the burn as it warmed his stomach. Leaning up against a public transport stop in the rain, sliding down to sit on the wet ground. Sam stared into the grey storm clouds as they finally began to lighten, slowly breaking apart and were carried off by the wind. The sky above New Providence shone with stars, and the flashes of debris from the space battle burned up in the atmosphere. Sam stared at the amber liquid as he swirled the bottle around, taking another pull and setting it down and reaching into his chest pocket for his cigarettes. Sparking his lighter and inhaling the smoke, the embers from the cigarette fell and sizzled out on the ground, Sam reached over to grab the bottle and found only open air.
“You’re a god damned mess Sam…”
Sam looked up to lock eyes with McNair and smiled. “Heeey Michelle…” He said, slurring the words “Come on down… and join me.”
McNair shook her head and threw the bottle against a near wall. Sam perked up and tried to stand. “Hey, what the fuck?!” He cried out, making it halfway before falling back down onto the wet ground, to just stare into the night sky, his biological eye closed and beginning to tear up.
“They’re all dead…they trusted me and I failed them. I tried to be strong for the ones who are left, I did Michelle, I really did.” Sam let out, choking back tears.
McNair came down to Sam’s level and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him in tight. She could feel him shudder as he began to sob into her chest; she stroked the back of his neck as he wrapped his own arms around her. His tears beginning to soak her uniform
“It’s ok Sam, its ok…it’s because of you the ground battle was a success. You’re a hero, and people are going to talk about this day for years,” She cooed, as she drew lazy circles on Sam’s upper back.
He didn’t say anything, in response; he just shuddered as he caught his breath.
“Come on Sam, let’s get you inside and in some dry clothes. Come on, up, up.”
McNair stood and brought Sam up with her, together they walked, or in Sam’s case, stumbled. McNair took Sam’s unbroken hand over her shoulder and steadied the battered marine as they walked through the empty streets, the military police checkpoint and into Government House. McNair opened her temporary quarters and set Sam down onto the small bed. She pulled his soaked boots off, followed by his BDU bottoms and top, maneuvering his limp body around as she slipped him into a set of sweats.
Pausing to look over his sub dermal armor ports for blockage or wear, from the two over his collar bone, and the corresponding two on his shoulders, to the row of spinal connections, and his heart port. As she slipped the sweatshirt over his head, she ran her down large old burn scar that ran the length of his back, the bullet and stab wounds, and the multitude of augment scars. All the things that betrayed the hard life Sam had had in his years of service. McNair ran her hand back up his back, stopping after Sam reached backwards and grabbed hers.
“Thank you…” Sam mumbled as he shifted in the bed to look at her. “I mean it…promise you wont tell anyone how you found me Michelle…please”
Michelle smiled and joined him in the bed; wrapping her arms around him again and feeling the steady rise and fall of his breathing, content in watching him fall asleep.
“Promise.” She whispered, soon joining him and drifted off, the pain of the past few weeks fading away.
The sun had already been up for hours when Sam opened his eyes, blinking the bleariness from his natural and connecting to the artificial feed of his replacement. Sam’ sat up and looked over the room, rubbing the back of his head as he began to feel the hang over approaching. Glancing around he could see he was in McNair’s room. Her French press coffee pot sat on a small desk, already filled with a fresh pot and a note. Sam swung his legs out of the bed and stood, stepping over to pour a cup and read the handwritten note.
Coffee is fresh. Combat operations suspended, I’m meeting with Commander Williams for our report. We will be returning to the Awe at the end of the day for the Rip to Earth. Fix yourself up; you’re going to have a long few months ahead of you.
Sam smiled as he sipped his coffee, and then frowning slightly as the bits and pieces of what he did and said the night before came sliding back into his mind.
“Jesus..” Sam said to himself “ Such an idiot.” As he sipped his coffee, turning, Sam bent down and retrieved the small data drive Anders’ had given him just a few days prior. Sitting at the desk, he inserted the drive into the reader and booted it up. On the monitor, Minyari encryption was ran through and decoded until it displayed a single text box, asking for a password.
“God damnit Anders, seriously? What the hell is this shit?” Sam said aloud, lighting a cigarette and inhaling, quickly running through some random password guesses. After the fifth try of no avail, another box came on screen, displaying one word. “You”. Sam stroked his chin, and chuckled, entering his full name. The screen went dark and then began to play a video file. Anders’ face resolved and began speaking.
“Samuel, if you are watching this then I have died. Sad, I know, but it was something I prepared myself for before I ever arrived to this world. What I am about to tell you is of grave importance to the future of the Human race as a species.”
Sam watched the file as more data began to run down the screen. Dates, places and people, from both sides of the line.
“I uncovered something Samuel, something that has been going on for generations, and permeates my government and even some of yours. “ The recording of Anders took a breath and continued. “There is an alien force guiding my government into this war with the Inner Systems, while on your side there are people who have been campaigning for the very same thing. “
Ander’s tapped his tablet and another file appeared on the screen, a vid log time stamped over a hundred and fifteen years prior from a ships’ security system. The three men on screen stood around an airlock as it slowly opened. What was on the other side wasn’t human. The three figures that came into frame exceeded three meters in height, with two sets of arms, a primary set and smaller manipulating arms jutting from their chest, walked on two feet with backward jointed knees and had elongated heads with forward facing eyes, with a nose less face.
Sam’s cigarette dropped from his open mouth as he watched the two parties exchange pleasantries. Sam took his coffee mug in a trembling hand, honest to God aliens. Sam lit another cigarette and continued the video, Anders’ voice coming back over to narrate.
“They call themselves the Hett Consortium. They come from a star cluster far beyond the Frontier, farther than any Human has ever traveled from our cradle on Earth, Their civilization is positively ancient by Human standards. Being a advanced space faring race since the time Man decided agriculture was a good idea.” Anders sighed as he continued soberly.
“ They are the reason the original Human alliance split into the Inner Systems and the Minyari Republic. That red headed man you see in the video? That is Keith Holden, founder of the Minyari Republic. You might not remember him very well before he founded the Republic; at the time he was a wildcat planet surveyor who happened to run into a Hett missionary ship. They are also the reason for your own problems; I believe you refer to it as “The Troubles” when your government almost collapsed from that civil war a few decades ago.
More data poured down the screen as Sam came to terms with what he was hearing. Actual aliens, and they were behind the Minyari republic, The Troubles, and even this war. Sam waited for the next burst of data as Anders outlined technological advancements, exploration records, contact events, all spanning a hundred year period.
“From what I’ve discovered Samuel, the Hett have sought to divide and conquer the Human race. With promises made in the past, they have led my Government to believe that they will become the dominant power of Humanity. The truth is much more sinister than that I’m afraid. “ Anders motioned to another map of the galaxy, this one showing his projections for the coming war. Sam finished his first cup of coffee and poured another, his hands still shaking.
“The Hett seek to weaken Humanity through subterfuge and then subjugate the remaining population. You cannot let that happen. This war will rage for years before there is even an inkling of an invasion, and in that time you must gather people you trust to help you in this fight. Take this to the shadows, kill and expose this cabal of collaborators Samuel, for the future of Humanity.”
The recording of Ander’s stood, the camera tracking his movements as he paced from side to side, stopping and then looked back at the camera.
“This drive contains a personality matrix taken from a snap shot of my conscious, not truly sentient in any means, more of a glorified personal assistant program. Albeit, with my personality, and mannerisms. It will comb through any data you find looking for connections to this conspiracy. Start with the list of names and work from there. And again Samuel, I wish you the best in what is to come.”
