Bullet proof vest worn over uniform

The Ashlands is anti-player

2024.05.21 11:27 Confident-Welcome-74 The Ashlands is anti-player

Okay, here we go. Big rant incoming. This post is going to be extremely long and a bit whiny, but I would only write something like this because I really do love this game, and I am passionate about the decisions that go into game design & player experience. Feel free to skip to the TLDR. Obviously: SPOILERS
I'll start this off by saying that I have like 1000 hours in Valheim and I absolutely love the core aspects of the game. I also like to think of myself as a pretty skilled player compared to the average/target audience. I've done many Valheim playthroughs over the past few years, including a hardcore playthrough through Yagluth with no deaths, and a no-map/compass only playthrough. Even so, while the Ashlands as a biome felt "off" from even before the release, I generally blamed this on "skill issue", and figured progression would ameliorate some of the issues. After doing basically everything there is to do in the biome, I've come to the conclusion that it does not get better: the Ashlands gameplay loop is fundamentally anti-player experience. Here' why:
Mob density and lava is anti-exploration: Valheim, at its core, is an adventure & exploration game. If you take out the exploration, you're left with a resource collection simulator with awkward movement and basic combat. Like the Mistlands before it, the Ashlands presents immediate barriers to exploration. To even set foot into the biome you need top tier gear from the previous biome and an industrial grade multi-biome farm producing all of the best foods and meads.
However, while the Mistlands progression allows you to eventually overcome its barriers to exploration with the introduction of magic and new mechanical items (like the feather cape), the Ashlands never gets any less hostile. There are no lava-immunity boots, no anti-spawning beacons, no nothing. You just get a pretty okay gear upgrade, and a big fuck you. In fact, because of the unrelenting charred hordes, Valkyries, and marathon-running Asksvins, you're actually punished for exploring too far from your steadfast.
The only reasonable way to map the biome is by sprinting in Fenris armor with an Asksvin cape and Moder, which fundamentally destroys the immersion of the exploration anyways. After all this time in the biome, I've explored less than a half of a single of the Ashlands continents in my world. And why should I? What do I even gain from it? This leads me into my next big problem:
The Ashlands is unrewarding: To invest such tremendous effort into a biome there needs to be an equally tremendous reward. Spoiler: there isn't! You can expect to die a LOT in the biome, meaning your hard-earned skills are going to wither away, making you substantially weaker overall. What are you offered in return for this? Not much! The new heavy armor is the standard upgrade, extremely expensive, and generally slow. The Asksvin hide and magic armor sets are definitely not worse than the previous armor sets, but they don't really feel that much better. A couple of the weapons were interesting... but again, not enough to offset the pain.
The Ashlands really doesn't reward players for dealing with all of its bullshit. It's totally isolated, not very visually appealing, hostile from start to finish, and doesn't really introduce or accelerate any of the out-of-biome mechanics like previous biomes do (farming, sailing, new cooking stations, new crafting stations, fall damage negation, etc). By far the most interesting thing you acquire in the Ashlands is a staff that sacrifices half your health to spawn a charred troll, and they aren't even allowed to be on your team!!!
The whole war-zone aesthetic would be tolerable if the biome just didn't take so damn long to finish. Like seriously, because all of the limited visibility and constant mob clearing it's extremely slow to even locate the things you need to do, never-the-less even do them! At this point, I kind of think of the Ashlands as a chore you must complete to progress beyond it. That is fundamentally not a fun thing to do, and I believe the vast majority of players will not make it to the deep north for this exact reason. Which brings me to the biggest problem.
The Ashlands does not understand what makes difficulty fun: According to the devs, the biome is hard. Really hard, actually. They seemed extremely proud of making a biome that would really give the players a true run for their money! Naturally, I was extremely excited! Unfortunately, the Ashlands is not hard because of new strategic or mechanical learning curves, it is hard because it is clumsy.
Flametal mining is contrived and hostile. The pillars are a pain to climb with the game's terrible collision. Have you ever been crushed between the underside of a sinking flametal vein and your basalt bomb platform? 'Cus I have! Even worse, every time I actually whack a Flametal pillar (which by the way, wants to kill me even more than the monsters do) I'm personally inviting every entity in a 10 mile radius to form a mosh pit right below me.
Grapevine harvesting and planting is too slow. They take forever to find, even longer to grow, and cant even be planted in their natural biome without a shield generator? (What's up with that by the way?) I will admit that I love the way they look and depending on where you land you might get lucky and find them early, in which case this point is pretty moot. In my case, I had fully upgraded gear and had already cleared a fortress before I even found my first Vineberry.
Fortress "sieging", as the devs would like to call it, is kind of... useless? The siege weapons are clumsy and ineffective, and are immediately secondary to the brute force method of building a wooden staircase and bombarding the inside with fireballs until everything in it is dead. By the time you even reach a fortress, the relentless mob clearing just to get there has sucked all the fun out of the would-be battle anyway. (By the way, who though that it would be a good idea to make the only unique fortress mob a necromancer that summons even more of the most annoying mob in the entire biome?? Hurray, yet another swarm of reskinned, stat-boosted greydwarves!)
Honestly, I wouldn't even call the biome "hard". I would just call it painful. Things that are hard are generally things you can get better at. I don't think it particularly fits this category.
Lingering questions: While there are many things I like about the biome as a concept, I don't know if there is a single mechanic in the Ashlands that I actually think is well-designed. Now that I'm basically done with the biome, I look back and ask myself a number of questions about things I encountered. Were these really fun? or were they just tedious. I'll let you decide:
TLDR: After finishing the Ashlands I struggle to see why so many design decisions were made that make the biome so relentless, tedious, and anti-exploration. It's like they took all of the experiences and mechanics that people love about the game and replaced them with all of the ones people find painful and annoying. It is extremely disappointing, and will prevent most players from finishing the game, or even the biome itself.
submitted by Confident-Welcome-74 to valheim [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:52 ExistingAttorney1111 Manager took pictures of me in restroom and other incidents (louisville kentucky)

This is going to be a long post, but im going to break it down into some points of empahsis and then explain them in detail
So for the first bulletin, i was in the restroom with another person in another stall, he was in before i walked in, and i had not heard any noises or music come from his stall, about 7 minutes in to using the restroom, the manager in question walked in, he then stood in front of my stall (he usually walks to the sink first to wash his hands then uses the restroom) but instead of hearing water run, i heard the audible click of a iphone camera, he is a taller guy so it sounded like it came from up higher in the air, rather than lower to the ground like someone on a toilet, then he walked into the toilet as i was coming out of the stall to wash my hands
the second bulletin: i was driving a forklift in the store, with a spotter, who was 10 feet away, i had saw the manager in question standing off to the side, and was cautious of him and any one else in the area, so that i wouldnt hit them, as i was driving, he attempted to step out into the aisle that i was driving down, at the very last second that i could stop, almost as if he was wanting to be hit, i waved him to continue on, but he waved me to keep driving, later on after i went home, i was told by my spotter, that the manager had looked at him, and gave him a weird face, almost as if he was planning on doing this on purpose, pre mediated (im sure on the camera footage that it will show him purposely turn to look at my spotter and then turn back around)
the third bulletin: i was working on stocking some items onto a pallet of like items, we work at a home improvement store in the garden section, so we have to use forklifts to raise the items in the air for us to combine pallets, as im half way working on the aisle, a DS (department supervisor) comes out and says you and the other people out here need to come help bring in carts, i told him that i would be out after i was finished with my current objective, he walked away and said i better see you outside in 15 mins, and the ASM (assistant store manager) in question walked out and said something along the same lines, i told him the same thing, and he said "you have been working on this all day why isn't it done" so i explained to him that customers are a thing, and that we have to keep refilling items because they take them, and that i would get the carts after i was finished doing my current job, also that it was a sunday (we open later and close earleir on sundays) and that we didnt have enough time to finish what we needed to do and get carts at the same time, he walks away and says that i dont have to do carts, but the ENTIRE outside lawn and garden area better be spotless", and then the same DS as before comes back out and says something along the lines of "if you dont get out here to help, im going to fill out your termination papers" so i went outside and helped them, came back, and finished what i could before my scheduled time to leave. Later on i found out from the DS telling another associate that told me, he said that the ASM in question put him up to basically threatening me to help get carts and that if i didnt get carts, he was going to write me up for anything that he could have found when he did a ("walk" walking is just looking at the aisles and making sure they are clean and neat and filled) and thats why the DS threatened me with the termination because he didnt want me to get in trouble, because we are sort of friends so it was likely a heads up without specifically saying thats the reason why
bulletin 4: multiple times hes made comments about my shoes (we work with alot of soil, mulch, rocks, and just dirty items) and said they were dirty and was making fun of them basically, he did this in front of the other ASMs in the store as well as the SM (store manager) another occurrence was i was wearing some shoes without shoe laces (they are the type of shoe that is like a giant sock, so even with no shoe laces they can be worn, they are more comfortable without shoe laces *huarache run no laces*) another time i was wearing some adidas NMDs, he said something along the lines of "are those feezys?" (fake yeezys = feezys), he also said the same joke about another pair of adidas shoes that i had worn to work
fifth bulletin: we had been working on a sunday (if you notice these things always happen on a sunday) and it was getting close to closing time, so we were trying to hurry up and finish things so we could leave, our forklift was broken in a way where it wouldn't raise up all the way, so we were stuck with basically a forklift that raised 8 feet, so we couldnt fill certain items, we basically completed 95% of what needed to be done, and what was left, was block pallets that were in our top stock, above the 8 feet height that our forklift would go, he came out around 9:05pm after i called him to lock the gate (he loves to wait until the very last second to come lock our gate so he can basically try to keep up over our time to leave, the past 3 nights ive worked with him, ive called him 30 minutes before closing time to lock the gate, and he has came out at 11, 11:05, and 9pm each time) and he walked with me and asked why the blocks weren't finish, and i explained to him about the forklift, he said thats ok im going to lock this gate, work on putting these returns away, so i put the cart of return away, and went to put my vest and store phone away, and walked up to the front of the store waiting to be let out as it was 9:25pm and i was supposed to be scheduled until 9pm, another associate (who is also forklift trained and also works outside with me) had walked up at about 9:27, the ASM in question walked up at 9:29pm and asked me why i was just wasting time standing up at the front when i could have been working, i told him it was my time to go and that the forklift was broken so my job was finished for the night as i was over the time to leave by 30 minutes, he said that i was time stealing (said this in front of 2 other associates) and that i could have been working, i asked him if i was allowed to leave ( which we are not allowed to leave unless we are let out by the closing manager in groups of 3 per policy) and he didnt answer, so i clocked out and he said so you are basically time stealing, i asked him how i was time stealing if we are required to stay on premises until a manager lets us out, and he didnt answer, i also said why am i the only one being spoken to about this when another associate that is ALSO forklift trained and works in the same department wasnt being spoken to and why it was just me, he said "because you are just standing up here" when the other person was also "just standing up here"
final bulletin: after the incident where i was led to believe that a picture was taken of me in the restroom, i had confided in another person that works in the store (they are a manager as well) about the situation, and that how i felt violated, they had let me know that the ASM in question was previously reported to HR for along the same reason, and that its not the first time its happened, which led me to believe that the incident that happened to me was more than likely true, as i was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, so i didnt think twice as it may have been a accident, but not that i know he was previously report for it, it makes it 1000x more believable
My question for you guys is, Do i have a case for harrasment or anything else? I have yet to present this to my HR department because i have no tangible evident other than the word from the DS,and it would be he said he said type of thing. i cant bring up the fact that i know he previously was reported for the same thing to HR because they would want to know how i obtained that information.
submitted by ExistingAttorney1111 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:18 GhoulGriin Best Clip On Shooting Glasses

Best Clip On Shooting Glasses

Introducing an innovative solution for your shooting needs, we present you with a roundup of the best Clip On Shooting Glasses. These versatile glasses have made their mark in the world of sports, offering superior comfort and protection without compromising your vision. Join us as we guide you through the features and benefits of these must-have accessories that have revolutionized the shooting experience.

The Top 19 Best Clip On Shooting Glasses

  1. Ultra-Light Clip-On Sunglasses with Soft Rubber Tips - Enjoy crystal-clear vision with Splaks Unisex Polarized Clip-On Sunglasses, featuring durable frameless rectangle lenses and protective soft rubber tips, for seamless compatibility with most prescription glasses!
  2. Versatile Clip-On Sunglasses for Outdoor Activities - Enhance your outdoor experiences with TERAISE Clip on Sunglasses, offering unbeatable sun protection, visual appeal, and versatility for driving, fishing, and more.
  3. Polarized Clip-On Sunglasses for Outdoor Activities - Fisherman Eyewear Grey Clip-On Polarized Sunglasses - USA-made, carbon neutral and polarized for unbeatable sun protection.
  4. High-Performance Shooting Glasses with 4 Interchangeable Lenses - Protect your eyes and enhance your shooting experience with the Jack Pyke Pro Sport GP Glasses, featuring 4 interchangeable lenses and UV400 protection.
  5. LUFF Polarized Night Vision Clip-On Sunglasses for Safe Driving and Sports - Embrace brighter, safer driving with Luff 2-Pair Polarized/Night Vision Clip-on Sunglasses/Myopia Glasses, designed for unmatched comfort, protection, and visual clarity - the ultimate driving companion.
  6. Polarized Grey Clip-On Flip-Up Sunglasses - New Low Profile Design - Experience superior vision protection with Opsales Polarized Grey Clip-On Flip-Up Sunglasses, featuring a low-profile design, versatile fit, and enhanced lens technology for optimal clarity and comfort.
  7. Versatile Clip-On Sunglasses for Night Driving - Jim Halo's magnetic 5-piece Clip On Shooting Glasses boast scratch-resistant lenses with 100% UVA-UVB protection for unparalleled night driving comfort and durability.
  8. Polarized Clip-On Sunglasses with UV400 Protection - Jessiedanton Polarized Clip-On Flip Up Metal Clip Rimless Sunglasses offer UV400 protection, easy application, and unmatched day and night polarized lenses for ultimate outdoor activity enjoyment.
  9. Method Seven Aviator FX Clip-On Shooting Glasses - Get ready to soar in style with Method Seven Aviator FX clip-on sunglasses, offering unmatched contrast and clarity for aviators, while featuring durable, lightweight materials for comfort and enhanced vision.
  10. Flip-Up Clip-On Night Vision Glasses for Shooting Protection - Upgrade your outdoor vision with GREAT PICK's Polarized Night Vision Clip-On Glasses, the perfect safety gear for those who love the great outdoors!
  11. Clip-On Sunglasses for Clearer Vision and Light Glare Reduction - Brighten your world with these versatile Magic Monster Clip-On Sunglasses, featuring polarized lenses for glare reduction, UV-400 protection, and adjustable rubber legs to perfectly fit over your prescription eyewear.
  12. Clip-On Shooting Glasses: Stylish and Practical Protection - Eco Isere Clip-On Glasses: Affordable protection meets stylish appeal, perfect for those who value both taste and eye care.
  13. Enhanced Shooting Glasses with Clip-On Lenses - Experience unmatched target definition and optical clarity with the Ranger Small Max Light Clip-On Lenses for Sporter Shooting Glasses, designed for durability and versatility on the range.
  14. Polarized Clip-on Sunglasses for Prescription Glasses - Elevate your outdoor adventures with Find Fish Man's Polarized Clip-on Sunglasses, featuring cool fashion, comfortable wear, and enhanced safety during night driving, all in a compact and versatile package suitable for various activities.
  15. Clip-On Shooting Glasses for Efficient IFR Practice - Experience seamless IFR practice with ASA's Overcasters, the lightweight, ergonomically designed, and quick-attach clip-on shooting glasses designed for every pilot.
  16. Polarized Clip-On Sunglasses for Prescription Glasses - UV400 Protection - Experience ultimate convenience and protection with Fish Man Polarized Clip-On Sunglasses, designed specifically for fishermen and drivers alike.
  17. Convertible Sleeper Chair: Stylish and Modern Sleeping Solution - Transform your everyday eyeglasses into sleek, lightweight polarized sunglasses with the Solar Shield G Rec ClipOns, featuring 100% UVA-UVB lens protection for exceptional sun and UV ray blockage.
  18. Clip-On Shooting Lenses for Sporter Shooting Glasses - Upgrade your sports shooting experience with the Ranger Small Max Light Clip-On Lenses, featuring superior optical clarity and durable Claysight technology for unmatched target definition!
  19. Ranger Clip-On Shooting Glasses for Enhanced Vision - Experience unrivaled target enhancement with Ranger RIACT A.I. Low Light Clip On Shooting Glasses, offering professional grade optical clarity and a sleek, compact design for seamless integration.
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🔗Ultra-Light Clip-On Sunglasses with Soft Rubber Tips

I recently decided to give these Clip-On Sunglasses a try, and let me tell you, they exceeded my expectations. Not only do they offer maximum protection from harmful UV rays but they're lightweight as well, making them a breeze to carry around. The scratch-resistant lenses are a big plus, ensuring they stay in great shape no matter how much I use them.
One of my favorite features is the frame-less design that easily flips up, providing me with a versatile option depending on the situation. I also appreciate the soft rubber tips, which ensure I won't accidentally scratch my prescription glasses while using the clip-ons. It's nice to have a backup tip included in the package too, just in case.
The polarized lenses are another highlight, providing crystal-clear vision even on the brightest, sunniest days. The durability of these clip-ons makes them a reliable companion for years to come, and I'm thrilled with my purchase. However, I'll admit there have been a few times when I had to fiddle a little to get them aligned perfectly, but overall, it's a small price to pay for their many benefits.
I wholeheartedly recommend these Clip-On Sunglasses to anyone in the market for a reliable, high-quality pair. They've become an indispensable part of my daily life, protecting my eyes from the sun's harmful rays and providing unparalleled clarity in my vision.

🔗Versatile Clip-On Sunglasses for Outdoor Activities

As someone who loves spending time outdoors, be it driving or fishing, TERAISE Clip-On Sunglasses have been a game-changer for me. The flip-up functionality and sleek design make them a versatile accessory, perfect for keeping me protected from harmful ultraviolet rays and pesky glare.
I must say, I was pleasantly surprised by the lightweight and transparent alloy material that these sunglasses are made of. They might seem small at first, but a little adjustment goes a long way, and now they fit snugly onto my glasses, providing the perfect amount of coverage. Plus, the strong and durable metal rim around the inner edge of the lens adds an extra layer of protection, ensuring these sunglasses last as long as I need them.
One minor issue I've encountered is that the rivets on the bridge are shiny silver instead of black - aesthetics aside, this doesn't affect their performance. Overall, TERAISE Clip-On Sunglasses are a fantastic addition to my outdoor gear, and I highly recommend them for anyone looking to enhance their outdoor experiences.

🔗Polarized Clip-On Sunglasses for Outdoor Activities

I recently had the opportunity to try out the Fisherman Eyewear Grey Clip-On Polarized Sunglasses, and I have to say, they've become an essential part of my outdoor adventures. Made in the USA with a sleek plastic frame, these polarized sunglasses were designed to provide exceptional sun protection.
One of the highlights of these sunglasses is their eco-friendly aspect. Every pair is certified Carbon Neutral, which means they've made a commitment to reduce their carbon footprint and protect our environment. How cool is that?
Now, let's talk about the user experience. First off, their polarization is top-notch. I've been spending more time on the water, and the clarity these sunglasses provide is incredible. No more squinting or squinting at the water below—these let me see everything with ease.
However, there were a couple of downsides I noticed. One is that they are a bit of a tight fit over my regular glasses—I'm not sure they would work well with plastic frames. Additionally, the shipping cost was a bit higher than expected for such a light item.
Overall, the Fisherman Eyewear Grey Clip-On Polarized Sunglasses are a great value for the price, offering exceptional sun protection and an eco-friendly design. Just be prepared for tight fitting and a higher shipping cost.

🔗High-Performance Shooting Glasses with 4 Interchangeable Lenses

As a frequent shooter, I've always been on the lookout for reliable protective eyewear. When I came across the Jack Pyke Pro Sport GP Shooting Glasses, I was intrigued by their four interchangeable lens colors and the promise of 100% UV400 protection.
I was pleasantly surprised at how easily I could change the lenses. The simple pop-out mechanism made it quick and effortless. The glasses arrived with a hard-sided carrying case, a fastening clip, and a comfortable Neoprene head strap. All these features made it effortless to bring the glasses with me wherever I went.
The Jack Pyke Pro Sport GP Shooting Glasses offered excellent wraparound protection, and I could easily see the clays when wearing them. The clear lens was great for bright sunny days, while the yellow lens was perfect for overcast conditions. However, the smoke lens didn't quite deliver the clarity I desired, which was a minor disappointment.
Overall, I found the glasses to be comfortable and light enough to wear all day long. The protective features were top-notch, and their versatility made them perfect for any shooting occasion. As a consumer, I was delighted by the affordability of this product, considering its excellent functionality. It's a high-quality product that has become an essential part of my shooting gear. I highly recommend the Jack Pyke Pro Sport GP Shooting Glasses to anyone in need of reliable and comfortable protective eyewear.

🔗LUFF Polarized Night Vision Clip-On Sunglasses for Safe Driving and Sports


As a user of Luff 2-Pair Polarized/Night Vision Clip on Sunglasses/Myopia Glasses for Driving, I find these glasses to be a reliable and functional choice for my everyday needs. My experience with them has been nothing short of impressive. The most remarkable aspect of these glasses lies in the protection they provide my eyes from the harsh outdoor elements. The polarized lenses provide a clear and non-distorted view of the world around me, both day and night.
What I particularly appreciate is the lightweight nature of the glasses. Weighing just 4 grams, they are easy to wear and do not cause any discomfort. The soft silicone leg cover has also been an asset, offering a snug and secure fit to my frames without damaging them in any way.
On the downside, the adjustable clip took a bit of getting used to, but once I figured it out, it worked just fine. I also found the storage box to be quite useful, keeping the glasses in pristine condition when not in use.
In summary, Luff's 2-Pair Polarized/Night Vision Clip on Sunglasses/Myopia Glasses for Driving make for a solid addition to any driver's wardrobe. They offer a perfect mix of form and function, making outdoor activities more enjoyable, and driving safer, regardless of the time of day.

🔗Polarized Grey Clip-On Flip-Up Sunglasses - New Low Profile Design

I've been using the Opsales Polarized Grey Clip-On Flip-Up Sunglasses as my daily glasses for a while now, and I have to say, they've been quite a game-changer for me. Despite my skepticism, I found these glasses to be incredibly user-friendly and practical for everyday use, not to mention stylish.
Initially, I appreciated the clip mechanism design, which allowed me a quick and easy way to switch between my regular glasses and the Clip-On Sunglasses. Furthermore, I noticed that these glasses had a lower profile squeeze to open clip, which added to the convenience of wearing them.
The lens clarity is also one of the highlights for me, making them easy to adapt to any situation whether it's driving, fishing, or winter sports. The lenses, made from optical grade plastic polarized lenses, do a fantastic job of blocking 100% of harmful UV rays, and provide excellent polarization to eliminate direct and reflective glare.
One downside I noticed was the possibility of scratches on the lenses, as the legs are susceptible to damage easily. However, this is a minimal concern considering the overall quality and reliability of the product.
Another advantage is that these glasses easily fit both metal and plastic frames, thanks to the new leg profile design. This makes them convenient for use with my prescription glasses as well, without requiring any extra effort.
In conclusion, the Opsales Clip-On Sunglasses have made a significant difference in my daily life, with their sleekness, convenience, and functionality making them my go-to option for outdoor activities. Despite being an initially hesitant user, these sunglasses proved themselves to be a reliable and efficient tool for managing glare and protecting my eyes from dangerous ultraviolet light.

🔗Versatile Clip-On Sunglasses for Night Driving

I've been using the Jim Halo Magnetic clip-on sunglasses for a few weeks now, and I have to say, they've been a handy addition to my daily life. The polarized lenses have made an incredible difference while driving at night, helping me see the road clearly without the glare of oncoming headlights.
The magnetic clip-on design is convenient and secure, allowing me to switch between driving and walking seamlessly. The lenses are also scratch- and impact-resistant, which gives me peace of mind knowing they'll last longer.
However, I've noticed that the plastic frame can feel a bit flimsy at times, but other than that, these sunglasses have definitely made my night driving experience much safer and more enjoyable.

🔗Polarized Clip-On Sunglasses with UV400 Protection

I've been using these JESSIEDANTON Polarized Clip-On Flip Up Metal Clip Rimless Sunglasses for a few weeks now, and I must say, they've been a game-changer in my life. The 9-layer Polarized lens is a true marvel, providing clear vision even during the gloomiest days. They're perfect for driving or any outdoor activity where a glare can ruin the fun.
One of the best features of these sunglasses is their ultra-lightweight build. The scratch-resistant material is highly durable and holds up well to daily wear and tear. The premium metal alloy clip is both impact and shatter-proof, making it a reliable and long-lasting accessory.
Applying these clip-on shades to your glasses is as easy as snapping your fingers. They're versatile, and I've found them useful on sunny days, cloudy days, rainy days, and even during nights. The JESSIEDANTON brand ensures that their lenses are coated with a scratch-resistant coating, ensuring they stay in top shape.
The only downside is the cleaning. It's essential to never use alcohol or any other chemicals to clean the lens. This might seem a bit of an inconvenience, but considering the excellent performance these sunglasses provide, it's a small price to pay.
Overall, these Jessiedanton Polarized Clip-On Flip Up Metal Clip Rimless Sunglasses are incredible and definitely worth the investment.

🔗Method Seven Aviator FX Clip-On Shooting Glasses

I've been using the Method Seven Aviator FX clip-ons for a few weeks now and I must say, they're quite impressive. Their lenses offer an exceptional level of clarity and sharpness - I can see everything crystal clearly when I wear them. The transition from looking at a screen to the outdoors is smooth and smooth thanks to their notch filtering technology. The design of the frame is comfortable and stylish, fitting easily and securely onto my prescription glasses. These aviator-style clip-ons make working around bright indoor LED lights much safer for my eyes.
However, there are a few things I'd like to point out. First, I found the clip-ons a bit difficult to attach and remove from my glasses. Second, I noticed that they're not very durable - more than one set has broken on me. Lastly, I wish they had better sun protection for outdoor use. Overall, the Method Seven Aviator FX clip-ons are a great product, but they could use some improvements in these areas.

