Taboo charming mother episodes online

People Person's Paper People

2011.01.08 06:16 People Person's Paper People

Why watch many show when one show do trick?

2024.05.22 05:12 matcha_mocha_ Looking for a long lost friend @chocolla_sansan

Hi everyone!
When I was younger (~14 years ago) I used to play neopets and befriended this user named "chocolla_sansan" (or something similar, I sadly cannot remember the exact name). She was my first online friend and we had a lot in common- similar age, interests, etc. I don't remember much, just that she is from Japan, probably mid-20's now, speaks Brazilian Portuguese (my mother tongue), and we were interested in each other's culture. At some point I lost the access to the account but have been wanting to reconnect ever since. I tried to retrieve the account but it's been so long that I dont even remember my own username..
I know this is a long shot but I would love to find her again, if anyone knows her please help me!!
submitted by matcha_mocha_ to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 05:08 Jealous_Literature_4 Custom tablet wall mount project

Custom tablet wall mount project
This project took months since I originally conceived it in my head, to actually complete it, since I've been constantly putting it off. Back in January 2024, I started with buying the tablet that I wanted to use for my wall mounted Home Assistant dashboard. I was originally going to go with Lenovo M10 3rd gen model for about 170 euro, but after some digging around i have found a recommendation for another model that is kinda older but slimmer, with a much better looking screen and higher resolution. I went with the Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e that i found factory refurbished online on a French website Electro Depot for a price of 200 euros - it was in perfect condition, looked brand new when it arrived, kind of a steal for that price. The Super AMOLED screen on it is just amazing, such a nice contrast, black depth and great color rendition.
Since it originally launched in 2019, Android updates stopped, and the last version was kinda aged, so i slapped on a custom ROM on it - LineageOS 21 that runs Android 14. That end of business was fixed, all good to go. Next step was figuring out what wall mount I was going to go with. Having said that, the Galaxy S5e did not have a lot of options, there were some VidaBox mounts, TabCare, TabLines etc, that all looked kinda bulky and hella expensive, that wasn't gonna cut it for me, i wanted something slim and sleek looking.
So, I started looking around for some 3D models of wall mounts for it - again, slim pickings. Not a lot of people using the Galaxy S5e wall mount I guess. The only one i found, and ended up using for testing purposes was one on Thingiverse from a dude named Cemera, the problem was, it was missing two upper pieces and not alot of style or a place to hide the USB cable behind. So I kept digging and eventually found a near perfect 3D model of a wall mount that checked all the boxes for me, the problem was - it was designed for a Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 10.5, which had all different physical dimensions compared to the S5e, ouch. So I grabbed the 3D files from this dude named MADSGADEBERG on Cults3D, and went to work. Having said that, i had almost zero experience doing modeling 3D stuff (if we don't count SketchUp floor plan design), so you can imagine the pain of going through the process of actually adapting the 3D model to fit my Galaxy Tab S5e, when the width, height, thickness, camera placement and even the speaker location that are all different.
Anyway, hours and hours went into the Fusion 360 that I grabbed previously with a free personal licence, rummaging through tutorials on YouTube, and finally I got the result that I wanted. I can't say that this was a slight modification of the original wall mount design for the Galaxy Tab A8, since i ended up changing a lot of stuff to it, including volume button notch, area around the usb port was hella sketchy on the original model, had to beef it all up since original one was just begging it to break. I have also remodeled the front cover design, playing with the bezel width, chamfer and fillet of corners, magnets depth etc, all to fit the Galaxy S5E as tight as possible, with really small tolerances. Even added the four openings on the sides for amazing sounding quad AKG speakers. My biggest gripe with all of this, was having to cut that beautiful design into two pieces, as most 3D printers (including my Bambu Lab X1C) do not have the big enough work area to print this in one piece, e.g the mount being all that slimmed up was still ~270mm long, and i had 256x256x256mm on my build plate to work with. Such a shame, but oh well.
Actually the biggest problem that was revolving about the wall mount design was getting a slim enough USB-C cable, actually slim enough connector part, and that was not easy as it sounds. So, you see, you USA guys had the cable I wanted on your Amazon, but living in Europe I resorted to finding something closer. AliExpress was also an option, but I did not have the patience to wait weeks getting it delivered from China. So, i actually found a dude on Etsy from the Netherlands that makes or rather modifies these cables, and it was perfectly sized for my wall mount project. Bingo, i had everything i needed for the wall mount part, except the magnets that i forgot to order - luckily the one day shipping from Amazon in France works like a charm - hurray.
Ok, having finished the wall mount part, i still needed to figure out how the hell i was going to power this on the wall. So, you see, in the USA, you guys have at least some solutions of buying a recessed box for the wall outlet. Here, in Europe, we don't do alot of drywalls, and we don't recess the outlets that much in the brick walls. Luckily, my place here in France is all drywalled, but there are still zero solutions online for buying a deeper recessed wall box or media box that would fit my needs. So, as you might have guessed, I had to design and 3D print one up from scratch. As I was getting familiar with Fusion 360, that wasn't as much of a hassle compared to modifying the wall mount design. I had in mind of creating something sleek that would fit an outlet with USB-A and USB-C ports to actually power the tablet.
The problem is, i did not have power wires available right in the area that i was wanting to mount the tablet, but luckily on that wall i had a junction box near the floor. I bought some 2 metre wires, a couple of electric connectors to borrow the neutral, live and ground wires from the junction box, cut up a square hole in the drywall and I was good to go. I had 10cm of clearance in the wall, so I used it up to the max, designing a box that is 6cm deep, leaving the 4cm for the round power outlet box. Good thing about this, I could use normal sized chargers in the actual outlet if I had the need to, since 6cm plus the length of the prongs that go into the holes in the outlet gives a nice depth to fit regular sized chargers.
Alright, i know that a lot of people just do not care of esthetics behind when the tablet and the mount are going to cover all the holes and drilling/cutting mess anyway, but i wanted to keep things clean, designing a cover for the recessed box to hide the cuts in the drywall. I also chose a cheap but nice looking outlet - i like to keep things clean and tidy, sue me. Instead of drilling all the stuff in the drywall and adding screws, I went with a less destructive method, adding a heavy duty double sided tape to everything, holds like a champ and i can peel it off if i ever decide to change the wall mount location.
So there you have it, a project that i wanted to do for years, all the way back when i started getting into Home Assistant, but i always kept delaying it thinking it was too much work - well it was, but having it done in the end, i learned a lot of useful stuff in the process. For instance, modeling in Fusion 360, it will help me alot with my 3D printing hobby, where I will actually design some future items instead of just printing the files that other people made. Also, I love being handy around the house, tinkering with home related projects, but i never have enough chances to do it, so routing that power wires and adding a power outlet to the wall felt nice to do.
For the dashboard part, I ended up going for WallPanel instead of FullyKiosk as a solution for the fullscreen HA, the screensaver, etc. Also, since my Galaxy S5E is rooted, I have added a charging control behavior for it via ACC (Advanced Charging Controller) Magisk module. I keep it charged up to 80%, and having it drop to 20% before starting to charge again. That way I know the battery stays healthy and is not going to swell up being kept at 100% all the time.
Thanks for reading all the way to the end of my tablet wall mount project, if you have any questions I will gladly answer them in the comments. Check out the full photos that i took during the making of all the stuff in my Flickr album, as there are plenty. Most people add just a couple and I just keep wondering what stuff they did in the actual process, and how they did it. I can also share all the STL files if people want to recreate what I did. Take care guys, peace.
submitted by Jealous_Literature_4 to homeassistant [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 05:05 Electronic_Design607 I feel bad for my best friend.