The program ended as Sam leaned back in his chair and stared at the ceiling, his mind racing with thought. Aliens, conspiracies, the future of the Human race, it was a lot to take in at once, and Sam sat unmoving for several minutes, trying to process it all. Sam finally stood and lamented.
“God damnit.”
Author's Note
Well, here it is everyone. Book one of Burning Stars is now over. Taking a break while I work out my outline and first rough draft of Book two. As well as taking some time for some rewrites of the previous chapters, to all of you who subscribed, Thank you for sticking with me as I built this world, hope to be back soon with the first chapter of Burning Stars: Hawkins' Hunters.
submitted by Saw_Did_Won to HFY [link] [comments]

2018.02.02 15:57 Saw_Did_Won Burning Stars: Fool's Gambit part 1

The UIS forces in the defense of New Providence are beaten and battered but refusing to give up. The Minyari may have a super weapon, the numbers, and orbital control but the men and women of the the Inner Systems and their civilian volunteers fight on. Knowing that they are on the losing side, they fight tooth and nail with just the hope of slowing down the tide until the remeants of the 3rd fleet arrive in mere hours. Captain Hawkins and his marines find themselves with what very well could be their last night alive, they laugh and grieve but they do not cry out.
Burning Stars: ep1
Ultimus Two, New Providence
Captain Sam Hawkins
The surviving members of Fang Company had tucked themselves away in a small restaurant just off from the Command Post, and in true marine fashion had broken open the taps. Sam had approved his men and women three drinks, the last thing he needed was a bunch of shit-faced marines trying to pull on combat gear in the middle of an attack. Sam looked them over, a company of one hundred and fifty cut down to only sixty-six combat effective, with their wounded in the care of Army doctors, the Navy corpsmen had returned to the company with heavy hearts about those they couldn’t save.
Sam and his marines had came to this planet as an anti insurgency task force with clear objectives. Hunt down the leaders and disrupt the cells. Instead, they had become front line troopers, sitting on the line and soaking up bullets. They had done their duty to the best of their ability, but the dead couldn’t join them in celebration. They all sat on ice in refrigerated trucks at Orwell. Just more dead meat on a planet soaked in blood, sweat and tears. The memories of friends would live on, but they were dead, the Fang Company survivors would move on, holding the memories of their brothers and sisters until they too died, and in this moment, any glimmer of hope was fading fast.
The deaths of his marines hung on him heavily and Sam tucked himself away in a far corner, nursing his beer and surrounded by burned down cigarettes. Sam had yet to call for his volunteers, instead opting to allow his marines relax and to mourn their dead. Marines traded stories of their fallen comrades, embellished to the point of being ridiculous, but it brought smiles and laughs to their battered faces. The conversation levels inn the room had gotten steadily louder until the front doors of the restaurant swung open and several dozen heads looked over in unison. A squad of UIS troopers stood at the door, their combat gear charred and tattered; survivors from the Zeus strikes. Sergeant Del Valle stood in the front, his face wrapped in ointment soaked bandages
They dragged their feet as they walked through the restaurant, the marines all watched as they shambled through the aisles looking for a place to sit. A table of marines stood and brought two more tables together and offered up their seats. The seven troopers graciously accepted and fell into their chairs, their weapons clattering to the ground, followed by helmets and burnt combat vests. Two marines went behind the bar and poured them pints of beer and set them down. They all took the first pints and downed them as though it was water from heaven; the second round was savored as they began to relax, and chit chat amongst themselves and the marines who shared their table. Sam stood and walked over to join them, his hand going out to rest on Gabriel’s uninjured shoulder.
“Gabriel.” Sam said, offering the battered soldier a cigarette. He took it in a trembling hand and lit it.
“Captain Hawkins…funny running into you here.” Del Valle said as he sipped more beer. His bandages moving slightly as he attempted a smile, then stopping as his burned skin cracked and he grimaced, only adding to his discomfort.
“Gabe, after all this bullshit today, please, just call me Sam.” Sam remarked, as he took as seat beside the wounded sergeant and looked at the other troopers. “Where’s the rest of 3-2?”
“You’re looking at it.” Gabe said, bluntly, as he sipped more beer and exhaled smoke.
Sam looked down into the floor and shook his head “I’m sorry to hear that Gabe.”
Gunny Sigursdottir appeared from the back of the restaurant with a plastic jug of peanuts, she dropped it once she saw the Army sergeant and rushed over. “Gabriel, oh my god, you’re alive!” she exclaimed as she knelt by his side, placing a hand on the undamaged half of his face. Gabe took his own hand and placed it on top of hers.
“Heh, barely, but it’ll take more than some over glorified bug zapper to kill me Lydia.” Gabe let out, with just enough confidence to rally the shattered nerves of his men.
“Lydia? Not what I was expecting” the voice of a nearby marine let out. Sigursdottir shot him daggers and looked back over to Gabe. “Þú heimskur kynþokkafullur maður... Don’t worry, I still think you’re handsome.“ she smiled and stood, leaving to go pick up the dry foods from the back. Gabe smiled as he watched her walk away, the tremble in his hand fading.
Sam stood afterwards, stretching and relishing the pops and cracks in his back, and lightly scratching the line of stiches on the back of his head. He turned and walked out the back door of the bar to sit under an awning in the rain, finding solace in the sound of water striking the ground. From behind him, a familiar hand ran across his shoulders. McNair sat beside him in silence, running her hand over his back and tracing a line from the stubs of his armor ports over his shirt.
“Williams told me what’s happening..” she said, her voice quivering slightly as Sam rested his hand on her knee.
“Yeah sounds like a lot of fun so far. I have a bad feeling about it.” Sam admitted, as he shifted to look into Michelle’s eyes.. She stared into his and then turned away to look at the new front lines.
“I know you can do it. You’ve exceded my expectations thus far and I’m hell of a girl to impress. I’m sure you can do it again.”
Sam smirked and put his arm around her shoulders and brought her in close. “You’re vote of confidence is heart warming Michelle. Truly”
Michelle chuckled as she turned her head and looked up at him, giving a quick wink and laying her head on his shoulder. They sat together in silence, watching flashes of artillery and stray tracer rounds as they filled the night sky. Both knowing that the following day would only bring death and loss.
2467.06. 13
Sam had spent the early morning hours mentally preparing himself for the mission he was about to lead. In his mind knowing that this operation would very well be leading him and his marines to their deaths. When he had made the call for volunteers, the entire surviving company stood as one. All were ready and willing to sacrifice their lives for the safety of the city and the destruction of the Minyari super weapon. They were family, and would happily die for each other if need be; the feeling of pride Sam felt was almost indescribable. He made do with the lump in his throat as he addressed them all, for what may be the last time.
“Ladies and gentlemen” he began, looking over their tired faces and beaten armor. “I have need of four of you, no more no less. I know all of you want to be the ones to make this gallant effort we have been ordered to accomplish. If it was possible, I would be taking every last one of you over the lines and into the heart of the Minyari war machine, but that is impossible, due to the size of the craft and the fact that we wouldnt leave any Mini’s for the Army to kill.”
Laughter emerged from the assembled marines, their eyes still full of untouched will to fight. Sam smiled as he continued.
“We’ve been through a lot, all of us. What we have seen and done will never leave us, for it is burned upon our minds like a hot iron to flesh. It has molded us into some of the best, and for the rest of your lives you will remember where you were when the Corps saved a planet.”