🔗Flip-Up Clip-On Night Vision Glasses for Shooting Protection

I've been using the GREAT PICK NIGHTWATCH polarized night vision clip-on glasses, and let me tell you, they've made a huge difference in my outdoor adventures. The first thing I noticed was how easy they were to use - just flip them up when you need clear vision, and clip them back on when you're ready to see in the dark.
The strong plastic lenses and unbreakable metal alloy clip are fantastic, ensuring that they hold up nicely even after frequent use. I also appreciate the UV-400 protection, which keeps my eyes safe from harmful rays.
While I don't have any major complaints, I did find the size to be a bit limiting, as they only fit large prescription glasses. It would be great if they offered sizes for a wider range of glasses. Overall, it's been a fantastic addition to my gear, and I can see why it's the perfect gift for those who love spending time outdoors!

🔗Clip-On Sunglasses for Clearer Vision and Light Glare Reduction

I recently gave the Magic Monster Clip-On Sunglasses a try, and I must say, I'm thoroughly impressed. These glasses are truly a game changer for those of us who need sunglasses but also wear prescription glasses or readers. The polarized lenses are not just a fashion statement, they actually make a difference in reducing glare and providing better visual clarity. The soft rubber legs are a nice touch, as they protect my glasses from scratches and shifting.
However, there were a few things that could have been improved. The lens size could have been a bit larger to cover more of my lenses for better sunglass coverage. Also, the clip-on mechanism could have been more secure, as it sometimes felt like the sunglasses might fall off when I was on the go.
Overall, I think these Magic Monster Sunglasses are a great investment for those who need prescription-friendly sunglasses with polarized lenses. They definitely help me see better and more clearly when I'm driving, boating, or just enjoying the outdoors.

🔗Clip-On Shooting Glasses: Stylish and Practical Protection

These Blue Tort-Sun Clip Eco Isere glasses were the perfect addition to my daily fashion choices. The stylish, round full-rim frame made a striking statement on various occasions. Despite being made of plastic, it felt surprisingly sturdy yet lightweight on my nose bridge, measuring just 16mm wide.
The lens width came in at a comfortable 51mm, allowing for a generous field of view. While these glasses aren't polarized, I found the clarity to be sufficient for my everyday needs. The clip-on design made switching between sunglasses and regular glasses a breeze.
However, the arm length of 140mm might not be ideal for everyone, and I wished they had offered a wider range of colors or designs. Nevertheless, the reasonable price tag made up for it, and the fast delivery of these fantastic looking glasses was a definite plus.

🔗Enhanced Shooting Glasses with Clip-On Lenses

One crisp winter morning, I took my trusty Ranger shooting lenses for a spin. These lenses, designed with Claysight technology, promise the highest optical clarity and enhanced target definition in the world of sporting shooters. As I adjusted them to my glasses, I couldn't help but notice the sleek and sturdy clip-on mechanism, making them a doddle to fit.
During my first outing, the Ranger lenses truly came into their own. The crystal-clear vision allowed me to spot my targets with ease, even from a distance. The enhanced colors made everything appear more vibrant, and the lenses' ability to withstand the elements impressed me.
However, there was one downside to my experience. On occasions when the lenses moved slightly, it created a double image effect, which was a little distracting. But overall, their performance far outweighed the occasional hiccup. The lenses arrived promptly, and the microfiber pouch was a thoughtful addition.
So, overall, would I recommend the Ranger Small Clip-On Lenses? Absolutely! Despite the minor flaw, their superior optical quality and durability make them an invaluable addition to any sports enthusiast's kit.

🔗Polarized Clip-on Sunglasses for Prescription Glasses

I recently tried out these polarized clip-on sunglasses and let me tell you, they are quite the handy little gadget! The fashionable classic design is perfect for any outdoor enthusiast, be it skiing, golfing, cycling, or even fishing.
One of the most impressive features is the anti-reflective lens coating. It has made a significant difference in my comfort while driving, especially when navigating through streets with bright street lamps or headlights. The clip-on design is also super convenient – not only for driving but also for when I need sunglasses during my outdoor activities.
The polarized lens adds an extra element of protection by eliminating scattered and reflected glares, ensuring my eyes aren't subjected to harsh lights. And considering they're made of lighter material than traditional glasses, they're much more comfortable to wear.
However, there are a couple of downsides worth mentioning. Firstly, you need to be mindful of when it's safe to use these clip-ons (like flipping them up in a tunnel). Secondly, while one colored lens may work well for nighttime driving, the rest are more suited for daytime activities.
Overall, these polarized clip-on sunglasses have proven to be a useful addition to my daily life and outdoor activities. The combination of style, comfort, and practicality makes them a worthwhile investment.

Buyer's Guide

Clip-on shooting glasses are an essential piece of gear for avid shooters. They provide protection from debris, dust, and other damaging elements while allowing you to maintain a clear line of sight. In this buyer's guide, we'll discuss the key features to consider, provide valuable advice, and offer guidance on how to choose the right clip-on shooting glasses for your needs.

1. Lens quality and protection

The lens quality of clip-on shooting glasses plays a crucial role in your shooting experience. Look for glasses with high-quality, scratch-resistant lenses that offer superior protection against debris and UV rays. Reinforced frames and lenses are also a must, as they help maintain your glasses' integrity even during rough shooting conditions.

2. Comfort and fit

Comfort is essential when wearingclip-on shooting glasses, especially during long shooting sessions. Look for glasses that offer a snug, secure fit without putting pressure on your ears. Adjustable nose pads and temple tips are also useful features, as they help you achieve a custom fit. Additionally, opt for glasses with flexible frames that can adapt to different head shapes and sizes.

3. Durability and maintenance

Durability should be one of your primary considerations when choosing clip-on shooting glasses. Opt for glasses with sturdy, well-built frames and lenses that can withstand the rigors of outdoor shooting conditions. Additionally, consider glasses with a hydrophobic or oleophobic coating, which repels water and oil, making them easier to clean and maintain.


4. Fog resistance

During shooting, fog can build up on your clip-on shooting glasses, compromising your vision. To prevent this, look for glasses with anti-fog technology, which helps maintain a clear line of sight. Additionally, some glasses feature ventilated frames that improve airflow, reducing fog accumulation.

5. Style and color options

Clip-on shooting glasses come in a variety of styles and colors, catering to different personal preferences and shooting conditions. Consider the overall design and aesthetics of the glasses, as well as their color scheme, when making your decision. Additionally, consider whether you prefer lenses with a tinted or clear tint, depending on the lighting conditions you'll be shooting in.

Advice and Tips

  1. Try before you buy: Whenever possible, test different clip-on shooting glasses in person to find the best fit and feel.
  2. Check for compatibility: Make sure the glasses are compatible with the type of shooting you'll be doing, whether it's rifle, shotgun, or pistol.
  3. Consider other accessories: Many clip-on shooting glasses come with additional accessories, such as lens cloths, cleaning kits, and spare lenses. Take note of these extras when making your purchase.
  4. Check reviews and ratings: Do your research and read product reviews and ratings from other shooters to gauge the glasses' performance and durability.
By following these guidelines and taking the time to research, you'll be well-equipped to find the perfect clip-on shooting glasses for your needs. Happy shooting!


What are clip on shooting glasses?

Clip on shooting glasses are a type of eyewear designed specifically for shooting enthusiasts. They are designed to be worn over regular glasses or contact lenses, providing protection and enhancing visual clarity during shooting activities.


Why should I use clip on shooting glasses?

  • They provide additional protection for the eyes during shooting activities.
  • They enhance visual clarity and help to block out glare, making it easier to see the target.
  • They are designed to be worn over regular glasses or contact lenses, so you can continue to wear corrective eyewear if needed.

What types of clip on shooting glasses are available?

There are several types of clip on shooting glasses available on the market, each with its own unique features and benefits. Some of the most popular types include traditional clip-on glasses, magnetic clip-on glasses, and shooting glasses with built-in electronic features (such as sensors and displays).

How do traditional clip-on shooting glasses work?

Traditional clip-on shooting glasses work by attaching to the frame of your regular glasses or sunglasses using small clips or magnets. The glasses are designed to be worn over your regular eyewear, providing an extra layer of protection for your eyes.

How do magnetic clip-on shooting glasses work?

Magnetic clip-on shooting glasses work in a similar way to traditional clip-on glasses, but they use magnets to attach to the frame of your regular eyewear. This allows for a more secure and stable fit, as well as quick and easy attachment and removal.

What are the benefits of using clip on shooting glasses with built-in electronic features?

  • They provide additional protection and enhanced visual clarity, just like traditional clip-on glasses.
  • They often include features such as sensors and displays, which can help to improve your shooting accuracy and performance.
  • They can be more expensive than traditional clip-on glasses, but the added features may be worth the investment for serious shooting enthusiasts.

How do I choose the right clip on shooting glasses for me?

When selecting clip on shooting glasses, consider factors such as the type of shooting activity you participate in, the frames of your regular glasses or sunglasses, and any specific features or benefits you are looking for (such as magnets for a secure fit or electronic features for enhanced performance).

Can I wear clip on shooting glasses with my corrective eyewear?

Yes, most clip on shooting glasses are designed to be worn over regular glasses or contact lenses, so you can continue to wear your corrective eyewear while using the clip on glasses for added protection and visual clarity during shooting activities.
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2024.05.21 06:13 GuiltlessMaple Best Climbing Tree Stand Replacement Cables

Best Climbing Tree Stand Replacement Cables

Get ready to conquer the heights with our Climbing Tree Stand Replacement Cables roundup! In this article, we'll dive into the world of hunting accessories and bring you a curated list of top-quality replacement cables for your climbing tree stand. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a beginner, we've got you covered with our reliable and comprehensive guide.

The Top 19 Best Climbing Tree Stand Replacement Cables

  1. Safety Enhancing 30" Nylon Tree Stand Cables - Ensure safety while hunting with the Muddy Safe-Line 30" Nylon Rope System, a durable and versatile solution for ascending and descending tree stands.
  2. Safe and Easy Tree Stand Gear Rope 25ft - Easily and safely hoist your gear with Realtree's 30-foot nylon braided EZ Rope, featuring a coated carabiner and reflective threads for convenient gear access.
  3. Stainless Steel Climbing Tree Stand Replacement Cable - Ensure a reliable and durable climbing experience with Eder Stainless Steel Cable, priced per foot, featuring a 3/32" diameter for optimal performance and durability.
  4. Safe-Line Climbing Tree Stand Replacement Cables for Hunting - Stay safe while climbing tree stands with Muddy's durable 30" Nylon rope system, designed to prevent accidents and protect hunters.
  5. Tough, versatile 7/16 climbing rope for arborist and tree work - Arborist-24 Climbing Rope - 5.0-star rated, Pelicans 24-strand braided rope with tough chemical resistance and ideal for arborist tree work.
  6. Tough Winch Cable for Tree Stand Replacements - Experience unmatched durability and strength with the Badland 3/8 in. x 65 ft. Replacement Winch Cable, featuring a rugged aircraft grade braided wire construction and a drop forged clevis hook, perfect for climbing tree stand replacement cables.
  7. Versatile 30ft Braided Steel Cable for Secure Locking - Upgrade your locks' efficiency and security with the Trimax VMAX30CBL Replacement Cable, designed to fit perfectly with the Versa-Cable Lock for a wide range of applications, including bikes, tools, patio furniture, and more.
  8. No-Burn Treestand Hoist Rope for Tree Stands Up to 25 Feet - Safely ascend and descend to your tree stand with ease using the 22 ft 30-06 No Burn Treestand Hoist Rope, featuring a large carabiner clip and 4 inch tubing to protect your fingers.
  9. 30' Safety Line for Hunting Tree Stands - Elevate your hunting safety with Summit Treestand's 30-Feet Safety Line - 3 Pack, featuring dual prussic knots for a secure grip while climbing up and down trees, perfect for hunters and outdoor enthusiasts.
  10. Helo Hang On Tree Stand Replacement Cables - Hang On Cables provide a seamless replacement for Echo, Helo, or Raider Hang On Treestands, ensuring a secure and robust climbing experience.
  11. High-Strength Industrial Accessory Cord for Climbing and Industrial Applications - The Cypher 300' Accessory Cord is a versatile, high strength nylon cord perfect for climbing, rescue, and industrial applications, as well as arts and crafts projects, available in various diameters and made in the USA.
  12. Secure Tree Stand Cable Lock Set for Protection - Secure your climbing tree stand and other valuables with ease thanks to HME's durable, 4.3-rated 3-pack of self-coiling, lockable cable systems, perfect for all outdoor gear.
  13. Outdoor-Ready Tree Stand Security Cable - Secure your precious camping gear with the Muddy Defender Security Cable, featuring a versatile 7' long steel cable, a reliable pin tumbler lock, and rugged outdoor-proof lock components. An essential must-have for your next wilderness escapade.
  14. Safe Treestand Climbing Cable for Avid Hunters - The Millennium Safe-Link 35 ft. Safety Line is a reliable and safest option for treestand accidents, providing a controlled ascent and descent with a prusik knot and carabiner included, perfect for climbing into and out of your stand safely.
  15. Powerful ANSI-Compliant Tree Stand Safety Rope for Hunting and Climbing - VE Vor's 9 and 30 ft Tree Stand Ropes offer exceptional durability, safety, and versatility for hunters, with 2 carabiners and 2 prusik knots, ensuring secure and reliable climbing experiences.
  16. Summit Treestands Climbing Cable Replacement Shrink Tubing - Replace worn-out shrink tubing on your Summit climbing treestand cables with the convenient, easy-to-apply 67-inch replacement tubings for durable performance.
  17. LIVOSA Climbing Rope for Tree Arborists: Blue 612 - The LIVOSA Flip Line Tree Climbing Rope offers unmatched safety and durability with its 7/25" steel wire inner core and 20 kN/4400lbs max breaking strength, making it the perfect choice for all your arborist equipment needs.
  18. Reflective Treestand Rope for Easy Hunting Accessories - Experience the convenience and safety of Allen Reflective Treestand Gun & Bow Rope, the 25' braided rope with lockdown jaws, designed for treestands, camping, and beyond.
  19. Ultimate Treestand Accessory for Safe Transportation - Safely hoist your gear with the durable and stylish 30' Treestand Rope from Allen, designed to suit any budget and ensure satisfaction.
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🔗Safety Enhancing 30" Nylon Tree Stand Cables

As an avid hunter, I've always prioritized safety while trekking through the wilderness. When I first heard about the Muddy Safe-Line 30" Durable Nylon Outdoor Hunting & Tree Stand System, I knew it would revolutionize my outdoor experiences.
One day, I ventured into the dense forest, armed with nothing but my rifle and the Muddy Safe-Line System. As I climbed my tree stand, I felt a strong sense of security. This 30-inch long nylon rope, durable enough for its advertised 300-pound weight capacity, stretched before me. The Prusik knots felt reassuringly comfortable as they guided me up the tree. In the low light of the forest, the rope's visibility played a crucial role.
However, this wasn't all about safety; it also made my climbing experience seamless. The nylon rope was flexible enough to adjust to my movement, making climbing and descending a fluid affair. Yet, it maintained a solid grip, ensuring I never lost my footing.
In essence, the Muddy Safe-Line System is a vital tool for hunters seeking a balance between safety and ease of use. Its unique features ensure it's worth the investment for any hunter. Whether it's your first time climbing a tree stand or you're a seasoned pro, this durable nylon rope system is a game-changer, promising a safer and more enjoyable hunt.

🔗Safe and Easy Tree Stand Gear Rope 25ft

I recently gave the Realtree EZ Rope a shot, and let me tell you, it made my tree stand experience so much better. With its 25-foot length, hoisting my gear up was a piece of cake, thanks to the easy-to-handle plastic handle.
The EZ Rope even came with an extra-sturdy coated carabiner that securely locked onto my tree stand. The nylon braided rope, with its reflective threads, allowed me to locate my stand in the dark with ease.
But be careful - if you're not careful, the rope can get tangled up in a mess. All in all, the Realtree EZ Rope was a handy addition to my tree stand setup, and I'd highly recommend it to anyone looking to make their hunting life a bit easier.

🔗Stainless Steel Climbing Tree Stand Replacement Cable

Sometimes, you need a reliable replacement cable for your climbing tree stand. That's when the Eder Stainless Steel Cable comes in handy. This durable cable is priced per foot, so you only order the exact length you need.
A 3/32" diameter ensures it's sturdy yet lightweight. I've had great experiences with this cable, but the drawback is that you have to calculate the number of feet you need before placing the order.

🔗Safe-Line Climbing Tree Stand Replacement Cables for Hunting

I recently had the chance to try the Muddy Safe-Line 30" Durable Nylon Outdoor Hunting & Tree Stand System, and I must say, it has become my go-to for all my hunting tree stand adventures. The first thing that stood out was the safety aspect - knowing that I had a reliable system to climb up safely, no matter the condition, was a relief.
The product's durability was impressive too, as it withstood the wear and tear of climbing up and down trees numerous times. The nylon rope stretched to 30 inches, making it perfect for my needs and providing a smooth climbing experience.
However, it's not all smooth sailing. One downside I've noticed is that when the weather gets rainy, it can take some time to dry, which can be inconvenient. But overall, this Muddy Safe-Line system has made my hunting excursions much safer and more enjoyable.

🔗Tough, versatile 7/16 climbing rope for arborist and tree work

As an arborist, I've always been on the lookout for a reliable climbing rope that can withstand the harsh elements and resist chemical damage. The 7/16" Arborist-24 Climbing Rope was a game changer for me. It's not your standard rope – it's made specifically for professionals like me, who need to tackle complex tree work.
One of the most impressive features of this rope is its 24-strand construction. This doubles the strength, making it a reliable option for heavy-duty tree maintenance. The nylon core is both durable and flexible, ensuring a seamless climbing experience. And I love the double-ply braid design – it gives the rope an added level of toughness.
The polyester cover is what really sets this rope apart. Its chemical resistance is top-notch, meaning it'll stand up to all kinds of environmental hazards without a hitch. Plus, it's incredibly smooth to the touch, making it a pleasure to handle.
The 7/16" diameter is ideal for my line of work, providing a good balance of strength and control. The rope is also lightweight, which is a big plus when you're spending long hours in the tree canopy.
There are a couple of downsides to this rope, though. First, it needs more maintenance than some other ropes – the chemical resistant polyester cover can be a bit more high-maintenance. Also, the factory splicing eyes can be beneficial but they do lower the minimum breaking strength to 5,400 lbs, which might be a concern for some users.
All in all, the 7/16" Arborist-24 Climbing Rope is a fantastic choice for arborists and anyone else dealing with demanding tree work. Its toughness, smoothness, and ideal diameter make it a standout product in its category.

🔗Tough Winch Cable for Tree Stand Replacements

The Badland 3/8 in. x 65 ft. Replacement Winch Cable with Hook is a sturdy and versatile aid for those needing to tackle tough tasks that require a winch. As someone who has personally put this cable to use, I can attest to its reliability and effectiveness.
The cable's heavy gauge steel construction and zinc plating make it a formidable force against rust, ensuring durability in even the harshest environments. Its aircraft grade braided wire design gives it the strength to handle some seriously heavy loads without fraying or snapping.
I appreciated how the cable comes equipped with a heavy-duty drop forged clevis hook, which makes it easy to attach to various objects needing to be pulled or lifted. The hook's robust build added an extra layer of confidence when tackling challenging jobs.
One of the most significant advantages of this product is its versatility. Users have reported using it for a wide range of tasks, from assisting with tree removal and stump pulling to towing large truck trailers out of tricky situations.
However, the cable's longer length might prove a bit unwieldy for some users who only require a shorter cable for their tasks. It could be helpful if there were options available in different lengths to cater to various needs.
In summary, the Badland 3/8 in. x 65 ft. Replacement Winch Cable with Hook is an excellent tool for those who need a long, heavy-duty winch cable with enough strength to tackle even the most challenging jobs. Despite its occasional limitations, it remains a top choice for those who require a dependable and versatile winch cable.

🔗Versatile 30ft Braided Steel Cable for Secure Locking

Imagine a cable that's not just flexible, but strong and durable enough to secure your precious gear. That's what you get with the Trimax Versa-Cable Trimaflex Braided Steel Cable.
Its unique weave design allows you to easily lock up items like bikes, tools, patio furniture, and more, while its interchangeable nature lets you customize its length to your needs. The cable effortlessly transitions from securing a bike rack to locking up your jet ski, making it the ultimate versatile solution for various scenarios.
It's the perfect addition to your security arsenal and a must-have for all your outdoor adventures.

🔗No-Burn Treestand Hoist Rope for Tree Stands Up to 25 Feet

Recently, I had the opportunity to use the 30-06 No Burn Treestand Hoist Rope in my tree stand hunting setup. I was pleasantly surprised by how smoothly it worked, and the no-burn aspect made it incredibly safe to use.
The large carabiner clip made clipping and unclipping the rope simple, while the 4-inch tubing helped protect my fingers as I let the rope down. However, I did notice that the rope wasn't long enough for my 25-foot tree. Overall, this product stood out for its safety features and easy use, but it would be ideal if it came in a longer length too.

🔗30' Safety Line for Hunting Tree Stands

When I first got my hands on the Summit Treestand SU83102 Safety Line, I could feel the quality in the materials. The 30-foot length allows for plenty of range when ascending and descending the tree. One of the standout features for me was the dual slide-and-grip prusik knots. They made it easy to adjust and move without needing more than one hand, making the entire process smooth and efficient.
However, I did notice that the safety line wasn't the most affordable option on the market. It's a bit of an investment, but for those who prioritize safety while hunting, it's well worth the price. With a weight capacity of 300 lbs, it's a reliable and secure choice for anyone looking to climb trees with ease. Overall, I'd recommend the Summit Treestand SU83102 Safety Line to anyone seeking a high-quality, dependable climbing safety line.

🔗Helo Hang On Tree Stand Replacement Cables

I recall last season when I decided to invest in brand new climbing tree stand replacement cables for my Lone Wolf Alpha, after learning about the importance of safety. This product, Hang On Cables, turned out to be an excellent purchase that I couldn't be happier with. Not only did the cables fit perfectly into the stand, but they also came with all the necessary hardware for installation. The peace of mind that came with this purchase has made a significant difference in my hunting experience.
However, I did encounter one minor issue with the knob of the platform leveling assembly on one of my cables. It required some creativity with needle nose pliers to remove the nylon lock nut, but I managed to get it done. But aside from this small hurdle, the customer service and overall quality of the product have been above my expectations.
With Hang On Cables in place, I've been able to enjoy a safer and more secure hunt, knowing that I have the right protection to prevent any unwanted incidents.

🔗High-Strength Industrial Accessory Cord for Climbing and Industrial Applications

I've been using this Cypher 300' Accessory Cord for climbing, and I must say, it has made my life so much easier. The vibrant green color not only looks great but also makes it easier for me to spot as I'm scaling the tree. The high-strength nylon construction of this cord is impressive, and it has handled the rigorous demands of my climbing adventures without any issues.
However, one thing I noticed was that the spool it comes in can sometimes be a bit tricky to close, but overall, I'm quite satisfied with my purchase.

🔗Secure Tree Stand Cable Lock Set for Protection

I've been using HME Treestand Cable Locks to secure my hunting gear and tree stands every season. Out of the 3 pack of cable locks bundled together, they all have unique keys that match only the corresponding lock, making it convenient for storage. The 6-feet coiled cable is sturdy and self-contained, simplifying the process of securing around any tree. These cable locks are also suitable for securing other outdoor gear like kayaks, patio furniture, and even duck boats.
While these locks provide ample security and ease of use, I did notice some downsides. The keys aren't the same for all locks, which can be a minor inconvenience. Additionally, the cable's durability can be a concern because of potential weather-related rusting. Despite these minor drawbacks, the HME Treestand Cable Locks are a reliable and easy-to-use option for securing your hunting gear.

🔗Outdoor-Ready Tree Stand Security Cable

Since I've started using the Muddy Defender Security Cable, I can't help but feel more secure knowing my treestand is locked up tight. The 7' x 5/16" braided steel cable is incredibly versatile, adjusting from 6" to 7', which is perfect for my needs out in the woods. The pick and hook on the cable make it even more reliable, giving me peace of mind that my camera will remain secure.
The lock housing components are super resistant and designed to last outdoors, and I appreciate the scratch-resistant coating on the rubber-coated steel cable. I must say though, there have been a few times when I struggled a bit to lock the cable, and I wished it came with an easier-to-use lock. However, overall, I'm quite satisfied with the Muddy Defender Security Cable and would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a reliable security solution for their treestand.

🔗Safe Treestand Climbing Cable for Avid Hunters

I recently had the chance to use the Millennium Safe-Link 35 ft. Safety Line during my tree stand hunting adventure, and I must say it made all the difference.
This reliable piece of equipment provided me with that extra level of safety as I made my way up and down my stand. The prussic knot and carabiner ensured a smooth and controlled ascent and descent, giving me peace of mind throughout my hunting experience. One of the standout features for me was its sleek black color, which blended seamlessly with the surrounding environment.
Overall, the Millennium Safe-Link proved to be a reliable and essential addition to my tree stand hunting gear, and I highly recommend it to all fellow hunters seeking a safer and more enjoyable outdoor adventure.

Buyer's Guide

Climbing tree stand replacement cables are essential components for deer hunting and other activities that require a stable and secure tree stand. These cables replace the ropes and straps used to hoist and secure the tree stand to the tree, providing a safer and more efficient way to climb and set up your tree stand. When selecting climbing tree stand replacement cables, there are several important features to consider.

Material Type

The material type plays a crucial role in the durability, strength, and resistance to wear and tear of climbing tree stand replacement cables. Common materials used in tree stand cables include nylon, polypropylene, and steel. Nylon and polypropylene are lightweight, flexible, and easy to handle, while steel provides additional strength and durability. Consider your needs, budget, and the expected use of the cables when choosing the material type.


Ensure the replacement cables have the appropriate length to secure your tree stand safely and effectively. The length should be long enough to accommodate different tree diameters and heights, allowing for easy adjustment and ensuring a snug fit. Check the manufacturer's specifications for the recommended length of the cables before making a purchase.


The diameter of the climbing tree stand replacement cables is another important factor to consider, as it determines the cable's strength and thickness. A thicker cable will generally be stronger and more durable than a thinner one. However, also consider the ease of use and comfort when handling the cables. Larger diameter cables may be more difficult to handle, but they provide better support and stability.


Weight Capacity

Ensure that the climbing tree stand replacement cables you choose have a weight capacity suitable for your needs. The weight capacity should not only account for your own weight but also consider the weight of the tree stand, hunting equipment, and any additional accessories. Choose cables with a higher weight capacity to ensure a safe and secure tree stand setup.