My best friend (25F) is currently living with her parents (56 years old) and brother (21M). She is currently applying for a loan to fund her master’s degree. While in the midst of this, her mother constantly degrades her saying she is “committing sins by not doing anything around the house”, called her a “whore” for having dated multiple guys in the past (mind you she is now two years single), and blaming her for her dad having a stroke simply because she is still living at home and not having a job, and “do more around the house”.
My best friend, let’s call her Jane, sleeps in her room a lot and feels tired all the time. She said sleeping is the only way she can mentally escape. At first I thought the environment at her house must be bad, but lord, I underestimated how bad it is. I saw everything first hand during a video call. Her mom would barge into her bedroom at random times and spew verbal abuses, then leave to do something else and hum a song, then after a few minutes comes back into her bedroom to hurl another barrage of verbal abuses. It’s was like an unpredictable switch being turn on and off. Jane can’t even lock the bedroom door because the banging would never stop and her mom would never stop shouting. When Jane enjoys something, like watching Netflix or reading a novel, or eating her favorite dish, her mother seems unable to let her be happy and always bring up Jane’s insecurities and whether she will get to go to university in a passive aggressive, jabbing way.
Jane got into Queens Mary University and is waiting for her loan application to be processed. She cooks breakfast for her family everyday and help around the house around 1/3 of the time. She helps looking after her sibling. She takes online certification courses and is actively applying for jobs. But doing these things are not yet yielding results in ways that her mother wants to see. She lost do much weight and since last year was diagnosed with Bipolar Personality Disorder.
I don’t know what I can do to help. Her father is a calm and kind man who is the only one that treats her gently in the house, but the way he goes about intervening with Jane’s mother behavior is too passive. He always calmly telling his wife to “calm down and talk to her nicely” but there is no sense of authority at all. The father is also the only one financially supporting the entire family and recently got a stroke diagnosis. His advice for Jane was “don’t stay in your room and sleep all the time. Come outside and nice to your mom, don’t take her words seriously”.
What do y’all think Jane can do if leaving the house is impossible at the moment?
submitted by Electronic_Design607 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:52 TaskSilly1477 not our usual custody drop off situation.