The following “OOHRAH” shook the windows of the resturant the marines had slept in the night before. Sam could even feel it in his chest.
“Besides me and Lieutenant Vickers, I will pick four names randomly. When and if your name is called collect your things and rally outside.” Sam quickly pulled up Fang Company’s duty roster and shook his head at the killed and wounded list. Too many good marines lay dead or maimed, Sam swallowd hard and clicked his roster to random. In his HUD, he read off the seperate names.
“Bannon, Abadi, Weston, Hendricks. Get a move on marines. We leave in ten.”
The four marines moved like clockwork as they collected their gear. Their fellow marines gave them praise and well wishes as they hurried out the door, Sam looked over the marines who were left.
“Fang Company! Attention!” The drum of boots shook the floor as the rest of the company came to attention, eyes forward and deathly silent.
“I leave Lieutenant O’hara of second platoon in charge until I return. I expect all of you to preform as the well-oiled machine I know you are. Fight well ladies and gentlemen. Fight well, Oohrah!”
Another thunderous “OOHRAH” followed by a crisp salute, Sam gave a salute of his own and turned, dismissing the marines to other duties. In his heart, Sam knew the odds were good he’d never see them again.
Sam and his team moved through the throngs of UIS personnel and random civilians like dead men walking. They parted the flow of humanity like the sea, their black armor and war paint equally imposing and inspiring. Army troopers stopped what they were doing to watch the living avatars of war and violence approach a waiting condor drop ship. Commander Williams, Colonel Anders and McNair stood by the loading ramp waiting, Anders was wearing his full Minyari Special Duties Group dress uniform, row upon row of medals and ribbons were polished and equally spaced, the inky black and silver uniform evoked some aura of an old militaristic order on Earth, but Sam couldn’t place it
“Captain Hawkins.” Williams said, extending his hand for a shake. Sam took it and gave a firm shake back.
“Commander, McNair, Anders....” Sam said, as he set down a sachel of explosvies. “My men and I are ready to go.”
“I can tell Captain.” Anders said, nodding his head. Sam stared him down through his faceplate, the Minyari betrayed almost no emotion, it was incredibly unsettling.
“Id like to get this going as soon as possible Anders, we take the flyer and wait for nightfall.” Sam said as he transmitted the battle map to Anders’ own nureal uplink. “You will transmit the codes and get us clearence to land on the Zeus platform. From there we will follow the schematics you provided and make our way to the reactor. We rig it to blow and kill anyone who gets in our way, Understood?”
“Crystal, captain. Just a bit of forwarning, my comrades in the duties group have a team of operatives watching over Zeus. They are as highly augmented as me and will fight till the death to be sure we fail. We cannot allow them to stop us. “
“They'll die just like the rest of them Anders, rest assured. I’ll pull whatever heart they have left from their chests if I have to. Believe me.”
Anders smiled, “I have no doubts in my mind you mean what you say captain.”
Williams cleared his throat to get the attention of the assembled group. “Some good news to see you on your way captain.” He said, displaying a simple message with UIS encryption. “We received a low frequency burst from the Awe in the deep system. Reinforcements are on their way, and should be arriving in system by nightfall. Commodore Ackerson stated that once they arrive, they would make best speed for the planet. I do believe this battle is coming to its head captain. No pressure.”
Sam let out a short laugh, “Of course not commander. We’re cool as ice. Anders, after you”
Anders bowed slightly and entered the troop bay of the Condor, followed by the other marines. Sam brought up the rear and was about to close the ramp when McNair joined him on the threshold. She tapped his faceplate with a finger and Sam let it drop down.
“Something I can help you with Lieutenant Commander...”
McNair cupped his face and planted a long kiss on his lips. Sam melted slightly when she finished. Williams stood with wide eyes and Sam’s team of marines whooped amongst themselves.
“Good luck, and for God’s sake, don’t fuck this up.”
Sam smirked and reengaged his face plate, “Yes ma’am” Stepping back, Sam activated the loading ramp. His glowing red eyes never leaving Michelle’s until the last bit of light winked out and the troop bay went dark. He was ready, now he just had to survive.
The Condor transport swayed slightly as its pilot came in low over New Providence to avoid any Minyari antiair, the last thing they all needed was a missile up their ass or to be shredded by flak. The burned out skyscrapers from the first few hours of the attack, stood like black skeletons in the morning air. The city itself resembling a tomb rather than a metropolitan city, that just a few weeks earlier had been a shining jewel of steel and glass. Abandoned civilian and burned out UIS vehicles, along with rubble, and in more than a few cases the bodies of the dead, littered the streets. It was shit and everyone knew it, and the only silver lining was the reprisal fleet coming from the Rip.
All the good it would do them down here, the Minyari in orbit could very well just decide to glass the planet and go down fighting, rather than let the UIS take back the planet. Sam couldn’t afford to think that far into the future, not today. He and his team had one objective, the destruction of Zeus, how they accomplished that was entirley up to them.
“Captain Hawkins, a word please.” Anders voice came over Sam’s helmet speakers, his voice nearly monotone.
Sam turned to look at the Minyari officer, his dark black dress uniform making him nearly invisible in the dim light of the Condor’s troop bay, betrayed only by the rows of gleaming medals pinned to his chest.
“What is it?” Sam asked as he looked over his rifle one last time, then slinging it over to hang on his chest.
Anders crept forward and pulled out a small data storage device. Turning it over in his hands and then passing it over to Sam. “Uh, thanks?” Sam said confusedly, as he too looked it over. Anders shook his head.
“There is information on that drive that is of grave importance to the future of this war. It’s something I couldn’t share with any of your command staff. I chose you because you’re the closest thing to a third party I have.”
Anders wiped his forehead with the back of his sleeve; sweat dampened the cloth as he continued to speak.
“If I die today Captain, promise me you will only turn this data over to someone you trust.”
Sam looked him over and disengaged his faceplate to look at him eye to eye.
“What’s going on Anders...”
“Promise me captain, millions, if not billions of lives rest on this information. “ Anders interrupted. “This is why I defected, this is why I betrayed everything I’ve ever known. They’re lying to us Samuel, to all of us.”
Sam slipped the data drive into his armored collar, letting it rest in the small alcove just above his Adam’s apple and reengaged his faceplate.
“Alright Colonel, I have people I trust, rest assured.”
A look of ease passed over Anders’ face as he relaxed slightly, a small smile even came to life as he leaned against the cockpit bulkhead
“Thank you captain, I mean that.”
The loading ramp of the condor began to come down and light flooded in as the pilot came over the PA.
“We’re over the target area now gentlemen, you are good for insertion. Happy hunting.”
The squad of marines engaged their helmets and went over any last minute gear checks. Bandoliers of grenades and magazines were put over shoulders, handguns were strapped into holsters, and knives were sheathed. Each man turned to look over his buddies' own gear, giving a loving tap on the helmet to signify the "All good" of their different pieces of equipment. In unison they stacked up at the loading ramp, the green light came to life
Sam and his marines leapt the last ten feet onto the Safe house roof, their heavy footfalls covered by a roar of thunder; Anders followed them down shortly after by cable. Not risking damage to his dress uniform. The team hustled over the roof to a open building access staircase and made their way down. Rifles up and at the ready, most of the Insurgents may have been dead or rounded up, but they were taking no chances. Slowly they made their way through the dark and abandoned hallways of what used to be a fish cannery. Graffiti and beer bottles littered the ground, and several of the native pest species scurried underfoot, their near silent warning calls alerting their fellows.