Brand Reputation and Customer Reviews

Research the brand reputation and customer reviews of the climbing tree stand replacement cables before making a purchase. Look for brands with a proven track record of producing high-quality, durable products that meet the needs of their customers. Positive customer reviews and testimonials can also provide valuable insights into the performance and reliability of the cables.
When choosing climbing tree stand replacement cables, consider factors such as material type, length, diameter, weight capacity, and brand reputation. A well-informed decision will ensure a safe, secure, and efficient tree stand setup for your hunting or outdoor activities. Always follow proper safety guidelines and maintain your cables to prolong their lifespan and ensure optimal performance.



What are climbing tree stand replacement cables used for?

Climbing tree stand replacement cables are used as an alternative to the default cables provided with climbing tree stands. These replacement cables ensure the tree stand is safe and functional, providing support for hunting or other purposes.

Why do I need to replace the cables on my climbing tree stand?

Cables on climbing tree stands can wear out over time, causing the stand to become unstable or unsafe for use. By replacing the cables regularly, you can ensure that your tree stand continues to function safely and effectively.


What are some signs that my climbing tree stand cables need to be replaced?

Signs that your cables may need to be replaced include obvious wear, fraying, or damage to the cable, difficulty in climbing or descending the tree, or a feeling of instability or wobbling when using the stand.

How do I replace the cables on my climbing tree stand?

  • Carefully remove the stand from the tree, detaching it from the cable.
  • Cut or untie the old cables from the tree, and remove the old cables from the stand.
  • Attach the new replacement cables to the tree and to the stand following the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Return the stand to the tree, ensuring it is secure and stable before use.

What types of replacement cables are available for climbing tree stands?

There are several types of replacement cables available, including polypropylene, nylon, and steel cable. The best choice depends on your specific needs, such as weight capacity, durability, and ease of use.

What are the benefits of using replacement cables on my climbing tree stand?

  • Increased safety due to the improved stability and durability of the cables.
  • Reduced chances of damaging the tree due to less stress on the tree when climbing or descending.
  • A more comfortable and enjoyable hunting or tree stand experience.

What precautions should I take when replacing the cables on my climbing tree stand?

Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper installation and maintenance. Be cautious when using the stand, and ensure that it is secure before climbing or setting up the tree stand. Regularly visually inspect the cables for any signs of wear or damage.
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2024.05.21 04:11 HannahAveryWrites Army Affair: Ch 2

Hey everyone! This is my 2nd post about my affair with Dustin, a 26 year old, married, captain on staff while I was a newly arrived 18 year old private at my first duty station.
I hope you enjoy Part 2, and as always, I'm welcome to receive any constructive feedback you may have about my writing or if you just want to talk! If you're just here to bash me for having an affair with someone, save your breath, I'll just block you. Without further ado, Part 2 of my affair with Dustin! <3 Hannah
First, a little about me. I'm 5'5ish, 135ish depending on the day, and have dark brown hair that falls part way down my back with brown eyes. My mom is a Crow (Native American) and my dad is Italian so the olive complexion genes are active in my family. I've got a fairly petite/athletic build with a 32B chest and a toned butt. My nipples are dark brown, on the smaller side, and I shave everywhere. I'm a fan of tattoos and have a feather on my foot, flower pieces on my right hip into my lower ribs, left shoulder, and lower back, a small script piece in my left side bra line, a green carebear in my left bikini line and a large dream catcher down my left ribs. If there's a detail I've left out, feel free to ask ;)
I sat alone in my barracks room the morning after my first in person experience with Dustin, the officer I'd met on Bumble who turned out to have a wife going to school out of state. I'd ignored any thought of walking away from this potentially messy situation and now found myself waking up alone in my room, the morning after letting a married officer cum all over my face and chest while i fingered myself to orgasm kneeling in front of him. I admitted two simple truths to myself: it had been the biggest rush of my life, and i absolutely needed more.
I checked my phone and saw 4 new messages from Dustin, all expounding on the fact he wished we didn't have to go to work today and how he wished I was there with him. As I got dressed for the daily workday routine of morning physical training, I snapped him a pic in just my maroon sports bra and black athletic thong and sent it to him, telling Dustin how I wished I could do PT in his home gym in just this. The buldge pic I got in return told me he liked the sound of that as I slipped back to reality, put on my PT uniform and joined my platoon for the usual Monday run. This was the rush. The dual life I craved and what drew me to Dustin. One minute I was sending sexy snaps to a man I shouldn't be with, living in the world of secret meetups and fun and the next, I was out joining my platoon for a normal daily routine workout. The world of the rush was addicting and I'd only just dipped my toes (mouth) in.
My day to day world of learning about fuel tankers, learning to drive them under NVGs, how to test fuel quality to ensure adequate grade for the type of unit I was supporting and all manner of tactical skills that would help me integrate into a complex military operation was genuinely rewarding and occupied my attention fairly easily. But then I'd find myself longing for a breakout. Longing for the rush of excitement I'd only just tasted. Each message from Dustin became a small dose of "you shouldn't but you will" and I wanted more.
Dustin had a busy schedule at the staff he worked on, but always took a moment to ask "how's my beautiful Private doing? Need anything from the Exchange?" We had had one intimate in person encounter and already this was taking on more than just a hookup from a dating app. We both recognized that actively developing a relationship behind the back of one partner's spouse automatically made this more than "just sex"....which we hadn't even had yet.
Between his work schedule and mine, we found it difficult to meet up the week following our evening of watching football with a side of a blowjob. Didn't stop me from letting him know I wanted more. I dropped all the hints. I sent him pics of choices of underwear for the day, letting him choose from a few options I was comfortable working in and then sending him quick snaps from the bathroom at work, proving his Private really wore what he'd asked her to. I also introduced him to a pink, 6 inch, anatomically correct dildo I typically used in the evening when I craved him desperately. I showed him that just like with his similarly sized shaft, I could force my lips to reach its base as the tip slid into the back of my throat. I also laid it on top of the underwear he had chosen for me one day, a simple pair of boyshorts that looked incredible with a pink phallis on top, illustrating just how far into my petite frame it/he would go if I would just slip them to the side and insert it/him.
I kept him wanting more. You can see my underwear, but only laid out on my bed, or on me, not tossed to the side showing you underneath. You can see my small collection of sex toys in my drawer or in my mouth, but the camera stops before they get to where they're the most fun. By Thursday, Dustin was desperate for the week to end so we could be together. He sent me a video of him teasing himself with pictures of me on his laptop and I thought it was the hottest thing ever to watch a man who definitively out ranked me choosing "his beautiful Private" over his wife. By Saturday we were going to go wild if we didn't take the next step.
There's different types of duty in the military, from a barracks desk to an installation watch office and every echelon in between. Saturday Dustin had duty for his brigade, which normally meant not a lot of time sitting at a desk, but a lot of time going around inspecting important places in his unit and making reports of what he found. I couldn't wait any longer and neither could he. I told him he should just add me to his list of inspections and quickly have his way with me during his rounds. Not the fairy tale special first time but the raw, I need you now and I'm tired of waiting, that two deprived lovers seek.
He agreed and said he would have time to "run home for dinner" if I would be ready and waiting for him. Ready and waiting in your bed. Quicky to satisfy this urge and let me plan something more while I wait. Yes. Dustin agreed to leave his side door unlocked so I could let myself in while he was at work. Apparently despite our lack of intimacy, our constant stream of communication built a trust that I wouldn't rob him blind lol seriously though, I respected his trust and didn't take an opportunity to go through all his stuff or leave a letter for his wife or anything crazy in between.
Instead, I drove over in late afternoon in a pair of black Nike soccer shorts with a built-in liner, so I went sans underwear, and continued the trend with a pink tshirt and matching hoodie without a bra, letting my small, 32B chest bounce a little as I let myself in, walked past the couch I'd kneeled in front of to receive a facial at the previous weekend and made my way towards Dustin's bedroom upstairs. I found aa spacious king bed that occupied the majority of the fairly small room in military housing, leaving a small walk way on either side, wide enough for matching his and hers nightstands on either side of the bed and space at the end of the bed where the room flowed into the master bathroom sweat complete with walk in closet, linen closet and 2 sink bathroom with a nice deep tub.
I set my purse down on what was clearly his wife's nightstand and quickly stopped out of my comfy clothes I'd worn to my visit. I plopped down naked in his bed, with a condom and lube laid out on her nightstand next to my purse. I sent Dustin a nude selfie of me on his wife's side of the bed, with a caption letting him know I was ready for our quicky. A quick reply let me know I had 15 minutes. I was immediately slick with anticipation. I set a pillow in the center of the bed and scooted my butt towards the edge of the bed as I spread my legs wide and began to tease light circles around my clit as I began to tease myself in preparation for the quick coupling that was minutes away. As my breath quickened and my heart raced, I dabbed a small glob of lube onto two of my fingers and I slowly stretched myself, my inner walls relaxing to recieve one, two, three fingers as I continued to rub my clit, my body as desperate to be with Dustin as my heart was.
A rattling of keys in the front door let me know my time was up as I removed the 3 fingers currently satiating the desperate urges of my core. Racing footsteps up the stairs found Dustin at the door in seconds, with his beautiful Private spread eagle on the edge of the bed waiting for him. I looked up at him in his uniform, totally unashamed of my nude and vulnerable position and told him his Private was ready for his inspection.
In a flash his camo jacket was tossed aside, the brown undershirt following behind and he rushed to undo his belt and soon had his pants and briefs around his ankles. In a moment he was leaning down on top of me, hungrily kissing my lips as his firm shaft pressed against my core as I pulled him into a tight embrace between my wide spread legs. As we passionately kissed, our tongues breathlessly intertwined, I paused and asked him if he wanted the condom off his wife's nightstand. I reminded him I was on the shot for BC, but it was his choice either way.
He pulled away to look over at her nightstand and instead of grabbing the condom, took the lube and generously applied a coat to his entire six or seven inch length. I needed him now. Standing between my legs, which I held wide open for him with my butt to the edge of the bed, Dustin teased the tip of his firm shaft between the lips of my freshly shaved vagina. He ran the tip between my spread lower lips, from my clit to my soaking wet and lubed entrance. With only a moments pause with his tip aligned with my eager hole, Dustin firmly pushed his entire length into me as he moaned my name and my soft inner walls welcomed him deep inside me as I gasped at the feeling of sudden fullness and a desperate need for more.
Buried to the base of his shaft inside me, Dustin leaned down to kiss me passionately. I wrapped my legs behind his butt, pulling him deep inside me as he began to thrust in a steady deep rhythm that drove me to the edge. I breathless begged for him to fuck me as I scratched lines down his back with my nails as I desperately held my man between my legs, his thrusts stimulating every inch of my inner walls and the friction of our bodies urging my clit to find release. Dustin broke our embrace and soon I found myself with two strong hands holding my legs open wide nearly in the splits on the edge of the bed as he thrust into me deeper than I'd ever felt before. I was breathless, calling out for more. Please don't stop Dustin. Please don't stop as his pace quickened and I could feel his balls slapping against nearly my butthole as he pounded into me, using my vagina for his release. I took one hand and found my clit, matching my rhythm to his and I soon found the waves of release that had building to the edge as Dustin gave me more, more, more. My inner walls clenched tight as the dam broke and my orgasm shook through my body in a release of ecstasy. Dustin continued to fuck me through my own release, my body desperate for him to find his own release.
I looked up at the passion and hunger in his eyes as I became keenly aware of the bouncing of my small breasts as I laid there riding the wave of my massive orgasm moaning in pleasure as the stimulation deepend, quickened and in a moment, I could feel Dustin swell and find his release deep inside me, ropes of cum filling me as my body clinched around him, holding him inside me as a second wave of pleasure pulsed through my core. We laid there for a long moment, a tight sweaty embrace with my handsome man on top of me, showering my neck and lips in kisses as we both breathlessly came down from our collective orgasms.
Dustin stood up, his softening length sliding out of me along with a mix of his cum and lube and my own release. I stood up and followed him to the bathroom, me completely naked, with his uniform pants pulled half way back up. I took hot washcloths and cleaned both of us between our legs, getting him ready to go back to work and for me to clean the mix of cum and lubed that was now running down my inner thigh. I asked him if I'd passed his inspection and he laughed, smiling and kissing me saying that indeed I had. He told me I could spend the night here if I wanted, he had to get back to duty but his place was a little more awesome than my barracks room.
I agreed and put back on my Nike shorts and tshift with it fairly obvious that I wasn't wearing a bra, which admittedly wasn't really an issue for Dustin at all. I followed him downstairs and kissed him goodnight as he headed back to work. I made myself at home and made a simple dinner and fell asleep watching tv under a blanket in his living room, which is where he found me when he came home at the end of his shift in the morning. I followed him to bed and we spent most of the day napping in eachothers arms before it really was time for me to go home and get ready for the next work week. I continued to tease him on snap and told him that we had sooooo much more still to do and his response made it readily apparent that he agreed.
Thank you for reading this chapter of my affair with Dustin! If you liked it or have something in my writing you'd like to see improved, feel free to let me know! My writing only gets better if you tell me what you'd like to see! Thanks for for sticking with me, I truly hope you've enjoyed! <3 Hannah
submitted by HannahAveryWrites to u/HannahAveryWrites [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:10 HannahAveryWrites Army Affair: CH 1

As the title implies, this is the first in a series of stories about affairs I had in the military. I've never been married, not really interested in being married, but I have been with four married men in my life. In each case, I knew what I was doing, but I loved the rush of doing something I shouldn't as much as I liked the relationship itself. I'll save you all the negative comments. I was the homewrecking whore, etc, etc. If that's what you're here to comment about, save your breath, I'll just block you so people who want to actually read my content don't have to deal with you. If this is your sort of story, I'd love to hear your feedback on content or how I can improve my writing! One quick author's note, i will not be using people's real names or naming specific units that my stories happened in. I was never caught in my sexual affairs, no wives found out and left their husband over me, and no one's military career ended because of me and I intend to keep it that way. This is for fun writing, not doxing someone's past transgressions to the world. Also let me know if you want to see more stories! <3 Hannah
First, a little about me. I'm 5'5ish, 135ish depending on the day, and have dark brown hair that falls part way down my back with brown eyes. My mom is a Crow and my dad is Italian so the olive complexion genes are active in my family. I've got a fairly petite/athletic build with a 32B chest and a toned butt. My nipples are dark brown, on the smaller side, and I shave everywhere. I'm a fan of tattoos and have a feather on my foot, flower pieces on my right hip into my lower ribs, left shoulder, and lower back, a small script piece in my left side bra line, a green carebear in my left bikini line and a large dream catcher down my left ribs. If there's a detail I've left out, feel free to ask ;)
Without further ado, my story:
I was an 18 year old private, 92F (fuel handler) working on a base in the heart of Bourbon Country. It was a huge culture shock for me, coming from a small town in Maine to a massive military base with more people in my division than my home town. I honestly felt a little lost and overwhelmed, which probably contributed to why I sought out a relationship where I felt wanted. It's easy on a base like that to feel completely ignored. My unit had long been integrated and was about 30-40% female on any given day, so no I wasn't getting hit on constantly, and no I wasn't sleeping with every guy in my barracks.
Speaking of my living situation, I was in a 4-story building with all of the junior enlisted soldiers in my battalion. There wasn't open bays and there wasn't all girls areas. We roomed by company in our own room with a bedroom, closet, bathroom, and a fridge/sink/1 burner stove setup by the door as a kitchenett. Barracks could definitely be a wild time, similar to a college dorm but contrary to your favorite porno, gangbang orgies with 20 guys "running a train" are something I never saw or heard of in my 4 years living there and I was/am a fairly sexually active adult.
Given my situation of being totally new and massively out of my element in terms of culture shock, I quickly turned to Bumble to help sort out my dating scene because the base really was a city and everyone is pretty insular when it comes to their unit, so trying to meet guys who also aren't your coworkers means turning to the swipe game. After a few days online and connections with everyone from the local off base that definitely has fewer teeth than fingers to the obviously fake bot that just screams scam, and swiping left on some guys from my own company (hey, 18-25 year old demographic has the same needs, I get it), I finally matched with a 26 year old, Dustin, from another brigade on our post.
Given 10 seconds on Dustin's profile, I could tell he was an officer and anyone with 10 seconds to spare on my profile could tell I was junior enlisted, but we matched anyway. He was handsome in a gentle sort of way. Sandy brown hair in a military cut, athletic features that let you know he was fit without screaming chiseled gymrat, and a style that screamed more laid back homebody than the stereotypical "bro vet" vibe that you get with some young officers....and a ton of junior enlisted. I took a pause and decided to message him despite knowing our ranks didn't line up because the way I saw it, we were in totally seperate brigades and there'd be no reason we would ever interact or influence eachother at work.
A few minutes later I got a reply back and soon I was texting back and forth getting to know a genuinely sweet guy with a love of the outdoors, fishing, camping, and an eye for photography, particularly some truly astounding landscape photos. The conversation came easy and I found myself happy to have a guy so interested in me. Before I got completely swept off my feet, I brought up the elephant in the room and mentioned that I was an E2 and he was an O3. He dropped the bombshell that "yeah but I'm just a guy on staff, that's not a big issue, the real issue is I need to be discreet because I'm married. Please don't hate me"
Boom. Of course the super easy to talk to makes me feel wanted and moves past my mention of our rank differences drops the counter-bomb of he has a wife. In all of my 18 years I thought I would have run away instantly. Nope. Not me. I was intrigued. I didn't run away, and I came to find out that his wife was doing a year long internship with a major corporation out of state and only really came to visit on long weekends and holidays. So Dustin had turned to Bumble to fill a piece of his love life that was currently 4 states away. Not ideal I told myself, but at least she isn't like...here on post with him and he's not coming home because he's with someone else...right? To 18 year old me trying to convince myself it was okay to be with the guy I obviously was attracted to it was sound logic. It worked. I replied back that I was up for seeing what happened with the understanding that no one was gonna leave their wife over this and no one was gonna get anyone in trouble over the rank thing.
A week of texting back and forth after moving off Bumble found Dustin and I building a fast relationship that came with similar interests and easy conversation. He wasn't overly pushy about becoming anything romantic and wasn't like "Omg send nudes". I guess he was feeling this whole thing out as much as I was. Eventually I got the text one evening of "you know you look really good in that pic you have with your friends at the beach on your profile"...I know the one. I'm wearing an electric blue string sided bikini that has pretty full coverage, rides moderately low on my hips and has basic triangle cups and string ties for the top. Okay, Dustin likes me in a bikini...this is the first obvious flirting from Dustin and I decide to be a little bold and sent him a mirror selfie in the generic black bra I had worn under my uniform that day with my uniform pants still on. I get a reply back in some stereotypical guy lingo that he really likes what he sees. I told him that if he wanted to hang out, I wouldn't put my uniform shirt back on. Cue the FaceTime call, yes Dustin I will video chat with your handsome shirtless self while wearing a bra and my uniform pants thank you very much. We talked for at least an hour and things didn't turn super sexual or anything but we did agree we needed a date that weekend. The week ahead though definitely saw a spike in "tension" between us.
I was more than a little excited by the prospect of being with someone again. I had had a little fling during AIT, but since coming to my first duty station, I had been in a bit of a dry spell. Bumble had finally come through for me, and the combined rush of potentially being with a guy again, plus the fact he was one of those forbidden officers, and married? I was on edge. I definitely had my moments of "holy shit I shouldn't be doing this" but those feelings were replaced by a feeling of almost insatiable excitement that had me counting down the days to Saturday. For the first time since highschool, I found myself putting some serious effort into some scandalous but not too "revealing" snaps to Dustin, teasing him with a peak of which panties I wore to work today, or hoping in the shower after PT with just my black Army tshirt on and sending a pic of it clinging to every curve and hiding just enough below my waist. Like I said, hard-core tease mode for four whole days.
Flash forward to Saturday and I was in my barracks room, getting ready to meet a guy I was 100% falling for just a little and I decided that no matter what happened tonight, I was not gonna be the girl who gives it all up on the first date. Definitely set myself up to potentially cock block myself, but I saw it as I didn't want to be the girl he slept with and left, I wanted to continue to tease him and leave him wanting more. I wanted him to want me. I slipped into a pair of almost painted on skinny jeans with a cute teal thong underneath with a black tanktop and matching pushup bra on top. I drove to Dustin's house somewhere in the on base housing that I'd never been and took a deep breath before walking to the door.
This was it. I was the new Private about to go see a married officer behind his wife's back. I almost chickened out and drove away, but found myself ringing the doorbell and quickly being invited in, pulled into a warm hug and a "wow you look even cuter in person" from the handsome man of my DMs, Dustin. He had apparently spent the day smoking some brisket because he had quite the spread laid out for us in the dining room as I got a quick tour of the common spaces of his home. Definitely nicer than my barracks room.
Dinner accompanied the two of us loudly cheering on a random football game on TV, sorta snuggled on the couch but at a "almost together " sort of distance. There were all sorts of reasons for us to brush up against eachother and it was almost this cat and mouse game of how far do we go as the evening progressed. Don't get me wrong, there was a ton of conversation and it came just as naturally as it had online, but now we had the palpable tension of two of us who had never been this far deciding where the limit for tonight would be.
Eventually Dustin cut the tension, saying, "you really do love to tease don't you?". Yes. Let's talk about how I've driven you wild for days and now you want me. I leaned into him, kissed him quickly but firmly on the lips before pulling away, leaving an inch between us as I looked into his eyes and whispered "yes sir". I found my face immediately in his hands, my lips pressed to his and our tongues intertwined. I gasped as he suddenly held me close and we made every effort to close any space between us as we passionately made out, his fingers running through my hair, my nails scraping his back over his tight tshirt and soon I was hot, breathless, and sure I wanted more.
I pulled away and told him he didn't get all of me tonight but he could still have dessert. I had him sit up on the edge of the couch and pulled his shorts to the floor, tossing them aside towards an end table holding pictures of him and his wife and our dirty dishes from dinner. I in turn lifted my tanktop off over my head, unclasped my black pushup bra and let it fall to the floor, kneeling between Dustin's spread legs as my small brown nipples hardened into firm nubs in arousal. I pulled back my long brown hair and tied it in a messy ponytail before bringing my face down to his firm, six inches between his legs.
I teased the length of his shaft with the tip of my tongue, feeling him twitch in expectation as I repeatedly, softly traced his length before circling his tip and heading back down the way I came. I grasped his base and swallowed half his length in one wet mouthful, a gasp of pleasure escaping his lips as my own pushed further towards his base, attempting to take his entire firm cock before the tip slipped down into my throat, triggering a slight gag reflex as I tightened around his shaft and I came up for air, a slight trail of drool connecting my lips to his tip. I stroked his now well lubed cock in a twisting motion as I asked him if his little private was doing well for him. A hand on the back of my head guiding me back to his shaft told me this wasn't too far for him. I swallowed him nearly to his base, grasping him with one hand as my free hand unbuttoned my jeans and slipped into the front of my now soaked panties, the arousal of the situation I found myself bringing me close to an edge myself.
I worked Dustin's shaft with a bobbing head, sucking lips and twisting hand that matched the rhythm I was working against my clit with the hand buried in my jeans. I increased my pace, with Dustin's hand making sure I still brought myself far enough down his length as my own pleasure came more and more to the forefront as my now soaked vagina craved more attention. I popped off his cock as I felt it begin to swell and told him to stand up as I scooted back from the couch, kneeling between his legs, looking up at him as one hand held my jeans open while the other furiously rubbed my clit as I came close to cumming myself. I moaned for Dustin to cum for me as I looked up at him, the inner walls of my vagina clenching in orgasm as the filthy phrase left my lips and I was greeted with thick streams of cum shooting over my head before falling on my uplooking face and bare breasts and Dustin climaxed after an apparently decent dry spell.
I knelt between his legs, cum covering my face and chest, my own arousal soaking my panties and in that moment I felt like the hottest woman on earth. I made a man forget his entire world and do this with me in a home that wasn't mine but his. I was addicted to the rush. Dustin reached down and offered me a hand to pull me up. He led me topless to the guest bathroom where I cleaned up, washing my face and chest before walking back to the livingroom and redressing. Neither of us made mention of the line we had just crossed together, but we sat on the couch, now cuddled like a couple with the ice broken and finished the football game that had been forgotten awhile ago.
After the game we both agreed that I should probably get going, but we agreed to see eachother again and made a date for a midweek hangout. I kissed Dustin goodnight and drove back to my barracks in my still wet panties that I hadn't changed out of. I sent Dustin a snap in them, a wet spot still visible in the front with a caption "the things you do to me(; "...needless to say he was proud of himself. I went to bed dreaming of what could come from this, and truly happy to feel wanted, even if it was from a man who wasn't all mine.
Thank you all for reading this far. Again, like I said before, any rude comments will just get you a block. If that's what you need to do to feel good about yourself, so be it. For those of you who enjoyed this, please let me know if you'd like to read more! I'm always open to constructive feedback and critiques to improve my writing! Have a great evening! <3 Hannah
submitted by HannahAveryWrites to u/HannahAveryWrites [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:17 Lambari_de_sanga Completed a Only guns + kill everything run