total clickbait. Jess and Chris swapped Addie between them because Chris had to go to the airport to pick up or drop off his kids. the not our usual part is because Jess and Chris kissed.
They are recovering from Mother's Day. They had such a fun Mother's Day this year. Jess didn’t vlog it. Their inflatable water slide was a hit.
Jess doesn’t recommend not paying close attention when you are dealing with something on a hot stove. Jess wanted a barbie inspired pool party for mothers day. It was her, her kids(including Tommy) and a couple friends. They had so much fun. Everything was all pink. They had pink foods, Jess made a pink pasta salad, and she wanted to make pink popcorn. Everything was going great and going smooth. Jess, Addie and Ayla were making hot syrup on the stove to pour over the popcorn. As Jess poured it over the popcorn and stirred at the same time, the liquid poured directly onto her finger and caused a second degree burn. It hurts so bad. It is completely blistered up. That is not the only injury that happened. One of the kids opened a drawer in their refrigerator and Honey jumped up to get a big piece of cheese. Honey grabbed the cheese and started running with it. Jess chased after Honey because the cheese still had the plastic on it. Honey was running in a circle. Jess stubbed her toe. (That is the lamest “running” i have ever seen in my life. More like calmly walking. Jess acted like she broke her toe.) Toes are her worst fear. Jess swears she seriously broke it. Talia stubbed her toe as well but in a completely different scenario. (Why are we getting a play by play of every single injury that happened that day? Why not just say they had a great time and leave it at that?) A few of the kids went down by going down the slide the wrong way a few times. It was so much fun but also a disaster. The kids all got Jess different things. Addie made a card and her card was super funny. It said happy mothers day i love you because i do. In addition Addie asked Chris for 20$ and put it in a money holder and specified that Jess deserved to do something for herself. Jess told Addie that she didn’t have to give her money. The thought of it was so sweet. Kaden made a ceramic minnie mouse. However it broke on the way home from school. Jess is going to try to glue it back together. It was the thought that counts. The younger the kids are, the more things they make at school. Addie made a jar that says “I know sometimes your job is hard. When that happens, draw a slip from this jar to remind you why I love you so much. Place it back in the jar when you're done.” It has a picture of Addie on it. One of the slips says I love you because you take me to the movies. Another says i love you because you take me to target. A third one says I love you because you got me a dog. A fourth one says i love you because you take me to cheer. (ok these are all things Addie gets out of Jess. Why not put down things regarding the qualities of Jess? Things Addie does for Jess? I can’t imagine my relationships with others being so focused on material things.) It is so cute. A fifth one says I love you because you love me. That one is Jess’s favorite. Jess will be keeping this jar forever and pulling the notes out when she is 70. Jess got herself a little something. Casetify got her something. Jess has had the same phone case since she got the phone. Jess decided that it is time for an upgrade and that she deserves an upgrade. Those are the only cases she trusts. Her phone has seen some serious brutal times. Jess is loving the purple theme this year. She is in love with the shade of purple on her phone case. She got another phone case that says what is meant for you will not pass you and what has passed you was not meant for you. It is beautiful but the real reason she sticks with casetify phone cases is because of how durable they are. Jess doesn’t feel like she needs to elaborate on that because it speaks for itself. Jess is going to stick with the wordy case but is going to try the purple one. The shade of purple is really nice. Purple is kind of her thing at the moment. Jess is going to take a break from the purple because she has had the other purple one for so long. The case is giving summer, positive vibes, good energy and she is here for it. She has a top picks page. Her favorites are hard to narrow down because they have so many collections.
Jess feels like they are doing a custody drop off. Chris took Addie to cheer because Jess had to finish a few things at home. They are doing a swap off. They were waiting in the parking lot for Jess to get there. Jess is taking the next shift because Chris has to go to the airport for a real custody drop off/pick up. Addie isn’t quite done with dance yet. Whenever her kids change sports they have to finish out the season. Addie still has 2 more weeks of dance until her recital. It will be her last one unless she decides to go back to dance one day. Jess doesn’t know what happened but there was a sudden switch. It was when Addie started taking official cheer classes that she decided that she wants to do cheer and nothing else. Addie loves it and looks forward to it every day. In the meantime Addie is doing both cheer and dance. It is a packed schedule but they are almost done with dance. Kyson, Kaden and Landen have soccer tryouts today. They are already part of the club but there are tryouts for new people to come to their team. They have a weird schedule. They are spending most of the day on the field today. Jess wants to go and check in.
They had 30 minutes to kill so they went to a pet store. They needed to get a few things for their pets anyway. Addie wanted to go to the reptile store to hold a snake. Jess doesn’t know why but Honey will not eat her food. Jess has tried so many different kinds. Honey always goes for the cat food. They have to hide the cat food. Someone suggested to lift the food. Jess and Addie decided that when Addie gets her own room she wants a fish. Addie would be the one to take care of it. Addie is an animal lover. Either fish or a snake. Maybe both.
Jess has not been to a sonic since high school. Jess and Talia ran into each other at dance drop off and decided to go to sonic. Talia has never been and Jess hasn’t been since high school. Talia wanted to try the dirty coke. Jess didn’t know what that was. It is a thing in utah. They have a place called swig. That is where all of the utah moms go because they can’t have coffee. They have a swig which is a dirty coke. Sonic doesn’t have apple pay. Jess saved Talia’s life. The dirty coke is pretty. They didn’t even fill it.( Yes they did, just not all the way to the top.) The dirty coke is nice and refreshing. It tastes like a pina colada. It is kind of like a rootbeer float. The tea is horrible. The Utah girls will start off their tik toks going into a 7/11 and filling up their stanley’s.
A car hit the fence during soccer practice. There were hecka cops over there. Cheer, dance and soccer is done. Kyson is home and sad that he couldn’t come. It wasn’t important for him to come but typically you come to tryouts even though you are already on the team. Kyson is injured so he is taking it easy. He feels a lot better. He is tempted to come and play but that is how you re injure yourself. Kyson is walking all right. It still hurts but he is doing normal activities for the most part. Jess is having Kyson take it easy so that it doesn’t become a life long injury. Landen had his practice earlier today. Kaden got done with his practice. They are going to head home. It is 8pm and Addie hasn’t even been home today. Jess is on a kick trying not to eat fast food. They definitely still are here and there. For a while it was too easy to make it a daily thing. That is not good for anybody. They put a stop to that and eat at home 90% of the time.
Jess gets questions daily about linking certain things in her videos and posts. Honey is playing with Nova. They have recently become the best of friends. Jess has always been bad about linking things when people ask for links. She tries to remember. She has been trying to be more on top of it. The worst thing is to see something online and then not being able to find it. Jess started a ltk. You can post a picture or video and link everything in the picture or video. Jess has also been using her amazon storefront.
submitted by TaskSilly1477 to jesssfam_snark [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:46 justlikeme08 This just fucking sucks

I’m so over this. I’ve been in such a fucking awful depressive episode since December and it just feels like it’s never going to go away. Meds don’t help, friends don’t help, stupid walks for my mental health don’t work, eating healthy doesn’t work.
I have a few days that I don’t want to jump off a fucking cliff and I hope and pray that MAYBE the episode is easing up, but then I crash again and it’s the goddamn worst.
I feel like I’m putting every inch of myself into my career (which is in the NPO world and something that really matters to me). Even so I feel like I can’t keep up, and because I’m open with my manager I feel like she’s worried about how fragile I am and that makes me feel super shitty. I’ve been a subpar friend and daughter throughout this whole episode and I hate it.
My psychiatrist told me I need to see a therapist which I can’t really afford so she gave me some cheaper “sliding scale” resources - but I feel so fucking guilty about potentially taking that time away from someone that’s maybe unemployed or completely desolate that I can’t make the fucking call. I have a career and some financial resources, but I can’t afford 150 bucks a week to see someone. Also I just don’t know how much it would really help. I just don’t feel like talking will fix this.
How do you guys navigate these depressive episodes that never seem to end?
Truthfully, if it wouldn’t kill my mother I would have killed myself by now. This is just so fucking heavy.
submitted by justlikeme08 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:44 Lovely-Messs Is anxiety making me Dumb?

