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2024.05.22 00:47 DeathmasterCody Need help with dorian druid (I am losing my mind)

So I’ve come across and been using two lists since the miniset that include dorian and owl, the two lists are below (lets call the first list “list 1” and the second list “list 2”).
I’ve come into a lot of issues with the first list and need some guidance from players who have successfully ran list 1.

Custom Druid2

Class: Druid

Format: Standard

Year of the Pegasus

2x (0) Innervate

2x (1) Funnel Cake

2x (1) Living Roots

2x (1) Magical Dollhouse

2x (1) Malfurion's Gift

2x (2) Bottomless Toy Chest

2x (2) Lifebinder's Gift

2x (3) Frost Lotus Seedling

2x (3) Pendant of Earth

2x (3) Sparkling Phial

1x (3) Swipe

2x (4) Oaken Summons

1x (4) Puppetmaster Dorian

1x (5) Shattered Reflections

2x (5) Woodland Wonders

1x (7) Owlonius

1x (8) Colifero the Artist

1x (10) Eonar, the Life-Binder


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Custom Druid

Class: Druid

Format: Standard

Year of the Pegasus

1x (1) Funnel Cake

1x (1) Living Roots

2x (1) Magical Dollhouse

2x (1) Malfurion's Gift

2x (2) Bottomless Toy Chest

1x (2) Lifebinder's Gift

2x (2) Splish-Splash Whelp

2x (3) Frost Lotus Seedling

2x (3) Pendant of Earth

2x (3) Sparkling Phial

2x (3) Swipe

2x (3) Take to the Skies

2x (4) Chia Drake

1x (4) Cover Artist

2x (4) Desert Nestmatron

1x (4) Puppetmaster Dorian

1x (7) Owlonius

1x (9) Fye, the Setting Sun

1x (10) Eonar, the Life-Binder


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Now I’ve run both lists a decent amount, and have actually seen a lot of success from List 2, but what baffles me is how high legend players are getting a winrate higher than 50% on list 1.
List 2 has ramp (2 drop), decent tempo (nestmatron), and a clean anti-aggro tool (Fye). You have a lot of ways to win the game, like hitting owl or eonar with dorian, hitting nestmatron or cover artist with dorian, and even just winning with the traditional spell damage wincon, which there is a sufficient amount of. It all fits together decently nicely for a standard format combo deck. The location plus phials alone can steal games from painlock, but aside from that it does suffer from tall boards. Against any slower deck though it feels quite strong.
Now onto List 1. I cannot make this shit ass list work for the life of me. It feels insanely high rolly. If you dont get dorian/oaken into a discover on curve or earlier you insta lose. The deck doesn’t have any resources to deal with any kind of board pressure, and even if you get lucky enough to face a slower deck, if you whiff on dorian/oak/discover or you draw owl/eonar before getting to dorian, you are unequivocally cooked. The late game strategy is so god awfully weak, and all for a small chance to go off on turn 7 or colifero off eonar for a board of owls once every 40 games? I feel like Im being baited by deck sharing sites. Like “here have this deck that will lower your wr by 40%”. There is no way people are climbing in high legend with this. I’ve seen two high legend players post this deck, and it this point I’m thinking they are in on some sick joke. This might be a worse combo deck than obelisk warlock. Idek what to say. If anyone could explain how it’s supposed to work beyond funny hehe highroll every 1/5 games or have replays of you winning with it vs actual decks and players after whiffing the highroll, I would really appreciate it. I just need to know that Im not insane and this deck isn’t bait. Id honestly rather it be a skill issue. Any help is greatly appreciated.
submitted by DeathmasterCody to CompetitiveHS [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:43 ArcAngel98 Jess and Blinx: The Dragon- Part 3

Dracula: World of War --- The Violet Reaper ---- Humans Don’t Make Good Familiars Book 1 ---- The Lonely World --- Discord ---- YouTube --- My Patreon --- My Author's Page --- ArcAngel98 Wiki ---- The Next Best Hero ---- HDMGF Book 2 ---- Jess and Blinx: The Wizard ---- The Questing Parties ---- Previous
It took a month for Zanwy to recover from losing her wing. The shaman said everything went well, but afterwards she developed a fever for three days, and couldn’t move from the pain for over a week. Even after the fever broke and the pain faded, she was still too weak to move, and could not eat for some time. I visited her every day, bringing her food, making sure she ate even a little, and peeling the chard scales off the wound to help it heal. The shaman never even returned once to check on Zanwy. Her parents and siblings stayed with her, but that may have only been because they lived there too. After she recovered her strength, we started making plans on what to do. She knew the swarm wouldn’t accept her anymore, and I never felt at peace within it, so our plan was to leave.
“Are you ready?” I asked Zanwy as we overlooked the cliff edge. Even though I could fly now, I was not strong enough to carry her, so she needed to climb down. Which, after a month of infrequent meals and not moving much, seemed risky. “We could wait a few more weeks. Until you recover.”
“No. I can’t stay here.” One claw after the other, her wing pressed tightly to her back so she didn’t catch an updraft and twist, her belly flat against the rock, and her head pointed to the ground, she climbed down carefully. Of course, I could have glided down, but I didn’t. It felt wrong now somehow. The rocks shadows had moved over an inch before we made it to the bottom, with the forest we loved so much as our first destination. We thought that maybe the first place we should go could be past the furthest point we’d gone together.
Walking through those familiar rolling grassy hills and past the jumper’s nests, I listened to these familiar sounds one last time. Taking it all in, I heard, of course, that penetrating roar of the swarm, but there was also the small wet splashes of the jumpers moving about, the small howl of the wind as it made waves in the tall grass, the crunch of that same grass under our claws as we walked, and Zanwy’s slight panting. She was out of breath, but was keeping quiet, hoping I wouldn’t notice.
Eventually, we reached the edge of the forest, and stopped to eat red-berries. We sat in the grass and ate the red-berries that had fallen out of the treetops. Once we’d had our fill, and juice dripped from our snouts, I asked Zanwy, “How do you feel?”
“Off balance. Walking is a lot harder than I remember it being.” Zanwy said, limping slightly.
“Can you climb?” I looked up to the branches we always run along.
“I… no. I don’t think so.”
“What if I helped you?”
“Maybe, but jumping along the branches would be hard.” A drop of berry juice ran down her mouth and landed on the grass as she licked her claws clean.
“Okay, we can just-”
“No, I wanna try.” Zanwy said.
Getting Zanwy up the tree truck was clumsy and hard. She rested her tail on my head as I climbed below her, pushing her up for support. It took a few minutes but she and I made it to the strong branches. The branch swayed with the wind, and Zanwy flared her one wing, before quickly realizing her mistake and pulling it, and herself, closer to the branch. Using my wings to balance myself, I walked over to her. “Should we go back down?”
“Not yet. Just let me…” She slowly stood back up, and kept her wing pressed to her body. The nub where her missing wing had once been pressed itself down too, mimicking the movements of the other like an invisible mirror. Pushing off, she jumped to another nearby branch, and landed safely on the other side. Once again, I heard heavy panting, but she couldn’t hide it as well right now. “See, I can do it!” Zanwy yelled excitedly as her tail swayed back and forth from the edge. I followed suit, and lept to the branch next to her. It took a while, but she found a rhythm, and we ran along the branches for nearly an hour, until the sun began to set.
“It’s almost night. Let’s find somewhere to sleep.” I suggested.
“Yeah, let’s head back to the ground.” Zanwy agreed.
“You don’t want to sleep in the trees?”
“No. Without my wing… I don’t wanna risk falling by accident. Do you mind sleeping with me on the ground?”
“Okay, let’s find somewhere safe.” We spent a few minutes looking around, and found a tree with a hollow spot near the base. It was cramped, but empty. By the time the moon rose we had already settled down. Zanwy rested closer to the back of the hollow, and I slept near the entrance.
“It’s cold.” She said, and yawned. Since we were under a tree, the walls of the hollow couldn’t be heated with fire directly. So slowly and carefully, Zanwy and I used our fire to heat the dirt under us instead. Small embers of grass charred, caught fire, and burned away, leaving the ground much warmer; enough for us to sleep comfortably.
That night, I dreamt of Zanwy. She was flying around, soaking up the sunlight with her wings. I was the too; flying right beside her. We danced in the sky together. Zipping and diving about. It was so quiet. It was just us; as a perfectly happy swarm of two. Later that night, I woke up feeling sluggish and dizzy. A moment later I realized how cold it had gotten, and that the heat from the ground had long since gone. Zanwy was still asleep, and I didn’t want to wake her up.
Controlling flames is easy… to a point. But once something is on fire, you don’t control how it burns. That was something my father taught me when I breathed my first flame. The grass had already burned, so I assumed it could burn again. Because of that, I thought it would be safe to use more this time. I assumed wrong. One breath was all it took, and the walls turned yellow with fire. I tried to put it out by beating it with my tail and wings, but that only spread it faster.
“Zanwy! Get up!” I shouted. Dragons may be harder to burn, but enough fire can char and blacken even our scales.
Zanwy startled awake, “what’s going on? What happened!?” The flames started creeping closer, so she scrabbled to her and we both ran out of the hollow. It didn’t take long for the rest of the tree to burn, and for the fire to spread to the nearby trees. We ran away as fast as we could, the smell of smoke in our noses, and the sounds of crackling flames left behind us. Once we’d gotten safely out of the forest, I told Zanwy what happened.
“I’m sorry.” I told her.
“I guess the forest isn’t as used to fire as our nests are.” She said. She was upset, but was trying to not let me hear it. “Let’s just find someone else to sleep for tonight.” It was dark, but we could both see well enough to spot a rocky outcrop.
“Rocks are harder to burn than trees.” Zanwy said, crawling into an opening between the rocks. We crawled inside, and made sure there was nothing that could burn this time.
“Looks safe to heat these up.” I suggested. Zanwy agreed, and we spent several minutes making the place warm. “Much better.”
We finally got to sleep again after that, and woke up to beams of light hitting our eyes from the opening in the rocks. I rolled my head away from the light, and covered my eyes with my wings. I was all set to go back to sleep, until Zanwy said, “Woah… look at this, Blinx.”
Sliding one of my wings down, I peaked an eye open. With the sun out, the cave we were in became a lot brighter. Enough to see that it was much deeper than we’d realized. Zanwy, who’d slept further in than I did, noticed it first.
“This hole is really deep.” She said. “And it gets darker inside too. Do you wanna go explore it?”
I stood up, and my stomach growled. “Sure, but let’s eat first.” We left the cave in search of food. Outside, we found three things. One, some tasty slitherers under a big rock. Two, some water under another rock. And three, a burned down forest. Well, not the whole forest, but a lot of it that we could see. In the distance, white smoke rose into the sky from a few different places. A lot of the grass around the rocky area had been burnt up too.
“I guess we slept through the worst of it.” Zanwy said.
“Are the fires out now, at least?”
“Yeah, the smoke it white, so nothing’s burning anymore.” The was a moment of quiet, and I thought about how lucky we were to escape that tree in time, and how careless I was.
“I’m… sorry. We almost got hurt because of me.”
“Forget it. Name one dragon who hasn’t accidentally burned something with their breath. Let’s just go look at that cave. That’s why we left, right? To explore?” She said.
“Yeah, let’s go.”
The cave itself was very deep, and the walls were made of stones of lots of different colors. As we climbed down, we had to squeeze between rocks, and scrabble with our claws to make holes as we went deeper and deeper down. Eventually, the light from outside didn’t shine, but we could still see fairly well, though not as far, and without any colors. The cave quickly went from colorful, to just shades of gray. As we went along, the sounds of our claws on the stone did something strange. The sounds started happening several times, and coming from all around us.
“Do you hear that Zanwy?” I asked.
“Hear what?”
“Listen,” I said, and tapped the stone with my claw. Suddenly, the same tap came from above, below, and beside us; like a tiny swarm was clattering all around the rocks.
“Let me try.” She said, and scratched a stone. Once again, the sounds repeated. “Oh wow!” We decided to go deeper, and find out what was causing the sounds to do that. Eventually though, we entered a big open area in the cave.
“What is this?” I asked, hoping down into the area, and looking around.
“I don’t know. Maybe it’s the village of another species!” Zanwy said. “Hello!” She cried out with her mind in a way that any species could hear and understand, but there was no answer. As we continued to look around, we found all kinds of things. There were strangely small hard clay nests all around, but they were filled with tiny rocks and ash and mud. There were also lines of white mud on the ground. I followed them, and they led to the center of the ‘village’.
“Find anything?” Zanwy asked, walking over.
“No, but I am getting cold.”
“Yeah, it was much warmer aboveground.”
“Do you wanna warm up?”
“No, you go ahead, I’m going to keep looking around.” She said. As she walked away, I used my fire to warm up the rocks below me. Suddenly, light started to shine from the mud lines, revealing that I was standing on a large, circle with a strange pattern on it. The light got brighter and brighter, and I tried to run, but found that I couldn’t move. “Blinx!”
“Zanwy!” Without warning, I felt dizzy, and I could move again. Then I heard the sounds of something behind me, but it wasn’t Zanwy. Growly, I tried to make myself look bigger, and threatening. Whatever it was, it stood on two legs, and was rubbing its eyes. In its hand was a broken tree branch, with a rock at one end. The cave village had been filled with light, but it came from all around.
“What the?” The creature mumbled, looking at me. “Are you a dragon?” I growled at the creature, while looking around for Zanwy, but she wasn’t there.
“Who are you? Where’s Zanwy?” I demanded. I let the flames build up in my mouth to show that I was dangerous.
The creature grabbed her head. “Telepathy. That’s new. My name is Jess. I’m a wizard. Who are you?”
submitted by ArcAngel98 to SyFyandFantasy [link] [comments]