After weeks of grueling gameplay, I finally completed a Only guns + Genocide run (Pinecone Pig simulator). This was probably the most boring and anxiety inducing gameplay ever, but it's over. (To clarify, I don't have proof to post, besides a 19 hour save)
I just wanted to post my route here, which was very inefficient and stupidly slow, but I wanted to be safe, and minimize farming (my run ended at 19:47, probably 12:00 of farming and 03:00 of searching for enemies and loot). So, my route was:
Day 1 morning: - Looted all herbs and stuff; - Saved Henryk (didn't get the Vinushka's bible); - Killed some (sickle & pipe Villager after derelict house) Moonscorched enemies, shooting outside of battle (agility wasn't enough to fight), then ran back to the train through the west; - Went through the sewers towards PRHVL Bop (avoiding every enemy, died a few times), got a book of enlightenment and saved.
Day 1 morning/2: - Looted Dr. Kefer's store and the apartments nearby, getting a Vinushka's bible and triggering a death mask before heading out. - Went back through the sewers, avoiding enemies again. - Slept at the train.
Day 1 Evening: - Went after the Woodsman (without a strategy, mind you), killed him inside battle but lost an arm, recovering on the broken shack. - Got the Pinecone Pig, and then farmed a little bit (keep in mind that loot was still plentiful). - Went back to the village through the west and killed the villagers and vile, had to kill them outside of battle (same agility issue), and looted everything (finally getting the Small thing's amulet, yay). - Slept again.
Day 1 Night: - Killed the dogs and went to the bunker, looting everything. - Killed Chaugnar on the first floor (with the shotgun) - Got down and killed Chaugnar again (that scared me), consuming all of my ammo. - Rushed through Rher's dimension (avoiding everything). -Slept again, learning all of Levi's skills + Short Circuit.
Day 2 morning: - Bought ammo in the store. - Fun time in the sewers again! (Easier this time, through tunnel 6). - Tried to kill all bobbies and the rifleman from the main street (died a lot, both by bobbies and by Needles hands). - Avoiding Needles, looted the bookstore, got the GOFAH bible and saved.
Day 2 Morning/2: - Save scummed the fight against Marinara sauce (she blinded me too many times). - Looted the church and that little area to the east (learned a lesson after trying to kill the trooper, just avoided him afterwards). - Finally went after Needles, killing him outside of battle. - Went back to the village, spent my shillings, killed the decrepit priest, cut the main gate's locks and went after Pav (I didn't kill Marcoh or Tanaka due to poor planning). - Killed the bobbies, said hello to Pocketcat, then backtracked through the sewers and saved in the bop (ritual circle)
Day 2 morning/3: - Farmed a bit with the Pinecone Pig, and went back to the back alleys. - Juked a fecal hound and used his body to block a gate. - Killed the mob with relative ease (marksmanship saved my ass). - Went towards Karin and killed her (also killing the half cocooneds, easy fights). - Got my trusty bear trap and went to deal with that pesky death mask, almost dying in the process due to a visual bug that allowed it to reach me (the MF'er got invisible), but managed to run away and kill it. - Backtracked and farmed more (this time it was a longer session). - Cleared the orphanage and it's Rher's dimension (I left Father Hugo alive, good decision), then went back to the store for ammo. - Farming again... - Went to the sewers and cleared the moonscorched group (big mistake on my part, spent 2 9mm rounds per battle and a lot of healing items), also killing Moonscorched Levi and a rat hag. - Looted everything I had missed, went back to the train and saved (slept), also getting Pav's, Marina's and Karin's skills.
Day 2 evening: - Went on a killing spree (Marcoh, Tanaka, Olivia, Henryk and Caligura) and farmed (very long session, about 01:30). - Went to the Tunnel 7 Rher dimension and cleared it using a syringe of heroin (poor usage, but I was fed up of farming), saving me turns and ammo (1 shot inside of battle). - Ran to the white mold apartments, got in Rher's dimension and cleared it with heroin again (necessary, neighbors were wrecking me, and heroin made me 1 shot them w/pistol). - Went towards the storage near the woods, killing every enemy on the way (bad decision, should have waited until I got "steal"), and Olivia's doppelganger. - Went to the foundations of decay and defeated Moonless by using heroin and Yggaegetsu amulet (August saved her but screw this, I'm not doing all that farming again), and killed Tanaka's doppelganger. - Went back through the elevator to farm even more (almost losing my sanity). - Saved on the train again, with the ritual circle.
Day 2 evening/2: - Went to the church to kill all crimson fathers. Then cleared the way to the mausoleum alley. - Avoided the Bellends and used Pep pills to beat Rancid the Sergal. - Killed the other Bellends (after more farming...). - Got almost every possible skill in the Hexen, got another book of enlightenment and saved.
Day 2 evening/3: - Went to the church to kill dysmorphia, then killed the elite trooper to the east (using steal, best skill ever). - Looted the museum, talked to Pocketcat and got 4 books of enlightenment. - Back to the White Mold Apartments to kill Daan. - More farming... - Went to the woods avoiding the owl cultists (very annoying, resilient to bullets inside battle), killed the dogs, then went back and killed the Centaur (funny thing, he got stuck and I one shot him, really cool). - Entered the bunker, looted it and killed Stitches (too afraid to lose a good run, so I shot her in the overworld, wasting ammo), then I ignored the Living Flesh. - Went back to the train and slept.
Day 2, night: - From this point onwards, it was just Pinecone Pig farming. No loot left anywhere. - Went to the sewers to kill neighbors and other enemies. - Back to the church to kill the Crimson fathers from the hidden passage (avoided them before due to lack of ammo) and the Pillarmen. - Back to farming, saved in the Mayor's manor.
Day 3 morning: - Again, even more farming, then I went after the Mayor's manor Ronteals. - Hunted down the beekeepers in the city (killed them on the overworld). - Killed Father Hugo, getting another 2 Books of Enlightenment. - Went back once again to farm (had to spend a lot of time, since boxes and other stuff was scarce). - Killed all Sew Jobs in battle (taking unnecessary risks, just to save ammo). - Saved with a Book of Enlightenment (tired as fuck).
From this point onwards, I just farmed a lot and killed Rancid the Sergal, the Living Flesh, August (took too long, I wanted to kill him before, but lack of planning struck again), all of the Owl cultists (surprisingly tough, 3-4 pistol or rifle ammo in battle, so i killed some in the overworld) and the Ratkin Gang (surprisingly easy with Marcoh's skills). All of these had farming sessions in-between. At last, I said goodbye to (AKA: brutally murdered) my villager buddies and went for the hard fights.
I killed both the Tormented One and the Heartless One, using the ultimate boss fight setup, that I kept for all remaining boss fights: - Rifle; - Chainmail dress; - Bremen elite helmet; - Salmonsnake Rune; - Yggaegetsu amulet; - Leechmonger ring.
After this, saved again in Hugo's House (spent many books farming w/Pinecone Pig, left 1 for the bunker) and got ending B, which was surprisingly easy. Then I went for ending A, got ammo in the bunker, cleared it and saved on the last bridge, also using my last heroin syringe. Died 3 times in the Platoon fight, but succeeded and killed Kaiser easily. Fighting against logic was tense AF, not because of health, but of ammo. You might not believe it, but after spending 19 .303 ammo and 14 9mm ammo, I finished off Logic with the only shotgun shell I had in my inventory, epic as fuck.
So, this was my run. I wanted to share just to know the mistakes I made, and also because I'm happy with this.
Just to add: does anyone know other challenges that are also hard and involve killing everyone? (Just not maso-mode, I think I'd have a mental breakdown)
submitted by Lambari_de_sanga to FearAndHunger [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:02 Split_Automatic thoughts and suggestions on my kny au

kny au fanfic idea
(characters not included: zenitsu, tanjiro, nezuko) (zenitsu has been replaced with genya, all my homies love genya) (i think if i showed this note to a psychologist id be diagnosed with yippee on the spot :/)
follows the story of a young girl who runs away from home after she is turned into a demon by her crazed scientist/doctor of a father, mauling and eating her blind younger brother in the process of her transformation during the sengoku period. after waking up in the taisho era after sleeping for 512 years. later she meets giyuu after getting deja vu from recognizing his silhouette as a mysterious swordsman who took her in. after she questions him about what its like to be a demon slayer, she declares she wants to become a demon slayer as well. he gives her an oni mask to ward off evil spirits that may try to sway her off the path of good, and wishes her the best of luck during her travels.
Slayer’s Corps. The corps is recognized by the government and is treated like secret service work. the government is often behind the main funding aside from the Ubuyashiki Household. the government and the ubuyashiki household are working together behind the scenes to locate and research the blue spider lily and its properties utilising spies to find any information available.
demon slayers are typically trained by specialized trainer slayers in groups. however if certain slayers are of vip status or acquire special permission from higher ups in the corps they are allowed to obtain special private training from registered hashiras. Other exceptions are if a hashira chooses a tsuguko which is a pupil whos purpose is to take over their masters title of hashira and only be with them on major missions.
Every four or five months slayers of each respective demon slayer rank is gathered to test their strength to see if they qualify to rank up in the corps. This is determined by a mutual three round duel between two slayers. One slayer being of higher level, the other being a lower level. If the higher level slayer wins, no changes are made between the two slayers. If the lower level slayer wins the slayers ranks are swapped. If by any chance there is a tie, the lower ranked slayer will rank up while the higher level slayer will remain stagnant. Middle level slayers are determined to duel with a lower or higher level slayer depending on the amount of demons killed. this number of demon kills is tallied and counted by each demon slayers kasugai crow. when a slayer reaches a certain rank they are given the option to fight a hashira to obtain their rank. this is entirely optional however. if one fails at their attempt to defeat a hashira there is a minimum one year grace period between each challenge. if they win they will swap places with the hashira if all spots are taken. (ten in total)
as well as the physical test, hashiras are a part of the judicial and legal system of the corps and assist in making decisions along with the Ubiyashikis. therefore they must be knowledgeable about slayer history and lawmaking. this knowledge is tested in an exam that is graded harshly and score below 90% is a fail meaning that slayer must complete the test a month later until they pass or give up trying. the test consists of 125 questions and has similar properties to that of an iq test. the only exception is if a slayer is appointed to the hashira level by the Ubuyashikis directly (i.e. Muichiro). Once the test has been passed only then are lower ranked demon slayers allowed to challenge a hashira for their place if need be.
All hashiras are accompanied by at least four high level demon slayers at all times. These high level demon slayers live and train with their accompanying hashira(s). Upwards of two selected juniolow level demon slayers by the Ubuyashiki Household or the hashira may accompany said high level team to better learn the means of teamwork and/or familiarize themselves with mission when they become more veteraned slayers. These later more experienced slayers are more trusted and capable with being let on missions on their own with the assistance of close allies of their choosing. Or they can stay with their assigned hashira once at a higher level. if the assigned hashira dies the associating slayers will branch off with other hashiras or start tight nit non-hashira squads of their own.
due to the dwindling number of slayers passing the entrance test per year, younger less experienced slayers are becoming more valuable to the corps. such as if up to ten lower level slayers end up KIA a hashira squad will be brought in as back up. this however drastically increases the work flow of the hashiras and their squad mates. this heightened stress and work load causes higher risk of injury and exhaustion when in already constant threat of being bombarded or found by one or more very powerful demons at all times.
the only way for a demon slayer to retire is through death. if a hashira lives beyond the age of 50, and have the ability to train new slayers, that hashira will still be fully registered however they are placed on the back burner and can be called to full time duty. such as if a spot is empty or if the corps is in the midst of a large scale fight and needs backup. in order for a veteran to be brought back into the corps full time they must prove they are still able to fight such as being able bodied, mentally stable(???), etc. this can be completed by completing the mandated training needed to become a certified demon slayer.
if a hashira has a successor of their breathing technique (calling it a style has always been a bit weird to me) and becomes a hashira that previous hashira will be given the royalties same to that of a veteran hashira no matter the age/age gap. however if said successor dies, the predecessor must retake their place as a hashira in their stead. (etc. rengoku dies, his father goes back on the job)
nichirin blades that are used throughout the demon slayer corps are made of a special type of magma forged from Mount Unzen, which is infused with the sun due to only being able to be harvested during the day. this material is unable to be scratched and can last forever if handled with care and expertise.
wisteria flowers are a type of flower commonly used in medicines and antioxidants because of its soothing properties making it very common in products such as sleep medicine and vitamin supplements in low enough doses. it is also very volatile to demons. however in order to cause enough damage to a demon to slow it down with wisteria one would need an incredibly high amount of it on hand possibly a third of a full grown trees worth. however because of its drowsing properties even a human become weakened by wisterias affects and can cause permanent physical damage if in close enough vicinity for a prolonged amount of time. this can cause someone to lose physical strength which can be life or death for a demon slayer. fortunately humans are stronger to the affects of wisteria than demons. demons slayers are also taught to cover their tracks from being followed by demons with a small bag of wisteria tied to their person at all times which even in small amounts block the senses of any nearby demon and deter them. (dosage suggests intaking wisteria)
demon slayer uniforms are traditionally unisex and are made of thin fibres of the same material as the nichirin blades in order to prevent normal melee low level demon attacks from reacher a slayers skin such as scratches and bites. however this black material is also quite weighted when worn as clothing making movement in the uniform harder as well as uncomfortable to wear in warmer seasons. because the fabric is so dense the edges of the cloth need to be stitched with very heavy fabric to prevent unraveling from the stress meaning they are to be repaired up to three times per year when worn reularly. these uniforms are corps mandated and are not to be customized through mediums such as dyes, bleaches, hemming, cropping, or tearing. damaging the material in ways such as these makes the nichirin fabric less effective allowing more harm to come to the wearer in combat. however customization such as sewing, embroidery, and accessories are allowed as they do not take away from the properties of the nichirin fabric. kyahans (the leg warmer-like things) are to close the gap between the hakama (pants) and the legs to reduce ripping at the seams and stop any demons attacks from below to get under the hakama leg and damage the slayer or trip them as well as improve overall mobility on foot. the only times a slayer can be out of uniform is when in company of a wisteria house or on an espionage mission which are given directly from the Ubuyashikis.
in order to prevent high level personnel such as hashira from being identified by demons of espionage by unique physical characteristics they all each recieve a black cloak to cover themselves with when in highly densed areas.
as japan embraces a more western identity throughout the taisho era, the ubuyashiki household implemented a western judicial system in the decision making with the head of the ubuyashiki clan acting as the judge l and the hashiras acting as the defending and accusatory parties as well as jury. all hashiras will make a statement to either defend the person on trial or go against them. copies of testimonies and eye witness cases are also given to the hashiras and a brief statement of the case is given to the head of the ubuyashiki clan.
once a slayer passes final selection to become a demon slayer they obtain a kasuguy crow and a slayer pack which includes small nichirin sword refills, rope, and a basic first aid kit from the corps. they are then assigned one of many nichirin sword smiths and will
Breathing Techniques and Forms breathing techniques use different stances for activation in order to assist with more oxygen going to the places needed to perform each technique.
thunder breathing needs more oxygen in the legs in order to perform high speeds attacks. water breathing needs more oxygen in the brain in order to make weightless, exact, and fluid movements.
this necessary oxygen transfering is slightly altered by those who make new styles based on existing styles.
because there is less oxygen going to the rest of the body it takes serious practice for someone to be able to last more than 10 minutes without collapsing.
before a demon slayer learns a breathing technique they must master total concentration breathing from the training of a teacher. once the slayer has mastered tcb only then are they allowed to be taught techniques to further enhance their skills unless given a pardon for special reasons. breathing styles are taught after the entrance test to become a demon slayer from higher up demon slayers and hashiras. after the entrance exams slayers are heavily encouraged to learn a breathing technique however it is not mandatory
Main/Secondary Character Names and Personalities (given names are put before family names so i dont confuse my little baby english brain)
OC: Etsuko Onimane (Kanji: 悦子 鬼真似) Yōko Kobayawaka (Kanji: 洋子 小早川)
(put backstory here). wears baggy clothes to hide from the sun when travelling during the day. due to her unable to form calluses on her hands to grip her swords because of her demonhood she resorts to gloves which also help futher hide her skin from contact with the sun. she also has to stress about the fear of any slayer possibly killing her in a misunderstanding. because she is a different kind of demon she doesnt burn in the sun but rather melts. this is an extremely gruesome process.
Genya Shinazugawa
Genya strives to become a strong slayer like his older brother Sanemi to make him proud and finally acknowledge him. this character is untrusting of others as a front to avoid being hurt as well as being abrasive and unwelcoming. due to his family being killed by his demon-turned mother he will have severe difficulties befriending/trusting etsuko. by consuming demons he is able to have superhuman senses much like that of a demon and copy the demons blood demon art. the more flesh of demons he consumes the stronger he becomes. however this means it is easier for him to lose control and can not step into sunlight as long as he has demonic abilities. if he eats more than one demon he gains more than one bda however it weakens all current bda’s in genyas system by the amount of bda’s (2 bda’s weakens them both by 50%). because of his ability to consume and harness the power of demons he is unable to perform breathing techniques. had he never have consumed demons in the first place he would be able to but no longer can.
Inosuke Hashibira
Raised by upper moon two, doma, he is a wild child who decides to become a demon slayer out of his want to have fun and become strong like doma unaware of his adopted/step-father’s identity and his connection to inosukes mother. This character often runs head first into confrontation whilst completely ignoring his own well being in the process sometimes causing missions to temporarily go off track because of his tendency for trail blazing and not following orders from his superiors, possibly at risk of his termination from the corps if his actions continue. doma is aware of inosukes actions however is not threatened by him working with the Slayers Corps. he is infact rather encouraging of him to get stronger knowing inosuke could never defeat him on his own nor his own accord and does not perceive him as a threat. this character does not see etsuko as a threat because of her demeanor and unlikeness to any other demon. this character also doesnt know doma is a demon.
Supporting Cast Akaza, Shinjuro, rest of characters
all explained in a separate document
Demons/Antagonists Muzan, Akaza, etc.
All demons are under the cruel and watchful eye of muzan kibutsuji as if they were to ever falter and sway from his will or be deemed useless he will dispose of them himself indiscriminately whether they were an uppermoon or not.
the fourteen strongest demons under muzans rule are called the kizuki with the weakest eight being called the lower rank kizuki and the strongest six being the upper rank kizuki.
due to the existence of muzans cells in each demons body and with muzan being unable to be in the sun, no demon has been able to withstand/conquer the sun.
certain moon phases effect demons strength and abilities. during a solar eclipse demons are able to stand in the day without getting burnt but only for a handful of minutes. super moons increase the overall strength of demons as well as their blood demon art abilities. blood moons/lunar eclipses work very similarly to super moons but to a much more extreme degree. this also means that demon attacks are more frequent during winter months and the opposite in the summer months
ranking system for moon phases:
Demon King - Blood Moon Upper One - Upper Full Moon Upper Two - Upper Waxing G. Moon Upper Three - Upper Quarter Moon Upper Four - Upper Waxing Crescent Moon Upper Five - Upper Waning Moon Upper Six - Upper New Moon Lower One - Lower Full Moon etc…
please tell me if i should add or take away anything so far. please keep in mind this blueprint is a wip.
submitted by Split_Automatic to KimetsuNoYaiba [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:54 raytoei A good 1995 article on Walter Schloss' investing Process.

The PDF article can be found here:
(FORTUNE Magazine)
April 3, 1995

The Walter Schloss bits here:
Take a closer look at the record of Walter Schloss, a walking, talking refutation of just about every major tenet of the EMT and probably the purest example of a traditional value investor. Schloss, 78, has been beating the S&P 500 since before there was an S&P 500. (Although data for the index now go back to 1926, S&P didn't create the 500 until 1957. Schloss began his market-beating run in 1955, and the following year outpaced what would become the S&P 500.)
Over the 39 years that Schloss has been managing money on his own, the firm has averaged an annual rate of return of slightly over 20%, while his limited partners have made 15.5% a year on their money, reflecting the 25% cut of profits Schloss collects for his services. Over the same period, the S&P 500 averaged a 10% return.
The high returns that Schloss has earned are possible in a world governed by the EMT, but only if you take on much more risk than the market as a whole entails. Schloss, however, has taken less risk. Consider: Since the Brooklyn Dodgers beat the Yankees in the 1955 World Series, the S&P 500 has finished in the red nine times. Schloss lost money in only six years, and eased the pain for his clients in those periods by forgoing management fees. Says he: "I don't think I should get paid if I do a lousy job."
Described by someone who knows him well as "a man of modest talent and light work habits," Schloss practices investing in a way that any ordinary investor can. Dressed in a well-worn trader's smock, he works entirely from public documents and a few publications like Value Line in one cramped, little office squirrelly with annual reports, 10-Ks, pictures of Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, and Schloss's children and grandchildren. The one window looks out onto an air shaft. The total value of the fixed assets in that office? Three thousand dollars. He has never had a computer or a fax machine, and he still pecks away on an old Olympus manual typewriter to correspond with clients.
Schloss doesn't speak to the managements of the companies he invests in, because he says he doesn't want to get attached to them. And he doesn't attend the companies' annual meetings unless they are within a 20-block radius of his office. The simple truth here is that Schloss holds no advantage over other investors. And he agrees: He claims to have no special ability at analyzing businesses--a modest assertion with which his friends generally agree.
Other investors may fly around the country searching for investment ideas; Schloss is far more likely to spend the entire day chatting with his son Edwin, the only other member of the firm, about the theater or the latest Updike novel, while their one telephone sits, un-ringing, on Schloss's desk. What Schloss does have, however, says Chris Browne, of the old-line investment firm Tweedy Browne, which has provided Schloss with office space for many years, "is the ability to think for himself. Walter leans into the wind until the wind changes." Although Schloss says that he is flexible, he favors buying cheap companies as measured by market to book value. He prefers looking at asset values rather than earnings because he feels that accounting rules leave too much wiggle room to manipulate profits. Generally he prefers to buy stocks that are selling for one-half to two-thirds of book value. But they aren't easy to find--only about 15 members of the 1,600-stock Value Line universe meet that criteria. So he will go up to 100% of book or even slightly over. He gets in cheap, and when the stock price rises to what he thinks is fair, he gets out. Like many other dyed-in-the-wool value investors, Schloss doesn't put a time limit on stocks he buys. As long as the reasons for buying remain valid, he's willing to wait years for the payoff.
Not all of Schloss's picks work out, but by maintaining a portfolio of about 75 to 100 stocks, which he turns over once every four years, he limits the damage from bad decisions. And he has had a few of those, including Intertan, an electronics retailer that Schloss bought in 1992, when the shares were $12. After Schloss invested, the stock suffered a big drop as its earnings dried up. He sold last year at $8 a share. Says Schloss: "We bought it at about half book value, but it just got worse." Even great value investors occasionally have to admit they were wrong.
Schloss keeps his risk low in other ways: Because he gets in when prices are already low and the market has low expectations for the company, he runs less chance of disappointment than if he owned fast-growth stocks, where investor expectations run high. Proof of Schloss's low-risk style came in a dramatic way in 1987. Going into that fateful October, Schloss was up 53% for the first nine months, vs. 42% for the market. But he finished the year up 26%, vs. the market's 5%.
There are no secrets to the way that Schloss invests. The value investing he practices can be learned by anyone who takes the time. Just ask Schloss's landlord and fellow outperformer, Tweedy Browne, which has passed on its successful value investing strategy from one generation to the next like Grandma's recipe for pfefferneusen (see box).
Essential to the success of Schloss, the Brownes, or any value investor is the ability to find undervalued stocks. But for EMT believers, the very suggestion of the existence of incorrectly priced assets is intolerable. The EMT rests on the principle called rational expectations, which assumes that, given the same information, people will react to it, and act upon it, in pretty much the same way. That's because in business we all ultimately seek the same things--wealth and happiness. For stock prices this means that given the same piece of information about a company, investors will generally agree what the correct stock price should be. That is, the stock will be priced at a level that gives it an expected return equal to other stocks. If it were priced to offer a higher expected return, a herd of investors seeking wealth and happiness would immediately jump on that information and drive the stock up, bringing down the expected return. Investors can beat the market in an EMT world, but the achievement is nothing to brag about. Prices set by rational expectations will change only in response to news, which by definition is unpredictable. So beating the market is possible, but only if this news goes your way. And that can only be a matter of luck that sooner or later must vanish like a gambler's winning streak.
submitted by raytoei to ValueInvesting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:48 icecreamraider The Realities of War (let's kill some sacred cows)

Having seen many cringeworthy “analysis” from various armchair warriors dissecting IDF’s actions (usually ending with a backlink to their idea of “poof” of Israel’s “war crimes”), I figured I’d offer a more detailed perspective on things from someone more familiar with the topic than an average redditor.
This started as a response to a comment “what would you do different with unlimited budget” but then grew beyond a simple response – hence I’m making it into a couple lengthy posts.
I’m going to break it into two parts:
1. General perspective on urban war, what it’s like, and things to keep in mind when analyzing reports from the ground (Today).
2. More technical thoughts on urban combat, analysis of IDF’s operation, etc. (that I’ll probably do tomorrow)
About me: 10 years military (U.S.), intimately familiar with urban battlefield. Ethnically I’m part Moroccan, Bedouin, Jewish, and Finish. Born in USSR of all places. Immigrated to the US as a teenager. Third-generation military (the first two were in Soviet forces). Lots of formerly professional (and now, personal) interest and experience with all relevant aspects of this topic. Curious student of history – especially of the military variety.
Also of relevance – I’m an atheist, though baptized as Christian… but the only religion practiced in my family is Islam (about a quarter of my family is Muslim). I love my Muslim family members. I have no problem with "normal" Muslims or Arabs (as I’m part one myself). But I really, really f-ing hate Islamists and wish each one of them a slow, painful death – as soon as possible. Their ideology is the most insidious form of evil I’ve ever encountered personally. And it’s incompatible with modern civilization.
Ok… part one.

The realities of War (killing sacred cows)
  1. War is fun. There – I said it. It’s not fun if you’re the one getting your rear end kicked. But when you’re the one doing the kicking – truth is… it can be a lot of fun. It’s taboo to say, but it’s true.
2. Reasons it's fun: clarity – routine concerns of peaceful life drop off. Your daily objectives become crystal clear. Basic human emotions become amplified. The highs are really high. The lows are really low. And, if you survive the lows, even they take on a special, perversely-nostalgic meaning later on.
3. Why this matters.
(a). The reasons one goes to war are critically important. Because war is fun – it’s stupid easy to enlist young men full of testosterone to fight. Most young men feel invincible until they aren’t – and by that point, bullets are already flying.
(b.) Hence, drawing moral equivalence between a side that responds to violence and the side that deliberately provokes violence is absurd. As the saying goes – old men start wars and young men die in them. These “old men” already know what war entails. Thus, provoking a war is a far more insidious act than reacting to it… all other circumstances being equal.
4. Side note (a personal theory of mine) – the energy of war begins with a lot of testosterone (until it takes on its own velocity). Which leads to a personal observation – societies where young men get laid, typically fight a lot less wars. Islamist ideologies are breeding grounds for wannabe jihadis. Primarily, due to the ideology itself. But also, by prohibiting the mating energy of young men and channeling it into rage and violence instead. If you think can change my opinion on it – feel free.
5. War is absurd. Each day consists of hours of boredom followed by minutes of terror and exhilaration. It’s a bipolar environment. The whole thing is absurd. And when you stumble upon trivial, idiotic things following hours of combat – the only way to stay sane is to embrace dark humor and laugh at things you’d never laugh at in normal life.
(a). Imagine a scenario – you just survived an hour-long close-proximity firefight. An Apache finally swoops in and takes the roof off the building you were unable to suppress for the past 30 minutes. You move in to investigate – stepping over dead bodies, trying not to slip on blood, cracking stupid jokes because you’re still terrified. You walk into a child’s bedroom and see spent shell casings, dead bodies, weapons, a copy of Quaran among children’s toys on the floor. You make your way through the house trying to ID who it belonged to, etc. You start opening drawers and what-dya-know – red, sexy lingerie of the former lady of the house. The ONLY sane reaction to this absurdity is uncontrollable laughter. Grown men will put the bra over their plate carrier, pose for pictures like idiots, etc.
(b). Is posting such pictures on social media a breach of discipline? Of course it is. But the idiotic joy of it – it’s a normal reaction. In fact, it’s a weirdly healthy reaction. People who post pictures of soldiers acting like idiots and claim them to be “proof” of some…idk… animal character of IDF soldiers are clueless. If you’re one of those – you have no idea what you’re talking about.
c. But I’ll tell you what I don’t see. I don’t see pictures of IDF dragging bodies of Hamas fighters and spitting on them. I don’t see pictures of IDF running behind detainees and yelling “Moses is Great”, etc. For those of you drawing moral equivalence between IDF behavior and that of Hamas – I’d like to congratulate you on being an idiot.

