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2024.06.11 08:54 WangYat2007 Researching the price elasticity of software and the effectiveness of Loss Leader Pricing in Software Inc

Researching the price elasticity of software and the effectiveness of Loss Leader Pricing in Software Inc
This guide is also avaliable on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3256150569
This guide is not for absolute beginners as I will not be detailing where every button is, there are plenty of absolute beginner guides that already exist. However, if you've already played a bit, you will understand this guide as the concept is very simple to execute.
Here, I detail what I've discovered about Software Inc's game mechanics, presented them, and added my thoughts onto it. Whether loss leader pricing is worth it or not, is up to you to decide.
Hey there! I’m Wang, and recently I’ve been experimenting with a sales tactic: Loss Leader Pricing. This isn’t much of a guide, but more of a summary of my research as I tried this tactic in game. It’s not super powerful or game breaking, but can give you an edge against your competitors and accelerate your growth.

What is Loss Leader Pricing?

The concept and execution is very simple. Its when a company sells a product at a lower price than usual (usually below market price) to sell more product, and often at a loss; whether it’s to increase market share, draw customers away from competitors, or stimulate more sales of complementary products*, the effect is still the same.
*a complementary product is when a product is sold alongside another product, eg. Phones and phone chargers, movie tickets and popcorn.
There are plenty of real life examples one can find by simply googling. One of such is Costco’s Rotisserie Chicken, which is sold at a net loss. Shoppers coming to buy the chicken would expose themselves to other products in the store and hence buy more. I haven’t personally seen this in action as Costco doesn’t exist where I live, but the concept still applies: attract more customers.

Before the game

I've just realized this guide is going to look a LOT like a lab report.
What I plan to do is to release a product at various prices, and compare the differences in market recognition and sales.
Before trying this out, there are a couple variables I needed to decide on.
Type of product: I chose a computer OS as the number of potential customers is constant (Not OS dependent). Computer OS in particular as it's the one with the most potential customers out of all OS types.
Quality and creativity of product: Visionary and outstanding. This will make competition less of a variable, thus exaggerating the effects of price, which is what we are trying to isolate and investigate here.
Price of product: This will be my independent variable. I will test out $0, $1, 50% of recommended price, and 100% recommended price for now.

Setting things up

Now, a little annoying quirk I encountered is that the game for some reason treats free products differently from priced products. In the design document, if I change the price to $0, then develop and release the software, i cannot raise the price; the game will give me a prompt saying "Product is already free". Similarly, if the price is non-zero and I try to change it to $0 afterwards, the game will say "please enter a valid value". So I have to develop the OS twice, in two seperate saves in order to test out the effect of free product too. Annoying.
I got myself 37 million dollars in January 1990. I hired a team of designers, programmers and artists for my OS, designed my Computer OS while following the recommended market targeting as best I can, and here I saved.
Notice that the recommended price is $150. I've gotten a marketing publisher as I don't want to set up a marketing team myself.


Here is my gathered data from the various playthroughs.
points to note:
  • I updated the software whenever I could, fixing bugs and updating tech levels.
  • I spent $10,000,000 ordering 5 million copies for every release, which is counted as expenses and affects the value of total profit.
  • Market recognition is not 100% accurate as the number of hearts is eyeballed.
  • Approximately $4,000,000 was spent in development (salaries, food, bills, rent etc).
  • I cannot sign a deal with a marketing publisher with a free product. For non-free products, a marketing publisher was used. (14.4% royalty) The total development cost is a lot higher with a marketing team for the free product.
  • Every product, including the free one, was released on the morning of August 1993; I spent the rest of the day updating tech levels.
direct screenshot from Steam because Reddit table formatting UI is shit
* note that on the second month, I sold 294,628 copies as my marketing efforts caught up (Sparse > Prominent) ** I didn't make $37034 in sales because some people got refunds

Data analysis

Changes in sales when price changes
Seems like when you lower the prices a little bit from the optimal value, sales do go up a little, but not nearly as much to make up for the decreased price, resulting in less profit (Price inelastic demand).
But at very low prices, sales go down. This is very interesting, I did not expect this at all. You would expect the sales to go up when prices go down, right? Imagine a 1 dollar computer OS software that has outstanding quality, that would fly off the shelves! But not here. Upon release, the reviews do indeed say "It is suspiciously cheap".
And then sales skyrocketed when it's free. One would expect $0 and $1 to make no difference, but not in this game. Seems like Software Inc treats "free" and "not-free" products VERY, VERY differently.
So if we plot a graph of price of product against sales, I expect it to look something like this:
And in order to test this theory, I released the product at different prices with increments of $10 ($10, 20, 30 and so on, until 150% of the recommended price, which is $225) and recorded their sales on release.
According to my earlier data, seems like the sales on release and sales after a year are directly tied together: Hence, I won't waste time waiting an entire year 23 different times and only record the sales on release.
Now this was not what I was expecting. I gathered data until $100, before i noticed something was wrong. At $80, sales started to plummet. I was on track to getting no sales at all by the time I reached $150, the suggested price, in direct contradiction with my earlier data.
Taking a closer look, when changing the price, the prompt tells me, Suggested Price: $75. This was the price I set in the design document for this save (which I reloaded over and over to change the price). The anomaly in my data started occuring at $80.
Do you see it?
Seems like the game no longer takes their suggested price, $150, as the "best price" anymore. Before development, I "promised" to consumers that the price would be $75 in the design document. So when I raised the price to something above $75, consumers understandably got angry and didn't buy. You would feel cheated too if a game you were looking forward to jacked up it's price at the last minute for no reason, wouldn't you?
But the more important part is that the data for $10 to $70 fits into my theory. Raising prices, weirdly, raises sales. I'm sure there's a term for this in Economics, where increasing the price of something increases the perceived quality of the product. Some terms I could find with some simple googling and asking ChatGPT were "Veblen Good", "Prestige Pricing", "Snob Effect". You can look into those if ya want.
I re-released Scam OS with $150 set in the design document, and collected the rest of the data.
Note that data at $150 doesn't match the data I presented earlier as this is a completely different save - slight deviations due to random factors occurred during the development process (eg. competition).
Pretty much just what I expected. Massive sales at $0, and a second peak sales at the suggested price. Another noteworthy thing here is the total profit graph - the maximum total profit is the suggested price. Literally anything else will give you less total profit.
I didn't go all the way to $225 as the trend tells you pretty much everything. An exponentially decreasing quantity in sales as you go further and further higher than the suggested price, gradually approaching 0.
Market Recognition
Market recognition seems to be directly tied to how many sales you have. That makes sense. But it doesn't seem to be proportional - the free OS sold 5.4 times as many copies as the $150 OS, but only has a market recognition of 2.2 times more.
Competition is arguably one of the most important elements that decide the success of your product. Here are the competition charts for my 4 test products:
My Computer OS, which I have very creatively named "Scam OS" in an attempt to lure more customers into my social experiment, is represented by the white bars. There are some differences in the competition due to random factors I cannot control, but the general trend is the same: A very well-off OS dominates the market, I release my OS, and another OS quickly releases in succession. These graphs are not very interesting by themselves - Scam OS is able to compete, but not completely dominate the competition. Now, let's look at the $0 graph, shall we?
look at all that beautiful, beautiful white. Scam OS completely destroys the competition. Monthly OS sales at historical records.

Conclusion and Takeaways

So, what does this tell us about the effectiveness of Loss Leader Pricing in Software Inc?
Set the price of the product either to free, OR the suggested price. No in between. Definitely not even $1.
The whole point of Loss Leader Pricing is to generate more sales. By lowering the price, you generate a teeny tiny bit more sales, but lose out on a huge chunk of profit. When lowering it even more, the effect is reversed - you lower the price AND lower the sales.
This has been thoroughly proven in the excel spreadsheet and graphs. The peak value for profit occur at the suggested price; Sales peak at 80% of the suggested price ($120), but not by that much. So quite objectively speaking, any price in between is not worth anything. Set the price either to free OR the suggested price in the design document.
The price set in the design document should be the finalized price. (which should be the suggested price anyway, see paragraph above)
As seen in the earlier section, if you lower the price and raise it again on release, even if you raised it back to the suggested price, consumers don't buy the product as much. It's like as if they feel "cheated" when you raise the price after promising them something lower.
Free, high quality products destroy the competition.
A high quality free product is pretty much just a highly effective DDOS attack (Distribution Denial of Service - this option is available in the Accounting tab). If you have a grudge or simply hate the logo of a particular company, releasing a free version of what they do best can really hurt their feelings. This may have a ripple effect in the future, when you've beaten down a competitor product and they don't do so well in the future and you in turn do better.
Software Inc treats free and non-free products VERY differently.
The difference between $0 and $1 is monumental. Such differences include, but is not limited to:
  • Amount of sales (and thus the resulting market recognition)
  • Ability to sign publishing deals
  • ability to change price after release
Boost your gain in market recognition.
Usually, one would need to release 5 to 6 sequels of an IP before they can get a full 6 hearts of market recognition. The nice thing about Software Inc customers is that they all seem to have long term memory loss - they still buy a fully priced sequel even if the prequel was free (i.e. there is no "consumer expectation" that the sequel will be free too). Releasing a free product can shorten the time you need to gain market recognition, perhaps to 3-4 sequels before getting a full 6 hearts. You can even release multiple free products to REALLY get there quick. This can be especially useful in highly saturated markets such as Antiviruses, 2D, 3D editors, audio tools etc. to gain an edge over competitors (Sometimes, releasing 7, 8 sequels of an antivirus can only get me to 4 hearts)
Boosted market recognition, but at what cost?
Now, of course, this action is highly, highly unprofitable. my 2.9 hearts of computer OS market recognition costed me 13 million, and losses will only continue to increase as salaries stack.
Loss Leader pricing could be used when you've established yourself as a company, have millions in the bank already, and want to tap into a new market.
The printing costs of software can easily be brushed off ($2 for ordering copies, $0.15 for printing it yourself) so this strategy is more applicable for software. But, I strongly, STRONGLY, do NOT recommend doing this with hardware, such as phones and consoles. The printing costs of each copy can easily reach $100+. with 4 million sales, you are looking at a net loss of 400 MILLION, That's the net worth of some of the largest companies in Software Inc! not to mention the printing machines and distribution infrastructure needed to print some 400 thousand copies per month!
Is this a viable starting strategy?
But you might wonder, what if you're just starting out? where can I get 13 million dollars of startup cash? Well well well, dear reader, I have written a guide on manipulating the stock market, and with the right decisions, a keen and attentive eye, and a hefty dose of luck, you can potentially earn yourself upwards of 300 million dollars in 10 years with 100k starting cash. You can see it here:
I sound so much like an advertisement. Shameless self promotion, woohoo! (Though I don't earn anything from writing these, it's simply fun for me!)
Anyway, moving on:
Does all this apply to other types of software? 2D, 3D editors? Games?
Honest answer: I don't know. Without actually testing it out, there will always be a degree of uncertainty. However, I also have yet to see anything that suggests otherwise. I would assume the sales of all software is calculated by the game based on the same system, combining the effects of price, competition, market recognition, product appeal and so on.
Andddd that should be everything. This guide took me 15+ hours of research and writing, holy moly. This is my analysis and interpretation of the data I've collected. If there are different interpretations and conclusions, please let me know. And at the end of the day, it is up to you to decide whether loss leader pricing or messing with prices is worth it. Manipulating the stock market and then crashing your way into markets with loss leader pricing is just one of the many ways to enjoy a game of Software Inc.
And that marks the end of this guide, a beautiful 2600 words. This is Wang, wishing you high market recognition and customers suffering from long term memory loss in your loss leader pricing journey.
Thank you for reading!
submitted by WangYat2007 to SoftwareInc [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 08:41 TemporaryLook8528 Hi everyone! I am an international student currently on F1-OPT. I am looking for RA positions and I intend to pursue PhD in a year or two. Please share any feedback on my resume and the ways I can build my profile for PhD in competitive programs in USA.

