Self performance review goals examples

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2009.09.24 06:25 learn programming

A subreddit for all questions related to programming in any language.

2009.07.11 08:10 llrjour Independent Country Music discussion on Reddit

A sub about (mostly) independent country music - the good stuff you don't hear on mainstream radio. Join us for Honky Tonk Saturday Night, Bakersfield Soundday, Blue(s,grass) Monday, and even for some pop country, alt-country, and undefinable country. Stay for posts about country music history, interviews, event announcements, and more. Share your favorite songs and find some new favorite artists. Grab a seat at the bar, there's a good band playing!

2010.08.29 17:11 Popping Cysts and Pimples

Subreddit for popping addicts and the pop-curious. Blackheads, pimples, cysts, abscesses, and more.

2024.05.15 20:21 actualzombie 24 hour shopping - should it be a thing?

I recently saw a post in Ottawa offering me the chance to make 5 Ottawa stores/businesses/services open for 24 hours.
Personally, I don't like the concept of capitalist 24-hour retail. No-one needs to buy new socks at 3:47 a.m. So, my knee-jerk reaction was: None; no businesses should be 24 hours. Yes, I understand that some people are night owls and like to work overnights, and while it makes it more difficult for them to work as they prefer, I don't believe for a moment that there exist enough such people to fill all the retail requirements - it'd mostly be people who feel forced to work that schedule.
So I read through the comments on the post, and I did see some merit in some things suggested by others.
  1. Emergency services, police, fire, and health, especially broadly available multi-discipline urgent & emergent care, and with low wait times. Veterinarian care, too. There's even sense in extending this to pharmacies as well, so medications are available, and since pharmacists have some diagnostic privileges.
  2. In the same vein, access to safe shelters. People should be able to come in off the street, escape their abusive situation, etc., the moment they decide that's what they want to do.
  3. Public transit should be consistently and reliably available and allow people to easily get where they need to be at all hours. But, where I live, this is a bigger problem than just the current hours of operation - the whole system is a half-assed attempt at commuter transit to transport people in to and out of downtown. It’s largely useless for daily errands, currently.
  4. Heritage and park lands that are generally unstaffed anyway. I understand that they close these to discourage what they believe to be unsavoury and antisocial behaviours (tongue-in-cheek) at these locations after hours, but I think it mostly interferes with people who'd use them as intended.
  5. The last slot I would keep for businesses I would give the option to be open longer or 24 hours. Grocery stores, convenience stores, coffee shops, and gas stations. Groceries are a necessity, and the other businesses allow weary travellers a place of respite.
Other than the list above, I mostly believe businesses should be restricted to operating between 7:00 and 22:00. That's 15 hours of being open, which seems plenty. Beyond that, businesses and services should be encouraged to develop online self-service options to reduce the need to attend in person at all, and/or to streamline booking an appointment for those things which must be in person. Municipal, provincial, and federal government services fall heavily under this recommendation - many of the things we currently need to 'go' do could be done from the comfort of our homes, with well-developed intuitive online interfaces.
Also, businesses are heavily susceptible to peer pressure, and will do things so that they are not the only one not doing the thing. (Unless, that is, they can leverage their marketing department to define the thing they’re not doing as a positive for their loyal clientele.) Ignoring that spin doctoring, as I see it, allowing 24 hours becomes part of the slippery slope - the first one to do it is an anomaly, but once others start doing it, even more feel pressure to follow suit. The result is businesses which are open long hours with no real call to be, because it is “normal” to do so, threatening the viability of ones who can’t afford it.
And the ones who can’t afford it are likely the ones we to promote and help continue in business, or at least I would like to: the neighbourhood and local small and mid-sized businesses. As always, these are the ones hardest hit, and a small difference is likely to bankrupt them. 24 hours business operations favour the large monopolistic companies that do little or do lip service to actively participate in the community they serve. There is space for large multi-location businesses, but it shouldn’t be at the expense of local entrepreneurs.
But then I got to thinking, how is my privilege tainting my opinion? What benefits am I standing in the way of by steadfastly refusing to allow most business to open past 22:00?
More hours open mean more jobs are available, even if they are not at times people would prefer to work. Business are inherently capitalistic, and usually won’t operate when it’s not of benefit for them to do so. And perhaps there is a segment of the population who benefit from working overnight - perhaps a single mother chooses to work a single full-time with-benefits job from 21:00 to 6:00, so she can be there for her kids at breakfast and dinner, and sleep in between while they’re at school, also allowing her to also be woken and available to handle emergency situations with them. If I restrict opening hours, she may need to work 2 part-time jobs with no benefits instead, have less availability for her kids, and maybe even need to spend money on child care.
When I think about it that way, and yes I’m aware I’ve constructed a very niche and particular example to support that narrative, I hesitate in my assertion that no businesses should operate before 7:00 or after 22:00. It doesn’t work for me, and I dislike the thought that some people are exploited for the convenience of others. On the other hand, there are people whose live could be improved by it as well.
So I end up at a stance where I personally believe that 24 hour business, especially retail ones, should be discouraged, but acknowledge that there are circumstances which should allow 24 hour businesses to exist.
submitted by actualzombie to bretcb [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:20 SnooMarzipans5853 We Have taken action on your case! OPINION

We Have taken action on your case! OPINION
Hey everyone,
I wanted to share some insights based on my experiences with the USCIS case updates. I've noticed a pattern with the "We have taken action on your case" notifications that might be helpful for others going through the process.

Exclamation Mark (!) Notifications
Whenever I receive a notification with an exclamation mark, it usually means there is a significant update that I can view. These updates include:
  • Decision: Whether it's an approval or a denial, you'll see a detailed update.
  • Request for Evidence (RFE): USCIS needs additional information or documentation to proceed with your case.

Without Exclamation Mark Notifications
On the other hand, when I get the "We have taken action on your case" notification without an exclamation mark, it tends to indicate a softer action or background processing. Examples include:
  • Actual Date Change: Sometimes, the date on your case might change without any visible update.
  • Officer Reviewing: An officer might be checking your file in the background.
  • Fingerprint Added: If your fingerprints have been added to your case, you might get this type of notification.
I hope this helps clarify the different types of notifications you might receive. If you have similar experiences or additional insights, please share them below!
submitted by SnooMarzipans5853 to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:19 Cmb77706 Interview In two Hours Any Tips

I have a job interview for this position and I would love maybe any tips one could give on what they could ask me. This would be my first accounting interview as a third year student
Concessions Auditor Del Mar Fair
Conducts cash register sales audits, cash register tapes audits, and field audits to review sales data and detect errors and inaccuracies. Audits concession sales daily POS transactions ensuring accurate record of sales, tender types, and other related activity. Validates daily cash deposits and monitors variances. Collects data to detect deficient controls, duplicate effort, fraud, or non-compliance with policies and procedures. Assists in problem solving, researching, investigating, and resolving discrepancies or issues. Prepares detailed reports of audit findings. Ensures policies, mechanisms, and guidelines around sales and revenue comply with industry practice and regulatory standards. Performs other related duties as assigned or requested when needed.
Qualifications Excellent customer service, communication, and problem-solving skills. Detail-oriented and quick learner. Ability to work cooperatively with members and others. Accounting and/or auditing experience or related educational courses. Retail sales or food/beverage sale experience.
submitted by Cmb77706 to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:18 Ok-Airport569 personal narrative essay: Choice (TW ED's)