6. Controlled Violence.
(a). Fundamentally, the objective of a well-executed war is controlled violence in order to achieve political/strategic goals. How the violence actually plays out is very difficult to fully control. Therefore, INTENTIONS MATTER. A LOT.
i. A force intent on minimizing unnecessary casualties and failing is still far superior morally to a force intent on inflicting unnecessary casualties. IDF is the former. Hamas is the latter.
(b). ~Violence (once initiated) is extremely difficult to control~. That’s why a professional military (a real one) is much different in executing violence than a militia.
i. A militia (any militia) will inevitably escalate violence beyond necessary. The most “alpha” characters usually rise to the top. Often, via sheer brutality and fighting prowess. Human emotions (anger, revenge, pride) take over. And they’re difficult to control.
ii. A professional military operates by objectives and command structure. It will inevitably make errors and even commit war crimes – again, war is chaos that one never fully controls. However, “emotional” decisions rarely rise above tactical necessities. And conduct “unbecoming” is typically punished promptly by your own – because (almost) everyone understands the necessity of structure, rules, and strict moral code.
iii. Are there professional military units that end up committing crime deliberately or behaving in unbecoming manner? Of course – it only takes a few bad apples in key positions of command. But that’s rather an exception that proves the rule.
(c). ~Not all military units are made equal~. IDF, for instance, consists of some professional elements and a whole bunch of citizen soldiers. Everyone has a role to play. Some units are designated as more combat-focused than others. And even within designations, there is a hierarchy of combat readiness. It’s not always formal, but commanders have a good sense of it. Less combat-ready (even when combat-designated) units will usually be assigned more passive roles. “Better” units will be the ones moving forward and seeking contact with the enemy (provided that command has this luxury (i.e. enough options at their disposal).
i. IDF, however, has very few luxuries – it’s mostly citizen soldiers in a nation of only 8 million people. Their more “professional” units are world class – it really doesn’t get much better. But there aren’t a lot of them.
ii. IDF’s “citizen soldiers” are also quite good. Much better than any other conscripted military I’ve ever seen (and I happen to be intimately familiar with the Soviet and Russian militaries – once deemed the “scariest” conscripted forces).

7. War is Chaotic. Every unit will make mistakes. Through a combination of fear, fatigue, lack of clarity, and a very narrow “field of view” for each individual and most line units. That’s why things like Rules of Engagement, “Commander’s Intent”, etc. are critical. Yet, mistakes will happen. And the “citizen soldiers” will commit more errors than more “professional” units.
(a). The chaos is exacerbated by urban environment. In a city, each sub-element lives in its tiny “world” – at any given point, it’s rarely larger than a city block. When they hear gunfire – rarely do they have the context behind it unless they’re engaged in it. The information coming through is sparce and, often, it’s by design.
(b). Among this chaos and close proximity, these units operate in silos, trying to accomplish their objectives and not shoot each other while at it.
(c). Inevitably, someone gets jumpy – think of IDF shooting Israeli hostages a couple months back. Under the circumstances – I’m surprised things like that don’t happen more often. Truth is, most armchair generals who like to issue judgements on such things, would’ve been scared sh*tless themselves and probably would’ve pulled the trigger even quicker than the unfortunate idiot who killed those hostages.
8. The Soldier’s Field of View is very narrow. Rarely do you see the people shooting at you. Rarely do you know if you killed the person who was shooting at you or if someone else did. Rarely do you know that there are civilians somewhere in the house you’re taking fire from – usually you find bodies after the fact. Etc., etc. When you hear that a professional military unit killed a civilian in an active combat zone – if your first reaction is “they meant to do it” – congratulations again - you’re a clueless idiot.
9. The Islamist Enemy is Insidious. I can’t think of a more insidious enemy to fight than a bunch of Islamist lunatics with a plan, terrain knowledge, and very lose command structure. Every horror story you’ve heard about Hamas is true. How do I know? Because we’ve seen it all before. You don’t have to take IDF’s word for it – just ask any Amercian soldier who’ve seen sh*t in any other Islamist dumpster fire of a country. (Or any former Russian soldier who've fought in Chechnya or Afghanistan back in their day).
(a). Child rape – rampant
(b). Abuse of own population – daily. They’re straight-up thugs. Antisocial meatheads with a holy book, drunk on power, and convinced of their moral superiority.
(c). None of them can actually string together a coherent sentence explaining their grievances – but they can all recite a few sentences they heard from an imam… mostly some variation of “Americans are dogs” (they really f-ing hate dogs).
(d). Ultimately, it’s a death cult. But very few of them actually want to die. Most join militia groups because it’s what passes as “cool” in their neighborhood. Sure, they’ll yell something about Allah… but mostly it’s a “I belong to a group that has guns, and guns are fun” type thing.
(e). When push comes to shove – some of them will fight in a suicidal manner. But, when their leadership is dead and the group cohesion is broken – a surprising number will want to surrender. The whole “martyrdom” thing is just an obscure aspiration that many learn that they didn’t really mean it when they signed up for it.
(f). The truly ideological ones are a whole different type of evil. It’s a special kind of evil – one convinced of its own righteousness. They really do use civilians as human shields – especially children. Why children? Because kids are innocent – thus, by sacrificing a child, a truly lunatic Jihadi is doing them a favor… he’s sending them straight to paradise. It’s a shortcut, really. Wrap your head around that one and then imagine staring this evil, bearder, toothless f-ing monster in the face and watching him grin as he explains why he just shot up a building full of school girls. And then imagine what it takes not to drag this creature outside, douse him in fuel, and light a match.
So, these are some general thoughts on war for those unfamiliar. Tomorrow, I will post a more technical “play-by-play” breakdown on urban combat tomorrow, analysis of IDF actions, etc.
submitted by icecreamraider to IsraelPalestine [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:41 lightningfries Recommendations for a hi-vis, mesh "cruiser vest" for back-country field mapping? I need one that can handle high heat, a pack, and hardcore bush-whacking!

Recommendations for a hi-vis, mesh
It's finally happened - after 12 years of faithful service, being subjected to sun, sweat, sticks, and being stuffed full of rocks, my backcountry field vest has given up the ghost. RIP orangey - I never did get that one blood stain out.
My old one was a vintage 1980s jim-gem vest, gifted to me by my advisor, so I can't do a straight up replacement.
I'm pretty sure this is the same model I had - this is the general style I'm looking for
So I'm turning to you, comrades-in-rocks for any thoughts or recommendations on the best back-country, hot-weather field vest I can get.
My needs are:
  • Much mesh
    • as lightweight & breathable as possible without being flimsy.
  • Hella pockets
    • reinforced (for rocks, twigs, fruit snacks, etc.)
    • different sizes, including dedicated pencil-holders
  • Hi-vis (bonus if 'class 2')
    • so I don't get shot or run over, and to make S&R's job easier
  • Can be comfortably worn with a pack.
    • Don't want a giant 'knapsack' back-pouch, just a simple map pocket
  • Lapel grommets for hand lens
    • yeah, i actually use them
    • otherwise i get a rash on the back of my neck, okay?
  • Snaps to close, NOT velcro or zipper
    • a man's got to know his limitations
  • Cost is no concern
    • thank you, taxpayer
Note: I am NOT looking for a badass "exploration geologist" style vest with the thick canvas fabric & monstrous pocket on the back. Everyone knows the best-of-the-best is Deakin & I have one of those on hand - I need a new comfy mapping vest!
From my initial 'oogling, it looks like Jim-Gem may still be the way to go, either the 8-pocket mesh vest or the surveyor's vest with mesh back. Specific thoughts on those builds appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by lightningfries to geology [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:52 ZeroCentsMade Simplicity is the Cure – Castrovalva Review

This post is part of a series of reviews. To see them all, click here.
Historical information found on Shannon O'Sullivan's Doctor Who website (relevant page here and the TARDIS Wiki (relevant page here). Primary/secondary source material can be found in the source sections of O'Sullivan's website, and rarely as inline citations on the TARDIS Wiki.

Serial Information


Welcome aboard. I'm the Doctor. Or will be if this regeneration works out. - The Doctor
This might not sound plausible at first blush, but Castrovalva might just be the strangest Doctor Who story ever.
Not in terms of content, the actual plot of Castrovalva while a bit mind bending, isn't that strange. But the actual way it's laid out, the pacing, the way it's constructed, it looks so different from anything else this show has done.
I mean, is Castrovalva even one story? Should I split the first half and the second half into different sections of this review? Into different reviews? Maybe it's best to start with how we got here.
Tom Baker was always going to be a challenge to replace. I think it's difficult to properly conceive of, in modern terms, how long Tom Baker was the Doctor. I mean, he held the role for seven seasons. He was The Doctor (the definite article, you might say), in popular consciousness. If you were a twelve year old kid who first started watching the show when he took over, you would have been an adult when he left. So, how do you replace that?
Well, what Producer John Nathan-Turner did next made a lot of sense. Tom Baker had been an unknown when he was cast. But now, having to replace him, JNT decided to take someone who was fairly well known. Nathan-Turner had worked as a production assistant on All Creatures Great and Small before becoming Doctor Who's producer. And one of its stars, Peter Davison, had achieved something of a following working on that show. The shorter, light-haired younger man was also a physical contrast to Tom Baker's imposingly large, dark-haired man. As a start for a new era, Davison was, it seemed, the ideal candidate.
So, naturally, Castrovalva does a lot of work trying to simultaneously convince us that this is both a brand new Doctor, but also very much still the same Doctor. Which is probably the reason for the very strange story structure. Castrovalva is pretty cleanly divided into halves. The trouble in the TARDIS section covering the first two episodes, and the portion actually set in the castle of Castrovalva, covering episodes three and four.
The first two episodes feel like they're trying to connect the Doctor back to previous incarnations. Peter Davison actually decided in rehearsal to perform several sections like he was previous iterations, and dialogue got rewritten to emphasize this (I'm especially pleased that he got in an impish giggle when he was channeling the 1st Doctor, as that's an oft overlooked element of William Hartnell's performance). There's also a pretty heavy emphasis placed on the relationship between the Doctor and the TARDIS in these two episodes. The TARDIS opens up a roundel to provide medicine, and offers the Doctor a wheelchair. We haven't really seen much evidence of the TARDIS having a mind of its own since, and this is going way back, The Edge of Destruction, but it still helps emphasize the idea of the Doctor still being the Doctor. After all, if the TARDIS is trying to take care of the Doctor, then clearly it's still the Doctor.
Though, as the Doctor admits, things are a lot rougher this time than in the past. Before this the Doctor has always regenerated in a relatively stable situation as an adventure was ending. Here, he's essentially dropped in mid-struggle with the Master and he just needs some rest in a calm place. A lot of stuff is thrown at us. Apparently the cure for post-regeneration trauma is simplicity – the more complex the environment the worse the symptoms. The TARDIS has a room for just such purposes, called a "Zero Room". In a worst case scenario (say, after you accidentally jettisoned the Zero Room to create thrust to escape the explosion of the Big Bang) the doors and walls of the Zero Room can be used to create a smaller "Zero Cabinet" which looks like a TARDIS interior-themed casket.
While that's going on, we get some of the most inane conversations you can imagine between Nyssa and Tegan. I like these bits in theory. Tegan and Nyssa are trying to work out a lot here after all. It's, for each of them, their first proper trip in the TARDIS, and what with the Doctor suffering the after-effects of regeneration and Adric off being weird (he's actually mental projection being controlled by the Master), the two of them have to figure out how to keep the Doctor healthy, stop the TARDIS from traveling directly into the creation of the universe (called the galaxy here because science fiction writers aren't scientists) and just generally hold things together. The problem is the actual dialogue is sheer nonsense. There's a lot talk about the power of the word "if". There's also a lot of talk about recursion which, while it's a theme of the overarching story had no place being introduced when it was.
This is all doubly frustrating because, if you remove Nyssa and Tegan's more vapid conversations from the equation, they have a pretty good story together. The basic idea of the front half of the story is that the two are left to work things out without the Doctor and Adric. It's a really effective way to put emphasis on the two newest members of the TARDIS team, who essentially just joined the TARDIS last story. Tegan working out the TARDIS controls (even though she doesn't really, it turns out the Master-controlled Adric projection did that for her), and Nyssa providing scientific explanations and useful context – they genuinely make a good team. There's a bit where the Doctor sets up how his new companions can thrive on their own. Adric of course has a mathematical genius, and as of the events of Logopolis you might as well say he's got magic. Nyssa has "technical skill and understanding" and Tegan is the "coordinator". And it actually plays out over the course of the story. It's just a shame that some of these conversation are so mindless.
That takes us into the second half of the story, where the Doctor gets to be a bit more active and we actually visit the planet/city/castle of Castrovalva. Throughout episode 3 Castrovalva is presented to us as a kind of ideal medieval-inspired society (lot of those lately). From the beginning though, something feels off. Something constantly feels artificial about Castrovalva, like it's setting is a little too idyllic and uncomplicated. And then there the seemingly sinister presence of Shardovan, the librarian who always seems to be skulking around. And then there's The Portreeve, a wise old man who always seems to know a little bit more than he should.
And that's all for good reason. Castrovalva is fake. The Master made it up, disguised himself as the Portreeve as a trap for the Doctor, using Adric's ability with block transfer calculations – he'd captured Adric at the beginning of the story. As always, the Master's greatest weakness is that he likes things to be grand and complicated, and so over the course of the two episodes the facade is slowly dismantled. And in a genuinely clever moment, the fake people that the Master has created aren't entirely happy about being used by him. "You made us, man of evil. But we are free," says Shardovan before he destroys the web that is holding Castrovalva together in a genuinely effective and cathartic moment.
And I do like how Shardovan, clearly set up to make us think he's the villain, and possibly even the Master, with his dark outfit, sinister stares, and heavy contrast to the more friendly attitudes of the rest of the Castrovalvans, turns out to be the person who's worked out that something is wrong with Castrovalva. It might not seem all that innovative, but at this point in Doctor Who's history it's genuinely hard to think of someone who was presented with so many of the superficial signifiers of being a villain but turned out not to be. It even makes sense internally. Castrovalva has intentionally been created to lull the Doctor into a false sense of security. So the one character who's not doing that turning out to be good is just a natural progression.
These episodes are also where we get a better sense of the Doctor. I'll admit that on past viewings, I never really cared much for Peter Davison's take on the Doctor, but on my current run through his era (as I've mentioned before, I'm always watching ahead while I'm watching for review) I've found him more compelling than I have in the past. Here he approaches Castrovalva with a kind of mad panic. Something is wrong here, but he can't quite place it. He's trying to solve the puzzle of what's wrong and it doesn't help that he's still recovering from his regeneration, something that doesn't really resolve itself until the end of the story. It's a solid contrast from Tom Baker's austere and eccentric Doctor, to Davison who brings a more manic energy. Today we're used to the Doctor being wild and high energy, but this is really the first time we get that kind of NuWhoish energy.
I'm still not gelling with Ainley's Master though. I enjoy him as the Portreeve here, playing the kind of wise old man who normally would be one of the Doctor's allies. Except the Portreeve always seems to know a little too much. Watching it back, there's definitely plenty to hint at the Portreeve's true nature. As the Master though…I don't know, it still just doesn't work for me. I like the Master's plan in this story, it's overcomplicated, but that's kind of the Master's MO. But Ainley just always seems to go a bit overboard in his portrayal.
I haven't really talked much about Adric this story, but that's because he doesn't really do much in this one. One of the challenges the show is going to have with three companions is finding something for each of them to do. In this story Adric is mostly sidelined. We get the, by now, well worn trope of Adric pretending to side with the villain of the story but it barely even lasts long enough to note. Mostly, Adric is used as a tool by the Master, very little more.
Castrovalva is, on the whole, a solid enough start to the 5th Doctor era, but I do have some pretty major reservations. The first half in particular is just full of these completely empty-minded conversations between Nyssa and Tegan that should have been good, but are just so poorly written. Things get better in the back half, but there's still some iffy bits. Still, I do like Castrovalva in spite of its flaws.
Score: 6/10

Stray Observations

Next Time: It's been three whole serials since we've had a story without the Master. So let's get some killer androids in here instead. Much better.
submitted by ZeroCentsMade to gallifrey [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:29 mghow_genius I found a short story on facebook that I wanted to share

The Tragic Life of Wilbur

The man they just won’t leave alone


Wilbur grew up with his parents, traveling salesmen, who never stayed in one place. Although Wilbur preferred to have a stable home, his parents would always blow off his suggestions.
“You already have a home. If you don’t like these accommodations, study hard and find a well-paying job when you grow up. If you can get there, I promise you, that you can buy a house and then live your life, however you want,” his mother would suggest.
“Listen to her. Your mommy knows the best,” his father would add.
Now, a Business Development Manager and a wiz when it came to numbers, he worked at a small startup company. Although the company made big profits from Wilbur’s ideas, it never really acknowledged his genius. He was proud of himself and his work, nevertheless. He took his parents’ advice and worked hard to get where he was. So, why won’t he be?
He got off work and was heading home when four masked men surrounded him. Before he realized anything, one of them held a gun at his temple, while the three others rummaged through his pockets. They pulled out his wallet, phone, and wristwatch, before punching him in the face. As Wilbur fell on all fours, bleeding out of his nose, the four men began kicking him from all directions, knocking the wind out of him.
“I didn’t resist. They took everything. Why are they still beating me?” were the last thoughts that went through his head.
He woke up in a hospital bed. The nurse who came to change the catheter bag was surprised and called the Doctor. Once the doctor came in and checked his vitals, he smiled at Wilbur.
“You are a lucky man,” he said. “You were in a coma for two months. We almost lost all hope. But you are awake now and your vitals are fine. You are stable. I think you will make a full recovery.”
And recover he did. After two more weeks in the hospital, he finally came out of the hospital. He thanked the Lord for bringing him back to the world of the living.
“Mother always said that I could get the life I wanted if I worked hard. It must be her blessings that brought me back again. Because I did work hard.” Wilbur smiled as his thoughts gave him inspiration and his parent’s memories evoked nostalgia.
Once he reached his apartment building, he checked his mailbox and found a letter for himself, along with some overdue bills. He put the bills in his pocket and opened the letter first since it was from his company. He froze after he read a few lines.
He had been let go for going AWOL for almost 3 months. The letter did hint that the office was aware of his predicament, but they just couldn’t “afford to keep him on a payroll with their tight budget” – the corporate version of “it’s not you, it’s me”.
With a heavy heart and the memories of his mother’s blessings, he took a deep breath and headed upstairs. Once he reached his apartment and tried to open the door, the key didn’t fit. Did they change the lock while he was away?
He went to the Landlord and knocked on the door. As soon as the landlord opened the door and saw him, his expression turned sour.
“Mr. Hanson. The key to my apartment isn’t working,” Wilbur said.
“I’m sorry to hear what had happened to you, Wilbur. You are a good man. You didn’t deserve it.” Hanson tried to change his sour expression to a sad one with obvious fakeness.
“Thank you, Mr. Hanson. About my- ”
“Yes. Unfortunately, the market has been horrible lately, with all the mugging in the area. Although the mugger gang has been arrested, the fallout remains. People just don’t want to rent these apartments anymore. So, I just couldn’t ignore it when I did find that couple willing to move into that apartment.”
“You gave my apartment to someone else?” Wilbur exclaimed.
“That’s my apartment, in case you forgot,” Hanson snapped, suddenly reverting to his true feelings. “I had the locks changed. You didn’t have much in the way of belongings, since the furniture in there are all mine. You can pick up your bag of clothes and laptop from the apartment manager.”
Wilbur just stood there, with his face in his hands. His whole life was crumbling down.
“Besides, you still owe me two months’ rent,” said Hanson quickly, finding a tinge of sympathy within him. “I will forgo that if you want.”
“I don’t have anywhere else to go.”
Hanson’s eyes lit up as he saw an opening. “Well, I can make another arrangement for you, if you like.”
“That’d be great.” Wilbur’s eyes lit up with hope.
“I have an acquaintance. He owns a three-bedroom house downtown and lives alone. I convinced the association to let him keep that rundown house,” Hanson said.
“He will allow me to stay with him?” Wilbur asked, unsure of where this is going.
“Yes, yes. He’s a bleeding heart. Besides, I have some understanding with him. I am sure that he will let you stay, even rent-free.”
“Rent-free?” Wilbur couldn’t believe his ears. It sounded too good to be true.
“Of course. But you have to do me a favor in return.” Hanson leaned in closer, “Don’t ever try to rent a house in this area again. Live there, with my friend Gere.”
“Why?” Wilbur asked with genuine curiosity.
“There have always been muggings around these parts. But what happened to you was the last straw that made the prices of real estate go down around these parts. It’d be good to not have your face around to remind people of that… tragedy.”
“I understand,” Wilbur said.
“And one more thing,” Hanson added. “You will still owe me my two months’ rent and all the bills. With interest, of course.”
“Of course, Mr. Hanson,” Wilbur said with a smile. “After what you are doing for me, I would love to continue our relationship.”


Gere came home and threw his bag on the sofa before heading to the kitchen. He had to prepare a meal for his guest as well; the regular mac-and-cheese won’t do. Hanson’s phone call on short notice left him little time to prepare.
As he prepared some mashed potatoes, chili, and beans, he still wondered how he got roped into taking a roommate by a man whom he barely knew. Since Hanson was an important member of the realtor’s association, he just could not refuse the request. After all, it was Hanson’s influence that allowed him to keep his family home from being demolished by the realtors.
In retrospect, it might have been a good deal for Gere to cave in and sell the house to the realtors for demolition, but he just couldn’t do it. His grandfather, and subsequently, his father lived at this place. He had a lot of emotions attached to this place.
Ding Dong!
Gere wiped his hands on his aprons and turned off the stove that he had just lit up. He hurried to the door and opened it. There stood Wilbur, broken and tired with two large bags at his feet. Upon seeing this man, Gere’s heart melted. The scars on his body and the mismatched outfit spoke volumes about this man’s plight.
“Wilbur. Come on in.” Gere picked up his bags for him. Wilbur didn’t even have the energy to refuse the aid.
“Mr. Hanson told me what happened to you. It’s a tragedy. Really,” Gere said, leading Wilbur to his room. “Don’t you worry about anything here. You can stay here as long as you like, till you get back on your feet.”
“That’s awfully kind of you,” Wilbur said. “I’m really sorry to impose.”
“Not at all,” Gere replied. “You aren’t imposing. If anyone, it was Mr. Hanson who imposed. But honestly, if I am to keep this house, I need him to keep the Realtors on a leash. We have a mutual understanding.”
Gere put down the bags in the room and turned to Wilbur.
“He imposed, but I agreed. Not because of him, because of what happened to you. I just could not leave you out like that, man.” Gere gave him a pat on the upper arm and beckoned, “Come on. Wash up and come to eat. Dinner’s almost ready.”
Wilbur smiled at this generous man, genuinely thankful for his assistance. He was starving – hospital food leaves much to be desired and it was already late.


Wilbur and Gere sat on the sofa, staring at the TV, but not focused on what was going on on-screen.
“So, these cousins of yours. They are not involved with anything bad, right?” Gere asked.
“Not at all, Gere. You know me. They are practically family.” Wilbur rubbed his eyebrows.
“What’s up with all these muggings?” Gere asked with severe annoyance.
“They had arrested the gang, last I heard. Yet, here we are. My cousins are scared to go out in that neighborhood and have requested if they could stay over, just for a couple of days.”
“Yeah. Of course. Your family is my family. You know that, right?”
“Thanks Gere. You are a saint.”
“Meh! Don’t worry. It’s not like I am using those rooms anyway.” Gere took a pause. “How’s your job search going?”
“Same old, same old. The job market isn’t really that good right now.”
“But it’s been four months already,” Gere said with genuine concern. “Now you are scaring me. What if I lose my job? In this market, I don’t think I can get another anytime soon.”
“Hey, man. Just be grateful that you still have your job. I don’t know what I will do. The exorbitant interest rates Mr. Hanson is imposing on me have been piling up. Now I must pay 3 months’ rent. Without a job, I can’t even repay one.”
“Don’t worry too much.” Gere rubbed Wilbur’s head. “Just bring your cousins in, enjoy some quality time with your fam.”
“Will do. How’s your Karate lessons going?” Wilbur asked.
“Got my Brown belt. Can’t skip classes when my office is paying for a hobby,” Gere said with a smile. “Much better than the gym membership they offered me.”


Gere walked out of the bank, cashing his paycheck. Payday was always on the 7th of the month and he eagerly waited for this day, every month. He preferred to use cash since he would often have to lend some to his roommates - if one could call them that.
Gere walked down the pavement, counting the cash again. Distracted, he almost bumped into someone around the corner.
“Hey! Wilbur. What are you doing out here, man?” Gere asked with a tired smile.
“Gere, buddy. I need some money, very urgently,” Wilbur said.
“Well… sure. But you could have waited till I got home.”
Wilbur just snatched the wad of cash from his hands.
“Thanks, man. I owe you one. I just need to pay Mr. Hanson back, before he increases the interest.”
Gere grabbed him by the arm and stopped him from leaving. “That’s not cool, bro. Give it back. We still have to budget for the whole month.”
“Let go of me,” Wilbur said, glaring at him.
“What’s gotten into- ” Gere was knocked in the head from behind, before he could finish his sentence.
As he drifted into unconsciousness, he remembered seeing Wilbur walk away with one of his cousins and his hard-earned money.


Gere opened his door with the keys and froze at the sight. Wilbur and his cousins were sitting on the sofa, drinking beer and eating pizza while watching a game.
“You attacked me!” Gere exclaimed, seeing their audacity. “Give me my money and get out of my house.”
Wilbur put down his beer and shrugged, “Or what?”
“You caught me off-guard back then,” Gere growled. “Or what? Or else, I will make you.”
All four of them stood up and spread their arms. “Make me, then, fool. In case you haven’t noticed, you are outnumbered.”
Before Gere could say anything, one of the cousins rushed forth and threw a punch at him. Gere parried the blow with his forearm, moving in closer to hit him in the solar plexus with his knee. Regardless of how confident Gere was or his aptitude in fighting, Wilbur did have the number advantage.
Before Gere could even turn towards the other assailants, Wilbur and his cousins just grabbed him haphazardly from all directions and pinned him down to the ground. Wilbur turned to one of his cousins, once they secured Gere down.
“Call 911.”
“911?” Gere shouted. “Yeah. That’s a mighty fine idea. Bring out the boys in uniform.”