submitted by TemporaryLook8528 to academiceconomics [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 07:50 no_u333 xorg server refusing to download after all USE flag dependencies are resolved?

xorg server refusing to download after all USE flag dependencies are resolved?
title is pretty self explanatory, the memes weren't kidding about 12 hours to only set a damn gui💀
submitted by no_u333 to Gentoo [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:59 bustadipatatine Mathematics I

Mathematics I
Hello, I was looking at the course outline for Mathematics I as I am going to mac in September,
For the statement "No calculators will be allowed." Does it seriously mean there is no calculator during a exam or one will be provided? Sorry, if it is dumb question.
submitted by bustadipatatine to McMaster [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:51 Other-Tower-3896 Too much variation in scores on different companies tests

Hi everyone, how are you? I hope you are well.
I have been studying for the GRE through free tests from different companies (I haven't taken the official ets tests yet, I intend to take the 2 free ones and then pay for the other 3). And I noticed a very big difference in my scores that doesn't seem to make sense for the quant test.
KAPLAN test: 19/27 with a score of 162
PRINCETOWN REVIEW test: 22/27 with a score of 157
I know that the score is not linear and is calculated with question difficulty weights, but it seemed very strange to me that I IMPROVED my correct answers by more than 10% (relative to the 27 tests, 70.3%->81.5%) and my score got WORSE by more than 10% (considering that it varies by 40 points, 32/40->27/40 or 80%->67.5%).
Does this difference just have to do with the calculation of the weight of each question? Or could it also be because it is from different companies and they calculate differently? Is the ETS official test really that much better?
submitted by Other-Tower-3896 to GRE [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:32 JaydenChip I. Have. No. Future.

I've been trying to do the test for a good while (it's online and we can retake it as much as we need to) and I haven't been able to sit down and focus on it. I really need ADHD meds. It feels like my brain is moving too fast for me to even think right. It's just so many thoughts all at the same time.
I'm so tired, but I don't want tomorrow to come because school. I'm so behind. I'm already supposed to be 25% done with the class, and by the 14th I should be 50% done. I am currently 21% done done with the class.
I have no idea what I'm doing, and I don't want to ask for help because I'm an idiot and I don't want people to know that. I just need to retake 2 tests, finish 1 test that makes no sense at all, then I can continue my work.
I might as well just clear my plans this summer, as I'm going to retake this class for the rest of the summer. I can't afford to take this test, and my mom refuses to let me take the GED if I don't pass.
This is the compromise class. I can't do another class to make up for this. This is my last summer before I graduate next year.
I should just not even care about my future. I have no future in nursing since I can't even do basic geometry.
Everything would be so much better if I just… weren't alive. Just blipped out of existence. I mean, I'm riding my bike to school tomorrow, and the road has a lot of cars on it (but isn't super busy). I could just ride my bike into the road and die.
I. Have. No. Future.
My mom acts like if I fail high school, then I can't get a job anywhere, but all places hire high school students. So it's not that bad if I don't graduate, right? I just won't be able to get a good job or go to college. I'll just be doing fast food my whole life, not being able to afford anything, not being able to go anywhere since I'd be working off $15 an hour.
I could still be an author. I could just write a really good book and have it sold, and bam! I'm an author and get royalties. That's a good job, and I'm good at writing.
My grandma always tells me this one story when I tell her I'm never going to get my dream job of being an author.
She says that this one guy in her church ward quit his well-paying office job and became an author on a whim and is a well known author, or just gets paid really well (I don't remember her exact words).
So if he has a chance, then maybe I do…
But my mom also says that my grandma's a liar, and I shouldn't trust anything she says because she makes shit up to make my mom look like the bad guy, but my grandma says not to listen to my mom because she makes me paranoid about everything and has made me the way I am right now.
So I just can't trust anyone.
I mean, I'm not a complete idiot. I was able to get a 70% without a calculator on a subject I barely understand. So I subconsciously know what I'm doing… sorta.
I don't understand why all my siblings are able to pass school so easily, whereas I can't. Am I actually an idiot? Why are they good at everything, and I'm good at nothing? I'm kind of good at writing. My grandma is always praising my writing, but I kind of feel bad about that. Maybe it's just my neglected inner child that's embarrassed and guilty about receiving compliments, or maybe she's just saying that because she's my grandmother and she has to.
My mom thinks I have ADHD, but it's not that bad. I just have periods where I can't sit still, get easily distracted, have bursts of energy out of nowhere (and decided at midnight that it's the perfect time to deep clean my whole room), can't focus, and forget this easily, but it's not super bad, like how other people describe having it. It doesn't disrupt my entire life, it's just an inconvenience, annoying, and frustrating (especially when I'm on a deadline).
But I can't just blame all my problems on having ADHD.
When I say I'm stupid, whether as a joke or not, my grandma gets upset and tells me that I am smart, and when I ask her to elaborate on what I am smart on (talking about school subjects), she just ignores the question, changes the subject, or just says "in other things", which is insulting.
I should just give up, go to bed, and do it tomorrow at school, and only accept help if the teacher holds me after school, as my class is the last class of the day. I should just stop trying all together and work fast food my whole life, or there's the rare chance that I become an author.
I have no hope for my future. I should just give up on everything.
TL;DR: I'm struggling to focus on my online test and feel overwhelmed. I suspect I have ADHD, making it hard to concentrate. I'm falling behind in school and fear failing, which jeopardizes my future plans, including becoming a nurse or an author. My family's conflicting advice adds to my confusion. I feel hopeless and even have thoughts of ending it all, doubting my abilities and future prospects.
submitted by JaydenChip to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:18 werty_2006 My submission for the city hot car

My submission for the city hot car
Here is a new entry from the French car maker benault. Based on the popular LaVille this road sports version has the same body and frame but has a new version of the engine found in the higher trimmed LaVille with forged crank and piston and a new turbo pushing it to a whopping 147 hp while retaining almost the same fuel economy numbers. There is also new suspension, interior, direction, aero and wheels all in the goal of increasing grip while lowering weight. This new entry has the same reliability as the rest of the benault lineup so it comes with an membership to your local garage.
submitted by werty_2006 to automationgame [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:16 saintmada DAE make stupid mistakes on easy tests ??

Just me or is tests sometimes so easy, too easy that you just fly past it but end up making really careless mistakes. I would have gotten 100 if I didn’t make the stupid mistake of 2+3=5 and not 6 🤦‍♂️screwed up my whole calculations. I actually do better on harder tests no matter how many times I triple and quadruple check everything!!
submitted by saintmada to GetStudying [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:00 robro Is Tekken 8's Random Stage Select Actually Random? (An Analysis of Data and Human Psychology)

Is Tekken 8's Random Stage Select Actually Random? (An Analysis of Data and Human Psychology)


Ever since Tekken 8 TWT tournaments kicked off, using new rules requiring stages to be randomly selected after every set, I've seen many comments claiming (very confidently) that the random stage select isn't actually random. This isn't really surprising given two main things:
  • Stages do affect matchups (which we saw all the time in Tekken 7 with the stage counterpicking) so randomly getting a stage that favors one character over another when there's big money on the line will naturally cause strong emotions and feelings of unfairness.
  • People are bad at evaluating randomness. Like really bad.
I've played a lot of games that are based on randomness, like digital card games, and there are always people claiming that "The shuffler is rigged!" whenever anything remotely unlikely (or perfectly expected if you actually understand probability) happens. For some reason they only make these claims when the randomness favors their opponent though.
The thing about randomness is that unlikely scenarios can and do happen. Especially when thousands of games are being played every day, they happen a lot. And when people post about these outlier scenarios online it signal boosts them and gives the impression that they are happening more often than they really are.

The Claims

So what exactly are people claiming isn't random about the stage select? I've heard all kinds of things, but the most common are:
  • "(insert stage) gets chosen more often than the others!" (but there's no consensus on which ones)
  • "It chose the same stage as the stage they were just on!" (conveying a misunderstanding of what random even means)
  • "The random select is wack!" (the catch-all and most common complaint, not really expressing anything other than misplaced frustration)
Before analyzing the actual data, the first thing you should do when considering claims like these is try to answer the question: "Why would the developers not use pure randomness?" Implementing a PRNG (pseudo-random number generator) that's practically indistinguishable from true randomness isn't hard. It's been done countless times at this point. It's much more time consuming to build a custom tailored algorithm, so they would have to have a good reason to do that.
The main reason would be to make the randomness align more with what people feel is random (despite that not actually being random). For instance, people feel like getting the same stage two or more times in a row isn't random (it is). They also feel like seeing one stage more than any other in one play session, or across multiple, isn't random (it sure is).