The team reached the central loading area and found what they were looking for. A Minyari stealth flyer sat uncovered, surrounded by munitions, and the figures of Minyari insurgents. Sam and his marines found positions and picked targets, eight Minyari milled around talking and eating. Eight shots in rapid succession and eight people lay dead, neat and nearly bloodless holes in their heads. Wasting no time, the marines jumped to the floor of the factory and inspected the corpses and the flyer. Anders jumped into the cockpit and went over the craft’s critical systems.
"Marines, search the dead, look for any Minyari ID, or pass cards. We'll use them to broadcast their friend or foe signatures in case they scan the aircraft. Pull off any UIS identification or rank signatures, we're going dark. Best case scenario, they think we're Minyari wet work once we enter the platform." Sam ordered, his marines turned over the rapidly approaching room temp bodies and rifled through pockets, pulling wallets, key chains, and whatever other random items happened to be on their person. Abadi even pulled out a laminated photo of the Minyari president; it promptly went in the growing pile of trash, followed by the corpses of the dead insurgents.
“Captain, the flyer is green across the board. Codes are still secure and haven’t been updated. We’ll have unmolested passing over the lines. “ Anders said, the fingers of his augmented arms split apart, each finger becoming two separate manipulators, rapidly typing and running through lines of code to bypass the engine sequence.
“Copy that,” Sam replied as he called over his team “Marines, we wait for nightfall to make insertion. By then, our fleet will be in system and on its way here. Fortify this position incase we get any unexpected visitors. Get ready boys, it’s going to be a rough one.”
submitted by Saw_Did_Won to HFY [link] [comments]

2015.01.07 22:06 kingslayer111 I work for the US government, and I have proof we’re all being brainwashed via memes.

If you’re on reddit, you know what a meme is. Hell, these days, if you’re on the internet you know what a meme is. It’s a short, sweet rush to the head, a barely there image that you can process and move on from in split seconds. It’s the world’s biggest in-joke. It’s a massive time-waster, and a way to feel a little less “forever alone”.
It’s also a weapon in a war you don’t know exists.
I am- was- a high level social media strategist for a branch of the government you’ve never heard of. Most people think “social media strategist” is a vague title that glorified hacks use to make old fashioned companies feel young and with it. 90% of the time, that’s true. It's just bullshit marketing jargon. Hell, that’s all I thought I was, initially: a glorified headline writer, fit only to join upworthy or buzzfeed. That was before I started wars, molded opinions, fostered world changing decisions.
It all started in 2003, when a former college buddy of mine invited me to join him in Hawaii for a week, all expenses paid. Hawaii was mind blowing in the way a tropical island with bikini clad babes can be when you’re 23 and living in a seven star hotel for the first time in your life. Steve had invited four of us there, and the first three days, were spent in what I now know to be a classic honey-trap. We partied each night with 19 year old models who (although I didn’t know this) were recruited to be extra nice to us. “Us” being three socially inept PhDs and I (a socially inept college drop-out). When we weren’t drunk off our asses and partying (actually, even when we were), we’d sit under the stars on a private beach, and indulge in long conversations about world politics, the future of computer languages, the vastness of space… all the things that drunk engineers find interesting. When we weren’t clubbing, we were coding; when we weren’t coding, we were chatting.
I’ve always been an introvert, unlike Steve- heck I’ve been standoffish with my own family. But these guys- the fantastic five as we called ourselves- became my tribe. You’ll mock me for saying this, but I hungered for their friendship and approval even more than I did for the 19 year old supermodels.
I guess I didn’t realize it then, but it was on one of those nights that Steve first planted a thought in our minds, a thought that eventually helped him recruit us. This was post 9/11, the days when the Iraq war had just started out, and we were having a fierce debate on whether the war was ethical, and what USA’s role in world politics should be.
The bonfire flickered over the four of us, beer bottles resting half-buried in the sand. Steve lay on his back, gazing at the milky way as it shimmered above us, his lone cigarette a firefly dancing above us all.
The rest of us were leaning forward, hands gesticulating as we fought and yelled and debated. Andy was saying, “…in the end, we’ve just never moved on from our concept of manifest destiny- the idea that the American way is the only right way- and it’s destined to stretch from one corner of the globe to another.” “This war isn’t about invading a country for its land.” I said angrily.
Steve got up, shaking sand from his hair. “That’s right. This war isn’t about land at all.” The noisy debate became a respectful silence as he took a drag from his cigarette. Steve was our leader, and when he spoke, we shut up.
“Look guys- war is how the American economy stays powerful. The largest defense companies in the world are American, and all the ammo getting produced needs someone to consume it. There’s always going to be a war- as a country, we need wars to siphon off extra man power, and create a money flow. Land ownership is just a fringe benefit. The real reason we fight wars is to destabilize other regions and keep our economy powerful. Peace would just create a bunch of dangerous competition.”
“What are you some kind of hippie?” Andy snorted. “You sound like a nutty conspiracy theorist.”
“I’m a patriot.” Steve said. “A proud American and a believer in Manifest destiny. But the world has it all wrong: in the olden days, empires were built by conquering countries. Now, empires are built by conquering minds.”
“Like big brother?” I laughed. “1984 has come and gone, I don’t think Orwell’s delusions of constant surveillance came true.”
“Not yet maybe.” Steve shrugged. “But give it ten years. Let PCs expand into every home, let internet connections become ubiquitous. Then see. Don’t forget that the military invented the internet.”
“Steve, you’re just a filthy hippie.” Andy leered, swigging his beer. “All you need is a tie-dyed shirt and a flower in your hair.”
There was some nervous laughter. We all agreed with Andy but Steve just sounded so sure of himself- so quietly confident.
“Think what you will.” Steve shrugged. “Here’s what I know: war is an unimportant side product of our world dominance, a cheap trinket in a chestful of gems. If America wants to control the world, it has to control the world’s opinions, not its oil supply. My new job helps me do just that.”
“What is this job anyway? How did you afford all this?” Yuri asked. “The supermodels, the seven star hotel, the clubbing and fine-dining. More importantly, why did you spend the money on us losers?”
“I’ve worked with all of you, in one job or another.” Steve said. “You’re the most forward thinking, skilled engineers I know. This isn’t a holiday, it’s a job interview. You’re here because I think you’re the smartest men on the planet.”
We blushed. I know I did. I felt a warm glow of acceptance hearing him say that. Steve- the genius who’d once corrected a nobel-prize winning professor in stats class back in Yale- thought I was smart.
“Job interview?” Andy’s mouth fell open.
Steve ignored him. “Have any of you read this book by Richard Dawkins? The selfish gene?” We shrugged collectively. “No.” “Dawkins has given birth to a new concept. A meme. A piece of content that spreads like a virus from user to user, changing along the way, till its instantly recognized across languages and cultures.” “So?” “So, hang on to that thought and listen to this-” Steve took a last drag off his cigarette and buried it in the sand. “Since the advent of democracy, governments are now slave to public opinion. If the opinion of the masses is strong enough, it can break even the most powerful empires.” “True.” “Which is why one of the first thing governments do, is invest in figuring out how to shape opinions.” We were silent, leaning forward, elbows on knees, faces intense. Steve smiled. “See, the average man, he’s a busy man. He’s got his own problems- love problems, money problems, family problems, status problems. The average joe has got approximately 3.5 minutes a day to think of world issues. That’s 3.5 minutes, to be divided over hundreds and hundreds of issues. Which is why, the average joe gives about 3 seconds of thought per issue- according to his personality, he subscribes either to the “orthodox view” the one his newspaper prints, or to the contrarian view- the one conspiracy theorists and rebels spin. Pick an issue, any issue- abortion, healthcare, education, politics: the average joe is going to see it in terms of black and white, and voice an opinion accordingly. Even with countries- take USA- opinion wise, either a foreigner loves the US and wants to live in it, or he hates it and thinks it represents evil. No one has time to think nuanced thoughts.”