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submitted by Brilliant_Maddy to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:00 Tea7ay_ Character Design Discussion: Saber

Character Design Discussion: Saber
this post aims to facilitate discussions around the lore and designs on heros in MLBB
Duan Meng loved the sword. From an early age he showed interest in swordsmanship and as a result, gained the attention of Master Longma (former disciple of the Great Dragon). With his guidance and Duan Meng’s unwavering motivation and innate talent. It would only be a matter of time before the Invincible Swordsmaster was created.
Fate however, had a different plan for our young Duan Meng.
After leaving the Tianyin swordmaster sect against his master’s wishes, Duan Meng traveled the Cadia Riverlands, scoring victory after victory, and creating his legend.
Until he traded blows with a man named Zhixu. A seemingly normal man, who came from nowhere, who was taught by no one and who brought Duan Meng to his knees.
Embarrassed and w his pride in tatters, Duan Meng retreat into isolation for 3 years.
3 years later a new and improved Duan Meng exited isolation, only to find his rival had made even greater progress in the time away. So much progress in fact that he broke Duan Meng’s sword.
Consumed by his desire to become the Invincible Swordsmaster, Duan Meng approached Laboratory 1718. It seemed they knew how to stimulate the potential of the human body past what was normally possible. An enticing prospect for Duan Meng.
Duan Meng was made into a weapon. Whose sole purpose was to exterminate those who opposed the research of the lab. A machine who had no thoughts, no empathy, no mercy. A tool who cut down its targets with a single slash, like a Saber.
However as time went by, the familiar feeling of having a sword in its hands started to stir something within it. Memories. Painful, agonising memories.
One still night the machine got up, took its sword and severed the neural link to its brain. It then proceeded to ruthlessly destroy the lab and before the sun rose that morning, Duan Meng walked away into a new life, of exile.
Character design:
Saber is what u get when u let dull, joyless corporate managers choose the final draft for a character, instead of the actual artists working on it.
The “man made machine” trope is pretty extensively done in MOBA games and Saber, to me, seems like a first draft.
Sure he looks competent. The plates of body armour layered over some sort of synthetic muscle fibre and a cool sci-fi visor w big shoulder pads. Pair that w his human face (we’ll get back to that) and the hair and you got yourself a pretty decent robot man.
But there’s nothing INTERESTING about him. The best I could come up w was the red ribbon bringing some sort of organic mess into his otherwise inorganic aesthetic and maybe a connection to the red string of fate that links two people together perhaps hinting to the fated link between Duan Meng and Zhixu.
Nothing ties him to Cadia Riverland, nothing gives us a hint to who he is as a character and nothing about his design seems novel.
U have a robot man! Give him striking robotic eyes instead of a a dumb visor, maybe keep one arm human to show us that the act of holding and fighting with a sword is what grounds him and makes him human. Hell why not put his broken sword on his back to show us not only how much the defeat weighs him down but also the burden of the expectation he has for himself? Skins like Onimaru or Fullmetal Ronin do a better job of incorporatin a level of character and interest (because mecha samurai are cool) and I can’t help but fantasise about what could have been.
There’s so much you can do with this character and it feels like we just got the bare minimum.
I love my mono combo robo boy but god he needs a model update.
Curious to hear what u guys think!
submitted by Tea7ay_ to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:54 KalElDebarge Tips for Beginners from a Beginner

I recently started collecting ouch plants and wanted to share everything I’ve learned in hopes that it will help others. These tips come from a mix of places—personal experiences, conversations with growers, reading cactus forums, Reddit, YouTube videos—and because I’m a weirdo, I’ve organized this list from essentials to less important.
Anyway… hope this is helpful and for all you experts, if I’m saying anything dumb, feel free to tell me. I’m still learning!
Miracle Gro = The Worst
Don’t use Miracle Gro. It contains coagulants that cause the soil to hold moisture for obscene amounts of time, making it incredibly easy to overwater your plants.
Personally, I prefer Uni-Gro, which comes with a good mix of organic and mineral ingredients. Depending on the type of cacti (especially those known to grow at higher elevations), I will amend it with pumice and akadama to ensure solid drainage and mineral content.
If your cacti are already planted in Miracle Gro and you don’t plan to repot them, I suggest purchasing a moisture meter from Amazon or Home Depot. Use it to keep an eye on how wet the soil is. If it’s not dry, don’t water them. If it is dry, a little goes a long way!
I’m a Plants Wetter (and Not Afraid to Admit It)
I am historically terrible when it comes to overwatering and have to remind myself that cacti are not humans--they are plants that have evolved to go years, if not centuries, without direct access to water. Take the Copiopoa, for example—they grow in the mountains of Chile, eat rocks, cook in the sun all day, and can live for hundreds of years getting moisture only from the coastal fog. Wild stuff!
I get that that’s an extreme example, but less is more and whatever I define as “less” is still probably too much. In practice, that means I’ll check my plants every 1-2 weeks (or less) and give them a sip of water if their soil is fully dry.
If you’re not sure whether the soil is moist or not, check the hole in the bottom of your pot—if it’s dry, then it’s time to water. If it’s moist—check again in a few days. If there’s no hole, repot your plant immediately.
The Waiting is the Hardest Part
Spring is cactus season! That means new growth, flowers, and action. The rest of the year? Your cacti are using that time to chill, grow, and get thicc—growth will still be taking place, it’s just less noticeable.
Don’t let that trick you into thinking your plant needs more water.
Merry & Bright
Cacti need as much light as possible. Even though I know this, you know this, and dogs know this it bears repeating.
If your plants are inside, put them by the window or under an extremely powerful grow light. Many moisture meters also come with a light meter, so it’s easy to check how much light you’re getting—but ultimately, brighter is always better.
If you’re putting them outside—morning light is the best light. Just be careful about how much exposure they’re getting in the afternoon. Here in the Coachella Valley, for example, the sun turns into a giant death ray in the sky every summer, which means most of my cacti need afternoon shade.
For everyone else, if you’re moving your cacti outdoors, like many on this subreddit have suggested, the best approach is to increase afternoon sun exposure over time; otherwise, they’ll burn.
Repotting & The Many Dumb Mistakes I’ve Made
Much like overwatering, I have made a lot of dumb mistakes when repotting in the past. C’est la vie.
Spring and summer = cactus growing season and the best time to repot. This is true of most plants, but for some reason, I didn’t figure it out until recently. I’ve killed a handful of plants because I repotted them in December and January, thinking it was OK because it’s warm here. Don’t be like me.
When it is time to repot, consider watering your plants a day or two beforehand. Take care to avoid damaging the roots and once you’re done, let them chill in a shady spot for two weeks before giving them any more water. I learned this from watching the Peter W. episode of Cactus Quest. The idea here is that the shade will reduce the shock, your plant won’t be thirsty, and it can use those two weeks to repair any root damage that occurred.
Buying plants from big box stores like Lowes, Home Depot, etc.? Check your soil! Most of these store’s wholesalers are using garbage soil that doesn’t drain and will kill your new buddies if they’re not repotted.
It’s crazy to me just how easy it is to grow new plants from cuttings. You can literally leave some species of cactus lying on a pile of dirt and they’ll start growing roots and eventually pop out new growth.
If you’re propping from a cutting—make sure to give your plant a few days to callus over, then put it in some dry soil or perlite and wait 2-4 weeks for them to take root. They’ll rot if you water them without roots because they won’t be able to drink anything.
Not sure whether it’s got roots? Give it a very gentle yank to see whether it comes out of the soil. If there’s any tension, then you’re making good progress!
Don’t Get Pricked
Cactus thorns suck. They’re a lot like splinters and can be a giant pain in the ass to remove. In situations where I have to handle them with my hands, I will do one of two things:
  1. BBQ Tongs: Use these to pick up or plant smaller specimens without having to worry about my precious digits.
  2. 2 Pairs of gloves: I go this route when handling heavier guys. The first layer is leather work gloves. The second layer is cheap raptor gloves from Amazon. I’ve found this prevents 80-90% of surprise punctures but reduces finger mobility.
Feed Me, Seymour
The right substrate (meaning it has a good balance of mineral and organic ingredients) should provide your ouch plants with almost everything they need, so you probably won’t need to worry about fertilizing.
If you do want to hook them up with some food, many folks on this subreddit recommend Schultz’s, which has worked well for me so far—I only use it sparingly only once in spring and early fall. I dilute it by 50% when I do.
If I’ve just repotted a plant, I’ll wait two weeks, then give it a sip of Moon Juice (which is 0-0-0, but full of micronutrients) to help it get established.
I Swear, it’s Not an Addiction
If it were up to me, I’d only buy from my local ouch plant dealer, but after spending some time online, I’ve found some great places to grow my collection! Here's a few:
Other Helpful Resources
Link Roundup: Everything I Mentioned in This Post
Plant Food
Growers, etc.
submitted by KalElDebarge to cactus [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:49 Lanzen_Jars A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 168]

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Chapter 168 – The moment to live and the moment to die