I don't know if that happens to you all or it's just me, but i feel like anxiety is making me Dumb. it could be depression too..
I used to speak 3 languages and now I constantly spell wrong in all 3. A few days ago I forgot the spellings of 'beautiful'
I can't seem to remember simple things, missing stuff once a week is fine but I miss the stuff on daily basis... Like I put the keys here and in 5 seconds I'll be on the mission to find them, and it happens like twice a day at least. Same with other stuff.
I was watching a TV show and I had to rewind 10 times to understand something. Also, after completing the series I forgot everything that happened in it. Like I have a basic idea but if you ask me what happened in episode 5. I won't be able to tell you for the life of me.
I am also sometime not in the moment. It feels like I am living the life in tpp. Like people are talking and I am listening but I can't understand what they are saying. I am always asking them to repeat.
It's like my mind is not making new memories and constantly nerfing my iq down.
I wasn't like this. My mother used to say that I am the brightest of all her kids. What happened then?
submitted by Lovely-Messs to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:40 RSurvivorMods Survivor 46 Episode 12 Winner Pick Statistics

Here are the latest winner pick statistics.

To avoid any potential spoilers (or even the impression that something could be a spoiler), numbers for a particular castaway will be published only after they are voted out.

Episode 12

Q was ranked 13/18 in Winner Picks.**
He had 13 of 440 total picks (3%).

Post Episode 12

108 Winner Picks (26%) still standing.

What did people think about Quintavius based on pre-game information?

We have compiled some of those quotes below:
  • “Q just seems like a really impressive person to me, from his life story. His work ethic and charm stood out to me and I think if he can utilize it he’ll see similar success in Survivor to what he saw in athletics and real estate” -u/El-Gucci-Wombat
  • "He's charismatic, driven, and has a way with words. These things give him an aura that makes him stand out from the rest of the cast." -u/onethousandautumns
  • "Q seems very driven and competitive, and his background in real estate could be a big help with his way through the game & especially in tribal councils” -u/ Wicked_Dreamer96
  • " Q is a real estate agent meaning he is interacting with and schmoozing people every day. He also seems like a risk taker, so her could end up with some good advantages in the game that will help him get to the end. Overall good vibe"
submitted by RSurvivorMods to survivor [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:36 Maxathar Seasonal Community Campaigns.

 Seasonal Community Campaigns.
Even though the Finals has no PVE campaign, what if forthcoming seasons introduced something completely new. Mini Campaigns that unfold the lore of the Finals and played together cooperatively with other online players. I think there should be both a Mini Boss and Final Boss and if enough players around the world team up enough to down these bosses they unlock Unique Styles, Weapon Skins, Charms, Sound Effects, ECT.
submitted by Maxathar to thefinals [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:31 ThatIsraeliCunt My Family is getting worse about Israel and it is starting to break me

From a throwaway... I'm having a bit of a crisis. I grew up Christian in the USA, but I have a very Hebrew name that isn't found much outside of Brooklyn or Israel (at least in English). When I was younger, I didn't have any problems. It even inspired me to learn Hebrew alongside friends who did know it and I learned to read for the most part.
Edit: I've always been open that I'm non-Jewish.
I love my name. And over time, I made really good friends and colleagues who felt comfortable telling me that they were Jewish. In most cases, it was never mentioned again unless they wanted to share family history or culture. On the other hand, my mother gets obsessed and it feels awful but I feel like she only gave me a Hebrew name as a "good luck" charm for her.
As I say I grew up Christian, and between black churches and mega-churches, I felt disconnected. Even in smaller churches, no one connected and there was no sense of community, it was very cultish and cliquish.
Still, only until I started university and some students always seemed obsessed with proving I was Israeli while I took part in student politics. Additionally, I was invited to be a part of our Hillel and never was questioned whether I was Jewish or not by anyone, but further learned more about Judaism, the culture, and life in Israel. Funny enough, the woman who invited me later admitted that she "assumed" that I was Jewish because I knew the holidays and culture since I'm from New York. I've been open that I'm not Jewish.
I made very good friends in various Jewish spaces and even had a relationship that gave me the chance to have a Jewish family to learn from. I never mentioned how involved I was in Jewish learning during university.
I was considering a pre-conversion very heavily and ended up studying a lot beforehand, but after some personal things, I packed my bags and left overseas. My friend gave me contacts in the new country but I didn't pursue it, which I regret now.
After the wars and all, I realised my mother is very antisemitic and it has been rampant in my family. She's not only obsessed with conspiracies but promotes the worst rhetoric. Even worse, in my friend group we lost friends last year and I watched as friends were desperately trying to find each other all while our WhatsApp groups were spammed with the most grotesque images and videos. It got so stressful that I took days off work having mental breakdowns and not keeping food down for a week.
Not only did I not get any empathy or offers of support, but I was also told all the political chants, any attempt to correct any falsehood about Judaism or Israel or the War just falls into the worst antisemitic ramblings and some new age idea. This continues every time she calls and I've lost friends to the same thing. I had therapy and started PTSD support because my dreams have repeatedly been violent which gets worse after fighting over the phone.
Once, it became a yelling match I told her that if I was kidnapped I would just tell my captors to end it and send the photos to her number.
I realised that I had no safe community after I ran from the community I had. People question where I'm from more often with suspicious questions and looks, or try to proselytise.
I came back to the US recently to a very visibly Jewish area I visited my local Synagogue and it has been the only place I don't feel betrayed or upset, it's been a long several months of fighting everyone, whether overtly or in my head. The overseas country I was in had been great but I noticed even before the war that someone from a small Orthodox community there wouldn't say hi to me unless it was in private or small groups, which was concerning.
submitted by ThatIsraeliCunt to Judaism [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:30 Ok_Oven_2576 Watching the partner you know fade away to mental illness is one of the worst things I've ever experienced, but I have full faith he will come back to me