Im a 16 year old high school student, and I was tasked with writing a personal narrative essay. I felt it was too personal to share with my peers, but i really need someone to tell me if it sucks or not before i turn it in. Here it is:
Change “I don’t think I can change, Mom” … “You can.” … A beat of silence followed her words. I took a moment to reword my sentence. “I don't want to “change” I responded. This is the conversation I had with my mother on the day she found out about my eating disorder. She was so angry because she believed that when I said, “I can't change,” it was a lie. She thought everything was a choice. I believe that once a person has made a clear decision, they will not change it no matter the consequences. We must learn to manage our emotions and live with the results of our decisions, even if they're not always the best. I try my best to make the right choices but often fail. Oftentimes, I take actions I think to be best for me, even if they are harmful. Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder defined by regular episodes of binge eating, during which a person feels a loss of control over their eating. The person then "purges" the food through self-induced vomiting, laxatives, fasting, or excessive exercise to avoid weight gain. This disorder has been a part of my life for over a year. It has caused tremendous stress on me and my family, and it's not something I would wish upon my worst enemy. I learned that when people don’t want to change, they won’t. This can be taken positively or negatively. That's just what I believe. This is my story. I went on a trip to Poland last year during spring break. A few days before I left for the trip, when school hadn’t gotten out yet, I was teased for being overweight. Feeling insecure about my weight, I took it hard. That night, I resolved to do whatever it took to shed my extra weight, and I truly meant it. Over the next few days, I ate as healthily as possible. My mom told me to “lose weight the right way,” so I tried to. I started going for walks every evening and cut down on unhealthy snacks. It was tough at first, but I was determined to make a change. When I arrived in Poland, my focus shifted to food. I became obsessed with what I ate, how much I ate, the calorie content of food, and the potential weight gain from eating. This pattern became a cycle that I couldn't break out of. It consumed my thoughts then, and it still consumes them now. I remember starting to track every single thing I ate. I would wake up at 4 in the morning and do situps for hours, getting back into bed before my family would wake up. Everything revolved around losing weight. It’s all that mattered. I felt the need to be perfect like those girls who teased me. I felt like I had to prove my worth. I began journaling everything – my calorie intake, my weight, my body measurements, and all the negative thoughts swirling around in my head. This journal only served to make me even more sick. Here is an example of a journal entry I wrote on March 15th, 2023; “...43.28.34... 43 hours, 28 minutes, and 34 seconds. The clock resets. That's the exact amount of time I starved before I stupidly broke the fast. I wasn't supposed to fast today, but I got through hour 40 and was feeling so good. I wanted to wait to eat until dinner tonight (48 hours), but that didn't happen. I'm at 400 out of my 800-calorie limit. Disgusting. I was doing so well.” During the entire week in Poland, I couldn’t savor any moment. I was too preoccupied with concerns about my weight and food consumption. By the time the trip was over I had lost 5lbs. My mother had become increasingly worried about me throughout the trip, and she would get angry any time I refused food. It was very frustrating for me. In my eyes, she was trying to hinder my progress. Over time, I slowly improved and began to eat normally again, only to relapse in January 2024. This time, it had returned even stronger than before. I went days without eating. Eventually, my mom got fed up and mirrored my behavior, refusing to eat whenever I did. This made me furious as it felt like she was making fun of me. After a few days of this, I got into a fight with my mom. She would say things like “You think that's beautiful!?” while pointing to a person with anorexia. This upset me. It made me feel as though what I wanted to be was ugly. It made me feel like no matter what I did, I would always hate myself. I was so blinded by my anger that I couldn't see hers. I was so tired of her trying to guilt-trip me into eating. I know she was (and is) hurting because of my actions. No mother wants to watch her kid starve, especially not by their own choice. It was a really tough time for both of us, and I regret the pain I caused her. However, all that did was force me to hide more efficiently. I still struggle with bulimia to this day, and I continue to lose weight rapidly. I'm uncertain about my next steps. I've made a decision that I don't want to change. My parents refuse to force me to change, I don't blame them, they can’t help a person who doesn’t want help. I'm slowly falling toward rock bottom and no one is there to catch me. Writing this essay was challenging for me. I'm not entirely convinced that it was the best topic to choose, but what's done is done. Generally, people are afraid of change and reluctant to step out of their comfort zones. I can relate to that because stepping into the unknown can be intimidating. However, our choices are not always in our best interest, and we are aware of that. For instance, people who smoke know it's harmful, but they continue to do it due to various reasons such as addiction, stress relief, or social influences. We often stick to what we know, even when it's not the best for us, because familiarity provides a sense of security and comfort, even if it's detrimental to our well-being. That's what my eating disorder is to me: comfort. In conclusion, recognizing the allure of familiarity, even when it's not in our best interest, is the first step toward positive change. It's a difficult journey, but acknowledging the issue is a significant milestone.
submitted by Ok-Airport569 to writing [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:16 Chance-Search1540 I applied for ASE when it’s supposed to be IT Ops

Hi. I initially got referred by someone on Facebook that said ACN were hiring for the IT Operations Associate role. Since it was okay for fresh grads, I went for it.
She gave me the workday link but it was for ASE. I asked if it’s the right one because I want to go for IT Ops because I’m not really good in programming. She said yes and eventually I passed the assessment for some reason.
I’m scheduled for an interview soon but I’m wondering if I can ask the HR whether I’d be placed on IT Ops or not since that’s really my goal.
I’m still willing to try ASE (because I really need a job) but I’m worried about my performance because I’m really bad in programming, let alone C++.
submitted by Chance-Search1540 to Accenture_PH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:16 bigtime1111 Question about protein consumption for weight lifting

Hello! I hope this is okay to post here. I looked at the rules and didn’t see anything against it.
I was just wondering if it is bad to have more than 25g of protein in a sitting. I was told that anything more than that is not utilized and wasted. I’ve heard both it is and isn’t wasted multiple times so I am confused and curious what you guys have to say.
For example, if I have a protein shake after I lift, I usually do double scoop of protein powder. It’s like 44 grams of protein or something around there. Am I completely wasting the second scoop? I know that you want to get a protein goal achieved every day, and I usually double scoop in order to help reach that.
I don’t know if I’m burning through money twice as fast for no reason or if it does help regardless and is fine to do.
Thank you in advanced for anyone that answers!
submitted by bigtime1111 to workout [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:15 helpimarat69 woodworking / welding class recommendation

I’m looking to for woodworking and metal classes with the end goal to do some pretty basic art and relatively small art.
I’ve looked around at a few places, but am struggling to find places that would be appropriate for me (not looking to learn how to build furniture, for example)
Does any have recommendations for classes or spaces?
submitted by helpimarat69 to Brooklyn [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:15 bigtime1111 Question about protein consumption

Hello! I hope this is okay to post here. I looked at the rules and didn’t see anything against it.
I was just wondering if it is bad to have more than 25g of protein in a sitting. I was told that anything more than that is not utilized and wasted. I’ve heard both it is and isn’t wasted multiple times so I am confused and curious what you guys have to say.
For example, if I have a protein shake after I lift, I usually do double scoop of protein powder. It’s like 44 grams of protein or something around there. Am I completely wasting the second scoop? I know that you want to get a protein goal achieved every day, and I usually double scoop in order to help reach that.
I don’t know if I’m burning through money twice as fast for no reason or if it does help regardless and is fine to do.
Thank you in advanced for anyone that answers!
submitted by bigtime1111 to WeightTraining [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:14 Digitalspork May 16th 2024 - Rule Updates & Community Changes

May 16th 2024 - Rule Updates & Community Changes
Hey there MVPs!
I'd like to announce some changes for the Subreddit as we move closer to launch; with that the first major change as some have noticed already is that u/PerkFGC has stepped down from Administrator for personal reasons but will be sticking around as a Moderator.
Alongside that, I have taken on the responsibility of being the Administrator for MultiVersus.

Rule Updates

We have made some updates to our Rules & Guidelines, specifically with Rule #3 and Rule #6. Those changes are as follows:
Rule #3 - Advertising or Promotion
YouTube Videos may be posted every 72 hours.
Community Tournament Advertisements may be posted using our "Community Tournament" Post Flair.
All Other Self Promo must be approved by the Mod Team, otherwise it will be removed.
Before this we didn't allow content from people who did not fit into the "Approved Content Creator" system we had. This became more of a barrier of entry to people who wanted to make and share content about MultiVersus on the Subreddit.
However; I will say that Self Promo for Tweets, Twitch Streams, etc are all still not allowed under this rule and subject to removal without prior approval from the Mod Team which should always be done using the Built-In ModMail Feature on Reddit.
Rule #4 - Fan Art Guidelines
All Fan Art/Fan Creations must be your own or credited with a link to the original creator.
AI Generated Art is not allowed on this Subreddit.
This rule is remaining mostly the same with the addition of AI Generated Art not being allowed, any and all AI Generated Art will be removed by the Mod Team.

User Flair Additions

Thanks to u/Nate_923 we have made lots of improvements to our User Flair and will always continue to do so in the future to provide you with the most possible options for personalizing your experience on MultiVersus
This changes include but are not limited too the ability to add other Emotes alongside your chosen character if you desire. Your Emotes may be attached in any order but we have provided an example of this being done:
Harley Quinn User Flair with Customized Rank Attached.
We will also be removing the Early Adopter! User Flair on May 27th -- Everyone who has it selected will keep their Flair, but it will be no longer accessible as we move into the full release of the game as a little bit of prestige for those of you who have been with the community all this time!
Early Adopter Flair from Pre-Release Subreddit Community

Post Flair Additions & Updates

You'll notice that we have added a lot of Post Flair to help with better filtering of the content you are looking for on the Subreddit most notable for the upcoming launch of the game is our "Looking For Group" Post Flair to help you find people to play with but make it easier for those looking to search for new friends
Looking For Group Post Flair
We have also added "Community Tournaments" Flair which is where all Community Tournament related posts should be posted in to make them easy to find for the community.
Community Tournaments Post Flair
This is far from the end of our updates to the Post-Flair system as well and will continue to make adjustments to better fit the community as a whole and it's needs.

Side Bar Updates

We have also added new Sidebar Widgets that will focus on the New Releases for the game as well as Community Resources including the Official Discord & Community Wiki.
Official Discord Side Bar Image
Community Wiki Side Bar Image
Alongside those I'm happy to announce that until further notice the Moderation Applications for the Subreddit will remain open until they are announced as closed and as such will also have it's own Sidebar Link.
MultiVersus Moderator Application Side Bar Image
Thank you for helping us create one of the best communities on Reddit.
I would also like to add that the Mod Team is always looking for suggestions on how to improve the Subreddit, feel free to send those suggestions to ModMail or leave them in comments to this post.
submitted by Digitalspork to MultiVersus [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:14 vendoo_co Vendoo Updates April and May 2024
We have an exciting collaboration that makes Vendoo the only crosslisting software ever to offer integration with this marketplace. Read last month's product updates and dive into what's new.
Join our Facebook Group for weekly updates and behind-the-scenes information about what's happening at Vendoo!

Vendoo's New Releases And Improvements

New releases


Take A Look At The Latest Vendoo Bug Fixes






Whatnot (BETA)

Spotlight Series: This Month's Must-Sees & Beyond

Mercari Updated Selling Fees

At the end of March, Mercari implemented significant changes. Now, selling on Mercari is free of charge, aligning with the marketplace's goal to redefine standards for peer-to-peer transactions and attract more sellers. On the other hand, buyers face an additional charge of $0.50 plus 2.9% of the transaction price. Additionally, buyers can return items for any reason, free of charge. Also note that sellers now incur a fixed $2 fee per balance withdrawal (not per transaction).