The Methodology

So if humans suck at identifying what is and isn't random, how can we actually tell? There have been various tests for randomness for a long time now, but the tricky thing is than an individual test can only evaluate one aspect of randomness, not all. So you need a variety of tests and you need to know what you're actually looking for. I chose to use two simple tests that cover the most bases.
The first is to run the data through a compression algorithm (I used Gzip) because they are very good at finding patterns, which is how they compress files. One aspect of random data is that it does not contain patterns (so you can't predict what would come next). This means that if you run a truly random sequence of bits through a compression algorithm the result should be about the same size as the original. If the compressed data is significantly smaller than the original then that's probably not random.
To create the binary data I represent each stage as an 8-bit integer (there are 16 stages so 0-15) and they are ordered in the order they were selected. Since all the numbers can be represented with only 4 bits, the 4 largest bits will always be 0 ("00001111" = 15) which is a pattern that Gzip will recognize. I could pack two adjacent numbers into one byte to use all the bits but that's not necessary because we can calculate how big a compressed file should be like this:
compression_ratio = (log(number_of_options) / log(2)) / bits_per_value
So we should expect a random sequence of integers 0 - 15 to compress to around 50% its original size. In reality it will be slightly less compressed than that though.
The second test is to simply look at the total numbers of each stage chosen and see how closely they align with the expected average or if there are outliers. The more data you have the more reliable this is. In small data sets you will almost certainly get very uneven distributions from true randomness.

The Data

When I started this investigation I looked at the stages that were chosen on stream at DreamHack Dallas over the two days they played Tekken 8 because I saw a lot of complaining about the stage select randomness (or lack thereof) during those streams. This isn't the ideal data set simply because it's not that big (you want thousands of data points as a start), but I was curious if there was any conclusion that could be drawn here anyway.
As a control, I also analyzed a data set generated by true randomness to compare with Tekken 8. There were 136 stages chosen randomly on stream:
TEST (DreamHack Dallas): Original: 136 bytes Compressed: 111 bytes (81.62%) CONTROL (random.org): Original: 136 bytes Compressed: 109 bytes (80.15%) Difference: 1.47% 
The compressed files being much bigger than the 50% expected size of the originals is just a quirk of how file compression works with very small files. The important part is how closely the test file matches the control. Even with such a small data set they are quite similar.
On the other hand, the distribution of stages with this amount of data is less satisfying:
TEST (DreamHack Dallas): 10 7.35% Arena 12 8.82% Arena Underground 7 5.15% Urban Square 9 6.62% Urban Square Evening 8 5.88% Yakushima 6 4.41% Coliseum of Fate 11 8.09% Rebel Hangar 10 7.35% Fallen Destiny 8 5.88% Descent into Subconscious 13 9.56% Sanctum 9 6.62% Into the Stratosphere 5 3.68% Ortiz Farm 6 4.41% Celebration On The Seine 3 2.21% Secluded Training Ground 7 5.15% Elegant Palace 12 8.82% Midnight Siege Max deviation: 4.04% Avg deviation: 1.65% CONTROL (random.org): 6 4.41% Arena 10 7.35% Arena Underground 7 5.15% Urban Square 7 5.15% Urban Square Evening 7 5.15% Yakushima 7 5.15% Coliseum of Fate 6 4.41% Rebel Hangar 9 6.62% Fallen Destiny 8 5.88% Descent into Subconscious 4 2.94% Sanctum 5 3.68% Into the Stratosphere 13 9.56% Ortiz Farm 9 6.62% Celebration On The Seine 13 9.56% Secluded Training Ground 10 7.35% Elegant Palace 15 11.03% Midnight Siege Max deviation: 4.78% Avg deviation: 1.79% 
In the test data the stage that was chosen the least was chosen 3 times (2.21%) and the most chosen was chosen 13 times (9.56%). Results like this might make you think this isn't random, but it really just shows how important analyzing a lot of data is when trying to make conclusions about statistics. The true random distribution shows a very similar amount of deviation in general, but to determine if any particular stages are or aren't weighted to be chosen more or less than the others we just need a lot more data.
So in an effort to get a lot more data I looked at the very informative metagame posts by u/NotQuiteFactual and found a host of replay data in .json format on their GitHub page. I used a custom script to parse out 100,000 unique Ranked matches from this data (because Ranked is always random select) and analyzed the stages chosen in chronological order:
TEST (Replay Data - Ranked Matches): Original: 100,000 bytes Compressed: 57,492 bytes (57.49%) CONTROL (random.org): Original: 100,000 bytes Compressed: 57,505 bytes (57.50%) Difference: 0.01% 
With this much data the compressed versions are much closer to 50% and more importantly are almost the exact same size, which means there's little evidence to suggest this sequence isn't random, from this test at least.
For more context, this is what the compression would look like if the data followed a very predictable non-random sequence (every stage chosen in the same order):
Original: 100,000 bytes Compressed: 249 bytes (0.25%) 
Anyway, if we now look at the stage distributions now we can see that they have all settled very close to the expected average of 6.25%:
TEST (Replay Data - Ranked Matches): 6256 6.26% Arena 6214 6.21% Arena Underground 6225 6.22% Urban Square 6216 6.22% Urban Square Evening 6386 6.39% Yakushima 6272 6.27% Coliseum of Fate 6305 6.30% Rebel Hangar 6130 6.13% Fallen Destiny 6211 6.21% Descent into Subconscious 6373 6.37% Sanctum 6211 6.21% Into the Stratosphere 6313 6.31% Ortiz Farm 6192 6.19% Celebration On The Seine 6240 6.24% Secluded Training Ground 6355 6.35% Elegant Palace 6101 6.10% Midnight Siege Max deviation: 0.15% Avg deviation: 0.06% CONTROL (random.org): 6187 6.19% Arena 6205 6.21% Arena Underground 6391 6.39% Urban Square 6180 6.18% Urban Square Evening 6321 6.32% Yakushima 6359 6.36% Coliseum of Fate 6291 6.29% Rebel Hangar 6309 6.31% Fallen Destiny 6221 6.22% Descent into Subconscious 6290 6.29% Sanctum 6202 6.20% Into the Stratosphere 6219 6.22% Ortiz Farm 6161 6.16% Celebration On The Seine 6319 6.32% Secluded Training Ground 6252 6.25% Elegant Palace 6093 6.09% Midnight Siege Max deviation: 0.16% Avg deviation: 0.07% 
And because you can't be legit without charts, here's two visualizing the distribution of each stage after this test:


From these results it seems very unlikely there's anything but simple, unadulterated RNG behind these stage selections. It seems much more likely that people have been making wild claims based on feelings rather than data with little understanding about what randomness actually looks like.
My personal feeling is that a lot of people simply don't like the new TWT random select rules and whether they know it or not are channeling their frustrations with it into these borderline conspiracy theories.
Anyway, I'm no data scientist, so let me know if there's obvious flaws in my methodology or if you have any other ideas about how to measure Tekken's stage select randomness.


Ya it's random. Stop whining.
submitted by robro to Tekken [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:45 Hermelin_Dozral Small FAQ guide for new players

Hi, I want to write smaller guide for new players. I wrote it in FAQ style because it's short and straightforward. This Guide is aimed at Dead Trigger 2 only.
Q: On what difficulty play? A: Play only on hard. This game is not that hard and it's the most efficient way to earn extra money
Q: Will the game get any updates? A: Probably no, this game is dead and it got few paid reskined guns in last few years but it's practically dead. But it doesn't mean the game is bad. I think this game have big potential.
Q: I can't get to the next Island A: Don't forget to upgrade your tech level
Q: How to upgrade weapons more? A: You need to upgrade your tech level to upgrade your weapons further. Max level is 11
Q: Best strategy to have best weapons? A: just have your weapons upgraded to your current Tech level, it worth to upgrade constantly cuz upgrading and crafting times are crazy long in this game
Q: Best way to get blueprints? A: just play "seek and destroy" mission and break all speakers except one and stay under it and kill zombies almost till the end of the mission
Q: Are paid weapons pay to win? A: Except Coach shotgun, 4 barreled shotgun, EGG 17 no, other are average
Q: What weapon packs buy in paid shop? A: My tip is buy only weapons that are not accessed free to play. IMO best is wild west pack and the one where is 4 barreled shotgun. If you don't want to spend much money at the beginning - then you buy the pack where is M16. it's good and cheap pack for begining because you will get also the double money and no ad bonus.
Q: When to buy packs in the paid shop? A: Buy ONLY in sales. the sales are random every weekend. These are very big sales so why not to use them.
Q: Best way to earn money? A: probably trough showdown mission on hard. Because it's fast and easy.
Q: Fastest way to collect event points what are reskined golden pigs? A: Spam showdown mission, there is lot of them and it's great way to earn money.
Q: Blueprint drop probability? A: nobody knows. There are theories such like a "less you play, drops are higher" but from my experience (I have all weapons except golden jackhammer) drops are calculated probably in the way that each weapon blueprint have individual probability to drop. So more weapons you have for blueprints, there is higher chance to get one.
Q: Is this game free to play friendly? A: yes it is. You don't need to spend any money to this game to play hardest levels. Few packs worth to buy but it's not neccesary
Q: it's ok to share my account with my friend? A: Probably you're fine. I did it with my friend to test our weapons and we never got ban. Only limitation is you can't play both on one account but that's I hope obvouios
Q: Will this pack save you 1M credits (68 days)? A: absolutely no. These messages are lies. Mostly "it can't save it when you can't get it." 1M in this game is not much
Q: Why my favourite weapons are not changing? A: It's probably broken. No fixes.
Q: How to get AK-74? A: you can only buy it. It was as a event reward back then
Q: Best weapons? A: Best weapons are from my experience:
Coach shotgun, Quad damage, FN Fal - only accessible in paid shop.
Viking swords - they are for free from tech level I think
EGG-17 - most OP weapon for non tournament playing - only available on Easter for "free" after any in-game purchase
Otherwise best free weapon is probably "Beneli 828U"
If you have any other questions, you can ask them in the comments. I will probably answer them. This is everything I can think of for now. I am a grinding player who stopped playing while ago. And as I see, there is possibility to post now so I wanted to share few tips. I like this game and I want to share my experience for more people when this subreddit is pretty much dead cuz DT2 community is very small.
submitted by Hermelin_Dozral to Deadtrigger2fanclub [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:13 Acrobatic-Record9332 28 M. Is 80 mg/ week a bit low?