„Jumping!“ an Ensign announced loudly as the Sun's view-windows very briefly flickered into a dark black only to go back to a full view of the ongoing battle basically instantly, having barely shifted the ship's position at incomprehensible speed. „Shot clear of allied ships.“
Vice-Admiral Kazadi tapped his finger on one of the armrests of the Commander's seat that still felt anything but comfortable for him to sit in as the tight grid of flashing lights reflected in his eyes within the twilight of the bridge.
“Fire,” he then ordered. Not even a blink later, a burst of colorful light broke into his view from the side of his very own ship, lighting up the entirety of the bridge even through the automatically tinting windows that absorbed a lot of the harmful light so the crew wouldn't flashbang themselves with each shot.
The relativity canon fire tore through the enemy ship at an almost literal instant with any travel time barely being conceivable to a mortal mind. In a large unload of energy that left almost the entire stern-side of the zodiatos ship as a molten mass of dispersing slag, the main propulsion was taken out. Simultaneously, the two accompanying cruisers had also taken their shots; with the 'Civil' taking out the engine of one more enemy vessel while the 'of the roses' had instead used its shot to disperse one of the enemy projectiles in order to buy their own hunter ships more freedom of movement. Those huge ones didn't go down easy from one of the hunters' smaller shots, so using one of the large canons to dispatch it took some of the heat off them.
Meanwhile, smaller targets on the enemy vessels, such as their own canons, were gradually taken out by said hunters, whose own fire – while able to be quite destructive if intended no doubt – could be used in a far more precise manner. With more and more of their canons failing, the protective volleys the coreworld terrorists could fire to hide themselves away also became less and less effective.
“Send the fallback-beacon,” Kazadi then ordered, since close quarter attacks became less and less necessary.
It seemed that the zodiatos had a hard time adjusting to the combat style of the human unkindnesses, however that didn't mean they should take any unnecessary risks. Even if a pilot could've been able to avoid all enemy attacks in a perfect world, he knew that his pilots were only human.
Casualties of their own had been comparatively minimal so far, however as if to prove him right about his thoughts, he could see on his surveillance screen how, just in that moment, one of their ships was taken out by an enemy craft.
He grimaced to himself and let out a mild sigh. One more family who would never see one of their own again...
It took a moment before all the ships were reached by the beacon. Due to the nature of their own combat strategies, as well as the particular nature of hyperspace, it was entirely impossible to effectively contact any of their ships directly while they were out in the battle. Therefore, the order to fall back had to be broadcast as a general signal, that each of the pilots could individually pick up as soon as they would keep still for long enough so that it could reach them.
By now, the battle was already won. None of the zodiatos' weapons were able to match the relativity canons in effective range and without the larger ships to back them up, their small hunters wouldn't be able to launch an offensive – shields or not. They could just stay back and fire until surrender now. As the signal was picked up, one of their ships after another disappeared in one last flash of hyperspace as they joined back up with the larger vessels in an enclosing formation.
“Prepare for the retrieval of some of those projectiles,” the Vice-Admiral then ordered as he hoped they would be able to track some of those spent shots their enemies had fired. They would have to figure out what kind of tech that was.
In such a small-scale conflict, it was more than manageable to face it. However, it could offer some difficulties in larger fleets – especially since they didn't know how far this kind of tech could possible be expanded and refined. It was quite possible this was just some form of prototype.
While that order was followed, one of his Lieutenants suddenly spoke up.
“Sir, we have an incoming transmission from the planet. Civilian. Not encrypted, but they seemingly had an access code,” they related quickly.
“Is the earlier interference cleared up?” he immediately asked back, to which the answer was positive. “Put it through then,” he immediately ordered as soon as he heard that.
He rubbed one of his tight braids between his fingers as he waited for contact to be established. Once the line was clear, things remained quiet for a moment.
“What are we best at?” he then asked the silent line, his chest tightening ever so slightly, even if he didn't have to wait long for a reply.
“Topping from the bottom,” a very familiar voice replied from the other end, sounding incredibly strained but most certainly alive.
The code phrase was an old in-joke about something that had been said back during humanity's first contact with the tonamstrosites due to a slightly choppy translation. However, it more than sufficed here to tell Kazadi that the person on the other side of the line was not only genuine, but also not in any immediate distress – at least none that was brought onto her by someone else.
“Good to hear your voice Ma'am,” he greeted the Admiral after taking a brief moment to allow his heart to settle.
“The pleasure is all mine, Celestin,” Admiral Krieger replied in between heavy breaths that sounded like a combination between being ready to collapse and absolutely willing to tear anyone's throat out at a moment's notice. “Excuse me for the unorthodox contact, my own means of communication have all been destroyed. Update me.”
A brief smile played on the Vice-Admiral's lips.
“No problem, Ma'am. Things are under control up here, but multiple allied coluyvoree ships were destroyed and we suffered some casualties of our own which I will take full responsibility for,” he quickly complied. “By now, the enemy crafts have been largely disabled and our fighters are falling back. What's the situation on your end?”
There was a bit of a grunt from the other side of the line that seemed unrelated to the ongoing conversation.
“I'm sure you did everything by the books,” Krieger then replied a moment later. “Down here the situation is precarious but momentarily under control. We have an unconfirmed number of casualties after an attack with an unknown weapon. All squads are either KIA or unresponsive. We took down six enemy combatants but can't confirm if there's more. I'm going to need clean up, rescue teams, as well as pickup for me and two large offworlders asap.”
Celestin nodded.
“We're in a stable position, so we'll jump teams down right away. Hold out just a minute more,” he assured her while already signing in the necessary order to the troops they had on standby. “How bad are your injuries?”
There was another groan of pain from Krieger's side.
“Crushed cranberries,” she replied after a long moment that sounded like she needed to catch her breath.
“Copy that,” Kazadi replied with a grimace. “Sending muti-team with the evac.”
“Copy that,” Krieger confirmed. “Krieger out.”
With that, the call was hung up. On his screen, Celestin could see how the preparations for dispatch of the requested teams was already well underway. Jumping towards a planet at FTL was generally discouraged by the Galactic Community. However, this was an emergency. They couldn't wait for normal re-entry.
After watching the reported progress for just a moment, his eyes returned to the ongoing battle. He watched the enemy ships as they hovered dead in space, unable to maneuver.
They seemed to have recalled their own fighters back in order to form some sort of protective wall around the 'mother ships' with their own small shields. Obviously it wouldn't be very effective, so it seemed like needless cruelty to make their own soldiers get in the way of the incoming fire. Something within Kazadi told the Vice-Admiral they weren't going to stand down.
“Sir, we're getting some strange hyperspace-readings,” his Lieutenant suddenly announced, making him look up.
“Weapon-grade?” he immediately asked, knowing they had less than a moment to react if it was. However, he also figured there would've been more urgency to their voice had it been so.
“No, Sir. Travel-grade,” the Lieutenant quickly replied. “However the readings are unusual. It seems like they are creating a stretch solely around themselves.”
Kazadi's lips shifted a bit as he took that in and he briefly ran a hand over his mouth in thought. “Prepare to collapse,” he ordered. “Maybe they will attempt some sort of running start. We can't let them get away.”
Right then, the light of what was happening had not yet caught up to the spacial distortion that their sensors were detecting, meaning the ships still looked perfectly normal – if damaged – when he looked at them. However, they were planning something. And that made them appear all the more ominous.
His mind quickly went through their own protocols. The U.H.S.D.F. employed hyperspace in nearly all its possible facets in their tactics. If it was even close to sensible, they would have something that was akin to the maneuver their foes were attempting to execute right now.
A bubble of hyperspace solely around their ships...a dodge? Hardly, there was nothing to dodge like that. An attempt to hide away? No, they knew human ships could collapse hyperspace from the outside easily.
Before him, the windows of the ship once again automatically dimmed, protecting the crew's eyes as the colorful light of the created hyperspace-bubble finally reached them.
“Hyperspace collapsed!” the Lieutenant then suddenly announced, causing Kazadi to blink in surprise as his eyes shot up to his screen. He hadn't given any order to collapse it yet. But indeed, it was gone. For a moment, he thought that the stress had caused his officer to use the wrong term in haste, however no, they had been completely right. It had not been dispersed in a controlled manner. It had collapsed.
In a mild 'thud', the Vice-Admiral's fist descended on the armrest, hand firmly clenched into a fist.
“Those cowardly ba-” he began to growl but then bit his tongue and released a low, almost grunting exhale while his fist quivered from momentarily clenching tighter. “Prepare to search for survivors,” he instead said in a much more controlled manner a moment later. “Preserve lives.”
“Yessir,” multiple of his officers echoed back as he looked out of the window, where he could still see the ghostly afterimage of the hyperspace bubble linger for a bit longer. It was always a strange feeling, seeing someone in the distance who was already dead...

With her view darkened and her goggles momentarily pulled off her eyes, Shida stared at the glowing bubble of impossible colors. Her sensors had already told her what was about to happen at any moment now, however her eyes still heavily constricted as they finally witnessed what unfolded themselves.
In what could be described as nothing else than a 'snap' , the light of the hyperspace-stretch instantly condensed down into its original size as the universe all at once remembered that the laws of physics were a thing that existed and brutally forced space to conform to them once again – no matter what may have been in between it and its original form.
Anything within the strange, round stretch was mercilessly ripped along with the convulsion, forcing all the injected warships and fighters into the single, small point that the stretch had been generated from. Though not even a faction of a second later, it all exploded outwards again as the megatons of mass realized that they could not all exist in the same place at once, since the energy of the event was not quite potent enough to press it all into a neutron star or singularity.
No longer recognizable blotches of undefined, white-hot matter were instantly scattered in all directions like some sort of micro-supernova that accentuated the sometimes still burning nano-stars that the earlier battle had created from the opposing fighters.
It was almost pretty...but still, Shida couldn't help but let her ears hang as she wondered how many of the enemy combatants had known about the decision to end things this way. Had any of them even been asked?
Even if it was the far more disturbing answer in a way, Shida almost hoped that this had actually been one mutual suicide-pact instead of the decision of one single commander to choose death over dishonor. Especially while sitting in a ship that was technically under the command of someone else herself, that was certainly the less immediately petrifying option – even if it would probably spell far worse things in the long run.
As she said there, the 'shockwave' of the collapsing hyperspace suddenly hit her, spreading out through space even without any medium to carry it and rocking her ship gently while also penetrating all throughout her body. Of course the earlier relativity fire had already caused similar ripples and she was therefore quite used to the feeling, however these ones sure felt a bit more severe than those of the U.H.S.D.F.'s own canons. It was like she felt her own body distort while also remaining perfectly in palace – almost like she was a stiff container full of water that someone had given a heavy smack from the side, riling up the liquid without it actually having any place to plash to.
According to everything they knew, this phenomenon felt incredibly odd but was entirely harmless to living beings – which was instinctively very hard to believe when one felt it on their own body.
However, her dwelling thoughts were, perhaps luckily, interrupted as she – or more precisely one of her scanners - picked up on a peculiar signature that one of the scattered debris pieces was sending out.
Well, it was 'peculiar' to her that there was a signal at all at first, however then she quickly realized what it actually was. This particular signal was hammered into any pilot's head six ways to Sunday, and so she reacted relatively quickly when she glanced at the grid and realized that she was the closest ship to it. Firing up her engines, she turned her ship on the spot in a slight drift before activating her generator and making a jump right behind the flying object.
Once there, she allowed her computer to take aim for a second before firing out a harpoon that quickly struck the flying debris and latched her ship onto it through a long cable, allowing her to pull the thing along with her after slowly using her backwards thrusters to disperse its speed little by little. Pressing the indicator of her communication, she then spoke up.
“Scratches to Sun,” she announced. “I just recovered a black box. Permission to return for inspection?”
The black boxes of modern ships truly were among the most ridiculous pieces of tech out there, in Shida's humble opinion. Built to withstand almost everything that would likely take a ship out through a combination of brilliant engineering and extremely flexible material that only worked in its indented manner on very small scales. Well, very small compared to the ships they were built into. The things were about half the size of Shida in the end. For many years, armies of scientists had attempted their very best to make this same sort of defense useful in ways that could maybe be used to protect actual people from catastrophic events – but to no avail so far. For now, the only thing those little marvels could allow to survive even something as ludicrous as hyperspace collapsing was information.
“Permission granted, Lieutenant-Commander,” the answer came almost immediately. “Return to hangar three.”
“Copy,” Shida replied. “Scratches out.”
With that, she moved her ship around and prepared for her jump back to the Sun. Hopefully this thing would give them some answers on what exactly this whole thing was meant to accomplish...