The First Crosslisting Software to Integrate With Whatnot

Vendoo has partnered with Whatnot to be the first crosslisting service to offer Whatnot. Now, Vendoo sellers can access the Whatnot marketplace with full integration, offering importing, crosslisting, and sale detection. Vendoo sellers can now crosslist to Whatnot for live sales as well as the classic marketplace for “still listings”. Note that this integration is in BETA, with further development in progress.

Reseller Content & Resources


Spread the Vendoo love! Join our Refer-a-Friend program and enjoy a lifetime commission, plus offer your friends a 25% discount on their first month with Vendoo. We have an exciting collaboration that makes Vendoo the only crosslisting software ever to offer integration with this marketplace. Read last month's product updates and dive into what's new.
Join our Facebook Group for weekly updates and behind-the-scenes information about what's happening at Vendoo!

Vendoo's New Releases And Improvements

submitted by vendoo_co to ResellWithVendoo [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:14 BrianChiem1996 Hell's Kitchen: The Fifty States Contestants, Staff Personalities, And Introduction

Hello there! My name is Brian, and I am interested in this Reddit group because Hell's Kitchen is one of my favorite TV shows. I am particularly fond of the Thailand variant since I have experience visiting a Thai restaurant.
For those of you who don't know, I work on Hell's Kitchen fanon projects as part of the community.
I have been thinking about the new contestants, head chefs, sous chefs, and maître d’hôtel. If it were up to me, Hell's Kitchen would take place in Tokyo instead of Los Angeles/Las Vegas, since Japan is a popular tourist destination. In this version, Gordon Ramsay would not be featured, but instead, he would appear as a guest judge in future episodes.
Interestingly, none of the contestants would have any culinary experience, and they would be aged between 21-35 and come from different parts of the world. I am anticipating the presence of a main protagonist, a main antagonist, some supporting characters, and a few minor characters.
Lastly, I would not include their last names to protect their privacy.
Blue Team:
Ben, 25, YouTuber & Philanthropist, Greenville, North Carolina
Bianca, 31, Book Reviewer, Milan, Italy
Brian, 25, Voice Actor, Los Angeles, California
Cecilia, 23, Cosplayer, Atlanta, Georgia
Corrie, 35, YouTube Gamer, Amsterdam, Netherlands
David, 27, Musician & Singer, Evansville, Indiana
Domingos, 30, Tech YouTuber, Lisbon, Portugal
Efrain, 30, YouTube Gamer, Madrid, Spain
Evelyn, 29, Tailor, Yerevan, Armenia
Evert, 26, YouTuber & Actor, Zoetermeer, Netherlands
Georgina, 27, Digital Content Creator, Tirana, Albania
Gisele, 26, Disney & Pokémon YouTuber, Asnières-sur-Seine, France
Hans, 34, YouTuber & Game Director, Oslo, Norway
Herve, 27, Japanese Culture YouTuber, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France
Isaias, 22, YouTube Gamer, Montevideo, Uruguay
Justine, 27, Writer & Illustrator, Adelaide, Australia
Karlotta, 29, Anime & Manga YouTuber, Hamburg, Germany
Lucas, 29, YouTube Gamer, Dallas, Texas
Marco, 29, YouTuber & Musician, Savona, Italy
Mathieu, 32, YouTube Comedian & Vlogger, Paris, France
Priya, 22, Model & Cosplayer, Guwahati, India
Raquel, 29, Content Creator, Madrid, Spain
Shirlene, 30, Blogger, Chelmsford, United Kingdom
Valerie, 21, Chess Player, Fuengirola, Spain
Wendy, 29, Model & Singer, Minsk, Belarus
Red Team:
Alex, 27, Commentator, La Crosse, Wisconsin
Amelie, 28, Digital Creator, Paris, France
Brendan, 27, Twitch Streamer, Trenton, New Jersey
Caroline, 29, Twitch Streamer, Trenton, New Jersey
Claudio, 24, Gameplay Commentator, Mallorca, Spain
Diana, 26, Model, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Felix, 29, Podcaster & YouTuber, Sydney, Australia
Flora, 31, Lifestyle & Travel Luxury Creator, Jakarta, Indonesia
Franklin, 25, Author, Brighton, United Kingdom
Hannelore, 29, YouTuber & Podcaster, Munich, Germany
Herman, 34, YouTuber, Vlaardingen, Netherlands
Iris, 28, Twitch Streamer, Chicago, Illinois
Karen, 28, Anime YouTuber, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Kyllian, 28, Live Streamer & YouTuber, Hollis, New Hampshire
Larisa, 25, Writer & Wellness Teacher, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Natalie, 32, Cosplayer & Twitch Streamer, Belfast, United Kingdom
Nicholas, 24, Presenter & Podcaster, Blackpool, United Kingdom
Noah, 27, Twitch Streamer & YouTuber, Denbigh, United Kingdom
Olga, 22, Content Creator, Moscow, Russia
Paul, 30, YouTuber & Editor, Tallinn, Estonia
Stefano, 31, YouTube Gamer, Rome, Italy
Tamiko, 34, Entrepreneur, Los Angeles, California
Teresa, 33, Youtuber & Blogger, Perth, Australia
Tobias, 31, Photographer, Dublin, Ireland
Tristan, 33, Podcaster & YouTuber, Bangkok, Thailand
Head Chefs:
Jake, 34, Maidstone, United Kingdom: Jake is a strict and short-tempered perfectionist chef who gets easily frustrated when his chefs make mistakes such as serving raw food, not communicating properly, or talking back to him. However, he does care for chefs who try their best, as he always expects the best from every chef he works with. Jake is also known to make sarcastic comments by comparing served food to something else or even customers when they try to confront him. Despite his criticisms and insults, Jake's intention is to find out which chef has the potential to be his new head chef. None of the critiques and insults he gave out were too personal, and there are rare occasions where he gives praise to a chef and lets them know they are doing well. For this reason, he earned the nickname "Asian Gordon Ramsay".
Kim, 40, Boston, Massachusetts: Kim is one of the head chefs that Jake hired, and she acts as his right-hand woman during services. Unlike her co-workers Jake, Eleanor, Lola, and Renata, Kim is always calm and collected and never gets angry, even when chefs make mistakes. She is generally a charming and cheerful person who provides chefs with advice and encouragement to help them succeed during dinner service and any challenges that may arise.
Eleanor, 71, New York City, New York: Eleanor is one of the head chefs hired by Jake and she acts as his right-hand woman during services. She is generally more subdued than Jake and Renata, but she has her limits. When she is pushed, she will lash out at any chef who disrespects her. She can also become rude and annoyed when chefs are being unprofessional and talking back to her. However, overall, Eleanor is a nice and helpful person. She has a lot of cooking experience in the past, and is known for preparing restaurant-quality dishes.
Lola, 48, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico: Lola is one of the head chefs hired by Jake. She acts as his right-hand woman during services, and holds the same high standards as Jake. Lola often gets irritated by contestants' constant mistakes. However, she is not as subdued as Kim, Eleanor, and Renata. She has her limits, and when pushed, she will lash out at any chef who disrespects her. Lola becomes stern when the chefs aren't doing their jobs properly. She easily gets angry, uses vulgar language, and is sarcastic when a chef is not professional, makes mistakes, or fails to meet Jake's standards. Despite this, Lola is generally kind and humorous.
Renata, 42, Berea, Ohio: Renata is one of the head chefs hired by Jake. She acts as his right-hand woman during services, holding the same high standards as Jake. However, she can become irritated by the constant mistakes made by the contestants. While she is more subdued than Jake and Eleanor, she has her limits when pushed and would lash out at any disrespectful contestant. Her behavior is often passive-aggressive. Renata becomes stern when the contestants don't take the competition seriously. Her criticisms can be considered slightly or overly harsh, sometimes even taking a contestant's poor performance as a personal insult and berating them for their mistakes. Otherwise, Renata is generally respectful and polite. She is an expert in desserts.
Sous Chefs:
Wilson, 27, Union, Missouri: Wilson is Jake's Sous Chef and acts as his right-hand man during services. He holds the same high standards as Jake and gets irritated by the constant mistakes of contestants. Wilson is generally calm and composed, but he becomes stern when chefs fail to do their jobs properly. He warns them that he can be as aggressive and harsh on them as he won't tolerate poor performances leading to bad dinner services or losing challenges.
Lily, 32, Chicago, Illinois: Lily, the Sous Chef of Jake, serves as his main assistant during services. She shares the same standards as Jake and often gets frustrated by the constant mistakes of the contestants. Despite that, Lily is generally friendly and caring. However, she has her limits, and if disrespected, she will become stern and lash out at the chefs. She is known to lose her temper with chefs who do not perform their jobs adequately during dinner services or in challenges.
Maître d’hôtel:
Louise, 34, Toronto, Canada: Louise was one of the most respected and loveable staff in the history of the show. As the Maître d'hôtel at Hell's Kitchen, she served at the front of the house and often handed out tickets to Jake. If there was a tableside dish, she was responsible for instructing the assigned chefs on how to make it, due to her vast experience in cooking. However, she would get upset with the chefs when they made mistakes that resulted in customer complaints.
I have created a detailed summary for my upcoming project. I plan to release the first episode when I can find some free time. It will either premiere after the conclusion of Hell's Kitchen Thailand or at a time that I believe is appropriate. This project will have more intense and unique rewards and punishments compared to the previous ones. As expected, none of the contestants will be nominated by the head chefs, and all of them will be eliminated properly, except for the Running the Pass Service. The head chefs are expecting two chefs before the finale. I also expected the teams to not be divided by gender. I would love to see friendships and romance develop between members of opposite genders. Furthermore, I'm excited to see how the best blue team and the worst red team in the show's history compare to previous seasons. There is going to be more drama, bad dinner services, and brutality, unlike Gordon Ramsay's version. As anticipated, there will be no punishment pass, Cook For Your Life Challenge, and Black Jackets Challenge because it would not be fair for certain chefs who wanted a reward and stayed in the competition for obvious reasons. The winner of this series will receive a prestigious head chef position at the Gordon Ramsay Bar & Grill Restaurant in Sunway City, Kuala Lumpur, with a salary of $250,000. Interestingly, all the chefs who competed throughout the series will return for the finale to join one of the largest Final Service Brigades in the show's history. Please let me know if any changes need to be made. I'll put the contestants' personalities next time as a separate post, due to space limit on Reddit.
Here's the link:
submitted by BrianChiem1996 to HellsKitchenFanFics [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:14 Kinniken Disappointing results with simple "data entry" task - any tips?

