Taylor hicks dating game

[H] Fabulous Bundle Leftovers [W] Trade for other games

2024.06.11 01:53 timoffster [H] Fabulous Bundle Leftovers [W] Trade for other games

I have some leftovers from Fanatical and Humble bundles, and a small number of Indiegala leftovers also. Open to trade for other steam keys. Open to all types of games. Will try to reply to all offers.
submitted by timoffster to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:52 Necessary-Coast-7767 As of right now the Steam and PS5 version are still up for the premium collector's edition on the US store.

As of right now the Steam and PS5 version are still up for the premium collector's edition on the US store. submitted by Necessary-Coast-7767 to tenkaichi4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:50 SolidRace2039 In Law BPD cycle abuse

i am at the point where i don't care anymore for my mum in law, but i need some support.
i started dating my now partner 4 years ago, funny thing is, i was pregnant before i dated him my daughter baby daddy didn't want anything to do with her or me, she wasn't even born yet, but my now partner stood up to be her dad and i am okay with that, he's family was very supportive and they love her heaps like she mixes with them so well.
but the issue lies with my mother in law, at the start she was being so sweet and loving when i was pregnant, hugs everything it was nice for once not to have toxic mum in law trying to strangle me to death.
i was very wrong about thinking she was "nice" because my partner had housemates here. one by one she was picking a target first it was her friend, they got into fights over fines and stuff. the friend wasn't here long and moved out and fair i can understand why she'll get upset.
next it was my partner best friend, she went off at him, played the trumpet to piss him off and just complain about him all the time, this guy done nothing wrong, but bring us coffee and do everything right in the house. he moved away to be with he's girlfriend like far away leaving my partner with no friends, he's only best friend is gone.
then he's brother and he's brother friend moved in and all that left was 4 people in this house, plus me. but instead she went for her other son and her friend and the other house mate, screaming at them, slamming doors, just going off at them for no reason after they cleaned and paid there share, nope wasn't good enough for her.
my partner brother moved out with 3 others the 4th one was kicked out due to getting into fight with the brother. and now it was me, my partner, he's mum and my daughter and i was scared to be the next target of her out burst and i was right about it.
first it started when she took my daughter to football game during covid and she was only few weeks old hasn't had her shots yet or anything i am freaking out so much no communication i was really panic, she did apologise but we told her to let us know, then it was when our birthdays came up, she and i were 2 days apart when it was her birthday she didn't do much or get anything and she got upset. when it came to almost mine she started to fight me for no reason and ruined my birthday i was pretty upset her.
after while i'd had enough of her, cycle of abuse, one moment she be all nice to me and the next starts attacking me, when i write her message in the group chat, shell send a screenshot to my partner and go "she's attacking me, see see" i am like in my head i am not attacking, i can read what she says i have my partner facebook. she call me a narc and manipulator.
like i went to my dads because i was overwhelmed with the house and stuff and i was at the park with my daughter and i got comment from her saying "why are you keeping my grandaughter away from me, her home is here" i am so confused because i just went to stay with my dad and told my partner i wanted to find a small house that isn't big.
and my partner was away at he's dad wanting a break from everything and she was spamming him and everything and then blaming me for not leaving him alone while he was on break and i was LIKE WTF!!!
but going to today me and my partner got back from 2 week holiday and my daughter was with he's mum and things were fine, until i got group message that the house needs to be clean and everyone needs to pitch in witch i said "i am not gonna help downstairs as i said before i am keeping in my own lane with my mess upstairs" me and my partner agreed to this and everyone was else was on board with it, but no she thinks i was attacking her and getting defensive and i was like how okay and left it alone.
but that wasn't the problem, i was on my pc getting ready for my tafe course and i heard her shouting and getting annoyed at my daughter and cup drop and my daughter crying, i ran down pissed off all because my daughter didn't want to watch frozen and she got upset with her about it, like why!!.
i was really mad at her for that and need to calm down before i said anything, but no i got message from her in the group chat saying i am guilty of something and saying i don't like her and at that point i was like i don't care leave me alone and that was it and now were trying to call everyone up because she wrote us a note saying she's done with being disrespected and all that shit, playing the victim card, my partner worried she might do something stupid, but she pulled this last time when she yelled at me over her tripping over the dog bowl, but she might be moving out and honestly i be glad is she does
submitted by SolidRace2039 to inlaws [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:49 Guilty-Asparagus-879 33 [M4F] #NYC - I’m in therapy AND I know how to fold a fitted sheet...