Right now we're dealing with a week and a half long bout of psychosis/mania. My (27F) boyfriend (28M) has never, ever had an episode in his almost 30 years of life, until now.
I've been back and forth to the hospital every day to visit him for the last week, over an hour away, and haven't missed a single day... I'm exhausted but would do anything for him.
Unfortunately his parents (62F & 64M) are driving me insane. I miss having alone time with him in general since I am used to spending the majority of my time with him. Each day, he is allowed one short visit, and they say they must be there, even when he asks for only me. I get it, I just miss him, and feeling like they don't seem to trust me...his mother has never seemed to at least, but she doesn't trust anything. We've been together almost 5 years, living together for over 2 now. I don't know how else to prove I'm here for the long haul. When they visit, he gets upset with them for being so over the top and controlling, which is part of why he's in this predicament to begin with.
I am on leave from work to be there for him since he's just not himself and needs recovery/routine/stability. His true self shines through regularly, but his moms negativity is killing me. She keeps comparing our sides saying hers is worse (for the record I'm not saying it is or isn't, but it isn't a competition)....She told me if he doesn't get over this, I can at least be his friend....she is doing what she thinks is best despite his wishes and said to me that she told her husband if I say something he doesn't agree with, that it doesn't matter.
I have full faith in my man to come through this, better than ever, and her lack of faith in him pisses me off. Watching him struggle is the most awful thing. He is a typically quiet and calm, but right now he is over the top, extroverted, trying to be everyone's best friend. Won't take his mood stabilizers and is just all over the place. But I still love him with all of my heart and know he will come back to us soon. I will keep fighting this with him every step. Thanks for listening.
Tldr: boyfriend in hospital with psychosis and has negative motheoverbearing parents who are pissing me off
submitted by Ok_Oven_2576 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:29 DrgnMstrEst On/off pain in lower right leg, no visible symptoms?

Good evening, I am 30F, 5'3", 135lbs, and have had on and off pain in my right lower leg for as long as I can remember.
Most commonly I have the pain in the spring or winter when it is colder, or in cold rooms with air conditioning. The pain sometimes feels like it is in the bone, but more recently it is located in the calf. There is no swelling, no redness, not hot to the touch, no tenderness. Just occasional internal pain. I'd say its a 2/mild - 3/uncomfortable on the pain scale. I do not have the pain when walking or moving. It's usually hurting when I am sitting for long period of times at my office job (I do get up regularly to walk and stretch). Sometimes when I squat down, I get a very sharp pain in the calf which subsides when I stand back up or stretch the leg out. When I was younger I would get cramps at night if it was cold, but I have not had a leg cramp at night in a very long time. I also commonly have the pain if cold air is blowing on my leg (pants, blankets, etc help relieve the pain when this happens). Occasionally I may have pain in my left leg, but its so infrequent and not as noticeable as it is in the right leg.
My family has a history of blood clots. My mother has had them in her legs, and my brother had them several different times over his life before ultimately dying to one in the brain a few years ago when he was 27yo. I have never had a blood clot, but I have received a positive test result for Factor V. Along with losing my brother, I have also lost two friends to blood clots, both had the clots originating in the legs. This has caused increased anxiety regarding clotting. The skin on my legs is quite pale, and some of my veins are visible, but they always have been. I do not see similarities to my families clotted legs, or photos online.
I have read about leg pain caused by barometric pressure, so I've considered this to be the cause of my leg pain for a very long time due to it frequently occurring in cold temperatures. But with my friends recent passing, I am starting to reconsider. I also worry that if the pain is caused by barometric pressure, could this increase the risk for clotting?
Maybe its some type of muscular pain? I work an office job where I'm able to get up hourly to move and stretch, I also go for walks/hikes on the weekends, and sometimes after work, but do not work out regularly.
I have brought up my concerns to two different PCPs (both older males), but both seemed to dismiss my concerns, even when I mentioned my family history. I'm planning on once again finding a new PCP (female this time).
Do you know what may be wrong with my leg? Does it sound like it could be clotting, or something muscular? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by DrgnMstrEst to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:24 Puzzled-Anxiety-8507 Please help

Age 27
Sex Female
Height 5’5”
Weight 282
Race White
Duration of complaint 3 days
Location Neurological/cardiological
Any existing relevant medical issues Anxiety, migraine with aura
Current medications Prozac 20mg
Does this sound like POTs or should I stop being so anxious?
Hello! I have never been diagnosed with POTS, but I’m going to my doctor tomorrow. I wanted to ask people who knew if this sounded similar or if I should put my worries elsewhere. Sunday afternoon I was just sitting at my mother in laws house and my heart started to race. It got all the way up to 160s. Eventually it came back down, but it stayed in the 110s all night. I couldn’t get it down. Then Monday I stayed in bed most of the day but when I wasn’t in bed my HR was in the 110s-120s until about 6pm and then it came down to somewhat normal.
It’s been somewhat normal when I’m not active, but tonight I was doing some general just picking up and it got up to 120-130. Walking up the big hill at work sent it to 144.
When I stand up it goes up about 20bpm, maybe 25bpm. But not every time. Like earlier it was 96 and I stood up and it went to 118 and then came back down fairly fast without me moving.
Right now, laying down and anxious about it, it is 107.
Someone please help…I have severe anxiety and have had episodes of high heart rate but never this high. I’m obese and I know that factors in.
submitted by Puzzled-Anxiety-8507 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:14 WumpusOwoo Help! My game keeps getting error codes.