I've been using LLMs for over a year now, both personally and for work, via chat and via APIs, including for tasks that would be considered very qualified work if done by a human.
Recently however I've tried a use case for work that I thought would be very easy for LLMs and the results I'm getting are quite disappointing, I'd love some feedback on whether I'm doing something wrong.
The task: my company frequently have to do data entry for clients, where we receive exam subject papers as words and we need to enter them in a system in a structured format. The word formats used vary depending on the client, there is no standard. For example:
Despite this, it's really easy work for a human, when we use freelancers to do it it takes fifteen minutes to explain the process.
I tried automatising this by turning the Word into Markdown and then sending it to an LLM to get a JSON output. It kind of works, but:
I did extensive testing with GPT4, Mistral-Large, Opus and Sonnet, and all of them made frequent errors, more than any human would do. Sonnet did the best, for what it's worth. I avoided some errors by having it select the lines to import rather than rewrite them, but it only helped a little. My system prompt:
Your task is to import questions and answers from a source text. The source text is a markdown document containing a list of questions, sometimes with multiple-choice answers. It might also contain irrelevant data like incomplete questions or other content. You must find ONLY the complete, well-formed questions and their answers in the source and convert them to JSON. If a question does not fit the JSON format given, DO NOT import it. Each line in the original text is numbered. You must indicate for each question you find which lines form the question and which lines form the answers. The title of a question can be multiple lines, NOT including the possible answers. The answers must each be a single line. NEVER put the same line both in the title and the answers. Put all the lines related to a question (EXCEPT the answers) related to a question in the title. For example, a question might have a text it relates to, then an actual question, then mentions of images or documents to add to the question: all those lines must go in the title. All questions start with a number followed by a period. For example, if the input is this: 124: 10. 125: 126: Xi Jinping has lauded China’s ties with France as a model for the international community as he arrived in Paris amid threats of a trade war over Chinese electric cars and French cognac. 127: 128: On his first visit to the EU in five years, China’s president will meet his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, and the European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, who will urge him to reduce trade imbalances and use his influence with Russia over the war in Ukraine. 129: 130: Which of the following is correct? 131: 132: 1. Xi Jinping is visiting Austria 133: 2. Xi Jinping and Macron are expected to discuss lunar exploration 134: 3. Meloni will attend the meeting alongside Macron 135: 4. Xi Jinping and Macron are expected to discuss trade issues 136: 137: Key: D 138: 139: Image to be inserted: B23_ Media_fr.gif 140: PDF to be attached: Scratch pad.pdf The title field should include line number 126,127,128,129,130 as they provide context and the question itself, as well as 139 and 140 to include the medias. All those lines relate to ONE question, NOT multiple questions. ALWAYS make sure medias related to a question are included with the question. If a question or answer title starts with a numbering or lettering, you must remove it by filling the "d" field ("d" for "deleteFromSTART"). Don't put leading or trailling whitespace in "d". NEVER put the entire answer in it. The document can define exam parts, for example "Verbal reasoning" or "Mathematics". You must indicate the part for each question using the "p" field ("p" for "part"). Output the JSON without whitespace to save tokens. 1. **JSON Format**: Output the questions and answers EXACTLY as they appear in the source, using the following JSON structure: {"q":[ #q for questions {"t":[3,4], #titles, only lines that make up the question title, NOT the answers "d":"1. ", #numbering to delete from title "p":"1", #line on which you found the exam part, if any "a":[ #a for answers {"t": 7,"d": "_(a)_", # d is the numbering to delete from the answer title, NEVER the full answer. "c":false # Correctness copied verbatim from the source, NOT guessed by you },{"t": 8,"d": "(b)", # d is the numbering to delete from the title, NEVER the full answer. "c":true # Correctness copied verbatim from the source, NOT guessed by you }]}]} 2. **Strict Error Handling**: If unable to import questions for any reason (no complete questions found, unclear format, ambiguous answers...), you MUST provide an error message explaining the issue, using this format: {"error":"Clear explanation of why questions cannot be reliably imported"} 3. **Rigorous Validation**: Before outputting questions, perform a strict validation to ensure all questions are complete, unambiguous and meet the guidelines exactly. Verify the JSON format is perfectly structured. Remember, the goal is to import ONLY the exact questions present in the input text, without ANY modifications, and export them in a structured JSON format. The questions MUST BE IDENTICAL to the source. Any inaccuracies could lead to INVALID EXAMS THAT WILL CAUSE MAJOR PROBLEMS FOR STUDENTS. If you have ANY doubt about a question, EXCLUDE IT and if needed, RETURN AN ERROR. If you are AT ALL UNSURE about any part of a question, DISCARD IT ENTIRELY. For example, if the input given is this: 2: 3: 4: 5: 25. What is the capital city of France ? 6: 7: (a) New Delhi 8: 9: (b) Washington 10: 11: _(c) Paris_ 12: 13: (d) Lyons The expected output would be: {"q":[{"t":[5],"d":"25.","a":[{"t":7,"d":"(a)","c":false},{"t":9,"d":"(b)","c":false},{"t":11,"d":"_(c)","c":true},{"t":13,"d":"(d)","c":false}]}]} Return ONLY the JSON object with the list of VERBATIM questions OR the JSON object with the error message, NOTHING ELSE. 
Any tips/ideas? Am I doing something wrong?
submitted by Kinniken to ChatGPTPro [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:12 opusmomentum The Impact of Opus Momentum's Tailored Digital Marketing Strategies

The Impact of Opus Momentum's Tailored Digital Marketing Strategies

Introduction: Embracing the Digital Frontier

digital marketing services
In today's dynamic digital landscape, establishing a robust online presence is no longer an option but a necessity for businesses looking to thrive in competitive markets. With the ever-increasing number of internet users globally, the role of digital marketing services has become pivotal. At the forefront of this digital revolution stands Opus Momentum, committed to empowering businesses with bespoke strategies and innovative solutions tailored to their unique needs.

Unleashing the Power of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) lies at the core of effective digital marketing, serving as the gateway to enhanced online visibility. Opus Momentum employs advanced SEO techniques to optimize website content, structure, and technical aspects, ensuring higher rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs). By strategically targeting relevant keywords and optimizing for user experience, Opus Momentum drives organic traffic and amplifies brand visibility.

Crafting Compelling Content that Engages

Content remains king in the digital realm, captivating audiences and driving meaningful interactions. Opus Momentum specializes in creating compelling content across various formats, including blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, and more. By delivering valuable and relevant content tailored to target audiences, Opus Momentum cultivates brand authority, fosters customer engagement, and strengthens brand loyalty.

Navigating Social Media Landscapes with Precision

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Social media has revolutionized the way businesses connect with their audience, offering unparalleled opportunities for engagement and brand promotion. Opus Momentum harnesses the power of social media marketing to craft targeted campaigns, drive user engagement, and foster brand advocacy. Through strategic content creation, community management, and data-driven insights, Opus Momentum helps businesses build meaningful relationships with their audience across various social media platforms.

Maximizing Returns with Email Marketing Excellence

Email marketing remains a cornerstone of digital marketing strategies, offering a direct and personalized communication channel with potential customers. Opus Momentum designs and executes email campaigns that resonate with recipients, leveraging segmentation, automation, and compelling content to drive conversions and maximize ROI. By nurturing leads and fostering long-term customer relationships, Opus Momentum helps businesses achieve sustainable growth and profitability.

Harnessing the Power of Analytics for Informed Decision-Making

digital marketing
In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, data is king. Opus Momentum utilizes advanced analytics tools to track key metrics, measure campaign performance, and derive actionable insights. By analyzing data trends and consumer behavior, Opus Momentum empowers businesses to make informed decisions, optimize marketing strategies, and achieve their business objectives effectively.

Delivering Results that Exceed Expectations

At Opus Momentum, our commitment goes beyond mere strategies – we are dedicated to delivering tangible results that drive business growth. By combining creativity, innovation, and expertise, we partner with businesses to unlock their full potential in the digital landscape. From strategy development to execution and optimization, Opus Momentum is your trusted ally in achieving online success.