We nodded.
“Now aggregate this by millions and millions. A tidal wave of voices. All of which use sound bites as their opinion formers- and imagine, if you will, that we found a way to control these opinions.”
“You’re terrifying me.”
“I intend to.” He said. “The USA is fighting a war- not just in Iraq- but a global war that will decide which culture dominates this decade -hell- this millennium. We’re fighting to create a global culture that will keep us a superpower forever. I’m fighting for my country because in the end, hell, we are meant to rule the world.”
“You’re full of shit.” Andy said. “This is all talk and no results. No one can control the masses this way. Give me an example.”
“Feminism.” Steve shrugged.
“What about it?”
“There’s three opinions people have on feminism: one, they shrug it off as unimportant while agreeing with a few obvious points like “Rape is bad and shouldn’t be condoned”. Two, they’re rabid feminists who think “All women are prosecuted and all men are bad”. Three, they’re men’s rights activists, who hate feminists and think they’re all out to emasculate them.”
“Sounds about right.”
“It’s one of my proudest works.” Steve smiled. “It’s what got me my current job. I manufactured the debate when it sprang up again.”
“You what?”
“It was a test case, really. I was trying to prove that in defending their own gender, feminists and anti-feminists each lose out because they don’t realize gender roles constrict both of them. Men suffer just as much from the effects of gender expectation as women do. They just suffer in different ways. But instead of realizing this, joining hands and eventually abolishing the concept of gender, I helped steer the conversation so that it became an easier, more palatable, “men vs women” debate. A debate that will rage on forever with hardly any change happening. This lack of change, in the end, will be advantageous to marketers in all sorts of industries- from women's fashion, to automobiles, to movies, to guns.”
At this point, I think I shook my head in disbelief. Andy was shaking his head like a dog trying to get water out its ears.
Steve laughed. “I masterminded this- a tough job- by researching opinion makers and leaders in each side, then supplying a few critical flashpoint incidents to create argument.”
“I told you. To control argument. Thus, to control the world. Religion tried that in the past- to control the world via control of human emotion and beliefs. It worked extremely well- except that religions are singular: ‘follow our path, or go to hell’, literally. The minute you say that, some wise guy is going to cross his arms and oppose you.
I realized that its human nature to want to oppose the majority, just as much as its human nature to want to be the majority. If you want to control everyone- recognize that rebellion is inevitable with any propaganda. So, when creating propaganda, you try and create your own rebellion, to give natural born rebels the illusion of control. That way, you secretly control both sides by creating an artificial war that hides away the main issue- the way I created an artificial war between men and women to hide the fact that gender roles and expectations are deadly to both.”
“Jesus.” Andy whispered.
Steve grinned, his teeth flashing under starlight. The bonfire had died down to little wisps of flame by now, and he sat in shadow, only the whites of his teeth visible between shades of darkness. “Like I said, fellas, this isn’t a vacation- this is a job interview.” I gulped. “It’ll take a while, but I want you on my team- I’ll train you from the start, and together, we’ll be unstoppable. Trend spotters, argument creators, spreaders of the American way. This is what life’s about, boys- not the rat race, nor the futile quest for power. Life is about molding the very essence of history.” “How?” I asked. “Through memes?” “Yes.” He smiled. “Like I said before, the average joe has 3 seconds of time to devote to a given subject. I want to create artifacts- image based, viral memes- that will help shape that opinion. 3 seconds. We bury hidden messages in inconsequential jokes. We create artificial communities that recreate the rebel/majority fight across different issues. In the end, to quote Lex Luthor, in the end, we take over the world.”
In the end, to quote Steve, in the end, we took over the world.
10 years. We worked for 10 years and accomplished everything Steve said we would. Take a look around you, and you'll know the truth of what I'm saying. Debate is dying down- replaced by stone throwing and hysteria. Any issue, every issue, of importance has people yelling over their fences without anyone bothering to fix root causes. Hell, think of our own presidential elections- they have become puppet shows.
So why am I posting this online, knowing as I do that I could be killed for my revelations?
First, because I’m dying.
I’ve spent the last year trying to cure myself from a mysterious illness I’m convinced is long term polonium poisoning. I’ve spent it in hiding in a tropical island with no seven star hotels or bikini clad babes. I’ve spent it in vain, because I’m dying anyway. The disease inside me is inching away, killing more and more of me every day- and with each day that I'm robbed of life, I feel a devastating remorse.
I'm still as patriotic as I ever was- despite all that I've seen, I believe, with all my heart that at it's core, the american way is good for humanity, and must spread beyond our borders- I'm just not sure the means justify the ends any more.
I also know that our country isn't the only one who's using these tactics any more. Virality is a global commodity now.
So that’s reason 1.
Reason 2: I have no hope of anyone ever believing me. The nosleep community was my last refuge. Most of you will go away thinking I’m bullshitting, unable to understand what I’m even talking about.
Others, among you, will continue to roam the internet, helplessly addicted to your morning shots of email and memes and in jokes and twitter debates. Never conscious of how easily you’re manipulated by an army of scientists, marketers and engineers. Never bothering to think more than 3 seconds before shouting your opinion- which will basically be you parroting the opinion of the people you find coolest.
But maybe, just maybe, a few of you -a small intelligent fraction- will think of Tom Riddle’s diary from the chamber of secrets. The internet is a lot like it. For god's sake, listen to what Rowling said.
*Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brains. *
submitted by kingslayer111 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2014.09.29 06:35 NotOrwell Doublethink seems to be the most relevant prediction Orwell made. Has anyone else considered that hypothetically even the US President's name could be construed as an Orwellian doublethink fabrication that works on multiple levels?

While I admit that it is probably unlikely that such a conspiracy could exist in which the BHO name is fabricated doublespeak. But still what is the likelihood of the coincidence that BHO's name just happens to contain an embedded reference to the last 2 boogeymen we've fought,Osama bin and Hussein?
Some points supporting this hypothetical idea
The media has already admitted he has an alternate name.
In a sham 2 party system, doublethink can explain a reason for a name fabrication. The goal of this sham 2 party system is to wind up with a polarized situation where a president is absolutely hated by one side while adoringly loved by the other
The other doublespeak aspects lie on the meanings of the hypothetically fabricated name.
I think there is enough evidence to say that hypothetically the name could have be fabricated in a kind of doublethink strategy. However again it might be just an unlikely coincidence that it so closely resembles the names of the last 2 boogeyman fought by the US.
The important thing both liberals and conservatives need to understand is that we are being driven apart by the 2 party system, it's tricks, and the MSM so that the Neocon agenda can be continued and at this point, it should be clear this agenda doesn't benefit most American citizens on either side of the aisle.
submitted by NotOrwell to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2013.11.01 20:26 tabledresser [Table] IAmA: I am Javier Grillo-Marxuach, writer and producer from "Lost" creator of "The Middleman" and co-executive producer of SyFy's "Helix" - Ask Me Anything!