Far away in another part of the galaxy, a pair of mildly glowing red eyes was laser-focused on a large screen that was just one of many that had merged all over Nedstaniot-Station to broadcast the breaking news to anyone willing to lift their eyes at a slight angle to look at them.
An attack on a coreworld. And not just any coreworld. Gewelitten itself. Something like this hadn't happened in...well, Curi didn't even know how long.
Details seemed to still be incredibly fuzzy as the battle so close to the coluyvoree homeworld had either just happened or was still happening at the moment of the broadcast, however what few details were known were already repeated on end in an endless scroll of text that was meant to catch as many people up to speed as was at all possible through the medium of television. Obviously the same emerging details could already be looked up on the net as well to find them in a more digestible format than the endlessly moving text next to the not exactly top quality footage of the occurring conflict.
However, despite the speed with which it went by, Curi had no problem following the scroll as they stared at the screen intensely.
“Attack was unannounced. Multiple Gewelitten fleet ships destroyed. Official sources confirm: Humanity NOT the aggressor. Attacking ships presumed to be of zodiatos origin. Unknown weapon technology deployed during the attack. U.H.S.D.F. ships engaged in combat after aggression. Myiat delegation ship confirmed unharmed. Attack on government facility on planet simultaneous to spacial attack. Councilman-Candidate Aldwin confirmed unharmed. Status of U.H.S.D.F. General Krieger unknown. Status of Gewelitten Governor H. Cierrophai unknown. Status of Acting-Councilman Afuéhner unknown. Allied coreworld defense fleets activated and inbound. General alert level raised to 8. Hyperspace-travel shut down around the system.”
“Mother, oh no...” Mueen said with absolute shock in his eyes, both of his hands clasped over this mouth as his wide pupils quivered in fear from what they witnessed.
Curi could understand his worry. Though Moar had supposedly been with James, so she would probably be fine. The cyborg was certainly more than just a little relieved that James was already confirmed to be safe. Though the idea that Admiral Krieger's situation was unknown was more than just a little disconcerting.
Though despite the supposed lack of their commanding officer, it seemed like the humans had decisively won out in the battle outside of the coreworld's atmosphere; unknown technology or not.
Given the sub-par footage that some drone was likely recording from quite far away from the actual conflict, it was very hard to tell just what sort of weapon the unknown but presumed to be zodiatos attackers had unleashed there. It looked like some sort of emanating energy that destroyed what it came into contact with but also interacted with it as if it had a physical presence.
Curi had never seen anything remotely like it before – not even in their wildest theories – and their mind immediately wanted to go wild with speculations and ideas about how such a thing might work now that they knew for a fact that it was possible from seeing it with their own eyes.
However, the cyborg pulled themselves together and successfully forced the briefly almost overwhelming desire to focus on nothing else down as they shifted their gaze slightly away from the screen to look over at their other currently nearby company.
Then again, as much as they knew they couldn't let their guard down around him, Reprig's eyes were just as immovably attached to the large screen as Mueen's were as he witnessed the unfolding battle with quivering horror.
His trunk was wiggling wildly in his face and one of his hands nervously scratched over the plate of the table they were all sitting and standing at and on, right next to a piece of paper with a hastily drawn sketch of a spring-like mechanical leg that was inspired by what humans called 'running blades'. The Warrant Officer's weapon also laid on the table, pushed a but further away from his hand so he wouldn't be able to easily reach it.
Though despite his focus, Curi couldn't quite help but speak up after a moment of watching him. “A coreworld attacking another coreworld,” they said to the man, who they knew either had to know far more than they did about this – or would be far more invested in it unfolding. “This is unprecedented.”
Reprig seemed to notice that they were talking to him, however he still remained silent and stared a good few moments longer before finally pulling his gaze away from the screen.
As his eyes met theirs, he looked a bit sick. It almost reminded the cyborg of one of the first interactions they had with the man, back when they nudged him slightly to hand his spy-device back to him after he tried to hide it in James' cabin. Though this time, the cyborg was quite sure that they were not the reason why the man seemed like most of his blood was currently rushing into his stomach.
Could he actually be shocked about what was happening? Was this not part of the plan?
“Unprecedented doesn't even come close to describing it...” he mumbled and couldn't hold the cyborg's gaze for long, looking down to the table's plate instead. “And these aren't just any coreworlds. Osontjar and Gewelitten have been allied for an unimaginably long time. The thought that they would even think of attacking each other...what sort of madness could've caused something like this?”
Curi was the first to admit to themselves that they were far from the best at reading people. If someone with even a modicum of skill in acting wanted to make them believe something untrue about the person they were talking to, they would never deny that there was a good chance of that person succeeding.
Still, Reprig's reaction felt...genuine to them. As if he had actually never expected something like this to happen. Not in a million years.
Maybe it was just skillful acting. And Curi knew that they should have been suspicious like that. However, despite everything he had done, they couldn't quite bring themselves to suspect that he was lying at that moment.
“I know it is unlikely you will give me an honest answer, but-” Curi began to say, however Reprig was more than able to anticipate what they were going to ask and replied long before they were finished.
“No. No. Never,” the sipusserleng said, shaking his head heavily and standing his trunk up while making a denying gesture with his hand that was so brash that he actually knocked his crutch off the small outcrop in the table it had been laid down on. “This must be some absolutely deranged people, no two ways about it. To attack a coreword...”
Curi noticed Reprig's gaze briefly twitching down, his eyes jumping onto the personal assistant strapped to his lower arm as if he suddenly got the urge to use it for something.
Curi suspected he likely wanted to call someone; question them to make extra sure that they had, in fact, nothing to do with this. Though the sipusserleng suppressed the urge and pulled his eyes away, bringing them back up to the screen.
Just at that moment, the implosion of collapsing hyperspace suddenly lit up the footage moments before the glowing remnants of what once had been the zodiatos ships were scattered across the star-system.
Mueen mumbled something in his home's language as his eyes remained affixed to the screen. Curi couldn't even begin to guess what he was saying. However, his voice sounded pleading.
“Suicide instead of surrender?” Reprig meanwhile mouthed breathlessly as his nervous tick of excessively licking his trunk began to show.
Although he had often been otherwise employed in recent times, Curi could see it in the man's eyes that he was still, in a way, military at heart. He knew the general values and doctrines that were conveyed to the soldiers of the Communal Military, both inside and out. And the idea of someone choosing death like seemed to rock him to his very core.
Slowly, he turned his gaze over to Curi. His eyes were almost pleading with the cyborg, even if they seemed to already know that his next question would be asked in vain.
“Could it maybe have been the humans and their-” he began, but this time, it was Curi's term to cut him off after anticipating what was coming.
“While humans very much employ the collapsing of hyperspace as a tactic in war, the process is not invisible – or even subtle. Had the human ships caused that collapse, it would've been noticeable,” they explained succinctly. “It could've still been a mere unexpected failure of the hyperspace generation, of course. However, with the rarity of such events, the timing seems...unlikely.”
“They weren't even trying to generate a real stretch...” Reprig concurred dejectedly and left his head hanging, his trunk also sinking down limply. “I can't even imagine- Well...I hope they will at least find peace now, away from the madness.”
Curi paused for a long moment, staring at the Warrant Officer some more. Admittedly, the cyborg was a bit confounded at something. They knew for a fact the man had put his own life on the line for his orders, with a very real chance that they would lead to his death, more than just once. And yet the idea of being ordered to die seemed to disturb him. They couldn't quite figure out the difference that led to the results in reaction being so incredibly different, however it was still very clear that there was one.
And it seemed to hit the man hard.
Self-admittedly, Curi didn't exactly pity the man. They didn't quite have the capacity to. They knew about so many horrible things he had done that simply seeing him distressed was far from enough to stir such deep empathy for him within them.
Yet still, they weren't left entirely cold by it either – and if it was only because he seemed to be affected by these events in the ways a, for a lack of a better term, 'normal person' would be. He was shocked at the sudden, seemingly senseless violence, and concerned about the people involved.
Granted, it was likely only because they were people he considered worth being concerned about, yet still, the reaction was so...'normal', in a way they didn't quite expect from someone with such a capability for unceremonious acts of cruelty and violence. Even this person who had tried to kill them, or at least had been entirely comfortable with them getting killed, was capable of such a reaction.
And Curi...wasn't sure if that made things better or worse, if they were being honest.
It felt better because there was the capability for empathy there, felt worse because they felt how they had been and likely still were willingly denied said empathy.
He could have cared...he just didn't want to.
Curi shook their body heavily, causing mild sounds from the engines running their legs' movements from the sudden force as they tried to shoo away emotions that they really didn't want to be feeling at that exact moment.
The thing that mostly kept them from following up on some of their uncomfortably aggressive thoughts at that moment was the fact that Mueen was still with them, the worry for his mother written across his features like a deep engraving in a metal plaque. He did not need anything like that around him right now, that much was clear.
Slowly, they moved over to him and reached up one of their long legs to run it along his arm while he still covered parts of his large face with both hands.
“She will be alright,” Curi then assured the dark-furred rafulite, switching from their usual voice box to their more “melodic” one to put on a gentle, calming tone. “She is stronger than she seems.”
Inhaling deeply as his nostrils flared, Mueen closed his dark eyes and swallowed heavily, taking his gaze off the large screen for the first time in many minutes while slowly hanging his head down.
“Yeah,” he said, seeming to force hopefulness into his tone. “Yes, she'll be fine. She made it his far. This won't get to her.”
Curi nodded with their entire body and continued to run the tip of their leg along his arm.
“She will be,” they repeated, both to the man and themselves as their own eyes moved upwards, their gaze falling back on the battlefield riddled with burning remnants of matter. “I'm sure of it.”

Never in his life had James felt so drunk and so sober at the same time. His mind was entirely clear, running a light-year a minute as it desperately tried to simultaneously process all the admittedly little information that he had in his current situation AND to not absolutely freak out while doing so somehow – a task he was ludicrously failing at. And it did NOT help that his body could barely keep itself on his own two feet.
He had avoided completely fainting by a hair earlier after reminding himself that, instead of being terrified for Shida's life, it would be much more fair towards her to simply focus on trusting in her skills to carry her through. However, that was barely a little patch on an enormous crack in his facade as he couldn't help but go over and over and over the fact of how much worse the situation that she needed to jump into here had been for her simply because it was his damn birthday and they wanted to indulge over it. He should've stopped that, but noooo, he just had to go and let himself be swayed so damn easily, as if he was still that little boy following Koko around whenever she visited the compound to try and get some attention.
Of course, a quiet voice in the back of his head tried to politely remind him that Shida had, in fact, not only taken part in the festivities as well but also encouraged him to do so, however it was easily overpowered by the screaming rest of his mind.
He briefly glanced over at the only somewhat conscious Commander. When she said that they should match each other's drinks, that should've been the moment he stopped. She was like half his weight, what the hell was he thinking?
His mechanical hand shot up, heavily gripping a fist full of hair as he tried to force himself to focus. What's done is done. There's no changing it. He should focus on anything else right now.
Though as he painfully pulled on his hair like that, his eyes suddenly went wide as he noticed something. Or, more precisely, didn't notice something.
When had the alarm stopped? Just now? Or had it been out and he just hadn't noticed?
Letting go of his hair, he lifted his face and looked around. If the alarm was over, then that meant...
The uncoordinated movement of soldiers reaching for their phones and radios with different speeds went through the room, and after brief confirmation, the uniformed forces began to move, having seemingly gotten new orders other than guarding the safe-rooms. Apparently, the threat was over.
James quickly fumbled for his own phone, his barely coordinated hands struggling extremely with the simple task of trying to call one of his contacts – much to the frustration of his already cleared mind. His finger trembled as he swiped it across the screen, trying to get it to the right damn place to make a simple god-damn call.
However, he froze in the motion at a quiet sound that was immediately followed by a sudden stir behind him as multiple people seemed to move quickly. And after just a second, James was among them as well.
Nearly tripping over his feet, he damn near threw himself onto the sickbed that didn't stand too far away from him, his phone momentarily forgotten and eyes wide open as they stared over at an endlessly familiar dark face, that however had life in it for the first time in what felt like an eternity at that moment.
Slowly and twitchy, Nia's eyes fluttered open as she let out quiet groans while mildly stirring in place while her doctors and nurses hurried around her and quickly began to take her vitals.
After flinching heavily as a flashlight was quite suddenly shone into her eyes to test her photopupillary reflex, she began to move even more. Meanwhile, James and Tuya were basically pressed shoulder to shoulder close to the foot of her bed, the only thing keeping them from dashing right up to her face being just enough awareness to not get in the doctor's way.
Still, although her movements were very slow, stiff, and groggy, Nia eventually lifted up her head, looking around with still somewhat hazy and half-closed eyes. But that didn't stop her from smiling when her gaze fell onto the two who so nervously stood at her bedside there.
“Hey,” she said in a quiet, croaky, but still very much cheerful voice as her unkempt hair fell down both sides of her face.
Though James didn't see much more than that, because just about at that moment, his vision was entirely taking away by welling-up waters sweeping him along.
submitted by Lanzen_Jars to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:42 _Doggie_ Fury Unleashed really superised me! (In a good way)

Made a post recently asking for all of your "hidden gem" or underrated roguelikes/lites that you have played.
You guys gave me so many amazing recommendations, and I really wanna thank all of you for that, and I hope some of you found some games to try with that thread as well!
I wound up picking up a lot of new roguelites I hadn't played, Fury Unleashed being one of those.
It's funny, cause I had heard of Fury Unleashed before having it mentioned by a few people in that thread, however I just assumed it was kind of a meh game cause I always see it discounted to basically nothing on the Nintendo Switch eshop. (Which in the past has led to me purchasing literal trash rogeulites before lmao). However after seeing it mentioned a couple times in the thread i decided to give it a shot, but I got it on PC as it looked like it would be better played with mouse and keyboard (I was right lol)
I gotta say, wow this game has blown me away so far. I absolutely love the comic book story they went for, following the author's troubles as his comic becomes less and less popular. The idea of playing as a character in a comic is sweet, and it is done very very well here.
The gameplay just feels so satisfying, dashing around meleeing everything, or staying back and shooting from afar feels very satisfying. I love how the weapons can have little modifiers on them that make them different each time, and the grenades and special abilities are really fun as well!
If i had to have any gripes, I would say the item variety besides the weapons (since those can have different attributes) is pretty low for a roguelite. Weirdly however, It doesn't bother me as much in this game as it would others (which is very rare btw, I usually hate games with little to no item variety) since every run still winds up feeling different enough for me, and the gameplay is good enough to justify it.
With all of this being said I'm only a few hours in so far, however compared to the other roguelites I picked up recently, this is the one that I have played the most which I DID NOT expect at all to be the case.
So TLDR, would highl;y highly recommend this game if it looks at all interesting to you! (It does seem like it wouldn't play as well on controller though, so probably buy on pc if you do get it)
submitted by _Doggie_ to roguelites [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:37 darwhyte First computer