28 M. Is 80 mg/ week a bit low?
Initially, clinic wanted me to try HcG first - I did 0.4 3x a week for about 1 month with Anastrazole 0.25 2x a week. After 2 mos, I’ve asked for trt. I’m now on TRT 80 mg /week with HcG 80 mg/week and Anastrazole 0.25/week.
Also, how long before do u usually start to see results?
submitted by Acrobatic-Record9332 to trt [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:27 long_evergreen5926 I cheated in my middle school math class

This story is quite simple, but it's still something I think about when I recall my middle school years.
When I was in middle school we had these calculators that you could program stuff on. One day we learned about the quadratic formula in class and I decided to program it onto my calculator, and I used it for almost every test in class to get all the questions right. My final grade in math was much higher than the rest of my grades that year.
At the end of the year, the teacher announced, "I know some kids cheat by programming the quadratic formula onto their calculators, but I don't stop them because cheaters will always find another way to cheat." I'm 99% sure he was talking about me. Oops.
submitted by long_evergreen5926 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:24 Hermelin_Dozral Small FAQ guide for new players

Hi, I want to write smaller guide for new players. I wrote it in FAQ style because it's short and straightforward.
Q: On what difficulty play? A: Play only on hard. This game is not that hard and it's the most efficient way to earn extra money
Q: Will the game get any updates? A: Probably no, this game is dead and it got few paid reskined guns in last few years but it's practically dead. But it doesn't mean the game is bad. I think this game have big potential.
Q: I can't get to the next Island A: Don't forget to upgrade your tech level
Q: How to upgrade weapons more? A: You need to upgrade your tech level to upgrade your weapons further. Max level is 11
Q: Best strategy to have best weapons? A: just have your weapons upgraded to your current Tech level, it worth to upgrade constantly cuz upgrading and crafting times are crazy long in this game
Q: Best way to get blueprints? A: just play "seek and destroy" mission and break all speakers except one and stay under it and kill zombies almost till the end of the mission
Q: Are paid weapons pay to win? A: Except Coach shotgun, 4 barreled shotgun, EGG 17 no, other are average
Q: What weapon packs buy in paid shop? A: My tip is buy only weapons that are not accessed free to play. IMO best is wild west pack and the one where is 4 barreled shotgun. If you don't want to spend much money at the beginning - then you buy the pack where is M16. it's good and cheap pack for begining because you will get also the double money and no ad bonus.
Q: When to buy packs in the paid shop? A: Buy ONLY in sales. the sales are random every weekend. These are very big sales so why not to use them.
Q: Best way to earn money? A: probably trough showdown mission on hard. Because it's fast and easy.
Q: Fastest way to collect event points what are reskined golden pigs? A: Spam showdown mission, there is lot of them and it's great way to earn money.
Q: Blueprint drop probability? A: nobody knows. There are theories such like a "less you play, drops are higher" but from my experience (I have all weapons except golden jackhammer) drops are calculated probably in the way that each weapon blueprint have individual probability to drop. So more weapons you have for blueprints, there is higher chance to get one.
Q: Is this game free to play friendly? A: yes it is. You don't need to spend any money to this game to play hardest levels. Few packs worth to buy but it's not neccesary
Q: it's ok to share my account with my friend? A: Probably you're fine. I did it with my friend to test our weapons and we never got ban. Only limitation is you can't play both on one account but that's I hope obvouios
Q: Will this pack save you 1M credits (68 days)? A: absolutely no. These messages are lies. Mostly "it can't save it when you can't get it." 1M in this game is not much
Q: Why my favourite weapons are not changing? A: It's probably broken. No fixes.
Q: How to get AK-74? A: you can only buy it. It was as a event reward back then
Q: Best weapons? A: Best weapons are from my experience:
Coach shotgun, Quad damage, FN Fal - only accessible in paid shop.
Viking swords - they are for free from tech level I think
EGG-17 - most OP weapon for non tournament playing - only available on Easter for "free" after any in-game purchase
Otherwise best free weapon is probably "Beneli 828U"
If you have any other questions, you can ask them in the comments. I will probably answer them. This is everything I can think of for now. I am a grinding player who stopped playing while ago. And as I see, there is possibility to post now so I wanted to share few tips. I like this game and I want to share my experience for more people when this subreddit is pretty much dead cuz DT2 community is very small.
submitted by Hermelin_Dozral to deadtrigger2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 03:46 CMART696969 Shark Attacks: The Fall of Apollo Sayer