Hey y’all! I’m a 33M in NYC, specifically North Brooklyn, looking to find a genuine connection with a kind-hearted, like-minded lady. Ideally I'd like to find something that can turn into a relationship/partnership, but I'm very much open to taking it casually and seeing where things go.
I’ve been on dating apps for years to varying degrees of success, but it feels like the quality has gone significantly downhill lately, so here I am!
My elevator pitch is that I'm emotionally available, I’m a quality communicator and empathetic listener, and believe it or not, I really do know how to fold a fitted sheet!
I’m about 5’8 (aka 5'7), white, curly brown hair, glasses, and rocking a bit of a dad bod at the moment. I’ve never been much of a partier, but I'm usually up for grabbing a drink or two (literally) socially and I’m pretty fond of a little 420 to help wind down at night.
My biggest passion is music. Alternative/shoegaze/punk/metal is my sweet spot - if you're into that, we already have a lot to talk about! I go to lots of shows and have a pretty extensive record collection. I also write, record, and release my own music, but I promise I’ll never force you to endure me playing Wonderwall with an acoustic guitar.
I also love seeing stand-up, going to trivia nights, browsing museums, and I'm usually up for any of the many unique things that NYC has to offer. On more low-key nights, I enjoy watching movies or playing PS4 - I actually only just got into the gaming over the pandemic, but I caught up real quick!
So if you're an open hearted lady here in NYC who knows how to communicate and likes to show your silly side, I'd love to hear from you! Shoot me a DM or chat and tell me a bit about yourself! If you send photos, I'll respond in kind. Thanks for reading!
submitted by Guilty-Asparagus-879 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:42 No_Establishment3148 Has anybody here completed every single Burnout game? and which one is the best and the worst in your opinion?

I'm very curious to know if anybody here has completed every single Burnout game there is to date? Has anybody completed most of the Burnout games, but decided to not complete a certain game? Why did you stop and which one was it?
submitted by No_Establishment3148 to Burnout [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:41 Monogold Playing sm:mm before sm2

Hello, i know that sm: miles morales ties into spiderman 2 and i would like to play it since people say good things about it. I dont have that much money to spend on games rn (to buy both games) and sm2 is currently on sale for 50$, i know miles is 50 aswell but it being a much shorter game i think buying the second one would probably be a better way to spend that money. Should i go ahead and get it or is it still better to hold off and buy miles when its on sale, and sm2 on a future date?
submitted by Monogold to spiderman2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:40 No_Establishment3148 Has anybody here completed every single DS game? and which one is the best and the worst in your opinion?

I'm very curious to know if anybody here has completed every single DS game there is to date? Has anybody completed most of the DS games, but decided to not complete a certain game? Why did you stop and which one was it?
submitted by No_Establishment3148 to darksouls3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:39 No_Establishment3148 Has anybody here completed every single DS game? and which one is the best and the worst in your opinion?

I'm very curious to know if anybody here has completed every single DS game there is to date? Has anybody completed most of the DS games, but decided to not complete a certain game? Why did you stop and which one was it?
submitted by No_Establishment3148 to darksouls [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:38 oldsklbstrd How about mini monday

How about mini monday
Just a few things from the pc...excluding the altuve, i hit that little shit in a rookie chase.
submitted by oldsklbstrd to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:38 No_Establishment3148 Has anybody here completed every single GTA game? and which one is the best and the worst in your opinion?