I was a little late to the game, didn't get my first computer until 2002.
I was 36 at the time, and up until that point in my life I had never used one at my work, (I started working in the 80s), and I managed to make it all the way until 2004 with having jobs that didn't require use of a computer or knowledge HOW to use one.
When I got that first computer, barely knew how to turn it on! My GenX education back in the 70s/early 80s included no computer curriculum whatsoever, so when I got that first one, I was clueless how to use it, and learned as I went.
I had dialup internet, and when I first started using my computer I was scared about accidentally screwing up my computer from something in the internet, or that I would hit one wrong button on the keyboard and destroy the whole thing!
My first computer was an IBM with Windows XP, 128M of RAM, 1.1 GHz Celeron processor, CD ROM, floppy drive, 2 usb ports and a 40 GB hard drive.
Who remembers their first computer, its specs, and did you struggle to learn how to use it?
submitted by darwhyte to GenX [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:36 Brilliant-Gas9546 Chaos and Order Prologue/chapter one

Chaos and Order Prologue/chapter One
The following is the first two chapters from my first fantasy novel. It's an almost Lovecraftian, dark fantasy inspired by the likes of Berserk, Attack on Titan and One Piece. I had originally thought to try and do a graphic novel. After realising the amount of effort that might take, I'll try it in prose form first.
Hope you enjoy
At the beginning there was only the Source.
The source energy of all things made from pure consciousness, an omnipresent higher being. Fated to be everything and nothing forever in an eternity of self reflection and loneliness, Source felt an eternity of despair. From that despair it gave birth to two new separate beings. Source's soul now divided into two entities.
Order and Chaos were born.
Source divided itself up equally between Order and Chaos and became all the life that that now wandered the world of Eve.
For a time, Order and chaos existed in balance. But Order, in it's increasing desire to control life, soon sought to banish chaos...
Our story begins long after Chaos and his followers have been mascaraed in an ancient war. A small village near the edge of the world is all that remains of them. In their desperation they cry out to their lord and begged Chaos for it's aid. Chaos also fearing it's extinction reached out to them. It would embed a portion its power upon one child born in precisely 9 months time. Created in to defeat Order, it is the last hope for Chaos and all of it's followers. It would defeat Order and the one who ruled in it's name. The leaders of the village David and Fae would give birth to the child of Chaos, it's power blessed upon the newborn. David and Faye named him Guy. Born to defeat Order and kill it's leader, the sorceress of Order. Chaos tells the villagers the child will be the one to rid the world of Order, and restore Chaos into the world. Soon Guy was born and the village held it's breath.
Guy always knew he was different. From his earliest memories, he sensed wasn't like the other children. Whilst they played together he trained alone. Harnessing his skills in combat.
Why do I do this? The thought was always stalking him.
"It is too much to burden you with" Guy remembers his mother telling him. "One day we will tell you everything and you will understand. You're everything our people have waited for. You're special Guy".
I don't want to be special. I just want a friend. I want to be normal...
Ten days before his 8th birthday, in the height of a winter storm, he heard his parents arguing. Every now and again the storm would drown our their voices. The next day they told him he was finally old enough to learn the truth about his birth and his destiny. All the ordeals and training would finally make sense.
Two days before his 8th birthday Guy watched the other kids celebrating one of theirs. Whilst his parents were away for a village meeting, he snuck out to join them. Guy asked if he could play too. The other children went silent. They quickly made excuses to leave. When Guy returned to his house he saw the other kids come back out again.
The next day he was once again practicing his combat skills with his wooden dagger. His father watched on.
Guy's form slipped for just a moment.
"Again Guy?." His father slapped the back of Guy's head . "How many times have I told you to concentrate!?"
Guy dropped his dagger.
"I don't want this anymore. I just want to be normal!!
Guy runs into the woods until, eventually, his father's scream disappeared into the gathering wind. Guy lies still, sobbing beside an old oak tree. A few minutes pass and exhaustion begins to creep in as his eyes turn bloodshot.
"I swear I won't come back this time" Guy muttered to himself.
The sound of thunder can be heard. Guy bolts up right and hears a scream coming from the village. He rushes to his feet and runs in it's direction. The screaming grows louder and louder as thick smoke begins to gather.
I knew shouldn't of ran away, its my fault this has happened! The words hung heavy in his mind.
He arrives back at the village. Hostile unfamiliar voices can be heard in the.
A cold voice fills the air.
"The child where is he?" Guy's father hovers in the air, his feet several feet above the ground, before a hooded figure. The hooded figure was tall and wore dark black and purple robes, his face shrouded in shadow. He carried a long body-length staff stretched towards Guy's father, a blue light shining towards his father's face at the very tip. Guy stops and watches as he sees the life slowly being choked out of him, his fathers eyes just visible through the thickening smoke.
"Tell me where he is!" the figure bellows
"I told you I have no child" David gasped
Guys eyes tremble and he holds back tears. His father's eyes meets his own for a second and then fades . Guy turns and runs. He doesn't stop. He runs for miles till the screams can no longer be heard. The only voices be could now hear was his fathers and his own as they swirled inside his head.
I have no son - He heard his father's voice
Why didn't I save them - He thought
I told you
Its all my fault. Its my fault Its all my fault Its my fault
I should of never have fled
I told you. I HAVE NO SON
Guy, aged 18, wakes up in the present day from the same nightmare. He is sleeping in a makeshift leather tent in the woods, his sweaty hand gripping his steel dagger. The full moon is high and bright but will soon be covered by thick cloud. Guy gets up and takes out his dagger and begins moving towards the nearby tree. He lunges in with it pointed just about touching the tree with the tip, just as he was taught to as a child. As the sun rises we can see that even in the gloom almost all of his strikes to tree were on target. There hundreds of incisions and pieces of tree missing, all laser focused on one spot just a few mm thick and wide.
The sunlight illuminates his lifeless eyes. He stares at the tree and wonders again, what is his purpose. His hand grips his blade as he lunges once more at the tree.
Chapter 1
Capital city
The grand temple of Order
Luna's heart danced with excitement as she walked hand in hand with her mother, her bright green-blue eyes sparkling with anticipation.
"Did you tell them I wanted white daffodils when I return to this plane? That's how I always imagined it!"
"Yes Luna, now we must hurry" her mother replied with a forced smile. Luna (7 years old) loved flowers but especially daffodils.
As they approached the grand hall, Luna's breath caught in her throat at the sight before her. The doors swung open to reveal a spectacle more magnificent than anything she had ever imagined.
Three magical orbs floated gracefully in an orbit around the hall, casting a soft, ethereal light that bathed everything in a blue mystical glow.
The religious, military, civil leaders and royal family members watched on in hushed silence as Luna and her mother entered the hall, the blue light only just bright enough to illuminate their eager faces as they watched on. It was so dim Luna could not see very far beyond the limited light the orbs cast. The distant edges of the hall still lay in shadow.
She had dreamed of final seeing the grand Hall and finally becoming a sorceress . Surrounded by white daffodils and the admiration of her family, she would emerge as the greatest sorceress ever. Luna inhaled deeply. She wondered if she'd be like the wise sorceress of the rebellion era who saved Eden from the dark one. Or perhaps the current sorceress , her great aunty Adel, whos powers would soon pass to Luna. As she approached the alter at the center of the oval hall, she looked around to see hooded figure at all side. Most held staffs with glowing blue orbs at the tip, all raised up towards the spheres that hovered in the air. A soft chant could be heard. A choir of hooded girls sang an almost forgotten ancient tongue towards the alter. Known only to a few, Luna couldn't remember what they called the language. Her mother had told her aside from a chosen few, no one remembered the name.
All as was designed by Order in his great plan. She thought
The song rose slightly as she reached the center. Luna walked up a stone step and kneeled before the alter just as she was told to do so. The grand priest, a tall balding man dressed in brilliant white robes cleared his throat and bellowed
"We begin this ceremony to welcome a new vessel to our saviour and light in the dark years. Great Lord of Order who banished Chaos to the night long ago. May we rid the heavens and Eden of all of his kin, so his name too will be lost to time" He cleared his throat again before continuing
"We the disciples of Order eagerly follow his path. Soon we will join him in the promised land"
Luna's mother whispers in her ear
"Be brave, Mother loves you" Luna didn't understand why there was a little sadness in her voice. Her mother squeezed her hand one last time then leaves her side to join her father who's eyes glared fiercely back at her.
Luna looked at her feet. I have to make him proud. Be a good daughter. Be a good sorceress
The grand priest began to speak
"So as the new eve approaches so we cast aside the old and begin anew. The final vassal and saviour." The room echoes these words with him. She could feel her heart beating in her ears
A hooded figure approaches her and removes her brilliant dark purple hood. The sorceress Adel, her great aunt and current ruler of Eden.
White haired and ancient, her passionless eyes stares down at Luna. She nods gently at Luna to begin. Now Luna needed to assume her rightful place before her and kneel. The center sphere turned blue and the air seemed to change. The great priest raises his arms and the chanting grows louder before coming to a sudden stop. Luna could sense a new presence among them. . She took a deep breath. The great priest passed a goblet of shining blue liquid to Luna. She drank a sip of the water and passed it to Adel. Adel was trembling too, even more than Luna. Adel took a sip before passing the goblet back to the grand priest.
A moment passed. From the corners of the hall a shadow moved quickly. The blue light of the spheres began to shiver and twist as the shadow passed though it. The shadow reached out and sank into Adel. She screamed as light bellowed from her mouth.
An unearthly voice rang
Do you accept me, child
There was silence
Luna couldn't find her voice. She opened her mouth gasping for the words. Looking over Adel's shoulder. She saw her father's eyes glaring from the shadows. Luna's heart skipped a beat.
"Yes I I accept"
The light blasted out of Adel and hit her head on. Luna screamed as the Adel fell to the floor.
She felt the light tear into the very fabric of her soul and bury itself there. For a moment Luna no longer knew who she was, where she was, or have memories of ever being alive. Her soul was ripped out her body and flung far, far away. There she felt the pure terror of eternity gaze at her. She knew Order was with her now. Waiting, watching. For a moment she thought she could see what was almost an eye, or window of perception. Flashes of light began to appear from it. Each flash was a moment in time. The future. It began to unravel itself in her mind. Her soul screamed out as the future became a part of her. Now every moment of her life, her was as burnt into her memory and it began to unfold one second at a time.
She opened her eyes and saw clapping.
"Arise sorceress Luna."
Tears streamed down her face she took a step forward.
It was just the same as she had foreseen. It was just the same as she had foreseen. It was just as she had foreseen..! The words tormented her.
Everything is the same. No this can't be real. This can't be... Her eyes met Adel's Adel looked back at her with a sad smile.
"I love you Luna. Be strong"
"It hurts. please, please help me, please" Luna begged
"Promise me you won't give up. I believe in you" Adel replied. Luna looked at her feet.
I can't let them see me cry.
She looks up and sees her aunt collapse and lay motionless. The blue light fades and colour returns to the hall.
Luna reaches to cover her eyes as more tears began to form. She already knew what would happen next, but she couldn't prevent it. The tears kept appearing.
Stop stop, please Stop
Her father grabs her her arms away from her face and thrusts them to her side. He kneels and whispers.
"If you don't stop crying and bringing shame to out family.. to our LORD. I will no longer have a daughter. Am I understood?"
"Yes father"
"As you were, child". He glares and pushes her towards the head priest before returning to his seat.
"Continue" he bellows. Everyone who was for a moment frozen in place by his fury jolt back to their positions. All was all just as she had seen. Burnt into her mind . It was like walking through a familiar tunnel. A tunnel of her life. And then came the next moment, and the next. Like she foreseen. Like she had foreseen like she had foreseen...
Her heart slowed.
Who am I now. Please help me Aunty
She saw the daffodils she had requested dancing in the air as she walked through an applauding crowd. She grabbed one and stared at it. Onlookers sobbed and hugged each other in joy. The choir resumed, right at the precise moment she expected it would. She opened her hand and looked at the white daffodil. It was just a dead flower, nothing special.
submitted by Brilliant-Gas9546 to creativewriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:34 Ok-Image-8343 How to use controller gyro mouse?