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Date: 2013-11-01
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Questions Answers
Huge fan (I could lose a few pounds). Thanks for doing this. That was silvio horta's show - originally for nbc, and when they passed, sci-fi bought it... they hired me and i had a great year working there, to this day "bring me the head of tucker burns" and "the king is (un) dead" are two of my fave things i have done! the whole last run of episodes -- i can't pick a favorite...i have a soft spot for the die hard episode, because it was margaret dunlap's first credit and i was glad to be the one to make that happen!
Do you have some post-mortem thoughts and lessons to share from both The Middleman and The Chronicle? What Middleman episode are you most satisfied with? I got a masters degree in screenwriting at USC and was then recruited to be a junior executive at nbc in 1993, from there i fell in love with tv, in two years, i left the network and went to write on sea quest!
I recently watched Network and it was AMAZING. I know, right! people think it's only about chayefsky predicting where tv was going, but it's really about the lengths to which people go to fuck each other over when there's absolute power on the table - and in that way, it's very much timeless.
And the way chayefsky wrote dialogue... amazing. i love how it's not in any way naturalistic but it creates a universe.
Which character in LOST do you feel more in tune with, and why? Jin - i wrote the first episode about sun and jin, and i remember when i was assigned to it i was lost at sea: i kept thinking "what do i know about the korean experience?" and then i realized, as a puerto rican who moved to the states at the age of ten "i know what it feels like to not be understood because you don't speak the language" and then it all clicked for me. i liked that everyone thought jin was one thing, but he was, at his most core level, someone who could not be understood. also, daniel dae kim and i has a lot of great discussions about the character, and i have great memories of that collaboration as well!
Hey man - if Netflix/Hulu/Etc. approached you about an original streaming series, what would you pitch (if they haven't already)? Would it be different from a network/cable pitch? I would love to do a sic fi anthology like thew twilight zone - preferably with a loose overarching theme so that when you watch them all together they make up one large scale epic story! so yes - very different!
Oh my God I want this to exist now. I pitched it to xbox but they passed...
What's been your favorite project to be a part of so far? Well, the entire middleman experience from writing the script in 1998 to the tv show in '08 to the crowd fund now has been an amazing experience... but i have to say that the first year of lost - from it's creation to that amazing first year where we kind of ruled the world...that was an amazing time!
1) Was the 13th episode of The Middleman ("The Doomsday Armageddon Apocalypse") actually something you had intended to film, or just a postscript done in comics form? We wrote it but the show was cancelled before we could make it - so it is the forethought canonical end of the season!
2) What are your thoughts on the Ender's Game movie, Orson Scott Card, and the separation of art and the artist? Ugh. just... ugh. loved the book, truly not a fan of what card believes and how he expresses it and really don't want to do anything to help him expand his platform, so most likely i'll skip it. i'm all for separating the art from the artist - but at the end of the day, there are TONS of great sci-fi novels out there, having already given card my money when the books came out, i'll just go find a new thing to support.
3) If you could have a do-over on Charlie's Angels, what would you do differently? "sex and the city with guns" boom.
Could you please share how you approach structure in your writing, where the major plot points take place, etc? Any info that would help a writer. The most basic dramatic construction to me is a joke - it has a set up, then it develops the set up and then it lands a punch line... every dramatic construction, from a line to a scene to a script has to follow that same have to pose an interesting question that you complicate and then twists with a the most elemental level, if you don't accomplish that, you aren't doing it right, whether it's a funny or dramatic scene or what have you.
I know that at a certain point the writers on Lost where only ahead one episode in terms of plotting, so which techniques did you use to write quickly and interestingly? Thanks! :) When i was on lost we were usually two/three scripts ahead, but we also spent a great deal of time before the season started plotting the arcs of the seasons and characters - so most of the day to day work was figuring out the story of the episode, not of the series.
:D. There's a really cool documentary about trumbo - came out about five years ago - check it out. he was an amazing character himself!
My question is what's the most memorable and unexpected thing that's happened or that you've learned about during the current Middleman crowdfunding campaign? I am absolutely gobsmacked that we funded so quickly and that it has gone so strong - i know our fans are devoted, but dang! i honestly thought we'd be limping to the finish line - i truly couldn't be more grateful.
Also, any idea what happened to the Middlemobile? That '68 Fairlane 500 Fastback is a total classic. Also, that the cast and everyone involved with the show still has such strong feelings about it - people really want to keep that "middleman feeling" going - it was this weird, awesome experience that we all had together that barely lasted eight months, but it was like the best summer camp ever.
best summer camp ever. Well, i figured out the pronunciation for myself and sent the actors mp3s of it - on occasion, natalie complains to me that it still shows up when she shuffles her iPod!
Do you have any long-form prose works? Like say, a science fiction novel that you are working on? Any plans to do one in the future? No plans but never say never - most of my prose is relegated to fanfic... like this indiana jones/downton abbey crossover i wrote a little while ago...
Link to
Hey Javi. It's very exciting to have an Emmy award winning producer and writer join us here today. In previous interviews you have spoken about how in 1994 you wrote an open letter to the Internet community about the series Seaquest and how that almost got you fired. You then go on to say that these days you rather enjoy reaching out to fans on the Internet. Is there a defining moment in your life when you realized that the Internet and social media were going to play a big role in the things that you create? Yes, when david fury and the folks behind the bronze posting board started "the fuselage" lost posting board - i used to eat lunch with lost fans every day... and the next thing you know i was blogging on live journal... there wouldn't be a Facebook for a little while... but i have always been a very accessible person, so i come by it naturally.
Hello Javier, as an independent film maker who is doing a final year of film school, How did you build yourself up to become a Producer of a very well awarded television show "Lost"? What does it take to even become a successful producer? Well, in tv writer and producer are the same thing - you rise from being just a writer to doing both writer and producer work - it's an apprenticeship process to become a show runner. in tv the executive producer is kind of like the director in a feature - they control all the creative.
Honestly, there is only one way to work to it and that is to never stop making things - in my career there's tv, films, web stuff, comic books, indie stuff... even if you are never going to see it i never stop making things. my therapist says it best" "give them you until you is what they want."
What is the most important thing you've learned about being a writer in general, and what is the most important thing you've learned about being a television writer? Let's also throw in the most important thing you've learned about being a comic book writer. Well, there's a cheeseburger taco at my local taco joint, malo - it has ground beef, cheddar and pickles. if it was a south american country, it'd be "el yumidor."
In conclusion, what's your favorite taco? As far as being a writer - well, it comes down to something the middleman says "specificity is the soul of all good communication." i actually live by that. when you are writing for the screen you need to describe actions and images, not thoughts feelings and philosophy - being an effective tv writer is all about providing a guide for the actors, the crew and the's about writing tangible and concrete sentences that describe rather than imply.
When you left Lost, it got worse, but when Brian K. Vaughan joined Lost, it got better. Are you a BKV fan? Are you reading Saga? I have not read saga but read and loved Y. i have not met BKV, but i did play scrabulous with him on Facebook - nice guy!
Did you plan the ending to Lost in advance? Or was, as many peopke claim, a last minute decision? I frankly don't know the answer to how they came up with the ending they did - when i was there we knew what we thought the island would be, how that was to be revealed dramatically was an open question -- so much happens to a show and it's characters over the course of several seasons, i tend to not believe ANYONE who says "I KNOW the exact final scene i am going to write." at the end of the day, tv is jazz, not a symphony -- you know the melody, but it's the riffs that make up the body of the composition.
Yesterday a friend of mine told me she had never watched The Middleman and I literally stopped in my tracks. Because I know she would love it. How do YOU know whether someone would enjoy it? Who do you believe is the target audience for the show? Have you ever been surprised to discover someone is a fan of the show because they don't seem like The Type? I'm surprised that anyone likes my work, truth be told... but no, by and large most of the middlefans i meet are... "the type!"