I'm very curious to know if anybody here has completed every single GTA game there is to date? Has anybody completed most of the GTA games, but decided to not complete a certain game? Why did you stop and which one was it?
submitted by No_Establishment3148 to GTA [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:36 Maximum-Potato2983 Am I being unreasonable for getting upset with my dad for not telling me he was getting married? +EDIT

Hey, I'm new to Reddit and don't know the rules for this subreddit. My dad just told me yesterday that he's getting married on Sunday. For context, I still live with him and I'm a minor. I don't have a job due to mental and physical issues. I don't necessarily like my stepmom in some ways; she can be very manipulative. She says she wants to be my friend, not my mother, but then she tries to act like a parent. A couple of months ago, she accused me of selling drugs because I dropped a couple of my antidepressants and couldn't find the rest. I also have two step-siblings who are 12 and 9. My dad and her have been dating for almost 3 years and got engaged, but then called it off at one point. Instead of telling me a year before or even a month before, they're getting married just one week before. I'm naive and would like to know if this is normal or if I should voice my opinion on whether they should get married or not.
It has been about three months since the wedding, and I've been spending most of my time in the basement, gaming and sleeping. I no longer feel comfortable around my family. It feels like every time I go upstairs, somebody makes a deprecating joke at me. I've been asking my dad to change therapists because it seems like she's not helping me at all. I want to see a therapist for a diagnosis, but my dad makes no effort at all. He can’t even take me to the hair salon without telling me to go do it myself, and I don’t have a car. My grandmother has been living at my house for three months. When I try to make myself food, I feel guilty because she usually prepares most of the meals. Sometimes, if I don't have an appetite and don't eat what she made, she gets frustrated and starts blowing me off and waving me away.
submitted by Maximum-Potato2983 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:36 No_Establishment3148 Has anybody here completed every single Driver game? and which one is the best and the worst in your opinion?

I'm very curious to know if anybody here has completed every single Driver game there is to date? Has anybody completed most of the Driver games, but decided to not complete a certain game? Why did you stop and which one was it?
submitted by No_Establishment3148 to driver [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:36 ThrowRA_Shay2 what do i do about my bf (23M) being uncomfortable with me (22F) hanging out with my best friend (22M)?

I have been friends with Alex since we were in middle school. It started off as a friendship and soon developed into more when he asked me out on a date. After a few dates and talking every night, I told him that I much preferred being friends with him, and he understood. We continued like this all throughout high school, and I would go to his house to play video games or watch movies occasionally. For a short time in our sophomore year, I asked Alex out since I liked him, but he declined, and we continued our regular friendship. Alex has always been there for me through everything and vice versa.
A little over a year ago, I started dating Nate. When they were in middle school, Nate and Alex were very close friends, and Nate knew Alex had a crush on me back then. Over the years, they grew apart a little bit but they still talk once in a while. When we first began dating, Nate was hesitant on my friendship with Alex since he knew about our history. Nonetheless, I continued hanging out alone with Alex because he was my best friend. Recently, Nate has expressed to me his discomfort of me still hanging out alone with Alex because of his past crush on me. He believes that he still has a crush and has not gotten over me. Even though I tell him that I don't feel the same way, he gets jealous and anxious every time I bring up going to hangout with Alex. I would never do anything to betray Nate's feelings, but Alex is one of the closest people to me and I don't want to lose his friendship. Do I stop hanging out with him so Nate feels more comfortable?
submitted by ThrowRA_Shay2 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:35 Maximum-Potato2983 Am I being unreasonable for getting upset with my dad for not telling me he was getting married?

Hey, I'm new to Reddit and don't know the rules for this subreddit. My dad just told me yesterday that he's getting married on Sunday. For context, I still live with him and I'm a minor. I don't have a job due to mental and physical issues. I don't necessarily like my stepmom in some ways; she can be very manipulative. She says she wants to be my friend, not my mother, but then she tries to act like a parent. A couple of months ago, she accused me of selling drugs because I dropped a couple of my antidepressants and couldn't find the rest. I also have two step-siblings who are 12 and 9. My dad and her have been dating for almost 3 years and got engaged, but then called it off at one point. Instead of telling me a year before or even a month before, they're getting married just one week before. I'm naive and would like to know if this is normal or if I should voice my opinion on whether they should get married or not.
It has been about three months since the wedding, and I've been spending most of my time in the basement, gaming and sleeping. I no longer feel comfortable around my family. It feels like every time I go upstairs, somebody makes a deprecating joke at me. I've been asking my dad to change therapists because it seems like she's not helping me at all. I want to see a therapist for a diagnosis, but my dad makes no effort at all. He can’t even take me to the hair salon without telling me to go do it myself, and I don’t have a car. My grandmother has been living at my house for three months. When I try to make myself food, I feel guilty because she usually prepares most of the meals. Sometimes, if I don't have an appetite and don't eat what she made, she gets frustrated and starts blowing me off and waving me away.
submitted by Maximum-Potato2983 to u/Maximum-Potato2983 [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:35 No_Establishment3148 Has anybody here completed every single Halo game? and which one is the best and the worst in your opinion?