Gere sat in his cell with his head in his hands. He might have gotten a bit too excited and failed to explain the entire situation to the cops. In retrospect, even he would have considered himself a threat if he were in the cop’s shoes.
There was a bang on the cell door. “Come on out. Your bail has been posted.”
Gere came out to see Phyllis, his lawyer, waiting to pick him up.
“Good to see me?” Phyllis asked.
“You have no idea,” Gere said, rubbing the bump on his head that he suffered when the Wilburs pinned him to the ground.
“You are in big trouble, Gere,” Phyllis reminded, handing him his belongings.
They walked out of the station, got into Phyllis’ car, and finally had the chance to talk. Gere explained everything to Phyllis.
“I see. I will be honest, Gere: things are looking bad for you,” Phyllis blurted in a matter-of-fact way.
“What? How so? They were in my house, with my money. You could just present them as intruders.”
“Intruders? Too many witnesses will admit that you let them stay with you for five months now. That won’t stick.” Phyllis increased the fan speed of the AC while driving.
“What? What about my money? They attacked me and stole it.” Gere felt his voice rising, yet again, just like it happened back with the police.
“You didn’t see the attacker, did you? You said you were attacked from behind.”
“But I saw them walk away.”
“Half unconscious and still without proof that they did it. Circumstantial at best.”
“But they attacked me at my house as well,” Gere yelled.
“When the cops came, the big guy had a bleeding nose and a severe bruise on his abdomen. They have the proof that you attacked them. You don’t. Now it’s their words against yours. And in court, four is better than one.” Phyllis turned the car and continued.
“Besides, that’s not your house either.”
“What do you mean that’s not my house?” Gere asked in genuine confusion.
“They got some documents from the realtor’s association. They are claiming that the house was due to be demolished due to some new regulations they had set up. Some Hanson drew up the papers.”
“Who is he to sign the deeds to my house?” Gere shouted in frustration.
“The head of The Realtor’s Association. Your house is halting the development of the area that the realtors are planning. Even the mayor approved it. But don’t worry. This is one thing we can bring to the court. All your neighbors are willing to testify your legitimacy as the owner as well as give character affirmation. I think there’s hope. Finger’s crossed.”


Gere stood at his own doorstep, staring murder at Wilbur, smiling at him. Phyllis stood at a safe distance, not ready to get into a physical altercation, should one begin.
“Here’s your phone and your laptop, Gere,” Wilbur said, handing him the things.
With his judgment clouded by anger and confusion, he just took them from his hand.
“What’s the meaning of this?” Gere demanded.
“I am offering you your phone and laptop. It’s a good deal. Take it and leave. You are being evicted from House Wilbur.”
Gere walked up to Phyllis and handed her his possessions. Before Phyllis or Wilbur could realize what was going on, Gere turned around to land a mighty side-kick into Wilbur’s face.


“Will you please tell the court what happened on October 7th?” the prosecutor inquired.
“I got mugged on my way home from the bank.”
“And you claim that Mr. Wilbur had mugged you, right?”
“Yes,” Gere replied.
“Did you see the attacker?”
“Where did the attacker hit you?”
“On the back of my head.”
“Then how could you have seen him? Do you have eyes on the back of your head, Mr. Gere?”
The entire courtroom laughed. The judge silenced them with his gavel.
“I saw them leave before going unconscious.”
“So, you took this circumstantial evidence as a reason to go home and attack them? You weren’t even in your right mind, half unconscious.”
“I didn’t attack them. They attacked me first.”
“Your honor, let these four testimonies and Exhibit. B, photos of the injuries on Mr. Wilbur’s cousin’s body show that Mr. Gere was the first to attack.”
“Yes, that’s because they punched me and I blocked it, before fighting back!” Gere begged.
“So, you admit to attacking them.”
“Objection. Leading the witness.” Phyllis stood up.
“Sustained,” the Judge allowed.
“Regardless. There is no doubt about the attacks, given the evidence.”
“It was self-defense!” Gere shouted.
“Of course it was. Mr. Wilbur and his cousins have the right to defend themselves,” the prosecutor said with a wink.
“They came into my house and attacked me! How can they be defending themselves?” Gere asked.
“House Wilbur isn’t your house, Mr. Gere. We have documents to prove that.”
“Nonsense! All my neighbors have testified that I have been living there for generations!”
“If your neighbors love you so much and if you are such a great guy, according to them, why aren’t they taking you into their home? Why are you just spending your days harassing Mr. Wilbur? Is it not true that you have assaulted him multiple times after that and violated your restraining order?”
Gere remained silent.
“Let this be known, Milord, that Mr. Gere has even dug a tunnel under the boundary wall to sneak in and attack Mr. Wilbur. Luckily, his karate lessons being paid for by his company, could not help him against four grown men with the law on their side.”
“They mugged me and invaded my home!” Gere shouted.
“Are you denying that Mr. Wilbur has been mugged and subjected to terrible torture a few months back?”
“What? No. How is this relevant?” Gere asked.
“And even his cousins were mugged, which forced them to escape to your house.”
“My house.”
“Pardon me, your honor. I misspoke. It’s just a slip of the tongue. My client, Mr. Wilbur, wants nothing but to make peace with Mr. Gere. In fact, he has offered Mr. Gere his phone and laptop to broker peace.”
“They took my house! What am I going to do with a Laptop and a Phone? I want my house back!”
The judge shouted, “Order, Order.”
“Milord. Mr. Wilbur has a lineage dating back to the Native Americans. According to this Genealogy and this DNA report, he is one part Native American and thirty-one parts German. That means, his ancestors, the native Americans, were the original owners of all the lands around here. That makes him the rightful owner of that house today. Furthermore, Mr. Wilbur’s mother has promised him a home should he work hard. And we all know how much hardships he went through. He got mugged and hospitalized. Mr. Gere is denying that he and his cousins got mugged.”
The masses in the court and jury just nodded in agreement. Upon seeing this reaction, the Prosecutor raised his voice to present his closing statement.
“Mr. Wilbur is an innocent man, who just can’t catch a break. The muggers, you, and your neighbors; no one is just ready to leave Mr. Wilbur alone. His mother has promised him a home and you are denying him that. His ancestors were from here and you are denying him that.”
The judge turned to look Gere in the eyes, unblinking. The whole court remained silent for a few seconds before the Judge made his verdict.
“Should Mr. Wilbur want to press more charges against you, all of them will be added to your sentence. You, Mr. Gere, are a terrorist. And I condemn you to prison for life, without food, water, or electricity.”
submitted by mghow_genius to fiction [link] [comments]

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I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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2024.05.20 20:07 Material_Baker8256 take my online class!!! Help on Reddit

If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
My contact details:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
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2024.05.20 19:16 Godzilla-30 I found a USB while hiking in the woods. It had a missing person's entries... [Part 1]

Did you know that about 75,000 people go missing per year in Canada? I might’ve found another one to add to that tally, as someone by the name of Trinity Arthurs, a 20-year-old woman, disappeared seemingly without a trace on June 14th of last year, along with 19-year-old Marvin Arthurs, her brother. The question in everyone’s minds is why I’m telling you this.
It all started with a hike in the woods, on a trail, in Prince Albert National Park. I was enjoying the green, taking a deep breath from the fresh air of nature when I spotted something shining. When I looked at it, it became clearer that it was a Ziploc bag. I initially thought it was someone else tossing garbage on the forest floor, but when I picked it up, I realized something was in there. I looked closer at the bag and noticed there was a USB. I packed it into my bag and finished my hike. When I went home, I took the USB out of the Ziploc. I was very hesitant to plug it into my laptop, as I had only recently discovered it in some forest.
I plugged it in and took a deep breath, knowing of the risk of it. It didn’t affect the laptop in any way, but it did reveal only one file which says TRINITY E. ARTHUR’S ENTRIES. I clicked on it and it seems to be a bunch of Word documents, each noted as ENTRY. I couldn’t find anything else other than those files.
I decided to look up, only to find a single news article back then relating to Trinity’s case. I tried to send it to the police, but they thought of it as some sick fanfiction I wrote, so I am going to post it here, leaving it as is. To clarify, I did not write this. I hope this gains the attention of her case as it deserves.
Entry 1 - Sepember 24th, 2023
Hello there, my name is Tris and this might be the very first time I have typed something personal on this laptop, like ever, maybe since elementary school, where we would write how we would feel for the day. Not really the type to socialize and not the type to write a journal, let alone digital, either, because what’s the point of it? I guess I’m just spilling out my thoughts, especially after what I’ve seen, so might as well put this to good use.
For context, this is about my father, Micheal Arthurs. I remembered him, at least before all of this, to be this big, strong guy who just simply had a nice hobby. In that case, that hobby is all about caves. He would spend some of his work money on these trips with one of his work buddies to explore cave systems. The reason? Maybe because he was fascinated with them, god knows when, maybe since he was a child. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about me and my two younger brothers, Marvin and James, as well as our mother, Martha.
He cared for us like any dad would, he would take us camping, tell us about his adventures in the caves, and spoil us with gifts we didn’t need but appreciated anyway. From time to time, he would give us shit if one of us tried to burn the house down by putting paper in a toaster, thinking we would automatically make some kind of magical spell, which actually happened. Hell, my middle name Edward came from him, strange for a girl like me. He used to tell me that he accidentally thought I was a boy when I was born, so that stuck. His trips also, I guess, strained his relationship with Mom, who always complained about him going somewhere for a week, worried sick for him and leaving her to care for us.
That was, until a few years ago, on the morning of May 8th, 2018 - about less than five years ago, when I was fifteen. He said that he’d be back in a week because he was going to explore a cave somewhere in Ontario. The last time I remembered him was when he and Mom made pancakes, bacon, and hashbrowns, of which the pancakes were made for me, even though I could’ve had toast instead. We joked around the table and asked what he’d be doing at the cave. Of course, he would tell his usual, like going into new passages and finding any cave paintings, if any, in the caves themselves. I could imagine the cave paintings he might discover depicting mammoths and saber-tooth cats back then, with people hunting them. After that, we cleaned up and Dad was ready to go. He each gave us a big, warm hug and shared a quick but gentle kiss with Mom. He waved us goodbye before stepping into his big grey Ford truck, all packed up, and drove through the streets of Saskatoon.
We waited. Hours turned to days, and we knew when he’d return. Those days then turned to weeks and we began to think there was something wrong. Mom was first to notice, so she called the RCMP to file a missing persons report. What we didn’t know was it became a whole mystery in itself. At first, they contacted his coworker, who usually caves with him, only to find he was equally as confused as us. That coworker was asked by my Dad if he wanted to go caving with him, only for him to abandon that plan due to a medical emergency relating to his wife. They then put up alerts for him so that anyone would come forward for his whereabouts. Some said they saw him at a local Costco store, others said he was going north, baffling us in the process as he would not go north for Ontario. At that point, there were no leads for a while.
At that time, we were waiting for him to go home. I did some investigating myself, along with my oldest brother Marvin, to find out where our Dad at. We thought this might be some alternate route he took, or that he might be going to Prince Albert to meet family. James, our youngest, seems to care less about the fact Dad is missing and more about talking to his friends. Looking back at it now, I guess this was his method of coping with the situation. Mom was not doing well. She would constantly ask the police to simply find him, but understandably they just couldn't without any new evidence.
That was until a surveillance camera at some gas station store in Blaire Lake spotted Dad. At first, he got out of the truck and put the nozzle in to fuel up. Once his truck was fueled up, he went inside the near-empty store, saved for a few guys, grabbed a few beef jerky and Gatoraids, and went to the cashier to pay for them. After that, he went through the door and back to his truck, driving off. That blew our minds and the crazier thing was that his truck was found, abandoned at a campsite in Martins Lake. The truck was later towed for investigation and found no evidence that he was killed or kidnapped at the truck, meaning he went somewhere. A few more people said they saw him carrying his bags and went into the woods to the west, assuming he was going on a hike. Hearing that news, they searched the woods, looking for any signs he was there without any sort of luck. The search was called off and the trail ran cold.
During that time, I was exhausted and realised I felt like nothing without him. I was in a spiral, always mad at everyone and expecting everyone to find my Dad, but at the same time, I was also beginning to be one of those people. The same people I expect to find my Dad. I then felt defeated and helpless, without purpose, begging whatever god was up there to bring my Dad back, hoping he was not hurt, at least alive. I hoped he found his way out of the woods. I hoped he survived an animal attack. It was only as days went by that I realised this was taking over me, wasting my life and mentality, and that was when I decided he wasn’t coming back. I decided that he might be dead, somewhere in those woods. I hoped that someone would find his remains one day. I guess I did move on, without knowing what happened to him.
Marv, on the other hand, never really accepted. He continued to find him, even to this day. He would do other things, of course, but would argue with someone once our Dad’s name was heard, saying he might still be alive. He did get into a few fights because of this. He now accepts he is dead, but holds onto the belief we should still look for him, to relieve us. Mom was doing worse than the rest of us. She would blame herself for not being with him and usually buys drinks to forget about it. Eventually, she would put a lot of pressure on me and criticize everything I did, putting a lot of stress on me. It got to the point where we would go into screaming matches about the simplest of things, drawing me down to regret ever getting mad at her in the first place. It was so bad that my aunt had to take me out of there for my safety. That was nearly three years ago and I didn’t even hear a word from her. One side of me hoped that she would get arrested for drunk driving, and the other hoped she’d get help.
James seemed to be the one least affected by this, surrounded by friends we didn’t have. The last time I heard of my little brother after his high school graduation, he was beginning to do some cave stuff, like our father. Matter of fact, he began his own small club of cavers a few years before he left. I never really knew what went on in his mind, but I guess he felt just as fucked-up as the rest of us, just that he had enough distractions to easily get away from those thoughts.
As for me, I eventually moved into an apartment with Marv and got a job as a security guard at some mall, at the suggestion of my aunt’s friend, a few years ago. Working there has improved me, even though I worked nights. It has given me some purpose and gets my mind off of the things that happen during the day.
You might ask me, mind to mind, why I’m giving myself some sob story to talk about. This morning, I was riding my electrical tricycle from work to my apartment in the frigid air. I went in there and saw an odd package that was under Marv’s name, although without an address. The box seems to be a cereal box, sealed with package tape. The name that it’s sent to seems to be written in Sharpie in printed form. I thought it was odd that somehow this package made its way inside and at our mailing station. Thinking that it might be someone attempting to play an odd prank on my brother, I initially thought about leaving it alone. Curiosity got the cat, however, so I picked up the box and lightly shook it. I felt and heard what seemed to be something inside of it, like one big thing and a few smaller ones.
I then took it to my apartment, where I opened the door and entered, closed the door, removed my boots on the mat, and set the box on the somewhat clean kitchen counter. Looking at it, I was initially hesitant about opening it because it was under his name. I left it alone, he was home most of the time, on his computer doing a few things. Going into my room, I took off my uniform and changed my pants to a pair of boxers, turned on the TV to sit and relax on my bed. Looking through the streaming service, I tried to look for anything relating to volcanoes, one of those topics I was very interested in at the time, but the content was lacking. I went for a documentary and sat back, watching.
A few minutes in and I can hear knocking on the door. I was annoyed initially, knowing it was my brother. I opened and I could see confusion yet a look of needing to know on his messy, bearded face as he stood at eye level, staring at each other.
Marv: What’s the cereal box in the kitchen?
Me: The cereal box?
Marv: Yes, the cereal box.
Me: I just found it in the mailroom when I came in. No address, nothing other than your name, so I brought it up.
Marv: Do you know what’s inside?
Me: Your guess is as good as mine.
We looked at each other with an equally confused expression, sharing the same thoughts. The only difference is that I looked in the area beside him, empty of thought except for that little mind that reads why would someone send us this package? He was wide-eyed albeit stone-faced and standing still.
Marv: Well, I will be looking inside anyways.
We then went into the kitchen where he grabbed a knife and put it in the box.
Me: Hey, should we use the scissors?
Marv: Why? This is good enough. Not like I’m going to cut myself with it.
He then slowly cut the seams of which the packaging tape sealed, eventually cutting the tape. He then opened it to reveal a USB, an SD card, and a video recorder.
Me: That’s odd.
Marv: I don’t know who sent it, but I hope it is someone who got the wrong address, to the wrong person with my name.
Me: Should we look what's inside them?
Marv: Well, let’s find out.
We then went to his messy clothes-ridden room and he went to his PC to turn it on. There, I began to get concerned about the mysterious USB.
Me: I think we shouldn’t plug it in.
Marv: Why?
Me: Viruses, bugs, the whole deal? We don’t know wha-
Marv: Don’t worry, this PC has antivirus on here. Besides, if it did shut down, we could at least wipe out the memory.
We plugged in the USB, anticipating some sort of pop-up from an unknown digital virus. Instead, nothing happened, maybe other than the notification that a device was plugged in. Marv then sat down to look into the files and see what he could find on the PC, but it felt wrong like we were snooping around. In those files, we could see a folder that says CAVE GIANTS. He clicked on it and there was just a collection of pictures, of cave paintings. The setting all of them seemed to take place in was dark and wet, only the walls of which the cave paintings are on. The paintings themselves, which are in black, depict what seems to be somewhat stick-figure men, some holding arrows and spears, others just standing. Some of those men hunted the animals on the walls, like bison, deer, and mammoths in a group-like manner. The predators seem to be treated with a little more respect, like cougars, wolves, and bears. That was the first few pictures until we met with the first odd thing about those paintings.
The picture in question has every human on the wall holding spears and arrows. No animals were visible. In the next few pictures, we see men without spears or arrows, which said men were upscaled, massive. Long, black legs and arms attach to small bodies and small heads, of which all have un-painted orbs, depicting their eyes, which harrowed us as they stared at us through the screen. It seems some of those tall men have extra or lack of arms and legs. The saying can be said for the eyes, but most are in that somewhat humanoid body plan. The smaller men with the arrows and spears look to be battling the tall men, with some tall men holding the smaller men. In a few more pictures, below the battle scene, were red handprints, unlike those of the black they used. There are no more pictures from here, but we were stunned at whatever we stumbled upon.
Marv: What the fuck. What was that?
Me: I don’t know, maybe an archeologist's USB?
Marv then looked at the screen and saw a second file that said GIANT DOCUMENTARY.
Marv: Giant documentary? A documentary on, okay, what? Giants?
Me: That’s what seems to be like.
We clicked on the folder to see the one mp4 file with the same name. We clicked on it and it started its intro with one of those songs you’d play on a nature educational video. It was black, until it slowly faded into a scene of a forest, with the video panning across gradually and with nature sounds. There, a man with a gruff voice began to narrate.
Narrator: Ever wondered what happened here? You would assume that in a far distant time, this was a different place.
It then transitioned to a scene of a tundra, along with a slideshow of all the animals that existed during the Ice Age. It seems the documentary was made by someone using the Moviemaker application.
Narrator: A cold tundra during the Last Ice Age, of which large mammoths ruled the plains, thick-furred camels gathered in herds, and American lions roamed in their respective pride, along with the large grizzlies, the roaming caribou, and the wolves that hunt in their packs.
I then showed pictures of a tundra landscape, along with a few of the creatures mentioned.
Narrator: That was the scene until man, or Homo Sapiens came along at the end of the Ice Age, ten thousand years ago. The large glaciers that used to cover a third of North America began to melt, causing a whole dramatic series of climatic events. Man took that opportunity to hunt down the prehistoric life that existed. Eventually, those mammoths and camels became extinct, along with the American lion, who relied on them for food, along with a whole plethora of prehistoric beasts that once roamed North America. Eventually, all the ice melted and mankind settled, creating what we know as Native Americans, the Cree, Aztecs, Iroquois, and many more, telling and passing on stories as history marches on.
It then showed a slide show of historical pictures of the tribes themselves, along with depictions of a few of them taking down mammoths and going face to face with sabre tooth cats.
Narrator: I may sound reasonable, based on the evidence found by archeologists and paleontologists alike. Besides, it is only plausible that man is the only species that could drive these wonderful species to extinction. What if I told you all, watching this, that another species used to exist in North America alongside Homo sapiens?
A picture, presumably from the 1800’s or something, showed up, and later a slide show of a few news articles about them. I then began to recognize the voice, a voice all too familiar… my father’s voice. At this time, we were shocked, as this was not what I remembered him and probably not even Marv. We were more shocked at how he took this secret with him and had this under our noses. Despite that, we kept on watching.
Dad: Giants, creatures supposedly of myth and legend, larger yet primitive versions of man, have walked the Earth for many years. Most of that so-called evidence comes in the form of huge, perhaps human-like, bones discovered by farmers and amateur archeologists alike all across neighbouring America. They would claim they built the massive mounds, like the famous Serpent Mound, all across the Midwest.
The slideshow of various examples of these mounds, frame by frame, went by until it stopped at a map of the Midwest, showing where they were.
Dad: Of course, most of these skeletons would either be misidentifications of ancient animals or hoaxes. As for the mysterious mounds, they are now discovered to be built by the good ol’ Hopewell societies, the Mound Builders, who made them as burials and ritual sites. Since then, there has been no new ground evidence of their existence except for the mythologies and legends captivating our cultures. At least, until now.
It then changed to a video recording of Dad, who is sitting in a chair and began explaining it like an explorer that has seen it all.
Dad: One day, while I and John were looking for a cave at Wells Grey Park somewhere in British Columbia, sometime during July of 1994, I saw this tunnel in the snow, somewhere on a high hill at the foot of a glacier. We grabbed our gear, went up to the cave, and we just went in. It took us a few minutes underneath all of that snow before we saw this stream enter this system, melting the snow. We climbed our way down there and reached the floor. We thought we were the first humans to ever set foot in this cave.
Now, as far as I know, to the naked eye, the cave itself is pretty much invisible, especially during winter. Even if anyone did find it, it would require them hours to climb loose rock and steep valley walls. What we found in this cave is quite unusual.
The frame then shows the cave paintings - the very same cave paintings we saw in those other pictures.
Dad: We found these cave paintings on the walls. They are painted in some kind of charcoal paint mix, likely used in the creation of them. At first, the scene depicts the hunter-gatherer lifestyle of the earliest settlers themselves, hunting the woolly mammoths, bison and caribou at the time, along with the bears, cougars, and wolves that are treated with respect. Going further down the cave, we began to see fewer animals and more people with spears and bows. That is when we found the tall figures, likely exaggerated by the artists to depict their size and how they saw it. How they depicted them is very long limbs attached to a smaller body and their eyes they didn’t paint over, a hollow gaze. I felt a harrowing feeling, seeing them and gazing into their eyes. There aren’t just a few, instead, there are many of them, some have extra limbs and eyes and a few even pick up the men depicted in the paintings.
By that time, the battery went dead but we marched on deeper into the cave. We found artifacts, like pottery and arrowheads. We then stumbled upon the remains of a campsite beside the bank of the stream. As I was taking it all in, my friend pointed at something with his flashlight. The scene I saw hit me like a ton of bricks, still haunting me to this day.
There were a few human remains, so decayed that only the bone remained. I seemed to be a family of four, still wearing their fur clothes. They seem to be trying to escape a threat, and ended up here to paint this mural, only to die the hard way. I could only imagine what they went through and looking back as a family man, that fate would be worse than death, waiting for the threat to be over, which never came.
I can see him tear up, in the video, crying. Amongst the muffled cries, he said this:
Dad: I wouldn’t wish that on my family. Not even my worst enemy.
He then continued that way for a few minutes, while my initial shock slowly turned to that of sympathy for him, as this was his first time finding something like this.
Dad: Sorry, I guess I should move on.
He waited a few moments to regain composure, wiping his tears away before speaking again.
Dad: Well, after that, we climbed out of the cave. We did not tell anyone of the exact location, because we wanted to respect the people who died up there a very long time ago. My point is, that there was something that scared this family so much they made the effort to climb to the cave and paint out what is their story. There are just too many coincidences for me to think that they just went in here for the sake of it and too many of those tall beings.
That is when I believed that, long ago, something roamed these lands with us. Not some upsized human who are like us, but a horror so savage it horrified the first settlers and forced them into hiding. Now, I asked myself where they went, besides they would’ve still walked amongst us. I was looking through the libraries and saw nothing. That is when until one day, when I stopped at a gas station somewhere in Rosetown. A Cree elder was taking a smoke and told me he had a story to tell me, out of the blue. It was a weird gesture, as he had no reason to talk to me anyway. Besides, why would a Cree elder tell a white man a story?
We sat on a bench and he told me this story his tribe passed around for a very long time. He told me that, in the beginning, his ancestors feared this monster known as the Witiko. Now, today it is known as the wendigo, a solitary monster that corrupts the human soul and forces them to partake in some horrific act, usually cannibalism of their family members. Once they do that, they turn into basically thin, pale corpses with antlers on their heads and have supernatural abilities. This version also has a knack for being always hungry, constantly looking for something to eat, a metaphor for greed in most of the tribes surrounding the area.
These wendigo, or Witiko, are different. They are not the corpse zombie monster thing that was once human, but rather giant, twisted beings that came from the underworld and invaded the overworld. They ate anything for the sake of greed and malice while tormenting life on the overworld for their pleasure. It got so bad some even took it upon themselves to take their own lives. One day, their good-old Creator decided to send out his best warrior, Wisakedjak. Wisakedjak saw what the Witiko were doing and devised a plan. He banded up all the tribes and went to war with them while luring them in the process. Most, if not all, of the Witiko, were where Wisakedjak wanted them to be. The Creator then split the earth, sending them back to the underworld to which they belonged. To ensure they won’t escape again, the Creator eventually sealed the entrance of which the Witiko fell in.
I was shocked at the story, and even asking where the entrance was, only he would tell me this is a secret and that he didn’t want anyone to look for it, in fear they might be released again. After meeting him, I tried to look for genuine proof of these giants, but all I have is a few photos and a story. That is when I thought about who would cover it up, steal the bones and hide them. I guess some of those crazy conspiracy theorists might be right about the Smithsonian Museum covering them up. So I might have to cover my tracks and finish what I started. This is the show, bye.
We sat in shock, looking at each other and realising our Dad might be a nut job.
Marv: Giants? Really? This whole time?
Me: Seems like it.
That is all I could mutter out, confused at what I saw.
Me: They might be connected to his disappearance…
Marv: Okay, how is this related to his disappearance? We still don’t know where he is. Besides, he seems to be a crazy person anyway, like, he listened to one story from a random man and instantly believed him?
Marv’s inner rage became noticeable and understandable, knowing that he saw Dad as a person who cared for him through the hardest of times and now he felt like he was betrayed, like Dad went missing all over again. He eventually went to a wall and slumped against it, eventually sitting on the ground, legs carelessly splayed out and head looking down.
I felt the same way, but I was contained. I felt really sorry for him, though. I took that moment to sit beside him and hug him.
Me: It’s going to be okay. It’s going to be okay.
He then started to cry, giving me some urge to shed my tears. I began to think about my father. He left us, lying that he was going to Ontario and disappeared, only to find out he was secretly some conspiracy theorist who was chasing what seemed to be thin air. At the same time, he was a caring father, who cared about us, taught us and tried to be with us at the biggest moments of our lives. I then stared at the video recorder at the counter.
Me: Hey, should we take a look in the recorder? See what we could find?
He then looked up at me, looking at me in seriousness.
Marv: I guess, we are in this rabbit hole now.
He then took the dead recorder, took the memory card out and plugged it into his adaptor, plugged into the PC. The files showed up and there were multiple recordings. I was staring at the dates, only to realise that the final of these recordings was on May 8th, 2018. Marv then clicked on the recording.
At first, we were in a vibrant, evergreen forest, casting shadows upon the pine needle floor under an afternoon sun. The sounds of birds chirping dominated the soundscape until we heard a nudge, assuming the camera moved. We then saw Dad walk in front of the camera and stand there, he seemed to be nervous.
Dad: Hey all, I am at the cave, where I was when I was twelve. Took a bit of time to find it, but here we are, at the Childhood Cave. Now, John couldn’t come because his wife is having their child, which I understand. So, that is why I am here alone. Not a worry, I’ve been caving for most of my life, so this is nothing new.
He then came to pick up the recorder to show around the site. I can see the rope wrapped around a tree that descends into this hole. I can describe it as being similar to a well, except flat, stoney protrusions stick out of the walls like platforms, with the center being pure black.
Dad: Well, this is the first time entering the system. I hope to find anything down there.
He then buckled up his gear, making sure the rope was tight and the gear was in working order. He then walked over to the hole, recorder in hand, only to kneel to put the camera on the first platform.
Dad: Well, here we go.
He then began climbing down, feet first, holding onto whatever rock he could grasp, grunting as he went. As soon as he was at chest height on the first platform, he reached towards the camera. He suddenly disappeared into the hole, faster than the blink of an eye. One moment, he was there, then another moment he wasn’t. At that point, I was shaking and felt weak, but my brother sat still, like a stone, waiting for something else to happen. All that I heard afterwards was silent, very long and antagonizing silence until the camera ran out of battery, turning the screen black.
submitted by Godzilla-30 to mrcreeps [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:13 National-Ad-4035 Working near fire proofing (Asbestos)