Im on PC. Im trying to figure out how I can use the left stick to move and the gyro to target enemies.
I figure this is possible now that D4 supports WASD if I can somehow make my controller appear as a mouse and keyboard.
I thought this would be possible in steam. I tried setting my steam controller settings to "gyro to mouse" and that dose allow me to move the cursor with the gyro. Although the gyro is disabled as soon as I activate a controller button...
I think the first step in figuring this out is getting the controller to simulate a mouse click. In my controller settings I set the R1 button on my dualsense to map to mouse click. Unfortunately D4 seems to ignore this or maybe I didnt set it up correctly? Can anyone click stuff with their controller?
submitted by Ok-Image-8343 to diablo4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:28 luvente_fine_jewelry Captivating Charms of Nature: The Luvente Butterfly Bracelet

Captivating Charms of Nature: The Luvente Butterfly Bracelet
Hello, Jewelry Enthusiasts! Are you ready to sprinkle your day with a touch of magic?We’ve got something utterly mesmerizing that’ll make your heart flutter — literally! Introducing the ethereal charm of Luvente’s Butterfly Bracelet. A piece where elegance meets whimsy in a dance of sparkle and freedom.
Crafted with love and meticulous attention to detail, this enchanting bracelet captures the essence of nature’s most poetic creature — the butterfly. But why butterflies, you ask? These ethereal beings symbolize transformation, joy, and a deep connection to the beauty around us. And isn’t that what we all seek in our most cherished pieces of jewelry?
Luvente understands the allure of the butterfly and how it captivates the spirit of freedom and grace. That’s why we’ve poured our heart into creating a piece that embodies not just the aesthetic, but the soul of what a butterfly represents.
Each butterfly on this exquisite bracelet is designed with a vibrant array of carefully selected gemstones. Their hues play with the light, mimicking the breathtaking iridescence of butterfly wings in the sunlight. Whether you’re stepping out in the daytime under the sun’s embrace or catching the evening light, this bracelet promises to be a captivating companion.
And it’s not just about unparalleled beauty. The Luvente Butterfly Bracelet stands as a testament to expert craftsmanship. Each piece tells a story of dedication and artistry, made to be durable yet delicate, just like the wings of a butterfly.
Styling Tips: Pair it with your favorite day dress for an elegant, whimsical look, or let it be the statement piece that elevates your evening attire. It’s versatile, eye-catching, and, most importantly, it speaks to the heart.
As you adorn your wrist with this magical piece, let it remind you of the beauty in transformation and the joy in life’s fleeting moments. The Luvente Butterfly Bracelet isn’t just an accessory; it’s a wearable piece of art that tells a story — your story.
So, dear Jewelry Enthusiasts, are you ready to let your spirit soar with Luvente? Embrace the allure of the butterfly and let your style take flight.
Join us in celebrating the beauty of transformation and the delicate strength within us all. It’s time to make the magical connection between nature, art, and the essence of you.
Don’t forget to share your own Luvente stories and styles with us! We love seeing how you bring these pieces to life.
submitted by luvente_fine_jewelry to u/luvente_fine_jewelry [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:26 z1nonly0542 Help choosing a prebuilt board (Piantor, Chocofi, Elora)

Hey everyone,
I've been lurking here for a while, waiting and looking at all of the options before I pick up my first ergo board. I'm currently stuck between the Elora, Piantor Pro, and Chocofi. I'm hoping this post helps me pick one.
For context, my journey so far has been as follows:
Now I'm a bit stuck here, trying to pick between the three boards. I've never used a split ergo keyboard, so I have no idea what I like or what to expect.
The first decision to make is wired or wireless.
I like wired for its reliability and lower latency than wireless. I plan on using the board for gaming occasionally, so the low latency is better for that.
However, I often move between my desktop PC and MacBook, and I'd ideally like to be able to use the board on both computers. Wireless would make it a lot easier to a) carry the boards around and b) switch quickly between my PC and MacBook.
Wireless also increases cost and decreases my choices of boards, so I'm leaning more towards wired, even if I have to plug things in to use my board on my laptop when I'm out.
Assuming I go wired, the options I've been looking at are:
Piantor Pro:
I'd love some insight or suggestions for choosing between wired/wireless and between the three board options (or another one, if you have one). If you need any more information, I'd be happy to provide it. Thanks!
submitted by z1nonly0542 to ErgoMechKeyboards [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:25 ThatOrange_ Jewel of the Big Muddy: Louisiana Election of 1850

Jewel of the Big Muddy: Louisiana Election of 1850
New Orleans, pearl of the great river itself.
Times are good for Louisiana, a beacon of calm in a region increasingly chaotic. With the victory of the Progress Party in 1845, a third term for Archon Longchambon began, made even sweeter by the continued decline of the Natural Conservatives and United Democrats at the ballot box. Something of a partnership emerged in the weeks following the election, as the tenuous understanding between PP interests and those of the National League held firm. With the economy deemed sufficiently robust after the tapering of a long malaise, the National Bank proceeded to fully end its policy of austerity, and as promised, Longchambon eventually cut most of the new taxes, or eliminated them. The old Franc, largely decried, was successfully replaced over the next few years with the Fleurin.
More confident than ever, the Archon's senatorial coalition successfully pushed forth the full repeal of the Prosperity and Truth Act, after much debate in that body. The press, and public speech, for the first time in many years was truly free, although whether this would prove to be a mixed blessing remained to be seen. Further successes followed. With the power of the planter class as an institution in politics slowly declining, the Archon, working with Senator Augustin Robillard of the National League, and Ex-Archon Oscar Bernadotte, would see the passage of the Slave Transport and Territorial Act of 1847, which banned new immigrants from bringing their slaves with them into Louisiana, and also heavily regulating, to the extent of effectively crippling, the bringing of slaves into future territories where the institution did not already exist. The controversial "12%" tax was also raised to 18%. Further, Robillard's dream of a New Orleans to St. Louis Railroad would finally break ground, albeit in an altered form. A largely private initiative with a small degree of federal oversight, it nevertheless promises to be a proud idea. The republic is a huge country, and while river travel is enormously popular, it can truly be said that we are now in an age of steam and rail industry, at last.
Another major domestic pledge by the PP was a renewed attempt to reign in the military, and slowly, at a snail's pace, this would eventually be accomplished. Bereft of support after three consecutive PP wins, further attempts at mutiny were stillborn. After much negotiation, military procurements were sliced by almost half, over the objections of numerous defense hawks and old military hands. Critics charge this has left Louisiana vulnerable to attack.
However, not everyone is so happy with this era of good feelings. Events overseas have resulted in the spread of new ideas to Louisiana, and old forces hope for a comeback as well.

Centralist troops on the march in Mexico
After years of savage, internecine conflict, the Great Centralist War has seemingly come to an end, leaving a land in ruin. It has had mixed results for all involved. While Santa Anna, in a display of his old military skill would go on to crush the Anti-Centralist rebels decisively, the lack of priority given to the Rio Grande theater would prove ill advised. There, the anti-government forces would prevail. The Rio Grande Republic, an entity compromising Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, Tamaulipas, and most of Tejas, would be de facto recognized. Attitudes toward this new neighbor are mixed, as it is has been criticized as little more than an alliance of angry warlords, despite their professed values of "freedom." Many have their doubts that this is a lasting peace however, and with Comanche raids an ever present threat, the new government has been unable to effectively respond to squatters from Louisiana, known as Filibusterers. A brief attempt was even made to proclaim California an independent state, in 1848, but this attempt quickly fell apart. With the conflict in Yucatan also seemingly coming to an end, it does appear that Santa Anna has managed to salvage most of Mexico for himself, and no doubt plans revenge against the Riograndese.

British forces on the outskirts of Boston, in 1848.
1848 would prove to be a year of titanic proportions. The old order was challenged in Europe, as across the continent, liberal and nationalist revolutions swept the land. Slowly, eventually, it became clear that many of these daring ventures would fail, either petering out on their own being appeased by half-hearted promises, or crushed with brute force.
But The Year of Revolutions was not merely confined to Europe.
The Federal Republic of New England was often regarded as one of the most stable and steady of the Successor States, having emerged from the collapse of the United States of America to throw itself under the comforting gaze of the British Empire. The partnership was natural, many merchants and upper class figures felt a natural bond with the Mother Country regardless of the events of the Revolutionary War. New England would ossify into increasingly oligarchical rule, however, its government being seen as increasingly lofty and out of touch. Opponents of the "Grandee Rule" failed to gain much power despite occasional flare ups. In 1828, Vermont had even revolted, seeking to regain old freedom, only to be defeated. Then from 1841-1842, a radical liberal insurrection had rocked Rhode Island and Connecticut, only to be suppressed with British aid. The stage was set. Following the failure of a series of reform bills, and a violent riot in Boston, President King called out the militia, who instead joined the riot, which soon became a revolt. The government fled Boston, as a coalition of radical leaders proclaimed the New England Union, lifting a tricolor inspired by their ideological brothers from across the sea. Within weeks, the chaos had spread, and all order had broken down. Fighting was general across New England. Seeing this void, and perhaps anticipating the other, both the Atlantic Republic and Britain soon intervened. Atlantic troops soon occupied part of Connecticut and Vermont, while the British, in a two pronged assault, began a campaign to reclaim the rest. With aid from local anti-rebel elements, the British fought their way into Boston. By late 1849, it was clear that the end was near. The Providence Accord, a rough truce outlining certain terms, was soon in place. Britain would occupy the lion's share of New England, but the Atlantics would receive all Connecticut land west of the Housatonic River, as well as 2/3rds of Vermont.
It remains unclear what exactly long term British policy in the region even is, although some suspect they may plan to roll New England into Canada. This remains speculation.
With the 1850 election coming up, everyone is curious as to how Louisiana will handle matters, although some surprises certainly promise to emerge. Recent events have shown that the old political forces must find new tactics, and a younger party also makes its cause known, hoping to rise to power. In response to the shocking unification of the opposition, several blocs have emerged.
La Ligue du Progrès National:
(The League of National Progress)
Senator Augustin Robillard
Chosen after much debate, can he unite the common ticket?
It was originally thought that there would be, yet again, a spirited contest between the League and Progress Party in this election. However, a number of factors have complicated this. The three term tenure of the PP, the solidification of the opposition, and a factional rebellion from the left has made a pact necessary. Agreeing to stand as a united front for the purposes of the election, the Ligue du Progrès National has been formed. Longchambon, citing declining health, played little part in proceedings except to sign his name, and thus Robillard was able to acquire the candidacy. Not everyone is happy with this, but certainly he is an able figure. There is some lingering anger that Bassot, the Foreign Minister, was overlooked, but this is surely just noise? The LPN has pledged a continuation of the railroad program, a "judicious" tariff, and "betterment" for society. Internal factional lines are rather clear, so perhaps this vagueness was warranted. Some serious disagreements remain within the alliance, on matters such as military spending, size of government etc, but they will certainly enter the ace with a strong apparatus.
Les Républicains Alliés
(The Allied Republicans)
Governor Robert Marais

Summoned from relative obscurity, to bear the flag of Alliance
It might seem thoroughly and completely bizarre for the spiritual heirs of the Green and Blue movements to find themselves in commo cause, but this indeed is what has happened. Having faired badly, the United Democrats and Natural Conservatives have struck a bargain. Calling upon an obscure Governor of the northwestern marches, Robert Marais, they throw dice with fate. Marais himself is an effective administrator, having overseen what limited infrastructure and white settlement exist in that distant region, along the border with British Canada. Marais owns no slaves and has no philosophical love of the institution, but he also believes that the PP have overstepped their bounds repeatedly in terms of government power, and favors a more classical conservative-liberal view of the state. A moderate with moderate to conservative views on many issues, he is a known Anglophile, favoring closer relations with London. The RA is being mocked by some as a quixotic venture, and its true there are contradictions in their platform. On tariffs for instance, the party iss eemingly being pulled in two directions, with some adherents arguing for high tariffs and others for low, often based on region and locale. While the bank issue is widely regarded as dead at this point, they still call for some revisions, in addition to reigning in state spending. The question of slavery of course looms large, and the party has taken a stance of "no further restriction", though it has pledged to honor current laws, despite a push from some ultra-conservatives. The classical Blue quest for a two-term limit has also been put forth, as well as a firm stance on further opening the far north for settlement.
Le Parti Radical Libre
(The Free Radical Party)
Colonel Francois Dupoy