I'm very curious to know if anybody here has completed every single Halo game there is to date? Has anybody completed most of the Halo games, but decided to not complete a certain game? Why did you stop and which one was it?
submitted by No_Establishment3148 to halo [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:33 chbe-4618 28 [M4F] I’m curious to see what happens here

I’m so sick of dating apps and this seems so interesting to me. Imagine meeting your significant other here? That’s so interesting.
Well anyway my name is Chris, I’m 28 and I live in the NJ/NY area. I’m a self taught musician and songwriter. I’ve been writing and recording since I was about 15. I have tons of instruments and music gear and I listen to music every day.
I love video games and that’s been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I have a PS2, Xbox 360, Xbox One X, Nintendo Switch and a PC.
I also love Pokémon a lot. I collect the cards and play the video games all the time. I love other TCGs too like Yugioh and Magic but not as much as Pokémon.
I have tons of other hobbies and interests too. I also practice and study Buddhism and Hinduism.
I hope to meet someone who shares some of these interests or is at least curious about them and I can’t wait to hear about yours too :)
submitted by chbe-4618 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:33 No_Establishment3148 Has anybody here completed every single GRID game? and which one is the best and the worst in your opinion?

I'm very curious to know if anybody here has completed every single GRID game there is to date? Has anybody completed most of the GRID games, but decided to not complete a certain game? Why did you stop and which one was it?
submitted by No_Establishment3148 to gridgame [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:31 No_Establishment3148 Has anybody here completed every single Syberia game? and which one is the best and the worst in your opinion?

I'm very curious to know if anybody here has completed every single syberia game there is to date? Has anybody completed most of the Syberia games, but decided to not complete a certain game? Why did you stop and which one was it?
submitted by No_Establishment3148 to syberia [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:30 No_Establishment3148 Has anybody here completed every single Half-Life game? and which one is the best and the worst in your opinion?

I'm very curious to know if anybody here has completed every single Half-Life game there is to date? Has anybody completed most of the Half-Life games, but decided to not complete a certain game? Why did you stop and which one was it?
submitted by No_Establishment3148 to HalfLife [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:29 Mugen_CS Theorizing the Update Date

Theorizing the Update Date
The expected update for the game "Dauntless" is causing great anticipation in the gaming community, especially with the arrival of the long-awaited Broken Isles. According to available information, the most likely date for this update is July 4th. This assumption is based on the fact that the current battle pass season, brawl, and reward pool are scheduled to end on this very day. Additionally, the "Dauntless" developers promised the update would take place between June and July, which makes the July 4th date even more plausible. It's important to note that the update will be rolled out in stages. This means that part of the new features will be introduced into the game on July 4th, with the rest being released progressively over the following days or weeks. This tiered approach allows developers to make necessary adjustments based on player feedback and ensure a more stable and refined experience. The Broken Isles are one of the most anticipated additions, promising to significantly expand the game world and offer new adventures and challenges for players. The community is eager to explore these new areas and discover what else this update will bring. While we await official confirmation of the date, it's safe to say that early July will be an exciting time for all "Dauntless" fans.
credit for the information to the HeadShotRJ channel.
submitted by Mugen_CS to dauntless [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:29 Amatikaiya 29 [F4M] NYC/NJ- Seeking a Forever Partner

Hi! I'm an African-American female living in NYC trying to get back into the dating world after a period of focusing on establishing a career. Now that I've gotten security & stability in my life, it's time for me to get back out there.
About me:
What I am looking for:
If you are interested:
If interested, please send me a message (chat or DM), and give me some insight about the person you are, where you are located, and your hobbies.
submitted by Amatikaiya to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:29 No_Establishment3148 Has anybody here completed every single FEAR game? and which one is the best and the worst in your opinion?

I'm very curious to know if anybody here has completed every single FEAR game there is to date? Has anybody completed most of the FEAR games, but decided to not complete a certain game? Why did you stop and which one was it?
submitted by No_Establishment3148 to fear [link] [comments]