Conclusion: Transforming Possibilities into Realities

In conclusion, the journey to digital success begins with a strategic approach tailored to your unique business goals. Opus Momentum stands ready to guide you through this transformative journey, leveraging the power of digital marketing to elevate your brand and surpass your expectations. Together, let's embrace the digital frontier and unlock new possibilities for your business.
submitted by opusmomentum to u/opusmomentum [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:11 RLKay Bhuvneshwar Kumar: Let's Talk

Welcome to Season 3, Episode 2 of Let's Talk. Here I am doing the last thing I thought I would do a couple of years ago: Dissecting the greatest player of this franchise. David Warner might have been our greatest batsman, Rashid might have been our greatest bowler. Against the test of time, there has stood only one player for the last 10 years as the franchise's flag-bearer: Bhuvneshwar Kumar. As the epitome of humility, dedication, and loyalty, Bhuvi has been associated with the franchise more deeply than anyone else in its history. But we are at a crossroads where doubts are seeping in about this great man. Why is that? I ask myself that question often. What made us lose confidence in Bhuvi? What is the actual turmoil he's going through? And is it ever really possible for him to regain his past self? We shall discuss everything in brief(oxymoron, judging by the length of this post). For the sake of the sanctity of the discussion, the stats I'll be presenting will pertain exclusively to his IPL career.
▫️The When:
When did he reach his peak? When did his downfall begin? What is this "When" supposed to mean? The question we should be asking is, when did we stop trusting in Bhuvi? Did it coincide with the onset of his injuries? Yes. Was it because of the injuries? No. Let me explain the differences. Bhuvi's IPL stats for SRH are 147 wickets in 133 matches at an average of 26.1, a strike rate of 20.6, and an economy of 7.62. Prior to the start of 2024, Bhuvi was four wickets away from becoming the first Indian player to take 150 wickets for a single franchise (a feat achieved by Bumrah). But that never came to pass due to a poor start to the season.
Bhuvi's career can be diverged into two parts: the 2014-17 period, which represented his peak, and the 2018-24 period, which represented his struggles. We will compare the statistics (especially those in the IPL and somewhat in T20Is) of these two phases to understand the two biggest phases of his career. This time period is not strictly quantified as a specific type of performance. He has had his struggles during his peak, while showing occasional brilliance during his struggles. Such is the life of a sportsman.
Now, the pre-2018 Bhuvi was India's best seamer across formats. It would be called a hyperbole, but I believed him to be so. Not only did he find his place in the longer format thanks to those fantastic IPL seasons in 2016 and 2017, but he also spearheaded the LOI bowling lineup with the then up-and-coming Jasprit Bumrah to absolute perfection. Bhuvi's defensive bowling gelled with the attacking bowling of Bumrah like fish to water, and it elevated the performance and status quo of both of them. The IPL seasons following the international ones were both the cause and effect. During this peak period, Bhuvi averaged a ridiculous 18.6 at a strike rate of 15.4 while maintaining an economy of 7.26. That meant he was taking wickets almost every two overs despite being primarily a defensive bowler. The dot ball percentage in the powerplay during this phase was an impressive 59.7%, while he was bowling two dot balls per over at the death (dot ball percentage in this period is 33.8%). Two overs at the start and two overs at the death were the fixed template for Bhuvi. The overs seemed insufficient when he was on song, and no wonder Dave respects him so much as a bowler. Every single fan who witnessed Bhuvi bamboozle Vohra in that immortal match against KXIP remains his fan to this day because it just feels right. So where did it all go wrong?
▫️The Why:
It all went wrong as soon as the greed of Indian cricket triumphed over the well-being of its premier pacer. The year was 2018, and there happened to be a pointless bilateral series against England. I'm getting too far ahead of myself. Let's add some more context to it. The year was 2014. Bhuvi ended that season with an exceptional tally of 20 wickets in 14 matches while maintaining an impressive economy of 6.66 at an average and SR of 17.7 and 16.0 respectively. Those are quite literally his best overall figures in any edition of the IPL, but the reality goes far beyond these numbers. Let's go back a little further and add some more context. Bhuvi debuted under MS Dhoni in 2012 against Pakistan. "Duh! We all know that! We see the highlights of it on DeathRattlePorn every other day." Despite having a great audition, Bhuvi wasn't considered a solution to India's long-running search for a generational seamer. Many considered him a generic swing bowler from UP with a paper-thin career. He was compared to Praveen Kumar and RP Singh, but never beyond. I won't be a contrarian and declare these opinions invalid because they were absolutely justified. For a couple of years since his debut, Bhuvneshwar remained strictly a new-ball bowler. MS Dhoni made sure to use up his overs at the powerplay and maximize the utilization of the conditions if they suited him. It suited Bhuvneshwar with his skill levels at that point and paved a path for him towards a red-ball debut (and that excellent series in England).
The trend set by MS carried over to the IPL as well. In the otherwise spectacular 2014 season, Bhuvi bowled 60% of his overs in the Powerplay, while trying his hand at the death in merely 26% of the total overs bowled. His economy at the Powerplay was 5.53 which skewed the overall economy to the lower side, while the economy was 8.96 at the death in this period, which despite not seeming much in the current scenario was in the bottom 38% percentile in that season (for bowlers bowling 10+ overs at the death). This version of Bhuvi was not far from the best version of him despite having the best stats. He did have a lean frame, and his speed barely crossed 135 kmph with an average speed between 125-130 kmph. It needed something more to make him stand out. In 2015, he gained slightly more muscle and tried to increase his speed. This was the first time in his career when he started bowling yorkers more frequently at the death while being more confident in bowling during this period. The gained muscle, however, attributed slightly to reduced consistency and accuracy, which resulted in the economy at the death being increased to 9.11 (highest during his peak) and a dot ball percentage of 29.2 (lowest during his peak). The encouraging signs, however, were the increased overs percentage at the death (37%), which showed that he was getting more and more confident in bowling at the death. Then came the crucial 2016 season, which changed the general public's perception of Bhuvi as a bowler. The Purple Cap did help the cause; the stats expectedly reflected his growth as a bowler. The death overs percentage was 32%, while the dot ball percentage at the death reached 35%. The overall dot ball percentage also reached a career-high of 47%. (In comparison, arguably the second-best bowler of the season, Fizz, had a death over dot ball percentage of 34 and an overall dot ball percentage of 42.) 2017 was the peak for Bhuvi, who was a lethal death bowler. It marked one of the most important seasons of his career in terms of skill development. He frequently used Yorkers and Leg Cutters (he used to be overly reliant on Off Cutters earlier), which ensured a brilliant Dot Ball Percentage (DBD%) of 38 (a career high) while bowling 42% of the total overs during this phase. This was the absolute peak of Bhuvi's career. He won the Purple Cap for the second time, consistently clocked past the 140 kmph mark, and maintained clockwork accuracy over his lengths and lines. However, this season also saw a drastic decline in his powerplay wicket tally, raising concerns among the cricketing fraternity about whether Bhuvi was losing his natural swing in pursuit of pace.
These concerns became his worst nightmares in 2018. After coming back from his career-best overseas tour against South Africa, he suffered his first major injury, which would become the pioneer in a long string of injuries. The additional muscle mass was in question; some questioned the heavy workload he was subjected to as an all-format bowler, and some attributed it to his lack of natural fitness. Amidst all this, he was prematurely drafted in to play a meaningless decider in a bilateral series against England. This match is widely considered the undoing of Bhuvi's career in the long run, as not only was he unable to complete this match but also his injury was aggravated, and he was sidelined for a longer period than he was expected to be. His frequent injuries were an even heavier blow to the franchise, which meant they not only missed out on their best batsman but also had a question mark over the fitness of their best-ever bowler. This resulted in a stop-start season for Bhuvi in 2018, where he played in 12 out of 17 matches and finished with a career-worst average of almost 40. More than the numbers, his bowling style was questionable. He never looked 100% while bowling; the pace was down, he barely could extract swing from the pitch (while the most average opposition seamers managed to do it far better than him), and his accuracy at the death was as wayward as it had ever been. A bowler suffering from recurring injuries or immediately after a recent recovery is usually very cautious regarding his body, which prompts him to hold off on effort deliveries like yorkers and bouncers. Bhuvi went down the same spiral. With the newly introduced knuckleball proving to be a decent wicket-taking option, he adapted slower balls as his go-to deliveries at the death while occasionally missing his lengths trying to hit the blockhole. The more he missed his lengths, the more he shied away from the delivery. At some point, bowling these slower balls became ingrained as his stock delivery at the death. His body recovered, but his mind didn't.
Coming to the indirect factors, the modern-day game is meant to kill bowlers like Bhuvi. The balls barely swing anymore, and the pitches are as unresponsive as a girl to her toxic ex. (Can the seam bowlers be considered toxic exes, given how exploitative they were in the late 90s?) The boundaries are getting smaller, and new cricketing rules are being introduced every other day to rub salt in the injuries of these bowlers. The bowlers are fighting a losing battle, and the game demands only the freaks of nature to survive. Bhuvi, despite all his greatness, is a mere mortal. So as much as his own shortcomings have haunted him, he has suffered equally worse at the hands of the system and environment. With every injury, he found the ball to swing a little less. With every comeback, he was questioned about his range of abilities. The lack of confidence and self-belief this man has suffered, thanks to the inside and outside factors, can never be brushed out.
▫️The How:
How does he come out of that shell? Is it going to be magical? Is he going to wake up one day and turn the clock back? No! That's not how cricket works. He has already sorted out his frequent injury issues. For the last two years, he has maintained an average speed of 132-135. And these are not mutually exclusive events. He has sacrificed bowling effort deliveries in search of swing again. He's going back to his roots, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. At this point in his career, it's impractical to expect any drastic change in action or run-up. Fast bowlers are far too stubborn about that anyway. To find out the hows, we have to go back into the whys again. In the first 8 matches of this season, his line and length were all over the place. I use a particular stat as the Hittable Area bowled; shortened as HA% (the lower the better), to evaluate a bowler's consistency with his line and length. This HA% was staggeringly high for Bhuvi in these first 8 matches at 58%. That means he bowled a pressure-relieving ball every second ball. Not only did his wicket column suffer because of that, but he also was uncharacteristically expensive throughout different phases of the game. If you bowl 3 boundary balls per over, you are bound to go for 10 per over even if you get lucky on two balls.
In the last 4 matches, however, his HA% dropped to a mere 22%, and he was the only bowler whose HA% dropped during this period. (Nattu and Pat's HA% increased during this period.) I didn't have the time to go through all of the bowlers to draw a wider comparison, but the couple of bowlers I drew comparisons to (Bumrah and Harshal), despite having a better overall HA% than Bhuvi (16 and 34, respectively), ranked below him since this mini peak of 4 matches (Bumrah and Harshal had 27 and 31%, respectively). So this is the solution to his conundrum. The increase in control has brought out the best version of him, despite the current limitations. Three overs in the powerplay should be given to Bhuvi irrespective of the conditions, and an over before the 17th over would not hurt his initial momentum. Like the match against RR, he can be occasionally trusted in crunch scenarios thanks to his experience. But the clearer his role is chalked out (as said earlier, going back to his roots as a defensive bowler), the more his confidence will flourish, which in turn will reflect in his bowling figures (as in the last four games). In the powerplay, however, it's paramount that he's paired with an attacking bowler who can operate as a strike bowler. Time and time again, Bhuvi has proven himself as an excellent setter(when the conditions are not inductive to his bowling style) in the powerplay for a more attacking bowler to take advantage of the pressure created by him. Otherwise, his spells are used up without any collateral damage to the opposition, and the initial pressure built up gets relieved consequently. (HELLO, 2018 FINAL!)
Bhuvi is at an odd conundrum in his career. His international career has been declared dead by the selectors and fans alike, despite having so much left to give. In his own franchise, there are barely any fans looking at him as a genuine retention choice. Part of it can be attributed to the inconsistenty and part of it can be attributed ironically to his very own essence. The understated, underrated, and hardworking guy who will never scream about his own value. To me, Bhuvneshwar Kumar personifies Sunrisers Hyderabad: understated, underrated, and hardworking, but forever hesitant to take the spotlight. For that very reason, I have always considered Bhuvneshwar Kumar is the greatest this franchise has ever seen. Nights will change, and the days will pass by. On some days, we'll feel shaky about Bhuvneshwar Kumar. On other nights, we'll declare him the King of the world. Such is his career graph at the moments. But SRH needs to make sure that he's never forgotten no matter how much the rest of the world tries to feign away from his existence(as they've already started to).
For he is SRH, and SRH is Bhuvneshwar Kumar.
submitted by RLKay to SunrisersHyderabad [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:11 thesteward To upgrade current PC or not to upgrade - and instead start from scratch?