Ever since last week I've been getting constant back to back Anteater and Weasel Errors. This happens, on average, every 5 minutes or so, and without fail there is a crash.
My internet works great with everything else. Google? Great. Discord? Delightful. Spotify? Spectacular. Steam and any other online game? Works like a charm.
I've tried clearing Steams download cache. I've tried clearing both temp files and roaming files, the only thing I haven't done is my routemodem, because I'm worried it will affect my internet for other stuff.
What do I do at this point?
submitted by WumpusOwoo to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:05 IAmPookieHearMeRoar Fun Facts About Our Beloved Monk

Some interesting tidbits about the show I’ve learned over the years…
There’s obviously an endless amount of fun trivia from the show’s run. Share some of your favorites!
submitted by IAmPookieHearMeRoar to Monk [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:05 Slonkweed Looking for Season 5 Ep.3 song

In the episode “A Rickconvenient Mort” at the beginning of the scene around half way through the episode where Rick and Summer are in Rick’s ship, a song plays. Many sources online including IMDb credit the song as “Tell it to my heart” by Taylor Dayne. While this seemed accurate at first, after listening for a bit it seems to be either an altered version of the instrumental, or a different song entirely. The tempo is different, as well as what sounds like cowbells in the song which isn’t present in “Tell it to my heart”.
I would appreciate if someone could help identify this song(or remix) for me. Thanks
submitted by Slonkweed to rickandmorty [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:03 Puzzled-Anxiety-8507 Does this sound like POTs or should I stop being so anxious?

Hello! I have never been diagnosed with POTS, but I’m going to my doctor tomorrow. I wanted to ask people who knew if this sounded similar or if I should put my worries elsewhere. Sunday afternoon I was just sitting at my mother in laws house and my heart started to race. It got all the way up to 160s. Eventually it came back down, but it stayed in the 110s all night. I couldn’t get it down. Then Monday I stayed in bed most of the day but when I wasn’t in bed my HR was in the 110s-120s until about 6pm and then it came down to somewhat normal.
It’s been somewhat normal when I’m not active, but tonight I was doing some general just picking up and it got up to 120-130. Walking up the big hill at work sent it to 144.
When I stand up it goes up about 20bpm, maybe 25bpm. But not every time. Like earlier it was 96 and I stood up and it went to 118 and then came back down fairly fast without me moving.
Right now, laying down and anxious about it, it is 107.
Someone please help…I have severe anxiety and have had episodes of high heart rate but never this high. I’m obese and I know that factors in.
submitted by Puzzled-Anxiety-8507 to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:53 Jealous_Literature_4 In depth - Custom tablet wall mount project - lots of info and photos