Part Two
Apollo entered interspace and saw Aquas and Nash at the door. “Are you ready to lose, Aquas?” Helios gloated. “Your arrogance will be your downfall, Helios. I fight for a cause greater than personal glory. You are an obstacle in its way.” Aquas nobly retorted. The two brawlers entered the arena. It was a swampy marsh and fans were screaming wildly. “If you haven’t noticed, my beasts prefer the scenery. Well fight 3v3. Since I challenged, I’ll start us.” He said as he took his blazer off. His chains gleamed in the sunlight. He put an ornate Aquos gauntlet on his wrist. The crowd screamed Nash’s name. Apollo was in a red sleeveless shirt, he wore black jeans with white red and black Jordan 1s and a belt with his clips on. He tapped his glasses and the mask formed around his face. The entire crowd was screaming their names. “Head on, Helios.” Apollo said. “Time to slay this Dragon, Nash.” Aquas said.
“Welcome, Sir. Synchronizing Battle Data. Battle ready, Good Luck.” His AI said to him.
“Bakugan fieeeeeeld Open!” The announcer said
“Gauntlet Power Strike!” The two brawlers each had their Gauntlets glow blue and purple.
“I’ll start!” Nash said “Gate Card Set! Bakugan Brawl! Bakugan Stand! Go Aquos Krakenoid!” Krakenoid rose from the depths and roared. “Bakugan Brawl! Bakugan Stand! Go Pyrus Plitheon!” “Time for a fish fry!” He cackled “Ability Activate! Stash Raider! I now choose seven cards from Krakenoids ability pool to remove from the match. He removed Hydro Tyrant, Abyss Blade, Abyss Rising, Marine Mauler, Tidal Barrier, Screw Serpent, and Tentacular Destroyer Nash laughed as his Gauntlet, a peculiar but extremely ornate take on a Vestal Bakumeter, shined blue. “Ability Activate, Deep Charger! Your Plitheon can’t do stuff like that anymore!” Krakenoids tentacles wrapped around Plitheon and he siphoned his power with blue electricity. “Double Ability Activate! Fly Destroyer plus Fly Blazer!” Plitheon flew at Krakenoid in a flaming tornado and slashed him with his claws, burning him to 500 Gs. “Take that, Squidward!” He cackled. Apollo formed Nukix Gear. “Oh yeah, it’s time. I haven’t worn one of these in forever!” “Ready, Nukix.” His Gauntlet Said “Battle Gear Boost!” Plitheons wingspan doubled in size and four smaller wings formed on top of Nukix main wings as a tower of weapons, each side had missiles and laser guns. “Oh yeah! Sushi time!” He cackled at Krakenoid “Ability Activate! Blitz scoundrel! I can shatter your Gate Card, giving Plitheon a power level with one of my own!” “Give me that, HAH!” Plitheon formed a blazing chain as he threw it into the Gate Card, and slid one of Apollos in. “Re Rigged boss!” “Now Gate Card Open! Pyrus Reactor… My Gate Card!” “So hasty! Consecutive Ability activate! Metal Ripper plus Shark Drake Veiss Plus Wise Deluge Plus Hydro Cannon!” Krakenoid roared with energy and grew double his original size. He let a wave of Aquos light ripple from his body and Plitheon couldn’t respond to abilities. His body became slowly covered in metal as he ripped Nukix from Plitheons body. Then Krakenoid pulsed with energy as he formed a gigantic water ball of energy and fired a torrent of water surrounding a blast of white lance of energy in the similar shape of a stingray at Plitheon, shattering the Gate Card. Neither Brawler had one, and now both players life gauges had 75%. Both Plitheon and Krakenoid were at a power level of two. Plitheon got up, with only 20 Gs remaining. “Boss, I need help.” He pleaded. “Ability Activate! Cunning Inferno!” Plitheon smiled and his eyes turned to flames, he then charged a huge fireball in his chest Diamond and released the energy, Giving Apollo a three turn stall. Krakenoid roared in disapproval and Nash was sarcastically chuckling “You’re stalling, Sayer. You’re actually stalling I must have you on the ropes, heh.” Nash formed Jamsaber on his Gauntlet. “Bakunano Jamsaber! Destroy!” Krakenoids Bakunano appeared and he slashed Plitheon, who now had no Gear, with its shuriken blades. The three turns limit slashed Plitheon each turn to 5 Gs “Now finish him Krakenoid!! Fusion Ability Activate! Shark Drake Leviathan!” Krakenoid quadruples in size and exploded in Aquos power, he was the size of a Skyscraper, as he roared and filled the entire arena with water, electrifying it with powerful energy, and engulfing Plitheon in a gigantic tsunami. His Bakunano and half metal body from metal ripper pulsed with rings of red chaotic Aquos energy as Krakenoid roared in triumph, it was so loud it sounded like a volcano was erupting. Plitheon returned to Ball form, Apollos life gauge went down to 25% and the crowd chanted Nash’s name. Plitheon was steaming. “Boss, im taking a long nap. I got washed..” he said as he returned to ball form “Not so tough, are you now!” He scoffed. Apollo was down, Nash’s lead was extremely large. “We’ll see, fool!” He said “Im done playing! Gate Card set! Bakugan Br…SHIT!” He reached for Pyrus Reptak, but he wasn’t there. Apollo had Twenty Five percent on his life gauge and only Helios left. Nash had all three Bakugan. “Hah! You’re actually missing a Bakugan! I thought this would be challenging!” He sneered. “You have seen nothing yet, Nash. Bakugan BRAWL! Bakugan Stand! End this! Pyrus Infinity Helios!” Helios roared in triumph “You will Burn!” Nash was just as angered “I’ve seen enough, rookie!! Bakugan Brawl Bakugan Stand! Come forth Aquos Krakenoid!” Krakenoid roared, sitting at a power level of two. “Ability Activate! Clamor Quasar!” Helios charged a blast of bolting red energy and shot it at Krakenoid, Burning him for 500 Gs. “There’s the fire! Wise Torrent! I choose to bring in another Aquos Bakugan! Come forth Aquos Frosch!” Krakenoid wriggled his arms and the field turns into water, he dragged The Legendary Aquos soldier Frosch out of the depths and onto the field. Frosch croaked with recognition. “Two on one, what happened to playing fair, hah? Helios! Bolting Breaker plus Battle Warrior!” Apollo pointed at Frosch and Krakenoid. “Time to fry! Aquos foolsl Helios roared and gained 400 gs, then formed a red ball of burning energy and electrocuted each of his opponents. “If you think fighting a legendary soldier will be easy, you’re sorely mistaken! Now Frosch! Consecutive Ability! Swap Frog Plus Neptune Stream plus Elemental Ocean!” Nash was now visibly pressured. The arena then pulsed with water and both players stood on top of a raging ocean. Frosch croaked loudly and Plitheon flew out of Apollos used pile. Froschs G-Power then changed to Plitheons base. “Swap frog allows Frosch to change Gs with a defeated Bakugan:Your Plitheon!” Frosch then opened his mouth and clapped his webbed hands, shooting a gigantic stream of water at Helios. “Reinforce Krakenoid! Dwellers Gaze!” Krakenoid roared in recognition and stared onto the Gate Card, pyrus reactor was forced open and all Bakugan got the same G Bonus. “Now Helios! We can end him!” Helios growled “With Pleasure!”. “You fell into my trap! Strontium Railstar!” Apollo laughed with determination as Helios charged a blast of energy and fired a white hot, straight red laser blast through Krakenoid and into the card. “He just shattered his own Gate Card!” Aquas was confused, but Krakenoid wailed in agony and returned to ball form and Nash’s life gauge went down 25 Percent. “Not only did I just shatter my own Gate Card, but your Krakenoid is now removed from the battle, and we can take Frosch easier! Counter Helios! Darkflare Alloy Plus Deep Fire-Block A!” A purple and red field of energy surrounded Helios as he changed to dual type Pyrus and Darkus, then he spun his back turbine and a constant volley of red and purple energy bullets rained down on the Legendary Soldier. “Deep Fire Block A will also take 300 Gs from Frosch each turn!” Apollo chuckled. “You should be eating your words Neathian! Because we both know that’s what you are!” Helios gloated at Nash. “Well Save proper introductions for later! Double Ability Activate! Dark Growth and Aquos Cyclone!” Frosch croaked and changed to dual type Darkus/Aquos and then the clear watery field turned into a gigantic whirlpool. “Hold on Helios!” Apollo yelled trying to weather the hurricane. “Ability Activate! Ghost Quasar!” Helios formed a spinning white ball of fire that crackled with red lightning and shot it at Frosch. “Choke on this, overrated Frog!” Helios cackled at Frosch as the legendary warrior returned to Ball form, the two brawlers were now at even life gauges. “We’re even now, those words taste any different?” Apollo laughed at Nash. “If you think that’s all I had to offer, you’re stupider than I ever expected.” Nash chuckled as he threw Saint Aquas into the air. “Ready Aquas?” Nash said. “For the ark, partner!” Nash threw his Gate Card “Gate Card Set! Bakugan Brawl!” Saint Aquas rolled onto the card and opened, his wings hadn’t opened yet, signifying some kind of form change. “Bakugan Stand! Come forth, Defender of the Ark! AQUOS SAINT AQUAS!” A dragon with shielded wings and brilliant, shining sapphire scales that reflected sunlight off of them appeared onto the field. “I will defend the Honor of the Kastle Legacy until my last breath!” He roared in triumph, standing at 1000 Gs. “Bakugan Brawl! Bakugan Stand! Finish him Pyrus Infinity Helios!” Helios was standing at a Power Level of 3. “No rain could douse the flames that burn within me!” He roared. “You will find this soon enough, Aquas!” Helios was filled with rage. “Let’s test that, brigand!” Aquas growled. “Aquas!Ability Activate! Deep Beyond!” Nash said as the field turned back into an ocean of blue water. “Only Cowards Stall, Nash!” Helios roared with anger. “You’re on the ropes now, clown! Frenzy Blaster Plus Battle Warrior!” Apollo was also visibly annoyed at the one turn stall. Helios fired a flurry of Pyrus shots from his turbine and then roared as he released a shockwave of flames all over the field. “Counter Aquas! Virtue Stream!” Aquas roared and charged a rainbow energy blast, one eerily similar to the perfect core, and fired a torrent of rainbow energized water at Helios. “Double ability activate! Burner Visor plus Precipice Blades!” Helios charged a high intensity X shaped vortex of fire and released it in an explosion, nullifying Aquas’ ability. He then extended two red energized blades and slashed aquas twice for Krakenoid and Frosch. “Take that!” He roared. “You spoke too soon, Helios! Consecutive Ability Activate! Aqua Reverse, plus Barian Bolster, Plus Crystal Stream, Plus Delta Blue” Nash commanded. Aquas roared as his eyes and symbol on his chest, which is the same Symbol on Nash’s pendant, glowed red as he fired a shining shot of Crystal energy and knocked Helios to the floor and he reversed the effects of Precipice Blades.” Aquas roared as the fans yelled: “Nash! Nash! Nash!”