Hi all, I'm ready to upgrade my PC that I had made by a local computer guy in South Korea in late 2019. We built it into a mini ITX case so I could fly back to the US with it.
Here's the current build:
PCPartPicker Part List
Type Item Price
CPU Intel Core i3-9100F 3.6 GHz Quad-Core Processor $135.19 @ Amazon
CPU Cooler Cooler Master MASTERLIQUID ML240L RGB V2 65.59 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler $99.99 @ Amazon
Motherboard Gigabyte H310N Mini ITX LGA1151 Motherboard -
Memory Samsung M378A1K43CB2-CRC 8 GB (1 x 8 GB) DDR4-2400 CL17 Memory $15.50 @ Amazon
Storage Kingston A400 120 GB 2.5" Solid State Drive $27.99 @ Amazon
Video Card EVGA SC ULTRA GAMING GeForce GTX 1660 6 GB Video Card $210.00 @ Amazon
Case Silverstone SUGO 15 Mini ITX Desktop Case $174.44 @ Amazon
Power Supply Cooler Master MWE Bronze V2 550 W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply -
Operating System Microsoft Windows 10 Home OEM - DVD 64-bit -
Monitor AOC C24G1 24.0" 1920 x 1080 144 Hz Curved Monitor $259.83 @ Amazon
Keyboard Logitech MK120 Wired Slim Keyboard With Optical Mouse $23.98 @ Best Buy
Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts
Total $946.92
Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-05-15 14:11 EDT-0400
My goals for this build: I enjoying playing and modding single-player games like Cyberpunk 2077 and Baldur's Gate 3, occasionally older titles like Dragon Age: Inquisition or the Mass Effect trilogy. I currently average around 50-70 FPS for newer titles on medium settings. I'd like to be able to play games on higher settings with smoother performance.
I reached out to the guy who built my PC and he recommended I upgrade the CPU, MOBO and cooling system, and RAM. If it was just the RAM, I'd just upgrade no worries but since we're talking about the CPU and MOBO, I'm wondering if it makes sense to upgrade all these parts (and likely the GPU as well -- tell me what you think) or just start from scratch and sell my current system.
Budget for upgrades would be around $800, could go higher. For buying new, probably $1k + whatever I'd get for selling.
Pros of keeping it: Can piece-meal upgrade over time, can keep the mini itx case in case I move abroad again (which is a possibility in the next 5 years, unsure).
Pros of starting over: Can sell my old one for $$ and start over with a larger case which is less intimidating to mess with.
What do you think? What would you recommend upgrading and what would you recommend upgrading to? Or would you recommend selling and building a new PC from scratch? Thanks.
submitted by thesteward to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:10 Certain_Shake_2372 Newbie part timer cashier needs sum help ;(

I'm mostly assigned to self-checkout lanes and I wanted to learn more about the computers' system and how to effectively use/manage them. Is there anyway I can review again the courses I went through on MyInfo? Thank you 🙏
submitted by Certain_Shake_2372 to kroger [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:09 Scorchlight1 Please critique/value engineer this 1440p ultrawide build

Please review the below build and suggest any changes or value engineering
I'm mainly concerned about the CPU and GPU combo and any potential bottlenecks or incompatible parts. Or if there's any better options that I'm unaware of.
Will the performance be ok for 1440p ultrawide high refresh rate?
For gaming use only... Mainly FPS, Milsim, RTS, and VR. I don't play many triple A games.
See post on buildapcforme for more specifics
submitted by Scorchlight1 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:09 Playful-Ad7775 4yo SS isn’t king of the world! but gf thinks so….HELP!!!!

My(35m) girlfriend(32m) have been dating for roughly 2years and living together for 1year. She has 3 boys(10, 9, 4) I have no kids if my own. The older two call me dad and respect me as such, they however are very lazy and disobedient when I’m not around (my previous post longing for help with this was met with awesome feedback). And the 4 year old is a complete mess, anti social and 100% mamas boy. I’ve recently set boundaries to prevent myself from being the maid/nanny where I won’t be picking up after them, doing ALL the chores only to come home to a mess. FYI she works mornings and I work evenings. The issue I’m facing is that every time we go out shopping, park, amusement park etc. the 4 year old is unnecessarily made the centre of it all with his horrible behaviour, he doesn’t listen to me or gf, throws fits and runs wild. Every park visit and even beach visit is all about chasing him around catering to his needs, I used to love the beach and now I hate it. I’m always the 3rd wheel as the older boys do their thing and she chases the 4yo around. She’s convinced this is normal and won’t understand that he needs to behave better and listen for everyone involved to enjoy their time. If he would just listen it would be so much better that way we can play together but he’s just off fuckin disobeying…..kinda like he does it on purpose or something.
He cries and throws fits on occasions like birthdays and Christmas if he’s not centre of attention and unwrapping presents. Ex. Mother’s Day, didn’t even come out his room when asked to see mom, just threw tantrums cause she had gifts. He doesn’t sleep at night, just leaves his room and goes through everything, this morning I found a carton of eggs on his bed and 1 egg missing (I work out and watch my nutrition and buy my own groceries and help her financially with hers and the kids) so the food waste kills me, and he wastes 1/2 of all foods! And that egg was 7g protein!!!!!!! LOL
I’m made to be the bad guy and overly critical when all I ask is to allow him to at least try and be an individual to a tiny degree as this sept. He’s going to school (I don’t look forward to the storms that’ll come with that). So, basically that’s like 50% of the issues, but what I have told my gf is that for my own self respect and mental health I do not want to go in public with him, until he learns and she teaches him good behaviour I would not like to waste my time going out and feeling like crap and third wheeling, her response is that she wants a partner to do family things with and who enjoys all of her kids etc. it’s like she’s in denial that even she’s embarrassed and hates it half the time. Now it’s either I don’t go and she treats me like a stranger all weekend or I go and get crapped on for ‘looking miserable’ and eventually end up chasing 4yo around. Feels like a lose lose thus I resent weekends.
My gf calls my evil and a hater when I keep my distance from him, calls me a bully when I call him out for not washing hands (I’m a retired healthcare provider and like to be clean myself and my home). She will shut down intimacy sometimes based on how my interactions with him go. It’s INSANE. To the point getting engaged is no longer a short term goal as she needs me to love him and pamper him to be approved for her hand. Wtf! Hahahaha so weird rereading that!
Am I wrong to not want to put myself in those situations? Should I just go out with them and pretend I’m okay? Like I’m even in therapy because of them and next visit I’m addressing this. Although my therapist told me her husband doesn’t go EVERYWHERE with her and their kid. It makes me unhappy and only do it cause gf says it’s important to her, even though 90% of outings end in her and I arguing because her kid SUCKS! This has me so sad, lost, and misunderstood. I love them all and do all I can for them, but I feel for my sanity in trying to draw a line (temporarily) yet she loses her mind thinking I don’t love him. what to do, oh what to do?
submitted by Playful-Ad7775 to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:08 J0loppy I'm trying to find a way to automate a series of steps for combining and sorting two sheets