In depth - Custom tablet wall mount project - lots of info and photos
This project took months since i originally conceived it in my head, to actually completing it, since i've been constantly putting it off. Back in January 2024, i started with buying the tablet that i wanted to use for my wall mounted Home Assistant dashboard. I was originally going to go with Lenovo M10 3rd gen model for about 170 euro, but after some digging around i have found a recommendation for another model that is kinda older but slimmer, with a much better looking screen and higher resolution. I went with the Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e that i found factory refurbished online on a French website Electro Depot for a price of 200 euros - it was in perfect condition, looked brand new when it arrived, kind of a steal for that price. The Super AMOLED screen on it is just amazing, such a nice contrast, black depth and great color rendition.
Since it originally launched in 2019, Android updates stopped, and the last version was kinda aged, so i slapped on a custom ROM on it - LineageOS 21 that runs Android 14. That end of business was fixed, all good to go. Next step was figuring out what wall mount i was going to go with. Having said that, the Galaxy S5e did not have alot of options, there were some VidaBox mounts, TabCare, TabLines etc, that all looked kinda bulky and hella expensive, that wasn't gonna cut it for me, i wanted something slim and sleek looking.
So, i started looking around for some 3D models of wall mounts for it - again, slim pickings. Not alot of people using the Galaxy S5e wall mounted i guess. The only one i found, and ended up using for testing purposes was one on Thingiverse from a dude named Cemera, the problem was, it was missing two upper pieces and not alot of style or a place to hide the USB cable behind. So i kept digging and eventually found a near perfect 3D model of a wall mount that checked all the boxes for me, the problem was - it was designed for a Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 10.5, that had all different physical dimensions compared to the S5e, ouch. So i grabbed the 3D files from this dude named MADSGADEBERG on Cults3D, and went to work. Having said that, i had almost zero experience doing modeling 3D stuff (if we don't count SketchUp floor plan design), so you can imagine the pain of going through the process of actually adapting the 3D model to fit my Galaxy Tab S5e, when the width, height, thickness, camera placement and even the speaker location that are all different.
Anyway, hours and hours went into the Fusion 360 that i grabbed previously with a free personal licence, rummaging through tutorials on YouTube, and finally i got the result that i wanted. I can't say that this was a slight modification of the original wall mount design for the Galaxy Tab A8, since i ended up changing a lot of stuff to it, including volume button notch, area around the usb port was hella sketchy on the original model, had to beef it all up since original one was just begging it to break. I have also remodeled the front cover design, playing with the bezel width, chamfer and fillet of corners, magnets depth etc, all to fit the Galaxy S5E as tight as possible, with really small tolerances. Even added the four openings on the sides for amazing sounding quad AKG speakers. My biggest gripe with all of this, was having to cut that beautiful design into two pieces, as most 3D printers (including my Bambu Lab X1C) do not have the big enough work area to print this in one piece, e.g the mount being all that slimmed up was still ~270mm long, and i had 256x256x256mm on my build plate to work with. Such a shame, but oh well.
Actually the biggest problem that was revolving about the wall mount design was getting a slim enough USB-C cable, actually slim enough connector part, and that was not easy as it sounds. So, you see, you USA guys had the cable i wanted on your Amazon, but living in Europe i resorted to finding something closer. AliExpress was also an option, but i did not have the patience to wait weeks getting it delivered from China. So, i actually found a dude on Etsy from the Netherlands that makes or rather modifies these cables, and it was perfectly sized for my wall mount project. Bingo, i had everything i needed for the wall mount part, except the magnets that i forgot to order - luckily the one day shipping from Amazon in France works like a charm - hurray.
Ok, having finished the wall mount part, i still needed to figure out how the hell i was going to power this on the wall. So, you see, in the USA, you guys have at least some solutions of buying a recessed box for the wall outlet. Here, in Europe, we don't do alot of drywalls, and we don't recess the outlets that much in the brick walls. Luckily, my place here in France is all drywalled up, but still zero solutions online for buying a deeper recessed wall box or media box that would fit my needs. So, as you might have guessed, i had to design and 3D print one up from scratch. As i was getting familiar with Fusion 360, that wasn't as much of a hassle compared to modifying the wall mount design. I had in mind of creating something sleek that would fit an outlet with USB-A and USB-C ports to actually power the tablet.
The problem is, i did not have power wires available right in the area that i was wanting to mount the tablet, but luckily on that wall i had a junction box near the floor. I bought some 2 metre wires, couple of electric connectors to borrow the neutral, live and ground wires from the junction box, cut up a square hole in the drywall and i was good to go. I had 10cm of clearance in the wall, so i used it up to the max, designing a box that is 6cm deep, leaving the 4cm for the round power outlet box. Good thing about this, i could use normal sized chargers in the actual outlet if i had the need to, since 6cm plus the length of the prongs that go into the holes in the outlet gives a nice depth to fit regular sized chargers.
Alright, i know that alot of people just do not care of estetics behind when the tablet and the mount are going to cover all the holes and drilling/cutting mess anyway, but i wanted to keep things clean, designing a cover for the recessed box to hide the cuts in the drywall. I also chose a cheap but nice looking outlet - i like to keep things clean and tidy, sue me. Instead of drilling all the stuff in the drywall and adding screws, i went with a less destructive method, adding a heavy duty double sided tape to everything, holds like a champ and i can peel it off if i ever decide to change the wall mount location.
So there you have it, a project that i wanted to do for years, all the way back when i started getting into Home Assistant, but i always kept delaying it thinking it was too much work - well it was, but having it done in the end, i learned alot of usefull stuff in the process. For instance, modeling in Fusion 360, it will help me alot with my 3D printing hobby, where i will actually design some future items instead of just printing the files that other people made. Also, i love being handy around the house, tinkering with home related projects, but i never have enough chance to do it, so routing that power wires and adding a power outlet to the wall felt nice to do.
For the dashboard part, I ended up going for WallPanel instead of FullyKiosk as a solution for the fullscreen HA, the screensaver, etc. Also, since my Galaxy S5E is rooted, i have added a charging control behavior for it via ACC (Advanced Charging Controller) Magisk module. I keep it charged up to 80%, and having it drop to 20% before starting to charge again. That way i know the battery stays healthy and is not going to swell up being kept at 100% all the time.
Thanks for reading up all the way to the end of my tablet wall mount project, if you have any questions i will gladly answer them in the comments. Check out the full photos that i took during the making of all the stuff in my Flickr album, as there are plenty. Most people add just a couple and i just keep wondering what stuff they did in the actual process, and how they did it. I can also share all the STL files if people want to recreate what i did. Take care guys, peace.
submitted by Jealous_Literature_4 to homeassistant [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:47 AWildCryptid Could this be a meltdown?

My daughter is 13 and last week her therapist referred her to an independent assessor for an autism evaluation.
She has episodes, where she gets overwhelmed and then has a complete emotional breakdown. In the past these have included self harm or attempted self harm and she has been inpatient before.
Let me paint the picture:
She’s in online public school. She’s gotten a bit behind in math so we are having to work together on several math lessons per day. It was time to start math and she immediately started a slow tears rolling down her face cry. We continued on for about an hour 15, and she’s participating but getting more and more upset. By the end she’s sobbing. I tried to be really encouraging and helpful but when we were done she ran to her room.
After about 5 minutes I checked on her and she’s locked the door which she never does. I get in and she’s scratching at her legs with her nails and crying hard. She said she doesn’t want to/can’t answer questions. She said she wants to stop crying but she can’t and that she wishes she’d just hit something to get her frustration out instead of crying because now she can’t stop. She says she’s just tired of everything.
Her dad came in at that point to see if he could help. I handed her her stuffed bunny (it’s like a sensory/stimming thing for her) and she held her and started calming down. She was once again saying she should have just hit something and I told her crying is ok and that she calmed down. Husband added “you’re fine now.” And that was the wrong thing to say she got really mad saying I don’t feel fine and started crying and wailing again.
The cat came to see what was wrong and she held him and cried don’t leave me don’t leave me. She quieted down so I left for a few minutes and when I went back in she was calm and asks when she sees her psychiatrist again and she wants to tell him to give her a medication to make all her feelings go away. I went back in after 20 mins and she wanted to snuggle.
Does this sound like it could be a meltdown?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by AWildCryptid to Autism_Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:43 Optimal_Ad117 The Matan episode is a favorite of mine