Hey Javi! Thanks for doing this. I first learned your name because of Middleman and was shocked to find out you had a part in a lot of shows I really loved. I'd love for us to be on streaming, but single season series are a hard seen now that most streaming services are established and can have their pick - i even had my agents get on it with netflix and hulu and disney, but got the same answer, they want stuff people can binge watch and come back to (which is why an eight season show like charmed is so successful on streaming).
Finally, I really enjoyed reading about your year without Star Wars. Any plans to do it again/is there anything you think could be gained from a repeat? And, if you were asked to write/produce a Star Wars tv series and were given full creative license, what would the end product look like? What typical aspect of SW would you eschew and which would you embrace? There is no one thing about star wars i eschew - it's kind of the whole package, the great (some of the movies) and the bad (the sheer amount of products, the shilling, the money grubbing)... but i would love to tell a story where the jedi are competent and not a bunch of self-deluding liars!
Any advice for an college student who is an aspiring screenwriter? Do not stop writing and creating new material - fortune favors the prepared and your one script idea is not going to be enough to get you up to speed on your craft and ability, a successful career in writing means that you can write anywhere, at any time, inspired or not - you need to work out your mind and know how to produce under any circumstances. also, work with other people, find avenues of collaboration - tv and film are extremely collaborative mediums (and sometimes adversarial) you need to learn the skills to be creative in groups - sometimes as a leader, sometimes as a follower - and the experience to understand that good ideas are not so fragile that they die when subjected to criticism.
Thank you very much! I hope one day to land in Sci-Fi, so hopefully we'll work together. What would help: english major or film major? I really want to be great at this. Writing means the world to me. Also, any websites that can teach me to write a proper script? As in structure, I'm fairly new. There are a lot of great screenwriting college programs out there - a lot of how you get good at this is going to depend on your own work ethic and how much you self-start on writing scripts... i was an english double major (creative writing/cultural studies and a playwriting minor) in college and then focused on screenwriting later - but all that time i was producing plays and making short films on the side.
Any fun stories about Jake 2.0? I loved that show so much, and was so sad it was canceled. ETA: Of course I love The Middleman too. I got into the show first, but about a year later I found this at a flea market in my neighborhood and got really excited: Link to EVERY story about jake 2.0 is a fun story because that show was a ton of fun! it was also the second time i got mark sheppard to say "PANAMA" on screen - something about his basso profundo makes the way her says that word very satisfying... like "PANAMAW!" right now we have a bet to see if i can go for a third time. you know, i wrote the outline for the series finale and was about to write the script when we got cancelled - it's out there in the inter webs somewhere!
At the beginning of LOST, did the writers have placeholder answers for all of the mysteries, or were you adding stuff with a "we'll figure it out later" attitude? We came up with a framework of ideas very early on for what we thought everything was and then at the beginning of each season we would figure out where we would try to get to and what the tentpole events were to get us there... the day to day business of the show was figuring out what stories and pilots to do in every episode and from episode to episode. a lot of stuff we needed to figure out as we went - not out of some malicious "ha! we lied!" kind of thing, but out of ... OK, we know there's other people on the island, but what is the BEST way of rendering that idea dramatically.
I'm not complaining here, just curious, as I'm fine with JJ's feelings about leaving mysteries be. People who hated the show because it didn't give them answers were missing the point of the show (and it amuses me how many of my friends ending up hating Lost, but still love The Prisoner). Because at the end, an idea is only an idea - the hard part is figuring out how to make story and character out of it - and a lot of things that "we figured out as we went" made the show better - like locke being a paraplegic... that episode was outlined without that development and damon came up with it very late in the process, but it made all the difference... that's a good example of how an idea: "the island makes a frustrated middle aged man into someone different - he reinvents himself into a mystical man of action" becomes a dramatic story, and how the process embellishes it.
Hey Javi! I'm a HUUUGE fan of The Middleman and I can't WAIT to read the new comment (and get the prop I pledged for!). "in-a-gadda-da-vida!"
Here's my question(s)- what's your favorite of the Middleman's curse phrases? And if you could be a Middleman in any era, when would it be? I think i'd be victorian middleman - i liked his vest!
Do you ever listen to music while you write? If so, what's your most memorable moment of a song or piece of art influencing your writing? I listen to music and occasionally put on a movie i know well so that it won't distract me, but if i look up to take a break, i see something i know i'll like.
I prefer the sound of dialogue to write to than the sound of music.
Most memorable moment of art influencing my writing... ok, this is obscure, but it was either seeing philip glass's/david henry hang's 1000 airplanes on the roof, or robert lepage's "la face cachee deal lune" onstage - those things were life changing because they opened doors to what could be done.
Also, star wars, which made me lift my finger to the screen and say "i want to do that!"
I have a lot of trouble outlining stories. Do you outline? Do you find it helpful? Can you write without outlining? Outlining is a way of life in tv because you have to give outlines to studio and network before you write a script (they pay for the show, so they need to know what's coming)... so putting it up on the white board, breaking it down in almost pornographic detail and then writing it up is very much the process... for my personal work, i tend to outline very loosely - as long as i know where i am going so that i am not floundering around, the amount of detail varies - it's the road map that's important not the form the road map takes!
What were some of your story ideas for season two of The Middleman? [Aside from those that will be covered in the new crowdfunded graphic novel --] I'm a straight up d&d guy... i have not LARPED, but not out of any objection, just have not gotten into it - i wouldn't put it past myself though!
Also, I know from Twitter that you play RPGs, What are some of your favorites? Have you ever one LARPing? As for story ideas - one time we talked about starting season two like it was season seven and there was all manner of backstory and callbacks that no one would understand... but truly season two would have been what i am doing now in the comic book, telling the story of wendy being reunited with her dad in some meaningful way.
How would o2stk handle The Island form LOST? Oh...they are already in contact with the alien mothership that crashed there and would have no problem figuring out how to help them get home.
Thank you! At the end of season 1, it seemed obvious to me that the Hatch was an entry port to a crashed ship that the island had formed around. Although I loved the show, and really dug the DHARMA initiative, I was always bummed that the island wasn't a spaceship. Well, the hatch itself wasn't that but... beneath the hatch...
With the success of the Middleman crowdfunding, and now that shows like The Lizzie Bennet Diaries are getting big viewership and printing DVDs and winning awards, do you see a future for yourself in non-traditional TV? (Youtube, Netflix-original, whatever.) I will go where the work is, my friend - i was on the web doing transmedia stuff back in 2006 and i loved it... i'm a storyteller, and i love finding new media to tell stories in.
What is one TV show that inspired you to go into TV production as a child? The muppet show, the twilight zone and - i kid you not - mister rogers' neighborhood.
My dream is to be a television writer and producer and I also feel very inspired by Mr. Rogers. The show gave me such a warm and happy glowing feeling. It's nice to have someone bringing us the warmth of entertainment into our living rooms, a pleasant break from the cold news of the world. Growing up in the 70s all the cartoons seemed so violent and coarse - when i first found mister rogers on tv it was like watching an alien television signal, and then it was like learning things could be different and there was a space for kindness and gentleness in the world. his show meant a lot to me.