. “Ready Bombaplode.” Apollos gauntlet formed Bombaplode and he threw it into battle. “Bakunano Bombaplode, Destroy!” Helios gained his back blasters, but didn’t get a bonus. “You’re wondering where your boost is? Delta blue took it from you! Meaning your bombaplode starts at zero Gs!” Nash laughed, but Apollo was done playing. “You’re really getting on my nerves now! Consecutive Ability Activate! Infinity Heliopause, Plus Solaris Cannon, Plus Warfire!” Helios let a threatening roar out and an energized pyrus shockwave shook the arena. Nash’s consecutive ability was deleted. “What!!” He said, enraged. “You underestimate the power of Helios! Destroy him! Warfire plus Solaris Cannon!” He then blew a gigantic blast of fire at Aquas, halving his g power and preventing him from countering. Then, Helios chest cannon opened and he charged a huge artificial sun-shaped ball of Pyrus energy and fired it into the air, scorching Aquas. “Choke on this, Aquas!” He was now at 8000 Gs. But Apollo looked at him with a crazed look. “Now! Vexos Infinity! I take your Krakenoid as my own and activate his Fusion Ability to DOUBLE Helios G Power: Abyss Megalo!” Helios roared and the water turned into scalding hot lava as he burned Aquas and drew him closer into a Lava vortex, now at a ridiculous . “Four New Ability Cards Unlocked. Power level over 10,000” his mask said as four new cards appeared in his deck. “Neathian, Legendary Warrior or not, I will destroy all who stand in my way! Including you, Aquas!” He roared as he burned him down past zero. Helios was roaring with victory as Aquas was at certain defeat. But then the smoke cleared. Aquas’ eyes glowed rainbow, and Nash suddenly threw him back into the battle. “Reincarnation! Unveil Mail, Come Forth Saint Aquas!” The crowd roared. But Nash was now no longer human. The ability card he had activated had revealed his Neathian form, and he did not even look neathian. He was purple skinned, adorned with gold and a red cape, his sigil was on his chest. “You are a beast filled with hatred! An agent of chaos and evil! That is why your brawler wears his mask, because it lives in the both of you! I am noble and true and I fight for the prime of life!” Aquas roared, standing at Double his base power. “He resurrected himself!” One of the fans shouted. “Now Ghotic Cosmo, Plus Flood Cry!” Aquas roared and released a white rainbow colored shockwave of watery energy from his chest as he shot a torrent of water into the air, making a huge storm above the field. He prevented Helios from defending himself. “Helios! Mach Blitz!” Helios countered and blasted him with an energy shot that shut his defenses down. But as sense of dread filled the field. Aquas was not fazed. His body was pulsing with heavenly energy, and a gigantic white megastructure appeared over his head, shaped like a cradle and the storm began to send red and rainbow colored lightning bolts down on Helios. “ULTIMATE COMBINATION ACTIVATE! SILENT HONOR ARK, PLUS SILENT HONOR DARK!” Aquas was levitating with power as Nash held the card into the air and he spread his wings at the same time, he grew gigantic in size and pulsed all six attribute colors, despite only triple changing to Darkus and Aurelus, and charged an immense singularity of light and energy. He was now breaking a 40,000 power ceiling. “YOU WILL PERISH HELIOS!” He roared as he opened his wings and released it down into the battlefield, Helios was obliterated by the blast and returned to ball form, Apollo was on his knees, he had been absolutely embarrassed. Helios singed with energy, so much had been released that he was hot to the touch. The worst had happened: Nash had stolen his top three spot. Then, Nash returned to human form, and offered Apollo to stand but he slapped his hand away and got up on his own. “You fought well, but not well enough.” He said cryptically. “Heres some advice. You are a kite dancing in a hurricane Apollo, stop while you’re ahead. You wont be able to withstand this coming storm.” Nash walked away. Apollo was enraged. He would not rest until he beat Nash.
Rankings June 10 2024 Mike Dawn Nash Kastle Apollo Sayer Max Howlet Lucas Alito Blaine
Brawl Log: Nash Vs Apollo Result: Nash W Apollo L Difference: Nash Extreme Diff
Apollo: Plitheon X Infinity Helios(Took two down but fell to Saint Aquas) Nash: Krakenoid X, Frosch X, Saint Aquas
Krakenoid 1200 Gs Plitheon 900
Plitheon 600 Krakenoid 1200
Krakenoid 500 Plitheon 900 + 120 Nukix= 1020
Shattered Mine Ghost Replaced with Pyrus Reactor Opened Card Shattered by Shark Drake Veiss Plitheon 1720 Krakenoid 500
Plitheon 20, Krakenoid 2300 + 300 Jamsaber 2600
Plitheon 5, Krakenoid 5600
-2995 Plitheon, Krakenoid 5600
Helios 1250 Krakenoid Level 2 1200 * Clamor Quasar: Transfer 500 Gs from your opponent to Infinity Helios and bring them back to Base Power and G-Power Levels. Krakenoid 700 L1, Helios 1750 * Wise Torrent: Choose to reuse any 5 Aquos abilities three times or add another Bakugan to the battle Chose Option 2 Krakenoid 700 L1, Helios 1750, Frosch 800 * Bolting Breaker: Transfer 600 gs from each opponent to Infinity Helios. * Battle Warrior: Add 400Gs to Infinity Helios. Infinity Helios 2750 Frosch 200 Krakenoid 100 Frosch: * Swap Frog: If Frosch’s G-Power is Lower than His Opponent, Swap his current G-Power with either any Bakugan in your Unused or Used Pile, or any Bakugan in your Opponents Used or unused Pile. * Neptune Stream: Subtract 600 Gs from the opponent * Elemental Ocean: Adds 500 Gs to Frosch. Krakenoid * Dweller’s Gaze: Add 200gs To Krakenoid and nullify their ability. Then force their Gate Card open and activate it at your command. Apply its effect to all Bakugan presently battling. Frosch (swaps with Plitheon) 200 + 900 Base=1100 Gs, Helios 2750(Nullified)1750-600= 1150, Krakenoid 300 Gs Gate Card Opened by Krakenoid * Pyrus Reactor: Add 500 Gs to a pyrus bakugan Krakenoid 800, Helios 1650, Frosch 1600 * Strontium Railstar: Activate when your opponent opens a gate card. Subtract 900 Gs from the opponent and shatter their Gate Card. Set another Gate Card under both Bakugan, without re rolling, before the ability resolves and prevent its Nullification. Krakenoid Negative 100 X, Infinity Helios 2650, Frosch -900= 700 Set Aquos Spotting Out underneath * Darkfluid Alloy: Change the attribute of Infinity Helios to dual type Darkus and Pyrus. All abilities now apply damage as if they were both Darkus and Pyrus. * Deep Fire - Block A: Negates all of your opponent’s active Support Pieces for 2 turns, and all abilities active presently are nullified. Transfer 300Gs from an opponent of choice to Infinity Helios every half a turn. Helios(Dual Type) +300 1950, Frosch 700-300=400 * Dark Growth: Change Frosch’s Attribute to Dual type Aquos/Darkus and add 400 Gs * Aquos Cyclone: Subtracts 600 Gs from each opponent and adds 600 Gs to Frosch. Helios (Dual) 1350-600= 750+300 = 950 Frosch (Dual Type) 800-300 500 * Ghost Quasar: All opponents lose double the last G-Power addition. Helios(Dual) 950 Frosch (Dual) 500-800-300=-600
Nash Sets Helios 1250 Gs Power Level 3, Rolls Saint Aquas 1000 * Deep Beyond: Add 600 Gs to Hydraxon, and he cannot be targeted by abilities, except those activated by Aquos Bakugan for one turn. Aquas 1600 Helios L3 1250 * Frenzy Blaster: Add 600 Gs to Infinity Helios. * Battle Warrior: Add 400Gs to Infinity Helios. Helios 2250 Aquas 1600 * Virtue Stream: Transfer 600 Gs from each opponent to each ally. Double the transfer to Aquas. Helios 1150 Aquas 2800 * Burner Visor: Nullifies all of the opponent's abilities. * Precipice Blades: Subtract 200 gs from each opponent up to 3 times for each Bakugan Helios has defeated. Aquas 1600-200-200=1200 Helios 2250 * Aqua Reverse: Reflect your Opponent’s Ability at double the Strength if it is Defensive, and if it is offensive, apply the effect to Hydraxon at Double the Strength. * Delta Blue: Prevent the opponent from gaining a support piece bonus. * Barian Bolster: Double Aquas G-Power and halve all offensive abilities that target him for the next two turns. * Crystal Stream: Subtract 400 Gs from the opponent Aquas 1200+200+200 = 1600*2=3600 Helios 2250+ Bombaplode * Infinity Heliopause: Nullify the last consecutive ability your opponent used and return them to that point in the battle. * Warfire: Halve each opponent’s G-Power and add the total amount taken to Infinity Helios. Your opponent cannot activate abilities or gate cards in response to this ability if Helios has any support pieces presently attached to him. * Vexos Infinity: Play after you win a battle with Infinity Helios. Enslave the defeated Bakugan, add half its G-Power to Infinity Helios, and copy three of its abilities as Pyrus abilities. * Solaris Cannon: Helios gains 1000 Gs. Then, Helios gains G-power equal to a bonus the opponent's Bakugan has received during this battle. Aquas 1200/2=600 Helios 2250+1000+3600+600+600= 8000 (Gains new ability Cards from power increase, and Enslaves Krakenoid. Nash must win to get him back, copies abyss megalo, wise wave, and wise deluge.) * (Copy Fusion Ability)Abyss Megalo: Double (Helios)Krakenoids G-Power, Double all Aquos Gate Card effects and add them to (Helios)Krakenoid, and subtract 1000 Gs from the opponent. Helios 16000 Aquas Neg 400(Gains more new abilities) Round resumes, Aquas Resurrected 2400 Helios 16000 * Reincarnate Unveil Mail: Saint Aquas can be revived at double the G-Power if defeated. Aquas Changes his wings to open in his ball form. Aquas 2400 Helios 16000 * Ghotic Cosmo: Call an attribute. That Attribute cannot attack Aquas without losing the Same amount of G-Power on the next activated Ability Card. * Flood Cry: all of your Aquos Bakugan are unaffected by abilities during your opponent’s next turn. Saint Aquas 2400 Helios 16000(Chose Pyrus) * Mach Blitz: Prevents the activation of Defensive abilities by your opponent for the rest of the match. Saint Aquas 2400 Helios 16000 * (Ultimate Ability) Silent Honor Ark: (Fuse with two Aquos Abilities) Activate if Aquas is your only Bakugan remaining, your opponent has more than one Bakugan on the field, all of them are at least 800 Gs stronger than your Aquas at the time of his resurrection, and if Aquas has been resurrected at any time in the battle, but no more than five turns after his resurrection. Double Saint Aquas Base G Power and change him to dual type Aurelus. Then, add each Opponent’s present G-Power to his power level. If you have only Aquos Bakugan in your used pile, Transfer 10,000 Gs from each opponent to Saint Aquas. Cannot Be Nullified reflected absorbed or prevented. (sacred orb) * (Fusion Ability)Silent Honor DArk: Quadruple the effects of Silent Honor Ark if consecutively activated and change him to triple type Aurelus Darkus and Aquos. Saint Aquas cannot be defeated in battle(Ability Cards that defeat Bakugan do not count in this ability). (Sacred Orb) Saint Aquas 47,000, Helios -Negative 26,000 Nash Victory, Krakenoid returned Apollo Defeat
New Abilities added through Helios’ over 10,000 increase of power * Ragnarok Quasar: Subtract 800 Gs from the opponent and Prevent the Activation of abilities. * Mauser Slash: Adds 800 Gs to Infinity Helios. * Infinity Pulsar: Transfers 800 Gs from the opponent to Helios, Return them to Base Power Level and prevents the activation of Abilities. Cannot be nullified. * Destroy Quasar: Return the opponent to Base Power Level and add the lost power to Helios * Inferno Superior: Double Helios G Power and prevent the nullification of your abilities for two turns. * Exploder Dragonwing: Transfers 1000 Gs from the opponent to Helios and prevent the opponent from activating abilities or opening Gate Cards. Return the opponent to Base Power Level and add the difference to Helios and all Allies. Also, skip your opponent’s next turn.
submitted by CMART696969 to BakuMedia [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 03:34 KneeMain4688 Level of calculation C/P