But that’s just me. I’m genuinely curious to hear why so many of you disliked this episode.
I joined this subreddit excited to discuss what I thought was a standout episode, only to find that opinions here are vastly different from those on YouTube. It was also surprising to see Oliver Tree isn’t well-liked here either?
I can hardly believe Matan is only 17. His “machine bit” had me in stitches, even though he was a bit awkward at times. But considering his age—he did an impressive job.
Even though Andrew seemed a bit annoyed, I thought it added a great dynamic to the episode.
While it’s fair not to find Matan funny, I’m baffled by the intense negativity towards his online content, which is clearly meant to be 1000% satirical. Could someone explain why there’s such a stark reaction to Matan’s satirical remarks compared to Bobby’s similar style?
Sincerely, A bad friend
submitted by Optimal_Ad117 to badfriendspod [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:20 Blubari Been having frequent depressive episodes

As the title implies, I've been having depressive episodes, each morning is harder to go to work, harder to cook food, I have to force myself to not do a b-line to my rented apartment after work.
A friend told me that I should write about it.
A few weeks ago, was in hometown and parents (and I) were invited to a bbq in a cousin house, now, stuff happened there with my mother but that besides the point.
On the way back we went trough streets I haven't even seen since literal years (used to go a lot because of my grandma, but since she now lives with her parents I don't go there).
So, here's what I wrote on the car that night
On the way back home
City that saw me grow up
Streets that as a kid, I thought that as adult I'd hop around and have fun
Now riddles with crime and drugs
Lights of the casino, jazz from the cafes, covering thorns of a rose
Fitting for the flower city of Chile
Ironically tho ... I'm still nostalgic
The darkness interrupted by a city lights, stuck from the 90s and ocassional modernity
Just as if I was a 7yr old, coming back home from grandma's
Same grandma that now lives in the family house
Who, as a kid, took care of me on the weeks, with a stern, crisis and WW forged soul
and now, I help her go to the bathroom
So sleepy
So tired
I don't know if this a depressive episode, seeing all the success of my cousins, as I'm stuck in a job, burning the salary on my family who gave me so much
But I hope, tonight's dream will be a soothing one
submitted by Blubari to bropill [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:15 Nymanator What an absolute gift

I live about a 9-hour drive away from the rest of my family, and I don't know how to drive, nor do I have enough money for a plane ticket. I see them once, maybe twice a year by traveling by bus. I've actually come to find some enjoyment in the cramped and long ride by downloading a bunch of episodes of a show I've been meaning to watch, and snuggling down with a blanket, a pillow, and some treats I never eat otherwise and settling in.
Just over two weeks ago, I received the news that my grandfather had passed away after a rather sudden and short illness. Naturally, I scrambled to get my bus ticket and do my usual preparations. It just so happened that the week before that, I had been watching some anime reviews to get an idea of what would be worth my time from the past couple of years, since it had been awhile since I had really kept abreast of anime news. I had a list of a bunch of shows, and there was Frieren. I had already watched the first few episodes at home and my curiosity was piqued, so I decided to make it one of my travel shows.
And how lucky I was that I did...the themes of the show hit spot on with the grief that I was feeling, of loss, regret, and how to move forward while appreciating the time you have left with the people you still have. It was a beautiful comfort, even though at that time I hadn't yet fully processed just what losing him meant to me. I likely still haven't, though the reason for me writing this post is that I caught up today and listened to Anytime Anywhere by milet with the ending credits, which hit me different today than it had been. The lyrics resonated with me throughout the experience, but today I just felt the tsunami of grief crash over me with that final line in the ending. That tsunami of just plain missing him, wanting to have gotten just one more hug, wanting to hear just one more terrible joke, wanting him to ask me just one more time to make him a cup of coffee, but knowing that it will never happen. This is the first loss I've ever experienced of anyone so close to me, so I didn't really know how well I would handle it, and I was not expecting it to hit me so hard and unexpectedly with such a delay.
Now, the lyrics of the song would not have hit me so hard were they not attached to such a beautifully crafted and charming anime. It's the magic of all of the elements coming together that make it such a wonderful and compelling exploration of its themes; the music, stunning visuals, perfect pacing, charming characters, and well-written moments of comedy, action, romance, and drama alike. It is such a gift to me, and almost feels like fate, that I got to watch this show and feel its impact just when I needed it most. I am so incredibly lucky that I got to spend the time with my grandfather that I did, and this show just really gets exactly how the gratitude in that loss feels, and I'm lucky that I got to watch it, too.
submitted by Nymanator to Frieren [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:09 Extreme-Bear-2166 He gave me something I was owed (ft deathly ever after by ethan bortnick)

Share your story in the comments!
I am in the talking stage with this guy. We talk everyday but we are both busy with different schedules so we are never online at the same time. Some context:
During lockdown, I was in very deep depression. I was extremely lonely, I am an only child and I felt like everybody in my home had a ''person''.
My dad was working long hours and he would get annoyed if I asked him to sit to have lunch with me because I did not want to eat alone.
But if my aunt(joint family) would ask him to sit with her, he would gladly postpone his work and go.
My mom was (still is) cheating on my dad and she used to lock herself in her room to ''sleep'' immediately after coming home from work to talk to her bf
I felt like I was not a priority for anyone.
Now, present time. I was at a library and he was studying there too but we were sitting pretty far away. During lunch time I changed my place and shifted a little closer to where he was sitting and started eating. He got up and said he was going to buy juice, and if i want anything. I said no and started eating. He came back, picked up his lunch and juice, sat on the bench in front of me and turned around. That was the first time we ate lunch together and we talked the whole time. It healed a part of me. I felt like a priority for someone for once.
I know lunch sounds so small, but, it meant a lot to me. We are going to college and we are only going to date if we go to the same college but even if I dont end up dating him, Ill always remember this.
Incident 2 was yesterday:
His mother tongue is B and mine is A. We generally talk in B because I am fluent in it. He had previously told me he didnt want to learn A because it was too time taking. I did not mind because its not like were getting married. But yesterday he tried to speak to me in broken A language. He only got one word right in the entire sentence but, he tried. And for whatever period of time he came in my life,I am glad he did.
submitted by Extreme-Bear-2166 to Crushes [link] [comments]