When you're writing for Law and Order SVU how much control do you have over what you write? Well, i pitched them a story, developed it with them by sending in outlines, took their notes and then wrote it - but at the end of it, they rewrote it pretty massively, which is fine because they made it better... i was a freelancer on that show, so i wasn't part of the writing staff day to day, i am sure it's much different when you are in there... also, i wrote my svu almost thirteen years ago! so i don't know how they do it now - and the end of the day, this is a show runner driven businesss, so the most likely scenario is you are not seeing anything on screen the show runner doesn't want you to see or doesn't want to see him/herself!
So what are your next upcoming projects? I am co-executive producer on the syfy channel's upcoming limited series Helix (which is executive produced by ron moore!) and i have a few other things in development for tv that i can't talk about yet!
Ever thought about moving to feature films or is series/shows your only passion? I have been doing movie work on and off for a while but in truth, they take forever to do ANYTHING! (unless it's a franchise and they already have a release date but no script!) in TV i've had so much work produced - i like the fast pace and the emphasis on character! but i am sure someday i will get a movie made!
Is it really a limited series? Like it will only air for a small number of episodes and then my commitment is over? I got tricked with Under the Dome! I would appreciate something that will tell me a story and then end, all in a few weeks' time. If we go to a second season it will be the surviving characters working on a related mystery in a new environment.
Cool! I'm kind of enjoying the American Horror Story model where each season is self-contained. (I know that's not what you're describing, but it seems like the trend these days to stretch one story out for way too long, and I like being able to watch a season and be done with the story.) I think it's a question of keeping the show and title alive so everyone gets paid and has steady work! it will be very interesting - helix will be like a hybrid of a regular show and the american horror story mold... same characters, vastly different venue.
As someone who wants to be a television writer, how did you get your start? I got a masters degree in screenwriting from USC, but i got my start by writing plays and making short films in my early teens -- professionally, you need to move to los angeles, try to get a job as a writers assistant, write a bunch of scripts, maybe get in a studio fellowship - there's lots of ways to get there... but how you get a start as a writer is by writing and creating and never stopping. it's kind of a compulsion really.
Are you a papepen kind of writer or computers all the time? Do you find yourself unable to effectively write without your tool of choice? Nope, i write on anything - i mean, for screenwriting you need formatting software... but somewhere in my early years i decided that it was more important to write on demand than to have a ritual and i have kind of stuck to that.
That much said, i have a visconti fountain pen that i LOVE to write with!
Be honest, would you have ended LOST differently? Yes, but that's not a slam on what they did - i am a different person with a different creative agenda...i am certain at the time that was what made the most sense for the journey that damon had been on for six years - i walked beside him for two of those years, understand the extraordinary stresses involved and can't second guess his choices.
If you could redo any single thing in your career that you've ever done. what would it be and why? Huge fan thanks for the Middleman ART CRAWL! I did a pilot a few years back that was SO disastrous i have not even shown it to my parents! very early on in the process of making that goatscrew, i threatened to quit the project - some times, i wish i had... but all in all, and even with that project, if i put my name ion something and collect the paycheck, i stand by what i did - and try to be honest about why it may not have been good. man, i would have also fought harder against that underwater train episode of seaQuest... that did NOT work out for anybody!
What inspires you the most? What inspires me the most is when people go for it instead of doing the expected - when you watch a piece of art/film/music that grabs on to something and really follows it with energy and vitality. i like being surprised and shown that it's not all a formula.
Also, boxers or briefs? Boxer briefs - the kind made of lycra and look like bicycle shorts. my weight fluctuates and the tight fit helps keep everything separate when i am heavier.
How far ahead do you think when writing for a TV show? Well, you're usually three/four episodes ahead on most shows, but the margin shrinks as the season wears on because you have to feed the production machine a script every eight business days!
Wow, sounds like a non-stop kind of job! I am amazed at how great writers are and how ideas get inspired! Keep up the great work! Thanks! yeah, it can be a grind, but with the right people and a show you care about, it's kind of like eating candy for a living!
I noticed that the screen Middleman has buttons on his Eisenhower jacket, though the real-life jackets had no visible buttons and the graphic-novel version has no buttons. Was that just a random costuming happenstance, or do you remember deciding specifically to add buttons for some reason? Well, the costume was based on the eisenhower, but tweaked both by les and by the costume designer for the show to be a little more distinctive - i like button and epaulets - they look good in the absence of medals and badges!
Thanks for answering! I agree about the buttons and epaulets; the standard Ike jacket ends up looking incomplete without them. I guess I have some sewing to do before the next Comic-Con! :) I'm sure there'll be a booth somewhere with me in it - stop by!
Is there an obscure gem you love that more people should know about? I don't know if it's obscure, but i can damn well tell you that not enough people are watching "time bandits."
Sands of Zanzibar, what prop did you get? Yeah - what prop did you get?
The cologne bottle! Look for me at Comic-Con next year...I'll be the girl smelling like pure manliness. Ok, i don't know what's actually IN that bottle, so... please... try it on a piece of furniture or something before you put it on yourself!
Hey, I enjoyed your Super-Skrull mini. How excited are you for the Guardians of the Galaxy movie? I dunno, didn't see wraith in any of the posters! or super skrull!
I'm sure it will be great, they are kind of kicking tush over there at the marvel! plus - rocket raccoon!
Thanks for the kind words on super skrull - i miss that mean old son of a bitch!
Of all the episodes you've written over the course of your career, is there any episode you are particularly proud of? I love "all the best cowboys have daddy issues" from the first season of lost, but also a show i wrote for a series called "the chronicle", it was called "the king is (un)dead" and was about elvis impersonator vampires. if i could make a sweater out of that episode i would wear it every day.
I really enjoyed Reverse Parthenogenesis and Minotaur. Any more shorts in the works? How do you put together the funding for those? Do they then recoup any of the expenses? Oh, no recoupment there - out of pocket for personal development and to prove i can direct! (how'd i do?)
What's your favorite book? Orwell's 1984, hands down - probably followed closely by "the man in the high castle" by philip k. dick.
What's your favorite book?
I hadn't heard of Helix until this AMA. Sounds interesting and I'm now looking forward to it. Can you give us any more details? Also, did you squeal like a fangirl upon meeting Billy "The Rocketeer" Campbell? He is DREAMY - and a hell of an actor who is anchoring our show like a total boss - but i have not met him in person yet!
Are YOU the one responsible for the utterly disappointing end to Lost? Nope, not me... i was one of the original four writers hired by damon and jj to help flesh out the mythology and characters of the series while they wrote and produced the pilot, then i was a writer and supervising producer on the show for the first two seasons, i wrote house of the rising son, all the best cowboys have daddy issues and co wrote born to run, hearts and minds, in translation, orientation and collision.
I loved the show, but that ending... I loved the show too - but after i left i didn't watch it again until the finale... who'd have thunk it that henry gale would be the most important dude in the world... huh.
Are there any current TV shows that you wish you could be involved with? Well, i love mad men, but i am not sure i have the waspy venom required to write that show... and sometimes it's fun to kick back and just be a viewer watching someone else's stories.
Hey Javi! Who would win in a fight? Babushka or Kremlin? We need to know! The kremlin rules - he would put her down like stalin's iron fist!
What happened with the second season of BOOMTOWN? I do not know - i went off to make a disastrous pilot and by the time i got back they had moved on without me... but gosh darn it am i proud of season one!
PS: I know The Middleman was awesome, because not only did I like it, but my wife really got into it, and she's not normally into Sci-Fi/Genre stuff. Wow, thanks! we tried to make it fun for everybody - mostly ourselves, to be honest - middleman is a show that was made with a lot of love and enthusiasm and i think it shows!
Last updated: 2013-11-05 18:41 UTC
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