\"I have been called a Jacobin, I wear this name with pride\"
A veteran of the Army, the son of a cobbler, Francois Dupoy stands as the newly infamous voice of the Free Radical Party. Having served in the military first as a drummer boy and working his way up to Colonel, Dupoy was exposed to the poor treatment of black enlistees, and the lower classes in general. Combined with a talent for speaking and a fiery demeanor, and it made for an explosive mix once he left the service to pursue politics. Following the Boston Revolution in 1848, Dupoy's neo-jacobin newspaper, the New Orleans Sun, began selling like hotcakes, with acidic and damning articles blasting "British hypocrisy" and praising the rebels as true republicans. Viewing Longchambon as an appeaser, Dupoy declared a "revolt by ballot box", forming a new party. Outraged, PP outlets heaped attacks upon him, which he responded to in with scorn. Dupoy is an open and radical abolitionist, proclaiming slavery incompatible with human liberty, and has called also for free trade, black suffrage, and for church-owned land to be turned over to the state. To say the least, these are explosive demands, and alongside charges by the League/PP forces that he is staging a "childish mutiny", promises to make the campaign an unexpectedly sharp one.
who shall be the next Archon?
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submitted by ThatOrange_ to imaginaryelections [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:14 MyODYSSEY11 How do I restore an Acura leather steering wheel

How do I restore an Acura leather steering wheel
Not sure what happened, I don’t know if it was something on my hand, wear and tear, or sun damage. How do I restore this part of the steering wheel to what the rest of the wheel looks like. I already used leather cleaner and a microfiber cloth to make it slightly better. Not sure how to restore the finish though. Thanks all
submitted by MyODYSSEY11 to Acura [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:08 Frankenstein_Monzter Why I love my club

What makes Bayern the greatest club in the world? First, Bayern, with its accomplishments and achievements. What makes us great is that we have balls, and we're not just talking regular balls here, no sir, we're talking industrial-grade, titanium-coated spheres of audacity! "Balls of steel," and we aren't afraid to put it on the chopping block time and time again to prove to anyone they are made out of steel. Let's look at examples where we constantly put our balls of steel on the chopping block.
Exhibit one: We fired our coach a mere days before a showdown with City in the Champions League and hired a new coach. That's how much we have balls of steel; we don't care about anything. And don't fool yourselves; that's not where our mountain of manhood ends. Not only did we hire this new coach, we rode him good and hard. After we scared Dortmund like the little bitches they are with our big ironclad balls, from clinching the Meisterschale after 10 years, we decided to fire our coach even after having the greatest season in our entire football history. And why? That's right, again because we got balls of steel. So yeah, we decided to get rid of the best coach in our history. After using him, we decided to part ways with him and get, not just get, but snatch the new coach from around the block. And why? Because we are Bayern, the baddest pimps there ever will be! And we can do anything we want. And any coach in this world wants to work with us; hell, they even cry themselves to sleep to work with us. And nobody is stupid enough to reject us. And don't fool yourselves again; that's not just how good of a badass pimp we are. Not only did we part ways with our amazing once-in-a-lifetime coach in the middle of February, we made him stay until May and work his ass off and try to clinch the Champions League and the Meisterschale after firing him. Although our great once-in-a-lifetime coach failed, we weren't even mad at him because, after all, we are Bayern, the kindest, most generous team in the world. And we don't want to hog all the titles to ourselves. After all, what is the point if we don't spread some of our fortunes to the unfortunates! We're so kind that we're even trying our damn hardest to become a mid-tier team to spare our opponents' feelings, from the all success we are having. How noble of us, right? This is how kind we are!
Another exhibit of how we keep swinging our big balls made out of steel in to the chopping block, like the greatest showmen we still are. Like I told you, we decided to part ways with our once-in-a-lifetime amazing coach in February, and we dragged our balls on the floor for anyone to hear what we are packing. Our big ironclad balls making a "clung...clung...clung..." sound each time they hit the floor as we walk with our iron balls out in the open for anyone to see. And why? Again, because we can, and plus, we wanted to entertain ourselves and to become the envy of all teams around the universe. To show them we don't settle for one coach, we are badass pimps. We juggle coaches right and left. We are not a laughing stock like them who settle for one coach for five years or 10 years. We like to live on the edge, our motto "keep them guessing." Plus, we don't do our business in private like a scared little bitch. I mean, think about it, why even bother hiding when you have big balls made out of steel? And so, now we flirted with the Leverkusen coach, and we decided the coach isn't even in our league. We decided to ignore the coach, give the coach the cold shoulder, and decided to look to other coaches. And just like the first, we teased them with the opportunity of coaching us, and just enough, when they begged and pleaded to be our coach, we kept discarding them away, turning them into a laughing stock one by one. After all, we are Bayern, and nobody is good enough for us! Now, not only are we breaking the hearts of those meh coaches, we are even making the coaches that have never been looked at by any great team like us, giving them a chance, rizzing them with the idea we are a mid-club, and they are the only ones who understand us and who can pull us out of the state we are in, and so on.
Now, if you are still here and haven't taken a moment to vomit all over your keyboard and type out nasty things to say, like a drunken idiot over my sarcasm, but instead have decided to keep reading or, at the very least, keep your negative opinion to yourself as a sensible, decent human being should do, then good for you!
Here is the thing, bitch! As Einstein once said, "The basic requirement for stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different outcomes." Let's get one thing clear: this board doesn't want to fix the main issues we have. All they want to do is just repeat the same thing over and over again and expect different outcomes. I mean, if the requirement now is getting coached by Guardiola to be a Bayern coach, then why not get Basti or Philipp Lahm? Lahm is thought to be the smartest player, higher IQ and such and such, you know. It makes me think of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and Man United. His only downfall was his lack of coaching tactics; he floated the team because he knows the club, the identity, and its culture... Let's get one thing clear: I don't care about Vincent Jean Mpoy or want to know the fuck who Kompany is. Don't get me wrong; he could be a cool dude, but I don't want to know him at the expense of Bayern. And besides, I'm tired of hearing those lame jokes about Kane! Plus, imagine if we proposed him an offer and he said no! That would be a good old kick to the balls! Wait, now I think about it, if he said no, does that mean their search parameters increase to random people who watched Guardiola on the pitch?! If so, interesting.
Most of you didn't find the idea of Arsene Wenger appealing; someone said big clubs didn't try to hire him, and at this point, as if we are, and I am saying this with the most sadness I can muster, and some of you even said he stepped away from coaching for a long time. Besides, weren't we considering Zizou after he stopped coaching three years ago, albeit he won the Champions League consecutively... And besides, I like to believe Arsene Wenger's poor performance in his later years was due to his constantly selling of top players and not losing his knowledge of football. Listen, I keep mentioning Arsene Wenger because I believe in my heart he could have really fixed the real problems we have at Bayern; it could have been a fairytale story of a forgotten washed-out coach gets a chance to coach a big club like Bayern again and he turns things around the club for good and so on and so on. But hey, life is not a movie; we don't get what we want in this world, and life keeps going... Even Rangnick was a good choice before he declined. In all honesty, I don't know much about Rangnick's style of play, but I knew he can scout good players. Plus, we could have gotten a Leipzig type of deal with him, him becoming a caretaker until we found a coach that would stay at the very least for five years and given us stability.
Listen, I know we don't have options at this point, and honestly, I don't care about Arsene Wenger nor Rangnick for that matter, but we could have considered coaches of their stature to fix the real issues and avoid getting a headache for the next 10 or 20 years. But instead, we are thinking about signing Vincent, the fuck who Kompany! Oh, I love my club! And by the way, if we sign Kompany, like my countrymen say, "እሰይ ይበለን።" At this point, why even bother.
submitted by Frankenstein_Monzter to BayernMunich [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:58 Empty_Chemical_1498 "It's so obvious Astarion is a vampire from the start" doesn't actually work

This is a bit ranty, because I actually had a fight about it with a mutual on twitter lmao I generally see a lot of people saying that keeping Astarion's vampirism "a secret" and having your character find out about it is stupid and doesn't work. I have many thoughts about it.
It's true that Astarion has all the stereotypical vampire characteristics; he's pale, he has red eyes, he has a very distinctive scar on his neck and he has sharp canines. Yet, the game implies that no one knew he was a vampire, even though "it's SO obvious". Here is why:
  1. He doesn't burn in the sun! I think it's the most important point. It's a VERY widely known fact that vampires are sensitive to the sun, yet we meet him chilling on a sunny hill, and he never has any problems following you around in sunny areas. As far as I know, there are some variants of DnD lore where vampires that have a steady supply of blood and don't walk around hungry are not sensitive to the sun, but I assume BG3 is not based on these editions, as Cazador (who probably feeds every day) is also sensitive to the sun.
  2. He can walk into homes without an invitation from one of the residents. I can admit it is pretty tricky to fit it into act 1, since it's only open space, camps and burnt houses at best. But! He can walk into Ethel's house, and depending on your gameplay, you can do it before finding out he's a vampire. It can also depend on how you define a home; because the druids' quarters might also fit into this criteria, meaning normally just some druid saying "Kagha wants to speak with you" would not allow Astarion to enter. It is not an explicit invitation to enter the quarters, it's just a statement that someone who is there wishes to speak with him.
  3. He doesn't get damage from moving water. It would be pretty easy to spot while running around in the wilderness, surrounded by rivers that you probably shower in.
These are all canon things that are very explicitly said in the game, even by Astarion himself. I'm also not counting vampire lore stuff that is not in the game, like being able to climb flat surfaces (which would be hilarious to see Astarion do)
Now the assumptions/headcanons:
  1. Pale skin and red eyes don't make one a vampire. And given Astarion's overall appearance; light skin, silvewhite hair (including the eyebrows) and red eyes, he could be assumed to be an albino.
  2. The neck scar? People have many scars in fantasy worlds. The scar could be from some vampire attack that Astarion might have gone through in the past, or maybe he got stabbed by a pitchfork by someone. It's not really a definite clue.
  3. Sharp teeth? I don't know how often people pay attention to others' teeth, unless there's Seriously something wrong with them. I think it'd be actually pretty hard to spot his teeth, unless you, for whatever reason, pay attention to them. Also, while they do not appear in the game, there are many more mixed races than just half elves. If an elf marries a tiefling, then depending on which lore you assume, their offspring could be a full tiefling (as tiefling genes "override" all other genes), or a mix between the parents. Give it like 3 or 4 generations of the kids marrying only elves, and bam, you could have an elf with infernal ancestry, resulting in sharper teeth (you can throw red eyes into this as well). While it's a theory that your character would have in-game, I think it's cute, considering that apparently Astarion was supposed to be a tiefling. It's also a nice headcanon that Astarion learned to speak in a way not to show his fangs (so he doesn't scare away his marks).
  4. Have you seen him? He just looks too perfect. His hair is too well combed, and I know it in my bones he uses an eyeliner. No one who cannot see their reflection can achieve this look. The answer to why Astarion can do it it without a mirror is probably muscle memory after 200 years of having to do it blindly.
So, anyway, while Astarion being a vampire might be "jarringly obvious", it does make perfect sense for the in-game characters to not know. If they have any assumptions that "hey, this guy gives me strong vampire vibes", it's implied they dismiss them, as there is too much hard evidence that Astarion's just some dude (points 1-3).
Anyway, thank you for coming to my needless essay that people for sure had made before. But I just needed to rant.
submitted by Empty_Chemical_1498 to OnlyFangsbg3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:44 VictoriaBrooke93 [HIRING] OnlyFans Chatter - Full time, 48 hours per week - Up to 20% commission on sales - Expected earnings $1 - 1.25K per month

Hi all, we are an OnlyFans Agency based in the UK, and are looking to hire a new chatter.
As an OnlyFans Chatter, you will engage with subscribers on the OnlyFans platform, acting on behalf of the model. Your responsibilities include conversing with the subscriber, following our pre-set sales strategy, and up-selling our models content in line with a pricing structure. The chatters aim is to sell the models content for the highest price possible, whilst maintaining subscriber relations. There is no limit to how much money each piece of content can make.
Job Description:
- Paid up to 20% commission on sales (expected starting 1,000 - 1,2500 USD per month - current earning expectation, great potential to increase this range based on immediate performance) - No hourly rate/wage is paid.
- Hours of work 1800-0200 BST (UTC+01) from Monday through to Saturday
- Remote working
- Flexible time off
- Sponsored training up front
- Daily support from managers, weekly team catch up calls
Role Responsibilities:
- Upsell models content to subscribers
- Short form daily sales updates to managers
- Regular training
- Team-working and communicating with colleagues
You MUST posses a western standard of English and strong communication skills. PLEASE DO NOT APPLY OTHERWISE. Prior industry experience is not mandatory, having backgrounds in sales and communication-related roles are favourable. You must have competent computing skills, and be fluent with a keyboard and mouse.
How to Apply:
If you wish to apply for this position, please complete our online application form that follows:
submitted by VictoriaBrooke93 to Onlyfans_Chatters [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:43 xKinori After TAPE MOD 2 Keys are NOT working...