Working near fire proofing (Asbestos)
Hello all,
I’m not familiar with working near fire proofing which contains asbestos. My crew will not be touching or removing any of the fireproofing but we will be working in the area right under the fire proofing.
I’m aware of basic mitigations such as - JHA going over task, asbestos hazards & asbestos mitigations. - Never smoke, eat or drink near asbestos. - Avoid dry clean-up such as sweeping. - Wear protective clothing (Long sleeve shirt, pants. - Wear PPE (Hard hat, glasses, vest, gloves, work boots). - Wash exposed parts of the body with soap & water. - Wet materials that might release asbestos before & during cutting/drilling/etc. - HEPA filtered vacuum.
What else should I ensure for mitigations? - Should use a respirator & if so can it be a regular N95 or should we get the employees working in the area a proper fit tested respirator? - Is an emergency plan required? - Is a competent person required? - Any other information / mitigations that I’m missing?
Thank you for your assistance Team!
submitted by National-Ad-4035 to SafetyProfessionals [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:06 Jwes2699 Best set I’ve ever owned

Best set I’ve ever owned
Decided to bite the bullet after breaking my gaming headset, Steelers arctis 9. Picked up a pair of sennheiser momentum 4s, and… wow. The sound is so immaculate. The noise cancelling feature is a huge bonus for me at work, because I work construction around loud tools and equipment. They work great in the gym, not too big and bulky. And their weight is amazing. I’ve worn these for close to 5 hours and honestly forgot I was wearing them. The leather cups are great for Easy cleanup when I get sweaty. And best of all… their battery life. I haven’t charged them since I fully charged them out of the box, 5 days ago. And I’ve used them probably close to 30 hours total. Seriously would recommend these to anyone who’s looking for a great upgrade, without getting too in depth with amps, etc. for the price, they over exceeded my expectations.
submitted by Jwes2699 to headphones [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:10 icallshogun Bridgebuilder - Chapter 89

First Prev
There was a moment where Alex thought it might be prudent to reach over and grab Carbon’s jacket, just kinda ground her a little bit given what she’d done to the Royal Guard the other day. But the soldier had specifically told them to move away from him, so that might look like trying to take a hostage and he knew fuck all about this guy’s intentions.
He could say for certain he didn’t particularly enjoy looking down the barrel of a gun, though.
The only upshot so far? This guy, and the whole crew behind him, were composed. The translator was good at managing the nuance of voices and while he was loud, he wasn’t angry. He wasn’t nervous. He was doing his job. Presumably that job was protecting the ship.
From Alex. For reasons that were not obvious to anyone else in the room.
“Sergeant. I assume you believe you have reason to point that rifle at the Prince, but I would like it if you did not.” Carbon switched to Tsla, and she dropped right out of that friendly tone she’d just had, the pleasant demeanor she had carried discarded in favor of an unspoken preparation for violence. Her voice carried that as a promise, hard and low.
To his credit as a professional, the Sergeant didn’t react. He stood his ground, one eye hidden behind the sensor cluster of his rifle’s scope, the other still trained on Alex. “Princess, step away from him. He has attempted to compromise this ship.”
“Fu-” While Alex was emboldened to speak his mind by Carbon’s reaction, cussing the guy out first thing was probably not the best idea. He still refrained from making any sort of movement, as well. He had no idea how he could have compromised the ship sitting around talking about heraldry. “I haven’t done that.”
“He would not.” Carbon swiveled her chair to fully face the Sergeant, the systems on her clothing coming back online with a soft hum before racks of shield emitters that dotted her protective gear popped back to life. “Stand down now or I will make you.”
That got his attention, eyes darting to Carbon and back to Alex even though his firearm never wavered. He seemed to be taking Carbon’s words into consideration, at least, even if he did look unsure of himself now. He swallowed, ears flattening as he gripped the rifle tighter.
“I’d do what she says, just as some friendly advice.” He tried to act nonchalant despite his voice rising as fear crept up his spine. He didn’t enjoy the idea of getting shot, even if he was sure that he could get it fixed up if it was just a round or two in the chest. More time in the mediboard was not on his list of stuff to do. Alex cleared his throat gently, placing his hands on the table before he continued, hoping to set the Sergeant at ease. “Not big a deal anyway, I’m staying in this chair until I find out what’s going on.”
It didn’t seem to help, at first. He was clearly conflicted but his body stayed tense, gray eyes intent on Alex. He lowered the barrel slowly, the weapon still pointed in Alex’s direction but no longer covering him. The rest of his team followed suit.
“Thank you, Sergeant. Explain why you are here.” Carbon had dialed the venom back but her words were still sharp, commanding.
“Lady Sorenson, Communications alerted us to an unexpected transmission from this compartment’s intranet link.” He continued to eye Alex, still ready for action even if he wasn’t set to gun him down immediately.
Alex kept his hands on the table, turning just his head to look at the Sergeant. “And how does that implicate me?”
“Approximately fifteen minutes ago, an unregistered computer accessed the Human Solanet connection and began transmitting an encrypted datastream. All secured non-Tslao equipment has been checked to prevent espionage. You are in possession of the only unsecured Human electronics on the ship.”
“Okay, you know what. That is pretty good.” Alex nodded in agreement. Fifteen minutes ago was about when they arrived in the area, so potentially anything he had on him could have accessed the network. There was one little issue, though. “But. I can’t send any information. The only Human technology I have with me is my translator and implants, and neither of those have the modems to connect to networks like the Solanet. What’s more, no one in their right mind is going to let their brain implants touch the internet.”
Carbon gave a little nod in agreement.
The Sergeant was not so easily swayed. “There is no other place for it to have originated from.”
“I’m just saying, if I wanted to send data, I’d just send it via the milnet. I wouldn’t even have to roll out of bed.” He was getting a little more animated as he worked up his defense. “I had no hand in making this appointment, and I’m supposed to be the one using it as an excuse to ‘compromise’ the ship? Besides, if I had known there was a live Solanet connection, I would be up here daily.”
“The prince speaks the truth. I have seen him and he has no interest in deceit.”
The Sergeant shook his head, obstinate, which was probably a good trait in his line of work. “This is the only compartment with an open link to the Human public Solanet right now. All others are limited to their milnet. Communications stated that the stream originated from an unnamed device, not the workstation that had been issued here.”
That gave Alex something to chew over. Admittedly, it sounded like it locked him in pretty tight, even if he didn’t have the equipment, or inclination to do anything like that. He did have some lived experience that would prove his intentions out, though. “We can settle this right now. I’ll show you what I’ve been doing for the last fifteen minutes. The whole damn morning, if it makes you feel better. Come on, get those things out.” He gestured at the Sergeant’s antenna, currently resting in an interface on the back of his combat shirt.
He looked from Alex to Carbon, even glanced over at Lyshen for half a second. “You can do that?”
“Yeah.” Alex closed his eyes and exhaled a very annoyed sigh. “Yeah I can. I don’t have the antenna, but it still works. It’s a brain layout thing. You know how it works for babies or people who are unconscious?”
“I do.” He contemplated what Alex was saying before shaking his head. “It does not matter. I am not here to determine your innocence. I am here to take you into custody and move into an area where you cannot continue to transmit data.”
Really. I’m telling you, I’m not transmitting any data. I have no way to do that.” So just fuck off. He didn’t say that part, but it was there. He wasn’t here to compromise the ship, whatever that meant exactly. He wouldn’t spy on anyone! Not on purpose, anyway. He didn’t even like the way just thinking about it made him feel...
But he worked for people who would gladly do so without issue. That was their entire reason for existing! It wasn’t the Civilian Pilot Program on the paperwork to get his Amp replaced, it was the Office of Naval Intelligence. It was the ONI that provided the Internal Translator with a custom language package. Who likely had fingerprints all over every part of his substantial list of wetware, which had been exhibiting unexpected behaviors since he got them. “Oh, fuck!”
“What? What is wrong?” Carbon jerked back around towards him, startled by his sudden burst of profanity.
“I'm fine, I just think he’s right.” Alex looked up at the Sergeant, the easy tone he’d been affecting so far gone, replaced by sudden intensity. “They cut the transmission?”
His eyes had widened slightly, the rifle back up at Alex’s chest. “Yes, it was stopped automatically.”
Lyshen’s Solanet link hadn’t gone down, it had been shut off by Communications.
“Good. Could you put that fucking thing down? You’re about to get what you came here for, so chill.” He slipped his external translator off his shoulder and started picking at the latch on the back with his fingernails as he turned to Carbon. “Could you call Eleya? I don’t have her number.”
Carbon had Eleya dialed in less than a minute.
Alex plucked the battery out of the back of the translator and dumped all the parts onto Lyshen’s desk. The lights on the device going dark after a few seconds, his Amp complaining as it lost the connection. He took the phone from Carbon. Remarkably, it worked just like a Human phone did. You just press it to your head and talk.
When the Empress picked up she sounded pleasant again, familial warmth cranked all the way to eleven. “Hello, my dearest niece. I am-”
“Hey, it’s me.” Even with the soldier’s rifles lowered again, each second waiting for Eleya had been an eternity. His suspicion about the transmission was making every moment stretch out, even though it would likely take some time to find out one way or another. “You remember that time I almost got killed?”
“Yes.” The charm had gone away, though she remained civil.
“I know you had some research done while I was out.” He assumed as much. They had the opportunity, it stood to reason they would take it particularly after what they had found out yesterday. Was that bad? Maybe. Did he care? Not right now. ”Did you do anything with my Amp?”
There were a few heartbeats of silence on the call. “Are you in a secure location?”
“Yeah.” Alex looked from Carbon to the Sergeant and over to Lyshen. “Of course.”
All of your on-board technology was studied.” Eleya was clearly reluctant to say even that.
“Super. I need someone who’s gotten familiar with it to take a look at mine. There may be something wrong with it. Security and privacy problems, for you and me respectively. Big ones.”
Another hesitation. “Come to aft research lab six. I will meet you there and we will discuss these problems further.”
“Aft research lab six. See you there.” Alex tapped the button to end the call, which he seemed to have gotten correct. He handed the communicator back to Carbon. “I’m going to need you to translate for a bit.”
“Of course.” It sounded more like a question, but she nodded in agreement as the black rectangle disappeared back into her jacket. “What is in the research lab?”
“Something related to my Amp.” He assumed, anyway.
“Ah. I see.” Carbon seemed to be putting things together with him.
“Alright, this is going to look weird so everybody just chill. Don’t. Fucking. Shoot. Me.” That last bit was aimed squarely at the Sergeant. Alex reached up and began tapping his face in a particular series of locations. Left temple, right temple, nose, left temple again, left cheek... He ran down this physical cheat code and ended it by tapping his chin three times. All his machine interfaces shut off. “Okay. Somebody say something.”
Carbon was first to react. “What was that?”
She said it in English.
“I meant in Tsla.” He paused, a stressed laugh escaping him. That had been a little funny. “Deep brain interfaces have hardcoded shutdown sequences that sit in the body interface layer - also hardcoded - so it can’t be intercepted, or otherwise bypassed. Y’know, in case of runaway processes, lock-in, spyware your government installed. That sorta stuff.”
She rattled off something in Tsla that sounded a wee bit accusatory. He caught a ‘you’ in there, but that was it.
“Ok, it appears to be off. All the electronics I received from the ONI are currently off.” Alex stated that loudly, this whole endeavor suddenly feeling much more martial. He shrugged off his jacket, piling the translator and its battery into it and then wrapping it up into a tight bundle, which he stuck under his arm. Good thing he opted for the plain t-shirt today. “Sergeant, per the instructions of the Empress, please escort me to aft research lab six.”
It was weird to walk in such a large group and not have anyone talking. Seven people there, following Carbon as she actually knew where the lab was without having to consult a map. Everyone just walking. The single-note step of a Tsla’o footfalls was even more noticeable when that was the only sound, Alex’s heel-toe stride an outlier.
Ship security had their own maglev lines, running above the main line. There were multiple tracks, with smaller, windowless, cars. Everyone filed in, and they departed for the other end of the Sword of the Morning Light.
For the first time in quite a long while, he didn’t feel like chatting with Carbon about whatever was on his mind as soon as his butt was in a seat. Alex did reach over to her and pat her knee, smiling when she turned to look. She returned it, faintly, though the thin smile disappeared when the Sergeant looked over at them.
Since they were going to be looking at them, Alex turned his attention to their escort. Two gray, two red, one blue. Wearing the gray camo uniform that Amalu had worn, but none of them were wearing body armor, or even carrying much extra equipment aside from what fit on a belt.
The Sergeant had the most detailed rank marker, despite being ‘just’ a Sergeant, and was the only one carrying a rifle. The next down was a red-furred female that reminded him of Zenshen, but clearly wasn’t. Older, more muscular. About half as much detail on her rank, and sporting what looked like a snub-nosed SMG.
The remaining three were probably the Tsla’o equivalent of Privates. One of them had a single line carved in his plate, and looked almost as young as Haraya. All of them were packing some sort of sidearm, all stowed in holsters now. Alex did recognize the Tsla’o symbol for ‘electricty’ on the neon pink magazines on the belt of the closest soldier, clearly different from the plain black mags the two real guns had. Obvious visible differences for nonlethal weapons, if that convention held between their races. It was nice to see they hadn’t all come ready to kill. If the stun baton was anything to go by, those pistols would still hurt like hell.
The car dinged its arrival, the sound more business than the friendly notes that the regular maglev played, and they exited. Two stops from the furthest aft, and Carbon gestured for them to follow to the nearby lifts.
The ride had not done anything to ease the obvious anger that was simmering just below the surface. Alex assumed he was the only one picking that up because he’d come to know her well - her face was placid as they piled into the elevator, with the exception of a brow crease that he hadn’t seen since the early months of the Kshlav’o expedition.
They went all the way up to deck twenty.
While Alex was fully comfortable with Carbon’s navigation of the ship, the Sergeant and Not-Zenshen were discussing something quietly behind him, both of them looking at a map on his communicators when he stole a glance back. Neither of them sounded worried, but the Sergeant’s tones were much more relaxed as he traced a finger along the screen. Trust but verify, apparently.
There was a particular scent in the air as they approached a massive white blast door. Ozone, and a hint of something else hidden under it. Something bitter. Large block letters in Tsla marking the door as leading to... whatever was in there. Alex still couldn’t read enough of their language to decipher it, but he did recognize the symbol for ‘6’ at the end of one line.
Carbon leaned into the access panel and it scanned her - not the usual blip of a retinal scan, either. This took seconds, lasers sweeping across her face. Down and then back up, left to right, right to left. It beeped an affirmative and the heavy doors began to retract, the better part of a meter thick.
Beyond it was a large, brightly lit social area. Benches, plants, doorways and corridors running off to who knows where. There were even a few Tsla’o sitting at tables in the back trying to eat with the Empress standing right there.
Eleya had made good on her word. The Tsal’o Empress was waiting for them on the other side of the doors, arms crossed over her chest. Clearly annoyed, and flanked by the indistinct forms of her Guard. The most curious thing about her today was the shift in clothing. Her usual formal jacket replaced with a black version of the shirt the soldiers behind him were wearing, but buttoned to the top and bereft of any adornment. She wasn’t even wearing her piercings.
“Hey, my favorite aunt!” He lied, tossing his arms out and pulling her into a hug. Alex was careful about this, putting Eleya’s head between him and Carbon and lowering his voice to the faintest whisper. “She’s already mad. Best behavior.”
He released her before the guard did anything about that, which... Alex couldn’t tell if that was a training issue, or if he was on the OK to hug the Empress list. Perhaps the shakeup that Eleya had spoken about the night before was already underway.
Eleya said something to him, unaware he did not have his translator on. She didn’t spill the beans about what he’d said, as near as he could tell, a brief glance she shot him while smoothing her shirt out did make it clear she caught it. The Empress turned her attention to the Sergeant and rattled off something that sounded very official, ending her statement with a short bow.
The entire crew that had brought them there bowed back, deeply, and turned to leave. There was another Royal Guard on the door controls on this side, the blast doors sliding closed as soon as they had crossed back into the hallway.
Eleya turned back to Alex, and started talking.
He held up a hand. “Hang on. All my hardware is off.”
“He is not getting a translation right now.” Carbon added.
Eleya’s eyes widened at hearing a version of Carbon through her translator. They started conversing, going back and forth until Carbon looked over at him. “Explain what’s happening.”
“Short of it is that your Comms team caught something on my person attempting to send data using the public network. I left my Human-made phone in our cabin, and all of my wetware shouldn’t be able to access it anyway. My going theory is one of my implants was modified to secretly record and then send that data out, but only on public networks where something like that would go unnoticed, to maintain deniability. I'll bet you anything that the Human computer in Lyshen's office has a mesh node, and that's where it gained access.” All of that came spilling out a little faster than he liked, but it was good to get it out. The idea that the ONI would use him as a tool to spy on them, well, in retrospect it really did fit. The assertion he wouldn’t actually be spying. No tradecraft. So much easier to load him up with technology and let him bumble his way through whatever might happen, soaking up who knows what in the process. And when he inevitably came back to a Confed station, or went back to Earth, it would dump it right into their lap. “I’m really hoping you’ve started developing a way to drive a keyed PIN, because that’s the only way we’re going to be able to check it.”
Eleya spoke, gesturing up a flight of stairs.
“She says we will speak with the head researcher.” Carbon was still terse, but it wasn’t directed at Eleya for once. They both had their attention drawn to a problem that needed fixing.
“Alright.” Alex breathed in deep and heaved a heavy sigh. The bitter scent in the air was a little more clear now. Something he definitely recognized, a familiar taste on his tongue. “Ok, just a little aside here... Who's making coffee?”
First Prev
This guy and his priorities, I swear.
Art pile: Carbon reference sheet. Art by Tyo_Dem
submitted by icallshogun to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 16:08 ImaFireSquid My ideal life sim is a wrestling game

This may not be the ideal game for you. It is the ideal game for me.
When I was a kid, my family was kind of poor so I got a hand-me-down NES, complete with a game titled "Pro Wrestling", a game in which men with goofy themes like "has a star on his face" and "the creature from the black lagoon" beat the crap out of each other. I loved it, and would spend time drawing my own wrestler, who totally wasn't star man, definitely not, in no way just a copy of the title character, no chance.
Anyways, there have been wrestling games since, with increasingly robust character creation features. The combat is always fairly simple, with moves that aesthetically do different things but practically just cause damage to different limbs, which... does something? You make your wrestlers, they fight in the ring, and sometimes you can... choose who hates who.
That's the issue I have with the games. I'm basing the rivalries on my own personal assumptions about the characters, there's no actual build up to the fights, no backstage, no trying to draw the crowd's attention.
My pitch
The location
It's just a city of wrestlers. Cut out the logic entirely, everyone goes to a ring and fights to gain fame or money, or otherwise participates in fighting as a referee or announcer or something. Fighting is the center of this city, it's all anyone does. If we need an in-lore explanation, let's just call it a major tourist attraction.
I somehow imagine like... Neo Pompeii, with a giant volcano that hosts the best wrestling ring at the top, but there are smaller, worse wrestling rings around the city, like maybe one that's just in a barn and you have to contend with wandering livestock, or one next to a neighborhood rock concert where you need to save your big loud attacks for lulls in the music.
Prep Week
Your character spends the week building relationships, getting into arguments, talking with managers, and doing normal life sim stuff, maybe even working out stats (imagine Punch Club but it's like a little contained world with a few house plots to build a bigger gym, maybe a few kind of over-the top themed pieces of equipment, doesn't have to be too in-depth, this is a themed life sim), and buying stuff for your costume and entrance into the arena.
You can also run into events that might cause your character to gain new attributes. Imagine the sims where you can just get abducted by aliens, but instead of getting pregnant, you get some antenna and a new ability or something.
The actual fight
You step into the arena, and if you challenged someone in the week, they might fight you, or if not, someone might be chosen for you.
You see them in their streetclothes throughout the week, for this, you see them in their wrestling uniform with their full, goofy theme.
You do not need to win. Winning doesn't matter. The goal is to have a match that the audience likes. You can do this by adding to your entrance (lights, music, backup dancers, whatever else you drop money on), learning flashier moves from high ranking wresters, and surviving as long as possible without just pinning your opponent and ending the match.
The results
Your base pay is always provided, plus a bonus for audience participation, then you're deducted doctor's bills from how much damage you took, leaving you with your money for the rest of the week. You see a tally of your new fans, and your rank going up, then you have a week of life simming until you're ready for your next fight.
Other characters
I say make it so your character promotes, but other characters you've made stick to their current rank unless you do events with them to increase their ranking as well. Think of it as a number from 1-100, and maybe there are 5 arenas, one for each division of 20 rank points, until you reach the top, and fight whoever the champion is, but you're not fighting the champion. You're fighting the lowest ranked fighter in the league, while the champion fights battler number 98, and you have to put on a better show than them in this kind of split arena.
I want an absolute jerk as a champion who will do anything to keep the number 1 spot, and that includes sabotaging the final fight so you are going to suck from it.
Death and Reproduction
I don't think we necessarily need either if it's a cheaply made game. More like "retirement" and "finding a protegee". I mean, since this is a season over the course of a few years, I don't think this narrow idea needs life stages. It's not meant to be a comprehensive life sim, more of a life sim revolving around a specific job. Basically, your wrestler reaches a point where their career stagnates, so you decide to retire them and find a new wrestler to learn their moves and take their legacy (and a portion of their success) and use it to achieve greater heights. I mean, death and birth are fun concepts, but this is already a pretty wild ride, so I figure we just let your character retire offscreen while a new, plucky young wrestler takes their place.
Life stages are cool, but this concept would only appeal to people who like life sims and wrestling games, I don't think it needs to be overly elaborate as a proof of concept game.
This wouldn't be a comprehensive life sim like inzoi or something, it's a game meant to flesh out rivalries in wrestling and give you a cartoony little city to explore while you're trying to reach the top.
For me, it's...
40% Sword and Sandals
20% The Sims
40% Pro Wrestling
This game will never exist, but I just wanted to express my ideal video game here. May "Neo Pompeii" live on in your hearts as it does in mine.
submitted by ImaFireSquid to LifeSimulators [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 14:52 Enough-Barracuda-947 Comic book script

Chapter 6: STAND -OFF!