Level of calculation C/P
Do questions like these come up on the actual test? What level of calculation should i be expecting on the real test? 🤔
submitted by KneeMain4688 to Mcat [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 02:56 Lostartistry How is PFE score calculated?

Took my test for staff today. No SKT. I believe I’m getting a 4 on my EPB. I can’t figure out how to calculate the PFE score. It’s confusing.
EPB: 220
PFE: ???
Last years cutoff score was a 374.24. So I would like to compare it to that. 3P0X1 btw. Thanks for the help!
submitted by Lostartistry to AirForce [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 02:19 bbyfog SLEDAI, SLEDAI-2K, and SELENA-SLEDAI Scores Explained

SLEDAI and its various versions are cumulative and weighted indexes that measure SLE disease activity across different disease descriptors. The most common version used in clinic is SLEDAI-2K and in clinical trials, SLEDAI-2K, SELENA-SLEDAI, or modified SELENA-SLEDAI.
The original index, SLEDAI, short for SLE Disease Activity Index, was developed in Toronto in 1985. This index captured new and recurrent manifestations, but only partially captured ongoing activity or global disease, and does not provide detailed assessment of changes of disease activity in individual organs (Bombardier 1992). Some of the shortcomings of this index are:
  • SLEDAI lacks the definition of "flare" (flare is an important concept in SLE) and it does not capture mild degrees of activity in some organs.
  • SLEDAI scores alopecia, mucous membrane lesions, and rash only if they were new or recurrent, and in the case of proteinuria if there was a new onset or a recent increase of more than 0.5 g/24 h. (This was done to distinguish active from chronic lesions, the latter more likely to represent damage; however, physicians would prefer to use these descriptors as active any time they are present.)
  • SLEDAI also lacked descriptors' for some activities such as hemolytic anemia and mononeuritis multiplex.
  • SLEDAI is not sensitive to capture worsening in an organ descriptor, or improvement short of resolution of a descriptor.
SLEDAI was revised in 2002, modeled on clinician's global judgement, and named SLEDAI-2000 (SLEDAI-2K) (Gladman 2002). Unlike the original SLEDAI, the revised version captures persistent, active SLE manifestations.. SLEDAI-2K is validated as a measure of global disease activity.
  • SLENA-2K modified the definition of rash, alopecia, or mucosal ulcers descriptors to include the presence of any rash, alopecia, or mucosal ulcers and new, recurrent, or persistent proteinuria > 0.5 g/24 h. This change made by the SELENA trial group insured that the descriptors of organ system involvement reflected ongoing (i.e., persistent) disease activity.
  • Scleritis and episcleritis were added as new descriptors of active disease with high activity weighting of 8.
  • SLEDAI-2K version contains 24 descriptors in 9 organ systems, weighted according to severity. The score range is 0 to 105. Most clinical trials enrolling subjects with moderate-to-severe SLE use the SLEDAI score cutoff of >=8 excluding subjects with mild disease. Note, patients with scores ~14 would be dead (see table below.)
In the dataset analyzed in Gladman 2002, both instruments, SLEDAI and SLEDAI-2K, predicted all-cause mortality (Table 3) and disease activity, i.e., flare (Table 5).
Gladman 2002. Table 3
Table 3: mean SLEDAI score of 13.95 and mean SLEDAI-2K score of 14.01 corelated with all-cause mortality.
Gladman 2002. Table 5
Table 5: mean SLEDAI score of 9.37 and mean SLEDAI-2K score of 9.76 corelated with flare.
Why use SLEDAI-2K instead of SLEDAI: Although both instruments are comparable and provide similar scores and predict all-cause mortality and flare, SLEDAI-2K allows measurement of pure disease activity as opposed to damage from disease or therapy. SLEDAI-2K, which allows for persistent activity in rash, mucous membrane ulcers, alopecia, and proteinuria, is suitable for use in clinical trials and studies of prognosis in SLE.
SELENA-SLEDAI modifies some of the descriptors of SLEDAI such that ongoing disease activity is captured; however, the descriptors themselves and their weights were not changed (Petri 1999 , Petri 2005). For both SLEDAI-2K and SELENA-SLEDAI, the score range is 0 to 105, with the higher score representing more significant degree of (i.e., severity) of SLE. Further modifications of SELENA-SLEDAI includes:
-- Hybrid SELENA-SLEDAI score, where the proteinuria is scored as positive in the presence of > 0.5 g/24 hours urine protein, if attributed to SLE renal disease, irrespective of a change from a previous visit (Merrill 2018, Petri 2005). -- SELENA-SLEDAI Flare Composite: included three elements: the SELENA-SLEDAI score (range, 0 to 105, with 0 indicating inactive disease); an assessment of new or worsening disease activity, medication changes, and hospitalizations not captured with the use of the SLEDAI; and the score on the physician’s global-assessment visual-analogue scale (range, 0 to 3, with 0 indicating inactive disease and 3 severe disease) (Petri 2005). -- Clinical SELENA-SLEDAI (cSLENA-SLEDAI) is assessed without anti-double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) and low complement C3/C4 (Merrill 2018).
  • SELENA-SLEDAI flare composite was used as endpoint in clinical trial testing the effect of oral contraceptives in women with SLE because of concern about potential negative side effects of estrogens on disease. this study confirmed that oral contraceptives do not increase the risk of flare (Petri 2005).
SELENA trial, the Safety of Estrogen in Lupus Erythematosus National Assessment Trial
  • SELENA-SLEDAI, here, here
  • SLEDAI-2K calculator, here, here
  • SLENA-2K and SELENA-SLEDAI could also be printed from original publications (links above)
submitted by bbyfog to BcellAutoimmuneDis [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 02:12 Hour_Rate_5490 Curious about NIPT results

Curious about NIPT results
I was just informed of my NIPT results. I been crying nonstop for about a week. I just need to hear from people about false positives. I am a kidney transplant recipient and also diagnosed with Lupus, although my health is stable and I been really good,I am 38 so when my doctor told me the results,I started crying so hard, she said it’s more likely my baby will have T21. But I heard people say that they’ve done the amniocentesis test,came back positive but their baby was born healthly or should I say with no disability,T21. Has this happened to anyone.
submitted by Hour_Rate_5490 to NIPT [link] [comments]


Targets are spread along 2 km of the heavily mineralized Queen vein
Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 10, 2024) - Summa Silver Corp. (TSXV: SSVR) (OTCQX: SSVRF) (FSE: 48X) ("Summa" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on drill planning for the Mogollon Project, New Mexico (the "Mogollon Project").
Key Highlights (See attached figures):
  • Known High-grade Mineralization: All targets along the Queen vein have previously been de-risked by reconnaissance-style and step-out drilling, highlighted by:
    • 448 g/t AgEq* (129 g/t Ag, 3.88 g/t Au) over 31 m (Consolidated, MOG22-05)
    • 640 g/t AgEq (306 g/t Ag, 4.26 g/t Au) over 9.9 m (Consolidated, MOG22-10)
    • 433 g/t AgEq (134 g/t Ag, 3.66 g/t Au) over 23.2 m (Consolidated, MOG22-16)
    • 1,133 g/t AgEq (693 g/t Ag, 8.8 g/t Au) over 1.65 m (Eberle, MOG23-21)
    • 393 g/t AgEq (64 g/t Ag, 3.9 g/t Au) over 7.4 m (South Queen, MOG23-20)
  • Strong Recoveries for Gold and Silver: Two previously reported representative composite vein samples from Consolidated returned recoveries ranging from 96.2% to 97.9% for silver and 97.7% to 97.8% for gold from flotation concentrates.
  • All Targets are Open for Expansion: All mineralized zones along the Queen vein are open for expansion and require step-out drilling to fully evaluate grade and scale potential.
  • Systematic Drilling Planned: Data from infill and step-out drilling at key targets will be used to fully investigate grade continuity along-strike and down-dip to facilitate future mineral resource estimations.
*Silver equivalent is calculated using US$20/oz Ag, US$1,800/oz Au with metallurgical recoveries of Ag - 90%, Au - 95%. AgEq = (Ag grade x Ag recovery)+((Au grade x Au recovery) x (Au price / Ag price)).
Galen McNamara, CEO, stated: "Our work at Mogollon has shown that the Queen vein is extensively mineralized with high-grade silver and gold in multiple zones across more than 2 km. Systematic drilling is now required to quantify ounces in a step-by-step manner as targets are drilled and developed throughout the district in the coming months and years. With 77 km of vein and prospective structure present on the project, we are confident in big-picture ounce potential here and look forward to continuing to unlock value in this storied American silver district."
Figure 1: Mogollon Project Priority Drill Targets
Figure 2: Mogollon Project Queen Vein Long Section
The Targets
The priority targets at Mogollon are dispersed along the highly-prospective and complex Queen vein system covering 2.0 km of strike length from the southern Deadwood target to the northern Consolidated target (Figure 1). High-grade mineralization along this trend is hosted in a structurally controlled and complex epithermal-related system consisting of calcite + quartz veins, quartz-rich breccias with bladed quartz, colloform banding, and local silver-bearing sulfides. The Queen vein, and related splays, have been traced on the Mogollon Project for an additional 5.5 km where other known targets remain un-tested.
The priority drill targets include:
  • Consolidated: The Consolidated target is centered on the historic Consolidated Mine and has been tested by the company for un-mined extensions of mineralization across a strike length of approximately 500 m and a down-dip extent of approximately 350 m (Figure 2). Drilling at Consolidated was initially designed to intersect the Queen vein on 50-100 m pierce points to systematically investigate grade continuity north and south of historic mine developments. Many holes across two drill programs (2021 to 2023) returned significant zones of vein-hosted, high-grade silver and gold mineralization (e.g., 448 g/t silver equivalent* (129 g/t Ag, 3.88 g/t Au) over 31 m of MOG22-05 and 640 g/t silver equivalent* (306 g/t Ag, 4.26 g/t Au) over 9.9 m of MOG22-10; see the Company's news releases dated May 3, 2022 and February 1, 2023). These results demonstrate strong grade continuity for gold and silver along the vein and within the complex vein system and outline key areas that require additional infill and step-out holes to better constrain the lateral and vertical extent of mineralization.
  • South Queen and Eberle: The most recent drill program at the Mogollon Project was designed to test the mineralization potential of the South Queen and Eberle targets located along 350 m of the Queen vein, approximately 1.2 km south of the Consolidated target. The South Queen target is centered on the structural intersections between the east-west trending Last Chance and Anne E veins, and the Queen vein between the Deadwood and Eberle mines (Figure 2). The only hole at Queen South intersected 393 g/t silver equivalent (3.9 g/t Au and 64 g/t Ag) over 7.4 m including 2,735 g/t silver equivalent (28.6 g/t Au and 320 g/t Ag) over 0.5 m (MOG23-20, see the Company's press release dated February 27th, 2024). The Eberle target, centered on the structural intersection between the east-west trending Maud S Vein and the Queen vein system. The first hole (MOG23-21) intersected two intervals of strong silver-gold mineralization, an upper zone of 124 g/t silver equivalent* (59 g/t Ag, 0.83 g/t Au) over 2.13 m, and a lower high-grade zone of 1,133 g/t silver equivalent* (421 g/t Ag, 8.8 g/t Au) over 1.65 m (see the Company's press release dated April 23rd, 2024). The intersections in MOG23-21 were 30 m apart, down hole and represent two veins and/or vein splays. Mineralization at both targets is open along strike and down dip.
  • Clifton**:** The Clifton target comprises potential zones of high-grade mineralization below the Clifton Adit and has yet to be drill tested by the Company. The adit was driven along the Queen vein for over 400 m where limited production was recorded. Historic underground sampling from along the adit returned grades of up to 382 g/t silver equivalent¹ (see the Company's press release dated September 12, 2023). Mineralization at Clifton remains open in all directions.
The Plans
Based on the Company's previous drill results, together with extensive data compilation efforts of historic underground sampling, it is determined that a continued systematic approach to drilling is required at the Consolidated, Clifton and South Queen targets. The focus at all three targets will be to better define the extent and continuity of vein-hosted mineralization. Holes will be planned on 50 to 100 m spaced pierced points along the vein with the resulting data used to inform and facilitate a future mineral resource estimate.
The company will announce detailed plans for the upcoming resource-style drill program at Mogollon once holes are finalized and budgets are set. It is anticipated that drilling will commence later in Q3 2024.
Qualified Person
The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Galen McNamara, P. Geo., the CEO of the Company and a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.
About Summa Silver Corp
Summa Silver Corp is a junior mineral exploration company. The Company owns a 100% interest in the Hughes project located in central Nevada and has an option to earn 100% interest in the Mogollon project located in southwestern New Mexico. The high-grade past-producing Belmont Mine, one of the most prolific silver producers in the United States between 1903 and 1929, is located on the Hughes project. The Mogollon project is the largest historic silver producer in New Mexico. Both projects have remained inactive since commercial production ceased and neither have seen modern exploration prior to the Company's involvement.
Follow Summa Silver on Twitter: [@summasilver*](https://api.newsfilecorp.com/redirect/GmEYyS2Djv) *LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/summa-silver-corp/ Website:https://www.summasilver.com
"Galen McNamara" Galen McNamara, Chief Executive Officer [info@summasilver.com](mailto:info@summasilver.com) www.summasilver.com
Investor Relations Contact: Giordy Belfiore Corporate Development and Investor Relations 604-288-8004 [giordy@summasilver.com](mailto:giordy@summasilver.com) www.summasilver.com
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Cautionary note regarding forward-looking statements
This news release contains certain "forward-looking statements" and certain "forward-looking information" as defined under applicable Canadian and U.S. securities laws. Forward-looking statements and information can generally be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "may", "will", "should", "expect", "intend", "estimate", "anticipate", "believe", "continue", "plans" or similar terminology. The forward-looking information contained herein is provided for the purpose of assisting readers in understanding management's current expectations and plans relating to the future. These forward‐looking statements or information relate to, among other things: exploration and development of the Company's mineral exploration projects including completion of surveys and drilling activities; the release of assays.
Forward-looking information is subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual actions, events or results to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information, including but not limited to: the requirement for regulatory approvals; enhanced uncertainty in global financial markets as a result of the current COVID-19 pandemic; unquantifiable risks related to government actions and interventions; stock market volatility; regulatory restrictions; the ongoing conflict in Ukraine; and other related risks and uncertainties disclosed in the Company's public disclosure documents.
Forward-looking information are based on management of the parties' reasonable assumptions, estimates, expectations, analyses and opinions, which are based on such management's experience and perception of trends, current conditions and expected developments, and other factors that management believes are relevant and reasonable in the circumstances, but which may prove to be incorrect.
The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking information except as required by applicable law. Such forward-looking information represents management's best judgment based on information currently available. No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed and actual future results may vary materially. Accordingly, readers are advised not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information.
To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/212087