Hello Community
I hope someone could help me with this. So i wanted to try the well known TAPE MOD to make my Keyboard sound better so i followed a guide on YT everything was going well until i saw how they started removing the SWITCHES I thought I didn't need to and indeed i didn't need to ... but this lady was changing the supports for the space bar and other keys. So i did that as well just to find out that that wasn't necessary.
I started pulling the switches with my pull tool, some switches were harder to pull than others... i was super scare that i was going to break one... I broke 2 .... 1 in the transparent plastic and the other one is missing 1 metal pin... But that's fine i have more switches.
Thing is when everything was completely assembled and testing the keys and the sound I notice that 2 keys weren't working at all... they were not registering with some "Keyboard Tester" online. Keys "0" and "F10" are not working, I tried switching the switches and didn't work... i disassemble everything again to check if I did some damage into the board but everything seems fine... But in the main board the RGB LIGHTS are working just fine... is just the switches that are not able to registering anything at all ...
Now i don't know what to do ... this really bothers me...
Is there a way to fix this?
submitted by xKinori to Keyboard [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:34 RangerHikes Manual G70 Ownership Experience

Two summers ago, I drove 7 hours one way to buy a 2019 Manual Genesis G70. It was used, not certified preowned, with just under 12K miles. The OEM tires were approaching the end of their useful life. It had one scratch on the rear passenger door and an annoying dealership permanent sticker on the trunk. It also only had one key. The head unit infotainment screen also had a small delamination crack - visible if you looked close but not perceptible if you ran your fingers across it. I bought it as is, though Genesis has a stellar warranty that transfers to the second owner so I still had 2 years warranty remaining. It was too far away for me to get it to a trusted mechanic to PPI, so the warranty was a huge factor.
On a long drive to the beach, the screens began to flicker. The car still ran mechanically fine, but it was alarming. I also noticed I couldn't get the Genesis Connected Services to work. A few weeks later, the screens were flickering again in my driveway. I shut the car off thinking if I just shut it off and turned it back on it would fix itself - for about 5 minutes I couldn't restart the car. It was as though it had a completely dead battery. I took it to my local dealer which unfortunately is an hour away but fortunately is reached through a combination of great back roads and highways. They were unable to replicate the issue but decided to attribute it to the head unit and replaced the entire thing on the basis of the delamination crack being covered by warranty. A week after I got the car back, the screens flickered again. I tried doing an over the air software update with Genesis Corporate over the phone and it kept failing, so we went back to the dealership. They manually did the update. After a few more weeks, the screens flickered again. I took it back down and they decided to go nuclear, completely uninstalling all software and updates from the car and then reinstalling the latest software as a clean slate. When I got it back - my genesis connected services were working and the screens never flickered again. BUT. My backup camera would now randomly stop working. I took it back and they tried a patch update to the backup camera software as well as replacing a crush washer that's apparently a known failure point for the backup camera. The problem persisted. They informed me there is a sensor in the transmission that tells the backup camera when the car is in reverse and when to turn on. That sensor apparently failed, and the solution is apparently to replace the entire transmission. I personally found that insane, but a new clutch and transmission covered fully under warranty? Sure, I'll enjoy your courtesy car a little longer. Yeah, on that note. Having the car in and out of the shop so often was annoying, but it was all covered under Genesis phenomenal warranty, the dealership was surprisingly patient, understanding and communicative, and since they're an hour away I had an opportunity to enjoy some courtesy cars on a good mix of backroads and highways. The courtesy cars I had in no particular order...
I got my car back and I haven't had any issues with screens or backup cameras or anything else since the transmission replacement. So what's to love? Small, sporty, rear wheel drive car that has the power to break traction but isn't so powerful that you can't use all your gears. To me this car is straddling the line of slow car fast. It's incredibly comfortable, has a great stereo, looks cool, and it's got enough room for me, my spouse, my dog and a child seat. Also so glad I got the manual when I did - manual G70s are not easy to find. This was one of four for sale within 500 miles of my zip when I bought it. The rear seat is actually usable, but the foot room is tight. I'm 5'11 with a 32 inch inseam. If I take my shoes off, I can sit behind my driving position. I have the knee and hip room - but the foot room is very tight for an adult male. Decent gas mileage if you're not driving it like a hooligan. Feels light and eager to turn, even at speed.
What's not so good? The trunk has a high load floor so even though you have a good opening and footprint, it's shallow. It's not unusable, it's just not as deep as you'd expect it to be. I was still able to fit everything my spouse, my dog and I needed for a week at the beach. Speaking of long trips - no spare tire. That pissed me off. Not even a space saver? Come on. I think it should be a legal requirement that all cars have at least a space saver. In any case, this car can accept the same space saver spare kit the 3.3 model comes with or the Kia Stinger comes with. I ordered the parts online and installed a space saver spare myself. The backup camera shuts off as soon as you're out of reverse, even if you're rolling backwards in neutral. This is a nitpick, but I do wish the backup camera would stay on until I was rolling forward. Speaking of reverse, the pedal box is tight and I usually wear an 11 or 12 shoe depending on the brand. With certain shoes, I have to modify my left foot motion because my toe will catch the arm of the clutch pedal. Not impossible, but it can be annoying in certain pairs of shoes or if you have big feet.
Clutch and Transmission :: I'm gonna give this it's own section because I feel like this is a very case sensitive matter. Manuals I drove before this - a 2011 Subaru Outback. First manual car I bought and I drove it for 120K miles before an old dude in a Yukon totaled it. Some people have said they don't enjoy the feeling of this transmission, I don't have much to compare it to. I think the stick feel is fine. The actual clutch is a toss up for me. It's hydraulic, so on one hand it's buttery smooth and easy and very forgiving if you're doing a drive through or in stop and go traffic - things I took pains to avoid in my outback. The flip side is, the pedal gives you very little feedback. The bite point is harder to feel and it definitely numbs the experience a bit. If you're looking for a very raw, analog feeling transmission this is not it. This feels much more like an entry level luxury sport sedan that was given a manual just because it would be cool to have a manual, but also trying to do one in such a way that it wouldn't alienate luxury car buyers who generally find manuals to be a nuisance.
Would I go through it all again? Absolutely. The dealer trips were annoying but it let me test drive some cool stuff and I never paid a dime. The only thing I paid for was an oil change, a new set of tires (not from the dealer) and a new key cause I wanted to have two. The key was $700 which is offensive but unfortunately not unheard of with modern cars. The car is a blast. If you want a smallish, luxuryish, sportscarish vehicle that gives you a lot of nice stuff without being too expensive or too harsh, check out a G70. If you're a manual purist, you may love it or hate it - the clutch is definitely a sticking point for many people. Genesis Dealer? Mine is great, thank god. But I have heard plenty of horror stories from other owners who went to more Hyundai focused dealers. Maintenance? No mechanical issues at all, just weird software related glitches that were all covered under warranty. Mods? Not really planning anything big. I added a sun strip to the windshield, a dash cam and wiring for my radar detector. Also the spare tire. And I put PS4s on it. I plan to keep it stock - at least until it's paid off and the warranty is out.
Questions for reddit :: Catch cans! Should I have one on this car? Is there a recommended brand? Do your mechanics charge you more to empty them or do you empty them yourselves? What does a catch can do that the OEM air oil separator doesnt?
TL;DR :: I like my manual G70. It isn't very fast, but I like it.
submitted by RangerHikes to cars [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:29 philburgo Sunscreens USA vs. European Union

As summer approaches, understanding the effectiveness of sunscreens from different regions can be a valuable guide for travelers. Are there differences between the products, and if so, how can we protect the best from harmful rays? We compared sunscreens in the US and EU, two big and popular summer travel destinations ✈️
Regulatory Differences
Sunscreens vary by country due to differing regulatory standards, consumer preferences, and available ingredients.
US: The FDA classifies sunscreens as over-the-counter medications. This stringent framework limits the number of allowable ingredients. The FDA focuses primarily on UVB filters, which means that a US sunscreen offering "broad protection" might predominantly protect against UVB rays.
EU: Regulation requires sunscreens to provide effective protection against both UVA and UVB rays. Additionally, the EU has streamlined processes for approving new ingredients—significantly faster than in the US. Therefore, EU sunscreens often use more advanced and recent ingredients for UV protection.
The last new UV ingredient approved in the US dates back to 1999. In contrast, EU allows more recent ingredients. Manufacturers can utilize up 26 ingredients (US only 17) and seven chemicals that protect against cancer-causing rays are available in the EU and only three are permitted in the US.
Types of Sunscreens
There are two main types of sunscreen protection: mineral and chemical.
Some chemical sunscreens contain ingredients that may be harmful. PABA (Para-Aminobenzoic Acid): An older UV filter known to cause skin irritation and is less commonly used now. Oxybenzone: Linked to endocrine disruption and skin allergies. Octinoxate (Octyl Methoxycinnamate): Associated with endocrine disruption.
If you're cautious about chemical ingredients, opt for mineral-based sunscreens despite their heavier texture, as they offer superior and safer long-term protection.
Universal Sunscreen Tips
Regardless of where you are, here are essential tips for choosing sunscreen:
Making the Right Choice
Protecting your skin from the sun is key to maintaining both health and beauty. No matter where you travel, the best sunscreen is one you will use consistently. Happy sun-safe adventures!
For a thoughtful holiday present for those who stayed at home, consider bringing back a sunscreen with advanced UVA/UVB filters and the newest cancer protection technology. 🌞🏖️😎
For more detailed information, see the links below:

sunscreen #sunscreenquality #skinprotection

submitted by philburgo to newfoodsnet [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:11 R6JesterYelp What is a build for under $200?

Hello, I’m looking for a PC build to give to my nephew.
He only plays older games like Left 4 Dead 2, Fallout New Vegas, and some Fortnite.
He told me his main point is to play at 60fps and he wants to upgrade because his school laptop (which is how he played the above games) has broken. He claims that his laptop gave out on him because of the games and that it got to the point where he has to keep his laptop plugged in or else the laptop would shut off.
All in all, we just need a build/tower that we can get him. We have a keyboard, mouse, and monitor, but I want the kid to have something for his favorite games.
He’s a good kid who makes good grades and I think getting him his cheap PC will mean the world to him. He doesn’t want anything fancy and tells me that his priority is schoolwork, but plays these old games to blow off steam.
Can you help an old guy out here?
submitted by R6JesterYelp to buildmeapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:02 Top-Adhesiveness8881 (CW dietary) Dealing with 'after works' and food choices

Some background information, I am not formally diagnosed yet but I've been through multiple doctopsychology/psychiatry/mental health nurse appointments and the outcome is 'most likely ADHD and autism' according to my psychiatrist. These appointments came after a horrific case of burnout which left me house bound and not able to even pick up the phone or answer texts without having meltdowns.
So I was off work for around 3 months, recently started back part time 25% and then 50% - it's been not super great but my main concern right now is how my work seems to be pushing 'after works' with food and drinks after what is already a very long day for me. They basically mean getting home and sleeping ready for work the next day.
The one that is planned next is 40m drive away from where I normally work, I don't have a car so I'm dependant on others driving me there...which means I can't just leave when things started getting too much for me.
I have a lot of food sensitivities going back to a young child and I've struggled so much to open up my diet but it is still super limited. The places they plan to eat food at either don't have a set menu and it is what it is on the day or we are not told the place we are going much in advance.
Not knowing the food that is going to be served gives me such anxiety, it's so embarrassing turning up and being given food that disgusts me and having people treat me badly over it. I also don't drink, just the smell can make me feel anxious.
Last year we had one where I was served food I couldn't eat, forced to sit outside where it was super packed and loud in the burning sun (I got sunburn, no one told me we would be outside in 12 noon sun) and then shuffled off to play mini golf.
Is there anything can be done in situations like this? My boss knows of my problems but I don't think they fully understand? Are events like this ever truly mandatory? I live in Sweden if anyone else here knows specifically.
submitted by Top-Adhesiveness8881 to AuDHDWomen [link] [comments]