Page 105.
Brrzzzzz… Boom! Squuuuuaaash… Blam blam blam!
( violence in the streets, guns going off and superpowers clashing )
Ranger: Bounty hunter L. Pablo “El Diablo” went berserk in the Main Street. Captain Reck “ Desire “ Lesley is taking him on at the moment!!
( They are communicating with cockroach-telephone big animal device on rangers back. )
Mayor: Well isn’t that disappointing… It was a surprise for sure but a welcome one, when El Diablo entered the city. He would have been a valuable ally in our operation.
Tall Masked individual: That beast truly does whatever it’s appointed too. Even if it means facing alone a war against a town full of rangers.
(Visual: The villains gathered around at a long dinner table, having a feast in a big classy room inside the armor train.)
Whisper 2: Recruiting El Diablo to operate the trains security was to make sure that he would not cause any chaos during the event …
Whisper 1: - to have him closely monitored. I ponder what was his true objective in this town?
Tall Masked individual: He can’t be aware of our presence here. He would have gone after us otherwise.
Small masked individual with feminine voice: How could you know that?! He’s probably causing all this ruckus now to get to me!?
-I’m not safe here, I’m not safe here, I’m not safe here!!!
-Kill him immediately!
Masked individual: Easier said… than done… my lov-
Small masked individual: Did you say something! Stop mumbling and speak up!
(Visual: Breaks a glass in her hand)
Page 106.
Whisper 1: Whatever is the case… He’s no longer on our side so we must neutralize him.
Whisper 2: Rangers… It will be futile effort trying to arrest him. Take him down once and for all.
Ranger: T-Take him down?? S-Sir yes Sir!
—Clank! ( phone line shut)
Charlie Chamberlane: ( in a calm tone ) Sir. With all and no due respect. That weakling Lesley ain’t got the guts to bring down a “5 * state threat” like El Diablo.
Whisper 2: General, is worried about the captain's safety?
Charlie Chamberlane: I don’t care what happens to Reck Lesley! That coward has been avoiding Wild world voyages for too long now.
(Visual: in the same panel Chibi Reck making funny excuses to avoid going to wild world: My gun jammed in the morning and had to get it fixed, I missed my sword, Dog ate my uniform…)
-By doing so he has undermined his status as the captain of 0* state rangers… If it was up to me… I wouldn’t have a coward like that handling such a high ranking position!
Whisper 1: Shall we send more reinforcements then?
Whisper 2: Maybe we should sent you two there to even up the scales. What do you say?
Porro: …
Madam star eyes: It would be our pleasure sir.
Mayor: Well, I believe that the time has come for the captain to show his true value to our state!
( Smirking and winking to Charlie)
Charlie Chamberlane: Yeah… Come to think of it, maybe he could handle it. Beh heh-heh-heh…
Mayor: Your past with Captain Lesley is affecting your vision on this matter my friend. Besides! We shouldn’t concern ourselves with the result of this battle.
-This alcohol fuelled brawl is nought but just a distraction, and it will not affect the bigger picture being painted. We have foreseen all of this!
Page 107.
Ranger: Captain Lesley!
-Clank! (Phone line shutting down)
Desire Lesley: I heard him! (Visual: Saving people from the rubble)

( VISUAL: we see the battlefield with rangers laying on the ground. Buildings on fire. L Pablo holding a ranger in his arm. Shooting with his rifle at the same time.)
Page 108.
Desire Lesley: Oh yeah? How about you stop attacking like a drunken viking,
(Visual: Reck charging at L Pablo. Shooting with his revolver at L Pablo who takes on the bullets like nothing happened. Bullets just ricochet off him.)
L Pablo: I'm trying to make a spectacle here!
( L pablo and Desire Lesley come in contact, big blow)
Reck Lesley: Oh, so I’m not good enough for you now?
-Is the area secure deputy ranger??
-Wait, you’re still alive?!
Page 109.
Wojak: Yes Captain Lesley! No civilians in this area! You can go all out now! Thoughts: He remembered me…
( Visual: Wojak holding tears in from breaking with a comical expression in his face)
Desire Lesley: Good Job!
Wojak: No worries Captain! In his thoughts: Can’t remember the last time someone complimented me…
Visual: Even more comical expression tears falling down on his face while holding a mask to cover him. The mask has a expression of serious eyes and smile)
Desire Lesley: Never thought I could get my chance of rematch here in the Frontier. But this works perfectly as I have no ambitions going back there in the wild.
L Pablo: Don’t like the weather?
Desire Lesley: The last time we met, I wasn’t strong enough to even leave a scratch on a single one of you bastards…
( SFX: Brrrrrzzzz! Energy waves sparkling of his sword)
L Pablos thoughts: This mix of wild spirits aura living inside that damned blade, combined with the Imaginations prowess coming from that youth.
( short flashback) L Pablo remembers in state of awe how young child, Desire Lesley, destroyed huge amount of Wendigos and his monster mentality, after everybody on his side had left him alone in the battlefield protecting a caravan full of women and children )
L Pablo: How can he be still standing…
Younger El Diablo sibling: You still wanna play kid!? We’re in a hurry here and my friends are starving because of you!
The oldest El Diablo sibling: One of you put him out of his misery already… It’s cruel to keep lovers away from each other…
Young Reck Lesley: Camoon then! Try and take my life!! I won’t die before I have completed our duty!!! I will take all of you monsters with me to hell if I have to!
L Pablo: Keheh… I bet you’re that type of person who prefers their end to be slow and painful…
Reck Lesley: You look the opposite! Cough! So I’ll show you some mercy and offer you the quick and the painless option!!
Page 110.
L Pablo: …Heheheeh.
-Now I remember you…
-You’ve become a bit taller for sure! Sounds like a fun reunion, let’s run it back. Now, since I’m clearly so much stronger!
-Hit me with everything you got. Take your revenge against the El Diablo family right here, right now! -For all of those poor souls we have taken prematurely from this world!! Take everything you got built inside of you and put it out on me!
-Fair enough Captain Lesley?
Desire Lesley: …Fair?
SFX: Bwoooommm!!!
(Visual: Sword releases even more thicker and stronger energy wawes.)
Desire Lesley: If I was demanding for fairness in this disproportionate world I would be labeled as a delusional privileged brat. Only thing I ask for is the power to do what I want! Ironically, I got what I wished for… This sword is the physical manifestation of that desire!
Page 111.
L Pablo: Interesting. ( visual: touches an old scar on his neck ) I know that blade all too well. How about it? Can you handle the weight of it?
Reck Lesley: !?
( Visual: Triggered expression)
El Diablo: !!??
Page 112.
Naivi and Madame moving towards the town on Mama moving saloon:
Madame: I could tell when I felt your vibe that you had some sort of abilities. It’s a rare thing in itself to be infused with a wild spirit but do you know what “Stand offs” are?
Naivi: Huh… You mean when two gunslingers face off? Or do yo-
Madame: So you don’t?
Naivi: What?
Madame: If you wanna throw hands with one of the infamous EL Diablo siblings without a Stand off it could get pretty ugly, pretty quickly…
(Visual: Naivi just enjoying the views)
Naivi: You assume a lot… My father taught me since I was young to appreciate and harness my imagination!
Madame: That’s good I guess… Let me educate you quickly.
-Basically what stand offs are: The manifestation of one's imagination prowess working in synergy with their wild spirit! Anyone with wild spirit can activate their “ special power ” once they have successfully learned how to use and access their imagination!
Anyone with wild spirit can use this power when they have been connected to their imaginations prowess.
-There’s this genius living in the 5* state called DR JOALIN EXTRAVAPENZA who cracked down how our imagination works and how to weaponize it!
The neocortex and thalamus control the brain's imagination, along with many of the brain's other functions such as consciousness and abstract thought.
Through a combination of neuroscience, quantum physics, and ancient wisdom traditions, Dr. Extravapenza presents practical techniques and meditative practices to tap into the innate potential of the human brain and body. By understanding and harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity and epigenetics, people can learn to rewire their brains, heal from past traumas, and create new powers and abilities for themselves.
( Visual: Madame pulled out a huge chalkboard out and has a long stick in her hand and a book)
(Visual: slaps naivi on the wrist)
Naivi: Aiaiai… That’s gonna need some ice on it…
Ok?! Know how to use this power then?
Madame: Sure do!
Naivi: Good for you!
Page 113.

(Visual: Madame grabs Naivis mouth to move his lips as if he was saying-)
-Wow Drunken Darer! Good thing you’re here to tell me all about this power before I challenge a damn devil to a duel! May I ask, how this amazing power works, please?
Naivi: Stop that…
Madame: Oh I’ll tell you! It’s a one hit wonder, all in wager, with you and your opponent's life on the line! It releases your spirit and imagination to the physical world. The user after is drained completely off their imagination prowess, so you need to use it carefully… When you get good at controlling your standoff you can decide how much imaginary prowess you wanna put into the technique.
Naivi: Cool… Is there a lame way to access and use this power…?
Madame: Yes!
Madame: So ungrateful…
visual: Naivi K.O in the ground mumbles: Just like when Ma used to try to teach me math… Back home…
Page 114.
Listen! You have to be completely relaxed, control your breath and imagine. Simple isn’t it? Basically being in a state of absolute calmness with every fibre of your body, breathing in a way that optimises your oxygen circulation trough out the body. And the imagination part is just a matter of a positive attitude and repetition -Oh, and belief is a big part of it too… ! And umm… What page was I? Spoken words impact on persons prowess… no, not that.
(Visual: Madame scrambling through books pages.)
(Visual: Naivi looks confused)
Madame: I’m no scientist and this is a complex matter to teach to a halfwit in a couple of minutes!
(Visual: Naivi picking his nose)
Naivi: …Huh?
Madame: …
(Visual: Madame scratching her nose, not responding anymore)
Naivi: …!
( In an overly dramatic way, grabs Madame’s collar, shaking her aggressively in a desperate attempt to know the secret. Comedy…)
Page 115.
Madame: Oh now you’re interested! You’re wrong punk!
(Visual: Madame punches Naivi again— laying on the ground) - Agh… At this rate I’ll be all beat up before even meeting the bull guy…
Madame: It’s an extremely complex skill to master. But one you must learn if you wish to survive in the wild! Oh and everyone has different stand-offs unique to their imagination and wild spirit. My ability is to turn dead living beings into objects for my personal arsenal to aid me in difficult situations!
-But after mastering these techniques you basically trigger the ability with the words:
SFX: Exhale. Inhale.
SFX: Poof
(visual: Small white bunny looking pistol appears in Madame’s hand)
Naivi laying on the ground all beat up: Wow wow wow… That looks cool actually… Hmm…
…Stand off…
Everybody: WOAH ???!!!
Page 116.
Narrator: Back to the fight in hand.
El Diablo: He knows how to use it??
Reck Lesley: Stand Off! ——- Life’s fabric / Cutting technique!! —— Realm splitting distortion!!!
Page 117.
VISUAL: Wave of energy goes off in the form of a huge slash. Page tearing picture. Massive attack. The scenery turns heavily black and white. Super bright light where the slash connects with L Pablos body.
submitted by Enough-Barracuda-947 to ReadMyScript [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 14:32 nomass39 There’s a death row inmate who we’ve executed over a dozen times. He won’t stay dead.

We killed Joseph Glass for the first time on August 18th, 1999.
I knew he was a strange case since day one. Never seen a guy so happy to die before. It was like we were doing him a favor. He refused the automatic appeal. He refused to be seen by a chaplain. He just wanted it over with. It had only taken a little over a year, and it was already time for him to make his appointment with God.
He freaked me out, just passing by his cell. He was like our very own Hannibal Lector, the way he just stood there in the back of his cell like he’d been waiting for you. The lights always burned out in any cell he was in, and maintenance had gotten tired of fixing them. Not that he seemed to mind in the slightest. The darkness seemed to swallow his top half, and all I could see were the whites of his beady little eyes poking out of all that black.
Billy drummed his baton against the bars. “Up and at ‘em, cowpoke,” he called in that mocking tone. “Time finally come for you to pay what you owe, you sick son of a—”
“Billy.” Warden Taft silenced him with a word. “If you can’t act like a professional, you’re going to have to sit this one out.”
Billy paused… and licked his chapped lips. “Naw,” he muttered. “This a show I can’t miss.”
Glass seemed to tick Billy off more than any prisoner before him. He liked ‘em to at least pretend to feel sorry for what they’ve done, or act scared of what’s coming to ‘em. This one didn’t even have the common decency to shed a tear. He was as stone-faced as a statue, even while being marched to the chair. Billy liked to joke sometimes that we ought to take the guy out back with some car batteries and really put the fear of God into him, get him to cut out that stoic act. I think he was only half-joking.
After what this guy did to those girls… well, Billy has a daughter, so I guess it struck a chord.
We all watched him fry. The warden, his closest men. The thin-faced man representing the Commissioner of Corrections. The prison physician. The families of those poor girls. It couldn’t have gone more by the book. Only oddity I’d noticed at the time was that the stench of death never quite left the clothes I’d worn that day.
And then the next morning, we came into work to see the whites of those beady little eyes staring at us from the darkness again. “Good morning, sirs,” he said, just as he did every morning, in that airy, hoarse little voice.
I’ll admit it. I dropped everything I was carrying, stumbled back, stammered like a confused child. Hell, I almost screamed. “You… you’re not… y-you’re supposed to be…”
“I don’t know what you mean, sir.” He leaned in like he was trying to stare a hole through my chest. His tone almost sounded disappointed. “You never came for me. You promised me that yesterday would be the end, sir, but you never came. I waited all night long. Why did you lie to me?”
Me and Taft looked at eachother. We both had the exact same question on our minds. If Glass was still alive… who the hell did we roll into the morgue last night?
“Jesus Christ.” Taft gagged when he pulled back the cadaver cover, stumbling away. “It’s Billy.”
I looked. I know I shouldn’t have, but I couldn’t help it. And I’ll be forever haunted by the sight of my friend lying there on his back, mouth agape and cloudy eyes staring into the ceiling, open wide as if he’d spent his last moments in a state of terror.
The public never found out what happened. The cover up story was that poor Billy had been taken by cardiac arrest. Internally? It was the scandal to end all scandals. Worst case of incompetence and negligence in history, they called it. They brought the hammer down on anyone even tangentially involved. Me and Taft were out on our ears, and they would’ve prosecuted us too, but that would’ve required admitting it ever happened.
But I just could never wrap my head around it. Of those dozens of witnesses, not a single person noticed we were strapping a guard to the chair, not an inmate? It was impossible to the point of absurdity. Glass had been the man in that chair. I’d never been more certain of anything in my life.
Some months later, I noticed power flickering off all over the city one evening. It was brief, so I thought nothing of it. At least until I got a call from a familiar number the very next morning. “I understand you were one of the staff who regularly worked with one Joseph Glass. We would like to consult with you about an… evolving situation.”
“At 7 PM yesterday, we attempted the execution of Joseph Glass for the second time.” There was a long pause, and when the voice returned, the professionalism had melted away, replaced with a baffled anxiety. “And, well… it, uh, it didn’t… it didn’t work.”
I blinked. “It didn’t… what?”
There came a long sigh. “Perhaps… it’d be best if you saw for yourself.”
And just like that, me and Taft had our jobs back.
Officially, Joseph Glass had been successfully executed on August 18th, 1999. Unofficially, they’d tried again six months later, just to tie up loose ends. This time, he hadn’t even had the courtesy to pretend to die. He just sat there on the chair, motionless and unaffected, while the CO who’d flipped the switch suddenly seized up and began to convulse, screaming and gnashing and wailing as electricity seared him beneath his skin, clawing at his chest until his eyes popped in his skull and rolled down his face like melted candle wax. All around him, lights flickering, machines bursting from pressure, electrical panels vomiting arcs of static. It was a mess.
The feds were crawling all over this case now, from a department I’ve never heard of. Something about investigating ‘preternatural activity’. They told me Glass was refusing to speak with anybody but the CO’s who’d once cared for him. Being walked into that interrogation room almost made me feel like I, myself, was a convict being marched to his execution.
Glass was staring at me when I walked in, like he’d been sat there, motionless, waiting for me. I expected nothing less. I took a shuddering breath as I sat across from him. I’d sat across from serial killers and psychos before and showed no hint of fear. But how could I not, now, sitting across from a man who can kill people without touching them? “Glass.”
“Officer Mendez.” His tone betrayed no emotion. “I had thought you’d abandoned me.”
I winced. “No. No, Glass, I’d just been… temporarily relieved. It’s… good to see you again. Would you like a glass of water?” I offered it to him. He didn’t even look at it. His eyes just bored into mine, relentless. “I… I’m here to ask you a few questions.”
“Okay. Um… Glass, I need to know… how you killed Billy and Cramer.”
“I didn’t,” he replied. “It did.”
“The thing standing behind you.”
I didn’t bother to turn around. I had enough experience with prisoners trying to trick me into looking the other way while they pulled off some half-baked escape plan. “Glass, please, let’s take this seriously,” I replied. “I’ve always treated you with respect, haven’t I? You’ve never had any problems with me.”
“Actually, I do. I have a problem with all of you.”
“You here all believe that… death is a punishment.” There was the first hint of emotion I’d ever heard in his voice. “It’s not. It’s freedom — the only freedom. You promised me that gift. You promised me you’d let me die. You’ve given it to so many other prisoners, while leaving me behind. With all of your machines and your science and your knowledge… surely you can find a way, if anyone.”
My throat felt suddenly dry. I had to take a sip of the water myself, and hoped it would quell my burning nerves. “I… we’re… we’re trying our best, Glass. But you have to work with us. It may help if you told us… what, exactly, is preventing us from executing you?”
He moved for the first time. Leaning in, so slow as to be almost imperceptible. “It won’t let me die.”
And that’s when I felt a hand settle on my shoulder from behind.
Everything stopped. My lungs stopped inflating. I swear, my heart stopped beating, and my blood froze in place in my veins, and it all felt so cold. I could see the hand in the corner of my eyes, long and veiny and black. I could feel the breath on the back of my neck.
I’d once mocked the way deers froze in headlights. Now I understood. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t blink, I couldn’t think. I couldn’t even take a single breath. Even as my lungs began to cry out for air, and my vision blurred, and my thoughts melded together. All I could see was Joseph’s eyes staring into mine. Those infinite fathoms of darkness, that stygian sea that swirled and stormed and thundered in the blackness of his iris, and the eyes of things waiting a million leagues below the waters.
And I would have suffocated there, too terrified to even breathe, if those agents in black had not called off the interrogation then and come storming into the room.
Later, they showed me the tapes from the security camera. There’d been nothing behind me. Nothing placing its thin hand upon my shoulder. Nothing at all.
On May 7th, 2001, Glass was set to be executed for the third time — via hanging, or so I heard — in some government blacksite somewhere, far from prying eyes.
While it was set to happen, me and Taft were sharing glasses of scotch in his office, nominally to celebrate. Really, because we were scared. Taft always struck me as young at heart despite his years, but this was the first time the warden had ever looked truly, properly old. He watched the yard below as he had a drink. “Did I ever tell you why I chose this line of work, Mendez?”
I shook my head, and he sighed. “Back in `63, they found a woman’s body in the back seat of a burnt out car, in some state park near my neighborhood. A prostitute. One of her johns had… chopped her up. Burned all the evidence. And you know what got me, Mendez? Nobody cared. Nobody bothered to investigate. Who will notice one less hooker on the corner of 5th Avenue, right?”
“It… didn’t sit right with me. The way I see it, Mendez, every life matters. Even the ones we try and cast aside. Everybody’s got people who love them, and childhood memories, and all that. Everybody deserves justice. No matter who they were.” He set down his glass and looked me in the eyes. “So I joined the force. Got the case reopened. Found the guy. And I watched him fry. And I like to imagine she was there watching, too, as he burned.”
There was a tense moment. And then a chuckle. “Course, after that bullet to the hip in `71, I couldn’t walk the beat anymore. But I’ve been just as happy here. Watching justice be served… it makes me feel like there’s some kind of karmic order to the world. Good deeds and bad deeds get repaid in kind.”
It was clear there was something lurking beneath his words, some unspoken thesis. Eventually, with old, wrinkled, tired eyes, he said it. “I’ve thought about it, and… if Glass doesn’t die tonight, I’m finally going to retire, Mendez,” he confessed. “After what he did to those girls, what kind of… what kind of order can there be in a world, where a monster like that is just… beyond justice?”
I was shocked. Warden Taft always struck me as an unmoving fixture. What would we do without him? “He’ll die, sir,” I promised. “It’ll work this time. It has to.”
But he seemed deeply uncertain. With one last shuddering drink, he leaned forward. “His eyes.” He stared at my expression, as if desperate for me to understand, for me to know. “Those things… in his eyes. Haven’t you seen them?”
And at that moment, Taft was yanked up out of his chair.
It was so sudden, so inexplicable, I could barely register what I was witnessing. Some unseen force lifted him two or three feet above the ground, dangling him there. He choked, coughed and sputtered, desperate to gasp down air which would not come, and clawed at something around his neck which I could not see. He was hanging, I realized. And with wide, horrified eyes — the same as Billy’s had been — he silently begged me for help.
I sprang from my chair and wrapped my arms around his dangling legs. At first I tried to pull him down to the floor, but I realized it was only tightening the invisible noose around his neck. Then I tried lifting him as high as I could, which gave him some relief, but not much. Tears rolled down his face as it swelled and turned blue, and even though I could not see the noose, I could see the bruised purple skin where it had squeezed around his neck. All the while, I screamed myself hoarse. “Help! Somebody, please! Jesus Christ, we need help in here!” But nobody came.
And all of a sudden, some unseen forced seemed to sweep my feet out from under me.
I dropped like a bag of bricks, but I was so startled I maintained my grip around the warden’s legs. I fell and yanked him down with me, and his body suddenly jolted with a sickening crack.
It took me a while to manage the courage to look up at him. His neck had been stretched far too long, and his head was bent to the side at almost a 90 degree angle. Eyes wide, round and bloated tongue hanging from dry lips. And then whatever force had suspended him disappeared, and his body fell upon me while I screamed and screamed.
I came bursting from his office to find my coworkers casually chatting and working just outside. Somehow, despite all my screaming and begging while Taft was dying, none of them had heard a thing.
I took a page from Taft. I wanted out. We were dealing with something unholy here, something whose tendrils could reach any distance, and my life — who knows, maybe even my soul — was at hazard. But the agents in the sharp suits made one thing clear: if I refused to cooperate, well, I would make the perfect scapegoat for the murder of Warden Taft.
I was marched into the interrogation room to find a Joseph Glass that had abandoned all pretense of humanity. His eyes had darkened to a pure black. Or perhaps he had no eyes at all, only windows into some place of outer darkness. I was shaking like a leaf as I sat in front of him, feeling more like a prisoner than he was.
“M-m-mister… Glass.” No reply. I shuddered, trying to focus on my little piece of paper to distract myself from the blackness of his eyes. “I… I-I have some… questions I’m supposed to ask you. Is… is that okay?”
Silence. I take a deep breath. “How… old are you, Glass?” I thought it was just one of those basic questions. Conversation starters, really. I couldn’t have prepared myself for his answer.
“I am old, child.” His voice was nothing like I remembered. It was deep and low and rumbling, like there were multiple people speaking in unison, and all were equally ancient. “Older than you could possibly know. Older than this nation, and older even than the empire that once bore it.”
I had to fight the basic animal instinct to flee. Focus on the questions, I thought. “Why did you do… what you did to those girls?”
“Just so I could feel something again,” he whispered. “Anything.”
“Did you not feel the slightest bit of… guilt? Remorse?”
“You ask that… of me? Me, who has watched empires rise and fall?” He almost sounded amused. “Does time feel remorse? For time has killed far more than I. But mankind is like the hydra. All I’ve killed will be replaced by, essentially, identical stock, and in greater numbers. And then they will die and be replaced. And so the cycle will continue forever.”
“Did you expect me to pity them for being given the death I, myself, covet? Only the dead are given leave of the cycle. It is a blessing.” And suddenly, he stood from his chair, as if he’d never been restrained at all. “A blessing you promised me, Officer Mendes.”
I stared up at him in disbelief. “What — how did you —“ But I couldn’t even stammer a sentence out before he was upon me, crawling over the table with the eerie grace of a spider.
These were no longer the imperceptible hints of emotions I’d come to expect. It was like a switch had been flipped. Tears streamed down his cheeks, snarling with genuine rage, hurt, betrayal. And beneath those black seas in his eyes, all the things that haunted the fathoms below were rising to the surface. “You owe me a death. Make good on your word. Pay your debt.”
I cried out and recoiled from his every touch with disgust, but he was stronger than he looked. I couldn’t worm my way out of his impossible grip. “I won’t! Get off of me, you sick bastard!”
“Do it! Pay me what you owe!” It was like a thousand different voices screaming in my ear. Straining and weeping, I locked my hands around his neck and pressed my thumbs against his throat, trying to strangle him. But instead, I could just feel that grip upon my own neck, squeezing the life out of myself as my lungs burned for air. Yet I kept pressing harder and harder, as if hoping I might somehow break through whatever unholy force was protecting him.
And then those terrible hands grasped my shoulders again, and I was paralyzed by a terror that could be called nothing but ancient and primal. Like the thing standing behind me was the same force that had kept my ancestors huddled terrified in their caves a hundred thousand years ago, and every one of those voices was crying out to me through my very blood. And it pulled me from my chair, threw me as though I were weightless… and the next thing I knew, I was waking up in the infirmary.
Once more, none of this was captured on the security camera. In the footage, I just enter the room and have a seat with strange, almost robotic movements. And then the both us just sit there, staring at eachother, without speaking, without moving, without blinking. For an hour.
After this, Joseph Glass entered a catatonic state, and from then on refused to converse with even me. Now that my usefulness had ended, the agents discarded me like yesterday’s trash. Don’t even seem to care if I tell anybody. Who would believe me?
I thought I’d gotten lucky. That my nightmare was over. I couldn’t have been more wrong.
Go sorting through any public records, and you won’t find a single mention of the name Joseph Glass. They’ve squirreled him away in that off-the-books blacksite and scrubbed away every other trace of him. I’d say he’d been unpersoned, if indeed he could ever be called a person at all. But they’re still trying every execution method in the book. I don’t know quite why. Maybe it’s for research. I’m sure the US military would love to find the secret to making its men as unkillable as Glass. And besides, they’re not the ones who have to deal with the consequences.
On June 3rd, 2005, they tried a firing squad. I know this because me and my wife were out on our second honeymoon, slow dancing by the lake at night to our favorite song, when I felt a wetness against my chest. I looked down to see her eyes as gray and dull as foggy glass, and her chest shredded to swiss cheese by rounds that made no sound.
On December 23rd, 2012, they tried lethal injection. That was the day they found my son’s car wrapped around a tree, and baffled coroners discovered that he was dead before the accident even occurred, his bloodstream polluted with Pavulon and potassium chloride.
It’s been years since I’ve isolated myself from everyone I knew, hermiting away in this cabin out in the middle of nowhere, and yet the stench of death still follows me. Just a couple years ago, I found a news report mentioning my nephew. Apparently, he’d been found completely exsanguinated, his veins emptied utterly despite no signs of a struggle. God knows what kind of arcane methods of execution they’re trying by now.
He’s not going to let me walk away from this. Not while I still owe him a debt.
But I’ve been doing some research, too. Research into those untold legions of things I witnessed staring up from that blackened sea in Glass’s eyes. I’ve learned things men were not meant to know. Practiced rites, assembled tools, ingredients. And I think I know where they’re keeping him. Even though they blindfolded me, I counted the second between every turn on our way to the blacksite, and I’ve since spent weeks watching the place, cataloging every entry point.
Maybe I’m slipping into madness. Or maybe I’ve truly found the way to put an end to the horror. To finally give this monster the justice that Taft would have wanted for him. Joseph Glass had been right about one, single thing: I have to pay what I owe.
Even if it kills me.
submitted by nomass39 to nosleep [link] [comments]