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submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to Treaty_Creek [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:28 TheX_0913 Blackberry Investment Pitch: Minimum $25 per share intrinsic value. Long read

I believe Blackberry’s shares should be worth $25 minimum based on the growth of their IoT revenue at 18% to 22% annually over the next decade and new revenue from their IVY platform starting in 2026. At a current price range of $2.50 to $3.00, we stand to make ten times our investment. Blackberry’s IVY platform will be the basis for vehicle app creation in new software-defined vehicles like Blackberry will be able to charge developers looking to create apps for connected vehicles through a fixed revenue license per car or per API call from the car. By creating the infrastructure and collecting a tiny fee for every API call passing through its platform, Blackberry will create a toll-booth-styled company like FICO, Visa, Moody’s, and Apple’s App Store.
Blackberry IVY’s platform collects and normalizes data from car sensors, so that developers and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) can use APIs to gain insights into the driver’s and car’s internal and external environment. Uses of vehicle sensors can include monitoring eye movement, heart rate, and air quality inside the vehicle. The end goal for these vehicle apps is to provide a better and more personalized user experience. Ultimately, Blackberry IVY’s platform will create an ecosystem for vehicle apps by being platform agnostic so it can work on top of any vehicle OS across all car brands. For example, video games that can be played on PlayStation or Nintendo’s Switch are OS agnostic, allowing them to be more readily accessible and popular. O’Reilly Media released a book in September 2023 titled The Software-Defined Vehicle: A Digital-First Approach to Creating Next-Generation Experiences proclaiming: “the holy grail of the [software-defined vehicle] is the vehicle app store.”
The World Economic Forum released a paper in May 2024 titled Advancing Industry Collaboration in Vehicle Software stating that applications in software-defined vehicles (SDV) will be the fastest growing and largest segment for the SDV with estimates for a total addressable market starting at $80 billion in 2023 and increasing to $230 billion in 2030. If Blackberry IVY grows its market share of the vehicle app store from a theoretically miniscule 0.05% to 0.1% over a decade, then IVY revenue will grow from $59 million to $230 million; quite the conservative assumption given that even the obscure search engine DuckDuckGo grew its market share in 2015 from 0.05% to 0.69% in January of 2024 compared to Google’s dominant 82% of market share.
During Blackberry’s investor briefing at CES 2024 in January, Vito Giallorenzo, CFO of Blackberry’s IoT division, explained that Blackberry can charge OEMs per sensor deployed and if they go above the agreed upon number of sensors, they will charge extra. He also made it clear that revenues should not be expected until 2026 given the long lead time in the car industry. During an interview with The Stack in October 2022, Vito explained that Blackberry IVY will generate revenue through two approaches:
Automakers can choose to pay-per-vehicle, like 'all you can eat' -- you use it for as many applications as you want. Or you pay as you go; every time there is an API call, or there is a processing of data -- we have few metering points inside IVY -- then you pay like a few cents.
Blackberry IVY’s business model will involve either a fee for one-time license per car install or charging per API call for previously agreed upon number of sensors. Blackberry could charge OEMs $100 per license to use the Blackberry IVY platform. With the average cost of a combustible engine car being $50,000 (EVs usually cost more), the IVY license will amount to 0.2% of the car’s value. For comparison, FICO scores also amount to 0.2% of the total cost for a mortgage package. If the average lifespan of a car is 12 years and Blackberry IVY charges $0.001 (one-tenth of a penny) per API call, then Blackberry will collect $100 per car over the lifetime of that vehicle assuming 2 trips per day and 12 API calls per trip. Mitsubishi Electric actively uses the IVY platform now with 9 different synthetic sensors to decide if the driver is distracted, so it is not far-fetched to assume 12 API calls can be made during a trip.
If Blackberry can get 7 million cars to install IVY in 2026, then we can expect around $705 million in revenue during the lifetime of those cars, so per year we can expect $59 million in revenue. 7 million car equates to 3% of existing vehicles with QNX installed and not total SDV or connected vehicles globally. When the iPhone firsts shipped in 2007 it managed to take 3% of market share when it was competing against the goliath of the time, Blackberry. By 2035, if the number of cars with IVY installed continues growing to 28 million (12% of the 235 million vehicles with QNX installed), then Blackberry will recognize $235 million in revenue. So, we arrive at almost identical results using two different methods to calculate Blackberry’s potential revenue leading me to be confident in our line of reasoning.
Some of the risk Blackberry faces on its road to profitability include delays in new cars being shipped because of supply chain issues which would push revenue further out. Adoption of their platform may take a while since most OEMs remain stubborn in outsourcing their software needs. And the question of the profit-sharing agreement between Amazon remains unanswered. There are also fears that Apple will successfully take over the smart car through the development of its own autonomous vehicle and CarPlay.
According to the Bloomberg article How Apple Sank About $1 Billion a Year Into a Car It Never Built, Apple ended its autonomous vehicles project after spending approximately $10 billion with no apparent successes such as Amazon’s cloud software connecting to the car or Blackberry’s QNX vehicle OS. A very important test for Warren Buffett in determining the strength of a moat is whether a competitor can replicate or weaken the moat with a massive checkbook. At the 2012 Berkshire meeting, Buffett talked about Coke’s moat, “If you gave me $10, $20, $30 billion to knock off Coca-Cola, I couldn’t do it.” It is encouraging to see that Blackberry’s QNX and IVY platform remain unaffected so far. During an April 2024 interview on Decoder podcast with Mercedes CEO Ola Källenius, the host asked whether Apple CarPlay will take over the Hyperscreen of the vehicle. Mercedes CEO Ola gave a sobering “No.” Ola elaborates:
If you want to create a superior customer experience, you need to think about that as a whole, and only the manufacturer can tie all of it together. Nobody out there — none of the tech companies — is even aspiring to do that whole thing…We want to create the best digital experience in the world for you…But to give up the whole cockpit head unit — in our case, a passenger screen and everything to somebody else — the answer is no.
Despite these uncertainties, Blackberry IVY’s platform is positioned come out on top because it will drive down costs and time to market for vehicle apps to the point where the app ecosystem can become viable and profitable for developers. This phenomenon occurs again and again like when Microsoft built an interpreter using BASIC to make microcomputers more appealing to the programmer masses during its nascent stage. Blackberry appears to be developing an early moat in its IoT business through QNX and IVY. By having these products remain OS agnostic, Blackberry promotes the democratization and standardization of data through IVY and within the next decade the company will benefit from a virtuous feedback loop as large amounts of data gets processed through IVY and more and more developers use the platform.
submitted by TheX_0913 to BB_Stock [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:55 DeadmanSwitch_ I did some quick math for Wishful Ignorance

I'm at work atm so I'll properly test these numbers once I'm home. I found a clip online for Wishful Ignorance vs the Phalanx Echo dungeon boss, and used the base melee damage of 26,018 from Frenzied Blade as the basis for my math
In the clip, without BoW, Wishful ignorance gives a 20%, 50%, and 100% for every melee after the first, capping at 4 hits doing a base damage of 148,303. Adding the 40% from Banner of War makes Wishful go to 207,624 with 4 melees.
After calculating the math for the synthoceps nerf, base x3 melee is 78,054 and adding the synthoceps brings that to 128,789. BoW's diminishing numbers go to 143,619.
Wormgod Caress at x5 brings the 3 melees to a whopping 236,123 damage. The highest so far, however if you drop by 1 stack before you can reach your target, the x4 wormgod buff total drops to 171,719
TLDR, in order from worst to best: Synthoceps, Wormgod's x4, Wishful Ignorance, Wormgod's x5
Basically the gist is going only off of melee's with Frenzied Blade, Wishful is only beaten by max wormgod, but wishful has no setup and even returns a fuckton of melee wnergy when around allies. The only thing Synthoceps or Wormgods can for sure do better is adding grapple, which I couldn't find footage of here at work. These things are actually nuts
Quick edit: Wishful is better overall for single target hits, if you intend on using the melee charges for adclear synthos/wormgods is probably still better, though even then the insane melee regen and a 4th potential charge could still end up beating them out, I can't say for certain
submitted by DeadmanSwitch_ to destiny2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:47 cmr987 Help with soil test results

Help with soil test results
I know this should probably be very common sense but I am a new lawn owner and my St Augustine grass is majorly struggling in zone 8 (North TX). What should I do with these results?
submitted by cmr987 to lawncare [link] [comments]