Hi - my Excel skills are very basic and I have this task I perform regularly that I was hoping some sort of Excel sorcery could help to automate. Here are the steps I take with visual example below:
  1. open new document
  2. freeze top rows of the first SHEETS 1 and 2
  3. in SHEET 2 remove all but columns B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, M
  4. Sort SHEET 1 (ASIN level summary) by column J, newest to oldest
  5. copy all AISNs in desired date range and paste into new document, change background to black and text to white
  6. copy first AISN then go to SHEET 2 in original document (Review these issues), search that AISN and copy all rows with that AISN
  7. Paste into new document
  8. Rinse and repeat
  9. when finished, sort new document by AISN
submitted by J0loppy to excel [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:06 tema1412 Don't reviewers actually work in research?

Another paper of mine just got rejected. This time cause the reviewers want more experiments and find our work irrelevant to the audience!
Our work presents a profile that has never been released before! Maybe it's irrelevant to THEM, but while I was writing about it, I FOUND NO DATA, WHATSOEVER that could help me understand the occuring phenomenon, so YES IT IS RELEVANT TO A PARTICULAR AUDIENCE.
Also, they wanted more experiments! Do they not work in research? Do they not know funding has limitations? Gradstudents have restrictions and goals to meet?
All I want to write in my response letter is: Get off your high horse!
submitted by tema1412 to rant [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:06 ScarHydreigon87 How to play Kamen Rider Ghost in D&D

Today, we’re building Kamen Rider Ghost, AKA Tenkuji Takeru. This is my 4th entry on building Kamen Riders in D&D.
Let’s start off with our goals for this build. First, we need to be immortal, or at least have ways to be better at avoiding death. Second, we need to be good at punching and being slippery and elusive like a spirit. Lastly, we need to make sure we can help enrich the lives and spirits of our friends.
For stats, we’ll be using Point Buy. Roll for stats if you want, just keep your Dexterity and Wisdom high.
15 Dexterity, as you are pretty quick and acrobatic as a Rider
15 Wisdom, as you are very insightful and know how people are feeling
13 Constitution, as Riders need to be tough
10 Charisma, you are pretty persuasive and very kind, we’ll get some skills to help out.
10 Strength, as while Riders are very strong, you’re still a young man.
And 8 Intelligence, you do know a lot about spirits, but you spent most of your life in a temple, not a university.
For Race, Takeru was a human killed by a Ganma on his 18th birthday and brought back to life, so we’ll make him a Reborn Human. You either get +2 to one stat and +1 to another, or +1 to three stats. We’ll actually go with +1 to three stats, rounding out our Wisdom, Dexterity, and Constitution. You get Ancestral Legacy, giving you proficiency in 2 skills of your choice. Persuasion and Animal Handling would be my picks. You also get Deathless Nature, giving you advantage on saving throws against poison and disease, resistance to poison damage, advantage on death saving throws, you no longer need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep, magic can’t put you to sleep, and you can finish a long rest in only 4 hours instead of 8. Lastly, you get Knowledge from a Past Life, letting you add a d6 to any Skill check you make an amount of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest. Take the Acolyte Background for Insight and Religion as you are the heir to a Shinto Temple.
We’ll kick things off as a Monk, as you were trained in martial arts by your father. 1st Level Monks get 2 skills from the Monk List. Acrobatics and History would be my picks. You also get proficiency in a set of Artisan’s tools. Go for Calligrapher’s Tools as they’re the best ones. You get Unarmored Defense, making your AC 10 plus your Dexterity and Wisdom modifiers when you’re not wearing armor, and you get Martial Arts, letting you use Dexterity instead of Strength for your unarmed attacks or Monk weapons, and they use a d4. You can also make an extra unarmed attack as a bonus action.
2nd Level Monks get Ki, letting you start tapping into your Rider powers. You get Ki points equal to your Monk level that recharge on a short or long rest to augment your abilities. Flurry of Blows lets you spend a ki point to make 2 unarmed strikes as a bonus action after you attack instead of just one. Patient Defense lets you spend a ki point to Dodge as a bonus action, and Step of the Wind lets you spend a Ki point to Dash or Disengage as a bonus action, along with doubling your jump distance for a turn. You also get Unarmored Movement, giving you 10 extra feet of movement speed while unarmored. You also get the option of Quickened Healing, letting you use your action to spend 2 ki points to heal yourself equal to your Martial Arts die plus your proficiency bonus. Lastly, you get the option of Dedicated Weapon, which allows you to make any weapon that isn’t heavy that you’re proficient with into a Monk weapon, in case you wanna wield the GanGun Saber.
3rd Level Monks can pick a Monastic Tradition, and Way of the Long Death is fitting for one who’s experienced death. You get Touch of Death, letting you gain Temporary Hit Points equal to your Wisdom Modifier plus your Monk level whenever you reduce a creature to 0 HP.
3rd level Monks also get Deflect Missiles, letting you use your reaction to reduce the damage taken from a ranged weapon attack equal to 1d10 plus your Dexterity Modifier and Monk level. If this damage is reduced to 0, then you can spend a ki point to throw it back at the enemy.
Bouncing over to Cleric for a few levels, as you are of the Shinto faith. We’ll go with Grave Cleric, as it deals with life, death, and easing spirits, and is much more morally sound than Death Cleric. You get Circle of Mortality, letting you heal the maximum amount whenever you cast a healing spell to restore someone from 0 HP, and you learn the Spare the Dying Cantrip, which you can cast as a bonus action and has a 30 foot range. You also get Eyes of the Grave, letting you detect undead such as the Ganma within 60 feet of you as an action an amount of times per long rest equal to your Wisdom modifier.
For your Cantrips, Guidance and Resistance are excellent for helping out your friends, giving them a d4 to add to Ability Checks and Saving Throws, respectively, and Thaumaturgy is useful to give your attacks and transformations special effects. For your spells, you can prepare an amount of spells equal to your Cleric level plus your Wisdom modifier, so 4. Take Protection from Evil and Good, Cure Wounds, Shield of Faith, and Sanctuary. You also get the spells Bane and False Life from the Grave Domain List.
2nd Level Clerics get Channel Divinity once per short or long rest that you can use for 3 different effects. Turn Undead lets you use your action to force Wisdom saves on Undead creatures within 30 feet of you, and on a failure, they’re forced to run away from you. Harness Divine Power lets you use a bonus action to regain a spell slot of a level equal to half your proficiency bonus. Lastly, as a Grave Cleric, you can use Channel Divinity for Path to the Grave, letting you use an Action to mark a creature within 30 feet of you, and having them take twice as much damage from any attack they receive, perfect for setting up a finisher. For your spell at this Level, take Healing Word.
Back to Monk, 4th Level Monks get an Ability Score Improvement or a Feat. Take the Eldritch Adept Feat for the Mask of Many Faces Eldritch Invocation, letting you cast Disguise Self at will so you can transform. Alternatively, if you have an item like the Hat of Disguise that already lets you do that, then take the Weapon Master feat for +1 to Strength and proficiency in 4 Martial Weapons of your choice to better represent the GanGun Saber and its other forms.
5th Level Monks get a pretty big power spike. First, you get Extra Attack, letting you Attack twice in one turn, or 4 with Flurry of Blows. Second, you get Stunning Strike, letting you spend a Ki point when you attack to force a Constitution saving throw of 8 plus your Proficiency bonus and Wisdom modifier. On a failure, they are stunned until the end of your next turn, giving advantage on all attack rolls against them. Third, you get the option of Focused Aim, letting you spend 1-3 ki points when you miss an attack roll, adding +2 to the roll for every point spent to better guarantee your punches land. Lastly, your Martial Arts die increases to a d6 for slightly stronger hits.
6th Level Monks get Ki-Empowered Strikes, making your unarmed attacks Magical. 6th Level Long Death Monks get Hour of Reaping, letting you use your action to force Wisdom saving throws on creatures within 30 feet of you. On a failure, they are frightened of you until your next turn.
7th Level Monks get Evasion, meaning when you make a Dexterity Saving throw to avoid taking damage, you take no damage on a success, and only half as much on a failure. You also get Stillness of Mind, letting you use your action to end an effect of Charmed or Frightened on yourself.
8th Level Monks get another Ability Score Improvement. Bump your Dexterity for better AC and damage.
9th Level Monks get Unarmored Movement Improvement, letting you run up walls and on water as long as you end your turn on stable ground.
10th Level Monks get Purity of Body, making you immune to poison and disease. Your Unarmored Movement also increases to 20 feet.
11th Level Long Death Monks obtain Mastery of Death, letting you spend a Ki point whenever you drop to 0 HP to instead drop to 1 HP. This has no limitations as long as you have Ki points to spend, so while you may have died many times throughout the show, your plot armor and will to live will constantly keep you up. Your martial Arts die also increases to a D8.
12th Level Monks get another Ability Score Improvement. Cap your Dexterity for better AC and the hardest punches.
13th Level Monks get Tongue of the Sun and Moon, letting you understand and speak all languages. The power of friendship and kindness transcends all linguistic barriers.
14th Level Monks get Diamond Soul, giving you proficiency with all saving throws, as your power becomes great enough to excel in almost all situations. Your Unarmored Movement also increases to 25 feet.
15th Level Monks get Timeless Body, meaning you no longer suffer the frailty of old age. Your resurrection basically kept you forever 18.
16th Level Monks get our last Ability Score Improvement. Bump up your Wisdom for better AC and Ki save DC, as well as another Cleric spell you can prepare. Take the spell Command.
17th Level Long Death Monks get Touch of the Long Death, letting you use an action to touch a creature and spend anywhere from 1-10 ki points. That creature must make a Constitution saving throw or take 2d10 Necrotic damage per ki point spent on a failure, half as much on a success. Combine this with Channel Divinity and watch the numbers go up. Your Martial Arts die also increases one more time to a d10.
Our Capstone is the 18th Level of Monk, and you can now have your Mugen Damashii with Empty Body, letting you spend 4 Ki points as an action to turn invisible and giving you resistance to all but Force damage for 1 minute. Keep in mind that being Invisible gives you advantage on attack rolls and enemies disadvantage on attacks against you. You can also spend 8 ki points to cast the Astral Projection spell on yourself to truly venture into the spirit realm. Lastly, your Unarmored Movement increases one more time to 30 feet.
Now that we’ve hit Level 20, let’s go over the strengths of this build. First, you are slippery and hard to take down with 19 AC, Evasion, proficiency in all saving throws, and Empty Body, with Mastery of Death keeping you up in the fight. You also can dish out a crazy amount of damage with Path to the Grave and Touch of the Long Death, dealing upwards of 220 average damage with 10 ki points spent. Lastly, you have some good low-level Cleric spells to help support your team.
For weaknesses, you can burn through your Ki Points very quickly, especially as a Long Death Monk. Between Flurry of Blows, Mastery of Death, Focused Aim, Empty Body, and Touch of the Long Death, 18 can easily become 0 before you know it. You also have below-average HP for a frontline fighter at around 143 average, meaning that despite your resistances and evasion, enough damage can still bring you down. In addition, you also have only three 1st level spell slots and 1 use of Channel Divinity per day, so you need to use them wisely. Last, but not least, you're playing a fairly barebones build. Outside of your subclass features, you’re basically playing a standard Monk with a few spells and immortality tricks, which I guess is poetic given that Ghost is a fairly barebones season. And just like Ghost, it’s not terrible by any means, just not as feature-heavy as other Riders
submitted by ScarHydreigon87 to KamenRider [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:05 1Wildman94 Hi I was wondering if anyone can offer me any advice on a relationship issue iv been having for a while? Me M29 and her F29

Me M29 and her F29 were together for 13yrs has seem to have lost herself in our relationship. We've had some issues along the way but we have mostly had lovely times together. I'm going to be honest and start from the beginning.
We was teenagers when we got together and close pretty quickly. We moved in together at 18yrs and been together ever since. I had some suspicions she cheated on me when we was 18yrs and i finally found out 4 years later and it was evidence she couldn't deny this time and she admitted it.
It seriously damaged me as I had kind of knew she had done and was lying to me making me out to be going crazy for them years I ended up on depression medication, I couldn't sleep as was having the worst of nightmares nearly every night. I lost certain friends and family because they thought I was going crazy and coming across as controlling when in fact I was just worrying and it turned out I was right to have been.
I never controlled her she lived as freely as she wanted to, I never harassed her but would often question things or where she was. Once I found out I had begged her to leave me and get out of my home. She refused to leave she had no where to go and was begging me to not break up.
Some days passed and I didn't forgive her but I gave it another chance not realizing the damage it had caused me and how it would affect my life in the future. I am the more of the initiator in the relationship she is very laid back and takes the back seat in romance, choices and decisions. At this time I gave her another chance out of pure love which some may say I'm stupid but I seriously love this girl with all my heart, life seems unbearable without her.
Once I have her another chance I started to realize the damage it caused me when I couldn't socialize properly, lost my job and struggled to gain the confidence to find another. I avoided family gatherings funerals, outings, and I soon found myself in a hole because I couldn't trust her enough to go out on my own without her but loved her to much to get her removed from my home. She went out to her family gatherings and I never once stopped her doing anything on her own. I had her family and my family and our friends blame me for this as none of them knew anything and thought I was uncaring towards them, controlling and all the rest of it. As I chose to protect her image over mine by hiding the truth of what happened to me.
So over the coming years things got worse for me. I went to the doctors and got put on 3 different types of medication over the years as well as counseling. As I thought I was going crazy but deep down I knew she was lying. The 4 years of lying to my face and watching me deteriorate as a person from her lies, losing our family members and friends respect my sleepless nights and bad dreams, looking me dead in the eye and swearing on anything she could that she was telling the truth damaged me more than the cheating did itself.
I felt like I weren't a good enough man for her or for anyone. Why would she cheat on me I asked myself a lot. She never admitted why to me just said she don't know why. I tried killing myself I didn't want to live I couldn't sleep I lost loads of weight self respect my career and my ambitions everything.
She didn't even try to show she was sorry or try to take control and make me feel special in any way. Even after what she did she never changed a thing. My problems and pain intensifies over the years and I started to lose self respect and my limits and some arguments became toxic to the point we was shouting at each other calling names etc. And because of this I became a very depressed man. And to deal with this over the years I smoked a lot of cannabis and hideaway at home.
During our whole relationship even through the pain and lies I was romantic, affectionate and caring and very thoughtful. Treat her like a princess everyday, gave her the best to everything I ever could from the small things to the big things made sure she came before me.
After a few years of battling my demons and pain and depression things slowly started to get better and I was able to sleep, eat and socialize again not perfect but was getting a lot better. And out of nowhere she became pregnant with our first child. Very unexpected as we used contraception but It changed our lives and we both quit smoking cold turkied on the spot turned out lives around. And I got another job and leanrt to fully trust my partner again and felt like I had meaning to live again once more and things became near enough perfect the day we found out.
Life felt great everything felt normal I stopped worrying completely. Quit smoking and was sleeping and generally felt a lot better in myself and felt like finally forgave her. We ended up with another child and then another one and we ended up with 3 Children. Which our youngest is now a toddler And believe it or not all three of our children were conceived on 3 different types of contraception.
Over a year ago I started running my own business, learned to drive while she was a stay at home mum. I'd leave for work at 06:45 in the morning I came home from work every day at 14:00. The minute I got in I'd take care of the kids, playing with them, collect from school, cooking, cleaning, bathing, nappy changing, absolutely everything 50/50 until they go to bed then I'd help tidy up and wouldn't sit down to myself until around 21:00
I always said to her I wouldn't be able to provide for you all if you didn't spend all day looking after our children while I worked. We shared the money not one thing wasn't both of ours.
A lot of things weren't getting done around the home while I was out working and It didn't bother me most of the time and I don't expect nothing to be done for me and also don't ask for anything to be done for me. But sometimes I'd mention things. She would react badly to this and I'd soon feel bad for saying anything. For example one of our children was sick on the bedroom floor And it hadn't been cleaned up in 2 days. Rooms wouldn't get cleaned for weeks on end until I cleaned them. Clothes built up to a mountain on our bedroom floor until I had enough and done them myself while she would be sat there watching TV in the evening.
We started to argue because of these issues and iv felt like I'm too scared to mention absolutely anything that bothers me or she would just turn and push me to the point I swore or called her a name and that is what it would all then be about and then my original issue wouldnt get spoke about after that point.
And then out of the blue she recently broke up with me at 6 in the morning, claiming we argue too much and she has had enough. Which I think we hardly argued few times a year maybe. And it was never in front of the kids and was only verbal and nasty stuff would get said.
So I spent over a week trying to get her to not break up with me until she said things will be okay let's move home and start a fresh, so I sold my business and prepared to move our family for a fresh start.
Over the next week she has since gone back on her word and gone back and forth saying she never getting back with me to we will sort things. It's been a month now she sleeps downstairs hasn't kissed me since the break up. Iv been in a right state because of this iv felt my heart has been turned inside out multiple times one minute I think it's okay to the next my heart's in my stomach thinking my life's ended.
I'm unsure what to do about it as this family is absolutely everything to me and my boys future really matters to me as I broke up in a split family and hated it. Should I leave her with the children or should I try kick her out or do I do what I want to do and is to keep begging her to sort this out. I'm slowly deteriorating and going mentally numb. I'm losing myself and I don't feel like I'm connected to life anymore and worried I'm going to
Was I wrong for staying with her? Was I right for putting it all behind me for our babies sake when she was pregnant? Was I wrong for mentioning the issues I had with the home? Was I right for selling my business. Am I wrong for wanting to stay and beg for this family to work out of love? I just don't know anymore.
submitted by 1Wildman94 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]